This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Be Kind
In this day of entitlement, self-promotion, and impersonal, virtual relationships, many people have forgotten what it means to be kind to one another. To Christians, who are called to become like Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches, “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31–32, ESV).
The apostle Paul told the Ephesians to put away six sinful attitudes and behaviors: bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice. Bitterness is an inward frame of mind that refuses to forgive. Wrath and anger are combined here to refer to violent outbreaks of uncontrolled human rage. Clamor speaks of shouting and loud quarreling. Slander means evil speaking, and the Greek word translated “malice” implies wickedness, which is at the root of all the other sins listed here. All these practices to be rejected center on our relationships with others.
In place of these things, believers are to put on kindness, tenderheartedness, and forgiveness. These three virtues also deal with interpersonal relationships. In the original Greek, the phrase rendered “be kind to one another” literally means “keep on becoming kind toward one another.” The graciousness of God, which is also found in Jesus Christ, shows us what it means to be kind to one another. Because God acts kindly toward us, we are to behave the same way toward others. Because Christ offered grace as the basis for our forgiveness, so too should we.
Being kind to one another is not optional for the people of God (Micah 6:8; Zechariah 7:9; 1 Peter 3:8). In the very next verses, Paul instructed the Ephesians to “imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God” (Ephesians 5:1–2, NLT). Walking in love means following the example of Jesus Christ.
Paul reiterated the teaching on kindness to the Colossians: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity” (Colossians 3:12–14). Paul mentioned several virtues that believers were to clothe themselves with or “put on”: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. Again, these all have to do with personal relationships.
Compassion and kindness are closely linked. Compassion can be defined as “heartfelt sympathy or empathy toward those who are suffering or in need.” Kindness is the helpful spirit that sees someone else in need and is motivated to respond through good deeds. Kindness is the tangible action that results from compassion. Kindness goes beyond mere words; it translates into helping and serving one another (Acts 28:2).
Kindness is one of the attributes of God (Titus 3:4), one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), and one of the proofs of a faithful minister of the gospel (2 Corinthians 6:6). Being kind to one another is how we show love: “Love is patient, love is kind” (1 Corinthians 13:4).
Being kind to one another involves caring for others, bearing their burdens, and valuing them above ourselves (Romans 12:10; Galatians 6:2; Philippians 2:3). Kindness motivates us to speak life and encouragement to others instead of death and discouragement (Proverbs 16:24; Ephesians 4:29; 1 Thessalonians 5:11). Expressing support and affirmation instead of condemnation is characteristic of kindness (Proverbs 15:4).
Being kind to one another means finding a way to forgive rather than blame (Matthew 5:7; Luke 6:36; 10:37; James 2:13). Perhaps the most stunning example of this is found in God’s supreme act of kindness that provided for our forgiveness and salvation when He sent His Son to die for us on a cross: “Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?” (Romans 2:4, NLT; see also Romans 11:22; Titus 3:4–7).
I’m ready for another glorious week of WINNING!!!
As am I, everyday.
Anxious for today’s winning. Will it be fired, an EO, Both. Dunno, but it’ll be great.
Bonus, it’ll keep libtards off balance AND screaming.
Thank you bakocarl.
Love is kind.
From someone that has tried to help gov with tech.
I Tried To Fix Government Tech for Years. I’m Fed Up.
Maybe DOGE will succeed where the U.S. Digital Service (mostly) failed.
Marina Nitze | 2.13.2025 6:30 AM
When I helped create the United States Digital Service (USDS), it was not on my bingo board that it would become the U.S. DOGE Service a mere decade later. As a lifelong libertarian, the years I spent trying to make government more efficient at the Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) and USDS required a lot of patience. Now I’m fresh out.
We have been making tiny, barely perceptible “improvements,” paid for with years of compromise and hand-holding in endless pointless meetings, and then celebrating this as success. I can’t get Alana Newhouse’s description out of my head: “Half the time our institutions feel like molasses, and the other half like concrete.” I’m fed up with a government that can’t implement its way out of a paper bag.
Apparently most of America is fed up, too.
I care deeply about trans people, immigrants, and others who are targets of so much hate right now. I do not support the harmful actions being taken against them. At the same time, I could not possibly care less that someone plugged in a server to create a new email list without a Privacy Impact Assessment. If no one ever adheres to FIPS 140-2 again—great, it’s about time we took that “kick me” sign written in Mandarin off our back. Much of the current system hurts everyone and needs to go.
When I was chief technology officer of the V.A., a highlight of my career was persuading our inspectors general (I.G.) to allow cloud computing. At the time, most of our websites had business hours, and/or ran on servers that sat in mop closets under a fire sprinkler without backups. I wish I was exaggerating. Cloud would allow us to offer modern online services to America’s 20 million veterans.
I spent countless meetings, demos, and lunch-and-learns overcoming I.G. arguments. One objection became a favorite interview question for new hires: “But how do you put the cloud in an evidence bag?” I cheekily baked cloud-shaped sugar cookies and distributed them—in evidence bags—around the office. More than two years later, the I.G. issued a memo approving the use of the cloud.
But you know what? I shouldn’t have had to waste two and a half years of my life on this, while millions of veterans went without health care and other benefits they had earned. People in charge of regulating computers should know how computers work. They should even be good at computers.
As we got closer to launching a modern website, I was thwarted in a new and creative way. The Department of Labor bought the domain—the one we intended to use—and said they would only give it to us if they got to approve every page of our website.
Not going to happen. Beyond the delays this would add, the labor department sucks at websites. Their “My Next Move for Veterans,” a multi-million-dollar website that every individual separating from the military is required to use, is one of the worst you could ever see. It tells veterans their primary skills are that they can “communicate by speaking” and “use [their] arms and/or legs together while sitting, standing, or lying down.” Thanks for your service. If you don’t believe me, look for yourself.
The White House got involved, requiring months of in-person mediation meetings. I was never able to get the domain back. (To this day, the labor department owns How exactly are we qualified to intervene in foreign wars if our processes can’t even stop one agency from squatting on another’s domain name?
Getting a government position description for a technologist approved—for what later became USDS—was even worse. On my first attempt, I posted a senior role for a graphic designer on USAJOBS. Human resources selected a candidate with multiple PhDs from the University of Phoenix with zero graphic design experience. I still lie awake at night and wonder: What would they have done if I approved that hire? How many other serious jobs are held by people with zero qualifications?
It took years of back and forth, questioning and fixing virtually every step of the hiring process with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) before we hired our first qualified technologist. I recently learned, in Bureaucracy by James Q Wilson, about the “China Lake OPM Demonstration Project.” Facing a dearth of technical talent, China Lake sought to streamline the process for hiring technologists into government—in 1979. How many generations should it take to update a position description?
I hope DOGE will obliterate the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) from space. This law, which was written in 1980—before computers were common in homes—requires that every government form, and every change to every government form, must go through the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). This office has no expertise in user research or form design. It has no ability to check whether a form is asking for information that the agency has already asked for 100 times or whether multiple agency forms ask for the same information in different ways (making it harder to reuse or cross-reference). Agencies self-report how many “burden hours” it takes to fill out their forms, and OIRA has no way to check this either.
Some of the most talented people I’ve ever worked with have spent years of their own getting OIRA to agree to, and write down, such novel concepts as “legal things are legal.” I’m not kidding—OIRA issued guidance last year that agencies are allowed to get feedback from the public, something which has always been legal, yet threats of going to “PRA jail” for doing exactly this persist today.
As part of the aforementioned new website, I wanted to have one form “wizard” that would allow a veteran to enter their information once, and automatically apply for all the benefits for which they were eligible. OIRA told me that to do this, I would first have to submit every possible permutation of this wizard for approval—a request I would have found delicious to comply with, were there enough trucks on the planet to deliver that amount of paper.
The PRA creates dramatically more paperwork and makes agencies ask for the same information more times, and in more confusing ways. It also kills people. It took OIRA over a year to approve the addition of a single checkbox to a disability application form. This checkbox would enroll veterans with serious conditions like PTSD in health care for their disability. Instead, these veterans sat in a backlog of unprocessed paper health care applications. The I.G. of the V.A. may not know how to computer, but if you believe they know how to math, 307,000 veterans died in that backlog, waiting to enroll in the agency’s health care that surely would have saved some of their lives.
The death toll continues: Transplant surgeons identified and approved life-critical form updates to the organ donation matching process in 2022, which OIRA is still sitting on today. OIRA has no medical expertise of any kind.
We were told this labyrinth of rules and regulations was required for democracy, fairness, and delivering services to a user base that couldn’t exclude anyone. So we worked within the system. We respected it. We followed every rule or dutifully changed the rule before we moved forward.
The system blocked us from helping people at every turn. Yet today, it’s totally rolling over in the face of actually harming our most vulnerable while people cheer on its collapse. The system is not coming to save you or anyone—because the system is not currently designed to do much of anything at all.
Let’s fight for an America where you are free to live as yourself without fear—but let’s not waste any time fighting to keep the status quo of molasses and concrete.
All I can say is that both Trump and Musk are known for getting things done, and quickly. I hope these problems will be apparent and will be fixed.
To the author [not gudthots] – take your dumbass into a cave somewhere and take your queer mental defective friends with you. Too harsh? Sorry … not sorry. Everybody has little quirks they would rather others didn’t know. Why your freak friends lack any sense of shame and think we all care about their perversions is beyond me. Even if I had any sympathy for your ‘issues’ you’ve screwed that pooch by making them political.
Get lost.
Oh, you mean that sex perversion wasn’t the point of the screed? Then why the hell is it in there? Just an irresistible urge to brag and strut your stuff? F you.
I apologize for any offense I have inflicted on the Qtree.
it stuck out to me too. odd that the author thought it belonged in there.
I think Gail’s comment is spot on here; this is someone talking as a leftist to other leftists. They have to reassure their audience that they are not just some “Trumper” bitching about Our Wonderful Government.
This is actually a good sign, if even leftists are fed up with the way government manages such things.
The writer is a leftist. Anything that might be criticism of “the powers that be” MUST be accompanied by a virtue signal.
Every single time.
The writing style is kind of off… “verbing”, for one… “Bingo board”?
Sounds like a perpetual JV player whining when a phenom Varsity player zooms through and wins it all…
Trans and mental conflagration… time to find a safe space….
Yup. In Democrat D+ wards and precincts in Ohio, registered D voters will not cross party lines without assurances that candidates “love and want to protect trans kids”. Even D women who want boys out of women’s sports need this reassurance. Even further, D voters who want to stop minor transgender surgery are sympathetic toward trans kids, and are scared of them being targets of violence (which is usually within the alphabet community, but they can’t compute this past media propaganda).
We found this even applied to moderates and “hold-out” conservatives who refuse to abandon the party.
Trump ran a near-perfect campaign on both this issue and abortion. Dem plans to block him failed hugely. He never articulated hypotheticals. He reacted emotionally (more powerful than virtue signals) to bigger, more common, and more obvious victims – fully developed babies, girls injured and humiliated by boys in sports, and minor transition victims. At the same time, he gave assurances to women in blue states that he was pure state’s rights on abortion. He could be trusted. He topped it off by alliance with Vance and Moreno, who both understood.
VSG. He’s a VSG.
Yes, he certainly is.
Even I, who am very pro-life, believe that abortion Constitutionally belongs with the States. That is the law of our land, and I think it should be strictly adhered to. It is the glue that binds us all together.
Well said, IMO.
You are referring to this statement:
“…I care deeply about trans people, immigrants, and others who are targets of so much hate right now. I do not support the harmful actions being taken against them. At the same time, I could not possibly care less that someone plugged in a server to create a new email list without a Privacy Impact Assessment. …..”
I look at that statement, 4th paragraph down, as divorcing the writer from what others think of a ‘Right wing Nazis’ It is her ‘socialist creds.’
