2025·02·01 We Will Have Justice Daily Thread

What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?

Speaker Johnson: A Reminder.

And MTG is there to help make it stick.

January 6 tapes. A good start…but then nothing.

Were you just hoping we’d be distracted by the first set and not notice?

Are you THAT kind of “Republican”?

Are you Kevin McCarthy lite?

What are you waiting for?

I have a personal interest in this issue.

And if you aren’t…what the hell is wrong with you?

Fun Quote

(HT Aubergine)

This is amazing. This is glorious. Summon a surgeon – it’s been a little over a week and you’re supposed to call the doctor after just four hours.

From Kurt Schlichter, who can certainly write a good rant (https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2025/01/30/trumps-winning-streak-is-totally-discombobulating-the-democrats-n2651308)

Yep, Kurt has noticed that lots of people are getting twanging schadenböners.

And you do not have to be male to get this kind of böner.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot (i.e., paper) Prices

Last week:

Gold $2,771.70
Silver $30.64
Platinum $957.00
Palladium $1,008.00
Rhodium $5,000.00
FRNSI* 133.081-
Gold:Silver 90.460+

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, Kitco “ask” prices. Markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $2,801.20
Silver $31.27
Platinum $989.00
Palladium $1,036.00
Rhodium $5,000.00
FRNSI* 134.508+
Gold:Silver 89.581+

Gold zig-zagged across the 2,800 mark (which is record territory) on Friday. Since most people quote bid, not ask, and the bid for gold is 2799.20 you might hear that it closed just short of $2,800 on Friday. (I quote ask, because that’s the buyer’s price and you should be buying, right?) Gold was even above 2,810 at least once on Friday.

Of course this means that the FRNSI is at an all-time high.

Silver, on the other hand, actually dropped on Friday but still up nicely for the week as a whole. At least the gold/silver ratio has dropped a bit.

*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.

It is a CULT

Admittedly, the channel I am about to point you to–a brand new one–has one big Dufus Factor involved and that is the silly mask the guy wears for some reason having to do with his other gaming channel.

But when talking about Flat Earth he is spot-on. (And I’ve seen serious content delivered by people in sillier costumes–e.g., dinosaurs.) And…hallellujah! Except for two interviews his videos are short! Anyhow, his comparison of Flat Earth and cults seems spot on.

Nathan Oakley (as in “where are the GUNS, Nathan?!?!?”) tried to respond but of course was selective. As Oakley is credibly alleged to be a child abuser I won’t give him a link (you can surely find it if you want), but the response to his response is here.

CyberWaffle also has a response to the claims that The Final Experiment was done in a studio. Apparently he has some experience with the movie industry.

(In a later video he says he got the cost wrong…it should be 26 billion dollars.)

There seem to be four distinct responses to the Final Experiment from Flat Earthers (based on the interview with MC Toon).

  1. Some maintain it doesn’t matter. “We never made a claim.” Well you still have to be able to explain what was seen.
  2. Some retroactively claim that they were able to predict a 24 hour sun (this is revisionism (i.e., bare faced lying); there are plenty of videos of big-name Flerfers saying they would like to go to Antarctica during Austral summer, see the sun set, and thus prove the globe wrong–they didn’t erase them fast enough). But now they’re claiming that the Sun they saw was a reflection off the dome. (Decisively disproven by sunspot photos.)
  3. One pastor claims the Sun was actually Satan.
  4. But the most common claim is that it was faked; apparently “Flat Earth Dave [Weiss]” (who originally stood up against claims of “greenscreen”) has been brought back into line.

The problem is, they took plenty of videos not yet released to show it wasn’t a fake. Claims it was in a 360 degree surround studio are exploded by a drone flight to about a mile AGL (above ground level), a video that has been released. No studio could be that tall; that’s much taller than any building we have ever built.

MC Toon points out that anyone can go, but clearly the great expense (the Final Experiment cost $31K per participant) is a barrier. He has a standing offer to anyone who thinks it was fake. He will put $100,000 in escrow; they can do the same. Then they go together. Whoever’s right about the Sun gets the money. If they get turned away at gun point the Flerfer gets the money. None of them are confident enough in their position to have taken him up on it. (If they were that confident but poor, they could borrow the money for the trip and the 100K fully confident that they will have $200K afterwards to pay off the $131K loan with. Though perhaps a bank will laugh in their face when they make the application and explain why they are going.)

The Final Experiment team tried to anticipate every possible way that Flerfs could deny they had done what they did. As CyberWaffle put it: “That’s the only really bizarre thing about this trip to Antarctica, where the whole purpose of the trip to Antarctica, the whole time….no one’s ever done an expedition on the pure purpose to have to prove that they did the expedition.”

Here’s an Interview with MC “Where are the GUNS Nathan” Toon. Pay especial attention from 50:36 on and then at 58:00 (though if you have time the whole thing is worth watching).

Another; his most recent (unless he releases one between now (Thursday) and Saturday). This one lays out the best why I harp on this. Flat Earth isn’t just wrong, which is bad enough, it is harmful to the people who believe it. As often as not they lose their friends and even alienate their families.

But here’s a final one, from a totally different source. This one makes a larger philosophical point, and is an interesting exposition on the subject of “respecting one’s elders.”

[Edit to add: This last video’s conclusion could be taken as implying that we should, for instance believe the medical establishment. Maybe he actually does mean that. But I’ll go so far as to say that sometimes the experts disagree with each other and we do have experts on our side in this case. And the “establishment” has plenty of motivation to warp its judgement. That’s quite a different situation than disagreeing with your mechanic.]

CyberWaffle sometimes talks disparagingly of “conspiracy theories” and, in the way he understands the term, he is right to do so. The classic conspiracy theory is impossible to argue with, not because it is true, but because the holder of the theory is primed to dismiss any contrary evidence as faked or a lie, as part of the cover up.

The sorts of things we discuss here are (almost entirely) not like that. We bring a lot here, and so far as I know, if someone were to actually bring contradictory evidence the response here would not be to shove fingers in ears, shake our heads and say “nuh-uh!”

On the other hand, if you ever get to that point of wanting to simply dismiss any counter-evidence as fake, then you’re in danger of disconnecting from reality–in the unlikely event that you haven’t already done so.

That’s a very bad place to be. As Ayn Rand once said (and I’m paraphrasing), one is free to evade reality, but one cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.

And sometimes the consequences may be fatal.

More On Geology
The Geologic Timescale

The same Kurt Schlichter article I quoted at the top since Aubergine couldn’t resist calling out the schadenböner reference, has this line (earlier in the same paragraph):

We have more energy than the freshly unleashed Permian Basin.

What is this “Permian Basin”? As it happens there are two of them, one centered on the North Sea in Europe (remember a lot of oil comes from offshore rigs in the North Sea), and the other is the one in West Texas and southeast New Mexico.

If you type “Permian Basin” into Wikipedia, you go to a page that tells you this, and you can then select the one you’re interested in. It also mentions that neither of them are in Perm Krai.

What on Earth is “Perm Krai”? Perm Krai does not have a link (but should). A “krai” (край, plural края́) turns out to be “one of the types of federal subjects of modern Russia, and was a type of geographical administrative division in the Russian Empire and the Russian SFSR.” A krai was traditionally a far out, peripheral frontier area (in fact it’s etymologically related to the word “Ukraine”), while an oblast was a bit more central. In today’s Russian Federation there’s no functional difference between a krai and an oblast; a subdivision of Russia is one or the other based on tradition. (Russia also has other kinds of subdivisions: republics, cities of federal significance, an autonomous oblast, and autonomous okrugs. All have equal status as constituent entities of the Russian Federation according to Article 5 of the Constitution of Russia.)

So here’s a map–which unfortunately lost its labeling on the way over from Wikipoo:

In green are “Republics” which have a little more autonomy (the biggest one is Sakha, better known as Yakutsk to Risk players, and is the largest territorial subdivision in the world). Orange are krais, yellow are oblasts, red are the two federal cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg; Sevastapol in Crimea is also a federal city but most nations do not recognize Russian ownership of that or the four Ukrainian oblasts recently annexed from Ukraine [in cross-hatch at the left side of the map]). The one autonomous oblast in in purple, four autonomous okrugs in blue.

Getting back to our subject, Perm Krai is here, tucked up against the Ural Mountains on the west side. (The Ural Mountains form the traditional border between Europe and Asia, since they aren’t really separate continents. The eastern border of Perm Krai is part of that dividing line.)

Perm has its own coat of arms (just like every “Federal Subject” does):

Despite being deep inside Russia, Perm Krai has a significant population of ethnic minorities; some are not ones you’re likely to have heard of, though: Tatars and Ukrainians, Komi-Permyaks, and Bashkirs. Bashkirs are actually Turkic, but the Komi-Permyaks…well, they’re “Uralic” meaning their closest well-known relatives are the Finns and Hungarians. Its largest city is named…Perm (it gave its name to the Krai), with just a bit over a million people. The total population is roughly 2.5 million, down from 3 million when the Soviet Union collapsed.

OK…so that was (maybe) interesting and even has a tiny bit to do with current events, but…why on Earth is an energy-rich place in Texas and New Mexico named for this place?

SO glad you asked!

The Geologic Timescale Today

I struggled with this topic a bit. Trying to just talk about it historically is hard, because a lot of what I am reading assumes you know what we know today. And a lot of this topic is naming conventions and historic holdovers, but a lot is not. If I were to try to trace this from the beginning without some context, it would get a bit confusing. which is unsatisfactory. So I’m going to briefly outline the modern picture, then jump back and try (and likely fail) to explain how we got here. That might be more confusing, but I aim to excel.

The geologic timescale as we know it today is our best effort to order the different rocks we find around the Earth, by time; and since this is science things need to be classified in buckets so that we can see patterns that will help illuminate what is going on.

This is a vast topic so it gets subdivided. In fact it gets sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-subdivided; there are six “levels” of subdividedness (if that wasn’t a word before, it is now); generically referred to as “units.” Except that there are two different names for the levels. When considering the rocks themselves, they are “chronostratigraphic units,” when talking about the times, they are “geochronologic units.” However when we get to looking at specific ones, they have the same names. Thus “Permian” refers to both a chronostratigraphic unit and a geochronologic unit.

The entire history of the Earth is first subdivided into eons (geochronologic, time) which are each equivalent to eonothems (chronostratigraphic; rock layers). There are four of these according to the standard scheme. In order, newest to oldest (newest is always at the top, because it mimics the principle of superposition, they are:

  • Phanerozoic (the current eon/eonthem)
  • Proterozoic
  • Archean
  • Hadean (starts with the formation of the Earth)

As you might imagine, the older, the less well understood. Thus, the Hadean is not further subdivided; we have almost nothing to work from with this one. The other three eons are subdivided into eras (geochronologic; time) or erathems (chronostratigraphic; actual rock layers). There are ten defined eras, from oldest to newest these are: The Eoarchean, Paleoarchean, Mesoarchean, Neoarchean, Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. As you likely guessed, the first four are subdivision of the Archean, the next three of the Proterozoic, and the final three by elimination are subdivisions of the Phanerozoic; we are living in the Cenozoic era, with rocks being laid down now part of the Cenozoic erathem. To summarize:

  • Phanerozoic (the current eon/eonthem)
    • Cenozoic (the current era/erathem)
    • Mesozoic
    • Paleozoic
  • Proterozoic
    • Neoproterozoic
    • Mesoproterozoic
    • Paleoproterozoic
  • Archean
    • Neoarchean
    • Mesoarchean
    • Paleoarchean
    • Eoarchean
  • Hadean (starts with the formation of the Earth)

The eras that are part of the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic (the Archean and certainly the Hadean are not subdivided to this level) are further subdivided into periods (geochronologically, time) equivalent to systems (chronostratigraphic, rock layers); there are 22 of these. You may recognize some of these names, but the ones from the Proterozoic eon/eonthem are new. I won’t be mentioning these much; the last two, however are the Cryogenian and Ediacaran. Once you get into the Phanerozoic, though, the Paleozoic is subdivided (oldest to newest) into the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous (which is a special case, there are two sub-periods of it called the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian), and Permian, and I will be talking about these. (In particular if I don’t discuss the Permian after that intro, someone will probably put a price on my head.) The Mesozoic is subdivided into the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. (If you have never heard of the Jurassic, you’ve been living under a rock. Maybe even one that formed in the Jurassic.) The Cenozoic is subdivided into the Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary periods (or systems). [Note: the Cenozoic was reorganized in 2008 [edit]. Before then used to be a period called the “Tertiary” instead of the Paleogene and Neogene.] We are living in the Quaternary period; rocks laid down now are part of the Quaternary system.

  • Phanerozoic (the current eon/eonthem)
    • Cenozoic (the current era/erathem)
      • Quaternary
      • Neogene
      • Paleogene
    • Mesozoic
      • Cretaceous
      • Jurrasic
      • Triassic
    • Paleozoic
      • Permian
      • Carboniferous (Mississippian + Pennsylvanian)
      • Devonian
      • Silurian
      • Orodivician
      • Cambrian
  • Proterozoic
    • Neoproterozoic
      • Ediacaran
      • Cryogenian
      • Tonian
    • Mesoproterozoic
      • 3 periods
    • Paleoproterozoic
      • 4 periods
  • Archean
    • Neoarchean
    • Mesoarchean
    • Paleoarchean
    • Eoarchean
  • Hadean (starts with the formation of the Earth)

That’s three levels, and that’s as deep as I am likely to get. However, you should remember there are finer gradations, the epoch/series, the subepoch/subseries, and the age/stage (giving the “time” name first, then the “rock” name second). These exist because there’s really no situation where a single distinct rock layer covers an entire period.

I’m certainly not expecting you to remember these last three levels. I certainly won’t. But please be aware that they are there. The systems (hence periods) were often originally built up by combining series (epochs).

(However, even popular treatments will break the Cenozoic down one more level than this down to the epoch level, and all of those have names ending in -cene. None, fortunately were named after the Russian river Ob.)

In some cases which smaller units got grouped into which larger units is arbitrary, but in other cases it’s anything but. There are clear, obvious dividing lines between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic, as well as between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic; as we will see there was a mass extinction event at both of those dividing lines. Other, lesser mass extinctions turn out to be boundaries between periods/systems.

One more thing to add: For historic reasons, the first three entire eons put together are sometimes informally called “the Precambrian,” almost as if they were only as important as a mere period (two levels below them in the schema). This is largely due to the fact that until recently we knew next to nothing about those three eons and had a hard time distinguishing them from each other in any case. It was just some indefinitely long time.

The whole schema as it exists today (and with some text about proposed changes) is laid out in painstaking detail here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geologic_time_scale, broken down all the way to Ages where such subdividing has been done.

Which brings us to the question of how we tell these apart from each other (and why those methods failed, at first, with the Precambrian). And so now I will switch to the historical perspective. So tuck all of that away in the back of your minds, wipe the mental slate temporarily, and…here we go.

Historical Development

Back to the late 18th and early 19th century, where we start to see the development of the geologic timescale. Between mining and the coal industry that was firing up to support the Industrial Revolution, geologists started to realize the fossils could tell us a few things. Similar fossils would appear at the same places in a bottom-to-top sequence and they could often be used to establish that the rocks were of a specific age. William Smith could distinguish otherwise-similar formations (i.e, rocks of the same color and texture) based on what fossils appeared in them. Putting things together people like Georges Cuvier and Alexandre Brogniart realized you could set up a complete sequence of rocks, oldest to youngest, based on index fossils. Index fossils are fossils that were widely distributed (hence could be seen in large parts of the globe) and existed briefly, so they’d be confined to one stratum.

When they published in 1811, we saw the birth of modern stratigraphy. We started to see what today we consider the systems/periods within the Phanerozoic.

(Cuvier, by the way, used the sequence to argue for catastrophism. This means multiple disasters–not just one, that caused many of the different abrupt boundaries in the geologic column. And you know what…he wasn’t completely wrong, though it took some time for this to be recognized.)

Note that not every kind of fossil is an index fossil. A good candidate for an index fossil will be something that lived in the oceans (hence was probably nearly global) and doesn’t appear across a long span of time. The narrower the time, the more precisely you can date a formation.

Because fossils were used to distinguish epochs and periods from each other, we really could only get anything useful from a certain time onwards. Before that time the rocks apparently had no fossils in them (we know now this is not quite true). After that time…we have fossils.

This was a very iterative process, with people noting strata and their relationships slowly and a big picture emerging at last. In many cases the epochs were noted first and combined into the periods later; with some re-groupings along the way. So here’s what we ended up with, listed from oldest to youngest, and not by any means in the order they were discovered or got their final names.

English geologists were particularly prolific, identifying the following periods (from oldest to youngest): the Cambrian (from Cambria, meaning Wales), in 1835; the Ordivician (from a Celtic tribe) in 1879; the Silurian (another Celtic tribe) in the early 1830s; the Devonian (named after Devon, England) also in the 1830s, and the Carboniferous (named after the coal) in 1811. Anything older than the Cambrian at the time appeared to have no fossils in it, and as mentioned earlier just got called the “Precambrian”. These periods are abbreviated, respectively, Ꞓ, O, S, D, and C.

In North America, the Carboniferous period was initially treated as two periods, the Mississippian (older) and Pennsylvanian (younger)…so America does make its way into the schema. This kind of monkeywrenched the scheme when one group of geologists talked about the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian and the other talked of the Carboniferous. The compromise eventually arrived at is to consider this period, and only this period, as consisting of sub-periods by those names. Other periods don’t have sub-periods but go directly to being divided into epochs.

(That wasn’t the only dispute by any means. As you might have noticed, the Ordovician was first named much later than the others, and was created by reorganizing what we had before, as a way to settle a different argument altogether.)

England certainly has newer rocks than the Carboniferous, but for whatever reason other countries beat England to the punch as far as identifying and naming more recent periods.

The very next period, the Permian (P), was found in the Ural mountains of Russia and added to the scheme in 1841–and this is how the Permian basin of Texas got its name. It turns out to consist of rocks from the same period. (Famous fossils from the Permian include a lot of corals [an entire reef nows form the Gaudalupe mountains in West Texas] and Dimetrodon, the sail-back lizards, which contrary to popular belief were not dinosaurs.)

(As for how a coral reef ended up way out in West Texas at elevations up to 8751 feet…well, that’s for a future post.)

The next one after that was the Triassic (T), first noted in Southern Germany. This was in turn composed of three rock layers (hence the “tri” in the name). It got that name in 1834, however it had been noted earlier than that.

In the Jura mountains of France and Switzerland, we found the Jurassic (J). This was a markedly earlier discovery from 1795.

The Cretaceous was first identified in the Paris basin in 1822 and the name comes from the extensive beds of chalk (calcium carbonate from the shells of microscopic sea organisms). Its abbreviation is K, not C, from German Kreide, chalk.

Next was the Tertiary. Those rocks are quite new (as such things are measured); it brings us almost to the present day. This name actually goes back to the middle 1700s and Arduino, who divided geologic time into primitive, secondary, and tertiary periods based on what he saw in Northern Italy, so the Tertiary was essentially discovered in Northern Italy. For a time, this period was identified has having been laid down during the Flood.

The Tertiary is now considered obsolete and has been broken up into two periods, the Paleogene (Pg) and Neogene (N). I know that the Tertiary used to be abbreviated T, but that means the Triassic must have had a different abbreviation back then. This relatively recent rearrangement was very controversial and part of the dispute was what to do about the very next (and latest) period…

The Quaternary, which was named such because it followed the Tertiary. It was first identified by Arduino in 1759 (by contrast with the Tertiary) and very nearly didn’t survive the recent reorganization of the Tertiary; it almost got folded into the Neogene. This is the latest period/system.

These periods were (and still are) grouped into three Eras, with the Cambrian through Permian making up the Paleozoic (“old life”) era, the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous making up the Mesozoic (“middle life”) era, and the Tertiary and Quaternary making up the Cenozoic (“new life”) era.

Anything before the Cambrian got lumped together as the “Precambrian.” There were no index fossils in those rocks (at least we didn’t think so at the time), so although we could look at the rocks at one location and do relative dating on them, we couldn’t correlate the Precambrian rock layers in one location with those in another location far away.

Eventually we would overcome this and build up the much more refined timescale we have today, but for a long time the Precambrian was an difficult-to-chart wasteland of geologic time.

Geologists worked on and after two centuries of development, we have today’s schema.

