DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250320 & Rural v. Urban

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2024 Presidential Election Map by County. (an uncertain credit)
Let us Never Forget: our VOTES gave the Trump Administration a Mandate to FIX IT ALL.

Do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore,
and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. — Galatians 5:1

We got our miracle.
America is back.

Let us dedicate ourselves to the cleansing, healing, and rebuilding of our beautiful nation.

God will guide us.
Prayers & thanks to God for President Donald J. Trump.

Rural v. Urban.

Last week’s discussion of separatist movements was thin on the details regarding the motivations of those wanting to redraw the lines for their state. But the most common issue mentioned seems to be that nearly all of the time, the urban areas of a state are running the state without much consideration of the people living in the more rural areas.

Fourteen States – or more.

Will Trump will sew a 51st star on our flag?

From the article referenced last week, there are active separatist movements in at least 14 states: California, Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington.

The goals aren’t the same in each place — and some movements are far more serious than others. Dozens of counties in Illinois and Oregon, for example, have already voted in favor of some form of separation from their current states.

The rural v. urban dynamic is called out in an essay from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Law (2018), “Splitsylvania: State Secession and What to Do About It

[Intrastate] secession is the true secession fever: Not the perennial postelection calls of losing parties to secede from a nation controlled by the opposition, but a growing movement for secession from states, with the parts of states (sometimes geographically very large parts of states) wanting to separate from the population-dense urban areas that essentially control state decisionmaking. Feeling ignored, put-upon, and mistreated, secessionists want to take their fate into their own hands. These movements are common, but not likely to succeed on their own, as intrastate secession is, though not entirely unknown (see, e.g., West Virginia) very difficult to pull off.

But these movements do indicate a widespread sense of dissatisfaction among (mostly rural) populations who feel that they are governed by people in distant urban centers who know little, and care less, about their way of life. Such sentiments, which in a way resemble those regarding Britain in the lead-up to the American Revolution, have probably worsened since the Supreme Court’s decisions in the line of cases beginning with Baker v. Carr weakened rural areas’ political position in favor of urban areas. This problem was, to a degree, foreseen by contemporary critics of those decisions.

In conclusion the author proposes:

In this short Essay, I have argued that allowing different standards for urban and rural areas in key subjectmatter areas, something that can be done by both state and federal governments without any constitutional changes, is likely to accomplish that goal. I believe that little of value would be lost by this approach, and much, potentially, might be saved.

An Example.

“Leave Illinois Without Moving – Demand a New State”

In Illinois, the proposal is for all but one county to leave the state of Illinois with essentially only Chicago (about 1/2 of the state population) remaining under the current state government of Illinois. The New Illinois organization will be holding their 7th Constitutional Convention in a little over two weeks from now.

The History of New Illinois

Not long ago, those of us who founded New Illinois were talking about moving away. Just like more than half the state’s residents, we found that in Illinois the taxes were too high, the opportunities limited, and the government corruption outrageous. Then one day the thought struck – Why should WE have to leave? Our families and our roots are here, going back to 1870. Why not stay and fight for our home? In June 2018, we formed New Illinois, a nonprofit organization with the mission of educating Illinoisans about their RIGHT, under the U.S. Constitution, to pursue the formation of a new state. Rather than moving away, we wanted to leave Illinois without moving.

Their vision is compelling for many others living in rural areas who feel out of step with the urban-centered governments running their states.

New Illinois envisions a NEW State free from a tyrannical form of government, where residents will be able to experience a government representing their Constitutional Rights.

Our Turn.

We can’t leave this to others. We can get informed on what has been found, what is being done about it, and what more needs to be done.

We can make a difference.
And we must make a difference.

May God bless and guide you
as you pray and take action for our nation.

Twitterati, etc.

May I recommend to you @40daysforlife. Each year during Lent, all around the world, a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil is observed to pray for the protection of the unborn.

These prayers and outreach have made a difference. Since the start of 40 Days For Life to now, they have recorded 25,386 babies saved, 162 abortion centers closed, and (perhaps the most stunning) 268 abortion workers have quit, often being assisted in finding a new career through help from 40 Days For Life volunteers.


God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.

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It lives!!!


Consider them fluffed!


You done good. Sleep well.


“New Illinois is a nonprofit organization that educates Illinois citizens about their right to pursue the creation of new state from the State of Illinois. We are seeking a state split, following the process provided in the U.S. Constitution (Article IV, Sec. 3). This is the same way that West Virginia split from Virginia.”


How will it matter?

When the productive sane people leave the urban areas for their own place, the urban areas will tip all the way into destruction.

Like every blue sh!thole, except without the tax base it still has.

What will keep the insane urban Left from moving to the new ‘good side of town’ once their beliefs and policies have destroyed the urban area?

This is why you can’t run from the Borg, or the Zombie herd, or whatever people want to call the insane Left.

They don’t want to live in the sh!tholes they create either, so they constantly move to where it is nice, and bring all their insanity and destructive policies with them.

The insane Left has to be confronted and destroyed.

Separatist movements within states won’t accomplish anything. It’s like trying to separate parts of your family room by putting duct tape borders on the floor when your insane Leftist relatives visit.

They’re not going to observe your duct tape boundaries, they’re going to move all around the family room, break stuff, and make a mess of your house.

Just like they always do.

The only way to prevent them from messing up your house is to not let them in, in the first place.

So how does West Virginia keep Virginians out, or vice versa?

They don’t and they can’t.

So wherever the sane people go to make a decent life for themselves, the insane people won’t be far behind, shuffling toward Galt’s Gulch, like a herd of zombies, hungry to eat more brains.

Gail Combs

That is EXACTLY what happen to New Hampshire. All the Liberals from MA moved to NH because the taxes were much lower and then whined they did not have all the goodies they had in MA so they voted for all the goodies and WOW the taxes started rising to be the same as those in NH.

Brave and Free

This describes NY also, been happening for decades.


This is a relatively common problem, and has been recognized for quite some time.

Oregon is run by Portland, Nevada by Vegas, Utah by SLC, NY by NYC, MA by Boston, Virginia by DC, Georgia by Atlanta, Illinois by Chicago, and on and on….

One state went to elaborate lengths to avoid this problem. Tennessee is divided into three regions — East Tennessee, Central Tennessee, and Western Tennessee — with measures in their state Constitution to prevent one region from dominating the other two. [As a note, that’s why the state flag has three white stars inside a circle.]

The state Supreme Court, for instance, has five justices — no more than two of which can be from a single region.

As a point of interest, the Capital of TN has been in each region at some time in the state’s history.


You are correct, cthulhu, that some population centers (e.g., Portland metro area) have too much influence in Oregon. The US map of red and blue counties that Gudthots uses shows that most of Oregon’s counties are red.

I am aware of the Greater Idaho Movement in Oregon, but I don’t support it because I don’t want the state that I love ~ and I do love Oregon! ~ carved up in such an unattractive way.

There’s been steady, effective push-back against some of the craziness as regular Oregonians have seen the results of bad policies. May it continue!


I’m right there with you, Marie. I grew up east of the mountains and totally understand how people feel who live there. I sympathize with them wanting to leave. I now live in Salem, and even though my county and Linn County below us voted for Trump in 2024, our counties wouldn’t be included in the Greater Idaho split. So life would end up being far worse for us. I think a better solution would be splitting off Portland and letting them go it alone. They can sink or swim without taking down the rest of us.


This was recognized as a problem before TN was admitted as a state in 1796. And it’s everywhere that a large city in a state gets a plurality of votes and can vote themselves goodies from the rural areas of the state.

Arkansas, Hawaii, Delaware, Rhode Island, Washington, and Minnesota are also afflicted.

It’s probably easier to list states that do not have this — California, North Carolina, Pennsylvania (used to, until Pittsburgh rivaled Philadelphia in population), Ohio, Alaska, Florida.


>>>How will it ever be possible to get the Illinois legislature….to vote in favor?

I’m thinking hostages….


They don’t care for other human life. They might feel differently about their own kith and kin.


They’re insane, ergo, they don’t care about anything, including themselves, beyond immediate gratification.



An old Native American term for having integrity.


Good luck with this new State. In my neck of the woods we’re trying to form our own city, apart from the greedy corrupt clutches of Georgetown County. This area provides the county with the most revenue so they are permitting heinous development . It’s a slow process to change things

Cuppa Covfefe

Take the Chicago chunk and name it Nillinoise, or Nilandvoid… let the REAL Illinois remain as Illinois…

(or call the new state Owens, as in Owens-Illinois, and old favorite of mine 🙂 )…..



Gail Combs




Cuppa Covfefe

Yep… and rename the city of $hitcago as Nosignal… 🙂


i kinda like Shitcago better…LOL


Today’s pinned X post from DataRepublican:


Jessie Watters on the Tesla rage. Even features Waldo. 😆


Listen to the audience at Jimmie Kimmel’s show CHEER when he talks about destroying other people’s property.

Whether the Left is insane or just evil, what difference does it make?

They need to be shamed, humiliated, shouted down and confronted at every opportunity.

Sane people outnumber the insane by a ridiculous margin, but the insane minority appear to be the majority, because the insane minority don’t GAF.

What is it going to take, for the sane people to start dealing with the Left the way the Left treats everyone else?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What is it going to take, for the sane people to start dealing with the Left the way the Left treats everyone else?

Easy. The sane people would have to become insane.


Situational insanity perhaps. Become insane for the duration, but do not remain insane indefinitely. Or there won’t be anyone or anything sane left to pick up the pieces.

Gail Combs

Perhaps ‘going berserk’ would be the best way to express it.


I see what you did there 😁


In the absence of God, everything is relative and sanity is the standard of the majority.

Eventually, the victors write the history. We better not lose.

Gail Combs

There was one part of that (3:50) where Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s Press Sec. says they believe the attacks are NOT lonewolf but organized and funded.

Are these NATO/CIA stay-behind units?

Operation Gladio – Hard Evidence of Government Sponsored False Flag Terrorism.

Operation Gladio was formally revealed in 1990 by the Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti in an official statement to the Italian parliament.

By then, Gladio had already been exposed in the courts and elsewhere, but Andreotti’s ‘official’ revelations widely exposed the unpalatable reality. Italian investigations, into the ‘Years of Lead‘, revealed NATO’s hand in a series of terrorist atrocities that had taken place in Italy throughout the 1950s to the 1980s. These included bombings, assassinations, kidnappings and mass shootings by terrorist organisations. There is no doubt that elements within the NATO deep state were routinely using false flag terrorism to control and manipulate public opinion and shape policy.

This is not the speculation of ‘looney conspiracy theorists,’ it is proven, well documented historical fact…


That’s great, but why isn’t anything being done to stop the criminally insane Left?

Why do most people just act like this is the ‘new normal’?

If the Right was doing this to democrats, Hussein would be out saying “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” ( )

The whole country would be shut down. New ‘civil rights’ laws would be passed. Conservatives would be vilified as freedom hating Nazis and getting rounded up into FEMA centers they were going to use for people who refused the Covid shot.