I am perfectly OK with that if it means the more level headed DemonRats actually READ what is written. (You can print it out and hand it to
liberalsocialist friends and family as I plan to.)We already have most Conservatives and many Libertarians on board. Now we need to appeal to the center left and that is what that statement is supposed to do.
BakoCarl said “Being KIND is more important than being right.”
So remember the first order of business for Trump (and Elon) is to STOP THE HEMORRHAGING of US tax payer dollars. Especially when a lot of those dollars are laundered into the pockets of those who mean the USA harm.
If we can stop the $$$ flow from the US Government to socialist/communist NGOs and terrorists. Will those entities collapse? Will their influence shrink?
On the illegals, given the falling birth rate and the need for young labor, could a compromise be reached where there are NO BENEFITS to Non-US citizens PERIOD. HOWEVER, if you have not broken any further laws AND you speak English AND hold a job AND pay taxes, you get put onto a provisional status? ALSO NO SENDING FUNDS OUT OF THE USA!
I can see that as a compromise. Think Art of the Deal.
Feds have the worst web sites imaginable. Some assholes intentionally create them, to be miserable to access AND nothing intuitive about navigating.
Slow Guy can figure out, navigate every web site, I need to in the civilian world.
Getting through, a fucking nightmare. Once beating that cluster fuck, the misery will continue..
Moving on. Gave up drinking beer for breakfast. So more coffee.
Created Job Security.
I’ve had to work with sites the government creates for itself (not for free range slaves wanting a government “service”).
They’re bad but not as bad as this, because the people who have to use them are already “inside” and their complaints are harder to ignore. It’s possible to use them, but very annoying.
I think this is a universal! Same in Shallow State!
Yes, CAC card cuts a lot of access crap. I’ve assumed, that is part of your access. Perhaps not.
I want to thank the author for having made the perfect argument on why it all needs to go.
All of it.
Destroyed into a zillion pieces and then burned in the fires of Hell from which it sprang.
A Tower of Babel built to themselves that lay in rubble under its own weight of lies, deceptions, corruption, murders, and all sorts of evil.
What that writer describes is exactly what Thomas Jefferson and the Anti-Federalists feared would happen. It is exactly what is produced when the nation turns its back on its own Constitution in practice as well as in the legal/court system.
It is on us and our America First/MAGA leaders to forever change it. May God bless our efforts.
‘U.S. Digital Service’ is now DOGE – See Trumps Executive Order
Musk Sends Termination Notice to Dozen Workers at U.S. Digital Services Office, The Preexisting Agency DOGE Replaced – The Last Refuge
People who can’t code, using the power of “no” to maintain control of people who can code.
Passive-aggressive obsessive-repulsive…
Ah. Last time I checked although it was Gulf of America, It was still Denali.
Thanks for bringing this.
EDIT: (the Microshaft map) still shows Denali.
Google maps shows Denali at ONE level of zoom (the most zoomed-out one that shows a point of interest), McKinley at the others. It’s possible that that “Denali” is the label for the park not the mountain.
In both cases the national park is still named Denali.
I think a programmer just missed something in the zoom views. It’s the mountain called “Denali” in that one.
It points to the right place, certainly. However based on the tiny bit I know about this stuff, it’s probably constructing the images real time based on a database of points of interest. Why would that database “hiccup” during just that one inquiry? Unless there’s two different entries, one for the park and one for the mountain, and at that zoomed-out scale it’s reading the one for the park. One logcal “point” to use for the park is the mountain itself. Another would be the visitor’s center, but I don’t even know if that park has a visitor center. (Some of those parks in AK are extremely primitive and have no road connection to anywhere.)
The National Park Service is calling the mountain Mt McKinley but the park it still calls Denali. LOL
Unless the executive order specifically addressed both, that does make sense. He renamed the mountain.
The park is a lot more than just that mountain.
Obama wanna be.
Uh…granted it happens, but isn’t it technically illegal?
But he is so proud of himself.
I would think so. Some of the comments mention:
• Logan Act
• “Well since the Constitution enumerates as one of the duties of the Executive branch is to negotiate and Congress merely approves of the Treaty. Seems like a violation of the separation of powers”
• Hatch Act
Those might not apply in this case. I haven’t looked into it, so I’m not sure. I would add possibly sedition.
Exactly – this Jason Crow is fixing to eat crow. He’s about to get slapped to kingdom come.
And he’s gonna get stuffed…
Remember LAWFARE goes both ways. He is NOT in Congress and therefore his speech is NOT protected.
So hit him with what ever laws/regulations you can find and make him so busy defending himself he has no time to pull any more shit. ALSO when an important vote is due, REQUIRE he show up in person in court.
That idjiot’s gonna be eating crow before long…
Hatch(IIRC) Act incoming…
Colorado should be embarrassed!
We have only a couple of reps worth a damn, and realistically I expect nothing out of any of them other than Boebert, the others are potted plants likely to go RINO if the chips ever go down.
I don’t know what to make of this. The name of the book is questionable to me, not because of the obvious reference to pizza, but because it seems to encourage children that secrets are good. Of all the books out there, why choose that one?
I liked her in Alias…season 5 does not exist and the movie elektra.
I will say this she’s not who she pretends to be. When the LA fires happened she was out there with the media. I think she’s a die hard lib that pretends to be conservative and church going. She’s an adult pretender.
Look at her choice in men aka Benny boy.
also shows one need too reread any kids book. Yes I’ve gotten so many books to review that push bs.
NO decent mother wants to encourage children to keep secrets. SHAME on her.
More like Slave the children

“…why choose that one?”
Because it is part of the government takeover of your children. I am sure the Hitler Youth had similar instruction. After keeping secrets comes ratting out your relatives as was done to a lot of Jan 6ers.
The Hitler Youth well the young ones anyway were like they Boy Scouts.
The older ones that’s where it was pushed.
The Hitler Youth appropriated many of the activities of the Boy Scout movement (which was banned in 1935), including camping and hiking.
The authors wrote dragons love tacos. This book came out in 2013. Dragons love tacos is a yuge hit still.
It’s a kid book…about a raccoon having a secret pizza party. I don’t know how this jumped the shark. Merely having the word pizza doesn’t always mean something nefarious
I think it’s more about the origination it was with
Well here is the book
why is it uncles pizza?
the guy in the tub with a bird.
the super handshake
I side eye because I’ve seen kids book discreetly add things to books.
I think it’s good to side eye since the industry clearly pushes an agenda
Secret pizza party “gives happy scream”????? There’s a lot in there that superficially seems ok, but is just that little bit too much over the top.
Yes that’s exactly it.
I agree. Kinda odd.
Cultural victory for pedos when we can’t have a kid book about pizza!
Ima not get into details, but I do smell pedos, furries and other stuff on this – despite the whole thing striking me as charming and innocent otherwise. Absent the obscure pedo stuff related to dragons and tacos, these both look like wonderful stupid stories probably derived from real life, like raccoons loving to raid trash for leftovers like pizza crust. The secrecy thing might make me read it a few times to make sure it sniffs OK, but that’s it.
This is what I hate about pedos. They take normal childhood innocence and tinker with it just a bit, so they can slide up to kids and teens. In other words, these could be innocent stories, but pedos will still move in on the message.
Bottom line – beware of adults who engage kids using stuff in ways that set off your spidey senses. Church lady uses these stories? No problem. Overly pushy kid pastor with online addiction problems and dragon or furry avatar – beware. No – RUN.
One more point – we have to remove pedos from society to reclaim innocence for our kids.
Gadsden Herald:
It sounds like it!
So who actually regulates food? RFK is actually HHS secretary, presumably USDA is cooperating with him.
Oh goody!!!
I bet Elon Musk could find all those disappeared posts.
No doubt they’re archived somewheres.
And I do mean the plural there.
We always forget the NSA. They have everything.
That assumes NSA is actually under our control and not crawling with embeds. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. I wouldn’t want to have to rely on it without knowing for sure.
Fortunately, I would be stunned if some autist somewhere hasn’t been saving his and lots of others’ twitter feeds, and THAT will be useful to us regardless of the NSA.
I’m sure someone has them.
It’s ‘They has everything’…since pronouns are verboten
I’m sure someone knows how to recover them.
Read that yesterday.
One of the comments was golden.
Without reading that, we all know, Strzok’s Tweets are copied / archived in dozens, if not hundreds of places.
If statute of limitations has not expired, that asshole will get some nailed by DOJ/FIB.
And get back that multi-million dollar
settlementbribe too.RED China’s probably got a couple of mirrors, too
Elon has it all, including your DMs.
Furthermore, Kash has no doubt seen them and remembers them anyway.Of course Strzok doesn’t need to be fired but rather prosecuted, so Kash will need the actual evidence, not a memory of it.
Jared Wise
Feb 14
Here is an example of the bureaucratic nightmare we are living under as United States citizens and are expected to just accept as normal. The IRS sent me a letter in September, 2024 demanding documents related to my 2022 taxes, but they sent it to an old address and I never received it.
In November, 2024, they sent a second letter, also to my old address. I never received this letter either and had no idea that either letter existed or that the IRS wanted anything from me.
In January, 2025 I received a letter from the IRS at my current address. This was the first time I was aware of any letters, issue or request from the IRS. The letter was dated November 4, 2024, and demanded a response from me by December 4, 2024. The letter warned that if I failed to respond by that date, they would send me a “Notice of Deficiency” and issue penalties and interest.
The problem is that the envelope containing the letter was POSTMARKED January 7, 2025, more than a month after the date that they wanted a response – meaning that I had missed their deadline before they even mailed the letter or I knew there was any issue.
True to their word, I soon received the “Notice of Deficiency” due to my late response, even though the letter wasn’t sent until a month after the deadline. I called the IRS and spent more than two hours on hold waiting to speak with a person, only to be told that there is no correction or reversal related to the fact that the letter wasn’t mailed until long after their deadline – that’s my problem to deal with – and it turns out that filing from a new address is not enough to change your address in the IRS system – you have to submit a form for that.
Taxpayers do not deserve to be treated like this.
I’m rooting for @DOGE and @elonmusk to dismantle these bureaucrats.
Feb 14, 2025 · 10:19 PM UTC
IRS sledgehammer stasi attitude AND draconian powers, need to cease immediately.
There is no excuse for feds to treat citizens as the IRS does.
More fundamentally, the IRS needs to be terminated.
Also applies to Californicate Franchise Tax Board. Equally as miserable as IRS. Have posted my nightmare with those assholes.
No, the FTB is worse.
The IRS targets lower and middle class because they KNOW they can not pay for the lawyers and accountants. AND they make sure the fines are just below the cost of defending yourself so you give up and just pay the fines.
IRS Targets Lower-Income Americans – Redacted
IRS Targeted Far More ‘Easy-Mark’ Low-Income Families than Millionaires, University TRAC Report
Interesting that when I click on adding that is SUPPOSED to take me to the Trac report,
I get not secure, and it will not connect.
This is an alternate:
And then there are the phony calls from the IRS. I have no idea if that’s still a thing but it was prevalent back when spam calls weren’t blocked. But the IRS actually FEEDS that sort of thing by being the way it is.
Two years in a row I filed (by paper) in early February and, going to “where’s my refund” saw no acknowledgement whatsoever that the IRS had received the paper work (much less begun to process it) until mere days before the April 15-18 deadline, with me left panicking because if the paperwork had actually gotten lost either in the mail or while in their grubby paws, *I* would be penalized.
I finally gave up and went to online. Yes, I have to pay Turbot Tacks money to do it but it beats biting my nails for two and a half months.
(Cthulhu and I have this argument every year since I started doing this: I resent being given no feasible way of filing my taxes other than by going through one of those companies. He says they’re providing a service and I should be happy about that. Well, I would be, if there were any way to NOT have to buy the service. Back when my taxes were a lot more complicated I happily paid a “real” accounting firm to do them…but that was my choice. These companies lobbied to be put in a situation where Americans with dead simple taxes would have to use them or risk having their paperwork lost with no notification it was gone until too late. Once they lobbied the government for this, they became shitstains in my mind.)
