This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay…we’re going to get through this!
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
With the Storm upon us…please Pray for our President.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Efisio Cross, titled ‘Through The Storms We Stand’:
After a weekend of such carnage, this is a Two Polar Bear Monday.
It’s never been more important than now…to be able to discern what is real and what is being staged.
All we can do is stay skeptical and keep our wits about us.
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
‘Malapropism’ is a noun that means…the ludicrously wrong use of a word or phrase. It comes from the French phrase mal a propos, which means “inappropriate”.
A malapropism is often unintentional, when a person uses a word or phrase completely wrong, such as saying that ‘medieval cathedrals are supported by flying buttocks’.
But sometimes a malapropism is used intentionally for a humorous effect.
Used in a sentence:
The Leftist News Nozzles repeatedly beclown themselves with the malapropism of calling the paid professional rioters, “peaceful protestors”.
Truly Free
Of times and places long gone by
Of gentle days under soft skies
Our minds lost in sweet reverie
Far away from troubles we see
Let not the troubles of today
Becloud our minds along our way
But trusting in God’s faithful hand
Find peace and joy within our land
We set our minds on things above
On God’s mercy and perfect love
For on That Day we’ll rise to be
With our Savior, then truly free
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Carl.
Very nicely said, as always.
Doin’ good, Syl?
Better, again, for now! Here’s hoping it stays that way!
R-90 has 129,000 signatures as of today. Need at least 130,000 to make the ballot. 10,000 over would be a good cushion to offset any invalid signatures.
I signed!!!!!
Loves that picture… wish I could pick out the name in the corner. Words are good too, nice match.
Looks like a bit of heaven In earth.
Two Polar Bear Monday Indeed!!! 😀
This crap is also going on here in Oklahoma…in both Tulsa and Oklahoma City.
A curfew was put in place, but the little pukes are ignoring it.
So far it’s not as bad as in other places…
Some dumpster fires.
Some windows broken at a few businesses.
But it’s maddening that this is happening!
I was shocked to see it happening here in Salem. We’re not Portland and normally very quiet. But they decided they were going to come after the salon owner who was arrested for opening too early. Evidently she called a bunch of patriots and a bunch of them with guns quickly surrounded all the businesses in her area. That stopped the morons. People are going to have to do this everywhere.
My folks live somewhat north of there. It’s normally nice and sleepy. Thanks for the update!
Having a hard time wraping my head around theirs.. So the real revolutionary, the hair dresser is the bad guy while all the social distancing violators who got there after her are the good guys… right?
The left is clearly demented and will not be missed.
Wow. Thats bad tactics and poor management. Tulsa is on live pd a lot too.
My mother’s city right this second is having a riot about a mile from her home.
Its a retirement community that THE STATE flooded with parolees and its got a lot of very bad cadt offs from other cities.
I called her to stay inside.
Denver too and police are trying to enforce curfew. At least I just got to watch, on tv, police take down two thugs who inadvertently ran into them. One got tackled and when they got him back up and set his ass on the curb his face was messed up. The other one got a huge stream of pepper spray in his face and went right down. I admit, it was satisfying.
Did they find the car and driver that did the hit and run on the cops last night?
I don’t know, no mention of it that I saw. I did notice that the gal who had rioters jump on her car so she took off, nearly running one over, got doxxed on Twitter.
Just heard police has him in custody.
It’s going to quickly turn into ‘Cowboys vs Antifa’ here, if these little pukes keep it up.
And we know who will win, if that happens.
Yeah it wouldn’t be too smart of them to stray outside the city.
Won’t matter here in OK…cowboys live in the cities, too.
Right on! I don’t think any reside downtown Denver, all leftists down there.
Can’t be all leftists or the city wouldn’t work at all, at all. 🙂
Lol, touche. I often drill in Denver, pretty much all leftists.
Next phase?
Excellent thread! When Lara got red pilled, she got it big time. Her whole thread is good. Here is the thread reader version:
Wheatie, you asked about Weeper………I don’t know if you can see this………
Sorry, Syl…no, it’s just showing a blank post to me.
Part of a memorial post written by kyblue at Marica is a Honey Badger on April 18, 2020:
“Most of you know by now our friend Weeper is gone.
Thanks to bj’s attempts to keep in touch, Weeper’s family responded to an email acknowledging our friend passed one month ago today – March 19, 2020.
For those of us who knew Weeper the news probably doesn’t come as a complete shock. Nonetheless, I for one, have been deeply saddened by the news.
I meet Weeper when Patrick started his own blog last year after entering hospice. Weeper, whose real name was Roberta ( Robbie) was battling her own rare cancer. The blog rallied around Robbie attempting to lift her spirits. And I like to believe we helped Robbie through the rough spots of her illness. I really think this little blog became her haven……”
Thanks, Syl.
That is very sad news.
It’s a comfort to know that she is in God’s arms now.
Yes, it is definitely a comfort. The poor woman endured a great deal.
Marica’s blog is a haven for many people! so awesome that she started it and all of you provide respite for those who need it!
<3 <3 <3
I’d say that they’re fireworks have been upgraded
The fireworks strike me as suspicious as the bricks. It’s not like every antifa puke is going to have a stock of fireworks………especially the big M-80s or whatever you call them. I would think that they could be tracked, too.
you read my mind…agree
Slap ’em down with your shovels, the bigger, the better…
And what country is known for cheap Schiff and things that go flash, bang, and boom? Could they be supplying AntiFa and the other slimes with fireworks, ammo, money, and “protestors”???????
Methinks the Red Chyyyyneeeese are about to get their bells rung, fraggin’ and taggin’ the dragon…
They are definitely upping their game. Response should be merciless.
Somewhat related to malaprops are Spoonerisms, where parts of words in a sentence get jumbled. One of the classics, from a church, is “I’m sorry, ma’am — that pie is occupewed. May I sew you to another sheet?”
Per Wikipoo — “Spoonerisms are named after the Reverend William Archibald Spooner (1844–1930), Warden of New College, Oxford, who was notoriously prone to this mistake.”
I was going to comment on malaprops. I thought the word came from an Irish play titled “The Rivals” by Nicholas Sheridan.
Bringing this over from the previous daily….didnt realize we had already switched…Its another good Carlos thread
Good thread. But the arson wasn’t stopped. St. John’s Cathedral in DC has been torched tonight.
The parish house, that just had a multi-million dollar restoration. Not the sanctuary.
When they showed it earlier, was a small basement room, hopefully contained before damage to the sanctuary could happen
The anarchists may well leave the houses of worship untorched since arson in that case is a federal capital offence.
Andrew McCarthy wrote an article basically saying Trump was dumb, and the distinction is meaningless. I will try to find it again.
Wheatie, I just love the photo you have of PDJT at the top of this thread. Really nice!
Thanks, Syl…I love this photo too!
Our VSG never forgets a thing.
i see that photo and I hear…so you think you got me cornered? watch this….
It bottles the mind that people still believe this isnt being staged.
I hate these freaks. So much.
Disgusting. And incredibly ignorant! They are jyst like the stupid Russians that overthrew the czar who ended up being pucked off latercwhennthey were no longer useful.
Yes, exactly.
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I tell you what..if I hear “this is not who we are” one more F’in time I’m going to go nuts.
Who are they ? What does it say about a movement that won’t call their troops in from “protesting” when they see the national destruction that’s happening ? Because THAT’s who they are.
And it’s not about their damn feelings, it’s not about the victim…this is about them hating the country and all it stands for.
Thank you, Molly.
I’m getting really sick of hearing that phrase too!
😖😝 about this up and coming one..”meaningful dialogue” .. ( I actually watched a news program tonight so I’ve heard them all)
How can people moan about how deep the pain is and that’s why the destruction is happening…Have they seen the absolute glee the looters have ? How many more concessions will it take because we all know that a blackmailer is never really done. There’s never a ‘last payment’
what happened to “we’re all in this together”?
That was for mass home arrest. Now it’s mass destruction.
Sorry folks, did not do a great job of being engaged today
Please pass the ammunition . . .
Looks like people are getting the message that they have to protect their own businesses and neighborhoods, the police aren’t doing it.
And a whole bunch more.
Rooftop Armenians? They need to. The roaches will scatter but thise guys just standing casually need a better vantage point.
I suspect those guys will fare just fine if Antifa or BLM hoodlums visit that neighborhood.
Overt show of weapons will most likely do its job…deterrent.
Socialists State governments of CA and WA are a bigger threat to Americans, including armed Americans.
Fox is covering the various cities that are under siege…
An Antifa puke walked up to their reporter on the scene and said…”This is War!”
Rick Leventhal, who is anchoring the coverage, took note of that and said:
“What? Did he say ‘war’?”
And the reporter confirmed it.
They both acted like it was ‘notable’ that Antifa is admitting that they are waging war.
It’s not just them.. our own best talkers on radio and elsewhere have a lot of catching up to do. They are so pathetically behind because the words conspiracy theory scare them off. Don’t get me wrong, some are there on the edge, but they still haven’t gotten their heads wrapped around the problem. You’ll be able to tell when they talk about how bad the Floyd thing was and not note it was just the trip wire purposely planned that set all of this off and that was mounted atop the lab bat virus.
Fox news just said keith Ellison is going to prosecute Derek Chauvin oer the governor’s order.
If he’s involved with Antifa, he may not get the chance.
Here’s hoping 🤞
It’s like sticking a pitch fork in the guys behind to get him in line and him trying to show it’s cause he wants too when he doesn’t, cause he’s just caught and needs the cover.
It took the governor telling Ellison to do his job for this happen. Let that sink in.
Even though this is out of tune with current events…
I am wondering how it would look if the silver bowl with golden apples was on a platter, also of silver, and lit by candle light.
A beauty to behold, I think.
……and……I’m under curfew for a week from 8:30-5:00. Never really thought I’d be saying that.
Well just wait til you end up on super double restriction fir what the bad kids fo. Its always the bad ones who ruin it for everyone else.
Sweet Baby Jesus, let this be true!!
Thats the post i did directly from the OC acvount. Literally 30 seconds after i posted the account was suspended. They had a lot of support in this thread.
I was going to respond to that post, but things were moving really fast. I was going to say
“NO. Apparently OC Anifa is Orange County Antifa. They are calling themselves patriots. Count out four black spaces from the bottom. Apparently they are one of the primary influences of the Antifa movement.
Oh lots of disturbing things inbetween. Didn’t look lower.”
It’s a thread you have to read.
Or maybe I’ve been reading it wrong… still having a hard time telling which side this is from. Help!
Part of my confusion is not knowing who posted this, while having looked up OC ANTIFA and finding them too be a driving force in the ANTIFA movement. The other part might be I’ve had a few drinks tonight 🙂
Para, it looks to me like that ‘OC Antifa’ account was accessed by someone who had infiltrated them and had collected the identities of it’s members and financial supporters.
Which sounds like a score for the white hats.
Jackboot twitter didn’t like seeing that.
So the account was disappeared.
Likes that. Thanks wheatietoo!
Big rumor going around that POTUS is going to address the nation on Monday.
Hopefully reporting mass arrests of Antifa terrorists…that include D-Rat politicians, confiscating bank accounts… Americans deserve to see concrete action against the insurrection leaders, participants.
Buckle up. It’s on.
Good thing I have food in the freezer even if my mother is complaining that there’s no room for waffles and ice cream.
Easy peasy solution…buy another freezer. Mom will be pleased and the economy will appreciate the big ticket item purchase 🙂
There is another freezer, actually.
Well, thought still available, a second freezer. Plenty of room for moar waffles, ice cream…and prepping 😉
“Buckle up. It’s on.”
I’ve heard it so many times, it actually makes me laugh OUT LOUD now 😂😂😂
My heart is heavy and my eyes are leaky tonight, gonna try to sleep a few hours. Just wondering if we’re still having RR hearings this week or naw?
I haven’t heard of a cancellation, Vol.
So I think it’s still on.
I’d put money on rioters causing some sort of ruckus at the Capitol Building on the same day of the hearing, and forcing a delay.
That reminds me, I’ll get a thread together for that.
Good! He’s not going to fool around.
Okay but that will likely include the CAV unit on loan from Pritzker’s state of Illionai currently based at Ft. Meade. Still not comfortable with that because of the Gen Omar Jones thing mentioned last month.
On a silver platter..who paid her, who put the ad in and charge her for vandalism
Hmmm. Maybe some of them will get “lead poisoning”…
Olivia is not the smart one in her family… 😂
Now smile for the camera honey. Got it.
Okay, now I’m going to take some photos over that direction, towards that business. It would be crazy if you suddenly multiple felonies, right there inside the camera frame, while I was taking photos.
Olivia, does your phone have ‘911’ on speed-dial?
Ah, don’t worry about it, you’re busy looting.
I’ll call 😂
Even for Billionaires the price of exotic meat is high with all the travel restrictions. Nothing though ANTIFA can’t do for their white masters.
More people should do this. Why do people think if your life is being threatened that it’s not fair to use your car for self defense?
On a side note, Deblasio said no national guard needed, NYPD can handle it. That’s not what I’m watching.
So, gang-jumping people in the street, beating them into a coma , leaving them for dead and Burning cities down is OK ..
But run over someone in a mob who is climbing onto your vehicle falls, off and gets run over with a car is shocking??
do I have that right ? what am I missing ?
Nope, I think you got it right. Although, if a leftist drove into a crowd of Patriots who are peacefully assembled it’d probably be ok. “They all had assault AR 14’s with 10000 round clips, I was skeeered!” Well, they probably wouldn’t be alive to say that but, you know….they’d be justified still.
While I won’t “look” for trouble in the streets, if trouble finds me, I will defend myself and family. 100%, IF my truck is getting pelted with anything and I feel my life / family life is in danger, my Ram with a Hemi will extricate me from the danger area. Terrorists that may get injured or worse are not my concern. F’m.
Videos like these make great teaching moments. 👍
They sure do.
News roundup has been posted if interested.
Thanks, Fle!
You betcha we’re interested!
Looks like massive looting going on in NYC.
Fox is showing people out roaming the streets, looting the stores that have been ransacked.
It’s like a drug. They saw ppl getting a taste..then they got a taste and because there’s absolutely nothing stopping them they’ll keep going for more.
San Bernadino, Long Beach, Santa Monica all getting looted right now and a big crowd now back in downtown San Diego so I expect more trouble there soon
Looks like it’s also happening in Washington, DC…and in other cities.
Portland, OR, looks like it’s turned violent there too.
The more I think of Pelosi shutting her crew down…she so knew this was going to happen. The WhuHanScam also set the stage a bit here..people at home, laid in extra supplies, the stupid many traitors
Yep. She knew.
And yeah…the mask thing.
I’ve thought all along that this creates the perfect conditions for mayhem — criminals are free to do whatever they want and blend right in, wearing a mask like everyone is ‘supposed to do’.
They wanted to see how compliant we would be to STUPID ORDERS, too.
The driver of that tanker truck should have never stopped!
Big mistake.
I wonder if he’s even still alive after that.
That bottom video isn’t new, though.
It’s from a couple of years ago.
The explanation I read on Twitter regarding the tanker is that truckers—especially heavy tankers with hazardous material—require X amount of space to safely stop without jack-knifing. Protesters set up on a bad part of the highway (blind curve or something like that). Trucker probably started stopping as soon as the protest was spotted and finally came to a stop in the worst possible spot. Not sure if a tanker truck could easily switch from stopping to starting without causing worse problems like jack-knifing.
It’s the liquid , very heavy and unstable load on the trailer , because it moves during transport.
Tanker will have baffles built internally with connecting transfer passage-ways to allow fluid to drain
but it can be a very un-stable ( moveable ) load
When braking, the load weight transfers forward longitudinally , quickly overcoming the weight of the truck. pulling vs pushing the steering Truck weighs approx. 35k lbs. Full trailer limit approx. 80klbs.
Yes alignment between truck and trailer critical when braking
What’s left on the cabal checklist before Election Day? My predictions:
– Major hurricane (NHC is predicting a “very busy” year)
– Something to pander to immigrants like a border or migrant crisis
– Supreme Court crisis to remind demoralized Democrats to “vote blue for the Supreme Court.” They’re probably saving this for September or October.
My thoughts.
– NHC has no clue, no credibility over the years. Since shortly after Katrina days, I stopped listening to NHC hand wringing the sky is going to fall assholes. NHC job security and YSM click bait. SOrt of like, “oh my gosh” Thanksgiving or holiday traffic…
– Immigrants, both muzzie and southern border won’t be an issue. President Trump has done a magnificent job winning this one. And, I think, vast majority of Americans know this.
– RBG moving on to another realm, that one WILL motivate lefty voters and serious ballot harvesting. Agree, September or October. IMO, Moar likely mid or late October…a “fresh” crisis for the election November 3rd.
^^^ This is the big one I see.
That’s the group that Hélène Grimaud founded (BRILLIANT concert pianst and musician).
Too bad they support coexist…
I loathe this woman.
Hillary forwards the idea that ‘it would be great if the ChiComs helped the Democrat candidate to win’.
Well that’s what is actually going on!
She is trying to get ahead of it being exposed!
From the interview:
She is sure MSM would give China lot’s of $$ for POTUS tax returns??
Is she asking China to Cyber attack the IRS on the demo-commie behalf ??
Or just the CF Clinton crime organization’s ???
she IS asking a foreign power to intervene/ attack the USA via Madcow platform
From the comments :
She’s supposed to testify this week isn’t she?
