The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I hope you take the time to read this because it may very well have a great impact on events in the near future.

I wrote most of this over the weekend so I have no idea if these theories are true. Also we do not know how true the JFK files actually are either. I will be looking at the video I link to further down.

I am going to cut this hour-and-a-half video in half. I am again going to do a rough transcription and I will not put it in quotes. My comments and other information that I add should be obvious.

In the middle was this section on JFK and Cuba.



50:30 – Colonel Towner: When the opium came out of the far east it transited Sicily for the lab preparation after the CIA got rid of the Corsica mafia… talks of Godfather movie… Propaganda two [P2] is the masonic lodge that was set up by the Black Prince of Italy. Almost a thousand–mafia, Vatican, or Italian officials–were members, including the president, chief of intel. Top guy set up that Sicily was going to be the lab for refining, the refined heroin would be transported to Cuba, and Cuba was going to stage it into Miami, New York, LA… they used plastic oranges for transport…. Military also was used for shipping and that is why you have wars. The Vietnam war, the Afghan war. The Flying Tigers in Burma, had to do with opium harvested in China.


Colonel: Operation Northwood was created, & drafted by CIA, Allen Dulles and General Lyman Lemnitzer chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was an Operation Gladio Event. In it they purposed, to McNamara [secretary of defense] and JFK, — they wanted Cuba back so bad – that Operation Northwood featured all of the major US cities having terror attacks by Stay-behind trained people. The people would be dressed as Cuban Nationalists. They would basically say we had been invaded by Cuba, communism was taking over however the entire time it would be people dressed as Cubans. They were going to kill tens of thousands of Americans to instill fear, so they could do a ground invasion of Cuba.

JFK says absolutely not, we are not doing this. Allen Dulles, just before this had been fired. Lyman Lemnitzer, in what should have been a demotion and a resignation, JFK thought, was reassigned to NATO.

SIDE NOTE FROM WIKI: “He [Lyman Lemnitzer ]was appointed as commander of U.S. European Command and as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe, which was a positional demotion.”

Colonel: JFK had never been told about Operation Gladio. He had never been told that a sub unit of NATO called ACC [Allied Clandestine Committee – GC], was the planning cell for all Operation Gladio events. Unknowingly JFK put Lemnitzer in charge of Operation Gladio. Why that is important is because…


Charles de Gaulle kicked out NATO after they tried to kill him!

After 31 US-NATO assassination attempts on his life, President De Gaulle kicked NATO out of France

March 10, 1966: After 31 assassination attempts against his life, Charles De Gaulle ordered France’s withdrawal from NATO’s military integrated command. This decision was formally reversed almost half a century later under Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency. De Gaulle adopted a foreign policy independent of the Anglo-american axis.

His March 10 1966, not only pertained France’s decision to withdraw from NATO’s integrated military command, but also to remove NATO’s headquarters from French territory, thereby leading the establishment of the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels…

A Damned Murder Inc: Kennedy’s Battle Against the Leviathan

…After returning from Kennedy’s Nov. 24th funeral in Washington, de Gaulle and his information minister Alain Peyrefitte had a candid discussion that was recorded in Peyrefitte’s memoire “C’était de Gaulle,” the great General was quoted saying:

“”What happened to Kennedy is what nearly happened to me… His story is the same as mine. … It looks like a cowboy story, but it’s only an OAS [Secret Army Organization] story. The security forces were in cahoots with the extremists.

Security forces are all the same when they do this kind of dirty work. As soon as they succeed in wiping out the false assassin, they declare the justice system no longer need be concerned, that no further public action was needed now that the guilty perpetrator was dead. Better to assassinate an innocent man than to let a civil war break out. Better an injustice than disorder.

America is in danger of upheavals. But you’ll seeAll of them together will observe the law of silence. They will close ranks. They’ll do everything to stifle any scandal. They will throw Noah’s cloak over these shameful deeds. In order to not lose face in front of the whole world. In order to not risk unleashing riots in the United States. In order to preserve the union and to avoid a new civil war. In order to not ask themselves questions. They don’t want to know. They don’t want to find out. They won’t allow themselves to find out.

It remains to be seen if JFK’s assassination was an Operation Gladio and how much LBJ was involved.

The other aspect of this I wish to point out is this:

Operation Northwood featured all of the major US cities having terror attacks by Stay-behind trained people. The people would be dressed as Cuban Nationalists. They would basically say we had been invaded by Cuba, communism was taking over however the entire time it would be people dressed as Cubans. They were going to kill tens of thousands of Americans to instill fear, so they could do a ground invasion of Cuba….
Colonel Towner

Even WIKI mentions:

…As chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lemnitzer was responsible for drafting Operation Northwoods, a proposed plan to create support for military action against Cuba, by orchestrating false flag terrorism acts in the United States…

Now consider these facts:

1. POTUS Trump had read the JFK files during his first term.

2. When he lost the election he wrote a schiff load of EOs and other secret documents.

3. He appointed new military leaders.

4. There was a new branch of the armed forces organized under Trump 45. This people were hand picked.

Jon Herold was yapping about ‘Devolution’ in 2021 and beyond. I brought it to the Qtree because it does exist. Devolution is fallback plan not a legal coup d‘état however the flurry of activity AFTER the election was certainly note worthy.

The Continuity of Government Devolution Plan, often referred to simply as COG, is a highly classified protocol designed to ensure the continuity of essential government functions in the event of a catastrophic event or crisis. This plan was originally created during the Cold War to protect the United States from the threat of nuclear war. LINK

However, what if Trump’s flurry of activity post the 2020 election was not about the stolen election but was aimed at preventing an ‘Operation Northwood’ false flag aimed at ‘Deplorables’ instead of Cubans? I mention this possibility because I am surprised something of this nature was NOT deployed given all the falsehood surrounding Jan 6th ..

A second observation. I do think Q is legit. However Colonel Towner’s comment on another video, that Fort Bragg is where Gladio Operatives are trained to be assassins, gives me pause since Fort Bragg is also home to several psychological operations units, including the 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) and the 8th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne). 

An added tidbit to keep in mind as you read this transcript.

Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies

Newly declassified British Foreign Office files have added disturbing details to the history of Operation Gladio. The covert operation was uncovered in 1990, when the public learned that the CIA, MI6 and NATO trained and directed an underground army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe, deploying its assets to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks.

Among them was a young Silvio Berlusconi, the media oligarch who served as Italian Prime Minister in four separate governments between 1994 and 2011. Listed as a member of the P2, the secret Cold War-era cabal of political elites devoted to Gladio’s aims, Berlusconi undoubtedly took some weighty secrets to the grave when he died this June 12th [2023].

It is almost impossible to believe that inconvenient truths were not weeded from Britain’s documentary record on Operation Gladio prior to declassification. Nonetheless, the recently released material is highly illuminating. Covering a fraught twelve month period after the first public disclosure of Gladio’s existence, the papers illustrate how London’s foreign intelligence apparatus kept a keen eye on the continent as events unfolded.

The papers not only shed fresh light on the conspiracy, they underline Gladio’s relevance as British intelligence joins its America counterparts in contemporary plots involving secret partisan forces from Syria to Ukraine….


0:26 – Introductions of the Colonel & Brady. The Colonel has several degrees including a Masters Degree in Strategic Studies (Political & Military history of last 100 yrs) Brady spent 20 years in banking and finance on Wall Street.

2:30 – They came to similar conclusions from different directions.

3:00 – Colonel: I came across Operation Gladio in the book The Third Way. It is written about the erroneous assumption that there is a far left and a far right. There is not. There is a perception that Communism is on the left and Fascism is on the right. They are both very leftist ideologies. You need them to psychologically funnel people in a particular direction, you need to have something on the left and on the right to funnel people into what I call the cattle car. The narrative got built around the early WWI, WWII that Fascism was going to be DESIGNED as a Right Issue so that as the author points out, you can come at people from the left and from the right and herd them in the direction you want. I found that concept fascinating.

4:25 –5:15 Brady: I agree 100%, I should mention I am an amateur constitutional scholar, and I help Douglas B Gibbs, teach a constitution class both on line and it used to be in person. One of the things we describe is the far left is 100% authoritarianism. And the far right is 100% anarchy but that is also 100% individual liberty. So what the Founding Fathers goal was is to be as far right as you could be, with the most individual liberty and still maintain order. What you are talking about is the artificial calling of Communism left and Fascism right, that is just the divide and conquer strategy. It does not matter what is right or what is left, what is white what is black, they want to distract us so we never look up and see who is pulling the puppet strings.

5;20 – 8:10 Colonel: One of the things I noticed right away, in Trump’s narrative, he never allows people to create the false narrative, and then answer it. He calls them immediately on them phrasing a question with it being fiction and then expecting him to answer. It is like the wife beating trap.

Anyone who has a conversation about the ‘Far Right’ I ignore because they have completely destroyed their credibility by the use of that term. I just will not accept that hypothesis. I wish more of us in a dialog would do that. It is based on knowledge. I have spent literally hundreds of hours reading and beginning a podcast helping people who still work and have a day job, to have the information to be able to refute this in a concise manner.

When I got to the end of The Third Way, I feel like I am fairly competent in military operations, and things that have gone on in the past. He talked about a concept called Operation Gladio. Because that was new. I had no idea what that was, I am instantly intrigued. It is also referred to as Stay-Behind Units and as the Strategy of Tension. All three of those things are synonymous with each other.

I started looking and reading articles just on the internet. I found a couple of authors who were detailing in like volumes of books about the extensiveness of Operation Gladio. I was flabbergasted that in all of the research, all of the historical documents I have read, I had never come across that.

So I immediately get on the phone to my network. I have retired National War College friends, I have retired general friends, as a matter of fact I was just talking recently to a 3 star general. He has never heard of it! And he was in charge, commanded the Air War College and the Air Command and Staff College!!! And he never heard of it!!!

That just blew me away! And that made me more interested in exposing it, because it is HUGE.

8:10 – 8:30 Brady: Just to be crystal clear this is NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY! This is documented in CIA , government documents and Congressional testimony. THIS IS REAL. Everything we are talking about is NOT a theory. It is not somebody trying to put pieces together. There are actual sourced documents behind all this stuff.

8:30 -11:30 Colonel: Correct. Newspaper clippings, The best investigation into it was in Italy and we will get into that. But also to set the stage and capture what you were saying Brady about your Wall Street experience, which is why I think this team is going to be so awesome, in discussing this particular topic . Because also this was in context for me about having just recently learned thru Anthony Sutton’s Trilogy about Wall Street and the Bolsheviks, Wall Street & FDR, and Wall Street and Nazism – Hitler. That the funding of ALL of those, the funding of FDRs campaign, the funding of the Bolsheviks that went into Russia and turned it Soviet quote unquote Communism. The effort to fund Hitler both when he was still in jail but after he became the Chancellor of Germany as well. ALL came primarily from one location near Wall Street and the address was 120 Broadway NYC…. Anthony Sutton is on Youtube with all proven fact with cables, State Department cables. He goes into a lot of detail on exactly how that happened.

It is interesting to note for the purpose of today, that Lenin was put up in London UK and Trotsky was put up in NYC. [ Note that for years I was not allowed to use the word Trotsky at Jo Nova’s, ChiefIo’s or Tony Heller’s sites. I was told by Jo and E.M. Smith the comments went straight to trash and NOT TO MODERATION. – GC 🤔] They were housed there with no apparent income yet Trotsky in the early 19 teens had a refrigerator, and all the luxuries that most Americans did not have access to. They both traveled from their protective custody to Russia to create communism AFTER the revolution in Russia. That ties directly into where we are going to get to the operational control of Operation Gladio. It comes both from the USA, Germany, because Lenin went thru Germany to get to Russia and from downtown London.

11:30 – 12:50 Brady: You cannot tell this story without talking about London PERIOD. That may just be the epicenter of all these schemes and plots.

It is funny you mentioned Anthony Sutton. I started my research with the history of Banking and Finance and how it got, shall we say, as creative as it has. It’s the wrong term. You go deep enough into the formation of money. The very first presentation I ever did, I called the dystopian history of money and banking and I went all the way back to Roman times. The first creation of making private coin in the 1600s. If you go down that path, you can’t not run into Anthony Sutton at some point in time. I ran into him pretty early on. G. Edward Griffin among others. Dr John Coleman did some really good work in this area. He was dismissed as a quack for a number of years, but his theories are becoming more and more true over the last decade or so. It’s funny, so let’s not dismiss these people out of hand. Some of these people did do real research.

The work that Sutton did is amazing and the same with Griffin because they actually dug thru boxes and microfiche and real articles and actual cables and communications.

12:50 – Colonel: Exactly

Brady: Source documents as we like to call it….

You mentioned Trotsky coming from NY but you also mentioned the Russian Revolution. I would state that a little differently. It was not so much a Russian Revolution as it was a Russian Invasion.

Colonel: Correct.

Brady: And it was financed by British & NY banking interests. We do not have to talk about the long feud between British and Russian, but it definitely plays a part.

13:30 Colonel: But for another show, that will include all the royalty that got deposed to include France, Austrian. We lost thousand-year reigns of monarchies, I am not saying it was good or bad, but I am saying it was intentional.

13:45 Brady: Yeah, and they may be all related. Much of them are descended from the Venetian Royalty who infiltrated thru marriage throughout Europe. And that’s a whole show unto itself.

14:00 Colonel: Probably a whole series of shows.

14:05 Brady: So where are we? 1917 or what.

Colonel: If you back up a little bit. It is important to note the Boer wars that happened in Africa. Because you set the stage for the colonization that had been going on both pre-world wars and post world wars. However the Boer wars are the first time we get introduced to Winston Churchill. So for the people who do not know, there were 2 Boer wars. And in the first one, the English got their butt kicked by the totally ill-equipped Boers who were basically farmers. And the way they got their butt kicked was, the Boers knew where the British were going to attack them because they had infiltrators. And a young British reporter, named Winston Churchill, was covering this. And as the British forces went in to attack the different settlements of these farmers, the farmers, had what we will call, stay-behind units. They had hid both munitions and people so as the British went by they ambushed them from behind. That struck Winston Churchill as genius. So he wrote about it…. They used that knowledge when they came back and attacked the second time after they found gold there. It was all about resources. They wanted the gold and they wanted the diamonds in South Africa. And that is the reason why South Africa became a British Colony. They wanted to steal all the resources.


I want to interject what my South African friend told me this past Sunday. First if I understood her correctly the South African area was NOT occupied by Blacks at the time. The Dutch (Boers) colonized it. Second she told me that DURING THE 2ND Boer WAR, the British took Women and children prisoners AND FED THEM FOOD LACED WITH GLASS SO THEY DIED LINGERING HORRIBLE PAINFUL DEATHS!! The colonel also mentioned that the Brits took women and children prisoner and slaughtered them. — GC


Colonel: This leads us to the Fabian Society, the London School of Economics, the Balfour Agreement and all of those.

This sets the stage for what is the next phase of Operation Gladio, and that is their view of the African Continent as a slave colony. It was never going to be allowed to have sovereign states. It was never going to be allowed to have its own monetary system. It was ALWAYS, and many of them still think that today. It was ALWAYS TO BE A SLAVE COLONY of the Europeans.

