Dear KAG: 20191002 Open Thread

LANGUAGE WARNING! Skip this one if you have sensitive ears.

Welcome to the sports of October thread.

Well, the sports where the players actually respect the flag, anyway,

And in that spirit, here is the first lady of the national radio airwaves, and, back in the day, a staple anthem singer at the Philadelphia Flyers games, presenting Irving Berlin’s great hymn to the nation.

And this gracious and remarkable woman was called racist decades after she passed on to her reward. Shameful.

Okay, so here’s the deal. This is the open thread. This is where we all come to get the news that other Q tree inhabitants think is worth knowing and sharing. Please, post links to any “news” stories quoted, and ask for help if you are stumped as to how to do that. We’re a friendly lot. Someone will be with you shortly, and there is no reason to have to press one for English.

Free speech, and the open exchange and hashing out of ideas is not only allowed, but encouraged. If we all don’t use it, we’re going to lose it. A little incivility goes a long way, though.

The bible of hockey demonstrates what should be left on the ice. (Once again, if rough language is a problem for you, skip this.)

And now for some house keeping:

There are a few rules here in the branches of the Q Tree. Our host, Wolfm00n, outlined them in a post on New Years Day. Please, review these rules from time to time. Waiting to go through the metal detectors at your local arena, stadium or hockey rink would be a good time given the length of the ordeal.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Steve suggests – to be accurate – no shooting at the nuclear weapons, but to be safe about it, don’t event point firearms toward them. I, Deplorable Patriot, bossy chick that I am, request no teasing the animals, pets and wildlife alike.

Teasing and trolling the lefties and their bastions, on the other hand is a moral imperative.


In the eternal fight against the forces of evil and darkness, unceasing prayer is always needed.

Today’s Lectionary calls for Psalm 137:

I will praise thee, O lord, with my whole heart: for thou hast heard the words of my mouth. I will sing praise to thee in the sight of his angels: [2] I will worship towards thy holy temple, and I will give glory to thy name. For thy mercy, and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy holy name above all.[3] In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear me: thou shall multiply strength in my soul. [4] May all the kings of the earth give glory to thee: for they have heard all the words of thy mouth. [5] And let them sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the Lord.
[6] For the Lord is high, and looketh on the low: and the high he knoweth afar off. [7] If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation, thou wilt quicken me: and thou hast stretched forth thy hand against the wrath of my enemies: and thy right hand hath saved me. [8] The Lord will repay for me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: O despise not the work of thy hands.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

And now, on to the day’s news…..

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Harry Lime

Cute kid. And bright, too.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


… LOL .. 😂👍‼️‼️ …. 🧐🤚 …. bwahahahahaha ..


Communist News Networkcomment image




By golly I like this kid 🤨👍❤️❤️❤️‼️



Deplorable Patriot



CCRKBA eyes FBI 2018 Crime Report and asks ‘What gun violence epidemic?’
No sooner had the FBI released its 2018 Uniform Crime Report (UCR), which showed fewer gun-related homicides last year than in 2017, than a leading Second Amendment organization tossed what could be an embarrassing question at Democrats and the gun prohibition lobby.
“What ‘gun violence’ epidemic are you talking about?”
“The number of murders has gone down,” he observed.”
Complete article at…


The Star Trek cartoon was missing Melania in green…..

Deplorable Patriot

I do what I can.


… AWESOME job DP, absolutely awesome … 🖖😎👍 … ❤️ … kudos, love it
… especially Psalms
…. cough/cough .. hockey/Baseball … 🤨👍❤️ .. 🤭 .. 🤫🤚❤️‼️‼️

Deplorable Patriot

That scene from Bull Durham has a great backstory. It was the last take of the night and the director knew Robert Wuhl had been coming up with the perfect line, so he told him to go for it, and it ended up being what they used. The studio wanted to cut it because it “didn’t advance the plot.” It was kept in because test audiences consistently listed it as one of the two top scenes. Shows what the studios know.


Great story .. 🙂🤚❤️
Oh, … God Bless America 🎶 … 😍👍


.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ .. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting information about the actual “green girl”!comment image


My favorite anecdote from the filming was that the “rush” footage kept coming back with her in flesh tones…..because the film processor panicked about her being green and did color correction. Finally, the Star Trek crew had to call over and tell ’em to print it like they sent it.


I remember that. Poor guy thought the film had something wrong with it. Was killing himself getting her normal colour and the make up people were making her a more and more lurid green


DP, Always appreciate Kate Smith singing God Bless America. A perfect start to Wednesday…;-)

Deplorable Patriot

Glad to be able to make your day. 😉


Kiddo loves the youtube video and likes to point out Ronald Reagan.


The 1st tooth is out! I had him take some bites of an apple and have dinner which I think broke the root. He decided he wanted me to take it out thevrest of the way which was no effort really. Boy was he excited and after all the fear of it said, “Oh, it was no big deal!” 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
And now when he wakes up he gets a Washington dollar coin. “Gold!”
A funny addition is today/tomorrow is picture day. Itll be easy to remember when he lost his first one now.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I lost my first tooth on the parking lot at produce row. Man, your kiddo is a lucky $#…kiddo!


He likes coins. He wont spend them either. I wanted a specific Sacagawea dollar but the coin dealer didnt have them.


I actually got a bunch of Andrew Jackson dollar coins just to hand out. I tell people that they are honor-bound not to spend them until they have read the Bank Veto Speech (I figure they’d likely be inclined to keep them after they’ve done so). I keep one in my wallet behind my driver’s license.
Last paragraphs of said speech (although the whole thing [ ] is worth study, especially with comparison to the Federal Reserve):
“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles.
Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves–in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.
Experience should teach us wisdom. Most of the difficulties our Government now encounters and most of the dangers which impend over our Union have sprung from an abandonment of the legitimate objects of Government by our national legislation, and the adoption of such principles as are embodied in this act. Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress. By attempting to gratify their desires we have in the results of our legislation arrayed section against section, interest against interest, and man against man, in a fearful commotion which threatens to shake the foundations of our Union. It is time to pause in our career to review our principles, and if possible revive that devoted patriotism and spirit of compromise which distinguished the sages of the Revolution and the fathers of our Union. If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested under improvident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution of our Government to the advancement of the few at the expense of the many, and in favor of compromise and gradual reform in our code of laws and system of political economy.
I have now done my duty to my country. If sustained by my fellow-citizens, I shall be grateful and happy; if not, I shall find in the motives which impel me ample grounds for contentment and peace. In the difficulties which surround us and the dangers which threaten our institutions there is cause for neither dismay nor alarm. For relief and deliverance let us firmly rely on that kind Providence which I am sure watches with peculiar care over the destinies of our Republic, and on the intelligence and wisdom of our countrymen. Through His abundant goodness and their patriotic devotion our liberty and Union will be preserved.”
That’s 1832, folks, less than 60 years after 1776. I was warmed and comforted when VSGPOTUSDJT moved the Jackson portrait into the Oval Office.


Wow. Ive never read that. I didnt have an indoctrinated education but this was missed. Cant believe so soon after the country began this was going on. And here we are x100.


Gil, you’re a good Mom ………..




Try and find a Susan B Anthony. Go ahead; you’ll be surprised at how hard it is to find one.
[I’ve got five of ’em sitting on my monitor base]

Deplorable Patriot

Come to STL and use cash to ride the Metro. Change is given in Susan B.s and Sacajaweas. We call them MetroLink tokens.


WP is an assbite.


… well … yes, yes it by gum .. 🤨


I had a Sacagawea once, but I dropped it and all the gawea’s ran away.




Gotta keep a close eye 👁 on those pesky gawea’s ….


… so you were left holding the Sac … 😉🤚❤️


Empty Sac at that.


Awwww 😩🤚 .. 🥺🤚❤️


Glad that is settled!


a lot of times, the fear and anticipation is far worse than the actual event…


Oh i certainly think that was it and told him. Hopefully the next one wont b e so dramatic.


posted some riddles below to help him feel better…lol


He loves that stuff!


I have been wanting to tell you this story, but held off until the “trauma” was over.
When my eldest lost her first tooth, I had to pull it. It was so loose I was afraid she was going to swallow it, but she was having none of it coming out.
I made her lie down on the couch, reached in while she shrieked, and it almost fell into my hand. But it bled a little.
She put her hand to her mouth, saw the blood on it, and leaped off the couch screaming “you’ve killed me, you’ve killed meeeeee!” And she ran out of the room.
After that one, I didn’t ever touch another one. I figured if they swallowed the tooth, it would save me the dollar under the pillow!


Lol!!!! He laid on the bed with his head partway off and it was darn loose. His tooth next to it is already loose too. Im thinking itll be out next week but hes in a hurry to put it under his pillow now!

Sue Mcdonald

My son was working on pulling one of his teeth out in the bathroom ,the tooth popped out and went down the drain,he came running out all crying and upset that the tooth fairy wouldn’t find his tooth under his pillow and wouldn’t know the tooth was lost down the drain.after calming him down and assuring him that the tooth fairy always gets her tooth he went to bed .next morning he came tearing into the kitchen yelling that the tooth fairy left a bunch of dimes in the sink ,that she knew where to look .lol yep that tooth fairy always get her tooth hehe


Thats a great one to remember in case we have an accident

Sue Mcdonald

Moms have to think on our feet and have an answer at the ready at all times! Another funny one with my son was after spending the night with a friend he came home and in our talk about how the sleep over went he told me i was one lucky SOB,i was shocked that he knew the word at all as he was only 5 but not batting an eyelash I asked him to tell me what other cuss words he well that was eye opening. He named off quite a list including butthead,idiot and douche hubby and I had a sit down with him about what he should never say in public or in front of the women folk or at church. Poor kid was shocked that words he heard adults saying were not appropriate but promised not use them again.i asked him why I was a lucky SOB and he told me because God gave him to me!lol


Hahahaha!!! Douche canoe. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


YAY 😀👍❤️‼️ .. success … and $$$ … whoo-hoo … (a GOLD dollar coin⁉️ … AWESOME 🤨❤️) …
… glad to hear and happy for you and your son giloo (WP likes igloo but I told them NO‼️) .. ❤️


Not actaully gold but he doesnt care. Its legal tender though.


Totally awesomely .. COOL 😎👍 .. ❤️ .. kudos giloo .. he won’t remember the stress just the good part/reward ❤️

Deplorable Patriot

Good. Y’all can see it. ‘Night. May you breathe out of the right eyelid tonight, bad plaid and all.


.. LOL .. 👁 …
aye, aye captain … 👩‍✈️ .. ❤️
.. God bless ..


Many of you may remember the name Deborah Curtis. She was recently in the news for leaving the DOJ prosecution team against Gen Flynn. She also announced that she would be leaving the DOJ as well. Evidence indicates she has connections with the coup. In the article listed below she was one of the players in an early Whistleblower case involving Montgomery, the inventor of the HAMMER, a software surveillance program co-opted by the Obama administration to spy on Americans. She may be DS. Logic suggests that the DOJ, FBI, and C_A are as crooked as a mountain road. I am beginning to think that Gitmo is not big enough. Read it and see what you think.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Montgomery and his testimony about what amounts to contractor abuse by Brennan, to get Obama elected, is critical in bringing down OBAMA for illicit surveillance before he became President. I believe that part of the motive for Spygate and Muh Russia was to protect Obama by not allowing any oxygen to get to the Montgomery story. Note that the Dems jumped Devin Nunes EXACTLY when he got FISA letter access AND briefing on Mongomery at the exact same time. Every time they take out a player on Montgomery, they try to create some kind of FALSE REASON for the public – Montgomery is THAT toxic to them.
One of the reasons they all feared Trump is that he KNEW about Montgomery. They were very scared that somebody with that knowledge might become President.
Binney doesn’t really understand everything that’s going on, IMO. He’s a good guy, but his view of the world is limited. He was part of the group that supposedly debunked a remote hack of DNC – but that whole debunking was very flawed, IMO. Almost wishful thinking.
Anyway, I think that Montgomery getting ANY attention right now would make sense why Little Debbie is fleeing. Note that Montgomery fits the Obama contractor abuse pattern. The Obama Italy stuff, the London stuff – it all fits with the Brennan contractor stuff BEFORE Obama was elected.
Obama is dirty. Montgomery makes that plain as day.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – I just realized something. COATES gave Nunes FISA access at that moment when he got the info on Montgomery, and then Schiff jumped Nunes with the ethics thing.
SO – what that means is that perhaps COATES helped SCHIFF distract NUNES with a shiny object so he would not connect his being SIDELINED with MONTGOMERY, but rather think it was all about Coates giving him the access.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe what is going on is that Deep State is figuring that Fisagate and 4 years of Trump (if they can pull it off) is TOLERABLE, but that Montgomery is simply TOO damaging to their long-term objectives, b/c it destroys the Obama legacy in a permanent way.


wolf, talk ab Party Time!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! YEAH BABY!!!comment image


… 🧐👍 … 😝🤚‼️


Flip it around. They’re using tools to befuddle one guy (Nunes)……and things keep getting crowdsourced. Welcome to the party, pal!


I’m trusting this woman does not need an introduction. Comments are wonderful.


God bless this sweet lady, abundantly … ❤️ … 🤨👍‼️


Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States of America
Fearless MAGA warrior.
He didn’t need us. But we desperately need(ed) him. And he has put everything on the line for all of us.

comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that little animated cartoon video is AWESOME. That is ADVICE FOR THE AGES!!!


My pride in and love for this good man has become so deep and so fierce that I can get short of breath just thinking about it.
I think I know, now, how George Washington’s men felt about him in their day…such a deep regard that they literally begged him to declare himself King and monarch of America (because no one in that day and age really knew and understood what a Republic was. The great American experiment had only just begun).
I thought I knew this feeling under the great Ronald Reagan. But in my mature years I can honestly say the feeling is much more than I felt for the Great Communicator, yet that says less about the Gipper and far more about PDJT.
After 3 years under his leadership I am convinced beyond all doubt that Donald J. Trump is, quite literally, God’s answer to tens of millions of prayers, hopes, and dreams over many, many years.
To have PDJT as President, at this moment in history, is well beyond any reasonable sort of probability. It borders on the impossible.
And yet, the impossible is EXACTLY where the good Lord can be found at work.
Thank you, Lord, for Donald Trump, and for loving us so much…and well…that you would give him to us precisely at our greatest time of need.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy







Here! Here! and Amen 🙏🏼FG&C … kudos, you spoke for ALL patriots today .. 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️
.. God bless .. ❤️..


Right there with you.