Is She supposed to testify ?
She’s nuttier than a fruitcake
Madcow supposed to give her any credibility ?
That about sums it up.
TruthHammer tweets:
Seth Rich didn’t kill himself.
Trump didn’t frame himself.
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
The virus didn’t create itself.
The riots didn’t start themselves.
ANTIFA didn’t fund itself…
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
As this unfolds, remember that.
On the plus side:
No reason not to arrest Obola, since they’re already rioting.
thanks for looking on the bright side Steve!
As was pointed out near the end of Life of Brian, there’s always a bright side.
Life of Brian? never saw it
Monty Python does Judea at the time of Christ.
It’s about a guy who is ALSO fastened upon as a religious leader at the time. No, he’s not supposed to be Jesus or anything like that; Jesus does make a couple of cameos, and even if it’s Monty Python he’s treated reasonably respectfully. The “man in the street” however, is fair game.
At the end as Brian is crucified, there’s a musical number “Always Look On The Bright Side of Life.”
Steve, I believe we might be at a crossroads in our relationship…there’s the bacon thing, the drinking thing, and now the Python thing (I don’t like him/never watch him…is it a him?)
this may be insurmountable…
OK, fair enough.
I can recognize Monty Python isn’t for everyone…it’s not a sign of mental illness like the bacon thing is.
😀 😀 😀
oh you charmer, you….
However if you don’t get at least a bit of a chuckle out of the scene where Brian has been assigned to paint “Romans go home” all over the Forum, and gets his Latin so wrong that the centurion who catches him tells him how to do it correctly and then orders him to paint it correctly a hundred times…
not a giggle or guffaw…
You clearly never had a foreign language teacher like that centurion, then.
nope, I took German in high school…Latin in college and I’m trying to learn Spanish on my own…never had a teacher like that…
The guy had a gladius at Brian’s throat, walking him through ever word of what he was painting on the wall, explaining why it was in the wrong form.
“Ah…but it’s a COMMAND so you need….?”
He orders Brian to paint Romans Go Home (In good Latin) 100 times. Of course, the Judean People’s Front (or was it the People’s Front of Judea?) had only wanted Brian to paint it ONCE to prove he was loyal to them…so he passed with flying colors.
and THIS made you laugh?
To be honest, Monty Python usually just gives me slight smiles…very few LOLs and ROFLs. But they are slight smiles.
I never got Benny Hill either…
Brits love to observe that Americans don’t do irony well, or even at all.
Some of my humor is ironic and dry, and I get the sense people don’t get it a lot of the time, so I tend to agree with them. Ah, well, if that’s the downside to being American instead of trapped in Shithole Britain, I’ll take it!!
we may not do irony, but we are whizzes at sarcasm and snark!
Oh, and you gotta watch out for the people I call “python heads”
You’ll say something that reminds them of a monty python sketch, and they’ll start *performing* it for you and for the next three minutes you can’t get a word in edgewise. (Note, me recounting the impromptu Latin lesson isn’t a patch on what they do.)
thanks for the warning…how will I recognize the difference between that and a seizure?
They’re doing it with a bad imitation of a British accent.
k…that made me giggle…
To be sure I haven’t really run into the type since college.
good to know…I haven’t been to a frat party in forever…LOL
The anti-police rioting has spread to Japan. Japan. No way this is organic.
This is just further proof that Antifa is an International Terrorist Organization!
Which gives our VSG more ammunition to go after them.
What we’ve been talking about here in our little village of …tevka 🙂 is that with AntiFa being an INTERNATIONAL terrorist organization, those people and governments that support them are likely facing penalties/retribution/prosecution/etc. as well.
That might be a bit of why it took so long to get to this step. With Germany officially supporting AntiFa, that makes them an enemy too… as well as the other countries supporting AntiFa…
“The reason was not only Minneapolis, but first of all the violent arrest and beating in broad daylight of a kurdish man living in Tokyo.”
Another scripted display of ‘police brutality’?
Uh, this won’t last long in Japan. Japanese police will slam this down very quickly, and quite forcefully.
Japanese are big on a “pure” Japanese society. Almost impossible for a foreigner to become a Japanese citizen. Japanese are big on an orderly society. Their prisons are not nice places.
I thought islam was against the law in Japan?
Media and Leftists are claiming the video of a homeless man’s belongings being burned was staged by Infowars. Reporter from ProPublica claims to have witnessed the incident.
Mark Dice has been tweeting about this…he says it’s not true.
And yesterday it was said to have happened in San Francisco…
And the way the PO-LEECEman in Japan was getting ready to knee his “victim” to the ground… and the very professional-looking poster/placard IN ENGLISH in Japan…
Too much “synchronicity” for this stuff to be random…
IIRC Presidential FISA continues even if the “normal”, unrenewed FISA is shut down. Here’s hoping and praying that all these perps and their connections to the third and fourth degree end up under the hammer.
Tracers indeed…..
Order must be restored. The Proper Order of Things.
Bergoglio is not a part of the Proper Order.
Who is Bergoglio? Francis?
Yes. His name is Jorge Bergoglio. Well known in his homeland, Argentina, as a Peronist type Marxist.
Verse of the Day for Monday, June 1, 2020
“For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.”
Psalms 36:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Monday * Butterflies and Lilacs * Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Monday Morning Duchess!
Hope you are well and safe!!
Hey, Pat! Hope and pray you are warm and fuzzy – sure has been cool here – thot we skipped summer and went right to fall – however – the ‘late’ lilacs are enjoying it.
Have a Bountifully Blessed Day, Dear! Hugs!!!
I know what you mean! we sat watching tv last evening snuggling under a fleece blanket…lol…
you have a Blessed Day as well!!
That’s the good part – * cuddling * cannot complain about that ever – one of God’s Greatest Gifts – especially after so much * social distancing * – funny how those who were rioting paid no attention to that edict.
PT was correct – it would just disappear – lol
Just like that – * Gone with the Wind *
I’ve never heard of this before…
Nor have I.
Last week, I saw a British documentary on properly raised pigs. It said that when they’re happy, they have curly tails.
Presumably, if this animal is happy, his tail will curl again. 🙂
It is a prime indicator of health, too. A drooping tail can mean they are sick.
Thank you!
What is wrong with the farmer? Silly man.
so today Sullivan is supposed to respond to the Appeals Court…and POTUS might address the nation…Wednesday Raunchy Rod is supposed to testify in some congressional hearing somewhere…
BUT the most important thing to remember is…June 14th is the President’s birthday! get those cards out soon—HE NEEDS OUR SUPPORT!!
H/T Citizen817
way cool!
thanks for posting!!
Most welcome, Pat!
H/T Dora
How about some cuteness.
Sound on for this one. 👇🔊
so many cute ones…
I could hear the lizard screaming STEVE (at 5pm)
thanks for these!!!
all the rioting and looting and destruction going on…how do those places rebuild? is it with government funding? because I would withhold the darn funding unless those governments get their situations under control within so many hours–or else, I would consider this just another attempt at DEMOCRAT governors wanting BAILOUTS–any way they can get them.
Easy peasy, Pat – Take it out of their hides – so many hides flush with cash from corruption – time to collect!!!
NYC Mayor Blowhole’s daughter arrested as a protester in NYC
Chiara de Blasio, 25, was taken into custody around 10:30 p.m. after cops declared an unlawful assembly at 12th Street and Broadway in Lower Manhattan, the sources said.
She had allegedly been blocking traffic on Broadway and was arrested after refusing to move, the source said.
“That was a real hotspot, police cars were getting burned there, people were throwing and yelling, fighting with cops. There were thousands of people in that area at that time,” the source said.
John 8:44
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
King James Version (KJV)
Carpe Donktum’s newest Trump commercial…American Made
It’s very good, isn’t it.
I love it!
had my head bopping along with the music and my heart swelling with pride!!
It occurred to me that America is too big-hearted to fail. 😁🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
there are more of US than there are of them…we love our country!
Nasty a$$holes.
China, Iran mock US amid ongoing riots: ‘I can’t breathe’
China fired back at the United States’ concerns with Hong Kong’s freedom by pointing directly at the racial unrest that has exploded in America, simply tweeting, “I can’t breathe”.
Tweets from Hua Chunying, a foreign ministry spokesperson, came as the U.S. struggles with nationwide riots that have erupted in response to George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis.
Her “I can’t breathe” attack touched a nerve as both Floyd and Eric Garner — both unarmed black men — uttered that expression moments before they died, while facing what many believe was excessive force by police.
State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortegus had castigated China for the way it treated Hong Kong protesters. “Freedom-loving people around the world must stand with the rule of law and hold to account the Chinese Communist Party, which has flagrantly broken its promises to the people of Hong Kong,” Ortagus said.
Well, maybe if the Red Chyyyneeeseee got their heads out of their a$$es, they could breathe…
Youtube removed this Carpe Donktum video within an hour of his posting it.
So far, it’s still up on twitter.
Heheh…it’s pretty funny. 😄
he’s awesome!!
Little Antifa puke picked the wrong truck to smash the windows on.
Whooped his ass 👍
Walmart closed 3 stores in New Hartford, Rome and North Utica, NY until further notice. Not even pickup orders are allowed. A few peaceful protests and prayer vigils were held in the area, but no violence. Wonder what’s up.
How sad:
Yesterday (Sunday), we had a big non-socially distanced protest in London that started in Trafalgar Square and ended at the American embassy south of the Thames.
UK and French media report that the US is endemically racist.
They never bothered to say that Minneapolis has a police chief of colour, a Dem mayor, Dem governor — all of whom are in charge of their city/state to varying degrees. As such, it has nothing whatsoever to do with PDJT!
Dems really hate that there are blacks for Trump…so they are ginning up as much turmoil as they can. frankly I give blacks much more credit than the Dems do–they can see who wants them to succeed and who doesn’t.
Exactly! Thank you!
I have been reading Candace Owens’s tweets during all of this. She says the same thing as you:
I highly recommend this excellent piece:
Ace of Spades
The Morning Report – 6/1/20
—J.J. Sefton
… “With the President officially declaring Antifa a terrorist organization, the full weight of the national law enforcement and national security apparatus must be brought to bear to destroy it. Frankly, death, destruction and mayhem warrant extreme measures as it is not hyperbole on my part to state that we face a mortal threat and open insurrection. Unfortunately, thanks to the Obama regime’s almost total subversion of our national LE and IC agencies, there are doubts as to whether or not we can trust them to be on our side or the terrorists.
Here’s an idea: declare war on Antifa and tap both General Mike Flynn and Rick Grenell to crush the insurrection. Target number one should be Nazi collaborator and convicted felon George Soros. He should be arrested and deported to Hungary as an actual Nazi collaborator, or better yet Malaysia where IIRC he has been sentenced to death in absentia. At the same time, all of his assets should be seized and every political front group be shut down immediately.
Obviously Soros is not the lone actor in all of this, and I strongly suspect individuals including Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Tom Steyer and even Warren Buffet have been funding this madness as well. But the rot is deep; truly the Democrat Party is now an openly anti-American organization that seeks the overthrow of this nation. I’d say dissolve it as well but that’s a bit more problematic. There’s crossing the Rubicon but at some point I think the Rubicon will cross us, if it hasn’t already.”
Much more at link:
Unfortunately, Soros is an American citizen now. He cannot be deported without first revoking his citizenship.
He can, however, be relocated to Gitmo for the time being.
Let Satan Soros ponder the ramifications of that whilst swimming in a vat of lime…
There are plenty of ways to nullify Soros, aka Gyorgi Schwartz…
You answered your own question. He CAN be deported, he RENOUNCED his citizenship the moment he funded and fomented and insurrection, he is NOT a natural born, there is an AGREEMENT contract to a naturalized citizen or those with a green card. Soros, by his words and DEEDS has VIOLATED that contract, therefore, he has FORFEITED his rights, and CAN be deported.
THAT is the LEGAL way. I would simply “allow” his extradition to Russia.
Soros has dual citizenship – Hungary AND American. He can now be charged as a TERRORIST… and Enemy Combatant. As such the US Military can decide his fate… whatever they choose.
All we have to do is pack Soros and his Get up and ship them.
Hungary International Extradition Treaty with the United States
December 1, 1994, Date-Signed
March 18, 1997, Date-In-Force
YEAH. &. AMEN!!! 🤬
Hi Angelle ! Hope you are well and safe. God bless you and your Sis…
Oh, thank you so much for that!
I remember you!
But in what may seem to be lost…
No, it is not lost in the sight of our God!
I thank God for real friends like you!!
Graduation 2020: The Covid Class
good news! the riots have shown us that we CAN gather in large groups!!!
graduates CAN actually graduate…engaged couples CAN have their weddings…AND, and this is a big one…POTUS CAN HAVE HIS RALLIES!!!!!
YES!!! Whoopie!!! Yippie!!! * Happy Dance *
Pat I said the same to my son last evening and he said ” to wait two weeks and we will see when they come down with the virus.”
He knows people who got the china virus and he said ” it is very bad the people were in their thirties and forties and had lost 35 lb & 45 LB each .”
Lets see what happens if they bring their crud back home to their parents and other family members.
My so told me in Michigan the virus is still very active.
These Antifa traveling from place to place are spreading the virus. No much for being confinement not to spread the virus.
well win/win then. the rioters were wearing masks…so if they get it, then the masks aren’t doing squat…
and if there are pockets of outbreaks, then they know who the rioters were–everyone else was home.
I think many might be going home with people not wearing mask? They have to go someplace to sleep?
my point is, if these masks “work” they won’t be picking up the virus–they all have masks on. so those at home won’t catch it.
If they don’t work and they get the virus and pass it to those they’re coming home to, then why the hell are we forced to wear the masks in the first place.
Sorry, I can’t “like”
Understand, PR!
Lancet faces severe criticism from scientific community: Hydroxychloroquine study is hiding data
By Rajeev Chitguppi, Dental Tribune South Asia
May 30, 2020
More than 100 scientists and clinicians have sent an open letter to The Lancet’s editor, Richard Horton, and the paper’s authors asking them many uncomfortable questions, but have failed to receive convincing answers from the authors. How can a drug like Hydroxychloroquine produced in such huge quantities for a country as populous as India, safely consumed by millions & millions of chronic users for so many decades without any adverse effects, suddenly get a negative report in 2020 when it’s most needed for a pandemic such as COVID -19?
A study of 96,000 hospitalized coronavirus patients
Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis published in The Lancet found that those who received hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) had a significantly higher risk of death compared with those who did not. The study concluded that individuals treated with HCQ (or the closely related drug chloroquine) were also more prone to develop arrhythmia, that can lead to sudden cardiac death.
After the publication of this controversial article, the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) advisory suspended the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in COVID-19 patients. This came as a big shock to India, the second most populated country in the world, where HCQ is produced in large quantities to meet the demand of treating a large number of Malaria patients. The disappointment was huge because The Lancet study showed distinct harm, apart from no real benefit to the COVID- 19 patients. A negative report against HCQ in times when the drug is needed all over the globe urgently appeared unbelievable to the Indian health authorities who have witnessed the long use of HCQ, safely consumed by millions & millions of Indians without any adverse effects for so many decades.
Indian authorities quickly swung into action. First, it was the Union Health Ministry of India that expressed reservations about the WHO’s advisory to suspend the use of HCQ in COVID-19 patients. Now, it’s the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) that has written to the WHO citing the differences they have found in dosage standards between Indian and international trials. This is a significant finding that could explain the HCQ efficacy issues in treating COVID-19 patients.
Currently, the Indian protocols to treat severe coronavirus patients in ICU, recommend a 5- day course. First, a heavy dose of 400mg HCQ (morning & night) on the first day, followed by 200 mg HCQ (morning & night) for the next four days. The total dosage of 2400 mg administered to a patient in 5 days.
Indian officials disagreeing with the WHO’s advisory believe that the dosage levels given in the international trials are massive- 800 mg x 2 loading doses 6 hours apart followed by 400 mg x 2 doses per day for 10 days. This makes the total dosage – 9600 mg given over 11 days -about four times higher than the one given in Indian patients.
ICMR officials have found their low dose HCQ protocol to be efficacious enough that has helped the COVID- 19 patients in India to recover quickly. They are of the opinion that there was no reason for the WHO to suspend the trial for safety concern.
The hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) efficacy issue has generated a lot of debate globally as well. The Lancet study is now under severe criticism from more than 180 scientists worldwide for not releasing the data for an independent analysis outside.
The scientific community is furious seeing a poorly written and poorly executed study published in The Lancet that has not only received huge underserved publicity but also created a massive negative impact on the other judiciously planned clinical trials being conducted around the world. More than 100 scientists and clinicians have sent an open letter to The Lancet’s editor, Richard Horton, and the paper’s authors asking them many uncomfortable questions, but have failed to receive convincing answers from the authors.
Read the open letter here
The letter alleges that
the authors have not adhered to the standard practices of the scientific community
the authors have not disclosed the data or the code.
the study has not gone through the mandatory ethical review
the authors have not mentioned the locations (countries/ hospitals) that have contributed to the data.
plus many more unscientific, unethical and questionable standards applied.
Meanwhile, Professor Harvey Risch, MD, Epidemiologist from Yale University has recommended an early therapy with Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin in the early therapy for COVID-19. His study Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis has been published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Brazil health ministry questions the Lancet study on HCQ, stands by Hydroxychloroquine and continues to support the use of HCQ.
Dr. Todaro exposes Surgisphere.