17:10 Brady: I want to introduce a story from one of the more influential Brits by the name of Cecil Rhodes. He is the one who founded the Rhodes Foundation right before his death. Early 1910s and it is still influential today. His is a fascinating story. He came from a relatively well-off family. Wanted to go to Oxford but did not get in. His family sent him to S. Africa to get some worldly experience. Two years after he got there they discovered diamonds in S. Africa and that really started the diamond rush there. By the age of 24 he had accumulated quite a bit of wealth and started buying up other people’s claims. He was a pretty good businessman to the point they named two countries after him. Not just Rhodesia, but I forgot the other one. He was at the heart of the Boer wars. He was pushing British interest against Dutch interests and instigated the whole thing… he goes back to London and goes to Oxford and does some interesting writing…. A couple of quotes from him.

He wanted society to insure the spread of British rule to the entire continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Canada, the whole of South America, the islands of the South Pacific, the whole of the Malaysian archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, And in GOLD CAPS, THE ULTIMATE RECOVERY OF THE UNITED STATES, AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE.

That is in his own writing.

18:50 Colonel: I have the same quote and was going to read it. That is hilarious.

19:00 Brady: More from him:

I contend we are the finest race in the world and the more of the world that we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts of the world that are inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings.

We could go on but he was pretty prolific…. He was a Free Mason but he thought the Free Masons were not using their influence effectively enough. He said:

Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and bring the whole uncivilized world under British rule.

And so if you go back and look at these Rhodes Scholars this is what they were taught at Oxford. You have some pretty influential Rhodes Scholars today, Rachel Maddow, Bill Clinton, Strobe Talbott, Cory Booker, General Wesley Clark just to name a few. [Do not forget that judge Boasberg, who wanted the terrorist brought back to the USA from El Salvador. – GC]

The thinking of Rhodes and his ideology permeates today.

Colonel: Keep in mind General Wesley Clark when we get to Operation Gladio.

Brady: So that is the background on Rhodes. This is when those other institutes, like the Tavistock Institute were coming into play. Council of 300, RIA and CFR, the American version,… [I think RIA is the Royal Institute of International Affairs, now Chatham House. – GC]

20:25 Colonel: We have the creation of the Fabian Society, the London School of Economics, all coming under the Cecil Rhodes financing if you will. [Nathan Rothschild was the executor of the Rhodes will – GC] The Balfour Agreement, the people involved in the drafting of the Balfour Agreement. What is interesting about the quote that you just read, and them Capturing the Holy Land, I will make the argument as part of Operation Gladio, that is exactly what we are seeing today. It is what happen in the late 1940s when they set-up the country of Israel and how they went about doing it.

The same people that drafted the Balfour agreement, Milner and that group. They were all involved in the Fabian Society, the Round Table, the Chatham House, all those secret societies if you will. It is interesting that you mentioned the Masons because those of us who have looked into this, you realize that it goes back to the late 1700s when Adam Weishaupt wrote they were going to create a secret society within a secret society. Basically infiltrate the Masonic Orders, which at the time were just trade associations. They were literally masons, because that was the major trade throughout all of Europe and very Christian oriented. So they created within the Masonic Orders, this secret society that Adam Weishaupt talks about. It permeated throughout Europe and came over to the USA. So what you just read is literally the playbook. You realize that he outlines they are going to retake America, they are going to take over the Holy Land and I would argue they have been very successful in a very evil way.

22:30 — Brady: Successful in that if you look at the United Nations, the USA has one vote there and the members of the British Commonwealth have 55.

22:50 — Colonel: I want to outline the concept, especially for those of us in the military who will recognize this immediately. We [in the military] from a strategy standpoint, have segregated the world into what we consider combatant commands… and that is so we can formulate policies for like areas that have common economic systems, common resources issues, and normally have common concepts of government. The Rhodes Round table people… I want to introduce Oswald Mosely, he did a lot of writing as well. He is part of the Round Table, he is a Fascist by his own admission. He set up multiple Nazi/Socialist/Fascist organizations as political entities inside of England. He is famous for this concept I am going to introduce. They created, and it was also talked of in The Third Way book, they created Pan-America, Pan- Europe, Pan- British Empire, Pan-Asia. There was a total of 6 or 7. They were breaking up the world in the same way we do in the military, common currency, common customs and common trade.

24: 32 — Brady: They did that to such an extent that they had the North American currency which was to be named the Amero. We already have got the Euro. You can read about this in United Nations documents, WEF and many others.

25:00 — Colonel: What is important about this is how they view Russia. Russia was viewed as being everything west of the Urals as part of Europe. Everything east of the Urals part of Asia. Russia was not going to exist. That is why today there is so much focus on destroying Russia. Russia as it is today does not fit what they want it to be. They will continue to attack it until it does. That is something to keep in the back of your mind as we go forward on how this whole thing unfolds.

25:40 — Brady: When we get to the 21st century, circle back on that and we will talk about the  Primakov doctrine. Because the Russians understood this very well and their entire foreign policy is a game plan on how to resist that. A lot of it is about getting off the mono-polar currency system. Which they have successfully done. We will get back to that.

26:00 — Colonel: As we get into WWII, you have Churchill. Let me set the stage for Churchill too because we have already associated him with the Round Table. Churchill is very much a closet fascist. We could spend a whole hour on why that is and what the connections are. I am going to point out a couple of things. Churchill actually sets up, what they refer to as Stay-behind Units in case they were invaded by Germany. I would argue that is not at all why they were set-up because he KNEW they were not going to be invaded and the way he knew was there was a family known as Mitford. They had five girls. One was a stated communist. The rest were socialists or fascists. The parents were all part of the Oswald Mosley [ The fascist, he was a real sweetheart. 🙄 GC] clique. But I am going to talk of two of them. One of them is named Unity and one is named Diana. Diana becomes Oswald Mosley’s wife. Churchill’s wife is cousins with the Mitfords. They go to dinner all the time they are part of the same dinner clubs and they talk often. Unity becomes Hitler’s lover. Diana travels routinely to Germany throughout WWII. It is now believed that she was the go-between between Churchill and Hitler as far as intel goes. Dig away on that, because that is a fascinating story. [No wonder Queen Elizabeth was willing to stay in London! Besides I do not think Hitler would touch the City of London bankers. –CG]

28:10 — Brady: If I wanted to read more about that what book would you recommend?

Colonel: I do not know if I would recommend a particular book, but I’ll find a reference for you. I first read about the Mitford girls in The Third Way. That was my first introduction into that family.

I had at the time someone who did a lot of German research and it is on my Truth Social page called #International Syndicate. That is my term for the Cabal. Because we hit ALL religions, ALL politics, and as soon as you start talking about any aspect of that, such as the Jews or Israel you get Oh, that is fake…. So I avoid all those conversations by referring to this structure that orchestrates things like Operation Gladio as the International Syndicate. So I set up a page where I first started doing book reviews as #International Syndicate on Truth Social so you can find all the information there. Just search for Mitford and my post will come up.

29:50 — Brady: There is probably a pretty good reason why we do not have a universal term for this global corporate oligarchy that actually rules over all of us. They did not invent a word because they did not want us talking about it.

Colonel: It is like the first couple of posts I made, and all the squabbles that went back and forth, I am not going to do this. I am not going to argue with you about whether someone is a real religious advocate or not. It is the same thing as with the right and left…. So I came up with my own term, you cannot argue because I made it up.

So anyway we go on to Germany’s role in setting up Operation Gladio. We know where it originated from, the Boer Wars and Churchill. I cannot say that Churchill came up with the idea and transmitted it to Hitler, but I would not be at all surprised, because as I said there was a lot of informal communications. But as Germany took territory, Germany created Stay-behind Units. They did it in Czechoslovakia and they did it in Ukraine. I will add the ones in Ukraine are the Neo-nazis we are seeing today because Operation Gladio is still in existence today. All that territory, Poland had them, the ones in Poland were vicious, France had them, Italy had them. Stay-behind Units had weapons, they had explosives, they had money and they had comm equipment. The purpose we were told originally was if the German territory got taken over by the quote-unquote Communists, which you will remember are ALL THE SAME PEOPLE, they would be able to spring up and fight against the awful communists. I do not believe for a minute, and I can make the argument of why I do not believe that. My contention is that they were designed to stay behind for the refocusing of WWII to a much longer war. We think WWII ended, I make the argument that it never ended. They changed operational and tactical levels but their goal is still the same. World domination, New World Order.

32:50 — Brady: 100% agreed. I did a presentation called American Fascists, talking about the American financial interests that financed the Germans. How we had the Wall Street Law Firms created our intelligence agencies. That is where Allen Dulles comes into the picture. Wild Bill Donovan gave him a huge leash. Dulles was over there working in Bern Switzerland, he had also been in Switzerland 30 years previously at the Treaty of Versailles, him and his brother both, John Foster Dulles. Allen Dulles was the mastermind of the American Stay-behind program. I cannot remember the name of the operation….

33:35 — Colonel: Operation Gladio is the Stay-behind units and Allen Dulles is responsible for its transition to its current use.

33:40 — Brady: Yeah, he ex filtrated Nazis like Reinhard Gehlen

Colonel: Gehlen you are getting ahead of me. In Germany in 1942, Gehlen gets together with, at the time a colonel, but eventually becomes general Wolf, they create these stay-behind units put into all the countries. They were originally called Werewolf Units. Citizen by day, werewolf, killer by night. They stood them up all over in these forested areas that most people would not transit. This is interesting when you look at the Safari Club, the World Wildlife Fund, all focused on forested preservation areas that they put off limits to people. As we go forward, the war takes a bad turn for Germany and Gehlen reaches out to Allen Dulles. As you pointed out, Allen Dulles and his brother John Forester Dulles represented a lot of the German companies both in Germany and their branches in the USA leading up to WWII. Gehlen says [to Dulles] if you can guarantee me my freedom, I am going to turn over my Gladio Units to you… I will tell you where they are, I will help you set-up new ones in all the allied countries and we can work this operation together.


The Railroad Robber Baron was actually Edward H. Harriman

…Born in 1848, Harriman began his career as a stockbroker and later became the director of the Union Pacific Railroad, turning it into a highly efficient business.

Harriman’s aggressive business tactics and significant influence on the American railway system earned him a reputation as a ruthless “robber baron.” He died in 1909…

His son was W. Averell Harriman.

Averell Harriman, The Old Crocodile of Diplomacy

W. Averell Harriman was one of the more prominent public figures of the 20th Century, holding major positions in diplomacy, government, and business. Harriman served as Ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1943, and later Ambassador to the United Kingdom in 1946.  Less than a year into his position of Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Harriman was selected as the Secretary of Commerce by President Harry S. Truman. He was then put in charge of the Marshall Plan to rebuild infrastructure and support the economies of Europe after the destruction of World War II.

His political ambitions came to the fore when he was elected Governor of New York in 1954. He was a candidate for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 1952 and again in 1956 but lost out to Adlai Stevenson both times. Although unsuccessful, Harriman became a respected advisor in the Democratic Party and went on to hold numerous positions in the government. In the Kennedy Administration, Harriman served as the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs and in 1963, he became the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. In these positions, he was a key negotiator in the Vietnam peace talks….

The man was everywhere. From that article:

Moscow, Acting Director for the Office of War Information, 1943-45 dealing with Stalin.

Information Officer for the Marshall Plan in Paris, 1942 to 1952

Ambassador to Algeria, 1977 to 1981 [And a heck of a lot more places]

Ulric Haynes Jr.:

….in about 1960, ’61 when I was working for the Ford Foundation in Nigeria, John F. Kennedy asked Averell Harriman to make a tour of the emerging nations of Africa to give him advice on the formulation of American foreign policy in Africa. Harriman got in touch with me in Nigeria and asked me to accompany him on his mission to Africa because I was again, fluent in French and familiar with Africa….

[On] my trip with Harriman to the Congo with Lumumba, you will recall that the Americans, there has always been a suspicion — never proven, yet — that we were — our CIA was — involved with the demise of Patrice Lumumba (with Harriman, at left). And one of the reasons why we wanted Lumumba out of the way was that he was cozying up to the Soviet Union, realizing that, that this was a way of, of playing his cards in a way to get something from both the Soviet Union and the United States.

But it’s interesting, Lumumba was very, very conscious of the fact that the Americans were trying to subvert his government. He was very, very suspicious of the activities of the CIA in the Congo at the time. And I’ll never forget when Harriman went to his office to speak to him (he was prime minister at the time) about U.S. relations, he ushered us both (I was interpreting) into his bathroom.

He would not speak in his formal study because he was suspicious that it was being bugged. And the gist of his conversation was a complaint about the subversive activities of the American government….

Looks like Lumumba was correct, the CIA was planning to assassinate him and did.


38:00 Colonel: I will say all of this was on purpose, because when you go into the Soviet Union, you find that GE is electrifying the Soviet Union. You find all the railroad barons putting all the railroads throughout the Soviet Union. You also find between WWI and WWII the way Germany got around the barring of them re-developing their military capability, is that they went into the Soviet Union, their “supposed enemy,” and built military production capability in the Soviet Union to re-weaponize Germany.

38:50 — Brady: When they had their oil tariff, [I think he means sanction – GC] when they were at war with England and were not able to get foreign oil, They started using GE plants to basically convert organics into oil. That was American technology.

39:00 — Colonel: Anyone who thinks these are all separate issues is ignorant.

There is a cycle… in order to set up Operation Gladio, it is going to take a lot of money for weapons, it is going to take a lot of money for the stashes of money, it is going to take a lot of money for the training and the travel to the training locations. So they are setting up a major business. It is like a paramilitary world wide personal army…. So they are going to bust in on the drug trade that at that time been monopolized by the French and the Corsican Mafia in Marseilles. They had a huge pharmaceutical company that actually was the heron refineries. You will find the Operation Gladio operations will travel around the drug harvesting. There will be banks that pop-up for money laundering. There will be weapons that go into an area mainly in the form of military operations. They will use false flags like we did in Vietnam. Because Vietnam was a huge poppy supplier. Britian had already done it in the Opium Wars in China… That is why you have the bank HSBC in Hong Kong. That was to money launder all the opium money coming from China.

So you have patterns of large banks, BCCI got setup when the poppy fields moved to Afghanistan. They are on the border with Pakistan so you have the big money laundering … So you have these patterns, of drugs, money laundering, weapons, because every time you have a military operation those weapons get siphoned off. That is how you find them fed into Operation Gladio. As we move forward and talk about operations that were carried out in Italy, both explosions and assassinations. You will find guns from NATO. You will find explosives ONLY supplied to NATO by the USA because they skim off the top.

The reason they have these military operations is to guard the poppy fields and steal weaponry.

42:00 Brady: I will take it back a step further. The OSS was operating in China alongside Chiang Kai-shek and his drug mafia called the Green gang. When Mao won the war when the USA pulled its support for Chiang Kai-shek, the opium trade in China had to move so they moved it into the Triangle; Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Fast forward a decade and we have another Intervention War with the CIA. They are flying all this stuff into Cuba to be refined before it hits the American streets. When Castro took Cuba, the CIA was NOT HAPPY at all. It has always been a burr in their saddle.

[End Transcript]

I placed the rest of the Cuba, CIA, JFK part of transcript at the top of the article.

