Hillary Clinton Email Analysis Working Thread

Get your work in here. I will update the post after it goes up.

Here is where to go to start looking:

LINK: https://foia.state.gov/search/results.aspx?collection=Clinton_Email

They have a very nice PDF reader – everything you need to start digging is right there.

Go for it! Add your screenshots, copyings, comments, and analysis below.


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Rodney Short

Game on…..


I’ve seen a few of these. Constant “top of mind.”


Bingo, she’s an Iranian op. She wormed her way in by assuming a bisexual role and then became the significant other in HRC’s life. That would give her immense power and control in favor of Iran.


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I believe the redaction is merely the domain of the recipient “williamsbarrett”, and, in fact, you can see the left 1/4 of the @.


Another email I found. Page 912, email subject line Re: NPR:
In this one, Clinton writes to Jacob J. Sullivan:
“I’ve reviewed the memo from Bob and Derek and can agree w its comments but would like to know what Jim thinks.”
Sullivan answers “Jim concurs in the memo recommendations.”
I have to assume “Jim” is Lehrer. I can’t find Bob and Derek. I thought they might be producers of the Newshour, but I can’t find them.
What interested me about this is how they are in contact with Jim Lehrer, massaging the news cycle. I don’t think most “normies” understand how much their sainted “Newshour” was manipulated and controlled from the WH.


Found it.
WARNING: it looks like they may be adding to the email tranche or something, because the page numbers don’t appear to be the same anymore. I searched using ‘DAR’ and found several.


OMG! Wolf, search for the ‘DAR’ email date 11-14-2012. Did this EVER hit the news? I don’t remember it. I feel sick. These people are twisted.


Yeah, I found another email with some of the Laura Silsby stuff in it, and they just read on by it. Makes sense, it is commonplace to these monsters.


Page 916, email subject line Romney:
“This pretty much means we pulled this off.
Romney: Chen Guangchen Episode Underscores Need To Stand Up For Human Rights
May 19, 2012
Mitt Romney today made the following statement on Chen Guangcheng:
“I am heartened and relieved that Chen Guangcheng and his family are on their way to the United States and out of China. I commend the U.S. diplomats and officials who worked to ensure that the Chinese government followed through on its commitments. This episode underscores the need for the United States to forthrightly stand up for the human rights of the Chinese people.””


This is what wikip has on Chen Guangcheng – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chen_Guangcheng


I remember him praising President Trump and found this video:

I just wondered why the Cabal would be happy they “pulled off” getting him out, if that’s what they were celebrating “pulling off.” I don’t trust anything or anyone they are aligned with.


He’s associated with the Witherspoon Institute, about which I know nothing. It’s supposed to be a conservative think tank.


Oh, I remember that, he was reading Braille.


Bastards. All of them.


I can’t find a pattern on dates. Page 507 has entries from 2009, 506 from 2012, 505 from 2010, etc.
I searched for 9/11/2012, and it pulls up lots of other dates too. I see emails about schedules and forwarding media articles to one another, but nothing so far with personal comments or opinions or observations. A couple of them had redacted information. I don’t see how anyone can find anything without spending lots of time.


I poked around a bit, and yes, it appears that one needs a lot of time, stickies, notepads, etc. I did look at en email exchange with Lanny Davis that confirmed what we’ve known all along, that she was utilizing communication lines outside of the official ones all over the place.


