The above vintage image of vaccine vials and vaccine syringes is courtesy of Shutterstock and Google Images.
Health Friday is a series devoted to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. As today’s post speaks to the disaster of the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka the “vaccines”), Yours Truly dedicates it to the memory of all persons, or whatever age or location, who have passed away from the negative effects (direct or indirect) of the the COVID-19 “vaccines”, no matter whether the deceased were COVID-19 “vaccinated” or not.
A special note for today’s post: Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of our good DePat (Deplorable Patriot), Susan P. Sampson. Her Funeral Mass is to be held tomorrow, Saturday 8 February, at the St. Roch Roman Catholic Church in St. Louis, Missouri, at 10AM Central Standard Time. Of your charity, please pray for the repose of the soul of Yours Truly’s “fully vaccinated and boosted” brother, Sam. His Memorial Service is to be held tomorrow, Saturday 8 February, at the Peeples Valley Baptist Church in Cartersville, Georgia, at 2PM Eastern Standard Time. Thank you.
Requiem aeterna dona eis, Domine; et Lux Perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace. Amen.

However, the discussion is not limited to what is presented today: It is an Open Thread.
There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and certain caveats from Yours Truly, of which readers should be aware. They are linked here.
Today’s post begins here: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/labeling-deceits-and-omissions-and, “Labeling deceits and omissions, and fake informed consent for vaccines and other legalized biological and chemical weapons.”, by Katherine Watt, 29 January 2025. In this post, Ms. Watt describes the lack of transparency and honesty in several areas of these topics, among them: One, in the labeling of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”; and, Two, in the lack of detailed informed consent documents for people who want to take (or are “mandated” to take) injections of the COVID-19 modRNA “vaccines.” Ms. Watt traces this trail of lies and deceit back at least 1902. Below are some screenshots from her article related to the COVID-19 “vaccines”:

Ms. Watt makes it clear that “our betters” do NOT want the people who took / who continue to take, the COVID-19 “vaccines” to really know what is in the “modRNA” of the injections.
There is another issue regarding the lack of true informed consent regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines” — the fact that the FDA has made it virtually impossible for COVID-19 “vaccinated” people who become “vaccine”-injured, acquire an illness after being “vaccinated”, or even die from the negative effects of these bioweapon injectables, to be able to sue the “vaccines” manufacturers, those who administer these “vaccines”, entities who “require” or “mandate” the taking of these ‘vaccines”, or agencies of the Federal government who push these “vaccines.” The FDA has done this by making BOTH the Emergency Use Authorization AND “full approval” applicable to the COVID-19 “vaccines” in use, thereby “insulating” the above entities and persons from liability.
For example: the “2024-2025 COVID-19 Vaccine” by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna. The FDA issued the following on 22 August 2024: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-and-authorizes-updated-mrna-covid-19-vaccines-better-protect-against-currently, “FDA Approves and Authorizes Updated mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines to Better Protect Against Currently Circulating Variants”. Below are screenshots from this announcement:

Next screenshot:

Followed by:


The FDA approved the use of COMIRNATY (Pfizer-BioNTech) in people OVER 11 YEARS OF AGE. The FDA also authorized the use of “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (2024-2025 Formula” to be used in people FROM 6 MONTHS THROUGH 11 YEARS OF AGE. Also — notice that the COMIRNATY approval was granted to the GERMAN partner of PfizerUSA (BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH); and that the “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (2024-2025 Formula” authorization was granted to Pfizer Inc.
But wait, there’s more! Under the “magic” of legalese and bureaucratic obfuscation, here are the links to the websites that the FDA and Xavier Becerra (then-head of HHS) used to perform the “sleight of hand” to grant EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY to the makers of the “2024-2025 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines” for BOTH the “approved” AND the “authorized” formulations of these injectables. It’s all under the PREP Act:
One: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/12/11/2024-29108/12th-amendment-to-declaration-under-the-public-readiness-and-emergency-preparedness-act-for-medical. “12th Amendment to the Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19”, 11 December 2024.
Regarding a current “Informed Consent” document for the general public, Yours Truly found the following from a search that began here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/index.html, which eventually (via being “redirected” from other CDC websites that are now shut down with the “The page you are looking for doesn’t exist”-type error messages) led to this: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/current-vis/covid-19.htmlCDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/covid-19.html. It turns out that the “Informed Consent” handouts for patients / caregivers appear to be basically a “Pablum” version of government and/or “vaccine” manufacturer misinformation, disinformation, and downright lies, about the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka the “vaccines”) that the patient is going to have injected into their body (or that parents / guardians are going to have injected into the body of a minor child.)
Let’s look at some screenshots of this FDA-issued Fact Sheet for recipients and caregivers for the EUA-granted “Pfizer-BioNTech 2024-2025 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine” for children 6 months of age to 11 years of age, as an example. The FDA document is found here: https://www.fda.gov/media/167212/download.
Screenshot One:

The COVID-19 pandemic Public Health Emergency declaration in the United States was ended on 11 May 2023: https://archive.cdc.gov/www_cdc_gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/end-of-phe.html. There is no “currently a pandemic of COVID-19”, per the CDC itself.
Screenshot Two:

The COVID-19 “vaccines” do not “prevent” an infection of COVID-19. In fact, COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons have a much higher chance of coming down with COVID-19. Please see: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/breaking-sixth-study-confirms-negative, “BREAKING — Sixth Study Confirms Negative Efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA Injections”, by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, 4 February 2025. The only items, in Yours Truly’s opinion, in the screenshot above that might prompt a medical professional to stop and question whether or not the child should take a COVID-19 “vaccine” would be: an allergy to PEG-2000DMG (one of the lipid nanoparticles in the “vaccine”) or to any of the ingredients of the “vaccine”; a history of myocarditis and/or pericarditis; or has a bleeding disorder. On the other hand, in fact, pregnant women are “encouraged” to take a COVID-19 “vaccine”; and, that immunocompromised persons are “permitted” to take an “extra dose” of a COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Screenshot Three:

So much important information and disclosures regarding the ACTUAL “safety record” of the COVID-19 “vaccines” (for example, the data at https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data); the ACTUAL “clinical trials” data that, for example, Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA regarding the serious Adverse Events reports on BNT162b2; and other items, are missing. The OpenVAERS link takes one to the “Red Boxes” Adverse Events reports and statistics for the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Recall that VAERS receives fewer than 10% of reports of Adverse Events.
How many parents / guardians would go through with having their child (children) COVID-19 “vaccinated” if they knew, for example, that the ingredients and mechanisms of these bioweapon toxin injections change the DNA in their body? Please see: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/causality-article.pdf, Slide 14.
Screenshot Four:

Which, again, mention nothing of the ACTUAL data as reported at OpenVAERS. Instead, there appears to be a strong effort to minimize the ACTUAL potential for serious Adverse Events to occur after taking a COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Yours Truly was able to find a “Consent Document” for persons over age 18 to read and to sign prior to taking a COVID-19 “vaccine”: https://www.gannon.edu/media/gannon-university/content-assets/documents/health-center/GannonUniversity-ScreeningAndConsentForCovid-19Vaccine.pdf. But, even here, there is no presentation of the ACTUAL data from, for example, OpenVAERS regarding serious Adverse Events reports about the COVID-19 “vaccines.” How many persons over age 18 would take a COVID-19 “vaccine” if they were told in advance that these bioweapon toxin injections cross the Blood-Brain Barrier and can induce multiple types of neurological damage? Below are images of the “Consent Document”:

Please also see: https://www.theqtree.com/2024/10/18/health-friday-10-18-2024-special-edition-neurological-effects-of-the-covid-19-vaccines-physical-and-psychological/.
How many persons would take a “2024-2025 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine”, or have such a “vaccine” injected into their child (children), under ANY circumstances, if they knew in advance that these bioweapon toxin injections were either ONLY “tested” on lab mice; or, were “approved” and/or “authorized” based on “manufacturing and nonclinical data”? For this last is exactly what happened with the “2024-2025 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines.” Please refer back to the FDA announcement of 22 August 2024 further up in this post. Here is the salient portion of this announcement as it regards this “2024-2025 Formula”:

Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA
Thank you, CV, for the information you continue to mine for us.
You are very kind, thank you.
The main object is to spread the truth as much as I can regarding the bioweapons of the lab-created COVID-19 virus itself, and of the lab-created-and-enhanced COVID-19 “vaccines.”
‘Tis a noble cause, and we are honored to be the first recipients of your efforts.
Andrew Torba
We always knew people were getting paid to monitor and run psyop campaigns on Gab and 4chan, but now we have definitive proof.
Andrew Torba
$1.5 million dollars to target Gab and other alternative platforms
11:15 PM · Feb 6, 2025
Maybe, just maybe, if they spent less of their time spending OUR money for this sort of thing, fewer people would earnestly yearn for their painful demise……
“…..fewer people would earnestly yearn for their EXTREMELY JUSTIFIED painful demise….”
There fixed it.
We love adverbs and adjectives.
Huh? Wut? Neva mind.
Instant truth: just ad verbs, just ad jectives
LINK: https:/twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1804292366536245285
Western science is just handing off leadership to China with this kind of crap!
So 74%… is that high?
Is that a lot?
Is that enough to be concerned about?
There are OVER 100 vaccine safety signals that were crossed that the CDC KNOWS should have shut down the entire COVID-19 “vaccine” rollout and continuation. But the CDC has WILLFULLY AND INTENTIONALLY REFUSED to do its job here.
That’s just it, there can’t possibly be any excuse.
In any normal situation, ONE death out of a hundred, directly attributable, would cause the entire program to be shut down immediately.
Even one in a thousand ought to shut it down. They can’t just go around killing people on the HOPE that the treatment MIGHT prevent someone from getting a bad case of the flu.
And they know it. Every last one of them KNOWS it.
They can’t make the CURE worse than the disease, and DEATH is the worst any ‘cure’ can be.
These aren’t stupid people, they are doctors, among the best educated people in the world.
And they went full-Mengele.
Next week, Covidiot Jab EUAs will be revoked.
RFK Jr has all the evidence he needs, to make this happen.
Then, onto other Jabs. Other meds causing bigger problems. Food additives…
Then, … ban big pharma from TV.
Wonder how that can, will happen. Certainly needs to.
Executive Order. Backed up by law? Thoughts?
Declare them international terrorist organizations, arrest them all for genocide and crimes against humanity, and seize all their assets.
That oughta do it.
And print ads, too…. if it’s anything like it used to be (or is over here), those ads are everywhere… Reader’s (in)digest and probably all the pablum magazines will disappear as their main funding source goes away… just think, all those empty racks at the store…
I have decided I am willing to allow Big Pharma to continue to offer vaccines and their stupid vaccine schedule on one condition:
They can be SUED for vaccine harms. Directly. And doctors, who should study what they are giving, and know what is in them, can be sued directly, too.
That would put an end to almost ALL vaccination. There would be a tiny handful, like the tetanus vaxx, that would continue. But what they give now would cease.
Correct. This would fix two issues, among many:
First: Physicians would have to stop being the “we follow the science” / follow the “treatment templates” that they are given — and get back to tailoring their diagnostic and therapeutic approach to help the individual patient.
Second: Rates of autism in children would drop precipitously.
For sure.
“First: Physicians would have to stop being the “we follow the science” / follow the “treatment templates” that they are given”
Call it the “If you Practice Medicine the way children color by numbers, you’re not a real Doctor and you Lose your License” Act.
Thank you. I am pleased that The Lancet finally “got it straight” and published this paper. There was no real reason for the journal to have rejected it in the first place.
I think these articles need to be archived or saved in some way so they don’t get lost. I’m downloading this one to my computer. The information is extremely valuable and damning. This is criminality in our faces.
YES, PLEASE! I’m saving the links to all of PAVACA’s articles.
Top Epidemiologist Testifies: ‘Bioweapons Industry’ Created Covid & Vaccines
Heads need to literally roll.
Thank you.
Katherine Watt I(https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/) and Sasha Latypova (https://sashalatypova.substack.com/) are all over this issue.
I think Risch has a good understanding there, at the “Fauci level”, of what was happening.
If it did happen as stated in the article it would make sense to me that work on the bio weapon and on the vaccine to protect from it would/should proceed at the same pace in parallel.
That didn’t happen (from memory) the vaccine came out around twelve months after the out break.
When the Vaccine did come available it was an absolute disaster,not performing as claimed and being more harmful than the disease.
That in itself would make their experiments and the supposed reason for doing them an complete failure.
That it “escaped” just at the perfect time to bring the world to a halt for 2020 is too much of a coincidence for me to swallow.
Doctors Confirm Vaccine Connection After Young Ontario Woman Paralyzed Following Moderna Shot – Then Offer Her Euthanasia as Remedy
Just – wow.
They wanted to kill her fast, before her story could get out.
The rot in Canada is obscene.
Looking forward to Moderna, Pfizer, J&J being proven to knowing their Jabs were Not Safe AND Not effective, being sued into bankruptcy. Put out of business. Simply evil, what they’ve done.
Their remedy.
Thank you.
This unfortunate young woman has COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced Transverse Myelitis. This is a terrible condition in which the “sheath” that covers the spinal cord is shredded and/or de-attached from the spinal cord, thus leaving the spinal cord exposed (and, therefore, to paralysis.)
The FDA KNEW that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” (this would cover the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine” also) could induce Transverse Myelitis BACK IN APRIL 2021: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf
Scroll down the document to the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section. Here is a PORTION of page 6 of this section; one will see “Myelitis transverse” listed.
Requiescant in pace, Susan and Sam. Prayers for peace and comfort for Pavaca and all the family members, friends, and loved ones.
Let me see if I’m caught up:
We’re waiting on Kennedy for DHS, to come to a floor vote.
Kash Patel (FBI) is still in committee.
Anyone else we’ve been watching who is still not confirmed?
We’re not necessarily watching all of these, but here they are:
And there’s this:
We need all Repubs to cooperate.
Of the ones I’ve been focused on, I missed Tulsi Gabbard.
Oddly, that article leaves Kash Patel out completely.
His Senate vote is next Wednesday.
Scott Turner (HUD) has been confirmed and was sworn in by Justice Thomas right after Pam Bondi was sworn in by Thomas.
I’m pretty sure Lutnik has also already been confirmed and sworn in.
“• Fetterman to vote NO on Kennedy and Gabbard.”
The checks from Big Pharma and USAID must have cleared, somehow.
We need all Repubs to cooperate.
^^^ Crazy, but I think they will.
The torrid pace Trump is exposing Dumrat, Deep State rot, writing is on the wall, Support Trump. Even if they don’t believe it. Their reelection rides on it.
Well, in the case of cocaine Mitch, he’s not worried about reelection. Just his rotten legacy. Which needs to be exposed.
Wonder if Collins or MurCowSky got USAID bucks. Hmmm.
With USAID, nothing is too outlandish.
Never, never, ever forget. (As if you could)
These people absolutely, positively would have rounded you and your family up and exterminated you, if they could have done so without retribution.
WATCH: https://x.com/tomselliott/status/1657021799652024324
Each of them assholes, should be shown a clip of what they said then, and comment again, on live TV.
What we lived through can never happen again.
Oh, don’t worry about me forgetting. Grudges in my family are generational. My great-grandchildren, who aren’t even alive yet, will be pissed and remember what was done to us.
I’ll never forget what they did to us. Nationwide. Globally.
Nor will I ever, forgive them. Inconceivable.
They can only be forgiven if they 1) Repent and ask for forgiveness and 2) Make amends.
I don’t see them ever doing either one.
Actual “health Nazis”!
Every article I’ve seen heavily emphasizes that Politico does not take government funding. Yet, Politico Pro does. So what is the relationship between the two?
““POLITICO is a privately owned company. We have never received any government funding — no subsidies, no grants, no handouts. Not one dime, ever, in 18 years,””
Good, then they have nothing to complain about having $8 million dollars cut, and there should be an immediate investigation to find out where that $8 million dollars was actually going.
I think that is the question for most of what is being uncovered. IMO The majority of the money did not fund what was specified but either funded coups/color revolutions & protest type antics OR was funneled through back channels into Leftist PACs or right into individual offshore accounts.
It would be bad enough if all these outrageous projects were actually being done, but I think most of those absurdities are just covers for the laundering.
Altho I do think the media funding did actually occur.
“Every article I’ve seen heavily emphasizes that Politico does not take government funding. Yet, Politico Pro does. So what is the relationship between the two?”
Every thing the Left says is lies.
Every single thing.
If it were not for lies, the only thing the Left would have is hypocrisy
Anecdote regarding GSA …
About 8 years ago, my niece came to visit from DC and brought her then-boyfriend (she later dumped him). They were here a couple days sightseeing in their own. He seemed … ok… but nothing special. That second night we all went to dinner and conversation came around to his job … some position in the GSA – General Services Administration.
We asked for details and he said they do marketing promos to “sell their services” to the other governmental departments. He couldn’t really specify what services they sell or why it was necessary to market those products if they had no outside competitors.
Then I asked him what he liked about his position. He told me it wasn’t challenging or stressful, and he got lots of time off.
It was all I could do not to roll my eyes for real.
government work at its “best”
“Top men. TOP. Men.”
Excellent toon, except USAID was never supposed to be a piggy bank.
The statement:: «Change is coming, whether you like it or not.» is correct as far as it reads. The clean-up and work done by the «22-year olds» at DOGE is causing a lot of changes. And for those whose gravy trains now sit at the platforms of their end stations, those will be the «like it not» ones. I suspect, but don’t know nor really care, that Greta T. is amongst those. But onlookers further away, seeing that a bunch of ne’er-do-wells finally receive the treatment they have earned over the last many decades, are liking it. So like it or not, it is all a matter of perspective.
Tell it, brother!
Not just a seventeen-year-old, either. She had so many mental issues she was almost incoherent.
Scientists ‘shocked’ and ‘alarmed’ at what’s in the mRNA shots
Casa Blanca scientists ??
You can read the article here:
Thanks, Gail.
You are very welcome.
So the new game is dogeball?
These wymyns, it’s so sad, they just hate men.
And the only thing they hate more than men, are men with BIG BALLS.
Especially the one on the far right, she really hates big-balled men.
But the one in the middle, she’s Big-Ball curious… you can tell by her squinty eyes. She’s secretly on the prowl for Big Balls