After its publication, a grass-roots investigation by hundreds of physicians and researchers worldwide revealed irreconcilable inconsistencies in the data that The Lancet’s peer-review process overlooked. The study is now found to have inconsistencies with data from national registries of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The authors continue to hide data sources in a black box controlled by an unknown corporation called Surgisphere.
Only one peer-reviewed publication prior to the Lancet study.
According to LinkedIn, Surgisphere has five employees, only one of which has a medical degree—the founder Dr. Sapan Desai. The remaining four employees appear to have little to no science or medical background, but with a plethora of experience in business development and sales & marketing. The team’s personnel consist of a VP of Business Development and Strategy, VP of Sales and Marketing and two freelance writers creating content for Surgisphere.
With the exception of the founder, the entire Surgisphere team joined the corporation only 2-3 months ago. Actually, according to LinkedIn, the VP of Sales & Marketing is still employed by another tech company, W.L. Gore & Associates. Prior to February 2020, Surgisphere appears to have had a single employee, the founder.
Does a corporation that appeared out of thin air two months ago deserve this trust?
Thanks for the info Butterfly.
Anyone who saw the movie ‘Quiz Show’ will recognize this man.
Herbert Stempel, whistleblower in quiz show scandals, dies at 93
Herbert Stempel, the Bronx-born brainiac who became a central figure and whistleblower in the game show rigging scandals of the 1950s, a cultural turning point later chronicled in the 1994 movie “Quiz Show,” died April 7 at a nursing home in New York City. He was 93.
David Horowitz, editor in chief at Frontpage Mag:
…” Virtually every official in Minnesota with influence over the Minneapolis police and the decision to keep Derek Chauvin on the force despite his alarming record is a Democrat: the governor, the attorney general, the Minneapolis congresswoman and the mayor. The city council consists of 12 Democrats and a Green Party member. The Democrat Party is the “system” that protected the bad cop and led to George Floyd’s death.
Just as the Democrats protected the bad cops, so they encouraged the rioters by fueling the myth of America’s systemic racism, by not providing a sufficient police presence, when the mayhem started, to nip it in the bud, and by attacking Trump for “glorifying violence,” when he warned the rioters that if the local authorities failed to protect law-abiding citizens he would meet force with force.
The organizers of the violence were two far left organizations – Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Until the Minneapolis riots Attorney General and former DNC head, Keith Ellison featured a picture on his website advertising the Antifa handbook for conducting civil war. The proximity of the Antifa-spearheaded riot in Minneapolis prompted Ellison to remove the photo, because Antifa’s destruction of his capital city would obviously lead to bad press…”
Former Secret Service agent and political commentator Dan Bongino:
“This is an organized internal coup by a small group of agitators acting as a domestic terror group. That’s a fact…
“There were legitimate reasons looking at the tape of Mr. Floyd for all Americans who agreed in unanimity, for one of the first times I’ve seen in the last probably 10 years, that there was something seriously wrong there and you know what we’re not talking about? Any of that because we’re talking about an Antifa group, an organized group of agitators, committed unquestionably now to the destruction of the United States…”
“In Minneapolis, you can get arrested for opening a business, but not for looting one.” – Rush Limbaugh
I’m glad to know he’s alive!
It didn’t look good from what I saw…the poor guy was viciously beaten.
and the link for those….
This is the America that President Trump is bringing together.
America First.
Taking care of what is best for us and for our country.
Loving one another and making the best of a bad situation.
I bet these people come out of the cleanup experience closer and better than before.
Four More Years
Local Philly Residents – Black and White – Stand Guard Over Target Store – Chant “Four More Years” and “USA! USA!” (VIDEO)
Excellent! 😁
Except for a YouTube, I have seen anything about PTrump appointing the Sec’y of Armey as Governor of D.C.
Fake News???
I would guess it is fake. The Sec. of Army has mobilized the entire D.C. Nat. Guard, but martial law has not been declared, thus no Military Gov. installed. Bowser is still in charge.
Seems to be FAKE NEWS Carl…
All I could find on D.C. is the following, from The Military Times:
… “As a precaution, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, in coordination with Bowser, has activated the D.C. National Guard, according to an Army official.
“The authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated by the President to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army,” according to the Army official. “The D.C. National Guard is the only National Guard unit, out of all of the 54 states and territories, which reports only to the President. In this status they operate similar to a state National Guard unit in Title 32 status with the same legal authorities.”
So whatever blogger published it is one of “our” fake newers.
Volgarian posted it; I’m not blaming him, I’m saying we should ignore anything from “Army of Frogs”
Mapping the Antifa Network Started a Long Time Ago
31 May 2020 – 4:10:23 PM
Antifa ‘mapping’ started a long time ago.
That manual maybe a fake sort of like the Protocols of Zion. Until it is confirmed I would take it with a VERY LARGE barrel of salt. It may even have been dropped on purpose.
Thanks Gail… Beer at the Parade is a qanon, which is why I didn’t think twice… however, you are correct.
anyone know when Sullivan’s homework project is due in the Appeals Court?
I assume he will be called to the Principle’s Office today
oh goodie!
pay for view???
When I was in high school, vice-principal was the office to which no one wanted to be sent. The title of vice-principal (to us) meant discipline/punishment. And he was to be feared greatly. And because it was broadcast over the P.A. system (“so&so, report to the vice-principal’s office”), everybody in the school knew when you were such an ass that the teacher lost patience.
Good times, good times.
Well pgroup, I was in HS before you were born, and we didn’t have a vice-principal… wish we had… as your account sounds very shame-based, as it should be, right?
In our case, at my junior high school it was the “Dean of Students.” We had a principal, vice principal and dean of students, though I think the latter was unable to suspend you.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!@drawandstrike
Those were supposed to be used last night.
But the people planning to use them…never got to them.
Aw gee….
Quote Tweet
Alex Salvi@alexsalvinews
· 8h
NEW: Minneapolis Police: “Water bottles filled with gasoline have been found hidden in bushes throughout neighborhoods.”
Points for consideration…
Violent looting going on in leftist strongholds is due to stand down orders of leftist leaders, along with their refusal to prosecute violent offenders and offering a safe haven to illegal activities involving gangs members and foreign agents (many of whom are often housed, fed, and celebrated under an illegal immigrant status) as long as they (illegally and sometimes often) vote Democrat.
The enabling of these leftist thug driven riots could also serve the dual purpose of reintroducing the virus in order to assure mail in voting and the further destruction of the economy.
Every time a group supporting the President such as ours fractures and is consumed with in fighting we turn our attention away from the support of the President and our effectiveness in the major political arena is diminished.
I made the point several weeks ago that we are in a political war and as such, we lose some battles but must win the war. I was called a troll and worse, which definitely impacted my commitment in a negative way to research, post, and stay involved in such a community.
However, it bears repeating. I believe Covid and the resulting deaths came from the left and each person hurt by this was not a win for our side, Launching it was a battle we lost, but it is a battle we must ultimately win, h for the good of our country And the world. The cure for this must (and I am sure will) be made available and the tracking systems and harmful vaccines disabled.
I also do not believe that the President or any of his supporters wanted or welcomed the destructive prosecutions and lawsuits waged against Patriots or the censorship used against us.
Yes, these things instruct the public and can be turned to good, but since I live in a leftist haven I have to tell you that many of them are still clueless and misinformed.
These are battles we must also ultimately win, though we have suffered loses.
Allowing the dark side the ability to launch these evil schemes against us is something that we can continue to work against.
I like the idea of prosecuting the instigators of groups such as Antifa in military tribunals as terrorist.
Time is short. The election matters.
(Have to leave for a while but will check in later)
Good points, but, this has NOTHING to do with Covid 19 coming back, it SERVED it’s purpose. This is the NEXT stage, Covid was the precursor, it FAILED to kill enough, so this was next in the queue.
It is surely a way to reintroduce the virus.
Masses of people thrown together offers an opportunity that I cannot help but believe was part of their plan.
When have they ever failed to repeat a process that has damaged us?
“I was called a troll and worse, which definitely impacted my commitment in a negative way to research, post, and stay involved in such a community.”
Don’t let these things get you down! 🙂
Carpe DonktumSmall blue diamond@CarpeDonktum
So, @twitter censors President Trump, but allows this goo brained terrorist to encourage a terrorist organization to destroy the Washington Monument.
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Sarah Parcak@indyfromspace
· 12h
PSA For ANYONE who might be interested in how to pull down an obelisk* safely from an Egyptologist who never ever in a million years thought this advice might come in handy
*might be masquerading as a racist monument I dunno
Show this thread
Carpe DonktumSmall blue diamond@CarpeDonktum
Who gives a shit if it does, if you can steal a TV, light a building on fire, and beat people in the street without consequences…
Just try telling me I can’t go to a park or feed my family again.
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Nicholas A. Christakis@NAChristakis
· 14h
Will Protests Set Off a Second Viral Wave? – Yes, I’m quite sure it will.
Carpe DonktumSmall blue diamond@CarpeDonktum
99% of people who get it are fine.
If you are a high risk person, boost your immune system and take precautions…
But we aren’t ever shutting this country down again because of propaganda and fear mongering.
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· 9h
Replying to @CarpeDonktum and @NAChristakis
so people will ignore a spike in infections and deaths?
Carpe DonktumSmall blue diamond@CarpeDonktum
Hey Libs, you have no idea what you are doing…
The normies are waking up…
And once they are fully awake, you will be begging to go back to a time when you were just fighting about politics on twitter.
Carpe DonktumSmall blue diamond@CarpeDonktum
I mean if you don’t care about 99% of the healthy population living in perpetual poverty, I guess you have a point.
See how this works?
Now go be a little bitch in someone else’s mentions.
This Tweet is unavailable.
SHORT STORY: Never again.
Herd Immunity is ON the WAY and HERE to STAY!
This will soon become the GREATEST ACCELERANT of ALL TIME for Economic Recovery!
copied this from OT. I don’t know if I can make the leap to FBI informant, but something smells, I agree. caught on film throwing a molotov cocktail into a police vehicle, the person is only charged with destruction of the vehicle–not attempted murder of the occupants…and WHO called in the FBI?
sync says:
June 1, 2020 at 9:59 am
Watch this case very closely…. there is something very wrong here. I can only conclude that Shader is an FBI informant
Samantha Shader attempted to murder NYC police officer by tossing a lit molotov cocktail into their vehicle
Shader is not being charged with attempted murder of a police officer under NY state law
Shader is being charged by the FBI with attempted destruction of a vehicle “used in interstate and foreign commerce” (Title 18, United States Code, Section 844(i))
How did that happen? Who called in the FBI? The FBI did.
FBI have been acting as ‘Fixers’ for the left – remember Las Vegas?!!!
FBI has allowed several critical crimes scenes to be contaminated.
FBI killed witness that tie Saudi aristocracy to the Boston Marathon bombers and to anti-semite murders of three Jewish students on 9/11/11
FBI has ignored warnings that allowed terrorist attacks on US soil.
Send Fey Wray away, and replace him with Grenell.
Time to clean house. Permanently.
Well….. um…. fey is a strange choice of words there, CC
I know a lot about Wray – he’s top award winning establishment DOJ – and married to Atlanta old family aristocracy – major street named after her family – Howell Mill road. Her grandpa owned the Atlanta Constitution. He earned multi-million $$$ at King and Spalding defending white collar criminals.
I think he won’t rock the boat and is very capable, but is he *willing* to clean up the FBI/DOJ – that is the question.
Fey, as in an evil sprit. Figthing King Wrong of the Derp State…
No matter what his qualifications or awards, his “cleanup” appears to consist of some “remedial thinking” classes, and some make-work projects.
The FIB needs a reform from top to bottom. Maybe they should do what private industry does. Have everyone re-apply for their own job. And eliminate the SES…
Much of the needed reform/streamlining/realignment (and prosecution – YAY!!!) will come in the second term.
I’ve been watching this story too pat. Was surprised the FBI swooped in on this so quickly. There’s another story about 2 NYC lawyers who were arrested for the same type of crime. Would like to know what the charges are against them.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Senate back in session today for 1st time in week-and-a-half. Judges on the flr docket
[Chad fails to mention that HOUSE is NOT in Session.]
Floor Monitor@senategopfloor
May 21
The #Senate stands adjourned until 3:00 p.m. on Monday, June 1st.
Senate and House just TAKING TURNS …
• RUNNING OUT on America
• HIDING OUT from Chaos
• JOINING IN with Antifa
House can’t be in session. All of their staffers are currently involved in the siege of the White House.
Ha Para……….. you’re spot on!
Look guys, I know I am preaching to the choir, but just in case there are new faces here…
ANYONE that thinks this is ALL coordinated from Covid 19 to these “protests” I have a bridge to sell you, slightly used, it set in ocean front property in Nebraska, sell it CHEAP.
Lets look at the AMAZING set of “coincidences”
Covid 19 “hits” (seeded) destroying the US economy, raising tensions, FEAR, and ANGER. Embeds in the Deep State Bureaucracy spread PANIC by using FABRICATED models. They introduce (anti) social distancing, masks, and “mitigation” by spouting those models.
The FEAR and panic is spread by the MSM 24/7 and using death tote boards, and interviews with health “officials” and APID political pundits MASQUERADING as health “experts”
Businesses are ARBITRARILY closed by leftist officials and Governors. Government, union work, and other leftist havens are deemed “essential” Small businesses are SHUT and deemed “unessential”. Dem Govs use draconian shutdown executive orders to further ARBITRARILY and CAPRICIOUSLY spread the misery. “Violators” are SHUNNED, snitched on, fined, arrested, and have their business licenses taken. ALL at the whim of the dem controlled officials and Govs. People begin to lose their jobs, their savings, their businesses, their homes, their possessions, and their PATIENCE.
Protests, TRUE nonviolent organic protests erupt everywhere. There is NO or LIMITED violence, NO looting, and NO Rioting. Buildings are not defaced, nor burned to the ground. These protests are CONDEMMED by the left, dem politicians, and left MSM. Eventually, thanks to the PHONY models and their ENABLERS being exposed, Govs, and States, except the most ARDENT of leftists like Cuomo, Newsome, and Whitmer, begin to SLOWLY reopen the businesses in the states.
The record unemployment claims begin to DRAMATICALLY slow, the Stock Market begins to rise, consumer confidence begins to rise, SLOWLY. People, businesses, and states begin to recover. Covid deaths, hospitalizations, and cases ALSO begin to DRAMATICALLY decline. There is HOP that many businesses and the economy will rebound thanks to PPP and the Cares Act. Optimism for the FUTURE, the RECENT future begins to brighten after 3 months of gloom. The winter of our discontent begins to turn into the spring of our hope.
Then, Biden goes on a African American podcast, and “fans” the flames. Declaring “you ain’t black if you vote for Trump over me” He is almost universally roasted. Dems begin to WORRY, OPENLY, that Biden may actually lose MORE of the black vote, which will DOOM him to historic losses in November, AND his party. Their fear his “coattails” will drag them ALL down.
Happy coincidence. On a LONG Memorial day weekend, the FIRST Holiday since New Years Day to NOT be affected universally by Covid 19. The beaches are open in places, the stores, malls, and even bars and restaurants are opened in limited fashion. Life shows whispers of returning to normal, even though some still are afraid and wear masks, and shelter. MOST go out, and beginning to rebuild their lives towards normalcy.
Then , the Unthinkable. A black man in Minnesota is arrested for suspicion of passing a counterfeit bill, a felony. He is roughed up, and dies while in Police custody. A cell phone video, perfect frame, perfect sound, perfectly still is presented which clearly shows a white Police officer kneeling on the Black mans neck and shoulder for a lengthy period of time (some say 8 minutes). The black man, George Floyd, can clearly be heard saying ” I can’t breathe” WOW, how horrible. Floyd later dies at the hospital. The video goes viral. Outrage spreads.
Protests are arranged in Minneapolis. Antifa, dormant for more than a year, FINALLY gets to put their evil plans into motion. The at first peaceful protests, spread by social media, and covered wire to wire by the MSM (a tell) begin to SPREAD to other cities. One must ask WHY. This was a ISOLATED incident in ONE city, in ONE state. It was committed by ONE officer, though 3 others did NOT appear to stop the incident or render aid. So we have at MOST 4 isolated individuals. WHY did it even SPREAD to other communities outside of Minneapolis?
Because, it was HIJACKED by the violent left, and fomented by groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. The USED this tragic death, and PENT UP anger from Covid 19 lockdowns, plus a longstanding, and pervasive fear of Police abuses by white cops to Black people. Spread and perpetuated by the FEW cases that happen, so few, we can ACTUALLY remember most of the names, if it were as COMMON as the MSM and race baitors would have us believe, there would be TOO MANY to remember. Does ANYONE remember all the names from 911? How about ALL the black youth killed in Chicago? Of course not. These events were widespread, tragic, and PERVASIVE.
The isolated NAMED events are sporadic, they do NOT occur as often as the MSM and race baiters purport, but like the infamous ISOLATED events, we remember the names and the WORST. Partly because the MSM PUSH them 24/7. So does social media. Events are CHOSEN, like a script, to “best fit” the desired outcome. Must see TV. NO ONE was outraged and pushed the White woman shot by the Black Cop in Minnesota, in Minneapolis. Her name was Justine Ruszczyk Damond. She was shot and killed while JOGGING by Mohamed Noor, a Somali American and former police officer. Damond had actually CALLED police to report a sexual assault, she was shot, point blank by Noor, who claimed self defense….an ARMED, trained police officer, threatened by a petite jogging white woman…where was the outrage THEN? There was NONE outside of damonds family and a FEW conservative media that pushed it. MOST MSM simply IGNORED it. It did NOT fit the narrative. Blacks, especially Muslim blacks, especially IMMIGRANT Muslim blacks, cannot be “racist”, therefore THEY cannot commit such atrocities as happened to Gorge Floyd.
