Something REALLY stinks in China and Iran, and it’s not just the burning bodies.
The TIMELINES simply don’t add up. They are FALLING APART. And you know it’s REAL because somebody is racing to rescue it.

Facebook is now cracking down on “unapproved” posts about the CoronaVirus.
Yeah, Chinaberg. I can do the math.
There was a point, recently, where I found that I could explain a LOT MORE about COVID-19 by abandoning China’s version of events, and coming up with my own. Part of that was explaining my own SARS-like symptoms, from a definite Corona infection that I picked up in mid-January at an “Iran-connected” meeting. Of course, at THAT time, we knew nothing about Iran.
But how could that be? It doesn’t fit the TIMELINE.
Good thing I stayed out of nursing homes for two weeks, thanks to a 5-day induction period, and having seen the DEADLY GRAPH of COVID morbidity vs. age, but it was close. My friend Suspicious Cat may have saved a few old veterans.

vigilanti semper
I’m still not breathing right, by the way. THAT bugs me. It feels very “SARS”.
My wife and neighbor did well, but my neighbor’s wife was hit pretty hard. I think that she, like me, is an ex-smoker.
But it’s more than personal. Things just don’t add up – and I’m not just talking about the NUMBERS, which are OFF. The numbers are showing too many positives too fast in the wrong countries and specific people – meaning those who generally seem too “helpful” to China and Iran if they caught it.
Bolsonaro? Oh, as soon as I saw that near-hit, I realized that I could WRITE THAT OPERATION. The VECTOR DEFLECTOR on that one – oh – that was “too smart”. Y’all know what I’m sayin’? Oh, that was SLICK. I smell Chinese intelligence ALL OVER that.
No – it’s more than just the numbers.
The Chinese communists and the Iranians – poor victims? No. This doesn’t sniff right. Mass graves in Iran that are the BAD GUYS and not the INNOCENT GOOD GUYS? No. That doesn’t sniff right. Execution-style gunfire recorded by half-hidden phones in China, then disappearing from the Fake News here? No. That doesn’t sniff right.
Young doctors dying and disappearing in China? Hmmmm. Maybe there ARE explanations. Maybe these are the SAME duplicitous ChiComs and the SAME scheming Iranians we’ve always known – SNEAKY – LYING – FAKING – HOAXING – TRICKING – and Fake News is simply helping to sell ONE MORE SOCIALIST / GLOBALIST NARRATIVE.
YES. That’s where I am now. There is a NARRATIVE coming from China, Iran, and the Fake News, and I no longer buy it.

With or without death by coronavirus?
I suppose we can thank Rod Rosenstein’s sister, Neutron Nancy, for her early attitude on testing, which OH SO UNFORTUNATELY hid any cases in the United States other than NARRATIVE cases involving cruise ships. And THANK YOU GAIL for that piece of the puzzle, because THAT really helped me see things. They wanted it here. And they wanted it to STICK.

Sorry, this is all bullshit.
And now – NOW – I’m hearing that I’m not the only author here who had a NASTY, NOVEL, RESPIRATORY DISEASE in December or January, where the only reason NOT to think it was probably COVID 19, is the CHINESE / IRANIAN / FAKE NEWS narrative timeline.
SIDEBAR: I am asking all people here who think they may have gotten COVID-19 outside of the Fake News timeline, including those who previously shared information, to please re-post a description of their experience HERE for it to be available to researchers who find this post. The more non-personal details provided, the better.
Wolf Moon 1776
It took ONE OR TWO PEOPLE here to start questioning the ChiCom narrative openly, and all of a sudden – BOOM – many of us who were PRIVATELY questioning it, start questioning it BIGLY and PUBLICLY.
NOW do you see why Mark Chinaberg is having an emergency over at Facebook? They have to shut this stuff down. And they CAN.

That is the beauty of socialist media. Just like China, they can shut it down. Just like 2016, they can support THE HOAX. They have complete control.

Well, too bad, Mark. WE’RE going to discuss it here. We need SKEPTICISM to figure out what’s going on.
SO – I am inviting everybody here to BE HONEST – spill it. What are your thoughts – your speculations – your theories – your questions – your ideas – your inspirations – your absolutes – your certainties – your uncertainties – your fears – your doubts – your revelations – your own experiences – EVERYTHING you think about the CHINESE / IRANIAN / FAKE NEWS narrative surrounding this virus, and what you think is REALLY going on.
Let’s brainstorm this stuff until ChiComs and Fake News Hoaxers are wetting their undies.

We’re not the only ones who are wondering if they already had this bug:
Text from Brendan Dilley:
The flu I had in late December/Early January fit the description of Coronavirus to a T.
Complete with fever for a week and horrendous breathing issues.
I documented it pretty well, considering I didn’t miss a single show.
Curious to see how this plays out…
Text from Adam Housley:
Again..this is very cautious optimism. The first responders I spoke with and several doctors say that flu was rough this winter and many people with very similar symptoms to Covid were sent home to recover. Did they already have it? Has it already been thru here?
…………….End of text.
The replies are full of people saying they had the same thing and are wondering if this was already going around here in the US.
Excellent! Thanks for this post!

NOW – let me predict RIGHT HERE AND NOW how the media will DISSEMBLE…..
Oh, I know the FAKE NEWS too well!
Wow, I’m glad I posted about stages of grief over at UTree!
Dang the last few weeks have been a very crazy and painful trip.
Curse the globalists and their plots.
Globalists and their plots. Paybacks a b-b-baby. Lots of babies since there closing lots of places including sports venues. Babies in conservative homes since liberals… well we know what they do.
That said, the Deep State, and I include China with colluding with Deep State wittingly or not in this instance, totally are not going to reach any Georgia Guide Stone goals with this just because of all the closings and Europe might survive because of just this reason.
POTUS just did the right thing – awesome move!
My wife and I have joked about this, every time there is a major shutdown, like a huge snowstorm that shuts down the city and keeps ppl holed up, nine months later there’s a small baby boom
The church nursery director notices it and sees it quite clearly!
Silver Lining. Who ever mentioned it first today said there were already memes being made. Hopefully we’ll see them soon.
From comments…
Good. The “spacey” feeling is the oxygen, IMO – it’s like going up to Rocky Mountain elevations because you’re not getting enough oxygen. This is SARS.
This is also responsible for the initial fainting that people experience. They are suddenly at “high elevation” and feel faint. I experienced this at the beginning – the very first symptom after an asymptomatic prodrome. I felt woozy and lightheaded while out walking, and my wife had to come get me. I felt like I had to call her before I passed out. This really grabbed my attention, and I called out of my nursing home visit which would have taken place 24 hours later.
This is EXACTLY what was seen in China. People are not collapsing because of extreme illness – it’s because the initial strike shifts their oxygen intake in some weird way that they can’t behaviorally account for – like breathing differently – so they pass out.
My personal thinking is that ALL OPTIONS are on the table here. I think that China may have accidentally – but more likely INTENTIONALLY – been releasing SARS variants. I believe they got caught or panicked when we took out Soleimani, who was likely fronting some of the virus ops, and decided they needed to cover up using an incident.
In fact, here is something to think about.
That woman in Mar-a-Lago – what if her primary purpose wasn’t to plant bugs, but to plant a SARS variant? She could have had something like a false heel or other method of containment, and we jumped at the “obvious” malware USB drives.
Chilling thought.
Especially combined with the wierd behavior I witnessed at a Costco in January. Culturally non-American people going through store and picking up items. No cart. Didn’t buy anything. Saw them mostly picking up CHILDREN’s BOOKS.
My illness onset was about a week later. Started with GI distress (day one), then violent nausea with headache (day two), respiratory followed next day.
Did use all the great advice from this site for home self-care. Lots of rest. Sipping broth. Vitamin C, Zinc. Also, clay for GI distress, charcoal for nausea. Argentyn 23 in nebulizer, lots of enzymes (especially serrapeptase and mucolase).
Howdy T³ Good to “see” you!
We had similar experiences here between Christmas and New Years’, with the lack of air, etc. We just thought it was real bad flu, but, looking at the Corona/SARS symptoms, what we had was probably Corona. My sister in CA, who’s a health nut, doesn’t smoke, etc., got hit with something that sounds like this, too. Hit her pretty hard, but she’s OK now.
(My son’s talking about “Left Behind”, the movie(s)… I don’t think we’re there yet…).
Shopping here’s kind of odd, too… Saturday evening at the store, not a single German there… kinda spooked me. Streets MUCH quieter than normal (actually I kind of like that…).
I mentioned that the other day–toooooo many Chinese trespassers lately–at military bases, Mar-a-lago…they were trying to plant the virus then already.
Military bases? Interesting. Missed that one. But makes sense. Asymmetric as hell.
forget now which one…but they drove thru the base instead of turning around as they were instructed to when they were denied entry…gonna look for it…
can’t figure out how to link the article…from nbc news…
On a Wednesday afternoon in mid-December, a Chinese woman entered the grounds of President Donald Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago club in Florida through a service entrance and snapped photos on her cellphone. “Who is Mar-a-Lago?” she said in court following her arrest.
Eight days later, a Chinese student walked around a perimeter fence at a U.S. naval base in Key West, taking pictures of government buildings. Stopped by police, he said he was trying to capture images of the sunrise.
And nine days after that, two more Chinese students drove past a guard at the same naval base. When stopped by security 30 minutes later, they voluntarily displayed the videos and photos they had taken of the base.
Were the incidents isolated cases of tourists mistakenly taking photos in sensitive locations? Or could some or all of the people be part of a spy operation run out of Beijing?
Federal authorities are working to answer those questions. FBI counterintelligence agents are investigating whether the spate of incidents might be part of a coordinated espionage effort, according to a U.S. official and another person familiar with the matter.
In total, four Chinese men have been arrested for trespassing and taking photos at Naval Air Station Key West since September 2018, and two Chinese women have been arrested for trespassing at Mar-a-Lago since March 2019.
Feb. 23, 2020, 7:05 AM EST
By Anna Schecter and Tom Winter
This happened at Ft. Lewis in the just the last couple days! Three or four people tried to run the gate withina day or two.. They were stopped, but it put the soldiers on edge, and one of the gates was closed.
Here are a couple of the stories.
DECEMBER 16, 2019 Report: Chinese officials sped past military guards and drove around US spec ops base in Virginia
“Two Chinese Embassy officials were caught trespassing on a Virginia military base in late September and expelled from the country, a new report says.”
December 28, 2019 Chinese National Charged With Trespassing, Photographing US Naval Base (on Dec 26)
Feb. 23, 2020, Were these six Chinese trespassers confused tourists or spies? The FBI wants to know.
FBI counterintelligence agents are probing whether the spate of incidents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club and a military site might be part of a coordinated espionage effort.
They’re going to dismiss these reports as “anecdotal” and “lacking credibility”, “not verified by a physician or through clinical testing”
Remember, Coronavirus does not present “flu like symptoms” strictly speaking. This report does not describe the dry cough, fever, or the lung/respiration problems.
According to Dr. Birx, right now they are seeing 98-99% negativity in testing, meaning that a lot of other illness is presenting that is not Coronavirus. We need to keep that in mind b/c this is the season where many viruses get passed around.
That said, the fact that people are questioning the official timeline/narrative is fascinating and very much worth noting.
Yup. One of the things that has to be kept in mind is how BAD the testing actually is on these things. It’s BAD. The scientific papers do not inspire confidence in the results. False negatives, false positives – very nasty.
And I’ll be even more blunt. How do we know the ChiComs haven’t made progress weaponizing FLU, too?
Researchers need to look at all research coming out of China as potential disinformation, IMO.
I keep thinking about the medical leaps forward that Trump describes . . . Reduce the exposure and proliferation at the outset.

well, you know.
He said clearly he’s been talking with Xi. Those are NOT public convos, and I think we know why. NATSEC.
“. . . my conversations with President Xi – and they know where it came from. We all know where it came from.”
I think China is “improving” because POTUS has them by the
Yup. I can see it.
See video below – the Gates Connection – Level 4 Lab in Canada – transferred to Level 4 Lab in Wuhan
The other point Dr. Birx stressed is the test is “as of a point in time.” It only means you were negative when the test was taken, not that you are immune from getting it afterwards.
Hi T*3! …It’s great to see you!

This is so important. It’s got my full attention.
Wolf has me convinced we need to make the ChiGatesSorosNazis sorry they EVER tried to pull a stunt like this.
Not diminishing elders must be protected.
The real ChiCom goal is global dominance. Destroy western economies. Promote globalism Latter WILL die as a direct result President Trump America First, Nationalism, pursuing fair trade, disengage from China, global countries realizing ChiCom evil, AND Corona intentionally (or not) unleashed by ChiComs / Iranians. I’ve been on the intentional release mode for a couple weeks now.
Yeah, I have too especially after the OBAMA – SES INFESTED CDC did everything they could to make sure the virus spread.
The way I see it, the ChiCom-Democrat plot was that the old people would die in viral criticality events like Northern Italy and Wuhan, but here in the US. This would be designed to turn the older base against Trump and reduce enthusiasm to go to the polls for him. They have to make us think that Trump doesn’t care about us, so that WE don’t care about him.
The EVIL TRICK is that they HOAXED the timeline to mislead us, and introduced the virus EARLY into the United States while were were misdirected and hypnotized on the cruise ships – a very intentional “look squirrel” to set our timelines – then coming into port in Blue Zones – again – to set our timelines. But the virus was already here and raging. What this does is makes us all (and especially Trump) miscalculate what it takes to stop it, and WHEN to act.
But POTUS acted FAST at every opportunity, and has foiled their plans to create critical events – at least so far.
These people are very evil.
I’ve been busy. I’m sure this has been announced, but the Illinois governor says restaurants are not to be open for service after tomorrow, except for some carry-out or delivery. That will be the end for many little non-corporate ones. Our idiot governor was angry people went to the St. Patrick’s day parade so he’s getting back at the whole state. It’s insane, and people are very angry. Nanny state. Hate it.
Was just over at, and a poster asked if anyone else felt like they already had this flu back in December?
friends and family tested negative for flu, but were sick…lingering dry hacking cough.
He says he thinks now it may a been a weaker sarin?
seeing through some things that do not seem quite right.
45 comments…quite the discussion.
that was supposed to be ” a weaker strain”…mysterious.
A weaker strain of fail?
Practice run???
Allowing for a lot of disinformative science (see climate scam) coming out of Beijing, meaning don’t trust their stories on weaker and stronger strains (we don’t see held-back stuff – I know how this works – spuds lodged into pubs processes), I can see plenty of shell game here, counting on their American shills to fulfill narrative dispersal and reinforcement.
Trust OUR OWN observations on strains and see what that says. I think they bombed themselves with strong strain for camera effect and then put out the fire with a weak strain backburn. Would sure explain what we saw. Strong strain bioweapon testing on uprising prisoners is then the bodies in Iran. Saw article by a woman who caught it in an Iranian prison. Yeah, I’ll bet she did. Perfect lab.
That’s what I’ve thought. Tried explaining this theory to particular family members, and they just shoot it down.
Wheatie, good catch. December 17th
Urgent care New Year’s Day. 2 month cough.
That actually sounds like pertussis, which no one tests for in adults. It’s actually more common for adults to get it than realized.
“Dilley-I’m a first responder in south western Ohio. We’ve been seeing this since late November. I thought about you as well as the signs & symptoms were more defined over the past couple weeks. This has been here awhile. …”
“Whatever I caught after returning from Las Vegas in November must have been a test run of this COVID19…
dry hack, chest compression, fever, and chills…
from the onset to the end of all symptoms was about 2 weeks. It was something new, never felt something like it ever”
You are NOT going to believe this, but I’ve been questioning if I had it. It’s the first time I’ve had a fever (lasted several days) in decades, and the fatigue and the damn cough were the worst part. I could barely breathe, and found out I had slight pneumonia. No medications helped, and my abdominal muscles were so weak from the chronic HARD coughing, I could barely take it anymore.
Wanna hear the weird part? It hit me 1 week after being in Vegas.
Even more interesting…it was in JANUARY of 2019.
“You kept saying you were losing your breath and that’s one of the main symptoms! I had something mid-December, not sure if it was CoVid-19. Many in my family caught it from my brother-in-law, who just happens to work at an international airport. Thinking face”
Yup. It’s blowing up. All it took was people to doubt the Fake News timeline.
Nobody falling over in the street either. Where’s that?
Yup. And we won’t see it either, because (1) it’s just lightheadedness, but because Americans have actual health insurance and hospitalization guarantees, there is no need to go drama queen to get admitted to a hospital here, and/or (2) we are not doing a PSY-OP like the ChiComs were, who (IMO) had to convince us of their kabuki outbreak to cover up their SARS biowarfare adventurism.
I’d put 2 before 1 on that one, but both good points.
If internet is censored and so tightly locked down in China, HOW and WHY did so many horrendous videos get out? Purposely staged and released to stoke global fear? Why did they magically stop just as China is recovered and ready to go back to work?
Wolf – see my post just above. I had the same symptoms in January of 2019!
Over a year later, my lungs still don’t feel right. And I still have an occasional dry cough. Other than that, I feel fine, but whatever I had was different than anything else I’ve experienced.
I watch Dilley’s podcast every day, and you could see the moment this hit him. The timing was around the last week in Dec I think. Unfortunately, I don’t see those older shows on his periscope link, but it was unsettling to see the moment it hit him.
You all know kiddo was sick starting Thanksgiving weekend and it didnt clear for 2 months and using 2 different inhalers, flonase, 2 separate courses of ABX, zyrtec, benadryl, and copious amounts of tissue. Mr gil was sick for 2 weeks but tired for plus 2 more. I avoided all until the end. And you know, I isolated each of us and heavy cleaned toilets, doorknobs, etc. at the time.
No fevers here though.
I came rushing over to find today’s daily thread . . . but this is a better place to post.
My latest tweak to my theory. First the quotes.
WTF: Gates Foundation Sponsored Training for ‘Fictional’ Coronavirus Outbreak That Caused 65 Million Deaths Last Year
As quoted here:
Trump: “They wanna kill our cows! That means you’re next!”
“The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”
War, as in WWIV.
War, as in what Trump is fighting against with an all of government, all of America approach – a war on Coronavirus.
Which he is also very carefully guarding NATSEC on.
Coronavirus Task Force Press Conference Friday the 13th:
Some off the cuff remarks. He has to protect classified intel, I think explains the awkward construction.
Trump is preparing a NATIONAL system for countering FUTURE biowarfare, bioTANGO, as well as pandemic response.
He is refusing to use the GLOBALIST template for how to construct it, which they had HOPED to get pushed through.
Instead Trump is using HIS EXPERTS that can be trusted, NOT the Gates experts who were handpicked globalists who believe in U.N. and WHO bureaucratic strategies.
People who can “manage” the pandemic and, ahem, the “collateral damage”. Read: Tuning the response for, ahem, effectiveness.
Trump envisions a radically different structure, and one resilient to KNOWN FUTURE globalist events. He wants the power to remain with the American people and not be a massive globalist power grab. He wants these capabilities at HOME. He wants a system that WORKS, Protects People, is EFFECTIVE, ACCOUNTABLE, and that provides a STRONG DEFENSE AGAINST ALL BIO EVENTS OF ANY KIND.
He will NOT let Globalist Gates set the FAKE STANDARD for pandemic prevention.
If Gates wants a “prepare for war” level response, WELL. He just got his “wish”. His nightmare has come true.
Remember our friendly black helicopters about a year ago at this time at the Guatemalan House of Culture? I think a review is in order.
Gail had a piece in today’s, I guess yesterdays, daily about Dr. Fauci and how Dr. Boyle had concerns given Fauci’s associations with NC University at the time (5yrs ago) that the University was getting paid by China and having that Chinese Professor from the Wuhan Institute of Virology work on SARS related research involving bats among a host of other similar projects. So I guess what I’m saying is POTUS has to be careful about some of these experts he’s surrounding himself with. Rosenstien’s sister being a good example. One can’t assume all the experts put science above politics and that extends right down the line and gets nastier at the State Level in my opinion. Some one posted today about a one of the State’s Chief Medical people ending his briefing on COVID 19 about needing to get the current Administration replaced if we want to solve the Pandemic. Total BS, however they don’t need to be so overt to cause damage. Little screw ups here or there, misinformation, false positives, pretty much what ever sly thing they can come up with to damage the Administration.
Meanwhile The China involvement with the University of NC isn’t just some conspiracy theory. There’s a ton of information the University’s Research site that tie China and that Professor directly to working on what amounts to Bio Warfare projects. The only problem is the information is dense and takes some one like Gail to wade through it, which she has but the information needs to be pared down if we want to be able to share it.
Excellent post. Will discuss more later – must bail now.
Same. Maybe the use of ‘Vectors’ and sloppy Bio Warfare in the morning.
Don’t Forget! We’re onto something BIG here.
Drop 3842 was Feb 7. I’ve pointed out many times how academia is BOUGHT OFF by dirty money on a grand scale. They aren’t research institutions or education – they are financial institutions. We were having major problems with China ten and fifteen years ago when I was in academia. I am very hopeful that some HOUSECLEANING will be on the table very shortly.
You may be right on Dr. Fauci but there are other resources on the team to keep the operation in check.
Let’s take a closer look here JUST TO PROVE THE POINT – that I think it is EASY to miss (heck, I almost missed it):
Dr. Charles Lieber
According to court documents, since 2008, Dr. Lieber who has served as the Principal Investigator of the Lieber Research Group at Harvard University, which specialized in the area of nanoscience, has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Defense (DOD). These grants require the disclosure of significant foreign financial conflicts of interest, including financial support from foreign governments or foreign entities. Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.
Hoping M. Pompeo can shut all that down. Good effort so far.
Michaelh, please do tell me about the black helicopters at the Guatamalan house of culture. I am so glad we have our Trump, but I wonder what all is stuffed into that Corona virus bill rammed through in the middle of the night as Gomert talked about.
TTT, good to see you and glad all you sickies have gotten well, or at least are on the mend. I had something that sounds very similar maybe six or seven years ago, but I need to check the date, Could not get my breath, went to convenient care after suffering for several weeks and got a breathing treatment, which did not help. I took my father’s old stand-by, KI. I had a dry cough, but felt like something needed to be loosened up in my lungs. I went to bed some nights and wondered if I might not wake up. Not sure if I had a fever or not. I could have as did not take my temp.
Maybe Wolf or some of the other folks can do a better job of remembering the details. We had some lengthy discussions when it happened.
I think it was last March, thought it may have been later, where a “training exercise” was staged over the Port of Las Angeles in which several military helicopters circled the port.
What was not well publicized, but which several people had eye-witness and video evidence, is that at least two helicopters flew through the city canyon. This is a huge red-flag b/c flying a helicopter in between civilian structures is a huge no-no b/c the risk is WAY too high. So immediately people recognized that this was not merely a training exercise. People also observed that all their phones and devices totally lost all signals until after the helo’s flew past – they had jammers on.
The helos landed at a city intersection and a contingent of soldiers unloaded. They surrounded an abandoned building. Several minutes later, a dozen or so people came out wearing some kind of hazmat suits and carrying some kind of large box or cooler, and loaded it on the helicopter. All of this had amateur video evidence backing it up.
The next day:
* The Guatamalan house of culture was boarded up, as if all the windows had been blown out from the inside
* Ground reports confirmed that the Wells Fargo directly across the screen had a door which had clearly been broken down
* Wells Fargo announced a TOTAL COMPUTER OUTAGE for a 24+ hour period. Not just the web site but ALL financial processing include mortgage processing. It was big enough that is was its own separate news story.
* It was noted that the Guatamalan house of culture was scheduled for demolition in the next month
* Further noted that the Guatamalan house of culture was next to the legal offices for the lawyers representing NXIVM
* Further noted that the congressional district was that of Adam Schiff
* Further noted that the Standard Hotel was about a block away and had some kind of municipal tunnel connection (subway?) with the site
* Further noted that both Adam Schiff and Maxine Water’s homes were in extraordinarily close proximity
* There have long been reports about Adam Schiff and his relationship with the Standard Hotel.
* Reports surfaced of similar helicopter+jamming activity in the same area a day or so earlier affecting the neighborhood around Maxine Water’s homes
* Several media reports surfaced over the next few days about more helicopter training exercises, in Washington D.C., Salt Lake City, and other locations. The report for the Salt Lake City training included a helicopter flying over (landing on?) the roof of a building with the name “Wells Fargo” clearly visible.
* FWIW, separate discussion, Wells Fargo is a bad company.
* The Port of Las Angeles was sold(?) to China investment during the Obama Administration, approved by CFIUS. Under Mnuchin CFIUS is or has reviewed the decision and, I believe, forcing Chinese divestment from the port which was improperly allowed to be sold to Chinese investment. All this happened in Adam Schiff’s district.
The general speculation is that the mystery box was a bio agent brought in via the Port of Las Angeles, and transferred to the abandoned Guatamalan house of culture. The “black helicopters” are an elite cavalry unit that operates at the pleasure of the President. Based on their mode of flying – low and tight with civilian structures rather than high and visible with lights on – this was an operation. The belief is that they had actionable intel and raided the Guatamalan house of culture in a manner that I would describe as “we aren’t playing games”. The connection with NXIVM is suspect – others had some interesting things to say about the lawyers and what happened with them in the coming days but I did not chase this down and don’t recall. The Wells Fargo connection appears to be that their computer network was being used as a private communication channel by the bad guys. Remember those jammers? Cell phones would be inoperable and having a physical network, and a private non-public network, was critical to maintain their communication. Wells Fargo was perfectly staged and would have been ripe with connected insiders that could be used. It is believed that the Cyber elements of the military OP came in and took total control of the Wells Fargo network starting with the core routers, shut down all communication, and for the next 24 hours controlled the network to gather evidence, giving strict orders to Wells Fargo leadership and IT that none of this was to be discussed publicly. Further speculation is that the box was “Plan Z” – staging it at the Guatamalan house of culture was a fall-back position, effectively a dead man’s switch, that if it were in the building during demolition, even if all the key actors were arrested, it would be inadvertently released.
Now all of the above I’m going from memory on so somebody else can correct or add other details.
Thank you, MichaelH, I think you did a fine job. I did not recognize this referred to the Standard and XVIM Etc., but I was missing a lot of t
hese details so appreciate the refresher.HH
tel episode, which I knew a little about–Schiff and nxivm. Making a mess of my response, but you get the idea. Anyway, I missed much of this detail or forgot.
Recall most of the above. No doubt in my mind, truly secret and elite military unit(s) stopped some evil stuff from happening on America. At Long Beach Port and downtown LA. Other reports of black helicopter operations surely happened.
Feb 12, 2019
Wow. Now I’m really starting to wonder about the flu I had right after Thanksgiving that lasted most of December. It really surprised me because I don’t think I’ve had the flu at all in the last 25 years. I’m in my 60s, but in really good health. This really knocked me out.
If you had shortness of breath as a significant symptom, then a SARS jumps to the top of the list. But I also think we need to be broader in terms of what we think the ChiNazis might be doing.
We did supposedly have a “bad flu vaccine” this year, but AND LOGIC for the win. What if we had lots of SARS-ish CORONA as well because of the CHICOMS? Makes sense if we had BOTH.
And one MORE thing, in terms of “it’s just influenza”.
I’ll be very blunt. I don’t put it past those fucking ChiComs to try to mutate flu variants to get around our vaccines, and then push infections that nail US and not them. It would be pretty straightforward.
The Maoist war-fighting doctrine is FILLED with “death by a thousand cuts” / “nickel and dime them to death” strategies. They are amoral at best and immoral when they can get away with it.
Speculation, sure. But I will tell you, I know professionals who know the ChiComs, and THEY are way more suspicious of them than I am. For every Suspicious Cat I have, they have 3 or 4.
Yes, I did have shortness of breath and at times I thought I was going to pass out. And for awhile I was coughing like crazy but nothing was coming up. Grrrrr. This makes me so angry.
Oooooooh. Yeah, that sounds like what I had in terms of the faintness. I didn’t cough much, but I have a very low cough reflex. I never need cough syrup. It’s all voluntary.
I’m fairly sure I’ve had no flu, however the nose has been strangely wet for the longest time, which might just be the vitamin C I started taking at the end of Jan. I usually don’t spend but a few hours a week away from the house and have no guests ever which makes me wonder on the dosing of this virus. Besides getting a strong bit of virus, is it in anyway accumulative. That is, if you come in contact with it often does it build up to a point where it runs rampant and over comes your immune responses. I’d assume that to be the case, but I’ve not heard it discussed like that per say.
There is a lot we don’t know about this HIV functional hybrid, which very likely leads toward persistence. Functional hybridization is beautiful science – the gateway to alien hybridization (see Star Trek) and next level stuff in general, but fraught with BS like what we’re seeing. The allure of those damn spikes to amoral scientists raised to the lack of standards of our “fake science” is like fresh roadkill to crows – irresistible – and worth braving pandemic car bumpers to them.
Watch Fake Science’s version of Chris Wray suggest bias training! Ha! How about some damn church?!
Rod’s sister coming out with that early statement that (a) pushed panic, (b) pushed narrative, and (c) didn’t have a SINGLE positive action item in it was decidedly out-of-character for the CDC. I’m sure they have disclosure guidelines which say, “ALWAYS RECOMMEND SOMETHING USEFUL.”
Yes! That incident struck me as a kind of “go for broke” / “last chance” effort by her to throw a bone to the coup.
Where’s the open thread? Over at Utree?
What’s an open thread?

Seriously, I think that Carl just left off the date on the Open Thread.
I think people are waiting for me to be pedantic about it, but it’s a National Day of Prayer. If he wants to call it “God Speaks”, I’m OK with it.
Maybe we can take a vote!
My sarcasm tint was too light. Sorry.
And pedantic? No, anything but that.
HA! OK! Gotcha!!!
Just assumes because its Sunday night, Bakocarl isn’t letting anything else share space with God. I’m sure T-3 would approve.
Pendantic. Two days in a row I had the urge to Google a word. Yesterday Muggles. Learn something everyday here QTree
Could be…….
I seriously doubt the Cabal, Deep State and all the petty tyrants (dems included) trust freedom oriented people in Space. They want us right here under their thumb.
Wolf, this ties in with your theory of SARS stuff being seeded around for a LONG TIME…
“Two years ago I was sick for 12 weeks with the most horrible cough and trouble breathing, and fever that came and went for weeks. Negative flu. Chest x-ray showed “something slight” but wasn’t pneumonia. Went through 2 courses antibiotics + steroids. I think this has been around.
Yup. That gives a few years of warm-up time from bats to deployment – an eternity in Gottlieb CIA amoral op universe.
Yep. I posted above I had these symptoms in January, 2019. I don’t believe it all just started a few months ago, either.
Okay, here are the Seattle Flu Study links…
Site …
One patient’s story …
YES! The numbness in the extremities is AGAIN an oxygen imbalance symptom, IMO. The others all had it, too. Notice that they’re all youngish, but HIGHLY contagious. Fast recovery.
I really don’t want to over-publish family details, but here’s what I shared on yesterday’s daily thread:
Both my wife and I had it, and one of the kids had it.
It was very strange but it was also mild in our experience, compared to some of the doozies we have had to deal with.
Keep in mind that with our kids we ALWAYS get diseases this time of year.
The WALL means more than you know.
Separate incident, not Coronavirus.
December [##] Christmas Parade. Took kids to fast food restaurant afterward.
A young hispanic kid, probably about seven, was in the dining room, not being supervised. He had spots all over him. [Sans details.]
He was going around the dining room touching kids.
He especially liked the baby and made sure to rub her head real good before we could react.
Seven days later the baby starts showing extremely bad spots.
Rush her to doctor, and she has an extreme case of hand foot and mouth disease.
Five days later, I come down with a nasty fever and exhaustion. The next day I have terrible itching in my hands and feet – itching was so bad I had a very hard time sleeping. Then I started getting severe spots on my hands and feet and elsewhere.
Triggered a secondary infection. Painful. Drained half a teaspoon of pus. I rushed in to the Doctor who confirmed, and gave me a two week antibiotic treatment.
My wife came down with a fever, and soon she was exhibiting very bad spots. Likewise she also had to see the doctor for a different type of secondary infection.
I had flaking skin for weeks.
Most likely the kid had gotten it from the border region of South Texas, it had come up from Mexico.
Some people say that the pathogens modify our behavior to make us more “social” when we are infected. I’ve heard some shocking stories that track with that theory.
Also, doctors are the worst. They gut it through and go to work sick all the time.
I see this all the time. I call it “viral behavior.” Fake illness martyrs who insist on coming to work with a cough, sneezing, and/or fever. Customers openly stating that they’re sick. Coworkers who try to get as close as possible to you even as you try to keep a distance. Viruses manipulate their hosts– it’s what they do. How else might they be manipulating our behavior?
What a nightmare, Michael.


I’m sorry that you and your family went through that ordeal!
Can’t help but wonder if that young hispanic kid had been instructed to go around and touch kids.
Detain the kid, see who comes pick him up and check to see if that person is a family member or not.
Our “guests” (aka refauxgees) from far south and the middle east bring their sick kids with them to the store, and then let them cough over and paw the merchandise. The parents think it’s funny.
Maybe they’re being a parasite trying to kill their host(s)… in an infectious-behaviour sort of way…
I had forgotten all about this one!
HF&M is coxsackie virus, has some very nasty strains. Look at all of these patents to play cut/paste with. Gateway pundit has a good article on Gates Foundation & virus.
Good – thanks for repeating that. You seem like a classic younger age group to get a lighter case of COVID, if that is what it was. My money is leaning toward the idea that it was.
My illness was actually pretty mild except for the RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS – which were weirdly FUNCTIONAL – not painful or annoying. My cough was dry, my fever mild, with some weird aches around my kidneys. There was an oddly placed headache that my wife had, too, in the exact same spot.
I’ll try to find my notes about it.
That wierd aches around kidneys thing. For me it was sharp pain behind the one kidney that always gives me sharp pain when it’s struggling. I took baking soda for that. It worked.
Had something similar very recently. Never experienced it before. Was actually thinking I might need to see a doctor asap, but took an aspirin and practiced a bastardized form of Tai Chi & Qigong for about fifteen minutes and it resolved immediately.
We have more power to help ourselves than we realize.
I don’t recall any pain in kidneys or groin specifically. I do think I had extra headaches b/c I took extra acetaminophen during that time to knock them back. It was really annoying to me b/c my doctor had me off ibuprofen for multiple weeks so I was having to make do.
Ibuprofen is great for pain…but unfortunately, it can exacerbate breathing problems.
Good. Glad I didn’t take it!!!
Another detail, we did all complain about an annoying sore throat. The kid was very noisy about it.
Man, jogging some nearly lost memories – upthread discussion about feeling “wuzy”
I vaguely remember feeling wuzy and lightheaded, at risk of fainting while at work.
I had had an episode at work [sans THAT story!] back in 2018. So more recently when I started feeling weird, I SAT DOWN. I didn’t want a repeat of THAT again at work! It seemed to take a while to dissipate, and a couple times I wasn’t sure if I was going to pull through the feelings of weakness I was having.
I was trying to figure out if it was the medication I was on, or one of my blood conditions . . . frustrating problems but I didn’t even think to connect it to a virus.
In my mind it all manifested as “Man I am not feeling right, AGAIN . . .”
You know I’ve had so many different exposures it’s always hard to tell what exactly is happening. But I’m thinking that’s connected.
Here’s my experience, which I previously wrote on the Prayer thread.
I got sick about a week before Christmas, and it lasted about a month. It began with fever, and at the time I thought it was weird that I didn’t have the usual cold or flu symptoms — no sore throat, runny nose, etc. I think the highest my temperature reached was 103. After about four days the fever subsided, but I was weak and had a cough for several more weeks. It was not the “coughing up your lungs” kind of cough that comes with bronchitis or pneumonia. I did not have shortness of breath, but I felt like I needed steam for my bronchial tubes, and used steam infused with tea tree oil. I thought at the time that it must be a different strain of a cold or flu. I self-quarantined to keep from exposing family members — missing our family Christmas gathering for the first time ever — and also because I didn’t feel like going anywhere.
I wonder if there’s a way to tell if people have recovered from COVID-19.
There may be an antibody test that can tell. That would be useful!!!
Maybe a test could even tell if a person had been vaccinated (hint, hint, ChiCom plot proven).
What if they put in a lifespan limit? Sort of like the replicants in Blade Runner. Then you would be able to infect a population, wait while they die off and/or break down, then move in and take over after a certain period of time when it’s safe for your soldiers.
Unfortunately, there isn’t an antibody test. Current tests have to find an actual virus, and that can be very difficult to do. This means lots of false negatives.
Also, I can’t help but notice the clamor for “testing” from the MSM, WHO, and other globalist entities. It occurred to me that “testing” for a corona virus is like testing for the common cold (also caused by a constantly mutating corona virus): ultimately futile. Either one has it or one doesn’t. And there’s no medical “cure,” also like the common cold. In that light, funding for “testing” is starting to look like political pork transferring massive amounts of federal money into the coffers of Big Pharma in the context of an “emergency.”
Exactly. Its akin to chasing phantoms and will produce minimal result except to spread hysteria and build fake empires given the amount of cash involved (8 billion) for the peons in politics and the med profession who act unethically or stupidly and trillions from market crash for the Cabal.
Yep. Probably to make up for the reduced profits, etc., due to VSGPDJT negotiating the prices of meds downward. Big Pharma are trying to appear as being altruistic/generous/etc., but are just giving with one hand, and taking (even more) back with the other.
Wonder where the US Chamber-of-Chinese-Commerce is on this one???
I’m amazed how I keep coming back to the same points over again as I think through this.
Earlier hybrid warfare discussion – kind of a slap-dash primer on the subject:
20200228: Attention all QTreeps, Need Your Help, Please.
Next my thinking on how this maps to WWIV as hybrid war:
Reposting from:
The following is not updated from March 1st; that said it was intended to be potentially a living outline with updates/changes as more facts became known.
Scattered thoughts on Coronavirus as Hybrid Warfare and/or Hybrid Warfare Experiment
Bill Gates:
Assigned Pandemic orchestration
Ground prep for academic plausibility and discourse
Create groundwork for later media hysteria
Assigned role of weakening Food Supply, particular Beef and Dairy
+Famines? Locusts?
Instigate market Crash
George Soros:
Assigned inbound immigration/refugee influx – Open Borders Plan
Pandemic Amplification
NGO activity in Central/South America
Infiltrate and Undermine Religious Opposition
+ Reduce Trump base
Other Actors:
+Venezuela (Hugo Chavez)
News Media Actors
DS actors
+CDC link to [RR]
…add others…
Hybrid warfare categories:
Release engineered nCoV
Observe effects ground level Wuhan
Monitor response, identify weaknesses
Gather before and after data, determine efficacy of attack
Prop & PsyOp:
Hollywood ground prep – endless pandemic films, post-apocalyptic film, sold to masses
News Media – Hype, fear pr0n, blame-cast to Trump
Dramatically shake up supply chains
Monitor impact on supply chains
Trigger massive stock sell off
Profit from bear market
Trigger 2020 recession pre-Election – undermine Trump achievements/vote
Soros target to infiltrate and support open borders plans
* Catholic Church
* SBC via ERLC
* PCA via Tim Keller
* UMC (currently in split)
* Others (Episcopal/Anglican, Lutheran, etc.)
Targeted doctrinal change:
– Promote Refugees via EIT
– Support social justice causes (manipulated toward Soros ends) and undermine gospel
– Undermine pro-life support, confuse pro-life with social justice
– Split Evangelical + Catholic vote from Trump
– Push Dem support. Make Trump unthinkable, make Democrats seem moral
– Use LGBT issues as a wedge in the church, ie. “Revoice”
– Transgenderism – undermine and stop opposition
DS Follow up Plan
Democrat Clown Car:
– Massive Taxes (Venezuela Model)
– Destroy Healthcare options
– Destroy U.S. medical/vaccine/research
– Above prep for future exploit
Pandemic Test / BioW Experiment
Phase 1: nCoV, massive real world experiment
(Real world trial. Similar to China intentionally crashing its own satellite.)
Phase 2, after results gathered
CALI Gov’s in on plan
Pelosi a key player – Pink Tie signaling from Trump?
Hybrid Proxy wars (Trump puts end to “endless wars”)
Revelation 6:1-8 – Four Horsemen
Note: I did mention the Cyber domain of Hybrid warfare in a separate comment:
Now the Cyber domain has criminal threat actors trying to exploit the Coronavirus panic with phishing emails and fake maps that deploy malware.
Reposting from the 20200308 daily thread . . .
Virus maps that spread malware? Like this — ?
YEP, that’s the one!
Remember the other day someone posted that every time she puts up the link to that map it goes to spam?
Maybe wurst press is helping sometimes…
Do they get their instructions at Bilderberg?
A war of this magnitude and scope would involve considerable resource and preparation. As you said, gathering data being part of it.
For that reason I’d not be surprised if the Vaping Controversy was part of the gathering data phase. A dry run for what’s going on now. Both this virus and the Vape thing involved elements of truth mixed with fiction and both created hysteria. The amount of data gleaned in the Vaping flap could easily have been expanded to serve pys-ops being directed against us now if you think of all the things that could have been learned if mapped and charted. How to insert false information and to whom. Who would pass it on, what comms platforms they would use. Who expanded the hysteria best. Who would not bother to error check information. Which audiences were most receptive to the information, which audiences would echo the information. Which had most influence with various government orgs and decision makers across a wide spectrum. You could also determine your resistance points and feed that information in to channeling, blocking and eliminating targets of resistance with various tools that span minimal contact to full contact.
This of course goes into feeding the MSM, something already being done, but it gets deeper and spreads wider by being able to co-locate all the data points available and then synthesize that data to fashion stratagems and tactics and the vape controversy fitted the mold for what they want to do now.
It would take a lot of computational power to pull something like this off and the same amount of power to see if it was actually done if they knew what to look for.
Someone recently posted a video that demonstrates such power being wielded where individual decisions / execution of those decisions in one part of a conglomerate of vast organizations were examined in real time and were evaluated, altered, questioned, reported upon, delayed and or out right stopped in matter of minutes and or hours. Quite stunning to have watched that and think that all those data points are out there and being acted upon.
And that amount of computational power is held by Amazon (AWS), Google, perhaps Farcebork, and of course the many national computing centers (e.g. China, UK, France, Germany, etc.). And China probably has the second most, thanks to their stealing our technology…
(Have to say though, if such incredible decision support systems can be created, how come all the ERP systems out there are such crap…). (CRP
And for the last: It’s like the MLS realtor’s use for helping you get or sell a home. Or Level II Qoute data for trading stocks, and the fact that only special organizations can get access to Level IIl Qoute data. You have to one pay for it and two be allowed access.
Also GIS programs are the same way and deal with all kinds of data points in various subject areas with many that cross over into other areas. Really amazing stuff that can be realized once they line up all those data points.
Personally I think you can trace it all back to libraries and the controls held over those even to this day where they treat the information as propitiatory. Its less of a wonder why many ancient libraries were destroyed in antiquity.
Okay, more than needed. But I could not resist.
Yup, great insight, William Cooper wrote/described the worlds economy supply and demand using same processes but using electrical terms , able to choose winners and losers,-mkt manipulation
info is the spice .
Allison posted these tweets on the open thread and I’m reposting because they definitely apply to this discussion:
Since you asked…Sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas I came down with something. I rarely get sick even being around the young grands. Whatever this was was awful, some cough but I almost felt so weak that I couldn’t cough. I never get a flu shot but this was the first time to get the flu and truly I thought I might die, it was that bad.
I went to a doc-in-the-box at CVS drug store. They don’t get too involved or tell you to get tested for anything. They wrote a prescription for antibiotics and an inhaler. It took a couple weeks to feel myself.
My daughter had some respiratory thing around that time also that lasted forever. She was on several meds ..would get better and then go back to the dr again to try something else. Hers lasted several weeks.
Thanks! Glad you’re better now. Do you think that what you and your daughter had were the same thing, even if possibly with slightly different symptoms?
I don’t think so. Mine appeared to be more flu like..fever, chills, weakness. Hers was all respiratory and even though she had been to the dr several times no specific diagnosis was ever given.
The ChiComs are lying!
Check out this video showing the ‘rehearsal’ for the fake event that Xi participated in:
Donald Trump don’t trust China, China is asshole!!!
Best advice EVER!!!
Yup. PR. Very ChiCom. “It’s not how you feel – it’s how you LOOK!”
Want to point out that this post followed a lot of incredibly good discussion on yesterday’s daily threads – very much worth a re-read.
Thanks for those links! Yes – it was all that good discussion that made me think we needed to have a thread and GET IT ALL DOWN. But that discussion is worth it, and includes MOAR!!!
Bringing this over . . .
Biowarfare is banned by treaty. Not that that matters to China, clearly.
Notably, it is of limited usefulness and effectiveness in conventional war. You have to have a vaccine and it has to be distributed widely to your own people. Even then effectiveness rates aren’t perfect and you can impair your own forces even if they have immunity.
In information/propaganda war, and hybrid warfare, the calculus changes dramatically.
China has been able to acquire/develop/purloin radically asymmetric capabilities in this regard – that asymmetry works to their advantage.
For chemical warfare treaties, they work because in the event of conflict, the enemy knows that we have FAR SUPERIOR capabilities (chemical + conventional) and that when pushed we will respond. It’s the chemical equivalent of nuclear MAD.
But for bio, this only works when one side values its own. China does not do so, so they are willing to push the MAD button knowing that they can calculate and supposedly absorb the losses. There is not an equivalent counter b/c the threat of a bio counterstrike is unthinkable and does not provide an advantage. The advantage in bio goes to the one that deploys first.
That leaves a counter which is using the military and civilian capabilities to manage and mitigate the threat. As we have seen, at this time NO COUNTRY is structured to counter a biowarfare campaign.
That is about to change.
Meanwhile, our capabilities and response are being measured on a massive scale, while enduring an information warfare campaign enabled in large part by massive corruption and bribery – political domain warfare also exercised in the economic domain, the economic sector of entertainment and media. Not the only economic sector targeted, but a critical sector that they needed outsized influence and control.
Entertainment, Transportation, Hospitality and Tourism industries also are key targets for hybrid warfare, because they affect the national morale on a large scale.
Our response thanks to Trump has been nothing less that MASSIVE and STELLAR.
It will HAVE to be better next time.
Media complains that they don’t have details about what our preparations are.
For an epidemic that makes sense.
For biowarfare information control is key for NATSEC.
Just maybe the reason for secrecy is that it isn’t what people think it is.
I came over here to post this, b/c I forgot to say it in my prior post in my rush to get the CV Task Force on the TV.
This is WWIV.
Alison: I count the cold war as WWIII. It really was b/c if it had NOT been for “the bomb” we would have been in WWIII very soon. So the Ruskies had to pivot to a different type of warfare. That was FOUR and a HALF decades of Soviets developed AND DEPLOYING hybrid warfare.
We won the cold war but China was ramping up for WWIV. That’s where we are today.
AGAIN . . . for emphasis:
Our response thanks to Trump has been nothing less that MASSIVE and STELLAR.
It will HAVE to be better next time.
“Thank you very much. And we’ll be changing a lot of the rules, regulations for future, should this happen in the future, which we hope it never does. But it will, I guess — somewhere out there.”
ChiComs are saying that this WuFlu virus came from the US.
Even though we may find out that it was already making the rounds here last Fall…I don’t think it originated here.
It would’ve been too easy for the ChiComs to release it over here, before people became aware of it.
Then…they release it back home to provide cover for themselves.
China doesn’t get a pass!
No, they were doing the research. They came up with the bat soup story. They have all the paper trail.
Too late you fucking ChiNazis – this millstone is around YOUR NECKS.
Interesting to understand what China’s HIV-feature hybridization did to SARS.
Here is SARS:
One of the interesting aspects is that the contagiousness of SARS is END-LOADED – toward the second week of the infection – and there is contagion only while symptomatic.
COVID – the Chinese biowarfare hybrid – has the infectivity moved FORWARD, so that it is even contagious before symptoms appear.
Early to mid January, not completely sure on dates, I had some respiratory crud. Grandson was post flu so initially figured I had picked it up from him despite the vaccine. Felt pretty tired for several days, coughed A LOT, mostly at night, hardly any mucus, to the point that after a few days I had sore ribs. Low grade temp for about 12 hrs as it was starting. Didn’t really feel like the flu….the cough was the worst part….and I did not go in for treatment, managed symptoms until it cleared up in about a week. As a smoker I normally have a slight morning cough that clears up after a hot shower and some covfefe. I have noticed more frequent headaches since then….
I remember teasing my daughter that I must have had the WooWooFlu as she was going to Nashville at the end of January and I told her, jokingly, to stay away from any Chinese people, so it was in the early stages of being recognized here.
Yup. Right time-frame. Right symptoms. I think you may be another case.
Wolfie, I am sure my daughter had it in December. We are In the PNW. She went to New York in the beginning of Dec. When she came home she got so, so sick. We had never seen anything like it. She is a ER RN at a trauma hospital and marathon runner. Never gets sick and you know how nurses are about germs. This knocked her flat, temp., headaches, dry cough she couldn’t breath to run etc.. She thinks thats what she had, It took quite a while to get over it, she is in her late thirties. We don’t think hubby or kids got it.(which I find interesting)
If she was an ER RN she would be very careful about infecting others and know how to do preventative. It is probably 2nd nature by now.
Yes, thats very true. She was off for a while too. Its just interesting because we wondered what she got and where. She’s very careful of germs with kiddos at home.
Thanks for that report!
Again – VERY remarkable – many people catch something new – MANY of them observe very carefully and strongly that it matches the description of – if not “the” coronavirus – then at least “a” coronavirus – and yet because of our social conditioning, we say nothing, or don’t talk back to the NARRATIVE that it has to be something else.
Yes, she just knew she was very sick. When the info on this came out, she knew thats what it was. Important takeaway, it was “caught” in New York in Dec, and she didn’t infect anyone else. Even if not hubby and kids or friends, I am in close contact and we are huggers and I am in the older demographic. I found that very interesting because it is different from what they r putting out there
Empty streets in Venice:
Empty streets in Spain:
I suspect most of the “coronavirus victims” in China and Iran were people those governments wanted dead for one reason or another–political purge, organ harvesting, punishment for “whistleblowing,” etc. All those early stories about Chinese whistleblowers dying from “coronavirus”? Yeah, it probably wasn’t the WuFlu that did them in.
Oh, and this story about burial pits in Iran? The one that originated from CNN?
Folks, it’s CNN. I don’t know what’s going on in Iran, but I doubt it involves “coronavirus victims.” Heck, do we even know if they’re burying bodies and not evidence of their recently-destroyed nuclear program?
“The satellite images from March 1 and March 8, put out by Maxar Technologies, appear to show an increase in activity inside the Behesht-e Masoumeh cemetery in Qom. The images show what looks like two fresh trenches of graves on March 1, with more excavation after that.”
Oh, speaking of Maxar Technologies, look what I found on their Wikipedia page:
“DigitalGlobe and MDA Holdings Company merged to become Maxar Technologies on 5 October 2017.”
Do you recognize the date? You should. 10/5/2017 is the date the President had the infamous Calm Before the Storm dinner. Q appeared exactly 23 days later. What are the odds?
Well China certainly had the data points from which to base a round up via the social credit score. It would be interesting to see how many people with low scores still walk the earth.
I get the reasons for warfare – trade, economy, the election…I keep thinking about the census and how the census will be affected. This is all I have to add to the timing/was it on purpose brain storming
Several folks have called this WWIV, because of Cold War III and all that’s happened in the 75 year interval.
I think that is right. Every time I read it I see World War Eye Vee, as in doctors give an I.V. to sick patients.
my son called me at the beginning of February…his words: “I think I’m gonna die…”
he had the flu he thought–he’s never had the flu before. Breathing was his worse symptom…and total exhaustion. Me, being the suspicious person I am, asked if he thought it was WuFlu. (He makes all sorts of things, complicated, technical things) and some times he can only get parts from CHINA. I was concerned that it came to him in one of the containers.
He was home from work for several days…but he did go and seek medical help. They tested him for the flu–(by touching his brain via his nostrils he said). they gave him antibiotics and he went on his way.
he recovered well enuf to go hiking in Vermont on Valentine’s Day…
Thanks! Very interesting.
– There are many pathogens that cause Respiratory Infections (RI).
– The way the body reacts depends on the condition of the body, the immune system and organs, lifestyle, etc.
– There are several types of respiratory infections
– – – – upper respiratory involving sinuses, nasal membranes, throat
– – – – lower respiratory infection involving bronchial tubes and lungs
96-99% of the tests currently being conducted are showing a different pathogen than COVID-19 is causing the person’s respirator distress.
However, as Dr. Debra Birx emphasized, people with a RI are still just as contagious as those with positive COVID-19 disease – the same rules apply for avoiding spread of whatever pathogen is causing your RI – and protecting the vulnerable elderly.
The same rules apply for all viral and bacterial RI – Handwashing, staying home, avoiding spreading it to others, especially elders.
Most nursing homes limit visitors during flu season and if the pathogens floating around are sufficiently fierce that year, so do the hospitals.
SO FAR – GA and FL COVID-19 infections are localized around south FL and the Atlanta area. The next 2-3 weeks will show us how virulent it is and how much public health and voluntary personal interventions are working to reduce the spread.
FL –
GA state/county map and stats –
I STILL personally do not think we are going to have nearly the degree of outbreak or nightmare scenarios in the US that China, Italy and other countries have had, with hospitals flooded with dying, and certainly not mass graves, high rises with welded exit doors, people drug out of homes and apartments to be warehoused to die in poorly equipped facilities – and – that is because Americans have guns and Constitutional liberty/freedom/rights in the US of A to protect us against that sort of Chinese/Russian/Communist/Bernie/AOC/Øbominable/Hillrotten crap but that’s just me.
We are Americans. We are just different and more free than the rest of the world. Even the UK limits free speech and right to assemble and end of life health care and care for very sick children. So far, the US does not.
Some Americans aren’t taking it seriously and don’t give a damn about other people, hence the street riots and violence in Dayton, OH when the university closed.
Then there’s this:
It was wise for PDJT to call on governors to put their National Guard on alert, because we do have uncaring, inhumane, greedy, lawless, self-gratifiying, feral people living amongst us in America.
Sorry about all the typos. Oh for a WP edit button.
Examples of media propaganda induced irrationality:
Aside from President Trump positive actions and leadership, best news I’ve read the past week or two.
– Gun and ammo sales rocketing.
That PDJT is considering Flynn full pardon is also great!
Bill Gates – The Coronavirus Conspiracy
For what it’s worth……
Two days after leaving Naples FL (Feb 3) and returning to PA I developed what I thought was: a) a cold, b) the flu.
Lots of coughing, severe congestion, and plenty of mucus sidelined me for about 5 days.
I just isolated and rode it out.
As an aside another camper/kayaker showed up in Naples with a really bad cough; I mean severe.
But he was a smoker….so
He’s fine now. BTW, we both traveled by air…….different flights to and from.
Cold over Christmas, husband got over it quickly. Longer for me. Deep cough. Snot like nothing before, could not stop the snot.
One thing strange….. when husband lit a match to light the stove, the sulfur smell went into my lungs and it felt like my lungs were on fire. Never had that before. Sharp pain, had to sit down, nearly knocked me flat.
Same thing, cleaned out a shower with bleach and got a whiff. Aroma again hit me hard. Felt like my lungs were on fire. Had to open the whole house up. Could not be in the same room, not even the next room. Never experienced that before.
Yeah, smells. OMG. Just the rosemary-peppermint sea salt scrub in the shower was overwhelming.
See my post below, if you dare. I had the “snot” too, but in ways I would never have believed prior to this thing.
Also, the smells thing you had is still with me. It is weird. I attributed it to my general sensitivity to smell, but this is extreme. I had to bolt out of the grocery line the other day, because of a man’s after-shave. I literally couldn’t breathe; I felt like I was going to suffocate on the spot.
If your lung tissue was already inflamed any chemical irritant in the air would feel like a hot poker.
I’ve now had two bouts of what seems to be flu this winter.
The first struck in December. It just seemed like a bad cold. Mom, my sister and I all had it. Mom is a former smoker (quit 50+ years ago), sis and I no. IIRC, there wasn’t much nasal congestion, but a nasty cough that would start up at 5 pm. Straight Jameson would stop it, but nothing else. I coughed straight into January, and was delighted in early February when the full voice was back. I mean, every time I tried to sing, I would cough.
This one…started with about 24 coughing up junk, and then the fever hit. 101 or so. Not much nasal congestion, but the cough produced junk. It was wet. The fever, for me, lasted about 80 hours. I woke up in a pool of sweat at 4 Monday morning. What sucks about this is the stomach involvement. YOu really have to stick to a light diet. I can now keep chicken down, and will try beef today, but hardly any food is tolerated. And it effects the taste buds, too.
As of yesterday, the dizziness is gone, and today I feel closer to normal, but that might be strictly having a decent night’s sleep as the Couch Commando is gone and the house is quiet.
So, I’m thinking this is not COVID-19 at all, but one of the heavier flu bugs that may have been hiding the true numbers.
I don’t know if either of my recent illnesses are Corona related, but the taste buds thing you mentioned reminded me. Early Feb we went out for a family birthday & I was sick the next day & for about a week. Don’t remember much of the detail of that illness.
2 weeks ago Sunday I attended church, something I rarely do, & the next day I was sick. It was mostly upper respiratory w/ major sinus pressure & some headaches. There was minimal coughing & coughing up gunk just in the mornings. I used OTC stuff to relieve symptoms for several days, off-brand Nyquil at night to sleep & cough/cold syrup in the day. Both helped w/ sinus issues. Plenty of fluids, homemade soups, lots of rest, & lots of Vitamin C. I think I had a low-grade fever a couple days but didn’t check my temp to confirm. There was very thick sinus congestion that made it hard to breath & hard to get it cleared. Sometimes it nearly blocked my windpipe, which was different & scary.
I’m mostly over it now but my taste buds are still impacted. Others have had some of the same homemade soup I’ve eaten & they say it’s seasoned fine but I just keep adding huge amounts of salt & it barely ever tastes “right”. Oh the early days of the second illness it was Very fatiguing. Sometimes it was too much effort to just sit up for a few hours to read the Q-Tree…so you know it was bad!
There are 5 people in our home & I’m the only one who got sick. We tried some in-home “social distancing” but we have a fairly small home & were all in the living room to watch stuff on TV at times. I’m mid 50’s, as is my husband, & we both have some underlying health issues. We have 3 20-somethings at home & one has major underlying health issues & compromised immunity due to anti-rejection drugs following a liver transplant. He & I were at U of M Hospital almost a week ago for a clinic visit (& my husband thinks we often get sick after being at the hospital) but both of us seem to be fine. We both used some of the on-site hand sanitizer at U of M & tried to avoid touching our faces, etc. while there. Neither of us wore a mask but we did keep decent “social distance” from others. No one we shared any rooms with was visibly sick. I shared a more detailed Michigan update on the most recent “reports from the home front” thread.
This is re-posting my prior Michigan report from here:
Well here’s a report from Michigan.
My special needs son had a clinic visit at U of M Hospitals in Ann Arbor on Tuesday. For the most part things appeared, at least superficially, much as usual. We were asked about travel, contact w/ CV people, & general cold/flu symptoms upon sign in at the clinic. We had similar questions when later entering the Women’s & Children’s part of the hospital.
I made a point of checking out the free-standing stations that have auto-dispensed (touch free) foaming hand sanitizer, tissues, & masks. All stations I checked had the sanitizer, few had tissues, & none had masks. Later, upon closer inspection it was clear that the masks were removed deliberately as there was a written notice (that I didn’t read) but presumably directed people to security stations if they needed a mask. I believe they were limiting mask access to use them for people who were clearly sick, at risk (like my son in early months post-transplant), or potentially contagious. I informed a staff person about the nearby station missing tissues & masks (before I noticed the mask sign) & she immediately reported this to maintenance/housekeeping? Hours later there was still no replenishment of tissues…
There was a young man near the hospital entrance we used who was wearing a reflective vest. He appeared to be scanning people entering the facility, perhaps to head off cases that were clearly ill, but this is purely speculative on my part.
That evening we heard on the radio that MI had 2 CV cases in Metro Detroit, in 2 different counties.
The next day, I believe, the Governor announced what seemed to be overreacting directives including the temporary closing of some facilities, like colleges, for like a week I believe.
My Special Needs son also heard that MI Special Olympics was cancelling all activities, including State Games for Basketball. He also heard that a local special needs organization was cancelling future events (they usually host Wed pm gatherings & occasional weekend events). He & his worker were going to take his girlfriend to a local arcade tomorrow, but now her mother is concerned for CV issues so is keeping her daughter home instead.
The next day the sports events went into cancellation, so the March Madness games & a Detroit Pistons event a son was to attend are now gone.
Today, the Governor decided to declare a state of Emergency in MI (& I think said there were like 40 CV cases in MI but there was no clarification of this), & this was before the Trump presser. Schools are being closed, K-12, for a number of weeks & public universities for a few weeks too. Some type of online learning is to be taking place. My college daughter is on Spring Break & she’d heard that it was to be extended another week. She was to have a test in a class on Monday & classmates were alarmed to be on campus before they heard of the pending closing–not sure where the testing situation stands now. The Governor also declared that no gatherings of more than 250 were to be happening for a number of weeks. We heard on the radio that the Archdiocese of Detroit (I believe) was cancelling All Services for a number of weeks.
We heard from a family member who is visiting Dallas. He & a friend asked a stranger to take their photo, which happened just fine. Afterwards, while thanking him they shook his hand & suddenly everyone realized they weren’t supposed to shake hands so were laughing about the extreme recommendations. Apparently they were also joking about runs on stores & lack of TP there in Dallas.
My married son stopped by this evening to say that his company is suspending deliveries (I believe). He used to cover a local route where they replenished stock in a number of companies a couple times a week, this is a Bearing Supply type of business. He also said that they are limiting staff time at work & that he is having to work at home on Fridays for a while (I didn’t know that working from home was even possible for his job).
His wife is looking for a new job & recently had an interview. They are of the opinion that no one will be hiring as long as the CV “crisis” is happening. Although we all expressed doubt as to whether or not the CV situation was completely legitimate or possibly politically motivated to try to tank the economy to disrupt Trump’s re-election bid, he was convinced that the “panic” on many people’s parts was real & being fueled by seeing major events cancelled. Several local concerts & stage productions were announced to have been cancelled on the radio this evening…Interesting times we live in…
NEW 3-16-20
Sat. a son returned from a missions trip to Guatemala. He was part of a team that mostly consisted of college students from Detroit, WSU & a school in Ohio, OSU?. They heard while away that their campuses were both cancelling classes & holding classes online. The Ohio students were told that they would have to vacate the campus & move back home, not so for the Detroit students. Also as they were leaving Guatemala they learned that Sat. was the last day that flights out were going to be allowed. It sounded like Guatemala was locking their country down including not letting people leave. I think there may have been 2 corona virus cases there…
Sun. our Dallas traveler returned. One activity he attended in Texas involved going to the gun range. He noted that most of the shooters there were using some type of AR rifles. His return flight, Delta, was seemingly pretty empty. About a half hour before boarding there were only like a half dozen people waiting for that plane. There were some people wearing masks he noted.
Other relatives attend a large church, 4-6 thousand & their services were going to be televised from an empty church with just platform ministry people present. My husband is quite active in music ministry at his church & they are not having services until next month some time. They may seat about 600 people & usually have 2 services.
My daughter, whose college classes are to be online now, heard from a classmate who said that President Trump was planning to “quarantine the United States” for 2 weeks starting in about 2 days. This info alleged came from a “Senator Hunter” who’d met w/ Trump recently & was advising everyone to stock up on necessities & plan to be housebound for 2 weeks–I’m hoping to find some confirmation of this “rumor” here at the Q-Tree later. I believe this info was going around Facebook…
Son made a Wal-Mart run for a couple things. They were out of the lower-priced dog food he usually gets so he got a bit pricier large bag of Purina. A lady in that aisle was complaining that there was “no” dog food & “no peanut butter” so what was she gonna do. 2 of my kids said there seemed to be heavier than usual shopping but they didn’t notice things being out of hand. One bought produce & one got a loaf of bread. They didn’t see empty shelves but didn’t check the paper &/or cleaning aisles either.
Anybody else feel that this was part of China’s deception tactics ?
The date on this so-called breaking news story is January 24, 2020 (this video went viral).
(I don’t know how to find more information; i.e. the date the original video)
Most of what comes out of China is FAKE AND STAGED.
I agree! Early on the videos seemed so fake. I commented on Twitter and people were saying they had access to sat phones!!!
I have not had any signs of illness, but my boss became very ill the week before Christmas. I have never seen anyone become so sick so fast. Violent coughing, fever, trouble breathing. I’m not sure if he saw a doctor, but he was ill for about 2 weeks. He is about 65 years old, but very active and in very good health.
I’m in Ohio and yesterday several people were posting stories on a local Facebook page citing their belief that the virus has been in our area since last November/December. Many said they had symptoms matching Corona Virus late last year and said they were sick for about 2 weeks. Also, they were arguing about whether people should keep their kids at home since the schools have closed for 3 weeks. I was a bit surprised that most people felt it would be fine for kids to be out and about at movie theaters, malls, etc. during this time and didn’t want to hear that perhaps their kids could be carriers and infect others. It was a pretty heated discussion. Meanwhile, our grocery stores are almost empty of meat, frozen foods and paper products. Restaurants are all advertising free delivery service & carry out. Road traffic seems lighter than normal. Very strange times we live in.
Wife and I had what seemed to be some sort of stomach bug around the same time. We had a pot luck at Church and many people were sick afterwards. It was just about a week before we went on our ski trip to CO. Had to make many quick runs to the bathroom, but not sick as in vomiting. Was very weak a couple of days and had the cough thing as well. Luckily we were already on our Christmas break from work. Ate lots of berries for a couple days before graduating to chicken noodle and stars soup. We are now getting over an upper respiratory thing that we have had for a week and a half.
PubMed: “Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine” I listened to Del Bigtree on the Highwire yesterday talking about this vulnerability for people who take the flu shots and COVID 19.
Okay, fair warning, TOO MUCH INFORMATION incoming. Read at your own risk.
I am posting my experience in January, complete with some really WEIRD symptoms, because even if another female had one of them, I doubt she would tell you.
My first symptoms were a fever for about half a day, and feeling “tired.” Note that I am really healthy, with a strong immune system. I don’t get sick often, and am high-energy. At age 55, I routinely work my 24-year-old son into the ground.
After the fever day, I was REALLY tired. I spent two days IN BED, which I can tell you never happens to me. Over those two days, the cough started. It was an up-high, dry, unproductive cough. I felt light-headed and woozy. The morning of the third day, I started to cough and couldn’t stop. I almost passed out, and I was home alone. It freaked me out enough that I went to the clinic, and asked for codeine cough syrup. I hate doctors and don’t go often. The cough is scary, and the breathlessness and sensation of being about the faint is scarier.
Then the weird (and gross) started. The next day, I had so much fluid discharge from the “lady parts” I thought I might have some kind of cancer or something. I was terrified. I waited two days to think about what to do. Suddenly, that symptom abated, like nothing had happened. I researched a bit, and discovered that this actually CAN be a symptom of virus in the body. Your system is trying every outlet possible to expel the invader.
The codeine was working (mostly) on the cough at this point, although I still had coughing “fits” where it came and went.
As an aside to this next bit, I have to tell you that I have permanently implanted tubes in both ear drums. I have had ear infections my whole life, so they were put in to prevent them, which generally, they do.
But suddenly, I felt my right ear “close.” Like when you fly and it needs to pop. It felt terrible. I did all the things I know to do to open it. Well, about three hours later, it did. Fluid ran from that ear for 12 hours! It was incredibly bizarre. I have never had anything remotely like that happen, ever.
For most of the duration of this illness, my lungs felt tight, and I was breathless a lot. I have NEVER in my life had a chest cold, they always settle in my sinuses/ears. And I was completely exhausted. This went on for about three weeks. Gradually I got better. I DON’T HAVE lingering lung issues.
NOW, for my theory about the WEIRD symptoms. As I stated, I’ve never had a chest cold. I’ve never smoked, I practice yoga, deep breathing, etc., and have really healthy lungs. I think this thing had a hard time settling in there. I’ve read that the pneumonia is what’s killing people with coronavirus. All that over-production of fluid in me went elsewhere in the body, instead of the lungs, at least initially, and may be why I have recovered completely.
I also immediately began taking several things when my illness occurred. Elderberry syrup, echinacea tea, extra vitamin C (food-based), and holy basil tea. All of these are immune-supporting.
I am now convinced that we have seen MANY cases of coronavirus since December, even just among our community here on the Q-tree. I personally know of at least ten here in my community, people who are close to me. Was I ground zero here? I don’t know.
Now that you mention it…fluid from the lady parts I attributed to a cycle peak, but it was weird. And the nasal congestion…just the left ear seemed to be really bad. I mean, the pressure in certain positions lying down had me wondering if I should go for anti-biotics. Except, if I moved, the pressure abated.
This is weird $#!+. I mean, I had swine flu, colds of all sorts, bugs my nephews brought home…none of them were this whacked.
Good to know I was not the only one. And I can’t attribute it to cycles, because I don’t have cycles (or a uterus) anymore. It was WEIRD.
My recent illness, that’s mostly over now, also involved major ear pressure issues. I kept “clearing” my ears like I learned for Scuba, & often the air I’d force into my sinuses would stay for a number of seconds before squeaking it’s way out. People (& the dog) across the room could hear this squeaking even over the volume of the TV or radio–yikes. Sometimes the pressure changes in the ear would come on suddenly & uncomfortably, very weird.
I’m also having some strange “lady part” issues, involving burning pain…something I’ve never encountered in my life…This has overlapped the time frame of my 2 recent illnesses (described above)…
Just woke, has to go do chores. Not sure if this has been mentioned. Purpose behind canceling all sport venues also lends it self for full on press of the press. They are poisoning the masses at rates above and beyond normal with fake news and mass hysteria.
Late here, but our situation:
Late December, both husband and myself came down with fever, headachy, and then a dry, hacking cough. Any drainage went straight to the lungs and sat there, but no runny noses or anything like that. Had shortness of breath at night when laying down.
Went on for about four weeks. Son-in-law had the same thing, but he hacked for months and sometimes had to sit up at night so he could breathe.
Son in another state had same symptoms around the same time. He commented that it was the strangest symptoms he’d ever had.
Our nurse friend said that they have been very busy at the clinic with same symptoms, but she says it’s just a bad flu, and the flu vaccine missed this year. She said they missed putting the Influenza B in the vaccine, which I think is the respiratory one.
I found that very interesting…
“flu vaccine missed this year”?
Seems to me that “They”…… “MISS” the Vaccine EVERY Year.
I would never take the flu vaccine. My mom swore by it, and yet got the flu every year. She said it was less severe, but she had respiratory issues, and even had walking pneumonia once that came within hours of killing her.
The only time I have ever had the flu shot was when my Dad was going through chemo/radiation for his cancer. Otherwise I never had one before or since because they tend to make everyone actually get sick.
We got into an argument in the choir loft about this. On person who watches way too much MSM claims that what goes into the shot is determined by what Australia had the season before. That was the first I had heard of it.
People in the medical community in this state have to have the shot or they lose their licenses, I found out.
I do think Influenza B was left out though, basically because I know the couch commando has flu B in 2018, and when he came down with what my sister and I had, it lasted 24 hours. I’m guessing he has natural immunity. Now, with all luck, so do we.
My brother HAD influenza B in 2018. The whole house in Florida was tested before he came home sick as a dog.
Yeah, even the flu, I get to sleep sitting up.
The CDC does not agree with that nurse at all.
I don’t trust any of these orgs, though. The wildly differing stats on Wuflu alone have disabused me of confidence in ANY of these official orgs.
This is a comment to an article on the panic. Made me snort out loud.
Instead of paying scalper’s prices for toilet paper, go to Home Depot and get yourself a bidet toilet seat. About $250. Not only is the seat heated, but it got an adjustable hydro-flosser for your butt. Makes mine so clean you could eat off it! Not an invitation.
LoL! We have had one of the spray nozzle types for several years since we remodeled our bathroom. Noticed a lot of hotels overseas had them and thought we’d get one too.
pgroup – getting kinky on Sunday morning and a National Day of Prayer to boot?!
I have mentioned this several times – get a bidet attachment! Saves us $ on bathroom tissue and So much cleaner.
We bought one that was mechanically simple so less expensive + less bells/whistles to break.
Irony? Began leaking 3 wks ago. Husband has taken apart and attempted to fix as we need to conserve TP more than usual. Replaced some o rings, etc. Still leaks a little but not the budget time for us to place so now we have a mini bucket and an occasional drops of leakage from the incoming/clean water.
oh that reminds me – highly recommend ones that use water from not the bowl! ours hooks into the pipes/stuff behind the toilet so always fresh water.
Some are now awakening to the mass weapons of mass destruction being used throughout the world. Funny – many believed the obvious was only for tin foil hat people and conspiracy theorists. Now – not so much.
Chem trails are real.
Water supply poisoning with chemicals in disguise to “clean” the water is real.
Diversion of waterways to “help” environments is real.
Bombardment of our atmosphere with “waves” used for higher technology purposes are real.
Food sources that are and have been genetically modified for decades are real.
Meds designed to “help” us recover from ailments, which do the opposite, are real.
Bioweapons that are easily deployed by evil people in the routine areas of life are real.
Now add in the traditional methods since the world began of death and destruction used by those who want to control others for their own selfish ambitions.
The only cure is acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Satan has dominion over this world until the appointed time He returns. Yes, we are to fight against those that do the above referenced things as we are commanded to love and care for one another. However, our fight is meaningless without Jesus as our reason to even breathe.
Trust in Him today. Your life everlasting depends of it.
Hmmmm… This is interesting: A job posting from November 15, 2019 (filing open to May 15, 2020)
Public Health Advisor (Quarantine Program)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Emerging & Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
Interesting locations too:
Anchorage, AK
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
Show fewer locations (16)
Miami, FL
Atlanta, GA
Honolulu, HI
Chicago, IL
Boston, MA
Detroit, MI
Minneapolis, MN
Newark, NJ
Queens, NY
Philadelphia, PA
San Juan, PR
Dallas, TX
El Paso, TX
Houston, TX
Dulles Airport, VA
Seattle, WA
Of those – only Alaska has not had any cases.
Of the states, yesterday only Idaho and Alaska and West Virginia are not reporting coronavirus cases.
You know what what I think. But let’s take stock and briefly review recent history. Since PDJT’s surprise election…
The Chicom regime is in big trouble. PDJT’s economic reset is stripping China of money, influence, and power. Totalitarian gov’ts, by their nature, cannot allow that. This is particularly true in the Asian world where “face” means everything. Lose of “face”, wealth, and influence leads to loss of power. Same as it always was.
Over in the EU, PDJT’s election both confirmed and spurred on the Brexit vote and it’s aftermath. Global nationalism, on it’s deathbed, was injected with new life. In nation after nation, the left was rejected in vote after vote. And with the Brexit vote and a PDJT’s election, the EU itself…along with all the bureaucrats in Brussels…both was and is at risk of dissolution. Not too different from the dilemma the Chicom regime is in, is it?
Then there is the ME. Let us recall that PDJT’s first trip out of the US was to SA, where a corrupt crown prince and power structure was removed. The Iran deal was scrapped and the Iranian regime strangled. The US recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital with the Golan Heights also recognized as sovereign Israeli territory. Isis has been crushed.
Here at home…do I really need to review all there is? In particular, the jeopardy the entire democrat party is facing…particularly it’s senior leadership….and all it’s resistors inside the gov’t?
It’s simple.
The entire “New World Order” is being dismantled brick by brick. And the global leader, the face of it all, is President Donald J Trump. From ALL the aforementioned nations and people negatively impacted by PDJT’s election, he IS the head of the proverbial snake. The fly in their ointment.
They’ve tried a Special Counsel to kill the fly. They’ve tried a ridiculous impeachment.
But now time is short.
Re-election means catastrophe for them. A GOP controlled house and senate led by a re-elected PDJT who has 90%+ support of the party base? Unmitigated disaster.
As I told a family member just last night…
I am not so ready to accept this virus as a “natural” event.
Indeed, the Chicom regime has much to gain from this event, in fact has already, and it’s timing….undercutting the strength of the US economy and crashing the stock market just ahead of an election everyone on both sides of the aisle agrees is the most important of our lifetimes…is highly suspect. That is, if one listened to popular leftist commentator Bill Maher (and millions do), who told his HBO audience in late 2018 (and I quote),
“I feel like the bottom has to fall out, and by the way I’m hoping for it. Because I think one way of getting rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please, bring on the recession. Sorry if that hurts people…”
Link to video…
After all, the Chicom regime wants…no, it needs…to get rid of Trump. And this virus is accomplishing just what Doctor Maher ordered. Or do you think it’s too far fetched for one of the world’s greatest human rights abusers…the Chicom regime…to loose a virus upon the world to retain it’s economic and political power? After all, they are communists, avowed atheists who proactively persecute Christians and actively operate concentration camps. In fact, the history of communism itself proves definitively it’s adherents believe “the end justifies the means.” That they released this virus inside their own country was to avert any accusation that they had committed an act of war.
Moreover, and closer to home, after the sham of the Mueller SC, followed by the ridiculous impeachment effort, and now the paucity of any legitimate political threat to Trump’s re-election (with a roaring economy behind him, that is), it sure is a blessing for the political left for this virus to show up right now (vs…say…next year) to crash the US economy.
And if that hurts or kills some people, well, I’m quite sure they’re sorry about that.
There are $trillions on the line, and the Chicom regime and “President for life” Xi, like the political left, will do anything to retain (or regain) power. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures.
PS – I’m far from the most intelligent conservative posting his thoughts online. Why hasn’t Praying Medic, Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, or anyone else put all this together???
WTF is wrong with people??
It’s staring us all right in the face.
And no…neither PDJT nor anyone in his administration can say any of this out loud.
It MUST come from us….the awakened.
Yup. I agree. People are getting SOFT ON CHINA.
OK – let me take a stab at this.
Praying Medic? He’s a “Q Whisperer”, but his advantage is also his Achilles heel. His advantage is that he rarely strays into “sketchy” territory in his interpretations of Q drops. That is also his disadvantage – he doesn’t LEAD – he follows Q. Q ain’t posting – so PM has nothing new. He’s not gonna GO THERE on his own. He would require Q to say it first. That’s just the way he is. It’s how he retains credibility – and I won’t fault him for it – “going there” is rough.
Breitbart – afraid of being jumped on during an election year as “conspiracy theorists”
Rush – actually cooled off by his award, IMO – he’s self-conscious – just natural effect of the spotlight – he knows that the left is gunning to take him down RIGHT NOW, so he’s being careful. He already got jumped for saying that this thing is designed to take out Trump economically (without attributing it to China) – he’s not going to push further (that China did this intentionally) without OTHERS going forward, too.
Hannity – nobody is feeding him any tick-tock on this, so no reportage that way
Levin – can’t afford to be labeled a conspiracy theorist – no can do
So WE have to go first and not just break the ice, but blow it up with nukes.
You are missing a BIG GLARING RED DOT!
What did AG Sessions & President Trump do?
1. CLOSE the border
2. Go after MS13
3. Kick China out of Long Beach Port (smuggling)
4. Go after Porn and the Pedos
5. Go after Ukraine and other tax payer money laundering schemes
Those are all MONEY MAKERS that got strangled!
SELL Stock, CRASH THE MARKET, BUY the DIP, Have the market REBOUND, Sell high. Rinse and repeat.
NONE of the ‘little people’ are willing to donate to Biden and the really rich are not that happy with Biden either.
The DNC needs $$$ and the socialists ALWAYS use ‘other people’s money’ if they can.
Remember the Mexican cartels and China have funded the DNC under the table for years and they are hurting!
It IS odd Rush, Mark Levin and Hannity have NOT started howling about the obvious you outlined.
Hannity, to some degree may be ham strung by his comfort with faux news. Doesn’t want to strike out on his own.
Yes, I think at this point it simply makes sense that this whole thing was an intentional exercise by China and the leftists. SLICK little operation.
Wolfie I posted this on Felice’s news update:
I suggest you read:
And the ACTUAL papers:
This is the smoking gun North Carolina University paper.
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.
(You have to sift through the bafflegab, but it is there.)
I looked at it and everything Dr Boyle said was true. I do not have access to the Aussi paper.
This was the paper in India that the globalist forced to be withdrawn:
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
Harry Chen PhD said of the above paper:
The Aussie paper I can not get my hands on had to do with HIV.
This is the second paper by the French that Dr Boyle reverenced that CONFIRMED THE INDIA PAPER. (You have to pay to see the whole paper, however Mike Adams purchased it.)
“A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) is entitled, “The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade.”…
The abstract and full PDF (paid) of the study are available through this link at”
Further evidence:
Earlier Adrian Bond published an article that was taken down. It points to Professor Zhengli Shi., co-author of the North Carolina University Paper.
Article: Coronavirus Exposed, Part 1: Communist Coverup, or Pandemic Bioweapon of Mass Destruction?
It is long and points to a LOT of scientific papers.
Zerohedge got permanently banned from twitter for drawing attention to Professor Zhengli Shi.
Zerohedge: Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic?
Professor Zhengli Shi.
Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China.
It is pretty darn blatant and that is why they HAD to get rid of Alex Jones early on and then Mike Adams (Natural News) and finally ZeroHedge.
Who cares about tinfoil hat woo woo stuff…. UNLESS A LOT OF IT IS TRUE.
If it has been here, (which isn’t this what China is trying to tell us too?) then why didn’t we have increased hospitalizations and increased pneumonia deaths beyond the normal ratio for typical/seasonal flu?
I would be more likely to believe that they released several over time and the latest is a killer with larger than normal complications that then overwhelms the medical system.
That’s kinda what I’m thinking – that they started with “normal” varieties that were better masked by normal coronaviruses, and just observed / tested them as weapons – THEN started upping the lethality. At some point, we noticed, and STUFF ensued.
I am positive the Iranians were testing this stuff in their prisons for the ChiComs. Then they turn the narrative around to paint themselves as heroes. Very “Iran”.
thanks – now the thinking on this thread makes a little more sense.
Could it have mutated naturally to the more deadly version?
One thing we do know (I think) – this current version was emerging in China in Dec (maybe Nov) and China suppressed knowledge (for evil purposes or just because they as communist dictators they are naturally and secretive + trying to save reputation/face/look powerful, etc.)
Has been documented in China, I assume Wuhan mid Nov.
AND, Chinese Military Academy went on lock down three weeks before Chinese announcing corona.
Interesting CDC Graphs:

Notice the double peak.
Nationwide during week 10, 5.2% of patient visits reported through the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) were due to influenza-like illness (ILI). This percentage is above the national baseline of 2.4%.
Influenza like illnesses:
High level dark red ==> yellow ==> green for low level
IIRC, Gail posted numbers she dug up showing flu, pneumonia and deaths started rising markedly in Dec 19. Jan and a week or two into Feb numbers mostly doubled.
March 11, 2020 at 23:57
We are witnessing history, the United States is experiencing a more serious crisis than Pearl Harbor: this time the enemy is not Japan, but China; the weapon is not an aircraft carrier warship aircraft, but a Wuhan P4 synthetic biochemical weapon-Chinese virus; not a hot war, but More evil and wicked transcendence. The enemy also wants to put the U.S. to death, but the U.S. will not yield, but will be forced to inspire powerful wartime economic potential and national strength. Only by killing the CCP can the U.S. be great again!
WHOA – Chanel Rion is ON THE CASE!!! They’ve got it.
OMG – this is going to END ChiNazis in any kind of weaponizable research in the US.
Amen goes right there, Wolf!!!
Yes, trying to get that information out of Dr Boyle is a long and laborious process, though it’s all in there and much more. This is much more direct and to the point. This is much of what Gail’s been explaining but narrowed down for better consumption. More of this to red pill the masses, please.
Very glad to see a professional reporter grab the story and run with it. I looked but could not find the original OANN report.
PS – you can thank BEELZEBUBBA – Bill Clinton – for this shit. He’s the one who let the ChiNazis loose in American science.
YES, HE DID! This warlock and his wicked witch wife – along with their evil friends – the O’s -are going down for what they did to America!!!
LMAO! Looks like Gomer hasn’t been attending his Governor Gillum-mandated lessons at the Confucius Institute! OH WAIT – THE CHICOM TOOL LOST!!! And the Confucius indoctrination centers are GONE.
Lots of people starting to question the current events and wondering “what’s really going on”
What they aren’t telling us is that the Chicoms have committed an indirect act of war upon the US generally, and it’s leader specifically.
You know, Sundance is the one who should be all over this stuff. HE GETS the Chinese approach to war.
I believe SD has direct and close ties to the highest levels inside the administration.
Known connections.
Trump —-> Flynn —> Sidney Powell —-> SD
I personally corresponded directly with Sidney on multiple occasions through the CTH forum, and that was before she became Flynn’s counsel.
All sorts of great news about Flynn today. DOJ not looking good, however.
This is all about the concept of criticality. Many people don’t get it.
Critical phenomena are where there is a HUGE inflection in something at a certain point. Where it goes from nothingburger to WHOPPER in a very small difference.
Uranium nuclear breakdown is an example. Under most conditions, it’s slow. But concentrate it, bring it together where it can happen just right – and a chain reaction takes place. CRITICAL MASS.
This virus is not just “exponential” – which they all are. It has the potential to GO CRITICAL under the right circumstances.
Trump, like Abe in Japan and Moon in Korea, acted to prevent criticality. CHINA experienced criticality. Northern Italy experienced criticality.
We WANT nothingburger.
“Lack of a bullet hole in our body does not prove we were not in danger. It may help prove that we dodged a bullet.”
Oh, that is IT!!! That’s what they were doing. That is what Neutron Nancy was going for. That’s why China and the CIA introduced the virus before it should have gotten here. They wanted criticality events to take out Trump! And they HID the early introduction to HOAX US.
Fucking HANG ‘EM.
And the fucking evil fake news was going to blame Trump! Oh, those SNEAKY BASTARDS!!!
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.
Speaking of ChiCom-owned politicians, Drive-by Chi-Spy Di-Fi has been curiously quiet as of late…
Have to wonder what (who?) she’s hiding under her hat…
Kind of takes the (Richard) Blum off of her rose…
EVIDENCE OF AN UNKNOWN more severe strain of the influenza virus
February 17 2019
February 7 2020
”Inundated With Flu Patients, U.S. Hospitals Brace for Coronavirus
Resources are already stretched during flu season. With so much medical equipment and drugs made in China, public health experts are anxiously watching the global supply chain.
With an intense flu season in full swing, hundreds of thousands of coughing and feverish patients have already overwhelmed emergency rooms around the United States.Now, hospitals are bracing for the potential spread of coronavirus that could bring another surge of patients…”
Patient one according to China is now pegged at Nov 17th.
That pushes the release back to NOVEMBER 1ST at the latest.
And where did dims and their lapdogs in the media have their almost undivided attentionIn Oct. and Nov?

On the lead-up to shampeachment.
Heck, all the way through the Senate “trail” through most of Jan.
All of which was a MASSIVE distractor for PDJT and his administration…
…which of course the media is now blaming for not jumping on this crap early enough.
They’re evil.
Would of been much worse for the country if the Impeachment trial would of been allowed to continue on like Schiff was demanding. Another message that we understand here but needs to be pushed out to the masses.
And what do you know?
OCTOBER 18 2019
Yeah. I would say that the DEATH PENALTY for CONDUCTING or BACKING research like BILL GATES WAS FUNDING would be a good first step.
Remember Nanzi’s press conference on schampeachment where she mentioned timing and time over and over? Coordination or messaging there no doubt
Just a random thought…..hand sanitizer is 70% alcohol. There are even shortages of rubbing alcohol around. Why do we have a nationwide program to brew up millions of gallons and stuff them into gas tanks? Shouldn’t we (especially with low oil prices) just take all the alcohol that’s supposed to go to gasoline refineries and use it as sanitizer?
Rubbing alcohol is 30% alcohol, not strong enough to kill viruses. Even 70% isn’t unless it’s mixed with things like glycerine to make hand sanitizer to keep it on your hands long enough to kill viruses.
Ethyl Alcohol (in hand sanitizers) is better at killing virus than Iso-propyl Alc. aka Rubbing alcohol.
It is denatured and put in deodorants BTW.
Isopropyl can also be found in 91%. I keep a spray bottle in my bag. If I need to make “homemade hand sanitizer” that is what I will use
True but if you are going to use isopropyl or ethanol you need at least 60%.
For corona, even soap is enough, as it destroys the double lipid chain surrounding the virus. Once that outer shell is gone, the virus is deactivated…
I use high-percentage alcohol wipes to clean computer parts when I’m building new rigs. Works great to get rid of remaining thermal compound (Arctic Silver, etc.) and other detritus threatening to ruin my build(s). I have TONS of them. And they work great for cleaning hands, glasses, etc.
70% (or 75%, according to some sources) is the borderline between “good” and “effective”.
20 seconds (I prefer a minute or two, after watching and discussing with surgeons) of a good soap is very effective. And one thing many people miss is a bacteriacide is usually useless against viruses… alcohol is one of the rare exceptions… Look at Sterillium, for example…
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
That’s just it. The number of people who are willfully not seeing what is right in front of them is rather stunning.
I was really rather surprised this morning when I was talking to a choir member – FLAMING liberal feminist who who is perfectly sweet and agreeable and would not hurt a fly – who is an architect. She’s an aging hippie with a really preppy wardrobe. Anyway, I started talking about some of this stuff and that this site has been following the virus for months, and she actually listened. Some others blow me off, but for those who can be pried from the MSM presentation, there are inroads to be made. This woman was somewhat floored…and then she said to me, you’ve had some bugs this year. (Yes, I have.)
It really depends on being open minded. And for many of the sheep, they simply have not been presented with the information. Things like doctors doing vaccine research that bucks the narrative ending up dead, and the melting point of steel vs. the burning point of jet fuel which will automatically poke holes in the 9-11 story. The biggest problem that I can see is that such people don’t want to admit they’ve been fooled.
Because once one has a foot in the door on one topic, there are countless more to talk about.
That’s just it. The number of people who are willfully not seeing what is right in front of them is rather stunning.
^^^ In this case we are addressing WuFlu. Equally applies to muh Russia, Ukraine, impeachment.
Truly UFB.
This is my story and I’m sticking to it! says it all (voice of the martyrs). Their sister site is also good, and worth a look (and a prayer!).
China IS EVIL.
End of story.
Not the people: rather, the dictatorship and the centuries (nay, millenia) of rulers supposedly sanctioned by “heaven”.
More like, “sanctioned by heathens”…..
New Year’s Eve. I was feeling a little off, sore throat, dry cough, body aches, fatigue. I was supposed to go to a NYE party with friends. By the time I got off and drove from my work to near my house I was running a fever, the cough was much worse, I was feeling short of breath, and after I went to the local drug store to stock up on cold medications I basically went to bed in my clothes. I ran a 100.9 -101.2 degree fever and felt like I could potentially die every 4 hours as the Alka Seltzer and supra therapeutic doses of Robitussin DM wore off. I could barely get out of bed to dose myself with more medicine, and I drank probably close to a gallon of water a day for about 4-5 days running.
I was sick for about 2 weeks though after the first 4-5 I was feeling a little better and no longer running a fever. (side note: my two vices are the occasional beer, and morning coffee. I eat a ridiculously healthy diet because I just feel better if I do and I fast every two months or so) I haven’t been hit like this in decades. And when I was before, it’s because I stepped off my diet. (real food).
I am a provider so I knew it was viral, knew there was nothing but supportive care to be done, and it wasn’t til this all hit the news that I started thinking that it might have been COVID-19.
Yup. January timeframe. Meanwhile they’re trying to convince us that it’s NOT HERE YET.
Yes – very interesting. He would be a vector to top Dems including Pelosi. Why would China want Pelosi gone? Socialist chaos in the House?
I keep wondering if it is some kind of optics to keep the panic going.
BINGO, look for a few more Tom Hanks to come forward soon, to keep the fear going.
” Why would China want Pelosi gone? “
VERY SIMPLE, the same reason Hillary leaves a trail of bodies.
Here’s to a virtual G&T for ye… [I’m Smiley/emoji-impaired… help, bfly…] just think of a G&T in a glass, some (but not too much) ice, a slice of (no-insecticide or chemicals) lime, and Tanqueray No. Ten, along with the best tonic, with Schweppervescence to complete the ensemble. Shaken, not stirred
Makes me think of someone asking the Klintoons (or their minions)
“Whose side are you on???”
“The Arkancide”…
RIP Seth Rich and at least 100 others… (Ron Brown, et. al.)…
Erm, the G&T doesn’t, the “tales” does…
A not so strange nor unethical possibility would be this: We have been attacked by a bio weapon. There seems to be some evidence that besides just the spread, that vectors may have been directed against our forces. This may just be vectors being fired back. Not to mention just about anyone can join in who have access to medical waste and knows how best to vector their target.
Concerning the ethics, many consider war to be an ethical pursuit when absolutely required. Laws and conventions have outlawed bio weapons. But such rules normally go out the window when one side or the other violates those laws and conventions. The American response has always been no bio under any circumstance. If it is used against us we’ll basically nuke you. Someone broke the rules and was very sneaky about it. Result may well be this.
Sure would explain the SOTU lack of handshakes. An undeclared biological civil war, aided by CHINA.
Holy crap.
Yep. And Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambio, Speaker/Squeaker/Tweaker of the Soused of Representatives (of the DEEP STATE)…..
“Take the guns. Poison the Cannoli”…
A bio weapon in an economic war. And with the sports shut down, what are the bookies up to? No cannoli on the tables.
Oh, what do you know. Wynn Resorts, MGM, Encore to close in Vegas for at least 2 weeks. New reservations not starting until May 1st, per USA Today. Economic war.
She has served her purpose and is now a liability.
Now it all makes sense, Kimi came home from work in early January sick as a dog it was on a Friday and I will never forget she thought she was gonna die.
I went 26 years without going to a dr I just dont do dr’s but when I got what Kimi brought home it hit me so damn hard I wanted to go to the dr. Kimi did run a fever and we thought just a bad virus, it was a very bad virus as we found out thru friends that our whole community had been deathly ill.
My kidney pain is still here from time to time even after 2 weeks of taking cranberry pill supplements and drinking atleast a half gallon of water a day. We have a very good source of spring water that seeps out of our mountain so we drink alot of water.
We will never know the truth as to what the CHICOMS have done but I know that threads like this one Wolf will shed light on it.
Thanks for that! Yes, we have to shake up people’s thinking on this. We have to get the medical researchers to IGNORE THE FAKE NEWS TIMELINE and reinvestigate!!!
Wolf in my running conversation with Steve in Co. I speculate that we ALL have been exposed to this for QUITE some time, the reasons why it did not induce panic then, as it does now is it was mistaken early because 80% of those infected DO NOT show symptoms, or suffer MILD symptoms. I think MOST people got this, myself, wife, and family included, and our symptoms were so SIMILAR to a cold, the regular flu, or allergy related, therefore, most self medicated, waited it out, or were misdiagnosed by their doctors, who until recently did NOT know what covid 19 was, and had no tests available for it.
Those people, myself included, probably unwittingly spread it FAR and WIDE, without knowing. Now the PTB are PUSHING the fear and hysteria to the Nth degree using doom and gloom “exponential” projections to scare the SHIT out of everyone, induce panic and over reaction, all with but ONE agenda, and it sure as hell was not the health and welfare of we the people.
I speculate that we have ALREADY peaked, and that is why the numbers HERE are not matching the projections, nor will they EVER. We already passed it, most recovered without incident, and moved on. Unfortunately the MOST vulnerable, the elderly and those with underlying heath problems, are the 20% that are being used to hype this fear to stage 5.
The facts that they used SMALL, CONTROLLED, samples of cruise ships and that ONE facility in Washington state as the IMPETUS for the projections, and the FEAR, VASTLY skews the numbers. Curiously, children and adolescents have a 1% or LESS instance of contracting this virus, while it is VASTLY dis proportionate, 20% to the elderly (70 plus), NO WAY this was from mother nature’s kitchen.
one LAST coincidence I am sure, notice that TWO of the areas disproportionally affected just happen to have been hotbeds of protests against their oppresive governments (Hong Kong and Iran), those protests had to STOP due to quarantine, and curfew…now there were VAST amounts of unreported dead in Iran, too much “coincidence”.
Want to take THAT farther? What TWO countries were recently SMASHED by Trump tariffs, and sanctions, say it isn’t so, China and Iran. Now factor in the “convenient” oil run recently….picture come into view? Also factor in that the dem primaries, with Ol Joe, are a DISASTER, got that off the front page too, and had the added perk of tanking the economy, AND getting Trump rallies cancelled.
IMHO Wolf, we have ALL been had again, this was a multifaceted, complex, and CO ORDINATED systematic ATTACK. An attack on the US people DIRECTLY, our medical infrastructure, our FREEDOM of movement, our LEISURE times, our ECONOMY, and our state of well being, nothing like a good old pandemic to put us deplorables in our place. TOO convenient.
This TOO will FAIL, and we will be STRONGER after it, the economy will bounce back BIGLY, we will move back QUICKLY critical supplies, supply lines, and medical manufacturing of those supplies..ALL from China. Then we will, having LEARNED our lesson, begin to depend LESS and LESS on China for our stuff, we will make MORE and MORE things HERE again. Buy American, MADE in America. This will backfire BIGLY, in the end.
You hitting every point on this. Not much wonder they outlawed lynching
perhaps public hangings should RETURN, would help cut down on the crap we have been exposed to for the last 4 years.
heads — pikes — National Mall
I agree with ALL of that except the timing of the peak. I believe that the peak may still be coming and was carefully planned to take out Trump. I will explain my reasoning more fully.
I believe that the Chinese have been interested in SARS as a weapon since the first outbreak in 2002-2003. I believe that since the public bat work in 2010-2018, they have concentrated on forms which INCLUDE the one we have seen here. I suspect that they have a RANGE of them, varying in properties, just like different organophosphorus nerve agents (nerve gases).
The agent they are using here (SARS2/COVID-19) is actually one of the weaker ones, because it is designed to have CONTROLLABLE CRITICALITY.
The criticality means that if you react to it wrong, you get a Three Mile Island propaganda event, or a Watergate, or a Northern Italy, or whatever. It’s a cunning and evil trick. Otherwise, it’s not that bad.
Had Trump ignored this, to save the economy, the agent WOULD have been driven to critical in blue zones, under the cover of “Trump didn’t do anything”. Instead, Trump has used the Trump doctrine to assign responsibility to those blue zones, who are now on the hook for any criticalities which they allow.
This point about controllable criticality is very important. It is why some things are useful for atomic bombs, and some things are NOT. It is actually a more general principle – a LIGHT SWITCH is a controllable criticality.
This is not a pure hoax where everything is fake. It’s a BLOOD HOAX – real bodies, contrived event.
This is designed to be a very FUNCTIONAL WEAPON – and when I say that, I mean a weapon in exactly the sense YOU are talking about – FEAR, SOCIAL MANIPULATION, ECONOMIC MANIPULATION, etc. are part and parcel of the WEAK biological effects.
HOWEVER, those “weak” biological effects are not nil (I say, BREATHING THROUGH MY MOUTH, STILL….). Yeah, a lot of people just walked away from this. Not every 55+ victim will.
Those biological effects can be DRIVEN TO CRITICAL, just like FIRES IN CALIFORNIA AND AUSTRALIA. And they can be driven to critical in a KEY portion of Trump’s base. ON PURPOSE.
Notice DeWine stepping up at the STATE LEVEL now? This is a key response. Part of the plot was to use the high degree of federalization of disease disaster response in the United States to PIN THIS ON TRUMP. Increasing STATE responsibility is now key for enforcing the TRUMP DOCTRINE.
Such a weapon will always favor the side with the pre-existing vaccine. The ruthless Chinese communists know this. This is true whether it’s a weak weapon for social manipulation, or a strong weapon to wipe out an enemy.
The long-term side-effects of the CURRENT disease favor the socialists. They are releasing a weapon which KILLS OFF OLD PEOPLE. It’s Stalin in a bottle. Ruthless and efficient. Even if it permanently enters the biosphere, it’s a “good risk” to these people.
We are not out of the woods. I believe this weapon can still be driven critical by the socialists for propaganda events, just like FIRES IN AUSTRALIA. Trump is doing the RIGHT THING.
Now – about where the “peak” really is. My reading is that the ChiComs and CIA were having trouble figuring exactly how to time all this. How many incendiary bombs does it take to light Dresden on fire?
We picked the lesser of the two evils – economic slowdown. They would have RATHER Trump tried to defend the economy. In that case, higher contagion would have allowed creation of MORE critical events, and the plotters would have had propaganda everywhere. It would have given them the ability to say “at what price Trump’s economic miracle?”
These people are EVIL. Once you see what they tried to do to him, you realize – they wanted to KILL OLD VETS and PIN IT ON TRUMP.
Wolfie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You or Mrs. Wolfie….Ever get sick again……Ya better tell us!!!! WE PRAY ya WELL!!! We cannot afford to lose you in this battle!!!!

Thanks, Marica! WILL DO!!! <3
Love you both!!! I just put a a lil prayer…. But the real Warriors gonna come thru like da Lions that they are!!!!
Rodney Short I had something about 2 weeks before Christmas . Out of the blue I got the chills went to bed could not get warm between a feather comforter a wool blanket and having sweat on in bed and sox and still was freezing. I did not take the temperature I am bad about that . I woke up soaked wet had a little runny nose nothing major but a cough I call hacking.
My kidney hurt for about 3 weeks and I was so tired. Then I noticed bruising around my ankle and my legs were hurting if I walked or sat or slept made no difference. I was walking around in a fog.
My cough lasted almost 5 weeks. I never smoked.
I had gone no place prior to getting sick except a person installed the dishwasher. He came late 7:30 PM and looked tired and flushed my husband said. I wonder now if I bought something from him even though I ha not personal contact with him but he was at the counter where I prepare food.
Fir the leg pain calves and ankle I finally ordered from Tommie Cooper compression leggings and a compression shirt and that helped with the pain.
I have no heart problem, or high blood pressure no kidney problems either and never swollen ankles .
I only have a mild slow case of slow thyroid I take meds for. I am very healthy for my age.
There is something else that comes to mind I had a flue shot end of October. Doctor said it was a new shot for people over 65. The shot is supposed to be stronger and more protective.
Is it truly more protective or is there something in it that works together with the Wuvirus?
Who made he flue shot was it produced in the US or China? Now I am in conspiracy territory as my husband would say
By the way when I spoke to my scientific son about what I experienced 2 weeks before Christmas into January he ask “was a virus or bacterial?” He said ” that makes a difference how it is traded and if medicines work.” I wondered why he ask and assumed he would just say that I had he flue.
Is the Huvirus both a flue and bacterial?
I have a talk tonight with him.
A viral infection is often followed up by bacterial. The virus causes damage and gives bacteria the opening they need
A virus can’t be bacterial; it’d be like having a cabbage being a monkey. (Actually it’s even more “off” than that, as a virus isn’t even truly alive.)
That said, as ozzy pointed out sometimes a bacterium takes advantage of someone’s weakened condition after, or even while, they’re fighting a virus. The victim can’t tell he’s fighting two different things at once or in sequence, though.
Wow my heels and ankles have been hurting and swollen for a few months now and just week I noticed on my right foot in my arch it turned black like the veins busted. I just figured this was due to my surgery on my right leg recently and I have been over doing it.
My skin is scaly and like leather and feels like I stuck my leg into a bucket of fire ants, I leave this in Gods hands it’s all I can do…
See a doctor. You may have a blood clot. Best wishes
They removed 11 clots with a laser Ozzy, it took over a year from the time my 2nd doctor recommended test.
For one year I had an open would on my calf and had it bandaged, the tape destroyed my skin.
I am hoping to have a follow up appointment this summer but am not gonna hold my breath on it because I leave it at the cross with God.
I do know that I WILL not have my left leg done after the experience I had, this to shall pass.
Are you on blood thinners? Prevention is better than cure with clots. Open wound for a year sounds like a candidate for vaccum dressing and skin grafting. Stents in your arteries could also be a big help. Can’t tell more as I don’t have all the specifics but are you sure you are under the care of the right doctor/s
Currently I dont have a doctor he was forced out of the clinic because his political views were different than the office manager and her snoddy daughter. So far there has been no more swelling in my right leg so I am confident God will see me thru, we all live on borrowed time it’s all in the book of life.
Try to find someone before you need to. That way they can get up to speed on your history etc before shtf. It helped if you’ve got basic info
They have to assign a doctor’s assistant because no dr’s want to come to Willow Creek and their other office is a 2 hour drive.
I will be fine Ozzy.
I hope you are ok
I am doing good Ozzy and have faith in God to get me thru.
Just have a trusted , up to speed medico too.
That’s in the plan…
True story
A flood was coming and an old man said he wasn’t evacuating.
His neighbor offered him a lift out
A rescue boat tried to persuade him
Eventually a chopper showed up.
To each he replied god will save me!
When he drowned he got to heaven and confronted god.
God retorted I sent your neighbour a boat and a chopper you fool
Rodney that is how I felt. I never have had leg problem vain problems . Yes under my ankle it looked as if a vain bursted or a bruise.
Wal Mart has compression socks only $12 a pair and they also lubrikate your skin you might try if it helps.
Correction : Lubricate
I have some compression socks but cant weak them because my skins not healed yet.
Last November I was one of those that have the chills and fever for a couple of days even though i’d had the flu shot. Mostly drove my cat crazy since when I was hot i was throwing blankets on her, and when I was cold I was grabbing all the blankets that had been tossed.
Joked with my doctor a few weeks later when I had an appointment for something else about the flu shot not working. Was informed that flu shot didn’t work for many in 2019 because there were two types. I could get a test to that might tell me if I’d had the other flu, but t might be too late.
Yea my flu shot probably from China, oh well. Probably my daily meds are from China too-oh well.
I give it all to God…But remember the following please
DAMN!!!! I was so looking forward to having an easier time participating in the “democratic process.” Now you have to point THIS aspect of it out!!!
Please retweet this question. I’d like answers.
Will never happen. Our scientists do theme thing, I understand.
And there is a reason ethics drained like blood out of American science.
China-controlled Fake Science still needs that kick in the ass and to be brought to heel.
You either rule your dog, or your dog rules you.
Reminds me of this (from Garrison, natch):×859.jpg
On the Senate Dem tweet site. Should raise some eyebrows if I’m not blocked.
Thank you. THAT will be a HOOT. Let’s START THIS FIRE.
I’ve been known to troll Pelosi, Schif, Schumer, and a few others. Usually bring followers along too
Oh I do troll trump too with followers, especially when I get pissed at the trolls attacking him.
Can you make that a poll and i’ll share and RT it around
I think a poll might help one see the results…..
Sure – good idea!!!
Here you go!!!
ok it getting shared and probably RT
Getting some very interesting results.
First tweet I’ve seen putting it together.
Same here!!!
I don’t put much stock into him because of his connection to oprah winfrey
Dr. Oz also explained that the virus is likely to have been in the US for months.
Dr. Oz on Coronavirus: “This Has been Around. A Lot of People Had This and Didn’t Realize It. 80% of People Had Very Subtle Symptoms”
Excellent. And NOW we know why CHINA needed to STAGE their BAT SOUP BULLSHIT HOAX.
China’s biowarfare virus got away from them – probably through Iranian testing on prisoners. So what do they do? WEAPONIZE AGAINST TRUMP.
Several years ago I saw an interview might have been British with Oprah. The topic was political and discrimination and it was under Obama’s time. Her answer to a question about changes do not remember the question She said concerning old American people” then they just have to die.” I never forget her cold face her eyes. I do not know what spirit she carries but is not Love.
Now with the China virus I keep hearing her voice ” then they just have to die.” That was so revolting I never watched anything of hers again.
Oprah is a New Age Satanist.
There is nothing good about her. And she is a soothsayer, to boot.
The siren song of Satanism is sung through people like her…
Marianne Williamson is yet another, as is Isabel Allende…
There’s a book, “Blinded by the Light” (IIRC) about the siren song of the New Age.
And the hell that the author(ess) went through. We have a friend who had a very
similar experience. And the Satanists were after her and her family continuously,
which is why she basically became a “new person”. Spells they cast, etc., are real,
and most folks don’t realize or believe that.
A new person in Christ, and a completely new, erm, existence.
(and that’s all I’ll say about that)…
Oops. Someone swiped my article…
TBH I never liked her. My aunt loved her. She pushed for her guy and look what happened to her show.
Per the news conference going on now with Gov. DEWINE (R) and state medical authorities in OHIO, carried on 700WLW Cincinnati:
Gov. stated that the FIRST CASE OF a Wuhan/SARS2 coronavirus-like illness was BACK IN OCTOBER IN ST. LOUIS, and a similar FIRST CASE showed up in PHILADELPHIA IN NOVEMBER. Difference is that St. Louis began recording these cases right away and Philadelphia didn’t.
^^^ Wow!
This thing is busting loose fast.
Perfect demonstration of CRITICALITY.
They think you are stupid.
I should put these CDC graphs here too.

Red is high level ==> yellow ==> green is low level.
For week February 29 2020
Notice the spike right after Christmas.
This is the picture with the red==> yellow ==> green
I posted a screed below with a link to the CDC website, and it looks to me like a normal flu season…so far. However with all the hype, hysteria, fear, and panic being ginned up by the media, etc; any reporting now will be skewed because people will be more apt to go to the hospital in fear of Corona as opposed to actually having the CV. Most people I know don’t go running to the hospital when they get flu-like symptoms; they take some aspirin, NyQuil, and wait a few days to see if the symptoms start to decrease; if not they may call their primary who will prescribe an antibiotic; if it doesn’t get any better or gets worse after a few days, then their doctor may advise them to go to the hospital. Common sense has just been thrown out the window with all the fearmongering.
Remember that medical types are used to the hypochondriacs and screen them out. They are NOT going to report anyone without a fever and other symptoms.
Actually you may see the exact OPPOSITE!
People are going to be very scared to go anywhere near a hospital or clinic. I for one will give them a very wide berth at this point and have already told Hubby he is NOT going in for a blood test. (He is on blood thinners.) His Doctor agreed. We also canceled our dental appointment weeks ago.
These are VERY INTERESTING graphs from CDC if the ChiComs were weaponizing the also flu.

We are talking epidemic level the last flu season.
This fits with family history. January 2018, EVERYBODY in my brother’s house – including my parents and another brother – went down with Influenza B, which is what I suspect we have this year.
2011-12 was the year I was REALLY sick starting at Mardi Gras clear until Easter. Although, there was contact dermatitis with that that one of the dogs gave me.
Christmas Eve 2015 went down with what one nephew had. Had laryngitis for a week, and took six weeks to get the full range back.
#Coronavirus #Wuhan #TheEpochTimes
Hardest Hit Coronavirus Regions Reveal Intimate Ties With Beijing
Three oddities here. Have thought about posting at times over past three or four weeks. Have felt like Corona visited one, two or three in my home. At the risk of TMI.
I remember the exact date, because we started driving from south of Houston back to NV.
– Dec 28 6 AM, I notice a sore throat coming on. commented to wife. She handed me throat lozenges we travel with. So, constant throat lozenges usually fixes onset of sore throats for me. By 5 PM BAD dry cough. Constant coughing. No temp, weakness, phlegm… Day two the same. Day three and four at times while coughing, I literally couldn’t cough, couldn’t even breath… Half dozen times from a dead sleep having to cough, couldn’t cough, couldn’t breath. Scared the hell out of wife and I. Have never had a cough where I couldn’t cough or difficulty breathing.
– – Day five urgent care quack gave me antibiotics, an inhaler and sent me away. OK after that.
– – Mid sixties, walk two to five miles daily. BP and cholesterol well under control. No health issues.
Twelve year old Grandson. Tuesday after MLK holiday. High fever, dry cough, felt weak, said his body hurt, didn’t want to do anything. Weathered it a couple days. Day three fever broke. Day four fairly normal.
^^^ Has had typical coughs, colds, flu over the years. NOTHING like this. Has been in my home most of his life.
A few days later…
42 YO son, Dad to 12 YO above. Generally healthy. No daily meds or health issues. Rarely catches coughs, colds, flu…
– Woke up fever, weak, body hurt all over. Day two and three the same. Day four vomiting blood. Had been past 24 hours. Had not told me. ER quacks checked him, CT lungs, blood work. Bronchial tube infection. Antibiotics and some other med. OK fine now.
My guess is all of you had the same thing, but the long space between you and grandson is interesting.
It is. We did travel in separate cars. They departed Texas 27 Dec. I departed 28 Dec. There is a solid two weeks between my figuring I was better and grandson catching whatever he had. Don’t recall if he had symptoms earlier. Just the morning after MLK Day, he was hard down.
Seeing all this speculation about CV being with us for some time, some say back to the start of the flu season:
If CV is sooo deadly……
Why are we not seeing people dropping like dead flies all over the country if CV is so much worse.
How do we know the difference between flu or CV symptoms.
How do we know that those who died from the flu (since 10/5/2019) weren’t all or partially due to CV.
Does it really matter if the cause of death was due to flu or CV; dead is dead.
The point is, according to the CDC; “The number of flu hospitalizations estimated so far this season (2019-2020) is lower than end-of-season total hospitalization estimates for any season since CDC began making these estimates.” Check out this link.
So to me it appears to be like a normal flu season; except for the over-the-top hysteria, panic, hoarding TP, hand sanitizers, and get rid of POTUS at any and all costs; including our livelihoods. Fuck them! I’m doing what I normally do; I’m not going to cower in fear like some little liberal, pussy, snowflake. Screw hibernating for the next month or two….it’s springtime and I’m gonna enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, and warming weather. Now is the time to cheer on Global Warming, climate change, whatever those dumb fucks are calling it now.
I think I’ll go have a beer, or two, or six, sitting on my deck watching the ducks and geese while the wife prepares dinner; then she’ll come out and join me with a fine margarita.
You all come down now, ya hear! We’ll have some cold ones waiting for you…if you dare face the wrath of CV.
Hell, I might even have me a few Coronas while I’m at it…I’ll stare down that MF’ing CV.
Chart comparing symptoms of cold, flu and coronavirus:
Another Chart:
From the CDC
So WHY the elevated mortality rate given the antivirals are working??
I’m inclined to think, “WTF is that spike, if it’s the week between Christmas and New Years’ “…
We (my family) had (I’m pretty much sure now) CV in that period, as have a number of posters here.
If this is indeed bio-warfare, I hope and pray (and am certain) that measures are being taken to prevent, counter, and punish such things…
I knew Chyyyynnnaaaa would be very upset at being squeezed; now, what I see is the Dragon eating the Panda (and Winnie), and the real monster that is China exposed for all to see.
Let’s hope and pray that EVERYONE SEES THIS, and gets a clue, and responds with an appropriate, full, correct, and powerful response.
That spike was around the 2018 mid term elections…. HMMMMmmmm
I wonder if it could be why the conservatives, who tend to be older and more susceptible to flu, did not turn out to vote?
I’ve looked at and posted that CDC flu chart multiple times. Am I supposed to believe the 370,000+ hospitalizations and 22,000+ estimated flu deaths are just “nothing to see here”? My husband keeps trying to tell me that it’s because CV is more contagious, or it lives longer on surfaces, or we’re in the over-65 high risk group. So we should just do the house arrest thing like NJ is prescribing, and wait it out. I keep bringing up 2009-10, with all those deaths and no crazy measures taken at all. I can’t shake the twilight zone feeling, something just isn’t right. It’s all just too convenient – crash the economy, bankrupt small businesses. Bewilder and break the spirit of the people – while seeing how quickly we will give up our personal freedom and fall in line. The left is out of ammo, and this is how far they’re willing to go. And they booted Trish Regan off Fox Business for saying it.
Yup. This is 4GW attack by Chinese communism.
“We can make you have a bad choice. You can’t ignore us. You have to deal with us. We are in control.”
The way out of the room is straight through the Chinese soldier in the doorway. TRUTH is our weapon, and it will DESTROY THEM.
THIS explains the lame brained Sham-Peach-Mint.
It was never about impeaching President Trump, it was all about the magician diverting everyone’s attention!
ESPECIALLY PRESIDENT TRUMP, while the Commies went stealth mode against the USA.
Yes this!!!^^^^^^^ Thats why the impeachment timeline was so weird!!
I agree. These creeps were working with China. Nasty business. They must be desperate.
The fact that Neutron Nancy worked to support the Chinese / Fake News “bat soup and cruise ship” narrative is pretty much the key to breaking this, IMO.
It explains Why NastyNan sat on the Shampeachment for awhile…after rushing to get it voted on.
Remember that?
It’s like she was following a Timeline.
There was a push-push-push to get the Shampeachment passed.
Then…she sat on it for 30 days!
We should do an actual timeline of all her statements. Yeah. Very interesting.
Had her marching orders like a good little, (Not to mention well-paid) zombie.
Yes, Gail. They knew impeachment was going nowhere from the get go. THIS is the only scenario that makes sense.
Wierd speech from Tom hanks
Class action suing China’s government for CV.
I think ^^this^^ is why Apple and Nike closed their stores so quickly.
Had nothing to do with ‘public safety’.
Their corporate legal departments are worried that they will get sued, if people get sick after buying their Chinese-made products.
Products packaged in China could be contaminated with the virus.
Or not.
But it would be impossible to prove that they weren’t.
Lawfare as Economic Warfare
Gates and the ranks etc. this is all as shady af
Epstein, Summers (Harvard), Gates, Nikolik (Gates+Biomatic Capital), and JPMorgan exec.
George Church (Harvard), funded by Boris Nikolik’s Biomatic Capital, partners with Eric Schmidt to genetically modify pig organs for human transplant.
What if Epstein’s “philanthropy ” and compromising beautiful minds retreats were a shake down for the transfer of technology? Does anyone believe that a child trafficer would be above espionage and treason?
Only other question is whom was he working for? The highest bidder?
What if naming Nikolic as his backup executor was Epstein’s dead man switch. Fitting end for Epstein, if he is , in fact, dead.
Other interesting links:
Israel. Same as the Maxwells
Interesting stats from Washington on testing, cases and deaths. From what I can figure out 7764 people have been tested in Washington State with around 8% coming back positive. Trying to figure out what the criteria for the testing is but to it seems like they are maybe over testing a bit. Not sure how much the tests cost, but I bet its not cheap.
Washington coronavirus death toll hits 42 among over 642 cases
“Two new deaths were reported in King County Sunday, bringing the state total to 42 deaths and over 642 cases, health officials said…….Out of everyone who tested so far statewide, 7,122 came back with negative results.”
As I asked in my post–Am I the only one seeing the correlation between the coronavirus map, homeless map and illegal population map?

China Virus Map:
As wolfie knows I can’t to photos….Just wanted to get that here since I was like WTF when I saw the Virus map.
No problem, I figured there are others beside me that wanted a closer look at those maps.
TY—It is really strange when you see a map and you think I’ve see that one before.
Yea I’d see it, but not labeled as Coronavirus.
What’s interesting there to me is that 8% infection rate. It means that there are a LOT of people who already had the disease, and they had the disease COUNTER to the Chinese / Fake News narrative of bat soup and cruise ships. This thing got here earlier, but it NEVER FLASHED.
I repeat. What this tells me is that this virus will NOT “flash in the pan”. It burns like old-style black powder, not super-fast like modern smokeless powder. It allows control – putting it out, or driving it to explode.
I repeat.
COVID-19 is a 4GW Biological Weapon
What is 4GW?
Found it – 4th Generation Warfare –
The term is from William S. Lind, who the communists discredited precisely because he understood how they operate.
We are experiencing a 4GW attack. USING our media, our TDS Dems, etc., etc., etc.
But WE are 4GW, too, so WE are going to redirect this right back at Xi.
Subversion and Sedition are part of it.
OK I live less than 100 miles from Hanford and really not that far from one of the Chemical Depot Army Base that used to destroy the WWII chemical weapons. Did pretty well, and now….hmmmm
You know the coronavirus is serious when literal suicide bombers and terrorists are issuing travel advisories because of it.
Maybe we can stop the Moose-slime invasion after all…
What’s not to like?
Ground report from here in Montana.
Went to coffee with a savvy friend this morning. SHE believes her FIL had the coronavirus late in December. She was seeing Facebook friends reporting the same this morning, and was amazed that we were all coming to the same conclusions at the same point in time.
THEN, I saw my friend who was very sick in the same time frame I was, who is much older than me (she’s 68), and SHE now believes she had coronavirus! I had to bring it up, because she is liberal and didn’t want to say anything. BUT once I did, oh boy! She had a lot to say. She needed paper towels, the store was out, so I took her a roll of mine. She needed hand sanitizer for her car, so I helped her figure out how to make some with aloe and 91% alcohol.
Let’s all keep spreading the word. Many older and liberal people are THINKING what we are thinking, but can’t or won’t say it out loud. Bring it up anywhere you can. The Great Awakening is now!
The local school system sent out a notice today that they are closing. The panic has begun here, grocery shelves are empty. It’s nuts. I am all set, but I am not staying home. I went out for lunch, and I may do so again tomorrow! The other discussion this morning over coffee was our fear that they will crash our economy with this craziness. People are getting MAD about what is happening.
We ARE winning, the Chi-Coms are going to be exposed! I just know it.
What we did was redirect the ChiCom criticality of their own bioweapon into BLOWBACK.
We stuck our FINGER in the GUN they had aimed at TRUMP.
“You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!”
VSGPOTUSDJT held back, held back, held back….until he saw that the ambush was inevitable.
Then he charged into it.
Yup! And perfectly, too!
A good time to support local businesses.
Having almost certainly already had this virus, I’m not really bothered by going out, BUT my wife and I have also CLEARED OUR LIVES of all viruses by quarantining, and it’s pretty grand. I sleep with absolutely clear sinuses and nostrils. It feels amazing. No nothing. We’re utterly virus free. My wind isn’t back completely, but my lungs and passages are clear and feel great. Like Scott Adams says, it’s a great chance to get healthy.
However, the EMPTY STORES are really beckoning. Think I may go on a shopping trip and ENJOY THE PEACE.
Well I went searching for something (ACE2 and Asians) based on something I saw early on and found this instead:
Same point but from a different source. It looks like the Chinese shot themselves in the foot.
What this guy is saying goes along with two of the studies I have read
The Complexity of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Dengue Virus Infection (The second time around the disease kills.)
Evaluation of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV Infection in Rhesus Macaques Immunized with an Inactivated SARS-CoV Vaccine
“Vaccine-induced enhancement of susceptibility to SARS-CoV has been documented.”
TRANSLATED: The vaccine instead of protecting helps the virus kill you.
More on the ACE2-Related Asian COVID-19 Susceptibility Hypothesis
James Lyons-Weiler, PhD – 2/16/2020
The Iranians could very well have been vaccinated with the same vaccine the Chinese were using.
Good find! I had seen something somewhere about the vaccine potentially being the problem for the Chinese. Looks like that may have been their downfall.
WOW. Not sure I actually *WANT* a SARS vaccine now.
Well, I am certainly NOT going to get any flu vaccines. I think I will stick with my just my decadal tetanus shots.
Somewhere I read that once you start with the flu vaccines you are advised to continue because they do not provide the better immunity you get naturally.
With the number of different kids we see all year long, we probably have very good immunity.
Not sure where to put this, but why would anyone of any notoriety make this kind of statement
WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin: There Will Be ‘Less Democrat’ Coronavirus Deaths
The queen of TDS fruit loops! She speaks!
Aren’t most on the left TDS fruit loops, but to make a statement like that was really weird to me.
That’s why I say she is the queen. She’s a fake conservative like Bill Kristol. Just part of fake news.
Perhaps she is referring to the fact the virus takes out old folks who tend to be Conservative.
That’s what I assumed.
Stupid idiot. She doesn’t even know the difference between “less” and “fewer”…
Let alone the difference between truth and lies…
Fixed it to insert minimum levels of irony.
Remember the vaping hysteria last year? Vaping deaths were dominating the newscycle for months, and then it suddenly got memory-holed.
Does that story connect to the coronavirus? Did the Trump Administration suddenly crack down on vaping because vaping was intended as a delivery device for the WuFlu?
>Dank Vapes was the brand used by 56% of the hospitalized patients nationwide. Dank is not a licensed product coming from one business, it is empty packaging that can be ordered from Chinese internet sites. Illicit vaping cartridge makers can buy the empty packages and then fill them with whatever they choose.
What a way to deliver SARS.
I always thought it was odd that the Trump Administration’s biggest concern was vaping. Really? Out of everything that needs to be fixed, that’s what you’re cracking down on? Seemed Nanny State-ish.
Well, future proves past. It was probably a National Security concern. And I can see how the Fake News would want headlines about lung infections in the news for weeks as psychological preparation for an incoming pandemic.
Interesting, though, that the white hats didn’t tip their hand in any way on China being connected to the problem. Did they know that China was elsewise making a move (corona) that would be the downfall of ALL their bullshit?
Very interesting to read this. CDC doesn’t sound so sure that the cause actually is Vitamin E acetate.
If Vitamin E acetate actually served to preserve the virus – well – that would explain it, too.
Vitamin E acetate is an oil. Anyone who has vaped for any length of time knows you can’t vape oil. Very deadly. These were illegal THC cartridges sold to kids. Nothing to do with nicotine vaping.
“Some of the brands cited by the CDC are sold in states with legalized marijuana. But counterfeits of those legitimate brands have flooded the market around the country, forcing some to redesign their packaging.”
And we know where the counterfeits are made.
GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus
March 15, 2020
by Mike Adams, Natural News
Two days ago, Alex Jones called me, “The Oracle” on his show and the name sort of stuck. It turns out that when you run good mathematical projection models, you really can sort of “see the future” to the astonishment of many. In truth, I’m just running the numbers and reporting what the math tells me. There’s really no voodoo involved.
That math, by the way, leads me to some rather sobering predictions and warnings that I will share with you here. I probably should have shared these two weeks ago, but nobody would have believed me then.
I confess I’ve been holding back on reporting what I know will happen. We have a joke around here that I’ll share. We talk about the “Alex Jones model,” which is sort of the best case scenario as Alex is hoping this won’t be a disaster. Then there’s the “Mike Adams model” which is far more pessimistic, followed by the “Steve Quayle model” which is apocalyptic, and finally there’s the “Hal Turner” model which is basically the end of civilization. We call this the “spectrum of collapse,” and we always wonder where exactly we are on that spectrum.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Yeah, I think he’s WAY over-blowing it. I see a loss of credibility coming. He’s not giving Trump credit for what is happening right now. He’s not looking to larger data from Japan, Italy, and Korea to correct his mental models at a high level.
He was right on Vegas 2-shooter, but he’s wrong here, IMO.
Yes, I think he missed the TRUMP EFFECT.
Also as I said above, unlike the Chinese and ?Iranians? WE:
1. Have much better sanitation
2. Much cleaner air
3. LESS crowding
4. Less Smokers.
I can certainly see this disease running through the homeless/drug addict population in some of the nasty DemonRats cities. However I think Scott Pressler singlehandedly has made a big difference.
Have to agree, Wolf – this article is very negative – agree about not giving Trump credit – what happened to him – he used to be more positive – Geesh!!!
About that “dry cough”…and shortness of breath.
I have learned that lung secretions can be sticky and globular, and are nearly impossible to cough up without help.
The symptom of ‘shortness of breath’ often means that you have some secretion buildup in your lungs…and that is what is keeping you from being able to take deep breaths.
That gluppy stuff is clogging up passages and taking up space.
I am allergic to Mold Spores.
Whenever I breathe them in, my lungs secrete fluids as a response.
So I am very familiar with that ‘shortness of breath’ symptom, as a result of a buildup of those secretions.
Guaifenesin thins those sticky, globular secretions and allows you to cough them up.
Mucinex is a good source of Guaifenesin…but it is time-release, and sometimes you may want more immediate relief.
The generic versions of Guaifenesin are not time-release, usually.
They dissolve quickly and will go right to work.
I use both.
Good to know. I have not used this stuff, even though I bought it. Ironically, I bought it AFTER my infectious phase was over and I was out in stores again.
It’s good to have some on hand.

You can be free of congestion in your nose, etc…but still have lingering glup in your lungs, causing shortness of breath.
A ‘dry cough’ often means your body is trying to cough up that stuff, but it’s too sticky cough up.
The Guaifenesin liquifies it, loosens it, breaks it loose so it can be coughed up.
Wheatie. You are a lifesaver. Smuchas, darlin’. Ordering both right now.
My take on mucinex is — I liked it before it got all fancy. It was a pure maxi-hit of the guaf. It took hours and hours and hours of a tickle/nuisance cough, and turned it into about two minutes of serious coughing and then hocking up a wad of crud. Now there’s mucinex overnight and DM and too many flavors and options. The original was like a hammer — it wasn’t great about shaping things into curves, but it did really well at giving something a whack.
Use the generic Tussin… And think of me, I did the pilot studies on the stuff.
Sometimes you have to do a bit of a search to find the Guaifenesin without the Dextromethorphan (DM) cough suppressant.
This is the one you want for fast acting… no additives either…
ProHealth Guaifenesin FA (400mg – 100 Veggie Capsules) | Fast Acting | Immediate Release Expectorant | Helps Loosen Mucus | Relieves Chest Congestion
Chief……have you seen the doctor for your lingering “not breathing right” issue? You’ve been added to my nightly prayers.
Thanks! Don’t worry – everything medical is under control! The quarantine is REALLY helping me a lot, because I’m now getting NO VIRUSES whatsoever. My breathing hasn’t been this clear in YEARS. I don’t want to catch this stuff again – a second bout might actually be worse. My lungs are not back to 100% for sure, but they’re good enough I’m not worried. Nevertheless, ALL PRAYERS are always appreciated!!! <3
We need you, Wolfie. Serious. So take care. Really glad to hear you’re doing well. Prayers will continue.
I’m pretty sure I have the WuFlu. I’ve had it about a week. I was worried because I have one of the risk factors, but I did some research and one doctor said if it was well controlled it wasn’t so much of a risk, so that was good news.
But it is a very odd “sickness.” It’s not like a cold, or flu, or a sinus infection, or seasonal allergies, or pneumonia. I’ve had all those, and this ain’t it.
My symptoms are minor. Sore throat. Dry cough. Tight chest. Really tired. Falling asleep sitting up tired. Some chills and headache but by the time I checked my temperature, nothing. Started doubling up on the Vitamin C as soon as I realized I had symptoms. It doesn’t get worse… just hasn’t gone away.
Yes – that sounds like it. Very much like what both my wife and I had. Keep taking the C – you don’t need much – but it REALLY helps – at least 500 mg twice daily. Don’t skip it – every day & especially at night. It helps with the shortness of breath.
Get plenty of bed rest.
I was not back to where I felt I was really DONE with it and non-infective for 2 weeks after symptoms began. The total course was almost 3 weeks.
this is off the top of my head
0-5 days asymptomatic
6 faint-headed – began
7-9 in bed mostly
10-14 bed, sitting
15-19 some time outside, quarantined
20-28 limited possible exposure to others
I noticed more shortness of breath in the second week of it, but never enough that I felt I needed to see a doctor or go to the hospital, but I kept an eye on it.
Thanks for sharing your story. It helps put my own symptoms in perspective.
I am reluctant to get tested. I don’t go anywhere now. I particularly don’t want to go and be around sick people. And I actually don’t see the point. I don’t need a test. And at this point I don’t think I need medical treatment. I’ve got all the usual OTC medical preparations if needed.
Exactly. Don’t trust a test anyway. Stay away from the doc unless you have to get help. Quarantine, take care of yourself, and get better. Act as if you have it – that is very important to stop the spread. I am so glad that I assumed I had it. SO GLAD. It kept me out of that nursing home.
Wheatie, a doctor I consult with says that this stickiness is the build up of biofilms that can protect the pathogens from your immune system’s actions.
You can take an enzyme blend call MucoStop to get IMMEDIATE dissolving of these sticky secretions. Serrapeptase also works well. I like another blend call Enzyme Defense for this.
Some years ago I took fast acting guaifenisen around the clock daily. It was great but it also seemed to weaken the body’s ability to develop the matrix for connective tissue. In my case this lead to a hernia. I looked into the research and yes, that has happened, but only when taken over a long period. So now I stick to the enzymes.
Thanks, T*3, that’s good to know.

Whatever works best for you.
I will check into those as an alternative.
My doctor has cautioned me about letting the glup build up…because it leads to an infection, if not cleared out.
Guaifenesin is my go to for the exact same reason.
I am VERY Allergic to mold. Darn stuff flipped me into being an asthmatic a few years ago. I had to rip out the carpet to finally get rid of the problem.
Mold is a killer. Thyme EO product used commercially for mitigation:
You can also use ozone machines but you have to clear out the entire house of all breathing things including plants. Ozone is great for getting into walls and hard to reach places though.
Everything living except us is OUTSIDE. I used to have over 100 house plants when I lived in an apartment. Now I have 100+ acres of plants and animals.
Thanks for the tip, I will take it!
kinthenorthwest just posted this:
Guess what Obama and the CDC have been letting into this country DESPITE IMMIGRATION LAWS?
July 2, 2014Government to Doctors: Mention Illegal Aliens’ Diseases, Go to Jail
Obama’s illegals bring disease to America’s children
Border Patrol Agent Chris Cabrera said that diseased illegals were being dumped at various areas around the country…..
Very scary—back when the train kids first started Border Patrol was saying a lot of them were sick, and not just common colds and such.
I hesitate to even leave this here, but……we are the few, the proud, the qtreepers….
Friend of a friend of a friend of a friend rumor — US armed forces to be deployed in next few days to lock down the country for two weeks. Source is in Liberal Delusionland, San Francisco Bay Area.
Possible grain of truth — sanctuary cities? Especially considering that Gov Gruesome is planning on housing the homeless in hotels left vacant by tourism crash?
My reaction was, “oh, how interesting…..”
Yes, interesting.
Well, we’ve been attacked by China and Iran, IMO. 4GW. With the aid of treasonous Fake News.
Let’s just keep watching what happens.
IIRC, it’s been reported that Border Patrol has been housing people in hotels for years as a form of quarantine when they don’t want them spreading infections in their facilities.
Could be targeting Sanctuary Cities with a high homeless problem.
This could be the ideal excuse for cleaning out the problem.
Round them up.
If illegal DEPORT.
If on Drugs go to rehabilitation.
If mentally ill go for evaluation and treatment.
If they are ill treat them.
The liberals will be in a major catch 22 after hyping this virus to the hilt. Any screaming about ‘rights’ will sound idiotic.
Also the illegals are going to make a mad dash for the border BEFORE ELECTION.
That’s sort of what I was thinking. Maybe nip a few officials for “quarantine” in “approved Federal facilities” — like the witch that alerted all the illegals about imminent raids.
…….and they just shut down 90% of Vegas……
Sorry, link —
Wynn is a friend of President Trump IIRC.
Each pull of a slot machine handle is two dates with Lady Luck — one for the monetary wager, and the other for the coronavirus on the handle…..
I wonder if I can get random passers-by to mow my front lawn for a roll of toilet paper…..
Can we TRUST the CDC to give us ACCURATE DATA????
After the crap they pulled with the food borne illnesses to cover-up the increase caused by moving to HACCP (Industry instead of USDA inspection) I am not so sure…
Not so sure.
Neutron Nancy misled them on testing – misled the nation on WHO to test – so as to hide the fact that the illness was already spreading well ahead of the cruise line refugees and “foreign travel” crowd.
Not sure everybody there can be trusted.
Frankly, I trust several state agencies not to have DS spuds gunking up the works.
That’s easy — NO.
They keep wanting to do epidemiological studies of handguns. They continue to employ Neutron Nancy, Rod’s sister. They have less understanding of disease control than a Roman Centurion @ 60 BC. They’re infested with SES. They always want more money and produce fewer and fewer useful results. They’ve become too politicized, less competent, more entitled, and increasingly disconnected from reality.
That works in most of government — these guys are supposed to be our guardians against Plague — one of the Four Horsemen of the Apolcalypse. These guys should be the Special Forces of our Medical Cadre…..and they keep trying to be the Keystone of our Kops.
Been chatting with family, and son and son-in-law both think they and others they know think they had it in December.
Good. This is blowing up big-time.
If the MILITARY or somebody other than CDC can develop a really reliable detection of who has had the disease and a system of determining when they had it, then these results will automatically create a framework within which we can ask WHY CDC did or didn’t do WHAT WHEN. We can also ask how the disease really got here and moved around.
It will demolish the entire corona coup.
“We can also ask how the disease really got here and moved around.”
This is important…lest the ChiComs will use anything they can, to blame this on the US.
I think this was a sneak attack.
The ChiComs released it here in 2019 and then made a point of releasing it on their own people to provide cover for themselves…and cause a panic.
Kinda what I’m thinking, too. I think Iran is involved as well. THE BIG UGLY.
Our Chinese fake news isn’t helping, either.
And maybe kill off some of their people they wanted killed off, too, along the way. Never let a crisis go to waste, after all. Oh……..and quiet down Hong Kong.
Yes, exactly!
Genetic markers could be used to determine which variation of mutations each person s carrying. Real scientists would know how to work back from those data points.
BUT who s going to trust their samples to the DS?
That’s why I was thinking .mil could run that op.
As I said in Tweet it has only just begun
Gov. Inslee to shut down restaurants and bars
“Given the explosion of COVID-19 in our state and globally, I will sign a statewide emergency proclamation tomorrow to temporarily shut down restaurants, bars and entertainment and recreational facilities.
“Restaurants will be allowed to provide take-out and delivery services but no in-person dining will be permitted.
“The ban will not apply to grocery stores and pharmacies. Other retail outlets will have reduced occupancy.
“Additionally, all gatherings with over 50 participants are prohibited and all gatherings under 50 participants are prohibited unless previously announced criteria for public health and social distancing are met.
Governor Nuisance has decreed that all bars, nightclubs, brewpubs, and wineries are “non-essential” and recommends they be closed.
He morphed into Carrie Nation so rapidly we scarcely noticed.
Oh California and Oregon are following suit. Ore is considering a curfew. DAMN
Oregon Gov. Brown weighs curfew, shutting bars/restaurants in fight against coronavirus
California governor calls for closure of all bars, wineries amid coronavirus crisis
I wonder how many of that 16.6% over 80 are “deaths-deaths” and how many are deaths from triage.
And how many 30- to 40-year-old doctors are globalists.
I understand that they are only taking care of the younger ones due to lack of medicines and space.
On top of that it seems that belonging to the European Union was not much help, for other European nations did not respond to Italy’s call for help.
Also looking for something I just heard on Faux….vaccine may be ready for testing to begin in the next couple of weeks. Odd timing, huh?
Ok another give me a break!!! do know NY has
National Guard activated to combat coronavirus spread in six states, more to follow
The governors of Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, New York, Rhode Island and Washington have all activated components of their Army and Air National Guard. Guardsmen in California and Maryland are also expected to join their states’ efforts today.
Was given this by a friend and wow…Wolfie you might want to look at ti
FYI I’m shadowbanned right now
I’m with some of the commenters. To that guy, I say show us the footage of Oprah’s house roped off and excavations in action. Until there is footage, I’m not buying it.
Now that I am home, I’d like to research the college loan payoffs that he wrote about. There are like Billions, maybe a Trillion or more of college loans out there.
If there were paid off, what about the people that worked their way through college not using loans or the ones that just finally paid their loads.
I have to agree, Wolfie.