But when they do it to us, CRICKETS.


The insanity will likely continue as long as it is profitable. That doesn’t mean there won’t be flares of noise and fury as the gravy trains stop at their final destinations. But after that, the dust will settle and the embers cool off.

Then there is the systemic problem of tyranny; selective enforcement, too many laws and the whole issue of a runaway judiciary, which has now become very visible.

And where many now are waiting with bated breath for the takedown.

Gail Combs

The cornered DemonRats/satanists are NOT going to surrender without an all out fight. We have been warned about that many times.

Just be happy it has been this mild so far.

Colonel: Operation Northwood was created, & drafted by CIA, Allen Dulles and General Lyman Lemnitzer chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was an Operation Gladio Event…. Operation Northwood featured 👉all of the major US cities having terror attacks by Stay-behind trained people.👈 The people would be dressed as Cuban Nationalists. They would basically say we had been invaded by Cuba, communism was taking over however the entire time it would be people dressed as Cubans. 👉They were going to kill tens of thousands of Americans to instill fear,👈 so they could do a ground invasion of Cuba.

Excerpts from declassified 1962 U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Memo — Operation NorthwoodsJustification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba

There was also Operation Mongoose at the time.

Episode 454 – JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio — Corbett Report


…in reality, it was a bunch of fascists and literal “ex”-Nazis and others who staged false flag terror attacks to blame on left-wing governments, assisted in and/or organized and/or helped in various ways with political assassinations and other assorted nastiness.
And there is a lot more to say on this front. If you want to hear that, you would best turn to NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe by Daniele Ganser, who I had the privilege of interviewing very recently on The Corbett Report about his work, including his work on Operation Gladio.

Daniele Ganser: I wrote this book, NATO’s Secret Armies, and the subtitle is Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe. That’s my PhD. I put four years of my life into this. And I really spent a lot of time working on this. And what I can say is that people don’t know what Operation Gladio is….

….in the historical context, the main person there is Giulio Andreotti, who was the Italian prime minister. And he blew the whistle in the year 1990…. Giulio Andreotti was an insider in Italy. He was prime minister and he really knew Italian politics inside out. And he said, “There’s a secret army in this country.” ….

And then Andreotti said to the Belgian defence minister, “Well, you have a secret army in Belgium as well.” And literally his jaw dropped. And he was going, “What? I am the defence minister. I mean, I should know about it.”

So he flew back from Italy to Belgium. His name was Guy Graham. And he talked to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and said, “I have something to ask you. Do we have a secret army here?” And then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said “Yes.”

And then the Belgian defence minister said, “Why am I not in the loop? Why am I not being informed?” And the chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “Well, you know, defence ministers come and go. We professional military people are here to stay.”

That was a huge scandal, because at that point you could really say that defence ministers in some countries were not involved and not informed. In Switzerland, which is not a NATO country, we had Kaspar Villiger, who was the defence minister.

Now Villiger was not aware that there was a secret army in Switzerland with the code name P26. And when the scandal broke, he said, “I didn’t know about it.” So, it was not only that people on the street or journalists or people in Parliament didn’t know about it. Some people on the level of defence minister had no clue.

And when I looked at the data in more detail, I found out that these secret armies had been set up by the CIA and the MI6.

William Colby [Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from September 1973 to January 1976.] at the time in the ’70s admitted that these secret armies existed, and then it was forgotten again. Giulio Andreotti then confirmed, “Yes, these secret armies existed.” The overall name is called Stay Behind….

Last edited 1 day ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Another goody

DataRepublican (small r)



Replying to @GordonJohnson19

Hello Mr. Johnson,

As the quote goes:

“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

I direct you to the first graph linked in this post, which takes place well after COVID-19 shutdowns started around March 2020. And even now, labor force participation rate is well below pre-COVID levels.

For reference, there are approximately three million federal civilian workers. Those of us in the private sector managed to not to firebomb the cars of federal employees, who are still collecting a cushy paycheck from home long after most of us went back to the actual office.

There is no victimization to be had here. Deficit spending is running at an alarmingly large percent of GDP, and this is resulting in exponential interest rate payments. DOGE is merely applying the same solution as every business in the private sector facing similar financial straits: layoffs for the sake of future financial sustainability.

I would propose it is YOUR moral compass that is broken, such that you prioritize a fraction of federal workers over the financial health of the entire nation. Particularly when contextualized that this is something quite normal which the private sector experiences day in-day out.

3 graphs via Xcancel

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Same 3 graphs via nitter

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Last edited 1 day ago by Gail Combs

I like this little exchange in response:

Replying to @DataRepublican @GordonJohnson19
When Data Republican says “Hello Mr. [YOUR NAME]” it’s kind of like when the PA in high school goes off ordering you by name to report to the principal’s office immediately.

DataRepublican (small r)

 😂 Quite a compliment, but also quite a high standard to maintain.



If it weren’t strange enough, the dolphin welcoming committee absolutely pushed it over the top.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hello, Welcome, and Thanks For All The Fish 🙂


Yeah, that “surreal” scene fueled all kinds of bullshit speculation (again) that space is not real, the Moon Landing was fake, there are no astronauts, blah, blah, blah.


“The rural v. urban dynamic is called out in an essay from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, College of Law (2018), “Splitsylvania: State Secession and What to Do About It“”


It’s just another example of (literally) insane Left (urban) vs. Right (rural).

That’s all it is.

The Left has gone insane. They have defined themselves in opposition to sanity. They publicly declare that men can have babies, and women can be men, and men can be women. They are literally insane. It is not possible to get along with insane people.

But here’s the difference.

It is not possible for the insane people to exist without the sane people. It is the sane people who are being forced to pay for the unreality of the insane Left. As we have all seen, when the funds are cut off from the Left (USAID, etc.), the fantasy world of the Left collapses.

By contrast, not only is it possible for the sane people to exist without the insane people, the lives of the sane people would be orders of magnitude better in every way, without the insane people.

It is not only unfair, it is unjust for the sane people to be used as the ‘host organism’ for the parasitic and literally insane Left.

The sane people have tried everything imaginable to find a way to get along with the insane Left, and the insane Left has done everything possible to destroy the sane people.

So the sane people are done.

They don’t care about getting along with the insane people, or trying to reach out to them for compromise.

All that is left is to get away from the insane people, or to eradicate them.

Which is exactly what this guy was saying:



The author is Instapundit, BTW.


I have heard of Instapundit, but it seems like it has been a long time (years) since I have heard anything about them.

The guy in the video seems familiar, but I don’t know where I’ve seen him before.


This was fire. Natalie Winters in a face of with Christopher Steele.

Gail Combs

Talk about Brass Balls!

I can not BELIEVE that piece of Dog Vomit Slime Mold had the gall to crawl out of his hole again. If he is claiming how much the US Intel types love him, I would be checking every single one of them to find out if they are actually working for Britain instead of the USA.

Cuppa Covfefe

Rusted, corrupt, adulterated, foul Steele… an impure alloy of dodgy metals…


Would not surprise me. We have been infiltrated by many foreign actors from many countries. Some are so called friends other are not. The last years since Brennan the CIA has totally lost its way.

Gail Combs

The CIA started out colluding with the Nazis after WWII and went down hill from there!


She went off on Chrissy Steele for nearly two and a half minutes straight, seemingly without taking a breath… and everybody else is just in awe, wondering if she’s ever gonna stop… 😂🤣😂

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s stinking TOFF (toffee-nosed-snot), a relic of the failed British Empire, proud, with neither substance, talent, ethics, humilty, honesty, integrity, useful work product, nor moral compass.

In short, an overly-privileged prig, and a disgrace to what it means to be British (or at least used to…)…..

Gail Combs

GEE, I get the feeling you are not a fan of Chrissy Steele .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He is the PERFECT example of Britain fucking with America, and quite frankly, there are some Brits who are very due for some FINDING OUT.

Gail Combs

Also note he is Brit INTEL.

Cuppa Covfefe

One could say he’s an Oxymoron… (Brit Intel)…
(or Oxbridge, depending on where he went)….


You could of stopped at substance 😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that was so awesome.

Every Democrat asshoe that dealt with that slimeball deserves to be IN PRISON – right along with Steele.

Getting called out as ASSHOE should be the least of their worries.


I had to listen to her again and it was great 🙂


BANNON: “I’m a firm believer that President Trump will run, and win again in 2028 … We’ll see what the definition of term limit is.”


The Left’s meltdowns will be glorious 😂 🤣 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of the best provocations EVER.


SEE IT: Benjamin Netanyahu gifts Sen. Fetterman a silver plated beeper

Gail Combs

Does it explode?

Cuppa Covfefe

No, it’s got a phaser and a communicator 🙂

(well, ThinkGeek used to have them…)…..


set to STUN


National Economic Council Director Kevin Hassett: “Last year, auto production in the U.S. dropped 7.8% over the year because of Joe Biden’s policies. Last month, it went up 8.5%. So, we actually more than offset the whole year of Biden’s destructive auto policies.”


@PressSec : “The manufacturing sector came ROARING BACK in February!” That’s TRIPLE THE RATE “than the expectations of its highest EVER reported level.”


Thanks, Gudthots!

Most likely many of those blue counties were slim or slimmer margins this time around.

Many city dwellers, even in traditionally blue states, have waked up to the harsh reality of crime and danger in their streets – and to the cost of groceries and realized the perils of voting for the demon rats.

Especially business owners who are losing money to looters, shoplifters, burglars, no real shoppers due to danger of being assaulted.

Humans innately desire law and order, truth and honesty, security, solvency, sanity.

The left’s chaos, cronyism and corruption is a betrayal of the public trust.


With regard to the Elon/Tesla campaign it’s ironic that many EV owners are demoncrats that jumped on the EV train to combat supposed climate change that they themselves created.

Gail Combs

Talk about eating your own! 😆


Like any blackmailer or terrorist they skip over trying to persuade or reason with their target straight to destruction and mayhem….Do it or else

Gail Combs

Looks like it may be Ukrainian/CIA tied if Mike Adams and the Info war crew are correct.

Gail Combs

YUP! The Brits have been in a conspiracy against the USA since 1776.


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Taking Teslas out of the mix, destroying charging stations also ruins it for other makes of EVs…” for the environment and the planet’s future” sure! How dare you~ Gretta the tyrant


I thought Tesla had a unique system requiring its own charging stations. Like iPhone charging cords.

Robert Baker

I believe, but I am not certain, there are adapters for other car makes that will allow them to charge at a Tesla site.


You’re probably right. And if there isn’t, there should be.

Gail Combs

Another townhall article by Jordan Sekulow 

FOIA: Biden’s Army Trained Soldiers to Believe Pro-Lifers Were Terrorists and Jews Invented Terrorism

When President Trump fired several of the military’s top brass this past February, the mainstream media echoed the headlines in the usual doomsday tone we’ve all come to expect, labeling it as “unprecedented” and that it was a cause for “concern” that endangered the traditional nonpolitical role of the military. Well, based on what we uncovered, it appears a shake-up in leadership was in order.

