Please visit this January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.

Let us Never Forget: our VOTES gave the Trump Administration a Mandate to FIX IT ALL.
Do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore,
and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. — Galatians 5:1

We got our miracle.
America is back.
Let us dedicate ourselves to the cleansing, healing, and rebuilding of our beautiful nation.
God will guide us.
Prayers and thanks to God for President Donald J. Trump.

Can We Watch?
The ability to watch the process of an election–from beginning to end–MUST be intentionally designed into the process. Otherwise, it’s just as prone to sleight-of-hand as a magician’s trick.
As Bev Harris (BlackBoxVoting.org) explained, we want to validate who can vote, who did vote, what each voter marked on each ballot, and how all elections materials are tracked and secured.
Provision for observers at each stage of the process is part of what gives legitimacy to our elections.
Election Observers, the Theory.
In theory, at every step of the process, open and transparent access for observers from each interested party should be expected and provided for. Not just when it’s convenient for the elections officials and their staff.
Any resistance to making provision for observers MUST be considered as suspicious at best, possibly a sign of guilt, and always an indication of maladministration of the election process.
You may remember poll workers taping up sheets of cardboard to block the view of the poll during the 2020 elections. I’ve heard reports of similar behavior in other places since then. Didn’t some group have a way to send on the spot reports to them when these types of things were happening during the 2024 election?
Voter Rolls.
If voter rolls are not freely visible to every citizen, if there is not an audit trail for how rolls change over time, if list maintenance procedures are not transparent, then there is room for hidden fraud. You might just want to check what level of access and transparency your state provides for your voter rolls.
“Maintaining an accurate voter registration list is essential to protecting election integrity. Keeping voter registration lists up to date is a continual process that includes adding new eligible voters, updating voter registration information when a voter moves and removing ineligible voters. The process of adding, updating and removing voters is referred to as list maintenance.”
— Election Assistance Commission
As mundane as keeping a list up to date would seem, apparently even a lowly voter roll can aid and abet rigging an election. Or elections. Lots of elections.
As documented by Andrew Paquette in the paper, “The Caesar cipher and stacking the deck in New York State voter rolls” someone was clever enough to encode into the rolls a veritable army of zombie voters to be conjured up when needed to tip the scales for an election.
From the abstract:
Voters in New York State are identified by two identification numbers. This study has discovered strong evidence that both numbers have been algorithmically manipulated to produce steganographically concealed record attribute information. One of the several algorithms discovered has been solved. It first utilizes a mechanism nearly identical to the simple ‘Caesar Cipher’ to change the order of a group of ID numbers. Then, it interlaces them the way a deck of cards is arranged to create a ‘stacked deck’. The algorithmic modifications create hidden structure within voter ID numbers. The structure can be used to covertly tag fraudulent records for later use.
Election Observers, state-by-state.
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) provides a brief, “Policies for Election Observers.” You can find just about everything you would want to know about your own state’s policies at this link.
Political parties, candidates, citizen groups and independent organizations may deploy observers or watchers to witness election processes in the U.S. Generally, the purpose for these observers is to provide a layer of protection or transparency and to learn from and improve processes, which vary considerably by state. This webpage covers relevant laws and practices for multiple types of election observers nationwide.
In reviewing this brief, I didn’t see anything about allowing observers or insight into mail-in ballot drop boxes, or handling by the USPS. Seems like a problem. As President Trump reminds us all the time, mail-in ballots are “not good.”
Recent Changes to State Laws.
I found the list of recent legislative actions regarding election observers to be an interesting way to get a sampler of what states are focused on these days. Here they are:
Modifications to who can be an election observer of any kind:
- South Dakota HB 1182 (2024) allows members of the public to observe voting and counting processes at polling places and requires that polling places be arranged so that poll watchers can see and hear what is going on.
- North Dakota SB 2292 (2023) clarifies that any individual beside a candidate on the ballot may be an election observer if they inform the election inspector of their intent to serve.
- Louisiana SB 74 (2022) clarifies that those who require assistance with voting may serve as poll watchers.
- Oklahoma HB 3321 (2022) requires poll watchers to serve in person and not via electronic devices.
- Utah HB 387 (2022) Permits preregistered voters (those who are under 18 years old) to serve as poll watchers, permits poll watchers to observe the ballot curing process and requires ballot adjudication in larger cities to be projected on a screen large enough to be viewed by watchers.
- Arizona SB 1835 (2021) requires poll watchers to be registered voters in the state.
- Texas SB 1 (2021) requires a training program for poll watchers and requires watchers to present a certificate of completion when reporting for observation. The law adds to the list of processes that poll watchers can observe all activities relating to closing a polling place, ballot signature verification, ballot curing and voter assistance efforts. SB 1 also requires poll watchers to take an oath, establishes a penalty for election officials who knowingly refuse to accept a valid certificate for observation, permits election officials to call law enforcement for the removal of a poll watcher who is in violation of the law, and establishes legal remedies for watchers who believe they were unlawfully prevented from observing election processes.
- Nebraska LB 1055 (2020) established the role of a poll watcher as either a registered voter of the state or an individual representing a state-based, national or international election monitoring organization. The bill went into effect after the November 2020 elections.
- New York AB 1525 (2019) permitted any political committee supporting or proposing a ballot proposal to have watchers in any general, special, town or village election and any party committee and any candidate on the ballot to have three watchers for each election district in a primary election.
- Utah SB 94 (2018) consolidated multiple terms for poll watcher (voting poll watchers, counting poll watchers and inspecting poll watchers) to the generic term “poll watcher” and permitted poll watchers to observe various aspects of the process.
- Arkansas HB 2138 (2017) prohibited a member of the state or county board of election commissioners from serving as a poll watcher.
- California AB 2021 (2016) clarified that international election observers may have uniform and nondiscriminatory access to all stages of the election process that are open to the public.
- Tennessee SB 1945 (2016) prohibited the appointment of a candidate’s spouse to serve as an election observer.
- Montana HB 529 (2015) prohibited a candidate from serving as a poll watcher.
- New York AB 5075 (2014) prohibited candidates for public office in a given election from acting as poll watchers.
- Alaska HB 104 (2013) required that poll watchers be U.S. citizens.
Modifications to the process of becoming an observer:
- Arkansas HB 1457 (2023) establishes a poll watcher bill of rights, requires poll watchers to be qualified electors of the state and receive training before an election.
- New Mexico SB 180 (2023) requires poll watchers to attend training before accepting appointment.
- Nebraska LB 1055 (2020) established an accreditation process for observers. The bill went into effect after the November 2020 elections.
- Arizona SB 1054 (2019) increased the amount of time before an election for nonpartisan observers to apply to observe at a counting center. Only three persons or groups may observe activities at the counting center and are chosen by lot from those who apply.
- Louisiana HB 563 (2019) required that a list of watchers be filed with the clerk of the court in each parish where a candidate will have watchers if the office is in more than one parish.
- New Mexico HB 407 (2019) amended the definition of watchers to include an election-related organization or any group of three candidates for election in a statewide election and outlines which aspects of the process may be observed.
- Mississippi HB 467 (2017) added a credentialing process and code of conduct for partisan poll watchers.
- Virginia HB 1333 (2015) specified that the state or district chairman may designate authorized representatives of political parties if the county or city chairman is unavailable to do so.
- Wisconsin AB 202 (2014) required all authorized observers to sign in at the polling place and provided for observation areas of not less than 3 feet or more than 8 feet from the voter check-in table.
- Arkansas HB 1551 (2013) required the state board of elections to certify at least one state election monitor for each congressional district, and HB 1551 (2013) required training for certified state election monitors.
- Texas SB 160 (2013) required election officials to provide poll watchers with identification to be displayed by the watcher at the polling place.
Modifications to which aspects of the election process may be observed:
- Colorado SB 276 (2023) establishes poll watcher guidelines for primary and special elections and prohibits poll watchers from taking photos and recording inside the election office or polling place.
- Montana SB 93 (2021) permits poll watchers to observe at mail ballot deposit locations (drop boxes).
- Texas HB 1128 (2021) clarifies that poll watchers may be present in polling places, at meetings of early voting ballot boards and in central counting stations.
- Arkansas SB 488 (2021) allows poll watchers to inspect voter statements and ballots during an election, even though these documents are protected under the state’s public records law.
- Florida SB 90 (2021) requires poll watchers to wear identification badges while observing and allows each political party and each candidate to have one watcher with viewing access to ballot signature verification.
- Hawaii HB 1248 (2019) enacted mail voting across all counties for all elections and included a section allowing poll watchers to be present at voter service centers.
- Maryland SB 5 (2015) permitted authorized partisan and nonpartisan observers, and any others who wish to be present, to observe the canvass process.
- Virginia HB 319/SB 537 (2012) specified that partisan observers may be close enough to the voter check-in table to be able to hear what is being said, but that observation shall not violate the secret vote or otherwise interfere with the election.
Our Turn.
We can’t leave this to others. We can at least try and get informed on what has been found, what has been done about it, and what more needs to be done.
We can make a difference.
And we must make a difference.
If you care about building a lasting and resilient nation, consider yourself on the job.
What would be the 5 bullet points in your status report for this week?
Twitterati, etc.
Andrew Paquette (mentioned above) is a refreshingly creative mind to engage with. His latest substack, “X marks the spot,” about trying to get to X, then Grok, might be an interesting read for those of us still trying to get in the gate. One of the replies also gives more ideas for what to try when wanting to open the door into their walled garden.


God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.
Very interesting story of trying to get back onto Twitter/X.
I remain relatively free on X, but my reach is definitely reduced by not upgrading to paid (Premium). I have thought about it, but I just don’t trust that all the TLA embeds have been removed.
I think my own troubles have to do with the IP addresses used by my VPN already being used or something near to that scenario.
One time I stayed at a hotel across the street from CalTech and found that my IP addy was banned from commenting at Ace…..when I was not, personally, banned at Ace.
Hotel IP was banned, which meant wi-fi was banned also.
Business’s and organizations also can ban IP’s if they wish and many have in the past when that capability first came out. Site administer would do it under the assumption that some sites were steeling time from their workers. Needless to say such became a game of squashing right of center sites.
Artifact of carrier-grade NATS and DHCP… which IPv6 was supposed to solve, but didn’t…. and dual-stack lite makes me want to hurl…. as does geo-blocking…
“We’re getting the banned back together”
For those who may have missed it, PAVACA’s updates on her ER visit are in yesterday’s topic here: https://www.theqtree.com/2025/02/26/kmag-20250226-open-thread-mad-cows-raw-milk/#comment-1423237
Thanks for bringing this.
Along with all of the great voter information!
Thank you.
thanks Gudthots!
(and man, y’all never sleep! all those comments!! whoa)
I’ve never met a nap I didn’t like.
From a couple of days ago, I had recommended having a variety of atlases.
For some reason, a random factoid that “everybody knows” popped into my head. It seems that some atlases would just copy the pages of other atlases so as not to spend money on actual research…..so the big-name map companies would pepper their maps with fictitious localities like “Grinder’s Switch” so that appearance on a competitor’s map would be prima facie evidence of copying.
In my youth, I discovered several fictitious towns near where I lived in South Jersey.
It wasn’t until many years later that I discovered why they were there.
On my honeymoon. there was an exit off the interstate we need to take to get to the part of a W VA town we were going to stay in. We went back and forth looking for that exit only to give up. Seems it did not exist.
Greenbrier, with cloaking enabled?
LOL no outsiders allowed!
The tossed a subdivision into an Apple Orchard near us in MA. Hubby knew the lady who drew it.
I know there is a lot more to do, but it’s good to see lists of actions that states have taken.
“…than the main stream media ever did.”
Oh I don’t know they may have been better in 1896.
Only 480 to go.
Whoa! That’s a big boom.
Think so?
Images won’t load.
4G&C, I find images do not load if I have too many tabs & windows open.
I see the image
Wait until all the ‘peaceful’ Leftists find out they are the source and cause of all war on earth.
They’re gonna be so mad…
That would require some independent thinking, something there’re not accustom to. Being the good
they are.
I think they’re really Baaaaahhhhhhd people…
Wait… if we don’t subsidize our NATO parasites, then how are they going to be able to run around starting wars everywhere?
The eu and uk are going to look a bit silly when that happens and Russia declines to invade them
They learned the lesson of the U.S.S.R. – it’s really hard to govern groups of people who don’t all speak the same language.
Same as here

