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And now for something completely different.
OOPS! My bad! This is movie theme day. Lemme see…how about the United Nations after hours….
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
In addition, it is requested that there be no swinging from the chandeliers, celebratory gunfire, messing around with the nuclear weapons, and, please, everyone wash your hands.
Please, do not forget to apply sunscreen after a sensible amount of time in the sun so as to beef up the level of vitamin D in the system.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree which is currently going through its water cooler/canteen phase. Please, venture over there for any such thoughts and comments. This sort of thing is always a possibility on that site:
American mainstream media sorts are holding out on some really interesting information of what’s going on in the world. A pox on them.
A few other vital notes:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
Ridiculing the other side, on the other hand…well….
That should be a bit bigger, shouldn’t it. [EDIT: – I made it bigger! -W]
MT 11:25-27
At that time Jesus exclaimed:
“I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
for although you have hidden these things
from the wise and the learned
you have revealed them to the childlike.
Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.
All things have been handed over to me by my Father.
No one knows the Son except the Father,
and no one knows the Father except the Son
and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him.”
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes.
Can you tell it’s summer?
DJT keeps dropping hints about coming punishments for the adult children who have been misbehaving for almost four years. And my heart keeps getting happier and happier.
The coin shortage is now affecting most businesses in my area. Every store I visited today, from small businesses to corporate chains, are no longer giving out coin change. Even the small Mexican market here was only able to give me partial change. They didn’t have any pennies. I found this particularly alarming because they have more incentive than most to protect cash transactions as many of their customers are probably “unbanked” (immigrants have less access to banks and credit cards). As if the shutdowns and increased expenses from virus guidelines weren’t enough to kill small businesses, now they’re going to get hit with more credit processing fees as more people switch to cashless.
There was also a large Goya display near the register than wasn’t there last time I visited. Not sure if they were making a political statement, cashing in on people buying more Goya products, or if it was unrelated to the current political controversy.
Surely, capitalism at play. Hopefully support for Goya CEO freedom of speech. Ideally support for President Trump. Ideally all three.
Similar. The Goya shelf (appox 20ft & six shelves) at our HEB was whittled down to half and more for some products which is significant since it is usually full.
As far as I can tell, the “missing” coins were all under our dryer.
New Camels, Qewl!! 😃
Now that I know how to put them in with a URL, it’s a much easier way to go.
Well … bflyjesusgrl .. I wanted post this song as a h/t to DePat … and knew this is the perfect place for it .. .. ❤️ .. 🙂🤚❤️ ..
… 😬🤚 …
… 🧐❓‼️ … 😖🤚 … aw shucks … ☹️ … one moment .. (user error) .. 🤫
.. ❤️ … 🐫🐪🐫🐪🐫🐪🐫🐪🐫🐪🐫🐪 … ❤️ …
Want a serious earworm? My nephew discovered this one when he was here last month.
LOL … 😂👍‼️‼️ … seriously though it’s definitely an … ear worm 🐛 ….ahhhhhhh 😜🎶
… very cute … now all I can hear is “walk like a camel”, … and they are mild/cough cough
… ❤️❤️❤️ … 🙂🤚❤️ …
Does anyone understand what Sundance is doing? It sounds like he thinks he is going to expose all the lawlessness of the last 3 years and get something done about it. How, I don’t know. If so, more power to him. But he doesn’t know what is going on behind the scenes, and could cause more problems than he solves.
I think it involves a book. Maybe.
He’s writing a book; then excerpting from the book to make short presentations. The important part is that he says he has irrefutable evidence to support every fact & conclusion he states in the book/presentations.
Naming names goes without saying. I believe it is his intention to disburse the info wide enough so that no govt official can avoid doing his/her job against the bad guys.
When has that ever happened? Think about all the books written that exposed the Clintons and the Bushes. And they’re still running around causing problems.
I’m just summarizing what he said. I have no idea whether it will work. However, I doubt that someone as successful as he is would risk going forward with a plan that is likely to explode into a fantastic failure.
Hmmm maybe it’s just me but sometimes lower your expectations works better then I have it all….you know what I mean. Not that I don’t wish him luck
If it’s a book well it’s going to have to set itself apart from all the others out there. Is it free or is going to cost $ will also factor into it, as well as wait I’ve read something like this before.
If he has irrefutable evidence, then he is doing the job that journalists should be doing, and it will be good for the evidence to come out. At the same time, I look at reports of what he’s saying and think “we knew that,” and “we knew that, too.” I know that it’s one thing to believe you know something and another to have proof of it, so we’ll see. But the idea that everything hinges on him now, that the team working behind the scenes doesn’t know everything he does and more, is not something I can swallow. And I agree with Linda that if it’s that important, I don’t think a book is the way to get things done.
As a “trusty plan” person (his derogatory term), I don’t think anyone can predict the future, I don’t think any plan goes off without a hitch, and I don’t think any person or agency knows absolutely everything. (Those are straw man arguments.) I also don’t think we’re going to see one person swoop in to save the day, prove “trusters” wrong, say “I told you so,” obviate the need for Q, etc.
People can’t be put into boxes, and that’s what opponents of Q do. I never thought Mueller could be a white hat. With Rosenstein, I could go either way. If he proves to be “black” through and through, it won’t bother me. All people who “trust the plan” do not think we’re supposed to sit back and do nothing. Quite the opposite: we have been told to engage in meme wars and to put on armor and to prepare and to fight. No one is sitting back, arms folded, and waiting. The only waiting occurs because we don’t know everything, and it has become evident over time that it would not have been good to act on certain matters when we impatiently wanted something. Extra time was needed to prepare the public, to gain more evidence, to out the crooked players, for pieces to fall into place, and more.
Publishing a book is its own kind of waiting. If there is vital information to save the republic, it needs to get into the hands of those who can use it, ASAP. If, on the other hand, they already have the information and are using it to further their ends, there is no hurry; they have the timeline. Some trust is required, and that might be an issue. Some people might think they are the only ones who can get anything done. That would be a problem.
I really hate that there seems to be a competition to prove Q and Q supporters wrong, and also that there seems to be an effort to show we need SD to supplement what a team is doing that has probably been working since way before the election, and possibly for decades. We are all on the same side. One person only has caused division. If he wants to present his evidence and it has meaningful results, great. But I do not support ridicule or disdain, and I will not abide competition between him and Q and Q supporters.
Well stated!
Doubt if it would cause a problem. How SD thinks he’ll force DOJ hand to act, is a mystery to me. Unless he has some platinum bullets, as Jamcooker says, it is all about $$$, a book deal.
Aren’t most book deals really about paying off someone or money laundering?
SD writing a book? Ummmmm ok. Not sure what that’s going to do.
Makes it sound like SD knows it all and people like Trump don’t.
Only thing I see is SD ego and money.
He does come up with great insights and information connecting the dots. Can’t see it forcing DOJ to do what DOJ ought to do.
Be great if I am wrong.
I can’t see any online personality forcing the DoJ to bend to their will, either.
People are understandably skeptical that a book is going to change anything. I disagree. A major problem with #Obamagate is that explanations and evidence is spread out across blog posts, Twitter threads, and memes. The brainwashed aren’t willing to put in that kind of work looking for information. The ones that are will dismiss it immediately once they see conservatives or #QAnon hashtags. A book makes the whole thing more accessible to the general public and makes it seem more “credible” to the brainwashed. It’s easier to lend out books to friends and family than get them to listen to some stranger on Twitter who might be banned by the time they actually come around to it.
true. But this reminds of you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
Ie give a person the book but you can’t be sure if they’ll read it or not.
At least the info is out there.
Thank goodness it’s not a book.
Even if it’s a video you have no idea how hard it is to get people to watch the smallest stuff.
Be it a 2 minute video or an hour long program.
Same issue doesn’t matter if it’s a book, a video or brochure.
He wants to do it great and I wish him luck and good stuff for our side but there are some issues.
Where to post the video since certain sites will pull it, editing yes this is a big one. Also add that you and I might know who SD is but other people have no clue and ask why should I listen to XYZ.
Again you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.
Ie you can’t red pill everyone.
First off, thanks for the question. It’s a good one.
Second, I encourage you to discount what many here say as too many allow their feelings about SD to cloud their judgement. There are many here, for example, who don’t read SD posts any longer but will nevertheless comment on a thread like this without knowing anything about what they are talking about.
It is NOT a book.
Rather, it is a 2 min. elevator briefing, a 15 min. speech, and a 1 hour presentation, all with irrefutable, supporting documentation.
SD is going to DIRECTLY CONFRONT BLACK HATS AND KEY PLAYERS on video. He is going to give us these briefs/presentations and documentation. He is going to want us to confront our elected reps and senators with same. TO THE POINT WHERE THEY ARE FORCED TO TAKE & DEMAND ACTION from AG Barr.
The idea is….they cannot hide from it (The Big Ugly) and realize too many people know about it and have all the proof of same. Ane we are going to hold them accountable.
Here is what is going down….
“(I) now enter a phase where I shall be organizing the specific details, and hopefully allies, in order to get an unstoppable chain of events in motion.
There is a very specific and demonstrable story that is beyond refute and purposefully ignored by media. Within that back-story a whole lot of powerful people and systems are exposed. The specificity and irrefutable nature of the story is the key. >>>>Those institutions and the people in them will be confronted and shared in real time so all can watch.<<<<
A digital pamphlet (will be) simultaneously dropped while each participant is confronted… through a series of relentless confrontations. 🤨
Yes, I know the risks. That’s why I’ve been planning, assembling, coordinating, and putting things into place for two years.”
In the background there is good news. The insurance policy against an anticipated Deep State cover-up is proceeding swimmingly. Two years of preparation are paying dividends.
an alliance of allies is forming smoothly. Each person (I’m contacting) is starting to grasp this is much bigger than previously thought.
thanks for your support. Every prayer is felt, and I really believe those prayers are making a difference. Things are falling into place, doors opening, in a way that can only be described as guided. I’m humbled. I will deliver. Failure is not an option.
A Call To Action
CTH readers, hundreds of thousands, hell, millions of us, and our brothers and sisters are the best insurance policy. Stop giving the pols power by positioning your outlook that they will do nothing…. just stop. DEMAND ACTION!! You are worth it. Do not give them an inch of room for obfuscation. Do not worry about being perceived as an a**hole about it.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
– Joshua 1:9
The Cricklewood Brief has been fine-tuned to three deliveries. One is a 2 minute elevator speech (w/ docs 5 pages). Type two is a 15 minute briefing w/ files and a memory stick containing links to all citations (200 pages). Type three is a one-hour presentation, with two timelines [full docs, full files and memory stick (800 pages)].
A sequence of contacts is pre-arranged and being finalized.
Soon (we) will be called into action.
The first series of tested oral briefs, even upon DC equity holders, was met with stunned acceptance… “Yes, it’s irrefutable.” The assembled brief, the guiding documents that hold the direct evidence, is at the presses right now (targeted completion date Friday).
The goal is in sight.. a blinding light… and it cannot be avoided. Recent events have only confirmed this to be true. All around you, in your neighborhood, village and hamlet, are people who are just like you; find them. Rally to the standard.
We are on the right side of history.
Do, or do not, there is no try.
We are being guided. It is rather remarkable.
Linda, if you need answers re: CTH ask me or Wolf. As you can see from the replies you have gotten already, no one here knows really knows what they are talking about re: CTH or they would have posted this post. and it’s because many have been completely unable to divorce their feelings about Sundance from the very important work that he does. This blinds them to the true value of CTH and causes them to want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
None of them are going to be like being called out like this, but where we are in the grand scheme of things is far too important than to worry about their feelings. Also, no, SD is not perfect and he is not always right, either. But he is worth 10,000 of each one of us, myself included. There is not one poster here that has done more for President Trump and the MAGA movement in Sundance has. And that IS fact.
*than Sundance has
As you inow, I’m one who doesn’t read SD, and I know your oft-expressed opinion about that. That’s fine. The things I said above still stand. I hope there is good evidence. I also hope it is not being presented in an effort to force action before the election — which might be exactly the wrong thing to do — and I hope it is not being presented to show that “trusty plan” people are wrong. When SD can show he is not doing those things, I will be more inclined to listen. Until then, after reading what he has written, I feel more trepidation than ever.
“But the idea that everything hinges on him now…is not something I can swallow.”
Not sure where you got this, esp. since “I’m one who doesn’t read SD”. SD certainly doesn’t make that claim. Rather, just the opposite.
And yes, you make it quite clear you are one of those who cannot divorce their feelings from rational thought when it comes to SD, up to and including posting on a topic you clearly know nothing about, as I just demonstrated.
If you are so worried about “one person only has caused division”, how about you not being a hypocrite and doing the exact same thing.
“SD certainly doesn’t make that claim…”
I didn’t say he does. It’s about the mileu that I saw fostered over there from the day I first started reading, long before I ever posted. It did not affect me personally as I observed it. No need for me to go into it again; many here know exactly what I’m talking about.
Your opinions about “rational thought” and hypocrisy are part of what I’m referring to. Anyone who questions falls into those categories, seemingly by design. And those people are “causing division,” by default. What came before and has not been reconciled is never acknowledged; blame is cast on those whom you decide — and unquestioning obeisance could just as well be considered irrational..
I hope he has good information and that good will come from it, but I have real concerns. That you want to discount them, call me names, and question my motives will not allay those concerns, which are valid.
As for not knowing about a topic, I don’t know specifics about the current plans, but i know a great deal about what I’ve seen and experienced. And it’s not about being banned. It’s about what I saw long before I ever posted, how people were treated, obeisance that was demanded of people who were merely asking questions, the idea that one person was the authority and must not only not be questioned, but must be lionized. I see those qualities as major liabilities when it comes to the current situation. It’s not personal. Nor is your disagreeing with me. It’s not about feelings; it’s about rational thought based on years of observation.
It’s clear that others have some of the same observations and concerns. They are not going away because nothing has been done to alleviate them; quite the opposite. The country is at stake. We have a president and team who have done more in 3.5 years than anyone else could have done. I have legitimate, valid concerns when someone who negates the team that the president clearly supports, is going to take unilateral action in the midst of a campaign of attack. You can call it what you want, but it doesn’t change the situation.
Your posting the plans is helpful. On the other hand, it is not reasonable to expect people who have been banned from posting at a person’s site to continue to read and follow it and to get in lockstep. I’m interested in what he has uncovered and hope it does some good and doesn’t in any way hamper the plans that are already in place, that he does not seem to support.
Who is going to be on video, making the presentation? Is SD going to reveal his identity?
“Those institutions and the people in them will be confronted and shared in real time so all can watch.”
You now have as much info on that as everyone else at CTH.
While I read that over there you certainly make it more clear here. And while I’m one of those that don’t read over there, some how I retain a memory of Sundance’s talk on how Senator’s make their money in these overseas junkets they go on. That was pretty damndable talk for which I’ve little doubt that it is true. That said however I’m also aware of all the “save the institutions” talk and of course Senators would be one of the institutions. Now what concerns me is if this is part of Sundance’s plan for exposure and would it be in keeping with POTUS’s plan? We are getting down to some sort of wire. Would threatening Senators, if that is what this is, be a good idea? or would that in turn cause Senators to turn against the POTUS in some half arse way to save themselves and just add to all the confusion which after all might be Sundance’s plan or not? IDK. Just asking for your thoughts on that. It’s not like he has a special invite to the party and this may be a disruption. Then again if we aren’t getting what should be done, done than it may also be a needed disruption. Anyway, I’d hope this would be somewhat coordinated, however just putting it out there like he thus far gives time, but what real time do we have if his bomblets only impact the Republican side of asile and not the Democrat side now that primaries are finished? I guess that’s another question of something none us know what exactly this is until it happens or doesn’t.
I’m seeing it more as a Project Veritas-type movement where he people SD is recruiting and putting into place will be in a position to confront certain targets….definitely not a book.
However, whatever it is I am definitely not a negative Nelly about it. We are, indeed, on the same team and I sincerely believe this team is fortunate to have SD as a member/leader
who commands respect and a loyal following….a rare talent that shouldn’t be disparaged.
As with Q, I’m impatient for action but I’m also willing to sit back and enjoy the show when that darn curtain finally goes up. Wishing both Godspeed and success!
Interesting,,,,What if he exposes corruption of SCSI? Besides Warner and Burr, how many others potentially could be forced to resign? Would they be replaced/ new ones appointed quickly before the election? The info has the potential of taking a wrecking ball to the Republican lead in the Senate. Cornyn is on that committee, also up for re-election. If he’s forced to resign, how does Texas get another candidate??? How many other SCSI members are up for re-election? McConnell surely knows about the Wolfe situation, could this blow him and the Party up too, right before the election?? Is His quest to expose the Swamp, is he detonating a nuclear bomb? 🤔🤔🤔
FG&C, I do read SD. He’s better than most. His research and conclusions have helped me understand the depth of the issues we are facing.