Ask the right questions!
I remember journalists clamouring for every word from Stormy and Avenatti’s mouths just for a chance to potentially dunk on Trump, and yet no journalist has walked up to Hunter Biden and said “hey so about your coke snorting, widow fucking, Ukraine gas money life…”


I would PAY for you to be THAT reporter–you’d be blunt, honest and a freakin’ riot to watch!!!!!


Let’s start an “honest right questions fund” … basically … I DARE YOU TO … 😃👍❤️‼️‼️


i got $50 in hand to start the pot…LOL


Yeah that’d be something … the old “put up or shut up” OP … 😬😈


Tbh. I would channel rusty Cohn and phrase it as “start asking the right fucking questions “


Attention all crooks. Video cameras are everywhere these days, even in places you’d least expect them to be recording.


That’s hilarious … I WANT one .. 🤨 ..


The Juicy Smolette Special Prosecutor may have to recuse this Friday. It has been discovered he donated 1k to Kim Foxx. Attended a fundraiser for her…🤦🏻‍♂️ Corruption in Chitown!


Tucker Carlson had a story on that last night. Why is this no surprise they are all in cahoots in Chicago?


Chicago. The home nest of the colony


That is almost as gross as Brennan’s face.


Funny you should say that, because that is Brennan’s special ordered pizza, with extra roaches.


Yep. That one


…. 😫🤚‼️‼️‼️‼️ …. 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮 …



“FBI crime stats for 2018 show over five times as many people were killed with knives and/or other cutting instruments than were killed with rifles.
The FBI data shows a total 1,515 deaths by knives and/or other cutting instruments vs. 297 deaths by rifle in 2018. …”


Does anyone else find it hard to believe it’s been two years since the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Massacre? I thought it was just last year, but no, it’s been two.


Old age. Objects in the rear view mirror may be further than they appear


In 1988, Biden dropped out as a Presidential candidate over news that he was a plagiarist.
In 2020, he is still the SAME plagiarist, PLUS he bragged (on tape) on the dais of the Council of Foreign Relations, about being a “quid pro quo” shake-down artist.
Why was plagiarism alone a disgrace in 1988, but now, plagiarism AND a billion-dollar shakedown are not disgraceful in 2020??
The Democrats have lost whatever little fragment of a moral compass they might have once had.


And just what moral compass is that, exactly?
It’s was democrats who:
1. Controlled the Antebellum south (Dixie) and owned all the plantations.
2. Supported slavery and all the evils that went with it
3. Started (literally) the Civil War (and the party’s first act of treason) with the first shots at Ft. Sumter on 12 April 1862
4. Instituted the Jim Crow laws across the South after losing the Civil War
5. Instituted segregation
6. Started the KKK as it’s coercion and enforcement arm, utilizing terrorism to maintain control of the South
7. Embroiled America in both the Korean and Vietnam wars
8. Opposed the Civil Rights movement and MLK Jr.
9. Instituted the “welfare state” to keep the poor, uneducated, and easily manipulated black population under their control
10. Literally spit on veterans returning home from Vietnam, blaming them instead of Kennedy and Johnson
11. Regularly burned the National flag in “protest” to the Vietnam war, in which their own leadership embroiled the USA
Show me a “progressive” of today and I’ll show you how he/she/it is actually an ignorant, lying, hypocritical, God-hating, brain-dead zombie.


Ectera, ectera. I think you may have missed a few of their moral deficiencies . But this is a blog and neither of us are Tolstoy

Deplorable Patriot

Psst: the Civil War started in 1861.

Deplorable Patriot

And Kennedy had the ball rolling on pulling us out of the far east. It was one of the reasons he was “removed.”


Live TV
You can now be fined up to $250,000 if you call someone an ‘illegal alien’ in New York City
By Christina Maxouris, CNN
Updated 4:27 AM EDT, Tue October 01, 2019


I sent a message to Bill DeBlasio and called him a few choice names including Illegal Alien and told home he should self deport to a Communist country.


You got $250k to throw away?


LOL! I used my secondary gmail email address. Besides, I’m not in his jurisdiction. I’m all the way across the country and his city laws don’t apply to me. Neener.


Shame. I have a bridge you could buy


maybe you should do it for reals…I’m sure SCOTUS would want to hear about your First Amendment rights being squashed.


What country do you live in? I live in the U.S. and enjoy the protections of the Bill of Rights.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This new Sol video is pretty fun! AOC meets Lady Gaga (I think). Lots of symbols being their humorous downfall.


This is likely wild oversharing, but I’m so relieved….
As many of you know, I’m moving to North Carolina just as soon as I can get things together. In the meantime, over the last two years, I’ve been developing a herniated umbilicus. For the first year, it was probably so subtle that only I would notice it. My doctor at the time advised me that there were no trusses or exercises to combat it, but it was not yet enough of a problem to do anything more. Since my final trip will involve driving a rental truck across the country from Silicon Valley, towing my car, I’ve been naturally concerned about literally spilling my guts across Texas on the way. It’s been deteriorating day-by-day since I first noticed it, but it’s been getting worse of late (possibly with help from packing heavy boxes).
My current doctor told me I was a current surgical candidate…..but that would leave me with a recovery period of several weeks where I wasn’t supposed to lift more than 20 pounds, which kind of sucks when moving. OTOH, I could probably make it for six months (to pack, move, and get established) without major health consequences before surgery.
And here’s the fun part……I am so phobic about needles that I have had three dental crowns done without anesthesia. I realize that it’s ironic from someone calling themselves “cthulhu”, but pain is pain, and horror is horror. Sticking needles into my gums is horror, having three crowns done is just pain.
Turning inside-out through my bellybutton is horror. So far, there has been no pain involved. When I’m settled and have the surgery, waking-up with an IV would be a horror. Having stitches would be a horror. I think I amused my doctor when I told her, “if it made sense, it wouldn’t be a phobia” when she was trying to examine me. I can’t stand to be touched in my bellybutton, in the crook of my elbows, behind my knees…..and I have a pain threshold high enough to do dental crown prep without anesthesia.
But she has reassured me that I should be able to make NC my home before I deal with it. And I am very relieved. She did recommend a “back support belt” for lifting heavy things in the short term, as it might help everything stay together. Otherwise, it’s “Git ‘er done!”


You’re right – absolutely TMI.
But it’s good to know that we can control you by holding a syringe near you …


If my autopsy says that I died from shooting up, everyone that knows me will know I was murdered.
I went through 15 years of traumatic blood draws (many in his office) [one time, I was describing my parameters to a phlebotomist, and she was laughing them off, saying they had a guy in the previous year who was off the charts worse……and as she described things, I realized it was me]……..anyway, I went through years of anguish until I asked my doc if anything could be done. He scripted 10 Xanax. I took one, and didn’t feel different……and my appointment with the needle approached, so I took another…….and didn’t feel very much different, though the Fiancee says I got sloppy. But when I was punctured, I could even look at it and think, “oh, she’s drawing blood.” They say it’s addictive, but it’s associated with blood draws for me. I had 10, I went through a blood draw where I used 2, and I have 8. At 1 draw per physical per year, I’m good until about 2016.


??? It’s 2019 already 🙂


That’ll teach me to do math in the wee hours. 2026.




you made me giggle…


Pleased to be able to serve you, fellow Q-per.


Lou had a good segment here with Stephen Miller…

And with Eric Trump:


This is a bit of good news…👇


Getting the sworn testimony of Mifsud, under oath…would explain why AG Barr and Dunham were in Italy.
It would also explain Why the Dems and their media operatives have been freaking out.


And Pompeo is in Italia~~~~~~~~~~~


Digital Food, anyone ? how bout some 3D steaks ?comment image
It’s The Year 2038 ~ Here’s How We’ll Eat 20 Years In The Future
…a sci-fi look into the next two decades of food…
…from robot farmers to 3D printed meals to government monitoring your calorie intake…
just imagine…go on, have a look…here…
article… imagecomment image


Nope. Nope. Nope…no way.
I disagreed with just about every sentence in that article.
There is no good reason for fake food.
We have plenty of arable land…and our farmers are being paid to Not grow too much, so that the prices don’t crash.
As our population grows, we can produce more food.
So there is no reason for fake food!


soylent green is….comment image
…sooo sustainable !




… effort to feminize men!

Sadie Slays

The only purpose articles like this serve is demoralization propaganda.

Deplorable Patriot

And to get people used to the idea that all those concepts we see in science fiction movies and books really could happen.


oh come on….lighten up once in a while.
it’s just tongue-in-cheek.
“propaganda”…?…srsly ??

Cuppa Covfefe

Made me think of this (if it works):comment image


Verse of the Day

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”
1 Peter 3:15 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Good Morning Duchess…warm up on your coffee?


Morning, pat – yes, please – thanks!
God Bless You today and always – Have a Blessed Day, Dear!!!


I hope you have a Blessed Day as well!!!


Tanks! * Big Smile *

Deplorable Patriot

So, Manchin’s not on the inside. Noted.


I could watch THAT all day!!!


Wow wow so 😮👍‼️ .. me TOO‼️‼️


… 😃👍‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
…. it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood … 🎶🎶🎶 … bwahahahahaha




…. bwahahahahaha … 🤨👍‼️‼️‼️ …/ bwahahahahaha


November 3, 2020 – Trump voters piling out of cars all across the nation!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Combine that with the tweet from MAC, you have Lox and Beagles… 🙂




LOL … I’m in stitches here I tell ya, my sides hurt .. in a good way 😍


Ahhhhhhhhhh LOL ..😂😍👍 …I LURVE this …. 🥰🤗


never ask a question you don’t already know the answer to…LOL


She actually chose that profile picture for herself??? Is that the most flattering bitter, hateful one she has???


… aww .. 🤢😖🤚 … sigh … tums anyone have tums .. 🤢



That is just wrong…on so many levels.


Absolutely. (didn’t want to like it)


… well .. you can’t fix stupid, depraved, and arrogant … except at the .. cross ✝️ ..
They’re in the crosshairs of the Almighty .. 🤔





so many funny posts today!!!


Yeah I know that’s right 🤣🤚 … I’m light headed from laughing …
(as opposed to my usual light headed- ness) … English and I don’t get along … well …

Deplorable Patriot

Nobody’s getting out of here alive, so live like you have nothing to lose. It took me a while to figure that out.


… Lol 😝👍 ….
“I once shot an elephant in my pajamas .. how he got in my pajamas I don’t know”
Groucho Marx

Cuppa Covfefe

Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend.
Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read…
– Groucho Marx


LOL … 😂👍❤️‼️


… lol … yeah 😳 … but, heaven bound .. 🤗


…. hmmmm two 6’s …. seriously 😐⁉️


so, MEDIA SCRUTINY (read CIA plants) were a factor in changing the Whistle Blower forms? how convenient…
The Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) admitted Sept. 30 that media scrutiny contributed to its decision to make a significant change to the whistleblower form tied to the complaint at the center for the presidential impeachment inquiry.
The ICIG issued a detailed statement addressing questions about why the office removed language from a whistleblower form that advises complainants that their requests wouldn’t be forwarded to Congress unless they provided firsthand information. The removal is significant because the whistleblower whose complaint triggered the impeachment inquiry provided only secondhand knowledge about the alleged conduct.
The ICIG stonewalled media inquiries about the change to the form for days, until Republican lawmakers on Sept. 30 issued a preservation order and demanded questions about the change. The watchdog statement specifically notes that “press inquiries” about the whistleblower complaint were part of the rationale for changing the form.


Yeah well the ICIG, Michael Atkinson, is a corrupt douchebag. Prior to becoming the ICIG, he was the lead DOJ lawyer for the DOJ-NSD and Mary McCord, at the epi-center of the FISA abuse in 2016-2017.


aren’t there RED FLAG laws that would have HER locked up for this insanity?
MAXINE WATERS: I’m calling on the GOP to stop Trump’s filthy talk of whistleblowers being spies & using mob language implying they should be killed. Impeachment is not good enough for Trump. He needs to be imprisoned & placed in solitary confinement. But for now, impeachment is the imperative.
I’m calling on the GOP to stop Trump’s filthy talk of whistleblowers being spies & using mob language implying they should be killed. Impeachment is not good enough for Trump. He needs to be imprisoned & placed in solitary confinement. But for now, impeachment is the imperative.
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) October 1, 2019


Yep…Maxine is the one who uses ‘mob language’ and implies that us Deplorables should be killed.


… if only the Lord God Almighty would strike MW mute 🤐 … 😖🤚
…. 😬 …

Deplorable Patriot

Gutfeld nails it.

Deplorable Patriot



That’s outrageous.
Holder never even tried to appear neutral!
He was always in-your-face biased and racist…and had the attitude of “I can do whatever I want”.
He’s the one who refused to prosecute those black panther thugs who were bullying people at a voting site.
He’s the one who got slapped with Contempt of Congress.
It’s laughable that he would have the nerve to mention it.


Ulcers and hemorrhoids would be well-deserved.


… and explosive diarrhea .. 💩💩👍 … ☺️🤚❤️


Crimes against the United States of America … TREASON … is apolitical bonehead turd 💩🧐‼️



That’s kind of dangerous.
I don’t like the idea of people being able to crash through security and get so close to our Sec Pompeo.


A U.S. judge has temporarily blocked a California law aimed at forcing President Trump to release his personal income tax returns in order to appear on the 2020 primary ballot. U.S. District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. issued a written opinion Tuesday saying the law likely violates the U.S. Constitution.
England said in September that he would temporarily block the law that requires candidates for president or governor to file copies of their personal income tax returns with the California secretary of state’s office.
England wrote that the state’s concerns about seeing elected officials’ tax returns are “legitimate and understandable.”
But he said the court’s job is to rule on the law’s constitutional merits, not whether it is good policy or makes political sense.


.. 😆👍 …. sigh my sides hurt … 😬❤️


pumpkin spice everywhere these days…comment imagecomment imagecomment image


It’s over the top … and might be headed to the “nauseating” realm …
I try to give wide berth to the candle aisle at my Meier store .. 🤢


Smash the pumpkins .. 🎃 … and voila ‼️ …. 🔽comment image
We had tons of fun with pumpkins when the kids were little … we were on a mission .. and it was always accomplished .. 🤨😜👍


giloo…some riddles for kiddo…
What does a ghost do to stay safe in a car? — He puts on his sheet belt.
Why did the witches cancel their baseball game? — They couldn’t find their bats.
What do monsters turn on in the summer time? — The scare conditioner.
Why is it safe to tell a mummy your secret? — It’ll keep it under wraps.
Why was the jack-o-lantern afraid to cross the road? — It had no guts.
What is a scarecrows favorite fruit? — STRAW-berries.
What is the best way to speak to a monster? — From a long distance away!
Where do baby ghosts go during the day? — Day-scare centers.
What do birds say on Halloween? — Twick o Tweet.
What is the most important subject a witch learns in school? — Spelling.
What kind of roads do ghosts haunt? — Dead ends.
How do you make a witch itch? — Take away the W
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball? — Because he had no BODY to go with.


a few more…
What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray.
Why don’t ghosts like rain? — It dampens their spirits.
What did the scarecrow say to the kid dressed up as corn? — That costume is a-MAZE-ing.
What candy do you eat on the playground? — Recess pieces.
Why do witches wear name tags? — So they will know which witch is which.
Why didn’t the scarecrow eat dinner? — He was already stuffed.
What kind of monster loves to disco? — The boogieman.
Why do people like vampires so much? — Because they are FANGtastic.
What does a cool witch ride instead of a motorcycle? — A Brrrrrr – oomstick.
How do you make a skeleton laugh? — Tickle its funny bone.