Gaelic (Scottish)
Gaelic (Northern Irish)
That’s just a few…
The Scandanavian countries also have a variety of languages, and all of the countries have a few (if not many) dialects. Someone in Northern Germany will have no problem understanding Dutch, and vice-versa, as the dialects there are almost identical. Take one of those Northerners down to South Germany, e.g. Baden-Württemberg (Swabisch) or Bayern (Bayerisch) and they’d hardly understand a word being spoken…
I used to have to “interpret” what a Scottish colleague of mine was saying (when he’d had a few, i.e. he was three sheets to the wind or hollow-legged) because his brogue was all but impenetrable… his colleagues thought that hilarious (as did I), but I’m still not eating any of that Haggis garbage!!!
Two countries separated by a common language, indeed
Wasn’t there a movie or play “What if there was a war and nobody came?” or something like that… I’m reminded of “The Mouse That Roared” and “The Mouse On The Moon”, as well, by Leonard Wibberly…
they were warned the first time President Trump was in office. they need to pay their fair share–they have not. FAFO
There’s been no progress in the search for my bottle of crocodile tears.
It’s right behind your box of frog hair!
Somebody froggot where it was
Short guy gives ’em a big boom.
Bet they never saw that coming.
Frozen worm comes back to life after 46,000 years
I prefer Mountain House to frozen worms, for an emergency stash:
Guaranteed for only 30 years, not 46,000.
So 46,000 years ago it must have been warm enough for the worm to live there.
Worms of the world unite, global warming will set you free.
Nice point.
Don’t tell the congresscritters.
WTH do they need to do this….
We have enough pests as it is…. starting with the liberals, who are frozen in stupidity and blind mindlessness…
OMG – basic justice is coming back!
dang straight!
Now that’s huge if it happens. Another “Judge ” is waiting in the wings to give another TRO.
at some point, I would like to see legal immigrants sue the states for discrimination or something. legal immigrants have to undergo physical examinations, have a sponsor or prove they can support themselves,etc. illegals get food stamps, housing, etc. they are not being treated equally.
I think Pam Bondi has enough to do. She doesn’t need any extra work.
would her part in the case be defending the gov’t actions (which clearly she wouldn’t do)? there is no defense for giving illegals housing and food stamps, etc.
DOJ employs ~115,000.
DOJ can do more. Or start firing, all of the deadwood. OR BOTH.
Turn off all the obamaphones, too.
aren’t they easier to track that way though?
That’s a step in my plan! Yay!
Now do employment.
Yes, I thought about what you had said about turning off the money supply.
That is how it was in 1964. My concern is that now illegals will commit more crimes. One never knows what hunger does to people? The need to leave only solution.
I wish all people who want the illegals should take care of them. I do not know how we got
here from 1964 to now. We voted for people who did not have our best interest.
We got here thanks to Ted Kennedy, (the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.) I still want to pee on his grave!
Ted Kennedy’s Real Legacy: 50 Years of Mass Immigration
There also were limits to some countries who could migrate. Europe did not have many people migrate to US when I got here. They then opened immigration quote from Europe and prioritized to other countries.
What I always wondered many people brought their families here many older how they qualified for benefits they never paid into?
My guesstimate.
Liberals. State and local governments, did not hold sponsor accountable, for people they brought into the USA.
Liberals. Bonus, the more people state and local bureaucrats help, more job justification. More hires, promotions, bonus…
If you do that be sure to wear muck boots as the soil on his grave is likely already…soiled.
I certainly hope so!
When I lived in MA, he was deified. I asked my neighbor WHY are you voting for him. He said because he has done so much for us. So I asked WHAT has he done? He just stared at me blankly and could not answer.
At the time it had come out he had cheated by buying cattle class plane tickets but sat in first class. In this case first class was full. When the stewardess and then the co-pilot and pilot tried to get him to take the seat he purchased HE HAD THE WHOLE CREW FIRED!
There was a radio talk show about it and at that point all sorts of people called in with similar stories about how nasty and evil the SOB was. However he STILL got elected.
She said “illegal aliens,” not migrants, not even illegal immigrants.
Interesting thought re: Jack Smith and the law firm Covington…
Feb 26
Replying to @julie_kelly2
Hey Julie – Here’s what Trump SHOULD do. The attorney-client privilege is “owned” by the client. On behalf of the United States, he should waive the attorney-client privilege with Covington and demand full production of all client files, including all email communications, and make it all public. I don’t see anyone talking about this….. but we should be.Feb 26, 2025 · 12:59 AM UTC
Feb 26
Replying to @SloeWinslow @julie_kelly2
Think about it. Jack Smith either engaged Covington in his individual capacity to represent his personal interests…… OR……. He engaged Covington in his OFFICIAL capacity as special counsel. In the latter case, Covington was working for the United States and now Trump (on behalf of United States) should have access to the client file. And, this issue is worthy of litigating the facts. If Covington provided ANY advice or counseling about Jack Smith’s official duties in the case against Trump, then Jack Smith and Covington CAN’T argue that representation was of Jack Smith, personally. US government should press the issue. Force Covington to produce “client” communications to the Court, and let the Court decide if the subject matter of Covington’s counseling was personal to Jack Smith, or advice to the United States special counsel about how to prosecute an official U.S. case against a citizen. The fact that Trump was the defendant at issue doesn’t matter here. The NATURE of the advice and counseling is the dispositive issue.Feb 26, 2025 · 1:10 AM UTC
Replying to @SloeWinslow @julie_kelly2
Think about it Part #5: Come to think about it, wasn’t Norm Eisen (a lawyer) helping Jack Smith, the U.S. special counsel, in the case against Trump? Didn’t other Dem lawyers also get involved? SAME ISSUE. Any lawyer that provided legal advice and counseling to Jack Smith, in furtherance of his official duties as U.S. special counsel, was providing legal representation to the United States, not Jack Smith, personally. Why shouldn’t @AGPamBondi start firing off letters to ALL of them, and start asking for the client files?
This is getting good!!!
Goose — Gander.
Potential treasure trove of winning!
Paging Pam Bondi…
it would be interesting to see the receipts of who paid them. if Smith paid from his personal account (and was NOT reimbursed) then he owns the info. but it there is any record that Covington rec’d gov’t checks, then the gov’t owns the info, no?
Good online friends—
Yours Truly is discharged from the ER. I’m waiting for a ride back home from a company called Charlene’s Safe Ride, which has a contract with Duke University hospitals.
Thanks be to the Almighty God, all tests came back negative for cancer, infections, flu, etc. Suffice to say that the abdominal issue is due to — to put it delicately — “a certain type of evacuation” item that needs correction. It appears that Yours Truly has now officially joined the “Colasce/Metamucil/Eat More Green Vegetables/Drink More Water” crowd.
(Wry smile)
However, compared to the alternatives, one will not cavil.
Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts.
So thankful to hear this!
I learned from another online group that Ivermectin actually can be very dehydrating. There is a book, “Quench” that I found very helpful for moving to a more hydrating diet. Their recipe with cucumbers in a morning smoothie has been very helpful.
Safe trip home. Very long day for you.
Great news!
Get some rest!
Great news. Rest well.
So … we should assume that you’re no longer full of it?
You could always just have some Taco Bell.
Seriously, glad you are ok.
Taco Bell gut bomb?
Lol, yeah.
Q: Why don’t Taco Bells have playgrounds?
A: Because it’s hard to have fun when you’re about to poop your pants.
Lol! True!
For what it is worth, I found 100 mg Magnesium as Magnesium CITRATE has made me nice and regular if I take it each evening with a big glass of water.
This is OTC at Walmart — their brand Spring Valley, so I doubt it is a massive amount.
11 Types of Magnesium – Everything You Need to Know
Since I lose Potassium and Magnesium at a fast rate, I take both at a higher rate than most people. (My blood work was normal.)
Talk to your doctor about adding it to your daily routine.
WEBMED – Magnesium Citrate Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions,
Cleveland Clinc – Magnesium Citrate (Citroma): Uses & Warnings
The two above seem to be aimed at prescription dosages.
Health Benefits of Magnesium Citrate
Glad to hear you are OK! Blessings
There were times when it truly sucked to be Welsh…..
Good thing the story took place then and there and not further east back a millennia or two in Lacedaemon where Spartan wealth was required to be stored in iron ingots, the better not to horde it as it was harder to hide your wealth.
eeeep, hahaha… the things you bring, cthulhu!
Hence the term Welshing on an agreement
New Schlichter —
I disagree with quite a few of these, BTW. I recognize that Ukraine was hedging back-and-forth between the West and Russia until Victoria Nuland and friends carried out a “color revolution” against the internal Ukrainian pro-Russia factions [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_of_Dignity ]. Subsequent to that, the official Ukrainian government was induced to irritate Russia at every turn — including the instigation of violence (and military shelling) against Russophile elements in the Donbas.
“… I would also like to have a pony…..”
Careful what you wish for Schlichter!
OH, and Putin is NOT a bad guy, and he certainly had every right to say ENOUGH to the NATO -NAZIs!
The Biden regime took the side of the Nazi’s in Ukraine. Who would have thought
“Legendary actor Gene Hackman, wife Betsy and dog found dead inside New Mexico home: police”
“Natural Causes”, that take down the actor, his much-younger wife, and their much-younger dog simultaneously.
It didn’t state a cause, but when one sees something like that,my first thought is faulty gas appliance giving out carbon monoxide.
Will be interesting to read what an autopsy reveals.
What if anything LE and medical types discovered, besides no foul play evident.
Yup. The dog dying cinches it.
There were also two Live dogs, fwiw…
That’s interesting.
Gotta link for that info?
It was within this story shared above, I believe:
My first thought, too.
If so, I’d chalk it up to God’s plan then. The two meant to be together in all things.
One of the best, and one of my favorites.
I liked him in Enemy of the State.
One of our favorite movies
I’d assume the wife wished to accompany her husband to the here and after and took the dog along as well.
Found mummified. I wonder how long ago they died.
Interesting. With what kalokalbs says below this might fit with him dying first and then she turned on the gas. Wasn’t in the same room because she couldn’t stand the smell. She’s Japanese and likely a traditionalist. May of thought it best to hurry after her loved one in case she loose him for eternity.
LOL..my idea is the opposite. That wouldn’t be a very dignified place to join him in death, all sprawled on the floor.
Maybe she had a sudden death first and him being 95 was overwhelmed and had a heart attack?
Dang. “Lengendary” is spot on. Old school all the way.
Perhaps something to see here…if they’ll ever tell us the truth.
Gene Hackman and Wife Found in ‘Suspicious’ Circumstances — Dead ‘for Some Time’
(AFP) Oscar-winning cinema giant Gene Hackman was found dead Wednesday alongside his wife, in an incident that police are reportedly calling “suspicious.”
Hackman, 95, and his classical pianist wife Betsy Arakawa, 63, died at their home in New Mexico along with their dog.
Authorities initially said there were no signs of foul play, but celebrity news outlet TMZ, citing a search warrant, said a detective believed the deaths were “suspicious enough in nature to require a thorough search and investigation.”
The person who reported the deaths found the door of Hackman’s home unlocked and open, and pills scattered next to Arakawa’s body, which was found in the bathroom with a space heater near to her head.
It appeared Arakawa had been dead “for some time,” with the body in a state of decomposition, TMZ reported.
Hackman’s body was found in another room, fully clothed, with sunglasses next to his body, the report said.
Order of death will tell the story!
That extra information changes things quite a lot
“Epstein docs to be released tomorrow”.
SD has a very scathing attitude towards PB
i read that.
it’s not so much that he has a different opinion, it’s his hubris that his opinion is the only correct one that’s so distasteful.
Yeah. And the sycophants who hang on his every word, and tongue-bathe him in the comments.
Low info readers, they need to see the light.
Brave and Free,
About Operation Gladio…
Alpha Warrior is co-host of SitRep on Badlands Media and has had General Flynn as a guest. Colonel Towner has also written articles for the Badlands Media Substack. Therefore I am fairly sure General Flynn at least is well aware of the information.
General Flynn & Boone Cutler’s Fifth Generation Warfare books, dovetail nicely with Colonel Towner’s information.
What I am seeing is a slow reveal of what is happening behind the scenes by multiple sources.
there is that.
he had another fund raising request on his site and someone suggested that it was because he had important things to research and GO to…so be prepared for great things because of it.
The mods don’t allow any criticisms and kick them off.
that’s true.
Not only on PB but many other subjects as well.
nice granular analysis
Very . Rather nadty since just before she was announced.
I haven’t read the article, only the headline. I’ve been talking about the lack of communication. By going on Fox, Bondi is communicating. Could she text instead? Yes, but it’s good to see her in the spotlight.
And is she on Fox every day? Enquiring minds want to know.
And have Ricky Gervais read it out loud
How civilized. Those on the flight list get a 24-hour head start.
Run away! Run away!
Bondi really needs to explain why the chosen few get the Epstein information, while everyday Americans must wait another day.
Initially I foolishly thought a few chosen got the binders and we would have a website or whatever to download stuff.
California Joe
February 27, 2025 1:35 am
Supreme Court, blocks order for Trump administration to release billions in US foreign aid
Updated 6:31 PM PST, February 26, 2025
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Wednesday temporarily blocked a judge’s order giving the Trump administration a midnight deadline to release billions of dollars in U.S. foreign aid.
Chief Justice John Roberts said the order issued by U.S. District Judge Amir H. Ali will remain on hold until the high court has a chance to weigh in more fully.
Ali had ordered the federal government to comply with his decision temporarily blocking a freeze on foreign aid, ruling in a lawsuit filed by nonprofit groups and businesses. An appellate panel refused the administration’s request to intervene.
The federal government froze foreign assistance after an executive order from President Donald Trump targeting what he called wasteful programs that do not correspond to his foreign policy goals.
February 27, 2025 1:39 am
“Every member of Congress is told their presence is MANDATORY.”
Good opportunity to arrest them all at once, nice and clean
The Squad will refuse to show up, simply because DJT said it was mandatory… in fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if MOST of them were no-shows, because they just don’t do ‘mandatory’… mandatory is only for the little people…
who controls the Sgt of Arms I think he’s called. have them “fetched”. would love for there to be a vote called–those not showing up cannot vote…LOL
i know that’s far fetched–but a girl can dream, can’t she?
The Speaker of the House
Mandatory? That’s pure nonsense.
Power in the WH has gone to somebody’s head and that person needs counselling.
it doesn’t say the WH required it. just that he would be addressing joint Congress. maybe the respective heads of each legislative body made it mandatory…???
What if he deliberately said MANDATORY because he didn’t want certain ones there, and he knew they would jump at the chance to defy him.
AND end up looking like spoiled 2 year old brats tossing a tantrum.
February 27, 2025 2:51 am
Sean Curran, the Secret Service agent to the right of Trump in the legendary image from the Butler, PA rally at which Trump was shot, was prepared to sit next to Trump in a jail cell every day if necessary in order to protect him. “That’s how much I care for him…There’s nothing I would have not done for him.”
Would he have his sidearm?
Apparently Trump felt the same, and named Curran the head of the Secret Service.
Methinks there is going to be a “cleaning out” inside that dept that might go unpublicized.
It is, after all, the secret service.
they keep trying to “work with” these “students” who continue to wear masks disguising their identities. I suspect many have no business being on campus at all. The dean needs to arrest these people pure and simple. They shoved a college employee, they are disrupting classes which students paid for, writing graffiti on the walls and are making the college unsafe. consider this their warning and arrest them next time or you can expect this behavior to continue.
February 27, 2025 9:00 am
Pro-Hamas protesters seize control of historic Barnard academic building and assault college employee
Rip off their masks and name ’em and shame ’em.
They have no qualms about doxxing others…
Losing a scholarship or two and multiple job opportunities might well teach them a lesson…
I would bet they are either ILLEGALS or FOREIGN STUDENTS.
Arrest the lot for disorderly conduct.
Maybe give the pro-Hamas students a free trip into the center of Hamas see how they like it. If they are foreign students they need to go back home.
Pro-hamISIS protesters win a free expense-paid trip to the Gaza war zone.
One way.
Sounds like that lady has a heck of a lawsuit she can file against UberEats!
That is one way to make companies think twice about cutting corners!
A letter from our CEO @ UberEats
Yeah, Dara needs to tweak his business model a bit.
Could end up that Über is over…
(WTH is sausage-squisher doing with my uppercase umlauted “u”… I didn’t ask for hotkeys…. grrrrr…..)…..
you mean Uber is Under?
In any case it’s the end for Über
(and I’m not going to try to calculate the over/under for that
You haven’t heard?
From Grok…..
From last night:
Revolver — This is the beginning of a very humiliating end for Rep. Eric Swalwell…
There is this comment:
Mark Belk HalloweenGuy4
3 hours ago
I wrote about Ted Gunderson here:
KMAG 20250115 Open Thread / False Flags, Pedos & Satanists
how’s your back doing??
A lot better. Thank you guys for your prayers! It started improving right after that.
that’s great news!
What helps in laying on the floor and placing your legs on a chair or sofa knees bend. Getting back up is the trick
Actually for this section of my back, bending over at the waist and bouncing with the hands touching the floor.
I had a chiropractor give me a bunch of exercises.
There’s always gravity boots where you can hang down from the ceiling
Glad that you’re on the mend!
Would that make her “Bat-Gail”?
Nah, Ellen already has the licence Plate “Old Bat” and has had it for decades.
Stalactite Gail
Given the Arthur-T-Right-Us, that is closer to the truth!
Jack Benny was up for an award (not sure, Grammy, Emmy, Golden Globe, Oscar, whatever) and went up on stage and said:
“Thank you all very much. I don’t deserve this award, but, on the other hand, I have arthritis and I don’t deserve that either.”
Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! There’s lots of stuff in today’s action-packed roundup: media polling straight down towards Hades; WaPo stands up for personal liberties and libs see democracy dying; Overton window shifting in Daily Mail jab coverage; trans wars heat up again in military; Supreme Court brakes Trump TROs; new executive order balloons DOGE powers—again; Republicans aim at woke universities with endowment taxes; and executive MAHA order will finally require hospitals to publish real price info.
Now THERE is an evil pair!
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 27, 2025
“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
Proverbs 16:18 (KJV)
A sincerely religious man keeps at a distance from every appearance of evil. Happy is the man that walks in Christ, and is led by the Spirit of Christ. #18|.
Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Verse 18. – Pride goeth before destruction. A maxim continually enforced (see Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 17:19; Proverbs 18:1). Here is the contrast to the blessing on humility promised (Proverbs 15:33). A haughty spirit – a lifting up of spirit – goeth before a fall (comp Daniel 4:2, etc). Thus, according to Herodotus (7:10), Artabanus warned the arrogant Xerxes, “Seest thou how God strikes with the thunder animals which overtop others, and suffers them not to vaunt themselves, but the small irritate him not? And seest thou how he hurls his bolts always against the mightiest buildings and the loftiest trees? For God is wont to cut short whatever is too highly exalted” (comp. Horace, ‘Carm.,’ 2:10.9, etc.). Says the Latin adage, “Qui petit alta nimis, retro lapsus ponitur imis.” Caesar, ‘Bell. Gall.,’ 1:14, “Consuesse Deos immortales, quo gravius homines ex commutatione rerum doleant, quos pro sceiere eorum ulcisci velint, his secundiores interdum re, et diuturuiorem impunitatem concedere.” The Chinese say, “Who flies not high falls not low;” and, “A great tree attracts the wind.” The Basque proverb remarks, “Pride sought flight in heaven, fell to hell.” And an Eastern one, “What is extended will tear; what is long will break” (Lane).
Pulpit Commentary
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
A common prayer to your guardian angel is: “Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.” This prayer expresses gratitude and asks for protection and guidance throughout the day.
Odd how we are given direction one sun day
Whereby we are blessed by a sermon sway
And then we deviate from its message
Caught up in a moment of punk presage
With no concern for the gift of another
We smear and demean the post of the other
What we have to offer is more clever than
What was given in love as part of God’s plan
Are we so preoccupied by what we think
That it matters not if it is in sync
Wrapped up in our playful petulant self
We relegate the blessing to the shelf
We think we know a better way to say
What the author devised in his own way
Stand up you coward and fight for the right
Because we know better than you just might
We will interpret it cause you know not
We are older and wiser than you thought
It is our way or the highway get in line
And quit yer fretting you will be just fine
We are the experts and just so you know
Please sit back and take it go with the flow
We post what we want no matter what
And if it offends just keep your mouth shut
We are here to direct your attention
To whatever we decide to mention
We really don’t care what you have to say
Somehow or other we get our own way
D01: 02/27/2025
Thank You Duchess! I
I (new)
That’s a very negative point of view. I wonder what prompted it.
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

Nice title. And no, I have no idea how TrumpBarronNews came by this information before it presumably goes public.
If it pans, then certainly. After that we’d have to ask how that site got the scoop first.
Looked about. It’s from a 2020 story.
The question is, how many children did she bring with her….
We knew this was happening. Unfortunately I think Rape is the least of it!
Makes one wonder all the more about Rotherham and the like….
Clare Hazell As news emerges the FBI wants to speak to four Brits about the Jeffrey Epstein case, shocking allegations are surfacing about one English artistocrat.
Epstein survivor Virginia Roberts says the woman now known as Countess Iveagh ( Clare Hazell) abused her when she was a child.As well, Clare Hazell was allegedly a friend of Ghislaine Maxwell.
Her husband, Ned Iveagh Guinness, is one of the richest people in the UK. Yes, he’s from the Irish brewing dynasty.
While not confirmed, The Mirror newspaper last year also wrote about a British woman who had strong links to Epstein.
We make no allegation that this woman is Countess Clare Hazell“A British socialite could hold vital information about the misery inflicted on young victims of Prince Andrew’s paedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein.
“Lawyers want to quiz the woman – described as ‘a striking, tall blonde with a posh accent’ – as a witness …
(Me she divorced the Guinness guy in 2021)
Sounds like big things are brewing…..
“Lifestyles” of the rich and famous… as it were…..
That FAN ACCOUNT, trumpbarronnews, doesn’t seem to be a trustworthy source.
One of the comments:
That is brilliant. Get it done.
Wonder how many countries will follow suit once someone shows a lead.
Sadly if it happens, the eu and uk (with hopefully the exception of Hungary)will screw down on regulations even harder.
Huge findings with very far-reaching consequences. It confirms what we have known, which means the climate hysteria and accompanying impositions should be void.
CO2 endangers the public! Unbelievable!
What about all the things like microplastics that are not regulated.
Straining for gnats but swallowing camels comes to mind.
LOW levels of CO2 endangers the public!
Without CO2 we have no plants.
Under stress the seeds will not even start and the cut off is ~220 ppm CO2. The Climastrologists played games with the measurements of ice cores and came up with 150 AGAIN the chemistry is CO2 loves water esp COLD water so the air bubbles have less CO2 than the entire ice sample.
Also most of our veggies and fruit are C3 not C4 and C3 plants need more CO2 than C4 plants.
Aren’t we ALL carbon life forms?
CO2 is what they pump into greenhouses to get better growth, right?
YUP, around 1000 to 1600 PPM.
Yep. In Holland they pump in 1400 ppm routinely and have no problem with it… (and it sure beats the stinking, steaming manure they have on the fields over the winter)…
We breathe oxygen and exhale…
And where’s the guy that just had the garlic pizza with extra garlic and a side of garlic?
OTOH, that pic will probably inspire the gangGreens to ban breathing…
RIP Gene Hackman. A versatile commanding actor.
he was! my favorite Gene Hackman film…the Replacements!
The conspiracy x posts over his death and tmz are really disturbing me. Essentially saying he was a pedo bc he owned an island in B.C. and that bc of epstein info being released the killed themselves. These are all right side x accts. Personally. I think these accts are riding to conservative wave for clicks. Not every Hollywood actor is a pedo you know?
I wonder if they’re getting him mixed up with Kevin Spacey, as there were stories about him a good while back.
I think it more likely a gas stove leak.
Yep. They said there was a space heater nearby… could they have been having furnace problems and pulled in a (defective) space heater?
With the gas prices here, some folks have been going to space heaters, little (illegal) fireplaces, hibachis, etc., with disastrous results…
Then again, sometimes folks let maintenance go…
My space heaters are electric sort of like a radiator. As long as you keep the space around them clear of burnables, they are probably the safest option.
The Dangers of Oil Filled Space Heaters | Hunker
Don’t leave out his roles as Lex Luthor in the original Superman movies (which were HUGE) …
Of course not! There are too many to list.
That was a great scene…. I was trying to remember where he was in “Young Frankenstein”… IIRC that role was uncredited… great actor… RIP…
The blind monk…genius!
And the soup