As a reminder, today the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras are in turn grouped together into the “Phanerozoic Eon” and we’ve been able to subdivide the Precambrian into three full eons with some subdividing into eras and periods.

I’m going to jump ahead a bit, and talk about the Precambrian fossils that we have more recently discovered. But first, I have to bring up a basic point.

What are fossils, and what causes them?

A fossil is any preserved remains, impression or trace of past life. Usually these are preserved in rocks, but preservation in amber (a la Jurassic Park) also happens.

We actually have to distinguish different kinds of fossils. Sometimes all we have are “trace fossils.” I always found this name misleading (I’m used to other meanings of the word “trace”), but here it means such things as footprints, tracks, burrows (without any remains of the burrower), and so on…indirect evidence of the critter. Another category of fossil that goes into this bucket is “copralites.” And these are fossilized dung. (Who would have guessed that wokester brain matter existed back then?)

In many cases we have nothing more than trace fossils to identify something, or rather to identify that something existed. We can learn a few things from them, such as that the critter liked to burrow in the sediment at the bottom of a shallow sea and was of a certain size, but we won’t learn a lot.

Sometimes we have external molds. An organism is buried, decomposes, dissolves and is gone…but the void it left in the sediment is preserved as the sediment turns to rock. Sometimes sediments fill an organism’s interior and we end up with an internal mold or endocast.

Sometimes we get an impression of the creature. This can be very interesting since we might learn about skin texture. Skins usually don’t fossilize.

There are microfossils, things you need a microscope to examine. These often are of the critters themselves.

But the “classic” fossil like the skeleton you’ve seen in museums is when a buried organism’s tissues are slowly replaced by minerals coming out of solution. This is much more likely to happen if the organism is buried underwater right after it dies and as you might imagine, that’s far more common for sea life (which is already underwater) than land life.

This turns out to be a big subject, and I am going to take the easy way out and punt you over to Wikipedia if you want to know more. (Note that on occasion a fossil is made out of iron pyrite (fool’s gold)!)

It’s much, much easier to fossilize if you have hard body parts. Skeletons, exoskeletons, shells, etc., because the other stuff is likely to decompose or otherwise be consumed by animals even when buried. The reason why “fossils show up” only in the Cambrian and later is because that’s when hard body parts first show up. (Why not earlier? My speculation: This is when predators first showed up, and critters suddenly needed body armor.)

But we do have some fossils from before the Precambrian, after all.

For instance, fossilized bacterial mats called stromatolites going clear back into the Archean, and not just the late Archean either. (These mats still exist in certain isolated places today–the situation has to be just right, however, or they get eaten before the mats can really form. Shark Bay in Western Australia is one of these places–it’s so important for that reason that UNESCO made it a World Heritage Site.) Those things that look like lumpy brown rocks are alive.

And a number of soft bodied creatures did manage to get impressions preserved in the rocks from immediately before the Cambrian; this led to the recognition, for the first time in 120 years, of a new period, the Ediacaran, named after the Ediacara Hills of South Australia, at the tail end of the Neoproterozoic era. Interestingly, many of these fossils were first noticed in England by schoolchildren, and the paleontologists around them, knowing the local surface rocks were Precambrian, dismissed their stories until one of them went with the kids and looked. These organisms look like nothing around today (unlike the Cambrian ones), and they are collectively called the “Ediacaran biota” though they only appear in the more recent part of the Ediacaran system. Here is an artist’s impression (very speculative)

And here are some pictures of the actual fossils, first charnia:

And dickinsonia.

Before that we have fossils of algae. Such as stromatolites.

Fossils versus Index Fossils

I’m going to make one more thing clear. I’ve noted that the periods were defined by index fossils..in fact in many cases the fossils actually identify epochs and ages within the periods. Completely distinct rocks in widely separated locations can be identified as being from the same epoch or age based on the index fossils they contain. The narrower the time span, the better. Not every fossil is an index fossil. Sometimes the geographic range is too small (the creature wasn’t wide spread enough) and sometimes that particular species was around for far too long.

But those non-index fossils are still confined to a certain time range, even if it’s a broad one.

Take trilobites, an entire class of creatures. (Mammals are a class. Insects are a class. Trilobites were that big a grouping.) There isn’t a single trilobite alive today. All of them lived from the middle of the Cambrian to the end of the Permian. The fossils were found in those systems so they date to those periods. (In fact the abrupt disappearance of the trilobites is one of the reasons the Permian–and the entire Paleozoic Era–is regarded as ending right then.)

We’ve identified, from fossils, 22,000 distinct species of trilobites spread out over the entire Paleozoic. There were surely many, many more. Some got to be 28 inches long. Some were scavengers, some were predators, some were filter feeders. They were an incredibly diverse and successful class. I can’t find anything to say for sure (I’m running out of time), but I would be surprised if at least some specific species of trilobites weren’t index fossils.

But you never find a trilobite after the Permian system. Never. They died out at the end of the Permian in a mass extinction, among the victims of the biggest one of all time. You can’t tell what period a generic trilobite is (though if you can identify the specific species, you have a better shot at it), but if your rock has a trilobite fossil in it, it’s Paleozoic, not Mesozoic or Cenozoic. And certainly not Precambrian.

Similarly, dinosaurs lived at characteristic times. Tyrannosaurs, for instance, are from the very end of the Cretaceous. Allosaurus and stegosaurus (and closely related species) are Jurassic. You never see these creatures outside of those ranges.

And not just for these examples, but for every species we have fossils of. This sort of precise and consistent location within the geologic column is very, very hard to explain if someone wants to claim that the entire column was laid down all at once. And this is what Young Earth Creationists claim…the whole thing was laid down in one year by the Great Flood.

But if a single flood event laid down the entire geologic column with the fossils all being things that drowned in the Flood, why would you not find drowned trilobites and tyrannosaurs and brachiosaurus and apatosaurus and pelycosaurs and ambulocetus and archaeopteryx and anomalocaris and eurypterids and camerata and ammonites and I could go on and on and on, but especially fossilized fish and gigantic Mesozoic marine reptiles of various extinct species (which could surely have held out longer) throughout the entire geological column if the whole thing happened within one year, or at least with lots of overlap? Instead we see things strictly segregated by layers. Even if you want to appeal to objects forming layers by density a) the brachiosaur bones would be in the Precambrian not the Cretaceous–in other words things didn’t sort by density and b) even if we grant for the sake of argument that they did, we’d see at least SOME cases of things not falling as far as they should because some piece of debris got in the way. Enough that we couldn’t ignore them. But we don’t. They’re segregated too perfectly by era, period and epoch. The segregation is so good because something would have to be thousands of years out of its time at the very least to end up in the wrong layer (and how would that happen? Time travel?), not just “it needed to fall for just a few more seconds to the right layer but something else blocked it.”

I’m sorry but the “all due to Noah’s Flood” claim is absurd. And this is just one line of argumentation that that is so.

Is there plenty of evidence of flooding in the geological record? Oh, yes, yes indeed, but there is no indication that it was a single event, or that any of the multitude of episodes were global. We can do relative dating on these things, after all.

(So Georges Cuvier, who as far as I can tell, believed in global catastrophes, was wrong. Or was he? Stay tuned.)

Not a Single Number?

You may have noticed that I have not given any numbers here. When were these periods? Just for instance, what’s the timespan of the Jurassic period? From when to when?

We didn’t know back then. We could look at index fossils and say that this rock from Russia was the same age as this other rock from Texas (even though from totally different formations). We could say that that rock was older than this other rock, and newer than yet a third rock. This is called relative dating. But other than crude order-of-magnitude estimates like was done with Etna, we could not do any sort of absolute dating where we could assign an actual number to the age of the rock. We could say “millions of years” or “more millions of years.” And by the way, there’s a symbol for that: Ma means “million years ago,” so 66 Ma means 66 million years ago.

How we got to absolute dating is a future topic (I might cover some other things before that). I know something about the modern methods. I have no idea (yet) how precise they were able to get before the modern methods were available, and I hope I can find out. (I may even have to walk back some of what I said in the prior paragraph if I’ve underestimated the cleverness of 19th and early 20th century paleontologists and geologists.) This is a learning experience for me too.

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Another month and the Trump Train just keeps on rolling …

God loves us.  😇 



However, there are countless deserving asses that remain to be kicked.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Still not detecting the elusive TOO MUCH WINNING MONOPOLE.


Pass the popcorn please!


Tossed this out at the end of yesterday’s post. Would this be the reason they won’t release the name of the Female pilot?

Stories going back 2 years and all the way up to Dec of 2024 like the one below place 30 Ukrainian pilots here in the US waiting for slots to open so that they can be trained on the F16 with the Arizona National Guard.

Where do they wait and what do they do while waiting? Ft Belvoir? Helo training?

Story from Kyiv Post. https://www.kyivpost.com/post/43566

FACT CHECK: Is Ukraine Dragging Its Feet on Getting Pilots Trained to Fly the F-16?

Earlier reports said the problem wasn’t too few pilots, but too few American training slots. The bottom line is that after 34 months of war Kyiv has all of 10-15 US-made warplanes in service.

by Stefan Korshak, Christopher Stewart | December 9, 2024, 6:07 pm

Happy go lucky

If that’s it, dang, and Russians killed?! They better spit out the truth now rather than later.


Oh, that would explain a hell of lot, wouldn’t it? The shit would hit the fan.


It might also explain the “P” designation (Priority Passenger) for the Helo first reported then dismissed.


Ooooh, interesting thought.


Thought that got pooed away as the typical designation for that helo.

More open today to the Ukraine connection, but definitely not there.

At this point, I believe:

That Black Hawk squadron is UNQUALIFIED to fly.Sloppy. Lack discipline. Poor training. Devoid of leadership. No concept of safety.Fuck Ups.Woke DEI bullshit will do that to any, every outfit in the military.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

Can’t say if it’s right or wrong. But Trump might want to close hold this information, let the investigators come out with it and keep it as close as possible to his dealing with Putin. Big Trump card to shut up critics.


That was my question: If this is the case, would the Trump administration withhold the information for its own purposes?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can imagine this gets weird like Las Vegas on October 1, 2017.

Gail Combs

I keep thinking of this:




Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/05/2017 00:09:40  ID: cc0116

8chan/cbts: 34917

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.



If it serves a greater purpose. Besides he has everyone telling him ATC 100% right now and people like Duckworth saying it’s okay to honor the family’s request. Duckworth was a helo pilot in Iraq when she lost both legs. No need to pull a Trump card until it’s time.


Can’t recall the US training Ukraine helo pilots. Not giving them Black Hawks.


I searched for other training, but kept coming up with a blank. If it did or does happen it’s kept low key or is not of interest to media folk. Still was hoping for a Base newspaper to report on such events but I didn’t stay with the search long.

Gail Combs

As Colonel Towner mentioned, the Us military trains LOTS of foreign people. My EX mentioned Arabs and Israelis in his OTC and the problem of keeping then separated.


Another late post from yesteday.

Huffington Post! 😆 Pete’s funny 😂

BREAKING: Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth just kicked The New York Times, NBC, NPR, and Politico out of their Pentagon press offices to give space to the New York Post, Breitbart, OANN, and HuffPost.



How did CNN escape the purge?


It’s a new rotating program. Their time is probably coming.

comment image

Gail Combs

I am stuffing this under here. They are from yesterday evening and string together in an interesting way. It may ALSO be why nothing more has come out about the Reagan Airport crash until Pete had booted the Fake News out.


cthulhu (cthulhu)  Reply to  Valerie Curren
 January 31, 2025 23:56
Karl makes several good points —

….Oh by the way the FAA claimed on September 23 of last year it had met the goal of hiring and training the required number of controllers so why was that tower running without proper staffing levels?….

…In short we now know that ATC had on their scope the conflict with plenty of time to resolve it and that the helo was both above the ceiling and too damn close (thus inside the approach path!) yet no order was given to get the **** out of the controlled space to said helo and while there apparently was an exchange asking if they had the inbound in sight and confirmed they did and would pass behind it the fact remains that the helo, by the data, was above the hard ceiling, not in the narrow approved corridor by the far bank and ATC had a conflict indication on their scope with plenty of time to deconflict the situation before the collision occurred yet no deviation in the helo’s flight path was seen on said scope.

When you add to this not having proper staffing which we can charge directly to the FAA as they have a decade-long reported refusal to hire thousands of qualified white people for the job — a refusal that is illegal since discriminating based on race is against the law and you have all the ingredients — even if the controller is competent he or she was deliberately overworked by those who assigned the shifts.  While that specific decision was overturned in 2018 how far behind are you after five years and why would qualified people want to work for an agency with a documented history, proved by lawsuit, that you will discriminate against them? Never mind the FAA’s rather obvious and deliberate lie that they had met staffing goals just a few months ago.

Again safety-critical systems require at least two ****ups for a bad outcome to occur and this is intentional because people do **** up — thus one ****up is never enough in a properly-designed safety system to get people killed.

The bottom line is that while it is clear the helo flew into the path of the aircraft and thus that is the actual cause of the collision what is also clear is that ATC had the corridor violation on their scope a full minute before the collision and a conflict alert 40 seconds before.  The presence of an aircraft outside of its known safe corridor is hard proof that the operator of that aircraft has lost situational awareness and that renders the risks unbounded.

There is exactly one correct course of action upon detection of that condition and incapacity to immediately rectify it: You order the aircraft on approach to go around and turn away from the conflict as that is the only reasonably-safe known path available since the helo pilot has conclusively demonstrated he or she does not know where they are. Chew the helo pilot’s ass afterward but you must immediately clear the conflict and thus restore the boundaries on risk by instructing the aircraft who’s pilot knows where he is to do so.

That is always the correct decision — this is not Monday-morning quarterback crap. The person who has demonstrated lost situational awareness (irrespective of why) cannot be expected to accurately honor the command and since you have the other party at risk who has demonstrated to that point their competence and knowledge of where they are and a de-conflicting command can be given to them that will resolve the issue you issue the de-conflicting command to them…  

[The entire article is well worth the read -GC]


Gail Combs( Gail Combs) Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 January 31, 2025 20:32
Give the sudden gain in height, I STILL want to know if the helicopter controls can be hacked.
Reminds me too much of that bridge disaster.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)
 Reply to  Gail Combs
 February 1, 2025 01:12
I’m here to tell you that PEOPLE can be hacked. More specifically, that the lady pilot (or anybody else on that helicopter) could have been hacked.
The way this will present in the record – if there is internal video inside the helicopter – is the lady pilot suddenly behaving irrationally and compulsively in terms of some inappropriate action, while eerily otherwise seeming to be normal.
Imagine a person behaving normally, logically, and as expected – and then suddenly some weird additional action is layered on top of that person’s logical behavior.
Thus, if the female pilot began doing something WRONG and was corrected by either the others present, or by ATC, she might momentarily correct herself under pressure by others, but within a very short period of time, she would begin doing it again.
It is a mistake to think that she is doing this weird shit intentionally and fully voluntarily. That is why it took me a while to figure out what was done to us, at MK university. I didn’t realize that they had programmed this student
IMO there may have been multiple errors that were programmed into that pilot.


And finally a comment from the Market Ticker Article:

Freehavenmonahan 26 posts, incept 2021-02-08
2025-01-31 09:54:25

Former military helicopter pilot.

Flying around in an urban environment at night using Night Vision Devices (NVD) can be very challenging. You can see 10 times as many lights as you can see unaided. You can see every damn porchlight. All of them in various shades of green. The ones that are moving are other aircraft. Unfortunately, the ones with which you are on a collision course DO NOT APPEAR TO MOVE. Every Navy type is familiar with the acronym CBDR (Constant Bearing; Decreasing Range).

During the day you might be able to distinguish between different types of aircraft but at night I doubt this is possible. When the controller asks if the helicopter has the (aircraft type) in sight he should have said, “Traffic at your 11 o’clock is a (aircraft type) on final. Cross behind that traffic.” Gives a much better idea what to look for and most important, WHERE to look.

Training flights: Too ambiguous. Almost anything can be a training flight. Some could be combined. Local area familiarization would definitely be part of your first.

Flight time: We would definitely be in the window at 500 hours for a Helicopter Aircraft Commander (HAC) check-ride and oral board. 👉There’s a huge bulge in the mishap curve at around 700 hours.

[My observation is beginners are cautious but you hit a point where the beginner feels comfortable and starts to relax vigilance BUT has not gotten the experience to actually make them competent. This is where the accidents happen. –GC]


SO this looks like a much more complicated situation then at first glance with not one but TWO separate ‘human errors’

I think when POTUS Trump tossed out all that stuff about DEI it was just a primer and the DEI was not only in the ATC/FAA but also in the military.

I am hoping we see not only an explanation BUT ALSO INDICTMENTS. If you want to KILL DEI, start holding the policy makers and the hiring managers accountable for MANSLAUGHTER!

Gail Combs

Here are other interesting factoids from the Market Ticker commenters who have actual experience.

These are the Air Traffic Controllers:

Poorsaver 569 posts, incept 2008-05-20
2025-01-31 12:14:18

And don’t forget many AT controllers were fired for their refusal to get the vax.


Edward.fish 694 posts, incept 2021-12-17
2025-01-31 19:05:39

Emg wrote..

I work on the sidelines of aviation and another problem I’m seeing is the old guys retiring and the young people who replace them (if cost-cutting MBAs even bother to replace them) not knowing as much and not caring as much. This is resulting in problems happening which would never have been allowed to happen even five years ago because those old guys would spotted the problem coming and have come down on it hard to ensure it couldn’t happen.

@Emg — One thing that I notice is this is the “compound interest” of (a) the destruction of mentorship, and (b) the devaluation of competence, to the point where the “reward” of doing well is being punished with more work, being passed over for promotion/honor, in favor if the “connected”.


Da1andonlyzapman 36 posts, incept 2021-09-12
2025-01-31 13:10:44

I just had a phone conversation with a fellow retiree, who has much more experience than I had ( he worked a major metropolitan tower before going to radar and had lots of helo traffic)…his position was that the Blackhawk crew HAD to know the RJ was there…

Let me say this Karl…where I worked we had a military liaison person whose job was to coordinate with his/her pertinent military counterpart for any military mission scheduling and to disseminate that information to the control personnel. I can’t even remember how many times the approved flight ops didn’t match up with what the military pilots were actually going to do. And you usually figure this out when the Mil flight makes an unexpected turn into your departure traffic or your arrival traffic and you’re scrambling to grab altitudes to avoid the proverbial “near miss”


Da1andonlyzapman 36 posts, incept 2021-09-12
2025-01-31 20:03:10

It’s distinctly possible that there’s a specified procedure for these types of flights that DCA operates by, but that is just speculation on my part…i have no specific knowledge but it seems reasonable. My facility had plenty of them.
However, because we’re talking about .GOV operations these days, it’s not unreasonable to assume that there’s no procedure. /SARC

Tickerguy, just something to consider…I don’t disagree with your assessment of the helo’s route crossing just under the arrival. But in my experience working one of the craziest sector combos in the country, even the FAA would only allow something so close unless there was no other option. Also, pretty much all of the “OG” controllers – that is, all that went through the FAA’s Academy in OKC in the 80s after Reagan fired all the PATCO guys, have retired. The “New Breed” is on duty now; coupled with advances in aviation technology since the 80s, a lot of valuable knowledge on how to do this safely might be disappearing soon.

Sorry ’bout the pseudo-rant.


Smooth 202 posts, incept 2020-03-26
2025-01-31 13:09:38

TG, you’ll be interested in this bit of background:

The system as it stands allows helicopters to fly at 200′ or less in congested airspace (airport traffic area) where commercial aircraft are on final, and as long as VFR (visual flight rules) are in place, “visual separation” at whatever distance (i.e., as long as the airplanes don’t hit each other), that is within the rules.

I had a discussion with a fellow naval aviator about this after an incident in Austin last year with Marine Hornet drivers who flew very close to a business jet. That reflected poor judgement but there was no FAA rule broken, which I found hard to believe.

Here’s a video describing the incident:


Here’s the rule about VFR separation (there is no minimum distance): https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publicat….

1.c. and 2.c. allow “visual separation” with no other requirements.

I couldn’t believe the Hornet pilots were not in violation of a specific rule, but they weren’t.

This needs to change, big time.


Video link above, gone.

Brave and Free

Must be over the target,
C👁A up to their old tricks?

