Dear MAGA: 20190218 Open Topic

This globally red-pilling MAGA UNTIL WE MEGA MONDAY Open Thread is VERY OPEN.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider. This here link….

….contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by SteveInCO):

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
  4. No shooting at the nuclear warheads.

Remember – this is a free speech zone. Barring the few minor things that can get this site closed down, you ain’t gonna get banned.

And once the Gab commenting layer is here – BOOM.

– – · –

The current plan for Dear MAGA threads is to switch to a format where people have ONE NIGHT A WEEK that they take care of the thread. For example, Wheatie will put up the SATURDAY thread on FRIDAY NIGHT.

  • Monday – Wolf
  • Tuesday – Wolf
  • Wednesday – Wolf
  • Thursday – Wolf
  • Friday – Wolf
  • Saturday – Wheatie
  • Sunday – ThinkThinkThink

If anybody else would be interested in being a Dear MAGA author one night a week, feel free to let me know.

Remember that our greatest gift to President Trump is PRAYER!


Interesting that RED PILLS are falling everywhere. If you read Spanish, CHECK THIS OUT!!!

A very red-pilled Spanish “nationalist” site, but the tone is nothing like what the radical left has always presented the Spanish “right” as. It’s basically the same as here in America. NORMIES who are kinda fed up being demonized as fascists and Nazis by communists who don’t accept election results.

Nice to see that MAGA is spreading, and not much different from here.


Spain? I might be headed there!
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Just a heartfelt thank you to Wolf for creating this site at who knows just how much peril to himself and his loved ones…and to the rest of you who have come here to create a family that is beyond anything I, in my limited experience, have “experienced!” In the past few weeks, this place has exploded in perspective and topics beyond what I knew from the Daily Paul.
Again, so unutterably grateful to still be present at this time to watch such incredible history unfold.


Today is Presidents Day. Let’s all do what we can to make it President TRUMP’s Day 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
– Red Pill someone
– Contact your Con-gress reps to voice support for PDJT
– Tweet a liberal and tell ’em to ‘come in from the cold’ (aka fake climate change)
– Tweet a Cabinet Sec & thank ’em for their service
– Send a post card to POTUS or FLOTUS
– Donate at
– Post a Q or a WWG1WGA on your car window or your front porch
– Wear your MAGA hat to the grocery store and SMILE 😊😊😊
– Share your Winnamins with a liberal loser
– Thank Our Lord and Savior for protecting President Trump


JMO, but I don’t think it is considered to be a “major” holiday anymore. The only things that will be closed are the banks and government. Schools are in session and I seriously doubt that any stores will be closed, with no holiday pay to employees. Just a thought, Wolfie.


Well, I’m too old and out of step with the times, and other than going to a sale, I have nothing to do with “presidents day” and I think George Washington’s birth is still celebrated by some of us on Feb. 11, that is, when I remember, and I forgot this year, and it’s also my cousin’s birthday.


Sorry, Feb. 22. Lol.


I remember when schools were off for both Washington’s and Lincoln’s respective birthdays.


Washington 22 February.
Lincoln 12 February.


Thanks, Kalbo!


Thanks, Calbo, glad I didn’t miss it. Lol.


Ah, yes – thanks for reminding me – same here when I was growing up.


It was great, wasn’t it? 🙂


That it was – the good old days. I still enjoy some of the good things with which I grew up. I can leave my truck running and go into the store, leave my house unlocked and garage door open w/no worries. My neighbor across the street keeps an eye on my house and my neighbor to the east plows my driveway – sadly, he is out of town and I had to do it myself! Well, THAT sucked! My neighbors to the west have a place @ the river and she likes it when I use her clothesline so people think someone is home. Then again, we also have our very own cross-dresser. He came into the store again last night – at least this time, he wasn’t dressed like a slut. LOL


There are still some school systems that honor President’s Day! Here in Michigan by the Ohio line the schools are not in session. In fact in Toledo, Ohio the schools are also not in session! There’s still hope that President’s Day will again be observed as a major holiday.


So we should all give thanks that some states retain their sovereignty and it should be a reminder to us all what a republic is meant to be.


Well–My 4 year old Grand woke me up this morning!! “Hi Mimi!! Daycare is closed!!” Woohoo!!!


Fun times!!!! My grandson didn’t make it up due to the snow but will have my granddaughter here this week-end.


Alison!! Best LIST EVEH!!! Yep!! Thanks for the tips GF!!! Gonna report in tomorrow in how many of these excellent suggestions I WILL DO! Hugs GIRL!!!!

Plain Jane

I’ve been wanting a chance to wear my swarovsky crystal Trump pin again. I put it away after wearing it for 21/2 years to everyplace except funerals. Didn’t want anyone to pick a fight with me at there.

Plain Jane

LOVE THIS!!!! I believe I need to order one!!

Plain Jane

I need to order one in the silver color. They are pretty.

Plain Jane

Oh, I bought my gold color one at a jewelry store and bought my sister the silver color from stars and stripes and had it sent directly to her, so I didn’t see it. She said it was nicely made.

Plain Jane

It really started many conversations. Lots of smiles and thumbs up during the campaign.


You betcha 😊 Thanks!


Alison, Great list…
– Daily email thanking President Trump sent. Included Happy President’s Day. Glad he is in the club.
– Multiple daily emails encouraging Senators to support President. End the endless wars. Build the wall. Rather sure my email are deleted without consideration.
– Daily email to Congreesman thanking him for supporting President Trump. While he is part of the swamp, he votes with President Trump.
– Trump 2020 sticker on truck. Commonly get waves and thumbs up while driving about.
– Wear MAGA hat daily. Also commonly get positive comments regarding the hat and what a great job President Trump does everyday for us.
Working on the list!


Great job, Kalbo! You’re an American Trooper 🇺🇸💖


We need some “memesters” to sell idea that the Dems have no interest in educating citizens.
Dems believe in “big government knows best” and they do not shirk from this.
It follows from this that they believe that THEY are selling America the idea that THEY are smarter than YOU.
In order for this to work, THEY need dumb citizens – ergo, it is not in THEIR interests to foster decent education.
And the teachers’ union is in on this scam …
The meme creators should be able to get this message across to parents. Once people are red-pilled on this one, then KAG is all but assured.

Gail Combs

Bill Ivey of Global Cultural Strategies
Bill Ivey to John Podesta

From:bi@globalculturalstrategies… [Bill Ivey]
To: john.podesta@….
Date: 2016-03-13 17:06
Subject: From Bill Ivey
Well, we all thought the big problem for our US democracy was Citizens United/Koch Brothers big money in politics. Silly us;….
I’m certain the poll-directed insiders are sure things will default to policy as soon as the conventions are over, but I think not. And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.
…I fear we are all now trying to navigate a set of forces that cannot be simply explained or fully understood, so it is and will reamin interesting!
Sent with a handshake, Bill

This is PROOF the DemonRats want ” to demean government, drop civics and in general CONSPIRE to PRODUCE an UNAWARE and COMPLIANT citizenry.”
Someone should be able to do great things with those quotes.


Yup. My comment dealt with the inherent logic, yours goes to proof of that logic being applied.
As Wolf “suggests”, let us research this and figure out the best way to get this obvious fact out to the parents.

Gail Combs

John Dewey — Dumbing Down America
The other one was George Count.
I will grab some quotes on him tommorrow.
‘Nite ALL

Gail Combs

Here are the George Counts quotes. They are excerpts from the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe
Yesterday I posted an excerpt on Willi Munzenberg. Counts’ books are STILL USED TODAY to train teachers!!!

… The communist covert influence message was intended to change individual and societal morals and values. The result of the Muenzenberg payload’s dissemination throughout American society is now clear. A healthy, happy, productive nation of citizens, blended in the great Melting Pot, had set aside their differences when they became Americans. After Muenzenberg’s influence op, the same people were converted into a confused mass of self-interest groups, torn apart by PC divisions of race, gender, ethnicity, income, class, language, sexuality.
A good fit, or even an exact fit, still does not allow us to know exactly how that message made its way from the mind of the elite Soviet espionage corps to the mouths of American students or screen-writers. A match allows us to show that today’s PC message is nearly identical to the communist covert influence payload from the past.
Let’s examine one DNA match—in the Academic/Education domain. The KGB targeted this domain as one of the main conduits to attack and shape the attitudes of the future—American children….

page 135 – details of Counts targeting US education.

In 1931 Houghton Mifflin published New Russia’s Primer: The Story of the Five-Year Plan, by M. Ilin, translated from the Russian by George S. Counts, Associate Director of the International Institute and Professor of Education in Teachers College, and Nucia P. Lodge, Research Assistant in the International Institute.
We see that Anna Osipovna has transformed herself into Nucia Lodge. And we see that the dapper professor Counts modestly claims that he translated the book, while grudgingly crediting his KGB handler. The payload of this unbelievably brazen covert influence operation is straight out of Muenzenberg’s manual.
Muenzenberg’s payload: “You think the capitalist system is corrupt…You’re frightened…by the oppression of the working man…You think the Russians are trying a great human experiment…”
Counts’ New Russia’s Primer:

In America the machine is not a helper to the worker, not a friend, but an enemy. Every new machine, every new invention, throws out upon the streets thousands of workers. In glass factories one person now makes three thousand bottles an hour. In former times such a task required seventy-seven men. This means that each machine for the making of bottles deprives seventy-six men of employment. And the American worker despises the machine which takes away his bread.
But how is it with us [Russians]? The more machines we have, the easier will be the work, the shorter will be the working day, the lighter and happier will be the lives of all.
We build factories in order that there may be no poverty, no filth, no sickness, no unemployment, no exhausting labor— in order that life may be rational and just…We build in our country [the U.S.S.R.] a new, an unheard-of, a socialistic order.

The newly-minted “Russian expert” from Columbia delivered the KGB payload directly into the cultural heart of America. “Capitalism is corrupt! Russia’s experiment is working!” screamed
his text.

The Primer was a selection for Book-a-Month Club members in May 1931, and 46,000 members chose it. Counts’ first influence project was a best-seller for seven months, and ranked eighty-first on the list of nonfiction bestsellers from 1921-1932. Cloaked in his non-partisan, academic-research cover, Counts delivered the anti-capitalist payload into schools, universities, and living rooms across America.
Of course, at the same time that Counts published this covert influence coup, Stalin was in the midst of forced collectivization of huge swaths of Soviet society. Dissenters were rounded up and shot. Or sent to the gulag, where they were worked to death, in the most inhuman conditions imaginable. Counts, who had visited Russia at least twice by 1931, could have witnessed the unimaginably squalid lives of normal Soviet citizens, if he had wanted to do so. Maybe he did, maybe he did not. We’ll probably never know, but we do know that he continued pouring out covert influence payloads for another decade.
Counts cloaked his KGB payload in his work in Education with his participation in “non-ideological” organizations, like the Progressive Education Association, and the Philosophy of Education Society, for which Counts edited the journal The Social Frontier, beginning in 1934.
Counts continued publishing, speaking, and teaching that “the age of individualism was over,” and that it was time to accept “collectivization” in the American economy. Counts continued advancing his KGB covert influence payload, always rejecting any suggestion that he was a communist, or inspired by socialism, cloaking his “philosophy of education” in Progressive terms.
Counts founded the Social Reconstruction philosophy of Education—the root of which was the need to “change America.” A tenet of Count’s approach was that America needed to be changed. He voiced, and repeated, over and over, the KGB’s influence payload of his shock at what was happening in America.
After Stalin’s 1939 pact with Hitler, Counts began to distance himself from the “collectivist” approach to economics, and in the 1940s launched a new publishing career, again with Anna “Nucia” Perlmutter Lodge as his translator. This new phase, clearly after a break with the KGB, focused on the negatives of the U.S.S.R. and its education system. Yet he never renounced his earlier works. And amazingly, Counts’ covert influence payload is still required reading in many schools of education….


I posted on the other thread about the Pence/Ryan collusion and asked what “…she is back on the TT” might mean – I know now – Trump Train.


Shoot! Can’t remember which thread it was on or who posted it (I really should be in bed – I am exhausted) but it was the discussion about Pence and possible pedophilia, with a link to this article – there is an e-mail from Pence saying “he’s not losing. i’m getting calls. Fischer wet her pants, she’s back on TT. Stand down. We’re going with plan B.” Whether all of this is true? IDK but, TBH, it would not surprise me.


That is disgusting and baseless.


Maybe baseless, maybe not. Further research will tell the tale, I expect.


We have come to a parting of the ways on Pence too. That makes three times now.


And? So I guess you won’t talk to me now? Guess I’ll get over it.


Oh no – I like you NF – we just have different views about three topics now.


