Health Friday 3.14.2025 Open Thread: Heart Issues After COVID-19 “Vaccination”: And About the Virus Itself

The above free image of heart shapes is courtesy of iStock and Google Images.

Health Friday is a series devoted to information about Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. As today’s post speaks about the disaster of COVID-19 (the COVID-19 virus itself, and the COVID-19 “vaccines”), Yours Truly dedicates it to the memory of all persons, of whatever age or location, who have passed away from the negative effects of these lab-created bioweapons.

There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications; the Rules of our late, good Wheatie; and, certain caveats from Yours Truly, of which readers should be aware. They are linked here. NOTE: Yours Truly has checked today’s offering for any AI-generated content. To the best of my knowledge and belief, there is none. Also: if readers wish to post anything in the discussion thread for today’s offering that is AI-generated, they must cite their source.

Today’s post may be regarded as a “narrow-focus” offering, one of a “mini-series.” This first “narrow-focus” offering regards the inducement of cardiac issues after COVID-19 “vaccination”; and, the potential for cardiac issues also induced from an infection of the COVID-19 virus itself. Yours Truly begins here:, “NEW STUDY — Fatal Malignant Cardiac Tumors Following COVID-19 mRNA Injection”, by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, 6 March 2025. The paper that is cited in the article is here:, “Heart-breaking tumours: a case series of malignant pericardial effusion”, Abdur Rahman Mirza, et al., 18 January 2025. The paper is also found here: Below are screenshots of the Introduction of the paper; followed by a screenshot of the graphic of the paper that traces the “journey of pericarditis”:

And, the final portion of the Discussion section of the paper:

Note the mention of “diagnostic bias” regarding whether or not a cardiac issue presents after the patient has been COVID-19 “vaccinated.” In Yours Truly’s opinion, the young physician who is the lead author of the cited paper has likely not studied how the COVID-19 “vaccines” affect the heart (for example, this article:, “Vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines: irrefutable proof of causality”, Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD); has likely not read the BNT162b2 5.3.6 Postmarketing Experience report that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA in April 2021 (; and, has likely not read any of the posts that Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, has on his website ( One suspects that many other physicians have not read these items, either.

Turning to the Hulscher article on The Focal Points blog, cited above: It is known that the COVID-19 “vaccines” can, and do, cause pericarditis, a type of inflammation involving the heart (please refer to the BNT162b2 Postmarketing Experience report cited above, page 36 of the report, in the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of said report.) The Cleveland Clinic has an article on pericarditis, found here: Below is a screenshot from the Cleveland Clinic article:

It is also known that the COVID-19 “vaccines” can, and do, cause myocarditis (another type of cardiac inflammation.) Both pericarditis and myocarditis can, and do, cause permanent damage to the heart. Both pericarditis and myocarditis can ultimately result in the death of the patient. However, the COVID-19 “vaccines” contain BOTH the ingredients of the original Wuhan Hu1 virus (SARS-CoV-2 virus, aka COVID-19 virus), AND lab “enhancements” (dangerous lipid nanoparticles; N1-methylpseudouridine; “loose DNA” from the manufacturing process; a piece of the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene code) — that make the COVID-19 “vaccines” much more dangerous and/or deadly to the cardiac system of the “vaccinated” person. There is more new information on this situation (thank you to Valerie Curren):, by Frank Bergman, 1 March 2025. The paper linked in the article is found here:, “Risk stratification for future cardiac arrest after COVID-19 vaccination”, Peter A. McCullough, MD, and Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, 26 February 2025. Below are two screenshots from the paper: the Abstract; and, the McCullough Protocol for spike protein detoxification:

Note the clear statement that cardiac issues can appear years after the person is COVID-19 “vaccinated.”

And, the McCullough Protocol:

Yours Truly finds it ** interesting ** that the above paper was given a “Grade C” for “scientific quality” by the paper’s reviewers, none of whom are identified except by their initials.

**** However, malignant pericardial effusion is a form of cardiac cancer. It is not an inflammation. Below is a screenshot from the National Cancer Institute definition of this condition (

Malignant pericardial effusion is the subject of the Mirza, et al., paper cited above in today’s post.

**** On the other hand, the COVID-19 virus itself can cause cardiac issues in persons who contract an infection of said virus. The following paper is from July 2020, well before any COVID-19 “vaccines” was granted an Emergency Use Authorization in any country:, “COVID-19 and cardiovascular disease: from basic mechanisms to clinical perspectives”, Masataka Nishiga, et al., 20 July 2020. This paper is a good source of information regarding how the COVID-19 virus itself works; and, how this virus can affect the cardiovascular system. A screenshot of the Abstract of the paper is below:

Another paper, also from 2020, well before any COVID-19 “vaccine” was granted an EUA, regards how the COVID-19 virus itself can affect the cardiovascular system:, “COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system”, Yi-Tong Ma, et al., 5 March 2020. Yours Truly finds it ** interesting ** that the authors of this paper are affiliated with either the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or to medical facilities linked to the People’s Liberation Army (all CCP.) Below is a screenshot from the Background section of the paper:

The following article has more information on the ACE2 receptors in the human body:, “ACE2: Targeting a potentially important receptor in disease pathogensis”, by Angela Zhou, 15 December 2022. Below is a screenshot from this article:

The point here is that BOTH the COVID-19 virus itself (aka SARS-CoV-2), AND the COVID-19 “vaccines” (since these injectables contain SARS-CoV-2), target and attack the ACE2 receptor cells in the human body.

Yours Truly will again emphasize that the COVID-19 virus itself, AND the COVID-19 “vaccines”, were BOTH designed to cause as much damage to the human body as possible. They are BOTH lab-created bioweapons. The COVID-19 virus is not “just another type of virus.” The COVID-19 “vaccines” were designed to be capable of “shedding” elements of these injectables onto other persons (whether those persons are “vaccinated”, or not.) What is of utmost importance is that all people, “vaccinated” or not, must be doing all that is possible to have, and to maintain, the highest degree of personal health. The COVID-19 “vaccines” must be removed from use worldwide — now.


Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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Stay healthy.  😍 


Today’s daily DOGE roundup:


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



From OT:

President Trump Holds Oval Office Press Conference During Meeting with NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte
March 13, 2025

SD: “President Trump holds a press availability in the oval office with NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, an effeminate man of insufferable disposition.

During the press availability, President Trump took multiple questions from the media about the Ukraine-Russia war and current geopolitical events. Trump talks about trade practices with the EU and the end to the 1945 Marshal Plan that is scheduled for April 2nd with reciprocal tariffs.”




Ah, “Thousands being killed a WEEK.”
Not thousands a day.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – that makes sense!


At about 34:00 Autopen! He makes such good points.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! He really slipped that one in there.

If Saturday Night Live wasn’t woke, they would have a gold mine of tasteless jokes about Auto-Pen direct marketing to seniors, to stay out of nursing homes. Featuring Joe Biden, of course!


As an historian, I really appreciate what he said about in 300 years people will look at the documents he signed. He’s right; Biden’s “signature” will be a joke hundreds of years from now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

By contrast the smell of the sharpies PDJT uses must have given him a splitting headache a couple of times during inauguration week.


Lol! Remember mimeograph paper in school?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



It’s a bad joke already.

Gail Combs

Do not forget that it is NATO who is in control of the Nazi Stay behind units. These units were installed in all countries after WWII. IIRC Colonel Towner said the committee that directs these terrorists met 4 times a year.


The 1945 Marshal Plan is still in effect after 80 years?   :wpds_exclamation: 

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Yet another effete white-wine-swilling, quiche-eating femme from “the old country”…

Looks like NATO is stuck in a Rutte of their own making…..


I like this miniseries, Pavaca. Having articles focusing on one aspect of COVID makes the information easy to absorb and research later.

Gail Combs

YES! I agree. This makes it much easier to go back and find information.

Thank you for doing so much research.

One of the things that I love about this site is the digs made on various far ranging subjects and then brought here.


On Dems being backed into a corner on the budget:

Erick Erickson wrote on Thursday morning:

Democrats fell into the trap perfectly.

If they agreed to fund the government, they’d fund deportations and DOGE. By refusing to fund the government, they are putting Russ Vought [head of OMB] in charge of a shutdown government.

Magic Mike Johnson created a brilliant trap — fund Elon Musk or unleash Russ Vought. Either way the Democrats lose. If they fund Musk and DOGE, they will see a progressive uprising against them. If they shutdown the government, they can be seen as fighters while Russ Vought cripples their governmental constituencies.

Right now, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats seem inclined to unleash Russ Vought on the government — a fully empowered Director of the Office of Personnel and Management who will leave open the monuments the tourists see and shutter all the parts of government Democrats love.

Gail Combs

Interesting comment from that substack:

Joe Hatfield

This is a little off-topic, but did you know that inside the US Department of Education there’s the “Office of Inspector General” (OIG) which has an armed SWAT team? It’s made up of special agents with law enforcement authority, including the ability to bash down doors, execute search warrants and make arrests. It’s true.

So I’m wondering…. Just what does that have to do with “education”?

I remember that Obama was buying a heck of a lot of Ammo and arming lots of different gov’t departments like the USDA and such.

From Sundance
ALARMING : SWAT Team Raids Home – Ordered By 2011/06/08

The Office of Inspector General is the law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of Education and is responsible for the detection of waste, fraud, abuse, and other criminal activity involving Federal education funds, programs, and operations.

April 18, 2014 The United States of SWAT – Federal Agencies
Military-style units from government agencies are wreaking havoc on non-violent citizens

….Regardless of how people feel about Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s standoff with the federal Bureau of Land Management over his cattle’s grazing rights, a lot of Americans were surprised to see TV images of an armed-to-the-teeth paramilitary wing of the BLM deployed around Bundy’s ranch.
They shouldn’t have been. Dozens of federal agencies now have Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams to further an expanding definition of their missions. It’s not controversial that the Secret Service and the Bureau of Prisons have them. But what about the

  • Department of Agriculture,
  • the Railroad Retirement Board,
  • the Tennessee Valley Authority,
  • the Office of Personnel Management,
  • the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and
  • the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?


That article points to this prep blog:
The Militarization of Law Enforcement
Over at Bruce Schneier’s security blog, he reviews a book called Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, by Radley Balko [available at Amazon].

