Please visit this January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.

Do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore,
and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. — Galatians 5:1

We got our miracle.
America is back.
Let us dedicate ourselves to seeking our place in the cleansing, healing, and rebuilding of this beautiful, resource-rich nation. God will guide us.
Prayers and thanks to God for our 47th President, Donald J. Trump.

With gratitude to our own kind Wolf for reminding us of DePat’s recommended prayers for times of spiritual warfare, let us consider praying this one today.
Litany of Humility
O Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
Hear me.
From the desire of being esteemed,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being loved,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being honored,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being praised,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being preferred to others,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being consulted,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the desire of being approved,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being humiliated,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being despised,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of suffering rebukes,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being calumniated,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being forgotten,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being ridiculed,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being wronged,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
From the fear of being suspected,
Deliver me, O Jesus.
That others may be loved more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world,
others may increase and I may decrease,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be chosen and I set aside,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be praised and I go unnoticed,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be preferred to me in everything,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may become holier than I,
provided that I may become as holy as I should,
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
Author: Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val y Zulueta
Charity is patient, is kind; charity does not envy, is not pretentious, is not puffed up, is not ambitious, is not self-seeking, is not provoked; thinks no evil, does not rejoice over wickedness, but rejoices with the truth, bears with all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Cor. 13:4-7).
To have Charity is to love God above all things for Himself and be ready to renounce all created things rather than offend Him by serious sin. (Matt. 22:36-40)
Our J6 P.O.W.s are always in our hearts with the fervent desire that all wrongs would be undone and each target and their families be made stronger and more whole than ever.
Trisha Hope has been providing important updates. And this story…

She asks lot of good questions.


God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.
Well, I tried scheduling for 00:03 EST … dashboard said in bright red letters something about missed scheduling or something like that.
So I tried Steve’s trick of editing, adding a space then saving. And it is now posted. Related? I don’t know.
But here we are.
It’s a secret scheme to keep your mind nimble.
I don’t know
be nimble
be quick
what ever
Jump over the candlestick.

…..and if you miss, you get a hot wax enema. Sort of a Brazilian Dr. Kellogg……
Not if you don’t know jack
If you don’t know jack, you didn’t light the candle
Jack Flash sat on a candlestick