Oh, good – no doubt there are probably other topics on which we don’t agree but isn’t that a part of what makes this country truly great – that we all have different opinions and beliefs and have the freedom to speak out? We just look at life from different perspectives, which, IMO, is a good thing.


Again, I am relieved, GA. I can’t say how much I respect you for standing firm on your principles, whether I (or anyone else) agrees.


You did get that I wasn’t calling YOU and IslamoNazi fascist – but the folks who were smearing Pence.


Yeah, that was my first initial reaction and I couldn’t believe you would say that to me, hence my reply. After you replied, I realized who that was directed towards. It’s all good, GA.


Again, I have always distrusted him and his public over-the-top piety. However, I think the claim of massive pedophilia, with the involvement of his wife, is a bridge too far for even me.

Gail Combs

“…. distrusted him and his public over-the-top piety….”
That did not go over well with me either.


Agree to disagree – that is how I feel about Pence and I do not trust him.


Sounds like typical leftist IslamoNazi fascist tactics – accusing others of what they do.


Seriously, GA? Wow!


Dead serious. >:8-[


I’m talking about the smear machine – they are over-the-top. If I were you, I wouldn’t believe them just because of your opinion of Pence. You also labeled me the same because we disagreed about LBGT practices and lifestyles.


Same with the PP Dossier – just more sick minds projecting their filth on others.


Actually, I think it was on the thread where you talked about all the attacks on Pence?


Maybe judyw who posted it?


I survived the double snow assault here in the Pacific NW. What a mess – power off and on and off, of course w/o warning. Then the power is out for 13 hours and it comes back on a 6 AM. Modem powers up; phone hot spot gets settled so we can use our cell phones out here in the woods; and promptly at noon, the internet goes down. With it goes the VOIP. Cut off from all communication AND cannot get out of our long driveway with 2 feet of snow.
Internet comes back on overnight Saturday. Got the van out the driveway and onto the perfectly clear road Friday. Made a beeline for the local Verizon store because it’s the only cellular service out in this area. Sweet little gal about 22 listened to my tale of woe and said no problem. She flew her fingers all over the keyboard and my phone accessing stuff and wrote down a bunch of directions for switching companies along with her estimate of what the whole thing will cost.
It might be cheaper than my current setup and it won’t depend on me having electricity.
The snowstorm took down my storage tent and my car canopy so that’s not good. But I’m going to never be cut off from society again so that is good.
A very mixed bag. Cheers y’all.

Plain Jane

Pacific NW…my sister was in a bad accident today on black ice on 101. Please pray thanksgiving that she’s not hurt. She was stopped from going over a cliff by the road guard rails.


Prayers sent! Hope she is ok.


Jane, so very sorry. Prayers.

Plain Jane

Thank you. Pretty shook up, but she says she wasn’t hurt. Van is totaled on first inspection.


Thank You Jesus!!!! A reminder to cover us all in prayer!!

Plain Jane

Yes it sure is. She usually takes her grandsons to Mass with her, but they are on holiday with their parents, so she was solo yesterday. Besides prayers of thanksgiving, I now pray God provides an affordable vehicle for her if her car frame is whacked. She doesn’t care about the cosmetics of it. She’s a very young 77 and on an extremely short budget.


Will add that prayer as well Jane!!!

Plain Jane

Thankyou bunches Merica. God Bless you and yours.


Hugs! Jane!!!


Jane, I hope she can get just what she needs and so thankful she wasn’t hurt.

Plain Jane

Thank you Sing Zoe. She is my only living sibling. Our brother died SIDS between our births.

Gail Combs

Glad you survived.
When I lived in Rochester NY every one laugh at my winter prep kit in the trunk until we had to use my 2 bags of sand to get a semi moving who had gotten stuck across the drive into the parking lot. No one was going home until we got that big boy out of the way. (I had food, Seva stove, water, sleeping bag, sleep mat and winter clothes too so I was ready to camp out at work.)
I do NOT miss having to deal with snow even though I still have chains that fit my pickup and did use them one winter down here in NC


Always better to be SAFE than sorry 🙂
“be Prepared” as the BOY scouts used to say.


A quick, power supply independent thing is to tether a tablet (or laptop) to your phone. I learned to do this while waiting for my Husband when he was at a medical appointment. Maybe the cool people know how to do this, but it took me a while. Your phone is a battery, so is a tablet.. so you have a couple hours..You can extend the time with a cheap solar charger, or just a quick battery charger thingie. I did this when our fancy new internet service got all messed up.. and it was fine for about a day…
The only thing you do need is a cell phone signal..


Dang! A NYT article that admits PDJT’s policies on the border are working and that those coming are NOT fleeing due to political or religious persecution but for “a decent life and temporary jobs.” Of course they have to get a leftist in there saying but, but, but…..
“A New York Times‘ article on the migrant caravans shows President Donald Trump’s border security reforms are successfully curbing the northward flow of migrants.
One-third of the 6,000 migrants who reached the border just in the November caravan have given up their effort to cross the border, the Times says: “Data from Mexican officials suggested that harsh policies he has introduced to crack down on asylum seekers may already be achieving some of its intended effects.”
The article by the establishment outlet is important because it validates Trump’s analysis and proposed fixes for the growing problem of cheap-labor migration. For example, the article shows that Trump’s critics admit his policies are working: “It may look like it’s working in the short term,” Ms. [Michelle] Brané said, “But I don’t think it’s a long-term solution. It’s driving people further into the shadows and that’s exactly the opposite of what we [pro-migation groups] want.”


“The New York Times article includes so much good news for Trump that he promoted it by retweeting via Twitter:
.@NYTIMES complains @realDonaldTrump crackdown on asylum scamming is working.
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) February 16, 2019″


Curry Worsham


Harry Lime

Can you feel it? It’s almost palpable now…he’s all out of bubble gum…

Harry Lime

comment image


I know that guy! He’s my president!


He is our VSGPotus.


I saw a blurb a couple of days ago, about Ft. Hood being put on ‘readiness alert’ for deployment to the border.
It didn’t say how many troops.
I think that Pres Trump is trying to keep it quiet, just how many troops he is sending to the border.
It’s really not anyone else’s business.
It is Pres Trump’s constitutional duty to defend our border…and I trust him to do whatever he can.
Probably only PTrump, Shanahan and the very top brass, know how many troops are being deployed…and where.
Which is as it should be.

Gail Combs

We have had a LOT of helicopter flights by the military over our house the past couple of weeks. (I am not all that far from Ft Bragg.)


Ya…. Had some Helo activity downtown LA not long ago……
Any updates on that anyone?


hey Twin!! Been missing you!! Hugs!!!

Curry Worsham

2/17/19 11:55:20 PM CDT Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
ID: 51be55

Excellent graphic – seconds matter!
Mathematically impossible.
Qcomment image

Curry Worsham

comment image


I am going to try to post one:


Nope – clearly, I don’t know how to do it. I will leave it to others. Have at it!


Thanks – should have checked there.


Q seems determined NOT to give Wolf any rest ….
I bet Wolf is running on pure Winnamins at this stage of the game … 🙂


Thanks for all your work on the Q-drops, boss…and well, on everything that you do!
Go ahead and crash, get some much-needed shut eye.
We will behave ourselves.
Any further Q-drops can just wait until you get around to them.
Get some rest, Wolfie.
We need you to stay healthy.


Sweet dreams, boss!


You need an app to check for Q drops and then do auto posts here …
Where are those coders …. ? 🙂


They’re still trying to get the zerocare website to work.


Don’t forget – Hillrotten paid for the Dossier.


These FBI personnel were all partisan agents working on Hillary’s behalf and Obama’s orders.


OR as Trump would say:



Hey! That’s Q’s message! (who has been fired or forced to leave)


One earthquake…..train at speed….disaster.


THAT PHOTO – reminds me of the vanity footbridge at the FL University that collapsed.
You gotta know engineering in Democrat states isn’t very reliable due to graft and corruption and cheating on specs. Don’t trust ’em.




It’s clear that Jussie Smollett is a political operative:comment image

Harry Lime

This is a nice photo collage of people who belong in prison ^^^


Happy President’s Day, Mr. President!comment image


I thought Mitch said a couple of weeks ago that he would get the backlog of nominations cleared?


The swamp is very deep ….


Mitch is being dishonest and disingenuous.


Well, he is just being himself – a swamp critter.
Can’t blame a snake for being a snake. The fault lies with the people who elect the snakes. Fortunately the snakes are more and more being recognised for what they are. Lets hope this results in some personnel changes …


Time for term limits. Turtle’s served long enough. But, can the GOP persuade him to retire? Probably not. Common Swamp interests.
The fault does lie with the voters, but party political organisations could be more vigilant re candidates, if they cared about integrity.
This is such a pervasive problem that it is difficult to see how it can be eradicated.
Surely there is something in Mitch’s past that senior Trump officials could exploit.


“The fault does lie with the voters, but party political organisations could be more vigilant re candidates, if they cared about integrity.”
This is the problem. Very, very few good people are allowed into the process at any level, down to dog catcher. Party “vigilance” is against “outsiders.”
You have to be very wealthy to break through the obstacles.
IMO, many millions of “conservative” citizens know this, or at least believe it to be true, and have long since dropped out of voting of they ever started.
I think VSG got many of these folks into thew booth, but far from all, and what is happening to Trump just re-enforces the perceived “futility” of it all.
This is personally extremely frustrating, to talk with a person who really, truly “gets” what is going on, and simply believes that voting is an absurd waste of time. You will NEVER find a leftist who believes that.
And part of the problem is that people know the guy running for dog catcher and how he got his ticket punched.


This x1000!


The following is a TRUE story:
A guy I knew wanted a certain elected position.
One day he was so angry he indiscreetly came up to me in the street and complained that “the party” just gave “his” nomination to another guy, despite the fact that he had paid $150, 000. Yes, he WAS that specific.
He eventually got the position he wanted a couple years later. But I was amazed he would actually say out loud what everyone knew.
The other aspect of this is the question of extortion. All sorts of politically enabled folks are expected to mandatorily voluntarily give both money and time.
There are very rounabout but definitive ways of letting people know, if they do not “voluntarily” comply they will get an unpleasant surprise.
In this respect, IMO our entire political system is built on extortion, if not criminally then the moral equivalent which ought to be criminal.
Let’s go back to lots!


I can speak to this. My sons and their wives had never voted until the 2016 election. I feel that it’s futile myself at times but I continue to do it. I think there were many hundreds of thousands who voted for the first time in the 2016 election and they are the reason Trump won. I honestly believe they had the election rigged but they did not account for the sheer number of new voters who would come out to support him, so they didn’t game the system enough for it to overcome their numbers.




They’ve kept the Senate in session to prevent recess appointments. Trump just trolled them:
“Mitch should not let Senate go home until all are approved.”
Beautiful 🙂


Soundbite from Stephen Miller yesterday with Chris Wallace.
I’ve wondered the same thing over the decades:


Stephen Miller is awesome!




Stephen Miller is brilliant.
Stephen Miller came into the world speaking in complete sentences.
Stephen Miller was often sent to the principal’s office in school, for correcting his teachers when they were wrong…but he continued to do it anyway.
When Stephen Miller was on the debate team, no one wanted to debate him…because he made his opponents cry.


Media summary: Right-wing Stephen Miller bullied not only classmates but also teachers.


“Stephen Miller came into the world speaking in complete sentences.”
Oh that made me laugh! So “true” …


If Stephen Miller spoke as fast as his brain works, no normal human could understand what he is saying.


Wheatie, absolutely love it. That’s why the cabal tried so hard to get rid of Stephen Miller.


So, he is related to Chuck Norris. I knew it! 😆


When Stephen Miller walked down the hall in school…the crowd parted to let him through…and the kids avoided eye contact, in fear that he would use his brain-fu on them.


😆 moar Stephen Miller!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

MOAR! MOAR! I’m still not SATISFIED!!!


I love the smell of scorched pud … 24/7 .. 🤨👍‼️


Rachel Maddow says Ken Dilanian was wrong about last week’s story of no evidence of Trump campaign-Russian collusion. Dilanian stands by his report:


Some of us wonder why PDJT keeps appointing Swamp critters.
Okay, the original tweet is from Cernovich. BUT, he makes a great point, one I have been wondering about since Day 1 of the Trump administration.
Does anyone know anything about the reply he received? If true, it would make sense:


… and the swamp is extensive.




Feb 21 — Black History Month dinner at the White House:
‘I was blessed to be invited to dine with President Trump and Melania Trump for a Black History Month event at the White House on Feb 21st 2019. This is such an honor beyond words!’