I’m nit even looking at the youtube; your commentary alone has mebellylaughing.
The song is a classic.
She need look no further than this guy. But it might be too late.
Recruiting poster for gov. employees. Accepting Big Balls Applicants.
Pfizer Knew Jabs Caused Myocarditis and Pericarditis
Thank you.
Yup, and Pfizer-BioNTech KNEW about this all the way back to the huge C4591001 “clinical trial” that the company started in May 2020 for BNT162b2. The ACTUAL data for C4591001 is STILL being released, per the SECOND order from the Federal District court judge. The FDA KNEW that BNT162b2 causes myocarditis / pericarditis, per the April 2021 report that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the agency (see my reply comment on this, above in today’s thread.)
Douglass Mackey
BREAKING: Rupert Murdoch’s WSJ reporter who got DOGE staffer fired got her start at USAID — LinkedIn
WSJ troll also worked at Vox Media, State Department, NYT, Business Insider
10:14 PM · Feb 6, 2025
Douglass Mackey
Sam Spade
This is the reporter who doxxed and got Marko Elez fired. Note her background: x.com/byklong/status…
10:14 PM · Feb 6, 2025
USAID is on her resumé. Maybe doxxing and firing should work both ways.
Laughing. USAID deleted from thousands of resumes.
This might not be a popular stance, but in my opinion, we don’t need people who have made bigoted statements working for DOGE. That would probably include me, honestly. But we need these guys to look squeaky clean as they dismantle government abuse. We can’t have any appearance that would interfere with that mission.
BOMBSHELL: Michael Shellenberger Exposes Shocking USAID and CIA Connections to Trump’s Impeachment
I remember the freak-out about releasing Ciaramella’s name.
More details at the link, plus:
“The difference is that it is highly illegal and even treasonous for CIA, USAID, and its contractors and intermediaries, known as “cut-outs,” to interfere in US politics this way.”
Oh dear… this could be very bad news for the treasonous traitors, fascist Leftists and domestic terrorists who participated in the attempt to overthrow ‘our democracy’.
I hope there’s no panic.
It’ll stop after another, stern letter AND presser held.
Oh wait. Them were Maggot days. True accountability incoming.
Hopeful here.
Stick with it for a few minutes….
Funny. Sadly true AND we lived though it.
Being PIC, must have been difficult to deal with. (Not asking for comment.)
Covidiot years defined, The Death Of Common Sense. Nationwide. Globally.
Thankfully we are past it.
Now, we need accountability. Hard core accountability. We may get it.
This is funny, but it is also so sad. The last line just kills me. Because it happened, and I and others like us here, were powerless to stop it. So much loss, so many lies.
Here’s how it’s done:
Trump HUD Secretary Scott Turner scraps housing ‘equal access’ rule tied to ‘gender identity’
He’s been on the job one day.
“We are carrying out the mission laid out by President Trump on January 20, when he signed an executive order to restore biological truth to the federal government.”
For some reason, the bolded section above tickled me immensely. I think that’s pretty weird. I hope it’s not a sign that I’m close to dementia.
Can’t happen soon enough.
Hopefully, RFK Jr killing the EUAs will happen sooner than this legislation. Next week.
Silly question. It’s a common understanding that people who went on and took boosters and continued to take boosters have essentially turned over the function of their immune systems to the mRNA shots. They basically have nothing else defending them at this point? Meanwhile we struggle with the question of can we effectively purge our selves of just the first few mRNA shots? If we have that question hanging in the balance what chance does the booster repeater have of getting purged? Would it be wiser to allow them mRNA injections by prescription?
ThanQ for not taking a hardline libertarian stance on this.
Hard not too. It was among the first lessons Gail gave us when warning about not taking the vax. Her explanations on ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) and what that meant going forward for the vaxxed.
Anyway, the meme likely ignores any clauses in the bans that run counter to it’s most excellent news.
Persons who have taken more than 3 injections of ANY COVID-19 “vaccine” have basically had their natural immune systems either destroyed, or severely compromised. IMO, persons who ALREADY HAD compromised immune systems (due to medical conditions, or to genetics, etc.) AND have taken ANY COVID-19 “vaccine” injection, have had their remaining immune system ability pretty much destroyed. The COVID-19 “vaccines” were designed to attack the body’s CD4 – CD8 immune system cells (the same cells that HIV/AIDS attacks), along with destroying the body’s IgG3 “fight it off” immune system cells, and increasing the amount of the body’s IgG4 “tolerate but never clear” immune system cells.
It has been shown that the COVID-19 “vaccine” ingredients and mechanisms linger in the body of the “vaccinated” person FOR AS LONG AS 700 DAYS post-injection. This means that an already-“vaccinated” person who THEN gets a “booster” within that time frame is doing ADDITIONAL damage / destruction to their immune system.
Your question is above my pay grade. Since Pavaca states that “Persons who have taken more than 3 injections of ANY COVID-19 “vaccine” have basically had their natural immune systems either destroyed, or severely compromised,” I don’t know whether taking more mRNA would provide any immune protection or whether it would just do more harm.
“It’s a common understanding that people who went on and took boosters and continued to take boosters have essentially turned over the function of their immune systems to the mRNA shots.”
Do you really think that is common understanding? Because I do not. I think WE understand it. But I don’t think most people do, including doctors.
As an experiment, I have to get my annual blood work done soon. When I have my so-called “check-up,” I’m going to ask my doctor if she knows that. I will bring it up by asking if she knows about the potential Montana ban. We’ll see what she says.
looking forward to your report!
Yes. ” Do you really think that is common understanding? Because I do not. I think WE understand it. But I don’t think most people do, including doctors.”
Including congress. In every confirmation hearing the dem members of congress extolled the wonders of the vax and dared the Trumps picks to say anything bad about the vax and other things.
We still have lots of work ahead of us.
If they keep getting jabbed they’re going to keep spreading the shedding.
It would be a worthwhile thing to get all the best brains together searching for a way to repair the jab damage.
Oh, please God, let this pass in Montana.
Hopefully Elon creates a public forum on X where punishments for government criminals can be suggested.
Something like that would be very uplifting.
It’s hard to beat the eternal Lake of Fire, but until then, a prison cell with AOC on the intercom 24/7 would suffice.
Prison cell with hildabeast, MadMax, hoopie, Joyless, and Richard Levine…
More infantile hijinks from the fascist Leftist babies at DoJ.
Looks like Pam should be firing a bunch of babies in the morning, and then personally releasing the unredacted affidavit to the public.
Repeat your request.
It will likely have no redactions this time, now that grown-ups are in charge.
connected to Ashley Bye-Done’s diary?
I’m guessing so.
connected to Ashley Bye-Done’s diary?
Yes, even though they were GIVEN it AND the diary was LEFT in a room so it was not stolen but abandoned.
Yes! Her cry for help ignored & covered up by the Deep State Dem(on)s
John Rich, I hope you have outrageously exaggerated your crime wave description. But I fear you may be close to accurate.
He is very close to accurate. That was why Ted L. Gunderson. a whistle-blower & former Agent in Charge of FBI field offices in Los Angeles, Memphis, and Dallas was poisoned with arsenic powder sprinkled in his home and car after he retired. He got too close.
KMAG 20250115 Open Thread / False Flags, Pedos & Satanists
The CIA-NATO Nazis need money (and blackmail material) and Child sex trafficking is one of the methods. That is why Epstein was protected.
Epstein the government contractor?
February 7, 2025 3:11 am
SC AG Alan Wilson announces 17-state coalition to investigate Fauci over COVID response
Ms Linda objects, along with the Maggot Crime Family.
she’s crapping her panties
winetraub refuses to leave as well…
Ellen L. Weintraub (@ellenlweintraub.bsky.social)
Received a letter from POTUS today purporting to remove me as Commissioner & Chair of
. There’s a legal way to replace FEC commissioners-this isn’t it. I’ve been lucky to serve the American people & stir up some good trouble along the way. That’s not changing anytime soon.
Pick the bitch up and toss her out.
OK, drag the bitch out.
There’s a legal way…
Not singular. Multiple ways. Including firing her pompous ass. GTFO biotch.
I WANT IT TELEVISED and I want all the nasty things she has done included.
Actually I want to see her indicted cuffed and Perp walked!
Oh but Trump’s way is the best way. Very colorful and entertaining.
a plane flying over Alaska has disappeared
A Bering Air Cessna 208B Grand Caravan with 10 people on board, including nine passengers and one pilot, has disappeared from radar screens while flying over western Alaska.
The aircraft was en route from Unalakleet to Nome when contact was lost around 4 p.m. local time.
The flight departed Unalakleet at 2:37 p.m., and communication was lost less than an hour later.
“On February 6, 2025, at 4:00pm, AST was contacted by AKRCC in reference to an overdue aircraft,” the Alaska Department of Public Safety said on its website.
The announcement continued, “It was reported that a Bering Air Caravan had gone missing while en route from Unalakleet to Nome, with 9 passengers and 1 pilot on board. SAR crews are working to get to the last known coordinates.”
Robert Kiyosaki Makes Crazy Predictions About Gold and Silver Prices
Authorities are working to determine the plane’s last known coordinates.
Due to hazardous winter weather and limited visibility, aerial search efforts have been constrained.
Need passenger names.
WRT the “Big Balls” post and his reported removal.
E. Musk may have a very strict “what you can say on social media” policy. He may have this rule strictly imposed because he doesn’t want to feed the vultures with any kind of negative fodder.
So “Big Balls” posts and the post could exhibit some negatice racial overtones. E. Musk lets “Big Balls” go, not to cave in to the lefties, not because the post was truly offensive, but because the post went against E. Musk’s strictly enforced policy on “what you can say on social media”.
If so . . . seems logical to me.
Never thought racial, when I read, big balls.
Slow Guy figures.
Do agree, Elon has plenty of limitations on what his employees can and cannot do.
MeThinks. There is a good chance, DOGE employees have been converted to temporary GS employees.
Not employees. Independent contractors.
Yes. That is what I read before. My statement was a WAG.
I do not know for sure. But I do believe, being a federal employee gives them more latitude, freedom to do what and where they need to act.
Term employee. Not to exceed.
Whatever their status, I am thankful for their work, deliverables.
I agree.
Gov. will need USIAD money to pay for All COVID lawsuits. One bucket to the next at the taxpayer expense. Pure Evil! Can you imagine being in the boardroom discussing the money flow?
Drain Big Pharma first. The businesses, CEOs…
Today’s post at Sylvia’s Place is a don’t miss!
Great read. Funny as hell. In my mind anyway. Please read AND share.
TT (I think), posted link late last night.
Title at Sylvia’s – Override: Inside The Revolution Rewiring American Power
From a thread here – https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1886927372634530245.html
I don’t know who the author is or how Sylvia found the thread – but I’m thrilled with every word and image.
It brilliantly tells the story of President Trump’s use of DOGE in his first two weeks in office!!!
Oh man – our big guy is not like theirs – he’s a good big guy – and he’s as brilliant, multifaceted, clean, clear and tough as a fine diamond.
Reading this story really brings full meaning to the left’s mantra that “Trump is a DANGER TO ‘OUR DEMOCRACY’” – which translated meant – a danger to their schemes, scams, steals embedded within American government system.
This is the confrontation and comeuppance for the scammers high and low, and the draining of the swamp, that we have all dreamed about.
President Trump’s team are utilizing military, intel and business tactics at genius levels.
And, it’s probably just the beginning…
Yea. The Cunning. Detailed analysis lead to detailed planning. Flawless execution.
The stuff usually seen in movies, that deliver bad things.
DOGE delivers incredible results. Only a Ken or Karen could whine about exposing the evil AND truly bad things our government funds WITH our tax dollars.
Nineteen days into a great four years.
Trump will not be content with a few weeks, 100 days…
Trump Speed. Four Years, Pedal To The Metal.
Here’s the Substack version – https://eko.substack.com/p/override
This guy or gal is brilliant – but has some really weird ideas.
It was brought from the substack yesterday and there was a lively conversation.
That was great!
Saw this while over there…sigh…
February 7, 2025 7:42 am
Another wayward D on Nicole’s 2028 scalp list …
Nicole nails it AND IS priceless.
TY PAVACA for yet another Excellent Post exposing the bioweapon crimes ongoing.
Has ANY mRNA/modRNA product Ever undergone the rigorous safety testing that was standard in the pre mRNA “vaccine” era?
How can an EUA even be valid when the (fake) Emergency is “expired”?
Is Donald Trump doing anything in this arena, or his health related appointees?
PAVACA and others are the wise ones on this stuff.
Lemme guess.
I hope you’re right, especially about RFKj & the EUAs!
Valerie Curren
Thank you.
To the best of my knowledge, NO mRNA / modRNA product has EVER undergone the COMPLETE PROCESS of clinical trials, data analysis, and publication of data results. The COMPLETE PROCESS would take as long as 5 YEARS MINIMUM.
The PREP Act has provisions that were built into it which allow “exceptions” to things like EUAs for “COVID-19 Medical Countermeasures.” The Secretary of HHS has the discretion to add, remove, or “modify”, these “exceptions.”
“COVID-19 Medical Countermeasures” covers NOT ONLY the “vaccines.” It ALSO covers testing, diagnostic procedures, the use of REMDESIVIR, PAXLOVID, ventilators, and other non-injectables.
This is very alarming. I remember some video of Fauxi from a few years ago touting the speed with which vaccines could be ramped up w/ mRNA tech, or at least when they could bypass growing stuff in eggs, iirc. It seems that now that mRNA has been “allowed” though not apparently “approved” that big pHarma along w/ BigBro Gov is going to continue to crank out mRNA crapola ASAP, consequences be damned
That is why we desperately need Robert Kennedy.
big ball discussion reminded me of this…
John is having a bad day.
He put on his shirt and a button fell off.
He picked up his briefcase and the handle fell off.
He went to open the door, and the doorknob fell off.
Now John is afraid to pee.
That’s funny.
i thought so…giggle
Freedom Ring
February 7, 2025 8:57 am
I recall biden saying people would need F-15s and nuclear weapons to take on the govt.
Apparently all you really need is 4 nerds with big balls.
Another LOLF funny.
February 7, 2025 9:29 am
Katharine Long, the “journalist” who doxxed the young DOGE worker, started via USAID, and was apparently recently hired for the specific purpose of targeting DOGE.
The Deep State fights back in every way imaginable.
KatherineKaren is ill-equipped to duel DOGE geeks.I agree with the Revolver commenters. He SHOULD NOT HAVE RESIGNED! Now the Bastards smell blood in the water.
Besides what happened to FREE SPEECH? If you do not want to marry another ethnicity, that is YOUR decision.
Another confirmation Slow Guy is a slow reader.
Read. …..look at them with compassion in our hearts…
Immediately thought fuck that. Fuck libtards.
Then I read. Tough shit.
James Woods nails it with a polite version of, FOAD.
Less than 24hrs later….
BREAKING: Musk Says His DOGE Team Uncovered $100 BILLION in Medicare and Medicaid Waste After Gaining Access to the SystemJim Hᴏft Feb. 7, 2025 8:00 am 506 Comments
February 7, 2025 10:08 am
“BREAKING: Musk Says His DOGE Team Uncovered $100 BILLION in Medicare and Medicaid Waste After Gaining Access to the System
In a bombshell revelation that could shake the foundations of American healthcare, Elon Musk, leading the charge under President Trump’s newly minted Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), has uncovered what he describes as a staggering “$100B of taxpayer money” wasted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).”
I very much hope that it does! It also strikes me that the foundations of American healthcare should have already been shaken regarding the jabs. I’m still waiting for the connections to be made between the damage they do and the continued pushing of them onto the public.
Periodically I see reports of people in healthcare stealing money from Medicare and Medicaid through fraud. I imagine that that, as well as inefficiency and waste, are rampant.
NOT surprised here.
Couple days ago, posted looking forward to DOGE getting into Medicare / Medicaid.
But, the motherload of waste will be in DoD. MeThinks.
A billion here AND a billion there…pretty soon you’re talking about Real Money
Doomed: 27-Year-Old With College Degree Says She Can’t Spell and She’s Not Alone [VIDEO]
Needs to find this on twitter. I bet it’s going to spark a whispering campaign.
Many people struggle with spelling. I actually read years ago that the ability to spell well is genetic. I have known brilliant people who could not spell well. They have to actually memorize all words to be able to spell them. “Sounding out” does not work.
I have too. And in their cases, it was not a failure of their education.
In my cases, too. They just couldn’t spell. They couldn’t be taught.
I resemble that comment.