I was thinking of this one, actually… which is referencing that one…
Thank you for this post. Good questions about when Clay Higgins will reveal what he knows. Maybe the Trump administration has so much going on now that they want him to wait a little while. The public needs to know everything.
If there is a really good, really secret reason for the additional pain and suffering. So be it. But if this is somehow being done in the shadows… POINT A FLAMING SPOTLIGHT ON IT!!!
What you describe is normal.
On WordPress, scheduling uses a kind of cron that apparently breaks as the site gets bigger, and pretty much stays broken. It’s universal. It has never been fixed by WordPress. The best solution I found was a simple one that is widely used – a plugin that fires every 15 minutes, checks for scheduled posts that have missed the schedule, and publishes them instantly.
I call it the “kicker-outer”. I just let it run. I schedule publication at 12:01 AM, and the post will publish by 12:17 AM. Often sooner, but no later.
Sadly, the plugin doesn’t have an adjustable rate of checking. I just accept the 15-minute value.
Well, it was about two hours before midnight when it dawned on me that I hadn’t completed my intended post and my internal kicker-outer reset my expectations for what to include this week. I am satisfied with the post and very much interested in more discussion about how broken our courts have become.
So Wordpiss doesn’t know what time it is? That’s hilarious.
Yet we can put humans in orbit indefinitely.
Matt WordPiss could fix that, and keep everybody on the ground permanently. Just put him in charge of SpaceX!
Which is the Soros Sabotage Model.
To paraphrase Groucho, hello, I must be Boeing…
WordPress will *try* to publish at the right time, but it will somehow not only fail, but tell the user that it failed.
And then a simple, free plugin checks every 15 minutes to see if WordPress failed, and does it, without ever failing. *SHRUGS*
is that a paid thing problem?
I schedule my posts to publish at 12:15 AM. (I load them up a month ahead most times and to be honest, I’m never awake to see if they publish at that time or not, but i’ve not woken up to one not being there since they shut me down and then reinstated me.)
WordPress.com doesn’t let publishing failure be a problem at the size of sites they will host for free. I do not know if it becomes a problem for paid sites they host.
The truth is that Matt Mullinwhatever, the Secret Dictator of WordPress who pretends to be the Liberator of WordPress (even more “leading from behind” than Obama), spends his time creating fronts that carry out secret censorship and bringing in money to the “free” platform, and not one second on the basics. WordPress has a bad AI that constantly begs to fix your writing, and no fix for the failed publication bug.
That makes sense!
Word Piss used to censor me during OH!Bummer if I used the word Trotsky.
Good Job!!!
Space. The front here final….
Sounds like it. But be grateful for that 700 buck fema check.
Your comment is dripping with cynical sarcasm.
As I read “I am telling you right now,” I heard the voice of the crazy plane lady.
You refer to the lady with WGTTs named Tiffany Gomez.
Tiffany’s Twisted
rim shot!
She got the Mercedes Benz, uh
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
Tiffany of the WGTTs!
“As I read “I am telling you right now,” I heard the voice of the crazy plane lady.”
Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody says it half as good as Crazy Plane Lady
Baby, you’re the best…
This is my favorite version. Especially the big-eyed alien.
Mine also. Never gets old.
Exactly. Never gets old!
For all you youngins in the crowd who may not be old enough to know the song, the lyrics above (with Crazy Plane Lady substituted for ‘you’ in the 3rd line) are from Carly Simon’s Nobody Does it Better
I was a kid but I remember my older sister had it on an album, maybe
I was definitely an adult before I knew her other song is not “You’re so vague, you hardly think this song is about you”
You did not hear that correctly.
I can’t find a recent headline, but here is from from last year:
Improper Payments Cost Taxpayers $2.7 Trillion Since 2003Sept. 10, 2024, 9:29 PM GMT
can ANY of that be clawed back?
Anything improperly taken from the U.S. Treasury can be clawed back, if the political will is present.
No, I’m not being sarcastic.
how would that work? would the treasury need the cooperation of the banks? if the checks are deposited into a checking acct for example and then immediately swept into another account, the bank would have to provide the new account number and/or account owner, correct?
That is what subpoenas are for I would think.
Remember all the gnashing of teeth over the Epstein -JP Morgan bank connection?
Story from: 40 of The Most Explosive Lawsuits Against Banks in History
Gail’s response tells the tale.
Thank you, Doug Collins.
I’m seeing 60% favorable ratings for D.O.G.E. and that’s probably low.
Betting DOGE approval rating is in the 90s. High 90s.
I doubt it.
Just had dinner with friends. They have a friend who is a DemonRat. She HATES Trump and is having a hissy fit.
Guess what her job is?
She is a lawyer for ILLEGALS!
I would expect there are a lot of grifters out there who work for NGOs or law firms or construction companies, or food processing companies or others who hire illegals under the table… who were doing quite well screwing America and the Tax payer. THEY are going to HATE Trump because he threatens there niche.
There is an entire ecosystem that is built up around serving illegals and using illegals.
I think you over-estimate the percentage of parasites infesting America.
Besides that, I don’t think they have any real power anymore.
For one thing, they are gonna be too busy looking for jobs to be causing the trouble they have in the past.
This does not include government jobs or lawyers and such.
From Brave AI
According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics, nonprofits, including NGOs, account for roughly one in ten jobs in the U.S. private workforce, with a total of 12.3 million employees in 2016.4 Over the decade since 2007, nonprofit jobs grew almost four times faster than for-profit jobs.
If there is a single NGO that isn’t a scam of one kind or another, I would be SHOCKED.
The list of legitimate reasons to form an ‘NGO’ must be vanishingly small, yet 10% of the U.S. workforce is ’employed’ by NGOs…
DJT should shut down the whole ‘NGO’ category.
Bush and his “thousand points of light” was really “a thousand dumpster fires”!
“Over the decade since 2007, nonprofit jobs grew almost four times faster than for-profit jobs.”
So riddle me this.
If they are NON-PROFITS, they’re not making any money, but they’re hiring like mad, growing their employment numbers FOUR TIMES FASTER than for-profit companies.
Where is all the money coming from?
It’s obscene.
Since SBA is mentioned, this is a good place to interject a conversation I had yesterday. One of my former guys who worked with me BIMD called to check up on how we were doing. He runs his own unit for a bank with some of our former colleagues. I asked how things were with SBA and the programs.
Oh my.
Brandon and crims had just about destroyed it over the past two years. The SBA agency officers told them to just about approve any loan under $1 million they wanted, no collateral necessary. They waived all former requirements on creditworthiness. Borrower convictions of crimes in their past – no problem. Bad personal and /or business credit – no problem. Owe back taxes – no problem. The only loans they wanted buttoned up with good credit and collateral were over $1 million. It has gotten to the point my friend was looking to get out of the industry at only 57 years old even though he has heard major changes were coming with PDT and cabinet.
Huge business loan defaults incoming. The kick backs to the crims must have been off the charts.
Holy…… WOW.
Actually not surprising Wolfie. The cabal wants small business (the competition) DEAD. SO they are sucking the funding away from the real start ups.
I follow every J6er or relative that I can on X. The number of pardoned J6ers is shocking. The number that were turned in by family and friends is shocking. The number who were screwed badly and had to suffer lies, threats, bullying, and harassment by DOJ, FBI and judges is shocking. It may be that FBI and DOJ were treating ALL defendants this badly, and J6 just exposed this, but it is very clear that FBI agents will lie to judges and the judges either believe the lies or pretend to believe them, and worse yet will do things to prevent the defendants from confronting the lies. Every case seems like a kangaroo court.
And then there is the shocking number of cases they didn’t have time to pursue YET.
Oh, they would have come for me FOR SURE at some point. I think that Graves dude was jonesing BIG TIME to go after all the peaceful protesters outside the Capitol building.
They seem not to have wanted to go after me, in part because I made sure it would be a pain for them if they did, but also in part because when they tried to get me to self-discredit afterwards, I basically tossed an evidentiary grenade back into their lap.
The result of an animal orgy?
Beyond legendary! Mythical!
^^^^^ This, a million times over!
Shades of BTHBDGAS (complete with Bach cello suite in the background)… haven’t heard this in a while
The entire situation is a travesty of how things are supposed to work in this country. It’s fraud, abuse, and criminality on such a massive scale that I’m guessing it’s going to take a long time to straighten it out. There needs to be staff dedicated solely to J6 justice.
I think Pan Bondi is going to send backhoes into the criminal fed burial grounds in DOJ.
She has to.
Machiavelli advised that if one must act against a ruler or influential person, the action should be definitive and leave no possibility for retaliation. He believed that half-measures or minor offenses would only provoke revenge, while a complete defeat would eliminate that threat.
This is all-out war at this point.
Trump has now gone after their money, and clearly intends to eliminate their illegal source of funds altogether. Next comes global bank account freezes, and “clawback”. We can be certain that Musk is using advanced AI to track and trace all the $$. Then indictments, mass arrests. Trump has already announced an agreement to house offenders in El Salvador’s CECOT…meaning that the USA does not have all the prison space required for what is coming.
“When you take a shot at the king, you better not miss.”
Well, they missed.
And the king is going to not make that same mistake.
I’m thinking Musk and PDJT have been gaming this out for awhile now.
Will they use this ?
As soon as I saw that, I thought about how that could be used. And then there is Starlink. AND Twatter DMs…. AND geo-fencing with cell phones…
From your keyboard to God’s ear.
When they have no cash, no hide outs, then hopefully the orosecutions come, and they may make some personal final judgements.
Once Kash is settled in FIB, I 100% believe Bondi and Kash will move on J6 Fedsurrection.
Dumrats AND Deep State fear, accountability is inbound.
Also DC Gulag will receive the 12ga rusty bore brush cleaning.
J6ers still incarcerated will get released.
Bureau of Prisons will get an overhaul. J6ers, Bannon and Navarro abuses come to mind.
It is all on the Action list.
My number one wish is J6ers GTFO gulags wherever they are. Then back to the Action list.
Amen! And full compensation!
Not surprised.
That has been their MO for decades. J6 just highlights it. Stasi type criminal org.
BIMD was real, not contrived storytelling.
Never doubted it was real.
Because they OWNED the news media it was very very easy to make sure the public at large never knew about the rotten stinking mess hidden under the carpet.
If you got too much traction in telling the public you got offed. To name just a few:
Congressman McFadden
Justice Mahoney
Andrew Breitbart
Ted Gunderson
Phil Haney
Never doubted you – we know what we know. Some never got it.
Curious to see how Kash’s mission translates.
Are all of the J6ers out now? I heard a while ago that some good people are still detained, and I haven’t heard a follow-up report.
Whatever, Liz. We don’t care.
The Senate is debating RFKJ’s nomination now.
Bannon’s War Room:
Adam Schiff was speaking when I tuned in. I got out fast.
Smart decision. Leaving rapidly, that is.
There, FIFY (including your misuse of disqualified)(which should refer to your fraudulent grants/preference based on non-existent native-american ancestry)…..
I hope it includes a hall of memes like the one on a video that someone produced a few years ago.
Found it!
Oh that’s hilarious!!!
And still waiting on the 60 minutes lawsuit to be settled.
SHOCK POLL: Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Men Soars to 42 Percent
“Ed Morrissey of Hot Air commented on this poll:”
Seems like I see as many black conservative videos in my yootoob suggested videos list every day as I see white conservative videos.
Just a sampling, a couple I know from music reaction videos who dabble in politics, and others are politics only, but they’re all good and a lot of them have high subscription and viewer counts, so there is definitely an audience.
With the music reaction channels, the comments section is usually filled with older white people, because that’s who knows the classic rock era music and likes to see other people’s reaction to it.
But on the political channels, it’s mostly black people in the comments sections (except for Melanie and Jason), primarily black men, and they’re mostly pro-Trump. Even among those who aren’t DJT’s biggest fans, most support what DJT is doing
This is from Tuesday, but the video shows how the Iron Mountain underground facility, where government employee records are stored, works. I feel claustrophobia coming on…
Collin Rugg:
So the government tried, and failed, to digitize records. I bet there are people who could get it done today. Trump and Elon are notorious for getting things done in record time.
Hey! You got a tweet to show up! Wow!
Yeah, and Biden was “sharp as a tack.”
They didn’t fail. The effort was sabotaged, like as not to prevent payroll and job loss by the very bureaucratic parasites who run Iron Mountain.
Change my mind.
Iron Mountain stores records for many industries, or at least did.
I wish I knew how!
Seriously, they need to talk to the Latter Day Saints.
The LDS has a MASSIVE project digitizing records for its Family History Library, and Familysearch.com.
They can pull a hard record from their Granite Mountain vault with a few days notice. They can digitize a record and get it up online by request. They digitized my last book (a genealogy, obviously) and put it up online in just a couple of months.
They know what they are doing, and it is mostly done by VOLUNTEERS! LDS members do service at the Library and doing the digitization.
So how do we know how many have retired and how much they are paid and if they are even alive?
That’s probably the point.
EPA admin Lee Zeldin has a great video describing how the progzis in EPA tried to send out a bunch of money from their budget to prevent Trump from saving it. They called it “throwing gold bars off the Titanic”. Zeldin found out about it, and was able to get the money back.
There will be punishment.
These criminals deserve to fry.
The US Army did the same thing with billions(?) in silver off the island of Corregidor prior to it’s capture in order to prevent the Japanese from getting it. Interesting, the Japs only recovered a portion of it, and much was never recovered.
The bidenistas weren’t actually throwing gold bars away, they were just shoveling money out the door as fast as they could.
Unfortunately the video uses the metaphor so consistently that I fear someone will be mislead into thinking actual gold bars were dumped at sea,
The Philippines actually had a branch US mint (mint mark M) that made special pesos/centavos for the Philippines. San Francisco and Philly also made these issues at times. They actually say United States on one side and Philippines on the other. They are in fact American coins though few collectors of American coins pay attention to them.
These are what got tossed into the sea and many uncirculated examples on the market today are actually recovered coins.
First the Fake News Media accuses Elon of being a danger to people’s privacy.
Then, when it’s clear that Elon isn’t doing anything wrong, they try to incite wrongness.
My take on a media gal claiming Elon “hasn’t been transparent” – which she then suggests could be resolved by releasing “data”.
Wolf Moon
Is the media (and this lady in particular) trying to bait @DOGE into releasing protected personal information, so that their Democrat allies have a privacy talking point? Seems like the Fake News pulls one way, then the other.
1:28 AM · Feb 13, 2025
Yes, that is exactly the ploy.
Complain that the most transparent administration in literally EVER isn’t being transparent enough in order to falsely justify a demand for “data” which the lawfare crew will then use to file suits over privacy violations.
Remember, the media is a part of their crime syndicate.
Doug Collins slams the Fake News!
Eric Spiegelman
Absolutely infuriating Palisades recovery story:
My friend’s mom’s house burned down. His insurer asks for a copy of the blueprints, to process the claim. The blueprints were in the house and they burned –but there’s a copy on file with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. LADBS requires a release letter from the architect to give him his blueprints, which my friend provides. Whole process takes a week. He goes to DBS to get his blueprints –but they won’t give them to him. Why? Because the architect signed the request paperwork on the wrong part of the page. LADBS says my friend needs to start the whole process over.
My friend objects. He says, “The instructions just said the architect needed to sign the page, and he did that.”
The LADBS clerk says, “But he signed over the seal. He’s supposed to sign next to the seal.”
My friend goes, “So? He signed it.”
The LADBS clerk says, “But he signed the wrong part of the page.”
My friend pleads, “you know my mom’s house burned down, and every day this gets delayed is another day she can’t get her claim processed.”
The LADBS clerk responds, “So what?”
6:48 PM · Feb 12, 2025
Find a lawyer.
Find a scourge.
See this article from Gateway Pundit:
Lee Zeldin Reveals Shocking Abuse by Biden’s EPA – $20 Billion Parked at Outside Financial Institution in Last-Minute Heist! (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila
Roger Seheult, MD
The Flu: happens every year weeks after the shortest day of the year in December in the northern hemisphere (first pic USA)
It’s also what happens every year weeks after the shortest day of the year in June in the southern hemisphere. (second pic Australia)
I wonder what might be the root cause?
Sunlight perhaps?
2:13 AM · Feb 13, 2025
Roger Seheult, MD
Harvard did a study to see if this was in fact the case. They looked at the flu in 2009 and since it hit early during the summer (first pic), they were able to decouple temperature, humidity, and sunlight to see what was really going on (second picture).
Their conclusion: “We find that sunlight strongly protects against getting influenza.”
2:17 AM · Feb 13, 2025
Roger Seheult, MD
This is the reason why I advocate for sunlight as prevention and treatment. It has this and many more studies to back it up and we know from observations in the 19 century that people who were very good at observing found a notable difference:
Roger Seheult, MD
For those that want more rigorous studies, the same effect occurs in COVID as well. Here is a randomized, placebo controlled study that shows that infrared light for only 15 minutes a day for 7 days improved C19 so much that they were discharged from the hospital a full 4 days faster:
2:24 AM · Feb 13, 2025
And it has ties into melatonin in the mitchondria of the cells.
Just watched this yesterday.
Mind blown.
I have two friends that found that they could not kick long-cov until they started sunbathing with “belly” 15 min, flip, low back 15 min in the sun daily.
Near-IR is so critical, IMO.
Also important for rejuvenating the retina and avoiding macular degeneration. CFLs and LED lamps don’t emit that part of the spectrum…
Interesting. I may need to reinstall some incandescents.
Or sit by a window.
For a few hours, at least!
I started standing in front of this lamp after meals. The IR is supposed to prime cells to utilize glucose for energy. Apparently blue light causes glucose to be STORED instead of used for energy. I really like this bulb, it is custom designed to provide a wide spectrum of red light. (not a painted bulb!)
Same company has the nicest incandescent bulbs for full spectrum lighting. A bit pricey, but I can feel the difference where I am using them.
Doesn’t work because new energy efficient windows block IR.
Linda and my parents are screwed.
You can always tell when it’s summertime in Salem, OR — the rain feels warmer.
Ha ha! At the moment we are having another February ice storm. I can only wish for rain!
(I have this postcard, but it says English seasons… same as Scotland, but not so windy
That there is interesting. Sun bathing, helped kick long covid.
Wonder if they were popping vitamin D.
That is definitely a factor, but Seheult seems to think that near-IR is much more important than UV+D.
Recent research has not shown D supplements to be very helpful. Sunshine has been shown to activate metabolic processes that protect against viruses and cancer, among other things.
One nugget among so much great information.
While I assume Vitamin D is not a perfect substitute for sunlight, vitamin D deficiency is key here.
Daily vitamin D IS essential to health. Many have posted this.
Requesting vitamin D level is wise to do, when getting a blood test. If low, easy to correct.
I forget where I saw it — maybe a TED talk or something — but the speaker pointed out that once upon a time, organisms had to make their own vitamins…..which are extraordinarily common across species. As time went on, they found that they didn’t need to create their own (example: vitamin C), because every citrus, chili pepper, and sour herb was making plenty and animals would do just as well by nipping a bit from those other organisms instead of making their own.
So we come to humans, and we can barely make vitamin A out of beta carotene, we can’t make vitamin B or C, we can’t make vitamin E…..but we can still make vitamin D if we just lie in the sun like a plant. What made vitamin D so freakin’ important that we had to retain the ability to make it from scratch?
Apparently infants make their own C. Seems that something (vaccines?) breaks the natural enzymatic processes early on for most of us. There is at least one supplement product that is designed to restore natural production of C in the human body. The substance that helps is in some foods/herbs.
Brave Search AI says:
I don’t think it’s vaccines, because scurvy was a thing for adults well before vaccines.
Good point.
This makes me think two things. One, take your vitamin D! Please!
But, two, sunlight kills viruses. Lack of sunlight, more living virus. So we should be extra diligent in the dark months to wash our hands, not touch doorknobs, hand railings, etc., and keep our environment as clean as we can.
Amen! I would add “avoid crowds in January” too!
Lol, I see what you did there, I think.
I’ve looked at crowds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
It’s crowd confusions I recall
I really don’t like crowds at all…
Is this the MedCram doctor?
Yes. (IIRC)
Yes! He was huge on Vitamin D, until he got swept up by very positive data on near-IR benefits, which seem to overlap strongly.
Many Thanks! He made the best videos in the early days of COVID, back before he had treated a single COVID patient, and focused on vitamins such as NAC to keep immune system healthy.
I’ve been looking at the near-IR data. I’m still hopeful that being very near my open fire is giving me some.
I’m hopeful, too. I ended up trying to explain WHY I’m hopeful in a long scientific speculation…….
I’m certain that it does – and I think it’s giving you a LOT of the near-IR that you NEED. And not just because that’s exactly what’s being emitted – the radiant heat that you feel.
We have been evolving with fire for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years, which just tightens up the design. We NEED fire. It HAS to be providing the stuff we need. We should immediately hypothesize that it provides us with needed things.
And all the right people hate wood heating, and try to stop it – right?
And IMO fire is also like the spark that fires up intelligent life. It’s like an accelerant, left there to be discovered by the right life when it’s ready
Wood fire is also released sunlight, in a very real sense. It’s a design pattern that makes life work. It’s just a smooth curve right back to nuclear energy, and it all works to create life and kick it into gear.
Stars are like life-building factories. They crank out all this possibility and then they zap it. Make the rubble, bake the rubble, then bounce the rubble on the baby spheres.
It’s all so smart. And there are an infinite number of completely different ways that God could be doing similar things to create completely different kinds of life and intelligence in different universes.
Space and time could be similar but completely different things with different rules in different universes, but they could STILL crank up life and intelligence just the same.
The only requirement is that it WORKS – and evolution is just saying that the design has to work at a statistical level without being completely stalled by programming blockades.
We’re LEARNING the super-basics, but we can already begin to see the greatness of a God for which this entire universe is only 1 in an infinity of possibilities.
Or stated another way…..
Fire has to give you what sunlight does because one expects elegance in an intelligently designed universe which uses adaptive programming to advance life and intelligence rapidly and economically.
It would be “lucky” if fire gave you what you needed from sunlight for flukey random reasons, whereas the likelihood that storage and release of sunlight and all its benefits is going to be simple and workable and effective in a universe that repeatedly works toward that same end is going to be high.
Your reasoning is a bit similar to mine. Humans would not have survived our time on this Earth, however we got to where we are now, without fire. The ability to cook meat, which makes it safer for eating, is only one function of fire. I’m sure near-IR is another.
So our symbiotic relationship with the hearth (we feed it and it feeds us) seems very important to me.
It’s similar to the fact that petting a dog or cat lowers blood pressure. They are another of our symbiotic friends.
After three weeks of experience with this Trump presidency, I have come to regret how I supported Trump.
Putting Musk in charge of DOGE.
Firing civil servants.
Letting 20-something tech bros have access to the Treasury and social security.
Shutting down USAID.
Banning transwomen from women’s sports.
Renaming the Gulf of Mexico.
Completely erasing DEI language from the government.
Rounding up immigrants.
American troops on our own border.
All of it has been shocking and overwhelming, truly.
And I am ashamed.
If I had known how all of this would play out, I would have tattooed MAGA on my forehead, wrapped myself in the American flag, and shouted my support for Trump from every rooftop.
Feb 12, 2025 · 2:37 PM UTC
Elon Musk
The White House now has tech support.
The matrix is being reprogrammed to make success one of the possible outcome. They did not expect this.
K. Maru.
Mario Nawfal
“I have mentors in the Reagan administration who came in looking for [government waste].
Those people were not technical.
When they went to the bureaucracy, and they asked questions, there are so many ways of obscuring and blocking and deterring.
Elon got root access, and he went to the tech systems themselves.
No one has done this ever.
No president had ever had tech people around him.
They went to the systems, and they started finding things like, my goodness.
These people who work for the agencies tried to confront them and say, no, you can’t look at the systems.
They’re freaking out.
It’s very transparent: They went to the systems, they actually saw the payments and the payments were going out to crazy shit.
There were [duplicated] payments to people with the same Social Security numbers and payments to people with no number.
There are payments to Internews Network, which is training media all around the world on how to have a certain point of view that’s very left.
I think this is amazing, but people want to slow them down.
Do they want to slow them down from stopping their grift?
This is really the biggest question here.”
CNBC, February 12, 2025, @JTLonsdale, @DOGE
5:41 PM · Feb 12, 2025
PEOPLE will lie like a rug, but NUMBERS tell the truth.
Charlie Kirk
Incredible: President Trump’s freeze at the border is so successful that countries like Panama and Costa Rica are struggling to cope with the REVERSE flow of migrants heading south back to their home countries.
For years, Washington said this “crisis” could only be solved by letting the entire world into America. That was a lie, because they are liars who hate America. As soon as America sent the message that its border was real and showing up was pointless, people stopped doing it.
Border security is an act of will. Nothing more and nothing less.
1:35 PM · Feb 12, 2025
This IS Laugh Out Loud Funny. Emphasis mine.
President Trump’s freeze at the border is so successful that countries like Panama and Costa Rica are struggling to cope with the REVERSE flow of migrants heading south back to their home countries.
USAID funding to NGOs Abruptly Stopped. F A F O.
Mario Nawfal
This is why you don’t let children choose their gender
He’s so sure he’s making the right decision… zero doubt… no hesitation… he knows how good those cookies are, and he’s not gonna be fooled into taking any of that paper trash, not when cookies are on the table…
Mmmm… cookies…

