“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer ***************** WARNING: NO UNIDENTIFIED AI BULLSHIT IS TO BE POSTED ON THIS SITE UNDER PENALTY OF MODERATION OR SITE BAN
DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250318 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Cholesterol and Statins
We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden.
Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting “placeholders” like this one, which may or may not be spiced up with additional content.
Gudthots will take DePat’s old Thursday daily open thread.
Please notify me in advance if you would like to post anything in lieu of the Tuesday placeholder. We welcome all content – the topic doesn’t matter.
Cholesterol and Statins
by Gail Combs
Since many of us on the Qtree are older I wanted to document my adventures with the medical establishment. Hopefully my digging will help others avoid harmful drugs by providing the information you need to make an informed decision.
My Labs came back:
LDL = 114(H)
HDL = 98(H)
The Doc wanted to put me on STATINS and my answer was HELL NO!
What I found incredible is the lack of knowledge of the three doctors I have encountered so far. The first, despite my telling her I had a major problem with losing potassium, put me on a high level of Prednisone WITHOUT mentioning the fact I might have to take addition potassium (K) to offset the additional loss of K from the drug. This is well documented in the literature.
In the follow-up visit, not only was a statin recommended but the connection between chronic inflammation (my asthma) and higher cholesterol levels was completely ignored.
As I mentioned, the vast majority of cholesterol in your body was made in your liver. Cholesterol production increases when the body is under stress: emotional stress can cause elevated cholesterol because the stress hormone cortisol is made out of cholesterol. Physical stress on the body can also elevate cholesterol. Because cholesterol helps to repair and heal your body, you will produce more if there is a great deal of inflammation occurring in your body. So all those factors above that raise inflammation, can raise your cholesterol too.
Therefore the cure for elevated cholesterol can be quite simple –lower the inflammation and you’ll also lower the cholesterol.
Manuscript Submission Deadline 29 April 2025. This Research Topic is still accepting articles.
Cholesterol metabolism and immune response are closely linked. Cholesterol is critical for the synthesis of lipid rafts, which activate receptors involved in antigen recognition, influences the production of NET and modulates the activation and polarization of macrophages. Oxysterols in turn regulate macrophage activation, migration, and cytokine production. While the immune response modulates the expression of genes involved in the synthesis, absorption and efflux of cholesterol. Cholesterol accumulation in immune cells promotes proinflammatory immune responses creating a vicious cycle that sustains immune inflammation. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) are typically reduced during inflammation, when reverse cholesterol transport is impaired, thus promoting hyperactivation of TLR2 and TLR4 by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and other microbial products, resulting in inhibition of stress-induced activating transcription (ATF) 3 and enhanced production of cytokines by macrophages. Further endangering an already delicate balance, HDL proinflammatory subfractions with lower content of apoA-1, antioxidant enzymes, and L-CAT, are produced, and further fuel inflammation.
Alterations in the biochemical network between cholesterol, inflammation and immunity are emerging as a pathogenetic mechanism of numerous human disorders, among which atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and their complications, metabolic diseases and diabetes, infectious diseases and sepsis, autoimmune and auto-multiinflammatory disorders, acquired and congenital hypo-immune diseases, and cancer….
So the Cabal’s bio-weapon, SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely to raise cholesterol levels given the body’s response to the spike protein is inflammation and in many cases chronic inflammation known as Long Covid.
….other papers showed that the spike protein by itself (without being part of the corona virus) can damage endothelial cells and disrupt the blood-brain barrier. These findings may be even more relevant to the pathogenesis of long-COVID syndrome that may affect as many as 50% of those infected with SARS-CoV-2. In COVID-19, a response to oxidative stress is required by increasing anti-oxidant enzymes. In this regard, it is known that polyphenols are natural anti-oxidants with multiple health effects. Hence, there are even more reasons to intervene with the use of anti-oxidant compounds, such as luteolin, in addition to available vaccines and anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the harmful actions of the spike protein.
Luteolin, 3′,4′,5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone, is a common flavonoid that exists in many types of plants including fruits, vegetables, and medicinal herbs. Plants rich in luteolin have been used in Chinese traditional medicine for treating various diseases such as hypertension, inflammatory disorders, and cancer. Having multiple biological effects such as anti-inflammation, anti-allergy and anticancer, luteolin functions as either an antioxidant or a pro-oxidant biochemically…. Vegetables and fruits such as celery, parsley, broccoli, onion leaves, carrots, peppers, cabbages, apple skins, and chrysanthemum flowers are luteolin rich….
