The Great Conjunction
Instead of politics, I’m going to talk about what’s about to happen on the 21st at about 5PM.
Jupiter and Saturn, which appear in the southwestern sky shortly after sunset, will appear in our sky only 6 arc minutes apart. When they come close to each other like this, it’s called a Great Conjunction, because it’s the rarest of all possible conjunctions involving planets visible with the naked eye.
That is one fifth of the apparent width of the full moon.
It’s also about the width of six quarters, laid out side to side, at a hundred yards, or about a six inch wide object at that distance.
As of 5 PM Friday the 11th, Mountain Time, or 0000 Zulu on the 12th, they are 1.08 degrees apart in the sky, which is to say about 65 arc minutes. (60 arc minutes makes a degree).
I know this because I downloaded a bunch of sun-centered coordinates for Earth, Jupiter and Saturn from the NASA website, built a spreadsheet to do the calculations to center the coordinates on earth, then did a vector cross product of the normalized vectors and took the arcsine. (That either meant something to you…or it didn’t!) What you are about to see here in my diagrams, below, is the real stuff, with the real planetary positions, as best as I can draw it; it’s not some notional cartoon.
As of 5 PM on the 21st, Mountain Time, the separation is 0.105 degrees, which is 6.3 arc minutes.
If you look through a telescope at 5PM MST on the 21st, this is what you will see:
Yes, you will see Jupiter and Saturn in the SAME field of view, without having to shift!
Now if you’ve been watching Jupiter and Saturn since this summer, when they were essentially right on top of the Summer Milky Way Galaxy, you noticed they were close. They don’t seem much closer today, but they’re going to get a lot closer, a lot faster now.
What’s going on?
Again, going back to my NASA data dump, I can create a picture, looking down from above the Sun’s north pole, of 5 PM on the 12th. The dots representing the planets and sun are actually much too large, but the distances are to scale.
The arrows correspond to how fast (and in what direction) the planets are moving around the Sun, and they’re even scaled…the length of the shaft of the arrow is how much it will move in ten days (ignore the head of the arrow, which is sized to be bigger than the shaft for Saturn’s arrow).
Earth is “up” from the Sun in this diagram because the way the coordinate system is defined, it’s on the X axis to the right of the sun at the beginning of fall (in the northern hemisphere). A quarter of a year later, Earth has moved almost ninety degrees around its orbit, so it will be near the Y axis, “above” the Sun.
You can see that the earth is moving one way (“left” on the diagram), and Jupiter and Saturn are moving the other way (right-ish), and furthermore that Jupiter is catching up to Saturn. (Since both Jupiter and Saturn are moving in nearly-circular orbits, and Jupiter is closer to the Sun, Jupiter moves faster than Saturn, and Earth moves faster still. See Kepler’s second and third laws.) With Jupiter to the left of the Earth-Saturn line, and moving rightwards towards that line, and Earth moving to the left, dragging one end of the Earth-Saturn line with it, Jupiter’s going to find itself on that line pretty doggone quickly.
Shazam, you now have the closest conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter (by definition as seen from Earth) in about 800 years!
But you might think, doesn’t this happen every time Jupiter “laps” Saturn? Jupiter, moving around the Sun once every 12 years, will lap Saturn, moving around the sun every 28 years, every 20 years or so. And indeed there is a great conjunction just about every 20 years, sometimes even multiples in that year if the timing is such that Earth zig-zags across the Saturn-Jupiter line.
But most great conjunctions aren’t really this close as seen from Earth. The reason that’s not plain here is that these pictures do not, and cannot, tell the whole story. They’re two dimensional and the full story is three dimensional.
Although the orbits almost lie in the same plane, they do not. And that difference is critical. The diagrams are set up so that they show the Earth’s orbital plane, also called the plane of the ecliptic. Jupiter’s is tilted by 1.31 degrees, and Saturn’s is tilted 2.48 degrees. So it turns out that right now, those planets would, in fact, be slightly inside your screen if it were a 3D display. If you take the Earth’s orbit’s radius (not diameter) as “1 Astronomical Unit” then Jupiter is almost exactly 5% or 1/20th of that distance inside your screen. Saturn is 7% of that distance into your screen. You can hopefully imagine the line from Earth descending at a shallow gradient into the screen, going through Jupiter, then continuing its descent and almost crossing through Saturn, which is just a bit deeper into the screen.
Different great conjunctions occur when Jupiter and Saturn are at different spots in their orbits, and in many cases one of them will be above the plane of your computer screen while the other one is below it. What you’d see here on Earth when that happens is one of them crossing considerably to the north of the other in the sky, rather than almost–almost–right on top of each other.
That’s why this great conjunction is so special. They’re not just lined up on my diagram (as they would be every 20 years or so), they’re damn close to being lined up in three dimensions, so from Earth, you will see Jupiter almost directly in front of Saturn, and that is rare! (Though it will happen again in sixty years–today’s young adults and children will have another shot at this–but after that, wait four centuries or so.)
It’s important to note that the planets never actually get close to each other. Jupiter and Saturn are further apart than the distance from the Earth to the Sun. It’s just that sometimes they are almost on the same line of sight as seen from here.
Star of Bethlehem?
This event is being hyped as the “Star of Bethlehem.” But whatever it was that happened then, it probably wasn’t a great conjunction. Trying to nail down just what the original Star of Bethlehem actually was (assuming it isn’t completely mythical) has been an occasional pastime for nearly two thousand years. We don’t know the year, and frankly, we don’t even know the season. (There’s no actual scriptural warrant for the nativity being in late December.) The nativity is described in two of the gospels, Matthew and Luke, with the Star of Bethlehem only appearing in Matthew’s account. The time indications in the two gospels are actually years apart (Herod’s reign ended in 4 BC, Quirinius didn’t become governor of Syria until 6 AD). Even if there’s a way to reconcile that through some new historical discovery, which year would the reconciliation point to?
People seeking an astronomical event that could have been the Star of Bethlehem therefore have to search over at least a ten year range. Well there was a Great Conjunction in 7 BC (in fact they got three of them because the Earth managed to zigzag across the Jupiter-Saturn line that year), but it wasn’t close enough to be very impressive, and 7 BC was almost certainly too early anyway.
But there was a very close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in 2 BC, near Regulus, the brightest star in Leo, on June 17. It was certainly more visually striking, because Venus is far brighter than Saturn, and the conjunction was closer than any of the three great conjunctions in 7 BC, to boot. This could be a candidate.
2002 Triple Conjunction
There was a series of conjunctions, albeit not involving Jupiter, in 2002. I remember there was quite a clustering of planets in the evening sky that year. According to Wikipedia:
Venus, Mars and Saturn appeared close together in the evening sky in early May 2002, with a conjunction of Mars and Saturn occurring on 4 May. This was followed by a conjunction of Venus and Saturn on 7 May, and another of Venus and Mars on 10 May when their angular separation was only 18 arcminutes. A series of conjunctions between the Moon and, in order, Saturn, Mars and Venus took place on 14 May, although it was not possible to observe all these in darkness from any single location on the Earth.
Note that Venus and Mars got to within three times the distance Jupiter and Saturn will get on the 21st. If you happen to remember that, this is going to kick its ass.
Conjunctions Involving The Sun
Oftentimes a planet will have a conjunction with the Sun, and when that happens they will generally just say, for example, “Jupiter is in conjunction” without naming the Sun. It’s assumed.
The Sun will be passing in front of Jupiter and Saturn in a couple of months, as seen from Earth; just imagine in my diagrams Earth moving further around its orbit quite quickly while Jupiter and Saturn move much more slowly, and you’ll “see” it happening.
There won’t be much to see, of course, because to see the event, you have to do so when the Sun is above the horizon, and that, of course, is daytime.
Since Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are further out from the Sun than Earth is, when we see a conjunction involving those planets and the sun, the planet is always “behind” the sun.
But what about Mercury and Venus? They can have conjunctions where they are on the other side of the sun, or conjunctions where they are between us and the sun. The former are called superior conjunctions and the latter, inferior conjunctions.
Again, because their orbits are tilted with respect to ours, they don’t pass directly behind (or in front of) the Sun that often, usually looking like they are to the south or north of the Sun at closest approach.
But every once in a while one of these planets will pass in front of the sun (which is a big broad target compared to any other planet), and that’s called a transit. Venus in particular generally has pairs of conjunctions 8 years apart…but the pairs are separated by about a century. When this happens you can, with glasses of the type you’d use to look at the sun near an eclipse, actually see a little black dot on the face of the sun, even without a telescope. This last happened in 2004 and 2012, so if you missed it you are SOL, the next occurrence is in December 2117. (And yes, I was watching in 2012.)
Venus transits are of huge historical importance; they gave us our first good way of measuring the size of Earth’s orbit and (since we already knew the proportions) hence the size of just about everything in the Solar System. (Or, equivalently: It told us how big an “astronomical unit” was in more earthly measurements; since we already knew the size of everything in the Solar System in AUs, we could now give distances in furlongs, if we wanted to, by multiplying.)
Here’s a deep dive on Venus transits (including why they are important) that I wrote at the time, and a later article including pictures I took.
Raw data
This is the position and velocity data I pulled off the NASA website. Sun is at (0, 0, 0). Distances are in AU (astronomical units), velocity is in AU/day. 1 AU by definition is 149,597,870,700 meters (92,955,807 miles, 1441 feet, 6.898- inches), it was originally defined as the semi-major axis of the Earth’s orbit, and a day is precisely 86,400 seconds (no matter how much the Earth slows down rotating). The diagrams were created at the scale of 100 pixels = 1AU, and they appear to have come across (into WordPress’s editor at least) at the proper size.
2459195.500000000 = A.D. 2020-Dec-12 00:00:00.0000 TDB
X = 1.622579957389862E-01 Y = 9.761221058229992E-01 Z = 5.373489375534890E-05
VX=-1.724242466206539E-02 VY= 2.883832025215380E-03 VZ= 6.987175827141265E-07
2459205.500000000 = A.D. 2020-Dec-22 00:00:00.0000 TDB
X =-1.188898588832658E-02 Y = 9.897218187033275E-01 Z = 6.029984014237024E-05
VX= 6.031051355304800E-03 VY= 4.767506691437359E-03 VZ=-1.546747270590170E-04
2459195.500000000 = A.D. 2020-Dec-12 00:00:00.0000 TDB
X = 2.914228592894236E+00 Y =-4.177510430316559E+00 Z =-4.786920225992232E-02
VX= 6.095603857740477E-03 VY= 4.674926465555783E-03 VZ=-1.557747700228924E-04
2459205.500000000 = A.D. 2020-Dec-22 00:00:00.0000 TDB
X = 2.974861050901444E+00 Y =-4.130298866311659E+00 Z =-4.942153470106487E-02
VX= 6.031051355304800E-03 VY= 4.767506691437359E-03 VZ=-1.546747270590170E-04
2459195.500000000 = A.D. 2020-Dec-12 00:00:00.0000 TDB
X = 5.396386096136037E+00 Y =-8.396666010466467E+00 Z =-6.884059973895380E-02
VX= 4.382900563538985E-03 VY= 3.001959812133514E-03 VZ=-2.266077336665883E-04
459205.500000000 = A.D. 2020-Dec-22 00:00:00.0000 TDB
X = 5.440127588899244E+00 Y =-8.366514834723951E+00 Z =-7.110831635421563E-02
VX= 4.365303571900237E-03 VY= 3.027110022628067E-03 VZ=-2.263327688903255E-04
A Reminder Of Today’s Big Issue.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.
Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump
Needs to happen, soon.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
Please note that our menu has changed, please listen to all of the options.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The first rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
5. The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
9. Social Justice Warriors, ANTIFA pukes, BLM hypocrites, and other assorted varieties of Marxists can go copulate with themselves, or if insufficiently limber, may substitute a rusty wire brush suitable for cleaning the bore of a twelve or ten gauge.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Coin of The Day
No coin today.
But I told Grandma In TX that’s she’d hit a 1000 today [Friday], and that triggered someone to talk about a grand grandma, and I remembered something.
In 1890, the US issued “Treasury Notes” or “Coin Notes” in many denominations. This and 1891 were the only years they issued paper money of this specific category, The specific use was to pay for purchasing silver bullion (which, of course, would then be made into coins). You could redeem these notes, just like silver or gold certificates, but the government could decide whether it’d be in silver or gold coin. Every denomination available today was covered, $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, and there were also $500 and $1000 notes.
The ones issued in 1890 look very different from the 1891 notes, and are called “patternback” notes, for reasons you’ll soon understand. The $50 and $500 were not issued in 1890, so the patternback notes only exist for $1-$20, $100, and $1000 denominations.
This series features a lot of Civil War flag officers on it, many of them obscure to people who are not active Civil War buffs.
Note there is a very elaborate repeating pattern inside the denomination on the reverse; that’s why it’s called a patternback. (In heraldry, sometimes there’s an elaborate repeating background pattern in a coat of arms…it’s actually, I am not making this up, called “diaper” but presumably not in front of the knight whose coat of arms it was.)
Moving along, here’s the $2, $5, $10, and $20
Now there is a thing to know about these old “large size” (the size of one of those old computer cards) notes. They get extremely rare in some cases. Notes tended to wear out quickly and rapidly get redeemed, even if only for a newer note. If someone actually set aside twenty dollars back then, trying to save the note…well, they had more money than they knew what to do with; remember that was very close to being a full ounce of gold!
That $20 in VF-20 (the number is on a scale of 1-70) will set you back at least six thousand dollars, and that’s actually relatively affordable for an old $20. A silver certificate from 1878 or 1880 is simply impossible in such a grade (my book doesn’t list anything higher than F-12), later series get down to about the same range as this patternback.
The true nosebleed territory starts with the $50 denomination. There are literally notes where there are no known survivors. Others are marked “Extremely Rare” and “One known” and the book doesn’t even try to give a price. But as there isn’t a patternback $50, we’ll move on to the stratosphere now.
The “big” denomination on this wasn’t spelled out like the others, and the pattern ended up resembling a watermelon on the two zeros, so this is known today as the watermelon note. And it will cost you a hundred…thousand…dollars in VF-20. The good news is, in EF-40 it “only” goes up to $170,000 instead of doubling or tripling like I’d usually expect. The book gives no price for higher grades.
Now I can at least see spending 6 or 8 grand on a collectible note…but a hundred thousand dollars? Thank you but no, I’d rather have a house!
Now on to the last note.
We skip over $500, since there was no patternback $500. (By the way, before we stopped printing $500 as federal reserve notes, they had McKinley on them. McKinley comes after Franklin. (And if you want to know: Grover Cleveland on the $1000, James Madison on the $5000, Salmon Chase on the $10,000 and Woodrow-be-damned Wilson on the $100,000.)
The One Thousand Dollar Patternback keeps the “melon” look of the C-note, and is called the Grand Watermelon.
My book calls these “extremely rare.” One in AU (about uncirculated, the numerical grade would be in the 50s) is the very first US note to sell for over a million dollars. There’s another variant with a small red seal overprint on the front, instead of the big brown one you see here; two are known to exist.
When a note is this rare, you don’t care about the fact that someone scribbled their name and a date (presumably 1893) on it!
So in honor of the Grand Grandma, here’s a Grand Watermelon.
And it’s 9:58 Mountain Time. Just barely made the deadline!!!
Standard disclaimer: I never show pictures of my own coins. I may or may not own coins like the ones I show. Burglars will be interested to hear that gold and silver aren’t the only heavy metals I have, and I have quite a bit of one with a heavier nucleus than either. And I keep it around a lot more than the gold and silver.
And a note to the other authors. Wikipedia URLs do paste into posts (select media style of paragraph via the plus sign, and use the option to paste in a URL). That’s how I did this Grand Watermelon picture–I noticed the option only after I had uploaded all of the pictures, having downloaded them from Wikipoo, and decided to give the alternate route a try with the Grand Watermelon. (I guess I wasted Wolf’s space.)
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
Just two more things, my standard Public Service Announcements. We don’t want to forget them!!!
How Not To Find Yourself In Contention For The Darwin Award
(Nothing to do with bearded dragons)
It has been pointed out that all of the rioting is nominally on account of criminals who resisted arrest in one form or another, and someone suggested schools ought to teach people not to resist arrest.
Chris Rock on a similar vein, in 2007
Granted an “ass kicking” isn’t the same as being shot, but both can result from the same stupid act. You may ultimately beat the rap, but you aren’t going to avoid the ride.
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).
Q told us the goal was to “remove foreign interference” and “install US-owned laws and safeguards.” The SCOTUS case was never going to do that. I’m not sure any single court case will (not holding my breath on the Kraken doing anything more than revealing the fraud to the public). Something to keep in mind moving forward so that we don’t get sidetracked. Will it accomplish the goals outlined above? No? Then don’t pin your hopes on it.
Meanwhile, we are 6 days away from the December 18th deadline on POTUS’ executive order regarding the investigation of foreign interference in elections. “Vaccine distribution” begins on December 14th with the military stationed in several cities to help aid with the distribution. “Vaccine distribution” is, IMO, likely cover for military presence in various cities without raising too much suspicion. Next week looks promising.
In professional flight simulators, the world sucks. By that I mean, NOTHING ever goes right or the way it is “supposed to”. And this is by intent and design.
Everything is going ok and then BAM!
Alarm bells and caution lights…followed by about 30-60 seconds of trying to UNDERSTAND just WTF has happened, is happening, and will happen. Try to CORRECTLY interpret what all your instruments are telling you (because it is ALWAYS in bad weather, at night, where you can’t see…naturally).
Why is it happening? That’s for later. “WHY” doesn’t matter nearly as much as “WHAT” in that first minute or two.
Now, modern jets are complex beasts. Extremely complex. You have to be able to THINK. Recall all that you know. Emotions….particularly panic and defeatism…render the brain inoperable.
Hence the simulator.
Get thrown into the forge of a dire, complex flight simulation often enough, and one becomes PRACTICED at ignoring one’s FEELINGS of distress, panic, and defeatism. One learns there are always OPTIONS, something else to try.
We have a unwritten rule in aviation….
When an alarm bell sounds, hit the “cancel alarm” button, then take a sip of coffee.
RELAX!! Take a deep breath. Even better, say something funny like, “Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue!”. Humor is an INSTANT panic cancel button. It is the #1 reason why pilots are smartasses.
Gotta be able to THINK without the distress. Show that cool hand, Luke.
Speaking of staying cool and thinking of options….here’s one…
What if…
POTUS “intervened”, after showing the Justices all the “goods”, by telling the them to reject the Texas case…due to matters of the national security?
And what would THAT imply?
Hmmmm. 🤔
I’m not claiming this is true.
Just a possibility. A very delicious possibility.
As Sadie correctly points out….SCOTUS cannot fix what is truly wong. Yes, wong.
Think about that.
What if the intervention is military in nature?
At this point it’s gonna have to be.
And my speculation above seems wrong, having seen one of PDJT’s tweets (below in the postings) which I had not seen when I made the post above.
I don’t think you’re wrong about white hats asking SCOTUS to decline the case. The whole thing seemed “off” from the start. The lawsuit comes out of nowhere less than a week ago, nearly every Republican jumps on board to support a case that helps POTUS (how often does this much of the GOP support POTUS?), the whole thing quickly turns into a circus with Ted Cruz (?) expected to argue the case and secessionist movements joining in to help…it was just weird. I don’t think a “serious” case, i.e. one that would genuinely secure a second term for the President, would get this kind of treatment.
Not to mention that, when THE PLAN was laid, RBG wasn’t dead.
Good point! Excellent. RBG wasn’t dead – they had to plan for all contingencies without SCOTUS!
This has been a plan in the making for years, not a month or two.
really good point
Remember his use of the word, “INTERVENING” – that was not the proper word choice. Joining or supporting, but intervening, no that meant something else…
NO, you’re right.
We don’t know what we don’t know about POTUS and the good guys’ plan, but we also don’t really know the OTHER side’s plan, and THAT is what is going to make the difference in how all this shakes out. Our side does know that.
Would he tell all the justices? I mean, who could he trust?
I’ve never thought that the SCOTUS would be shown anything special outside of the court. It would be prejudicial to show evidence outside of court, especially before any case is laid before them.
You shouldn’t show them anything outside of the court if it was meant to be part of their decision. I suspect you could show them whatever you wanted to induce them to punt the case.
Your comment is an OMGoodness for me, FG&Country. Was a little shook up, but not totally lost because I’ve long believed that the court stuff is on the surface more is going on behind the scenes.
Thank you for your insight and input.
What can happen over the weekend that will stop the Electoral College from voting 270 for Slow Joe?
I have no idea but something better happen to cause it.
(obscure EC fact – it only votes once. If no 270; off to the House)
The US Congress can, theoretically disqualify votes as it does the counting, so the “if no 270” could come into play there as well.
But I don’t trust the House to solve this, not in the slightest, for reasons I think I already explained to you.
(For others: The house chooses from the top three vote getters, and so let’s see who gets a few “faithless elector” votes. Colin Powell did last time; he’d have been one of the three choices last time. Anyone think they wouldn’t have decided he was a good bipartisan compromise?)
I hate to say this out loud but Jorgenson (Libertarian Party candidate) is not the worst person to be POTUS (assuming they dump Trump). She sure as heck is better than Slow Joe & the Ho. I don’t know if she got any potential EC votes or not.
It all depends on what faithless electors do.
Last time around every single elector was supposed to vote for either Hitlary or Trump. Eight of them voted for someone else. Three of them for Powell. He therefore came in third, and yet had not appeared on any ballots.
Watch to see who gets multiple faithless elector votes this time. THAT is the person they’re going to try to slip in as President.
i think in PA they took her name right off the ballot…
“What can happen over the weekend that will stop the Electoral College from voting 270 for Slow Joe?
I have no idea but something better happen to cause it.”
What if it’s supposed to happen, i.e., Pedo Joe is supposed to fraudulently become president-elect?
That would give America… and the whole world… more than a month to think about what it means, for it to really begin to settle into the mind.
And more than a month for the MSM to talk about removing Trump by force, giving him and his family the Quadafi treatment, bragging about all the NWO plans Biden was careful not to mention during the campaign but no longer has any reason to hide…
And all this drama taking place with Christmas right in the middle of it, so families all over the country have an opportunity to talk about it with each other.
Sounds like very exciting stuff…
Wouldn’t want to miss it! 😁
Uh, the damage that would be done in four years is too immense to contemplate. So, no, he ain’t gonna be sworn in.
Being named president-elect and being sworn in are two completely different things. Biden will never be sworn in.
At this rate, it’s more likely Harris will be sworn in.
And THAT was the plan all along.
Bait and switch. With Harris sworn in the fight against election fraud is turned into racist and misogynist. Black + women are where we are headed.
Isn’t Biden’s entire communications team women? Oprah started the ball rolling with her Own Your Vote specifically for black women. That Cynthia creature is warning us. They is going to get ugly…very ugly imo.
Just reject their racial crap. The RACE-OBSESSED communists ARE the racists, and they can burn in hell.
I wouldn’t mind if they burned a lot earlier.
Totally agree Wolf, Camel lips couldn’t make it on her own. The primaries were just to clear the board for ole Hands on Joe. The act he’s been playing is coming to the final curtain when he has to bow out because of the 25th. Admin. Or they take him down because of Hunter/China ties. And I am sure they they assured him hunter and China wouldn’t matter. So now he becomes the sacrificial lamb.
maybe they promised him if he played along…neither he nor Hunter would be prosecuted.
I read that there is a Hunter email in which Camel-Uh is named as a participant in a Chinese deal. The NY Post reported it:
“An email sent by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s brother Jim to Hunter Biden and others regarding a potential business venture with a now-bankrupt Chinese conglomerate included the name of Biden’s vice presidential running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, according to a report.
The email, dated May 15, 2017, and obtained by Fox News, is not related to the laptop or hard drive belonging to Hunter Biden that was first reported on by The Post, according to the network.
In the correspondence, Jim Biden shares a list of “key domestic contacts for phase one target projects” for the venture with CEFC China Energy Co.”
I still don’t really get why the Post ran with this story. I can’t see them as helpful to our side, so why did they do it?
“At this rate, it’s more likely Harris will be sworn in.”
Trump is not going anywhere.
And that lunatic fraud who screwed her way to the VP candidate position is going to prison, not the WH.
MOre likely than Biden.
And we’ll see if Trump actually DOES have a (ahem) trump card to play or whether he’s just bluffing.
I am so glad you posted about the Grand Conjunction coming up. I have been reading about it for days now. I am one of those who believes that God gives us signs in the heavens, and this conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn must have a meaning.
And the Grand Watermelon!! Those notes are absolutely gorgeous. Our history is so rich (pun intended).
You absolutely got the last, best word.
Oh, one last thing. My husband has been wanting a telescope. Do you have any suggestions for a beginner?
You know, I took an astronomy class in college and got an A. It was definitely physics. I don’t know how I pulled it off except to say I studied night and day for that class and had a great prof. That said, much of what you wrote went right over my head. 😄
Unfortunately, much of what I did is math intensive, more than physics. Though vectors aren’t terribly advanced, and it’s amazing what you can figure out from them sometimes.
The other thing about this sort of thing is you really have to be able to visualize in three D sometimes. I’ve been trying to think of a way to do a diagram to relate my charts to what one will see in the night sky to make it obvious. As I see it, I’d need at least three.
I am a math idiot. Geometry was a B, Algebra a D. I begged my college professor to pass me, as I had a 4.0 up until then. He was good enough to give me a C as a final grade. I attended every lecture, had a tutor, etc.
I think it’s a thing when you’re an English major. Hehehe.
A lot of people who have zero tolerance for STEM subjects take an astronomy class in college, figuring it’s not going to have any math or science in it.
This of course makes us roll on the floor laughing. Astronomy pulls in a shit ton of math and drags in almost every single hard science with the possible exception of biology.
Of course they could come up with “astronomy for people who can’t visualize geometry, don’t like science, and can’t get the same answer to 2+2 twice in a row” but then it’s just a class memorizing meaningless trivia, and you understand not a damn thing.
Hey you know all that extra credit many college professors put at the beginning of their syllabuses ? Well in my college science classes, College Grrannie did them all and asked for more. Usually would squeak by with B+ or A- that way? LOL
I was always behind in math. Never could get it fast enough. I took a low level intro college astro course. The prof said i hope youre ready to work. He wasnt much of a help, but I worked hard for my C, when half the class dropped or failed.
When your boy gets to college, there’s a trick that I HEARTILY advocate.
It’s based on the fact that teaching Physics spends a LOT of time dancing around the fact that it’s supposed to start on High School students walking in the door with High School math skills.
So, even if you’re going to be a Physics major…..defer the entry-level courses by one quarter or one semester, but start the math track on Day 1. If you take Physics 1 at the same time as Calculus 1, you’ll only have the tools to understand the first half of the Physics course when you’re nearly done with the Math course. If, on the other hand, you take Physics 1 only after completing Calculus 1, it will be dirt easy and you’ll be wondering about the mental fitness of your classmates.
Not a bad strategy, though he’ll be wishing the professer would can the ten minutes of dancing around the concept of first derivative.
I took calc in high school, actually.
I could do simple derivatives after my “Math Analysis” course as a senior in High School.
Those of us who did, however, were forever branded on our report cards as having taken a course called “MATH ANAL” — which, of course, we all referred to as “ANAL MATH”, especially as regards the personality of the instructor.
That was one funky class. It started out with defining 1 and zero and really digging into the theoretical underpinnings of arithmetic. Months in, 2 was defined.
The second half of the year was trigonometry. 11th grade.
i took every math and science class i could get in high school…lol…i even took taxicab geometry…
in college i also took astronomy, still have all my books and papers I wrote…I’m such a nerd sometimes…
So what did you think of the light math workout in the post?
to be honest, I skipped it…time is limited this morning, but when I come back tomorrow I will dive in!!
(and btw…it’s been a LONG time since high school…LOL)
Lol. Mr gil has done hard math and is better than me. I did take intro physics and had to study but I got a B. Lots of people didnt get it at all.
Math is a funny thing.
I was so good at Geometry in high school I did many-page proofs for extra credit and just for fun. I was so bad a Algebra I barely passed. Then I took the SATs, and my math teacher was furious! I had the sixth-highest math score in my class. If they showed me the possible answers, and I didn’t have to “show my work,” I could do it.
In college, I studied psych testing and measurement. I was so much better at the statistics part than the prof, he made the college hire me as a tutor for the class, as I was taking it. It was a first in the history of the school! Stats aren’t exactly “math,” but those numbers made sense to me.
I had to pass one Algebra class to graduate. The prof in that one was a foreigner of some Oriental flavor, and he thought I was cute, and he like me. I failed for sure, but he gave me a pity-D so I could graduate.
I have since realized I can do algebra, but I can’t do it “right” on paper. I can figure it out in my own weird way, but I can’t explain it.
My mom — a college professor of mathematics — informed me that there are three types of mathematicians on faculties: geometricians, analysts, and algebraists. They occur at about 5%, 45%, and 50%, respectively.
When taking linear algebra, there are two ways it can be taught (and a good prof will do both), there’s the sort of abstract algebra part of it, and the geometric interpretation. That latter helped me greatly, but my particular prof wasn’t into it in the least. I had to figure the geometry out myself. I guess I’d have been in the 5 percent.
And, then, there’s the bumper sticker that says: “I are a math teechur.”
No joke!!!
That makes me feel better! 😄
It’s definitely a thing, gmit. If the guy who sat next to me in Alegbra hadn’t have had a crush on me, I’d still be sitting in that chair trying again and again and again to pass. Horrible. And really, does anyone need Algebra? I have lived a nice life without it.
Some people need it a lot. Hell, algebra is the bare beginning of the math engineers need, much less people in the physical sciences.
I didn’t use algebra in this post, but I certainly used math based on algebra.
But many others don’t ever need it, true.
Teaching algebra is NOT about math. Nor is geometry. It’s about teaching thought processes, and concepts like complementary and supplementary, variable, constant, etc.
My mother taught HS algebra for most of her career, and confirmed that when I said, I don’t find myself solving for x every day, but I do use the thought processes to get to conclusions.
That’s why she ALWAYS required her students to show their work in a proof.
I agree completely, Sylvia. I find that reading and writing come before arithmetic for a reason. Wink. Wink.
Just kidding, Steve. 😁
I use it at work almost everyday and I’m a tradie…HVAC/R…air and water balancing.
My degree is in communications. I was fine in math until Calculus II and volumes of a revolution. Just couldn’t get the problems to work.
The easiest class I ever took was trigonometry.
And I’m a writer, and happiest when creating text and craft items.
You are rare, DP. Trust me. 😁
My (two Master’s in Engineering) dad tried to teach me trig when I was in fourth grade. Absolute failure. I took an Algebra II/Trig course in 10th grade and we ran out of time before we really took on the trig. Then I learned the analytic geometry version of trig and said, “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THIS SOONER??? THIS IS EASY!!!”
And in case you never met it — Start with a circle of radius 1 centered on “graph paper” at (0,0). Starting at the RH side of the x axis, draw a line from the origin through the circle. The angle between that line and the x axis is theta. The point where the line intersects the circle is (cos(theta), sin(theta)). Everything falls apart after that — sin(theta)^2 + cos(theta)^2 = 1, because the circle has a radius of 1 [Pythagoras helps]. There’s one more — tan(theta) = sin(theta)/cos(theta), but that’s nomenclature.
Yeah, that’s the only damn way to teach it.
Seriously, my dad was doing “opposite over adjacent” and I was going WTAF??? (additional word: “absolute”).
Thank God for Rene Descartes.
Funny, I could do Algebra but not Geometry. I cannot visualize the 3D stuff.
But now give me books and words – that’s my joy.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. 😂
Suggestions for a beginner? Stay away from the crap they sell in department stores and at Sams and so on. They have good brand names on them, but they are derided as “trash telescopes.”
I’d go for a 4-6 inch telescope, but budget will be a concern (and I haven’t been in touch with that hobby for a while).
This company was solid back then and probably still is now.
Thank you. Will check it out. I know they are expensive but where I live there is very little light pollution and the viewing is just magnificent. We want something to do with the grandkids as they get older.
Ah, ha!!! Yes, you are fortunate as am I in that regard.
I’d also stay away from “computerized” scopes. They are considered “cheating.”
Okay. I’m going to enjoy shopping. I’m really good with math when it comes to that. 🙂
For looking at planets, a small scope is more than sufficient. You need big ones for deep sky objects like galaxies and nebulae.
I think we will start with the 4-6 inch range, as you suggested. I have a couple good astronomy books for kids. The moon, planets, and constellations should keep us all busy.
Again, so glad you wrote about this. It has been on my mind for weeks now.
I’m becoming convinced I should have been an astrophysicist. It literally pulls together all of my favorite “geek” subjects.
My brother-in-law is an astrophysicist. But he chose the financial world. I wonder if he ever regrets it. Probably not.
If I had been willing to live in Boulder…I could have worked on space exploration; many of the NASA probes have a lot of involvement from Boulder. I used to walk past a couple of places named LASP and JILA.
You’re gonna laugh, but my Dad went to college in Boulder. He played basketball.
And I was an electrical engineering major, which is the most ball-bustingly difficult thing you can major in, at least as an undergrad.
Way beyond me. I’ve always wanted a brain like that, though.
All engineering degrees require serious discipline and study….but I think biochem has you beat in “ball-busting”.
