Dear KMAG: 20250324 Trump Won Three Times ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden never won. This is our Real President – 45, 46, 47.

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • long chain-mail coat
  • long mail shirt
  • long tunic made of chain mail
  • coat of mail; especially, the long coat of mail of the European Middle Ages, as contrasted with the habergeon, which is shorter and sometimes sleeveless

Used in a sentence

By the 10th century, the hauberk was common among well-armored warriors, often paired with a helmet.

Shown in a picture

Featured in a video, but not by name


Listen to some traditional folk music while watching a woke-looking modern Renaissance festival type gal make decorative chain mail!


So what if space was actually a bit like chain mail? Sabine talks about it!

So have we really found the point where math turns into physics?

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Hello Monday.  😍 


Happy Monday!

I can’t find images and gifs that will show here anymore. They end in .webp or .mp4 or anything besides .jpg or .gif 🙁.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

MP4 is actually video.


Yes. It used to be that I could open a gif on Tenor to a new tab and it would be a .jpg, and I could copy and paste it. Now they all seem to be in the MP4 video form.


“I can’t find images and gifs that will show here anymore. They end in .webp or .mp4 or anything besides .jpg or .gif”


I have been having a harder and harder time finding images that will post here too.

I usually search for images by a regular search engine, like duckduckgo, and then click on the ‘images’ tab. Then right-click on the image I want, and select “copy image link”.

But more and more, when I copy the image link and paste it here, I see that the link doesn’t end in jpg or png.

So I tried going back up to the search box (while still viewing the ‘images’ tab) and adding ‘jpg’ to the search.

So if I had originally searched for “Louis Armstrong”, and then clicked on the ‘images’ tab, I then added jpg to the search box, so the search box has “Louis Armstrong jpg”.

Seems like more of the image search results are j-peg images that will post here, same probably works if you substitute ‘png’ for ‘jpg’, but I haven’t tried that one yet.

Last edited 2 days ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Here’s some from bing images, run through Gab if need be…

comment image

comment image

comment image

Well I didn’t use Gab as they all were already in .jpg format so hope they show…



Valerie Curren

Hope they were kind of what you were looking for 🙂


Yes, thank you.

Valerie Curren



I’m finding it easier most of the time to use my computer’s screen shot tool to take a picture of the image on my screen and then save that to my computer. Then I can upload my screenshot of the image to the comment.


I never knew what chain mail was called before.

hauberk (n.)

c. 1300, from Old French hauberc “coat of mail,” earlier holberc, from Frankish *halsberg or a similar Germanic source, literally “neck-cover” (cognates: Old English halsbearh, Old High German halsberc). The second element is *bergan “to cover, protect” (from PIE root *bhergh- (1) “to hide, protect”). The first is *hals“neck,” (source also of Old English, Old Norse, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, German, Gothic hals, from PIE root from PIE root *kwel- (1) “revolve, move round; sojourn, dwell.”


“I never knew what chain mail was called before.”


I always thought it was called chain mail. Hence, chain mail😉 😁

Last edited 2 days ago by scott467

I’m sorry to hear this. I hadn’t even known she was sick.


That is sad.

She posted a goodbye not too many days ago —




The timeline of her illness sure fits that scenario.


comment image


The wisdom of Catturd:

Regarding all this violence coming from the Left …

I’d be pissed off too if I couldn’t figure out which bathroom to use.

The people throwing tantrums trying to keep government bigger and more powerful think they’re the resistance -😂

When are multimillionaires AOC and Bernie Sanders going to release their tax returns so we can see how they got filthy rich while in Congress?

The Democrat party has no interest in helping a single American. They just want power so they can continue their money laundering scheme to steal billions of your tax dollars to get themselves, their friends, donors, lobbyists, Big Pharma, and the Military industrial complex filthy rich.


I remember the lefties all screaming for the President to release his returns…not a single one released theirs when they ran for office. not one.


Paraphrased from CTH – Brakes screech loudest when the gravy train stops!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As Musk says, when the money stops flowing the people who call up immediately in a fury are the fraudsters. People actually entitled to receive the money will wait, figuring the payer will fix things.

My add: The fraudster doesn’t assume positive intent from the payer, because he doesn’t know what positive intent is, so can’t assume the payer has it.


Calif. AG issues stark warning to 15 million 23andMe users as bankruptcy looms: ‘Delete your data’

California’s attorney general has urgently warned customers of 23andMe to purge their genetic data from the company’s databases over uncertainty where it may end up if the firm goes bankrupt.

“Given 23andMe’s reported financial distress, I remind Californians to consider invoking their rights and directing 23andMe to delete their data and destroy any samples of genetic material held by the company,” AG Rob Bonta said in a statement Friday.

The company had been synonymous with at-home genetic testing for more than a decade, providing more than 15 million customers with a wide range of personal health and ancestry data.

Users would provide a saliva sample and mail it back to the company for detailed laboratory analysis at a cost of around $200.

For a time, the company was a runaway success, valued at $6 billion as recently as 2020.

Then it apparently tried to expand too fast into drug research and pharmaceutical partnerships, while a data breach created concerns about users’ information.

The bottom dropped out for the one-time Silicon Valley darling as its share price has cratered, and the firm is now in danger of collapsing.

Suspicious cat thinks the data is probably already in the hands of some agency. Still, it would be a good idea to delete it.


Gunther Eagleman:

Promises made, Promises kept!

Kash Patel confirmed that he will be relocating a third of the FBI Agents out into the field.

Get them out of DC and back to doing what they’re supposed to be doing instead of politically persecuting J6 patriots!


Why aren’t they being required to take mandatory reeducation courses and seminars, at least as many hours as they were forced to take under Hussein / Brandon, to undo (or at least counter) all the Marxist lunacy and anti-American programming?

What are they doing to filter out the jackboot Nazis and Brownshirts that have been recruited and brainwashed to view the American People as their enemies?


Good questions.


I need them to pass a REQUIRED fitness test, and a recertification firearm test AND legal test first.


They can learn to code…or dog walk.


What are they doing to filter out the jackboot Nazis and Brownshirts that have been recruited and brainwashed to view the American People as their enemies?

We will probably never know. Why should they tell us their internal methods and operations? So we have a choice: to either assume the great guy that we wanted as director is doing nothing, or to have faith that he is doing what he was sent there to do.


“Why should they tell us their internal methods and operations?”


Why shouldn’t they? Why should that be a secret? It certainly wasn’t a secret when the workers of evil were in power, teaching their minions evil.

Why should it be a secret, when the workers of good are teaching them good?


“So we have a choice: to either assume the great guy that we wanted as director is doing nothing, or to have faith that he is doing what he was sent there to do.”


You do know what happens when you make assumptions…


You do know what happens when you make assumptions…

You should know; it’s what you’ve been doing consistently lately. 😂


I would get rid of them.


Gowdy is a joke.

Part of the Chaffetz, Issa, Gowdy (plus) damage control crowd that held big important Congressional investigations to absolutely nowhere. No one was ever held accountable for anything.

Even the dogs and ponies who do the real dog and pony shows were embarrassed.

Last edited 2 days ago by scott467

Totally disagree with them.

I could care less what Idgit Rooster thinks. Kash better wise up if he truly believes that because they will undercut America, his boss and him at every turn.


Kash knows better.

Rooster Head is enemedia.


I would say that Kash will have to weed out those people over time, as he sees them. I would further say that “honorable” may have various definitions. I myself would say that if you are in a situation where you have to choose between doing something like dishonorably raiding Roger Stone at 5 am, or losing your job, retirement, etc., even if you have three kids and a mortgage, you should quit and become a whistleblower.

Kash might think differently. He might feel those people were “following orders,” and not purge them. At least until he can test them under new leadership.


I think it’s possible that positivity is playing a role. It’s what I’ve mentioned here over the past few days. Kash knows very well that there are a lot of bad apples, but what good would it do to tell the public that, demeaning any good ones along with the bad? An effective leader doesn’t do that. I trust that he knows what needs to be done.


I would agree.


This. Sometimes people who do inadvisable things in weak moments respond well to strong leadership. I’ve seen it repeatedly with Trump in command.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Go with the flow.

When the flow is in a positive direction, this works well.

And probably 80+ percent follow this philosophy, so the question a new leader faces is, “keep them and they’ll do good now” vs. “Fire them and have to hire someone else…who let’s face it will probably also be ‘go with the flow’.”

Gail Combs

Ye Olde 80-20 rule aka the Pareto Principle Unfortunately it can easily be applied incorrectly.




Spot on.


As a matter of course, CTH has a negative article about this interview up this morning.

comment image

Gail Combs

Why ever should Kash let the dirty FBI agents KNOW he is hunting for them?


Exactly. And why should he demean his agency, and any good agents, to the public?



Brave and Free

Surprise Surprise, who would have thought. 🤣



Cuppa Covfefe

And how does SD navigate the rapids of electronic and other media?

With an E-Oar, of course…

Gail Combs

GROAN….   :wpds_chuckle: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You need to be paddled for that one.


Lol! Up negativity creek with only an E-oar!


FBI’s Flagship Field Office Puts Epstein Case File Redactions Ahead of All Other Investigations — Some in 12-Hour Overnight Shifts: Report

The FBI’s flagship New York field office has reportedly shifted its focus to a single mission: reviewing and redacting the Jeffrey Epstein case files for public release.

According to a bombshell report from Vanity, over a thousand agents and civilian employees are burning the midnight oil—some pulling 12-hour overnight shifts—to pore over the late sex trafficker’s records.

The news outlet reported:


“It’s literally all hands on deck,” one source familiar with the matter tells me, adding that dozens and dozens of agents are working around the clock on the case, instead of on their regular duties. “I even saw an agent walking in with a pillow,” the source added.

The New York field office is an epicenter for FBI counterintelligence, counterterrorism, public corruption, international drug trafficking, and financial crime investigations… One FBI veteran calls it a “ludicrous” situation.

ABC News, citing unnamed sources, reported that up to a thousand FBI agents—“many of whom are usually focusing on national security matters”—had been pulled into the effort to review the files. The network also quoted FBI spokesperson Ben Williamson as saying, “Director Patel is committed to full transparency and justice.” (Williamson did not respond to multiple requests to comment for this story.)


GWP: Far-left CNN confirmed the frenzy, noting agents are hunched over computers, redacting files at breakneck speed to meet deadlines set by Attorney General Pam Bondi.

The news outlet reported:


Agents have been ordered to set aside investigations, including some related to threats from China and Iran, to help complete the redactions, people briefed on the matter say.

Every division in the bureau has been ordered to provide agents to the cause, including those who work on criminal and national security matters. This weekend, agents in the Washington field office are spending hours on redaction duty, people briefed on the matter say.

“Under Attorney General Bondi’s leadership, the Department of Justice is working relentlessly to deliver unprecedented transparency for the American people,” a Justice Department spokesperson said in response to CNN’s inquiry.

For much of the week, agents could be seen filing into a room at FBI headquarters, with some also doing the work at field offices in New York and at an FBI office in Chantilly, Virginia, the sources said. For hours, agents sit at banks of computers, using editing software to identify redactions required under federal laws, including the Privacy Act. The material also includes video.


GWP: According to the Wall Street Journal, FBI agents have been directed to redact only the names of victims and their personally identifiable information—such as phone numbers and social media handles—during their review, sources said.

The victims’ city and state, however, must remain visible. Reviewers were specifically instructed not to redact large portions of text and were told that names of third parties, including witnesses, relatives of victims, and others connected to them, are not to be protected.

In cases where nude images of victims are found, agents are permitted to redact the entire body; but if the victim is clothed, only the face may be blacked out…


“One FBI veteran calls it a “ludicrous” situation.”