Gail Combs


Gail Combs

These are from pilots:

Quietrally 78 posts, incept 2009-06-10
2025-01-31 17:25:49

As a pilot whos flown inside the the SFRA and FRZ of the DCA airspace, I can offer a bit of clarity.

No airline pilots fly into Reagan without prior training and authorization. No pilots fly within the Special Flight Rules Area surrounding DC without proper training and prior authorizations for each flight.

The Flight Restricted Zone is a special bit of airspace surrounding the Capitol that requires background checks, special authorization, an armed police officer and approval before each flight.

Ive flown inside this airspace twice over the last two years, and I can say it is probably the most restricted and policed airspace in the world. You dont so much as blink without authorization. If you happen to fly over P56, you are likely to be taken out by Patriot missile batteries.

The Blackhawk was on a published flight route along the Potomac, and was flying along centerline. He was higher than the published altitude of 200 Above Ground Level, directly in the path of the CRJ.

The CRJ had been asked to change runways at the last minute, and had positioned themselves for the new runway. This put them directly along the path of the helicopter.

Ive flown the CRJ200, with is a slightly smaller version of what crashed. The crew of the CRJ didnt stand a chance. I dont know of anywhere else in the country, or the world, for that matter, which allows aircraft to fly across and below the approach path of airliners within a mile of a runway. Its obscene to think this was approved and allowed to continue.

Flying at night is a challenge, and looking down toward a city is way different than looking up at the sky. Its a sea of twinkling lights, and an aircraft can be very difficult to distinguish.

Military aircraft talk on UHF while civilians use VHF. Although we can all hear the controllers, we have no way to hear each other. Further, most military aircraft are not equipped with ADSbso we have no way of seeing them independently of our eyes or ATC.

If the tower was understaffed, which I know is a problem, then heads are going to get chopped off. The FAA is in shambles, and those of us on the aviation side have been anticipating something of this nature for the past few years.

Screw DEI. Lives have now officially been sacrificed at the altar of woke Marxism, and we must destroy it.


Tonythetiger 1k posts, incept 2019-01-27
2025-01-31 21:16:36

I’m a bit late to the party on this one. I agree 100% with TG on how the system is supposed to work. Combinatorial ****-ups killed people, and there were plenty of chances to avoid disaster that were missed.

The majority of what I know about this has come from reading the posts here, so I can’t really add much in that vein. But I can add some personal perspective regarding what it takes to run a military training mission.

Roughly 20 years ago, in a former life, I was a Test Engineer here at Eglin. My job was to reserve all the necessary ingredients for flying a test mission, lay out the general progression of the test, brief the crews, run the mission to its completion, and then run the debrief afterward. There’s a LOT of work that goes on behind the scenes for a single mission. I’m talking about a week’s worth of horse-trading and paperwork.

When I first started I trained with an older white guy named Dave. From Day 1 I was in over my head. It took me months to become ‘reliable’ and Dave didn’t let up for a single moment. He rode my ass all day, every day. “Didja do THIS? Didja do THAT?” An endless brow-beating (it seemed to me) to get it all right. I have to admit I didn’t enjoy it very much, but I powered through it with his help. The job seems like you’ve always go twice as much left to do as you have time to work on it. But you also have lots of experienced people like Dave to backstop things at the paperwork stage.

That changes when the planes go wheels up. At that point, it was MY ass on the line. For a short time, I owned the planes, I owned the airspace, I was 100,000% responsible for any sorry **** that happened.

Military “training missions” aren’t an ad hoc exercise. Pilots don’t just grab the keys and take ‘er out for a spin. Somewhere out there is my counterpart who was responsible for that Blackhawk training mission. All the stuff that I used to do, they had to do too.

For my missions I had a full map of the airspace with each aircraft’s position on it. Lines were there for the edges of each airspace. Radio comms to all the aircraft. I have to assume that my counterpart had something similar available.

During my missions, I had control of my planes while in my airspace. Around the airport the Tower had control of them. Between the runway and my airspace there was “mission control” who had control of them while they crossed over other reserved airspace I didn’t control. When the planes were outside my reserved airspace my job was to shut up and listen. Doing otherwise might not be well received, for any number of good reasons.

I assume being that close to the airport, control of those helos rested with the Tower (ATC). But flying those birds above the allowed ceiling is a major screw up, as in career ending stuff. If ignoring such activity had become the norm, then TG is right. Someone needs to pay in a major way. Anyone who has listened to ATC control chatter understands how busy those people are. They RELY on those absolute airspace limits to avoid disasters like the crash that happened.

I had a pilot fly out of my airspace once, during my mission. I can tell you from first hand experience that when it became clear that the pilot might not turn in time to avoid it, my sphincter muscles tightened so hard that I had trouble breathing.

I had maybe a minute to do something and it went by in a heartbeat (or so it seemed). I jumped on the radio and warned the pilot and got no reply, then warned them again with no reply, then again a warning just before he crossed the line out of my airspace. I guess he heard that one, or ATC reached him on a different frequency because he turned back after flying 10-ish miles beyond the line.

For days afterward I had an anvil in the pit of my stomach. I was expecting a phone call from the FAA, a proper grilling, and swift execution, but it never came. I heard later that the airspace next to mine contained commercial air traffic and that they had to re-route a couple commercial jets to maintain minimum required spacing. Basically a **** up of Biblical proportions. But I guess there must have been a recording of my trying to turn my jet before it left my airspace, so perhaps that got me out of the crosshairs.

My reaction to the recent disaster has been a strange one. My professional brain wants to track down the facts and figure out what happened so that changes can be made to prevent its recurrence. The lizard part of my brain wants to get the person(s) responsible in a room and make them play “sit ‘n spin” on a baseball bat covered with broken glass. My ‘training’ was so effective that I’ve become like Dave. No excuses allowed. Do it right or get the **** out.

If the entire incident gets swept under the rug, then we can put a mark on the calendar to denote the end of safe air travel.

Thanks TG for gathering up what facts you could find and giving everyone a place to discuss it in a reasonable manner. Tha CRJ should have been waved off the moment that helo went above the ceiling while headed toward the approach glide slope. An extra 10 minutes for a go-round would have been much preferred to what actually happened.

Thanks also to those sharing similar experiences. Get enough knowledgeable people involved and we can probably draw a reasonably small circle around where things went sideways.

Hopefully the adults are still in the room at ATC and there will be proper changes made as a result of what happened.


Eleua 25k posts, incept 2007-07-05
2025-01-31 12:43:03

My two cents:

Former USN aviator, standards/evaluation pilot

As just about everyone on this forum knows, the line to **** all over anything DEI related, especially in the aviation field, starts here.

That being said, I want to make absolutely certain that DEI is a major causal factor in this before latching onto that. This is critical because if we jump on this early, and it turns out not to be the case, we will get even more DEI since “the narrative” (good Lord, I hate that term) will be that “White guys ****ed this up so we need more women and BIPOC in aviation.”

Here is my own experience with military DEI. This was over 25 years ago.

I was in a small command where the bulk of the pilots were helo pilots. We had a mix of helos and twin engine turboprops. I was the lead instructor pilot (what the USN called NATOPS) for a program that basically taught helo pilots to fly multi-engine fixed wing aircraft. That had its own challenges, since helo flying is different than fixed wing flying, and the “cross trainers” had to essentially unlearn certain things to successfully fly fixed wing.

My background was flying large, multi-engine turboprops 200 feet over the surface of the water, in ****ty weather with an engine shut down, looking for Russian submarines.

We had one Black helo pilot (everyone else was White), and there were limited slots for helo-to-fixed wing transitions. Guess who got the nod for a transition slot? He was already considered one of the weaker helo pilots by my counterpart in helo-NATOPS.

Cutting out all the build-up (what I am about to relate was not an aberration), we are out on a non-training mission (clearing the range for a missile shoot) and I had “Bob” in the left seat (I was PIC). Unlike civil aviation, the pilot-in-command doesnt necessarily sit in the left seat in the USN. We come back to the base and the winds are howling across the runway. Since “Bob” has been tapped to be a PIC for fixed-wing, I watch to see how he handles it.

We set up at the 180 (abeam the landing point on the runway, but heading the opposite direction of landing) for the standard Navy descending, decelerating, configuration turn to be on parameters when arriving on short-final. The Navy requires contacting tower at the 180 for landing clearance, and the tower always gives the winds along with the landing clearance. The winds were out of limits for a crosswind landing in that flap configuration, but “Bob” didnt catch it. I let it play out to see if he gets it. When we rolled short final, I keyed the microphone and asked tower for “wind check.” Still out of limits, and Bob didnt catch it. I told him to wave off (the USN/USMC term for “go around”), which he did. When we stabilized downwind Bob asked why I waved him off.

“What were the winds at the 180?”&nbspcomment image
“What were the winds on short final?&nbspcomment image
“What are the cross-wind limits for that flap setting?&nbspcomment image
“What could you do to correct for that?&nbspcomment image
“How about a “no flap” landing, which has higher wind limits?”&nbspcomment image

So, we set up for another approach.

Bob got the winds at the 180 and they were within limits, so he continues. However, this was what is called an “overshooting crosswind,” meaning the winds are going to push you wide of the runway, unless you correct with a more aggressive turn.

Bob didnt correct, and we overshot the runway by a fair amount – enough to where you can’t save it and you need to wave off again, which would have been just fine.

A no-flap landing does get you in with greater winds, because your approach speed is faster, but that is because your stall speed is also higher. Bob didnt understand this, and given the two factors, Bob did the unthinkable.

We are just coming inside “the 90,” which means we are a little more than half way to the runway and are 90 degrees off the landing direction, when Bob realizes his mistake. Being a helo pilot, Bob thought to himself, “I’ll just slow down and push the inside rudder to point the nose at the runway.”

Right about now, all the fixed wing pilots on this thread have their hearts in their throats because they know what is next.

It took me an instant to think, “WTF is this guy doing? Is he trying to kill me?”

This is what is called a “skidded turn stall,” which is taught to ALL young Student Naval Aviators as a 100% fatal maneuver if executed in the traffic pattern. Once this starts, you are ****ed and done.

What is happening is the “inside” wing is being blocked by the fuselage, because the aircraft is not in balanced flight. Therefore, not all the wing is producing lift. You couple that with stalling the wing (going to slow and the lift ABRUPTLY, especially in a straight-wing aircraft, collapses), and now the “inside wing goes to zero lift, whereas the outside wing still has lift. Obviously, you rapidly descend due to loss of lift, but the aircraft rolls inverted, due to the outside wing still retaining some lift. When this is demonstrated at 9000 feet in flight school, that is not a problem to recover, but if it happens at 400 feet in the traffic pattern, you are done.

As soon as the “WTF” registers in my mind, I see the slip indicator peg high and right along with the airspeed needle rapidly approaching the stall speed. I grabbed the controls, stomped on the top rudder to balance the aircraft, stuffed the nose down to increase airspeed and firewalled the power to arrest the rate of descent. Had I let it go two more seconds (at best, likely one), we would all have been dead.

I came back around and landed it from the right seat. We taxied to the ramp and I told Bob to get out of the aircraft and I would finish the checklists. After Bob left, and I finished the checklists, I sat there for a few minutes, and I will never forget this – that’s when everything went dark and I realized just how close we were. I relate the experience to “…and that’s when the demons came.”

I wanted to make sure my next move was not emotional. I drove directly to the Commanding Officer’s office and requested an urgent one-on-one. He was captain (O-6, and I a LT O-3). I told him what happened and said, “Skipper, I understand why Bob is here. I get it. I am your eyes and ears out on the flight line – you are trusting me to make this call, and I am making it. While I don’t determine who or who doesnt get a transition slot, I can put my written objection on it. If Bob does continue, it will be over my written objection and without my signature.”

Gulp. O-3s do not tell O-6s that. A USN captain is as close to God as there is in the military, and that goes back centuries.

He looked up at me and assured me that he heard what I said, and walked me to the door.

The next day, Bob’s transition slot was revoked.

This kind of **** is all over aviation in the present day. ALL the airlines, ALL the FAA, and I presume ALL the military are infected with this mind virus. It’s personal for me, and I am not just talking my book. The airlines went hog-wild on this **** over the past decade, and the seniority system is going to produce, in the very near future, incompetent captains with incompetent first officers as a matter of routine. The airlines have coasted on their recruitments from the 20th Century and early 2000s, but this is looming. They didnt have to hire for nearly 15 years, so the experience was locked in. Once the hiring opened up, the DEI nonsense went to the fore.

All the airline pilots on this board know this. We all have our stories.


Nope – I am out on flying anywhere. I find this post of commentary highly credible. I remember discussions with a now deceased commercial pilot friend who served in the military prior to his career. He flew domestic and international routes in his 30 year career.

If you choose to fly, do so all prayed up and ready to go.

FWIW, my friend died after retirement in a farm tractor accident, which is somewhat ironic. He survived Nam and idgits in the commercial airline industry only to bleed out on his own property from a mistake with a John Deere.

Gail Combs

Have truck will travel.

As soon as they introduced Grope ‘N Fly I decided never to fly again.


RIGHT??? me too!
in my experience, WGTT’s prefer the open road!

Gail Combs


At that time I was still getting come-ons.

The funniest one was at a livestock market where I was bidding on some sheep and goats. I was the only unattached woman in the bleachers. A guy sat next to me and after talking a bit invited me to dinner. He was crestfallen to find I was already married and complained all the good ones were already taken. 😋

Gail Combs

Actually we continued conversing. He was an interesting guy to talk to.

Valerie Curren

ditto  😡 


The intentional bending of truth results in wishy-washy inattention to rules and guidelines that make the difference between life and death. The truth is that in certain situations, if you don’t do “x” within “y” amount of time, you’re done for. The truth is that if you don’t have someone in charge who knows and abides by the rules, you very well might be done for. There is no “good enough,” and there is no bending of the regulations. As we bend the truths of science regarding males and females, and regarding “vaccines” and even the definition of competency, we are putting ourselves in grave danger.


Great post. Completely agree. The staging for the event is obvious to me. The video shows the rise into the path the last few seconds. So remote or human hack is obvious. The erratic training flight pattern prior to the actual event is obvious. The DS purpose is as obvious as it always is. The non-release of the possibly female, possibly trans co-pilot’s name and info; who was probably actually flying the helo is obvious. The lack of a 4th or 5th flight crew chief for visuals is obvious. The one doing two’s work in the tower is obvious.

The enemy are Satanic monsters.


Shifting to runway 33.


I love it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At the end of yesterday’s open, Gail brought up the idea that the helo might have been hit with cyber (hacked, basically). I also brought up the possibility that the lady pilot might have been a victim of an MK attack – and if there are video or audio records, how this might be appear behaviorally in the evidence.



Maybe that’s why they aren’t giving the name. Don’t want us poking around and figuring out they were under psychiatric care or something.

Gail Combs

Given the info from the commenters at Market Ticker, I think you are looking at a female from a minority race, who was ONLY flying because of DEI and should have NEVER been in that pilot slot in the first place..

Eleua 25k posts, incept 2007-07-05

2025-01-31 12:43:03

Former USN aviator, standards/evaluation pilot…

My two cents:

Here is my own experience with military DEI. This was over 25 years ago…

We had one Black helo pilot (everyone else was White), and there were limited slots for helo-to-fixed wing transitions. Guess who got the nod for a transition slot? He was already considered one of the weaker helo pilots by my counterpart in helo-NATOPS.



[Near accident that this experienced pilot averted. GC]



As soon as the “WTF” registers in my mind, I see the slip indicator peg high and right along with the airspeed needle rapidly approaching the stall speed. I grabbed the controls, stomped on the top rudder to balance the aircraft, stuffed the nose down to increase airspeed and firewalled the power to arrest the rate of descent. Had I let it go two more seconds (at best, likely one), we would all have been dead.

I came back around and landed it from the right seat. We taxied to the ramp and I told Bob to get out of the aircraft and I would finish the checklists. After Bob left, and I finished the checklists, I sat there for a few minutes, and I will never forget this – that’s when everything went dark and I realized just how close we were. I relate the experience to “…and that’s when the demons came.”

I wanted to make sure my next move was not emotional. I drove directly to the Commanding Officer’s office and requested an urgent one-on-one. He was captain (O-6, and I a LT O-3). I told him what happened and said, “Skipper, I understand why Bob is here. I get it. I am your eyes and ears out on the flight line – you are trusting me to make this call, and I am making it. While I don’t determine who or who doesnt get a transition slot, I can put my written objection on it. If Bob does continue, it will be over my written objection and without my signature.”

Gulp. O-3s do not tell O-6s that. A USN captain is as close to God as there is in the military, and that goes back centuries.

He looked up at me and assured me that he heard what I said, and walked me to the door.

The next day, Bob’s transition slot was revoked. [Today, 25 years later, that would not happen. -GC]

  :wpds_arrow: This kind of **** is all over aviation in the present day. ALL the airlines, ALL the FAA, and I presume ALL the military are infected with this mind virus. It’s personal for me, and I am not just talking my book. The airlines went hog-wild on this **** over the past decade, and the seniority system is going to produce, in the very near future, incompetent captains with incompetent first officers as a matter of routine. The airlines have coasted on their recruitments from the 20th Century and early 2000s, but this is looming. They didnt have to hire for nearly 15 years, so the experience was locked in. Once the hiring opened up, the DEI nonsense went to the fore.


Added my stray thoughts to ticker site in two posts as it seems feasible.

Just a thought. As recently as early December “Kyiv Post” wrote a story bemoaning the status of 30 Ukraine Pilots sent for training on the F16. The earliest story on this goes back to 2022. It seems the Arizona NG could not put all of their pilots in seats for the training because slots were full. One might apply from the story that these people are waiting here in the USA for the slots to come open.

Make me wonder where are they waiting? Ft Belvoir?

What would they be doing while waiting? Helo training?

Thats the thought.


This might also account for “P” designation initially reported with the story by internet sleuths. “P” being priority person.

Also if they were cleared to train on the F16 then they may have been cleared to train on other aircraft while they waited for a slot to open for the F16 and best way to host a pilot is by putting them in a cockpit.

Ft Belvoir has large transient quarters for students that come in from all over for training and while staying there I was under the impression it was not the only transient quarters available on the base.

Lastly these Ukrainian pilots here for F16 training are likely hosted by the NG school that is training them and thus might have a NG designation or borrowing such.

Valerie Curren

I know Nothing on these matters, but Logic makes me wonder if it is even Remotely Prudent to provide ANY Training to foreigners that involves the most secure airspace in the world. Even the most mundane details could potentially be exploited down the road. Seems Quite Concerning!  😮 

Gail Combs

Great minds, Wolfie. 🤓 I brought over the whole conversation plus some other data points of interest.

I think this situation has the very real possibility of blowing DEI completely out of the water and killing it dead.


from the tweet (iirc) i brought yesterday they are using the cover that her family does not want the name released. but i didn’t think the military gave deference to the family in these matters.

Gail Combs

I wonder what info Elon Musk’s team is digging up on this. And yes, I think the name will be released with the entire story. Hopefully soon.


Thanks for this open, Steve. I’m going to have to come back and read it. I’m looking forward to the videos as well.


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Ian Miles Cheong

A Chinese national who organizes pro-Hamas rallies at UCLA just got arrested and her visa revoked. She’s going back to China.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! CCP ASSETS GO HOME!!!

Gail Combs

EVERY Chinese who came here should be looked at whether they are citizens or not. ESPECIALLY THE ANCHOR BABIES.

Chances are good they are ALL SPIES. After all you do not get a visa OUT of china unless you are a good little Communist Party Member or your parents are.


No such thing as an anchor baby unless born to Permanent Resident Alien green card holders.

Coming soon in a SCOTUS opinion. I promise.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_beg:   :wpds_beg:   :wpds_beg: 

I was referring to the California industry where pregnant Chinese women were put up at hotels until they gave birth. The kid was now a “US Citizen” and the baby was then taken home to China to be raised a good little Chinese Commie until college age.



Send all the pro-HamISIS protesters back to their third world *&^% holes, too.


It’s all fun & games until Daddy gets home.



Already reported here, but it’s glorious…

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Are they cutting out all the celebrations and events related to cultural awareness and appreciation of white people too?

How many of those are there?

Considering all the real and actual things white people have invented, designed, built, achieved and accomplished, shirley there must be a crap-ton of celebrations of white people, right?


Celebrate WHITE toilet paper!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

My Uncle after WWII went into government procurement because of his dealings with Air Force toilet paper. 😋


That’s funny.