To be Continued next week.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Right Angle News Network

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BREAKING – President Trump’s legal team has just told D.C. Judge Boasberg that they will not be providing any information to him on deportation flights due to national security concerns.

5:44 PM · Mar 17, 2025


They saluted him … with a single finger.


Yes, IMO they’re playing their game, not his, but it’s not completely apparent yet.


TT, for consideration…perhaps they are playing Trump’s game. Lawfare has been a one way street. John Roberts made a critical error when he responded on Trump’s call to Impeach Boasberg’s actions. “For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.

Sorry, this isn’t a disagreement, this has been years of a Judicial Branch becoming corrupt. I believe that Trump is using the Executive Branch Legal Department to fight the Lawfare from the Judicial Branch and provide evidence they have overstepped the boundary of “Equal” branch and have been attempting to undermine the Executive branch to become the ultimate power of the US Government. If this happens our Government ends.

I believe Trump has given his lawyers the end game of removing John Roberts and cleaning out some of the lower court judges.

:0) It’s just a thought


Tonight – Donald J Trump, Truth Social Platform: “If a President doesn’t have the right to throw murderers, and other criminals, out of our Country because a Radical Left Lunatic Judge wants to assume the role of President, then our Country is in very big trouble, and destined to fail!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent statement!!!


I think we’re saying the same thing. 😊

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. This is Stephen Miller “helping” the system correct itself, just like he did with Spicer vs. Biden. LOL! Judge “Impeachable Conflict of Interest” Bozo better watch his ass, and Chief Justice “Not So Hidden Corruption” John Roberts had better get his judicial house in order, or the cops are coming in with a warrant.

Exciting times!


Perfect Fuck You to Boasberg.   :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2: 


It sounds like the administration is saying Boasberg himself is the national security concern, and they can’t tell him what he wants to know, because he is either compromised or an enemy agent.

To tell him would therefore risk national security.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Throw Venezuela right into the mix. I seriously doubt that Trump centered his immigration policy on Bozo and his connection to Venezuela, but I think the patriots stumbled upon his deep connection to the invasion, which likely has communist origins going all the way back to the 1950s and the Soviet plan to take down America. We knew Venezuela and Iran were deeply connected to the beginning of the invasion, and that includes China and remainderist Soviet forces in Russia. Judge Bozo and his wicked NGO daughter are a gift horse that Trump will not look in the mouth. They are the REALITY icing on the cake we all realized at the start of the invasion.

The invasion is Red Dawn, cards face up on the table. Guys like Obama, Boasberg and his daughter, are the hidden hand helping it happen.

The good guys are playing this hand carefully. They are exposing the TRAITORS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s that connection through his daughter, her NGOs, and Venezuela. Judge Bozo could likely be sent to prison, to say nothing of being impeached, based on trying to stop a natsec action with a family bias toward a foreign power.

If Bozo fights this, he deserves what’s coming.


i read his wife owns an abortion clinic

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! OMG, she’s a Holderite! Probably a revolutionary like him. This is too good. She’s PAY DIRT!!!


California Joe
March 19, 2025 2:20 am

Judge Boasberg’s wife and daughter both work for NGO’S funded by the federal government!
The daughter works for a legal defense NGO helping illegal immigrant criminals avoid deportation.
His wife owns an abortion clinic in Northern Virginia.


So, basically they are enemy traitor scum.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It will get deeper. They’re BRIGHT RED – and not in the modern sense.

Can you imagine a commie in charge of FISC? No wonder all this shady shit has been happening!


It’s putting the fox in charge of the hen house

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! Biasberg’s clean-cut look is a deceit. Dirty yippie is what he is.

Cuppa Covfefe


So what’s this the SatanoDEMONRATS always say about judges having to recuse themselves?????

[To quote MacGyver] Nahhh… didn’t think so…


Merchan didn’t either, even though his daughter was benefiting.


Follow the wives… that’s what Q said.

And to help confuse things, the wives frequently have different last names, since the wymyns conveniently refuse the last name of their husbands.

Now the question is this.

Knowing how useful, throughout history, it has always been, to use family and marriages of convenience to run global operations…

How do you come up with a credible reason to go against the traditions and norms of naming conventions, where the wife normally takes the last name of her husband — and if one did not do so, it would be considered strange and draw unwanted attention?

Is this why Helen roared?

Is it all part of the same broad, overarching plan?

When everything appears to point in the same one direction, at what point is coincidence ruled out, in favor of directed enemy action?

According to Mr. Flemming, the answer is ‘three’.

And we’re way past three…


Last edited 21 hours ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Some Scandanavian and Hispanic cultures go with the Matronimic naming convention(s)… Iceland, for instance… (some weather scientist up there has a name ending in -dottir, as do others)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That means “daughter of” not “my mother was…”

It does mean that women got names marking their own family, rather than their husband’s family, but that doesn’t necessarily make it matrilineal, unless she can pass the name on to her children while their father does not.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s my point: dottir = daughter…

That whole subject came up on the Icelandic Volcano blogs, discussed by native Icelanders…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You said matronymic.

That means part of your name is your mother’s name.

When you see a name like “Svensdottir” is Sven the daughter’s mother?

Now in Iceland there are some actual matronymic names…like one example being “Helgusun” But here its a son.

In other words, what “-dottir” tells you is its a female who is the daughter of someone; by itself it doesn’t mean she’s carrying her mother’s name; it could be (and likely is) her father’s name.


Ho hum – first again.   :wpds_neutral: 


Not. Looking for the right emoji made me second.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry! I just looked up and there was a new post! Wanted to rain some hopium on the crowd! 😉


Sorry for what? Ain’t the first screwup post I’ve ever made.

I’ll live.  🙂 

Valerie Curren



Thanks for transcribing all of that, Gail. I confess that I get overwhelmed by all the details that those people provide. It’s not something that would be easy for the general public to consume, which is probably why so few know anything about it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Blizzard in progress here.

Power is glitchy. This mashine is on a UPS so the glitches aren’t killing me, but I may have to gracefully shut down if the power goes completely south.


So you have a mashine but there’s no sunsheen. Got it.


Hope all the denizens of Stately Steve Manor stay safe and warm!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are there new scaly denizens? I have not been keeping up!


Be Safe! Keep Warm. :0)


stay safe!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The main highway I take to work is closed.

I’m very surprised it wasn’t closed last night (or maybe it was).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do you have weather-related work-at-home? One would hope…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My boss will let me take the day off.

I also will probably be able to go in later once the wind dies down.

Valerie Curren

When we honeymooned in Estes Park in early June 1992 we were surprised to discover that they’d only opened some of the mountain passes a week before! Even though Hubby was from Denver til age 5 or 6 he didn’t remember such long Winters!


A pandemic of grants.

Valerie Curren

aka BHO had all sorts of Muslim Brotherhood, tear down the US from within, implants  😡 


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Keep preachin’ it.


Boy howdy – do I evermore L♥️VE President Trump’s mean tweets!!!


Last edited 1 day ago by GA/FL

hey me too!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wait until he starts dropping deep truth cruise missiles into Boasberg Treason Universe. The ugliness of the left-sponsored invasion, going back to Stalin and Khrushchev, will be exposed.


Secretary of Defense Hegseth has ordered all files on Benghazi to be unclassified.

Awakened Outlaw:

Yo, @HillaryClinton

Care to comment?

And no, we haven’t forgotten.

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Bovine fecal material about to meet rotating bladed device.


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There is no definition of, “assault weapon”.

In any case, Shall Not Be Infringed” rules the day.


You do you, Jimmy. Ban yourself from using them. You have every right to do that.

The problem is only when you attempt to ban anyone else.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s one of the best FUCK YOUs that I’ve ever seen.



Make it into a header slogan.  😂 


The clowns dooming about the JFK files didn’t realize Trump was letting Elon have the spotlight in the news cycle with the astronauts. He waited till after the splashdown so Elon could have his moment.

It’s crazy some of you guys still question Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ONE WOULD THINK that after all this time, people would TRUST TRUMP just a wee bit more.


No kidding. He said we would see everything. It has begun. Trust him.

What we are going to see is going pizz many of us off even though we already knew how scummy our government has been. The rest will be acting like it is no big deal. Once again we will know immediately what team everybody plays on.


I remember phys ed in high school.

Too frugal for uniforms so it was Shirts and Skins.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Somehow that was never an issue for women’s sports.


Believe it when I tell you that we complained about the unequal treatment of the girls in this regard.


Where was Helen, in our moment of need?


“Too frugal for uniforms so it was Shirts and Skins.”


Including the girls?

You went to a much more progressive school than I did.

I might have been persuaded to become a progressive, at a school like that…. 😁

Last edited 21 hours ago by scott467

James Woods:

Did NASA have any comment on a private citizen rescuing stranded astronauts left to die by the Biden/Harris administration?

An excellent question. This is an extraordinary circumstance. When I first heard of private citizens like Elon wanting to conduct space missions, I had not thought it possible, and yet he has succeeded spectacularly.


Elon succeeding spectacularly, as NASA increasingly FAILS.


NASA succeeded when the country was united in its mission.

Not so much any more.


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Why not do both?

New sanctions + slap parachutes on their backs and boot the Venezuelians out of the plane as it flies over Caracas 👍


L♥️VE the Parachute Plan – would work in many situations – not just with illegal invaders.

Last edited 1 day ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love the parachute plan.

One way or another, they’re going back, and if need be, we send Obama, Boasberg, and his daughter with them! Maybe Pope Francis, too! 😉


make sure to give the job of packing those parachutes to the dei hires.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Make sure they are thoroughly trained in DEI policy and sensitivity training during their 40 hour course on how to pack a parachute. 39 hours 45 minutes of such training should be enough.


It’s the only way to be fair… 👍

Valerie Curren



Because we don’t hate the citizens of Caracas even though their govt sucks.


I wasn’t suggesting they do it like Thanksgiving turkeys at WKRP… 😂

Last edited 21 hours ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is GREAT. Trump is launching a Trump Doctrine accountability attack on Venezuela (meaning CHINA and IRAN, too), which will sync up with a MONROE DOCTRINE military concern, and when that exposes the RED DAWN TRAITORS like Judge Bozo and his daughter for what they are, WATCH OUT.


Newt Gingrich:

Those upset by the emerging dictatorship of district court justices behaving as though they were president should read the Judiciary Act of 1802. Jefferson and his party completely revised the court system and abolished a series of federalist judges they deemed illegitimate. A warning to the current out of control judiciary.


Template for flushing activist jUdges.


Repeat of Wolf’s post…

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! My wife looked at Jackson and said “Who’s that woman?” 😂


Sean Davis
To be clear: a trial judge who issued a press release against one of the parties in a case he oversees would be immediately removed from the case—and potentially from the bench altogether—for engaging in improper and prejudicial conduct unbecoming of a federal judge.

Yet this is exactly what John Roberts did today. Can anyone take the Supreme Court seriously when the Chief Justice is personally trashing a party whose interests are currently before the judiciary?

If Alito or Thomas had trashed Biden in this manner while a major case on the topic was pending—and not even in off-the-cuff remarks, but via a deliberate and prepared written statement—Democrats would have filed impeachment charges before the ink on the press release was even dry.

Given John Roberts’ extremely inappropriate and prejudicial behavior here, on a matter (judicial impeachment) over which he has no authority whatsoever, perhaps impeachment against him is something that should be investigated. This type of behavior from any judge, let alone the Chief Justice, is simply unacceptable and cannot be tolerated by anyone who understands a fair and impartial judiciary is vital to preserving the rule of law in this country.

Mar 18, 2025 · 5:12 PM UTC


Stop talking and do it.


well Sean has no power TO DO anything…and congress traded their balls for cash long ago.


Sold their souls, consciences, love of GOD, the Law, the Constitution and our Country as well!


Right, I meant the people in a position to do something about it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

First step is drumming up realization that Trump has the power, and the cause. Dude on Twitter can’t do anything but drum up support. But he did a great one there.

But Trump isn’t jumping into it yet. Why not? IMO, he has a good plan. He’s letting them step on rakes while they’re doing it so well. The takedown will be easier after that.

Boasberg can be impeached on cause, and we may get enough Dems to actually take him out, if it becomes clear that Boasberg and Osatan were behind the invasion itself.

The fact that a TRAITOR was running FISC? Oh, my. That will sting hard. But we have to make the case.

Cuppa Covfefe

If the Democrats could see or be convinced that such judicial skulduggery hurts, will hurt, or has hurt them, they might pitch in and help out, if only from selfishness…..


“If the Democrats could see or be convinced that such judicial skulduggery hurts, will hurt, or has hurt them, they might pitch in and help out, if only from selfishness…..”


But they can’t see, and they won’t see, most of them not ever, because to do so is to admit that their entire worldview was not just wrong, they weren’t just off by a few degrees here or there.

Their worldview was so wrong that they aligned themselves with an evil so great that it’s a miracle the entire world wasn’t plunged into a thousand years of darkness.

And they will never accept that.

Like the woman was saying in the video I posted the other day:

(0:00) “The Western liberal mind, um, uh conceives of itself as being um, good, because it’s liberal.

The Western liberal tells him or herself I’m a good person because I’m liberal, I’m liberal because I’m a good person, which means that I believe in things like the Brotherhood of Man um, conscience and compassion uh, looking after the uh, the wretched of the world, the poor and the wretched of the world, standing up against abuses of power, these are all good things and that’s why I’m a liberal.”

I’m a liberal because of all these good things. So, one of the expressions of my goodness and my liberalism is that I support the Palestinian Arabs, uh who I think are an oppressed people, and they are oppressed by the Israelis who have taken their land away from them, and they are oppressing them.

Now every part of that, in my view, is a lie, but put that to one side.

This is what the liberal Progressive thinks, and the liberal Progressive thinks that supporting the Palestinians is therefore something that makes the liberal Progressive a ‘good’ person.

October 7 happened, and suddenly you have a situation in which the people that the liberal Progressive has supported as being oppressed, and everything they do is a legitimate defense or resistance against oppression… suddenly we can see that those people have turned into the most bloodthirsty savages that could ever be imagined.

Not just people who kill, but who slaughter in a sadistic, barbaric, uh debauched and depraved fashion, that people can’t imagine ever happening.

They have slaughtered, raped, beheaded, tortured, burned alive, babies, children, women, elderly men and others, and, in which the people that they have supported as being oppressed, and good people, because they’re their victims, are these savages.

And the people they have represented as oppressors, are the victims.

They can’t have that.

Because if they have that, if they admit that that is the case, then their entire worldview is shattered, because the people, you know, the, [if] the cause they have supported as representing ‘goodness’, is shown to be evil, and what does that make them?

It makes them evil.

So they can’t have it.

So what do they do?

They go to extraordinary lengths to pretend that black is white, that justice is injustice, that oppression is resistance, and vice versa…”

Last edited 17 hours ago by scott467

Part of a comment from Rep. Gill’s X account:

Judge James Boasberg’s ruling against President Trump was revenge for halting government funding to his daughter Katherine Boasberg’s NGO “Partners for Justice,” which gives criminal illegal aliens and gang members legal advice.

To date, virtually every Federal Judge who has ruled against President Trump has been proven to be compromised, having a serious conflict(s) of interest and, in some cases, a criminal conflict(s) of interest.

Their rulings benefitted their family, relatives, and friends, and in some cases, they financially benefited directly from their illegal and unlawful rulings.