One of the most recent egregious examples of weaponization by the federal government under the Biden administration came to light this past fall when it was discovered that the U.S. Army was training soldiers at Fort Bragg (known for a short time during the Biden administration as Fort Liberty) to view pro-life groups, including our longtime client Operation Rescue and maybe soccer moms with “Choose Life” license plates, as “terrorist groups.” It was shocking.

We took immediate legal action on behalf of Operation Rescue by sending a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, demanding all information to be turned over involving this offensive, so-called anti-terrorism briefing.

We followed up the FOIA request with a demand letter to the U.S. Army calling for it to apologize and cease mislabeling our client as a terrorist group in its training materials. As we explained at the time….

Interesting that it was Fort Bragg, who allegedly trains terrorists as assassins according to Colonel Towner.


Every single person who has been through that psychological programming must be deprogrammed or discharged from the military.

And everyone above them should be prosecuted for Treason (or whatever the correct legal equivalent is) for training the U.S. military to view the American People as the enemy.

Gail Combs

They started that Schiff at LEAST under Obama!

From my old notes.
the whole document obtained by Judicial Watch.

The whole document was obtained by Judicial Watch. August 22, 2013 ARCHIVED DOC


This lesson will focus on awareness and current issues requiring the attention of future Equal Opportunity Advisors. It will also provide information that describes sources of extremism information, definitions, recruitment of DoD personnel, common themes in extremist ideologies, common characteristics of extremist organizations, DoD policies, and command functions regarding extremist activities. ……

The following references are additional sources for current extremism information:

• Anti-Defamation League – [The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people ]

• Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism – [The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino is a nonpartisan research and policy center ]

• Know Gangs –

• Political Research Associates –

• Southern Poverty Law Center – [SEE attacks on Catholic Church and shooting target from their list also <a href=””>DHS employee behind website promoting race war on paid leave</a> ]

The Department of Homeland Security said Friday that an employee who runs a racist website predicting and advocating a race war has been put on paid administrative leave.

Ayo Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who is in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government, operates the website named “War on the Horizon.” It includes descriptions of an “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.” Kimathi is black.

Kimathi, who calls himself the “Irritated Genie,” told his supervisors that the website was set up to sell concert and lecture videos.

Kimathi has been with the department since 2009. His website criticizes whites, gays, those of mixed race, and blacks who integrate with whites. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, earlier this week reported on Kimathi’s role in running the site.

The report showed the site’s content strayed far beyond concert promotion, warning about a coming race war. The website declares, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count,” the Alabama-based SPLC said in its report.

One of Kimathi’s former supervisors at DHS told SPLC’s Hatewatch that, “Everybody is the office is afraid of him,” and that his co-workers are “afraid he will come in with a gun and someday go postal.”

The supervisor, who was not named, continued, “I am astounded he’s employed by the federal government, let alone Homeland Security.”

D. Extremist Ideologies

1. Introduction

As noted, an ideology is a set of political beliefs about the nature of people and society. People who are committed to an ideology seek not only to persuade but to recruit others to their belief. In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.

Gail Combs

Stuff I was looking for about the FBI — Local police a few days ago. Interesting an internet search did not turn it up.

Ridiculous DHS list: You might be a domestic terrorist if…..An 18-year veteran in law enforcement warned to beware of Homeland Security training that is being pushed to local law enforcement.”

Napolitano stands by controversial report – Washington Times The “report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S….”

Fusion centers operate as state and major urban area focal points for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat-related information between federal; state, local, tribal, territorial (SLTT); and private sector partners.

Now why did they name their information gathering company FUSION GPS? Because they were reading the data these centers collect and selling it to billionaires, corporations and most likely foreign governments.

Have you ever heard of Five Eyes?

Crowdstrike and Booz Allen are two others and there are at least a dozen more. Admiral Mike Rogers ended this practice for abuses at least temporarily, but I don’t hear of these companies going out of business.
Possibly the most disturbing thing I’ve ever heard from the leader of a supposedly free nation:

“For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.” – David Cameron


“For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.” – David Cameron


That should have been enough to provoke an immediate uprising, a revolt, a rebellion, whatever was necessary to remove that tyrant POS and prosecute him, or worse.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

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In the air or the HAIR?


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am sure you know about RINOs, Mr. President.


March 20, 2025 12:23 am

WOW! It’s not just Judge Boasberg’s daughter in the non-profit game, apparently his sister Margaret and her Bain Capital husband Christopher Bierly are also big players shoveling cash into the NGO financial underground.

— Crowdsource The Truth (@JG_CSTT) March 18, 2025

Gail Combs


Crowdsource The Truth

Hey everyone, I’ve been investigating corrupt LGBTQIA+2 Transgender in the Military D.C. District Court Judge Reyes’ significant other for about an hour and have already found evidence I would use to empanel a grand jury to indict Dr. Xanthe Scharff.

Crowdsource The Truth

Replying to @JG_CSTT

WOW! It looks like $150k was sent directly to Dr. Xanthe by something called the Pussycat Foundation for her to do “magic”. Pussycat is somehow using the same EIN as the Helen Gurley Brown Foundation. WTF is up with that? @CharlesOrtel @BobBish40288847

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March 20, 2025 1:07 am

BREAKING: Anti-Trump FBI Agent Arrested For Disclosing Classified Information – Feds Nabbed Him as He Was About to Board International Flight
An anti-Trump FBI agent was arrested and charged for disclosing classified information.
Johnathan Buma allegedly disclosed internal classified documents and text messages to associates.
Court documents revealed that Johnathan Buma had printed 130 files from the FBI’s internal network, with many of the documents marked with warnings that the information is confidential.
Buma shared a draft of a book he was writing about his career in the FBI with colleagues, and it contained sensitive information, the charging documents said.
According to ABC News, the feds nabbed Johnathan Buma just as he was about to hop on an international flight on Monday.

Last edited 1 day ago by patfrederick
Gail Combs

Inquiring minds want to know WHERE he was headed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



March 20, 2025 1:32 am

Reply to  Charlotte99
JFK files reveal CIA’s extensive global operations, listing 34 secret field bases across Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America


A stunning declassified document reveals the CIA’s vast operational footprint, listing secret field bases across Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) March 19, 2025


JFK files reveal CIA’s extensive global operations, listing 34 secret field bases across Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America


Hopefully they included the addresses.

It would be a shame if they all had to shut down and try to relocate, because they turned into tourist traps 😁


like Area 51?

Cuppa Covfefe

Talk about illegal aliens 😆




Hey not too far off topic. I guess 🇩🇪 chancellor is making a to do about behaving in the US or you get deported? Is this that big of a deal there since it common knowledge?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, I had to laugh about that, as it’s true for most countries, as well as Germany… the YSM/MCM are making it look like people should be able to flout the law(s) at will…

Gubmint gotto gubmint… and though Merz says he’s conservative CDU, the CDU are basically the gangGreens; neither Christian, Democratic, nor a Union anymore…

Probably taking every opportunity to slime the USA that they can. Having said that, outgoing foreign ministerin (and WEFfenSS Young Global Leader) Annalena Baerbock, with her Feministischen foreign policy, probably found strict interpretation of existing laws for entry into the USA somewhat distasteful… expecially since she’s importing THOUSANDS of Afghans into Germany EVERY WEEK!!!


Id love to have known all their illegal houses, etc in the U.S. alone. I bet people would be floored.


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Gail Combs

Well this is an interesting bit of info. [If true]

Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 12, 2025 (Mike Adams)

 Murder of Jamie White [Info wars Journalist] and CIA Propaganda 

There is an Enemies of Ukrainian, a KILL LIST. Lots of people are on it. It is put out by a Ukrainian organization that is a propaganda front, run by the CIA in part and funded in part by USAID money.

Named Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Chase Geiser [from InfoWars], Scott Ritter and some US senators as well.

Chase Geiser was swatted several times just after the murder.

4:50 Elon traced the attack that took X off line to Ukraine. [Run by CIA against

14 minutes – 63 billion dollars to Ukraine on Hitler’s Birthday last year while our Congress waved Ukrainian flags — Chase Geiser clip.

– Murder of Jamie White and CIA Propaganda (0:00)

– Chase Geyser’s Swatting Incident (2:13)

– Globalist War and UK Government Corruption (6:20)

– Chase Geyser’s Testimony on Swatting (9:35)

– Elon Musk and the Enemies List (14:28)

– Preparation for Cyber Attacks and Power Grid Disruptions (16:51)

– Interview with Tina from the Satellite Phone Store (18:15)

– Practical Solutions for Survival and Preparedness (42:03)

– Final Thoughts and Call to Action (1:04:40)

– Book Review: Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre (1:04:57)

– Special Report: Economic Activity and Government Waste (1:11:27)

– Interview with Steve Quayle: World War Three Threat (1:23:19)

– Special Report: Global Depopulation and Technocratic Elite (1:31:17)

– Special Report: Economic Implications of Robotic Automation (2:02:54)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Ukies. Figures.

Gail Combs

Sure makes you wonder what is being hidden/laundered in Ukraine.


or who


All Trump has to do is expose the CIA as the ROGUE AGENCY that it is, operating independently and directly against American interests, and shut it down.

Shut off all funding to the CIA and suspend all operations, freeze and seize all CIA bank accounts worldwide, revoke the passports and security clearances of all CIA employees.

Put the military on high alert, ready to respond to any rogue CIA activity with overwhelming military force.

Redirect the actual foreign intelligence work the CIA is supposed to be doing to another agency who will actually do that work, instead of operating as a supranational criminal organization answerable to no one.

Trump’s chosen appointee is in charge of the CIA, so DO something about it.

As for ‘SWATTING’, all Blondi or Patel or Bongino has to do is issue a national order to cease ALL so-called ‘SWATTING’ until further notice.

And stop pretending like they don’t know the source of the ‘SWAT’ calls. It’s insulting to pretend like they can’t trace those calls and find out exactly who is doing it, and prosecute them.

As for the Ukrainian ‘Kill List’, inform the Puppet of Ukraine that until or unless that list is very publicly revoked by the people who made it, as of right now, all money to Ukraine is suspended indefinitely, and all U.S. military ‘advisors’ are immediately withdrawn, and all U.S. military support is ended.

Gail Combs

Scott it is not the CIA that is the main problem it is the ASSETS that NATO and the CIA control like the Drug gangs.
A Belgium reporter spent 4 years looking for “staybehind” unit caches and found hundreds. How many do you think are in the USA?

Colonel Tower mentioned looking into disappearances around & in National Parks since real people are used by ‘Stay-behind’ units for practice.

Why Are Thousands Of People Disappearing From National Parks?

How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands Without a Trace

People are Disappearing From National Parks, and the Reason May Surprise You

Nationwide, the research found thousands of parcels of public land that add up to nearly 16.2 million acres inaccessible to the public.

The report comes from a joint effort of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Alliance and onX Maps Inc., the online GPS mapping app.