Why is she doing a GoFundMe off of going to the White House?
For her travel expenses? …For her dress?


From the GoFundMe link:
‘Because this is so spontaneous, it is really not in the budget so I’m looking to raise some money to help cover air tickets, hotel, travel & childcare.’


I can see that.
It could easily cost her several thousand dollars to cover all those expenses.
Thanks, Churchmouse.


You’re welcome, wheatie.


I am VERY skeptical of these requests. It is impossible to sort out the exploitative and manipulative ones from “genuine” requests.
Many people cannot resist having some other guy pay for something regardless of actual need.


Well, Q isn’t done yet. Here’s the latest, from about 45 min ago, which deals with CA and its ruling family …
“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2d7d7c No.5239609 📁
Feb 18 2019 04:19:58 (EST)
7D41C3B5-45E7-41C7-B5B4-DE94E77998DB.jpeg ⬇comment image
[Example CA]📁
What ‘family’ runs CA?
They are all connected.
The More You Know….


Great graphic.
Thanks for the link.


We’re “watching CA”, like Q had asked.
The vote has been rigged for decades … but hopefully, NOT for 2020!


Another Anon followed up with this:
“How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom’s political ascent”
“Newsom’s faithful eight:
Wilsey & Traina
“=All donations are here:==”


Q is firing on all cylinders, isn’t he.
Thanks, EmStar!


I’ve found that I simply cannot keep up with all the news / posts on 8chan.. Luckily, they do a “Notables” summary for each bread … but it doesn’t capture some other good stuff (like great memes).
I do what I’m able to, though!


I know what you mean!
The Qresearch board has been humming lately…I cannot keep up with it either.
Thank goodness for the ‘Notables’ that they do.


And another follow-up:comment image


Sick! That said, the perp is in jail at the moment:
From the GP article (emph. mine):
‘… Pierce says that Phillips pulled a loaded .40 caliber pistol, stuck it in his face, and said “this is a good day for you to die.”
‘“I told him to pull the trigger or put the gun down and fight me like a man — and he repeated ‘it’s a good day for you to die’. I repeated ‘pull the trigger or put the gun down and fight me like a man’. We had a very intense verbal interaction with each other and he started backing away,” Pierce explained …
‘As Phillips was leaving the store, Sam’s management came up and asked Pierce if Phillips had just pulled a gun on him. They immediately notified the police …
‘Not wanting Phillips to get away without being able to identify him, Pierce ran out into the parking lot and took a photo of his license plate. It turns out that he wasn’t leaving, as he was waiting for his elderly mother to come out of the store
‘Phillips is currently being detained in the Warren County Regional Jail and is charged with wanton endangerment first degree.
‘Pierce and his wife will continue proudly wearing their MAGA hats.’



This employee was fired for doing this.
The mother of the 14-yr-old went to the manager and stood up for her son.
Then they posted this video on social media.

Statement from the Van Corporate offices:
“Our focus is to provide the best customer service experience. We did let this employee go. He is no longer with our company. The actions and comments from this employee at the Oak Park location is in contrast with our values and beliefs.”
H/T Citizen Free Press.

Harry Lime

That dude’s job is so wasted.

Harry Lime

Oh dear…sorry, I didn’t notice the x-rated posters in the background…I apologise…and please remove if possible. Yikes…I need to be more careful!


What does this mean?
Is this good for the Pro-Brexit people? …Or good for the Remainers.


Given when it took place — Valentine’s Day — I didn’t pay attention at the time.
Apparently, it was on May’s negotiating strategy for Brexit. She says she will not rule out a ‘no deal’ exit at the end of March. The border between Ireland and N. Ireland is also a sticking point, still being negotiated.
Anyway, the vote was non-binding, which is probably why PM May was not there.
It seems hard-line Brexiteers abstained from the vote, as per renowned UK blogger Guido Fawkes, who also makes the occasional television appearance:
‘ERG MPs decided to abstain over fears that the wording of the motion meant they would be implicitly rejecting no deal. The motion is of course meaningless and has no legal effect – in truth the whole row could and should have been averted.’
Anyway, Jeremy Corbyn (Labour Party leader) has problems of his own now. At the weekend, several of his Labour MPs defected from the party to form The Independent Group:
Anyone interested in following Brexit might want to bookmark Guido’s site. He posts several times daily (comments can be crude, but I think he is cleaning those up now):


Thanks, Churchmouse!
I still have hopes that Brexit will take place…and that other countries will do the same.


I think it will.
It was always going to be difficult to negotiate, with the UK being given endless grief by the EU pour encourager les autres not to try it.
People can carp about May all they want, but, IMHO, she’s doing the best she can in uncharted territory.
I got really sick and tired of people OT saying that she is no good. Fair enough. They are entitled to their opinion. Then they endlessly circulated photos of her with Merkel when they were girls. Those were proven to be FAKE, but it’s hard for a lie to die.
Then people OT acted as if we had loads of Donald Trumps lined up for Conservative leadership. FALSE! We didn’t have one in 2016, nor do we have one now.
If we leave with no deal, I will be happy.
However, there might be some compromise.
Jacob Rees-Mogg is probably the premier Brexiteer. I would like for him to become the next Conservative Party leader, but I’m not sure people would vote for him. He is rather posh and very erudite. However, he does have his own radio show on London’s LBC.
If you follow Twitter, his account is worth checking every now and then:


Thank you, Daughn!
I really appreciate the support!! Many thanks!!


Wheatie and everyone:
I made a YUGE ERROR in my original reply.
ERRATUM: I said that I wasn’t sure if anyone would vote for Jacob Rees-Mogg. I should have spotted that at the time. ***Only his constituents (i.e. in Somerset) can vote for him!***
In a general election, everyone votes for their Member of Parliament.
I should have said I wasn’t sure if people would want to see him as PM should the Conservatives win again.


Good tweets about Fake News:
The next one sums up the situation best:


Great response.
Thanks for replying to Mollie.


Yes, I take your point.
On the other hand, I once saw an interview with Tucker Carlson, a History major, who said that journalists were the most intellectually stupid people he knew.
So, I see where Tucker is coming from, too.
Maybe Mollie is looking at it from Tucker’s angle.
But, right now, yours is the more important perspective, because it affects what Americans see and hear on the ‘news’.


Yes, that would be great.
BTW, I do wholeheartedly agree with you that these idiots are agenda-driven.
I’m just saying that they also have an IQ problem. One exacerbates the other.
I found the Tucker Carlson interview. He says no one with an ounce of intelligence goes into journalism:

He said similar things in this 2016 interview:


Compare and contrast these pronouncements on abortion.
Bill Nye doesn’t even make sense but expects to be taken seriously:

Dr Levatino, who performed 1200 abortions (no longer doing them), brought the instruments he used to a House Judiciary Committe hearing and explained how they are used. These are vicious (one has a series of sharp metal teeth and is used for the head), because, as he says, every part of the baby must be accounted for.
I would love for Nye to meet Levatino:

Pat Frederick

I’ve just watched the video.
The best part starts around 20 mins. in and goes to the end.
McCabe says he was very hurt that PDJT called his wife a ‘loser’ over her election loss.
He says that the Mueller probe is very important.
He might file a lawsuit against the government.
He portrays himself as the victim. The close-ups are awful (‘poor me’).
At the end, Scott Pelley said the show contacted the WH. Sarah Sanders responded with a brief statement, basically saying that McCabe had lied and left in disgrace. 🙂

Pat Frederick

didn’t he get a go fund me account for legal fees? so the lawsuit is being paid for by saps…


Good memory, Pat!
Yes, he did have a GoFundMe account which raised well over half a million dollars. He shut it down early in April last year.
I can’t get the WaPo details, because I’ve exceeded my views (unless I shut down and restart my computer). Here’s the article:
‘Paid for by saps’ is right!
And, of course, now he has his book, The Threat, about how the FBI copes in a time of terrorism and Trump. I kid you not.


Probably better not to watch, then. (Seriously.)


I’m with you, Daughn. Have a Benadril. Lol.


The Dems should be embarrassed that this little creature represents them in Congress.
But…they probably aren’t.

“It’s like…like…like…”
I lost count of how many times she used the word ‘like’ in this short clip.


Like, is that even, like, literally, a WORD?
Language is devolving …


But that Valley Girl way of talking is sooo 90’s…she really is behind the times.

Pat Frederick

maybe with that 3 billion NY saved from the Amazon deal, they can spend more on education…
I still can’t believe she has a degree in economics…


“No one could be that ignorant and legitimately “graduate” from college.”
She is an ACTRESS. Nothing more.
And she’s “wired in” … which is scary!
The Millennial Trap. Playing to their base. “She’s pretty.” “I like her.” “I want what she says she’ll get me.” The Free-Lunch crowd – self-entitled, self-absorbed, and self-ignorant. Muh feelz.
It’s the D’s “best” hope, in conjunction with election FRAUD.


Pretty? You have GOT to be kidding. She’s a 4/10 at best.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So far, we’ve heard nothing about her being a wasted slut, but who knows what will come out in the future?
Oh, you said “slot.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Trade an “o” for a “u” and it would still be true, methinks (about Occasional Cortex)…
Funny thing, in German, “gift” means poison, so one could say that AOC is the gift that keeps on giving. She’s basically poisoning the DEMONcRAT party.
I’m still wondering about all the “C_A candidates” that were supposed to be running in the midterm elections. That would explain the two Moslems, AOC, and the other featherheads that somehow were elected… vote fraud probably played a big part, and with the C_A “holding down the scale” when no-one’s looking…hmmm…


“maybe with that 3 billion NY saved from the Amazon deal, they can spend more on education…
New York’s response to EVERY failure is to THROW MORE MONEY AT IT.
ALWAYS amounts to a more expensive failure.


It’s called ‘Vocal Fry’…and it is dreadful:


I’ve noticed that, it’s annoying and so phony ..
Although that grating voicing sounds like … shudder … 😫



I like her 😉👍❤️ … I’m so glad you posted this wheatietoo …. it’s been driving me crazy, and for me it’s a short trip …. 🖖😏 ..


Sounds like Christine Ballsy Ford!


Sigh … delusional nut job … dang it 😖👎🏻 …
…. and the juvenile voice 🤢

Pat Frederick

William Barr is arriving at a Justice Department that desperately needs an infusion of credibility, writes @KimStrassel via @WSJ
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 18, 2019



Pat, put your cursor over the time/date stamp, right click it, left click ‘Copy Link Location’, right click to the combox here, left click and, voilà, you’ve pasted it.

Pat Frederick

I have tried that repeatedly…and I can get links to work with articles, but not tweets…maybe cuz I don’t have a twitter account? dunno, but tweets never work for me… 🙁
but thanks to you and Wheatie!!!


You’re welcome.
Do you know where the time/date stamp is when you look at a Twitter account page or a tweet? This seems to be where your difficulty lies.
If you hover over the time and date stamp, you will see more detail beginning with ‘Time posted:’.
In the tweet just posted, the T/D stamp is just under the message, to the right of the heart.
If you’re looking at a Twitter account page, the T/D stamp is at the top of the tweet, to the right of the account holder’s name. In this case, the T/D stamp might say ’12m’ or ‘Feb 14’. Put your cursor over it and you will see more information in a black box with a downward arrow.

Pat Frederick

thanks…I will try again…

Pat Frederick

thanks LP…when I find another tweet, I will try both these methods!


Pat – if you copy the URL from the address box, there may be a “?” and then some more numbers and words following the question mark. It’s very helpful if you’ll delete the “?” and everything that follows it. Then, copy the URL and paste it into the comment box.

Pat Frederick

thanks everyone…I think i figured out what i was doing wrong…when i saw a tweet I wanted to copy and I clicked on it–it would take me to the tweet thread (is that the right word?) and hovering or clicking on the time and date (which was in the lower left not upper right) gave me no options to copy the link. I was mistaking the twitter thread with the twitter page (?)
so if i go to the actual twitter page of the tweeter I found the time in the upper right that allows me to copy the link…thank you everyone for the suggestions and help!


Liberals are like locusts or something.
They infest an area and totally trash it…then move on to another, where they proceed to do the same thing.


I would say a “virus” instead, w.r.t. the liberals et al. They just don’t seem to get that it is THEY who are the problem. They blame everyone else – truly, it’s a psychological disorder.
From the Matrix (how a propos):


This is why we need to be armed:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So many bad guys expect the homeowner to be armed now, that they try to overwhelm them with force rather than a midnight sneak burglary. They’re figuring they can smash in and overwhelm you before you can get to the gun in the nightstand drawer.
This is why you should carry–even when at home.