There’s very little you can do in electrical engineering that will make half the campus into a superfund site. And biochem means that it can reproduce and spread.
I’m not talking about the lab of course!
Biochem is some serious shit, but it’s qualitatively different. EE is math-intense, much (much more so than mechanical engineering and civil engineering), biochem involves thousands of different biomolecules and their insanely complex interactions.
The people we EEs grudgingly conceded had almost as tough a row to hoe as we did were the chemical engineering students.
My niece is a newly-minted Pharmacist. MD’s just prescribe the gorp — pharmacists know what it does at a molecular level. I am inordinately proud of her.
Yeah, it’s a lot more than counting out pills!
I remember watching a (likely pre-determined) conversation between Richard Dawkins and Neil de Grasse Tyson. Tyson patiently explained “lookback time” to Dawkins, who acted very well as if he’d never heard of the concept (I find that hard to believe, but maybe…), but then he told Dawkins that HE (Dawkins) was the man who had taken the hard subject.
My niece went through a program at Oregon State that merged an undergrad and master’s program in an intense integrated plan. Nice if you could qualify. My understanding is that she’s essentially got a Master’s in biochem, with a minor in law (*spit*). Of course, the most important part is that she’s a licensed Pharmacist.
It’s kind of odd to have known someone as a somewhat goofy little girl and know that she’s the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to medications — and, BTW, she isn’t faking anything.
Nuclear engineering can make the whole campus glow in the dark quite readily.
My friend, Yuki, just retired as an electrical engineer in Japan (went to the top-rated school there.) I wonder how different it is between US and Japan.
His entire career was with Honda’s Rx& D.
His wife was a chemical engineer.
Both are extremely talented musicians…coincide or a connection between engineering and music?
My musical talent is close to nil. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a strong correlation.
And yes, an interesting question about Japan vs. the US. An oft-quoted statistic (by engineering profs and the like) was that Japan had as many engineers as the US (in spite of lower population) yet the US had ten times as many lawyers as Japan (in spite of not being ten times as populous).
Maybe we could trade our lawyers for their engineers?
Only if they are very, very stupid.
Math and music are intimately entwined. It has to do with meter. I know people who are TERRIBLE at math and can’t hold a beat. It’s a real issue.
I can hold a beat, but honestly, it has to be Irish jigs. 😂
What?!? Just because they do away with the whole equatorial / altazimuth mount BS? I’d rather handle that in software than in hardware.
The computerization means you just punch in the name of something and the scope goes there.
Part of the challenge is to find your OWN way around the sky.
Orienteering with a GPS device sounds equally cheaty!
And, yet, you run Stellarium (as I do — and I’ve got it loaded for bear — and then I step outside and can barely find Mars….did you know Orion only has seven stars?) *sigh*
I don’t run stellarium, that was someone else’s picture I stole (it appeard on Fox News science). The “over the sun’s north pole” diagrams are mine, though.
My favorite constellation.
I think Orion is everyone’s favorite constellation.
Maybe in the southern hemisphere Sagittarius and Centaurus are more popular.
Sagittarius, being in the direction of the center of the galaxy, has a SHITLOAD of cool nebulae and the like, for telescopes.
Wait long enough it will only have six when Betelgeuse goes “kafuckingkablammokaboom!”.
Just as long as the ionizing radiation from the blast doesn’t sterilize one hemisphere.
I don’t think it will be that bad; it is several hundred light years away. Something a lot closer, would indeed be an ELE.
Do supernovae radiate in all directions, or on an axis?
As far as I know, in all directions.
I think you might be thinking of a different sort of kaboom…but I’ll be damned if I can remember what it is.
The problem is that nobody knows.
If there’s a magnetic field confining the blast it could make a difference. But as I’ve sat here thinking about it I seem to recall a “hypernova” does that, not a supernova.
It’s interesting to note that 90 percent or more of the energy is neutrinos anyway. Enough that a billion miles out the neutrino pulse will kill you before the actual blast does.
90 percent of the energy left is the actual blast wave of the material of the star. Electromagnetic energy and the like is only one percent. And that still outshines the rest of the galaxy.
Like a pulsar?
A pulsar nearby would be bad news, but the good news about that is one won’t just show up nearby–without a supernova preceding it, and the supernova would probably be worse.
Our ancestors were amazingly adept at knowing the night skies long before telescopes. That is my goal…to know the skies as they did, but with a little magnification.
A laudible goal.
To be honest, I can’t go through huge swaths of the night sky and name off stars and constellations, though I know the area around Orion tolerably well.
That’s the sort of stuff I referred to as trivia, not to demean it, but because it “just happens” to be so, and memorizing it won’t teach you the “why” of anything. If Earth had happened to be in a different part of the galaxy (or just wait a few hundred thousand years) and the constellations are different. You could memorize those instead.
But you will not know what makes the stars shine, and the planets move in their courses. To me that’s the more fundamental knowledge. I loved making those diagrams, it reminded me of some really cool astrondynamics classes I took.
This is true. But just now I am seeking a connection with our past.
Sure. I do know some of it. I’ve told the tale of Betelgeuse and Rigel, and it’s cool to be able to point to that star and say “it’s going to blow itself to bits soon, but it used to look like that star over there!”
My oldest grandchild is 8. I’m at the ground floor. 😁
“But you will not know what makes the stars shine, and the planets move in their courses.”
I like that. It’s a beautiful sentence. Way to go, Science Boy.😊😊😊👍
An equatorial mount is a swivel on top of a tilting table, usually with a counterweight on the other side of the table.
You set the table to be at the angle your desired object moves across the sky (the moon, for instance, will appear to rise in the east and move in an arc somewhat south of overhead, then set in the west). If you get the table tilted correctly, you can track the desired object across the sky using only a single control for the swivel.
As Steve notes in his discussion about the third dimension of orbits, each of the planets has its own tilt, the moon has its own tilt, and all the stars have a different tilt.
Altazimuth mounts are simply a flat rotation to something from north, then a height from flat to straight-up. To track an object, like the moon, both controls must be continuously adjusted. This generally means you want to have a computer do it because it’s a pain-in-the-tuchis.
I don’t object to computerized tracking.
I object to computerized “finding the object you want to look at.”
What do you think/”hear about” Celestron?
They are a good brand, hell an excellent brand. UNLESS their name is on the side of a department-store telescope, then it’s crap just like the others.
Same is true with HiFi speakers and equipment. People think they know HiFi…until they have heard HiFi…”but budget will be a concern.”
B&W 808s. Saw a pair on sale for under $2K over 20 years ago and practically tore my pants trying to get my wallet out quickly.
Love the B&W sound. Have not heard the 808s…I am sure they are terrific.
I got a great deal on KEF LS50 Wireless a couple of years ago…great bang for the buck….widely appraised around the globe. At the time, they were running 2,300€ for the pair…I picked up for 1,700€. Now, you can get them for 1,200€ because the LS50 II is now on the market.
Mostly I do not use a subwoofer. But, for the occasional bass intensive media, I added a KEF subwoofer sold at 2,700€ for only 800€…knowing that a new model was coming and that prices would drop for the old model. I was really proud of that buy…had to do some negotiating! “I know you need space on the shelf for the new model.”
The day I picked up the speakers, I got along well with the Italian salesman who happened to be a big America fan. He let me test run a pair of 40,000€ Wilson Audio Sasha speakers hooked up to 4 amplifiers, 2 DACs, and a very expensive CD player…system total about 150,000€. OMG!!! The hair was standing on my arms…it was an out of body experience. LOL!
I am unfortunately becoming too hard of hearing.
I can lean against an 808 without moving it.
I’m a fan of 80’s-era Infinity. EMIT tweeters. I’ve had to re-foam the cones on a couple of mine (have several pairs).
Those aren’t bad!
Those aren’t bad! In fact, if I had not stumbled across those 808s I’d have eventually bought Inifinity.
The funny thing about Infinity was how it made Yamaha speakers (even “monitors”) sound like crap and how a bunch of others sounded muddy, particularly in the bass. Infinity speakers, to me, sounded crisp and clean throughout the audio spectrum. And then they got bought. And then they turned to crap. I don’t know who I’d buy today, but with ebay and other sources, I can still get antique Infinity’s.
When you heard ads from “consumer level” stereo stores they would list off a bunch of brands. Then you’d go to an audiophile store, and not see ANY of those brands and see a bunch of names you’d never heard of before and wonder “what….?” There was however one exception (depending on the store, not all audiophile places carried all the brands), and that was Infinity.
GIT, I wanted to tell you how much your post was perfect yesterday. Your insight and knowledge – incredible. It was a crazy day, lots of angst and disappointment, but by night’s end, the boat seemed to have steadied.
You are so gifted. 🙂
Not gifted. Just listened to the still, small voice for once. But thank you. That means a lot to me. ❤🤍💙
Interesting and fascinating daily, thank you! 😊
I had a funny thought while reading it. Not sure it will sound as funny in type as it did in my mind…
Satan and his minions raised hell in heaven thinking they were above God and they got their butts booted out of heaven. Now they’re hanging out with the human elitist crooks on earth raising hell.
One fallen angel looks over at his buddy and says, “We gave up heaven to torment these idiots? Please fast forward me to hell, even I can’t tolerate this much stupidity twice in one eternity!”
You’ve got your paganism and Christianity mixed up!
Saturn was associated with the Titans in Greek mythology (Kronos? I’m not sure), and the moons were all named after titans.
The titans were the generation before the Olympian gods, and there was a gigantic battle between the gods and the titans. At one point, Athena dropped a big-ass rock on Enceladus. It didn’t kill him, but every time he twitches it’s an earthquake.
If you want to see the rock she dropped on him (according to the legend), go to Italy. The rock has a name: Sicily.
I don’t know anything about paganism, Saturn, the Titans or Greek mythology. Was just a funny image I had while transferring from yesterdays thread to todays. 😊
I’m not sure how I would get Christianity mixed up with paganism when I was referencing Satan and the Bible. 😊
Enceladus sounds like something off a fancy menu. “Beefsteak au poivre with haricot verts and Enceladus.”
Indeed. I had a Greek woman explain to me that legend, and I was thrown by her pronunciation, later I realized, “Oh, yeah like the moon of Saturn, of course!”
Wow — two great essays, Steve!
😀 👍
Thank you.
Looking forward to the upcoming alignment.
Does the earth’s ‘wobble’ have any bearing on our view of alignments such as this?
That’s a 20,000 year cycle…or is it 26k, which my foggy brain is pinging me about.
And I love the not-coin report on our historical paper money.
I have 2 or 3-should go check the box $2 bills. Sometimes I bring them out because there people who don’t believe that there were $2 bills, even some adults close to my age.
I sometimes buy half dollars and blow the fast food people’s mind spending them. I have to tell them they’re not dollars.
I was in Canada once and mentioned to the cashier at some place about their fifty cent piece (they have, or had one), the boss lady knew what I was talking about. Funny I knew more about their money than they did!
Remember back in the 70s when they put out the new silver dollarr. Can’t remember which one, it was 1975 or 1976 when it happened. If I rememver there was something unusual about it too,
Some lady brought a 75 cent item and gave them one of the new silver dollars. The clerk kept telling her she neeeded 25 cents more. LOL My ex finally stepped in and explained to the clerk. Seemed that was all the cash the lady had.
Hmm. THe Ike dollar came out in 1971. The Susan B Anthony “mini” dollar came out in 1979, but it was usually mistaken for a quarter.
Might have been 79–Do know we were in Salt Lake. Remember we were giggling about it at first. Now that you mention it it had just come out so it might have been the Susan B one.
Trying to remember how old my kids were on that last trip to Yellowstone area. Hey that was over 40 years ago LOL.
Even though I don’t remember the exact years, it fun remembering those fun times.
1976 would be the Bi-centennial coins.
Yeah but the sizes remained the same, and so did the obverses…they wouldn’t have been confusing.
As a minor nitpicking aside, they actually came out in 1975. No regular 1975-dated coins of these denomination came out, they issued the Bicentennials for two years. There’s no way to tell a 1975 made bicentennial from a 1976 made one unless, of course you buy a proof or mint set from one of those two years. One minor exception to that is that dollars made very early in 1975 have a different style of lettering, if you have one of those, it’s definitely 1975 vintage; but the other style of lettering could have been made either year.
You are by far the resident expert on $$$
Was it the Bi-centennial coins?
I still have some Bi-centennial quarters.
What surprised me about money when I visited canada 20 yrs ago…..
Loonies ($1) and Toonies ($2) coins.
We probably have the lowest value paper money of any major industrialized country. Everyone else has moved on to multi-unit coins. Europe didn’t even START with a one Euro note.
The US is strongly resisting that trend; at some gut level people probably feel it would “acknowledge” inflation and make it more real, and they probably fear vending machine prices would skyrocket. Well too late for that, now the damn things take plastic.
You’re thinking of the precession of the equinoxes, and it doesn’t affect this…but it DOES affect what season it happens to be when it occurs.
If the earth’s north pole happened to be leaning towards the sun at this point in its orbit (as would have been the case 12,500 years ago), this would be happening in Summer–and our calendar follows the seasons NOT the stars, so today would be called June 12th, even if, from a “God’s Eye” viewpoint, it’s the same day, with the Earth at that same point in its orbit that’s now associated with December 12th.
OK, that either made perfect sense to you or no sense whatsoever, I’m sure.
Ah, okay…I see what you mean.
And yes, it made sense.
Wow, that’s frightening.
Trying to show how that affects the sky and the zodiac and seasons is massively painful, and I saw one youtube video that would have been excellent…except the viewer’s viewpoint precesses with the pole completely negating the demo.
is fairly good.
Ha…26,000 years.
So my foggy brain was right.
It makes my head hurt if I think about it too much.
Our method of time-keeping is based on our own planet…and it works for us.
But what about other planets?
Their time-keeping would be different from ours, if they based it on the same things that we base ours on…wouldn’t it?
And out in space…
Do we export our own method of time-keeping when we get out away from our planet?
I guess we would need to.
It absolutely would be different on, say, Mars.
Mars has about a 24 1/2 hour “day” (which is already named a “sol”). The people who run those rovers have to live by Martian days, since the rovers can only operate in daylight. Imagine your husband having to get up and go to bed half an hour later every day, for months and years on end. In a few weeks, he’s now a perfect night owl, in three more weeks he’s back to daytimes.
And Mars has a 670 (or something like that) day year. But that’s earth days, it’s slightly fewer martian days.
Physicists and engineers will stick with the current second and day.. In fact, note in my “raw data” section I said a day was defined as 86,400 seconds. A second, in turn, has a very precise physical definition not tied to the earth. So the unit is already de-coupled from the earth’s rotation. Since that is slowing down, we have to add
“leap seconds” every once in a while to keep our clocks aligned with the rotation of the earth.
But GPS time (as in GPS receivers) doesn’t do the leap seconds, so it’s off by something like 17 seconds from UTC (Universal time, also called Zulu) already.
Don’t hold me to ANY of those exact numbers, I’m going from memory because I’m in the notifier.
I had a period in college where I disconnected from daylight and lived on 28-hour days with 9 hours of sleep. It’s quite odd waking up when it’s dark outside and wondering if anything is open. It also screws up your days because there are only six in a week.
On one trip to Europe, five weeks in advance I simply set my alarm clock earlier twelve minutes every day.
I shifted myself by seven hours before getting on the plane…so I was only off by two hours when I got there. That’s manageable to any Mountain TImezone person who has to deal with the East Coast.
Welcome to the world of flying cargo.
I know guys been living this lifestyle for decades.
Every single one of them has health issues.
This is why I don’t fly for Fed Rx and UPeesX.
It’s kinda freaky — some day I might actually be on one of your flights….and not even know it.
OK Steve, I have a Masters in Special Education–
Guess I think I know why you now are way way over my head LOL
This “trick” of star reference vs. Sun reference is used by the “flat Earth, anti-NASA” trolls (probably ChiComs and caballies) on Gab to discredit NASA to conservatives. I don’t remember exactly how their “argument” works, but their ultimate position is to take us back to a geocentric view, discrediting heliocentrism. CRAFTY.
The video I posted the link to (assuming that worked from the notifier) talks about tropical vs. sidereal year (which I touched on in my explanation to Wheatie), sidereal versus solar day is another fun one to try to explain in words.
I looked at some of those flat earthers a couple – three years ago, posts and videos, and I think they are just flat out nut jobs.
Well, we’ve had them show up here.
I do remember one showing up, vaguely. I think I rolled my eyes and passed on by.
I got into a major knock-down, drag out fight with one just before the Apollo 11 anniversary and I was still fuming when I wrote that article, and bitched about them in the comments, starting another fight.
Copernican/Newtonian/Keplerian astronomy and physics works too damn well for it to be as drastically wrong as it’d have to be for the earth to be flat. I can have ZERO respect for that point of view; it’d be like me telling a Christian that Jesus was Satan in disguise, it’s THAT fucking wrong.
Many of them are, but I think that some of them are very skilled and very evil pied pipers. Somebody who knows what they are doing is creating these deceptive memes. I think it’s Chinese scientists.
Possibly. There were a bunch of them on 8 chan for a while, and I got curious. I think some of them are “druids”, some of them just uneducated people, and some are wanna be cult leaders and those would be the pied pipers.
…and many thing there’s biblical warrant for the belief, so they believe it and won’t listen to anything else.
So the frustration you feel with them is exactly the same frustration biologists feel with creationism.
(And please note, that sentence is true whether or not evolution is true.)
Brought this from the 11th since I posted it just a few minutes ago.
All you Oregonians might want to take a peek at Gov Brown’s crap here and there.
Today Governor Kate Brown announced that she will open Oregon back up when 75% of Oregonians are vaccinated.
One commentator mention that “At 10,000 people a day it will take 10 months for single dose for 3 million people (75% of Oregon). The vaccine is a double dose and no one knows the availability so looking like 2022 at this point before reopen and that’s doubtful to get 75% because 40% of whites and 60% of minorities do not trust the vaccine.Basically you have killed Oregon small businesses today.”
If Biden is sworn in then I have a feeling Biden people will make the same mandate, with or without Congressional approval.
Thank God, I’m allergic to so many many meds, cause that means I can probably get legally exempted. Damn, I didn’t even realize it was a double dose piece of crap vaccine!!
FYI I have a feeling that many of the other dictatorial governors will be saying the same.
That’s what concerns me, re the governors.
Governor Abbott announced it will be shipped to Texas the week of the 21st and available to people on the 28th. It’s being sent to CVS and Walgreens. Over 2,000 LTC and 1200 skilled nursing facilities have already signed up statewide. It is free to residents and staff who volunteer to participate.
I put this on yesterday’s daily. This is turning out to be a FF of global proportions:
This year of COVID crap is starting to remind me of 9-11 in the “how many objectives can be achieved with this” department.
To wit:
Man, I’d love to see the executive summary of this diabolical plan currently being tried.
this is only one of the articles I found on Totalitarian government when I was making sure I was spelling Totalitarian right! Kind of scary when you look at it. The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to TotalitarianismThere are just seven steps from pandemic declaration to permanent totalitarianism – and many jurisdictions are about to start Step 5
Unfortunately, the Bay Area of California has so much light pollution that observing the Heavens at any reasonable level of detail is usually impossible.
Tonight I am just to stressed and tired out, but maybe tomorrow since I now live in the Boonies ..
Nevertheless, Saturn and Jupiter should stand out, they’re pretty bright. Are you going to see the Milky Way? No, and I don’t see it like that even where I live; it was a multi-second exposure.
Well, I guess that negates my idea that POTUS told the SC to reject the Texas case.
Or it’s great cover! 😉
Seriously, at this point, I’m not sure what’s going on.
I have to consider the possibility that what is going on, is we’re getting our asses handed to us, and Biden will be sworn in.
Yes, this is a serious possibility – that everything has just been a huge ruse to “defuse the Trump situation”.
Although arresting Biden as he is about to be sworn in, on national television, would be awesome.
The communists have been very good at demoralizing us, all along the way. But Trump has always been truthful, too.
So my best reading of what just happened, is that Trump had hoped the Court would recognize an opportunity for greatness, and thereby secure a peaceful outcome as a lucky byproduct of historic law, but they did not. IMO this is “battered court syndrome”.
JMHO–WIthout having done even one arrest of a Democrat, I think any arrest now would be easily spun by the Media and Democrats as Trump being a sore loser, H3LL, I think there could be a video of some Democrat doing the most horrendous crime ever and people would say Trump is just pissed because he lost.
I tend to agree.
I think if this isn’t done through legal process, we’re boned.
If Trump invokes martial law, 40 percent of the population will be convinced it’s because Trump was a sore loser who didn’t want to step down.
“I think if this isn’t done through legal process, we’re boned.”
How do you do it through legal process, if the legal processors are corrupt?
“If Trump invokes martial law, 40 percent of the population will be convinced it’s because Trump was a sore loser who didn’t want to step down.”
When the truth comes out, the hateful Left will be exposed for the fascist nazis they truly are, and there won’t be any credible argument against it.
Nobody can change what anyone believes. So just like the nazis and nazi sympathizers after WWII, the TDS Left can believe whatever they want.
And they can also live in fear of opening their mouths in public about their beliefs ever again, just like the nazis — or get the treatment they deserve for revealing their nazi collaborator past.
You seem to imagine that having the actual truth on one’s side makes one invincible when the fighting starts.
“You seem to imagine that having the actual truth on one’s side makes one invincible when the fighting starts.”
What fighting?
When all the idols of the Left are brought low and treated with the roughness they so richly deserve, followed by public executions, who is going to beat their chest in the public square and stand up for them, or challenge anyone?
How many Hitler loyalists did that in the public square after WWII ended?
And if any did, what was their fate?
Did they escape the public square with their lives, or did they die right there, at the hands of the public?
executions in a month? the left will scream POTUS is a dictator…they won’t show truth…they will show brutality and convince their minions he is evil…
“executions in a month? the left will scream POTUS is a dictator…”
So what?
They do that anyway, don’t they?
The Left couldn’t care less what we think, about anything. Why should we care — at all — what they think?
I never understand that.
“they won’t show truth…they will show brutality and convince their minions he is evil…”
Under the current system, where the MSM is a 5th column propaganda weapon doing the bidding of foreign enemies, it is very accurate to say they won’t show truth.
But that 5th column will no longer exist, when the Cabal is exposed and defeated.
One aspect of the ‘great awakening’ needs to be a true understanding that they are the few, and we are the many.
In large part, the few have controlled the many via the MSM, through propaganda, Potemkin villages, psychological warfare, gaslighting, all of which amounts to mind-control.
When Cabal is defeated, that model goes with it.
But in the meantime, we should practice not caring at all what the Left thinks, about anything, ever again.
It’s actually a lot of fun, if you try it 😁
Regardless of what anyone tries to tell me–Truth always wins in the long run.
Luke 8:17
Left supporters are already convinced that Trump is a Hitler re-incarnated .
This is what surprises me the most everything the left has done they have been trying to pin on Trump. Every thing the left is they are saying Trump is.
What kind of F………….. crap in the water that the left drinks. All they have to do it look and see by actual words and deeds who are the people trying to take America into a Totalitarian path. Damn I look up to make sure I was spelling Totalitarian right and there are a slew of articles on– Is the United States on a Path to Totalitarianism?
The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism
OK with that I’m out of here before I discover any more things to crap up my head with,
how DOES it get out tho Scott?
the media will twist and turn everything…
it will be an uphill battle…sigh…
“how DOES it [the truth] get out tho Scott?
the media will twist and turn everything…”
Well, what is stopping the truth from getting out NOW?
The MSM.
Has the MSM not been completely exposed as literally fake news, literally a propaganda arm of the same people attempting to overthrow our Republic, the same people actively involved in the 4+ year ongoing coup attempt?
When Trump finally drops the hammer and exposes the truth about what has been going on, that is most definitely going to include the MSM.
Imagine how different the MSM would be, if the 100+ known collaborators, suspected of being under sealed indictment, where removed from the MSM and put in prison?
And the heads of all six multinational corporatoins who own 90+ percent of all media?
And the people who run those companies, like Jeff Zucker, caught on daily teleconference recordings by Project Veritas, conspiring against the truth in every conceivable way?
Gut the entire MSM, from Jonah Goldberg to Anderson Cooper (Cooper Anderson? I always forget which it is) and everyone in between.
Then break up the MSM monopoly control by the six giant multinationals, the same way they busted the oil barons, and Ma Bell, and hopefully big tech.
When we stop thinking of the MSM as ‘the press’, and start thinking of the MSM as what it is — literally an enemy combatant — the MSM as we know it will cease to exist when the Cabal is ended.
In about a month from now, or less 😁
The truth will have a much easier time getting out, when there are a lot more people trying to tell it, and no conglomerate MSM control over a propaganda narrative that suffocates truth and promotes lies 24/7/365.
“JMHO–WIthout having done even one arrest of a Democrat, I think any arrest now would be easily spun by the Media and Democrats as Trump being a sore loser, H3LL, I think there could be a video of some Democrat doing the most horrendous crime ever and people would say Trump is just pissed because he lost.”
That becomes a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, paralyzing us from ever taking action.
It becomes our reason to never do anything, for fear of what our oppressors might think.
The time is rapidly approaching when the model is going to flip.
It is our oppressors who will be afraid of what we think.
There will be a period of adjustment for many, on both sides of that coin, as the paradigm shifts.
If Q was bogus, PDJT would have put that down like a rabid dog.
He hasn’t, and Flynn CLEARLY supports Q.
Q can be “real”, and yet its pacification aspects pushed to “over-success” as part of CCP-DNC strategy.
They just needed to get through to their virus, their mail-out ballots, and their stolen election.
We haven’t lost. But it’s going to be messy and ugly.
What I find shocking is how treasonous the FBI is. I mean, I’m really shocked.
Consider this…
Swalwell was a candidate for President, just like Biden.
The FBI is supposed to do background checks on All Candidates for the Presidency.
And during the primaries.
So how in the hell did it slip past the FBI, that both Swalwell and Biden were in bed with the ChiComs?!
What are they supposed to do if they find anything?
Good question.
It would get passed up the line, I would imagine.
And…hmm…maybe it did!
After all, it might be election interference if they actually announced it.
I would think that National Security would trump that.
Their definition of national security is much, much different from ours.
“Is China OK with it? No conflict? It’s OK, then! No national security concerns!”
These people are dupes. They can’t think. They’re brainwashed.
Aaah, you’re quibbling over WHICH nation’s security…
Yes, you would THINK so.
Look, there’s no way the FIB didn’t know about Biden. It was out in public–well, half of the public at least.
Did national security trump a single damn thing?
Shout it from the rooftops wo we don’t take him seriously.
But what if they are so inept they didn’t find anything?
The FBI is not inept on basic stuff like that. Unless they want to be.
Not inept. CORRUPT!
Yes, you’re right. Corrupt. Every last one of them.
Dodge and FIB are worthless. They investigate GARAGE PULLS.
OMG Wheatie, excellent point. I’d already forgotten that Fang Fang’s boy toy ran for President. Oh….
Yes. I have had those thoughts. The depth of diabolism if so is almost unthinkable.
“Q can be “real”, and yet its pacification aspects pushed to “over-success” as part of CCP-DNC strategy.
They just needed to get through to their virus, their mail-out ballots, and their stolen election.”
But that violates the original argument that Q cannot be a friendly but independent psy-op, much less an enemy psy-op.
If it was a friendly but independent psy-op, the Trump administration would be forced to disown it and sue whoever it is to stop representing themselves as part of the administration.
Because no administration can afford to have people representing themselves as part of the administration, even people friendly to the administration’s cause, if they are not, in fact, part of the administration.
That goes triple for a hostile psy-op.
Whether friendly or secretly hostile, the Trump administration would have to repudiate it.
And not even taking any of the above into account, if Q was an enemy construct, why would Trump allow the CCP to manipulate millions of Trump’s supporters into ‘pacification’, ostensibly preventing “us” from standing up when DJT needs us to?
Nope. Erroneous logic assuming infallibility of a legitimate, “owned”, official psy-op.
The op can be everything you require of it, but it can suffer losses or diminishments, because no plan survives contact with the enemy.
“Nope. Erroneous logic assuming infallibility of a legitimate, “owned”, official psy-op.”
I don’t understand what you mean.
No one has even tried to defeat that argument before.
What is the flaw in the logic?
I did not assume any infallibility. The argument, essentially, is that Q could only be one of three things (with anything else being a derivative of those three things):
The purpose of the argument, basically, is not to prove #3 (which can’t be proven directly), but to prove that #1 and #2 are not possible.
It is your third option. Just because Q is the third option, does not mean that it plays a game and obtains the best outcome on every move or set of moves. It plays games with a real enemy – the Chinese military, assisted by Democrats. Sometimes they perform better than we would hope.
There is a logical fallacy that a significant minority of targeted Q “followers” believe, which is a known goal of the psy-op (IMO). Those controlled followers believe the Q plan foresaw everything, is infallible, and has anticipated every enemy move perfectly.
They need to believe that, and it is sufficiently close to true, that it is not harmful and even beneficial for them to believe it. But the plan is not perfect, and needs “down-siders” who also look for defects in the plan, or places where the enemy has made headway.
It’s a game, like chess. There are losses. We don’t dwell on them, but we learn from them, and better still, leverage them.
Thank you for the explanation, I understand what you meant now 👍
Thanks! My original statement was rushed and not that clear. A significant topic merely addressed as an aside. Q’s legitimate pacification purposes – to not give the left any excuses as we concentrate on being DIGITAL warriors and not dopey bugagoo bois – has all sorts of downstream effects that the other side smartly takes advantage of, as they then play whatever downside we present THEM with, for all it’s worth. Thus, we don’t think in terms of fighting back in the physical world, yet that may become necessary. We lose faith in our REAL abilities which would frankly crush these commies like bugs on day one – we grow fearful of the enemy’s actual minimal power, and lack faith in our own mighty but restrained power.
This is why we need gun-cleaning night, or better still “camera-cleaning night”, and a good look at the enemy.
I will be talking about THAT soon. 😎
In that connection you might remember pictures I posted of the rallies in Denver–I.e., the “Yay Biden Just Won” rally and ours.
Gen Flynn said they didn’t expect the courts to decide the election, just follow the Constitution. They were wanting/expecting the Court to hear the evidence of fraud, invalidate the elector certifications and send back to the states for the legislators to vote, which IS Constitutional. Instead, they followed Constitution and dismissed on a process, rather than choosing to hear evidence. WE NEED A COURT TO HEAR THE EVIDENCE OF FRAUD!!! So far, ALL the Courts have skated around listening to the evidence, which is total BULLSHIT!! They’re denying us a chance to present our evidence in court, which is our fundamental right in a dispute, in this Country!
Don’t expect justice from these Redcoat courts. They’re as bad as the courts of King George.
Serious thoughts and questions from me.
We can’t expect justice from the courts, I believe that.
If President Trump declares Martial Law, the country explodes, I believe that.
Is the DNI report of Dec. 18 our last resort for mostly peaceful resolution (without civil war/revolution)? If there was PROVABLE foreign interference in the election, the E.O. of 12 Sep 2018 does say this:
“The report shall also include updates and recommendations, when appropriate, regarding remedial actions to be taken by the United States Government, other than the sanctions described in sections 2 and 3 of this order.”
Are the “remedial actions” to be taken what would fix the election fraud? Is there any indication as to what those actions might be?
I will say that unless there is EXPLOSIVE evidence that comes to light, lots of people on the liberal (not leftist) side will never see or believe it, leading to incredible division (more than now) among the “average” people of America. And yes, I mean far MORE explosive than what we already know. I mean like audio/video of Biden & Co. making the plans with the CCP to steal the election, because that is what it will take. The leftists will never relent, I don’t care what happens to them. I mean our liberal neighbors and friends who are just ignorant.
If all else fails, what exactly then? People are furious, and ready to rise up, but how would we do that? We don’t have a “fall-back” position to get to in order to organize. We are all integrated into the same areas with the leftists. Even the red states have LARGE populations of them. We are scattered all over the country. We won’t have a declared government unless some state/states secede and declare one. Do we believe any will? If one or a group of them does, do we all pick up and go there?
All of this assumes, of course, that Trump himself doesn’t declare insurrection and put it down. I hope he will; history will judge him as Lincoln is judged. People HATED Lincoln in his day; they murdered him because of it. But today, he is venerated for saving the Union.
I have believed Trump is as transformational as Lincoln for a long time now. That is where I am placing my hopes, as I no longer have faith in our system to correct this wrong. It would be nice to be proved incorrect, but I don’t think I will.
Let me answer this later, after today’s events!!! 😀
Can’t wait for your thoughts!
Yes, I am basically agreed with your post. All of it.
We must face the fact that the socialists – both ours and the CCP – understand that “reality” for millions of their supporters in the United States is what they tell them – and not necessarily congruent with the facts – particularly facts withheld FROM THEM.
Overturning Biden through “normal corrupted legal channels” is possible, but ultimately very likely to be prevented by all the evil or corrupted forces – just like Lincoln could not force America to stay united peacefully.
I said we live in “historic times”, and what you point out shows me that I was righter than even I imagined when I said that.
Going back to my “runway landing” analogy, people are going to be very, very, very surprised just how PREPARED we are when the moment of “no more runway” arrives. I won’t say any more than that, but trust this whole thing was not left up to chance.
It is our job to support the patriotic solution when it appears. Just like Americans did in Lincoln’s time.
