Please visit this January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.

Do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore,
and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. — Galatians 5:1

We got our miracle.
America is back.
Let us dedicate ourselves to the cleansing, healing, and rebuilding of our beautiful nation.
God will guide us.
Prayers and thanks to God for President Donald J. Trump.

Handling Gold.
Well, not really gold. But a process that is even more critical than handling precious metals, but let’s start there. The other day Steve was explaining how registered mail is handled and why precious metals dealers used registered mail due to the strict processes that are followed. The USPS handbook DM-901 covers all the details. It’s a nice document. Covers all the procedures, chain of custody, proper storage, how to document if seals are broken, etc. It’s almost like they are serious about handling registered mail.
What is more important than gold?
How about true and accurate elections that put into power those who legislate whether you get to keep your gold or not? Seems important.
Chain of Custody.
A key feature of the process of handling things of great value is called the Chain of Custody. Whether it is registered mail, election materials (ballots, equipment), or even evidence to be used in prosecuting a criminal case, unimpeachable Chain of Custody is essential.
The National Voting Rights Task Force says:
According to experts, the only way to know if an electronic vote total has been hacked is for voters to have separately recorded their intended selections on paper and for jurisdictions to then use the paper in a manual audit or recount, the results of which can be compared to the electronic total.
But even manual audits or recounts can be “hacked” if the selections on the paper have been marked by a machine, rather than the voter’s own hand. And no matter how that paper is marked, manual audits and recounts can be gamed if the chain of custody between election night and the audit or recount has been compromised.
There are many resources for elections. One resource, the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is an independent, bipartisan commission whose mission is to help election officials improve the administration of elections and help Americans participate in the voting process. Their guidance, “Best Practices: Chain of Custody,” gives recommendations to election officials. “The chain of custody of ballots, voting equipment, and associated data is essential to ensure the election system remains trustworthy. Documentation of the chain of custody also provides evidence that all voting procedures were followed. It is a best practice for chain of custody procedures to be clearly defined in advance of every election, well documented and followed consistently throughout the entire election lifecycle or process. The key to an effective chain of custody is to have a set of procedures which are followed in practice. The procedures should be in writing with all steps documented.”
It may be important to note that I have yet to find any federal laws with guidance on the specifics of election materials chain of custody. A search of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 for the term “custody” does not yield any results. An internet search of “election laws chain-of-custody” provides guidance from various organizations (a good example here) and some links to individual Secretary of State websites. If there are federal laws, they are not easily found. Time didn’t permit for me to survey each state for specific chain of custody laws related to elections. It appears that a good number of groups that have public-facing sites with material related to the need for and the development of good practices for managing chain-of-custody.
However, when you get into actual county-by-county execution of these procedures the failures are all to common and even shocking. When regular citizens, concerned about their own local county’s handling of election materials simply asked for a copy of the chain of custody procedures in use during a specific election, the response was far from uniform. As anyone in any type of mission-critical work effort would expect, there needs to a least be: (1) a dated, documented procedure that is signed off before it is to be followed for a specific election and (2) checklists with spaces for signing off for the handling of items requiring chain of custody.
Even when a county is required by their state government to provide these prior to an election, the local elections offices sometimes could not provide these procedures when asked. One particular county office provided a non dated, unsigned document and stated that they weren’t sure which election it was for. Either they didn’t know what they were doing, they didn’t have the right person fulfilling the request, or something else. It seems like this would be posted right on their county elections office website (along with all the other elections documents!). In a number of counties that I know of, the elections office claimed there were “no records responsive to the request.” In other words, they are saying that they didn’t have the state mandated chain of custody procedures. How did they get the election certified without it? How did their Secretary of State sign off on the election without it?
Asking for public records, usually referred to as a freedom of information act (FOIA) request can be done by anyone. More recently the number of people taking it upon themselves to get involved in “citizen oversight” has grown to the point that some public officials have started complaining that all these requests are a form of harassment. Really? Why not just publicly publish all of it?
In one state it seems that a number of counties have hired the same particular law firm as “County Counsel” to advise on the handling of election matters. Unfortunately that liberal law firm seems to have been assisting counties to stone-wall access to public records. And in some cases the guidance given to the county board of supervisors was in fact unlawful. I’m not giving examples to prove my point, I’m just offering information that might be helpful to know if someone reading here is considering looking into how their elections are being handled where they live and vote.
In 2016 Bev Harris explained at her site, BlackBoxVoting.org:
Elections chain of custody refers to physical and electronic evidence controls for:
– who can vote
– who did vote
– actual ballots as marked by each voter, and
– evidence transfer and storage:
Legitimate elections require public “right to know” (freedom of information) to allow the public and the media to authenticate truth of results. Proper chain of custody safeguards are part of the larger concept of political legitimacy.
Incurable uncertainty
Handling election records and data must be scrupulously careful in order to demonstrate to the public that there has been no tampering or contamination.
In court cases, chain of custody violations can result in refusal to admit evidence or even throwing a case out. In elections, chain of custody violations can result in “incurable uncertainty” and court orders to redo elections.
Bev Harris discovered election theft in 2002, wrote a book on it (download it here), advocated for change, and now others have carried on her work. The problems are not new, and they have probably grown worse. But now is the time for us to make our own local governments-that oversee the execution of elections–take note that we are asking questions, seeing problems and expecting better oversight. And for those who have been running elections, just knowing that more people are looking into their work appears to have led to some unexpected early retirements. I can’t say that is an indication of guilt, but it does seem significant.
We can’t leave this to others. We can at least try and get informed on what has been found, what has been done, and what more needs to be done. What do you know about elections and chain of custody. Please post your thoughts in the comments. Thanks
We can make a difference.
And we must make a difference.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
There has never been a better time.
General Mike Flynn (@GEnFlynn) has been talking about citizen oversight for as long as I’ve been paying attention.

Gail and PAVACA are going to love this one (link):


God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.
I like handling gold, especially if it’s mine.
I once thought I might want to own a gold coin. So I went to a dealer’s shop and looked around. Somehow it just wasn’t attractive to me. So I invested in developing skills instead. Going to a special training programs to develop a new marketable skill I thought I could use in any economy. I never did set up a business, but the skills I learned have been beneficial to my family and other people I care about in many ways.
Well .. I do have skills, even though I like gold.
Most of my non-career skills weren’t all that good, but I was very interested in the healing arts after my own bout with disabling chronic illness.
I like to think I’ve managed to do both.
You did what I did. I don’t have money, but I can do a lot of useful things.
Talk about gold-bricking
Heft them Doge.
No way you can mistake a painted brick for gold, if you lift it.
Yeah, but that wouldn’t be a fired clay brick.
As far as how to tell them apart?
Throw the brick into a melting pot. If it melts, it was gold (and pour it into a new mold).
An assying cut will do it.
But honestly a good old fashioned acid test should do it.
….while straining out the tungsten.
If it’s a solid tungsten brick, nothing will melt, so I am not sure what you’re saying here.
I was assuming solid, because we’re talking about painting bricks gold here.
My assumption would be that it would be chunks of tungsten wrapped with enough gold you could scratch into it — maybe 1/8″-1/4″. Maybe 20% of the bar.
If you melted it, you could pour it through a tungsten sieve to fish the tungsten chunks out.
Even steel would work. Gold is lower melting than steel.
OBTW Uranium is almost a close a match for gold, density wise, as is tungsten.
That’s funny.
Thanks to Para for leaving a nice comment with Duchess’ poem on DePat’s guestbook page. Also PAVACA! Thank you both!
In case you haven’t seen PAVACA’s gift in Susie’s memory…..
Trees – so perfect!
thank you PAVACA
How lovely
Excellent, and concerning, points about elections chain of custody. I’m not surprised that there are no federal guidelines because elections are run by the states. But I think it all needs to have a spotlight shone on it and that a lot of things need to be clarified and put in order. Just as DOGE is finding fraud, waste, and incompetence, the same applies across the board, including with elections. Starting local is probably the best strategy.
If each county had an active citizenry looking over their shoulders every step of the way, MUCH of the cheating would simply have to stop. Even if you get rid of computers, this HAS TO HAPPEN.
Better file, LOL!
Funny, but of course DOGE doesn’t abolish anything. What they find out/reveal might lead to decimation though.
I have a dream. I dream of living in a country where the tax code is no longer used to shape the way people think and behave for the benefit of those who are not serving the people’s best interests.
Good dream!
Or as an excuse to force people not to use cash.
Of course the drug laws are also used as such an excuse.
This brings tears. It is so sad that it came to this.
Yes, it’s unbelievable. But we’re taking it back and restoring sanity and truth.
Humans have known this simple truth for millennia, but a relative handful of perverts caused society to forget it in ten years! What a lesson there is in that.