Pat Frederick

wow…NY is disgusting in so many ways, but these people are monsters…they preach respect for all, but given an opportunity they are downright cruel…


“The city acted with a similar dismissive attitude toward Bistreich and his claims, as an emerging pattern of sweeping Democratic corruption under the rug becomes apparent within the sewer of NYC politics.
“They came back saying I should just dismiss what happened to me as ‘petty slights’ and ‘trivial inconveniences.’ I find this an arrogant and disrespectful response. Basically telling me how to feel about how I was treated when I was treated that way purposely to harm me,” Bistreich said to PIX 11.
The city responded with some boilerplate damage control straight out of Public Relations 101.
“The language used in the city’s answer is drawn from court cases that establish the legal standard for asserting a defense under the city Human Rights Law and was not in any way intended to diminish the seriousness of the allegations,” a law department spokesman said to PIX11.”

This type of response has become rampant in NYC, and has chilling effects that deter others from making claims against the city.



The replies to this tweet are hilarious.
Here is one:

Pat Frederick

i wouldn’t open the door ever again…nope, couldn’t pay me enough to get in that car…what if it LAID eggs in there???? (shudder, shudder)


Pat!! I inhaled coffee with that pic!!!

Pat Frederick

Wheatie is SOOOOOOO brave to find and post these things!!!

Pat Frederick

President Trump is up and on the warpath!!!


President’s First tweet of the day:

Pat Frederick

that little bit of wiggle room there “…any “direct” evidence…” will give the media fodder for a few days


Note ver well the specific choice of words of the last sentence. 😉


Dang! That would be “very” … + Pun Intended! 5:5?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wow, a slam at Sessions that I have a hard time putting down to theater.


Yep. Sessions did a good job in many ways, but recusing and allowing Rosenstein to put Mueller in place….was weak.


….weak or not seeing the ramifications. Maybe someone convinced Sessions there was something there re: the Trumps and Russia.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My favored theory is that he realized he’d have to recuse…went to Trump and said so. Trump thought about if for a moment, and said, OK, we’ll work around it–then later realized they’d been outmaneuvered; that Sessions would be unable to chase the Deep State. Sessions concentrated on other things while they tried to figure out how to undo the damage. Sessions RESIGNED (was not fired) so Whittaker could take over. If sessions were black hat, he’d have made Trump fire him, denying PDJT the opportunity to appoint an “Acting” AG, and RR would have been in charge.


Sounds good. Trump is able to do ‘work arounds’ pretty well. It’s called cognitive flexibility.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My thought of course precludes the existence of a *detailed* plan since the enemy messed it up. But Trump knows NO detailed battle plan survives 15 minutes of actual combat–so Trump adapted, improvised, and (I hope) is overcoming.


Steve, your theory makes sense to me. My other thought is Sessions allowed the plotters to carry out their insurance policy so evidence could be collected on them when they are tried later.


There was a guy (oldIADguy) at CTH who thought the Trumps had dirty ties to Russia.

Pat Frederick

Joe Biden folks, and his Make America Bow Again tour..
here’s some free advice Joe: SHUT UP & KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF


Biden looks like he’s had some ‘work done’ on his face.
I’m posting this only so that you can see what I am talking about.
Everything out of his mouth is cringeworthy rubbish, so you may want to mute it…that’s what I did after about 20 seconds.
He just looks…different.

Pat Frederick

hmmmm…when I clicked on the link, it says “this media may contain sensitive material.” I’ve seen that before but wonder why with Joe’s speech?
but you’re right–he has a tan (emulating POTUS perhaps?) and yeah he looks like he had something done…


Still looks like the same perverted d*ckhead to me!!!


These lions are acting like they smell something tasty inside that tent.


Ooops…sorry, wrong link.
Here’s the one I was referring to:

Pat Frederick

that’s scary…but I hate camping on all levels so…lol


Dobbs and Gaetz works too !!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They’re both right–Dobbs is being general, and Gaetz is focusing on a specific instance of what Dobbs is talking about.
Had Obolacare actually been repealed the Rs might still have the House and they might deserve it.

Pat Frederick

fool me once shame on me…fool me twice…
FTA: “Rahman (the first of her 3 husbands) was killed in the town of Kobanî, and soon afterwards Muthana angrily tweeted: “Americans wake up! Men and women altogether. You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping! Go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriots, Memorial, etc day … Kill them.””
of course, now she says she’s sorry and wants to come home with her son…


Great tweet graphic!

This looks like a roller coaster…but it’s actually a rail road.


My fav’s (Anthony Branco) latest from LI
“Darth Evader, The Empire Strikes Back”comment image


This is funny…but it’s also scary:

Pat Frederick

including English and double negatives…lol


The photo itself says it all. Those three look like they need a good scraping.


Lindsey Graham did a good job here:

The woman asks:
“Don’t you think Congress has ceded too much power to the Executive Branch?”
Where was she when HusseinO was usurping power, over and over?!

Gail Combs

“OR as Trump would say:”

Disgraced FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe pretends to be a “poor little Angel” when in fact he was a big part of the Crooked Hillary Scandal & the Russia Hoax…

This has to be put together with the Peter Strzok text just before he decided to join Mueller’s Witch Hunt.
He text Page.
That was an admission that after hunting for over a year, they HAD NO EVIDENCE ANY CRIME WAS COMMITTED and KNEW IT!
So yes, McCabe is trying to put a spin on the tale.

Pat Frederick

that second one? THAT guy I would send into that car after the spider! LOL (which I have felt crawling all over my arms…thanks so much…lol)


Hell’s Kitchen in the News!!


A day to remember?

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

True !



New one already:comment image
[Example CA]
What ‘family’ runs CA?
They are all connected.
The More You Know….


Hummm …. wonder just how much MORE Don Jr. is learning ’bout these inner-workings? 😉


Incestuous dealings for far too long. Newsom is worse than brown. Far more cocky and arrogant


My reply may show up 2x. But he’s going to find out a lot. These incestuous ties are long standing and this is only basic info. Look at the hollywood families, the political class…They only marry each other.

Gail Combs

First page of comments has that graphic and another commenter, just below, adds the ?8? Families that got Newsom elected. Includes URL
(And yes, I try to read all the comments)


Vigilant citizen posted an article showing a younger getty who is into the symbolism. I remember seeing this one.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

The Gettys have always been big in the SF Social Scene.. and throwing their money around for hyper-liberal causes… They were always on the society pages of the Examiner and the Chron (and the Merc and Tribune, for that matter)…


I also do the same – one can find some really great info that way. In fact, that is how I initially found CTH – via a BB comment. Same applies on the Twitter threads – I ALWAYS read down the thread to the bottom.

Greg Cox

Question is, why these nuts are involved at all, with ski resort that’s going to be obsolete due to “Global Warming”. LOL!


And another!
Feb 18 2019 11:01:17 (EST)
It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.


Oh, wow! I have that article up right now in another tab and just shared it on FB.


Heard on OAN this morning that 8.5K Yellow Vests have been arrested in France. Macron’s goons working hard to stop this – somehow, I just don’t think it is going to work this time. At least, I hope not.


8500 people….thats rounding up a lot of citizens. If they are the patriots, which is likely, it will not stop them.
He cant show his face in public. I wonder how that will work. Can he be removed?


Good question…


2 more…..
New: Title TBD2784
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI18 Feb 2019 – 8:13:31 AM📁
What does FEAR look like?
30m use ‘Qanon’ across ‘censored’ platforms?
Incorrect, much more.
The Great Awakening.
Is a repost tho:
Repost [lb]
Bread 6698
>>5242227 [Q]
>It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.
CBS’s Lara Logan on Media Bias: ‘Unless You Seek out Breitbart,’ You Won’t See the ‘Other Side’


Ha! Jessie Smollett scumbag blocked PDJT on his Twitter thread!


Ooops! It was actually Don, Jr., who said: “Hahahaha. Strange that no-one in Hollywood or the Main Stream Media seems to want #JusticeForJussie anymore. Wonder what changed?”


Those 2 want to stay in the US. I bet thats why they rolled on him so fast. I think the feds have rahm packaged and he wont interfere. Not saying someone else wont, but that the police are really going after him is promising. As an aside, he doesnt have the money to pay for the pr and attorneys. Someone is paying for him so he doesnt spill the beans.

Pat Frederick

that bothers me…not that the police might/are going after Smollet, but because no one has gone after FORD or the others yet…and it’s been how long?


Well, thats bc its clearly a criminal act, filing a false police report, and its current. The others are civil bc they are slander and libel.

Pat Frederick

you’re right…didn’t think of it that way, thanks!


I would hope the feds are involved. Q implies that Smollett did this at the behest of the Dems to push the noose law.

Cuppa Covfefe



“Liberal activist group Public Citizen filed the first lawsuit against President Trump to block his national emergency declaration to build a border wall. Hours earlier, Trump said he’s prepared for the onslaught of lawsuits that will be filed by open-borders Democrats. So bring it on, baby.
In the Feb. 15 complaint filed by Public Citizen on behalf of the Frontera Audubon Society and three landowners in South Texas, the lawsuit claims President Trump exceeded his constitutional authority.”


“In the Feb. 15 complaint filed by Public Citizen on behalf of the Frontera Audubon Society and three landowners in South Texas, the lawsuit claims President Trump exceeded his constitutional authority.”
The landowner in Texas that object to the wall need to be investigated.
Why would they subject themselves to illegals , child trafficking , drug tariffing, cartels using their land..?
Do they have a rich to endanger Texas and the rest of the US…?


Wolfie!! New Q!!!


The Pain is REAL!!!🤣🤣


Oh that is funny!


“Jussie Smollett appears to have picked the wrong location for his “hate crime” to be caught on video, if we compare his Good Morning America interview to the latest reports about the two Nigerian men who say the actor-singer paid them to stage an assault.
As of now, it looks as though police believe Empire star Smollett not only lied about a phony hate crime committed against him by supporters of President Trump, he also hoped to arrange for the hoax to be recorded by a surveillance camera.
According to CBS Chicago, Smollett, who is black and gay, paid $3500 to two brothers (who are also black) to stage a racist and homophobic attack on him.”

Pat Frederick

not too bright…imo…he knew where the surveillance cameras were


He did – in fact, he talked about it during one of his interviews – he said he looked up and noticed the camera (after the attack – riiiiight) and figured it was on tape. To his chagrin, the camera was pointed the wrong direction! ROFLMAO

Pat Frederick

IKR???? lmao!!


Well, how-de-do! Posted the link before I read the whole thing – THIS was the motive and tarring and feathering PDJT and the Deplorables was a side benny, IMO.
“There is also Smollett’s debut album, which is scheduled to hit store shelves on March 2, and the live performances promoting the album, which began just a few days after the attack.”


Yet CNN is still standing behind Smollett as usual CNN is blaming Trump supporters
CNN responds to new Jussie Smollett hoax evidence, and its own failure, by getting mad at Trump supporters


Projecting again, I see, CNN! I think from now on I will use FNN.


I know i should get used to that channels real name.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But “Commie” starts with a C, not an F.


FNN = Fake News Network – no doubt you had already figured that out. Grrr….I HATE auto-correct!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, I did. 😀
Back in the 90s I called them the Clinton News Network (which was a common name for them back then) but of course, that name is properly spelled with a K, as in Klinton.


Yep – I remember that from just a couple of years ago. She will forever be Killary to me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hitlary Rotten Klinton. Sometimes Shrillary if one wants to focus on the sound of her voice.
I told someone the other day that my bearded dragon had seen Hitlary on the TV and immediately died. (I then assured her the little guy was in fact fine; she did appreciate the Hitlary joke.)


“Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has deleted her tweet of sympathy for the Empire actor Jussie Smollett, who police in Chicago reportedly believe orchestrated a hoax hate crime attack against himself.” ROFLMAO


Seems like Smollett is digging an even bigger hole for himself.


He is facing a grand jury soon!


Looks like someone should take a long long vacation.


Yeah – a permanent one!


he doesn’t seem to know when to zip it.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 700827 No.5242432 📁
Feb 18 2019 11:13:31 (EST)📁
What does FEAR look like?
30m use ‘Qanon’ across ‘censored’ platforms?
Incorrect, much more.
The Great Awakening.


Ahhhhhh…..more snow!!!! Another 3-5 inches predicted from Tuesday into Wednesday.

Pat Frederick

I feel your pain NF!!
we expect a couple of inches tonight and then Wednesday maybe snow and/or ice…
winter and I need to breakup…so over him….


