The Wolf Part…..

We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden.
Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting “placeholders” like this one, which may or may not be spiced up with additional content.
Gudthots will take DePat’s old Thursday daily open thread.
Please notify me in advance if you would like to post anything in lieu of the Tuesday placeholder. We welcome all content – the topic doesn’t matter.

Notes on Fenbendazole From Gail
Here is some information on “fenben” that Gail Combs has shared with me.
The Gail Part…..
I want to start at the beginning with this paper from 2008.
Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole
when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins
Diet containing the anthelminthic fenbendazole is used often to
treat rodent pinworm infections because it is easy to use and has few reported adverse effects on research. However, during fenbendazole treatment at our institution, an established human lymphoma xenograft model in C.B-17/Icrprkdcscid/Crl (SCID) mice failed to grow. Further investigation revealed that the fenbendazole had been incorporated into a sterilizable diet supplemented with additional vitamins to compensate for loss during autoclaving, but the diet had not been autoclaved. To assess the role of fenbendazole and supplementary vitamins on tumor suppression, 20 vendor-supplied 4-wk-old SCID mice were assigned to 4 treatment groups: standard diet, diet plus fenbendazole, diet plus vitamins, and diet plus both vitamins and fenbendazole. Diet treatment was initiated 2 wk before subcutaneous flank implantation with 3 × 107 lymphoma cells. Tumor size was measured by caliper at 4-d intervals until the largest tumors reached a calculated volume of 1500 mm3. Neither diet supplemented with vitamins alone nor fenbendazole alone caused altered tumor growth as compared with that of controls. However, the group supplemented with both vitamins and fenbendazole exhibited significant inhibition of tumor growth. The mechanism for this synergy is unknown and deserves further investigation. Fenbendazole should be used with caution during tumor studies because it may interact with other treatments and confound research results.
Can’t have the Great Unwashed find a CHEAP effective cure for cancer now can we? ESPECIALLY when we have all that Turbo-Cancer on deck to be launched on the unsuspecting public. So in February of 2013 this paper trashing Fenbendazole as a cancer suppressant comes out.
Fenbendazole as a Potential Anticancer Drug
This is a CLASSIC example of how the Cabal ‘Proves’ a drug does not work. The first paper makes it clear that it is Fenbendazole PLUS DOUBLED VITAMINS, a synergistic effect, that targeted cancer and not Fenebendazole alone. So what do they do? they look at “…fenbendazole as a single agent and in combination regimens…[with] radiation or docetaxel…” NOT A VITAMIN IN SIGHT!
These studies provided no evidence that fenbendazole would have value in cancer therapy, but suggested that this general class of compounds merits further investigation.
This is such a simple but classic example of how the Cabal’s Psy Op works, that I could not resist documenting it.
The first paper is probably the paper Joe Tippen’s veterinarian friend read.

Man Claims Cheap Dog Deworming Medicine Cured His Terminal Cancer
…When small-cell cancer spreads as wide as it had in his case, the chances of survival are around one percent. Tippens thought he was going to die, and with nothing left to lose, he was willing to try anything in hopes of a miracle, even a dog dewormer called fenbendazole.
The desperate cancer sufferer stumbled upon the bizarre treatment while browsing a forum of his alma mater, Oklahoma State University. The post that caught his eye read “If you have cancer or know someone who does, give me a shout”. Joe had already signed up for an experimental treatment that doctors said wouldn’t save him but might extend his life expectancy from three months to a year, enough to at least meet his grandson. But he decided that contacting that forum poster couldn’t hurt either. To his surprise, that person was a veterinarian who had a very interesting story to tell…
So that is a bit of background. Now comes the part that puzzled me from our fellow QTreeper Linda.
Reply to PAVACA
November 27, 2024 11:04 #1373854
I think I’ve posted this before, but there is a major flaw with Joe Tippen’s protocol. He did a great job of getting people aware of fenbendazole, but his dosage is way too low for humans. 222 mg is the dosage you would give a 10 pound dog, not a human. Too many people are trying his protocol and finding it doesn’t work for that reason. A human needs 1,000-2,000 mg per day if you want results. I took 1500 mg per day for almost a year. You have to remember that Joe Tippens was on an immunotherapy trial at the same time he was taking fenben. It’s very likely the combo that cured his cancer….
Reply to PAVACA
November 27, 2024 11:33 #1373879
Pavaca, thank you! What was stressed in my cancer group was to work your way up to the higher doses and monitor your liver numbers as you go. I started at 222 mg for a week, then 444 mg the next week, then kept increasing at that pace until I got up to 1500. I could have gone up to the 2000, but at that point I found out that my tumor had shrunk by half so I just stayed at that dose. I knew it was working and would continue to work at that point.
Fenben cancer
I took 1500 mg per day for almost a year.
500-1000 mg of either Tudca or milk thistle twice a day 1/2 hour before a meal to support your liver
high dose serrapeptase (120,000 spu twice a day) to get the dead cells out of your system after fenben kills them. Otherwise, your cancer will actually “eat” those dead cells as fuel. taken at least 2 hours after eating and at least 1/2 hour before eating.
Those 3 items plus ivermectin are critical.
However as someone who routinely worms horses, sheep and goats this puzzled me because the dosage was much higher than I routinely administer to my livestock.

The normal dose depends on the type of worm:
For the control of large strongyles, small strongyles, and pinworms the recommended dose is 5 mg fenbendazole per kg body weight (2.27 mg fenbendazole per pound) in a ONE (1) DAY treatment. For the control of ascarids the recommended dose is 10 mg fenbendazole per kg body weight (4.54 mg fenbendazole per pound) in a ONE (1) DAY treatment.
Fenbendazole | EquiMed – Horse Health Matters
….For foals and weanlings (less than 18 months of age) where ascarids are a common problem, the recommended dose is 4.6 mg/lb (10 mg/kg); one syringe will deworm a 550 lb horse. For control of encysted early third stage (hypobiotic), late third stage and fourth stage cyathostome larvae, and fourth stage larvae of Strongylus vulgaris, the recommended dose is 4.6 mg/lb (10 mg/kg) for 5 consecutive days; administer one syringe for each 550 lbs of body weight per day.
- Extra-label use of drugs in treating animals is allowable only by licensed veterinarians within the context of a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship…
Side Effects
In horses, no side effects for a single dosage as high as 454 mg/lb were noted. Mutliple doses of 22.7 mg/lb were also administered on 15 consecutive days without side effects. In rare cases, antigens produced by the dying parasites may result in either a local or systemic hypersensitive reaction.
Panacur® (fenbendazole) Paste 10% has been evaluated for safety in pregnant mares during all stages of gestation with doses as high as 11.4 mg/lb (25 mg/kg) and in stallions with doses as high as 11.4 mg/lb (25 mg/kg). No adverse effects on reproductivity were detected.
The recommended dose for control of fourth stage larvae of Strongylus vulgaris, 4.6 mg/lb (10 mg/kg) daily for 5 consecutive days, has not been evaluated for safety in stallions or pregnant mares…..

The use is Extra-label in some countries but used anyway especially on lambs.
“The standard dosage of fenbendazole for sheep is typically 5 mg/kg of body weight.”

Med Ex Fenbendazole — Veterinary
- Sheep & goat: 1 bolus/animal (5 mg/kg body weight) as a single dose.