The plots are national and state forest land, wildlife management and hunting areas, county and municipal forest and more — all public land owned by taxpayers and, by law, supposedly open for public recreation like hiking, hunting and birdwatching for everyone.

Some plots are small and isolated, 40-acre parcels or even smaller. Others include hundreds of acres each — some nearly 4,000 acres — cut off from public roads or other access.

The land in this report is landlocked by privately owned land.

Colonel Towner mentioned going hiking on public land which had access denied signs posted… That was before she knew about Operation Gladio.


“Scott it is not the CIA that is the main problem it is the ASSETS that NATO and the CIA control like the Drug gangs.”


Then turn the SWATTING teams loose on them.

They’ve got itchy trigger fingers like a coke addict at a Parkinson’s convention.

The good guys control the military, law enforcement, every department of the federal gov’t and have more eyeballs on Tweeter and Truth Social than legacy media.

If now isn’t the time to wipe out the enemy, what time will ever be better?



Verse of the Day for Thursday, March 20, 2025

“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” 

Matthew 12:30 (KJV)

Jesus defends his disciples for plucking corn on the sabbath day. (1-8) Jesus heals a man with a withered hand on the sabbath. (9-13) The malice of the Pharisees. (14-21) Jesus heals a demoniac. (22-30) Blasphemy of the Pharisees. (31,32) Evil words proceed from an evil heart. (33-37) The scribes and Pharisees reproved for seeking a sign. (38-45) The disciples of Christ are his nearest relations. (46-50).

22-30 A soul under Satan’s power, and led captive by him, is blind in the things of God, and dumb at the throne of grace; sees nothing, and says nothing to the purpose. Satan blinds the eyes by unbelief, and seals up the lips from prayer. The more people magnified Christ, the more desirous the Pharisees were to vilify him. It was evident that if Satan aided Jesus in casting out devils, the kingdom of hell was divided against itself; how then could it stand! And if they said that Jesus cast out devils by the prince of the devils, they could not prove that their children cast them out by any other power. There are two great interests in the world; and when unclean spirits are cast out by the Holy Spirit, in the conversion of sinners to a life of faith and obedience, the kingdom of God is come unto us. All who do not aid or rejoice in such a change are against Christ.

Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.



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After a harrowing day we feel drained
No peace no quiet our senses are strained
Our muscles are taut unable to ease
Dear Lord can You help us relax please

Sometimes a quick prayer will give us pause
The Spirit we pray will take up our cause
No higher power can ever relieve
The disquiet of the mind we aggrieve

When we pray we release anger and pain
Our mind and body are free once again
We have left the natural realm somehow
Into the spiritual realm right now

When we have achieved the spiritual plane
Nothing in the natural is ever the same
Angels have lifted us into the clouds
High above the screams of the demon crowds

When we realize from where troubles come
We can extract ourselves from demonic scum
That vexing voice that plagues our spirit
Cannot take hold nor will we fear it

Manipulations of the mind are moot
When we give the enemy the boot
In the name of Jesus he will flee
No longer will he bother you or me

In the Silence of the Night we’re in control
The Sword of the Spirit will surely console
Greater is He who lives inside of you
Than that loser to which you bid adieu

D01: 09/02/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms





Woman has a nice prayer for Elon Musk.

Another woman has a different approach. Both good, but this one is a bit pricey.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Important! Very important!

Gail Combs

Sure looks like a nest of CIA/NATO traitors defending the CIA Black Ops money stream.


March 20, 2025 9:07 am

Incredible. The idiots don’t even know what they’re talking about.
LAWFARE: Judge Falsifies USAID Origins in Anti-Trump Order Rebuking ‘Unconstitutional’ Foreign Aid Freeze
18 Mar 2025
A federal judge, in a ruling aimed at restoring the core functions of the defunct United States Agency for International Development (USAID), appeared either to not know or, indeed, falsify how the agency was created. The bizarre error will now call into question the validity of his ruling Tuesday, which even seeks to reopen building access for dismissed USAID employees.
U.S. District Court Judge Theodore D. Chuang, who serves on the Federal District Court of Maryland bench and was appointed by former President Barack Obama, claims that Congress created USAID and, therefore, it cannot be shut down solely through presidential authority. However, this is not the case.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Ode to Spring
Spring is sprung, the grass is riz,
I wonder where the flowers is –
Oh wait, there’s one, half-drowned in mud,
A soggy bloom, a dismal dud.
The sun pops out, the air turns sweet,
Then pollen knocks me off my feet.
Sneezing, wheezing, eyes like goo,
Allergies are here – right on cue.
Spring cleaning calls, dust bunnies roar,
Piles of junk spill out the door.
The vacuum strains, then it clogs
Stuffed with hair from our three dogs.
The lawn’s a jungle, the mower’s mad,
Grass grows faster than a teenage lad.
Weeds pop up, they laugh, they thrive,
I yank ‘em out – yet they survive.
Puddles splash, my shoes go squish,
Mud tracks in, my floors now wish
For winter’s frost to save their soul,
This Springtime mess is out of control.
And bugs! Oh, bugs, with bites so mean,
Mosquitoes treat me like cuisine.
Gnats in swarms, a buzzing wave,
I swat, I curse, I rant, I rave.
The rain won’t quit, the yard’s a bog,
My pooch comes in – wet, stinky dog.
The birds all sing at 4 a.m.,
“Shut up!” I yell, but they just grin.
Yet still, I love that Spring is here,
The green, the sun, the warmth – I cheer.
Spring’s my most favorite season of all,,,
Until the leaves turn gold in Fall.


Dont forget the sneezin!

Gail Combs

ACHOOOooooo Wheeze wheeze… cough.


Great poem, thanks Bakocarl  :wpds_smile: 


March 20, 2025 9:42 am

Well, this is probably where some of the “lost billions” in Ukraine is going….I am sick and tired of hearing about Corrupt Ukraine!!!
FTA: “THE FIRST ALL-SEASON MOUNTAIN RESORT IN UKRAINE WITH AN INTERNATIONAL FORMAT, A HOLISTIC CONCEPT AND THE BROADEST PALETTE OF IMPRESSIONS, SERVICES AND ATTRACTIONS”The war in Ukraine has left the nation utterly insolvent, almost entirely reliant on foreign aid. President Zelensky claims he cannot account for billions in aid, urging world leaders to send more rapidly as he must prevent Russia from invading all of Europe. Peace is not an option as “the worst conflict since World War II” rages on with no end in sight. In the meantime, Ukraine spent £1.2 billion ($1.5 billion) to improve its tourism sector by building a massive luxury ski resort.
The luxury resort will span 2,965 acres, feature 25 hotels with 5,5000 rooms, with 41 ski slopes spanning 46.6 miles. The GORO Mountain Resort project was supposed to begin in 2022, but was delayed due to the obvious. OKKO Group, Ukraine’s largest network of gas stations, suddenly changed plans and believes now is the time to begin building the project that will take an estimated 15 years to complete.
As a bonus, GORO Mountain Resort will be located in Lviv, adjacent to Ukraine’s border with Poland. Poland’s defense budget has multiplied as it rushes to fight off Russian aggression at its own border. Donald Tusk has demanded that every male in Poland undergo military training, and he plans to expand the nation’s 200,000 army to one boasting 500,000 troops, which would make it the third-largest military force in NATO behind the United States and Turkey. In November 2024, 55% of Poles said they supported ending the war even if Ukraine was forced to surrender territory. The people do not want war but those at the helm will send them off to die under the guise of protecting national sovereignty.
Meanwhile, Ukraine has threatened neighboring nations like Poland with untold repercussions if they fail to strangle their own agricultural sector by extending Ukraine’s duty-free trade deal. Ukraine has warned that Eastern European nations will suffer the worst of the consequences.
Yet, the GORO Mountain Resort boasts easy access to those neighboring nations, with direct train travel from “Vienna, Budapest, Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Kharkiv, and more, with the Slavsko station (5 km from the resort).”
Ukraine claims that Russian gas may not pass through its nation as it does not its foe to receive a single euro. Zelensky and others do not care that their allied neighbors like Hungary and Slovakia desperately need the gas line reimplemented in order to provide their nations with essential energy. Perhaps the Ukrainian government could suggest an alternative through a company such as OKKO Group.
It was a known fact that Ukraine was a corrupt nation before the war began and the government rebranded itself as a delicate victim that simply wants the best for its people—its people who have been sent off to die while those in charge refuse to negotiate with Russia. Zelensky has also said that the war will last for many years to come, yet his war-ravaged nation plans to build a billion-dollar resort near its border with Poland to attract tourism. Greed and corruption will be the end of Ukraine. In fact, based on our computer model, there will be no Ukraine in 15 years when this facility is set to open.

Gail Combs

“… In fact, based on our computer model, there will be no Ukraine in 15 years when this facility is set to open.”

GEE I wonder who OWNS that resort? Blackrock?

Cuppa Covfefe

Burisma??? 😀

Gail Combs

The Bidens???


Libs of TikTok
Meet Jeanette Vizguerra, the Left’s newest hero. She was just arrested by ICE in Colorado.

Jeanette is in our country illegally, had multiple ICE detainer requests, was convicted of forged instrument possession, and was convicted of failure to display proof of insurance and driving without a license.

She also posted this photo hoping for Trump to be kiIIed.

Democrats and the media are claiming she’s just an innocent mom with no criminal history.

They’re lying.
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Its not a 1 off. Illegal s of certain persuasions stick together even w family thats not illegal or friends that arent bc theyve discovered political power ceded to them by our politicians.

Gail Combs

Remember the Rodeo Clown that used an Obama mask and got BANNED by the state and the Rodeo association???

Just to set the stage, so you understand they are not just some entertainer.

Rodeo Clowns: The Unsung Heroes of the

Rodeo clowns, the brave individuals who dance with danger in the bull riding arena, are far more than just entertainers.These daring athletes, also known as bullfighters or rodeo protection athletes, play a crucial role in one of America’s most thrilling sports. Their primary responsibility is to protect fallen riders from bulls by distracting the animals and providing an alternative target. This dangerous job requires a unique combination of skills that sets rodeo clowns apart in the world of sports and entertainment.

This clown has used other presidents, like Bush, in his act with not a peep of criticism.

Obama mask-wearing rodeo clown from the Missouri State Fair is leading his town’s ‘Person of the Year’ vote | Daily Mail Online

A rodeo clown who received both praise and death threats after he wore an Obama mask at the Missouri State Fair is leading his small town’s ‘Person of the Year’ contest….

This depiction of Barack Obama by a rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair caused national controversy. Tuffy Gessling said he received a lifetime ban from rodeo after the stunt – depriving him of doing something he loves…

He received a lifetime ban from being a rodeo clown by both the Missouri State Fair and the Professional Rodeo Clown Association.

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The Left CANNOT tolerate mockery.

That is why mockery is so effective against them 😁

Gail Combs

I am glad the town honored the guy.


Good online friends —

The Health Friday post for this week is finished, and will publish just after Midnight tomorrow morning.
Thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank YOU for preparing it! 💖


Wolf Moon
Thank you, it is a privilege.
Methinks I’ve come upon another piece of the puzzle as to why N1-Methylpseudouridine was added into the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna.