And YES, we are up against the same den of snakes that pushed America into civil war then, only they have a new tool called communism, which was just an infant in the 1860s.
I do not put my faith in SCOTUS. I knew it was a crapshoot before – now I realize that the dice are loaded. How? Why?
Because everybody on that court, with the probable exception of Clarence Thomas, is “ruling class”. Even Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and especially Barrett are RULING CLASS. They are Nomenklatura. Maybe right, maybe Republican, maybe even Constitutionalist, but they are Ruling Class. They will not rule AGAINST the Ruling Class.
In my opinion, SCOTUS will attempt to assist in the ouster of Trump, until “Things Happen” that CHANGE THE SITUATION for the Ruling Class.
At that point, the ruling class will reform itself to the new reality to stay in power, and sacrifice those who “went too far” in selling out the country. SCOTUS will rule differently after REALITY changes around them.
Trump called it. They are neither wise nor courageous. They are weak human beings, who stand for the only world they have ever known – THE RULING CLASS.
One thing that struck me about Kavanaugh, was he was born into a family of “elite” government types. He’s just a year younger than me, but simply because of where he grew up, he had government connections someone who grew up in Colorado never will, have.
The federal law enforcement agencies love to hire people from families of prior agents. It’s a big class structure, not based on wealth but on influence and being “one of us.”
Kavanaugh is liable to support the system, the process and the ruling class.
Yes – and note how the left tried to get MAGA to abandon Kavanaugh by the highly targeted specifics of their phony story about him. They wanted that “youth of excess and privilege” story to stick, even if the “gang rapist” part did not.
Trump has shown us more about how Washington really operates than a thousand biographies!
Somehow, hopefully in Trump’s second term, we need to crush the whole notion of a “ruling class.” Not one of those people on the court deserves to “rule” anything. They are supposed to be the mechanism for the people, to interpret the law. That’s it.
The Founders had one “fatal flaw” in my opinion. They were all NOBLE men. Washington could have been King, and said no. Jefferson was a brilliant scholar, John Adams a deep thinking lover of the law. They were all such good, decent, honorable people. They had fought so hard to found the nation, and I think it meant so much to them they couldn’t possibly completely foresee how little their sacrifice could come to mean to venal trash like we have in the loftiest reaches of the Judiciary today. The Supreme Court was supposed to be the best of us. Instead, they love their high position far more than they love the country they are supposed to protect with their supposed wisdom.
I often say that many Americans are now no better than the people from whom our ancestors fled.
Actually, I think our “ruling class” includes many good people, but they are prone to ruling-class-centric errors like “institutional preservation”, thus preserving the rot.
I think Trump is breaking up these bad new notions. His comments about who are the elite are spot on. He is mixing things up in a way in which the “ruling” and the “ruled” can make each other better, as the Founders intended, as the distinctions fade away.
Communism is designed to preserve a ruling class in the name of the ruled. It is pernicious – an intentionally sabotaged form of faux popular government.
We need 4 more years of Trump. Let us pray that there are men and women of courage and wisdom, who will not let cheating continue, just because it has been allowed in the past.
Yep…and the SCOTUS didn’t reject the evidence.
Or the merits of the case.
It just rejected the case on it’s ‘standing’.
And – rightfully so – Who has STANDING – and – Who was INJURED?
The court has shown itself effeminate, with two notable exceptions.
Well said.
Hey I came over to hopefully find that what I was more fake news. Oh well.
Then I did my daily look at Brown’s crap, and damn someone needs to do more than flush twice with her,
Rudy is back! And he looks great!
Here’s Rudy describing what it’s like to have the “CCP” virus…
(I still find all of this very weird…but whatever…)
The virus tests are so full of crap half the time it ain’t even funny.
At church we trully believe that our 85 year old dancing grandma as we call her now, got a false positive. No symptoms or anything. She just had to stay home for two weeks. She tested negative when she went for the follow up test.
WTF is Rudy doing wearing a mask if he actually got it and is over it?
He was trolling.
He took it off in the video, to show it is not necessary.
I was just alerted to this by the Fiancee.
She’s been a part of several companies that went big and got bought — so a lot of the people she called “boss” ended up as Silicon Valley millionaires.
One of them holds an annual Christmas party up in the Cupertino hills, overlooking the Stevens Creek Reservoir. I’ve been to one — valet parking — his home is one of those architectural projects….
Anyway, due to Covid, this year he is going to have a “virtual Christmas party”. And he just contacted her about the appetizers.
That’s right….between 4:00 and 6:00 tomorrow afternoon, a courier is supposed to deliver a personal portion of appetizers to our address. She may not have made it back from her sister’s (they’re making candies), so I’m supposed to see whether it needs refrigerated.
Horse doovers!
If they were really doing it up, youd get an extra dessert and vino or rose later too…cheapskates….😉
For all I know, we’ll be getting five deliveries in a row.
People in Silicon Valley don’t always compete for money or stock…..sometimes they compete for bragging rights — and, then, things can get seriously weird.
I bet. More cents than sense.
You get to eat but don’t have to rub elbows with them??? Hmmm……..sounds like a great party! Booze, too?
I’ll be posting updates as they occur.
HOw are you doing, by the way?
I’m okay! Finding it difficult to sleep. I keep waking up and thinking about the election. How are you???
Not too shabby. I’m sleeping better than that, but not getting much work done.
I know. It’s hard to focus on much else. How’s Darwin?
Doing OK. Eating only every other day, but with gusto. That’s supposed to be normal for adults, actually.
Well then that’s good news!
Wonder how many ways they can present, BACON.
Ooops, missed an update. At 4:06, a delivery guy delivered a small sack. In it was a small covered plastic tray of horse’s doovres — mostly oriental-themed (e.g. sushi) and a small take-out box of his traditional yule-log roll-up cake (with a spiral of frosting and cake). I stuck it all in the fridge.
OK, the Fiancee got home and the only “sushi” was kappa makis (cucumber wraps). There were also spring rolls and potstickers and some other goodies.
Just to make it clear — there is a special term for yesterday’s raw fish sushi…’s called “bait”. Vegetarian sushi is another story.
The Fiancee intends to have it tomorrow morning, so this is likely the last detailed description.
The fiancee managed to log-on to the virtual “festivities” at her former bosses’ place for about a half hour while she was at her sister’s.
What a grand fairly apolitical Saturday post. One I was looking gorward to, even though its maybe more technically challenging. What if anything can we see, no telescope during PST that day or evening?
You’ll see two bright “stars” very close together in the southwest shortly after sunset. Those will actually be Jupiter (the really bright one) and Saturn (the less bright one).
We will go out. Im putting it on the calendar!
I’m hoping that it won’t be raining or overcast, and high up enough in the sky to clear the firs, cedars and hemlocks. So often we’ve been disappointed because of those things.
Southwest for me is over the hills toward the ocean. Should be simple.
I would try to find a clearing, seriously, if you’re in the woods. You might see something early on, you might not.
I’ve been trying to photograph planets through a 400 mm lens (i.e., directly with a camera) and have gotten some crappy results. Wanted to experiment last night and we had overcast for the first time in weeks!
We’re not exactly in the woods, but there are lot of really tall trees around, and it’s not possible to see a “low” horizon! If it’s not too low, we might get lucky.
If they only go up about ten degrees you should be fine. I mean, there are mountains here!
Reminds me of Kohoutek.
The difference is, with Kohoutek they could only take an educated guess as to how bright it would be, since it was literally never seen before.
The guess turned out to be wrong.
We’ve got the planets nailed.
If you go out for several days and try to find the planets (Stellarium can be a big help), you can become familiar with the “plane of the ecliptic” — the arc where planets and the moon move. That’ll make it a lot easier to spot Jupiter and Saturn on the big day.
It won’t be hard, believe me.
But Mars is also out, basically almost overhead at about 8PM, yellowish-orange and quite bright. Trace that line and you’ve got a good notion of the ecliptic
If anyone owns a globe any more, they may note that there’s a weird figure-eight out in the ocean someplace. The earth’s rotational axis is about 23-1/2 degrees askew [ ].
One odd effect from this is that, standing on the equator at noon every day, the sun would be northish for half the year, then southish for the other half of a year. There’d be only two days a year when it was directly overhead.
The figure-eight is to show you where the sun would appear to be on a given date.
The reason that figure (called an analemma) is a figure eight instead of a straight north-south line, is the earth is in an elliptical orbit, and is moving faster when closer to the sun. That makes the noon to noon interval (from seeing the sun cross the meridian) variable.
Other planets have totally different analemmas, not even remotely figure eight in shape.
Hah! I bet you hadn’t thought of that in 20+ years, and were spurred to look into it by my vague 40+ -year-old recollection.
It remains, nevertheless, an important tool for understanding.
Even if you can’t remember the name.
I had to look up the spelling (couldn’t be sure which nasal consonant(s) were doubled), but I’m well aware of what it is, and have dealt with it more recently than 20 years ago
Hardly a sign of youth, some people use the analemma concept in their work; and I am enough of a science geek I’ve actually thought about doing a daily here on the theme of timekeeping.
Will try to do that.
“In heraldry, sometimes there’s an elaborate repeating background pattern in a coat of arms…it’s actually, I am not making this up, called “diaper” but presumably not in front of the knight whose coat of arms it was.”
OMG, to quote Marica, “DED!” LOOOOOOOOOOOL!
I love love love…..That you just Quoted me!!!🤣🤣🤣💖😎
Ah, you beat me to it, I just pointed that out to you.
This is one weird knight!
Brave, brave Sir Robin!
I love that I did! 😀
😘🥰💖💖💖💖 In the Foxhole together darlin!! I was gone all day and night and proud of our lil site not breaking down and giving up! Your site Stood strong too!!! We have great Patriots!! Together … We are gonna …F***cking Win!!! I feel it!! I have a fun Grandson story I want share with you!!!
He’s 5 almost 6! Can you believe? So he’s in a neighborhood Christmas Carolling group… (awesome mom).. Came home and said He’s learned a new song…”Deck The Halls”…
“Deck The Halls with thousand Jollies..FaLa la lala la la”🤣🤣🤣🤣
I gotcher song Steve!!! Love this Post!!!!
Wolf, just seconds before you popped up in my notifier, posted “Quoting Marica: DED” in response to the “diaper” joke.
There. Are.No.Coincidences!🤣
NOPE!!! 😃
Coincidence is God’s way of staying anonymous.
Albert Einstein
fer realz!!! 😎
I’m an Aquarian!!
how’s that old gag go>
I love EVERYBODY…you’re next!!
Yay Pat!!!!
And these two were tweeted out before ^^this^^ one:
I should know better than to read the replies.
Heh…yeah, don’t do that.
I made that mistake once.
It made me wanna go Hulk Smash on those people.
Like me and flat earthers.
Hiya Sista Wheatie!! I’m not sure how this works… But I just wanna say ..I really miss ya! And super glad we in this fight together!!! Smuchas sista🥰
Hi sweet Marica!
😍 *waves* 👋
Miss you too!
*hugs* {{{{Marica}}}}
We gotta keep fighting…because the alternative is a total nightmare.
Right!! {{{Wheatie}}} We FIGHT!!!
This is what is the worst part. Even many Democrats are saying things like
“wish Biden hadn’t cheated even a little ”
“so what if we had to cheat to get Trump the Nazi out”
Don’t these people realize that if the Democratic politicians went to the lengths they have gone to, to steal an election what makes them think they will be safe when Democrats violate and take even more constitutional rights away.
Probably need to start doing some screen shots…But usually it takes every bit me not to tell them off. Unlike some I really try to maintain on social media as to not stoop to the level of the Democrats.
It is time to stop caring what they think.
They will face justice. It will be ugly. We will grit our teeth and bring them to justice.
Either we bring them to justice…
Or they bring us to injustice.
I have less faith than most here that we will come out on top when it gets ugly.
I’m ready to die well.
As I told you all! Something happen on the plane I was on in 2005. I no longer fear death. I no longer fear waking up looking up at Jesus telling me I was not perfect but good enough to live with Him for eternity.
nobody does ugly like the left…
I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees Steve.
I won’t have to grit my teeth, unless in grim satisfaction.
No need to grit your teeth . . . but if you touch ‘m, be sure to sanitize your hands afterward.
I agree – fight on. But I warn those who think they can make us “run out of legal runway”, that what happens after that is not what they hope.
They have misjudged us terribly.
I have very little sympathy left for the cheaters. Actually none, other than that they are living beings, and don’t deserve to die needlessly.
But I will not abandon bringing them to justice now. They must pay, whatever the cost to bring them to justice.
We fight on. And the cheaters will pay.
“Run out of legal runway” is an apt metaphor (and more clever than “run out the clock”) for the current situation.
However pilots who are forced to land on a runway which might be too short for them, and end up not touching down precisely on the near end, say they’d rather run off the far end at a low speed than miss and hit something not runway at high speed at the start.
YUP!!!! A good plan!
Wt holy hell? The color revolution marches…
Fauci Spotlights Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, the 34-Year-Old Black Woman at the Forefront of COVID…
Dr. Fauci discussed Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett’s involvement with the vaccine and said it was vital to recognize America’s history of racism in medical research.
“Dr. Fauci discussed Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett’s involvement with the vaccine and said it was vital to recognize America’s history of racism in medical research.”
My question to Fauxi, in front of all the TV cameras, would be a very simple question.
What could recognizing a ‘history of racism’ — or a history of eradicating racism, for that matter — possibly have to do with the scientific pursuit of creating a vaccine?
Much like Obama’s comment about how a major role the Muslims had in America’s space program. I remember thinking…huh?
“Much like Obama’s comment about how a major role the Muslims had in America’s space program. I remember thinking…huh?”
It was just nonsense talk, part of the insanity narrative, designed to confuse everything and everyone with nonstop nonsense, as a demoralization and degradation technique.
Part of the psychological warfare the enemy has been targeting the civilian population with for decades.
There’s probably a rumor going around that the vaccine is poisoned by whitey to kill blacks.
I can see the first half of that being true, though I don’t care about the color of the skin of the poisoner.
If they’ve been exempt from wearing masks in some places due to “the stigma”..then why not be exempt from forced vaccines ?
There’s either a scientific basis to masks, or there isn’t.
No one can deny the truth of that sentence. Either a statement (“There is a scientific basis to masks”) is true or it is false.
If there IS a scientific basis it should trump any stigma, and everyone should have to wear a mask unless doing so will kill them faster than the damn virus. Bitching about stigma is seeking a special privilege and just perpetuates the stereotypes of entitled sacks of shit.
If not (no scientific basis), then NO ONE should have to wear a mask and they shouldn’t need to bring up “stigma” to avoid it.
“Either a statement (“There is a scientific basis to masks”) is true or it is false.”
But no one should have to wear a mask either way.
No one can be lawfully compelled to wear a mask.
If they could be, the Left would have done it the same day the faux pandemic was declared.
See that’s the legalistic catch.
The amendment stating that voting could not be abridged on account of sex didn’t give women the right to vote. it simply said they couldn’t be denied a vote just because they were women. Plenty of other reasons you can be denied a vote; it’s not a right.
Similarly, you can’t be excused from wearing a mask on account of your race. Presumably we are all excused from it (if your statement is correct) regardless of whether they are beneficial or not, or none of us are excused, if it is beneficial and IF that is sufficient reason to mandate them.
Everyone or no one. There’s no loophole for blacks, either way.
“Everyone or no one. There’s no loophole for blacks, either way.”
No one, and blacks are a subset of the group ‘no one’.
The government cannot lawfully compel anyone to wear a mask, any more than they can lawfully compel anyone to wear a propeller beanie or carry a rabbit’s foot.
Or where white shoes.
Or suspenders.
Or Lederhosen.
I’m going to have to dig it up, but IIRC, no less than Dr. Kellogg, the Seventh Day Adventist who invented breakfast cereal, said of the 1918 Influenza epidemic that it was too bad face coverings didn’t work.
Incidentally, recent scholarship has uncovered that what the majority of people died of in that epidemic was bacterial pneumonia developed from the infected person, whose immune system was overloaded, inhaling their own waste due to face covering wearing. At least that’s what I read.
And that makes more sense than cranking up the ventilator when the patient deteriorates, until the patient dies from the intervention.
I think most of the patients deaths in the early days were caused by the medical error of putting them on ventilators.
I have zero doubt of that.
Blows their perceived injury that people of color suffer the MOST from WuFlu.
Cornell U has started that ball rolling. Flu vaccines mandatory for white students. Black and brown students are exempt.
Hopefully the students will understand immediately the various purposes for that stricture.
I don’t care if it was developed by Fauxi’s pet orangatan, I’m still not taking it.
Hmm, possible career for Darwin!!!
Lol if the vaccine police show up, I’ll leave a note on the door saying, “This couple is dead, just add them to the dead voter rolls.”
“I don’t care if it was developed by Fauxi’s pet orangatan…”
You mean Clyde!
I missed the profanity on the second video, or I would have warned about it, or found a different scene!
I just remembered I could edit my posts now, so I was going to delete it, but it won’t let me edit the post now.
It would be hard to find a scene with Ruth Gordon that didn’t have any profanity.
Heh. 😄
Hey guys please take this the right way. I am getting so tired of this Black mentality crap. PBS even had some special on “Driving While Black” I will admit I only watched enough to go, they have gone so far left it ain’t funny.
They have big plans. Wait until the race based land redistribution starts. The no go zones like CHAZ are the urban version. Squat in a neighborhood, refuse to leave and soon the mob will defend your “right” to take back “stolen land”.
Here’s one….On November 19, 2020 Booker released a statement about the bill titled The Justice for Black Farmers Act that plans to establish The Equitable Land Access Service system. This land redistribution system would be led by an Under Secretary of Agriculture for Equitable Land Access.
According to the bill’s language, the Under Secretary’s office would be appointed by the President and would be allowed to “(1) purchase from willing sellers, at a price not greater than fair market value, available agricultural land in the United States; and (2) subject to section 205, convey grants of that land to eligible Black individuals at no cost to the eligible Black individuals.”
This is a land redistribution scheme, plain and simple. A federal agency would be tasked with purchasing billions of dollars in private land annually on the American taxpayer’s dime. And to add insult to injury, that land would then be given exclusively to people based on their race.
reading this ^^ is but a glimpse of what will be steamrolling toward the Americans who were taught to not see color…suckas!
OK I did not, need to read that.(Not your fault Molly).
OK lets say it this way I should not have read that. Bet Johnson and Booker been talking in the back rooms with others. Maybe that is where Johnson got the gall to do what she did.
Sorry guys I cannot get that Johnson video out of my head, especially with all the other crap that is coming down. Trully believe that she is not the obly Democratic politician talking like that. Just the rest are doing it among allies. .
Sorry about that my friend but we’ve been had. Biden, in his more lucid moments on the campaign trail has vowed to let millions of “oppressed” into the country saying that it’s ludicris to think we can’t “absorb” them into the fabric of the nation seamlessly.
Cynthia Johnson is only using her outside voice while the others are waiting for their new leader. Can’t forget Harris and her part in the Smollet hoax.
The thing is we hear what they say and often have no outrage. We are still sane enough to actually believe they must be crazy and they ARE but when they say the crazy..they mean it and they are a borg fighting together.
TY Molly at least I’m not the only one thinking that. H3LLHarris even threatened revenge on Trump and his people.
and what will they do to MAKE people be willing sellers??
If you are in a re-education camp it won’t matter.
there’s that ray of sunshine I needed…LOL
okay…I’m smiling again!
That is supposedly going to be one of Biden’s first agenda items with executive orders. Heard plans on to take of the market and stop manufacture of any type of weapon that can remotely be construed as an automatic. Along with that executive order, will be one taxing each and every gun at really high tax rate. I looks like it will most likely be making it almost impossible for the average person to own one for very long!
A great thread on ‘Christmyth’…
Interesting that he seems unaware that nowhere in the Bible does it say there were THREE wise men.
Actually, it is totally unimportant how many there actually were.
It is, indeed.
It’s just interesting how something like that (there being three wise men) becomes an “everyone knows” through repetition…when it’s based on nothing at all.
“It’s just interesting how something like that (there being three wise men) becomes an “everyone knows” through repetition…when it’s based on nothing at all.”
I thought it was based on the ancient song of wisdom…
There are many very old traditions about the wise men. I learned long ago not to discount anything. Many things have been lost to the depredations of time and distance.
“There are many very old traditions about the wise men. I learned long ago not to discount anything.”
The ancient song of wisdom…
We three kings of Orient are,
Tried to smoke a rubber cigar.
It was loaded, and exploded,
That’s all we know so far…
Thank you for playing along Grandma, I was beginning to think no one would give me the opportunity to finish my earlier post… I think Steve suspected it was a trap… 😂 🤣 😂
I have several books about the wise men. The three gifts given to the Christ Child may suggest that there were three wise men, but as you said, FG&C is right.
This is why we have Sacred Tradition, something that was abandoned with the “Sola Scriptura” movement which was resurrected, actually. That was something that was popular early on, like before the Canon of the Bible was closed, and a stop was put to it.
Oh, and in the Gospel According to St. Luke, the stage of St. Elizabeth’s pregnancy is the clue on the month Christ was born. Early Church Fathers’ writing indicates that her husband’s job would have had him away until the September before, and she would have conceived at the end of that month.
So that would point to June-ish? Or am I missing something?
Yes, for the birth of St. John the Baptist who was six months older than Christ.
Night All!!! We Fighting For our Country! Proud to be with all you!!! Thanks for your Friendship…Your Support..And your Never ending Belief! God Wins…
🤗 🤗 🤗 😍 🥰 😘 💖 💕 💞
Here is the video he is talking about:
Well, if they need people to assist in obtaining this justice, I think there are many who would volunteer to help.
Great video!
Giuliani phoned in and talked to Grant Stinchfield on Newsmax last night.
I tried to find a clip of it, but didn’t find one.
Breitbart has a clip of it, though…in this article:
………….From the article:
Giuliani said, “The case wasn’t rejected on the merits, the case was rejected on standing. So the answer to that is to bring the case now to the district court by the president, by some of the electors, alleging some of the same facts where there would be standing and therefore get a hearing.”
Host Grant Stinchfield said, “Mr. Mayor, I know you talked to the president just after this ruling came down. What’s his reaction, and how’s he doing through all this.”
Giuliani said, “The president’s reaction is to look at other options. I mean, we always knew that this was an option, that we would have to convert this into — in fact, originally, we thought about this as possibly four or five separate cases. So that is the option we are going to have to go to. There’s nothing that prevents us from filing these cases immediately in the district court in which the president, of course, would have standing, some of the electors would have standing in that their constitutional rights have been violated.”
He added, “We’re not finished. Believe me.”
It sounds like Team Trump believes there are additional legal avenues. Good.
I badly want this settled WITHIN the process rather than having the process fail so badly we have to step outside of it and invoke the last “self evident truth” of the Declaration of Independence–which is what you do when a government is too broken to ever work right.
We MUST begin preparing ourselves for the Demon Dems to abuse the courts completely now. We try for legal options, but don’t expect a fair shake. Prepare to fight for liberty. We can’t be too explicit what that means, but we need to get realistic.
We have a communist FBI that serves criminals.
We have a DOJ that does not actually care about justice.
We have politicians who serve CHINA before AMERICA.
I don’t want to be remembered “well” by such people.
I don’t want to be remembered at all by them.
Hanged people don’t remember shit.
(And I refer to hanging as a form of execution after due process of law.)
Kinda interesting that they expect the process that is due to them yet they do not provide it to us.
Because we don’t matter. We’re throwbacks.
We MUST CONTINUE to prepare ourselves for the Demon Dems abuse of the courts – we have seen this in numerous occasions – imho
We have a COMMUNIST FBI – that has always served criminals – and looked to incriminate those who were not criminals – that will change!!!
We have politicians who serve CHINA before AMERICA – and they are going to jail for aiding and abetting the enemy.
They do not care about any of us – and that is fine with me – you reap what you sow – and if what you sow is evil – so you will reap.
There is good and bad in every church, organization, agency, government, and/or corporation – we must fight them all.
This is the Spiritual Battle we fight to save Our Constitutional Republic!!!
The difference between the past and the present is we did not see it as such – we were divided by party – ideology – left and right – you name it – whatever they could find to divide us – look what just happened in the Texas Case – states sided with Texas – states opposed Texas – is that really a true representation of our country OR is it the farce they have been feeding us all along – Red and Blue States – Left and Right?
I believe we are a UNITED STATES – those who are opposing America are not Americans that abide by the Constitution – the Law of the Land!!!
Thanks for listening!!!
Good. I’m not finished, either. But I’m not planning on ANY of these rotten courts giving Trump a fair shake.
Here you go.
Giuliani video:
Jenna Ellis video:
Thanks, Churchmouse!
You’re welcome, Wheatie! 🙂
What I like most about The Q Tree – Ask and ye shall receive!!!
Posted last night. ALMOST as if Trump Team expected or knew the Supreme Court would reject the Texas case.
Below cases were READY for filing.
Yep! 😀
They may or may not have expected this.
But a prudent person always has a what-if plan.
It’s like doing a mag change even when the intruder you just had to shoot looks dead.
Message of encouragement from Tracy.
Supreme Court only ruled on the standing of Texas in this case. Which they rejected, supposedly because Texas has not been injured (yet)
Other cases going forward.
Retweeted by Sidney:
And said they made emergency filings to Supreme Court
As I was trying to sign off KLOVE was playing this. I just needed to share.
I know I will never be alone. There are others in the fire For I know many stand next to us/me!
Most importantly Christ is standing next to all us in the fire, in the waters..
Daniel 3:25 He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”
TAYA – Another In The Fire
There’s a grace when the heart is under fire
Another way when the walls are closing in
And when I look at the space between
Where I used to be and this reckoning
I know I will never be alone
There was another in the fire
Standing next to me
There was another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
Of how I’ve been set free
There is a cross that bears the burden
Where another died for me
Here is that full image:
May the good Lord’s angels be with them, guarding & protecting them.
Psalm 91:11-12
For He will give His angels charge concerning you,
To guard you in all your ways.
They will bear you up in their hands,
That you do not strike your foot against a stone.
Now THAT’S what I’m talking about!
And THAT is what TRUMP is talking about.
The language is problematic for me. It sounds like Chinese propaganda.
PLEASE be true!
Outrages Antrim County report of Dominion machine forensic audit sealed by DemonKKKrat judge.
Why? What are they trying to hide? If there is nothing to see the demonrats would have gladly made this public.
It will have to be WAR. Democrats must FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES.
BUT – and this is always true when CHINA has set up a “Let’s You And Him Fight”……
Is there a REASON why people have to rock and pace.
Maybe it’s just the stage training where we learned to stand still, but that distracted from the message.
They don’t realize how crappy it looks.
I spent some time working with a third party, and some people actually gave lessons on doing a TV interview (provided of course that the media paid any attention to us at all) and one thing they emphasized was to stay absolutely rock still. It doesn’t bother people in conversation, because they move their heads to follow without even realizing it, but the TV camera will NOT follow you, and has your face framed tightly.
I actually did get a TV interview; it ended up being in the courtyard of the studio’s building and they posed me on very unsteady footing (a rock that was a teeter-totter), which absolutely has to have been deliberate. Back then I had good balance and the back of my brain was on a loop that read “FUCK YOU, Media Pukes, I’m standing still anyway”
Steve, another really good opening post. You do a pretty good job of making things understandable to non scientists without talking down. Thanks.
Most of it went over my head. But the gist of much of it, made perfect sense.
Will try to see Saturn and Jupiter. Being in Northern Nevada, boondocks may see them. From an earlier post, just after sunset. Southwest.
Weather guessers have lots of clouds in the forecasted for this area, during the Great Conjunction. Hoping to get lucky with clear skies.
New article posted at Political Moonshine:
Who Is Ike Brown?
December 12, 2020
Trump, vaccines, & autism
more from Trump “FISA” comments on twit world
I don’t fully understand all these references but I’m guessing Q followers might
This was actually tweeted twice at the same time:
(To highlight something??)
If you go to QAnon Drops and Trump Tweets at QAgg.News you get both Q’s and POTUS’s posts, which included any double and deleted ones.
Thank you for that info. I’ve never been a Q follower & am technically Q Agnostic so I’ve never been to see Q drops directly, but have been planning to read the first few dozen as DP suggested the other day.
I will add that site to the list of ones to check when I finally get around to that follow up–so many desired tasks & important reading yet so little time! Blessings
Here’s a bit of evidence of the quirkiness of the site functions.
Steve in Co told me he liked my above comment on Trump, Vaccines, & Autism & I saw it in the bell notifications.
Checking here on the thread there is One like to the comment but it’s Not Steve it’s Wheatie & her Like doesn’t show in the Black Bar BELL notifications
I would guess that Steve read my comment in the Bell & clicked Like there which I saw in my Bell (he’s often generous w/ Likes on comments on his posts, as are many authors, but I would guess that only people that clicked the gray bell to turn it green Who ALSO have access to the black bar Bell would even know of his Likes, so most comment[ator]s, unless Liked on the thread by Steve, etc, might not know/show those likes!)
I would guess that Wheatie clicked like here on the Thread, which I cannot see on the Bell & only knew about by checking likes at the comment, which I did wanting to Confirm that Steve’s Like showed.
THIS APPEARS TO MEAN THAT WE CAN’T SEE EACH OTHER’S LIKES VERY MUCH THROUGH THE BELL, & if we forget to uncheck the gray bell, turning it green, we can’t even see replies to a comment in the black bar Bell.
THIS APPEARS TO INHIBIT certain aspects of the Social component of the site.
Is there a way to remedy this???
So when we reply here at New Q-Tree we may only ever get Partial Awareness of our communications & to get “complete” info we have to
Frustrating & counterproductive to quick processing of info & encouragement of each other!
This is meant observationally for problem solving not as a complaint per se 👍 👏 🐺 🐾
LIked via notifier.
Is that the “black bar bell” notification? Just for my own clarity? Thanks for confirming that supposition 🙂
Yes the black bar bell, the “old” notifier.
Thanks. That was the Easiest way to keep track of stuff at old Q Tree, at least for those of us who had access to it (I think some people didn’t for some reason)…I guess we were spoiled in some ways.
Now with So Much activity at New Q Tree it’s Impossible to keep up & who has time to keep checking back on their comments to join expanded conversations, assuming they’re happening, when one cannot even read Every Comment (which I always want to do but haven’t for any new Q Tree Open Thread because there are So Many–which is great that we are getting this much activity)…
By the way I really liked what you wrote about, fascinating.
On those notes, my husband’s robber baron ancestor J. J. Hagerman had some notes for his Mollie Gibson Silver Mine in Colorado that I’d seen for sale before. I’ll see if I can scare one up…
Whoops this was signed by Percy Hagerman, JJ’s son, & my husband’s great grandfather. His daughter, Anne Hagerman married CO Gov Oliver H Shoup’s son Verner Reed Shoup & they are one set of my husband’s grandparents. Ironically I found AH & VRS both traveling in 1st class on the Lusitania on the Ellis Island website some years back…
These things look to be about in the era of your notes discussed today.
I believe that JJH was part of that group of movers & shaker that were heavily hurt financially when the country went to the gold standard & their silver wealth was significantly diminished.
As part of family history research I always mean to look more deeply into their adventures that we’ve known nothing about due to disinheritance, distance, & death!
Here’s a picture of the Mollie Gibson mine area
Here’s some silver from the Mollie Gibson mine
Those above 2 images aren’t necessarily connected, fyi.
There is a wealth of info at Bing images for a Mollie Gibson mine search
& back when regulations actually made sense LOL
That’s not a note, that is a stock certificate (and yes people collect them too).
They’re less popular as collectibles and have no intrinsic value if the company is bankrupt, so they tend to be cheaper. I know nothing about them, actually, but I don’t doubt that some are so rare they command non-trivial prices.
Which reminds me of a story about paper money, and collecting it. Every note the US has ever put out is still valid. So if you have a ten thousand dollar note, it is worth, at a bare minimum, ten thousand dollars.
A friend of mine was given the opportunity to buy a bunch of old US paper at face value. Nothing high quality, and that was the rock-bottom price. The seller could, after all, simply spend it if he found no buyer. My friend was interested but didn’t have enough money. So he approached his bank, wanting to borrow the money in today’s bills, and have the old stuff kept under lock and key at the bank as collateral. He’d then come in and make payments, basically exchanging a new note for an old note at face value.
The ignorant banker wanted to take the notes to a jeweler to be appraised. First the jeweler doesn’t know shit about collectible bank notes, second, they are guaranteed to be worth face value which is all he wanted to borrow.
Thanks for that enlightening info. I wasn’t using the word “note” in the literal sense (my bad), just that I knew the item was some type of paper document or certificate but wasn’t sure what I’d seen previously. The one I shared was the first one I saw w/ my husband’s ancestor’s signature on it for that search.
Another auction house had an expired auction for another fancy document that was also attributed to the Mollie Gibson Silver Mine in the description but the image was small & all I could tell was that it was a loan from the Bank of Milan, Kingdom of Italy, in 1927 & due to be paid in 1954, I think. The dates didn’t line up w/ the MGSM date on the lot listing & I couldn’t tell that it was connected to that mine so didn’t also share it.