Isn’t spelling and most other forms of knowledge based on memory recall? When I spell, I am remembering the word and seeing an image in my mind.
For some people it is. For others, it’s more like a sounding-out process from how I understand it.
Like with a new word, something you hear but have never seen. How do you spell it? Some people can’t. Some people can, just by the way it sounds. Of course, that doesn’t work with a lot of words, but some people can’t do it with words where the spelling matches the sound.
Not really I remember al kind of senseless crap but not spelling. I do not remember people names well either or street names. I have to play mind games with myself to remember peoples name. I remember all kind of other useless stuff that happened today or 50 years ago.
My opinion is that it is linked to the ability to hear music/sounds. If you are tone deaf I think you can not discriminate between sounds as well as normal people. This means you also do not do well at spoken language if learned after the age of 12.
I have difficulty with tuning a guitar. I can get it close but not spot on. I also have trouble with the T sound and D sound. Mom worked hard teaching me phonetics so I know I have those ‘disabilities’
My hearing is fine but my ability to distinguish between pitches is not.
Interesting thought! I am a great speller, and, though I don’t sing, I have a perfect ear for pitch. Which is sometimes painful I must say. Sometimes off-key singing is excruciating.
It is something I notices as I was growing up. In Jr high I was in a school that had a LOT of kids whose parents were in the NY Philharmonic orchestra. (Boy did I butch the spelling of that!)
The Soundex system used in several ways, like how to index certain US Censuses by sound, had the “T” & “D” letters coded with the same number, 3. My maiden name Soundex code was S-336, & that was on my driver’s license when single. My married name Soundex is C-650 & now that prefix is on my DL but all the subsequent numbers are the same, so in MI following DLs through various surname changes seems simplified.
There are more like that than we expect. My husband teaches some of those who spell worse than I
They cannot write a paper have problems with math and are always on their phone or computer while he is teaching. Some kids are brilliant listen do the work and get an A 
PAVACA, I have a question that I have been pondering.
I know that the Covid poison shot causes the body to stop making IgG3, and to make IgG4 against Covid.
Do you think that it also impairs the body’s ability to produce IGg3 antibodies against any and/or ALL other viruses or other antagonists? Because if it does, we are creating AIDS patients, in essence. People with NO ability to fight off anything, not just Covid.
It sounds like this is true, based on what I know.
I’m not sure if this has been studied or addressed. Do you know?
I thought the covid “virus” itself had 4 AIDS components in its makeup too, fwiw
I think it had some AIDS, and SV40, too.
That was the cancer promoter gene I believe.
Designer death & disability by deep state Defense despicable “demons”
Yep. And it banned from vaccines in the Seventies, I believe.
Who lifted such a ban, if that even happened?
No one lifted it. The way they got away with the Covid quackzine was the EUA. They could do whatever they wanted to us with no consequences, because it was an “emergency.”
Fake/contrived “emergency”–totalitarian psychopaths!
Great question, because we KNOW that the shot impairs immunity against OTHER diseases. VAIDS, as people were calling it.
Yes. So is this the mechanism causing that? That might mean that somehow repairing the body’s IgG3 production is key to correcting the damage from the vaxx.
It may be that repairing the IgG3 levels in the “vaccinated” person’s body can help the immune system. But I think that repairing/increasing CD4 – CD8 cell levels is important also.
Then there’s the DNA changes that the “vaccines” induce.
Then there’s the replacement of the RNA in the Uridine with N1-methylpseudouridine.
Both of those must be addressed too.
Gotcha. Something is going to have to be done. Doctors are going to have to figure it out.
Aubergine, one of the very first scientific papers I read about the concerns on the MRNA shots referred to the strong possibility that AIDS would result because of the breakdown of the immune system that you mention.
THAT was precisely what alarmed me enough not to take the shots, and gave me the ammo to explain my concerns to hubby so he, too, decided not to take the shots.
I must have gotten that paper from a link posted here. I printed it & probably still have it in a pile somewhere, if you want me to look for it.
I have read similar things, possibly the same paper. Don’t trouble yourself to find it in the pile! But thanks for remembering!
Here is a great article which directly addresses your concerns. I don’t think the conclusion is definitive, but there are clearly concerns.
Vaccines (Basel). 2023 May 17;11(5):991. doi: 10.3390/vaccines11050991
IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Vladimir N Uversky 1,*, Elrashdy M Redwan 2,3, William Makis 4, Alberto Rubio-Casillas 5,6
Editors: Toru Awaya, Yukiko Miura, Yoshinari Enomoto, Taeko Kunimasa
great one…bringing the image (cuz I’m stealing it…LOL)

Well I “stole” it from Sylvia’s & someone there “stole” it from Twitter
OH Wouldn’t that be GRAND!
What a joke. Why arent there military camps w guards and 24 7 flights?
ICE hits limit on detention beds, releases migrants
Only need 8hrs sleep bed can be used 3 times in 24 hrs.
Split em into 3 shifts breaking rocks round the clock.
Gunther Eagleman:
Go to 1:30 and give a listen, if you want a good laugh! LOL, I almost died! LOLOLOL.
And thieves! Do these people hear themselves, lol?
I don’t know how these things are supposed to work. Their statements that Congress has a right to be there seem reasonable, but it looks like a very large group of people, which can be intimidating (which is probably the point). I would think one or more of them should have made an appointment to see someone, like civilized people. This just comes off as a stunt rather than something that would affect policy.
It is a stunt.
Intended to create a narrative, which is itself intended to sow division, hate, rancor, and chaos.
And they have no business being there, as they are members of the legislative branch, NOT the executive branch, and they do not represent the executive branch.
Of course, they know that, which is why they are not actually challenging the guard at the doors entrance.
I imagine they are using their “oversight” authority as an excuse. I became curious and found this (emphasis mine):
Article I, Section 8, Clause 18:
[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
So their oversight authority is related to their legislative duties.
I don’t see any legislative purpose in your storming the DOE, Maxine.
I also don’t see Congress having authority over the executive branch and how the president chooses to run it. Congress has impeachment authority, and that’s it as far as I can tell.
Childish tantrum.
They have no agenda for their visit. Just grandstand with worn out meaningless slogans.
Dumrats need to be placed on ignore, look away and yawn deeply.
The guard looked like he was doing a good job of IGNORE.
Them jackasses have no Right to storm DOPE. None.
Nothing but pompous assholes.
Break out the firehoses AND stun grenades. Round them up. Ship them off to DC Gulag.
Take away the cameras and phones that records their soundbites and they wouldn’t have even bothered being there.
8 minutes I’ll never get back
Desperate Dem(on)s!
Drat. Another keyboard splattered with coffee.
Bwah ha ha
Time magazine is taunting Trump. One of the only complaints they have that has caught on a little is that Elon has too much power. They’re looking desperate.
Time! Always the little Marxist pieces of shit they ASSPIRE to be!
It’s all a part of their whine and cheese.
Too damn transparent.
Trump, MAGA will laugh at it. Make fun of Time.
Libtards jump for joy at their faux creativity.
Yours Truly has arranged this day for a grove of 20 trees to be planted in memory of our good Susan Sampson (Deplorable Patriot) in the Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri, from The Q Tree. Arranged through https://www.alivingtribute.org/
The grove is dedicated as follows:
“In memory of our good friend, Susan P. Sampson, from her online family at The Q Tree. May Susan sing and write in the presence of the Almighty God for all Eternity.”
What a beautiful gesture! Thank you!
How lovely! You are a joy and a blessing to us here. Thank you!
That is QUITE AWESOME! Thank you, and God Bless!!!
Wolf Moon
It is my honor and privilege.
Tomorrow may be a tough day.
What a blessing you are, on so many ways. Thank you.
Tomorrow will be a glorious day!
Susie is a fierce, proud irish lady, hence tomorrow is a celebration…it will be an irish wake…with feasting and much drink….
…where her life, accomplishments, character, relationships with people as well as to God, the fact that she is still alive and well, and that we will see her again will all be toasted and remembered.
Tomorrow is a day of remembrance, with an emphasis on the joys, happiness, and gratitude we have for Susie and the Lord’s promises…in the finest of irish traditions.
And she wouldn’t want it any other way.
That said, your gift is incredibly thoughtful and generous. Susie will LOVE and cherish it.
Yours Truly will raise a cup of tea tomorrow for our good Susie. And the same for my brother.
I think what may make tomorrow hard for me is that both services are on the same day.
This is not “goodbye forever”…
…it is merely and only a “see you later!
May the full impact and understanding of this truth surround you and be your’s tomorrow, and forever afterwards.
God bless.
You are very kind, thank you.
I will think on, “it’s not goodbye forever, it’s see you later.”
^^^ Used nearly those exact words, when I eulogized my Mother, nearly twenty-one years ago.
May Sam and Susan, rest in peace. Enjoying the best seats in the house.
Awesome! Thank you, Pavaca.
TY, what a wonderful thing to do.
God Bless
How thoughtful AND beautiful. Thank YOU PAVACA!
Oops. Almost posted beautiful. Thoughtful. Valerie already did so. Foiled again.
Truly. It is beautiful AND thoughtful.
How wonderful!
You are wonderful. Now if i ever go there i know.
Thank you so very much!
That is beautiful and a very generous tribute, PAVACA. May God give you solace in your own grief about losing your brother, as well as Susie.
a wonderful gesture PAVACA. is there any way we can help financially??
That is very kind of you, but it’s good.
thank you for doing this for Susie and for all of us!
Thank you!!!
OMG – Perfect in every way: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
DePat. we know you’re watching …
wow, a living tribute for our friend! You are so kind and generous. Thank you for including us.
I truly hope that you can have a peaceful heart with regard to the loss of your beloved brother. It’s always too soon for those of us who lose someone we love so much so we go on and hopefully honor their memory each day..
You are very kind, thank you.
My goal in honoring my lost brother is to all I can to spread the TRUTH about the COVID-19 “vaccines”, so that people —
STOP TAKING THEM if they already have taken them;
Maybe Kennedy can help with all of that, SOON.
Verse of the Day for Friday, February 7, 2025
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
Psalms 119:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
h/t Filly