- Cattle & Horse: 7.5 mg/kg body weight as a single dose.
- Dog & Cat: 100 mg/Kg body weigh as a single dose.
- For use in drinking water.
- Poultry: 0.1 – 0.5 ml /kg body weight (20-100 mg/kg) as a single dose or 1 ml/200 kg body weight (1 mg/kg) daily for 5 days.
- Cattle: 1 ml/25 kg body weight as a single dose
- Horse: 1 ml/20-40 kg body weight as a single dose.
- Dogs: 1 ml/2 kg body weight as a single dose or 1 ml/10 kg body weight daily for 5 days. Or as directed by the Veterinary Physician.

A Layman’s Guide to Health, Medication Use, Breeding, and Responsible Care of Pet Rats
Dosage Recommendations
10 mg/kg, PO, once,
when treating for pinworms. 27
20 mg/kg, PO, q24hr for 5 days. 2, 41, 43, 44
20 mg/kg to 50 mg/kg, PO, q24hr for 5 consecutive days. *Note: higher dosing end for giardiasis only!* 27, 34, 41, 42, 44
And there it is, the solution to my puzzle.
The herbivores, horses, cattle, sheep and goats are 5 mg/kg to 7.5 mg/kg of body weight. The rat gets “10 mg/kg when treating for pinworms.“ And the carnivores, dog & cat: 100 mg/Kg body weight.
Dogs get ten times the dose for rats or livestock. So Tippens’ vet was recommending the livestock/rat dosage.
And a bit more on Fenbendazole. This is a long paper and I carved out some information I thought would be of interest.
First Draft Prepared by
Dr. William C. Keller,
Food and Drug Administration,
Rockville, Maryland USA
Fenbendazole is a light brownish-gray odourless, tasteless crystalline powder which is insoluble in water, but highly soluble in DMSO. It is a broad spectrum veterinary anthelmintic used in canines, equines, ruminants and swine. Fenbendazole has not been previously evaluated by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives.
2.1 Biochemical aspects
2.1.1 Absorption, distribution, and excretion
Studies were performed to obtain basic information on the pharmacokinetics of 14C-fenbendazole after single oral doses in dogs, rats, rabbits, and sheep. The doses used were 5 mg/kg b.w. for sheep and 10 mg/kg b.w. for the other species. The material tested was administered as an aqueous suspension in 2% starch mucilage. All data are based on radioactivity, with metabolism not taken into account.
Absorption was slow, but more rapid in monogastrics.
The highest concentrations measured in blood were:
0.9 µg/ml in rats 5 to 7 hours post-administration,
0.9 µg/ml in rabbits 8 hours post-administration,
0.4 µg/ml in dogs 24 hours post-administration and
0.32 µg/ml in sheep 2-3 days post-administration.
Elimination from blood was
6 hours in rats,
13 hours in rabbits,
15 hours in dogs, and
one day in sheep.
In all animals except rabbits,elimination occurred >90% in faeces, with <7% in urine. In rabbits, excretion was 75% in faeces and 21% urine.
At three days post-administration
98% elimination in dogs,
92% elimination in rabbits, and
99% elimination in rats had occurred.
Hepatic distribution at 7 days was highest (2.7 ppm) in sheep and lowest (0.06 ppm) in rats (Kellner & Christ, 1973)....
Is this Terrific Tuesday?
Or Terrible Tuesday?
I vote Terrific. MTTA. Make Tuesday Terrific Again.
The MTA?
Around 50 posts in, and a Terrific Tuesday it is, indeed.
All the winning, and the firehose was turned on about a month ago, the rate of flow from which remains high.
If you think it’s Terrible Tuesday, you’re on the wrong side and should just fuck off, right off the edge of the earth and don’t stop until you find the edge.
Well, since you put it that way …
I vote for making it a terrific Tuesday by making it terrible for leftists.
Christoher F. Rufo:
A great start. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
I don’t want DOGE to end. This is too satisfying, but also maddening to see what has been going on.
So our money was being used to train teachers to indoctrinate students in DEI, racism, Communist propaganda, etc.
Good GRIEF – just think how much that crap would have been ACCELERATING under “President Kamala”!
And no one would have known how much money was being spent, or where.
why am I seeing this PM?
per Wolf’s instructions at top of page and it must be typed properly or he may not see it. Contact
It looks correct to me.
It is what I have copy & paste for years.
I believe you posted it on your own article, and thus WordPiss (and I mean SuperPiss) thinks that you automatically approved it.
I used the instructions and copy and paste from that page.
Looks like a WORD PISS problem.
Correct! WordPiss assumes that the author automatically wants their own comment to publish, despite what’s in the filter!
I unapproved both comments.
You should not given it was a copy and past from my pass word page.
$12 million per state, on average.
Year in and year out.
I’m looking forward to the indicting and penalty phases of all these revelations.
YOu and me both!
OK – I have trashed all of the bad PMs – unfortunately all my responses got trashed, too (as did everybody else’s).
The reason you can’t send me a PM is that THIS IS YOUR ARTICLE. WordPiss “ass-u-me-s” that you want all your comments published, even if they have catch-words in them.
Sorry about that. If you ever want to send me a PM, the safest way is on one of MY posts – that way none of the other authors can see your PMTW either.
Your post is ready to go! DONE!
Thanks for the explanation.
Looks like the storm is coming in at 10 am tomorrow so if you do not see me or PAVACA, you know why.
This kind of program ought to be a crime worthy of the death penalty.
It’s infuriating, to be sure.
Consider what God, as the man Jesus, was saying re: his wrath and penalty to be visited upon those “who cause the little ones to stumble.”
And then, consider this promise…
”Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”
Our school system has a “teacher training day” about once a month. I worked in the school years ago; all these days are is an excuse to not teach! They all need to be cancelled. If you aren’t “trained” enough to teach after your college teaching degree, you shouldn’t be teaching.
Seriously, what does a math teacher need to “learn” with a history teacher at a one-day training?
my daughter (teacher) told me her school district changed the prom night from a Saturday night to a Friday night years ago. And since then, they have a teacher in-service day that day while the kids are off because so many girls would take off anyway to get their hair/nails done.
she calls the in service days a waste of time.
For a dedicated teacher, I’m sure they are a complete waste of time.
In states which mandate a certain number of school days, they also make the school year much longer.
Summer vacation was almost 3 months when I was a kid, now it’s close to two.
most schools take 2 weeks off at Christmas and another week for spring break (we never had that), They’re starting in last August instead of after Labor Day. When they reach their required number of days, they cancel the rest of it, so if they don’t use all the snow days, they can shorten their term by that many days.
Even as a kid, school started just before labor day and ended in early June.
So yeah, start school and immediately get a 3 day weekend.
B.S. DH, who retired almost 25 yrs ago, hated those in training days, they were full of B.S. DH has a real Bachelor of Science. (I almost said B.S., but then that would have been an oxymoron!)
i know you have a birthday coming up–you didn’t say when exactly (just middle to end of feb) so Happy Birthday Jam!
Love it!
I had a BS in Chemistry plus a minor in general science. All I lacked for a teaching degree was the teaching semester. I dropped out of the teaching program after they shot-up the school where a friend was doing his student teaching.
So I ended up as an industrial chemist/QC Engineer instead.
See you could be ignored by students or ignored by management.