I found old stock certificates that my Grandpa, as President, & Grandma, as Vice President, had signed for a business venture they had (I don’t recall the nature or name of that business). Those were stocks #1 & #2 & I wondered if there ever were other stocks issued. I wanted to get them framed in such a way that there would be glass on both sides to the frame could be flipped so either side could be seen because they were so interesting (at least to me) but that remains one of very many tasks I have yet to see through 🙂
Fun stuff!! Good luck with the framing when you do get to it!
This is an apparent connection between Pfizer & Wuhan!
hmmm, this is all just fyi, no opinion here
Hoping the last 2 tweets show
I wonder if someone would care to get that large chart & post it as a new comment so it might be large enough to read for anyone interested. Thanks in advance if someone chooses to go that extra mile.
God Bless ALL Q Treepers & guide, protect, inspire, & direct our President & all Patriots, in Jesus’ Name.
Memo from Commie Cuomo…..Mohr cases! We need mohr cases!
This is a rapid result COVID-19 clinic for individuals who are not experiencing symptoms.
i never really understood getting tested if you’re not experiencing symptoms part of it…unless an employer requires it…
That just moves the “I never really understood” one level away, why would the employer require it of symptomless people?
Excellent thread on Criminal vs Military Law and Military Tribunals and tying these to various Q-posts
Hopefully this will be larger and easier to read:
Unpacked, so it will play here:
Hi wheatie, can you tell me how to unpack?
Sure, Eilert!
You simply click on the embedded tweet that is within the tweet you’re posting…
Then copy/paste the URL for that tweet.
Just remember, the video on an embedded tweet will not play here…not like it does on twitter.
What you did still posted a tweet. I usually open it in another tab & wait until the twitter navigation disappears in the URL to get the actual site, like you tube, fyi…but thanks for all the Unpacking you do around here!!!
Me thinks this is still going to happen.
This clip is longer than the ones I have seen before.
He says…”You guys did this for the Obama administration before this.”
Then he goes on to tell about their “extensive Voter Fraud Organization”.
Pierre Delecto got caught:
I wonder how far back he has been getting big donations from Soros.
Wasn’t there a Q-drop which talked about ‘wire transfers’ and Romney?
Seems like Ann Coulter was mentioned too.
I wonder if Coulter has been getting money from Soros as well. 🤔
Sure you are.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 12, 2020
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”
1 John 5:13 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Psalms 1:6
“For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.”
King James Version (KJV)
Ah, Foxy Duchess with the daily…whatever it is. 🙂
Reminder of who is really in charge – GOD!!!
Well, she has graduated to Wolverine status now! & I see that you are released from Cute Chipmunk humiliation!!!
But you are still a fox!
Well, yes I am (at least according to this website’s current “standards”) 😉 Thanks for noticing!
I wasn’t taking the site’s word for it. 🙂
That’s sweet [blush emoji]
This week, in good news, TN’s laws to prevent abortion due to the sex of the child or due to a diagnosis of Down’s syndrome was upheld. 🙂
Very good news!
Good Saturday Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed day!!
Morning, Pat!!! See you have been busy ‘conversing with the crew’ – hope all is calm and bright where you are – feels like the calm before the storm – but, have not checked the forecast as yet – not always reliable – shots fired this week – so hunters are close to home.
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!
On to the Wash…Toodles!!!
Craig “Sawman” Sawyer
What’s happening to the USA right now is demonic.
Good advice. Library, estate and garage sales are all good places for that.
“Save hard copies until the madness ends with the inevitable coming civil war.”
When the inevitable civil war comes, who is James Woods going to be facing off against, and how will he recognize or identify them?
What territory will he be defending, or what territory will he be trying to take?
Who are the leaders of his side of the civil war, and who are the leaders of the other side in this civil war?
If the two sides can be identified and differentiated such that a civil war could even take place, what are the declared objectives of each side supposed to be?
No one can explain even the most basic dynamics of how a ‘civil war’ could even take place, yet so many have bought entirely into the concept that a ‘civil war’ is not only coming, but inevitable.
I would love to understand how it would even be possible. Just the basics, like the things mentioned above.
Should it come to pass there will be a lot of confused fighting everywhere, as people try to assume control over their own local area. Perhaps in some cases the local government will be firmly one one side or the other and clamp down instantly with martial law.
Eventually we’ll likely see commie big cities and non-commie everywhere else, and then you have, basically Russia’s situation in 1918. And that was not a good time and place to be.
And the cities did win that one, ultimately terrorizing the rest of the country into submission.
We have many advantages the non-city Russians did not have, more guns being only one of them. Another is that transport in Russia was a lot less developed, and the big cities were hubs, so they could effectively isolate different parts of the country and pick them off one by one. Here, we can avoid the hubs.
Why would DJT allow any of that to take place?
Well, you asked what a civil war would look like when literally every place in America is inhabited by people on both sides.
As for whether he would “allow” that to happen, it’s a frigging rebellion. By definition, you don’t have control over the rebels, and right now I’d say they would command the allegiance of 40 percent of the population.
I haven’t seen even the slightest indication that Americans are ready to stand up for themselves. Most of them won’t even take off their freakin’ masks, much less grab old double-barrel Bessie and head out in the street to fire at… I don’t know, somebody, no way to tell if it’s friend or foe.
And for what?
What is the purpose, what is the objective of the supposedly inevitable ‘civil war’?
To express one’s existential angst at the universe?
Who is in charge?
How do they train, communicate with and organize their troops?
There are some very basic things that need to exist in order for a civil war to take place, and I don’t see any of them.
Might some cranks and gang-bangers get pissed off about Trump and go out in the street and start firing indiscriminately?
It’s possible, but that’s not a civil war, that’s just a few idiots volunteering for life in prison.
A civil war requires a *&^% of a lot organization, it has to have concrete objectives, and you have to be able to identify the enemy.
If DJT decapitates the Cabal, who is going to fund and organize the Left for their ‘civil war’?
And even if they did, why would any conservatives waste their time or risk their lives fighting those idiots, when it will be Trump’s job, using the U.S. military, to wipe the Commie insurrection off the face of the planet?
Every time people start talking about a civil war, it feels like I’m trapped in some kind of ‘B’ movie 😂
When Trump is sworn in, there won’t be any civil war. Any attempt by the decapitated Left will be crushed instantly.
And hypothetically, if Biden was sworn in, there wouldn’t be a civil war either.
In that case, I would suggest that at least a measly 5% of the population (roughly 17 million Americans) peacefully descend on Washington D.C., surround it, and not move.
And the other 63+ million Trump voters go on strike. Bring the entire nation to a standstill.
There are not enough dirty cops to even begin to deal with those kinds of numbers.
And the military won’t be attacking their own friends and family at the order of a fraudulently elected Pedophile Joe Biden.
Why do you assume that Trump will successfully decapitate the cabal?
I see two scenarios that could lead to a civil war:
1) Biden and/or Harris gets in and the revenge starts. There will be resistance and leaders will emerge. Or we die.
2) Trump is inaugurated and the Cabal tries to rise. “Oh but he will decapitate the cabal” you say? Really? How can you be sure of that? “We have everything!” Well, that’s someone telling you we have everything, that’s not meaningful proof we have everything; and that someone is running a psyop, which means WE should not just believe what he says, even if it’s a friendly force running the psyop. Because “we have everything” might just be a bluff to make the enemy freak out, rather than have any truth to it.
You touched on something that’s key, though. It will help Trump greatly in the event he can convince the military he is the legitimate winner. Otherwise, their oaths will require them to support and uphold Biden because they will believe HE is legitimate.
“Why do you assume that Trump will successfully decapitate the cabal?”
Because he is more than competent, and he has the might of the United States military at his disposal, which is orders of magnitude more than the Cabal has.
The Cabal doesn’t even have its own nation-state, it has no military, no Navy, no Air Force, no Marine Corps, no Army, no Space Force.
If the military gets involved in the violent application of force, it’s lights out for Cabal.
And Trump will definitely do that, rather than give up.
“I see two scenarios that could lead to a civil war:
1) Biden and/or Harris gets in and the revenge starts. There will be resistance and leaders will emerge. Or we die.”
Trump is the lawful President of the United States until around 11am on January 20th.
Trump has proof — much more than we’ve seen, and we’ve seen enough to overturn the fraudulent election already — that Team Biden are traitors and criminals who not only cheated massively, but did so at the behest and with aid of a foreign adversary (CCP).
It would be an act of Treason for Trump to turn the country over to the CCP and their puppet regime, Biden/Harris.
Trump is not a traitor, and he’s not suicidal.
Biden/Harris will never see the inside of the WH again.
“2) Trump is inaugurated and the Cabal tries to rise. “Oh but he will decapitate the cabal” you say? Really? How can you be sure of that?”
Because there is an astonishingly small group of main players that would need to be liquidated, and our military knows exactly who they are.
The rest would scatter to the four corners of the world, fleeing for their lives. And the moment Trump unleashes the military on them, there is no place on this earth for them to hide, much less try to mount a counteroffensive against the United States of America.
We’re not up against a military Superpower, we’re up against a handful of grotesquely wealthy and insane and obscenely pampered billionaire psychopaths.
They’re not military strategists, and they don’t have a military to command, even if they were.
“We have everything!” Well, that’s someone telling you we have everything, that’s not meaningful proof we have everything; and that someone is running a psyop, which means WE should not just believe what he says, even if it’s a friendly force running the psyop. Because “we have everything” might just be a bluff to make the enemy freak out, rather than have any truth to it.”
The enemy knows what Trump has, enough to know their goose is cooked. Hussein knew it before he left the WH, there was no way to cover 8 years of electronic tracks in the time between November 3rd and January 20th.
He was caught with his pants ALL the way down, and he knew it, and he knew Trump knew it.
As for ‘we have everything’, I’m not counting on Q or what Q says. I’m counting on Trump, and Military Intelligence.
There is already more than enough evidence, in the public domain, to convict all of these dirtbags of Treason. So whatever “we have it all” means, it’s more than is needed, because we already have enough.
There has never been a more open-and-shut case in the history of the world. It is only the power of Marxist brainwashing that even makes us doubt it, and the constant self-defeating mantra that the Left will ‘never believe’.
I don’t care if they believe. Why should I? Why is it relevant?
Did the Nazis and Nazi sympathizers who survived the war become Jew and Gypsy and Christian loving peacniks after WWII, or did most of them go to their graves believing in Hitler?
You don’t have to change what people believe to win, if that was the threshold, then nobody ever won a war in the history of the world.
Nobody the Philistines defeated embraced the Philistines. Nobody Alexander the Great defeated suddenly became Alexanderphiles. Nobody Genghis Khan defeated became supporters of Genghis Khan.
They put all the violent people down, and the survivors were rightly afraid to oppose them or the same would happen to them.
That’s reality, the reality of humankind, from Adam to the baby born one second ago as I wrote this.
In the history of the world, nobody gave a &^%$ what the vanquished and defeated thought about anything.
It’s just some perverted Marxist mind control, some PC-residual sickness, that makes anyone think it matters what the defeated Left is going to think about any of it.
Either we decide to win, and do what’s necessary to achieve it — or we die.
That’s our *&^%ing choice, and sometimes, out of sheer frustration with our side’s unwillingness to ever do what it takes to win, I don’t think our side deserves to survive. If we can’t crush these horrible, vicious, vile, murderous monsters, when they are totally exposed, then maybe we shouldn’t win.
We probably shouldn’t.
We should get the Darwin Award instead.
“You touched on something that’s key, though. It will help Trump greatly in the event he can convince the military he is the legitimate winner.”
He doesn’t have to convince the military of anything, the military (military intelligence) has been engaged from the beginning of the Trump administration.
The assassination attempts that we never hear about, who is protecting the President from them?
The military.
Trump trusted his own private security more than the disgraceful leftovers of Hussein’s ‘Secret Service’, and rightly so.
The military knows better than anyone who the enemy is, what Biden and Clinton and Hussein have done, they lived through it, they saw it from the inside with the purging of patriots. And they see it every day in surveillance and data collection and every other aspect of espionage and counterespionage and cyber warfare.
They know Biden is a traitor, the know all of the Cabal are mass-murderers and pedophiles and psychopaths.
Trump doesn’t need ‘proof’ to convince the military. It is the military who has generated most of the evidence Trump has.
“Otherwise, their oaths will require them to support and uphold Biden because they will believe HE is legitimate.”
Military is what, 65% conservative vs. 35% dims?
With nearly 100% of the 65% conservatives and their families being Trump supporters?
And they’re going to believe Pedophile Joe, the openly known China puppet and disciple of Hussein the Traitor, is legitimate?
There’s not even a tiny chance.
Trump has this well in hand.
He hold all the cards.
All we have to do is stand up and hold the line. 👍
And if he needs us, he’ll certainly let us know.
A stray thought I woke up with after connecting some dots.
POTUS is aware that vaccines cause autism.
BUT POTUS STILL ran Operation Warp Speed. This allowed the Globalist ‘Sterilization Vaccine’ to be ‘ready’ just after the election.
NOTE it was held back until AFTER the election.
WHAT IF they can PROVE it is a ‘Sterilization Vaccine’ and that Covid was a Bio-Weapon to scare people into taking it?
What if they can prove the DemonRats and CCP colluded to sterilize the world’s population so the CHINESE could take over ?
Then I wake up to FISA VACCINE!!!
STERILIZATION so Your Grandkids can be REPLACED BY CHINESE will outrage most of the Left except for those too far gone.
Knowledge that the suffering over the last year was DELIBERATELY CAUSE and the DemonRATS were in on it?….
It has to be something like that, because this vaccine business is worse than nasty.
AND those old tweets of POTUS show he KNOWS the Vaccines are nasty.
Given what WE KNOW about Bill Gates and the WHO and their sterilization plans for Humanity, I can only think this was a MASSIVE STING.
Every time I have doubted PT I have been wrong. It’s too late in the game to doubt him now.
If nothing else, the alternative is wholly unacceptable. Can’t be allowed to take over America.
Not a bad idea.
That’s the plan of the other side. I’ll explain once I go through the comments already here once.
Secession, and split the nation. Literally.
AND it gives the CHINESE a foot hold in the USA LITERALLY.
Yes, hence why, I would imagine that they are being allowed to buy up some prime real estate.
If Biden gets into office China will have Cartel Blanche in the USA literally.
This is succession stuff is a day after plan. Can’t happen in a month. And it can’t happen in 6 months until you lay the ground work.
I’d first propose that succession states have all federal tax revenues flow through a State Agency first to determine a states fair share burden before it continues on the Federal Gov and this way the States can tighten Washington’s purse strings.
This will relieve the tax paper of repercussions until they read us the riot act by which time we will be at war.
Spelling. ugh. Yes.
“When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer ‘Present’ or ‘Not Guilty’.”
-Teddy Roosevelt
as usual these are great….
Except the “what went wrong” Soy Boy on his scooter is missing his Man Bun.
LOL…there was a guy on a scooter in that one? LOL…too busy looking at the guy on the bike!
How does Whitmer make herself look so EVIL?!?
It’s incredible… every single photo… 😂🤣😂🤣😂
the inner beast is eager to show itself…LOL
She is Channeling Disney’s EVIL QUEEN?
Hubby and I got a belly laugh out of ‘That would be Chuck Yeager.’
Covid Vaccines: ‘The Ends Cannot Justify the Means’
by Bishop Athanasius Schneider
On the moral illicitness of the use of vaccines made from cells derived from aborted human fetuses
In recent weeks, news agencies and various information sources have reported that, in response to the Covid-19 emergency, some countries have produced vaccines using cell lines from aborted human fetuses. In other countries, such vaccines are being planned.
Correct. But the Ends justify the Memes!
Christine is trying to keep hope alive.
Fifteen Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
I wonder what DNI Ratcliffe’s report is going to do to the Presidential Election…
Our Lady of Guadalupe Pray For Us.
Okay, I’m going to take some heat for this, but I think we’re grasping at whatever straws that give hope, and the Texas case was one of them.
It was NOT part of the white hat plan, and probably would have spiked the actual plan itself.
This morning, while checking my usual suspect accounts on Twitter, one of the trusted whistleblowers endorsed this one, from an account that some consider suspect:
Here are the pages:
The Trump justices spiked the spike, it seems.
This could very well be a LARP, but given who endorsed it, I have my doubts, and given all the land being bought up by the Chinese with no objections raised….
But still:
Is the one thing we’ve overlooked in this entire exercise what the other side wants to do, which is achieve the goal they set out to do in 1861 and literally split the nation apart?
Is that what the other side is after?
Imagine what a split up and disunited states of America would look like. It would be the Articles of Confederation on steroids. No more Interstate System. The intracontinental waterways would be loaded with tolls and taxes – and for the rivers that act as borders, who would be owed the fees. The military bases – who would own those.
This really would be the only way to take the nation down: physically separating the states into different international units.
Remember, united, nothing can stop us. They want us divided.
That being the case, I would like to amend my list of objectives that the COVID FF was meant to achieve:
Add these:
If I’m reading between the right tea leaves, the XVII/POTUS team let the states’ case go just long enough to be able to expose to the public how certain actors would line up when it all supposedly went down.
As an aside, when I was reading through the comments from last evening, Duchess posted something on “Standing” in a legal sense, and it occurred to me that it’s probably along the same lines as a bi no-no in the Catholic Church known as interfering in the governance of other dioceses. It is not permitted. In fact, one conservative (in name anyway) archbishop was shipped out of the country for doing it. I would imagine this goes along the same lines. States telling other states “YOU CAN’T DO THAT” is really not permitted. Living in a state downstream from where a major river is dammed up…yeah, just TRY to get North Dakota to open that dam in a drought year.
Okay, that’s all for now.
Appreciate this, thank you. Whatever is going on it has me in tears. For us, our nation, & a wonderful President who worked SO hard & should be able to have a celebration party for his absolute yuge victory.
One point that is missing.
POTUS and his TEAM spent the last four years ferreting out the traitors.
JohnHereToHelp’s version of the DS plan DEPENDS ON GASLIGHTING the public.
REMOVE THAT ABILITY and they lose their major weapon.
I think there are going to be a heck of a lot of people arrested and even more who make PUBLIC CONFESSIONS of what they are doing in return for lenient sentencing…. by the military tribunals.
This current Dog & Pony show is for two reasons.
I also think REPUBLICAN Brian Kemp and his side kick will be FIRST UP. 😈
People keep thinking there are MASSIVE NUMBERS of DEDICATED COMMUNISTS in this country. There are not. There are ‘liberals’ but even they are only ~30% total of the electorate. True Communists are at MOST 10%.
Just like the Bolsheviks gaslighted the Russians into believing they were the Majority (and used bullying to silence the actual majority) the Traitors in the USA are using the same tactic. Heck this summer they had to EMPTY THE PRISONS and BRIBE PEOPLE and SHIP THEM FROM RIOT TO RIOT to get the numbers they needed.
So although JohnHereToHelp maybe correct as far as he goes, he does NOT KNOW THE PLANS OF POTUS!
Yup. 2020 is going to end, and 2021 are going to have a series of sonic booms as TRUTH is revealed
EBS – Emergency Broadcast System. EBS remains significant, in my mind anyway, getting the truth out to ALL Americans.
At the right time, after ODNI report and additional facts are uncovered, INVOKE the EBS. Take over the air waves and Internet.
One very clear message is beamed out for Americans to see and listen in on. “EDUCATE” for all to see and listen in on TRUTH.
Let the arrests commence, immediately. Wherever they go. Joe, Hoe, Uniparty, fake news talking heads and CEOs… Let the Truth flow like WATER.
EVERY American has STANDING in who is inaugurated 20 January 2021.
Courts want standing, we are ALL being wronged, harmed…
Will discuss later!
What is going on here?
One of our own posters spells it “succession” persistently partway up this page (page 1) and so does the writer of the letter!
More seriously, there is a big AH HA for me in here.
They don’t fear the civil war–because they expect China to intervene on their side.
Ours in the 1860s was bad enough, but at least France and the UK stayed out of it. It was a major goal of the Confederacy to get those two countries to recognize them diplomatically and then come in as allies.
Just as it was our goal to get France to do so in the 1770s.
It’s rolling.
I can see the tweets and others are liking and retweeting them
Tweets by realDonaldTrump
Nope, I was wrong. Didn’t scroll down far enough before posting. can’t like or interact with the tweets exampled above
It looks like it’s the ones regarding voter fraud and the election, not the rest of them.
It’s even more insidious than that. I am a tiny account, with a handful of followers. I just found, liked, and re-tweeted ALL of the tweets above. They are blocking BIG accounts from doing it, not ALL accounts.
Communist bastards!
I can tell you why. Because Influenza A which is the nastier of the bugs between it and COVID, is being labelled as Covid via fake tests.
Wow – that would make sense.
John Paul Jones. Naval hero.
All caps. POTUS has the weapons he needs. He told us we’re going to be shocked – it will all come out, they caught them all.
I love this man. I just love him.
This is also part of the “you have to SHOW them”.
Republicans in the last probably 70-80 years were not about the people. They just changed positioning to get votes to stay in power.
RNC will NEVER file lawsuits over the fraud. NEVER.
RNC should itself a fraud when RNC refused to help fund Sidney’s legal efforts to expose election fraud – DOMINION.
Sidney publicly stated the unspoken truth at the time, RepubliCONs benefited from Dominion stealing elections for both D-rats and RepubliCONs.
To me, this explains the deafening SILENCE from so many “Republicans” in ANY elected office. It explains the deafening SILENCE from Ronna McDaniel and the RNC. It explains the “Let’s just get past this, let Biden take office, and look at 2024” garbage.
Look into the 1981 Consent Decree that was issued as a result of the DNC vs. RNC lawsuit over voter intimidation and fraud.
Until recently and I believe only because the judge who presided over the case DIED, was the Consent Decree terminated. (2017) So for almost 40 years the RNC has never been able to challenge voter fraud. (Even if it WANTED to – which is not saying they did.) Things have a way of becoming acceptable and ordinary in much less shorter periods of time – present conditions included.
As with everything else, the Left has utilized projection to portray the GOP of what is it guilty of regarding voter fraud and intimidation practices. Because these claims have gone unchallenged, we now have a majority of the Left that believe it was President Trump who tried to cheat in this election and who is trying to stage a coup. And with the help of the MSM and the fourth (and fifth) columns, they continue to set the narrative.
There has been an article floating around conservative social media (as well as memes and fake news graphs, etc.) since spring and other articles since the spring claiming death totals for 2020 do not support excess deaths and therefore wuflu is overblown as the people supposedly dying from wuflu are those who would die anyway.
Excess deaths are easily proven true and the claims that we have fewer deaths and/or lack of exess deaths is easily proven untrue (easily but took some time! ha)
Total Deaths for weeks 1-18 in 2020/2019/2018 are all listed below and prove the article/notion of fewer deaths and/or no excess deaths in 2020 100% wrong.
2020 was a normal seasonal flu but Wuflu began to spread and kill by late feb.
2019 was a normal flu yr and 2018 was bad seasonal flu year.
Useful comparisons do not include weeks 1-8 as wuflu was not killing Americans in the first 8 weeks of 2020. Only a few hundred deaths were reported by the end of Feb so even week 9 is not particularly useful to determine excess 2020 deaths due to wuflu but it is included as that is when the deaths started to accumulate in the US.
WeeK 1: 60,018 v. 58,299 v. 64,647
Week 2: 60,553 v. 58,362 v. 67,495
Week 3: 59,192 v. 58,220 v. 64,647
Week 4: 58,993 v. 57, 908 v. 62,780
Week 5: 58,658 v. 58,152 v. 60,974
Week 6: 59,223 v. 58,523 v. 61,110
Week 7: 58,657 v. 58,000 v. 59,779
Week 8: 58,704 v. 58,005 v. 57,793
2020 total for weeks 1-8: 473,998
(First deaths of WuFlu begin with a few and quickly climb as week 9 is end of Feb)
Week 9: 59,125 v. 58,546 v. 56,692
Week 10: 59,492 v. 58,546 v. 57,093
Week 11: 58,471 v. 57,917 v. 56,326
Week 12: 59,027 v. 57,096 v. 55,766
Week 13: 62,789 v. 56,675 v. 54,918
Week 14: 72,079 v. 56,598 v. 55,294
Week 15: 78,836 v. 55,492 v. 55,228
Week 16: 76,559 v. 54,4468 v. 54,038
Week 17: 73,658 v. 53,656 v. 53,727
Week 18: 69,093 v. 53,987 v. 53,741
(Week 18 ends May 2, 2020, same as the “study” claims to end their #s)
Weeks 9-18 totals (the time period when the Wuflu deaths began in the US and the end date of the article’s claims)
2020: 669,129
2019: 562,959
2018: 552,823
2020, weeks 1-18 total deaths: 1,143,127 (Not what the article/”study” is claiming)
Article claims a total of 787,181 deaths for 2020 through May 2, 2020. Article was published on May 8. Death totals/data lags 4-6 weeks behind. It was simply not possible for the author of the “study” to have complete data by May 8 for 2020 through week 18/May 2, 2020. The data available on May 2, 2020 would have been complete through late March, at best.
All of my #s were taken from the CDC here:
Why does debunking this “study” and similar claims of no excess deaths and even fewer deaths in 2020 matter?
1) To lessen the deaths, the impact of 2020 even without including the impact of the gov overreach/shutdowns is to lessen what China has done to use by releasing/not containing this virus
2) To lesson the deaths, this spring especially, is to lessen and even ignore the horrific impact of Dem gov policies of forcing the ill into nursing homes and other group homes/vulnerable populations and how those policies of not only not protecting the vulnerable but actively endangering the vulnerable killed 1,000s
3) To lesson the deaths is lesson the seriousness of this virus which is dangerous those who read such stuff, whether it be in memes or links to articles or quoting false stats. When people read such fake news it is Dangerous to their health as they will not walk in wisdom in their choices about this virus. They will make choices out of ignorance.
Ex: Someone thinks the virus is all fake news and the #s of deaths are actually the same or less than previous years will not learn about, much less take, supplements that will help them be stronger or learn about and be prepared for actual infection by the virus. and this virus sucks! so people need to try to avoid it through intentional lifestyle and health choices + be prepared should they become infected.
I have now lost friends who were completely dismissive of wuflu even after becoming infected. Because they didn’t take it seriously, they spread wuflu to many others + didn’t take care of themselves with supplements and demand meds until complications developed after several weeks. It is serious and no one knows if they will develop complications until they do (although some are more prone to do so than others due to age &/or comorbidities such as being overweight, having high blood pressure and high blood sugars)
I know of too many, some now dead from wuflu, conservatives who did not take it seriously (taking wuflu seriously does Not equate to living in fear any more than being a safe driver equates to living in fear of dying in a car accident). Being dismissive of wuflu is not wise.
4) To lesson the deaths is just inaccurate, is lying and is Fake News. When we pass along Fake News we are part of the problem + we loose our own credibility. We do a disservice to those we read what we write and damage our own credibility when we share things that are accurate. We damage the credibility of websites on which we post fake news.
We have many more readers here than we have commenters. This site may feel like a small group of online “friends” and in many ways it is but there are many readers who never comment who read, digest the info and pass it along to others.
When I post counter opinions or post corrective facts, I rarely even pay attention to the name of the person who posted the original comments. It is far from personal. I scan and scroll for facts, news and info, not for names. It is a disservice to leave fake news unaddressed and when fake news is about a deadly virus (yes, wuflu is Much more dangerous than the flu although with treatments the death rate of those infected continues to decrease) it is imperative that we correct the info so others are not lead astray.
Not personal, just facts &/or truth.
Truth is not always the opposite of fake news.
Wuflu is serious. Typical flu year is 15-40K dead and a bad flu year might see 60-80K dead from flu and its complications such as pneumonia. In the 12 month time from when wuflu started spreading in the US, we will see 500K-700K dead from wuflu and its complications like pneumonia.
Should we be fearful? No … but neither should we be flippant or ignorant or dismissive of wuflu. We should be wise, knowledge based and truth focused. We must discern the truth and walk in wisdom.
Truth, facts and accuracy ought to be our and then figure out policy from there
We are STUCK with the Covid virus. It is now throughout the country.
HOWEVER we have Ivermectin and HCQ + Zinc + Antibiotic that will defeat it IF USED EARLY.
WHY? Because they want to colapse the world economy so they get their Grand Reset and to SCARE the Sheeple into taking their ‘Sterilization Vaccine’ AND RFID TRACKER!
In 2004, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first RFID chip that can be implanted in humans.
Technology News
Insurers to Test Implantable Microchip
By THERESA AGOVINO (AP Business Writer)
From Associated Press
July 14, 2006 4:34 PM EDT
On the Net:
Verichip: http:
Schoolchildren to be RFID-chipped Japanese authorities decide tracking is best way to protect kids,39024663,39122042,00.htm
RFID chips in the news at
RFID in patients
VeriChip & NJ Health Insurer Begin 2-Year Trial of Implantable RFIDTuesday, July 18, 2006
The physician-insurance collaboration, taking place at Hackensack University Medical Center, pairs VeriChip’s RFID-infused microchips with chronically ill patients so that ER physicians can access those patients’ medical record electronically.
Articles on human RFID tags:
RFID in Health care:
Israel mandates RFID chips in hands
Excellent points Gail. As usual. 🤗
Right on, Gail.
Agree with everything you say.
lessening death count only serves to dilute the focus on the horrible impact of covid 19, let those responsible escape their criminal responsibility and punishmetns + distract from their plans for which they are using SARS2/covid19/wuflu.
The physicians of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine urge a nutrient-based method to prevent or minimize symptoms for future viral infection.
From coosmama and I (I added scientific studies -useful for normies plus other stuff)
EGCG in bitter green tea (ref 3/17/20) article S.Korea is treating with zinc and green tea, inhibits cytokine storms. This article is regarding EGCG and OA/RA. A little weedy, but good info on how it increases antioxidants, decreases inflammation.
Elderberry is helpful for most people, esp with flu A or flu B. But if no improvement in symptoms after day 3 of the Chinese Virus or if you are risk for cytokine, then stop using it. We still take it twice daily, every day.
Review Shows CoQ10 Beneficial for Blood Vessel Health
[Since Co-Q-10 is an OTC and not patentable not many studies have been done. However good doctors know about it. I had a long talk about it with an heart specialist at a kids party. He was from India. — GC]
A South Korean research paper has demonstrated in Vitro that by increasing the Zinc concentration in cellular cytoplasm, that viral replication is inhibited. As intracellular levels of Zinc are increased the inhibition of viral replication can reach 100% according to charts within the paper.
The researchers used two antimalarial drugs which are Ionophores. Ionophores are molecules that can carry a charged ion like Zinc across a cellular membrane. South Korea has been treating high risk, Critically I’ll COVID-19 patients with the drug Hydroxychloroquine. It is likely the single clinical reason that South Korea has the lowest death rate in the world for COVID-19 victims of 0.6%
Hydroxychloroquine is a pharmaceutical drug that requires a prescription. However there is a nutritional supplement called Quercetin that is a Zinc Chelator and Ionophore and requires no prescription.
It’s interesting that there has been a great deal of research done on the ability of Elderberries as an antiviral agent. And Elderberries, Red Wine and Blueberries all three have high amounts of Quercetin. It may be likely that the high Quercetin content of these foods is the reason for their measurable anti-viral properties.
So what would be better than supplementing Zinc and Quercetin together to elevate intracellular Zinc levels in order to inhibit viral replication? Since there have been no Clinical Trials of this supplement regimen then dosages are your best guess. But even increasing Zinc to levels that result in a thirty percent inhibition seems like a major advantage to the patient, and may be enough to tip the struggle in your favour.
If you’re looking for a zinc supplement, I’ve been taking this for years. Whatever you decide, go with chelated zinc because it’s the most bio-available form of zinc (i.e. more of it will get absorbed into the bloodstream compared to other forms of zinc).
What Is Quercetin? Benefits, Foods, Dosage, and Side Effects
Also consider drinking green tea – that’s what I’ve been using. It has a zinc ionophore called EGCG, which has been shown to work similar to quercetin.
Zinc ionophore activity of quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate: from Hepa 1-6 cells to a liposome model.
I drink GREEN TEA.
EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate): Benefits, Dosage, and Safety
Thinkthinkthink’s doctor recommended instead of guaifenisen. (DO NOT USE the DM formuila)
The Mucolase™ enzyme in Mucostop targets and breaks down excess mucus, helping you breathe better in any season.* And this all-natural solution clears out the mucus without the drowsiness of other products. All that’s left to do is take a deep breath.
Enzyme Defense Nearly all environmental threats contain proteins that the immune system must identify and break down. Enzymes that break down protein (proteolytic) can support this immune process.* Enzyme Defense gives the immune system a much-needed boost while also supporting healthy circulation.
Serrapeptase helps the body break down protein. This might help decrease inflammation and mucous.
I live in a DemonRat state and do not trust doctors at this point.
Thank you 😀
the horribleness of their plans is reason enough to Not dismiss the #s of dead and Not to believe the fake news of underreporting
By the way, yes *we* know the answers to try to avoid infection and what to do when infected. However, Many do not and even those who do can not always get the treatment that is best. In our rural county in TN we can not get the treatments mentioned.
You keep posting the same information over and over. Why?
Seems very reminiscent of these Democrats that keep telling us to pay attention to COVID and not the election steal from the wanna be Commander and Cheat.