At both federal and state levels, the formerly hard line between police and military has blurred. Police are increasingly using military weaponry, employing military tactics and framing their mission using military terminology…. In Rise of the Warrior Cop, Radley Balko chronicles the steady militarization of the police in the U.S. A detailed history of a dangerous trend, Mr. Balko’s book tracks police militarization over the past 50 years, a period that not coincidentally corresponds with the rise of SWAT teams….

The topic is of interest in prepping and survival circles because any major SHTF or TEOTWAWKI disaster will likely see a rise in crime and civil unrest. And what will the response of police departments be? As some survivalist blogs have mentioned, they may well behave in a less reasonable and more authoritative manner. Already, SWAT teams in some localities are used to respond to situations that don’t seem to require Special Weapons or Tactics, such as to serve search or arrest warrants, even for misdemeanors and non-serious felonies…..

If you are skeptical that police or government could get that far out of hand, maybe you should read the news once in a while. NYC has used stop-and-frisk over 4 million times with no probable cause or warrant. And only now are the courts saying it might be unconstitutional. There was an incident where local police wanted to stake out one house from a nearby house, and when the owners refused to leave their homes and let the police move in for a few days, “police returned later, broke down his door, forced him to the floor and then arrested him for obstructing an officer. They also shot his dog with pepperball rounds.” Whiskey tango foxtrot….

comment image



TMI first.

I40W closed at Gallup. NM. Numerous closures across I40W AZ.

26*, windy…snow may be stopping.



Back to Gail’s comment.

Whenever I get to a hotel tonight, going to email DOGE.

Huge savings disbanding SWAT Team and like infrastructure…then list the departments and agencies Gailxited.

Toss in, quite likely fedshave many more SWAT teams across federal government. MOST unnecessary.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GREAT thinking! Thank you for that idea! Millions are going to be saved.


Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins:

🚨@USDA was funding a $397K grant in the San Francisco Bay to educate queer, trans, and BIPOC urban farmers and consumers about food justice and values-aligned markets…🤦🏻‍♀️

This grant has been CANCELLED.

The American people have been under siege for a long time, and it escalated with DEI and the trans agenda under Biden. Commala would have continued these policies. I am more than grateful every day for Trump’s win.


You and two-thirds of the American population.


I think three-quarters; there’s just a bunch of them that can’t/won’t admit it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. This likely has something to do with doctors asking lots of new questions about whether people have enough to eat.




The first link didn’t work, but the JAMA one did. I always thought that signs of malnutrition would alert doctors to conditions, withuot asking everyone prying questions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would say that prying questions are easier for DEI doctors who don’t know diagnosis, but I think it’s actually worse. AND logic with the next theory.

For stupid reasons, my wife and I got locked into a phone “survey” with health insurance which was basically asking the same questions doctors ask, but including additional questions about the doctors, too. One of the things I noticed, is that the questions were likely to be of extreme interest go pharma companies. They seemed to be pushing various drugs for seniors, including anti-incontinence, antidepressant, and anti-obesity. That is when I realized that this is being driven by big pharma.

In the case of food, they are trying to control both sides – not enough food and too much food. Pharmaceutical socialism. Basically humans as lab rats in a herd.


Good observation. I also think this constant questioning seniors about every aspect is to justify programs that insurance companies keep creating. Home visits, referrals to specialists which by nature provide the reason for on-going care. The calls alone must employ a lot of people.


Kanekoa the Great:

Ned Ryun: “DOGE is over the target.”

“Elon and DOGE have uncovered that a lot of what’s taking place inside of our government is a slush fund money laundering operation for the left.”

“Not only to fund their allies and pet projects but to fund anti-American behavior.”

To take down America. We DOGEd a bullet.


“We DOGEd a bullet.”


More like the bullets are just hanging there, mid-air, Matrix style.

Whether we actually dodge them, or they resume course to their target, depends entirely on whether Blondi figures out how to prosecute everyone.

Last edited 14 hours ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think if they prosecute one judge, perhaps the most egregious, the rest will get the message.


There’s a rather spirited fight going on to be the worst judge.

Competition is intense.



It’s like the worst-judge Olympics!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



More like a worst-judge Special Olympics!

Cuppa Covfefe

Dredded Judge 🙂 😮

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump inspires everybody – even his enemies!

Gail Combs

“…Whether we actually dodge them, or they resume course to their target, depends entirely on whether Blondi figures out how to prosecute everyone….”

Actually the real question is whether or not the NAZI Stay-Behind Units have been found and neutralized.

The Mexican Cartels ARE CIA/NATO trained ‘Stay-Behind Units’ they are literally trained in assassinations and terrorism methods here in the USA at our military bases. We also do not know just how many other CIA/NATO trained units were smuggled into the USA.

Those units are trained in the USA, in Europe and in Israel according to the Colonel.

3 minute clips:

Origin of the Stay-Behind Units plus Winston Churchill’s involvement:
Clip#27-2:Op Gladio-Col Towner & @War_Hamster-Boer Wars & stay behind units
Assassination of Kennedy plus attempted assassination of DeGaulle linked to NATO. I think this is why POTUS Trump did not release the Kennedy files yet. It is not just our CIA who was involved, It was the EU and NATO.
Clip#27-13:Op Gladio-Col Towner & @War_Hamster-JFK, DeGaulle, NATO, and Algeria

Gail Combs

What USAID is actually funding is the CIA and the NAZI Stay-Behind Units placed in various countries by CIA-NATO- MI6.
The CIA funds these ‘Off the Books Operations’ via

  • Weapons Trafficking
  • Drug Trafficking
  • Human Trafficking



I hurt my back again and took advantage of the down time to watch a bunch of Operation Gladio videos. WOW have we ever been LIED TO! Those four videos were real shockers. There went a bunch of my heroes. Seems they were actually filthy TRAITORS.

Remember Colonel Towner bases what she says on the 800 or so books she has read and insists that those authors cough up actual data such as State Department cables, financial records and such.


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Well, good, but way too late. It’s “safe” to say this now. Honest reporting at the time would have saved Trump and the country from years of lies and destruction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Speaking of which – whatever happened to “Wake Up Maggie” Haterman of the NYT? It’s almost like she stopped being famous. After all, she got the “Noble Prize” for her reporting! 😂


👍 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She was like the head gal at the cool kids table! What happened? 🤔 😂


she got vanced, didn’t she?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have not seen it, but I would love to find video!!! Margaret Brennan got vanced, and it was epic!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



ahhhhh…I knew it was “M” named cow…right pasture, wrong herd.

Cuppa Covfefe

Better to be seen (scene?) and not herd 🙂  🐄 

Valerie Curren

Like lancing a boil   :wpds_envy: 


Don’t you mean ‘vancing’ a boil?

Valerie Curren

That too 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Boil’s well that ends well….

Oh, wait…

Gail Combs

She was fighting to take the place of Walter Duranty for the scummiest Urinalist award.

Portrait of Evil: Walter Duranty, the New York Times Moscow Bureau Chief Who Deliberately Hid Soviet-Imposed Famine That Killed Millions in Ukraine

…At long last in 1990, the scummy “paper of record” and his employer that submitted his work for the Pulitzer in ’32, confessed that his latter articles that denied the famine constituted “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.” NYT has been owned by the Jewish Sulzberger family since 1896.

Joseph Alsop and Andrew Stuttaford spoke out against Duranty during the Pulitzer Prize controversy. “Lying was Duranty’s stock in trade,” commented Alsop.

Despite some Duranty criticism and the calls demanding revocation of the Pulitzer, these were ignored or declined by the committee itself….


This sequence of events we are currently experiencing is the Will of God.

His Ways are a mystery to us.



Secretary Kennedy:

I am directing the FDA commissioner to start the process of changing the rules to eliminate the self-affirmed GRAS pathway for new ingredients. I am also calling on the @US_FDA and @NIH continue to conduct and improve post-market assessments of GRAS chemicals currently in our food so we can rapidly identify the compounds that are making Americans so sick, and so that American consumers and regulators can make informed decisions. This is an important step in our pursuit to Make America Healthy Again.

He says the FDA has nothing to do with the GRAS designation and that companies decide for themselves whether ingredients are safe. (What could possibly go wrong?)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good GRIEF!!!

Gail Combs

From what GRAS is from Brave AI:

GRAS Ingredient Pathway

The Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) pathway is one of the regulatory pathways for food and dietary supplement manufacturers when introducing new ingredients into the US market. There are two primary pathways for reaching a GRAS conclusion: submitting a GRAS notification to the FDA for review or making an independent (self-affirmed) GRAS conclusion without notifying the FDA.14

When creating a food product with a new substance, the burden to reach a GRAS conclusion is on the food manufacturer. The FDA has provided guidance on the format for a GRAS notification, and it has suggested that independent GRAS conclusions be drafted using the same format as a GRAS notification…

I also remember that the Monsanto Lawyer that became the head of the FDA, used something similar to approve GMOs WITHOUT TESTING!

From my notes:
AUG 2005 Monsanto Pig Patent

WTO, GMO and Total Spectrum Dominance By F. William Engdahl

…Traditional liability law holds that a new product must first be proven safe before being allowed on market. This WTO rule placing the burden of proof not on the producer of a new GMO product, but on the potential victims, turned prudence and health safety issues on its head. In the end the US destroyed the Biosafety Protocol by refusing to include soybeans and corn, 99% of all GMO products, making the Protocol near worthless regarding GMO health issues.

The WTO serves as the weapon for the powerful coalition of Washington and the powerful private GMO giants, led by Monsanto. Earlier in 1992, Bush, on advice of Monsanto and the emerging US GM giant companies, ruled that GM organisms were ‘substantially equivalent’ to ordinary seeds for soybeans or corn and such. As ‘substantially equivalent,’ GM seeds required no special testing or health controls before being put on the market. This was crucial to the future of Monsanto and the GMO lobby.

By Presidential Executive Order, the US had defined GMO seeds as harmless and hence not needing to be regulated for health and safety. It made sure this principle was carried over into the new WTO in the form of the WTO’s Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement (SPS), which stated, ‘Food standards and measures aimed at protecting people from pests or animals can potentially be used as a deliberate barrier to trade.’ The US charge against the EU in the present GMO dispute charged the EU with violation of the SPS agreement of WTO.