Actually they Censored and Browbeat the sensible people into silence. Psy-Op — %th Generation warfare is the ONLY WAY the cabal has been able to retain control for centuries.
1990 Kindergarden Lesson
I love that movie.
Oddly enough I just watched it last weekend.
Along these lines, check out the third small video on Vigilant Fox’s report today:
At about :54, the esteemed s/ physician Paul Offit catches himself, first referring to pregnant “women” and then, errr, to “pregnant people.” Insanity.
Is it /s or s/? Sarcastic minds want to know.
I’m pretty sure the slash comes before the “s” but I’ve never known for sure (/sarc).
I’ve wondered if the slash is supposed to be backwards, like this: “\sarc”
I’ve always seen it with “sarc” instead of just an “s”, but maybe others can enlighten me on the correct practice.
It comes from HTML (HyperText Markup Language). When you start a “thing”, you do %b% (for bold, and the usual punctuation is angle brackets (AKA less than/greater than). Then, to turn the thing off, you do %/b%.
It may work here <b>BOLD</b>.
In HTML, s is for strikeout.
Okay, well that clarifies the matter!
I think for security reasons HTML markup is disabled
IIRC, you can twiddle something below the edit box and get some to work.
A twiddle.
It’s to early here. Coffee, stat.
I can use ctrl b to get bold too…
That’s how we used to do it here in the beginning, if I remember correctly.
I remember having to do that for bold, italics and underline (and strikeout)
I like to use the invisible symbol, ___ .
Sarcasm is much more effective when people figure it out on their own
If there are questions about Paul Offit being a physician or that he should be a physician it might make sense, but I’ve never seen it done that way before.
If the word modified is “esteemed” it is just wrong and allows it’s a typo.
Forgot to include “Trannys are mental patients running from a diagnosis”
Those who choose to follow the LBGTXYZ lifestyles – are in rebellion against GOD.
They have:
– rejected the patterns shown in nature
– refuse to worship GOD
– deny GOD’s sovereignty and rule over them
– refuse to submit, surrender to GOD
– reject their own identity, who GOD made them to be
– lust after those of their own sex
– seek and demand approval of others for their chosen lifestyle, false assumed identity
This is nothing new – it’s been going on since the Fall in the Garden of Eden.
These steps are detailed in Romans 1:18-32
3 times – because of their unrepentant rebellion – GOD turns them over to the consequences of their choices.
DemonRats and their ilk are truly unhinged, godless, corrupt traitors. My hope is that America can find a way to legally and constitutionally eliminate their influence in the future.
However, as we will most certainly and ultimately travel down the path to the oncoming Tribulation, I believe that their influence will become overwhelming (to their destruction) at some time in the future.
We have no hope other than in God’s mercy and grace.
Can we start a new war based on the preference order of the alphabet people? Why do Ls get to go first??
See that would be interesting as a cage match: L (bull dykes) versus G (sissybois).
Ladies first?
Common sense reigns at HHS.
Kenji over at SC needs to read RFK Jr statement of fact. Or, perhaps, someone needs to splain it to the dumb bunny.
Of course, Kenji already knows all this.
Kenji lied in her confirmation hearing. Libtard role playing.
We can’t “trust the science” when it has an agenda.
OK – I dug out links for this – it’s BAD.
Here is the actual tweet……
Here is a very relevant tweet which links to a “good paper about the bad paper”…..
Here is the “good paper about the bad paper” – basically an autopsy of it…..
This is really an analysis of a scientific hit job. Stunning.
Thanks for doing that research. Everywhere we look, there is corruption. Thank goodness it is being exposed, and I hope things will change, but it’s too late for people who might have been helped by HCQ.
There was a doctor in Texas that knew the medical mafia was going to go after doctors that prescribed ivermectin or HCQ. He told his patients to get methylene blue (MB). I believe he said it’s what they start with to make HCQ. Is that right Wolf? It’s in an interview Wolf posted previously actually.
I have tried HCQ. Can’t really tell it’s doing anything much for early symptoms of flu/cold. But MB seems to clean things up pretty rapidly. YMMV.
Malone just published something about methylene blue!
It does have side effects.
Personally, I cannot see MB as being in any way advantageous or even useful to make HCQ. The connectivity of the molecule is all wrong, IMO.
I tend to avoid even these “popular” pharmaceuticals, if at all possible. Nutrients – great. Synthetics – I avoid.
Okay, so it probably isn’t the precursor they use for HCQ.
Avoiding synthetics is a great rule of life.
However, being the curious type, I’ve looked into MB and decided to get some. At the time the ScienceBio was selling it, but had been debanked (wonder why?) so I had to learn how to use buy/spend bitcoin in order to buy some from them. Which I ended up doing.
MB for certain genetics is a problem. There’s a test.
I believe MB is the only known antidote for cyanide. Before antibiotics it was commonly used to treat bladder infections.
I watched Dr Mobeen’s lectures on it during covid. It does very useful things for mitochondria. Those lectures seem to be behind a paywall now.
MB used in too high a dose causes serious problems. There are some youtube influencers promoting using (IMO) an unnecessarily large amount regularly. The self-hack types.
It’s popular for people dealing with Parkinson’s Disease. But shaky hands and a very strong dye is not a great combination I learned from talking with someone who has a white granite countertop. LOL
I don’t really understand why my experience is that it has been useful for my particular situation, but I do appreciate having as an option even if it is a synthetic.
And similar to DMSO, I tend to have more confidence in purity tested single substances over formulated drugs (e.g., ivermectin tablets) with likely sprinklings of impurities and fillers such as titanium dioxide.
“Nutrients – great. Synthetics – I avoid.”
AMEN, and AMEN again!
Dr Levy also considers Methylene blue as perhaps on par or superior to Vitamin C….
Worth the read.
Especially fun quote from it:
Very cool!
I love this statement in Dr. Malone’s article:
“The best doctor you will ever have is looking at you in the mirror.”
He’s absolutely right.
The book The Real Anthony Fauci is a 2021 book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had the study about HCQ and how they were giving massive amounts to people already sick or almost dead.
pits a good very detailed book fyi
It took me months to get through this book, a few pages at a time! It’s clearly written and referenced, but the subject matter is dense. Now, I’m especially thankful that I persisted!
Yes same I kept having to put it down. It’s just so massive.
I was maybe around the single digits in age when we went to visit Africa and guess what they gave me HCQ. No reaction or issue. As a child.
When we visited Panama years later because the rainforest again HCQ. But we had to visit a usa government clinic to get a prescription for it and prove we were going to travel there.
It’s quite likely that there were 17,000 deaths from the wrong dose of HCQ.
Zero is a dosage.
Glad I missed hearing about the original “study”
Love that meme for Gail!
It has a clickable link if you want to find the interview.
Following up on Pres. Trump’s tweet about Zelenskyy.
This is one of the greatest – and most dangerous – things President Trump is doing to save our Republic. We simply MUST uproot the IC factions that are behind so much of the endless global unrest.
the IC factions = NATO Nazis and Operation Gladio
Not the whole story by a long shot.
This meme is a limited hangout, right?
Yes, I don’t think Musk is limiting it but is just highlighting one important aspect.
Full hangouts don’t teach and are often unbelievable. Limited hangouts are like teaching one theory that people need, and ignoring the next chapter (different theory) and the last chapter (general intro with all theories).
Is it true? Yes. Is it meant to hide more truth? If yes, bad limited hangout. Is it meant to educate where people are deficient? If yes, good limited hangout.
When I tell people people HCQ is safe and effective on COVID, it’s a limited hangout, because IVM is safer, and many believe as or more effective on COVID. But I may have good reasons not to give them the full story – even just “we’re talking about HCQ.”
If I tell them that MKULTRA was closed down in the 70s as a stupid and bizarre failure, testing drugs on CIA employees against their will, then that is a super evil limited hangout – yet ALL TRUE. Why? Because it’s meant to cover up what happened to MKULTRA.
Excellent points.
I did a lot of thinking about what I learned from Jordan Sather about limited hangouts. Some have a strategy of fully informing, but not too fast, because too much too fast can create disbelief, and the long-term goal really is full disclosure.
Feeding information to the public one digestible bit at a time.
One bite at a time.
That’s how we eat and it’s how we learn.
PDJT has been giving us little bites at a time for years now. I can’t wait until the dessert is served.
And that the crooks get their just deserts
The rabbi of Qtree speaks.
[rabbi = teacher]
You learn a lot about using “limited hangouts” raising kids.
I have that problem when I eat too much… limiting the hangout
Like Santa Claus.
A friend is the youngest of a large family. One day she’s sitting and thinking while her dad is working nearby. So she says, “is Santa Claus real?” and he says, “Yes, I AM Santa Claus.”
Lol, that’s a good one!