The memes coming out these days are glorious indeed.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
When confronted with impossible odds
With insurmountable bauds and frauds
We look to contemplation and reason
Inward outward no matter the season
After consideration of every option
The master chosen is the swaption
Of the world we should be but naught
Through daily struggles we get caught
We twist and turn aimlessly all about
Filled with anger anguish dastardly doubt
We are tossed in the storm of no return
For the Peace of the Lord we surely yearn
What can we do to detach and dispatch
The obvious outrageous moot mismatch
What have we done that we need to undo
What can we do to secure a breakthrough
What did we do at the start that went wrong
Why is it so hard and taking so long
Why do we struggle to figure it out
It all comes back to the matter of doubt
What did Thomas doubt that was unseen
What was he missing that should have been
Why did he hesitate when others believed
What did they have he had not received
We know the story of Thomas the doubter
Unfortunately some have played the flouter
Of little faith were Thomas and Matthew
By His Word we really did not have to
In Proverbs 3 – lies quality advice
The commands are simple and thrice
Trust – Lean Not – and do Acknowledge
The path made straight by pre-knowledge
Does faith precede you in all that you do
Is obedience without further ado
Do you take it up with Him first or last
Is your turmoil present or is it past
Does doubt deter and mesmerize your mind
Do you panic because you fell behind
Are you anxiety-ridden and far off course
Have you considered the unseemly source
When we dare to doubt the Power of God
We fail to trust – acknowledge – give Him laud
We think falsely there is naught He can do
Tho’ the impossible He can make anew
A time when we were too lost and tossed
It appeared the bridge could not be crossed
The mountain was much too high to mount
And problems were too numerous to count
Not so – not anymore – God is in charge
Man cannot solve worldwide turmoil at large
Much too soon the enemy took control
Before too long he’ll be in a blackhole
One man cannot right the wrongs worldwide
He can make changes with God by his side
When there appears to be no other way
The Power of God will – so let us PRAY!
D01: 04/22/2023
Thank You Duchess!
We are fighting a spiritual war
A war we will win and so much more
The enemy is already defeated
They defied an opponent they cheated
Every commandment of God they broke
In addition to the one Jesus spoke
The punishment for sin is surely death
They will suffer greatly to their last breath
If it were our very last days on earth
We would be fighting for all we are worth
The four horsemen would ride do their worst
As the Angels readied their vials dispersed
Six seals have been broken to correspond
With the restlessness of the martyrs spawned
Cosmic disturbances of varying kinds
The seventh the ‘silence in heaven’ finds
The vision of the first six seals has deceased
The wrath of God will then soon be released
The portrayal of self-inflicted judgement
A global war that destroys their ledgement
This is not what God wants for His chosen
A conflict not set in place or frozen
Under God’s protection to the left or right
We are shielded and fielded out of sight
It is not time for the final battle
Even though you hear the sabers rattle
God has not appointed us to wrath
Salvation thru Jesus is our direct path
D01: 08/08/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

Perfect statement.
That is actually a perfect meme! Who in their wildest dreams could have envisioned the last two weeks? Certainly not me.
Totally. This is amazing.
It’s been Amazing AND So Hopeful to witness!!!
Elon Musk:
More Good News at USMA: Identity Clubs Disbanded

