This special EAGERLY AWAITING SPRING SUNDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.
“But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and
from his roots a bud shall blossom.
The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, A spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.
Not by appearance shall he judge, nor by hearsay shall he decide,
But he shall judge the poor with justice, and decide fairly for the land’s afflicted.
He shall strike the ruthless with the rod of his mouth,
and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.
Justice shall be the band around his waist, and faithfulness a belt upon his hips.
Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat; The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them. The cow and the bear shall graze, together their young shall lie down; the lion shall eat hay like the ox. The baby shall play by the viper’s den, and the child lay his hand on the adder’s lair.
They shall not harm or destroy on all my holy mountain;
for the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord,
as water covers the sea.”
For today’s header photo, SPRING was the keyword for my search. When the results popped up, I found this little guy staring curiously at me.
I like how the Wolfmoon is centered within this bold creature as he stands perched between such vibrant blossoms. Much like we, the Q Treepers and other Patriots, are discovering that we have do a HUGE and VIBRANT spirit, often hidden deeply within our simple and somewhat ordinary lives.
This header sings to me, saying,
I love the header for the Thread… colors are wonderful…
Also feel the same as you about the WolfMoon being positioned as it is….
Scripture is so appropriate, as usual.
the cobalt blue of the sky is mesmerizing… reminds me of the comin’ storm…
Always look forward to your threads with their uplifting messages…
God bless you…
Thank you.
It’s getting late for me, so … until tomorrow … staying watchful in prayer.
Reposting …
I posted this on Saturday’s Open Thread, but I’m so happy to have found it, I want to share it with you all in case you missed it.
It’s a message to the globalists in their own languages.
TY Michaelh. I loved all the different country’s flags being carried up on stage also.
Think the song is so appropriate for the yellow vests now also.
Jane, thank you for posting it.
Beautiful, Jane! Oh, how I love this 🙂 It is absolutely amazing, and thanks so much for posting! I am now closing my evening with this wonderful video, so good night to all and Many Blessing for a safe and wonderful evening! 🙂
Good night Sunny,
I am right behind you!
TY Sunnydaysall. Night, night. God bless. I will be turning in soon also.
Yes Michael ! very powerful video…
had me in tears… of joy.
It had me grinning since I stumbled on it this afternoon.
Such beautiful sentiments from TTT in his opening and now this truly moving rendition of our Deplorable Fight Song. The QTree is the place to be!
Agree. 🙂
Wow, that was cool. I couldn’t read the subtitles though 😦
I could only catch the names of the various languages, the Asian words superimposed blocked any other words. Yes, so difficult to read..
Only problem…….. OUR AMERICAN FLAG …..
should be LEADING the way!
(Just as it is in the world today)
Not that Im counting mind you, but we do miss steveinco. I know youre out there.
Miss your wit, Steve… as well as your data.
Hope to see you soon.
Yes, Steve. You are missed. And I know where you live!!! (Well…kind of, sort of, you know, the general area. One clue was the CO in your name.). So, anyway, you don’t want me showing up at your front door just to hear your latest pun, get the latest count, and tell you how morose Merica is getting. Consider yourself forewarned!
And Marica is getting more morose, too!
DITTO!!!!!! ( I am cutting back on exclamation points)…
Same here – in fact, I am going to go ahead and post this link – Steve? Steve? You need to do something about this in CO! BTW, Steve, I have a great deal of respect for you and I apologize if I insulted you. WE MISS YOU!
“The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.
The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.
Under current state law, the state’s electoral college members cast their vote for the candidate who wins the election in Colorado.”
I just read that on reddit. Maroons! Id blame the weed but these people were born this way. Perfect for guvmint work.
““The Democratic-majority Colorado state Senate passed a bill this week that would give the state’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the popular vote instead of the Electoral College.
Colorado’s Senate passed the bill in a 19-16 vote Tuesday along party lines.
The bill would mandate that the state’s members of the Electoral College vote for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote.”
This is confusing, the way they explain it.
It sounds like what they mean is that they want to give the Colorado’s electoral votes in presidential elections to the candidate who wins the NATIONAL popular vote, instead of to the candidate who wins the state of Colorado.
And that’s blatantly unconstitutional, it defeats the entire purpose of the Electoral College, which they know and which is what they are trying to do.
Any state (and apparently there are several trying to do this now) who tries to do this during a presidential election should have the entire state’s vote thrown out.
Then the People of that state can address the ass-clowns who disenfranchised tens of millions of citizen’s votes, due to disqualification, due to the primal idiocy of that state’s legislators.
Thank you, Scott.
I couldn’t agree more!
You are exactly correct about the result. And I will be right there up front yelling about the traitors who favored it.
That is exactly what they want to do – the votes go to the one who wins the national popular vote.
That is the trend and plan, apparently.
Just remember 5-4. These laws WILL go to the Hugh court I have no doubt.
The demoncrats are so far ahead of Republicans in their ground game here in CO. Ballot harvesting, talking to young voters about single issues they get fired up over then tell them who to vote for based on whichever issues without bringing up party affiliation if possible and God knows how many illegals and dead people still vote here.
The Republicans still think raising money to waste on consultants who commit campaign malpractice against them. For example, just send mailers and make commercials in which the demoncrat ends up looking attractive. Hopefully a new party chairperson is more woke than the past ones.
Safe injection sites, lgbtqwtf sex ed, removing our right to representation, ..oh my. And apparently we already have some of the most horrid abortion laws 🤢🤮 🤬
He’s moping b/c the government isn’t shutdown.
Oh, good point. But we want MOAR Steve!!!!
That lil bird is so cute. He almost looks like a cartoonists version of a bird.
Baby birds often don’t look like their adult selves, but baby blue birds do.
Guess which bird this little one will grow up to be?
(Pygmy Falcon –
This is why they want to ban all tactical semi-automatic assault memes.
You funny!
Yes…here’s a clip of that interview that CBS has released:
Love the little Bluebird and the Spring Theme, T*3…thank you!
The thought of Spring is very welcome right now.
Warmer days and green sprouts bursting forth…and more minutes of sunlight each day.
Yes, Spring is something to look forward to!
That little Bluebird reminds me of the iconic ‘Mad Bluebird’:
However, your little Bluebird doesn’t look mad…just determined.
Love the photo!!! Great choice 3T
I agree, pretty lil bird. Made me look up ‘Spring’ images, now I want all this snow to go away, I’m ready for Spring!
these are wonderful!! LOVE the colors!!
Re-posting this for those who may not have seen it.
It’s just a short clip…but it’s good to see this.
They are conducting these drills in Full View of the people on the other side of the border.
They WANT this to be seen…to send a message:
“Do Not Try To Cross Our Border.”
The US Military has MUCH MUCH MORE than crowd control personnel, batons, pistols and long guns at their disposal to utilize against invasion if need be.
For example:
1. New crowd control weapon… demonstrated at Moody AFB, Valdosta GA!
2. Weapons that use strong shock waves or directed energy that can fry your brain without disturbing a hair….
3. Strong magnetic weapons…
4. Satellite Weapons – aka Rods from GOD’
5. More weapons –
6. High-tech non-lethal/less-lethal weapons Battle tested:–less-lethal–weapons-that-could-ruin-your-day.html
Death rays and railguns, yeah baby!
Griff Jenkins reporting on the movement of the Invasion that’s making its way to our Border.
This was from Friday.
He says that they will probably be here by Monday or Tuesday.
Just in time for the State of the Union Address.
Mexico is helping them get here. (!!)
President Obrador is not our friend.
It would serve him right if our President closed down All Traffic at the border!
Democrats have become infamous for their October election surprises. Now it looks like they are their way to establishing a SOTU tradition of interference and chaos while President Trump is in office.
Pelosi’s delay to Feb. 5th of the SOTU apparently was done in part to get a caravan of illegals in place at the border in time for a bloody clash. Will there be pre-planned live MSM televised riots at the border to be juxtaposed on the screen while President Trump is giving his speech?
they do that at their own peril! The way I see it, our military fighting these invaders would be a welcomed and rallying sight! We want our borders protected from these illegal invaders–POTUS’s approval rating will shoot through the roof!! They show that, the emergency declaration would be fully warranted!!
Judge Jeanine’s fiery statement from her Saturday evening show.
She is fired up!
“The legalization of infanticide” is what she calls it.
The Judge even throws down and calls out the Catholic Church for turning a blind eye to this abomination of killing babies.
OH.MY.GOD!!! He simply cannot be THAT stupid! Good grief! He was actually going to moon walk for the reporters???? His wife seems to have more common sense that he does – at least she says it is “inappropriate circumstances” for him to moon walk. Sheesh!
Wait I sense epic fail…. I need popcorn asap!!!
You’re going to need a tractor trailer full with this guy: “Virginia Democrat Gov. Ralph Northam said on Saturday that he was not sure why friends called him “coonman” in college.”
Wheatie!! Powerful!! So glad she called out the Catholic Church!
If the church doesn’t call out this evil, she’s right, someone has to call out the churches.
michael–Went to church this morning–1st reading was Jeremiah 17–“I Knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb!” Followed by 1 Corinthians –The Wedding Reading–Love is Patient…Then Gospel Reading of Jesus 1st ministry…
Seems like the readings and Would Tee up the homily nicely! Held breath, said a prayer…BUT NO!!!!! Not 1 damn word about Abortion–Didn’t even mention the word WOMB! Needless to say–I did Not go to Communion. My silent boycott continues…
Saw this OT:
Tweet from Rep Mark Walker:
@RalphNortham, third trimester babies want to finish their term as well.
The Dems must have done some emergency polling on this.
Excellent video from Matt Gaetz!
I can’t help it – there is just something about Gaetz that makes me VERY uncomfortable – some here will remember I have said this from the beginning. His eyes are creepy to me – set too close together – he has a weak chin and mouth……and anything that appears to be too good to be true generally isn’t. But, I hope I am wrong ’cause he sure does sound good and is saying all the right things. We shall see.
Is Gaetz married? His Christmas card was just him and parents.
I guess not – he wouldn’t send that out if he was, IMO.
Maybe you’ve seen this photo? It appears in the replies to most of his tweets:
To clarify: I meant the DUI photo. (Didn’t know the other photos were there.)