Heheh…these are great, Pat!
I love all the funnies that you post for us.


they are from my “clean” collection…LOL


Free speech rules. Get dirty for us.


oh you might regret that…LOL


.. 🧐👍 … these are awesome pat … I’m saving them 🤨❤️😬


I don’t seem to be able to move out of the open thread to news roundup … there’s SO much stuff here today … plus, I’m sssllllooooowwww … 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢
Good stuff all around ❤️


Do it, Rudy!


so who would pay for their defense? us taxpayers? the way we pay for their sexual offenses?
or would the DNC? cuz that would be awesome–bankrupt the SOB’s…


I think they’d each have to pay for their own defense.
Bill Clinton had to set up his own ‘Legal Defense Fund’.


then…do it!!!!
although, I can see them trying to set up Go Fund me accounts….did you see there is one for the whistle blower supposedly…


The Fake Whistleblower has a GoFundMe?
But…he/she is anonymous.
How would that work?


Whistle Blower Aid started a Go Fund Me 6 days ago…for the “intelligence Officer” and they have raised almost $205k. their goal is $300k…


.. puke 🤮


Phys-op … for cripe sakes ….comment image


Help the Intelligence Officer Whistleblower
$204,679 raised of $300,000 goal
5.5K donors
Donate now
11 mins
Elissa Small
40 mins
2 hrs
Erik Antener
2 hrs
Carla Hess
3 hrs
Whistleblower Aid is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Whistleblower Aid. Donations are 100% tax deductible.
Created 6 days ago
The U.S. intelligence officer who filed an urgent report of government misconduct needs your help.
This brave individual took an oath to protect and defend our Constitution.
We’re working with the whistleblower and just launched a crowdfunding effort to support the whistleblower’s lawyers.


Ugh. 😕


more payoffs thru money laundering


Edward Snowden: Joe Biden Threatened Countries Not To Give Me Asylum
Edward Snowden revealed then-Vice President Joe Biden and then-Secretary of State John Kerry pressured countries that protect whistleblowers and asylum seekers to deny him entrance. In an interview with MSNBC’s Brian Williams, Snowden said he applied for asylum to countries such as allies France and Germany but every time it got pulled.


Wednesday!comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Awwwwww 😍👍 so cute‼️‼️ Love them pat .. ❤️


I want you all to ponder something, and it is a line of attack the Dems, and especially Pelosi would NOT expect. Trump last night called it a coup. While we here ALL know this is at least a 2nd attempt at a coup, and that Trump is 100% right, the normal public does not. Trump has all the proof out there, but the Dems, Shiff, Pelosi, and especially the MSM keep pushing, lying, and hiding the fact, DESPITE the voluminous amount of evidence to the contrary.
I think I have one SURE way to shut them ALL up, and it will FIT with releasing all the evidence that proved the first coup attempt, its motivation, and orchestrators, and the 2nd attempt and its motivation and orchestrators. . The Bonus, is that Pelosi (and other prominent dems involved) is ALREADY on the record as are several others like Green and Waters with stating their TRUE purpose.
He is the rub, and remember, they are ALREADY on record stating as much. If I were Trump after announcing the “coup” I would NOW state who would BENEFIT directly from the coup and the RESULT of it being allowed to continue. Nancy Pelosi, NOT the future Dem nominee. Nancy Pelosi. How can she be OBJECTIVE in the face of all this when SHE is 3rd in line IF the Dems do as they have threatened to do, Impeach Trump AND Pence. Who would that leave as President should they BOTH be removed…Nancy Pelosi. There is NO agenda there right.
Remember she ALREADY said they want Pence too MULTIPLE times. That makes it a HOSTILE takeover initiated by a person and party that would DIRECTLY benefit from the action. IE a coup. Trump should say as much to the normals that do not yet get it. It would IMMEDIATELY make the dems back off. The normal people that may not know or believe it is a coup..yet..would immediately understand and react with MASSIVE revolution. The mere thought of a President Pelosi will scare the shit out of them, then they will REALIZE they have been had and the TRUE agenda here, go bananas, and call for Pelosi and the dems ouster instead.
Remember, the rabid left is only truly 15% of the population at BEST the other 20-30 of the Dems are just normal people who are confused and LIED to. 5% are the so called “independents” The remaining 50% are on Team Trump. Getting ANY significant part of that % of the confused dems OR the independents, would eviscerate the Dems…FOREVER.
Then Trump could unload ALL the documents proving it..Checkmate. You go to GITMO, you go to GITMO, you get a noose, you get a noose, ALL the Cabal get a noose. Thoughts?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like it, and I think you are right. AND I think there is evidence of PLANNING for “President Pelosi”, and that is why Trump can so clearly and calmly state that it IS and WAS a COUP attempt.


EXACTLY. Now with all the new Schiff revelations, Trump can put an ENED to this and THEM once and for all. But, framing it to the normies they way I stated WILL hit home. Those that have been fooled will realize or at least strongly suspect they have been had. Then Trump can drop the hammer of TRUTH to confirm those suspicions… Pelosi and Schiff REALLY fooked themselves. They are boxed in like a opossum’s pecker.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now remember how the SQUAD threatened Pelosi’s speakership, and TRUMP rescued her? That was total classic Trump. He HELPED HER, and then he helped her again when they tried to call her a racist, and NOW look how she repaid him!
Never mess with a VSG. It don’t turn out so good.


True! Now when Trump drops the hammer on her, she will have NO ONE to blame but herself. Classic Trump, being NICE, be magnanimous even, to your opponent, then be RUTHLESS if they play games. Nancy is about to experience the RUTHLESS part.


Jeff Sessions praising POTUS.
Now just imagine if Trump praise Jeff as a great AG who “got things done without fanfare – things even I did not know about” !! That will be a troll that will make us smile


oldie but goodiecomment image


sure, surecomment image



Deplorable Patriot

More we don’t know what we don’t know.


Another big question…….

Deplorable Patriot

I’m starting to wonder what Gorka’s true role is in this play.


My biggest questions
Was Kalorama also listening in on the call?
And was NSA listening to see if Kalorama was listening?


Gorka’s tweets are all over the place….he even finds time to taunt the vile Rick Wilson.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VILE is EVIL by another name!!!



hope the staffers TAPED the phone calls!!


That sounds like threats to me. Names, times, and recordings.


absolutely!!! and TAKE NAMES


Pompeo said this during press conference in Italy this a.m. Dems told them they couldn’t tell anyone in SD and not allowed to have lawyers present. Kansas isn’t having it. Subpoenas have NO legal backing. Now I’m thinking the State Dept IG meeting scheduled for today will include instructions to Executive branch on how to deal with “Co-equal branch”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

House. Of. COMMIES!


House. Of. COMMIES!
So true and for me it is maddening !!!!!!!!!


“…told them not to hire legal counsel.”
^^^ Sort of like FIB telling Flynn didn’t need legal counsel.
D-Rats are a criminal enterprise craving power at any cost. Despicable lot, they are.


They HAVE to have legal counsel.
OMG, that would be horrible to go into Congressional testimony without legal counsel of their own.
AND yes, sure as HELL, there HAS to be ADMIN counsel there.
We’re talking about an ongoing investigation AND classified data.
Don’t get to spill the beans.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good GRIEF – these COMMUNISTS will do anything!

Deplorable Patriot

Related to the raid at the Vatican bank yesterday:

Deplorable Patriot

So, let’s get this straight:
The mob, with connections all over the world, was laundering drug money through the Vatican Bank which was being operated by a Swiss national – where the banking laws have been very convenient for the people hiding money for decades. This is the country that negotiated its way out of the Holy Roman Empire in the mid-17th century, and has been famously neutral since, including refusing to join the EU.
More data points, but this has been a point of curiosity for me for a while. Hmmm.

Deplorable Patriot

Red Cross is used as the piggy bank. Swiss flag is inverted red cross. Apologies to our resident of Switzerland here (it really is a beautiful country), but….
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: eda158 No.34635
Dec 4 2017 23:27:40 (EST)
Dates: 25, 27, 28.
Stringer, RED RED, ASIA.
Analyze the connection.
Learn to read the map.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: eda158 No.34738
Dec 4 2017 23:41:11 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 1139cb No.34663
Dec 4 2017 23:30:55 (EST)
South Korea calls North Korea daily:
“The ministry has to keep pestering Pyongyang over the military and Red Cross talks,” he said. “It has to keep placing calls on the Panmunjom telephone. The situation can quickly change and North Korea could feel the need for dialogue. When they do return, they will likely want to deal with the United States first, but let them try to accomplish anything in talks with Washington without the involvement of Seoul — it won’t work.”
Why was that STRINGER sent out?
News unlocks message.
Future proves past.
Where is the RED CROSS?
Runs deep.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No.34917
Dec 5 2017 00:09:40 (EST)
RED RED 9/11.
Funds raised vs distributed?
7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.
Those in the know never sleep.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No.35166
Dec 5 2017 00:45:56 (EST)
RED RED stringer 25th.
Hussein RED video 27th (response).
Hussein in Asia on 28th post stringer.
More than one meaning.
Hussein RED Indictments variables.
Think circle.
Expand your thinking.
Take multiple paths.
One connects to another.
Learn to read the map.
The map is the key.
Find the keystone.
What holds everything together?

Deplorable Patriot

Red Cross – blood drives. They concentrate on high schools.
International Red Cross in Switzerland. Geneva, founded 1863. American Red Cross 1881
Also home to celebration of the human, International Olympic Committee.
BUT, no United Nations. Why?
Trying to shed the myopia when it comes to this stuff.

Deplorable Patriot

The big super collider is in Switzerland, too.
I’m beginning to believe Switzerland is key to the whole thing, not just Democrat sabotage attempts in the swamp.

Cuppa Covfefe

Vigilant Citizen has a few articles on the odd ceremonies and “entertainment” that the elites/illuminati have, two of which occurred in Switzerland. The first was the dedication of a new bore of the Gotthard Tunnel (which gave me the spooks going through it, even before this – I prefer driving over the pass, if weather permits).
The second is of the rededication of the Large Hadron Collider, complete with a mock human sacrifice (maybe in case things go seriously wrong with the device? They’ve had a number of odd problems…)
These articles need to be seen, to be believed. And to think that our taxes go to pay for these abominations!!!

The Opening Ceremony of the World’s Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual
Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is world’s longest and most expensive tunneling project in History. Going through the Swiss Alps, the tunnel took 17 years to complete and is said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders.
To celebrate the inauguration of this tunnel, an elaborate ceremony was presented in front of European dignitaries such as Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. While most would expect an upbeat, celebratory ceremony, guests were rather treated to a disturbing show orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse, where a man dressed as a goat presided a strange ritual.

and from the conclusion of that article:

The occult elite is all about power and symbolism. The above ceremony showcased both. Through the opening ceremony of the world’s deepest and longest tunnel, the occult elite tells the world that they control the world’s resources and manpower. In other words, they are the only ones who can make such projects happen because they control politics, finance, and business. Furthermore, by creating overtly occult ceremonies, the elite tells the world: “This is what we believe in, this is what we think of you and there is nothing you can do about it.”
The opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel turned a great feat of engineering into a religious ceremony dedicated to Baphomet while somewhat ridiculing the workers who sacrificed their lives and the masses who will travel through the tunnel. Then, Europe’s most powerful people stood up and gave a standing ovation to this ceremony dedicated to the true ruler of the occult elite.

And from there is a ceremony that can only be described as Satanic in nature – just exactly what are they trying to conjure up at the LHC other than just Higgs Bosons???

Mock Human Sacrifice Ritual Caught on Video at CERN
The video, shot from a nearby building, shows several individuals dressed in black hoods, entering the main square of the world’s top physics lab and partaking into an occult ritual culminating into the stabbing of a woman as a “human sacrifice”.
The ritual took place in front of the statue of Shiva.

TPTB at CERN are trying to disavow any connection to the ceremony in the video, yet, due to the security at that facility, it must have been “an inside job”. From the article:

While some state that the video is “fake”, a “prank” and product of young people doing it for the “LULZ”, one cannot deny these facts: (1) The ritual actually took place (2) At night (3) In a highly secured area at CERN (4) By people who had CERN IDs (5) Who took the time to obtain necessary wardrobe (6) And stage this ceremony. Why was someone randomly filming the CERN square before any of this even happen? That is something to look into.
No matter what were the actual intentions behind this ritual, the end result is the same: It is yet another strange, ritualistic event associated with CERN.


Pope’s house is rotten, to the core.
Always, always, always, follow the money.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, but it started with a loan in 1832. This pope aside, it took some real chutzpah to use the Vatican to hide money laundering.


As I have said about the Clinton Foundation. What better way to launder money for bad things (like child trafficking) form the buyers to the sellers than a “charity” like the Red Cross as well.


You own them you can treat their house as yours


This is why they had to take George pell out


In the Qanon Twitter is a post saying Gina Haskell is the one who changed the WB form …. 😳 …
🇮🇹💪Sicilian Fixer💪🇮🇹
· Sep 30
Schiff had the whistle-blowers info 2 months ago, but could not report it because the form to be filled out indicated that it had to be “First Hand Knowledge”
This Woman – CIA Director Haspel – Changed the Form for Schiff
Take a good look at this Deep State
Show this thread
.. nuts ..
Don’t know if the link above works .. 😐🤚 …

…. heh heh …. 🤨🍿‼️ …

Cuppa Covfefe

comment image


.. 🙂👍 .. ty ❤️ .. Cuppa ❤️

Deplorable Patriot

That contradicts other information that it was Dan Coats.


I can’t keep up it was on the Twitter I referenced .. but I can’t say it’s true … it’s getting confusing …
“Who’s on first … “


Coats stated recently it was NOT him, that it was handed to Acting DNI Maguire the day AFTER Coates left.

Deplorable Patriot

You believe Coats?


