When I wrote about Mercantilism last week I mentioned merchant princes and bankers. I neglected to mention transport. You can not have trade without transporting trade goods from one place to another. If you look at American Indians, they had trade routes and used humans, canoes, dogs & camelids for transport. In Eurasia they were lucky enough to have donkeys, camels, horses, oxen and even elephants as beasts of burden. On top of that was the use of the wheel. However the favorite method was by water, to the point rivers were modified and canals were built. Even today water is a preferred method of transporting large amount of goods. And the corollary is you need SAFE trade routes.

Going back in time, to the Khazars and before, you have the Silk Road–a network of trade routes.


The History of the Silk Road Trade and Cultural Exchange:

BY Umair Waseem [He seems to have other interesting articles.]

The Silk Road was a network of trade routes that connected the East and the West. It spanned across Asia, reaching parts of Europe and Africa. Over the centuries, it played a vital role in the exchange of goods, ideas, and culture. This historic route was not just about commerce; it was also about bridging distant cultures.

Origins of the Silk Road:

The history of the Silk Road traces back to the Han Dynasty of China around 130 BCE. The route started as an overland and maritime network. It connected the great cities of China to Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The earliest motivation was the need for silk.

The term “Silk Road” was coined by the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen in the 19th century. The term actually refers to the trade of silk, which was one of the most valuable goods traded along the route. However, many other products, such as spices, precious metals, and textiles, were also exchanged.

Key Trade Routes and Expansion:

The Silk Road was not a single road but a network of routes that connected regions….

The Role of Empires in the Silk Road:

There were a number of great powers that helped in the establishment and defense of the Silk Road. The first of these was the Han Dynasty of China, which established strong trade ties with Central Asia. This enabled the empire to dominate the eastern part of the Silk Road and ensure safe passage for goods and people.

The Roman Empire also played a crucial role in the trade along the Silk Road. Even though the Romans never managed to dominate the entire route, their demand for luxury goods such as silk helped propel the trade. The Persian Empire served as an intermediary between East and West, facilitating trade and communication.

The Mongol Empire, under Genghis Khan and his successors, revived the Silk Road. They provided protection and stabilization along the routes, which became a hotbed for merchants to once again trade as they wanted….

Decline of the Silk Road:

…👉the Silk Road began its decline by the 15th century.👈 The reasons why this occurred were several: the rise of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th century… 👉Ottomans controlled much of the Silk Road in key parts that made it arduous for Europeans to access Asian markets.👈

….the discovery of the maritime trade route made it the efficient way to go. Maritime explorers began to explore sea routes to Asia bypassing the Silk Road totally as it had become an overland road. This led to a decline in trade patterned along the Silk Road accompanied by political instability and attacks….

So the Silk Road trade routes were very important to various empires in the Old World and ESPECIALLY to the people who made money off of trade, that is the bankers and the Merchant Princes. I am going to leave the British East India Company and its tie-ins to another article.

The Brits, as a naval power, were very, very interested in the Middle East. They were also interested in an overland route thru the Middle East.

Treaty of Çanak, (Jan. 5, 1809), pact signed between the Ottoman Empire and Great Britain at Çanak (now Çanakkale, Turkey)

…the Treaty of Çanak offered security to the British against the entry of the Russian fleet from the Black Sea into the Mediterranean. It also reaffirmed in full Great Britain’s capitulary rights (trading and consular privileges) in the Ottoman Empire, while its secret provisions provided that the British assist the Ottomans in the event of a French declaration of war against them.

(PDF) the 1838 Anglo/Ottoman Commercial Treaty

This agreement expanding British trade rights in Ottoman Empire.


The British and the Ottoman Middle East, 1798-c.1850

In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt. This was intended to be a blow against the fast-expanding British Empire in India and a major extension into Asia of the war for global dominance between the British and French. Napoleon’s move highlighted to the British the importance of the region between the Mediterranean and India and particularly the large part of it ruled by the Ottoman Empire. In the next fifty years the British became preoccupied with strengthening their position in these lands by using their sea power in the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf to frustrate their French and also increasingly their Russian rivals. This Special Subject [Course] tells the story of British activities in, attitudes to, and experiences of the Ottoman Middle East in this period, particularly in relation to Egypt, Syria, Arabia and Baghdad. 👉The British could not seize these territories because their international strategy depended on trying to keep the Ottoman Empire alive,👈 but most observers believed that it would shortly collapse and that it was essential to ensure political, economic 👉and moral influence in advance of that point.👈 The course’s ultimate objective is to trace the connections between political, cultural and religious activities in these territories: territories which were not just of strategic, diplomatic and naval significance but also of enormous interest to travellers seeking an understanding of classical and biblical history – and indeed adventure and exotic ‘Oriental’ experiences….

…a great discussion about British political and economic interests, leading among other things to the 1838 Anglo-Ottoman trade treaty (week 5); the invasion of Syria and Palestine in 1840-1 by British troops and agents, 👉resulting in the protection of designated religious minorities👈

OK, I want to stop here and look at what the Rothschilds were doing in the 1800s during this time period since they funded most of the European countries and their wars.

Do not forget one of the Rothschilds was a French Banker. The Bank of France was established in 1800. However Napoleon never trusted the Bank of France and he believed that France had to break free of debt. “..The Bank of England was quick to oppose him. By financing every nation in his path, they reaped enormous profits from the war. (Warning bells should be sounding for those of you drawing correlations between that and the international actions of the U.S. since World War II). Profit From War. Prussia, Austria and Russia all fell heavily into debt in their attempts to stop Napoleon….”

Nathan Rothschild funded the Napoleonic Wars.

…Nathan knew Napoleon had lost the Battle of Waterloo before the English monarchy. With this information in hand, Nathan spread the rumor that Napoleon had won and that everyone on the English Stock Market should start selling their useless English money. Rothchilds’ agents were then able to purchase nearly the entire English Stock Market at incredibly low prices, thus controlling the entire English market before everyone found out that England, in reality, had beaten Napoleon.
👉As of 2015, the English government is still paying back money owed to the Rothschild family from this Napoleonic fraud…👈

That article has since been re-written and updated as of Aug, 1 2024. All mention of the English government owing the Rothschilds money is gone. The current author is Jennifer L. Cook who got her start in editorial work in London as a researcher for three industrial relations journals. Her Education: University of California at Santa Cruz.


Also see: Timeline – European 19th – Early 20th Century Middle East Intervention and Middle East Uprisings

1858 — The Suez Canal was an immensely profitable investment by the Rothschild family. The family basically owned the British banking system and had funded all the British war efforts throughout the 19th century. Because the Suez Canal was built with slave labor, the Brits did not want their name associated with the building of it. Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, (Jewish BTW) had N M Rothschild & Sons act for the British Government instead. Disraeli was a close personal friend of Lionel de Rothschild. LINK

1881 – Assassination of Tsar Alexander II in retaliation for his help during the US Civil War. It was also the start of the Jewish Pogram in Russia in retaliation for the Jewish Socialists murdering the Tsar.

1882 -1918 — The Rothschilds began to buy land in Palestine. The Rothschilds had international power as they lent money to all governments. By 1918, one-twentieth of Palestine’s fertile lands belonged to the Rothschilds. — Who sold Palestine?

Remember these Jews were refugees because Jewish Socialists, financed by the Rothschilds, had assassinated the Tzar and Russians took out their anger on the entire Jewish community. Also, exactly WHO owns Israel NOW if the Rothschilds bought the land?

1895London School of Economics was founded by Sidney Webb. Among its major contributors: the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and Mrs. Ernest Elmhirst, the widow of J. P. Morgan partner Willard Straight, who founded the socialist magazine New Republic. — The Fabians, the Round Table, and the Rhodes Scholars

The Fabian co-founders, the Webbs, founded the London School of economics with a bit of financial help from Nathan Rothschild. [ALL references are now gone…]

More recently Evelyn de Rothschild was a governor of LSU.

The Rothschild Family: An Evil Dynasty Poised to Rule the World, Or Just Simply a Banking Powerhouse?

Although the following article is an ‘approved’ viewpoint, it has a few very interesting bits. Today I am looking at the Middle East connections.

Their Influence on European Industrialisation

Given their geographical banking control and massive wealth throughout the 19th century, the Rothschild family pioneered international high finance during the industrialisation of Europe and were instrumental in supporting railway systems across the world and 👉in complex government financing for projects such as the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal was another immensely profitable investment by the Rothschild family…👈

British recognized the canal as an important trade route, they objected to the use of forced Egyptian labour to build it, and perceived the French project as a threat to their geopolitical and financial interests.

So, over a span of eleven years, starting on December 15th, 1858 the Suez canal was built. The Rothschild’s basically owned the British banking system at the time since they funded all prior British war efforts throughout the 19th century. Thus, In 1875, the London banking house of N M Rothschild & Sons advanced the Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. They effectively acted for the British Government, and paid a sum of £4,000,000 to purchase Suez Canal shares. Disraeli was a close personal friend of Lionel de Rothschild, and according to legend, this was transacted on a gentleman’s agreement, with no documentation, a technically unsecured loan for a sum of over £550 million today.

Basically, England recognized the huge economical gain of purchasing shares in this trans-continental shipping route, but they did not want to be recognized for supporting the forced labour (slavery) that was implemented in order to build the canal….

Napoleon invades Egypt

The Suez Canal  was primarily built by France, with Ferdinand de Lesseps, a French diplomat, playing a key role in obtaining the political and financial support. Construction began on April 25, 1859, and the canal was completed and officially opened on November 17, 1869. With the US cotton coming back on the market after the Civil War, the price of Egyptian cotton fell allowing the Rothschilds to move in and take the Egyptian shares. (I lost that link)

The map below illustrates just how critical control of the Suez Canal is. As I go deeper into this please keep that map in the back of your mind.

The Suez Canal Crisis of 1956 & The Rise of the US

In 1956, the president of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, nationalized the Suez Canal, which had mostly been owned by British and French investors. This canal was a major part of ocean-going shipping and allowed ships to pass into the Mediterranean from the Red Sea, effectively linking Europe to the Indian Ocean and trade from Asia. Swiftly, Israel, Britain, and France moved to intervene and invaded Egypt. Against the background of the Cold War and the anti-colonialism movement, the aggressive actions by Israel, Britain, and France heightened tensions with the Soviet-backed Arab states in the Middle East….

In 1798, a French general named Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire, with some 30,000 troops. Napoleon’s successful invasion and seizure of Cairo, the capital city, was quickly noticed by the British. With Napoleon’s massive army helpless on land, the British destroyed the French fleet in the Mediterranean. Moving by land, France faced another crippling blow when the British allied with the Ottomans to thwart Napoleon’s plans to take Syria. After just over a year in Egypt, Napoleon returned home to France, where he began seizing power as a dictator.

British interest in Egypt began in the 1860s due to two events: the US Civil War (1861-65) reducing the amount of cotton exported to Britain from the American South, and the completion of the Suez Canal in 1869. Swiftly, Egypt moved to increase cotton production, which would be bound for the textile mills of England.

👉The Suez Canal also benefited the British, as ships could now pass through the Mediterranean to reach India. At this time, India was Britain’s most valuable colony.👈 This began a political tug-of-war between Britain and France regarding which European power would “control” Egypt…..

Between the 1880s and World War I, Britain came to dominate more and more of Egypt’s affairs. Officially, Egypt was under the control of the Ottoman Empire, and the outbreak of hostilities between the Allied Powers (which included Britain) and the Central Powers (which included the Ottoman Empire) allowed Britain to seize control of Egypt. This year, 1914, saw Britain seize the Suez Canal and declare Egypt a protectorate. After World War I, Egyptians began fighting for independence, which was granted in 1922. However, British troops remained in Egypt until 1929, when they withdrew. The Suez Canal zone, similar to the Panama Canal zone in Central America, remained under British military control….

July 1956: Egypt Nationalizes the Suez Canal

In July 1952, a coup overthrew king Faruk I of Egypt, and one of the main plotters was a young man named Gamal Abdel Nasser. Three years later, Nasser was Egypt’s undisputed leader and positioned his country as one of the leading nonaligned states, meaning it was neither a formal ally of the United States nor the Soviet Union. However, Nasser was not a true Marxist and focused more on Arab nationalism and decolonization than socialism. On July 26, 1956, he announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal. This violated a 1954 agreement that said the Suez Canal Company would not be transferred to Egyptian control before 1968.

On October 29, 1956, Israel began its invasion of Egypt on the Sinai Peninsula and defeated opposing Egyptian forces. The Israelis advanced toward the Suez Canal from the west using ground forces. This conflict between Israel and Egypt was not shocking, as Egypt had been one of the several Arab states to fight against Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948. The United Nation’s creation of a new Jewish territory in November 1947, using the land of British Palestine, was seen as an encroachment on Arab sovereignty. In May 1948, just as the new nation of Israel declared its independence, war broke out between it and neighboring Arab states.

Israel won its war for independence, but intense hostility lingered. Egypt prevented Israel from using the Suez Canal, motivating Israel to wrest the canal from Egyptian control. As Israeli forces pushed toward the canal in autumn of 1956, a trap was sprung by Britain and France against the Egyptians. Having plotted ahead of time with the Israelis, Britain and France called for a cease-fire by both sides in the growing war. When Nasser rejected this cease-fire, as was anticipated, Britain and France had an excuse to engage militarily….

Remember the Brits had ALSO promised the SAME LAND to the Arabs as to the Jews in return for revolting against the Ottoman Empire.




Back in 1915, the British needed the help of the Arabs in defeating the Ottoman Empire in World War I. In a set of letters called the ‘McMahon–Hussein Correspondence,’ they promised the Arabs that if they rebelled against The Ottoman Empire (which had sided with Germany in the war), that they would get their own independent state (as depicted in the first map above). However, at the very same time the British made this promise, there was clandestine agreement in the works with France and Russia to carve up the Ottoman Empire amongst themselves. This was known as the ‘Sykes-Picot Agreement.’ Suffice it to say, the territory promised to the Arabs was not a part of their bargain. Then to make matters even more confusing, there was a third – and completely separate agreement with the Zionist community called the ‘Balfour Declaration’, promising the Jews their own ethno-state within the borders of Palestine.

So with these three contradictory agreements all made at the same time, it was clear that somebody was going to get deceived. In the end, the British promises to  the Arabs were a fraud.

The Arabs fought and died for the British, thinking that they would gain their independence as a reward for their sacrifice. Yet what ended up happening instead, is that the British and French marched into their territory and claimed the remains of empire for themselves.

And we wonder why there is a festering hatred for non-Muslims in the Middle East?

Also of interest is Arthur Balfour of the Balfour-Declaration that promised a Jewish homeland in the Middle East.

[Balfour]…..who was president of the Society for Psychical Research [Linked to the Fabians.– GC] (AC Doyle, William Gladstone) from 1893 and PM of the UK from 1902 to 1905. He was a nephew of Robert Cecil. He was educated at Eton College (under William Johnson, accused of pedophilia) and Trinity College Cambridge like Cecil agent Aleister Crowley… He was a member of the Royal Society and Eugenics Education Society with Oddfellow Winston ChurchillMargaret SangerCyril Burt, Hans Eynsenck (student of Burt), Madison GrantJohn Harvey KelloggRoger Pearson (Order of Malta), John Maynard Keynes, Frederick Osborn (APSPioneer Fund), William Beveride (British Welfare State of the Fabians), Havelock Ellis and Julian Huxley (founder of WWF) as president.