This is beyond unbelievable and its been going on well over a decade! Mo one knows why it existed?
The us govt is 😈 until its been reformed, if possible. These terrorists striking out at tesla want this agency and all its bs to continue???!!!

Inside The Now-Shuttered Federal Agency Where Employees Lived ‘Like Reigning Kings’

Employees of DOGE’s latest target spent taxpayer money on exotic vacations, portraits, and more.

One of the seven small federal agencies that President Donald Trump ordered downsized or eliminated on Friday was rife with corruption, with its employees hiring friends and relatives, commissioning paintings of themselves, and using government credit cards to indulge in constant luxuries.

The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) occupied a nine-story office tower on D.C.’s K Street for only 60 employees, many of whom actually worked from home, prior to the pandemic. Its managers had luxury suites with full bathrooms; one manager would often be “in the shower” when she was needed, while another used her bathroom as a cigarette lounge. FMCS recorded its director as being on a years-long business trip to D.C. so he could have all of his meals and living expenses covered by taxpayers, simply for showing up to the office.

FMCS is a 230-employee agency that exists to serve as a voluntary mediator between unions and businesses. As an “independent agency,” its director nominally reports to the president, but the agency is so small that in effect, there is no oversight at all — and it showed, becoming a real-life caricature of all the excesses that the Department of Government Efficiency has alleged take place in government.

This reporter spent a year investigating the agency a decade ago, and I found egregious and self-serving violations of hiring, pay, contracting, and purchase card rules. One thing I could not discover is why the agency actually existed, other than to provide luxurious lifestyles for its employees. Endless junkets to resort destinations, which employees openly used to facilitate personal vacations, were justified as building awareness of the agency in the hopes that someone would actually want to use its voluntary services.

FMCS seemed, quite clearly, to exist for the benefit of those on its payroll, and not much else. 


The main Hq’s for FMCS is on E street but the office on the infamous K street obviously is there to grease the skids between private business and congressional critters.

Luke, the author of the above story has been fighting against the FMCS for quite some time. Two of his stories from 2013 appear on the Wikipedia page for FMCS @

  1.  Rosiak, Luke (October 1, 2013). “Bureaucrats at tiny federal agency FMCS buy legions of luxuries with purchase cards”The Washington ExaminerArchived from the original on August 27, 2016. Retrieved September 13, 2016.
  2. ^ Rosiak, Luke (November 14, 2013). “FMCS under congressional fire after Examiner report on widespread waste and fraud”The Washington Examiner. Retrieved March 16, 2025.

On March 14, 2025, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that called for the elimination of several federal agencies, including FMCS.[3] He ordered those institutions to be “eliminated to the maximum extent consistent with applicable law”.[4]

The FMCS was created by congress in 1947. A look at it’s Wikipedia page linked above might demonstrate this one will be harder to take down/down size/reorganize than some others but it definitely needs major adjustments as is this appears where America gets sold out to private business which is not a big secret.


Unreal…. all those ww2 contracts greased so many palms they needed a way to keep it going afterwards!


Prosecute every single ’employee’ and force restitution with interest.


Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! Your roundup includes: Florida and other states keep moving slowly toward ending property taxes or at least major tax reforms; good legal news as DC judge denies Institute for Peace requested TRO; DOGE teams delivering shock and awe at the non-Peaceful speed of war; AI study finds artificial judges coldly even-handed and human judges have bleeding hearts; and the JFK files disclosure is looking a lot like another Trump chess move —possibly his greatest move yet— aimed at accomplishing President Kennedy’s last wish.

Gail Combs

From the article:

…We learned more about the unprecedented warp speed at which the Trump team is running. the Journal reported, “A cybersecurity expert” —meaning, a hacker— “had driven from Georgia to DC in the middle of the night at DOGE’s request to help DOGE staffers access the institute’s [ Institute for Peace] computer systems.”

DOGE called in a hacker in the middle of the night! That, friends, is not the speed of government. It’s not really even the speed of business. This is something completely different.

This is the speed of war….

Now THAT is impressive!


It’s the speed of time is money, as implemented by someone (Elon) who understands the true implications of ‘time is money’ on a grand scale.

You have a mission. You encounter an obstacle. You don’t wait until a convenient time to solve it, you make a phone call and solve the problem.

I’m surprised Elon didn’t fly the ‘cybersecurity expert’ to D.C. on a private jet.

Gail Combs

It probably was a school buddy of one of Elon’s employees. Atlanta GA to DC is 8 to 9 hours. Augusta, GA to Washington, DC is 8 hours.

That is if you drive non-stop at the speed limit. (In NC you would get run over driving 70.)

Gail Combs

The article lined to this:



Mar 19

Damn these Operation Mongoose files are crazy.

The CIA admit they had plans for “agriculture sabotage” by initiating crop failure via “biological agents”.

The CIA had plans to use bioweapons for regime change.

If they are willing to do this, what else are they willing to do?

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At spme point Trump has to take CIA down, or at a minimum massively downsize.

Gail Combs

GUT IT and prosecute most of the agents.

Gail Combs

I am really glad I decided to do the Operation Gladio video just as the JFK documents were coming out. I think the Colonel and Brady added a lot of context.

Happy go lucky



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Robert’s Best Buddy Boasberg on the top of the list, but we learned that a couple days ago. 😁

Gail Combs

I wonder if this is why the Epstein files were paused….


More reason to release Epstein documents, to coincide with unsealing indictments and streaming live arrests.

Gail Combs

YUP, Enough going on right now that the  Epstein documents can be saved until a wee bit later… AFTER the indictments. 😋


Whatever schedule works for Trump, works for me.

Gail Combs

I am just sitting here grinning…. and eating popcorn.


Exposing the rat.


The night before last, Owen Shroyer was swatted. This update is from yesterday

After Last Night’s Swatting and mystery pizza, Owen Shroyer has an update and lead. The pizza came from Papa John’s at the very intersection where his coworker Jamie White was Murdered. Owen also just had another rogue pizza delivered. He could very well get swatted again tonight. Stay Safe O 🙏

Shroyer says a lot of districts have Soros attorneys who will not move the ball forward with the investigations. When cases reach their level, they stall.

Texas seems to be a focus of these incidents.

He talked with a very high-level person (whom I suspect to be Dan Bongino, but I could be wrong!) who said investigations are being done but the public needs to keep shining the spotlight on the swatting issues. “Make it as loud as possible” because the Deep State is so entrenched. Keep the pressure on to help get something done.

Shroyer talked with the Papa John’s where his pizza was ordered from and does have a solid lead. That restaurant is at the exact intersection of Jamie White’s murder.

I don’t know if anything happened with Shroyer last night.

Last edited 1 day ago by TheseTruths

I’m sure it’s being loudly condemned but that’s as far as WE can go…after that it’s up to THEM.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if they have surveillance cams? Most places do, in particular to keep a good watch over the till…..


Shroyer said he has some more avenues to explore, and he also has his lawyer working on it. That might be one of the things they’re working on.

Gail Combs

Dan Bongino also said they are working on it at the FBI.

Gail Combs

Unless it was paid with cash and he took pains to hide his ID. (Hoodie)


Why don’t they just shut down ALL of the SWATTING teams?!?

Is there no one in control of anything?

It’s not like the SWATTING teams are doing anything at this point besides getting used as a prank army against American citizens.

Last edited 23 hours ago by scott467

Actually this is pretty smart. Strip the Judges of their jurisdictions so they can’t decide the kind of actions they are trying to impose on POTUS and the Executive Branch.
Governor DeSantis Offers a Solution to Dealing With the Activist Judges Who Are Trying to Block Trump’s Agenda
Mike LaChance Mar. 20, 2025 7:45 am 755 Comments

It will still require 60 votes in congress to pass just like impeachment but in this case you can avoid the trial stuff and just attach it to a Must Pass Bill in Congress.

Alternately which I’d think easier, is Johnson do his job and start defunding or limiting the spending of these agencies which will make 60 to 70 % of these rulings mute.

That said though, just the credible threat of the DeSantis idea might make these TDS protectionist judges fade away. 😁


more like cockroaches when the light’s turned on…they’ll scatter but not die or desist.


Why don’t they just ask “What would Obama and Holder do?” if the situation was reversed?

Then do that.


FAA to install runway safety technology at 74 airports by end of 2026

The Federal Aviation Administration said on Wednesday it will install enhanced safety technology at 74 airports by the end of 2026 to help detect runway incursions.

The FAA is installing the Runway Incursion Device, a memory aid for air traffic controllers that indicates when a runway is occupied.

The system is operational at four airports and will be installed at another 70 airports over the next 19 months.

Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy said earlier on Wednesday that he plans to announce in the next few days a plan to overhaul the U.S. air traffic control system to replace aging technologies.

The Jan. 29 fatal Army helicopter and American Airlines regional jet collision that killed 67 people near Reagan Washington National Airport has also rekindled concerns about aviation safety.

Duffy said last week that he plans to ask Congress for tens of billions of dollars to reform air traffic control.

The Government Accountability Office says the FAA must take urgent action to address aging air traffic control systems, saying that one-third are unsustainable.

The FAA said in October that it was opening an audit into runway incursion risks at the 45 busiest U.S. airports.

Over the last two years, a series of troubling near-miss incidents has raised concerns about U.S. aviation safety and the strain on understaffed air traffic control operations.

The Runway Incursion Device is installed at Austin airport, which was the site of a serious 2023 near-miss incident involving Southwest Airlines and FedEx airplanes after a mistaken assumption by a controller.

A persistent shortage of controllers has delayed flights and, at many facilities, controllers are working mandatory overtime and six-day weeks to cover shifts.

The FAA, which has aging technology and facilities and needs billions of dollars to modernize, is about 3,500 air traffic controllers short of targeted staffing, prompting the aviation industry and lawmakers to call for action.

The FAA is also installing the Surface Awareness Initiative system and Approach Runway Verification system at airports.

SAI uses Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast data to display surface traffic to controllers at airports without a surface surveillance tool. It is operational at 18 airports and the FAA plans to install it at 32 others by the end of 2025.

(Reporting by David Shepardson; Editing by Mark Porter)

Cuppa Covfefe

Trying to make them DEI-proof, methinks…


“Duffy said last week that he plans to ask Congress for tens of billions of dollars to reform air traffic control.”


I bet DOGE can set up the whole nation with new air traffic control systems for $1 billion, and end up refunding half of it.


2 students arrested after allegedly attacking teacher at Florida high school

Both 19 and still in high school?

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Last edited 1 day ago by gil00

Full growed men ganging up on a teacher. Time for adult punishment.

Love the pic Gil…it’s the best!


19yo in high school. Illegals?

Gail Combs

Or really dumb/lazy.

Cuppa Covfefe


Gail Combs

There is a difference?


Always a possibility, but no family details or teacher info atm.