Couldn’t care less what that jackboot thinks, the FIB has made itself a literal enemy of America — unless you’re a radical marxist, a tranny or an alien invader.

The credibility of the FIB is so far past negative that it would have to turn inside out just to get to zero.

Last edited 2 days ago by scott467

That FIB vet just self identified as a black hat.

Get it out there in whatever form. Then let the general public and autists have at it for some fun.


….is exactly why I am torn between thinking this is all ridiculous – and yet why it may be the best thing ever.

IMO it’s a good thing to get it done and out to the public so maybe it will stop some of the incessant bellyaching. But I’m sure there’s a much bigger picture why PDJT and others want this done ASAP.

Gail Combs

If photos show well know figures with a blotted out body, the public will KNOW the figure was doing the “naughty” will an underaged child. They do not have to see the actual child.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow the words “flight risk” come to mind…


“IMO it’s a good thing to get it done and out to the public so maybe it will stop some of the incessant bellyaching.”


Exactly, I don’t know what that’s all about. The proles who want things like justice should just shut up. We don’t have any right to know what’s going on in our own government.

They’re lucky we even let them hang out with us, the true followers who have faith and trust in government…


I’m studying this full time now. And honestly, if we don’t deal with the breaches in our election system, we will be right back to puppet presidents in about two bats of the eyelashes.

Whoever is in our systems has total control. They allowed the presidential win, but messed with the down ballots enough to prevent enough wins in congress to really fix things the way the voters want it fixed.

If this isn’t dealt with via both state law and federal prosecutions, then whoever “they” are, will take back control in the midterms and our country is gone.

Best 15 minute version:


This is a complete mischaracterization of my position, which should be clear from all that I’ve said.


I think it’s a female thing. Almost like you’re part of the administration now, constantly defending and excusing them against any and all criticism, like they’ve become your baby.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Better ludicrous to avoid lewd-icrous…

Here’s hoping and praying that justice is served, and at least some recompense and closure found for the victims…


“I even saw an agent walking in with a pillow,” the source added.

I bet it was a MyPillow.  😂 


He probably always has a pillow for his fapping sessions…..


👏 😂


“In cases where nude images of victims are found, agents are permitted to redact the entire body; but if the victim is clothed, only the face may be blacked out…”


This protects the perps.

It means NO PHOTOS of VIPs with their NUDE victims, which means they can continue to publicly deny any sexual involvement.

If they only blacked out the victim’s face and any identifying marks (e.g., tattoos), then the perps would be seen in the full context of their sex acts with minors, and they would be finished.


It means NO PHOTOS of VIPs with their NUDE victims

No, it doesn’t. It says that only the victims’ bodies will be redacted. It says nothing about the perps.

Gail Combs


It is the Perps we want to actually see, not their victims.


well…not ALL of them…shudder…just their faces.


So that ends up being a page of paper, totally blacked out with ink, except for a tiny circle around the perp’s head.

There is zero value in that. It could be a cropped photo from when he spoke on the floor of Congress, or from McDonalds, or anywhere, and the perp will certainly assert exactly that.


Yes, I’m not saying that the perps’ bodies would not be covered; I’m saying that the statement in the article doesn’t explicitly state that perps would be covered as well, and that’s all we have to go on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It says nothing whatsoever, anywhere, about redacting any part of the perp.

I would probably go with covering faces and non-PG-rated areas of the victims’ bodies but leave just enough to make it obvious that they’re nude.


“No, it doesn’t. It says that only the victims’ bodies will be redacted. It says nothing about the perps.”


Thank you for clarifying my point.

As you quoted, I said: “It means NO PHOTOS of VIPs with their NUDE victims,”

I was using the word “with” in the traditional sense of the meaning of the word, i.e.:

1) In the company of; accompanying
“Did you go with her?”

2) Next to; alongside of.
“stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.”

So you see, if the victims’ bodies are wholly blacked out, leaving just the perps visible, then by definition, the photos of the perps are not with anyone, including their (nude) victims.

Which is precisely what I said 😁


You said this:

This protects the perps.

It means NO PHOTOS of VIPs with their NUDE victims, which means they can continue to publicly deny any sexual involvement.

If there are pics of perps with victims who were nude but whose nudity has been blacked out to protect them — and it is known that the victims’ nudity is being blacked out (which IS known, from the article) — then it will be clear that the perps had involvement with nude victims. And law enforcement will be able to see unblacked-out photos.


Do you want to protect the perps?

This clearly appears to be a female thing. No, not all women, but I can’t think of any men here who are taking the same position — and that position doesn’t make much sense from a male perspective.

Let me try an example that everyone is familiar with.

The piles of bodies in Auschwitz, after the camp was liberated, and Allied soldiers were force marching Germans (mostly women, going by photos) through the camp, to see what their leaders had done.

In that case, the only people who could be shown were the victims, their bodies stacked in piles.

Because the perpetrators were long gone. All that remained was the evidence of what they did, and to whom.

Still, it was very effective, showing the victims, discarded like so much trash in a heap, after having been abused and starved and shot or gassed.

Now, imagine if there had been cameras, and there were photos and film of the murderers, in the very act of murdering their victims.

If we had that, it would be orders of magnitude more damning, than showing just the remains of the victims, after the perpetrators were long gone.

But we’re not talking about either one.


We can’t show the victims, because we’re more moral than everyone who came before us, all the way back to Adam. We know better, because we’re more sensitive, and more righteous, and more principled, and more evolved. Or something. We’re certainly more feminized than ever before. We just know better, darn it.

So we won’t show ‘victims’, not even with identifying features blacked out, in order to prove our virtue and our superior civility, or something.

None of that is masculine, by the way. Not even one tiny ounce of it. It is all the product of feminine ‘feelings’, which the Left has co-opted as a weapon to destroy Western civilization from within.

Effectively, by analogy, we’re just going to show photos of the soldiers, in various poses, without the necessary context, without the human context, without showing the human beings who were the victims of their atrocities.

Maybe we see a soldier with his arm raised, poised to strike a redacted black blob. Or maybe with arm raised, pointing a Luger, before the shot, pointing at nothing, just an anonymous, amorphous, blacked-out blob.

Imagine the world famous Pulitzer Prize winning photo of Brigadier General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, the Saigon government’s national police chief (roughly equivalent to our Pam Bondi, I suppose), personally executing Viet Cong prisoner Nguyen Van Lém (Saigon, 1969) — except completely sanitized, without showing the victim:

Here is the real deal:

comment image


Now the sanitized, redacted version:

comment image

Does it have the same visceral impact, without seeing the victim?

Would it have won the Pulitzer Prize, in redacted form?

Would it even have been submitted in redacted form, much less considered?

Without the context of the victim, what’s so bad about it? Nothing at all. It’s just a guy holding a gun, like millions of similar photos, without the necessary context showing the horror of what he was doing to another human being.

Most men understand this intuitively.

Apparently most women don’t, possibly because women are genetically programmed to avoid physical conflict, to avoid violence, to protect, to nurture, to be as far as possible from the harshness and ugliness of the reality that is necessary to provide relative peace and tranquility and prosperity.

For thousands (or millions) of years, women gathered food and nurtured children and kept the home, while men hunted — and did barbaric, unspeakable things to the enemies who would murder them, rape their women and enslave their children.

Anyone who thinks that has been (or can be) ‘bred out’ after a generation or two of ‘modern living’, is mistaken.

So we have men and women commenting here on this subject, coming from very different perspectives.

Some subjects expose these differences more than others.



Valerie Curren

This is a powerful argument…and I am a woman (as far as I know)…

Valerie Curren

I read some of your comment to my husband just now & reiterated how much of a hero he is to me doing what you articulated as the role of men from time immemorial. I am blessed & I thank you for the reminder of some of what men (should) do in the laying down their lives for their friends & family. God bless YOU sir!


“The New York field office is an epicenter for FBI counterintelligence, counterterrorism, public corruption, international drug trafficking, and financial crime investigations… ”


Fixed it.

Valerie Curren

Wow we were basically on the same wave length…LOL


“Agents have been ordered to set aside investigations, including some related to threats from China and Iran, to help complete the redactions, people briefed on the matter say.”


Because no one believes they’re actually doing anything to ‘investigate’ threats from chyna or iran.

Facilitating, certainly.

But investigating?

Why would they do that?

Gail Combs

After all the FBI is there to cover-up for the CIA.


^^^ this. FIB is the implementor.



Sometimes I am amazed at how often we see it the same way.

It is a total BS statement. Straight out of the Clinton/Soetoro/Brandon playbook.

They still do not realize that MAGA don’t give a shiz what they say, they have no influence. They are a running joke in a growing majority of communities and homes across the country. All they do is confirm they are the enemy with statements like that.

Hope it continues. 😀


Because no one believes they’re actually doing anything to ‘investigate’ threats from chyna or iran.

I do believe that, with new leadership, they are investigating the things that need it.


You really don’t have to reflexively contradict everything I say.

Try dialing it back to like 75%, and see if that still works for you 👍 😂

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

You really don’t have to reflexively contradict everything I say.

You don’t have to mischaracterize my motives for commenting.

When you make a blanket statement about “no one,” which includes the universe of people in the world, which includes me, and I disagree with that statement, I’m going to say so.


Maybe Scott just lives for a good fight and you are giving him what feeds him the happiness he craves.


Possibly. But I’m tired of the Debbie Downer narrative that does not take into account that we have new people in charge now. And if it does acknowledge that, then those people are not doing a good enough job. It serves no purpose and is exactly what the enemy wants: to demoralize us.

The flip side is that of course we have to recognize that people are not perfect and that they make mistakes, and the government bureaucracy is so entrenched that this is an uphill battle.

But in a battle, I want to be on the side that at least has a fighting spirit rather than a critical attitude about things that we really know nothing about.


In management training we were taught that you always get more of what you pay attention to.


If this is a hint to ignore these kinds of comments, no dice. They dominate not only this board when certain people post and when they are brought here from other places, but they are also prevalent on other sites where I don’t comment. As I stated before, I’m heartily sick of them and I believe they play into the enemy’s hands. This goes way beyond just personal preference.

When the comments state things that are untrue, or fail to take into account new developments, then I’m going to speak up.

In no way are my comments meant to say that the government, Pam Bondi, Kash Patel, any agency, etc., etc., etc., can do no wrong. That’s silly and ignores what I actually say.

I suspect that some of the negative comments I see in other places could be shills trying to discourage the MAGA movement. IMO this needs to be pointed out.


Wait, what?
Doesn’t FBI only work on domestic issues?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

FBI also looks for spies within the US (especially US Citizens who are spying on us). Counterintelligence.


Seems like a seriously easy to abuse gray area.


You’re just saying that because of how frequently it’s been abused lately…..



People are forgetting a lot of them perform roles for both. domestically and internationally.


“Under Attorney General Bondi’s leadership, the Department of Justice is working relentlessly to deliver unprecedented transparency for the American people,” a Justice Department spokesperson said in response to CNN’s inquiry.”


They’re so accustomed to never citing sources in their ‘just trust me’ reportage, they don’t even name a source responding in their official capacity as SPOKESMAN (or spokeswoman) for the DoJ.

If it was a SPOKESMAN for the DoJ, the person who officially SPEAKS on behalf of the DoJ, then what is his name?

Why would you hide that?!?


“For much of the week, agents could be seen filing into a room at FBI headquarters,”


Seen by whom?

You can’t even cite your own reporters now? Part of CNN’s zero accountability policy?

If they “could be seen”, then has someone from CNN been watching them?

Or is it an undisclosed hypothetical?