I think at this point you can see why the Brits had a vested interest in trade routes through the middle east. AND that they were willing to fight to get control of those routes. Given India has played a central role in this drama, I am going to use an article by Frontier India News Network

All you should know about the Israeli Ben Gurion Canal project

The Israelis are promoting a Red Sea-Mediterranean Sea waterway, the Ben Gurion Canal, as a rival to the Suez Canal. As per the Israelis, the distance between Eilat, a southern Israeli port and resort town on the Red Sea near Jordan, and the Mediterranean is not long and is in fact similar to the distance of the Suez connection between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.

Although it poses a direct threat to Egypt’s Suez Canal but Suez Canal is shorter than the Israeli route and the Suez Canal rarely reaches 100 meters in height making it a better option. At the same time, Israel says this route is good for the ships which are unable to transit the Suez Canal due to restrictions on the size of the ship.

History of Canal proposals via Israel

👉In the mid-1800, the British considered the proposal of a canal to the Red Sea via the Dead Sea. In 1855, Rear Admiral William Allen FRS, an English naval officer and an explorer proposed an alternative to the Suez Canal titled “The Dead Sea – A new route to India.”👈 But William Allen did not know that the dead Sea was much below sea level. His idea was that a canal that would connect the three water bodies, Red Sea, Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, would be cheaper than the projected Suez Canal. The US toyed with the idea of digging a canal opposite the Suez Canal in 1963. It was recommended in a memo submitted by Lawrence Livermore Patriot Laps in the US as a response to the decision taken by the Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser to nationalize the Suez Canal in 1956. The controversial plan was revealed to the world only in 1994. The controversial US proposal involved 520 nuclear blasts to excavate more than 160 odd miles through Israel’s Negev desert, instead of traditional methods. The contentious proposal also noted that the project will be aggressively opposed by the Arab states. The canal would connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Aqaba (also called the Gulf of Eilat) and thus the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

The Modern Proposal

The idea of Ben Gurion canal has surfaced at a time when the Abraham Accords have radically changed the political landscape of the sensitive region. On 20th October 2020, the unthinkable happened when the Israeli state-owned Europe Asia Pipeline Company (EAPC) and the UAE-based MED-RED Land Bridge inked an arrangement to use the Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline to move oil from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.

On 2 April 2021, Israel announced that work on the Ben Gurion Canal is expected to begin by June 2021. The initial reference to the Ben Gurion Canal was published about two years back in Hebrew language publications. As per the sources, Israel will build the canal from Eilat on the Red Sea to Mediterranean….

GlobalResearch: Video: Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane? The Ben Gurion Canal Linking the Eastern Mediterranean to the Gulf of Aqaba

Incisive and carefully documented geopolitical analysis by Richard Medhurst pertaining to the building of the Ben Gurion Canal linking the Eastern Mediterranean to the Gulf of Aqaba. 

The Ben Gurion Canal Project was initially a “secret” (classified) U.S. project formulated in 1963 by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LLNG, a strategic think tank (focussing on nuclear radiation) on contract with the U.S Department of Energy. The LLNG project was formulated in response to the nationalization of the Suez Canal in July 1956 by President Gamal Abdel Nasser (1956-1970). Its intent was to bypass the Suez Canal.

According to the “classified” document prepared by the LLNG (1963) quoted by Business Insider, July 2023, a strategic plan was envisaged:

to blast an alternative Suez Canal through Israel using 520 nuclear bombs”.

The plan consisted in using 520 buried nuclear explosions “to help in the excavation process through the hills in the Negev Desert. The document was declassified in 1993”.  I have not been able to consult the “declassified” LLNG document.

The declassified document is acknowledged in Richard Medhurst’s video. 

This U.S. plan, first negotiated with Israel in the 1960s is of utmost relevance to unfolding events in Palestine.

It’s objective is to achieve US-Israeli Maritime Dominance against the people of the Middle East. In the context of a broader US-led Middle East War, the Ben Gurion Canal Project is part of America’s hegemonic military agenda. It is consistent with Netanyahu’s “Plan to Wipe Palestine Off the Map”: 

The Ben Gurion Canal will give Israel in particular and other friendly nations the freedom from blackmail arising out of access to the Suez Canal.

Arab states have been leveraging the Red Sea to pressure Israel and in response, Israel has decided to gain more control of the Red Sea. These African countries have cultural and economic affinities with the Arab states. One of the main military benefits for Israel is that it gives Israel the strategic options as the Ben Gurion Canal will totally take away the importance of Suez for the US military if needed in the aid for Israel.

Israel aims to push Egypt further into a corner by eliminating Suez in the global trade and energy corridor and becoming a global trade and energy logistics center.

Experts are of the opinion that this situation will shake the strategic-energy balance of China’s Belt and Road Project initiative in the Mediterranean, along with the Strait of Hormuz, which is the transfer point of 30 percent of the world’s energy. The Ben Gurion Canal would have the solid backing of the West. (Eurasia Review, November 7, 2023, emphasis added)

President Biden is broadly supportive of the Israeli led genocide. Visibly what is at stake is a U.S. hegemonic project which seeks the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland and the appropriation of all Palestinian lands.

According to Yvonne Ridley:

👉“The only thing stopping the newly-revised [Ben Gurion Canal] project from being revived and rubber-stamped is the presence of the Palestinians in Gaza. As far as Netanyahu is concerned they are standing in the way of the project👈 (Yvonne Ridley, November 10, 2023, emphasis added)….

Puts an interesting spin on the current Gaza war does it not? And then you can add in this:

Why Israel Created Hamas — Swiss Policy Research

Insider insights into the creation of Hamas – and other designated terrorist groups.

* * *

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.” – Benjamin Netanyahu (2019)

“In the visible dimension Hamas is an enemy, in the hidden dimension it is an ally.”
– IDF Major General Gershon Hacohen (2019)

“Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet.”
– Charles Freeman, US diplomat and ambassador (2006)

* * *

A. Why Israel helped create Hamas

Since the founding of Hamas in 1987, Israeli, American and Palestinian officials have repeatedly acknowledged that Israel did indeed help create and fund the Islamist group.

The point made by many of these officials is not that Israel “allowed” the rise of Hamas or that Hamas emerged in response to Israeli “occupation” of Palestine. Rather, their point was and is that Israel’s intelligence agencies actively helped create and finance the Hamas group.

As the officials cited below make clear, the overall goal of supporting Hamas has been to thwart the creation of a Palestinian state and avert the implementation of a two-state solution to the Palestine question. From Israel’s perspective, a two-state solution would reduce Israel’s territory to the internationally recognized pre-1967 borders, prohibit any future territorial expansion, and prevent the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city.

More specifically, supporting the Islamist Hamas group has served several Israeli objectives at once: first, it undermined Yasser Arafat’s secular nationalist PLO; second, it helped prevent the implementation of the 1993 Oslo Accords; third, it undermined the Palestinian National Authority and isolated Gaza from the Westbank; fourth, it impeded Western support for the Palestinian cause; and fifth, it justified Israeli (counter-)attacks on Palestinian territory…

Given the above and the desire for the new canal, this Jerusalem Post article makes sense.

With that as background, these articles by a French socialist clicks into place.

First, what does he mean by ‘Straussians’?

William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard is one of Leo Strauss’s acolytes. “…Strauss was a German Jewish émigré who arrived in the United States during the rise of fascism in Germany…. He instilled a cult-like devotion in his students—who became known as the Straussians…” LINK

The coup d’état of the Straussians in Israel

by Thierry Meyssan French journalist and political activist of the Left.

March 7 2023

While observers predicted a war of Israel against one of its neighbors, the Hebrew State is not attacked from anywhere. It has opponents, but no enemy, except itself. Its political organization is not defined by any constitution and is therefore easy to overthrow. The Straussians, who are in power in the State Department and the White House, are now driving the change of its regime. [He is talking about Biden -GC] Demonstrations are taking place throughout the country to prevent the country from becoming, in the words of a former Mossad director, “a racist and violent state that cannot survive. But it is probably already too late...

Most of the Federalist Society’s adherents are just conservative or libertarian lawyers. They were only concerned with family law and economic law. However, within the Society, a small group became involved in international politics. It is this group that influences Israel today. In the United States, it first succeeded in making “American exceptionalism” triumph .  [4].

This school of thought refuses to apply international treaties in domestic law; judges the behaviour of others harshly, but absolves Americans who do the same on principle; and refuses to allow any international jurisdiction to take an interest in its internal affairs. In short, it believes that, for religious reasons, the United States is not comparable to other states and should not be subject to any international law…. (See TheseTruths comment from  February 17, 2025)

The other major struggle of this Federalist Society group was to overturn the “non-delegation doctrine. American jurists believed that the separation of constitutional powers did not allow the executive to encroach on the privileges of the legislature and to define the criteria for the application of a law. Now, the opposite is true: the separation of powers prohibits the Legislative branch from interfering with the activities of the Executive branch. The Congress thus loses its power to control the White House. It is on the basis of this sleight of hand that President George W. Bush was able to launch a series of wars and to generalize torture.

The links between this Federalist Society group and the Israeli Likud are not new. In 2003, Elliott Abrams organized the Jerusalem Summit with the participation of almost all Israeli political groups. He said that there would be no peace in the world until Israel crushes the Palestinians’ demands…

Bezalel Smotrich sees the Arabs as wild animals that must be tamed by force. But the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, approaches the issue from a different point of view. For him, God gave the land to the Jews who must expel the Arab squatters from it. Regardless of the points of view, all members of the coalition agree on one thing: the government is sovereign and should not be restricted by laws. This suits Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is under judicial investigation.

👉What is going on in Israel is not just about Israelis and Palestinians. Elliott Abrams is a historic Straussian, even more so than the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and his deputy, Victoria Nuland. It is therefore foreseeable that if the “reform” of the Israeli justice system continues, the new regime will be fully aligned with the positions of the Straussians.👈 For the time being, Israel refuses to send arms to Ukraine according to the principle of General Benny Gantz: “No Israeli arms should reach the mass murderers of Jews”. The risk of an alliance between Ukrainian “integral nationalists”, American “Straussians” and Israeli “revisionist Zionists” has never been greater [6]. The United States has just banned the Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich, from visiting its territory. They still sanction his racist remarks, but for how long?

Do not forget that Kissinger was an agent of the Brits. LINK And the upsurge of Islamic orthodoxy-whether of the Iran variety, or that of the more commonly known Muslim Brotherhood, or the Jamaati Islam of Pakistan, or even the mystical Sufi brotherhoods of Asia-is a project of the City of London. After all war is so very, very profitable.

The second article by Thierry Meyssan.

September 12, 2024

The recent general strike in Israel is not just a demonstration against the rhetoric that we shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists and that the IDF will release the hostages held in Gaza. It marks the beginning of a realization that Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is not defending Jews. While Jewish Israelis are not yet aware of the ethnic cleansing in Gaza, they are becoming aware of the anti-Arab pogroms in the West Bank. Gradually, they are beginning to admit that their enemies are not their neighbours, but are among them. These are the revisionist Zionists.

….As a result, the question we’ve been asking since mid-November[1]is also starting to resonate with Israelis:
👉 what if Benyamin Netanyahu wasn’t incompetent, but an accomplice in the attack?👈

I think we can make a very good guess as to the answer, Yes Netanyahu was fully on board with allowing the attack and the ‘Standown’ of Israel troops. Given 9/11 that should sound very familiar.
Since a lot of this has to do with the Rothschilds, I want to also add para59r comments to the end of this article.

last Wednesday brought in some solid evidence that suggests the Rothschilds are SATANIC rather than benign.

Oh and of course she didn’t mind people associating Baphomet with Satanism. The Rothchild’s loved that sort of thing.”

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DOGE now questions all of the governmental staff credit cards:

“The US government currently has ~4.6M active credit cards/accounts, which processed ~90M unique transactions for ~$40B of spend in FY24.

“DOGE is working w/ the agencies to simplify the program and reduce admin costs – we will report back in 1 week.”


I vet there is tons of abuse there.


I’ll see you and raise you one.

Going through credit card statements from each of the 4.6M accounts could reveal a lot of lunches and other things. How many staff members really need to go out to business lunches? Also, the clerical/accounting work required to examine and reconcile monthly statements, and to round up receipts from the card holders, would be quite time consuming. That’s just for starters.


One of the places where AI will be very useful is ensuring that all the staff lunches claimed at a particular venue do not exceed the reported sales for that venue.

Brave and Free

How about all the abuse of these cards for gas? Could AI reconcile gas receipts with actual mileage between work and home?


Work and home is non-deductible “commuting” and any employee reimbursement is additional taxable income.

This is normally gamed by declaring that your home office is your primary place of work and going to other locations is visiting remote work locations.


Speaking of home office. NOT looking for a reply.

Hoping Fiancé is enjoying her drive to the office every working day. Snails pace Silly Valley roads as they commonly are.

Maybe. Just maybe, NC is of more interest for Fiancé.


She hasn’t been driving in every day yet. This may be the first week.



Hope by some stroke of luck, Fiancé sees NC as a better option.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


IMO, GTFO and MCthGA in NC can’t happen without at least some FFAFO with CABS. But if MAGA makes VA too sensible too fast, and if HGS (hair gel Satan) fixes CABS too fast in the interest of becoming POTUS, GTFO is at risk!


wow…what language is that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A hybrid of TXT and WM! 😉


text and Walmart?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And on some days, Waste Management! 😂

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Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhhh. 237. The unHighway… eternal parking lot despite being revamped into a quasi freeway multiple times over the years…


wait…we have to pay for their gas to get to work?????


At some point [probably after the 2026 election], DJT is going to issue an executive order that ends fed govt – union collective bargaining. After that, he will issue another EO that bans striking by fed employees.

And then the swampy critters will make it into law.

Last edited 1 month ago by pgroup2



This was my very first thought. The meals. I can guarantee we are paying for daily lunch and dinner for thousands for no reason.


At only the finest restaurants, with the highest prices.


“I bet,” LOL.


It’s good to vet all potential abuses.  😉 


Government credit cards are largely stoopid, make work for bureaucrats. Obviously fraud all too easy.

Several of the positions I had as a GS, we were required to have and use government credit card for hotels, rental car, gas for it.

Never met someone that liked the requirement, to use the federal credit card. PIA.

Eliminate the mandatory use of government credit cards would eliminate thousands of federal positions around the globe.

  • Perhaps exceed ten thousand positions.
  • Many of those positions managing government credit cards, likely transitioned to work at home jobs. Until 6 February of this year.

Normally, expenses are run on personal credit cards and reimbursed in the next pay period. If the employees have sufficient credit, this may lead to airline perks, cashback bonuses, rewards points, and the like.