h/t Filly

How do you spend $300M looking for unmarked graves?? What does the $$ actually go towards??
hiding the actual graves?
plus the misleading, lying press?
It better go toward rebuilding 200 churches. Whoever burned them forfeits any kind of ‘reparations’.
Don’t worry; they’ll get their eternal “reward”…..
GOD is not mocked…
First Nation People could have clean water if the Government had provided wells for them.
The term “First Nation” really grinds my grits…..
Who’s to say there weren’t people there before them???
Maybe Leif or Knut or whoever…..
More woke-will-get-you-broke…
Nah they date back 12K years at least and Leif was doing his thing 1000 years ago.
Hence whoever…
I’ll happily call them “First Nations” in preference to “Native Americans” if those are my two choices. (Fortunately, they aren’t.)
A native American should be anyone born in and living in America (the continent, not the USA). That’s an individual attribute not a collective one. Applying it to a collective (the tribe or nation in the European sense of the word) is just wrong. “Indigenous” would be better because that’s usually applied to an ethnic grouping.
A “nation” is necessarily a collective and they were here before we were.
Most don’t actually mind the term “Indian” but if you can cal a specific individual by their tribal name, even the one we gave them, I’ll do so as a matter of courtesy if they aren’t assholes.
(Navajo, for instance, call themselves the Dine (with the stress on the e); Sioux call themselves Lakota, Nakota, or rarely Dakota depending on the specific tribe.)
There is a significant fiction involved in “First Nations”.
It is best observed by comparing these groups to early Europeans — although similar constructs can be found worldwide.
Who would be the “First Nations” of England? Would it be the Picts, the Angles, the Saxons, or the Normans? Would it be Homo antecessor, Homo heidelbergensis, or Neanderthals, signs of whom have been found?
It is unlikely that the question of “first” can ever be settled on any piece of land anywhere on the globe — so can the question of “nation” be specified with any more clarity?
When does a clan become a nation, when everyone is bashing each other with stones? And when does this grant superior claims over newcomers who economically develop the territory?
There are places on earth that were uninhabited until “recently” the largest among them being Iceland. At least some places in the Indian Ocean were uninhabited before Europeans found them, and people live on them now and they are independent countries.
That there happen to be some minor exceptions doesn’t invalidate your point.
With respect to the American continents, there were probably three waves of migration before the Europeans, and before that the continents were uninhabited. This isn’t absolutely certain however. The Indians (feather not dot) are descended from those waves of migrants. I have no issue with saying they were here first because they did beat us.
I just don’t consider that a valid basis for a territorial claim.
So why aren’t they “third nations”?
I don’t even understand what you mean by that.
Out and done, I’m going to today’s thread.
One of the churches that was burnt down because of that story.
Reported that nearly 100 churches were burnt down because of that story.

Thanks for bringing this Pat. Was unaware that the hoax was debunked. Matt Walsh does an excellent job in bringing this to light in this 1yr old debunking. Gripping story. Looked over the comments and see’s that Lauren Southern was on it long before Matt saying it was a hoax.
The poisonous left featuring Baby Castro and Sausage Nazi Woman are just wicked.
February 27, 2025 10:57 am
Senator Marsha Blackburn is demanding the immediate arrest of everyone tied to Jeffrey Epstein, just as his files are about to drop.
She warns that Epstein’s operation is far bigger than people realize
—an international network that requires scrutiny of flight logs, surveillance footage, and IRS records.
She also points to Ghislaine Maxwell’s infamous black book, currently in FBI hands, which will expose Epstein’s powerful clientele.
“Let’s get these people apprehended, let’s get them prosecuted, let’s get them jailed.”
Where were these demands for the past 5-7 years?
don’t shoot me…lol…i’m just the messenger.
Asking to no one in particular
Not everyone in the black book we close associated with Epstein. One needs to be careful and investigate those who truly were pedophiles.
Not everyone in my address book is a friend or even a person I contact. Sometimes one has someone in there who one only spoke too one time. Just saying.
I strongly suspect that the names and numbers in the black book were kept separate and apart from the names and numbers for the plumber, the electrician, etc.
Not just reasonable, but highly likely.
I thought Shadow of Ezra was often getting the side eye around here…
He does. However that does not mean everything is incorrect.
like Q…

We come to Your Altar on bended knee
In the name of Jesus – we pray to Thee
One of our loved ones is in peak peril
Demons they have her over a barrel
Another test will be taken real soon
Could sink hope or take her over the moon
By the Blood of the Lamb – we are healed
By His sacrifice – our fate – it was sealed
Protect her from all danger hurt or harm
We’re calling all Angels – set the alarm
Warring Angels by the dozens dispatched
Go after those demons – get them detached
Comfort Angels dispersed to quell the fear
Through Faith – we command fear disappear
Healing Angels anoint her with the oils
Cover her completely before she spoils
Relaying Angels with a message from God
Rest in His Arms – prepare to be awed
We take authority over our friend today
By the Power of the Spirit we humbly pray
We unite in our prayer – strengthen her
To guide those in charge of her to concur
Set all instruments so accurate they be
By the Power of the Spirit command them we
Take care in your analysis – through Hope
By your training and insight help her cope
God has given you the means to infer
A possible treatment that will deter
The failure of systems rightly attached
Your expertise surely cannot be matched
Let the Hand of God guide competent hands
To do what must be done – what He commands
As we lift her up to the Heaven on High
We give it all to You – and breathe a sigh
She is in good hands – the best there be
The Angels surround her – a sight to see
We lay our petition at the feet of Your Son
Whose victory over the cross He surely won
We know in control – You must ever be
We pray for a miracle for all to see
God can fix anything – He has the clout
The Power of God is awesome no doubt!
D01: 07/02/2019
Thank You Duchess!
Thank you.
Thank you more than I can say.
Sending Good Energy to you!
Good online friends —
Yesterday for Yours Truly was an ** interesting experience ** in multiple ways.
The principal issue (the abdominal pain) that had to be addressed — after ruling out things like the flu, an infection, etc. — was whether or not something had gone awry with the hernia repair operation that was performed at Christmas of 2023. Things can go awry, especially if the hernia situation was serious (as was mine.) That meant a CT scan with contrast. Urgent care or Primary Care clinics don’t have CT scanners. Hospitals and ER’s do. Thank the Almighty God that my hernia repair was found to be intact.
Now, as to other things:
One: I waited for EMS to arrive and get me to the ER (as it was getting painful to walk and the pain was increasing) FOR ALMOST TWO HOURS. The EMS crew told me that “this is becoming the norm now” and that the wait times can be long before ambulance arrival. They took me to the “least crowded” ER, at Duke Regional. When I arrived at there, I saw a line of at least 5 ambulances that had just taken their patients into the ER. The EMS crew said they were exhausted from their shift “and isn’t even the weekend yet.” But they were perfectly professional and thorough.
Two: The ER was full. It looked to me like staff had been pulled from other departments to work in the ER. Patients were being treated in the hallways. There was some triage going on in the ER lobby itself. After I went through triage, I waited 4 hours to get into an exam room.
Three: The ER staff was doing their best to accommodate and treat patients.
Yes, there are viruses going around, and North Carolina is being hit with nasty outbreaks. Yes, there are persons who go to the ER in order to get help for their drug overdoses; because they can’t afford any other type of care; because the clinic they went to sent them to the ER.
BUT — and, in my opinion, this is important — going back to that comment by the EMS staff person who said that long EMS wait times are “becoming the norm now”:
It’s the DOWNSTREAM NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” THAT PEOPLE HAD TAKEN. These negative effects will MAKE PEOPLE SICK FROM THE “VACCINES” THEMSELVES. These negative effects DAMAGE / DESTROY THE NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM, making “vaccinated” people more vulnerable to things like viruses. And people can then wind up in the ER.
I would guesstimate that AT LEAST 98% of the people in the ER yesterday — staff, patients, hospital cleaning crews, etc. — had been COVID-19 “vaccinated.” I, and possibly the very youngest children who were there with their parents, were of the non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” in the ER.
Yours Truly was NOT “congratulating myself” on the fact that one has no COVID-19 “vaccines” in her body, and will not take them. In fact, one got back home from the ER with redoubled determination to build, and to maintain, the BEST health possible.
Why not?
You are part of the 25% who were smart enough to refuse to listen to the govt

A pureblood.
If you won’t congratulate yourself for refusing to listen to hornswaggle, I will!
PAVACA, a few weeks ago, when I took my friend to the ER in Siler City, the wait time was MINIMUM 5 hours. I have been to that ER a few times before with her (Kidney stones) and there was hardly any wait. So Yes, I think we are starting to see the two fold problem of MORE sickness PLUS LESS healthcare workers as they fall ill from the mandatory Clot Shot.
Where I live one does not have to take the clot shot to go to the Er or hospital.
None of us took the clot shot. I was offered it at my physical and said NO!
We’re seeing that here, too. A couple months ago, my 94 year old mother had to wait for 5 hours in extreme pain from an infection before she was ever seen by a doctor. But it’s not just the ER. Several weeks ago my nephew went to Urgent Care for extreme abdominal pain. He was told that he urgently needed to see a gastroenterologist because it could be something very serious. Well, he’s been trying for weeks now just to get an appointment. All the gastro specialists within a hundred miles are booked up for months. I’m getting pretty worried that whatever he has going on is going to progress to dangerous levels before he’s finally seen. You’re absolutely right, Gail. Fewer health care workers and many more sick people.
I guess it depends where you live but I’ve been to the ER Many Times over the years of the birth hospital of most of my kids & 5 hours was the Minimum wait time as I recall, most of those trips having happened 10-30 years ago, fwiw. This was a suburban ER in the Metro Detroit area.
The Siler City ER is a relatively new UNC branch and out in the boonies. We go there because the wait time is so short. Duke and UNC which are in much more urban areas have longer wait times not to mention nasty traffic.
makes sense
You might need to push the de-tox protocols for a while from all the presumed shedding you encountered there too. Glad you got a good report–PTL!
Joe Rogan and Chase Hughes, talks about methylene blue and then talks about how he evolved into studying the brain and how it works. Ultimately having people do things they never would normally do. (MK) Only 15 minutes in so far, may interest some….
NSA whistleblower explains how, starting in the Obama years, the NSA swerved from being an intelligence agency to full-time DEI. Employees were hired who never did any work except attending DEI meetings. Real employees were given the message that participating in DEI nonsense was the key to getting promoted. Analysts would refuse to provide information on American adversaries who were transgender, because it would require using their “deadname.”
Outrageous. The agency needs to be rebooted from the ground up.
It’s not just the NSA, but the focus upon it is appreciated and noted.
“The whole of govt needs to be rebooted from the ground up.”
Or just booted, and left in rubble.
Or, in a LOT of cases, indicted, tried, convicted, executed, then fed to wild ferrel hogs, so that they wound up, literally, being what they were in life.
We know, as a matter of inarguable fact, that SD’s accusation re: Pam Bondi is 100% true re: Zimmerman.
So then…
(NOTE: Personally, I am far more interested in knowing the TRUTH, whatever the real truth is, than holding any personal grudges. Sure, SD isn’t always right, but then who is?
OTOH, it is inarguable that SD has been a LEADER in throwing copious amounts of sunlight upon the internal mechanism of our corrupt govt and, in doing so, has done A GREAT DEAL OF GOOD in helping to effect “ The Great Awakening”. So, I believe these posts are worth sharing. YMMV )