I’ve never been in-favor of filing online and have always advised paper.
That said, I remember back in the day when I got Package X (a “book” of most tax forms) from the IRS, and would have to photocopy pages from it. Having tax programs generate them on-the-fly on a laser printer is a service worth paying for.
I’d happily go back to paper…If they’d acknowledge receipt when it arrived rather than throwing it on a big pile and only acknowledging receipt when they get around to working on it.
Back in the day, when I’d file by certified mail. Proof the IRS mail room got it.
I think I tried that the second time.
They didn’t even tear off the green card and send it back until early April.
If you mail from the USPS, you can get a “proof of mailing” when you send it.
Bonus — it’s cheaper.
The IRS likely won’t accept that. Because there’s no way to prove what it is that you mailed them.
The same is true regarding registered. If your copy of the return weighs 2.3 ounces and is attached to a proof-of-mailing to the IRS for 2.3 ounces, you have a good case.
The IRS doesn’t like to fight it out with people, they like to just run people over.
Download PDF from IRS.
For the last two or three years, TurboTax has a free version for very simple filings. I have a home office, so opt to pay for more features.
I recall this being limited to either low income or the first time.
In any case, too late now.
Nuke it from SpaceX. It’s the only way to be sure!
Sabine goes off on Big Science.
She has recently produced videos faulting the way it’s done–and mind you this is PHYSICS not medicine or climate research.
Apparently she left academia clear back in 2017; after causing a stir with a paper complaining about the issue. She now shares a (redacted) e-mail from someone begging her not to make waves. She goes ballistic at 7:15.
Can you post the text of your link. It’s not showing for me.
https: // = shFUDPqVmTg
Remove the spaces
She’s just the right kind of fired up smart..
Professor Dave actually went after her in a video a few months ago because she has posted other videos complaining about the way Big Particle Physics works nowadays. Dave was unhappy with her sensationalistic titles that paint with an overbroad brush (not limited to particle physics). She responded almost immediately.
Dave’s not one to back down but as yet he has not responded.
Your image is buggered up. Please edit before someone replies to it complaining.
If I try to include using the “attach an image” icon the dialog for picking the image hangs. If I try to drag/drop from file manager in ubuntu (which worked last week) it now dumps massive post full of garbage. And yes, I was rushing to erase before a reply froze it into place.
It’s still there and no reply yet.Never mind, should have refreshed.
I started plying this and Hubby said. Oh her, Yeah she has created quite a stir in the physics community.
This video got more than 1 million views over the last 19h and a whopping 17000 comments.
I did!
Oh, I’ve seen what she’s talking about – even long ago. I was very fortunate to work for honest people. It’s a much harder row to hoe, but without compromises, one can keep one’s head straight, eyes on the things that create situational awareness, and head down below the bullets.
There’s a reason I’m here, and it began by being honest with myself about what I was interested in in science, and how much funding it legitimately deserved, which was NOT MUCH. If you want to do cool fundamentals honestly, you gotta pay. Lies and exaggerations that soak the taxpayer without getting caught are still lies and exaggerations.
When you watch leftist media defending some of these grants, it is sadly the exact same thing that was done to get the grant while nobody was watching. Bureaucrats said “yes”, and often because of good “diversity” answers, connections, etc.
Grantsmanship is just such a powerful skill in academia. People who get the money are the ones who stay. Great teachers and honest fundamental researchers? Hit the road, Jack! You can’t pay the toll!
Unfortunately a lot of fundamental research is now to the point where it requires Big Bucks to pay for it. We are simply not going to get further in particle physics without either a really big surprise or gigantic particle accelerators that only someone like Elon Musk could budget.
Sabine went down this road by questioning the rationales for deciding which experiments to do. Pull a theory out of the rectal database [it does have to be plausible, which eliminates most pseudoscience] and insist it must be tested. String theory is such a fertile ground for generating plausible theories that will require One More Accelerator be built.
But more generally, yes. Science has been about getting grants more than anything else for too long, which a) turns it into a fundraising game and b) gives the grantors power over what will be researched.
I was little Science Fanboi when growing up, then abruptly changed to a business/economics major in college…..because Science was less important than Funding in the wide world.
And I went with building things, though I discovered a strong preference for software.
Yes. string theory seems to be a safe space to pack in theoreticians, too. They don’t need too much money, themselves – just shove them over THERE. Meanwhile, worry about the accelerators.
Hence, a plethora of “people who need to feed their families” with the unfortunate side effect of an artificially inflated popularity of one form of theory.
tried to post image.
didn’t work right.
That was worth the trouble you went through. Thanks!
The DOGE Musketeers are on a roll! Here’s their easy-to-read go-to site to keep track of everything:
This one seems to be unofficial but is loaded as well. The running total doesn’t just mindlessly increase at a constant rate like the one on Debt Clock does.
The regulations tab on your link ( is interesting and has an “unconstitutionality index” which is the number of regulations written divided by the number of laws written…on the presumption that the executive branch shouldn’t be writing things with the force of law. And they are correct in that. At a bare minimum Congress should have to pass each regulation on an up or down vote to make it legal. (I wouldn’t trust that bunch of ignorant schmucks to write regulations that require technical expertise).
The problem I have is that many of the laws congress passes (considered constitutional in this calculation) are in fact unconstitutional themselves. Including many of the ones that led to the writing of the regulations!
I would be stunned if, after throwing unconstitutional laws out of the “constitutional” side of the ratio and into the “unconstitutional” side, the index were anything less than 98.
Yes, this page is well worth keeping tabs on! I appreciate your observations, too.
For decades, I have promoted the idea of having most govt records posted online with universal access. This is even better.
Missouri AG Andrew Bailey sues China over COVID Lab leak for 25 Billion dollars. China hasn’t shown up to court once. Bailey plans to collect by seizing China’s farmland by US Military bases first. China is not happy!
Susie adores this man.
This guy has a good channel about how china fakes and manipulate everything
From food, to EV, to speech, people ec
New American Stories by TradeBait is up.
Apropos of absolutely nothing.
The element that terrifies chemists.
Meh. There are worse substances around…..
The background to “sand won’t save you” is that sand is mostly silicon dioxide. Like many oxides, it’s pretty much done with chemical reactions — something would have to rip the firmly-bonded oxygen off of the molecule to begin reacting with it. Flourine will do that if you poke the sand a bit with it. Otherwise, sand is useful to dump on all sorts of reactions you’d like to stop.
Chlorine triflouride, by contrast, will rip into the sand with a will, tossing oxygens aside as it “burns” the sand.
But are there worse elements?
Fluorine is about the most nasty-tempered element, true.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, February 16, 2025
“The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.”
Proverbs 3:35 (KJV)
Commentary for Proverbs 3
27-35 Our business is to observe the precepts of Christ, and to copy his example; to do justice, to love mercy, and to beware of covetousness; to be ready for every good work, avoiding needless strife, and bearing evils, if possible, rather than seeking redress by law. It will be found there is little got by striving. Let us not envy prosperous oppressors; far be it from the disciples of Christ to choose any of their ways. These truths may be despised by the covetous and luxurious, but everlasting contempt will be the portion of such scorners, while Divine favour is shown to the humble believer.
Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
God made each of us unique and solely
Like He – He wanted us to be holy
He gave each of us both gifts and talents
All are designed to keep us in balance
No two are similar or even the same
Nor were we endowed from whence we came
As we grow through our talents we thrive
And we know through grace our gifts come alive
Have you any idea how special you are
More amazing than you believe by far
What would happen if you missed just one day
Who would fill in the blank and pave the way
No matter what others might say or think
No one can replace you if you should blink
God placed you right where He wants you to be
Without hesitation from you or me
If you think of a structure less one block
Or a herd of sheep less one from the flock
Then you know how very special are you
How important it is to do what you do
If you are a page in a chapter book
How will the story make sense or look
The missing link to this mystery
Well it could be you or it could be me
If you are wondering where you fit in
Just take a step back to where you have been
Consider where we would be without you
So Special are You to this Treehouse crew
D01: 06/09/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

U.S. Department of Education
Instead of improving outcomes for students, here’s where taxpayer dollars were going: – $4.6M contract to coordinate zoom and in-person meetings – $3.0M contract to write a report that showed that prior reports were not utilized by schools – $1.4M contract to physically observe mailing and clerical operations
If we cannot be rid of it, I wonder if Trump could rename it to the “Department of Public Education” and change the acronym to DOPE.
wow…PA Senator introduces bill for ivermectin to be OTC (in PA)
Senator Doug Mastriano
Allowing Ivermectin to be Available Over the Counter in Pennsylvania
I am pleased to announce that I will be introducing legislation to allow ivermectin, a proven antiparasitic medication, to be sold over the counter (OTC) in Pennsylvania. This important proposal aims to enhance access to this safe and effective treatment for various parasitic conditions, empowering residents to manage their health more efficiently.
Ivermectin is an FDA-approved medication primarily used for treating infections such as river blindness, strongyloidiasis, scabies, and lice. With a long history of safe use, this legislation is designed to have a positive impact on public health, especially in underserved and rural communities.
Key benefits of this proposal include:
Increasing Access to Critical Medication: Residents will have faster access to ivermectin, reducing wait times and lessening dependency on healthcare providers for conditions that do not require extensive consultation. This is particularly beneficial for those in rural areas facing healthcare barriers.
Proven Safety and Effectiveness: Ivermectin has been extensively studied and shown to have minimal side effects when used as directed, making its topical formulations safe and easy to apply.
Supporting Public Health: Allowing OTC access could help control the spread of parasitic diseases like scabies, while also reducing the burden on healthcare systems by decreasing unnecessary emergency visits for manageable conditions.
Encouraging Health Autonomy: By removing the prescription requirement, individuals can take charge of their health regarding preventative care for minor conditions.
Pennsylvania joins a growing movement, with states like Tennessee already passing similar legislation and others considering it. Countries including South Africa, Australia, and Mexico have successfully implemented OTC access to ivermectin as well.
It is time for Pennsylvania to make this necessary change. With proven efficacy and a strong safety record, enabling over-the-counter access to ivermectin will significantly benefit our communities.
Paging TB.
What is ground truth for TN residents, to get Ivermectin?
Can we simply drive to TN and get Ivermectin OTC or it requires a script? If a script is required, any known easy path for residents of the other 49 states?
no idea…i’m in PA so this surprises me. it will probably not go anywhere but i will be happy to be wrong!
Yea. PA. My first thought. If it ever got to guvner, vetoed.
oh yeah, Shapiro is a putz
Available here – IVERMECTIN –
Or you could take the inexpensive route since many have taken the veterinary versions of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole with good results
FENBENDAZOLE – late stage or aggressive cancer – 1000 – 2000 mg per day – take after meal with fat – Panacur C or Safegard – 2xD – 60 days
IVERMECTIN – start 15 mg 1xD – work up to 35 mg 2xD – 60 days
Pectasol 15 grams – Pectasol (modified citrus pectin) to flush out dead cancer cells – 15 grams daily – 1 scoop of powder is 5 grams. So you can take 1 scoop 3 times daily or 1.5 scoops twice daily.
These are available on Amazon, but I can’t load the links.
Thank you. Save the link. A quick scan at the website shows.
Nothing against the paste. Would take it if it actually tasted good. I have an aversion to stuff that tastes crappy. Push comes to shove, I am all in.
TN may be a viable and affordable path for non TN residents. I suspect not.
At some point, I’d bet within 2025, Ivermectin will be OTC. Folks are waking TFU and common sense is taking hold.
Hope Sally Q is resting well. Eating good meals. And a pleasant disposition, making life better for all. Always thinking of you guys.
Horse paste Ivermectin tastes like shit! Lol.