LUCY! You got some splaining to do!!!
Mortgage fraud?
My recent revelations in The Gateway Pundit demonstrated that New York Attorney General Letitia James obtained a federal government HAMP loan in 2011 to refinance her apartment building based on false unit information and a highly questionable hardship claim.
In her loan documents, James claimed her multi-family apartment building at Lafayette Avenue in Brooklyn had only four units, even though the official Certificate of Occupancy indicates five apartments.
This may seem a minor point, but James’s false claim helped her obtain a 2.7% government-backed HAMP loan unavailable to landlords with more than four apartments in a given building. James also claimed financial hardship to qualify for the loan, despite an income of over $126,390 in 2011.
There seems to be a pattern of possible mortgage fraud in regard to Letitia James. New questions have now arisen about a home Letitia James purchased with her father, Robert James.
In the Spring of 1983, Letitia James was 24 and living in Brooklyn with her parents. She had graduated from CUNY’s Lehman College in 1981. She would not begin law school at Howard University in Washington, DC, until the fall of 1984.
According to New York City Department of Finance records, on May 20, 1983, Letitia James and her father, Robert James, took out a real estate loan from Kadilac Funding Ltd. for $30,300 as “husband and wife.” For the record, Letitia James’ mother is Nellie James.
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Meanwhile, the deed for the property, executed on the same day, has a different designation. On the top, it says the property is being purchased by “ROBERT JAMES AND LETITIA JAMES, his daughter.”
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Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe a HEMP loan… damned grifters…..


No wonder she gravitated to the ultimate grift, government work. Cradle to grave steeped in unethical deeds and most likely outright theft

Gail Combs

Time to go after the other DemonRat judges & public attorneys.


Probably will claim it’s a clerical error.


the article also says when she remortgaged it was also to husband and wife.

Cuppa Covfefe

Father/husband, brother, married to another….

Now WHERE have I heard that before… Somali sis, perhaps?


Zelensky spoke out against ending the war along the line of contact because “it will be Berlin – no one will return to even half of the cities.”

Putin signed a decree according to which Ukrainian citizens who are illegally in Russia are required to leave by September 10


SAR Scan of Khafre Pyramid Shows Huge Underground Structures


need the threadreader link.


It’s contributions from others, so a thread reader link would not do it, I think.

Gail Combs

Wait …. What family was Tesla connected to??

Cuppa Covfefe

Black pills galore….

That’s why he’s an analyst, and not part of the Administration…..


March 20, 2025 2:50 pm

Fredericks will be at the WH today as part of the Press pool when Trump signs the EO dismantling the DOE.
Dismantling the Department of Education
HISTORIC: Today at 4pm, President @realDonaldTrump is signing an executive order that will dismantle and gut the Department of Education. While Congress will have to pass legislation to eliminate the agency completely, this executive order will stop almost all agency functions.


I never thought this would be possible. A lot of these agencies are so entrenched, and the Left is so dependent on them, that change seemed extremely unlikely.


i read that Congress will have to get rid of it since they created it, but he can certainly gut it like a fish.


JUST IN: Attorney General Pam Bondi Announces Severe Federal Charges Against Three Tesla Arsonists – “The Day of Committing Crimes Without Consequence Have Ended”

…U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi announced this afternoon that her office has charged three individuals with serious offenses. Each one of the lowlifes used Molotov cocktails to set Tesla dealerships and cars ablaze. 

“The day of committing crimes without consequence have ended,” Bondi said in a statement. “Let this be a warning: if you join this wave of domestic terrorism against Tesla properties, the Department of Justice will put you behind bars. 

The first accused ‘domestic terrorist’ was arrested after throwing eight Molotov cocktails at a Salem, Oregon, Tesla dealership. She was also armed with an AR-15.

The second suspect was arrested in Loveland, Colorado, after using Molotov cocktails to set fire to multiple Teslas. Authorities later discovered the individual had “possession of materials used to produce additional incendiary weapons.”

The final perp wrote vulgar messages targeting President Trump before lighting charging stations on fire in Charleston, South Carolina… 

Each suspect faces between 5-20 years in prison. And there are still far more Tesla arsonists at large. 

Millions of Americans across the country will welcome this news, particularly Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla. Kudos to Bondi for taking dramatic action.



Cuppa Covfefe

But…. but…. but…. but….


Molotov cocktails?????

Hope they all spend the rest of their lives behind bars….. set an example…

Gail Combs

Nail their ass SEPARATELY for each car.


Here’s one of them here! Just follow his smoke trail as the dumb ass lit himself on fire. 😮

Gail Combs

Should be easy to find since he was too stupid to drop and roll.


“The day of committing crimes without consequence have ended,” Bondi said in a statement.


Why did the day of committing crimes without consequence exist in the first place?


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Gail Combs

Note the white women (college) do not like the DemonRats either.

Maybe we should send them to the Ukranian frontlines.

Cuppa Covfefe

WTH is it with white women?????

Somehow, in some twisted way, abortion “rights” is tied in with their views….

Too bad they couldn’t have interviewed the preborn babies… I’ll bet they’d be VERY interested in a safe and secure future!

Gail Combs

Targeted brainwashing.


Embarrassed to say… daughter is upset with DOGE because her friend was laid off from his “looking for federal buildings to rent” job. Explained, eliminating tax payer waste her taxes may go down. It was like watching her brain short circuit.


Repubs need to figure out a way to reach some of those women. With their indoctrination about abortion “rights” and other leftist causes it is hard, but it needs to be attempted.

The ones who have “trans” kids, or who know someone who does, are probably a lost cause, and public pressure needs to show them that we are not going to change society because of them. That will turn them even farther away from the Right. But we don’t have to have them to win.

Gail Combs

Brave AI says:

As of 2021, 36.1% of females aged 25 or over in the U.S. had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. In 2020, 44.5% of the 18-24-year-old female population were enrolled in college compared to 40% of the overall U.S. population.4 Women have overtaken men and now account for more than half (50.7%) of the college-educated labor force in the United States.5 By 2024, 47% of U.S. women ages 25 to 34 had a bachelor’s degree, compared with 37% of men.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, White women make up 30.7% of the U.S. population.5 Additionally, White women are 60.3% of the U.S. population of women.

So they are roughly 10% of the US population.


not ALL white college educated women. I am one and that chart is ass backwards for me. perhaps it is skewed by grade point average? LOL
perhaps there should be a noted characteristic –are they phi beta kappas?

Gail Combs

is their major in African Lesbian Basket Weaving?

I have a BS and lots of continuing ed to keep up my QC Engineer certificate.


and do you fit that profile? LOL
certainly not!

Gail Combs

I was always a GDI.


X Suspends Never-Trumper Rick Wilson’s Account After He Publishes Calls to “Kill Tesla. Save the Country”
First he got a 30-day suspension, but now I think it’s a full suspension. I don’t know what that means. Suspended until further notice?

I think he needs to be criminally charged under 18 U.S. Code § 373 – Solicitation to commit a crime of violence.


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Gail Combs


  :cheers:   :cheers:   :cheers:   :cheers: 

  :pepper:   :pepper:   :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana-mario:   :banana-mario:   :banana2:   :banana2:   :banana2: 


Maybe DOGE could use some of that money to buy some fighter jets, and commence a retaliatory strike against the (much less than the)World Economic Forum.


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Drag a $100 bill through a commune…


 Natalie Winters Profile picture
Natalie Winters
1h • 6 tweets • 3 min read •
Read on X
EXC: The daughter of Anti-DOGE judge Beryl Howell works at a British nonprofit belonging to a USAID-funded group.

She’s worked with organization receiving over $1.3 billion from USAID.

She also attended the 2017 Women’s March with her sister.

🧵🧵🧵 Image
Alina Rosenfeld is a Principal Consultant for Social Development Direct, a “provider of innovative gender equality and social inclusion consultancy and research.”

It’s part of the Inclusive Futures consortium which states it was “previously funded by USAID until January 2025.”

Her sister Calla posted a picture of Alina at the 2017 Women’s March with an anti-Trump signed captioned “My nasty sister <3.”
Alina Rosenfeld also worked at OxFam Great Britain and the American Red Cross.

The Red Cross has received $1.2 billion in USAID funds.

OxFam had received over $130 million in USAID grants.

She was also the Head of Safeguarding at WarChild UK, which has repeatedly opposed the Trump administration/DOGE’s USAID cuts.

@threadreaderapp unroll

Cuppa Covfefe

OxFam is about as far left as you can get!!!

Says it all right there!

Gail Combs

That is what I remembered from a decades ago.



It is supposed to start soon.


The New York Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state, blocked a 2021 law on Thursday passed by the New York City Council that authorized noncitizens in the U.S. legally to vote in local elections.

“Whatever the future may bring, the New York Constitution as it stands today draws a firm line restricting voting to citizens,” Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals Rowan D. Wilson wrote in the court’s majority opinion. “Accordingly, the order of the Appellate Division insofar as appealed from should be modified, without costs, in accordance with this opinion and, as so modified, affirmed.”

The law — which did not grant noncitizens the right to vote in presidential, congressional or state elections — allowed green-card holders and individuals with work permits who have lived in the city for at least a month to vote in municipal elections. 

That’s how they get their foot in the door. Start small, then expand.

The Republican National Committee, the New York Republican State Committee, and a group of voters and elected officials challenged the statute in 2022. New York’s state constitution specifies that “every citizen shall be entitled to vote,” and the Republican challengers argued that definition can’t be extended to include noncitizens as well.

Gail Combs



  :banana-mario:   :banana2:   :pepper: 


Liz Churchill
INDIA has RAIDED the George Soros’ Open Society Foundation Offices in Karnataka.

Gail Combs

GOOD!!! I think they raided a few other places previously.


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How to ruin your life.


He looks so proud of himself.

This situation presents a golden opportunity for the Trump administration, to bring to public consciousness (and therefore make it possible to discuss with normies) the simple and undeniable fact that liberals have been brainwashed.

It would be simple to create a video collage of over-the-top examples of Leftist lunacy, pausing after each one to show the reality of whatever the liberal is thinking or protesting, vs. what the protestor thinks is reality.

Educate the American population how this brainwashing takes place, primarily via legacy media using basic propaganda techniques, repeating the same lie over and over again, until people believe the lie.

Show that this technique was systematized by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister to Adolf Hitler in WWII.

Lay it all out. Show people. Give the people who are already awake the support they need to have these discussions with others, instead of pretending like the administration doesn’t know anything, and leaving us all hanging out to dry — like you did to us with Q (and thanks for that, by the way… and thanks for leaving us hanging out to dry all through covid too, that was really helpful).

Because until people in positions of power and authority begin talking about these things, the brainwashed will only dismiss our claims as ‘conspiracy theory’, because that is what they have been programmed by the TV (and every other form of media) to do.

So break the brainwashing by using the same media. Force the propaganda transmission devices to broadcast counter-programming.

Same familiar transmission medium(s), different message.

Start repeating the truth over and over (and over) again, and it will have the same effect that telling lies over and over again has had. Help the brainwashed, and empower those who are awake.