The double standards MUST STOP. People need to realize that there ARE bad actors on BOTH sides. There are bad white cops, and there are bad black cops. There are bad men, and there are bad women. The divisions, so ardently accentuated by Barack Obama MUST be closed. Justice needs to be given a CHANCE to do the RIGHT thing. A week is NO TIME AT ALL. Those that foment and propagate the violence must also be taken into custody, their assets SIEZED, including the money and PLANNERS behind it.
Only then will we as a country be ALLOWED to heal. Justice for George Floyd WILL be served. Street justice will NEVER make a difference in that. ALL those that commit that do is garner contempt. They HURT the VERY communities they purport to HELP. The businesses they BURN and loot are LOCALLY MINORITY OWNED. They will most likely, thanks to Covid, and now this, NEVER come back. ALL the progress made economically in those areas, thanks to Trumps economic opportunity zones, is LOST. Part of the plan. The economy, especially in the economically depressed areas was JUST beginning to rebound. We can’t have that. Especially after Biden pissed off the black community. Now, all anger is placed at Trump’s feet.
See how that works. Antifa and those that FUND them were WAITING, all they needed was an OPPORTUNITY.
This NEVER had anything to do with George Floyd, he was an unfortunate VICTIM and PAWN of the left. NOW, his memory will be FOREVER linked not to his TRAGIC death, but to the TRAGEDY that befell the country as anarchists USED his demise to promote violence, racism, and DESTRUCTION. It CEASED being about Floyd the MOMENT the FIRST window was broken, the fires started, and the looting commenced. It THEN became coopted by those with an agenda to spread not justice, but FEAR, mayhem, destruction, and division. They simply USE the pent up anger and frustration, and then seduce the people to do EVIL. Just like Satan, then they sit back and WATCH the carnage they have wrought and LAUGH at the very people they came to “help”
They “helped” them all right, they helped them to make their community and lives WORSE, MUCH worse. The people in the communities NOW have to sit and SUFFER in the mess they made. The ANTIFA thugs simply go home or go to the NEXT area on the list to be destroyed. LAUGHING at the people they manipulated and left behind. ANTIFA simply gets paid, WELL, and moves on.
It MUST stop NOW. The ONLY way to do that, will unfortunately involve some more pain, in areas that do not need it. First. A strict curfew MUST be enacted and UPHELD to the letter. 9PM. ANYONE, even MSM on the streets without a VALID job to go to or come from is ARRESTED, NO exceptions. ANYONE that loots, burns, or breaks, is IMMEDIATELY arrested, charged with domestic terrorism, and HELD, without bail, till trial.
Then the REALLY important part, the offices and hubs of ANTIFA, and other organizations MUST be raided, records seized, and ASSESTS forfeited. The Leadership should be ARRESTED, held without bail, and charged with inciting a riot, civil rights violations, and Insurrection. The money trail MUST be forensically traced, and THEN the funders MUST also face the same charges of Insurrection, and have THEIR assets seized as well.
Churches and community leaders MUST be engaged and REOPENED IMMEDIATELY. REAL civil rights leaders should be engaged in discussions, and race baiters left out. ANYONE pushing an agenda to continue to spread the division, should ALSO be immediately jailed and charged that includes MSM, politicians, and pundits. REAL change, by SERIOUS leaders should begin. REAL solutions and discussions. no politics. Trump can do it, if he ELIMINATES the rabble and the detractors. Economic rebuilding must occur rapidly in these areas, Trump must put his money where his mouth is, and that includes bypassing Congress if necessary.
Then and ONLY then, will this country TRULY heal.
Your comment should actually be an article here.
You saved time I don’t have to express this thought, but spot on.
Thank you! 👍👍👍🤗👏
YW. I do have my own blog, where I post as well, just like to share here, sometimes the whole post, sometimes just a link.
Good for you for presenting some real truth.
In my past, doing that was life-threatening because the powers that were, didn’t like it.
Line edit:
• From: ANYONE that thinks this is ALL coordinated …
• To: ANYONE that thinks this is NOT ALL coordinated …
TY, correct.
So good to read your post!
I really miss our great conversations on CTH!
Always appreciated your very, exact, point by point outlines!
Bless you…always and forever your friend of truth!
Likewise, Angel!
I miss you, eagledriver50, Gunny66, Dutchman and BetsyRossRocked the most. 👍🙂
Frankly, I don’t wonder at all.
What about when the Supreme Court agrees that Churches need to stay closed as in California. How is that possible ? No wonder churches are target.
I appreciate your post…and love your rules. Makes me 🙂
In my work world, there are very few, normal, ordinary working rules…dosen’t make for really good working conditions…it’s a wild jungle of survival. And trust is the rare 100ct flawless diamond.
Referring to my post the other night in which I used some rough language…which I first thought I might need to apologize for…
Then I thought…no…because people here on Wolfie’s sight got it, and all of you understand the context of my post and some rough language.
People all over the planet who know me will tell you, when I say God damn…they know exactly the real context of that, that it is not using the Name of God in vain, but rather, it is a peayer to God and it is addressing those wicked forces, powers and perverted persons clearly addressed by Paul in the second half of Romans chapter 1.
We have many people in our fed gov that fit that. BHO certainly was and still is one of them. NP, Adam, JN, EH…all of them…
Clearly, people can become so degenerate and debased that God finally gives up on them and damns them to their delusion and utterly degenerate state.
That is what I had in mind the other day when I posted a rather brutal comment.
Knowing the good response I had from all of you, that tells me the caliber of people here on Wolfie’s site, and you guys understand the language and the holy charge of responsibility we have before our God to be willing to sacrifice what we must to hold on to the last vestiges of our original, national purpose.
Nobody with a sane mind could doubt the power of God to have preserved the root people and leaders of our nation hundreds of years ago.
The odds against them were impossible, but as scripture instructs us…with men it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.
Without that same power, I would have been dead, killed and lost many times over the last 40 years.
Appreciate all of you here.
Keep going on no matter every kind of resistance, the many types of which I have survived only by the grace of God, prayers of the saints…and yeah, some really great and loving Russians back in the day who were so damn sick and tired of tryanny, they were willing to chance their lives to help us in the face of the communistic machinery of the day. And some of them died for it.
Shalom and blessings to all here.
Not a big fan of Jack P recently but this is interesting…..
“Medics” mentioned in above post.
Reno riot two nights ago. Local YSM had coverage of a vehicle trailing terrorists as they ventured out of “downtown” area.
On the vehicle, FIRST AID STATION.
Charitably, this POS “police chief” needs to be fired. What the fuck good is she? What is the purpose of Raleigh’s police? UFB what we are witnessing these days.
“You’re On Your Own: Raleigh Police Chief Says She Will Not Put Officers in Harm’s Way to Protect Property”
But, but, but…. nobody needs an AR, ever!
Kayleigh to hold Press Beating at 2pmET.
Butterfly! I LUV that…………… “Press Beating” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s actually a Sundance-ism from back during the Sean Spicer days, but I am surprised it’s not used more commonly. Even he stopped using it.
I don’t recall Spicer ever handing the script-holders, known as “the press” …. their asses… so label was pre-mature imho of course.
I agree.
Kayleigh goes after the YSM with a baseball bat. When she’s in a bad mood, it has a spike driven through the end.
I still remember the SNL sketch where Spicer used the super soaker. He also would thump them with the podium, and CNN was in a cage. If only!
I hear that the following Monday Spicer showed up to work and people had bought him a Super Soaker as a gift. THAT tells me morale was high in the West Wing in those early days! Must be an interesting place to work, knowing that 100 feet outside those walls, everyone for miles hates your guts and that’s because you’re doing the right thing.
What I’d love to hear her say sometime:
“You asked me that last time, I corrected the record, you didn’t run the correction on your network, so you’re a liar and I will take no more questions from you or anyone at your network until you fix this.”
Sara A. Carter@SaraCarterDC
Dennis Rodman: ‘Why are we looting, why are we stealing…We’re not f*king animals’ via
Dennis Rodman: ‘Why are we looting, why are we stealing…We’re not f*king animals’
Former NBA star Dennis Rodman, who said he remembers the L.A. riots, posted a powerful message on Instagram Sunday night.
They’re not ANIMALS?
I beg to differ … bag the begging part.
30 cents a pill. Not $1000.
Quote Tweet
Laura Ingraham@IngrahamAngle
· 1h
Gilead Falls After Phase 3 Remdesivir 10-Day Trial Failed To Reach Significance | Zero Hedge
POTUS’ next move:
LEGISLATION authorizing DEADLY FORCE to DEFEND PROPERTY against Terrorists, Rioters & Looters.
… Because 4th Amendment Rights say “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures [by ANYONE], shall not be violated …”
… In the midst of a TERRORIST INSURRECTION after designating Antifa et al as TERRORISTS:
Go ahead, Demo☭rats … whose City Cops in Raleigh just announced they’ll NEVER PROTECT PROPERTY!
• Deny the right to protect 4th Amendment RIGHTS … when government WON’T.
• Try taking our GUNS … when they’re all that protect Americans’s SAFETY & LIVELIHOODS.
Define Projection@SheepKnowMore
Yet another reason why the corrupt establishment pushed to extend #Covid19. When the pre-planned #riots began, they would have an excuse for #Antifa to defy anti-mask laws dating back to when states passed them to stop violent activities of the Ku Klux Klan.
Define Projection@SheepKnowMore
Another brick delivery from Papa Soros, on schedule. Those windows won’t smash themselves. #insurrection
Quote Tweet
· 10h
Videos continue to surface showing protesters stumbling upon pallets of bricks or pavers in areas with no construction taking place
Show this thread
and yet no one sees them being dropped off? impossible…
read an interesting rumor–there was no link or backup I can see for the statement…the club where both Floyd and Chauvin worked was into money laundering…Floyd tried passing a snitched counterfeit bill. Chauvin was the muscle to put out the fire…
counterfeiting and money laundering are federal crimes, yes?
Counterfeiting will get you invited to party with the Secret Service.
And you will be the pinata.
yeah there’s no links I can find to any article–just someone’s theory I guess…disinfo maybe?
At this point it’s all up in the air. Hard to know what’s real news about the fakery and what is fake news about the reality.
Gee, it’s almost like someone trapped the Dems by dangling “hope that Robert Mueller would end Mr. Trump’s presidency.”
How disappointing…
Quote Tweet
Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald
· 2h
NYT: Russiagate obsession saved MSNBC and enriched its on-air stars, but the “disappointing conclusion” — in which nothing that their hosts promised actually happened — caused ratings to “plummet” as confused and disoriented viewers turned away en masse:
Martha F. 🏕🐾🐾 (@outdoorsygal35) Tweeted:
George Floyd’s brother condemns the behavior of the rioting & looting! “If my family isn’t doing it, why are they?”
‘MY BROTHER WASN’T ABOUT THAT’ George Floyd’s brother says he condemns the violent protests across the country and is calling for peace.
Is this the one who said trump didn’t let him talk?
IDK, but I think it was a “cousin”??
The MSM was pushing someone that’s for sure.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa586e No.9412563
Jun 1 2020 10:45:25 (EST) NEW
MSDNC [knowingly] using fake footage?
MSDEN pushing [AMERICA ON FIRE] narrative?
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa586e No.9412659
Jun 1 2020 10:51:23 (EST) NEW
Do you see what is happening?
In a Mercedes Benz! Same brand of vehicle used by white couple caught changing WA plates to MN.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa586e No.9412693
Jun 1 2020 10:53:07 (EST) NEW
Do you see what is happening?
Blacks are getting ticked off, and rightly so.
And…the black wardrobe will have to stay in the closet for now.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa586e No.9412773
Jun 1 2020 10:57:16 (EST) NEW
Sums it up perfectly.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa586e No.9412978
Jun 1 2020 11:08:42 (EST) NEW
Sums it up perfectly.
Black community used as pawns?
Welcome to the [D] party.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa586e No.9413062
Jun 1 2020 11:13:28 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: dc418a No.9412961
Jun 1 2020 11:07:26 (EST) NEW
Cuomo warns protests could spark coronavirus comeback
Attempting to establish new narrative ‘riots’ created[ing] second COVID-19 wave?
Loss of control [first wave]?
Regain control necessary re: vote-by-mail re: [D] state bailout(s) re: economy-unemployment kill etc?
All assets deployed.
Win by any means necessary.
2020 Presidential Election.
Didn’t think of that….its a double win for them, they can circle back to Wuhan Virus
well it seems if NY can arrest people not social distancing in a park, they can do the same for protestors…they should just send in the Karen Force…
Cuomo itching to kill some more Seniors… sending new COVID patients to Nursing Homes…
he needs more funding!! NY is going belly up–bailout!! bailout!! bailout!!
Exactly… and he gets extra money for COVID patients, right?
I was wondering when they would circle back to this.
As long as we win in the end!
Who didn’t see this coming? National 2nd wave due to the protestors. Get the HCQ ready!
Makes a good point
don’t know if this was shared before…but it deserves another post! volunteers working together to clean up the mess! lots of tweets and locations listed
Americans volunteered in large numbers Sunday to erase the graffiti and remove the damage caused by the far-left Antifa rioters around the country.
I hereby volunteer to help erase Antifa, so there’s no more damn graffiti.
Why treat the symptom and leave the cause behind?
i’ve got your six Steve
I’ll pass the ammo and sandwiches with lemonade or iced tea…
POTUS tells governors they’re weak…and they look like fools…going to do something people haven’t seen before…”
“You’ve got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years and you’ll never see this stuff again,” said Trump. “We’re doing it in Washington, D.C. We’re going to do something that people haven’t seen before.”
The president told the governors they were making themselves “look like fools” for not calling up more of the National Guard as a show for force on city streets.
Dem Leaker POV to WaPo
They’re NOT Protests… IT’S TERRORISM……………… and contrary to the Borg, your numbers are few, compared to Americans opposed to this……………….
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9358aa No.9413350
Jun 1 2020 11:34:26 (EST) NEW
No civility unless [D]s win congressional control?
Translation: MSDNC will incite and push division unless [D] control established.
Think pre_midterms.
Think pre_2020_P_election [now]
The only thing that matters to them is regaining power.
[prevent public learning of truth]
[prevent accountability]
These people are sick!
Reason 3,975 Joe Biden is gonna burn. 🔥🔥🔥
Pandering to Black Community Leaders IN CHURCH, Para-LYING…
Trump could’ve saved 45,000 lives if he’d have shutdown in early January like I recommended.🙄🙄🙄
Love your neighbor as yourself
2 Corinthians 6:13-15 King James Version (KJV)
13 Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged.
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
Kayleigh did a good job, as usual.
Fox reporting damage to St John’s Church was minimal. Fire restricted to nursery area. Thank God! Cleanup underway.
DIMs have ALWAYS been like that
Not much self-awareness in these peeps… 😉
Wind generators off the coast of Cape Cod, specifically Hyannis (where they spoiled the Kennedy’s view) was a prime example.
Paul Ryan was against the Border Wall but built a big one around his home in Wisconsin…as did Obama at his DC home.
Do as I say, but……
Fine examples Tea… thanks for adding them.
Well anyone with two or more brain cells knows the President doesn’t run the Department of Justice…
everyone except Trump haters of course…
Anyone who shares my theory that Clones exist, might want to entertain the idea that some of these “enemy combatants might be ‘Clones’……………. or at least MK Ultra sleepers… ………………
just expressing my own thoughts here… don’t start throwing bricks at me 😉
Enough diversions…FF events…
While the Covid hoax is withering away, terrorists continue burning American businesses…
– Where is that reply Sullivan owed the APeals Court?
– Rotten R testimony live this Wednesday?
– Moar declas please….Ratcliffe…
– What is going on with Bull Durham?
– Oh yea, Antifa and BLM ARRESTS / PROSECUTIONS would be appreciated.
covid-19 and these riots may take our minds off what Durham and maybe Ratcliffe are doing . . . but they’re not taking Durham’s and Ratcliffe’s minds off what Durham and Ratcliffe are doing.
Excellent Carl ! You’re so right……………..
Well said!
Orwell must be “turning over in his grave”
Doubtful. He predicted it.
He predicted it, in the hope we’d learn how to avoid it.
So yeah, he’s turning over in his grave because apparently we didn’t listen.
Just like the men in my family.,,
Oops. Did I say that?
You thought it VERY, VERY loudly.
ALL of them. From age 79 to 8. I’ve had it today.
You seem to get nothing but aggravation where you live.
Family drama…there’s stuff going on. can’t post what’s going on on an open forum, but the nephews are here, and it isn’t just because we love them.
The 10 year old, almost 11, is showing his age via all three of my brothers’ smart mouths rolled into one.
TrumpLady-TN ⭐⭐⭐@wglady
Replying to@Inevitable_ET
Did they disappear after this drop Thinking face #Infiltration
Replying to @wglady and@Inevitable_ET
And then one day the virus just vanished.
10:22 AM · Jun 1, 2020·
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5f0dfa No.9414112
Jun 1 2020 12:21:29 (EST) NEW
Police ordered to stand down by [D] mayor(s) [D] gov(s)?