Whatever good your uncle achieved for TP procurement, didn’t take on the Navy procuring TP.

It’s been decades. Navy had terrible Tp for my 22 years.

Gail Combs

Well with luck you did not end up with splinters in sensitive places as he did during WWII. Yeah it was that bad!


O M G. Laughing, but it sure is not funny.

Valerie Curren

All I know is that whenever my son has been inpatient in the hospital for a few days, when I get to stay bedside throughout, that cheap sandpaper TP has sensitive tissues raw & bleeding when it’s go time 🙁


I’ve gotten to the point where I carry a roll of TP around to a lot of places I go. Maker Faire was what finally convinced me.

Robert Baker

Who knows, you may be any early adopter of a new trend.

Gail Combs

I have a small roll stuffed in a ziplock that travels in the truck.


Oops. Initially laughed, thinking it was your excitement at, Valley Fair, or whatever they call it these days. Priceless story, it was.

Maker Faire, your model engine club?


No, the model engine guys meet in a civilized clubhouse.

Maker Faire used to meet at the San Mateo events center, and their TP was worthless.

Valerie Curren

So being a guy & presumably not carrying a purse how do you manage that?



Valerie Curren

Makes sense so you can also carry drinks & snacks & clothing layers on or off 🙂


Yep, as well as plunder if I’m at a Maker Faire or such.


On those rare occasions I carry a cellphone, it’s typically in a particular pocket of the backpack.

Valerie Curren

AND both hands free to size up (visually) any WGTTs that might wander by 😉


Yup. Bring your own.


During the TP shortage in scamdemic I think it was Costco that was selling out of bidets.

Valerie Curren

Yes, though I always forget in the frenzy of another hospitalization…sigh…at least we haven’t had one since the transplant rejection during the height of covid crimes 2020!


White people did that:


Joseph C. Gayetty (c.1827 – May 2, 1895) was an American inventor credited with the invention of commercial toilet paper. It was the first and remained only one of the few commercial toilet papers from 1857 to 1890 remaining in common use until the invention of splinter-free toilet paper in 1935 by the Northern Tissue Company.

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Wow, 78 years of toilet paper with splinters!!

Valerie Curren

only Slightly better than corncobs 😉

Gail Combs

I am not sure about that. At least the corncobs do not draw blood.




You needed really good friends in those days — not casual acquaintances…..


People were heartier back then, rough toilet paper was a test of character… 😂

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

sears & roebuck catalogs

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

Yikes, I hope to never Know the difference!

Gail Combs

THAT was what my Uncle was complaining about!


…splinter free… Hell I half thought Gail was joking. O M G.

Gail Combs

NOPE, Not joking.


Are they cutting out all the celebrations and events related to cultural awareness and appreciation of white people too?

I can’t name even one. But the good thing is that celebrations of “white” accomplishments are about the achievement, not about race. So if they want to give accolades to an inventor, they can just do it. That’s how it used to be.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



There are at least four that ought to be raided right now.


or at least thought ONCE about it


FBI is about to get a complete reformation, reorganization, redirected focus and mission.
We now have a top grade CEO in our highest office.

Brave and Free

Exactly the FIB is having a colonoscopy done for sure.


Well at least they are still doing what they are good at. Cover Up! 😂
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It probably has many layers of “motivational” bullshit!

Valerie Curren

Emotional Maturity is there Four times…was this list done by a Female?

Robert Baker

Who can say, it could have been any one of fifty genders, but 50 years ago it would have been “grow up” or maybe “rub some dirt on it”.

Valerie Curren

Yes! Hubby still quotes the rub some dirt on it, but the man got right back up on our roof after accidentally shooting himself in the calf with a nail gun during the latest roof shingling “fun”.


Exclusive: Musk aides lock government workers out of computer systems at US agency, sources say

Aides to Elon Musk charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.

Since taking office 11 days ago, President Donald Trump has embarked on a massive government makeover, firing and sidelining hundreds of civil servants in his first steps toward downsizing the bureaucracy and installing more loyalists.

Musk, the billionaire Tesla (TSLA.O) CEO and X owner tasked by Trump to slash the size of the 2.2 million-strong civilian government workforce, has moved swiftly to install allies at the agency known as the Office of Personnel Management.

The two officials, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation, said some senior career employees at OPM have had their access revoked to some of the department’s data systems.

The systems include a vast database called Enterprise Human Resources Integration, which contains dates of birth, Social Security numbers, appraisals, home addresses, pay grades and length of service of government workers, the officials said.

“We have no visibility into what they are doing with the computer and data systems,” one of the officials said. “That is creating great concern. There is no oversight. It creates real cybersecurity and hacking implications.”

Officials affected by the move can still log on and access functions such as email but can no longer see the massive datasets that cover every facet of the federal workforce.

Musk, OPM, representatives of the new team, and the White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment…


A team including current and former employees of Musk assumed command of OPM on Jan. 20, the day Trump took office. They have moved sofa beds onto the fifth floor of the agency’s headquarters, which contains the director’s office and can only be accessed with a security badge or a security escort, one of the OPM employees said.

The sofa beds have been installed so the team can work around the clock, the employee said.

Musk, a major donor to a famously demanding boss, installed beds at X for employees to enable them to work longer when in 2022 he took over the social media platform, formerly known as Twitter.

“It feels like a hostile takeover,” the employee said.

The new appointees in charge of OPM have moved the agency’s chief management officer, Katie Malague, out of her office and to a new office on a different floor, the officials said.

Malague did not respond to a request for comment…

David Lebryk, the top-ranking career U.S. Treasury Department official, is set to leave his post following a clash with allies of Musk after they asked for access to payment systems, the Washington Post reported on Friday…


Hope that goes well. Seems fraught with legal liabilities should things start going south.

Gail Combs

FISA goes both ways….

Elon now has access to the data needed to figure out WHO is receiving payments from foreign adversaries.




“A team including current and former employees of Musk assumed command of OPM on Jan. 20, the day Trump took office. They have moved sofa beds onto the fifth floor of the agency’s headquarters, which contains the director’s office and can only be accessed with a security badge or a security escort, one of the OPM employees said.

“The sofa beds have been installed so the team can work around the clock, the employee said.

“Musk, a major donor to a famously demanding boss, installed beds at X for employees to enable them to work longer when in 2022 he took over the social media platform, formerly known as Twitter.”



How many super-expensive hotel bills do the sofa beds eliminate!  😀 


Prolly more fun for the Musketeers, too. Esprit de corps is so important! 😀

Last edited 1 month ago by MarieUrsula

“Musketeers” 🤭


Yep, the DOGE Musketeers has a nice ring to it!


Most of them.  😂 


Free-flowing Red Bull and Hot Pockets also installed, lol.

Gail Combs

AND PIZZA!! can’t work without bacon pizza.

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Barb Meier

slide flat foods under the doors.


Bacon pizza???

Sausage, pepperoni, black olives, mushrooms and cheese.

That is the only real pizza. IMO.


I’m not a great fan of fungus on my pizza.

Gail Combs

And do not forget the anchovies…

Barb Meier

I worked in Houston for a small software startup company and one of the founders had a cot in his office because he was working super long hours.


Wonder how many are spending their weekend just sweating.

Last edited 1 month ago by Gudthots
Valerie Curren

does “bureaucracy” ever actually work at anything but tyranny & graft?


I worked at a robotics company. When it was getting started, the founders slept in sleeping bags on a platform above a utility closet.


“It feels like a hostile takeover,” the employee said.


Good. Now you know what it has felt like to be an American for the last 50+ years with an out of control government.

Gail Combs

Scott it WAS a hostile takeover by the FABIAN/City of London and it has been well over a century.


“It feels like a hostile takeover,” the employee said.

They are hiring on the CDOT crews. Lot’s of job openings!
You can stand around and get paid too. Sunscreen recommended.


Elon Musk @elonmusk

Reducing the federal deficit from $2T to $1T in FY2026 requires cutting an average of ~$4B/day in projected 2026 spending from now to Sept 30.

That would still result in a ~$1T deficit, but economic growth should be able to match that number, which would mean no inflation in 2026.

Super big deal.

Elon Musk @elonmusk

I am cautiously optimistic that we will reach the $4B/day FY2026 reduction this weekend


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



👍👍👍 🤣

^^^ 100000000000%


Wayne Nesbitt will no longer have any difficulty getting a date …

Valerie Curren

Dept of Education IS UNconstitutional, imo, as are EPA, HUD, DHS, & likely a slew of others. Let’s strip the feds back to ONLY what the Constitution allows!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



especially considering the number of jackasses in the dem party and across the country–gotta be more of them than cows and we know they’re full of shit. i think their farts would be lethal.


Except that cows don’t fart – they belch.

Dumbass democrats can’t tell one end of the cow from the other.

Cuppa Covfefe

Because they’re only interested in the behind…

Gail Combs

Get rid of the termites instead of the cows.
Termites: a potentially large source of atmospheric methane, carbon dioxide, and molecular hydrogen

Global annual emissions calculated from laboratory measurements could reach 1.5 x 10(14) grams of methane and 5 x 10(16) grams of carbon dioxide. As much as 2 x 10(14) grams of molecular hydrogen may also be produced. Field measurements of methane emissions from two termite nests in Guatemala corroborated the laboratory results….


Since termites eat wood, it seems logical to assume that they would produce amounts of CO2 comparable to burning wood. Just at a much slower rate.

Last edited 1 month ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

AND Cows eat grass….

Cuppa Covfefe

I had a Little Golden Book Encyclopedia 60-something years ago which showed a termite tower (for lack of a better term) somewhere in Africa being doused with gasoline and set on fire (crackle crackle crackle crispy critters)… I don’t think PETA and their ilk would like or permit that nowadays 😆

IIRC the article mentioned the snapping sound…

I read a while back an article about what a disaster it would be if we DIDN’T have termites and natural decomposition…. we’d be buried in debris inside of months…

Cuppa Covfefe

I read an article once where someone put gasoline or some other highly-flammable stump-killer on a fresh tree stump, and lit it… a few hours later, his house was in flames… seems there were suckers or other remnants of that old tree underneath his (formerly) new house…..


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Is DJT taking no salary again?

If so, just pass a law that no federal employee can make more money than the POTUS.

Reset everyone’s salary to $0.

The sum of all answers 👍😁


Sorry but DJT takes his full salary. He donates 100% of it to charity.

Gail Combs

Since the founding….


Believe that was true for Trump 1.0.

With truth and his other new businesses, prolly better off.

Complete without laundering tax dollars. Definitely a first for a Fed.


sigh…if all bills could be so short and readable. they did however get the date wrong…it should be 2025!


I wondered about the “2026.” That’s too long.


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  :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2: 




And we are no longer burdened by they/them/that.


well I am going to miss my “preferred pronouns” at the doc’s office (Your Highness)…lol


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I am so tired of listening to things happen to our country and then people say ‘we’ll do an investigation,’ and three years later, they come out with a report that nobody looks at.”

You and me both!





Stephen Punwasi @StephenPunwasi
Neither  🇨🇦  &  🇺🇲  are saying what the drug-border conflict is about out loud, so I guess I’ll do it. 
This is about  🇨🇦 ’s trucking industry & Ontario’s truck driving schools that popped up overnight.





This is an eye opener. And President Trump is aware and will stop it.

Gail Combs


Of course you have TrueDope & Chrystia  Freeland


H/T Sylvia @ her blog


Greg Laurie
There’s ’s a new wind blowing across America. It’s a wind of freedom, optimism, hope, and yes, patriotism. What’s even more remarkable is
that this movement isn’t just being carried by the older generation—it’s gaining momentum among the young.

I haven’t seen anything like this in decades. The last time I felt such cultural stirring was during the Jesus Movement, when an entire generation found hope and transformation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That was when I personally came to
faith in Christ, and it was the start of a movement that changed countless lives. 

In fact, a powerful movie was made about it, 

. Could we be on the brink of another Jesus Revolution in America? 

I pray so—a revival where hearts are turned back to God, lives are transformed, and the very foundation of our nation is restored. 

More here (video on the link)


We can all be trans – transformed by the renewing of our minds, hearts, souls and spirits.

By being born again, new creations – living a new life in Christ.




H/T Ladypenquin @ Sylvia’s


Andrew Zywiec, MD (the good doctor)
In the USA, 90 million people are on a statin, 47 million on an SSRI, 30 million on a benzodiazepine, 4 million on an antipsychotic, and 3 million on a mood stabilizer. That’s nearly 160 million out of the 330 million population. All of these cause profound neurological and neuropsychiatric issues. Do you now see why it seems like we are living in a looney bin? BECAUSE WE ARE. Add in vaccine damage, addiction, and cultural rot, and the experiment that is America comes into clear view. This isn’t a nation. It’s an asylum.


“In the USA, 90 million people are on a statin, 47 million on an SSRI, 30 million on a benzodiazepine, 4 million on an antipsychotic, and 3 million on a mood stabilizer. That’s nearly 160 million out of the 330 million population.”


I don’t even know what most of that stuff is. Any of it, really. I’ve heard of most of them, except for ‘mood stabilizer’. Sounds like the kind of thing that eliminates the dynamic range of life.

Anecdotally, it seems like the antipsychotic pills definitely aren’t working.

If half the country is on mind-altering substances, that explains 99% of the democrat vote.


“Also it’s rare for a patient to have just ONE psychological problem; they come in “clumps””


If you just leave them all untreated, you have regular people 😂


When you get them all treated, you have “chumps”.


Statins can cause sudden cognitive decline.

Here’s a 2021 study saying it doubles risk:

And this story…
September 1, 2010
It’s Not Dementia, It’s Your Heart Medication: Cholesterol Drugs and Memory
Why cholesterol drugs might affect memory

ONE DAY IN 1999, Duane Graveline, then a 68-year-old former NASA astronaut, returned home from his morning walk in Merritt Island, Fla., and could not remember where he was. His wife stepped outside, and he greeted her as a stranger. When Graveline’s memory returned some six hours later in the hospital, he racked his brain to figure out what might have caused this terrifying bout of amnesia. Only one thing came to mind: he had recently started taking the statin drug Lipitor.

Cholesterol-lowering statins such as Lipitor, Crestor and Zocor are the most widely prescribed medications in the world, and they are credited with saving the lives of many heart disease patients. But recently a small number of users have voiced concerns that the drugs elicit unexpected cognitive side effects, such as memory loss, fuzzy thinking and learning difficulties. Hundreds of people have registered complaints with MedWatch, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s adverse drug reaction database…

Last edited 1 month ago by Gudthots
Valerie Curren

MedWatch? Does that site collect Other issues that aren’t recorded in VAERS, like for the bio-weapon injections?


February 1, 2025 1:12 am

Six Americans freed in Venezuela after Trump envoy meets with Maduro
Last edited 5 hours ago by Troublemaker10

February 1, 2025 2:54 am

Reply to  Troublemaker10
Grenell and hostages arrive home…

We are home. 🇺🇸

God bless these Americans. pic.twitter.com/L36mNkvEom

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) February 1, 2025

Valerie Curren


Brave and Free

I want to post this here because maybe crowd sourcing might help. I normally lurk and read, yet this was caught by me and may be important.

So much love and prayers for everyone here, and my love and prayers for DePat. May God continue to bless her and keep her on His right shoulder.

February 1, 2025 at 5:19 am

Woah. just woke up. Watching Faux. I have replayed the video eight times to catch Jonathan Gilliam’s quote. It is wild. Find it and spread it if you can. 

Happened to see repeat footage from the Philly plane crash, the British guy who was anchoring around midnight? Glasses and dark hair. Jonathon, also.

His name is Jonathan and he interviews Jonathan Gilliam, former FBI agent and other, who makes a strange statement at the end of his interview, “I don’t want to scare anybody, but one thing is very peculiar….because I thought this was the case, and I looked it up…..is that these types of accidents will often happen in three’s or more…so it would not surprise me if we, within the next month, we have another accident.”

I replayed this to get the quote straight. I caught it. 

Anyone? Really scary. 

Maybe kea or KY or lp have sources? (to Sylvia’s post)

I was shocked to hear this response. Can anyone add?

I have requested anyone who is in LE or other to contact POTUS or this to call Gilliam. He seems to know something, no?


Gail Combs

Sounds like the Cabal has another plane crash planned.


i have long heard that bad news comes in threes and someone on tcth made mention of the masonic (???iirc) and the number 33 ( the runway in DC)


Actually I’ve seen posts about other accidents over the years happening on runway 33. Will see if I can find anything.

Also the 3 thing is old superstation. WWI it was 3 on a match gets shot in the head during trench warfare. Match being what they were lighting their smokes from.


Here is a small list with runway 33 or 33 dead comes up. I’m sure there is more but people do make something of it. Meanwhile I’m not sure why we have so many runway 33s. There is likely a good reason for it? IDK.


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Valerie Curren

Hope this lets your image second show, via Gab…

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“Also the 3 thing is old superstation. WWI it was 3 on a match gets shot in the head during trench warfare. Match being what they were lighting their smokes from.”


During trench warfare, it’s never a bad idea to keep your head below ground level when striking a match.

Or any other time, for that matter 😉


🚨BREAKING: The White House DEMANDS an apology from Hakeem Jeffries for his inciting violence earlier today. pic.twitter.com/FpwgzVcQoQ

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 31, 2025


Until or unless the rest of us can ‘get out of jail free’ cards simply by apologizing, don’t demand an apology.

Demand a prosecution.

Equal Justice Under Law.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

The @DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups.

They literally never denied a payment in their entire career.

Not even once. https://t.co/kInoGWdw4C

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 1, 2025




Gail Combs

Well of course! How else are you going to fund parts of Operation Gladio?


Instructed by whom?


Prosecute them all.

From the people who followed the instruction, to the people who gave the instruction, straight to the top.


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yeah it WILL!

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The only Federal building they should be allowed to enter is a Federal prison.


Amen to that!


Located in Cuba.



May they all take a long walk off a short pier … 💦💦💦🌊🌊🌊

Brave and Free

Every morning when he’s on TV with the other clowns his ignorance shows through more and more.
Another DEI hire for the networks.


Michael Strahan the football player?

How many doctors and scientists work from home, Mike?

Do they have home labs, and if so, where did they get them?

Do patients go to their homes for diagnosis and treatment, like an inverse house call?

You gettin’ enough oxygen to the brain, Mike?


Guessing Jab nailed Strahan’s daughter. Shedding Bristol.

Valerie Curren

Good guesses, TY

Happy go lucky

Carl Sagan predicted the world as we know it today

My favorite bit:

this combustible mix of ignorance and power



Verse of the Day for Saturday, February 1, 2025

“Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” 

Psalms 106:1 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.







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Who am I that God cares for me
Who is it I am supposed to be
What is it I am called to do
What makes me so worthy of You

Have you ever pondered God
Have you ever wondered broad
Have you ever concentrated
Have you ever contemplated – God

Did you know that you are blessed
With gifts and talents and zest
Have you ever considered why
You are the apple of God’s eye

We have jobs, titles, and responsibilities
Accountabilities acceptabilities permeabilities
No matter how confusing it all may be
God has a purpose and plan for thee

When guided by the Holy Spirit
We are inspired if we can hear it
The voice of God from within
Where to go when to begin

We believe and we receive
Thus we are able to achieve
Because God wills it all for us
We obey – He gives us the plus

We are here on an eternal quest
On our pathway we are but a guest
This life is our test to be worthy
For where we will end this journey

Have you ever been asked 
To do something over tasked
Impossible for you but not for Him
God did not choose you on a whim

God knows the beginning and the end
It is your free will that may not bend
To His Will we must be fully aware
Only way to know is through prayer

Whatever He asks of you on cue
You must be willing and able to do
You must obey His daily demand
It is not a wish – it is a command

So if you are daily thinking 
How to God’s plan you be linking
Listen to what the Spirit asks of you
Then you will know just what to do

If failure plagues you – anxiety too
If life in general is making you blue
If you are lost without a compass
Get off your bum kick up a rumpus

The trick to making the duress stop
Is to get up and move till you plop
Override the mental with exercise
Be not fearful – just be otherwise

God has a remedy for whatever ails you 
Tap into His Spirit – sit not and just stew
For greater is He who lives within
Than he whose goal is to mire in sin

Know that God wants only what is best
For you to successfully complete the test
Develop those gifts and talents for your story
Give Him the effort He deserves for His Glory

D01: 06/05/2022


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms






Arizona Couple Pleads Guilty to $1.2 Billion in Health Care Fraud

They had an elderly wound care supply billing scam.