I think DJT is giving out rope.

Also handing out hangman’s noose tying instructions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I am now interested in Boasberg’s parents, because we’re already seeing one generation of corrupt red diaper. I’ll bet it goes deeper, like Jussie Smollett. That daughter angle is waking up Wolf’s nose for stinky diaper! 😂


“The fact that a TRAITOR was running FISC? Oh, my. That will sting hard. But we have to make the case.”


This is a perfect example of the ‘heads they win, tails we lose’ phenomenon of endless psychological abuse.

If it’s Epstein, we have endless excuses (posted right here) why We the People can’t handle the truth, or if we found out, it might compromise sources, or if evidence became public, it would hurt the prosecution, yada, yada, yada.

We’re just supposed to ‘trust’ that the White Hats have ‘got this’. 🙄 🙄 🙄

We’ll enable our abusers till Kingdom Come.

If the People were to ever actually wake up, it would ruin everything.

So those who seek JUSTICE can never be satisfied, and some on our own side specialize in making excuses why we never should be.

BUT in an instance like Boasberg and the FISC, where the White Hats have all of the evidence by definition (no guesswork about who did what or who signed what), they can’t just arrest anyone, their hands are tied, they can’t do anything without gently, tenderly, patiently awakening the Public to the ‘vast Left wing conspiracy’ gong on right under their noses.

So once again, those who seek JUSTICE can never be satisfied.

No matter which way the coin flips, it’s heads they win, tails we lose.

The constant is that no one is ever held to account.

And we find ways to justify it, to write our own narrative to reconcile the facts in such a way that justice never comes, and we should consider ourselves lucky that it doesn’t, because if it ever did, it would ruin the unknowable ‘master plan’.

It’s like a religion of sadomasochism, where the only pleasure is in pain.

Last edited 20 hours ago by scott467

a religion of sadomasochism

Now that right there is the king of catchy phrases.  😆 


To be clear: a trial judge who issued a press release against one of the parties in a case he oversees would be immediately removed from the case

Maybe that’s Roberts’ goal, to have to recuse so he doesn’t have to rule against his buddy and to jeopardize the “conservative” vote on the Court.


That possibility has been mentioned several times on the CTH threads.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect that it’s even worse – that Roberts will vote openly left going forward, at the “suggestion” of his CIA staffers.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or specifically, Anti-Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He might very well continue to vote conservative where it won’t help Trump (or won’t help him much).

On the surface it will look like he’s just feuding with Trump and rationalizing his beefs with Trump via legal reasoning (or “reasoning”). That way it will look somewhat (just enough to be plausible if you squint hard) as if he’s differing with Trump over legal principle.


Such a recusal would run the risk of a 4-4 split which automatically affirms the decision being appealed. If the court of appeals upheld the injunction against DJT, a 4-4 split would set it in stone.


From a random glimmer in the ancient and questionable depths of my memory….

I vaguely recall that there are courts of Law, where judgments of money are awarded, and courts of Equity, where people can be made to do things. In the UK, these may still be separate — one uses barristers and the other lawyers, IIRC.

In the US, these courts have mainly been combined, but certain distinctions continue.

For instance, most of the time that someone is fired, the appropriate remedy is cash — because who in their right mind wants to go back to work in a place where your boss hates you?

It seems to me that the rogue judge thing is exacerbated by a lack of such distinction. Not only do the judges want to extend jurisdiction from their little corner of the world to the entire United States, but they also want to command what is done rather than merely assessing damages.


It is rather bizarre if not warped all together. Imagine were going to let the USAID folk return to back to work and continue to allow them to rip us off when we know they are ripping us off. That’s weird. Are we now hostages but haven’t been told. 🤔


In these current cases, they’re just enemy agents acting on behalf of foreign and domestic enemy interests.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is being made very clear.


And I was thinking barristers and solicitors…..


Juanita Broaddrick
You know what’s interesting? None of the police involved in my swatting knew what was going on. None of them were on X.

I had to pull up posts on X to show them.

Would it be a good idea for the FBI to send out a notice to all police departments nationwide to make them aware of what’s going on?

Mar 18, 2025 · 4:48 PM UTC

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If the SWAT teams are so clueless and out of touch with America that they are not even aware they are being used as weapons by domestic terrorists against innocent Americans, then they should be in a different line of work.

Such willful and negligent ignorance makes them a danger to society.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

Intentional violations of SOP and the law at the supervisory levels. Pleading ignorance of the laws they are to enforce is not a defense. If we had a real FBI they would be in their crosshairs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re on Facebook – and any pretense by Zuckerberg that Facebook is being balanced in favor of Trump is a LIE.


I’ve been impressed by Congresswoman Harriet Hageman of Wyoming since she was first elected a few years ago. While I’ve watched short clips, I’ve never seen a longer interview. Here is a recent interview, a little more than an hour long ~ formidable woman!


Thank you!


“The man was everywhere. From that article:

Moscow, Acting Director for the Office of War Information, 1943-45 dealing with Stalin.

Information Officer for the Marshall Plan in Paris, 1942 to 1952
Ambassador to Algeria, 1977 to 1981 [And a heck of a lot more places]


Reminds me of Samantha Power.


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Like I said yesterday PDJP is holding this card and the UK&EU will likely not go along with it.
Now’s your chance, if they’re stupid enough to play the awkward big shots.
Money is the common denominator, hit them personally with financial sanctions, both houses of parliament, Councillors in all the big cities, everything you can think of.


“The reason they have these military operations is to guard the poppy fields and steal weaponry.”


I remember when Bush Jr. said America was going to destroy the Afghan poppy fields, and I thought that was exactly the right thing to do. There was no possible excuse or reason to not destroy the illicit drug trade, that kills people and ruins lives all over the world.

Then a few days later, it was announced that we would not be destroying the Afghan poppy fields after all.

And that’s when I knew Bush Jr. wasn’t a good guy.

Up to then I had thought he was.


Don’t forget – the alternative was algore.  😮  😥 


judges…again. this time it’s about the sex parade in the military,
In a scathing ruling, US District Judge Ana Reyes said the administration cannot enforce the ban — which was set to take effect later this month.
Reyes, an appointee of former President Joe Biden, wrote that the ban “is soaked in animus and dripping with pretext. Its language is unabashedly demeaning, its policy stigmatizes transgender persons as inherently unfit, and its conclusions bear no relation to fact.”
“Indeed, the cruel irony is that thousands of transgender servicemembers have sacrificed – some risking their lives – to ensure for others the very equal protection rights the Military Ban seeks to deny them,” she wrote.
The judge said she was pausing her preliminary injunction until Friday morning to give the administration time to appeal it to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

Cuppa Covfefe

Reyes is also a flaming LESBIAN…


I don’t think she’s hot.  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I don’t think he’s hot at all 😀

Flamed-out, perhaps, but not hot…

Valerie Curren

Transgenderism is severe mental illness, but other than that sure they’re “fit”/s


AND…THERE IT IS! who killed JFK

Kate Hyde
BREAKING: First documents from the JFK Files have been released. All I have to say is… WOW.

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Whats going on she’d only be around 16 then, what was she doing, smoking pot behind the bike sheds.

Last edited 1 day ago by RAC

ahhhh…. think this is a joke.  :wpds_silly: 


😂 I finally realized that after searching for some time for one of her scandals in or prior to 63, brain wasn’t working too good this morning


that’s ok! we still love you!


Have we verified yet?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Oh, my! 😂



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Yeah, he’s trouble.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s definitely CIA, as is (IMO) her spouse, Sheldon Snook, who I believe is still the handler for Chief Justice John Roberts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love how Hokkado calls the judge “Biasberg”!!! 😂


WOW – Gail – what an array of information and perfidy – !

It’s comforting to know that President Trump and his team of courageous warriors know all this and stand ready with sufficient power and might to right the ship of State.

Last edited 1 day ago by GA/FL

The first part is nice and easy (and twitter worthy), gets complicated later on.

Last edited 1 day ago by RAC

Sorry didn’t see it was posted above.


Excellent drill down, Gail. Much to digest that seems very plausible.

Will lightly touch on the freemasonry angle from the Revolutionary War period in a future American Story.


Outstanding Gail. It was a great read and sure explains many things.


March 19, 2025 12:47 am

Benghazi files to be unclassified…

Interesting. The department of defense officially told Congress there were no files. I know because I was the subcommittee chair asking for them.

— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) March 18, 2025


I’m shocked that the DoD lied to you, Jason.

Just shocked, I am!


March 19, 2025 12:58 am

A convicted felon sexually assaulted a 5-year-old girl multiple times. Liberal Judge Susan Crawford could have put him away for 60 years.
She let him walk after 2.
She’s running for Supreme Court in Wisconsin.

A convicted felon sexually assaulted a 5-year-old girl multiple times. Liberal Judge Susan Crawford could have put him away for 60 years.

She let him walk after 2.

She’s running for Supreme Court in Wisconsin.


— Victor Bigham 🇺🇸 (@Ravious101) March 7, 2025

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a good attack, and needs to be massively elevated. Get the crazy left off these state supreme courts. Ohio did, and sanity returned.


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Cuppa Covfefe

(whoever sourced the image needs to upgrade, it appears…)…


March 19, 2025 8:48 am

Someone yesterday reported that right after the Putin-Trump phone call, Russia attacked energy facilities. Not true.
Today, it is reported that at the time that President Putin ordered the end of attacks on infrastructure, there were 7 drones in the air headed to Nikolaev.
He ordered Russian air defense to “neutralize” those drones before they hit. Six were taken down by Palantir air defense and one was taken down by a fighter jet.
But last night Ukraine conducted a strike on the energy facilities in Kuban….well after he had agreed to halt energy infrastructure strikes. This facility plays a key role in transferring oil to the pipeline system of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium.
As a result of a drone crash, a fire broke out, covering an area of 1,700 square meters. The Russian Foreign ministry emphasized that this act by the Kiev regime is a deliberate provocation aimed at undermining Trump’s peace initiatives.
I think we will see a lot of Zelensky breaking the ceasefire and then playing the victim.

Cuppa Covfefe

Same tactics as the Palis….

I can’t help but think there is some kind of connection between the two sets of animals…


They have the same father (of lies)


Zelensky should get not another penny from us neither weapons. The man is evil.


March 19, 2025 8:53 am

As I predicted, Judge Chutkan unbelievably halts for now EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin cancellation of Biden era climate grants totally $20 billion sheltered at Citibank a few days before the 2024 election.

She also halts transfer of remaining funds back to EPA as Zeldin ordered.…

— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) March 19, 2025

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The judges have been allowed to expose themselves. It had to happen. CHUCK-TAN tried to hide her bias – not working so well now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ugh at the imagery of a bunch of red diaper doper babies exposing themselves.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





I’m disgusted:

“President Donald Trump said Tuesday on Fox News that his administration would not defy a judge’s order blocking migrant deportations, but he is confident the U.S. Supreme Court will rule in his favor if it gets involved.”

I guess I know now who’s in charge. It’s some cunt judge I didn’t vote for.

Either the President is the boss of the Executive, or he’s not.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m OK with the game right now. Bondi is playing smart, and so is Trump. Knee-jerk play into a leftist escape plan is not in order.

Boasberg is basically a spy for a foreign power. The Trump administration is not giving him information he’s demanding under cover of his job. Boasberg hides his treason behind FISC, which he’s in charge of, but he’s demanding information that lets him intervene in defense against hostile actions by an ideology he’s quite friendly with.

This is a good fight, and Judge “Red Dawn Facilitator” Boasberg and his crummy daughter are in trouble. We just have to time their takedown correctly.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Leftists wield power whenever they have it. I want Trump to swing the sword, too.




I keep wondering why the US has left the UK that the UK never really left but worked and works still with the 5 Eyes in the US. I mean Canada is just about gone. Every time I hear the British accent from from TV talking heads I wince. I like England specially Scots but I cannot overcome the instinct that the House of Lords and King and many other want to control this free country. We are free under Trump.
Maybe I am paranoid   :wpds_evil: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He will! Count on it!


I don’t count on anything except God. That’s just the truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds advisable!

Valerie Curren



In four years if Republicans cannot get the Presidency these criminal dems with raise up as never before and inflict hell on any opposition.
They need to be totally smoked out. Trump his family, Musk and many others will rot in jail because there are to many traitors in black robes controlling the government including Roberts.

Last edited 1 day ago by singingsoul1



As I’ve mentioned before, my phone number must’ve been an active democrat’s at one time…in the last 2 weeks orgs, pacs and requests for participation in events are creeping in messages. Interesting that they aren’t asking for $$ they want bodies in the streets.

They’re mobilizing for nonstop protests and with that as always fostering hate against any and all Trump supporters

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m getting Dem emails, too. Not sure what’s up with that stuff. They’re kinda hilarious.


LOL, some are so desperate and needy like a dumped lover!

That said, some doozies from our side were so dumb and stupid that if Dems were receiving them it was probably great fun for them.

Last edited 20 hours ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, GOP emails and text messages are THE WORST.


Oh yeah…100%….eye rolling usuallybegan the minute I saw the lead header


I accidentally hit the right email’s unsubscribe for the GOP recently and the strange thing is that ALL spam disappeared.

ALL disgusting sales pitches for whatever, the casino ads, ads for leaf guards for your gutters, medical insurance ads, and purported appeals from various office holders from the GOP. EVERYTHING.

How does that work?


Hmmm I need to try that

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You hit the jackpot!


It’s stunning. Makes me wonder who the GOP sells their email list access to.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do you remember who the email was for? Either the topic, the candidate, or something identifying?


Sorry, I don’t recall. I looked for anything sent to winred, but didn’t find anything.


My take is that Trump is always about law and order. He instructs his administration to follow the law, and I think it has saved him from a world of trouble. As we all know, at the slightest manufactured “infringement” of the law, the Left will pounce, magnify it all out of proportion and lie about it, and ruthlessly attack to try to paralyze the MAGA agenda.

Anything Trump does that looks like he is not obeying the laws and the Constitution would set this movement back possibly years, IMO. So in the meantime it has to look as if the administration is paying heed to unlawful judicial orders while Trump rants about it on social media. But I agree with Wolf that Trump is playing this out in ways calculated to win rather than lose. He can’t do what they have accused him of doing on J6. He can’t seize the reins of power extra-Constitutionally. It’s difficult, but we have to let this play out because the alternative would be disastrous.


The men is black robs are not fallowing the constitution that is the problem. Yes Trump does but if Roberts plays politic that is going to be a problem also Barrett.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! Well-said.

Who are people talking about impeaching now? Not Trump. JUDGES.


Trump is giving away his elected position as President? That is a surprise but maybe the looming threat of a impeachment might decide to fallow judicial rulings?
Trump is not a layer and has to rely on his law staff to advice him maybe also Bondi?

Last edited 1 day ago by singingsoul1

Either the President is the boss of the Executive, or he’s not.