The lunatic Left is handing the administration a huge opportunity. It is a compassionate response, a non-violent response, and an honest response. It takes the moral high ground, and so long as what the administration says is true and verifiable, every attempt to argue against it will blow up in their faces.

There are tens of millions of Americans who have been effectively propagandized to the point of being a danger not only to themselves, but to everyone else. By going off the deep end, they have presented the Trump administration with an opportunity to help them, and to help all of America, at the same time.

Carpe diem.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

And who influenced Göbbels?
Edward Bernays, an American marketing genius, yet another “gift” from Austria to the world in the early 20th Century…. I think DePat has written about him a number of times…
(not defending or commenting on Göbbels, by any means, but Bernays kept the propaganda up long after Göbbels was gone)…

Gail Combs

Edward Bernays: Propaganda and the U.S.-Backed 1954 Guatemalan Coup

Edward Bernays may be known as the Father of Public Relations, but you would not be mistaken if you thought of him as the Father of Lies. He was a bullshit artist par excellence who pioneered countless methods of deceiving the public.

For Bernays—author of mind-control manuals like Propaganda and The Engineering of Consent—there was no truth, no concept of an objective right or wrong. There were only wants, needs and desires. From advertising cigarettes to overthrowing governments—anything was possible. In his autobiography, Biography of an Idea: Memoirs of a Public Relations Counsel, Bernays borrowed a quote from a friend to describe this post-truth reality: “The cure for propaganda is more propaganda.” ….

Although Bernays was not directly involved, the CIA took a cue from the PR guru and flooded Guatemalans with propaganda to counter the Árbenz government’s own messages...

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

“…and thanks for leaving us hanging out to dry all through covid too…”

Excuse me but that is BULL SCHIFF! Trump did all he could for us. He even had Peter Navarro negotiate a good supply of HCQ from India, who at the time was refusing to export it..

He brought Dr Zelanko and his protocol to our attention.

FORWARD: JEWISH. INDEPENDENT. NONPROFIT. — Why Dr. Vladimir Zelenko staked his reputation on hydroxychloroquine

….Trump’s nationally televised declaration that he had started taking hydroxychloroquine after receiving a letter about the drug’s value from a New York doctor he did not name. That evening, I received a WhatsApp message from Zelenko: “This is me,” he wrote, below a video of the president’s comments….

In mid-April, after Zelenko gave a Zoom seminar to Honduran doctors, that country’s health ministry released treatment guidance for Covid-19 based on Zelenko’s regimen. On April 24, Trump said the president of Honduras had told him that they were seeing “incredible” results with hydroxychloroquine….

On March 23, he posted to Facebook a letter he said he had sent to Rep. Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff, explaining his protocol and saying that, of 500 people treated thus far, none had been hospitalized or died. That evening, Sean Hannity, the Fox News commentator, discussed Zelenko’s letter on his show. The Washington Post reported that Meadows then contacted Zelenko….

“Death threats, online posts, just common sense,” he said. “If you think about it, my actions inadvertently but nevertheless have potentially affected two very powerful interests.”

Zelenko said that he was referring to the Democratic Party and the pharmaceutical industry. He explained that, because his regimen is based on generic drugs, it runs counter to the interests of big drug companies, and he believes its success would vindicate Trump, who was an early endorser of his theories.

“I was also advised by certain very high, well experienced and educated people that I need to be cautious,” he said….

Trump had to tread carefully because he was NOT A DOCTOR, and I think the Stamford Act prevented him from working outside his area of expertise. Remember the DemonRats were salivating at the idea of impeaching Trump.


“Excuse me but that is BULL SCHIFF!”


I disagree.

What you referenced may be true during his time in office, but he was out of office for the past four years, and during that entire time, every time any of us talked to family or friends or stood up against covidiocy publicly, we were on our own.

We’re the crazy tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, because nobody in a position to CHANGE the debate ever stood up and did so.

Just like what happened with Q. We endured all the ridicule, doubt and disbelief, we fight through that to try to wake people up, and everyone thinks we’re the crazy ones, because no one in a position to change the debate ever stood up and did so.

We are always left twisting in the wind.

Gail Combs

Again, Trump had/has to tread carefully. He is NOT a king. He has a very vicious enemy who will use any or all methods to destroy him including kill him. Therefore Trump uses OTHERS to speak for him in order to get the information out WITHOUT stepping into the traps set for him.

Dr. Zelenko, Steve Bannon and Dr Peter Navarro were the three big ones and then came Robert Kennedy Jr., Naomi Wolf and Dr Malone.

Did you notice that Robert’s group Children’s Health Defense, was on Steve Bannon’s War room all the time? So MAGA was introduced to Robert Kennedy early on and had a lot of MAGA support going into his confirmation hearing.


You are a bull dosser Scot, Trump is not and that is why he is such a great president. He is very good at successfully navigating the DemonRat/CIA/NATO mind field.


Oh and Q? I am fairly sure the leader is now dead.

Rich Higgins:

Remembering Rich Higgins With Col. Derek Harvey
Richard Higgins was the Vice President of Unconstrained Analytics before his untimely death of heart failure.… Eulogy by Unconstrained Analytics.
Untimely death from heart failure? Just like Brietbart and so many others inconvenient to the Deep State.

Rich Higgins was only 47 at the time of his death.


“Therefore Trump uses OTHERS to speak for him in order to get the information out WITHOUT stepping into the traps set for him.”


He doesn’t need to say anything, he can just declassify and publish documents that do all the speaking for him.

And if questioned by enemy media, say just what he said at the Kennedy Center the other day, when asked if he would produce a summary.

He said no, you read it yourself and do your own summary, or words to that effect.

He has access to the truth, all of it.

All he has to do is publish it.

If the POTUS declassifies and publishes information, that removes the subject from tinfoil hat conspiracy theory land, and drops it smack-dab in the middle a normie family cookout.

And then we can take those documents and SHOVE THEM SO FAR UP THE @SS of the willfully ignorant normies that they will never use the term ‘conspiracy theory’ again.


“Dr. Zelenko, Steve Bannon and Dr Peter Navarro were the three big ones and then came Robert Kennedy Jr., Naomi Wolf and Dr Malone.”


Besides Kennedy, those are all inside baseball people, people who only conservative news junkies would know.

If you did man-on-the-street interviews and questioned a hundred passers by, less than 10 (probably less than 5) would have any idea who Bannon, Navarro, Wolf or Malone are.


He looks as if he lives in a make believe world. Never grew up past kindergarten.

Gail Combs

two year olds in adult bodies.


They will love him in prison. That long hair, girlie smile.


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Hmmm. Emphasis mine.
Delta plane’s landing gear collapsed during Toronto crash-landing, investigators say
Investigators say the Delta jet was descending at a high rate of speed
The Delta Air Lines plane that landed upside down in Toronto in February suffered a landing gear collapse as it made contact with the runway, according to a new report.

Investigators released a preliminary report on the crash on Thursday, saying the jet had descended at a high rate of speed, triggering a safety alarm to go off in the cockpit just 2.6 seconds before landing. The plane’s right main landing gear collapsed on contact with the runway.

Gail Combs

Sounds like DEI…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hate to say it, but sounds like a viable theory..


Delta plane’s landing gear collapsed during Toronto crash-landing, investigators say


That’s why they get paid the big bucks, to confirm what everyone on the planet already knew, hours after it happened.

Great work, investigators! 👍 😂

Gail Combs

OH boy, will the Trump haters go nutz if a BLACK becomes a step-dad of President Trump’s grand kids. 😂


Helluva way to get free golfing privileges.  😂 


Trump Is Getting Even With The [DS], Decision On Timing Was Left To Him, [Pain] – Ep. 3600
 March 20, 2025  x22report

The House Oversight Committee found a doc that was intentionally hidden so the green new scam would move forward. Canada furniture company moving to NC. Fed is trapped in their own trap. Trump wants the rates cut as we transition. The [DS] is exposing their shadow government that has been there for years. Trump is showing the people who the insurgence are and each time the [DS] digs in it gets worse and worse for them. The [DS] is still trying to push war with Russia. In the end as Trump continues to release the declassified docs the D’s and [DS] will be failing pain. The decision on timing was left to him.

Ep 3600a – Fed Trapped In Their Own Trap, Trump Wants Fed To Cut Rates, Economic Transition

Ep 3600b – Trump Is Getting Even With The [DS], Decision On Timing Was Left To Him, [Pain]

Gail Combs

The Prepac furniture company invested $27 million to build its 260,000-square-foot facility in Whitsett, N.C., in 2021, a move that added 200 jobs.

Whitsett is east of Greensboro NC. It is a very nice area quite a bit west of Durham.

Happy go lucky

After all the furniture manufacture that left NC due to NAFTA, to have a Canadian furniture company moving there is simply delightful to me.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s not Zelenskyyyyyyyyy… it’s the war-mongering Brits… 😡 😡 😡 😡

Seems they haven’t noticed that the sun has set on the British Empire… around 200-300 years ago…

Gail Combs

Yes it is the BRITS! The sun did not set on the British Empire, it just morphed into the New Nazi World Order.

Last edited 1 day ago by Gail Combs

DJT should point that out.

Tell the whole world the UK is acting on their own accord, sabotaging the peace talks and declaring war on Russia.

“I told them not to do it, I told them if they did anything so insanely corrupt, I would have no choice but to tell the world, and so here we are, with England committing an Act of War against Russia.

If I was a citizen of the UK, I would make it clear to Russia that the UK government has gone rogue, and does not represent the People of the UK, and remove that rogue government.

And I would do it fast, like right now, before Russia responds militarily, which they have every right to do.”


REVEALED: Chief Justice John Roberts Caught in Secretive, Invite-Only Club for Elite Judges and Lawyers That Includes James Boasberg, Beryl Howell, Amit Mehta and Ketanji Brown Jackson

Investigative journalist Bad Kitty Unleashed reported on Thursday that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is involved in a secretive, invite-only club for elite judges in Washington, DC.

The secretive club America Inns of Court also includes the radical America-hating judges James Boasberg, Beryl Howell, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and Amit Mehta—all hard-left judges and Trump-haters.

John Roberts has been Chief Justice of the Supreme Court since September 2005. What in the world is he doing fraternizing in a secret group with far-left colleagues?

This is a shocking development.

More at the link. I haven’t read it all carefully yet, but this looks like grounds for impeachment to me. His impartiality is called into question.

Gail Combs


James Boasberg is PRESIDENT

Ketanji Brown Jackson is Vice President.

That is much worse than if they were just members.

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Cuppa Covfefe

The organizations (e.g. Sidley Austin) are probably of interest too….

(Hmmmm. Sidley Austin… makes me think of Hedley Lamarr 🙂 )…..

