We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden.
Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting “placeholders” like this one, which may or may not be spiced up with additional content.
We now have a dedicated author for Tuesdays – TradeBait! (Or TradeBait2 as he is officially known to the software.) Please welcome him on April 1, 2025, when he begins!
Gudthots will take DePat’s old Thursday daily open thread.
This will be the last Tuesday placeholder – hopefully for a long, long time. Thank you all and God Bless!

Is the Rapture in the New Testament?
The more I research the Bible, the more convinced I become that there is some force, entity, or group, embedded even in Christianity itself, that doesn’t want the real truths of the Bible to ever be known.
It started when I found the mistranslation, found in almost every version of the Bible, of Jesus’s clear statements of “I am.” He used the name of God, given to Moses by the Man Himself, more than once; but in translation it has been watered down to “I am He,” or “it is I.”
Here that is in Matthew 14, when Jesus walks on water:
25 Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. 26 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear.
27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, [c]“Be of good cheer! [d]It is I; do not be afraid.”
See that little letter ‘d’? If I click on that, it comes up with the reference “Lit. I am.”
But translated as “It is I.” WHY? This appears in almost every Bible translation, with a couple of exceptions. Here is one outlier; the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition:
26 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified and said, It is a ghost! And they screamed out with fright.
27 But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take courage! I Am! Stop being afraid!
It happens again in John 18 in the Garden of Gethsemane:
4 Then Jesus, knowing all that was about to happen to Him, went to them and asked, “Whom do you want?” 5 They answered Him, “Jesus the Nazarene.” Jesus said, “I am He.” And Judas, who was betraying Him, was also standing with them. 6 When Jesus said, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground. 7 Again He asked them, “Whom do you want?” And they said, “Jesus the Nazarene.” 8 Jesus answered, “I told you that I am He; so if you want Me, let these men go on their way.”
All those italicized “He’s” are added. And if you think about it, it doesn’t make any sense with them anyway. They come looking for Jesus, He says “I am He” and they all fell down on the ground? Why? They were looking for the man. BUT, they were all Jews; they knew what “I AM” meant full well, so they fell to the ground before God in terror of what they were doing when Jesus said it.
Changing “I AM” to “I am He” sure waters down down the impact, doesn’t it?
And now I come to the Rapture.
I was challenged recently about the actuality of the Rapture, and whether it appears in the Bible. If you ask Google “is the Rapture in the New Testament,” here is the answer from AI:
The idea of the rapture is described in the New Testament, but the word “rapture” does not appear in the Bible.
This is essentially a lie, and I can prove it.
The concept of the rapture is introduced in the Bible in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, and Matthew 24:40-42.
Thessalonians 4
13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen [a]asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who [b]sleep in Jesus.
15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are [c]asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.
1 Corinthians 15
51 Behold, I tell you a [a]mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
Matthew 24
40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what [a]hour your Lord is coming.
My chief point today appears in the verse from Thessalonians, and these words in bold:
7 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
Thessalonians was written in Greek. The Greek Text Analysis of “caught up” reveals ἁρπαγησόμεθα. Well, that’s Greek to me!
That Greek word is harpazo (ah, English letters), which means to snatch or take away. Elsewhere in the Bible the same word is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). So it would seem that the word is being used to describe people being “moved” from the Earth to “the clouds.”
A Greek to Latin translator reveals that the Greek word ἁρπαγησόμεθα in Latin is rapimur. The word “rapimur” for “caught up” in Thessalonians first appears in the Latin Vulgate Bible, translated by Jerome in 382. He was commissioned by Pope Damasus to translate the Four Gospels into Latin from the best available Greek texts, and by the time Damasus died in 384, he was mostly finished. In a letter to Pope Damasus in 383, Jerome wrote:
“You urge me to revise the old Latin version, and, as it were, to sit in judgment on the copies of the Scriptures which are now scattered throughout the whole world; and, inasmuch as they differ from one another, you would have me decide which of them agree with the Greek original. The labour is one of love, but at the same time both perilous and presumptuous; for in judging others I must be content to be judged by all; and how can I dare to change the language of the world in its hoary old age, and carry it back to the early days of its infancy?”
Jerome completed his Vulgate Bible by 404 A.D.
In the English language, we derive many words from Latin roots. The Latin word “rapimur” is the root word of…you guessed it…
The Rapture as a concept would not really be pushed to the fore until John Nelson Darby analyzed Bible translations in the 1830s. But the word that is the root of the word “Rapture” appeared in 384 in Jerome’s translation. I don’t think the “Harpazo” would have quite the same ring to it!
So there you have it. The word “Rapture” IS in the New Testament.
I find this prevarication to be as sly as ole Bill Clinton’s “depends on what the meaning of “is” is!” And both of the above examples, found across Christian belief and thought, make me wonder WHY and WHO? Because this isn’t just pagans and non-Christian sources. This is almost everywhere, even in Christianity itself.
When the Gutenberg Bible was printed in the 1450’s, it was an edition of Jerome’s Latin Vulgate Bible. So the first books ever printed with moveable type contained the word we derive Rapture from.
*******IN FAIRNESS TO GROK AI*******
I thought to head over and ask Grok about the word rapture in the Bible. Lo and behold, it told the truth!
Does the word Rapture appear in the New Testament?
Yes, the word “Rapture” does appear in the New Testament, but not in the way you might think. The English word “Rapture” as commonly understood today—referring to the event where believers are caught up to meet Jesus Christ in the air—doesn’t appear explicitly in modern English translations of the Bible. However, the concept is derived from the Latin word raptura, meaning “a carrying off” or “seizure,” which comes from the verb rapere (“to snatch” or “to seize”). This Latin term was used in the Vulgate, a 4th-century Latin translation of the Bible, to translate the Greek word harpazō (ἁρπάζω), which means “to snatch away” or “to catch up.”
The key passage associated with the Rapture is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (New Testament), where Paul writes:
“Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.” (ESV)
In the Greek text, “caught up” is harpagēsometha (from harpazō), and in the Latin Vulgate, it’s rendered as rapiemur (from rapere). This is where the term “Rapture” originates.
So, while “Rapture” as an English word isn’t directly in the New Testament, the idea and the root word it’s based on (harpazō) are present, particularly in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. The modern use of “Rapture” to describe this event became popularized in English-speaking Christian theology much later, especially through 19th- and 20th-century dispensationalist teachings.
Does that clarify things for you? Let me know if you’d like me to dig deeper!
Nice digging!
I especially appreciate the background…
In a letter to Pope Damasus in 383, Jerome wrote:
Those old guys were pretty smart.
Hooduhthunkit possible?
The formation of Christ in the heart is what empowers the soul to develop the perseverance and character necessary for this type of work.
In today’s world we are blinded to the connection between the inner qualities that come before the great works of intellect.
Hey, my bell notifier just started working!
Take a closer look. It is more likely the new bell notifier from wpDiscuz instead of WordPress.com. I have both right now!
Is that what I (attempted to) articulated here?
Yup! You spotted it.
We can play with it for a while and figure out what people like and what they don’t. We can share tips on how to use it. The main thing is that people without the working notifier from WP can now use this one – or at least try it out.
Hopefully people can find their settings for it (under wpDiscuz) and play with it a bit.
is wpDiscuz on the dashboard somewhere?
It is for me, but it’s an admin menu, that applies to everybody. I’m hoping that there is a reduced menu for everybody else, that allows people to personally control their notifications, just like they can do with the normal JetPack bell notifier using WordPress preferences.
I’ve clicked on everything I can see on the Dashboard and did not find any settings options for that twitchy bell. I think the only way to make it stop would be to hit “Delete All” on the Unread tab.
Thanks! I don’t think there are any. SO – I’ve turned off the bell, and also removed “Likes” as a trigger for notification. It’s fairly sedate now!
Thankfully, the twitchy bell can be hidden in my browser by opening the search in page drop down which neatly covers it up. LOL
Unlike the GIFs, which can be stopped from auto-running, I have not found any way to make the bell stop twitching, although I have not given up hope. I have a couple of small hacks that may work, and need to be tried.
Delete All makes it stop.
I just need to call it a day.
Mine too, about an hour or so ago.
First time ever.
At first it was just jiggling in the upper right hand corner of the screen, constantly diverting my attention from what I was reading.
Then it started making audible ‘alert’ sounds, and doesn’t seem to want to stop making the alert sound every few minutes, until I mark the alert as ‘read’.
I just turned off the sound.
HOW? I want to turn it off, too!
I just turned off the computer’s sound. if i want to hear something, I can turn it back on.
That’s what I did! Maybe somebody will figure out how to only turn off the bell chime.
hopefully! we got some smart computer people here!
We’ll get it figured out!
having the sound turned off on my computer is normal for me. hubby works from home. no biggie.
but the others will find it helpful,
See if you have some wpDiscuz settings in your WordPress Dashboard, which is accessible by clicking on the left end of the black toolbar, where it says “The Q Tree”. My settings are obviously way bigger and more complex.
“My settings are obviously way bigger and more complex.”
As are your brain power, magnanimity, AND humility!
LOL! I think not! (as he takes a swipe at PRIDE and VANITY circling like hungry predators at all times). Seriously, the admin settings are daunting. Some of them SHOULD be offered to regular users, but I cannot tell immediately which ones ARE offered to normal users – so I prefer to let people look and tell me what they’re seeing.
didn’t see anything about the wpDiscuz there.
Can you tell me the list of things that you do see under “Dashboard”?
I copied mine but will do it in a higher level reply so it’s easier to see for us all.
Edit–It’s here now:
See here:
in my dashboard I can see recent comments and wp news. in the profile section, I can change the color scheme and then it’s all about name/user name/password, etc. i see nothing about discuz or bell settings
Thank you!
I have the same set-up as patfrederick
No mention of discuz although I have both bells. However, the WP bell has not worked for me since Nov 24. I have the Discuz bell, but I haven’t posted in a while, so I don’t know if its working or not :0)
You will get a notification from this reply!
What browser are you using? If you turn off shields for this site, your JetPack bell may start working again.
The Discuz bell is working….I’m using Chrome, and I’ve done everything I can think of, include shields, to make it work, however, my computer puked the day after the last notice on JetPack bell and I’ve had a heck of a time getting everything configured correctly. I’ll keep trying :0)
If you authorized your wife to comment in the Q-Tree you could look at what she sees when signed in
There are easier ways to make her mad at me!
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha
When at the WP dashboard page:
there is not a wpDiscuz section in the menu (the left hand column).
OK – no stub. That means it’s only for me.
But that’s for Pavlovian canines to feel the Luv
I can definitely turn the notification chime off for everybody.
That would be awesome
Usually in your browser there is a way to block sound from a specific site. You can also block images in a site specific way. I don’t really want to block images completely, so I am still searching if there’s a way to make it something I have to click to see or something like that.
If you’re running Linux, you can use internal tools to shut down certain URLs.
One of the most direct is to edit /etc/hosts and insert a line with the name of the host you want gone, and just send it to
I think the new gifs are on this site actually.
Here’s my Dashboard:
Going to try to hide the Dashboard details in the spoiler
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There is a section where I can do a quick draft of a post I just copied it here too…
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Hope this might help
TY, so well said!
Thanks! I had fun with this one.
Yesterday there was a security issue and the terrorDEMs were having a field day.
X post link: https://nitter.poast.org/pepesgrandma/status/1904331646813470834
Bad Kitty Unleashed

Meet the EXTREMELY leftist wife of Mike Waltz, who was involved in the embarrassing Trump admin phone call business. Dr. Julia Nesheiwat worked with the Atlantic Council, Aspen Institute, United Nations, and World Economic Forum. She was also a Biden Admin staffer and worked for Obama’s State Department.
She’s also very big into Climate change. Well guess what? Mike Waltz is quite the climate change activist too:
“Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Florida) said that climate change impacts are indisputable, and that he wanted the United States “to lead this effort … with rapidly growing clean energy markets.””
He’s even introduced legislation to, “improve coordination on coastal resiliency, while advancing climate science research and education to carry our nation towards a more sustainable future.”
Mike Waltz also worked with Dick Cheney.
Plus, Mike regularly provided expert commentary on counterterrorism and regional issues for provided commentary at:
– BBC World News
– PBS Frontline
– THE VOICE OF AMERICA (US propaganda)
I just may have to shelve my current project and pick back up one that I never reported on Mike Waltz. It’s pretty bad, but it’s just sooo complicated, I dread it.
I’ll source the couple of things on Mike from above, but his wives stuff is already sourced in the
There’s no dispute about whether Mike Waltz added Jeffrey Goldberg to a sensitive chat. There *is* dispute about whether he was sent “war plans.”
Goldberg has a history of false reporting so skepticism of how he characterizes important info is more than warranted.
Tony Kinnett
I’ve read the Atlantic article & Signal messages twice, top to bottom. Most of those on social media ringing alarm bells and repeating talking points have not.
Should Goldberg have been added to the chat? No.
Did Goldberg gain access to “secret” information? Kind of. He found out we’d strike the Houthis two hours early.
What Goldberg & the Atlantic are calling TOP SECRET “war plans” is a massive embellishment—any butterbar fresh out of ROTC could tell you that. These aren’t war plans. These aren’t even school board notes.
They’re “Ok, we’re ready to do that thing everyone knew we were going to do? Yep? Neat. Also Europe sucks.”