Other WTO rules in the Agreement to Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) forbid member countries from using domestic standards or testing, food safety laws, product standards, calling them an ‘unfair barrier to trade.’

The impact of those two US-mandated WTO rulings meant that Washington could threaten that any government restricting import of GM plants on grounds they might pose threats to health and safety of their population, could be found to be in violation of WTO free trade rules!…

FROM: Political Frienster – Biotech Brigade

George H. W. Bush

As President he created the biotech policy whereby Monsanto was given a blank check to feed Americans genetically altered foods.

Michael A. Friedman, M.D

Former FDA and HHS now at Monsanto’s G.D. Searle.

Dr. Arthur Hayes Jr.

Hayes served as head of FDA and Director of Cornell’s Dairy program which advocates the safety of rBGH.

Margaret Miller

Miller was Monsanto’s top rBGH dairy scientist. She left Monsanto to join the FDA and review her own studies for approval.

Terrence Harvey

Harvey was Deputy Commissioner at FDA before he went to work directly for Monsanto.


DOJ and FBI Must Act NOW! VIOLENT LEFT Is Trying To Kill Conservatives and Their Family Members By Having Their Homes SWATTED: “They wanted the police to kill my father”
Nick Sortor, Gunther Eagleman. I’ve also read that Shawn Faresh was swatted, and Alex Jones’ people are under attack.

Last edited 15 hours ago by Gudthots

The purpose of SWAT teams is to have a way to rescue hostages, deal with suspects who barricade themselves, serve high-risk warrants, etc. I can see a need for this. It seems to me that something needs to be reevaluated about the reporting of incidents and the SWAT team going into action. I imagine that timing is critical probably most of the time, but there needs to be a way to get a read on whether the threat is real.


Like maybe make a phone call, or what?


The cops can see right through the walls of your home if they want to. They’ve been able to do it for at least a decade.


New police radars can ‘see’ inside homes
At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies quietly deployed radars that let them effectively see inside homes, with little notice to the courts or the public.

Brad Heath
January 19, 2015

WASHINGTON — “At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies have secretly equipped their officers with radar devices that allow them to effectively peer through the walls of houses to see whether anyone is inside, a practice raising new concerns about the extent of government surveillance.”


A recent article:

Range-R radar allows police to ‘see’ through walls and inside homes
February 13, 2025 by UMATechnology

“Range-R Radar Allows Police to ‘See’ Through Walls and Inside HomesIn an era where technology has permeated every facet of our lives, law enforcement agencies are turning to innovative tools to enhance their operational capabilities and efficacy.

One such advancement is the Range-R radar system, which employs sophisticated technology to provide police with the ability to ‘see’ through walls and inside homes. This groundbreaking tool heralds a new phase in tactical police operations, presenting both advantages and ethical challenges.

Understanding Range-R TechnologyAt its core, Range-R technology is a type of radar system designed to detect movement behind walls and obstacles. Utilizing radio waves, the Range-R sends out signals that reflect off moving objects, converting these reflections into real-time data that officers can analyze. This capability enables law enforcement to gauge live movement even when visual line-of-sight is obstructed, a critical asset in situations that demand immediate and often cautious intervention.

The Range-R radar can penetrate various types of walls, distinguishing between different materials, and is effective in both residential and commercial settings. The system operates effectively in a variety of conditions, making it invaluable for tactical police units responding to emergencies or high-risk situations.

Applications in Law EnforcementActive Shooter Situations
One of the primary applications of Range-R technology is in active shooter scenarios. When law enforcement is confronted with an armed individual inside a building, hesitation can lead to unfathomable consequences. The Range-R allows officers to assess how many individuals are inside, whether they are standing, sitting, or otherwise moving, and to make informed decisions without placing themselves at unnecessary risk.

By utilizing the Range-R, police can gather intelligence about the layout of the interior space, understanding which rooms might house a perpetrator and which could be occupied by innocent civilians. This critical intel allows for better tactical planning and victim rescue operations.

Hostage Situations
The Range-R radar is also a key tool in hostage situations. Law enforcement can determine if hostages are present and establish their locations relative to potential threats. This information assists in formulating strategies for negotiation, rescue, and tactical entry, prioritizing the safety of hostages while minimizing risk to officers.

Drug Raids and SWAT Operations
In drug enforcement operations, the Range-R radar can help identify illegal activities occurring in residential areas. By monitoring movement within suspected houses, law enforcement can determine whether it’s safe to execute a raid or if additional support is needed. The ability to visualize activity inside a structure, combined with intelligence gathered from informants, can dramatically improve the success rate of these operations.

Range-R Technology in Action
The implementation of the Range-R radar in active situations showcases its transformative potential. For instance, during a high-stakes operation to apprehend a suspect barricaded in a residence, officers equipped with the Range-R were able to detect movement inside the building, allowing them to confirm the presence of additional individuals. This information enabled them to modify their strategy accordingly and ensure a diligent approach toward both the suspects and potential victims involved.

Another example involves the utilization of Range-R in disaster response scenarios. When natural disasters strike, first responders often rely on radar systems to locate individuals trapped under debris or within compromised structures. The Range-R allows them to ascertain the presence of living beings, thus guiding rescue operations more effectively.

Advantages of Range-R Technology
Enhanced Safety for Officers and CiviliansOne of the most significant advantages of the Range-R radar system is the increased safety it affords officers. By giving a clearer picture of potentially dangerous situations, officers can make informed decisions that reduce the risk of confrontation and casualties. Conversely, civilians whose safety is threatened—whether through violence, drug trafficking, or other crimes—benefit from the tactical intelligence that Range-R technology provides.

Real-Time Data and Decision-Making
The ability to gather real-time intelligence in critical situations dramatically enhances decision-making. Police departments utilizing Range-R technology can not only respond more efficiently but can also allocate resources based on accurate assessments of the situation rather than assumptions. This capability can save time and lives in life-threatening scenarios.

Strategic Crime Prevention
The deployment of money and resources into cutting-edge technology translates into more efficient crime prevention strategies. By using data derived from Range-R systems, police can anticipate crime trends, understand hotspots, and reinforce policing efforts in areas identified as vulnerable based on real-time data.

Ethical Considerations
While the Range-R radar offers numerous benefits, the introduction of such technology raises important ethical concerns that need to be addressed. Questions of privacy, civil liberties, and the potential for misuse are pressing issues in the conversation surrounding surveillance technology.

Invasion of Privacy
A central concern is that the ability to ‘see’ inside homes might infringe upon the privacy rights of individuals. Without proper regulations, the potential for misuse of this technology looms large. Residents may feel scrutinized or threatened, worrying that law enforcement can invade their personal spaces without proper cause or oversight.

Potential for Abuse
Furthermore, the potential for abuse in law enforcement practices cannot be overlooked. The risk lies in officers employing the Range-R for non-emergency situations, monitoring innocent civilians without probable cause. If oversight and regulation are lacking, the technology could erode trust between communities and law enforcement agencies.”

(more at the title link)

Last edited 13 hours ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Many Thanks Wolf!


Just thinking. It said it’s safe for human use. Wonders if that’s just a parameter that it can be taken out of and then allowing it to be used as something that might induce something similar to the Havana syndrome thing and that such a device would be variable by upping amperage, changing wave lengths or narrowing focus or such?

Also I thought Bill Barr mentioned we had this technology in one of his talks… did a search but could not find that. Somebody talked this a several years ago.

Reminds me of Lidar as well as it’s cousin Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The device would have to be built very rugged to handle the increased load, otherwise it would blow out just like a light bulb getting too much current.

So one could likely figure that it could do so by inspection, even if the option isn’t obvious (or not sold with that individual unit).


At least there’s no obligation potential for government abuse…


“The purpose of SWAT teams is to have a way to rescue hostages, deal with suspects who barricade themselves, serve high-risk warrants, etc.”


It’s Little Man syndrome.

Koresh and the Branch Davidiots are the prime example.

Koresh went out jogging every day. They could have picked him up with ZERO resistance, easy. One FIB agent could have detained him without issue.

But no.

Rambo Janet and her Brown Shirt mutant ninja turtle retards wanted to play the effeminate bully who needs to show everyone how tough he is when a hundred of his armed friends are with him.

So instead of just detaining Koresh without incident, they burned down the whole compound, got four of their own officers killed and 16 wounded, and murdered 82 Americans, including a bunch of women and children.

Nice job, government.

I remember watching it live on TV, setting the whole compound on fire, thinking they can’t possibly be doing this.

But they were.

They really were.

And this was only about six months after their joy ride at Ruby Ridge, where a government sniper bravely shot and killed a mother while she held her 10-month old baby.

Proving once again that government learns absolutely nothing from their mistakes.

Last edited 13 hours ago by scott467

IIRC, the legal system found that Lon Horiuchi did not make a mistake. This prevented any learning from errors since none were made.


I hope Lonny sleeps better at night knowing the corrupt legal system magically held him unaccountable.


Misuse or misapplying the purpose of what the force is intended for is at the heart of issues like that. Some people in positions of power will seize more until they are stopped. But there is a need for SWAT in specific circumstances. If my loved ones were being held hostage at gunpoint, I would want a trained, capable team working to rescue them.


“But there is a need for SWAT in specific circumstances.”


Find out how many legitimate hostage rescues SWAT successfully pulled off, vs. how many gross abuses of power and violence and property destruction they committed via fascist Leftists using them (with knowledge and consent) like terror cells activated against innocent conservatives.

I suspect the ratio is 50 SWATTINGS to 1 rescue, if that.

Last edited 1 hour ago by scott467

If the ratio were 49 swats to 1 rescue, this implies that 98% of SWAT teams are unnecessary.


“If my loved ones were being held hostage at gunpoint, I would want a trained, capable team working to rescue them.”


1) How often does that specific instance occur

2) How many SWAT teams are needed to handle that scenario

3) How many SWAT teams actually exist, over and above the number needed to handle the exceedingly rare and unlikely hostage scenario


Wall-penetrating radar exists that can reveal what is happening inside. Parabolic microphones can hear what is going on inside.