I believe we are in a critical moment in history. We must rally all forces, and perhaps if we are victorious we will be able to find out why certain people did things at certain points in this war to save the republic.
I look forward to his revelations.
And, wasn’t his connection of Bari Weiss to Ali Watkins and the illegal leaks just a great example of SD’s meticulous knowledge of the coup? So many of us thought her resignation letter was stellar, when all it turned out to be was a cya for the net closing in on her and the NYT.
So exactly what does SD have? He has the goods on James Wolfe transmitting the FISA to Ali Watkins, then to the NYT in 2017, and how he believes they all proceeded to write about it for over a year before finally getting a FOIA to cover their butts. Also how the DOJ (Jesse Liu) covered up the prosecution of Wolfe to protect the corrupt SCSI Senators and how he believes Senators conspired against POTUS. He has accused Boente of covering for the swamp in his various roles. He believes RR participated and let the Mueller team run the DOJ for 2 years while they leaked White Hat info to cover for shady moves. Namely, that they knew there was no there there, but continued to lie to the FISA court to cover previous lies. He’s got a lot of documentation to prove the above.
Who’s he taking it to, and how far will he get, I dunno.
…”it’s not only what’s in the documents, it’s also what’s on the documents that matters, & no-one ever noticed until now.”.. ~JW
Who is JW, Judicial Watch??
From comments at the CTH Rampart post…
Doc Hellfish says:
July 8, 2020 at 12:49 pm
I am very skeptical of QAnon.. but in Sundance I trust.
Liked by 4 people
Paul Cohen says:
July 8, 2020 at 2:26 pm
Qanon is a demented hoax, but Sundance is serious stuff, the Real Deal.
Godspeed, Sundance!!!
Guy-Blanc Déploré says:
July 8, 2020 at 2:32 pm
I consider Dan SQavino-Anon’s project largely benign, He’s helped shape a meaningfully sized population of people who could have been lost to despair or to the Left into an enthusiastic community supporting Trump and the cause of Liberty.
Soros & others like him can only wish they could get a fraction of that level of enthusiasm and energy out of their paid trolls & shills.
Liked by 2 people
Paul Cohen says:
July 8, 2020 at 5:39 pm
It is hardly benign — there are large numbers of people spouting all kinds of farcical exaggerations and fictions when what is needed is maximum honesty, accuracy, and accountability in every direction. There is a huge amount of conflict and chaos within conservative groups and websited due to the Q stuff.
Justifying the Qook nonsense by saying it is motivational is no more justifiable than Dan Rather’s “fake but accurate” defense (claiming a higher morality) back in the day.
The Q stuff has saturated conservative and even “mainstream” websites with varied levels of false, mostly false, somewhat false, and also sometimes true stuff mixed in. The resulting gumbo of fact and fiction serves no legitimate purpose, imho.
Anyone who wanted to rally and motivate the population could have done so with plenty of ACCURATE real info, as Sundance does so well. Creating a massive hoax movement based upon a fantasy figure feeding 8chan/8kun has been a monstrous betrayal of conservative values.
Maquis says:
July 8, 2020 at 11:29 pm
It took Sundance a bit to slap the Q out of the Treehouse, but he got it done.
Liked by 1 person
Mike says:
July 8, 2020 at 11:43 pm
Both sides rely on a hearty dose of group psychology, group think, half truth, propaganda and the likes.
I’ve never been a follower of Q, I also yearn for the truth, justice and open honesty.
However it can’t be understated the effects that the Q movement have brought to those that follow it. Right wrong or indifferent people seem to be led as most will not lead or walk the more solitary path of shaking out the truth from the political sciences.
Whatever the guy or guys motivation is, I’m ok with A leading what he/ it does. At a minimum it keeps a certain percentage of the masses away from the other side of the fray
Self affirming echo chamber at its best.
And…the other commentors think we’re all easily led idiots.
I’ll just stick to this tree, thanks.
Some of the commentors I most enjoyed reading at CTH are here in the Q-Tree…though I do appreciate the heads up on CTH stuff Worth reading. But the sychophantic commentariot–yikes!
Yes, I used to be one of them, too. And I have that CTH experience to thank for waking me up.
Was there any admonition like, “Hey, we’re all on the same side. Let’s not cause division. We all need to stick together. We might not agree with them, but disparaging them only hurts the cause”?
at the CTH?
Not that I saw, but I only read comments on that one page…
I read the Q posts and am not an ardent follower, just read the posts. Q has always instructed the readers to check these things out for yourself, just like the CTH does. Generally Q posts about the President’s agenda and policies and how the opposing side lies about events. I do find the Q postings Nostradamus like and have to be deciphered. That doesn’t appeal to me. I think certain type of people like all the codes and deciphering.
I’m not a Q follower either & the Q “proofs” that many people claim are highly suspect to me…some come across as self-fulfilling prophecy, etc…or perhaps projective tests. It does appear that Q who/whatever it is is on the side of good, God, America, & President Trump. That the phenomenon has helped a lot of people around the world wake up to much of what has been happening seems to also be a good thing!
I’m thankful that Wolfie has allowed the Q-Tree branches to spread wide enough to accommodate those of us who don’t “believe in” or follow Q, per se, but can appreciate the insights & perspectives of those who do!
You’re right about his plan NOT being a book. I got that wrong which is why I couldn’t get the purpose correctly.
I did read (rapidly I might add) the article and thought he might be on a book promoting tour. I know is an approach taken by some people to “hawk” a book, but I had not thought about a visual type presentation, probably because it’s not something I prefer, or am used to. I think you are probably correct, and it would connect with a much broader audience.
He mentioned digital evidence, then said something at the printer should be done this Friday. Who knows at this point?
If I read the comments below correctly. ’cause I don’t read SD any longer, he/she, like Kevin Shipp, Lame Cherry and any number of other people who were on the inside at one time, and aren’t any longer, but are still banking on that experience, are trying to maintain their relevance as insiders. This came up with Shipp in the last 24 hours. Being a whistleblower of sorts is how they all made their names.
I have my suspicions on what’s going on with them, We’ll see.
Lame Cherry, now there’s a blast from the past.
She/he/it was so out of the loop when I quit reading, it wasn’t even funny.
And pretty gratuitously vulgar as well.
And WRONG about a lot of stuff.
So GWP actually went there with out saying so.
Biden adds what many are saying was a gaff. But was it really? Joe Biden is apparently unveiling a bold new plan “to get our kids to market swiftly”. It’s slipped into the speech and could be a gaff but he says it rather definitively and offers no clarification for it. Was this something that elite shoppers at Wayfair needed to hear? Oh my.
There was more at his Olympic style speech (5 Olympic sized rings holding one press person each, which if pushed just a little bit closer would make for the Olympic rings seemed to make up the audience. Then after the speech he takes no questions.
Full story here.
For this big speech which had a few more notable moments. Stories abound.
geez.![comment image](
couldn’t make this up if you tried.
A freudian slip.
Asking for donation support for Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA22).![comment image](
The left is going after him HARD this cycle, for all the obvious reasons. Please HELP! We cannot afford to lose this key Trump ally and MAGA representative.
Nunes has handily beat challengers for many cycles, but won 2018 by only 5 pts. Please help this vitally important Trump supporter retain his House seat!
CA ballot harvesting….
But I like Nunes.
I found this video hopeful & encouraging!
Again, for those who have been following this saga (everyone else can just skip).
The Fiancee has rewashed her the clothes she was laundering when she dropped a pen in the lint screen hole, and successfully dried them.
There was no appreciable damage to the wall or the the dryer from toppling over and falling in the hole. My grandfather’s nutdriver box is unharmed and back on the shelf in the garage where it lives. However, the reason the wall was undamaged was made clear when I moved the dryer — it had been cushioned by partially crushing the external lint duct (which had been on top of the dryer when it fell).
Should you ever have to repair a lint duct, or other flimsy tube, the method I used was to take one of our old 3# SCUBA “soft weights” — essentially a beanbag full of lead shot, about 3″x5″x1.5″. I put it into one end of the duct and then “hopped” it to where it was on the inside of a crimp, then dropped it from about two feet onto the lawn. Did that about a dozen times and it looked fine, so I went to rinse the weight in the kitchen sink…..came back, and made a thumb-sized dent in the duct just by picking it up.
I removed all foreign objects, vacuumed and mopped the under-dryer space (since the dryer was temporarily occupying the hole) and also behind the washer. To reinstall the duct to the wall, I needed metal tape.
When one of the Harry Potter films introduced the “Room of Requirement” at Hogwarts, I instantly recognized it as my garage — unfortunately in its guise as the “Room of Hidden Things”. I knew I had metal tape in either a specific drawer, or in an orange bucket labelled “TAPE” either sitting on the floor or hanging from the rafters. It wasn’t in the drawer. Unfortunately, there are about ten buckets on the floor and twenty hanging from the rafters, and the label isn’t visible from all sides. Mind you, if the bucket is on the floor, it’s more than likely that there is something sitting on top of it and its label is facing away from you. Furthermore, the garage is so stuffed that you can only move by doing things like taking the stuff blocking the forward corridor and putting it front of the refrigerator; then taking the stuff blocking the eastward passageway and putting it in front of the water heater. In many cases, you have to open the big door and pile things on the driveway. But not this case.
I found the tape bucket at the end of the eastward passageway. I have a special 1″ square piece of trim with a deep V at the end that says “BUCKET TOOL” on all sides. It’s how I can get the buckets onto the overhead hooks and take them down safely. Now armed with the metal tape, I resealed the duct to the wall widget.
The Fiancee had made a big deal about offering to help lift the dryer out of the hole, so I figured I’d wait for her to get home to do it. All that remained was to plug in the electrical, lift the dryer halfway, plug the duct into the back of the dryer, and do a final position on the dryer. I let her plug the duct into the dryer.
Whereupon she went nuts about the “mess”. I couldn’t actually clean up the stuff that was under the dryer while the dryer was on top of it, and I couldn’t pack up the vacuum until I’d moved everything else and vacuumed, the electric cords were there to run equipment, the compressed air needed to be available until it was determined to be unnecessary…..I finally just had to tell her “OUT!”
On her way out of the area, she managed to snag the tape bucket. I discovered that she had relocated to the garage with it and I mentioned that you shouldn’t put it anywhere without its lid (that she’d left in the kitchen) [various adhesives and dust are not a good mix]. I went and got the lid from the kitchen and she said she’d already found one. I then cleaned out the hole and vacuumed it, cleaned off the top of the washer, cleared out everything else in the mudroom and vacuumed it, went around the corner to the kitchen, rolled up and velcro’d extension cords, found the vacuum’s extension rod, wound its cord, and put it away….
But the great dryer project is done well, and done safely, and done hygienically, and the entire area has been cleansed of 20+ years of cruft. The dryer has been run successfully, and after all the allergens were mopped off of everything it’s not obviously unhealthful to be around. My compressed air, which had been scattered across the garage, is now properly in its box, the vacuum is properly organized, my grandpa’s nutdrivers are back in their box on the shelf….things are even a bit more organized…..even though I have no idea where the tape bucket is.
Oh, and the forward corridor and eastward passageway are impassable again.
The one phrase that fits you …
Hopelessly stuck in your ways. 🙂
I’m willing to try, “movin’ to Carolina.”
Great decision… !
🛠 🧰 ⚒️ 🧺 🧺 🧺
I’m wondering if you are related to my father. Although, he wouldn’t be one to mop the floor.
Even if the alternatives are mopping or continually coughing up crud stirred up from the floor?
You go in with a certain concept…..then you deal with what you find.
Someday I’ll tell you about the grass clippings.
You’re not talking about the part that didn’t make it into the ziplock bags, are you?
/s 🙂
No, the ones he wouldn’t wipe off of his feet before coming in the house. My mother finally got him to leave his grass cutting shoes in the garage.
Event good. HOT but even then a pretty good crowd.
Now you can de stress and the pain should lessen. Get some good rest.
Congrats!! Powered-through and ready for recovery!
I just wanted to let you know.
I really can’t stand Facebook.
I swear the entire site is one giant calculated psyop.
LOL and you wonder why so many people don’t have FB
True for me as I always run across stories I can no longer comment upon. In a sense we’ve given up ground. Luckily there’s still a sizable core that remained there and carry out the fight.
I’ve always thought that Facebook was a creepy way to get people to post personal details about themselves and their families.
I have even imagined that the idea for it, started like this.
“How do we get people to create dossiers on themselves, voluntarily…and post them online?”
“Oh, I know! — We make it fun!”
“Yes, that’s it…make it fun…and then people will see that and not want to miss out on the fun!”
LOL I never liked the ‘connect with people you never want to ever hear from again’. Also brag about everything. Heck make stuff up who will ever know….
Fb has brought out the worst in human behavior, it’s all about ME!! Preening in front of the world, narcissism on display 24/7 I only go to fb to see pics of my grandbabies and that’s it.good grief I don’t want to hear the latest dirty laundry being aired globally.really all I have to do is call my mom she knows everything,that’s why I don’t call very often lol
If I hear one more of my friends say.“.well it’s how I keep up with my grandchildren” I’m going to scream.
[putting fingers in my ears]
Could’ve been useful for keeping in touch with family members about what’s going on in your daily lives, like with the kids, if private and limited to family only. But then it became about how many friends you can get, acquaintenances, people you met on the subway, gotta have max numbers. Look at how popular I am!! I wouldn’t want all those people knowing such personal details. Then if you went out partying w/friends and they tag you, well maybe you don’t want Grandma to know that stuff. TMI on too many levels to too many people. Once people realized, then they started posting nothing but their Beautiful lives, beautiful children, beautiful meals, beautiful vacations, and beautiful activities of every kind. When behind the scenes, personally you know that marriages aren’t doing so well, kids are in trouble, yada yada yada. And there’s sooo many posts from soo many people, that it’s nothing but a huge time waster to try and keep up w/everybody. Then the ones who get bent because you ignored them, then nasty, judgemental comments, then, then, then…..It’s.All.So.FAKE!!! NO THANKS!!!
I’ve also noticed something in tv shows, movies and enemedia…
There will be a cop show where the detectives are talking about a perp…and they say:
“Did you check his social media?”
“There was nothing. This guy has no social media history.”
And the detectives act like there is something ‘wrong’ with that!
[They] have been indoctrinating the public to think that there is something ‘wrong’ with you, if you don’t use social media.
It’s diabolical.
Oh you mean like Mr. Mystery Vegas Man? Hmm? 😉
cesspool gonna cesspool.![comment image](
When I first heard about Facebook years and years ago, I was all…
It became exactly what I knew it would.
FB is a ghetto at this point, but it’s useful for my grade school, and HS alumni grapevines to get the word out, as well as the family pages for getting the word out. The old phone trees aren’t as useful now, at least in the family, since my grandmother’s generation has passed on.
Thinking ahead…
Smart, unless Trump says the election won’t stand, in which case I would trust Trump.
Yes. Trump has definitely earned our trust!
If “the Show ” is going for a 2nd act cliff hanger of that magnitude (losing the election only then to expose the votor fruad to then expose Obamagate>Ukraine/East Euro/China money laundering>Pedogate……that’s a pretty insane game of chicken with the fate of the country and our lives on the line..not to mention what we’ve been going through since the midterms is already the longest 2nd act in history….
..just say’n what I’m thinkin.
Agreed. I think it’s clearly safer to show the world what they did last time BEFORE the election.
Nixon delayed getting to the bottom of Watergate until after the election, which bothered me as a kid who was filled with the media propaganda of “Nixon is a crook and this is all his fault”.
Had Nixon debunked *immediately* and more strongly, defended more judiciously, and dug beneath the misdeeds of his aides to discover CIA entrapment with FBI help, then EXPOSED these things, he could have (IMO) won the election, and brought the FIGHT to this commie modus operandi YEARS AGO.
Regardless, we have already begun to enter into the 4th Wave of Technology and the whole purpose of the left going berserk is that they weren’t allowed to be on top of that wave just when mechanisms that allow for total control became available. As with any thing technical it can be used for good or evil and they clearly intend to use it for evil and impose total tyranny once they are in charge. Once they are in charge with 4th Wave tech there will be no dislodging them.
Catturd ™
What will happen first?
– Dr. Fauci making a correct prediction.
– Bubba Wallace winning a real NASCAR race
– Hell freezing over.