I am not saying one way or the other. Just passing on the article.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that is a good point. If my theory (just a theory) is correct that Coates (intentionally or by influence) helped Schiff set up Nunes with the “ethics take-out” so that they could distract him TOWARD FISAgate and AWAY from Montgomery and Obama, then your point is well-taken.
There seems to be a lot of “musical chair IC action” where stuff that nobody wants to be seen as doing, is done near transitions. MAKES SENSE.


Not sure we have confirmation on Gina Haspel approving the change.
So much info coming out, we have to be careful.
I heard the ICIG published a 4 page memo on his justification for changing the whistleblower form, but I am unable to find it online ANYWHERE.


IF Haspel did it, it was a TRAP set by Trump FOR Schiff. My money is STILL on Sue Gordon.


Let’s not assume anything ..yet, on Haspel.
1. Brennan endorsed her.
2. She MIGHT be deeply loyal to CIA after 30+yrs.
3. She was station chief in London when
4. Page/Strzok and others put the plan into motion in Winter of 2015-2016.
5. She would have known Stephan Halper.


I am NOT assuming. I said it the other day. Haspel is on our side. She is a fellow Alum. How and who do you think OUTED Strzok and Page (and others) In London to the IG? Where do you think A LOT of the dirt the CIA did under Brennan is coming from. Haspel is a STRAIGHT shooter. She is loyal to her country not any political party. My bet is she knows ALL the “assets” and has put out the info that we have, including the transcripts of Papadopolous. I would be SHOCKED and SADDENED if she “turned” Watch and see. Remember SHE and not the FBI under Wray AGREED and ORDERED her agency to cooperate FULLY with the Barr investigation.


Would be shocked and saddened if she is not loyal…… you bet we would be.
But we don’t really know yet.
We do have confirm the whistleblower went to General Counsel at CIA before going to the ICIG.
If so, why wasn’t this dumb complaint stopped in house?
Why did it proceed to ICIG?
It would make sense – if the General Counsel KNEW about the complaint and moved forward to ICIG, then Haspel would have been informed.
SHE sees the President all the time, and SHE knows how transcript/memos of calls are handled in current White House. SHE could have easily cleared up the confusion on this issue asap. (It’s a stupid mistake in the complaint and similar to the wrong Michael Cohen traveling to Prague).
WHICH can only lead to two options – either Gina Haspel did NOT see the complaint before it proceeded to ICIG OR she is a bad egg.
Then, if the General Counsel is the bad egg and Gina did not see the compliant…. what kind of a shop is she running? Bad General Counsel? Whole thing smacks of false set up if we read the complaint compared to the actual transcript/memo of phone call.
See what I mean?


You are missing the obvious THIRD option. Haspel found out about the “complaint” which was NOT a “whistle blower” but a LEAK fro a prominent mole IN the White House. I will give you an alternate and just as plausible scenario. The Cabal, thinking Haspel was a “fellow traveler” went to the CIA general council FIRST, and Haspel DID NOT BITE, so they then moved on to the IC IG who IS a fellow traveler.
Haspel, seeing the scam, TOLD Trump about the mole, and warned him ABOUT the setup, and HELPED him SET UP the counter trap, and that is why he was NOT surprised in the least on this “whistle blower” from TWO months ago.
He was able to declass that conversation in RECORD time. Know why? Because it was a TRAP. A trap Haspel helped SET UP. Haspel, if she were a “bad seed” could have and WOULD have allowed the complaint to proceed THROUGH the Cia General counsel. She did NOT. So, they went with the devil they knew. WHY? Why not just go to the ICIG FIRST? Plus, one last thing that all but PROVES my point.
You KNOW that Haspel was either IN that room or HAD the transcript, the WHOLE transcript. Why would she not STOP the dems and Cabal from stepping INTO the trap if she were on THEIR side. Answer she ISN’T Akum’s Razor.


I’ll give you the possible third option to avoid Occam’s Razor… but wow, is it a dangerous one, if it is indeed, another set up.
A setup which has now triggered an impeachment inquiry? Driving the stock market? Allowing the President to be weak going into negotiations with China and DPRK?
It COULD be another set up.
And gosh, we sure hope Gina Haspel is on our side, but we should be cautious at this point, yes?


Trump has them RIGHT where he wants them, a place HE put them. Yes the stock market hits are bad, as are the allegations. BUT what would we rather have a trap that brings this WHOLE house of cards in the Cabal down, and rather quickly, as it will NOW allow Trump to put forth ALL the evidence they have, NO MORE stalling by DOJ moles OR IC moles, Trump gets his day, and it will be BAD for them. Or, do we let them continue their schemes and have a illegitimate “real” impeachment, that drags the country into a very real long drawn out recession because of the impeachment, Then NOTHING on EITHER end gets done. In Trumps trap, HE is still chugging along, going about OUR business, and continues winning DESPITE the crap, and finally when he won after this farce, we would recover, but by that time 1/2 his second term would be wasted on a FARCE. Meaning HALF his terms were “wasted” on nothing but a game by the dems. They KNOW they cannot remove Trump, Impeachmenrt is ONLY meant to stall Trump’s agenda, AND to create a recession.
Now if Trump set a trap (he did) HE sets the terms. The Cabal is on the defensive, and staked to a charade of a position. Trump GETS to present ALL of the refuting evidence, and brings down the whole lot…draining the swamp. While the farce is going on, the dems DO NOTHING (which is good) but rant, and try to impeach. They become FIXATED because they are STUPID. Trump gets to CONTINUE winning, and go about his business while the Dems and Cabal get EXPOSED and literally DESTROY themselves. While a shot term bad spot, the economy will ROAR back when Trump destroys them ALL, AND we win both the House AND Senate in super majorities. Which means Trumps 2nd term will be MORE successful and transformative than ANY President since Washington.
I said it the other day, the Dems will NEVER formally impeach Trump, because then he gets subpoena power AND gets to see ALL their “evidence” NO WAY they want that.
This, like the Russia farce and the Kavanaugh farce, is nothing more than guilt by innuendo and MSM smear. Guilty until Trump proves his innocence, and they will cry like babies WHEN he defends himself. The antithesis of ALL the Constitution and rule of law stand for. the EXACT opposite of the founders intentions. They want a public “trial” by innuendo and in the MEDIA, not the courtroom. This IS a witch hunt, how can one defend against a LIE when the TRUTH is never allowed out. That is the plan, it has ALWAYS been the plan, maybe NOT the specific scenario, but it was the general gist. Trump just waited for ALL the evidence to be gathered, ALL the players to reveal themselves and intentions, and THEN drop the hammer. He waited for the PERFECT opportunity, and Schiff GAVE it to him, (After he got ENOUGH White hats (Haspel, Pompeo, Barr, Durham) in place to make SURE he wins. Does THAT make more sense? Or do you believe the dems ran with this BEFORE they had the transcript?
One last “bet” I bet Schiff thought that HASPEL would “convince” Trump NOT to release the transcripts and complaint. That is why they ran with it BEFORE they all saw it (Schiff did, he WROTE it, or at least PART of it). Schiff and Pelosi were confident that Trump would either NOT release the transcripts, stall the release so they had time to widely disseminate their lie, OR issue a redacted version that would “verify” their lie. They NEVER thought Trump would release it ALL and so quickly. My bet, they thought Haspel would “convince” him not to, not realizing she was with TRUMP and HELPED trap them..till it was too late. Now they are all in with jack high. Trump has a royal flush.


Did you see the article in the NY Times that proves Schiff had advance knowledge of the whistle blower complaint? In it his aide defends and deflects on Schiff knowing by saying they tried the CIA cousel first, but were displeased at the response so they went ICIG. That means to me at least that I am right on Haspel, she knew this was garbade and did NOT push it. It means she KNEW of it, and did NOTHING on it, so they had to punt to the ICIG. Now knowing she did nothing, is it out of the realm to say she DID do something, she let Trump know what was coming, AND helped him bait the trap. Trump was TOO aware when this hit, he knew it ALL.


Holy Shiff!!!!!!!!!


Yeah they like to 💩 and bury it … 🤨


It was here someplace but I can’t remember where.


Thank you, thank you.
Big T was looking for it last night.


CTH had a post about it with the Scrib link. Here is the Scrib link. Practically all references I’ve found go back to CTH, but I did read the entire ICIG 4 page word salad justification.


It’s been posted here several times, so were good. Also I know I read it on Gateway Pundit, but you might have to go back into their archives a day at least if its not on the front page.

Cuppa Covfefe

Take the ?format= out, and replace it with a “.” to get the piccomment image
And for tweets, if you have “mobile.” in the URL, they won’t post, just backspace over
it to get the tweet:


I’ll copy this and give it a shot … ty Cuppa ❤️‼️


Who is sicilian fixer ..?????? Why is he saying what he does and how does he know what we do not know..?



Border Wall – total miles now complete – 125.3
AMERICAN steel!!!


I haven’t a peep from Ann Coulter lately. I wonder why…?


Too hot still….she’s menopausal….



Okay…so how about the conversations with Ozero?


by demanding or even asking for these transcripts Congress is slowly trying to erode Executive Privilege…they have closed door hearings–but demand everything the President does be transparent—EQUAL branches–get it Congress? then get over it!


They in turn the MUST also be transparent … (yeah right … when hell freeze over … wait .. 🤭 … hmmm)


Just say, NO. Executive Privilege. Piss on the D-Rats. NOTHING will satisfy the bastards until, President Trump is ran out of office. Latter will NEVER happen. So, D-Rats will NEVER STOP. F’m D-Rats.


LOL here is the SURE way to stop that. They DON’T want this answer. Ready? I’m sorry, Dems, you are not entitled due the documents you have requested do to an ONGOING CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted SINCE MAY by Barr and Durham. Watch the Dems shit themselves.


Bingo Pat.
Now why would Putin do this? Is it in interest getting rid of Trump or is he enjoying a weekend President.
This should never happen to weaken the uS presidency.
Democrats are working against the US.


This has to stop.
No more micro-managing of the President.
And sure as heck, no Monday morning quarterbacking.


Antifa from another mother…


… turds in sheets .. they’re full of …. 🤨‼️


Our favorite elf on a judtice shelf has made an appearance!
Snipped from the bb article-
“In the end, the question is has there been progress advancing the interest of the United States and have our efforts made life better in these countries?” Sessions added. “They were supposedly trying to help. Shouldn’t those be fundamental questions as we go forward?”
As an example, Sessions referred to former President Barack Obama’s opposition to the U.S. effort to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. As he explained, despite at least 500,000 dead and 5 million displaced, ISIS was able to gain a foothold and Assad remains in power.
Noting that this was central to Trump’s 2016 campaign, it required Trump standing up to the so-called establishment.
“I think President Trump sensed that correctly,” he said. “He said the American people are right. ‘I’m with you. I’ll stand up to the establishment,’ whoever they are – the global community, the Congress, the State Department, the military, ‘and we’re not going to be in so many wars. I’m going to pull this country back, and we’re going to put the national interest first.’”
Sessions said it was an evolution to those positions but reiterated his support for Trump given those positions were the views of the American people.
“I came to many of these ideas gradually over time,” he continued. “I began to wonder aren’t we drifting away on these issues and a lot of others from what the principles of our party basically are. Trump announced it. Mo [Brooks] reasserted it. That’s why I support him, and why I still do support him. These are essentially the views of the American people, and I think they are good views. They’re wise.”


Timing. A coming out of sorts ( a good kind) as the swamp is going to implode soon?


Timing interesting. A coming out of sorts, of a good kind, pending implosion by D-Rats and deep state imminent?


Overwhelming sense of time, Kalbokalbs. Feel like the next 20 days is all-important. It’s why the Dems are pushing so hard.


Ahhhhhhhh hahahahahahaha … hooo ho ho ho ….. awwwwwww 😩 … poor doggy … he sooo smart … sort of ….. haaaaaaa … sigh … I snickered through this wheatie … LOVE it 😍🥰🥰🤗❤️‼️


Hes being such a good boy too.


My hubby had some foam animals for bow practice. When we took dogs for walks, some of them would react to the critters……… it could be pretty hilarious. Anything from needing to go hide to that varmint needs to be gotched! The really smart ones would look at them, and then realize they weren’t real.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Pencilneck is real! 😉
“Who does No. 2 work for???!!! Who does No. 2 work for???!!!” 😀


comment image
christian living
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 1, 2019
finding a strength to bear witness identity faith
Have you ever been ashamed of the Gospel? It’s not something Christians like to admit, but we all have experienced this feeling at some point. Sometimes it’s easier to hide our faith than to stand up to the pressure around us.
We may keep quiet when non-believers criticize Christianity or the church. We may back down from our stand on sin when someone calls us narrow-minded or judgmental. We may feel embarrassed when our godly lifestyle sets us apart from our peers.comment image
Even Jesus’ disciple Peter succumbed to the temptation to publicly hide his faith in the face of antagonism. After Jesus’ arrest, Peter denied even knowing Him: “I don’t know the man!” (see Matthew 26:69-75). But as we see in the book of Romans, once we fully understand the power of the Gospel, we will be less concerned about the approval of other people and more concerned with living for God. Because the apostle Paul’s identity was in Christ, he knew that being a “servant of Christ Jesus” was an honor—not a reason for shame (Romans 1:1). Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God
Paul tells us about this transforming power: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith’” (Romans 1:16-17)
Because of the Gospel, Paul was confident in his mission here on earth, and he understood the importance of carrying out God’s purposes. He knew that faith is not a one-time act, but something that encompasses past, present, and future. Because of this sure foundation, Paul found strength instead of shame when he faced opposition and persecution.
Prayer: God, help me to be more concerned with Your approval than the approval of man. May I never be ashamed of the Gospel. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day” (2 Timothy 1:11-12)

Jude 24-25
Glory to God
24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
25 To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.


Dear Jesus ……….. just a measly million dollars is all I need. Thank you.


… and put it all on an easy pick PowerBall ticket 🎫 … 😩🤚


Dear Jesus ……….. just a measly million dollars is all I need. Thank you.
God knows what we need and maybe you do not need a $million and you are expanding energy on the wrong price 🙂


I’d sure like to see us do this to a certain ‘former’ president…


… 😃👍‼️‼️‼️‼️
Cue to 39 seconds then …. 😐🤚

Cuppa Covfefe

He needs to be an ONTAPANURE…


… BWAHAHAHAHAHA ‼️ …. this is SO AWESOME .. bwahahahahaha sigh .. this is a KEEPER … playing forward to kids … lol 😝👍❤️‼️

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s looking to become Porous Shenko…


Bwahahahahaha … 😂🤚‼️❤️


As my dear friends in West Virginia say….”boy, howdy!”


Yeah this kind of stuff might make Ms Lindsey a bit nervous….
NIce pic with the three of them.