Next I want to get into the vilification of cholesterol and it’s history. The following is a great article and well worth reading. This is just a sample.
The mean would be 224 so my LDL is actually on the very low end of the scale! And even if the chart is actually looking at the combined amount of LDL + HDL, then my 114+98 = 212 is still lower than average. From the article:
This same range of cholesterol levels has been seen in people who do have heart disease and peoplewho do nothave heart disease, as documented by Professor Brisson using data from the Framingham Study – which is one of the largest studies ever done in it.
Since the Framingham Study, other studies have also confirmed that people WITH heart disease have the same cholesterol levels as people WITHOUT heart disease.
For example, in the UK, the typical person who has a heart attack tends to have the same cholesterol level that is seen for healthy middle-aged and older people in the general population. Something that is not unique to the UK.
A study published in the Lancet, included 5,754 patients from Australia and New Zealand who had already had a heart attack. The average cholesterol level of this group of people was around 220 mg/dl (5.7 mmol/l). Data from the WHO Global Infobase shows that around the same time, the average cholesterol level for the general population was also 220 mg/dl (5.7 mmol/l).
So people who suffered a heart attack had the same average cholesterol level as the general healthy population.
This is a direct and explicit consequence of the shift to eating garbage.
Processed food is INHUMANE. It’s the fastest way to kill off our population, which it looks like these people are trying to do.
The Real Research Has Been Buried
One of the most comprehensive studies on heart disease was COMPLETELY buried.
Data from the Minnesota Coronary Experiment was unearthed in 2017 after 40 years of sitting dormant.
Ancel Keys, the progenitor of the diet-heart hypothesis, was the lead on the study. It was one of the most comprehensive to date: randomized, controlled and 9,400 participants.
Subjects were in mental health institutions or nursing homes, which helped to ensure the dietary guidelines were followed to a tee for 56 months.
The control group continued to eat a diet high in saturated fats and animal fats. The intervention group ate a serum cholesterol lowering diet that replaced saturated fat with vegetable oils (from corn oil and corn oil polyunsaturated margarine).
The intervention group had a 14% reduction in cholesterol
But this didn’t reduce death rate. There was a 22% HIGHER risk of death for each 30 mg/dL reduction in cholesterol….
A Sharyl Attkisson clip of 9 minutes, giving some history. In 2004, recommended cholesterol levels were lowered based on a study by doctors connected to the drug manufacturers. When this conflict of interest was pointed out the FDA ignored it. And then the recommended levels were lowered even further in 2013. Half of the ‘advisors’ recommending the levels were compensated by the Drug manufacturers. And then there is the American Heart Association who develops the standards and its relationship to the drug manufacturers.
What is worse, is not only are statins a money waster, they are also very bad for you.
Since their introduction in the 1980s, statin drugs have been almost universally hailed as “wonder drugs” by medical authorities around the world. The global market for statins was $16 billion in 2016, and approximately 40 million Americans (that’s one in every five adults!) takes a statin….
As you know, we have seen statin cholesterol drugs do really bad things to stem cells in culture. On the other end of that spectrum, we’ve also seen high triglycerides due to metabolic syndrome hurt stem cells. One of our patients who was instructed to get off statin drugs before her stem cell procedure recently sent this article by MIT professor Dr. Stefanie Seneff, which is so well done and does such a great job of explaining why statins are bad for you, I had to share. It is also so scientifically dense; I thought a quick summary would be helpful for my readers. Here goes:
Statins decrease cholesterol by blocking an important enzyme pathway, yet cholesterol is needed for the normal health functioning of all cells. In particular, cholesterol is a key component of all healthy cell membranes.
Cholesterol is also needed to make vitamin D3, sex hormones, and steroid hormones.
The brain is only 2% of the body’s total weight, but houses 25% of the body’s cholesterol.
LDL cholesterol is what we have been trained to believe is “bad” cholesterol, when in fact it’s an important transport container for many key items.
The outer shell of the LDL transport container is vulnerable to attack by high blood sugars, so in patients with poor blood sugar control (metabolic syndrome) these important transport containers for key nutrients get gummed up by these extra sugars in the blood.
These “gummed up” LDL containers get attacked by cells of the body in the walls of blood vessels which lead to “plaques” that clog arteries.
Artificially lowering cholesterol by statin drugs causes the LDL transport containers to have too little protection. The function of these containers would normally be to transport excess blood sugars from the liver as fat and get rid of this throughout the body. However, these cholesterol deficient containers can’t perform this important function, magnifying the bad effects of excess sugar consumption. This is what makes high fructose corn syrup so dangerous, as fructose as a sugar is ten times more efficient in gumming up the LDL transport system.