Does CNN have someone stationed at the door of the FBI Epstein redaction room 24/7, or only for ‘much of the week‘, or not at all, and this is just typical CNN fantasy fiction being passed of as urinalism?

Last edited 2 days ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

This truncation seems apropos “The New York field office is an epicenter for FBI…public corruption”


Israel vs. Palestine COVID mortality was the same despite vastly different COVID protocols. It’s “as if” the vaccine didn’t work!?!
If you live in Israel or Palestine or know someone who does, I need your help to understand what is going on with respect to COVID deaths in the two countries.

Steve Kirsch
Mar 23, 2025

comment image

Cumulative COVID deaths matched in Israel and Palestine both before and after vaccine rollout. How is that possible if the vaccine was so effective?

Executive summary
This is one of the most stunning “natural experiments” regarding the efficacy of the COVID vaccine in preventing deaths.

Both Israel and Palestine tracked COVID mortality before and after the vaccine rollout (which was nearly all to Israel).

Yet if you look at the cumulative COVID deaths, it “looks” like there was no intervention at all because there was no slope discontinuity that you would expect to see on each COVID wave with a vaccine that is supposedly highly protective against death.

Palestine has a younger population, but the cumulative mortality slopes during the pre-vaccine and post-vaccine COVID waves tracked each other.

I think it means the vaccine didn’t work and this is a smoking gun.

ChatGPT insists that there must be a confounder and suggests that it was because Palestine had high COVID cases before the rollout and acquired natural immunity.
I checked this out and it appears to be false, but it could be due to under-reporting of cases in Palestine relative to Israel.

comment image
COVID cases in Israel and Palestine

I need your insights
Can you help me shed some light on what is going on?


Did Palestine have more COVID cases than Israel and it was just under-reported?Did Palestine have fewer COVID deaths per capita than Israel or was it due to reporting differences?Anything you observed that might shed some light on these results?The slopes pre- and post-COVID were identical which strongly suggests that the vaccine did nothing mortality wise. It’s hard to believe that a confounder was magically able to exactly match the slopes on each variant after the vaccine rolled out especially since Delta and Omicron had different case fatality rates.

There is data from the UK showing that the vaccines increased cases in the vaccinated by 2x to 3x which appears to be accompanied by a 1/3 lower fatality rate if you were vaccinated so the vaccine was a net zero benefit in terms of fatalities and explains why so many studies found a death benefit when there wasn’t one. Also, the unvaccinated group when a population is highly vaccinated can have an absurdly high non-COVID all-cause mortality (like 3x higher) so that’s a factor as well.

This is one of the most stunning graphs of the pandemic.

It’s either a huge smoking gun or a red herring.

Let me know what you think in the comments.”

Last edited 2 days ago by scott467

^^^ Accurate, IMO.

Which is why those who stopped after the first two or the Johnson have generally fared better than those who continued with the boosters. Those that realized the scam after taking the initial had time to work on vitamins, supplements, IVM/HCQ, etc. protocols to help their situations.


I was wondering if that line going flat was at the time of that lesser strain and they (Pal’n) got herd immunity.


Wolf Moon
Thank you.
What happened was this:

The first injection of the COVID-19 “vaccine” begins the damage to / destruction of, the “vaccinated” person’s natural immune system.

Omicron was either another intentional “lab leak”; or, it was a mutation of the original SARS-CoV-2 virus that was literally created within the bodies of the “vaccinated” persons and got spread around via contact and/or by sneezing, coughing, etc.

It is now known that the more COVID-19 “vaccines” a person takes, the more damage to / destruction of, to the natural immune system of the “vaccinated” person.

Valerie Curren

I thought Omicron was the actual “vaccine” released by the white hats to provide some type of covid immunity against the more dangerous strains. Back then there was some talk that when DJT mentioned “vaccines” for covid he was referencing Omicron & how it was intentionally released & helping everyone…

Valerie Curren

Fascinating & oh so hard to keep up!


It looks like a bad crime lab reconstruction of a suspect. He needn’t feel concerned that anyone familiar with this portrait would recognize him.

Last edited 2 days ago by cthulhu

POTUS asks the Colorado Governor to take it down, as he implies that it was deliberately distorted by the (TDS) artist:

Nobody likes a bad picture or painting of themselves, but the one in Colorado, in the State Capitol, put up by the Governor, along with all other Presidents, was purposefully distorted to a level that even I, perhaps, have never seen before. The artist also did President Obama, and he looks wonderful, but the one on me is truly the worst. She must have lost her talent as she got older. In any event, I would much prefer not having a picture than having this one, but many people from Colorado have called and written to complain. In fact, they are actually angry about it! I am speaking on their behalf to the Radical Left Governor, Jared Polis, who is extremely weak on Crime, in particular with respect to Tren de Aragua, which practically took over Aurora (Don’t worry, we saved it!), to take it down. Jared should be ashamed of himself!

Last edited 2 days ago by eilert
Robert Baker

I think in all the blue states where pictures of all the Presidents are shown they should have used his mug shot from Georgia. I see no point in half measures. I despise passive aggressive behavior, especially in politicians.


“She must have lost her talent as she got older.”


Shots fired! 😂🤣😂


“Jared should be ashamed of himself!”


I agree, Jared should be ashamed of himself!

But due to his chronic flaming hemorrhoidal TDS, he never will be, so we’ll just have to be ashamed of him instead 😁

Gail Combs

It is horrible. It does not look like Trump at all!


This seems to be in keeping with Russian style of portrait painting with flatter features. The slight by the artist is that she followed the Russian style that some Russian artists have used in the past. Examples of Putin below.

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So essentially the artist likely thought how can I slight the president and knowing what is common is Russia, Russia, Russia so she picks a less than flattering style from Russia as her model. Similar to this:

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Style or no, that actually looks like Putin. The Trump portrait is a moderate resemblance, no more.


I thought that the painter got about 2/3 through a portrait of Jimmy Carter, then tried to make it Trump.

Valerie Curren



Good guess!

Valerie Curren

The eyes look rather angry & lifeless. The face is too bloated. The hair doesn’t capture his typical styling. The skin tone doesn’t scream “orange man bad” ironically.

Gail Combs

The eyes are way too small.

This is a MUCH BETTER painting (from OT)

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Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Score!!! 😉

Maybe that should be “Ahhh Oooooh”, howling at the Moon & all  🐺 


Looks like AI


He looks younger, but almost like it isn’t actually him.

Is that the painting Putin had commissioned, and gave to him?


it lacks warmth, personality. it looks like a paint by number. small head for a large body.




Doesn’t look quite right, something with the eyes, the nasiolabial lines, the frown?


How come we’ve not seen this one yet…

“Kremlin does not discuss personal gifts — Peskov on portrait llegedly presented to Trump”
“US special envoy Steven Witkoff mentioned earlier that after a March 13 meeting in the Kremlin, he delivered a gift from Putin to Trump. He said the Russian president had “commissioned a beautiful portrait of President Trump from the leading Russian artist.” The American leader, according to the special envoy, “was clearly touched by it.”


Doubtful that is the portrait, Putin had commissioned. IMO.

Further up / down, it is in CO State Capitol.

Regardless, it is a terrible rendition of Trump. Not meant to be complimentary or realistic.


compare to an unsmiling photo of PDJT
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Wolf Moon
About the painting itself:
Looks like a bad rendition by either a first-year art student, or a rank untrained amateur “artist”, of a “pastiche” of photographs of President Trump47.

As for the political impetus behind the “art”:
Intentional action by the governor of Colorado.


I’m a visual artist and a painter. The purpose of any portrait in any style is likeness. The point is, would you recognize the person even if you didn’t know who it was?

In this case, the answer is a resounding NO! This portrait is flat. It looks vaguely like President Trump, but perhaps a distant ancestor. The style is sort of “1930’s important guy.” Here’s an example of an actual decent one, Woodrow Wilson:

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As an example of what I am talking about with likeness, when I was twelve and just starting to paint people, I painted my father’s mother, my Nanny. It is what artists would call “naive” or “primitive,” for sure. Very unsophisticated. The painting was tucked away forgotten in my parents attic for forty years. They were getting ready to move, and found it. My father, who is not quite the same since a stroke, saw it and exclaimed “that looks just like my mother!”

That is a successful portrait. It hangs on my wall today.

Last edited 2 days ago by Aubergine



Wonderful. Appreciate you sharing.


Thanks. I adored my Nanny.


“…I painted my father’s mother, my Nanny.”


That’s what we (all the grandchildren) called my Dad’s mother, too 👍 🙂

I never knew why, or really thought about it.

My Mom’s Mom was Grandma, and my Dad’s Mom was Nanny.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

The portrait distorts the strong features of his face and practically deletes his bone structure. It does not capture the essence of his appearance and who he is.


you know what i just noticed? the eyes look dead.
POTUS has a twinkle when he’s amused and a fire when he’s pissed. that guy^^^ looks like he had a lobotomy.
and his cheeks are storing nuts for the winter.

Valerie Curren

his cheeks are storing nuts for the winter” Brings to mind Clouseau’s God Father!


Nothing gets past you!  😉 



  • This guy was rated an underdog. Trump had been scheduled to leave before his match. Trump insisted on staying.

Wyatt Hendrickson — a second lieutenant in the @usairforce — salutes President Donald J. Trump after winning an @NCAAWrestling national championship


That was just so awesome. Loved it.


Trump has the best political instincts the world has ever known, in my humble opinion.


Me, either.

Valerie Curren

This one popped up on the chain mail video with a bit of a better tutorial…

Valerie Curren

At this point in the video she talks about a red or a blue color shift depending on where one is sitting in their observation & I think this Might be what is part of an echo cardiogram for there is always a red or blue coloration, Doppler shift I think the techs call it, revealing the motion of the blood within the heart chambers…


Blue shifting means that the wavelength is shortened, and for visible light, it makes it closer to the blue, short-wavelength, end of the spectrum. Red-shifting is similarly that the wavelengths are lengthened, and light will shift towards the red end of the spectrum.

The Doppler effect also applies to sound, where the classic example is that the pitch of an approaching siren or train whistle is higher, and it changes to be noticeably lower as the vehicle or the train passes by. The higher pitch corresponds to shorter wavelengths, as the sound waves are crowded with the approaching movement of the source of sound. Once it is past, the waves are stretched as the source moves away. With light it is different colors; with sound it will be different pitch.

Radar uses this to estimate the radial speed of the target — when the echo signal from the target comes back at a different frequency from when it was sent out, that means the target is approaching or receding, depending on whether the returned frequency is higher or lower.

The echo cardiogram uses a similar approach with pressure waves sent out and reflected or transmitted, (which are like sound waves, sound waves are pressure waves in air), and uses the frequency shift to detect, quantize, and record the movement of the blood and the various parts of the heart. It may be just a convenient convention to use the colors red and blue in the same sense for the frequency shifts here as the color change of light.

As for the energy difference discussed in the point in the video — the observed wavelength of a photon isn’t necessarily the same as the actual wavelength of the photon. As for using this as an argument that we can’t know the energy of a photon, this is a red herring. So if this universe-as-network theory can’t get that right, it will not pass go.

By nature, photons have zero rest mass and can only move at the speed of light in order to even exist. (since they are particle representation of light waves). The energy of photons is known from their color as it were, and the effect of photons hitting atoms and exciting their electrons are well-known.

Perhaps the white LED lighting is one of the now most common instance of this: high-energy (blue or even near ultraviolet) photons hit the atoms of some fluorescent material, which absorbs this energy and has to expend it by sending out a variety of photons of lower energy, mostly in the red and green part of the spectrum. This balance is carefully adjusted so the mix of light waves coming from the device looks white or slightly yellowish.