8:20 PM · Jul 14, 2020
And then there’s this:
The anti-Trump forces are in disarray tonight. They thought Sessions would win. They thought Ronny Jackson would lose. The election results of pro-trump victories are not meshing with their polls. So, tonight they are realizing the polls are fake and Trump hasn’t been weakened.
11:30 PM · Jul 14, 2020
k…you made me spit coffee with that one!
Heh. Those on the MAGA train don’t do polls.
And those who aren’t, but are voting Trump because there is no alternative for them, just don’t understand why. They’ve obviously never taken a class in statistics where you learn how to make the data lie.
And they don’t do poll dances either. 🙂
Depends on the kind of pole.
Ridicule of the role played by the slimy soul suckers in the media.![comment image](
OMG! That’s so accurate it ain’t really funny.
China is experiencing the worst flooding in over 30 years.
Will their Three Gorges Dam hold?
The Three Gorges Dam was not around the last time China had flooding like this.
The main construction of it was completed in 2006…but the turbines didn’t become fully functional until 2012.
It is the largest hydro electric dam in the world.
The city of Wuhan is downstream from the 3 Gorges Dam…and would be devastated if the dam breaks.
From India news: “The worst is yet to come.”
I’m trying to figure out if the little park/ visitor center we visited is what I see on the left…I remember a long path to get to the observation site. And, I can assure you the water is very far from the blue color you see in the photo! Muddy brown is a more accurate description!
This has the potential to become perhaps the worse natural disaster in history with not only immediate but long term effects. Not only will it kill millions, but destroy the land with the crops and the people that grow them …and China cannot feed its people as it stands now. Very sad situation.
Getting sleepy, but wanted to put this up quickly. All is not what it seems. The surface is just that. I’m not sure the military tribunals are in this man’s future, but he did spearhead the human trafficking round ups and investigations. That’s not small potatoes.![comment image](
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Mel Q Frog face
No worries. Sessions will be a tribunal judge.
Quote Tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley 🇺🇲
· 5h
To everyone saying Sessions was useless and deserved to lose, who do you think quietly went after Epstein and his global sex trafficking/honeypot blackmail operation? Why do you think Dems are so desperate to stop POTUS? Sessions is a damn HERO.
3:57 AM · Jul 15, 2020
One more quick one. Man, these people are stupid.![comment image](
arlos Osweda
For Yamiche Alcindor
I can tell you exactly why
did this, and you won’t walk away any wiser.
Even after I explain Trump’s strategy, the press will continue to play the part the Trump has assigned you.
4:02 AM · Jul 15, 2020
Carlos Osweda
Replying to
Trump did this because he knew you’d get all outraged AND REPORT IT IN DETAIL.
You are Trump’s puppets and always will be.
He’s smarter than all of you put together.
Carlos Osweda
A while back, one of your idiot colleagues said at an indoor press conference, “It don’t know if you noticed it, but–”
“I notice everything,” Trump interrupted.
And your idiot colleague plowed ahead, doggedly reading from his script.
Before I crash, I’m seeing this on Twinkie quite a bit.
WHOA – now THAT is a BURN.
Newsmax TV…if that had been on one of the Enemedia channels, they would have cut him off and gone to a commercial.
This one’s more of a close-up on the screen, fyi…
Whose privilege?
Choices…that’s something parents need to help their kids learn how to do. From personal experience, trust me, decision making and what goes into it needs to be fostered.
Agree…starting at a very young age…”do you want to wear the blue or red shirt today?”…”banana or apple?” It can be very limited and controlled, but nevertheless a very valuable teaching tool.
You can almost always tell, among your circles of friends and co-workers, those who had decisions made for them in their formative years…they have difficulty even choosing what they want to order off a menu!
Exactly. If it doesn’t really matter, let the kids decide. We didn’t have that luxury. It took a while to learn how to make good decisions.
In addition, IMPO, not having good decision-making skills it creates a mindset in where you are easily manipulated and depend upon others to make decisions for you. Can you say …baaa baaa?
Of course, along with decision-making comes owning them, too!
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
Not only did we take their stuff
But also blocked the assets & everything related to anyone assoc w/ them, directly or indirectly, including corps, schools, & businesses, etc (ALL)- past or present
Trump is enforcing w/ the full weight of the Fed Gov as a National EmergencyExploding head
Am I misunderstanding or did @realDonaldTrump just ban the CCP and their families from immigration while also revoking all their real estate in the United States?
Subject: The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization
The White House Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 14, 2020
l E T 17
Replying to
If you just collaborated knowingly or knowingly with CCP – you’re screwed
I’m pretty sure that’s what it says here.
Correct me if I’m wrong
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
That is straight up gangster
Replying to @Inevitable_ET
So when is the NBA over???
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
15 days from this order. So July 29th kek
1 more reply
Replying to @Inevitable_ET
so all of the land that has been previously purchased by the CCP has been reclaimed??????
Yep… And movie theatres, and pork processing plants(Smithfield), and shipping companies(HUGE), and a whole lot more!!!
1 more reply
Replying to @Inevitable_ET
We’ll see which politicians got caught with a hand in the CCP cookie jar!!! Yeah!!!
Woah! 😳
I hope they’re right about that!
*fingers crossed*
oh me tooooooooo!!!!!
Other countries have been doing that for decades…inviting foreign business (Mainly American) in to build factories and train the citizens…and then “nationalizing” all of it. Of course, you can be assured those companies made plenty of money while they were there!
Does that mean that California port (former navy) that Clintons sold off to Chynna???
POTUS says so…
I’m hoping for the release of a cross referenced list with an index. Ha.
Oh, this is one great show.
Yes indeed…
Wasn’t it Sec. Pompeo who said they had the names of the governor’s who we’re friends with the CCP.
We will see about that. All the real estate, all the enrolled students, all the businesses in CA add up to a significant amount of assets. And, most have gamed the system with green cards and residency.
Sounds great, but backtracking on the college virtual classes for foreign students isnt ok.
I saw this tweet & was reminded of the time we left our 4 kids at a b-day party for the neighbor kid & then went out to dinner. On our very rare date I was overcome with dread & fear that something bad was going to happen to our kids, & getting emotionally overblown was never my style. My husband & I talked about it at length & decided to pray & trust God to take care of our kids & to continue with our date (& it was hard for me to shake off the fear)…
A couple of hours later when we picked the kids up from the party, the first thing they told us about breathlessly was how Brandon almost drowned & how Nathaniel had saved him. The kids were in one of those round pools that is deeper in the middle, like 8 feet, & at one point B was more in the center & kept struggling & going under & panicking. None of the adults were paying any attention (& we’d told the adults that none of the kids were strong swimmers so they needed to be watched if in the pool). Nathaniel decided to go & get his brother knowing he was risking his own life. He ended up going under water & pushing off the pool bottom a couple times to force his bro toward the shallower edge. It was pretty scary & also overwhelming to know that the kids had been in such danger, but thankfully the Lord & big brother won the day.
Another thing that happened was that a bunch of kids were playing the video game Grand Theft Auto. We’d told our kids that it wasn’t a good game & didn’t want them to play it. So while completely unsupervised when they could have enjoyed some “forbidden fruit” Nathaniel herded his 3 younger sibs & kept them away from the game. Boy were we proud of our son who took his duty to protect his brothers & sister so seriously…Of course he didn’t manage to prevent Brandon from taking a big swig of Beer when he’d opened a can of what he thought was Root Beer…so you can’t (necessarily) win them all 🙂
I hope this boy’s scars fade but never completely disappear…what an absolute badge of honor to wear, showing the level of sacrifice he could make for love & protection of his precious sister. What a launching pad for True & godly Manhood!!!
What a brave little man!![comment image](
Here is the full image in that tweet, since the story got cut off:
Thanks Wheatie! Blessings
The President’s Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization
Foreign Policy – Issued on: July 14, 2020
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-393), the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 (Public Law 116-76), the Hong Kong Autonomy Act of 2020, signed into law July 14, 2020, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, determine, pursuant to section 202 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, that the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) is no longer sufficiently autonomous to justify differential treatment in relation to the People’s Republic of China (PRC or China) under the particular United States laws and provisions thereof set out in this order. In late May 2020, the National People’s Congress of China announced its intention to unilaterally and arbitrarily impose national security legislation on Hong Kong. This announcement was merely China’s latest salvo in a series of actions that have increasingly denied autonomy and freedoms that China promised to the people of Hong Kong under the 1984 Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong (Joint Declaration). As a result, on May 27, 2020, the Secretary of State announced that the PRC had fundamentally undermined Hong Kong’s autonomy and certified and reported to the Congress, pursuant to sections 205 and 301 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, as amended, respectively, that Hong Kong no longer warrants treatment under United States law in the same manner as United States laws were applied to Hong Kong before July 1, 1997. On May 29, 2020, I directed the heads of executive departments and agencies (agencies) to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions under United States law that give Hong Kong differential treatment in relation to China.
China has since followed through on its threat to impose national security legislation on Hong Kong. Under this law, the people of Hong Kong may face life in prison for what China considers to be acts of secession or subversion of state power –- which may include acts like last year’s widespread anti-government protests. The right to trial by jury may be suspended. Proceedings may be conducted in secret. China has given itself broad power to initiate and control the prosecutions of the people of Hong Kong through the new Office for Safeguarding National Security. At the same time, the law allows foreigners to be expelled if China merely suspects them of violating the law, potentially making it harder for journalists, human rights organizations, and other outside groups to hold the PRC accountable for its treatment of the people of Hong Kong.
I therefore determine that the situation with respect to Hong Kong, including recent actions taken by the PRC to fundamentally undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. I hereby declare a national emergency with respect to that threat.
In light of the foregoing, I hereby determine and order:
Section 1. It shall be the policy of the United States to suspend or eliminate different and preferential treatment for Hong Kong to the extent permitted by law and in the national security, foreign policy, and economic interest of the United States.
Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 202 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (22 U.S.C. 5722), I hereby suspend the application of section 201(a) of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992, as amended (22 U.S.C. 5721(a)), to the following statutes:
(a) section 103 of the Immigration Act of 1990 (8 U.S.C. 1152 note);
(b) sections 203(c), 212(l), and 221(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1153(c), 1182(l), and 1201(c), respectively);
(c) the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.);
(d) section 721(m) of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. 4565(m));
(e) the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (50 U.S.C. 4801 et seq.); and
(f) section 1304 of title 19, United States Code.
Sec. 3. Within 15 days of the date of this order, the heads of agencies shall commence all appropriate actions to further the purposes of this order, consistent with applicable law, including, to:
(a) amend any regulations implementing those provisions specified in section 2 of this order, and, consistent with applicable law and executive orders, under IEEPA, which provide different treatment for Hong Kong as compared to China;
(b) amend the regulation at 8 CFR 212.4(i) to eliminate the preference for Hong Kong passport holders as compared to PRC passport holders;
(c) revoke license exceptions for exports to Hong Kong, reexports to Hong Kong, and transfers (in-country) within Hong Kong of items subject to the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR Parts 730-774, that provide differential treatment compared to those license exceptions applicable to exports to China, reexports to China, and transfers (in-country) within China;
(d) consistent with section 902(b)(2) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 (Public Law 101-246), terminate the export licensing suspensions under section 902(a)(3) of such Act insofar as such suspensions apply to exports of defense articles to Hong Kong persons who are physically located outside of Hong Kong and the PRC and who were authorized to receive defense articles prior to the date of this order;
(e) give notice of intent to suspend the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Hong Kong for the Surrender of Fugitive Offenders (TIAS 98-121);
(f) give notice of intent to terminate the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Hong Kong for the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (TIAS 99-418);
(g) take steps to end the provision of training to members of the Hong Kong Police Force or other Hong Kong security services at the Department of State’s International Law Enforcement Academies;
(h) suspend continued cooperation undertaken consistent with the now-expired Protocol Between the U.S. Geological Survey of the Department of the Interior of the United States of America and Institute of Space and Earth Information Science of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Concerning Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Earth Sciences (TIAS 09-1109);
(i) take steps to terminate the Fulbright exchange program with regard to China and Hong Kong with respect to future exchanges for participants traveling both from and to China or Hong Kong;
(j) give notice of intent to terminate the agreement for the reciprocal exemption with respect to taxes on income from the international operation of ships effected by the Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Hong Kong (TIAS 11892);
(k) reallocate admissions within the refugee ceiling set by the annual Presidential Determination to residents of Hong Kong based on humanitarian concerns, to the extent feasible and consistent with applicable law; and
(l) propose for my consideration any further actions deemed necessary and prudent to end special conditions and preferential treatment for Hong Kong.
Sec. 4. All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person, of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:
(a) Any foreign person determined by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State:
(i) to be or have been involved, directly or indirectly, in the coercing, arresting, detaining, or imprisoning of individuals under the authority of, or to be or have been responsible for or involved in developing, adopting, or implementing, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Administrative Region;
(ii) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly, any of the following:
(A) actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Hong Kong;
(B) actions or policies that threaten the peace, security, stability, or autonomy of Hong Kong;
(C) censorship or other activities with respect to Hong Kong that prohibit, limit, or penalize the exercise of freedom of expression or assembly by citizens of Hong Kong, or that limit access to free and independent print, online or broadcast media; or
(D) the extrajudicial rendition, arbitrary detention, or torture of any person in Hong Kong or other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights or serious human rights abuse in Hong Kong;
(iii) to be or have been a leader or official of:
(A) an entity, including any government entity, that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, any of the activities described in subsections (a)(i), (a)(ii)(A), (a)(ii)
(B), or (a)(ii)(C) of this section; or
(B) an entity whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.
(iv) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section;
(v) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section; or
(vi) to be a member of the board of directors or a senior executive officer of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section.
(b) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of this section apply except to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted before the date of this order.
Sec. 5. I hereby determine that the making of donations of the types of articles specified in section 203(b)(2) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1702(b)(2)) by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to section 4 of this order would seriously impair my ability to deal with the national emergency declared in this order, and I hereby prohibit such donations as provided by section 4 of this order.
Sec. 6. The prohibitions in section 4(a) of this order include:
(a) the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to section 4(a) of this order; and
(b) the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from any such person.
Sec. 7. The unrestricted immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the United States of aliens determined to meet one or more of the criteria in section 4(a) ofthis order, as well as immediate family members of such aliens, or aliens determined by the Secretary of State to be employed by, or acting as an agent of, such aliens, would be detrimental to the interest of the United States, and the entry of such persons into the United States, as immigrants and nonimmigrants, is hereby suspended. Such persons shall be treated as persons covered by section 1 of Proclamation 8693 of July 24, 2011 (Suspension of Entry of Aliens Subject to United Nations Security Council Travel Bans and International Emergency Economic Powers Act Sanctions). The Secretary of State shall have the responsibility of implementing this section pursuant to such conditions and procedures as the Secretary has established or may establish pursuant to Proclamation 8693.
Sec. 8. (a) Any transaction that evades or avoids, has the purpose of evading or avoiding, causes a violation of, or attempts to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.
(b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited.
Sec. 9. Nothing in this order shall prohibit transactions for the conduct of the official business of the Federal Government by employees, grantees, or contractors thereof.
Sec. 10. For the purposes of this order:
(a) the term “person” means an individual or entity;
(b) the term “entity” means a government or instrumentality of such government, partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization, including an international organization;
(c) the term “United States person” means any United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches), or any person in the United States; and
(d) The term “immediate family member” means spouses and children of any age.
Sec. 11. For those persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order who might have a constitutional presence in the United States, I find that because of the ability to transfer funds or other assets instantaneously, prior notice to such persons of measures to be taken pursuant to section 4 of this order would render those measures ineffectual. I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice of a listing or determination made pursuant to section 4 of this order.
Sec. 12. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to take such actions, including adopting rules and regulations, and to employ all powers granted to me by IEEPA as may be necessary to implement this order. The Secretary of the Treasury may, consistent with applicable law, redelegate any of these functions within the Department of the Treasury. All departments and agencies of the United States shall take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement this order.
Sec. 13. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to submit recurring and final reports to the Congress on the national emergency declared in this order, consistent with section 401(c) of the NEA (50 U.S.C. 1641(c)) and section 204(c) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C. 1703(c)).
Sec. 14. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Sec. 15. If, based on consideration of the terms, obligations, and expectations expressed in the Joint Declaration, I determine that changes in China’s actions ensure that Hong Kong is sufficiently autonomous to justify differential treatment in relation to the PRC under United States law, I will reconsider the determinations made and actions taken and directed under this order.
July 14, 2020.