Fixed it.  😉  😍 


March 19, 2025 9:48 am

AG Bondi Declares “Swarm Of Violent Attacks” On Tesla As Domestic Terrorism
Mar 19, 2025
That’s totally appropriate. Another example:
“Eco-terrorism is considered a form of domestic terrorism when individuals or groups commit violent acts in support of environmental causes, targeting people or property to achieve political or ideological goals. The FBI has identified eco-terrorists as a significant domestic terrorism threat, linking them to numerous crimes and substantial property damage over the years.”
Terrorism /tĕr′ə-rĭz″əm/ noun
1. The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
2. The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation.
3. The practice of coercing governments to accede to political demands by committing violence on civilian targets; any similar use of violence to achieve goals.
Thus, the violent riots ostensibly over the overdose death of a career criminal prior to the 2020 election should have been deemed to be domestic terrorism.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is excellent.

Buckle up, people. This is going to be an exciting ride, and the Dems are going to lose even bigger!

Robert Baker

Now the DOJ needs to widely publicize the penalty for a terrorism conviction. That will give possible perpetrators cause for reflection on their future.


Why are democrats violent. I have never seen anything like that with Republicans or MAGA. This makes me think with all the attacks against Tesla that Jan 6 was also orchestrated by dems.


Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! Today’s bursting roundup includes: the JFK documents were finally released and we begin to sift through all the noisy hot takes; progress in the proxy war as Trump and Putin get down to brass shell casings; Middle East heats back up as war breaks out all over; Trump versus Houthi militants; Trump meets with Middle East leaders; economic apocalypse evaporates in the warmth of continuing good economic news; experts pivot on inflation predictions; Trump team doubles down on tariffs despite of dour corporate media coverage; controversy swirls over efforts to impeach overreaching judges; and New York Times notices that Trump isn’t just sitting around hoping for favorable mid-terms.


Coffee & Covid borrows Aubergine’s response!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sundance has been in a pretty good mood lately. I think he’s seeing a bunch of predictions coming true, right over center plate. He really called every play right on Judge Bozo.




Just before leaving office, Pedo Joe presented his design for a new presidential seal.
Whadayou think about that?

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Oops. Forgot the obligatory “This is a Grok image”. But you knew that. Just count the fingers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



AI CAN NOT do hands!

As an artist, I can attest that hands are REALLY freakin’ hard to render! But I am much better than AI!

Cuppa Covfefe

Not to mention the shape 😮 Sausage hands, like Chuckles…


Hands are usually hardest for artists to draw/paint – but they seem to be impossible for AI to do.


Thought for another project possibly concerning 45/47’s Presidential Seal. I tried and failed, maybe you can do it. Also you might not wish to do it which would be understandable as it could be construed as irreligious, but I don’t see it that way.

Double Headed Eagle
The Meaning Of Double-Headed Eagle Holds Many SecretsLearn to see the invisible behind the visible.

The double-headed eagle is one of the significant symbols you will encounter in history. Thousands of years ago, it was used by Turks, Romans, and many other empires as a sign of power and dominion. The meaning of double-headed eagle holds many secrets and has a forgotten story. What is the double-headed eagle then? Which secret meanings does it keep?

I will not linger and unveil its hidden meaning right away because it will require an in-depth explanation anyway. In short, it symbolizes the Representative of God on Earth.

The double-headed eagle is a bird believed to transmit the messages it received from God in the sky to the kings and people on Earth by traveling back and forth in the Tree of Life, which was the path between the heavens and Earth.

It was believed to serve as the representative and messenger of the Holy Creator, the source of everything in the universe. According to the belief systems with a Sky Deity, the Double-Headed Eagle was the entity with the greatest spiritual power after God, as God’s archangel.

Being double-headed is an indication of dualistic thinking. In all doctrines and belief systems of Eastern origin, everything in the universe is believed to have a dualistic nature. It is the polarity that gives birth to movement in every field imaginable.

The existence relies on the interdependence and intertwinement of the opposites. In Heavenly Religions, everything except God is of dualistic nature, and this rule applies even to the representative of God. The Almighty God is One and All without a beginning and an end.

The Double-Headed Eagle symbolizes both material and spiritual powers working together. One of the heads symbolizes the material world; in other words, the real physical power, The other head symbolizes the spiritual, divine protective power. Two heads are also believed to be the symbols of power and justice.

According to the Sky Deity belief, the Double-Headed Eagle was also the symbol of domination of the kings and khans. The source of their legitimacy was believed to come from God. Therefore, it was believed, or expected, that they should rule people with power and justice.

The Double-Headed Eagle, originally the representative of God, was also believed to save good people from difficult situations and help them. It could disguise in many forms and knew the secret of everything.

Since most of the Turks converted to Islam, they did not embrace this symbol of their old shamanic religion. Yes, Turks come from a shamanic origin with a monotheistic belief — Tengrism. The double-headed eagle`s real meaning was almost forgotten in time and mostly remembered as the Seljuk Empire’s symbol and flag. In fact, the Seljuks had used it in their ancestors’ lineage, who had used the symbol long before the Eastern Roman Empire.

Some knights who visited the Middle East with the Crusaders who saw the Double-Headed Eagle symbol used by the Seljuk Turks during the Crusades took him to Europe. The knights used it as their official crest or flag motif.

Besides, Byzantine or Eastern Roman Emperors also started to see and use the Double-Headed Eagle symbol of the Seljuk Turks. Emperor Theodore Laskaris also made it an Eastern Roman imperial symbol in the 1250s.

Some countries that later claimed to be the heir to this empire chose the Double-Headed Eagle symbol. Also, the Masons, who learned it from the Knight Templars, used it after a few changes. It represents the new higher degrees created after the unification of the two Grand Masonic Lodges.

Double Headed Eagle, today used in a different sense in the world and Turkey. Yet, the original meaning still remains the same — it symbolizes the Representative of God on Earth.

With love,


There’s a deeper history here.

Also of note and possible pay back for a trolling incident in 2019 against President Trump performed at the teen turning point convention.

2019 trolling incident[edit]comment image

The 2019 troll seal

On July 23, 2019, President Donald Trump, the forty-fifth president, gave an address to young Republicans at the Turning Point USA Teen Student Action Summit 2019 in front of a screen onto which a spoof caricature of the seal was projected. The graphic was switched after 80 seconds. At the time, no one from the White House, the hosting facility, the hosting organization, or the summit organizers appeared to have been aware of the substitution. The story was reported by The Washington Post on July 24, including photos and video of Trump speaking in front of the fake seal. Turning Point USA later blamed an audio-visual employee for the gaffe.[56]

The “faux seal” showed a double-headed eagle, in the tradition of the Russian state (suggestive of Russian interference in U.S. politics). In one claw, the arrows had been replaced with golf clubs (representing the president’s connection to the sport), while the other held a wad of green banknotes. The chief of the shield bore five white hammer-and-sickle devices; and the motto E pluribus unum had been replaced by the phrase 45 es un títere, Spanish for “Number 45 is a puppet“.

The graphic had been designed and marketed in 2016 as a joke by Charles Leazott, a disillusioned Republican who opposed President Trump. He later commented that the unidentified perpetrator was “either wildly incompetent or the best troll ever. Either way, I love them.”[57][58] He subsequently displayed an image of Trump speaking before his seal design on the site for his related products.[59]

Another note of very minor interest.

I came across a reference to a Russian Shamanic story from the Yugat tribe in Siberia written about in the 1800’s. Essentially the apprentice shamaness had a vision of double headed eagle atop a pine tree. She called it Ai Tonyon which is their chief creator god. I found the use of Ai interesting but the best I can up for a meaning is it means “red” but still interesting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Two scoops for POTUS! It’s happy hour in Happy Haven Retirement Home.


This is like that story about the box of animal crackers, when a label on the box warned, do not eat if the seal is broken. And sure enough…

So a Presidential Seal showing a cartoon seal eating ice cream? Why not, it isn’t as if it was real anyway. More Babylon Bee style unreal.

Does not reach the level of our Monday Polar Bear and Dancing Raccoon.




Gail Combs
Thank you so much for today’s post! So many “spider webs” of connections, of intrigue, of propaganda, of control.
The Mitford family interweave into these webs is deep and wide. It appears that perhaps the Mitford sister who was the “least involved” in the family interweave could be Nancy Mitford. Her biography of Louis XIV of France is well done.


Sean Davis
John Roberts didn’t just go out of his way yesterday to trash Trump on a purely political matter—impeachment of corrupt judges—over which Roberts has no authority.

He did it by selectively leaking his statement to left-wing corporate media outlets, lying about its nature (claiming it was only in response to press inquiries rather than a general statement), and then refusing to provide the full statement to conservative media outlets when requested, including @FDRLST

To date, no one knows the full extent of what Roberts and his taxpayer-funded PR agents have said, because no record of any statement from the court can be found anywhere on the Supreme Court website, a shocking breach of protocol and transparency.

Did the left-wing corporate media outlets hand-picked by Roberts to receive his political rant print it in full, or did they selectively quote it? It is impossible to know, because the Chief Justice is refusing to be transparent about what he said and who he said it to.

I have now asked the Supreme Court public information office five separate times to be provided a copy of Roberts’ full statement. I was hung up on twice, rudely told to send an email by someone who thought that was easier than just answering why the statement wasn’t on the Supreme Court’s website, and have sent multiple e-mail inquiries that have been ignored by government employees whose sole job is to respond to media inquiries.

Do these sound like the actions of an impartial jurist doing his best to defend the Constitution and the rule of law? Or does that sound like something a nakedly political partisan activist would do?

You would think an institution that nearly got two of its own members killed after a leak of its deliberations would go to great leaks to make sure all statements and records of the Court would be transparently provided to everyone at the same time, as opposed to leaking statements—and comments about them from Supreme Court PIO staff—to select news outlets for the purpose of politically shaping coverage.

You would think that, but you’d be wrong. We have known for more than a decade that John Roberts is a political schemer, not an impartial jurist. His latest anti-Trump rant—and his refusal to be honest and transparent about it—only makes his gamesmanship more obvious, and more dangerous to the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a beautiful statement. Roberts is far worse than I thought.

One possibility is that Roberts is so compromised, he is not actually running his own office – that his office is effectively being run by the CIA, and Mary McCord’s [probably agency] husband.–via-sheldon-snook-leaked-dobbs/111450726/

Note that Sheldon Snook is basically hidden on Wikipedia.

IMO Snook or his successor is running SCOTUS.



John Roberts is definitely that compromised. I don’t know what they’ve got on him, but it is bad, bad, bad.


With his unwise precipitous statement – Roberts is trying to divert attention from the a serious judicial crisis – and perhaps from his own guilt – in the FISA court crimes and other matters.

The current campaign of 120+ restraining orders by activist judges is MASSIVE ABUSE OF JUDICIAL OFFICE AND OVERREACH on steroids – criminal abuse of the courts and law!  It’s a lawfare campaign – plain and simple.

A real Chief Justice would have put a stop to the lawfare a long time ago.

Boasberg has also demonstrated willful ignorance of the law – attempting to rule in an area of national security where he has NO AUTHORITY.

This is the same Chief Justice and SCOTUS that decided not to address another national crisis – a stolen election.

Roberts has proved himself to be a traitor and a clear and present danger to to our Constitution and National Jurisprudence.

He is a compromised, biased Chief Justice, arguably the worst in our nation’s history.

Roberts just prove what they always say – The guilty dog barks.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Stephen Miller


Currently, district court judges have assumed the mantle of Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Secretary of Homeland Security and Commander-in-Chief. Each day, they change the foreign policy, economic, staffing and national security policies of the Administration. Each day the nation arises to see what the craziest unelected local federal judge has decided the policies of the government of the United States shall be. It is madness. It is lunacy. It is pure lawlessness. It is the gravest assault on democracy. It must and will end.

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Wolf Moon

Great timing on the JFK files showing the radical left long game on Venezuela, whose invasion-sponsoring government, weaponizing gangs (see Mao in China), radical left Judge Boasberg seems to be defending.

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10:54 AM · Mar 19, 2025

Last edited 1 day ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

wouldn’t it be grand if the first arrest (that will shock the world) is going to be Roberts? LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT would be wild!


well if you think about it, the others we might want to be arrested are congressfolks ( who steal from the people) Presidents and their wives (we know THEY steal (except PDJT) or lawyers…well just being lawyers–and none of those would “shock” anyone.
but a supreme court justice–the CHIEF justice? now that’s a shocker…lol

Cuppa Covfefe

Justice served on the chief injustice… that would be fitting!

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Now I’m getting “duplicate comment” errors when I attempt to edit a comment…


Good talk. Surprised he didn’t say anything about his other reporter gunned down out side his apartment complex two weeks ago in crime made to look like a robbery.

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Verse of the Day for Wednesday, March 19, 2025

“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” 

Matthew 10:39 (KJV)

Gill’s Exposition
Matthew 10:39
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

He that findeth his life shall lose it,…. That man that seeks to preserve his life, and the temporal enjoyments of it, by a sinful compliance with his friends and the world, and by a denial of Christ, or non-confession of him; if he is not, by the providence of God, deprived of the good things of life, and dies a shameful death, both which are sometimes the case of such persons; yet he is sure to lose the happy and eternal life of his soul and body, in the world to come: so that the present finding of life, or the possession of it, on such sinful terms, will in the issue prove an infinite and irreparable loss unto him. On the other hand, Christ observes, 

He that loseth his life for my sake, shall find it. That man that is willing to forego the present advantages of life, to suffer reproach and persecution, and lay down his life cheerfully for the sake of Christ and his Gospel, for the profession of his name, rather than drop, deny, conceal, or neglect any truth and ordinance of his, shall find his soul possessed of eternal life, as soon as separated from his body; and shall find his corporal life again, in the resurrection morn, to great advantage; and shall live with Christ in soul and body, in the utmost happiness, to all eternity.

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.





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Like a Child – to you, Lord – I long to be;
Humble not proud – nor haughty – to Thee;
Trusting – forgiving – lovingly giving;
Innocent and pure – faithfully living!

You promised Your kingdom – and rightfully;
To those who – like children – are delightfully;
Pure in spirit – with simplicity of heart;
Where the Spirit resides – and will not depart!

As a child of God – I will give You my all;
Lest my sins weigh me down – and be my downfall;
Let my heart be not proud – or my eyes haughty;
Let me be innocent – pure – and rarely naughty!

What can a child do – an adult cannot?
Forgive in an instant – without a thought;
A child has compassion – when another hurts;
He comforts – consoles – no malice he blurts!

In awe of his God is the little child;
His love is great – his heart undefiled;
He sees no ethnicity or skin color;
His friend is a pal of vigor and valor!

Never let pride enter into your heart;
It causes the Spirit to quickly depart;
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive;
For it is in dying – that you will live!

When another is injured or afflicted;
Let compassion rule – be not conflicted;
As your Heavenly Father gives to you;
For brother and sister – so you must do!

In your relations – be honest and true;
Do not deceive – let your ego rule you;
For what do you gain – when left all alone?
All puffed up in pride – your friendship blown!

How can a man be childlike in spirit?
Be pure of heart – and receive great merit;
What can he do to please Jesus each day?
He must humble himself – there’s no other way!

Whoever humbles himself Like a Child;
Will be greater in heaven – never exiled;
Whoever receives one – in Your Holy name;
Receives Child and You – one and the same!