If the government hires people who don’t qualify for credit, they may need to provide government credit cards. The employees don’t get rebates, cashback bonuses, rewards points, or airline perks, and must justify their expenses qualify under policy……

…..until things get corrupt……


Once upon a time. Government credit cards were NOT required to be. BOTH

  1. Issued to government employees for travel.
  2. Used for official expenses. Hotel, rental car.

THEN, this happened. “……..until things get corrupt…”


Every day I’m Screaming – WTF!!!
We’re on board watching this train wreck from miles away.
We need politician arrests, abusers perp walked and convictions!
Meanwhile we are justifying our receipts to PAY OUR TAXES on April 15th!
I’m so pissed.
Thank You Gail, you are a Q-Treasure.


Zero government employees need credit cards. I never had a credit card anywhere that I worked, the very idea of it would have been laughable.

If I had to buy something for the company, I paid for it, got a receipt, and was reimbursed.

If it was something that cost more than I could afford, the company wrote a check and paid direct.

Giving credit cards out to government employees is insane. They don’t deserve trust and they have zero motivation to use discretion. What they need is constant oversight to keep from doing wrong, and the best oversight of all is to not have the temptation to spend taxpayer money on CREDIT CARDS in the first place.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I did have a company push an American Express credit card on me to be used for travel.

They wouldn’t send me any notification of when the payment was due and of course it’s AmEx and you’re required to pay the whole thing off almost immediately. And yes, I had to pay it, not them; and get reimbursed

I’d rather have just used my own card and get reimbursed; if the reimbursement doesn’t get to me quickly enough it’s not a credit score crisis.

Honestly I can’t see why corporate types like it…it has fees. Maybe AmEx fellated the right executive at my company.


Another deep dive into history…that I’m going to read later. Thank you, Gail.

Meanwhile, Catturd:

Whoa – Wiggles’ shadow looks exactly like a male lion – 😳

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Democrats are currently fighting, shouting, and throwing toddler fits because …

– Violent illegal criminals are being deported.

– Billions of dollars of waste and fraud are being exposed.

– Federal employees actually have to show up for work.

– Trump is trying to broker a peace deal between Ukraine/ Russia.

– Grown men can’t compete against women in sports.

Just in case you’re wondering why Democrats have a 30% national approval rating and have zero power in our government.


Trump isn’t “trying” to broker a peace deal with Ukraine. He is ending the CIA’s clandestine war against Russia taking place in Ukraine.

And there are going to be a LOT of IC officials going to prison in the next few years.


That would be a good thing.


I would love to be able to attend their sentencings.

Barb Meier

Wouldn’t we all?


At first I read that as seances and thought, woah, already planning their demise at the hands of justice are you?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check out this comment I grabbed from a leftist bluesky gal’s YouTube channel. She was decrying a survey in Iowa from a school district asking for public comment on curriculum changes, and noted that the terms “evolution” and “climate change” had been changed to “biological change” and “climate trends”. Otherwise no real change. People aren’t sure if this is retreat or cover-up (like renaming DEI).

99% of the comments were “woe is us, the end is nigh, Trump is destroying America”, we’re devolving, the religious right is…..” yada yada yada.

Then this comment.

imagine the board of EDUCATION asking the PUBLIC what they want to be educated about……….. we live in a clown world

I’m having legitimate trouble telling whether this comment is an ironic statement from somebody on our side, or a left-fascist progzi decrying the public having the temerity to think they are qualified to tell public education what to do.

I will agree with one thing – clown world still operating.

Robert Baker

I’m having legitimate trouble telling whether this comment is an ironic statement from somebody on our side, or a left-fascist progzi decrying the public having the temerity to think they are qualified to tell public education what to do.

A primary weakness of text. Without audible clues it can be difficult to separate the ironic from the forthright.


That’s why there’s a winking eye emoji. In various sizes.  😉 


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This does touch a real issue.

If you don’t know something, how can you know whether you should know it? Or whether your kids should know it?

If someone else who knows it thinks your kids should know it, how can you be confident they aren’t right, if you yourself don’t know what it is?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Exposure is critical, but IMO parents are a needed and natural filter. Imperfect, but also critical.

This is why we have boards of education – to hash this out. It’s an imperfect solution, but it’s a working solution, IMO. Well, more or less. When Merrick Garland went after school board parents, we were definitely at a low point. It was a big part of Trump getting re-elected, IMO, and maybe the left should contemplate that.

And THAT is why teachers unions, pedophiles, alphabet people, Democrats, left-activists, right-activists, greater academia, and the education-indoctrination complex (textbook complex) are all constantly trying to influence school boards.

And parents – although their power to influence school boards is sometimes severely limited, if not actually made illegal by leftists.

It’s a mess. And it’s political as hell, even though it’s not supposed to be. But the reality is that school boards are where the rubber of local, regional and state politics hits the road of families who both vote and become politically active when pissed off.

My personal view is that the LIBRARY being a different thing from the CLASSROOM is the answer, and that LIBRARY freedom needs to include (often with parental control and permission) access to a very wide range of materials.

Classrooms? Different. That gets tougher. And SCHOOL CHOICE is essential to let people RUN from their bluesky-howling neighbors’ favorite purple-haired teachers injecting race into math. Or vice versa, when purple-haired alphabet mom goes into anxious depression over cross-wearing biology teacher who skipped the evolution section.

School choice! Essential! Not perfect, but essential.


Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson

Senator John Kennedy says what we all are thinking: 

“Democrats just gotta try harder not to suck.”


No. Please No.

Let the Dumrats suckage accelerate. Flush themselves.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

I agree. I want them to be giant vacuum cleaners of suckage.


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I don’t know anything about Lutnick except that he’s a wealtny financier, so I’m wondering what the Dems have against him except orange man bad.


Doing the math, notice the likely “Nays” that didn’t vote. Where were they?  🤔 


Just so we don’t forget the tragic legacy of Cantor Fitzgerald:

On September 11, 2001, 658 Cantor Fitzgerald employees died when a hijacked plane hit the World Trade Center. This was more than any other employer on that day. 

What happened?

  • The investment bank was located on floors 101–105 of One World Trade Center. 
  • Nearly 700 of the 1,000 New York C-F employees were at their desks when the plane hit. 
  • Lutnick was dropping off his son at kindergarten when the tower was hit.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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“must clean house”

He should call it what it is.

An exorcism.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. Can’t leave any embeds.


lol – CO Attorney General axed too? There goes his run to CO Governor.
I guess he could travel the state on his own dime for the next two years.

Barb Meier

Fox News, Colorado poised to ban sale of AR-15s, other rifles and shotguns with extended mags

Alec Schemmel

Wed, February 19, 2025 at 11:04 AM CST


They just like to get their hand slapped by the Supreme Court or something. What’s their problem.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Jared Polis and democrat majorities.

I am honestly surprised this didn’t happen sooner.


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Another ugly dim whacko who refused to take her husband’s last name.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It all comes back to cleaning the election system nationwide and continuing the winning that has already been implemented. People like that ugly POS should never be elected to anything – ever.

Cuppa Covfefe

Goodness knows we have TONS of them over here… most of whom have no progeny, so they don’t have to worry about future generations…


People like this governor need to be utterly sidelined until they can be voted out of office.

The days of the screeching harpy leftist woman must end.



Cuppa Covfefe

Ohhhhh, what an ugly man….

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

The Nuge!!!

Cat Scratch Fever!

If VSGPOTUSDJT hosted Ted Nugent and Elon Musk at the same time, it’d be the Doge and the Nuge!

Last edited 1 month ago by cthulhu

It’s the perfect response to liberal argument.

”I’m sorry, I don’t speak sheep.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Golden. Never gets old.


Meet May. She just turned 329 years old. She watched her husband throw tea off ships in Boston Harbor, lost her son in the Civil War, and survived the Titanic after nearly drowning. She’s been through a lot. Elon Musk just stopped her Social Security checks.

How could Elon do this?!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She used to shine Louis XIV’s shoes, and was a camp follower at the Battle of Poltava, too.


A regular Forrest Gump!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She was already an old biddy at the Tea Party.


I was gonna ask what her skin care regimen was, but then I realized it’s called taxidermy.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



 😂  🍵 


Oh, interesting! Chaya is also Libs of TikTok!

Last edited 1 month ago by MarieUrsula



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More importantly…

Who is receiving the monies and casting the votes of these 20M dead people?


We do need to find the cheaters and prosecute them.

I’ve heard Dave of X22 Report theorize that it’s also about ballots as well as — and even in some cases instead of — votes. I think he means that the cheaters produce ballots that aren’t even attached to voters and feed them into the machines. There was a lot less of that in 2024 because of everything we had learned, and that needs to be standard operating procedure going forward.


GONNA NEED BIGGER PRISONS – or just to save money and use up nearly expired bullets – employ firing squads.

That should deter further cheating.

If they don’t fear GOD – let them fear certain death.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That will require care in placement of the pikes.

We’ve been envisioning putting them along the Mall but Congresspukes might not see them there. OTOH the heads on pikes would be great for tourism, which centers on the Mall.

I suggest we do both the Mall and near the congressional office buildings.

Cuppa Covfefe

Make them into task lights at their desks and next to their seats in Congress…


there’s got to be a trail.


This is a very good interview of Rudy Giuliani by former generational mobster Michael Franzese (whom Rudy prosecuted many years ago). Among other things, Rudy and Michael agree that justice must be done for the Biden Crime Family (Rudy coined that term). c. 53 minutes.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarieUrsula
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


More good news from Trump’s DOJ.

Blomberg confirms that associate deputy AG Bradley Weinsheimer, considered Lisa Monaco’s right-hand man, has been removed from his post. A 30+-year veteran of the DOJ, Weinsheimer was given the option of moving to a new immigration enforcement office or resign/be fired.

Weinsheimer was involved in the Hunter Biden matter, running interference for the Bidens and going over the head of Special Counsel David Weiss.

According to a 2023 New York Post article, Weinsheimer was “a conduit for Hunter Biden’s legal team in the final stretch of the tax fraud investigation” proving that main Justice–or at least Monaco and Weinsheimer–were really in charge, not Weiss.

After lawyers for IRS whistleblowers who later testified to the political nature of DOJ decision making in the Biden investigation, contacted Weinsheimer–the alleged “nonpartisan” DOJ official in charge of handling whistleblower complaints to ensure protection for those employees–Weinsheimer met with Weiss and Hunter Biden’s attorney.

One day later, according to lawyers for the IRS whistleblowers, “Weinsheimer scheduled a meeting with Mr. Biden’s defense counsel to appeal over the head of Mr. Weiss in a way that was totally at odds with the narrative that David Weiss was acting independently.

The Deputy Attorney General’s office then claimed to us it was genuinely interested in addressing the whistleblower’s allegations, without disclosing its meeting with Hunter Biden’s lawyers. We now know that shortly after that meeting Weiss’s assistant [Lesley Wolf] offered to end the case with no guilty plea at all on the very same day that DOJ removed our client and his entire IRS team from the case.”

Weinsheimer also wrote a five-page letter to Congress restricting the testimony of Wolf, another DOJ official protecting the Bidens. On at least 79 occasions, Wolf cited Weinsheimer’s letter as an excuse to refuse to answer Congress’ questions as to her role on the investigation.

Good riddance, Brad!

9:14 AM · Feb 18, 2025


Last edited 1 month ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow, reading that name, I think of the term “Weisenheimer” that we used way back when to denote a smartass… seems to fit, in this case…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! I remember that!


Probably a great grandfather who was just as sleazy as this PoS. .




Back in 2017, Steve Mnuchin and Mitch McConnell visited Fort Knox For some strange reason, all the photos from inside the one vault they entered are in black and white… Why in the world would they only want black and white photos? Also, the more I’m reading up on the “audit” that allegedly occured in 1953, the more it all seems like BS… —— Journalists during that time believed the vault may have been bled dry due to WW2… —— Reports say the “audit” was only a “Spot Check” of only 6% of the Gold. DOGE should definitely audit Fort Knock, YES?


has anyone heard of Thieves Oil?


Yes, but I have never tried it and don’t recall the exact ingredients at the moment. It’s one of those things on my would-like-to-try-when-I-don’t-have -so-much-other-stuff-going-on list.



Last edited 1 month ago by GrammyInD

Not until your post. Thought it was a joke. Until Grammy chimed in.

Search has a gazillion (yes I counted them) hits. Here is one. Prolly as far as I can go on this. Did not read the article. But I’ll read other posts on this.

The Story of Thieves – A Historic Essential Oil Blend


Ok, so your question encouraged me to finally put in an order for a random mixture of thieves oil that had good reviews. I am on my 3rd bout of flu since early December although I am taking all kinds of precautions, including vitamin I. Much milder this time but I have about had it with being sick. I am also flying to the US next week and could use a few weeks of normal health while there! So I guess it won’t hurt to add one more thing to my regimen.


so it actually has beneficial uses?
I saw it on a site (on a side column which made me think it was just an ad).
i will have to do some research on this then…thanks!!
have a safe trip!!


It seems to be very versatile in how you can use it: steam inhalation, diffuser, mixed with a carrier oll for topical etc. The ingredients are known to be anti-viral and anti-bacterial and a few other things: eucalyptus, clove, cinnamon bark and leaf, lemon and rosemary essential oils.
I always read the amazon reviews on stuff like this before buying and there are some good tips there by people who have ordered this brand or the other.




When it seems like a good idea (sore throat, recent public outings) I sometimes take a blend that is in a capsule. I keep a bottle around and don’t use it very much, just when it seems like a good idea. It’s food grade. Called Inner Defense. Some of my family used some drops in a pot of steaming water with a spoon of apple cider vinegar (every couple of hours) back in winter of 2020. It was pretty much their only treatment for what was called covid later on.

Last edited 1 month ago by Gudthots

Next week will be warmer than this really cold week. 26 now. Tomorrow morning 16. Yea, many, many areas colder. Still damn cold.

Travel safe and get healthy.


Thank you, will try to!


Flying from where, if you don’t mind my asking?


Overseas 😆  I have my reasons for not sharing more.

Last edited 1 month ago by GrammyInD

don’t worry…we have been keeping tabs on you Natasha!



Last edited 1 month ago by GrammyInD


Cuppa Covfefe

Why? Wasn’t Boris Badenov? 😆


too busy chasing Moose and Squirrel


We use it all of the time for personal health. I used it on my throat area during the Type A flu I just got over. It reduced my coughing at night. They make an excellent cough drop with it as well. They also make excellent cleaning products in Thieves. Wifey is an essential oils expert. She uses Young Living products.


the “lore” behind the name intrigued me. thieves would mix up this combination of oils so they could rob the dead corpses during the plague and not get infected.


I’m really bad. Bad to the core. Your post made me literally laugh out loud.


lol…I’m being serious though. that’s what i read.

Cuppa Covfefe

Press corpse??? 😀


rest in peace corpse


A disgusting story actually.


That there is an endorsement. Paying attention now.

Learn stuff here QTree every day. Amazing.


I had heard of Thieves through someone I know who uses Young Living products. Their RC oil is good to rub on the chest and lymph nodes when you have a cough or sore throat.