That’s all part of why I was so angry that Matt Gaetz was cast aside, and then Bondi was chosen.
It does not mean Gaetz can not be hired in a different position within DOJ. Let Bondi capture the eyeballs while others do the actual work.
Then why hasn’t he?
So don’t just become the new gatekeepers, POST THE FILES.
Digestible bites…
I reject that this info must be fed to the public in “digestible bites”.
Exactly so.
The files will be released in phases.
Tomorow is the next bunch.
Ah, yes. “Phases”
We can’t just have the entire thing at once, can we? That would be….what?
It must be “managed”, right?
SDNY, yet again…
Time to gut and clean THEM out!!!!!
Here’s how you fix that problem Pam, because ‘tomorrow’ is just a song from Annie. It’s always a day away.
You get some armed federal Marshals, and you go do SDNY, and you TAKE the documents.
And while you’re there, you FIRE everyone for gross insubordination, turn out the lights while everyone is still standing there, and walk out.
Ahhh, but it was a song long before that!
(My great-uncle Chet used to recite it at family gatherings…. seems that in the days before the Internet, television, and, yes, radio, people would recite poetry at each other when they weren’t singing around the piano… and here I was, thinking it was HIS poem
)….. (n.b. my Dad had the entirety of Hiawatha (Longfellow) memorized)…
To Morrow
I started on a journey, about a year ago
To a little town called Morrow in the state of Ohio
I’ve never been much of a traveller, so I really didn’t know
That Morrow was the hardest place I’d ever try to go!
I went down to the station for my ticket and applied
For tips regarding Morrow not expecting to be guyed [fooled]
Said I,” I’d like to go to Morrow and return
No later than tomorrow, for I haven’t time to burn.”
Said he to me, “now let me see if I have heard you right–
You’d like to go to Morrow and return tomorrow night”
“You should have gone to Morrow yesterday and back today
For the train today to Morrow is a mile upon its way….
“If you had gone to Morrow yesterday now don’t you see
You could have gone to Morrow and returned today at three.
For the train today to Morrow, if the schedule is right
Today it goes to Morrow and returns tomorrow night.
Said I,” My friend, it seems to me you’re talking through your hat
There is a town called Morrow on the line, now tell me that!”
“There is,” said he, “but take from me a quiet little tip
To go from here to Morrow is a fourteen hour trip.
“The train today to Morrow leaves today at 8:35
At half-past ten tomorrow is the time it should arrive
So if from here to Morrow is a fourteen hour jump
Can you get anywhere tomorrow and get back today, you chump?”
“Said I,” I’d like to go to Morrow, so can I go today
And get to Morrow by tonight if there is no delay?”
“Well, well”, said he to me, “and I’ve got no more to say
Can you get anywhere tomorrow and get back again today?”
Said I,”I guess you know it all, but kindly let me say
How can I get to Morrow if I leave this town today?”
Said he,”You cannot get to Morrow anymore today
For the train that goes to Morrow is a mile upon its way!”
I was so disappointed I was mad enough to swear,
The train had gone to Morrow and it left me standing there.
The man was right in tellin’ me that I was a howlin’ jay
I could not go to Morrow, so I guess in town I’ll stay.
To Morrow sung
So she is ‘Performative’ I have zero problem with that since at present we are in a Fifth Generation War where NARRATIVE is a major weapon.
Just as long as she is waving the red flag diverting attention and explain things to the Great Unwashed, WHILE the real workers are doing the necessary work.
That’s not what I am concerned about.
I think you might’ve missed this part, if only because you have not spoken of it…
NOT GOOD! Although POTUS Trump often uses imperfect people if the flaws do not get in the way of what he wants done.
Hopefully she is on a short leash.
Not good?
She facilitated:
A) the manufacturing of false witnesses in Florida and was perfectly willing to watch a transparently innocent man go to prison
B) the manufacturing of the Black Lives Matter movement as a result
I would also note that, despite being exonerated, Zimmerman’s life was ruined because of all this.
And now she is the AG. An AG who has already done all of the above.
”Not good” is an GROSS understatement.
Wolf’s take when issues were brought up right away was to consider that maybe she’s learned some things. We aren’t all freeze-framed into how we did in the past.
PDJT himself is a flawed person. Many people we could name have something negative that could be “concerning.” I’m in favor of giving people a chance and giving them the benefit of the doubt without constantly bringing things up from the past. The time for that was in the confirmation hearings. Bondi is the AG now, and we can judge her on her current performance without viewing it through a filter.
People keep looking at VSGPDJT as a politician.
That is totally wrong.
He is a MANAGER. Which is what we have needed for DECADES, if not CENTURIES.
He hires (and fires) based on tasks and projects. The most obvious example being Scaramucci…
Once someone has fulfilled their project obligations, it’s time for either a new project, or a new company (or whatever).
And, in terms of past performance, if we cannot forgive nor forget, we need to revisit our Christian walk. For if we do not forgive, neither can we expect Jesus to forgive.
Matthew 6:14-15:
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Well, you just aren’t a member of the “black-pill” club. That shit is driving me nuts. NOTHING is ever good enough.
I agree wholeheartedly.
A decade ago I figured we staring at 2,000 years of slavery. So yeah, I am looking at the bright side. Also I know Trump had to pick people he could get thru Senate Confirmation.
I am willing to wait and see how things turn out.
For sure.
I figure I have two choices:
A) I look through the lens of negativity, seeing all the things I want that aren’t being done. I have no control over it, it just makes me miserable, but whatever
B) I look through a lens of optimism. Still no control, but I am generally happier every day
I choose B.
YUP! Trump has to unravel a century or more of corruption. And he has certainly made a good dent in it with DOGE. The mess is like a Gordian Knot.
And Trump’s solution his pretty similar to Alexander himself.
You have to admit DOGE is absolutely BRILLIANT!
Yes it is. I am a YUGE fan!
Intentionally demoralizing the people has been a known strategy of cultural takeover for a very long time. For example, the Global Warming/Climate Change Hoax made even beautiful sunny days depressing!
The push to demoralize ramped up in 2009, in my experience, and got much worse in the Biden years.
I chose to resist then!
And still do!
Peace and blessings.
I agree! And the same to you!
Masking people, btw., has historically been a part of that….
Perfect is the sworn enemy of good (or sufficient, or appropriate)…..
Heyyyyyy, I’ll take a licorice Jelly-Belly, thanks
(OK, a bag full, and some watermelon ones as well
Forget about a black pill…..
So we should trust Sundance more than Trump? Watch, wait, AND pray!
Botch Casually and the SomeDunce Kid… (MAD Magazine)…..
I have, from time to time, been given to thinking about how perspective affects the way we search for truth and analyze reality. The obvious example, in our current culture, is in what we believe about our politics and social discourse. The differences are easily observable and can be quite stark.
In a similar manner we can observe the same faults and chasms in a more selective corner of our culture, the practice of Christian faith. I have come to believe that for most Christian believers that their primary task is to live a life of devotion to God’s son, Jesus. One of the saints of the past, I think it was St Francis but it may well have come from someone else, said, “Preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words.” I think that is advice most of us could find beneficial. Some believers have been called to preach, but probably fewer than we think. This was brought home to me in my reading today. It is a sermon by a professional Christian. I do not mean that in a derogatory or sarcastic way. I mean it the same way your pastor is a professional Christian. I might call it a calling with a paycheck, however meager that might be. This professional Christian is a professor at a divinity school. His sermon reminds me of how a person’s perspective informs his understanding. Food for spiritual consideration.
Travel with me backwards in time to Jerusalem—to the fourth decade of what later came to be known as the Common Era. Together we confront a strange world: a language that sounds funny, weird clothes, a slow, uncomfortable mode of travel, crude houses, entirely alien customs. Strange though these things are, most likely the strangest of all is the sermon that Peter preaches in response to a linguistic phenomenon: the reversal of the experience of the Tower of Babel. His argument would be minimally acceptable at Vanderbilt Divinity School if we were in a generous mood. What faulty logic! What bizarre exegesis! What ad hominem reasoning! Besides, the sermon lacks those features that enrich an interpretive endeavor in our eyes: attention to structure, form, and context; examination of traditions and motifs; analysis of aesthetic and sociological features, deep structures, and so on. But we must not be too hard on a rude fisherman, for he lacks the training essential to the ministerial task. Should we, then, be grateful to him for giving us an example of what not to do?
First, the gaps in logic. Peter recognizes the stumbling block confronting the new movement, as yet unnamed. The leader has been rejected by his own people, publicly exposed, and executed by Roman soldiers. These unwelcome facts have collided with raised expectations, messianic in texture, and have elicited the pluperfect admission: “We had hoped that he would be the deliverer!” Combating such defeatism, Peter seizes the initiative, claiming that God has borne witness to Jesus’ life. Never mind the silent heavens when mobs demanded his crucifixion! And the even silenter heavens when he implored “Eli, eli, lama sabachthani” (“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”). How did Peter think he could get away with such an egregious falsification of events that were common knowledge? His tactic: an appeal to special knowledge about God’s intention. Beautiful! The Cross was no accident, no demonstration of God’s disapproval, but precisely the opposite. (Reminds one of Paul’s argument that reverses values, extolling foolishness and weakness as God’s special way of achieving the divine goal.) In God’s foreknowledge, everything was planned. “If you don’t believe me,” says Paul, “then listen to Scripture.”
Then comes the bizarre exegesis. Peter shifts from a general observation (God planned things) to a specific instance. This is tricky business. Quoting Psalm 16, Peter notes that David prophesied those very events. Here the argument becomes ludicrous. Ignoring the actual thought expressed in the Hebrew (“I behold the Lord continually, who will not allow me to see corruption”), Peter latches on to the Septuagint translation because it confirms his beliefs. (Modern interpreters who insist on using the King James Version because its theology is pure can appeal to Peter’s example.) Whereas the psalm actually observes that God will not permit the psalmist to succumb to Sheol’s power, the Septuagint ignores the synonymous parallelism and inserts the idea of a holy one, which Peter understands to be Jesus. Nothing in the text suggests the leap from holy one to Jesus, but this does not deter Peter. Indeed, he asserts the impossible: that God raised Jesus from the dead, loosing the bonds restricting him to the underworld. To be sure, the utterances of devout persons paved the way for the astonishing claim: Job’s heartrending cry, a hopeless wish that the grave could not hold him, and the poignant confession in Psalm 73 that the bond uniting creature and Creator will somehow endure through the ages, “for God, my everlasting rock, is all I want.”
The ad hominem argument follows: we are witnesses to the resurrection. Suddenly we begin to see how Peter has employed Greek rhetoric and fashioned a ring composition, God’s attestation and human witness joining a celestial chorus. Jesus lives! Perhaps we have judged Peter too harshly. Let’s leave that to Paul. To be sure, the faulty logic, weird exegesis, and ad hominem argument remain. But what else? In a word, Peter examined Scripture in the light of his understanding of God and his experience, daring to fashion the sacred text on the basis of changing circumstances. When Scripture fails to correspond to reality, reinterpret Scripture. This principle underlies Peter’s sermon, and it is entirely legitimate.
Of course, we would be happier if Peter had been faithful to the psalm, for it has two concepts that capture the human dilemma. The first acknowledges the fact that human existence takes place within certain constraints. The most we can do is hope for redemption, living in anticipation. Hence we shall dwell in hope. That is little, and it is much. The other image points to a hidden dimension which underlies that hope. We experience full joy in God’s presence. As Faust perceived, the mystery of the resurrection is first and foremost a claim about believers, who experience God’s forgiveness and hence are reborn. Such was not Peter’s experience, although it is mine.
What does Peter’s sermon teach us today? That we all do the same thing in trying to make sense of reality in light of sacred texts? Perhaps more importantly, that Christianity depends on hearts and heads, the evangelical witness and the doubting thought. We can stay at one another’s throat and preside over the demise of Christianity, or we can begin to accommodate the special concerns of both extremes. That task, I believe, is the supreme challenge facing us in the twentieth century. Reading Peter’s sermon dramatizes the immensity of the chasm separating us from our fundamentalist sisters and brothers.
To them we must insist that literal translation is not enough. Scripture must be understood contextually. An episode on The Twilight Zone illustrates my point nicely. Visitors come from another planet, and one of them speaks before an assembly of the United Nations, stating that he and his race wish only to serve humankind; they subsequently demonstrate their goodwill by turning earth into paradise. A skeptical official assigns two decoding specialists to interpret a book that the visitor accidentally left on a conference table. In due time the two manage to translate its title—To Serve Man—but nothing more. One of the two eventually joins a horde of people who board a spaceship to travel to the visitors’ planet, which they have heard is even more wonderful than earth; the other specialist continues her work, at last breaking the code. Desperately, but too late, she runs to the launching pad and yells, “Come back; it’s a cookbook!” The rest of us will take no pleasure in seeing the obscenity of Christian brothers and sisters, particularly television evangelists, devouring one another. But we must not judge all evangelicals by power-hungry television evangelists.
Whereas the intolerance of evangelicals leads to cannibalism, the threat to those of our persuasion is that we lose touch with the pulse of faith, its passion and its mystery. To evangelicals we must concede that religious experience is far more complex than ours alone. Then we may even grant that Peter’s wild claims make more sense of reality than our sober denials. There is power in both witnesses: Jesus lives, and we are born anew.
James L. Crenshaw, “A Living Tradition,” in Trembling at the Threshold of a Biblical Text (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1994), 88–92.
This is my truth.
And our focus is to be upon our own self, first and foremost, worrying about the beam in our own eye FAR MORE than the splinters in others.
“Peter latches on to the Septuagint translation because it confirms his beliefs. (Modern interpreters who insist on using the King James Version because its theology is pure can appeal to Peter’s example.)”
If Jesus and Peter both referenced the Septuagint translation, then it certainly ought to be good enough for anyone else.
Unless our standards are higher than theirs, I suppose.
I have read a number of his sermons, and I find I have tension with some of his conclusions. It really highlights the weight that perspective has on how we interpret. It is one of the things that has led me to the position that our religious words have less influence on those people in our orbit than our observable life. I am not attempting to be more ecumenical. I see it as an attempt to bring my natural arrogance under control of God’s Spirit.
“It is one of the things that have led me to the position that our religious words have less influence on those people in our orbit than our observable life.”
I am confident that our own religious words do little, because Scripture says so.
God’s Word has the power to save, not the words of men:
“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13, KJV, boldface mine)
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12, KJV)
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17, KJV)
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Romans 1:16, KJV)
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17, KJV)
And given my new understanding (since Covid) about how people think, I am confident our religious words accomplish even less.
At this point, it seems that people (myself certainly included) mainly hear what we want to hear (and disregard the rest, cf. Simon & Garfunkel, The Boxer, A.D. 1969).
So, beyond rudimentary exchanges (like ‘please pass the salt’ at dinner), it seems the main purpose of speech is to hear ourselves talk, because nobody else is really listening
Did I mention I very truly miss our dear DePat as part of this discussion
I think of her and pray for her family each time I write the Thursday open.
And to think that she’s sitting at the feet of Jesus, hearing and learning from HIM….. and singing in HIS choir…
Me too
“it seems the main purpose of speech is to hear ourselves talk, because nobody else is really listening
” Wait, you know my family??? LOL
“…an attempt to bring my natural arrogance under control of God’s Spirit.”
Humility is always to be wrestled with as a Believer.
The more “right” we think we are the harder it Might be to see another’s point of view & grant these differences validity. Thank God that His Grace is sufficient for us all!
I’m thinking there is the Septuagint (early translation to Greek still used by Orthodox Christianity) and a later translation that was done by people that weren’t all that excited at the message of Jesus. The later translation was when some of the books got snipped out. Apparently those books hold some of the texts that point to Christ. (From memory, there is a lot more detail out there to find on this topic.)
There is a lot of discussion of the Apocryphae, that aren’t in some of the Protestant Bibles, yet, here in Germany, we have them as part of the LUTHERAN (!) Bibles…
Have to wonder about that.
My wife has probably 10 (or more) different translations of the Bible (German) and I have four or five more. What’s interesting (to me, at least) is how closely the “Lutherbibel” tracks to the King James translation. Then, of course, there’s the Geneva 1611 edition.
I have Hodge’s Systematic Theology which goes into this in great and gory and ancient-language detail, but I’m sure there are more “accessible” analyses out there (e.g. John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, et. al.)…..
“Here the argument becomes ludicrous. Ignoring the actual thought expressed in the Hebrew (“I behold the Lord continually, who will not allow me to see corruption”), Peter latches on to the Septuagint translation because it confirms his beliefs.”
I would say Peter did not need to latch onto anything because it confirmed his beliefs, he was speaking by direct inspiration of God.
We know this because the passage is Scripture, and because:
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (2 Timothy 3:16, KJV)
God has complete and total knowledge of His own Word, and God knows the end from the beginning (cf. Isaiah 46:10).
Peter was speaking by inspiration of God (inspiration = God-breathed), so if God, speaking through Peter, latched onto the Septuagint translation, it was because that translation was acceptable to God.
And God had foreknowledge that the Septuagint translation would survive to the present day, which is helpful.
If you ever check OT references that are footnoted in the NT, at least in the NIV, it is interesting how sometimes the NT “quote” of the OT is rather an alteration or reinterpretation of the OT passage. God is bigger than our ability to box Him in!
“(Modern interpreters who insist on using the King James Version because its theology is pure can appeal to Peter’s example.)”
Personally, I have a strong preference for the KJV, but not because of theology. Like any translation, it is not perfect, one obvious error being King James’ insistence that the translators use the word ‘Easter’ instead of ‘Passover’ in Acts 12:4.
When I first started searching for God, I read the Bible that was on my shelf, a Living Bible Paraphrased that was given to my parents by my Grandparents, signed and dated December 25th, 1973.
It wasn’t until later that I understood why a paraphrase was less than ideal (it’s not the Word of God, it’s a paraphrase by men). It’s a long book, and not light reading, so rather than blindly pick another translation only to find out it wasn’t very good either, I researched online to find the ‘best’ translation, if there was such a thing.
The KJV was the one that most people seemed to at least agree wasn’t bad. Most others (except the American Standard Version, 1901) had more detractors for various reasons.
I liked the old English style of both the KJV and the ASV, and since both were from 1901 or older, they predate political-correctness and other Lefty nonsense that is always trying to creep into modern translations.
So I read the KJV next, and for the most part I liked it, and because of the old English, it is easy to look up verses or passages online, because many of the unique old English words are memorable (e.g., ‘stinketh’) and used infrequently.
For example, if I want to find the passage where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, I can just search ‘stinketh’ at any online KJV Bible, and go right to it, because the word ‘stinketh’ is only used twice in the entire (KJV) Bible.
“Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.” (John 11:39, KJV)
So the old English words are very helpful to find whatever I might be looking for
Clever workaround.
Biblegateway.com can be helpful for searches too.
That is who I use.
I mostly use https://www.blueletterbible.org/ because it was the first one I found, so now I’m familiar with the format, and familiar with all the clean up I have to do when I copy and past a verse (remove the hyperlinks, and things like [tools] and paragraph symbols that show up between each verse during copy / paste, etc.).
I use Biblegateway too, usually when I am searching for a passage using Duckduckgo, because Biblegateway is often in the top search results
When looking at different verses, one can get 20-30 or so parallel translations…
(just leave out The Message and the Volksbibel…)…..
“Travel with me backwards in time to Jerusalem—to the fourth decade of what later came to be known as the Common Era.”
I don’t know anything by the term ‘Common Era’, I know B.C. and A.D. Those terms weren’t broke, there was and is nothing wrong with them, and they didn’t need fixed.
If someone who identifies as a Christian uses ‘C.E.’ and ‘B.C.E.’, hopefully they mean ‘Christian Era’ and “Before Christian Era”.
Because if they are using the modern politically-correct terms (Wiki calls them ‘religiously neutral’, which I am not, and I don’t know why any Christian would be) ‘common era’ and ‘before common era’, I have to wonder in what other ways their thinking may be corrupted by such modern notions.
They may not be, but it’s a slippery slope, and one that is entirely avoidable.
If I was in an academic setting, and everyone else had fallen into using ‘C.E.’ and ‘B.C.E.’ (because that’s what the cool kids do?), that makes it all the better to use ‘B.C.’ and ‘A.D.’
One of the lessons of Scripture is that almost all the ways of Man are wrong. So when Man fixes things that ain’t broke, there is no good reason to follow that Man or his new way.
I have never been a good follower of Men. I had a very difficult time working for other people. I know, everyone is probably shocked…
Mostly because they turn out to be wrong about so much, that I have had to unlearn a lot of wrong things, and it’s more efficient to spend the time to learn the right thing the first time.
Or because they wanted me to do things a certain way, not because it was the best way, but because that’s the way they’ve always done it. That’s fine, then they should do it themselves. If they want me to do it, and I can achieve the desired result doing it a better or more efficient way, then I can’t do it their way. Not for long.
Because I couldn’t stop thinking about how wrong my boss’ method was, or the fact that he couldn’t defend it any better than to say ‘because that’s the way he always did it’.
I couldn’t work very long for someone like that. I could never do a job just to do a job, or watch a clock, it was torture.
I have to be mentally engaged, and that means solving problems, seeing things that are wrong or inefficient, and finding ways to do them better. That I can do.
I can’t do the other
At HP it means “Before Carly”…
(ducks and runs from dusty Hegelian tomes…)…..
Reminds me of a Tim Allen quote as Tim the Tool Man Taylor in Home Improvement to his TV wife Jill who wants him to get something done but in her way. “You can tell me to do it or you can tell me how to do it, but not both!” Hubby & I quote this for fun
I don’t know how I even went off on that tangent…