Even as there are still holes in the base theory, such as no-one knows exactly what is underneath the various fundamental forces, any refinements of existing well-tested theories will have to show these as at least, approximated results. We do have plenty of practical knowledge about what works, and the physics theories that explains that, knowledge which has been applied to make the very equipment and communication system being used for me to write this, and for everyone else here to read it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Shit I should just let you write Saturday.


I’m not as consistently good at explaining things as you are. Your posts are like the giants on whose shoulders my post here is standing.

Gail Combs

That is what I love about this site. It does not have a narrow focus.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I can’t keep up with the biomedical stuff posted here (if that’s the right name fir this particular crossover, which is heavy on biochem).

My failing, biology is a hard science (even if the subject matter is gooshy).

Last edited 2 days ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

TY for this insightful take…so interesting!


Many Thanks  :cheers: 

Robert Baker

If you have ever been exposed to his software development, you would realize that Wolfram has been a knowledge revolutionary for decades.

Valerie Curren

I have not & that is way outside of my wheelhouse, though quite interesting…


Jane Roberts – the wife of Chief Justice John Roberts – was paid $10 million as a legal “recruiter” for corporate firms with cases before the Supreme Court. A flagrant conflict of interest.
X ^ | Apr 30, 2023 | Steven Donziger 
Posted on 3/23/2025, 11:32:05 PM by george76

Jane Roberts – the wife of Chief Justice John Roberts – was paid $10 million as a legal “recruiter” for corporate firms with cases before the Supreme Court. A flagrant conflict of interest. 
The Court’s justices are incapable of policing themselves. Congress must act. 
the spouse of US Chief Justice John Roberts was hauling in millions of dollars as a legal “recruiter” for corporate firms – some of which had cases before her husband’s court:”


If that is true it will be a death blow to Roberts’ time on SCOTUS.

Last edited 2 days ago by TradeBait2

you say that like it’s a bad thing.


Au contraire! There will be dancing in the streets!


Can’t happen soon enough.

Then, Trump nominates the next Chief Justice.

(Not holding my breath for any of this.)

Gail Combs

This article has more details.
Chief Justice John Roberts’ Wife Made Over $10 Million As Legal Consultant, Report Says — Lawbreed blog

A whistleblower from the legal recruiting firm Major, Lindsey & Africa says Jane Sullivan Roberts, the wife of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, earned $10.3 million in commissions over seven years from her job as a headhunter at the company, where she placed attorneys with law firms—including at least one that argued a case before the Supreme Court after the placement was made.

Sullivan Roberts earned the money between 2007 and 2014, having taken a job with the company two years after her husband was confirmed to the Supreme Court, according to a report out Friday from Business Insider.

The whistleblower, Kendal Price, said in a sworn affidavit in December that he believed “at least some of [Roberts’] remarkable success as a recruiter has come because of her spouse’s position.”

Price’s complaint was reported on earlier this year by Politico and The New York Times, and Insider published new documents regarding the case….


I wrote (yesterday, I think?) that I don’t believe Roberts will last to the end of Trump’s term. He will be gone. I just have this deep feeling.

Valerie Curren

I thought there were already pics of him, Roberts, & Slick Willy playing in the waters surrounding Epstein Island, not necessarily together…

Valerie Curren

fair enough

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes. We have to be “beyond a shadow of a doubt” on this sort of thing. Not just the usual risk of fingering someone who is innocent even if very annoying to us…but because we might be goaded into such accusations deliberately.


For sure!


It was reported by Forbes online, back in April of 2023!

If this is true, Roberts and his Ten Million Dollar Woman are done.

These people are so corrupt it’s repulsive.

The whole (definitely not)Supreme Court, besides Alito and Thomas, should be placed under criminal investigation.

Jane Roberts… Moneynaut.

A woman whose conscience is barely alive.

We can rebuild her.

We have the technology.

We have the capability to make the world’s first gold plated Supreme Court wife.

Jane Roberts will be that wife.

Sleazier than she was before.

Richer, dirtier, slimier.


Last edited 2 days ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Yandex brings up:
FORBES: Chief Justice John Roberts’ Wife Made Over $10 Million›sites/nicholasreimann/2023/04/28/chief…

Jane Robertsthe wife of Chief Justice John Roberts, made more than $10 million in commissions over an eight-year stretch where she matched top lawyers with elite law firms—including some that had cases before the Supreme Court…

Jane Roberts, who is married to Chief Justice John Roberts, made $10.3 million in commissions from elite law firms, whistleblower documents

Two years after John Roberts’ confirmation as the Supreme Court’s chief justice in 2005, his wife, Jane Sullivan Roberts, made a pivot. After a long and distinguished career as a lawyer, she refashioned herself as a legal recruiter, a matchmaker who pairs job-hunting lawyers up with corporations and firms.

Roberts told a friend that the change was motivated by a desire to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest, given that her husband was now the highest-ranking judge in the country. “There are many paths to the good life,” she said. “There are so many things to do if you’re open to change and opportunity.”

And life was indeed good for the Robertses, at least for the years 2007 to 2014. During that eight-year stretch, according to internal records from her employer, Jane Roberts generated a whopping $10.3 million in commissions, paid out by corporations and law firms for placing high-dollar lawyers with them….


I actually know a guy who owns a local firm that does recruiting for a different field (some kind of engineering). The people who work there make a TON of money doing it.

Weird work, in my opinion.


Roberts told a friend that the change was motivated by a desire to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest

Well, it backfired.

Gail Combs

It was motivated by GREED!




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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The sad fact is there are so many additives in cigarettes that the premise is false.


Not to mention the contamination with bacteria/viral material.


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Their ignorance may be impressive

But their TDS is legendary! 👍 😂


Quote of the Week: “We absolutely must leave room for doubt or there is no progress and no learning … People search for certainty. But there is no certainty.” – Richard Feynman


March 24, 2025 8:24 am

Reply to  Charles Dodgson
Obama-appointed Federal Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman just ruled that illegal immigrants have a right to carry guns.


Obama-appointed Federal Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman just ruled that illegal immigrants have a right to carry guns.

Buckle up, folks.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 19, 2024

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Where were you Saturday? I even mentioned you by name!


oh…sorry! visiting my mom for the weekend. We go once a month (she lives 4 hours away) and spend the weekend. But with the weather we were having (4-5 inch thick ice in front of and freezing the garage door shut) and using the tractor to get up and down the 1/2 mile driveway, and then losing power for days at a time, we weren’t there since January. The first driveable weekend we went to see her.

Valerie Curren

Sounds like a big adventure. How’s your mom doing overall?


she good–just lonely. She turned 86 this year. She keeps herself going keeping her house very clean and creating keepsakes for the family. We have an ongoing 500 Rummy tournament between us and she loves to play cards. (so far I’m beating her 5 games to 2…but she vows to beat me next time…lol)

Valerie Curren

That’s sweet. My mom turns 85 in about a month & my dad 86 a week & a half later. Housekeeping kind of escaped our gene pool!

They have really enjoyed playing a card game called Erma. It has 2 decks of cards & plays a bit like rummy & rummicube. Pretty fun!

I used to play Rummy by myself with 4 “players”, a right hand team & a left hand team. LOL


with my mom, it keeps her going. gives her a sense of purpose. I don’t want my mom to give up. she looks forward to our visits, i bake her favorite desserts and stock her freezer with them. my brother and his wife bring her food sometimes during the week, so she doesn’t have to cook much.
and she does love her some Judge Judy…LOL

Valerie Curren

Keep feisty!

Valerie Curren

Sounds like you AND your brother’s family are huge blessings to your mom! Hugs  💜 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was riffing on your joke from last Saturday. You could probably just search for “frederick” and find it.


I did read your entire open. your posts always amaze me, even if half of it is always beyond my understanding!  :wpds_unamused: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I hope you appreciated the joke.


that part i got!  :wpds_lol: 

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Sure sounds like these judges are protecting the Algerian Strategy.


The Algerian Strategy on full display AND Biden’s Admin is busy importing more people to terrorize us into submission.

I found Wictor’s archived version. (Feb 7, 2020) It does not hurt to have another copy:

A couple of days ago I wrote that the Democrats are implementing the Algerian Strategy in the United States.

@realDonaldTrump knows this, of course.

@SpeakerPelosi tore up the State of the Union address to signal that she’s on board with the Algerian Strategy.

During the Algerian Civil War of 1991-2002, the Algerian government helped the Armed Islamic Group or GIA (Groupe Islamique Armé), the most violent terrorists in human history.
The GIA’s motto was “No agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”

All they did was mass murder civilians in night raids. They cut the throats of entire villages and dumped them into wells.

What the GIA wanted was preemptive nationwide surrender. 
The government helped the GIA for almost eleven years, until the Algerian populace agreed to support the government.

Only then did the government take on and destroy the GIA.

The Democrats are doing the same thing here. 
 All over the country, the most violent criminals are being released.

Violent felonies such as killing a police officer while resisting arrest are being decriminalized.

Cash bail is being abolished.

Incarceration itself is on the verge of being abolished. 
 I said that the Democrats are even IMPORTING violent criminals.

And now we have the proof.

H. R. 5383. The New Way Forward Act.

 Cosponsored by AOC and Ilhan Omar.

It not only abolishes any form of punishment for illegal-alien criminals, it forces the government to REPATRIATE criminals we deported.

The bill is over 4000 pages long….

the Democrats will never stop. Pelosi signaled this. [When she tore up the State of the Union address.]

 Pelosi played the Degüello.

It means “Take no prisoners. Kill everybody.”

The Mexicans–appropriate, eh?–played it at the Alamo.


A refresher:

During the Algerian Civil War of 1991-2002, the Algerian government helped the Armed Islamic Group or GIA (Groupe Islamique Armé), the most violent terrorists in human history.

The GIA’s motto was “No agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”

All they did was mass murder civilians in night raids. They cut the throats of entire villages and dumped them into wells.

What the GIA wanted was preemptive nationwide surrender.

The government helped the GIA for almost eleven years, until the Algerian populace agreed to support the government.

Only then did the government take on and destroy the GIA.

👉The Democrats are doing the same thing here.

All over the country, the most violent criminals are being released.

Violent felonies such as killing a police officer while resisting arrest are being decriminalized.

Cash bail is being abolished.

Incarceration itself is on the verge of being abolished.

I said that the Democrats are even IMPORTING violent criminals.

And now we have the proof.

H. R. 5383. The New Way Forward Act.

It not only abolishes any form of punishment for illegal-alien criminals, it forces the government to REPATRIATE criminals we deported.

The bill is over 4000 pages long.

I’ll just post the titles.
TITLE I—End Mandatory Detention and Require Probable Cause for Arrest

SEC. 101. Phase-out of private for-profit detention facilities and use of jails.
SEC. 201. Time for commencing removal proceedings.

(After an illegal is ordered deported, release them, and if they evade custody for five years, the deportation order expires. Even for murderers.)
TITLE III—Limit Criminal-System-to-Removal Pipeline

SEC. 301. Criminal offenses and immigration laws.

(Eliminate aggravated felonies as a reason for deportation.)

TITLE IV—Restore Judicial Discretion and End Removal Without Due Process

SEC. 401. Immigration procedural changes.

(Give immigration judges the power to vacate all deportation orders, regardless of the conviction.)

TITLE V—Prohibition against Performance of Immigration Officer Functions by State and Local Officers and Employees

SEC. 501. Local enforcement.

(Make it a federal crime for state, county, and local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.)

TITLE VI—Decriminalize Migration

SEC. 601. Repealing migration criminal laws.