A Blast from the Past! (Feb 2020)…
Replying to @Inevitable_ET
Remember Pompeo addressing the nations governors, warning them that he knew which ones had taken Chinese money??
Pompeo warns nation’s governors to be wary of China
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has warned America’s governors to be wary of China, which he said was targeting individual U.S. states in a strategic effort to expand its economic and political…
I wonder if Gov. Gregg Abbott is one of those who China has compromised in some way. The mask mandate comes to mind…
? We’ll know before it’s all over.
Yes. History will have an interesting story to tell.
I can’t breathe!
Excellent (accent) 😉
Ahh, THIS is interesting.
When he left three years ago, his claim was the deep state was slow rolling his staff choices and not transferring people he wanted to work for him. Those roadblocks must be gone at this point.
But, nothing is happening…..
This also happened yesterday.
Trump Administration To Hospitals: Don’t Send Covid-19 Coronavirus Data To CDC
In the words of Marvin Gaye, what’s going on?
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a frequented asked questions (FAQ) document to hospitals and similar facilities on how they should report their Covid-19-related data. And one thing that’s clear from document. It’s no longer going to be as easy as CDC. Nope, the document includes the following statement:
“As of July 15,, 2020, hospitals should no longer report the Covid-19 information in this document to the National Healthcare Safety Network site. Please select one of the above methods to use instead.”
The “above methods” are basically four different variations of “send it to HHS instead.”
All of these methods essentially bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network, which has long been the nation’s healthcare-associated infection tracking system. It is not perfect but has been by far the most comprehensive method of tracking infectious disease cases in health care facilities across the country. This network already has a Covid-19 module that includes a dash board where you can see such things as a snapshot of current hospital capacity estimates and the percentage of inpatient beds occupied by Covid-19 patients – Change in 14 Day Period.
So now HHS is telling hospitals to report data such as hospital inpatient bed occupancy, mechanical ventilators in use, number of suspected or confirmed Covid-19 cases, and N95 masks available directly to HHS. Or at least through their states to HHS. But not to CDC.
Now that is curious. So redfern is corrupt and we know it from miskovitz. Sending it to hhs will hopefully get it scrutinized and dissected.
Isn’t CDC (Fauci) rewarding hospitals with $$ for diagnosing everything as COVID, and don’t they get extra $$ for positive tests?
It’s been crooked from the get-go……………….
GOP![comment image](
It may not be April 15th, but it’s #TaxDay 2020!
REMINDER: While President
has delivered on his promise for lower taxes for hardworking Americans, a Biden Administration would signal a massive tax increase.
My daughter & I finished our taxes early yesterday morning so hubby could copy. We’ll get them in the mail today & get that monkey of our backs for at least a few months. I was so hoping Trump would abolish the IRS & repeal the Income Tax unconstitutional “amendment”… 🙁
Cross your fingers. I’m hoping the truth on that comes out, that the 16th amendment was never ratified.
From your lips to God’s (&His servant’s) ears!!!
The Punisher
My friend Eyes on Q main account was just deleted, please follow his backup
, thanks!
Quote Tweet
· 4h
From 265,000 down to 0. Time to start again.
W – and all. Any advice on WP – it’s acting up again. I’m able to like individual comments, but cannot like the overall thread, nor can I see any likes/comments coming my way via the “bell” in the top right corner. I’m logged into, so I’m at a loss as to what to do. If you do answer, I’m hoping that I will get a notification or will see it here. Tks!
I have never been able to like overall threads either…since the beginning…but I can like individual comments.
I have a separate window open for my wp profile where I can see all the replies to my comments–it’s easier for me because there are multiple threads I commented on and when someone replies, I don’t need to go back to that particle thread to respond if i choose.
“…but cannot like the overall thread…”
It’s the opposite for me. Have been unable to “like” the overall thread fro the last year or two. I have tried to every now and then, but no go. I tried again on Monday’s KAG Open Thread and it worked. Same with yesterdays Open Thread.
Also, for the last two or three years I’ve been unable to sign in to my WordPress account to make any changes. As long as I could still post at Qtree, or at the CTH, I didn’t pursue starting another account..
so no free speech is encouraged and censorship is king…got it
Coin Shortage…?
Why is there a coin shortage?
Well, according to the Fed…it was caused by the ChiCom Virus and the shutdown.
…………From the Fed statement:
The COVID‐19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the supply chain and normal circulation patterns for U.S. coin. In the past few months, coin deposits from depository institutions to the Federal Reserve have declined significantly and the U.S. Mint’s production of coin also decreased due to measures put in place to protect its employees.
[ … ]
The Federal Reserve is working on several fronts to mitigate the effects of low coin inventories. This includes managing the allocation of existing Fed inventories, working with the Mint, as issuing authority, to minimize coin supply constraints and maximize coin production capacity, and encouraging depository institutions to order only the coin they need to meet near‐term customer demand. Depository institutions also can help replenish inventories by removing barriers to consumer deposits of loose and rolled coins. Although the Federal Reserve is confident that the coin inventory issues will resolve once the economy opens more broadly and the coin supply chain returns to normal circulation patterns, we recognize that these measures alone will not be enough to resolve near‐term issues.
……………End quote.
It’s all about ‘circulation’.
And when the flow of coins being used and recirculated…slows down…then there is a disruption.
The CEO of Coinstar, Jim Gaherity, confirmed this in an interview with KRMG Radio:
Coinstar is the company that puts those coin-cashing kiosks in stores around the country.
…………….From the article about the interview:
“I don’t know if I would refer to it as a coin shortage,” Gaherity began. “There are billions of dollars of coins out in America, it’s just not in the right place for use at this point and time, “ he continues.
It’s not fiscally possible to create enough coins to maintain normal circulation across the county. That’s where Coinstar comes in. “The US Mint produces three-and-a-half times less than Coinstar re-circulates in any given year,” Gaherity added. Through their 17,000 plus locations across the nation, Coinstar allows customers to exchange their coins for bills. The change is then sorted, and deposited with financial institutions like the Federal Reserve bank so it can once again jingle in the pockets of consumers.
………………End quote.
I ran across this as well…
Coinstar is now offering to credit your PayPal account, with the amount of the coinage that you put into one of their kiosks:
.![comment image](
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Coinstar already offers to convert your funds to a Gift Card…and says that they are looking into ways that “you could dump your loose change right into a digital wallet”.
Hmm…that’s really thinking outside the box, fellas.
But isn’t that sort of facilitating your own demise?
There are powerful people who are trying to push us into a ‘digital wallet only’ world, where Cash no longer exists!
So…why help them?
As far as going ‘Cashless’ any time soon…
I think as long as Sec Steve Mnuchin is our head of the Treasury, that isn’t gonna happen.
Because…he likes Cash.
I can only imagine how thrilling it must have been, to see your Signature on newly-minted cash.
I mean…who wouldn’t be thrilled about that?
cashless means no more yard sales, small flea markets, roadside produce stands, etc. and what’s to become of the down on his luck guy, playing his guitar on the corner looking for enough cash to buy a meal?
and what cash I have stashed or buried in the back yard for my kids is no one’s business.
Rest easy, please. There is speculation that the Wuhan flu is being used as cover to pull as much cash and coin out of the system ahead of something REALLY big. And I mean BIG. Mnuchin has been busy, if what I’m seeing in the rumor mill is true. Q has hinted from time to time about it, so it could actually be happening.
can you explain this? i’m trying to understand what the benefit would be to pull currency out of circulation…maybe i just need more coffee
Word is we’re going back to the gold standard, and the currency is being redone. There’s a lot of NESERA information being thrown around, and while I don’t necessarily buy all of it, including it being signed into law 20 years ago, it does look like the Federal Reserve is being worked on so as to take it out of the loop.
so what would happen to the stuff I have buried?
Not sure. I’m waiting to see how this shakes out. I am seriously thinking about rolling all the change we have here though, and depositing it.
Exactly so, Pat!
[They] want to get rid of cash so that they can control us.
And who is the hot blonde, you ask? Why, that’s the gal who keeps Steve warm at night.
We blondes LOVE smart men!
i wonder if he was able to buy a sheet for $50! 😁
If she did they would be worth a fortune – note the serial number they are * star bills (replacement bills).
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Vernon Jones@RepVernonJones
No mistake about it @JoeBiden has a record of failing this country. He may not remember, but voters will!
@realDonaldTrump is making his move! Just made my case on @OutnumberedOT #FNC #FoxNews #TeamTrump #BlackVoices4DJT #TeamTrump
Vernon Jones on why he’s not voting for Biden
Democratic Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones discusses the 2020 presidential election with Harris Faulkner.
David J Harris Jr
This side of the story needs to be heard! Spread it everywhere.![comment image](
Catturd ™
Good morning to everyone. The panic over the plague squirrel is getting bad – just saw this in my backyard.
Be careful out there!
6:39 AM · Jul 15, 2020
I hope that ‘something’ isn’t named Hillary!
Rush Predicts Biden Will Disappear From Democratic Ticket; ‘Something’s Gonna Happen’
oh she’s gonna campaign for that spot HARD–she has political experience, more than any other candidate, and she thinks she’s perfect–and she’s lethal–oppose her and you disappear–so she’s got THAT going for her too!
I’ve noticed that she’s got a new hairdo and another face lift, so I suppose she’s campaigning for something. 🙂
and new teeth!
But no new soul.
They’ve all been to “the island”
they are all criminals…
I know ,I know!pick me ,pick ME! There all pedos and pedavores.😠 loathe them one and all.
Cari Kelemen@KelemenCari
I loved that the White House Press Corps had to sit there and listen to President Trump today in the Rose Garden. Now they know how we feel at the airport.
[snort out loud]
We don’t have to be violent, but we DO HAVE TO STAND UP. Enough is enough!
Congratulations and Good Luck! 🙂
so Rocky 5 has now been dispatched…wonder how big this dang family is????
and what puzzles me is less than half a mile from our trees, there are 8 mature apples trees along the road and they are full of apples–raccoons never seem to attack them. the deer love them in the fall to be sure (when the apples fall) but you never see them stripped. wondering if maybe someone around here is having their property logged or something that is driving them here…?
The deer where I live will go after the young apple trees and gnaw the bark and small branches off them. They got one of my great uncles last year. Am keeping an eye on the and the racoons here.
the buck in the fall will rub the velvet off their antlers by rubbing against small trees, so we have trunk guards on these. they are big enough that they don’t require total fencing in–meaning they’re tall enough to avoid the deer being able to totally munch down the leaves (unless they go up on their back legs) and there’s plenty of other trees in the forest. sigh…
Kanye dropped out already?
THIS I did not know…
Sean Hannity: The second night that the people came and the cops weren’t there then… I had a source on the ground and I’ve not been able to confirm it but maybe you can. Is it true that President Trump sent in people to defend your neighborhood and nobody knew about it?
Mark McCloskey: That’s the information we have. I think we had help from the very top. That night we had help from the federal government, from the state government, from the local police department. That night everybody stood up like champs.
Around here….
My guess is the mayor of the city has had enough of this crap, or someone with her ear has. The cops here might defy her, and I’m sure they did on this, but the barriers on Art Hill where the statue of St. Louis is were put there by the Parks Department. That’s directly under the control of City Hall. If she didn’t approve, it wouldn’t have happened.
Hmm…this is interesting…although, Washington has thrived on gossip for at least 200 years. Not sure if this is gossip, or it really happened. My money would be on it happening. This is a thread and I’ll strip out the tweet markings.
Raheem Kassam
You wouldn’t believe the things I could tell you about Washington, D.C.
But I’ll tell you anyway.
11:10 PM · Jul 14, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
I’ll be brief rn.
Tonight there was a big grifter dinner hosted in DC.
People who were lukewarm at best on Trump until Nov 9.
They met to plan an establishment path, should Trump lose in Nov.
So they wouldn’t lose $$$.
This ain’t the Romney crowd.
This is people closer to POTUS than you’d like.
Many attending don’t even realise they’re being played.
I’ve spoken to multiple attendees tonight. Finding out more tomorrow.
I’m so over this pseudo city.
You’re either running into Matt Schlapp or some Heritage intern.
It’s miserable.
Get me out I deserve better!!!
getting another failed regulation off the books!
The Trump administration finalized another pro-life regulation Monday, this one to clarify that the definition of sex discrimination in Obamacare does not include abortions.
The new rule officially ends a 2016 regulation from the Obama administration that could have forced medical workers to help abort unborn babies. It restores the government’s interpretation of sex discrimination to “the plain meaning … as determined by biology,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
“HHS respects the dignity of every human being, and as we have shown in our response to the pandemic, we vigorously protect and enforce the civil rights of all to the fullest extent permitted by our laws as passed by Congress,” said Roger Severino, director of the Office for Civil Rights at HHS. “We are unwavering in our commitment to enforcing civil rights in healthcare.”
In 2016, the Obama administration redefined sex discrimination under Obamacare to include “termination of pregnancy.” Federal courts struck down the regulation, but it still was on the books. The Trump administration’s action Monday repeals the unconstitutional regulation.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, July 15, 2020
“My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.”
Psalms 62:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Wednesday Daylily Blessing![comment image](
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn![comment image](
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Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
They’re prepping the world for the mass genocide via that vaccine.
Just praying it never happens.
#ButNothingIsHappening Yeah, sure Mika.
Mika Brzezinski Explains Joe Scarborough Break Amid Several Days of Absence From MSNBC
By Ken MeyerJul 15th, 2020, 7:40 am
Mika Brzezinski explained Joe Scarborough’s absence from Morning Joe on Wednesday by saying her husband and co-host is currently in the middle of a break.
It has been about two weeks since Scarborough hosted his eponymous morning show on MSNBC. As such, Brzezinski announced on Twitter that she told Scarborough to take some time off.
“Joe’s job is like juggling precious china and fire sticks,” Brzezinski said as she elaborated on the situation. “He puts himself out there because he LOVES politics, he LOVES his country. Joe has a quick intellect and passion for American history. It all makes him remarkably effective at speaking the ultimate truth to power!”
Yeah Mika… pull the other one.
Im pretty sure there’s only one … that she’s pulling. Just saying.
The Garden Room Retreat
There has been a lot of talk about garden rooms over the past number of years. Simply put, it is a space that defines special areas of the landscape for specific uses. One of the most important elements in a garden room is creating a sense of enclosure.
From Explore Live Nature Cams…Wolf enjoys catching salmon at Brooks Falls, Alaska…he has to compete with the Brown bears, though….
Ancient Chinese Historian Describes The Roman Empire // 3rd century AD “Weilüe” // Primary Source
Voices of the Past – Published on Oct 13, 2019
Ancient Chinese Historian Describes The Roman Empire //
3rd century AD “Weilüe” // Primary Source
Once upon a time there was this Thursday night gearhead gathering across the street from a popular burger joint. It was a neat event because nobody actually organized it. It just sort of happened—like it just magically appeared or somethng. There was a protocol that everybody observed: the center of the parking lot was only cool cars. They could be low-riders, street-rods, even the occasional outlaw Porsche or Ferrari. The rest of us respected the rule and parked on the outer circle of the big parking lot. One night this 3 window coupe slowly drove into the center space. It was painted the deepest, blackest, hand-rubbed lacquer with matching black leather interior. The wheels were mirror polished magnesium Halibrands—real knock-offs from an Indy roadster. The engine, from supercharger to headers was entirely chromed and as brilliant as the paint was dark. The whole car was a rolling celebration, the kind that all us little kids in grown-up bodies dreamed about. And suddenly, there it was. And of course ZZ Top was playing.
ZZ Top – La Grange (Official Audio)
I studied album cover for hours.😁
Late 60’s and 70’s rock was just outstanding!!!
Oh, interesting, Butterfly!!!
Flight of the Bumblebee – Rimsky-Korsakov (arr. Rachmaninoff)
Love it! 🙂
Oh, me, too, Dora – one of my favorites!!!
I’ve always enjoyed hearing Issac Stern play it on his violin, but the piano version is great too. First time I’ve heard it
I hear you loud and clear, Dora – these songs get stuck in the mind in their original form – hard for us to break away and listen to another interpretation – or even played on a different instrument – imho
All these performances with visuals were so great for classroom use. On the jumbotron. 👍🏻
That’s great, Mom!!!
I love the Japanese artwork!
Oh, me, too, Michael – Thanks, Dora!!!
The Healthy American, Peggy Hall
Duchess, ^^^ Video is a gold mine for Californians. It should be widely spammed within CA.
Folks in CALIFORNIA. THIS video worth taking a look. ~15 minutes. Easy to follow bouncing ball. Quite clear face masks guidance cannot be legally enforced.