The politicians are subsidizing their corporate donors’ cheap labor with taxpayer dollars in the form of food stamps, health care, welfare and social security checks…and other goodies.
Then the politicians get a kick back of various forms… big donations, overseas bank accounts…
i thought the hokey pokey is what it’s all about…
Throwing down hard. I love it.
May his tribe increase!
Then look at ALL the military Brass OH!Bummer promoted after the purge.
List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama
Is that how it works?
Sec of State makes those declarations?
Is this a delegated authority from the President?
8 USC 1189: Designation of foreign terrorist organizations
Thank you.
After thinking about it, I am wondering…
Do you think that congress has the authority to make laws about how the executive branch delegates it’s functions?
I’m no expert, and I don’t know what the entire statute says, but I don’t think it limits what the president can do. In other words, I imagine the president himself can declare terrorst organizations. This particular code merely applies to what happens if the secretary of state does it.
If there were no such codes, then in a rogue administration the president could instruct his secretary of state to declare any patriot, Christian, Republican, etc., organization to be terrorist. And they would do it, too.
Now declare NATO/Operation Gladio a ‘foreign terrorist organization.’
And the WEFfenSS and “Davosians”….
YUP! Joined at the hip with the Clowns In America.
First, define foreign.
PDJT has SOS Rubio on a short leash I’d assume. As we move further into PDJT’s term we’ll find out Rubio’s aspirations for his future.
No longer in the Senate, Rubio is more easily managed. Easily fired.
Will never win the WH. Guvner, if Gaetz doesn’t run for guvner.
I’d like to annihilate them by making them swallow the fentanyl.
Ooh, that’s one I hadn’t heard before.
Claudia Sheinbaum is gonna be so mad…
Oh, Claudia!
Wow, a specific particular family was designated a terrorist organization.
That’s gonna a matter of pride at the next Cinco de Mayo.
The other families are gonna be so jealous…
Michoacan is actually one of the Mexican states.
Mexico has 31 states and a Districto Federale. Like the US’ DC, the DF is reclaimed swampland that never quite escaped the taint.
One big difference is that swampland is thousands of feet above sea level.
Still full of monsters and slimy creatures….
They’ll try to sinko deny-o…..
[loud groan]
It’s the one with the cornfield volcano, Parícutin.
wait until the biden family is put on that list.
Here’s the latest info on Patel’s confirmation vote tomorrow. Sen Mullin has been great about posting timelines & explaining the process for each Cabinet nomination. If Patel’s timeline changes, Mullin will update with a new tweet.
Swearing in at the WH ~4PM. Followed by FIB is gonna get fixed.
“Followed by FIB is gonna get fixed.”
Or maybe whacked
This is a GREAT day.
This may surprise some on here but I think this statute goes too far.
It needs some limits or some identifying descriptions. Similar to 8 USC 1189, which was posted further along by thesetruths.
Which is why I have said, if the Cabal wins we are looking at a thousand years (or more) of Darkness.
That’s when we take over a maximum security prison.
We’ll mount machine guns at the gates and dig a moat for lots of crocodiles.
It might be rough but …
“Escape From America?”
Somebody call Snake.
This is 13 minutes long but I found it amusing and entertaining. There is a little discussion at the end about Trump and the Kennedy Center.
Glenn Beck:
OMG, that is so fantastic! What a great story. What JUSTICE.
That was a fun listen.
All of these Boards, such as Kennedy Center, Service Academies… Are they paid positions or reimbursed in any way? Whatever the money source, zero it out.
What is very very interesting is the idea originated with STEVE MILLER, former Chief of Staff for Jeff Sessions.
Also did you catch where he says POTUS Trump can fire people and not just the boards?
American First Legal was part of the lawsuit:
Spicer v. BidenCase Number: 1:21-cv-2493 D.D.C
The court opinion: Spicer v. Biden
“- $10M for “Mozambique voluntary medical male circumcision”
“The population of Mozambique in 2024 is estimated to be around 34.4 million people.” (search engine AI assist)
“The cost comparison in Zimbabwe showed a unit cost per VMMC (voluntary medical male circumcision) of $45.50 for PrePex and $53.08 for surgery. The unit cost difference was based on higher personnel and consumable supplies costs for the surgical procedure, which used disposable instrument kits.
In Mozambique, the costing analysis estimated a higher unit cost for PrePex circumcision ($40.66) than for surgery ($20.85) because of higher consumable costs, particularly the PrePex device and lower consumable supplies costs for the surgical procedure using reusable instruments.”
So it costs $61.51 for a ‘voluntary medical male circumcision’ in Mozambique.
$10 million ÷ $61.51 = enough to pay for 162,575 circumcisions.
How many baby boys are born in Mozambique every year?
“The current birth rate for Mozambique in 2025 is 35.090 births per 1000 people, a 1.13% decline from 2024.”
So 34.4 million population ÷ 1000 = 34,400 x 35.09 births = 1,207,096 babies born in Mozambique, and if roughly half were male, that’s 603,548 baby boys.
Mozambique is receiving $10 million U.S. taxpayer dollars annually (in perpetuity, no doubt) which is enough to circumcise 162,575 baby boys per year.
But there are 603,548 baby boys born in Mozambique annually.
The numbers don’t add up.
Excellent analysis!
Except my math was wrong, and I couldn’t finish correcting it before you posted
OK, let me delete my comment!Scratch that! If you need to fix it, just add a comment!
Somehow, after your post, your post (and my reply to you) disappeared and I was able to correct it.
Then today, your old post was back, and my old reply to it was back.
Either way, I was able to correct it last night after your reply (and my response) disappeared, but the corrected math result was much less, uh… dramatic
Originally, I thought there was over $8 million more dollars given than was needed for all of the baby boys born in Mozambique. So I expected the remaining $8 million was just going in a corrupt politician’s pocket (which I’m sure some is anyway).
After the math was corrected, the $10 million is only covering about 27% of the procedures.
Who funded the ancient Hebrews? Surely they couldn’t have followed the Mosaic Law without international funding.
You used the invisible sarcasm symbol!
It works!

Brilliant observation.
Cornyn needs to go. Maybe some dirt about him will be revealed.
Senator John Cornyn, Patron Saint of Gov’t Waste, Fraud & Abuse
Pray for us.
Someone should tag Cornyn with ‘Patron Saint of Gov’t Waste, Fraud & Abuse’ on tweeter.
It would go viral, make him the laughing stock of the District of Criminals overnight.
I would do it, but I’m banned!
Yeah Cornyn, just fuck off. Keep fucking off until you get to the gate that says “no fucking off past here” but go ahead be a “maverick GOP senator” just one more time and go through the gate and keep right on fucking off. In fact keep fucking off until you find the edge of the Earth, then fuck right off the edge.
So now you’re a flerfer…
That’s really really good. Kudos.
He wasn’t until he discovered that an edge could be really useful for his specially crafted assault insults.
Just think how hard it would take for someone fucking off to reach the (non-existent) edge.
How long would it take for YOU to reach the edge if you started walking in a straight line?
I’m telling them to fuck off forever.
I knew it!
Yes, he is needed as TX AG.
Still, Paxton.
Turtle and him are ancient relics of a soon to be extinct species of RINOS.
This jackass is supposed to be a Republican???
Pull my finger.
Wonder how much kickback he gets. They are slowly exposing themselves and their greed on our expense.
IMO, Sen. Cornyn is one of the “ringleaders” of the RINO + DemCommunist Shadow Government that was set up between 5 November 2024 and 20 January 2025.
Of course men make mistakes too, and young men have more car accidents than women because they take more risks, but…
I’m remembering a home money management coach saying, “when the wife deviates from the home budget it often is for school clothes for the kids, but when the husband breaks the budget it’s often for something like a boat.” Oops.
Well, the kids can wear their old clothes one more year if necessary.
But a boat… that could be a once in a lifetime opportunity…
Embezzlement is still a surprisingly female crime. Just sayin’.
Who says men and women are not fundamentally different?
Even crime stats prove they are different!
There is a reason there is no female auto racing league.
He goes on to say that a goal is to “reduce” taxes and tax rates. It’s probably a multi-step process.
As for the mentioned “outsiders,” he talks about cruise ships and tankers that fly flags of other countries but not the American flag. None of them pay taxes. Nor is foreign alcohol taxed.
Go Howard! Go Howard! Go Howard!

I have already finished sharpening my chiseling tools just waiting for the opportunity.
Reciprocal is now a thing.
We win when with reciprocal tariffs. The production of the American workers is the best in the world when unleashed.
Tariffs, low corporate income taxes, VAT as needed for revenues. Reduce government to enumerated powers, transparency with all government funding, neuter the Fed, retire the debt. No more market bubbles fueled by government spending while stopping all forever foreign wars. A warrior military with no rebuilding of those who would be stupid enough to take us on.