Put ’em on the do-not-fly list as fugitives.
Remember when Trump pulled Nancy’s transportation for a similar junket?
yup…it was grand!

Saigon 1975. Oh, the memories.
Just off the coast.
That was onboard USS Kirk, ~30 April 1975. I didn’t get there until November 1975. Crew had some interesting stories.
I remember the news pictures. That was America’s big disgrace until the Biden exit from Afghanistan. What a world. You have to hand it to them, when a military screws up it goes all the way.
Wait until they are in Germany. Then put them on the do-not-fly list.
bwahahahahahahah…love the way you think!
Nah, let them go to Germany AND THEN HOLD THE VOTE!
Let their punishment increase accordingly.
Publish the hotels they are staying at, and how much they are spending for rooms, for booze, for hookers, all of it.
Put up a live ‘debt clock’ type counter, that shows the cost of their jaunt in real time, with telephone numbers to each of their offices below the counter, so taxpayers can call and express their gratitude.
They might not want to stay in München; there was just another Afghani “Drive-Thru” today… of course, the perp was “known to police”, had previous convictions, was slated to be deported, and “has mental issues”… which boils down to they’ll send him to the Psychiatrie (nuthouse), he’ll escape in a few months, and the cycle will repeat…
Can’t fix stupid, especially if it’s SPONSORED by the gubmint…

California Joe
February 13, 2025 1:15 am
Steve Bannon today…
The top two ICE Enforcement Officials in Washington DC have been removed for slow-walking deportations. Appears they are Biden appointed holdovers who burrowed into Civil Service positions.
Too easy to find Maggot appointees that burrowed in.
Search on fed hires since the election or go back to June 2024. High grades only. Likely in DC region. Though, global cursory look worth the data search.
Rather sure this has already been done and many moles are being watched.
May even be do the same for the final four months of hussein’s reign. Prolly some moles there also.
Other branches are on their own.
Something to do with corpse?
I want to see those FDA employees planting and picking tobacco. Friends who did it as teens say it is a really nasty job.
And then there is cleaning out chicken houses for the fired USDA workers…
They should feel right at home, surrounded by chickenshit and bullshit
Priming tobacco
DOGE has found Social Security checks going to people 150 years old, multiple checks going to people with the same social security number, and hundreds to people with the same address.
This raises questions
Who is cashing these checks or are they automatically deposited to bank accounts?
Is this a way to pay Antifa and BLM soldiers?
Will the authorities find and prosecute the recipients of these fraudulent checks?
DOGE CLOCK count – https://www.usdebtclock.org/#
2/13/25 – 6:35 am – 89.7 Billion
they have bank account numbers (or addresses). they should be able to find out the owners of these accounts and pursue them i think.
CTH commenter raises other very good QUESTIONS:
Pegon Zellschmidt
February 13, 2025 7:41 am
When do we find out how much Jenna and Barbara, Malia and Sasha, have been funneled with phony jobs or outright grants much like Chelsea, not to mention their parents??
That’s an excellent question, seems logical they should be able to follow the process to the next step.
Maybe this will come out today when PDJT has his press conference. He said there’re going to talk about the fraud.
OLD NOTES on stolen SS# and multiple checks to addresses that add up to BIG MONEY.
IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes (2018) (Originally from Forbes)
Additional REFERENCES:
Identity Theft Can Affect Your Social Security Benefits | Jacoby and Meyers Law Offices
1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers: Audit – Washington Times (2017)
IRS Doesn’t Tell 1M Taxpayers that Illegals Stole Their Social Security Numbers – Washington Times (2016)
Remember ALL those STOLEN Social Security numbers???
WORSE: IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes
1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers: Audit – Washington Times
IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address
Oh, and leaking ICE Raids? It is nothing new:
Here’s one for Steve if he ever gets tired of flerfers —
Wow, there’s just so much wrong with that!
It’s a joke, of course.
Or is it? Sometimes Poe’s law comes into play.
sounds like pampered princes and princesses need more than cuddle therapy–maybe padded rooms?
h/t filly
“Harvard Medical School, Citing Trump NIH Cuts, Encourages Distressed Students To ‘Take Advantage’ of ‘Countway Cuddles’ Pet Therapy
Trump’s policy places a cap on ‘indirect’ research funding used to pay for energy bills, admin salaries, and, in one infamous case, a yacht”
Collin Anderson, February 12, 2025
EXCERPT: “Days after President Donald Trump’s National Institutes of Health moved to cap government funding for so-called indirect research costs—that is, money tacked on to a research grant that universities use to fund administrative salaries and other expenses—Harvard Medical School sent concerned students and faculty a message encouraging them to “take advantage” of the school’s “Countway Cuddles” pet therapy program.
Medical school dean George Daley sent the email to “Members of the HMS Quad Community” on Feb. 9 and forwarded it to the school’s alumni two days later, a copy of the message obtained by the Washington Free Beacon shows. In it, Daley cited Trump’s “recently issued NIH policy guidance announcing a cap on the funding of indirect costs on federal grants” and said he was “keenly aware of how much this uncertainty is weighing on all members of our research communities.”
Daley went on to encourage students, faculty members, and researchers to “take advantage of the well-being resources available to members of the Harvard community.” He linked to a page that touts Harvard-funded services like a “24/7 mental health support line” and the “Countway Cuddles pet therapy program,” which hosts “pet-therapy sessions” meant to “combat burnout, stress, and anxiety.” Attendees can “pet and play” with one of six “therapy animals”: “Sophie the Golden Retriever,” “Rudy the Golden Retriever,” “Sasha the Black Lab,” “Bodhi the Yellow Lab/Golden Retriever Mix,” “Bao the miniature Goldendoodle,” and “Hermie the therapy guinea pig.” The program’s website includes a guide on the “Right Way to Pet a Dog.”
“In these challenging times, I am feeling reassurance and comradeship from members of this community,” Daley concludes in his email. “I encourage you to share your thoughts with colleagues, with mentors, and with me.”….”
These are the SAME SOBs that intentionally regulated my petting farm out of existence!
Cuddly animals for THEE but not for the serf children.
RE yesterdays article
Whilst looking for something else I came across this. If you have not already seen it, it may be of interest to you.
Eventually found what I was looking for in chapter 18, though it’s a bit skeletal and without links for further information. Back when it happened there were no computers, at least not for me, everything had to be gleaned from the news and it was no better then than it is now.
As Gudthots posted above from Trisha Hope, “…When is that Moment?” MAGA demands answers from those in authority. Still. When will they be afraid to walk the streets and when will their evil be repaid?
Wolf reminds us to Trust Trump. But it is right and important that every one of us pushes back against this horrifying extension of the reign of evil.
Judge Engelmayer’s wife works for an open borders NGO funded by USAID.
Every single time…
h/t QOTD – Doug Ross – https://directorblue.blogspot.com/
There’s this as well from Larry Johnson…
“Notice whose name is missing from the list of US negotiators? That is General Keith Kellogg. Kellogg was slated to present Trump’s peace plan for Ukraine next week at the Munich Conference. It appears that Kellogg’s services are no longer required. He may have been pushed out because of news this week that his daughter heads up an NGO charitable organization that, among other tasks, transported wounded mercenaries fighting for Ukraine from the battlefield. I wonder if her group was a CIA front or something profiting from USAID dough. Perhaps we’ll find out in the coming days.”
Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes…
TY GudThots for an uplifting post to start out our Thursdays. God Bless
Never forget that the CDC / FDA continue to insist that the “known and potential benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the known and potential risks.”
Never forget that, to the CDC / FDA / AMA, the 665 reports of deaths in people who took COVID-19 “vaccines” (as described below in the post by Steve Kirsch) would be WITHIN “ACCEPTABLE LIMITS” to these entities — since these 665 deaths would represent a “tiny fraction” of “vaccinated” persons compared to the millions of people who have taken COVID-19 “vaccines” since 11 December 2020. No matter that the sheer number of reports should have been sufficient “safety signal crossing” for shutting down the shots altogether.
“The DEATH safety signals in VAERS were obvious if anyone looked”
6 February 2025
Grain of salt here but still…
“Gates also shared more from his previously reported Boxing Day dinner with Trump and their respective chiefs of staff.
Together, he said, they will work to fast-track vaccines in the way that Trump was able to do during the COVID-19 pandemic. ”
Dinner with Trump Gates said he and Trump, alongside White House Chief of Staff Susie Wiles, and a close confidante of Gates chatted over a ‘long and actually quite intriguing dinner.’
‘So the four of us sat there, and it was quite wide-ranging,’ Gates said, noting that much of the three-hour discussion was focused on global health, a cornerstone of Gates’ philanthropic efforts.
‘You know, global health is the area that I work in, and such amazing things have happened and can happen there.’
Gates elaborated on his efforts to combat HIV, revealing that his foundation is working on a cure for the virus.
‘We’re at an early stage,’ he admitted, but he noted that Trump’s role during the COVID-19 pandemic in accelerating vaccine development had given him hope.
‘I was asking him if maybe the same kind of thing could be done here. And we both got, I think, pretty excited about that.'”
Trump is playing Ghoul Gates. May be setting Gates up, down the road.
I sure hope so!!!
Gates is an idiot.
AND a totalitarian, genocidal psychopath!
And Trump is a great ACTOR.
…and his software sucks.
Gates is a flaming liar… and unless he learns and turns, he’ll be flaming forever….
in Hell…..
I do often call him Gates of Hell. He better turn or he’s bound to burn!
Absolute criminals. CDC, FDA, NIH…the entire US health care structure LIED.
I Will Never Forget and I Will Neve Forgive. Not my place for the latter.
As posted several times, I am banking on RFK Jr pulling the EUAs on his day one or two. Plenty of evidence in VAERS.
Then on to indicting,
persecutingprosecuting the guilty bastards. Maximum punishment.Covidiocy is 100% a Global Crisis. DePop that must be stopped. Mandatory accountability.
Two things that spool me up instantly. Covid everything AND J6. Pure cold rage.
I don’t think he’ll just pull the EUAs. I expect he’ll schedule a hearing for them to “prove” that status should remain. Of course they will be unable to do it.
Certainly the legalese way. So likely spot on.
I’d be happy with a pause, temporary STOP the EUAs.
That is most likely what is in store. And it will be quick.
This is RFK’s Big Issue so yes.
Incoming WINNING!
I’m guessing that facts would be produced at a hearing. That would be very interesting.
I don’t know what those benefits are. I can’t name even one.
And what are “potential benefits”? Sounds like something someone made up. “Well, it might help with ____ down the road.”
fill in the blank with “metabolizing”
h/t Filly