The only thing stopping the misuse of these tools is the Fourth Amendment. A search warrant can be obtained via phone during the trip to the house. If needed [based on info obtained], an entry warrant can be easily gotten from the same judge who issued the search warrant. Keeping him/her on the phone during the assessment phase seems like the best idea.

The risks can be lowered. A lot.


I should learn to scroll further. I would have seen scott467’s comment before I posted mine.


Your mention of the 4th Amendment and warrants is instructive.


But every thing done to protect the rights of Americans is one less opportunity for the Jack Boots to abuse those rights.

All individual rights and no gung-ho abuse makes Jack Boot a dull boy.


SWAT is fully complicit in these attacks. They know it’s BS. Some of the targets have been SWATTED multiple times.

Are the SWAT teams too stupid to figure out they’re being punked by Marxists, or do they just enjoy it too much to care?

Last edited 13 hours ago by scott467

Since my SIL is on one…

None of the dangerous SWAT responses that we see in the media are being handled correctly. Before SWAT gets called in, the assigned initial responders to a call must respond and investigate to justify the response through their superiors. No responsible law enforcement department will send a SWAT team without proven verification of the need and sign off by superiors in the chain of command.

The key to that paragraph is the word “responsible”.

The reasons are obvious. Dangerous to the responders as well as the people involved. Costly to the LE agency involved – they have budgets that unlike the Feds in the past, they have to monitor. They are ppen to lawsuits from those being swatted if things head south. Etc.

When it happens in the abusive manner you immediately know what the problems are and it is not incompetency. It is leftist, agenda driven, illegal, Stasi driven attacks. The SWAT officers being sent may or may not be colluding with the Stasi. The level headed ones are probably not colluding. The radicals and ones wanting to do damage probably are.

Valerie Curren

I thought SIL was your Sister-in-law, but I’m guessing Son-in-law is more likely!


I’m thinking that local police like to play SWAT too and by pass the rules protocol that a normal SWAT team might follow. Regardless if it’s local police or a SWAT team the public is going to see the action as a SWAT action and that is what will be reported.

Gail Combs

For the Left it is a win-win They get to terrorize Deplorables AND they get people to HATE COPS.


All I’ve ever seen is blame being placed on the perps, but your comment confirms that more needs to be done about how law enforcement responds to those calls.


I did see that Catturd lives out in the country, knows the local police, and had only one officer come out. They had a conversation. This is how it should work.

Gail Combs

Never forget that the FBI is TRAINING LOCAL POLICE!

I can not find the original document showing Police-FBI cooperation agreements… SURPRISE (not) I did find this:

When local officers work with federal agents on joint task forces, they are prohibited from wearing body cameras

FBI Training

The Bureau also offers college-level FBI Training opportunities to mid-level state, local, and international police officers. Founded in 1935, the FBI National Academy is located in the same facility as the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. 👉As part of the FBI’s Field Police Training Program, qualified Bureau police instructors provide FBI Training at local, county, and state law enforcement facilities to improve the investigative, managerial, administrative, and technical skills of local officers. The FBI Training program strengthens the cooperative effort between the Bureau and local agencies in protecting the public.👈

This is the FBI training cops in other countries.FBI trains local Cops in interrogation and investigation techniques

Local Police Departments Make Binding Agreements with FBI, Surveillance Tech Companies, to Withhold Surveillance Information from the Public

So… we have local police departments signing gag orders with the FBI, making non-disclosure agreements with private manufacturers of surveillance technology, and deceiving judges, as well as federal marshals seizing police records—all in the name of preventing the public from leaning about the techniques their police are using to police them.

Sounds like that should be illegal.

But, as the Washington Post has pointed out, there is “virtually no case law on how the Fourth Amendment—which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures—should apply to this technology.”

AHHH!! I found a reference thanks to the MISES INSTITUTE!!

End the FBI

….Not satisfied with its own lack of accountability and corruption, the FBI also provides means for local police forces to skirt the law. In recent decades many local governments have attempted to enhance police accountability by putting limits on police immunity and requiring the use of devices such as body cams. The FBI, however, provides local police with a way of getting around these laws. The Federal government has invented “joint task forces” which deputize local police to work with the FBI and other federal agencies. Simone Weichselbaum notes how these de facto federal agents need not use body cams and employ a lower standard in the use of force. It’s also a cash cow for local bureaucrats, as USAToday has shown:

the nation’s more than 1,100 joint task forces include thousands of police officers, sheriff’s deputies and state troopers cross-deputized as federal agents who collaborate with federal officers. Local and state officers who serve on federal task forces are still on their employing agency’s payroll but can easily earn overtime paid by the federal government. 

Given the special treatment that FBI agents enjoy, it’s not a shock that it turns out many FBI agents are straight-up thieves. For example, the FBI seized an estimated $86 million in cash from hundreds of safe deposit boxes at U.S. Private Vaults in a March 2021 raid. Court documents now show that in order to get the warrant to pull of this heist, the FBI lied to the judge who issued the warrant. Moreover, the FBI “omitted from their warrant request a central part of the FBI’s plan: Permanent confiscation of everything inside every box containing at least $5,000 in cash or goods, a senior FBI agent recently testified.” It is unclear whether anyone was actually charged with any real crimes as a result of this mass seizure of property. This enthusiasm for seizing private property without any criminal conviction is not rare. The FBI has been central to the Federal government’s seizure of $50 billion of private property from private citizens, most of it with no judicial oversight….


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gold has been at 2990–at least–these last few hours


over 3k

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So yeah it blipped up sometime earlier when I wasn’t looking.

(Also, beware, gold futures tend to be higher than spot and sometimes these stories don’t make the distinction.)


General Mike Flynn
Mar 11
While I wholeheartedly agree that China is the wolf closest to the sled, this analysis begs the questions, “Have we not learned anything from the past quarter century and why do I feel like the authors are still waging war as though we’re back in the 1940’s?”

Read the damn Chinese manual on irregular warfare. The Chinese are already here. Politically, economically, physically and intellectually.

Yes, we MUST be prepared for all options. In fact, the best plans provide the most options right up until the last possible moment. But we must understand and then begin to root out the espionage and intelligence operations the Chinese have been conducting inside of our borders and our institutions for decades. To be kind, the CIA, FBI and DOD Counterintelligence and C-Espionage efforts are abysmal.

We (the USG) were overly focused on CT (counter-terrorism) for many good reasons but we clearly dropped the glass ball of China (shame on us). The @BarackObama & @JoeBiden administrations did nothing to slow down China’s strategic infiltration into America. In some cases, they actually sped up this infiltration.

China’s One Belt Initiative is very real, it is on track globally, and we need to retool how America must deal with it. Just look at ownership or control of every major commercial port on the planet.

Last point, it’s not about needing more multi-billion dollar aircraft carriers that can be taken out by hundreds of dollar stealth drones either. I appreciate you even addressing drones, but why fire a shot and destroy the resources you seek when you can do it with patience and use of elements of economic warfare?

We need to be all in when it comes to this real and dangerous threat.


U.S. Naval Institute
Mar 10
China has three main options it could turn to if it wanted to launch a surprise attack. The United States must be prepared.
Mar 11, 2025 · 12:19 PM UTC


“To be kind, the CIA, FBI and DOD Counterintelligence and C-Espionage efforts are abysmal.”


Are they abysmal, or are they complicit?

Valerie Curren

AND logic   :wpds_evil: 


In response to collision off north UK coast…

John Ʌ Konrad V
Mar 12
I’ve been on calls all day with angry, frustrated US Merchant Mariners. I’m at a loss for words.

I can’t speak for our broken government, but I can say to my brothers and sisters at sea that MY heart goes out to the families affected by this tragedy.


John Ʌ Konrad V
Why Are Merchant Mariners suddenly angry after decades of rolling over?

I was asked today why Merchant Mariners are suddenly pushing back against @SecDuffy after rolling over for years under Mayor Pete.

The US Merchant Marine took rocket fire in Israel, drone attacks in the Red Sea, fought fires delivering the Gaza pier then got kicked out of port by our closest allies. And most kept quiet.

Why are they angry now?

Because under Pete, they felt hopeless—depressed and despondent.

But under Trump and Duffy, they felt something they hadn’t in decades: hope.

And hope is a powerful drug. It fuels action, innovation, and loyalty. But when crushed, it turns into betrayal and outrage.

Here’s the problem: Every single Merchant Mariner who has spoken up has been professionally decapitated.

One who spoke out the loudest? Investigated, convicted of a felony, and jailed.

Not one Merchant Mariner is stepping up for a job in Washington—except @mercoglianos, who’s making little progress. Nobody wants to stick their head into the DC guillotine. Not even me.

And yet, Trump’s determination to build ships and fix logistics has created new opportunities. But who’s filling those jobs?

Not Merchant Mariners. Not even Navy SWOs.

Instead, Navy and USCG veterans are soaking up influential roles. The broken state of our surface fleet and the Fat Leonard scandal have pushed aviators and submariners into command. Smart, well-intentioned people but with no experience commanding or building actual ships.

And the result? More anger.

No service wants to be led by another service. The Marines would never accept a Commandant from the Air Force, why should the U.S. Merchant Marine be any different?

Yet our Superintendent at our federal service academy is Coast Guard. Now I’m told the Deputy Commandant of the Merchant Marine will be Coast Guard.

The same USCG that pushed United Nations mandates, DEI, and green policies that gutted our ranks. The same service that we HAVE spoken out against in the wake of #MidshipmanX

No taxation without representation

That’s what I hear over and over

But no one wants to speak up—they fear retaliation

And that’s the real issue: Merchant Mariners aren’t being invited in

Some in the administration have reached out to unions and K-Street lobbyists who claim to represent us. But those people do not represent the heart and soul of our service. They represent smoke filled rooms, big salaries and two decades of failed efforts to defend us

What’s the likely outcome? Stewing resentment—until it boils over

Logistics wins wars. The U.S. Merchant Marine delivers over 80% of DoD ton-miles in a world where China is building more ships in a year than we have since WWII

This is a critical service. This is THE achilles heal every service (even the USAF which needs bombs and fuel delivered overseas) depends on. And our people—the ones who actually make the system work—are being wholly ignored

Every Admiral, General, and Cabinet Secretary finally knows how vital we are – that’s why we now have a maritime office in the White House. But they have no idea who we are or what makes us tick and they don’t have the deck level experience to make the right calls

Our motto is Acta Non Verba—Actions, Not Words

The action we need? Our own people in the room

The Navy has liaisons in every major government building in DC. I’m not asking for that—though it’s long overdue. And I get that it’s probably too late for @SecDuffy to appoint one of us as Commandant or Deputy Commandant of our own service

So here’s the simple ask: Twelve appointments.