How long have we been screaming about Alexandra Chalupa?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

However, not as long as that guy who I can’t even remember his NAME because TWITTER won’t show me his tweets EVER, but he’s a REAL JOURNALIST.
Lee something…….
Lee S……..
Let’s go check his Twitter feed MANUALLY…..
HOLY SHIT! You have to see his pinned tweet!

And then this….

Deplorable Patriot

Hmm…. Another connected tweet today:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I decided to get on it and pick up some pro-active flight insurance at the same time!


Here is the unrolled version of that Lee Stranahan thread. Lots of info on the CIA involvement in JFK’s murder and Operation Mockingbird:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, it is a TOTAL PATTERN. Once you see the connections across JFK, MLKJ, RFK, Reagan/Brady, CA3, and the works, it is ALL CIA – or – more correctly – INSIDE CIA. That was where they found power to manipulate the United States into CONTROL.
They have to IMPROVISE quite a bit, with what CARGO they could find on the ISLAND, but they are quite ADEPT at doing so. CIA stays on the cutting edge of all possible physical hacks using local resources. They can grab the new available tools as soon as they are “inside deterministic cover”.
Michael Crichton had his finger on this idea in “Congo”, and I always thought it was a bit of a hokey add-on “warm-up” to the plot, but now I see it as such a cool idea and metaphor for what was really happening.
America is important. The NEW WORLD was important. Why? It was like a growth spurt they could not control properly. MISTAKES WERE MADE that, ironically, allowed for self-awareness and sentience at a higher level to proceed outside of CONTROL.
OMG – this whole thing is utterly amazing from 93 million miles up.
Jordan Sather is on this right now to the point that it HURTS.

Deplorable Patriot

“America is important. The NEW WORLD was important. Why? It was like a growth spurt they could not control properly. MISTAKES WERE MADE that, ironically, allowed for self-awareness and sentience at a higher level to proceed outside of CONTROL.”
I suspect there’s more here than most people could take in, starting with the “discovery” of Hispanola and everything else in this hemisphere 25 years before the protestant revolt. There are indications that Columbus knew exactly where he was going. And that’s just the beginning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. History is written by those claiming victory. What really happened…. In some cases, only God knows at this point.

Cuppa Covfefe

Garrison says it well in a great cartoon:comment image


I know how much we don’t like Ann for her non support of the President but this was actually funny.
𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚑𝚊𝚗 ⏳ Retweeted
Ann Coulter
Okay, Mr. President, now you’re losing me again …
Trump Denies Washington Post Report That He Wanted Moat, Electric Fence on the Border.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She does have a wicked sense of humor when she wants to have one!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I actually knew about the Mary Meyer thing. I don’t know if it was the CSPAN interview or if there was another way that came into my circle, but Watergate junkies tend to find this stuff out.


Marie Louise Yovanovich…Told you. GP has an article up today. SHE (as i said) was the one that STOPPED the Ukraine delegation from coming to the US to give Trump and the DOJ the proof. Dems called her to “testify”. She was FIRED in APRIL. She is the one that passed the Black Ledger from the corrupt politicians in Ukraine to to the MSM that hit Manafort. THAT is exactly what Trump, Rudy, and Barr were fishing for when they found out about the Biden corruption. It IS coming. That the dems found it necessary to make her “testify” tells me ALL I need to know. I hope Jordan and Meadows etal get a shot at her. She is a big piece of this puzzle. (Dems are STUPID for calling her) This ALL predates Crossfires beginnings in JULY of 2016 that ALLOWED for the spying. This, Papadopolous, and Don Jr, as I have repeatedly said IS the timeline problem. I wish just ONE of the Reps in Congress would SEE it. Once the timeline gets righted AWAY from Page and ONTO Manafort, Papadopolous, and Don jr, the Cabal is FOOKED. Crossfire, and Page the plant were ALL to realign the timeline and a feeble attempt to retroactively justify ALL the previous SPYING which, ironically was based ON the “Steele” dossier, making it a predicate and a justification FOR ITSELF. Their case is tissue paper dipped in gasoline and sitting in the desert with no wind near an open flame.


She’s the other one.
She’s the one in the Ukraine.
Chalupa originally went to Ukraine’s Amb here in USA but was rebuffed.
THEN, she started working with several staffers at the Ukraine Embassy in the USA.


I agree there were bad players on BOTH sides of that branch. Yovanovich though was the one that got the Black Ledger and then STOPPED the Ukraine delegation from getting a VISA. It has to go through her FIRST and then the US/ Ukraine consulte HERE (State dept) It was not only the DOJ and FBI that was corrupted and in on this scheme, it was John Kerry and State too. What was Hillary’s last job again..oh yeah, Sec of State. Yovanovich was with her at State in 2011-2013, before Kerry made her an Ambassador to Ukraine. Under Hillary, she was an Ambassador to Armenia, another bastion of corruption.


Marie was the Obama holdover Ambassador who regularly eviscerated President Trump on twitter.
Yovanovitch, yes, is the one who got the black ledger to frame Manafort….. which precipitated the trial in the Ukraine where two people were found guilty of meddling in the US election to help Hillary/DNC.
Yovanovitch is the one who blocked visas of the five witnesses who wanted to travel to the USA to make their case with the FBI/DOJ.
Yovanovitch is in this up to her neck and her hands are big time DIRTY.
But there were others also.
There are staffers at the Ukraine Embassy in the USA who helped Chalupa AND Hunter Biden’s PR/Legal firm who traveled to Ukraine after the new prosecutor was installed (after Shokin resigned).


AGREED. We are on the same side on this, let me make that clear, I just have been on Yovanovich from the BEGINNING, I think she is a BIG fish, that can bring the whole thing down through her actions in Ukraine. There ARE others, like Mifsud, Halper, Simpson, Orr, BUT, she is in a “soft position” highly vunerable. She is a US citizen, and a former diplomat, meaning she can face the NOOSE fro treason, OR sing on the BIGGER fish. Halper and Mifsud are foreign nationals, and Simpson and Orr were civilians (though Orr did work with the CIA and also violated her oath and could be in the noose as well). Simpson is a civilian, harder to prove his treason, but it IS there, he will just get life in GITMO. Prison or the noose, which is a bigger consequence? Q said “follow the wives” I think that meant the women in the cabal are the KEYSTONES. think, Yovanovich, Nellie Orr, Page, Nuland, Rice, Power, even Veselnitskaya and Evelyn Farcus.


Yovanovitch is a big fish and could unravel a great deal. Court case in the Ukraine already adjudicated proved the fraud and Ukraine help for DNC in 2016.
Again, it’s the other people, smaller players (I think there are 8 of them) who helped, and would be able to provide details on the crimes of the DNC/Hillary/Obama admin.
RE: Wives
Let’s not forget, Simpson’s wife is Mary Jacoby, in the WH in April of 2016.
Mary Jacoby worked for Clinton’s Rose Law Firm (Whitewater) and was one of the few never prosecuted.


Chulapa tried to get dirt from the Ukraine embassy HERE. Yovanovich GOT dirt, manufactured dirt from corrupt Ukrainian politicians on Manafort. Then she PASSED it to the US MSM. Chalupa FAILED. Yovanovich accomplished her task, and it lead to Manafort being jailed, and all to try and implicate Trump. It is truly sad where a Ukrainian diplomat HERE, is more trustworthy and LESS corrupt than OUR American diplomat in Ukraine. That is the difference between what Dawn and I are saying. Neither is good, but one is FAR worse and had wide ranging CONSEQUENCES. The other was a seditious attempt. One is Sedition, the other is LITERALLY TREASON.



Thank you Demonrats for your constant harassment of President Trump and your B.S. impeachment attempts. You’re making our world a lot less safe. Buttheads.


Why can’t we draft these curs … put them in the hot zones .. you know give them something to do .. 🤨



Never checked her twitter feed direct before, though I’d take a look at the comments…..
Humanity sucks

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The inhumanity is learned. Its source will flail HARD through us as we REMOVE IT.

Deplorable Patriot

Curious timing. Jackson is one of the playgrounds for the wealthy even if all of us peons are welcome to visit.

Steve in Lewes

It is a great place. Wife and me went their years ago before we were wealthy and went as visitors..hehe!
The descent into the Jackson hole airport is a white-knuckler….however the take off outta there is a double white-knuckler and a double foot toe-curler.
The Grand Tetons (I really like Grand Tetons), Snake River fly fishing, medium rare Bison rib-eye, and so many cowboy saloons (did I say I like beer). I really like the saloon across from the Bison skull archway where the bar stools are western saddles.

Deplorable Patriot

I LOVED Grand Tetons. My sister and I flew out of Jackson, but not into it. That trip is one long story that has to be true because you can’t make that stuff up.


Gateway Pundit linked to the government’s response to Powell’s arguments. For those who are interested, a careful reading of this entire document is necessary.
IMO the government response supports several observations of Powell’s representation:
1) Powell does NOT present a coherent legal framework for what she is doing. Specifically, she has entirely failed to cite legal authority applicable to the specific facts of her case, as opposed to making sweeping, impressive sounding but useless generalizations expected of a first year law student;
2) Powell’s position is self-contradictory;
3) Powell completely fails to address certain indisputable facts about the guilty plea, and refuses to discuss the legal implications of the guilty plea itself;
4) Powell’s legal argument, such as it is, focuses on entirely irrelevant facts which also happen to be the subject of a book she is constantly hawking;
5) Powell also fails to allege ineffective assistance of prior counsel, an omission which implicitly admits her current legal arguments are baloney.
The arguments Powell does make, as I have said before, are political arguments, not legal arguments. I AGREE with those political arguments, but do NOT agree to using them to represent her client. (And BTW, the government in its response demonstrates abject stupidity by using the phrase “conspiracy theory.” “Irrelevant” would have been sufficient).
ALSO, this document supports the concern that Powell’s tactics are very bad for Flynn when it comes to sentencing. This is for two reasons: 1) the judge might very well feel as if he is being jerked around by Powell for self-serving political purposes; and 2) the government intends (apparently) to ask for MORE time at sentencing based on Flynn’s (IOW, Powell’s) behavior. Powell is screaming “NO REMORSE, NO REMORSE, NO REMORSE” which is just about the dumbest thing a lawyer can do before sentencing.
Answer this one: has Powell made it more likely or less likely for Flynn to get a well deserved pardon?


well, IMO the gov’t’s response to Powell’s brief is a joke, and I completely disagree with your premise that Sidney isn’t making any good legal arguments, such as her focus on Brady material.
Moreover, we have a HIGHLY respected lawyer’s take. As I posted yesterday:
“Here is Ristvan’s take on the douchebags filing today…
“Judge Sullivan is going to be furious and Sidney will shred them in her response filing. Big picture, there are three mistakes so obvious the responses must have been written by a first year associate. But signed by Van Grack and Jessie Liu, so they have to take responsibility.
1. They argue that Flynn waived any right to further Brady discovery in his plea before Contreras. But Van grack already made that argument before Judge Sullivan, and Judge Sullivan already has rejected it.
2. In the specifically responsive attachment to the 40 items, they argue many are not relevant. But that is for Powell, not Van Grack to determine. Stupidly they also forgot Sidney’s detailed request motion fo which this is the reply. She pointed out to Judge Sullivan in the pleading that Van Grack had argued irrelevancy previously, and when Judge Sullivan compelled production, it turned out some Claimed irrelevant materials WERE Brady relevant. Trying the same trick twice after having such specific misconduct proven is NOT smart.
3. In the attachment, they specifically argue other items have already been supplied. That is blatantly false. The biggest example is Sidney’s request for the original Flynn 302 based on Pientka’s notes. Van Grack says they already provided the notes and the ‘final’ 302 (edited by McCabe months later). Neither are the original 302, which when compared to the final will show prosecutorial misconduct via biased editing—which is Brady relevant. Ouch!


I have disagreed with Ristvan before, and I disagree now.
But we shall see what happens.
The important thing is the General’s welfare, not Powell’s.


BTW: Ristvan does not make the Brady argument himself. IOW Ristvan does not understand that Brady requires a much more specific and coherent legal argument in order for Brady to become relevant, let alone decisive. I like Ristvan, but this is not the first time he has shown that his legal knowledge is incomplete. This is the peril and the absurdity of “lawyers” dropping in to give opinions on cases where they cannot possibly know what all the facts/circumstances are.
Let me give you an example. Ristvan completely overlooks the distinction between exculpatory and impeaching, a distinction which was obvious from the very beginning of the 302 issue. You do not need to be a lawyer to understand this issue, just careful. These are two distinctions (of dozens?) which underlie Brady, but do not get discussed by Powell (or Ristvan), distinctions which can be gleaned from a good internet essay on Brady.
I understand that defending General Flynn is disdained and crudely threatened by folks who are determined to support Powell out of the best of intentions, people who ironically MIGHT be cheer-leading for Flynn’s augmented suffering.
I am generally skeptical of any “lawyer” who parachutes into a legal issue on the internet to give definitive legal analysis and prediction, especially when common sense on the part of a layperson can understand the issues well enough for general purposes.
As for me, I am concerned about General Flynn’s welfare, not about Sidney Powell’s favorable public relations.


“This is the peril and the absurdity of “lawyers” dropping in to give opinions on cases where they cannot possibly know what all the facts/circumstances are.”
You mean like yourself.
Ok. Got it.


“I am generally skeptical of any ‘lawyer’ who parachutes into a legal issue on the internet to give definitive legal analysis and prediction, especially when common sense on the part of a layperson can understand the issues well enough for general purposes.”
I have not a single time given “definitive” legal analysis, or purported to do so; I have never made a prediction about what was going to happen in the Flynn case, or any other situation for that matter; and I have never held myself out to be a lawyer or even expressing a legal opinion.
There is nothing magical about being a lawyer, or a doctor for that matter, especially because every case is a unique case.
Offering a general perspective on things is a different matter and a distinction well worth considering while reading.
For instance, I have gotten a LOT of valuable medical perspective/information on QTH by people who were not doctors. But I understood they were not treating me as an individual.


Right. You are simply going to try and smear a woman’s good name while admitting you don’t know all the facts.
Your hypocritical opinion sucks.


As for me, I am concerned about General Flynn’s welfare, not about Sidney Powell’s favorable public relations.
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And btw, it seems like you really don’t know what is happening in this case, given your post here.
You claim the judge would be mad at Sidney, proof positive you know nothing about the dynamics at play.


Correct, I do not know all the facts relating to the case. My concern that the judge would be mad at Powell is not a fact, it is an opinion.


You don’t even realize that Flynn isn’t going to need a pardon after Judge Sullivan vacates his guilty please and throws this case out of court for gross prosecutorial conduct.
Pretty ballsy of you trying to come into this space and sell that pap here.
I STRONGLY recommend you don’t do it again.