ANTIFA [coordinated] SAFE ZONES?
This is total bull shit. NC Gov Cooper Democrat is the one that has those soldiers wearing gas masks. Totally disgusted by this. Not much you can really do wearing a gas mask and wearing it for a long time is debilitating and will cut into the soldiers capabilities. If it’s the lab bat virus he’s worried about then let them fix their social distancing bayonets. But its not the virus its done to make the NG less effective.
Dunno, para – did not think the gas masks were for virus protection – thought it had to do with possible dispensation of tear gas to disperse crowds – so not sure that was the intention – the virus is not a concern right now – it is civil unrest that is the problem – but, hey – that is just what I thought – Dim Governor or not.
Yeah, there was smoke down the road, but I was getting impression by the photos that they were in the masks for a sustained period of time.
You could be right about that – I wonder if there is some kind of ‘vent’ in those masks – if not – that is just mean – then, again – the rioters were setting fires everywhere – if they had to rescue someone – they would need protection – agree, tho – too long in the mask is not good.
America’s Wake-up Call:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5f0dfa No.9414327
Jun 1 2020 12:32:16 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 498df1 No.9414006
Jun 1 2020 12:13:55 (EST) NEW
Helicopter rides create CONFIRM [visibility] challenges.
Good catch!
Thank you, Anons.
They’ve moved on from Italian hospital footage.
Democrap mayors and governors……are despicable.
Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing
Another LINK in case you have trouble with WH link – RSBN via Diamond & Silk
Watch Live: White House Briefing with Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany 6/1/20
Thats standard. Nothing unusual.
We’ve already seen that movie… remember? “Epstein didn’t kill himself”
They’d do better putting him on Arkancide watch…..
So he can’t kill himself, Cuppa?
Yep. Just like the rest of them…
No rest for the wicked, and no wicked for the rest…
With the Klintoons in town (from Satan Place), one can’t be too sure…..
Why would they kill him, Cuppa? Is he going to spill the beans about who hired him?
Here’s a link to Cache of articles about Alcoff…
And here’s a cursory look:
Jose Alcoff is the son of Linda Alcoff. His brother, Sam Alcoff, is a producer for Democracy Now.[5]
Physical Attack on Marines
Daily Caller video on Communist Jose Alcoff
On January 10 2019, Joseph “Jose” Alcoff was arrested and charged with “multiple counts of aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, conspiracy, and terroristic threats, and one count of robbery while inflicting serious bodily injury.”[6]
Thomas Massey and Tom Keenan, also members of the “Washington, D.C.” Antifa cell “Smash Racism DC,” were also arrested.[7]
The attack occurred on Saturday, November 15, 2018 according to a press release posted by the Philadelphia Police:[8]
“The group of suspects called the complainants “Nazis”, and “White Supremacists”. The suspects then maced the complainants, and then proceeded to punch and kick them. During the assault, one of the complainant’s had his cell phone stolen from him by one of the male suspects. The offenders then fled northbound on Front Street, towards Market. Some of the individuals involved were captured on video at an earlier protest in the area.”
Connection to Democrats
Joseph Alcoff with Maxine Waters
“Alcoff was quoted in press releases from Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California and Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, appeared at an event with Democratic Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia outside the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in March, and has been pictured alongside Democratic Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters.”[9]
Very interesting, PR – Thanks for posting!
You’re welcome Duchess 😉
One hopes, and I am stocked up on bacon.
GREAT! I’ll bring the guacamole. Nothing better than bacon and avocadoes.
Thrres a company name on the order. Cmon people, call the company and ask questions. Call the police.
Plano TX
Sure, NTTA was starting a brick based construction project with TAXPAYERS TOLL MONEY
Frisco PD says it’s ok bro the HOA was doing it – its all legit. Nothing to see here, move along
Maybe that’s why Amazon called their drivers back…
They need to be delivering bricks and Molotovs, rather that their REAL work and packages…
Because Bezø$ and $ørøs priorities.., now we know why they say they’re reduced the number and frequency of products they ship: gotta have room for all that BOOM…
You really think he is in on it, Cuppa?
All of the “big ones” are.
Just remember the Dutch Financier Ronald Bernard and what he explained about the world of the hyper-rich, and the ways they get around the laws of ALL countries.
And the child sacrifices they have at their meetings…
From an earlier post of mine:
Here is a description of the “power” behind the “power” of the elites. It also explains the DEMONcRATS support of abortion and other murder. The Cult of Moloch/Baal still exists, and is practiced at the highest levels of government (e.g. the Klintoons) and business (cf the video contained in this link).
An excerpt therefrom:
THIS is the kind of Satanic Evil we are up against. And very nearly ALL of the upper-upper-upper-upper crust participate in it. Willingly. Drunk on blood, money, and power lust…
Ephesians 6:10-18. We need to put on the Armour of GOD, and to PRAY, without ceasing, for VSGPDJT,
VP Pence, their families, the Administration, and the white hats everywhere.
And we need to pray for Almighty GOD to CONFOUND and TURN the evil being fomented, and those through whom it is being done.
The whole video (very informative and well worth watching) is at . It’s in Dutch, but the English subtitles are excellent, and accurate.
[I can’t get away from the fact that this fellow looks like Tim Allen. He seems to have gone through hell and back. GOD forgive and help us all.]
The part which clearly describes what the elite are up to, and what power they worship, is here:
Oh, my, Cuppa – guess that is the price for fame and fortune – UGH!
An eternal price… unless they turn…
Exactly, Cuppa!
Thank you CC for posting. I was going to hunt it down. I saw a part of it a while back.
This American Thinker author speaks well for our need to remain steadfast, resilient and faithful tobe diligent.
The Fog Is Lifted – American Thinker
Travelling soon….. Q posting baton handoff
Whitmer just said Michigan stay at home order us completely lifted.
Is this so people can riot?
or maybe her pea brain figured out she’s in deep poo?
Yeah. Same with some of the relaxing by gruesome. Lawsuits piling up.
Yowza, one of the biggest Covid Nazis has completely relaxed the order?
Yeah, that’s a natural question to ask, gil00, given how much she got off on Covid restrictions.
I’m thinking some kind of bomb got dropped during the conference call earlier today.
Which ‘horrible’ post or tweet are the whiny little snowflakes having the vapors over?
He said Good Morning…he’s on the East Coast–they’re on the West Coast–they feel he’s taunting them with his East Coast privilege of seeing the sun earlier than they do…it’s a real thing, don’t laugh.
Are you serious? That’s why Facebook idiots are walking out?
no, no, no…sweet gentle soul…I was being a smartass. most days I can’t turn it off.
Who wants you to turn it off?
someone looking for an honest answer?
Please, remain turned on.
[double meaning, double meaning…]
ok THAT made me smile…
Good, but some other guy gets the benefit.
See, I can’t be accused of being ungenerous.
you, sir, are a giver!
Not me !!!
It was this tweet/thread:
“I can’t stand back & watch this happen to a great American City, Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right…..”
“….These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”
Bless their little snowflake hearts – they can’t stand it when looters, vandals, dope dealers and rapists are called thugs.
I have recently been through a series of emergency medical procedures. Some of this might have been prevented had I been able to get treatment earlier but this was not easily done during the shutdown.
However, what happened to me pales in comparison to something the doctor brought up during one of my visits…
A man had been waiting for quite a while for a liver transplant. A match came in to the hospital (one of the top such facilities in the country) and had to be destroyed because the governor outlawed “elective” procedures during the shutdown and this surgery was considered elective. The man is now expected to die before another can be found.
What days he has left will undoubtably be days of untold suffering for him and his family.
There has been little to no media coverage of events like this.
I think that highlighting individual cases of such suffering and loss might do a lot to help our cause.
The other side has been able to effectively claim a sort of unholy, but socailly acceptable “righteousness “ to their point of view..
The current crisis is a case in point.
In other instances for the messaging if , “feed the children” and “ let in all ‘migrants’ to allow them access to a better life”. It is difficult to argue with feeding children and allowing suffering “immigrants “ access to a better life.
While stating the reasons for vetting and screening out enemies and those who carry transmittable diseases enable us to win the political argument we lose ground to individual stories and pictures of starving children locked up in cages and drinking toilet water. .Truth here doesn’t have the same impact it would if we took the story of a single child used as a ploy to get into the country and then trafficked once entry was obtained.
Or we might focus on the suffering of individual children and their families to diseases brought into our country by unvetted illegal entry.
Individual families and their losses to drugs obtained through gangs, people who have lost family members to the violence of illegals, individual stories of the pain and loss caused by the riots could go a long way toward focusing the country on what truly matters and might help us come together and heal.
Human stories of the pain that had resulted from the throngs of leftist thugs unleashed across the country are stories that need to be told right now.
And going forward, individual stories of success brought home through the President’s policies might help as well.
I hope you are well!!!
Thank you. ❤️
I am well now, but just have more visits ahead for further repairs.
My appointments have been so different under the current situation, There is a thermometer aimed at me at various points (one even in thr parking lot by a person garbed in what looked like a space suit) no one allowed to accompany, obligatory masks and sanitizing as well as as much distancing as possible under the circumstances.
Some of the medical personnel are so stressed they are tearful, others angry, and the rest just trying to comply as best they can.
Nothing compared to the suffering of those denied care.
I will pray for your continued repairs!
It took around 200 years or more for this mess to develop. If it takes fewer than 20 to reverse it and put the USA back on track, we will have been greatly blessed!
P R A Y !
Much more than that Cuppa…………….
We’re talking global……………. not just the USA……………..
Let’s face it, even after it’s fixed by TrumpSuccessor1 and TrumpSuccessor2 and so on (however many are needed)…we can’t let our guard down. Corruption will find its way into government; from the point of view of the corrupt, government office is where the goodies are.
I’d love to have a fool proof method of holding a meter to someone’s head and detecting “corrupt” so he can be not brought in in the first place, or fired if he has gone corrupt. Alas no such thing exists and I doubt everyone would agree on what constitutes “corrupt” anyway.
Fool proof…have you dealt with child proof medicine caps lately?
The point being there is no such method.
Exactly. Just keeping staplers in good working order at one job I had was a challenge.
I think he should get an additional 4 years to make up for the term he’s been harrassed
Kaylie McEnany was born to do this job. Dang she’s good 😍🤩
She is a treasure and a gift.
The other side is unable to launch a “gottcha” question effectively while she is fielding the questions,
It’s amazing to watch.
Every question she’s asked is just an opportunity to toss out truth grenades. It’s glorious.
Don’t play Chess with her …………….. 😉
Don’t play dodgeball with her either, or rollerball.
Right… don’t “play” with her at all… she ain’t playing !
Another one for the win column every time she reaches for that loose-leaf binder.
I LUV that she “brings the evidence” with her !
It’d be fun to peruse that notebook someday. It’d be interesting to see how it’s organized, how many things are in it, how in-depth it goes.
Some of that info could be useful to the enemy and I have no real need-to-know, though, so I understand if she doesn’t want to share…
I think she replenishes it each Beat-Down… with a few oldie but goodies that she knows the idiots will bring up again and again… (they have a short attention span, doncha know!)
Well, if she starts needing a forklift–or installs a bookcase behind the lectern–we’ll know something more.
She probably has her phone with her, and can pull up anything she needs from her vast repository, right?
THAT NOTEBOOK is her special forces tactical vest….
And the hand written notes about the specific members of the kindergarten in the margins.
Biden has the worse optics too. Cracks me up when I see him.
Floor Monitor@senategopfloor
The #Senate is in session.
Antifa Posts Home Address of Right-Leaning Journalists;
Within Hours, Antifa Shows Up At Cassandra Fairbanks House and Fires Fireworks and Possibly Guns at the House
She called the cops. The cops said, We’ll get there when we get there.
Continue reading
AND a 2nd piece you might find interesting:
Trump to Governors: Do Your Jobs. Stop Letting Trust-Fund Terrrorists Push You Around Like Pussies.
Apparently this audio was leaked by Democrats, who were aghast that Trump demanded they do their jobs and arrest their antifa voters for terrorizing citizens.
Via @edokeefe, whose report of this leak has unleashed all a storm of soy-tears:
“….Antifa Shows Up At Cassandra Fairbanks House and Fires Fireworks and Possibly Guns at the House…”
At that point the shotgun comes out and gets fired. She had a NINE YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL INSIDE THAT HOUSE!
It is time to stop playing nice!
Thanks Gail…
Glad she’s armed. You’re right though, she should get a shotgun.
scouring the sites looking for news of Sullivan’s Excuse, um I mean Explanation to the Appeals Court…can’t find a word…not one word…
Ck Sidney Powell’s Twitter acc’t… and leave that window open if there’s nothing on it yet… 😉
i don’t tweet phoenix…how do I do that?
Ohh I don’t tweet either Pat. Anyone can “read” a tweet and copy and paste, without having an acc’t. To get the addy for any twitter account, type in the search engine url “twitter Sidney Powell” and you will get *Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐@SidneyPowell1
Remove the * and copy and paste in new window. Go to her account and read her tweets (scroll through as you do any text).
To copy and paste a tweet to post here, go to the bottom right hand corner of the tweet and you will see and upside down bracket with an arrow coming out of it… click on that and you get a pop-up menu, click option “Copy link to tweet” and go to window where you want to paste, and finish copy/paste action. So far she hasn’t tweeted wrt Sullivan.
You’re welcome!
thanks Duchess!
Most welcome – she has not commented on Sullivan – scrolled through her tweets to see – nothing yet – PR gave you good instructions – I do not ‘tweet’, either – put I post tweets all of the time – easy peasy, Pat!
I will check back with her account–it’s been filed by his lawyer and a poster OT claims it’s asking for 2 things:
Johnny Dollar says:
June 1, 2020 at 3:51 pm
Sullivan is asking the 3 judge panel to :
(1) allow his amicus friend, Judge Gleeson, to conduct a “limited” investigation of the facts of the case and following that
(2) allow Judge Sullivan to adjudicate the outcome of that “limited” investigation and to finally decide the guilt or innocence of Flynn
since when does the Judge decide innocence or guilt if the case gets dropped?
Dunno, Pat – makes no sense!
it seems Sullivan is not explaining WHY he didn’t dismiss. he’s saying he needs more time (delay, delay, delay) to have someone else research the facts and lay it out (like a PROSECUTOR) for Sullivan to decide Flynn’s guilt or innocence (like a JURY). doesn’t seem like a judge’s job.
I have to agree with you there – either he is looking to find a way out of his idiocy – or he is looking to set up a new case – they cannot have Flynn exonerated – he is dangerous to the whole lot of them – I believe he was told to do this – everything must be used to stall until the election – the purpose is to make PT and his friends look bad – so yes – stall is probably his tactic – he really does not know what to do for whatever reason.
Flynn is under a gag order till this is resolved..imagine what he will say when this IS resolved…Obama is scared sh*tless!
Oh, did not know about the gag order – however – I agree – he has a LOT to say!!!
Zero can go pound sand – with his fake ‘wife’.
thanks Carl…Sidney hasn’t replied or explained her position on it, but the other replies are worth reading!
Duchess, I’ve been “out of it” since My last chemo round. Just been hit and miss in reading here. Either yesterday or day before someone, and I thought it was youu, posted a video that showed the connection between the commies in U.S.A. and the poop happening. I thought it was done by Epoch Times. I cannot find it, and am trying to inform someone about this. The video had numbers of the group of radicals. If you can help, please.
Will do what I can to help, Jane – might take a little time – you are not ‘out of it’ – you are just taking your rest – I am with you in prayers, dear – and so is Jesus!!!
Thank you Duchess.
Most welcome, Jane! We are all here to help – Q Treepers are like that – they love helping!!!
This is not a video – but, it has information that may relate to what you were referring…
The Communist Origins of the Antifa Extremist Group
Group promoted communist dictatorship in Germany on Soviet Union’s behalf and labeled all ideologies other than communism as ‘fascism’
BY JOSHUA PHILIPP August 18, 2017 Updated: May 31, 2020
Thank you Duchess, this very well might help her edification.
Here it is…saw videos list just off the story’s right. Thanks bunches.
Oops here is the link
YAY!!! Great find!!!
You led me. 🙂
Not me, God, Jane!!!
Amen. 🙂
Candace Owens@RealCandaceO
This is great advice.
Hundreds of black businesses and neighborhoods are being torched. Multiple black people have been killed in these riots.
We would all do well to remember the name of every celebrity that is offering bail to the criminals that are destroying black lives.
Quote Tweet
Seth Rogen@Sethrogen
· May 31
Always be more critical of the people upholding the racist system than the ones who are fighting against it.
Candace Owens@RealCandaceO
The best part of this story is that @BilldeBlasio has made it illegal for New Yorkers to go to work for MONTHS, because of the #coronavirus. But it’s perfectly safe out there for his daughter to assist riots and protests!
Candace Owens@RealCandaceO
Remember when @BilldeBlasio was blaming the riots on @realDonaldTrump?
Last night, De Blasio’s daughter was arrested at a protest in NYC for barricading traffic & refusing to move.
what was even weirder to me…they were saying white nationalists were to blame for the violence and destruction. BUT celebrities and Biden’s people were providing THEIR BAIL MONEY–so every one of them b*stards were supporting alleged white nationalists…does THAT make sense???
No… it doesn’t make sense, and that’s a give-away to their attempt to gaslight, to project and throw it away from themselves. Just as “ANTI” Fascists is NOT Anti, but actually FASCIST!