Twelve US Merchant Marine captains. One man each, embedded high in the logisitcs framework OSD, Joint Chiefs, NSC, Congress & State

That’s it. Twelve people

Is that really too much to ask?

They finally have a modicum of hope. It’s up to @SeanDuffyWI @SecDef @SecRubio and @MikeWaltz47 to decide if they want to direct it for the good of the nation, or watch it turn into silent anger & resentment


They could never get this message through before Elon took over tweeter.

Now it will get so much traction that people in the administration will actually see it, and be compelled to respond.

Especially if Elon sees it and retweets it.

Last edited 13 hours ago by scott467

If you are on X and would like to be able to like and share this post to help give it some reach, here is the X post:


Free Tina Peters.


Policy change at Social Security.
Can’t call in and have payments moved to another bank.
Too much fraud.


Trump said today that he believes the US will acquire Greenland, and continues to offer Canada statehood.

This happening during the negotiations with Russia is not random. Russia confirmed their talks with the US were not just about the war in Ukraine, but also the relationship between the US and Russia moving forward.

Trump also said today that control of Greenland and Canada is necessary for “national and international security”.

Trump seems to believe the Arctic region will be of extreme geopolitical interest in the coming years. The arctic could be valuable not just for defensive/military purposes, but in terms of managing maritime trade routes, and potentially even upping direct trade with Russia after normalizing relations.

I’m not 100% sure what Trump is up to or what his overall all objective is with the Arctic, but it is all connected with the negotiations with Russia. This is also connected to Trump’s desire to take back control of the Panama Canal. Trump is positioning for control of maritime trade routes and shuffling the global economic order.

Whatever Trump is up to, it’s big.


“Trump said today that he believes the US will acquire Greenland,”


Acquire is not any kind of free association 😁


“…and continues to offer Canada statehood.”


They should DO it!

It may be the only way, short of revolution, for Canadians to rescue their country from the insane Leftist political-class and the Canadian equivalent of the Deep State.

Last edited 13 hours ago by scott467

Will address the Canada as part of the USA going back to the independence movement in a future part of American Stories.

Folks would be wise to know just how much a student of history that PDT and the patriots are. His understanding and use of what he has learned is off the charts. What was old will be new again in many areas.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Totally agreed. Trump is an amazing student of history. Like you say, off the charts! We are so lucky to have this guy. I hope Vance puts in the same hard work to prepare for 2028!


So blessed. I thank the Lord every day.

You know what I will say, trust the Hillbilly Middie. Cut from the same cloth as PDT. Same basic comprehension skills and intelligence, just uses a different way of disarming the enemy. Same devastating results.

Last edited 8 hours ago by TradeBait2


We do not need two or four more Democrat senators.

Being US territories should be quite sufficient.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

If that blue is Russia it sure likes like nearly half of the global time zones, fwiw…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You can just look at a time zone map.


Yes, Apparently it’s what made the “Murder on the Siberian Express” such an interesting book.
6,000 miles from Moscow to Vladivostok with a one legged inspector/detective guy. I might want to read that some day.

Cuppa Covfefe

“Murder By Death” is pretty good too 😀

The address two two Twain looms large 🙂


Official Statement of Hon. Dave Weldon MD
Regarding recently withdrawal of nomination for CDC

Twelve hours before my scheduled confirmation hearing in The Senate, I received a phone call from an assistant at the White House informing me that my nomination to be Director of CDC was being withdrawn because there were not enough votes to get me confirmed. I then spoke to HHS Secretary Bobbie Kennedy who was very upset. He was told the same thing and that he had been looking forward to working with me at CDC. He said I was the perfect person for the job.

Bobbie told me that earlier that morning he had breakfast with Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine who said she now had reservations about my nomination and was considering voting no. I had a very pleasant meeting with her 2 weeks prior where she expressed no reservation, but at my meeting with her staff on March 11 they were suddenly very hostile-a bad sign. They repeatedly accusing me of being “antivax”, even though I reminded them that I actually give hundreds of vaccines every year in my medical practice. More than Twenty years ago, while in congress I raised some concerns about childhood vaccine safety, and for some reason Collins staff suddenly couldn’t get over that no matter what I said back.

There are 12 Republicans and 11 Democrats on the committee so losing one, was a problem if all the Democrats vote no which they have been doing. I can assume that the White House staff had my nomination withdrawn also because the Republican Chairman Dr. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana was also voting no. Ironically, he is also an internist like me and I have known him for years and I thought we were friends. But he too was also throwing around the claim that I was “antivax” or that I believed that vaccines cause autism which I have never said. He actually once asked that my nomination be withdrawn. So, he was a big problem and losing Collins too was clearly too much for the White House. The president is a busy man doing good work for our nation and the last thing he needs is a controversy about CDC.

The concern of many people is that big Pharma was behind this which is probably true. They are hands-down, the most powerful lobby organization in Washington DC giving millions of dollars to politicians on both sides of the aisle. They also purchased millions of dollars of advertising in newspapers, magazines, and on television. For any news or organization to take on big Pharma could be suicide. Many media actually carry water for Pharma.

They also give generously to medical societies and colleges and universities. I have learned the hard way don’t mess with Pharma. I have been told that Big Pharma had desperately tried to get rid of Bobby Kennedy but were unable due to the strong support of President Trump. Many people feel big Pharma actually feared me more than they feared Bobby because of my credibility and my knowledge of science and medicine. So, if they had to live with Bobby for 4 years they were definitely not going to have both him and me and put serious pressure on Collins and Cassidy.

My big sin was that as a congressman 25 years ago I had the temerity to take on the CDC and big Pharma on two critical childhood vaccine safety issues. Hundreds of parents had been coming to me from all over the country, insisting that their child has been seriously damaged by the inoculations. Some claimed it caused autism. The parents made two different assertions. One was the fact that FDA, CDC, and Pharma had allowed a tremendous amount of a neurotoxic preservative called thimerosal into the infant schedule and that the thimerosal was the cause of the problem.

Under pressure from me and many other members of the House, both Democrat and Republican, the CDC and Pharma removed the neurotoxic thimerosal, but it took them years to do it. One of the things that seemed to unite us in The House who engaged on this was that none of us took money from Pharma. Bernie Sanders actually joined us.

CDC ended up publishing a research study claiming the mercury had done no harm, but there were credible accusations that CDC had incorrectly manipulated the data to exonerate themselves. If confirmed I was planning on going back into the CDC database and quietly investigate this claim. Ironically, I was hoping to find no evidence of corruption of the science at CDC. Maybe in hearing it from me members of the public might be reassured and it might help improve the currently somewhat tarnished image of CDC and Pharma.

But I unfortunately also had the temerity to take on CDC and Pharma regarding another childhood vaccine safety issue, the safety of the measles vaccine called MMR. More than 25 years ago there were a series of articles published by a British pediatric gastroenterologist named of Andrew Wakefield. He had seen many parents who claimed that after the MMR their child had not only deteriorated developmentally but had also become fussy eaters and developed diarrhea. He did colonoscopies on the children and discovered that they had a new form of inflammatory bowel disease. His research was later duplicated and to this day he has been credited for defining this form of childhood inflammatory bowel disease.

Wakefield published 15 papers in all. Only one was withdrawn. The one that created the big controversy was published in a journal called Lancet and one of the co-authors on the paper was a highly respected Irish virologist by the name of O’Leary. I actually knew of O’Leary. I used to take care of AIDS patients prior to going to congress and I knew of O’Leary’s reputation as a solid scientist. One of the complications the AIDS patients were developing was a form of cancer called Kaposi Sarcoma and O’Leary had shown that the cancer occurred in the AIDS patients when there was co-infection with a second virus called Herpes Simplex Type 8. Wakefield decided to give some of the colon biopsy specimens to O’Leary who was able to show using a technique called PCR that the inflammatory bowel disease biopsies in these children contained the vaccine strain measles viruses. The live virus in the vaccine was supposed to be weekend and not cause illness. This suggested that the children were not able to handle the viral particles and that it was causing an infection in their bowels which also might have been affecting their central nervous system and causing the autistic features.

When this article was published thousands of British parents started refusing the MMR and there were measles outbreaks. British health officials had their hands full. They decided to get the journal Lancet to withdraw the article and they actually got O’Leary to withdraw his research findings. I was following all of this closely and had actually met with O’Leary and I had looked at his biopsy micrographs and his PCR findings. It certainly looked to me like the vaccine particles were causing the problem in these children, and I was surprised that O’Leary withdrew his assertions.

I then called O’Leary on the phone and asked him why he was doing this. There was a very long pregnant pause. He then said that it had taken him many years to get to the place where he was in the scientific community, and after another pause, he said he had four small children at home. I had small children at home myself at the time and I understood what he was saying. If he didn’t do it, he was going to be fired. He was going to be ruined.

British officials were not satisfied with just getting the journal to withdraw the article and getting Dr. O’Leary to withdraw his claims. They then decided to begin proceedings to take away Dr. Wakefield’s medical license and one of his lead co-authors. Wakefield by this time had moved to the United States and to defend himself in court would have cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars so he let them take his license away. But his lead co-author Dr. Simon Murch was still practicing medicine in England and decided to defend himself in court, and the government lost and they were not able to take his license away. If Wakefield had the money to defend himself, he would never have lost his license. The court documents clearly show that Wakefield and his co-authors had not done anything unethical or inappropriate and their work was possibly valid.

But that was all big Pharma needed. They could go around, saying it and feeding it to the media that the research had been withdrawn and Wakefield lost his license. But I looked at the micrographs and it sure looked to me like there was vaccine strain measles particles infecting the bowels of these kids.

The CDC was charged with the responsibility of repeating to Wakefield research and showing that the measles vaccine was safe, but they never did it the right way. They decided to de epidemiologic studies instead of a clinical study. Again, as in the mercury study there were claims made that indicators that there was a problem with MMR were there. CDC was accused again of changing the protocol and data analysis until the association went away.