There’s a common theme there.
That reminds me of my favorite substitute teacher. I was in 3rd grade, and Mrs. Jackson was out for the week, I don’t remember if she was sick or out of town.
Our substitute teacher was a young guy, named Mr. Mars. I can hardly believe I still remember his name.
Class began, and he asked us what we usually do. So we said we usually play. So he said to go ahead and do what we usually do, so we had indoor recess, until it was time for outdoor recess
This is what we did for the whole week. A couple days he even let us do outdoor recess for the afternoon, while everyone else was in school, inside the building, sitting in class.
We always hoped we would have Mr. Mars for our substitute again, but we never saw him after that…
That’s hilarious.
Hope he found Miss Venus and lived happily ever after!
It’s not untraceable. You start putting low level people under a bare light bulb in a small room and telling them how many decades they’re going to spend in prison unless they rat out the craptard above them, and follow the trail, until you find out where the money went.
And then take it back.
If it went overseas, do like DJT did to the leader of the Taliban, when the Taliban visited the WH, and Trump showed the leader a photo of his house in Stanstanistan.
All it ever takes is the will to get the job done.
The problem with this is that is very likely that even the craptards above them didn’t know where the money was going.
Sundance has enumerated, quite credibly I believe, how DC is “silo’d”, with lots of “need to know” rules and regs that threaten prison for straying outside one’s lane.
Sure, someone knows, but good luck identifying them. Everything in DC is built upon “plausible deniability”, silo’d info, and black bag bullshit.
someone somewhere made THAT decision that is was “optional”.
Developers would have debated the wisdom of that too until their whole team was laid off and the dev contract was given to a more woke and compliant company.
This has been the way it is everywhere, after management went “global”.
It seems unlikely that the TAS field was always optional. Who signed off on that change and when did they do it?
Great point! INVESTIGATE!!!
I sent a PM to DOGE explaining my thoughts having worked in gov software dev. I explained how they could tell if it was changed in software at some point (older entries all had a TAS, then it became sporadic).
Wonder if there was a database (or view) flag that had that as a required field, and that flag got flipped at sometime or other… maybe to make it run faster (or so they say)…..
Randy is off his leash. I love it. Keep calling out those bastards.
I heard Hanks was a big part of Hollywood’s pedophile scene.
heard that also
Hanks is owned. Period. He dances to the tune of his master.
Yep….. paedomaster…
Ricky Gervais had him (and his ilk) pegged:
Ricky likely knew about him being in the black eye club from way back.
Not forced.
Too stupid to keep their mouths shut is far more accurate.
Trump Admin Reforms ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children’ Policy to Prevent Trafficking
More at the link.
All of it is criminal, all of it designed and created with malice aforethought.
A well oiled crime ring doesn’t just come together by accident.
“work-ready teenage boys and men” or military capable invasion forces
Thanks for all the useful information, Gail.
So humans need much higher doses than animals that weigh a whole lot more, like horses, because the horses are being treated for worms, but the humans are fighting cancer?
TT, dogs and cats are getting a much larger dose than horses and sheep, yet they are much smaller. I would think humans would be in the same category as dogs and cats.
100 mg/kg of body weight used for dogs and cats would translate to 6,800 mg for a 150 pound person. We took a maximum of 2,000 mg in my cancer group. But remember that deworming is usually done in just 1-4 days. Cancer treatment with fenben takes a lot longer than that – many months for some people. It all depends on the cancer, how much it has spread, and how many tumors a person has.
Thank you for that clarification.
It seems that one would need good advice, and hopefully a knowledgeable doctor.
The nice thing about Fenben is it is very very safe. For horses, at one time, to get rid of encysted strongyles the choice was 5 days of double dose OR 1 day at 10X the normal dose.
I was surprised not to see that info on the net.
Actually I think it is the carnivore/omnivore vs herbivore distinction.
Dogs are omnivore after living with humans for so long.
Exclusive — Hegseth Has Tapped Investigators for Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal: ‘Accountability Will Be Coming’
How will IRS punish him for this? Audit a prior year?
Maybe DOGE will get to the IRS first…
We can hope!!!
The Pentagon has a much bigger army than IRS

Milley Vanilli and Dark Helmet?


Those guys in the uniforms have been doing so many sit-ups, their stomach muscles are bulging outward.
Maybe they just got out of pregnancy self-identification class
LMAO @ “Dark Helmet”! “Dork Helmet” might work as well!
Dork Vader…
Is it just me or does the guy inspecting the troops look like an extra from one the Planet of the Apes movies?
Leading roll I believe. Also he’s in Star Wars.
thank you…he does look chimp like thru that shield or is it a force field?
I think the technical term is ‘chicken idjit’ shield

Forgot to tell us how much money he received from USAID.
Wolf, [Gail] I think you’re on to something about why the dosage is different for different kinds of animals. I would also add that those are the suggested amounts for deworming. I would think cancer is probably another whole ballgame. I suspect humans would be in the carnivore category as far as dosing. Some people seem to think that 2,000 mg is excessive, but using those numbers you brought, the dose could actually be a lot higher. I never had any adverse effects at 1500 mg/day and no one in my cancer group that I know of had any at 2,000 mg/day. Fenben seems to be a very safe drug at these kinds of dosages with the caveat that liver support is taken at the higher dosages.This is all Gail’s work! I just hosted it into a Tuesday post!
That said, I agree, and it makes a lot of sense.
I remain ready to look into fenben should I ever be forced down that road, and have made this and your post, plus any future posts, easy to find if people need to search.
Wolf, it is my considered opinion that humans are basically filled with parasites now. We are constantly exposed to all kinds of worms, parasites, etc., but we no longer routinely treat for them. But we live with dogs, cats, horses, etc., all of which carry them, and are given de-wormers frequently.
I was regularly de-wormed as a child, but not one pediatrician for my three children ever recommended it for my kids. What changed? Did Big Pharma and Big Medicine find out that regular de-worming prevents many kinds of cancers? I’ll bet they did.
you’re lucky.
some of us married parasites and it took a lot more than dewormer to get rid of it.
I “de-wormed” myself of more than one of those! Lol!
Talk about the worm turning…
So did I!
Kids that walk around barefoot can certainly get pinworms!
8 Common Parasitic Worms That May Lurk in Humans
IIRC some sort of parasite endemic to southern soil was largely responsible for “shiftless” stereotypes.
There are parents of autistic kids that feel that an important part of healing is dealing with the parasites.
Would not surprise me if it is a component. Parasites are disgusting.
Correction: Yesterday I posted a link to DOGE’s list of people of various age groups collecting Social Security. To get the full list, click on the the image. The oldest recipients are not just 190-199. They are 240-249 and 360-369! There’s more. See for yourself!
Amazing. So the previous meme with the 369 yr old at the bus stop going to pick up his SS check was not an exaggeration.
According to vampire lore, this one might be the head vampire.
Poor Lestat is about to lose his pension.
Bringing this over from yest. because some ideas should catch fire. Let’s all hope this one does…

I think July 4th, when Elon completes his phase, would be a great time for this.
Likey, Likey!
They should probably have oversite, advise and consent in the sausage factory that produces all Congressional spending bills so the people know early when these Congressional scoundrels and their minions are going to try to double cross the people again.
Sarah compares DOGE to the fall of the Berlin wall — things once thought impossible are stirring…..