From American Thinker
It’s official: We live under the most bought-off Congress in history
By Olivia Murray
It’s official: We live under the most bought-off Congress in American history. Last year, lobbyists spent more than $4.4 billion on greasing the skids of our ostensible representatives, which was a “$150 million surge” from the previous year (2023).
Indy Scholten’s new report at OpenSecrets used data from the Senate Office of Public Records to determine that since 2015, or over the last ten years, more than $37 billion have flowed into Washington.
Let’s look at this data another way: If you were to determine a rough annual average, that means lobbyists consistently funneled $3.7 billion to Washington’s movers and shakers per year; if you divide that number between the 535 lawmakers, you get almost $700k per individual, per year.
Any guesses on which industry spends the most? Here’s a hint: Consider the absolute windfall one particular industry got over the past four years with a certain virus coupled with a very friendly Congress, and the viciousness of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s confirmation hearing.
If you guessed the pharmaceutical industry, you’d be correct, which spent roughly $385 million, and let me tell you, they really overpaid. Elizabeth Warren? Bernie Sanders? Sure these people vote exactly how Big Pharma wants them to, but they’re embarrassingly stupid.
Scholten also pointed out that the “most heavily lobbied legislation” was the Defense Department authorization bill (NDAA); the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Mike Rogers, is a “Republican” from Alabama who reportedly took home $165k from ActBlue just last year alone and yes, you read that right, the same ActBlue that’s the official fundraising platform for Democrats; Rogers also raked in the most money out of all Alabama’s federal lawmakers from Lockheed Martin in 2022.
Nevermind that the Pentagon has never passed an audit, because defense contractors are due for another payday!
I like that old suggestion about making members of Congress wear sponsorship jackets, so we know whose interests they’re actually fighting for.


So that’s one way that Congress gets rich. Taking money from lobbyists should be outlawed.


February 19, 2025 6:20 am

Judicial Watch Sues Pentagon for Records on Milley Jan 6 Calls
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today [February 18] that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense for information about two conference calls involving then-Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Mark Milley with the Departments of Justice, Interior and Homeland Security regarding coordination for the January 6, 2021, election certification (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Defense (No. 1:25-cv-00439)).
 Judicial Watch filed suit after the Defense Department failed to respond to a December 19, 2024, FOIA request for:
Records and communications about two conference calls hosted by former Department of Defense employees Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, then Secretary of Army Ryan McCarthy, and then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff General Mark Milley on January 3rd and January 4th, 2021, with the Department of Justice, Department of Interior, and Department of Homeland Security. The subject of these conference calls was coordination for and the common operating picture for the January 6, 2021, Electoral Certification taking place at the United States Capitol building in Washington, DC.
In testimony to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack, Milley stated:
So there was a series of meetings prior to the 6th — and we can get you the exact dates and who’s in the meetings, et cetera — interagency meetings, with Acting SecDef Miller [and others]. And I’m involved in those meetings as well. These are in the end of December, so to speak, and then they go all the way up through, I want to say, the 2nd or 3rd or maybe 4th or something like that of January. These are telephonic conference calls to try to figure out exactly what the security measures are going to be for the 6th.
“General Mark Milley and many Deep Staters at the Pentagon hated President Trump, so their role in January 6 is well worth exploring,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth should order full transparency and disclosure.” 
In December 2024, Judicial Watch sued the U.S. Department of Justice for details of a reported meeting between Attorney General Merrick Garland and. Milley in which they discussed President Trump and during which General Milley pressured Garland to target American “far right” militia movements.
Judicial Watch Sues Pentagon for Records on Milley Jan 6 Calls | Judicial Watch



Verse of the Day for Wednesday, February 19, 2025

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” 

Proverbs 9:10 (KJV)

Commentary for Proverbs 9

The invitations of Wisdom. (1-12) The invitations of folly. (13-18)1-12 Christ has prepared ordinances to which his people are admitted, and by which nourishment is given here to those that believe in him, as well as mansions in heaven hereafter. The ministers of the gospel go forth to invite the guests. The call is general, and shuts out none that do not shut out themselves. Our Saviour came, not to call the righteous, but sinners; not the wise in their own eyes, who say they see. We must keep from the company and foolish pleasures of the ungodly, or we never can enjoy the pleasures of a holy life. It is vain to seek the company of wicked men in the hope of doing them good; we are far more likely to be corrupted by them. It is not enough to forsake the foolish, we must join those that walk in wisdom. There is no true wisdom but in the way of religion, no true life but in the end of that way. Here is the happiness of those that embrace it. A man cannot be profitable to God; it is for our own good. Observe the shame and ruin of those who slight it. God is not the Author of sin: and Satan can only tempt, he cannot force. Thou shalt bear the loss of that which thou scornest: it will add to thy condemnation.

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.







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You open your eyes to a brand new day
And God is right there to make straight your way
Enveloped in His Fatherly embrace
He guides you to this wonderful place

With coffee in hand or maybe some tea
God brings us here to share and be
Cantankerous cats or Daily Devotional
Excites elicits the emotional

Giggles galore tickle the funny bone
To Magnificent Music you are prone
As you don your Armor you will see
Protected and secure you will be

Each one chimes in to cheerfully greet you
They lift up your spirits then to meet you
With sunrises flowers stained glass windows
One by one they emerge from the shadows

Sometimes they will tell a story or two
Something uncanny meant to amuse you
They tug at your heartstrings oh yes they will
Bring you right back with unparalleled skill

So rev up your computer – Come and see
What a wonderful place this happens to be
Do not hang from your branch upside down
Turn that around get rid of the frown

Do not worry – be happy – we’re here to help
No need to shout out or screech yell or yelp
We have experienced life at its worst
And at its best we are all well versed

So come and join us for the verse of the day
Bring your coffee tea with whatever you may
Give God all the Honor Glory and Praise
For it is to Him our voices we raise!

D01: 05/01/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms






You are one amazing homesteading farm woman!


Hollywood elites essentially HATE Christianity and it shows in the upcoming Jesus Christ Superstar production casting:

Hollywood’s “Jesus” Is a Bald, Black, Hyper-Radical Queer Woman


Fits right in, doesn’t she?


I was shocked the first time when they cast her as the star of “Wicked”. Having read the book there was no way I’d see that.

It was rather a good fiction book and kicked off a new stream of other books following a revisionist history.

The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West , published in 1995, written by Gregory Maguire with illustrations by Douglas Smith. It is the first in The Wicked Years series, and was followed by Son of a Witch, A Lion Among Men, and Out of Oz. Wicked is a darker and more adult-themed revisionist exploration of the characters and setting of the 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, its sequels, and the 1939 film adaptation

I read the second in the series but it seemed to be getting a bit too silly so quit.
“Grendel” a new take on the Beowulf classic, was another one done in similar style that was quite good but their quickly appeared similar versions by different authors so I can’t remember quickly which one I liked.


This is so blasphemous and just outright dumb.

For one thing, with that bull ring through her nose, she looks like a slave. Which is kind of a weird look to shoot for, for a black lady.

For another thing, Jesus was a MAN.

But these sinful weirdos will get their due in God’s time.


Hilarious rant. Bonus. Messaging on t-shirt.


Just keep on bringing it!!! Thank you, Gail!!!


WRT the Ft Knox gold “audit” –

It might not be an impossible task for fraudsters to ship in piles of gold not owned by the U.S. in order to prove that “See. We’ve got XXX tons of gold, exactly the amout we’re supposed to have.”

The key, of course, is to audit and verify the documents that prove that the gold is U.S. gold . . . notwithstanding that those documents could be excellent fraudulent forgeries.


To do a real audit that I will believe, they’d have to melt it all down and re-cast it into new ingots. To do that transparently requires 24/7 video feeds and a group of independent gold experts watching the actual process.

Too much trouble? Too fucking bad. It wasn’t me that made the govt into a thief.


From Project Constitution on X

BREAKING: The NTSB just dropped the Blackhawk helicopter’s black box recordings from the deadly Washington, DC crash with a commercial jet—and it’s a jaw-dropper. Here’s what it tells us:
 Altitude Chaos: The chopper’s altimeter was off—way off. Pilot read 300 feet, instructor saw 400, but the real number? 278 feet—well above the 200-foot ceiling. They were flying blind on bad data.
 Missed Calls: Air traffic control screamed “pass behind the jet”—but the pilots didn’t hear it. The mic was keyed at the worst moment, drowning out the warning. Seconds later? Boom.
 Last-Second Panic: The jet’s pilots tried to pull up—nose pitched up just before impact. Too late. The Blackhawk crew? No clue what hit them ‘til it did.
 Night Vision Goggles: They were wearing them, but did they obscure the jet’s lights? Experts say it’s possible they locked onto the wrong target in DC’s crowded skies.
This wasn’t just one mistake—it was a cascade of failures. 67 lives gone. NTSB says a prelim report’s coming soon, but this black box is already screaming: something was seriously broken that night. Share this—people need to know.
Check out @Brian.Murray on Youtube for more great insight like this.

If you have ever flown in/out of Reagan you know how stupid all of this is. No “training” mission should ever be flown anywhere near there until the last commercial flight of the night has been flown. So basically for about a 4 hour window after midnight.

Total clusterf–k that cost the lives of 67 people. Disgusting.


As part of our after take-off routine, we cross checked the aircraft altimeter with our radar altimeter. I don’t know if the helo had a radar altimeter or whether a cross check between the two was part of their routine.


Is it possible that the altimeter was hacked via satellite?

Regarding the ‘keyed’ mike stepping on the tower transmission, I have experience with that. I formerly drove a cab [before widespread cellphone use] and every once in awhile we’d hire somebody who would hold the mike in hand while driving. The thumb of the newbee sometimes involuntarily depressed the ‘talk’ button [thus locking the system]. We’d all be stuck until s/he decided to hang up the mike.

The customers waiting on taxicabs were PISSED.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Is it possible that the altimeter was hacked via satellite?

If it’s the kind that was in my old airplane, no effing way. Purely mechanical, no electronics at all. The slang is “steam gauges.”

And IIRC one like that must be installed in every airplane, even ones with “glass (electronic) cockpits as well. Even if I do recall correctly, that was 20 years ago.

Of course even if such an altimeter were present on the helicopter it must be manually adjusted for air pressure (towers announce the setting they should use, periodically) and the pilots would have to notice if was off compared to whatever other readouts are on the plane (or vice versa).

Last edited 1 month ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Tell them about:
-the accuracy of pressure altimeters
-how and why two different altimeters in the same cockpit can show a different altitude
-what is considered acceptable
-if 78’ is considered a significant deviation or not

Maybe they’ll listen to you.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t actually know any of that.

Except for how and why they might idffer…even if both are perfectly accurate. Altimeter setting for mmHg. I alluded to that already.

It’s just as well, because they wouldn’t listen to me either.

Really it’s just one guy who seems to have a religious conviction that this accident was a deliberate act.


FWIW, it’s called a “stuck mike”, or a “blocked transmission”.


Fortunately, it didn’t happen often enough to bother naming it.

We lucked out, mostly.  😐 


Good video on the last NTSB briefing that ended the preliminary investigation that summarizes it perfectly 5.5 minutes.

My take away as mentioned in a previous post was they were going to take a few months putting together a simulation of what the Helo pilots were seeing out the window.


Wow. So in the end, the fault of the blackhawk, even though altimeter was messed up?


The altimeter wasn’t messed up.

Here’s a question for the arm-chair experts with exactly 0 flight hrs opining here, with a preface…

We know the CRJ was EXACTLY where is was supposed to be on it’s final approach. The helo was 78’ high above a published 200’ ceiling.

Is 78’ an acceptable altitude separation between aircraft?

Hmmm. 🤔

Perhaps a better question is….

If both Route 4 and Rwy 33 is in use, what is the DCA tower procedure to ensure proper and acceptable separation between aircraft to ensure safety? Could it be that tower procedure was violated….that if one was in use, the other was prohibited?

But shoot….what do I know. 🤷‍♂️

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Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Zero flight hours here! I’ll play!

278 being a separation of 78? Seems more like -78!!! They’re in somebody else’s lane, right?

The plane should have been able to count on – what – 50 feet or more of separation? So maybe staying above 250 feet?

Would the helo ever be allowed to be over 200? So who is at fault? The tower for not calling out the helo error, or the helo for not staying at an altitude of 1XX?


Zero flight hours here! I’ll play!

That’s a big problem. You don’t know what you don’t know. 🤷‍♂️

Case in point….

78’ is nothing in aviation. Round it up to 100’. Your driveway is probably longer than that.

Ask Steve about how easy it is to be 78’ high over intended altitude flying at low level in gusty wind conditions, and then ask him if he thinks 50’ is an acceptable separation clearance on a final approach to a landing.

Who is at fault?

Can’t know that until we know what the DCA tower’s procedures were for the scenario that happened. See my questions above.

As it is, I know for an absolute fact that the controller SHOULD have said:

”Patriot 25, HALT your forward progress NOW! Break! Bluestreak 5342, go around!”

But 20/20 is hindsight.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – so where is the yellow line that the helo CANNOT cross? Is it really 200, or is it 300? If it’s really 200, then the helicopter better be staying down around 100 – right? Which is also 100 feet above the ground. Sounds risky.

Is the whole 200 thing wrong? Basically a dead man’s curve?

The fact that altimeters seem to be capable of being off by stuff in the 100 foot range – THAT is not good. If that’s normal, then the whole idea of allowing helos “below” 200 feet seems too close for comfort.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is all moot if either the helo or the jet was not supposed to be cleared to be where it was at the time of the mid-air.


My educated guess is that standard DCA tower procedure was violated. If helo Route 4 is in use, RWY 33 use is prohibited, or vice versa.

And you can absolutely COUNT on the fact that the govt will bend over backwards to avoid admitting it’s employee (the tower controller) was at fault. But they often are.

Check this out…

The controller cleared a SWA to takeoff when a Fed Ex was on short final. This was in IFR and low vis conditions, so no one could actually see anyone else.

Stuff like this happens all the time, but the public is unaware of it….until something happens. Then everyone has an opinion.

True story:

I recently heard from a friend who had an 80 yr old Karen accost him on his flight deck the other day, complaining that he MUST have been operating the aircraft in an unsafe and unprofessional manner by flying too fast. Her proof? They had arrived 30 min earlier than scheduled.

He answered her by asking her if she knew what a tailwind wind was, and it’s affect on an aircraft in flight. After educating her, she managed calmed down.

This kind of thing is very, very common.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotcha! Yeah, that felt very spooky when they told that SWA plane to roll out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – so is this right? The legit options would have been either…..

(1) tell the helo to avoid 33 in some fashion and switch the CJR to 33, quickly and maybe in either order


(2) do NOT switch the CJR from 1 to 33, and maybe tell the helo it’s too high

Bottom line, they can’t make the switch without getting that helo TH out of there.


Your question assumes that the controller REALIZED the impending situation with enough time to prevent it.

And the simplest answer, minimizing disruptions to airspace “flow”, would have been to tell the helo to halt it’s forward progress and hover until further instructed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this is starting to make sense. Altitude is “loosey-goosey” at levels way above the significant figures given. Basically hundreds of feet. Control has to be XYT when Z gets anywhere close together. Making science sense now.