You were on a roll
Yeah, like Bluto in Animal House…
It’s funny how the western church has all these rational processes to try and arrive at “God’s truth” and yet, as Scott astutely pointed out, we are already told that the Holy Spirit breathes upon God’s children, providing Heavenly insight. It seems that the actual experience and tradition of the church was not centered on finding truth via the rational mind at all. But, even as we own Bibles, and sometimes even read them, often we have little or no connection with our spiritual roots. Crenshaw’s essay points this out as he reminds us that everything about the culture and experience of the early Christian is entirely foreign to us. With the exception of the heart-filled experience of an encounter with God.
About 3 years ago I went on a quest. Not a quest to find facts, but a quest to understand the thinking of the Christians in the first so many hundred years of the church. I read Timothy Ware’s “The Orthodox Church” which provides an approachable history of the church. I read biographies. From St Ignatius of Antioch to Elder Porphyrios of Mt Athos and many others between. I read a dense elaboration of the differences between the rationalism of the west and the alternative in the east entitled “Thinking Orthodox.” I spent time pondering and trying to learn the prayer of the heart, also called “The Jesus Prayer.”
I found myself having a more quiet interior life. And an even greater hunger to chart an authentic path to get closer to God. I’m more myself than ever, but I’m also more aware of how difficult it is to embrace the Cross of Christ.
In the context of the essay you have posted Robert (thank you), I am more than ever, painfully aware of how provincial I am. How hard it is to see people that are not “like me” can also be walking an authentic Christian life. I recall having various speakers from various pulpits tell me why their brand of Christianity was the right one, why that other brand is the wrong one. Now I know that learning about “them” from a pulpit that is not “them” is really not a good idea.
The first time I went to a different type of church, it was a shock to learn that it felt more at home than the places I had visited in the previous few years. They sang the same hymns! Who knew we shared the same songs? Granted, some of their ways were jarringly different, and I wanted to walk out at times. I decided to live from my heart, keep my eyes on Jesus, and stay the course. I am so glad I did.
I find your comments interesting. My own experience over the decades has led me to ask myself if my faith tradition was lacking in any important respect. That kind of question pointed me to an intense interest in theological study with an emphasis on the culture and perspectives of the historical period from Alexander the Great to the early emperors of the Roman Empire. My hope was that trying to see Scripture and the Christian faith through the eyes and expectations of the writers of the New Testament would lead me to more accurately interpret how they saw and understood God and their world. Of course, although I cannot fully appreciate the tremendous gulf between that culture and my own, I reasoned it would be worth the effort. Much of what you say about the rationalism of the West seems to be clearly true.
I find that the best answer to “How should I live?” is to concentrate on the words and life of Jesus without neglecting the Hebrew testament which was the basis and spiritual guide to how He related to God. “Follow me” seems to be straightforward command but hundreds of thousands of books and millions of sermons still try to explain it. I don’t think rationalism alone is quite up to the challenge.
I did not convert to Orthodoxy, but they have held fast to the core of Christianity such that I choose to study and try and immerse myself in some way, that I might leave my mental frameworks that get in the way of growing my spirit closer to what Christ is calling us all to become. I am experiencing that spiritual growth is done in the practice of authentic prayer, not in learning information.
I read an essay in the 80’s that discussed prayer as a model of communication. There were five practices outlined: Thanksgiving, Praise, Petition, Meditation, And
I forget the other oneConfession…Enlightening for our relationship with the Lord & also with each other…This might be it…
Prayer as a model of communication
Cite this articleCrocker, S.F. Prayer as a model of communication. Pastoral Psychol 33, 83–92 (1984). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01086368
Here’s the Yandex summary:
Prayer as a model of communication | Pastoral Psychology
Christianbook Distributors (www.christianbook.com) has many, MANY, volumes and collections of writings by the early church fathers, as well as many books by the likes of Spurgeon, Ironside, Swindoll, McGee, and others.
They often have sales, including reasonable shipping rates, which, sadly, don’t include international shipping. But the sales, especially of reference editions/sets, are rewarding…
I wish I had gotten the two sets of the early church fathers and the followon set. Probably they’d be about 100 or 200 dollars shipping now, which the EU taxes at 19 percent….sigh…..
In any case, well worth a look…
A fascinating part of the early church wisdom is that they see the church as the container for holding the revelation given to his people. And it is true, especially for people that don’t have a living experience of the original languages of the Bible, that we can’t just sit down and decide to write our own interpretive commentary of the Bible. Yes, we can understand a lot from reading, and we benefit from reading. But we can’t become a theologian simply by reading. Our understanding of God’s word is experienced within the church, the liturgy, our prayer. I’m truly not doing this subject justice.
“Travel with me backwards in time to Jerusalem—to the fourth decade of what later came to be known as the Common Era.”
I believe the term “Common Era” has only Very Recently been employed by those who are presumably offended by the thousands of years of tradition of “Anno Domini” or The Year of Our Lord, AD. I believe this Lordship is even acknowledged in the founding documents for America, for Very Good reason!
The funny thing is, by definition they have to explain what is “common” about the common era…
The answer, of course, is JESUS!!!
The problem is Jersus was either born before 4 BC or after 6 AD.
So was he born during the sixth year of…well, him…or 4 years before he was born?
We’re stuck with our calendar but we can stop claiming it dates from his birth.
Always something…..
Obviously that pivotal time between BC & AD is an approximation of when Christ was incarnated. That Incarnation is the pivot point of All human history
5 minute video of question and answer. The guy rattles off all the muslim terrorist organisations, ISIS, Hamas, Taliban… that receive US $$$ via USAID.
@ 1:45 he says there are $40 million a WEEK going to the Taliban. Also over a 100 Taliban members here in the USA illegally. He mentions Sean Ryan, former Navy Seal CIA operative and someone called Legend who the Taliban want to kill.
Rep. Tim Burchett: Congressmen ‘TERRIFIED’ of DOGE, Paper Trail “Involves Wives & Girlfriends”
There are a lot more goodies in that story.
This ought to bring on some arrests, prosecutions…
I sure hope so!
I want to see some of the Obama/Biden Judges taken out first.
That’s our fellow hillbilly doing the questioning. Tim doesn’t care, he backs down from nobody. One of the good guys.
I thought you would have to say something about him. I smiled when I saw he repped TN
Those two witnesses sound like a 1000lb guerrilla just got off their chest.
But they just want a better life. Everyone goes back!
Too bad BP didn’t shoot the dumbass.
Cracked me up the 2 younger guys were playing keep away and the older bp guy ended it after dealing w the 1st illegal.
Gotta love the peanut gallery on the Meh-ee-ho side.
Speedy Gonzales
Shoutout to the great Gene Hackman for his role in one of the greatest movies ever made demonstrating the abject hubris and stupidity of the British, in particular the spectacular failure who was Gen. Montgomery, in
A Bridge Too Far
“Phase 1”
Who here at Qtree thinks you need to be “managed” when it comes to being told the truth about govt corruption?
Apparently, Bondi thinks folks like Libs of TikTok, Cernovich, and Liz Wheeler need to be “managed”.
Not sure why the ladies are smiley laughing like its an award. Its not a game to me.
I’m happy. Likely smiling when I read the list and information.
We’ll see what we get AND what the “storyline” is for mor AND when.
Because they are suckers and don’t think they can or would get played?
This one comment is about right.
h/t Filly

Only been saying that since the Clinton administration.
Since Bubba lied under oath, left the evidence on a blue dress, and instead of throwing his ass out of office, Boomer Generation decided to close ranks and introduce the country to a new word, ‘compartmentalization’.
It’s fine for the POTUS to blow DNA all over an intern, in the Oval Office, of all places. That’s a separate issue from his character and ability to govern. Or some BS.
They had him dead to rights, with irrefutable DNA evidence. And they just looked the other way and carried on with business as usual.
That’s when it was clear that nobody was serious about anything, anymore.
That’s when a whole generation realized that our government, our entire country, was just a corrupt joke.
You want to create an entire generation of cynics? You want to utterly destroy any belief in truth, justice and the American way?
Do exactly what they did in letting Clinton get away with it. Zero accountability.
That was the inflection point.
This is 100% correct and absolute SPOT ON.
So f’n what??
100% of the dums are on the take. 100%
“To those of you congress people screeching about ‘Republicans will be found out too’…”
Like anybody cares about protecting the criminal political-class on either side… what’s wrong with these people…
February 27, 2025 1:48 pm
Reply to Troublemaker10
But I repeat my self.
Daughter of James Comey, former Dir of the US Stazi (aka FBI).
For starters, Comey’s wench daughter must go.
The entire SDNY is garbage, that needs to be taken out.
She’ll go. But not yet.
IMO they’re “not firing” on purpose. They took the lid off the RAT-BOX and now they’re filming as the rats scurry and reveal what they’ve stashed.
Yup – lots of deal making going on.
Folks need to take a chill pill and let the patriots do their work the right way.
This. Please.
I’ve been asking for either the release of documents or for communication about why we were promised a release and it’s not happening. Now we have both communication and a partial release. I’m willing to let the process play out as those in charge think best. This is just the start.
IIRC. Bonus of sorts.
DOJ and or FIB, so long as they are employed, lie detector test are must submit on request.
Kash is putting james under the microscope now, ties in with his daughter having access to the files.
I thought you meant Letitia James but I think it’s actually James Comey…my bad
I think you are correct. All the black-pilling is ridiculous. Everybody trusts Trump, except for this, or that, or some thing or other.
…..and, all the while, the Dims are looking for every possible opening within MAGA to widen and exploit……
Of course they are.
Not forgetting that MASSIVE attempt to black-pill the MAGA folks (erm, that would be us)…
Becoming clearer why we have Phase I.
Pam getting ready to Nuke FIB. Prolly SDNY DOJ assholes.
Kash has some ass kicking to do with his FIB assholes in NY.
Looking forward to emerging DOJ / FIB being fired this weekend.
Trump/Bondi/Kash have what they need to massively fire the entire chain of lies. THEN the next chain of lies. THEN the next chain of lies. Until they start getting the truth.
OMG – I just realized something.
CIA…..DOJ/NSD….DOJ….FBI – that’s the order of “you can’t show this to Trump”.
Mary McCord. She is the one who locked this stuff away from Trump – I will bet her fingerprints are all over the Epstein cover-up.
That’s why it has to be done right, otherwise the bought and paid for judiciary will be able to shield the black hats.
Yup! Stuff has to be “Obama-judge-proof”!
Howsabout we get rid of the Obamanation judges and the problem is solved… OK, I know, impeachment is hard…
Just find a crime they committed and toss their nasty asses in jail.
YOU KNOW they are crooked so it is just a matter of looking.
Miami, South Dade wherever decades ago, there was an Epstein case. Largely swept under the rug.
I’d guess, Pam and Kash are pulling in all of those documents.
Some of that stuff got published in the Miami paper. I read it – very convincing. Epstein’s massage table was as sleazy as any bar with pole dancers.
Sounds pretty likely, doesn’t it? Good catch!!!
And what an ugly man she is….
Have to wonder if she’s related to James McCord from the Watergate days…..
Yup. That letter to Kash was not a surprise.
I think this whole thing may be setting up to DEMOLISH the FBLie entirely. From the Weiner and Hunter Biden laptops. to the Russia Russia Russia scandal to the Epstein files, they have done nothing but obstruct justice and deceive the American voter.
Once it is all out there and has sunk in to the American psyche, the populace will be clamoring to SHUT THE SHIT DOWN.
At the very least, SDNY needs to be occupied and turned into a crime scene.
Tarred and feathered and sealed in Carbonite…
I do think you’re right. They may have enough to shut down FBI.
Trump could not have come up with a better plan to go into SDNY with a CHAINSAW.
Wonder what Trump has in mind for District of Criminals DOJ that went after him.
What a show.
Scavino on X last night or this morning. Popcorn time.
Scavino would know.
Remember POTUS Trump is a SHOWMAN. AND it is critical to grab the attention of the sheeple and red pill them. That has to be done in small bites.
It was a SET UP.
Think you’re right. They must have known that SDNY would pull some shit like that. It’s hilarious. The chutzpah. 200 pages!
We have three options here:
A) We believe Pam Bondi is a lightweight idiot, who actually believed 200 pages was the whole enchilada
B) Bondi knew full well there was more, where that more was, and what they did
C) Hide and watch to see what happens
A is pessimist, B is optimist. I am C, again.
I hear you – and I need popcorn!
And a flamethrower or ten…
“BREAKING: Attorney General Pam Bondi says that the FBI is WITHHOLDING Epstein documents from her.”
That is Pam Bondi’s way of saying “Look how weak I am, look how weak I am!
I’m just a female figurehead AG, I don’t have any actual power or authority, even my own FBI is mocking my authority!”
You have that wrong.
It’s Bondi PRETENDING to be weak and have no power, when in fact she is doing it intentionally.
Change my mind.
Maybe. It’s what they would do to any new AG, including Matt Gaetz.
I disagree. By giving a date certain (tomorrow) for the materials to now arrive on her desk, and giving a deadline for an FIB report, she is showing strength. It looks as if more heads should roll at the FIB. I have no doubt that there will be a lot of this kind of thing, and these kinds of reveals, in the future.
To every single one of the gullible sheep baaaaa-ing in celebration over the “Phase 1” (MANAGED) “roll out” of the Epstein Files…
…where are the often-promised Jan 6 tapes??
SDNY DOJ and FIBbees gonna get their asses fired.
Appears not so much a managed roll out.
More like stonewalling at SDNY and FIB in NY.
Good by me. Them assholes exposing themselves so they can be fired, lose clearances and hopefully prosecuted.
Yup. Trump is playing this perfectly, IMO.
On the one side, the crowd is being urged to clamor for Epstein. On the other, the RATS have been allowed to slow-walk, lie, and do their RAT thing.
All while likely under investigation.
Lies to Bondi by FIB were exposed in REAL TIME.
Trump attacked black hat CIA at its weak flank – DOJ/FIB/SDNY. Black hat CIA will have no help from Ratcliffe, who will send the RATS over the CLIFF.
Trump is using Epstein to bash into their castle.
Wonder is ole SD even considered this?
Nah, smartest man/woman in the room will NOT think of this.
…yea, I was banned …
Apparently not. Which is why I never go over there and get really tired of having his materials brought here. Just my opinion.
Also my opinion: If people want to go there, they of course are free to do so. They should comment there if they want to discuss what SD has said. If they aren’t allowed to comment there, that should be a huge red flag. IMO, he’s not worth demeaning oneself over; i.e., having been banned, to keep fawning over his content, to want to discuss it, to bring it here so it can be seen and discussed.
Keeping us pure, you are.
Iron sharpens iron.
When SD is full of it, we can look, analyze, critique, find points of failure, error, hubris, etc. and learn from them… doesn’t matter if he does or not. Seeing alternate viewpoints and analyses only helps to refine OURS…..
“having been banned, to keep fawning over his content, to want to discuss it, to bring it here so it can be seen and discussed.”
It’s like perpetuating the cycle of abuse or something
SD’s role (perhaps even self-assigned) may be to gin up pressure on Bondi.
He’s driving anger, impatience, and “where’s the beef” grumbling – lighting a fire under Bondi. It’s a strong move to force a questionable or potentially weak/hesitant ally to act.
I never assume SD can’t see what we see here. The difference is, we’ll discuss both sides, whereas he’ll strategically push one side of a mixed situation for effect.
And we don’t know who (or what) is pushing him…..
Just yesterday you warned against playing into the Left’s hands by stirring up the Right against our own leaders. But when SD does it it’s because he might be “playing a role.”
There’s a lot to unpack here, but the short answer is “yes”.
Multiple points…..
Still warning on point 1 (don’t let the left herd us toward the free black pills), particularly when they start feeding us the “Trump is fucking up again, just like the first term” thinking, because that is where I see this going, and where the media starts to put out fake polls about Trump’s approval slipping. In fact, I’m sure that will happen anyway.
Sundance likes to pick strategic human targets, which can be negative (DeSantis = Sea Island = bad) or double-negative (roadmap = Bush bad = Trump good) and then push those themes to achieve a specific political objective and outcome (Trump winning primary in 2016 and 2024). I think SD is going after Bondi for a similar reason – to push her to either the breaking point (Trump fires her) or the victory point (she becomes Trump’s Fury). I’m not sure if he thinks she can change or not. I personally think Bondi regrets black-simping to throw Zimmerman to the mob, but SD may or may not think she’s movable. If he did, he would never admit it, because his strategy is clearly to make her life hell no matter what – to not let her rest.
His “role” or “mission” is to call out these Trump enemies or weak friends, which he is actually quite good at. How that role happens is a bit of a mystery to me. I know from my own case, and I suspect in his, that others may drop something in front of him, and he then picks it up, knowing that there is more to it than appears on the surface. But that is all speculation.
Today, as opposed to yesterday (new information), I don’t think Bondi is going to need as much time to succeed on Epstein, so I’m not at all worried that SD black pills are a big problem.
In any case, I don’t think my “warning” would have the slightest effect on Sundance.
“SD gonna SD.”
Could it be also that SD is protecting his territory on Zimmerman, for didn’t that whole situation kind of put CTH on the map (well before my time there)?
Interesting thought….
glad someone else saw it to ponder
Well, y’know…..you could comment on the current thread like everyone else.
As it is, it’s frequently just you and me. Do you want people to think you’re communing with cthulhu?
Or is this some wild plot to be slappin’ a Leo on the exact comment?
I’m actually scrolling through the rest of the day in case someone didn’t award the appropriate bozo button “today”
LOL I actually came back late on Friday to check what I might have missed. If you choose to interact w/ my merely mortal self then I am very blessed!
^^^^This, a thousand times. Things aren’t always as they seem. And by now we should all know that with PDJT, what we see happening on the surface most often is not the whole story. Sometimes things that seem “partial” are a means to an end.
VSG. Always remember he’s a VSG.
The Jan 6th tapes are in the custody of the Capitol Police. They are NOT under the jurisdiction of the President or Congress except via the Police Board.
Ivan Raiklin does a very good job of explaining the mess and exactly what happened and WHO is responsible.
@ ~20 mins to 23 mins Ivan explains the problem with exposing the fedsurrection. Since it is the Capital Police who are involved, AND the Capitol Police who are responsible for the safety of Congress, Esp Barry Loudermilk, it is literally DANGEROUS for him to upset the applecart.
~20 minutes is the Deep State Target List color coded by category. Ivan discusses some of the people.
Feb 20, 2023 January 6: Fastest Path To Truth & Justice
Ask me why this is complete
OK, I’ll assume you did.
Go ahead. Tell me I’m wrong. Then please rationally, objectively explain how.
You are incorrect.
I wish I could find Ivan’s explanation but here goes from my old notes:
Ivan on Alpha Warrior Podcast – Government Coup Exposed
it is 2 hrs 50 min
Here is the critical part.
Alpha says FBI Ivan corrects to CAPITOL POLICE.
[The take away is the FBI is working at the direction of the Capitol Police. -GC]
Alpha: So I am going thru the site having all the arrests and they have info and pics and I come to this Edmund Newman and he has this UKRAINIAN revolution scarf, The FBI finds out this dude was ACTING IN THE COLOR REVOLUTION… Ivan interrupts, does not want to go off on another rabbit trail.
Alpha come back with the point that the file had ALL THE HITS ON HIS PHONE, they had where he was at this time, at this time, & at this time, and they had a plot map. And I am like, they have this on EVERYBODY.
That is a really good point because it applies to this sect 1979. Release of Security Information [Capitol police have SOLE authority.]
Ivan then gets into the PERSON who determines what info will be released:
It would be the senior lawyer of the US general council of the Capitol Police who ADVISES the board on what info to release. This allows him to protect any information that would give away the Fed-surrection.
So WHO is the board?
(Funny the first search items are FactCheck & Politico. snicker)
Capitol Police Board
There are THREE voting members Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. House & the Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. Senate.
Michael C. StengerApr 16, 2018–Jan 7, 2021
at 1:09:21 is a slide showing who appoints each.
Piglosi appointed the House Sergeant of Arms and McCarthy kept him. IRVING, Paul from 2011 – 2023
Sergeant at Arms of the U.S. Senate. appointed by Senate Majority leader.
Michael C. StengerApr 16, 2018–Jan 7, 2021 (Mitch the Turtle)
Karen Gibson Mar 22, 2021–present (Chuck the Schmuck)
Architect of the Capitol appointed and confirmed by Trump & Senate for a 10 year term/
They Booted Trump’s Architect of the Capitol and put in Biden’s.
Hope that helps and is clear.
Now you know why Piglouse turned down the National Guard. ONLY Capital Police, who were under the DemonRat control were allowed to be there.
With all respect…
None of that addresses this:
Nor does any of it refute this known truth.
Allow me to correct that.
I did find this in my notes:
Ivan explains who is responsible and how the Jan 6th Fedsurrection was done.
Paul Harrell interviews Ivan 1/9/24 (1 hour)
@ 6 minutes he explains the LEGAL FRAMEWORK under which they were able to do all of this.
@ 8:17 is the diagram and the lawyer (General Council) is Thomas Dibiase is named. HE is the one with the authority.
It occurs to me, that THIS is the reason POTUS wants the city of DC back under the control of the White House.
Home Rule actually puts DC back under the control of Congress.
Every example of a needful building BTW seems to be a military application. Fancy that.
But the important point here is it wouldn’t be the white house.
i like you both.
If you don’t like Trump then, objectively and reasonably, you are a brainwashed idiot and, as such, I couldn’t care less what you think.
DOA. Dumrats excelling at F A I L U R E.
What malady do these poor souls have?
I’d feel sorry for them if they were just stupid and/or ignorant.
Ecstatic for their misery.
They are members of the God-hating, America-hating, Constitution-hating, baby-murder loving Party of Sodom & Gomorrah.
Corrupt to their very core.
From Carls Sunday post on Sunday, that about says it all.
These people have no relationship with God or anything outside their little orbit they live in.
An ego separated from God, unsubmitted to God, can only do evil.
Looking at that group I can only say, “an ugly girl is like a malady”…..
They can’t remove the Electoral College with a bill. If that’s what they think, then IMO they should be immediately removed from Congress because they are a) too ignorant to be in their positions, and b) not upholding their oaths to uphold the Constitution.
The article goes on to describe the National Popular Vote Compact (NPV):
It seem unconstitutional on its face.
It is.
These people do not look well at all.
May-Dahy! Is it possible to make Dems health-minded again?
Klobucommie front and center!
H/T Robert Baker
Believe & Act
The Gospel Woven True
The gospel’s not sung in pews alone,
A hollow echo bouncing off the stone,
It’s trust that moves the heart to leap,
And hands that serve where shadows creep.
We believe the lost soul finds its bread,
So we rise to knead the dough instead—
With love, we bake for souls unfed,
A warm embrace with arms outspread.
Our Savior spoke in storms that rage,
Yes, faith can turn the darkest page—
We trust His calm through wind and rain,
And shovel mud from a neighbor’s drain,
With peace, we soothe a friend’s despair,
A quiet presence lingering there.
“Love your foe,” He dared to say,
A truth we hold though pride may sway—
We pray for strength to bless, not curse,
And mend a bond grown cold and terse,
With kindness, we leave a gift unknown,
For one who’s reaped what hate has sown.
The widow’s coins, two tiny mites,
Teach trust in spite of meager light—
We give our time, though pockets thin,
To sit with grief, to share a grin,
With joy, we dance through weary days,
A light for those in sorrow’s maze.
He washed their feet, the dusty throng,
A silent hymn of righting wrong—
We kneel to scrub a tired floor,
For love is action, nothing more,
With gentleness, we guide the young,
A tender word on every tongue.
The lost, He sought through field and thorn,
A shepherd’s heart for those forlorn—
We seek the lonely, share our flame,
And call the outcast by their name,
With goodness, we plant a tree to grow,
A shade for wanderers below.
“Fear not,” He whispered to the night,
So faith becomes our guiding sight—
We step to help where danger looms,
A steady hand in trembling rooms,
With faithfulness, we keep our vow,
To lift the burdened here and now.
The cross He bore, a weight of grace,
Trust carved deep in every trace—
We carry loads for those who fall,
A quiet yes to mercy’s call,
With patience, we wait through cries and pleas,
To teach a child life’s mysteries.
The Spirit blooms where trust takes root,
Each deed a branch, each step its fruit—
With self-control, we turn from spite,
And guard our hearts through dark of night,
We weave a quilt for winter’s chill,
A shield of care through faith fulfilled.
The gospel lives not in our speech,
But in the souls we strive to reach—
A bridge of trust, a life outpoured,
A living echo of our Lord.
Inspiring & aspirational. Thank you for this–God Bless!
Thank You Carl!
Love it!