This damaged sugar to fat transport system due to a lowered cholesterol level also results in too much fructose in the blood stream (which would normally be converted to fat in the liver and transported by the LDL transport system). This excess blood sugar causes damage to the proteins in the blood.
Co-enzyme Q10 synthesis is hampered by the blockage of the cholesterol enzyme pathway and this is needed to run cells and muscles. This can result in problems in the batteries of the cells and muscles (mitochondria).
Since the muscles can’t use CoQ10, they decide instead to use all of that extra fructose in the blood serum, which is now in plentiful (and damaging) supply because statins block it’s conversion into fat by the liver and it’s transport out of the liver by the LDL containers. When they do this, it’s without oxygen, so it’s anaerobic and lactic acid builds up, causing painful muscles.
The muscles do process the fructose, but they do so in a really inefficient way, requiring 19 times more energy to get the same muscle output-causing a sense of fatigue.
This alternative fuel system for the muscles leads to damaged muscle cells. After several years of lactic acid build-up due to statin use (the equivalent of being forced to run a constant marathon), the muscles “give out”. This author believes that this leads to a higher rate of severe muscle disorders like rhambdomyolysis as well as kidney failure (due to the renal system processing all of these muscle break down products). The author also believes that these muscle breakdown products can lead to nerve damage. She believes that this nerve damage can lead to a higher incidence of severe diseases such as ALS. My comments: These claims will take intensive study to see if they hold up.
The lack of cholesterol in the system eventually results in the heart and other tissues becoming dependent on an alternate fuel supply-sugar. There is also impaired uptake of glucose by the cells, which leads to the higher prevalence of diabetes that shows up in statin studies.
Cholesterol is critical for normal brain function. As mentioned already, the brain contains a lot of cholesterol as it makes up the important covering of the nerves (myelin sheath). Think of this as like the plastic covering of a wire, which insulates the wire and allows it to conduct electricity. This would explain the common reports of memory loss in patients taking statin drugs. A recent study that involved careful manual labeling of statin side effects from large studies showed a higher degree of neurological disorders in patients taking statins. These include neuropathy, parasthesia and neuralgia, and debilitating neurological diseases, ALS and Parkinson’s disease.
Longer life in one study that followed patients for 17 years was associated with higher cholesterol levels and full function of the enzymes that statin drugs inhibit. The author concludes that statins are a great way to fast track aging.
This author belives that eating foods rich in cholesterol and sulfur (like eggs) and sun exposure are ways to increase your cholesterol sulfate levels which can help clear arteries, not block them.
The upshot? Dr. Seneff believes that these statin side effects will eventually cause the recall of the drug class. Is she right? All I can say is that much of the science she explains makes sense and that we’ve seen what statin drugs can do to cells in culture and it isn’t pretty!
From: Cuppa Covfefe(@guest_1428881) March 7, 2025 21:01
Statins can cause issues with the mitochondrial respiratory chain… lots of conflicts, interactions, and contra-indications when mito issues exist or are suspected…
We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden. Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting "placeholders" like this one, which may or may not…
We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden. Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting "placeholders" like this one, which may or may not…
Welcome! The door is open, come on inside. This special Cozy Q Tree Tuesday open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on…
Thank you, Gail, for this wealth of information. I think statins are ubiquitous and that a recall would be a very big deal. But we’re seeing a lot of very big deals lately , so one can hope.
Given one source said that statins are prescribed to one in 5 adults in the USA, I figured I would help people save time and have some good research easily available.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was ordered to pay $54,000 in attorneys’ fees for ‘intentionally’ violating open records laws in her bogus RICO case against Trump.
Fulton County Superior Court Judge Rachel Krause ordered Fani Willis to pay legal fees for failing to provide requested records to the plaintiff’s lawyer, Ashleigh Merchant.
The judge said Fani Willis failed to provide records related to Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor hired to hunt down Trump.
Fani Willis had an illicit affair with Nathan Wade, the top prosecutor she hired to hunt down Trump in her RICO and conspiracy case against the former president.
Nathan Wade was paid more than $600,000 as special prosecutor while he was wining and dining Fani Willis and paying for lavish vacations for them.
“Defendants — through the Open Records custodian, Dexter Bond — were openly hostile to counsel for Plaintiff, Ms. Merchant, and testified that Ms. Merchant’s requests were handled differently than other requests,” the court order said, according to Fox News…
In January, a Georgia judge ordered Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to pay conservative watchdog group nearly $22,000 in attorneys fees.