IF I were in CA, I’d carry a copy of this CA Civil code 51.7(a) on their cellphone.
Californians do NOT need to wear a mask, as grewsome demands.
Here in NV I have on my cell phone like information. I do NOT need to wear a mask. Nor do I.
– Occasionally the goof at the door asks if I have a mask. I simply reply, very clearly, “I can’t wear a mask”.
– Rarely the goof will ask if I have a medical reason. To which I curtly reply, “YES”.
– While it has not happened yet, IF the goof persists, I will request the manager, read the quote further above and end it there. Masks are NOT required and I do NOT have to demonstrate in any way my medical condition.
Paging Carl. The quote from Der Fuhrer Sisolak that allows us to NOT wear a mask follows…
“Section 7: The mandatory provisions of this Directive shall not apply to:
(3) Individuals who cannot wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability, or who are unable to remove a mask without assistance. Persons exempted under this provision should wear a non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield. Persons exempted under this provision shall not be required to produce documentation verifying the condition.”
“Should” is not mandatory nor enforceable. No one can be required to produce documentation. If one considers the Directive as binding and having the force of law, then the prohibition against requiring the production of documentary proof of a medical condition is equally binding and carries equal force. Neither HIPPA nor ADA makes any difference in this issue; no one can demand documentation and no one can be forced to wear any alternative device.
Folks in other states probably have similar “outs”
Kal, this video needs to be ‘saved’ – I think they are already trying to ‘delete’ it.
I was encouraged by this video – and I am sure many others will be as well.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!
God Bless You!!!
She has her own website. She also has several links there to letters, etc. Kroeger has a sign out front that says “due to local ORDINANCE masks are required”. Well that’s an outright lie. Ordinance means law and there is none.
Thanks, Gil! Appreciate the added info – masks are not necessary – and they do nothing ‘protect’ – in fact – they are more dangerous to the wearer than the non-wearer.
Is this a Joke?
Burger King
cow farts & burps are no laughing matter. they release methane, contributing to climate change. that’s why we’re working to change our cows’ diet by adding lemongrass to reduce their emissions by approximately 33%. learn about our ongoing study: #CowsMenu
It’s not a “JOKE”
It’s “WOKE”
Well, Lemon Grass is grown in the tropics and used in aromatherapy, and as an herb in sushi as well as in cooking.
It’s not cheap.
So it would be really expensive for Burger King to feed it to their cows, in a quantity that could possibly have any affect on their gaseous emissions.
So there’s that.
Then the whole “Cow Kids” routine seemed kind of tongue-in-cheek to me.
You betcha. it’s also used for pain, vomiting, muscle aches or exhaustion, stomach problems, and rheumatism.
Side effects can be elevation of amylase and/or bilirubin levels (meaning potential pancreas and/or red blood cell issues). (, “Lemongrass”)
Studies in ruminant animals suggest that lemongrass MAY help in milk production, but this is when lemongrass is substituted for something else in the feed mix. (, “Potential Use of Lemongrass Residue as Dairy Cow Food”)
So it will be “interesting” when the first person SUES Burger King after eating a Whopper and getting an upset stomach.
Misspelled your name, sorry!
Yeah the more expensive something is, the more energy+labor+material production is involved = more environmental impact
You should change your name to …![comment image](
Burger Clowns…
It’s not a “JOKE” – it’s “WOKE”!…
These are the same fools that sell an imitation Whopper that has no beef in it.
Stoopidity on the level of PLT – AOC on display.
Cows belch; they don’t fart.
Erick-Woods Ericson![comment image](,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
NYT reporting of case data with key timeline events overlaid.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on how some states are making exceptions for protesters in handling COVID-19:
Via another forum:
Posted a comment:
In the past “privilege” was considered a good thing to be grateful for and had to live up to. The privilege of having a good home, the privilege of an education, the privilege of serving our church/community/country, the privilege of a good job, of being an American, etc.
In the 1960s there was a significant attitudinal change in privilege as a lot of boomers came of age. Many, though not all, were embarrassed of who they were and who they came from, reflecting the zeitgeist.
IMO the embarrassed boomer ashamed of their “conservative” parentage is the origin for the weaponized academic concept of “privilege” as invented by Peggy Macintosh. Projecting her own self-righteous anger, and also needing to do something to establish her academic credentials, she took her own negative concept of “privilege” and projected it into a weapon.
The key point is that “privilege” lost its aspirational character, and was perverted from something to be grateful to God for to something to be ashamed of. Leftists love “privilege” rhetoric precisely because it allows them to project shame onto others they want to target.
Notice that nowhere did I mention “privilege” with any adjectives. Modified forms of “privilege” are almost exclusively a leftist invention that can be multiplied out as needed. And then, only the modifiers that they want to use are allowed. Instead of “racial privilege” they’ve pushed “white privilege” – but if you speak of “black privilege” or other racial identities, they don’t argue facts but jump straight to name-calling “you’re racist”. Likewise with “male privilege” – it’s not “gender privilege” in their minds and they cannot recognize that femininity is it’s own privilege, as Phyllis Schafley observed. There are so many forms of “privilege” that leftists have created that you cannot make a list of all the forms of “privilege” leftist assert – “straight”, “heteronormative”, “ablist”. At one point I did a search and found a nursing website with a training slide deck on “continence privilege”. At some point a concept become so flexible at explaining everything that it really explains nothing.
Besides blame-casting, privilege provides justification for grievance – holding grudges, envy, jealousy. This is like someone taking poison hoping that it kills someone else. Toxic jealousy and envy is the hallmark of Neo-Marxism. Gratitude is the antidote. Being grateful to God in all things is the KRYPTONITE to all Leftism and this includes privilege. People who are grateful do not envy others or slip into bitterness and entitlement.
My grandmother actually told me I was a privileged character because she let me use an afghan she was saving for when she went to the nursing home. Yeah, it didn’t go with her, and she was only there ten days.
Powerfully expressed, Michael!!! Thanks for this thought-provoking post!!!
God Bless You Real Good – but, I see He already has!!! * Smiling *
Note that the same ChiComs who promote all this stuff HERE, have censors that keep all positive stuff about gays OUT of movies which show in China.
So how do we deal with duplicitous ChiComs? Smile, and every time they try to make us hit each other, HIT THE CHICOMS.
Once you see it you realize our entertainment industry (Hollywood+TV+Record Industry) is fully weaponized against the United States. So much for “soft power”.
Trump hits them with MORE tariffs, sues them for “respirations” for Covid, and cuts off ALL their backdoors into the US economy like Hong Kong. The CCP and Xi REALLLLY underestimated just WHO, pun intended, they were dealing with.
The CCP and Xi chose to put their trust in people like Obama and Kerry, that Trump would be “no Problem” and “gone” by now. the chose POORLI, pun intended.
The SMAE people that told the CCP and Xi that Trump would be “gone” by now, are NOW telling them that Biden is gonna win. Fool me once, shame on YU, pun intended, fool me twice, shame on Mi, pun intended.
I told you long ago that Trump would eventually have Xi say “Matei”, and we are JUST about there.
Xi and the CCP poked the lion, now they are reaping that “reward”
Dear Communists, America First was NOT, as you were told, some political “gimmick” it was a MANTRA.
A mantra you are NOW going to be BLUDGEONED with…repeatedLi…pun intended!
When China finally figures out that THEY were the biggest chumps of all – of the CABAL – and that communism was how the CABAL got not only CONTROL of China, but the ORGANS ON DEMAND that they needed, and CHINESE ORGANS WOULD DO…….
Maybe they’ll go after the RIGHT PEOPLE.
Vlad kicked the globalists OUT, just sayin.
They’re gonna be hateful if they’re not grateful.
Hope Has A Name” Day One Worship | July 12, 2020
JD Hall
2h ·
If you’re paying attention, Russ Moore at the ERLC spent a half-decade demanding an end to the “culture war” for “the sake of the Gospel” (this was back when a “culture war” meant fighting gay marriage and abortion).
Currently, Russ Moore is arguing that the culture war is inevitable and Christians should fight in it “for the sake of the gospel” (now that evangelicals are woke, confusing Democrat talking points with “justice”).
The ERLC effort to convert Christians into Democrats has been two fold:
(1) A years-long effort to tell conservative evangelicals to get OUT of politics (because they love Jesus), while simultaneously brainwashing them with liberal propaganda.
(2) Once thoroughly propagandized, to tell newly liberalized evangelicals to get BACK into politics (because they love Jesus).
Republicans out. Democrats in.
That’s how the largest Protestant denomination became one large Biden voter drive in 2020.
Russ Moore of the ERLC spent a half-decade demanding an end to the “culture war” for “the sake of the Gospel”![comment image](
Now, he is says the culture war was inevitable & Christians should embrace woke leftist politics.
R’s out, D’s in.
How the SBC became a huge Biden voter drive in 2020.…
I have seen myself how the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) was taken over by the liberals and how congregations were helpless to stop it. Many Pastors are so left that it is disturbing.
Some Presbyterian believe that the church only will survive in the South.
Pastors have much power to manipulate a congregation. They take there directions from Presbyteries.
#Pentatonix #AtHome #BreakMyHeart
[OFFICIAL VIDEO] Break My Heart – Pentatonix
Don Lemon is a commie P.O.S., and I *LOVE* to see him triggered!!!
LOL – Aren’t we all? * Giggle of the Day *
This is exactly why I don’t like Facebook 🙂
The Facebook police don’t allow anyone to have any fun or a sense of humor!
Not to mention his poor hand hygiene.
John F. Kennedy Jr. ‘would have been president of the United States’ if he were alive today, pal says
The magazine publisher was gearing up to follow in his famous father’s footsteps
Yup. CLUB CANKLES had to take him out.
J.F.Kennedy Jr. was democrat right? Sorry would not have voted for him just because he had a President father. What has he done to be President? What were his politics?
I will vote again for President Trump.
JFK, Sr. was more conservative than today’s Republicans. He was killed because he wanted to do exactly what Trump is doing now.
He was at the time as many democrats were. What about today and why would I as conservative support a democrat?
People would have voted for him out of sentimentality and that has gotten us in trouble in the past.
An American Trudeau?
And so did Jr. JFK would never be a democrat in today’s world.
People FORGET, Reagan and Trump were ONCE Democrats.
Potus was undercover studying the enemy
He is a tactician that is for sure.
Also, I think JFK Jr. was a republican.
Only by appointment???
100s of millions in business losses, deaths, permanent injurues, and used as a trojan horse for communist revolution and its appointment only?
KTLA (@KTLA) Tweeted:
Video from the body cameras of two officers charged in George Floyd’s death is being made available for public viewing by appointment
They OBVIOUSLY have something to HIDE that would exonerate the cops, and BLOW the narrative, hence the by appointment ONLY. Who wants to BET that ONLY good little leftists get those “appointments” Would they LET Tucker Carlson, for example, see that Video? NO WAY. The TRUTH WILL come out, it is too late though, people already lost everything for this narrative. It would NOT surprise me one bit if it too was a LIE.
One thing is SURE, IF it were THAT cut and dried, they would be posting it EVERYWHERE trying to reignite the flames of BLM, and Antifa. The mere FACT that they have HIDDEN it this long, and then LIMIT access is a TELL, and a BIG one.
If you think people will be OUTRAGED when they find out THIS lie, wait till they find out Covid is a LIE, hell they may even find out that RUSSIA RUSSIA was a HOAX too. Splody heads EVERYWHERE, except HERE.
Indeed. This is public info. Appointment means they are hiding it.
BINGO! Now ask WHY do they NEED to hide it. Ah, now you see!
I’ve seen the transcript and heard it. Floyd had shortness of breath BEFORE he even got in the car let alone after fighting his way out. He died from a FENTANYL overdose
Note he admits to hooping which is slang for concealing/carrying drugs in his rectum prior to arrest.
Complaining of difficulty breathing. Classical sign of angina/heart attack is shortness of breath -with or without chest pain
Yep, he admitted to HOOPING the drugs, IE inserting into his rectum. IF the baggy broke, he would be in a WORLD of hurt rapidly. directly absorbed into the blood stream, he would have been “safer” eating it.
Theres a whole thread but cancelling the la times is it. Its just garbage.
Los Angeles Times (@latimes) Tweeted:
It’s time to cancel “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Here’s what should replace it.
Call them CHI-COM TOOLS to their faces.
The times was bought out by I believe a naturalized billionaire Chinese research doctor. That right there is plenty suspicious.
WOW. Huge tell right there. I was saying get the ChiCom money out of Hollywood – and now they’re taking over the NEWS with TWO-STEPPERS.
Ok. “Born and raised in south Africa”
Enter News, Quotes, Companies or Videos
Who Is Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the New Owner of the LA Times?His company, Nant Capital, is buying the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union-Tribune and other newspapers for more than $500 million
Patrick Soon-Shiong, a biotech entrepreneur and former surgeon, shown at a 2015 conference in Beverly Hills, Calif., is the new owner of the LA Times, the San Diego Union-Tribune and some smaller newspapers.PHOTO: JAVIER ROJAS/ZUMA PRESS
Austen Hufford
Feb. 7, 2018 12:31 pm ET
One of Los Angeles’s richest people, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, is the latest billionaire to become newspaper proprietor, joining Inc.’s Jeff Bezos, who bought the Washington Post, and Boston Red Sox owner John Henry, who bought the Boston Globe.
Dr. Soon-Shiong’s Nant Capital reached a deal Wednesday to buy the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union-Tribune and a group of smaller newspapers for $500 million and assume $90 million in pension liabilities from Tronc Inc. In a statement, he committed himself to “continuing the great tradition of award-winning journalism” at the publications.
The biotechnology entrepreneur, a former surgeon at the University of California, Los Angeles, created companies aimed at making blockbuster treatments for cancer and diabetes. He founded and sold two biotech companies together worth nearly $8 billion, and owns a significant chunk of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team.
Born and raised in South Africa, Dr. Soon-Shiong arrived in the U.S. in the 1980s and worked for UCLA. In 1991, he started a company called VivoRx to pursue diabetes treatment.
His Wikipedia page is long.
He’s also met with Biden on several occasions as well as Paul Ryan and Presdident Trump in 2017 to discuss medical priorities. Also seems to be heavily invested in AccuRadio a leading web based music station which is an independent with a variety of music.
Thought this interesting. “Soon-Shiong founded NantHealth in 2007 to provide fiber-optic, cloud-based data infrastructure to share healthcare information.[22] Soon-Shiong went on to found NantWorks in September 2011, whose mission was “to converge ultra-low power semiconductor technology, supercomputing, high performance, secure advanced networks and augmented intelligence to transform how we work, play, and live.”
Kinda don’t want to transform how we work, play and live. But that’s just me.
This guy appears to be a priest king of the tech/med world with lots of experience in cutting edge science when it comes to nanotech and genomic science.
Makes one wonder if the tech priest kings have to move closer to the subjects of their tests to observe and control. What? ‘Control’. Oh. Since the subjects could easily be all of us it will be interesting to see what’s going on here.
Thought this interesting. “Soon-Shiong founded NantHealth in 2007 to provide fiber-optic, cloud-based data infrastructure to share healthcare information.[22] Soon-Shiong went on to found NantWorks in September 2011, whose mission was “to converge ultra-low power semiconductor technology, supercomputing, high performance, secure advanced networks and augmented intelligence to transform how we work, play, and live.”
Kinda don’t want to transform how we work, play and live. But that’s just me.
This guy appears to be a priest king of the tech/med world with lots of experience in cutting edge science when it comes to nanotech and genomic science.
Makes one wonder if the tech priest kings have to move closer to the subjects of their tests to observe and control. What? ‘Control’. Oh. Since the subjects could easily be all of us it will be interesting to see what’s going on here.
As I have said before, Trump 2nd term day ONE, he MUST get the corruption and PROPAGANDA out of the MSM.
My thinking as well. The press needs the hammer.
It will be interesting finding out who/what will receive the next indictment.
Alex, I’ll take ‘the evil press’ for $200…….
One thing is SURE, their day WILL come, it HAS to.
Arrests, and confiscation of Chinese assets, sex ring ring leader assets…I have more, but waiting for confirmation it’s actually going to happen.
It ALL ties into the MSM. We will NEVER control the narrative and reveal the truth it total until we STOP the propaganda.
is this the Lean on Me thing?
not that I don’t like the song or anything, but it sounds like what DACA has been doing to the USA since Obummer came up with it…
So according to 700WLW, Gov. “Dictator in Training” MIKE DEWINE is going to “speak to the people of Ohio” today or tomorrow regarding his threat to SHUT DOWN the state again since there’s a big uptick of positive CASES of the CCP virus in the state (NOT deaths).