New photo of crazy boy? Girl? Whatever
Do they ALL have those BUG EYES?
More “Coked to death” than “choked to death”…
Quelle surprise…
Could be, Cuppa!
the Judge has filed his response…waiting for interpretations.
Wonder if ristvan has posted anything…
Dunno – but SD most likely has – whenever SD posts – ristvan will comment – imho – will keep an eye out for his post, Cuppa!
haven’t seen anything yet…
I found the video in which privileged white people safely tucked ensconced in a Mercedes were handing out bricks to black children and youths informative.
It brought home the fact that leftists must look at black individuals as “tools” to be used by them at will to do their dirty work.
Not much different than old times on the plantation,
Remove either tucked or ensconced, forgot to erase the former….it sounded too endearing.
I have seen several of the interactions between those confronted by black folks and others. They are smug, arrogant and entitled. These are the grandchildren of the 60s radicals. Still rich, still in academia, still believing they are better, but bigger network and much more benefactor assistance.
It does not even have to be blacks. Just those on a lower ‘social rung’
Democrats still enslaving blacks. That is very disgusting.
They used the scooters in l.a. to do this too. The homeless nuts months ago started using them for assaults.
Time for a new Dr Evil meme. Bring on EBOLA 🙄
Do we have anything on the agenda yet for July? 🙄
Likely is and I shudder to think what it’ll be.
Yeah, that one scares me
It’s trending on Twitter. This will be the next plan if they are not shut down
I’ll jump in here: we roll up these a##holes and send them to Gitmo. Just sayin’ …
Sounds good to me!
Funny, I first saw that as “Chicago”…
Not a lot of difference, come to think of it…
In the Tom Clancy novel “Executive Decisions,” the first one he wrote featuring ebola, the first case to be spotted in the US was in Chicago. There’s even a black-humor line, where someone says “Our Chicago?” because he can’t believe ebola is here.
Aw, doggone it. The book is called “Executive Orders.”
Am thinking we are now living in a Clancy novel Steve.
One could almost think that reading all his books could condition one to current happenings. Because of what I used to do and my training, I’ve been conditioned to many things that nearly all normies would freak over. I’m starting to freak about this political storm.
Side note: DH is a precinct judge today. The polling place actually has 3 different precincts in the building. The dem judge from one of the other precincts came over to DH, showed DH a pic of Biden and asked DH who the guy was who was giving the speech. Then he told DH that he only knew of some guy named Bernie. He also thought he could vote where he was judge. He didn’t even live near the precincts at the polling place. So the dem judge didn’t even vote early as is customary when you don’t work your own precinct. Our county is run by dems. They never have Repub Inspectors here. Our county learned well from the Chicago influence many decades ago.
Except that there are some key differences between the “Ryanverse” (all but one of Clancy’s novels have the same characters, and are consistent with each other, so a lot of people talk about it like it’s an alternate universe) and our world, one is that in the Ryanverse the CIA is the good guys, in fact the fedgovernment is mostly good and corruption at high levels of the bureaucracy only reared up in “Clear and Present Danger” (though we did have a Veep who was a rapist, I’d guess modeled on Ted Kennedy).
You are right. I haven’t pulled out the Clancy books in a long while. If my nerves ever relax, I should re-read. Or maybe they will seem mellow and southing after this 🙂 storm abates.
One other thing…shit going down was often overseas. Yeah we had a nuke go off and an Ebola outbreak that got stopped quickly, but for the most part, it was overseas.
Yes, in places few visit. One novel that rattled me, but it might have been a Vince Flynn novel was the one that was about near instant death and decayed bodies found in manic positions.
That doesn’t sound like anything out of Clancy. Of course he’s managing to write stuff after he’s dead (other authors are being paid to continue the Ryanverse–not bad, but not as good as his stuff) so I could be wrong.
Yes, I’d bet it wasn’t a Clancy. Not realsure it was even a VF book now. There was another writer who tried to cash in on both styles and near subject matter, who wasn’t very good. I later learned he was a lefty sort.
My dear, dear friend told me 4 wks ago to watch out as Ebola was next. She had been on a video conference and told me some interesting info. She was going to send me the links and I planned to post here after she sent me the links but she has not had a chance to do so and I have also been too busy to remind her.
Hope this is a coincidence and she was wrong….
Hmmmm 🤔
In Madagascar, there is a strain of Plague (as in “Black Death”) that is resistant to all antibodies.
However, ordinary sanitation and vermin control is effective against that one, so anyone thinking of using it for biological warfare should look elsewhere.
Yeesh. Resistant to all ANTIBIOTICS.
All these people getting lucense plate pictures need to attrmpt to go up to the dashboard and get photos of the VIN through the front window.
Theyre using fake plates, they cant fake the vin.
Damnd good point, though if sufficiently motivated they could remove the VIN.
If catturd’s tweet isn’t funny enough check out one response below it. LMAO!
I think she looks like Schitt.
Between Deblasio’s daughter, Ilhan’s daughter, Keith Elison’s son (a councilman no less) and even Elison Himself, I have to wonder if any dems have kids with the slightest inclination towards patriotism. Ha, what am I saying? Point to any dem, period, with a patriotic bone in them.
Such a thing once existed.
It probably still does, in the Rank and File, the people registered to vote who hold no office. But it won’t once they are redpilled.
Yeah I’d imagine by the time Nov rolls around only the most hardcore leftists who are too overcome with the hatred in their black hearts will want to vote democrat.
Supposedly Juan Williams two sons are Conservatives as well as a Susan Rice’s son.
Wow, that”s kinda surprising
Papm Springs and Palm Desert are having protests today.
Palm Desert is home to El Paseo, the Rodeo Drive of the Desert. Palm Springs city council is entirely left and all members are gay or trans, in addition, they are anticop and very very pro covid lockdown.
Its a drive to get out there but considering the money and the ability to hide, it could be a riot point.
If I see anything later Ill post.
Angel Moreno⚡️ (@AMoreno__o) Tweeted:
The protest should be in Palm Desert, those are where the racists are and where those privileged fucks are at😗
Digital Soldier 88 (@Anon88Soldier) Tweeted:
The people organizing a protest in my city (Palm Desert) have had their tweets shared by Jack (ceo of tweet). Digging.
Praying Medic may have an answer as to whether ANTIFA was listed as an international terrorist organization a while back and the fact was just never mentioned. If it was, then the people funding these riots are REALLY SOL
Carlos suggested China, Iran and the Mexican Cartels at minimum.
We just had another one of these babies fly over the house. This time headed north. Raleigh NC maybe??
GOOD GRIEF there goes another one!
“It’s used to insert special-operations units.” Or maybe, they’re, from the sounds of it…
Hang in there, Gail, and stay safe (locked, loaded, and prepped, too)…
Q 4377
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa586e No.9412773 📁
Jun 1 2020 10:57:16 (EST) NEW📁
Sums it up perfectly.
That was Q 4378.
Q 4379
!!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa586e No.9412978 📁
Jun 1 2020 11:08:42 (EST) NEW📁
Sums it up perfectly.
Black community used as pawns?
Welcome to the [D] party.
Q 4380
Jun 1 2020 11:07:26 (EST) NEW
Screen_Shot_2020_06_01_at_12_06_58_PM.jpg ⬇
Cuomo warns protests could spark coronavirus comeback📁
Attempting to establish new narrative ‘riots’ created[ing] second COVID-19 wave?
Loss of control [first wave]?
Regain control necessary re: vote-by-mail re: [D] state bailout(s) re: economy-unemployment kill etc?
All assets deployed.
Win by any means necessary.
2020 Presidential Election.
I just realized those Qs had been posted. I’m behind, sorry!
I duplicated the Qs, sorry!
…We’ll call it a refresh 😉
Never Ever hire Beth Wilkinson!!
Full of falsehoods and mistakes, Sullivan wants Appeals Ct to butt out and let him carry on with his unlawful amicus scheme.
thanks for this!!
Sullivan Response
John M. Reeves@reeveslawstl
1) In his brief filed today, Judge Sullivan makes the arguments I anticipated in my amicus brief (my amicus brief is linked below, along with Judge Sullivan’s).
06.01.2020(7) Sullivan Response
1:31 PM • Jun 1, 2020•Twitter Web App
2) Judge Sullivan’s primary argument is that mandamus cannot issue because here, unlike in Fokker, there has been no ruling one way or the other on the motion to dismiss.
3) But as I point out in my amicus brief, mandamus is available not only where a district court judge DENIES the DOJ’s mtn to dismiss, but also where it REFUSES TO RULE on the matter through an UNREASONABLE DELAY, which is what has happened here.
4) In addition, Judge Sullivan argues that district courts DO, in fact, have discretion over whether to grant the DOJ’s mtn to dismiss, even if the defendant consents, and must examine the “public interest.”
5) In support of this argument, Judge Sullivan cites the early-1970s DC Circuit case of Ammidown.
6) But as I point out in my amicus brief, Ammidown’s holding on this was pure dicta (that is, non-binding), and cannot be squared away with Fokker and subsequent SCOTUS precedent.John M. Reeves@reeveslawstl
7) Indeed, the Seventh Circuit–in an opinion by Judge Posner and joined by Judges Easterbrook and Wood–note that Ammindown’s holding in this regard is dicta.
8) This is no small matter, because while Judges Posner and Easterbrook are “conservatives,” Judge Wood is very much a liberal, and was on Obama’s shortlist for a SCOTUS vacancy.
9) Judge Sullivan fails to take into account how here, the Government is seeking dismissal WITH PREJUDICE.
10) A district court may be justified in denying the Govt.’s mtd if it was seeking to dismsiss WITHOUT PREJUDICE, as there would be a risk of subjecting Flynn to multiple repeated prosecutions.
11) But where, as here, the Govt. is seeking dismissal WITH PREJUDICE–meaning it would be barred from ever re-filing charges–and thus is not trying to give itself a Mulligan or do-over on the prosecution…
12) Judge Sullivan cannot deny the motion or call for amicus briefing on the matter without runing afoul of the separation of powers.
13) Judge Sullivan’s brief makes no serious attempt to analyze any of these issues.
thanks Carl!
I really love to hear the interpretations of this stuff!
Good catch on 9 thru 11–the government cannot be trying for a back-door do-over.
Here is the rest of the thread. VERY VERY GOOD!
This right here, this is the answer. Communities coming together building trust. There’s been a lot of good examples coming out of this sad time at least. Personally I have a greater appreciation now for the right to protest regardless your views. Peacefully.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
NOW VOTING: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #602 John Leonard Badalamenti to be U.S. District Judge for the Middle District of Florida
Remember, Comey wants you to vote in 5 months!
Comey has no authority to speak about understanding America.
“He said that in his twenties he had been both a Communist and a Reaganite. ‘I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically,’ he went on. ‘Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.’”
He said that in 2003. He does not understand America at all.
Oh he can say whatever he wants…
If he expects us to believe him, that’s a different bucket of manure.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Top GOPer on Hse Vets Affairs Cmte Roe: The vandalizing that occurred last night at the World War II Memorial and other sites dedicated to those veterans is an affront to them. I share the anger and sadness voiced today by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and The American Legion
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
McConnell: It does not advance freedom or justice to vandalize the World War II Memorial that stands for those who bled and died for exactly those values.
#FollowTheBricks is FUN
Who ordered and set delivery information would be better since anyone can buy pallets of bricks.
Apparently the protesting rioters delayed the start of Voting in the Senate for more than a few hours.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
USCP: ALL CLEAR. The demonstration activity on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol Building has concluded. The area is now open to all personnel.
Chad has given Schumer an opportunity to gaslight America by tweeting out his lies. Here’s an example.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Schumer: As the ldr of our country, the President..struggles to summon even an ounce of humanity..the president has reacted to the pain & anger in the country by playing politics & encouraging police to be tougher on protesters
Obviously Sleepy Joe is not the only demented politician.
Schumer isn’t stupid, nor demented (in the strictest sense of not knowing what he’s doing), but he’s hoping a lot of people out here are stupid or demented.
And let’s face it, a significant percentage are.
No…he is evil.
just my two cents… but I believe he’s a sociopath.
Yeah, that would certainly fit.
Many people in politics or other leadership roles, unfortunately.
I have a theory… not scientifically grounded mind you… just my gut assessment. Sociopaths and psychopaths drift toward each other… recognize each other. Those who do take a scientific approach claim that 5% of the population is of this inclination. My theory is 99% of the 5% are in Washington D.C.
Plenty of local government for them to hide out in, too.
I think there are several in Congress, as well as mentally incompetent.
Pelosi, Nadler, Warren, Warner, Omar, Talib….sociopaths…just plain stupid …Waters, Hank Johnson, Murray, Lewis, AOC.
Yes Tea…
Family autopsy contradicts state’s autopsy.
Jack Posobiec Retweeted
Christi Chat@ChatChristi
Antifa Soy Boy Brian Bartels, accompanied by mommy & daddy, just turned himself in to police for inciting violence during Saturday’s Pittsburgh RIOT and busting out the windows of a police car.
Jack Posobiec@JackPosobiec
BREAKING: Alleged Antifa agitator’s parents bring him to police in Pittburgh
They must be so proud. (I don’t know, maybe they are.)
They don’t look proud…
Given the number of parents out there today unwilling to acknowledge wrongdoing by their children…perhaps (depending on their motivations) they deserve a great deal of credit for this.
It can’t be easy delivering your child up for felony charges.
I could tell, even masked and covered, he looked quite young. Hopefully old enough to be charged as an adult, though.
Video won’t play? Not available, was it taken down already?
2nd try, thinks the first went into the bin. Family Autopsy contradicts State’s Autopsy.
No excuse for this bullSchiff. NONE
Thank God the fire department was finally able to get to the house that was DELIBERATELY set on fire and rescue the people inside, including the children.
The Richmond police chief made it clear that his department “has intelligence” about “protesters” arriving in the city FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY to cause mayhem; and that he is determined to get them identified and arrested.
I hope he does
The president will speak in the Rose Garden at 6:15. (FNC)
For what ever reason this keeps going into the bin so I’m leaving the link out.
Market Watch has article up saying Family Autopsy contradicts States Autopsy, saying that Floyd was asphyxiated by sustained pressure. I”m sure we’ll have more stories soon.
wow, you could’ve knocked me over with a feather!
Einstein redo …………….?
Looks impressive….
Wonder how many of those “DEMONstrators” are illegals?????
Or from wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of town???
Moving to Florida one of these days…
That would imply “don’t bother with a .22.”
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
“Judge Sullivan’s” response to the writ of mandamus is such ba embarrassment, it’s no wonder he didn’t write it or even sign it (his new lawyer Beth Wilkinson did)
This one paragraph alone is enough to disqualify it
Flynn did not plead to the crime of “false statements” for his “work for Turkey” and the Flynn statement of the offense didn’t state all of the elements of that offense (intent!), as even Brandon Van Grack later admitted
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Deliberately obfuscates the difference between amici being allowed in criminal cases and civil cases
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
A Judge isn’t supposed to “pursue the other side” when both the prosecution and defense are in agreement to dismiss a case. That’s kind of the point
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
“The District Court has not actually decided anything” – yes, and that’s the problem
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
This is false. Sullivan’s hearing did not reach a detailed finding of “materiality” in Flynn’s false statements to the FBI. Sullivan talked about wanting the government to brief him on the details, the hearing was postponed, it never happened
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
That’s not “notable”, it’s right there in the law
See new Tweets
Undercover Huber
This one paragraph alone is enough to disqualify it
Flynn did not plead to the crime of “false statements” for his “work for Turkey” and the Flynn statement of the offense didn’t state all of the elements of that offense (intent!), as even Brandon Van Grack later admitted
Undercover Huber
Deliberately obfuscates the difference between amici being allowed in criminal cases and civil cases
Undercover Huber
A Judge isn’t supposed to “pursue the other side” when both the prosecution and defense are in agreement to dismiss a case. That’s kind of the point
Undercover Huber
“The District Court has not actually decided anything” – yes, and that’s the problem
Undercover Huber
This is false. Sullivan’s hearing did not reach a detailed finding of “materiality” in Flynn’s false statements to the FBI. Sullivan talked about wanting the government to brief him on the details, the hearing was postponed, it never happened
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
That’s not “notable”, it’s right there in the law
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Repeats MSNBC conspiracy theories. The DOJ can sign a motion to dismiss with whoever they want, there is no requirement it be a “line attorney”
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Replying to @JohnWHuber
Incredible. Sullivan’s attorney represents that Sullivan wants to discuss Flynn’s declaration of innocence in open court. Except he filed that in Jan 29, Sullivan ignored it, and proceeded with sentencing – as the brief itself admits!
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Nobody asked for a Judicial reassignment until now because you hadn’t been acting like a complete fruitcake, your honor
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Flynn faces no real “harm” because he’s not in prison so what’s a few more months of delay and legal bills while Judge Sullivan embarks on a fishing expedition waiting for a Biden administration and DOJ? Unbelievable.
Undercover Huber
It goes on and on like this while avoiding the core issue at hand. Rule 48 and Fokker require him to dismiss the case. He can investigate it all he likes, that’s never going to change
Strong chance of a writ of mandamus being issued for Flynn 2-1 after this hot garbage
I got distracted copying Undercover Huber’s THREAD… too many links… can you split it for me into “Post Comment” and Reply to Post ??????????
Or, shall I do that?