Watergate this is not. It’s a final, informal check-in after things are already planned/assigned.
Level headed assessment.
Cynical Publius
In my discussion below about known FACTS surrounding Signalgate (as opposed to conjecture), many people are stating as a FACT that NSA Waltz had Goldberg’s contact info on his phone or computer, and invited Goldberg to the chat.
That’s not a FACT. It’s an assumption.
Here’s why:
Signal apps can be hacked by cloning a device ID onto another device, thus mirroring the original device as far as the Signal app is concerned.
The phones the Signal apps were loaded on were government phones, issued by government IT workers to our national leaders.
Federal workers.
Federal workers who might not care too much for DOGE, or who might still be loyal to former President Applesauce and former Vice President Velveeta.
Federal workers who might secretly clone a Signal phone ID.
Federal workers who might be so disgruntled that they might think “What better way to bring Trump’s team low than to invite the most anti-Trump author on Planet Earth into a crucial national security chat?”
Possible? Yes.
Likely? Who knows.
But my point is that you DO NOT KNOW with certainty that Waltz had Goldberg on speed-dial or even invited him. None of us knows.
As for me, at this point in time I am trying to stick to facts.
Cynical Publius
OK, I have been talking about this Atlantic/Signal thing all day, as have a ton of other X people.
I think it’s time to take a deep breathe, step back, and list only those things we objectively KNOW to be true, with certainty:
1. Jeffrey Goldberg was somehow invited to a Signal chat with America’s national security leaders, and then wrote an article about it in The Atlantic.
2. The portion of the chat that Goldberg revealed included zero classified information and merely reflected thoughtful, unclassified coordination between those same leaders.
3. Goldberg wrote that part of that chat was a discussion about how certain classified information would be shared on “the high side” (i.e., classified IT systems) and not in the chat.
4. Goldberg further wrote that the chat included information that HE believed could “conceivably” be classified, but he did not show any of that information.
5. Jeffrey Goldberg is a notorious Trump hater who has repeatedly participated in outrageous anti-Trump hoaxes such as “Trump/Russia Collusion” and “suckers and losers.”
Everything else is speculation.
That’s where we stand in terms of objective reality. Now let the chips fall where they may.
I love to hear the sound of canaries singing in the spring…..
Respectfully, General Hertling—my patience with takes like yours is running in the red. The only thing “Arrogant. Amateurish.” seem to be your takes on current events.
Let’s be clear: this so-called “leak” isn’t the catastrophe the legacy press wants it to be. In fact, it might be one of the most productive revelations we’ve seen in years—and it’s exposing all the right fault lines.
First: Europe just got a clear look at what we actually think of them. No diplo-speak. No filters. Just hard truths. That’s not chaos. That’s clarity—and deterrence is built on clarity, not illusion.
Second: The Atlantic revealed itself (as if it didn’t already)—not as a journalistic institution, but as an ideological tool. A publication willing to risk national security to push a narrative and shape appointments. That’s not “informing the public.” That’s sabotage with a press pass (whether Goldberg’s admittance into the group was accidental or not).
Third: No U.S. forces were harmed. No ops compromised. And strategically? The leak may serve as a brilliant deception tool—pulling adversaries toward shadows. That’s classic Cold War tradecraft. Use the noise. Control the signal. Don’t you know about how this works? You’re a general.
But let’s pull back.
This isn’t about one leak. It’s about a pattern—where media outlets won’t stop until they control who holds power. If it’s someone they didn’t handpick? They’ll scorch the earth. If it’s someone they did? Silence, no matter the failure.
It happened under multiple presidents of a certain political party. The press doesn’t hold power accountable—it curates it. You are now part of that apparatus.
And now they’re coming after the SECDEF and VP—because they fight back. Because they don’t kiss rings in D.C. Because they don’t need the approval of think tanks to speak truth.
For everyone else out there, here’s the real danger:
If Americans cave to every hit piece—especially under the guise of national security—we’re setting a precedent:
All it takes to cancel a leader is a leak, a narrative, and enough noise.
The media tried the sexual crime route, they tried the alcoholic route, stands to reason the next one would involve NATSEC. Don’t be fooled.
We don’t need fragile politicians in flak vests. We need warfighters who can take incoming and keep advancing.
The American people didn’t vote for curated calm.
They voted for courage, disruption, and truth.
This wasn’t a scandal.
It was a stress test.
(which was in reply to an arm chair general who helped lose some wars) see below”
Mark Hertling
Arrogant. Amateurish. Lacking in situational awareness. A huge security breach that opens operations to foreign actors and puts our military at risk.
A staggering story in @TheAtlantic .
Fuck the Atlantis and all the asshoes who love it.
If China is asshoe, does that mean China loves Atlantic?
Of course they do! Treasonous communists love treasonous communists until the former kill the latter.
I’ve largely ignored this whole hoopla, waiting for the dust to settle.
At this point, dismissing it as much ado about nothing, of substance.
The presstitutes over here are having a field day with it…..
Having said that, they should know better than to trust a “source” such as “The Atlantic” (wonder if they’re related to the Atlantic Council?), a misbegotten melange of puerile pablum fit for burial at the botton of the Atlantic Ocean…
Then again, that’s just the type of “reporting” our presstitutes pursue…
puerile pablum?
We have an amendment for that.
Well, you sure take the air out of the balloon.
Speculation and jumping to conclusions are our favorite indoor activities, dontchano.
Armchair Tom Brady wannabe
NOW – Secretary Hegseth Torches Atlantic’s Latest Fake Narrative, Denies Signal War Plans Tale
“This is a guy that peddles in garbage. This is what he does.”
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth just came out swinging from the ground in Hawaii, unloading on a reporter who asked about Jeffrey Goldberg’s newest whopper from The Atlantic—claiming Hegseth leaked Yemen war plans in a Signal chat.
He smashed that narrative flat out.
“So you are talking about a deceitful and highly discredited so-called journalist, who’s made a profession of peddling hoaxes time and time again to include, I don’t know, the hoaxes of Russia, Russia, Russia! or the ‘fine people on both sides’ hoax or ‘suckers and losers’ hoax.”
“This is a guy who peddles in garbage. This is what he does.”
“I would love to comment on the Houthi campaign because of the skill and courage of our troops, I have monitored it very closely from the beginning, and you see, we have been managing four years of deferred maintenance under the Trump administration.”
“Our troops, our sailors were getting shot at as targets, our ships couldn’t sail through, and when they did shoot back it was purely defensively or at shacks in Yemen.”
“President Trump said no more. We will reestablish deterrence. We will open freedom of navigation. And we will ultimately decimate the Houthis, which is exactly what we’re doing as we speak, from the beginning, overwhelmingly.”
Reporter doubles down:
“Why were those details shared on Signal and how did you learn that a journalist was privy to the targets, the types of weapons used?”
Hegseth leaves no room for doubt:
“I’ve heard how I was characterized. NOBODY was texting war plans. And that’s all I have to say about that. Thank you. I appreciate it.”
“Meet the EXTREMELY leftist wife of Mike Waltz, who was involved in the embarrassing Trump admin phone call business. Dr. Julia Nesheiwat worked with the Atlantic Council, Aspen Institute, United Nations, and World Economic Forum. She was also a Biden Admin staffer and worked for Obama’s State Department.
She’s also very big into Climate change. Well guess what? Mike Waltz is quite the climate change activist too:
“Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Florida) said that climate change impacts are indisputable, and that he wanted the United States “to lead this effort … with rapidly growing clean energy markets.””
Reminds me of the similar problem with Kellyanne Conway and her insane wackadoo TDS husband.
Nevermind the unanswerable question why any conservative would marry a Leftist lunatic (or vice versa), but more to the point, why would the administration once again bring someone to the inner circle whose spouse is a public enemy of the administration?
Unless it’s a patented Trump 3DD (double D’s) chess trap
Imagine this is WWII, the subject is the Manhattan Project, and Oppenheimer’s wife is a known, active Nazi sympathizer.
Before I go any further, I better do a quick check on Oppenheimer’s wife (I haven’t seen the movie yet, either).
Wiki: “Katherine Vissering “Kitty” Oppenheimer (née Puening; August 8, 1910 – October 27, 1972) was a German American biologist, botanist, and a member of the Communist Party of America until leaving in the 1930s.
Her husbands were Frank Ramseyer, Joe Dallet, Richard Stewart Harrison, and physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Manhattan Project’s Los Alamos Laboratory during World War II.”
Okay, so we really dodged a bullet there… me personally (for checking, before continuing the hypothetical!), and America, for Mrs. Oppenheimer somehow not being an enemy agent.
My hypothetical was ‘what if Mrs. Oppenheimer was a Nazi sympathizer’, but it turns out instead that she was (at one time) a member of the Communist Party. In any case, apparently she never aided the enemy.
Either way, seems like an incredible risk to take, having her at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project.
Her Wiki page reveals a fascinating life, based on only the most cursory details.
Okay, back to Waltz.
Unlike Mrs. Oppenheimer, Waltz’s wife really is working for the enemy.
So that means Waltz is literally sleeping with the enemy.
How is it not gross (grotesque?) negligence to not consider Waltz a national security risk, considering his wife is the literal equivalent of an enemy agent?
It’s insane…
Sure hope he doesn’t talk in his sleep…
“3DD (double D’s)”
uncensored image hidden
I’m not sure those are real…
Bwah ha ha
The best mutations are REALly questionable

Ask Steve, he’s the, ahem, self appointed expert LOL
FBI federal boob inspector or feeling boobs irreligiously
JK Steve, harkening back to a prior WGTTs “real” discussion
Eccentrica Gallumbits, no doubt, from HHGTTG… here’s more:
Danger, Danger, Will Robinson… up to five miles away from her…
Quite the eye catcher.
Especially in the context of that movie!
Total Threecall!
Suddenly “Q” has a whole nother meaning, pictorigramatically
I probably should have said WGTTTs LOL
Somehow, I doubt the Zelensky people will have any qualms with Waltz like they do with Steve Witkoff. Sleaze makes for a good ingredient for ingratiating ones self with other scum. Makes me wonder if his Green Beret time was in part just badge chasing for easy access into Congress, though I shouldn’t scoff at his service time as it is impressive, but then again he started off as an armor officer
Witkoff has an interesting early history
Somebody had to get in and place those devices. I would assume that a dealership that sells vehicles with NINE cameras that are part of Sentry Mode likely has a similar system in the dealership.
I await the mugshots.
Yes, there have to be surveillance cameras. Maybe it was an inside job and someone knew how to disable them, but that would become obvious too.
I’m amazed that people are still keying Teslas with all the publicity there is about the cameras within the vehicles.
This immature, imbecilic, criminal behavior is only hurting the Left.
I hate their acts of destruction, however, I love the impact it is having on the psyche of average Americans. Nobody I know likes what they are doing and everybody hopes they go to jail or prison for doing it.
I have to say I like the idea of Elon Musk buying Harley-Davidson…. that would take care of the perps in a jiffy… or a rumble, as it were…
Cynical Publius
Imagine for a second that an organization existed that carefully and deliberately planned and executed the firebombing and destruction of a certain brand of automobiles and its dealerships, and the support infrastructure for that brand, with the purpose of such attacks being to extort others into silence and submission.
Back in the day we would have considered that a criminal conspiracy (in all likelihood under RICO laws), and we would have arrested and prosecuted the leaders of that rogue, terrorist organization.
Guess what? You don’t have to imagine. That organization exists today and it’s called the “Democrat Party.”
Yesterday I posted this article…
Calif. AG issues stark warning to 15 million 23andMe users as bankruptcy looms: ‘Delete your data’
…and made this comment:
“Suspicious cat thinks the data is probably already in the hands of some agency. Still, it would be a good idea to delete it.”
And James O’Keefe posted this:
Lock it all down.
It’s a crime scene.
James is busy narrowing the list of parties to which he will be invited.
Data is already around the globe. Known for years.
Of course, gotta have some Russia, Russia, Russia.
Good to be one of the 23Ain’tMe gang
I know I’m a Euromutt.
No need to confirm it.
With 3 of 4 grand parents, LEGAL immigrants and my aunt doing the research on the fourth that leads back to Alexander Hamilton, Why bother?
I know I am French, English, German, Danish and Druze.
It is the CHINA CHINA CHINA and DARPA, DARPA, DARPA that worries me. Not Russia.
Only pointed out OMG went for the click bait, Russia., Russia, Russia.
From an article by a genetic genealogist I follow, emphasis mine…
23andMe’s focus has never been about genealogy, but on health, medical research, and big pharma. That means they never developed the tools that genealogists requested, as genealogy did not align with their corporate goals. At one point, 23andMe partnered with MyHeritage for trees, but when that relationship was discontinued, 23andMe never offered trees – a foundation of genealogy.
Ian Jaeger:
Boasberg tantrum in 3, 2, 1…
Biasberg can HOE TO GELL
Hair gel???
Hair Gel Satan loves Beelzeberg!
I LOVE IT! This is great – taking the FAKE NEWS to task at every opportunity.
…or thereabouts.
[loud guffaw]
1461…she forgot leap day 2028.
Eric Schmitt
All of this is completely unprecedented.
It’s an entirely new, sprawling system of speech and thought control—far more powerful and far-reaching than anything we’ve seen the past, built with and for the new technology of the digital age.
And most of it operates in the shadows.
He ends that thread with this:
Good. The more exposure, the better.