Need to make DOGE a permanent thing that works as they are now in technical support and upgrading government systems and methods.
I love ya bro but …
Yep. We have that over here, and there never is enough “value added” to justify the “tax”….. 19 percent for most goods, 7 percent for food… and some countries have a 25 percent VAT!!! The EU wants everyone to have that, so they can spend even more money sidling up to the trough and funding Ukraine

“neuter the Fed,”
We could mutilate the Fed. The Left seems to be into mutilation quite a bit.
VAT can be as intrusive as income taxes.
To businesses, yes.
To the end purchaser, though? I don’t think so but I could be wrong about this.
It defines anyone who “adds value” (as in “Value Added Tax”) as a business.
I would think a straight sales tax would be better. If you had to add a tax.
As I understand it, VAT is basically that…but charged at all levels of production. Then you get to deduct the VAT you paid on your costs. So you collect VAT (and send to the government) based on what you added to the price of the product.
Imagine a sales tax charged on wholesale as well as retail, but the retailer gets to deduct the tax he paid for the wholesale.
The end result to the consumer is he pays a percentage of the entire cost of the product. Which is exactly what a sales tax is.
It’s a bit more complicated than that, even on the producer level — but I doubt you want to dip into the glories of cost accounting.
As good as any place for this comment.
VAT – Value Added Tax.
Scanned the comments below.
Understand, VAT seems like it should be levied during production or the like.
Early 90s. Singapore. ~93, Singapore levied what they called a VAT on most good imported. Singapore imports most everything. Yes they make great electronics, but Singapore massively import stuff. It really is a small island. ~17 X ~31 miles.
I did not look. But I understand Singapore had tariffs / duty on nearly everything brought into Singapore, prior to VAT.
Hope I did not muddy up the discussion much.
Trump cancels State Department subscriptions to NY Times, AP, Reuters
Bonus: This hurts the business of fake news.
IMO the purpose is to pull the “reality filter” of the fake news out of the information stack, which is genius.
This is military efficiency, BTW. Just sayin’.
Do not forget those subscriptions were NOT CHEAP.
They correct it to:
… provides more tha 1 million active-duty …[etc] access to The Times … to KNOW WHAT TO THINK …
PDJT continues to take down the media.
I have not been in an airport since before 9/11. However, I wonder if this also will lead to airports turning off CNN?
I was actually thinking of rare coins (the distinction being that they have value over and above their precious metal content; in fact many rare coins have no precious metals at all in them. “Numismatic” value (as they call it) is the value it gains to a collector for being rare and sought after by other collectors.
However, places like APMEX that deal in precious metals as such do also use registered mail.
Reading the regulations for handling valuables was interesting. To be valuable it had be declared worth more than a certain dollar amount. Rare coins would generally qualify.
I remember him being nicknamed “Hannitus Interruptus”
He can’t hold a candle to the king of stepping on the guests – Steve Bannon.
The only guy that causes me to yell at the radio.
Both Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson are far better interviewers than Hannity – they do not interrupt or foist their own opinions and frame their own desired narratives over their guest’s words.
Chief Nerd:
Seriously, what happens if the gold isn’t there?
They are going to be very upset.
Very upset might create entertaining outcomes!
“Seriously, what happens if the gold isn’t there?”
I would guess that markets around the world would crash, along with the U.S. dollar, and the value of gold, as measured in dollars, would go to infinity.
And then DJT would announce some sort of emergency measure, pledging U.S. real estate as collateral or something, as the U.S. military tracks down and recovers our gold.
This would cause the markets, which would have just crashed, to swing wildly in the opposite direction. Not so much because faith of any kind was restored, but because of all the gamblers and opportunists in the market, along with short-sellers caught in the biggest short squeeze since markets were invented
So I’m guessing it would be a high volatility event…
There is not enough popcorn in the world currently to handle all that is coming…
Which is why you should be looking for bacon.
Elon Musk calls out Zelensky for killing Gonzalo Lira in prison. Bonus, its up front in Alex Jones’s show.
Z-man is going to be an expert on the underside of buses.
Thank you, Gudthots!
Last week, I read a claim that the new ‘Bird Flu’ came out of the Department of Agriculture labs at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, my Alma Mater.
Correct. The peer-reviewed and published paper on this is linked below.
Yours Truly blows the lid off several aspects of the “current threat of Avian Influenza”, along with other items, in tomorrow’s Health Friday post.
The paper:
Nicolas Hulscher, John Leake, Peter A McCullough
4 November 2024
New Schlichter —
Maxine Waters the gift that keeps on giving.
Flashback: Maxine Waters: “Obama Has Put In Place” Secret Database With “Everything On Everyone” (Video)
Waters: “Obama has put in place the kind of database… will have everything on every individual.”Before It’s News has the transcript:
H/T 4G&C
This is why she’s the one who TCTB trust, with all their secrets…
Scott, I would imagine that many of us saw through the fog and got the real picture from yesterday.
Thank you for your many great inputs (facts and questions), on the variety of topics you choose to address.
Isn’t that a yogurt place???
This is not news; she said this years ago.
“The gift that keeps on giving….”
She told us in Jan of 2019 that OH!Bummer was spying on all Americans and now, 6 years later, she tells us Congress critters are criminals. She is too darn stupid to keep her big yap shut.
Quote from Tragedy and Hope, 1966 by Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations, mentor to Bill Clinton.
DARN As usual that paragraph has been scrubbed even in the archived versions so here is another link.
Even worse do we know they know how to drive ? They are dangerous on our streets and Highways. Cars can be a weapon.
can behave been used as a weapon.Fixed it.
February 20, 2025 1:41 am
NO cash or non cash benefits for illegal aliens.
This may well mean a halt to federal funds going to any state educational system that has free or lowered tuition for illegal aliens – and there are several blue states that have adopted those programs.
It may also mean the federal government forces all public schools participating in the free and reduced federal lunch program to verify citizenship status of any student to whom FARMS is being offered – thereby requiring a first ever true census of the numbers of illegal aliens receiving free schooling at American taxpayer expense.
Expect wails.
How about all that FREE K – 12 education?
Many of these numbers are GROSSLY under the real total
2015: 30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico’s Former Ambassador
Now add in the flood from 4 years of Biden.
Pew numbers are extremely low!
AS OF 2015
61 Million Immigrants and Their Young Children Now Live in the United States
[QUOTE]Three-fourths are legal immigrants and their children
A new analysis of government data from December 2015
Birthright Citizenship and Illegal Immigration
There is no dirt citizenship. That was why we broke away from Britain. It had the class system and every birth within the territory of Britain meant the newborn was a new subject [citizen] of the king forever.
Note the bolded section of the closing paragraph of the Declaration:
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
Yet some people want to believe that we reinstated dirt citizenship in 1868.
We also should go back and totally dissolve ALL ties to the UK. The SOBs have been using us as cannon fodder and a piggy bank since 1913.
Isn’t that off by about three hundred years?
Well the Brits have certainly been trying to get their colony back for that long!
Isn’t that one of the hard rock solid foundations of their rabid abortion views? According to their frantic bafflegab …these poor mothers who have no means to take care of a child from birth onward should by all means be advised and encouraged to do “what’s best for the baby”..isn’t that what they say?
The story is very different for illegals. They see no problem with anchor babies who become part of entire families being financially supported. Sure we’ve all known of welfare babies and they mamas and not to be found baby daddies….but some SNAP and EBT is very different than free housing, medical, food, cars, job placement, and refillable govt credit cards like illegals receive
I don’t know if there are grounds for them, but I expect lawsuits.
Rhetorical question: Why are illegals getting perks that Americans don’t get?
They’re spe-shul.
You ain’t.
They are still prospects.
We are customers.
Big difference.
this woman argues the suspension undermines due process…due process of what exactly? (PDJT suspended legal representation for illegal alien children.)
“The administration’s decision to suspend this program undermines due process, disproportionately impacts vulnerable children, and puts children who have already experienced severe trauma at risk for further harm or exploitation,” Aber wrote.
“We stand ready to work with the Department of Health and Human Services to review and rapidly restore these essential services so that Acacia and our partners can continue supporting vulnerable children,” she continued.
“….puts children who have already experienced severe trauma at risk for further harm or exploitation,” Aber wrote…”
OH you mean the kids that were sex trafficked but the Biden Admin?
What are they doing with these traumatized kids? “Placing” them with total strangers?
The barely teen boys being placed with gang members? The teen girls being placed in neighborhood brothel houses?
What the hell kind of incentive did the NGOs give to parents in 3rd world countries to send their toddlers and young children ALONE to a place thousands of miles away?
A lot of those kids are sold by the parents.
Stacey Abrams again…the “green energy” company made $100 in total revenue the year before they received a $2 Billion grant.