Same here! In all honesty, tho, I really shouldn’t be complaining. Until recently, we had gotten very little snow this winter. This is Nebraska, after all. However, I can remember when I was growing up we got MUCH more snow. Some winters, they had to put flags on the piles of snow so people could see where the road/intersection was. My dad had an old ’59 Ford (all our cars were named – this one was the Black Orchid) that he would use as a battering ram to push through the driveway. In spite of that, school was almost NEVER called off. He was a mail carrier then and would bundle up and walk to work if driving wasn’t possible. My Mom taught at a public grade school just a few blocks from my parochial school so I would go with her and walk the rest of the way, snow or no snow.

Pat Frederick

I remember one time it snowed so much, when they finally could plow–we had (to me anyway) WALLS of snow and my dad (who was a milkman at the time, remember those?) pulled us kids around the town on a sled…
gosh when i was a kid we walked to the elementary school–a good mile and a half away–no buses were needed–and there wasn’t a crossing guard either till you got almost to school…safer times

Gail Combs

On the way home from shopping I noticed the trees have that red haze that means they are budding. ALLERGY TIME.


Thankfully, that is one problem I don’t have.


I won’t get into the couple of years I went to a one-room country school and walked 2 miles each way (pre-adoption). My Grandpa lived half-way and we would stop there to warm up and drink a cup of Sanka. VERY rarely, he would give us a ride.


That is us where I live. Had a two day break, but supposed to snow again for the next two days.


I walked 3 km each way to school rain or snow. I remember the school was never closed except vacation. Did not matter how cold it was or warm.
I would bring extra pants or wear sweats over regular pants when there was knee high snow or higher.
I had to walk through a wooden aria mostly we went in groups.
When I was in grate school I could not wear pants in school was quite cold walking to school. Very seldom I put sweats on and took them off before getting into school.
Also could not wear sweats for gym and the gym had no heat. I guess they wanted to make us harden and it worked.


Ah! Same here – NO pants allowed for girls. When I was going to the one-room school, we wore pants under our skirts and took them off at school.

Gail Combs

I really hated the no pants allowed for girls. I ended up with a bad case of frost bite when I got lost in a blizzard trying to walk home at age 6.
Big brother(14) left me and went home without me. My parents panicked and went out looking and finally found me.
I DO NOT MISS the snow, although I like to X-country ski.


I was also never allowed to wear slacks to church. My A-Mom kept up with that until the mid-2000’s.


Oh i remember my walks…Actually checked them out when I was back there last year.
Elementary school was 2.5 miles, Junior High was 2 miles if I could cut through the field if it wasn’t raining, otherwise it was 3.5 miles.
Swimming pool which shocked me was over 1.5 miles. Damn I practically lived there in the summer times.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 700827 No.5242534 📁
Feb 18 2019 11:19:28 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ab2261 No.5242466 📁
Feb 18 2019 11:16:09 (EST)
1 BB re Logan Media Bias 2-18-19.PNG ⬇
2 BB re Logan Media Bias 2-18-19.PNG ⬇
3 BB re Logan Media Bias 2-18-19.PNG ⬇
4 BB re Logan Media Bias 2-18-19.PNG ⬇
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>>5242227 [Q]
>It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.
CBS’s Lara Logan on Media Bias: ‘Unless You Seek out Breitbart,’ You Won’t See the ‘Other Side’
Read between the lines re: MSM ‘LEFT’….
Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
No one ‘news’ location will provide unbiased content.
You are the news now.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 700827 No.5242957 📁
Feb 18 2019 11:42:29 (EST)📁
The President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, AGREED that an illegal coup was attempted against him.
Stop and understand the GRAVITY of acknowledgement.
Do you believe nothing will happen?
Do you believe no one will be prosecuted?
POTUS making statements for no reason?
How do you introduce the TRUTH to those still asleep?
DECLAS coming?
The message must be direct (bypass the non reporting of the TRUTH (facts) by FAKE ‘spin the narrative’ NEWS).


Damn if true What the H3LL has our country come to.
Ohio Community Center Offers Kids “Shoot The President” Nerf Party:

Pat Frederick

an interesting take on Manafort–opinion piece

Gail Combs

“….As an Arabic-speaking lawyer in 1972, the Washington Post reported, Barrack played some squash with a set of Saudi princes and thus became “the American representative of ‘the boys.’ ” There was no word on whether Barrack had registered as a Saudi agent for this work for the Saudi family dictatorship…..”
Saudi Princes???
Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal who threatenned Candidate Trump?
The Eleven princes detained in Saudi Arabia on 4 November 2017, not long after the Las Vegas Massacre (October 1, 2017)?



President Trump will speak to Venezuelan refugees and immigrants today:


Ah, the hypocrisy of the left on full display!!!
“A liberal pulled a gun on a man in a Kentucky big box store allegedly because he was triggered over the man’s Donald Trump campaign MAGA hat.
Police in Bowling Green, Kentucky, say James Phillips was arrested after witnesses said he pulled a gun inside a Sam’s Club outlet because the victim was wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat.
A police report notes that the suspect admitted to getting upset over the headwear and that he “flipped off” the MAGA hat wearer, according to WBKO-TV 13.”


This woman was crazy to drag the dog. Then laugh about it. Shes been charged. It wasnt even her dog.
Even more disturbing, she was fired as a prison psychologist just a few weeks ago.
Woman Charged After Videos Show Small Dog Being Dragged Behind Electric Scooter in Bakersfield
A woman accused of dragging a small dog behind a scooter in Bakersfield after photos and videos captured the incident last month has been charged.
Prosecutors filed animal abuse and neglect charges against Elaine Rosa last Friday, according to television station KERO in Bakersfield.
Rosa faces 3 years jail time and a $20,000 fine, the station reported.
Bo Koenig, Rosa’s attorney, released the following statement to KERO:
“We were recently advised by law enforcement that official charges have been filed against my client. I’ve reached out to my client and we plan on cooperating with law enforcement 100 percent. She is in the process of turning herself over to the authorities this evening.”
The viral videos and photos that allegedly captured Rosa dragging a small dog behind an electric scooter in January sparked an uproar on social media.
Brandon Sanders told KERO last month that he was with his girlfriend when they witnessed the incident.
Sanders confronted the woman — since identified as Rosa — when she got closer and asked if she and the dog were OK.
She responded, “S–t happens, just like with kids,” Sanders wrote in a widely shared post on Facebook.
“We told her, ‘No, you don’t drag your kids behind a scooter at 15 mph,’” Sanders told KERO.
The dog had four bloody paws, Sanders said.
He snapped photos of the wounded canine – and the woman – and posted them on social media.
“I was on my bicycle and she was walking, and she looked at me, and when she saw that I was taking her picture, she smiled at me, kind of a smart-aleck smile,” Sanders said at the time. “I’m not going to say that what she did was intentional, but it was very negligent. She had to have drug the dog at least 100 yards before she even checked to see if it was still there – and that’s just from what we saw, from the point to where we actually saw her to where she stopped.”
According to KERO, Rosa was a former employee of the Kern Valley State Prison as a contracted psychologist. Her contract was terminated on Jan. 7.
It is unknown if the videos or photos played a role in that.
Rosa was not the owner of the dog, Bakersfield police said. The dog has since been returned to its owner and received medical treatment.
The suspect posted bail and was no longer in custody, the station reported.


At least they fired her the day after the story was on the news. Fairly quick.


OMG! One has to wonder if she has kids – just imagine how she treats them as well!


Today in history:

Remember 70,000+ Americans die every year due to illegal drug overdoses!


Don Jr. post I saw on FB:
Reagan – We have a border crisis.
Bush Sr. – We have a border crisis.
Clinton – We have a border crisis.
Bush Jr. – We have a border crisis.
Obama – We have a border crisis.
PDJT – Hey, let’s build a wall and solve the border crisis.
Libs – OMG! Trump manufactured this border crisis.
Ya’ just can’t fix stupid, I tell ya’!


That last line was mine.


Speaking of stupid – traveling to Mexico is the opposite of smart.



IMO, Chaffetz has no room to talk – what, exactly, did he ever accomplish while HE was in Congress? Pretty much nada, same as ole Roosterhead!


They do put on a pretty good dog-and-pony show – I have to give them credit for that. SMH

Gail Combs

Yes, at least the two did get facts into the public awareness. Remember they were swimming in a VERY dangerous swamp so they had to push just so far and no further.
Think of what happened to Congress McFadden and Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr for pushing to far against the Banksters. One was assassinated and the other had his tiny grandson kidnapped and murdered.


That is why Coach Osborne quit and came home.


congress is part of a FAKE government. it’s all part of a game as we’ve all discussed for years now openly (some of us have believed/suspected/known for years) …
i hope to god my deep dark feeling about all this stuff since the 2016 campaign is not true, but so far it’s neck and neck with truth coming out. unfortunately when i’ll be able to tell 100% it will be too late, but i hope at least to know a little before then. in the meantime i am not taking it for granted that anything is going to be the same in a short time…


Since at least 1871, when our original Constitution was supplanted with the Constitution of the United States, Inc.


My opinion of him has evolved. It’s a Big Club and He Wasn’t In It. He went into Congress wanting to do the right thing and effect change, but soon found out “They wouldn’t let him”. It’s a Big Uniparty Political Machine, it’s rigged, and they’ll either tie your hands or ruin you if you step out of line. Watching him as a Fox commentator solidifies my belief that He had ethical conflicts with how the system works and that he was very frustrated that he couldn’t get anything changed. One example that he wasn’t on the take is that he slept on his office floor while in DC, couldn’t afford anything else. Kudos to him for having the courage and of findng a financial way out while salvaging some dignity. While we may complain about RINOS, I suspect some of them may actually be or at least feel they’re trapped and truly believe they have no alternative than to follow marching orders. That’s one of the reasons POTUS can be so brazen and effective, he is neither owned nor manipulated by anyone. They can’t control him and they hate it!


When I see him on Fox he looks like he is putting on a show, and he is VERY careful with his language (not in a good way).


I know they were just rumors and never proven, but was his reason for quitting REALLY because he couldn’t afford it or was it the possible affair? Wasn’t he the one who also had an injury to his heel? That caught my attention because my musician friend had fallen from a ladder (crushed his heel like stepping on a styrofoam cup) and suffered the same kind of injury.


coming soon to maine i hear:
we are on the bandwagon for the full term abortions.
we are on the bandwagon for giving our electoral votes to the “popular vote winner”
already are committed to free health, education and benefits for all our refugee brothers and sisters here, and they of course want to move that out to even more people – starting up the states medicare(?) plan again for those “who can’t afford healthcare” which almost went bankrupt last time it was rolled out to anyone. even though we have obamacare people still can’t afford healthcare… wow.


Still no idea that we were all banned OT.
The Akh says:
February 18, 2019 at 12:05 pm
I wouldn’t take McCabe’s word on the role Sessions played. I would be very cautious on that front…but,
Thankfully, the “trust Sessions” crowd along with their litany of canards has all but evaporated.
jeans2nd says:
February 18, 2019 at 12:24 pm
It was when AG Jeff refused to defend Don Jr for me. And perhaps you have noticed, Howie no longer comments. We have lost many good people over this. Sad.


Well they just dont pay attention. Same as before, majority of those who left were not just banned but left when it was obvious the head of the site was willing to cut off his nose out of spite. Then one ear, then another.

Gail Combs

You really had to tippy toe if you wanted to say anything positive about Jeff Sessions.
I repeatedly tried to interject what the LAW SAID and it was always completely ignored.
Point blank Session HAD to recuse per DOJ ethics regs and if he did not, I think Congress would have impeached him. (The voting on that nasty funding bill solidifies that thinking.)
Never mind all that Sessions did on child Trafficking and MS13.


Sessions also had to clean up the DOJ from Holder/Lynch and the Obomination’s tenure.
For a summary of JBS accomplishments:


Plus, who else could Pres. Trump have possibly nominated, and who would have gotten confirmed, who was a card-carrying member of the swamp?


Should read: “…who WASN’T a card-carrying member of the Swamp?


gail, thank you for defending Jeff Sessions so well. He is a true patriot, very courageous and brilliant and he respects and upholds the law and is just a decent and humane human being. I wish I could shake his hand and thank him someday for all he has done for our country.

Gail Combs

You are welcome.
I was mostly neutral on Sessions but the allegations against him were just plain WRONG! And that really burned me.