(Abolish all American immigration laws. Eliminate the borders.)

SEC. 701. Reconsidering and reopening immigration cases.

(Force the federal government to transport previously deported illegal aliens back to the United States.)

The New Way Forward Act will make it impossible to prevent illegal immigration, impossible to incarcerate illegal-alien criminals, and impossible to deport anybody for any reason.

This is the first nationwide attempt to implement the Algerian Strategy.

file:///tmp/lu54062cnj0.tmp/lu54062dred_tmp_c811e632fc5bfe5f.gif 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕤’ 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕒 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕎𝕒𝕪 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝔸𝕔𝕥 𝕓𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕒𝕥, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕨𝕖’𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕤𝕠𝕝𝕦𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕝 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕤.  𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕝𝕒𝕨 𝕖𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟.

When we finally submit and agree to elect only Democrats, the government will take action.

This isn’t a wild conspiracy theory. This is reality.

IT HAS NO CHANCE OF SUCCEEDING, but it’s time to stop thinking of the Democrats as anything but terrorists.

Not the average Democratic voter, of course, but the Democratic leaders AND THE PRESS.

Note the date that the New Way Forward Act was introduced.

December 10, 2019.

Almost the entire American press has ignored it.

Immigrants with a criminal past may have a ‘New Way Forward’ to stay in the U.S.


This legislation is FAR more catastrophic than the Green New Deal.

And ALL the Democratic presidential nominees are promising to enact the Green New Deal by fiat.

The Democrats have given up on the Legislative and Judicial Branches.

Their eyes are on the Executive Branch.

Obama was the Beta Test for a lawless president.

The test worked. The concept was successful….. [Info on Korean War]

The entire Korean War was a clusterfark, due to politicians being afraid of making hard decisions because they wanted to be reelected.

That entire paradigm was killed by Obama, the Democrats, and the press.

Obama got away with criminality on a level that’s hard to comprehend.

The Democrats didn’t see Trump coming, so they were ready to tie a big fat bow on the coffin holding America As She Was.

But Trump won, so the Democrats and the press did everything possible to destroy him.


Thank you Gail!   :wpds_exclamation: 


“…it’s time to stop thinking of the Democrats as anything but terrorists. Not the average Democratic voter, of course, but the Democratic leaders AND THE PRESS.”


Right, of course not.

The average Democrat voter is only a terrorist sympathizer and supporter.

That’s much better 👍 😂

Robert Baker

Scott, I have often wondered whether your preference is a stiletto or a Bowie knife. Either will suffice I suppose. I guess it depends on whether you wish to send a message or paint a picture.



Verse of the Day for Monday, March 24, 2025

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” 

Matthew 24:35 (KJV)

29-41 Christ foretells his second coming. It is usual for prophets to speak of things as near and just at hand, to express the greatness and certainty of them. Concerning Christ’s second coming, it is foretold that there shall be a great change, in order to the making all things new. Then they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds. At his first coming, he was set for a sign that should be spoken against, but at his second coming, a sign that should be admired. Sooner or later, all sinners will be mourners; but repenting sinners look to Christ, and mourn after a godly sort; and those who sow in those tears shall shortly reap in joy. Impenitent sinners shall see Him whom they have pierced, and, though they laugh now, shall mourn and weep in endless horror and despair. The elect of God are scattered abroad; there are some in all places, and all nations; but when that great gathering day comes, there shall not one of them be missing. Distance of place shall keep none out of heaven. Our Lord declares that the Jews should never cease to be a distinct people, until all things he had been predicting were fulfilled. His prophecy reaches to the day of final judgment; therefore he here, ver. 34, foretells that Judah shall never cease to exist as a distinct people, so long as this world shall endure. Men of the world scheme and plan for generation upon generation here, but they plan not with reference to the overwhelming, approaching, and most certain event of Christ’s second coming, which shall do away every human scheme, and set aside for ever all that God forbids. That will be as surprising a day, as the deluge to the old world…”

Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.







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Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

D01: 07/14/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

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Freedom Ring
March 24, 2025 10:00 am

🚨 In Paterson New Jersey the Cops Wear “Palestinian” Flags NOT American Ones

⚠️ A U.S. city quietly transforms into a stronghold for Islamic nationalism and anti-American loyalty

Please EXPOSE this by sharing. Help protect American values.

📰 Paterson New Jersey is being…

— Shirion Collective (@ShirionOrg) March 22, 2025

This is the path Great Britain has been on


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Cuppa Covfefe

More like NaN… 😆

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To fill the gap between USA and USC?

Cuppa Covfefe


Give her to UCLA…
“high up in the hills of Westwood,
sprawled offensive to the eye….”




She’s always thinking😂


Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! Your roundup includes: Bernie bros are having a moment as Democrats trot out fossilized socialist to shore up the base; progressive message pivot alert; GOP Congress eyes ways to reign in rebellious judges; SADS story sabotages record-setting Republican congresswoman; and the North Carolina Supreme Court delivers a fantastic jab ruling and hints at a much bigger problem for Democrats.

Gail Combs

I hope Fauci gets yanked into court to testify about his pushing poisons and squashing KNOWN remedies like HCQ & Ivermectin in order to make lots of money.

OH and the CDC and FDA???

Daily Mail: CDC makes key vaccine maneuver despite Trump executive order
February 25th 2025

The CDC appeared to override President Donald Trump‘s will by taking part in a vaccine meeting with the World Health Organization this week. 

Under executive orders, the CDC was banned from communicating from WHO as the US started its withdrawal from the global health agency.  

Trump cited the UN agency’s failings during Covid close ties to China as reasons for pulling the US out of the WHO.

But a spokesperson for the CDC told members from the organization ‘will be actively participating virtually’ at a WHO conference on flu vaccines this week.

The weeklong meeting began in London on Monday, with leaders from both the CDC and FDA in attendance.

This week’s meeting is being held at the Francis Crick Institute in London and will focus on vaccines for flu strains in the Northern Hemisphere, while the next meeting for the Southern Hemisphere will take place in September. 

Health experts feared America’s absence in the meeting would could potentially lead to less effective flu vaccines…


Less effective flu vaccines would be hard to achieve.


👍 😂


Bomb the meeting.


So sorry to see the entire CDC about to get fired for flagrant, malicious, premeditated gross insubordination.

So long, CDC.

You were a good friend 😂

Gail Combs

Sure hope so!


Except, of course, they were never good.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nor were they a friend.


From the linked CC article.

Mia opposed mandates but loved the jabs.

  • During a December 2021 appearance on The View, Mia said, “I’m fully vaccinated.
  • I believe that people should get vaccinated.”
  • She did, however, support vaccine passports.
  • Mia told View host Sunny Hostin, “If you choose not to get vaccinated, you cannot go into somebody else’s place of business. You can stay home.”


Unbelievably sad.


Mia told View host Sunny Hostin, “If you choose not to get vaccinated, you cannot go into somebody else’s place of business. You can stay home.”



Now you can stay home.

This is what I did, all through your little sissy attempt to hijack a free nation and a free People 😁




Both Bernie and AOC were good little doggies who towed the party line during covid, enthusiastically endorsing mandates of all and any description. And maybe that’s why their messages aren’t resonating outside progressive partisan echo chambers.

Never let them forget.

The media prefers, for obvious reasons, to chalk up Democrat discontent to not opposing the President. But maybe —whether voters consciously realize it or not— it has more to do with lockdowns, passports, masks, and experimental jabs. Instead of Democrat officials’ terminating unvaccinated workers, vaccinated Democrats are terminating them.

I believe the Democrats are reaping the bloody harvest of their pandemic excess. That is what I think is happening to them. I think the Democrats have post-vaccine syndrome. It’s a political autoimmune disorder causing Democrats to attack their own party. And I think it will ultimately be fatal.

Nicely said.


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Boom! Bye Bye Venezuela …


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If only they would seek treatment! 😁


North Carolina family can sue over COVID-19 vaccine administered without consent, court rules

North Carolina mother and her son can sue a public school system and a doctors’ group for allegedly giving the boy a COVID-19 vaccine without consent, the state Supreme Court ruled.

The ruling handed down Friday reverses a lower-court decision that a federal health emergency law prevented Emily Happel and her son Tanner Smith from filing a lawsuit.

Both a trial judge and the state Court of Appeals had ruled against the two, who sought litigation after Smith received an unwanted vaccine during the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

Smith was vaccinated in August 2021 at age 14 despite his opposition at a testing and vaccination clinic at a Guilford County high school, according to the family’s lawsuit.

The teenager went to the clinic to be tested for COVID-19 after several cases among his school’s football team, the lawsuit says. He did not anticipate that the clinic would also be administering vaccines. He told staff at the clinic that he did not want a vaccination, and he did not have a signed parental consent form to receive one.

But when the clinic was unable to reach his mother, a worker instructed a colleague to “give it to him anyway,” Happel and Smith claim.

Last year, a panel of the intermediate-level appeals court ruled unanimously that the federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act [PREP] shielded the school district and the physicians’ group from liability. The law places broad protections and immunity on various people and organizations who perform “countermeasures” during a public health emergency.

No. No public health emergency allows the State to forcibly give someone medical treatment without their consent.

It sounds like torture to me. I would be apoplectic if that had happened to one of my loved ones. I hope the family gets a huge settlement, and I hope the boy is being given supplements to help mitigate the effects of the vax.


Sounds like a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code.

The very first point:


“The ten points of the [Nuremberg] code were given in the section of the judges’ verdict entitled “Permissible Medical Experiments”:

1) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.”

Gail Combs

Unfortunately it is not applicable under US law.


And the question of “why not?” comes to mind.
Why doesn’t the US honor this code?

Gail Combs

I researched it a few years ago and was surprised that the USA did not sign on.

50 Years after Nuremberg

The Nuremberg Code has not been officially adopted in its entirety as law by any nation or as ethics by any major medical association. Nonetheless, its influence on global human-rights law and medical ethics has been profound.6 Its basic requirement of informed consent, for example, has been universally accepted and is articulated in international law in Article 7 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966).6,22 Informed consent, with specific reliance on the Nuremberg Code, is also the basis of the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, the most recent guidelines promulgated by the World Health Organization and the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (1993).23


Thanks for that.
Seems like the MAHA people would be all over this.

Gail Combs

Hopefully they will be in the not too distant future.


I’m looking forward to learning more about this.

It might not be related, but it brings to mind the Influenceables, people we thought we could trust but who are being paid to promote certain views.

It looks as if even verified accounts on X should not be trusted.


That is why I am not on X nor on any other site. I keep it simple.

Gail Combs

Back during the Farm Wars over Animal ID, Lynn Cohen-Cole was a prolific writer. I corresponded with her and a few others via e-mail. At one point she complained about people lurking around her home and she was frightened. And then she went silent and I have heard nothing from her since.

So yes, I think the threat is real.


This brings to mind bakocarl’s communications with Elon’s mother about his poem. I hope that is legitimate.


Probably not. AI could do a decent imitation of her.


This is the problem. How would we know?

Barb Meier

Bakocarl followed me on X and I followed back.


Wolf when my husband is not busy he will set up my new computer. I will get a new email address when that happens I let you know what has changed. At this moment I am unable to get into my email a long story 🙄

Last edited 1 day ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren

Sorry you are facing these challenges 🙁


Call me Mata Hari.


We do not know that is when discernment comes in and wisdom. I have a brother speaks 5 languages is brilliant but has no discernment and no wisdom He falls for all kind of things.


I agree. We have to be wise.


With God’s help.
And God is kind, showing compassion on us always.

Valerie Curren

Wise as serpents & gentle as doves…


“This ties into the “Make All Dems Irrational” attack, which I believe is coming out of CIA.”