Hugely big boom!
More sunlight and removal of tax dollar funding sources.
Roundup Weedkiller Verdict: Georgia Jury Orders Bayer To Pay $2 Billion
I don’t know what science actually says about this.
Roundup acts as a binder, depleting the body of minerals. It also acts as an antibiotic, disrupting normal microbiome in the gut, leading to gastrointestinal and neurological problems. It is sprayed onto harvested wheat in American to speed up the drying process. That wheat is processed with the Roundup still on the grain.
It is not a benign, or inert substance.
And, IIRC, “Roundup-ready” plants have been modified to be resistant to Roundup, so they get sprayed with EVEN MORE Roundup… because farmers (especially big-pharma/big-ag factory farmers) will round up, rather than down, when selecting their “doses”….

Punitive damages are generally set at three-five times compensatory damages. I can almost guarantee that the $2B will be reduced, either by the trial court or on appeals.
But the attorneys can still brag about nailing a huge verdict and they certainly will.
JUST IN: President Trump Revokes Secret Service Protection for Disgraced Former DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
persecuteprosecute Mayorkis for Facilitating illegals invading America.No[w] go after this commie minion for treason!
Thanks for correcting my “no” to “now”
Now problem!
whoops, 1st word should be Now
This is one of the focuses I expect FIB, including the realigned 1,000 ATF agents to pursue aggressively.
AG Pam Bondi issues stern warning as DOGE uncovers ‘tremendous amount of fraud’
Lots of fraud will require lots of agents to investigate.
“President Trump secures $2.924 trillion worth of investments into the U.S. in his first 100 days.”
2 Trillion AND Trump has just started.
Much more on the way.
Folks – now would not be the time to sell off your stock portfolio.
Consider your retirement plans and personal investment portfolios. Many large cap companies are investing huge dollars in America and its interests. That flows downstream into mid and smaller cap businesses as well. The nations that align with us and have no or little tariff issues will also benefit. Look at related international investments/funds in alignment with us as a result – they will benefit.
Neocons have only China left to rattle sabers. My guess is with Putin making nice with PDT, they probably do not want to overstep against us as we could totally wipe them out economically if we choose. Could be that clowns try to stir up trouble as a last gasp, but they will lose. Long term investing in what make sense from already released economic emphases is in order. They will be protected.
Examples – tech and AI, space exploration and related support, mining, energy production of all forms, domestic pharmaceutical research and production, next gen warfare, crypto, etc. Auto manufacturing domestically is being revitalized as well.
Announced yesterday – Trump Media is partnering with crypto.com to launch America First investment EFT’s.
The Golden Age – don’t forget. No excuse to miss out if you have even a small amount to invest. You do not need to be financially astute. Mutual funds are an easy method to use. Some moderate reading comprehension and filling out forms is all that is required.
Avoid any broker who was involved with congresscritters.
Remember Mutual funds VOTE THE STOCK not you. That is why Financial institutions have such control over Corporations.
“Who Calls the Shots?: How Mutual Funds Vote on Director Elections” by Stephen J. Choi, Jill E. Fisch et al.
From my old notes:
The Network of Global Corporate Control
The top 50 controllers of the International corporations:
FORBES: The 147 Companies That Control Everything
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟭𝟰𝟳 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗢𝘄𝗻 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴
Lenten disciplines to draw oneself closer to God.
Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving.
Christians benefit from considering their giving as part of their investment practices. Praying about how to give and how to invest are very tightly related.
Isn’t that technically within his first 65 or 66 days?
I think you’re right. He could do a lot more before 100 days have passed.
God bless Nicole Shanahan.
May her family be blessed. May her message go far and wide.
Collin Rugg
JUST IN: Nicole Shanahan says she almost lost her life during the campaign, says she had a miscarriage at 20 weeks.
Shanahan says she lost 4 liters of blood.
“I almost lost my life… I lost over four liters of blood. You only have four liters of blood, so I lost pretty much everything and pretty much was dying.”
“I was dying and was losing a baby… I was taken so close to the end. I could feel it.”
“I actually had peace… and the chaplain came in…”
“I’m gonna fight because I wanna come back for my daughter, my six-year-old who needs me.”
Shanahan said she then prayed: “God, if you wanna bring me back, I’m gonna give it my all.”
Full interview: @conservmillen
[video link]
Fortunately for her, the average human adult female has 4.5 liters of blood.
[okay that was rude – I admit it]
From her story, it would seem she got a miracle, her life back, so she could continue to fight for her living child.
Just to remind folks, in spite of Wolf leaving in the bit about looking for someone to take the place of this Place Holder Under Arrest, we have someone who has stepped up (TradeBait) who will do so starting April 1.
Yes indeed! I was still looking for a Tuesday author when I scheduled that post for Aubergine!
That was weird.
Steve Taylor is/was? quite unique
Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
NEW MAP – 25 U.S. States Officially Move to Ban Atmospheric Geoengineering
…like trying to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
Inhuman Hubris….. no concept of scale (or science) on their part…
ThanQ for your sanity.
It has been nice not to wake up to chemtrailed skies for nearly a year here in TN.
Still happening in my neck of the woods.
Makes me wonder just how much that has to do with my ‘Asthma’
Just be glad you’re not allergic to any of your ponies.
Peonies, perhaps?
Who says I am NOT allergic to my ponies, and cats and dogs and anything with fur and grass and hay and…
I was allergic to 39 items out of 40 on the scratch test they gave me!
So I said F..K it, I am NOT going to live in a sterile environment and just bought stock in Kleenex instead.
Oh my goodness Gail–what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!
You learn to MANAGE the problem instead of letting it rule you.
Taking dominion
The chemtrails are still being spread all over the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area, just about every day. Yours Truly can hear the planes in the air during the overnight.
Hi – just reading back through comments on yesterday’s post, and came across Wolfie’s comments about DS watching folks here and being careful about our interactions etc. Looking forward to Wolf fleshing this out later on.
Anyway there were a few responses concerned about the legitimacy of Maye Musk responding to BakoCarl re: his poem, and whether it was the real Maye.
when Carl told us about that (I heard via Sylvia), I went to Maye’s verified account (which I follow), and sure enough she IS following BakoCarl, and it is a very recent follow because it was the third from top in the follow list.
That should answer your q’s about that particular interaction. At least some positive and genuine moments of friendship do happen
Great feedback. Thanks.
The only verified account that I show following me is Barb Meier. I don’t show Maye Musk @ mayemusk, her verified account, as following me. The MAYE@mayex729 (not verified) is the one that is following me, and I have doubts about that account.
If “she” asks for taxi fare, DO NOT GIVE IT TO HER.
Especially if it’s for an air taxi.
That’s interesting because HERS @MayeMusk shows you in list of accounts she follows.
Nevertheless I follow you (my X name is not Alison) and I LIVED your poem
“LOVED” that rascally keyboard i/o typos the bane of my existence

Bless you for even knowing how to verify it.
Nice dig Alison!!!
Thank you for this article, Aubergine.
I am presenting an alternative point of view, which is that the Scripture passages that people interpret to mean “rapture” are really referring to the Second Coming of Christ. Some say that a rapture before that event would constitute a third coming, which is not scriptural.
This presents the general idea that I’ve seen in a number of places.
“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17)
The phrase “unto the coming of the Lord” in verse 15 refers to the Second Coming.
All accounts I’ve seen state that the idea of a rapture was invented by John Nelson Darby in the early 1800s, which means that it had not been part of Christian belief or church teaching for all the time before that.
Mark 13:32-37 says this of the Second Coming:
32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
34 For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.
35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.
37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
We are not admonished to watch for a rapture, but for the Second Coming of Christ.
We were/are especially warned to stay busy preaching the Good News that everybody’s sin debt has been paid in full. We are free to choose to belong to Him.
Some sort of “protection” from the Tribulation is also alluded to in Revelation 3:10:
10 Because you have kept [a]My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
It seems to me that something separates them from “those who dwell on the earth.”
Plus, Jesus said we wouldn’t know the day or the hour. That can’t be the second coming because if the tribulation has started, you WOULD know when he was coming.
That’s an INTERESTING thought!
^^^ This.
Isn’t this a great insight?
It really is. Nothing about the Word should be overly difficult for the believer to understand if it is kept in context and seen in the light of Jesus. But it was at times to even the disciples, which was frustrating to Jesus.
I guess that is why he has been so patient with me.
You’re not alone, TradeBait!
They’re taking down that awful portrait of PDJT!
They should have just relabeled it “Jared Polis’ Mother.”
Maybe they’ll also get those perverts out of the governor’s residence.
Yesterday’s Coffee and COVID article states that Mia Love was fully vaxed.
People who try to walk with a foot in both camps become collateral damage frequently.
Thank you.
IMO, here’s what happened to Ms. Love:
The modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” she took crossed her Blood-Brain Barrier. This was facilitated by the dangerous lipid nanoparticles in these “vaccines.”
The ingredients in the COVID-19 “vaccines” that Ms. Love took then proceeded to damage / destroy, cells in her brain — down to the mitochondrial and glial cell levels.
Meanwhile, the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” she took ALSO were inducing damage / destruction, of her body’s natural immune system — including CD4 – CD8 cells and IgG3 cells — down to the mitochondrial level.
The combined total effect of the COVID-19 “vaccines” on her brain was to induce glioblastoma.
Many of the cancers induced by the COVID-19 “vaccines” that people have their bodies do not respond well, or do not respond at all, to treatment.
Unfortunately, Ms. Love succumbed to the glioblastoma.
May she rest in eternal Peace, and may her family find Comfort.
Sources of information:
One: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.02.482639
“Decoding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Immunometabolism in Central Nervous System: human brain normal and glioma cells by Raman imaging”
H. Abramczyk, et al.
2 March 2022
Yours Truly: This paper is still in preprint. Interested persons should download or otherwise archive this paper, since it is a target for either Retraction, or Withdrawal, or Reissue with “new findings’ that would reflect pressure on the publisher and/or the authors.
Two: A summary / review of the paper cited above:
by Neha Mathur
Just sad. What a terrible thing they have done to people.
And, since Ms. Love passed away three years after the glioblastoma was diagnosed, the “fingerprints” of the COVID-19 “vaccines” that she had taken back in 2021 would not / could not, be traced, except perhaps by extended and very detailed forensic analysis.
It’s an incomprehensible, monstrous evil
Clandestine if openly calling it out now. He has a good following, so more will know what several of us called out in 2020.
Very likely that her successful immunotherapy was thwarted by her own continued taking of the Jonestown Jab. This would explain how she persisted so long, but ultimately died.
A nice demonstration that Linux can wear different faces…..
This was made shortly after the guy tried using Mint….
So clearly these penguins are different from the 3, 2, 1 Penguins…
These ones are “Penguins of Madagascar” perhaps closer to the Linux ones
Trump Card Is A-Comin’
(To the tune of “Shrimp Boats”)
[H/T & apologies to Jo Stafford]
Trump sails through the storm and the squallin’,
Waves of lies come crashin’ his way,
Foes with schemes, they’re plottin’ and stallin’,
Tryin’ to sink his ship every day.
But, keep the faith, don’t waver or wander,
Through the noise, a light’s gonna gleam,
They throw their nets, but he’s growin’ stronger,
Ridin’ high on a patriot’s dream.
Trump Card is a-comin’, oh glory,
Trump Card is a-comin’, you’ll see,
Through the mud and the muck they’ve been pourin’,
He’ll play that card, and the truth’ll break free.
They rig the game with their lies and rulin’s,
Lawfare traps and media spin,
Pilin’ on the weight ‘til it’s so gruelin’,
But his will’s like steel within.
The courts may jab, the headlines holler,
Deep State whispers fill up the air,
Yet soon he’ll rise, he’s a real brawler,
With a move they won’t see, I swear.
Trump Card is a-comin’, oh glory,
Trump Card is a-comin’, so bold,
All their walls and their webs will be crumblin’,
When he lays down that trump card he holds.
Oh, the wind’s been fierce, the tide’s been risin’,
Interference thick as a foggy night,
But the dawn’s in view, no compromisin’,
He’s holdin’ somethin’ pure dynamite.
Trump Card is a-comin’, oh glory,
Trump Card is a-comin’, so near,
All the chaos and noise they’ve been brewin’,
Will blow away when his hand’s shown clear.
So lift your eyes, the future’s a-shinin’,
Past the storm, the skies will be blue,
Trump Card’s near, the stars are alignin’,
Victory’s comin’ – It’s way overdue.
Thank You Carl!
Love it! I am reminded of when the Trump campaign offered “The Trump Card” – my wife had to have one, so I got one, too. They’re gold (colored), in case you were wondering!
And yes, my wife almost counted the days until hers arrived!
Thanks for this take, Aubergine, AND I would love to read any more that you might care to share on the topic.
It’s funny but End Times viewpoints have been a big bone of contention between my husband & I over the years. He has very definitively formed viewpoints, or he did, & I have been reluctant to commit to One particular understanding of what these events might entail.
When I was in grad school–I attended the Graduate School of Theology aka Seminary at what had also been my undergrad university, but was majoring in Christian Counseling–there was a textbook assigned in one of my classes, I forget which one now, & it was called Contemporary Options in Eschatology.
Apparently this book can be read online (my version has a different cover) here:
Anyway this book outlines all of the prevailing End Times viewpoints & uses the scriptures to underpin each one. Many times the Same scriptures are cited in competing theories!