The FAA is on the verge of canceling Verizon’s bloated $2.4 billion contract and handing it to Starlink—a move that would bring faster, safer, and more reliable air traffic control services.
And guess who’s furious? The establishment. They’re shrieking about “conflicts of interest” because Trump and Elon are putting efficiency over corruption.
Verizon’s system? Outdated and expensive. Starlink? Faster, cheaper, and proven. SpaceX engineers are already fixing the FAA’s mess.
The real “conflict of interest” is how the old system still exists. The same grifters who let U.S. infrastructure rot now cry foul when someone actually fixes it.
Elon is right: Verizon is putting air travelers at risk. And Washington just hates that they’re losing control.
Source: The Daily Beast
Elon Musk
To be clear here, the Verizon communication system to air traffic control is breaking down very rapidly. The FAA assessment is single digit months to catastrophic failure, putting air traveler safety at serious risk. The Starlink terminals are being sent at NO COST to the taxpayer on an emergency basis to restore air traffic control connectivity.
Elon Musk@elonmusk
So crazy
Wall Street Apes@WallStreetApes
Why would Donald Trump, Elon Musk and DOGE want to know if federal workers are working?
– VA Central Office 810 Vermont Avenue is a 618,000 square foot building
– It has 2,483 seats, meaning that’s how many staff they can fit
– The monthly rent is $27.2 million
– Their average logins is 387 people, that’s people logging in every month to work
– That building is sitting at 16% occupancy rate (So we’re paying $27.2 million a month for that building with 16% occupancy rate)
6 More Leased Government Buildings Stats:
811 Vermont Avenue:
– 266,000 square feet
– 1294 seats
– $14 million dollars a month rent
– 124 average logins
– This is a 10% occupancy rate
18000 G Street
– 207,000 square feet
– 1243 seats
– $11.3 million dollars a month rent
– 146 average logins
– This is a 11% occupancy rate
1100 First Street
– 48,000 square feet
– 190 seats
– $2.4 million dollars a month rent
– 55 average logins
– This is a 20% occupancy rate
1574 I Street
– 37,000 square feet
– 156 seats
– $1.7 million dollars a month rent
– No login data, this building lease is being terminated
428 I Street
– 175,000 square feet
– 583 seats
– $12.7 million dollars a month rent
– 60 average logins
– This is a 10% occupancy rate
801 I Street
– 18,000 square feet
– 86 seats
– $1.1 million dollars a month rent
– 8 average logins
– This is a 9% occupancy rate
“That’s from the Department of Veterans Affairs Building portfolio”
By now, all of them seats should be filled, or the assigned asshole, being processed for termination.
Foreclosure rate in DC area is going to skyrocket. Increasing job losses. Terrible employment opportunities. People fleeing DC area, for more affordable digs.
I want to know who owns those buildings – the rent is exorbitant !!!
I think this is another DC scam/fraud – gouging the government and the taxpayers!
That thought crossed my mind, too!
Are they paying rent to somebody’s good friends (fees for my friends).
Or relatives or major donors.
They could have saved at least 40 percent by locating the VA on Baltic Avenue or Mediterranean Avenue
Gubmint purchasing is a Monopoly, doncha know
Hah! Paying Boardwalk prices for Baltic properties…
Rather sure, Trump put JD up to his statement in attached X. To damn funny.
In front of Trump, Starmer lies and says UK has free speech.
NEW: JD Vance calls out Keir Starmer on censorship.
“I said what I said.”
“There have been infringements on free speech that actually affect not just the British… but also impact American tech companies and American citizens.”
Keir Starmer is just a liar, and he looks foolish asserting that the UK has anything resembling free speech, when they even arrest people for silently praying to themselves.
He’s either an idiot who has no idea what’s going on in his own country, or he’s a bald-faced liar, or he’s insane.
It doesn’t even matter which, he’s irrelevant as a leader.
Will we have to save the idiot brits…again…a 2nd time….after kicking them out of America??
I say let them enjoy a brutal dictatorship for a few generations. It would do them a lot of good. After all, we’re talking about abject morons who willingly gave up their guns to the govt., and THIS, after suffering under a monarchy/aristocracy for hundreds of years.
Sometimes people should get what they asked for GOOD AND HARD.
I have ZERO use for the British government.
Enemies of the state until proven otherwise.
The more research I do the more I see how EVIL the SOBs are!
So….F ‘em.
YUP! even though I have friends (Cavers) over there.
Same, but I have zero use for the idiot people of britain, too.
And haven’t, since 1776.
Even during WWII, their best general was Montgomery, an incompetent idiot.
Did you know?
Had Hitler remained committed to the “Battle for Britain” for just 48-72 hrs more, the British AF would have collapsed and Germany would have owned the skies over the UK.
For them to go from THAT to where they are, NOW, in just 80 years is a stunning testimony of their abject stupidity.
Language warning, that Piglet has some mouth on him!
What in the world is Pam Bondi thinking, releasing binders full of blacked out / redacted pages?
What is she, James Comey or Merrick Garland reincarnated?
Unless she comes through with the real deal TONIGHT, this is gonna blow up in her face REAL good
Nothing like perfect isn’t good enough…..
Was there ANY new (visible) info in those binders???
according to reports, no
Here’s a clue, Pam.
The Attorney General of the United States of America does not make ‘requests’ of the FBI.
The Attorney General of the United States makes DEMANDS of her subordinate employees, and if those demands are not met in a timely manner, the person(s) who failed get their employment terminated.
No more demands are made after that, because what comes next is you SEND armed federal marshals to seize the files by force.
The longer you keep playing games like this, the longer you keep playing like you don’t know how to get things done, the worse you are going to look, Pam.
This, right here …
You ain’t wrong.
She better make it her priority to start arresting and prosecuting ROGUE FBI agents.
Because every second that passes, the weaker and more incompetent she looks.
Very public arrests. Heavily armed FIBs. Streaming compliments of conservative somebody.
There is zero chance the evidence has been destroyed. It has been copied and saved a thousand times by now.
It is far too valuable, to too many people (on every conceivable ‘side’), to have destroyed every copy.
“There’s a big battle going on right now.”
No, there’s not.
There is no ‘battle’.
The POTUS has declassified the information.
The AG of the U.S. has lawfully demanded the information.
The rogue FBI is refusing a direct order, obstructing justice, and a hundred other crimes.
POTUS and the AG have the power and force of the entire federal gov’t (and military, if need be) to force compliance by arresting every member of the FBI who is obstructing, and by seizing whatever information they want from the rogue, renegade, criminal FBI.
The longer the rogue FBI is allowed to flout the power and authority of the POTUS, the weaker and more incompetent the POTUS looks.
WHO is in control of the United States Executive Branch?
Is it DJT?
Or is it the FIB?
As of this moment, to all outward appearances, the FIB is in power and control.
And that’s a crisis that requires immediate action.
How do you know she is “playing” vs. intentionally screwing the pooch?
When FIB conducts illegal activities and refuses an order, it is up to the U. S. Marshalls to take action.
They must receive orders first; then they can take action.
All these broads do is talk.
Safety of the material being transported from SDNY needs to be scrutinized.
guessing Patel has a small army of FIBs to escort the material to AG Bondi.
Deep state is going to pull out all stops on this.
I can see the DS/CIA having their cartel allies intercept the delivery.
I would expect to see (heavily-armed) US Marshalls escorting the data and any associated people EVERY STEP OF THE WAY…..
I would not be surprised if the deep state got violent about this; including foreign portions of the deep state (five eyes and all the rest)…..
(3²+2³) said that these revelations would bring down governments, houses of royalty, and rich, famous, and business leaders.
They will NOT be put down without a fight. I don’t see why this is a surprise, nor why the drip…drip…drip… strategy is a problem… Because with multiple drips, they don’t know who, what, how, when, why, etc. is going to be dripped next…
This is not just decades of rot being removed; it’s CENTURIES of rot.
And it will take time.
We in the West are so conditioned to looking at things based on monthend or quarterend results, with corresponding short planning horizons.
The Asians (and Middle-Easterners), on the other hand, are used to planning in terms of generations or more, and are not fazed by having to wait 10 or 20 years for a goal to be approached, let alone met!
One article I read about Sony discussed the third 50-year segment of their 250-year plan… something we in the West would consider unthinkable.
It’s time we start to think about that, as our main competition, RED China, uses those multi-generational timeframes, and works to meet/use them…
Impatience is its own reward…..
Very Well said!
My dad took training in Japan when working high up in Ford Motor Co & said similar things about their generational planning. They adopted a lot of what the West had to offer after losing WWII but then married it to many of the strengths in their own culture so in many ways they could beat us at our own game. Abe’s assassination still reverberates
Why do so many people here assume the US Marshals are somehow not corrupted?
Then who isn’t corrupted???
Send them in. Armed.
I just get annoyed with people whose go-to solution is “Send in the Marshals” like that’s any fucking guarantee of success.
Maybe you never see them used because they’re actually worthless.
There’s ZERO evidence that they aren’t as corrupt as the other LE agencies of the Fed Gov but you treat them like a magic spell if only we’d use it.
“Maybe you never see them used because they’re actually worthless.”
If they are worthless then fire them all and replace them with people who are not worthless.
In the meantime, send someone else.
Send Delta Force if you have to.
Send the U.S. Marines.
What we don’t do, what cannot be allowed under any circumstances, is to submit to the pretense that it’s just not possible, in the most powerful nation on earth, to round up a dozen guys to go lawfully seize documents by force, on direct lawful order by the AG of the United States of America.
There is no conceivable reality where that option exists.
Again, you miss my point.
“Why do so many people here assume the US Marshals are somehow not corrupted?”
Because it doesn’t matter if they’re corrupt or not, what matters is that Capt. Smith of the U.S. marshals receives a direct order from a lawful authority (the A.G. of the U.S.) to seize documents from the SDNY.
And if he, Mr. Capt. Smith of the U.S. marshals, does not comply with that direct order, then Mr. Capt. Smith of the U.S. marshals, whose name and face and badge number everybody knows, gets fired, gets stripped of his pension, and hopefully gets prosecuted.
And Mr. Captain Smith of the U.S. marshals doesn’t want to experience any of those negative consequences.
So no matter how corrupt Mr. Capt. Smith of the U.S. marshals may be, he’s going to *&^# over the dipshits at SDNY long before he ruins his own life by disobeying a direct and lawful order.
Because he didn’t rise to the level of being a Captain in the U.S. Marshals service by being an idiot.
Personal accountability is the key, combined with a lawful order, and the weapons to enforce the lawful order.
If those ingredients are all present, he has no choice, regardless of how corrupt he may be.
Missing my point entirely.
It’s the way some people have of assuming the US Marshals will solve the problem. Not any other agency, specifically the US Marshals.
EPA cuts have been mentioned this week. This is the first I’ve read, ~65% cut at EPA!
EPA terrorizing businesses and citizens being thrashed.
Wondering, how this may effect CA draconian environment laws.
Trump Teases Enormous Staff Cuts At Government Agency
President Donald Trump on Wednesday signaled that his Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may be poised to make major job cuts.
Trump told reporters during the first presidential cabinet meeting of his second term that EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin may cut roughly 65% of his agency’s workforce, according to multiple reports. The Trump administration has already started to lay off federal workers en masse from various agencies in order to deflate the government bureaucracy and reduce waste in federal spending.
“I spoke with Lee Zeldin, and he thinks he’s going to be cutting 65 or so percent of the people from environmental, and we’re going to speed up the process too at the same time,” Trump told reporters on Wednesday. “He had a lot of people that weren’t doing their job, they were just obstructionists, and a lot of people that didn’t exist.”
California has its own version of the EPA…..called, unsurprisingly, Cal-EPA. There is also a Cal-OSHA, and I’m sure many others.
I read yesterday that Newsom is launching a Cal-Twitter next.
Because California isn’t bankrupt enough now.
This post seems to align w SD opinion of Bondi.
“As the group moved from the Oval Office, several of the influencers present held up their binders for the assembled press, most of whom were there to cover the British Prime Minister’s visit to the White House.
Only after this media moment were the social media influencers told that AG Bondi did not want the public to know about the distribution of the binders, a caveat that came too late. One of the sources I spoke to called the entire incident a “clusterfuck,” with many of them resenting the fact that social media influencers are getting the blame for not releasing more information when they were asked not to, but only after the assembled media had taken pictures and video of them.
Rather than a conspiracy by the social media influencers, this event looks to have been a failed attempt to curry social media favor by AG Bondi, who scrambled on Thursday afternoon to demand the FBI release more files. This despite her claiming that she had the Epstein client lists “on her desk” in an interview with Jesse Watters of Fox News this week.
The incident speaks more to a cock-up or blunder by the AG and her team than anything else. The National Pulse has also verified that little to no new information is contained in the binders, suggesting again that this was more of a failed public relations stunt.”
“Only after this media moment were the social media influencers told that AG Bondi did not want the public to know about the distribution of the binders, a caveat that came too late.”
A demonstration of pure competence, if true. Distribute binders to a bunch of Internet influencers, and forget to tell them to keep it secret, all to themselves?
Why give it to them in the first place?
Ikr? And it was already known info but repackaged for them. It does seem that it was essentially a stunt. Bad execution. It makes pdjt look foolish bc she is goingvaround being a media personality 1st, instead of working.
Exactly what is to be expected if SD is correct about who/what Bondi is
The question becomes: how long until crap like this is seen as intentional vs “a mistake”?
Gratitude Prayers
Prayer of Daily Thanks
Heavenly Father, as the sun sets, I want to pause and say thank You. For the little things like a warm cup of tea to the big things like my family’s laughter, I’m grateful. Each moment of this day has been a gift, and I thank You for the blessings, both seen and unseen. Let my sleep be a thank you, my dreams be praise, and my night whispers echo with gratitude. Amen.
A Prayer for the Gifts of Life
Dear Lord, under the evening sky, I come before You filled with appreciation. For the breath in my lungs, the food on my table, and the love in my home, I am truly thankful. Help me to always notice the countless gifts You provide and to never take them for granted. I rest in Your care, grateful for today and hopeful for tomorrow. Amen.
Thanksgiving for Enduring Love
Gracious God, as I lay down tonight, I reflect on Your unending love and care. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the smiles shared, and for the kindness I received. Your love is a constant in a world that often changes, and for this steadfast love, I give You thanks. As I close my eyes, I feel the peace of a grateful heart. Amen.
Evening Gratitude for Strength and Guidance
Lord of all comfort, I am thankful tonight, not just for the good but also for the strength You gave me in challenging moments. Thank you for the wisdom in decisions and the courage in facing my fears. Your guidance is a lantern to my feet. As the stars appear, I thank You for lighting my path today and every day. Amen.
Sunset Thanks for Life’s Journey
Almighty Creator, every sunset reminds me of Your glory and the journey You’ve laid out for me. I am grateful for the paths I’ve walked today, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced. Thank You for being my compass and my companion. As the night unfolds, I count my blessings, and atop the list is Your unwavering presence in my life. Amen.
Soros plan to retake House in 2026 via WI judges and redistricting?
Every day that Georgie Boy is not behind bars is another day the AG is not doing her job.
In actuality, he should be designated as a terrorist and get droned.
I still rather see him gift wrapped and handed to Putin or Hungary.
As long as his execution is public, I don’t care.
I am sure Putin could arrange that.
Dropped from 30,000 feet…
Along with all of his evil spawn…
That works.
Who is Georgie boy? Bondi is fighting her own department before she can get after others. My thought on it. Patients is a virtue.
George Soros.
(Apologies to Judy Durham, RIP):
I want to see George & His get & fiance given to Putin as a gift.
Along with Nuland and the Vindmans.
Kash Patel@Kash_Patel
The FBI is entering a new era—one that will be defined by integrity, accountability, and the unwavering pursuit of justice. There will be no cover-ups, no missing documents, and no stone left unturned — and anyone from the prior or current Bureau who undermines this will be swiftly pursued. If there are gaps, we will find them. If records have been hidden, we will uncover them. And we will bring everything we find to the DOJ to be fully assessed and transparently disseminated to the American people as it should be. The oath we take is to the Constitution, and under my leadership, that promise will be upheld without compromise.
Oh sure. Suuure!
Meet the old boss…