That’s what is so amazing. It began with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, something I thought I would never see.
I just came across this, going to plop it here and come back later to catch up with y’all:
Ellie Lobel, Lyme disease, and killer bee sting cure, YouTube short
Very cool!
So… why can’t they extract the toxin from the African murder hornets, and administer it humanely, for the ‘studies’?
Steak is plant-based, too…
I LOVE VEGANS! They taste really good!
Ye gods, but you could get some sort of brain disease from eating them.
I mean SOMETHING has to explain that level of malfunction.
Lol, I was mostly a vegetarian for years when I was poor, and slipped into vegan for a short time, but I was super bad at it
Plant based as a term came out of the forks over knives movement; they stress that veganism is not healthy because it relies on processed foods, and they encourage only whole food and no oils and no processed sugar and definitely no heroin
February 18, 2025 12:28 am
Sluggards at the DOD needs to get with the program.
I just direct messaged the VA one with a thought I had.
“I think you should audit all existing military pensions. Seeing how many people over the age of 150 are being issued Social Security checks made me wonder if we are still paying pensions for Revolutionary War, War of 1812, American Civil War, etc. veterans. Good luck, and keep up the good work!”
Great idea.
Great thought.
Also applies to OPM – retired GS, Postal
WorkersSlouches, SES…EVERY person collecting a monthly check.Including Medicare and Medicaid recipients. They are not monthly. But they are collecting benefits via taxpayer dollars.
Besides still voting, I wonder if RBG is getting monthly checks. Not /s.
Thank you.
I look at these very old pensions all the time doing genealogy. Back in the day, there weren’t even death records before about 1920 in most states. How would the government even know for sure? I can tell you that on the 1840 census, there was a question about who was a pensioner. The government was trying to determine how many RW soldiers they were still paying!
It took a surprisingly long time to quit paying civil war pensions.
They could be paid out to the spouses for life and it seems there are quite a number of may-december marriages. Women were getting the checks (fairly small because not inflation adjusted), and some of them had had parents not even born yet during the war.
Totally legal, BTW; the law prescribing the pension was poorly written.
Yes, I have run across quite a few of those.
February 18, 2025 12:56 am
Looked around, but could not find when the Senate scheduled vote Kash in at FIB.
February 30th
The Senators are now in Israel. They should do their job in the Senate. Vote those muncher out. Kash needs to be confirmed right now.
Why are they doing diplomacy . I do not get it
they’re sightseeing on our dime and collecting their “fees”
Great question about doing diplomacy. It seems like the ‘job’ has morphed into them being important global shapers and household names. They stopped being really focused on State or US affairs that effects their constituents .
There’re focused on their bank accounts and now cleaning up their deposits from Ukraine before Doge finds them.
Fundamentally, Senators do NOT do diplomacy. It’s all about the money.
So, I was watching the Rumble upload from a Space (X) and the discussion was about the Israeli government actually working for the deep state. That Israel is where the spooks do their R&D for control/weapons/etc. That would make the people in Gaza as well as Israel experimental test subjects. Sure would explain the amount of hinky covid stuff they did there.
We have 28 days in February.
really? here in backwoods PA we have 30…or maybe it just seems that long…
That’s because time stands still(s)… for everclear
Deal maker here. Split the difference. 29 days in February.
“February 30th”
Every year, until they get it right.
the Senate “WORK” schedule..what a joke
That calendar splains a lot.
Rough count.
Maggot was trained in the Senate, To Do Nothing. Beach. Ice cream. Basement.
Would be great if DOGE looked into finances in Congress.
I assume this week was left open so the Senators could run to Ukr/EU and erase the evidence of their crimes and reroute their financial treachery. We should be watching to see if any make a side trip to Switzerland, Cyprus, or the Gulf of America before they return home.
Extra points for GULF OF AMERICA!!!
They are now in Israel
Remember all the Congress critters have an AIPAC minder assigned to them.
Only 2.4% of the U.S. population identifies as Jewish, so can you tell me WHY they have the ear of our Congress Critters.
OH, and the ADL is a New York-based international NGO formed in
September 1913, the same year the Federal Reserve act was passed. Coincidence?
Thomas Massie Says Every Republican in Congress has ‘AIPAC Babysitter’ from the Israeli Lobby
So if Israel is actually a CIA op, that would mean the AIPAC minder is their CIA babysitter.
Well Israel is certainly a Rothschild OP!
Don’t forget Malta.
This would actually be OK with me provided that time was used being AT HOME hearing from their constituents, which is also part of their jobs.
…..instead of AT DAVOS and other nefarious activities.
So the American Congress takes the European vacation month!
Well isn’t that special.
those grifters have no idea what real work is.
and they’re making a crapload of $$ too
Are you sure that’s a SENATE calendar?
It’s Scalise’s site (He’s in the House), has no title specifying Senate (as it should if someone went there from a page for a house member) and seems to indicate it’s the House calendar at the bottom (though that could be a button disguised as text to go to the house calendar–I’ll spare you my rant about controls that look like doodles or plain text)
Good catch. House it is.
Appears to be House Majority Leader.
that said, I also see House Majority Whip. Which is what I’m used to reading.
And minority chain
(ducks and runs… )…..
Sked for Thu A.M., I think.
As a reminder:
DOGE official site which says on the savings tab that it updates twice a week:
Unofficial DOGE tracker (which was stuck on 49.09 billion until today):
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, February 18, 2025
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 (KJV)
Commentary for Proverbs 4
14-27 The way of evil men may seem pleasant, and the nearest way to compass some end; but it is an evil way, and will end ill; if thou love thy God and thy soul, avoid it. It is not said, Keep at a due distance, but at a great distance; never think you can get far enough from it. The way of the righteous is light; Christ is their Way, and he is the Light. The saints will not be perfect till they reach heaven, but there they shall shine as the sun in his strength. The way of sin is as darkness. The way of the wicked is dark, therefore dangerous; they fall into sin, but know not how to avoid it. They fall into trouble, but never seek to know wherefore God contends with them, nor what will be in the end of it. This is the way we are bid to shun. Attentive hearing the word of God, is a good sign of a work of grace begun in the heart, and a good means of carrying it on. There is in the word of God a proper remedy for all diseases of the soul. Keep thy heart with all diligence. We must set a strict guard upon our souls; keep our hearts from doing hurt, and getting hurt. A good reason is given; because out of it are the issues of life. Above all, we should seek from the Lord Jesus that living water, the sanctifying Spirit, issuing forth unto everlasting life. Thus we shall be enabled to put away a froward mouth and perverse lips; our eyes will be turned from beholding vanity, looking straight forward, and walking by the rule of God’s word, treading in the steps of our Lord and Master. Lord, forgive the past, and enable us to follow thee more closely for the time to come.
Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
In your kindness – Lord – come to my defense;
In your mercy – Lord – blot out my offense;
Wash me and cleanse me of my guilt, oh Lord;
Instill in my heart – the truth in Your Word!
My offenses – oh truly – I know them;
My sins ever – before me – You show them;
Against You alone – evil – I have done;
Empty – devoid of love – grace – I have none!
My shame I cover – hide my face – from You;
I have fallen short of Your Glory – it’s true;
Your forgiveness – I need Lord – and Your Grace;
The guilt in my heart – Lord – oh, please erase!