D01: 09/28/2013




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Evil permeates our world today
Spiritual warfare keeps it at bay
Armored up we swiftly draw our swords
The Sword of the Spirit over them lords

A brutal battle we must never quit
We must pray unceasingly ere to wit
We must call on God’s Army of Angels
His Warring Angels are never strangers

They have attacked Creation mercilessly
They have killed and destroyed pervasively
They have committed sin ad nauseam
Mocked dishonored and ad disesteem

There is a sense we are winning this war
Control of our world will be nevermore
In this Great Year of the Jubilee
We will celebrate and we will be free

God has a plan no man put asunder
His power and might will be like thunder
At the sound of the Trumpet be ready
As God sets the world aright and steady

We will prevail against this evil so vile
If we just stand strong hold on for a while
It is God that girdeth with saving strength
In our defense He will go to great length

When will it end this battle of wits
When will we see the blessing that fits
When will we rejoice like never before
When His Victory reigns He will restore

D01: 08/24/2023


Kurt Shore – We Are Warriors ft. The One Who Sings

21,433 views Jun 7, 2023

An anthem for warriors in all walks of life, to stand up for what we believe for the sake of humanity and our children. The song was written, arranged, and produced by Top 10 producer, Kurt Shore and also features South African artist “The One Who Sings” (formerly Zolani Mohala). We invite you to sing to this, and make your own versions, share with everyone to do what we must do to save humanity from the anti-human globalist agenda!


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms





Wow Gail! Thanks!


comment image


Why Johnson needs to start engaging with the next CR asap.
Also makes me think Mila Joy reads here 😉


My view exactly – for over five years.


comment image



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’m not sure if they caught a transgender guy or Waldo, but here he is. Recommendation is he is held in jail J6 style until the government is ready to move forward on the charges. Of course I’m sure I’ll be reading that Waldo here has been let out on bail any minute now.

comment image


Oh and put this creep in men’s prison please as soon as it is determined he ain’t got the right plumbing for a female prison.

Cuppa Covfefe

Buffalo Grove or Buffalo Jump…

Valerie Curren

AND logic!


Yes to both: charge them with domestic terrorism and keep them under arrest until the violence is stopped.

It seems that they are catching these people pretty quickly. I hope they get all of them and that they prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.


He makes an ugly girl . So sad how people are so sick. Wonder if the hormones they give to transgenders is affecting their judgements into violence.

Cuppa Covfefe

Either those or the psychotropic meds they give along with them… IIRC there has been a study which noted that effect…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chloe Cole was one example.


When Chastity (Chas) Bono was being mutilated and given testosterone, she too stated that she had major attacks of rage. If I remember right, the rage eventually doomed the relationship she was in prior to and during the surgeries and treatment.


Uh, … that’s no girl.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

TUUUUUBULAR, MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There is definitely a tube on that person.


3.19.25: JFK FILES released, Blind JUSTICE will return, C_A in trouble, M@ss@d, Judges exposed, SWORD, PRAY!

And We Know


“Following the negotiations between Putin and Trump, the Russian Armed Forces received an order from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to stop attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. At that moment, there were seven Russian drones in the air, targeting Ukrainian energy facilities in the Nikolaev region, associated with the military-industrial complex, the Russian Defense Ministry clarified.”

“Following Putin’s order, Russian military personnel shot down their own drones that were flying to strike energy facilities in the Nikolaev region associated with the military-industrial complex, the Defense Ministry reported. Six devices were shot down by the Pantsir system, and another was destroyed by a fighter.”

The Kremlin views the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ attacks on energy facilities in Kuban as sabotage of ceasefire agreements, Peskov said
“At the same time, the Russian president’s command to stop attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure facilities was immediately carried out
Now the Russian authorities are watching closely to see whether Kyiv will listen to Moscow and Washington’s intention to do everything possible to move the situation towards a peaceful course.”

Our troops carried out a number of daring operations and are completing the defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region
– Putin Other statements:
— All Ukrainian military personnel who committed crimes against civilians in the Kursk region must be identified and punished.
— All Ukrainian military personnel and especially foreign mercenaries in the Kursk region are terrorists
— Military prosecutors have been instructed to identify and investigate all crimes committed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk border area

We will definitely win this war: I will have a call with Trump today — Zelensky
Other statements:
— For Ukraine, recognizing Ukrainian territories as Russian is a red line, we will not go for it
— I will find out from Trump the details of his conversation with Putin in person
– I believe that this year the war can end with a dignified peace.


March 19, 2025 3:00 pm

Welcome Home NASA astronauts Nick Hague, Suni Williams, and Butch Wilmore, as well as Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbuno!!

Splashdown Confirmed!!

Welcome Home NASA astronauts Nick Hague, Suni Williams, and Butch Wilmore, as well as Roscosmos cosmonaut Aleksandr Gorbuno!!

Thank you Space X & Thank God for Elon Musk!!

— Southern FFA Family (@FFAFamily) March 18, 2025


One less illegal tren de aragua cartel terrorist in the country today. SIL and one of his patrol officers got an ICE notice one was in our area with the vehicle description. His patrol officer spotted it and the two of them made the stop and arrest. ICE came by and picked him up and said he would be on a plane out the country this evening. Don’t know where he will go, don’t care.

Deportations continue like Leavitt stated in her presser.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Putting out the trash.

Keep it up, ICE!


Great news!


Eric Daugherty:

NEW: Prominent left-winger Rick Wilson is now calling on his audience to “k*ll Tesla” to “save the country,” with a photo of an on-fire Cybertruck.

“Elon has a weak spot. Attack.”


comment image

People are reporting this to the FBI.

Last edited 22 hours ago by TheseTruths

My husband said “this Wilson guy will never see the insight of a jail they will say free speech.” Of course if I did this I would be in trouble.


A quick search yielded this:

18 U.S. Code § 373 – Solicitation to commit a crime of violence

(a)Whoever, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony that has as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against property or against the person of another in violation of the laws of the United States, and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent, solicits, commands, induces, or otherwise endeavors to persuade such other person to engage in such conduct, shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half of the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the crime solicited, or both; or if the crime solicited is punishable by life imprisonment or death, shall be imprisoned for not more than twenty years.

I’m no expert, but it seems like it would apply.


I would like to see it applied by the DOJ.


Guys like Rick Wilson should know this. So why are they over stepping. Are they under the impression that there are too many of them and if they all step forward at once they’ll not face consequence?

Guy needs to be scooped up and squashed.




Kristi Noem, DHS:

Under President Trump’s leadership, we will not sit idly by as conservative new media and their families are being targeted by false swatting.

@DHSgov has the ability to trace phone numbers and track location information. We will use it to hunt these cowards down.

This is an attack on our law enforcement and innocent families and we will prosecute it as such.

I predict that this won’t be good enough for some people, but there it is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



We were swatted about two years ago. Thee times twice at night and once when I was alone during the morning. Police told me someone called from my house my phone a land line. No one called them. Thank God these were country sheriffs and speaking to them helped clear up we never called them.
The last police told me if I ever have problems to call them.
I do not know who did this and thought maybe some of my husband’s students who got a bad grade? Only good I was so naive it never occurred to me that we could be shot.


Seems like an investigation would have been in order.


Yikes! I’m glad you made it through okay.


Lord have mercy. That’s scary.


Thats’ much!

I’m pretty sure that the people who call in a swatting to police have a way that what the police operator sees is the number coming from your house. Police should immediately call back the number at the house using a separate line, while perp is on the phone and if it starts to ring they got them self a swatting being called in. If they get a busy signal they might have a real incident, but should still call back after the suspected perp is off the line and see if they get a calm situation instead, though in my case and I’d suspect it would be the same for others as well, I never answer the phone unless I’m screening it first.

Valerie Curren

Wow, Singing, that’s scary & intense! Glad you were OK!!!


Then friggin’ do it, already. Stop talking about it, and start arresting people.

They know who these fuckers are. They could send out a nationwide alert to all SWAT to trace calls, etc. I am tired of lip service.

When the FBI wanted to track down every last grandma from Jan 6, they sure didn’t seem to have any problems doing it.


I’m not understanding the connection.

Oswald was allegedly working with the CIA on a way to inject cancer cells.
Ruby shoots and kills Oswald.
Ruby claims he was injected while in prison with a “shot of cancer cells.”

It couldn’t have been Oswald who injected Ruby while Ruby was in prison, so this leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Are we supposed to believe that an ally of Oswald’s, or a CIA asset, somehow injected Ruby in prison? But if the CIA did it, that doesn’t mean there is a connection to Oswald, just that the CIA wanted Ruby to die. It seems to me that Oswald is peripheral to anything that might have happened to Ruby in prison.

Do we know if such a type of injection exists, or ever existed?


Not the same but jabs appear to accelerate cancer in some people

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They were working with the full virus. Much more pathogenic than the COVID shot DNA, IMO.


Judyth Baker, Oswald’s girl friend, is the connection. She was doing the research for the CIA.

She can’t be a connection between Oswald and Ruby dying of cancer if Oswald did not inject Ruby with cancer cells–which he didn’t, since Ruby claims to have been injected after Oswald was dead.

Judyth Baker was doing research for the CIA on a cancer weapon.
She is said to hae been Oswald’s girlfriend.
Ruby shoots and kills Oswald.
Ruby dies of cancer while imprisoned.

And??? Is someone alleging that Judyth injected Ruby in prison? There is no smoking gun that I can see.


See Wolf’s and my replies.
It’s a bigger group of evildoers than what you are seeing.


It’s a bigger group of evildoers than what you are seeing.

Actually, no, it’s not. I’ve been reading about and hearing this stuff and all the possible players and methods for decades. I’m asking very specific questions that no one is explaining.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Evil group A is in charge at CIA. They task small Group B, containing Oswald, Baker, others to research virus. At some point, Group B people need at least partial closing out. Expendable Oswald is made a patsy in another project by Group C (Kennedy). Ruby in Group C is tasked with killing Oswald. Why Ruby knew about virus is uncertain to me, if he was not part of that project (Group B). Oswald may have blabbed, which would be reason to close him out.

Ruby was in prison, but new trial made him a risk. Somebody in unknown group D was tasked with killing Ruby to close out that risk, and cancer was likely tested on him.

The “smoking gun” is just denial of the Oswald-Ruby connection by the assistant head of the FBI, here…..

… 27.

Given that all this stuff was likely deniable, it was “legal” for leadership of CIA and FBI to lie about anything connected to these projects.

Think “micro-silos” used by the heads of these agencies to manage risks within their organizations, by using silos with limited information to attack other silos. The person who gave whatever it was to Ruby may not have known more than what he or she did.

“I want Ruby to have this cigar. We used to love to have cigars together. I owe it to him for keeping my name out of things. Can you give it to him? Don’t tell him I was the one who sent it – he’ll blab and I’ll get in trouble.”

That’s all it takes. These people are so good at lying.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The thing is, I don’t think Ruby was supposed to know about it. I suspect that he was a wheedler, and Oswald was a bit of a careless putz. Cancer cat got out of the bag, and the superiors decided both had to go.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SV-40 is a great explanation of why these people were sacrificed. And Kennedy was too much of a risk to the whole organization.

The more this stuff goes on, the more I’m hearing about Presidents who are not being read in on important stuff. Kennedy was kept in the dark about heroin operations. The question in my mind is whether he was in the dark about major woo-woo operations. If so, then he may not have understood why CIA (1947) was REALLY (IMO) created.


I disagree that there is any smoking gun. If you’re saying that the fact that the evil people perpetrating these things lied about them is a smoking gun, then I heartily disagree. That is standard operating procedure and nothing new.


As far as I recall (trusting my memory is never a straight path), Oswald was military, then CIA, maybe double agent, his job was to try and get Castro to trust him enough to deliver the newly developed cancer bioweapon. His girlfriend was on the science team developing the bioweapon. He failed to get the bioweapon delivered to take out Castro, to plan B was to take out Kennedy. (In pursuit of goal to regain Cuba as a drug trafficking hub.)

Seems that they choose to use Oswald as their patsy for the hit on Kennedy. Next step is to take out the patsy by (apparently) having Ruby shoot Oswald. Now there’s no need for an investigation of who killed Kennedy. Neat and tidy per their usual playbook. But now they need to deal with what might come up in Ruby’s case, so (apparently) they use the bioweapon they already developed on him.

And yes, we know this exists. It’s SV40, the cancer promoter found in various vaccines over the years. Also seems to be in the spike protein itself.

Most of that should be close enough to the details to help explains the situation.

Last edited 19 hours ago by Gudthots

But now they need to deal with what might come up in Ruby’s case, so (apparently) they use the bioweapon they already developed on him.

All that does is allege that *they* wanted to take out Ruby. If they had a bioweapon handy that Oswald and/or Judyth happened to have been working on at the direction of the CIA, I don’t see a smoking gun between Oswald and Ruby. Oswald was dead when Ruby was injected. So IF the CIA or someone used a bioweapon that Oswald and/or Judyth had been involved with on Ruby, I don’t see any solid new information there, just speculation, and I don’t see a smoking gun.

If, instead of a bioweapon, Oswald and Judyth had been trained in expert marksmanship by the CIA, and Ruby was shot and killed in prison instead of dying of cancer, would that show some kind of smoking gun connection between Oswald and Ruby? It’s the same scenario: *They* needed Ruby to be taken out, and they used a weapon that both Oswald and Judyth had worked with, but neither Oswald nor Judyth had a hand in Ruby’s death. And so???

Last edited 19 hours ago by TheseTruths

Correct. The smoking gun only appears if you are looking at the playbook, the pattern of how these operations are executed by this particular agency. And the pattern still holds for the Butler attempted assasination last year.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Taking out Trump was surely deniable. Now watch for some key bodies to drop. Same M.O.


The smoking gun only appears if you are looking at the playbook, the pattern of how these operations are executed by this particular agency.

We have known for ages how operations are executed by “this particular agency.” That’s why I’m flummoxed by all of this. It is nothing new, and it provides no new proof of anything.

Here is the definition of a smoking gun:

something that serves as conclusive evidence or proof (as of a crime or scientific theory)

The term “smoking gun” is a reference to an object or fact that serves as conclusive evidence of a crime or similar act, just short of being caught in flagrante delicto.

smoking gun is a clear piece of evidence.

It just means a piece of evidence that proves a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

What has been proved conclusively by this information that is being speculated about? Proved, not surmised, not assumed, not speculated about. Proved, as in evidence that would be presented in court that could convict a defendant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The smoking gun is only that the authorities lied. Given that they lied about things which are clearly “deniable”, this is not a surprise.


this is not a surprise

Which is my point. This is not a smoking gun and it doesn’t expedite the solving of the JFK case at all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would be very surprised if any document connected to a deniable operation ever surfaced in any of these declassification efforts.


I agree.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oswald was one of the people with knowledge of this stuff, and thus there were multiple reasons for making him a patsy. And then for using the tech to take out Ruby. [SIDEBAR: the CIA and other corrupt spook orgs “close out” successful major discoveries, like MKULTRA, to make them disappear and stay secret, by methods which include murdering people involved IN THOSE PROJECTS. Yes. Removing loose ends. Very satanic, betraying, etc.]

Watch this. I’m skipping past some prior stuff, directly to the good part.


I asked whether such an injection exists, meaning specifically an injection that can cause cancer, because I’ve never heard of its being suspected in anyone’s death until now.