Why would you need identity clubs in the military? They should all be of one mind, as Americans defending their country.
There was/is no “need”.
This is what they were trying to do….
I wonder what that cadet is doing now. I read that he was separated from the military when this picture became known.
According to Perplexity AI….
As of 2024, Spenser Rapone was pursuing graduate studies at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a graduate student in the History Department, focusing on modern Arab intellectual history.
He was already a commie. Sounds like he became a muslim, too.
Oh wow. Iirc, his parents are conservative and didnt raise him this way. He cut contact too.
Of note to me; there was no “White Guys Pride” club.
Maybe running them through Gab will let them show here bigger, I hope
Witchin’ Regretmore!
& her evil minion, Jocelyn Benson, is hoping to win Witchmer’s seat next year too
I sure hope Michigan gets a break from the evil types soon!
Benson is horrifying. A literal criminal.
Yes. It’s beyond comprehension if she becomes governator too, so evil & without a conscience
Harris was not as bad. She was merely whorifying.
2.7.25: Wake up time, More than selling of US AID, Dr. Shockley declares w@r on TOXINS, PRAY!
And We Know
HEYDONMUSICPAGE “Latest Videos & Breaking News” 2.07.25
I am looking for Pfizer vax “batch” or “lot number” information. Have a friend-of-friend who was forced by work to get vaxxed and wants to see info regarding the vax lot administered.
Thanks in advance.
Don’t know if this is helpful to the search.
Rather than a huge dump of data. Yea, perhaps easily searched.
Can friend-of-friend send batch / lot number information, for you to post It may help someone wiser than I, deliver the data.
I do hope searches are fruitful and available soon.
Karl Denninger did one a couple of years ago that might apply. If the FoaF got stuck more recently, he’ll have to do an analysis similar to Karl’s.
Try these:
Awesome! Thank you! I love that people are still working the data on this.
Poorest children on earth….
Q: Why is it US taxpayer’s (via US govt) job to feed the poorest children on earth, and why do people inside the US govt think this is their job?
it’s not their job. it’s their COVER.
Thats a yuge ol affirm.
You win the “Insight of the Day” award!
USDA has been washing money through NGOs and gave money to “Prince” Harry and Megan Archwel charity . I believe it was 10 million. Royalty is still taken money from US taxpayers. They need to be shipped back to UK
MeAgain and her lap dog, Harry, prolly kept the 10 million.
USDA or USAID? Typo or has DOGE also migrated into USDA?
Narrative posted with the X.
BRUTAL: CNN’s Abby Phillip describes Dem protest of @DOGE and @elonmusk
at USAID as “a piñata in search of a stick”, before it is laughed off the table by the panel
>> CNN’s Abby Phillip describes Dem protest as “a piñata in search of a stick”
>> If Dumrats had a clue, they’d STFU, until they have a coherent strategy.
The video shows further how pathetic Dumrats are. 100% clueless, what to do.
As it was mentioned upthread..a stunt, what they do best..performing the we’re mad and we” show you…please take our picture for the news.
These things prior to DOGE were a winning strategy because after the stunt money flowed into the cause………..now it’s an impotent gesture
Brutally true.
Thank you for your continuing relentless efforts to Shine Light on this evil, Pavaca!!!
February 7, 2025 1:18 pm
BREAKING: The Prime Minister of Japan just informed President Trump that major Japanese car companies are opening factories in the United States.
Thousands of jobs are coming. Detroit will be Motor City again.
Video linked…
February 7, 2025 1:07 pm
“GAZA: Trump tells the world the US will take over Gaza and rebuild it. Two days later Egypt and Jordan commit to rebuild Gaza on their own. The Art of the Deal”…
Sherrod Brown was such a worthless POS. Thank goodness he was defeated and run out of Washington by Bernie Moreno, a MAGA Republican and friend of J.D. Vance!!!
OK, I have visited my recovered car, been inside, and am having it towed to my mechanic.
The key went in the ignition and turned, but did nothing. Battery almost certainly dead. Tow truck guys noted zero fluid in cylinders above brake and clutch, so I couldn’t drive it anyway. (My comment, what kind of stupid uses up fluid so fast? Speedshifting a manual when you don’t know how.)
They lost the dead battery that had been in the back, so I’m not getting my core charge refunded. They tossed the car but actually didn’t take much (not that there was much to take).
WAG. Crims not knowing how to drive a manual.
Speedshifting.Revved engine with clutch not fully engaged. Also riding the clutch. Burning the hell out of the clutch. Would guess, uses fluid quicker than normal synchronized manual tranny driving.
Dipshits prolly never really knew what gear they were in. When to up / down shift.
Any idea how many miles, the crims put on your car. I doubt much more than the distance of your place to where they dumped it. Frustrated they had no clue how to safely drive it.
Wondering. Did you have to pick the car up from an impound lot, or SJPD left it, knowing you’d be over in a day or so. Good ya got AAA.
Hope it all comes back together nicely, AND clutch isn’t ruined.
SJPD ticketed it on the 27th. It was parked illegally — so, yes, they towed it to an impound yard, which cost $320 to get it out of. I had it towed from there to my mechanic for another $150 rather than use AAA. AAA only allows one “free” tow per year of barely limited length, so I took the hit now rather than have to pay for a tow from further away.
I had topped off the clutch and brake myself with a bottle of brake fluid less than a year ago. I’ll wait to see what the mechanic says about its condition.
One fun thing — they didn’t steal the rims. Why? Because in 1994, the rims bolted to the axle with four bolts instead of the five bolts they use in modern cars — if they’d boosted the rims, they couldn’t use them.
27th. If it had already been reported stolen, they should have known it by runnng the plates.
Hope the ticket got voided.
Haven’t gotten there yet. It’s on the list.
Update in next day’s thread.
Just visited. The battery tests good (whether it will stay that way is another matter). They did, however, steal the spare (which was on a matching rim).
There’s a story that goes with that.
Some of us are old enough to remember five wheel tire rotation, where you’d rotate the spare into the right hand rotation. Then, everyone went to miniature temp spares and that fell into disuse. My car is old enough to have room for a full-sized spare (although it came with a miniature), so I picked up a matching rim from a junkyard for $25 and figured that I could do five-wheel rotations.
But nobody knows how any more, so eventually the spare tire just got old. I couldn’t justify putting a useful tire on that rim, so it just got a cheapie tire. Which has now been stolen.
Maybe it was for a street race or whatever they do..burnouts and spins
Yay! Your car was recovered! Fingers crossed that it can be repaired.
Fluid for clutch and brakes isn’t supposed to be used up. Its purpose is to convey the force from the foot on the pedals to the brakes (calipers for squeezing a disk or pushing the brake shoes against the inside of a drum) and the clutch, to have it lift the coupling disk there. Bad operation of the clutch and gears could result in damage to the gearbox and mechanical components in the clutch, but not in itself cause the fluid to disappear completely. There is more likely a leak somewhere in the system.
Good news otherwise, that you got the car back. Having a car stolen sucks.
There was a serious leak at the master cylinder post-theft, however it was likely blown out through clutch misuse (according to the tow-truck folks, who see this more often than I do).
I had my bottle of brake fluid with which I topped it off about 6 months ago. Brake fluid only lasts 12 months after being opened, and my current bottle is in date.
(brake fluid and clutch fluid [and ABS fluid] are the same goo)
It has been amazing to watch our POTUS go from an instrument of God to a servant of God. Being shot at tends to make one more cognizant that it is good to have a relationship with the Giver of Life.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! As another week of winning draws to a close, we marvel at and enjoy a solid end to the work week. In today’s roundup: budget blaster confirmed as OMB Director unleashing the gremlins of trouble on the Swamp; Trump tackles weaponization and political persecution of Christians under Biden with new DOJ-led task force; welcome CDC search engine changes; New AG Bondi races out of the gate with a slew of DOJ orders; funding pause for sanctuary cities; the end of foreign election interference investigations; the death of DOJ weaponization; hunters become the hunted; civil rights department aimed at DEI dingbats; Trump ends men spiking volleyballs at girls and ogling them in the lockers rooms; and terrific news for the nation’s energy and economy.
From Sylvia’s https://bourbonstreet506745279.wordpress.com/2025/02/06/override-inside-the-revolution-rewiring-american-power/
(Which was brought here yesterday)
Brought by kyblue
I agree with Brian, these people are modern day SLAVERS!
Spot on and from my whiney rants lately, all this “work force housing” that’s sprouting up from South Carolina up into coastal North Carolina is part of the plan. Work force is the safe euphemism for illegals.
BARF! I am in NC and they are planning Low income housing in my area too. We get calls all the time.
Look at the names released so far in the article. Percentage wise its a no brainer, esp in CA. Just in a week….
Crime & Safety112 Arrested, 13 Rescued In RivCo Human Trafficking StingAgencies in Riverside County participated in a massive statewide operation that led to 547 arrests and 177 victims rescued. What to know.
Many of those arrested in Riverside County are suspected of soliciting prostitution, pimping, pandering, various warrants, possession of various narcotics and other crimes related to human trafficking, according to the department. (Shutterstock)
RIVERSIDE, CA — Law enforcement in Riverside County arrested 112 people and rescued 13 victims in connection with a week-long human trafficking sting, authorities announced.
The operation, called “Operation Reclaim & Rebuild,” involved dozens of law enforcement agencies from Murrieta to Palm Desert and numerous advocacy groups, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department said.
The initiative focused on rescuing victims of sexual slavery and human trafficking and disrupting the trade by arresting suspected customers and traffickers.
Services and resources were given to 13 possible victims of these crimes. Statewide, some 177 victims were rescued — 11 of them were children
Let’s see photos of the traffickers and their legal status to be in America, and photos of the victims. They can cover the children’s faces.
We the People have a right to know whether the children are mostly white, and the traffickers are mostly melanin lotto winners, as has apparently been going on in England for decades now.
That is exactly the kind of thing the-crims-that-be would do everything possible to hide.
When the vast majority of illegals who came here in the last few years are young men traveling alone the market for sex is booming.
Bigly. And a lot of the minors are teens from foster homes.
Foster homes? Like the unrelated. also illegal sponsors?
The masterminds of the replacement plan knew that millions of men with healthy libidos would need the services of the “lost” children. Children would also mean teen girls turned into prostitute slaves (probably drug addicts too) .
Guess the religious charities look the other way, the lousy Pols pretend it isn’t happening.
Charlie Kirk:
At first I thought PDJT looked disgusted. There he was, meeting with another world leader, and he was confronted by this stupidity. But he had a great comeback.
The Fake News is disgusting.
The French have a figure of speech for the zinger you wish you had thought of at the time, something like “stairway comment” because you think of it on the stairway as you are leaving.
It doesn’t seem as though PDJT has much use for that concept.
BREAKING: Trump Directs Elon Musk’s DOGE Team to Conduct Comprehensive Audit of Pentagon
Since the Pentagram (h/t Wolf Moon) has been failing audits every year, there should be a lot of juicy stuff there.
Oh, the Pentagram demons are gonna be hoppin’ mad tonight…
So much bureaucracy… so much former power… so much current impotence… being made subject to a teenager whose nom de guerre is Big Balls… or even worse, Big Balls’ bigger brother, Ginormous Balls…

The guy got derailed because of, Big Balls? That’s simply stoopid.
Looks like he said “normalize Indian hate,” or something. Not a good attitude to have, but he’s young and said something stupid. And, more importantly to me, I’m sick of the Left trying to control behavior and situations by controlling language through political correctness.
Yup. Bottom Blow PC Bullshit. (Bootom Blow = Shitcan.)
“The guy got derailed because of, Big Balls?”
White man’s burden
I think this was handled exactly correctly.
The kid did a dumbass thing. It was discovered. He was read the riot act and resigned (maybe he was fired). I’m sure he felt terrible. It’s sort of like “Scared Straight.” He got to see what happens when you do dumb stuff, up close and personal.
Having been punished for his “crime,” however, was enough. He is reinstated, because honestly, we NEED him.
I’ll bet he never makes a stupid remark online again.
To me, this is the equivalent of sending a kid to juvenile detention for a week, but not ruining his life by sending him to prison.
Counsel. Chew him out. Fire? Nope. Not by me anyway.
Certainly should have been rehired.
I’m done with PC bullshit. Faux Outrage.
I’m not sure whether he was actually fired, or if he voluntarily resigned. Either way, I’m glad he has been rehired. And I’m also pleased by the fact that it shows, once again, the actual power of the voice of MAGA. X pitched a complete fit over it, and it worked.
They have an awful taste after the furst giant slurp.
When I was little kid the straws were made from straws and they worked. They worked for me as I remember.
Heck of a lot better than paper!
Thats fair enough too.
I have never used a paper straw. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen one.
If someone wants a paper straw, just use the paper that the plastic straw comes in… and good luck to ya!
I never saw a paper straw
I never hope to see one
But it is really true for me
I’d rather see than be one
Saved to the Poetry Tree!
Thanks Wolf!
Growing up we had paper straws. They sucked. Well, I meant, they collapsed.
More winning. May they never, ever recover.
Doctor Says Democrats Suffering ‘Real Crisis’ After Trump’s Win: Depression, Insomnia, Grief, ‘Genuine Fear, Panic’
Consciousness of guilt.
Let it wash all over them.
Aussie SkyNews
Lefties Losing It! Feb 6! (First 10 minutes)
Trump Approval Rating: CNN Loses It!! (6 minutes)
Very cute girl in that top video.
I found it interesting that a Aussie station would air this.
Sky News Australia skewers the American Left every day, I’m not even sure they report on anything else

I do recall Jo Nova mentioning them from time to time.
Lol. I had similar thoughts.
Healing Prayers
Prayer for Restorative Rest
Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Wholeness
Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort in Illness
Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.
Nighttime Blessing for Healing
Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.
Serene Prayer for Recovery
Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.
More winning – Tresury Dept Sec. appoints DOGE ally as asst in charge of payments