Page , email subject line FW: Nasser Judeh:
This one was CLASSIFIED, 1.4 (b) Foreign government information, and 1.4 (d) Foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources.
“Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 11/30/2015 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL — Reason: 1.4(B), 1.4(D) — Declassify on: 05/22/2027 ”
This is Nasser Judeh of Jordan:
“Judeh was appointed by King Abdullah II as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the cabinet of Prime Minister Nader Dahabi.[6] He continued to serve as Foreign Minister in all the cabinets formed between 2009 and 2017. He held the portfolio of Foreign Minister for the fifth time in the cabinet who assumed the post on 11 October 2012.[7] Judeh retained his post in the second cabinet of Ensour formed on 30 March 2013.[8] In 2015 he was made Deputy Prime Minister alongside his role as Foreign Minister. His tenure as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister ended on 15 January 2017 after a cabinet reshuffle.[9]”


Oooh, this one is about Laura Sillsby. Page 919, email subject Amcits in Haiti:
Hillary to Cheryl Mills:
“Agree that if they’re released then get them out asap. Either we or DOJ can issue statement.”
This is the ONLY part visible of a long email chain containing the names Koh, Harold Hongju; Merten, Kenneth H; Kennedy, Patrick F Cc: Torres, Susan; Johnson, Clifton M. Everything else is redacted.
The dates match the event, this is definitely about Sillsby. I wonder what is under all that redaction? The redacted part is labeled “Privileged/Attorney-Client Privilege/Attorney Work Product/Deliberative/SBU”
The name Harold Honju Koh shows up in almost all of the Haiti-related emails I’ve read. He was a Legal Adviser to the State Department, but why does he show up all over Haiti docs?
There are so many rabbit-holes in these emails it is nuts!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Hongju_Koh Guess what? Amongst all the wiki gobbledy gook is a picture of Koh, Chen Guangcheng, and Gary Locke, former Gov of WA state and Ambassador to China. I think you’re right to be suspicious.

Concerned Virginian

Now that Hillary Clinton’s emails are declassified and being disseminated to WE, THE PEOPLE, perhaps at some point, it may be a good idea to have a “running list” of PEOPLE mentioned in the emails who are deceased — and who died in an “accident”, by “suicide”, etc.
First one that comes to mind is JIM LEHRER, who died in Washington DC in January of this year, age 85; Heart attack.


Found and interesting on RE Benghazi. a year before the debacle.
The Secretary’s Call Sheet for Admiral Mike Mullen Purpose of Call: To discuss goals for the high-level meeting in Paris on September 1, the endgame for NATO’s Operation Unified Protector, and efforts to ensure leadership/cohesion of the Transitional National Council (TNC). Talking Points 1.4(B) 1.4(D) B1 Background: In advance of the high-level meeting in Paris tomorrow, Admiral Mullen has requested to speak with you about Libya’s post-Qadhafi transition. Operation Unified Protector’s Chiefs of Defense met August 29 in Doha to discuss Libya’s transition following the TNC’s military and political advances in Libya on August 21-22. Allies and operational partners expressed commitment to continue OUP as long Qadhafi’s forces threaten civilians. Several Allies pressed the TNC for more information on their immediate military needs. TNC National Security Advisor Bazama provided August 30 over $150,000 in funding for the TNC team scheduled to depart for Waddan today (August 31). U.S. representatives in Benghazi are working with the TNC to finalize their plans. While regime forces are currently in charge of the security situation in Waddan, their eventual loyalty remains to be seen. Classified by DAS, A/GIS, DoS on 03/01/2019 — Class: CONFIDENTIAL — Reason: 1.4(B), 1.4(D) — Declassify on: 03/01/2029 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-05056 Doc No. C06765925 Date: 05/14/2019
This is from Huma to Hillary. I want to know MORE about the TNC, and this $150000. Nearly a year before Benghazi.

Gail Combs

“…requested to speak with you about Libya’s post-Qadhafi transition….”
So they were ALREADY planning to MURDER Qadhafi.


My thinking.