But I’m not questioning the use of alternative weapons in general. I’m not questioning whether Ruby was killed with one (which we don’t know, BTW). I’m saying that if Oswald and/or his girlfriend had worked with the CIA on one, and then Ruby was killed with one, so what? Oswald was already dead (and could not have used it on Ruby), his girlfriend was not in prison with Ruby (to use it on him), the CIA wanted to take Ruby out (probably), and they used a bioweapon they had been working on to do it (allegedly). I don’t see that that proves some new smoking gun connection between Oswald and Ruby.

We already knew Oswald was connected with the CIA. That his girlfriend was, proves exactly what? There was plenty of reason to take Ruby out in prison, and that’s what was done. If they did it with a bioweapon that Oswald’s girlfriend had worked on and/or had knowledge of, so what? Where is the smoking gun that adds anything new to the JFK case, as in who killed JFK?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with JFK, other than the CIA was killing multiple birds with two stones.

Kill Kennedy, blame Oswald, kill Oswald, watch Ruby, kill Ruby, test weapon.


Eric Daugherty:

BREAKING: Attorney General Pam Bondi has just issued a scathing court filing rejecting the notion – from Judge Boasberg – that the judiciary is superior to the president when it comes to foreign policy.


“The underlying premise of these orders, including the most recent one requiring the production of these facts ex parte today at noon, is that the Judicial Branch is superior to the Executive Branch, particularly on non-legal matters involving foreign affairs and national security. The Government disagrees.”

“The two branches are coequal, and the Court’s continued intrusions into the prerogatives of the Executive Branch, especially on a non-legal and factually irrelevant matter, should end.”


“What began as a dispute between litigants over the President’s authority to protect the national security and manage the foreign relations of the United States pursuant to both a longstanding Congressional authorization and the President’s core constitutional authorities has devolved into a picayune dispute over the micromanagement of immaterial factfinding.”

“In a series of orders this Court has requested the Government to provide it details about the movements of aircraft outside of the United States and interactions with foreign nations which have no bearing on any legal issue at stake in the case.”

“The Court’s pending questions relate to a comment by the Court to a Government attorney suggesting, incorrectly, that the attorney had the ability to divert aircraft…”

Link to the full motion:

The full text of the motion
What began as a dispute between litigants over the President’s authority to protect the
national security and manage the foreign relations of the United States pursuant to both a
longstanding Congressional authorization and the President’s core constitutional authorities has
devolved into a picayune dispute over the micromanagement of immaterial factfinding. In a series
of orders this Court has requested the Government to provide it details about the movements of
aircraft outside of the United States and interactions with foreign nations which have no bearing
on any legal issue at stake in the case. The underlying premise of these orders, including the most
recent one requiring the production of these facts ex parte today at noon, is that the Judicial Branch
is superior to the Executive Branch, particularly on non-legal matters involving foreign affairs and
national security. The Government disagrees. The two branches are coequal, and the Court’s
continued intrusions into the prerogatives of the Executive Branch, especially on a non-legal and
factually irrelevant matter, should end.

The Court’s pending questions relate to a comment by the Court to a Government attorney
suggesting, incorrectly, that the attorney had the ability to divert aircraft operating at the
1Case 1:25-cv-00766-JEB Document 37 Filed 03/19/25 Page 2 of 7
President’s direction on an extraterritorial mission to remove members of a designated foreign
terrorist organization from the United States in connection with one or more sensitive diplomatic
agreements requiring months of negotiation. The comment betrayed a complete misunderstanding
of the serious national security, safety, regulatory, and logistical problems presented by a fiat from
the Court directed at pilots operating outside the United States and was made without regard to
whether any such aircraft could feasibly be diverted or even had enough fuel to safely do so.
Further, the Court did not pause the hearing to give the attorney an opportunity to act on the remark,
nor did it memorialize the remark in the subsequent minute order.

There is no serious dispute that the Government complied with the minute order, and the
pending questions are grave encroachments on core aspects of absolute and unreviewable
Executive Branch authority relating to national security, foreign relations, and foreign policy. Even
addressing the questions in an ex parte submission would result in an immediate flood of media
inquiries and demands for the information, subjecting the diplomatic relationships at issue to
unacceptable uncertainty about how the Court will address those demands. Worse, the risks created
by addressing the Court’s pending questions would undermine the Executive Branch’s ability to
negotiate with foreign sovereigns in the future by subjecting all of the arrangements resulting from
any such negotiations—as well as the negotiations themselves—to a serious risk of micromanaged
and unnecessary judicial fishing expeditions and potential public disclosure.

Accordingly, Defendants seek a stay of this Court’s order today requiring the production
of specific information ex parte tomorrow in under 24 hours, at noon today. The Government
continues to object to the compelled disclosure of the immaterial information sought and believes
that the court’s actions to date represent grave usurpations of the President’s powers under the
2Case 1:25-cv-00766-JEB Document 37 Filed 03/19/25 Page 3 of 7
Alien Enemies Act (“AEA”) and his inherent Article II powers. Subject to that continuing
objection, the Government submits that a stay is warranted here for four reasons.

First, Defendants are currently evaluating whether to invoke the state secrets privilege as
to portions of the information sought by this Court’s order. Whether and how to invoke that
privilege involves both weighty considerations and specific procedures that are not amenable to
the 21-hour turnaround period currently provided by this Court’s order.1 This Court itself raised
the possibility that the Government might raise the state secrets privilege as a potential basis for
not producing information. See, e.g., 3/17/25 Tr. at 9:25-10:18. The Government cannot hastily
conduct an evaluation of the invocation of that privilege except in exigent circumstances, and the
flightpath of an airplane that landed three days ago is not an exigent circumstance warranting such

This Court should therefore stay or delay its order to provide Defendants an opportunity to
make an orderly but expedited decision as to whether to invoke the state secrets privilege and, if
so, as to what information. Indeed, the Supreme Court has instructed that a “formula of
compromise” must be applied to cases in which the state secrets privilege may be raised. United
States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1, 9 (1953). Further, a “court may [not] automatically require a
complete disclosure to the judge before the claim of privilege will be accepted in any case,” and a
court may glean “from all the circumstances of the case” without disclosure, even ex parte, whether
1 See Attorney General Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Heads of Department
Components on Supplement to Policies and Procedures Governing Invocation of the State Secrets Privilege (Sept. 30,
cation_of_the_state_secrets_privilege.pdf (explaining that generally the request to invoke the privilege and requisite
declaration(s) “must be provided to the Department of Justice at least 40 calendar days before the date it is anticipated
that the privilege must be invoked in litigation,” with “final declarations” being submitted at least 15 calendar days
before and that the “request, declaration(s), and required Department recommendations must be presented to the
Attorney General for decision at least 10 calendar days before the date it is anticipated that the privilege must be
invoked in litigation”).
3Case 1:25-cv-00766-JEB Document 37 Filed 03/19/25 Page 4 of 7
compulsion will expose “matters which, in the interest of national security, should not be
divulged.” Id. at 10. A cautious approach, rather than an expedited deadline of less than 24 hours,
is warranted to avoid forcing the Government into a Hobson’s choice—a hasty and potentially
underexamined invocation of the state secrets privilege or the release of sensitive national security
and foreign affairs information. To that end, the “formula of compromise” in this case is simple
and clear: stay the Court’s order until the circuit court has ruled on the Government’s pending stay

Second, a stay is warranted because a decision by the D.C. Circuit on the Government’s
request for a stay pending appeal is likely imminent. That court set a highly expedited briefing
schedule which will be completed by 5pm tomorrow, and a decision will likely be issued by the
end of the week. That decision is expected to provide important guidance as to this Court’s
authority to review Presidential determinations under the AEA, as well as the scope of judicial
review, if any.

As the government has explained in its motion to dissolve the TRO, this case is not even
justiciable. See generally Doc. 26. In particular, the D.C. Circuit has explicitly characterized the
AEA as providing “[u]nreviewable power in the President to restrain, and to provide for the
removal of, alien enemies in time of war[, which] is the essence of the Act.” Citizens Protective
League v. Clark, 155 F.2d 290, 294 (D.C. Cir. 1946) (emphasis added)). Citizens Protective
League remains binding authority and underscores why judicial intervention is particularly
unwarranted here. See also Ex parte Gilroy, 257 F. 110, 112 (S.D.N.Y. 1919) (“The authority of
the President to promulgate by proclamation or public act ‘the manner and degree of the restraint
to which they (alien enemies) shall be subject, and in what cases,’ is, of course, plenary and not
reviewable.” (emphasis added)). The government also possesses very strong arguments that
4Case 1:25-cv-00766-JEB Document 37 Filed 03/19/25 Page 5 of 7
Plaintiffs’ claims necessarily and exclusively sound in habeas—which would incontrovertibly
preclude this Court’s assertion of jurisdiction. See Doc. 26 at 7-11.

Particularly because the Court’s inquiries relate only to retrospective and immaterial facts,
and not future compliance, there is simply no need for the information at issue before the D.C.
Circuit can issue its stay ruling.

Moreover, the Government has already set forth its arguments for why its actions complied
with this Court’s March 16 minute order, see Doc. 24, which do not require reference to any of the
information sought to support those arguments. And Plaintiffs have not explained why they need
any of the requested information to raise whatever compliance arguments they intend to make
either. In short, the Plaintiffs and the Court are seeking information about a past event to which
the Government has already spoken and which has no salience to the Plaintiffs’ claims. Continuing
to beat a dead horse solely for the sake of prying from the Government legally immaterial facts
and wholly within a sphere of core functions of the Executive Branch is both purposeless and
frustrating to the consideration of the actual legal issues at stake in this case. This consideration
also warrants a stay.

Third, disclosure of the information sought could implicate the affairs of United States
allies and their cooperation with the United States Government in fighting terrorist organizations.
Such disclosure would unquestionably create serious repercussions for the Executive Branch’s
ability to conduct foreign affairs. The prospect of hasty and wholly unnecessary disclosure of this
information, which these continued proceedings have made manifest, would have a chilling effect
on the willingness of other nations to cooperate with the United States. The Court has no basis to
intrude into the conduct of foreign affairs by the Government, and a more deliberative and
respectful approach is warranted.
5Case 1:25-cv-00766-JEB Document 37 Filed 03/19/25 Page 6 of 7

Fourth, the government does not currently have any assurance at this time that information
provided to the Court on an ex parte basis would not subsequently be provided to the Plaintiffs or
the general public before the Government could seek appellate review of that further disclosure.
Once that secondary disclosure occurred, any opportunity for appellate review would be moot; the
damage would be done, and the effect on United States foreign policy could be catastrophic.
Therefore, the Government requests that before the Court mandates disclosure of the
information sought by the March 18 order, that the Court commit not to make further disclosures
of that information before the Government would have an opportunity to seek expedited appellate
review of that further disclosure.

The Court has now spent more time trying to ferret out information about the Government’s
flight schedules and relations with foreign countries than it did in investigating the facts before
certifying the class action in this case. That observation reflects how upside-down this case has
become, as digressive micromanagement has outweighed consideration of the case’s legal issues.
The distraction of the specific facts surrounding the movements of an airplane has derailed this
case long enough and should end until the Circuit Court has had a chance to weigh in. The
Government respects this Court and has complied with its request to present the Government’s
position on the legality of the Court’s TRO and the Government’s compliance with that TRO. The
Government now asks the Court to accord it the same respect as a coequal branch by staying its
order until the important issues raised by this case are considered by the circuit court. Defendants’
request for a stay of this Court’s March 18 order should be granted.
6Case 1:25-cv-00766-JEB Document 37 Filed 03/19/25 Page 7 of 7

Respectfully Submitted,
U.S. Attorney General
Deputy Attorney General
Principal Associate Deputy
Attorney General
Acting Associate Attorney General
Deputy Associate Attorney General
Acting Assistant Attorney General
s/ Drew C. Ensign
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
950 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20530
Phone: (202) 514-2000
Acting Director
Assistant Director
Acting Assistant Director
Senior Litigation Counsel
Senior Litigation Counsel

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

God Bless Pam Bondi for standing up to that RED DIAPER MANIAC, JUDGE BOZO.


Pam enjoys solid support from Trump and his Team.

Pam is not ahead of her skies.

I like Pam and also believe Trump is training Pam and many on his team.


““The two branches are coequal, and the Court’s continued intrusions into the prerogatives of the Executive Branch, especially on a non-legal and factually irrelevant matter, should end.””


The “two branches” are not coequal when it comes to the official activities of the President. The “coequal” branch is the Supreme Court in that case, period. A federal judge has NO SAY over what the President does in his official capacity. None, nada, zip, zero.

I don’t want to dislike Bondi, but this statement is stupid.

Brave and Free

Tom Massie, is he a grandstander?


Jeff Carlson nails it.
sanctimonious Massie

Cuppa Covfefe




NYC Releases ‘Thousands’ of Migrants… Crime Instantly Spikes

Mar 19, 2025

As NYC’s progressive justice system keeps working as intended, critics say its causing an unnecessary spike in crime with dangerous criminals repeatedly being arrested, and released… only to commit the same crimes over and over again.


The ‘why’ are they importing criminals and cartels is becoming clear. It really wasn’t population replacements, it was for any and all anarchist needs.


According to Gail’s article today, the imports are mostly the pastys to take the blame for home based intel terrorists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT is an interesting possibility.


patsy’s not pastys. LOL


Exotic dancers? Imported with pasties and merkins?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You wouldn’t happen to be from Michigan?


Oh, they have those nasty things in Montana, too! Yuck!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The hardest thing int he world is to pronounce it right (PASS-tee, not “paste-ee”). It simply doesn’t make sense to spell “PASS-tee” as ‘pasty’.


No matter how you spell it, I hate them!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently they traditionally have rutabega, and taste far better without it.


I once had what they call the “best” in Montana. Blech. Rutabaga or not, the pasty is just not my thing.


I am not from Michigan.
But I definitely grew up in a Midwestern culture.


McDonalds Bans Everyone Under 20… as NYC Crime Explodes

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This guy is great! He’s made a career by ratting out the sanctuary city dummies running New York City!


Rejoice, my soul, in morning’s gentle light,
The dawn that breaks the grip of dark night,
For skies that stretch with colors bold and free,
A canvas painted by God for me. 
Rejoice in the rain that feeds dry ground,
In winds that whisper with a pleasant sound,
For mountains strong, for rivers deep and wide,
Creation sings where God’s hands preside. 
Rejoice in laughter, shared with those we love,
For tender mercies flowing from above,
For every breath, a gift pure and true,
Each heartbeat hums a song ever new. 
Rejoice in trials, though they test our will,
For strength is forged through climbing life’s hills,
In hope that blooms where sorrow took root,
A promise steadfast, bearing God’s sacred fruit. 
Rejoice in grace that lifts when we fall,
In peace that guards beyond life’s fierce squalls,
For fellowship with saints, both here and gone,
A bond unbroken, for us to lean on. 
Rejoice, my heart, rejoice, praise and sing,
For Christ, our Savior, born the humble King,
His sacrifice, a love so deep, so strong,
Broke sin’s dark chains, making right from wrong. 
Through Him, forgiveness washes every stain,
Communion with God where once was pain,
Eternal life, with Jesus, pure and bright,
A joy unending in His holy sight.  

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome! And Amen!



Healing Prayers

Prayer for Restorative Rest

Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.

Evening Prayer for Wholeness

Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.

Prayer for Comfort in Illness

Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.

