Dear KMAG: 20210110 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It is also a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

Please show respect and consideration for our fellow QTreepers. Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster. Keep to the topic – avoid “you” and “your”. Here in The Q Tree, personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.

In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

Please also consider the Guidelines for posting and discussion , outlined here

Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.

In the following article there are one or two statements (not from God’s Word) that I cannot see are supported by God’s Word . . . or, perhaps, I’m not wise enough to make a solid connection to God’s Word. Nevertheless, this article is a timely presentation for our times.

God Raises Up Kings or Nations
and Removes Them

“Before Him all the nations are as nothing; they are regarded by Him as worthless and less than nothing. To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare Him to?” (Isaiah 40:17,18 )

Civilizations come and go, and governments rise and fall.  Because our Creator loves people, He also blesses each nation with a span of time so it might prosper and do well, but this blessing ends when a nation becomes degenerate, rebellious, and unfit for self-rule.  When God determines that extended mercy for a nation has no redeeming effect, He marginalizes or destroys that nation.

Many Christians understand that God destroyed the world in Noah’s day because it became evil, but this is only part of the picture!  God drowned all but eight people in Noah’s day to free future generations from the evil conduct that belonged to their parents and grandparents.  The Lord created the Earth and it belongs to Him.  He loves future generations just as much as He loves the present generation.  When it becomes evident to Him that future generations will be ruined by the behaviors passed down by parents and grandparents, He wipes out the present generation. He did this in Noah’s day.  In more recent times, He did this with World Wars I and II.  Surprisingly, a God of love imposed these wars during the first half of the 20th century so the world’s population would grow and flourish 75 more years before needing another world war.  “But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God, the eternal King. When He is angry, the Earth trembles; the nations cannot endure His wrath.” (Jeremiah 10:10‘I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the Lord, do all these things.’ ” (Isaiah 45:7)

Many Christians will not accept the premise that a God of love destroys nations when they become decadent and degenerate. (Ezekiel 14:12-21)  Notice what the Lord said to Ezekiel: “ ‘Son of man, if a country sins against me by being unfaithful and I stretch out my hand against it to cut off its food supply and send famine upon it and kill its men and their animals, even if these three men – Noah, Daniel and Job – were in it, they could save only themselves by their righteousness,’ declares the Sovereign Lord. . . . ‘Or if I bring a sword against that country and say, ‘Let the sword pass throughout the land,’ and I kill its men and their animals, as surely as I live,’ declares the Sovereign Lord, ‘even if these three men were in it, they could not save their own sons or daughters. They alone would be saved.’ ” (Ezekiel 14:13-18)

World War III is Coming!

Sooner than later, the “sword” is going to come again.  World War III will occur.  Tensions are mounting. Nations are preparing for war.  Secret alliances are being made.  Military spending has increased. And now, for the first time since World War II, Japan and South Korea are building missiles for protection.  India is seeking to purchase submarines that can carry missiles.  Iran is developing its military prowess as fast as possible.  Israel is perfecting its use of drones.  China, Russia, and the United States are in an arms race and North Korea is defying the world’s nations.  Like it or not, World War III is coming; and when it does, millions of people will die.

Meanwhile at home, the United States is suffering from paralysis.  The leaders are fighting each other.  They are bogged down with complex domestic problems and cannot get anything done because they cannot agree on a solution.  Partisanship has created a do-nothing legislature.  The U.S. is facing large, complex problems so expensive that no one can offer a good solution.  Many governments in the world are in a similar or worse situation.

According to the Bible, the longevity of a government is determined by its commitment to moral principles God has dictated.  When a majority of people abide by these principles, God blesses that nation with prosperity and longevity.  He sends the Holy Spirit to prompt honest hearted citizens to be good neighbors.  The Holy Spirit helps people make good decisions because good decisions bring good results for individuals, families, and ultimately, the nation.  To ensure continuity for oncoming generations, God also raises up good leaders and the result is a good government that prospers and endures. This is why King David wrote:  “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance.  From Heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place He watches all who live on Earth– He who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.  No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength.  A horse [a symbol of military might] is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.” (Psalm 33:12-19, insertion mine)

Governments are very complex organizations.  In fact, they are so complicated that men cannot manage a government on their own.  Of course, a man or woman can rise to the position of a king, queen, dictator, or president, but only with God’s approval.  God sets kings up and takes them down according to His higher purposes.  Sometimes God will raise up a king to serve as a destroyer of other nations only to destroy that king and his nation when they pass the point of no return. (Jeremiah 25:9-12)  Because we cannot know or understand God’s higher purposes until He reveals them, we have to trust Him. We have to accept that He is carefully and thoughtfully managing the political processes on Earth to benefit the world.  Daniel told king Nebuchadnezzar,  “He [the Most High God] changes times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him.” (Daniel 2:21,22, insertion mine)

God Does Not Guarantee a Nation Will Be Successful

History indicates that prosperity and longevity is not a guaranteed right for any nation.  A nation will flourish or disappear depending on the behavior of its people and the wisdom of its leaders.  God enables a nation to prosper for as long as the majority of its people are honorable, living right, and making wise choices.  Think of the billions of decisions, the actions and consequences that occur every day within every nation.  If a million immoral decisions are made each day, a million evil consequences will follow, because the law of “cause and effect” cannot be broken.  Whatever we sow, we reap. (Galatians 6:7,8)  This axiom is true for individuals and governments.

For example, when Dictator Mao Zedong implemented “The Great Leap Forward” program in 1958, he did not anticipate that his efforts to transform China from an agricultural economy into a communist society would cause mass starvation within five years.  We now know that His decision resulted in the death of some eighteen to fifty-five million people!  A God of love allowed Mao to make such a decision even though God foreknew the outcome and He allowed Mao to rule over China for twenty five years as dictator.  This is because Mao’s choices fit within God’s plans for the future of China and the world.  This is a hard concept to accept because we cannot see the end from the beginning as God does.  In fact, a time is coming when God will allow the devil himself to rule over the whole world!  (Revelation 13:11-18)

Jesus understood the curse of sin.  He knew that evil things happen to innocent people, and He made it clear that those who cause others harm will be repaid:  “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come.  It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.” (Luke 17:1,2“Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

Because adults have free will and a sinful nature a nation always has the possibility of rebellion and chaos.  This is why law enforcement is necessary.  To help offset man’s propensity for rebellion, and to help nations grow and improve, God has given adults the ability to recognize and appreciate a need for law and order.  He has also given us a “natural desire” to live in peace with one another and in harmony with the laws of the country.  Paul was aware of this phenomenon when he wrote Romans 13.  As you read his remarks, keep in mind that Paul was a prisoner in Rome when he wrote this:  “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.  For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.  Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.  This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.”  (Romans 13:1-6, italics mine)

When a nation advocates and exalts evil, a patient God removes His blessings from that nation in small steps, hoping that repentance and correction will occur.  If there is no change in behavior, problems soon begin to sprout like dandelions after a spring rain.  The nation’s economy flounders.  Poverty increases.  Sexual misconduct ruins relationships, and families and children are abused by predators.  Political problems escalate until finally, war engulfs that weakened nation.  One of the tell-tale signs of a nation’s imminent downfall is the arrival of poor managers.  When people are put in positions of power that are self-seeking and immoral, we know the end is near because they only make matters worse.  When lies and suspicion replace truth and trust, government is doomed. God is no respecter of persons.  He will destroy nations that He once blessed when they become unfit for His purposes because He owns and rules over the Earth.

God Permits Rebellion Against a Cruel Government

The Bible teaches that man’s first and highest duty is to obey God. (This is why church/state governments are so dangerous.)  When man’s laws run contrary to God’s laws, civil disobedience is warranted.  When Jewish leaders forbade the disciples from speaking about a resurrected Jesus, “Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than men!’ ” (Acts 5:29) Jesus highlighted the concept of “God first” when He repeated the first and greatest commandment.  He said we must love God with all of our heart, mind and soul and the second commandment is that we must love our neighbors as ourselves.  (Matthew 22:37-39)  Given the order presented in these two commandments, Paul’s counsel in Romans 13 could be considered a third commandment, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.”

When a government becomes cruel and oppressive, tyranny occurs and under such circumstances, God permits revolt, civil disobedience, and war.  In fact, the United States came to be a nation through acts of civil disobedience and the revolutionary war.  Then, about seventy-five years later, a civil war broke out between the north and the south and 620,000 people perished. In spite of all the blood that was shed in both wars, consider the results.  A great nation arose, greater than England by far!  A nation having fifty united states where no man is permitted to own another as a slave.

Many people have argued through the centuries (using Paul’s comments in Romans 13:1-6 and a concept called “the divine right of kings”) that revolting against government leaders is forbidden by Scripture.  But Paul included an important qualifier in his remarks.  Paul said, “For he is God’s servant to do you good.”  When a government violates God’s laws and when leaders become dishonest, cruel, and oppressive to maintain their power, they are doing no good.  God warns all government rulers that they will have to give an account for their actions. (Psalm 2:10-12)

Citizens of the U.S. are blessed to live in a country that has the finest constitution ever created, but the nation is falling apart because people have abandoned the moral principles which God requires to receive His blessings.  Corruption is replacing confidence and there is no shortage of liars and predators in politics.  Forty million of 360 million U.S. citizens need assistance to buy food and the median price of a home is beyond the reach of three-fourths of the population.  The number of people in poverty is swelling because the middle class is disappearing.  Wages are stagnant and student loans are proving to be ruinous for millions of young people.  More than ever, fellow Americans do not like or trust each other; and more and more, we carry guns because we are increasingly afraid of each other.  America has fallen so fast!

God Has a Solution to National Degeneracy

There is no human solution to the world’s problems, but there is a divine solution for both.  The downfall of all nations is near!  During the Great Tribulation a stern-faced king will arise; he will take control and utterly ruin everything on Earth ­– a fitting end for a world that insists on evil behavior.


How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! For who has known the mind of the Lord?

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.

The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 

But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself.

Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

. . . for the kingdom of God is . . . righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.

For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.

Behold, I am coming soon.

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Heh. I was just on the other side of the blue flag (and the American flagpole). I figured that Wolf was in a stovepipe (tall, straightsided) top hat….half-obscured by the flagpole and facing left. I wonder what that looks like in higher resolution.


Why do you think they want everybody wearing masks?


Control, fear, to cause division, to cause health problems, the usual 👍 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Make it tough to carry on a conversation much less a confidential conversation.

You can not organize a n uprising if you can not gather together. Hence Covid and closing down of Churches, bars, gyms restaurants, 6 ft distance, masks, no more than ten in a private home….


they hate to see HAPPY people? SMILING people? just PEOPLE?

Cuppa Covfefe

Howl you find someone in a crowd like that? 😀


Kilroy? That’s dating yourself, old boy.

JW in Germany

Thanks for the morning laughs. Always a good way to start off a day!

Love all my fellow Wolf Pack!

Cuppa Covfefe

But, but, but… the commercial goes:

Interesting. Well-seasoned. Provocative. The only question is: Are you grown up enough for Granny Goose?

(not sure if that brand was popular outside of CA or not…)….

Cuppa Covfefe

Almost as bad as Kilgore Trout…

Breakfast of Trumpians…


Wait…so you’re saying it wasn’t Wolf in the library with the MAGA flag OR the candlestick??