I hadn’t heard about that before.

Do they need any help from the CIA?

The Dems seem to have a firm grasp on irrational, all on their own 😁

Valerie Curren




So when are we going to name the Democrat party as a terrorist organization?

Their vile rhetoric and mass propaganda has pushed their followers into violence multiple times now.

The “summer of love” and BLM, multiple assassination attempts, now this Tesla terrorism.

If the shoe were on the other foot, and Trump supporters were doing shit like this, they would have banned us all from social media and locked us in jail… which is exactly what they did with January 6th, and they labeled millions of Trump’s supporters as “domestic terrorists”, for an event they orchestrated.

Not to mention much of this terrorism is directly funded by special interest groups (Soros) using our tax payer dollars.

The DNC is a terrorist organization and I’m tired of pretending it’s not


Well, alrighty then!

I am such a hermit, and so suspicious of people in general, that strangers almost never approach me in real life. I have laughed about whatever “vibe” I must be giving off for years! People say (so I have heard) that I seem cheerful, and even “bubbly.” But nobody ever asks me out for a coffee or whatever. I’ve never understood it.


Most people don’t know if eggplants drink coffee.


Lol. That’s gotta be the problem right there.

Cuppa Covfefe

Fear of the purple people-eater 😆  🍆  😆  🍆  😆


Could be!


Dude, that cat is my spirit animal!


“I seem cheerful, and even “bubbly.” But nobody ever asks me out for a coffee or whatever. I’ve never understood it.”
I am the same way, but I am content being a hermit. There are times I do not see a soul for 4 – 6 weeks 🙂
I enjoy people when when I interact with them. I know if a stranger comes around I never open the door nor answer the landline phone.


No, I won’t either. We have to be careful.

Valerie Curren

ditto, for the most part, here too 😉

Valerie Curren

I hope that this previously sent out email, that I didn’t mention here before, didn’t add to your, or the site’s, woes in any way. If it did I’m very sorry to have added to the trouble…

Lycurgus Cup

  • Valerie CURREN
  •  From: my email
  • To:
  • Tue, Mar 11 at 6:15 AM
  • Hi Whatfiger Team…You Guys Rock! Thanks for ALL that you do. God Bless!!!
  • You guys had a trivia blurb the other day about the Lycurgus Cup & I shared it at my favorite blog, inspiring today’s post by WolfMoon the blog owner.
  • Thought you might enjoy the info he dug up on the topic.
  • BTW the Q-Tree is basically a subset of people who used to regularly hang out at The Conservative Treehouse. There is A Lot of Great Material shared there daily!
  • Best Regards,
  • Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Thank you, Wolf, that’s good to know. I wasn’t worried, per se, just thought that it Might have brought unexpected attention here. I wouldn’t be surprised if the black hats were monitoring Whatfinger (but hopefully not leading it as controlled opposition).

Last edited 1 day ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren
Gail Combs


Gail Combs

I disagree with him. John Roberts is compromised PERIOD.


I agree. And the whole article is b.s., but this part is especially amusing:

He’s got a little in the tank left on the right, but if he keeps this up, he’s going to be running on empty. ”

NO, NO he does NOT. We on the right can’t stand him, and we have been here since his dipshit action on Obolacare, which has fucked up our healthcare beyond recognition. FUBAR, an acronym Schlichter, former Army officer, should be very familiar with.


Wasn’t Curt for anyone but Trump, until it was obvious Trump was the nominee, at which point he flipped and pretended like he was MAGA all along?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He confused RINOs with the Right.

Valerie Curren

I doubt RINOs are Ever In the Right!

AND if they accidentally were it would be for all the Wrong reasons 😉

Last edited 1 day ago by Valerie Curren
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Broken watch.

Valerie Curren

That’s about the truth of it 🙂


FWIW, Truth + now has an app on Roku. Just added it.


On Judges, Jurisdiction and The Constitution

Gail Combs

This dude I agree with: 778 posts, incept 2021-12-17
2025-03-24 11:39:46

Nevermind the fact that ascertaining that they are here illegally is the due process they deserve. (Well, if you’re being technical, there’s some argument to be made that these are spies and/or unlawful combatants, given which set of activities they’re engaging in.)

Treason is exactly the thing that should be swung around to hit these Judges in the face: use the Army to arrest them. Force the issue. Make them whine and complain about Posse Cometatas… then after they’ve dug in on that, rug-pull them with the literal Abram’s-tank sized exception for things the Constitution or Congress authorizes, and Treason is one of those things, is Treason. (And when you explain things like that, add in the flourish: “If I wanted them dead, I’d have sent the Marines.”)

AND this:

Jdough 398 posts, incept 2012-05-04
2025-03-24 11:36:03

@Spence — you have to provide biometrics when getting a green card. At least fingerprints. That’s how they know. This is basic LE stuff.

As @Tickerguy has said multiple times in these pages, criminal or not, nobody has a RIGHT to be in a country other than one of their own citizenship, ever. That is a privilege and it is one that can be revoked at any time for any reason or no reason at all. That’s the nature of a privilege. The media *****s can lie and propagandize and whine about it all they want but those are the facts.

I’ve told a Fed Judge to their face during jury selection that I don’t believe non-americans have constitutional rights. They claimed all people do which is of course ridiculous. I didn’t have time to suss out whether that was all people in the entire world or all people in the country, regardless of which laws they had broken to get here, but I truly suspect they meant the former.


🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸
Here is the fatal flaw with DC Obama Judge Jeb Boasberg’s order:

Even if these designated foreign terrorists are entitled to individual court review before their deportation, which is disputed, the DC court is not the proper court.

Judge Boasberg did not, and does not, have the power to do what he is purporting to do. For this reason alone, everything he is doing is lawless. But it is much worse; it is also dangerous.

Judge Boasberg ran to his courtroom to hold a Saturday hearing, even though he was not even serving as the emergency judge that weekend. (How did he get this case?) He publicly exposed an ongoing U.S. military, intelligence, and law-enforcement operation with an American ally dealing with the most vicious terrorists (Tren de Aragua) and international gang member (MS13) in the Western Hemisphere.

That public exposure put American and allied lives in grave danger.

Stunningly, Judge Boasberg even ordered the President to turn around planes full of terrorists over the Gulf of America, without knowing the fuel levels, the security footprint back in America, or other crucial operational details.

We saw the enormous security footprint in El Salvador. Why would we have had that same footprint in America, as who could have ever imagined an activist DC judge could or would order the President to return planes full of terrorists?

And not completing the mission would have humiliated and politically damaged El Salvador’s president, who had hundreds of military, law-enforcement, and other officials awaiting–and who took a significant political and personal risk by agreeing to take these terrorists.

Judge Boasberg’s Saturday hearing and order crossed the red line. But Judge Boasberg is doubling down by demanding details about the military operation, to which he is not entitled. Judge Boasberg says he has a security clearance, but he definitely does not have the need to know. And allowing judges to meddle in military operations like this is dangerous and unacceptable.

Foreign leaders are less likely to work with the President, if they fear an activist American judge may disclose their secrets. This harms the President’s ability to conduct foreign policy and his constitutional duty to keep us safe.

The President has a constitutional duty, as the chief executive officer and commander-in-chief, to conduct international affairs, repeal foreign invasion, and protect American lives. The President has a constitutional duty to ignore any clearly unlawful court order that imminently endangers American lives, like Judge Boasberg’s orders.

Judge Boasberg is refusing to back down. So the House must move forward with impeachment proceedings for his lawless and dangerous sabotage of the President’s core Article II powers.

Cuppa Covfefe

And Boast-turd’s security clearance should be revoked, as he is a hostile actor…

Gail Combs

He needs to be investigated as a traitor too.


Judge Boasberg is doubling down by demanding details about the military operation, to which he is not entitled.

This is so over-the-top that there must be some reason. I can’t imagine someone being that unaware of how this looks. One could speculate that he wants military operation details for traitorous reasons, in which case he is exposing his intention to the world. It doesn’t make sense to me.


his daughter’s clients want that info.


He is practically holding up a sign to tell everyone.


IMO, like Joe puppet Biden, he answers to a master(s) of the shadow State

Gail Combs

Judge Boasberg 

WIKI — Chief Justice John G. Roberts appointed him to the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in 2014, and he served as the presiding judge of the FISC from 2020 to 2021. In 2020, he was appointed to the United States Alien Terrorist Removal Court and designated chief judge…”

From Gateway Pundit:

…From Loomer:

I have exclusively uncovered a massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST involving Judge James Boasberg, the Chief judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Judge Boasberg recently made the decision to prevent the deportation of criminal illegal alien gang members on planes out of the country.

The Judge has a daughter named Katherine Boasberg, who works for a 501(c)(3) organization called Partners for Justice as a “capacity-building associate.” In her position, she helps coordinate and administer grant activities, ensure compliance, and support the delivery of capacity-building programs to strengthen nonprofit infrastructure.

Katherine Boasberg also has pronouns in her bio. She goes by SHE/HER, proving her affiliation with the Left.

Partners for Justice strongly opposes mass deportations and legislation targeting members of criminal gangs, and has been a vocal critic of the Laken Riley Act.

The news gets even worse. Loomer also uncovered a screenshot showing that Katherine’s employer, Emily Galvin-Almanza, tweeted an article about Judge Boasberg blocking Trump’s deportations of Venezuelan gang members….”

Any bets the judge was PAID OFF via his daughter by the Gangs to protect them from deportations and is now having to anti-up?

And do not forget those gangs WORK FOR THE CIA!


These judges feel safe because non of their loved one was harmed by gangs. People embrace all kind of illegals until something happens to them . I mean who takes the side of a criminal gang member who does unspeakable things to other humans? A person without a soul.
What does Professor Sad ( I hope that is his name) say
Suicidal empathy“. Maybe that is what is wrong .

Last edited 1 day ago by singingsoul1
Gail Combs

Much more likely that it is MONEY and THREATS given who he is protecting.


Always the money that is the cause of evil 🤔

Gail Combs

Emotion is the hook for the Sheep. For the upper levels it is ALWAYS money and power.

Gail Combs

And Tren de Aragua has a nasty habit of torturing people.

Denver Post: 16 suspected Tren de Aragua gang members in ICE custody after kidnapping, torture at Aurora’s Edge of Lowry apartments

Aurora police have not yet made any arrests on charges tied to violent home invasion this week

Sixteen suspected Tren de Aragua gang members remained in federal custody Wednesday on immigration holds after a violent home invasion and kidnapping at Aurora’s Edge of Lowry apartments.

All 16 suspects in custody are undocumented Venezuelan immigrants and are suspected of being members or associates of the Venezuelan prison gang, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson said in a statement.

They will remain in ICE custody pending removal proceedings or hearings before an immigration judge, the official said.

Aurora Police Department spokesperson Joe Moylan said officers detained 19 people in total for questioning Tuesday. It’s not clear what happened to the other three people….

a video of three heavily armed men barging into an apartment and knocking on doors throughout the building went viral.

According to court documents, the 60-unit apartment complex is set to close early next year as part of a legal settlement between Aurora city officials and the apartments’ owners.

Aurora police Chief Todd Chamberlain said the victims in Monday night’s armed home invasion and kidnapping were also undocumented and targeted because of their immigration status.

The victims, a man and a woman living together in the Edge of Lowry, were attacked by the group, forcibly removed from their apartment and taken to another vacant unit around 8:45 p.m. Monday, according to Chamberlain.

Chamberlain said the two were bound, pistol-whipped, threatened and tortured for hours before they talked their assailants into releasing them around 1:50 a.m. Tuesday, fled to a friend’s house across the city and called 911 to report the armed home invasion….