I’ve got a bit of a health update on my mom, who has been having intermittent memory issues over the last few years. Some of her symptoms have appeared stroke like but per the neuro scans there are no stroke indicators though minor evidence of a small brain bleed from many years ago that had no known/recalled associated issues.
About 2 weeks ago Mom went to pick up some food at a drive through a few miles from their home. This fast food eatery was on the South heading side of a divided US highway, 40 mph there. For some reason she got confused & didn’t use the “Michigan left” to head back toward home & drove about 1/2 hour South not recognizing things as she got further from her stomping grounds. She stopped to ask for directions at a gas station finally & got pointed in the right direction.
During all this she never used the car’s GPS system to direct her “home”, didn’t answer multiple calls from my dad who was getting worried, nor did she attempt to call him herself & those cell calls go through the car’s system.
The gas station people were concerned about a lost elderly lady & called their local police to report the situation. Police from 2 different communities got involved at one point & a patrol car found her in a parking lot where she’d pulled over to call my dad & was on the phone with him when the cops got involved.
Ultimately one cop drove her home in her car while his partner followed in the cop car. On the ride home the cop asked her numerous questions to assess her status. Both cops went into my parents’ home & spoke with them for some time before leaving.
Anyway they got Mom back to a neurological specialist for further evaluation including a repeat MRI w/ contrast. I have yet to read that report which my parents have read but don’t really understand very well, due to many technical terms. The doc put her back on a seizure med that had been used temporarily a few years ago when a similar situation arose as it had a side benefit of helping w/ her neurological issues. The doc also put her back on a Statin that my parents had weaned her off before, partially at my urging because of what I’ve learned about the negative neuro impacts of that class of drugs.
She was only on the Statin for a few days & Dad noticed that she was having multiple problems, much more than was typical, so they stopped the Statin again, thankfully.
Mom was complaining of a strange sensation in her left hand where it feels like her fingers were being pulled inward from the tips. She showed me how the tips of multiple fingers had small indentations in them that apparently she’s only noticed with the sensation. I looked at her other hand & saw a couple smaller indentations on the finger tips but she wasn’t having that pulling sensation there. Both her hands were quite cool to the touch as was her face & chest where I touched her skin about the shirt’s neckline.
She is sleeping A Lot & quite erratically so it is also impacting Dad’s sleep so they both are fairly fatigued. I spoke with her out of my dad’s hearing & she made statements about hoping that she’ll die soon implying she didn’t want to waste any of their resources that could theoretically turn into the kids’ inheritance. I tried to encourage her that it was OK to be where she was at at this time in her life & she has spent most of her life caring for others so it was time for others to help take care of her, which we’d all gladly do since we all love her. My hubby thinks she might be deeply depressed with all the sleeping & then her statements yesterday. She’s usually been the go-getter so is surely negatively impacted by all the “recent’ wing-clipping going on…
Anyway I’d appreciate prayers for my mom, Elaine, & my dad, Bill, who are making adjustments to the latest indignities of aging. Dad has become a pretty decent caregiver for Mom, a role he’s never fulfilled until very recent years. Her confusion has kicked in on kitchen activities so he’s doing most of the food prep now too which he’d only usually ever done while camping, hunting, or fishing. They are in their mid 80’s.
Thanks for letting me share this situation. I was talking about it with my hubby yesterday & today & decided that Mom, who has been a “Martha” by nature, is finding herself forced into more of a “Mary” type of position, while the converse is true of my dad. New days…
My parent’s at their wedding in 1962 & then from more recent years, from their 60th anniversary blog I did in 2022.
Thanks so much for your prayers! God Bless
Best wishes and prayers. Recall the bride and groom pic above. Very nice.
TY Kalbo. That was long ago & far away but those people are still there inside
I’ll keep them in my prayers Valerie!
Thank you so much Pat–God Bless!
Being self-aware of one’s slipping mental abilities is depressing. Whether that is a condition precedent to depression I don’t know.
One of the most frustrating components of aging is the tendency to ‘think’ as one once did though following through is obviously not going to happen. Life situations that were once done almost subconsciously now require the planning akin to a home remodel project.
This condition overall suggests that one is now one of those ‘useless eaters’ that the psychos are so fond of writing off.
Aging is work. Lots of it. Some decide it is not worth the effort.
Getting old is Not for weaklings! No one is useless, even if they feel so though
My mom used to say getting old is not for sissies. hehehe… I agree. Gosh I loved my mom Cora Evelyn whose own mom gave her many children such wonderful names.
I found out yesterday that my brother’s 3rd granddaughter is going to have a baby girl!!!!! So excited and praying for her to be healthy and have all the normal parts. Fingers, toes, eyes, and nose.
Wonderful news. Your family is being truly blessed beyond measure!!!
Valerie Curren
Thank you so much for this update.
Sending Good Energy, Deep Healing, Deep Courage, prayers for your mother and father.
Did the neurologist order Occupational Therapy for your mother?
IMO, it is possible that depression may be playing a role regarding your mother’s mood.
HOWEVER, please know that LOTS of prescription medications can cause depression or dementia:
“11 Medications That Can Cause Depression as a Side Effect”
5 June 2024
“A List of Drugs Linked to Dementia”
11 February 2025
IMO, the drugs listed in the above linked articles can likely also AGGRAVATE an already-existing issue of depression or anxiety.
Yours Truly can testify that tapering down and weaning off an antidepressant is a LONG process, it’s HARD, and the process MUST be done under close supervision by a physician. It appears that one of the worst antidepressants to taper down and wean off is Paxil (paroxetine.)
TY for your prayers, encouragements, & all this Great Info! I’ll dig in on it.
My son Josiah was on Paxil for quite a few years before his Liver Transplant & we were told that that med might not “survive” the transplant, as in be too hard on his system (that happened with Strattera, one of his ADHD meds) after the new liver & presumably the anti-rejection med cocktail that would follow. The ICU nurse post-op mentioned how hard it was for people to come off of Paxil.
I’d been short-dosing Josiah for many years on Paxil, he took a liquid form. I think he was initially prescribed 6mls but we tended to do about 1/2 of that. The doc lowered the dose, based on what we were doing anyways (& 6mls had been “therapeutic” when he was younger & at a lower body weight) so by the time transplant happened he was only getting about 1.2-1.5mls typically, but even so if he missed that med for some reason we could Really tell behaviorally.
Later after transplant he chose to stop using Paxil all together even when going through some major bouts of anxiety (depression, anxiety, & OCD being labels added that were “typical” for someone on the Autism Spectrum). He later also chose to drop the Metadate, a form of Ritalin, that he’d also been taking for years. Off of those 3 behavioral meds we could tell significant increases in hyperactivity (he was 17 when transplanted & graduated HS at 19) but also in general interactive verbal communication.
Josiah’s relationship with the Lord really helped him weather those emotional storms & he chose to stay off all the behavioral meds rather than take any type of chemical soothing. I did not put any pressure on him to stay off the meds & even encouraged him to continue to use them as a tool but he was adamant to deal with those arenas himself with conversation, prayer, worship, & scripture memorization.
I don’t think my mom’s been on anti-depressants but I’ll ask about that too & check her med list against the resources you’ve shared. If anything pops up I’ll let you guys know in case there are further insights from the Q-Tree Brain Trust! Blessings!
“11 Medications That Can Cause Depression as a Side Effect”
One of them is Benadryl. This should be common knowledge, but many people aren’t aware of it.
Hubby is 82 and started having problems after the covid lock-downs.
I found that although I was cooking roasts & steaks he was not eating much. So we switched to hamburgers and meatloaf — MAJOR IMPROVEMENT!
As people get older they do not eat well AND they do not absorb nutrients as well. This is a MAJOR factor since doctors are taught to push pills and not diet.
Other stuff:
Coconut Oil and MCT Oil: Ketones as Alternative Fuel for the Brain in Alzheimer’s and Other Disorders
Your Brain On Coconut Oil: What The Science is Saying
Study: Coconut Oil Improves Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Patients
Lion’s Mane — The Best Nootropic Mushroom: A Nootropic mushroom for risk-averse biohackers with a wide range of cognition-enhancing effects.
9 Health Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Plus Side Effects)
I get our LionsMane here:
5 Vitamins for Brain Health and Memory
Folic Acid is one of the B vitamins
Folic acid, ageing, depression, and dementia
Americans have low iodine uptake. LINK See ChiefIO’s Bromine, Iodine, Prostate and Breast Cancer
Deiodinases: Understanding Local Control of Thyroid Hormones
AND an older comment (I think from Aubergine)
Reply to mollypitcher5
October 30, 2023 16:48
Discover The Powerful Benefits Of Ergothioneine For Managing Multiple Sclerosis Related Fatigue, Low Mood And Brain Fog
…In this article I’ll review a terrific option for addressing the cellular dysfunction that drives low mood, severe fatigue, and/or brain fog problems in the setting of MS and autoimmunity. This strategy will help reduce excess inflammation and oxidative stress, which are key drivers of fatigue, anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline in the setting of MS.
One of the simplest things you can do to support your cells is eat mushrooms. I love mushrooms. They add a rich umami flavor to dishes and have tremendous health benefits. People who eat mushrooms more than once per week have less depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline than those who do not consume mushrooms!1-4
Mushrooms are potent antioxidants that have been used across multiple healing traditions for thousands of years to address mood disorders and eurodegenerative disorders.1 On the cellular level, science has identified over 80 bioactive compounds in mushrooms that have remarkable health enefits.1,2,5,6 One compound that has been studied more thoroughly and shown to have particularly significant health benefits is ergothioneine….
Phan CW, David P, Naidu M, Wong KH, Sabaratnam V. Therapeutic potential of culinary-medicinal mushrooms for the management of neurodegenerative diseases: diversity, metabolite, and mechanism. Crit Rev Biotechnol. 2015;35(3):355-368.
Bell V, Silva C, Guina J, Fernandes TH. Mushrooms as future generation healthy foods. Front Nutr. 2022;9:1050099.
Fijalkowska A, Jedrejko K, Sulkowska-Ziaja K, Ziaja M, Kala K, Muszynska B. Edible Mushrooms as a Potential Component of Dietary Interventions for Major Depressive Disorder. Foods. 2022;11(10).
Lazur J, Hnatyk K, Kala K, Sulkowska-Ziaja K, Muszynska B. Discovering the Potential Mechanisms of Medicinal Mushrooms Antidepressant Activity: A Review. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023;12(3).
Abitbol A, Mallard B, Tiralongo E, Tiralongo J. Mushroom Natural Products in Neurodegenerative Disease Drug Discovery. Cells. 2022;11(23).
Cordaro M, Modafferi S, D’Amico R, et al. Natural Compounds Such as Hericium erinaceus and Coriolus versicolor Modulate Neuroinflammation, Oxidative Stress and Lipoxin A4 Expression in Rotenone-Induced Parkinson’s Disease in Mice. Biomedicines. 2022;10(10).
Nakamichi N, Nakayama K, Ishimoto T, et al. Food-derived hydrophilic antioxidant ergothioneine is distributed to the brain and exerts antidepressant effect in mice. Brain Behav. 2016;6(6):e00477.
Nakamichi N, Tsuzuku S, Shibagaki F. Ergothioneine and central nervous system diseases. Neurochem Res. 2022;47(9):2513-2521.
Ishimoto T, Kato Y. Ergothioneine in the brain. FEBS Lett. 2022;596(10):1290-1298.
Fukuchi M, Watanabe K, Mitazaki S, Fukuda M, Matsumoto S. Aminothioneine, a product derived from golden oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus cornucopiae var. citrinopileatus), activates Ca(2+) signal-mediated brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in cultured cortical neurons. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2021;28:101185.
Huang JH, Li Y, Zhang S, et al. Amelioration effect of water extract from Ganoderma resinaceum FQ23 solid-state fermentation fungal substance with high-yield ergothioneine on anxiety-like insomnia mice. Food Funct. 2022;13(24):12925-12937.
Wijesinghe P, Whitmore CA, Campbell M, et al. Ergothioneine, a dietary antioxidant improves amyloid beta clearance in the neuroretina of a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Front Neurosci. 2023;17:1107436.
Song TY, Chen CL, Liao JW, Ou HC, Tsai MS. Ergothioneine protects against neuronal injury induced by cisplatin both in vitro and in vivo. Food Chem Toxicol. 2010;48(12):3492-3499.
Song TY, Lin HC, Chen CL, Wu JH, Liao JW, Hu ML. Ergothioneine and melatonin attenuate oxidative stress and protect against learning and memory deficits in C57BL/6J mice treated with D-galactose. Free Radic Res. 2014;48(9):1049-1060.
Wu LY, Kan CN, Cheah IK, et al. Low Plasma Ergothioneine Predicts Cognitive and Functional Decline in an Elderly Cohort Attending Memory Clinics. Antioxidants (Basel). 2022;11(9).
Yang NC, Lin HC, Wu JH, et al. Ergothioneine protects against neuronal injury induced by beta-amyloid in mice. Food Chem Toxicol. 2012;50(11):3902-3911.
Well I am glad I bought that 10 pounds of mushrooms at the flea market, sauteed and froze them. https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f60b.svg
White Button Mushrooms, are known as Agaricus bisporus. These are the ones in stores.
The bioavailability of ergothioneine from mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) and the acute effects on antioxidant capacity and biomarkers of inflammation
Method: ET was administered through a mushroom test meal containing 8 g and 16 g of mushroom powder. Postprandial red blood cell concentrations of ET were measured. Plasma glucose, triglycerides, HDL, LDL and total cholesterol also were monitored.
Biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress were evaluated using C-reactive protein and ORAC(total).
Results: ET was bioavailable after consuming mushrooms and a trend in the postprandial triglyceride response indicated that there was a blunting effect after both the 8 g and 16 g ET doses were compared with the 0 g dose. Despite ET’s antioxidant properties, ORAC(total) values decreased after the 8 g and 16 g mushroom meal.
Conclusions: Ergothioneine from A. bisporus mushrooms is bioavailable as assessed by red blood cell uptake postprandially, and consumption is associated with an attenuated postprandial TG response.
There are several more papers listed at the bottom
The organic coconut oil smells like coconut and thus is only good for oatmeal IMHO.
Big Lots has refined coconut oil which is tasteless and can thus be used like any cooking oil. LINK It stores on the shelf without a problem like Crisco does.
Coconut Oil and MCT Oil: Ketones as Alternative Fuel for the Brain in Alzheimer’s and Other Disorders
Your Brain On Coconut Oil: What The Science is Saying
Lion’s Mane — The Best Nootropic Mushroom
Lion’s Mane mushroom – Unparalleled benefits for your brain and nervous system
Lion’s Mane Mushrooms Found to ‘Magically’ Regrow Brain Cells, New Research Shows
Lion’s Mane Neurogenesis Study: What It Means for Brain Health and Function
5 Vitamins for Brain Health and Memory
For brain fog issues switch to coconut oil (solid this time of year) Use the refined from Big Lots. It has no taste or smell. the ‘virgin’ tastes like coconuts.
Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s? – Dr. Mary Newport
Study: Coconut Oil Improves Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Patients
Can Coconut Oil Prevent or Treat Alzheimer‘s? A Review…linkedin.com›pulse/can-coconut-oil-treat-…
Coconut oil contains 65% MCT, the highest percentage of any food today. Thus, if additional MCT can help with Alzheimer‘s disease, coconut oil deserves to be investigated.
Alzheimer’s: Coconut Oil to Feed the Brain.
Consumption of coconut oil prompts the body to produce a substance that is the best nourishment for brain cells – and can protect our little grey cells from dementia.
….pharma-based physicians and groups have largely condemned the use of coconut oil, stating that all the evidence is “anecdotal,” lacking peer-reviewed scientific research. Of course coconut oil is a natural food, with virtually no risk or side effects, and funding for research on a natural food is difficult to come by when no product can be patented as a result of the research, such as lucrative pharmaceutical drugs. As we have stated in the past, the lack of scientific research on coconut oil and Alzheimer’s should not stop people from trying it.
Some are taking notice and beginning to publish studies, however, so the claim that coconut oil improving Alzheimer’s lacks scientific support may not be true much longer. A clinical trial in Spain was published this month (December 2015) studying the effects of coconut oil on Alzheimer’s, and the results were very promising. Another study in Florida is in process and should be published in 2016….
Lion’s Mane Neurogenesis Study: What It Means for Brain Health and Function
Lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) has long been studied for its potential brain health benefits. Some research suggests that a main compound in H. erinaceus called erinacines may increase the production of nerve growth factor (NGF)*—a protein that helps nerve cells, like the neurons in the brain, grow and reproduce. This could be why other studies and trials show that taking lion’s mane mushroom extracts may improve memory, reduce dementia symptoms, and enhance cognitive function.*
A recent study in the Journal of Neurochemistry uncovered one possible explanation for how lion’s mane’s apparent brain benefits. Researchers from Korea and Australia collaborated to investigate how brain cells react to extracts from lion’s mane mushroom fruiting bodies and found that they caused an increase in neurotrophic factors, which had a significant impact on brain cell growth….
I get mine here:
With the addition of BEEF & eggs to the lions mane and Coconut oil, Hubby (81) is doing a lot better.
If you want the very latest about dementia and Alzheimer’s, in great detail, watch several of the YouTube videos with Dr. Dale Bredesen . . . and also roam through the Apollo Health website. We’ve just started the process.
Please get your parents’ VITAMIN D LEVELS TESTED. Low vitamin D levels can have a very negative effect on cognition, memory, and other neurological mechanisms.
TY Gail for All of this wonderful info.
Here was a happy typing accident up there LOL
eurodegenerative disorders, kind of like NATO & Nazis!
Thank you good info
I find olive oil 2 TSP a day one evening one morning very beneficial. This also helped my joins. I am careful with coconut oil. Cod Liver oil is very good. I have been taking it since childhood. The oils are not only good for the brain but also for hair, skin and joins. I also eat herring and other fish.
I use both olive oil and coconut oil as well as unsalted butter.
I LOVE pickled herring and like sardines, salmon, tuna and bluefish.
I also eat herring and other fish.
So you think of yourself as related to sea mammals?
Do you take the olive oil straight or mix it with something else?
Gail Combs
Thank you.
Another reason why a good Selenium level is important as regards thyroid health.
TY Gail for lots to dig into…again!
I saw that my parents still had the Lion’s Mane item out, we got that based on your previous recommendations, but I’m not sure if they are using it or the coconut oil I got for them a while back. Lots to still discuss there…
Oh Valerie, thanks for sharing your mom’s recent experience. Prayers for Elaine and Bill and for you too. I’m glad your mom got home safe!
Oh Amen on all of that Barb. God is good & getting us all through til we get Home
She will be in my prayers Valerie.
Everyone here has offered some excellent input!
Two things not mentioned yet:
These are wonderful tips, GudThots, so I will look into it all.
My mom has played the piano since she was 4 & was a choir vocalist & sometimes soloist for most of her life. I’m wondering if she can still play for I would expect music would be very soothing to her soul still.
Many Blessings & TY again for your uplifting post
What a nice-looking couple! Prayers for each of them with their specific needs, as well as for you. I hope your mom would be open to taking supplements that might help.
TY TT, I think they might be open on supplements a bit. I’ll need to find out just exactly What she is taking so I can investigate interactions, etc. I don’t think either of them would be up to that level of mental effort but I could push myself on it a bit
Thank you for your prayers & encouragements. God Bless!
My heart is heavy, Val – too attuned to what you are experiencing – ministry to elderly friends, mentors, and both parents – all in various stages of mental and physical decline – but I can tell you it is not more than you can handle…
Aging is a trial for the elderly, family, and friends – while I cannot give you any medical advice and/or remedies – I hope and pray my poem can provide comfort for your heart – which I believe suffers the most.
The Shepherd keeps watch over His flock;
He daily checks hearts – then, He takes stock;
If one has been tempted and led astray;
He pursues and prods lest one slip away!
Carefully crafted by our God are we;
Inside our hearts – He can clearly see;
When we accept Jesus – as Lord of all;
We answer to Jesus – the Shepherd’s call!
Oh, Lord – let me never stray from the flock;
May you always find me when you take stock;
If some day – I should be tempted and stray;
Come after me, Lord – let me not slip away!
You know in my heart – Your Spirit resides;
Be sure in my heart – Your Spirit abides;
I lay at your feet – the trials of the day;
Shepherd of my Heart – be not far away!
Direct and perfect me in all I do;
Let my labor be blessed – pleasing to You;
Let all that I am and ever will be;
Give Honor and Glory only to Thee!
Whenever I’m stumbling along the way;
Reach out to me – set me upright – I pray;
Separated from You – I pray not to be;
Shepherd of My Heart – stay close to me!
Keeper of this heart of mine – be patient;
For I am but human – sometimes I’m salient;
Not paying attention – distracted am I;
With worldly concerns – in the blink of an eye!
Be the sunlight of my day – a ray of hope;
Help me, Oh Lord – to steadfastly cope;
Be the light of my night – a bright beacon;
The Shepherd of My Heart – my church deacon!
Wash and cleanse me – as I repent today;
Purify me – in Your Word and Your Way;
Let not my sin separate us for long;
Shepherd of my Heart – to You, I belong!
Strengthen me daily – that I may not stray;
Keep me securely in Your arms today;
I trust in You – above all – and I pray;
Shepherd of My Heart – guide my heart today!
D01: 08/01/2013
Prayers Up –