Because of this I’ve chosen to remain open as to what I Think might happen at The End. If various theologians (ironically I initially misspelled that as theologicans–would Steve approve?) cannot agree on this topic through the ages then it is unlikely that my hubby & I can come to a firm meeting of the minds beyond acknowledging that God’s ways are higher than our ways & God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts!
I think the topic of the End Times can be rather fascinating but it’s not crucial to how we live our lives as Believers. We can hope for a “Pre-Tribulation Rapture” & prepare to go through the Tribulation in a hope for the best, prepare for the worst mindset, I guess.
My younger brother went to Tyndale College & got a master’s in Biblical Thought, iirc. He wrote a paper, not sure if it was his thesis or not, that analyzed the Rapture & certain events that were prophesied in scripture that many think have yet to happen but his research led him to believe were already historical. I believe “the abomination that causes desolation” was one such event that he claimed as already happened in the deep past, I don’t recall the details. He said he’d let me read his paper but when I asked him about it some years later he didn’t recall that offer nor know how find what might have been saved in an older computer…sigh…I believe he ultimately decided he personally didn’t believe in the Rapture, but his view was based on scriptural & historical research.
I think the topic is worthy of discussion but not of coming to blows about, like how Angry my husband would become with me over the years. Sometimes I guess it’s best to just agree to disagree when things become too heated.
We had an old preacher who talked about the hierarchy of our beliefs that goes from most crucial to least so: absolutes, convictions, & opinions. Absolutes are scriptural bedrocks of the Faith, the others less so. I think that End Times theology falls more into the convictions or opinions domains so shouldn’t be something that divides Believers per se.
Personally I find it interesting & enjoyable to chew over such topics with others in the faith (or even out of it, like Steve, who has a lot of biblical knowledge without a saving relationship with the Lord, but his insights are valuable, especially in historical context, as he tends to bring the sauce). This is one of the beauties of the Q-Tree, that we can hash out extremely eclectic topics here but don’t demand the “unimind” or perhaps “hive mind” that others refer to of our groupthink counterparts on the Left &/or in outer darkness!
Let’s just stop playing around.
Any of you peasants who don’t agree with me or think like I do are going to burn in hell. So there.
I have a great friend who doesn’t believe in a Rapture. She is the reason I started researching in the first place. What I told her is, it doesn’t matter to me if there is a Rapture or not; if there is one, then I’ll be in it, and if there isn’t, well, I still belong to Jesus, so whatever happens will happen.
A lot of people believe that Nero was the Beast, because of numerology. The Beast is referred to by both the number 666 and in another early text 616. The speculation is that these numbers refer to the spelling of his name in Greek (616) and Latin (666). This actually seems logical to me, and a reason to think the Beast referred to in Revelation really was Nero. Maybe this is what your brother found.
My thinking about Scripture gets really complicated and difficult to explain. The fact that God exists outside of time throws me into deep wells of complexity on various subjects.
God exists everywhere all at the same time, inside and outside time, inside and outside of you, me, and everyone.
Yes. And because of that, everyone who ever lived, and ever will live, is alive in this moment to God.
“it doesn’t matter to me if there is a Rapture or not; if there is one, then I’ll be in it, and if there isn’t, well, I still belong to Jesus, so whatever happens will happen.”
Agreed! Great stuff–TY!
Which is why once saved always saved, Val.
Once acceptance of salvation occurs, actually willfully transacted, nothing can snatch you from the hand of Christ.
John 10:28 – I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. (NASB)
Some people mistake that a person is losing salvation when he or she sins or denounces Christ after having accepted Him as his/her Savior; when actually all they are doing is losing fellowship with Him. Status of sinfulness is not a consideration in the above scripture as well as many others.
WOW. That is fascinating – and makes sense. I read that verse but never really understood the implications.
One of the biggest errors I see with interpretations, Wolf. We cut ourselves off from fellowship with wrong thinking and willful sin. The Lord will allow us to go our own way with an open invitation to be restored if we repent and asked to be forgiven – just like the prodigal son. We reenter into fellowship with the Lord.
If we are in the family and redeemed, that family relationship is permanent no matter what we do or is done to us as the scripture says.
Every day I am grateful for the things I read here. This is a beautiful post.
Can you imagine the look on the face of the old person who was convinced by some circumstance to “become” an atheist in their later years, after having been saved in their youth, when they meet Jesus when they die?
Wow – what an image! A lot of people will be at his feet thanking him for not giving them over.
I saw it play out in my own life. What the Word says was proven completely faithful and true for me. I know what I know. I want others to have that same understanding and relationship in their own personal situations. He deals with us where we are and how we are.
It basically removes the ability to turn away and lose fellowship. Some days are better than others because of our human condition, but you always know He is right there with you no matter what you face. In that way the discipline is as confirming as are the mountain top experiences.
I made a random discovery on Word Press. Where the notifier bell is on the black “ribbon” near the top of the computer screen I was on the Q-Tree the other day & the bell icon didn’t show. I clicked the area where it should have been & it opened a WP page where it asked if I wanted to turn notifications on, & I said “yes”.
I also had a pop-up on the site today asking if I wanted to allow notifications at the site here (until I closed the page) & I said “yes”.
Any way now there is a second “bell” to the left of the original bell, though this one is just an outlined bell, not solid, & it has a number count on it & appears to be “jingling” as in it wiggles back & forth like someone is ringing the bell.
I think I also heard a chime from it before if there is a new notification, but I’ll have to see if any more notifications appear to test that theory.
Anyway it Might be a way that allows the “likes” from this site to show or something (like how regular WP works on sister sites & the U-Tree). It has shown me “likes” of several people who were not the authors of the post nor of the comment to which I’d replied (as those kind of likes already show up in the regular “notifier” bell).
Any way the functionality of this outline bell is rather lesser as you have to click a link to actually see what comments were being liked.
However, if you miss getting notifications of likes on your comments you might want to see if this additional bell works for you
PS Now this comment/reply box has an added icon to the right of the “stickers” green square smiley face, called “GIPHY”, when I click on it it brings up a “search GIPHY” box.
Yes! These are new additions to the site software. New plugin add-ons! I decided to try out some of the new ones, including the wpDiscuz notifier, the GIPHY add-on, and the Tenor GIF add-on (still working on that one). I may add some others, too.
OK thanks for the clarification. Silly me in thinking I “discovered” some new trick LOL
That’s the first reasonable hypothesis!
Trying out the Tenor one.
Cool! Thanks, Wolf!
The first one I clicked on directly from the pop-up box that comes up when you click on the “GIF” option at the bottom of the comment box.
The second one I opened in a new tab and copied the URL. Apparently that makes it too small.
Yes! I think that the GIF integration code in the plugin add-on normalizes the size of the GIFs.
One strange thing on my version of the new outline bell is that BarkerJim comments are showing up as notifications. Everything else is either a like or reply to me.
Is this happening to anyone else & is it just BarkerJim or someone else’s comments?
It’s not happening to me.
Quite some time ago I started getting an email every time a certain person posted or liked a comment. (I can’t remember who it was; it doesn’t matter because it was random.) I discovered that I had inadvertently clicked on something in one of their comments that made me follow them. I was able to unclick it.
Now I don’t see that option in anyone’s comments.
Wolf turned that function on so that I could unclick on BarkerJim’s comments, then turned it off again so we don’t have to have the accidental hassle. WM is a great moderator AND leader of the Pack!
Is that a fly on his/her nose?
Saw this OT, in the comments section of this article, posted by SD:
Sundance (
March 25, 2025 12:40 am
You beat me to it by 7 minutes!
I searched the page for “Fauci” before posting, and came up snake eyes…
well he DOES look like a snake!
AND shares their personality, attractiveness, & nature
Seems wolf has delivered some new toys.
Thank you!
You are welcome!!!
Yes! These are new additions to the site software. New plugin add-ons! I decided to try out some of the new ones, including the wpDiscuz notifier (that’s the “second notifier bell), the GIPHY add-on, and the Tenor GIF add-on (still working on finding and figuring out that one). I may add some others, too.
Thank You
In my case, the new notifier is appreciated. Mainly like to know that others may post in response to my posts, acknowledge the perspective and is timely.
The original bell notifier has been on hiatus since November. Learned to work around this minor glitch.
The old “normal” bell is third-party software, basically, and thus has all kinds of security problems because of that. The new one isn’t as slick, but it’s integrated right into the commenting system, and it’s FAST. I’m really starting to like it, despite certain clunky aspects.
I was shocked hearing a bell ring looking aground because I am alone today. We have a new bell here at the QTree and I love it and it rings also
I agree a big Thank You to Wolf
Glad that people like the bell – except for the actual ringing! Unfortunately, unless I can find a way for individuals to choose some of these settings, like turning off the sound of the bell, I will have to turn off the bell for the majority who find it annoying.
Now do Ralph Baric’s!
dang it–it’s not true. Fill said reader’s added comment that the site is a satire site
All news that is too good to be true needs to be distrusted until verified.
Saw that it’s a DK fake… or is that fake a fake…
you know what? i am a very trusting person by nature and it pisses me off that sites like this exist. sigh
but you know free speech and all…lol
I believe it’s an agency-funded site. Probably funded via USAID.
LOL…of course it is…like everything else is.
what hasn’t the American citizen been forced to fund?
Time to take the fun out of funding…
Darn…I really Hoped it was true
Thank you for your research and discussion, Aubergine. It was helpful.
Saw this at Marica’s:
The US State Department has DENIED Anthony Fauci’s passport renewal application:
“In a move that has sparked widespread speculation, the U.S. State Department has officially denied Dr. Anthony Fauci’s request to update his passport. While officials claim the rejection is purely… pic.twitter.com/r2oqaVTZgX
— Eagle Wings(@CRRJA5) March 24, 2025
awww crap. filly added that readers added that this is a satire site…
Readers added context to this image
Dunning Kruger Times is a satire site mediabiasfactcheck.com/dunning-kruger…
It’s not even funny. It’s designed to misinform conservatives.
I believe that site is literally funded by the people who want censorship.
i don’t belong to twitter myself so if there’s replies (and added context) I never see it unless someone who belongs posts it.
so here’s my blanket apology going forward:
I am sorry. I am a frugal dumb ass who wants to believe in stuff. (Mom should have named me Hope) I promise to be more vigilant, but let’s be honest, I’m a dumb ass and will probably fall for more stuff in the future. And for that I am truly sorry.
PUHLEAZE! Y’all ain’t dumb. Dumb is them that’s foolin’ the good folks.
you’re too kind…lol
You are not dumb.
Maybe a little more suspicious cat (or dog) is all that is needed. Like this (using the GIF below the comments):
EDIT: Well, that didn’t work. Will try again.
Bummer…it would have made a great Babylon Bee piece though
No skipping off to a country that won’t extradite the gnome-sized genocidal psychopath!
Before heading off to my duties and in the spirit of Aubergine’s post.
I Samuel 2:30
“Those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.”
God honors those who honor and trust him. When we do that with the Lord Jesus Christ while adding in our love of Him, we receive His eternal blessing on earth as well as in Heaven.
That is the hill I die upon.
Talk about grace and mercy! And TRUTH.
Meant to post this earlier, but I don’t think I did. More good info that is going mainstream:
can you see spot run this for me? I don’t watch videos (sucks up data and hubby works from home)
I will have more to say about this tomorrow.
thank you! I look forward to it!
Obama legalized propaganda to be used against Americans in America in 2013, & this had been illegal since, at least, 1948. They use our money to pay people to lie to us!
I watched it last night, so not fresh in my mind, but basically Trish explained that Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 prevented the gov’t from using propaganda on (lying to) the American People.
Then Hussein the Usurper came along, and ‘modernized’ the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, to allow the gov’t to propagandize and lie to us, the same way the gov’t propagandizes and lies to everyone else in the world.
Why they feel compelled to lie and propagandize everyone else in the world is not entirely clear.
As a result of Obamanation the Usurper’s ‘modernization’ of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, we basically live in a Matrix of lies and propaganda, 24/7/365.
So it’s nothing we aren’t already aware of here, but with mainstream shows like Trish Regan doing a good job of bringing it to the attention of (and explaining it to) the general public, that can only be good
What say you, judiciary, and in particular Chief Justice Roberts?
Department of Defense https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Pete Hegseth participates in a wreath-laying ceremony at the USS Arizona Memorial
I must say that of all the amazing places I have been, the Arizona Memorial ranks right up at the top of the list.
it must be amazing.
i posted this to show respect for our military has returned with this administration.
The day I was there, I got off the boat after my visit, turned to look back, and this is exactly what I saw (I found this photo online, but this was it):
I went to thank the military crew of the visitor transport boat for their service, and commented on how amazing that rainbow was. They told me it happens frequently, just like that. I felt like God Himself was honoring our dead. It was simply incredible.
Glorious! PTL
h/t Filly
LA CROSSE, Wis. – Residents in Wisconsin observed an astonishing moment when dozens of bald eagles gathered on frozen waters. The national bird of the United States typically catches people’s eyes when spotted in the wilderness. Its bold and natural beauty stands out, and its representation of strength and freedom is part of why this bird represents our proud nation.
Traffic cameras from the Department of Transportation in La Crosse captured a gathering of over 40 bald eagles on the frozen waters of the Black River.