Since the victims are illegals I bet they did not pay the money ‘owed’

Last edited 2 days ago by Gail Combs

The good judge is willfully ignorant and thinks he is in charge. He has no respect for the American people nor the President. These judges must feel protected ? Who is protecting them that is the question?

Gail Combs

OR who is he in debt to. His daughter I think was taking $$$ from some very nasty gangs.


How sad 🙁

Valerie Curren

BiasBorg has gotta go…directly to jail!


I agree with what Mike says, but if Hussein was in the WH, I would be siding with any judge who was attacking him, for almost any reason.

Because Hussein is a criminal. Not the BS like the loons claim about Trump, I mean a real criminal, a real traitor to our nation and our People.

We’re way past rule of law. The other side knows it and acts accordingly. It’s only people on our side who refuse to recognize it.

It’s the PERSON who makes the difference (e.g., Trump vs. Hussein).

It’s not supposed to be that way, the entire system is (supposedly) set up so that it is not that way, but over the past 250 years the system has been attacked from every angle by subversive lawfare, so we’re back to Strong Man and might makes right.

And if that’s the case, and your Strong Man is in power, you better not ever let that change.

Because the other side will go full-Hitler on day one, if they get a chance.


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Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock: ….  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

Cuppa Covfefe

Don’t anybody tell her 😆 😆 😆

Gail Combs

I sure hope we get to see the video of them trying to find the gas tank. 😆


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Convince them that passing into it is more effective than sugar.

They will eventually find where you have to plug the charger….

Gail Combs


That is worse that peeing on an electric fence wire!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Methinks this is a feature.


A stolen ’54 Cadillac was recovered when the thieves couldn’t find the gas tank fill port.

The left taillight assembly is hinged. Raising it reveals the gas fill pipe.

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Cuppa Covfefe

I remember that car… not a place I’d want to see a short circuit…  🔥 


That’s part of what made driving one so exciting… livin’ on the edge 😁

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Especially when the edge is on fire 😆  🔥 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Guess what, it will work as well as you deserve to have it work.


I hope that’s a parody account.


Peanut, pregnant dude, hypodermic, Ukraine flag, and coconut emojis… I hope it’s a parody account too 😂


I am sure the gas tanks are not accessible without the owner opening it.

Gail Combs

Teslas are all electric so they do not have gas tanks.


Yes of course was not thinking 😂


Boom – AG Bondi announces there is now a DOJ task force investigating and prosecuting anyone involved in fraud that DOGE uncovers

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) March 24, 2025


3.24.25: FBI personnel removed, Subversion, National Emergency, Iran, Snow White, PRAY!

And We Know


did they post a bond???

March 24, 2025 2:37 pm

JUST IN: A federal judge in Texas (George HW Bush appointee) has barred Texas A&M’s board from canceling a drag show on campus. Trump’s executive order “cannot override First Amendment protections,” she rules.

These judges never have any issues when conservative speakers are shutdown at these colleges .

Gail Combs

So Texas A&M does the on campus drag queen show. Trump cancels ANY AND ALL GRANTS TO Texas A&M!

Since they are PRESENTS from the Tax payer TO TX A&M, he can cancel them




The students have a right not to attend the drag show. Now we are normalizing mental illness.


“Now we are normalizing mental illness.”


Except me 🙋‍♂️ 😂


March 24, 2025 2:48 pm

Libs of TikTok
DOGE found $330 million in SBA loans to children under 11 years old with the youngest being a 9-month-old baby who received a $100,000 loan.
Who cashed these checks??
Video linked….

DOGE found $330 million in SBA loans to children under 11 years old with the youngest being a 9-month-old baby who received a $100,000 loan.

Who cashed these checks??

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 24, 2025

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

9-month-old baby who received a $100,000 loan.

Daaayum I guess formula is getting expensive.


Gold trimmed Pampers.

Cuppa Covfefe

Talk about being pampered….

Valerie Curren
Last edited 1 day ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Wow my comment now looks to me like it’s got Cthulhu’s Linux video when I’d actually shared the “more cowbell” video cued up to the “gold plated diapers” line.

BTW are the Linux penguins the same as, or rip offs of, the 3,2,1 Penguins characters?


I noticed some of the youtube videos posted were displayed on the wrong comment, but not all the time. It’s like WP got it’s pointers mixed up!

I love the 3,2,1 Penguins.
Looks like this guy borrowed them. (probably copyright violation)

Valerie Curren

Didn’t the 3, 2, 1 Penguins music remind you of the 3rd Rock from the Sun theme music? They were/are great fun  😍 


The Linux penguin, Tux, is a reminder of a penguin that attacked Linus Torvalds at the Helsinki Zoo.

Valerie Curren

Sounds like a (potentially) fun story there!


SBA became a money laundering operation under Briben. They used loans under $1 million to move the funds.


Which agencies, departments and NGOs weren’t money laundering operations under Briben?


Zero, that same name that comes up when you search for presidents that had 3 terms.

Valerie Curren

Didn’t he have 4 terms but died early in the 4th, iirc?

Talk about WAY too much time to tear down the American fabric!

Last edited 1 day ago by Valerie Curren

Video in tweet

Here’s Secretary Brooke Rollins at the Cabinet meeting talking about the spending her department has cancelled to date thanks to DOGE.

It included $600,000 being sent to Louisiana to study the menstrual cycles of transgender men.

Again, this is the Department of Agriculture.

— The Washington Observer (@WashObserver) March 24, 2025


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸
ACLU: Boasberg attempting to determine whether his order was violated. Not part of these proceedings.

ACLU: There was no process. People were designated TdA and rushed to planes.

Judge Walker: Would you have done everything in a Texas court that you did in this court?

ACLU: Maybe but….(of course they went circuit shopping and chose DC)

Judge Walker: You could have filed same complaint in Texas district. And could have been done in a habeas petition.

ACLU: This has all been done in secret. Acknowledged their lawsuit was filed at 2am on Saturday morning–about 12 hours before the White House publicly posted the proclamation.

Judge Walker: Again suggests the lawsuit should have been filed in Texas–where detainees were in custody. Also pushing on idea Venezuelans did–and could in the future–seek individual habeas claims.

Gail Combs

ACLU: This has all been done in secret. Acknowledged their lawsuit was filed at 2am on Saturday morning–about 12 hours before the White House publicly posted the proclamation.



That is what I am thinking we have a leaker in the WH. Maybe there are more bogs in the WH?


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Gail Combs

In response to this?

Police In New Jersey Wear Palestinian Flags on Uniform — Hotair

…Embracing radical Islamism is the new hotness on the left, not because there is a lot of ideological overlap between Western leftists and their Islamist allies–there is only one issue on which they agree… What they share is a deep and abiding hatred for America and Western values. 

….The left loves the idea, at least partly because the chaos and crime, not to mention the financial burden, weakens America. 

Police officers ripping the American flag off their uniforms to don the Palestinian flag is a perfect metaphor for the modern left: seizing the coercive power of the state to intimidate Americans. 

This is the path Great Britain has been on, and the leftist Democrats admire and emulate them for it. 


Maybe so. I wondered if there was a specific reason.


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Make America Great Again!


Laura Loomer:

Indivisible is mass deleting content off their website after being called out for their organization of Tesla Takedown protests.

Good thing I archived everything a few weeks ago! @IndivisibleTeam




Good girl!!!


Citizen Free Press:

Pawn Star Rick Harrison tells one hell of a story about President Trump. Wait for the ending, it keep getting better.

2:46 minutes long. It involves a Trump apology and making things right.

Gail Combs

For those uninformed like me:

Brave AI

Rick Harrison, born on March 22, 1965, is an American businessman and reality television personality who owns the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop featured on the History Channel series “Pawn Stars”


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A long article that reiterates interesting connections.
Miranda Devine: Trump to grant ‘full pardon’ to Hunter Biden whistleblower Devon Archer: ‘He was screwed’

Hunter Biden’s beleaguered former business partner, Devon Archer, will receive a full and unconditional pardon, President Trump revealed exclusively to the New York Post.

The president promised Archer the pardon when they met at the NCAA wrestling championships in Philadelphia Saturday night, an encounter arranged by another former Hunter Biden associate-turned-whistleblower, Tony Bobulinski.

“He’s getting a full pardon,” Trump told me Sunday. “He was screwed by the Bidens. They destroyed him like they tried to destroy a lot of people.

“A full pardon,” Trump repeated, describing Archer as an “anti-Biden person” because of his pivotal role in exposing Biden corruption.

The presidential clemency will end a decade-long ordeal for Archer, who was facing jail time for securities fraud over a bad deal he was involved in with Hunter Biden in 2015.

‘Politically exposed’

“I want to extend my deepest thanks to President Trump,” Archer said Sunday. “I am grateful to the president for recognizing that I was the victim of a convoluted lawfare effort intended to destroy and silence me.

“Like so many people, my life was devastated by the Biden family’s selfish disregard for the truth and for the peace of mind and happiness of others. The Bidens talk about justice, but they don’t mean it,” he said. “I am grateful that the American people are now well aware of this reality.”

Hunter was the original target of the Southern District of New York investigation that ensnared Archer. As the son of Joe Biden, the vice president at the time, Hunter was deemed a “politically exposed person” in suspicious activity reports filed by a Morgan Stanley risk assessor.

Hunter was paid $200,000 as vice chairman of a financial services company involved in a $60 million tribal bonds fraud, while Archer says he lost millions when the firm collapsed. Yet, in the end, Hunter escaped unscathed, without charges or even having to testify, while Archer was convicted of fraud in 2018.

Archer has been on a legal roller coaster ever since, a victim of what he calls the “Obama-Biden legal apparatus” that protected Hunter.

District Judge Ronnie Abrams threw out Archer’s jury conviction in 2018, declaring his innocence and citing insufficient evidence that he knew about or benefited from the fraud.

But, two years later, Archer’s conviction was reinstated on appeal, and in 2022 he was sentenced to a year in prison and ordered to pay almost $60 million in fines and restitution, only to have the sentence overturned on a technicality and a resentencing scheduled for later this year.

The legal odyssey has taken its toll on Archer, 51, his wife, Krista, and their three children.

“I want to thank my wife from the bottom of my heart for keeping the family intact in these fragile years,” Archer said. “I never wanted any of this brought upon my family, [but] I now have the opportunity to return my full focus to family, friends, and professional life.”

His name appears hundreds of times in Hunter’s abandoned “laptop from hell” but never among the sordid crack binges and sex addiction that were part of the former first son’s secret life, which was mostly hidden from his business partners.

Hunter once called Archer his “best friend in business,” and Joe often thanked Archer for taking care of his hapless son.

But the Biden family abandoned Archer as soon as he became a liability to them.

Archer became one of the first whistleblowers to testify at the House impeachment inquiry into Joe’s involvement in Hunter’s influence-peddling.

Archer revealed that he heard Hunter put his father on speakerphone with foreign business associates at least two dozen times.

He also testified that, days before Joe flew to Ukraine to demand the ouster of the prosecutor investigating Burisma, Hunter’s Ukrainian business partners phoned urgently and asked Hunter to get his father on the line.

Archer’s courage in testifying despite intense legal pressure was crucial in exposing Biden’s corruption.

Joe Biden gave his son a full presidential pardon in December, weeks before he left the Oval Office, despite having vowed that he would never do such a thing.

The pardon covered any crimes Hunter may have committed, stretching back 11 years to the start of 2014, covering all the Ukrainian grift.

It is sweet symmetry that Trump, who also was victimized by Biden administration lawfare, has now delivered justice for Archer.