Here’s how I get past that. I like raspberry jam, but you can use what ever kind you like. Put some on a teaspoon. Put the ivermectin in on top. Cover the ivermectin with more jam. Swallow it down like you would a raw oyster, all at once. Drink a little water.
I don’t get any taste of vitamin I at all.
Pharmacist. You go in, fill out the medical info, they then compound it according to your weight. More and more compounding pharmacies are doing it. The issue is they still charge more than what you can get online. But it is as easy as walking in and making the request, then filling out the paperwork.
Thank you for the information.
My internet searches (thinking of doing this during a road trip) found a site with a list of participating pharmacies, most in small towns or suburbs that have to be individually looked up if you’re unfamiliar with TN, to see which end of the state it’s in.
Ideally one could just walk into a walmart and do this during pharmacy hours (oh, yeah the perversity of the timing is, I’d have to do this on a Sunday); but I get the impression that not every pharmacist does this.
The site with the listing doesn’t show the hours, so in order to do this I have to put ALL of the small towns on a map, call the pharmacies that look like I could get to them without lengthening the trip obscenely, and get their hours, and probablly end up with a list of length zero.
For you who wander in this world
And think your thoughts with worldly minds
Your thoughts reflect your view of life
But are your thoughts of others kind?
For you who wander on your way
And say the words of your design
Your words affect your way of life
But are your words with others kind?
For you who wander down your path
And do your deeds as so inclined
Your deeds are how you live your life
But are your deeds toward others kind?
For we who’ve ceased our wanderlust
And now can see though once were blind
We’ve found our Savior born of God
And follow Him whose life was kind
Thoughts, words and deeds, so much of life
And somehow they become aligned
As fruit from our inner Spirit
And our Lord, so humble and kind
wonderful Carl!
reminds me of a Tim McGraw song that i really liked
You know there’s a light that glows by the front door
Don’t forget the keys under the mat
When childhood stars shine
Always stay humble and kind
Go to church ’cause your momma says to
Visit grandpa every chance that you can
It won’t be wasted time
Always stay humble and kind
Hold the door, say please, say thank you
Don’t steal, don’t cheat, and don’t lie
I know you got mountains to climb but
Always stay humble and kind
When the dreams you’re dreamin’ come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride but
Always stay humble and kind
[Verse 2]
Don’t expect a free ride from no one
Don’t hold a grudge or a chip and here’s why
Bitterness keeps you from flyin’
Always stay humble and kind
Know the difference between sleepin’ with someone
And sleepin’ with someone you love
“I love you” ain’t no pickup line, so
Always stay humble and kind
When it’s hot, eat a root beer popsicle
Shut off the AC and roll the windows down
Let that summer sun shine
Always stay humble and kind
Don’t take for granted the love this life gives you
When you get where you’re goin’, don’t forget turn back around
And help the next one in line
Always stay humble and kind
This poem needs to be put to music and sung everywhere!
Thank You Carl!
I find kindness to be an apt description of God. The Hebrew word that is similar in the First Testament is hsd which is often translated as loving kindness but has the sense of loyalty and faithfulness. In Psalm 136, it appears as a chorus to a number of affirmations about the God of Israel. I have always been partial to that Psalm.
Great, important lesson for us, Carl. Thank you. It is one that I confess to having blown big time at various points in my life. May the Lord always lead us through those periods into repentance and a better place to learn and forgive others as well as ourselves.
dunno if this was posted before…The Gipper Lives
February 16, 2025 9:04 am
Emerald Robinson:

“…Only a small group of people had paid close attention to the voting machine companies Smartmatic & Dominion before the 2020 election. Only a few people knew that certain companies were actually international criminal organizations.
In fact, there was a news segment by Lou Dobbs in 2006 that you should watch. On Aug 8 2024, a federal grand jury in Florida indicted top Smartmatic executives for bribery & money laundering related to the 2016 elections in the Philippines.
Roger Alejandro Pinate. Jorge Miguel Vasquez. Elie Moreno.
Election officials in the Philippines also wanted Smartmatic investigated for “changing the script in a transparency server without informing the Commission on Elections” since that change “put into question” the results of their May 9, 2016 election.
Sound familiar?
Which bogus NGO was chosen to “observe” those 2016 elections? It was The Carter Center, headed by former President Jimmy Carter. It also “observed” the 2006 election in Venezuela.
Carter himself later claimed that Venezuela had the “best electoral system in the world.” In March 2005, Smartmatic acquired Sequoia Voting Systems which gave it significant control over U.S. elections.
Smartmatic’s new machines were used in the Chicago primaries in March, 2006. The vote was halted in a key race there due to “problems” with the new machines. After the issues in Chicago, an investigation of Smartmatic began in Oct 2006 by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (Cfius).
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) asked Bush Admin to review the Sequoia deal. Why? Smartmatic’s ownership was hidden in foreign trusts. Smartmatic did not divulge its owners to Congress. Instead, it sold Seqouia to a small company in Canada called Dominion in Dec 2006. That ended the probe by CFIUS.
But Dominion and Smartmatic were always linked. In 2008 both companies worked together to “automate” the Philippine election system. In fact, Smartmatic once sued Dominion in Delaware for breaching a licensing agreement between them. So they were in bed together from the very beginning. Just look at Smartmatic’s Venezuelan senior developer David Moreno who moved over to work at Sequoia in 2006 and then became “Director of Election Production & Testing” at Dominion.
That’s how Smartmatic-Sequoia-Dominion got into our elections in 307 counties in 16 states. In fact, Leamsy Salazar (ex special ops & security for communist dictator Hugo Chavez) had already provided an affidavit with the details of the Smartmatic-Dominion connection in Nov 2020.
Four years after Salazar’s affidavit, a highly decorated CIA agent provided similar testimony about the election fraud scheme just before the 2024 election.
So a narco-terrorist state was actually in charge of our elections since 2006. The goal: to place communists into power & destroy America from within.
But there was a small group of people who stopped this nightmare. Probably less than 30. They saved the world.
The first big mistake for Smartmatic: Juan Andres Bautista got a divorce. He was chief of elections in the Philippines (Comelec). In 2017, his wife disclosed docs which showed he was worth $1 billion.
The DOJ launched an investigation. Bautista was impeached. He fled to the USA. He refused to return to the Philippines amid a Senate probe. His wife entered the DOJ’s witness protection program. Money laundering & conspiracy charges against Bautista were filed on September 19, 2023.
Bautista (allegedly) received bribe money from top executives at Smartmatic for assistance in their bid to secure multimillion-dollar election contracts. But Smartmatic was NOT NAMED in US court records in 2023.
Philippines officials wanted to know WHO HELPED Bautista. In 2024, US authorities “dismissed reports that Bautista had been arrested” after money laundering & conspiracy charges were filed in August. “Bautista is not in US custody & we decline to comment further,” said Nicole Navas Oxman at Biden’s DOJ.
What was going on?
According to my sources, Bautista disappeared because the CIA is hiding him. Why? Because USAID gave money to COMELEC to hire Smartmatic for the 2016 election in Philippines. Bautista can’t testify in US court that the US government provided the money.
After all, the CIA doesn’t want the American people to know that USAID is actually funding Smartmatic. That would be crazy, right? …”
Read it all.
MORE: The Absolute Truth: February 10th, 2025—This special episode on the scandal of USAID corruption features special guests: Alison Steinberg, Gregory Copley, and J. Michael Waller.
Rest in the Vine: “What Happened on Election Day 2024 to Stop the Steal”
by Emerald Robinson
Cheeto-face is saying Trump is going to put the US dollar back on a gold standard, and this explains the huge gold buying taking place.

Personally, I think it’s because so many countries know they are going to be devaluing their currencies like crazy over the next 4 years to offset all the US tariffs that are coming.
Well I hope he actually knows something that isn’t coming from his rectal database.
If this is truly something Trump plans to do, it probably can’t happen until we get deficit spending under control. Otherwise we’d just be forced to revalue the dollar periodically.
Once done it’s discipline to keep us from backsliding.
WWI could not have lasted long if the European powers had not abandoned the gold standard in order to keep paying for it.
Well, the power has flickered off, then back on, twice this morning. The winds are starting to rise, with the worst coming in around 2PM. Heard a couple of tree branches hit the house roof already.
“The State of Things Pandemic — Week 51 2024”
3 January 2025
Here is Chart 4b, followed by Chart 7b, from the above post:
Yours Truly: the connection between the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines” and the increase in cancer in the United States is unmistakable.
With RFK Jr in, hopefully his key leadership in=place, I look forward to brutal honesty from HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH…
Let the chips fall where they may. Americans deserve the truth. As does the global community.
Yes, I am 100% America First. The global community was fed the same lies as America.
Pure evil what they’ve done to us. Individually. As Americans. Globally. Pure EVIL.
Can’t wait for the FDA and CDC start admitting plainly their roll in all of this.
That storm has turned out to be huge. Bringing lots of snow North of you. Stay safe!
This story fits anecdotally with the claims the science lady Zharkova Baker Jim brought yesterday. But Steve disagrees. Guess we’ll figure it out in a few more years.
CDC Still Pushing Covid Jabs on Pregnant Women Despite 37 Serious Safety Signals and a Trail of Devastation
Depopulation by another means.
Double dip from the DEMONRAT Devils…
Here’s the latest (September 2024) recommendation website by the CDC. A screenshot from the webpage is below:
ALSO — the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is pushing the shots. Here’s their website with advice for clinicians on how to “steer” the “conversation” with a patient to get them “vaccinated”:
Yours Truly: This is their current page; there is a “copyright 2025” at the bottom of it.
They thought Biden would win and that that would help.
Fools are going to pay for that when open season gets into full swing on CDC and FDA.
The unbounded evil & lies here are beyond horrifying
Steve is disagreeing with the Barycenter theory.
Please realize the THEORY can be completely wrong, while the FACTS as observed are correct.
Another theory By Dr Shaviv (Physicist)
The Milky Way Galaxy’s Spiral Arms and Ice-Age Epochs and the Cosmic Ray Connection
Correct that our orbit through the galaxy is a completely different phenomenon.
I have no idea how much actual evidence there is for this idea (which has been around for quite some time).
The most fruitful attacks on AGW (“global warming caused by people”) is to go after the data collection, and also to try to come up with something that would be true if the cause of AGW were here on earth rather than up there, then go look for it.
Actually I’ve heard claims that they have done the latter and it came out positive for AGW.
To me the biggy is the oceans. Cold water absorbs more CO2 than hot water. As the oceans warmed over the Holocene, they out gassed CO2.
(Think a warm bottle of soda as an illustration)
The OTHER biggy is C4 plants.
Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California.
La Brea is near sea level BTW.
(Think a warm bottle of soda as an illustration)
You mean “carbon dioxide bomb”.
Walmart’s flavored water used to be so heavily carbonated it was absolutely impossible to open a bottle at room temperature without it being a five minute ritual of crack it, let it bubble a bit, reseal it, repeat. Now, at least, it’s possible if the bottle hasn’t been disturbed.
By the way, I actually do not care if it’s anthropogenic. It doesn’t justify fascistic controls on emissions.
Steve I WANT to see CO2 back at a level of ~1500 ppm since we are in CO2 starvation right now.
Carbon dioxide starvation, the development of C4 ecosystems, and mammalian evolution.
When is the last time it was that high?
Can’t vouch for any of this, but…..
So basically Gail is calling for concentrations much higher than any time in the Cenozoic.
It’s been 66 megayears. I think we might have adapted to these lower levels since then.
Yup. Evolution makes a difference. I think it would be excellent to explore what temps and CO2 concentrations “work” for humans, long-term, but I’m gonna bet that we run into limits and blowbacks quickly.
Just off the top of my head, it is entirely possible that intelligent life and/or advanced civilization (like us) is not possible on this planet at CO2 levels which turn the entire planet into Uganda, Congo, and the Amazon.