Gail Combs

Hubby gets Scam calls all the time. Final Expenses insurance is a favorite. He just tells them he died last week.




We get global warming shoved down our necks 24/7, part of the nudge nudge scheme are regular cold calls from this clown.

“Hello I’m the energy advisor for your area”

“I’m the **** off adviser for this area, you have now been advised”


No doubt he’ll call again next week.

Cuppa Covfefe

Get his name and address and sign him up for a $cientology survey 😆

(Many years ago I used to get junk mail from them, so I collected a couple months worth of junk, tore it up into 4×4-inch or so pieces, stuffed them back into the postage-paid reply envelopes, IIRC four or five of them… I never heard for them again 😆 )….. persistent lot they are, so it was turnabout was fair play… comeuppance….


Very large metal washers securely taped to a piece paper inside the envelope works nicely & and will cost them dearly…

I’m always willing to donate washers to a good cause.


And then he gets calls from the donkey party trying to get him to register to vote.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_eek:   :wpds_cry:   :wpds_chuckle: 




Like they couldn’t just stop at $500 million, and be happy with that?

They needed to go for the full billy, and get caught?


I’m sure they were very careful to pay all the taxes on their criminal proceeds 👍😁


Saw this on Col Macgregors twitter,
I have no knowledge about aviation but this seems really fast.
Is it normal?

Chuck Callesto

BREAKING UPDATE: Flight out Philadelphia that CRASHED NEAR THE ROOSEVELT MALL reached an altitude of 1,600 feet and was ONLY IN THE AIR for 30 seconds


Definitely not normal. Most flights last much longer than 30 seconds 👍


Thank you, Steve!!! A great explanation about why a confusing subject is so confusing!


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Cuppa Covfefe

ALL of them need to be sent to Guantanamo… for good…


“…for good…”


And for ever.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s what that meant…


Love the United Steaks of America!

Gail Combs

How about Illinois that is mostly fat esp in the Chicago area.

Gail Combs

Someone got hungry…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep…. someone said, Tartare for now 😆




Sidney Powell https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg Attorney, Author, Gladiator


#Breaking: The State Bar of Texas LOST again. The Board of Disciplinary Appeals has just flat-out dismissed the #SBOT’s second attempt to disbar me. The Texas Bar has relentlessly attacked me for 4 years in two separate cases now, and we have defeated them at every turn. What will it take to stop this lawfare and political abuse of power?


“What will it take to stop this lawfare and political abuse of power?”


Have you ever been in a fight, and the other person is just beating you relentlessly, while you never hit them back?

This is like that.

Until you go on offense and start attacking the criminal and corrupt Texas Bar, and force them to defend themselves, why would they ever stop attacking you?

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

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Healing lime disease Ivermectin.
I was bitten by a tick developed a red circle and took Ivermectin for 5 days nothing happen to me.
I had read of a study in Germany where they used Ivermectin against lime disease. I wanted to save the article a couple of days later it disappeared off the Internet. This was during the covid warfare.


I was bitten by a tick developed a red circle and took Ivermectin for 5 days…

Good to know.

Gail Combs

For tick bites we use 7% iodine (IF you can get it) gets rid of all the nasties if applied within 24 hours.

Without the iodine I get weeping sores. With the iodine they heal fast.

Gail Combs

YUP, We use the 7% on the navel cord of lambs and kids because it kills tetanus and other nasties.

Valerie Curren

My son was bitten by a tick & our pastor, whose son was seriously impacted by Lyme Disease which caused them to return to the States after a long-term African placement, recommended Doxycycline. I asked my son’s Doc & she prescribed a 30 day Doxycycline treatment. Thankfully he had no known issues from that bite, but as he’s the medically complex kid there were Many Other issues to address 🙂


February 1, 2025 at 8:54 am
Mila Joy
The Department of Justice has just ended their lawsuit against Virginia for removing illegals from the voter rolls.
This means that all 50 states can now remove illegals from their voter rolls.
Let the purge begin!


Should do the same for democraps. Get a fresh start. See how many of them can figure out how to register.

Valerie Curren

only the living ones 😉


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Scorched earth if JFK Jr. doesn’t get appointed. 47 proved he would cut their pet project funding. Senators phones were burning up after that first blow. LOL
Old Bernie looked like he hadn’t slept in a week.


the last part has me CHUCK-ling

MaricaFebruary 1, 2025 at 9:15 am
The “7 ways to Sunday guy”! Makes me SMILE!
The Reckoning 💥
Tom Fitton
NEW: Schumer under investigation by @RealDonaldTrump DOJ over his threats against conservative Supreme Court justices. Letter of “inquiry” sent by Acting DC US Attorney Ed Martin–WPOST


Longest boomerang EVAH!  😆 


Yes! I’m so glad they didn’t let that go even though it happened nearly 5 years ago.


He can poo in his rainbow depends and wake up in a cold sweat for the rest of his life however long that is!

Gail Combs

This is the incident:
1/31/2025 The Violent Dems Turning Up The Heat In Escalating War On Trump
….In 2020, Sen. Chuck Schumer, minority leader then as he is now, infamously threatened conservative Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh that they would “pay the price” should they dare disrupt the “right” to murder unborn children. 
“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,” Schumer menacingly told a crowd of angry pro-abortion supporters in 2020. 
The leftist whirlwind has since shown up in droves at the homes of conservative justices, whose lives were constantly disrupted and threatened. In one case, a California man was charged with threatening to assassinate Kavanaugh after he was found outside the justice’s Maryland house in 2022 with a gun, knife, and other “tools.” Last year, an Alaska man was arrested on charges of threatening to assassinate, torture, and hang six justices and their family members, according to the Justice Department. The indictment didn’t name the targeted justices, but one could hazard a guess (Hint: Six of the nine justices were nominated by Republican presidents)….

AND 1/1/2025 from the Groniad.

Chief justice Roberts warns intimidation and violence risk judicial independenceIn sobering year-end report, chief justice laments litany of threats judges face, which he says put the rule of law at risk

In a sobering end-of-year report, Roberts – seen as the leading rightwinger on the court’s current six-to-three conservative majority – laments a litany of threats contemporary judges face in America’s increasingly polarised political climate, which he says are putting the rule of law at risk.

“There is of course no place for violence directed at judges for doing their job,” Roberts wrote, explaining that he felt “compelled to address four areas of illegitimate activity that … do threaten the independence of judges on which the rule of law depends”.

The four are violence, intimidation, disinformation and threats to defy the law.

Citing statistics from the US Marshals Service, Roberts said threats and hostile communications against judges had tripled in the past decade, with more than 1,000 serious threats against federal judges recorded in the past five years alone. Several had resulted in full round-the-clock security details being assigned to judges, while in extreme cases, some judges have been given bulletproof vests for public events.

“In 2005 and 2020, close relatives of federal judges were shot to death by assailants intent on harming the judges who had handled their cases,” the chief justice wrote. “More recently, in 2022 and 2023, state judges in Wisconsin and Maryland were murdered, also at their homes. Each instance constituted a targeted attack following an adverse ruling issued by the judge exercising ordinary judicial duties.”

Roberts also decried the recent online practice of doxxing, involving the release of private information such as home addresses and phone numbers. These incidents have led to angry phone calls to judges or even visits to their homes by disgruntled litigants, or on occasion by “an unstable individual carrying a cache of weapons”…

Gail Combs




Replying to @SenSchumer

This is illegal 👇🏼 18 U.S. Code § 1503

Yet you were never held accountable……

[CNN video clip of Chuck the Smuck issuing threat]

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do you know why 6 is afraid of 7???

because 7, 8, 9

Cuppa Covfefe

And you can count on that 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

But Pat was…..

Cuppa Covfefe

The expression is TO Sunday, not FROM Sunday…
Idjiot Schumer gets everything backwards…

Cuppa Covfefe

Schumer the schemer can’t even get his expressions right.

It’s six ways TO Sunday….


All right. You brought it up. The flood, I mean.

I would be very seriously interested in your opinion of a fact. How is it that evolution occurred, over millions of years, and yet we have not a single fossil record of a “halfway” creature?

By that I mean a land animal with partial gills, a sea animal with partial legs, or something, anything at all, similar?

I was taught evolution. Up until recently, I just accepted it as fact. But when I read the above question, well…I can’t answer it.

I also can’t answer some others in the same vein. Such as, how did the human knee joint, which will not function if changed at all, evolve? They call it an “irreducible complexity” in nature, and the knee is not the only one.

I have always accepted evolution as “God’s way” of doing what he did, but I can’t anymore. Not unless some questions get some very serious answers. So I am interested in your opinion.


Lol, again, you are assuming I’ve been “exposed.” Believe it or not, I’m smart enough (or dumb enough, if you prefer) to come up with this stuff all on my own.


Not to continue this discussion, but I have faith in the ability of God to have created the universe and this world in such a way, that anything could be possible. We have found creatures that eat oil, that eat radioactive waste, that eat plastic. I would not be surprised that when we are capable, we will find actual lifeforms at the quantum level.
The real world causes most life and life’s artifacts to disappear after a measure of time. Everything changes or evolves. Choose your semantics. When God wills it, it happens.


First start with one understanding; nobody is lying to me, because I’m only listening to my own logic.

I know you didn’t write about evolution, but you are writing about the “fossil record.” Which is claimed to be the “product” of evolution. So, that’s why I thought about it.

I don’t know whether the Earth is “old” or “young.” It doesn’t matter either way to my belief system. The Bible doesn’t contradict either one.

As for transitional fossils, my problem with your examples is simply, survival in getting from “there” to “here,” so to speak. What do I mean? Well, if for example, your tiktaalik made it onto land, what did it do then? It couldn’t walk, much less run. It couldn’t hunt. It was prey. Which would make sense, considering they no longer exist.

If the human knee “evolved,” what did the creature in possession of said half-functioning knee do in the meantime? It couldn’t walk. And as for what I mean by “change,” the human knee is made up not only of bone, but cartilage, tendons, and muscle, working together in a complex dance to allow motion. Any of those changed or missing, and you don’t walk. Even if they’re damaged, people can’t walk.

And that’s the only thing, just one of them. The eye, for example, hasn’t changed much at all across the fossil record. I have to wonder, why not? How did it “perfect” itself enough to never need to change?

Sorry to take up your morning. But my logic brain is intrigued by this question, which has no answer for me, as yet.


And of course also, why do we not see evidence of creatures, us included, evolving into something more beneficial to the group today?

For example, we are polluting the oceans with plastics and other junk at an alarming rate. Why do we not see sea creatures evolving to escape said ocean?

The answer for me on evolution versus complete creation is; either theory is possible. We can’t prove otherwise. You know I believe that God’s time is not like our time, number one. His Creation could ave taken place over millions of years. And number two, it all could have been created complete, and we wouldn’t know from the information available. All of it could have been made just as it appears, because God can do whatever He wants. 🙂

Thanks for responding.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO the entire topic of “fake old universe” is well-covered by the arguments of Descartes, when he rejected the idea that God would deceive humanity in such a way. Cogito ergo sum was just the beginning of his beautiful thinking.

Thus, I see the Hostess Ding-Dong Christianity of the YEC crowd as a distinct DEVOLUTION from that of the early church fathers and philosophers.

On the other hand, I see modern “simulation” discussions as a revitalization of the debates of Descartes and other thinkers of his time – all leading back to common sense.

The 19th-century proponents of 6000-YO Earth were mental midgets, IMO, spray-painting their boastful tags on the historic thoughts of the heroes of Christianity. Instead of the hard work of trying to understand infinities, difficult even for mathematicians, or trying the lesser task of understanding millions and billions, they chose to dumb down everything to pocketbook numbers. Shameful!


IDK, never heard of them before but are you sure you didn’t get sucked into something? Sucks if you did.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

But saying “GOD wouldn’t do”… is putting words in GOD’s mouth, the same way that Satan did in the Garden of Eden with “but GOD didn’t say”… when twisting words to trick/trap Eve…

We cannot measure Almighty Infinite GOD, with human measures and ideas.

Isaiah 55:8-9:

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Valerie Curren

“…our best course of action is to pack up our field kits, shut down our laboratories, and go home. We can learn NOTHING of value by examining the natural world because for all we know it’s set up to look different from the truth.”

I disagree in that continuing to examine the natural world is very important & can help us in our “stewardship” of the world God created. We have to be aware of our own, potentially faulty, suppositions, which can bias our observations however.

If Science refuses to Allow for the Possibility of a God that exists then Science is under faulty assumptions IF In Fact God Does Exist.

Since we (most likely) cannot Prove whether or not “God” exists then True Science should contemplate BOTH a world without any higher power AND one in which “God” is a factor, or could be one, in any examined process.

Gail Combs

That is about where I am at. I do not find them mutually exclusive.

When you think about it the LOGIC underlying out world is absolutely elegant.

Valerie Curren

Yes God is an exceptional mathematician!

Valerie Curren

I’m kind of with Aubergine here that the age of the earth, old or young, can be compatible with scripture and perhaps will never be Provable & I’m OK with that. I do, however, think that Adam was created as an Adult man so he would have looked probably at least 2 decades old even when he’d only existed a matter of seconds.

Valerie Curren

to any and all ways of observing and measuring”

I do think that those who believe in a Young Earth observe the many strata in the fossil record & perceive them as evidence of the cataclysmic Flood of Noah. From their viewpoint one can observe these layers of rock, especially any that are sedimentary rock (& potentially metamorphic & even some volcanic) & postulate that they were mostly laid down in the roughly year that Noah & his family were in the Ark as the world was transformed, less than 10,000 years ago.

If I could find an image of that “upright fossil” tree I hoped to share it Could be speculated that, assuming one could tell if it was still rooted to the ground that THAT layer, where the roots lay, would be the Existing Ground Prior to Noah’s Flood.

If it’s Not rooted then that thinking goes out the window. However if it gives the appearance of having grown through “millions of years” of rock formation that phenomenon needs explaining (which I think you alluded to having been addressed “many times” though I don’t recall seeing such an explanation though my sieve-like brain could have “forgotten” 🙁 ).

Anyway I agree that an unfalsifiable hypothesis is of little value other than (perhaps wild) speculation.

I would love to see/read the findings of Objective Scientists, who allow for the possibility of God even if that’s not their personal belief, so are willing to consider both Young & Old Earth hypotheses AND willing to dive into ANY and ALL inconvenient discrepancies to BOTH models to try to address The Facts, including the admission that certain Facts may be unexplainable by either or both models.

Here is an interesting, to me, section from Wikipoo on YEC:

This became the foundation of a new generation of young Earth creationist believers, who organized themselves around Morris’ Institute for Creation Research. Sister organizations such as the Creation Research Society have sought to re-interpret geological formations within a young Earth creationist viewpoint. Langdon Gilkey writes:

… no distinction is made between scientific theories on the one hand and philosophical or religious theories on the other, between scientific questions and the sorts of questions religious beliefs seek to answer… It is, therefore, no surprise that in their theological works, as opposed to their creation science writings, creationists regard evolution and all other theories associated with it, as the intellectual source for and intellectual justification of everything that is to them evil and destructive in modern society. For them all that is spiritually healthy and creative has been for a century or more under attack by “that most complex of godless movements spawned by the pervasive and powerful system of evolutionary uniformitarianism”, “If the system of flood geology can be established on a sound scientific basis… then the entire evolutionary cosmology, at least in its present neo-Darwinian form, will collapse. This in turn would mean that every anti-Christian system and movement (communism, racism, humanismlibertarianismbehaviorism, and all the rest) would be deprived of their pseudo-intellectual foundation”, “It [evolution] has served effectively as the pseudo-scientific basis of atheism, agnosticism, socialism, fascism, and numerous faulty and dangerous philosophies over the past century.[46]

  1. Here’s footnote #46:  (Gilkey, 1998, p. 35; quotations from Henry Morris).

There are 3 sources listed in the footnotes by Henry Morris too.


Dr. James Tour speaks about origins of life here:


I hope you check this one out for it appears Dr. James Tour is no scientific lightweight!


Valerie Curren

Thanks Steve 🙂 I didn’t think that You explained the “upright tree” fossil unless you had & I’d already forgotten what you said, like something else we touched on in recent weeks where you reminded me that you’d already discussed that item with me before, but I’d apparently forgotten. My aging brain is Way different than my formerly “steel trap” like memory, BK–Before Kids & ever since Baby Brain did a number on me!

I’m sorry to hear about Dr. James Tour’s woes. I have only heard of him on some Christian radio spots but thought he sounded like he possessed credible scientific credentials so Might be someone who would/could be worth your time digging in 🙂

As far as the sediments happening mostly in roughly one year it could be theoretically possible if the breakup of Pangea was part of the cataclysm of Noah’s Flood, imo. There was that one AIG link I shared a while back when we were talking about the big crater in AZ, I think, where I was speculating that it must have happened Post-Noah because it didn’t appear to possess the type of sediments that would likely be associated with a worldwide flood. I stumbled on some AIG materials that suggested that part of the Natural Processes that were used to generate Noah’s Flood were related to meteors or asteroids where there was a fairly steady bombardment that happened allegedly around the time of The Flood. There was an asteroid/meteor crater in Australia that showed enough flood fill in to make it appear that That crater system was generated more in Noah’s time frame while the one in AZ was not so clearly later.

In skimming by materials on these topics it appears that there is a subset of people who believe Noah’s Flood was an actual historical event & for the most part believe the Scriptures as well. However they consider the Flood to have been basically a local happening instead of a world-wide catastrophic event. Worldwide makes more sense to Me in the event those many “millions of years” of rocks were in fact laid down subsequent to the Flood 🙂

There’s a local Christian Radio guy who is a YEC proponent & has amassed materials on the topic over the years. I’ve occasionally heard him discuss the topic, in part, while driving so I’ve never heard a “full” treatment of his views here. He mentioned something called “verved layers” (I think that’s how it might be spelled) but I haven’t found materials on this topic. Verved was the term he used for how intense amounts of sediments would be laid down in the event of a world-wide catastrophic flood. Supposedly this process has been shown in the lab & also in a “recent” canyon creation, I think, from some TX flooding from some years back.

You discussed the theory behind the concept a bit in your post while pooh-poohing its validity. Basically it suggests that the significant sedimentary layers are created due to the process of these materials settling to the bottom of the flooded areas, the entire world in the Noahic Flood concept, but this settling happening at different rates. This process or concept could help explain the abrupt nature of the ages where species appear &/or disappear in the fossil record. Basically ALL of the fossilized organisms were living at the time of Noah’s Flood & everything on land & in the air that wasn’t on The Ark was killed along with many sea creatures to be sure.

The idea of dinosaurs living at the same time as humans is seeming folly to many people but there is objective evidence that this was, or could have been, the case. That radio guy, Bob Dutko, has spoken of art work by ancient peoples where they are depicting humans interacting with some dinos, like Triceratops, I believe. Also there is a preserved mudflat from antiquity that has human footprints crossing dinosaur footprints so the mud was pliable at roughly the same time. I think those footprints came out of TX too.

One Biblical perspective that argues for the co-existence of humans & dinosaurs is the likelihood that a number of dino species were carnivorous, if you can believe Jurassic Park & the way certain dentition appears to be for consuming flesh. According to scripture in the Garden of Eden ALL creatures were plant eating. God Himself did the first killing in providing Adam & Eve skin garments to replace the Fig Leaves they’d fashioned to cover their nakedness. Sometime after The Fall God allowed the eating of meat & certain animals became carnivores. If dinos lived well before humans this would make God’s words to be a lie in relation to eating meat.

Another issue is the size of dinosaurs that were so large in the fossil record. Scripture describes the Pre-Flood World as having a different atmosphere & likely atmospheric pressure that allowed for larger creatures. I do wonder if anyone has done genetic studies to see if any smaller modern creatures are in fact the same species as were their ancient dino “cousins”. I don’t think I’ve heard that discussed elsewhere so as far as I know it’s my own speculation. Supposedly the First instance of actual rain was when the storm that God promised that would flood the Earth happened. Since then rain is a normal part of our weather patterns but per Scripture that’s not how it was in the Pre-Flood World where it may have operated more like a terrarium 🙂

Valerie Curren

You seem to be advocating for accelerated continental drift and” if I am I was only referring to The Flood & some period of time post flood while the cataclysmic actions that were part of the Flood dynamic & presumed “rapid” breaking apart of Pangea would have settled down over some period of years, possibly decades into centuries, before the geologic processes reached some type of relatively stable equilibrium.