Nighttime Blessing for Healing

Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.

Serene Prayer for Recovery

Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.




May everything that is hidden be revealed.

Cuppa Covfefe


Matthew 10:26-28:

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


Criminal Syndicate Is A “State Within A State”, What Did The Framers Fear The Most? – Ep. 3599
 March 19, 2025  x22report

Chuck Schumer says the quiet part out loud. They believe that your hard earned money should be handed over to them. The Fed is now beginning the blame game, Trump is countering all of it. Elon’s message about the magic money computers is a very important message. The [DS] is panicking, because slowly but surely people are seeing that they are the ones who have been destroying this country. The JFK files were released and the CIA was a “state within a state” they are a rogue agency. Soon the people will release that the FBI, CIA, others within our government and foreign governments were pushing the US down the path of destruction. What did the framers fear the most?

Ep 3599a – Fed Begins The Blame Game Narrative, Trump Continues Countering Their Narrative

Ep 3599b – Criminal Syndicate Is A “State Within A State”, What Did The Framers Fear The Most?



I remember Fithian giving protest classes in Ferguson

Cuppa Covfefe

“The Peace Institute”…

Typically Satanic name; describing the antipode of its true purpose…..


NBC is reporting that PDJT will shut down the DOPE tomorrow, so consider the source.

President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order Thursday to close the Education Department, fulfilling a years-long pledge to dismantle the federal agency, the White House confirmed.

Trump will hold an event at the White House to sign the order directing Education Secretary Linda McMahon to “take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure the Department of Education and return education authority to the States, while continuing to ensure the effective and uninterrupted delivery of services, programs, and benefits on which Americans rely.”

USA Today first reported Trump’s plans to sign the order on Thursday.

Formally closing the department requires an act of Congress. But even without formally shutting it down, the Trump administration could effectively make it nearly impossible for employees to carry out their work, as its done with the U.S. Agency for International Development.

McMahon recently moved to drastically reduce the size of the Education Department by cutting its workforce in half. She called the job terminations the first step toward shutting down the department.

“That was the President’s mandate,” McMahon said last week in an interview with Fox News. “His directive to me, clearly, is to shut down the Department of Education, which we know we’ll have to work with Congress, you know, to get that accomplished.”

McMahon similarly vowed at her Senate confirmation hearing to work with Congress to advance Trump’s plan to dismantle the department. She telegraphed in an email to employees earlier this month that major changes were coming…

More follows about how small a department the DOPE is, as well as what good work it does.

…National Education Association President Becky Pringle said in a statement Wednesday that Trump’s effort to close the Education Department could have disastrous implications for students across the country.

“If successful, Trump’s continued actions will hurt all students by sending class sizes soaring, cutting job training programs, making higher education more expensive and out of reach for middle class families, taking away special education services for students with disabilities, and gutting student civil rights protections,” Pringle said in a statement.

But the plan is for the states to run their own departments of education. They can start planning, now, to help those who need it.


Was it enacted by congress?
If so, how can executive completely dissolve it?

Here’s a recent article.

Cuppa Covfefe

DOPE is one of many dopey products/insitutions created/enabled by Mr. Peanut himself, Jimmy “the man who knew too much” Carter…..

People were blinded by that smile…


The article says that the Executive can’t completely dissolve it. (See above.)

Formally closing the department requires an act of Congress. But even without formally shutting it down, the Trump administration could effectively make it nearly impossible for employees to carry out their work, as its done with the U.S. Agency for International Development.


That’s how the person being quoted reads it.

Remember Trump folded the functions of USAID in under the State Dept with Rubio at the helm.

Same could be done here. Prune and graft under another strong department head.


My question is, if the DOPE is defunded and the states take over all its functions, can it be resurrected later? Or can the states just say “no thanks?”


Good question.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I doubt it, unless we get some actual enforcement of Article I section 8 in this country.

The states really have no way to restrain the feds, unless they find a federal judge willing to stand with them (thanks to the 17th Amendment).

Last edited 14 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Skeleton crew of a few.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope this is true. Massively true.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So if she was able to fire half of the DOPE workforce in two months, that makes DOPE’s half life, t(1/2), two months.

In 20 months it should be nearly gone.

(Yes, I’m working on a radiometric dating post…how could you tell?)

Last edited 17 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


50% DOPE already told to go away. Fired or otherwise shitcanned.

Trump said he’d make dOPE go away.


If nothing else, time to spin up activist libtard jUdges.


Little by little, everything is coming out…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Disney is not the only one in trouble.

Cuppa Covfefe

Snow Black…..

Cuppa Covfefe

If you add the little mustache to Lauterbach, he looks the part… greasy hair and all…

But Carter (“Hogan’s Heroes”) was the best 😀

Last edited 17 hours ago by Cuppa Covfefe

The real irony of this stupid Snow White adaption is, this woman:

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Is supposedly driven mad with envy over the looks of this thing, that looks something like a sloth:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Setting aside my personal view (they’re both attractive), it’s clear that the villainess is more traditionally beautiful – and THAT (traditional beauty) is always something to be attacked by cultural Marxism, which this is, IMO.

In a traditional story, there is honesty about standards of beauty set by society, but there are arguments about the significance of that reality – such as “what kind of beauty truly matters”, or “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, etc. Often the heroine and the villainess are both physically beautiful, but only the heroine has inner beauty.

These are lessons which one might find – oh, I don’t know – in the Bible? Maybe?

Cultural Marxism must honor the politically correct lie. It must call the weird, the ugly, and the strange “beautiful”, while the traditionally beautiful must be denigrated.

Cultural Marxism must mix things up and create confusion, and then resolve things in an inversion – like a boy who’s now a girl.

Cultural Marxism must make war on the past. Just like it cannot live with remembrance of an honorable peace between Yankee and Confederate, it cannot live with “Snow White” being beautiful in a Northern European sense – or even being “white” in some physical way. The passing of the past is not good enough for progressives. The past cannot even be remembered correctly, lest some might yearn for some portion of it.

James Bond a woman. Wicked Witch or serial killer the object of sympathy. Snow White everything else. When the inversions get tiresome, Cultural Marxism just can’t stop. It can’t help itself. It just moves on to find something else to sabotage and oppose.

Cultural Marxism has just run rampant in the art world, and I see the results everywhere. And yes – it has come for beauty and fashion, too. It’s not as far along, but it’s working diligently to make people profess love for what they hate, and hate for what they love.

Last edited 15 hours ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gal Godot is Israeli, for what it’s worth. But she is classically beautiful. That girl is just funny looking.

You are spot on about subverting beauty. Everything Marxist must be ugly. Art, clothes, buildings, and people. It’s the way they do it. But I’m not playing along. I’m an artist; objectively, that girl is not remotely even pretty. She’s young, but that’s all she’s got.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fake VP debate between Archie Bunker and Tim Walz.





Modi making big moves against Soros.

Someone else makes this claim.

True Explorer

Open society, GAVI, WHO, Red Cross and all other US created NGOs were granted the privilege of immunity from criminal investigations or prosecution for their members. That privilege can be revoked by Pres Trump per Dr David Martin.

I call on Trump to revoke this privilege.

Bengaluru: ED raids eight locations linked to George Soros’ Open Source Foundation
The locations were raided in connection with alleged violations of the Foreign Exchange Management Act

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Written by:TNM Staff

Published on: 

19 Mar 2025, 7:33 am

The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday, March 18, conducted raids at eight locations in Bengaluru on Tuesday, March 18, targeting three companies allegedly linked to American-Hungarian billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF). 

The ED raided Rootbridge Services Pvt Ltd in Ashoknagar, ASAR Social Advisor Pvt Ltd in Malleswaram, and a third unnamed company, Deccan Herald reported. The companies were raided in connection with alleged violations of the Foreign Exchange Management Act. 

Preliminary investigation by ED found that OSF was put under Prior Reference Category by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs in 2016, the ED said in a media statement. Once an entity is placed in the Prior Reference Category, the MHA would have to approve any funds transferred to India by the entity. 

“In order to bypass this restriction, OSF had subsidiaries in India and brought in funds in the form of FDI and consultancy fees and these funds have been used to fund activities of the NGOs which is a FEMA contravention,” the ED said.  

ED is also examining the end use of other FDI funds brought in by Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF) and OSF. 

The ED also searched Aspada Investments Pvt Ltd which is the investment advisor of SEDF in India, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of a Mauritius-based entity, the ED said. 


Very good news!


Would be sad if Sorass could be extradited to India.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


The math just officially overflowed into next Saturday’s post.


Y E S !

Oh wait.

Good thing there are a whole lot of brainiacs here QTree.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just to be clear, The math didn’t move; it just outgrew the post.


Rubio made it much more simple.
He LIED on his VISA application.

The application, I am guessing, has some statement that you aren’t coming here to be subversive.

Last edited 17 hours ago by Gudthots
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Margot Cleveland


From a friend: “It’s hard to tell whether the principal purpose of Lawfare 2.0 is (1) to stop Trump from doing stuff or (2) to goad him into saying he won’t follow court orders (so that they can say he’s a dictator, and potentially turn the Congress and the Supreme Court against him; so far, Congress has been helpful by the narrowest of margins and the Supreme Court has been slow but not hostile).  Conservatives need to realize that Trump is playing it smart by avoiding direct confrontation.  By the end of the year, he’ll get 90% of what he wants through the budgetary or appellate process.”

10:49 AM · Mar 19, 2025


She is spot on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m thinking it may have been both. Let Trump run a little, act weak about things, then hit him hard and stupid and see if he gets too far out over his skis by ignoring court orders.


I definitely think they would like nothing more than for Trump to cross a line, even if it’s one they arbitrarily set, so they can say he’s not obeying the law, being a dictator, etc., and so they can try to impeach him again. The mid-term elections would be all about how they have to take Congress back so they could impeach Trump.

Trump and his team know this and are being very careful. Besides, Trump has always been careful to abide by the law. He knows what trouble would ensue if he didn’t, but of more importance to him, I think, is the oath he took.


We only “win” if we follow the Constitution as we reclaim our county.


Correct. Otherwise, it’s another American revolution.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

By that reasoning…this is actually a counter revolution, because they were rebelling against the Constitution.

Brave and Free

And the fact he has JD as his VP, and not pence the puppet.


BREAKING: Anti-Trump FBI Agent Arrested For Disclosing Classified Information – Feds Nabbed Him as He Was About to Board International Flight

An anti-Trump FBI agent was arrested and charged for disclosing classified information.

Johnathan Buma allegedly disclosed internal classified documents and text messages to associates.

Court documents revealed that Johnathan Buma had printed 130 files from the FBI’s internal network, with many of the documents marked with warnings that the information is confidential.

Buma shared a draft of a book he was writing about his career in the FBI with colleagues, and it contained sensitive information, the charging documents said.

According to ABC News, the feds nabbed Johnathan Buma just as he was about to hop on an international flight on Monday…

Last year Johnathan Buma told Business Insider that political bias under Trump’s first administration pushed him to become a ‘whistleblower.’

Buma, a 15-year veteran of the FBI who speaks Russian, said that the FBI ignored his so-called leads linking Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to Russian intelligence.

“Rudy Giuliani may have been compromised by individuals suspected of being involved in Russian counterintelligence influence operations,” Johnathan Buma told Business Insider in an interview. “I saw important intelligence information being suppressed.”

He also said the Hunter Biden-Burisma story and the laptop from hell were a part of a disinformation campaign.

Buma was eventually prohibited from investigating anyone connected to President Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Good riddance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I was wondering that, too. Ukraine?


First destination, likely not his final destination.

Separate ticket for continuing travel.



He cares enough about us to update us, and let us know what the heck is actually being done.


Excellent! He is used to communicating with his audience, and I think he genuinely cares about the needs of the people.

Communication and transparency are my priorities. We work for you, the American citizen.

Our teams are actively working on the Tesla incidents and the swatting incidents, along with our other responsibilities to keep the Homeland safe. Thank you.



That’s one reason I was really happy he took the job. You nailed it; he is connected to his audience, us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I needed to follow his new account!




Obama Judge Denies TRO to Block DOGE From Taking Over Institute of Peace After Standoff – But Claims She’s “Offended” by Treatment of Fired President After He Barricaded Himself in Office

A federal judge on Wednesday denied a temporary restraining order (TRO) to block DOGE from taking over the Institute of Peace (USIP) after a standoff with law enforcement. 

Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama appointee denied the TRO but she blasted DOGE’s treatment of the USIP President and other officials who were escorted out of the building in DC earlier this week.

As previously reported:

On Monday, the fired president, George Moose, refused to leave the Institute of Peace’s building in Washington DC, prompting a standoff with law enforcement.

The Institute of Peace was created in 1984 under the Reagan Administration. George Moose is an old Clintonite who refused to leave after Trump signed an executive order last month reducing the USIP to its “statutory minimum.”

DOGE attempted to evict George Moose and other officials of the USIP on Monday but Musk’s workers were forced to call law enforcement amid a standoff…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump has made all these leftist judges out themselves!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This one actually seems to have a shred of integrity. She refused to issue the order, even though she was clearly pissed off at what had happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They pulled back one file from the JFK stuff. This is it.

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John Greenewald, Jr.


This file was mysteriously (accidentally?) removed from NARA’s JFK File listing this morning.

There is no explanation why. Thankfully, I had already archived it.

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11:12 AM · Mar 19, 2025


That’s interesting. I wonder if they are still using the State Dept. as a cover.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sure they are. As the writer says, that practice of State Department cover for CIA is considered essential, and IMO will never stop. In fact, putting Rubio, who is deeply trusted by CIA, in as head of State, tells me exactly where things stand – there will be no diminution of CIA capabilities – only perhaps what sort of actions are sanctioned. IMO Rubio is mutually trusted by Trump and CIA – his nomination was the ultimate “art of the deal”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

CIA used to actually be part of the State Department, so not really a cover.

And there’s nothing at all unusual about having intel guys in embassies, etc.

If you ever met a Soviet embassy’s “military attache” he was in fact an agent of Soviet Military Inteligence (the GRU) which actually did most of the spying on other countries (KGB was for internal use).


There should be a letter signed on behalf of the intelligence agencies of 200 countries stating “Nobody out here is fooled by this. That you maintain this fiction to American citizens makes us wonder how intelligent your Intelligence thinks they are.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Proud graduate of the Peace Institute ?

Cuppa Covfefe

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Furry or tranny or trannyfurry or what….
(the combined pink and blue colors yell out trans…)….

Last edited 7 hours ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Brave and Free

Definitely confused, wants to hide with the camouflage shirt, but the pants are yelling FIND ME!


Insty has some ideas for court reform that don’t require 67 Senate votes —

Eliminating the DC Circuit is one of them.


I’m in the house.
And not on time for tomorrow’s open.

It will happen, just a little late.


Just as long as it’s not like “late Dentarthurdent”….

Last edited 14 hours ago by cthulhu

I may represent some part of that remark. Or maybe not. 😄

Last edited 13 hours ago by Gudthots
Cuppa Covfefe

Leave the whale, take the petunias… 😀


In some time zones, anyway….

Valerie Curren

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you’re only a day away!


  :banana2:   :banana-mario:   :pepper: 

Valerie Curren

This is a fascinating, alarming read. TY for such a deep dig Gail!