There all just flesh wounds to SD 😉

Gail Combs

I am still trying to figure out WHO the seven people would be who got together at a secret, secure location just as the election was called per Q.
#1 — DAVID ROCKEFELLER (Representative of the Elite)
I suggested the location was David Rockefeller’s estate in Pocantico Hills, New York.
“…in a 1965 profile in The New Yorker. Referring to the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the magazine said: “At their conclusion Rockefeller usually has the whole crowd, plus wives, up to Pocantico Hills for lunch.” …”
If you think that annual meeting of the IMF and World Bank with David Rockeffer was ‘just social’ I have a bridge to sell you….
So David Rockefeller, then 100, would certainly expect the meeting at HIS HOME. He would not be traveling and the estate was well prepped for such meetings.
Hillary disappeared and did not give a consession speech or comfort her supporters. Her home in Chappequa is less than 10 miles (5 minutes) from the Rockefeller estate. That David Rockefeller, as the spokesman of the Elite, would call her on the carpet after the crappy campaign she led, seems likely. She would then be given her marching orders going forward. (Think Purple Revolution and purple clothes the next day.)
#3 — ANDY McCabe (FBI representative)
McCabe owns a house in the same neighborhood as the Clintons 0.7 miles away (H/T) GeorgiaFl who points to a George Webb vid December 2nd 2017 Andy McCabe’s house in Chappequa…” Map @ 5:48
#4 — John Brennan (CIA representative)
A John Brennan (82), living in North Bergen NJ, died in April 12, 2016. There is no mention of a CIA director in the Obit. Home goes to Brennan’s co-hab.
HOWEVER “BBC News says, ” North Bergen native and current CIA Director John Brennan gives…”
So Brennan most likely has family there and a place to crash. He would be in NYC area to kiss Hillary, the new President for Life’s, ring.
#5 — Preet Bharara (DOJ representative)
Preet Bharara was the former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York one of the most powerful districts. Bharara would have been instrumental in squashing the Wiener Laptop fiasco. “…On March 11, 2017, Bharara was fired after he refused to follow Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s request for all remaining 46 U.S. Attorneys appointed during Barack Obama’s presidency to resign….” — WIKI
So it looks like he had plans to stay in place. He would also have inbeds he is STILL in contact with in that office.
Also on facebook: “… Harvard Book Store welcomes former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York PREET BHARARA for a discussion of his debut book, Doing Justice: A Prosecutor’s Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and the Rule of Law.…” (Pay-off time???)
#6 — Eric Schneiderman ( NY state DOJ representative)
Eric Schneiderman has an apartment in NYC. He may have a home outside of NYC in Westchester County too, but I could not find anything. I picked Schneiderman for several reasons.
Schneiderman was shielding NIXVM in upstate New York from investigation.
He served as the State Attorney General of New York from 2011 until his forced resignation in May 2018. This is just after he re-openned a dead indictment against President Trump. An indictment he had used earlier to coerce political campaign contributions out of President Trump.
I think Schneiderman was to be the reserve attack if Mueller’s special council failed.
#6 — ???? ( George Soros representative???) (MSM representative???)
The meeting would not have to be very long, Just long enough to hand out MARCHING ORDERS. That Purple Revolution crap did not come up out of no where the day after the election.

Gail Combs

I picked these people because most are rather low profile and would NOT BE AT HOTELS where the swarm of journalists would note their presence. (Think the Bill Clinton – Lorretta Lynch tarmac meeting fiasco)
Also every single one of these people has some tie to the attacks on President Clinton or the Clinton email cover-up.


Murdoch, Gates, Zuckerburg?


probably just met at hillary’s house… in the basement… she has a SCIF there where the fax machine and the servers were right? 😉


And a toilet !


forgot about that! damn that place is hooked up!


Gotta go make my famous spaghetti sauce (actually, Ragu’s famous spaghetti sauce – LOL – original MW Queen here) to take to a friend’s this evening (after shoveling – again!). See y’all later – have a great MAGA day!

Pat Frederick

be careful shoveling!!


All done, spaghetti sauce in the fridge, ready to go. Only about 2″ on my driveway due to the wind.

Gail Combs

“In the Feb. 15 complaint filed by Public Citizen on behalf of the Frontera Audubon Society and three landowners in South Texas, the lawsuit claims President Trump exceeded his constitutional authority.”
(I agree with singingsoul, that these owners need investigation.)
At this point those three landowners have NO STANDING unless there has been attempted Eminent Domain taking of their land that has gone to the courts UNDER PRESIDENT TRUMP ( not Bush)
I am fairly sure President Trump has not pushed that yet since there are plenty of land owners who WANT THE WALL!
Can anyone find out who the three landowners are and what their status is re: Eminent Domain ? A monetary offer to buy an easement I do not think will give them ‘standing’

Standing legal definition of standing
The legally protectible stake or interest that an individual has in a dispute that entitles him to bring the controversy before the court to obtain judicial relief.
Standing, sometimes referred to as standing to sue, is the name of the federal law doctrine that focuses on whether a prospective plaintiff can show that some personal legal interest has been invaded by the defendant. It is not enough that a person is merely interested as a member of the general public in the resolution of the dispute. The person must have a personal stake in the outcome of the controversy.
The standing doctrine is derived from the U.S. Constitution’s Article III provision that federal courts have the power to hear “cases” arising under federal law and “controversies” involving certain types of parties. In the most fundamental application of the philosophy of judicial restraint, the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted this language to forbid the rendering of advisory opinions.
Once a federal court determines that a real case or controversy exists, it must then ascertain whether the parties to the litigation have standing. The Supreme Court has developed an elaborate body of principles defining the nature and scope of standing. Basically, a plaintiff must have suffered some direct or substantial injury or be likely to suffer such an injury if a particular wrong is not redressed. A defendant must be the party responsible for perpetrating the alleged legal wrong.
Most standing issues arise over the enforcement of an allegedly unconstitutional statute, ordinance, or policy. One may challenge a law or policy on constitutional grounds if he can show that enforcement of the law or implementation of the policy infringes on an individual constitutional right, such as Freedom of Speech…..
The issue of standing has played a crucial role in Class Action lawsuits, especially those filed by environmental groups. In Sierra Club v. Morton, 405 U.S. 727, 92 S. Ct. 1361, 31 L. Ed. 2d 636 (1972), the Court denied standing to an environmental group that was challenging a decision by the secretary of the interior. The Court ruled that the Sierra Club had not demonstrated that its members would be substantially adversely affected by the secretary’s decision. Later environmental class actions have overcome the standing hurdle by including specific harms that group members would suffer, thus avoiding the Court’s rule against generalized concerns….

Elizabeth Carter

Gail, Does the Audubon Society realize that the American Eagle is an Alpha Predator and Varmint Hunter? It would probably be a good idea for the varmints not to antagonize the American Eagle.

Pat Frederick

hopefully this posts (copied from OT!!!! Budmc)

Elizabeth Carter

Maybe some Blue Twitter Birds flying over it and through it would be an environmentally nice touch.


anyone else see what old nikki haley was up to over the weekend? could be she’s getting a good team together to talk about a run for office, but i am sure it’s completely innocent and these people just HAPPENED to be attending the NBA all star game and got in a little business before pleasure. she hangs out with the good ones!


comment image


This Carolina Girl has been telling y’all you can’t trust Haley…
The one on far right is Oprah’s friend Gayle King
‘Course y’ll recognize the ‘handler’ of the coup… Johnnie Boy…


Wolfie, I’m getting the shivers–I mean it’s so creepy. Could someone please tell me who all is in the picture besides Nikki, Condie, Gail King and Brennan? If possible. Thanks.


gen. martin dempsey – chairman of joint chiefs of staff under obamarama 10/2011 – 9/2015
the crazy looking tall guy is nba commissioner adam silver.
the woman by brennan, i am not positive, but i do not think it’s brennan’s wife looking at picture searches.
the tell here is MSM (some even obscure outlets) are covering how haley was taking flak for this from “Right Wing Twitter” and how she deflected it back nicely… covering for her now. well, that ought to pretty much tie that up with a bow.


Thank you, Andrew.


i had a feeling you’d be interested in this situation, just wasn’t sure if you had seen it yet.
it’s like the comey, mccabe, strozkh, lisa page, blasley-ford, jussie, on and on – all these people are liers, potentially treasonous to the max degree, and they just kick back, no repurcussion, book tours, go fund me, 60 minutes interviews… and absolutely no public “scolding” except the president which he gets criticized about.
this is part of the frustrating part with this “waiting game” if there is actually a game going on – all this stuff happens and there’s been little to no fight back from “good guys”. all the evil has had as much time as they want, 24/7 to spew their lies, write their books, collect their money, travel, be free to keep being treasonous… like a guy just mentioned to me here at the office “mccabe’s story and what they were really trying to do (best intentions) actually makes sense” so now there’s another layer that person needs to have broken through before the truth gets to them.
it’s like, massively frustrating because when/if truth actually comes out i mean, it’s going to have to be so vivid and brilliant and just non stop for weeks on end – people are going to have to be given mandatory vacations so they can read/watch/ingest it all. and i am not sure that’s going to happen. i think they might just get mad and do some fighting back.
these potential false flags are the perfect thing to distract too. people lap it up like warm milk in a kitten’s dish.


POTUS never played golf with John Kelly


Please remove this post (P) — it’s large and I reposted it 🙂



thanks Wolfie


I don’t know what you’re talking about (hell, I don’t know what I’m talking about!), but I once received a reply to a comment that reveaedl the commenters name and email, due to something called “PING-BACK” or something like that ?


Someone must have used a URL referencing a comment of yours in one of their WP comments or blog posts (i.e. articles).
That’s what a Pingback is.


I want to post an idea I read on QRV. (If I don’t I will forget to do it, get distracted, think to do it, get distracted, etc etc).
WE should start labeling EVERYTHING the left Narrates as a “conspiracy theory”.
Climate change … conspiracy theory.
Racism … conspiracy theory.
Green new deal … conspiracy theory.
Russia collusion … conspiracy theory.
We took Fake News away from them, we can take “conspiracy theory” away from them.
Every single Narrative talking point … conspiracy theory. “Conspiracy theory” should just be the normal modifier on everything coming from the left.
Maybe this will seem lame after a few minutes thought, but I LOVE the idea for the moment!


Tonawand, just love this idea–reminds me of Trump saying “fake news.”


Hope this posts 🤞😑comment image
It’s on Q 8 Chan ….

Pat Frederick

that’s so cool!


Can you believe it? ABC is covering FLOTUS? And NBC is streaming POTUS this afternoon? (Maybe some of them know that some of them will soon be in handcuffs?



Awesome new song I was turned onto


Marine One – wheels up to Miami!


Hey Ga/FL… there’s NOW a helio-pad !!!




’bout time!!!!


Look at all the security !!!


I wonder if this is who George Papadopoulos was referring to?


Cambridge Analytica allegedly mined data for then-candidate Trump and, before that, Brexit:
The UK Information Commission also searched Cambridge Analytica’s offices on March 23, 2018 ( pages take a minute or two to load):
From the article:
‘The data watchdog’s investigation includes the acquisition and use of Facebook data by Cambridge Analytica, its parent company SCL and academic Dr Aleksandr Kogan, who developed the app used to gather data.
‘It stems from claims over the harvesting of personal data – and whether it was used during Donald Trump’s US presidential campaign or the Brexit referendum.’
In short:
‘The personal data of approximately 87 million[23] Facebook users were acquired via the 270,000 Facebook users who used a Facebook app called “This Is Your Digital Life.”[24] By giving this third-party app permission to acquire their data, back in 2015, this also gave the app access to information on the user’s friends network; this resulted in the data of about 87 million users, the majority of whom had not explicitly given Cambridge Analytica permission to access their data, being collected. The app developer breached Facebook’s terms of service by giving the data to Cambridge Analytica.[25]
‘On 1 May 2018, Cambridge Analytica and its parent company filed for insolvency proceedings and closed operations.[26][27]’


As to this:
Damian Collins is a Remainer.
At the weekend, he announced that he wants an end to Fake News (meaning the likes of you and me) via Internet regulation, which means that Britons would not be able to comment on sites such as this or have their own blogs on WP (or other hosts), Twitter accounts, FB accounts, etc.
From the UK’s pre-eminent ‘Guido Fawkes’ (mentioned earlier here on this thread re Brexit):
‘Damian Collins’ committee has this morning published its report into “Disinformation and ‘fake news’” and off the bat it is a full-on onslaught of new heavy-handed regulations that could herald the end of a free and open internet.
‘The report recommends that tech companies cease to be seen as platforms, and shift to being seen much more as publishers, establishing a new Government written “Code of Ethics” overseen by yet another new quango given “statutory powers to monitor relevant tech companies”:
“tech companies assume legal liability for content identified as harmful after it has been posted by users”
‘Calling to end platform neutral status for internet companies would end social media as we know it. If Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or any other user-centred host of content became classified as publishers, why would any company allow anything to be posted without central approval first? Doing anything else would leave that company legally liable for whatever its users posted on the site…
‘Publisher status would necessitate pre-approval by legal teams for everything that was posted, so that companies would avoid getting sued. A precautionary principle would have to be adopted – we would end up with a small group of out-of-touch politicians and technocrats deciding what is acceptable to say on the internet. In reality this would lead to a mass exodus of global companies from the UK…
‘The UK is home to more tech companies than anywhere else in Europe. There is a tech boom of new startups and more ‘tech unicorn’ billion dollar valued companies than anywhere else in Europe. Collins’ hugely misguided plans would destroy all of that if they were ever implemented…’


Thanks for your input churchmouse…
Really appreciate info on those ‘across the pond’


You’re entirely welcome, pR!


holy christ this is ridiculous.
and i’m not only talking about the power of the russian bot – those things could take over the world! they already rigged our election, rigged brexit and now they are rigging france? powerful.