I look forward to your further insights as you have time.

If you read that “varve” paper I shared, I’m partway through now but also need to get some sleep, I’d value your thoughts on it too.

The author is clearly approaching the topic from a YEC viewpoint but attempts some degree of “objectivity” & logic application to the work of others on these ideas.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Steve, hope you get some decent sleep & have a Great week. I appreciate the correction for varve 🙂

Here’s an interesting treatment on Varves I found at AIG 🙂


Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren

I don’t know. That’s basically my whole point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just how fast do you think evolution acts?

I don’t know. That’s basically my whole point.

It’s a great question!

Basically, evolution operates at the speed of reproduction, although at that speed, it may simply idle in place, or under selective pressures, it may result in change and adaptation.

Single-cell organisms reproduce quickly, so they are much easier to catch in the act of evolution, than multi-cellular organisms.

Tortoises and trees can be extremely slow to evolve.

The young-earth creationists (YEC) acknowledge the evolution of single-celled organisms because they have to – because it’s too easily demonstrable.

SO – I will guarantee without even knowing details (i.e., I’m predicting) that there are already examples of evolution of unicellular and low-celled organisms, adapting to the OPPORTUNITY of human pollution.

I would expect fish populations to already be shifting in response to human pollution. We MIGHT begin seeing small changes in multi-cellular species (e.g., presence of certain enzymes) that enable them to survive human pollution better. BUT – it is not likely that we will see truly novel adaptations of multi-cellular organisms for some time. But those changes will come with time. Life will adapt, because it is always adapting – albeit slowly in the case of multicellular organisms.

Please note that some of the major drivers of evolution like you were thinking in your original question, were NEAR-EXTINCTION-LEVEL EVENTS. When conditions have changed on Earth to the point that the environment is toxic, THEN it’s time for big changes to show up.

Gail Combs



In cities and congested suburbs squirrels now run straight across the road. In the country you can still find Zig-zag squirrels who were adapted to 4 footed predators and not four wheel squishers.


Interesting. Thanks for the data.

Gail Combs

It has been interesting to watch. It is one of Hubby’s interests. Since he is older than I he can remember when all squirrels were zig-zag squirrels.

Valerie Curren

zig-zag squirrels” what is that?

I remember as a kid that almost all the squirrels observed in Metro Detroit were Fox Squirrels, with the occasional small Black Squirrel. Now I see what appear to be various interbred versions, large Black Squirrels about the size of Fox Squirrels. Some that appear to be mixed between Red, Gray, Black, & Fox with various features. I’ve seen a large Black bodied, Fox size, with a skinny though Fox colored tail. There are many combinations that were never around before & Way More Black Squirrels downstate than 40+ years ago. Perhaps some of this is the sun minimum you’ve talked of before, as hardiness zones shift South…

Gail Combs

The city squirrels will run straight across a street. This means they are much less likely to get hit by a car compared to a ‘country squirrel’ who zigs back and forth, reversing directions to evade predators.

Both variations are grey squirrels.

Biologist explains why squirrels zig-zag in front of cars, especially in the fallUnfortunately for these manic creatures, their little dances do “absolutely nothing to throw off approaching vehicles,” the scientist says.

If you live in an area with woodland critters, surely you’ve driven down the road and approached a squirrel crossing in front of your car. The squirrel can never seem to make up its mind about which way it wants to go, right? Instead, it bounces back and forth, changing directions several times before hurtling toward the curb…sometimes, unfortunately, right under a passing vehicle.

Why do squirrels perform wild “fake-outs” in front of cars?

Thaddeus McRae is a biologist and squirrel researcher (who even knew that was a career choice?) at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. He told HowStuffWorks that this squiggly herky-jerky is a natural behavior with a specific cause-effect.

“The zig-zag run does seem to function as a way to throw off hawks swooping in for a meal,” McRae explains.

When a predatory bird flies overhead, squirrels do the ol’ this-a-way, that-a-way to confuse their stalkers or even dodge a fatal feathered swoop.

Valerie Curren

TY, I’ve seen both kinds of behavior here in the burbs 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome!

Cuppa Covfefe

Werner Gitt has a number of good books and lectures on that…


This has been an interesting discussion day. Thanks!


There is no need to escape. We have recently discovered an ocean-dwelling bacterium that eats oil and its derivatives.


I did hear about that, way back when there was that huge oil spill in the Gulf of America.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. There are critters that live by the ocean vents which spew crude (let me tell y’all about a bacterium named Jed….) that munch it like mad. And there is a research paper or a few about how bacteria are used to aid in clearing oil slicks and, hmmm, interesting side effect, ate plastic debris as dessert…..

Lots of Greta-the-GangGreenhearted and PETA-sponsored high-school science-fair projects getting shot down by real science….. and real critters (albeit tiny ones 🙂 )…..

Valerie Curren

Someone shared a video here recently about Kary Mullis, perhaps Wolf in his open, & the process of making PCR viable. They found an organism that lived in the Yellowstone hot springs that they were able to use to get a functioning PCR test, so that the heating process necessary could be survived by internal items/organisms instead of heating, washing, reloading w/ working organism/item, heating (organism/item died/not further functional), etc over many cycles. Those extreme heat-tolerant organisms allowed PCR to become economically & chronologically viable processes, iirc…

Gail Combs

That was Wolfie a couple days ago I think.

Valerie Curren

Yes Thx 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Crikey… I saw PCR, and started wondering if the bacteria had tested positive for Corona 🙂

(or Dos Equis, for that matter)….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m just gonna say, this is a phenomenal job of explaining the reality of transitional forms – and the point about being able to predict discovery of tetrapod transitional forms – OH MY – that is a delicious and powerful response to the constant false YEC charge that evolution can’t make predictions!

I think the point that YEC will change goalposts continuously, so that “transitional forms” never exist, is critical in understanding their flat-earth, pseudoscientific nature.

I often make a point about race – that ALL OF US are “mixed race” – continually – and that our only problem is failure to see this in real time.

Well, it’s the same deal with evolution. Everything is transitional forms, always, moving slowly between before and next. It is the calling of things as being fixed that is the origin of flawed thinking.

The main problem of believers is not actually believing that God’s got this.

Gail Combs

These guys are really interesting terms of evolution.

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Understanding the Koala Bear Brain: Beyond the Myth of Stupidity
I can not find the article I really want but this is somewhat similar:

Creativity and Evolution: Learning from the Koala Bear

The koala bear, that cute and cuddly-looking creature inhabiting the native eucalyptus trees of eastern coastal Australia, has many curious aspects to it. For one, it isn’t actually a bear, but a marsupial– like a kangaroo. Furthermore, it has an unusually slow metabolism and spends the majority of its time asleep and motionless. The bulk of the koala’s waking hours is devoted to eating, more specifically, grinding down the tough and bitter eucalyptus leaves into a fine paste before swallowing. And though they may look cute and cuddly, they are actually quiet aggressive, becoming easily stressed when handled by humans, making it illegal to do so except by special permit.

Most curious of all is what’s behind those innocent-looking eyes: an over-sized cranium housing an undersized brain. Furthermore, unlike the brains of other animals that have a corpus callosum, the bridge which allows for communication between the left and the right brain hemispheres, the two hemispheres of the koala have no direct contact with one another. Like two shriveled prunes sitting atop the brain stem, they bob about in a sea of unintelligent cerebrospinal fluid, leaving the koala with the smallest relative brain size of all such furry creatures and the relative intelligence of a snow globe.

Scientists suspect that it was a gradual change in climate that forced the ancestral koala, whose brain filled the whole of their cranium, to adapt its way overtime into an evolutionary cul-de-sac. The continent dried out, the diverse vegetation was replaced by the hearty but protein-poor eucalyptus trees, and the koala bear’s brain shrunk and cleaved itself into isolated halves; the koala took to sleeping for most of the day.


Yep, generations of protein-starvation will cause evolutionary pressures to induce hereditary brain-shrinkage.

Now tell me that the “eat-ze-bugs” WEF doesn’t know this…..

Gail Combs

Actually there is indications that we humans have had about a 10% brain shrinkage from when we were hunter/gather- herders. Too much cereal grains and not enough protein. Also newer research points to physical activity being necessary.

Hunter-gatherer Ancestry May Be Why Our Brains Need ExerciseEvolutionary neuroscience model explains why exercise is so good for your brain.

Robert Baker

Evolutionary neuroscience model explains why exercise is so good for your brain.

Actually, to be a precise scientific statement that sentence should be written as follows: Evolutionary neuroscience model proposes a theory to explain why exercise is so good for your brain.

Gail Combs

It is Psychology Today. Not exactly a high brow scientific journal. 😋


Let me try this with a much shorter answer.

The concept known as Punctuated Evolution, or Punctuated Equilibrium, is a theory in evolutionary biology that suggests species remain relatively stable for long periods, interrupted by brief, rapid changes that lead to the emergence of new species. There are a multitude of examples of Punctuated Evolution . . . many, many instances in a very wide set of disparate circumstances.

Not only do those circumstances vary widely, bur curiously they all have one thing in common: They all happened after “God said . . . “


Thanks! I appreciate your answer!


I think that’s nonsense, plus it insults God.

IIRC Scripture clearly states that there is nothing that was not created by Him. There is no reference to anything like a species changing into another species.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Every particle in the universe – every photon of energy – was a part of creation. That makes every organism (and every other thing) fully created by God, for those who simply choose to state that God created all things in this universe.

In the same way that the Constitution is silent about so much, I don’t find it either necessary or desirable for the Bible to attempt to explain biochemical mechanics to a generation of people who wouldn’t even begin to understand alchemy (basic elements) for several thousand years.

Stated differently, only the Devil would have had any reason to explain genetics to humanity through Moses and the prophets. God was wise enough to have some patience and keep it simple! 😉


Only when you consider both together, being that some of those particles may be turned into energy and some of the energy may become particles along the way….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! “Creation soup”! And that’s even more to the point – that it’s all been changing and interconverting every moment since time, too, began “locally” in this universe.

My challenge to believers who want to be persnickety about “this science is allowed” and “that science isn’t allowed” – show me which part of anything “isn’t from God”!

Gail Combs

If I could I would have you talk to Beep Hobbs. ( Dr. Horton H. Hobbs Jr) I went caving with him in college and helped collect TRANSITIONAL crayfish. He was looking at crayfish moving from sunlit creeks, to the transition zone (entrance) of a cave to the deep dark total blackness deep within the caves where you find albino blind crayfish.

The crayfish fauna of Georgia is well known because of the seminal work of Dr. Horton H. Hobbs Jr. titled The Crayfishes of Georgia (Hobbs 1981). Dr. Hobbs is considered the father of American crayfish work and described about 60% of the Georgia fauna as new species and nearly 40% of all the species found in North America! The Crayfishes of Georgia has been out of print for a long time but is now available online as a pdf from the Smithsonian Institution Press. This volume is full of detailed information on variation within species and is a must for the serious student of Georgia crayfishes. It is also an invaluable reference on species that are more widespread and found in Georgia and adjacent states…. https://georgiawildlife.com/Crayfishes

Normal crayfish female with eggs

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Albino Cave Crayfish

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This one sort of looks like some that I was catching that were in the transition zone.

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All I can think is, good grief, people EAT those ugly things!

Gail Combs

Well yeah. People eat lobster tails too.

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I think some of what is happening with the discussion is a misunderstanding of my problem. I can see there here we have three kinds of crayfish. The assumption appears to be that one of them is halfway between the outside one, and the cave one. In this case, it could be either a) the middle one
“evolved” from light into dark or vice versa; or b) the middle one was created to live in the middle. But that’s not what I’m looking for.

I’m looking for a crayfish evolving into a cave bat.

If all life “evolved” from the primordial, then EVERYTHING came from one original, extremely simple life form. Then more and more complex life forms “evolved.” That means that somehow, something that lived in the ocean became something that flew in the air. I want to see the “halfway” from one to the other.


Lol. If all creatures came from primordial soup, then every creature came from one kind to a completely different kind. That’s the only way it works. Something has to “branch” from swimming to flying, somehow.


Yes, I understand that. Truly, I do. What I am attempting to understand, and still don’t, is how we got to a gazillion different species from a bunch of microbes in the ocean. Since I actually started to really THINK about it, instead of just believing what I have been taught, it makes no sense to me. But that’s ok. I’m still thinking about it.

Gail Combs


Genetic Effects of Radiation in the Offspring of Atomic-Bomb Survivors

What is Mutation Breeding? | IAEA

November 3, 2022 – Plant mutation breeding, also called variation breeding, is a method that uses physical radiation or chemical means to induce spontaneous genetic variation in plants to develop new crop varieties. “Mutation” is the source of most genetic variation and the motor of evolution. It is a natural process, which occurs spontaneously and slowly — over generations — in people, plants, animals and all living beings. It involves alteration of their DNA, leading to the development of changes within the organism. Mutation may be sped up by chemical or physical methods, such as the use of radiation (or “irradiation”), to achieve characteristics that are useful in, for example, agriculture….

Valerie Curren

I thought the “law” of entropy means that things go from Order to Chaos, the exact opposite of evolutionary, especially macro-E, claims!


Entropy means that the system as a whole goes from Order to Chaos, not that every little bit of it does. Each spark of life is making a little bit of Order out of the Chaos — at the cost of having more Chaos overall.


Hmmm. But from what? An asteroid?

Gail Combs

Actually we are bombarded with radiation all the time. AND the amount changes.

The Milky Way Galaxy’s Spiral Arms and Ice-Age Epochs and the Cosmic Ray Connection
The paper:
Cosmic Ray Diffusion from the Galactic Spiral Arms, Iron Meteorites, and a Possible Climatic Connection

There is also the Solar wind which is deflected by earth’s magnetic field. BUT the magnetic field does change in strength and sometimes flips. The decrease in the magnetic field means life on earth would be bombarded with much more radiation possibly leading to an increase in genetic mutations.

Are we about to have a magnetic reversal? | U.S. Geological Survey

September 12, 2016 – We know from paleomagnetic records that the intensity of the magnetic field decreases by as much as ninety percent at the Earth’s surface during a reversal. But those same paleomagnetic records also show that the field intensity can vary significantly


It’s because there are multiple gazillions of ecological niches to be filled. Green algae grows better with more sunlight; brown algae grows better in the shade. They both evolved from olive algae that grew equally poorly in both.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You might really want to take a college zoology class – preferably a big, 5-credit one with a lab, because it will answer your questions. It certainly did mine. Evolution made way more sense after having familiarity with all of the forms of animal life.

The various phyla run the gamut from basically “ordered baskets of cells” all the way to things like us (which are very complex baskets of baskets of cells, one might say), and it is the radiating continuum of things in between that really helps to show how things expanded to the current collections over a very long period of time.


Lol, I did take college courses similar to that. It’s not that I don’t understand what I was taught. It’s that, when I really THINK about it, it makes no sense to me.

I really do understand what evolution is supposed to be, and how it was supposed to have worked. But there are big pieces of information that are missing to me. And no one has yet provided them. Because you can’t, because they don’t exist. People say they do, but they really don’t.

But that’s ok. I’m still thinking about it, which is my brain entertaining itself.


More than that, all life evolved from primordial chemicals floating around in the soup.

Valerie Curren

I used to catch crayfish at my mom’s parents’ lakefront cottage–fun memories!


Headline says it all. No plan to read this article.

Two planes aborted landings at DCA due to helicopters in flight path in week before crash: reportMilitary helicopter flight paths around Reagan National Airport face renewed scrutiny after deadly collision with commercial flight

Gail Combs

Commenters at Market Ticker mentioned an aborted landing the day before.


Yes. I take it that is one of the two addressed above.

Gail Combs

So do I.


Yes. Twitter has been ripe with stories of at least 2 to 3 other mishaps/near misses involving military helos and planes in the few days before the crash.


It would be helpful to know what the report after each incident says…that’s assuming there are incident reports


A guess.

  • Typically no reports. Go Along To Get Along. FAA. DoD. Commonality, FED.

Probably so but there should be. What a mess


Re the air crash.
The controller told the helicopter to pass behind the airliner.
Why would he say that if there should have been (in a correct situation) around 200 feet vertically between the two aircraft.
Was telling the helicopter to pass behind just being extra safe under what he though were normal conditions , or did he know the helicopter was too high.


yes, you’d think he’d add descend or something to that effect and pass behind but I believe it was in that last short leg that helo started to ascend. So that might of been just prior.


That’s my question, and has been. Why didn’t the controller say something like “you’re flying above your ceiling, descend to 200 feet, immediately.”

Cuppa Covfefe

FG&C spoke to that the other day. The tower was not clear as to WHICH airliner was meant (as there were more than one)… I don’t remember his exact words, so it’s better to search for it…


Has anyone asked WHY the military is doing training exercises around civilian aircraft in high traffic areas?

Do they train student drivers at the Brickyard during the Indianapolis 500?


It’s been fun watching the Federal Bureaucracy under the Executive Branch suddenly discover that they are not their own independent government or country – that they work at the pleasure of the President and the people.



Gail Combs

  :wpds_grin:    :pepper:   :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2:   :banana2: 

Valerie Curren

Priceless AND long overdue!


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Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Wherever possible, DC Gulag jailers, including warden, Bureau of Prisons, DOJ and FIB need to be held personally liable for what they have done.

100%, one of these days, we’ll read about firings at Bureau of Prisons, DC Gulag and legal action.

Gotta get Kash confirmed.

The Storm Has Only Started To Intensify.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or a firing….. squad…..

Gail Combs

Yup, I like your solution better. A nice prison some where out in the real RED boonies.




Bannon on the phone with Mike Davis. Things are heating up according to his report.

Today is a very good day because President Trump’s Justice Department is actually delivering justice.

Acting AG Emil Bove is one of President Trump’s former lawyers who has extensive experience with lawfare. He knew just where the bad actors were hiding in the Justice Department.

Those that were the hunters against President Trump are now the hunted.


Be still, my heart.  😍 


Yours Truly suspected this kind of thing would happen: Big Pharma and the health industry bought Sen. Ron Wyden’s (D-OR) upcoming “NO” vote against RFK, Jr., as the new HHS Secretary:

by Martin Armstrong
Yours Truly: Sen. Wyden took in a grand total of $1,263,046 in his recent election campaigns from the health industry and Big Pharma (this is larger than the amount in the Martin Armstrong article), per Yours Truly’s search at opensecrets.org/

But wait, there’s more!
It turns out that the OTHER TWO hostile DemCommunist Senators, in addition to Sen. Wyden, who grilled RFK, Jr., during his testimony — Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI); and, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-C) — WERE ALSO BOUGHT by Big Pharma and the health industry. The article below blows the lid off the situation with these three Senators:

“Senators hostile to RFK Jr. received thousands of dollars from pharma, health PACs”
by Therese Boudreaux
Updated 30 January 2025

Valerie Curren

Hi Steve that was an interesting & fun write up. This illustration might be helpful.

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caption: In the textbooks, the geologic record is correlated to the geologic periods that are alleged to extend over millions of years.

I’m looking at young earth creationist materials to see if I can find that image of the tree growing through “millions” of years of geological layers, which needs rational explaining. I probably need to get some sleep before digging in deeper though.

The image above was found here:


I haven’t read this fully, but by skimming it appears to detail many of the historic personages & viewpoints you touch on above 🙂


Edit: I added in the caption from the above image 😉

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Good grief, they’re annoying.

Valerie Curren

TY Steve 🙂


And Ive seen it every time I leave thevstate. Destroyed the desert just like the windmills outside of palm springs.