for All !!!
TY Duchess for your prayers, compassion, & thoughtfulness. God is good & He will help to get each of us through. In all the trials of life the Extreme Comfort of each of my family members being in Christ gives that assurance that their Eternal Home is prepared & no matter what we face down here we will ultimately all rejoice together in Paradise having finally overcome this world through Christ Jesus our Lord
Amen and Amen !!!
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 13, 2025
“So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;”
Proverbs 2:2 (KJV)
Commentary for Proverbs 2
Promises to those who seek wisdom. (1-9) The advantages of wisdom. (10-22)1-9 Those who earnestly seek heavenly wisdom, will never complain that they have lost their labour; and the freeness of the gift does not do away the necessity of our diligence, #Joh 6:27|. Let them seek, and they shall find it; let them ask, and it shall be given them. Observe who are thus favoured. They are the righteous, on whom the image of God is renewed, which consists in righteousness. If we depend upon God, and seek to him for wisdom, he will enable us to keep the paths of judgment.
Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Happy are those who Feast on Wisdom;
Who savor her knowledge of His Kingdom;
She will refresh and nourish them wisely;
Her assistance is welcome – quite precisely!
Heavenly bread – her drink – understanding;
So succor her knowledge notwithstanding;
Her nourishment is constant and truthful;
Not for the blind of faith – or for the youthful!
Refreshment is – the fruit of the Spirit;
Through the lens of faith – we can intuit;
What can one do with only knowledge alone?
With no understanding – knowledge is prone!
The sweetness of Wisdom is God’s Great Gift;
Knowledge plus understanding – a lofty lift;
From the abyss of deception we will arise;
The richness of Wisdom is for only the wise!
His Word alone – not the fruit of the earth;
Sustains His faithful ones – from their rebirth;
The bread of Wisdom is insight – not mirth;
Her drink is understanding – knowledge worth!
Refreshed by His Word – and nourished divine;
His faithful ones repent – sin – they decline;
His Spirit indwells – in the temple of man;
Where wisdom is instilled – according to plan!
Your steadfastness, Lord, assures that within;
Both knowledge and understanding defeat sin;
When the two are united – wisdom be told;
A magnificent miracle – inside to behold!
For what is a man who is wise beyond years;
If he hears not – listens not – to what he hears;
If he has knowledge without understanding;
His foundation is shaky – so is his landing!
The Gift of the Spirit is Wisdom – and Grace;
The mind becomes avid – with Faith in place
The body is sound – the spirit is free;
So Feast on Wisdom – sweet delicacy!
Proportioned and balanced as God created;
With knowledge and understanding related;
Combined with His Word in perfect harmony;
Let’s Feast on Wisdom – His Word brilliantly!
D01: 08/20/2013
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