Deplorable Patriot

Please, quit while you are ahead.


What kind of head are you referring to?

Deplorable Patriot

Nothing having anything to do with you.


Why do you strongly recommend that?


She’s talking to FGC, Tona, not you.
We never know when FG&C will erupt, do we?


Certainly doesn’t further the discussion of give and take ideas, data, perspectives…
On the positivce side, we have come to expect, the unexpected, warranted or not.


FG&C has a great heart and makes some wonderful posts. Not that he would want to be there, but I would want FG&C in my foxhole.


I’ve defended him as well.


And me.But he could start a fight in an empty room

Deplorable Patriot

When he hasn’t been flying all day. He’s not the first pilot to be aggressive and other testosterone laden traits when not doing what they do. I have a cousin who’s the same way. Knew more than one test pilot who was. They get all that out in the air.


The original draft of the government’s plea deal DID NOT contain and admission (for Flynn) that he KNOWINGLY filed a false FARA.
The government ADDED it later.
THEN, they put his son on the witness list.
THEN, the FBI went to the son’s home, scooped up all his electronics, despite the son having legal representation.
Son was kept on the witness list to force Flynn’s guilty plea.
AND the partner was not formally indicted until the gov’t thought Flynn’s plea was in doubt.
HORRIBLE prosecutorial misconduct.
What Sidney did or did not do is immaterial.
That the partner’s case was thrown out of court for lack of evidence………. gave Sidney the opportunity to elaborate.


Elaborate for whose benefit?
What Powell does (it would seem) could very well have a huge adverse impact on General Flynn, and to that extent is material.
WRT government misconduct, this is just the way the government rolls, and has for years. It has already been discounted long before Flynn, and as such might be to no avail to the General, or actually far worse.


1. Agreed Flynn is the priority and we love Flynn.
2. After Arthur Anderson Enron case, everything changed. Prosecutorial conduct was brought into mainstream. Sullivan was the judge for Senator Ted Stevens trial. He knows how awful these prosecutors are. Truth is, Powell/Flynn are entitled to the docs and full discovery…….. especially since we know the plea was forced.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My personal view is that Sidney knows exactly what she is doing here, having many things working in her favor, and that she is at the Trumpian level of playing a paradoxical game. I believe she is NOT DOING things very intentionally, for strategic reasons which I withhold to maximize her winning. Nevertheless, I think it’s useful to do what TRUMP HIMSELF always does, and CONFRONT THE DOWNSIDE, as you have done.
Just as one minor benefit of facing the downside, I would not have revealed my opinion had you not started this argument, so I appreciate the chance to reveal my thinking.
This is not a slam dunk – it’s a nail-biter, as it always was supposed to be. This is high-stakes poker, but there are elements of BRIDGE. Once you see it that way, and look at what has passed before, and what Sidney’s background is, one can see a bit into her strategy.
This is more than law now. It is literally LAWFARE.


I truly hope you are right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fingers crossed – in a good way!
My feeling is that his position will look very different from the other side of the bridge we are about to cross.


I understand you completely. In that sense, what Powell is doing is a wonderful harbinger.
There might very well be a lot of people scrambling to show they are doing the right and just thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The current position is absolutely treacherous, as you have noted. Mueller/Weissmann’s attack on Flynn through his son was evil genius. Flynn’s response was extremely smart, IMO. The Wicked Inhuman Deep State got what it wanted most of all – 4 years with Flynn on ice, but Flynn got what our side needed – a wooden stake through the heart of Deep State. What I now believe is that Flynn knew he had to take a fall, but he simply held onto their body as he went over the edge. All that time to the ground has proven to be more useful for US than it was for THEM. Now it is just a matter of keeping the positioning where the bad guys become the crash pad for the good guys. My feeling is that the good guys are all figuring out how to air brake this thing into perfect alignment.
Q was an essential part of this. It was a stabilizer, as presumably advertised to all. But the bads deceived themselves that this could work to their ultimate advantage. Yes, in some ways, but they only negotiated more lattes with lawyers in their retirement, instead of immediate concrete cubicles. Although some of them are likely going to get to the drink-stand toilets quicker than others.


Not legal smart, me that is.
Seems as though the Feds have failed to turn over Brady material.
When they were ORDERED to do so previously, the FEDS WERE PROVEN liars, that they withheld information the defense deserved, legally deserved.
FEDS said not needed or “summaries” turned over.
FEDS should be jailed.
EXACT same concept got the 100% phony Fed charges against the Bundy Family tossed by (IMO) corrupt Judge Navarro. All charges tossed with prejudice.
EXACT same should happen in Flynn’s case. Guilty plea tossed. Charges tossed with prejudice.
AND, FED prosecutors punished…jailed for rail roading an American citizen.


Likening Flynn’s case to other cases means looking in depth to the other cases and determining if they are exactly the same or if there is some significant difference.
The wheels of justice turn exceedingly fine, which is why it is hard for outside observers, even well informed ones, to know what is going on with a case.


Most of it is beyond my comprehension.
Like reading the varying perspectives and logic provided.


I greatly resent a proven hypocrite attempting to smear the good name of a woman (Sidney Powell) in accusing her of using Gen. Flynn’s case for her personal gain and, at the same time, suggesting that this same woman….whose professional reputation is impeccable….is acting like an amateur who is risking Flynn’s welfare.
Get stuffed.


“one” not on


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, they were calling US terrorists again on fake news this morning.



I have mixed feelings about events like this. Yes we need to show our support for Pres. Trump, but I wonder if an event like this is the best way. I think the donations people have made lately have spoken volumes. The only way such an event would be noteworthy is if there were huge attendance, and that often doesn’t happen. (Trump rallies are different, of course.)
I think a lot of us don’t think Pres. Trump is in imminent danger of being impeached, so the motivation to go out and march might be low at present. I hope I’m wrong and they have huge crowds. If not, the media will delight in reporting low turnout.


Blockage in Artillery??? 😂😂😂😂
Glad to know his Socialism propaganda weapon has been plugged up!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I saw that, too. But he really did have a heart procedure and will be unavailable until further notice.


He wont be gracing us in CA with his presence. Fine by me.


My hubby, older than Bernie, had 3 stents placed and was back on the golf course, walking the entire (hilly) 18 holes, after a week of rest recommended by the cardiologist. All this happened about 3 weeks ago. Probably much better physical condition than Bernie, by appearances. This, however might be a graceful way “out” of the campaign. After all, he gets to keep what’s left in his campaign war chest.


Wow, Teagan, that’s good news!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Stents are amazing technology! Praise God for medical wisdom!


All the Democrat candidates are ‘duds’.

Steve in Lewes

Blocking artillery is a baaad thing, blocking arteries can lead to bad ending, but is fixable.
The stint procedure is an outpatient procedure, but at times hold you overnight for observation.
I know this from my personal experience back in 2004.


What a crying shame. A fallen police officer’s family will go without the funds an event would have provided because a couple of liberal idiots had to interject their political demands. They should be totally ashamed of themselves for denying the heroic officer’s family money they need to survive now that the head of the household is gone.

Deplorable Patriot

Really, what role is Gorka playing.


Now we know Secretary Pompeo was present in the Oval Office for this call.
Were Ø and VJ listening from down the street?


….well maybe it was a 3 or more party secure conference call.
Certainly all parties were aware of the others’ presence.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m with the cat…words I thought I would never say about a feline.

Deplorable Patriot

Sick, just sick.


I guess his goat died. Hope he rots.


This says that Aljahim, out on bail the same day of this report met with Sanders at his rally as an organizer, again the same day after getting out on bail. Might make ya wonder if Berine just learned about this and thus the cause of the heart attack?

Deplorable Patriot

Gorka uses the word “Obamagate” and the next day this pops into my feed.


A lot of interesting info on Shrimpton. Just DDGo’d him and am perusing the pros and cons.


Court to Rule if Boris Can Be Jailed for Refusing to Delay Brexit
A Scottish judge could force Prime Minister Boris Johnson to request a Brexit extension or face a fine or imprisonment.


Dream of the globalists when cornered and desperate…… throw my opposition into jail.
Boris for Brexit
Trump for investigation into 2016 fraud.


So, now Scotland is dictating to England. The conquered become the dictators! Interesting turn of events



Deplorable Patriot

He may not have wanted a moat with gators and venomous snakes on the southern border, but I did.


With the electricity and spikes!!!


Sharks with laser beams.


Hillary in a canoe.


Paddle board, Chimpy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Posting this from up thread.. seems more appropriate here.
I know how much we don’t like Ann for her non support of the President but this was actually funny.
𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚑𝚊𝚗 ⏳ Retweeted
Ann Coulter
Okay, Mr. President, now you’re losing me again …
Trump Denies Washington Post Report That He Wanted Moat, Electric Fence on the Border.


“…sell the fact…”? Was it a fact or not, Mr. President? In today’s world of sound bites, that first sentence is subtly passing the wrong message.
I am not being the grammar police here. Rather just pointing out that the message would be clearer if he replaced the word “fact” with one of the following: hoax, story, myth, rumor.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, I agree with the president. The news media is in the persuasion business. The concept is being presented as “fact” in a con job.


You got a point there, Deplorable….


Christine Niles reports from Rome.

Deplorable Patriot

Coordinated power move.


So glad I didn’t watch this nonsense. Here’s Shem’s thread, much easier on the BP 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that botox broad is SUCH a fraud.


HA-HA … 🤨 … as of 12:23 pm I’m at the last/most recent post on thread .. 😃 … 😑.. 🐢 …


… ahhhhh 🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 …. 😫🤚


LOL! I’m watching President Trump’s interactions with the Presstitutes in the White House right now. He’s really giving it to Schiff and the other loony lying liberals in Congress.


OH MY! Our President speaking on Adam Chit..
criminal & treasonous!
Low Life!
Should be tried for Treason!

Shifty Schiff!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Adam Schiff needs to immediately resign from the Intelligence committee, and an investigation into his activities needs to be conducted.
He fabricated this whole damn mess, and there are rumblings that even a number of Democrats are sick of his BS.
He is now a witness in all this and put his seditious arse under oath.
Let’s see his phone records and E Mails and text messages now.
Any transcripts of his conversations that can be acquired, and the nature of his Ukrainian contacts.


President Trump called Adam Schiff a “Lowlife” and “Shifty Schiff”. He said Schiff “couldn’t carry his blank-strap”.
“Do-nothing Congress”


And the President of Finland is sitting there patiently waiting for President Trump to finish (sic) with the Presstitutes.


That was fabulous!! POTUS is now calling it CORRUPT NEWS, Fake is too mild. 😂😂🤣




He’s fire up. Don’t mess with Kansas!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I can’t wait to VOTE for PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP!!!!


Savage! And completely appropriate.


The best and most happily “unpresidential” President ever.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Teagan better slap me or I’m gonna take up cussin’ again!!! 😀


Did you stop?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same question back! 😉


I have modified my language in deference to the safety of this site.
IOW not at all

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I decided to give FUCK and SHIT a bit of a rest, but as you can see they’re still ready for action! 😉
Seriously, I want the words to carry more weight by using them more sparingly. I also want to starve any demons that might be lurking in wait of their usage. And neither last nor least, it’s always good to randomly change behaviors for reasons of WINNING. 😎


Mess with their heads. Like where’s ozzy and who are you?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Flexibility! It’s good! The VSG recommends it – that’s all I need! 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

First cussin’ or second cussin’ 🙂

Harry Lime

Some very interesting questions raised about the Las Vegas shooting (a few that I was unaware of if they’re true)…I guess the MSM has zero interest in digging below the FIB constructed surface of the biggest mass shooting in US history. That, in and of itself, should tell you all you need to know about the “facts” presented for public consumption.


FIB had 1500 page report on school shooting and only 3 pages on Vegas massacre. !!!THREE!!!

Harry Lime

Something is so wrong about all of this…from LEO, FIB, MSM, Politicians…the behaviour of everyone connected to this tragedy is so unnatural it’s downright creepy…
What a horror for the survivors, witnesses and friends and families affected by this whole nightmare…


Did he really say “blank” and not “jock?”


He said “blank”. He said it twice, in fact. He did not use the word “jock”, but everyone knows what he meant.


Yes he said blank. Didn’t want to refer to the real word.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe because Jock would offend the Scots (pejorative word used by others in the UK, e.g. Jock McFrock)…
Or, perhaps, Jock is a trigger word to all of the SJW snowflake soy-boys and their transisters…
(not a typo) (for once 🙂 )…

Deplorable Patriot

This story is a moving target.

Cuppa Covfefe

Time to sink the Schiff…

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot


FTR, besides the fact that the other Dem presidential candidates aren’t going to be happy if Hillary jumps in the race, I don’t see how Hillary runs. She is going to be under indictment for crimes committed during her tenure as SOS, and what about her treasonous moves against candidate Trump, and then President Trump.
Then there is always the death of Mark Rich. I wonder if any threads are being pulled on is death – or inadvertently they find who ordered the hit.


Seth rich?


Yes, thanks. Mark Rich must have been the crook Clinton pardoned.

Cuppa Covfefe

Marc Rich…
With all of the inbred criminality and evil in the deep state, it all seems to melt together… like a swamp thing…


Yep. The career criminal that was pardoned on his last day in office


Seth and Mark – just a couple of Hillary’s ‘Get Rich Quick’ schemes.

Chris Moritz

.. whooaa ! .. walked in on the joint Finland/President presser. @ 3:04 pm faux news..
My President taking the fake media to task !
Too short !! This one is going to get some Airtime !!


Perfect that they used a German Turbo Porsche for this short video. 🙂


If I had a supercar it would have fuck you greta on the back.


President Trump: “We would be a far greater nation if we didn’t have the CNN’s of the world, who are corrupt people”.
That’s tellin’ ’em, Mr. President!

Deplorable Patriot

Looking forward to the end of the party. This is exhausting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like a fresh image.

Deplorable Patriot

There were at least three tweets in a row with this clip:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Can ANYBODY see this tweet, or verify its contents? Twitter won’t say it’ deleted – only that it does not exist.
Edited: Image added:comment image

Deplorable Patriot

It’s gone.


Yes, Hillary will announce her candidacy eventually. And Warren will be her V.P. pick.


How can Pocahontas be so stupid as to saddle herself with a boulder like Hillary.
Oh wait… Pochantas, say no more.
I think Hillary really believes that fable about if she’s running for president or on the ticket, they can’t indite her.
Also would anyone here think that Hillary wouldn’t rub Pochantas out if the pair ever made it to the white house. It would likely happen as president-elect because Hillary wants to be the be the first woman president and was promised the position a long time ago. You got to know that she’s still fuming that Barack got to go first and now Trump.