INTERESTING John Kerry to pakistan…BEFORE Bin Laden was killed? Working out some DETAILS.
Sun night — JK dinner with Gen. Kayani (and Gen. Pasha if he’s still around) as soon as we land. This would just be the Senator with Kayani and/or Pasha, no other staff. • Mon morning — JK breakfast with Amb. Munter and Adm. LeFever. (Also, the Senator is very concerned about what he’s hearing on KLB so either at the breakfast or elsewhere, he may want to meet with Robin Raphel and/or Andy Sisson to discuss KLB). • Mon morning- 1.4(D) • Mon lunch — One on one lunch with President Zardari B1 • Meeting with PM Gilani — very brief but we understand the importance of meeting him while in town B5 • Press — Roundtable with Pakistani press and a roundtable with international press SBU This email is UNCLASSIFIED. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05785288 Date: 01/29/2016


https://foia.state.gov/search/Results.aspx?caseNumber=F-2014-20439 This is the case number for my above on Kerry.


OMG…Of special note is Gabriel or Gabi Taweel of the Palestinian Authority; he is sharp, witty, a good friend of the U.S., anxious to get a genuine two state solution in place, and he is also the brother of Suha Arafat, the widow of Yasser, who is in residence in Malta.
Remember Charles Tawil that set up Papadopolous the 2nd time…from MALTA, and this guy is from the PLA. OMG…it gets BETTER
Guess what Suha Arafat’s MAIDEN name is…Tawil from WIKI on Gabi Tawill
Suha Arafat (Arabic: سهى عرفات‎; born Suha Daoud Tawil (Arabic: سهى داود الطويل‎) on 17 July 1963) is the widow of former Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat
Wiki lists that Tawil is also sometimes spelled TAWEEL.
I was just reading this random synopsis because it had Malta in it, it seems it is a TREASURE TROVE. Malta is where Joseph Mifsud is FROM. This was dated Sunday, October 16, 2011.
The letter is from Cheryl Mkiolls to Hillary, and is a primer for Hillary’s trip to MALTA in 2011
DAMN, MORE from this, what does THIS mean
“I never anticipated that I would not be there on the tarmac at Luqua when the Secretary arrived, but my happiness is great knowing that it is going to happen. I am a bit surprised, of course, that the President accepted my offer to resign when I was simply carrying forward what josh Dubois in the White House called the “special presidential logic” of my assignment, but I fear there was just some very unfortunate miscommunication which gave the Secretary the sense that we were swimming in a direction that would have raised constitutional issues”
And how about THIS at the end when this person gives a paragraph to transllate into Maltese
“Malta is a good friend of the United States because it is a good friend of peace. Malta knows the price of war and the price is always too high. Malta’s influence as a highly stable democratic Republic, as a knowledgeable trading partner, and as a geographic link to better north-south and interfaith understanding ( did my good friend Doug Kmiec help with this translation?). I am very pleased to see this excellently completed new embassy. It is a sign of our confidence in Malta and our gratitude for helping Ambassador Kmiec and Charge Mills come to the aid of our Tripoli staff caught in the crossfire in Libya and the role it has played in giving humanitarian relief”
There is a LOT in this to unpack.
Case # F-2014-20439


A BIG ONE. Where in here or the recently released texts did I see mention of CT…I think it was CHARLES Tawil. Not anyone in DOJ.
Do you finf it INTERESTING or coincidental that Hillary is in MALTA, and meeting with Arafat’s WIDOW, who just so happens to have a maiden of TAWILL, and then later CT is mentioned, and we KNOW he set up Pappadopolous the 2nd go around.
Malta is a BIG old red flag now, because Mifsud is from Malta. Oh and Wiki Lists Tawil as being an Israeli businessman…yep from the Palestinian side…ARAFAT.
Then we have Kerry in Pakistan RIGHT before Bin Laden is killed, and Hill in Lybia talking with opposition right before Kadahfi is killed. McCain is ALSO mentioned in that long primer on MALTA. lots OF SNAKES ROAMING ABOUT THERE.


I suggest there will be Vatican stuff with Malta. Francis destroyed the Knights of Malta some years back. I believe money was being laundered through there. He ousted the leaders and installed his own people.