“Separation” requirements must allow for altitude deviations caused by any number of factors…a gust of wind, a change in wind direction, pilot error, etc….. or a combination of these things.

There are also lateral separation requirements. For example, on a clear day under visual flight rules (VFR), landing aircraft must be separated by at least 3 nm (nautical miles). In instrument conditions (IFR), lateral separation is 5 nm. And Wx conditions can easily increase these minimums, such as for departing and arriving aircraft in stormy conditions. These separation requirements can cause significant delays.

But the flying public is generally unaware of these requirements, so they get all pissy and agitated when they are HERE flying to THERE, and the weather is great HERE but the weather is horrid THERE and they can’t understand why we haven’t taken off yet.

They don’t know what they don’t know. 🤷‍♂️

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would it be good or bad if, along with ads and other public service announcements (and horrible CNN), there were “educational” videos of such a nature on TVs in terminals? Or would that partial information just make people worse, on average? It sounds like it might make people more understanding that “it’s complicated”.



That has long been a topic of debate. But the collective wisdom of the industry is that it would create more problems than it would solve.

It’s just like the govt. 🤷‍♂️

An ignorant public is easier to deal with than an informed one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somebody should write a book for those who could be educated! 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I read a rather interesting one that walks you through everything that happens on a flight, walking you right up to the point where (in the description) you’re back to the step you started with.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OTOH As a passenger, I sometimes realize after the fact that I’ve been treated like a mushroom.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Oh, yeah that storm in Dallas with all the microbursts and lightning will TOTALLY clear out by the time we get there if we take off now.”


For those not aware, the microbursts can and have killed aircraft either taking off or landing. And even if the plane manages to land, you may have to sit out there on the tarmac because they can’t send the guys with the lights out during a thunderstorm as they understandably don’t want to be part of the path to ground. So you can literally be stuck a couple of hundred feet from your gate, due to weather.

Last edited 1 month ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe

That map shows a waterfowl sanctuary (yep, not related to the point at hand). Is that a good idea, considering that birds can cause problems? Kind of wondering if the greeniots installed another of their “bright ideas” there…

(since they installed a multi-million Euro toad/frog/whatever overpass over the B464 near Böblingen, they seem to be able to do stupid things all over the world…..)…..



Just ask CA Sully Sullenberger.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Or a jet engine.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, you are not supposed to use the engine as a blender.


Is that a good idea, considering that birds can cause problems? 

No. It isn’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds gangreenous.

Happy go lucky

Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines 😂


I doubt we get a clear resolution on this but they are going to take a few months putting together a simulation of what the Helo pilots were seeing out the window. Which means the NTSB has questions about that, or they need to satisfy the public on that.

Given the diagram of flight paths above it’s clear the two would have to be staring at each other for quite a period. As distances closed both should have become aware of the other. The plane however is descending and if they had sight of the helo it would not be a concern as it’s coming on straight from a much lower altitude as they descend and it’s turn to go into 33 should have left it behind and in a blind spot safely passed by or so the pilots of the plane would think.

However the helo who should have been able to see the plane getting larger and less confusing as to back ground lights, tacked toward the flight of the oncoming plane as we saw in other diagrams and then seemed to follow it like a guided missile until it struck with no deviations in their flight path.

Initially when the story broke it was proffered that the helo was confused about the planes intent, not aware of the runway change and they tried to avoid the plane by flying out over the river. This idea was dropped early for the obvious reason it would mean that the helo had sight of the plane.

I’m getting some satisfaction that they are going to try recreate what the helo could see. Hopefully it’s an honest assessment. You can see from the vid how big the windows are on the helo. We also know that helo made coarse changes just prior to the flight, meaning they were actively flying the helo prior to collision.

It just occurred to me that we don’t know which seat the White House aide was sitting in. If it was the side closer to the approaching plane, then we might have an idea why the other pilot did not see the plane.

Also made note from the vid, (actually from the press conference itself) that no one asked for the flight recorder to be played. It was only verbally briefed. The only new information from what has been played before, was about the discrepancy between altimeters being mentioned and that no follow up between pilots occurred. Seems they should have replayed the whole thing now that they have all that information.


I am with you on the training missions with commercial planes in the air. That is just unsafe and ridiculous.


Nick Sortor
🚨 This interview is hilarious 🤣

TRUMP: “Elon’s gonna go into orbit soon. He’s going to go to Mars.”

MUSK: “They ask me: Do you wanna die on Mars? And I say, ‘Well, yes, but not on impact.’”

These two are like bros 😂


Thats funny.


February 19, 2025 9:04 am

The Space Force motto is now Semper Venator (always the hunter)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHOA. That’s interesting.


Well…let’s not get carried away. This IS the fed govt we’re talking about. 🤷‍♂️


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Ooooh. I want a t-shirt!

Cuppa Covfefe

Doubles as a dish towel 😆


Gail Combs
Thank you for today’s post! A real eye-opener!
My question: How is it possible that anyone could come up with, let alone justify, a plan to create a “new, fake Suez Canal” (the Ben Gurion Canal) by exploding hundreds of buried nuclear bombs?

Last edited 1 month ago by PAVACA

Gail Combs
Thank you.
Good Lord.
That’s insanity on steroids.


If they did all that with nukes, whaddaya think they’ll “test” with AI?



Interesting. Trump has offered Mike Flynn ~10 jobs. Flynn turned Trump down.   :wpds_unamused: 

Wonder what jobs.
Surprised this Patriot to down a request to serve Trump, serve America.   :wpds_roll: 

I Love this Trump said he has offered General Mike Flynn 10+ jobs to work for him. We are back

We are taking back America

Happening Now: A Powerful Night at Mar-a-Lago!

President Donald J. Trump graced us with his presence. Thank you President Trump!

@LizCrokin @GenFlynn @LynzPiperLoomis @TedNugent @SunTzusWar @MikeTyson


Flynn turned Trump down.

As far as we know.

Gen. Flynn could easily be serving in a capacity unknown to us, by design.

Moreover, if he actually is not, I wouldn’t blame him one tiny, itty-bitty bit.

Btw, that video was taken during an event at MAL just after the election…in late Nov. I think.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed on both counts.

In the long scheme of things, Flynn drawing severe and backfiring leftist fire in early T45 resulted, in the long run, in T47. And the greatest irony is that the left will likely never connect what Flynn did, by just being there and taking the first and most vicious unjust hits, with what happened to them, when all those pterodactyls came home to roost.

In my opinion, every boot in the ass in DOJ right now is ultimately because of what they did to Flynn, to get to Trump. I think his job is done.


Well said.

And don’t forget about the multi-million $$ lawsuit Flynn has against the govt for it’s 🐂💩

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would say that lawsuit is a good use of his time!


100% legit.


Hopefully Flynn will reap a huge payout.


Hear hear!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

One might say (for his sacrificial role), “out like Flynn”…


Trump has offered Mike Flynn ~10 jobs. Flynn turned Trump down.

I had noticed that Flynn was not among the people PDJT chose for any of the job openings. I think confirmation hearings for Flynn would have been a nightmare. No doubt he is serving in some capacity, even if he is just continuing what he has been doing outside of the administration.


Agree, a nomination would be a circus. Not a good idea.

An appointment, done deal.

I understand the thoughts posted. Flynn has done enough, yada, yada.

Hands down, Flynn has done a lot.

There are many things he could excel at via an appointment.

For all Flynn’s, patriot this, patriot that, the past four years, I Remain Surprised.

  • When called on, Flynn said No, ~Ten Times.

Ponder it all, something Is Out Of Whack. IMO.

Prolly making lots of money speaking and other such easy money events.


A recent comment by Gen Flynn was that he is acting in an advisory capacity on an as-needed basis. I got the feeling he was acting like a trouble-shooter for all types of efforts during the administration start-up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would not surprise me if Trump offers Flynn a token job every time he visits.

I think something is up, but would rather not speculate. Let the left scratch their Dr. Evil chins.


USAID Accused of Funding Boko Haram’s Reign of Terror Against Nigerian Christians

Besides ISIS, Boko Haram is also being accused of being another CIA tool assembled and put into action under the Obama administration.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Boko Haram is one of the most evil, murderous organizations on the planet.

Anybody who has funded them needs to be in PRISON. ASAP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me be clear. If Obama helped Boko Haram, he needs to be prosecuted.


We’ll simply add this to an already lengthy and extensive list of charges.


Yeah, man.


These are the same assholes that would kidnap a hundred or more school children. Mostly if not all girls. Years back.


When accountability starts for USAID criminals, they need to go back years. Prolly decades. This can’t be simply forgotten.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! That’s them!


I don’t think we reported on this. Happened yesterday I believe. Should help with voter integrity thru stopping the steal. 😁

comment image

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to Step Down

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The Second Highest Paid FED??? OMG!!!


Trumps latest. Posted on Truth and Twitter.

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“Think of it, a modestly successful comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, talked the United States of America into spending $350 Billion Dollars, to go into a War that couldn’t be won, that never had to start, but a War that he, without the U.S. and “TRUMP,” will never be able to settle. The United States has spent $200 Billion Dollars more than Europe, and Europe’s money is guaranteed, while the United States will get nothing back. Why didn’t Sleepy Joe Biden demand Equalization, in that this War is far more important to Europe than it is to us — We have a big, beautiful Ocean as separation. On top of this, Zelenskyy admits that half of the money we sent him is “MISSING.” He refuses to have Elections, is very low in Ukrainian Polls, and the only thing he was good at was playing Biden “like a fiddle.” A Dictator without Elections, Zelenskyy better move fast or he is not going to have a Country left. In the meantime, we are successfully negotiating an end to the War with Russia, something all admit only “TRUMP,” and the Trump Administration, can do. Biden never tried, Europe has failed to bring Peace, and Zelenskyy probably wants to keep the “gravy train” going. I love Ukraine, but Zelenskyy has done a terrible job, his Country is shattered, and MILLIONS have unnecessarily died – And so it continues…..”


Trump is low balling the figures and it still sounds horrendous. 😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a brilliant framing of it. Blame seeps out toward Soros, Blinken, Nuland, neocons in general, “Atlantis”, Ukrainian Jazi oligarchs, Nazi-backing “Jewish” banksters, the American endless war complex, “NatSec” professionals who value NATO over not just America but any and all member states, to the point of blindness – just every rogue individual or institution that needs to be tarred and feathered.

Also setting up Zelenskyyyy for the [failed] re-election that he needs as an escape route, which ain’t a bad idea. Elections in Ukraine must happen, and our favorite evil NGOs need to either not be involved, or need to be SET UP and TAKEN DOWN when they try to throw the election to Zelenskyyyyyy.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Cuppa Covfefe

And, in the middle of all this, von der Leyen puts more sanctions up against Russia… what a tool…

Looks like she’s trying to pull a Boris (Johnson) peeing in the soup of peace…


President Trump just announced that he’s endorsing the House budget instead of the one being crafted in the Senate, saying the House has incorporated his entire America First agenda.

While he says the Senate is doing a great job, he puts the kibosh on their “Lindsey Graham” version of the budget, knocking it for only having ‘parts’ of his agenda.

Here’s his full announcement:

The House and Senate are doing a SPECTACULAR job of working together as one unified, and unbeatable, TEAM, however, unlike the Lindsey Graham version of the very important Legislation currently being discussed, the House Resolution implements my FULL America First Agenda, EVERYTHING, not just parts of it! We need both Chambers to pass the House Budget to “kickstart” the Reconciliation process, and move all of our priorities to the concept of, “ONE BIG BEAUTIFUL BILL.” It will, without question, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Thing is does the House version take into account the DOGE reveals? I sort of doubt it, but hopefully some of them. Need to GROK this megastrosity to find out!


Nobtrust whatsoever w either imo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Ms Lindsey prolly wants to behave. She’s about to be further exposed for being Both a war monger AND recipient of laundered tax dollars.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh boy.


Exactly. Now i really want to know who the pilots were.


From this story
paragraph reading

Moments before the Delta Air Lines Flight 4819 crashA recording from ‘’ revealed an air traffic controller in conversation with the Delta Air Lines plane’s pilots prior to the crash, with the controller stating: “Endeavor Air 4819. Turn right heading 210. Descent to 3,000. Cleared ILS 23 approach.”

Only has males speaking in these transmissions.
thus at least one of pilots were male.


Yeah, but who was the PF (pilot flying)? The PM (pilot monitoring) works the radio while the other flies the plane. This is standard.

More importantly, how experienced was the PF?

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Those are the money questions!


No, unfortunately.


This one was 100% pilot error.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Could you tell what was wrong? Was it too hard on the landing gear, and that failed? I could not tell just by looking at the video.


Where was the landing flare? There was no landing flare. The PF drove the airplane into the ground.

I want to know what the plane’s vertical speed (VS) was at the time of impact. At 1,000’ above the ground and below, standard commercial procedure is to “go around” if the aircraft exceeds a VS of greater than 1,000’/ min. We pay very close attention to that.


A Navy jet is designed to handle an impact like that, but not the landing gear of a commercial jet. It hit so hard the right main landing gear strut (visible in the video) collapsed and was shoved right up into the wing.

My question…

What is the overall flight experience of the pilot flying at the time of the accident?

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Certainly not challenging your comment about Navy jets landing on an aircraft carrier. Those landing gear take a brutal punishment, every trap – landing.


Sharing an unusual S-3 Viking “trap” – landing on the USS Independence.

  • ~1994. Launched from NAF Kadena – Okinawa.
  • Slow Guy on active duty, seated in one of the cheap seats.
  • Second trap for me. The other a C-2.
  • Slammed onto the deck. Broke the nose gear or some part in that area. Thankfully the nose gear did not collapse.
  • Flight Deck gunner (CWO-4) in charge of all ordnance on the flight deck, witnessed the landing. Personal friend we was waiting to greet me.
  • He told me two things. Absolutely the hardest landing he’d seen. And the pilot was a she. No idea if it was bad luck or an experience issue.
  • That S-3 became a “hanger queen”, awaiting repair parts from ashore.
  • Enjoyed an extra night on the Independence. Lifted off via CH-53 next day. Long flight back to Okinawa.

Just another unusual event, short story in a Navy 20 year career. The story didn’t even start with a typical. No shit, let me tell ya about…


I know fantastic pilots who happen to be female, but I also know females who happen to be pilots. 😉

No different than guys. 🤷‍♂️

My experience has taught me it’s a brain thing. Some are gifted with the brains to be good pilots (ie. how their brains work organically), while others are not.

Flying well (ie. being good at it), is a mental thing, not a physical ability (or gender) thing.

The problem women have is they are organically inclined to think emotionally, which is natural given their scientific, historic biological role. They are born to be nurturers.

Flying jets, on the other hand, requires cold logic, ignoring your emotions no matter how hard they can be hitting you (fear, panic, anxiety, etc), and still be able to think under pressure in a time critical moment (cold logic, ignoring emotion altogether) and make the right choices. Women, in general, struggle with that aspect mightily compared to men.

Women want safe. They want warm. They want comfort.

Men want adventure. They will take risks where women see stupidity.

It’s a mindset and attitude thing. But it’s not always accurate.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Ok. I saw that the tail wasnt pointing down, just came in straight and flipped. Im not polit clearly but it looked wierd.