I don’t get it either. At this juncture, everyone who’s been paying attention and can think straight KNOWS that the amazingly effective, cheap meds were “debunked” from the get go. Docs were ridiculed and threatened. Recovered patients’ stories were systematically ignored. Contacts were listed as cases. Listing covid as the cause of death, when not definitively so, was implemented. The “stay home” messaging itself, from the very beginning, was meant to make more people SICKER and terrified, and drive the stats. COVID WAS ALL A PLAN.
And you either accept the horror of that, or you don’t.
That being said, I accept as gospel that this was planned and implemented by the CCP and the left. I have proceeded to act accordingly. Found a doc and a telemed that will be there if I get sick, get on a prophylactic and supplements. Wear a mask in stores as required and don’t hang in close quarters with people.
Because there are people here who maintain that Covid is a complete nothingburger, claiming (falsely) that fewer people have died during the Covidiocy than in other years.
This post is actually new information in that she has posted stats to back her prior assertion (without data) that in fact more people have died this year than before.
MAGA Mom agrees that Covid CAN be treated effectively (but often isn’t). But there’s no way around the fact that untreated, it’s not a nothingburger, it is potentially very deadly.
The correct response is to insist on effective treatment, not to deny that there is a problem.
I should have been clearer. It’s not the facts I was questioning it was the…
Not personal, just facts &/or truth.I rarely even pay attention to the name of the person who posted the original comments. It is far from personal. I scan and scroll for facts, news and info, not for names.
Over and over. I just find it odd.
TELEMED is available for everyone.
That may be so, but many providers will have their licenses pulled if they prescribe HCQ for anything but auto-immune disease.
Telemed is the way around the leftist Governors.
No, it’s not. Because I’m still responsible to my state board for the prescription. You don’t remotely understand the issue.
The doctor at Telemed writes the Rx, not a local M.D.
You are correct. And in my state if I prescribe HCQ I will lose my license. It doesn’t matter if you are in FL or GA or anywhere else. I’m in AZ.
My Family Practitioner in FL prescribed HCQ for me and Publix filled it.
Corsi telemed, – $59 consult fee.
Those guys are going to end up in front of their boards explaining themselves. Guaranteed.
I imagine they’re hoping they will be vindicated. Not that that would necessarily help them; the board could come back at them with “but you didn’t know at the time it was OK”
Exactly. It will cost them tens of thousands to defend themselves in terms of legal fees and loss of revenue in the mean time.
Well, THAT makes them doctors who really are serious about helping people.
I imagine they’ll get people offering to cover their expenses. Like many who didn’t die of Covid.
That is not true – HCQ is listed as one of the world’s essential medicines – and it’s one of the safest.
Only if you are prescribing it for RA or Lupus. If I were to prescribe it for COVID I would end up losing my license. Ducey put a stop to that. The pharmacy board would report me.
For travel – one can request it. Sorry for the communist intererence in your medical practice. Both my sons in law are medical residency profs. – one trained at Emory and the other at Johns Hopkins. My family has several generations of doctors. Things sure have changed over the generations.
And you’re not a provider. How would you know what the individual state prescribing guidelines are? I don’t appreciate being told I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to my own practice guidelines.
Look – I don’t care what each state Rx guidelines are – Telemed doctors can bypass all that.
HCQ for CV-19 has more literature than any of the vaccines do.
So does Ivermectin.
And none of them are allowed to be prescribed for COVID in this state.
Some of the same things I have been saying for months now…
But due to the horrendous terror that has already been instilled in so many, it is very hard to get them to stop look around an look at the real facts.
Bet everyone on here has at least one friend, probably more that they never thought would be gullible enough to fall for all the fear mongering hype the the media and others have put out there
Liberalism ruins everything it comes into contact with.
Call me a paranoid old lady, I don’t care. The chip mess is one of the many many reasons I refuse to get the COVID vaccine. Yes they might be just crazy rumors, but damn look at how small chips are now a days. Too much hype about Americans needing to be chipped as an easier way authorities to tell who got the vaccine and who didn’t!! What easier way than implanting a chip of some sort within the vaccine.
Crazy lady will die before I take their COVID vaccine. Crazy lady will rather die a horrid death then take their crazy vaccine.
“….Typical flu year is 15-40K dead and a bad flu year might see 60-80K dead from flu and its complications such as pneumonia. In the 12 month time from when wuflu started spreading in the US, we will see 500K-700K dead from wuflu and its complications like pneumonia….”
Unfortunately because of the STRAIGHT UP LYING we have ZERO way of knowing if those numbers are real. As one Treeper said an EMT she knew personally saw a DOA with a gunshot to the listed as a COVID death. The government is PAYING for COVID to be listed as cause of death. So you are going to have MASSIVE FRAUD.
In 2018, a total of 2,839,205 resident deaths were registered in the United States—25,702 more deaths than in 2017.
The graph below shows 28% of all deaths this year (weeks 10 aka March 2, 2020 to 20 aka May 11, 2020) are from COVID.
Now look at APRIL in this graph of TOTAL mortality.
Note CDC DOES NOT LIST BEYOND APRIL in an easily find-able form. I went through ten pages of listings for 2020 mortality and tried fiddling the numbers in the above graph. No luck. However I did find this.
From here:
Who, here, is being flppant?
Who, here, is being ignorant?
Who, here, is being dismissive?
Who, here, is being unwise?
Who, here, is not being knowledge- and truth-focused?
Who, here, is not discerning the truth?
Who, here, is not walking in wisdom?
What is your point?
Is this post of yours from yesterday the reason you keep admonishing us:
Is your issue that you believe in government-forced mitigations, while some others do not? If so, it would help if you would be direct about it. If that’s what you’re trying to convince us of, please just say so. Otherwise, it looks as if you are preaching to the choir. If you want schools locked down, restaurants closed, families separated by government order, etc. — or something in between — please just say so. Then we can talk. Otherwise, people are left scratching their heads.
Yes, These Truths who here indeed. I think these posts are authored and then copied and pasted here. Something is just off about variance in style from post to post. The government mitigation angle seems plausible.
Thank you.
ChiCom-19 is a complicated subject. It’s very real as a novel weak coronavirus, but it also is what it is – a variant weak coronavirus, very similar to the 4 prior and still currently circulating ones, which was very likely tweaked for human infectivity, to create a MEDIA HOAX and MEDICAL PSY-OP to help unseat TRUMP. It’s more deadly to the elderly and weak, AS EXPECTED SCIENTIFICALLY, because it’s a partly novel (look at the genome) weak corona.
Denial of the hoaxy aspects of COVID-19 is foolish. Denial of the absurdity of forcing vaccination for something that – for most age groups – is considerably LESS DEADLY THAN THE FLU – is falling victim to the “reality hoax”.
Reality hoaxing is like reality TV. It’s “real”, but it’s ORCHESTRATED. I refuse to discuss the “real” aspects of this GROOMED and STAGE-MANAGED FAUX PANDEMIC unless the “hoaxy” and “staged” aspects are discussed as well.
“And” yes – I had it, and I know what it can do to an old, compromised person. But that does not CHANGE my realistic view of the virus, and the evil use of it by the CCP and DNC to “get rid of Trump” and his supporters.
Where has MAGA Mom once denied the efficacy of the “simple” treatments?
Where has she called for mandatory vaccination?
This post of hers is SIMPLY about aggregate death numbers, in response to foolish claims that the aggregate death rate from all causes declined this year, phony data used to argue that COVID is a complete fabrication.
It’s not. It has, most definitely been exaggerated and used as an excuse for all kinds of nefarious shit, but that doesn’t make the COVID itself phony.
MAGA Mom is focusing on ONE PARTICULAR aspect of this issue and everyone is reading a whole bunch of totally unrelated shit into what she is saying.
Steve COVID is a real virus. Is it as bad as some of the viruses of past flu seasons? I thinks that it is quite similar to some other flu seasons! I am thinking that it is actually not as bad as some though!. It is just all the media and political fear mongering is making it seem worse. If one bothers to look at the death tolls of past years there are several years where even more people in total died, especially in the last decade
1)We all know the numbers have been inflated. The questions is by how much. As I brought up in one of my comments-Were some or many of the 50,000 care facility deaths just on paper or were they all real people. To me I think more people would have been pissed than I read about. Think Sandy Hook for my reasoning,
2) how many of the supposed COVID deaths were a direct result of COVID? How many deaths was COVID not even part of the equation when it came to the person dying. Even the main media reported in beginning that several hundred or was it thousands were never ever tested, even in an autopsy yet listed as a COVID death!
You know what the worse part of this whole mess is that we will never ever be able to know the real truths about COVID or even do any reliable scientific research on it.
I do agree it has been exaggerated. I do agree it has been exploited by the Dems.
But look around at what some people here are saying. They’re claiming it is a TOTAL hoax. THAT I will argue against.
Even the anti mask, anti lock down and anti vaccine people I have come across are not saying it is a Hoax, at least not how you are taking it.
Hard to explain to someone who has not listened to some of the whole conversations. Some people are calling the tyrannical abuse portion of COVID a hoax, but not the virus! As I said it is not easy to explain if you are not in on the whole conversation As it is you probably are misconstruing what i just said!!
Yes there are some, mostly brain death liberals who still are misquoting Trump thinking that Trump said it was a Hoax, but Trump did not.
Read Prognosticasaurus. He elsewhere today said the virus itself is a hoax, and reaffirmed that when someone challenged him on it.
In what way did he mean it,…that it was a hoax as being a pandemia or it was never a virus, Big difference
Personally I feel that as a pandemic COVID was a hoax, but is actually just another flu season type virus,
Sometimes one hears what they want to hear
I’m pretty sure he meant the second.
Damn he is an idiot.
Will say that some that talk about the Pandemic being a Hoax, often prefix it with the Virus is real, but the Pandemic is the Hoax.
And that second part can cover a wide range of situations, but one of them is right!
Yes, calling the virus itself a hoax flies in the face of science. Anybody who has spent even a few minutes on sequencing sites KNOWS that a NOVEL CORONAVIRUS has been isolated from MILLIONS of patients around the world, studied and SEQUENCED, found to be NOVEL, rapidly micro-mutating but only slowly-evolving (just like the existing weak coronas).
And THAT is in fact critical to the nature of the social hoax.
True influenzas are fairly well understood, both scientifically and socially, and past “special flus” were largely underwhelming, not creating the necessary social forces to manipulate populations.
In contrast, because coronaviruses were poorly understood by the public, yet common and easily transmissible, they were a perfect candidate for making the public “trust the experts” on social changes based on the premise of a new virus.
All they needed WAS a new corona. Bats had oodles of candidates, some already having limited transmissibility TO humans and even BETWEEN humans. A bit of tweaking, and VOILA – a new weak corona.
Therein lies the winning scientific framework within which to view the hoax. Influenza-like illnesses (ILIs) and derived pneumonia are basically a constant culling background on the old and infirm. A NEW STRAIN will tend to transmit faster and DOMINATE a zero-sum population of potential victims. It is entirely possible for both sides to be “right” – that a new disease is responsible for an increasing number of deaths – that “dinosaur viruses” are responsible for fewer – and that the overall number of deaths, all factors considered, may not grow in a way that reflects the new disease dominating.
PERFECT situation for psy-ops on the new disease.
The virus is real A new killer is in town – and he’s stealing victims from all the old killers. And therein lies the hoax. The “hoax” is how we’ve been convinced to view something that is ALMOST NORMAL – simple endemic virus population dynamics – as something very abnormal – because CHINA was able to sell us on “!!!NEW KILLER VIRUS!!!” when it was just another Toyota Corolla-grade virus.
Smooth move, China.
A bug is a chemical weapon is a nuke is old US policy.
By that policy, we react as if we’ve been nuked.
Thank you Wolfie-Dang I had to re-read a few spots twice.
Think I was saying it in one of my comments.
Yes COVID is Real.
However COVID is pretty much like the other flu season viruses of the past, just that the media and politicians have done a blitz of fear mongering with it.
Truly believe that just like America’s death tolls over the last decade are not much different than this year, COVID true death numbers are pobably about the same as many other flu season death numbers. Maybe a bit higher than some flu seasons and lower than other flue season.
We will probably never know the real truths about COVID, especially how many really died directly due to COVID!
A combination of (1) natural mutations (within the allowed range of any particular virus) and (2) new potential victims with variable degrees of immunity to the particular virus or viruses like it, is what normally powers the appearance of exceptional flu seasons.
Adding a 5th weak corona, some large percent of its genome being similar to the existing ones, was guaranteed to create an exceptional and virulent flu season, with a bit of extra virulence in the bullseye population (nursing homes and assisted living facilities), but it’s still just a flu season. Now we have 5 coronas, and a vaccine for the newest one, for the highly vulnerable – just like for influenza.
The bio-9/11 psy-op, IMO.
Point of clarification: Are you maintaining that this IS the flue, or is having the same effect as the flu?
Because as far as I know the flu (“influenza”) is not a coronavirus (though some colds are).
In the first paragraph I’m speaking generally about all particular viruses in the category of ILIs (see below), each of which [when viruses] have rather unique spectra of mutation, which affects the need for modifying vaccines to differing degrees between them. True influenza being a much different virus and mutation case from the weak [ILI-producing] coronas, it would appear so far.
I’m using “flu season” broadly here to include all the ILIs. I’m being imprecise precisely (hahaha) to point out the actual state of affairs – that it is nearly impossible to be precise on which caused what – the confusion – the scientific fog of war – being a politically useful quality of emerging complex science, as communism gravitates toward cases of scientific uncertainty, where it can provide early and strong faux answers which honest science cannot.
But without needing precise numbers, we know that a relatively NEW coronavirus entered the arena – one which had an advantage in terms of reduced immunity in the population. I am saying that ChiCom-19 [riding on the back of a bearded lizard named Darwin, in my mind! 😉 ] stole victims from every other ILI – as would be expected – and even stole many which pneumonia had stolen from the other ILIs, because people can “Say it’s name!” of pneumonia – but “human respiratory syncytial virus” not so much. All due to a bunch of politicized “ugly bags of mostly water” fighting over categorization of the dead, to either support or rid themselves of Bad Orange Man. Because once one can sympathize with viruses as victims of other viruses – well, all sorts of great science opens up! 😉
But seriously, the psy-op of giving a name and FEAR POWER to a new weak coronavirus shows the power of the media to manipulate us. “War of the Worlds – Viral Edition”.
OK, now I think I see where you’re coming from clearly.
Totally believe the hit on care facilities on the east coast was intentional, especially the care facilities in NY. and PA!!
Still can’t seem to get the gut feeling that just maybe some or many of Care facilities numbers were just on paper and not real people!! You know like the Sandy Hook numbers!
Hate when I get these crazy gut ideas and can’t shake them.
At least I am among friends.
Finally, a name. That is one person, and he can clarify his position if he wants. He does not speak for others, and he can be addressed directly if someone disagrees with him.
What about this thread and these numbers?
TY Wolfie–Awesome food for thought, which makes some of my crazy thoughts gel together better!!
For the many times I have been exposed to it, I guess I have been lucky.or maybe the good Lord has other plans for me. (knock on wood).
I even tutored a young man who was diagnosed with COVID less than 24 hours after our last tutoring session. Anyone who has done any type of tutoring knows, you don’t do it from a distance more like 6 inches if that much, . Oh he was sick, really sick. He like most young men his age now tells you it was nothing, but while he had it, it wasn’t to him..
Did we wear masks–Yes. However, there were many time the masks slipped down and we just let it be.
My two theories are this–1) It was not planned, but it was abused and used by the crazy tryanical leaders who are using and abusing it now,
2) It was planned months or even years ago and we all fell into their crazy fear mongering trap just as they hoped.
As of the last month or two, I am leaning way more to my #2 theory which really scares and saddens me.
Saddens me that any group of people would do this to so many other humans.
Scares me because if any group of people are capable of willy nilly killing offf people like this then it appears that we have another Hitler on our hands.
Another thought that keeps cropping up in my head because Sandy Hook keeps popping in too, What if some or many of those 50,000 plus people that they say died on the east coast, mostly NY were actually just names on paper and not real people like many say Sandy Hook was.
Just Grannies Crazy thoughts as of late.
Very interesting thoughts, too!
I dare you to post that on Fakebook.
The plot and coup against the U.S. can’t be ignored, and that’s where so many of us are coming from.
You’re totally missing her point.
You’ll note her numbers are simply aggregate numbers of deaths.
She’s responding to repeated insinuations that fewer people have died this year than in previous years. She makes no attempt to claim COVID is the cause of all of these deaths, but surely SOMETHING has caused a lot of <i>additional</i> deaths, and she’s suggesting that is likely COVID.
She’s said nothing about government forced mitigations whatsoever. You’re talking past her.
Steve, Maga Mom – we have seen over and over and over and finally learned that numbers fomented by the CDC, Johns Hopkins, WHO, etc. cannot be proved and cannot be trusted.
We have watched the spread of SARS-II minutely from the beginning when the (expletives deleted) Democraps intentionally and cavalierly spread it around the Chinese New Year and Mardi Gras seasons last winter/spring.
It was spread intentionally in our area (S GA/N FL) by Democraps showing their hineys, rebelling against President Trump’s shut-down. And the results were devastating – among the overweight, diabetic, heart/lung compromised and elderly demographic in our area – including obese health care workers.
We have learned test results and case numbers are not to be trusted either.
We have seen failures in TESTS, in DATA in our area and around the world.
Just one example – Adventhealth says 33K tests in FL are incorrect – inaccurate –
We also saw data and cases manipulated for political agenda purposes.
So when numbers are put before us – we now treat them with reservations.
We are angry because of the way the leftist media treated the news of the efficacy of HCQ, Ivermectin and Budenoside and even plasma treatments.
SHe’s not putting COVID numbers before us now (which I agree would be suspect), but total deaths in the US numbers.
And I’m seeing a lot of people put words in her mouth here; she puts together a list of death numbers and say we shouldn’t minimize COVID and some people have replied on the assumption she’s in favor of the vaccine or other mandatory government-dicated measures. Where did she say that?
Where did she say she believed the CDC covid numbers?
Death numbers include Covid numbers.
DEATH RATE overall rate unchanged –
Update from CDC
Of the 220,000 deaths reported as due to COVID, the actual cause was:
88,208 – pneumonia & influenza
17, 799 – chronic respiratory disease
26, 365 – respiratory distress synd.
44, 261 – hypertensive disease
23, 275 -heart disease
28, 000 -cardiac arrest
Red Nation Rising (now suspended) tweeted this link –
Of course they do. But that’s beside her damn point.
ALL she was trying to do was respond to people who think less people have died (of whatever cause) this year than have in past years.
When someone is willing to respond to her ACTUAL DAMNED POINT I hope she’s still around to listen.
There are graphs floating around that support the supposition that the flu numbers have bottomed out, that overall deaths have remained the same or decreased.
Who’s to say whose graphs should we trust??????????????????
Certainly the links I have just posted look fairly credible.
Sorry you have been riled by our disbelief of MagaMom’s numbers. But why should we believe hers more than anyone elses’ numbers???
When you post (alleged) COVID death numbers in response to a post about total US deaths (from whatever cause), that tells me you’re missing her point.
Nope – I’m not. I posted some of both.
It’s as if I were to post vehicular crash fatalities and you were to respond by posting deaths on motorcycles only (and calling the motorcycle death numbers into question while doing so).
I give up….your mind is far more intelligent than mine.
Nice to the point response there.
MAGA Mom posted a few days ago that more people have died in 2020 than in previous years. Not “Died of COVID” or “Died of flu”, just “died.”
Someone asked her to back that up.
This is her back up. Now people are complaining she’s beating a dead horse and posting the “same” stuff, when she is in fact posting backing for prior assertions, responding to a challenge someone else made.
And every single response to her has been totally beside the point, and (worse) putting words in her mouth. And some are ascribing points of view to her that she’s not even propounding; one even accused her of wanting to mandate things.
I’m sorely disappointed by what I see here. If you want to argue against what MAGA Mom is actually saying, then argue against it. Don’t attack strawmen.
The one single issue I have not seen addressed is: with multiple businesses closing people are being funneled into bigger stores in greater numbers instead of being spread out into several business. During a normal flu season you don’t see this happen. You may never know how many people were infected because of being forced into a herd and no one has immunity. Hope that makes sense.
It does…and of course the big boxes like Wallyworld and Target got exempted from closure because they could point to their grocery service and claim they were “essential.” Other big boxes like best buy not so much. And most small brick and mortars that couldn’t claim to be grocery stores got boned.
The big stores, of course, would be ripe ground for the spreading of any communicable disease. That’s why I don’t complain too much about social distancing; I never liked it when some wheezing, sniffling person got close to me and if one good thing comes of this it might be that people who are obviously symptomatic with SOMETHING are at least aware they should at least THINK about staying away from other people.
Colorado got slammed back into lockdown, but interestingly, Walmart is not as covid regimented as before. The “shop this way” signs are gone and there isn’t a bunch of cattle-run nonsense outside the door though they still make sure you go in the door marked entrance and out the one marked exit–in the past people would just pick one and go.
I am in NY so we don’t bother thinking we are out of lockdown, it just seems continuous. Afraid to leave because Cuomo will change the rules while you are gone. Our Walmart is the same except you can now use your own bags.
I think the other bigger problem is because of vaccines peoples immune system aren’t as strong as they should be and most people don’t know how to deal with this type of illness because they never had to (just my opinion). Before vaccines we were taught in school home nursing and first aid. Like Trump I lived through and had almost all of these diseases, only ever 1 time with the flu. I do agree with the distancing.
…and by “stay away” I mean as a matter of courtesy, not compulsion.
If her posts today are in response to something someone said yesterday, then it would help if she stated that, and whom she is replying to. There are about 1000 posts on this site per day, and many people can’t read them all. All they see is yet another post, homily included, about how we have to be wise. Some personal responsibility and clarification on her part would help.
True, that!
I won’t argue against any claim that her style of communications is bad!
She mentioned mandatory government-dictated measures yesterday. I did not say she’s in favor of them. Instead, I aasked her if she was, and she has not answered my question. I did not assume anything but said her comment sounded like that to me and gave her the opportunity to clarify it. She did not respond. I did not assert, and sill am not asserting, that she’s in favor of government mandates. It would be nice if she would respond to people directly.
Fair enough. You’re right, I’m responding to what I’m seeing here today.
Thanks for clarifying!
TY–GA–In all my posts I forgot about the Florida fiasco. Damn that was one of the worse manipulation of numbers ever done However, once it is put out in the news there in nothing that can erase it from a liberal or for that matter the minds of anyone that has already been so terrified by the media that they can’t even think straight any more.
The quote about government mitigations is directly from her posts yesterday — from her. She did not answer my question then and continues to ignore some of the questions people have, to the point that you have now stepped in to explain her intentions. If she thinks people here don’t see any danger, then she could say so, but she doesn’t. She could name names or directly address that person/those people, but she doesn’t.
How many people here say that WuFlu is a nothingburger? Most talk about how to stay healthy, and we’ve had months of author posts about it and commenters giving information about the latest therapeutics to treat it. The repeated homilies about wisdom, knowledge, and truth get old when the vast majority of commenters recognize that it can be deadly while at the same time advocating against lockdowns in favor of personal responsibility. Balancing those two is discussed here all the time. There is no reason for anyone to keep reiterating it to everyone. And it’s not possible to have a discussion when one person presents information and won’t respond to comments and questions.
What most of us believe (and sometimes say) is that COVID is NOT a death sentence despite the fear porn of the urinalists trying to make us believe it.
Things would be a whole lot better and would have been a whole lot better if they had allowed cheap and effective treatments
Oh crap. You went there.
Now everybody’s going to know that most of the hysteria was not deserved.
Hope you’re happy. /s
However, havta say I’m impressed by how Regeneron pepped up/restored President Trump and perhaps was used to do the same for America’s Mayor Rudy Guiliani!
Can you quit beating that dead horse?
Almost as if there’s a motive.
There is overwhelming evidence and testimony, papers, research documents, and research blogs contradicting what you are putting forward, in particular the mindless pablum proffered by the CDC, who are owned by big Pharma and the Chicoms.
Outside a very small community (which would be MUCH smaller were it not for Commieuomo and his injection of very ill former patients), COVID-19 is not as dangerous nor as infectious as the flu. Quit fanning the flames of fear.
I’m bloody sick and tired of being locked down here in Germany because of Merde-Kuh, pretty-boy Drosten, and all the sheeple who are running around like chickens with their heads cut off going “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE, OH NOES, OH NOES!!!”…
So tens of thousands of small and family businesses go out of business forever, and their employees go on unemployment at the worst possible time of year because of this. And the Red Chinese end up buying all their IP, equipment, etc. (BUT NOT THE EMPLOYEES) for pennies on the Euro.
THAT is what you should be worried about. THAT is what Red China is after, COVID or not.
Pres Trump fired off these tweets a little while ago.
They look normal, as far as the Likes-Retweets-Comments features at the bottom.
Hmm…the Retweet feature isn’t showing here, but it’s there on twitter.
Well, it appears to me that POTUS has smoked out both BARR and DURHAM — unless there’s “something else” going on?
And yet, Barr or Wray is NOT fired. WHY. There must be a damn good REASON. It sure is not that Trump is scared, or afraid of another impeachment. Mis direction is necesssary. I maintain, IF Barr were doing nothing, he would have been FIRED the same day as Esper. Yet he remains. Hell, Barr even SAID it, he would RESIGN if Trump WANTED him too. But he DIDN’T did he. Trump COULD fire Barr or ANY of them and make a 240 day appointment, he did it with Sessions, he did it with Coats. WHY would he NOT do it with Barr. Answer Barr is NEEDED.
I believe Wray and Haspel are too, maybe just to keep them quiet, maybe more. We ALL find out in the next two weeks, no more stalling, NOW or NEVER.
I agree with you, Rex. Too many reasons to think this isn’t simply misdirection. POTUS did or did not get “burned” by Sessions, but he certainly has been savvy since then. Sessions was out the day after the election in 2018. Now I still have a soft spot for Sessions, so won’t visit that right now.
But Barr, he’s been talking about voter fraud for months and months. Also, remember his interview where he says what happened to POTUS must not happen again.
BINGO. NO reason to HOLD back on Barr firing..UNLESS>..
This was last night in DC.
The big March starts this morning at 10:00 am ET.
HMMMmmm Right now I am listening to constant rifle fire…
It’s amazingly quiet in the city.
Of course, we have cloud cover and it rained all night.
Training is fundamental. Last weekend, 12GA and 9MM. Couple days ago, 5.56. This weekend, cleaning weapons.
From Andrew Torba, CEO and founder of Gab:
[emphasis mine]
Andrew Torba ✝️
Andrew Torba @a
We are under an incredibly sophisticated PSYOP (psychological operation) Psychological operations are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior. It’s not just Gab they are attacking, it’s you.
We believe this is all being done by a state actor, more specifically the deep state.
What are they doing?
1. They have created a sophisticated spam bot system to follow users across the site and scare them off Gab. These bots are harmless. All they do is follow you to annoy you and get you to leave Gab. Don’t fall for it. Simply block and report them or ignore them, we are detecting them quickly and removing them fast. These bots have spam links to porn sites in their bios. Again they are harmless, just block/report.
2. They are fedposting (threats of violence, encouraging others to get violent, doxxing government officials, etc) This operation is highly sophisticated. Whoever is behind it knows how Gab works, they know how Gab Trends works, they know how Dissenter works. They have spent a very long time learning how to use Gab, but they don’t know Gab better than we do. Their goal with this operation is to smear Gab and make our community look like a bunch of violent extremists. They also want to scare you off of Gab. Do not fall for it. You can read more on this operation and how we stopped it in its tracks here:
Why are they doing this?
The powers that be see that Gab’s growth over the past few months has been explosive. They want to scare you off of Gab and back into the arenas they control: Facebook and Twitter. They also want to give the legacy media ammo to smear Gab with. We saw media outlets who instantly knew about the fedposting accounts even before we did. Perhaps they are in on the operation, which wouldn’t surprise me. The timing is too coincidental.
What can you do?
Remain vigilant. If you see bots, block and report them. If you see accounts that are posting threats or encouraging violence, block and report them. Do not fall for this psyop campaign designed to push you off of Gab and back into the mind prison of Facebook. My hope is that by sharing all of this information with you, you can help others in the community understand what is going on and help us seek and destroy accounts tied to this PSYOP.
……………….End quote.
Sounds like [They] are engineering a ‘Wrap Up Smear’ on Gab.
[They] create a false story, a smear, and then report on it, passing the smear around to give it a false validity.
Applesauce tests positive for Covid-19:
[video src="" /]
I’m telling you, the people that market these tests have a pile of positives, and a pile of negatives, they shuffle them up, put them in a box and sell the box. Whether you test positive or negative is a matter of lottery.
I’ll bet the number of ‘positives’ is a lot bigger than the number of ‘negatives’.
Mr gil is saying a bunch of people at work are testing positive and have symptoms. I said ohbreally. Its december, do they have a cold or the flu? Did they get flu shots?
Trying to get himbto think about it even though he knows its a psyop, and he doesnt know the term psyop either.
I’m sorry, Gil.
Hopefully you can get him red-pilled so he will know what’s going on.
Gil see my reply post to Megamom up thread.
I repeat the Self-Help guide for the CCP Covid Crud that Coosmom put together.
If i talk too much i get the suspicious cat. He sees but doesnt hear me. Better than it was a year ago. But he thinks its past time for a tree of Liberty scenario.
He’s right.
I got the “All you ever talk about is Trump Q and God.” We have our own cold war in our home.but I’m still comfy.
Lol. I know to not push, or he wont believe anything. I sprinkle it around instead.
BINGO. They are getting REGULAR coronavirus, called the common cold or flu. Covid is like the Hydra, a monster of MYTH.
No just seasonal flu/colds. People are shutting up their houses. Less fresh air. Fireplaces. Wood stoves. Pets. Rain. Mold spores blooming. Opening up dusty attics to bring out the Christmas decorations. Got a flu shot. Now their ALLERGIES are spun up.
I agree on that!!!
9 to ONE.
The thing is, WHO is actually getting tested. The testing “centers”, the drive ups are ALWAYS empty. WHERE are the tests COMING from. It is NOT from your primary care docs…they will NOT admin the test. It is NOT from the hospitals, they are supposedly “overwhelmed” with Covid cases.. A BIG OL BULLSHIT on that one, trust me, I KNOW people, I believe you do to DP, there is NO “shortage” of beds, ALL a LIE.
Our local indigent care Hosp admin, I guy I have MET…wink, when ASKED about the “shortages” PUNTED…”Well you have to do the math on a daily basis and see what is Covid”
Translation, IT IS A LIE. ALL MSM HYPE of a new version of the OLD flu. 99.87 survival rate, DESPITE all the early deaths to the elderly..think on that.
Trump FOUR days in the “hospital” with it at 74
Rudy at 70 plus THREE days in the “hospital” with it.
I KNEW it was a FARCE, and one being PROPPED up by Hospital admions, when it got its very own BILLING EXPENMSIVE one..13k per Covid patient, like 13x more than a regular patient…what do you THINK cash strapped hospitals are going to label something as that pays 13 times what the RERGULAR flu pays..and THAT is without an ICU or a vent, then the prices skyrocket over 40 k.
ALL a FAKE base upon “projections” projections that to this day are no where NEAR correct.
Covid is TWO things, a MEANS of control by fear
a means to steal the election via that frear to create mail in voting.
Time to speak plainly and truthfully. I BET when the FARCE is revealed, MORE people will have died from FEAR of Covid, (stress, depression, lack of needed treatments, etc) than Covid itself.
I have said and MAINTAIN, Covid is a FARCE. ALWAYS was.. JUST the flu, weaponized FLU agains the elderly to instill PANIC. Remember the African President that had a Paw Paw tree, motor oil, and a dog test positive.
THAT is where the spikes come from to “reassert” control. The OPCR tests are GARBAGE, HOT garbage, with up to NINETY percent FALSE positives.
Just like I believe 90 % of Covid deaths are the REAL seasonal flu, or some other cause like heart issues.
I am HOPING that whatever Trump does on the election takedown, it ALSO includes Covid.
We have 10 close family members who have had it, with one death. Three cases were very early on, when it was most serious. The guy who died had pre-existings, was on a vent too long and succumbed. His parents were given HCQ in the hospital (in NJ amazingly) and went home after a few days. But these people were sick. They did not have some basic seasonal flu, they were SICK.
Contrast that with the recent less serious cases, all within the last two+ months. Varying symptoms – fatigue, cough, perhaps a low-grade fever, body aches – all basic flu symptoms. But everyone had the complete loss of taste and smell, that lingers for weeks – coupled with the persistent metallic taste in the mouth. All peculiar to this bio-weapon.
So covid IS something unto itself. CCP and the left brought it here, and used it to their advantage. Cheap, effective meds get rid of it immediately.
Covid is NOTHING more than a bio engeneered FLU, a virulent one, AT FIRST. See the PROBLEMS with man made viruses is the mutate so fast, they mutate themselves OUT of existance
I am sorry for the loss, but Covid is NOT what it is made to be NEVER was. It was purposefully seeded to VULNERABLE populations like the elderly.
IT “burned itself out likely by the end of April, that or herd immunity, which despite all their efforts TO suppress, cannot BE suppressed.
ALL thse PCR tests test for the presence of cronaviruses, there are MANY. One being the common cold, others being swine, and H1N1, and still others being the seasonal flu. There WILL be a Covid 20 this year..and so on.