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
“Judge Sullivan’s” response to the writ of mandamus is such ba embarrassment, it’s no wonder he didn’t write it or even sign it (his new lawyer Beth Wilkinson did)
This one paragraph alone is enough to disqualify it
Flynn did not plead to the crime of “false statements” for his “work for Turkey” and the Flynn statement of the offense didn’t state all of the elements of that offense (intent!), as even Brandon Van Grack later admitted
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Deliberately obfuscates the difference between amici being allowed in criminal cases and civil cases
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
A Judge isn’t supposed to “pursue the other side” when both the prosecution and defense are in agreement to dismiss a case. That’s kind of the point
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
“The District Court has not actually decided anything” – yes, and that’s the problem
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
This is false. Sullivan’s hearing did not reach a detailed finding of “materiality” in Flynn’s false statements to the FBI. Sullivan talked about wanting the government to brief him on the details, the hearing was postponed, it never happened
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
That’s not “notable”, it’s right there in the law
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
This one paragraph alone is enough to disqualify it
Flynn did not plead to the crime of “false statements” for his “work for Turkey” and the Flynn statement of the offense didn’t state all of the elements of that offense (intent!), as even Brandon Van Grack later admitted
Undercover Huber
Deliberately obfuscates the difference between amici being allowed in criminal cases and civil cases
Undercover Huber
A Judge isn’t supposed to “pursue the other side” when both the prosecution and defense are in agreement to dismiss a case. That’s kind of the point
Undercover Huber
“The District Court has not actually decided anything” – yes, and that’s the problem
Undercover Huber
This is false. Sullivan’s hearing did not reach a detailed finding of “materiality” in Flynn’s false statements to the FBI. Sullivan talked about wanting the government to brief him on the details, the hearing was postponed, it never happened
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
That’s not “notable”, it’s right there in the law
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Repeats MSNBC conspiracy theories. The DOJ can sign a motion to dismiss with whoever they want, there is no requirement it be a “line attorney”
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Replying to @JohnWHuber
Incredible. Sullivan’s attorney represents that Sullivan wants to discuss Flynn’s declaration of innocence in open court. Except he filed that in Jan 29, Sullivan ignored it, and proceeded with sentencing – as the brief itself admits!
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Nobody asked for a Judicial reassignment until now because you hadn’t been acting like a complete fruitcake, your honor
Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Flynn faces no real “harm” because he’s not in prison so what’s a few more months of delay and legal bills while Judge Sullivan embarks on a fishing expedition waiting for a Biden administration and DOJ? Unbelievable.
Undercover Huber
It goes on and on like this while avoiding the core issue at hand. Rule 48 and Fokker require him to dismiss the case. He can investigate it all he likes, that’s never going to change
Strong chance of a writ of mandamus being issued for Flynn 2-1 after this hot garbage
AND NOW we know WHY all the riots…
Oh, there’s enough shit going on this is probably only PART of it.
Brian Cates on the second autopsy
Will Ferguson ever leave the narratives?
BTW, the initial autopsy on Michael Brown was done by a pathologist known to my family. Really nice guy. Black. His parents really are bright people.
People across the political spectrum are already dividing to all sides on this issue. Does note the family autopsy does not deny drug use by Floyd. Lends them some credibility.
The president is letting them wait. Again.
Deblasio daughter got them crazy eyes like Peanut…
That’s an insult to Peanut😜
LIVE: President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks from The Rose Garden 6/1/20
Thanks Duchess, you the best!
Most welcome, PR!!!
You governors…like newsom who said Trump is nothing but noise, either step up ir the military is coming…arned!
Some are doubtless southerners, and they’ll be “Tar Arned”, as in ready for metal action 🙂
Going to pay his respects to a soecial place?
Could be the WWII Memorial on Capital Hill that was damaged by rioters earlier today?????????
He does NOT need to go out in that pit of vipers today….. Unless it is to Arlington Tomb of the Unknown, or JFK’s grave. Not in the city with that mob. I know he’s Batman, but geeeez, my nerves wouldn’t stand it 😳
God has indeed blessed America with this leader…………………….
He would start talking while I was in the kitchen.
I 💖Stephen Miller.
That little speech was greatness.
And…he walks right back into the White House.
One would think that by now the DIMs and the Deep State and the Commies and all… would believe him when he says he’s going to do xyz………….
Watch the Rioters at the White House “disappear” like they did last night…………… 7:00 curfew… it’s now 7 :06
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e8edcd No.9418852
Jun 1 2020 17:52:56 (EST) NEW
Roger ball has been called.
Good and green.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e8edcd No.9418852 📁
Jun 1 2020 17:52:56 (EST) NEW
Roger ball has been called.
Good and green.
Call The Ball’ How is Your Logistics Communication?
From the article:
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to listen to the succinct communication between carrier operations and the aircraft in flight, it’s quite an experience. When a fighter jet is on approach and “in the groove” (i.e., 15-18 seconds to touchdown) to an aircraft carrier the Landing Signal Officer (LSO) onboard will say to the approaching aircraft, “Call the ball.”
He is asking for a couple of things, but primarily if the pilot can see the round orange “meatball” on the Optical Landing System (OLS). If he cannot see the ball for whatever reason, the pilot will transmit, “Clara.” This tells the LSO that the pilot is not receiving optical glide slope information, a situation that must be corrected by the pilot or LSO quickly. Otherwise, a wave-off is required, which equates to additional cost incurred in fuel, time, planning and even potential safety concerns.
Most all of the time though, the pilot will see the ball (and of course the related lighting system) and will note the orange ball’s relation to the green horizontal datum lights. This will indicate if he is high, low, or on glide-slope.
In response to the LSO’s query to “Call the ball,” the pilot will answer by stating his side number, aircraft type, ‘ball,’ and fuel state (and qualification number if in training). It would most likely sound something like this:
Dallas two-two-one, Tomcat ball, five-point-seven.”
This translates to: Dallas=VF-1’s squadron call-sign, 221=the number on the side of the aircraft, Tomcat=F-14, ball=I see the ball, 5.7=5,700 pounds of fuel left.
Noting the information, the LSO would then respond, “Roger Ball.” The LSO would then only speak again if needed to correct some deviation… that in such a precision endeavor almost always happens.
“Ball” is short for “meatball.” Apocryphal or not, I am told the term meatball came from WW-II combat Naval Aviators. It seems that the round bright orange light on the early Optical landing system reminded them of the circular red markings on the Japanese Zero aircraft that they commonly referred to as meatballs. Even with the new advanced Fresnel lenses, it is not so round, but tradition says it is still… a ball.
Meatball…well, that explains the dog’s name on Black Sheep Squadron.
My brother the retired Marine pilot, the family $#!+ disturber, was NOT a fan of carrier cruises, as they called them. he told a story of letting the crew swim somewhere they were off the aft, and my little brother the water polo devotee couldn’t enjoy himself as he was busy rescuing the crew members who couldn’t swim.
Thank you that is interesting!
You’re welcome. I needed the explanation. 🙂
Guess that answers our speculation of a couple days ago!
I hope Q keeps constant communications with us…we need the reassurance!
Hmmmm….what special place is he going to pay respects?? AF1?
Thinking out of the box again Vol… you know that’s not allowed… 😉
hmm…maybe the Chapel
Oh. My God.
My President is more BADASS than I even thought possible!!!!
Straight through Lafayette Park to the boarded up church. As you hear the sirens in the background he stands there holding his Bible
Wow. That brought a tear.
No kiddng!!
Amen. A man of GOD, a man Blessed by GOD. And a Leader.
Somehow King David comes to mind.
GOD Bless President Trump and his family, VP Pence and his family, the Administration and white hats, and treepers near and far. And may GOD restore and richly Bless our country.
In Jesus’ Holy and Eternal Name, Amen.
And here’s a verse that shows what VSGPDJT is showing there; leading by example and by faith:
Matthew 10:32-33:
Would that we had the faith and fortitude to stand by that…
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
John Cardillo@johncardillo
Medical Examiner Says George Floyd Was on Fentanyl, Died of Heart Attack
This changes things considerably
Red Chyyyyyyyyyyynnnnnnaaaaa yet again…
Odd, in’nit, how the left whines and moans and pontificates about the (very small) possibility of Long Q-T syndrome with HCQ, yet ignores the much more frequent heart issues, arrythmias, etc. from abused and often illegal drugs…
I think China should be quarantined amongst themselves. Take all those AntiFa bricks and start a wall around ChiCom land…
Having said that, there are a lot of good people in China: the problem is the CCP and “Winnie-the-Poo” (and yep, I left the “h” out on purpose. Sort of a reverse-Soho move there)….
[Hear them down in Soho Square, dropping h’s everywhere… MyFairLady]
My President has the biggest titanium steel set to have walked ti that Church. Hoo boy.
Okay… these “Peaceful” Protesters”………. how many protests do they need? Seriously!
You know its their trojan horse. Provide cover with them to get their others in later.
That’s a perfect analogy Gil… just perfect. I’m surprised though that peaceful peeps are fallin’ for it.
Whats terrifying is that he has more of a threat walking from the White House to a Church than he did walking across the DMZ into North Korea.
They said ‘he could never walk the streets’. This is a leader!!!! My goodness.
Trump 4 ever at this rate.
Wow. Amazing.
We’ll soon see who can’t walk down the street……
Is that JKF’s bible? It has the same red and yellow placeholder ribbons mine does. Douay-Rheims translated by faithful Jesuits (before they were infiltrated) in the late 16th century, and very early 17th.
I thought it was POTUS’….going back to watch again
Oops, JFK’s.
I just love him!!!! 💞
He is the epitome of FEAR NOT!!!
I love how how the press curs has to run for him.😂
Did you see Ivanka with the black mask briefly (only one) at the church? She ditched it before they got back to WH. I think everyone’s pretty much over WuFlu fear porn, I know I am. 😎
President Trump’s remarks on LAW & ORDER in America
I just want to say, we will NEVER see Trump’s like again. The man has the intestinal fortitude of STEEL. ONLY Trump could have given the speech he made, and THEN walk across the street, UNPLANNED, to the scene of last night’s violence. The Secret Service was SHITTING themselves.
Remember this moment. This is the man that crossed into NK. This is the man, who KNOWINGLY went out of his protected bubble, to show STRENGTH, and RESOVLE in the face of anarchy. ANYONE that mocks, or diminishes that act, PROVES his point.
Trump showed resolve in the face of tyranny. He showed strength in the face of violence. He showed LEADERSHIP in the vacuum left by dem officials. They mock this act at their PERIL. Trump JUST won reelection tonight. Mark it down. They have NO clue who they face, they have no idea who they are dealing with or his RESOLVE.
Excellent..but I might add, no idea how many of us understand this, love him and support him. They are screwed!
Ha ha ha!
“Today, I signed an executive order moving the entire state of Michigan to Canada”…
There Gretched. That’s probably what you wanted to write…
Got an email from Honorable Mother (mrs drillers mom) with link. Surprised I haven’t come across the channel, AWN. Good to know she’s now thoroughly red pilled 🙂
Her text:
Interesting, would like your take. Just received from a friend.
This is a great video ! It has BILL BARR and TRUMP video talking publicly of
where these riots are coming from ( the deep state ) and what they are doing about it !
SOOO GOOD !! They are being exposed and will not get away with !
It had nothing to do with the man George. It was staged and planned !
THE WHOLE TRUTH ! Fake news is coming down ! We are winning !
AWN is And We Know
“Video Creation Linking News Through a Biblical Lens Showcasing Qanon with Bible.
I am a retired Marine Corps broadcaster trying to bring positive videos into a very dark world. After several months of watching videos and television, my mind was constantly working on how to bring an EXPERIENCE to each viewer that I was actually hoping for in videos. My sons told me to stop talking about it and do it. It is easier said than done when you are working long hours, trying to start a new business. This channel was created with the mindset that maybe some folks would want to feel they are a part of something bigger, that they see what I see…not enough videos out there to “Enjoy the Show” as Q would say.
Join me, show me that it is worth it…these long hours that normally take me to 3 a.m. after a long day…that those hours are touching you…that, yes, And We Know is something you want to be a part of …
God bless you. Romans 8:28 Heal our Land”
It was great! Can’t believe I hadn’t found it before.
Some other AWN videos have been posted here. That is why I recognized the initials. And yes he does good work.
Well there ya go, I should have been paying better attention. 😁
Duchess post’s these AWN vids on a regular basis Thank You D !!
Always good info
After watching this one, with Lara Logans tip that the KIDS were using high tech equipment to communicate and direct others to conduct ” missions of mayhem “, training KIDS while on covid lockdown..WOW!!
I am thinking this may what Mad Max and OBO where talking about with their “list of names” or whatever Max was yaking about.
Lara Logan said, you can pick them out, they stand out.. as the leaders,..communicating with cell phones then they calmly walk away, with chaos all around them. Completely un-natural.
SHE’s RIGHT !! Really noticeable if you watch for it.
early in the vid a whole bunch of people are standing on top of a cop van in the distance..
It looks like they are falling off.. but they are so organized,they have a mission to perform, they are actually flowing off the vehicle ..onto skateboards, INTO the camera and off onto missions, with enthusiastic smiles on faces as they go by the camera man
OMG Who ever put these KIDS up to this are indeed ” E V I L ”
mentions: “Kellie Chauvin Files For Divorce From Police Officer Charged In Death Of George Floyd”
She looks Chinese, so I checked…
for reference:
Chinese-Laos relations
This tweet deleted
Donald J. Trump
Much more “disinformation” coming out of CNN, MSDNC,
, by far, than coming out of any foreign country, even combined. Fake News is the Enemy of the People!
And more
another deleted
See new Tweets
Donald J. Trump
Let New York’s Finest be New York’s Finest. There is nobody better, but they must be allowed to do their job!
Maybe I don’t understand, but it Twitter DELETING VSGPDJT’s tweets?????
If so, sic the FCC on them.
Enough is too much!!!!!
WATCH: Team Trump Online with Lara Trump, Rep. Mike Garcia, and Rep. Tom Tiffany!
WHAT a leader POTUS Donald Trump is!
Can you imagine ANY Democrat doing what POTUS did today? — First, he orders THOUSANDS of armed military, LEO, and others to TAKE BACK the United States from the thugs paid by GEORGE SOROS.
Then, he walks across the street to the church the thugs burned last night, HOLDING THE BIBLE, to pay his respects.
I say the video clip of POTUS standing in front of the boarded-up St. John’s church, holding the Bible high, needs to GO VIRAL. I say it is his way of saying not only that he is a Christian — but ALSO that the United States of America was founded on Judaeo-Christian principles.
The Bible is now trending on Twitter
From a couple of pages back:
And here’s a verse that shows what VSGPDJT is showing there; leading by example and by faith:
Matthew 10:32-33:
Would that we had the faith and fortitude to stand by that…
A VERY BAD MOVE on the part of the Demon-Rats. Over 70% of Americans are Judaeo-Christian.
Greatest POTUS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tucker’s mask just fell off … had to turn it off … disgusting … disappointed … #WEG1WGA
What did he say?
He was doing all right and then made a left turn toward the President. Click went the TV.
See rf121 post
I trust “THEY ” count every time we go ‘click’ when they spew their propaganda spin
I disagree. Tucker combined with Victor Davis Hansen was sobering and spot on. This has to end – now.
I’ll reply to myself. Hopefully what Carlos Osweda references will come to pass.
His criticism of PDJT was completly over the top and completely off base is if not pure, unadultrated gaslithting. I really like Tucker “most of the time”, but never EVER forget he’s a creature of DCA, born and bread.
Wonder if “controlled opposition” is in play…
Sometimes you need an opposition to see who your TRUE friends and allies (not the same thing) are…
I keep thinking smoke and mirrors, Loveless (from Wild, Wild, West), and the Funhouse at Santa Cruz Boardwalk in CA.
Not everything is what it seems…
[Could say the same thing about Windoze 1 0 (10) but I digress…..].
Agree …
Just checked in on Hannity … completely unbelievealbe and unwatchable … WTH ?
Everyone knows he’s an old-school democrat. He’s also a pro-life Episcopalian. I usually DON’T particularly like Tucker, the smart-aleck asides get on my nerves, as do the repetitive cast of leftist “guests”. But tonight, his whole show was on the money – especially when Hanson was on. I love our President, but it isn’t the Trump altar. We’re at the breaking point, and there needs to be a shake up. As I said, I hope Carlos Osweda sees what he thinks he sees.
Just checking in. We’re fine so far. Love to all here.
Glad to hear! Love ya, back, Zoe!
Rioters looted a couple of stores within easy walking distance of Casa de Cthulhu. A CVS and a BevMo.
Hope all they got away with was Corona….
(Irony of ironies, it’s on sale over here right now…) (I’ll take Schwaben Bräu, or Öttinger for a good deal…)….
Did Gruescum’s “KARENs” manage to keep everyone safely masked?????
Hope you’re well protected there in Kalifornistan, cthulhu. The Golden State ain’t what she used to be.. 🙁
Thanks for letting us know, Zoe.
Hugs. Stay safe!
I went into my local grocery store this evening. They instituted a “mask policy” about 4 weeks ago, so I have not been there. I am over sixty and hate the fact that so many are spineless, most were wearing masks, but I did encounter another woman about my age, and bid her a “good evening, renegade” and I think she might have peed her pants. What is up with these young, strapping, healthy people and this mask shit? I don’t get it. I think they’ve been programmed to do whatever someone tells them. I don’t see any independent thought. Also…I totally pissed off a constipated legal secretary in a 2 person office today for entering without a mask!