Very interesting first-person perspective on the American education system:
Trump Is Using Obama’s Weapons Against The [DS], Red Cross Soon, Scavino, FAFO – Ep. 3566
February 7, 2025 x22report
Germany is now struggling, following the green new scam and it has destroyed the country. Newsom is right on schedule with the climate cities. Trump shuts down the EV charging program. The Fed is setting up Trump, this will boomerang. Reciprocal tariffs coming. The [DS] is struggling with their message, the people are getting angry of what is being revealed with DOGE. Trump is now using Obama’s weapons against the [DS]. Red Cross audit coming soon and this will expose human trafficking and the pedo world. Trump is getting back at the [DS] by exposing their crimes, let the world see, let the world hold the [DS] accountable.
Ep 3566a – [CB] Set The Trap For Trump, Boomerang, Reciprocal Tariffs Coming
Ep 3566b – Trump Is Using Obama’s Weapons Against The [DS], Red Cross Soon, Scavino, FAFO
No separation of powers still eh?
Judge needs a Colonoscopy to see WHO is paying him.
He said oh im just going to put a real limited hold on it. Wtf. Executive powers. Judicial powers. Youve no say here.
I hope this posts. They’re going after the dogs by pushing a new core vaccine
This is a vet’s recommendation on what to give and avoid for dogs and cats.
mRNA Jabs for dogs? So they can shed with people?
Not gonna watch the video. Them are my first two thoughts.
Close it’s a vax called Leptospirosis That has massive side effects in dogs, they’ve now made it a core vax.
Only vax required by law in most states is rabies.
The Leptospirosis also don’t work….
He didn’t indicate whether that vax was mRNA or not, fwiw
All online it says
mRNA vaccines have been considered as a potential option for the leptospirosis vaccine for dogs. mRNA vaccines are a promising new type of vaccine that are simple and convenient.
We might have to eventually look put with the rabies vax
Examples of mRNA vaccines for dogs
Rabies mRNA vaccine
Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that mRNA vaccines can induce strong immune responses in dogs against rabies. One study found that a single dose of the mRNA-B-LNP vaccine induced higher neutralizing antibody titers than an inactivated vaccine.
I’ve seen a number of vets talk about the benefits of colostrum….
Besides providing immune support, colostrum has remarkable muscular-skeletal repair and growth capabilities. Studies have shown that colostrum is the only natural source of two major growth factors namely, transforming growth factors alpha and beta, and insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2.
That is why ALL mammals should get Mamma’s first milk if at all possible. I would even milk out some of my does and freeze some of the colostrum if I could. (A few ounces per doe will not hurt her newborns)
Instead of all the DAMNED Vaccinations, babies should get COLOSTRUM. Heck we do not vaccinate lambs and goat kids until 2 months and foals until 4 months AT THE EARLIEST per our vets!
Amen to that!
That’s interesting about the lambs and goats.
I’ve seen it being sold in powdered form.
Way too many vaccines being pushed and people as well as pets.
But more people are waking up thank goodness.
Long ago I wrote about it here:
June 2019 – Moar AND Logic — Vaccines
Ohhh Thank you.
Yes I’ve stopped giving my dog yearly vaxs. Only puppy core basics and well state requires rabies other than that nope.
The Covid push was a wake up call to vaxs for sure.
Ha ha ha! Very appropriate.
Elon Musk Announces Customs and Border Protection Has Taken Over USAID Office Building
Beautiful! May such justice rain down all over Leftopia!
It looks like USAID just occupied part of that building…and it was sharing the building with CBP (and a couple of other agencies: the EPA (well known: barf) and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (never heard of it, but sounds like barf here too. In fact it sounds like the sort of shit that USAID would fund).
So basically CBP gets more office space where they already are.
Ah ok. Well sounds like there could be more room soon.
As far as I’m concerned they can have the whole effing building.
Saturday Morning Post in the can.
Not terribly satisfied with this one.
No worries, we have TRUMP MANIA!
ThankQ for the work you put in to help keep this wonderful site going.
I debated changing my title to “Schadenböner Central”
Looking forward to it! No worries — THANK YOU for all you contribute to the board!
Looks like DJT just signed a big pro 2nd Amendment Executive Order. Implications are huge and looks like it’s all good:
On the other hand, Bondi is not very pro 2A, loving red flag laws.
Well – she’s got a boss now!
The same guy who did the Trump EO video just did one on Bondi.
Good to know. Bondi will get calibrated, as needed. From FL, she should know better.
4G&C did remind us she went after Zimmerman.
Good to know. Hopefully Bondi learned something.
Mr gil seems happy. Esp about the private sales stuff. Then again we are in commie fornia….
Oh, the awesomeness just keeps on coming!
“In a tit-for-tat move, President Donald Trump revoked former President Joe Biden’s security clearance. Trump announced his plans to do so on Truth Social, saying “we are immediately revoking Joe Biden’s Security Clearances, and stopping his daily Intelligence Briefings.”
In 2021, shortly after taking office, Biden had revoked Trump’s security clearance. Former presidents typically retain their security clearance as those in the very small club of past presidents have a unique perspective on domestic and global matters as well as on the rarified position that they each have held.
“There is no need for Joe Biden to continue receiving access to classified information,” Trump said, echoing the words Biden had used when he pulled Trump’s clearance.
“Therefore, we are immediately revoking Joe Biden’s Security Clearances, and stopping his daily Intelligence Briefings. He set this precedent in 2021, when he instructed the Intelligence Community (IC) to stop the 45th President of the United States (ME!) from accessing details on National Security, a courtesy provided to former Presidents. The Hur Report revealed that Biden suffers from ‘poor memory’ and, even in his ‘prime,’ could not be trusted with sensitive information. I will always protect our National Security — JOE, YOU’RE FIRED. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
That was just lovely!
And, at the same time, POTUS47 also ended any potential for “Dr. Jill” and Joe Biden’s handlers getting the security briefings too (by the “backdoor.”)
Yep. Buiden’s “personal assistant” (his actual handler, if Jill is not) probably was cleared too. Maybe that clearance got yanked, maybe not. In either case that personal assistant now has no need-to-know and thus isn’t entitled to the briefing either.
They ended that money train. Beep beep!
Adding the GWP link if you like to see comments.
“JOE, YOU’RE FIRED”: Trump Revokes Biden’s National Security Clearance and Stops His Intelligence Briefings
Kristinn Taylor Feb. 7, 2025 6:03 pm 541 Comments
The awesomeness of Trump rolls on.
Even if it isn’t tit for tat, Maggot has no functioning brain.
Maggot never answered for all the classified documents in his garage and whatever university.
Further, Maggot has no access to classified stuff for his faux hollyweird deal announced a few days ago. Nor any faux book deals.
Clintons and jug ears need to be next.
And GWB.
Yup ALL of them!
A lot of Senators and Congress critters. Remember Security clearances come from the President PERIOD.
tobacco spit, too, not just “plain” spit.
Another great Clint movie.
“The COVID Dossier A record of the military and intelligence coordination of the global Covid event.”
James Roguski
4 February 2025
Yours Truly: This extensive article includes a PDF of the detailed report compiled by researchers Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova. There are numerous embedded links, also. The PREP Act and NATO are involved.
Screenshot from the article:
Yours Truly again: One is of the opinion that, in addition to the military and intelligence aspects of COVID-19, there is also the component of those who want to reduce the Earth’s population to a “manageable” number of souls — all of whom would be controlled by the likes of Bill Gates / WEF. It may be that the military and intelligence aspects of the control would also be put into place.
The entire thing was premeditated fraud.
it’s two main purposes were:
A) artificially crash the US economy ahead of an election, knowing voters predominately re-elect an incumbent during strong economic tailwinds, and
B) created the predicate for “mail in ballots” and “drop-boxes”, exponentially strengthening ballot harvesting operations in key battleground states
Remember also that it wasn’t supposed to end as rapidly as it did. If “Operation Warp Speed” hadn’t been advanced, we were meant to masked and quarantined indefinitely.
I remember that. They were talking like We Had To Act Now to stop it from being a problem. Yet they were trying to make it easy to vote on the grounds that it would still be a problem months hence.
Dan Scavino
6:41 PM · Feb 7, 2025
Who’s the lady in white?
Possibly Paula White?
HELP. Please no money for fires now. I cant say or do what needs doing.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed two bills Friday providing $50 million to fight President Donald Trump’s policies — after returning from a trip to Washington, DC, where he sought federal aid money for recent wildfires in his state.
Both bills were passed after a special legislative session called by Newsom after the election to prepare California to lead the opposition to the second Trump administration. Newsom and the Democrat-controlled legislature reached a deal to fund the anti-Trump effort even as the Palisades Fire and Eaton Fire were still smoldering in Los Angeles.
One bill, SBX1-1, provides for “additional funding to be made available to the Department of Justice for litigation challenges of federal policy. The other, SBX1-2, provides funding for “legal services to vulnerable persons at risk of detention, deportation, [or] eviction” — in other words, to illegal aliens. Both were introduced by State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco).
The bills were passed earlier this week. Newsom waited until his visit in Washington was over, and until a Friday afternoon — when many people have left work and are less likely to notice the news — to sign the spending into law.
In a signing statement attached to SBX1-2, Newsom says that none of the funding is to be used for illegal immigrants “convicted of serious of violent felonies.” However, nothing in the text of the bill says that.
Yep. No path to the WH unless he chests. An evil
That’s true, but this is about the CA groveler.
IMO, this is the start of Newsom going for the 2028 DNC Presidential ticket nod.
He may get it buts hes a legend in his own mind. I dont think he plays well upon the rest of the country.
Please God, may it be Your will.
DJT will crush and destroy them.
California is bankrupt, and the U.S. gov’t has practically unlimited funds.
I voted for the felon, the hillbilly, the space dude, and BIG balls. You?
12:03 PM · Feb 7, 2025
Yes, Yes, Yes AND No. But I would have voted for BB, just to piss of libtards.
I voted for Big Balls in principle!
We’ve got the biggest balls of them all.
Some balls are held for charity, and some for fancy dress….
President Trump to Fire Kennedy Center Chairman and Multiple Trustees, Appoint Himself Chairman – Announces “Golden Age in Arts and Culture”
The New York “arts” crowd must be having fits!
Buh-bye, KJP!
President Trump has fired Archivist of the United States Colleen J. Shogan, the government official responsible for preserving and providing access to government records.
Sergio Gor, director of the Presidential Personnel Office, announced Shogan’s dismissal Friday night. Shogan has held the job since 2023.
“At the direction of @realDonaldTrump the Archivist of the United States has been dismissed tonight,” Gor wrote on X. “We thank Colleen Shogan for her service.”
IIRC, She, her organization helped frame Trump with the Mara Lago documents.
YUP. I see a future with her pleading the FIFTH.
I think so.
This! Politicizing Archives is Insane
Attorney General Pamela Bondi
It is an honor to serve as the 87th Attorney General. I look forward to restoring integrity to @TheJusticeDept, enforcing our immigration laws, and fighting violent crime.
Let’s get to work to make America safe again.
5:51 PM · Feb 7, 2025
Seems Rob’s manager wants his position.
Report: Casey DeSantis Considering Running For Florida’s Gubernatorial Position After Husband’s Term Ends
If he’s her main advisor……
No thanks. One Hillary is quite enough.
Shes rather butch when she speaks. A pinch unnerving.
I always thought, as she watched him on the campaign trail, that she probably thought she could handle people better. And that might be true. But he has been a good governor and she doesn’t have the same level of gravitas, as the Left likes to say.
Being the spouse of a politician is NOT a credible qualification to be a politician.
It’s just not.
But what it is, is a very convenient way for TPTB to maintain whatever blackmail control they had over the exiting and/or dead spouse, to keep the whole grift going.
You’re absolutely right.
Unfortunately, she has instant name recognition and that will help her win the nomination.
Before Jeff Crank, there was Lamborn; before Lamborn there was Hefley (I speak of Colorado Congressional District 5). Joel Hefley was a state senator before he was a congresscritter; his wife (sure enough) ran for and won the seat later; “Hefley” was a big name.
Jack Poso
BREAKING: Black Hawk aircraft tracking safety system was off during collision with passenger plane over DCA: report
Black Hawk safety feature was off during mid-air collision with passenger plane over DCA: report
From thepostmillennial.com
4:14 PM · Feb 7, 2025
This may have been the system FG&C mentioned last week. I may go back and look. If I remember.
Guessing the water damaged black box has data.
We will likely never hear the cockpit tapes and, if we did, my bet is there was no chatter. I am 99% certain neither aircraft saw the other and were unaware of the rapidly approaching danger. The only people who knew what was about to happen, too late, were the tower folks.
grabs and instant replay off the shelf….
Like I said, it has long been standing practice for the helo guys to have their ADS-B turned off in the DC airspace.
My circle of aviation’s bet is that standard DCA tower procedure is to close helo Route 4 when Rwy 33 is in use, and the PSA flight’s Rwy 33 landing clearance was an aberration from the “in use” traffic flow into Rwy 1 that the tower controller did not fully account for (ie. he forgot about Patriot 25). And, when he realized the resulting conflict, he gave both A) improper instructions and B) that were too late.
Like me, every single pilot I have talked with feels bad for this controller, as we have all listened to the tapes and there is VERY little, if any, doubt his mistakes were intentional. It is an unfortunate burden he will live with for the rest of his life, knowing all he had to say was
“Patriot 25, halt your forward progress NOW! Acknowledge!” (means stop & hover: not an uncommon command for army helos)
“BlueStreak 5342, go around”.
WOW. Yes.
Q’s focus on this woman is now making sense.
Charlie Kirk
At a protest against Trump’s executive orders targeting child mutilation procedures on minors, Actress Cynthia Nixon reveals that:
-Her daughter is transgender
-Her niece is transgender
-Her best friend’s child is transgender
-Her daughter’s best friend is transgender
-Her life is filled with transgender people, “young and old, but especially young.”
President Trump is saving American children from one of the most destructive social contagions in human history.
8:58 PM · Feb 6, 2025
Those are the people who will fight to the death for their causes. You can’t tell them their child/niece/etc. has made a grave, life-changing mistake and that they were a party to it and likely caused it. They will rabidly defend their position and demand their “rights” in the workplace and in society by trying to make everyone else conform to their ideology. And they will support whatever political party caters to them.
Cognitive dissonance is a horrible bitch.
That wymyn is sick in the head.
More great news…
Elon Musk’s DOGE Team Enters Consumer Financial Protection Bureau After Biden Holdover Fired – And Staffers are “Mad as Hell”
The Pocahontas Shakedown Racket getting audited? AWWWWWWWEEEE-some.
“Mad as hell” means they are leftist ideologues.
Cry, cope, and seethe, suckers.
Or just corrupt or lazy.
In which case they need to do something completely different from what you suggested. The suckers need to seethe, cope, and cry.
Like I said…leftist ideologues.
More from OT:
Oh Boy – DOGE Team Now Reviewing Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, The Elizabeth Warren Shakedown Racket
February 7, 2025
SD: “If you thought the USAID revelations were alarming sunlight, just wait until you see the apoplectic fits of rage about to come out from the Democrats, the DNC affiliated community activist groups, and the professional leftists who all rely upon the financial mechanism of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
According to a Politico article (also funded by USAID money), written with stunning amount of anger and apoplexy itself, Elon Musk’s DOGE team has just entered the CFPB to do a review and audit. This one is going to be beyond bananas.
Jumpin’ ju-ju bones, tell Ma, to fire up the coffee pot, we are in for a delicious treat. There’s no way for the DC outrage machine to handle this dose of Trumpian nitrous oxide directly into the intake manifold. The machine will explode.