The fact is they projected MILLIONS would die here, and the REAL numbers are NO WHERE NEAR that, Covid alone is somewhere near 20k. ALL the rest are mislabeled on PURPOSE, or mis attributed due to a BAD test. What ever happened to the serilogiical tests, you know BLOOD WORK? AH, they STOPPED that didn’t they. WHY. Because ONE, it was PROVING herd immunity to whatever Covid really is/was, and TWO it was PROVING the deaths LISTED as Covid, were in fact NOT Covid.
I BET, without the Covid hype and $$$ designation, 90-95% of Covid listed cases would NOT BE covid cases. They might be the seasonal flu, they might be something else.
MOST people that died from this EARLY, were elderl;y, with MULTIPLE comorbidities, IE they MIGHT have died from the OTHER stuff, NOT just Covid. Covid did NOT necessarily even MEAN it was a mitigating factor, but it was PLAYED that way.
MOST of those early cases, were MIS treated with a ventilator, the exact WRONG thing to do, and it CAUSED more deaths via complications than it SAVED.
Questions for you.
IF Covid is REAL, why suppress OBVIOUSLY effective cures in HCQ, Zinc, etc?
Why HIDE data and suppress TRUE stories of treatment, efficacy, and RECOVERY?
WHY HYPE death, but NOT recovery?
WHY not quarrantine the VUNERABLE or the sick? and NOT the HEALTHY?
Why mandate MASKS, but NOT gloves, which spread germs WAY more than aresol.?
IF those masks, which we are all most submitted to, work SO well, WHY did the cases spikes happen AFTER mask mandates.
I will save you the trouble.. Because it is ALL a means of CONTROL, suppression, and infringement by Dems. PERIOD..
It MAY have been a “pandemic” biut it is NOT now, nor EVER was the levels of hype or restricition imposed with it.
I ll leave you with this. According to the statts, REAL state, the American mortality rate for 2020 is LOWER than any of the last five, WITH this “killer pandemic” HOW can that be? Answer it CAN’T.
Deaths are deaths. Old people and the vulnerable get sick and die, it happens EVERY year, in fact WAY more than NOW. Why are we going to extrordinary lengths to HYPE this one? H1N!1and swine flu were MUCH worse, and killed the YOUNG as well as the OLD. But there were no lockdowns or hype then, WHY. AH you see, to use it against Trump and we who support him.
IF this fraud is ALSO not revealed, they will do just like dominion, use it over and over again to achieve their goals, and OPRESS US.
The bug that’s going around here now and being labeled “COVID” after testing – multiple times before getting a positive result – was called Influenza A in the spring when I had it. SAME THING. It is NASTY. It also DOES NOT match the symptoms of COVID as originally presented months ago.
The thing is, I actually had another bug in December last year that DID resemble the COVID virus as originally described. I coughed for two months and did a boo-YAH when I could sing through Mass without coughing and at full lung capacity in February.
So, the COVID virus does exist, but it was not nearly as bad as that flu. Not even close.
Why the overkill, geez Louise? Always the overkill. Our family member who died was in his 50s, with pre-existing conditions, as in dialysis. It was early in the game, and I don’t know how long it took for him to be admitted. As I SAID, his parents were in the same hospital and got HCQ. But he was not elderly.
MY WHOLE POINT, apart from it being a bio-weapon that was brought here by China and the left, was that the whole purpose was to terrify people into submission, to kill some, and to undo everything POTUS has accomplished. Leading into a fraudulent (unnecessary) mail-in election. So we agree on that.
But to act as though this virus was always just hype, and NEVER anything more than a new strain of your basic seasonal flu is ridiculous. The docs ON OUR SIDE were frantic trying to find a combination of available meds and therapies to fight it. Hence the ventilator disaster. Because it WAS NOT something that they had seen before. And because people were coming in very sick, having been told by the government grim reapers to “stay home if you have symptoms”. THERE is the essence of evil.
If you can’t make your point without using phrases like “deaths are deaths”, you should lurk rather than post. You sound like Cuomo for God’s sake.
Plus One Zillion.
I freely admit I was wrong back then about how bad it was, but to basically call it nothing more than the flu is absurd.
I was replying to Prog, and I agree with you. 👍 As I’ve said, the recent cases (now 8) in our extended family ARE basic flu in nature. Except for the lingering taste/smell issues and the strange metallic taste in the mouth. Not at all like the early disease.
I know you were. 🙂
WHEN did I say deaths are deaths? I said old people get sick sometimes and DIE. Especially when they have heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. The FACT that the CDC via Johns Hopkins is continuing to CONFLATE those numbers is paramount when it is being USED to opress MILLIONS, and is KILLING far more people than Covid EVER will.
I AGAIN apologize for your loss, it is tragic, as is all the UNNECESSARY deaths and hardships from this FARCE.
Seee, you are conflating my use of the word farce. I mean the HYPE is the FARCE, NOT the disease. Covid IS real, it is a NEW version of the FLU, a virulent one to the elderly.
It is NOT a pandemic, and if it EVER was it ENDED in APRIL or MAY. The Spanish flu, the LAST real pandemic killed TENS of MILLIONS world wide. INDESCRIMATELY. Young, old, HEALTHY, SICK, comorbidities, NO comorbidities. Covd has done NONE of that so much so they have to CONFLATE its numbers by using ALL deaths as Covid deaths, AND FALSE testing. They HIDE the REAL data, and use a KNOWN propagandist, Dr Fauci to HYPE it.
The “cure” is WORSE than the disease.
AS for my posting? LOL I seem to recall that it was you that was one of the ones that were HYPING the exponential projections in the first place. Pot meet kettle.
To say I sound like Cuomo is an insult an affront to EVERYTHING I have posted. Cuomo, like some here..cough, is a Covid HYPER, and one of the ones who ENABLED that hype by placing the MOST vulnerable in a petree dish, and shutting them in. HARDLY what I called for.
Hyperoble much?
I have from DAY ONE made my opinions on the Covid FARCE known, WELL know. It has personally cost me my lifes savings, and forced me back into the work force after retirement.
THE ORIGINAL outbreak, in dec- april WAS a weaponized version of the COMMON FLU, just like SARS, JUST LIKE H1NI. THE DIFFERENCE was that Covid was actually FAR weaker than the predacessors. YEP it killed people with comorbidities, as it was planned to, it was FORCED into a population, the elderly SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE they mostly HAVE comorbities. Recall it supposedly came to FLa on that cruise ship, from Italy, with @4000 ELDERLY on it. Then the ORIGINAL out breaks were, as PLANNED, in NURSING HOMES out west.
Agree to disagree, all you want. In TIME, just like wiith the ficticious exponential projections, it WILL be borne out that Covid is a FARCE. I NEVER said it did not kill people, I said it was HYPED, and that Covid NOW is NO WHERE NEAR what the first weaponized version was. YET, they are STILL opressing us ALL with it. NOW they are going to TRY, especially IF Biden completes his usurpation, to FORCE a gene modifying “vaccine” on us or put MORE oppression on us to comply.
Gee, the GERMANS did this to the jews in WW2. MORE and MORE oppression, more and more RESTRICTIONS, until, they were forced on those train cars.
You and others can go along, I will keep posting the TRUTH on this fraud.
Oh, and just so you know, as I have said before, I worked a CAREER of 35 years in the Medical research field. I personally KNOW people who worked on viruses MUCH worse and DEADLY than this, and drugs to try and kill those viruses. TRUST ME. Covid IS the FLU. One that happens to pray on the WEAKER immune systems, especially in the ELDERLY or those with other things, like cancer, that compromise immune systems.
On the HJEALTHY, you know 98% of the populace, Covid is little more than a COLD.
Yes, some people develop complications from a common cold, including pneumonia, and yes SOME even die.
THE POINT, is they are USING a DEATH RATE of LESS than one half of ONE percent to OPPRESS the HEALTHY. For POLITICAL power.
This is America, at least until Jan 20th, and we are suppsosed to have FREE CHOICE and assume our OWN risks. The ENTIRE point of America is so that no ONE person could impose his “will” on everyone via decree or FIAT. Ask King George how that worked out in 1776.
I will leave this topic with you on TWO final notes, and will NOT respond further to you.
ONE, ponder if you will HOW the mask mandates have only served to INCREASE the covid cases, and yet, the mortality rate CONTINUES to shrink, while the OPPRESSION expands.
TWO. They have tested WATER, (H2O), Coca Cola, motor oil, and a paw paw tree for Covid, ALL came back positive. The PCR tests have a NINETY % FALSE positive rate, and yet they KEEP using them. As I said from the BEGINNING. GIGO.
Overkill? ^ ^ ^ Oh my bad, surely I’m mistaken.
With the way this site is working for me, I cannot access your reply without scrolling through 1000+ comments. So I cannot cut and paste.
You BEGAN a paragraph with “deaths are deaths”. Look it up.
Do you actually think that pummeling people with haughty, aggressive, repetitive declarations is an effective way to invite intelligent, reasoned discourse?
I literally cannot figure out what exactly it is you’re ragging at me about. I have expressed my opinion, based what I have observed – often from first hand experience. I won’t repeat it all, as I don’t need to convince myself of anything. And frankly, until POTUS is back in January and the dust from that settles, it’s a waste of my breath and yours to try to convince ANYONE who’s on the other side of ANYTHING with regard to this virus, or meds, or masks, or cowering in the house.
I agree with ceasing any back-and-forth. Please keep your end of the bargain, with regard to this comment or anything I post going forward.
Good luck with that latter bit.
He furiously swore never to interact with me again, the next day he replied to comments I made in order to congratulate himself.
He just dug up something I posted on election day, and replied to it. At some point it gets pretty creepy. I just won’t deal with it anymore, I’m invisible. 😂
I am fairly sure it is a human engineered bio-weapon. I also think the elderly are more compromised because of poor nutrition, lack of sunlight (vit D) and a weaker immune system.
None of which makes it phony, like Prog is maintaining (and Ginger was replying to him).
A novel weak corona would be expected to do exactly what it did. In retrospect, the evil Bill Gates, WEF, CEPI, Event 201, and that entire crew got away with murder, “suggesting” that COVID-19 was much worse than what they knew it was.
Screw these people. Anybody under 60 without serious comorbidities is fully justified in saying “I’ll take my chances with the disease over an un-long-term-tested mRNA vaccine”.
Oh, shoot. I’ve got some Apfelmus in my fridge, WhatEVER will I do. Guess I’ll have to quarantine it in the Biomüll….
We missed This!
and This!
Lame Cherry (yes, Lame Cherry) has said it all. Someone that knows how can link up today’s post. 👍🏻
Is Donald Trump Historical or History – The Rubicon
Now I will go read it. 😋
She has quotes that are very very germane to the current situation.
Wow thanks Gail!
Powerful and true. Lame Cherry says it perfectly.
Interesting how LC says that the President crossed the Rubicon in 2015 – – a profound insight, a statement which puts everything into proper perspective.
This is what people needed to understand: the ultimate solution to keeping America was not to be found in elections or politics. Once again the harsh reality of human existence requires us to risk all for what we believe.
We have been in a civil war for a long time, our side (mostly) did not understand that. The war was conducted against us by force, yes, but mostly by brutal psychological manipulation. The enemy prepared well, often quite brilliantly. Many were fooled.
I have a deep trust and belief in our President, that in doing what is necessary, he has minimized the negatives to the extent possible.
But there will be suffering, and it will be inflicted on those who deserve it, until the enemy side is petrified, and their hateful pride is defeated.
I disagree with this:
President Trump is waiting for the DemonRats/CCP to Cross the Rubicon into a REAL COUP — that is install Biden as president elect with the help of foreign governments and FRAUD. aka TREASON!
THAT IS WHY 45 DAYS not 30!
Is this 45 days December 18, Gail?
Yes. It is a Friday.
Hopefully it will hit the news on Monday.
I vote for December 17th. Under budget and ahead of schedule. 😀
Praying, Gail!!! It hurts my heart – so praying is the only way I can deal with all of this!
LC answers her own question about the Rubicon by saying the President crossed the Rubicon in 2015.
In this scenario, the Democrats/CCP are the Deep State of Rome.
Your wonderful citation (also discussed by lawyer Dundas in this thread), provides the basis for entering Rome after the trip from the Rubicon and causing the deep state to flee, so to speak.
ODNI report MUST be unclassified, or immediate declassified and spammed out for all of America.
With DNI Ratcliffe I think it will. I also think we will get a DELUGE of information on other subjects AFTER the sealed indictments pertaining to the coup are opened. (Those are for the foot soldiers BTW)
It appears to me that there is another 45-day period: 1) the initial 45 days after the election, and then 2) 45 days after receiving that initial report, another report is to be given to the president, etc. If that is a Dem administration, forget about it. This only works if Pres. Trump is in office to receive the second report and can do something about it.
Note the word “within”. It’s not the same as at the end of 45 days. I’ve been looking at that and thinking that sometime after the first 45 days, but before inauguration day, that things WILL be happening. But after reading Gail’s comment above, would it happen on inauguration day?
If it happened on inauguration day, the military would be in control, there would be no elected president, so would that result in a “do-over”? It would surely be in uncharted waters.
Maybe the second report could be done in a short period of time and would not take 45 days.
I understand the theories about things happening on inauguration day, but I hope they would happen before that. I don’t know if I can take watching Biden and co. pretending to be president. There is so much that has to happen during the transition time, and the Trump administration would be working with people in all capacities in the WH to effect the transition. It doesn’t seem right to let traitors get that far inside.
I doubt anything would be done right at Christmas time. There is a very short window of time before it, and just a few weeks after it. I just want it over with and people removed from power.
This is uncharted territory and the cause of the Report existing at all, unless someone wishes to correct, is the fabled Russian Collusion.
The 2nd 45 day rule are No Later Than Days and any agency needing to take action earlier I’d suspect would or must, as in example the report is first issued to the President. If there is something in there, which there should be with respect to China, Venezuela and possibly Iran, I’d expect action to be taken swiftly especially if it implicates the incoming cheaters which again from all we’ve seen it should.
This of course will generate all the calls from dictatorship to fascism and may lead to the left going apocalyptic but tough cookies. It’s not like they didn’t cheat this election and get help from outside the country to do it.
Eventually all this will have to be adjudicated and evidence brought forward, but under this scenario that will all be done via the military side of house as opposed to civilian courts which are even now being proved to be either unwilling or unable or both to arrive at a just solution.
I’m good with Donald Trump going all Authoritarian on this and will stand up and applaud when such happens. Certainly beats life under a tyrannical Harris.
[big sigh]
Lame Cherry believes his/her/its own shtuff.
Uh, no. There’s a precursor to the Insurrection Act that hasn’t happened yet. I’ll have to go back in my Twitter timeline to find it.
And I think the Texas thing was sort of a spike, and the spike got spiked. I wrote a long post on it that’s on the last page.
This is a link to that post I wrote.
There’s a lot we don’t know, including what the other side’s final goal is.
People are getting their hopes up from things like this, from Ron/Code MonkeyZ:
We have to have hope of some variety being handed what looks like one loss after another. From personal experience, I can tell you that after a while the demoralization takes a toll in more ways that can be counted.
I know Lame Cherry is out there, like split personalities. So is Carlos. But the post today read reasonable to me.
I read the John letter. So Trump will not use his own 2018 EO, or insurrection act/martial law? And by “it’s going to be bad” he means Obama is re-installed and the fight goes on and we work our way back from that. But have faith, we win in the end. I’m sorry, but this is just beyond me. I mean the “behind the veil” factor. I believe that our side’s plan is all going on behind the veil, for a very long time and is mainly beyond my understanding. But people MUST have nuggets, understandable NUGGETS as stepping stones to guide them. The mystery is so thick with John that I can’t grab a nugget.
I need Juan O Savin.
I think POTUS WILL use that EO, but not prematurely. That wasn’t what John was trying to convey. He was basically saying not to count on SCOTUS to save us, and that the other side is going to use their hold on the MSM to try to spike POTUS and the XVII team.
My point was that we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes, or what the details for the plan for either side is. And there is a VERY good posibilty that the American “DO SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW” aspect to the national psyche is going to F— up the actual plan.
I suspect the Texas case was just something like that if not an actual spike to the good guys’ plan. It had to go once it had served its purpose.
My issue with LC, SD and a few others is that they are protecting their own space in the “insider” market, and aren’t considering that there are others who are actually in a better position to know what’s going on. They are downright dismissive of others when it comes to that, and in this fight, that is counter productive. I haven’t read LC regularly for about 4-5 years because of that, never mind that half the stuff he/she/it says about certain topics is woefully uninformed.
I don’t read Lame Cherry except as an afterthought, after merry-go-rounding through the regulars a few times. As I said, the gratuitous, kinky, split personality thing is off-putting.
Whatever the plan is, those in charge of something this complex have taken into account that people’s desperation/frustration/anger levels would have to be managed. You wanted them to be awake. Well, the ones that are awake are REALLY awake. And looking for the breadcrumb trail.
A previous post carrying a tweet saying the Presidents twitter feed is not allowing likes and retweets appears to be in era. You can still like, and retweet his posts.
This morning the President’s been tweeting up a storm and part of the storm is calling out the SC. Bringing you one of better ones here. The rest I’d encourage you to take a look for your selves.
Retweet from POTUS Says,
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Thank you, Justice Alito. Thank you, Justice Thomas.
Picture of Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch.
Got to love this guy!
There may very well be something behind the scenes with this. But on the simple face of it – these three might as well just hang up their costumes right now.
At this juncture I am beyond pissed off .seriously all the hype about these 3 and bam,when they are needed they sit on there hands?? Getting well tired of all this behind the scenes crap a matter of fact I am sick and tired of All of this.most of all sick of the whole covid lockdowns,mask panic porn,screaming Karen’s and pussified men. Going to my timeout chair now.the dog is already there waiting for me.
The three cowards of the apocalypse.
Video made by an Anon:
[video src="" /]
Get ready – be prepared!
A few options:
RSBN is going here and through their own site ( to broadcast, I believe:
Tweets by PureSocialNet
Trolls have been stalking and harassing people on Gab – BUT – Andrew Torba, the owner is dealing with it – giving instructions – encouragement – to help folks on Gab.
The difference between Zorba and Twitter Jack is like the difference in Wolfie/Flep and SD/OT
In other words, Zorba has a blog to assist and inform his clients! Treats them like they are valued! Neither Jack nor OT do that.
Training my ass.wake up people were under attack,it hasn’t gone hot yet.but it’s going to at some point soon.
MaReQ⭐⭐⭐ (@Mareq16) Tweeted: On SCOTUS (from a lawyer)
The Lin Wood, Sidney Powell & Rudy suits and presentations to state legislatures were ALL about informing the Sheeple.
MaReQ⭐⭐⭐ (@Mareq16) Tweeted:
Ⓠ80 (@Cuee80) Tweeted: @Mareq16 Also 👇
ODNI Ratcliffe’s report on foreign election interference is due December 18.
Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) Tweeted: Here’s final confirmation that President Trump doesn’t trust AG Barr anymore. Remember who told you first that Barr was going to be a disaster earlier this year? Who was right and who was wrong?
Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) Tweeted: It’s obvious now that Bill Barr came out of retirement to protect the DOJ/FBI from accountability for Spygate, including slow-walking Durham investigation, not prosecuting the guilty agents & burying Hunter Biden laptop before the election.
I said it elsewhere, but sadly anything done now by Trump to any of the Democrats will very likely look like retaliation for Biden winning (Oh yes I know it was not winning but stealing) Do believe there was enough evidence on so many of them, especially Hunter a couple of years ago at least.
Just my opinion, but do believe that even if they had a video with 100s watchting the actual event of a Democrst actually committing a very horrendous crime, the media and the democrats would probably be able to spin it as the poor loser Trump trying to get revrnge! H3LL it has already been happening in other realms anyway,
I’m at the point where I don’t care what they frame it as looking like. There is always an excuse why Republicans can’t act — too close to an election, looks partisan, will divide instead of unify, will be criticized, is stealing an election, etc. The country has to be saved.
Those have all been reasons given for not arresting the SOBs now, when people have complained that Q has just been leading them on for years. It’s always been one big event away.
Just for the record it was Q that wanted D Class right away and us, that got kicked out of OT because we backed Q’s call for D class. All that was before the Midterms.
And if Q had any real power and any real connection to POTUS, then the declass would have happened. It didn’t. Meaning either Q has no power and no connection to POTUS, or he/they are lying about what they want.
In that realm Q only has the power of persuasion. Maybe if the some of declas docs were left lying around on a desk he might consider snatching them and posting them but I highly doubt he’d violate a trust like that.
The point is, people have been saying Q either IS the president (and maybe others), or is closely tied to him and is only saying what POTUS wants him to. If that were so, Q wouldn’t have to *call* for DeClass, DeClass would have HAPPENED. Trump isn’t going to use a back channel to urge himself to do what he can damn well just DO.
I really don’t either. I am done with them!!
I have had so much of their PC crap and finger pointing that I almost feel like breaking off the next finger that does it to me. (if this was on twitter I get axed for threatening people I guess).
They take idioms and slangs and twist them to fit their evil shit! When one of theirs uses the same idiom oh but but we meant this.
Seems skimpy on numbers.
Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) Tweeted: Over a thousand Trump supporters are gathered here outside the Supreme Court, awaiting speeches from Michael Flynn and others at the start of today’s March for Trump #MarchForTrump #DC #MarchFor45
Mmm…that looks like waaay more than a thousand.
I know he said “Over a thousand”, but that’s an understatement.
And its early still.
Dan Scavino 🇺🇸 🦅 (@DanScavino) Tweeted:
Dan Scavino 🇺🇸 🦅 (@DanScavino) Tweeted:
I sure wish something would shake loose. The Couch Commando is panicking and he’s driving me nuts.
stormypatriotjoe ⚡️ 🇺🇸 😎 (@stormypatriot21) Tweeted: Laura W Bush Instagram post Look “WHO” came for Christmas @brinajustb
A newly discovered email reportedly from Hunter Biden’s laptop raises new questions over what his father, Joe Biden, knew about his son’s foreign business dealings.
In an email dated September 21, 2017, Hunter Biden wrote to Cecilia Browning, the general manager of an office building called “House of Sweden,” requesting that “keys” be “made available for new office mates.”
Hunter Biden listed the “new office mates” as being Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Jim Biden, and Gongwen Dong (Chairman Ye CEFC emissary). Hunter Biden also requested a sign made for his office that stated “The Biden Foundation” and “Hudson West (CEFC US).”
Haaaa. 😄
The Marxists of BLM [Burn Loot Murder] are getting pissy because Joe & Ho haven’t had a meeting with them yet:
Remember that BLM funneled millions into the Biden Harris campaign, BLM probably expects that Biden and Harris will reward them with some type of monetary rewards and praise for the great job they did of destroying American cities
These people were just useful idiots… they not know what happens to useful idiots? They get lined up against the wall first.
Indeed. Or maybe second, after the public targets (us). But up against the wall they WILL go.
BLM isn’t needed anymore. Why would the heels up and the sniffer bother with them?
I think there is already a line forming…a line of impatient thralls who are expecting something from Joe & Ho.
The face that has me so sleepless lately.
Was interesting to realize that I am not the only thinking that Johnson very likey one of many many so called Democratic Politicians and Leaders, Others besides me do feel that she is only one of many. Its just that Johnson came out from the private rooms and spoke aloud what probably many other Democratic politicians and leaders have been discussing for months or is it years, including Harris and Biden.
Agreed. BLM and also likely Antifa were just “front fodder” for Harris / Biden and their REAL handlers. I think BLM / Antifa are perhaps starting to get a faint understanding that they didn’t really matter.
No one likes traitors. Once their job is done they are ‘dispatched’ Willi Münzenberg‘s covert influence operations made real Lenin’s vision of bring America to its knees. It required penetration of the wellsprings of our civil identity, the “transmission belts” of American culture. We can see how successful Willi was today.
How was he repaid by the communists??
When other operators were returning to the Soviet Union and receiving there reward of a bullet in the head, he took off. Münzenberg’s partially decomposed corpse was found in a woods at the foot of an oak tree having been garroted with a knotted cord.
Too bad our schools fail to mention that part of Communism.
Hitler got rid of the brown shirts when he assumed power
Been saying that for months too Ozzy–These crazy people following lock step with the Democrats don’t realize they are expendable too.
All one has to do is look at Portland. Most of the businesses destroyed and looted were owned by hard core Obama/Biden Democrats. Nice pay back for being a good loyal Democrat isn’t it. 😳
On Now!!!
Watch LIVE: Jericho March from Washington, DC with Gen. Flynn and Others
About to become Live:
Watch LIVE: March for Trump/Million MAGA March Rally in Washington, DC 12/12/20
Also Steve Bannon’s WarRoom Live now:
War Room: Pandemic Ep 580
The 2020 Vatican Nativity Scene. Cameo appearance by the Mandalorian and “Baby Yoda”
What the hell is this? Star Wars?
NO words. None.
It’s up to the laity to save the Church.
Amazing! I hope someone covers this.
I get the idea Vigano, Judy Mikovitz, and a few of the others who have survived have some pretty hefty security details.
Some of the larger angelic guardians for certain.
Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) Tweeted:
She’s two.
And if you are older than two you should be furious about this.
@united gets to stay open and restaurants have to close.
Already realized that flying anymore is out of the question. It is getting to the point where not only is one expected to wear a mask the whole flight, but some states are putting you in quarantine if you do not have a recent negative COVID test. Seems that flying of the future will also require one to show proof of having been vaccinated.
I will not take the test, nor wiill I get the vaccine H3LL the way it is looking, even if my part-time job is still viable next month I will have to probably get the vaccine to maintain it, You see I technically work for the state of Oregon. On top of that will the federal government use SS and/or state controlled pension plans as a means to force people into taking the vaccine. If so, move over homeless and make room for me.
I quit after 9/11 and 𝗚𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲-𝗡-𝗙𝗹𝘆.
Took me a bit to be able to type LOL
Found on Gab:
I saw that first one on FB a few days ago.
LOL I have that exact thumb drive but without the voters!
(Edit: On checking mine is only 64 GB, so if it had any voters on it, I guess it would only have 200,000 of them.)
Yes I know…it’s Tucker.
But it’s good that this story is getting out there. 👍
So Levant is not just talking about Camp Pettewa (winter warfare training center) not really a big deal by itself, trained there, but it should only be for allies), he’s saying there were a total of 18 military training opportunities for China in Canada to include attending Officer training at various levels to include senior ranks. Even Obama wouldn’t of tried something like that with a single program nevertheless 18.
Came across this interesting gallery of photos…..
An0n661 (@An0n661) / Twitter
It’s too bad we didn’t see the danger and the cozy alliances for what they mean to our situation right now. Hindsight is so clear.
His twitter account is very interesting.
You mean the pictures of the governors with Chinese diplomats?
Some from very red states?
Pompeo has a list and he’s checking it twice, I’ll bet. Those who’ve been naughty don’t deserve to be treated nice.
This is the popup that Twitter censors put up on some of Pres Trump’s tweets.
They don’t do it to all of his tweets…just the ones that talk about the election fraud.
POTUS has broken no rules!
Jackboot is just making that up.
😠 😡
That is the craziest part of it all.
Look at the crap they have not censored, like Kathy Griffin, Johnson, and H3LL there are so many that it would take me days to list all of them.
My latest for those interested. Do NOT give up! (opens in a new tab)
Bookmarked and worth reading twice on the first go round. I’m a little gun-shy about SCOTUS, but everything else you’re very informative about. Then, as you noted, there is the military move to make.
Yep the chess board is being CLEARED. The moves are dwindling toward checkmate.
So long as President Trump IS President, I won’t give up.
Disillusioned regarding most everything about our government. But NOT President Trump.
AMEN. Likewise!
Just read it and Gail’s comment. A good read, but I think Gail is right about the timing, but I guess we will find out. I wonder if the Insurrection Act is being used as a stick right now, to be utilized as a last resort unless the chicoms and u.n. forces are brought in by rogue governors.
Trump ALWAYS has contingencies, multiple ones, including worst case. WOE be unto them IF it comes to that.
“It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”
You know, that statement by DAVID PLOUFFE doesn’t apply just to POTUS.
It applies to WE, THE PEOPLE — because WE are part and parcel with Donald Trump.
We, The People are the reason there was Lexington and Concord.
We, The people are behind POTUS because he reflects OUR values, the concept of hard work, belief in the Constitution, and that the United States is a nation of LAWS and not of MEN..
David Plouffe and the evil people he belongs to and represents want We, The People literally REMOVED — by any means necessary.
Unfortunately you are correct.
Obama’s Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans
At the time 25 million was about 10% of the US population. That translates to 30 to 35 million today.
“…Grathwohl explains that the Weathermen actually believed that they would be successful in overthrowing the U.S. government and that, with the help of the Cubans, Chinese, Russians, and North Vietnamese, they would occupy America. Americans would have to be “re-educated” in camps, similar to what the communists did in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and other countries they had taken over. Here is one of the chilling revelations Larry Grathwohl made…”
These disgusting people and their lists. Yahoo has decided it a good idea to list all of the Republican reps who supported the Texas lawsuit complete with awkward photos as if it were some kind of prison line-up.
If they love lists so much we should start collecting a list of these quivering Cronkites of Communism in the media so that when this is all over we can hold these jackals accountable. It would have to be a long list. Hmmm…lookee there…I see a name attached to this article…maybe we can start our list right there.
Now someone try and tell me Johnson’s rant on FB was just an isolated case. Someone tell me that there are not many others who plan on screwing up Trump, the politicians that supported him and citizens who voted for him.
What is bad is that those that will probably cheer on the destruction of Americans who stood with Trump, there is a good chance they will be caught in the fallout, or be next. H3LL look at Portland!! Most of the businesses destroyed by the Terrorist Protestors were owned by Democrats, hard core Biden/Obama supporting Democrats.
Yup…so much of what they do is coordinated…and yup…they don’t care who they destroy in the process…
I’m going to start putting a list together with pictures when possible. I’ll be doing this in the background in my spare time so this will take a while…and I’m sure the list will just keep growing.
Gotta start somewhere…so here is the name attached to the above article. I’ll probably move these into InDesign and make the images uniform at some point and make a PDF or some sharable format.
Right now, the working title for my list is American Traitors…but this is subject to change.
The difference between their lists and our lists is that they intend to make their enemies pay. They have a legion of amoral brown shirts happy to take that task on.
We on the other hand always have believed that the Law will provide justice. It’s not going to happen. The courts are compromised
Makes a suggestion. As an example your list should include your own local news media figures as well as they are every where parroting all this bull when they have access to real information that they could but refuse to disseminate.
Hi Wheatie!
Been a while for me, yes?
I hope you’re well, and I’m glad to see you – and so many others whose handles I remember – still posting.
I wonder whether this post will go through, and whether I’ll be able (approved) to re-engage.
The “feel” of this site hasn’t changed very much at all, IMO – nice to see.
I scrolled through the past couple of days’ worth of general posts, and I don’t see Phoenix – is she ok?
No idea whether I’ll post again – ’cause it’s also up to Wolf.
Stay strong, Q-pers! (Or is it to be “U-pers” soon?
Blast from the past, eh?
Hey, Emstar! It’s good to see you!
*waves* 👋 😀
Hope you’re well, too.
Glad you found the new site.
Hi Em, Good to see you! 👋 👋 👋
She hasn’t posted since 12/2/2020.
Father God, Please keep our Dear Phoenix safe and healthy. Let her know she is missed and loved, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
I know, Butterfly.
I’m getting worried about her too.
Praying that she’s okay and just taking a break.
Praying she’s back soon telling us her computer broke, that Grandson was slow to fix, and she starts catching us up on the Senate confirmations we’ve missed. She has a very important job!! 🥰🥰🥰
She’s one of my most favorite here.
Welcome back!
U-pers? Only in Michigan! 😀
So reminds me of ‘The Singing Revolution” ! Do believe that it was no coincident that I found out about it. Sadly I don’t think it will be this easy without any lives lost, but if nothing else it can renew our faith that the Lord can quell the hand of the enemy if need be.
“The hand of our God is favorably disposed to all those who seek Him, but His power and His anger are against all those who forsake Him.” Ezra 8:22
A single nation. A million voices. The fall of an empire.
I saw this and thought it would be of interest.
Here’s What The Insurrection Act Really Means and Why Martial Law Is The Only Way
” ….I received HUNDREDS of emails asking “what is the Insurrection Act?”
And what Martial Law really means.
There is a ton of confusion out there about those topics and since I can’t reply to every email when there are literally hundreds, I wrote this article.
I was researching and trying to find the best way to explain it to you and then I came across this solid gold.
This is a thread from Q that explains exactly what all of this means and why this is the only way out. It’s so good you’re probably going to want to bookmark this article and show your family and friends.
The formatting is a little hard to follow but trust me, just thread through it in order and it will ALL make sense.
Sad part is, we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t
Do believe that we are at a crossroads that what ever happens, there will probably be war! Or good Americans will go down in flames like Hitler did to all the people in Germany who did not walk lock step with him.
Depends on President Trump’s next step.
What solid evidence on foreign interference and Election Fraud DNI Ratcliffe (and ezra Cohen-Watnick) turn over on Dec 18th
Whether there is solid evidence that CCP Corona Crud was an intentionally release Bio-weapon used by the CCP & DNC to help rig the elections and ‘soften up’ the USA for take over.