11 years after a celebrated opening, massive solar plant faces a bleak future in the Mojave DesertWhat was once the largest solar power plant of its type in the world appears headed for closure just 11 years after opening

LOS ANGELES — What was once the world’s largest solar power plant of its type appears headed for closure just 11 years after opening, under pressure from cheaper green energy sources. Meanwhile, environmentalists continue to blame the Mojave Desert plant for killing thousands of birds and tortoises.The Ivanpah solar power plant formally opened in 2014 on roughly 5 square miles of federal land near the California-Nevada border. Though it was hailed at the time as a breakthrough moment for clean energy, its power has been struggling to compete with cheaper solar technologies.Pacific Gas & Electric said in a statement it had agreed with owners — including NRG Energy Inc. — to terminate its contracts with the Ivanpah plant. If approved by regulators, the deal would lead to closing two of the plant’s three units starting in 2026. The contracts were expected to run through 2039.“PG&E determined that ending the agreements at this time will save customers money,” the company said in a statement on its website.Southern California Edison, which buys the rest of the power from the three-unit plant, is in discussions with owners and the U.S. Energy Department regarding a buyout of its Ivanpah contract.The plant appears likely to become a high-profile loser in the race to develop new types of clean energy in the era of climate change.The Ivanpah plant uses a technology known as solar-thermal, or concentrated solar, in which nearly 350,000 computer-controlled mirrors roughly the size of a garage door reflect sunlight to boilers atop 459-foot towers. The sun’s power is used to heat water in the boilers’ tubes and make steam, which drives turbines to create electricity.NRG said in a statement that the project was successful, but unable to compete with rival photovoltaic solar technology — such as rooftop panels — which have much lower capital and operating costs.Initially “the prices were competitive but advancements over time in photovoltaics and battery storage have led to more efficient, cost effective and flexible options for producing reliable clean energy,” NRG added.A post on the PG&E website said that Ivanpah’s “technology had worked on a smaller scale in Europe.” But over time, it couldn’t match the lower prices of photovoltaic technology.The plant has long been criticized for the environmental tradeoffs that came with large-

scale energy production in the sensitive desert region. Rays from the plant’s mirrors have been blamed for incinerating thousands of birds. Conservation groups tried to stop construction on the site because of threats to tortoises.“The Ivanpah plant was a financial boondoggle and environmental disaster,” Julia Dowell of the Sierra Club said in an email.“Along with killing thousands of birds and tortoises, the project’s construction destroyed irreplaceable pristine desert habitat along with numerous rare plant species,” Dowell said. “While the Sierra Club strongly supports innovative clean energy solutions and recognizes the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels, Ivanpah demonstrated that not all renewable technologies are created equal.”



Solar energy is a money laundering fraud. <<< Chinee approved.

Gail Combs


January 3, 2013  Warren Buffet Buys Antelope Valley Solar Projects for $2.5 Billion

This should sound REAL familiar by now:

L.A. County’s Private Property War
by Mars Melnicoff Thursday, Jun 23 2011

“L.A. County’s War on Desert Rats.”

Many residents insist a clearing-out is under way in these 2,200 square miles of arid land an hour north of L.A., a mountain-ringed valley at the western tip of the Mojave Desert named for elegant pronghorn herds that were all but wiped out by an 1884-94 drought. Their anxiety has prompted conspiracy theories about whether the county has its own plans for their land….

On Oct. 17, 2007, Marcelle opened the door to a loud knock. Her heart jumped when she found a man backed by two armed county agents in bulletproof vests. She was alone in the cabin, a dot in the vast open space of the Antelope Valley, without a neighbor for more than half a mile.

As her ordeal wore on, she heard one agent, looking inside their comfortable cabin, say to another: “This one’s a real shame — this is a real nice one.”

A “shame” because the authorities eventually would enact some of the most powerful rules imaginable against rural residents: the order to bring the home up to current codes or dismantle the 26-year-old cabin, leaving only bare ground.

“They wouldn’t let me grandfather in the water tank,” Jacques Dupuis says. “It is so heart-wrenching because there was a way to salvage this, but they wouldn’t work with me. It was, ‘Tear it down. Period.’ ”

In order to clear the title on their land, the Dupuises are spending what would have been peaceful retirement days dismantling every board and nail of their home — by hand — because they can’t afford to hire a crew.

Tough code enforcement has been ramped up in these unincorporated areas of L.A. County, leaving the iconoclasts who chose to live in distant sectors of the Antelope Valley frightened, confused and livid. They point the finger at the Board of Supervisors’ Nuisance Abatement Teams, known as NAT, instituted in 2006 by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich in his sprawling Fifth District. The teams’ mission: “to abate the more difficult code violations and public nuisance conditions on private property.”

L.A. Weekly found in a six-week investigation that county inspectors and armed DA investigators also are pursuing victimless misdemeanors and code violations, with sometimes tragic results. The government can define land on which residents have lived for years as “vacant” if their cabins, homes and mobile homes are on parcels where the land use hasn’t been legally established. Some have been jailed for defying the officials in downtown Los Angeles, while others have lost their savings and belongings trying to meet the county’s “final zoning enforcement orders.” Los Angeles County has left some residents, who appeared to be doing no harm, homeless….

Gail Combs

We only get white tail deer.


Got that right. When all those windmills went up in cabazin and desert hot springs everyone thought theyd be great. Until they werent. And theyve been rotting, killing all the wildlife for decades

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sierra Club – STILL MORONS.

“While the Sierra Club strongly supports innovative clean energy solutions and recognizes the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels, Ivanpah demonstrated that not all renewable technologies are created equal.”

recognizes the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels



Maybe he would be happier … on Mars. It just so happens Elon Musk … cough 😬🤫🤨😃


Aw shucks I meant to post that to Pat’s comment. It’s a good thing I don’t have the nuclear codes .. 🫢🙄😑🤚


me neither! i would put them is a safe place and then promptly forget where that was…LOL


So long as the football is chained to his wrist. 😂

Imagine his annual evaluation. One and only accomplishment over one full year.

  • Never lost the football.
Gail Combs

Don’t laugh we had the son of a friend of Mom’s stay overnight one night. He had a briefcase chained to his wrist the entire time.

He was a courier for the military.


one day, after I pass, someone is gonna find little notes EVERYWHERE that say cryptic things like: under the table runner or in the junk drawer and have no idea what i put there. cuz when i retrieve something, i forget about the note…LOL


That is hilarious.

Almost worth creating little cryptic notes, as a humor check.


i will be laughing hysterically in heaven watching the scavenger hunt for the… white out…lol

Cuppa Covfefe

Or sorting the ones that are there, and putting them in different spots 😆  😈  🙃 


I moved into a house, during college, where a much older lady had lived. There were little notes all over. Under light switch, receptacle etc covers. Under drawer and shelf liners. They all just described her moment in time. The sky is a nice blue today and it’s war.


meant warm.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well, both could be true 😀

AND logic and all…


Thats fun. Start adding a picture to each one or some random number and theyll really have fun.

Gail Combs


Cuppa Covfefe

They should be clubbed….

A baby walrus sidles into a bar..
Bartender asks, “What would you like?”
Walrus replies, “Anything but a Canadian Club” 😀

Gail Combs



Unfortunately. At least they occasionally turn the light on upstairs.


Every time i drive, desert and ocean are the 2 pleasant drives when i dont see sprawl. Except forvthis stuff. 🥴


There is no urgent need.

Gail Combs

The ‘urgent need’ is to FINALLY have children taught the truth instead of the crap they are now fed.

Cuppa Covfefe

Finally. An end to the “streamers”…..


February 1, 2025 11:40 am

Governor of California Gavin Newsom decided to slash $100 million from this year’s fire prevention budget, while directing $3 billion into free healthcare for illegal immigrants, all at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. pic.twitter.com/Uf5cNB7gyT

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) February 1, 2025

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Newscum absolutely deserves to be in prison.

Gail Combs

How about manslaughter charges?


He stole some idea about capturing water for this incoming atmospheric river from POTUS. He’ll f it up im sure.


Photo of beautiful water flow that I just opened in California. Today, 1.6 billion gallons and, in 3 days, it will be 5.2 billion gallons. Everybody should be happy about this long fought Victory! I only wish they listened to me six years ago – There would have been no fire! pic.twitter.com/Oaz92ZeiTh

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 31, 2025

Barb Meier



February 1, 2025 12:30 pm

And they’ll like it!

🚨BREAKING: President Trump said Venezuela has agreed to take all illegal immigrants deported from the U.S.

— Cash Casey (@cassiuscasey) February 1, 2025

So grateful God nudged that bullet for all of us.


February 1, 2025 12:21 pm

This morning I ordered precision Military air strikes on the Senior ISIS Attack Planner and other terrorists he recruited and led in Somalia. These killers, who we found hiding in caves, threatened the United States and our Allies. The strikes destroyed the caves they live in, and killed many terrorists without, in any way, harming civilians. Our Military has targeted this ISIS Attack Planner for years, but Biden and his cronies wouldn’t act quickly enough to get the job done. I did! The message to ISIS and all others who would attack Americans is that “WE WILL FIND YOU, AND WE WILL KILL YOU!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Has the notoriou traitor Ilhan Omar objected yet?


Apparently she’s still out on the street looking for Hakeem Jeffries not aware he’s apologized for and withdrawn his threat. She’ll get the news when she returns home.

Valerie Curren

Use a lighter AND follow the blue flame!


Wolf Moon
Yours Truly hasn’t found anything online yet from Omar. Possibly she’s waiting for talking points from CAIR.


Demanding brother.

Barb Meier

Timeline Cleanse

Amy Bragg Photography

January 29 at 9:36 AM 


Common Loon 

There is nothing ‘common’ in my opinion about these gorgeous birds. Their striking black & white patterning along with their red eye makes them a favorite… paired with a couple of fluffy chicks– pure sweetness. 


every spring, i wait patiently for the wood ducks to come back to the pond!
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Gail Combs

Definitely a favorite!

Barb Meier

Oh they are so beautiul, thanks for sharing Pat!!


What a gorgeous creature!


h/t Filly

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Here’s Johnny! 😁



First, Johnny — then Kash….




February 1, 2025 12:50 pm

A transgender Antifa militant who was radicalized by Reddit planned for over a month to kill Scott Bessent, Pete Hegseth and Donald Trump in a vehicular-based and knife hybrid attack. pic.twitter.com/wZslFVmEzE

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) January 31, 2025


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Fortunately for the looney tune he/she can now skip over wish 1 and wish 2 and make his/her way straight to wish 3.


That’s not very nice.


From the latest Quinnipiac poll.

When a picture says 10,000 words….across a number of topics…

comment image


Bodes well for America. Hope the trend continues.


Yes, poll has the potential to get worse for the Demonrats. If they were honest with themselves it should leave them sleepless at night.


“If they were honest with themselves…”


No danger of that 😂


One thing I find very interesting…

Note who, in aggregate, is the one (1) group propping up the democrap party, preventing it’s well-deserved, total collapse.

And, what does the collective wisdom of human history, to say nothing of God’s own Word, have to say on this topic?

Hint: they know better than anyone, as well as all the reasons why. Getting them to collectively “own it”, however, is another matter altogether.

Here’s the thing…

It’s all right there, in black and white. Undeniable, and inarguable. Today’s fact, highlighting the truth of ancient wisdom.


Paging Scott. 😄


How did I get dragged into this?

I was just sittin’ here minding my own business, rockin’ out to the new Helen Reddy’s Greatest Hits album 😁

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Robert Baker

I can just hear her now.

I am woman, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an’ pretend
‘Cause I’ve heard it all before
And I’ve been down there on the floor
And no one’s ever gonna keep me down again
Yes, I am wise
But it’s wisdom born of pain
Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I’ve gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am woman
You can bend but never break me
‘Cause it only serves to make me
More determined to achieve my final goal
And I come back even stronger
Not a novice any longer
‘Cause you’ve deepened the conviction in my soul
Yes, I am wise
But it’s wisdom born of pain
Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I’ve gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am woman
I am woman, watch me grow
See me standing toe to toe
As I spread my lovin’ arms across the land
But I’m still a little embryo
With such a long, long way to go
Until I make my brother understand
Oh yes, I am wise
But it’s wisdom born of pain
Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I’ve gained
If I have to, I can face anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am woman
I am woman
I am invincible
I am strong
I am woman
I am invincible
I am strong
I am woman
I am woman
Songwriters: Ray Burton, Helen Reddy. For non-commercial use only.


You know it, brother.

Sing it loud and sing it proud! 👍😁

Cuppa Covfefe

I am WYMYN, hear me roar… 😆



I would like to see the poll if Christian women were broken out as their own group. It would be quite different, I suspect.


From what I’ve read, the helo training from base near Reagan airport is anything but what I’d call ‘routine’. It is primarily COG (continuation of gov’t) whereby those helos would be part of any mission to extract gov’t officials in whatever crisis might dictate such action.

If that is true, what I find curious is why there would ever be commercial planes in the air during their training. Reagan airport would certainly be among the first, in a crisis, where all commercial flights would be grounded or quickly diverted to another airport.

In addition, Dulles – though not as convenient – seves DC. As threats & crisis amid global terror have grown, why has Reagan commercial business not been curbed to allow military training hours? It astounds me that a flight from Podunk Wichita KS is still being routinely serviced at an airport where safety is so severely at risk with every flight.

Reagan was, and continues to be, a white-knuckle flight because of its proximity to Potomac (I hated flying in there) and little room for error – and that is BEFORE adding the challenges of helos coming in from a different direction with night goggles & city lights. Good grief!!



COG – Continuity of Government training should be in “off hours.”

NOT intermixed with busy commercial traffic, operating in tight corridors AND tightly controlled air space.

Fixed wing at Reagan National don’t bother me. Helo operating along the Potomac adjacent to Reagan National and finals for landing DO. Recipe for disaster.

  • Exhibit One delivered with a bang a few days ago.
  • AC diverted due to helos NOT flying in their assigned air space, to go around prolly happening weekly. Totally unacceptable.

Deconflicting this nonsense is not terribly difficult. Holding Army “leadership” and pilots, mandatory.


As a pilot with over 6,000 hrs of turbine jet flight experience, I disagree.

Btw…the helo routes in DC have been safely operated for decades, including the one involved in this accident.

Also, “go arounds” are common and a natural part of aviation safety. It is a FALLACY to view a go-around as an undesirable event….but, as in so much of aviation, a commonly misunderstood thing by the public-at-large.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Thanks Steve.

Part 91 is the “part” of the FARs (Federal Air Regulations) that deal with “General Aviation”, such as private pilots. This is the first step one takes in aviation as a non-military person.

Part 135 deals with “on demand” commercial operations (eg. charter), while Part 121 deals with scheduled commercial operations (eg. air carriers, ie. Delta, Southwest, etc). The latter is the most scrutinized and demanding.

As you know, logging flight hrs is a requirement, and the TYPE of flight hrs is a key consideration when discussing merit of experience.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

You disagree. That’s OK. Happens a lot around here. As it should. Typically, ideally with helpful, informed dialogue.

Everyone contributes some combination of experience, knowledge, insights, wisdom, opinion, gut instincts, common sense…
Not this time. Beyond childish arrogant challenge, nothing.   :insane: 

Feel free to state reality as you see it. Inform, educate, whatever.

Me. Always will to learn, consider other perspectives… Even agree to disagree. Including with the resident PIC, in PICs off duty hours.


“Reagan was, and continues to be, a white-knuckle flight because of its proximity to Potomac”


I beg your pardon, but this is pure, undiluted, grade A emotive pablum.

The last fatal accident at KDCA was Air Florida Flt 90, Jan 13, 1982, over FORTY (40) years ago.


what I find curious is why there would ever be commercial planes in the air during their training.

A: Because people CAN chew gum and fly at the same time, safely.

What happened was an unfortunate accident, which most commercial pilots I’ve spoken with…personally (over 2 dozen in the last 48 hrs)…agree was caused by poor ATC communications with the aircraft involved (btw, a helicopter is also an “aircraft”).

Commercial flight in the US has NEVER been more safe than it is today, and while there ARE problems that need to be addressed, air safety today is INCREDIBLY more safe than ever, especially when compared to past decades.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

I think I pretty plainly stated it was MY white knuckle emotion. And I have nothing but respect for airline pilots and air traffic controllers.

Reports of two near-misses necessitating the planes go around to avoid helos in recent days prior to this accident don’t fill me with any confidence in the safety of this airport. Agree there were poor communications, and other errors.

While I acknowledge and appreciate your safety statistics, there’s a human emotional factor that cannot be ignored. Reasonable people can question why nothing changes at Reagan.


With all due respect…

As a deeply experienced pilot, I assure you we train hard to ignore human emotional factors, because they invariably lead to fatal errors.

And there is nothing “reasonable” about asking why nothing changes at Reagan when the last accident there was over 40 years ago and, moreover, had nothing to do with a helicopter.

As (most) everyone knows by now, and as POTUS himself highlighted, this accident was most likely caused by ATC communication error…not because helos fly in proximity to jets in DC. And, this communication error (ie. human factor….vs procedural, etc) might have itself been the result of poor FAA hiring practices and priorities implemented under Obama.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Rhetorical. Interesting, elevation is left out. This and other posts. NBFD. Interesting.

Typically, there are commonly a series of events / data points contributing to disasters.

  • One or more Not happening, could have or would have averted the disaster.

Moving on.


Interesting, eh?

See below

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

FG& C – You misunderstood – I did not mean human factors in your industry. I KNOW you are highly trained professionals. I was talking about we who are not in the industry who have human factors like … fear … these days.

I haven’t disagreed with your facts, and respectfully I’m done with this thread now.


In spite of all the possible reasons for the accident, I still wonder about the diversion to 33. Who might have needed to use the main runway at that time to force the diversion and could that enter into the issue?


Could of been a hold up on the ground.

If we go totally nefarious we could say better way to make the target stand out. Better way to claim ATC’s attention was split between runways.


Likely to allow a departing jet to take off

Valerie Curren

The helo flying well above it’s 200′ designated ceiling is a Huge Issue!


Common sense says there is a huge problem. I believe you know it. I know it. Betting all, perhaps save one, knows this.

  • We’ve known this for years.
  • Damn lucky we have not had more collisions, crashes…

FAA / ATC management hiring priorities, over worked ATCs. No idea if training has been watered down.

That helo squadron, aircraft screwed up royal. Based on couple other helos, aircraft causing go around this past week. Indicative of some combination of squadron leadership problem, training, qualifications… If helos are from different squadrons, that brings on more concerns. No idea if maintenance plays into this. Certainly will be looked at.

Besides emotion, I believe you cited common sense.


These other instances of screw ups may well have been someone testing the limits of what might be tolerated before the final show. Rehearsals are important part of all ops. 😉

Gail Combs

Remember that “Progressives” aka Fabians believe in the slowly boiling frog method. Allowing things to get worse gradually so it is not noticeable except by older folk who can then be shouted down.


Just a note on the COG thing in relation to my cheap theory about Ukrainian pilots. Ukraine might want to be getting practice on such mission too at about this time. 😮
Wanting to do such they might of fenagled there way to getting to practice such a mission.

Meanwhile I’ll add the elevation separation provides max safety for all concerned if it’s adhered too. I still don’t understand why it was not. Maybe someone can help with that?

The pilot has said to have been the instructor of the co-pilot. Does the driving instructor allow for vehicle to drive off road?

Gail Combs

In this case yes. Out of corridor and out of allowed altitude. That is why I was wondering about a computer hack.


Some key questions:

At what altitude did the aircraft collide?

A: 400 ft

What was the ceiling of the helo route?

A: 200 ft

Was the jet where it was supposed to be?

A: Yes. It was at 400’, exactly where it was supposed to be at that point in the approach to land Rwy 33.

Is a 200 ft buffer considered safe for aircraft separation?

A: No

Why not?

A: Because even thought there may be a published altitude ceiling (or floor), flight conditions can easily cause altitude deviations during flight by even the most experienced pilots. This is because the air is not static. For example. there were very gusty winds (lulls followed by strong gusts) that were present when this accident took place.

Did the helo pilots know that the PSA jet had been diverted from landing the Rwy “in use”, from Rwy 1 (in yellow), which did not intersect helo Route 4, to Rwy 33 (in blue), which did?

A: No.

Whose responsibility was it to inform the helo crew of this operational change?

A: The tower controller

In light of this failure to communicate the operational change to this one aircraft, changing it and only it to land Rwy 33, who should have instructed the PSA jet to “go around” as soon as he saw a potential conflict (vs. issuing a “see and avoid” instruction to the helo)?

A: The tower controller

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Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

When speaking about the 200 ft buffer. I’m not buying that. The buffer has been fool proof until now. Winds have been around along time. As you said, 40yrs no accident at this location and the last was not a helo. When winds come your action should be more attention, not less, both the pilot and co pilot. If winds were ever an issue we’d see more accidents not less and you don’t drive off the road.

I understand a this will fall on the ATCs but I’ll remain firmly holding the belief that this was a deliberate crash and not an accident. Remote like Gail rightfully suggests or by a human actor which comes into play with a Trans co-pilot or a possible Ukrainian. A motive can be ascribed to each.


When speaking about the 200 ft buffer. I’m not buying that.