Ironically, I talked with Wakefield after all of this was over. He agreed with me that we have to vaccinate our kids for measles. He thought the solution was to give the vaccine at a slightly older age, like they do in many European countries. Or we might be able to do research and figure out why some kids have a bad reaction to the MMR. Clearly, big Pharma didn’t want me in the CDC investigating any of this.

There are a lot of additional ironies in all of this. I believe the CDC is mostly made up of really good people who really care about public health for our nation, though its credibility has been seriously tarnished because of the failures in the way the COVID-19 crisis was managed. 40% of Democrats and 80% of Republicans, don’t trust the CDC. Many don’t trust Pharma as well. I really wanted to try to make the CDC a better more respected agency and killing my nomination may have the opposite effect. Distrust may worsen.

I also have a lot of respect for the pharmaceutical industry. I practice internal medicine and I use medication’s in caring for my patients that were invented by American pharmaceutical companies. I can tell you firsthand they are very effective and help a lot of people. The new ones are outrageously expensive, but once they go off patent, they can become very affordable and very life-saving for many people with chronic and acute illnesses.

But I unfortunately, am viewed very negatively by the industry that I use on a daily basis to help my patients. Bobby Kennedy is a good man who really is passionate about improving the health of the American people. President Trump did a good thing in making him secretary of HHS. Hopefully they can find someone for CDC who can survive the confirmation process and get past pharma and find some answers.

Senator Ron Johnson
I was highly disappointed to hear that the nomination of Dr. David Weldon to lead the CDC has been withdrawn.

Although we will never know exactly why his nomination was pulled, I suspect it had something to do with the fact he has had the courage to be skeptical of the consensus “narrative” surrounding the childhood vaccine schedule.

Skepticism is the vital attribute of true science, and it is beyond unfortunate that someone with his background and integrity will not be able to help fix what is broken at the CDC.

Valerie Curren

If the Senate recesses can Trump temp appoint him?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It sounds like we just lost one of the smartest and most capable heads of CDC that we possibly could have had. Such a shame. Way smarter than both Collins and Cassidy. Those midwits just screwed America out of a lot of greatness.

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As if they care.

Gail Combs

Appoint him Vaccine Czar.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would love it if he did. Then watch Collins and Cassidy blunder into making statements that help us remove them in primaries!

Valerie Curren

That would be awesome!


You just stumbled onto the grand plan.

The House is supposed to recess right after the CR vote. It looks like the Senate is going to have to approve it also.

If it refuses to recess like the House did, DJT can force it into recess.

And appoint as many as he wants.

Valerie Curren

Can’t wait!!!


Collin$ and Ca$$idy have ulterior motive$ until proven otherwise.


^^^ This. We have got to take out the trash over the next couple of elections.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But they’re Ju$t Bing Ra$onab£€!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I just said elswhere when Wolf said they screwed America out of a bunch of greatness, “As if they cared”

Now we know why they don’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cassidy also voted (with Collins) to convict Trump. What a dope.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve got your government departments crossed. This is CDC, not DOPE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thanks for brining as I was about to as well. This seems rather important to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I agree. We can’t let them put another Lying Rochelle into CDC, even is she’s a RINO of some kind.

Valerie Curren
Gail Combs


Remember Obama made Depopulation activist, Holdren ‘Science Czar’


Senate recess after CR passes this week

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Welcome to a level approaching normal middle-class lifestyles.


Looks like the Dark Side of the Moon is facing Earth tonight 😁

Last edited 14 hours ago by scott467

The Bright Side of the Moon is almost completely back now.

I was hoping it wouldn’t get stuck on the dark side. Sometimes it hangs up a little, but it’s old, so you never know for sure 👍

And when it does get stuck, it’s not easy to fix, either.

Last edited 12 hours ago by scott467
Happy go lucky

Goodness, it’s beautiful here at the moment, orange from the sun starting to rise.

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If Peters dies in prison, it will be justice for Jenna Griswold to do the same.

Valerie Curren

Dark truth 🙁

Valerie Curren

Just had a nice view of the lunar eclipse, about 3/4 in shadow…


I checked it a couple of hours ago, before the eclipse was supposed to start, and we had the moon about 1/2 in cloud. And it was cold. And it was thinking of rain. So I’m indoors.

Valerie Curren

How do you define cold? It’s 35 here right now 😉

Gail Combs

59F…. 😋 64F at my desk and my feet are cold.


Want to see the Lunar Eclipse (actually Earth Eclipse) directly from the Moon?
They just did it!!!!!!!!!

The Blue Ghost lunar lander from Firefly which is currently on the moon also observed the Lunar Eclipse.

Firefly Aerospace @Firefly_Space

#BlueGhost got her first diamond ring! Captured at our landing site in the Moon’s Mare Crisium around 3:30 am CDT, the photo shows the sun about to emerge from totality behind Earth. Hope to have more shots to share soon! #BGM1

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Firefly Aerospace @Firefly_Space

#BlueGhost caught her first look at the solar eclipse from the Moon around 12:30 am CDT – notice the glowing ring of light emerge in the reflection of our solar panel as the Earth began to block the sun! We hope to downlink more imagery soon once our X-band antenna warms up from the cold temperatures faced in the darkness of totality. Stay tuned! #BGM1

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Last edited 3 hours ago by eilert
Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

What happened in the CTH environs when most of the cool kids (Q-Treepers) “left” 😉

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Valerie Curren

Might be AI image…

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! I would say definitely an AI image. Impossible to get a DOGE to sit still and face the camera like that for a real picture.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Seen on Gab




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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope they find these swatters. HERE, DEM DEM DEM DEM DEM……..

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a real video, IMO. Shadow of Ezra specializes in misinterpretation, not forgery. That said, Trump is onto something. IMO, Biden was literally unable to sign documents competently on the first try. His signature was likely deteriorating enough to show that he had dementia.

You know how doctors test seniors to have them draw a clock-face with a specific time? Same thing. Biden was likely unable to actually sign something without making a serious, notable mistake on the first try. Signing in the wrong place, leaving off part of the signature, signing wrong (“Joe”), etc. Probably hilarious and sad every time.


In that vein, I wondered why our docs always had us draw the same time of 11:10. So I decided to have some fun with it.

I always asked them if they wanted it in AM or PM. Other times I drew an alarm clock face with 11:10, drew a circle with hands and no numbers, used military time, etc.

They stopped asking for some reason. 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! Love it!

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

My Mum, a born Londoner, was asked at an “old age screening” by the nurse, who was fascinated by her accent, “have you met Queen Elizabeth?”…

My Mum, ever the quick wit (at 95 then), replied, “Yes; both of them…”….

Fortunately the nurse knew her history and got the joke… not sure if she wrote in the report something like “subject looks great for near 500 years old” 😉

Gail Combs

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Valerie Curren

Probably not a Real picture LOL

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MAN HANDS!!! Check the index finger! That’s a man, baby!


“Probably,” LOL!

Gail Combs

Drug Induces Tilapia Sex Change for Profit | The Fish Site

June 7, 2019 – US – According to a recent report, almost all tilapia sold in the U.S. is hormone drug treated and great quantity have undergone a sex change for the sake of company profit.

I no longer eat Tilapia.

Cuppa Covfefe


I never did (don’t eat fish at all, for that matter, not even ye olde fish’n’chips)…

I can just see the transmaniacs yelling out “SEEE, it can be done”…..


The California sheephead (quite common off the coast of California — ) are all born female. The largest in a group will change into a male and change coloration, shape, and temperment.

All by itself, no physicians involved.

Valerie Curren

In the “red meat for da Wolf” category, no idea if it’s true but if so was/is she a crisis actor?

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comment imageJeff Sekerak


If you saw it on TV. Chances are: It’s a complete & utter fraud.

Buy the B.S. narratives at your own peril.

I attempted a visual search with that image at Bing…couldn’t get that search to work so tried a visual search at Yandex. Translated from Russian

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy theoriesThe shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School took place on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. The criminal, Adam Lanza, mortally wounded his mother before killing 20 students and six elementary school employees Sandy Hook, and later committed suicide. A number of marginalized figures promoted conspiracy theories that cast doubt on or dispute what happened at Sandy Hook. Various proponents of conspiracy theory have argued, for example, that the massacre was actually organized by the US government as part of a carefully thought-out conspiracy to tighten arms control laws.

The claimed text in the image is slightly different than what’s shared above:


In the “similar image” link there was this one:

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& this one

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Numerous sites have versions of the original image at top:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – this really helps. Very long explanation.

Remember, years ago, when I used to record CNN to disk drives, 24/7? It was a great project, even though nothing came of it. I was looking for stuff like this. I was primarily looking for cases where CNN was changing the “color” of people, because that was a hot item at the time. The thing was, there were no cases exposed during the time I was recording (we were on CTH), so I never needed to go back into my data. But I used to go online and brag that I was recording everything CNN did, so that I would be able to go back and prove any bullshit that they pulled. I have always felt that once CNN knew we were watching them closely, they cut the shit. The “monitors” of CTH knew we were onto them.

Weirdly, I did find some fakery by “our own side” – that 0hour1 guy pushed some fake photos. I was nice about catching that, but he passed on some bullshit.

Now – as to this that you’r showing me, which I think is a SCAM – because this is NOT what I was doing…..

The way this scam works is that it’s pictures and not videos (like I was gathering).

To actually prove the point being made, all one needs are snippets of the original broadcast videos, or just videos of those videos playing. That enables identification of the actual broadcast segments which used the same person for two different “events”. That leads to the actual networks, and the actual people responsible for using the same person. That leads to reality. The top 9/11 arguments all force things into real logical problems.

That leads to an actual journalistic story.

That is why the takedown of Rothschild having prior knowledge of 9/11 was so effective. I followed that meme up, and found the guy who did the investigation, and made the original assertion. The guy making the assertion documented his sources rigorously. CIA desperately hates people who do that, and will sic all sorts of lying “debunkers” on them, who use inferior techniques (much like flerfers) to “cast doubt” or deploy strawman arguments, but not to actually disprove. The guy who nailed Rothschild had excellent proof of prior knowledge. NOTE however, this was not proof of having been behind 9/11. It simply proved that Rothschild knew something was going to happen – which apparently thousands of people did, based on stock market moves. Right? See how reasonable that is?