Last edited 1 day ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs


Sidley Austin LLP (formerly Sidley Austin Brown & Wood) is one of the world’s largest law firms with over 1,700 lawyers in 16 offices around the world. The firm was founded in 1866 in Chicago, U.S. [1]

Sidley Austin is also a lobbying firm that has lobbied in 2007 for over 30 corporations and associations such as General MotorsJohnson & Johnson, and Monsanto[2]……


A few of the clients on whose behalf Sidley Austin has engaged in lobbying in 2007 include: [2]

Sidley Austin

We are dedicated to building stronger communities through local partnerships that make a difference in the lives of people around the world. Our Social Responsibility Program provides our professionals with many opportunities to use their talents to serve those in need in our communities.

Sidley Praised in Chambers Global 2025

Sidley has achieved 106 practice rankings and 146 lawyer rankings in Chambers Global 2025. The annual Chambers Global guide provides analyses of legal practitioners around the world based on in-depth interviews with clients and in-house counsel. The internationally diverse recognition reflects the strength of Sidley’s global platform.

Sidley has maintained leading, Band 1 rankings in 18 practice areas, and attained 20 Band 1 lawyer rankings. Notably, Michael J. Schmidtberger has been featured as an Eminent Practitioner for Hedge Funds (USA), a ranking above Band 1 reserved for lawyers who are highly influential in their firms and practice areas. The standing recognizes him for balancing his hedge funds practice with his leadership of Sidley’s Executive Committee.

Sidley has received Band 1 practice area rankings in the following areas:

  • Agribusiness (Global Market Leaders)
  • Capital Markets: High-Yield Products (Asia-Pacific Region)
  • Capital Markets: High-Yield Products (International Firms) (China: International)
  • Capital Markets: Securitisation: ABS (USA)
  • Capital Markets: Securitisation: RMBS (USA)
  • Capital Markets: US Law (Australia)
  • Hedge Funds (USA)
  • International Trade/WTO (Asia-Pacific Region)
  • International Trade/WTO (Europe-wide)
  • International Trade/WTO (Global Market Leaders)

And a Heck of a lot more!

Sidley Praised in Chambers Greater China Region 2025

Sidley has received 13 practice area rankings and 24 lawyer rankings in the Chambers Greater China Region 2025 guide. Of these, the firm has achieved a leading Band 1 ranking in three China categories:

  • Capital Markets: High-Yield Products (International Firms)
  • Investment Funds: Hedge Funds (International Firms)
  • Life Sciences (International Firms)

Chambers and Partners has also ranked Sidley in the following China areas:

  • Banking & Finance (International Firms)
  • Capital Markets: Debt (International Firms)
  • Capital Markets: Equity (International Firms)
  • Corporate Investigations/Anti-Corruption (International Firms)
  • Corporate/M&A: Highly Regarded (International Firms)
  • Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (International Firms)
  • Financial Services (International Firms)
  • Investment Funds: Private Equity (International Firms)
  • Private Equity: Buyouts & Venture Capital Investment (International Firms)
  • Restructuring/Insolvency (International Firms)

Isn’t that the firm Obama came out of?

Gail Combs

Quite possibly since they are located in Chicago.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communist star chamber!

Gail Combs


We have know way of knowing if they discuss cases at their meeting or if they discuss strategy for ‘shaping’ US law. (Case Law)


DEI hire Katanja Brown-Jackson has only been a (not)Supreme Court judge for 2-1/2 years, and she has already been promoted right up to the #2 position of The Secret Society of Corrupt Federal Judges (SSCFJ).


How is it even lawful for a judge to be a member of any secret society?

Any and all such associations must be disclosed, otherwise the public can never know when a judge has a conflict of interest.

And as we have all seen, judges don’t even attempt to police themselves, when it comes to conflicts of interest.

In fact, it appears that judges believe having a conflict of interest is imperative to their role as a judge.

So any and all associations must be disclosed, for transparency and to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

Any such association which is not disclosed, and is subsequently discovered, automatically forfeits the judge’s position as judge.

If the former judge believes his removal was unwarranted, he can appeal as a private citizen, and face the same judicial system everyone else does.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

Welcome to the spotlight of truth and accountability, Traitor Roberts.


If this is provable, Roberts is done.

That is, if anybody is willing to do anything about it.


I’m not seeing it reported anywhere else yet.


Bad Kitty Unleashed has more here:

We have two SCOTUS justices involved. There is no way this is ethical because some of the other member judges’ decisions could come before SCOTUS for review. I’ve never seen a SCOTUS justice recuse because they were part of a club with another judge. (That would kind of interfere with the aspect of secrecy of the club.)

Gail Combs

Agreed it is NASTY, no matter how you slice it. Remember how they went after a conservative Supreme Court Justice because he went on a vacation with another family?

Gail Combs

This is worth noting: (Highlighting is mine)

Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁💪🏻



Middle Temple, the American Inns of Courts UK counterpart has been to the US.

After visiting the court chambers they had a reception at the British embassy. Later, the American Inn of Courts had moderated panels.

They spent two days at the Institute Of Peace, a radical leftist activist org, paid for by our tax dollars.

I have no idea if there’s any linkage of them to each other since I couldn’t find anything. But they are highly secretive. This would be extremely beneficial to find out.

“In the evening of the 13 September, we went to the Supreme Court for the Calling to the Bench of Justice Neil Gorsuch, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Before the official part of the occasion, I was escorted into the splendid Chambers of John G Roberts Jr, the Chief Justice of the United States (one of our Honorary Benchers).

There I met Justice Gorsuch for the first time. I was immediately struck by his warmth, informality and friendliness. This may be something of a surprise to those who focus only on the rather austere conservatism of his jurisprudence.

The three of us were then escorted into the magnificent courtroom where our group and others were already assembled. Short speeches of welcome were made by the Chief Justice and myself. Justice Gorsuch was then Called to the Bench by Master Maura McGowan. After a gracious and amusing response by Justice Gorsuch, we moved to the East and West Conference Rooms for a reception and then went into the Hall for dinner.

On the 14 September and 15 September, we had two full days of discussions with American counterparts at the US Institute of Peace, a splendid modern conference venue.

The topics on the first day were Human Rights in the Age of Terrorism (UK moderator Master Chantal-Aimee

Doerries, UK speaker Master Neil Garnham, UK Panellists Master Judith Farbey and Master McGowan); Restrictions on Media Communications in the Interests of Truth or Privacy (UK moderator Master Christopher Clarke, UK speaker Adam Speker, UK panellists Master Anthony Smith and John Stables); and Attorney-Client Privilege (UK speaker Master Robert-Jan Temmink, UK panellists Master Stephen Stewart and Master George Leggatt).”

“At the end of the first day of the conference, we were treated to a magnificent reception at the British Embassy generously hosted by the UK Ambassador, Sir Kim Darroch. Sir Kim had spent the day visiting Florida following the recent floods. But he was back in time for our reception and made a warm and witty speech.

Other guests included many of the great and good of the political and legal world of Washington.

  :wpds_arrow: The topics on the second day were International and Comparative Law as an Appropriate Topic for Courts (UK speaker Master Jonathan Mance, UK panellists Master Fergus Randolph and Master Jeffrey Golden); and Climate Change and the Law (UK moderator Master Edward Faulks and UK speaker Master Robert Camwath).

The US moderators, speakers and panellists were an extraordinarily distinguished group of lawyers and academics. They contributed to lively and stimulating discussions on each of the topics as did all of our participants. I have not named the US participants simply because they will not be known to the readers of The Middle Templar.”

Archive – Page 34 will show and you can flip forward to page 35 etc. Or even flip backwards.…


What was Gorsuch doing there? Apparently he’s not a member of the club. Maybe he was there for a panel discussion, but this shows that he knows about the group.

If this story gains traction — and it should — there will be all kinds of excuses. The potential conflict of interest is inexcusable IMO, as is the fraternizing with lower court judges who are rabid leftists. The same would be true if they were rabidly on the Right.

I don’t care if a SCOTUS justice did recuse every time a potential conflict of interest came up; they have no business getting involved in such a situation in the first place. The American people are counting on them to be in place, doing their jobs.

Recusals are usually because a judge has worked with someone or previously ruled on a case when they were in a different position, not because they were buddies with other judges in a secret club.

Cuppa Covfefe

Another thing that is EXTREMELY disturbing is the strong possibility that GLOBALLY-harmonized law is either being contemplated of implemented.

Not-so-Great Britain didn’t “lose” at the Declaration of Independence; they simply changed tactics…

Judge-tampering goes all the way to the top, it appears. What a wicked web has been exposed. Here’s hoping and praying that this cauldron of corruption can be cleaned up, corrected, and prevented from ever reoccuring…

Gail Combs

From Badlands News Brief:

Hackers Doxx Every U.S. Tesla Owner as Part of Terror Campaign

Far-left hackers have published the detailed information of every Tesla owner in the United States, including their home addresses, as part of a campaign to terrorize the company and its owner, Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) frontman Elon Musk. The website “DOGEQUEST” is reportedly linked to far-left anarchists and lists addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers for Tesla owners.

The website offers to remove Tesla customers’ information, but only if they provide proof that they have sold their Tesla vehicle. The group behind the site also lists the personal information of DOGE employees. The address of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Kash Patel is also found on the site. – The National Pulse

DOJ & FBI need to make a major example of these Putzes. I wonder if they have ties to the CIA or Soros Open Society Foundation.


Yep, trace it right up to Soros & Friends, then Tesla sues Soros & Friends for at least a trillion dollars in real damages (sales, reputation, stock price, repair or replacement of damaged cars), and another two trillion in punitive damages.

Gail Combs

Sounds like a really great plan!

Cuppa Covfefe

And send Satan Sauros to Putin for “further processing”…

Law and Sausage and all that…..

Barb Meier

Note to Wolf and friends: a dear cousin may come visit us. She will probably use her FB name of Pamela Joy. My brother and I had lunch with Pam and her mom, Velma Lee, today. It was such a nice time. We went to Chubby’s and they bring around warm rolls. They will throw one to you if you like. LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will keep an eye out for her, and hope that the spam filter doesn’t make a mistake (it almost never does!)

Barb Meier

Thank you, Wolf!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Rolls-Royce? 😆


Like Lambert’s Cafe in Sikeston, Ozark and Foley (AL). The original throwed yeast roll. Caught mine from the owner walking in the door at Sikeston and got a hand from everybody. Have been to the Foley location as well. Good country cooking.


Thank you for the opener today!
Regarding rural vs. urban—when Yours Truly moved to the NW corner of Durham County, NC, almost seven years ago, it was still quite rural in look and feel.
Not so now. Developers have built on much of the land that was either forested or “vacant lots.” There is much more traffic on the narrow 2-lane roads. And so on.

EDIT BY WOLF – extra character in email address – sent to bin by error – fixed and released

Last edited 1 day ago by PAVACA

Wolf Moon
Yours Truly is using the phone to comment this evening. I don’t understand why my comments posted from my phone wind up in “waiting for approval.”

Ah ha! Just found out the issue—an extra letter randomly “appeared” on my email contact for the board. I removed the extra letter.

Last edited 1 day ago by PAVACA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I released the stuck post with an edit note. These typos are THE most common reason for things to go into the bin!


Make it so, Stephen.