I know, right?!
When I read that this morning, I was gobsmacked (i.e. incredulous). The issue was raised around the time of the Brexit vote, IIRC, then dropped. Now this divot has raised the subject again.


and this exposes a portion of the mueller investigation that i wasn’t aware of either. i mean, i know cambridge analytica has been in the news (especially with the facebook ties back when we first heard of them) but now this is talking about how they are working with mueller and congress. i had not seen that before. and they use their critical buzzwords too like “oligarch” they love that stuff.


This whole thing beggars belief.


He’s probably blaming a free internet on the Brexit referendum outcome. If there hadn’t been so many conservative voices online in 2016, voters would not have opted to Leave at the ballot box.
So, yes, ‘silence the people’.


WOLF, help ! WordPress is giving me a fit… please delete above… I have to login in every time, sometimes my finger hits Post too quickly


comment image
For the children…
Win… we must…



Thanks for the link, pR.
I would have cheered, except that the following happened beforehand.
For me, Mick Mulvaney has quickly gone from hero to zero, based on his stance towards Angel families who tried to get an audience with PDJT last week. They eventually succeeded, but only with persistence — and divine providence.
Kellyanne Conway and Mercedes Schlapp were also involved in this prevention of access to the President. They, too, have huge black marks in my book.
From late last week (emph. mine):
‘EXCLUSIVE: Mulvaney, Schlapp Denied Angel Moms Meeting with Trump Over Budget Bill
‘Multiple sources inside the White House have confirmed for Big League Politics that high-level officials within the President Donald J. Trump’s administration – without Trump’s knowledge – denied Angel Moms a meeting with Trump to discuss Thursday’s proposed budget bill, which does not include full border wall funding.
‘Sabine Durden, one of the Angel Moms, a group of brave activists whose children have been slain by illegal aliens, was denied the opportunity to meet with Trump to discuss her opposition to the budget.
‘“Somebody doesn’t want Donald Trump to see us, because one look at us and our dead children, and he won’t want to sign that bill,” said Angel Mom Sabine Durden. “This request to meet with Donald Trump has been put in for quite some time, so it was a surprise.”
According to multiple sources, Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp personally nuked the meeting. The sources told BLP that Trump does not even know that the Angel Moms are in Washington, D.C., and that his staff is actively working to make sure that Trump does not learn of their presence.
‘“I don’t want [Trump] seeing dead kids before the budget vote because then he won’t vote for it,” Mulvaney reportedly said
OANN’s Ryan James Girdusky had more in two different Twitter threads.
Here’s one from Feb. 14:
There is more detail on this one from Feb. 16 (referring to Feb. 15):


Mulvaney, Schlapp and Conway are SNAKES IN THE GRASS.
Candidate Trump campaigned on behalf of ANGEL FAMILIES. Those three were preventing him from talking with them.


Trump has spent a lot of time talking with Angel families. Come on.


He wouldn’t have talked to them that day, without divine providence. There was a new family there, by the way.
Read the tweets and the Free Beacon article. Those three WH officials were trying to prevent him from talking to them.


CM, I just have to wonder if there isn’t more to this story….seems so “off”….


Perhaps it’s worth filing away in the back of our minds for the future.
(It sounds plausible to me.)


Well, CM, this certainly Is disappointing, not at all what I would have expected from these people.


Agree, and, in fact, I was even angrier rereading the OANN Twitter thread now than I was when I first saw it almost a day ago.


when i heard this last week (without ALL the details) i thought it was just disinfo, sort of like how bad the bill was boobytrapped by the dems… i thought the mulvaney and nielsen and others pushing the president to sign without really reading was sketchy as hell.
now this part really puts a huge question mark.
honestly, i am already 100% on the fact that our govt is broken beyond repair. everyone must go. evil must be eradicated and i am not extremely positive here.
there is not much more time here and i will admit i do not know what is going to happen, but every person in the administration is extremely suspect to me – not one person has been 100% on the money MAGA it seems – maybe except the economic guy there, that’s about it. everyone else i wouldn’t trust as far as i could throw them. that includes EVERYONE including pompeo, pence, everyone.


Frankly, the only ones I trust are PDJT and Stephen Miller.
Sorry, no Ivanka, no Jared, nobody else.
Only PDJT and Stephen Miller.


Exactly, CM–just Miller and Trump. That’s it.


You bet!


Trump and his team spent a whole day or so reading the bill!

Gail Combs

If Trump and his team were going over that bill with a fine toothed comb I can understand why Mulvaney, et al DID NOT want President Trump to be disturbed.
Rmember the vote was so lop-sided FOR the bill it was already veto proof. That means that President Trump and his team had to come up with a strategy to calm down his voter base AND defuse that bill. AND he had 24 hours to do it. (Remember how tired looking he was?)
He really did not have time to meet with the Angel Moms PERIOD.
And yes I was ticked off at first until the logical side of the brain kicked in.

Gail Combs

Yeah, for some reason they STILL think President Trump is a complete idiot.
Bill Ivey email to Podesta again:

From:bi@globalculturalstrategies… [Bill Ivey]
To: john.podesta@….
Date: 2016-03-13 17:06
Subject: From Bill Ivey
Well, we all thought the big problem for our US democracy was Citizens United/Koch Brothers big money in politics. Silly us; turns out that money isn’t all that important if you can conflate entertainment with the electoral process. Trump masters TV, TV so-called news picks up and repeats and repeats to death this opinionated blowhard and his hairbrained ideas, free-floating discontent attaches to a seeming strongman and we’re off and running.

As Q keeps saying
These People are stupid.
I really think the brains behind this like David Rockefeller died off or are going senile.
Speaking of David Rockefeller, seems his entire estate is being sold off. No Strong Man to inherit???


I agree. Pres. Trump was in the midst of major negotiations that could affect his presidency, the 2020 election, and the course of the country. I can’t fathom what the angel families have experienced, but I don’t think any one group should think it is entitled to unfettered access to Pres. Trump. Other people have also lost loved ones, and it is well known that Pres. Trump supports the angel families. He didn’t need to be convinced.
I once heard a funny story about the Obama years, about a guy who was supposed to help Obama sign a birthday card on camera for some cause, but lots of things went wrong. My point is that he had been warned that the most important consideration is the President’s time, and it must not be wasted.


Here is Horizontal Harris’ tweet:comment image
Sex-for-Advancement-Harris: “@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know.”
That statement raises some obvious questions, Sexator Harris.
Considering the facts which have come out about Jussie Smollett (what’s a ‘Jussie’?), is your judgment about people really that abysmal?
Or are you saying you don’t actually know any human beings (gentle or otherwise) who aren’t such rabid racists that they would orchestrate a fake racist attack and then falsely accuse white people?
If your judgment is so poor, what does that tell the American People about what kind of judgment you would exercise as president — that is, if you can find a way to trade sex for the Oval Office, the way you did to become the junior Sexator from California?
And if racist thugs who perpetrate hate crimes against white people are the most ‘kind’ and ‘gentle’ people you know, then why would the American People want you anywhere near the White House?


Other questions for Heels-high Harris:
When you were the DA for San Francisco, did your office prosecute any prostitutes — or anyone else — for not reporting their income, i.e., for tax evasion?
When you were, umm, ‘working’ under Mayor Willie Brown in exchange for political office advancement, what dollar amount did you declare on your taxes for the tax years you spent on your back (and knees)?
For tax purposes, what is the estimated value of the offices you were promoted to, after prostituting yourself to corrupt Mayor Willie Brown?
How much is a DA office worth?
Must be a million dollars or more.
How much is a U.S. Senate seat worth?
Easily tens of millions of dollars.
Did you declare these tens of millions of dollars in compensation on your taxes?
Do you have a tax problem in addition to your sex-for-advancement scheme?


Mrs. Harris, when you counsel young American women on how to get involved and get ahead in politics, do you advise them to ‘work hard’, be persistent and never give up?
Even though that didn’t work for you?
Or do you teach the Kamala Method to success?
Are you a stark, raving hypocrite, or an honest degenerate teaching others by your despicable example?
Which plays better to your presidential aspirations for 2020?


Mrs. Harris, considering that as a Sexator from California you represent ground-zero of the worldwide porn industry, and considering that your sex for advancement under Mayor Willie Brown are undoubtedly being made into porn films as we speak, what titles would you suggest for the multiple films that will be released to coincide with your presidential run?
‘Free Willie’ and ‘Kamala Does San Francisco’ are probably a given.
How about some other titles your supporters would like to see?

Gail Combs

Oh, my the MEMES, the MEMES….
I think if I were Round Heeled Kamala, I would think again about running.


It is about a twitter storm that Andy Ngo put together that highlights all the hoaxes that have happened recently involving really nasty stuff… SMH


On today’s Howie Carr Show, Howie asked for someone to tell him of a crime that a MAGA person committed against a member of the public. There was a long pause of silence then the sound effect of crickets chirping.
Just so, Howie.
Thanks, amwick for the Legal Insurrection link — I have bookmarked it.


but they have to do this to keep the conversation going. a fake story that get’s people talking is better than not talking about it right????
seriously – and if it wasn’t for the fake-ish (FF) charlottsville bull crap, how many hate crimes do we have on record committed by some “right wing” people?: i mean, even the ones there are out there are almost 100% fake themselves – charlottsville, fake mail bomber, sketchy synagogue shooter (actually he was a left leaning guy anyway right?) so i mean, nothing comes to mind. and while i am sure there is one or two minor incidents, it’s the evil ones that are always trying to fake or hoax meanwhile the rest of us are just sitting around being nice and POSSIBLY SMIRKING at worst.
this is why i fear their reactions if the truth ever does come out.


At work , can’t read phone well. Wondering if the story on Harris Smollett connection has been posted yet?
Believes this is what Q wanted anons to investigate.


In that link is a post by Rex saying Smollett’s mother has last nane of Harris and was asking for help to investigate a possible connection with the senator. Thought of Augurbine. Not a tasker but she could likely do it quickly if it hasn’t been done yet.


It would be a *shame* for Kamala to be taken out of the running for president. She is such a lightweight and not nearly as smart as she would lead us to believe during her cross-examinations. She has no gravitas and would be a disaster as president and as a candidate — not just because of her beliefs and policies, but because of her incompetence. But to see her fall from grace would be gratifying since she wants to destroy our country.


Well now!

Gail Combs

North Carolina State Board of Elections…
Was it the Republicans they are pointing fingers at or the DemonRats.
The NC governor won because of voter fraud in Durham county. Chuck Kitchen told me 22 out of the 100 counties in NC had MORE voters than adult residents.

Harry Lime

Steven Crowder (Louder with Crowder) will be airing this segment in full tomorrow…


Still trying to catch up, so it may have been posted already. Investigation Discovery has a show about Jessica Chambers. I know it won’t be as in depth as what was done at OT, but I am watching. That story makes my heart sad

Harry Lime

Heartbreaking on so many levels…that story was what brought me to OT…seems so long ago.


Me too, Harry. That’s when I found the OT. Does seem so long ago, and sadly, so much has changed. This young girl, though, united strangers across this country in the horrific circumstances of her death. Some day, God will serve justice for her.

Harry Lime

It’s amazing how the MSM were nowhere to be found concerning that story…and yet look at the attention that fake and manufactured nonsense (Blasey-Ford, Smollett, Stormy, UVA rape hoax, Duke lacrosse rape hoax etc etc etc…) gets wall to wall coverage by the despicable corporate media…have no idea how that filth sleeps at night.


Demons don’t sleep


Dang Butterfly!!!


I know Marica, I know 😑😑


Maybe it was her body double…😉


She really needs to retire!!


They did keep pushing this: That’s Weird? Latest Photo of Ruth Bader Ginsburg From Last Week Was Actually Taken in November


“RBG – Proof of Life. ”
Not so fast!!!
From Neon Revolt, pointing out that the photo of RBG today matches the exact same outfit, hairdo, etc., from a TMZ article in April of 2018, lol!comment image


As Dr. Greg House often says, ‘everybody lies’, and nobody lies like the fake news!