Bobulinski was another hero who exposed Biden corruption. As Hunter’s former business partners on a Chinese deal, he tried to alert the FBI before the 2020 election to the national security risk of Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden making tens of millions of dollars selling Joe’s influence to shady characters linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

He testified to the impeachment inquiry that Joe was directly involved in his son and brother’s influence peddling and that Joe was referred to as “the Big Guy” by Hunter’s partners.

Bobulinski and Archer forged a friendship last year based on their mutual contempt for the Bidens. They campaigned together for Trump in Pennsylvania, the state that was instrumental in the Republican’s election victory and was the scene of his near-assassination.

Bobulinski also enlisted the champion Penn State wrestling team — where he once wrestled and was captain — as Trump’s secret weapon.

On Saturday night at the NCAA wrestling finals in Philadelphia, “Scranton Joe” Biden’s stronghold, Trump was given a hero’s welcome. Bobulinski, as Penn State wrestling royalty, was sitting among the president’s entourage and saw his chance to advocate for his friend Archer.

To complete the cosmic synergy, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley was sitting in the stadium next to Archer. Shapley’s exposure of DOJ obstruction of his five-year tax investigation of Hunter upended the sweetheart deal prosecutors had planned to give him.

After two years of retaliation and ostracism from his bosses, Shapley has been promoted by Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent to be deputy chief of IRS criminal investigations and starts Monday as a special adviser to guide reform at the tax agency along with his fellow good-guy whistleblower Joe Ziegler.

After Penn State won its fourth straight team title Saturday, Trump asked Bobulinski to bring Archer over so he could tell him that he was granting him a pardon.

Sometimes, the good guys really do come out on top.


“Elon Musk Disguises IRS Building As Tesla Dealership So Democrats Will Burn It Down”

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Cuppa Covfefe

One of the most popular H0 model railroad structures made by Faller is the Brennende Finanzamt (burning Revenue Service office) 😀

Here’s a pic:

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Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, and you can add one or two smoke units and the flickering lights to simulate fire… all in all, a fun model…


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


Lots of these stories today about Ukraine going on the diplomatic offense.
Kiev wants Trump envoy sacked — RT World News
TodayUS President Donald Trump’s special envoy to the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, who has played a central role in opening negotiations on resolving the Ukraine conflict, is “spreading Russian propaganda” and should be sacked, according to a senior Ukrainian lawmaker.. The head of the Kiev’s

JD Vance defends Witkoff after controversial interview, saying he’s ‘a great guy doing an incredible job’
Mon, March 24, 2025 – 17:15

JD Vance defends Witkoff after controversial interview, saying he’s ‘a great guy doing an incredible job’

Author: Oleksandra Bashchenko (Dip Shit Ukrainian)

US Vice President JD Vance believes that US Special Envoy for the Middle East Steve Witkoff is “doing an incredible job”.

“Steve Witkoff is a great guy doing an incredible job. The people sniping at him are mad that he is succeeding where they failed for 40 years,” Vance wrote on X.

According to him, a lot of diplomacy comes down to “a simple skill: don’t be an idiot.”

Scandalous statements from Witkoff (Actually accurate statement but FU!)

US Special Envoy for the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, has had two meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in two months.

Witkoff also participated in talks with Russian officials in Saudi Arabia in February.

Last week, Witkoff said that the main problem in Russia’s war against Ukraine is the issue of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions. Referring to Russian fake referendums, he claimed that the population of these regions allegedly wants to be under Russian rule.

After that, he began to justify himself by saying that he was simply identifying the essence of the problem and did not take any side.

Oleksandr Merezhko, chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Cooperation, said that Witkoff should be removed from office after such statements.

Gail Combs

The Cabal WANTS WWIII and Witkoff is getting in the way. The USA and NATO were SUPPOSED to ride to the rescue. Now POTUS Trump is saying HELL NO!

Meanwhile Ukraine lost territory and now they are being told it is permanent. FAFO bitches!



Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful night’s sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,


Prayer Of Reflection On The Past Day

Loving Lord, as the day is coming to an end, I want to thank You for being with me in all that has taken place today. I also want to lay the whole day before You, asking that you would show me if there is anything that I have done to hurt or harm another person unknowingly, or if I have done anything that is displeasing in Your sight, or quenched the work of the Spirit in me, so that I may turn away from such things in the days that lie ahead.

Lord, I desire to do Your will in all things. I pray that You would cleanse me of any wrong thoughts or attitudes that may have surfaced in my heart today. Wash me in Your cleansing flood, I pray. 

Thank You, that You are a God who forgives our transgressions when we are willing to confess them to You, knowing that such cleansing before You immediately draws us back into sweet fellowship with Yourself. 

Give me a good night’s rest I pray, and may I rest quietly in Your loving arms in the knowledge that in Christ, I am eternally secure, due to Your amazing grace, for which I praise You. In Jesus’ name, 



Evening Prayer For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,





h/t Filly
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Gail Combs



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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Because I didn’t want any more pianos.


NYC Just Doomed 2 Million People… to Homelessness


Louisiana AND USA wins.
Hyundai announces new $21 billion investment in US manufacturing


Senate, as predicted, doing its part to sabotage Trump.

Report: Senate Republicans at Odds over Trump’s ‘Big Beautiful Bill,’ May Not Pass Until July

Gail Combs

Exclusive: Peter Navarro Explains Trump’s “3D War on Inflation” and “Bullish” Economic Outlook:
  :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2: 

And yeah, I am a fan of Peter Navarro.


So am I 😍


Gail, I’m working out how to use a transcription tool on audio from rumble videos. It’s slow, but it does a great job on general speech. On a very long podcast I just left it to run all night and checked the output in the morning. It does tend to mangle names and it misses a word or two, but that’s rare. It sure beats typing it by hand. I will be seeing about ways to modify the output format next.

Gail Combs

Sigh… I have ten more minutes to go for Wednesday.🙄




Do you need transcription for Rumble. If you give me the link, I could run it tonight. Should be a way for me to get it to you. Maybe here on the site or a paste up site.

Gail Combs

Thank you very very much for the offer.

However I only have a few more minutes and by typing it, it hard wires the info into my brain.

I am going to be using this info again in future articles because it explains so much.


Thank you for your effort!


Here is an example of the output:

[00:00.000 –> 00:14.800] My name is Marly Hornick, founder of the National Election Validity Organization United
[00:14.800 –> 00:20.680] Sovereign Americans, along with cyber and election security subject matter expert Harry


Rinos are Rinos they will never stop vote them out.


Singing, we can’t vote anyone out. (reposting)

If we don’t deal with the breaches in our election system, we will be right back to puppet presidents in about two bats of the eyelashes.

Whoever is in our systems has total control. They allowed the presidential win, but messed with the down ballots enough to prevent enough wins in congress to really fix things the way the voters want it fixed.

If this isn’t dealt with via both state law and federal prosecutions, then whoever “they” are, will take back control in the midterms and our country is gone.

15 minute explanation:


You have a point. Nice to be back in reality 😊


I just uploaded a transcript of that video here:


What the headline does not say, the 1,000 ATF guys will be folded into FIB.

Perhaps we’ll start seeing FIB taking out the bad guys sabotaging the US from within.

Report: Kash Patel to Cut ‘as Many as 1,000 ATF Agents’



Perhaps FIB is being aligned for massive investigations / take downs of the corruption over the past ~ten years. Along with crap uncovered by DOGE.


I am sure one of the liberal judges will find a way to reinstate those 1000 atf agents.
I am beyond discussed. Congress do something take their money. We pay for all this crap boot them out. 😡


The Perfect Stranger | Full Movie | Pamela Brumley | Jefferson Moore | Tom Luce | David Gregory

The Perfect Stranger tells the story of Nikki, a troubled attorney who one day receives a mysterious dinner invitation from a man claiming to be Jesus of Nazareth. Throughout their evening of conversation, arguments and spirited debate, Nikki learns things she never knew about life, the universe, and most importantly, herself.

Directors: Jefferson Moore, Shane Sooter
Writers: David Gregory, Jefferson Moore
Starring: Pamela Brumley, Jefferson Moore, Tom Luce, Dennis Martin, Stella Davis, Vin Morreale Jr.

Other movies recommended on our Christian Movies YouTube channel:
Power of the Air –

A Dave Christiano Film


Our Founding Fathers Warned Us About Rogue Judges, A Clean [H]ouse Is Very Important – Ep. 3604
 March 24, 2025  x22report
Germany is in the process of destroying their economy, they just removed a state of the art coal power plant.Business are moving out of the blue states. Trump has brought in almost 3 trillion dollars into this country via investments. April 2, 1792 was liberation day for the US, we became financially independent. The [DS] is now using the Judicial branch of the government to fight against the Executive branch, it’s almost like the [DS] wants the US in a constitutional crisis. Our Founding Fathers warned that something like this might happen and built safeguards into the constitution. When we talk about a clean house, it’s not just in DC, it’s the entire country.

Ep 3604a – Liberation Day, April 2, 1792 Is When The US Established Economic Independence

Ep 3604b – Our Founding Fathers Warned Us About Rogue Judges, A Clean [H]ouse Is Very Important


I thought this was pretty amusing.

If you’ve been around the block a few times, you know things are going to be in an OS even though you don’t know where. This guy is playing, and ends up doing pretty sophisticated stuff.

The difference in experience between Windows 7 and Linux Mint is generally less than the difference between Windows 7 and Windows 8.


That guy is just amusing period.
The gasp he makes when the video driver shows up. LOL


JUST IN: President Trump Nominates Next CDC Director After RINOs Took Out His First PickCristina Laila Mar. 24, 2025 4:20 pm 198 Comments

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President Trump nominated Dr. Susan Monarez to serve as the next director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday afternoon.

“I am proud to announce that Dr. Susan Monarez is my Nominee to serve as the next Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. Monarez brings decades of experience championing Innovation, Transparency, and strong Public Health Systems. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, and PostDoctoral training in Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University School of Medicine,” Trump said on Truth Social on Monday.

“As an incredible mother and dedicated public servant, Dr. Monarez understands the importance of protecting our children, our communities, and our future. Americans have lost confidence in the CDC due to political bias and disastrous mismanagement. Dr. Monarez will work closely with our GREAT Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert Kennedy Jr. Together, they will prioritize Accountability, High Standards, and Disease Prevention to finally address the Chronic Disease Epidemic and, MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!” Trump said.

This comes after the White House withdrew former Congressman Dr. David Weldon’s nomination as CDC Director.

Weldon accused Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) of blocking his nomination to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Just twelve hours before his scheduled confirmation hearing, he received a phone call from the White House notifying him that his nomination had been withdrawn due to insufficient votes for confirmation.

“I then spoke to HHS Secretary Bobby Kennedy, who was very upset,” Weldon revealed. “He told me he had been looking forward to working with me at CDC and that I was the perfect person for the job.”

According to Weldon, who was picked by President Trump himself, the major roadblocks to his confirmation came from within his own party.

The CDC was weaponized during the COVID-19 pandemic under then-director Rochelle Walensky.

Personally thought Weldon might be a safe pick, but Congress appears pretty skittish about who the next CDC director is going to be. Makes you think they’ve got bodies buried there.


The body count is so high at this point.


It seems like, in cases like this, where the “perfect” pick is blocked, that Trump could finagle duties such that Dr. Monarez would be the Director, but Dr. Weldon would be later chosen as Deputy director and then share duties with the director such that Dr. Weldon’s unique information or skills could be fully utilized.


They more they squirm around, the more likely that Ric Grenell will get appointed as Ambassador to San Marino and shifted over to the CDC on a temporary basis.


The Devil Wore a Lab Coat says Kentucky girl.


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