BACKGROUND FIRST – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CPFB) was originally created by congress (Elizabeth Warren lead) as a quasi-constitutional watchdog agency to reach into the banking and financial system, under the guise of oversight, and extract money by fining entities for CFPB defined regulatory and/or compliance violations
Essentially, the CFPB is a congressionally authorized far-left extortion scheme in the banking sector. The CFPB levies fines; the fines generate income; however, unlike traditional fines that go to the U.S. treasury, the CFBP fines are then redistributed to left-wing organizations to help fund their political activism.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was the brainchild of Senator Elizabeth Warren as an outcome of the Dodd-Frank legislation. Within the CFPB Warren tried to set up the head of the agency, the Director, in a manner that that he/she would operate without oversight. Unfortunately, her dictatorial-fiat-design collapsed when challenged in court. Backstory #1 – Backstory #2
A federal court found the CFPB Director position held too much power and deemed it unconstitutional. The court decision noted that giving the President power to fire the Director would fix the constitutional problem. This issue was argued extensively after President Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney as interim Director. Elizabeth Warren declaring the CFPB Director could not be fired by the executive. The legal battle worked its way to the Supreme Court.
The CFPB remains as a quasi-constitutional agency; the CFPB remains an extortion racket to target any organization within the banking and finance sector; however, the president can fire and appoint the Director of the CFPB.
That’s the background. Now, DOGE is looking at the books, and the DC system is going bananas.
WASHINGTON DC – Elon Musk’s team on Friday entered the headquarters of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency that the billionaire Trump adviser has personally targeted, according to three people familiar with their actions.
Three Musk allies, some of whom are tied to his Department of Government Efficiency, have also embedded with the consumer bureau, according to the CFPB’s employees union, NTEU 335, in a sign that cuts could be coming to the agency, which Republicans have long opposed.
Chris Young, Nikhil Rajpal and Gavin Kliger’s names were added to the agency’s internal staff directory on Thursday night, the union said. They are listed as “senior advisers,” according to a person in the bureau who asked not to be named.
“CFPB Union members welcome our newest colleagues and look forward to the smell of Axe Body Spray in our elevators,” the union said in a scathing statement on Friday.
“While Acting Director [Scott] Bessent allows Musk’s operatives to bypass cybersecurity policies and wreak havoc with their amateur code skills inside CFPB’s once-secure systems, CFPB Union members fight to protect our jobs so we can continue protecting Americans from scammers with conflicts of interest like Musk,” the union said.
The CFPB did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson for DOGE also did not immediately respond. (read more)
The CFPB racket is also how the DNC and Clyburn network get paid.
This is the core funding for the activist groups who the Democrats rely upon to manipulate election outcomes. If they get cut off from both USAID funds and CFPB funds, they lose about 75% of all their election engineering funding.
The Act Blue money laundering operation took the hundreds of millions in funds from sketchy network sources attached to the CFPB/USAID, then assigned those funds to random names in the donor files of the Act Blue system; essentially washing away the fingerprints so the FEC could not identify the larger funding mechanism behind the fraudulently assigned individual donors. This is the trail that James O’Keefe was following.
Liawatha is going to be Big Mad.”
“There’s no way for the DC outrage machine to handle this dose of Trumpian nitrous oxide directly into the intake manifold.
The machine will explode.”
Good news keeps rolling in…
As the World Awaits the US-Russia Peace Talks, the Kremlin Asks for Patience and To Give the Trump Administration Time – Talks Between the Departments Are Reportedly Intensifying
This is really not a BFD. The list is not classified as in, Confidential, Secret…
Easily worked around.
Guess this Acting Fib Director’s days are numbered. Like next Wednesday, he’s on the street. Updating his resume.
SHOWDOWN: Acting FBI Director Brian Driscoll Gives DOJ Names of Employees Involved in January 6 Cases – But Sent List Through Classified System!
Look at his pic. Does this guy look serious? Goofball.
MORE good news…
Trump Suspends $5 Billion Electric Vehicle Charging Station Program
The ones i keep seeing here are tesla. The ones at costco i dunno. They never have anyone using them.
Top federal agency with history of wasteful spending could be next DOGE targetTrump said on Friday that DOGE will look at ‘everything’
NEW: Trump is visibly impressed after Japan Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba shut down a reporter who tried baiting him over tariffs.
Reporter: If the US places tariffs on Japanese imports, would Japan retaliate?
Ishiba: I am unable to respond to a theoretical question.
Trump: That’s a very good answer. Wow, that’s very good. He knows what he is doing.
OK, more pieces of information come together….
The mechanic, who had repaired the ignition from where it just wore out a few years back, told me that it seemed to be working normally with the key. So I called a locksmith friend (who had helped me when I changed all the locks at the house). He said it wasn’t really in his bailiwick, but told me that a certain young lady was the best in the business locally and gave me her phone number. Bad news — it’d cost $550 to change the locks, and it probably wouldn’t help. There is just too much play and too few tumblers in 1994 Honda locks and they can be picked.
Then she explained why the battery was dead when found.
Although the locks (and ignition) can be picked, they cannot be picked by everyone — and, so, once turned on, the car is generally not turned off for any reason….until the battery goes dead. It is just cycled between “accessories”, “run”, and “start”.
She suggested a remote clicker that kills the ignition, but says that isn’t perfect protection. Further, she didn’t think much of “the club”, saying that the various models varied widely in levels of protection. While I’m making up my mind, I will be bringing the car’s main relay into the house with me at night.
Fun North Carolina quiz —
The North Carolina County that is furthest West is:
a. Scotland
b. Transylvania
c. Cherokee
d. Cleveland
e. Person
Note that these are all actual NC Counties.
You need to take a field trip to find out the answer to this one.
I’ve been to a bunch of ’em (including the one that answers this question), but just found the entire collection to be amusing. As in, “where ya from?” “Transylvania.”
Normally, you don’t have to know much about what county you’re in — except in NC, some counties are trying their best to be California, with smog inspections.
I found the answer. I agree with Steve that you need to go out there and investigate for yourself.
A thorough investigation could take years.
There are 100 counties in NC. I’ve probably been to about 35 of them.
Easy if you know the history of the place and all the names around those parts. One of the most glorious and beautiful places in the entire USA.
The one I recognize (or rather, can infer a position based on the name and my meager knowledge of history) turns out to be it. I would have expected it to be far west, not necessarily the furthest west.
This isn’t too far north from there and was once an infamous place in the wintertime. I love the music of that part of the country.
Thank you for that. Not my usual cup of tea but I enjoyed this one.
This song goes back to the 1800’s and has many, many versions.
This version gained prominence because it was featured in the Guy Ritchie film “The Gentlemen” w/ Matthew McConaughey.
“Daniel” in the song is Daniel Boone, who is credited for discovering the gap for the white man even though the indians had been using it for ??? years beforehand.
Like many passes, it wasn’t particularly recognized as such until there was a road through it — in this case, Boone’s “Wilderness Road”.
(Nevermind…didn’t realize this was yesterday’s post. Moved to today/Saturday.)