YES!!! YES!!! did I say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, hot diggity dog!!! Someone finally fighting back. And Nick – and the other boys – so deserve this!
Its a nice long list. I was happy to see certain people on it. 😀
Yay, looks like the vile and repulsive Alyssa Milano gets served twice
Serves her right! 😉
Included…ArchDiocese of LOUISVILLE!, Diocese of Covington and Lexington as well as Baltimore!!! HA! Take that you rotten hierachy!!
Of course they try this…..
Colorado Senate Passes Bill Nixing Electoral College in Favor of Popular Vote
BUT ‘the bill is not likely to become law unless the Colorado House approves and enough states agree to the compact.’
“This really isn’t a red versus blue idea. This is about making sure that the president of the United States is elected by the entire nation, not just a handful of ‘battleground states’ that get to decide our presidential elections under the current system,” Foote said of the bill in a statement. “All of Colorado’s voters should be heard, regardless of whether or not we are considered a battleground state.”—— LOL
If they want to reform the Electoral College to be fair, start by mandating the vote be proportionately split in the state with the most EVs, California.
I’ll just be waiting right over here…
Doesn’t matter what they do or how many compacts they join – it’s flat-out unconstitutional for several different reasons. I doubt even our worst justices would support this.
When California was threatening to secede in early 2017 a buddy and I drew up a series of electoral college scenarios which excluded the CA EVs. The short version was that it was virtually impossible for the Dems to win no matter how many real world concessions they were given.
The other way of looking at it, is that CA EV is holding the rest of the United States hostage. Those wanna-be electoral college reformers are delusionally projecting that the likes of NH an WY have power to sway the Presidential election – no, they really don’t. The numbers say it’s CA weighing the EC down.
That’s a gorgeous picture T3; the colours, the spirit, you cant help but fall in love again with the beauty of nature. God truly blessed us in our short time here and wonders abound everywhere.
I can’t help but wonder if this is our last chance. Evil is infecting our lives and society is showing the symptoms every day. Drugs, child trafficking, depression, anxiety, rape, corruption, suicide, the list goes on. I wouldn’t be surprised if another cataclysm wiped us out due to the corruption of our souls. Why do I not choose to be ignorant living in a haven that I do? The contrast of nature in its most robust form of rainforest to the dark souls of man stunting growth of generations using power and control to achieve their selfish goals of power and control and riches. I don’t even have children (because of my conditioning) but I fear for my nephews and nieces and what they are being taught, shown, brainwashed as I was, in the education system.
Maybe I can sit back here wayyy back in the background and get a glimpse (ok, cancer does that), but I am truly all in to find out why we are where we are, why we have accepted these compromises at our families expense, why a generation of people gave up…my generation?
Ok, so there’s a few carpet bombs happening on the front, I still think we are in the relative calm and the storm is yet to come. I’ve got popcorn in storage! If you don’t believe the plan is real…well, give up now. I believe. I believe in what I’ve learnt about PT, why do people forget so quickly? Sun Tsu, media history of Donald Trump never swaying from his view of how things could be. He is changing the world.
Faith. I have faith that nature will always prevail, and our love for each other will overcome this challenge and that God will look out for those who believe in His way. I have faith in you and your country and VSGPDT to show us that good can win. We all need this.
Steve, don’t stay away too long. Marica, stay positive as all under control. Sylvia, I hope you’re busy with your shovel and Wolfmoon, good to see you back, your team are fantastic and I think this is the best site for reasons you all know and understand.
Sending you all warmth (100F with 98% humidity and rainfall galore here) and love. xx
“I can’t help but wonder if this is our last chance.”
Morning is coming. I can see the morningstar, bright and rising in the east.
Like! Yes, positivity is the way. I love mornings!
Great post up there – thanks for that!!! <3
Good beautiful morning to you Shebythesea!! It Is My firm belief that we are being allowed this LAST Chance!
The Great Awakening is real!! Let Trump be Trump! Let God be God! Working in tandem..We the people will be set free!!! Hugs to you!!
and it’s not just me!
I hope you guys can at least copy and past this link into a new tab. I never have been able to get this posting of pics down – this is a pic on FB of Killary and Slick Willy at a costume party many years ago – he is VERY young – can’t tell with her because she is in blackface!!!! He is dressed as a hay-seed farmer.
Oh, crap – ok – I’ll see if I can figure out a way.
OK – did a little search and this appears to have been debunked, altho they reference Snopes, and we know they can’t be trusted.
“As of Monday night, Burns’ Twitter feed still contained a retweet also from Monday of a picture from what appears to be a Halloween party where a man dressed as a hillbilly is standing with a person in blackface. The tweet claims the people in the picture are Bill and Hillary Clinton “at a costume party many years ago.” says the photo was first posted as a response to a Huffington Post “Throwback Thursday” picture of Bill Clinton dressed as a cowboy and Hillary Clinton as Dolly Parton, and that while the man bears a slight resemblance to a young Bill Clinton, it does not appear to be him.”
Then again, this gal has some good points as well:
No, that’s not them. Be careful. Don’t jump at shadows.
Oh, hell, no! They are NOT going to make Nebraska a sanctuary state!!!! Time for me to get busy! NE Legislature Bill #502 introduced by Megan Hunt.
“Sec. 4. (1) Unless required by court order or federal law or required or permitted by state law, no peace officer or government employee or official shall inquire into the immigration status of any person who interacts with such peace officer, employee, or official or with a government agency or law enforcement agency or ask for such person’s social security number or other information that would disclose such person’s immigration status.”
Yes! Get in there and fight that any way you can, Filly!
First blackface, then lip synching? There is no end to Leftist madness (hope the link posts):
The article had a couple of larger points which reveals more about leftoids:
1/ Cultural appropriation:
‘… a trans member of the audience—a person who asked to be identified as “they”—made a statement that still sticks in my mind.
‘“Remember that the people who died at Pulse nightclub were listening to appropriated music,” they told them room …
‘I asked them, “Do you mean to say we shouldn’t mourn the queers who were murdered at Pulse nightclub because they were listening to appropriated music?” There was no clear response—silence and a shrug.’
2/ The sense that the radical Left is dividing the LGBTQ community:
‘In 2006, I received a PhD from the University of Toronto, with a doctoral thesis authored on the subject of Noel Coward And “The Queer Feminine.” All my life, I have fought for gender equality, and gender instability—for the right of boys to act like girls and girls to act like boys. And until very recently, I fought to achieve these goals in solidarity with the trans movement. But now I’m beginning to wonder if the trans movement has any use for me—or for any gay man or woman who dissents from that movement’s increasingly radicalized demands of society and of children’s bodies.’
Thank you for your thoughtful response.
It is truly heinous how the Left uses racial minorities, the unborn (and now the born) and other vulnerable populations for their own sick ends.
They display an appalling lack of humanity to all.
‘Thank you for your thoughtful response.’ You’re welcome.
‘They display an appalling lack of humanity to all.’ They really do. You expressed it perfectly.
Part of our job for 2020 is to get the word out there that the Left doesn’t care about people — including their pet groups. All they care about is getting into office so they can wield power and take bribes, getting richer by the day.
Are you new to the Q Tree? If so, welcome!
Thank you, churchmouse. Am I new here? Yes – been hanging in this tree for a few weeks. Like many here, I am a banned refugee from the what you call it – OT?
Shortly after the President took office I made a sarcastic response to a sundance assertion I thought belonged among the asteroids. Then, I found myself unable to participate on the board.
Oh, well. I can still read the posts and some are informative and helpful. I am not very vocal but I do have opinions and sometimes they rub people the wrong way. I used to go by Miss V. Now I am lazy and use my original WordPress name. It’s easier that way. LOL.
I don’t follow Q but for heaven’s sake why would I object to anyone who does?
It is sad how sd attacks other soldiers on our side. I found QTree by chance from flep.
I enjoy the posts and reading the comments. Good stuff.
Thanks for your story — greatly appreciated.
Nearly all of us are banned OT (Over There), too.
Agree with your take on SD. He should be MAGA-ing and forming allies rather than banning us and starting Twitter feuds. What on earth is the point of that? Americans have the most unifying President in living memory and SD is taking issue with people who should be his natural allies.
Delighted that Flep brought you here.
Incidentally, I didn’t say much at CTH, either, mostly because of SD.
Most people here who were banned have asked, ‘What did I write that was so objectionable?’
The atmosphere here is not anywhere close to CTH’s, so please feel free to comment often.
yes, welcome!
many wonderful posters here–their knowledge is amazing!
Welcome to the Banned.
We make Beautiful Music here. 🙂
Well, this oughtta put an end to karaoke bars!
I must confess that I don’t understand the hysteria about dressing up in blackface.
It’s something a racist could do, but it’s certainly something that someone who is not a racist could do, also. I remember that C. Thomas Howell (actor, in the movie “The Hitcher”, among others) played a part in some movie where he was in blackface.
I’m pretty sure Sammy from Cheers! played some part in blackface, and nobody claims Ted Danson is racist. He even dated that creepy Hoopie Goldberg person.
And certainly there must be lots of people who have dressed up like Indians (American Indians) for LOTS of things. Does that make them all racists too?
I played cowboys and Indians LOTS of times when I was a little kid. Every time we did that, half us played Indians. We weren’t being racist. We were being Indians…
And certainly there are black people who play white people in movies and plays.
This is insanity. Like certain words that only certain people are ‘allowed’ to say.
Has everyone lost their minds?
People dress up to portray themselves other people, and some of those other people are naturally going to be of a different race or background. That doesn’t make those people racists.
I’m certainly not defending the honorable Mr. Coonman, and it sounds like he has other issues (going by his nickname, for one) which lend support to the idea that he might be racist.
But this idea that certain people can’t say certain words in the English language, or that certain people can’t dress up like certain other people, is madness.
It’s lunacy.
Scott, This is all about setting up a civil war in America. Only White Christians can be racist or evil, Whenever anyone else is caught doing something wrong, they accuse White Christians (preferably males) of causing the problem so that the rest of the country will not complain when all of the Christians in America are killed.
The only reason they are playing the race card on this Democrat Governor is to take the attention off of what he said about abortion. Usually they never play the race card on one of their own. President Trump’s tweet brought the focus back to what the Governor said about abortion. This Governor is not a White Christian; IMO, no Christian would endorse killing a child this way. Northam is/was a Pediatrician.
I wonder what happens if White Christians decide not to go along with that plan.
There are a whole lot more of us than there are members of the political-class (both parties). Over a hundred million more of us, maybe even closer to two hundred million more of us.
And most of us are armed.
So I wonder what happens if we decide that we don’t like their plan for our extermination.
It could be very dangerous for the criminal political-class…
Thank you!
I basically reject the idea of “appropriation” as any more than a handle by which people cast judgment to inject biases of association BACK INTO THE SYSTEM.
I love turquoise and silver jewelry. It’s a part of me. It’s nobody’s fucking right to tell me how much Indian DNA (or of which fucking tribe) I have to have to wear it.
Sorry – nothing gets my dander up more than the MALICIOUS idea of “appropriation”, which is used to BOX IN PEOPLE and to BOX IN IDEAS.
It’s a control mechanism.
“I basically reject the idea of ‘appropriation'” … “It’s a control mechanism.”
100% dead on right!
American culture has for generations assimilated the best of the traditions and cultures of the immigrants who have come to the United States.
No other country has had both Shakespeare and Dante on schoolchildren’s required reading lists! For Americans, the cultural contributions of England and Italy are both considered valuable. This is only one example; it could easily by multiplied out – the Odyssey for an obvious example.
It’s not cultural appropriation – it’s cultural embrace! The best parts of every culture are welcomed, brought in, and given a place in America.
Were it not for German immigrants coming to Texas in the late 1800s, bringing their cultural traditions and assimilating with the local culture, the entire genre of TexMex would never have been invented.
All of the amazing music that has been created in the last 50-60 years is all descended from the traditions of the Negro Spirituals. The cultural power of those musical forms has influenced everything that has come after. Without cultural appropriation those idiot radicals would’ve never had their hippie music!
Our museums and libraries were created to preserve the best from our past and make it accessible for new generations. They are profound reflections of our genuine cultural diversity. Leftists hate the past and when they get in control of museums they santize everything to a pablum of radicalist forms that only support their preferred ideology, and then put on conferences where they accuse conservatives of being the public censors! The annual travesty of highlighting “banned books” is always about trotting out books that conservatives had issue with – while providing cover for the outrageous information control performed by the left.
No the left isn’t concerned with whether people are “offended” or whether culture is “stolen”. Exactly how can culture be stolen? I would think the greatest compliment we can pay to another culture is to embrace their contributions. No it’s about the Left’s power narrative – an oppressor majority culture raiding a minority culture robbing it of its uniqueness and structurally weakening the minority of its power – not about the proper cultural exchange among equals which is what is actually practiced in the United States and has been for generations going back to Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims.
It’s about control. The creation of a vast white cultural reservation where the leftist gatekeepers maintain control of what is and is not allowed in, to keep the vast cloud of white people culturally impoverished. Then the leftist gatekeepers get together, mock and deride the backwardness of those deplorable white people and their lack of cultural diversity. Meanwhile they’re making plans with their elitist friends to attend the next Burning Man and hobnob with all the other culturally enlightened ones.
BRAVO!!! Love it!!! <3
Just remember: There’s a blatant reason right there why the left wants to ban Western Civ on all college campuses!
They infiltrated the Western Civ programs STRONGLY in the 1970’s. I NOW realize that was fully planned. They FILLED them with leftist TAs.
Agreed about the lunacy in this as Shirley Temple certainly comes to mind. The over all effect of her performances were just the opposite of racism IMO.
well, I refuse to allow the Soro-ites to take the color purple from me. I look fabulous in it–it brings out my eyes–so they can kiss my butt about that. And I notice that black culture does not mind “appropriating” hairstyles from other cultures–but you dare not appropriate from theirs…seriously?
the only things that bother me are the dudes with the earrings, man buns, and wearing jeans so low their whatever sticks out, but that’s just my own personal taste. YMMV
Cute! Laugh. Out. Loud. Cute.
Not “Man Buns”……
OMG!!!! that’s awesome…LOL
It’s nearly perfect, lol!
Careful. They really LIKE kissing butt. It’s a feature, not a bug, to them.
“And I notice that black culture does not mind “appropriating” hairstyles from other cultures–but you dare not appropriate from theirs…seriously?”
Now that you mention, I can only imagine how fabulous I would look in a giant 1970s afro…
I notice that nobody tries to ‘appropriate’ that look today, so I could be a trend-setter… I’m thinking of bringing back knee-high tube socks too… but not the short-shorts… that’s just a bridge too far 😁
well nobody likes to see low hanging fruit…
“the only things that bother me are the dudes with the earrings,”
When I was a kid, the only dudes who wore earrings were homosexuals, and pirates.
I didn’t really know any pirates, but I had been to Pirates of the Caribbean at Disney World, so I was always open to the possibility that dudes with earrings might just be pirates on shore leave 😁
“the only things that bother me are the dudes with the earrings, man buns, and wearing jeans so low their whatever sticks out, but that’s just my own personal taste”
Man-buns is what scissors are made for.
I don’t know what kind of cultural statement the ‘man-bun’ is supposed to represent… complete and total lack of testosterone? Is it a way to tell the world that you played with dolls and cross-dressed as a kid? I just don’t know.
I don’t follow those kinds of things. I can only say that to the uninitiated (which I hope to remain), a ‘man-bun’ looks like a way for a guy to scream at the whole world that he’s a raging homosexual. Doesn’t mean he is, but that’s what it looks like.
The only thing that might communicate even more gayness might be ass-less chaps with no pants underneath.
That’s the impression the ‘man-bun’ gives.
I just don’t know if that’s the impression they’re going for, or is it something else?
Had the house open yesterday and my daffodils have broken ground. Bought 5 pairs of garden gloves and saw a ladybug on the window yesterday! Everyone was outside yesterday! Had one of the big oaks trimmed up yesterday, house full of guests. Busy, busy, busy as a bee in the spring.
Thank you Triple T for a wonderful Daily Thread.
Punxatawney Phil says so, too:
N FL – The Pink and White Japanese Magnolias, Maples and Red Buds are blooming!
oh thanks for this picture!! I wanna be there… I look out from my window here and see white, white, white…2 squirrels fighting over a raisin from the burn pit…white, white, white…
It’s the most beautiful time of year.
I have one Jap Magnolia (9 total) that is breathtaking. I planted the tree as a babe. It was tilled up, twice. It was attacked by son, with a new sword, and stripped of every leaf. It survived and thrived.
Time to clean out the bird feeders and get busy.
do your bird feeders get assaulted by squirrels or are ours just overly aggressive?
Squirrels, deer, you name it.
Before we moved into this house, we were living in a rental house we owned on the OTHER side of the school property. I had a 7yr old stepson and he was crying about moving and leaving our ‘little house’ and moving into the big house. I asked him why he was so upset.
I had a LOT of bird feeders set up in the yard and he was worried the birds would go hungry if we were not there.
I thought about it and came up with an idea.
Little by little, and with HIM, we kept moving the bird feeders further back in the lot.
When we took possession of the big house, we moved feeders to the BACK of this lot, and then slowly more of them to the front.
He was convinced the birds move WITH us.
It worked.
how sweet and what a wonderful idea!
one winter hubby took a long piece of wood and nailed cross pieces to it to create a “tree” to which we then fastened pine cones dipped in peanut butter and coated with birdseed. we had it out on the deck in a pot of soil to stabilize it–it lasted 45 minutes! the squirrels were dragging it pot and all off the deck into the trees…
That’s so sweet.
My grandmother was fond of feeding the birds. My grandfather said, when he died, he wanted to come back as one of her birds. They were married for 55 yrs when he died, and after that, feeding the birds took on new meaning, for ALL of us.
We have ring-necked doves, which mate for life, a pair of them, at our house. Even the staff refers to them by my grandparents names.
That’s a very beautiful and inviting picture!
so jealous!!!
it’s supposed to be in the upper 40’s here today–so maybe we get some ice dam flooding–go us! sigh…
sounds beautiful where you are!
We have a large extended family in northern Illinois and Wisconsin. February comes and suddenly, they all come to visit me.
We didn’t even have the heat on last night.
That sounds wonderful, it’s still like this around here:
I love that dog.
I know, that might have just been an opportunity I took to show him off a little more, not sure 😁
I feel your pain!
I see that!
New SerialBrain2 post:
The NO CAVE Strategy: How Trump played Nancy, Chuck and the Deep State
Thanks for the link and the graphic.
I had to refresh my memory on who Taheb is — the guy who planned to set off incendiary devices on Jan. 17.
Not sure whether Taheb actually possessed the weapons he wanted to use to breach the White House and kill people inside. Stories are vague on that point.
Thanks for the post and the link. It has already taken up a couple of hours of my time and will take up many more. This is very interesting.
Thanks. This actually feeds into one of my pet theories that is not popular among conservatives.
We don’t know what we don’t know and which of the big named players really have flipped.
Happy the President is OUT of DC for a mini-break. He needs some fresh air.
Here he is at Trump Jupiter, playing golf with Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods.
Nicklaus AND Woods?
I’m jealous. Golfers dream.
PDJT on Ralph Northam:
I think he meant to use the past tense in the next one (e.g. ‘found’ not ‘find’):
That might be an intentional error, to force media mavens to retweet it… not the first time he’s done that…
I’m wondering about the capitalization going on… steganography, anyone…
Are you referring to the present instead of the past tense in the second tweet?
Sorry. Replied too quickly.
There probably are such things that are capitalised, IMHO.
Will look forward to future replies.
The following report is from Griff Jenkins, the Fox reporter who has been following the caravans.
Mexico has ended their temporary asylum visa programme and is urging those from neighbouring countries to apply via Mexican embassies instead.
He interviewed one Honduran who said he did not want the temporary visa, anyway, because his goal is to get to the US.
The people waiting to board the bus will go north to another city, then on to Tijuana then … you guessed it, the US:
PDJT arrives in Florida for the first time since Thanksgiving.
The door to AF1 opens at 21:38:
What fun that was to watch! I love the way Baron went ahead of his mother and looked back to make sure she was okay then moved up to be next to his dad. Wonderful family.
There’s almost always a touching, loving detail in those landing videos.
They really are a wonderful family, which makes the attacks from the Left that much more painful for us on the sidelines.
Cardinal Comey on Virginia’s governor:
Very glad that Cardinal Comey is ANOTHER STATE’S PROBLEM! 😉
Florida Cabinet officially recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (Jan. 29):
‘The Florida Cabinet passed a symbolic resolution Tuesday, declaring that the state officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
‘The resolution was brought to the Cabinet by Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, whose office last year pledged an increase in the state’s holdings of Israeli bonds. He said he hopes to make a statement that “the interests of Israel are the interests of Florida.”’
Dems frustrated that PDJT is renominating previous choices for the 9th Circuit:
ChiFi and Kamelto are disappointed.
Hmmm. Elections have consequences.
President Trump is awesome in so many ways.
1000 upvotes for Kamelto!!!! LMAO!!!
Oh, the nicknames – the DESERVED nicknames – are rolling in for that communist train wreck!
She should write an autobiography of her “climbing” the political ladder, and title it “Horizontal Ambition”. She’d go down in history similarly to the “Mattress Lady” that “graced” the YSM a few years ago…
iirc Kagan had no prior judicial experience either and Obama (I think) nominated her for SCOTUS!
Oh, well, that was O. Whatever he did was great. /s
Great ache in my azz, sure.
I PREFER that a person have COMMON Dense and a notion of CIVICS and HISTORY…..
“Judicial Experience”? …. Not so much.
*Sense*….. we already have DENSE… 🙂
George McFly in “Back To The Future, Part I” – “You are my DENSITY”…
It seems we have all awaken to the fact that those with “no political expierence” are working out quite well.
So much better than experienced pols and civil servants.
El Chapo considered young girls ‘vitamins’:
‘El Chapo Drugged, Raped 13-Year-Old Girls He Called “Vitamins”
‘Court records allege that Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera regularly paid $5,000 to have girls as young as 13-years-old drugged and brought to him for sexual intercourse while referring to his young victims as his “vitamins.”’
So much drug money and ruthless power flowing through these cartels…..
Hopefully, we can stop them, with our President’s commitment and cunning.
It is likely they have bought and threatened many of our politicians.
No doubt. I’m pretty certain now that they have.
They lay down with dogs and woke up with fleas.
I cannot fathom how Dems can think that human trafficking is okay. They must know what’s going on.
More proof that they value money more than human life. They never should have allowed the cartels to approach them.
Lost souls.
Many engage in perverse acts because their money, privilege and power has corrupted them.
Also, if they don’t like adult American Deplorables, they’re not going to care about defenceless little girls, are they?
…or little boys.
If they don’t care about defenseless little unborn infants, they won’t care about children or adults. Life is devalued and their hearts/souls/humanity is destroyed.
Very true.
The pieces are all coming together now for me WRT the Dems.
The rank and file out on the fruited plain know it is not okay. One of my liberal friends from HS posted info on human trafficking busts at the Superbowl. The comments were all on victims’ side.
The problem is really getting the information out in the open for them to see.
Thanks to the current administration, this is the third year that human trafficking perps have been targeted. Agreed: a good thing.
I’d not connected the Super Bowl and human trafficking before 2017. Super Bowl Sunday fo me meant innocent family and/or friendly neighbourhood parties.
Warning: this one is really gross.
It involves the classical music world.
And RBG.
From Feb. 1, although incident took place in 2010:
‘Gay Couple Married by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Now Arrested for Rape
‘A gay couple who was famously married by left-wing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has now been arrested and charged with rape.
‘The couple was arrested and charged with rape after a musician said “he was left bleeding from the rectum after blacking out at an after-show party” with the couple, The Daily Mail reported.
‘Michigan residents David Daniels, a 52-year-old opera singer, and Scott Walters, his 37-year-old orchestra conductor husband, have been arrested for the alleged assault of musician Samuel Schultz …
‘The couple were arrested in Michigan and remain behind bars at this time.
‘The University of Michigan confirmed that Daniels is on leave from his $191,000-a-year job at the school …
‘Daniels and Walters have been in the news in the past for famously being married by SCOTUS Justice Ginsburg in 2014.
‘According to The New York Times:
‘”Mr. Daniels rose to fame as a countertenor, singing high parts that were once the province of castratos or mezzo-sopranos at the Metropolitan Opera and around the world. When he and Mr. Walters were married in 2014, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an avid opera fan, officiated. Now, with his arrest, Mr. Daniels becomes the most prominent classical music star to face criminal charges of sexual misconduct in the wake of the national #MeToo reckoning.”‘
DM link from Jan. 30-31 (with photos):
‘He said he decided to report the pair to police after eight years because he was emboldened by the #MeToo movement.’
This is more common than the alphabet lobby would have us believe.
MSM (males having s3x with males) have 40-80 times greater incidence of all STDs – including the incurable 4H diseases (HIV, HPV, Herpes and Hepatitis).
Early death.
Relational violence.
Addictions to substances and behaviors (porn, self-stimulation, dangerous sexual practices).
Since the removal of DADT, male/male have exceeded male/female sexual assaults.
The injuries are often very painful and recovery is difficult according to one former military nurse.
Obama undermined military readiness with his social engineering aka perverted sexual agenda.
Thank you for the links.
I wish the first article had elaborated on the injuries and lingering consequences, especially those to the tradesmen’s entrance, which is for egress not ingress.
The second one I’ve bookmarked. Adm. Lyons nailed it:
‘These mandates did nothing to improve readiness or capabilities. They destroyed unit integrity, cohesiveness and the “will to win.” Clearly, under President Obama’s plan to fundamentally change America, the degradation of our military forces was a key element. The capitulation of our military leadership to accept these mandates was more than shocking, as it was a manifestation of the corrupt “political correctness” mentality run amok …
‘… the military as an institution must have laws, regulations, and procedures to ensure the maintenance of good order and discipline in order to successfully complete its mission …
‘The other main social engineering mandate was to open all combat roles to women, including our Special Forces and U.S. Navy SEAL Teams. There have been many studies conducted including a special 9-month study by the Marine Corps, which clearly point out the physical limitations of women in direct ground (infantry) combat.
‘Clearly, all of the Obama administration’s social engineering mandates must be canceled. The moral underpinnings of our military must be restored.There is only one criteria that should apply and that is mission success … Anything that detracts from that objective must be discarded.’
I have many more links and resources, having researched this subject since 2001 during the invasion and perversion of the churches.
Maybe you could become an author here? Or post on your own blog?
At one point, President Trump was asked a question from a reporter. It was one of those impromptu pressers when he was on his way to Marine One.
The question was something about how Michelle Obama would not forgive Trump for doing “XYZ”, and President Trump was asked to respond.
It was a rare moment and President Trump snapped, with the kind of emotion…. you just can’t fake. President Trump responded and said, “I will NEVER forgive President Obama for what he did to the military…..”
The tone of President Trump’s voice was so sharp, it made me stop what I was doing to listen. He was mad.
Made me wonder what he was really referring to.
I remember that. It was only a few months ago.
I think this was part of it, but there must be more to the story. At the time, to me, it sounded like something that was classified information — a sensitive national security issue.
Yeah Churchmouse, it stuck out to me.
President Trump was furious and I can’t recall him ever looking that angry, ever.
Nor can I.
In time, all being well, we will find out.
Key into any search engine… “Obama gutted the US Military” …
and you will get a cache of articles describing how he almost destroyed our military,
through reductions in the budget, firing of generals (large numbers)… failing to reduce ISIS
(in fact he and HRC created ISIS), use of drones…
Here’s statement from POTUS in 2017
“… “We’re at $700 billion for the military. And, you know, they were cutting back for years. They just kept cutting, cutting, cutting the military. And you got lean, to put it nicely. It was depleted, was the word. And now it’s changing.”
— President Trump, remarks to members of the Coast Guard, Nov. 23, 2017
Yeah, something wrong here. I knew they needed to get transmania out of the military, but sexual assault is reason enough to go further, IMO.
And yes, male on male assault is far worse of a problem than we’ve been led to believe. Often targeted and career ending.
OK – NOW you’ve got me interested.
I’m aware of specific instances of M/M assault within certain organizations, and I’ve been trying to seek any patterns beyond the obvious ones of simple sexual attraction, obsession, etc.
A more public example is Bradley Manning. There were HUGE consequences of his harassment and assault. The idea that this harassment might have been TARGETED to produce the effects that it did – THAT is a revelation.
There were multiple possible outcomes. One is simply ending his career. But the others include long-term organizational damage.
Something Obama (and others) would have wanted.
Like I said, VERY interesting.
As some of you know, I was banned OT for presenting these and other inconvenient facts in evidence.
Scripture, Science and Statistics (CDC, medicine, mental health and police statistics) agree on this topic!
Sin can always be translated ‘harm’ in Scripture. Our Father GOD’s love and mercy is behind all His proscriptions and warnings.
WOW. Between “bad penny” Ginsburg showing up in one more horror, and THE HORROR…. YIKES.
No kidding. David Daniels, really. Yes, I’ve been on a stage with him. Thought he was a preening peacock, but the conductor that weekend, Mr. Izthak Perlman (yes, the man himself) wanted him for the alto. His countertenor SUCKED.
And he was at Michigan, the opera program famous for pushing singers into roles they aren’t ready for and trashing voices. Wow.
Thanks for your insider’s input. Was hoping you would comment on this.
Funny thing is, being a classical singer, you meet A LOT of homosexual men. And I mean breeders are not always easy to come by. For the most part, these guys are gentle souls and would not hurt a fly. In fact, late in the evening if we ladies needed a gentleman to escort us to our cars, the vast majority of the guys were more than willing. Even the one who dressed like he was in a Frank Goes To Hollywood video.
Very few would I see being so violent so as to draw police attention. David Daniels….yeah, he was more enamored with himself than anything else. He kept turning to the orchestra and chorus during solo bits. We all knew the music. That piece is about the first EVERYONE learns. That was completely gratuitous.
The only other one I can think of who gave off that sort of vide, like “I’m the $#@!” When he really wasn’t, and even the concertmaster complained, was a conductor by the name of Andrew Litton who was with Dallas at the time. He was listed as retired and/or emeritus last I looked, so my guess is that he was abusive enough as a guest conductor that no one wanted him.
I will say that in a lot of ways classical music is stuck in the 18th century, an, yes, sopranos will sleep with the director to get parts, but it is not as degenerate as people may think. Most of the musicians are very nice and monogamous in their relationships. Tenors, OTOH, are notorious womanizers.
What a terrific group this is.
We have Wolfie the computer whiz, Dep Patriot a classical singer, Flep – our resident economist, Driller – who has massive expertise, and the list goes on and on.
‘And I mean breeders are not always easy to come by.’ Yes, I have known classical male vocalists in metropolitan areas, including a few who preyed on a choirboy. The boy’s parents were too naive to see he was being groomed (it was painfully obvious to everyone else), just that he had a few, devoted male ‘mentors’: ‘Isn’t it great? Wonderful men, helping our son.’
Singing professionally can be a lonely place for single women.
‘Most of the musicians are very nice and monogamous in their relationships.’ Different personalities entirely. No divas. They have to work as a team, even when they do solos.
Work as a team maybe like baseball players do. Everyone is responsible for them selves and has their part to play.
Now that I think about it, I do have a friend who has had his fair share of issues following being brought into a couple to spice up the sex life. For some reason, it’s a thing in that community. This guy did run into trouble with the law (not violent, something else entirely), but cleaned up, and moved on. He’s happy now being chaste.
There must be some way to have Nancy removed as Speaker on health grounds.
I, too, have my word salad moments but get my stuff together before addressing groups of people.
Here’s a transcript and a video from Jan. 31. Nancy is speaking to the press:
Accompanying article:
‘Lamenting the recent partial government shutdown, Pelosi said, “Veterans, many of whom— a third of the Republican— federal employees…”
‘“Maybe we can do something to help our contractors, uh, because they did— are— not getting paid,” she struggled to say.
‘The House Speaker attempted to read recent votes to reporters, and had trouble finding the right numbers in her notes.
‘“163— what is it, 163, uh, Democrats, uh, Republicans voted no,” she said, looking at reporters for dramatic effect, “to a resolution that says shutdowns are wrong.”
‘“163 voted, only 20, um, uh, 1 voted yes on that,” she added.
‘Addressing another vote, Pelosi said, “Only 29 voted yes on that. 163— 161 voted no,” she corrected herself.
‘After marring “conference committee,” she said, “A hundred— thousand new Customs officers.”
‘The House Speaker let out a big sigh as she said new equipment would catch “Fentenile” at mail processing facilities.
‘A jaw problem caused Pelosi to have trouble saying “Sea to shining sea.”
‘“Yesterday, we also had a great— yesterday was the anniv— This week, we observed the 10th anniversary of President Obama signing the paycheck— uh, Lily Ledbetter Act,” she struggled to say.
‘Pelosi corrected herself after she mistakenly said “70 percent” of what comes across the southern border comes through ports of entry. She later said it’s 90 percent.
‘She attempted to criticize what President Trump said, then asked reporters what he said when she apparently didn’t know.
‘“It is not a negotiation for the President to say, it’s, it’s,” she said, before stopping and staring towards the ceiling, “what Congress, what did he say today?” she added, leaning towards the reporters in front of her.
‘While trying to belittle Trump’s border wall proposal, Pelosi said, “When some of these border fences were born— born, were built!”’
thanks for the transcript–I saw this video and was at a loss sometimes for what the heck she was trying to say!
Alcohol and prescribed medication don’t go together…
Even functioning alcoholics reach a threshold…
Note how both hands are clenching the podium in the photo above… prevents your noticing them shake when not clenching…
she does appear to be holding on for dear life, doesn’t she?
PR, another laugh out loud moment…Thanks!
This could be happening because of MK Ultra glitches. Hmmm.
And I just thought it was old age.
Thanks ChurchMouse for all the informative posts!!!
This is why PDJT wanted Nancy as SOTH! The Lord Himself only knows what she is talking about and what points she struggling to make!!! Need a Nancy Pelosi jibberish interpreter!
Like Weird Al sings in “Smells Like Nirvana”:
He was taking the mickey out of the Seattle garage/grunge bans scene, where the lyrics as sung are about like the verbiage that Piglosi is spewing… at least the bands were interesting and not as destructive as “Botox Betty”…
BANDS, not bans. Though maybe some people wanted them banned 🙂
You’re most welcome, Pete. Delighted that you like the posts.
I do hope that PDJT has a plan in mind WRT Nancy.
I can imagine him tweeting, ‘Did you, uh, understand what, uh, Nancy just, uh, just, uh, said in her, uh, p-p-press con-, conf-, uh, conference today?’
The woman should prematurely retire and go home to California. Call a special election, have Kevin McCarthy nominate an unassailably good GOP candidate and get on with it.
It could be a game changer for 2020. 🙂
This one was frightening.
Indeed it was.
Even Paul Rino was better. (Words I never though I’d write.)
Amusing tweet from a Fox News producer about ‘that’ yearbook picture:
maybe…but the doctor would risk a lot to admit he was EITHER one in that photo…but boy would that be sweet!
Sure be funny if the two people in the photo were dressed up like that as part of some “black history” Democrat production, or some play where the Klan makes an appearance.
Teachers used to force kids to do that in schools, and people used to APPLAUD libtard “reenactment” productions of “white evils”.
Somebody had to “wear the sheet” for those things. And it would make sense posing for pics, too.
If people don’t KNOW where the picture came from, why do they assume it’s BAD?
Maybe THAT is why the Baby-Killing Democrats released it – they KNOW that Dr. Infanticide survives when it’s over, and the TRUTH is revealed. And THAT is why they saved it, and it didn’t make it into oppo – it’s NOT actually scandalous.
if I was guessing lol, which I am of course..the Klan person is a woman. The belt on the robe so it’s not so blobby and the height of the person, almost same height difference as Northam & wife in a recent picture. .
WM, do you think it is outside the realm of possibility that Northam had a thought during a meeting with his “small circle of fixers” and offered the pic as a way to shift the abortion narrative to racism?
Not only that – I think the DNC may have held his “oppo” as control, and ordered him to sit down and shut up while it was deployed to “fix” the problem.
Small class of physicians.
It would not be difficult to track them all down.
Just so.
I wonder if the chans are on the case. 🙂
Bet on it !!!
OR – maybe there is a 60yr old doctor who is a little bit richer than he was yesterday.
What DOES it cost to buy the silence of a physician?
Great point!
Depends on what they’re keeping quiet about.
Migrant news from Fox’s Griff Jenkins:
Take a minute to watch the Instagram video to see the young guys jumping freight trains — a logical means of transport for the fit and agile, as they will go directly over the border:
the day before yesterday, someone posted a video of the security for the Super Bowl and there was this cool portable x-ray device that x-rays large tractor trailer type trucks—wouldn’t it be awesome to have that embedded in a “tunnel” type structure that would x-ray the train cars as they came across the border–we could see what’s inside and it would knock off the freight jumpers riding on top!
Now there’s an idea.
Seriously, you should email that to PDJT and K. Nielsen.
Sea Container shipping ports, Rail lines, and tractor trailers used to transport containers at all ports of entry and transfer hubs.
And then develop for use for aircraft.
Land, sea, and air, covered.
Ummm … who says we don’t? (Q Sent Me) 😉
GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel retweeted:
Ronna McDaniel wins the argument against VA Governor Ralph Northam:
That last one is the clincher.
The winner! 🏆
Kristol gets kicked in the….
T*3…I love this bird–such a welcome hope of spring!
we started our “winter” here in upper PA with over a foot of snow in mid November–so I am all wintered out–looking forward to seeing some signs of spring…your photo made me grin ear to ear…thanks!
AMEN! It was great to wake up to this thread! 😀
Textbook Democrat. Chuck Schumer’s racism:
“Chuck Schumer’s actions prove he isn’t looking out for blacks but instead is only using them for the votes. Schumer is using the age-old Democrat strategy of lying to minorities promising hope but end up delivering nothing but misery and poverty. It’s the way Democrats have managed to stay in power so long. They are nothing but liars and snakes.”
Video from above the article (less than eight minutes):
From Big League Politics:
CONGRESS EVIDENCE: Rashida Tlaib ‘Lied’ About Residency To Run For Office, Registered To Vote At False AddressPublished 4 days ago on Jan 30, 2019 By Patrick Howley
“Michigan Democrat congresswoman Rashida Tlaib registered to vote from a false address, and represented a state House district that she did not actually live in, according to credit score and property records obtained by Big League Politics.
Tlaib’s own father even said that Tlaib “lied” about her address in order to run for office.
Here is what the evidence, presented below, proves:
Rashida Tlaib registered to vote at a false address as she embarked on her first political campaign. “Registering to vote using a false address” is one of a number of crimes that fall into the voter fraud category.
Tlaib ran for and represented the 12th district in the Michigan House of Representatives even though she was not a resident of that district.
Records show that Tlaib was an “Absentee Owner” at the Detroit house she claimed to live in.
Tlaib moved to her official Detroit apartment address, which she reported to the FEC after the election, at the start of her 2018 campaign. Her new address was recorded for the first time one day before she announced her campaign for Congress.
The Detroit news media erased information about these crimes from the Internet.
Congressman Jon Bumstead of Michigan told Big League Politics through an intermediary that Michigan state representatives are required by law to live in the district they represent.”
hey, Maxine Waters has done that for decades…
It depends on the state. In Michigan, it’s illegal.
Let’s be clear about state law affecting fed elections: no state can add to or subtract from the requirements for congresscritter as specified in the constitution. This includes residency demands. As long as a person is a resident of the state, it’s okay. However, a voter fraud is part of the constitutional requirements because a person must be a qualified elector (voter) in order to run. False registration is a disqualification for voting, and consequentially from serving as a critter.
Her residency situation is illegal in Michigan.
And just before the Super Bowl:
This kind of makes me sad for our President. Just another example of the sacrifice he has made on behalf of America. He can not even go out for a simple game of golf without having a huge production of it. And I’m sure I feels bad about all the other lives it impacts. Just to go play golf.
Especially since he has not played since Thanksgiving weekend.
That was a serious sacrifice to make for his country. The man has no artificial ‘buzz’ (e.g. strong drink), he’s sober 24/7, has to put up with constant Bravo Sierra from Dems (including the media) and was facing serious threats to his life.
I bet he played his heart and soul out on the golf course this weekend.
Poor guy. I really feel for him.
And he’s losing a fortune ($$$$) by doing this for ALL AMERICANS out of the goodness of his heart.
May the Good Lord bless and keep PDJT and his family.
Bwahahahaha …
“Christiane Martinez, a German who lives in Virginia, is working to become a U.S. citizen.
“I read the Constitution because I had to learn that for immigration and I want to obey the law,” Martinez said. “And I’m learning about the law and I am very confused about human rights and happiness.”
“I believe a baby is a living being and it has a whole lifetime in front of it,” Martinez said. “I do not understand that a baby that has its whole life in front of it why would you kill it and not go into the hospital and kill everybody that only has a day to live.”
“I’m very confused about coming here and then having to follow the law, but the people that are in charge and are the lawmakers are doing something like that,” Martinez said, adding that what’s going on with extreme abortion law is no different than what Hitler did in her homeland.”
I agree it’s totally confusing…our Declaration of Independence specifically lists LIFE the first UNALIENABLE right…and then government fritters that away…? abominable…
Oh what common sense and reasonable deduction does to a person!!! Scary isn’t it—they actually make sense! Don’t have to be a Harvard graduate to get this stuff—in fact, they are the ones who don’t get it (or refuse to get it)!
One of the best quotes describing post modern journalism aka Fake News:
Journalism now is a bunch of millennial social justice activists playing dress-up.
From this article:
I will say, there was a group of students who attended the pro-life demonstration in VA who made it clear that millennials understand the horrors of abortion. That gave me some hope.
We’re largely hearing only from the ’empty paper bag’ journos ‘who make the loudest noise’. (I put that in quotes; it’s an old saying that teachers used to tell some Americans and West Indians. Essentially: ‘Shut up. You have nothing of importance to say right now.’)
Meanwhile, the good people, living in accordance with Scripture, are making their voices heard — albeit quietly.
Love it !!!!
This tweet has been posted a couple of times… however, it is part of a THREAD, and there are MORE NAMES of those being sued:
I believe that this ghastly Demoncrat obsession with killing babies in the womb and/or just exiting a mother’s life sanctuary will be the downfall of the democrat party. This is a horrific and barbaric practice, I can’t even wrap my head around any justification for this, by anyone especially the mother. May God condemn them to hell for such a shameless, cowardly, and selfish act on the most vulnerable of society.
For those of you who haven’t seen the movie about that creature Gosnell, I recommend it highly. Wife and I decided to watch it for the 3rd time last night and we both cried again while doing so. It is difficult to watch in some parts, but it does give one a sense and belief that these people who claim it’s a woman’s right/her body is a load of crap, and the latest push by NY, VT, VA, NM, etc exposes the Rowe vs Wade lie that it would make abortions rare and safe; exposes just the opposite….they really want it anytime they like, by anyone they want, and anywhere they can get one. Gosnells’ clinic and home was a modern day version of a nazi death chamber; the most disgusting and putrid conditions that one could never imagine. He was a vile hoarder of murdered babies and their other remains…no different than what the nazi’s did as trophies to their gruesome ideology.
A link to the trailer.
God bless Dean Cain for taking on this role. Only someone committed to the cause of life would have put his career on the line for this role
There are more than a handful in Hollywood who are on the side of life. That side of them is not publicized, but people like Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Jim Caviezel, Patti Heaton…it’s there, just quiet usually.
One line stood out for me from that trailer: ‘an overly zealous Catholic investigator‘.
As this film came out last autumn, I wonder if it had a part to play in the harassment of Justice Kavanaugh as his nomination was in play.
Movie comes oout in March
60 years ago today…the Music Died…
T3, thank you so much for the verses in that wonderful translation!!! I hadn’t seen the NABRE translation before, and I love it!!! This morning, during my husband’s and my Bible study, I looked up the verses in that translation and it was so rich and full of meaning!!! I read them in the wee hours of the morning, but just now able to thank you!!!
Ive never been a football person but I would occasionally watch a bowl game and usually the super bowl. My life has far to much going on to waste hours watching these anti American spolied jerkoffs and the circus around it. The only pleasure I might get is if the Patriots win.
The main NFL corporate office was listed as a 501(c)6 foundation with the teams being members which is part of the non-profit code. That is no longer the case. In 2015, they gave it up.
The teams always were for profit as they are incorporated in their own states.
That’s why I fell in love with hockey…before the New York media got its hooks into the profits.
Love hockey. Of all the things I’ve missed since quitting cable, it’s hockey.
You haven’t missed much. It’s been really tamed down.
It’s almost a girl’s game now.
No fights, no rivalry. Not worth watching anymore.
So, I’ve been playing around with wordpress it’s a little complicated but not bad 🤔. I used it to post a bunch of pics and videos of my dog since he seems to have some fans. I might have added a couple cat pics toward the end too and I should probably include a BANDWITH WARNING! since I used one page for them all. No idea if the videos will work for others either.
Seems to work fine. That pup was so cute. Will he take off when off leash?
No actually, we don’t even have a fenced yard but can let him out whenever he wants. He always stays close. He’ll wander around a bit so I keep him chained to the rig at work when I can’t pay attention to him
thanks for sharing!!
yes the videos worked just fine…loved the pictures!
and the cat is cute too!
Thank you ❤
One suggestion, driller (and, granted, I tend to be overly protective) but you might want to remove the photos with your license plate showing. Esp. since you have also published some political pieces.
Probably a good idea TatonkaWoman, I did some edits. Thanks
Ah. Relief.
From a FB post by Charlie Kirk:
18 Days: Heartbeat
42 Days: Brain waves
52 Days: Baby hiccups and yawns
8 weeks: All organs function
9 Weeks: Fingerprints developed
10 Weeks: Feels pain
12 Weeks: Smiles
TTT, that photo inspires deep breaths…beautiful! This “often hidden deeply within our simple and somewhat ordinary lives” brings to mind after Mother Teresa’s acceptance speech when she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 her response to a question about what she thought people could do to for the cause of World Peace.
Do not despite small beginnings
Our pastor gave a great homily on the love litany from Corinthians this morning since it was the second reading. We could all start there.
The homily for us today was highlighting how in our ordinary lives we, like Jeremiah and Jesus before us, will suffer the anger of those around us that do not want to be told the truth about their sinful condition. Very interesting that he would go there! He didn’t specifically bring up any particular sin. He focused on the heart of the prophet was for helping their people from a motive of love and yet their lives were in danger for it.
I thought maybe that was a where Monsignor would go today, the being driven away for telling the truth, but he didn’t.
This is an excellent thread:
Draining the SWAMP is a world wide task.. It is not Arrest Hillary / Obama and done.
the swamp is global…
I think the anon quote is taken out of context. It’s from post 520 from last January that deals with funding the military. The 3 year plan appears to be a shutdown of the military and the DACA negotiations.
The save the world plan took decades to develop and, I believe, has been in motion for a number of years now, probably since Obama was elected. The prep beforehand is now pretty obvious when looking down from 40,000 feet.
SerialBrain2 – The NO CAVE Strategy: How Trump played Nancy, Chuck and the Deep State
I promised to tell you how the number 21 was chosen by the Maestro to determine the number of days the Government would remain opened. It’s fascinating.
If you prefer listening…
Wow! Where has this person been…not on my radar. I thought Reddit “banned” all talk of Q?
Wolf: gives a whole new meaning to “Learn to Code,” I believe.
Thank you Judy!!!
This was my first introduction to Gemetria (which I do not understand or have a desire to master – I’m more in the “just show me the baby” camp) but it makes sense to me that POTUS has to communicate in many ways to people in many places worldwide and the many layers of this war he is winning!
I like puzzles, although I am not proficient at them, so I will probably dabble with this information.
This can get you started and there are many other links on the web for your choosing. Happy dabbling!
thanks for posting this Judy…
I’m going to state my opinion while respecting others’ rights to have a different view.
I used to read SerialBrain2 but found that he was not supporting the conclusions he drew. It was as if he said, “The sky is blue; therefore, my car is orange.” What?
Granted, I don’t understand gematria, nor do I wish to. For me, it distracts from spiritual principles and makes us look for the mysterious and secret instead of examining ourselves, living a Christian life, and focusing on God as our authority. It invites us to put faith in puzzles and to spend time on them rather than exercising faith in God. Mysteries are fun, but disciplining ourselves to live as we ought is hard work.
(Q provides puzzles, but they are about the political goings-on in this world, not about motives or actions we might attribute to God. Nor do they claim to be God revealing something to us.)
It was the same when people were predicting the world would end on September 23, 2017, because of the way astronomical signs would line up. They were taking a Scripture passage from Revelation, tying it to astronomy, and predicting an apocalypse on that date. I got banned from World Net Daily for telling people they were doing exactly what the Bible says not to do and that people preaching these theories were presenting false teaching. I asked what excuse people would have when the world didn’t end. Of course it didn’t, and World Net Daily continued to sell books by the authors of such heresies, who were making money off people’s fascination with the mysterious.
My advice (which no one asked for!) is to be very careful with such things and whom you follow.
TT, thanks for posting your perspective of SB2. With all that is happening in our world today, I agree that it is wise to be cautious but that doesn’t keep me from genuinely wanting to know more about things that interest me. There is so much information and so many sources and I don’t “follow” anyone but rather read/listen/watch as long as it resonates or as time permits. I could write a book on all the times in my life that God had to nudge “loudly” for me to listen but that’s how I learn.
CTH was a place I frequented often althogh not daily from the Trayvon Martin days until recently when I sensed the distinct change of attitude/information delivered and I commented directly to SD, received no response, stopped donating, moved on and found WM’s Q Tree. That’s how it works for me when I listen but I acknowledge we are all different (thankfully! LOL). People/things change and it’s nice to be able to live and move in that framework.
I was born with an innate sense of curiosity and likely will not grow out of it as I love the way it creates an openness to opportunities and unfamiliar experiences as well as making connections and experiencing moments of insight and meaning. At its core, curiosity for me is all about noticing and being drawn to things I find interesting.
When we are curious, I believe we see things differently and are able to use our powers of observation more fully. We can also use curiosity to intentionally create wonder, intrigue and play out of almost any situation or interaction we encounter. The energy of humor mixed with serious discussions in this space demonstrates that better than anything I can think of. It all starts with wanting to know more and allowing others to be where they are. ❤❤❤
Yes. I just presented more food for thought from one perspective for people to take or leave, as they wish.
I agree about “the energy of humor mixed with serious discussions in this space”!
If I could “like” your post, I would!
I agree that ‘to each his own’ in this interesting subject of numbers and signs, but what is God’s will in all of this? He is all-knowing and infinite and yet, He knows me and loves me and I have faith and trust that God in in control. I don’t need to sneak a peak into the rabbit hole of this nature. I’m thankful that Q says “do your own thinking, do your own research” (maybe not in those exact words) – trust your gut, if it seems off it probably is.
Anyway, just my two cents!
I agree. I just found a definition of gematria as a system for finding hidden truths and meanings within Hebrew and Greek words; in other words, occultic numerology. I do not think this is something God intends us to do; in fact, I think He specifically commands us not to do it. As you say, trust your gut, and mine is putting up huge red flags. I can’t and won’t tell others what to do, but I felt it was important to share from my own knowledge and experience because we can so easily be led astray.
NY may have done us a favor by focusing attention on Roe vs Wade again. It seems it never was signed into law at all.
There is NO law created in Roe v. Wade.
There is an interpretation of the law (which is what judges do)…
That ‘law’ being the Constitution of the US, wherein the SCOTUS ruled that “… the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which protects against state action the right to privacy, including a woman’s qualified right to terminate her pregnancy. Though the State cannot override that right, it has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman’s health and the potentiality of human life, each of which interests grows and reaches a “compelling” point at various stages of the woman’s approach to term.” Pp. 147-164.
I do not agree with the interpretation but that doesn’t matter. Article Three of the US Constitution empowers the courts to handle cases or controversies arising under federal law, as well as other enumerated areas.
While the author of the article linked to opposes abortion, her preise is fallacious.
should be “premise”
Yes. The writer is not all that well informed.
Then each state can decide who it is legal to kill and when? Oh Well. I found it hopeful.
Q Treepers, RT away !!!!!
Hope none of you are watching the ‘game’…
Imagine, Stacy Abrams can buy an ad spewing a lie that SHE won the election in Georgia… but …
Yeah, right… pull the plug.
With respect, there are certain valid reasons for turning on the game. (Note that I am NOT, and never have been, a fan of the game I once heard described [in ignorance, I have learned], as “Alll fall down, all get up, all fall down again.”) These reasons include help for people recovering from certain illnesses.
I understand this concept. For some people who are incapacitated for whatever reason, following a sport or specific sports team provides something to look forward to and to talk about (if possible). Following a team and its players through a season, witnessing its goals and how it fails and succeeds at achieving them, seeing people strive for excellence, etc., can be both encouraging and therapeutic.
I completely understand why people are boycotting the NFL, NBA, and others; I just wanted to agree that there is a bigger picture in which sports can play a role.
Will not be watching. Have a 1,000 piece puzzle to work on.
I thought it would be a good time to clean my bathrooms.
I do that when the Cubs are in the World Series.
I still think not enough attention has been given to the matter of players violating their contracts when they refuse to take the contractually defined stance(s) for the anthem.
Love it! Great post! And I love that brave little bird! Bravo!!!

Speaking of “life will find a way”, I treasure my memories of seeing “the real McCoy”…..
….but this is pretty funny, and glad I saw this as well! 😉
But gotta love this one! 😀
Squirrel thinking: Dude, the guy’s wife has a .22 … 😉
Both times I was in the Sistine Chapel I was wishing I could lie on the floor to really see the ceiling.
My neck! Oh, my neck!!! Yes, I had those same thoughts!
Yes. I know what you mean. Most of the time your neck hurts.
I do know someone who was with a group of tourists who were just walking around and missed the Sistine Chapel. LOL Like really?
HOW? The path takes you right there.
I have no idea. It was many years ago. But they totally missed it.
New motto.. I AM!…CRAZY ENOUGH!!!!!! 👀
If I could be T3’s little bird today– Here is where I would be…
Love this! How can VSG not be affected?
Nothing like the back nine to have a private business conversation.
Full Part 1 of interview (not ‘clip’)
“interview” is a misnomer…
it’s a debate… Ms. Margaret interrupts POTUS frequently…
Ms. Margaret doesn’t know history (Ms. Margaret is wet behind the ears, no match for POTUS)
Is Ms Margaret related to John????????????
Thanks for the heads up. Drives me nuts when they don’t let him talk.
This twit with mediocre intelligence is condescending and arrogant, and interrupts VSG constantly.
She doesn’t care about the answers. She is just portraying her “side” as part of the Narrative.
I find her exceptionally annoying!
Today on VOAT, somebody posted two Twinker threads from an account called @WhiteSquall8. The threads walk the reader through a number of things from 2018 anon drops including the assertions that Snowden is a CIA plant into the NSA to infiltrate and under mine its operations, information about the “suicides” of the men who developed SecureDrop AND how it was appropriated by the C_A for identifying whistleblowers.
Really interesting dot connecting. Worth the read, IMO.
Went to Jack’s pride and joy to follow this account. It has less then 5K followers which is probably what is keeping it from being banned.
Wondering if this isn’t a helper account putting things together ahead of big reveals. The timing is curious.
I just read the first one, and it was fascinating! It put all the pieces together in a logical way relating to the Q drops about Snowden, the Freedom of the Press Foundation, etc. I will bookmark these for reference.
Wow, DP, these threads are a goldmine of connecting information in the Q drops. This all makes so much more sense to me. There is another thread right between the 2 you linked:
He’s talking about the huge damage that Snowden did. He basically freed the Clowns from being monitored by the NSA so they could operate their black ops undetected. Then he says this:
“Q makes it clear that the rogue U1 operations were to include Iran and the so-called “Iran Deal.” All of which Hussein & his Clowns could execute unfettered & unmonitored thanks to Snowden!”
So this ties the U1 and Iran Deal together, which Q alluded to back during his first drops. This guy says that the whole thing was planned by BC and HRC and operated by Obama. Another boom: Hillary’s server was set up so North Korea could hack it and get the nuclear info and pay for it with children.
This thread is GOLD, but I’ve picked out THE most amazing tweet of them all.
What ever happened to Trump Soldier… do you know?
No – I have not seen much of him lately!
He does have a website now – he may be doing a lot of research.
do you have a link for the website…
Sd used to RT him all the time… used his research. Then about a year ago, TS said he would be offline for about six weeks and he never came back to twitter.
“Under construction”!
“Message Discipline” got us to this place!! BOOM!
Interesting. Over the past few months, I’ve been thinking “‘message FREEDOM’ got us to this place — BOOM!” 🙂
Exactly CM!
Wolf, can you believe this find?
Putting this here just ‘cuz
That was more real than any Super Bowl game, a brilliant commercial that invites thought and aspiration to be a better person
You expressed it beautifully…
I remember as a small child, sitting in my gr/grandmother’s lap, while she listened to Paul Harvey…
Paul Harvey (Mutual Radio, at the time) was great.
Mutual ended in 1999, but had launched minority radio networks many years before. Mutual’s history is v. interesting and dates from the Great Depression (1930s):
For me, as a child, Paul Harvey was the one commentator I always looked forward to hearing. I never liked the commercial break in between Parts One and Two.
However, Paul Harvey’s segment was a big seller. As an adult (and marketeer), I now understand the advert break.
He was a good man.
Meanwhile in Venezuela:
Although Michael Delauzon’s tweet no longer exists, there are these:
And this one, unrelated, but one that Trump supporters will enjoy:
Hmm. Two of those twitter pages no longer exist.
Then he took them down for a reason — presumptive, false reports.
These are things the public do not need to know right now, anyway.
I just posted – several more EU countries have recognized new interim President Guaido.
Excellent news! Thanks!
Maybe US is bringing in troops to protect humanitarian aid workers and ensure proper distribution.
Perhaps so.
I love that one statement “He doesn’t need Congress!!!!”
First Lady Melania’s Super Bowl Party outfit!
LOVE IT !!!! Gorgeous FLOTUS…
PATRIOT!!! She’s the most Beautiful Patriot Ever!!!
LOVE IT !!!! Gorgeous FLOTUS…
well, I didn’t mean to post it twice!
Trust me its worth saying it twice!!!
4000 MOAR Troops heading for the Border!
Comment from President Trump:
It’s Molly Hemingway…But I thought Dan Bongino had the pic in October? Somebody’s fake News!!
It’s true Dan got in Oct., he has verified this… said he wasn’t sure it was authentic
Mollie is saying that the tip to Big League came from his classmates (because of Northam’s stand on abortion earlier)
That makes a lot of sense to me…
Yes this make a lot of sense as well. I mean how a doctor can make these kinds of statements is just…….????????
My Mom said ‘Well he sucks as a doctor and as a politician.’
Good Mom…smart Mom…straight to the point Mom!!!
LOL she will be happy to hear it!!! 🙂
I saw the BLP story at work. What’s interesting here in the big league story about how they got it, is they said they were able to independently verify it in about two hours. I’m thinking they just went to some place like and verified the picture that way. That said though, they were also in contact with the person who informed them about the year book. Bongino perhaps was not.
What???? No really What???? I have no idea what a cisgendered is? Talk about crazy!!!
Kea, I heard this defined yesterday and what I understood was that if I was born a female and still think I am a female I am cisgendered. I am sure there is a more eloquent way to explain it but in my world it is what I’ve always thought and still think is “normal”. 😉
Thanks. That’s how I understand it as well. Normal is REALLY good.