JW in Germany

I think it was the lead pipe. 😎 

JW in Germany

Damned near spit my coffee out! LOL!


American Airlines pilot threatens to divert plane full of maskless Trump supporters chanting ‘USA’ and ‘dump’ them in Kansas during wild flight from DC to Phoenix

An American Airlines pilot threatened to divert his plane and dump a group of pro-Trump passengers in Kansas if they didn’t ‘behave’ during their flight from Washington, DC, to Phoenix on Friday.

The incident took place on American Flight 1242 which departed Friday afternoon from Reagan National Airport to Phoenix Sky Harbor.

Video posted to Twitter shows the passengers in the cabin chanting ‘USA! USA!’

At one point, the pilot becomes fed up and tells the passengers on the loudspeaker: ‘This is the way it’s gonna be… it’s a four and a half hour flight to Phoenix.

‘We’ll put this plane down in the middle of Kansas and dump people off – I don’t care.


Pilot be da boss!


Sounds like pilot be da Pedo Biden lover.


Still da boss … of his plane.


“Still da boss … of his plane.”


And he’s still a hateful intolerant bigot who discriminates against Trump supporters.

And the Trump supporters should sue his ass.


There is a more direct alternative that could be more impactful.

JW in Germany



Yeah, but he has to come out of that cabin some time.


I thought it was just the stewardesses who were on power trips.


To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Interesting. He doesn’t say he won’t be going to Biden’s inauguration, but “the” inauguration.


He will not concede to a corrupt process, and he will not acknowledge a corrupt Biden by name.

This does not mean that a corrupt Biden wont put his ass on the chair in the oval office. That is yet to be determined.


I think his ass is going in a different chair.

It’s an unusual kind of chair, not meant for comfort.

It has restraints, wires and a switch attached to it. 😁 👍

Cuppa Covfefe

But he’ll really get a charge out of it. Can’t resist… He’ll have a real capacity for receiving justice, with inductive reasoning, from the short-circuit court…


Whatever the outcome, loves that this guy will not bow to these creeps and has them all in suspense.


Yeah, DJT is an incredible man, no doubt about that. He has had my admiration since he put his hand up to run. The “slings and arrows” that he said he would bear on your behalf are raining down on him heavier than ever.

I have questioned the outcome of what will be transpiring in the course of this month, and only to the extent of how deep and wide the corruption is. I am not an American, and as such, bow to your commitment and knowledge. I am absolutely rooting for PDJT’s success in draining the swamp and I am rooting for all here.

May it be so


“Interesting. He doesn’t say he won’t be going to Biden’s inauguration, but “the” inauguration.”


Yep, welcome to today’s lesson in Trump interpretation, it’s fun for the whole the family 😂 🤣 😂

I wasn’t aware that anyone had asked, it would be a strange question to confront the President of the United States with, so unless there were Tweets (LOTS of them, which would be odd) asking that question, I suspect he just phrased it that way as a pretext to deliver the statement.

Then for the main message, does it mean he is simply not going to attend the inauguration of the Traitor, Pedophile and International Criminal, Joe Biden?

Or does it mean that the inauguration won’t BE on January 20th — and therefore he’s not going on the 20th, he’ll go on some other day, when the inauguration actually takes place?

Or is it a prearranged code or signal to someone, e.g., “those who asked”?

Most important of all, none of these questions would even exist, if DJT was actually planning to turn the government over to [JB] on January 20th… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Kudos ^^^^ Your closing sentence. ^^^^


Pres. Trump also said this:

The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!

Sadie Slays

Head’s up that Lin Wood is currently claiming that there’s an “imminent blackout” and that we should have “10-12 days” of preps just in case. I’ve warned people since before Election Day to get their preps in order for post-election fallout. If you haven’t already, please take some time tomorrow to stock up on necessities. Keep your devices and batteries fully charged until this is all over. Make sure you have working flashlights, a way to stay warm during cold weather, and some cash on you. This may very well be the prepping final exam.
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Made an ALDI run this afternoon and stocked up!

However, our family consumes more food now than we did last March . . .


Kids are getting biger…


“Kids are getting bigger…”


And Leon is getting larger… 😂🤣😂

Harry Lime

Well…I guess that would explain the coming blackout…

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That guy is nothing but trouble… 😁


It would sure help if they explained WTH ‘blackout’ means.

Does it mean the ELECTRICAL GRID is going down?

Or does it mean comms are no longer possible on all the enemy platforms (Tweeter, FB, etc.) which we already know?

Or something else?

They can’t cry wolf for four years straight, and expect most people to know what these undefined terms mean, tweeted out by people who are not even officially part of the administration, or know when to take it (what is it, anyway?) seriously.


I see it as comms.

Gail Combs

 👆  👍  😖 

Sadie Slays

Prepare for both. Q warned us of both communication blackouts and cyber attacks on infrastructure. And then there are the ANTIFA/BLM nutjobs who were chopping down power poles last summer. I agree, though, Lin should have been more specific. If the Nye County, Nevada GOP chairman is to be believed, it likely means “communications blackout.”

Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely going to be affected. If you don’t have alternate forms of communication established now, it would be a good idea to start forming them even if it’s just checking on your nextdoor neighbors.


“Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail are likely going to be affected.”


None of those would affect me at all, I wouldn’t even know if they were down if somebody here didn’t point it out 😂🤣😂

Sadie Slays

I expect other services to be affected by the flood of refugees coming in from affected services. Kind of like what’s happening with Gab right now, or cell service being jammed during emergencies.


I do not think the comms blackout, will be MEANT for US. But it will AFFECT us.

I FULLY expect Twitter as a WHOLE, Facebook, Google, Apple, You tube, Yahoo, etc are about to see what REAL power, as in REMOVING all of them from OUR Internet backbone, looks like. Cell service will likely ALSO go down, which gives NASHVILLE a WHOLE new meaning, they found WHERE the next router paths were due to that explosion, and they are about to be SHUT…especially in the Eastern US…NO ESCAPE, NO COMMS for the cabal, land lines are also going down.

Then I FULLY expect the major news networks, including FOX will soon look like a test pattern. THEN we bet the EBS. I suspect that comms will go DOWN for a day or two, and NO ONE except those with CB..LOL use CB and ham radios will know WHAT happens, until that EBS, when it is ALL over.

I think Power, and the rest will be FINE. The comms were that ALL Americans were to shelter, and would be SAFE, and when it hit, it would be VERY quick.

I suspect that when shit hits the fan, the left will PANIOC, but WE will know what is happening….and when the blackout lifts, some are in for a “brave NEW world” as their favorite propagandists are GONE, and the fake news is REPLACED by truth.

It will be a BITTER pill for them, but they should NOT have piled on us, the shoe will soon be on the other foot. I think we are going to need a WHOLE NEW Congress in a few days, with just enough left to function, the hardcore are going STRASIGHT to prison, the squishies are there till replaced, likely by NEW elections.

By my calculations this is day THREE of 10…expect the latter half to get BAD for a certain Cabal. Look this week for at FIRST a major declass, by a spokesman, then Trump will unleash HELL on those people.

DO NOT panic when the airwaves go SILENT, just be prepared for the big reveal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The only hazard in replacing Congress is that there will be 435–no, 870–congressional district party organizations and 100 state organizations (in both cases I’m counting both parties which is why my numbers are twice too big) who will get to put a candidate on the ballot for the special elections.

Do you imagine that if they nominated the previous crapweasel, they don’t have another crapweasel to replace him with?

One of many problems we face is that the party organizations are full of corrupt “kingmaker” types, happy to not be in office so long as they get to put people into office who owe them favors.


BUT, this time WE will be informed!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We can’t truly fix things “permanently” (i.e., for more than about four or five years) without upending Party establishments, and I mean the organizations, not the candidates, because the organizations pick the candidates.


Agreed. the SWAMO is big.

Deplorable Patriot

The big fly in the ointment is the number of gas appliances with an electronic ignition, and digital safeguards. In that case, the hot water heater is fine, no stove or furnace without serious rigging.


Fortunately some of us know how to do just that! I suggest a generator and an inverter!


“Apple is going to do an update on all phones to shut off the emergency broadcast system.”


Good, I hope they do!

Shut down their whole company on January 20th for High Treason, seize all of Apple’s assets around the world, and end it.

Bye bye Apple.

But all you people at the middle manager level and above, you’re not just out of a job.

You’re all going to a military tribunal for High Treason, where you’ll have a chance to prove your innocence.

You guys like this Hitler game so much when you have the advantage.

You’re not going to like it when you don’t.

And the whole world will be cheering for your prosecution.


Remember, the FCC just WARNED all comms providers of their “obligations” The FCC CAN do MORE than FINE…they can quite literally PULL THE PLUG, and there is NOTHING Congress can do.

I suspect something goes down today or tomorrow, that is why Nanacy was so DISTRAUGHT in her threaqt of “by Monday”

They KNOW folks, and FEAR of death is KILLING them now.

Think I am a kook? Then WWHY ALL the UPROAR over a guy who is supposedly BEATEN and LEAVING POWER in TEN days? There is MORE than meets the eye/

WHY be scared of a man whose power is WANING? Because they KNOW there is something coming, and when Trump goes SILENT, shit is about to go DOWN.

Tic mfing toc fools.

Sadie Slays

Pakistan is having a nationwide power outage! Can you imagine if something like this happened in America? Prepare!
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Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays

Always enjoy your comments post what I am thinking most of the time. Rough days ahead for sure,I feel much more prepped and aware of what’s going to happen because Q has told us what expect and you see it too.


Pakistan you say?
didn’t they interfere in our election?
POTUS flexing his muscles before battle?
practice run?


Not practice, ticking off a LIST…Iran and China NEXT, italy too. Germany as well, perhaps Spain. IF shit begins to happen in those countries, batten down the hatches.


so far, it’s pakistan, italy and canada…


ALL in the same day, gee, I forgot I posted yesterday that Q’s RED post was a COUNTDOWN, and RED 1 was FRIDAY.. I told you we are NOW at zero thirty. Then as if PLANNED, 3 COUNTRIES have their power go out, on the SAME day…ZERO day. All 3 just “happen” to be linked to US Nov 3rd ELECTION FRAUD.


Imagine what ELSE is going to happen NEXT….SHOWTIME. The LIGHTS just went out, the CURTAIN will be DRAWN next, then the SHOW begins!


as long as it’s not piglosi on a stripper pole I guess I can watch…LOL


Eeeeeeewwwww, Pat!

OTOH – that might be fun to watch – Yes?


“fun to watch” ?
only if you’re into watching people wretch…


Not really – it just makes me ill to see that thing in a dress – you know!!!

Gail Combs

That was my thought. Pakistan just had the plug pulled. Do not be surprised if later on information about Pakistan’s role, with HARD EVIDENCE to back it up, comes out.

I am not sure, but I do not think military tribunals are as…. delicate, about the origin of solid Intel.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If I read whatever it was someone posted yesterday properly, and if it wasn’t just bullshit, they can be made cognizant of the intel without having to reveal it publicly.


Sadie, do you think it is possible this was done as a warning for Americans?

Hate to say it, but I imagine the average Pakistani citizen is WAY more equipped to handle a power outage than the average American millennial. Scaring them a little with news about how it goes in another country might make them a bit more ready.

Tin foil hat off now.

Sadie Slays

I think the Pakistan outage was /ourguys/ conducting a military op.


If our resident pilot is around, i would like his opine on these 2 different flights. 2nd one is an awfully unprofessional way to start…

a Patriot’s Point of View 🇺🇸 † (@PatriotPOV) Tweeted:
@Yoder_Esqq @Delta My flight DC to AZ yesterday


Put the plane down in the middle of Kansas then.

Go ahead.

Don’t even use a runway tough guy.

Put her down.

Go for it.


I guess thats the AA flight from the article Michael posted. Even if the fligh attendants asked or told them to be quiet he could’ve told them to knock it off in a more serious but joking manner. But hes the pilot.


Yes, of course he’s the pilot.

But if he is so hateful toward our country and our people and our president, that he wants to threaten to put the plane down in the middle of Kansas,


It was his idea, he’s the one who threatened to do it, so go ahead and do it.

He’s the pilot.

Land the *&^%ing plane.

Show everybody what a great American you are, Mr. Pilot man.


YES!!! Class action lawsuits are very effective – Cue


Was that Captain Karen or Captain Hitler?


My response to these two incidents is as follows…

An unnamed poster said of this….

This is an extremely alarming development reminiscent of yellow stars of David…denial of equal access to public transportation for political views!

Well, that is certainly one way to look at it.

But it is completely wrong, mainly because it is ignorant of far more important and over-riding considerations.

Pilots are entrusted with the SAFE and efficient carriage of passengers from one point to another. SAFETY is the #1 concern.

QUESTION: What happens if a riot were to break out inside the confines of a commercial jetliner, where retreat is all but impossible? Do you think anyone would get hurt?

Now ask yourself….

Who is responsible, by law, for everyone’s safety inside that confined space? Who can be held liable, in BOTH criminal and ccivil court? Who can lose not just his/her job, but their entire career, AND be thrown in prison for negligence for jeopardizing, compromising, or failing to ENSURE the safety of ALL the passengers??

A: The Captain. The PIC. Pilot In Command.

HINT: The confines of a passenger jet is NOT a “public space” like, say, a park or a street.

Reread that last sentence.

The #1 responsibility and OBLIGATION….by law…..for me, as the PIC, is the safety of each of my passengers….irrespective of who they are or what they choose to believe. American OR communist. White OR black. Christian OR Muslim. Law abider OR convicted criminal being transferred somewhere.

In the interests of safety, keeping the peace is of primary importance.

Thus, WHOMEVER poses a risk to the keeping of the peace and calm….for whatever reason…..inside the confined space of the metal tube we are trapped inside MUST be deemed a threat.

Now reread that.

So, given the liability, and the obligation….now ask yourself…

Is the Captain going to risk his/her job, career, and possible freedom just so I can express my contentious political views inside his/her airplane? Will the Captain permit me to yell fire in the crowded theater when it’s his/her ass on the line??

No. Way.

I can tell you, with 100% certainty, that the political views of disruptive parties on a passenger jet are completely irrelevant to the issues and concerns of the SAFETY of ALL onboard. The FAA doesn’t care, the company doesn’t care, and the CA doesn’t care.

Jeopardize the peace and calm inside the confined space of a jet, for ANY reason, and the safety is jeopardized.

The jeopardy to the public peace onboard a plane is a threat to SAFETY, and threats to safety are REMOVED.


It has zero to do with the political views of the crew, and it has nothing….whatsoever…to so with “denial of equal access to public transportation for political views.”

Act like a jackass, get treated like a jackass. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

My airplane is not your personal place to express your political views to people who are forced by the confines of the space to listen to you, even if I happen to agree with you.

If you risk my job, career, and freedom from prison….for any reason….I WILL throw your ass off my airplane…and I may even have the cops arrest you for disruption of flight crew in the performance of their duties in the process, which is a federal felony.

And the FAA, the DoJ, my company, and my union will back me up 100%.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“I can tell you, with 100% certainty, that the political views of disruptive parties on a passenger jet are completely irrelevant to the issues and concerns of the SAFETY of ALL onboard. The FAA doesn’t care, the company doesn’t care, and the CA doesn’t care.Jeopardize the peace and calm inside the confined space of a jet, for ANY reason, and the safety is jeopardized.

The jeopardy to the public peace onboard a plane is a threat to SAFETY, and threats to safety are REMOVED.”


That argument would have a lot more credibility if it applied equally to Leftists, but we only ever see these things happen to Trump supporters.

Who, unlike Leftists, are almost exclusively NON-violent.

To a fault.


I’m not making an argument.

I’m stating fact.

it matters not whether you like or agree with it or not.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

I stated a fact too.

If you want to call your argument a fact, that changes nothing.

It would have a lot more credibility if it applied equally to Leftists, but we only ever see these things happen to Trump supporters.

Who, unlike Leftists, are almost exclusively NON-violent.

To a fault.


Fortunately, my career and job are not dependent in any way upon what you think is credible or not.


And we were never talking about your job, we were talking about what happened in the videos posted above.


The ridiculousness of this statement is self evident.


“The ridiculousness of this statement is self evident.”


So you’re saying you are the pilot in that video?


Nope. In neither instance.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“Nope. Not what I’m saying at all. I’ve been quite clear.”


gil00 posted two videos.

The first sentence of your original post in reply to gil00 was “My response to these two incidents is as follows…”

It therefore seemed reasonable that you were addressing the two incidents in the videos posted by gil00.

After several comments, I said “And we were never talking about your job, we were talking about what happened in the videos posted above”, acknowledging the first sentence of your first reply to gil00.

To which you then said “The ridiculousness of this statement is self evident.”

Which was strange, because you said your response was to the two incidents in the videos posted by gil00, and I reminded you of that, which you then said was “ridiculous”.

So if you are not referring to the videos posted by gil00, then the next logical possibility is that you were referring to first-hand knowledge, which I then inquired about, asking “So you’re saying you are the pilot in that video?”

And your reply is “Nope. Not what I’m saying at all. I’ve been quite clear.”

It doesn’t seem very clear, which is why I asked the question.


Ok. Sorry you are confused.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Maybe remember that just a short time ago ForGodandCountry shared he had been through a tough time in DC and was worn out. I am glad to see he has recovered so quickly and is back posting but maybe his recent experience explains mood and bite in his replies. Compassion may be due to short temperedness – after all, he was flat out not going to be able to post or be involved and yet here he is, bouncing back so much quicker than expected!


“Maybe remember that just a short time ago ForGodandCountry shared he had been through a tough time in DC and was worn out.”


Yes, that is true, I just read that yesterday.


“I am glad to see he has recovered so quickly and is back posting”


Me too, very much so 👍


“…but maybe his recent experience explains mood and bite in his replies.”


I thought his replies were less biting than usual 😁


“Compassion may be due to short temperedness –”


I did not detect any short termperedness in FG&C’s replies, and hopefully none was apparent in my own.


“…after all, he was flat out not going to be able to post or be involved and yet here he is, bouncing back so much quicker than expected!”


Which is good news! 👍


“And the FAA, the DoJ, my company, and my union will back me up 100%.”


Of course they will.

The FAA will do whatever the Lefties controlling it want, the DoJ is a criminal organization so corrupt it is currently participating in a 4+ year coup against the POTUS, if you fly for one of the major carriers with routes into D.C. (who all canceled flights on the 5th and 6th to block Trump supporters), that company is corrupt / infiltrated or owned by the CCP, and unions are notoriously corrupt.

Every step in the process is corrupted and orchestrated against We the People.

And none of it would be orchestrated against anti-fa or BLM.


I cannot answer for the bias and choices of other Captains.

I was asked for my opinion, and in the answer I stated what I would do as well as my rational for it.


I understand that.

But the airline is opening itself up to discrimination lawsuits. The people being kicked off the plane are Trump supporters.

There is no evidence that they did anything wrong, and they certainly don’t look like the type to provoke a fight with anyone.

They had clothing that identified them as Trump supporters, and the filthy Marxist scum on the plane attacked them.

And unless the airline has a posted policy against wearing clothing which supports POTUS, or even just red, white and blue, then they can wear whatever kind of clothing they want, so long as it doesn’t violate any law.

So why were the Trump supporters kicked off the plane, when it is 99.999% certain that it was the Marxist America-haters who caused the disturbance?

It would be because of political discrimination by the pilot and the stewardesses.

And the passengers who were kicked off that plane should sue the airline for discrimination at the very least.

And Trump supporters should keep suing any airline or other service industry who discriminates against conservatives, until it becomes so costly that they stop doing it.


Go ahead. Sue away.


I would, if they did it to me.


So why were the Trump supporters kicked off the plane, when it is 99.999% certain that it was the Marxist America-haters who caused the disturbance?

I’ve seen no proof of that, and I wasn’t there, so I don’t have all the facts.

My response is general in nature, not as to the specfics of these incidents.

Sorry for not making that more clear.


“I’ve seen no proof of that, and I wasn’t there, so I don’t have all the facts.”


See the video above, the longer of the two.

The people leaving are clearly Trump supporters by the way they are dressed.
At 0:10, someone asks “Why are they kicking you off?”
The reply is garbled, but the same female voice then says “Why?”.
At 0:15 a different female voice says “Freedom of speech.”
At 0:16 several voices are talking over each other, the only clear voice I can make out is a man who says “Just for saying that?”
At 0:20 one male voice says “That’s the ridiculous” while another male voice, a Marxist scum bag passenger, orders the Trump supporters to “Get off the plane”.
At 0:23 the male voice says it again, more forcefully, “GET OFF THE PLANE!”
Who is causing the disturbance, who is the provocateur, who is escalating? The Marxist scumbag, not the Trump supporter.
At 0:24 the woman the Marxist scumbag was barking order to turns to the Marxist scumbag passenger and says “I have the right, I have the Constitutional right…” and I can’t hear what she says after that, some people start applauding her, while the Marxist scumbag male and others are shouting her down.
At 0:31 the Marxist scumbag male again orders the Trump supporters “GET OFF THE PLANE”.
At 0:33 a different Marxist scumbag male says “I hope your proud of what you did, get out!”
So who created the disturbance?
Marxist scumbags.
And who was punished and removed from the flight by the pilot?
The Trump supporters.


I saw the video. You are making emotional argument. I was responding to giloo, and I have made clear it was a general response vs. specific to these incidents. I don’t have all the facts. Neither do you.

By all means, beat away on this dead horse.


You’re pushing on a logical fallacy. FG&C stated outright “I cannot answer for the bias and choices of other Captains.”

I would feel comfortable flying with FG&C. I’d feel comfortable flying with a Marxist if he showed FG&C’s level of professionalism and integrity (which they generally wouldn’t).

Sometimes, it’s the job.


IF FG&C is carrying passengers between X and Y, and passengers supporting A start attacking passengers supporting B, he’s going to do whatever he can to provide safe transport for SOMEONE between X and Y. He may agree with A, he may agree with B, he may find the B people to be obnoxious. Or the A’s.

I trust FG&C to do what he needs to do, even if he finds it personally distasteful. He’s a pro, and I respect that.

That said, I was particularly distressed when FG&C was incommunicado and very much relieved when he turned up unharmed — and I can now disclose why.

FG&C has such a talent for pissing off his friends here that I feared his contact with normies in DC would get him killed.

I’m so proud he went to DC to represent. I’d call him a friend in a hostile bar. He’s a mensch and an honorable man. But I’d have a helluva time describing him as a diplomat.


Just don’t get caught choosing. WWG1WGA. Meaning you kick them all off.

Seriously, my school bus drivers knew this stuff back in the 70’s.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Sue for discrimination will likely not work in a private setting. Defamation on the other hand might.


You said about what i thought. The captain didnt want to be bothered about anything and he made it clear.


Great to see you back, posting and seeming in strong spirits. So glad you recovered from 1/6 so quickly after sharing what an intense time it was for you. Good for you to bounce back so quickly.


Not so fast. Your working with multiple personalities you have not even come in contact with. What if your little speech set one of those personalities off like a spark and that spark had followers? You just incited a riot on said plane. Best to rethink this.

A proper response might be like “I will kick all of you off the plane!”

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

I am amused that you think my “little speech” here is the same I would give over the PA of my aircraft.

But, since you mentioned it, it would go something like this….

”Hello ladies and gentlemen, from the flight deck…. this is your captain speaking. It has come to my attention that there has been some disruption in the main cabin. Please pay attention as I will only say this once. I don’t want to throw anyone off this airplane as I realize everyone has a good reason for being here….but I will remove anyone who is a part of this disruption if it continues. This disruption will cease…immediately…or I will take action without further delay. We only have _______ (time) to our destination and I’m confident the parties involved can refrain from any further altercation for that long. This is your once chance and I will not give another. The next intervention, if necessary, will be by law enforcement at a diversion airport where all the persons involved will be taken into police custody. Thank you for your compliance and assistance. I will be back shortly with an update to our arrival information.”

(note: this announcement assumes we are en route.)

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’ll get their attention!


Thank you for the clarification. That is the correct message for the passengers.

However, I am uncertain whether ALL airline pilots are as professional and ethical as you are.


I’d suspect our FG&C is better than 75% out there. But, considering that the airlines serves as a “retirement community” for military pilots, with DFW-ORL in place of shuffleboard, it’s a tougher competition than many know.

Sadie Slays

LURKERS, one thing I discovered from the recent Quod Verum debacle is that there are far more of you here than I had realized. Everyone who posts here regularly has their own unique voice and personality to contribute. Sure, we have disagreements here, but we’re civil, respectful, and it adds variety to the community. Lurkers, I encourage you to add your own unique voice to the mix here. Feel free to speak up and share.


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We all lurk but its ok to post now n then. 😁
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“We all lurk but its ok to post now n then.”


Posting is the most fun part 😁


We talked about lukers and how they are actually the underwater portion of the iceberg of readers months and months ago. I shared this website at that time:

I used to periodically check and it was fascinating to see how many readers we had at OT v. how many commenters and a Great reminder that the cozy circle and then the larger group of commenters there were the minority of those who came there to read.

Its so easy to just talk/post to the people actually here posting and get to “know” them and yet many, many more are reading than are posting. This isn’t a closed group. Eye opening to realize how many more eyes are here than are commenters/regulars.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

Sometimes lurkers ‘like’ a post, and I see names that I haven’t seen in a long time 👍


Hi, Sadie.
I read your comments in yesterday’s thread a little while ago, about what Quod Verum did to you.
And yeah…massive hypocrisy on their part!

Something weird happened when I opened an account there yesterday:

The minute my account was created…there were several ‘follows’ already pre-loaded on the account.

It was Wictor, Rex and that Saul guy, + plus some others that I didn’t recognize.

I hadn’t followed these people.
But they were already followed when I activated the account!

Weird, huh?

I didn’t mention it at the time…because I had a lot of tabs open and was reading about a lot of other stuff which seemed more important.

Now I’m wondering if this happened to anyone else?

Given what Quod Verum did to you…that place deserves the full side-eye:
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Sadie Slays

They were all auto-followed on my account, too. 


Could be acting in the capacity of moderators, they may follow every new account for a few days, just to make sure it’s not a troll or a bot.


There’s no way to delete your account, which is sketchy.

Wyoming Knucklehead

I probably will mostly be a lurker. I have posted about three times I think. I am not tech savvy and also do not have the brain power most of you have  😊  but one never knows.


I’m with Wyoming. Plus I try not to talk without having something to say. (Though could be disputed by my husband, lol.)

Sadie Slays

I understand, but if you do have something to say, please share!

Sadie Slays

 I am not tech savvy and also do not have the brain power most of you have

Don’t sell yourself short! If you feel like chiming in, please give it a try. It gets easier with practice.


Everyone has a certain expertise in something, and nobody has it all. Sometimes, you will find discussions where someone says, “XXXXXX”, and you’ll think, “no, it’s YYYYYY — I do that six times a day, for a living.” When that happens, speak up!!! We all want to know Truth and shed delusions.



Confirmed on Parler:

CALL TO ACTION- Our ability to communicate will likely be shut down tomorrow! Please text “FREEDOM” to 98078

This will allow me to communicate directly with you!


This is Devin Nunes. BIG TECH WILL NOT SILENCE US! Thank you for subscribing to my text alerts and joining Team Nunes. I will keep you posted!


Is this a way to fundraise?


lol probably


LOL after my sucker donationsto Miss Lindsey it’ll be a cold day in hell before anyone of them get any$ from me But I do like Nunes


He can do more with less too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I almost never give money out to anyone. This time around I made two exceptions, Lauren Boebert (whom I may actually have met once in her restaurant) and Sidney Powell.


Good solid choices.


He’s talking about Parler being shut down, not necessarily anything else. But we shall see.

Incidentally, in Praying Medic’s article someone shared in the last thread, he mentioned that 4.5 million Trump supporters were suspended from Twitter yesterday. I guess I was in good company. Twitter must now be nothing but an echo chamber. Talk about boring!


There are a bunch of patriots regrouping and re-networking

If you don’t want to use Twatter anymore that’s fine and I respect that

If you want to be an engaged digital soldier and tell @Jack what he can do with his suspension notices, feel free to jump back in


I may at some point. But I’m not sure I want to take the time to build up followers and find people to follow right now. There may be no one worth following left on Twitter. Just a bunch of echo chamber lefties.


Putting trolls and bots out of business too.


That actually seems like a small number, if DJT had at least 70 million followers who were actually being shown — who knows what the real number is, which is almost certainly being suppressed by Tweeter.

I expected the purge to be a much larger number.

There’s always tomorrow 😁

Gail Combs

OR, a lot of us were smart enough to stay off the ‘Personal Information Collection Sites’ like Twatter and Farcebook.


And – the 88.7 President Trump followers, too!!!

Twitter must be a ghost town – and – a boring echo chamber.

Translate that into $ lost – Hmmm…


Amazon is suspending Parler from its web-hosting service, I think starting tomorrow, and Parler will likely be dark until they can come up with a solution. I think that’s what he is referring to.


Maybe that will be the tipping point to get DJT to begin actively posting on Gab… which seems to be the most obvious new ‘home’ for DJT’s comms.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You see, this is the risk of CIA basically owning Amazon and WaPo.


I want you to remember this phrase, “Sauce for the goose” Their time is COMING. Tic TOC


Should that byline be “Safe Haven for Intelligent Thinking”?


ok…so “tomorrow” definitely means Monday, right ?…..judging by the time-stamp there…16 minutes after midnight, last night = this morning (Sunday)…so “tomorrow” would be tomorrow : Monday…

or….is “tomorrow” today ?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’ve captured my dilemma pretty well there, Smiley2!

New dailies go “live” here at ten PM. Sometimes I’m barely home from post work chores and/or hanging out with friends, and I have to keep in mind it’s now “tomorrow” to a lot of people and I haven’t even taken my shoes off.

So anytime between then and about 4AM my time, my rule is to specify a day of the week instead of (or maybe in addition to) “today,” “tomorrow,” and “yesterday.” I don’t always remember, but that’s what I strive for.


also seeing in various “comments” on some other Forums that ATM transactions have suddenly become inoperable…but it’s not clear where, exactly.


Harry Lime

I tried that once…


Great movie . . . so underrated!


We’ll always have smoke signals…

And those cups, with a clothes line connected between them 😁


the chair is against the wall

john has a long mustache

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One of those two was actually used to tell the French Resistance that D-Day was nigh (check out, if you can, “The Longest Day”). The producers of Red Dawn paid them an homage with that.


I thought they both were used.

“the chair is against the wall” is the more famous.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You could very well be right about that.

Now I’m going to go jump down a rabbit hole.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I found something indicating “Jean has a long mustache” was used as a code phrase, but it didn’t specify D-Day. So yes, it was a double homage to the French Resistance; very appropriate for Red Dawn.


The British in the Revolutionary war banned communication. The Patriots found a way. THAT is why the Covid lockdowns on free time, like church, sports, concerts, dining, bars. to LIMIT communications. did not work so NOW they are on to the internet. HINT, that won’t work EITHER. Determined people FIND a way. Maybe we should all go BACK to CB and ham radio. SERIOUS.



Listen up Nanzi, Shcmucker, Shciff and all

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5

It almost seems like refusing an offer to participate in a military coup is evidence that somebody is already engaged in a coup, and is attempting to recruit members of the military to join them.

And it almost seems like anyone in the military who became aware of an attempted coup would be obligated to report it and oppose it, or face charges of Misprision of treason themselves.

And somewhere along the line, it almost seems like ALL of this would be a crime, in a country that had anything besides an imaginary DoJ and an especially pink FIB.


§2382. Misprision of treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

BINGO, and this is BIG, the MILITARY AFFIRMED Trump’s CONTROL. ROT RUH Nancy, looks like YOU and YOUR ilk JUST committed AGAIN high treason, and Trump is about to PULL your plug… GLORIOUS it will be. There will be no MSM coverage, but PLEASE have military video of the takedowns available, hell put them on ppv.


yes…I WANNA SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In case you missed it (or I missed someone else posting it) here’s a fabulous 7 min video of the PEACEFUL PATRIOTS at the Capitol. Wolf has some great pictures of the massive flag being unfurled…watch how it comes to life in this clip posted at Gateway Pundit.


Thanks for that.
Violent protests ? Not true.
I read something that Bill O Reilly said and it is so false . I wouldn’t have thought he’d say this. Pfft on turning to Biden? Really?

This is it~~ President Trump’s failure to tamp down the angry protestors supporting him in Washington has destroyed his legacy.

Our divided nation turns to you, @JoeBiden. Defuse it. As best you can.


As a professional fence sitter you’d think he’d know which side of the fence to set his toe by now. His business model sucked  🙃 


He’s a professional goof if he has chosen Biden for anything other than the Pedo of the Month club.


O’Reilly dropped his mask.

Another one bites the dust, just like that America-hating Strassel woman. 👍


E Pluribus Unum.


What mask? O’Really has always been a snake in the grass, Scott!!!


O’Reilly is the consummate PINHEAD.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, yes, that’s taken from the platform the media uses to show the Inauguration. I did see people up there.

All of that cream-colored stuff is the inaugural stands, not actually part of the capitol building. They set that whole elaborate thing up every four years, then tear it down. (Maybe they ought to just make it a permanent addition to the Capitol, maybe with some modifications for better access around the sides to the building proper.)

I was basically on the reverse side of the white-shrouded scaffolding on the left of the video; so I hadn’t seen just how many people crowded into this area. I guess I was part of a sideshow!

By the way, the side of the Capitol that faces the Mall is actually the back of the building! Ironic because the overwhelming majority of people who actually see the building only ever see the side that faces the Mall.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is one camera perspective clip I’ve been searching for in particular.
The view of the crowd from the Capitol, looking West, covering the ground towards the Washington Monument.
Because of the distance involved, I thought it would offer a good idea of crowd size .
The elevated position offered that view in spades, if only momentarily.


Thank you Katie, Very inspiring !
A disorganized chaotic ‘mob’ would NOT have been able to pull that off !


Isn’t it odd how all the cameras and video used by the presstitutes come from up close and personal with the ‘shootings’ and vandalism, yet no one has shown this view of the hundreds of thousands being peaceful and patriotic protestors?

Must be just another one of those coincidences. /sarc!

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

This is purely fyi…not sure where John Mappin falls on the map…

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Follow us on @JohnMappin
on Parler and

CamelotTVNetwork on Telegram


Michael Greer Retweeted
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Matt Nutz

What are they so afraid of?
Quote Tweetcomment image
Robby Starbuck

· 13h
“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar — you’re telling the world you fear what he might say”

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I didn’t know who John Mappin was, and I found that he is the owner of the Camelot Castle hotel in Tintagel, Cornwall and flies a Q flag there. I wonder what he knows, or thinks he knows.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

Wow, thanks for looking that up! This is VERY BIZARRE, I was about to reply to your remark in the notification bell at 3:33am & suddenly 2 of your 3 URL’s just disappeared off my screen!!!

Wolf Alert!!!

Since TT did this reply “an hour” ago there is no way that the edit function is in play by “her”…if YOU WOLF didn’t edit off those URL’s Who the Heck is messing w/ info w/in the Q TREE???

This is the only link I see in the bell now…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was edited on the page, IMO.

Valerie Curren

an hour after she wrote it? By you or the post’s author Carl? I had clicked on her comment in my notification bell & was reading through & skimming the URLs when the 2 just popped away…I think I said that was around 3:30am?

I thought once we put up a reply/comment there’s only a matter of minutes we can edit it. But once someone clicks reply that option goes away. Not sure if I’d clicked into the reply box on the Bell then or not.

No biggie unless you think it is. I just wanted You to be aware of what looked like an aberration. We don’t want Outside Influences modifying things here, right? Ongoing & open record & all…


I edited it sometime after I wrote it, but I don’t think it was an hour later. Some of the links weren’t right, and I corrected that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Does it currently look like what you edited it to look like?

If so, then someone is just mistaken about timing (either in how long the edit window is, or just memory of how long it was when they saw the change). If not and it doesn’t look right to you, someone else is monkeying with us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Changes cascade slowly through the system sometimes. It’s very complicated. I would explain fully but there is not time right now. You have to trust my simplified explanations. Nevertheless, it’s good for you to observe these things, in case we DO begin to see manipulations.

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks Wolf. I keep mentioning them as I see them. But no need to explain. If you acknowledge the item mentioned that’s good enough for me because I trust that if any aberration was of concern you’d be hot on the trail!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

FBI appears to be aiding & abetting crime instead of investigating

Valerie Curren

Amazonian a–holerie
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See new Tweets
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BuzzFeed News


NEW: Amazon is booting Parler off AWS, its web hosting service, knocking the pro-Trump social network offline until it finds a new host.

Amazon’s suspension of Parler goes into effect on Sunday

In an email obtained by BuzzFeed News, Amazon’s Trust and Safety team told Parler that Amazon is unconvinced the platform’s plan to use volunteers to moderate violent speech will be effective.

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Oldkan, Counter Narrative Artist

Replying to @BuzzFeedNews
This is what real fascism is. Not the cosplay shit the woke and the left pretending was.
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There is no new Q post on

This one indicates it’s an exception to the rule of “no outside comms.” I don’t see any indication of where Q supposedly posted this. Does anyone know?

Valerie Curren

Not a q follower so no clue here. By the way, when I describe myself as Q Agnostic I do NOT mean Q Antagonistic 😉


#1318 had «no outside comms» Never seen any grants of exceptions to that, so «who sez this» is a BIG question.

It looks like somebody’s interpretation of matching current events to info in various other drops, which can be interesting in itself, but unless this actuallly shows up on or equivalent, it is not «inside comms»

Valerie Curren

Thanks Slow. I appreciate those insights!

Sadie Slays

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And I do not believe for one second that “8kun is compromised” because Ron (@codemonkeyz) is very much on our side and has led the fight against the fraud. His family owns 8kun. Nope, not buying this.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Disinfo & chaff & countermeasures 🙂


This is not a Q post.
It is fake.

If Q needs to post outside 8kun, he needs to authentic himself first, likely through his, which only he can access.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Eilert!

Valerie Curren

Hope remains while the company is true <3
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Lisa Boothe


Between the DOJ/FBI targeting Trump campaign, Kavanaugh confirmation, COVID tyrannical power grab, and now this censorship, it’s been a big fat dose of a red pill for me.
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“BREAKING: Newly declassified 2016 emails of fired FBI Director James Comey reveal Washington Post “investigative reporter” Shane Harris, formerly w/ Wall Street Journal, was feeding Comey dirt on president-elect Trump thru mutual friend Ben Wittes of Lawfare/Brookings Institution”


I’m so glad to find out little Benny Wittes is going to be convicted of High Treason. I knew he would be, they’re all going to be, but this is specific to Benny, and even if there was nothing else, this is enough.

Everything else they have on Benny is gravy.

What a great day this is going to be. 👍

Valerie Curren

Happy dance!

Reminds me of a Curley-ism, of the 3 Stooges: “My father died dancing…on the end of a rope!”


Lisa Booth: “Between the DOJ/FBI targeting Trump campaign, Kavanaugh confirmation, COVID tyrannical power grab, and now this censorship, it’s been a big fat dose of a red pill for me.”


That’s great Lisa…

But if it took you until January 9th of 2021 to begin to figure out what’s actually going on, WTH have you been?

Living under a rock?

How many times do the people living inside the bubble have to find out they have no idea what’s going on in the world, before they learn to step outside the bubble occasionally for a reality check?


They did not WANT to BELIEVE…denial is MORE than a river in Egypt. NOW it is NOT a “conspiracy” it is FACT. WHEN the PUNISHMENT comes, they will see and KNOW. Some are just attempting to board the wagon because they KNOW what is coming, there are NO secrets in DC…OTHERS like Boothe are merely bubble livers. It is EASY for them to dismiss something that SEEMS impossible, because it UPSETS their bubble.

Trump and Q did NOT call this the “GREAT AWAKENING” for nothing. In fact, when this is all over, we may find the military op behind this is CALLED op Great awakening or the like.

Valerie Curren

Bbbbbut outside the bubble everyone’s rubes & hicks you know!


The emergency alert system could be a complete head-fake. By telegraphing their plan to use it, it has apparently caused Apple and probably others to drop their masks in the effort to prevent POTUS from using the EBS.

He may have never intended to use it in the first place, and I hope that turns out to be the case, that they dropped their mask on this one for nothing. 👍


No, it is the ONLY way to reveal the truth to ALL. The NMEED for Apple to try to circumvent that, after being WARNED speaks VOLUMES. Apple is in for a RUDE awakening. They DO NOT own the air waves or the internet on which they OPERATE and are 100% DEPENDENT on to EXIST. Their plug CAN (and will) be PULLED.

Oh, and fun fact, the EBS can “take over ALL phone lines, ALL TV lines and ALL internet coms…even when “off”

I watched and participated in one of the early tests….You LITERALLY CANNOT turn it off.


good to know!


Giant Voice.


“Oh, and fun fact, the EBS can “take over ALL phone lines, ALL TV lines and ALL internet coms…even when “off” ”


So I don’t need a cell phone or cable TV to receive messages from the EBS, I can get those messages right here on the Interwebs?

I should probably do a search for the EBS page and maybe bookmark that sucker… 😂

Valerie Curren

I was wondering if the major emphasis on Italy for the steal is also a head fake so Chyna doesn’t know that the Hammer & Scorecard is going to come crashing down on their Communistic skull(s & bones)!


Keep ’em guessing. They should know that since DJT is using the handbook of one of their greatest generals.

How embarrassing is it to be defeated by one’s own war manual? Bwahahaha!

Valerie Curren



reminiscent of the Rise of The Third Reich tactics & brutality & censorship & agitprop, oh yes… most definitely…impossible to ignore, impossible to miss..

but with a heavy dose of Mao and Marx , as well.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

It’s a pretty wild ride having mezzanine seats for the communistic revolution out in the open in the West & it’s inevitable downfall! No matter what happens we CANNOT give up our guns under ANY circumstances!

Valerie Curren

Parler to be back soon
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Rob Schneider


And following @Twitter
& @Facebook
censorship lead, Apple and @Google
are now censoring (removing) other digital platforms (@parler
) for NOT censoring.

I hope you can now see that the virtual Reichstag building has been burned down.
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The similarities to NOW and the early days of Nazi Germany are EERIE. Helpful hint, it did NOT end well for the Nazis.

Valerie Curren

But in the interim it didn’t go too well for the Jews, gays, disabled, & gypsies…oh & most of the world who got sucked into how many years of war & hell!

But definitely in the end the evil doers will face a Holy God & answer for their sins in this world. We just would like to see God’s justice roll on like a river down here too!!!


Btw Schneider left CA for AZ permanently a few weeks ago. Lots of others are too.

Valerie Curren

Hope Newscum can’t get that slavery tax passed to keep picking the pockets of escapees!

Valerie Curren

Lin Wood is still sharing insight & wise encouragement!
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matt’s idea shop

ya, give me a prepaid burner with unlimited data, a couple VPN subscriptions and a twelver of Diet Coke.
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Valerie Curren

“The 2020 Election was Decided by the Vatican”


Don’t look now, but I don’t think that’s even within the purview of the Pope’s duties…


Valerie Curren

Especially if Pence actually Is a black hat & working for The Enemy!


Follow the money, Scott!!!

Valerie Curren

This is a very hopeful & forward looking MAGA transforming perspective!!!

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Allum Bokhari


There might never be as great of an opportunity to defeat GOP incumbents in primaries as there will be in 2022.

If you’re in a red state / red district and have never run for office before, start reading up on how the process works.
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· 3h
The conditions today are set for strong candidates to run.

The Crucible.…

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The conditions today are set for strong candidates to run.

The Crucible.
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Dog Faced Pony Soldier
· 3h
Replying to @Cernovich
Problem is the shit candidates we will get. All afraid to get canceled and have families lives and homes destroyed

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Kevin Drunk on…

Replying to @Cernovich
Good take here, I think. still time will tell. I wanted to see a Trump “successor” on the ground 1/6 trying to calm the crowd but sending the message.”never give in, never give in, never… in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour..


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Kevin Drunk on…

2/ …and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”-Churchill

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Russian-American Patriot

Replying to @Cernovich
They are creating martyrs and people who fear nothing nor have anything to lose. We have no choice but to get stronger.


True, never a better time to get MAGA candidates to “run” against RINOs, establishment, etc. etc.

But with the embedded theft of votes – digital now for almost 2 decades – they won’t win. Of all things POTUS and his team know, this is certainly one of them. It’s why states that were red have turned blue – Election Fraud, not just “voter” fraud.

It’s built in. If the Lefties win, there won’t be another honest election except for the few states who don’t have the Dominion system.

A lot is at stake here. Primary is to stop the Coup, and the overthrow of the legitimate government.

Valerie Curren

This is for all the marbles!

Valerie Curren

Secretary of State tweet deleted…whatever

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Secretary Pompeo

US government account
Thanks to the diplomatic work of our team and @USAmbNATO
, all NATO Allies backed our decision to withdraw from the failed INF Treaty. Never going to hear that on @CNN
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Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

No clue if this is legit or a parody…& it’s sad that it’s now so hard to tell the difference in the dystopian future (2021) proves past (1984)!
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God in under the edit 🙂

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren

Post on QResearch via Halfchan Trump is completely de-platformed… but the phones are still very much working To the Globalists reading this… GET F…ED – (We) Are The News

Halfchan Trump is completely de-platformed… but the phones are still very much working To the Globalists reading this… GET F…ED (my edit)

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Post 12439901 1 hour ago • View on 8kunTrump is completely de-platformed… but the phones are still very much working.

Trump is striking back Anonymous ID:bASdkBCd Sat 09 Jan 2021 00:19:30 No.301376342

Don’t ask who I am and this will be my last post.

Trump is completely de-platformed… but the phones are still very much working. Also Trump’s peace missions and isolationism are about to pay off.

As I speak Trump has spoken to

Bolsonaro – Brazil

Modi – India

AMLO – Mexico

Suga – Japan

Putin – Russia

Jae-ryong – S. Korea

(unknown) – Israel

Salman – Saudi Arabia

Fattah el-Sisi – Egypt

Duda – Poland


If there is one thing governments fear, it’s an unruly mob. The second thing they fear…a foreign global corporation that can control their population, unconditionally silence them and threaten their power.

Within the next 48 hours these governments will announce the process of passing legislation or using emergency powers to nationalize or take control of Twitter/Facebook/Google/Cloudflare(Microsoft)/Amazon(AWS).

The news will be such a system shock that by Monday there will be a massive selloff of Big Tech and that will start pulling down the stock market with it.

You’ve been warned.

To the Globalists reading this… GET F…ED. (my edit)

Halfchan is 4Chan the message board Q was originally on, before he went to 8Chan and then 8Kun.

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Interesting that Poland is the only Europeian country on that list.

Will be interesting to see if this happens, even the MSM will have to notice at least one of these.


And Bibi, who made some back-stabbing comment on January 6th or 7th, is not mentioned as the person DJT spoke to in Israel.

Gail Combs

Bibi & Modi and others may have played along KNOWING what was going to go down.

Valerie Curren

That whole thread is good, though no reader yet

Valerie Curren

McCain’s chickens coming home to roost!

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Arizona Republican Party


The @MaricopaGOP
has voted and passed a resolution to censure Cindy McCain. The Arizona Republican Party has no comment on the county’s resolution. The state party will vote on a similar resolution at our annual meeting on January 23, 2021.

Valerie Curren

Something’s seriously wrong w/ Brennan & similarly minded lefties

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Candace Owens


Who the actual hell do these Democrats think they are?
We supported him then— we support him now.


Take your brown-shirt approach to China.
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John O. Brennan

· 9h
Anyone now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore & enable his corrupt, dishonest, & divisive agenda.

Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy.


John Brennan, traitor: “Anyone now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore & enable his corrupt, dishonest, & divisive agenda.”


Sorry Johnny, you’ve got the wrong room, this is the room looking to string you up like Mussolini.

It’s okay though, no biggie, that kind of mistake could happen to anybody 👍 😂🤣😂


John Brennan, traitor: “Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy.”


Exactly, that’s why I regularly and totally denounce Hussein O’Traitor, the first ineligible Kenyan muzzie to ever cheat his way into the presidency.

I’m glad we had this talk Johnny, I know soon you’ll be busy with your public defender and we won’t be able to catch up like this. 😁 👍

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

actually–that word perfectly describes Brennan…MALIGNANCY–if ever there was an ugly, cancerous TUMOR growing in this country–it manifested itself as brennan.

Valerie Curren

LOL! Loved that Kenyan bit. Didn’t Mussolini get shot & then his body strung up?

Gail Combs

 😍  👏  👏 

Valerie Curren

Pizza Comms?
Dog Comms?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Lin Wood?

or possibly someone’s just having fun in normie land 😉

Valerie Curren

2nd American Revolution?

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I just realized what is going to happen. Because of Treason at the highest level, the Constitution allows POTUS to dissolve the current government, including the House and Senate, and form a new government run by WE THE PEOPLE.


Is it victory by epiphany, or does he have a citation?

Asking for a friend 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

yeah, I’d the 4-1-1 on that as well…

Valerie Curren



Snopes knows. Ask them.


countries with the blackouts…election interference???

Valerie Curren

Could be. Perhaps they do sanitizing sunlight to get a groundswell of Outside of the US media rage that helps pressure US media to finally discuss the fraud, at least internationally, at first?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Where does the constitution explicitly allow that?

Absent such a cite, I’ll opine that that power was not explicitly given to POTUS, because a POTUS could seriously abuse it. Barky could have done it, Klinton could have done it.

Now some will argue that the power is implicit; that’s a different matter.

Valerie Curren

Inquiring & incisive minds want to know 🙂

Valerie Curren


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Patrick Byrne

This is the “Italian Job” And it is real. There’s already someone sitting in prison in Italy having pled guilty to doing precisely what Americans are now told is a thoughtcrime to believe.
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Mike Yoder
· 9h
BREAKING: Video of Supreme Court of Italy legal counsel testifying under oath about interference in 2020 election

Transcript below / (1/6)
Show this thread


It begins.

The vicious, vindictive hateful, demented people of Project Lincoln are planning to make a blacklist of all Trump people for purposes of persecution – implementing Alinsky tactics.

and Forbes too.

This is just like the Chai knees social score punishment system in action.


All 90+ million of us should volunteer to be at the top of their list.

It flips the script, destroys their narrative, makes them look pathetic and weak, makes us look strong and fearless.

And best of all, it allows us to mock them relentlessly. 👍😁


Very good tactic, Scott.


Every time they do something like this, the correct response is to call their bluff, go all-in, over-the-top.

There’s no reason not to.

There is nothing to actually lose by doing so, and you steal all their thunder every single time.


Project Lincoln and Forbes have just taken off their masks – revealing their fascist/communist/socialist totalitarian mindsets. Are they going to send their Antifa/BLM thug army to ‘rough us up’?

This is America and we will not bow to such tyranny and terrorist threats.


I know all about what is coming and they come for the old first. By the way they punish the family if anyone in the family including extended family does something and uses free speech.
Look what they try to do Clarence Thomas wife and to him because of a tweet..
Maybe I am freaking out but this is all to real for me. My parents grandmothers told me all about how Hitler began and why and I saw all about Stalin tactics visiting my grandmother a couple of times a year in east Germany for 6 weeks Summer and two weeks in winter. This is all more sero=ious than anyone can immagine have guns or not.


I well remember what they did to Justice Thomas and to Kavanaugh. They were OK with Gorsuch because he was pro-LBGTPQXYZ


President Trump: “The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

It’s this comment by POTUS that keeps me going – the Giant Voice, and “they will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form.”

I pray he isn’t just saying that for keeping up morale, but because he knows how this plays out and will take the power of the Lefties hands.


One silver lining to all of this is that on January 20th, Joe Biden will break the glass ceiling, becoming the first man to be Nacho President. 😁 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

the late, fake, astericks president*


too many letters…remove terick…LOL


technically true…but hill was the first woman…LOL

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Valerie Curren

Dr. David Martin at DC event on the 6th

Description of video from rumble link above:

Rumble — Dr. Martin has 3 important messages for you in this video including what his job today is. He tells you about the literal crimes against humanity perpetrated by Dr. Fauci, Azar (secretary of Health and Human Services) and Dr. Redfield that are punishable by law and include jail time yet not one office of Inspective General or Attorney General has had the courage to put them in jail. Hear the list of felonies.

Valerie Curren
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A bit feisty?

Please, be even more feisty.

Valerie Curren

I’ll keep your permission slip in my back pocket, in case of emergency! 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Feisty people don’t wait for permission slips, silly!

Valerie Curren

I must have misplaced some quotation marks there 🙂 If I asked for permission my life would be way less interesting than it’s been…& my husband’s would be much more sedate.

We used to serve on the church’s governing board together & I was Never one of the “yes men” crew…I missed that “go along to get along gene” but do try to work to uncover Truth as much as possible.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

All commendable.


LIVE-stream of Vatican (link)…


Massive Black-Out In Vatican Following Release of Affidavit Revealing Italian Interference In US Election

link (with vid)…


57 million affected.

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2

So Pakistan, Canada, Italy. in ONE day…nothing to see here. Iran and China NEXT. 1


Trump quote from the Valdosta Rally: A great march cadence for this battle!

“We will not bend. 

We will not break. 

We will not yield. 

We will never give in.

We will never give up.

We will never back down.

We will NEVER, ever surrender!”

This Scripture Hebrews 12:3 comes to mind:

“Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Gab founder Andrew Torba has lived this Scripture:

“As a result of Torba’s free speech principles, both Gab and Andrew have been no-platformed and banned by 25+ service providers over the years including both App Stores, multiple payment processors, and hosting providers.
Torba himself has been personally banned from online banks, cryptocurrency exchanges, and Twitter for many years now. His family is also blacklisted by VISA.
Andrew Torba has also faced numerous threats of violence, doxxing, stalking, and more for his fight to defend free speech online for all people.”

Torba is a true hero!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



All these people are on GAB now:
from PepeLivesMatter.
(Replace *ht tps with https)

(@PepeLivesMatter17) / Gab Social

Ultimate Anon Frenship Reunite list:
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(If I missed you I can create more frenship lists soon)
Thank you GAB for creating an anon friendly platform


It’s where they all should have been all along… it’s amazing so many had to play musical chairs so long before finding a safe place to sit down.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I talked to a very smart friend of mine the other day. Smart, but completely duped by Bongino into being only on Parler. I warned her it was a trap, but she completely poo-pooed me.

I wonder what she thinks now 🙂


Thank you so much, Eilert!


whoa…wow…here’s a coincidence…

PAKISTAN Hit By Nationwide Power Black-Out

article link..


power minister Omar Ayub Khan says (tweeted) that this power outage was due to “a fault in southern Pakistan” at 11:41 pm Saturday in a section of the grid that caused a “cascading breakdown” nationwide.

hmmm wow coinky dink


this says 200 million without power (Pakistan)..

article link..

that seems like a lot more than “a section of the grid” was at fault .


mere “coincidence” that THREE countries heavily rumored to be linked to US 2020 election interference have had MAJOR blackouts involving wide areas of their countries in ONE day, just one day after Trump is silenced, and 3 days after FRAUD in the 2020 election was certified. No WONDER they want Trump GONE NOW. TOO late fools, it has BEGUN, and NOTHING can stop it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s actually more than possible for one tiny little thing to go wrong and cascade and take a huge area out.

The 1965 (and a couple of later, 1977 and 2003) power outages in the NorthEast happened that way. And I recall an outage that affected 600 million people in India–that’s nearly twice as many people as there are Americans.


not “distraction” INSTRUCTION,

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“direction” covered it. (It said “distraction and direction.”)

I do have to say I have no idea why the word “distraction” is in there unless it’s a translation glitch.

Valerie Curren

Melania Goddess First Lady is the bright star !⭐⭐

of course, so is our Warrior President Donald J. TRUMP ! ⭐⭐

but where do your eyes look first when FLOTUS is in a photo ?

💟🌟 🇺🇸 

Valerie Curren



“The Vatican BLACKOUT coincided with hundreds of road-blocks around the city.”


Trying to keep all the bad guys from getting away?


Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or the bad guys acting to retain/gain control.

It would be very hard to know for certain whose side any group of LEO/Military is on.


My uncle just returned home from his church.
He said his pastor said:
The pope has been arrested for child trafficing.

Can not confirm or find anything about it on the web…… yet.

Don’t shoot the messenger. Just relaying what I heard.



Valerie Curren

This is fairly mind-blowing. I’ve seen hints of this about…any thoughts?
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Seems pretty sketchy and far-fetched to me. The fringe on flags does not have any sinister significance.


>> “The fringe on flags does not have any sinister significance.” <<

I believe that it DOES have significance, GA/FL.

While digging on the issue, I came across plenty of people who tried to explain it.

First, ANY deviation from the standard “Title 4” Flag (no fringe; no tassel; exact dimensions; etc.) is a desecration, and ISN’T the Flag of our country.

I’ve read that the fringe changes the Flag into merely a “pennant”, and indicates the CAPTURE of the original Flag.

I’ve read that the “Stars and Stripes” Flag is the war-time (military) Flag, and that the “Stars and Bars” Flag is the peace-time (civil) Flag … and this latter Flag hasn’t been flying since the inception of the Civil War.

I’ve read that the Senate Resolution of 1871 UNLAWFULLY created the separate city-state of D.C., and that this is a sovereign entity, APART from America. (As the City of London (a mere 1 square mile in area) is, and as the Vatican is.)

There’s a bunch more stuff … and in the case that even a small percentage of it is true, the repercussions to our long-held (yet mistaken) beliefs are enormous.

It means that we don’t even know the right “game”, or any of its rules, or even how to “play” in this REAL game, at the moment.

I suspect that VSGPDJT may hand over the Presidency to the military …

Last edited 4 years ago by Emeraldstar

A fringed flag is an indoor display flag – and is not used on flag poles.

It’s an embellishment only.


>> “an embellishment only” <<


I’m reminded of a quote from the TV Series “Kung Fu”, where blind Master Po tells Grasshopper …

“Trust is as safe as where you put it.”


Sorry, but I disagree with that person. 🙂


the fringed flag does carry a certain significance…

possibly referring to military, operating under martial law.


Wyoming Knucklehead

Don’t know if anyone will see this as it is on the first page but I noted on the 6th that the flags by POTUS had the fringe on them. I was trying to remember what it meant. But I have no idea what it means.


Probably got started for parades and headquarters, seats of government purposes.

Fringed flags are NOT ever flown on flag poles.


I agree with you, Emeraldstar…military + martial law


I briefly looked into what GA/FL had posted, and what she said (indoor only “embellishment) SEEMS to be true.

The first time (again, from light digging) that the gold-fringed Flag was used by the military – the source said – was 1895.

24 years AFTER the 1871 Senate Resolution.

Psyops and infiltration have been going on practically FOREVER! If there’s ONE THING that I’ve learned these past four+ years, it’s that much – if not almost ALL – of what I (we) think I (we)we “know” is actually LIES!

The PANIC now in DC is off the hook …

Valerie Curren

Look squirrel? 🙂


Good morning, Miss Valerie – I have no idea what is behind that guy’s words and mindset. It just seems off to me. However, I’m not a good judge of character – and I’m not in the Lin Wood fan club.

Valerie Curren

I’m doing my best to reserve judgement on many people & arenas. It’s kind of “fun” on diminished twitter to see who is still standing & who’s shilling the groupthink line. Bill O’Reilly had some Pres. B will have to clean up Trump’s mess comment–spit. I never really “trusted” (I have lots of trust issues in many arenas) him anyway, nor paid much attention but still. You think they’re at least somewhat on your side & then they rip off their own mask & you can see they’re quite unprincipled.

Oh & getting to see more of the lefties on twitter is “fun”. There is major Crazy Town. They can’t wait to report anyone out of step. Apparently those FBI signs in DC got all sorts of people snitching on relatives, neighbors, &/or co-workers. People have lost jobs just for being an observer at the Trump event…

& talk about retribution for even being a Trump supporter, let alone if you did any kind of work connected to his administration. These people are arguing for ghettos if not nearly death camps if reeducation cannot be successfully achieved.

Then there are the videos of Patriots being thrown off a plane. Many people were singing the National Anthem, which so rattled the flight crew that they made an unscheduled landing & kicked everyone off the plane.

Another plane was nearing takeoff when some passengers were overheard discussing their support for Trump. Back to the terminal & everyone offloaded. Something like 30 cops are there, per what sounds like a black man who’s narrating & talking about Trump being the best president ever.

It’s like the leftie loons think that the DC event was some type of 9/11 & now the right wing terrorists are about to destroy the country, or at least everything they touch or are a member of.

It’s beyond dystopian & surreal!!!


Propaganda, dehumanizing, marginalizing, labeling – all the Alinsky, communist crap.

Valerie Curren

Well there is also the discerning/knowing the difference between cryptic comms & disinfo…Outside the innermost circle it would be hard to be Absolutely Certain about much of it…


Why would this all being announced what POTUS is going to do and Military? If it is announced to us then the bad guy know it too.
Why give the game away?
In my humble uneducated opinion it is all hogwash and we are being psy op. For what purpose I do not know but it is not for good because this sounds like fantasy to me including Lin . I am not making judgment jet who is a misguided soul and who is not.


You make very good points. I’m downright dizzy with sleep deprivation, tension, confusion about who is who and what is happening.


I am not far behind you total overload on BS 🙂


know the enemy..they are inside the gates…


Christian Purge Envisioned During Biden-Harris Admin

article link…

from 12/17/2020

A group backed by congressional Democrats, touting a “Secular America”, has sent a 28-page document to the biden-harris “transition team” advising him to strip First Amendment rights from Christians who advocate traditional Biblical positions on the sancity of life; marriage, education and the nuclear family…

that group is called Secular Democrats of America.

we Christians are to be called “white supremacists” and “conspiracy theorists” (as if The Holy Bible and GOD’s Plans…and GOD Almighty Himself… are just conspiracy theories..)

their noxious, toxic document is titled “Restoring Constitutional Secularism and Patriotic Pluralism in The White House”.

…vengeful Democrats are making enemy listssights set on Catholic…and evangelical Protestant communities…”

more about that, at the link.

and, BTW, for anyone interested in this and other relevant topics, I recommend this site…

the site’s author is Patrick Wood…a leading critical expert on Sustainable Dev. Agenda 2030…

…and Technocracy,

he also co-authored Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes 1 and 2 (1978-80), with the late Anthony C. Sutton


What would a democrat administration be without a good old fashioned Christian purge? It’s part of the democrat party platform, isn’t it?

Unfortunately for the dims, there’s been a change of plans, and their political party has been canceled.


I’m real sorry about that, dims…



you are entirely too cheerful…LOL…it’s contagious you know!

Valerie Curren

I believe she is the real deal…

☤𝓢𝒌𝓪𝓲☤ Retweeted
comment image

All OSINT contributors that follow me & want a place a secure place to post your work that will still reach the public then …

Contact me. I can’t reveal too much right now in public.

This is my counter measure, ensuring that Intel is delivered, that facts are alive.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I’m hoping someone here can speak to whether that might be somewhat believable info…I have no clue…


Oh, it is believable, Val! The corruption is far and wide – I heard 98% of Congress is corrupt – dunno from where that number came – but, look what just happened on January 6th alone!!!

Problem for us is – we cannot imagine the extent of evil in the world at present.


Covid caused a huge slow down in court cases, trials being done in 2020. So the amount of work not done would definitely pile up.


>> “amount of work not done would definitely pile up” <<

Absolutely, rf121

And by DESIGN, of course.

The Cloward-Piven “swamp the system” tactic – to overload the system so that it cannot function properly, or at all.


Emerald, I think this backlog issue was raised the last time huge numbers of indictments surfaced.
it was one of the arguments for Military Tribunals.
In-and-Out burgers.


True, RF!!!

Valerie Curren

Failure of imagination! I’m certainly & personally glad to have My sins under the blood!


Same. 😇

Valerie Curren



Amen goes right there, Val!!!


we’ve been watching those numbers grow since 2017…

dang right they are believable

Valerie Curren

Awesome! Thanks PR 🙂


It will take some time to process all of those… or there will be an absolutely massive shock if effectuated all at once. «No-one can stop what is coming» indeed…

The ordinary number of these in any year used to be below a few thousand if I remember correctly.

I’ve been wondering about the purpose of all these. No-one would collect thousands of anything like this just for fun or giggles. Some saying including fecal matter and a rotating device used for moving air comes to mind.

Valerie Curren

What percentage of the elected legal system are going to be under indictment once they’re unsealed?


That would depend on how many of these indictments actually target elected officials, and how many officials there are, and even which these officials are. AGs and Govenors would make more of an impact than low-rank clerical workers…. so even looking at Wyoming with only 59, it is going to be very dependent on who those 59 are. As with the 1005 in Georgia, or the 2144 in Alabama.

So this is only guessing and speculation. I have no good idea as to why this large set even exists or what, if anything, it is good for.

Valerie Curren

I have no clue & Sam’s, sady, stopped selling its 50 pound popcorn bag…hmmm…


Valerie, as CA goes, so goes the Country.
I’m likin’ that CA number.

Valerie Curren

Great way to read the tea leaves. I’ll take your word for it. If they clean up CA that Would be an epic miracle! & a Herculean Feat 🙂


Valerie, i was just laughing ab the excessive # of supposed indictments in CA…hoping that so go they…the rest of the Country!

Valerie Curren

While I was scratching my head at the relatively few in Michigan. Oh there’s quite a few in Texas…hmmm…


actual history exists?


This reset crap is global, mostly other govmt’s., and their fake news are going along with it, knowing it’s a lie.
On reflection this Italian revelation is a big problem to them all, it’s given an official recognition as to whats gone on.
How can any foreign govmt., interact with a fake regime, how can they sell it to their own voters?
Fake biden, his fake VP and his fake govmt., are untenable


I expect most Western governments to fall, between the exposure of Dominion voting fraud being used all over the world (when DJT proves it happened here, everyone else will follow suit) and the CCP bribery/blackmail scheme being used everywhere, not just here.

Good times!

👍 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Their financial system is imploding – they have to hide the theft – oh, woe is the world system upon which they depended to control the economies of the countries of the world – it will crash and burn.

Thank God PT removed us from that failing system – Watch them go over the cliff!!!

Good Times for sure, Scott!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A government “falling” in most European systems isn’t as big a deal as it sounds to us (Scott you probably know this; I say this for the benefit of others).

The “government” in those countries basically means the cabinet, which is selected by the legislature in a “Westminster” or “parliamentary” system, and serves until the legislature votes no confidence. The “government falling” means the cabinet (including the Prime Minister) having to resign, and caretaker ministers taking over until there’s a new election. The actual apparatus of the state is unaffected.