I was noticing that you missed putting 1/18
and 1/25in the sidebar.And then I came to the horrified realization that I have been EDITING 1/18 rather than modifying a copy of it, for this coming saturday. I’ve completely trashed the old PM prices, and all of the science content from that week.If there is any kind of a backup please try to restore it.I’ve copied my work to an actual new 2/22 post. so you can freely modify 1/18 from a backup.EDIT: Never Mind!!! Found the revisions feature and restored it.
1/18 had no me-written science section apparently, but does have some flat earth stuff. 1/25 has nothing at all so it shouldn’t go in the sidebar.
I have it in an open tab, if you can think of some genius way to get it to you.
OK, you got it.
WTH for?
I thought *I* had no life.
Probably fell asleep reading it.
And you haven’t restarted your system in the meantime?
Odd, because I’ve been getting bombarded with system updates lately. I suspect there was a big one, then “oops we broke something” patches on that.
When I restart, Mozilla reloads tabs from cache.
You speaking “elephantine” out of “Footfall”? I’m currently reading that book & some of your consonant run-ons seem like the invented language of those alien invaders
bwah ha ha ha ha!
I was looking at the Greenhouse data for optimal plant growth.
‘Well ventilated’ homes are 400-600 ppm and Levels exceeding 2,000 ppm are considered hazardous. That is from a company selling CO2 sensors. LINK
However we also need to consider that most homes from caves to a few generations ago had wood or coal heat and would have high CO2 concentrations.
I am also seeing the flickering of the power from high winds. We are hoping we do not have any trees come down. With this very wet ground and high winds, you KNOW trees are coming down. If they do I hope they do not fall in the wrong direction!
About that chart. Remember my friend and I got Ralph Baric’s disease in the fall of
2018 where you start to see the rise in cancer rates. We are both STILL having long term health problems from that DARN weaponized virus!
I just checked. My first bout of ‘Asthma’ aka Long Haulers was in Dec 2018 per the prescription bottle I am looking at.
I think the virus/clot shot targets weaknesses within the body or your genetics. That is why there is such a variety of symptoms. If you are prone to asthma, you end up with asthma, if you are prone to epilepsy, you end up with epilepsy, if you are prone to cancer, you end up with cancer, if you are pone to heart disease, you end up with heart disease.
Gail Combs
Fingers crossed here that no trees come down — or, if they do, they fall away from my house. Fingers also crossed about your property. There’s a real snowstorm forecast for the Raleigh-Durham area for Wednesday of this week.
About the COVID-19 “vaccines” —
There is no doubt in my mind that it is absolutely the case that the ingredients and the mechanisms of these bioweapon injectables “target” weaknesses within the body and/or the genetics of the person who takes them. This is on ALL levels of the body — everything from physical condition predispositions (the “rheumatoid arthritis runs in the family” kind of thing); to neurological predispostions (including Autism, stroke, cognitive issues, BRCA issues, etc., etc.); to inducing / engendering physical AND neurological conditions, even in “vaccinated” persons who do NOT have predispositions; to aggravating current physical AND neurological conditions that already exist in “vaccinated” persons; to inducing / engendering physical AND neurological conditions that “come out of the blue” in previously-healthy persons who then get “vaccinated.”
In other words, the COVID-19 “vaccines” are a “One-Stop Shopping”, all-types-of-medical-issues disaster.
And the pieces of human excrement who masterminded / funded / allowed / facilitated, the lab-creation of the COVID-19 virus itself, and the lab-creation-and-enhancement of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, did the research to ascertain exactly what was needed to produce the results above.
Because the COVID-19 virus itself is NOT “just another virus.” The ACTUAL ingredients of the “mRNA” and the spike protein of this lab-created bioweapon ALSO can induce / aggravate / engender, physical AND neurological problems. Walter M Chesnut ( has been doing focused, detailed work on the damage that the COVID-19 virus itself does, for some years now.
What I found VERY INTERESTING is the doctor I saw Friday said “Asthma can SUDDENLY show in older adults AS THE RESULT OF A VIRUS!!!”
Esp since said doctor was within walking distance of Ralph Baric’s Lab and is tied to UNC.
I will be handing you a lot more info that you might want to include on a Tuesday article. It of course will be up to you.
Correction: BRCA issues are physical condition issues (breast cancer), not coming from neurological issues (although any type of cancer can trigger panic-anxiety in the person who has cancer.)
Just announced today, I think: Blackrock (?) just purchased and ALL their DNA records for anyone that EVER used that service.
Tie that one in on the Jab Targeting …
In general, I find any “corporate policy” that they won’t sell your info to be worthless. All they need is a quarter where projected income is going to fall short of the projections, and voila! the policy changes because the board doesn’t want to hear stockholders whining, and they make up the shortfall by selling your info.
I’m sure we’ll get more versions of this shortly. At stake may well be our status in NATO.
Emanuel Macron Calls Emergency Summit on Monday After Trump Administration Hurls EU Elites into Utter Chaos
Jim Hoft Feb. 16, 2025 7:45 am 192 Comments
I’m not sure if an out right walk away from NATO is in the cards as that will be tricky given Rubio sponsored and passed a bill making exiting NATO will require 67 votes from the Senate and Biden signed that into law. But there’s likely plenty Trump can do in the in-between I’m sure. Not to mention that law might meet indifference with the Supremes if Trump challenges it.
Anyway, nice to see elite heads still exploding in the EU
The theory is that the consent roll for Treaties allow them to get away with this. It’s not been tested and the Supremes may well look the other way since it does not involve them. At least that’s the theory.
There are many things wrong with it, beginning with usurping power from the Executive branch. And the fact that a sitting puppet of a president went along with it means exactly nothing.
Does the NATO treaty allow for people to quit? Then the exit has already been approved by the Senate; back in 1949 or whenever NATO was formed.
A new treaty would require a 2/3rds vote. This is us exercising the old one.
Seems treaties usually have a clause allowing countries to quit – withdraw. Some specified notice. 30 days, 60 days, one year, some amount of time.
I’d expect one year, typical.
May look into it later.
It was beautiful last week.
Looking forward to Trump and Putin meeting in Saudi AND agreeing to a peace deal.
All of that aside. double dog dare them assholes, NATO, to threaten tossing the US out of NATO. Trump would accept in a minute.
WE NEED NATO to help usher in the FOURTH REICH!
And no I am not kidding.
The EU is already the Fourth Reich, and these Neo-Feudal Marxo/Fascist behave accordingly.
In point of fact, the WEF is the 4th Reich.
The WEF was founded by Klaus Schwab 1971. March 30, 1938, in Ravensburg, Germany. He has served as the WEF’s chairman since its inception, though in May 2024, it was announced that he would transition to the role of chairman of the Board of Trustees by January 2025.
Klaus Schwab’s father was an industrialist who moved to Germany from Switzerland and was the director of Escher Wyss AG, an industrial company in Germany during the Third Reich era. He used forced labor at his factory and was almost certainly a member of the Nazi party, but his son has worked very hard to have historic records absolve him of this (for obvious reasons).
The WEF was conceived to achieve the Nazi party’s goals of a one world governement. Key parallels between them are:
Concentration of power: Both cases involve the consolidation of power in the hands of a small elite group..
Erosion of national sovereignty: The Nazi regime’s expansion and the WEF’s push for global governance both challenge traditional notions of national autonomy..
Corporate-state fusion: Nazi Germany saw close ties between the state and major corporations, while the WEF represents a platform where corporate and political elites shape global policy..
Ideological pervasiveness: Both the Nazi regime and the WEF’s globalist vision seek to fundamentally reshape society and governance structures..
Technocratic governance: Both emphasize rule by ‘experts’ rather than democratic processes..
Use of crisis: The Nazis exploited economic crisis to gain power; similarly, the WEF has used global crises to promote its agenda (e.g., “The Great Reset”)..
Suppression of dissent: While methods differ, both entities have shown intolerance for opposing viewpoints.In short, the WEF is facism inverted. Traditional fascism saw the govt control industry, whereas the WEF inverts this and industry controls govt.
Globalism and one world govt IS fascism.
Amd this is why we are deeply embroiled in WWIII, which is NOT a traditional, kinetic war, but rather an asymentric, 5th gen. war whose main tools are economic, pyschological, and other systems of control (like technology).
Something got eaten in transmission here:
There appears to be a stray year here, but the 1971 is correct. The other date is Schwab’s birthdate.
Yep. Missed the “He was born” preceeding the “March 30, 1938”
Point is, Schwab was raised a Nazi, and the dream lives on through him (ie. globalism and one world govt). This is, in part, why he and Soros are so closely aligned.
ZH posted it in an article today. Appropriate timing.
“Trump’s DOGE could be seen as a form of revenge for the working-class Americans whose lives have been upended by the unaccountable and reckless “Rich Men North of Richmond.”
This is excellent…
Elin needs to think about what he’s doing in that arena, but this girl is a gold digger. Had a husband and a little baby as shecstarted pursuing musk.
Mark Dice is great. I didnt know her backstory. She nasty.
Does anyone have some experience with a nuclear pharmacological cardio stress test? The description appears to be far less threatening than the imposing title.
That’ll be my next episode in the continuing saga of “Adventures in Modern Medicine”.
I had one a few months ago. They injected the stuff and then you wait for sometime and then you get in the treadmill. There’s an RN present in case your BP peaks etc. Mine took awhile because my resting heart rate was 48 and I needed to peak at 146.
Not painful just like a hard workout.
I’ve had it done as well, and was expecting (from written descriptions I had read) to have a big cart with a lead box, pull up to the room door, and the the tech (who is actually a doctor) pull out the syringe. Instead he walked in with a tiny box the sort you might keep glasses in, opened it and pulled out a syringe that had a (presumably lead) cylinder around the tube.
It’s not that you’d die without that cylinder, but that he does this every day, and repeated exposure will add up.
I got injected twice, once at rest and once during a stress test. It was interesting to realize I was “glowing in the dark” in gamma rays. It didn’t freak me out or anything; but then I am aware that bananas are radioactive.
It is a straightforward test to map the circulation in your heart to assess the blood flow pattern. It is designed to see if there are areas in your heart muscle that have reduced blood flow which leads to inadequate oxygen supply. The isotope that is injected into your bloodstream will light up on the imaging equipment and be able to map your heart. It is something akin to an X-ray but uses a chemical instead of wavelength technology. The amount of isotope is not sufficient to cause any tissue harm.
The isotope is generally technetium, and it’s a simple injection of a solution of a molecule containing technetium-99m.
Tc-99m is a result of the decay of molybdenum-99, which has a 30 hour half life. Technetium doesn’t exist in nature in any meaningful way (it is the result of a splitting uranium atom). Your hospital likely has a piece of molybdenum-99 and when you’re ready for the injection they will wash out some of the tc-99m product. That will be put in the molecule that your body actually reacts with and injected. That molecule carries the Tc-99m to your heart muscle, and the Tc-99m decays and shows up on the scanner. It gives off a weak gamma ray. (Weak, that is, as gamma rays go.). The nucleus of 99m is in an agitated state, the gamma ray is what comes out when it settles down a bit. The result is Tc-99. Tc-99 itself is radioactive, but it has a 200,000 year half life, effectively stable for purposes of the test. You’ll pee it out within 24 hours.
I probably butchered that explanation but it’s the general idea.
(The decays in question are all beta decays of some sort, so the weak nuclear force is at work. Use the (weak nuclear) Force!)
I remember they hold not to hold any grand babies because I was radioactive, gave me a letter too in case I was going to fly, said I would set off the tsa alarms.
For how long? From what I heard, a couple of days should have sufficed to flush the funnymetal out of my system.
(I nicknamed it “funnymetal” because I could just picture my body looking at it and saying “WTF is this weird shit? Never seen it before. Can’t be real.”)
I was told 24 hours and I’d be clear.