I come to You – sincerely – to repent today;
Oh, Lord – please take – this emptiness away;
Renew in my heart – Your Grace steadfastly;
Replace guilt and shame – with Integrity!
You love a truthful heart – and sincerity;
No malice or forethought – no absurdity;
In the secret of my heart – teach me, Lord;
Empowerment – how to take up my sword!
Let me not waiver or wander afield;
To temptation and evil – let me not yield;
Keep me chaste and pure – throughout the day;
With faith in Your goodness – let me not stray!
Fill my heart with Your Love unconditionally;
Let my armor and shield work protectively;
To secure Your trust – indwelling Spirit;
To help me discern – decide – and intuit!
A pure heart – Oh, Lord – create within me;
A steadfast spirit – so pleasing to Thee;
For a contrite spirit – You would not spurn;
To be full of Your Grace – I long and yearn!
Separated from You – I cannot remain;
From even a trace of sin – I must refrain;
If in Your Good Grace – I want ever to be;
My heart must be pure – filled with Integrity!
D01: 08/23/2013
Thank You Duchess!
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There is a BOATLOAD of information coming out regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines” —
ONE: https://lionessofjudah,
“Harry Fisher, Paramedic: Every Shift, I’m Watching Vaccinated People Get Sicker and Sicker
18 February 2025
17 February 2025
Yours Truly: Actually, Dr. Birx makes THREE admissions in her latest CYA attempt to try and evade the justice that she will have to face. The THREE admissions are these:
*** The Federal government screwed the COVID response by “overlooking” early treatment. (REALLY?: It was Dr. Birx, along with Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins, who were THE MAIN FORCES behind the denial of early [and, in fact, during infection] use of Ivermectin / Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, and other safe, proven treatments for COVID-19.)
*** The COVID “vaccine” — in Dr. Birx’s own words, now — “was developed to target those at high risk of severe illness, not specifically the general population.” (ACTUAL FACT: It is inconceivable that Dr. Birx did NOT know this AT THE TIME THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” WERE BEING ROLLED OUT AND “MANDATED” ONTO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.)
*** Again, in Dr. Birx’s own words, now — “…the COVID vaccine… wasn’t designed against infection.” (REALLY?: It is inconceivable that Dr. Birx did NOT know that the COVID-19 “vaccines” were specifically designed to wreak as much damage on the “vaccinated” person’s body as possible, up to and including death.)
Thanks for bringing this update and all you do.
Looking forward to Scarf…, Fauci, Collins AND many others being prosecuted.
I truly believe they will be.
Thanks for the info. The first link wouldn’t open for me.
Thank you. Norm Eisen has apparently been hinting at some such Lawfare attempt for the past few days.
And, of course, Norm Eisen himself is a far-leftwing authoritarian ideologue.
With all due respect, Atty. Eisen — the United States of America is a Representative Republic, NOT a “democracy.”
DataRepublican responding to that post
DataRepublican (small r)
Feb 17
Replying to @NormEisen @MSNBC @CapehartJ
Hello Mr. Eisen,
You have a long history with NGOs—Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute, a tenure at the Anti-Defamation League, and most notably, founding the States United Democracy Center (EIN 861704152).
Your organization boasts an impressive roster:
– Janet Napolitano (Director): Former Governor of Arizona
– Tom Ridge (Director): First Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
– Christine Todd Whitman (Co-Chair): Former Republican Governor of New Jersey and Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under President George W. Bush.
– Michael Steele (Director): Former RNC chair
– Michael Chertoff (Director): Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush
– Joanna Lydgate (President): Former Chief Deputy Attorney General of Massachusetts under a Democratic administration.
– Tom Coleman (Director): Former House Representative from Missouri
– Donald Ayer (Director): Former Deputy Attorney General under President George H.W. Bush
However, its website states absolutely nothing of what they do except a bunch of vaguities about defending democracy and a few papers.
The paid officers are getting handsomely paid:
– Joanna Lydgate (President) ($382,382)
– Jenn Fogel-Bublick (Chief Operating Officer) ($282,532)
– Christine Sun (Legal Director) ($246,932)
– Thania Sanchez (Research Director) ($215,227)
– Gillian Feiner (Senior Counsel) ($211,443)
– Elizabeth Ulmer (Svp, Communications) ($224,448)
– Dax Goldstein (Senior Counsel) ($213,245)
Almost all of the expenses go to salary, with the “Other” expenses going out to contractors.
However, its website states absolutely nothing of what they do except a bunch of vaguities about defending democracy.
So, I was wondering… what do you guys actually do?
Turns out … you have a YouTube channel and last year, you produced a very expensive-looking Muppet show.
That’s what you spend your 17 million dollars on. Muppets that have less than 200 views. That’s your idea of election security. Creating animated puppet shows that nobody watches to lecture nonexistent viewers on election safety.
Oh, and they’re definitely produced by you, because I went to one of the websites linked in the video and it says “State United Democracy Center” at the bottom.
Tell me, who the hell is donating you to do this? And why should we trust any of you neoconservatives with the responsibility of safeguarding “Democracy” and elections if your idea of doing so is producing puppet shows?
And two more posts on that subject
DataRepublican (small r)
Feb 17
Replying to @DataRepublican @NormEisen @MSNBC @CapehartJ
I have helpfully uploaded one of your Muppet productions for all to see:
DataRepublican (small r)
Whoever dropped $17 million for @NormEisen , @MichaelSteele , and others to make Muppet videos—congrats, X just did more for democracy in a few hours than that cash ever will.
200 views → 200,000 views.
If you actually care about election integrity and not just grifting, feel free to send me that $17 million instead. I’ll produce videos with real impact. I’ll even do a better job of using AI to write meaningless papers to post on my NGO website.
So Eisen did his postdoc in Evil at ADL.
Eisen is a daemon
He is a deeply corrupt, vile and loathsome pile of
CBS needs to lose their license to broadcast.
CBS deserves to go bankrupt, due to the current trump lawsuit.
CBS well knows they are not honest journalists. Intentionally slanting truth, in favor of criminals AND election interference.
^^^ That’s for starters.
And they have been like this for my entire lifetime.
And as bad as you hate and loath them, however much, it isn’t near enough.
I know.
What I don’t know about those assholes is much more than what I do know especially since haven’t watched them in decades.
I have no reason to believe that what I don’t know is any more favorable to them than what I do know (which is not at all favorable).
H/T kyblue @ Sylvia’s
There are a few but very definitive moments when I get insanely proud of something coming out of the ATL in my state. This is one of them. Breathtaking rendition of our national anthem. Well done, gentlemen! Way to rep your school and the city
The patriots who died for that flag must love that as much as I do, I am most certain!
Well said.
Nice to see the
of country reflected in these kid’s efforts.
That was so beautiful I cried.
Besides being untrue, Schiff’s statement is silly. If he wants to make people concerned about someone accessing their data, there’s no need to state that it’s the world’s richest man who is doing it. By trying to make two different points in one sentence, Schiff fails at both of them.
He can sniff around mine, I don’t have anything to hide pencil neck.
I dont’t remember, “Senator”, but didn’t Elon have something to do with PayPal a while back? Like looking a Private Accounts [which he didn’t do} ??
Go Away …
Elon did notice the fraudsters on Ebay complained the loudest when their accounts got closed. Others would assume it was some sort of glitch and call for help.