The Fulton County Superior Court previously found Fani Willis in default for refusing to hand over documents in an open records lawsuit.
Fani Willis refused to answer a public records lawsuit seeking records of her communications with Special Counsel Jack Smith.
BREAKING: VA Secretary Doug Collins just announced that the VA is ending taxpayer funded s*x change medical treatments and will stop issuing letters of approval for s*x change surgery.
All savings from this change will go towards helping paralyzed Veterans and amputees.
BREAKING: VA Secretary Doug Collins just announced that the VA is ending taxpayer funded s*x change medical treatments and will stop issuing letters of approval for s*x change surgery.
All savings from this change will go towards helping paralyzed Veterans and amputees. pic.twitter.com/ovo2dfgmea
Great article, Gail! Statins are another class of drug that should never have been released.
Just want to mention that curcumin is also great for treating inflammation. I take it daily for a different reason – my hemachromatosis. It really keeps my ferritin from climbing up so fast.
The dumbing down trend is across the board – I retired from the EPA regulated drinking water treatment field and witnesses the laxing of regulations and testing to accommodate new hires who were unable to pass testing & facility designations were downgraded to allow lesser trained operators to run them… how does your water taste?
This is a good reason to find a way to get a Berkey.
I think their filters are based on a military grade filtration technology. Works so good that the FDA went after them right around time the plandemic got rolling.
Berkey stopped selling while they took gov to court over their insane demands. During that time I found a “factory blemished” unit and was able to get it even though no new ones were being sold.
BTW in CA all but the smallest unit (Travel) are considered a “system” and the regulatory burden was not appealing to the company so you can’t buy a full sized Berkey from CA.
BREAKING: Donald Trump’s lawyer, Mike Davis, suggests that Hunter Biden may have signed his own pardon.
I know it’s not funny, and the condition of our country was grim, but this made me LOL because the absurdity of it would be so typical of the JB fraudministration.
However, if Hunter did this, it’s no laughing matter and he should be prosecuted.
Is this the actual document, or is it a very good replica? It’s cool if either is there, but I suspect that the actual one requires preservation conditions not available in the Oval Office.
The condition of the parchment Declaration of Independence is a sign of the place it has held in the hearts of many Americans. Years of public display have faded and worn this treasured document. Today it is maintained under the most exacting archival conditions possible.
When we removed the Declaration of Independence from the Rotunda in 2001 to prepare it for a new case, we were able to look at the reverse side. No treasure map was found, but there were two lines of text, “Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th. July 1776” written along the bottom edge. This docket (identifying label) could be read when the document was rolled up for storage.
Since 1952 the original parchment document of the Declaration of Independence has resided in the National Archives exhibition hall in Washington, D.C., along with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The signed Declaration of Independence, now badly faded because of poor preservation practices during the 19th century, is on display at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
President Trump is displaying a copy of the Declaration of Independence in the Oval Office after requesting it from the National Archives, according to a photograph he shared on Monday.
“The Nationals Archives delivered the Declaration of Independence to the White House at the President’s request. It is displayed in the Oval Office where it will be carefully protected and preserved,” press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement to The Hill.
The president shared on the social platform X a photograph of him pulling back a curtain in the Oval Office to reveal the document framed on the wall.
The White House did not provide more information, including information about the copy and the loan from the museum. The National Archives didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
The signed Declaration of Independence hangs at the National Archives on Constitutional Avenue in Washington, D.C., which has been the document’s home since 1952. The original version is faded, while the copy displayed in the Oval Office appeared clear and legible, The Associated Press reported.
Trump reportedly had asked advisers about moving the Declaration of Independence into the Oval Office, seeking a historic copy of the document, The Atlantic reported earlier this month. Artwork and artifacts are traditionally loaned to the White House from Smithsonian Museums, like the National Gallery of Art, and change with new presidents and first ladies.
I’m so glad he wanted the Declaration in the Oval Office, and not just because it has my name in it. (“We hold these truths to be self-evident…”)
The Declaration was first published as a broadside printed by John Dunlap of Philadelphia. One broadside was pasted into Congress’s journal, making it what Boyd called the “second official version” of the Declaration.[15] Dunlap’s broadsides were distributed throughout the thirteen states. Upon receiving these broadsides, many states issued their own broadside editions.
I still don’t know whether the version in the Oval Office is any of these.
So if this is THE issue now… why aren’t either of the Sals in charge? World-class experts, still sidelined? Still doing this as a national service for FREE as part time gigs to their real jobs. Infuriating.