𝗜𝗙 POTUS and the military has rock solid evidence of both, the Deep State is going down hard since that is treason/war. (Do not forget the Korean War was ended with a CEASE FIRE and not a peace agreement.) Also Congress DECLARED WAR on TERROR so the USA is still in a state of war.
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 aka
18 U.S. Code § 175.Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons
Very cool! 😁
It seems that at least three Replies / Comments I tried to post have not yet shown up, I’m assuming they’re in Da Bin. Is this due to heavy traffic on the site? Is WP starting to censor the new Q Tree home?
I’ll go look in the bin.
I didn’t seen any of your comments in the bin, C-Virginian.
Sometimes if you don’t refresh the comments stay at the top of the page. Maybe that’s it ?
This guy says he can run a million ballots a day to determine weather a ballot is valid or not.
Uses the QRV scan technology to determine weather a ballot has been processed by a voter, a poll worker, a fraudster or a machine, by looking at the various artifacts the different processes leave behind and he can do it at very high speed.
Ratcliffe’s report.
I’m wondering what else.
Maybe we’ll finally see the declassified text, email, documents released.
I have ZERO faith in any upcoming “report.”
How many times have we been burned by upcoming reports we thought would blow the whole thing wide open, and did nothing? I can name Huber for one.
This isn’t DOJ. This is ODNI making a report on foreign interference in our election.
I understand the not having faith. I’m not investing in it at all. But, I’m wondering if it’s not the cherry on the top of the sundae…not that I eat those anymore.
Well, this is the wrong day for sundaes, being saturdae.
I am worried, though, because a lot of people ARE investing in the ODNI report, claiming its a vital step in The Plan.
I don’t know what the Plan is. I’m not even sure there IS a Plan, and even if there IS a Plan, how do we really know the enemy can’t defeat it? NO plan survives 15 minutes of contact with the enemy.
I don’t think in the larger scheme of things it has much to do with the plan. It would be more of an informational goose than anything else.
Just my take, but who knows.
Smells to me like another ploy by Gabbard to boost her “street cred” for 2024. I suspect another ploy down the road is to “repudiate” the DemCommunists and “join” the Republican party — but as part of the UniParty wing.
Don’t forget that “Fang Bang” did fundraising for Gabbard in 2013.
SCOTUS got you down? It’s not FINISHED! Stand for TRUTH…hold the line.
Mother Angelica, yes. Frankie…no.
Ep. 2351a – [CB] Pandemic Great Reset Big Fail, What’s Next
X22 Report Published December 11, 2020
Ep. 2351b – Marker Revealed, Trump New EO, Durham, GW, Surprise Attack
X22 Report Published December 11, 2020
Dr Shiva – The Elite Have Enslaved Us In Their Illusion, It’s Time To Back The Country
X22 Report Published December 12, 2020
Dr. Shiva explains how the voting systems – not the voting workers – skewed our elections at every level of government – he also said the establishment Rs worked with the Ds and accomplished the same results.
He also said this is nationwide – in every state – and every locality.
It is not one person/one vote at all – it is the machines who decide the winner – so I think a forensic audit needs to be done in every state – not just the states in question – he, too, was robbed of a landslide in MA where he was running for the Senate.
I know it is a long interview – but, well worth your time.
That’s the big stinker in all of this!
Who knows how many house and senate races were thrashed by this? And it will be too late for them as of January 3rd; once sworn in the cheats have a vote on whether they will expel the other cheats, and I am sure they will stick together.
Thought about that – however – unless those races are contested – nothing will happen – they will not check the machines – and whoever won – whether fairly or unfairly – they will be seated. There is massive fraud – we all know that – and there are people in all positions who are not interested in anything but, to certify and get on with it.
I do not know what it would take to check those machines – but, there are localities where spikes in the vote have been recognized – and if the Legislators are not going to take back their authority – and discount anything that came in after the polls have closed – then, where are we going? Huge numbers of votes were added after the fact – some of those involved in the process could care less – because they have a vested interest in the outcome – maybe – because they are the guilty ones who have the most to lose.
I know it would be a lot of work…that the very problem!!
How could we possibly look at every congressional race between now and January 3rd? After that it’s simply too late.
The only way to unseat a sitting congressman is by his chamber voting to expel him. Even if arrested for some crime his house of congress has to vote to expel him.
If a hundred people know they got their seats by committing fraud, do you think they will vote to expel any one of their number?
Good Point, Steve!!! It is disheartening for sure!!!
Dang I hope this works, if not I apologize Wolfie for screwing up the forum again,
This might have been posted before, but I believe that it should be posted everyday to remind all of us what the Democrats had done!
TY Bak–some come through and some don’t I thought for a while there I found the trick, Again Thank You Bak
I have no idea how to change that URL so it will show the image. I’ll bet one of the more savvy QTreeps could instruct us on that.
I just thought i was kind of interesting especially being from OAN
It was not something one could explain as well as the picture.
TY again bakocarl.
If so, I am simultaneously elated (for the US) and disgusted (with Colorado).
Even if true though, knowing it’s true is one thing, and getting The Process and The Gatekeepers to acknowledge it is yet another. And the only opinion that actually matters insofar as who is President on 1/21 of next years is theirs, certainly not mine.
Anything else is OUTSIDE the mechanisms of government and we’d be invoking the DOI to suspend the Constitution.
Maybe it was a kind of sign when in 2008 the DNC told Democratic voters that it was not up to them who DNC/Democratic Party put on the presidential ticket. The DNC literally told American Democrats that the DNC could choose whomever they wanted to be on the ticket. Looks like they have done just that in 2008, 2016 and 2020.
No, the mark of the beast is not a fairy tale. My HS New Testament teachers insisted it was symbolism. Whatever it is/was, the Gates vaccine isn’t it even if it is demonic.
“You think the mark of the beast was a bible fairy tale? Think again. They’re going to into inject you with “luciferase”.”
Not me…
I’m not taking their zombie vaccine… and the most beautiful part is, they can’t make me 😁
And we also did not think the gubmint could shutdown any business at anytime or mandate mask wearing. But here we are. Whether or not they could force a vaccine on you I would say depends on where you live. There are clearly jurisdictions in this country that would allow it. And police forces that would enforce it.
“And we also did not think the gubmint could shutdown any business at anytime or mandate mask wearing. But here we are.”
Two separate issues.
Any business that consents to a business license has consented to dance at the end of the government’s puppet strings.
The entire concept of ‘licensing’ needs to be scrapped and find another way, because it’s purely a control and fee issue wielded expressly for state tyranny and revenue collection.
If we consent to a ‘license’, we consent to doing whatever the government tells us to do, or they can withdraw your license.
The second issue is simpler.
I don’t go on man-dates, and they can’t make me 😁
Why does anyone comply with the lawless mask decrees?
Nobody ever answers that question.
Yes, some people have to, if they wish to continue their present employment, and I understand that.
For everyone else, or for everyone while they are not at work and subject to the rules of their employer, why wear the mask?
I have only had to wear a mask in two situations, both doctors:
1) my family physician (more specifically, one of his employees) would not allow me in the building without a mask, which she handed me, with her bare hands, which I was then supposed to put up to my face. Hope her hands were clean, after she touched the filthy doors with the same hands that held the mask…
Once inside, during the pre-exam questions with a different assistant, I said “We don’t have to wear the mask inside right? I’m not a mask-Nazi.”
Her eyes got real big and she said “Oh yes, we have to keep it on!”.
So I left it on, but I’m constantly testing, constantly forcing the issue to be explained or defended.
Then my doctor came in, wearing a full N95 respirator strapped to his cranium, looking like a complete goof.
And I wasn’t about to miss this opportunity, either.
So I said ‘The virus particles, virons, are incredibly small, much smaller than the filtration capability of even an N95 mask, right?’
He said ‘That’s true…’
And I said ‘So this whole mask thing is useless, it’s like putting up a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes, right?’.
And then he started lying to me, they same way little kids do, when they draw out their words to give them time to think of what they’re going to say.
He says ‘Well… what could happen is…’ and then the idea came to him, so he started talking faster… ‘see, the virus particle could attach to a dust particle, and the dust particle could be large enough to get filtered by the mask’.
Unfortunately he could tell by my expression, even with the mask on, that I wasn’t buying it for a second. If there is ANY virus present, then there must be millions of ‘virus particles’ present, and there is zero chance that ALL of them will attach to dust particles large enough to be filtered by the mask.
It’s stupid.
The only other time was, of all places, the dentist’s office, where the receptionist actually came out to my car while I waited in the parking lot, asked a bunch of questions, and then said I had to wear a mask through the Covid minefield between my car and the door to the building.
I’m happy to report there was no sniper fire, and no Covid landmines went off.
Once safely out of the dangerous Covid-strewn parking lot and inside the building, the mask came right off, because as it turns out, it’s very difficult to have your teeth examined with a MASK on 😁
I spoke extensively with my Dentist about the Covid insanity, throughout the entire appointment, it was practically the only thing we talked about, and he agreed it was insanity, he had even watched some Congressional hearing during his lunch break, and his assistant told me she had Trump flags all over her yard. 👍😁
I suspect my Dentist needed people to wear the masks when entering the building, because if anyone reports that people are NOT wearing their masks as they enter the building, his LICENSE may be in jeopardy.
License = Control
I didn’t wear a mask to go to my polling place on election day. It was at a police station, with a big sign on the door saying “Masks required beyond this point”.
Walked right past it. Nobody said a word.
Signs at Stop ‘N Go say you need a mask. Yet somehow the door still works, and I walk right in without a mask, and nothing happens to me. It’s more or less the same everywhere else I go.
In the past year I have only been challenged twice, once at Stop ‘N Go, where the clerk said something I couldn’t hear (behind his full face shield and plexiglass wall sitting on the counter), which he repeated, “Your mask, you’re not wearing your mask.”
I said ‘Oh, I never wear one, I think this whole thing is a political fraud, a hoax on the American people.’ Then the guy in line behind me pulled his mask off and smiled real big, and said “That’s what I think too!” 😂
The other time was at a carry-out sandwich shop, where the checkout girl asked “Do you have a mask?” while I was handing her my credit card.
It was an interesting question, which made me wonder if ownership of a mask was a condition for the transfer of food from the possession of the restaurant to myself. I also wondered what good would it do to put a mask on at that point, after we were already engaged in a face-to-mask conversation.
I just said “No, I don’t.”
She handed my food to me, smiled from behind her mask, and said “Thank you, please come again!” 😁
There is just about no place I have to go, besides the doctor’s office or the dentist’s office, where I have to wear a mask, so I don’t. And if I go somewhere that I don’t have to enter, like a grocery store or a hardware store, etc., and someone forces the issue, I’ll take my business somewhere else.
I have to say, in my experience over the past year, not wearing a mask has really been a non-issue, for the most part.
I don’t wear it, and almost nobody says anything to me about it.
A very, very good point about the licensing.
How many rights do you give up when you sign the licensing paperwork? (That’s actually a rhetorical question, to make people think about this.)
Remember Dictator Brown not only fined the beauty shop 14,000 but took away her business and I think did something with her beautician license.
My concern is the willingness of business and people in general to comply without question.
It’s the boiling frog syndrome
The first demand is nothing more than a procedural hoop to jump through, with a token fee and automatic approval.
Then it ratchets up slowly, each step only slightly less reasonable than the previous, nothing a big enough jump to really piss someone off.
That way they can get people into a position where, if they’d tried to go there directly, the tar, feathers, pitchforks and torches would have come out.
I technically work for state of Oregon. Brown has said she will not open state back up until 75% are vaccinated.
WIll say I know many state employees that will probably walk off job first. Most are in law enforcement. Should get interesting
This shows the terrible effects of an absent media. The Fake News Media’s slavish devotion to “vaccine acceptance culture” prevents them from doing the most basic due diligence on mRNA and DNA vaccines, and not a single one puts forth the obvious truth that NONE of the vaccines have been tested for long-term oncogenic, teratogenic, contraceptive, and second-generation reproductive effects.
I’m just sitting here tapping my finger trying to think of a business that doesn’t require a license to operate. Unless it’s some college kids mowing lawns or shoveling snow. I agree that the licensing thing needs an overhaul, so it’s not just a way to hassle people for $$. But standards are usually a good thing.
I have noticed that all the mask signs here now have small print disclaimers, so you actually don’t have to wear one if it would be detrimental to your health. Cover their asses.
“But standards are usually a good thing.”
Indeed. And there are ways to do them voluntarily. Look at Underwriter’s Laboratories.
That makes me think of Chinese Christmas lights. 😀
“I’m just sitting here tapping my finger trying to think of a business that doesn’t require a license to operate.”
The word ‘require’ is a word that is often used without much consideration, and we’re conditioned to accept it that way.
And we shouldn’t be.
Our entire world revolves around things we act as if we’re ‘required’ to do, or which the ‘system’ strongly implies we’re ‘required’ to do, but we’re not, actually.
Yes, it will usually be less convenient to do it another way, that’s by design, so the herd will all choose the path of least resistance.
Car insurance is one example. It’s common knowledge that everyone is ‘required’ to have car insurance, at least liability insurance.
But you’re not, actually.
You can obtain a bond in lieu of insurance.
And there are a variety of reasons why someone might choose to do so, including not wanting to use a SSN, as part of a conscious effort to unplug from the matrix.
Another item most people believe they are ‘required’ to have is a license to get married.
People should look into how that came to be, and why, and whether it makes any sense today. I think you will find that a ‘license’ is a permission granted by some governing authority to engage in some activity which would otherwise be illegal. The classic example is James Bond, ‘007’, who had a ‘license’ to ‘kill’.
But there is nothing illegal about getting married.
And there certainly wasn’t anything illegal about getting married when Adam and Eve were married.
But between then and now, there were ‘miscegenation laws’, which made it illegal for people of different races to marry. If two people of different races wanted to marry, they had to obtain a ‘license’, a permission from the governing authority, in order to do so.
The miscegenation laws have long since been repealed, and yet for some reason, nearly everyone obtains a marriage license today before they get married.
It’s hard to imagine a worse idea, it seems to me. A marriage is a contract. Why would anyone want the State to be part of a 3-way contract in your marriage?
I wonder what rights the State obtains via that contract?
There must be some reason why the State can determine who pays whom alimony in the case of divorce, and how much, and for how long. And there must be some reason why the State gets to determine who has custody of any children (99% of the time, under the current system, it’s the mother — but that was definitely not always so!). The State can even take your children away, if the State perceives that you are not treating their property properly.
I wonder how the State gained all that power and control over your marriage, the potential dissolution of a marriage, the division of marital assets, the custody of children, etc.?
I wonder if it had anything to do with that 3-way contract, when the State became entwined with the union between yourself and your spouse, when you obtained that little thing called a ‘license’?
Everything about the ‘system’ is designed to funnel you INTO the ‘system’. It started small, it always does, but now we’re tied down by it like Gulliver was by the Lilliputians.
If people don’t want to be a part of the ‘system’ (to a greater or lesser degree), there are ways to disengage from it. There are choices. One of the main problems is that People cannot make informed choices, if they don’t even know they have a choice…
scott, there are instances of an individual wishing to sell or be a Dealer, where w/o a required license that person is fined and jailed. I can think of at least one defensive tool, which as odious as the Law may be…if it’s dealers all went to jail, there would be a serious shortage of desired product.
I understand that this licensing’s origin is faulty, but it’s hard to imagine, what w politics as they are, any serious modification of these controls falling by the wayside. For such a family business to continue to exist, these folk have no choice.
I for for one am happy that my dealers are in compliance, as hateful as that compliance may be. And it is Really Hateful.
I have no more expectation of convincing anyone than I would of convincing a Leftist that his worldview was more twisted than a bad LSD trip.
We’re all part of this mind-control ‘matrix’ in one way or the other, none of us are immune to it, some of us just see certain aspects of it better than others, and vice-versa.
I can’t open anyone’s eyes to the truth, not really, any more than I can open someone’s eyes to the truth about God’s Word.
A person has to want to find the truth.
If they do, then on some subjects I might be able to point in the right direction, but a person has to want to find it.
It’s the same with this.
The things which I am saying in the previous post are going against an entire lifetime of indoctrination and personal life experience.
I realize that.
There is nothing I could possibly say in a blog post that is going to overcome that.
While I partially agree with you, the 3 way partnership used to be with the Church. And the church made all of the decisions the State now makes. And before that, for N. European peoples at least, it was the priests and the law speakers who got involved in that.
“While I partially agree with you, the 3 way partnership used to be with the Church.”
Just swapping tyrants then.
What business is it of any church belonging to Jesus Christ?
Where is the Scriptural Authority?
And if there isn’t any, then by definition, is it not of men, rather than God?
“And the church made all of the decisions the State now makes.”
I don’t know which church you are referring to, but it sounds hardly any different than the State, tyrannical and corrupt, without any Authority in God’s Word to be involved in any of it.
Are we free people, capable of handling our own affairs, or aren’t we?
We may certainly require assistance, a counselor of our own choosing for many things which are beyond our own expertise, but how is it we so often are in a position where it appears our only choice is to throw ourselves on the mercy of the State (man, does that ever sound like a bad idea!) and hope for the best?
“And before that, for N. European peoples at least, it was the priests and the law speakers who got involved in that.”
Are you referring to Judaism?
Are priests of the Jewish religion not required to be descendants of the tribe of Levi?
If the genealogical records were destroyed, presumably when the second temple was destroyed, and there is no way to definitively prove who is a Levite, then how can anyone in the Jewish religion obtain the office of priest, without transgressing against God and the Law of God?
If you are referring to Christians, I can find the requirements in God’s Word which a man must meet to become a deacon, and the qualifications to become an elder (a.k.a. bishop) — which include being the husband of one wife and the father of at least one child — but where is the authority in God’s Word, for a separate priestly class in the Lord’s church?
Is such a title or position of God, or is it of men?
Back to marriage.
Marriage is a contract, between a Man and a Woman, and nobody else.
Unless the Man or the Woman (or both) are incompetent, in need of a Ward (of the State) or a Guardian (of the State), to handle their affairs for them, why don’t the Man and the Woman simply write a marriage contract?
Why should they involve the State, or the church, or anyone else in their marriage?
Work out a contract that is agreeable to both of you, while you are both in love and looking forward to your future together.
Think about the unfortunate possibility of divorce, and the terms under which it would be acceptable for either party to break the union, and write it in the contract.
Also decide the terms and conditions under which alimony, if any, would be paid, and by whom, and if there are children produced by the marriage, who would have primary custody, or whether it would be equally shared custody, and the schedule of visitation, etc.
Do all of these things when you are happy, wanting to be generous toward each other, before you get married, rather than in the bitter acrimony of a potential future separation.
Sign the contract.
Get married.
The institution of marriage was created by God for a Man and a Woman, it has existed since Adam and Eve, thousands of years before the Lord’s church existed.
The marriage vows are between you and your spouse, made before God. What does any of it have to do with the State — or with the church?
It’s a simple question, isn’t it?
So you have a lawful contract, which is binding.
Suppose at some point in the future, one of the stipulated conditions for sufficient cause for divorce occurs, and the husband and wife decide to divorce.
The contract is still in force.
If either party violates the terms of the contract, the injured party can take the other party to court to get the terms of the contract enforced, the same as any other contract dispute.
But the parties to the contract don’t turn their entire lives over to a judge, to make decisions over marital assets and custody and financial support and all the rest of it.
The judge has no part in any of that, because the State is not a party to the marriage, because the Man and the Woman did not obtain any ‘marriage license’ from the State making the State a partner in their marriage.
And because the Man and Woman have a lawful contract, which has already determined these issues, which were agreed to by both parties to the contract.
Do you see?
In that scenario, the State’s only role is to enforce the lawful terms of the contract.
And not one thing more.
In many states there is a ‘cooling off’ period of up to a year or more, before a divorce is ‘granted’ by the State.
Where did the State get that power over your lives?
The State obtained that power and authority when you consented to the State’s ‘license’ scheme.
If you did not get a marriage license, and the permissible cause for divorce as outlined in the marriage contract is met, then you have control over your life and your future, instead of some anonymous, faceless bureaucrat judge.
We are free people, with the God-given right to self-determination, and yet every direction we turn, traps have been set for us, to control even the most personal details of our lives.
That is not by the design of our Founding Fathers.
And it is not by the design of the Lord.
It is by the design of men, lusting after power and control and money.
We are under no obligation to consent to their schemes.
But how can we avoid them, if we are not even aware of them, if we just do what everybody else does, because that’s what everybody does?
LOL Judaism is not remotely what I am speaking of. That’s not an indigenous faith to Europe. I’m speaking of Pre-Christain spirituality. Which also had priests and lawyers of a sort. Only the priests had the power to impart sentences and enforce contracts.
I had a sore throat and cough so work sent me for a covid swab. I rang my doctors receptionist and told her that I would needs a certificate from the doctor for a couple of days as I was symptomatic. She said to ring the doorbell and she would bring it out. As it happened a polite person held the door for me so I waltzed right in. The receptionist looked equally horrified and outraged and rushed from behind her plexiglass ramparts to hand me the paper. I was wearing a mask, in public whilst awaiting test results, she was wearing one. Chill the fuck out woman
“Whether or not they could force a vaccine on you I would say depends on where you live.”
I think that’s going to be one *&^% of a court fight, no matter where one lives.
And that doesn’t even take into account the ‘optics’.
Imagine, hundreds of “Elian Gonzalez” moments, with SWAT teams in full paramilitary gear busting in to peoples’ homes with real machine guns pointed at women and children, with Dr. Mengele right behind them, jamming needles into helpless screaming people and crying children.
How many times does anyone think that’s going to take place, before government officials start getting shot in the face?
All we have to do — all we have ever had to do — is simply say “We’re not gonna take it”.
America is not a prison, we are a Free People, and there is no way in *&^$ that some government bureaucrat can hold you down and jam a needle in your arm.
It’s simply NOT happening.
And if everyone simply had that mindset, instead of reacting in fear, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
“There are clearly jurisdictions in this country that would allow it. And police forces that would enforce it.”
I would like to see them try.
Make them do it.
Make them use force against you, and make sure it’s all on tape, because before this is over, that tape is going to make you a multimillionaire.
And when those tapes go viral on the Interwebs, showing women and children being terrorized by government GOONS and stormtroopers, the politicians who ordered these assaults on Americans won’t last a week.
I don’t know what happened to people, that caused them to forget who has the power in our country, and who doesn’t.
All we need to do is STAND UP and say NO.
I do believe you are incorrect about mandatory vaccines. “A provision in the Patriot Act, and follow up acts, allows for the government to declare a national medical emergency and force a vaccination on anyone, or if you refuse, they can jail you until… ” this was from a simple google type search. Also while marriage licenses are not mandatory the marriage would not be legal. The license is provided to the clergy/Justice of Peace who then applies for the certificate of marriage.
Marriage licenses used to require a blood test, birth certificate or some type of identification, proof of relationship to partner or lack thereof.
I also believe that any “business” requires a business license and in some states teenagers mowing lawns.
In NY you cannot go inside a store without a mask – the mask Nazi’s are waiting for you at the door. Cuomo will have anyone arrested who does not follow the rules. The businesses/airlines etc do not want to be fined so they enforce the rules.
Patriot act is a BUSH thing….
and it is NOT Patriotic!
Nope it certainly isn’t.
Does that invalidate her reading of it?
Of course not!
I was commenting about the “act”…
NOT her “reading”
“Nope it certainly isn’t.
Does that invalidate her reading of it?”
No, but the Constitution does invalidate the Patriot Act, if the Patriot Act is contrary to Rights and interests of WE the PEOPLE.
And if the (not)Supreme Court attempts to invalidate the Constitution, then We the People invalidate the (not)Supreme Court.
1) WE the PEOPLE are Sovereign, WE the PEOPLE are the highest Authority in our Republic, not our civil servants.
2) WE the PEOPLE founded this country.
3) WE the PEOPLE created the Declaration of Independence.
4) WE the PEOPLE created the Articles of Confederation
WE the PEOPLE fought and won a War for Independence.
Government didn’t do any of that for us, and neither did the Constitution, because it didn’t exist.
5) WE the PEOPLE then created the Constitution, to serve and protect US and our interests.
6) The Constitution in turn authorized the creation of the government.
That makes WE the PEOPLE (Sovereign) at least FOUR full levels of authority higher than the Constitution, and FIVE levels higher in Authority than the corrupt federal government.
The Constitution is a great document, but it is not holy, it was written by men, not by God.
It is created and bound to serve us, we do not serve it.
If it ceases to serve its purpose — which is primarily to protect our Rights, which it hasn’t really done since the Civil War — then WE the PEOPLE have every right to scrap it, and the corrupt government that connived their way around it, and start over.
As the Declaration of Independence — which WE the PEOPLE wrote — reminds us.
“I do believe you are incorrect about mandatory vaccines. “A provision in the Patriot Act, and follow up acts, allows for the government to declare a national medical emergency and force a vaccination on anyone, or if you refuse, they can jail you until… ” this was from a simple google type search.”
You are inadvertently proving my point very well, i.e., how well we are conditioned to be our own mental jailors.
It’s a wonder we’re not all in actual slave chains, instead of just mental ones.
It is immensely frustrating, because I know I am pushing a rock up a hill, and even though you don’t mean to, you believe it is your duty to roll that rock back down the hill, right over me. 😁
If the Patriot Act says Sen. Rubio can hit you in the head with a hammer, does that make it lawful?
I suppose it might make it legal, at least until he tried to do it, or until it was challenged — but it would be challenged, and it would be overturned.
The same scenario applies with regard to forced vaccinations.
Just because corrupt people in Congress pass a law and a corrupt president signed it, doesn’t mean it is lawful.
It certainly hasn’t been tested yet.
And if the government tries to vaccinate anyone against their will, you can be sure it is going to be challenged all the way to the (not)Supreme Court, if necessary.
Which it probably would be, because we can’t seem to find anyone, at any level of the courts, who isn’t corrupt.
And since the (not)Supreme Court itself is corrupt more often than not, they may support forced vaccinations. Tragically, we have to prepare for that possibility. The (not)Supreme Court supported the mass-murder of at least 60 million babies (and counting), so they’re liable to do just about anything.
If they do support forced vaccinations, then they have declared war on the Constitution and on the American People, it is a grotesque violation of our freedom and our rights, and so the section of the Declaration of Independence about overthrowing a tyrannical government is brought into sharp focus.
And you either STAND UP, or you kneel down and accept the chains.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.”
— Abraham Lincoln, inaugural address, March 4, 1861
“Also while marriage licenses are not mandatory the marriage would not be legal.”
What is ‘legal’ and who decides?
Are we a monarchy or a Republic?
I think this whole ‘mask’ psy-op has really confused a lot of people.
We have RIGHTS and free will, and that includes the right to marry someone who consents to marry you.
There is no ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’ about it, beyond laws against incest or similar, which like all such laws of which I am aware, trace back to Scripture, the same source of Authority (God) Who created the institution of marriage.
Even a ‘common law’ marriage, where two people have lived together as Man and Wife (for 7 years, IIRC) is ‘legal’. Not only was there no marriage license involved, there wasn’t even a ceremony or a vow taken.
“The license is provided to the clergy/Justice of Peace who then applies for the certificate of marriage.”
So much process… did anyone question any of it, at any point, along the way?
Who created the institution of marriage?
Where does God require that you obtain any license or certificate or other trinkets from civil government, to make His institution ‘legal’?
What is a ‘certificate’?
What does it ‘certify’, and to whom?
And for what purpose?
What benefit do you derive from it?
What if you don’t want to opt in to the government’s scheme?
Do you not have a choice?
Are you just a widget on an assembly line?
Regardless of who ‘provides’ the ‘license’, why do you want one?
Is there a reason?
Or is it just because that’s what everybody does?
Because I have seen a lot of things that most everybody does — and just between you and me — I’m not sure some of those things are very smart, or very well thought out…
A ‘license’ is a permission from some governing authority to engage in some activity that would otherwise be unlawful.
Is getting married unlawful, such that you should require any ‘permission slip’ from some local or national government, to get married?
I am not aware of any law against getting married, not even the miscegenation laws exist any longer, which led to the license scheme in the first place, so what’s really going on here with this ‘license scheme’ today?
Who benefits from it?
Someone is benefiting from it, or it wouldn’t exist.
If you’re not sure who, then chances are, it ain’t you 😁
If it’s not you, then why would you do it?
What is your benefit, for consenting to this government scheme?
After all, it’s a contract, it’s an agreement, documents are signed, attestations are made, so there has to be consideration, they have to give you something in exchange for your consent, even if it’s just a cheap souvenir like a plastic Mickey Mouse with a ‘made in China’ sticker on the bottom.
So what are you getting, in return for consenting to their government scheme?
For one thing (and possibly the only thing), you obtain the benefit and immense privilege to file taxes jointly.
Oh, for joy! 😂
As Peggy Lee might say, if that’s all there is my friends, then let’s keep dancing...
Whatever you might save on taxes, is it worth giving up control over your lives by opting in to the State’s scheme? Or would you be better off forgoing the tax incentive, maintaining control over your own life and your own future?
If you sign a private marriage contract, and have someone (a preacher, a friend, a family member, or a complete stranger willing to do it) conduct your wedding ceremony, and you say your vows before man and God, and the presiding individual says I pronounce you Man and Wife — are you not married, certainly in God’s eyes?
Who do you grant power and authority to decide whether you are married or not?
Whose eyes do you care more about?
God’s eyes?
Or Toby’s eyes, down at the local license bureau?
We are not prisoners, and we are not slaves 😁
We don’t need approval or revenue generating schemes from the government to live our lives as we see fit. Are we not FREE to pursue happiness, however we choose to do so, so long as we are not causing harm to anyone else?
I’m not going to get into the marriage license thing, because for the Church it is a Sacramental Covenant.
BUT, unfortunately, I’m very much afraid a SCOTUS case from the 1920s may well be used as precedent to justify forcible vaccines, as at one time the states would forcibly sterilize people:
Forget the Patriot Act. THIS is the more potent avenue, IMO.
Thank you.
Oregon Dictator Brown says state will not open back up until 75% of Oregonians are vaccinated with COVID vaccine. .
Not me !!!!
Nope Nope
I was trying to reply to Scott – sorry I couldn’t figure out how to remove this.
This crazy paranoid lady aint taking no COVID vaccine,
Rest In Peace, Harold Budd.
One of my favorite ambient musicians to listen to and relax to passed away this past Tuesday. I can’t count how many times I played one of his CD’s while wearing headphones (remember those?) and catching up on some reading or sketching…
So, Ron, our favorite Code Monkey has been busy this morning posting photos of American officials with various CCP officials. So far we have:
Jim Mattis
Ruth Bader-Ginsburg (no John Roberts, and Ron said he looked)
ZERO active duty four star brass
Tweets by CodeMonkeyZ
All States trade with China. We all have stuff made in China in our homes. This ain’t news.
^^^ Precisely the perspective D-rats want folks to believe in.
NOTHING innocent about it. ChiComs buying off politicians.
AMERICA FIRST!!! 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲
Usually post the shorter verson.
However I think more than ever we need to listen to John Wayne’s words that were spoken prior to great patriotic Americans sing “God Bless America”
From a time when people loved and cared about American, especially Hollywood!!
God Bless America John Wayne
John Wayne – The People
Sure it is. Before Trump how often did you check to see if your product was made in China? More people are waking up and spreading the word. We can do our part and reject Chinese products, cut off CCP piggy bank. With this list of officials, we can question them and push back. This info needs to be repeated and spread far and wide. F China, especially after unleashing the WuFlu on the world. We all need to join together to take the CCP down. CHINA IS ASSHOE!
Thank you, I just remembered I had to reply to a company I’m trying to do business with. They’re making a phone not designed to be a pocket spy.
They have two products, one with Chicom parts and one without, otherwise identical. They added that last one when it turned out a lot of their prospective customers, including US government customers, don’t trust Chinese chips.
The problem is I paid for the Chicom version, and they’re ready to ship it to me (finally!). They told me I could switch if I paid the (very substantial) price difference. I promised to get back to them with my decision and I forgot about it; it’s been about a month now.
The problem is I absolutely want the US version, but don’t have the money right now.
So I’ve sent an e-mail explaining that, and we’ll see how badly I lose my place in line now.
Have always done it since 1992 – I voted for Ross Perot. Remember “the giant sucking sound”? I have always tried to not buy from China, eventually it became almost impossible to avoid. Perot supported PDJT.
I had a retail clothing store and tried to carry domestic made goods entirely. Living in a rural area it became necessary to carry an import alternative to survive. And finally as N.American branded manufacturers moved to contract their production overseas, I could only carry cheap imports. Sad time and now US needs to learn how to produce things again.
Yes, that’s going to be difficult, AND a lot of people are going to find prices rising rapidly. Walmart, for instance, is dirt cheap because of Chinese imports. Not any more.
When we no longer produce and are dependent on China the prices will go high.
I still find clothing made in US but pay for a good top $200 and a pair of shoes $250.
I just curtail my chopping and instead buying many outfits I buy two pieces per season and mix and match. I keep many of my clothe 20-30 years and no one knows because I buy timeless with here and there what is in style at the moment.
I find things repeat itself 🙂
I tried the way many buy clothing does not work for me cheap stuff does not last. I like things to last and still look like new.
Wall Mart is out for me.
singing, like wise…I almost have it down to seasonal uniforms, ha!
sure does make life easier.
Actually i was checking at least 75% of the time especially with cars back in 2000??
Was totally ticked to find out after the fact my Dodge Charger was made in Canada.
“All States trade with China. We all have stuff made in China in our homes. This ain’t news.”
And here’s the problem.
Suppose it was 1959, and the statement was “All States trade with Nikita Khrushchev’s Soviet Union. We all have stuff made in the Soviet Union in our homes. This ain’t news.”
You can bet your sweet bippy that it would have been news in 1959!
To have our country flooded with low quality, cheaply made garbage from the Soviet Union, our openly avowed enemy, in every home in America?
Displacing quality American made products, and American workers and whole industries?
Not even a tiny chance.
Is China not a hundreds of times the actual threat, right now, today, that the Soviet Union ever was?
Our states shouldn’t be trading with Communist China.
THAT’S the problem right there.
China (the CCP) never stopped being our enemy. Our political leaders just decided to commit Treason, to take CCP bribes, in order to wheel the Chinese Trojan Horse right into the heart of our country.
Did you think the Swalwell deal was news?
Do I think politicians take payoffs, direct/indirect from countries, businesses. Of course. In many parts of the world it is considered standard. But as a Democrat, no one will hold them accountable.
I am shocked. And I’m not being sarcastic:
Polis of Colorado is NOT on that list?
NO, he’s not. There’s a number of others I would have expected to be there including mine.
Maybe his hubby is. Only half joking.
Polis and his other are hardcore gay mafia and wierd.
Click on that 1st twitter link shared by Ron…a Chinese gold mine of American traitors…YES, I mean TRAITORS! No way in Hell that these people did not know what they were getting into with multi-million $$$ deals with the CCP.
On the USSC ruling from yesterday. It wasn’t what everyone was hoping for, but it does shine light on more corruption that seems to be the objective of PDJT’s EO on election fraud and possible use of the Insurrection Act.
SD has an excellent article on the ruling in case no one has seen it.
This is an except.
From the Alliance:
BTW – Sidney Powell filed a couple emergency appeals to the SC with a couple more to follow that will further test the ‘who has standing’ farce. She said these plaintiffs have standing…we shall see. Makes one wonder that they expected the SC result because of the immediate filing…..Oh yea! Makes one go 🤔 ! And this…fck 😷 ‘s!
The entire “standing” thing is a bad joke on justice.
Sort of like Comey invoking “intent” when he gave hildabeast a free pass.
It has played to religious conservatives’ benefit though. A lot of the organizations that sue over church-state violations now get their cases tossed on standing grounds, without the justices even looking at the merits.
Michigan attorney says vote flip happened due to computer program, not human error.
“Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said it happened by human error. We discovered that’s not true, that’s a lie. It didn’t happen by human error. It happened by a computer program called Dominion Voting System[s],” Matthew DePerno said on Newsmax.
I didn’t realize it wasn’t already.
Day has always been, now Eve is too! Thank You President Trump! ❤❤❤
FABULOUS. I had more than one boss over the years who wouldn’t let us off on Christmas Eve. Not even early. And it screwed with a lot of family plans, assured those of us who were singing later, like at 10 pm or later, would not get a nap.
One of the better aspects of my current job.
Lucky you. When I worked at the food bank, the boss there made us all stay because the grocery stores were open. Same thing with 10 inches of snow – around here, that will close the city down while MODOT digs us out – and four degrees. That woman thrived on being that sort of b!+c# even if she said she didn’t.
That is one thing I missed moving to US that stores do not keep Christian Holidays. I liked when growing us that stores closed at noon Saturdays till Monday.
All Holidays everything was closed and we has a first and second day Christmas and Easter. Pentecost was a Holiday also and everything was closed. I am not sure if things changed. There was a rhythm of time season and Holidays even though people worked hard it seement people had more time for family and friends or course church.
MAKES ME MAD AS ALL GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wasn’t watching this so can’t verify but wouldn’t surprise me
USA! 🇺🇸 USA! 🇺🇸 USA!! 🇺🇸
BardsFM Livestream, 20201211 – Jericho
Political Theology Livestream – 20201212
General Flynn is going to be a guess on Maria Bartiromo’s program tomorrow – did not say what time – but, I am sure we will find it.
9amCST Sunday Morning Futures
Thanks, Bfly!!!
Am enjoying today’s DC rally. Good guest speakers intermixed with Faith leaders. Have been watching on Americas’s Voice. In case you’re not aware, they have news 24/7 just like Newsmax. Bannon’s WarRoom airs on this channel. F Fox News, I flip between these 2 sites and OANN.
Home – Real America’s Voice
Rally almost over, they’re fixing to march on the Supreme Court.
I am noticing another behavioral oddity.
If I reply on the site itself, my reply shows up (in upside down order) immediately, and presumably on other people’s sessions it is yellow highlighted.
If I reply through the notifier (bell), it doesn’t show up until I refresh the page.
This may suggest to someone how the system is actually working and help them fix other things.
All of this is strategy. Did he provide those bureaucracies with enough time and justification in triplicate to do what they need to do when they need to do it. Which is now.
When the ODNI report is released in a few days, will the bureaucracies have the inertia to execute the plan outlined in the EO?
John Ratcliffe, Steve Minuchen, Mike Pompeo, Chad Wolf, Christopher C. Miller, and Bill Barr are the ones that hold our future in their hands.
Let’s MAGA.
mrbungle @mrbungle
I used to say it with some regularity, “Moving at the speed of bureaucracy!”
What I meant by that depended on the circumstance. Sometimes it was a way to laugh off how annoying bureaucracy was. How long it took them to do the simplest things.
Another sense was to encapsulate how we could always see where the government was going and take steps quick steps to avoid their plodding authoritarianism.
Listen to this interview with Seth J Levy aka “The Reckoning” on twtr.
About minute 42 he spends some time talking about DJT and his ability to hide his motives and deceive his opponents with his “persona” and other methods of misdirection.
As the New York developer he spent his entire life out gunning the complicated and petty New York bureaucracy at every level. I would say that dealing with bureaucracy is probably his primary skill set. A businessman creates his own bureaucracy to deal with the bureaucracy of other businesses, banks, subcontractors, tenants..
Dec 13, 2020, 07:45 · Web · 1 · 1
mrbungle @mrbungle
So if anyone understands the speed of bureaucracy it would be Donald J Trump. In the first sense he knows how long it takes them to do anything and in the second he can see them coming a mile away.
We know he saw them coming because he has told us and them in plain terms that their plans were transparent.
So my contention is that he can’t half understand bureaucracy. He must understand it in total to have achieved his goals. In fact bureaucracy navigation manipulation is his true mastery.
mrbungle @mrbungle
The second half of the Trump strategy is using the bureaucracy against the Swamp.
That is the ODNI foreign interference executive order strategy. For the past four years Trump has set bureaucracies in motion in his direction. At the DOJ, at the Treasury, at State, at FBI, at CIA, etc.
All of these bureaucracies needed time to get up to speed in the new direction. Are they up to speed and traveling in the direction that Bureaucrat Whisperer Trump wants them to?
We don’t know yet.
mrbungle @mrbungle
All of this is strategy. Did he provide those bureaucracies with enough time and justification in triplicate to do what they need to do when they need to do it. Which is now.
When the ODNI report is released in a few days, will the bureaucracies have the inertia to execute the plan outlined in the EO?
John Ratcliffe, Steve Minuchen, Mike Pompeo, Chad Wolf, Christopher C. Miller, and Bill Barr are the ones that hold our future in their hands.
Let’s MAGA.
That’s Ian Smith at Atilis Gym in Bellmawr. My general neck of the woods. 👍🏻
They love him. President Trump will be our leader for the next four years.
That must be fake. We all know that Biden got 99% of the military votes. /sarc
Actually he got 199% of the military votes; as well as 100% of the Red Chinese Military votes…
To paraphrase “What A Fool Believes”, “Xi has a place in his life”…….
Steve, Another great Saturday Daily Open! Today’s eagle fits the mood of the US conservative populace quite well!
Really appreciate all the diagrams of the upcoming astronomy event.
We likely won’t be able to see it here with all the light pollution and flat lands.
Hope you are able to get a great view and maybe some photos to share.
Here is an old blog friend’s (Christian Harvard lawyer, Anglican Curmudgeon blog) research on the Bethlehem Star and Dates for Christmas.
I was impressed with his work. But what do I know. My opinion on this is as reliable/valuable as on US and Covid numbers.
PS – I still can’t like a Daily Post or access the replies from this page. Have to go to the profile page and click on notifications.
Odd. I hope wolf sees this!!!
Georgia – you need to LOG IN – either to get a site password or log in with a WordPress password! I recommend using the login widget at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. Top option is to use your WordPress account. Bottom option is to use a site account. You may have to check your spam folder for email, if/when you register.
Holy moley, Leonidas needs to get his ass out of bed.
It was well over three hundred in the wee hours, and it’ll probably be over 800 before I finish typing this.
Wolf, I’m sure you’re getting sick of seeing this. I have the same issue and I am logged in with my WP account. The only way I know I have replies to comments is if I use the “Reader” link Wheatie posted a few days ago. I can see the bell in the upper right corner, but when I click on it, it’s the spinning wheel of death.
I have that same spinning wheel of death, Katie 😁👍
Same questions for you – device, browser, ad-blockers or restrictions on scripts, etc.?
What device are you on?
What browser are you using?
Does it have any kind of privacy software or ad blockers?
Not sure about the ad blocker. We also just added Norton anti-virus and a VPN so there’s lots of “glitchy” bugs to work out. I think it’s turned off.
Yup. Nobody can get the bell to work on iPhone, iPad or MacBook. I will try to research this – it must be a known issue.
THANK YOU! At least I know I’m in good company 🙂
You’re welcome. I just researched this, and discovered that it’s a basic iOS problem. “Push Browser Notifications” are not supported on iOS. There are some apps that work via a plugin on the site, but they look godawful – giant blue pop-ups in the center of the screen for each comment – clearly not what you want.
FYI, I turned on Notifications for WordPress. Doesn’t fix the bell problem. I get a sound and message on main screen when someone replies to me. Turning off, annoying.
Are you able to view the DESKTOP version of this site? I’m curious if the bell works there!
No idea how to view the desktop version – sorry for my lack of techie understanding. I can tell you that the bell notifications worked just fine with the iPad on the old site. So is it a limitation with the new site?
As I mentioned earlier, the bell notifications work fine on this link from Wheatie:
Wolf, she’s on a MAC. It’s the Idevice incompatibility. I can’t like on phone, pad using Safari either. I have to go into the WP app.
Here is a question you may be able to research. On your iPhone, can you get the bell notifier to work, if you log into, using either Safari or Brave?
I know this was directed to bflyjesusgrl but I just checked my iPhone and there’s no bell on either or Altho unless I’m missing something, there are no comments on the old site so don’t know if that would affect the showing of the bell or not.
Try reloading this site on iPhone. I just updated the mobile theme to use “AMP” which is more mobile-friendly.
No luck. I’m bell-less. Sniff. Maybe someone else will have better luck.
No luck. I’m bell-less. Sniff. Maybe someone else will have better luck.
Please change it back. Mobile version SUCKS. No Bell, get comment box, which does nothing when clicked. AMP button to switch DOES NOT WORK. Have to scroll FOREVER to bottom to go back to desktop version.
OK – just got back – will do.
Is it fixed yet? Should be by now.
Good! That was a real “Hail Mary”!
How can you test the Bell if you can’t find it??
How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?? 🙃🙃🙃
I blame Tim Cook and Hillary Clinton!
I took care of waking Leonidas up, BTW
Appreciated! 😀
The Homeschooler’s Anthem!!!
OK – try it now – see if I’ve turned it off.
All better! Thank You, Now I can rest. 😴☺🤗❤
NOPE. It just spins in Safari. Only way to see notifications is to use the Reader in the downloaded WP app. If you select Gravatar in Safari and select notifications, it takes you to the reader also and you can reply. BUT in the reader you cannot LIKE the POST or See the comments on a Post.
Sorry I didn’t see WQTH. Yes it works on that site.
Interesting – this means WordPress servers are not third-party – makes sense.
OK – I have ONE idea that might work, based on that. It’s an iPhone setting buried in the deepest bowels of Safari.
Experimental Features
Disable Full 3rd-Party Cookie Blocking
This thing (enabling 3rd-party cookies) is what got rid of spinning for many people for a long time.
This is a reply from bell notification on old site using safari.
Thank you for helping wolf out with this, by the way!
NP, been helping with the Idevice issues since day 1, since I have the combo.
Yup. WordPress servers. JetPack notifications are third-party to the new site!
Another wierd thing. In the WP Reader, we can follow site. We can Read a Post, Like it, but cannot view any comments. Comment button is grayed out. I assume because it is not a WP site? Maybe why bell doesn’t work?
Let me look at reader……
I didn’t even see a way to look at comments in my reader in a browser (Brave) – not even a grayed-out button. BUT – while in Reader (not in iOS, to be clear), I clicked on a comment in notifications from the same post, and it loaded a page with the post (today’s daily) PLUS comments. So I can get to them through the JetPack notifier, but not in Reader itself, oddly.
I’ve seen a grayed out comment box – no comments allowed, a black one – noone’s commented yet, or none – no comments allowed, under the Posts in Reader. And yes you cannot comment on a Post there, but you can in the bell drop down box, only if there is something to reply to. It is weird. So Jetpack works on a non WP site in Windows, but not IOS? And we can’t comment in the Reader on the new site, but we can reply through Reader notification Bell. 😵😵😵
No bell on Iphone on NEW SITE. Display isn’t wide enough. Can see Gravatar top right and that’s all. Ipad larger display has bell.
Old site has Bell on Iphone. 😜
What if you tip the phone?
And I have the 8 PLUS, the big one. Only one bigger is new Pro Plus.
Did you try allowing 3rd party cookies under Settings / Safari / “advanced” / “experimental”? Not sure if that comment got through. My computer went kinds nuts.
Default is Allowed.
Let me be very clear b/c this sounds like a different default on yours – “Disable Full 3rd-Party Cookie Blocking” is GREEN?
Not Green.
Good – then GREEN means “disabling the default of blocking”, which means enabling access to third-party cookies. So trying green will mean letting it get to your WordPress cookies, which was always the key on Brave to getting spinning to stop.
All I see is Disable Full 3rd-Party Coo. Disabling the Cookies is DIFFERENT than Disabling Cookie Blocking!!! I’ll set it to Green.
Interesting – maybe my display font is smaller.
LOL, it’s bigger on IPAD. I can see the whole thing 😁
Deleted website data and history, set to green, went to qtree, no change. Bell spins.
BUT the change you made earlier is FUNKY. Site opens in mobile mode, with Howdy Butterfly and weird comment box. AMP button to switch does NOT work. FInally scrolled and scrolled and scrolled to bottom of site to find ‘exit mobile version’. That reloads site with normal gravatar and bell. PLEASE PUT BACK to open in non moblie.
OK – will do!!!
Try reloading on the iPhone. I just changed the mobile theme to be more current.
No help.
I have to do the same thing – so I never no if someone has replied. It’s fine though – don’t want to stress anyone.
It’s not that your numbers were questionable–frankly I don’t trust ANY Covid Numbers, as you rightly point out they are all suspect and we’ll never ever know because even if people were trying to be honest the measuring stick is bad.
It’s that you were arguing against a point she wasn’t even making–because she wasn’t posting Covid numbers. She did make the claim that COVID was probably responsible for the increase, but her main argument was that there WAS an increase in deaths (not “covid deaths,” just “deaths”), a point others have tried to deny and they even challenged her to prove them wrong. She just brought the data in to support her argument, so now she’s beating a dead horse.
But I did prove that wrong. There has not been an increase in deaths. I posted links and everything. 🙂
Hi Aubergine
Which day was it that you posted the links? I would like to get to the bottom of the “excess deaths” situation. Thanks
So one link was to this .pdf of World Mortality from the U.N. It’s harder to change a .pdf doc that is out in the wild, so I trust it more than other sources. It reports the number in sort of an odd way as 2909 thousands for 2019:
The other link was to the United States Death Clock. It reports the numbers by state, so I had to add them all up. Sorry, I don’t remember the exact figure, but it was 2780-ish thousands as I recall it.
If I can locate the original post, I will send you the link.
If I can find the or
Your first link shows only past deaths from 2009-2019 – shows no deaths from 2020.
From your 2nd link,
“Note: Numbers on this page do not include deaths due to COVID-19. Our estimates are based on deaths reported before the pandemic started. Check our coronavirus section for information about daily and total deaths caused by the virus.”
Your link is Not a count of actually deaths. Your link takes previous year’s deaths and projects expected deaths for this year. Your link literally states that the numbers are not real, actual deaths but are projected/expected deaths. This is not a list of facts but of expected deaths based on pevious years.
SMH … Facts mater and that is now what these posts are.
If this is a source you trust, here is there Covid 19 data which only addresses wuflu deaths and not excess deaths.
Name calling and yelling in all caps does not distract from the fact that you did not address your own links clear, unqualified statement that the deaths they are counting are not literal deaths but projected deaths.
It’s on this page, search my name:
And it’s funny, but I never got any response to that post at all from the stealth-troll who keeps posting the covid fear-porn here.
Not everyone goes back through threads to search for possible replies to older comments. Assuming that all read all replies is incorrect.
If you KNOW what you are posting is controversial, you should at least stick around for the rest of that day.
Never would have thought posting data backing up exactly what I am saying was “controversial”!
Sorry I left you hanging.
Had no idea I was “beating a dead horse”.
Sometimes when I address an issue a 2nd or 3rd time I am simply assuming that the author of the comment hasn’t seen the first time/place I addressed especially if it is a different commenter.
We frequently see commenters repeat posts and news and links that have been posted once or twice or even many times before which shows us that many don’t read the full threads before posting. If they haven’t read the full threads, then many could easily have missed the info on a previous page.
We have a core group that reads every thread, every day, or at least almost every thread, almost every day.
However, many read occassionally and they could just have missed the first discussion of the topic. After all, why would somone post a “fact” that has already been shown to be untrue? the very act of posting incorrect info leads me to assume they are unaware there is countering information or that what they are posting is simply wrong/fake news according to other sources.
I now see that some cling to certain “facts” … why? Any insights?
I wish I knew.
I could speculate, but that would just lead to a ton of anger aimed at me by many people, and I can’t blame them–if I misguess their motivations that’s on me.
Good call not to speculate although I figured this was a back water old thread that no one would notice. But must assume nothing is secret that is posted on the internet! 🙂
As it happened, I made those responses later in the day on the 12th (it was my post). And Aubergine’s all caps response was later on the same day you posted there too.
TODAY, certainly, it’s a backwater, but on the 12th it wasn’t, and you had disappeared.
We had a homeschool day on Saturday and then major Christmas shopping day (online – but still busy and fun … esp. as son is now catching on that I probably knew about past purchases from amazon and now he is trying to be more sneaky when he is being Santa’s helper) and then made Christmas cookies and fruitcake (yes, it won’t cure very long but it will still be good).
So, yes, I disappeared … busy day in by offline world.
Anyway, I will be more away, esp. the day off. Might scan back through at the end of the day to be on the safe side.
Surprising how personal people take differing opinions. Guess I will expect that from now and stopped being surprised!
Or at least come back sometime about 12 hours later.
I rarely can “stick around” as I hope on to scroll/scan for news and updates and deep dives into topics I can’t find anywhere else but am not just hanging out. Homeschooling, for example, and son is reading a section of text or doing a worksheet or taking a quiz so I have a few minutes to visit news sites. Or sitting down for a break from cooking, cleaning or to drink a cup of coffee. Not able to be here for long extended periods of time … except in the night when I can’t sleep like tonight! ha
Sometimes a Real suprise to me to see what turns out to be controversial.
I guess I came to the conservative treehouse back in the days of friendly chat but also a focus on searching for facts, regardless of where they lead.
When I am attacked for posting, “No, we have no excess deaths and here are the #s & here are the links where I got the #s”, I just think commenters will think, “thanks” because they want to learn, be accurate and move on. Why get hung up on defending fake news? How is that productive?
I will keep this page open on my side bar for a day or two and keep checking back.
Yeah, that’s probably a good habit to fall into. If nothing happens, you’ve lost little.
And since you posted again on the 15th, I’d keep that one open too. In fact, I think Aubergine first got your attention by posting “rebutted” there, so I’d repeat your response to her there as well.
As far as controversial, ANYTHING, no matter how well attested, that goes against the prevailing wisdom will get pushed back on, at first. That’s just human nature, and is true even in the hard sciences. (Largely populated by people who’d love to win a Nobel prize for bringing a long established theory crashing down…but they also know exactly what it would take to ACTUALLY do so, as that’s a HUGE part of a scientific education–not just what does today’s theory say but how do you prove things.)
I would have *wanted* to know about counter info, esp. had it been true and I had been wrong as I would want to know correct info for my own sake + to stop sharing wrong info in other locations online.
and that is why when I read that she said excess deaths had already been disproven I was immediately currious as to when/where/with what info.
Maybe I will take the time to figure out an account … but already have so many unread emails … not really want a notification each time. too busy already. guess I will just scan the the threads at the end of the day if I have made comments that day.
I tried, too, to look it up independently (i.e., without following the lead you placed) and I could find no numbers more recent than 2019.
Nevermind, I see you already did that!
Yes. Probably she has notifications and so will now be upset that I “over posted” or spammed her. But didn’t think of that angle until after I replied in several place. I was thinking to post in several to make sure she would see it … but if she has notifications then that is not an issue as she will see it even in one place.
Yelling in all caps and childish name calling is not a substitute for actual conversation.
Calm down as you are missing facts, repeatedly.
I receive no bell notification as I do not sign in or have an account. I post as a guest. There is no bell notification option. If there is then say so and explain it.
When you cling to your “no excess deaths” fake news talking point do I call you names, curse, stamp my feet or yell in all caps? Of course not because I am a grown adult who is only interested in facts and truth so I simply correct the information, taking the time to explain in detail and back up my statements with linksk to the original data.
You would be more effective for MAGA to do the same. You have yelled, cursed and called names … and yet not addressed your “facts” or the fact that your links Literally do not say what you thought/think they say. Ineffective, weak and lazy on your part + emotionally immature.
How are facts “fear porn”? Truth has no agenda. Do you not want to be accurate? SMH
Skip the thing that is incorrect, focus on facts and move forward.
then stop posting fake facts regarding excess deaths
your choice to be triggered by facts or to deal with them head on without fear
the emotions your feel when dealing with facts are on you not the person telling you the facts
The links posted do not show what she thinks they show.
the link posted is an auto counter that takes projected deaths and runs an auto counter based on projected deaths for 2020.
the link even explains that is not counting/tracking literal deaths as reported in real time nor county 2020 deaths at all.
PDJT is filing the lawsuit (s) again…apologies if this is already posted.
Today is 12/12. Remember POTUS tweets a while back that were related to those numbers?
Maybe significant, maybe not. <<SHRUG>>
Please post – I don’t recall them!
Somewhere on page 2 i posted an article not on fox, if you want to fross reference.
That was in the laptop email dump from October.
Well, now….
Hope this goes through. I seem to have all possibilities of contact with qtree.
Great post.
Yep, here you are, and not in the least bit plain to boot!
Are you going to the old site? is THE place now!
Note to California, Oregon and Washington land and forest management:
THIS is what responsible conservation looks like.
New article posted at Political Moonshine. Looks like it might be a good one 😁
The Only Bridge Between Reality and Hope: The US Military
December 12, 2020
Sum ting wong…
And they call POTUS fascist?
“The FOIA release tonight conatining a subpoena for Seth Rich’s and his brothers devices implies they were the ones who leaked to Wikileaks. Holly shit. Just read ”
Somebody turning up the heat on DODGE and FIB?
Henry Winkler is on the celebrity attendee list?
Fonzi is a commie?
Say it ain’t so, Fonzi!
Somebody jumped the shark!
The whole show backed Biden except for Scott Baio
Not sure who started the slamming but heard they were in heated slamming twitter fb and instagram ??? what ever you call that type of social media slam feast. .
Scott Baio is not happy with ‘Happy Days’ Democratic fundraiser
I could say it, Scott – but, you would not believe me – 🙁
What is the point of these virtual things ? They all get to log in and shmooze via their phones or laptops….dammmmnnn that sounds like a smokin hot time..said no one ever.
Except some freak like Toobin
Well at least the boss won’t have to worry that the young stud from the mailroom will boff his wife at the party.
“They all get to log in and shmooze via their phones or laptops….dammmmnnn that sounds like a smokin hot time..said no one ever.”
Pierre DECREPITO is a CORRUPT dumb ass!
Except Mittens is not a dumbass, he’s corrupt.
Why does the talking head class have such a hard time saying it?
Excellent point.
9)% sure Mittens is part of the Ukraine and China There were several RINOs involved.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
Mark Twain
I’m sorry, but I won’t be going along with any Biden win. I will be treating it as ENEMY OCCUPATION BY CHINA.
Wolf who ever thought our government and elected officials would be that corrupted?
I read someplace that what is happening is demonic.
We need to keep praying . Trump was betrayed by many people he trusted. His reelection team did not believe how Corrupt and in your face the democrat machine is. Soros I give it to him has been scheming and planning paying to get his AGs in place. Where are the people who needed to watch this that this does not happen.
Soros and Zuckerberg and Jack what ever his name is are demonic. Evil to the core and they find people who do their bidding.
Yes, definitely demonic, IMO. BLM is deep in this stuff, and they are full-on demonic.
Sadly I didn’t start waking up until 2008–Don’t pouch on me but I will say if not for DNC selling out Hillary in 2008, I would probably have been in a bubble of some sort for a few extra years. Now i do a lot more research. And boy did I get woke up.
I am glad you are woke now 🙂
When Rutherford Hayes stole the Presidency in 1876, the people honored him with an apt moniker: His Fraudulency. Good title for @JoeBiden
Likes Commander in Cheat myself.
I’m partial to “Target”. 👍
Agreed, but in 1876, there was no COMMUNIST CHINA finalizing its plans to turn the United States of American into a VASSAL COUNTRY.
I am concerned about POTUS and his family what these communist will do to them.
So according to the AP news service, POTUS lost his case today in the Wisconsin court. Apparently one of the judges, BRETT LUDWIG, a Trump appointee, said that the arguments presented by POTUS’ legal team “fail as a matter of law and fact”.
2 hours ago
“Trump loses Wisconsin case while arguing another one”
Do I smell the aroma of what might be called “ultimate intervention” wafting a little closer?
. . . and we’ve been told many times to expect suit losses in the state courts because they are corrupt. Just a stepping stone to the Federal Courts!!!
Wait, what?
CV’s post calls the judge a “Trump Appointee.”
Trump doesn’t appoint people at the state level.
So was this a federal court in Wisconsin, or a Wisconsin court?
This Brett Ludwig is a Trump District Court judge appointee in Wisconsin. He threw out POTUS’ federal lawsuit. His other case was being argued before the Wisconsin supreme court.
Ah, OK then, that makes sense. Thanks.
As if Oregon couldn’t get any worse
Damn, can I make it until springtime. Will it even matter in the spring
UPDATED Showdown in Portland: Antifa and BLM Hold Neighborhood Hostage, Build ‘Autonomous Zone,’ and Attack Police Trying to Stop Them
Older tweet, but well worth seeing again…
This is Portland, Oregon i live in this state, I am 150 miles away
Update 9:15 p.m. Eastern:
Since PJ Media reported on this neighborhood takeover Wednesday afternoon, Police Chief Chuck Lovell has issued an update to confirm that antifa and BLM radicals have taken over the street, possess a weapons cache, and have armed guards for the “occupation.” But, he countered that police are on the case and that the standoff can end peacefully if protesters put “down their weapons and leave the barricade.”
Large Oregon gentrification protest stretches into 3rd day #columbiabasinherald
As I had surmised. The CHAZ was a practice run.
Steve Gut kept telling Portland was next for CHAZ.
Guess I was not the only one.
Wonder if they will try for San Francisco with all the Crap piles all over.
You know Pelosi’s beautiful city by the sea.
There’s one in Minneapolis too. They don’t get much attention but it’s there
I’m stocked always have been.
When I lived in this small town up by Nevada border we got snowed in for like 3 or 4 days twice and a week once. Snow was up to the car window and past, The only dug out the main road usually until snow subsided Main road was about a block and 12 from where we parked car. No there was not really a place to park nearer the main road.
I woke up today with the same feeling that I need to replenish my preps.
AS King tweeted yesterday a message that Truckers4Trump were threatening to stop all deliveries starting today. Couldn’t verify. But the did stop driving back in November once and threatened to do it a 2nd time.
How many (as in what percentage) of truckers actually followed his lead?
Stop the Tires FB group is 75K followers. Not sure how many stopped on 11/11. They cancelled 2nd strike. Glad you made me look this up. AS King’s message was from Truckers4Trump and had a paypal me message – cue the cat. I looked on twitter and there was no corresponding TFT acct. Maybe one on FB? I dunno, but I won’t go there to check. Her group is not the same as Stop the Tires group. I had a feeling something was off.
I’m disappointed because a spontaneous trucker strike with, oh say 80% participation could really cause the coup heartburn if they succeed in “installing” Hiden||Hoe.
Agreed, that would send a YUGE RESIST message.
You volunteering to go check out Truckers4Trump on FB? 😁 I’m not😝
Faceborg? Nooooooope!
You’d have to get the rail workers to join in to really make it effective.
Maybe, maybe not.
It still takes truckers to get things from the rail station to the destination, except in those few cases where the destination has its own rail head.
Now if it’s only long haulers who strike, you definitely do have a point.
But without them, even today most retail freight (including many groceries) is carried by trucks.
I am always prepared when it comes stocking food. Growing up the way I was there never is enough in the pantry 🙂
Anyone seen Black Knight Rides posting?
Couple days ago BKR posted on daily.
Surely miss his insights.
He’s not a frequent poster on this site, but he did check in and he knows we’re here at the new address!
Thanks for the update. Haven’t seen him OT either. I appreciate his comments.
He’s always a welcome opinion, just like Flep and Ristvan (who I have not seen in a while).
I think Ristvan had it with SD. He’s done a few things on WUWT since (under his full name). I don’t think he’s ever been on either QTree…..would love to have him aboard.
He dropped a few comments on the early old site.
An interesting thread on electors.
Indeed very interesting.
Ultimately Congress decides which votes will count and which will not.
The process has been a rubberstamping of whatever the people in a state vote for (even Hawaii in 1960 ultimately went the way the people in Hawaii were believed to have voted) for so long, this has been forgotten.
I am praying
If My People Pray—Hebrews 13:5, ESV Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
I’ve been praying for POTUS since before he was even elected and won’t stop now. We need to pray for him and his team every day.
That would be nice. I have three Masses to sing in about 18 hours.
It is getting hotter!
part of me says “let the idiot have it”
Other part of me knows that the media will have this spinning in so many negative ways.
“media will have this spinning in so many negative ways.”
This is NEW?
We’re very close to “the media will say we beat the crap outta the guy for no reason no matter what we do, so why not beat the crap outta the guy?”
I had a coworker once who was in the position where he’d get in trouble with one manager for doing A, and with a different manager for doing the opposite of A.
He said, “I might as well do what I want, then…this is known as Zen Freedom.”
I encourage everyone to go read Michael Delauzon’s twitter @TheTrumpPage – he’s posted about 9 or 10 tweets tonight (but not in a thread) about his conversation with someone who’s ALWAYS with President Trump (it’s obviously Scavino). Yesterday Michael was throwing in the towel, but this conversation has calmed him down and he’s convinced Trump will be re-elected. Dropping lots of hints that will help you, too!
This one is interesting. Q said something similar.
Thanks Katie! Lots of gold in his threads. Christmas Eve Surprise! 🦋🤸♀️🦋
Merry Christmas!!! 🎄🎁
All twelve groups are out? And they’re parked off of OUR coast, not someone else’s?
Yeah, food stock up is in order.
Yep. It’s clips like this and the Watters World clip up above that you fire like flaming arrows into the middle of Biden’s and Harris’s twit feed, or any liberal twit feed. Treat them like memes.
This must’ve been at the recent event that blm wasn’t invited to. Good to know there’s someone leaking the commie clubhouse stuff.
I HATE this diskus bubble thing!
Seems that is someone posts a reply on a different page than the one I’m on…..
and I click the orange bubble to read it…..
it sends the system into the endless rolling bars situation requiring a refresh.
1004…I’ll take the grand watermelon and run.
🦋 🦋 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🦋 🦋
Hooray! And happy to see it topping the active page, too! 😍
Just went to Bakocarl’s post and the black bar disappears, plus there are no comments shown. Just see comment box and that I am still logged in. ???
Things are very weird right now. We’re not sure what it is.
Try logging out and logging back in, using the link near the bottom of the right-hand sidebar.
All the other posts seem fine, only Bakocarl’s is affected, from my point of view. I have never seen the right hand sidebar.
Ahh, the log out at the very end, guess that is a side bar (thinking bar like the black one).
hmm, yes, that’s an unfortunate coincidence in terminology!!
I used to go to a range that would tell its members on the rifle range, ONLY handle your weapons “at the tables.” They meant the table you sat at to shoot, but there were other tables at the back of the room…