Deplorable Patriot

Shades of Hitchcock and North by Northwest. I’m wondering if the whistleblower is a Kaplan figure, i.e., doesn’t exist except on paper.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think the whistleblower is HarveyTheRabbit PencilNeck Schiff… the invisible wan…

Deplorable Patriot

Putting this here for safekeeping. I have a theory that this little narrative is more along the lines of creative fiction.


Steve in Lewes

DP – Good article and comments going strong. btw, like the camels.
You know the old saying that camels are like sugar;
You like them with one lump or two !

Deplorable Patriot

We always hope for lively conversation, but this has been a but ridiculous today. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Wolf we are on a roller coaster .
You wrote something at OT about the roller coaster. You think you can post it here on and off to keep us in reality 🙂
Thanks in advance 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it may need an appearance this month. Maybe soon!


Very sad news today. The Collings B-17 bomber that crashed this morning in Connecticut was totally destroyed and even worse took five lives. Several more seriously injured.
I remember walking, or rather crawling through the plane several years ago when it and the Collings B-24 came to the Aurora, Oregon airport on tour. I watched it take off later and still remember the beautiful sound those four engines made as it roared into the air.–crash-at-bradley/article_d514bd24-e51d-11e9-b6ac-47e02ec67428.html


Very sad for the loss of life. Also, the loss of the great aircraft. So few authentic B-17s and 25s left.



POTUS: “I’m a Very Stable Genius, I watch my words very closely”

Deplorable Patriot

Seriously, consider the possibility that Schiff’s staff made this up. I mean, Clapper said it was one of the best written complaints he’s read, and we have no one slipping up on a pronoun that would help identify the person.
My money is on George Kaplan being the whistleblower, and sooner or later that’s going to come out after the Dems destroy themselves.
Just a guess, but the longer this goes on the more curious it is.

Deplorable Patriot

For those who are not movie fans, George Kaplan was the spy Cary Grant was mistaken for in Hitchcock’s North by Northwest. Kaplan did not exist, actually, but was supposed to be a foil for the villain in the film.


Hubby thought that President Trump would never have said that unless he knew it was true.


Yes, bet POTUS knows it’s true, and he also likely knows the entire conspiracy to create the Ukraine Hoax. Gonna be a doozy when all is revealed.

Deplorable Patriot

I wonder if VSGPDJT didn’t know that question was coming, like it was requested. Just the way he answered it.


And here is the confirmation:


Pres. Trump said, “I think he probably helped write it. That’s what the word is.” That’s what the word is? Pres. Trump doesn’t say things lightly. It would be oh-so-sweet to catch Schiff inventing a whistleblower and writing the so-called whistleblower’s report. Talk about a scandal! One can hope.

Deplorable Patriot

Just a possibility, but wouldn’t it be delicious?



Cuppa Covfefe

Scrum-diddly-umptious, indeed Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious…
Would be great if they have it all on tape (better yet, film) (at 11)…
I rather think that Schiffty has lost all his appetite for pizza and chicken, little sleazer that he is…


“But, I know what was in the call,” Pelosi continued, before quickly adding, “I mean, uh, it was in the public domain.”
Pelosi is in the toilet too.


Good point. An added bonus.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The botox has addled her to the point that she has the Ty-D-Bowl touch… everything she touches turns to Schiff…
(not sure if they have Ty-D-Bowl in Oz – it’s a toilet cleaner…as opposed to the Midas touch)…


What’s a toilet?

Cuppa Covfefe

A loo or W.C.
(funny, I almost wrote loo)…


Joking. We live in Australia not san poocisco or lots dangleberrys



testing 1….2. New toy works!
Finally broke down and signed up on Twitter so forgive me if I mess these up


I get more and more the impression that our VSGPOTUS set this up and the Dems, especially Shiffty Schiff ran straight into that trap.


That would be an epic setup! If that is what happened, then the Trump team can prove that it’s fake and present all the facts — whether there is even a real whistleblower, who wrote the complaint, etc. Pres. Trump’s strong language about Schiff being a traitor would be borne out and easily provable. At the very least, Schiff would be shown to be seditious if not traitorous.

tom f

Schiff has had dealings with foreign folks of ill repute.
I’m guessing there’s a FISA on him…….and others.
The President and his team know every move.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


comment image


comment image


Good one!

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s often triggered, so she must be locked down with a safety.
She’s usually “empty”, but often people think she’s loaded…
She appears to be higher-caliber than she really is…
And when she gets older, she’ll end up looking like a barrel…


1. A man can share one with his friends.
2. A man can say, “Nice rack” without getting slapped.
3. Women would be rapid fire multi-shot.
4. A man would oil a woman frequently.
Ok. Probably should stop. Is it warm in here?


Getting that way


She’s prettier since getting on The Trump Train.

Deplorable Patriot

hat tip Gunny from OT
🍺Gunny66 says:
October 2, 2019 at 12:00 pm
Q: Why do you never hear about burglars robbing Elizabeth Warren?
A: Professional courtesy.
Q: What does Elizabeth Warren use for birth control?
A: Her Personality.
I just heard about Elizabeth Warren 2020 and I dunno, I have some reservations about this
Thank you….Thank you very much…..


Hi Pat… good to see you…


hey there…you’re back!
how are you?


I figured out how to use the ‘scroll’ button 😉
If’n I don’t like the first couple of words, I jes ‘scroll’ on by…
and I’m taking a break from ‘bringing’ the news… there’s plenty of others who do a great job at that…
So, I have more time to ‘like’ and strokes those who are bringing good positive thoughts!
In that sense, yes, “I’m back” …
I’m movin’ kind of slow today, but still movin’ so that’s a good thing, right? 😉
How you doin’ ? Family well?


my granddaughter plays goalie on her soccer team and last weekend she got kicked in the hand and now we find out her finger is broken…but other than that we’re good…lol…still movin’ is ALWAYS a good thing!!


Hopin’ gr/daughter is on the mend…
movin, movin, movin 😉


thank you…

Deplorable Patriot

Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide. Q


Brennan is scared witless. He knows he’s being investigate along with all the other Deep State operatives who tried to rig the 2016 election.


Brit Hume seems to be finally waking up…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Who knew that Rudy’s biggest prosecution would be after he retired from being a prosecutor?


Don’t talk about it, Rudy and PDJT.


It occurs to me that Schiff did this, not only to push another Coup attempt, although how he thought he’d get away with it – don’t know… but he did this because of personal issues he has. Dirty pictures anyone? Fear has driven him over the edge. Lord knows what’s going to be revealed.


FTA: “A Ukrainian billionaire oligarch, with military industrial complex contracts, funding Adam Schiff’s campaign dinners at $2,500 a plate…no wonder Schiff is pushing the Russia fear mongering so hard.
Schiff’s hate for Trump and hate for Russia, can be easily explained by the money he appears to received from his oligarch patron, who has an agenda to neo-liberalize Ukraine, and profit from the pillage started in Maidan in 2014.
Perhaps its time to shine a little bit of light on Adam Schiff’s Ukraine collusion.”


Here comes the reaction! 🙂
Lawmakers Erupt After Report Reveals Schiff Knew of Whistleblower Complaint Before Filing: ‘This Explains a Lot’
Republican congressional leaders accused Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Democrats of rigging the impeachment scheme after news broke that Schiff was in contact with the whistleblower before the complaint against President Donald Trump was filed.


This is a video of the B-17 that crashed this morning in Hartford, Ct.


What a loss! An artifact of history gone. Just like the Greatest Generation, more gone every day.


A week ago, at a Waffle House, I sat next to a 98 year old stranger at the counter. As we ate our breakfast, we started to talk.
He was a vet. Rode in a PT boat running interference for the landing craft on D Day.
My jaw hit the ground.
90 minutes later, our breakfasts long gone, I had to leave.
But the stories that he told were amazing and I was lucky to hear them.
Like the B-17, sad to them all slowly going away.
Greatest Generation.


Trump is going to FIGHT BACK!!!


Bring it POTUS ! We’ve got your back, Sir…………..


“Rep. Rashida Tlaib tells Detroit police chief to hire only black analysts to run facial recognition software because ‘non African Americans think all African Americans looks the same’ – but he refuses”
Rep. Tlaib tells Detroit police t

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This woman is a FRUITCAKE.


Yes. Wonderfully, deliciously so. The squad are red pilling Americans every time they opening their mouths


Wtf. Imagine seeing this up close when you’d had a fewcomment image


Wow! Beautiful bird:comment image


Scary af

Deplorable Patriot

Wow that’s quite a plumage.


Apparently this is new, but I thought I’d heard some of this before.
Maybe the new part is they have it in writing now?


Is it too “tinfoil hat” to think Rosenstein could have been playing a role?


The spin cycle is almost over so hopefully it comes out in the wash.


That line’s a keeper 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

They’re going to have to Dash to make sure that it doesn’t Bounce back at them, but the Tide has turned, and they will be Vanquished…


Rr. Was a deep cover maga agent. He’s now come in from the cold and thankfully his bum still points to the ground




Amber Guyger got a 10 year prison sentence. Will she survive it? There are a lot of black people in Dallas who are very angry with her. And many black prison inmates are in jails and prisons.


She best be careful..all those cells look the same.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Didn’t realize she was having an affair with another cop. TROUBLE. Just like Cincinelli’s sister fell in with trouble through her affairs, IMO.


Warning…dirty jokes aheadcomment imagecomment imagecomment image


andcomment imagecomment imagecomment image


Are you into the wine a little early, Pat?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THERE’S an idea! 😀


lol…sadly I don’t drink…but I posted “clean” riddle earlier and was challenged to provide some dirty ones…sorry…


CLOWNWORLDChina Unveils ‘Doomsday Bomb’ While U.S. Military Concentrates on “Diversity”
Good luck with that.
While China unveiled a new ‘doomsday’ nuclear bomb that can “strike the US within 30 minutes with ten warheads,” a top US General declared gender and race “diversity” to be a “warfighting necessity” against the homogeneous forces of China and Russia.
Meanwhile, in the United States, US Major General Lori Reynolds told 300 intelligence Marines at the 9th Annual Marine Corps Association and Foundation Intelligence Awards Dinner that “diversity” will make the difference in future war fighting.
“I believe a dramatic mix of talent, of all races, religions, backgrounds and genders will be the difference in the future,” said Reynolds.
She added that promoting diversity was crucial because it was an advantage China and Russia do not hold.



PM Rt’d


I bet this guy thought he could just keep doing it forever without any consequences. smh


He looks very ill

Cuppa Covfefe

It looks like the Buck stops (ed) there…


heavy use of drugs, meth?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Meth-addicted, STD-ridden, and demon-possessed is no way to go through life.




Agree – looks like wasting away of cancer or AIDS + bad life choices of lots of drugs, etc.


“Meth-addicted, STD-ridden, and demon-possessed is no way to go through life.”
Or even worse, Wolf, this guy went through life as a Democrat.
The horror.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! YUP!!! EEEEK!!! o_O


He has gotten away with it for a long time . IMHO he’s a serial murderer.


The Whistleblower scheme – same as the Russian Dossier, the Russian Collusion, the Obstruction of Mueller Investigation – ALL of it is Democrat lies, Lies and more LIES.


Moreover, there is NO high crime, NO misdemeanor – NO basis for impeachment of President Trump whatsoever!!!!


However – Øbominable was impeachable the first weeks in office – remember how he abused the powers of his office to attack Gibson Guitar?
And how he went on to use the IRS to target conservatives and keep conservative groups from getting non-profit status?
Here’s a list of Øbominable’s high crimes and misdemeanors:
Here’s a list of Øbominable’s treasonous acts: LINK


Now this is a nice win that no one seems to be reporting!
Trump Wins Record $7.5 Billion Sanctions Against EU in WTO Aircraft Fight
“The World Trade Organization says the United States can impose tariffs on up to $7.5 billion worth of goods from the European Union as retaliation for illegal subsidies that the bloc gave to plane-maker Airbus — a record award from the trade body.
“The move green-lights the Trump administration to slap countermeasures on the 28-member bloc and follows a WTO ruling in May 2018 on the Airbus subsidies.”


GOOD evening Patriots!
May I present a few pictures (3 too be exact)..
I got a “boat ride” today .
ME..comment image
We were in the ICW.. (in a very small boat)comment image
I got this Image for ya’ll…comment image


Oh no! A contrail. Evil manipulation of the weather!! We’re doomed. Doomed I tell you . . . doomed!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

*I*, on the other hand, am a member of the contrail worship cargo cult. To our religion, they are a message of salvation and freedom! 😎


GOD is a Artist ..


yes! Just beautiful……… thanks so much for posting…
I can tell you’re lovin’ your new environs… makes my heart smile…


Looking like paradise CT.
;;sitting here wondering what your catching besides blue crab?
Just guessing ,Redfish? Trout ? Flounder ?


Chris, NO Fishing YET, too much WORK to do around the home. Though SOON I or We will be fishing for trout, reds, spots, & harvesting Oysters & shrimp..



People in H3ll want ice water, too……………. ain’t happenin’ ………….. Deal DIMs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – hilarious!!!


one of my fiesty Mom’s fav sayins’ 😉


Their hypocrisy is off the charts.
..from their own mouths.
must be some pretty serious crap covering going on to reverse such long held convictions.
..unless they were cheap fakes from the start of course .


Someone got emotional at the blonde cops sentencing hearing and it might not be who anyone expected.


Wow. So many victim impact statements are full of hate and eagerness for the person to rot in h3ll. I’ve never been in that position and am not judging those people, but this man exhibited extraordinary grace from God.


Reminds me of how the victims and families of the Charleston shooter, Dylan Root, behaved afterward.
(despite Øbominable’s desperate attempts to fuel race riots)


Go Durham!!!


Deplorable Patriot

Would Johnny like one of us to explain it to him?


My Dad used to occasionally say,
“If you cant dazzle’em with brilliance , baffle’em with bullshit.”
And I’d just SMDH
Brennan’s bullshitt could really only ever dazzle the already baffled crew in his small circle.
Scary to think our country left in the hands of such arrogance.
You know the principles have to be pissed to find so many loose ends left exposed by so many baffled idiots later.
Yet ,here he is again, still trying to bullshitt his way thru what’s coming..telling all that will listen, the sky is a different color than blue.
I never knew one could twist bullshitt so thin , and still be expected to be taken seriously


Lou to Rudy, When will you bring lawsuits?
Rudy, These things take time, we need to make sure we have all the facts. I put out the call for help, and I’ve gotten some. I received more allegations today. I haven’t gone through them yet. 😁


He goes there! Junior has a thread…


Butterfly, you’re on it Girl…………… !