That was my thought. Francis removed good people, and put in his toadies


DAMN…just keeps getting DEEPER and DEEPER. Like THIS from Sydney Blumenthal..who was NOT even supposed to be involved in US politics AT ALL per Obama.
From: tyler drumhellerTo: sbwhoeoSent: Wed, Feb 9, 2011 6:31 pmSubject: Fw: North AFSubject: Fw: North AFSib, just received this.In addition to the 12 Feb demonstrations in Algiers, there will be demonstrations in Tripoli and other Libyan cities on 17February. There have also been anti-government/cor ruption demonstrations in Sudan. The Islamists are holding back in all ofthese places with idea that they can come in after a period of time. They believe that it is in their interest to let thegovernments and pro-democracy demonstrators bear the brunt of the struggle and they can come in as an organizedopposition force.tUNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-07895 Doc No. C06154894 Date: 0912012018
Do you KNOW what this is? THIS is the details of the Arab “spring” “come in as ORGANIZED opposition FORCE”


Yes I concur, se why I said OMG, and the RABBIT hole is DEEP.
Then we have the Blumenthal letter. It is ALL CAUSE AND EFFECT.
They CREATED all the chaos…it is ALL here, and I just went through a few pages…did a search for Chris Stevens, and BOOM, all these appeared in ORDER.


Gee, here is one from Hillary to Marty Torrey…RELEVENT to the Alice in Wonderland Q posts?
our “top hat” photo is classic–and just a little Mad Hatteresque! Oman is worth another visit, Yemen not so much undercurrent security conditions, UAE and Qatar always impressive but with difficult decisions ahead. Hope you’re staying warm inthis snowy season. Good luck w the new Congress–HUNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-07895 Doc No. C06154257 Date: 09126/2018


Well, isn’t this just special…Hillary was in on the GROUND floor of the ACA.
From:To:CC:Neera Tandenhdr22@clintonemail.comNeera TandenSubject: Re: Update on health careWe struck up some new alliances in the WH and steadily made the pretty stark case about how this would be a lost opportunityto the President, and he moved in the right direction, The President was asked to make real decisions today and he did, Thatwill be hard to be undone. Not impossible, but hard. To be clear, where we’ve ended up is not perfect by any stretch, just aLOT better than a week ago.I was put in charge of developing the specifics of the hc plan for the WH health care team, which includes all the keyoffices. But really, there’s a LOT of bureaucratic warfare happening, so who knows how long this will last. Someone couldmake some kind of new play next week.You were – as you usually are – totally right – it was actually good we kept fighting and didn’t give up. I kind of had my backagainst the wall last Sunday. Thanks for that,— On Fri, 2/13/09, H wrote:From: HSubject: Re: Update on health careTo: “Neera Tanden”Date: Friday, February 13, 2009, 11:12 PMGreat to hear good news about health care! Glad it–and you–are on the upswing. What happened?UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-07895 Doc No. C06153833 Date: 09/27/2018


From: Neera TandenDate: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 19:55:00 -0800 (PST)To:Subject: Update on health careThings have gotten dramatically better on health care! We’re not out of the woods til the budget is locked, but we’re close tothat and it’s been actually positive movement. The President has been pushing.Thanks for your concern last weekend – that day turned out to be the nadir, on many levels.Good luck on your trip.UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-07895 Doc No. C06153833 Date: 09127/2018



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hillarycare was much, much worse in its original form.
It would have become illegal to pay for your own medical care under Hillarycare from the get-go. I have no doubt that was the ultimate goal of Obolacare but at least it wouldn’t have been instantaneous.


I’m knocking off for the day. One thing I can say with absolute certainty, having only gotten through about thirty pages of over 1700; yoga and wedding plans my ass! This is a nightmare of information which was wide-open to China, Russia, or anybody with a hacker on the payroll.
It is almost inconceivable to me that the bitch is not in prison.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hope you’re awake again and doing well.


Up and somewhat better, thanks!