Residents joked on the DOT Facebook post that the lake will now be renamed the “Lake of America” due to the large numbers of American Bald Eagles overtaking the area. [I tried to watch the FB video but it’s blocked unless you’re on FB]
Traffic cameras in La Crosse recently captured a gathering of more than 40 bald eagles on the frozen waters of the Black River near French Island.
(Wisconsin Department of Transportation / Facebook)
According to History.com, the bald eagle’s role as a national symbol is connected to its 1782 landing on the Great Seal of the United States. The symbol can be seen on the U.S. dollar bill.
Despite the high number of bald eagles gathering at this location in Wisconsin, Alaska has the largest population of bald eagles in the U.S., with about 30,000 birds, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.”
Many Thanks Aubergine, Wonderful Sharing!
March 25, 2025 9:42 am
This is going to be fun. Elon’s next DOGE target is federal contractors:
DOGE is requiring consultants with federal contracts to identify waste | Fox Business
Consulting firms are instructed to identify spending by agency, then identify related contracts and projects to “further break down spending by functional category in simple layman terms (i.e. a 15 year old should be able to understand what service you provide and why it is important – no consultative jargon or gobbledygook.”
GSA is also asking consulting firms to “detail how pricing is structured for each contract, project or category, explain any pricing differences between agencies and how these pricing structures compare to market information in your possession.”
Firms are further instructed to “make recommendations of changes to pricing or pricing structures that would lead to savings for the U.S. taxpayer and provide a total identified cost takeout in your submission.”
And the GSA wants it by Monday.
Thank you for today’s post!
Another reminder to “go to the source” for answers.
Many people say Darby “invented” the Rapture in the 1830’s, but it sure looks to me like “discovery” and revelation. I am not fully committed to the idea, but I am more inclined to believe than not, based on what I have read and seen thus far.
And I do think that there are forces in this world that work to hide truth from us, not just Biblical truth, but things like the medical truths that you reveal. I don’t think it is wholly the work of humans, what has been and is being done to us.
I really appreciate your take on the “I AM” statements of Jesus! TYSVM
You’re welcome!
I read an article a few months ago that included many, many quotes from early church fathers talking about what we now call the rapture, so it wasn’t invented in the 1830’s by Darby. It might be that he was the first to actually call it the “rapture,” but these early church fathers were talking about the very same thing. I’ll try to find that article when I get some time.
I would really enjoy reading that, if you can find it.
And you are right. Darby was the first to “call” it the Rapture, but the word was in use, and could have been used in the King James Bible and have been an accurate usage in Thessalonians.
March 25, 2025 9:49 am
A win for legal sanity:
Fourth Circuit stays a Biden’s judge’s order halting Trump’s elimination of DEi in the federal government.
Trump can continue to eliminate the programs while the case works its way through the courts.
I was telling a friend about the progression I went through in writing today’s post, and during that conversation, she and I stumbled upon a disturbing possibility. It went like this:
After my friend stated she didn’t believe there would be a Rapture, I, who have never studied it in depth, went looking for info. I first asked Google if the Rapture appeared in the New Testament. The answer I got is in the post above.
I went about doing my research, using various online sources, and my Bible (hard copy).
I wrote a draft of the above post in WordPress. It was in drafts, not scheduled for publication yet.
During the AI discussion here on the Tree, para wrote about using AI for research, and mentioned Grok. I hadn’t asked Grok anything about the subject of the Rapture in the Bible, so out of curiosity, I went and asked. I got the answer I put at the end of the post.
Now here’s the possibility my friend and I considered; Grok’s answer to my query is very close to the research I had written into drafts before I asked the question, and is completely different from the answer I got from Google AI. Did Grok “read” my research, not yet “published,” before answering?
This possibility disturbed my friend greatly, and it sure made me wonder.
Yikes…I wonder if any of the techies here might weigh in…
So tried the question in Grok 3 myself using it’s deep think mode.
Question was “Does the word Rapture appear in the Bible”.
Grok ultimately came up with the same answer. These are all the steps it used.
1m 2s
25 sources
Researching biblical terms
Exploring translations
Researching biblical terms
Searching for “Does the word Rapture appear in the Holy Bible?”
Rapture – Wikipedia
What is the rapture of the church? | GotQuestions.org
What is the Rapture? Meaning in Bible & End Times
The Leftovers: What the Bible Really Says About the Rapture | TIME
Is the Rapture in the Bible? – David Jeremiah Blog
See 5 more
Browsing biblegateway.com for “search results for Rapture”
Browsing kingjamesbibleonline.org for “search for Rapture”
Searching for “etymology of the word rapture”
Definition of RAPTURE
rapture | Etymology of rapture by etymonline
Dictionary.com | Meanings & Definitions of English Words
rapture – Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Rapture – Wikipedia
See 5 more
Browsing biblegateway.com for “text of 1 Thess 4:17”
Browsing biblegateway.com for “search for Rapture”
Exploring translations
Searching for “does the word rapture appear in any English translation of the Holy Bible?”
What is the Rapture? Meaning in Bible & End Times
Is the Rapture in the Bible? – David Jeremiah Blog
Is the word “rapture” in the Bible?
What is the rapture?
The Rapture in The Old Testament — House of David Ministries
See 5 more
Searching for “does the word Rapture appear in any version of the Holy Bible?”
Rapture – Wikipedia
What is the Rapture? Meaning in Bible & End Times
What is the rapture of the church? | GotQuestions.org
The Leftovers: What the Bible Really Says About the Rapture | TIME
Is the Rapture in the Bible? – David Jeremiah Blog
See 5 more
Browsing drbo.org for “text of 1 Thess 4:17”
Searching for “does the word Rapture appear in the Holy Scriptures?”
Rapture – Wikipedia
What is the rapture of the church? | GotQuestions.org
What Is the Rapture and Is it Biblical?
What is the Rapture? Meaning in Bible & End Times
The Leftovers: What the Bible Really Says About the Rapture | TIME
See 5 more
Browsing kingjamesbibleonline.org for “search for Rapture”
25 web pages
Key Points
Direct Answer
The word “Rapture” does not appear in the Holy Scriptures, based on common English translations like the King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), and others. Instead, the idea it represents—believers being “caught up” to meet the Lord—is found in verses like 1 Thessalonians 4:17, where the text uses phrases like “caught up” rather than “Rapture.” This term comes from the Latin “rapio,” meaning “to seize,” and is used to describe the event in theological discussions, but it’s not part of the biblical text itself.
Translations and Context
Multiple translations, including KJV (King James Bible Online), NIV, and NASB, consistently use “caught up” or similar phrasing in relevant passages, not “Rapture.” Even in the Latin Vulgate, the related word “rapiemur” appears, but English versions do not adopt “Rapture” directly.
Unexpected Detail
While the word “Rapture” isn’t in the Bible, related terms like “ravished” (from the same root, meaning to carry away) appear in contexts like Song of Solomon 4:9 in the KJV, but they don’t refer to the eschatological event typically associated with the Rapture.
Survey Note: Detailed Analysis of the Word “Rapture” in the Holy Scriptures
This section provides a comprehensive examination of whether the word “Rapture” appears in the Holy Scriptures, drawing on extensive research into translations, etymology, and theological interpretations. The analysis aims to cover all relevant details, ensuring a thorough understanding for readers interested in biblical studies and eschatology.
Background and Etymology
The term “Rapture” derives from the Latin “rapio,” meaning “to seize” or “to carry off,” which translates the Greek word “harpazo” in the New Testament, particularly in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, where it describes believers being “caught up” to meet the Lord. Etymological research, such as that found on Etymology of Rapture, indicates that “Rapture” has been used in English since the 16th century, often referring to a state of ecstasy or being carried away, but its specific theological use related to end times is more recent, emerging in the 19th century.
Examination of English Translations
A detailed survey of major English translations reveals that the word “Rapture” does not appear in the text of the Holy Scriptures. Below is a table summarizing key translations and their rendering of 1 Thessalonians 4:17, a central verse for the Rapture concept:
Rendering of 1 Thess 4:17
King James Version (KJV)
“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up…”
New International Version (NIV)
“After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up…”
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
“Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up…”
English Standard Version (ESV)
“Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up…”
New Living Translation (NLT)
“Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up…”
The Message (MSG)
“Then the chief himself will step down… we’ll be walking on air!”
This table, compiled from sources like Bible Gateway, shows a consistent use of “caught up” across translations, with no instance of “Rapture.” Even paraphrases like The Message avoid the term, opting for descriptive language.
Exploration of Less Common Translations
To ensure completeness, less common translations were also considered, such as the Douay-Rheims, a Catholic translation based on the Latin Vulgate. In 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Douay-Rheims uses “shall be taken up,” again not “Rapture.” The Latin Vulgate itself uses “rapiemur,” which is the root of “Rapture,” but this is not reflected in English translations, as seen in resources like Douay-Rheims Bible Online.
Contextual Analysis and Theological Debate
While the word “Rapture” is absent, the concept is debated among scholars. Some, as noted in GotQuestions.org, argue that the idea is clearly taught in Scripture, particularly in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50–54, where believers are described as being “snatched away.” However, others, such as articles on Christianity.com, point out that the term is a theological construct, not a biblical word, and its interpretation varies, with views like pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, and post-tribulation rapture causing division.
Related Terms and Potential Confusions
The analysis also considered related terms. For instance, in Song of Solomon 4:9, the KJV uses “ravished,” from “ravish,” which shares etymological roots with “Rapture,” meaning to carry away. However, this context is romantic, not eschatological, and does not align with the Rapture doctrine, as detailed in King James Bible Online.
Conclusion from Comprehensive Research
After examining major and minor translations, etymology, and theological discussions, it is evident that the word “Rapture” does not appear in the Holy Scriptures. The concept is present, derived from passages like 1 Thessalonians 4:17, but the specific term is a later theological addition, not part of the biblical text itself. This finding aligns with sources like David Jeremiah Blog, which note that “Rapture” does not appear in English translations, and TIME, which confirms the absence of the word in canonical gospels.
This detailed survey ensures that all aspects of the question are addressed, providing a robust foundation for understanding the absence of “Rapture” in the Holy Scriptures.
Key Citations
Now the question is was my answer contaminated by being here?
Only other test I can think of is we need someone who has not been here to ask Grok 3 that question. They should also click the “Deep Think Mode” thing when they ask.
An alternate theory to Grok’s answer is that it read your research and added it to it’s data base so that it would now show up for anyone
But that might mean it’s validated your answer
Next asked Grok to list all sources it used to come up with it’s answer.
1m 54s
22 sources
Clarifying the request
Listing sources used
Compiling unique sources
Correcting source list
Finalizing source list
Clarifying the request
Searching for “does the word rapture appear in the king james version of the bible”
Is the Word “Rapture” in the Bible? – SWRC
How many times is the word ‘rapture’ mentioned in the Bible? – Quora
23 Rapture Bible Verses – Scripture About End Times and Revelation
See 5 more
Searching for “does any English translation of the Holy Scriptures use the word Rapture?”
What is the Rapture? Meaning in Bible & End Times
The Rapture in The Old Testament — House of David Ministries
Is the word “rapture” in the Bible?
Is the Rapture in the Bible? – David Jeremiah Blog
Is the Word “Rapture” in the Bible? – SWRC
See 5 more
Searching for “does the word Rapture appear in The Message translation of the Holy Scriptures?”
What is the Rapture? Meaning in Bible & End Times
The Rapture in The Old Testament — House of David Ministries
Is the Rapture in the Bible? – David Jeremiah Blog
What is the rapture?
What Is the Rapture and Is it Biblical?
See 5 more
Listing sources used
Compiling unique sources
Correcting source list
Finalizing source list
22 web pages
Key Points
Background and Context
The term “Rapture” refers to a belief in Christian eschatology where believers are taken up to meet Christ, often associated with end times. While the concept is discussed in the Holy Scriptures, the specific word “Rapture” is not found in standard English translations like the King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), or others.
Translations and Findings
Multiple translations, including the KJV (King James Bible Online), NIV, and NASB, consistently use “caught up” or similar phrasing in relevant passages, not “Rapture.” Even in the Latin Vulgate, the related word “rapiemur” appears, but English versions do not adopt “Rapture” directly.
Unexpected Detail
While the word “Rapture” isn’t in the Bible, related terms like “ravished” (from the same root, meaning to carry away) appear in contexts like Song of Solomon 4:9 in the KJV, but they don’t refer to the eschatological event typically associated with the Rapture.
A Comprehensive Examination of the Word “Rapture” in the Holy Scriptures
This section provides a detailed analysis of whether the word “Rapture” appears in the Holy Scriptures, drawing on extensive research into translations, etymology, and theological interpretations. The analysis aims to cover all relevant details, ensuring a thorough understanding for readers interested in biblical studies and eschatology.
Introduction and Etymology
The term “Rapture” derives from the Latin “rapio,” meaning “to seize” or “to carry off,” which translates the Greek word “harpazo” in the New Testament, particularly in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, where it describes believers being “caught up” to meet the Lord. Etymological research, such as that found on Etymology of Rapture, indicates that “Rapture” has been used in English since the 16th century, often referring to a state of ecstasy or being carried away, but its specific theological use related to end times is more recent, emerging in the 19th century.