Very long but detailed thread…. from Gigi Simms
) Obama 2009: “THE CIA ALWAYS GETS WHAT IT WANTS.” As the world watches the ever shifting chaos in America, many are focusing on obtaining answers to why @GenFlynn was targeted for removal, & who is behind the quest to overthrow the 45th President of the United States. .@POTUS


Still reading but I think this is incorrect – I believe this was authorized in the NDAA – it CAN be used against Americans.
78) According to the Defense Dept’s own definition, PSYOPS – the use of propaganda & psychological tactics to influence emotions and behaviors – are supposed to be used exclusively on “hostile foreign groups.” Federal law forbids the military from practicing PSYOPS on Americans.


Then gain, I don’t know what year it was changed in the NDAA….


Yes!!! Stefanik is the one who cornered Comey over not notifying Go8 over CH because of ”the sensitivity of the matter”. More R’s need to back this and support POTUS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ONE MORE Republican woman who makes my potential future POTUS list. Ronna stood up to Mitt. This gal stood up to Comey and nailed his butte. The other side has numbers, but WE HAVE QUALITY.

Deplorable Patriot

Remember, though, Gowdy stopped her.
She wasn’t in on the plan.
I’m still waiting for the cast list before making a judgement on all of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fine with me! I’m always an early clapper – no Pun intended! 😉





The State Department’s Inspector General shared a packet of months-old news stories and other Ukraine-related documents during an “urgent” briefing with Congressional staffers on Wednesday, sources told the Daily Caller.
Sources familiar with the meeting said the IG handed over a packet containing, among other old materials, news articles written this past spring by The Hill’s John Solomon about Democratic ties to Ukraine.
The briefing was a huge blow to Democrats, who were expecting bombshell information regarding the Trump administration’s contact with Ukraine and investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden. In fact, several news outlets reported earlier in the day that the briefing would be about State Department leadership retaliating against career employees who wanted to cooperate with the Democrats’ investigation into Trump.


So basically they brought their partisan opinions to the House Intel Committee. How is that different than what the fake whistleblower did?
Any hope that the House Intel Committee set them straight about their roll in regards to foreign policy? That they, the Department of State only get to implement foreign policy not actually conduct it. That the conductor is really the President and that they actually work for him and not the other way around which seems to be a the source of confusion there and at the CIA.
Trump should declare a stand down day and have his department heads do refresher training at the 4th grade level it seems. Most of Congress and the Court System should do the same. Last freebie, after that they see a shrink who will stamp them on the head with the letters T.D.S. if they persist.

Deplorable Patriot

Just for the record NBC Sports Network camera angle choices SUCK! Some of us have waited our entire lives to see a Stanley Cup Champion banner go to the rafters, and they took the shot of the ice. 😡
🏒 And this is what passes for hockey emojis.
At least VSGPDJT had a good day.


Fred’s thread….See #6


Donald John Trump… was, is and will in the future be POTUS. Deal with it Cabal, and all you commies.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


LUV it!

Deplorable Patriot

Did I see 600 posts? I think this might be my personal best. 😉 Not that I’m keeping track or anything. That would be immodest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Lol! Don jr. “(Adam Schiff) is the Jussie Smollet of Congress. ”


Just said it, cant find the clip. And Giuliani is on.


Oh my!! Laying out evidence from Ukraine against DNC, Clinton, Soros, oligarchs, Biden, more. Documented testimony from 6 witnesses with direct evidence Ukrainian collusion, phony info in Steele dossier, creation of false evidence, corruption scheme of Biden. John Solomon recorded docs.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a girl. Congrats to Matt Walsh and family.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Third in line to our presidency…🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll take a likely EX-commie before a KNOWN commie and mafiosa! 😉
Seriously, Putin wouldn’t take it. He is 100% Russia first. But he would turn it down with a CLASSIC put-down of some kind, combined with a patriotic defense of Russia. Because THAT is his style.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thread!


“The US is set to impose $7.5bn (£6.1bn) of tariffs on exports from the EU including scotch whisky, French wine and cheese and aircraft in retaliation for subsidies given to the aerospace group Airbus after a World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling..
The tariffs announced on Wednesday could come into effect as early as 18 October and represent a significant widening of the Trump administration’s trade dispute with the EU, adding to growing tensions in the world economy.
The US trade representative’s office (USTRO) released a list of hundreds of European sagricultural products that will be subject to a 25% tariff, including British woollen jumpers and pullovers. Cookies, salami, butter and yogurt from some countries will be affected, along with olives from France, Germany and Spain, EU-produced pork sausage and other pork products other than ham, and German coffee.
The USTRO said it would “continually re-evaluate these tariffs based on our discussions with the EU” and expects to enter talks in a bid to resolve the dispute.”


Liawatha gets an earful from Trump supporters. Hilarious, me thinks;-)
1:34 video. Worth a look.


REVEALED: Rosenstein Secretly Emailed Mueller Shortly Before Special Counsel Appointment, ‘The Boss Doesn’t Know About Our Discussions’
An short read. RR = Rat Rod


Hmmm…interesting trailer.


Whoa…..this includes the part of Judge Jeanine’s show that almost got her fired!!!

6hrs long $24.00 Looks like a good product for school/home teachers. Extra credit.
Topics Covered Include:
America Under Siege At the Border
American Under Siege from a Civil War
America Under Siege from Socialism
America Under Siege from Marxists
America Under Siege from Attacks on the Second Amendment
America Under Siege from Attacks on Our Critical Infrastructure
America Under Siege from Attacks on Masculine Leaders
America Under Siege from Attacks on Masculine Leaders
America Under Siege from Critical Race Theory
America Under Siege from Sharia
America Under Siege from Globalism
America Under Siege from An Economic War
America Under Siege from Cultural Marxists in our Educational System
America Under Siege from Marxist Culture Warriors
America Under Siege from Enemies Within Our Intelligence Agencies
America Under Siege from Socialized Medicine
America Under Siege from Marxists Limiting Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Religion
America Under Siege from Socialized Medicine
America Under Siege from Attacks on Parental Authority
America Under Siege from Attacks on Our Military Supremacy
America Under Siege from Dialectical Materialism
America Under Siege from Anti-Semitism & Christian Bigotry
America Under Siege from a Socialist & Pagan Ecology
America Under Siege from A Mind Attack
America Under Siege from a Deep State
America Under Siege from Useful Idiots



Cuppa Covfefe

Frau Blücher (neeeiiiiggggghhhhhhh)….


I’ve watched it 12 times……..he’s the best we’ve ever seen.


The protesters number more than she’s been able to get to a meet & greet meeting 😉


Marica and I thought you would appreciate this Wolf!
Is it a…or are there three…?comment image


looks like FOUR ?


Could be. Hard to descern at the head.


Here, they are breaking pose here. Four.comment image


I wondered about those human feet, and butt, 😉


I take all of that back.
Just reread the article.
Only three! Superb, though!!


Right, three wolves and a human?


Huh….I see 4 humans and one wolf… like that can be fascinating.


Ha!!! ONE Wolfie and three humans!!!


Beautiful artwork WSB………… I’ve bookmarked to spend time on when ol’ brain is not tired. Thank you for sharing….. good to see you. So sorry you missed Patrick, was time for his meds earlier, and I think he is getting some relief at long last.


I know. So sorry, my schedule is odd right now. Sometimes, pat is back up on the night shift…but tonight, I hope he is just sleeping.
How are you doing?
I have an odd schedule, so I am not able to check in earlier as I used to. Try making dinner around 8 or 9, check news at OT and then come over here when I can actually sit down!!!
BTW, Stoetter’s work is amazing. I remember seeing it years ago, so when the shoes were posted tonight, the memory clicked! Glad to still have the memory!!! Ha!
Please stay cheerful!


I’m fine, thanks for asking… memory and comprehension issues growing, but am learning to live with it… have found the scrolling button 😉 so have gone back to Wolf’s, to stroke other folks’ positive comments………….. and post a few really positive bits when I find them. Finding that I can avoid the negativity 😉


Nice to hear!! One glorious day and then another!!!


All we really have is NOW… and it is fleeting… yesterday’s gone, tomorrow is not here yet…
Once heard NOW described as “the moon’s eyebrows” !


Ha! Lovely! Take all dreams with seriousness!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for this! Very cool! 😎


Love to see you, Wolf! Have had WORK lately, and I am pleasantly jammed. Thus, my absence.
I hope you are well, and Felice and all seem to be rising up!! Beautiful!!!
Will check in when I can.
God bless. 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You too! God bless and all the best! <3




We’re in the fog of war. Details coming out so fast as everyone tries to get their story straight about this alleged whistleblower.
We DID have confirmation the WB went to General Counsel of C_A FIRST.
Tonight we get more info, he went to Adam Schiff’s office, who pointed him to an attorney (probably Adam’s favorite attorney)
Dems have serious problems.
Apparently, the WB didn’t “like the way his complaint was being handled” so he decided t go to Schiff, directly, before the complaint was filed.
Wonder if the ICIG knew about this one……..
Wonder if the DNI knew about this little tidbit.
Time to pull all of Adam’s phone calls and the ICIG’s phone records.


Time to pull all of Adam’s phone calls and the ICIG’s phone records.
Yes. They want all of Pres. Trumps records — his calls with foreign leaders, his tax returns, and it seems like any conversations he has. Let’s see/hear Schiff’s calls and details of what his staff was doing in the Ukraine.


Yes, story in here:
They did a similar story a few days ago but this one incorporates the new stuff. Doesn’t change a thing and doesn’t explain the timing on the change of policy and why those things changed, (Atkinson didn’t do a good job of that either) or why house dems sent staffers to Ukraine. Looks too organized just to be happenstance and so all is still suspect. They are trespassing into Trump’s foreign policy and have no good or legal reason to do it. Also as to why this leak, I’ve been of the opinion this guy is acting as a look out (maybe just a paranoid one, but why the posting at the WH, I doubt he gets to post himself.) should Trump appear to be getting too close to Ukraine. It certainly set him off, if and only if you wish to believe the NYT’s. Regardless Schiff’s actions are blatant attempts to stop, obstruct and or sully Trump’s investigation in regards to Ukraine and the origins of Spy gate and very likely coordinated.


Ya’ know, for years we assumed the best path to Obama was Hillary.
Who would have guessed the chosen path was through Joe Biden?
I like it.


“Sleepy” Joe was a sleeper of sorts…in our, well certainly my, wish for hussein to go down hard.
hildabeast will contribute her share, I believe. She’ll sing bigly while whining about her health, to escape jail. She needs to rot in jail.
As will many will sing when they face significant jail time, loss of wealth…Valjar, Holder, LL, Clapper, Brennan, Yates, McCabe, Comey, RR, Strozk, Page…
By my reckoning, the indictments should cast a wide net. Optimistic, I am. President Trump will demand complete justice after so many innocent were ruined financially. So many charged, some found guilty of crimes not normally pursued. So many “framed”. F’n criminal what the Feds do with unbridled power over citizens.
Red October should be bloody for criminals…


Guess we now know why his bff Ozero didn’t endorse him no matter how much girly swot (lol) messaging Biden out out there for his pal to return the praise. Biden is toxic and contagious.



She’s so cool.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great one!


“People I’ve talked to in the intelligence community have knowledge about changes made to the document a whistleblower is supposed to fill out—the change took place after Trump had the conversation with Zelensky, and then they changed the document to allow hearsay to come in. That’s problematic.
“Hearsay is not allowed in any judicial setting. Having been involved with whistleblowing myself, it always entails you were involved with something, not that you heard something from someone. You don’t say, hey I was sitting in the lunch room today.
“It sets a terrible precedent. It completely debases the intelligence effort and turns the CIA into just another political actor in town who can’t be trusted. John Brennan has done more to devalue the CIA than any director in the history of the CIA.”
Johnson said that he’s spoken to active members of the CIA and other intelligence agencies and “they’re appalled.”
“There are people still in the intelligence community who hate Trump and who will do anything to destroy him,” Johnson said, noting that there are also some so-called White Hat actors who like Trump.
“There’s still some hope that due process will endure.”


The House Congressional Democrats wrote the State Department last week to request testimony from career officials on Ukraine and to demand the Trump State Department turn over requested documents on Ukraine.
Yesterday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced he would refuse to allow State Department officials to testify before the Congressional committees on impeachment.
This was after Democrats in the House violated fundamental principles, contacted State Department officials directly and told them NOT to contact legal counsel.
Democrat lawmakers also requested documents from the Pompeo State Department on Ukraine.
Today the State Department sent over the documents.
But they weren’t what the Democrats were expecting!
The Trump administration sent over documents on Hillary Clinton’s collusion with Ukraine in the 2016 election and the Biden Family’s massive pay-for-play with the Ukrainian regime!


Excellent, more traps. Now they have knowledge of a crime and evidence of a crime. If they don’t act they can be called on that.


AMEN to that!


More stupid games!
“The Justice Department ordered White House personnel and other Trump administration officials to preserve all records related to any of President Trump’s phone calls with foreign leaders.
The DOJ directive, revealed in a court filing Wednesday, comes amid heightened scrutiny of how President Trump’s communications with foreign leaders are handled after a controversial discussion Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky became the focus of a whistleblower complaint, spurring impeachment efforts by Democrats on Capitol Hill. The filing in D.C. district court is part of a federal lawsuit launched by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a left-leaning government watchdog group, earlier this year.
The watchdog group had filed a motion for an emergency restraining order Tuesday, requesting that the court order the Trump administration to preserve all records — including any notes or transcripts — related to any meetings or communications with foreign leaders, all documents related to record keeping practices, any information related to investigations of these record keeping practices, and any documentation of efforts by any Trump administration members to “return, claw back, ‘lock down,’ or recall” records related to communications with foreign leaders that may have been disseminated throughout the executive branch.”


Like they are not saved anyway. Meanwhile good luck getting them and they are acting outside their lane. The fake WB complaint does not substantiate that anything done was wrong because it was not. Let them suck eggs if they actually ask for said documents.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Hoofprints of Soros:
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
• Public interest organization that litigates against corrupt political leaders
• Targets almost exclusively Republicans
• Heavily funded by George Soros’s Open Society Institute and by Democracy Alliance
In 2014, David Brock was elected chairman of CREW.
The article is well worth a read. Satan Soros’s cloven hooves leave their footprints everywhere…


LITERALLY everywhere…..did he learn from Islam or vice versa? Using our laws against us….

Cuppa Covfefe

He learned from the Devil himself, which is why I call him Satan Soros.
The Devil knows the Bible page for page, word for word. Not so he can learn from it, but so he can find an out. Always accusing, before GOD day and night, eternally (almost….]. Sound familiar (like the DEMONicRATs???
Revelation 12:10:

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.