DOGE discovered $2 billion in taxpayer funds set aside for a fledgling nonprofit linked to perennial Georgia Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams.
The Environmental Protection Agency under the Biden administration awarded Power Forward Communities the grant in April 2024 as part of the agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund program. Power Forward Communities received the green energy grant despite the fact that it was founded months earlier in late 2023 and never managed anywhere near the grant’s dollar figure—it reported just $100 in total revenue during its first three months in operation, according to its latest tax filings.
Power Forward Communities’ grant was one of just eight Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund grants that the EPA doled out in April 2024 and that, altogether, totaled $20 billion. EPA administrator Lee Zeldin announced on Feb. 13 that his staff and Department of Government Efficiency officials discovered that the Biden administration parked that same $20 billion at an outside financial institution before leaving office, limiting the federal government’s oversight of the program.
The revelation that Power Forward Communities is among the beneficiaries of the funds Zeldin’s team located raises ethics questions about how the Biden administration selected recipients of such massive grants and whether it played favorites when doling those grants out. Abrams was a vocal proponent of the Biden administration’s green energy agenda and campaigned for former vice president Kamala Harris.
It also appears to validate concerns expressed for years by Republicans that Biden administration allies would prop up organizations that were specifically designed to receive federal funding under programs like the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which was created to operate as a “green bank” by Democrats’ behemoth Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
“I made a commitment to members of Congress and to the American people to be a good steward of tax dollars and I’ve wasted no time in keeping my word,” Zeldin told the Washington Free Beacon. “When we learned about the Biden Administration’s scheme to quickly park $20 billion outside the agency, we suspected that some organizations were created out of thin air just to take advantage of this.”
“As we continue to learn more about where some of this money went, it is even more apparent how far-reaching and widely accepted this waste and abuse has been,” the EPA administrator continued. “It’s extremely concerning that an organization that reported just $100 in revenue in 2023 was chosen to receive $2 billion. That’s 20 million times the organization’s reported revenue.”
Power Forward Communities and Abrams did not respond to requests for comment.
Lee Zeldin finds $2 billion in EPA funds designated for climate group tied to Stacey Abrams.
Prosecute everyone that played a role in trying to steal $20 billion.
There must be consequences for defrauding USG – taxpayer dollars.
Perhaps there will be accountability in a month or so. Right now, the daily tidal wave of fraud being unveiled is stunning. .
i wonder if there’s enough decent folks to prosecute this stuff??? there seems to be an overwhelming list of bastards to go after.
money sure cure for a lawyer shortage. Bonus, with every conviction.
Then we move on to judge availability. Guess the same.
Enough court rooms? Most any bar will work. Secure, stop alcohol sales / consumption, during court.
How to pay for it all? Stripping the wealth of the guilty bastards.
Where to stash those not sentenced to hang, shot, juiced with drugs or electricity? Tent city in Mojave Desert. Pink pajamas. PBJs… No AC or lights. Hell, no electricity.
Prolly missed something. But that is a starter way ahead.
Always have an opinion AND willing to help.
Love the way you think on this subject. Ditto.
From passing the bar to being passed out at the bar…
I resemble that remark …
Another outrage. This organization didn’t exist at the start of 2023 and does not have the expertise or knowledge base to spend 2 Billion dollars and we can bet the other 18 billion was sent to similar outfits.
Everyone of these organizations need to gather their so called experts and present themselves to hearings so America can see the full extent of their treachery and incompetence before they are frog marched to prison.
I want to know what their SALARIES ARE!
and what campaigns they contributed to
Congress had a role they approved all of Biden’s budges without accountability. This was republicans and democrats alike. I remember the uproar about Mike Johnson not holding the line on spending.
February 20, 2025 7:34 am
File this in the More Government Corruption Folder:
To Elon Musk and the DOGE team looking at Medicare:
Pharmacist says
– This medication is Pirfenidone
– Medicare filled it 85,000 times in 2022 at an average cost of $8,000 per prescription
– Normal cost without insurance ONLY $200 TO FILL
– They spent $680 million on that one drug in just one year
“However, at my pharmacy, which is a cost plus pharmacy, meaning we don’t take insurance, that same prescription would only cost $200”
“If we filled all 85,000 prescriptions, it would cost $17 million total. That means Medicare is overpaying by $663 million every year.”
Medicare overpaying $663 million every year.
That is only one drug.
Big Stoopid Corrupt Goverment.
insurance fraud???
Certainly fraud.
Then I was noodling about the obscene costs hospitals and quacks charge Medicare for every line item.
The entire structure and process needs to be torn apart. Line item by line item.
To think, we are only one month, into four years.
Winning, never felt so good.
I had a blood draw one day and the following day had an appointment with the Hematologist. Simple check up about my blood work results, wait in office two minutes. Another five minutes talking about my results with the Doctor, and out the door in under 15 minutes.
Two weeks later I receive the EOB, total cost over $900, insurance discount $400, my co-pay $15. Looks like an opportunity for some shenanigans to happen.
Big Pharm then buys the politicians and swamp critters with part of the proceeds and uses Dancing Doofuses in their advertisements to entice stoopid people into taking those same drugs to circumvent simply living well and healthy. Meanwhile WS investors are aware of the daisy chain and make fortunes off the investments into Big Pharm and then short it all when it is uncovered or determined to being killing people so they can make another tidy sum.
Ain’t America great?
not yet, but PDJT is working on it!
Thank you, Gudthots!!! Well said!
Great opener, Gudthots! Food for thought for all of us.
Cut to the chase – get involved personally in your local elections. Pressure local, state and federal officials to do things the right way transparently or suffer the consequences.
It’s the “how to” that keeps many people from doing anything. Once someone starts to pull a loose thread locally, many times the whole picture unravels.
I know a stay-at-home mom that started asking questions. She discovered her county website has all the board of supervisors agendas. For her county, they posted agendas that included any votes on funding and all their financials which she then downloaded as far back as they went. Her little side business was small business bookkeeping and she was able to use the documents to trace who on the board was pushing certain election machine vendors, who paid grants for elections and so on.
Then she found her voice and started going to board of supervisors meeting and offering public comment to the board.
When she started quoting from their financials a certain member that seemed to be on “team takeover” for their small county heard her quoting financials and their head shot up. Maybe an indication of something.
Oh, and she caught on to something happening in multiple counties. It might be worth checking to see if this has happened where you live…
Forces behind the scenes seem to be pushing to change the meeting rules for the board of supervisors such that the chairman of the board can shut down public comment without a vote. They promote this new set of rules (can’t recall the name) because Robert’s Rules is too long and hard to follow. Wait? What?
Making it easier to shut down public comment through this rules change seems to be another large scale effort to undermine the ability of “We the People” to be self-governing.
hey there! hope you are well!
PR, Thanks for brining this and visiting.
That degenerate, Zelensky’s day, accountability is closing in.
Good to see you here! Hope you and yours are well. Sending Good Energy!
I watched this last night. Bob Amsterdam sheds light on how unpopular the little dictator is and why.
I am at around 24 minutes. He is talking about how sophisticated the Ukraine disinfo campaign is.
That is NOT Ukrainian in origin! The whole darn thing STINKS of the CIA/NATO/Cabal/WEF Please note he keeps saying the Nazis are ‘right wing’ He really needs to get his head on straight about that.
I’m thinking it would be good to create a post for us to save all things Ukraine into. Give me a little time to get it going…
Good Idea.
Okay, new post is up.
Comments on Ukraine in general and on this video may be collected here if you wish.
Ukraine: Another Playground for Evil
February 20, 2025 9:07 am
Sen Josh Hawley has called for an independent IG to investigate every penny of money that went to Ukraine. This will ensure the DOGE effort becomes nontransparent because of “national security” and “ongoing investigation.” Eventually the final IG report will be inconclusive and redacted when it is released in 2028.
Methinks the senator is starting to sweat since Zelenskyy sad he only got half of the loot. Perhaps some of the other half found it’s way into a certain senator’s pockets?
No redactions and 2028 is unacceptable. Truly cannot be that hard to audit money sent to Ukraine.
Same this with weapons and ordnance “shipped” to Ukraine. Complete accountability.
exactly–he wants to give the guilty time to flee congress with their ill gotten gains.
Their ill botten gooty?
besides you…who said that? LOL
Someone . . . I have no idea . . . neither does Grok 3.
i was trying to remember–I think it was Hawkeye in MASH…lol
A most perplexing riddle, calling for the most ingenious of solutions. Thus I made it publicly known that there were fingerprints to be found on the stolen articles, thereby tempting the criminal to repeat his crime, and retrieve his ill-gotten booty – or his ill-booten gotty. Which he has done! However, in so doing, he has exposed himself.
Or maybe they said “ill gooten botty”?
This. The autists and DOGE people could get it done much faster than that.
Has not Howley begun to work against the President? Oh that was Cotton. These guys need to be primaries.
Can not copy & paste so here are highlights.
Started with inheritance of $60,000
Hawley has a net worth of $21 million and it has grown significantly in the past 4 years. Major bucks shorting stock like Silicon Bank
Real Estate = $10 million In 2023 bought 170 ac ranch in MI dirt cheap.
That seems unbelievable. If that’s the case why stay in govt service?
Because you are OWNED. Hawley is bought and paid for and he will stay in politics til he dies like Piglosi, Mitch the Bitch, Feinstein, Shiffty Schiff, Chuck the schmuck….
The ‘Masters’ are not interested in grooming new people all the time when all they have to do is cheat in elections and blackmail their puppets.
Purely a coincidence.
Surely Hawley is a savvy investor – with Senate insider information.
“…. Real Estate = $10 million. [AND] In 2023 bought 170 ac ranch in MI dirt cheap….”
That is what caught my eye. Remember the cartels use real estate to launder money and pay off government officials.
He was just re-elected
I’m suffering from a memory hole problem here . . . one of millions, by the way.
Way back in the almost prehistoric days of yore, the days when the Apple computer and GUI interfaces were just starting to appear, many people continued to use a certain computer language to interface and configure their computers as word processors. This is not the name of an early word processor system like WordStar, but the name of a language used to enable word processing.
A name starting with “D” seems to be flying around my head, just out of reach. Will someone please break this loose for me? Thanks.
I’m not thinking of machine code or assembly language . . . it had a name. Working with machine code was brutal, by the way.
Furthest person from computer literate.
Wiki shows. D, Data Base, DarkBasic and DJTILLU.
Mouse over and settled on DJ TILLU may be the answer.
I don’t think so . . . no bells ringing on those. But, thanks.
DOS? (The original one — not the “Denial of Service” acronym.)
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Thank you!!!
And it was PC-DOS before microsoft took it.
Not forgetting Gary Kildall and CP/M…
I miss PIP.
This happened yesterday. Mississippi Lt Gov collapses on senate floor (video). He collapsed in the middle of addressing state law makers. Looks like a Sudden Death kind of thing, but just before this hit the head lines at CFP there was this very short video on rumble explaining about how CIA heart attack guns work. (dart to the neck and shell fish toxin introduced to the blood stream resulting in something that resembles a heart attack with in a minute or so of being hit by the dart.
Seems he’s fine now… claims dehydration and gives praise to medical staff that helped him recover. Still strange. Tin foil hat too tight. Making me think maybe they keep anti toxins handy at the state level now. Who knows…
If this man had taken even one injection of a COVID-19 “vaccine”, the ingredients and mechanisms of the “vaccine” must be included in the analysis/investigation of what happened to him.
Shady government going back far too many decades had already studied and knew which frequencies can be used to affect which organs of the body. Microwaves BTW were used to scramble cognitive function. The story told by a retired UK sailor was that they changed protocol to disarm mines underwater because once they were on deck an adversary could direct waves at the sailor and increase the odds of a fatal mistake while diasarming.
What used to happen in Seattle seems to be spreading. ANTIFA getting a public beat down.
Longer vid, an extra minute or so, but it seems to be from ANTIFA itself so the unmasking thing is very limited.
Always good to see Antifa get their asses whupped.
That stuff looks to be several years ago.
Above would not work for my laptop.
Used this one.
OLD STUFF ~four years old.
2 twitter posts. 1st is alert by Musk. Seems dems are trying to pass a bill that will stop DOGE from looking into the IRS and only need to co-opt 3 lawmakers. Second is the hypocrisy surrounding that. In case the squisher has finished his coffee break I’ll post the meme.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 20, 2025
“The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.”
Proverbs 10:8 (KJV)
“Through the whole of the Proverbs, we are to look for somewhat beyond the first sense the passage may imply, and this we shall find to be Christ. He is the Wisdom so often spoken of in this book.
…”A good man discourses wisely for the benefit of others. But it is the sin, and will be the ruin of a wicked man, that he speaks what is displeasing to God, and provoking to those he converses with. The righteous is kept by the power of God; and nothing shall be able to separate him from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.”
Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
When life is fraught with turmoil and sorrow
What shall we do to change up the morrow
Shall we kick up our heels and happy dance
Would you like to oblige by happenstance
Shall we fly through the air without a plane
Shall we just be silly and go insane
Shall we walk up the path in the bright sun
What else can we drum up to have some fun
Take out your sketchpad and draw me a pic
A serene water scene and boat right quick
I will pen you a poem if you would like
Until it’s lunchtime for this little tyke
Almost forgot a fresh flower bouquet
If okay with you please choose the array
What is a meal without a centerpiece
And a hot looking chef who can appease
Shall we walk to the lake and row a boat
Shall we jump in the water try to float
If the fishes are swimming skip that part
Don’t want them nipping my toes a la carte
If we play hide and seek might be unfair
Cause I could get lost just about anywhere
Maybe we could try a quick game of pool
But sorry to say I’d just play the fool
I am out of ideas lest you have some
So far my suggestions they just seem dumb
I know what deep down I would like to do
Be on the deck and just cuddle with you
D01: 08/01/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Moody Blues – The Promise (fantasy mid-70s LP)
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

February 20, 2025 10:02 am
on X, “Ukrainian President Zelensky blocks Trump’s Truth Social platform in Ukraine”
Zelensky, resisting his 15 minutes of fame, expired.
He proves that he is a dictator case closed.
at about the 1:30 mark Hawley says he’ll scour the budget for Ukraine and that it should not have any support for Ukraine. Well, did it myself assuming I found the right document. Seems Hawley has an awakening about to happen.
The Lindsey Grahm bill as it is going forward. Had a difficult time finding this. Added search criteria “Ukraine”. Should show up in link. or you might have to strip everything off after ? and then add “Ukraine in the search bar on the site for the bill and search it up your self. Then scroll down and see where Ukraine shows up.
First time it shows up is here. Then continues…
I haven’t gone beyond this point yet but Ukraine begins to appear in more spots below this.
Also suggests that USAID be searched as well. On my way to finding this Senate resolution it appeared that USAID was getting full funding but reading these things requires a better effort than I’m giving it.
The Ukraine section.
(b) Limitation.—None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made available for assistance for a government of an Independent State of the former Soviet Union if such government directs any action in violation of the territorial integrity or national sovereignty of any other Independent State of the former Soviet Union, such as those violations included in the Helsinki Final Act: Provided, That except as otherwise provided in section 7037(a) of this Act, funds may be made available without regard to the restriction in this subsection if the President determines that to do so is in the national security interest of the United States: Provided further, That prior to executing the authority contained in the previous proviso, the Secretary of State shall consult with the Committees on Appropriations on how such assistance supports the national security interest of the United States.
(c) Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act.—Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act (22 U.S.C. 5812 note) shall not apply to—
(1) activities to support democracy or assistance under title V of the FREEDOM Support Act (22 U.S.C. 5851 et seq.) and section 1424 of the Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996 (50 U.S.C. 2333) or non-proliferation assistance;
(2) any assistance provided by the Trade and Development Agency under section 661 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2421);
(3) any activity carried out by a member of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service while acting within his or her official capacity;
(4) any insurance, reinsurance, guarantee, or other assistance provided by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation under title IV of chapter 2 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2191 et seq.);
(5) any financing provided under the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945 (Public Law 79–173); or
(6) humanitarian assistance.
(d) Turkey.—None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to facilitate or support the sale of defense articles or defense services to the Turkish Presidential Protection Directorate (TPPD) under Chapter 2 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2761 et seq.) unless the Secretary of State determines and reports to the appropriate congressional committees that members of the TPPD that are named in the July 17, 2017, indictment by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, and against whom there are pending charges, have returned to the United States to stand trial in connection with the offenses contained in such indictment or have otherwise been brought to justice: Provided, That the limitation in this paragraph shall not apply to the use of funds made available by this Act for border security purposes, for North Atlantic Treaty Organization or coalition operations, or to enhance the protection of United States officials and facilities in Turkey.
countering russian influence and aggression
Sec. 7037. (a) Limitation.—None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made available for assistance for the central Government of the Russian Federation.
(b) Annexation of Crimea.—
(1) PROHIBITION.—None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made available for assistance for the central government of a country that the Secretary of State determines and reports to the Committees on Appropriations has taken affirmative steps intended to support or be supportive of the Russian Federation annexation of Crimea or other territory in Ukraine: Provided, That except as otherwise provided in subsection (a), the Secretary may waive the restriction on assistance required by this paragraph if the Secretary determines and reports to such Committees that to do so is in the national interest of the United States, and includes a justification for such interest.