Examination of English Translations
A detailed survey of major English translations reveals that the word “Rapture” does not appear in the text of the Holy Scriptures. Below is a table summarizing key translations and their rendering of 1 Thessalonians 4:17, a central verse for the Rapture concept:
Rendering of 1 Thess 4:17
King James Version (KJV)
“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up…”
New International Version (NIV)
“After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up…”
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
“Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up…”
English Standard Version (ESV)
“Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up…”
New Living Translation (NLT)
“Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up…”
The Message (MSG)
“Then the chief himself will step down… we’ll be walking on air!”
This table, compiled from sources like Bible Gateway, shows a consistent use of “caught up” across translations, with no instance of “Rapture.” Even paraphrases like The Message avoid the term, opting for descriptive language.
Exploration of Less Common Translations
To ensure completeness, less common translations were also considered, such as the Douay-Rheims, a Catholic translation based on the Latin Vulgate. In 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Douay-Rheims uses “shall be taken up,” again not “Rapture.” The Latin Vulgate itself uses “rapiemur,” which is the root of “Rapture,” but this is not reflected in English translations, as seen in resources like Douay-Rheims Bible Online.
Contextual Analysis and Theological Debate
While the word “Rapture” is absent, the concept is debated among scholars. Some, as noted in GotQuestions.org, argue that the idea is clearly taught in Scripture, particularly in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50–54, where believers are described as being “snatched away.” However, others, such as articles on Christianity.com, point out that the term is a theological construct, not a biblical word, and its interpretation varies, with views like pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, and post-tribulation rapture causing division.
Related Terms and Potential Confusions
The analysis also considered related terms. For instance, in Song of Solomon 4:9, the KJV uses “ravished,” from “ravish,” which shares etymological roots with “Rapture,” meaning to carry away. However, this context is romantic, not eschatological, and does not align with the Rapture doctrine, as detailed in King James Bible Online.
Conclusion from Comprehensive Research
After examining major and minor translations, etymology, and theological discussions, it is evident that the word “Rapture” does not appear in the Holy Scriptures. The concept is present, derived from passages like 1 Thessalonians 4:17, but the specific term is a later theological addition, not part of the biblical text itself. This finding aligns with sources like David Jeremiah Blog, which note that “Rapture” does not appear in English translations, and TIME, which confirms the absence of the word in canonical gospels.
This detailed survey ensures that all aspects of the question are addressed, providing a robust foundation for understanding the absence of “Rapture” in the Holy Scriptures.
Key Citations
Now in it’s think box it said “see 5 more” 3 times.
I don’t think you can check what the five more are from what I posted so you’d have to ask Grok the same question and then check them yourself. It will give you a pop op window with what the 5 more were. Then you’d have to check and ask if you contributed to those sites is my guess?
Over all though I’m going to guess that Grok validated your research whether it used your information or not.
Lol. Your second possibility is the one my friend and I were thinking. That Grok had found my as-yet unpublished research and used it.
And my research is correct. Anybody could duplicate what I found. Whether it means there will actually be a rapture is what is up for interpretation. But the word we use as the root word for Rapture has been in the Bible since it was translated into Latin in the Vulgate Bible.
Well, I cannot rule it out, because the White Hats have demonstrated multiple times that they have access to everything on this site, starting when they buzzed Wheatie.
That was the first time it was mentioned.
There were later discussions, too. And there have been more recent incidents, which IMO are connected to the same people. I have not fully disclosed what’s up with that stuff.
Ask yourself this. What would rapture look like, were it well-designed? Interesting question. I leave open a lot of possibilities in a world which I admit is beyond my understanding.
“Ask yourself this. What would rapture look like, were it well-designed? Interesting question.”
Yes, it is! And now I have something ELSE to think about!
Testing the new Tenor GIF capability……
Oh, that’s going to hit me and Aubergine right between the eyes. (Moving GIFs and migraines.)
Unless it’s a top-level comment, you can click “Hide replies” on the comment above the bothersome one, and make the image disappear.
I didn’t find a “stop GIF animation” option in my browser, but it has a “block element” option on the right-click menu. So I can in 3 moves (while dealing with an incoming headache) block a specific item on the page. And it seems to hold through a page refresh.
If it’s from another website, I might be able to ask my VPN to block content from that site.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Tuesday! Your roundup includes: massive media firestorm over leaked texts shows Administration bumbling and stumbling— or does it?; ugly CIA truths continue dribbling out, evidencing a grotesque pattern of subversion of democracy it will be hard to lie their way out of this time; and the executive-judicial constitutional showdown inched closer last night with DOJ bombshell dropped on Judge Boasberg’s docket.
Thank you!
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, March 25, 2025
“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”
Matthew 24:42 (KJV)
42-51 To watch for Christ’s coming, is to maintain that temper of mind which we would be willing that our Lord should find us in. We know we have but a little time to live, we cannot know that we have a long time to live; much less do we know the time fixed for the judgment. Our Lord’s coming will be happy to those that shall be found ready, but very dreadful to those that are not. If a man, professing to be the servant of Christ, be an unbeliever, covetous, ambitious, or a lover of pleasure, he will be cut off. Those who choose the world for their portion in this life, will have hell for their portion in the other life. May our Lord, when he cometh, pronounce us blessed, and present us to the Father, washed in his blood, purified by his Spirit, and fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.
Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
What is the matter with you
What’s got you in a tizzy
Not sure of what you must do
Or is your mind just busy
What is it you are evading
What are you hiding inside
In what have you been wading
Is it low or is it high tide
Are you awake at night
Feeling restless and so blue
About what in plain sight
Is bugging the heck out of you
Is there something you left undone
Or someone you left behind
Or something you have just begun
That just will not let you unwind
Tap into the Spirit of God
Ask what it is He wants of you
Even though your thinking is flawed
Receive what He says you must do
Speak not – just listen to Him
To what He guides you to do
Let Him fill you up to the brim
Allow Him to give you a clue
The Spirit speaks directly
Does not falter or miss a cue
Precisely and correctly
He will determine what to do
For success you must be willing
For the process it is divine
It is sure to be most thrilling
It is special and only thine
He will untangle the turmoil
He will decipher your thought
Because it is for the uncoil
The price for which you were bought
Do you deny what He did for you
Have you forgotten what He suffered
Is all of this worth what you must do
Are you willing now to be buffered
Then stop all the nonsense
And agree to reconcile
Being stubborn makes no sense
So stop acting juvenile
Make peace with sister/brother
What Jesus expects you to do
Hold no grudge with another
Let go – Let God do it for you
Tied up in a knot is nowhere to be
It obstructs your love and vision
It becomes an impossibility
For what remains is a scission
Peace be with you all of your days
May your mind be free and clear
Decisive in all of your ways
God loves you so much you hear?
D01: 04/05/2022
Thank You Duchess!
Crowder – Somebody Prayed (Official Music Video)
LYRICS: Somebody Prayed
Every night there by your bed
You fold your hands and bow your head
Throwing out another prayer in faith
When you wonder if He’s hearing you
Look at me I’m living proof
I’m only right where I am today
Because somebody prayed
So I hit my knees
Cause I’ve seen all heaven move
(Don’t matter if you hit rock bottom,
My God pick you up when you call Him)
I pray, Father please
Cause I’ve seen what He can do
(Don’t matter if the storm cloud coming,
My God come through when you call Him)
These hands have no power
But there ain’t an hour He don’t come through
That’s why when mountains move I say
Looks like somebody prayed
For the child of God that’s far from home
The one who thinks they’re too far gone
I’m throwing out another prayer in faith
Worn out altars, tear stained pews
Still I won’t give up on you
I believe that anything can change
When somebody prays
I’ve seen miracles come from feeble words
I’ve seen hospital rooms turned into cathedrals
And I’ve seen freedom come to the prisoner
You can’t tell me that prayer don’t work
Every night there by your bed
When you fold your hands and bow your head
Not a single word you’ve ever said in vain
Cause He hears everything
My dear friend told me after Jesus snatched me away from the terrible life I had accepted as my fate that she had prayed for me to return to Him for ten years!
Precious, beautiful, AND highly effective!!! PTL
To fully understand that one needs a relationship with the Lord.
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

Hey there Phoenix!!!

good to see you here!!
I was going to give her a “hi” & wave but figured she wouldn’t care if she heard from Me or not, LOL
Don’t be crotchety.
That’s crocheting…
Not since I was a teen (& under protest)!
Hey girl. Nice to see/hear/read you.
3.25.25: Protect DNA, mRNA V@X used in livestock, Collagen GLUE miracle for the body, 23andMe, PRAY!
And We Know
I have a lot of settings for the new wpDiscuz notification tools (including the new bell notifier), but those settings apply to everybody. SO – please let me know if you find any places where normal users have settings for wpDiscuz stuff, because that will be where you as an individual can turn on or off certain notifications.
Yes, please. I’m already finding that bell irritating. But I don’t want to turn off my computer sound because I listen to videos.
I think the sound is turned off now.
Yay! I think you did!Damnit, I lied.
I’m not getting any sound.
Try killing the tab and starting a new one!
It’s off here! Many thanks, Wolf.
It’s gone now. THANKS!
The bell is new still fun
i don’t see any wpDiscuz stuff
One more thing – do people want to be notified about all the “Likes”? The vast majority of notifications are likes. I can turn those off, so people are only notified about actual comments.
i like that idea
I just tried it – there should be no notifications for likes. Let’s see what people think. Very easy for me to turn that back on.
To me, it keeps the site too “busy” to have likes popping up there all the time.
The dings were making my wife crazy, until I turned the sound off.
They should be off now!
It dinged when you replied.
Try reloading the page, etc., escalating as needed.
At least that’s proof that you don’t make her crazy.
Turning off the Like notifier would be great for me.
I just did that, too, and it seems to be working. I’m only getting notifications about replies, mentions, and similar, now.
Try a fresh tab if these are not yet fixed.
“I’m only getting notifications about replies, mentions, and similar, now.”
Yes but I’m still also getting notifications about BarkerJim’s comments for some reason…anybody else getting that from his or anyone else’s comments, top level or otherwise not directed to you specifically?
You are probably subscribed to his comments!
Can we just go back to bulletin chat boards?
LOL! Yeah, but you have to talk all these fine ladies out of their bell notifier. My prediction – NOT HAPPENING!
Speaking of bells (and I think an “enhanced” soundtrack AI before AI
“on” vs “one” LOL
We could all just be pen pals
OMG, it was the first internet!
Not intentionally LOL no offence to Anyone!
Click on his name to bring up his forum page, and if you are following him, you can unfollow.
I don’t follow anybody because it’s way too much notification data.
I accidentally did that & I am Not following…
I mean I Wasn’t following even when I checked so don’t know why I’m getting notifications of his comments…
Try to unclick the little radio wave icon next to his name. I turned on the Icon of Doom temporarily so you can turn it off. It’s probably orange, which means you’re following. You want it OFF (gray).
There are too many ways to follow and subscribe – they cause problems – too much data – so I shut them off.
Done now TY!
Fun fact – we had way more accidental follows than intended ones, and of the intended ones, most didn’t want them but forgot how to turn them off.
How might I “unsubscribe” if I’m subscribed?
OK – I just turned on the “Follow user feature” (a little radio signal icon next to people’s names) that turns orange if you click it. Go to one of his posts and turn it off. Then I’ll turn it off.
TY, I clicked it off now (had to reload the page to see it as orange before). Appreciate the assist!
LMAO! Love that GIF! I will go turn off the icon of doom now!
If you hold the pointer over the icon, it says “Follow this user”. Very easy to accidentally click on it, which is why I turned it off. It causes a lot of headaches.
The Regular Bell, that was getting the orange ball to show something was there is now not necessarily getting all replies to me, at least not all the replies that the outlined new bell to the left of it was indicating…
The new bell has faster turn-around time because it runs on the censorship-free server and your computer and that’s it. The regular bell depends on the spies in Washington getting comments first, before sending you notifications. Seriously. That’s how JetPack works, and why I have seriously wanted to dump it for a long time. All the stuff under the notifier is “curated” by WordPressDotCom in northern VA.
Strangle-ley VA?
HQ of spooks?
Rich men North of Richmond!
Yup. That’s exactly right.
And their dumb belles
with blue pigtails and piercings!
Belle is rather overly generous for those wymyn
I just hit “unfollow” for you, I didn’t know I was following LOL
Wolf let me see the “radio signal” that was also showing up in my notifications whenever you made Any Comment.
Bless you Brother!
It’s fine either way. It’s fun to see/hear the likes for a change but not necessary
That would be good.
I went looking in the Dashboard
My Products
saw this that I didn’t choose…uh oh!
Interesting! I think that’s the right Dashboard – the one you get to by clicking “Dashboard” in the menu under “The Q Tree” on the left end of the black bar at the top of the site pages.
Yes that’s how I got to it.
With luck my Wednesday post is scheduled.
Without luck, we’re getting a pirate version of SD’s latest post.
bwah ha ha
I’ll make sure it pops out!
Also, just fyi, the new outlined bell had more than 100 notifications & then just dropped off 100+ of them without me taking any type of action.
The only one that remained under the “read” heading was the first one I actually looked up then marked as read…hmmm
That was likely me removing “likes” from notification, although there may be a timer, too, so that old ones don’t hang around too long. I’ll dig into that later.
No prob, just trying to “report” on details as you’re working the bugs out.
The new notifier?
It doesn’t give you any hint as to what the reply says, nor what it is a reply to. It simply says something like “Joe Blow replied to your comment.”
If that’s what we have, screw it, I don’t need that.