How long before the new boss is the same as the old boss?
The FBI cannot be rejuvenated or “recovered”. It is thoroughly corrupt and has been ever since it’s inception. It MUST cease to exist.
What prompted this opinion?
What opinion?
I asked a question.
I said:
And you asked:
And the answer is: Two things.
1) Known, fact-based history. Moreover, given the KNOWN history, we can only guess at the UNKNOWN rot and corruption.
2) my friendship with a former 20 year SA, who has told me some of the unknown things and informs me that my opinion is spot on accurate
Nothing like black pills… when perfection isn’t good enough… crikey…
D O O M F A G G I N G at it’s finest.
FIB may be beyond redemption. Kash is not the problem.
Until proven otherwise, Kash is king.
You hope he is not going to be a problem. And so do I.
In fact, I will be delighted and ecstatic to have my worst fears (and history) proven unfounded. For now, blame my battered conservative syndrome (BCS).
The enemy of my enemy….
Dick Durbin: Kash Patel’s Record Shows He Is A Dangerous,
Durbin there is a guy I never trust
A very nasty piece of work.
Sounds Dickensian, almost…
The deep stete wanted to embarrass Bondi and Kash and considering the outcry I saw on different forums they succeeded.
I am not going to fall is group outrage I saw on some forums. I trust until shown otherwise. Some psy-ops are working hard to get MEGA riled up.
I really do not care about the files except if Bondi and Kash get them to use for conviction of the pervs who raped the girls.
I do not read all the gore just can imagine how horrific it was for those who were forced. All I care that those who did it the so called costumers get jail time.
Maybe my age is showing
No, you’re absolutely right!!!
Metaphor about the Trump Train and silly democrats, deep state types and the cabal.
And the blonde dude took his coat, too.
I say it was staged. Blonde guy that takes coat is in on it.
I’m just gonna enjoy it as if it’s real.
Run ebonic, run…..
Here’s What Happened
Today, at the White House, I did receive The Epstein Files: Phase 1 binder.
“By order of Attorney General Pamela Bondi & FBI Director Kash Patel”
The binder has four parts, including recovered evidence, Epstein flight logs, redacted supporting information, & a list of redacted “masseuses.”
This 200-page binder is not a smoking gun.
These are the documents that the FBI gave to AG Bondi.
HOWEVER, Bondi sent a letter to FBI Director Patel today stating that the FBI has been withholding “thousands of pages of documents.”
So, to be clear, the FBI was hiding information on the Epstein files.
Tomorrow, AG Bondi will receive the rest of the documents relating to Epstein.
I was told there was an embargo on the information & out of respect to the President, his administration, & the seriousness of these alleged crimes, I’m holding onto the binder until Bondi does a presser sharing the information or releases it to the public.
As soon as we have the green light, I will share publicly what I was given.
The fact remains AG Bondi & FBI Director Patel were not given *ALL* of the documents concerning Epstein.
My replies are turned on for everyone, my direct messages are open, & I also want to remain as transparent as humanly possible.
If a binder is titled “Phase 1,” there will be other binders.
“The Most Transparent Administration In History”
“The 45th and 47th President of the United States”
Thanks! I’m not on X. Could you also find Liz Wheeler’s post, re-Xed by Mike Benz? (It’s elsewhere on my trapline.)
H/T Sylvia (from an Elon post)
Liz Wheeler
This is the story:
President Trump & AG Pam Bondi committed to releasing the Epstein files.
The FBI was told to deliver the files to Bondi.
They did, about 200 pages.
Bondi smelled a rat, because there was nothing juicy in the 200 pages, just flight logs & a Rolodex of phone numbers. No “smoking gun.”
Still, Bondi promised to release the documents, so she prepared a binder of them.
THEN, last night a whistleblower contacted Bondi & revealed that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of Epstein files, defying Bondi’s order to give them all to her.
We’re talking recordings, evidence, etc. The juicy stuff. Names.
These swamp creatures at SDNY deceived Bondi, Kash, and YOU.
Be outraged that the binder is boring. You should be. Because the evil deep state LIED TO YOUR FACE.
The binder is powerful because it’s tangible physical evidence of the disgusting stunt the SDNY tried to pull.
Bondi is now demanding ALL the Epstein evidence from SDNY plus an investigation into the persons who committed this act of defiance.
The legacy media has betrayed you again and again and again. They lie to you. They smear you. They gaslight you. They deserve no special access to realtime exposure of corruption… because they played a role in covering it up in the first place!
You are the media, Elon said. Yes, we are. So celebrate the regular people are being given access to the most powerful people in our country to report on despicable corruption as it’s being uncovered in realtime.
And be very, very angry that deep state agents in the swamp at the SDNY are at this very moment defying President Trump & AG Bondi & you who voted him into office, lying, and hiding the truth about Jeffrey Epstein because they don’t want their own corruption & weaponization of govt exposed.
That’s the story.
Thank you!
THAT’LL show ‘em. Dang, I’m not even involved and that scares me.
She’s demanding the info now, rather than merely requesting it. SDNY better be careful or they’ll wind up on double-secret probation!
I hope the DEMAND is delivered by hand picked loyal and WELL ARMED FIB agents.
Bondi, a woman who as a state AG cooked up fake witnesses against an innocent man, is now DEMANDING.
Of course, her enemies KNOW and CAN prove she did that, too.
Ho hum.
How did that all go, exactly?
Bondi: Send me everything you got.
FBI: Here ya go.
Bondi: Wait? WTf is this?
FBI: Oh, we sent you what you requested.
Bondi: Dammit. I DEMAND everything you got!
FBI: Oh, well, in THAT case….
Why are you posting the same negative stuff over and over?
I would have thought that was obvious.
With lots of unspent fuel from the J6 tapes that have yet to be released, despite YEARS of promises.
We’re all angry.
No one said it would be easy. The Cabal has been embedded in the US government for a century at least. AND THEY FIGHT DIRTY!
Trump has only been back in office for a month and he has already done wonders. Remember he has to stay within the law and that makes it very difficult.
How much of DC is corrupt? 75%, 85%, 98%? That is what Trump is up against AND we know they will kill him if they can.
“Trump has only been back in office for a month…”
What the hell do people want? It’s crazy to me.
S T E A D Y !
We’ll be fine. Trump Train.
Kalbo, May I send you a DM? If so, how? Please be specific.
PM anytime.
I rarely use this account. I will monitor for awhile. If I miss it, send heads up like your post here and I’ll be on it.
I do have to admit that I find Bondi somewhat vapid. But I feel that way about approximately 99% of humanity. It comes from reading about everything in the world, having a base of friends like I do here at the Q Tree (the polar opposite of vapid), and standing up for values and ideas that are controversial all the time. It makes normal people look like milquetoast, if you know what I mean.
I saw a look on her face one time that was so fierce. Then I thought, she’s tougher than she looks.
It’s just that you’re turgid and dense
Must be something about the hills and the stills
Talk about unrealistic expectations. And it’s playing right into Eisen’s “project” to discredit VSGPDJT and his administration.
Either ride on the TRUMP TRAIN or get the hell off… Enough of this SHIT!!!!!
I am tired of the “hangers on,” just looking for reasons to bitch.
Amen to that, brother. But no matter how angry I am, I still have hope. I’m not swallowing the black pill, no matter how hard SD and some others try to push it.
I withstood a global psy-op to try to vaxx me, I can withstand them.
This battle has been active since the escalator, 2016 or so.
Presently we have the Best Hand in roughly nine years.
I for one ,believe we are turning the tide, in a big way.
Dumrats have no clue how to effectively counter Trump.
Courts limited success.
Budget thing coming up in ~two weeks. It appears the R-Cons, Senate and House have a reasonable way ahead.
Massive fraudulent spending, wasteful spending, reducing the federal work force…
My guess is fuel, food and stff will remain stubbornly high in the short term. May rise a bit.
Long term, 100% we’ll see huge drops in fuel, some in food.
We’ll see tax cuts. No more tax on tips, social security and overtime.
Ukraine fiasco ends. Some sort of deal with Ukraine for minerals…
Israel is gonna kick Hamas ass royally, as soon as hostages are returned.
US will get along with Russia.
Entrenched DOJ AND FIB are gonna get their asses kicked – fired and some prosecutions.
Ending my rant. Lots more but ,I am 100% bullish on Trump AND Trump’s Team.
The Best Team we’ve had in ~nine years.
Again, AMEN!
Provoking. Bad mood. Monthly. Who knows.
Irritating. Promotes scrolling, rather than a response.
Perp walk the FIBers.
Lemme save everyone some time.
Here’s What Happened
Either they got played, or they are playing the rest of us.
Right now their story that THEY got played.
Which begs a question….how is it possible that a savvy Trump team (“the smartest and most capable I’ve ever seen”….according to Elon Musk) got played?
Reagrdless, whatever the truth, the can got kicked down the road. Again.
Ho hum.
News at 11
So what will be your diatribe tomorrow when the documents arrive at Bondi’s office?
We get it, you hate Bondi.
PDT is boss. He will not be screwed over by the SDNY fibbers.
Black-pilled is as annoying as TDS. In my opinion.
It’s dangerous, too, because it helps the enemy.
Remember Eisen… too much is poisonous…
For the record, I find insults and accusations being made against me (ie. “black pilled”) to be asinine, which you have now given a thumbs up to. There is good reason to be skeptical of Bondi, and today was stark evidence of it. In fact, IMHO it is ridiculous that some people aren’t upset at the clown show that happened today and, instead, seem more angry at others for being upset about it.
Wasn’t there some 48 hour “rule” floating around somewhere?
Everybody seems angry at somebody today! Whether this is the work of the Dems, or was just bound to happen like radioactive decay, I will just try to smile and make a toast to free speech!
Of course it does. Demoralization is one of their main goals. It’s part of the reason SD pisses me off with his constant Eeyore bullshit.
I see so many Eeyore memes on his X threads – LMAO – it’s pretty hilarious, even if sometimes not justified in the particular instance (he gets badly jumped, too!)
Well, sure. Balance, as you say.
Allow me to get something in before the next round.
We need to beware of the possibility that the SDNY evil ones will give 2000 pages when there is really 4000 pages, or 4000 when there are 10,000 pages and a warehouse full of other evidence.
Also, the 200 pages may have been a TEST of Bondi to see if she would play ball. They will continue to balk and dodge in new and different ways.
This is a dicey game. We must not think that the other side will give up now, because they won’t.
We have to keep up the pressure on Bondi, but not go black pill.
We have to give the white hats some slack, but not smoke any hopium.
And be sure to get some popcorn on the way to our seats!
OH, it is very very much a WAR! Just because Trump won the White House does not mean the Cabal is defeated by a long shot.
I just hope that when Q said “We have it all” he meant it!
“We have it all”
Sounds great, but most unlikely.
Rhetorical. All of what?
At best a subset of ALL, of what IS Required..
I do believe we have a lot.
Trump Team is pursuing the rest.
Good with it.
If in fact we had it all, there would already be arrests.
I don’t think so. I think Trump is trying to “thread the needle,” and avoid mass unrest.
And I’m sure that ANY electronic file, communication, text, email, whatever is on an NSA server in a vault somewhere.
What I would like to see is a heavily-armed contingent from MAGA-land to go to the various TLA offices and find and remove ALL documents and ALL personnel, whether in regard to Epstein or not.
What no-one has mentioned is the fact that any (and likely ALL) electronic communication(s) has been copied, archived, and mirrored elsewhere. So even with various “shredding” activities going on, there is a backup somewhere.
At worst, I guess, we could ask the RED Chinese or muhRussians for a copy…
THANK YOU! You are clearly stating the position I am trying hard to maintain. I am taking in the warfare, and trying to remain objective. Also trying hard to escape the “demoralization trolls,” a couple of which live in our tree. Information is good, but when it’s always negative, it disturbs me. Maybe it’s not intentional, but it’s a real downer.
I hear you! If you see my emotional reaction this morning to somebody on X jumping Bondi with bad cause….. GRRRR.
There is a balance here! You’re seeing it, too. It’s hard.
I got a kick out of Scott Presler holding a binder.
HEYDONMUSICPAGE “Latest Videos & Breaking News” 2.27.25
NY FBI Office Holding Back Additional Epstein Docs, Kash And Pam Are On It, Phase I – Ep. 3583
February 27, 2025 x22report
The old Federal Reserve system is imploding. The [CB] are in trouble. Trump is now putting all the pieces in place and he is dismantling the Federal Reserve System. Trump continually added more pieces to the puzzle to remove the people from the system and create a new system that will fund the government. The [DS] is in a panic today, Pam Bondi continually threatened the [DS] with the Epstein client list and she was able to expose the sleepers in the NY Fed office. Kash and Pam are now investigating. We are in an information war and this was a test to see what ammunition the [DS] has. Phase I completes the Epstein release, moving to the next phase.
Ep 3583a – Companies Are Choosing The US, Fed Is Being Dismantled One Step At A Time
Ep 3583b – NY FBI Office Holding Back Additional Epstein Docs, Kash And Pam Are On It, Phase I
From Gateway Pundit:
I spose, who got played remains to be seen.
Last week there were a X or two mentioning a trip to SDNY emphasizing, there is Only One DOJ. Not little DOJ fiefdoms across the country. SDNY was called out. Someone, Pam or one of here inner office delivered the message to SDNY. I think it was Pam.
At this point, I suspect Pam and Kash knew lots of information missing.
Neither Pam or Kash are dummies. I believe America First types. Kash very, very savvy, I’d bet.
Bonginio is on the team and I’d bet engaged.
My bottom line right now.
I think you are onto something.
That perfectly explains what she said in the Jesse Watters interview: that lists would be coming out, “possibly tomorrow” (at the time). She knew way more than she could say in that interview. She has the public and Congress on her back, and I think she, Kash, Trump, et al., are playing this a certain way, not to keep us in the dark, but to set up agencies for a big fall, as you say.
Your bottom line aligns with my bottom line. Say THAT three times fast, lol!
Remember that the Acting AG under Trump went to NY court house and gathered up a bunch of stuff. I can not remember if it was Epstein or the Mexican Cartel boss trial.
That’s the one I was trying to recall. Thanks.
Was also, part of setting up SDNY & FIBs.
Is he still a DOJ employee? Always thought he was a good guy. Just din’t have the authority to do what was needed.
No According to WIKI
That doesn’t mean he isn’t at DOJ now does it?
Ah, I skipped the link and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Thanks for bringing in the details.
No problem.
Is that Clout connected to Naomi Wolfe?
YES, thanks for remembering the name.
There is no entry for “Trump” in the contact book. The Left has to be pouring over this, looking for all manner of things, including their own names.
Now we all know who is running the country. It is good that we are seeing the broken system and now the hammer needs to come down on the FDI office in NY.
Agreed. Hammer down.
Liz Wheeler is awesome. One of the best journalists out there. Wish she was still at OAN, but very glad Pam Bondi thought to bring her in for this.
IMO, DOJ has enough evidence of malfeasance to bring an occupying force into SDNY and to turn it upside down, taking out the trash.
Make that “The Bondi DOJ” has enough evidence…..
Wolf Moon and All—
The Health Friday post for this week is finished and will publish just after Midnight tonight.
Thank you!
Looking forward to the read. Thanks.
2nd query. May I DM you? If so, how? Please be specific.
PM anytime.
I rarely use this account. I will monitor for awhile. If I miss it, send heads up like your post here and I’ll be on it.
Thank you, PAVACA. Looking forward to it.
Thank you! I checked, and it looks ready to fly!
The mafia FIB implicated once again.
They were implicated as soon as they destroyed all the evidence on the roof.
At best held one presser.
Basically walked away from an assassination attempt on Trump.
FIB could not be bothered.
Head FIBee said Trump’s would was shrapnel.
FIB never too the assassination seriously.
No mention of Maxwell Yeadon though they at least acknowledged that the deceased’s facial features didn’t appear to match Crooks.
This is not one of my favorite X follows, but I think he’s on to something here:
I’m going to give an opinion that won’t be popular and I understand why. A select few “influencers” were “chosen” by the Trump White House, to be guests and receive a short “brief” on the Epstein files. I really don’t have a problem with this happening at all. I don’t follow any of those influencers and I’m not going to follow them now either. Why? I know that all the Epstein files are going to be released and I have no problem waiting for people who I do follow and are great researchers, to pull the diamonds out of these files. But the question in my mind is this: Why did Trump and the military “choose” to tease it this way? Why didn’t they just drop all the files so everyone has an equal shot at revealing the truth in this coverup? To me it’s obvious. Game Theory Those of us out here in the truth movement already know about most of this stuff. It’s not huge news. That’s why these influencers were chosen. Trump and the military are never going to give up on increasing our numbers. What’s the best way to do that? I think they are doing exactly what needs to be done. The audience’s of these accounts are Trump supporters but don’t know much about the real evil and corruption that is coming in the transparency phase as we begin transitioning into the prosecution phase. These influencers have never been cancelled or censored because they won’t touch the most controversial topics. Even these influencers, need to probably be introduced to the real truth. Trump and the military are constantly speaking to three separate audiences. 1) The enemy 2) The MAGA supporters 3) The MAGA truthers Most of us, at least in my circle on X, are in category number 3. But this “planned” event was hardly for group number 3. It was mostly for group number 2, who have certainly heard of Epstein and some of what it’s about. But they have no clue whatsoever how deep it goes into our government and the CIA/Mossad. They also don’t have a clue that pizzagate was a real scandal, or that many members of our government are involved in child rape and trafficking. They also have no clue about the real Satan worshippers within our government. They are being led into this part of the narrative war, so that they will accept the truth when it’s finally revealed. Think about this. How many of you have gone down the dark rabbit holes that you can’t “unsee?” It depressed me. It was shocking and you couldn’t talk to anybody about it because they all thought you were insane. It’s not an easy road and Trump cares enough about people to lead them into these awful truths so that we can bring justice and try to prevent it in the future. I think these people were the main group in focus when this photo op happened at the White House AFTER the buildup to this big release. But this event was also clearly targeted at group number 1. Why? Because the MSM knew nothing about this and weren’t invited. It was supposed to be a press gathering for the visit by the UK Prime Minister and Trump used this opportunity to stick it to the MSM and go around them on this subject. I think there’s a clear and constant message coming from the White House that citizens are better at telling the truth. So why just a “brief,” instead of all the info on Epstein, like we’ve been promised? Game Theory again. The MSM is going to downplay this Epstein information as much as possible. They are going to say this is a nothing burger and old news. So why not put out the bait, so the MSM will run with that narrative? What if the whole point of giving only a “brief,” without much new evidence, is to trigger that MSM narrative in order to hit them with the next boomerang? Trump is in the process of destroying the MSM. What better way to do that, than to let the MSM say this is nothing, and then to drop all the files on Epstein that are connected to, not just the pedophiles, but the CIA and government officials protecting and overseeing this whole Epstein operation? Possible?
5:21 PM · Feb 27, 2025
The DOJ itself posted all of the currently available files today:
Good to know.
Over a period of time, Q revealed the horrifying truth of these things many years ago. We know.
Joe rightly observes that most people, even MAGA people, have no idea.
Yes, that is true. Most people don’t know, and many won’t ever want to.
Makes sense.
There was a lot more to that WH photo op than initially projected.
Here is one of Joe Lange’s articles at badlands. (I do not have twatter)
Profiting From WarConnecting the CIA, the Bush Family and Prince Alwaleed
It has some interesting info on the Bush crime family I was not aware of.
We are in a horrifically abusive relationship with our own government.
What people like Joe Lange are doing is defending their (and our) abusers. It’s a classic abuse coping mechanism.
No matter how many times they pull the rug out from under us, people like Joe will provide a hundred reasons why “it hadda be that way”.
Whether he realizes it or not, he (and everyone like him) are the enablers of their (and our) abusers.
“….Trump is in the process of destroying the MSM. What better way to do that, than to let the MSM say this is nothing, and then to drop all the files on Epstein that are connected to, not just the pedophiles, but the CIA and government officials protecting and overseeing this whole Epstein operation?…..”
Some how that sounds like he trusts POTUS Trump but see the MSM, CIA & government officials as very nasty.
OR you can look at the article I linked to:
Some how I do not see that as ‘defending their (and our) abusers.’
“Trump and the military are constantly speaking to three separate audiences. 1) The enemy 2) The MAGA supporters 3) The MAGA truthers Most of us, at least in my circle on X, are in category number 3. But this “planned” event was hardly for group number 3. It was mostly for group number 2, who have certainly heard of Epstein and some of what it’s about.”
If that’s true then they should just say so.
It’s real easy.
Because Group 2 is too clueless to even grasp what the administration should say to Group 3, and Group 1 (the enemy) already knows.
So the only people in the dark are Group 2.
The only people who need their hands held are Group 2.
The only people who need a safe space to process how bad the really awful, no good, very bad people are is Group 2.
So just say that’s who this ridiculous performance is for. It won’t spoil anything for Group 3 or Group 1, and Group 2 is so lost they won’t know what you’re talking about anyway.
Give me more excuses Joe, this is fun, I can shoot this garbage down all day long.
Well said, sir.
This take makes sense to me so thanks for sharing it
johnny maga
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f6a8.svg BREAKING: Trump announces Hung Cao as the next Under Secretary of the Navy
Hung Cao ran for senate, IIRC. Maybe VA. Good guy.
Over qualified. The above tweet will open but so will the one below it.
That’s the guy I recalled. His ad stuck with me.
IIRC, it was posted one or more times here QTree.
That was So Inspiring! Balls are back, bigger & better than ever!
President Trump just announced Hung Cao as Under Secretary of the United States Navy.
Cao ran for Senate in Virginia last year and made waves with his amazing life story.
*there is a video of Hung’s story when running for the VA Senate
para59r’s post showed the video!
H/T Sylvia
People want the names.
They demand convictions.
The Epstein files rollout hit like a slap.
Influencers flashed drop 1 binders from the White House—blank? Who knows?
X exploded.
They’re not wrong.
But FBI stalling the real files. Locked, defiant.
Epstein was their asset—FBI informant. Maybe Mossad. CIA, too.
A blackmail trap for the elite.
This isn’t delay. It’s defiance.
Why the “Fake” Rollout Isn’t a Fail
It looks botched—staged drops, no papers.
But what if it’s bait?
Indictments need proof, not leaks.
When the powerful smell exposure, they panic—lawyers dial, money shifts, messages fly.
That’s the net.
One hop snares three.
Three snag nine.
Nine drag twenty-seven.
@PamBondi’s binder—200 pages, flight logs, phone numbers—smelled like a setup.
X screamed: no juice, no names.
But whistleblowers tipping off. Folks on the inside defied her, @Kash_Patel, @realdonaldtrump.
Delay isn’t failure. It’s the hunt.
The Rot at the Core
Epstein’s files aren’t just names.
They’re a blackmail empire—every three-letter shadows protecting decades of leverage.
The people know.
“Dismantle the FBI!”
“They trafficked kids for power!”
Why is Kash urgently renovating his “dingy” office at HQ?
Because it’s bugged—just like the Resolute Desk.
Today vowed: “No cover-ups, no missing docs, no stone left unturned.”
But stalling and stonewalling are—control, not chaos.
Influencers peddle scraps, but the real fight’s deeper—agencies versus truth, @POTUS versus the swamp.
Why It Matters
Just getting names won’t fix this.
Cases that stick will. The rollout’s “flop” isn’t a blunder—it’s a snare.
Folks rightfully rage for truth now. Damn right. But justice hunts—slow, sure. It builds, not bleeds.
It’s OK to be upset. To demand justice. We’re at war.
Meanwhile, across a few SCIFs, screens flare.
A web grows—judges, feds, execs tangle, one dot glows.
some people want to know I do not. All I care that the costumers get punished but I am not interested in the kinky stuff. The victims need to get justice. May age I guess
Yes, I also want justice. Not details of the crimes.
Until the day justice is assigned, I want to see every dirtbag sweat and be humiliated very, very publicly.
Some people wanted to disturb MEGA and embarrass Trump and AG they succeed. I am not giving them the satisfaction . Evil never sleeps and finds new ways to stir us up. They do not want us to win but in the end we will.
I don’t want details on kinky stuff either, though I’m guessing it will be necessary for that to be known by investigators so they can prosecute cases.
There is also the aspect that some of the info might be hauntingly bad. I haven’t heard of such with the girls who say they are Epstein victims (their cases are bad enough as it is), but who knows what went on at parties, etc. Q said those who know can’t sleep.
Also remember those cops at NYPD who saw the Wiener laptop were vomiting in the halls?
IIRC after that a lot of cops were murdered.
Frazzledrip, iirc
Hildabeast is a flesh covered demon
Glad he suspects his office is bugged.
Pam and Bongino likely bugged also.
Most likely are.
Perhaps a lot of canary traps being set…
These derp state people are evil, and have been for CENTURIES, not just years or decades.
Expecting them to be eradicated in a few days, weeks or months is not just naive, it’s downright stupid and damaging to any prospects of getting the job done right, completely, and for good…
Impatience is its own reward. And not a good one…
Don’t care.
The cases will stick just fine if the evidence is real, won’t hurt a single case to release all the names on that list who partied at Jeffrey’s Fantasy Island.
Those people need to be exposed, and all the excuses in the world to keep them hidden don’t count for squat.
We don’t even need the enemy to provide a narrative, we make up our own narrative, make up our own justifications for why We the People can’t know who the PEED0PHILES in our own government are.
It’s pathetic.
If they don’t release the names PDQ, they’re just going to expose themselves as unserious people.
Bondi has already destroyed her credibility.
Patel better save them both by getting the information out, before he gets tarnished with this idiocy too.
How about you run for President and fix it…
How about you consider the possibility that Bondi….not Trump….isn’t who we all hope her to be.
I HAVE considered that. And I think she’s doing just fine. Punkt.
Based upon what, exactly? I mean, today was a no-brainer easy lift. And she blew it.
It’s their reputations at stake.
They made the promises, multiple times in multiple interviews, ‘day one’, nobody forced them to do that.
They committed to it, and now they can’t deliver, and that is a really bad look for people who are supposed to be in charge.
Bondi went on Fox to explain herself to the shouting guy, and testified that the buck never got there.
It’s embarrassing. Is she the Attorney General of the United States, or some tourist? Does the FBI work for her, or don’t they? Is she in control, or isn’t she?
At one point, I was in a meeting where the owner of the company completely flamed me about not booking sales.
I’ve never been a sales guy. I’ve never claimed to be a sales guy. I was trying to keep the company solvent and had temporarily been running the production floor to keep the company afloat.
But while I was getting screamed at, the sales guy was looking more-and-more nervous. I could easily take the verbal abuse (even in my own realm), but the sales guy need to get a dose of motivation — and would have collapsed if he’d been yelled at like I was. So the owner yelled at me for the sales guy’s problems.
Kash and Bondi were teed-up to get major resistance from the FBI. Now they’ll get yelled at. Then they can go to the FBI and say, “see all those yelling people? The want you DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!!! I took this job because I believe in you and believe you can be saved — but you have to do these things if you want to get through this…..”
That’s gotta hurt… a two-fer…
SD: “Again, Bondi is not a serious person, and Bondi is certainly not an intellectual legal powerhouse. Pam Bondi is the Sean Hannity of U.S. Attorney Generals.”
From this article:
I Hope Everyone Paid Close Attention to Bondi’s Epstein Mess Today, Because It’s Going to Go Downhill From Here
February 27, 2025
SD: “I will simply repeat that I hope everyone continues watching Pam Bondi’s unfolding mess in great detail. It’s going to get a lot worse as the issues get more serious.
Attorney General Pam Bondi delivered a failing performance today with a ridiculous theatrical “Epstein Binders” exhibition delivered to White House assembled “influencers.” [They look like idiots]”
This is the part that struck me, as it seems both irrefutably logical as well as missing from the day’s earlier back and forths….
I would think that the wide-awake, truth-seeking folks here would appreciate knowing and understanding such truth and nuance of understanding. It is hardly a “black pill”, IMHO.
As SD says, “We are interested in what actually is, not in what we prefer things to be.”
With that in mind, I appreciated what Wolf said above….
I always assumed this was true.
What I didn’t realize was there were hardcore “never-SDers” here. I most certainly didn’t realize that some considered bring OT observations over here verboten or “black-pilling”. And I am 100% certain Wolf doesn’t.
“SD’s role (perhaps even self-assigned) may be to gin up pressure on Bondi.
He’s driving anger, impatience, and “where’s the beef” grumbling – lighting a fire under Bondi. It’s a strong move to force a questionable or potentially weak/hesitant ally to act. I never assume SD can’t see what we see here.”
As shown in the video I posted above (or below, wherever it shows up), we didn’t put the administration in this position, they did.
It was their promise. “Day ONE”.
Well, what day is it?
You’ll be accused of “black pilling” by the SDDSers here.
But this is on Bondi, not Trump. It was her ball to run with, and she fumbled. Badly.
Credit were credit is due…both the good and the bad.
You mean like all the other ones littered above?
A totally unnecessary, pejorative comment.
cry harder
Yet I am (and some others are) sick of hearing about it. I’m ready to let things play out without the constant black cloud. I don’t consider SD’s opinions to be truth, and any factual information he brings doesn’t have to be repeated continually. IMO it is detrimental. That said, I have no power to ask anyone to stop, but I am allowed to express my opinion.
As I said in my response to that comment of Wolf’s, just yesterday he warned us to consider that the Left’s plan is to gin up opposition on the Right to our own leaders. That’s exactly what SD is doing, whether intentionally or not. So that’s a “side” of this discussion that we need to take into consideration as well. Why is he being so adamant? Is it helping or hurting the Trump agenda?
Of course. No one has said otherwise or asked that both sides not be discussed. (Actually, there are usually multiple angles so that it’s not just two sides.) I’m just sick of “one side” being the ever-predictable, negative, know-it-all musings of SD.
We had already been discussing several aspects of the document-reveal situation. I brought up a number of negative points yesterday. Since then, some of my concerns were addressed. That’s an example of a balanced point of view that is looking at facts and nuances.
A Never-Trumper disagrees with everything Trump says or does. They oppose him politically and want him to fail. I haven’t seen any “never-SDers” here who oppose him politically and want him to fail. I disagree with many aspects of how he does things, but I want him to succeed in his efforts to save this country. The term “never-SDer” is inaccurate and has a negative connotation.
From what I have seen, there are quite a few people here who have very decided opinions about SD.
No one here considers anything verboten. No one has said anything to indicate that. People can express their opinions, as I am doing now, that they disagree with SD and the way he is conducting himself on these issues. They can also say, as I am doing now, that they are tired of his material being highlighted to the extent that it is.
I would think that would be rather obvious by now, because it has long has been, as you undoubtedly well know. SD has made no secret of his grave concerns re: Bondi’s pick to be AG, and he fears she will hurt Trump’s agenda. Today certainly appears to be a great example of that.
Good for you. Pro tip: scrolling is your friend and you can chose to ignore whatever you wish to ignore. No one makes you read or participate in anything.
And no one felt the need to call you out for it, unlike you today. In fact, you seem altogether one-sided in your criticism, especially given this interesting pic…
Apparently, it was NOT ok for me to be angry about the clown show we witnessed today, much less the rational for it, and moreover it can’t help but be noticed you appear to be singling me out in your criticisms.
Which seems both hypocritical as well as targeted.
Like you, my understanding is that I am welcome to voice my opinions and to agree or disagree with others…as I choose.
The issue I bring up is not SD’s opinion about Bondi, but the effect of his constant negativity on the Trump agenda and, as Wolf mentioned yesterday, on Trump supporters. Demoralizing people is a good way to tear down a movement. SD is front and center in that department.
On the contrary, I haven’t called out anyone. I have expressed an opinion. There is a difference.
I haven’t criticized you. No need to take personally my expressing an opinion about SD’s actions and his content that is brought here.
It appears, so far, that the ability of the President to remove security clearances from personnel is an effective tool to ridding the government of some really nasty, destabilizing characters who might otherwise not be able to rendered inneffective. If the reports are correct, Victoria Nuland just got her clearances pulled.
Now that this method is out in the open, and is, apparently, not able to be successfully challenged, I have a bit of concern that the next crooked DemonRat that cheats their way into the presidency will, for example, pull the clearances of 10,000 named conservatives, just because he wants their influence eliminated.
Yup. It’s possible. This is why we have to be thorough about fixing things in the first half of the T47 administration.
Window Doggie
How much is that doggie in the window?
The cash that they slide under doors,
To sway all the senators and congressmen,
For schemes that harm our nation’s shores.
But hail to the DOGE, oh so mighty,
With eyes like a hawk in the fray,
They sniff out the waste and the fraud in a flash,
And sweep all the nonsense away.
How much is that doggie in the window?
The bribes that divert all our gold,
To causes corrupt, tearing freedom apart,
A tale that’s too often retold.
Yet DOGE stands tall, ever watchful,
Abuse meets its end with their bite,
They guard every dime, keep the spending in line,
And shine through the murk with their light.
Leo Lives