How much actual flight experience at the controls of an plane or helicopter do you have?

And, do you think that is a reasonable, objective, and fair question?

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Like I said, winds are nothing new. Helos and planes have been flying in that airspace since WWII. Hundreds a day if not more, together getting along just fine. Explain better.


I’m sorry, but your vid not take into account malevolent actors.
As such I’m going to continue to feel comfortable disagreeing.


IF it was deliberate…the fact that plane was changed to different runway at the last minute…so if it was a helo hack the ‘hackster’ would’ve anticipated the change? Or a hackster would necessarily need to be watching every flight every minute to take advantage of an opportunity.

Same with a nutjob helo pilot…he/she would be looking for that one in a hundred circumstance to make their “statement” by crashing?

All that said…there have been way too many false flags and other mass killings that we did notice the anomalies and were sure there was bad actors directing the show..so ??

Gail Combs

Read my Operation Gladio Article. There are ‘terrorist’ teams seeded throughout the USA and Europe. They are run under the direction of NATO and the CIA and they are NOT pro-American.


The evil is ‘on’ 24/7 it seems

Gail Combs

Yes it is. But you can not defeat evil if you do not correctly ID it first.


You don’t know what you don’t know, same as the rest of us.

When speaking about the 200 ft buffer. I’m not buying that. The buffer has been fool proof until now.

my experienced suspicion is that standard DCA tower procedure is to close helo Route A when approaches to Rwy 33 is in use. It was not “in use” that night (Rwy 1 was) and the clearance to the PSA flight was an aberration the on-duty controller did not handle properly.


That makes too much sense. First it’s been posted that I know of.

Would be good to know if that was standard procedure. Close Route A, if RWY 33 in use. Guess we’ll know as information trickles out.

Leads to so many more questions regarding the helo / ATC.


Comments on the ATC are fine.
The thing on the 200ft buffer is that it is with great confidence a sufficient distance to compensate for wind and allow A/C to pass safely. I know your not going to say it needs to be 300ft.


Since you’re online would you answer a question unrelated to this?

I’ve flown a lot in my lifetime but recently it seems like frequently the pilots shut everything down, seat belts on, no going to restroom because of turbulence.
Has turbulence increased or is it courtesy to the crew being harder to provide drinks or is because society at large is so sue happy?

I always remembered a lot of turbulence but unless it was severe everybody dealt with it either ignoring it or staying in their seats. Now with the slightest bump and the warnings passengers get all worried and I keep wondering if I’m nuts because I’m not too worried about it.


Sue happy. And woke HR departments.

Everyone is a victim these days. See: the lady who spilled hot coffee over herself but successfully sued McDonald’s for it.

As I stated in another thread….these days, pilots aren’t paid for their flight skills as much as they are to take the blame and be the “fall guy” when something goes wrong.

Someone gets up, the plane his unexpected turbulence and they fall and hits their elbow, then blame the pilots for not having the seat belt sign on instead of blaming themselves for getting up and not being more careful.

I know guys who never turn off the seat belt sign regardless of the flight conditions and how long the flight is for this very reason. And I don’t blame them one bit.


Thank you very much. I figured that it was mostly due to liability.

Gail Combs

Sue happy & liability has muck up a lot of things. I can not have the neighbors kids over to ride my ponies because of it, cavers have a tough time getting permission to cave….


It’s so annoying.

Way back in the day I was on a flight with full meal service even in the peon coach seating. It was really bumpy. LOL..food went flying and a couple of overhead compartments flew open. I’ll never forget it.
If that happened now with all the cry babies…half the passenger list would have a nice little extra in their savings account.
Boy, those were the days. Flight attendants are so sour now, all smiles when ya board but later my goodness you’d think that asking for another teeny tiny cup of water is equal to pulling out the giant food cart of yesteryear!


Short of take off, landing, food/beverage service and actual turbulence, get up.

Seat belt sign on cuz they forgot, are busy, or simply PIC CYA. As alluded to slightly up or down.

Not finding fault or criticizing. Reality.

Get up. Go tinkle. Stretch your legs. Ask flight attendant for drink, snack…

Robert Baker

Working with the public takes a special kind of disposition. Sadly, many people find, after training for a job, that they are not that special kind.

Gail Combs

And it is getting hard and harder as manners become extinct.


No surprise here. USG funding the enemy.
Top Treasury Official Announces Resignation — Comes at the Same Time Elon Musk and DOGE Team Discover Treasury Is Funding Terrorist Groups


DOGE needs better rodent traps so they don’t get away.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yer gonna need a bigger trap…

Gail Combs

More of a tiger pit complete with poisoned punji sticks

Valerie Curren



Thank you so much for the Geology lesson today!

Years ago (we’re talking 30+ years), Yours Truly would take her son to the old Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh while on visits to my parents. We would go through the old “Dinosaur Room”, the old “Architecture Hall”, and the old special room set aside for the geology history of coal in Pennsylvania. The old Museum Shop had things like Trilobite fossils for sale (I bought one for my son; he may still have it.)

The old Carnegie Museum had other really nifty places to see, too. If one used the “back stairs” to go up to the old top (third) floor of the museum, there were tons of almost-never-visited exhibits to feast the eyes on:

— Cases of stuffed / taxidermied specimens of birds, insects, and snakes. There was even a taxidermied Dodo bird in a glass case!
— Cases of carefully-crafted dummies of Native Americans who once lived around the Pittsburgh area (the Monogahela, the Shawnee, and the Seneca), in costume. There were large, printed cards in these cases, describing their lives.
— Cases of other “curiosities.”
— There was even a very old, falling-apart Town Carriage of the Comte de Toulouse (an illegitimate son of King Louis XIV of France), complete with tattered upholstery and traces for the horses, completely open to be poked by visitors!

A hallway leading to the “other back stairs” down to the regular Museum had a complete “Horological History” in glass cases affixed to the walls. There were all kinds of clocks, watches, sundials, and other timekeeping pieces in these cases.

All of these things apparently went away in the early 1990s, when the old Carnegie Museum merged with the old Buhl Planetarium and the “Andy Warhol Museum” was established.

Last edited 1 month ago by PAVACA


Hope your son has the Trilobite fossil. Great keepsake and superb t share with his children. Pass down.  

“All of these things apparently went away by the early 1990s…”

Hope they are on display somewhere, not relegated to a warehouse of sorts. Never to be appreciated by the public.


Same reason why I’d like them to leave Egypt alone. 😉


Somehow the pyramids survived WW1 and WW2. I’ve never figured out why they were spared.


I’m recalling that the outer layer covering the pyramids is gone. All we have seen is the blocks under that layer. Is that right? Oh, and didn’t the Germans machine gun the face of a sphinx or something?


Speculation identified as speculation is better than speculation asserted as fact. 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

His spurs damaged the Duport Stradivarius cello (the marks are still there)… Rostropovich (among others) joked about it… fortunately it didn’t affect the sound or structure…. although it appeared to be a real bout at the time… 🙂


True. Cantor Fitzgerald was on the top [or near top] floor of WTC north. Almost all of its senior management was killed on 9/11.

It is still active today and in good shape economically.

Valerie Curren

& it’s tardy on 9-11 so therefore surviving leader just faced Senate scrutiny for his Trumpian appointment, blanking on his name though…

Gail Combs

And some of them are in my attic… Cavers tend to be rock collectors and fossil collectors and even geologists.

Gail Combs

Actually the caving clubs I belonged to was littered with geologists.

Valerie Curren

My aunt has a table about 4′ X 3′ X 6″ with a stone slab of trilobites she & my uncle acquired on one of their many outdoor adventures, perhaps mountaineering. I hope it stays in the family & if neither of her daughters or grandkids want it that we might get it a new home at my parents’ cottage 🙂

Valerie Curren

Some of what you described there was/is very similar to things we saw at the University of Michigan’s Museum of Natural History, we nicknamed The Dinosaur Museum. It was always a treat to take the kids there & marvel at the many wonders. The old school vibe in the back halls reminded me of Professor Indiana Jones’ classroom in the Raiders movie 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure if true or relevant. One more tip for the pile!

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Ed Williams


One of Michelle Obama’s former staffers who went to Harvard law in 2016 was on that plane. They are stacking them up in last few years. Almost as dangerous to be friends with as Hillary.

9:27 PM · Jan 31, 2025



This was my first thought.
WHO is on that plane (that is inconvenient for people with no conscience).

Cuppa Covfefe

Could also be what… as in “interesting” cargo… cases of evidence, perhaps…


Today’s Coffee & Covid:


Even Jeff is having a hard time keeping up with the fire hose!  😅 

Gail Combs

very nice round-up. Thanks for bring him to my attention.



No wonder we get so many emails from that Nigerian with requests to invest in his crooked scams. 😂

On a serious note, a comment shows that this same Nigerian used to be a Black Rock mucky muck.


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DOGE CLOCK JUST HIT 45.892… BILLION AND IT’S MOVING FAST – having a hard time keeping up to post this!


Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL

Close to the $4B / day, read elsewhere.


Likely 40B a day. Did you mistype? 😮


IDK. After they invaded the Office of Personnel and Management it might just be for real.


Yes. That’s my story. Thanks for the assist. 🙃

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

Good grief. I thought we solved that problem 40 years ago when the Pentagon Papers were released and we learned about things like 600 dollar hammers.

And what’s this?

$37 screws, a $7,622 coffee maker, $640 toilet seats; : suppliers to …Jul 30, 1986The book also lists a claw hammer sold by Gould Simulation Systems to the Navy for $435. In the picture it looks like the kind you can buy at any hardware store for $10.

I guess were doomed to repeat this stuff. Chase the bad out, but don’t watch it and it creeps right back in.

Valerie Curren

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Made me laugh.

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Cuppa Covfefe

Just think what a stir that would cause at a five-year-old’s birthday… 😀

Gail Combs

Depends on how much the child like meatloaf and mashed taters.


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Gail Combs

Case in point:

A fellow chemist went to a one room school house in up state NY. NOTHING wrong with his education. Had zero problem getting into a decent university.


February 1, 2025 4:51 pm

Richard Grenell
It is not lost on me that most of the DC media failed to tell the truth about their partnership with the Biden Regime.
Why else would they not criticize the failure of the Biden Administration to even visit Americans in prison in Venezuela?
The diplomatic standard is a wellness check, at least. These 6 Americans had ZERO help from Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken or Jake Sullivan.
Donald Trump freed them on Day 11.

It is not lost on me that most of the DC media failed to tell the truth about their partnership with the Biden Regime.

Why else would they not criticize the failure of the Biden Administration to even visit Americans in prison in Venezuela?

The diplomatic standard is a… pic.twitter.com/k3Mr5MFET2

— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) February 1, 2025


In no way is legacy media hated and loathed anything close to what it deserves.

Gail Combs

Except for select individuals like us who KNOW how EVIL the Fake News is.


American Stories on the Declaration of Independence signers Part 5 will be posted around 3 AM.

A bit of humor – I have a regular subscription of a supplement that is sent every couple of months from a warehouse facility here in TN. The following is the USPS tracking in reverse order.


Fri, Jan 31, 2025
10:07 AM
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Knoxville Tn Distribution Center
Fri, Jan 31, 2025
7:55 AM
In Transit to Next Facility
Fri, Jan 31, 2025
3:58 AM
Departed USPS Facility
Palmetto, GA, 30268
Thu, Jan 30, 2025
5:50 PM
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Atlanta Ga Distribution Center
Thu, Jan 30, 2025
12:51 PM
Arrived at USPS Facility
Palmetto, GA, 30268
Thu, Jan 30, 2025
9:18 AM
In Transit to Next Facility
Thu, Jan 30, 2025
6:32 AM
In Transit to Next Facility
Thu, Jan 30, 2025
4:16 AM
Departed USPS Regional Facility
Memphis Tn Distribution Center
Wed, Jan 29, 2025
6:35 AM
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
Memphis Tn Distribution Center
Wed, Jan 29, 2025
5:20 AM
Accepted at USPS Regional Destination Facility
Knoxville Tn Distribution Center
Tue, Jan 28, 2025
10:12 AM
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Smyrna, TN, 37167
Mon, Jan 27, 2025
9:35 PM
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Smyrna, TN, 37167
Mon, Jan 27, 2025
7:58 PM
Picked Up By Shipping Partner, USPS Awaiting Item
Portland, TN, 37148


Good thing I didn’t need it anytime soon. I hope PDT and Elon get around to that bunch in short order.

Last edited 1 month ago by TradeBait2

Same scenario happens every time I order Vitamin I.

Gets within 200 miles at a reasonable pace. Then bounces around for literally a week. Commonly day to day within 50 miles of my home. Address on the package is perfect.

USPS really needs to be privatized. And my next Vit I order, needs to be shipped via FedEx or UPS.

Valerie Curren

Good grief…


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Shouldn’t they step down? Be expelled? Recalled?


I wonder…does she still have her clearance?


If so, likely not for long.

Entire J6 unselect committee should lose their clearance.

Valerie Curren

Liz Cheney, I think, instead of Lynne 🙂 Deep State Dark “Diva”  😡 


PR, Appreciate the humor check.

Step down. Each of these dirtbags has no integrity. Should, but won’t happen.

Expelled. One Big Club, taking care of it’s own.

Recall. No grass roots movement.


Should lose their clearance and committee assignments if clearance required.


Evening Prayer For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,

Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers

Evening Prayer For Future Guidance

Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,

Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers

Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,

Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers

Last edited 1 month ago by holly

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Capt. Rebecca M. Lobach, of Durham, North Carolina, was assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion in Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and had served since July 2019, the Army said in a statement.

“Rebecca was a warrior and would not hesitate to defend her country in battle … Rebecca was many things. She was a daughter, sister, partner, and friend. She was a servant, a caregiver, an advocate. Most of all she loved and was loved. Her life was short, but she made a difference in the lives of all who knew her.”

Lobach was a decorated service member, whose accolades include the Army Commendation Medal, the National Defense Service Medal and the Army Service Ribbon. According to her family, she graduated within the top 20% of ROTC cadets nationwide.

Lobach also served as a White House social aide during the Biden administration. Last month, she escorted Ralph Lauren through the White House when he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, according to CBS…

…The Army captain had more than 450 hours of flight time under her belt at the time of the tragedy — and had earned certification as a pilot-in-command under the guidance of the “most senior and experienced pilots in her battalion,” according to her family.

The decision to release her name came “at the request of and in coordination with the family,” according to the statement.

“We are devastated by the loss of our beloved Rebecca. She was a bright star in all our lives,” her family said in a statement released by the Army.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No obvious smoking guns so far……

Questions remain…….

Gail Combs

Durham is an extremely left town. I wonder which college she went to .


They delayed announcing pilot’s identity until AFTER her social media was scrubbed. Why?

Gail Combs

I am betting she was assigned to duty at the White House and this flight was needed as a ‘qualifying’ flight. I think she was ‘rusty’

Barb Meier

Lobach also served as a White House social aide during the Biden administration. Last month, she escorted Ralph Lauren through the White House when he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, according to CBS…

Gail Combs

She served since July 2019 so for 5 years averaging ~90 flying hours per year.

The Daily Mail has more info.

Lobach had worked as a White House aide during the Biden administration and had served as an aviation officer in the Army from July 2019 until January 2025. 

Lobach began her career in the United States Army as a distinguished military graduate in Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, [THINK RALPH BARIC -GC]

She achieved the rank of Captain, having twice served as a Platoon Leader and as a Company Executive Officer in the 12th Aviation Battalion, Davison Army Airfield, Fort Belvoir, Virginia…

‘Both pilots had flown this specific route before at night — this wasn’t something new to either one of them,’ he said.

‘These are our top pilots doing this National Capital Region.’

I am wondering how much time she spent at the White House and how much time she spent the last couple years flying.

Last edited 1 month ago by Gail Combs

She worked IN Biden’s White House.
Easy to imagine hacking is possible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Between her base supposedly being CIA-connected, and close contact with Bidenoids, there is opportunity for bad stuff.

Gail Combs

Also Durham is not that far from Fort Bragg…

A lot of the Gladio training was done at Fort Bragg [NC] and Fort Benning. [Columbus, Georgia, Alabama border area] And there was an explosive school just north of the Rio Grande above Brownsville TX. 👉The assassination [training] was done at Fort Bragg.👈

(time 1:20:30) Operation Gladio & Colonel Towner PART 1

And just north of Ft Bragg is Pope.

Pope Field, Military Base | Military.com

Pope Field, one of the busiest bases in the Air Mobility Command, is located in the Fayetteville, North Carolina area. They are home to Air Force units from five separate MAJCOMs


She’s a 30-year-old female. Which antidepressant was she taking?


from her pictures, oxytocin?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. I hate to say it, but yeah – the numbers are with that question!


Yes, they sure are.


Thankfully I missed this bit of Warnock ignorance.

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Task & Purpose Logo

News Military Branches Army
Army Black Hawk pilot killed in mid-air collision remembered as a ‘volunteer patriot’
Army Capt. Rebecca Lobach, 28, was in the top 20% of all ROTC cadets nationwide in her class and then served as an aviation officer from 2019 to 2025. She was assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion.

Lobach served as an aviation officer from January 2019 to January 2025, according to the Army. She was assigned to the 12th Aviation Battalion at Ft Belvoir, Virginia, and her awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal and Army Service Ribbon.

Originally from Durham, North Carolina, Lobach enlisted in the North Carolina National Guard as a Simultaneous Membership Program cadet in December 2018 and was commissioned the following summer through her college ROTC program, said her friend 1st Lt. Samantha Brown.

Brown, who is assigned to a special operations unit, described Lobach as a “volunteer patriot.”


Read several write-ups about her. She sounds like she excelled in her career so right now I don’t see her as automatically deficient because she was female…meaning not our image of a DEI hire


Agree. Nothing stands out, that I’ve seen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This makes the excess altitude seem even weirder.


It does.

The video yesterday analyzing the flight showed they went to 600′, then dropped to 200′. So, I am content they knew 200′ AGL.
Cockpit error by two “experienced” pilots.   :wpds_unamused:  ATC…   :wpds_unamused: 


Ever see a bird flying in gusty wind conditions?

you are a scientist.

what happens to the lift quotient of a wing when a strong gust of air hits it?


is the air steadier and more constant close to the ground, or higher up?

Gail Combs

Also you have the river. That can change the local air pressure.


As you are our expert, and this makes sense to me, the question I have is WHY on Earth are helicopters flying around in civilian fixed-wing aircraft landing patterns? Sorry, I realize I’m not a pilot, but this just seems insane to me.

I know they are “practicing” for continuity of government. But in that scenario, the airports would be shut down, at least to civilian planes. So the helicopters wouldn’t need to have practiced flying under, over, or around them.


Guessing. Notifying Sam, may have been the delay in releasing Capt Lobach’s name. Somewhere I read she had a partner.

Assuming rank progression in the Army, is similar to Navy, ~two years as Capt. Somewhere I read 450 hours, I guess in the Black Hawk.


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Dimwit won’t understand that. Much like the dimwit, front seat passenger with their feet on the dash. What could go wrong.   :insane: 


I know I’ve seen that map somewhere before…

They say red light helps you sleep better


Last edited 1 month ago by Gudthots

The architect could have been told, “I’d like to go upstairs to sleep without my dachshund following me.”

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Yikes. Oh thats awful.


Great news.

Naive question. Are we confident this IG hasn’t been derailed?


Does this mean the lab a UC Davis or associated labs that contain what this paper requests be investigated are now subject to arson, sabotage, or theft?

Gail Combs

Probably. I am sure Gruesome Newscum will get right on it….

NOW we know why POTUS Trump had the water turned on in CA BEFORE this was announced.

Gail Combs

However it might keep him from burning down the entire town as well. Not that it would be much of a loss.


Coming back to this.

Began May 24. Maggot, Garland, IC…difficult to believe this is still an active investigation.

Surely hope it is. If it is, we ought to read more about this. Hopeful here.


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Wow, this short clip looks like a recreation of Trump meeting with North Korean leader as #45. What is Elon Musk showing us?



Thinking that is Trump visiting Elon’s Space City or whatever he calls it in Texas.

Valerie Curren

possibly some type of crypto island per nitter comments


Too many federal regulations.


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wrong thread….moved.

Last edited 1 month ago by holly

Second pass on the geology stuff today. Fascinating, as always. Humor appreciated.

Thanks for keeping the geology series alive.

Looking forward to the next geology segment.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs