20200318: Dear CoronaVirus/ COVID-19/ WuFlu, Daily Thread

For the time being, given our national emergency, we are switching to DAILY COVID-19 threads instead of weekly threads. Your comments and updates are most welcome. PLEASE continue to include your valuable information, hard source links, and local observations on these COVID Daily Threads. Additionally, within these Daily Threads, we will try to include links to government and official pressers, so those who no longer have cable can remain informed.

We’ll get through this crisis, together. As a group, there is probably no one better prepared than we are.

For our newcomers: The Q Tree community has been diligent in covering the threat of Coronavirus, COVID19, Wuhan FLU. We started accumulating information about this virus in mid-late January, in what became almost weekly threads. We’ve been weeks, if not months, ahead of MSM outlets to vet rumors and other medical papers, etc.

Primary Update Links:

In our past weekly threads, we assembled information on the following:

  • Primary update links. The dashboard from Johns Hopkins which counts “official” cases all over the world, the CDC, and WHO, and includes the links for our past threads.
  • Hard Data Medical Information- Explanation about testing, reliance on China for drugs, analysis of NE Journal of Medicine results and other published papers.
  • Vaccine and theraputics (new/old drugs to alleviate symptoms) news and updates 
  • Trump Administration response (the timeline and links to various agencies)
  • China Responses, timelines, research, attempt to cover actions, or secrecy in results discovered.
  • An aggregate of info/responses from other countries, listed by country.
  • Economic impact from around the world. A change in economic activity will indicate a “return to normal”.
  • Speculation/debunking on how the virus started
  • Media Bias, political response, and debunking section, like the article from AP News, overt bias from Politico, inflammatory headlines, etc.  
  • Other medical info to boost immune system, herbal remedies, ways to keep your house clean and NOT spread the virus to others. Excellent information to incorporate into daily lifestyle.
  • Hard links for OTHER valuable sources/blogs and a brief sentence or two about what they provide
  • Other news items

Our weekly updates. timelines, collection of valuable information, can be found here:

Please try to keep your sense of humor during this National Emergency, and remember, patience is a virtue.

Love to all!

Trump meeting with tourism industry from yesterday: Transcript found here = https://publicpool.kinja.com/subject-remarks-by-president-trump-in-meeting-with-tou-1842384687

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sorry . . . couldn’t resist 😉


So patience is a virtue?
What did one vulture say to the other vulture?
“Patience hell, I’m going to go kill something.”

Sadie Slays

Never one to let a crisis go to waste, the vultures at the Red Cross are once again begging for blood and money. They do this every time there’s a major disaster. Here’s your reminder that the Red Cross pocketed many millions of dollars in donations from 9/11 and Haiti and never used it to help the victims. Here’s your reminder that the Red Cross “lost $5 million in funds meant to fight ebola.” and Red Cross boxes of money were then found in Africa years later. Here’s your reminder that Q hinted the Red Cross is involved in much worse than mere scamming people out of money:comment image
Folks, if you feel called to donate blood, then donate directly to your local hospital. Give them a call and ask how to donate directly. Cut these sick middlemen out.



Even better, give to Samaratin’s Purse. They’ve already sent a response team to help Italy.


++++ !!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

spam bin!


Now I do give to an organization likr Samaratin’s purse..They are always in the middle of all disasters.
Overhead salaries are really low.

Deplorable Patriot

The big reason the Red Cross is running short, I would imagine after having done a stint in donor services YEARS ago, is that with the high schools closed, their best source of blood has, ahem, dried up. That’s where they get GREAT donation numbers before people have traveled, have developed health issues, etc. High schools always made their quota.

Deplorable Patriot

Most of the people in my family have relatively rare blood types. I mean, only one person has O+ and he has an artificial heart valve, so he’s out. BUT, all of us are screened out due to being out of the country for too long, anemia, high blood pressure, other health issues. I can’t due to having been out of the country for collectively more than six months.


Sorry but Red Cross is one of the organizations I refuse to donate to,..
Their overhead salaries is like 3/4s of their donations
I don’t donate to any organization that uses most of my money for salaries.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Andrew Torba on Gab:
Andrew Torba
Verified Account
Silver linings:
-Borders closed
-Parents at home with their kids
-Homeschooling on the rise
-Abortions halted
-Gun purchases soaring
-Hollywood losing billions
-Preppers regarded as geniuses
-People are praying again
-Globalism is canceled
-TrumpBucks incoming
Mar 17, 2020, 23:42 · Web · 2 · 5


Baby Boom on the Way! add after Abortions halted.

Deplorable Patriot

And, it does occur to me being from the private school sector where many parents are mega involved with their kids’ learning, this is an opportunity for public school parents to get a good look at what is being taught their kids with assignments having to be completed at home. And if you don’t like it, organize and do something at the school board level. It happens in the private schools all the time.
Although, my guess is this will all be the same as my mom always talked about when it came to parent/teacher conferences. The parents she didn’t need to see always showed up, and the ones she did need to see were rarely around. And this was in an expensive, all-girls school.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Private schooling is an investment in kids. Most people don’t see that “free” always has a catch – or MANY catches.

Deplorable Patriot

Public schools aren’t cheap. The difference is that private schools you see the cash disappear.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Well 4chan is not a singular entity. Some posters there predicted it and who knows who they could have been.


Wow! where is this? Our costco wasn’t nearly like that although it was packed!
Yep, we “preppers” per se but today when we saw TP, we could leave it there for others in our little town because we are ok. Thought ahead a little and have a little buffer on what we need. Don’t have everything we wish we had thought of but we are fine enough.


CA – thanks, I am looking and still don’t see that in the post. Good thing I have smart friends! 🙂
When San Fran went on total lock down yesterday we figured it wouldn’t be long before LA did same.
Guess all of CA has now been warned and see their future coming at them fast.
In LA and San Fran are they still allowed to go to the grocery stores?


As of this moment, we are allowed to go to grocery stores.
We’re actually allowed to do carry-out or drive-through in an attempt to show that the state isn’t just killing restaurants.


Wow, I didn’t know that Costco was holding a Trump rally!

Deplorable Patriot

There’s prepping, and then there’s people like a late client (she passed away about a year ago) who used to go to Target, etc., on the “you get a $5 gift card if you buy XX days, and would buy 5-6 cases of Charmin, and seriously anything on sale, just because it was on sale. I used to joke with her husband about her prepper kit in the garage.
Personally, I like a few extra things in the freezer, a couple of batches worth of chili ingredients in the pantry, and always buy paper goods in bulk not for any reason other than it’s easier to go to Walmart once a month or once every two than constantly running out.
These people are crazy. So long as the trucking industry is running, the resupplies will happen. That stuff is all made here.

Deplorable Patriot

That woman would buy five cases of Charmin, and a lot more, just to get a $50 gift card, is what I meant to say. She wasn’t hoarding or prepping for that purpose. She wanted the free money, and, yeah, she was a flaming liberal, although a fair one. I mean, when I told them about The Great Awakening being taken down. this couple thought the move was downright wrong. We are entitled to free speech, even if we disagree. That was heartening.


Modern day “Breadlines”?
Burny will be proud!


Damn—And one is supposed to stay way from crowds Crap…oh my good Lord.
Where I live we are now saying support your local businesses, especially small town ones.
Found they are doing better with no crowds and do have what I need.


WuFlu is growing … hopefully slow enough that our medical system won’t be overwhelmed and slow enough that our fed, state and local gov are prepared.
As of now, US 115 deaths/106 recoveries…6,288 active cases yet to be determined
(making that 6,509 total cases diagnosed)
Long Ground report:
Because I read here I knew the WuFlu was coming for weeks but I hesitated to say anything in my leadership role in regional GOP as I didn’t want to seem alarmist or ridiculous when there were only a handful of cases back in Feb. But last week, it was spreading and time to act. Canceled, but not really…I announced rescheduling. Having the dates rescheduled seems to have been better for people’s attitudes and hope v. just canceling and saying “who knows when…”. We also have are moving to some online speakers. Trying to keep up the usual pattern/rhythm and involvement, some normalcy, just changing a bit. Trying in my own little way to keep up morale and use the time wisely and seem to be active even if we are all at home.
Traffic on highway yesterday and today lighter than normal. Rush hour “crush” didn’t happen, no bottleneck. We were on the highway in Middle TN and sailed through the area of the usual bottleneck at 5:30 pm.
Local businesses, hourly manual labor employees, families in which both parents work but now have children out of school indifferently…all concerned, worried, stressed.
Wanted a few things from Costco yesterday. Husband was going to stop in after work as usual but I highly recommended he work from home starting early in the am and then go into the office mid morning, stopping by costco on the way in. Turns out, that was the right thing to do. Parking lot Packed and huge lines for 10 am opening. Chicken almost Gone which was the reason for that costco run – we wanted 4 whole chickens for our meat this week so we could also make broth to help stay healthy. Anyway, many things were 1 to a customer and no bathroom tissue to be had but we weren’t there for that anyway. Salsa, Chicken and some organic potting soil for our garden starters … got everything we wanted. But Had to be there early or chicken would have been gone
Local traffic was light in the Nashville area both today and yesterday except at the grocery stores. office building’s parking lots were 2/3s full and often almost empty.
Chiropractor’s office has many rescheduling. Going to offer Early hours to elderly patients, pre opening so they are first in, no other staff, etc.
Grocery stories are well shopped – low stocks. Our local, little, rural town grocery did have bathroom tissue but not much. Local, rural grocery stores weren’t really hard hit until the last 4 – 5 days.
Except for stocking up on food, etc., people are staying home. Good! Slow the spread of this virus to a manageable rate of growth. Tough but it has to be done
Have a relatives in CA who are liberal and didn’t “get” what was happening. sending a care package tomorrow. they are on total lock down. Care package will be mostly bathroom tissue. Said they were running low but ordered a bidet attachment that would arrive soon and help. They have much more $ than we do but there is no place to buy or order what they need. More $ doesn’t always = common sense! Glad we are in TN.
We are glad to be in the country and not near areas that will riot/become an issue if supply lines are disrupted. So glad we moved out!
I have been pleased at so much voluntary cooperation by private citizens. I have been pleased that President Trump has been judicious with fed power, working with and encouraging local, state gov to act was well as businesses and private individuals – just as it should be.
On the other hand, as much as I think it was misguided and that every person in those bars and business was absolutely foolish, I was a secretly proud of Nashville businesses resisting shutting down initially…gotta stay aware and thinking…
Personally, I had a sore throat last Thurs and throw EVERYTHING at it – the Big Guns of teas, essential oils and tinctures. Had some congestion last night and did same. Probably neither are anything and I over reacted. All of the health helpers were good but might have been to use them when/if we Really need them. But how do we know when we “really” need them until we are very sick and wish we had started sooner?
We stopped All going out…except to doctor (chronic pain can’t be ignored when it flares!), grocery and work as needed. Have worn mask to costco and other stores except local, rural stores as that would have Freaked them out. Husband got snickers, lots of side looks and snide remarks a week ago when he wore it in costco but yesterday there were more people wearing them so he wasn’t the only one any more.
Son goes nowhere. He stays in the car. This is Hugely disappointing for him because he wants to wear his mask so we let him in the car and he gets double takes. Its his way of having fun. The whole situation is unsettling for him and stressful much less disappointing as an only child to see all actives disappear. Also, because we have been aware of it since January, he saw us prepare, discuss and change our behaviors. Stressful for a child.
Now that we are settling into a new routine, I am going to start taking proactive action to address his social needs. He plays chess via chat/messaging with friends. Going to try to set up some FaceTime for chess. Piano lesson tomorrow via FaceTime. Not as good but at least it is something to keep some structure and make some progress in piano. Dad is spending extra time with him for martial arts – going to surprise his teacher with his improvement when he gets to go back. He has a goal of being advanced to …. well whatever, I don’t know the martial arts, but point is that he is making goals. Might sign him up for some online classes just for the socializing. other ideas???
We will keep doing the best we can and remember, that no matter what we do we can’t make everyone happy:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like Eric Holder’s evil soul incarnate!


Triplets…Jessie Jackson. IF not related by blood…they are each evil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Jesse Jackson! Wow, is that one left idol with feet of clay. The monetization of racial accusation, censure, and forgiveness, all wrapped up in one persona.
The thing is, the MEDIA taught him that little game. And this leads back to the FAKE NEWS and why they are so guilty. COVID-19 is teaching me that the MEDIA’s apparent inconsistency and hypocrisy is anything BUT. They are now the CHURCH of socialism which grants forgiveness and indulgences to those who confess sin or have plans to commit and offer to give the STATE a CUT.
But they are also into education – very subtly – whereby they teach people to sin – then teach people that the sin is wrong – then teach people the new acceptable way – to be declared a sin if necessary, in the future.
Every communist writing about media was the assembly of their battle plan.
ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. Only watch enough to TEAR IT DOWN.

Deplorable Patriot

The number of people I know who consider the WHO and CDC their “go to” sources for information is really an indication of just how brainwashed these people are.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDVT-8tUfiEcomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the big tweet! VERY BIG. JFK reference and China and ChiCom-19 all over it!!!


And on 17 Day 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Qth of March!!!


Makes me wonder if that’s why CNN’s Dana Bash and MSDNC’s Joe Scarborough each said one nice thing today about POTUS.
At some point, wouldn’t a Nat’l Emergency allow feds (Trump) to commandeer more airtime? How’s that any different than commandeering a factory to manufacture a specific product.
We are at war. WWIV per Michael. Let’s declare it and fight.


You are SO right, Daughn. Reimburse all the business & job losses. Reading that transcript Tuesday (at SD’s) about POTUS meeting with CEOs from hotel industry was heartbreaking. They are down to virtually 10% occupancy or closed (Las Vegas) and say they must retain their employees to be able to ramp up again if & when virus goes away.

Deplorable Patriot

I would be so grateful. I’m out $250 in gigs in the next few weeks due to this virus.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Coronavirus turns deadly when it leads to ‘cytokine storm’; detection is key to patient survival
Posted Mar 16, 12:16 PM
By Douglas Perry | The Oregonian/OregonLive
https://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2020/03/coronavirus-turns-deadly-when-it-leads-to-cytokine-storm-detection-is-key-to-patient-survival.htmlcomment image

Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus that has swept across the globe, is not like a bad case of the flu.
For one thing, a new study indicates that Covid-19 triggers in some people something called a cytokine storm, where one’s own immune system goes berserk. This “virus-activated” immune response can be deadly, causing severe respiratory distress and the subsequent shutdown of multiple organs.
Indeed, how one’s immune system reacts appears to be central to Covid-19′s severity.
“The virus matters, but the host response matters at least as much, and probably more,” University of Iowa virologist Stanley Perlman told The Scientist magazine last month.

For some people whose immune systems are compromised by age or for often-subtle genetic or environmental reasons, the normal immune response doesn’t retreat when it should. It goes into overdrive, leading to “a flood of immune cells into the lung.” This has a rapid cascading effect in the body.
Key to the patient’s survival is their doctors quickly recognizing this is happening. Dr. Randy Q. Cron and Dr. W. Winn Chatham, in a report for Vox, wrote that —

All Covid-19 patients sick enough for hospitalization should be given a cheap, quick, and readily available serum ferritin blood test. Indeed, elevated serum ferritin values have recently been reported in Chinese hospitalized patients with Covid-19. This is a good first screening tool for the possibility of a cytokine storm syndrome in sick patients with high fevers.
The question then remains how best to treat a cytokine storm syndrome once it is identified. The treating physician is often placed between a rock and a hard place. Corticosteroids can be powerfully broad immunosuppressive agents, and they are inexpensive and readily available throughout the world. However, it can be frightening for a physician to treat a severely ill, infected individual with such powerful and wide-ranging immune suppression.

Cron and Chatham pointed out that there are other, more targeted drugs available as well, though trials will be needed to figure out which ones work best for Covid-19.
In China, coronavirus patients exhibiting signs of cytokine-storm syndrome reportedly are being treated with the anti-inflammation drug Actemra (tocilizumab). Actemra is used in the U.S. for rheumatoid arthritis.
— Douglas Perry


Some notes:
Elderberry, Tylenol, and anti-inflammatories like Advil or Motrin all make the symptoms of COVID 19 worse. They cause something called a cytokine storm.
It’s being treated overseas with large doses of Vitamin C.
Baobab powder, from the Baobab tree in Africa. Or more commonly the “Tree of Life.” Obviously not the tree referred to in the Garden of Eden, BUT it has amazing health benefits and even has a huge hollow trunk that animals take refuge in during storms.
benefits of mct oil
Medium Chain Triglycerides
By Serene Allison


Do you have a source link for why those things (elderberry, Tylenol, Advil, Motrin) make COVID-19 worse?


Okay, thanks!


I have the link above. Trying to find more confirmation. This came via social media from a woman who has been doing her own research because her husband has MS.


Thanks, I’ll check it out. I did a little of my own research and read that taking anything that boosts immunity has the potential to cause a cytokine storm syndrome (an immune system over reaction) to COVID-19. It seems contraindicatory to me so I’ll need to research further.


EGCG in bitter green tea (ref 3/17/20) article S.Korea is treating with zinc and green tea, inhibits cytokine storms. This article is regarding EGCG and OA/RA. A little weedy, but good info on how it increases antioxidants, decreases inflammation.
Elderberry is helpful for most people, esp with flu A or flu B. But if no improvement in symptoms after day 3 of the Chinese Virus or if you are risk for cytokine, then stop using it. We still take it twice daily, every day.


On pgs 29-30, it does discuss decreasing iNOS (nitric oxide), which is good for joints but bad for Chinese Virus, so this may be another reason why IV Vit C is being used.


Cytokine info pg 24, addresses TNFa and IL-1.


Michaelh, there is a difference between “cause” and “could cause”. Please keep this in mind. You are bringing in great info to the boards, very much appreciate your work!
Folks, please remember that it is called “Practicing the Art of Medicine” for a reason. Not everything is going to work 100% of the time for 100% of the people out there. Just the way it is. There are no absolutes in medicine, except for no absolutes!


What is with you doing truth telling? Don’t you know this country runs on rumor, gossip and innuendo? Get with the program.


My logical mind is seriously questioning whether this could be accurate.
IF Chinese Virus mortality is caused by a severe over-reaction of the immune system, WHY is it killing off the elderly and immune compromised? Wouldn’t it kill off the young, with healthy immune systems?
The 1918 flu actually killed the younger population, which is why is was so notable. The people with the strongest immunities died.
In this case, however, it is the elderly and infirm.
This is not passing the “Aubergine logic” test. If you have a strong immune system, it appears the Chinese Virus presents as a mild cold. If you have a poor immune system, you can die.
This guy is a journalist, not a physician.


I don’t believe those numbers because I object to some of their assumptions.
Also, I believe his angle is promoting a vaccine solution while ignoring alternative pathways to fighting this virus..
There are many important developments around self-care, nutrition, off-label use of existing drugs, even recognizing different responses for different blood types. The best and brightest are exploring hundreds of ways to fight this.
Jordan has covered the use of MMS and taken some heat for it. From my own experience and research I think he knows what he’s talking about. I’ve used MMS myself some years ago. It’s a bit harsh, but there are studies that indicate is would work for this virus.


Looks like the search algos on YouTube are allowing MMS videos to appear!
Above video is part 4. Here’s the first part of the interview…


IIRC they press asked Trump about the Imperial College report/model at yesterday’s press briefing. Dr. Birx confirmed that they used the model and report as one of their sources, but went on to explain how the team was modeling this, since models become waited by the styles and preferences of the team who create them. NOT NECESSARILY BAD – people working independently do things differently – CV team wants the best ideas and input, seemed to be going for a holistic and integrated model.
“Read it; it’s terrifying.”
I don’t care how freaking scary the paper is. What I care about is the quality of the results and how well the outcomes align with reality.
If I want to read something scary I’ll go find a Stephen King novel, geez.
If a report is sobering that’s one thing, but I will not, WILL NOT, read something just because someone online found an academic report to be “terrifying”. I don’t think EMOTIVELY about this problem – what I care about are fact gathering, problem solving, rational decision making, and POSITIVE OUTCOMES, aka results.
Also note: Just because a paper is “cited” does not mean it is immediately granted weight of gold credibility. Citations are only works cited – and a good academic paper will cite works including those that have data or conclusions that seem to contradict the conclusions of the paper. An academic paper can cite literally anyone or anything regardless of the source’s “credibility”. This is just how it works. If Dr. Birx cites a paper, that does not imply an endorsement!
Adding to my suspicious cat feel about the whole thing, the press is really starting to push the Imperial College study angles.
The scientist who helped persuade Trump to take coronavirus seriously has now contracted COVID-19
Thomas Colson 1 hr ago

*The lead author of a report which helped persuade President Trump to take the threat of coronavirus more seriously has now contracted the COVID-19 disease.
* Professor Neil Ferguson’s had warned that if the United States did not introduce strict new measures to curb people’s activity and movement, 2.2 million people could die after contracting the virus.
* Shortly after its publication, the US government introduced sweeping new measures closing schools, encouraging people to work from home, and recommending that mass gatherings should not take place.
* Professor Neil Ferguson said he was now self-isolating after developing the symptoms of the disease.
* The professor also met with Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Downing Street earlier this week raising fears it may have spread further inside the UK government
The lead author of an alarming report credited with helping to persuade President Trump to change course and take the threat of coronavirus more seriously says he is now self-isolating after displaying symptoms of the disease.
Professor Neil Ferguson, an infectious disease expert at Imperial College London, said he had developed a cough on Tuesday but “felt fine” before quickly developing a fever during the night.
“Developed a slight dry but persistent cough yesterday and self-isolated even though I felt fine,” he tweeted.
“Then developed high fever at 4am today. There is a lot of COVID-19 in Westminster.”
Ferguson also said he had met Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Downing Street earlier this week and admitted there was a “slight” risk he had infected someone there.
Coronavirus is spreading much faster in London than the rest of the UK, and Westminster has 58 cases, the joint highest number of any borough.
“I’ve been in so many meetings in the last few weeks and a number of my colleagues from other universities who’ve also been advising [the] government in those meetings, have also developed symptoms,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.
Ferguson is part of Imperial College London’s COVID-19 response team, which has been one of the main organisations advising the international response to the coronavirus outbreak.
The team published a paper on Monday warning that, if the United States did not introduce strict new measures to curb people’s activity and movement, 2.2 million people could die after contracting the virus. In the UK, it warned that 250,000 people could die.
On Monday, a day after the White House was sent an advance copy of the report, the US government introduced sweeping new measures closing schools, encouraging people to work from home, and recommending that mass gatherings should not take place.
The New York Times said the new measures “appeared to draw” on Imperial College’s report, and Ferguson confirmed that the White House had been sent an advance copy of the report ahead of its publication on Monday. Boris Johnson’s government dramatically changed course after seeing the report and adopted more draconian measures which aimed to “suppress” the disease.
“The White House task force received it late Sunday afternoon, CDC yesterday,” Ferguson told CNN.
“To be honest, I don’t know how much it influenced decision making. But I hear Dr Birx cited it. We will be having a much more detailed discussion with the task force tomorrow morning.”


The following comes from a pure propaganda rag – be advised.
March 17, 2020
Here’s the Punch-in-the-Gut Version of the Imperial College Coronavirus Study
Kevin Drum
Political Blogger

It strikes me that it might be useful to summarize the Imperial College team’s estimate of likely coronavirus deaths. They provide mortality estimates for two scenarios: doing nothing and doing quite a large amount. What we’re doing right now is somewhere between those two, so I’ve filled it in with an interpolation. The team also provides a range of estimates for massive efforts that are strictly enforced for over a year. Here’s roughly how it pencils out:comment image
The kinds of things the IC team recommends are nowhere near being implemented yet, and to have a serious effect they need to put in place soon. Given where we are now, this means that the only realistic options are #2 and #3. In other words, it’s likely that the US will see 1.1-1.5 million deaths from the coronavirus, with more than half of them coming by June.
Now, this is just one estimate. The Imperial College team used an existing microsimulation model that was created about ten years ago and then plugged in lots of guesses and estimates: what measures would be taken; how many families would comply; average class sizes; commuting distances; incubation periods; etc. Some of these are things we have a pretty good handle on, while others are a lot trickier to estimate. Some of them produce only small changes if you get them wrong, while others are pretty sensitive. So in that sense, take this with a grain of salt.
That said, this appears to be the most sophisticated estimate we have at the moment. It might be wrong, but at this point it would be foolish to simply assume so.

Note that last bit of spin: Don’t assume it is inaccurate.
Good data analysts should know not to assume it is accurate. It’s a model, with all the inherent limitations therein.


“The fuzzy terrain and blurry map suggest we adopt a “fallibilist” approach — and hold open many simultaneous possibilities about what is real. In particular, we should be VERY reluctant to take any media reports at face value, for they are never terrain, and at best misleading maps. That’s OK — it is the unavoidable nature of how we picture the world, as we cannot walk all the terrain ourselves.” – Geddes
Geddes photo caption: “Magnolia in spring. A common sight just before the world doesn’t end.”comment image

Plain Jane

Don’t know if this was posted yet or not, but a friend in CA just sent this to me. It smells horribly.


No – not in the last several weeks to a month.

Deplorable Patriot

I have seen her within the last week.


Last comments I have on record are 2/29


I kept my head down today — I’ll be doing an exploratory tomorrow.
Santa Clara, CA — inside the Zone.


There is some evidence that the 1918: “Spanish flu” also came out of CHINA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu
Quote – bold mine
“One of the few regions of the world seemingly less affected by the 1918 flu pandemic was China, where there may have been a comparatively mild flu season in 1918 (although this is disputed, see Around the globe). There were relatively few deaths from the flu in China compared to other regions of the world. This has led to speculation that the 1918 flu pandemic originated from China. The relatively mild flu season and lower rates of flu mortality in China in 1918 may be explained due to the fact that the Chinese population had already possessed acquired immunity to the flu virus.
In 1993, Claude Hannoun, the leading expert on the 1918 flu for the Pasteur Institute, asserted the former virus was likely to have come from China. It then mutated in the United States near Boston and from there spread to Brest, France, Europe’s battlefields, Europe, and the world with Allied soldiers and sailors as the main disseminators. He considered several other hypotheses of origin, such as Spain, Kansas and Brest, as being possible, but not likely. Political scientist Andrew Price-Smith published data from the Austrian archives suggesting the influenza had earlier origins, beginning in Austria in early 1917.
In 2014, historian Mark Humphries argued that the mobilization of 96,000 Chinese laborers to work behind the British and French lines might have been the source of the pandemic. Humphries, of the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s, based his conclusions on newly unearthed records. He found archival evidence that a respiratory illness that struck northern China in November 1917 was identified a year later by Chinese health officials as identical to the Spanish flu.
A report published in 2016 in the Journal of the Chinese Medical Association found no evidence that the 1918 virus was imported to Europe via Chinese and Southeast Asian soldiers and workers. It found evidence that the virus had been circulating in the European armies for months and possibly years before the 1918 pandemic.”


DITTO The Bubonic Plague or Black Death:
Bubonic Plague – Black Death – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Death
“Spread of the Black Death in Europe and the Near East (1346–1353)
The Black Death, also known as the Pestilence, Great Bubonic Plague, the Great Plague or the Plague, or less commonly the Great Mortality or Black Plague, was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351.The bacterium Yersinia pestis, which results in several forms of plague (septicemic, pneumonic and, the most common, bubonic), is believed to have been the cause. The Black Death was the first major European outbreak of plague and the second plague pandemic. The plague created a number of religious, social and economic upheavals, with profound effects on the course of European history.
The Black Death probably originated in Central Asia or East Asia, from where it travelled along the Silk Road, reaching Crimea by 1343.”


I guess there are multiple theories/views/evidentiary trails.


Should post the prayers and let the parishioners pray the prayers and the Holy Spirit do the blessing, forgiveness, deliverance, giving peace.
Jewish also have prayers for time of death – which are mostly from the Psalms of David:


Or the Priests could record the prayers in audio and video and let the people access them online.

Deplorable Patriot

It has to be done in person as there is annoiting with the Oil of the Sick to be done as part of the Sacrament.


Surely something can be done – such as delivering tiny individual bottles of oil to families, hospitals, nursing homes – this is a time of emergency and the Lord’s presence and efficacy is not limited to priests’ hands and voices.

Deplorable Patriot

Unfortunately, no. It’s up to the priest to take precautions after touching the individual.


I’ve read of medics in the field and nurses in field hospitals giving divine unction when priests are not present.

Deplorable Patriot

Now that I think about, in what we call a sick call kit, there is oil. It’s white candles, Holy Water, and Oil. Ours are so old, I think they only still have the candles.


IIRC from Catholic grammar school days in the 60s, we were taught the “sick call kit” was acceptable IF a Priest was not available. There was NO discussion of it not being “as good” as a Priest administering the Last Rights.
Parents had one hanging in the front entry hall, integrated into the Cross on the wall. Opened, Cross had a stand, cotton balls, little bottle of oil…

Deplorable Patriot

Like I said, ours are so old, only the candles are in them.


One of the last verses in the Bible talks about the Body of Christ being a Kingdom of priests.

Deplorable Patriot

DO NOT BE AFRAID! I hope these men made full Confessions.


Very interesting.


Has there been one man under more pressure in the modern era than Pres Trump? The entire world is watching what he does. Honestly, I don’t know how he does it but I am thankful it is him in charge. I said this yesterday but I think this will end up being his finest (and ours) hour.

Deplorable Patriot

Playing golf…talk about social distancing. It would do him a world of good to get some fresh air. The Little Princess and I sat in the back yard when the sun finally came out yesterday. It makes a difference.




Shut ‘er down. Each country needs to protect its own citizens.

Deplorable Patriot

This dovetails with a lot of what we now know.


love him…straight talker…man of action


Pompeo is a B3 – Big Balls Badass.

Sue Mcdonald

Reported on local news last night 1st China flu in lane co.man had been sick 2 weeks before going to Dr. had been out in public ,going to work ect… I will see how many cases Oregon has when the news comes on. My 2 youngest children who work at VA hospital came home with news that hospital has shut down all floors but the 1st floor and the the other floors are being prepped for flu patients. There worried about getting sick and not being able to work.
state wide shut down of all dining and fast food ,no groups over 10 to gather, were being told to stay home except grocery shopping or med pickup.

Concerned Virginian

Sue Mcdonald
This dovetails with what my son, a doctor, told me a couple of days ago. His hospital is turning as many beds as possible into ICU and Isolation beds. All the doctors there had to sign an agreement stipulating that they could be called to work in any ward or clinic in the hospital, even if it was outside their individual areas of practice. The agreement went into effect yesterday and goes until further notice. Patients at his hospital who could safely be discharged are being processed out to their homes, to rehab places, to nursing homes, etc. His hospital is buying masks, gloves, disposable gowns, other medical supplies from wherever they can get them.

Sue Mcdonald

I do believe after today’s briefing ,that the VA hospital will be closing all floors to make room.the kids told me after work that all elective surgeries and dental work were cancelled and the 2nd floor was being converted to make room for beds.
When I took my son to work this morning it was very odd,no bumper to bumper cars,it was like the rapture or something.so weird. So we will know when comes home tonight.


Right now any plan that might work (like making masks mandatory in spread zones ex. to conduct commerce you must wear a face covering) would only save conservative areas as lib areas are being totally shredded by this virus.

Deplorable Patriot

Banks won’t allow masks, but that could be interesting.
On Monday when I went, the security guard was wiping down the door handles. It’s simple stuff like that that’s going to make a difference.


If banks allow a burka, they can allow a mask.

Deplorable Patriot

My bank doesn’t allow the burka.


How to get banned from twtr: /s (or maybe not)
“If you don’t want me to call the Chinese Virus a Chinese Virus, then what do you want me to label the Chinese Virus, so we can discuss the Chinese Virus and know which virus we are talking about?”.


After serious contemplation and after this video I have decided What is going on with this virus is all of below:
Synonyms & Antonyms for hoax
Synonyms: Verb
bamboozle, beguile, bluff, buffalo, burn, catch, con, cozen, deceive, delude, dupe, fake out, fool, gaff, gammon, gull, have, have on [chiefly British], hoodwink, hornswoggle, humbug, juggle, misguide, misinform, mislead, snooker, snow, spoof, string along, suck in, sucker, take in, trick.
Also I will not be a willing participate and I feel sorry that our President has been forced into this. He has always deserved better.


I will clarify..I know there is a flu virus out there I just think it is over hyped and being used to destroy our economy and country.


If it is being overhyped then they have completely fooled the hospital industry. Insider report: they are working desperately hard to expand their abilities and coming up with various plans to handle the coming influx of patients.
Understand the projections of cases. Understand the growth rate – growth of total cases and growth per day of new cases. It is NOT about how many cases we currently have (7,301) or about total number of deaths as of now (116 deaths/106 recovered).
It is about the number of cases who need hospitalization, intensive treatment, ICU and how many cases need these things at one time.
As we begin to reach max capacity in our hospitals, then the military ships will be used off the coast of our major cities and military field hospitals will be used near big cities as needed. But all will Max out eventually if the growth rate is not slowed.
IF (hopefully the growth rate Will be slowed sufficiently!) we reach max capacity then the death rate will spike because the patients who need hospital care to make it through simply will not receive it. Additional deaths of people who do Not have the virus will increase as well as hospitals will be maxed out with virus cases. We still have heart, cancer and accident patients incoming to our hospitals as well as women giving birth, etc.
Sadly, we are way passed containment and the total focus is on “mitigation”, Slowing the spread so that the number of complicated cases can handled by our hospital systems.
Hospitals are taking a financial hit as elective surgeries bring in more $. They are being canceled (many by wise patients!) in part for cross contamination prevention but also to free up beds, doctors, nurses and the machinery – they are inventorying the breathing machines used in ORs because they can be converted to ongoing intubation if the cases grow beyond standard equipment. This is a real thing that hospitals are doing.
Hospitals are working Extra Hard, putting plans in place to mitigate the coming numbers of WuFlu cases with complications and are praying a) for time, b) for slow growth so they never max out. If this is all a fraud, a joke then the hospitals systems and their employees are 100% fooled.
Nope – the issue of fast growth of overall cases, which means fast growth of the percentage that need hospitalization due to complications, is a Real issue and would be disastrous if the growth curve is not flattened, slowed, lessened…whatever – slow it down!


How does one explain Italy, if it is being over hyped?

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

And it’s gone.


Having had a grandparent die in the Diphtheria epidemic of 1918 – I looked up the disease.
GUESS WHICH COUNTRY still has the most significant outbreaks?
GUESS WHICH COUNTRY should develop significant public health department, practices????
GUESS WHICH COUNTRY contributes the most diseases, pollution, sub-grade products to the world?
GUESS WHICH COUNTRY steals technology and counterfeits patented goods the most?


We should only resume tourism/air and cruise travel with China after China gets their act together re: public health, sanitation, dangerous dietary practices and diseases and honesty reporting outbreaks.


In fact – instituting rigid health/disease prevention practices should be part of written conditions in the new US Trade Deal with China!!!


H3LL just look at all the diseases that the Illegals keep bringing in. Does not make sense, and they still screaming for us to open up the southern border


Italy has over 2500 dead and over 31000 people suffering from this.
This may be someone’s dream of what could happen here to eliminate the re-election of the President and the demise of all of his supporters but it is certainly not mine.
I am so grateful for all that the President is doing.
Imo, anyone who has ever experienced the struggle for breath from pneumonia or the agony of watching a loved one suffer this, would not want even their worst enemy to go through it.
Thankfully, most of the country—regardless of political persuasion—feels this way.
We are all watching the President put people before money. Bringing us through this difficult time is a test of his presidency and of the strength of his support. I think many people are becoming aware of the fact that the globalist view of completely open borders with no government monitoring of controls in place puts us at great risk.
Most of us are thankful he is closing the borders.
Most young people I know are worried about their elders and not so much themselves. Most of us elders are worried about others.
I am not a prepper and am running low on toilet paper. I am not too worried about it. We have other paper products.
People here have been mostly kind and seem grateful for the restrictions , which are pretty severe, the government is taking to deep us safe.
We had a flare up earlier on and it seems to be leveling out so the measures taken do seem to have and effect.


No government monitoring OR controls…


“I am so grateful for all that the President is doing.” . . . yes! He is not deceived.


YES! The entire corp office working from home as of today! Husband was already home yesterday and today because I was sick & going through one of my “spells” from chronic issues. He goes in early so would have driven into town just to come back home this morning so that worked out well. So glad he is home! Now, we go out for Dr as needed and groceries as needed.
They are still working hard (healthcare company) and working new projects due to virus and escalating hospital needs due to virus.

Deplorable Patriot

Funny, my brother and his wife both had had their remote hours and days cut before all this hit. Now, they’re both remoting all day while my parents deal with their kids.


The TESTING regime POTUS is implementing is phenomenal in terms of what we’ll be able to learn and use. NO other country has created Testing-with-Integrity, much less Testing-for-Solutions. They threw stuff out there that hid problems (aborting any opportunity to learn and win), drove false-negatives that allowed the virus to multiply the breadth and severity infections unchecked, and generated false-positives that drove governments and industries to over-react (needlessly damaging economies on a nationwide basis) and under-focus (wasting resources that led to overwhelmed healthcare systems).


President Trump’s rolling out so many “firsts in history” and titanic decisions, the press can’t begin to grasp or begin to question them (without looking like fools), much less appreciate the snowballing impact.
The virus may be geometrically growing in impact, but every one of their announcements is geometrically growing on its own.
They’re launching unimagined systems, inventing new technologies, crowdsourcing solutions across industries and governments, multiplying the leverage of spending through private-public partnerships, …


They DISMANTLED our Pandemic “Research-and-Analysis Capabilities” and BUILT a PANDEMIC WAR MACHINE that could be rapidly mobilized, adaptively organized and virally expanded.




Congress will actually be forced to work 4 or 5 day workweeks, cause he’s choking them with backlogged legislation and appropriations and deregulation requirements.
At this early stage, looks like he’s ADDING THREE to their pile for EVERY ONE they pass (which then gets recycled to take out the graft and waste, then add back what they had blocked/ignored to feather donors’ nests and campaign coffers).


Was just reflecting on how incredibly valuable President Trump’s relentless assault on destructive regulations has been … beyond those eliminated … in building the most in-depth understanding of what our regulatory state accomplishes and where & how it stifles our economy along with responses to emergencies!


Dr. Birx is becoming a rock star, IMHO.
She’s showing an unparalleled ability to field the most inane and obnoxious “questions/assertions”, to explain what really matters in such logical and understandable terms, and do it masterfully, empathetically and calmly.


What NO ONE has begun to discuss is the groundwork POTUS has been laying and the teams he’s been grooming for this.
• Now our developer-builder and virally-powerful leader has the entire resources of the government and economy and nationwide leaders
• … plus an UNLIMITED CHECKBOOK (now that he suckered opponents into declaring he needed to go big after his initial $2.5 B request)
• … and a DEALMAKING FRUGALITY that multiplies the impact of every $.
He’s actually beginning to transform members of the opposition media into awestruck cheerleaders:

The public has no clue about what he’s preparing the DoD to do:


I always enjoy your posts Black Knight Rides. So glad you are here.




I like to hang out with the smart people


Study shows coronavirus appears to spread slowly in warmer climate. Exactly what Pres Trump’s team has been indicating but the MSM keeps yelling “but what about Florida?”
Now you can understand why the administration wants to limit social interactions. The warmer weather will kill off the virus. As least this suggests that.


More on this same topic. But even more direct. Helpful video.


FLORIDA cases indicate elderly cruise line travelers to hot spots – and – cruise line employees and those whose company services cruise lines. GA cases center around Atlanta airport and foreign travel.
MOST OF THE US CASES center around Democrat Sanctuary states and cities…and travel hubs.
Travel from hot spots and sanctuary policies toward illegals are the Basic Common Denominator of the US coronavirus outbreak!!


that’s good information


Sunlight is a healer. Puts more vitamin D in our systems. Just not too much.

Deplorable Patriot

A Dr. Michael Holick has done extensive research on vitamin D and the sun. He claims it is the best source, and has TONS of charts as to when the beta waves actually hit various latitudes.


Holick’s wife owns a Vitamin D company. His conflict of interest problems do not end there.
The head of the Autoimmunity Network, Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld,* (also founder and head of the Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, at the Sheba Medical Center) has no problem admitting that D is a seco-steroid that suppresses normal immune function.
Holick benefits from pushing the supplemental D meme (very high markup/profits).
Which opens the question, does taking D remove symptoms by suppression or remedy. If by supression, then it might the same dangers as prednisone or NSAIDs.

Deplorable Patriot

Say what you will, but the summers I spend a lot of time outside and get decently tan, I’m a lot healthier the next winter.


I love sunshine!


We’ve been told since childhood that the saltwater heals wounds. It does indeed, a gift from our Lord.❤

Deplorable Patriot

I saw something yesterday from WHO or the CDC or one of the “trusted” places that debunks the warmer weather slows it down, but all indicators from private researchers are that it does.
The think to remember about Florida, especially Palm Beach, Clearwater and other gathering spots for SENIOR SNOW BIRDS, is the age of the population. That’s going to make a difference in mortality if nothing else.


Sunlight is god’s version of chicken soup.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. And the salt air, as well.


All those seniors have central air conditioning.


And just yesterday the CDC was saying heat does not kill this virus… (I countered the statement w/ comments from others at POTUS’ briefing yesterday)
We can’t trust the CDC – RedState had a piece yesterday, can’t locate right now, will look for…

Deplorable Patriot



Damn here we go again…..Now they people are going on TV saying America can try Trump for man slaughter. Do these people even care about America much less America.
MSNBC legal analyst suggests Trump’s criminally guilty of ‘manslaughter,’ ‘negligent homicide’ in handling of COVID-19
March 18, 2020 | Tom Tillison | Print Article


They get crazier with every attempt to oust him. They loose more and more support with every round and strengthen President Trump’s support.



MSDNC is acting criminally!!!


White House – https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/
Golden State –



Well on top of this MSNBC is saying that Trump can be found guilty of manslaughter because of this virus.


MSNBC is a ship of fools


Oh I know that Vol–But sadly there are several ships of fools that listen to them that will repeat their words over and over on the internet without being censored.
Now if we try to contradict the lies we will be the ones censored.


Why would anyone tune into MSNBC. Much less give them any credence? CUT THE CABLE.


All the Trump haters that will have that tidbit spread all over social media like it was the whole truth


H/T Sadie.
Mandarin lesson:
CCP bots are called ‘Wumaos’
Now I use the symbols when replying to the bots. MF’rs!


In Our ‘war against the Chinese Virus’
POTUS invoking Defense Production Act
Mercy(east coast) and Comfort (west coast) ships ready to launch
Working on a possible self-swab test
2nd news conference today or early tomorrow on FDA developments – lots of red tape reduced
Meeting w/nurses today
HUD suspends foreclosures, evictions
We’re going to defeat this invisible enemy, We’re going to win the War

Defense Production Act allows private sector to ramp up manufacturing and distribution of emergency supplies


live now

Concerned Virginian

POTUS; HHS will issue orders that allow ALL MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, including DOCTORS, to practice ACROSS STATE LINES.

Concerned Virginian

5 Million N-95 masks will go from DoD to HHS.
2,000 ventilators to be released to HHS if needed.
16 DoD labs will be ready to help process virus tests.
Field hospitals getting ready for deployment per orders from POTUS as C-in-C.
Defense capacity for the U.S. WILL be maintained.


When we have “community exposure.” but they don’t tell you where! Nice going krewson


DoD travel restrictions in place for military
5,000 masks, 2,000 vents offered
Working on 16th lab


POTUS sternly shutdown little media gnat – Virus comes from CHINA, No it’s not racist, They tried to blame it on American soldiers, That can’t happen, It won’t happen on my watch, IT COMES FROM CHINA, next…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a most BRILLIANT defense. POTUS has fully put the BILL for this operation back on CHYYYNNAA.
The ChiComs literally DESTROYED THEMSELVES with this operation.

Concerned Virginian

The enemy will be defeated.
“Why did it take YOU so long to recognize the problem with ventilators?”
POTUS: “Well hospitals are supposed to have ventilators too.”
STUPID FEMALE REPORTER: Keeps going after POTUS trying to make him look UNCONCERNED / INCOMEPETNT
POTUS ignores her and asks VP Pence to talk.
MINIMALLY INTELLIGENT MALE REPORTER: Questions trying to do a “GOTCHA” on POTUS regarding closing the U.S. – Canada border..
POTUS: Shuts him down.
Another trying to do a “GOTCHA” on POTUS on the upcoming federal stimulus money. He’s not buying it.
Male reporter STILL trying to do a “GOTCHA” on POTUS about the EXACT AMOUNT of the individual checks to be sent. POTUS shuts him down.
STUPID MALE REPORTER: Trying to trap POTUS into “how do you reassure Americans who DON’T TRUST YOU TO DO THE RIGHT THING about the response to the virus.
POTUS: shuts him down.


86% of people with coronavirus are walking around undetected, study says
By Jackie SaloMarch 17, 2020
“Stealth” coronavirus cases are fueling the pandemic, with a staggering 86% of people infected walking around undetected, a new study says.
Six of every seven cases – 86% — were not reported in China before travel restrictions were implemented, driving the spread of the virus, according to a study Monday in the journal Science.
“It’s the undocumented infections which are driving the spread of the outbreak,” said co-author Jeffrey Shaman of Columbia University Mailman School, according to GeekWire.
Using computer modeling, researchers tracked infections before and after the Chinese city of Wuhan’s travel ban.
The findings indicated that these undocumented infections with no or mild symptoms — known as “stealth” cases — were behind two-thirds of the reported patients.
“The majority of these infections are mild, with few symptoms at all,” Shaman said, Mercury News reported. “People may not recognize it. Or they think they have a cold.”
These “stealth” cases were then able to transmit the bug that could cause severe symptoms in other people, according to the researchers.
“It will continue to present a major challenge to the containment of this outbreak going forward,” Shaman said, adding that it underscores the importance of restrictions on movement in hard-hit regions.
COVID-19 has spread across the world to 182,400 people, causing at least 7,100 deaths, according to a tally from Johns Hopkins University.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Were I not hyper-attuned to this, I would have passed it on to a lot of people. Even the “auto-stealth” period where symptomatic people can transmit BEFORE they are symptomatic made my wife pass it on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They were TRAINED to be stupid by CHINA.
Communist take-over is VERY subtle.
It is important to differentiate “racism” in whatever way that term has meaning to us, from the political weaponization of the concept. The Chinese communists – most of whom are racist as hell, ironically – use the concept brilliantly to ADVANCE SOCIALISM.

Concerned Virginian

MALE LEFTWING REPORTER: Trying to trap POTUS about “Millenials who support you aren’t taking what you said seriously. What do you say to them now?”
POTUS: Heed the advice. Don’t take the virus home to your parents and grandparents.
ANOTHER STUPID FEMALE REPORTER: STILL going after POTUS to get a “GOTCHA” about calling it the Chinese Virus.
“Your polls are very low.” POTUS: What polls are you talking about?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great summary! Yes – he’s really teaching by fending off these China-bots!


We also had Spanish Flu and German Measles….

Concerned Virginian

Dr. BIRX: We must protect the elderly especially those in nursing homes.
ANOTHER STUPID FEMALE REPORTER: Trying to get POTUS into a “GOTCHA” about the “KUNG FLU” name from a “person in the White House.”
POTUS: Who said that?
STUPID RE{ORTER: I don’t know.
POTUS: Well, the flu DID come from China.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Archived, in case it goes blank.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Took it over to Gab!
Wolf Moon
Never interfere with your own viral (literally) attack on Trump. This, plus imprisonment and death of the loud-mouth doctor, show INTENT. ChiComs needed the virus to SPREAD before they put it out. Note that their “last resort” cover will be to “admit” they were covering up an accident. NOPE. This is VIRAL GLOBAL JUSSIE.
Read more
Chinese scientists destroyed proof of virus in December
Chinese laboratories identified a mystery virus as a highly infectious new pathogen by late December last year, but they were ordered to stop tests, destroy…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


If anyone could do it on short notice and with no experience in that field, it is you. And I would trust your new hospital over 1/2 of the hospital systems in existence. Like POTUS, you seem to know how to get ‘er done!


Yes and they could stay isolated in the harbor. Big ideas.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FAST REORGANIZATION is going to smooth things out very much.


Go for it! American ingenuity on display.


Great idea !! support operations alone would put people to work… but Careful!!
If you were to anchor that in the warm breezes and fresh air of the Caribbean
might find too many getting sick for a vacation !!


Unprecedented….This is real Presidential leadership!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The self-cutting behavior of China’s army of press manipuloids is truly stunning. BOTS!!!
Here – go sit in the corner and have a FORTUNE COOKIE, dear. You wound-eyed iriot!


White House Press Pool IS dumber than a box of rocks.
For safety and health of all, pressers should move back out doors. Maybe have Marine One engines running.


IMHO – If the WHO and the CDC were doing their jobs – the COVID-19 virus and several other deadly diseases (SARS, MERS, flu viruses) would not have arisen or gotten out of control in China and certainly would not have escaped China.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not going to blame any of them now, because I believe that China was EVADING EVEN THEIR OWN CONTROLS from the START. The ChiComs were even evading their own health system to release this.
The Chinese communist party was in desperation mode. They plotted this to “Get Trump / Stop Trump”, and didn’t care what costs ANYBODY paid.
This was a PLAN, and they cut a lot of corners to make it work. The PATTERN of many tiny cut corners betrays their desperation.
This is very much like the NAZIS, who betrayed their own people, their own military, and everybody else.


You are right – IF it was intentional – the world health agencies could not have stopped it – IF – they wanted to do so.
If this is not just a Chinese effort – but Communist/Globalist/One World Government fomented and the agencies are part of it – then PDJT has got a world-wide battle on his hands!!!
It will take much PRAYER and GOD’S MERCY to overcome!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – many people like Bill Gates and all the cabal actors were riding on the CCP’s success. It’s a combination of overlooking the CCP’s negatives for self-interest, and buying into CCP lies.
Who led the conspiracy and who followed? That’s a tough call. Fluid like the MAFIA.


Multiple factors – Multiple actors ?


I’d still like to know if the virus was engineered from the original SARS or another coronavirus… or is there technology to do such a thing?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yes – the technology is there. Even the academic work from YEARS ago was a hair’s breadth from this – they were TESTING with modified coronavirus proteins – the original viruses being isolated from bats.
This is now like automobile design – copying something from another maker. They made changes that were similar to HIV. They didn’t actually USE the HIV virus in any way except as a MODEL to make changes to the coronavirus. This is why I call it a FUNCTIONAL hybrid with HIV. It’s like designing bull horns on humans. You don’t use BULL DNA directly – you use it as a model to see how you might do the same thing in human DNA by modifying THAT.
Exactly the same principle as translating code from one programming language to another.




US Public Health Corps are already in uniform and largely military – expand this group greatly!!!


Wolfmoon, do not remember where I read it, but rather early on after we learned about corona19, I read a tiny piece of the AIDS virus was put into the nucleus. Are we certain that is wrong?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s right in principle, wrong in the literal sense. They swapped in some instructions from the HIV RNA so that the corona would be more like HIV.
It was very smartly done – it was DESIGNED IN – not just dropped in like a sheet of paper stuck into a book.
The corona virus KEY – the spikes that break into cells – didn’t fit so good. So they borrowed the KEY from HIV, which works better. But you can’t really just borrow the KEY – you have to borrow the INSTRUCTIONS for the key, and those were what was inserted into the RNA of ChiCom-19.
It’s like they added a new convincer in a chain letter. HIV had a better convincer, so they added new text into corona’s chain letter.

Rodney Short

How much did Soros pay them???


President Trump’s ChinaVirus Briefings have become his 2020 CAMPAIGN EVENTS.
• Most capable President and Administration in history LIVE EVERY DAY.
… when we haven’t had a PRODUCTIVE one since Eisenhower’s Interstate Highway System.
• Daily MOBILIZATION of Public-Private Partnerships
… on a nationwide scale NEVER IMAGINED.
• Daily ANNOUNCEMENTS of ACTIONS to Win the War on ChinaVirus
… our “UNSEEN ENEMY” that’s INFILTRATED America (like China’s Industry Spies)
… and SOLUTIONS to SUSTAIN displaced Workers and shuttered Businesses.
• Daily M$M IDIOCY in living technicolor
… with FAKE NEWS painting themselves the ENEMIES of ALL AMERICANS.
M$M celebrated the “end of Trump Rallies”
… with tens of thousands of mainly loyal Republicans in each audience.
NOW it’s ChinaVirus Briefings on EVERY MEDIA CHANNEL
… with MILLIONS of Moms & Kids, Workers-at-Home and Laid-Off-Workers watching from home
… sharing with the the Workers-on-the-Road when they return every evening.
WINNING in 2020 on the TRUMP TRAIN!


Great analysis. May I post elsewhere?


Absolutely and always!


I admire your clear writing – reflection of clear thinking.
Need a list, an article, a thread, a reference of some kind of the enormous effort President Trump has put forward to combat Wuhan Virus from Jan forward. Know of anything like that? I know he put a team in place early on…Time to battle social media and fight their growing narrative, the Hoax that President Trump has mishandled this Wuhan Virus crisis.
Dems are developing a strong narrative and it is false, a hoax, counter to the facts. Need to fight and control the truth and reality before they create to many believers in their newest hoax!
Know of any help? Time lines, events, etc.?


Simplest source would be the White House News site and subscribing to their “1600 Daily” updates.




Sheltered-In-Place rallies. 👍

Concerned Virginian

Spot on!


BONUS: This will EDUCATE and INFORM the Demo☭rats’ Millenial-and-Women base, who will rapidly shift to support President Trump’s reelection.

Deplorable Patriot

Uh…I may need to introduce you to some of my friends from high school. They’re going to be tough nuts to crack.


Wait for it … DoD will soon be converting empty hotels to nuthouses.


BKR !! ++++


Best part: They can’t help themselves!


worldmeters.info web site is completely down, gone
temporary attack?


weird – can’t get into the CA page any more
NY latests numbers:
Washington’s latest numbers

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know that the WordPress and Akismet censors hate that site.

Brave and Free
Concerned Virginian

63 positive cases as of today for the Wuhan Coronavirus.
This is up from 35 cases YESTERDAY.
Highest concentration of cases:
WAKE COUNTY (Raleigh) = 17
DURHAM COUNTY (next door to Raleigh) = 12

Concerned Virginian

Above information from NC is from http://www.ncdhhs.gov/

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good – we’re FINDING THEM ALL.

Concerned Virginian

It also appears that almost all the cases in WAKE County are in persons who attended the BIOGEN managers’ conference in BOSTON in late February.
The conference was 175 top BioGen managers from THROUGHOUT the world.
How many of the attendees were Chinese? Iranians? Italians? French?

Concerned Virginian

Sorry, that should be “was for 175 top BioGen managers…”


outbreaks around the nation from BioGen.
This has caught my attention!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ChiComs likely inserted a SPREADER.

Deplorable Patriot

Amazing how many cases are in areas with BIG universities. 🙄😜😎

Concerned Virginian

I would point out that the DURHAM COUNTY total of 12 cases is up from ONE CASE as of 3 days ago.

Concerned Virginian

As of today, there are 52 cases of the Wuhan Coronavirus.
Highest concentrations:
DC Swamp Drive Area;
Fairfax = 10
Arlington County = 10
Loudoun County = 5
Other places with concentrations::
James City County = 10
Virginia Beach = 4
The remaining cases are scattered throughout the Commonwealth, with 1 or 2 cases per county.
University of Virginia has closed down to all in-person classes through the end of this semester; online classes only. All athletic events, performances, etc., are cancelled.
Graduation Exercises in May are cancelled.
per http://www.whsv.com/

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, don’t laugh because we Catholics have patron saints for everything, but, um, it looks like there really is a St. Corona, she was a second century martyr and one of her specialties is a patroness against pandemics. I’m currently trying to verify this without laughing.
Little is known about St. Corona, but she and the man she prayed for, St. Victor, are listed in the Roman martyrology and the Hagiography of the Church. There is ambiguity surrounding the dates and locations of St. Victor’s and St. Corona’s martyrdom. Most sources say it was in Syria, which was under Roman rule. Some say Damascus; others, Antioch. Most agree they were put to death in the year 170 A.D. Most historians agree they died during the reign of Marcus Aurelius and that they were put to death by order of a Roman judge named Sebastian.
The story (legend) tells the tale of a Roman soldier named Victor. The Romans discovered that Victor was a Christian. The soldiers brought Victor before a judge, named Sebastian, who despised Christians. He decided to make an example out of Victor. He was bound to a pillar and summarily whipped until his skin was hanging from his body, and then Sebastian had his eyes gouged out. Through it all, Victor never denied Christ.
Nearby was a 16-year-old girl name Corona. She was the wife of one of the soldiers, and she was also a Christian. (Corona’s husband did not know his wife was a Christian). As Victor was being brutalized, Corona decided she needed to help the slowly dying man. She chose to announce her Christianity to all present and hurried over to where they were torturing Victor. She knelt and began to pray for him, letting him know she was there for him. It did not take very long for the soldiers to bring her too before Sebastian.
[gruesome death details here]
The remains in the basilica have been there since the 9th century.
In 1943 and again in 1981, they were examined, and the bones are from both a male and female. In the 1981 examination, they discovered cedar pollen, which was a typical plant from the Mediterranean basin during the time in question. Archeologists confirm that this pollen would have been present in Syria and Cyprus.
St. Victor and St. Corona are pre-congregation saints meaning that they were recognized as saints prior to Church canonization processes being standardized. (The first saint canonized by a pope was Ulrich, the bishop of Augsburg, who died in 973. He was canonized by Pope John XV at the Lateran Council of 993. Canonization became the general law of the church under Pope Gregory IX (1227-41)).
St. Corona’s feast day, along with St. Victor’s, is May 14. We ask both of them to pray for us all that this pandemic subsides.
* Several readers have asked us about St. Corona being a patron saint to invoke against epidemics. This can be verified in various German-language sources, as this particular aspect of devotion to her is most common in Austria and Bavaria.

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like St. Roch may actually be the patron to invoke against epidemics. Of course, he’s also the patron saint of dogs.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Prognosticasaurus has argued well enough to convince me that we’re going to see a big jump in “diagnosed cases” simply because we’re testing more people we wouldn’t otherwise suspect of having the ChiCom Virus, and we’d see that jump whether or not the number of people who have it is actually increasing. (Diagnosis requires both having it and having someone test for it; if no one tests, it doesn’t matter how many have it; few will be diagnosed with it.)
But I think that argument is tougher to make when measuring deaths in hospitals, particularly deaths this month, because people seriously ill and in the hospital with ChiCom Virus-like symptoms have almost certainly been getting tested, and *won’t* be mistaken for “the flu.” We do have two clusters from nursing homes, if I’m not mistaken, but those will eventually be reduced to noise.
That being said, the last graph of fatalities does seem to show an exponential curve. If this has been here killing people for months, that’s hard to explain; we should be seeing a fairly constant number of deaths from ChiCom Virus…and we’re not.


It’s complicated for sure. There was no testing of patients that already tested positive for another virus (Flu A|B). Deaths would be reported as Flu A or B, even if Covid was also the actual reason they failed to recover.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A good point I hadn’t considered, thanks.


Just passing on something I read elsewhere. 🙂
The reports from WA state and Wuhan about scientists that DID start tracking this being shut down is beyond suspicious.


I’m hoping the new tests are minimally offer a ‘COVID-19 specific’ identifier
that way ,at least when I ”volunteer’ my dna to the machines database
maybe the # it will also be added on a world-wide class action suit (debt) the Chicoms will forever owe ..
Seems Autopsies and medical procedures would become more hazardous also
Nazi’s own the extermination by chamber label
Chicoms can own the extermination by bio-chemical label


If Schumer deletes a tweet is that the same as admitting he is wrong….an apology?
If not why not? Has anyone asked him?
Pointing out the obvious doesn’t seem to hurt as they tell me Hillary would have handled this better and that we didn’t have this situation with ebola: Anyone of these leftists would have left our country open to hordes of virus carrying chinese and Iranians. This virus masqueraded as the flu in the beginning, unlike Ebola. It can be carried and transmitted long before anyone knows it is there, and it did not come from a country largely too poor for “immigration “. Doctors were there and had identified it well before it came here.
The hypocrites on the left and their dismal track record compared to the Presiden’s might make a really good campaign ad.


TN up to 98 cases….still mostly centered around Nashville


Devra Davis is a scientist of international renown, especially in the arena of air quality and public health.comment image
How Pollution Aggravates the Impact of Coronavirus
The experiences in China, Iran and Italy show that investing in healthy living environments will prevent future loss of lives and lifestyles.
By Devra Davis, Contributor March 16, 2020, at 2:22 p.m.
https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2020-03-16/commentary-pollution-in-italy-china-and-iran-worsens-the-coronavirus-impactcomment image
Also, from Devra…

Clean Air & Water Policies May Help Protect People
I wanted to share with you my latest oped indicating that a relatively cleaner environment may well contribute to what appears to be a less lethal but still serious burden of COVID-19 in some nations thus far.
Having spent some time hunkered indoors in China where my husband and I have been Visiting Profs at Sichuan University, we have seen modest improvements in their ambient air quality, which has gone from typically horrid to occasionally tolerable.
From colleagues in Iran, we have heard that ambient air conditions there are worse than in China.
In addition to having some of the greatest concentrations of human beings on the planet, a number of other important environmental co-factors could explain why the disease seems more deadly in some locales.
Here are a some additional details that to add further context to the op-ed:
1) Tobacco smoking rates in Iran and Hebei, China are among the worst in the world. Numbers are telling: According to The Lancet, in 2015 while one in 10 men globally are Chinese, they smoke a third of all cigarettes in the world. If smoking patterns do not change — Professors Zhengming Chen and Richard Peto warn — China is on target to have more than 2 million lung cancer deaths within the next decade.
2) Air Pollution in Hebei: Real-Time Air Quality Index Visual Map shows that even with the reduced rate of production now, the center of steel-making Hebei regularly produces stifling levels of air pollution. It is notable that Chinese standards for declaring levels unhealthy or dangerous are much higher than standards in other nations.
3) Not only is factory production in China taking place under conditions that would never be accepted in most nations, especially in wintertime, air in both these areas regularly can contain levels of ultrafine particulate air pollution from straw and garbage burning, coal-burning, and diesel engine byproducts of incomplete combustion that would be illegal in most developed regions.
These citations do not at all mean that we are off the hook in the United States, but the lethality of COVID-19 could be lessened, especially if this nation comes together and takes very seriously the need for social distancing. If anything, the correlations strengthen the case for the U.S. keeping up its relatively effective environmental protections.
As economists would note, there are major co-benefits from policies that reduce pollution. Among the co-benefits of the shutdowns necessitated by coronavirus restrictions will turn out to be major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
Wireless radiation is one of the many types of environmental pollution that can damage the immune system. The rollout of 5G is increasing our daily exposure to wireless microwave radiation from the new 5G/4G network antennas. Wireless microwave radiation increases the chances that cells will lose their capacity to repair damage that occurs everyday as a result of the normal processes of oxidation by increasing oxidative stress. Research has found continued oxidative stress can lead to chronic inflammation.
Scientist Nesrin Seyhan and her colleagues from Gazi University have shown that wireless radiation can damage tissues in the lung, heart, and liver. People with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease and cancer) are more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with any virus, including COVID-19. A large body of research indicates the 5G/4G network could contribute to a myriad of health problems.
Thus, it is more important than ever to halt 5G and to reduce our daily wireless exposure.


I have looked several times for the specific video where POTUS was warning about 5G….I have yet to find the one I’m looking for


He wasn’t warning about 60GHz frequency (resonant with the oxygen in your body) or even 2.4GHz (resonant with the water in your body).
He was warning about the CHYNA spy capabilities built into the specific devices built by them.


Yes that’s the one!! Said we didn’t want it would be better when 6G came out. I remember it was during the timeframe of all the Huawei uproar

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

According to a study quoted on FoxNews, people with Type A blood are significantly more susceptible than others.
I don’t know if that will pan out or whether it’s fake science, but if it does, we could call it the Type A Virus, and tell the Chinese it’s spelled Taipei, so they’d get off our cases already.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting that Akismet hates Taiwan News – and I suspect that China may have something to do with that. Possible that the “spam” database is overloaded intentionally with bad reports.


“Taipei ”
LOL !!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m glad SOMEONE got it…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I expected at least one or two groans.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kept mine to myself. Third pass on a groaner may be a laugh! 😀


I don’t see a large disparity in the disease per blood type.
“Of the 3,694 people in Wuhan without COVID-19, 32.16 percent were A type, 24.90 percent B, 9.10 percent AB, and 33.84 percent O.
However, in the 1,775 COVID-19 patients at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, the spread was 37.75 percent for type A, 26.42 percent B, 10.03 percent for AB and 25.80 percent O.
In Shenzhen, 28.77 percent of healthy participants were A; 25.14 percent B, 7.32 percent AB, and 38.77 percent O.
Of the 285 Shenzhen patients with the disease, 28.77 percent were A, 29.12 percent B, 13.68 percent AB, and 28.42 percent O.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I see a slight uptick for A, a bigger uptick for B, and a decrease for O. Whether it’s significant or not I leave to the professional statisticians.


You are better at math than anyone around – so I believe you.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or I could be misreading it.


Thought so..
The state totally blew the handling of the care home
Sick staff fueled outbreak in Seattle-area care centers, CDC says


From the article:
“At least 30 coronavirus deaths have been linked to Life Care Center in Kirkland. A report Wednesday from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided the most detailed account to date of what drove the outbreak.
…About 57% of the patients at the nursing home were hospitalized after getting infected. Of those, more than 1 in 4 died. No staff members died.”
Washington currently has had 55 deaths/89 recoveries, 1014 total cases


When you run virus patients around the town in 3 different ambulances with 3 different crews to 3 different hospitals, of course it is going to spread

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sick staff makes loads of sense.
I know that probably came out of lib world, but it’s smart!


When I first read the story of the first death, I’m like why did they transport? Care facility braaged on their staffing and medical equipment available for any type of emergency.
Over 20 were quarantined, but from news I think they said that it was the EMT, Fire people and those guys, nothing about quarantining staff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They probably had ONE spreader there who worked with all the patients, or with all the staff, and gave it to the frontline staff repeatedly.
ChiComs realized this – that they had something which CREATED Typhoid Marys.


It is so sad, mostly because I do believe that probably some of the deaths could have been prevented if better procedures had been followed
Would have to dig, but even though the very first Washington virus death was not living at the home, it seems that they were connected to the home. it was a guy in 40s or 50s with other major health problems.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was almost a spreader. Had I felt that I “had” to show up in that nursing home, I would have spread it. Overworked staff often start ignoring small complaints like a sore throat.


We have a worker that is out at least one to two days a week…not kidding. Been going on for at least 5 years now
On the 5th she calls me cause we have meetings. She sounds really sick, coughs a few times in phone, then says she is really really sick with temp. Hey I know this is her MO, but why was she allowed back to work without some type of testing…


Beer at the parade lives in area of this nursing facility. Mentioned a conversation with a local nurse that had her mother at the place. One day mom is fine. Next day gets call that she died. Talk about suspicious.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will tell you – 90+ folks can go down like a ROCKET in just one day.


This site is back up. This is tracking every Known case in every state.


Thank you—-While I am thinking about it guys
Remember your local./regional Mom & Pop type places. If you can support them instead of the big people do so.
Get take out from them, get your meds from them and etc.
It is the Mom & Pop type people that will really get screwed in this mess.


Local corporation – not only must they work from but the office buildings are off limits…been told to come get any stuff you want now. Little odd. No one permitted back into the buildings after business close today.


Is that in Nashville Mom? I noticed there is a higher concentration of cases in Davidson Co….just trying to figure if there is a connection. That is weird….maybe gonna decontaminate?


yep in nash.
And yes, it is spreading fast in Nash, more so than in Williamson and both began with patient “zeros” about the same time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I made sure and took plenty of Vitamin C and drank lots of Gatorade when I got the low back pain. That was around the time shortness of breath appeared, too.


I assume it’s pain in the kidney?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure – could have been, or something else. I just treated as normally do (Gatorade & strong hydration) and it went away, which means it probably WAS kidney, but likely just a dehydration byproduct, not some other damage. No other kidney symptoms.


Makes sense. Hydrate!
Maybe VSG was right when he said the virus would ‘wash away’


side note
Kidney failure and loss of bladder control are two things that commonly happen when death is near. As the body shuts down, the vital organs like the kidneys start to lose their function. The person may not even know it’s happening and will almost never have any control over it even if they are aware.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good to know!!! Thanks!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ziiggii Found The Smoking Gun


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Now China is saying they will have a vaccine in April.
Sorry I think I will take my chances,

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I wouldn’t touch a ChiCom vaccine for all the money in the world.


Neither would I like I said above

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China HAD this vaccine already. Lying P.O.S. murderers.


What’s odd or not is that I’m on a deals site and they had SOOOOOO many trips to china in 2020 for less than $300. I’m starting to think they wanted this to spread more and faster as well.


Not sure I want a vaccine from them LOL


Random thought…why is it called Covid-19, why not Covid-20 since most of the havoc being caused is in 2020? Because of the origin in ’19?


Adding to this… has there been ANY confirmed video from Wuhan china? Is there anyone alive still in the city or did the CCP let everyone die?


I have wondered many times if ANY of those videos were real. I said then, and I say now it was not normal for those videos to “escape” just in time to ramp up the narrative. It also was not believable that people were “filming” as people were dragged from their homes and cars….in Chyyyyna?? Really? They just put their phone in their pocket and walk away after filming from a few feet away. I need suspicious 🐱 right here


I fully agree. What about the one where people were going into homes and finding people dead. You didn’t smell it and all those people filming. I trust nothing out of China!!! nothing!!!


Where’s the videos of Wuhan back to normal, almost back to normal, businesses operating, manufacturing…?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Beautiful counter to the Chinese Disinformation.


Yup. You see nothing. This for me is telling. Or people talking about things being open now. Nothing. I think there’s no one there anymore….

Sadie Slays

Because the cabal attaches the numbers one and nine to all of their major false flags: 9/11, Route 91 festival, COVID-19.
Bonus: An AR-15 is always present in their false flag shootings because AR = 19 (A=1, R=18) and 15 is an occult number.


Well that’s very interesting Sadie!! Thank you very much!!


Damn I have been around since the 50s–had a few friends get or that had survived polio when I was in elementary school. Do you all realize the all the diseases that America has gone through without shutting down,
The Most Dangerous Epidemics in U.S. History
A look back


For many of the epidemics listed in the above article, the US *did* shut down – esp. regionally where the outbreaks were. Remember that we didn’t have travel what way we do now. Regionally, we did shut down including gov fleeing the cities. Read about the fed gov fleeing philly in the 1780s, yellow fever, typhoid etc.
We shut down Hugely for Spanish flu – cancelations and “social distancing”, etc.
Polio – big shut downs and social distancing for that too. Remember the pools being closed, etc.?
Yes, we have experienced this before. More travel now (see BioGen conference and how it helped spread the Wuhan virus across the US quickly) and work styles have changed so it seems different. But not unique and not a first – just the biggest and most encompassing.


Regionally but not the shut down and not the media hype


I was at my doctor’s office (it’s routine).
The Doc and his nurses as SO sick of coronavirus.
-They all said its the young ones freaking out not the older people,
-Most people who die from it again had underlying health issues.
-Because the media is putting people into a panic and going shopping you have a greater chance of getting it in the grocery store. Since well the grocery store is the place to be.
-All elective surgeries have been called off.
-They fear it will not be over until August.
-But said its not so bad as the MSM make it out to be.
So Mom wanted to see a store. She said “I’ve got to see this. I know you’ve shown me pics but I’ve got to see this with my own two eyes.” So I take her to Aldi. She just shakes her head. She remarks this is just like during WWII (someone else said welcome to socialism.)
The bright side is we got TP!!!

What’s funny is I got a roll and kind of dropped it and people are like “careful that’s valuable stuff’. LOL


Elective surgeries are being called off so that hospitals have more bed space that they are projected to need and so they can use the breathing machines used while one is under anesthesia, after some conversion, to help the Wuhan flu patients with complications breath.
34 Million diabetics in the US (10% of US) – that is 1 of the underlying medical conditions
100 Million in US have high blood pressure – that is an underling medical condition
1 million HIV – underlying medical condition
auto immune diseases, obesity, old age, etc.
Point is Many have underlying health conditions to the point that they are common v. uncommon/rare/dismissible.
Problem for those who are young and have no underlying medical issues? Those that do will overwhelm the hospitals if we have too many cases of Wuhan flu at once due to complications. Then we will see untreated dying and all of the regular medical needs begin to be unmeet or undermeet – such as cancer patients, heart attacks, car accidents, etc.
This is serious not because of where we are now but because of where we appear to be heading in a matter of weeks. Hence the drastic actions not to avoid disaster in a matter of weeks.


I fully understand the Elective surgeries are being called off. Sucks for the person who needs a new knee and can’t get one now.
Just the media pushing this is not helping matters at all.


I remember not so many years ago the parameters were quite different in what was considered a diagnosis of HTN or DM. The “normal” numbers kept being adjusted downward to increase the number of people being diagnosed.


soaring over 300 cases in Florida as of within an hour ago…
more here…link…
13 here in Collier Co.now.


Governor DeSantis has a lot of good information on his twitter feed:

FL Dept. of Health Coronavirus Toolkit – lots of questions answered: https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/resources/#toolkitJump

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good – this is smart – very smart.

Sadie Slays

Ground Report from a trip to the local supermarket: The store was surprisingly uncrowded. I saw the “social distancing” meme in the wild; people were standing noticeably far from each other in lines and while having conversations.
Stocked: Fully stocked produce and dairy. Meat is available, but picked over (no bare shelves). Peanut butter, nuts, granola, and oatmeal are stocked, which surprised me. Those are healthy non-perishable snacks to have around.
Completely gone: Cooking oil, dish soap, rice, and the usual toilet paper, canned goods, cleaning supplies.
Traffic on the way there was extremely light. I’m talking “Christmas Day” and “Thanksgiving Day” levels of light. Businesses that I saw open on Monday are now closed. Life generally looks less normal than it did when I went out on Monday.


It would be interesting to know if the people who have past away in the USA had gotten the flu shot…high risk and what not.


Yes, I think that would be very interesting to know.

Sadie Slays

No wonder China signed the trade deal in January. They knew what was planned. They knew there’s no way they’d get a better deal after all this economic destruction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And POTUS knows this better than anybody. The question is now what moves they were making in the months preceding January. Was there any sign they were CONSCIOUS of an outbreak after the deal was signed? I’m betting there were.

Sadie Slays

Since yesterday, the President has used only the terms “Chinese Virus” or “hidden enemy” to refer to the pandemic.


Notice what’s trending on twitter
I’m sure being pushed by you know who

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

None of that stuff on Gab.

Sadie Slays

Local news reports that several new cases of WuFlu in the area all came from one single church. This particular church is hardcore into social justice stuff and has questionable cabal symbols on their social media. To be blunt, this is exactly the type of place I’d expect to participate in a Democrat false flag. Needless to say, I’m extreme suspicious of this news.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great catch!!!


do we have a thread or know of a web site or a thread on another website listing/tracking all the gov/Trump admin has and is doing to battle the Wuhan Virus?
The threat of the virus is real and we must deal with that.
But Just like President Trump said in Feb – the Dems/media are trying hard to turn their own narrative of fake news about the Trump admin response into the “truth” and are creating a hoax of fake news and lies regarding his handling of the situation.
We Must battle the fake news – both that the virus is no big deal and the opposite, that it is a disaster…of President Trump’s making.
I know they have rattled off action after action in the press conferences. Has anyone kept a list? A thread or references? Need it now to do social media battle!

Sadie Slays

I’ve been thinking a lot about the 2017-2018 severe flu season that started in October 2017 (that timing!). I had family members who were hit very hard by that flu. The only family affected were ones that got the flu shot that year. In hindsight with this WuFlu crap and the suspicious timing (October 2017–Las Vegas and Q), I’ve seriously started to wonder if that “severe flu season” was a biologic attack rather than the mere flu. Did they screw with the vaccines? Was it something other than the flu?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Answer is YES, and it’s easier than you think. No need to mess with the vaccines – just MAKE THEM FAIL by spreading the variants it does not cover. SABOTAGE the flu season. I now think the ChiComs may actually be that evil.
Also, there would have been piggybacking on Domestic Dem Distraction.
Just like DEMPEACHMENT was used to hide the Corona build-up, DEMSHOOTEMUP may have been used to hide an ENGINEERED flu epidemic using NATURAL STRAINS that were outside the US vaccine predictions. Note that THIS would have given the ChiComs PRACTICE for spreading ChiCom-19.

Sadie Slays

Yeah. I think you nailed it. The only thing I must add is that I had a family member literally fall ill while participating in the Women’s March that year (I know, I know). Fever and fatigue out of nowhere despite being symptom-free before leaving the house. Legit wondering now if they were spreading something in the large crowd.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. What was the date and place of the march – Washington after the inauguration? Is that the one?

Sadie Slays

Yes, the big Washington DC Women’s March. January 20, 2018. I wonder if they were deliberately spreading something in the crowd or targeting individuals based on demographics (especially older people). It’s just too weird that a rapid onset of flu symptoms happened in such a high-profile crowd.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah – so this was a YEAR IN – a year after the Trump inauguration. The pussy hat protest was right after the inauguration, and this would have been a year later.
Did she stay in a hotel? If so, then I would suspect a CRUISE SHIP VIRUS – more like a norovirus or a rotovirus. THAT is fast-acting. BUT it sounds like the symptoms are more like flu.
I don’t know. I just have to ponder this one. I wouldn’t think the ChiComs would target leftists, although TESTING would be better hidden there.

Sadie Slays

It was an older white man who got sick–a perfect target to a “down with the patriarchy” ANTIFA type tasked with spreading disease. No recent travel, cruises, hotels, or anything out of the ordinary. Leaves the house to go to the Women’s March feeling perfectly fine, and then has rapid onset symptoms. Just something I’m keeping in mind when I hear theories about deliberate spread of WuFlu.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d be interested to know the timeline – down to the hour.
If he got sick THERE, AND was struck there (which is the big IF to be proven), then I’m thinking CHEMICAL, unless there was time and opportunity for food poisoning. Even a norovirus most likely takes 12 hours. Food poisoning can strike very quickly, like chemical.
Most things that are like influenza are simply not fast enough, except the noroviruses and rotaviruses, and they’re still not fast enough to hit him RIGHT THERE.
If the ChiComs experimented with off-vaccine influenza as a weapon, they likely found that it was not sufficiently lethal, even in the best age groups, because we have so much experience treating it. This is why SARS would be of such interest. In general, animal diseases capable of catastrophic cross-over are where they would want to look. All of which fits ChiCom-19.

Sadie Slays

Okay, I confess…
It was my dad who got sick.
It’s really embarassing admitting that your father attended the Women’s March, but it’s important context that I feel bad omitting. To me, he was the world’s best father, but we were polar opposites on the political spectrum. I tried to red-pill him about the Women’s March, but he dismissed it as “fake news.”
Otherwise, I gave you all the details I know. I wish I could ask for more information but he passed away unexpectedly months later in 2018. Long before the current pandemic started, I was convinced that damn 2018 “flu” weakened him permanently and eventually led to his death. And that’s before getting into paranoia that he was targeted in general because of my personal activities and politics, which is guilt that I’ve struggled mightily with ever since. Watching this whole pandemic unfold has really made re-consider what happened in January 2018, although I doubt I’ll ever get an answer.
Anyways, thank you for talking this out. I never considered the chemical angle until tonight.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

First, before even reading, don’t feel bad hiding some details. This is not a game. Maintaining some hidden here is a good thing. I just want everybody here to know that – please feel free ALWAYS to withhold what you feel is needed to keep you safe or make you feel right. There is always forgiveness for what people post here.
Part of the reason I’m wise on chemical goes back to Legionnaire’s disease, which was initially thought to be the result of a compound called nickel carbonyl. And then of course there was the Russian use of polonium, as well as Skripal and nerve gas. But those don’t even begin to get into the Gottlieb pharmacy.
You may remember that my theory on Skripal is that they were not trying to kill him – they were supposed to low-dose him, but accidentally hit him too hard. This fits in with my general theory that all of the spy agencies are now into “undetectable or bust” on most ops.
Any chance that your father was a spy, an ex-spy, an informant, or an asset of a spy agency or the military? You may never know the answer to that, but consider the fact that if there WAS anything nefarious, it was more likely NOT because of you, and MUCH more likely because of him. I think you would be wise to forgive yourself there.
Those are the risks of the game. Those who stand up in any way – even going to a lib march in a lib town – take risks.
I’m sorry about your father. We love our parents, no matter what. Part of the healing there is to remember that there are far worse things in this world than being a [liberal / conservative / whatever you’re not].
I’ll tell you about my father someday – the good, the bad, the ugly. I still love and admire him very much (he’s gone), but I learned as much from his errors as from what he did right. I made sure not to repeat some of his biggest errors. You’ll understand.

Sadie Slays

Thank you for this. You gave me a good lead on something I hadn’t considered until now and that helps me out a lot. I’m glad I mentioned it here. I’m sorry for your loss, too.


QUESTION – Are our FLU Vaccines made in China too???
I read that this year’s Flu Vaccine left off Flu B.
Also – here’s a published article that says…
“Study of flu vaccine and its effect on incidence of viral respiratory illness.”
Vaccine. 2020 Jan 10;38(2):350-354. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.10.005. Epub 2019 Oct 10.
Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference. Test-negative study designs are often utilized to calculate influenza vaccine effectiveness. The virus interference phenomenon goes against the basic assumption of the test-negative vaccine effectiveness study that vaccination does not change the risk of infection with other respiratory illness, thus potentially biasing vaccine effectiveness results in the positive direction. This study aimed to investigate virus interference by comparing respiratory virus status among Department of Defense personnel based on their influenza vaccination status. Furthermore, individual respiratory viruses and their association with influenza vaccination were examined.
We compared vaccination status of 2880 people with non-influenza respiratory viruses to 3240 people with pan-negative results. Comparing vaccinated to non-vaccinated patients, the adjusted odds ratio for non-flu viruses was 0.97 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.86, 1.09; p = 0.60). Additionally, the vaccination status of 3349 cases of influenza were compared to three different control groups: all controls (N = 6120), non-influenza positive controls (N = 2880), and pan-negative controls (N = 3240). The adjusted ORs for the comparisons among the three control groups did not vary much (range: 0.46-0.51).
Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season.
Receipt of influenza vaccination was not associated with virus interference among our population. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.”

Sadie Slays

Why am I not surprised?


That was only one study – and one study doesn’t hack it in science….however it was a pretty good study – using a large group of Dept. of Defense personnel.


And think of all the jobs that demand you have it to be able to work. So many!!


The Home Depot’s Store Hours have changed as well.
We want you to know that we are temporarily adjusting our store hours to close at 6 p.m., beginning Thursday, March 19. Our opening hours will remain unchanged.
We’re keeping our stores open during these uncertain times to give businesses and homeowners access to urgently needed items such as hot water heaters, refrigerators, batteries, as well as electrical and plumbing repair needs.
The adjusted hours will give us the ability to restock and perform additional cleaning and sanitizing of our stores.
If you’ve been in our stores recently, you may notice that we’ve experienced increased demand for certain items like face masks, hand sanitizers, and cleaning supplies. Understandably, manufacturers have prioritized some of these items for health care providers. Our merchants and supply chain teams are working to replenish available product as quickly as possible, but you may see purchase limits on some items and availability may vary at times.
We’re grateful to our thousands of associates and suppliers who are working diligently to provide our customers and communities with essential products and the best shopping experience possible. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to continue to serve you.
Our thoughts are with anyone who has been impacted by COVID-19. We are staying in close contact with the CDC and will continue to make sure that our business practices are consistent with the most up-to-date information. To learn more about what we’re doing to prepare and respond to COVID-19, you can visit our company newsroom at corporate.homedepot.com.
The Home Depot


And Auto plants across country shutting down at UAW request


AMC and marcus theatres have all closed…. darn (?)
As you likely know, AMC was ever so disappointed for our moviegoers and employee teams to have to announce the temporary closure of all our theatres nationwide in accordance with local, state and federal guidelines regarding the coronavirus pandemic. We expect this situation could unfortunately last for at least 6‑12 weeks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m seeing lots of very smart behavior from the top.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did Rep. Diaz-Balart or a staffer talk to Chinese media? The ChiComs like to insert a “different face”, so it’s possible they used a Chinese spreader to infect a younger non-Chinese person like an AIDE who would be asymptomatic. Again, the virus is almost perfectly constructed as an age-differentiated weapon, so it can be hopped from a spreader to a contact to the target.comment image
Now REMEMBER – the CHICOMS will try to make non-ChiCom Chinese a HERD OF VICTIMS to cry racism. This is why I always say CCP and ChiComs when I can zero in harder on them without error. But sometimes we say CHINESE because we’re talking about the country of origin, and it’s not as accurate to say CHINESE COMMUNIST.


Diaz-Balart is a Republican.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s why I smell targeting.


Wolf look at this. We were asking why and we get this BS answer.
Sick staff fueled outbreak in Seattle-area care centers
Staff members who worked while sick at multiple long-term care facilities contributed to the spread of COVID-19 among vulnerable elderly in the Seattle area, federal health officials said Wednesday.
Wait wait wait Staff members. As in more than ONE staff member. Why are those people working there and how did they get it?!?!?


I’d like to know the citizenship status of those staff members – and where they worked – patient care, kitchen, cleaning?


Also – IF they are illegals – are they Asian and/or Chinese?
And – Where did the staff get the Virus

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – very interesting. This FITS a theory I have. More coming…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not just a simple math error, but it IS a simple error – the one I’ve been talking about since the beginning – the “bad denominator problem”.
It’s been corrected now, but yeah – the WHO guy gave a bad number.
The number itself is a bit of a lie. Ultimately, to judge this virus, one has to look very closely at data and compare it to what we have for flu – AT ALL AGES.


Plus many have been pointing out we are too focused on the numbers. And a lot of times we are getting false numbers.
Plus drop the numbers from Iran and China because we can’t trust those.
But the WHO guy yikes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China puppets are a huge problem. They will have to be cleaned out of a lot of places. They typically have a NON-CHINESE FACE.


FBN Liz Claiman
China’s exports to America
95% Ibuprofen
91% Hydrocortisone
70% Acetaminophen
40-45% of US imports of Penicillin
40% Heparin
80% Antibiotics


That is shocking and scary!!! Needs to be made in the USA ASAP!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All of this can be made here easily. Stainless steel reactors, the works. MADE IN THE USA.
Ibuprofen is easy. We can ramp that up in a week.
Microbrewery equipment is pretty much the same as fermentation tanks for everything else.


Yup Made in America!!!!


The only reason it’s not is because of China subsidies and dumping!
Only reason.

Concerned Virginian

Well —
Just called WRAL in Raleigh and lit a fire under one of their top reporters on the situation in the Raleigh-Durham situation regarding the Wuhan Coronavirus (son lives in Durham, he’s a doctor).
Raleigh confirmed cases just shot up to 22, from 17 a few hours ago.
Durham confirmed cases rocketed from ONE case 3 days ago, to TWELVE cases today.
(per http://www.wral.com/ and NCHHS stats)
There supposedly is a “State of Emergency” declaration in these counties, but apparently people are acting like the situation is a big nothing.
Admittedly, I have a “dog in the fight” as my son lives in the area. He’s the one who told me a couple of days ago about the agreement he had to sign from his hospital, that requires all doctors there to be available to work at any day or time and in all medical areas of the hospital, even if it’s out of the doctor’s area of practice.
After I pointed out to the reporter that the current “don’t need to do much” of the local boards of commissioners and the local health departments made everybody down there “sitting ducks”, including the reporter, she began to listen closely…I then made the point that while nobody is looking for a complete shutdown, the “flip side” of doing nothing to slow the spread of cases is just as bad.


The US and the WORLD need a new kind of ‘Most Favored Nation’ status!
BASED ON These Criteria:
– Good Health and Sanitation Practices – no exporting diseases.
– Good Pollution Practices – no pollution of Land, Air and Rivers, Ocean practices.
– Good Neighbor Practices – no aggression against neighboring nations and no violation international treaties.
– Good Humanitarian Practices – no genocide, no ill treatment of minorities, freedoms and rights respected.
– Good Citizenship Practices – no stealing other nations’ patented technology and no counterfeiting goods.
– Good Standards of Products – no selling sub-grade or toxic products.
START OVER – Make them earn their MFN Status before granting it!


ADDENDUM – No sending illegals to other nations to bolster your economy!


OK Had to share


White House:
Be wary of anyone selling products that claim to prevent, treat, or cure COVID-19.
The @US_FDA and @FTC have issued warning letters to 7 companies for selling fraudulent COVID-19 products—including teas, essential oils, tinctures, and colloidal silver.


Nice of them to just issue warning letters and not just shut down the companies as we’ve seen in the past. Don’t they have something better to do than threaten small companies that believe they can relieve the suffering of Americans?


🚨 Be wary of anyone selling products that identify as “Made in China”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Twitter is hitting me VERY HARD with people I don’t normally see, trying to sell the idea that Trump is hurting the economy, all a hoax, Fauci is off his rocker, etc. These are valid opinions (which I do not share at all), and I see them organically, but Twitter is dumping them on me VERY HARD, so it is definitely a CABAL position now.
Twitter is VERY MUCH using their old algos. Anybody else seeing this?


Wolf, my post (below this) somehow is displaying the PDF and not the Video I meant to post. Maybe you can edit a better fix?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



FB is censoring a whole whole lot of people
If you go to https://shadowban.eu/ and type in you tweeter @ addie you can find out if tweeter is screwing with you and what they doing to you

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I come through ALL GREEN.
And yet, I *am* being heavily shadowbanned. How is this possible?
There are several answers, which together reveal the functionality of Twitter’s NEWER and MORE SOPHISTICATED shadowbanning tools.
MORE LATER. But until then, I want people to think about the problem. In particular, TRUMP admin people who come through ALL GREEN, and who ARE reaching people, but also feel like they are being LIMITED, are probably right, and the SAME TECHNOLOGY is likely being used on them.


I thought it was just me but there are like 15 or more people on FB getting things like cooking recipes censored …DM coming Wolf.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Make sure and get on Gab Chat – chat.gab.com – that way Twitter can’t read your mail and give it to Facebook.


I have both …..trying to still fight the fight LOLe

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

what’s your gab handle? I’ll make sure to contact you on chat.


I love my kin LOL


This doctor has previous experience treating both SARS and MERS.
Has been treating suspected Covid cases at his offices in WA state.
Everything he covers cites published medical research.
His practice specializes in helping patients that standard of care could not help.

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD has posted a Youtube video that outlines his personal protocol for dealing with the Corona Virus. The protocol is based on his personal experience with previous Coronas and is science based (references provided). Vit C is at the top of the list and then specific herbs. Personal hygiene is important and social isolation is recommended.
Presentation slides



As an add-on to what T3 posted, here is a quick video on why chloroquine is an effective way to treat covid-19

and Gregory Rigano briefly appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show tonight where he discussed how promising this treatment was. Here is his twitter account

Sounds like a near term end to this is possible.


Thank you! I though this was great. It is very loving and thoughtful of you to share it with us.

Valerie Curren

“Of the deaths in Washington, 6 occurred in the same hospital
(Evergreen hospital in Kirkland). Kirkland has prided itself as being one of the first towns in the US wired for 5G. Evergreen
hospital has according to our own measurements the highest levels of WiFi exposure ever measured in a hospital.”
This tidbit stood out to me from the slides you shared. Thanks for that excellent & comprehensive info!


Yes, and while it is not a commonly proposed issue, there have been rumors of population wide dissemination of some “agent” (whether by vaccination, GMOs or airborne particle) that would potentiate the “effects” of something coming from the 5G installations. IF that is true, one could wonder, would it make people less calm, less rational, less willing to love their neighbor, less able to create, love, pray, trust, believe?
My own observations lead me to believe that ALL wireless (and even dirty electricity fed into your home wiring from solar panels or other sources) are central nervous system irritants which do modify behavior.
Also, of note is Dr. Devra Davis’ recent commentary that wireless is an immune system suppressant that leads to chronic inflammation in the body.

Valerie Curren

Interesting. Also China & Huawei were very big on 5G worldwide, I believe, which is a concerning “coincidence”…

Sadie Slays

I wonder how Q’s “these people are sick” relates to all of this. I did a brief scan and most of the “these people are sick” crumbs are about false flags or pedophilia. Nothing immediately jumps out. Just something to keep in mind as the news unfolds.comment image




History of Pandemics
by u/FillsYourNiche in charts

comment image
Need the jpg larger so you can see where the coronavirus lands in importance – way at the bottom


Funny, the numbers on China Corona Virus aren’t even done being counted.
What’s their point?


Perhaps, it does not measure up in intensity to others in the past by comparison – no way to tell for sure – if the reporting is skewed – we may never know the impact – odd that China appears to be at the end of their crisis (closing hospitals) while others are just beginning – how did that happen – was this a true pandemic – or was this an attack on the world by an economically failing state? Just speculating here, T3.
The chart could be a projection – something to stop the panic – dunno T3.


We can not base Any actions based on the current totals or assess it based on current totals because it is Not over yet. We have no idea what the final numbers will be. The way to think of it is that this one is a Big Deal because of its potential and projections.
Think about this… the chart says 4,700 deaths and just since this chart was made the death total has ~9,000. We are Almost double Just since the graph was made. Think about how fast the death total Doubled! We will quickly pass the Ebola and then keep going. It is projected to be as big as the biggest plagues IF we don’t take immediate and Strong actions.
Would be interesting and might help get people’s attention if the graphic artist inserted the projections of dead from the Wuhan Flu.
The Story is the Potential that we Hope and Pray we Never see the Potential.
The HUGE story is if this pandemic does Not become huge and have High numbers then President Trump will have been Very successful! Having low numbers will not prove President Trump wrong – it will prove him to be a great leader and a success.


Believe this to be a predictive comparison for positivity, Mom – imho


Did anyone notice during the press briefing today?
Trump said “tip-top” 😉


. . . could’ve said tippy-top.


Need advice from the Green Tea Experts. I want to make a gallon of green tea. If I put a gallon of water on simmer how many green tea bags should I add for optimum health benefit without being too strong. Also, I am using generic green tea. OK? Finally, I am planning on drinking it as ice tea. That won’t dampen its health benefits will it?
Thanks for whatever input you can give to a career coffee drinker who gave that up 6 months ago and had no idea what a change for the better that would be.


You 2 are funny. 😀


1 bag per cup of water. And, if you are wanting to avoid tannins, steep less than 4 minutes. If you are wanting the antiviral health benefits steep forever and a day. 😉


Not an “expert” (has-been drip under pressure) here, but for good green tea taste, you brew it at ~ 165 – 175 deg F. If you boil it. you will leech some very bitter tastes (very bitter) out of the tea.
However, recent studies show that the bitterness (whatever that is) opens up you cells so that they’ll accept zinc into them, killing or damaging coronavirus in the cell.
I’ve got a tea kettle with which you can set brewing temperature.
Just an engineer here, not a tea connoisseur.


Hello BakoCarl.
I was just going to look for you.
Found a prayer we might want to have handy…

Lord Jesus, when you were on earth, they brought the sick to you and you
 healed them all. Today I ask you to bless all those in sickness, in weakness
 and in pain.
For those who are blind and who cannot see the light of the sun;
 the beauty of the world, or the faces of their friends:
 Bless your people, O Lord.
For those who are deaf and cannot hear the voices which speak to them:
 Bless your people, O Lord.
For those who are helpless and who must lie in bed while others go out and in:
 Bless your people, O Lord.
For those whose minds have lost their reason and those who are so nervous that 
they cannot cope with life:
 Bless your people, O Lord.
For those who must face life under some handicap; those whose weakness 
means that they must always be careful: 
Bless your people, O Lord.
For those suffering from debilitating or terminal illness and for their caregivers: 
Bless your people, O Lord.
For those who are near the hour of death and in their final struggle:
 Bless your people, O Lord.
Father, your only Son took upon himself the sufferings and weakness of the
 whole human race; through his passion and cross he taught us how good can 
be brought out of suffering. Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill, whom
 we now remember in a special way. In the midst of illness and pain, may they be
 united with Christ, who heals both body and soul. We ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Almighty God, as we ask your help for our brothers and sisters who are ill, we 
ask you to help us to be healing people in our time and place. May your love
 touch others through us, and may I help all people to live in peace. We ask this
 through Christ our Lord. Amen.





Valerie Curren

I’m Not a green tea expert but I know that one can make “sun tea” by using a jar or bottle (like an old juice container) that you fill with water & add the desired number of tea bags, depending on how strong you want it, then leave it in a sunny place for much of the day (or perhaps more than one day) & the sun steeps the tea.


Easy Peasy.



This is just wrong. Truckers blocked from access to clean services and food?

Post 8466905 4 hours ago • View on 8kun
I don’t know how else to get our industry help… I’m concerned and feel disappointed, discouraged, and disrespected… We are breaking our balls to supply Americans during this crisis..
my location has quarantined us completely from the entire facility. we can’t even use the bathroom.
we are subject to temperature monitoring upon entry and exit.
we can’t even get access to a real bathroom as it is… we have two porta potties onsite, to serve 50+ drivers…
with this virus we are facing unsanitary conditions, normally I wouldn’t complain… however it’s not just warehouses.. businesses all across the country refuse to give us entry to a restaurant or bathrooms. we are LUCKY to find a truck stop with ready to go food..
I’m getting to the point that I’m going to sit at home with my gear and equipment and wait this bullshit out..
Corporate America clearly doesn’t give a shit about my health and well being.
at least local Police departments are offering to help us get food…
now lets look at the Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania shuts its rest stops to all activity, including parking
Sauce https://www.freightwaves.com/news/pennsylvania-shuts-its-rest-stops-to-all-activity-including-parking
now to be fair.. they are reopening 13 of the 35 rest areas for parking, no services…
I don’t mean to bitch. I’m busting my ass and feel neglected and thrown away…
We Need help from the Feds on this…

comment image


That is horrible – inhumane!
We need to get this changed!


Bathrooms and food for truckers are a vital service!!!


I had to run an errand and travel to a town 60 miles west of here today…
Was on I-40 quite a bit.
Going both East and West.
Truck Stops were open…and doing a brisk business.
In addition, all the LOVE Stores that I saw were open and doing a lot of business.
So out here in OK, this crap is not happening.
I-40 traffic was normal…lots of 18-wheelers, RV’s, pickup trucks and cars.
The streets in the towns that I’ve been in are far from deserted; look like normal traffic to me.
I didn’t even see one person with a face mask on.


Thanks for that. I’m wondering if this is happening Eastern Seaboard near the hot spots.


I dunno.
Truckers talk to each other, though.
Word of this will go out and they will re-route around those truck stops that are doing this!


Gail mentioned this: illusive FOURTH PAPER from Australia that Dr Boyle mentioned…
May of found illusive Fourth Paper from Australia Setting this here for her to look over. At a minimum this definitely establishes tie with Chinese Doctors working with Australian out fit during time frame Dr. Boyle is trying to focus people on.
Our Chinese Dr’s show up on page 81 of this document (last page abouts).
“Zhao JJ, Cheng D, Li N, Sun Y, Shi Z, Zhu QH, Tu C, Tong GZ and Qui HJ (2008). Evaluation
of a multiplex real-time RT-PCR for quantitative and differential detection of wild-type viruses
and C-strain vaccine of classical swine fever virus. Veterinary Microbiology 126(1–3):1–10.”
The above link comes from this>>>
Could be more links to them on this page. Many papers in here. Aready checked the bat study but nothing in there.
I trailed to the bottom of studies to check names but just on bats and this one pdf. Everything else is too dense for me so handing it over for your perusal.
Started Here link below and then followed the Resource Hub to >>>AUSVETPLAN. from>>>


Earlier on Tucker – About that EO Peter Navarro has been working on to have our medical supply manufacturing return to US. Currently we rely on 20 countries for them, $120 Billion worth. As of now, 13 of those countries (including China) have put restrictions on, meaning they won’t send to us, even with trade deals in place, even from American companies overseas!! DoD, HHS facing similar situation with $49 Billion worth of contracts. Blocking our own damn companies??? So much for allies! We MUST become self sufficient, PERIOD!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China planned this.


Michael Pillsbury just said the propaganda they’re pushing is them interfering in the election, which he didn’t expect. And he would/should know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry – more details – China or the Dems (or both) pushing it? Who are they saying is interfering – China or the Trump administration?


Pilsbury is a China Expert, advises POTUS.
China is blatantly interfering in the elections by pushing the propaganda. They obviously want Joe. (We know that! DJT has been kicking their asses. They’re probably freakin about what he has in store after this nightmare is over)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fascinating. Yes, the ChiComs got caught with their pants down here.


Pilsbury was on Mark Levin’s show last Sunday night. Really good info on POTUS dealing w/all issues China, Definitely worth watching.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks – may look for a copy!!!


Go t0 Fox site. At very bottom select shows, then go to Levin. I find easier than YT.


Duh, I posted either late Sunday night or Mon morning.😵😵


And now the messages from medical professionals in the hardest hit areas are starting to come out. Hopefully, supplies will get there in time. I expect to see more of these as the people will think they will hurt President Trump
President Trump is moving to hospital ships into position to help with the overload on the hospitals – 1 to NY City and one off west coast – I think off of LA but maybe off of San Fran or Seattle…???
President Trump is emphasizing FEMA ready and activated as well as MASH units

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ground Report: My local walmart.
Canned stuff mostly gone! I was able to pick up a few things, but not much.
Vitamins–was able to get what I wanted.
Fresh meat was gone. Most cheese was gone. One side of one aisle of produce was totally bare. Frozen meat was basically gone too.
I was able to get some things, but not a lot. But all I’m trying to do is lay in near-term consumables; my “stash” is built up.


It was so weird in Safeway yesterday. Meat counter almost empty…where Tp paper towels and etc usually are was totally empty.
Had like 3 items I wanted…My chips, and a couple of TV dinners I like ….I was gone when I got them..
On top of that store were like a haunted house.
Did drive by the walmart…parking lot was cramed

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, hopefully now I am in a position to work from home.


My job is shut down maybe for a couple of months..,,not sure what is up


Many people are not good at self-organization without time structure of work. Hopefully they will find a way to make good use of their break from the daily grind.


think I will be paid for a couple of months, after that who knows—
All the good Trump did is being destroyed
H3ll many of the liberals have said this is what they wanted to get rid of Trump


My sense of things is that this is a painful but temporary place we find ourselves in. Our VSG would not lead us through it if there wasn’t great benefit or massive reduction in harm for this path.


God will take care of me


Something BIG is coming tomorrow. POTUS was really excited about the FDA briefing tomorrow morning.


Sadie Slays

They want us to believe that multiple basketball players—young men in excellent athletic condition—came down with the WuFlu. Meanwhile, every reported case in my county is over the age of 60. Something is not adding up.


Reports from other countries are saying that more and more younger people are coming down with this.
Maybe there are unreported cases of young people in your county?
The testing hasn’t really been all that great…yet.
——- From the article:
One of the top officials on the White House’s coronavirus task force team warned that reports out of Italy and France suggest the virus is spreading among the younger population.
Dr. Deborah Birx told reporters at a press briefing from the White House on Wednesday that the task force is “concerned” about the news from Europe, which counters the belief that the illness doesn’t greatly affect young people.
“We are concerned about the early reports coming out of Italy and France,” said Birx. “There are concerning reports out of France and Italy about some young people getting seriously ill and getting very ill in the ICUs.”
Her warning came a day after Baylor Dean of Tropical Medicine Peter Hotez said a “significant number of young adults” are “seriously ill” in Italy.


Sadie, young people have been catching the virus all along. Fewer have complications that warrant hospitalization and fewer die than 50+ yrs but they have been catching it all along.


The Dems and their complicit media partners are well practiced exploiting natural disasters by dragging their feet, casting blame, confusing issues and generally working to the detriment of the country for their own self aggrandizement. Being so well practiced it’s not too hard for them to make shit up like get a bunch of basket ball players together and say, your sick, your sick, and your sick. Sick or not the mistrust is well earned.


“… read in today’s Sydney Morning Herald that Isaac Newton as a 23 yr old Cambridge student when the Black Death hit, went back home to his farm in the north of England and self isolated for the year, 1665-6. He used his time inventing calculus; discovered that white light comprises all colours; and watched apples falling from the trees in the garden, hence developing his theory of gravity. He said ‘I can calculate the movement of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people’.”