That makes sense.
The Tc-99 decay product remains radioactive (but not nearly as intensely as the 99m–that’s the tradeoff, longer half life means less intense) but your body should have got rid of it.
Prices are up. I filled up at costco yesterday. $4.53 gallon.
I’ve noticed they aren’t dropping here either as one would expect (if all else were the same) during a Trump administiration.
Actually they never dropped below $2 per gallon during his first term. The last time I saw a price starting with a “1.” was during the “Great Recession.”
The lowest ive ever seen once i started driving was 9.11 It got down to 0.96
Good to be young.
0.14 at the cheapo station, prolly ~1972 or early 73.
Certainly before Arab oil embargo, which peanut boy mismanaged. Within a couple weeks, 0.72.
Olympic Gas in downtown LA
Used to wonder what fillers they put in it
Whoa. Mr gil says he remembers Carters lines at the pump but hes older than me.
I certainly do! You could only get gas on odd days if your license ended in an odd number, even days if ended in an even number.
What was interesting is an old truck driver told me the refineries were OVER FLOWING WITH GAS at the time. It was all a scam by the Rockefellers to increase prices.
My guess is it takes time for petroleum industry to get their systems back online. drilling, pipes, refining…
In fairness, it’s only been four weeks. .
It will take a few years to realize the full effects. First comes dergulation, then the renewal of leases, then the field work. It will take time.
I wasn’t expecting an instantaneous effect.
But a rise in price was a bit surprising.
It should be short lived. The spike into Jan. is what is causing it.
Locally, right after the new year arrived, gas went up ~0.20. Fairly static since 20 January. $2.44 today.
Thats so cheap. Jfi, how much are eggs? Wally world here, it $12 for 18. Costco, if they have them is 10 for 2 dozen.
I bought eggs a couple of weeks ago for less than 8 bucks for eighteen. I even made a point of looking.’
That last time I was in Walmart they had almost nothing in the entire egg section.
Didn’t Biden sell off most of the Strategic Gas Reserve to try and lower gas prices?
Yup, maggot sold off nearly half of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Chart won’t copy for me.
July 24, 2020 638M bbl
July 14, 2024 347M bbl
Feb 12, 2025, 395M bbl
I wondered how much. PDJT is drilling to refill it im certain. I expect an aside while in SA to speak w Putin that he will discuss oil prices with the saudis.
Updated. Here is the new list.
(For Susie
My hounds will never be on the list. Next dog might be a wiener. Or another beagle.
Oh yeah for the beagles!

Really ought to be expelled but that’s a tougher thing.
Gloves are off.
Be nice if something came of calling out Omar.
Plenty of evidence to indict her on any number of charges.
She quote ‘slipped’ and said representative of Somalia.
From that thread:
Anyone who thinks that was an accident will no doubt be interested in the land just west of San Francisco I am trying to sell.
Where the SF Chronicle/Examiner and SJ Mercury writers live
Quite intentional. Trolling at its finest.
Of course, that is why I was laughing.
Did you know…..?
Since Jan 20, DC home prices are collapsing as sellers flood the market.
Have a look
West End/Foggy Bottom (ZIP 20037): 23.8% drop, from $787,450 to $600,000
Friendship Heights/Chevy Chase (ZIP 20015): 23.2% decline, from $1,237,500 to $950,000
Capitol Hill/North (ZIP 20002): 23.6% decrease, from $592,500 to $452,450
Its funny. The swamp critters lose their jobs and their equity. They may be lucky to sell at all.
Karma is a stone cold BITCH.
Kind of ironic, as they’ve been selling out for years…..
LIVE: “How To Know If You’re Really Saved: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall” | Feb 16, 2025 | 9:15am CT
First Baptist Dallas
1,630 views Streamed live 79 minutes ago
How do you know if you’re really saved? One test of the authenticity of your faith is your response to the Word of God.
Follow First Dallas on Social Media!
Follow Dr. Robert Jeffress on Social Media!
LIVE: “How To Know If You’re Really Saved: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall” | Feb 16, 2025 | 9:15am CT
First Baptist Dallas
1,630 views Streamed live 79 minutes ago
How do you know if you’re really saved? One test of the authenticity of your faith is your response to the Word of God.
Follow First Dallas on Social Media!
Follow Dr. Robert Jeffress on Social Media!
February 16, 2025 11:15 am
The impossibly rich lifestyle of DC liberals, funded by YOU the taxpayer, without your consent or approval. This is how they live, and the receipts prove it.
USAID, the NEA, and other taxpayer-funded programs issue billions of dollars in grants. John and Jane, or Pete and Pete, each work at non-profits who receive these grants.
The non-profit pays them $300,000 or more. In some cases, such as the Kennedy Center, the CEO is paying $1.5 million.
A married couple takes in $750,000 together, and often much more. Off of your back.
Year after year, and the perks don’t stop with salaries. Believe it or not, that’s small potatoes.
If they want a free ski vacation in Aspen? Well there’s a conference being held annually. The non-profit will of course fly them there and provide accommodations. Every meal is of course non-profit related. Eat well.
Itching for a trip to Switzerland or Paris? Same deal. The non-profit would be delighted to host a conference on some subject.
How they cut their family and friends in on the scam.
Their nepo babies start a “conference organizing business,” and pay them from the non-profit to put on events.
Maybe they take on an ownership interest in these businesses via an offshore account.
How will anyone be able to track down this money? It’s stash in the Cayman Islands or in Switzerland via one of the many “businesses” that provide “services” for the non-profit USAID industrial complex.
Speaker fees for their friends?
Yes, of course. That’s how to really get the big bucks going, as speaking fees and vendors aren’t accounted for item-by-item on the Form 990.
Hold a “gala” and pay everyone $100,000 to give a talk. Pay millions to the “vendors” run by nepo babies and others in on the corruption.
Even judge / their families are in on these scams.
It’s why DC judges are issuing lawless rulings. Their spouses, friends, and families are all taking a piece of the action.
The end result of that DC exists entirely off of your back.
This corruption must end, and that’s why they hate Elon.
They won’t go down without a fight. These are all people living lIke billionaires for doing nothing.
Think this story is exaggerated. Look at these salaries from “non-profits,” which are funded by taxpayers via grants and other “aid.”
Now you understand the anger.
They are thieves!
Back in the 1970s the CEO of Red Cross was the highest paid person in the USA.
I remember seeing a picture, sometime ago, of a Red Cross tent filled with cases, and some were opened. They contained bundles of money.
Several years ago here on QTree.
I think it appeared on the Q board IIRC.
Susie would have a field day on this topic.
She had a LOT to say about the “non-profits”, which were/are….of course….ALL about generating profits.
This was not always the case, of course, but evil corrupts everything. Particularly every good thing.
I notice that Susie’s obituary named the St. Vincent de Paul Society as a suggested destination for memorial donations. I’m quite familiar with one of the large SVdP “Councils” in California, which relies on strong local parish involvement for finances and volunteers. Overhead costs are low, salaries (if any) are modest and reasonable, and there is a strong faith element. While SVdP councils exist throughout the country and the world and have annual national meetings, the governing body of each council is local with local accountability. It’s a very good model, I think.
My ExW is a director of a non-profit, six figure salary. I don’t know why she deserves it though. She mostly just raises $$ byway of, you guessed it GRANTS.
I suppose that it depends on WHERE in the six figure range she is.
$100,000 is well under management pay for white collar.
$999,999 is a LOT for such a job.
Citizen of the Former Republic
February 16, 2025 10:39 am
He’s back in full “Stealth Jeff” mode.
Just a reminder.
There is no statute of limitations on:
1. Treason
2. Leaking/theft/sale of classified national security material
3. Murder/crimes against humanity/children
I really do not GIVE A FLYING FUCK about people who tell me “It would have happened by now if it was going to happen.”
Nothing can stop it.
I know what’s coming.
You don’t.
I put in the hours and read the filings **before I ever looked at Q**.
Before I read Q **I already knew about the secret grand jury** that was spying on/investigating the leaking traitors inside and around our US Congress.
I knew **that** was real. I knew that grand jury was all up in Adam Schiff’s and Eric Swalwell’s and 70+ other people’s electronic comms for **over 3 1/2 years**.
HERE ME VERY CLEARLY: When Trump **tells you** “We caught them all” and “We have it all” the fucking influencers on here who tell you “HE’S BULLSHITTING! HE’S MAKING IT UP! HE’S BLUFFING!” do not have the first fucking clue what’s been going on.
He’s **not bluffing** and he’s **not bullshitting**.
Why do you think I’m being very clear **ON THE RECORD** before it happens that you will see the return of John Durham, John Huber, and whoever the ‘Mystery Prosecutor’ was who was leading that military grand jury for 3 1/2 years?
We have been in a Silent Undeclared War for many years now. Trump is a wartime President. Always has been. He is the Commander in Chief and I suspect when this ‘Mystery Prosecutor’ is taken public, his nature is going to absolutely shock the FUCK out of a lot of people.
We are not in a Silent Undeclared War with one nation or multiple nations; we’re at war with a globalist cult that has infiltrated many governments, **including our own**.
Every single one of the traitors inside of our US Congress who was being investigated by this grand jury and this ‘Mystery Prosecutor’ is by this definition an ENEMY COMBATANT. A spy, if you will.
As the Commander in Chief, the President **has the authority** to take investigations AWAY FROM the three letter agencies.
When this is over some people are going to think I am a genius.
I’m not.
I’m simply somebody who put in the time to read all the documents personally instead of forming an instant hot take based on headlines provided by surface skimmers.
I remember shit that went down in 2017 that nobody remembers even happened.
That’s the only difference between me and those who don’t see what’s coming.
The ground has been FULLY PREPARED for what is coming.
And that’s a BEAUTIFUL thing.
Saved Brian’s thread reader:
And in the end, anyone who said “I’ve given up on ‘hopium’ “ or “I’ll believe it when I see it” will have shown themselves to have simply had no true patience, to say nothing of a disturbing incapacity for faith.
Which, of course, is why I made mention of this question when I returned to this forum just as Trump was inaugurated a 2nd time…
American Bar Association gets millions of dollars from USAID.
Several countries listed above. Why would ABA be doing stuff overseas.
Yea, betcha ABA lied. ABA used money to target conservatives. Conservative lawyers?
There are many facets in this 5th gen WWIII. Lawfare is one key aspect, as is destroying the legal representation of globalism’s political opposition (ie. “nationalists”, or…in America….”Constitutionalists”, like Alan Dershowitz).
Bewildered but resilient
February 16, 2025 12:15 pm
Reply to Wivoter
Of course it is BASIC! Unless of course the GOAL is to sell more ‘medicine’
ALSO a study showed that commercial chickens LOST a lot of the genes found in back yard flocks.
2009 Landmark Study Finds Industrial Chicken Breeds Seriously Lack Genetic Diversity
Great. Chester Bennington’s oldest kid decides he wants to be a girl.
Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington’s child Draven has publicly come out as transgender.The 22-year-old, whose famous father died by suicide in 2017, shared their major life update in an Instagram message on Valentine’s Day.“As today is a day to celebrate love and what love truly means, whether it’s for a partner, family, or ourselves, I thought it would be the perfect time to show some love to myself,” Draven wrote.
22 at least is an adult.
Yes it is. His dad, having been a victim of sexual abuse and grooming, likely would have seen this culture and kept him away from it.
I’m starting to understand the use of they. Too many competing personalities..not genders, in one messed up person.
There was a time in the 90s when the Supreme Court took up the “multiple personalities” defense.
I remember comments like “8 out of every 5 schizophrenics don’t realize they have a problem” (which was funny, but stupid: this isn’t schizophrenia.)
And one about how the Supreme Court by a vote of 23-11 disallowed the defense.
Good decision from SC.
Actually the joke probably originally read that they had allowed it (note the numbers). This was a LONG time ago.