Good for you!!!
Wreaking excretory distress, one snowflake at a time!
Whatever happened to skepticism, self-determination, and the (Missouri) “show me” spirit???
Today’s SJW “warriors” roll over and die at the slightest hint of challenge, or, worse for them, at the presentation of facts which don’t fit their assigned narrative…..
Would be kind of funny if someone made a CO² meter that measured underneath the masks and/or the exhalation mixture, O² vs. CO² vs. beer fumes (OK, just kidding…. Then again, the snowflakes probably slept through science classes (if they were even there) so thy wouldn’t understand the results or the significance thereof…..
OMG!!! Wearing this mask I have 105% Lithium and Argon gasses in my breath…
(Never mind the fact you could be hired to fill fluorescent tubes in your spare time… 🙂 )…..
(Neon Deion…).
Arrest them all!!!!!
I hope
Is this a fake website? This doesn’t look like Praying Medic…
PM has a website… it’s NOT
Maybe your right cause I missed this embedded in that tweet.
Huma Abedin
Also TIM, one of the recent posts is that garbage about POTUS going into the bunker in the WH…
This can’t be legit.
I’m shocked said no one ever!!!!
What an #*&**#
Until Ebola gets here…..👀
How many times is he going to change his tune? Kind of reminds me of Senator Graham!.
And no matter what tune he sings or whistles, he’s still off-key…
Donald Trump is the Chuck Norris of Bruce Willises
LOL! 😆
Well Kristin, what you’re seeing is a prime example, indeed an exceptional example, of a sadly rare breed of man, who, in days past, was much more common.
A Man’s Man. Dare I say, TOXIC MASCULINITY.
Or, to quote Robert Burns, A Man’s A Man, For A’That…
An Alpha male. The type the Elite have been doing their darnedest to breed out of existence for over a hundred years. (Kill them off in wars.)
Absolutely. Go with your gut sir.
No wonder Melania fell for him!
Just saw the headlines for a far left German newspaper.
Did NOTHING for my BP.
Also media not talking about Trumps trip to the Church.
Love that he made them run in heels. LOL
This might make you feel better:
Even Die Welt is usually OK (especially the comments)…
Were you looking Spiegel, Stern, or (out-of-) Focus???
Those three are an insult to birds when used as birdcage liner… a number of email platforms (gmx, 1&1, t-offline (OK,T-Online) ) use spiegel as their newsfeed, so they’re poison, erm, gift… The gift that keeps on giving, as it were…
I think all the YSM/MCM do here is do a robo-translate on the latest spew from the Washed-Poo, the NY Slimes, or the Walled-Street Urinal, fix the obvious mistakes/typos, and then publish it as Mother Merde-Kuh’s Miraculous Misanthropic Messaging…
Only the alternative media, e.g. jungefreiheit, are anywhere near to objective and informative…
Remember, the Soros bots are here in the form of Correctiv! an emission of “Media Matters”….
David “The Human Septic Tank” Brock…
Ahhhh much better. Yeah I can’t access the comment on die welt for some reason. It wants me to pay????
If you have Brave, try looking at it from a “Private” window, or, if all else fails, a TOR window.
At least from here, I can see the posts and the comments.
If you get this at the bottom of the window “Diese Webseite verwendet u.a. Cookies zur Analyse und Verbesserung der Webseite, zum Ausspielen personalisierter Anzeigen und zum Teilen von Artikeln in sozialen Netzwerken. Unter Datenschutz erhalten Sie weitere Informationen und Möglichkeiten, diese Cookies auszuschalten.”, just click OK…
Geoblocking rears its ugly head once more… So much for “globalism”….
Also, from the jungefreiheit article:
Have a look at the comments, always entertaining:
(remember it’s the middle of the night here, so there will be more in a few hours)…
Solicitor General Noel Francisco stands up for Flynn. 🦋🤸♀️🦋
Huber thread explains.
New Carlos thread:
I have been seeing the military transports too since I seem to be in the flight path from Fort Bragg/Pope Air Force Base to the norther areas.
Thread reader
That’s a KEEPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I stashed over on the Meme thread earlier. I certainly seem to fit right here.
Indeed it does fit!
Interesting point from that post:
Patriots going to get PO’ed
Thatll keep 4 chan and redditirs busy for weeks!
Gil, I am sure they were already on it as soon as the Riots started. Remember they IDed the Bike-lock ethics prof who bashed in the heads of seven Deplorables.
The people Carlos (Thomas Wictor) spotted were the professionals sent in to catch them in the act and to trace the command structure and $$$. The Autists will ID the low level cannon fodder wannabes.
If Carlos is correct the REAL WORK was done a while ago. Now we are in the ‘mop-up’ phase. This is especially needed to bring the ‘normies’ up to speed.
“Things are not as they seem.
That was a snatch-and-grab team….”
He has been on 🔥 the past couple of days
Carlos certainly has. He also has a very good ‘eye’ for spotting this stuff and then explaining it to us amateurs.
Found those threads fascinating and it has made me look much more objectively at “events” ….and the people involved.
Black America Needs Fathers
He is SO RIGHT! You can thank LBJ (possibly JFK’s murderer) for that.
READ!!!! It is a great piece to hand to Blacks.
Crystal Wright is the editor and publisher of the blog Conservative Black Chick. This piece has been adapted from Crystal Wright’s new book: “Con Job: How Democrats Gave Us Crime, Sanctuary Cities, Abortion Profiteering, and Racial Division.”
Thanks, Gail!!! God Bless You!!!
Dan Bongino (@dbongino) Tweeted:
This streets have now been taken back by the American people.
You are hereby evicted.
Get the f%^* out.
Qanon June 1, 2020 – Do You See What Is Happening?
Fox reporting looting all over NYC already. 2 more hrs til curfew. DumbBlasio said no, but Cuomo overruled -set for 11pm?!?
L.a. is having it but its not dark yet. Lapd is finally not playing…and the media is freaking out and calling them rayciss.
Hollywood has a yuge protest right now.
40 things we’re not talking about right now.
1. Biden and Ukraine $
2. Biden and China $
3. Biden and Tara Reade
4. Biden and dementia
5. Biden and Flynn and Biden’s sabotage of Trump presidency
6. Obama and Flynn and Obama’s sabotage of Trump presidency
7. Judge Sullivan corruption and activism
8. Obama and shadow government and sedition/treason
9. Voting fraud efforts
10. Illegal immigration
11. How COVID-19 isn’t anything like what was predicted
12. How the shutdown makes no sense any longer
13. Trump’s effectiveness with growing an economy and making jobs
14. FISA abuse
15. Mueller investigation misdeeds
16. Schiff’s and Pelosi’s direction of unjustifiable impeachment effort
17. Congressional insider trading leading up to pandemic declaration
18. Hydroxychloroquine effectiveness
19. Zinc’s effectiveness and Vitamin C effectiveness
20. Dangers of vaccines
21. Hillary and emails
22. Hillary and Clinton Foundation criminality
23. Hillary and Steele Dossier
24. Hillary and DNC emails
25. DNC and Seth Rich
26. Comey’s role as ringleader and lies before Congress
27. Brennan’s role as ringleader and lies before Congress
28. Clapper’s role and lies before Congress
29. Tarmac meeting
30. Fast and Furious
31. FiveEyes intel abuse
32. Uranium One
33. Cash payoffs to Iran
34. Epstein’s honey pot and murder
35. Child sex and ritual murder web, and extortion from it
36. MSM collaboration/propaganda
37. Controlled judges, prosecutors, local governments
38. Smollett
39. RBG health
40. There is strangely no war in North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria or China
[copy-and-pasted from /qresearch/]
On the bright side, ANTIFA as an international terrorist organization could bring down a whole heck of a lot of bad actors in a way that is ‘acceptable’ to ‘normies’ aka the suburban soccer moms who just got a major scare.
There goes that big mother helicopter headed home to Ft. Bragg. I am getting to the point I can ID it by the sound! (It moves slower than a plane too.)
Could be a Chinook…those have a distinctive ‘thump-thump-thump’ sound.
Chinooks are used as troop carriers.
Sounds of a Chinook:
Wrong sound and wrong look. Rear rotor was smaller. Since it was almost at tree level over my back pasture the first time I got a good look. Although it certainly was similar. It was definitely multi-pasenger. I have seen other military copters flying over but they were much smaller. These were something ‘new’ and they make a loud deep thawap compared to the smaller copters.
Wow. 😳😠
In the comnents it states THATS THE BACK OF THE POLICE STATION.
Thanks. I actually think objects are smaller than bricks. Boxes of ammo, cartridges?
I couldnt quite tell. Easily cound be ammo.
oh that’s a setup… NOBODY moves BRICKS like that… NOBODY…
Bricks are HEAVY… ever worked with any? I have, and do… often… in my garden.
I don’t usually read breitbart but have been going there for their thread on the riots the last several days. tonight’s includes lots of negative press coverage about President Trump paying his respects to the church…why are they including all of the negative?
There are some nevertrumpers at Breitbart, who let their masks slip at times.
The negative coverage is why I stopped reading Breitbart shortly after the 2016 election.
Sleepy Creepy Lying in Church
Just spent 3 days at the camp working on the golf cart , a little fishin’ and cleaning up after the winter. No internet, no WiFi,and only Dear Wife to tell me what’s going on in the world according to MSM of which I refuse to watch NEVA!
Good to be home with the patriots at Wolf’s Tree as the Deep State and the far left has shown the world they will resort to the most extreme measures to remove President Trump!
Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
Armed with a shotgun and plenty of muscle, Mendy’s Gym on Van Nuys Blvd just repelled a group of looters who targeted the business. @FOXLA
When Trump talks about military and civilian this right here.
Nice to have a bit of conformation. 🤣
Except he is off by a couple days.
PR if youre here still. Just found out Riverside city has 4000 protesters right now. Its not dark yet. This is downtown.
NICK ROCK (@itsnickrock) Tweeted:
OKAY RIVERSIDE CAME OUT TODAY‼️💯🤝 ✊🏽#JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #RiversideProtest
My late brother lived in Riverside. Glad he won’t be seeing this.
Fyi, so far minimal problems.
So glad to hear that Gil………..
Dayum, night 2 on Hannity, Leo Terrell just complimented POTUS on law and order moves, fuming at Dems. 💊?
The Library
Look carefully at the body language. Look at both the Secret Service agent in the President’s detail & the President himself: these men are boiling with rage.
Just like Big Tech picked a fight it cant win, Antifa just ensured we’re going to kill it.
The Bloodstone™
This is a Very POWERFUL Image. He looks PISSED! i don’t blame him one BIT!
Harold Wren
You NEVER want to cross this man.
You could hear it in his 7 min. Rose Garden speech. He was struggling to maintain an even tone.
POTUS is absolutely 🔥🤬FURIOUS🤬🔥.
Yes FG&C………………….
Repeat of that photo, hopefully larger.
I would NOT want to be that photographer! I think that SS guy is about to eat that camera for lunch and then have the photographer for dinner!
Glad to see POTUS guarded by such men!!!!!
Thanks, Gail.
That is good photo, in spite of the dreadful circumstances.
The look on Pres Trump’s face says it all.
He’s pissed.
And from what I have seen of that SecServ agent…he always looks like that.
That’s his ‘normal face’.
Its about space and I thought it was kind of cool
Matthew Lee Rupert
DOB 5.14.1992
June 7, 2015 – Charged with Felony possession/use of a weapon/ threatening a public official
He was sentenced to three years….
I compared the old mug shot photo to the photo of Matthew Lee Rupert in the video and they appear to be one and the same individual.
I believe Mr. Rupert is goin’ down for the count!
Thanks for fleshing that out Litenmaus.
AG BARR without a tie looks like he’s ready to FIGHT
Glad to see AG Barr’s ‘DJ-Jazzy’ hot bodyguard there.
He’s good.
That’s the one with undercut haircut.
What a security nightmare, and what a great example they’re setting of taking back the streets and the country.
I hope they caught that vehicle who ran over them!
These guys are all business…and that’s good to see.
They’ve even got some K9 units.
The DOJ points out the Judge has no standing to violate Article II and Article III of the U.S. Constitution in an effort to anoint himself as prosecutor, judge and jury of a criminal case outside of his judicial authority. “The Constitution vests in the Executive Branch the power to decide when—and when not—to prosecute potential crimes,” Francisco argues.
Additionally, rules of criminal procedure “do not authorize a court to stand in the way of a dismissal the defendant does not oppose, and any other reading would violate both Article II and Article III” the DOJ writes.
Latest interview with Sidney Powell….
Good to see you here!!!! How was the flying?
Thanks. 🙂
Boring with no troubles. Just the way we like it.
Anything remotely interesting, or just an extended slog?
Oh, I even saw evil libs cc-ing the lawfare demons on various tweets covering this. This is ALL LAWFARE and I mean that group of GITMO-bound traitors.
Sullivan’s biased and unlawful behavior has opened it up for all those people that he ever convicted, to petition to have their cases dismissed and his ruling vacated.
But he is obviously too stupid and drunk with power to realize this.
Great point. And I’ll bet the CHAOS-SEEKING Lawfare(TM) demons behind this stuff WELCOME THAT CHAOS, too!!!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. What is wrong with this woman?
The left are attacking POTUS for going to the Church, using a Bible for a photo op, and gassing protesters in order to do it…,they got nothing. They’re pissed he’s stopping the looting. They want America to burn. And yes that includes Lefty Bishops and Fathers. And NO permission is needed to hold a Bible.
Yes! And she might want to check what the Bible says about female clergy. (No offense to anyone here, but if she’s going to go that route, it’s fair game.)
Yep! I Timothy and II Timothy are quite clear on that and other things which, sadly, are ignored in these days of “Cafeteria Christianity”…
Next someone will shout, “Oh Captain, my Captain”:
From the accompanying article (shades of Francis the talking fool):
If that’s not a political statement, I don’t know what one is.
I’ll probably get all kinds of grief here. Pastorettes never cut it. Ugh, just ugh.
She doesn’t own that church!
And Pres Trump is free to hold a Bible!
She sounds like a leftist.
And guess what…she is from Minneapolis.
Dan Bongino talked about that church today and how many presidential visits he worked there as a Secret Service agent for Bush and Obama. And many presidents have attended there before they did. He talked about the sense of history and what a shame the desecration was. And this woman is making divisive, controlling political statements instead of imparting words of comfort and hope. I’ve got news for her: Anyone can stand in front of the church and make any statement they want.
Yes, exactly.
She definitely let her mask slip, in making that comment.
This made me think of Michael’s research on how the Left has been taking over our churches.
Without Permission???????!!!!!!!
FROM WHOM, oh Ms. pastorious fakeus???
You’ve probably never bothered to open a Bible, much less try to read and understand it, or learn from it.
No, Ms. (?) Budde. As they say, put a sock in it.
And if you’re as unfamiliar with laundry as you are with the Holy Scriptures of GOD, the Bible; be sure to wash the sock(s) first. Or maybe use a mask. I’m sure you have spares…..
YOU: “the Holy Scriptures of GOD”
HER: “the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition”
BIG difference.
She’s a Karen of the Cloth.
Can you imagine what her sermons must be like?
They’ve done so much damage/looting to NYC that no curfew DumBlasio just changed it from 11pm to 8pm for tomorrow night.
And his daughter was arrested Saturday night with a big group of people blocking traffic and throwing things at police.
And Gov Wolf’s daughter spilling NG info and Omar’s daughter abetting Antifa re: supplies.
This is cool.
charge them as terrorists….enemy combatants seeking to overthrow the lawful gov’t of the USA.
Kea after the docking I had the Crab Rave on repeat up on the TV here – all the kids came in and danced and danced and danced to it, including the toddler!!! Was so cute!
Awww love it! 🙂 dance on!
This is in St. Louis.
Oh for….*Rolls eyes* Of course….
and the MSM still calls them protesters!!!!
The enemedia nozzles are gaslighting us.
This is our pic folks:
Yes…I love that picture, Michael.
Ric Grenell called it “a triumphant moment of hope over fear.”
Amazing But why is his daughter in a mask?
She wore a mask to an event with her father a couple of weeks ago and said it was for his protection, so he would not need to wear one. Maybe there has been some exposure to her family, or maybe she’s being extra cautious. But her husband isn’t wearing one.-❓
She took it off as thet approached the WH. I thought it odd too.
She has small children…
Maybe this has led to her being exposed?
I dunno.
But yeah, I thought it was odd too.
Then I started pondering on Why she would do it…and I thought of their kids.
They’ve got babysitters, maybe a nanny and playdates, etc….and that increases the chances of being around someone who was exposed.
This was not announced at all, right? The media were not given a heads-up? They would have leaked it and endangered Pres. Trump and everyone.
Good point.
Yes…the press curs were caught off guard, it was a big surprise.
You can see the pain and anger in his face 😭
Happy for the terrorists misery in below video. M O A R, please. They’ll stop if the bastards are uncomfortable.
I’d like to see more context for that video. The caption says they were peacefully protesting “on the highway.” It looks as if they were beside the highway. If they were on the actual highway, yes, get ’em outta there. If they were just sitting by the road, I need to know more. I’m wondering if they had disobeyed orders or a curfew.
Sure, more details nice to have.
Peaceful? Hmmm? Was curfew in effect? Blocking traffic? obstructing “non-protesters” in any way.
NO moar excuses for criminal behavior.
Well, one more time I put in time to write a comment…then gone…
Sorry guys if I say fuck this damn shit.