Can we at least give them a few hundred K grant so they can focus on these issues full time? Is that too much to ask?
Grok recommends injecting the entire eligible global population (ages 6 months +) with dangerous mRNA injections. Don’t trust Grok for public health advice.
SpaceX Crew 9 undocks at 1:05. Splashdown in the Gulf of America is 5:57 tomorrow afternoon. Coveragw via The Launch Pad is here:
Sorry. Splashdown is 5:57 THIS afternoon… Tuesday
Blame it on daylight savings time.
The daily Doge:
And also regular Rapid Response 47:
Both addictive in a good way.
Appreciate you posting these.
Thank you, Gail, for this wealth of information. I think statins are ubiquitous and that a recall would be a very big deal. But we’re seeing a lot of very big deals lately
, so one can hope.
Yes, thank you, Gail. It’s good to have this info in our memory banks ~ and also PAVACA’s ~ to retrieve as needed.
Given one source said that statins are prescribed to one in 5 adults in the USA, I figured I would help people save time and have some good research easily available.
JUST IN: Fani Willis Ordered to Pay Big Money For ‘Intentionally’ Violating Open Records Laws in Bogus RICO Case Against Trump
She will appeal the ruling, and I hope she loses.
PDJT continues to tell the truth about the media, which IMO is helping to take them down.
Another put-down:
Emily Post would be horrified, but oh, well.
Emily Litella would be horrified too

Tom Homan on
and very inspiring! Worth the listen even if it doesn’t show here.
Libs of TikTok:
Great article, Gail! Statins are another class of drug that should never have been released.
Just want to mention that curcumin is also great for treating inflammation. I take it daily for a different reason – my hemachromatosis. It really keeps my ferritin from climbing up so fast.
I started taking Curcumin again. I use it in my food all the time too.
Yesterday there was mention of the questionable capabilities of those testing our drinking water!!!
This is a good reason to find a way to get a Berkey.
I think their filters are based on a military grade filtration technology. Works so good that the FDA went after them right around time the plandemic got rolling.
Berkey stopped selling while they took gov to court over their insane demands. During that time I found a “factory blemished” unit and was able to get it even though no new ones were being sold.
See here:
BTW in CA all but the smallest unit (Travel) are considered a “system” and the regulatory burden was not appealing to the company so you can’t buy a full sized Berkey from CA.
Looks like they are no longer selling any units to Californians.
Anna Paulina Luna:
The General:
I know it’s not funny, and the condition of our country was grim, but this made me LOL because the absurdity of it would be so typical of the JB fraudministration.
However, if Hunter did this, it’s no laughing matter and he should be prosecuted.
If he signed his own pardon, then he likely signed lots of them, at $100k (or more) apiece.
now THAT makes more sense…
The Declaration of Independence is now in the Oval Office.
Is this the actual document, or is it a very good replica? It’s cool if either is there, but I suspect that the actual one requires preservation conditions not available in the Oval Office.
It is arguable that there is no single “actual document” —
Well, that clarifies things!
Here is what the National Archives site says:
I had the same thoughts. Here is one article:
I’m so glad he wanted the Declaration in the Oval Office, and not just because it has my name in it.
(“We hold these truths to be self-evident…”)
A number of broadsides were made.
I still don’t know whether the version in the Oval Office is any of these.
So we do know that it’s a “copy” ~ what generation, who knows? Anyway, it’s good to have it there.
Maybe we’ll find out over time.
The Dunlap is printed, not hand written. This one looked hand written.
(I have a replica Dunlap hung in my hallway.)
How to improve my upcoming Saturday post…
I know….
Great news for Wyoming (clean coal). Not so much for Appalachia (dirty coal with lots of sulfur in it).
Guy is shopping for a hammer.
The joys of calendar reform —
John Ʌ Konrad V
Mar 16
Wow. A full military YouTube channel just dropped a video on what I’ve been shouting about for 7 years. Incredible.
But I was late. @mercoglianos, @cdrsalamander & @lawofsea called this a decade ago. Dr. Sal spent years convincing me.
So if this is THE issue now… why aren’t either of the Sals in charge? World-class experts, still sidelined? Still doing this as a national service for FREE as part time gigs to their real jobs. Infuriating.
Can we at least give them a few hundred K grant so they can focus on these issues full time? Is that too much to ask?
Mar 16, 2025 · 1:31 AM UTC
[video link]
never been a Cruise fan.
Elon Musk killed my senator’s money laundering operation.

This time I saw it. Gold over $3K at 3018.30. Looks like it closed at just over 3000; this is overnight (foreign) trading.