“The video looks very real.”
I haven’t seen the video, only the still, but I don’t doubt that the video is ‘real’. It just appears to be from last year, not from today.
There are no coincidences.
Coincidence #1: RBG wearing the same head scarf as she wore at the exact same location as April 2018
Coincidence #2: RBG wearing the same coat as she wore April 2018
Coincidence #3: RBG wearing the same pants as she wore April 2018
Coincidence #4: RBG wearing the same shoes as she wore April 2018
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.” ― Ian Fleming

Molly Pitcher

It’s also the very same outfit as the alleged concert photo..the one and only photo


You should watch the video and compare it to the picture on the left. I don’t know where the picture from the right came from, not why poster is using, IT DOES NOT MATCH THE VIDEO. In the video the coat is the same, so are the black pants. The scarf is not. Scarf in video is tucked in, but definitely brown and beige, not white. You CANNOT see her shoes in the video. People wear same coats and scarves from year to year, they’re seasonal. Women her age would probably wear same shoes for a while, especially if they’re comfy. Most women always have several pairs of black pants and wear weekly. The other suspicious thing is the question the reporter asks. “Are you happy with the success of RBG movie?” The movie came out in May 2018, BUT it is nominated for an Oscar. Awards are scheduled for Feb 24th. Sooo, still no definitive proof if video is real or current, but it could be.

Molly Pitcher

The 2 odd things about the tmz vid…this Ginsburg’s neck is a lot straighter and she’s walking at a fairly brisk pace..but if it really was a body double why wouldn’t they dress her in different clothes like a normal person?


comment image


I am soooooo (NOT) Shocked. DTS. Of course they do… cry you idiots cry.
13 Celebrities Who Used Presidents Day to Bash President Trump


Oh, saints preserve us! The absolute EPITOME of a soy boy!!!! Close your eyes and picture this: A tall skinny guy in black work boots (new), plaid flannel shirt rolled up just above the elbow, fancy watch, skinny jeans rolled up and cuffed right above his ankles, pushing a store cart, in which is a hand truck……with wheels…..the ONLY thing in the cart……!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s a Lumberjack and he’s OK,
He sleeps all night and he preens all day…
(like Monty Python’s Lumberjack)…


I don’t get the reference since I never liked Monty Python. I am not into that kind of humor – never have been. I LOVE Jeff Dunham – my granddaughter and I watch some of his videos and she just giggles and giggles at Achmed, the Dead Terrorist and just adores Peanut. Larry, the Cable Guy, of course – my fellow Nebraskan! Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engval, Eddie Murphy when he isn’t being obscene, loved Bill Cosby growing up – his skit on childbirth was hysterical! IOW, redneck humor!!! LOL


No Monty Python? 😥💔 ah well, can’t agree on everything. Gotta love muh diversity 😆



Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a version without the “fan letter” at the end, and a shorter intro…seems my “go to” version’s no longer there. Sometimes Python is too edgy (“Life of Brian” goes wayyyyy too far in my book), but other times it’s great (silly walks, dead parrot sketch, cheese store, SPAM, etc.)…


I haven’t seen much Monty Python that hasn’t cracked me up


A really good comedian is Tim Hawkins. He comes from a Christian perspective, but not all his humor is related to that. Here’s one 2-minute song he does about “Things You Don’t Say to Your Wife.”

“Kids’ Rock” is rock stars singing children’s songs (really performed by Tim Hawkins himself). Example: Coldplay doing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and Guns N’ Roses singing “Welcome to MacDonald’s.”


From the site: Hey, no one is perfect. You are never going to agree with a President 100% all of the time. There are things I would have liked to see done differently in the Trump administration. We have drawn cartoons criticizing some of the President’s decisions. But if we see something we do not agree with, we do not go and have a public meltdown in order to gain attention from the LameStream Media.
Ann, if you don’t agree with Trump and go off screaming, “Trump is an idiot” on all the talk shows, well, Ann, you’re the one that looks like an idiot. We all want Trump to stay on the MAGA track, but throwing a public hissy fit is not the way to do it!
Coulter has turned out to be an opportunist. She is riding the Trump train to make some cash off selling her book to Trump supporters. How can someone write a whole book saying, “In Trump We Trust” and then turn on a dime, screaming, “Trump caved, he’s an idiot”?
How about this Ann, next time Trump does something you dislike, take a deep breath and wait 48 hours before you embarrass yourself again. You need to stop with the late night phone calls to Bill Maher.
Then you can write another book and this time no one will buy it. No one will give you the attention you desperately seek.
Hope you enjoyed this Tina Toon with extra Spice!


Thanks Kea, my copy didn’t work properly.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Ann “Click-Bait” Coulter…


Not Matt Whitaker?
Arrgh…I was so hoping that Whitaker would get RR’s job!
And why mid-March?
How about NOW.


That’s cool.
Silent Eagle…going after the ChiSpies.
That is a Huge Job.
Maybe we can haz Whitaker for AG in second term.
I can dream, can’t I?


Mueller report at same time and whitaker stays but different assignment. Maybe he needs a better position to keep his sleeves rolled up to do more work?


Regarding an Article V Convention…..I have been on both sides at varying points in time and have had difficulty firmly making up my mind. I have Mark Levin’s book (from my pro time) but discovered info about Mark Meckler involvement with VanJones that was troubling, and yes, George Soros vis-a-vis a desire for a convention. This idea of Soros’ wanting a convention has been pooh-poohed but I am positive he does want one, so the progressives can hijack it. And please, after what we have seen, don’t tell me he couldn’t, and wouldn’t, do it, particularly if the people AT that Convention are dirty or corrupt politicians!
In any case, I realized that I had never really researched the actual PROCESSES of a Convention, therefore, I had no knowledge as to the possibilities of that happening. So, I am going to see what Professor Robert Natelson has to say – I highly respect Todd Watson and this professor is also highly recommended by The Federalist Society. I also went a couple of layers in and read a fairly detailed description of his history, with no political, personal or religious reference except conservative, from Montana and very instrumental there, a leading candidate for governor, married with 3 daughters, owned 2 businesses, worked in radio.
Todd provided a link to Professor Natelson’s info website on a convention – he is widely known as an expert in the Constitution, as well as the originalist intentions of the Founders.
I have finally found a group of people here whose opinions I trust enough to ask that y’all do the same, if you don’t already know, and give me your well-thought out opinions.
I want this decision firmed up in my mind – it’s past time I put my stake in the ground one way or the other. Thanks everyone.


If we could put our VSG and American lover extraordinarie PDJT in charge, well, then let’s get it on!!!!


Having an Article V Convention would be like opening up a patient to operate on them…in a dirty room that is full of germs and bacteria.
This is the *wrong time* for an Article V Convention.
It would be too dangerous.
Here is why:
There is corruption everywhere and our population has been dumbed down to the point of being a danger to themselves.
This is all ‘by design’.
The Left has been working for decades to achieve this dumbed-down population.
Baby Boomers are the last generation that was educated before the creation of the Dept of Education.
And half of the Boomers swing left!
Maybe one day, if we can get our Education System back on track, we can have an Article V Convention.
But right now?
Danger, Will Robinson…Danger!


Phyllis Shlafly warned against the convention. I trusted heir assessment.


That is another very good statement against a convention – she was a remarkable woman. Thank you – I did not know that.

Gail Combs

Publius Huldah is a lawyer and Constitutional scholar. She has a clear discription of the dangers of an Article V Convention.
In a nut shell the politicians will REWRITE THE ENTIRE CONSTITUTION!
Article V Convention « Publius-Huldah’s Blog
Or if you prever to hear in stead of read:
Publius Huldah on Dangers of “Convention of States” (COS) or Article V Convention


Yes, I am very familiar with Publius Huldah. I used her frequently as a reference when defending my stance against a Convention. The chance of a runaway convention, and the level of corruption permeating our entire political system are the 2 main reasons I have stood against it.
The reason I am undertaking this now is that Todd does support it, and given my respect for Todd, I am at least going to make an attempt to understand it from his perspective. Thank you, though. I am well aware of the very real danger of losing ALL of our Bill of Rights.


I have not researched this in depth, and am providing my thoughts without having explored your link. However, I have developed negative opinions about it over time.
My main concern is the “hijacking” possibilty. Though there is a great list of positive changes to be made through this process, there is no way to limit the convention to just these positive issues.
In addition, I think most of these changes could be addressed through the amendment process and/or legislation.
Just a quick summary of my thoughts, for what it’s worth.


That is where I have been on the issue for quite some time. Just trying to learn more about it. Thanks.

Gail Combs

Tell Todd the correct method is an AMENDMENT to the Constitution. This allows change in a very controlled manner.


TBH, I would really prefer that we REMOVE some Amendments!


Well, that is the primary intent behind the Convention – to recommend Amendments – and supposedly, those would have to be approved by, I believe, 2/3 of the states.


PT hitting twitter tonight. This one is great.


comment image


That’s hilarious! 😆

Molly Pitcher

What’s with these chicks..they join isis, marry and have kids and now want to come home? One from Alabama and one from UK. Their stories are nearly identical. No, is my vote. Anybody who says this made a choice. Make peace with yourself in your adopted homeland.
…… In a 2015 tweet she wrote: ‘You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping!
‘Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriot, Memorial etc Day parades..go on drive by’s + spill all of their blood or rent a big truck n drive all over them. Kill them.’ [sic]

Gail Combs

If they come back, they have hostages held (Their children) who are OWNED by the father and would not be allowed to leave with their mother.
This makes them VERY VERY dangerous.

Molly Pitcher

Worse yet would be, she and the child granted refugee status. Lives quietly on the refugee perks awhile and then starts asking for the family to come..and that’s exactly what would happen. Husband probably as an uncle with a brand new identity ..NO! a hundred times NO

Molly Pitcher

Sorry..I have no idea what thread we were talking about the News Guard Site but ran across this.


It was in the Q Thread, Molly.
I commented on how ‘notable’ it is, that Q mentioned ‘NewsGuard’.

Molly Pitcher

I get totally lost in all these articles! Half the time I’m a day late to them because I didn’t check the listings..Derp


Oh, Molly – we ALL do that. There is just so much good info every where in our den, it is easy to get lost in it.


This AOC parody account cracks me up 😂


Thanks for posting this, Gil!
Baby Luke is getting so big…look at those long legs.
He may end up as tall as his Uncle Barron!


VSG- very smiling(happy) grandpa!


Oh, awesome video!


UPDATE on the story about the 14-yr-old wearing a MAGA hat, who was told “F*ck you” by a Vans Store employee.

Because it’s a Periscope video and sometimes those won’t play here:
The Mom who stood up for her son is apolitical.
Her 14 yr old son bought the MAGA hat himself…and proudly wears it quite a bit…but is often bullied because of it.
She is sick of this happening to her son and when it happened right in front of her…she stood up for him, to the Vans store management.
The Mom wishes that they remain anonymous.
She thanks everyone for their outpouring of support.


Oh…and the guy in the video said this is a good example of Why We Should Fight Back, against the leftist bullies.
Don’t let them get away with it.
Personally, I thought this story reinforces what Flepore has been telling us about Generation Z…and how conservative so many of them are.


And I see quite a few conservative and independent millennials as well, believe it or not.


That’s good news.
So have I.


OK – I think I’ve got it figured out – l’ll bet this is a general overview of how this whole Jussie Smollett scheme went down:
His manager goes to his publicity guy/team and says, hey, we’re not getting enough play on the album. Do something! The publicity guy/team puts their proverbial head(s) together and says, hmmmm……(questionable whether they also staged the sending of the white powder) what can we do to get more publicity – we gotta get our guy out there in the public eye……racking their brains about what more they could do……someone comes up with the idea – how about if Jussie gets harassed and maybe even roughed up a little bit by 2 racist white guys in masks?
We don’t want him to get TOO roughed up, tho, so have one of the guys bring a bottle of water and we can pretend it’s bleach. What do y’all think about that? Hey – dang – and make it 2 white guys wearing masks and MAGA hats. Oh, and have them scream something about MAGA country.
Hey, this is a pretty great idea, actually – not only will we get him on the airwaves, but we also have the pleasure of sticking it to Trump supporters – in fact, Trump himself!
They take the proposal to the manager, who thinks a few minutes and says, yeah, I think that will work. But we HAVE to do something to get the black community riled up especially. Have one of the guys bring a piece of rope and they can put it around his neck like a noose. Some of my buds from Congress want to get this piece of legislation passed about lynching anyway – we can give them an assist here while we’re at at.