American Values
RFK Jr. held NOTHING back in his first speech as Trump’s HHS Secretary.
“Nothing is gonna be off limits.”
The vaccine schedule will be investigated. SSRIs will be investigated. Electromagnetic radiation will be investigated.
Here is everything RFK pledged for HHS:
Excellent! Science wide open, no more sacred cows.
On a not-entirely-unrelated note:
Seems smart woman did not consider the Vindictive Reactive Response Syndrome related to Trump Derangement Syndrome. Understandable if she only has her head in academia and hasn’t seen it deployed else where.
Toward the end she says she agrees with the goal.
Remember she was complaining in another video I posted on Sunday (I think) about what a waste most science funding is at least with respect to particle physics.
Didn’t miss that, but she does not seem aware of Aubergine’s Razor and is passing the buck around. No need if she understands these institutions are not being faithful to the executive order.
h/t TT
“We will make our data and our policy process so transparent that people won’t even have to file a FOIA request.”
— RFKJ speech.
I have been saying this for decades. Just think of all the salaries of the gathering/sorting clerks that would not have to be paid.
And pay to lawyers to stone-wall the requests.
If this guy is so committed to “reducing diet-related chronic disease,” etc., why haven’t we heard about it all this time? Why hasn’t the FDA been talking about chemicals in food?
Seems to me he’d be a natural to join RFK in his crusade.
If he’s not a lying sack of shit.
OBTW I’m going with the latter option.
Very wise and low risk stance.
I’ll take Lying Sacks for $400, Alex.
I think.. sniff sniff…he stinks.
is this the koolaid guy? LOL
My first thought is that this was some sort of satire, for that reason.
Jim Jones…
Now where have I heard that name before…. Kool-Aid, anyone???
Yep. Cut their funding. Violation of an EO.
Arrest the school admin. on federal charges of child predation, endangerment, and abuse.
During the post-arrest presser, announce that this will happen at every school that does not stop this
Watch the rest of them run back into their freak closets.
I will add this again.
1 In 10 K-12 Students Has Been Sexually Abused By A Teacher
That from a private researcher. The Dept of Education won’t keep stats. How neat is that? No stats, no problem.
Immediately stop cutting checks to anyone over the age of 114.
Then try to find the 80,000 people between 100 and 114…and flush the rest of the ones in the list.
DOGE would suddenly be a quarter of the way to their $2T goal, and even I might stop complaining about their slow progress.
Logic….. can’t have that. /s
The only ones I trust to think like that are PDJT and Elon.
What is wrong with you???
Govt cannot be using logic. It’s a betrayal of tradition.
Oh, right.
How silly of me.
Read that with a german accent eg. “ve haf” for “we have” etc. and it is hysterical.
“Ya! Ya!”
You mean families acting like families, cutting out the woketard child predators posing as teachers, are happier?
Who knew!?
Grandson #1 finished acing the required curriculum for the whole school year two weeks ago. That leaves him the rest of the school year for Bible, Typing, music lessons/practice, reading/writing reports, karate lessons, sports, field trips, etc. He would go ahead and start the next school year if we would let him.
From an IEP and heading toward failing third grade to sailing through fifth grade two years later.
I gather from context he’s homeschooling.
Please thank his parents for me. (I make it a point to thank everyone I meet who homeschools).
Yes- sorry I was not more specific and will pass along the appreciation. Since they had a baby a year ago, I handled most of math and social studies with him while his mom handled everything else with occasional assistance from his dad. It has been so rewarding to see his young mind loving to learn.
So you’ll be getting him started on algebra next year, geometry the year after that and calculus after that?
Everything goes so much faster during home schooling!
It does. All the junk and make work is cut out. We average 3.5 hours of dedicated, focused learning each day. He likes it intense and fast. Then he needs a 15 minute break and ready to go again. We get to pace it to him and his best practices for learning instead of vice versa.
For example, on colder days when he cannot get outside he wants to knock it out early in the day so he can play his PS4 in the afternoon. In the warm months he likes to split it in half. Do schooling for a couple hours then head to the golf practice range or park for an hour. Come back, eat lunch, then finish for the day.
There have been days he did not want to stop and we would go to 5 PM. Other days we may only do a couple of hours if he is tired or feeling under the weather.
All of it tailored to him and his needs.
He is learning his own style of effort. Self directed students become the prize employees or business owners of tomorrow.
Pretty much. He started on algebra and geometry in 4th grade and they expanded it this year. Calculus may have to wait a bit. Time 4 Learning is the curriculum. The content is reasonably strong and we can supplement with what we feel is appropriate or he has indicated an interest. He was doing all types of science projects and experiments.
You would be pleased. No flat earthing for this boy.
I am so glad they decided to home school. We encourage the parents we meet to do so.
You are an amazing grandparent!
1 In 10 K-12 Students Has Been Sexually Abused By A Teacher
Turn every school into a facility for home schooling networks.
No publicly funded schools.
Every family given the funds to educate as they deem appropriate for each child.
Slow posting day?
I saw someone angrily demand to know why, If Trump were worried about waste, fraud and abuse, he had fired the Inspector Generals and brought in people who didn’t even know accounting (which maybe they DO).
Because the IGs weren’t doing their fucking jobs.
this would be an excellent question to ask at a congressional press meeting. ooops they don’t have those for exactly this reason.
I can answer that.
They’ve been overseeing their cut of the take.
On X/Twitter a poster asked “What is the first thing Kash Patel should do after being confirmed as FBI Director?”
My response would be that he should make sure he has a heavily armed, world-class personal security team on duty 24/7.
Yes. Agreed.
And a security detail for his family.
Whatever it is, it’s been planned for years and it’s gonna be glorious indeed.
As mentioned earlier by Pavaca, here is Deborah Birx trying to cover her tracks by saying that it should have been explained that the COVID vax was not designed to stop infection, that it’s not like childhood vaxes where you take it and then don’t get the disease, etc. This is a total 180 from what everyone was saying and what was being pushed onto the public. So why wasn’t she saying these things then?
Piers Morgan asks her directly if she shares the concerns about long-term negative impacts of COVID vaccines. She gives a non-answer about how older people who were more at risk should have been targeted first. She raises a straw man that the science and the data were not followed in the vax rollout. None of that has anything to do with long-term negative effects. I want her, Fauci, Baric, and others to be forced to answer real questions.
Under oath.
On camera.
With Federal Marshals in the room.
in courtroom, under indictment for murder (among many, many other things).
No to fed marshals. MS-13 as lie detector guards.
What was PEPFAR really doing? That is what I want to know!
If Scarf Bitch were smart, which she isn’t, she’d STFU and hire a great lawyer.
Hopefully she’ll keep talking as the noose is placed over her head.
Maybe they’ll put a really fancy scarf over her eyes. Nasty, evil bitch.
“…the COVID vax was not designed to stop infection…”
Then it’s NOT a vaccine, it’s a TREATMENT.
Stop acting like I am stupid, bitch. I KNOW what you did.
But…but…he’s Spartacus!
Cory Booger has his fingers in a lot of pies.
Yours Truly just came across the obituary of a singer who I used to accompany and coach many years ago. He subsequently left opera and became an insurance agent. “D.M.” passed away last year from colon cancer. He had been previously successfully treated for skin cancer about 10 years ago. There is no doubt in my mind that he had to get COVID-19 “vaccinated” in order to keep his insurance job.