Thank you, Gudthots!!!
Happy to have a little part in this wonderful community.
They are as bad as the DDR ( East Germany) was and Germany under Hitler.
No wonder we kicked out our TV 30 years ago never missed it.
Almost 50 years ago. (1976!)
It’s the same way now, with the state-sponsored media ARD and ZDF… we have to pay the TV tax (18 Euro per month and going up) or go to jail and pay a HUGE fine… EVEN IF WE DON’T HAVE A TV OR RADIO!!!!!
The bulk of that money goes to paying the pensions of the hideously-highly-paid administrators of those networks and their regional subsidiaries… and the salaries of idiots like Jan Böhmerman, who is an abject ganggreen commie fool…
To correct the record on Tulsi Gabbard’s swearing in. She was sworn in on The United States Constitution.
Thank you. Certainly aligns with the Oath.
Most certainly
Elon plain speak is refreshing AND on target.
Musk: “We Need To Delete Entire Agencies”; Total Fed Worker Buyout Tops 75,000
ELON MUSK: “We need to delete entire agencies. We need to remove the roots of the weed. That’s not to say there won’t be an increase in future bureaucracy from another administration but it will be from a lower baseline. Nothing is forever but we can strengthen the foundation.”
return to safest checkpoint…1776.
Every move has been spot on. Evidence of long term planning and precise execution. The moves Elon has been implementing with PDT’s concurrence are as solid as they come from a business and operational sense.
A lesson in how to use forensic methods without using corrupted financial and audit firms on the take.
They are not playing the bureaucrats game. Playing by their own rules – legally. The deep state has survived based upon perceptions they have sold and illegal coercion. Bluff and bluster while using Stasi type rogue police state tactics.
The Health Friday post for tomorrow is finished and will publish just after Midnight tonight.
(It’s a surprise!)
Thank you!
Thank you Pavaca, looking forward to it ..

You have a lot of faith in WordPiss.
Lol, no, I don’t.
If the post does not publish by, say, 12:05AM tomorrow, I’ll do a “Publish Immediately” via WP.
February 13, 2025 10:44 am
MAGA. Name redacted for personal safety.
Federal Judge orders Trump to rehang the drapes Jill Biden had installed in the WH family living quarters.
How can Trump rehang the drapes when Jill literally walked out wearing them?
Jill’s drapes came from Goodwill.
More like Badwill
Conduct an armed FBI raid on the Biden residence in full tactical gear with orders to shoot to kill, same as the Biden’s did to Trump.
And this is,
George Hill, at the left side of your screen,
an FBI agent and a whistleblower who worked at the FBI Washington, D.C. field office, —Testifies under penalty of perjury, that the FBI won’t allow over 11,000 hours of J6 footage to be released because it would expose undercover agents, and confidential human sources at the right side of your screen committing act of terrorism at the Capitol on Jan 6 for Jan 6.
—Additionally, the FBI appointed 5,000 of its 13,700 agents to investigate and fabricate terrorism charges against American citizens.
Current FIB won’t get the last word on this. Kash, Bondi, and Trump will.
Give the SEAL teams a special mission.
Guaranteed the videos will be delivered to the Oval Office, forthwith.
For all those who have TDS, ELON-DS or DOGE-DS there is Grow-A-Pair making you grow up.
Reminds me of the old newsreels and films we watched when I was in elementary school, with my tablet and chisel
And that music….. gaaaaacccckkkkkk….. the way the pitch goes around is as if somebody grabbed my head and jerked it around… (one of the times perfect pitch is a problem… that “theme” made me sick to my stomach)…
Bye.Done. with his ice-cream cone… that says it all….
man boobs = WGTTs??? I’m so confused LOL
I guess that would make those snowflakes EstroGents
Endorsed by Harry Bōlz
And ladies, we haven’t left you out!
Now you can finally reverse those same-sex urges and fetishes causing your depression!
Ask your doctor if Tricoksagin is right for you.
WATCH LIVE: Senate votes on RFK Jr’s nomination to be America’s health secretary
Confirmed 52 – 48.
Dunno who the turncoat R-Con is.
February 13, 2025 11:27 am
RFK Jr just passed the unofficial votes needed to secure the nomination. 51-48
February 13, 2025 11:39 am
Reply to Colkitto
McConnell voted with the Dems again.
MAHA! RFK Jr. CONFIRMED as HHS Secretary with 52-48 Vote — Mitch McConnell Lone Republican to Vote ‘No’Jordan Conradson Feb. 13, 2025 9:15 am 583 Comments
I guess the murder of his sister-in-law has had a lasting effect on China-Mitch.
Mitch also knew that his vote did not matter. So he casts the vote to protect his family and we get the nominee anyway.
I’m on Mitch’s side here.
he relinquished the right to honor in my eyes a long time ago. a coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only one.
I did not use the word ‘honor’, nor would I.
my mistake. it seemed to me you were attributing his cowardice to a noble (perhaps that’s the better word) cause–protecting his family. he’s a coward imo.
Insurrection Barbie
Matt Perna went inside the capital amidst of a giant crowd. He had no weapons. He entered through an open door in the middle of a large crowd on 2:20 and he left at 2:58. He stayed within the velvet ropes. He touched nothing. He broke nothing. He hurt no one. He took nothing.
He was informed by a friend there was a wanted picture of him on an FBI website. He CALLED his local FBI office and turned himself in.
He was initially charged with two misdemeanors (1) knowingly entering a restrictive ground or building (2) disorderly conduct on capital grounds. This was his first encounter with the law.
He was arrested. Facebook and Instagram disabled his accounts, have they disabled Diddy’s yet? The media ran hit piece after hit piece. He was smeared, bullied and defamed every single day.
On January 22, 2021, he was charged with an additional felony which was obstruction of an official proceeding. A change the DOJ knew they couldn’t prove. A statute that didn’t apply. This was ultimately thrown out by the Supreme Court.
His girlfriend left him. After that Matt was depressed and anxious. The DOJ cancelled hearings, they kept delaying and searching for more evidence. Month after the month the prosecution continued to stall, they continued to say they were looking for more evidence and Judge Bates allowed it.
The DOJ came back and offered Matt Perna 6-12 months and he entered into a guilty plea. Judge Bates set the sentencing hearing out two more months. As time continued Matt got more and more depressed and anxious and afraid.
Right before the 7 year anniversary of his mother’s death, his lawyer called and said they are adding a terrorism enhancement which would make his sentence end up being 41-72 months.
Three days later he hung himself.
Judge Bates presided over two decades of Islamic terrorism cases. During that time he has a track record of redefining metadata to permit the government to continue to use the Internet as a dragnet. He authorized the use of back door searches under FISA. He systematically rejected any due process for anyone with a terrorist enhancement charge.
This judge allowed the prosecution to terrorize Matt Perna. He allowed them to delay discovery, cancel status hearings, and make sure this case hung over this poor man’s head until it ultimately drove him to hang himself.
People should read the story and understand that until we root out the corruption that is going on within the government, you could be next. No one is safe from tyranny.
They were going to give a man who went to the capital for 20 minutes and hurt nobody and took nothing that has never had a criminal record four years in prison.
Actions have consequences and we are watching a continuation of the egregious and despicable abuse of power that we have seen since the beginning of the lawfare against the political rivals of the regime, it all started with J6.
If these judges get away with what they did to J6 defendants it will never stop.
After all, these are the same judges that are stripping the executive branch of its power at the moment.
Last edited
2:30 PM · Feb 12, 2025
Geri Perna
Thank you. Matthew is my nephew and I am censored, so having you tweet this means the world to me.
Insurrection Barbie
I’m so sorry for you loss. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Geri Perna
Thank you, he was the most wonderful person.
I am censored for tweeting a meme of Hunter in his underwear. Can you help me get this message to @elonmusk
to remove the sensitive content warning from my account? Please
America First
Honestly, you were probably mass reported, which is a huge problem here.
I don’t see this when I look at your account – but I followed you, so I’ll see your content no matter what.
I’m so very sorry for what you and your family have been through.
Geri Perna
Thank you
7:06 PM · Feb 12, 2025
Notice her use of ‘is’ to describe Matthew. She is still in severe pain from what those sadists caused. They all need to be charged with voluntary manslaughter and/or conspiracy to commit same.
Filth, the whole bunch of ’em.
Incomprehensible, monstrous Evil
Kash Patel’s nomination to lead FBI clears first major Senate hurdle
Patel, a top Trump ally, is expected to massively overhaul the FBI
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to advance Kash Patel’s nomination for FBI director to the Senate floor after a fiery confirmation hearing last month and fierce opposition from Democrats.
Committee members voted 12-to-10 Thursday to advance Patel to the full floor vote, which could come before the chamber as early as next week.
Hopefully the DemonRats will be in Germany when the vote is called.
Sufficient R-con votes to win the match.
Trump really is running the table.
If someone is turned off by the word MAN in manufacturing, I certainly am not interested in hiring the spoiled rotten DEI twat!
Same thing as them becoming (more) unhinged with the word “history”, which they spit out and spew and demand to have changed to “HERstory”…
Shows how stupid, ignorant, and illiterate they are.
“History” is not originally an English word: it’s a borrowed word from French.
And FEMININE linguistic GENDER, no less.
L’Histoire, elision removed gives LA Histoire… LA showing feminine gender…
Once again, can’t fix stupid, or ideology- (idiotology?) driven politicians…..
(We’ve got them here, too… the GangGreens destroying our country)…
“Man” in “manufacturing” comes from Latin words for “hand.”
We can’t let idiots change society, views of history, our language, or anything, because they are idiots. They will take down a country just as if it were engaged in a hot war.
They are not intelligent enough to understand that language has roots. Or they ignore that fact to try to make a point. However, that just makes them look like uneducated fools, so it’s not a winning strategy.
People who are doing this need to be ridiculed until they have to stop because the whole world knows they are numbskulls and are trying to dumb down everyone else.
“Manage” and many other words derive from the same roots. I suppose she wouldn’t want to say that a woman manages something. Maybe she “womanages” it. The whole thing is ridiculous.
We wish.
obviously MANners turns her off too.
She’s just spreading some WOmanure.
ThanQ, Please.
She has no mandible (lower jawbone), either. Must be hard to chew.
Brain worm all I can say
if it’s a brain worm…it’s gotta be starving.
2.13.25: Bondi on the MOVE, Gabbard in, Hostages + amazing interview with LTPetclub on your PETS!, PRAY!
And We Know
Note: I do not necessarily agree that Tulsi lied, but her close association with McStain’s daughter cannot and should not be ignored.
Repentance is possible.
BLACKMAIL is also possible as is a look at very hard truths.
And canary traps…
I saw a tweet last week with a picture McCain and Tulsi embracing. McCain was threatening anyone who would vote against Tulsi. I was tuned do not know what to make of it since the history of Meghan and her father concerning hate for Trump. Her father seemed a deep state owned operator. Tulsi and Meghan are close friends one wonders who and when the friendship was formed?
Another day of winning. Never enough winning. Ready for Endless Winning.
guess who?