Joke was before the actual decision was announced.
Let’s be clear…
Forces of evil have been working to “normalize” insanity and mental disorders in order to manipulate society into degeneracy and much else besides.
It must stop. And it will be stopped.
The unlocking of this door began with “Don’t ask, don’t tell” under the Clintons.
All the freaks are going back into their closets. We can expect much wailing and knashing of teeth as this happens.
Thank JFK when he worked to get rid of mental Institutions INSTEAD OF REFORMING THEM.
The result was tossing the mentally ill out into society where a lot of them ended up on the street.
So much is really a fetish and its been that way a long long time.
I think it is used for a more sinister reason. But I know more about paganism and black magic than I wish I did.
Yeah like thst. Desperate, attn seeking. Girls not liking their changing bodies especially.
Quoth the Draven, nevermore…
Sad. And perverse. Legion again…..
Yes, ma’am.
Bonus for slow Guy. No idea who these asshats are.
You’re fine. Not missing anything
(good…me either!)
Well thats ok. LINKIN PARK. lead singer, best friends w lead singer of Soundgarden Chris Cornell. Both committed suicide back to back. Were researching to produce a documentary on child se x abuse, both victims as kids. Just a lot of questionable coincidences surrounding them and their suicides.
Now this is his oldest kid manipulated like this.
Choose Kindness
Kindness toward others is the way
And we can choose it every day
Park your ego and your excuse
Hold your retort; just call a truce
Here on our blog the speech is free
And so, at times, we won’t agree
But there’s no reason to be rude
It’s a discussion, not a feud
It’s more important to be kind
Than to ensure you’re seen as right
Being kind is good for your soul
Spirits soar and hearts delight
When we perceive an unkind word
We need not act on what we heard
‘Cause we can always “walk on by”
It’s not that hard; give peace a try
Kindness shows respect for others
Who, in Christ, are sisters and brothers
Although a choice, it’s a command
To love others throughout the land
Thank You Carl!
Rubio fires back against Elites in the EU that were throwing temper tantrums about JD Vance’s Speech.
From Marco Rubio Fires Back at European Elites for Throwing Temper Tantrums Over JD Vance’s Historic Speech — Fake News Hack Margaret Brennan Shamelessly Blames Holocaust on Free Speech
And there was more as this was discussed with Margret Brenan on Face the Nation. Video in story.
Brennan’s an idiot.
The AfD ARE NOT FAR RIGHT!!! They are actually a tad to the left of where the CDU/CSU used to be before Merde-Kuh ruined them, turning them into another flavor of Watermelon GangGreen. For DECADES, the CDU/CSU defined the right wing of German politics, and no-one had a problem with that.
Nowadays, though, anyone to the right of Lenin and Stalin is pilloried, with the German taxpayers being forced to fund Antifa and radical left demonstrators (emphasis on DEMON) attacking AfD candidates, their families, and trashing their cars, their houses, and basically, their lives.
I’m VERY happy to see the left running around like chickens with their collective heads cut off. If only the people of Europe wake up and do something, it will be great (and I do think they are).
Elections here in Germany are on the 23rd, a week from now. The deep swamp of Sauer Krauts has manipulated it so that almost any vote will retain the status quo, but I still hope and pray that the “brandmauer” (firewall) is finally destroyed for good.
Surveys are not exactly a good tool, for the same reason that gauging MAGA support has been difficult: voters are often afraid to tell what their real vote will be.
Praying that MAGA brings some MGGA and MEGA, for that matter…
Funny how the left never describes even their most extreme members as “far left”, but anyone who is on the right who doesn’t agree with the left on something is automatically “far right”.
More leftist word games.
Their master stroke was redefining Hitler and Nazism as being far right.
Alice Weidel (AfD) pointed that out in her interview with Elon Musk and was pilloried for it! And to think the German people (OK, the presstitutes, mostly) would fall for that leftist trick…
Göbbels must be laughing in Hell…..
I know someone who was actually taught in college that Hitler and company were leftists.
I didn’t believe him. He then tried to convince me that Hitler was a leftist.
“Oh, no you misunderstood me. I know that, what I’m having trouble believing is that someone at a college taught that.”
I have relatives who lost EVERYTHING because of “the party”….
It wasn’t pretty at all.
And they lost a lot in WWI too…
The family used to own all the land in this town clear down to the Neckar river… and most of that was taken away,…

First off….No one is laughing in hell. Believe that.
That said…
How anyone could get away with calling socialism “far right” just goes to demonstrate how abjectly stupid and gullible the general world public is.
After all, the very term “Nazi” is ITSELF german slang, because the political party of the Nazis was formally called “the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. In German, this is “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei” (NSDAP)….which is a friggin’ mouthful even for gemans, which is why they shortened it to “Nazi”.
So, no, SOCIALISTS are NOT “far right”. They are and always will be LEFTISTS.
This masterstoke, as you call it, was intended allow socialism to survive WWII as a political ideology. Moreover, the “denazification” program was deeply corrupted and thousands of nazis and their families slipped through, including Klaus Schwab and his father.
They get away with it by always using the term Nazi, never the term “National Socialist.”
And when you do force them into acknowledging that the full term is “National Socialist” then they say “well, that’s totally different from International socialism (the soviet kind) and of course they’re going to try to co-opt the term socialism because real socialism is wonderful.”
In other words to these asshats, the fact that the NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker’s Party) had the word “Socialist” in their name is irrelevant. So in order to generously help you not be confused by that, they’ll just use the words “Nazi” and “Fascist”.
No different than hearing these same asshats saying that Venezuela’s “socialism” is different than European socialism.
The left excels at pretending not to know things, and this fact is fundamentally KEY to their political survival.
I still remember when they’d bring out Yugoslavia as their favored example of what socialism could be.
A real eye-opener on the symmetry of national and international socialism was the “mini-holocaust” of NKVD prisoner massacres at the start of the German invasion.
The Western left has done a great job of making Nazi murder appear “hateful and antisemitic”, but the reality is that mass murder by both groups of socialists was largely bureaucratic, IMO.
I believe that our left is fully capable of the same.
Never give up the guns.
That’s rule number zero of my modified gun safety rules.
And yes, given the way they behaved during the kovidschina, I find them fully capable of it, and the things VPOTUS Vance highlighted in Europe tell me it’s not just here.
The Nazis LOVED the Katyn massacre; they trumpeted it to the world when they found it. It took some time for people to realize that just because the Nazis used it, didn’t mean it was fake.
A lot of historians biased towards the USSR tried to claim that that kind of stuff started with Stalin, but Lenin was much less ruthless. Unfortunately, Lenin was not above such stunts as packing political prisoners onto barges, floating them out into Lake Ladoga, and scuttling the barges. Nor was the brutality of the Russian Civil War immediately after the October Coup something he had no hand in. He won that war by being so horrific that people would preemptively surrender rather than risk a defeat.
Socialism is ALWAYS exceedingly cruel to individuals.
In some cases (certainly not the soviets and the nazis) it starts out softer, until they realize people won’t modify their behavior to behave like socialists assume people should behave.
Then they either back off, or go full Venezuela.
And it wasn’t just the Jews who were being killed…..
Yup. They have just screamed the loudest. Not saying screaming is wrong, but IMO the Jewish strategy on Holocaust awareness has backfired in a huge way, and bears analysis and understanding to correct course.
Please, I know all about what NAZI stands for. I’ve lived in Germany for 40 years, and my wife and her family were all but ruined by the Nazis. It’s not slang at all…
Nazi stands for NAtionalsoZIalisumus, namely, national socialism.
It’s only the commies and the Satanic left who wish to paint it otherwise….
The fascists have always been violent, and always will be. Even the sex they enjoy is violent, and German porn in particular is known for it. Something very odd about the germans.
NOT the Germans; the Satanic GAIANS and the GangGreens behind the libtards.,,
Margaret Brennan is a MORON. She needs to study. Nazis were the OPPOSITE of free speech.
Honestly, if I had the power, I’d put these TDS idiots into a walled city, and just let them simmer for a while.
You are nicer than I.
I want to drop them in the middle of the Rockys with packets of seeds in the spring…
Someplace like this:
How about we put them in a SpaceX rocket to nowhere.
Nah, I rather have them do a ‘a zero carbon vegan life style proof of concept study’ Make them walk the walk as it were.
Hmmm. Maybe ramp down the O² while you’re ramping down the C
Believe me at 12,000 ft and above the O² is ramped down!
Well, if AI takes over the world, that’s where I’M gonna be! But I ain’t sharing with no liberals!!!
Don’t you think the liberals would be invaluable for setting up a sanctuary?
A sanctuary for Terminators – yes!
I suppose I could compost them for fertilizer.
I’ve always wondered how much sequestered CO2 there is in the corpse of an environmentalist.
I must admit, that is a line of inquiry that I have never considered. Once again you have demonstrated that your scientific curiosity is greater than mine.
Maybe in some vinegar, with pickling spices and, perhaps, a little tar and feathers…
I mean, seriously. Why should Margaret Brennan be on TV? She’s a historical DOLT.
Pravda News figures she is a pretty face. (I don’t)
Margaret is dumb as dirt, so Pravda News feeds her lines (lies) to spout.
Doubtful Margaret had one original thought in that interview.
She’s basically a narrative spinner!
She’s a narrative promoter!
Clown is still talking. He doesn’t want peace.
Self-Serving Narcissist Zelensky Says He Will ‘Never Accept Any Decisions’ Made About Ukraine by US, Russia
DeepSheet has no choice… and the UK/EU aren’t invited to the party, either…
Zelensky is a nobody. As will be demonstrated very shortly.
All he is, in fact, is a CIA/State Dept. puppet.
New term for the canuks…
”Snow mexicans”
Truckers, who often cross that border, just call the place “Canuckistan”
Here’s an idea…
Let’s not make them the 51st state, simply slap major tariffs on all their imported goods for the privilege of selling them here in the USA, and see how that might alter their attitude.
After all, given that roughly 25% of their GDP comes from US sales, let’s just say they’d sit up straight and take notice.
Respond in kind, you say?
Only about 1% of US GDP is linked to sales in SnowMexico.
A lot of the Canadian provinces might make excellent states. Admittedly BC and Ontario would likely be nothing but socialist liabilities, but Alberta might not be too bad.
I don’t want Quebec for the same reasons I don’t want Puerto Rico as a state.
Anyhow and to add to your point if we get Greenland (or it becomes an independent state in a Compact of Free Association with the US, the most likely outcome IMHO since it gives the Greenlanders what they really want (independence) and gives us control over their security (which is what we really want) and preference for exploting resources (also what we really want)…anyhow if we get Greenland, we have Canada nearly surrounded.
(* The US has compacts of free association with Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands, all former Pacific possessions. Our Coast Guard patrols their waters. (We still have outright Guam, the Northern Marianas Islands (neighboring Guam) and American Samoa.) Greenland would work like this if what I think will happen, happens; except that they won’t be a former US possession.)
Alberta seems to be pretty conservative, and they have, at times, expressed interest in becoming part of the USA…
(Cold as all H3LL (my sister always talked about the wind chill being -100 or so
), so that might help kill off EVs too
I don’t know the politics of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, but they probably aren’t as bad as Ontario.
The northern tier: Yukon, NWT and Nunavut, are territories now and should remain territories if brought into the US; they don’t have nearly enough people in them to be viable states.
BC would just be another Portland/Seattle. The maritimes…hmm, I don’t know their politics either, though I imagine they hate Ontario.
Yep. The folks wayyyy up north probably want to have Nunavit
No new states. Territories, yes. But not states.
Hi if I disappear (did not die) is because I am having trouble with my computer. Next Friday I am going to Columbus to buy a new lap top. I do not know if I have to get a new email also.
I keep my computer connection together with tape
I do not know how long this works.