Yes. Someone on the news compared it to ducks landing. Just like that!

Cuppa Covfefe

As we ridgerunners say, say it with flares… 🙂

(but yep, it’s a good thing!!! )…..


Many thanks for showing what a flare is. Wow!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent post!


Left them an abbreviated version of my strong suspicions in the comments.

Seriously the Royal Society has been mucking about with history since at least around 1900 when India wanted to gain Independence.
The squashed Bal Gangahdar Tilak’s theory presented in “The Artic Home in the Vedas” which continues to prove correct after 100 years and jailed him twice for sedition just like Peter Navarro was jailed. To this day Tilak does not get the recognition he deserves. They also totally allowed or encouraged a mess surrounding the Pyramid Text of Unis by ignoring the history in text and concentrating on the high levels of meaning at the expense of the lower levels of meaning all to hide the fact that Unis made a very poor roll model for “The Right of Kings to Rule”.


*The Devine Right of Kings to Rule”




Elon has 218 million followers on X – If he wanted to set up a Society of Scientists — ones who care about the scientific method, he could do it tomorrow.

I would love to see that.


2.19.25: A WEEK to Remember, Social Security MESS, $4.7T dollars untraceable, Conspiracy no MORE, PRAY!

And We Know


so let’s call the whole thing off. fight your own war–fund your own gov’t–spill all those secrets you were keeping for the old US gov’t.
stand on your own 2 feet!


i didn’t vote for him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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I’m still laughing that the dums went there with the whole “we didn’t elect Elon” thing.

Part of their many double-standard hypocrisies.


Trump is done with that grifting liar.

It’s more than Ukraine and Russian troops being fed into a meat grinder.

US tax dollars laundered.

DOGE needs to get into Ukraine funding morass.

Cuppa Covfefe

Two LEFT feet, as it were…


is THAT why this just keeps going around and around and around?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Jazi Rasputin spell using Special Trans Comedian Dictator ain’t workin’ on Trump, and they’s havin’ a hissy fit! 😂


Trump absolutely nailed it.

Glad it is all coming out.

There has to be accountability here in the US for all of the lying.

  • Maggot administration,
  • US military faux “experts”,
  • Congress laundering money,
  • Pravda News playing lap dogs role,
  • No damn accounting for US tax dollars…
  • US IC created war.

Trump will play this out, as will Trump’s Team.


Is that Charles Manson?


Another plane collision. Sounds like it was again on the ground. Happening In AZ where they just had a private jet slam into another plane on landing after landing gear broke at the Scottsdale Apt. This one is at smaller regional apt with no control tower.

AZ, desert hideaway for John McStain cabal wanna be’s. 😮

DEVELOPING: 1 Confirmed Dead Following a Plane Crash Involving Two Planes in ArizonaJim Hᴏft Feb. 19, 2025 12:00 pm 65 Comments

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some of this has to be “MEEE-dia” focus. We can’t be having MOAR plane accidents -right?


hmm I don’t know. If the pilot skillset is being downgraded it does seem like the slow trickle of lack of attention to detail and circumstances could be coming into focus?


Pilot skillsets are not being downgraded.

In fact, after Congress mandated that the flight time requirements for an ATP license be increased to a minimum of 1,500 flight hours following the Colgan Air accident, flight safety metrics greatly improved.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Good to know. Thankful.


Hang on.

While very good, it didn’t go far enough in my professional opinion.

Flying a tiny, propeller-driven plane like a Cessna 172 for 1,500 hrs doesn’t mean those skills translate into being competent in a high performance jet, even after being trained and type-rated in such a jet.

It’s not the physical skills, it’s the MENTAL skills.

Anyone can learn how to fly a small plane, and mentally keep up with it. It takes TIME to learn how to think, properly, and stay mentally ahead of a jet flying at 10 miles a minute.

The problem is the cost of training in a jet.

As usual, congress punted on that part….prolly because they couldn’t figure out how to take a % of the costs.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

10 miles a minute is scary. A lot of options run out in just a few seconds at that speed.

Cuppa Covfefe

880 feet per second…


Hence the necessity of having one’s mind 200 mi out in front of the plane.

Like a driver doing 80 has their eyes 1/2 mile or more ahead on the highway.

It is all a newby to jets can do just to be “with” the plane, mentally. We joke about “being behind the plane” in training.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Anyone can learn how to fly a small plane, and mentally keep up with it.

I’d have to disagree with this; some can’t.


So tragic and disturbing 😪




Some of this has to be “MEEE-dia” focus.


Your winnings, sir.

Hard to know what happened here, even after watching the video. Did something break? That happens all the time. 🤷‍♂️

The plane is owned by Motley Crew’s lead singer, Vince Neil.


For clarity. (Assuming I got it right.)

Two separate accidents.

  • Latest at Maran, AZ.
  • Couple days ago Scottsdale, AZ. This one Motley Crew guy owned it.

From the AI….

A tragic mid-air collision occurred at Marana Regional Airport in Arizona on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, resulting in at least two fatalities24. The incident involved two small aircraft: a Cessna 172S and a Lancair 360 MK II, which collided at 8:28 a.m. local time near the airport1.

According to preliminary reports from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the two planes collided while upwind of runway 12. The Cessna managed to land without incident, while the Lancair struck the ground near another runway, resulting in a post-impact fire1.

The Marana Regional Airport is described as an “uncontrolled field,” lacking an operational air traffic control tower. Pilots in the area typically use a Common Traffic Advisory Frequency to communicate their positions1.

This incident marks the fifth reported aviation accident leading to deaths or injuries in North America in the past month, raising concerns about aviation safety2. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and NTSB are responding to the situation, with an NTSB investigator expected to arrive at the site on Thursday morning to gather evidence and assess the aircraft involved13.

This one will be pilot error, too.


Media trying to be relevant AND playing Trump bad firing DEI hires.

  • The BFD of all these accidents, AA RJ / Blackhawk.

Mostly my comments. FG&C has posted some similar. He has the experience. I have a well worn, arm chair.

Scottsdale and Marana small airport, sadly fairly common. Small AC, no idea the AC maintenance, pilots skillsets, and experience.

Toronto. Combination ice, wind, wind gusts, perhaps AC speed.

>>> Perhaps Seattle. Japan AA clipped another parked AC on the ground while taxiing. Guess the goofs directing the AC taxiing primary FUs.. They are the pilots eyes, as I understand it. Guess the PIC may get hammered by JAL. Should have never happened.

>>> The AA RJ and helo, totally FUBAR should have never happened.


Toronto. Combination ice, wind, wind gusts, perhaps AC speed.


99.9% sure it was pilot error. Having seen the video, which was unusually clear (happened to be on the correct side of the incident to see what actually occurred) I will be quite surprised if the NTSB tells us it is attributed to a failure of the landing gear.

Taxiing airplanes….tricky stuff. Haven’t seen the particulars on the Japan AA incident. Ground shit happens every day, somewhere, with this much daily activity….and this pic doesn’t show all of it, either…

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Bottom line….right now there is a ton of attention on aviation stuff because it is generating clicks, site visits, and ad revenues. Soon, something else in a different topic will happen, and the public will turn it’s attention elsewhere, and you’ll stop hearing about aviation stuff. Again. Rinse and repeat. Throughout the years.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Your “flare” comment somewhere today, is like a klaxon sounding.


It is in the comments above. I added a short video on what a landing flare is. Compare that informative video to the one of the jet landing in Toronto.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

That is what I think. It’s just moar report-ahge.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why FIB-controlled incidents can be used to redirect the media, and thus even human history.



Donald J. Trump

Think of it, a modestly successful comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, talked the United States of America into spending $350 Billion Dollars, to go into a War that couldn’t be won, that never had to start, but a War that he, without the U.S. and “TRUMP,” will never be able to settle. 

The United States has spent $200 Billion Dollars more than Europe, and Europe’s money is guaranteed, while the United States will get nothing back. 

Why didn’t Sleepy Joe Biden demand Equalization, in that this War is far more important to Europe than it is to us — We have a big, beautiful Ocean as separation. On top of this, Zelenskyy admits that half of the money we sent him is “MISSING.” 

He refuses to have Elections, is very low in Ukrainian Polls, and the only thing he was good at was playing Biden “like a fiddle.” 

A Dictator without Elections, Zelenskyy better move fast or he is not going to have a Country left. In the meantime, we are successfully negotiating an end to the War with Russia, something all admit only “TRUMP,” and the Trump Administration, can do. 

Biden never tried, Europe has failed to bring Peace, and Zelenskyy probably wants to keep the “gravy train” going. 

I love Ukraine, but Zelenskyy has done a terrible job, his Country is shattered, and MILLIONS have unnecessarily died – And so it continues…..


Trump bluntly stating facts necessary.

Obvious facts:

  • Maggot and his criminals lied about Ukraine good AND Russia bad..
  • Idi Amin and his faux generals testifying Ukraine was winning.
  • Nearly ALL 535 in Congress lining up for their cut of >$200 Billion.
  • Pravda News perfect lap dogs.
  • UK Perfect War Mongering Liars.
  • Germany and France, purely morons.
  • Ukraine, land of expendables.

Masterfully orchestrated by MI5/6 AND US IC.

Follow the money.


….with Blackrock in the background the entire time.

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, it seems that “mr yyyyss guy” was more of an IMMODESTLY successful comedian, having incorporated full-frontal nudity into his unnatural act(s)… bi and other perversities… probably has been scrubbed from the web; I’m not going to look…..


Perfect tool for IC’s to own – manipulate.


“Congestion pricing” is made up grift.

Glad it’s dead.

Now do “dynamic pricing”.



Ohh. Yeah wendys ceo hot slammed hard in spring suggesting dynamic pricing at restaurants.

Cuppa Covfefe

I rather expect that Dave Thomas wouldn’t have liked that…


The Trump stately king picture is a throw in by the dailymail. The picture does not appear on his Truth Social site only the words, and if it was on his Twitter, then the check mark would be grey not red. Much to do about nothing. Seems more like fickle people poking the on coming Trump Train with straws in effort to stop it. 😆


Even if he had posted the king pic, when is the Left going to realize that he trolls them and pulls their strings and gets the reactions he wants?


Ah ty. Ive seen multiples.

Cuppa Covfefe

The daily flail…


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Cool beans.

Now have the legislature over-ride her stupid veto like they did in the Kansas Legislature and Governor Laura Kelly’s veto of a bill banning gender-affirming care for minors.

Cuppa Covfefe

another ugly man…….




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This should be quite entertaining.

Barb Meier

“Run away, run away!”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I doubt that would stop the investigation; this is a criminal matter.


Please…..allow me….🙂

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February 19, 2025 3:20 pm

Reply to  sunnydaze

Trump-nominated US attorney launches investigation into Schumer to ‘protect’ DOGE

— James F. Love IV (@JamesFLoveIV) February 19, 2025


My reply:

Unemployed idiot appointed by nobody tweets sycophantic pablum attempting to defend democrat corruption. Lemme guess, you used to work at USAID?

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This seems to be the source of the butthurt 👇

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Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

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AsIbeensayin… the United States government is, by far, the largest criminal organization on the planet.

Bigger than all criminal organizations on the planet, combined, in the history of the world.

There’s nothing else even close.

It’s SO big, we can’t even see it. Like not being able to see the size and scope of the earth, because we’re standing on it, and far too small in comparison to it.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

You can’t even make it up…



I believe it is as 4G&C said: some females make excellent pilots. But I don’t think there are many females who do, so recruiting them just because of their sex is not wise. That’s where the issues lie with female pilots: DEI recruitment even when they are not qualified or as proficient as they should be (as well as keeping them on when they prove to be inadequate). A flight with three of them (if such had existed) does not seem optimal because I doubt there were three with the experience, judgment, and skills needed for the job.


It’s just insane. You can’t have DEI play any part in anything as clearly dangerous as flying a plane.

It’s one thing to risk their own lives, but it’s a whole different universe risking the lives of hundreds (or even one!) passenger.

It’s bad enough to force a quota system at McDonalds, but at McDonalds, at least the chances of sudden violent death are minimal.

They have to be insane, the people who believe in and implement DEI.

They have to be able to turn off the cognitive part of their brain, and then turn off the fear center at the core of the lizard brain, in order to put unqualified people in the pilot seat of a passenger jet, and send them off to die, in the name of what must have become their religion.

I can’t think of any other way to explain it, than something akin to Jonestown.

I would quit before I ever implemented a DEI plan that clearly and obviously put lives in danger. It doesn’t matter if I had nothing to fall back on, I can’t be responsible for 300+ people dying.

I can’t live with that.

But these people, they have no conscience, or they’ve gotta be Moonies, or something.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

It’s just insane. You can’t have DEI play any part in anything as clearly dangerous as flying a plane.

No argument here. 🤷‍♂️


That’s very funny.


“Delta Air Lines reaffirmed its commitment to DEI initiatives before Toronto crash: ‘Part of our focus’ ”


Coincidentally, I just reaffirmed my own commitment to never fly on Delta Air Lines.

If there’s anywhere I need to go that badly, I’ll walk there, before I fly Delta.


I told this board, years ago, what to look for.

Small regional aircraft (vs mainline jets) on the weekends have the junior crews. The US airspace system is set up as a “hub and spoke” system. The regionals fly the majority of the spoke system, bringing small loads of people into the hubs where the big jets load them all up to fly greater distances.

Don’t throw damn fine pilots (the majority) under the bus because of this incident.

Take note that none of the recent accident have involved a mainline aircraft.



Am I understanding correctly: the regionals that fly people into the big hubs need to be examined and overhauled for safety? “Junior crews” seems concerning.


Not at all.

There is no disparity of scrutiny. Only experience.

Keep in mind….too….

Someone like Scott saying “I’ll never fly Delta again” is claiming that Delta’s safety record is trash, which is statistically untrue.

And this is statistically untrue for every Part 121 carrier operating today.

Flying has never been safer.

I’m only saying that if you MUST guarantee you are flying with “old hands”, stick to the mainline carriers and/or avoid traveling on the weekends. 🤷‍♂️

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Or drive. Yes.

Remember that “safety” can easily be turned into a grift.


…and getting people give up their freedoms.


I’m only saying that if you MUST guarantee you are flying with “old hands”, stick to the mainline carriers and/or avoid traveling on the weekends.

Then IMO that indicates that the regionals do need to be overhauled for safety, as I postulated. If you “MUST guarantee you are flying with ‘old hands'” in order to be safe, then there is a problem with any carrier that has mostly new hands.

Last edited 1 month ago by TheseTruths
Cuppa Covfefe

At ‘SC we had a, erm, spectacular Sorority delta-delta-delta (no, not Delta house).

The usual conversation was either “try Delt” or “fly Delt”…

Seems it’s morphed into “fry Delt”…

Sad, indeed, because I remember the days when Delta was considered the best airline in the USA, if not the world…..


(1:45) All black female flight crew.


We’ll be able to figure out who the pilot was by checking Delta Air Lines for which pilot just received a promotion.

It’s part of Delta’s ‘Fail Forward’ initiative.