Back to this case.

The first two images, obviously the same image of the same woman, but surrounded by different alleged broadcast imagery (especially chyrons), demand the assumption that they’re valid – but that is the easiest part to fake. We see fake chyron memes all the time. Don’t assume this is reality, when we know fakery is common already as comedy. Thus, obviously modified pictures without sourcing simply is not proof.

If somebody wanted to actually prove that the same woman was used in two different “event” circumstances, they could simply include enough information to make it stick, like I was going to do to CNN. But they don’t. They never do. They are creating a meme to influence people, and people fall for it. It’s just like flerfer doubt-casting. It’s just like YEC doubt-casting. In this case, push the instance rigorously, if there really is fakery, and some show, some producer, some anchor is specifically nailed, and you have proof of fakery. But they don’t do that.

This is very similar to why they will not allow Dr. Weldon to head CDC. He knows how real proof works, unlike mid-wit jackasses like Cassidy, who “knows” all vaccines are awesome, all the time.

We are getting closer and closer to the real fight, where very slick abuse of truth, science and logic are used to mislead people.

TL;DR – pictures are not proof, and are even less so in the age of AI.

Valerie Curren

Excellent analysis–TYSVM!

Valerie Curren

This seems like a succinct summary of some natural healing approaches. I know of some of these to be effective.

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Valerie Curren

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“Numbness or tingling in hands or feet” is also one of the big symptoms of B12 deficiency.

Gail Combs

For High BP Beetroot AND raw garlic.

Muscle Cramps: Potassium & Magnesium (Bananas)

Upset stomach: ginger, rice and yogurt


High CholesterolDO NOT TAKE STATINS! Big Pharma has lowered ‘Approved cholesterol levels’ well below what is normal. Big Pharma have altered the definition of high cholesterol in order to increase the number of people who are eligible to take cholesterol medications and they have done so at least three times over the years. It used to be 250/6.5 As a result 1 in 5 Americans have ‘High Cholesterol.’

Cholesterol production increases when the body is under stress or if there is a great deal of inflammation occurring in your body.

SO INSTEAD of taking a statin, get off vegetable oils, Crisco and margarine. Replace them with butter, lard and other natural fats. Also reduce inflammation and stress.

Cuppa Covfefe

Statins are bad for the Mitochondrial respiratory chain (complexes I-V). And they have interactions and side-effects that are unsafe…

Valerie Curren

Hidden history


It’s an amazing and true story of the protection Washington was afforded.

Valerie Curren

This is good news, if true…

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Johns Hopkins U. Fires 2K Employees after $800 Million in USAID CUT

The deep state is born in academia. This is a big win for MAGA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mainstream Fake News alleges that it’s true!


Local News

Johns Hopkins laying off more than 2,000 workers after drastic cut of foreign aid funding


By Adam Thompson

Updated on: March 13, 2025 / 10:40 PM EDT / CBS/AP

Valerie Curren

If fake news said it it must be… 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


What crazy times we live in!


Jesse Watters spoke of DOGE cuts at Johns Hopkins.

His sister works there and his mom is passed off over it.


Thank you for another deep study in the deadly effects of the mRNA injections, PAVACA.

Valerie Curren

Yes!!! She’s amazing, detailed, & so diligent. We are Very Blessed here in the Q-Tree!

Valerie Curren

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Last edited 10 hours ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dude flew over Sandy Hook, too! 😂

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha!

Valerie Curren

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent – and an excellent argument!


well…we do not. we have a constitutional republic.

Valerie Curren

no doubt!

Valerie Curren

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Wall Street Apes


Kash Patel CONFIRMS Judge Juan Merchan should have never been assigned to Donald Trump’s case

Kash Patel “I’m calling for the subpoenas to be issued to Judge Merchant’s Daughter’s company who made $15+ million dollars from the illicit information pouring out of her father’s courtroom

– I wanna know the bank records because money doesn’t lie
– I wanna know how deep it is and how much of it went to the family and how much of it is going to the family after this false conviction
– Then we need to investigate the FEC actual violations that this judge and his family conducted

Judge Juan Merchan should never have been overseeing this trial to begin with because of the illicit campaign money that was flowing through there and the unconstitutional due process violations are only the beginning.“

That’s not all, here’s more reasons why he should have NEVER been assigned Donald Trump’s case from The Older Millennial:

‘For these type of cases, the way it’s supposed to work is that there is a panel of 24 judges, and they are all put in rotation and randomly assigned these types of cases. Judge Merchan is not on that panel. That’s because he’s not a judge. He’s an acting judge.

The only way he could have caught this case was to be specifically assigned to it. There was no chance of him being randomly selected.

The wild thing is that according to the left and the department of justice, judge Merchan was not only randomly selected to be the judge in this trial, but he was also randomly selected to be the judge in the Trump Organization case, and he was randomly selected to be the judge in the Steve Bannon case.

So judge Merchan, a judge that is not in the pool of 24 judges that is supposed to catch these cases, a judge that is not an actual judge, but an acting judge caught all 3 Trump related cases randomly. This is a judge who gives heavily to an organization very plainly named Stop Trump, and a judge whose daughter makes tens of millions of dollars every year promoting Democrats.’

Insane corruption.

1 minute Kash video at tweet

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Note that this statement was made BEFORE he was head of FIB – just for the record.

I wasn’t the only person who noticed.

What’s interesting in the video is that Blondi is there, too! That was when she was Trump’s attorney!


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Dont worry about it


This was pre AG and FBI appointing. So, let’s see if he still does what he calls for. History shows that Republicans say a lot of stuff they’ll do. Then when they get into a position they can…. don’t.

9:07 PM · Mar 13, 2025

Valerie Curren

TY for this clarification!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a very interesting thing about Trump. He loves media-savvy people working for him. He understands the Fake News, and judges people by how well they deal with it, IMO.

Brave and Free

Time will tell, he may have the same opinion. The road there is obviously filled with potholes, but hopefully under construction.

Gail Combs

What about AMNESTY? Was he here legally or granted amnesty?

Colombian family background information re. the new Trump Judge Juan Merchan has been scrubbed from the Internet
(It is a very anti-bankster website.)

…What we have discovered is Luis Merchan, CEO of Columbian cannabis cultivator Flora Growth Corp (NASDAQ: FLGC) that was the first ever cannabis cultivator to list on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Flora Growth is a Canadian company.

Inquiring minds want to know if Luis Merchan and Juan Merchan are family, or in some other way are INTERLOCKED. Both men were born in Columbia and emigrated to the United States….

Editor. (Accessed Apr. 04, 2023). Merchan History, Family Crest and Coats of Arms. House of Names. Source:

Colombian Cannabis Cultivator Flora Growth Bucks Convention WIth NASDAQ IPO – CEO Luis Merchan Explains Why

I should add there is an interesting chart. Seems both are from the same town in Columbia and other stuff.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Gail Combs

experimental farming? how the grant proposal had more details than that.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This was CIA-planted fake news from the Dunning-Kruger Times, used to prop up fact-checkers.


thanks for clearing that up. you know people like me, normal (stop laughing) folks have the deck stacked against them. who to trust? what to trust? if it weren’t for you all, i wouldn’t know what is true and what isn’t.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No problem!

I’ve been all over DK Times. That is a RAT operation if I’ve ever seen one – designed to help deceive the innocent.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. There is trouble in ActBlueTown.


About that cease fire…

I see a lot of improper reporting about Putin’s comments about the ceasefire.

Putin agrees with Trump that there needs to be a permanent and peaceful end to this war, but Putin wants changes to the deal to ensure this will be PERMANENT peace, not a 30 day ceasefire, and is willing to work with Trump on progressing the deal that is beneficial to Russia’s objectives.

Putin said that he is “in favor” of the proposal, but that there are some “nuances” and “serious issues” that need to be addressed before the proposal can be progressed.

So for those saying Putin agreed to the ceasefire proposal on the table, that does not appear to be the case. Putin agreed with the overall idea of a ceasefire, but wants this to be a permanent ceasefire, not an opportunity for Ukraine to regroup.

Putin also addresses that the “original causes of the conflict” need to be addressed. Putin is alluding to his demands that he has been consistent with since the beginning of the invasion into Ukraine. Putin wants to ensure:
-NATO does not expand to Ukraine
-The complete demilitarization and “denazification” of Ukraine
-Russian-speaking regions in East to have their independence from Ukraine
-Addressing bioweapon development

In conclusion, Putin wants peace, but wants to rework the proposal with Trump to ensure this is a permanent solution and not an opportunity for Zelensky/NATO to draw this out longer.”

The big question is – Will NATO and EU agree to a cease fire or will they continue to funnel money and arms to the Ukraine Nazis? The ball is in their court.

Gail Combs

The NATO Nazis HATE RUSSIA. So I expect some screaming and yelling from the Peanut Gallery.

Since the USA is the one FUNDING THE WAR and providing military assistance, TRUMP and Putin will make the actual deal.

Valerie Curren

Thank you, Pavaca!!! Interesting that the heart damage is caused by SARS, SARS-COV, and SARS-COV19. Seems to be a pattern.

Happy go lucky

Pro Tip:

If you’re tiptoeing around, attempting to make breakfast without disturbing anyone else in the house…at least use enough light. That way you’ll make cinnamon oatmeal and not cayenne oatmeal 😉


  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_shock: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! Yikes!!!

So how does cayenne oatmeal taste? 😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LIke fire for a few seconds.

Then your tastebuds die.

Valerie Curren

That’ll clear out the old sinuses!  😂 

Happy go lucky

Thank you Gail, Gudthots , PAVACA, and everyone commenting. Looking forward to digging in after work. WooHoo happy Friday.