My LG is 7 years old have trouble charging and the keys are sticking. I am going back to an Apple like it better more intuitive
You shouldn’t need a new email, unless you’ve forgotten your password.
The bigger question is whether you will have access to older emails. If you do your email via a website (webmail), they should still be there since they were stored on a different computer.
If, on the other hand you had an email client which downloaded your emails, they’re on your old computer. They are probably (but not certainly) recoverable if you can pull your storage (likely a hard drive or SSD) out of the other computer. Fairly simple task for the computer literate, less so for others (you can find someone to help you). I use a client and move it back and forth between two different computers fairly routinely (though it’s a bit of a pain).
Normally Apple store is helpful with transferring my info . I do have an I pad but had problems with getting from there to QTree because. I have been to lazy to deal with it. I have a book I write passwords in. I see what Apple does what they are able to safe.
I am happy to get rid of the junk in my mailbox those who count I have on my I phone
The folks at the Apple Store are usually quite helpful. Just be sure that you get enough memory and enough disk, as those cannot be upgraded… The M4 chip is being rolled out across the “Appleverse”, so you might get a good deal on M3 hardware…. save money on the CPU and get more storage and more “core”… has good infos….. also
Not really relevant but when running QubesOS (not an option in Appleland) you cannot have too much RAM. 64 GB is comfortable, 32 would start to be tight. I get by comfortably with a mere 250 GB of hard drive space on that machine (I’m still below 40 percent used after two years). But then I mostly store data elsewhere.
But that’s on a system running a bunch of virtual machines. Nevertheless given code bloat, I’d want no less than 32 GB ram on anything, and if going to 64 GB is at all reasonable, I’d do it without hesitation.
(My first computer had a megabyte of ram…back in the days when most systems had 512K and 640 was really all you could have and easily use. I mostly ran a ramdisk in the other 384K.)
Take your old computer with you and the store may be able to help you transfer some of what is on the old computer’s hard drive. Hope is important.
Thank you
I have to get a new laptop soon, too. I get a refurbished business one about every three years. It’s only about $200 (or less) on Amazon for one I really like.
Just like getting a (slightly) used car… someone (early adopter type) takes the multi-thousand-dollar hit for buying the “latest and greatest” and you get to reap the benefits of them being the “beta testers” and rounding off the square edges of new hardware…
I’ve bought two cars over the internet (VW) both of which had less than 3000 km on the clock (one 200 km, the other 2500 or so) for around 40 percent off. Saved 45K Euro… Don’t think that would be possible now, though, with the market (thanks, not, Merde-Kuh) collapsing…
Lots of really nifty AMD CPUs out now in the laptop world…
(Still think that gaming on a laptop is an oxymoron, but…….)…..
For gamer geeks:
Needs a
I asked Grok to remake the picture with a sherrif’s star added, but the result didn’t come out as well. Did you notice the automobile Grok put in the picture?
I was hoping for a DeLorean with tubes and discrete components
Badge? BADGE??? I don’t need no stinkin’ badge!

Above I mentioned where the DC housing market is crashing.
Now comes this….
Sunday just got better.
There! Fixed it. Izzat better?
And the other possible fix would be “Eternal Revenue Service” but Trump might actually work that.
Inertial Revenue Service???
No because at least up until now, revenue has been accelerating (as have expenditures) and the rate of acceleration appears to be increasing.
NC recovery status and interviews. Promises made, promises kept.
That’s so wonderful and thanks for bringing the update
Amazing what happens when there’s actually a President in charge, not a vegetable.
Aubergine the beguine

well we lost the top of one tree already…
we got snow, then ice, then rain and the trees in the woods were ice coated–pretty–but dangerous. today everything looked slushy but there’s solid ice under the soft top layer.
now the winds are picking up. gonna be an interesting evening.
Prayer for you and hubby to stay safe.
We had lots of rain last night and today temp dropped and now we have sleet..
Same message Singing…take care in that slippery stuff
thank you. we’ve currently have horizontal snow falling. you take care as well!!
Please be safe!
Ice is scary! Stay safe!
I MUCH prefer snow. Rochester NY would get a sheet of ice and then a couple inches of snow on top. Only chains or studded snow tires would grip the road in the early morning before the sand/salt trucks came out.
Take care Pat and Hubby. It’s time for winter to get gone!
i agree!
Wow, be careful and stay warm!
The high winds that hit here are pretty much gone. I heard numerous large “thumps” on my roof during the day, which I surmise are tree branches. I’ll know more tomorrow in daylight. There was a brief power outage around here. There was a lot of rain during a few-hours period this morning and early afternoon.
Wednesday of this week around here is forecast to be very cold and either an honest-to-goodness snowstorm with at least 8 inches of snow; or, one of those combo “freezing rain / ice / snow” events.
I am getting a similar forecast for mid NC.
Yikes! Stay safe. Keep us updated as you can.
DC In A Panic, Bleach Bit, Criminal Attorneys Searches Up, Knowingly, Wartime President – Ep. 3573
February 16, 2025 x22report
The IRS is now under the microscope. Fraud is being revealed and Trump is laying off 15000 IRS agents. Trump begins the process of drilling for oil, the parallel economy is coming into focus. Elon is now looking to audit Fort Knox, which allegedly holds the US gold. In the end gold destroys the Fed. DC is in a panic, the swamp is being drained and people are moving out of the area. The criminals are now searching for ways of hiding their crimes, they are searching for attorneys. They knowingly committed crimes against this country, treason. Trump reminds everyone that he is a wartime President.
Ep 3573a – Operation Drill Baby Begins, Elon Curios About Gold In Fort Knox, Gold Destroys The Fed
Ep 3573b – DC In A Panic, Bleach Bit, Criminal Attorneys Searches Up, Knowingly, War Time President
Too cool. Trump returned to Daytona.
Moments ago, President Trump did a flyover on Air Force One at the Daytona 500. The view from above! #DAYTONA500
Trump brought his granddaughter to the Daytona 500 where she’ll ride with him on the track in the Presidential Limo.
This is so wholesome.
One lap at Daytona.
RFK Jr on the Angle. ~Six minutes.
New Rules for Vaccines and Safety Studies
Were the COVID Vaccines Really Safe and Effective?
RFK Jr. Wants to Remove Employees Caught in Corruption – Like Alzheimers and Nutrition Guidelines
Robert Kennedy Jr. Points to HHS Employees who will need to find another job soon
Common sense – and absolutely necessary! And REMOVE the revolving door after they spin through!!!
Don’t know if that can be done as condition of employment, congress or something else.
But, as you point out, the revolving door between HHS and Big Pharma must stop immediately.
Should be 8 grit sandpaper.
Or a 10 gauge brass bristle ream.
If you can find one made of rusty iron even better.
(Admittedly I was thinking of different kinds of gloves.)
“Shall we begin the examination?”
Per pool report, a White House official walked through the press briefing room handing out a three-page document titled “This Week’s Accomplishments.”
At the top, the president’s 53% approval rating and the release of Marc Fogel.
The document below @DailyCaller
Presstitute’s headlines next AM:
“Just 53% Approve of Trump”
LOL!!! Yeah, I can’t get past this one, personally!
I never lose. I only win, or I learn.
How ’bout this one?
Getting there.
YUP. Two babies. Don’t be the crybaby!
Crybabies shouldn’t play dogeball.
Good’ol fashion little boy fun.
How cool is this watching them fill his truck with dirt!
I bet he was jumping with joy all day!
We NEED to make English the official language of the USA PERIOD!
What is is the USA period? Does anything come after?
Not sure, it might come after the Quaternary Period.
Dammit man speak english!
Sorry…was writing next Saturday’s geology posts. “Periods” are what they call things like the Jurassic, Cretaceous, Permian, etc. So I was pretending Gail was referencing a new geologic period. The one we’re in right now is called the Quaternary Period.
Yep. She’s drawing up new quarters…
You misheard her when she talked about people deserving of being drawn and quartered.
Modern era 1776 to present.
Ah. Make it retroactive. Good idea!
Teddy Roosevelt nails it!!!
Well, who would have guessed? The judge has some skin in the game possibly?
“…McConnell has served on Crossroads’ Board of Directors since 2006, including a decade-long stint as Chair….”
Crossroads Rhode Island is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. The CEO’s salary has varied over the years. In 2022, the CEO’s salary was $323,378, with a total compensation of $346,016. Chairman is not listed.
It’s being reported that Zelensky is demanding 250 Billion to continue the war. (Right on time he hasn’t had a good cash infusion since Biden left office and it’s normally once every 1 to 2 months)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on the West … – MSN
And this clown. Wants put a peace keeping force in Ukraine. Good Luck Chuck.
Zelensky is running skeered AND learning he is 100% irrelevant. .
Starmer. What a fucking moron. No one in their right mind would send troops into Ukraine, battle Russia.
If perchance Starmer or other idiots in NATO move towards inserting troops into Russia, 100% Trump will tell them No Article Five support.
Starmer is a Soviet stooge. Likely a spy – never recovered from his masters abandoning communism right out from under him. Possible red diaper.
The Brits are the main push behind the Ukie war…

First, they still think WWII is still going.
Second, they are still fighting the Crimean war…….
The libtards, Starmer et. al. are damned if they don’t start WWIII.
And, as liberals, they’ll let someone else pay for it, and die for it.
Damned toff tossers…
“The Brits are the main push behind the Ukie war…”
REMEMBER it is the BRITS who were running the USA until POTUS Trump came along. A lot of the Royals were PRO Nazi Germany BTW.
Brits are fine ones to talk

They make the nazis look like pikers.
The Brits are NOT NICE people! At least the East India Company wasn’t.
And they have bad teeth, too.
To be sure, the map maker is including every skirmish with the Dutch, French, Spanish, and Germans when he says “invaded” so the map is a bit of an exaggeration. The point however is their hypocrisy when talking about Russia.
Germany of course got actually invaded by Britain (And the US and Russia, and possibly the Free French) in WWII.
Refreshing to see this happy Trump warrior. ~Seven minutes. Emphasis mine.
During a CBS interview today, Margaret Brennan asked Kevin Hassett what the Trump administration was going to do about food inflation, and specifically the astronomical cost of eggs. Hassett outlined the plan by first reminding Brennan that regarding spread, chickens don’t fly; ducks and geese do.
I swear that somebody has been reading Gail Combs.
Forgot to include, above video and paragraph snatched from SD.
Happy Hassett ruined her planned mockingbird attacks. I am glad I do not have to whore for a paycheck like these doofus media people.
The paid democrat shill was completely flustered.
She certainly did not know how to hand the Chickens don’t fly.
Also people with chicken houses will not allow people near those houses AND the houses are enclosed. Therefore the Depopulation in a 10 K circle is so much bureaucratic CRAP when you do not address the wild bird population too.
Don’t worry.
They’re from the govt and they’re here to help…
…to your $$, freedoms, privacy…even your kids.
Why is that?
This is rich.
Guy is slayed in the comments.
The entire delegation laughed at Trump and his message.
F A F O.
Performative pretense and pure, unadulterated low-T soy boi

I have but two words:
Cry harder.
The point about being kind being more important than being right is strongly biblical – and yet it is fascinating that “weaponizing kindness” is one of the Devil’s strongest and sneakiest weapons, as we’ve seen lately with Dems and the Biden administration.
My current thinking is that we need AND logic on both being kind AND being right, which tells us HOW to be kind.
This is difficult, and we may make mistakes, but persistence and discernment will guide us, IMO. And as always, prayer!
“weaponizing kindness”
So very very true. The Christian NGOs aiding in destroying the USA via helping illegal aliens comes to mind as well as so much else.
Let’s be honest…
Sometimes a good whupping is a lasting kindness.
It certainly worked for my parents!
Speak the Truth in Love seems to encapsulate being Kind AND being Right!
And since we don’t all agree on Truth, or even Love, then freedom of speech in peace is the optimal KIND way forward.
makes sense