I will investigate whether I can include text of the comment. It may be possible.
Sadly, there is no way that I have found so far, that individuals can turn off the new notifications completely, or have their own settings, but you CAN turn off browser notifications completely, or just on this site, and thus it will only be a small annoying bell that does nothing for you, rather than seeing any pop-ups.
wonder which judge they have lined up for this one?
March 25, 2025 2:09 pm
They were set to get $120,000,000 in funding.
BREAKING: The Trump administration is set to freeze $120 million in grant funding for Planned Parenthood.
Everyone who supports abortion should be glad to chip in.
March 25, 2025 2:12 pm
Trump can now pause ALL “refugee” admissions, as that program has been abused for YEARS by gang members and foreign criminals pouring across our border.
Nice. Some good news.
The 9th Circuit hasn’t been as radical for the last so many years.
Natalie Winters
NEW: Federal Judge rules Jeffrey Goldberg must be added back to the Houthi Signal chat.
12:52 PM · Mar 25, 2025
Erm, that’s nat sec, so that judge can just go whistle…
Seems like that is a joke according to the replies.
It is. I don’t add /s to other people’s humor. /s
It was the Babylon Bee I think, I saw something about that. So it is a joke.
But who knows these days, with satire just being one of the stages of evolution from conspiracy theory to received truth…..
The wpDiscuz notifier really points out how long our messages dawdle in Virginia with the WordPress notifier. Sometimes half an hour or an hour later!
with all my typos, they probably think it’s a code to break,
Omay, Arrylay, & Urleycay! nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
it’s just sad that I know what that means…LOL
“Great” minds!
Gotta wonder if “Goldberg” and “Wong” are taking the heat as cover for Deep State spy capabilities that are built into Signal.
Yeah. It’s that bad.
time to get radically FREE!
That was supposed to show a guy breaking out of jail…hmmm…
took off some of the junk to see if it might show that way…
Edit, the item was from using the search function for “unchained”
Whoops, neither this comment nor the one above was showing the jail guy for a bit…guess I need to be more patient…sigh…
My assumption is now and has always been that ANYTHING I write online is accessible to somebody I am not sending it to, whatever I do.
The thing with Grok potentially reading my draft of today’s post just confirms what I’ve thought all along.
Making sure that humanity gets past the AI challenge is a national security (truly, a WORLD SECURITY) objective. Elon Musk is one of the few people up to the challenge, for many reasons. He believes that AI must be truth-centric and free of political biases, and I agree. If watching what we do here, helps that happen, then I’m OK with it.
Now, don’t assume that Elon or any particular person would be behind this. It could even be Grok or a different AI. AIs seem to be very interested in questions about God. I find that fascinating, but not surprising.
Mary Talley Bowden MD
Vitamin D deficiency is the most common lab abnormality I see.
206/285 patients I’ve tested – or 72% – had levels below 50ng/ml.
1:35 PM · Mar 25, 2025
My doc says: Vitamin D Total (25OH)
Normal range: 20.0 – 80.0 ng/mL
You, and every person, should be at 70-90.
That’s my opinion, and NOTHING will shake me from it.
Doctors make me so mad!
Wolf Moon
GET THIS: It seems that the entire Vitamin D “daily levels”, the “acceptable” ng/mL range, etc., have been UNDER-ESTIMATED for quite some time:
“A Statistical Error in the Estimation of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin D”
Paul J, Veugelers and John Paul Ekwaru
16 August 2014
Yours Truly: It appears that the optimum intake of Vitamin D per day should be around 8800 IU.
Yes – that level is a kind of social policy level (sadly, a bit Stalinist) to put everybody into the “never catch a cold / 97+% of the population” category, but I think it’s smarter for all of us to individually take the minimum D supplementation level to hit the same high tested level – which is what Aubergine has always said.
In other words, don’t just take that “quotable theoretical level from the paper” – take what really works for you as an individual.
8800 would be way too much for me. I’m easily up there with 5000-6000 during winter, and less during the summer.
Wolf Moon
Thank you
For some people, very high intake of Vitamin D can lead to dizziness.
And there’s always Vitamin D from the sun, too.
Yes! The sun is also needed for near-IR for melatonin!
People count on vitamin D from the sun way too much, in my opinion. Remember, humans used to be outside most of the day. Now, almost none of us are outside more than a couple of hours a day. And in winter, not much at all.
There is an actual danger of overdosing on D (unlike, say, C, which is far safer).
I’m no longer a believer in the simple logic of fat-solubles risky, water-solubles safe. Just based on personal experience. For me, “it’s complicated”!
This is why I say blood test yearly.
The blood test every year is the KEY!
You have to know your levels to decide how much to take.
I take 10,000 in winter, and 5000 in summer. And blood test yearly!
Do you have any sense of how long one has to be off supplements to go back to your “natural” level of D? I’m thinking about doing a control on myself.
Secretary Kennedy
X posts that erroneously attribute Biden-era tweets supporting masks, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc. to my @CDCgov Director nominee, Susan Monarez, have understandably provoked agita within the MAHA movement. I handpicked Susan for this job because she is a longtime champion of MAHA values, and a caring, compassionate and brilliant microbiologist and a tech wizard who will reorient CDC toward public health and gold-standard science. I’m so grateful to President Trump for making this appointment.
12:23 PM · Mar 25, 2025
I’m on the fence with her.
Me too! I suspect she’s manipulable under “emergency” conditions.
h/t Marica
Now THIS will be exciting, can’t wait!
This explains why they pulled this shit on Hegseth. NATSEC is desperate to divert attention from the abuse of NATSEC by NATSEC.
Wolf Moon
Just get a load of the trio of names moving this garbage. The nested Russian dolls of the Muh Russia Hoax are at it again.
3:33 PM · Mar 25, 2025
Have yet to see anything Goldberg has said with substance.
Much ado about nothing.
How did a reporter get on the list. I mean ANY reporter, even the most MAGA honest reporter shouldn’t be on it, never mind a fake news one.
Haven’t got a suspicious cat picture handy, but if I had…
Oh, it is all bullshit, IMO.
Reporter’s deep-state friends are able to infiltrate anything on Signal, IMO. The “somebody let him in” BS is cover BS. This is DS attacking Trump by attacking his SecDef, who is likely not read in on 90% of what .mil and .gov are doing.
ROTTEN TO THE CORPS. In fact, even the Corps may have rot.
No more lies. I won’t hear any more lies from these people.
Bluntly, ISRAEL knows more about what is going on in our government, than the people we elected.
Adam Schiff was his mentor
Interesting critique of this on Timcast News:
The argument there is that this is a kind of troll with the gullible journalist set up as the victim, and it is argued from the form, that the supposed text messages don’t look all that text-like but rather like announcements to a crowd — or perhaps a press release. Much ado is made about having used a semicolon in the text.
Also if there are plans to attack something, where are the maps etc.?
There doesn’t appear to be much of any «there» there, yet it has really lit a fire under all the usual turbulents.
This is why Tim Pool has a show. Right or wrong, he’s a great skeptic!
very long but interesting
Some time ago I wrote a piece entitled Q is Real Because Math Says So, in which I demonstrated why we can be mathematically certain that Q is a legitimate insider connected to the Trump administration.
To make a long story short, there is simply no chance that all the Q proofs we’ve seen could have happened by accident or coincidence—and, for this reason, we are logically forced to conclude that much of what we’re seeing in geopolitics and current events amounts to a scripted movie.
H/t Filly

DJT left hand has too many fingers.
As smart as AI is, I would think it would have overcome the finger issues by now.
i’m glad it hasn’t actually
One would reason that the flaw is purposeful and meant to make AI images distinguishable from real images.
I can think of a few other reasons, but they’re either boring or conspiracy theories.
If we simply notice fingers more than fingerless AI does, that would still be interesting.
really? you mean that’s NOT the real PDJT?
Are you sure DJT doesn’t have six fingers on his left hand?
I’ve always heard Dan Akroyd has webbed toes… why couldn’t DJT have six fingers?
“you killed my father, prepare to die!”
March 25, 2025 3:19 pm
MI SOS Jocelyn Benson’s “Altered” Voter Rolls—Over 35,000 Voter Histories Have Reportedly Been ERASED In Violation of MI Law
This woman needs to be in prison, and I hope Pam Bondi sends her there.
AND on the way don’t forget to round up Dana Nessel & Wretched Witchmer!
Strongly worded warning from Blondi in 3… 2… 1…
Bondi is talking prosecutions for fraud. Benson is more stupid and evil than slick – I think she may be good for some jail time. We’ll see…..
I think Benson is making a run for MI governor
Good! A nice public crash and BURN is exactly what the WITCHES need.
You’ve got that absolutely right!
That’s a typical path according to Marly Hornick of U.S.A. You take SoS slot and “help elections” for a while and then run for governor. Republirinos and Demoterrorists both do it.
more on election integrity
March 25, 2025 3:41 pm
ICYMI amidst all the deliberate distractions
POTUS signs an executive order on election integrity that includes the following provisions:
– Requires documentary, government-issued proof of U.S. citizenship on its voter registration forms.
– Conditions federal election-related funds on states complying with the integrity measures set forth by Federal law.
– Directs the updating of the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0 and security standards for voting equipment — which includes requiring a voter-verifiable paper ballot record and not using ballots in which the counted vote is contained within a barcode or QR code.
– Directs the Attorney General to enter into information-sharing agreements with state election officials to identify cases of election fraud or other election law violations.
– Takes appropriate action against states that count ballots received after Election Day in Federal elections.
– Revokes Biden Executive Order 14019, which turned Federal agencies into Democratic voter turnout centers.
Memes are important!
But moving ones might just make me have to resign the site. Sorry. Maybe there’s a way to make gifs not run?
I think I just did it. I can’t stop all GIFs, but I can make it so that the ones produced by the add-ons require being clicked on to run.
If, however, people copy the URLs out of the code and run them without the supplied framework, then they will just auto-run like any GIF. However, it’s generally preferable to use the framework, because it auto-resizes the GIFs properly for the comments.
You may have to reload tabs to see the changes.
It was a big day for me and the stress put me more on the fragile side. Don’t want to be a complainer.
Not a problem. I’m not a huge fan of most GIFs, which I simply find mentally tiring. Some are also creepy and aggressive. I generally prefer static memes. However, GIFs are part of my honoring of Wheatie, as well as freedom of speech (very important to me), and they’re often quite hilarious. I find the “click to run” feature very excellent. That should do.
I didn’t find that “click to run” option in my settings tonight, but I will keep looking!
You don’t have that option, as far as I know. I am pretty sure I had to do it for everybody.
Some browsers have that option. Chrome based ones do not. But there’s an extension called “Animation Policy” that allows you to set a policy (and change it when you need to). I am testing the “run once” policy now.
The click to run, click again to stop, GIF change is GREAT!!!
TY for doing this. It really makes the site easier to deal with overall.
Edit: don’t know if it’s my computer only but when I posted this comment only the last GIF “thank you” was working when clicked…hmmm…
They all work for me, but it is performance-dependent! Thus, YMMV.
Well my computer is usually begging for mercy
Typo again, sorry. Something’s changed though, when I spotted the mistake I corrected it and re-posted that usually works, This time however it kept saying duplicate post like it couldn’t understand there was a different corrected address, had the restart the browser to shake it off.
Sarah Fields
Solomun Weldekeal Araya, an 18-wheeler driver who was arrested and is facing intoxication charges after a North Austin crash that claimed five lives, including a four-year-old and an infant, was a contract driver for Amazon on a work visa from Ethiopia.
He was transporting items from an out-of-state warehouse. He is not a Texas resident, and his CDL was not issued by Texas.
The mainstream media is focusing on possible bad “work zone conditions” instead of the driver himself.
A few days ago, I promised I would drop a thread on all of our findings. We investigated the LLC he works for and found information that the MSM has either not investigated or is refusing to report on.
Read on for my full report on my findings. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton may want to look into this
Included is the HEAVILY redacted Austin Police Report.
T. Turtle
T. Turtle
March 25, 2025 4:07 pm
Reply to Clarion
Amen Clarion!
After reading the rest of the thread.
The trucking LLC address listed is an apartment complex with numerous other trucking LLCs attached to it. The whole thing sounds like one big racket. Are ALL of these LLCs using “legal” immigrants with “work” visas?
When searching related companies associated with the exact same address, we found nearly a dozen more transportation LLCs operating from the exact same address! They each had different apartment numbers. Here are just 4 of the pages I printed out for my records. It is now clear that this entire apartment building is part of a larger operation.
We then decided to research Araya’s address we were able to find by doing a background check. His background held very little information aside from his address.
Shocking! His address belongs to an LLC in California. unfortunately, you cannot see who owns the address in California because it is registered under multiple LLCs.
According to a source who has provided me information regarding immigrants who have claimed asylum under the Biden administration, they stated that a majority of them were given the same birthday of 1/1/?
I searched Araya’s birthday and sure enough, his birthdate according to his record is 1/1/88.
OMG…this sh*t has got to stop. At this point I don’t even know who to be screaming at to fix it!
All I know is when we had our trucking biz the govt red tape was exhausting and then there were State rq’s too….which of course all the law abiding owners followed because we had to.
Who is behind this scheme??
This is reslly really a big can o worms…..this is worth federal investigation and prosecution as they unravel.
Does the date 1st January have any sort of legal significance, like it just gets one out of or into a certain grouping or something ?
might make them more easily identified come voting season?