Wonder how many of the Ohio tests were performed / processed by the type of BOOK COOKING labs that were busted in Florida?
Its everywhere.
CV our positive count in the County has gone up from March to to today. We have from March to today 80 cases no deaths.
Our county has gone nuts they now demand to wear a mask in all stores.
I do know a commie Professor who was fighting for masks. So think why would a commie Professor fight that all people wear mask? We come closer and closer to the truth. This is a commie agenda and then ask why?
Total 80 over the span of 4 months no deaths why demand masks? Scare people. I always felt it is a personal decisions and wear one to have hair cut, go to doctor or store but not otherwise.
“Wonder how many of the Ohio tests were performed / processed by the type of BOOK COOKING labs that were busted in Florida?” ALL of them.
Tired of the inaction of the CAGOP? Tired of CAGOP being cancelled? Coming Sept 4-5 The California Conservative Convention!
![comment image](
2020 Elections, California Republican Party Add comments
As the California Republican Leadership are driving the party in to the ground, the grassroots are speaking out:
For the first time, conservative organizations, political and public policy, have joined together to create a Statewide Convention. The goal of the convention is to unite the conservative movement, train the members and leadership in the issues of today, update campaign methods and how to move the public debate to Constitutional and freedom grounds.
At the end of the day, this first California Conservative Convention will coalesce conservatives to Cooperate, Coordinate and Communicate. A united California conservative movement is no longer be used and abused by those that have lost the battles over the past several years. We are the majority, time to use our numbers to make California great again.
Come Join us in Fresno on Sept, 4th-5th 2020 at the Pardini’s Conference Center. Sessions Start Friday at 2pm with Dinner at 6pm.
Saturday will be an all day event starting 8am with Networking and a jam packed Program from 9am to 5pm.
TICKETS: $119 – Included in the program is a Friday night dinner, Saturday lite breakfast and lunch.
Buy tickets and get more information at
Don’t Wait – There is limited space and we do anticipate selling out quickly!
just got back from my weekly banana run–I decided to wear a mask this time. I made one (thanks to DePat’s suggestion) that was single ply to see how it would work. it was so much better…great idea DePat!!!!
Lisa Mei Crowley 🇺🇲@LisaMei62
“Dr. Anthony Fauci has a good bedside manner with the public, but he has been wrong about everything I have interacted with him on,” Navarro wrote in a blistering op-ed for USA Today. #FoxNews
Trade adviser Peter Navarro tears into Fauci in blistering op-ed: ‘Wrong about everything’
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro tore into Dr. Anthony Fauci in a stunning op-ed on Wednesday, saying the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director has been “wrong about…
+twatter rt…
Its a start.
KUSI News (@KUSINews) Tweeted:
The Poway City Council will consider a move to temporarily relax restrictions at city parks to make outdoor spaces available for houses of worship and fitness-oriented businesses.
Ghislaine Maxwell is secretly married and doesn’t want to disclose her spouse’s name or assets…
Ghislaine Maxwell is secretly married — and refusing to reveal her husband’s name, prosecutors said this week at the accused madam’s bail hearing.
The bombshell detail was divulged Tuesday as Manhattan prosecutors accused her of purposely hiding the extent of her wealth.
“In addition to failing to describe in any way the absence of proposed co-signers of a bond, the defendant also makes no mention whatsoever about the financial circumstances or assets of her spouse whose identity she declined to provide to Pretrial Services,” Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe told Manhattan federal Judge Alison Nathan during a video conference.
Moe added, “There’s no information about who will be co-signing this bond or their assets, and no details whatsoever.”
I’m not sure I believe this. This has to be a smokescreen. The announcement of her arrest, even being taken by the Feds wasn’t announced until three days after it happened. Sorry, but the more logical conclusion is that she was stashed somewhere and the court hearings are being done via remote or something.
I can’t imagine she wouldn’t be in something like the SuperMax.
what’s SuperMax???
It’s the big federal prison in Florence, Colorado where the worst of the worst are. It’s pretty much escape proof.
never heard of it!
The United States Penitentiary, Administrative Maximum Facility (USP Florence ADMAX) is an American federal prison in unincorporated Fremont County near Florence, Colorado. It is operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a division of the United States Department of Justice. ADX Florence, which opened in 1994, is classed as a supermax or “control unit” prison, thus providing a higher level of custody than a maximum security prison. ADX Florence forms part of the Florence Federal Correctional Complex (FCC Florence), which is situated on 49 acres (20 ha) of land and houses different facilities with varying degrees of security, including the United States Penitentiary, Florence High.
ADX Florence was commissioned as the Federal Bureau of Prisons needed a unit designed specifically for the secure housing of those prisoners most capable of violence toward staff or other inmates. As of July 2020, there are 365 prisoners who spend 23 hours per day in single cells with facilities made of poured concrete to deter self-harm, and 24-hour supervision, carried out intensively with high staff-inmate ratios. Phones are generally banned and only limited broadcast entertainment is permitted. After three years in maximum confinement, some prisoners may be transferred to a less restrictive prison. The aim is to encourage “reasonably peaceful behavior” from the most violent “career” prisoners.
The cells are five floors underground. Inmates are in their cells 23 hours a day. Whenever taken out of the cell, inmates are shackled hands & feet and escorted by no fewer than three officers.
They never see the outside world. They never talk to other prisoners.
My personal opinion is that it is cruel & inhumane punishment but the Supreme Court has said it’s ok.
so why wasn’t Epstein put here??
My guess is he was used as some sort of bait.
“George Soros”?
We could only HOPE, that would be ONE sure way to DEPORT his ass, say to a LARGE country that has a VAST mountain range and LOST of Vodka. Their President shares a name with the Impaler, and THAT may be EXACTLY what he would do to old Georgie!
i would enjoy that tremendously!
I might even dance a bit…lol
LOL, knowing of Putin, he might JUST televise it.
pay for view?
I’d buy it
Dare I say MILLIONS would.
We need 1000s more but the sentiment was on the down low in the initial lockdown and now people MUST go for it. To paraphrase the POTUS at the this point, “What in the hell do you have left to lose!!!!????”
KUSI News (@KUSINews) Tweeted:
Shawn Gilbert, the owner of Boulevard Fitness in City Heights is vowing to stay open despite @GavinNewsom’s order to close.
He says, “working out at a gym is more than just muscles, it’s mental health, it’s physical, it’s prevention.”
Full Interview:
exactly! it’s a stress reliever–and stress is bad for an immune system!…
Lisa Mei Crowley 🇺🇲@LisaMei62
HA! Good for him!
Quote Tweet
Mel Q Frog face@littllemel
· 8h
KABOOM! Clay Clark calls Gates a Pedo live on Newsmax!!
“BILL GATES IS A PEDOPHILE! HE HANGS OUT WITH PEDOPHILES! Why would you listen to a pedophile about what to do with your kids?”
(followed by a vid clip of Clay Clark on Newsmax)
“Why yes Epstein was smoking weed, but I didn’t inhale.”
Epstein was using a LOT stronger stuff than weed. Example A, the portrait of Bill Clinton in a blue dress and high heels that hung in a place of PROMINACE in his NY mansion.
I’m just waiting for Gates excuse. “Yes I hung out with Epstein, but I didn’t…”
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Has anybody seen or reviewed the written “pact” between Bernie Sanders & Sleepy Joe. It is further left than even Bernie had in mind. Open Borders, crime, really bad to cops and military – The guaranteed destruction of America. Joe never told us this. Never been so CLEAR!!!
Joe, is NOT in charge of Joe. The question is. WHO is in charge?
Long series of replies on the Moderna vaccine:
Donald J. Trump
Great News on Vaccines!
Dr. David Samadi
We need to be sure this vaccine will be safe and effective. This is good news and I know that working with the world’s brightest minds we can end this virus together! Let’s work together — as one American people!
Dixie Antebellum Wolf Moon / #BronzeLivesMatter
Very glad you’re cautioning RE “safe and effective”. Note warnings on mRNA-based vaccines in this publication RE Moderna vaccine. They realize it’s risky. Look for several “disclaimerish” statements on RNA tech amidst the dry scientific objectivity.
An Evidence Based Perspective on mRNA-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Development
[b]ABSTRACT[/b] The first outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in late…
Dixie Antebellum Wolf Moon / #BronzeLivesMatter
I am concerned that this vax was expressly and intentionally NOT tested on people who have had COVID-19, yet we are nearly unable to tell who has had it and who has not, b/c antibody testing is very hinky. I had SARS symptoms, permanent lung damage, yet one negative Ab.
Dixie Antebellum Wolf Moon / #BronzeLivesMatter
Add into that the problems which one can expect from the now-recognized cross-immunity from the 4 pre-COVID coronaviruses, and we had better be very careful across the entire spectrum of prior exposures to COVID or other coronaviruses. Like @POTUS says, good news, but beware.
12:29 PM · Jul 15, 2020·Twitter Web App
Dixie Antebellum Wolf Moon / #BronzeLivesMatter
Mandatory vaccination will be pushed by the blockhead Stalinist left – clearly a BAD MOVE with the very first mRNA vaccine, but we know how they roll. Obviously designed to alienate Trump voters. Sad that medicine is now political, but that’s the way Stalin rolls in his grave.
Donald J. Trump![comment image](
Great News on Vaccines!…
l E T 17
Replying to
There won’t be any ? Bc we don’t need any?…
Trump says “Great News on Vaccines!”
Leftist Dillemma:
* Hate Vaccines B/C Orange Man Bad
* Love Trump’s Vaccine News B/C “trust the scienceness”…
My son told me today that falsifying test results is a federal crime.
So all these labs falsifying covid 19 tests are in trouble.
2 things could have happening
1) the tests themselves are the problem
2) my husband pointed out someone on the computer entering wrong data.
This could be a low person with an agenda or they hired unqualified people when we had this rush and need for more tests?
Either way they need to clean this up and our Health agencies are failing us on purpose or incompetence.
Fake Science is a MESS, thanks to the CHICOMS.
By the time they GET their “vaccine” we will ALREADY be at herd immunity or Covid will have mutated itself out of existence, which I think is EXACTLY what is happening now, hence the phony figures prop up. The deaths are down to 181. That is the LOWEST since EARLY March. and dropping RAPIDLY. Hydroxy, for @$20 is ENOUGGH to combat this. I do NOT want a “vaccine” unless I get to see what is IN IT, and WHERE it was “produced” IF it came from ANY Gates affiliate, no thanks, I will take my chances.
An anecdote from an online group:![comment image](
“Since early March I had my sister taking Zinc Picolinate (I ordered and had the Zinc sent to her) and Green Tea as a prophylactic against the China Virus. At the end of last week her roommate’s boyfriend got the virus, her roommate got sick as did she, but after a short bout with fever of a couple of days my sister was over it and feeling well. Needless to say she was quite happy with the result.”
Lisa Mei Crowley 🇺🇲@LisaMei62
That didn’t last long.
Kanye West ‘bows out of presidential race’ ?? via @MailOnline
Kanye West ‘bows out of presidential race’
Rapper Kanye West, 43, has allegedly ended his bid to win the White House after ten days following attempts to get himself on the ballot as a third-party candidate in Florida and several other states.
LOL! I want to be nice about this, but MAYBE NEXT TIME. Seriously, he should shoot for 2028 or 2032 now, and use 2024 as his practice failure. PATIENCE. Also, after 2020, get a position in the Trump administration such as an ambassadorship or the like, and start gaining GRENELL-LIKE CRED.
Kanye West, Ambassador to Ukraine, splody heads.
Harrowing video has emerged showing four teenagers attack a ‘pregnant’ woman and kick her young daughter in the head The brutal beat down took place on July 14 in Brooklyn, Illinois Three teens were seen punching the ‘pregnant’ woman and pulling her hairA male teen jumped in the air and kicked the toddler girl in the head The people involved in the shocking attack have not been indentified The mother of the male teen defended his actions, claiming he didn’t mean to kick the toddler in the head
Disturbing video has emerged showing four teens brutally beat a ‘pregnant’ woman and kick her young daughter in the head.
The brutal beat down took place on July 14 in Brooklyn, Illinois.
Black on black crime and the pos black thug jumps and kicks the little girl in the head. Sick worthless people.
Savages gonna savage.
disgusting ANIMALS
And that’’s exactly what they’ve become… feral animals…not one drop of civility or morality in them.
Most likely not redeemable and need to be completely neutered…just my opinion.
does seem that way…and it’s sickening
VA staffer pleads guilty to second degree murder in deaths of 7 Vets…
Reta Mays, 46, of Harrison County, a former nursing assistant at the medical center, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Clarksburg to seven counts of second-degree murder and one count of assault with the intent to commit murder.
In federal court, Judge Tom Kleeh asked Mays to stand to formally plead guilty. The judge read each victim’s name as Mays cried in court. Mays then pleaded guilty to all counts and said “yes sir” when asked if she did what the government said she did.
POS Fauci on Fox just now said that as a default, we should try to keep the kids in school.
This’ll surely fly in the face of some Dimm Gov’s.
he’s almost as bipolar as Kanye
OMG – Putin’s nuclear energy companies that were involved in Uranium One have been caught backing and funding that damned LINCOLN PROJECT which opposes Trump, AS WELL AS Biden. Holy crap.
“Muh Russia” my ass!….
The Gray One
Police cars revolving lightBREAKINGPolice cars revolving light
*Who happens to also fund Biden/Hillary operations
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
Go deeper:
Not only did Lincoln Project’s founder register as a Russian foreign asset last year, he was recruited by Russia to work for Rosatom
What does Rosatom own?
Uranium One
Election 2020: Best Movie EVAH!!!!![comment image](
Some would argue that the stock villains are a bit too stock, but it’s not like movie theater popcorn needs to be novel, either. 😎
I won’t care that is Brennan is a stock villain when he’s in an orange jump suit 😉
To the “stockade” with him! 😀
Or to the hogs in the stockyard, who consume everything, and leave nothing behind…
and by extension, they own Mueller
I kept telling people that “Muh Russia” was much closer to “reverso” (sneaky and nearly undetectable Russian collusion with Dems and Soviet deep staters) than people wanted to believe.
Russia has assets. They’re ON THE LEFT. Use ’em or lose ’em. So they used ’em.
China and Russia ALWAYS tag-team, but pretend they don’t.
agreed—Russia and China are so much USA wannabees…like skanky girls tryin’ to diss the prom queen!
Bruno has a THREAD on it also Wolfie:
Burn Notice@BurnedSpy34
Are we OK with this?
Quote Tweet
· 4h
Lifelike child sex dolls based on girls & toddlers that boast they’re 100% anatomically correct are on sale in Australia
Nope. This will create desire for “the real thing”.
Exactly !
you are probably right…but, speaking for the whipped cream crowd, the 82 cents generic wallyworld whipped cream keeps me happy. I don’t need the $1.82 Cool Whip to get my freak on…LOL
Yeah, I get that argument, too!
Personally, I prefer heavy whipping cream and a whisk on the mixer.
when it comes to whipped cream, I prefer cheap and fast…LOL…
(if I were POTUS, they would edit out the first half of that sentence and impeach me for the second half.)
It’s a good thing you don’t have a camera in your bedroom. Cheap and fast indeed. 🙂
Trump IS, slowly, but SURELY!
They stopped this here. No any simulation is just like porn, it feeds an obsession until they act.
They get more stupid by the day!
Minnesota House poised to declare racism a public health crisis
which would imply they need a commission to study the crisis (more taxpayer funds) and then come up with an action plan (more taxpayer funds) and then implement said plan (the rest of taxpayer funds).
And they’ll need Somailians of dollars…
BrunoBarking Retweeted
Replying to @JuliansRum
I think it would also be safe to say Kanye used this BIRTHday platform in the last 10 days to speak the TRUTH NO ONE ELSE was willing to say: “PP was put into black neighborhoods by whit3 supr3macists to destroy the black population.”
now this:
Kanye West reportedly bows out of 2020 presidential race
Must’ve been his “Late Registration.” Rap superstar Kanye West has already bowed out of his late-entry bid for the presidency, according to a report. The billionaire rap icon, who
These Trump tweets are genius b/c they deepen the meme that Biden is just a useless carcass being dragged around to open doors with his fingerprints and eyeball-scans for the radical left.
Biden is NOT SMART ENOUGH nor is he even SELF-AWARE ENOUGH to be doing any of this – and yet the DEMS push the speeches in front of him, and he PARROTS THE LINES.
Joe Biden’s America will really be AOC’s AMERICA – and everybody knows it.