(2) LIMITATION.—None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made available for—
(A) the implementation of any action or policy that recognizes the sovereignty of the Russian Federation over Crimea or other territory in Ukraine;
(B) the facilitation, financing, or guarantee of United States Government investments in Crimea or other territory in Ukraine under the control of Russian-backed separatists, if such activity includes the participation of Russian Government officials, or other Russian owned or controlled financial entities; or
(C) assistance for Crimea or other territory in Ukraine under the control of Russian-backed separatists, if such assistance includes the participation of Russian Government officials, or other Russian owned or controlled financial entities.
(3) INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS.—The Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States executive directors of each international financial institution to use the voice and vote of the United States to oppose any assistance by such institution (including any loan, credit, or guarantee) for any program that violates the sovereignty or territorial integrity of Ukraine.
(4) DURATION.—The requirements and limitations of this subsection shall cease to be in effect if the Secretary of State determines and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that the Government of Ukraine has reestablished sovereignty over Crimea and other territory in Ukraine under the control of Russian-backed separatists.
That given, it appears other sections of the Bill totally ignore and thus fund many things that DOGE has determined to be very problematic such as the UN/USAID/WHO etc… and will likely tie the Presidents hands.
Just in case clean link to text of the bill
As I tried to put other search terms in it kept taking me elsewhere. Lucky I found highlights to Ukraine at all.
well you’re NOT supposed to find any
I manually highlighted all of the bill, copied and pasted it into MS Word. The search functions of MS Word work just fine in it.
POTUS does not have to sign the bill?
He is supporting the House Bill and has come out publicly against the Senate Bill.
Rob building up his credibility with America First – MAGA. Eyeing WH run.
DeSantis signs immigration enforcement agreements with federal agencies
Agreements allow state law enforcement to perform immigration officer functions, including removing incarcerated criminal foreign nationals.
Good one.
Rob is doing a great job supporting America First – MAGA. Trump will not derail this.
Casey has not announced yet. Best I know, Donalds has not announced.
While Rob grovels, Trump will use happy words, but remain neutral for now.
Donalds will receive Trump’s endorsement later. If this happens, Trump will campaign for Donalds.
Rob will pursue the WH, regardless of who runs for FL guvner. Rob will fail.
Rob is too short.
But, but Rob has lifts in his cowboy boots.
Our fourth president, James Madison, stood at 5’4″.
The tallest, Abraham Lincoln, was 6’4″ tall.
These days one needs to be camera-ready and present an almost movie star-like appearance.
Good thing Maggot was installed.
That dufus was never camera ready, not almost movie star-like appearance.
I recall something written by someone who had his picture taken with Reagan.
He described it as some awkward looking guy (himself) standing next to someone who had trained “presence.”
LOL…now that he’s joined a talent/PR agency he’ll be shiny and new
Presumptuous of Cocaine Mitch to think he’ll have the opportunity.
Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell is announcing on Thursday that he won’t seek reelection next year:
Scum needs to quit but doesnt want beshear to appoint a dimm.
IIRC. Beshear can’t name his replacement. KY requires special election to fill vacant Senate seats..
of course not…he’ll be in jail by then.
This is moralistic garbage, which is unfortunately the rhetorical currency of the globalists because they have nothing else to say.
For three years, President Trump and I have made two simple arguments: first, the war wouldn’t have started if President Trump was in office; second, that neither Europe, nor the Biden administration, nor the Ukrainians had any pathway to victory. This was true three years ago, it was true two years ago, it was true last year, and it is true today.
And for three years, the concerns of people who were obviously right were ignored. What is Niall’s actual plan for Ukraine? Another aid package? Is he aware of the reality on the ground, of the numerical advantage of the Russians, of the depleted stock of the Europeans or their even more depleted industrial base?
Instead, he quotes from a book about George HW Bush from a different historical period and a different conflict. That’s another currency of these people: reliance on irrelevant history.
President Trump is dealing with reality, which means dealing with facts. And here are some facts:
Number one, while our Western European allies’ security has benefitted greatly from the generosity of the United States, they pursue domestic policies (on migration and censorship) that offend the sensibilities of most Americans and defense policies that assume continued over-reliance.
Number two, Russians have a massive numerical advantage in manpower and weapons in Ukraine, and that advantage will persist regardless of further Western aid packages. Again, the aid is *currently* flowing.
Number three, the United States retains substantial leverage over both parties to the conflict.
Number four, ending the conflict requires talking to the people involved in starting it and maintaining it.
Number five, the conflict has placed–and continues to place–stress on tools of American statecraft, from military stockpiles to sanctions (and so much else). We believe the continued conflict is bad for Russia, bad for Ukraine, and bad for Europe. But most importantly, it is bad for the United States.
Given the above facts, we must pursue peace, and we must pursue it now. President Trump ran on this, he won on this, and he is right about this. It is lazy, ahistorical nonsense to attack as “appeasement” every acknowledgment that America’s interest must account for the realities of the conflict.
That interest–not moralisms or historical illiteracy–will guide President Trump’s policy in the weeks to come.
And thank God for that.
We couldn’t have asked for a better VP. I don’t care who. J.D. is FANTASTIC.
He truly is an amazing VP.
HOW does he KNOW?
February 20, 2025 11:16 am
February 20 205
What can we learn from this?
the gold is gone and everyone who knows this has to hide it from the American people because we don’t bring knives to a gun fight?
This is not a new theory I read that many years ago.
People are corruptible
Don’t trust any one with a Soros connection.
Scott Kenneth Homer Bessent (BESS-ənt; born August 21, 1962) is an American investor and hedge fund manager who has served since 2025 as the 79th United States secretary of the treasury. He was a partner at Soros Fund Management and the founder of Key Square Group, a global macro investment firm
Some are put in place to show us something.
Basset caved quick wonder who got to him or what they have on him?
Could be.
It certainly is an educational time for the average American.
you’d think that’d be the first thing he’d do. you always do an audit before you “accept” that everything’s there.
How sensible.
PDJT himself said the gold will be viewed. As he spoke, I thought that he probably knows the true status (though of course I’m not sure). If Trump wants Fort Knox examined, it will be. Bessent can’t make this kind of a decision outside of Trump’s approval, IMO.
I hope it’s not the case that no one really knows the status, including Trump, and the consequences of an empty building would literally rock the world, as previously discussed here. I don’t know why the president wouldn’t have a means of checking without anyone knowing. Who possesses that kind of power, that they can tell the POTUS “you can’t come in here or know the status of the gold”? The answer to that should be no one.
Stuff similar to this posted in yesterday’s daily.
Trump Announces He Is Considering Giving 20% of DOGE Savings to Taxpaying Americans – And Slash National Debt
I love this.
Trump just plays sugar daddy.
Americans are already spending the check in their imaginations.
If congress doesn’t vote for it, they are the Grinch that stole Christmas.
Almost as if, the entire tax refund was a preplanned, planted question a few days back.
I think the question was prompted by a tweet by Elon Musk with the idea.
Patel confirmation vote still scheduled for 1:45 pm today EST.
looks like Vance will have to break tie as Susan Collins just announced she’s a ‘no’ along with Murkowski & Mc Connell. She’s got standards, don’tcha know

Fun thing about Kash is he is without a doubt one of the most qualified picks Trump has chosen so far and comes with zero ethical concerns. That said, they have been keeping him to last because they fear him the most. If he doesn’t pass the first time he should be resubmitted again and again.
Hope JD is there for the vote. Read elsewhere, JD is in FL. Short flight
Trump will makes calls and get him confirmed. Even if JD breaks a tie.
Indeed Collins has standards… very, Very, VERY LOW standards….
Although some might say (as they do on WUWT), if she didn’t have double standards, she wouldn’t have any at all…
Methinks perhaps Wall Street is a bit ** nervous ** about Kash Patel becoming FBI Director? The Dow Jones is down by almost 500 points.
That and the idea that Ft Knox might be empty.
Something with Walmarts prediction…
2.20.25: A DEEP DARK WORLD is being exposed, UKRAINE, DOGE, Russia, How do you catch a fish? PRAY!
And We Know
Kash confirmation vote…
He’s in!
Let the cleanup begin!!
Something tells me Kash Patel will be revolutionary at the FBI.
“I’d shut down the FBI Hoover Building on day one and reopen it the next day as a museum of the deep state.” “I’d take the 7,000 employees that work in that [FBI] building and send them across America to chase down criminals… Go chase down m*rderers and r*pists and drug dealers, and violent offenders.”
FIBers need to start wearing body cams when interviewing, kicking in doors, arresting people. Same as regular cops.
No more 302’s!!!! Recorded interviews only!
^^^THIS^^^ infinity%.
Kash is in. 51-49.
Long wait but worth it
McConnell was the 51st vote – yes. Pleasant surprise, given cocaine Mitch is a POS.
A strange twist of fate.
Yeah. I am shocked … but prepared for McConnell backstabbing We the People elsewhere …
Yep. JD didn’t have to vote. Collins was the no.
Murkowski was the other no.
The same two shits.
Oh.. breaking news thing. Found it on the iternets and it sounds credible. Apparently Mitch says he thought they were asking if he wanted mash potatoes, so there’s that. Anyway, doesn’t matter now and if anyone is in DC, could you find some mashed potatoes for Mitch.
check under his hat
The goop under his hat is a lot darker and smellier than mashed potatoes.
shudder…probably right
Check his shorts…..
Or there was some cash to be had
The semi official victory lap thing for Kash
this is dated today…hmmmmm
Trump confirms Fort Knox audit.
With all of the fraud being revealed, Fort Knox being audited is a MUST To Do.
I agree. not sure what Bessent was thinking.
Yes, you finally know how to introduce yourselves.
But help is on the way.
That’s a “pronoun” I can get behind!
Bondi & Kash are seen just about to enter FBI Headquarters . . .
It’s Official Official
He’s in.
Note the new X account…
Might want to follow
Full text:
…so long as the first corners he checks are at FBI HQ.
We need Kash in a picture with Kari (Lake).
Kash and Kari.
You’re channeling cuppa.
Bad girl. No trigger finger discipline.
The Chosen’s Season 5 official trailer dropped today:
Johnny Cash’s background music is a nice touch.
I can’t help but think of what’s happening in DC these days.
There were two scenes (one just a glimpse) that really got me in the trailer.
The first was when Judas said he “hadn’t seen enough.” I got chills all over. That was rough.
The other was just the flash on Jesus breaking the bread at the Last Supper. My eyes filled with tears.
I really love The Chosen.
Evening Prayer For Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
Evening Prayer For Future Guidance
Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening
Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
Hey what’s happened to the Patriot Front? Will Kash find the organizers of this group?
h/t Filly

she finds some good ones!
We’ll see if this is real. Also if they actually do it. Looks like tough talk with no plan of action.
We know the FIB loves to lay this type of trap.
But for leftists?
Trump has been in office for a month and he had several of the AIC fired at regional offices. Hopefully some of the good guys got put in place.
So suddenly we have a right to bear arms against a tyrannical government? Wow!
D.C. has laws prohibiting carrying firearms. Should be interesting.
IIRC, can’t carry a live round. Nor an expended cartridge. Lunacy.
Well, if they break so much as a jay-walking law, Kash Patel should have them arrested.
Also, terroristic threats ARE criminal acts.
So true! To bad the left can’t comprehend this truth.
Oh, they understand it, but we’re just hosts for them to parasitize, so they consider it a feature.
True, the leaders of the left know it. I’m thinking the Ken’s and Karen’s on the left don’t realize it.
I still can not stand Bill Mitchell. He is a sleazy traitor trying to worm his way back into MAGA.
Do you have any links explaining his sleaziness, as you describe it?
I think you’d have to follow his work and the comments made about them, but it’s pretty much understood you pour salt on Mitchell. It’s fine to listen but be weary.
This story pretty much documents some of his problems even though the meat has all dried up it actually makes it easier to see what was going on with him.
From memory, though foggy, Mitchell has been accused of tossing other conservatives over the bridge when his reporting was actually at fault.
To be involved with Mitchell some get tainted by the interaction especially when they try to defend him. Mitchell represents the lower bench of the red wing and fighting over stories and scraps sometimes gets nasty especially when they don’t pan.
He told his fans he needed money to move to Washington DC. Then he took the money raised and moved to Miami instead.
August 1, 2023 — Comedian Roseanne Barr Destroys Trump Hater Bill Mitchell
Next big boy Bill Mitchell called for a debate with Roseanne. This went even worse. Roseanne pointed out that Mitchell was a nobody.
Bill Mitchell
Jul 31, 2023
No response from @therealroseanne yet? She thinks she can attack me from behind her keyboard? Fine. Debate me on a Space. DeSantis supporter vs. Trump supporter. Let’s go Roseanne.
Bill Mitchell
I challenge @therealroseanne to a
Trump supporter
Space debate.
Does she have the guts to face me?
Roseanne Barr
Roseanne Barr@therealroseanne
So he is a DeSantis supporter. There was other stuff before that but I do not remember it off hand.
Trump endorses FL gov candidate Bryon Donalds.
He is a very good choice.
Laughing here.
Casey is gonna be Big mad.
Rob big case of sadz.
Somewhere today, read Rob was planning to visit WH.
Four years of PDJT, eight years of JD, and then eight years of Bryon after his eight years of governor………
If they could carry the MAGA Train forward.
Sounds absolutely fantastic!
Grow the bench.
Byron is really, really good.
Needs executive experience. FL guvner works. Then VP. Perhaps with JD leading ticket.
Note how POTUS Trump is pushing JD into the spotlight… AND HE SHINES!
Operation Whirlwind,Red Cross On Deck,Kash Is Going To Drop The Hammer,Setting The Stage – Ep. 3577
February 20, 2025 x22report
The congestion tax is backfiring on Hochul, Trump removed the tax and she wants it back, Dem Gov thanks Trump for removing the tax. Fed in their notes said Trump tariffs are going to be a problem and rates aren’t coming down. Trump is ready to give back to the people in the amount of $5000. Lutnick confirms, abolish the IRS, which will lead to the abolishment of the Fed. The [DS] is in a state of panic, their entire system is being revealed to the public, it’s just a matter of time until the people see the real criminals. Operation Whirlwind has begun. Red Cross on deck. Kash is now confirmed as the FBI director, he is ready to drop the hammer, setting the stage.
Ep 3577a – Howard Lutnick Confirms, Abolish IRS, Which Leads To Abolish The Fed, Tick Tock
Ep 3577b – Operation Whirlwind,Red Cross On Deck,Kash Is Going To Drop The Hammer,Setting The Stage
Open up Red cross books, and all NGOs.
From X22
Plane Accident per month Chart years 2007 to 2025
US appeals court rejects Trump’s emergency bid to curtail birthright citizenship
Not a surprise. I hope the Supreme court rules correctly.
The Ninth Circus…surprise, surprise!
Yup, that is what I was thinking. Of course we can go Judge shopping to when going after FauXI et al.
I hear it is not as radical left as it once was.
This may have been post earlier…..
I wonder if the sofa beds preceded the DOGE Musketeers.
I hear all the time that colonels at the pentagon end up making coffee.
That’s an egregious waste of a competent colonel (assuming he IS competent, of course; Biden legacies likely aren’t).
O-6s make coffee, at the Pentagon. Sucking up to Generals and Admirals. Prolly includes SES shitbags.
Also heard, one of the tickets to get punched for promotion, was a DC HQ tour.
Eric Daugherty:
YES!!! I was thinking he should bring it to the inauguration!
How the fashion industry is adapting to Trump 2.0
Much has changed since 2017, when fashion labels and publishers boycotted the new administration
Monday, February 17, 2025
On the night of the inauguration, as revelers filed into the Commander-in-Chief Ball to await the arrival of the new president of the United States, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro was buzzing.
Donning a ballgown and speaking on air with Sean Hannity, she marveled at the elegance of Melania Trump.
“She is an icon. And it’s about time America — you know the magazines, the designers — recognize she is one of the most magnificent first ladies,” Pirro said.
“She’s so far past Jackie O at this point. We’ve got four years of spectacular elegance, class and a real love for fashion.”
Experienced Pilot For Speaking Up About Safety!
What a
surprise.Wish they included the safety concerns, which likely have not been addressed. Of course if the safety concerns were mentioned, Delta would ground, fire or whatever to silence this pilot.
Would bet this pilot is NOT jabbed. Too damn smart AND savvy.
Earlier patfrederick mentioned
Badlands substack had this interesting bit to add to the story.
From Insty —
Good. How many people work at the ATF’s firearms division?
Call that number N
1 down, N-1 to go.
Chuck Shumer, Robert Garcia, and Other Democrat Leaders Are Officially Under DOJ Criminal Investigation
Looks like more Bark than Bite, but good.
US Attorney To Elon Musk: “…we will chase them to the end of the Earth…”
Um…this is not a chase we want to last forever (unlike telling Cornyn to fuck off), so in this case I have to point out the Earth has no end.
I tend to think of the beach as the end of the earth… before it becomes sea.
I believe the last one to be putting their hat in the ring was Mrs Desantis. This will put an end to that.
Pres. Trump Endorses Byron Donalds for Governor of Florida in 2026Jim Hᴏft Feb. 20, 2025 9:20 pm 74 Comments
MeThinks, Casey has her eye on the WH.
If so, she’s delusional.