We’ve been saying it amongst ourselves for a few years now…

This video’s existence was only a matter of time. 🤷‍♂️

That said…

Pretty shitty of Benny to label his video “ALL-FEMALE” crew when he clearly knew it wasn’t. How desperate is this guy for clicks, given his livelihood is tied to his pontificating on social media?

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

(4:05) “So this is why Delta Airlines are so quiet
The female First Officer was brand new and was issued
her ATP license 41 days ago. Since the Pilot handling the radio
was a male (Captain), it is only fair to assume she was in
control at the time of the accident

This is just insane”


What is the male pilot supposed to do in that situation?

Criticize or offer correction to the Chosen One?

When things started to go wrong, was he supposed to push her out of the way, and take over for the star quarterback of the Protected-Class?

How can he do or say anything at all, besides endless compliments, without being accused of misogyny and/or racism?

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

If the vertical speed (ie. rate of descent or ascent) of the aircraft was greater than 1,000’/min descending at any point after the aircraft passed below 1,000’ on the approach, it should have been a mandatory “go around” performed by the crew. Reset, and try it again.

Down low, just before touchdown, the CA (a man) flying with a green FO (male or female) should have been prepared to take the controls. He could have also simply said “Go around”, which all crew are trained to INSTANTLY OBEY without question or hesitation.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

What if her approach is no better the next time, or the time after that?

How many times can his career survive telling an unqualified and incompetent DEI hire to ‘go around’?

Especially if the Captain is a man, and the pilot flying the plane is a woman?

Especially at Delta Airlines, whose corporate Tik-Tok motto is “Live fast, die young”?

If he does take control of the plane and lands, there is no way to prove she couldn’t have done it, so he’s just a misogynist who needs to be drummed out of the company by the wymyn in the HR dept.

And if he doesn’t take control and land the plane, everyone dies.

So damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.

What to do, what to do…

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

DEI which I refuse to read much of anything about.

Experienced guy, telling a gal…”Warning Will Robinson” moment.

Then there are DEI created color issues.

/s aside.

Obviously he should say something. Take over. React, instantly.

They both need to learn to code.


I wonder if you could handle a job that comes under as much scrutiny as this one does.

Good thing everyone has a choice.

I bet that CA had thousands of hours and an equal number of landings. YEARS of reliable and safe performance. Being away from home on holidays, missing big events in his kid’s lives, etc. All to take you and/or your’s to wherever you or they wanted or needed to be whenever you or they wanted or needed to be there.

And he made one mistake.

Now everyone wants to trash him.

The mistake is sad and unfortunate. Thank god no one was killed.

The condemnation of him is sad and PATHETIC.

You ever make a mistake you can look back on and thank god isn’t part of the public dialogue? I bet you have.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Yes thankful no one died.

Unfortunate. Understatement of the day.

So much for all the calm, cool, logical, immediate response pilot talk, ruling the day…

The rest of it, an opinion piece.

Moving on.


Nobody likes having their uninformed opinion being labeled as pathetic. I get it.

The problem is people make judgments based upon ignorance.

Which is not kind. Easy, but not kind.

So much for everyone liking Carl’s Sunday sermon, something about being kind vs. being right?

No matter.

Moving on.


Moving on.

That’s funny a superficial perspective.

Zero chance I’d want to be on an AC with either of them Delta “pilots,” after this debacle.

Nor would I want anyone on an AC they pilot.

Who, with common sense would?

  • It’s fucking common sense.

“Pathetic” an issue. Was it supposed to?

  • No. Been called worse, by better and by worse types. DGAF. Too fucking old to worry about stoopid shit.
  1. PIC while flying, I get it. Always to be obeyed. Hopefully correct. I get it. Truly must be so. Safety of AC and passengers, crew…
  2. Not the PIC in everyday life. Just another guy with skillsets, experience…an opinion. Not better than anyone else.

Some can’t separate the two roles – realities.

  • Witnessed this with too many military aviators. Active duty, separated, retired.

Moving on. But, please do post whatever makes your day. Or scroll the fuck on. I will, scroll on.


Respectfully, I am amused that you seem to think none of what you speak of has happened and/or been thought of.

The reality is you simply don’t know what you don’t know. No fault in that.

Take this for example…

If he does take control of the plane and lands, there is no way to prove she couldn’t have done it, so he’s just a misogynist who needs to be drummed out of the company by the wymyn in the HR dept.

Not true. Why?

A) The company has instant access to the back box data on a daily basis (needed for all all manner of operational information needs).

B) Accusations from new employees against Captains are always taken with a grain of salt, if only because Captains are 100x’s more valuable than new First Officers


C) the flight data would support the Captain’s decision to take
the controls


D) It is a written as well as unwritten rule that the Pilot-in-Command (PIC), or Captain, can take control ANY TIME HE/SHE SEES FIT TO DO SO without anyone second guessing his/her reasons for doing so.


“Respectfully, I am amused that you seem to think none of what you speak of has happened and/or been thought of.”


I’m sure it has been thought of, all of it, because it’s obvious — and then purposely filed away under “Don’t Consider These Things” in the name of DEI.


I’m not defending DEI.

I’m just saying there are nuances to understanding what the real story is, and offering my direct experience to try and provide you with some legit answers.

I can just as easily shut up and allow you to rage against the ethers if you want. 🤷‍♂️

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
Cuppa Covfefe

Well said.

Those of us who do not fly professionally do well to not second-guess those who do. Ask questions, yes; confront, nah, not a great idea because of total lack of experience.

Same is true in other fields. Nothing wrong with asking questions, but saying, hey… you’re wrong saying that we did “X.Y.Z.” … happened to me when I read out a memory dump to a customer, who didn’t believe it.

Went through the stack dump and explained EVERY SINGLE COMMAND that the end user entered. (You would not believe some of the things I’ve seen when reading memory dumps… people hitting on each other, etc., dangerous experiments with commands, etc.)…

Sounds crazy, but the facts don’t lie; and the protective manager/mangler in this case didn’t help.

We could have charged him T&M (time and materials) from that point onward… but that’s a lot easier than what happens in the air and other transportation industries…


“Take this for example…

If he does take control of the plane and lands, there is no way to prove she couldn’t have done it, so he’s just a misogynist who needs to be drummed out of the company by the wymyn in the HR dept.

Not true. Why?

A) The company has instant access to the back box data on a daily basis (needed for all all manner of operational information needs).


The same company whose entire ‘corporate focus’ is on DEI?

They’re going to examine the black boxes of non-crash landings, and discipline or take corrective actions against the DEI stars of their franchise?

That would seem to be in direct conflict with their publicly stated mission ‘focus’, which is backed up by their actual hiring practices, safety be damned.


“B) Accusations from new employees against Captains are always taken with a grain of salt, if only because Captains are 100x’s more valuable than new First Officers”


A quick look at the official Delta Airlines Tik-Tok video shows the corporate culture at Delta.

They wouldn’t even allow a man to be shown in the video. Meanwhile, the female pilot wags her finger at the thought of a man being involved on her flight.

Mentally reverse the scenario, and imagine how many seconds that video would be pinned to Delta’s official Tik-Tok account.

In a corporate dumpster fire culture like that, how confident can a male Captain really be, that an accusation of misogyny by a new DEI hire is going to be taken with a grain of salt?


More of “you don’t know what you don’t know”.

There is outwardly facing corporate culture, and then there is the actual day-to-day “inside” flight line culture.

Pilots have no say in who the company chooses to hire. But we have a BIG say as to what the flight line culture is. And there can be a big difference between the two.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry
Barb Meier

People who make the Delta videos are in a marketing department and I would not be surprised if they know little to nothing about flying airplanes.


“C) the flight data would support the Captain’s decision to take
the controls”


But it’s a judgment call by definition. The male pilot has to make a judgment call in the heat of the moment.

The corporate review board makes their judgment call (about the male pilot’s judgment call) in the comfort of a highly politicized (and feminized) boardroom.


“D) It is a written as well as unwritten rule that the Pilot-in-Command (PIC), or Captain, can take control ANY TIME HE/SHE SEES FIT TO DO SO without anyone second guessing his/her reasons for doing so.”


And that’s a beautiful thing.

The world is full of rational, logical, ethical, well thought out practices that are tried and true… and which have all been sacrificed, one by one, on the Altar of Woke, DEI and ESG…

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

I’m not defending DEI.

I’m just saying there are nuances to understanding what the real story is, and offering my direct experience to try and provide you with some legit answers.

I can just as easily shut up and allow you to rage against the ethers if you want. 🤷‍♂️


(4:52) Benny: “Again, this is an airline that makes an enormous to-do about how inclusive they all are. This is the pinned video on Delta’s Tik-Tok account right now.

Another video, ladies and gentlemen, bragging about, well, the lack of men on the airline.”


You have to see the video to believe it. And hear the background music lyrics, “Live fast, die young“…

I didn’t notice any men in the video at all, the first time through.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

(8:19) Tweets: “Was Delta crash a trainer pilot overseeing a brand new female with zero experience?”

“Getting DMs from pilot world confirming that things are bad, but this one is really scary. The Boomers are our thin veneer of civilization. As they peel off, so will the veneer.”

“Every airline has an informal pilot assignment program that makes sure their unfireable DEI problem children are always paired with adult supervision. These programs are maintained by aging Boomers who are immune to the koolaid. As those guys retire and their numbers…”


Yale scientists link Covid vaccines to alarming new syndrome

The previously-unknown condition – which has been dubbed ‘post-vaccination syndrome’ – appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance.

Some sufferers also show distinct biological changes, including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood, years after taking the shot.

The condition also appears to reawaken a dormant virus in the body called Epstein-Barr which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.

The full results of the small study have not yet been published, and the Yale experts emphasized the results ‘are still a work in progress.’

Yet the findings, from a well-respected institution, suggest more research on post-vaccination syndrome is needed, independent experts said.

The article goes on to describe health issues people have had post-vax. Word is finally getting out.


“Yet the findings, from a well-respected institution,”


Which Ivy League schools are not completely politically compromised?

Oh, that’s right, none of them. I almost forgot.



Well, guess who decided to show up –

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And the raccoon! 🦝


That put a smile on my face. Wheatie was immediate. Then the raccoon.

Maybe the polar bear will slide in on Monday.

I miss Wheatie so very much.

Cuppa Covfefe

Me too… Amen…


She’s missing a finger.


Well, after all, she is a warrior.

Cuppa Covfefe

The one on the other pic (with IIRC seven fingers) nicked it…

Dwimmerlack was a nasty opponent…

Cuppa Covfefe


Makes me think of Eowyn, from LOTR… miss her and her posts… RIP…..


h/t Filly
what the hell for???? i wonder. learning how to act sincere?

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And staying in the public eye for future political power-grabbing opportunities.
How I wish she would go away.


Until or unless they are prosecuted, they will never leave the grift or the gravy train.


Probably some sort of legal scheme, like everything they do, it’s like a ‘shell company’ for some other purpose.

These are evil people, and whatever they do is for evil purposes.




Just another grift.


Well, why not?

After all, she’s a natural for the casting couch.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. What talent?

Nothing useful, from what her career has shown (WilliBrown™ may beg to differ…)…..


Nah. These days, Willy would say to damn old, developed a hideous laugh…

Cuppa Covfefe

Hoe, Joe, and Blow…




A Powerful Evening Prayer for Peace and Serenity

Dear Lord,

As the day gradually transitions into the comforting embrace of night, I humbly come before you, seeking the precious gifts of peace and serenity. Please, dear God, enfold me in your tranquil presence, and help me find respite from the storms that may be raging within my heart and mind. Grant me the serenity to gracefully accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change what I can. May your divine light shine upon me as I seek rest and tranquility, knowing that your unwavering love and guidance are my constant companions.


A Powerful Evening Prayer for Strength and Guidance

Dear God,

In these twilight hours, I turn to you, my unwavering source of strength and guidance. As I reflect upon the day’s challenges and triumphs, I seek your divine intervention. Grant me the courage to face the uncertainties of tomorrow and the wisdom to make sound decisions along the way. I earnestly request that your radiant light illuminate my path through the darkness, and may your steadfast strength be my refuge in moments of doubt and weakness. Lord, help me navigate life’s complexities with unwavering faith in your unwavering presence.


A Powerful Evening Prayer for Gratitude and Thankfulness

Heavenly Father,

As I pause to contemplate the events of this day, my heart brims with profound gratitude for the countless blessings you have graciously bestowed upon me. I thank you, dear Lord, for the boundless love of my family and friends, for the opportunities that have enriched my journey, and for the valuable lessons I’ve gleaned from life’s experiences. As I lay down to rest, may my heart overflow with thankfulness, recognizing that your grace continually sustains me and that even in the challenges, your love remains unwavering.



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Nice.   :cheers: 


Tren de Aragua, MS-13, Mexican cartel gangs designated as foreign terror groups by Trump State Department


>>> Perfect example of America First. <<<

SCOOP: Per WH official on background, later tonight, President Trump will sign an executive order designed to terminate any & all federal taxpayer benefits going to illegal aliens. The order will direct every federal agency & department to identify all federally funded programs currently providing any financial benefits to illegal aliens, and “take corrective action”, ensuring that any federal funds to states and localities “will not be used to support sanctuary policies or assist illegal immigration.”

Additionally, the executive order will mandate improvements in eligibility verification to prevent federal benefits from going to anyone in the US illegally.

A WH official tells @FoxNews the executive order will show Trump is committed to prioritizing that federal public health benefits go towards American citizens, including veterans.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Promises made – promises kept.


My only question….stated from a place of ignorance and not 2nd guessing…is…

Why wasn’t this done sooner?


I bet there are gonna be a LOT of illegals going back home on their own, now.


May have been posted.

Kathy Hochul claimed she put money back in people’s pockets because NY was originally going to charge $15 for congestion pricing and instead only charged $9.

Trump just killed it.

NY’ers will now be charged 0. Ultimate savings!

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I ❤️ the “long live the king” bit.

The triggering it invariably causes is   :wpds_lol: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Katie Hokum put in her place!


Just found this older video of Kathy Hochul:




We all know who/what the Hochul, Whitmer, Valarie Jarrett, Hillary types are.

We all know how viciously bad the male dictators have been. DEI seems determined to force a female dictator upon mankind.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

One of Tilda Swinton’s gem performances. She is such a good actress.


I wonder how DJT has authority over NY state fiscal matters.


Secretary of Transportation, Sean Duffy, has withdrawn federal approval of the congestion tax stating it’s a burden on citizens.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Breezzy – can you PLEASE fix your input name from “Brrezzy” that you keep inputting? I have to fix every one of your comments, because the misspelling lands them in the bin.


Anyone have sauce for Kash Patel, confirmation vote..

Cloture completed yesterday.

Initially read Thursday confirmation vote. Then I read Wednesday night – tonight.

Not seeing anything.


I have alerts set and have seen nothing. 🤷‍♂️


Thanks. I guess, hope it is Thursday.


Indeed. Yesterday would not be fast enough!   :cheers: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Laura Loomer

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So I’m at the airport and just witnessed a transgender have a total FREAK OUT on the gate attendant at @AmericanAir for my flight to DC. The attendant called the passenger “sir” and he screamed “I’M NOT A SIR. I’M A F**KING MAAM YOU ASS*OLE”.