Valerie Curren

Hey Gail, someone on Gab appears to be on your wavelength!

comment imageUltra Deplorable KJ Z

Edited USAID laundering taxpayer money wasn’t bad enough, they were created as a successor to the Office of Public Safety (OPS which supposedly ended in 1974) and train foreign police forces to control Nationalists in countries where controlled governments were installed! (Color Revolutions)

Amazing research by Colonel Towner-Watkins
OPERATION GLADIO – CHAPTER 47 – “USAID-Office of Public Safety” PART 5 –

Before posting this comment it looks like the video might show here “The Colonel’s Corner Part 5: Operation Gladio, USAID from the American people”

Posted to the Gab Group “Deep State Watch” here:

Gail Combs

I am glad the Colonel is getting traction. She has amazing info.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s taking he fight right to Hokum!


Is NY in America anymore? NYC is not. It is its own banana republic.

Valerie Curren

No doubt!  😡 

Valerie Curren

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bad monkeys!!! Back in your cages!!!


Intel Slava

Ukraine seeks to end the war. Putin seeks to continue the war – Ukrainian Foreign Minister
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Nuland’s likely rolling on the floor laughing.


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That’s NOT true – Putin has only reiterated his original concerns about the rogue Nazi state of Ukraine. See Clandestine above.

Last edited 7 hours ago by GA/FL

I know it’s not true.
It is however playing into the hands of fake globalist news across the world.
A regime change NGO could not have orchestrated it better.
IMHO it’s one bad move after another.

Gail Combs

Both my girl friend and I now have heart murmurs. She is in her fifties & I in my seventies. Neither of us had murmurs before getting Ralph Barric’s disease

Heart Murmur After COVID: Understanding Risks

Valerie Curren

Sorry to hear this Gail  😪 


Well, that just sucks. I’m sorry.


Regarding all the AI discussion in the last few days, I would like to say one thing:

Do your brain a favor, and do your OWN research and argument!

We humans have the inclination to be lazy and take the easy road. But I personally don’t think it’s good for us. Lazy thinking becomes a habit. What will you do when somebody challenges you on a campout in the woods with no internet service? There’s no AI to think for you then.

And take it from me, AI LIES. You will see what I mean, in my post a week from Tuesday. It’s a “Bill Clinton” kind of liar, parsing words and thoughts in a way that is “mostly true,” but not completely true. “I did not have sex with that woman” was “true” in one definition of the word, but bullshit in reality. That’s AI.


Exactly. I agree completely.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cannot add enough of an AMEN to this!!!



Cuppa Covfefe


AI doesn’t know what “is” is…..





Verse of the Day for Friday, March 14, 2025

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 

Matthew 5:10 (KJV)

“Christ’s sermon on the mount. (1,2) Who are blessed. (3-12) Exhortations and warnings. (13-16) Christ came to confirm the law. (17-20) The sixth commandment. (21-26) The seventh commandment. (27-32) The third commandment. (33-37) The law of retaliation. (38-42) The law of love explained. (43-48)1,2 None will find happiness in this world or the next, who do not seek it from Christ by the rule of his word. He taught them what was the evil they should abhor, and what the good they should seek and abound in…

“…Those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake are happy. This saying is peculiar to Christianity; and it is more largely insisted upon than any of the rest. Yet there is nothing in our sufferings that can merit of God; but God will provide that those who lose for him, though life itself, shall not lose by him in the end. Blessed Jesus! how different are thy maxims from those of men of this world! They call the proud happy, and admire the gay, the rich, the powerful, and the victorious. May we find mercy from the Lord; may we be owned as his children, and inherit his kingdom. With these enjoyments and hopes, we may cheerfully welcome low or painful circumstances.”

Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.



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Have you noticed evil increased on earth
The arrogance and flagrancy sheer girth
We are told to pray daily without end
We must not quit give up or even bend

What makes evil so blatant in plain sight
What can we do to curtail this and fight
We must don our Armor of God so fine 
We must be Prayer Warriors divine

We must empower others do the same
In His Precious and Most Holy Name
For whatever we ask of the Father
In Jesus’ name compares to no other

We must stand and be bold in all our ways
We must hold onto Him all of our days
We must not accept what’s meant to deter 
Redacted refracted revised to infer

We will find truth in His Word as put forth
We will discover knowledge for its worth
We will discern understanding in time
We will reap wisdom its purpose sublime

Saturated with lies and dire deceit 
We exhaust ourselves in fighting replete
Instead of uniting under His banner
We’re distracted in discordant manner

To God be the Glory forever amen
To Him be our allegiance now and when
We fight the good fight and are welcomed in
To our heavenly home purified within

D01: 08/04/2023



We are fighting a spiritual war 
A war we will win and so much more
The enemy is already defeated
They defied an opponent they cheated

Every commandment of God they broke
In addition to the one Jesus spoke
The punishment for sin is surely death
They will suffer greatly to their last breath

If it were our very last days on earth
We would be fighting for all we are worth
The four horsemen would ride do their worst
As the Angels readied their vials dispersed

Six seals have been broken to correspond
With the restlessness of the martyrs spawned
Cosmic disturbances of varying kinds
The seventh the ‘silence in heaven’ finds

The vision of the first six seals has deceased
The wrath of God will then soon be released
The portrayal of self-inflicted judgement
A global war that destroys their ledgement 

This is not what God wants for His chosen
A conflict not set in place or frozen
Under God’s protection to the left or right
We are shielded and fielded out of sight

It is not time for the final battle 
Even though you hear the sabers rattle
God has not appointed us to wrath
Salvation thru Jesus is our direct path

D01: 08/08/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms





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The link below should help some of you understand the big picture of what is going on and what to expect with the economy.

Some on here may recall that I pointed out we were in a recession a little over two years ago. That was true – the private economy was receding deeply. It was the federal government that was hiding it with radical deficit spending. When they do that it causes radical inflation like we experienced as the major beneficiaries in private businesses are connected to government contracts. It is socialism, or for some of us the proper terminology is communist capitalism, which is effectively totalitarianism without bayonets being stuck in our chests.

High inflation is a tax on the common man that is paid to the rich man and their government lackeys.

Which is why all of the statistics reported by the Brandon regime were either bogus or restated after the fact if they knew they could not get away with reporting the false stats. Had they succeeded in stealing another election, we would have been in a world of hurt.

Last edited 5 hours ago by TradeBait2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! I suspected (but didn’t know) things were this bad. In fact, I think a lot of Dem votes for Trump may have been liberals who suspected or knew things were that bad.


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Cuppa Covfefe

And beer makes you smart!

It made Bud wiser 🙂

[before he got woke…but I think he’s wised up, now]


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3.14.25: Calm before the STORM! Schumer caves, Obama created DOGE? Exposure ongoing, PRAY!

And We Know

Gail Combs

Congratulation on getting off the drug. Grief will hit at unexpected moments even years later, so expect that. If you do not grieve you are not human!


i think the dems have found their new rallying call–“listen to the women”…

Nancy Pelosi


Donald Trump and Elon Musk have offered the Congress a false choice between a government shutdown or a blank check that makes a devastating assault on the well-being of working families across America. Let’s be clear: neither is a good option for the American people. But this false choice that some are buying instead of fighting is unacceptable. I salute Leader Hakeem Jeffries for his courageous rejection of this false choice, and I am proud of my colleagues in the House Democratic Caucus for their overwhelming vote against this bill. Democratic senators should listen to the women. Appropriations leaders Rosa DeLauro and Patty Murray have eloquently presented the case that we must have a better choice: a four-week funding extension to keep government open and negotiate a bipartisan agreement. America has experienced a Trump shutdown before – but this damaging legislation only makes matters worse. Democrats must not buy into this false choice. We must fight back for a better way. Listen to the women, For The People.

Cuppa Covfefe

Practically imperfect positively post-modern priss perpetually pickled poligrip pavement pentagram-ploying princess mafiosi missed-piglosi d’Alessandro Gamey Gangrenous Garbage-Truck Gambino HERSELF IS A FALSE CHOICE!

Indeed, has always been a false choice, and a false everything. Profiting from insider trading, dodgy deals, fradulent funding, and RED Chinese money, influence, and spies. Can’t go far in SF politics without the help and blessing of the RED Chinese. Maybe you feel more powerful because of that, since 2025 is the year of the snake.

But remember while your sipping, slurping, and chugging your fine foreign alcohol before the prices go up: this is also the year of FAFO. And the FA stage is over, leading to FO…

And, oh, btw, seems it was Eve who started it all. So much for listening to the wymyn…
Or, a more recent example, the quota-driven incompetents in Brussels and Berlin…


i don’t mind listening to women…as long as their heads aren’t up their asses. (same goes for men)

Gail Combs

“…We must fight back for a better way. Listen to the women, For The People….”

Then why didn’t you LISTEN to the WOMEN ATHLETES???


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“This timed and targeted drone strike is yet another example of Ukraine/NATO/EU/UK provoking and antagonizing Russia as President Trump tries to assemble the outlines of a ceasefire. This is the 3rd coordinated attack on Russia timed to coincide with President Trump’s team meeting with Russian and/or Ukranian officials.
Fortunately, Steve Witkoff was already exiting the airspace as inbound drones began hitting their targets.
The inbound drones in combination with the outbound Witkoff flight likely complicated the use of Russian air defenses. The NATO team within Ukraine are playing with fire.
CTH ignores the western media reporting as we await President Trump and Steve Witkoff’s statements on the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Obviously, the U.S. team must be noticing the timing of the NATO attacks as they relate to the ongoing effort toward peace.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Pull all US support and monies out of NATO.

N ow
T errorist
O rganization

Gail Combs

You are very correct NATO is and always has been a NAZI TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.  Nazi war criminals became high ranking commanders in NATO after WW2 Allen Dulles brought many Nazis including military personnel into the USA and saw to it that many were never prosecuted during the Nuremberg Show Trials. Pivotal Role of Allen Dulles in Shielding Nazi War criminals

There is a very good reason a wet behind the ears guy was in charge of prosecuting those criminals!


My father always said” to many Nazis were hired back into the German equivalent of FBI. He was so disgusted.


March 14, 2025 1:03 pm

“Marco Rubio: “In the days to come, you should expect more visas to be revoked as we identify people that we never should have allowed in.”….

Marco Rubio: “In the days to come, you should expect more visas to be revoked as we identify people that we never should have allowed in.”

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 14, 2025

Gail Combs

Putin has actually been very measured in his war against the Nazis in Ukraine. Russia is CERTAINLY capable of wiping Ukraine off the map.

Brave and Free

h/t Insty —

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