I’ve read online that there’s a movement afoot to primary AOC (gosh, she’s only been in office a month!)
Yup. The dems are not happy with her!!!! Good 🙂
It should be. Considering those who are cruel to animals are usually cruel to people.
Uh, this has further reaching effects than to dogs and cats (hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.).
When Labour were in power in the UK during an excruciating (I’m putting it mildly) 13-year stretch, they wanted to make it illegal to kill garden slugs and snails.
Law-enforced ‘cruelty to animals’ can extend FAR BEYOND PETS.
Ugh…always to the extreme..
Got that right Gil…
I would think this would be a bill that your really going to want to read first before adopting it. It could easily be a bill that separates you from your pets or adopts extreme measures you must follow to keep your pets.
Following the story, Rep Deutch (D) from FL is the one pushing it. It’s been through the senate twice passed easily, but former Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte blocked it from getting to the House floor. He’s not there anymore however if he blocked it, he’d have his reasons and I’d expect the bill puts ornerous pressure on some pet owners that don’t need to be put there.
Yes I know what you mean. What sounds like a good idea might not be such a good idea. I know I’m trying/looking to adopt a puppy dog and the questions they ask OMG I have a better chance at getting a loan. Its crazy. On the one hand I get it BUT they want refs? really?
Trump Curse Strikes Again: ICE Arrests Trump-Hating Rapper ’21 Savage’ For Overstaying His Visa
I had to look around to fgind info. Apparently he arrived in 2005, visa expired in 2006 and he has a felony conviction for drug sales. Yet never on ice radar…until now. And he is up for a couple grammys next week. His atty says hes a mentor….obviously not in a good way. So hopefully he will be gone.
Ellen Page is a Canadian living in LA.
(Omit * before copying and pasting: *
Do Americans go on Canadian television channels to opine about ‘Justin from Canada’? Doubtful.
Very true. I was once watching a Canadian web series and the last comment was ‘the POTUS is an unknown reptile with small hands’. I turned it off.
Talk about TDS.
The whole British Commonwealth is infected with it, as well as Great Britain. (sigh)
Wow, amazing.
Thank you, pR!
I wonder how many US school students will learn about this great lady this month.
Mildred Fay Jefferson was the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School. She was a firm believer in observing the Hippocratic Oath. She was also the first woman doctor at what was then the Boston University Medical Center. By 1984, she was a general surgeon at the Center and a professor of surgery at the Boston University School of Medicine.[6] She would later become the first woman to become a member of the Boston Surgical Society.
More from Wikipedia:
‘Though she has not performed an abortion herself, Jefferson has done post-operative work after an abortion.[2]:part 2 …
‘It was around 1970 when Jefferson became one of the founders of Massachusetts Citizens for Life. She later helped found the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC).[6] In 1971, she became a member of the NRLC board of directors. She became the vice president of the National Right to Life Committee in 1973 and then was elected as chairman of the board the following year. Mildred then was elected as president of NRLC, serving three terms from 1975 to 1978.[4][7] Jefferson concurrently wrote a column, “Lifelines”, in the National Right to Life News publication.[2]
‘In 1975, Jefferson was the first witness for the prosecution in the manslaughter case levied against Kenneth Edelin for his performance of a legal abortion.[2]
‘It was in 1980 that Jefferson helped the National Right to Life Committee start a political action committee because she believed it was important to lobby and support pro-life candidates for office. While a Republican, she helped Democrat Ellen McCormack run for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 1976. Apart from NRLC, Jefferson served on boards of directors of more than 30 pro-life organizations.
‘Jefferson is also noted for changing Ronald Reagan’s stance on abortion from pro-choice to pro-life. He wrote to her in a letter, “You have made it irrefutably clear that an abortion is the taking of a human life, I am grateful to you.”[7] …’
thank you so very much for digging for this information and then posting here…
I knew nothing about her before your post… I saw the ‘meme’ and thought it a powerful message, one that would make a great tweet.
So grateful for your efforts.
I also wonder how many will hear of her this month. There are so many that are never celebrated.
God bless you.
Thank you, pR, and may God continue to bless you, too!
I will write a piece on this good doctor on my site within the next few days.
‘I also wonder how many will hear of her this month. There are so many that are never celebrated.’ How true. Given that this is America’s Black History Month, how is it that we have never heard of this doctor before now?
Oh, the irony.
Thank you for the meme, which has duly opened our eyes further to the pro-life cause.
you’re most welcome…
again, thank you for digging !
You’re welcome!
If someone other than Americans are “her people” then she should not be involved in the American government. Obviously her oath was a total like. Unless, of course, it was an oath we never heard before.
“total like” that is
Humph!! Lie! Lie! Suppose to be total LIE!!!!
We understood TatonkaWoman…
And I agree with your sentiment.
I wonder if she has dual citizenship…
WARNING WARNING!!! ,.. uh, well,..uh..well, …ok. So I showed my wife the site I made for our dog, of course she loved it but I had to explain what inspired me (this site), the Treehouse history (which, apparently, she was somewhat aware of), and ….I accidentally told her she should click on the QTree link (especially to read daughnworks latest post)… um, “Houston, we MAY have a problem” so,… I’ll just say it. She’s talkative and will probably love this site. Ok, I’m trying to find her a username now. drillerwife? shilohmom? annababy? Oh my, what have I done?
What have you done? Something tells me we are all about to find out. 😋. Here’s an early welcome to your wife!!!
Thanks and, good luck to everyone
So much good stuff on your page DrillerElite!
Liked this one alot.
My goodness… he is so young… soooo handsome (well, he was always handsome!)
Thanks for bringing that here t3…
I’ll have to take a look at your site drillerelite !
That’s great news, Driller!
She will be most welcome here.
I love all your pics and videos of Shiloh!
He is so beautiful…and those blue eyes are amazing.
I think my favorite was the video of him rolling in the tall grass, nipping at his tail.
Oh wheatie, you are the sweetest! She just read daugn’s latest and is in complete tears. I think she just gave her first response and is probably in moderation, while she’s crying…lol. drillerwife is her new moniker 😂🤣🤣😂😅
OMG, he’s hilarious, huh?. I’m so honored that anyone would care, thanks wheati. So apparently she’s gonna take the moniker “drillerwife” 😂🤣😆😂 ….nice
Yes, I just saw that…and I’m so glad she decided to join us!
The net-name, “drillerwife”, makes perfect sense, too.
You’ll be our first hubby-wife QTreepers ( that we know of!)
Really? Oh, crap 😐
it’s a GOOD thing…and no, I’m not really Martha Stewart…LOL
welcome drillerwife!
Maybe do some research.
My foray into football today is complete.
I take it the Patriots won?
Late reply but yep.
yeay !!!!
You can’t see it in this Brady photo, but the same photo is on twitter, and in the upper left corner of the cubbyholes (opposite the MAGA hat is a Covfefe cup. I snorted when I saw it. Brady really, really likes POTUS 💖🇺🇸💖🇺🇸
The Trump curse comes into play because the Rams had said last week that they didn’t know if they would accept an invitation to the White House if they won. Well, no need to worry about that now!
Here is a link to an archived article dated Janu 25, 2004, published in NYT</b)
In this 15 year old article we learn:
… “Because of the porousness of the U.S.-Mexico border and the criminal networks that traverse it, the towns and cities along that border have become the main staging area in an illicit and barbaric industry, whose ”products” are women and girls. On both sides of the border, they are rented out for sex for as little as 15 minutes at a time, dozens of times a day. Sometimes they are sold outright to other traffickers and sex rings, victims and experts say. These sex slaves earn no money, there is nothing voluntary about what they do and if they try to escape they are often beaten and sometimes killed.”
IT IS ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN… this war we are engaged in, attempting to move from darkness to light.
The Cabal wants to destroy our children, the pre-born, the just born, little ones, the youth…
We had better wake up… and wake up the uninformed, those who don’t really understand the term “trafficking” …
Pray for the children.
Ohhh my… I made an error in the end tag…
Certainly didn’t mean all of this to be bolded (didn’t mean to scream!)
A question for you: I notice that everybody (Republicans, Dems and DOJ) expect Mueller’s report to be completed soon, Whittaker said something along the lines of “I think it is nearing completion” – weasel words for it ain’t happening yet. The Mueller witch hunt appears to be the only thing restraining PDJT from declassifying info regarding FISA and Ohr texts etc based on perceived “obstruction of justice” concerns. I’m wondering if the “investigations” about to be instigated by the Demonrats would have a similar effect (although I don’t believe they have indictment power, only subpoena power) in which case is the Mueller investigation going to be dragged out to provide overlap with the House investigation(s) then shut down or is the Mueller one going to be dragged on until the next election thus effectively preventing President Trump from declassifying anything?
Cheers, Greg
Based on the historical trends of all things related to our VSG PDJT, the only thing we can know for sure is that we sure don’t know.
LOL! True, very true! I wish he was my president too then he could stir up Oz politics too!
And then there is this.
It all depends on how successful we are at waking up people.
POTUS needs our support.
Ha ha ha! I love my president!
He’s MY president !
Okay, i’ll share… just this once.
Here’s a petition to the White House some of you might want to sign:
Congress: Legislation to stop Infanticide, late term abortion from being practiced in the United States of America
Thaank you for posting Linda.
God Bless Mr. Farage.
Woah. Mexico assisting us by blocking them?
Soc it to ’em, soc it to ’em
These people have NO right counseling immigrants in C.A. on how to gain entry into US (fraudulently) under ‘asylum’ status… citizens of C.A. countries must do that while still in their home country…
These SJWs think they are ‘special’ – that the law does not apply to them…
hey, there’s a new Sheriff in town… Game’s Up!
Whoohooooo! As a former Broncos fan, hell yeah Patriots!
Curious timing for a biography of Chief Justice Roberts?
“The Chief: The Life and Turbulent Times of Chief Justice John Roberts” by author Joan Biskupic, a preeminent Supreme Court analyst and biographer of the justices, is set for a March 26 release.
So Bezos WaPo spent over 5 million on a superbowl ad to convince people they care about truth. Right.
Maybe it’s time to just let people know.
Wolfmoon’s Monday Dear MAGA Open is up!