Everyone in line was like, uh, that’s a man.

Totally insane behavior to scream like that at the top of your lungs at the airport.

4:47 PM · Feb 19, 2025




No one deserves to be locked in a metal tube with something like that.

It is one thing if it wanted to say “I am not a sir, please”, but people with no self-control have no business being locked in with others.

Easy to deny boarding, too.

The tranny will claim it’s discrimination, but the company can point at the gate video and say, “no, it’s because you are emotionally unhinged and reacted aggressively and way outside of normal boundries when you felt triggered. Just because you choose to be trans doesn’t mean you have a license to act like a jackass whenever you want.”

Case dismissed.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

They are mentally unstable and can’t mingle in polite society.


Or shot by the short guy who was concealed carrying.


I have never heard of even one transgender who reacted politely and reasonably in a situation like this. Maybe it has happened, but it always seems to result in unhinged anger and name-calling, which speaks volumes about the person (and, IMO, the ideology).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

If they were mentally stable, they wouldn’t be trans…


Were I the govt agent, I would have put him in a secondary inspection area and told him to prove that he’s a biological female. And if he refused and put up a fuss, thus causing him to miss his flight, well too bad so sad.

Until he proved his gender, he wasn’t going past my checkpoint.


Winning rolls on…
The IRS will Begin With 6,000 Layoffs This Week?

According to the New York Times, the IRS will begin laying off up to 6,000 staff this week.
(New York Times) – The Internal Revenue Service will begin laying off roughly 6,000 employees on Thursday as part of the Trump administration’s push to downsize the federal work force, three people familiar with the agency’s plans said.
The terminations will target relatively recent hires at the I.R.S., which the Biden administration had attempted to revitalize with a surge of funding and new staff, the people said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.


Deliciously disappointing.

Delicious in the downsizing, disappointing as I heard it was going to be far many more.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Story from the 15th.

They have until Saturday to lay off another 9K and make this not a lie.


Laughing, as Starmer and Macaroon want to be included. Visit DC next week.

Fundamentally, Starmer and Maroon are not part of the solution. They are the problem. Among other idjits and IC organizations.


French President Macron and British PM Starmer Coming to U.S. to Discuss Ukraine with President Trump

WASHINGTON DC – French President Emmanuel Macron is coming to Washington next week, national security adviser Mike Waltz said on Wednesday.
Macron called for an emergency “informal” meeting with world leaders just days ago in Paris to discuss European security and the challenges posed by President Donald Trump’s administration. Trump and Macron had a “friendly” but brief conversation just prior to the summit, POLITICO reported on Monday.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer is also set to visit next week, Waltz said on Fox News. Starmer’s office confirmed the visit earlier this week.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Don’t trust Keir Starmer, Donald Trump! Keir Starmer is asshoe!”

Cuppa Covfefe

VSGPDJT should say that Starmer cannot speak; he can only listen… free speech and all 😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that would be so awesome!

Cuppa Covfefe

And then tell Macaroon he can only speak, but not listen (stuff earplugs in his ears)…

Bring back the old Old Blighty versus QuicheLand wars 😆


Trump will not have any of it. Including they will NOT be privy to peace deal talks, agreement.

Assholes can fight there own war, exclusive of US involvement AND NATO.

Trump already ruled out NATO and US forces.




They are coming to Trump, hat in hand. He’s not going to them.

Says everything.

Small, weak, feckless pricks.

Looking forward to hearing how Trump insults them after throwing them out.


Russia must have blown up the transatlantic phone line.


Remember the time we locked some Serbian/Bosnian like types in Camp David and pretty much kept them their until Obama could have his way?

Maybe time to do something similar and keep Marcon, Starmer and Zelensky at Camp David while as a bonus to the peace process we let their peoples back home orchestrate their over throw while they are gone.

…well it’s a thought.


DOGE Dividend – Tax Refund.

Daily, for a few weeks, we read about millions and billions of dollars of waste being identified, much of it cut from current AND future spending.

USAID all but gone.

Daily we read about hundreds, thousands of dead wood being removed from the federal workforce.

~75,000 federal workers have agreed to resign.

Have thought, this plays into several positives. First two I had been thinking. DOGE Dividend – Tax Refund, cherry on top.

  • Huge reduction in deficit spending.
  • Opportunity to legislate tax cuts for Americans.
  • DOGE Dividend – Tax Refund a great opportunity to give everyday Americans immediate relief with day-to-day living expenses.


Nolte: Musk Floats Idea of Taxpayer Rebate Checks Based on DOGE Savings
Elon Musk appears to like the idea of rebating some of the money saved by his DOGE team to the American taxpayer.

“President Trump and @ElonMusk should announce a ‘DOGE Dividend’ — a tax refund check sent to every taxpayer, funded exclusively with a portion of the total savings delivered by DOGE,” xweeted InvestAzoria CEO James Fishback.

Fishback included a document that does some of the math. If DOGE is able to meet its goal of $2 trillion in savings, “take 20 percent of DOGE’s total savings ($400 billion) and return it to the 79 million U.S. households that will be the net payers of the federal income tax” this year.

That adds up to about $5,000 per household.


75,000 federal workers have agreed to resign

Almost 400k were let go under Clinton.

That should be the lowest target.



~75K was the bunch who agreed to a buy out. Trump is firing thousands, almost daily. I’d guess, Trump will trim federal workforce by far more than the 400K.

If nothing else, Trump likes to be #1 at everything good. Great for America first.


“If nothing else, Trump likes to be #1 at everything good. Great for America first.”


That’s why he needs to be reminded of the old record, apparently set by Clintoon 👍 😁

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

That would probably stimulate the economy…


No cuts if they do a CR.


R-Cons in the Senate High Fiving each Other… Prolly expect another long weekend off.

Exclusive: Senate Leaders Plow Through Confirmations of Trump’s Cabinet, Surpassing Pace of Obama in 2009
WASHINGTON, DC — Senate Republican leaders are aggressively plowing through the confirmations of President Donald Trump’s cabinet officials, officially as of Wednesday afternoon surpassing the pace at which former President Barack Obama’s cabinet was confirmed in 2009.


Bet your ass they are.

Those people are looking at DOGE and sweating bullets.

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Cuppa Covfefe

Swampy Waters…


It’s just such a hilarious tacit admission of guilt… 😂


When asked for comment, Maxine’s wig replied: “I feel good! Da-na-na-na-na-na na… I knew that I would now!” 😁

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Amazed it didn’t say, “Do you see the lice?”
(bruised brothers…) 🙂


Trump Just Wiped Out 90 Years Of [DS] Power, Executive Branch Has Just Changed, Control – Ep. 3576
 February 19, 2025  x22report

The EV market is falling apart, another manufacturer goes belly up. Illegals have been taking American jobs. Trump shutdown the congestion price in NYC. Inflation is back and the Fed is caught in a trap. Trump says it’s Biden’s fault, and it is. Trump has set the stage with more tariffs. The [DS] is now pushing protests in multiple cities, they are panicking because Trump cannot be stopped. Trump just signed more EO and he has wiped out 90 years of [DS] power. The executive branch is changing, Trump and the patriots are taking back control. The people in the end will see the criminal activity. Trump is letting the [DS] destroy themselves.

Ep 3576a – Economist Thought Trump Was Bluffing, More Tariffs On The Way, Setting The Stage

Ep 3576b – Trump Just Wiped Out 90 Years Of [DS] Power, Executive Branch Has Just Changed, Control


He’s reporting ICE just showed up and HUNDREDS of illegal workers ran away.

Hyundai is employing HUNDREDS OF ILLEGAL WORKERS at their plants.

He says “80-90%” of the group he works with are illegal Venezuelans

“They are making electric cars. Today immigration came and hundreds of people left running, jumping fences”

“Who do not have documents, who do not have legal status in America”


Ari Shaffir was years ahead of his time…


Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

That was pretty mean… but undeniably funny 😂


Auto assembly jobs have practically built cities so these aren’t the jobs “Americans refuse to do”. I bet there’s plenty of Dollar General or WaMart workers that would gladly take a Hyundai plant job


“He’s reporting ICE just showed up and HUNDREDS of illegal workers ran away.”


Isn’t that why rubber bullets were invented?


Rock salt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Much more natural and sustainable than rubber bullets.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’d really be in a pickle then…


This creates another dilemma. Trump is trying to get production, much of it from the auto industry, moved back to America. If the business can not determine their labor cost this becomes a problem. It’s also a problem when labor costs are the make or break reason for moving production back to the United States. Raising tariffs might help incentivize auto makers to pay more to attract American workers but at what caliber will be these American workers? I’d not want to see what goes on with example Detroit Auto Worker horror stories we’ve heard about for ages where many are lazy, incompetent and do the labor union least thing to get by.

Might be wise to incorporate some sort of worker visa fix this sort of problem. If you did that, would you then require labor union workers to work side by side with labor union workers as a way of maintaining acceptable work standards or would you worry the labor union workers would corrupt the work visa people? Perhaps do the Japan thing where workers compete in teams? If labor union teams don’t produce as well as work visa teams you have a club to use against the labor unions.

Anyway.. just thoughts.


I had no idea.

Dennis Prager sustained a spinal cord injury after a fall at his home Nov. 12 and has been in recovery since. He is currently paralyzed from the shoulders down but is showing promising incremental improvements, including eating and talking regularly, according to a video message on Friday from PragerU CEO Marissa Streit and Chief Development Officer David Prager. The elder Prager sustained no brain injuries from the fall, according to Streit.

“Given the fact that it was an incomplete injury, we can only find out really six months and beyond where he will be long-term,” David Prager said. “We know that long-term he will be back on the radio, back doing fireside chats, doing what he does best, and influencing the world.”


Aubergine will like this one.

Can’t recall if MT or another state was recently posted, ready to ban mRNA Jabs. Or was it Covidiot Jabs.

Montana May Soon Become First State to Ban mRNA Vaccines


Boy, I really hope this passes.


Should have never allowed it in the first place but we are stuck with the dilemma that the mRNA has has altered the human DNA to the point that immune systems may no longer function with out it. It won’t serve at all if people start dying in large numbers from AIDS like symptoms with out being able to ween people from the mRNA first.

I see the law says banned “in most circumstances” and that Kennedy’s recommendation is “people who still want it can take it”. It might be wisest to go with the Kennedy recommendation or perhaps better “with a doctors prescription” to push the weening process at a logical rate tailored to the individual. I think the worry is once again the Antibody Dependent Enhancement aspect from which I’m seeing literature on this is still not affixed to the mRNA shots but other factors instead.

Let me know if I’m wrong on any of this but the last thing we need happen is for lots of people in Montana to start dying.


“It won’t serve at all if people start dying in large numbers from AIDS like symptoms…”


They have a shot for that.

I’m just sure of it.


They don’t need more shots.
They need medical care to detox and recover.


Oliver Anthony, a former factory worker who emerged from the woods of Virginia, gained national attention in the late summer of 2023 with his song Rich Men North of Richmond.” The song became the No. 1 song on iTunes for weeks, resonating as an anthem for over 80 million Americans who have been smeared, ignored, mocked, slandered, and robbed by the Deep State that President Trump and Elon Musk’s DOGE are firing in mass. Now, Anthony has elevated his message, warning about the dangers of the technological society

On Tuesday, Anthony spoke at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship event in London. The big question is: Why was this internet-famous singer invited to speak at a conference with world leaders? And how do his credentials compare to those of others in the room?

What hits hard in Anthony’s speech is this line: “We are the last few humans in world history who remember what life was like before it. We are the last living people in history to have experienced life before the digital age.”

We will have great stories for the grandchildren about life before AI…


Rather surprised he has moved beyond music this rapidly. Still has new music on his yt.


Some of the dumbest people have edjuhmuhcayshun.


“Shows you do not need a college education to be wise.”


You might need one to be unwise though… 😁


“We are the last few humans in world history who remember what life was like before it. We are the last living people in history to have experienced life before the digital age.”

Sobering thoughts.

Barb Meier

Thank God for the Amish and Mennonites and for all the rural people.


Especially those who voted for Trump 👍😁


After some thought and a little work . . .

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Very nice!


Excellent rendering! It incorporates the tree(s), wheat, raccoon, polar bear, rules, and the lady herself, with what I interpret as a hopeful sun shining over all. 😊


If you have not yet, you owe it to yourselves, families and friends to follow this site and check out the receipts (savings). It is mind blowing. And they are just getting started.




Or, perhaps . . .

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!!!


A little harder to pull off, but with them all seemingly focused in the same direction, it works together a bit better.


It’s great!


This is the best one. (Thus far at least)


Nice article — — pulls in Kissinger report and engineered famines.


What the hell is wrong with CPAC. Can’t recall some BS CPAC pulled a few years back. Mercedes and Matt did some not so MAGA stuff. Wish I could recall.

If Trump or someone in his inner circles plans to attend CPAC, I hope this gets reversed.

“They’re Kicking Out J6ers at CPAC!” – J6 Prisoner Jake Lang Kicked Out of CPAC – Escorted Out of Gaylord Hotel – The Entire Event Caught on Video!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Waiting to hear the whole story. I’ll bet it’s some version of “bureaucratic site admin meets noveau-famous J6er asking for ‘rules’ to be broken and lady ain’t budgin’ an inch”.

TL;DR – velvet rope struggle session outside the disco


velvet rope struggle session = very wry smile.



51 sec video at the link.

MIC DROP: Dr. Paul Offit’s Attempt to Smear RFK Jr. Blows Up on CNN as Calley Means Exposes His Big Pharma Ties — Calley Also Calls Out CNN for Bias

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



NEW: Here is the letter Ed Martin sent to Chuck Schumer related to threats Schumer made to Kavanaugh and Gorsuch in 2020 as the court was hearing oral arguments in a high profile abortion case.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. Make Scummer deny threats of physical violence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Happens to the right all the time. Time for the left to deal with their own rules.


“Time for the left to deal with their own rules.”


Alinsky RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

“If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)”


I’m glad Schumer is being put in the spotlight and on the hot seat, but I don’t think anything will come of it as far as punishment for him. He is being humiliated, though, and is having to answer for his statements — something that rarely happens to anyone on the Left.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




There is also this….for your consideration…

Piglosi has ducked and run for cover. A mafiosi, she has an excellent criminal mind that helped plot her diminishment perfectly. Bowing out and exiting stage left was never so well played, not even by The Godfather. Biden is gone. Obama? is currently making himself an object of pity (divorce from Big Mike). Kamala? LOL She was never in a true leadership role.

That’s leaves Chuckie, from the old crew leadership team, left standing.

By putting Chuckles ”in the spotlight and on the hot seat”, notice is being served to everyone on the left…right on down to the dem street soldiers.

This isn’t an expectation of action against Chuckie. It’s a thinly veiled statement.

The rules have changed. And we aren’t gonna play nice guy anymore.


Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Ed Martin is dropping evidence everywhere, to make sure his legacy is positive.


Kash news:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it! Make it so!


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

THey need to do Kari Lake at the same time.

Kash and Kari.


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