He cannot even READ the teleprompter competently.…
Amy Mek
Replying to
DEMAND ANSWERS: Bill Gates’ Global Mandatory Vaccination Agenda Challenged by Germans, Be Smart America (Must Watch)
DEMAND ANSWERS: Bill Gates’ Global Mandatory Vaccination Agenda Challenged by Germans (Must Watch)…
“We will vaccinate seven billion people” – Bill Gates
I once went to an Eagles concert, and halfway through, a Joe Walsh concert broke out. LOL
Glen Frey called Joe Walsh the bands “INTERIOR DECARATOR” No matter what floor of the hotel they were on, the first thing, the TV went out the window.
Walsh replied, ” uh, apparently I used to do a lot of drugs back then. Hell did you know we were broke up for 14 years? No one told me, I just kept playing. I then found out I played a LOT better when I? was OFF the drugs”
This is getting some rounds. Source is NOT Dave Ramsey…
See also
Dave Ramsey repost
A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’. Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for. A cashless society means:
* If you are struggling with your mortgage on a particular month, you can’t do an odd job to get you through.
* Your child can’t go & help the local farmer to earn a bit of summer cash.
* No more cash slipped into the hands of a child as a good luck charm or from their grandparent when going on holidays.
* No more money in birthday cards.
* No more piggy banks for your child to collect pocket money & to learn about the value of earning.
* No more cash for a rainy day fund or for that something special you have been putting $20 a week away for.
* No more little jobs on the side because your wages barely cover the bills or put food on the table.
* No more charity collections.
* No more selling bits & pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return.
* No more cash gifts from relatives or loved ones.
What a cashless society does guarantee:
* Banks have full control of every single penny you own.
* Every transaction you make is recorded.
* All your movements & actions are traceable.
* Access to your money can be blocked at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you which will take about 3 weeks, a thousand questions answered & five thousand passwords.
* You will have no choice but to declare & be taxed on every dollar in your possession.
* The government WILL decide what you can & cannot purchase.
* If your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’.
Forget about cash being dirty. Stop being so easily led. Cash has been around for a very, very, very long time & it gives you control over how you trade with the world. It gives you independence. I heard a story where a man supposedly contracted COVID because of a $20 bill he had handled. There is the same chance of COVID being on a card as being on cash. If you cannot see how utterly ridiculous this assumption is then there is little hope.
If you are a customer, pay with cash. If you are a shop owner, remove those ridiculous signs that ask people to pay by card. Cash is a legal tender, it is our right to pay with cash. Banks are making it increasingly difficult to lodge cash & that has nothing to do with a virus, nor has this ‘dirty money’ trend.
Please open your eyes. Please stop believing everything you are being told. Almost every single topic in today’s world is tainted with corruption & hidden agendas. Please stop telling me & others like me that we are what’s wrong with the world when you hail the most corrupt members of society as your heroes. Politics & greed is what is wrong with the world; not those who are trying to alert you to the reality in which you are blindly floating along whilst being immobilised by irrational fear. Fear created to keep you doing & believing in exactly what you are complacently doing.
Pay with cash & please say no to a cashless society while you still have the choice.
Copy and paste to your page if you like!
“Looks like Walmart is slowly enabling the cashless society.”
Walmart does China’s bidding………………
I don’t shop at Walmart…
Supposedly, the Us Mint is closed for Covid, and THAT is the reason for all the “cash shortages” I call shenanigans, there are MULTIPLE US mints, across the country, then we have MULTIPLE Federal reserve banks as well.
Look up NESARA.
I didn’t know the mint was closed, but that makes all sorts of sense since Mnuchin is busy absorbing the Federal Reserve.
Forgot one of the important ones.
Can’t use a pay phone if you don’t have coins.
Of course, they’ve gutted out the pay phones and replaced them with personal transponders, so it’s not like you could find a phone booth even if you had coins.
LOL, What’s a pay phone? Oh you mean that thing Bill and Ted used in their Excellent Adventure? LOL
Yeah, I haven’t seen one of those in years.
Gosh don’t be so dense. Didn’t you ever watch Get Smart?
LOL, yep, and had Superman comics too!
so Floyd’s family got $15 million in go fund me money and now they are suing the 4 officers that tried to arrest him? their attorney, Crump, is painting Floyd to be an angelic peaceful man and the cops denied him his rights. Trayvon and Mike move over!!!
Govt will first file for a stay of trial schedule due to pending criminal charges. Almost guaranteed to be granted. Next, criminal charges will be dismissed due to autopsy report. Civl case will resume with a motion to dismiss on summary judgment, which will be granted BECAUSE PLAINTIFF CANNOT PROVE A SET OF FACTS SHOWING LIABILITY.
Crump will be sanctioned to pay govt attorney fees.
sounds good to me!
Wonder how much of a cut ol’ Ben Crump is getting out of this? He’s a shakedown artist.
George Floyd was FULL OF DRUGS – from marijuana to meth to fentanyl – he even told the officers he had been ‘hooping’ putting drugs up his rectum. He was trying to pass a counterfeit $20. in order to get more drugs.
Floyd’s body was abused by longterm drug abuse and he had a record a mile long. He was a ticking time bomb – his date with death was very near.
Crump should be exposed for his fake concern for justice.
Crump is an opportunistic, greedy shyster!
“Discovery” should be PRETTY INTERESTING, as the body cam video may blow up the ENTIRE thing, look for a QUICK, aqnd LARGE settlement to protect the guilty, the MSM and DS.
Keeping it all in the family.
This goes with it.
I couldn’t help notice the picture of Mary, his mother, on the desk behind him. I was very impressed.
Yes, and his niece the trouble maker is named for her. She must be rolling.
BINGO. It is EXACTLY what you DO NOT do.
Forgot, did you know that Washington at Valley Forge used old school inoculation on his own men with small pox. That’s right to STOP the spread, he used LIVE small pox inserted into open incisions in a low quantity to “inoculate” his men, it WORKED. Some got sick, some even died, but it STOPPED the spread.
Sequester NEVER works, ONLY herd immunity TRULY works. I remember measles parties.
Well – they used leeches too.
Yep, and a TRUE story from Mrs Rex, once a long time ago, she was working in an ICU, and a man came in MASSIVELY fluid over logged. NOTHING was working and there was a VERY real danger the man could die from congestive hear failure.
They brought in LEECHES to down the fluid build up, and the man LIVED.
Whoa! I didn’t know this was still done. Or were you all in a 3rd world or foreign country?
It was right here in KY, about 25 years ago.
Parler is really excellent now. My goodness – a Roger Stone Tweet thanking Laura Loomer with LITERALLY thousands of likes and retweets and comments – this is what Twitter has been keeping in check. Katie Hopkins back with THOUSANDS of likes. Tons of quality everywhere.
Here’s InfoWars, reporting on ANTIFA from Andy Ngo’s timeline (which Tweet I don’t recall seeing on Twitter).
The Trump administration announced new guidelines on Wednesday. Starting today hospitals will be ordered to bypass the CDC and send ALL COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC.![comment image](
*twatter rt
WHOO-HOO … 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️ … God bless President Trump‼️ … ☺️🤚❤️..
It’s nuts … 🤬🤚‼️‼️‼️ …
Hey‼️‼️❓❓❓Guess what I found for purchase❓‼️
I hope the picture shows …
At this online place …
BWAHAHAHAHAHA … 😈👍‼️ … and don’t forget to wear a really good pair of running shoes 👟‼️
this is AWESOME!!!!!
love the colors too!!
Wow 😳 pat, you’re quick .. I like that 😜👍❤️
quick, fast, same thing, right?
but boy, my mama lectured me on that A LOT in high school…
funny, huh?
Ahhhhh, no I know you’re a fine woman ..
.. 🤨👍❤️‼️ …
oh I am…I can post some references if you like…bwahahahaha
Ahh 😃👍 .. 😉🤚 … here’s looking at you kid .. ❤️😛
Yeah me too … it’s awesome … bet we see them at a rally .. bwahahahahaha … 😂🤚
except isn’t that Mrs. Pence’s name?
She would probably approve! LOL
if she’s ok with it, awesome!!!!
Yes but … but … uhhhhhhhh 🤤 …. it’s not her Karen .. 😃👍❤️ …
wow…they’re morons!
For NEXT January?! This is nuts!
How about people pull this one down OR leave the statues up and make others.
the comments are great!
someone advocates for painting it first, then burning it down. someone else recommended throwing it in the river…lol
Ashville nc needs a good kick on the behind
True story, I once was in Ashville, and ALL the women looked like men, even at hooters, I asked innocently ” Why?” The reply, ” giggle. didn’t you know, Ashville is the San Francisco of the east”
I know more places are asking you to wear masks and I just wanted to pass this along. Your local libraries if you ask will give you free masks. So you don’t have to waste your money buying some or making no them.
And yes I hate having them on!
LOL…NBA players already reporting each other for infractions…LOL
NBA players are already complaining about each other at the bubble in Orlando.
According to Shams Charania, “multiple tips” have been called into the NBA’s hotline at Disney during the coronavirus pandemic. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)
Players are currently staying inside of a secure bubble at Disney ahead of games starting in about two weeks.
Bless their little prevailed hearts, I hope the NBA, dies a SLOW, painful death, unless and until the quit the PC, and DROP China. The same goes for my beloved NFL, get WOKE, go BROKE. Hey, I LIKE IT, just thought it up. I smell a T shirt coming!!! v You heard it HERE first!!!!!!!
Stole this from NebraskaFilly over at Marica’s place![comment image](
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The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, more. (via
Shhh- nobody tell the Americans of Chinese, Indian, Iranian, Korean or Filipino origin that they are actually white, according to this chart.![comment image](…
So what are they trying to say, black people don’t believe in two parent homes, don’t believe in reward for hard work, and have no respect for authority? No…This is what they want us to become — fatherless, dependent on the system, and lawless.…
Notice how they misrepresent everything? Got their ideas from “Max Webber” and never fixed them!
PURITAN work ethic:
Do your work as unto the Lord as an act of worship.
That’s why you should work well, you are working for the Lord.…
Reposted this on Facebook w/ the graphic of Jonathan Edwards:
Beware of Cultural Assumptions
Some people refer to the “Protestant Work Ethic” by borrowing concepts from Max Webber’s desacralized presentation: “Hard work is the key to success”, “Work before play”, “If you didn’t meet your goals, you didn’t work hard enough.” Work loses its sacred meaning and is distorted into an idol.
This does NOT represent the PURITAN work ethic which did not have a sacred/secular divide. Instead of the gospel of “hard work” the Puritans taught that you should do your work as unto the Lord as an act of worship, as a way of glorifying God in your life. That’s why you should work well, because you are working for the Lord. And the act of worshiping God in all aspects of life prevents us from having the Sunday/Work week divide. For the Christian, every day is a day of worship.
Leave it to the commies to lie about “white culture” – they’ve eliminated all education in Western Civilization so of course people don’t know they are being spoonfed poison.
Eliminated or lied about it. I’ve seen both in my lifetime.
Another problem that really annoys me: The false dichotomy between “individual” and “community”.
Leftists LOVE to pit individuals -VERSUS- community in a zero-sum game – if you exercise your individual rights, you are taking from the community.
They frame it this way to try to bully conservatives into defending untenable positions that represent atomistic libertarianism rather than conservatism – individual identity to the exclusion of all relationships but those voluntarily entered into.
The leftist loves this because he can have a heyday talking about how we are a community and that means WRONGLY that individuals have to “cede” some of their rights to become part of something bigger than themselves.
Nasty poison pill, that.
Individuals and community should not be pitted against each other. Ideally, they complement and enhance one another.
Strong individuals contribute to and benefit communities. Strong communities provide benefits for individuals.
The stronger and more productive the individual the stronger and more productive the community can be.
The rights of the individual DO NOT CONFLICT with the rights of the community. That is the beauty of the American experiment.
Any place where there is seeming conflict is a point where rights should be de-conflicted and harmonized, not neglected for the individual versus community, or the community against the individual.
Most LEFTISTS do not get “Win/Win” negotiations. They have a “winner take all” “zero sum” “win at all costs” “by any means necessary” mentality. They cannot appreciate what is involved in real teamwork b/c they are too narcissistic, selfish, and envious to make meaningful contributions to the good.
I admire paratroopers.
* General Gavin: “A leader in this outfit is the first one out the door of the airplane and the last one in the chow line.”
* In the hold of a C-130, there are only two types of people: jumper and jumpmaster. In the words of an airborne battalion commander, “When you are in line at manifest, no one cares what rank you are: You are a paratrooper. The jumpmaster in charge might be a sergeant, a major, or a colonel. It doesn’t matter. He’s a jumpmaster and that’s who you are listening to. You look to your right and left to see who the junior guy is, and that’s who you are going to take care of. To me, that’s beautiful.” It is.
* You don’t know who you are going to lose in the jump. So every single paratrooper down to the last man is trained and empowered to execute the complete mission, even if all the officers are lost.
World War II, which occurred precisely at the juncture between air transport capability and the invention of the helicopter, saw history’s first and only mass use of paratroopers dropped into battle from the sky, perhaps the most courageous combat task seen in modern warfare. And “Jumpin’ Jim” Gavin was by all accounts America’s best paratrooper leader.
His first combat jump was in Sicily, where as a battalion commander he found his men scattered all over the landscape in one of airborne’s greatest fiascos. Yet his stand with a few stalwarts at Biazza Ridge is credited with saving the U.S. invasion front. In Normandy, as assistant division commander of the 82nd Airborne, he won the eternal affection of his men for continuing to lead in combat, M-1 slung over his shoulder, even as his paratroopers were similarly scattered and faced German fire on all sides. His cool leadership served to coalesce the paratrooper bridgehead behind enemy lines until infantry from the beaches could finally reach them.
During Operation Market Garden, now as commander of the 82nd, Gavin wrote a new chapter in paratrooper heroism, seizing all his objectives despite a serious spinal injury on landing. With hardly a respite after the grueling campaign in Holland, Gavin and his men were called upon for perhaps their most dangerous task—stemming the German onslaught during the Battle of the Bulge. Though most historical kudos have gone to the 101st Airborne in that battle, for their gallant stand at Bastogne, it was the 82nd’s stand at St. Vith—where the Germans truly wanted to break through—that equally foiled Hitler’s last offensive attempt in the west.
After the war Gavin continued to earn as much respect from policymakers as he had from his men, providing commentary on our Cold War stance, the war in Vietnam, and as Kennedy’s ambassador to France. He was not an unflawed individual, as this comprehensive biography reveals, but an exceptional one in every sense, especially during his days of combat leadership during history’s greatest war.
What this doesn’t tell you is that his men would follow him to the Gates of Hell and keep going knowing that He would bring them back again!
NYT slapped with $10 million lawsuit by Liberty University
Virginia’s conservative Liberty University today filed a $10 million defamation suit against the embattled New York Times for a “made up” and damaging story that falsely charged that students returning from spring break became infected with the coronavirus because the school stayed open.
In a 100-page suit, with exhibits, filed in Virginia’s Lynchburg Circuit Court, the 49-year-old school also charged that New York Times reporter Elizabeth Williamson and photographer Julia Rendleman ignored “No Trespassing” signs to tour the campus at a time when the school was trying to keep outsiders, who could potentially be infected with COVID-19, away.
The paper had no immediate comment.
The long-threatened suit stems from a March 29 viral story that suggested several students were infected after returning from spring break. In fact, no student, staffer, or faculty member on campus was, or became, infected.
Ruthie is hone ALREADY???
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was discharged from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore on Wednesday, one day after she was admitted with a possible infection, a Supreme Court spokesperson said in a statement.
“She is home and doing well,” the spokesperson said.
The 87-year-old liberal was treated after reporting a fever and chills. She underwent a procedure to clean out a bile duct stent that was placed in August. On Tuesday, the court said that Ginsburg would remain in the hospital “for a few days to receive intravenous antibiotic treatment.”
Hospice at home? One can only hope so.
No, I’m not sorry for thinking it is far past time for that crone to go meet God and get out of our hair.
If she’d just retire…
it seemed like a fast trip to me considering her age and condition, but i know nothing about this. i truly wonder if she was having an adrenochrome withdrawal?
That woman has more lives than a stray cat.
absolutely agree
Hospice patients REGULARLY are sent home to die.
It would not surprise me if they wanted her out of the hospital, and away from exposure to disease and germs, ASAP.
that’s a good point
Embalming doesn’t take long
Tiegen has deleted 60,000!!!!!!!! tweets…man, it must be bad!