Of your charity, please pray for the repose of his soul. May he rest in eternal Peace.
Thank you.
I’m sorry about this loss.
Amen! A prayer for all who were pressured into taking the vaccine. May God have mercy on their souls. Even those who suffered no obvious harm, but who worry and regret.
So perfect.
some bad language for some
That was good.
Gold 2933.90
Silver 32.90
(amusing that the same digits are used in both prices albeit arrange differently)
And that gold is 2901.00 higher…
h/t Filly
Just The News: “Judge Tanya Chutkan on Tuesday ruled that she would not block the new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) from accessing data from seven federal agencies, or from reducing the staff within them.
The order comes after 14 Democratic attorneys general requested a temporary restraining order against the Trump administration, who argued the administration engaged in executive overreach.
Chutkan ruled in a 10-page decision that the attorneys general did not show adequate proof that the states will suffer imminent, irreparable harm without relief, per CBS News.
“The court is aware that DOGE’s unpredictable actions have resulted in considerable uncertainty and confusion for Plaintiffs and many of their agencies and residents,” she wrote. “But the ‘possibility’ that defendants may take actions that irreparably harm plaintiffs ‘is not enough.’”
DOGEball continues.
It’s rehabilitate yer image time.
It’s “you know you would get reversed by SCOTUS and look like the partisan hack judge that you are,” time?
It’s rehabilitate image time.
Judge Tanya Chutkan
Now that violin theme is going through my head (and won’t leave)… thanks
The latest on Kash Patel:
Sen. Markwayne Mullin:
That link is from Instagram, not X. I didn’t expect it to show.
Omar has been removed from her seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
https://twitter .com/MAGA__Patriot/status/1891935892031537548
In 2023! At least, that’s what all the comments are saying.
Didn’t MTG just call for this to be done?
she wants her expelled from congress i thought
I thought it was both.
Though of course expulsion would entail the loss of the committee chairs.
At the very least I thought something was said about this committee assignment either by her or maybe someone who commented on her delightful little rant.
I believe she wanted her off all committees, so yes!
Seems your right… swirled about the internets for a while till it went down the drain.
Rats Are Jumping Ship, In The End The [DS] Will Cease To Exist,Planned A Long Time Ago – Ep. 3575
February 18, 2025 x22report
The [DS] is going after the food supply, Trump is stopping it. We are in a white collar recession. Elon wants to video the gold vaults, the question is, do we have the gold or not. The push for an audit is on. He who owns the gold makes the rules. The [DS] has tried everything, they are failing every step of the way, emotions do not work when people are logically thinking and awake. The people want the waste cut. The D’s have never said what Elon has uncovered is fake, this should tell you everything you need to know. The rats are jumping ship, the [DS] system is falling apart. In the end the [DS] will cease to exist, this was planned a long time ago.
Ep 3575a – Gold Is The Key That Will Unlock The Door, He Who Has The Gold Makes The Rules
Ep 3575b – Rats Are Jumping Ship, In The End The [DS] Will Cease To Exist,Planned A Long Time Ago
Douglass Mackey
Pangs of regret inside the DOJ over “overzealous” J6 prosecutions, according to NBC News…
You reap what you sow…
After the number of estimated illegal entrants to the Capitol — initially thought to be around 800 — ballooned to more than 3,500, some defense lawyers and former Justice Department officials criticized the broad undertaking as overzealous. They argued that prosecutors should have focused on those who committed violence.
As the years passed, some FBI agents and prosecutors across the country also privately questioned the use of resources on minor figures, some have told NBC News, even as they supported efforts to hold ringleaders and people who violently attacked police officers accountable.
5:48 PM · Feb 18, 2025
Wolf Moon
Regret is fine, but no nation needs to suffer 4 years of JV left-fascism because the Democrat bureaucracy “overreacted”. Ideological bias and resulting incompetence in DOJ and FBI is reason enough for a massive overhaul of both.
Bondi is stepping up. Send in the KASH.
6:18 PM · Feb 18, 2025
“Privately questioned” is a problem. I know jobs were at stake, etc., but if everyone does nothing, then nothing changes and injustice is done.
Just following orders.
Zero leadership.
If you KNOW there is a problem you do what I did more than once. YOU QUIT!
Being able to look myself in the mirror means more to me than a paycheck!
Pangs of regret?
Every single motherf’n fed bitch or bastard should wind up in a physical, mental, and emotional position where they are down on their knees, sobbing, and BEGGING God to make it stop…
…just like the J6 hostages were after being tortured inside the DC gulag.
They must be made an very harsh example of.
Suddenly people in DOJ and FBI are realizing that none of this was happening to non-violent leftist protesters from the “summer of love”. Even worse, LESS was being done to VIOLENT protesters!!!
Yeah. Might have been good to think about this earlier – EXCEPT – that was never the point. It was all about getting Trump AND destroying his movement.
I think people at Dodge and Fib who knew the real score, also thought that Trump would never “rise again”.
Bad take. Including the media, the lawfare, the bad prosecutions, and TWO assassination attempts, when they got even more desperate.
They ALL gotta be held accountable.
Maximum punishment. It was NOT justice. Pure politics hammering J6ers, MAGA…
Replying to both you and the Wolf…
It was 100% political, and 100% politically VINDICTIVE.
This was highlighted, most particularly, by the lack of prosecutions re: BLM protestors who actually…you know….burned and looted whole city blocks, police cars, etc, committed dozens of murders, etc.
Well sir, NOW the shoe is on the other foot…
…and this…AFTER they tried to assassinate the king.
Here is my message to anyone wanting to snivel and cry in DC….
If the only reason a person is morally decent is fear (Trump rising again), then they are scum who deserve whatever nasty fate befalls them.
Agreed. If Trump had been defeated I doubt there would be any pangs of regret. I think it would have snowballed in the other direction, where power corrupts and they escalate their dirty deeds, defying the Constitution and heading us into a police state.
That showed evil is contagious specially if it is in a group. They want to outdo the other. This happens in all totalitarian regimes. It takes strong people with strong character to resist.
You bet they would have. Four years of Kamel-Uh, and we would have been Germany.
NO MAN LEFT BEHIND- January 6 Patriots Will Be Outside DC Jail Tonight Calling for Release of All Remaining J6 Hostages!Assistant Editor Feb. 18, 2025 5:20 pm 48 Comments
The five still being held.
• Jeremy Brown: A 17-year Green Beret veteran, lauded for his patriotism, who remains incarcerated.
• Edward Kelley: A U.S. Marine and father of two young sons, facing life in prison on charges his supporters claim are unfounded.
• Elias Costianes: Despite receiving a pardon, he was required to report to prison on separate charges related to January 6.
• Taylor Taranto: Currently held within the D.C. Jail, awaiting resolution of his case.
• Benjamin Martin: Detained due to firearms found in his home during an FBI raid, which supporters argue he did not own.
28 degrees and dropping to 20 by morning.
“Pangs of regret…”
Yeah, fuck you. And fuck you again. I won’t be happy until those “pangs” you are feeling are something akin to the pang of a bullet (Ashley Babbitt), a repeated baton to the head (Roseanne Boyland), a gas grenade to the chest causing a heart attack (Kevin Greeson), the chill of a concrete cell floor (countless prisoners who were put in the hole), or finally, the pangs of desperation so deep you decide to end your own life (Matt Perna and others).