It appears that Carrier Strike Group 8 includes the USS Harry S. Truman Nimitz-class carrier (which, per the below post, just had a collision with a freighter at sea), as well as the USS Gettysburg guided missile cruiser (which shot down one of the Truman’s F/A-18s and nearly shot down another a few weeks back).
Seems to me that Pete Hegseth might want to have some remedial training sessions with a few admirals.
All of the ships history and deployment:
Yeah, I can see how these two wouldn’t be able to see each other at night.
The BESIKTAS M is Bulk Carrier flagged in Panama and was heading to Romania coming out of Port Said, Egypt. Remote take over?
Commanding Officer. Cpt Dave Snowden
One might think that someone is sending Trump a message?
I was wondering. Old enough to remember obummer firing everyone to replace w sycophants.
.List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama
Compiled By General Paul Vallely
Didn’t this Schiff happen the LAST time Trump was in office?
You’re a suspicious sort.
I remember the US Navy ship colliding with a cargo ship near Japan.
June 2017 Captain of stricken $1.5bn US Navy destroyer is airlifted to hospital as up to SEVEN sailors are missing or feared dead after it collided with 29,000 ton cargo ship off Japan
Me, too. Methinks somebody is fucking with us again – hitting at our weaknesses.
Comprehensive listing:
1 USS Antietam (CG-54) grounding (January 31, 2017): Ran aground near Yokosuka, Japan.
2 USS Lake Champlain (CG-57) collision (May 9, 2017): Collided with a South Korean fishing vessel.
3 USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) collision (June 17, 2017): Collided with container ship ACX Crystal off Japan’s coast.
4 USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) collision (August 21, 2017): Collided with tanker Alnic MC near Singapore.
5 USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) transport ship collision (November 18, 2017): Collided with a containership while being transported to Mississippi for repairs.
6 USS Benfold (DDG-65) collision (January 20, 2018): Collided with a Japanese tug in Sagami Bay, Japan.
7 USS Decatur (DDG-73) near-collision (September 30, 2018): Near-miss with a Chinese warship in the South China Sea.
8 USS Leyte Gulf (CG-55) and USNS Robert E. Peary (T-AKE-5) collision (February 5, 2019): Collided during a training exercise off Florida.
9 USS Delbert D. Black (DDG-119) accident (2019): Damaged by a barge struck by a Norwegian-flagged vessel during construction.
10 USS Farragut (DDG-99) near-collision (January 9, 2020): Close encounter with a Russian Navy ship in the Arabian Sea.
11 USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6) fire (July 12, 2020): Major fire while in port at Naval Base San Diego, burning for nearly five days and resulting in the ship’s decommissioning
NOTE: there has never been a collision between a US aircraft carrier and another vessel since WWII.
To say this incident is unacceptable is to understate the matter by a factor of about 100x.
Regardless of POTUS, USN ships collisions or running aground happen all too often.
Well, it has only been 5 years since that obvious conclusion could be reached by any interested observer.
It’s very, very simple.
In late 2019, Trump was cruising to re-election. The economy was humming, employment was exploding, worker wages were rising for the 1st time in 30 years, and PDJT’s trade policies were importing DEFLATION (US trade tariffs were being countered by affected trade nations rushing to devalue their currencies). In sum, the stock market was breaking new records in gains, household income was rising while product, food, and energy prices were falling, tax revenues were going up (read: ability to pay down debt), and the US had become energy independent for the 1st time ever and became a net exporter of energy!
The avg. American voter historically votes with their wallet. Low-info voters are a majority of voters and will ascribe the current state of the economy to an incumbent, regardless of validity.
FACT: The deep state, dems, and globalists were ABSOLUTELY DESPERATE to remove Trump and prevent his policies from becoming permanent fixtures of overall DC policy. If Trump got another 4 years, “globalism” would be dead. There were tens if not hundreds of trillions in revenues over the next 100 years at stake, to say nothing of the trillions ALREADY invested in “the New World Order”.
Given these FACTS, COVID was intentionally used to:
A) artificially crash the US economy, and thus low-fo voter confidence in Trump’s policies
B) create the predicate for “mail-in ballots” and “ballot drop boxes”, radically escalating and facilitating ballot harvesting operations and the ability to commit vote fraud (as seen in the 3 AM “Biden Spike” on election night 2020).
Needless to say, there were many more reasons why “they” used a man-made BIOWEAPIN upon the entire global population (a war crime against all of humanity and nations), but these were the 2 biggest reasons.
”Trump must never again be allowed to be President”
The above is all the motive, and opportunity, to have used a bioweapon to steal what was then “the most important election of our lifetimes”.
And yes….absolutely YES….people like John Brennan, Mary McCord, Norm Eisen, George Soros, Big Pharma, Anthony “Mengele” Fauci, and the entire Obama tribe would absolutely do it, given their “ends justifies the means” value mindset.
YUP. We’re there.
I forgot to mention one thing above.
They had to artificially crash the economy (Part A above) IN ORDER TO KEEP THE VOTE CLOSE ENOUGH for the vote fraud (Part B) to work.
Had the US economy continued on the track and pace it was on in late 2019 going into the election, dems/Obama could not have overcome Trump’s lead with voting fraud.
The HAD to crash the economy, and the only way to do it was to artificially impose lockdowns, business closures, and stifle overall economic activity with a virus people were fear-mongered and scared to catch.
DARPA Paid Reuters’ Parent Company for “Large Scale Social Deception” Against Covid . . . in 2018
Finally a story on this from a major conservative outlet. Maybe Trump will have more to say on it at his 1PM EST Press Briefing when he talks about all thieving uncovered by DOGE.
WATCH LIVE: President Trump to Sign Executive Orders and Hold News Conference on Reciprocal Tariffs at 1 PM ET – Expected to Reveal Names of Entities and People Involved in Govt. Fraud and AbuseJordan Conradson Feb. 13, 2025 11:55 am 43 Comments
Press Conference. Trump still not on yet.
The Turtle Traitor is following McNoName, boots and all (It wasn’t long afterwards when NoName was no more)
He is sabotaging POTUS Trump like NoName did.
This time again he is the only GOP vote against RFK.
Mitch McConnell Releases Vile Statement Against RFK Jr. After Voting Against Him for HHS Secretary | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger
He isn’t sabotaging anybody. His vote was meaningless. Twice.
One less schmuck for RFK Jr to deal with.
NIH principal deputy director, who led agency during COVID, resigns abruptly
There will be another open Democratic Senate seat in 2026 midtermsRepublicans hold a 53-47 majority in the Senate, which means the Democrats would need to flip four seats to win back control of the chamber
Sen. Tina Smith of Minnesota announced Thursday she won’t seek re-election in 2026, forcing the Democratic Party to defend another open seat in next year’s midterm and making more difficult their goal of regaining the Senate majority.
I think Minnesota Dems are vulnerable on that seat.
What an experience to sit with my family in the Senators Gallery as the United States Senate confirmed me 72-28 to be the 33rd Secretary of Agriculture.
It is a privilege beyond description to have the trust of @POTUS
Donald J. Trump, and the opportunity to advance his agenda.
That agenda is of course the agenda of the whole American people — among whom the men and women of American agriculture stand in the first rank. Fighting on their behalf each and every day will be the honor of my lifetime.
Now, let’s get to work
SMART Goal Setting in the Age of Election CorruptionA Measured Look At How to Reform Elections in as Little Time as Possible
By Seth Keshel, who knows a thing or two about elections.
This is the post I’ve been waiting for.
Super important.
Need more of this.
BREAKING: Acting US Attorney for SDNY Abruptly Resigns
NBC News reported:
I’ll bet Sassoon was part of the plot to punish Eric Adams for not toeing the line on the immigration insanity, which retaliation was likely ordered by Obama through Biden.
“The move [resignation] appears to be a rebuke to the Justice Department.”
Then let the ‘rebukes’ fly free, wild and unfettered