Well she was on the list Q posted about epstein….
some of the tweets are really twisted
I think someone posted a few. Yeah I never liked her. Very anti Trump says it all.
yeah…tying up your kids in the basement? wanting to watch children give birth? weird stuff
Ok I missed those. Yeah that’s creepy as hell.
IETs got a lot
I’m still wondering who this person is.
Trust me your not missing much. Isn’t she married to some singer who’s anti Trump? She was on a plane that turned around once and bitched all about it on twitter. She was a swim suit model I think….
Married to John legend. She’s a tranny
dunno…some famous gross chick
banners flying over NYC –brain child of Bannon![comment image](
The banners appear to be a bizarre stunt against the Chinese Communist Party launched by Steve Bannon and a fugitive Chinese billionaire, who together on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre declared the Chinese government illegitimate.
“From today the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will no longer be the lawful government of China,” the billionaire, Guo Wengui, shouted into a livestream from a boat in New York Harbor, with Bannon by his side and the Statue of Liberty in the background.
“I’m here to tell everybody that loves peace, law, humanitarian — we’re going to end the Communist Party once and for all. We got hundreds of countries of support,” Guo claimed.
Onlookers on Twitter said they noticed as many as eight planes carrying banners, some with the message “Congratulations to Federal State of New China!
Why not China is asshoe. We all know that in Chinese now
thanks to Steve’s weekly reminders…
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
The White House@WhiteHouse
The last Administration ADDED 16,000 pages of job-killing regulations to the Federal Register.
We’ve CUT nearly 25,000 pages.
Yeah. Cut more!!!!!!!
If I didn’t know you, I’d have said something very rude in response.
Never met a calorie she didn’t like
Oatly, the popular Swedish oat milk brand, has received $200 million from a Blackstone-led, star-studded investment group that included Oprah Winfrey, Natalie Portman, Jay-Z’s entertainment agency, and former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.
The equity investment represents a 10% share of the company,
I don’t know but this just feels off….
It is off.
It’s not cow’s milk, it’s “oat milk”.
They’re planning to get rid of all cattle, including dairy cattle.
If they can pull off a livestock pandemic they stand to make a fortune.
Trump: “They wanna kill our cows! That means you’re next!”
OMG – that’s it – it all ties together at the large-trend level. Cattle #Plannedemics and #OverReachCulls until meat is priced out of existence.
Trump’s gonna need to “De-Fauci” a lot more than CDC. Oh, this all makes sense now.
When they’re in power, they weaponize law and their own actions or INACTIONS.
When they’re out of power, they use EVENTS to stay in power. So expect EVENTS.
Missed Sunday’s Message ? Join us for the rebroadcast now….
Zero did anything. Yeah go right ahead. Anything Trump OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ivanka Trump defends Goya post that watchdogs call unethical
That’s Catherine Herridge… She is (usually) an excellent reporter.
She used to work at FOX but now she’s with NBC.
I hope she offers an apology and a correction… Even if it costs her her NBC gig.
EDIT CBS (not NBC… Not that there’s much of a difference!)
She’s absorbing their CRAP CULTURE at CBS.
WAY out of character for her…
Someone got to her…
I think she may have been set up by her editor and other higher-ups at CBS.
No doubt in my mind… She is far better than that.
She’s one of the few veteran reporters that I would have liked to see at OAN… Hope she didn’t blow her chance.
Happy Catherine Herridge got slapped down. I like Catherine, usually. But that is simply the dumbest question she has ever asked.
Maybe DJT arranged with her to ask the question that way. I think it’s called a softball or a Clinton Coached Query.
I’m stunned. This is the same woman with the pens and markers? Has to be more to this story.
It may have been a set up. Like ask this to get my response out there
Why would anyone fall for this?
Bitcoin you say….
Laughing at the ignorant people that fell for it.
I can picture it now.
Hey zero there are zeros in my bank account. Where’s my $2,000
Or is this like the cdc it’s 9.8 vs 98
So 2 cents instead of $2,000
They are rich but dirty. They trying to buy back their texts
The bitcoin crap is *COVER*, IMO. This is a state-level hack to scoop up DMs, IMO. The people who did this are PROS. They know that Twitter will RIDE THE COVER STORY HARD because it’s better for investors and will keep the rich and powerful on the platform.
Twitter has had an APT (advanced persistent threat) IMO – probably China or Russia – and that is why we’re getting slow service, too. This APT was in place for a good while to get the bitcoin cover so smooth and realistic. One guess is that Twitter is no longer able to guarantee success in ousting Trump, so China is bullying its way in to “take care of things”.
I may ban Twitter plugin completely. Get ready, people. I’m not kidding. This is bad stuff.
Twitter is CHYYYNNAA’s Tik-Tok replacement.
Alex Salvi@alexsalvinews
BREAKING: The National Association of Police Organizations endorses Pres. Trump’s reelection.
17Arrows![comment image](
The battle of the ‘MASK’ is more important than some may realize. It is crucial that we rally around our Constitutional rights, and NOT allow a county or state to tell us what to do. WE ARE IN THE RIGHT, they are not. Our only help will be almighty God. Elite count on this.
The Library
Lou Dobbs
Law and Order President: Stephen Miller says there will be a major announcement next week on how @POTUS will use his full authority to rescue long-suffering citizens of Democrat-run cities. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs
Stephen Miller is on fire!
Yes …
Annu 17![comment image](
Tick Tock. How fast can you run?
But . . . is it real or is it Memorex?
Exactly. We need original photos and the people who took them. So many bogus memes out there. I have one featured in my next daily – real photo – bad explanation to create negative meme.
BTW, it turns out that the Q photo of the Whidbey Island “missile event” was well sourced. I stumbled onto the relevant parties and their tweets looking for something else entirely. The people who took the image are solid, and they (and others) say it looks like validated missiles that bunch has taken before. There was a drop-into-timeline shill explanation of it that looked like a cover “debunk” as a photographic effect – YEAH – I’ve seen that before, too – my money is strongly on it being a missile. However, even given that, the “why” is still where everybody wanted it – in Uncertaintyville.
CJTRUTHMedium starMedium starMedium star@cjtruth
Who supported MS-13? Democrats
Quote Tweet
American Wife
· 4h
Omg he’s talking about ms13 getting the green light to assassinate people
As I understand AG Barr’s comments:
> A request is made for a hit
> Request goes to El Salvador org
> Comes back to MS-13 honcho in US
> Puts orders to an illegal invader army in the US to do the deed
All kept neatly “off the books”.…
Yes that’s how I read it too and WOW! Is this a shot across the bow to the deep state illustrating our knowledge of their comms?! Like we can trace some of the hits called in including maybe a certain Seth Rich! To throw it out publicy in the presser just seems crazy!
Thanks for fleshing that out Michael…
Can’t wait to hear it:
Did you all see that walmart is becoming an emboldened mask nazi company as of next week?
Just like Costco, they dont care if your state is claiming you should wear one, they demand across the board compliance. So emboldened by the government picking winners and losers they feel entitled to mistreat their customers.
This is going to be bad. They will have a black shirt, not a brown shirt, checking your compliance as you enter, and only 1 entrance point into the stores. Same for Sam’s club.
Well for those with ADA, they can ask but they cannot force or refuse. So how the hell do they think they can do this?
I wonder if they will try to put a hand stamp on people or a sticker on their shirt? Will it be star shaped?
How POTUS can support any large company is beyond me. This callous and fascistic comment says they dont give a rip about abyone, because they are corporate communists with control over main street.
Walmart says shoppers must wear masks inside its stores starting Monday — the largest retailer to join a growing list of companies making face covering mandatory across the nation.
Walmart and Sam’s Club — as well as Kroger — are joining Costco, Starbucks, Best Buy, Panera Bread and others in implementing a nationwide requirement for customers to wear masks inside their stores. Walmart said it’s creating a new job of “health ambassador,” who will be specially trained to “work with customers who show up at a store without a face covering to try and find a solution.”
The National Retail Federation said it hoped Walmart’s move is “a tipping point in this public health debate” and urged all retailers to adopt a similar policy. Within hours, Kroger — the largest U.S. supermarket chain — said it will also require shoppers to wear masks starting July 22.
“Shopping in a store is a privilege, not a right,” the retail trade group NRF said in a statement on Wednesday. “If a customer refuses to adhere to store policies, they are putting employees and other customers at undue risk.”
This is why they’re trying so hard to kill off small businesses with shutdowns, ridiculous compliance requirements, and now a coin shortage. They want the only businesses left to be a bunch of globalist corporations who will force the NWO agenda whether the government is on board or not.
You got it. The switch from wall street to main street is being kneecapped EASILY by government and the banks via their ppp favortism.
Agreed. Big business and Deep State and globonazis are killing small business – the commie-hated “petty bourgeoisie”.
And theyre caught in the i cant lose X license or endorsement and dint have the money to fight bc I had to lay off my employees and work open to close to feed my family.
PPP favoritism will come back to bite them. Treasury+DOJ will be sure of that.
And here I thought the post earlier today from some gal in CA splained how masks CAN’T be required. Dunno if it was in Flep’s news or daily. But is was today.
Thats the Healthy American lady. She is right, and really they cannot demand compliance if you claim ADA. The deal is if they throw you out, you get all their info and file an ADA complaint. Itll require you to do some legwirk, but you dont get to shop. They also can do a no trespass on you, but the police or sheriff who writes that is ALSO violating the ADA, ie your civil rights.
I downloaded a couple of the forms Im going to carry soecific to the ada and CA law.
You should do the same.
Do you have a link where such forms would be available? I really need them, but for Montana.
Start here.
Good to read ^^^.
CA laws won’t help here. The couple times a year I am in CA, I will have the Healthy American Lady video and information.
I gotta find a like law here in NV.
Surely sucks we are going through this.
It does.
Just don’t go there…
You have Target in CA?
Precisely why I have been stocking up..just will not play their control games.
just shop online and have it sent to your home. Or do pick up where they bring it to your car.
Im going to have to. They started making you buy multiples online for delivery now and I havent done pick up but I will now.
FYI Walmart grocery pick up if you do it the first time has a 10 off 50 code. I know people who keep making new accounts to get the discount every single time….
Lol. Good!
Well yes. But I limit target bc of all the other issues like today, I went over there and they were selling a Mattel made transgender barbie type doll. Changeable hair, non specific gender rainbow clothing. Plus the prices are 10% higher on average.
Where do we go when overwhelmed?
Dollar tree?
And Walmart doesn’t sell that doll?
Overwhelmed? I don’t shop much, except for groceries… Aldi’s works for me… and Target for items Aldi’s doesn’t have… and local whenever possible.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelations 13:16-17
davealvord164 Retweeted
Dave Portnoy@stoolpresidente
The blue checkmarks have been locked out by twitter. Did Pres do it again or did Pres do it again?
The Babylon Bee
is currently unable to tweet, you’ll just have to follow us for your fake news.
Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass![comment image](
Twitter “hack” occurs 111 days before the Nov 3 election.
Q drop 111:
Thank you T3…………………………………. chills indeed…
If the alleged coin shortage is truly that severe that it’s affecting cash transactions nationwide, then why can’t the President use the Defense Production Act to force the US Mint to operate at full capacity?
I have yet to see a single sign here about it.
How to deal with “mandatory” mask regs in stores.
Wear a MAGA hat or a MAGA shirt. When challenged for no mask, tell them that they really do not want to get sued for discriminating against Trump supporters. When they say that’s not what it is, go full Karen on them. When the manager gets there, tell him/her that you are exempt due to medical condition and the ADA exempts you from having to disclose that condition.
Then tell him that you intended to spend X number of dollars but that you’ll leave if he/she would rather get an ADA lawsuit.
Lol, politics is oa6rt of the CA discrimination law.
On twitter being hacked concerning blue ckeckmarked high profiled accounts like POTUS Donald J. Trump
The hacking of high-profile accounts?
Are you f****** kidding me?
No hacker worth their mud would take the risk 2 going to prison for this scum..
This is a false flag. This is something [they] did this sets in motion more rules to infringe on the First amendment. #PURGE
And for a bonus the DNC got the bitcoin boost FTW. Go Joe!
Tech CEO found really really dead in NYC
Bangladeshi ride-app king!!! Pro hit! Part of it (attacker rode up with him in elevator) ON VIDEO!!!
From the details it seems the killer was interrupted before he “disappeared” the body parts out of the apartment in a suitcase, never to be seen again. Instead of a gruesome news story, it would be a missing persons story. Not sure the motive or what they were planning to do after the dirty deed.
Donald J. Trump
I am pleased to announce that Bill Stepien has been promoted to the role of Trump Campaign Manager. Brad Parscale, who has been with me for a very long time and has led our tremendous digital and data strategies, will remain in that role, while being a Senior Advisor to the…
Donald J. Trump
…campaign. Both were heavily involved in our historic 2016 win, and I look forward to having a big and very important second win together. This one should be a lot easier as our poll numbers are rising fast, the economy is getting better, vaccines and therapeutics will soon…
Donald J. Trump
…be on the way, and Americans want safe streets and communities!
So Parscale dropped the ball after all?
Seems POTUS has a campaign manager to set up campaign and another one to drive the victory home
2016 example.
Pascale is now doing his thing what he does best 🙂 Just my take.
As long as trump wins I don’t care who’s leading it!
Curious but no one really making a big deal about it.
Nahh.. installing a fire wall between Brad and the enemy is all.
Ok good.
“vaccines and therapeutics will soon… be on the way,”
Every time he says vaccines will soon be on the way, it’s like somebody waving an old-time medicine bottle around with a skull and cross-bones on it… I don’t know how that’s supposed to make anybody feel better 😂😂😂
@WhiteHouse![comment image](
Real Americans don’t hide behind a silly mask
This would be embarrassing if not for leftist soy boy beta males and females.
Thoughts? there are so many Morricone fans here, I thought it a good idea to ask.
That was fun. His music really added something to the movies. They got #1 right.
Diamond and Silk on live 7-15-2020 breaking it all the way down.
I just love the color coordinated drinks. 😄
* Giggle * Me, too!!!
Hey, I didn’t realize this was about ME, ME, ME, and that Fauci was talking to ME!!!![comment image](
Carol (@LAVagrants) Tweeted:
CA Dreaming! Remember this is Venice – which is 3square miles, has gunshots nearly every night and most streets are lined w/addicts’ tents & feces-spewing campers. Don’t get excited about proximity to the beach either – that’s lined w/vagrants & needles too. Happy Househunting!
Carlos has a THREAD… no Reader yet, remember to remove the ‘splat’ (*)
Here’s first tweet, teaser 😉
Carlos Osweda
DELIBERATELY played into the Orange Man Bad narrative.
I can’t even list the reasons why, but I’ll hit you with the most important ones.
THIS Would Convince Tim To Vote For TRUMP In 2020
There are a few issues that are make or break deals for Tim, and two that are especially sticking points, hills to die on, that could really convince him to …
Carlos Osweda
Trump is a student of General Wang Jingze, author of The Thirty-six Stratagems.
Chapter 5: Proximate Stratagems
No. 3
President Trump replaces campaign manager Brad Parscale with GOP veteran Bill Stepien
Stepien, who was the deputy manager for the president’s reelection bid, was promoted to the role of campaign manager, Donald Trump announced on Wednesday. “Brad Parscale, who has been with me for a very long time and has led our tremendous digital and data strategies, will remain in that role, while being a Senior Advisor to the campaign,” Trump said.
… Thinking it’s time to ramp things up for the final stretch.
Q-How a single letter changed the world (@CANADAProTrump) Tweeted:
@langdaleca @sethjlevy @Twitter Such a simple plan, I’m surprised @jack didn’t think of this sooner.
Dagnabbit it’s those pesky Ruskies… AGAIN!!!![comment image](…
Screw Walmart too…
It is a big ask. And I’m not doing it. It isn’t bad science and they aren’t conspiracy theories.
I am making a t-shirt for myself, since my sorry-ass puke of a governor, Bullock of Montana, has now mandated masks.
It will read “I have a medical condition. No mask, don’t ask.”
I like it. Like my body my choice
Attacking gate agents?
Yes, I’ll say it. It was exactly as I had imagined.
“The website goes on to advise: “If you identify as white, acknowledging your white racial identity and its privileges is a crucial step to help end racism.”
Okay, I’ma gonna try it.
Here I go…
“Facing your whiteness is hard and can result in feelings of guilt, sadness, confusion, defensiveness, or fear.”
It didn’t work, just like the last hundred times.
Every time I try, it only brings me feelings of joy, happiness, clarity, openness, good will toward men, confidence, inspiration… makes me want to burst out in song 😁😂😁
Who knew feelin’ bad could feel so good?
Makes me want to think about being white ALL the time 🤣🤣🤣