If you are faced with either a) being an immoral piece of shit to keep a paycheck or b) quitting your job to be a decent human being, and you choose ‘a’, well you deserve whatever hell you get, here on Earth or in the hereafter.
Piss on your “pangs.”
Nicely stated and I agree whole heartedly.
Thanks Gail. Though I don’t feel very “nice” about this subject, lol.
Healing Prayers
Prayer for Restorative Rest
Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Wholeness
Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort in Illness
Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.
Nighttime Blessing for Healing
Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.
Serene Prayer for Recovery
Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.
Someone had to say it. Jim Breuer so, so, so nails it!
YUP. Too much truth!!!
“And then the news cackatoos came out.”
Check this out.
The lion almost immediately suspects the feds are involved.
Press conference about 2hrs ago. About 36 mins. Lots covered in the Q & A to include Ukraine & the Millions of centurions aka vampires still on Social Security rolls.
Would seem that low birth rates is a National Security Issue.
EO for affordability of fertility care would indicate something is up.
Oh, it’s a HUGE issue. Nobody wants to talk about it, but it is bad. Very bad.
We used to be at replacement rate a coupl decades ago but it has since dropped.
I bet the jabs will cause it to plummet even more.
This arrived in Yours Truly’s USPS mailbox today:
Thank you for doing this.
It is an honor and a privilege.
Very nice, thank you for your generosity.
Lovely. Just lovely.
An absolutely wonderful forever gift.
Thank you and God bless!
The image has been uploaded to the media library!
Wolf Moon
Thank you!
That was a lovely, generous, and thoughtful thing to do. Thank you.
Thank You so very much!
Incredible, Pavaca! Thank you so much for doing this.
Now how in the world did that happen?
Bless you, PAVACA for this warm and precious tribute to Susie.
Thank you so much PAVACA for this tremendous kindness & very thoughtful gesture in Susie’s memory. God Bless YOU!
Test from new cell.
Thinking I got the password correct.
Oh i dread that day now. Esp since i have apps!
Don’t worry! We’ll get you online!
Welcome Back Kalbo!
Nope. You’re in the weirdtree.
Hrmmm… wonder what happened here?
Goes from number 5 to number 1. Neat trick if you have the cahones to pull that off.
I wonder if it comes with a scholarship?
Tranny Athlete Sweeps Girls’ Event Days After State Refused to Comply With Trump’s Executive Order
Gals should have walked away.
Of course the school should have never let it happen. Nor the state.
The surest answer to stopping tranny in girls sports, Walk Away.
Unless the cahones get pulled off, pic number 2 is fraud.
note: the girls need to boycott fraud races.
He’s coming. Hang tight.
Finally. Thankfully.
Dumrats slow walked his confirmation.
Right along with Thune’s blessing.
“Dynamic pricing” should be made illegal and outlawed.
United sells seats on Flt XYZ from Here to There. Initial price when first listed is $150 one-way. Later, when only 4 seats are left, the price is increased to $500.
”Dynamic pricing” IS price gouging and should be outlawed.
Basically, someone said “hey, ticket scalpers get away with it. How can we do it too and what can we call it to make it seem legit?”
I will admit I don’t like the current system – but I can imagine some disingenuous “fixes” that are even worse!
Honest question:
How is outlawing “dynamic pricing” a bad fix?
In the example shown, United should be restricted to listing a price once and only once, and can only change it by lowering the price. Also, once lowered, cannot thereafter raise it.
I’m not saying “outlawing dynamic pricing” is the bad fix. I’m saying that they’ll use getting rid of it to come up with something even WORSE.
Higher prices all the time. Less flexibility. Cheaper for the elite – more for the poor schmucks. More socialist. Easier to lose your money. More rescheduling.
They’re creatively evil. I liked things better long ago, but at least I can afford to fly now, if I take the cheapest and book really early.
Would they use getting grid of dynamic pricing to seal the deal on “only government, oligarchs and Hollywood fly, and plebes stay at home”? It may not happen now, but I’ll bet they’re setting it up to happen after their next “nuclear 9/11 + COVID” operation. Pricing flying out of reach of most who they want to lock down is the sneakiest way to do that. They just need a set-up.
Does it sound like I don’t trust the prison guards of Kamp Kovid? You bet I don’t!
Yep. IIRC it started with the rental car industry. Hertz, with their “rates engine” used an enormous amount of computing power to maximize their profits, and gouge their customers…
Overbooking is a huge pain, too, and also happens in a number of industries. A good example is ISPs (Internet Service Providers). They’ll install, say, 250Mbs to a neighborhood, and bill all of the people for 100-250Mbs. Of course, if everyone actually tried to use the bandwidth for which they were getting billed, they’d see HUGE performance hits, and maybe the switch would drop or drop clients…
Lots of money-grubbing shysters out there…
With some luck, we’ll have Kash as FIB Director tomorrow night.
UPDATE: Kash Patel has passed in a cloture vote by a margin of 48-45.
Patel’s final confirmation vote could be as soon as Wednesday.
Trump has “caught them all” and revealed them crawling in the DC sewer, cover in muck and slime.
Now they be all like….”pangs of regret”. Uh huh. yeah.
They continue to mock.

‘Wicked’ Star and Black Lesbian Cynthia Erivo Cast as Jesus in ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ at Hollywood Bowl
Ben Kew Feb. 18, 2025 7:20 pm 414 Comments
We’ll all have the last laugh, metaphorically speaking.
In truth, we will be so horrified by the reward for their mocking no one will be laughing.
AI….which is to be doubted and skeptical at all times!….says this story is false.
And the video link which has an ET logo on it is NOT ET’s official Youtube channel.
I would be delighted if this story was true but I’m not finding any other sauce on this spagetti.
I can’t find anything to corroborate this. I did find that Behar was off The View for several days because of the premiere of a play of hers off-Broadway.
Someone went to a lot of trouble to make a “report” on something that didn’t happen. If AI can do this, the public is going to have to be more vigilant than ever about what to believe.
Speaking of AI….
Good boi crossed the rainbow bridge.
K9 Hurricane, a 16-year-old Belgian Malinois, was a former Special Operations Canine with the United States Secret Service. Known for his bravery, he became the most decorated dog in U.S. history for taking down a White House intruder in 2014 when President Obama and his family were inside.
Following his heroic act of bravery, K9 Hurricane was medically retired in 2016 due to the injuries he sustained during the incident.
In recognition of his valor, Hurricane received numerous honors, including the USSS Award for Merit, the DHS Award for Valor, the PDSA Order of Merit, and AMC Top Dog. He also made history as the first dog to receive the Animals in War and Peace Distinguished Service Medal, which earned him a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Hurricane and his handler, Marshall Mirarchi, were also awarded the Secretary’s Award for Valor by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson for their efforts in protecting the Obama family.
After his retirement, Hurricane’s legacy lived on through the foundation “Hurricane’s Heroes,” established in his name to help cover medical expenses for retired working dogs.
Since 2020, Hurricane’s Heroes has cared for over 150 retired military and government working dogs.
He lived a good long life and served his country with distinction.
This isnt ok by a longshot.
ICE struggles to boost arrest numbers despite infusion of resources