who is training these spokepeople?
They’ve got no trace of the usual mealymouthed BS said about contemptible people.
I love it.
Burnt Carbon
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Peace and Serenity
Dear Lord,
As the day gradually transitions into the comforting embrace of night, I humbly come before you, seeking the precious gifts of peace and serenity. Please, dear God, enfold me in your tranquil presence, and help me find respite from the storms that may be raging within my heart and mind. Grant me the serenity to gracefully accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change what I can. May your divine light shine upon me as I seek rest and tranquility, knowing that your unwavering love and guidance are my constant companions.
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Strength and Guidance
Dear God,
In these twilight hours, I turn to you, my unwavering source of strength and guidance. As I reflect upon the day’s challenges and triumphs, I seek your divine intervention. Grant me the courage to face the uncertainties of tomorrow and the wisdom to make sound decisions along the way. I earnestly request that your radiant light illuminate my path through the darkness, and may your steadfast strength be my refuge in moments of doubt and weakness. Lord, help me navigate life’s complexities with unwavering faith in your unwavering presence.
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Gratitude and Thankfulness
Heavenly Father,
As I pause to contemplate the events of this day, my heart brims with profound gratitude for the countless blessings you have graciously bestowed upon me. I thank you, dear Lord, for the boundless love of my family and friends, for the opportunities that have enriched my journey, and for the valuable lessons I’ve gleaned from life’s experiences. As I lay down to rest, may my heart overflow with thankfulness, recognizing that your grace continually sustains me and that even in the challenges, your love remains unwavering.
INCOMING: President Trump Fires Dozens of Employees in Department of Education and SBA
Excerpt from CNN:
-Curly Bill Brocius
February 13, 2025 4:26 pm
Autism Capital
REPORTER: “DOGE workers arrived at the IRS today. Do you expect to close the IRS?”
LUTNICK: “Some day.”
1/ I’m choosing violence on the way we select leaders for command. Meet COL (retired) John Bender, and I have permission to tell his story.
He was found unfit for command because during a behavioral screening at the new Commander’s Assessment Program (CAP), he was told by a behavioral health “expert” that he “Has a very high tolerance for stress, and that could be a negative thing because your (his) subordinates wouldn’t be able to handle stress to the same degree and pace.”
So who gets selected? Those who are buddy buddy with their subordinates and fold like a wet towel under pressure? I get the intention of CAP to screen for toxic leaders, but this is a wild over correction.
He was one of the highest qualified armor leaders in the Army. So highly qualified that he was selected to serve as the G3 of the First Cavalry Division and was among the first officers to be brevet promoted to full Colonel. (those on the inside know how big a deal this is).
COL Bender actually wanted to learn from his CAP performance and asked for his own file to study. When he tried to get his own records, he was told to FOIA them. He left that assessment with only stories of what happened to him. He was so rightfully angry, he retired in protest and is luckily thriving on the outside.
CAP is relatively new (5 years old) and the process for which they select officers is COMPROMISED. We now have objective proof of this: taskandpurpose.com/news/army…
In the article, a bottom 1% officer was moved into the top 1/8th of all selected commanders because of the shady practices of multiple 4 star generals. She failed CAP multiple times and was still selected for command over those who passed. Even our own Chief of Staff of the Army was involved.
The CAP system has lost all trust and confidence and must be revisited. Amazing warfighters are getting left out of command for nebulous purposes because nobody can see what goes on behind the curtain.
I pray you have someone brief you on cases like COL Bender’s. There are dozens more like him who are getting sidelined every day.@PeteHegseth @SecDef @stuartscheller
America, we are apparently denying leaders command because they handle stress too well. How does that make you feel?
Democraps Employ Idiots
Because idiots are easily manipulated, controlled, blackmailed, and coerced, assuming they aren’t so pathetically stupid to have become a leftist ideologue in the first place
That is seriously messed up. But it is very, very leftist.
I once worked with a large group of people who were working in area schools. Our “direct supervisors” were the school principals, but the “coordinator” of the group was a leftist organization.
I was called in to her office one day, and told I was working too hard, doing too well, and having too much success! It was making others in the group “feel bad.”
Needless to say, I did not re-up at the end of the school year, though I enjoyed the work.
Leftists want everybody to fail equally, and feel good while they do it.
h/t Marica
Eric Daugherty
TRUMP: I feel sorry for Mitch. He’s not equipped to be leader, mentally. He never was. Under him, the Republican Party was going to H*ll. McConnell never really had it. He had votes because he gave money to senators. I was the one that got McConnell to drop out of the leadership position. He’s not voting against Bobby [Kennedy], he’s voting against me. He’s a very bitter guy. But we have a very strong party, and he’s lost his power. It’s affected his vote.
True. The Old Crow holds a grudge.
HEYDONMUSICPAGE “Latest Videos & Breaking News” 2.13.25
Louisiana Department of Health ends mass vaccinations, bans seasonal vaccine promotion
An excellent read, and THAT is something I can recommend!
I think he’s taking a very smart position. It’s definitely not anti-vaccine – he’s just treating vaccines like drugs – which we DO NOT see being recommended by public health officials. At the same time, government people are free to cite data showing benefits of vaccines, which is reasonable, IMO.
I’m guessing that includes the flu vaccine. I’ve seen it pushed as if it’s taken for granted that one must get it every year. Pharmacies have signs: “Get your flu vaccine here,” and the same for the COVID vax. At the very least, this might make people stop and think.
I also like the fact that they’re elevating the status of health care providers instead of thinking pharmacies and pharmacists have the knowledge and expertise to recommend vaccines to everyone.
Sir, the next time you feel the urge to say “Amen,” just remember that you’re potentially offending half the population. Instead, why not opt for a more inclusive term like “A-person” or “A-human”?
I have actually heard “a-women” in certain contexts.
It wasn’t a church, it was a recording of “preacher and the slave” which is very old satire of “In the Sweet bye and bye” (The parody is actually the source of the expression “pie in the sky”)
Anyhow, at the end the lady singing it, who was an old school feminist, ended it with “A-women!!”
There ya go again. A-human
(Couldn’t resist being a smart ass.
My bad. That should be A-earthling.
Thank you for pointing this out.
I don’t know about this A-men and A-person schtick, but on several occasions where I’ve made some remarks, the audience spontaneously started shouting “A-hole!!!”
Does that count?
Of course.
I believe they’d call that non-binary.
I think RFK, Jr. should make it so that pharmacies and their staff can NOT give vaccines. Period.
It’s all about $$$ for them. There’re being compensated by the government and or big pharm I’m pretty sure. Take away the incentive and they’ll stop.
When I was working I had a conversation with the pharmacist about the “free” flu shots, she told me oh we make a lot of money on those.
I’m sure they do. And they shouldn’t.
I agree.
Well, it’s ridiculous really.
Once when one of them said to me, “you;re eligible for your flu vaccine,” I said “oh, that’s ok, but I’ve got this cough. Can you give me some codeine cough syrup?”
After that, they didn’t ask me anymore.
Nicely done!
This Colombian globalist seems integral to the US resistance to Trump. He’s the odd man out in a pure Dem opposition operation.
Insurrection Barbie
Democracy Forward has the following Board of Directors:
Marc Elias
Ron Klein- former chief of staff to Biden
Mindy Myers – former campaign manager for Elizabeth Warren and current head of the DSCC
Javier Guzman- director for global health policy for the Center of Global Development
Tania Faransso – partner at WilmerHale (who is listed as the law firm on some of the Trump lawsuits) and clerked for ROYCE LAMBERTH who is the judge who just blocked the Trump administration from transferring transgender prisoners into the male prison.
11:34 PM · Feb 12, 2025
Wolf Moon
Javier Guzman is the strange globalist link here. Gotta wonder if he brings other “high money” connections, too.
Javier Guzman
From cgdev.org
6:44 PM · Feb 13, 2025
Wolf Moon
More information here.
Javier Guzman – Center for Global Development | LinkedIn
I am a medical doctor with over 20 years of experience in leading high performance teams and organizations in the public and private sectors. Have managed portfolios of large multi-million dollar…
6:45 PM · Feb 13, 2025
The dude has a very WEIRD statement on Kennedy getting confirmed. Seems to be addressed to Kennedy.
Statement from Javier Guzman on Confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services
February 13, 2025
Sara Viglione
Center for Global Development
In response to the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr as Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. Javier Guzman, director of global health policy and senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, comments:
“The confirmation of Kennedy as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services comes at a pivotal moment in global health. Over the past decades, the world has made remarkable progress in reducing childhood mortality, largely thanks to the deployment of vaccines against common infectious diseases. Secretary Kennedy should uphold this legacy by ensuring that the U.S. continues to support immunization efforts worldwide, especially in poorer countries where vaccines are a lifeline for children.”
“Diseases don’t respect borders and the administration has a vested interest in stopping them before they reach U.S. shores. The role of federal agencies—including the FDA and CDC is instrumental in advancing regional and global efforts to prevent and respond to health threats—be it dengue in the Americas, Marburg in Africa, or the growing burden of non-communicable diseases worldwide. Global health security hinges on strong partnerships, scientific collaboration, and a coordinated response. Secretary Kennedy should prioritize these efforts to reinforce the U.S’s role as a leader in global health and protect decades of progress which have seen improved health outcomes for millions around the world.”
CGD Press Statement
Probably. “We’re so concerned about global health, which includes the health of Americans, that RFKJ should go along with our vax agenda”…because partnerships, coordination, cooperation, etc. In other words, play ball.
He’s on the Board of Dir. of “Democracy Forward” with Marc Elias.
….he’s clearly not getting the message when he says “Secretary Kennedy should prioritize these efforts to reinforce the U.S’s role as a leader in global health”.
Apparently he didn’t get the voter’s memo.
We aren’t interested in the “global health”, per se, and the US govt does NOT have a global mandate…much less a US voter’s mandate….to be concerned with or be a leader “in global health”.
We are interested, almost exclusively, in AMERICA’s HEALTH…an issue that both Trump and his supporter RFK Jr. openly and transparently ran for office upon, and for which voters sent them to DC to “prioritize”.
So, this low-t soy boi can stfu, right along with Elias and the rest of the atheist, commie parasites drinking the blood of America.
Or if that’s too long for Guzman to read or comprehend, I think it boils down to “Fuck you, asshole!”
That too!
The real kicker is these scum suckers will not escape judgement. They will stand in front of Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords (stuff it England). Eternity … in hell
Wolf Moon
The Center for Global Development (cgdev) is a far-leftwing organization.
Here’s a list, from their website, of funders. They’re tied up to their ears with BILL GATES.
YIKES! Then they ARE depoppers! And NASTY ones!
who are the depoppers who AREN’T nasty ones?
I’m missing something.
Good point. Maybe they dont care about kids either.
Some will kill to meet their target.
Others will just try to persuade people not to have as many children.
The first is the nastiest kind.
You know, I am coming around to the opinion that the only humans who are going to survive Big Pharma are the ones who simply refuse to take vaccines and medicines of all kinds.
I mean, nobody makes it out of here alive, but some of us would like to have progeny. I want to be somebody’s gggg-grandma!
“I am a medical doctor with over 20 years of experience in leading high performance teams and organizations in the public and private sectors.”
Don’t medical doctors usually practice MEDICINE?
Give me a break. You are a money whore with a medical degree. Get it straight, bud.
Watters says Dems have been ‘losing’ every day since DOGE
My new trump song
Judging from the description it came out in October or November just before the election. (It say 3 months which means 3-4 months.)On the other hand the graphics in the video are just post-election.
According to Tore Maras of “Tore Says” fame, Trump’s success dealing with Venezuela is the result of his long-term work on the problem (2017-2020), during his first term, and his victory over the nasty SAMPO (Samantha Power), who was using USAID during the Biden administration as a tool for her personal leftist neo-liberal vision of foreign policy.
Q-Clearance Series| Venezuela: Trump’s Actions, Power’s (USAID) Schemes, and the Global Power Shift
I’m telling you…
Sampo is a dude…just like Big Mike.
Pretty sure it’s John Kerry in drag.
No one has ever seen the two of them at the same time
Panic In DC, Rats Everywhere, Transparency Is The Only Way, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice – Ep. 3571
February 13, 2025 x22report
Trump has now ended the attack on gas stoves, everything that Biden has done is being reversed. Lee Zeldin found the money and is returning to the people. Politico admits the job numbers are fake. Trump has begun the parallel economy, tariffs are being implemented. The end of the Fed is coming. The [DS] players are panicking, the people are now seeing that there are rats everywhere. DOGE is setting up a transparent system so the people can see it all. This was not just another 4 year election, this was a crossroads to see if we can keep the country. Phase I and II happening right now. Once the people see the criminals and the treason that they have committed we will be moving to Phase III, a traitor’s justice.
Ep 3571a – It Has Begun, Trump Begins Constructing The Parallel Economy,The End Is Near For The [CB]
Ep 3571b – Panic In DC, Rats Everywhere, Transparency Is The Only Way, Phase III, A Traitor’s Justice
I’m ready.
If you feel a need to watch our brilliant and beautiful Press Secretary slap down the Fake News, with a play-by-play that’s actually quite good, this is your video!
Wolfie, this Jaw dropping.
~28 t0 32 minutes about Chiang Kai-shek & Taiwan.
Shek was a CIA drug and arms dealer. It is NOT CHINA BUT TAIWAN THAT IS A SOURCE OF FENTANYL! The chip industry is the cover/excuse for why the USA protects TAIWAN.
So Cocaine Mitch had a handler from Taiwan to PROTECT the drug trade!
Operation Gladio – Part 2 “Relevance” (2 hours, I am 30 minutes in )
Today or yesterday, Trump said we (US) want to make chips. Not buy from Taiwan.
Coincidence, I am sure.
Seemingly plausible in light of USAID revelations and Large Scale Social Deception operations (LSD) and intel agencies that like to deny the origins of COVID but I’d suggest that is still a very loose theory and she gave little but generalities to back it up. Too much to counter that since there have been zero indicators of it happening before she tells us this. No one has spoken of this before and I don’t remember China pointing that finger at Taiwan unless such news has been suppressed. The history of the KMT and their escape to Formosa is mostly known and drug running doesn’t seem to have been prominent in it. Not to mention Taiwan is pretty much a known quantity. Might have to go watch some of the Triad gang movies to get a better feel for this. Or better this link to the Triad which could very well support this new narrative as it describes them as their current structure originating through the KMT.
Meanwhile I’d could suggest instead that room is being made by the Col with or with out, likely without Trumps backing for China to make good on dropping their trade in Fentanyl instead. Kind of like offering China a fig leaf to hide behind so they can mend their ways. Such would be more for public consumption here than anything else. From Fentanyl, to concentration camps with the Falun Gong, Tibetans, and Uyghurs, selling body parts etc to Tiananmen Square and over all suppression of democracy to stealing our secrets and just expanding their reach there’s a lot not to like about China. Trump has to over come all that negative China publicity if he’s going to be able to get the major players to come together and execute some of his major ideas on trade vs war, since the ones who know all that stuff about China are in his camp.
Also likely her thoughts on this are not fully developed and she’s just exploring ideas. Part of her stitch? IDK.
Anyways, there’s room to run on these theories.
New Schlichter —
Fortunately he finished that sentence tolerably well (though I would have said something stronger):
Well, I objected to how the sentence began, irrespective of how it ended.
Sometimes it’s such a bad start you are stopped in your tracks.
Maxine waters: “Elon Musk… privacy….We don’t know what they have on us.”
with any luck, a sealed indictment ready to go.
I sure hope so! That is one NASTY piece of
As a bonus, her IQ scores.
0 is not a score, my good sir.
I never thought she was part of the Deep State.
The Derp State, maybe.
In her case? I refuse to make a distinction.
“Maxine waters: “Elon Musk… privacy….We don’t know what they have on us.””
Well, what have you been doing that’s against the law?
Go ahead and tell us what crimes you have committed, and we’ll cross-check it against Elon’s list, and let you know what he’s found out so far

Why, she’s undoubtedly as pure as the driven mud.
Secret service female trainee shot herself yesterday.
Accidentally. At first I thought it meant suicide. She shot herself in the leg.
If such an incident happened on the job, it would compromise the security of the protectee. I don’t know what the policy is, but I don’t think there is room for mistakes like this.
It just gets better and better.
At Least 6 Leftist Federal Prosecutors Resign After Trump DOJ Drops Charges Against NYC Mayor Eric Adams
G’bye, Felicias!

The Trump talk on “naming entities and names” involved in some of these large scale fraud cases did not occur today as promised by many, Trump himself too I believe.
Any thoughts on why not?
I know the left is coming apart at the seams and some are casting out threats of violence and then this thing with the USS Harry Truman’s Captain is named Snowden and Trump has been mentioning a possible pardon for Edward Snowden.
Meanwhile I haven’t heard much revelation on DOGE’s audit into the Pentagon yet? Given how fast DOGE works this seems unusual. Then again I’m sure there’s a lot of intimidating personalities that work at the Pentagon, not to mention it’s one of our premier puzzle palaces cloaked in government secrets.
“Any thoughts on why not?”
I would guess he’s turning the screws on uncooperative witnesses, and others who will do anything, including testify against bigger fish, to not be named, and somebody cracked at the last minute, buying themselves a little more time
Did I miss anyone, or double-up?