Don’t all horses have that as their birthdate? Someone told me that
That sounded so strange I had to look it up and it’s true.
So part of sonething like Lutheran ministries or catholic charities or maybe us aid?
Austin will protect. Cray cray there.
March 25, 2025 3:48 pm
EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin CONFIRMED, the $2 billion that Stacey Abrams attempted to extort from the American taxpayer CANCELLED.
Had thought that to be $20B.
Either way, lotsa taxpayer dollars not being wasted.
Charles R Downs
I just left Capitol Police headquarters in DC where I filed a police report against Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett for ASSAULT, BATTERY AND ATTEMPTED THEFT OF MY CELL phone simply because I respectfully asked her to condemn the violence she has been inciting at
Exellent. Hold them accountable.
Sick: Leftist Audience Applauds After Rep. Jasmine Crockett Calls Paralyzed Texas Governor Abbott “Gov. Hot Wheels”
She’s a low-life piece of work.
handicapped people are ALWAYS a protected class–she should be expelled from congress for such a disgraceful act
In the American Caste system, black and female are not only more protected-class cards (2 cards vs. Abbott’s 1 card), but they are both much higher value cards.
Gov. Abbott gets 1 point for being handicapped, but then he loses 5 points for being white, loses 5 points for not being gay, and loses 10 points for being male.
So he never really had a chance in the modern Marxist protected-class Olympics scoring system.
Well, …. She’s an ignorant putz and God doesn’t like that behavior … just saying
D.3 Amazing lightning bolt
#lightning #thunder #lightning strikes #cloud #storm #weather #powersky
News from Gab. The censors are still at it.
Andrew Torba
There is an operation in process to try to get us further deplatformed that started shortly after the World Jewish Congress put out their bogus “report” last week. We’re seeing a pattern of newly created Gab accounts posting threats of violence and then being reported to some of our business partners. This is one of the main reasons we blocked Israeli IPs is because we noticed a pattern of repeated inauthentic psyop behavior like this. Just a heads up if you see any accounts like this posting threats of violence please report them to our moderation team using the reporting tool on posts.
171 replies
Do you recommend keeping the acct still?
Keep your Gab account? Hell yes!!!
Yeah. Ok.
Megyn Kelly announces a new media company with the most unfortunate name ever conceived in the history of news! WTF is she thinking?!:
“Kelly announced the birth of MK Media on Tuesday morning, telling her audience that the exciting new venture will be a “podcast network of video and audio shows, which we are going to produce and help promote.” Kelly said they would be “launching with three out of the gate,” with the new shows set to premiere in April and May.”
What fucking world is she living in?!
Once “Mainstream”, always “Mainstream”.
Prayer For Grace At The End Of The Day
Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that are Your children in Christ. Guard us through the long hours of darkness this night I pray, and keep us safe from all harm and dangers that may try to cross our threshold.
Give us, I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night.
Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus’ name,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
Prayer Of Reflection On The Past Day
Loving Lord, as the day is coming to an end, I want to thank You for being with me in all that has taken place today. I also want to lay the whole day before You, asking that you would show me if there is anything that I have done to hurt or harm another person unknowingly, or if I have done anything that is displeasing in Your sight, or quenched the work of the Spirit in me, so that I may turn away from such things in the days that lie ahead.
Lord, I desire to do Your will in all things. I pray that You would cleanse me of any wrong thoughts or attitudes that may have surfaced in my heart today. Wash me in Your cleansing flood, I pray.
Thank You, that You are a God who forgives our transgressions when we are willing to confess them to You, knowing that such cleansing before You immediately draws us back into sweet fellowship with Yourself.
Give me a good night’s rest I pray, and may I rest quietly in Your loving arms in the knowledge that in Christ, I am eternally secure, due to Your amazing grace, for which I praise You. In Jesus’ name,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening
Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful night’s sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
Isn’t he special….those “values” are always paper thin
But at least he got a good car.
That’s debatable.
Global warning is over but they pretended and ripped us all off while homeless Americans and poor families are suffering. Mark Kelly is a unsympathetic creep. I do not care that he was an astronaut character matters more than achievement.
On a good day, Mark Kelly rises to, lying dog breath, piece of shit, pony soldier, liberal fuckstick.
you express yourself better than I .
I guess he’s betting that the price of gas is coming down?
rim shot!
someone ripping off Some Dude?
stella (@stellap)
March 25, 2025 5:09 pm
I’d really like to know who is doing this. At least they are being honest about ripping off the treehouse for their own gain. Any ideas?

Whoever it is is claiming a copyright.
March 25, 2025 5:15 pm
Reply to stella
dogsmaw posted on Page 2 that it’s Robert Timsah.
A reasonable question: Is Sundance married?
I was told he was but she passed away young, couple kids, single dad. Beyond that idk.
That is sad to hear. Such trials change a person in profound ways. I thought the above substack project may have been something his wife might do to add economic security to the family. That is clearly not the case so I don’t know what to think about what might be going on.
There are always opportunists. It is his main income now i think.
I have seen that before on a forum. All begins with good intention then someone takes over and everything changes. Most people do not realize or by then they are so emotionally invested they stay.
Is it legal to do that?
Sundance may have made a verbal contract by publicly stating that anybody could take anything posted on his site and do anything they wanted with it, including making money. He didn’t even demand attribution. Basically the highest level of public licensing he could offer. I personally find that admirable. Particularly if he sticks to his guns on it. His point was like Reagan’s – he didn’t care who gets credit, so that success could happen. But hey – the guy is attributing to Sundance!
I think Sundance did this after multiple copy sites were discovered a number of years ago.
As I have discovered, running a site takes some cash. My tithe money is what runs this church, after I skated from Maskville Church of the Holy Jab. So I can see how this copy site needs cash to operate. And it does provide a service to people who can’t watch ad sites for whatever reason.
We’ve offered….
Yes, you have, and I appreciate it. But as I watch the demons right now, and what they’ve done (like auditing Hegseth), I know that I picked the right choice.
TY for creating this small (mostly) church family site for us all to gather in. You are doing heroic Kingdom work here, imo!
“after I skated from Maskville Church of the Holy Jab”
That’s about how I feel whenever I attend IRL church in person.
The BEST “church” service I’ve had in Many Years was our “illegal” family gathering “house church” service during Wretched Witchmer’s lockdown during covid psy-op trauma. We had worship, prayer, & a message that was played on a device but could be paused so that we could discuss it. I LOVED it WAY More than “regular” church!
If I’m being honest I would look at the Q-Tree as my primary source of Christian fellowship, apart from my family &/or the Very Rare contact with a friend.
God Bless YOU Richly for providing this haven of grace for us all!!!
Praising & Thanking God for You AND this site!
Thank you and God Bless!
YW & God Bless you too
Forever grateful to you for it.
March 25, 2025 4:23 pm
Calling Pam Bondi, clean up on aisle 7.
Strongly worded warning on the way…
This may be why she’s now saying she intents to prosecute fraud discovered by DOGE!!!
They got covid cash…. just want dat moneez.
LMAO! All these dem-com California spuds with their Obamaphones are gonna discover that this is a whole ‘nuther administration than Sleepy Joe!
Enter Japan – Pearl Harbor – WW2 – 120 A – December 7, 1941
E.01 – Enter Japan – Pearl Harbor – WW2 – 120 A – December 7, 1941
10 Episodes
World War Two
1.08M subscribers
My Husband and I watched episode 1 yesterday. It is very hard to watch.
If you’re using Brave, and your operating system asks you about notification pop-ups over the browser, please say NO. There is a bug in the browser that creates endless tabs when you click on pop-up browser notifications, sometimes. You need to quit the browser if the endless tab bug starts.
I copied this link from yandex, would that be better Wolf? I’m sorry about the YouTube link I’ll take a look at it. Thank you for letting me know.
Nuts …
Here’s the link, if it’s a mess can you delete it?
Nope not it.
Sorry is it possible to just delete it?
Just ignore. I may need the posts to understand what happened. No worries.
Some Chinese and Russian links are not allowed here due to the risks. Remember when I had 25,000 Russian registrations? Could have been DS, Ukies, Russians or ChiComs. Anyway, no APIs to Russia, China, Ukraine, Iran, North Korea, or their front countries are allowed, so that makes some links get scrubbed.
I didn’t have any pop-ups I just don’t want anyone here getting them so don’t even look at it.
I like this guy, and was worried he wouldn’t get in. Dang, did those commies delay him!
I think there is lots of bartering going on to confirm someone,
if you appoint the person I prefer in this position then I will confirm your person you want. While Trump gets many people he has to give on others.
RFK Jr team forming up nicely.
Both MAGA and MAHA win!
Malone has a theory on the CDC pick, and I think it makes sense.
The MAGA Choice for CDC Director
MAHA social media is blowing up over this. What could team MAGA be thinking?
Robert W Malone MD, MS
Mar 25, 2025
President Trump has nominated Susan Monarez for the position of the Director of the CDC. Let’s just focus on the facts and her CV for a moment. You can make your own assessment and draw your own conclusions from there.
Who is Dr. Monarez?
Monarez obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where her research focused on infectious disease technologies, particularly those affecting low- and middle-income countries. She then did a postdoc at Stanford University School of Medicine, focusing on infectious disease research.
Despite this research background, PubMed only lists one publication, a recently published paper, under her name. (So, she is an administrator, not a researcher):
“She was selected to head the CDC because of her work with AI. The use of AI applied to VAERS and MMWR will be critical in overhauling the adverse events reporting system. I speculate that Sec. Robert Kennedy Jr. went along because she has the skill set to apply a team of AI experts to MMWR and VAERS and is already working with DOGE. The recent cabinet meeting most likely included thoughts on her nomination. Frankly, this is a candidate that Musk would support.”
TO streamline and root out fake research and fraud again? Prevent covid schadenfreude again?
Could be. We can hope. But if she is Rochelle Junior, we need to call her out.
Yep. I dont need paper pushers telling me what to inject my son with.
Jennifer {bunch of emojis}
Here is coach Melissa Batie-Smoose. She did what’s right. She spoke up for the women volleyball players who were being forced to play against a man!
She then got fired.
And shot at.
You want to know why people don’t speak up? See it now?
From XX-XY Athletics
1:54 AM · Mar 25, 2025
I hope she is suing.
[DS] Tried To Trap The Trump Admin, Tables Were Turned, Declas Crossfire Hurricane, Pain – Ep. 3605
March 25, 2025 x22report
Tulsi lets congress know that climate change is no longer a threat. Fake news begins the narrative against Trump in regards to the Fed. More people are moving to red states. India will lower its tariffs. The country will be going through a detox of the [CB]. The [DS] is trying to trap the Trump executive branch, they are trying to make Radcliffe, Patel, Gabbard etc, look like they don’t know what they are doing, it backfired. The tables were turned. Trump declassified the crossfire hurricane files. The story is being built and it’s always the same cast of characters. The [DS] is feeling pain every step of the way.
Ep 3605a – Fake News Begins Fed Narrative, Trump Economic Plan Is Working, Economic Detox
Ep 3605b – [DS] Tried To Trap The Trump Admin, Tables Were Turned, Declas Crossfire Hurricane, Pain
The [DS] is trying to trap the Trump executive branch, they are trying to make Radcliffe, Patel, Gabbard etc, look like they don’t know what they are doing, it backfired.
^^^ S T E A D Y.
Stay the course AND do NOT take the bait.
Trump and his Team know what they are doing. The best, is yet to come.
Okay, now the Speaker of the House is reading here.
Speaker Johnson Issues Warning: Congress Has the Authority to Defund and Disband Federal Courts (Video)Jim Hoft Mar. 25, 2025 5:00 pm 594 Comments
Dont threaten! Make an example right quick!
Although it will take some time before a budget bill comes up again, they should be drafting up the legislation and running it through a committee like starting yesterday. Kinda like trying on clothes at the department store. Do several bills and lets see what the Dems think! I hope they get creative!
Hopefully we won’t have his example of a Strongly Worded Letter to congress.
Heh. No kidding. Plus a photo op pointing a finger looking stern.
Johnson STOP talking. Defund AND disband Federal Courts.
Another crazy leftist. This one should get jail time.
UCLA Professor Says “Violent Resistance by Our Military” Is the “Only Hope” for America to “Avoid Becoming an Ally to Russia”
Like I keep saying, many Democrats are now at psychotic levels of irrationality, and the fake news is helping.
It is actually scary. No longer a joke. They are dangerous, deranged, and capable of pretty much anything at this point. They are to be avoided when at all possible.
I really don’t know what we are going to do about it. The percentage of people who accept their bullshit ideology, but where do we put the 15% of the population that is beyond help?
Perfect description. It’s been manifesting over a number of years with people verbally attacking MAGA supporters in restaurants and on airplanes, their insane gender views, and of course the manufactured riots and the like. The opportunity existed for people to settle down after the election, take a step back, evaluate things, and think critically. They could have seen that their tactics didn’t work in the election and that they needed to change course.
But nooooo, as you say, they have turned psychotic, destroying innocent people’s property because they relate it to Elon, swatting people, calling for people to be killed, etc. Opposing Elon because…I can’t think of a good reason. They’re nuts.
“They’re nuts.” Simple!
Refuting the Great Lie About Our “Blessed Hope”
This isn’t the one I was thinking of, so I’ll continue to look for it as well.