If someone were to say “The US government fell”, on the other hand, it’d amount to an overthrow.


Tommy Robinson
1 day ago

More thoughts….

Obviously I meant to say more than 70 million Americans voted for President Trump.


[video src="" /]

Valerie Curren

Thanks for sharing this Great & uplifting video!!!


YAY Tommy Robinson ! 👍




Truman understood reality. When I see the left going after WH officials I know it is the first step because it always goes out of control. Thirst for power is to great.


Tommy Robinson
10 hours ago
Ann Vandersteel: “Get this everywhere”!

[video src="" /]

Valerie Curren

It just keeps getting better.

Everything is being exposed, the momentum is growing every day, and I just can’t stop smiling.

As I said yesterday, if we’re all supposed to be depressed and demoralized, I don’t think it’s working😂

I’m going to have to figure out how to pace myself, I’m not used to feeling this good all the time…

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Enjoy that “high” while it lasts for there are likely some rough seas ahead…Glad you have sufficient popcorn to enjoy the show!


See the sentence near the end about no excess mortality? They must be trying to pull that crap there too.


Careful now, you’ll “trigger” a certain poster, and we’ll be in for it again!


Yes, has mastered the art of cut & paste.


Post Author Profile Pic
Mike Lindell
18 hours ago
I’ll be live on One America News at 12pm CT today (1/9/21). I have exclusive news!

Mike Lindell
3 days ago
Donald Trump will be our President for the next t 4 years!

[video src="" /]


The last one was before Pence turned traitor.


Eilert – is this Mike Lindell on Twitter or where?

Please put a link.


Rush Limbaugh, Dan Bongino, Mark Levin take action against Twitter after platform permanently bans Trump




not sitting back and taking this marxist maoist bullshit !!

fight back !


Most people, even most people on our side, do not understand the Maoist essence of what is happening.

I HIGHLY recommend this book:

This biography is full of information which you will not see elsewhere because of its accuracy. It is well written and moves quickly but is meticulous.

Mao was a modern Caligula but more devious and tricky. Mao’s super-power was in understanding how to use evil effectively, and in that he was a genius.

I believe and have believed for a long time that SADISM is the driving psychological force behind all variants of leftist thought and activity. I re-read 1984 from time to time and each time better see how Orwell understood this truth so deeply.

We need a History Channel which devotes every day, all day, year after year, reminding us of how evil Mao was, but then that would reflect poorly on his army of sycophants and imitators driving the sadism in America.


thanks for the reading suggestion !

I no longer call it the “Democrat” Party…

it has been thoroughly infiltrated, tainted, sabotaged by the Marxist-Maoist activists.


They are total allies/servants of the CCP.


>> “SADISM is the driving psychological force behind all variants of leftist thought and activity.” <<

Man against man.


People without control of themselves seek the control they crave by trying to control OTHERS.

It never works … except for the ephemeral “high” they get in the moment.

After that, they try to get the “high” again.

It’s a drug, an emotional stimulus, that requires ever-greater doses to “work” for them.

The end is self-destruction, because the beginning is self-destructive.

In many cases, it’s pathology (no cure – like PDJT said).

>> “We need a History Channel” <<

Indeed! With all the nefarious moves included, and even HIGHLIGHTED!

Perhaps the new platform PDJT verbally invoked will include this REAL history.

Really psyched you’re still here, TW, and posting your insights!



TY so much!

The irrational emotions which have driven TDS (and hatred of US) runs on getting high, no question.

Concerned Virginian

Thanks for the book suggestion.
I’ve started re-reading my copy of “Life and Death in Shanghai” by Nien Cheng. Her account of her years in a Mao prison because she had a Western education is riveting.


I have been meaning to read that, and will do so in the near-ish future.


Was just on Gab and saw a message that POTUS is on his way to Gab.Dan Scavino is already there and more are coming shortly


This is Real Donald Trump GAB account;

@realdonaldtrump) / Gab Social

It also has his last deleted Twitter tweet on there:
Donald J Trump
The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!


There’s a reason he chose giant voice. 👍🏻

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009



I looked it up. 😀


grateful you did!!


Oh my goodness! Love it!



Hope to be hearing good things soon.


How cool is this!!!

Trending in Japan, Twister users are changing their profile photo to VSGPDJT …


so they started a movement called

I’m down with that…got my gravatar at the ready!


I hope it spreads WW, in a MASSIVE show of support and solidarity!


me too!!


a most excellent action!!!


I just renamed myself “I Am Trump,” and changed my profile pic to him. Tweeted the hashtag.




“I’m Spartacus !”


in spite of everything I’ve heard about him…Tony Curtis is a DOLL


In 1968, I worked at a Chevron station at the bottom of the La Cienega hill across from Barney’s Beanery. Tony used to stop in and use the men’s room to change into his drag outfit on Friday/Saturday nights.

One night I almost bumped into him coming out. I recognized him and said Hi Tony ’cause I couldn’t think of anything else to say (I was a green 20yo). He was silent but smiled at me and gave me a wink.

I rushed inside to tell my coworker but he was unimpressed. Said he’d seen him doing that before.


wow…he was one pretty man


The (F)raudulent BI in action:

Post Author Profile Pic
12 hours ago
Update on Georgia ballots: DHS had been trying to move forward this week. Two days ago FBI jumped in claiming jurisdiction. Yesterday 3 PM FBI took control of shredding truck and materials, directed they be returned to shredding operation and the shredding job completed.




Spoliation of evidence… Another yard of rope for the FBI once the moment of truth arrives.

Gail Combs


Remember Los vegas? — BULLDOZED! (Cell phones confiscated, witnesses ‘died in accidents’…)

Remember the Muslim New Mexico compound housing 11 starving children who were training to commit school shootings? — BULLDOZED!
Authorities bulldoze New Mexico jihad compound, leave ammo, paperwork behind

The FBI needs to be BULLDOZED!


Don’t forget the crime scene of nine-eleven!



Mueller was on that… Dubya installed him days before


Leftists Target Justice Thomas After Wife’s Alleged Posts on Capitol Protest


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Good Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed day!


Morning, Pat!!! Chilly Morning here – keeping the home fires burning – enjoying a hot cup of coffee.

God Bless Your Day, too – Angels watching over you – Hugs!!!

PS – What’s with HUH? Vogue in the trash bin – SMH


HUGS back to you!

our GORGEOUS FLOTUS never given the attention she deserved…but they put a whore on the cover? SMH


Sad, but, true – what a wasted effort!

And – for (8) long years we were inundated with an elephant in a tutu! Damn kids will never learn!

Class my A$$!!!


the princess
comment image

versus the pig
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Oh, Pat!!! Can we delete that 2nd picture – Please – Thanks!!!



heaven and hell both have a purpose…


True – Thanks for the reminder, Pat!!!


Almighty GOD has a list, too !


good people and families in church, looking at open Bibles instead of schmartphones.


* Smiling *


The left are becoming cancel culture clowns.


comment image


Hmmm now how does PDJT know that Dem officials privately communicate with their social media propaganda arm, wonder if it was those laptops that got themselves missing.


you don’t concede when you win in a LANDSLIDE
and you don’t resign when you haven’t committed crimes
you don’t tug on Superman’s Cape
you don’t spit into the wind
you don’t pull the mask off the ole Lone Ranger
and you don’t mess around with him

comment image


…and you don’t congratulate the one who has been enabled and falsely declared the winner of an election through massive, obvious fraud.




«Alleged crimes»? Wouldn’t a pardon only be issueable for proven crimes for which a judge has set penalties? I, you, those people over there, world+dog can allege all sorts of things all day long every day forever, and all of it plus $3-bucks might buy you a cup of coffee at the corner store.

The out-of-order pattern, classically cart-before-horse; in this case, pardon-before-judgement, is something that has been seen before. Almost like a signature feature by now.

Gail Combs

Pardon for CRIMES

They forgot to mention INCARCERATE AS MENTALLY ILL as they did to those in the Soviet Union.

Steve in Lewes

A few observations..
1) Always remember, the Deep State accuses you of what they are/have done!
2) Republican leadership, i.e. China Mitch and California Kevin (never trust weasels!)
3) Upsetting their China gravy train is not a crime, at least not for PDJT.
4) I call this bullshit. No such thing as Congressional pardon; “the Constitution only grants the president the power to pardon “[o]ffenses against the United States.”
5) Even if they could do so, I would never rely on any promise or commitment they would make; see #2. Dems and most repubs are backstabbing lying traitors.

Take hope, and believe in God and especially Pres Trump. Attempting to make a deal, and we all know who the greatest deal maker is, is a sign of weakness..they know they are screwed! They will not be able to save their sorry a$$es.
PDJT being quiet is the ‘calm before the storm’.
Relax and enjoy the show!
We’ve done what the President has asked of us.
We re-elected him in a huuge landslide.
Many, many thousands responded to his Wednesday’s call to action.
The remainder is in the hands of Higher Powers.
Pray for the safety of the Trump Family and all those glorious Patriots assisting him.
We will win and the USA will be saved from the commies and traitors!

Concerned Virginian

This smells to me like a modern-day redo of Nixon.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

This is B.S. just on the face of it.

We know that a resignation will NOT be followed by a phony pardon.


cry me a river cameltoe…
she’s pissed Vogue used an unflattering photo of her for the cover. did she actually pose like this in this outfit? sure, but she thought they were going with something else.

“So what’s the look? Capable and in control?”

“No… let’s go with awkward, wringing her hands like she doesn’t belong. Also: Let’s have a bright pink backdrop. And skinny jeans that stop above the ankle. And Chucks with no socks. And a suit jacket that looks dirty.”

— Andrea (@Colmarillion) January 10, 2021

Nobody made Harris pose for that picture the way she did, standing there against pink bedsheets, recalling her political origins as Willie Brown’s mistress, and wearing her signature dark pantsuit and pearls, along with inappropriate tennis shoes. She’s the one who did it, and probably signed the releases, so tough toenails for her. She actually did dress like that in her few appearances on the campaign trail, so it is what she looked like. But she didn’t want to be portrayed that way, she thought it made her look unserious, which of course, it did. She wanted to be portrayed as glamorous, an actress, a power-suit woman with a pretty face – as if the very act of posing for Vogue didn’t automatically make her a lightweight. Truly powerful people don’t waste time on Vogue photoshoots.


From what I read also, she was too light skinned in the picture. Now that she’s ‘the blaq vp’ she needs to look dark especially in pix that can be altered

Brave and Free

Thank you Carl for reminding us to keep our focus on Him who is in charge.
Man may make plans but God makes the ultimate decision. Ask for decerment and choose wisely.


Images from Parlor can unfortunatly not be posted here::

Mel Q
14 hours ago


From the above:

anonymous 01/09/21 (Sat) 17:20:20 ID: acad99 

(3) No.12430692 »12430746 »12430824 »12430913 

This was just sent to me by my oldest sister. Read and prepare. 

Dear friends and family,01/07/21 

Please excuse the typo’s spelling. and grammar in advance. I’m not a secretary, but want to get this typed up, and out to my contacts. If all of us will pass it onto our direct contacts, we can help people prepare. 

Our prayer team had a last minute invite to a skype call with General Paul Valley, General McKenney, and Carla Dean. Both Generals are retired, but in direct contact with General Flynn. Flynn couldn’t make it, he’s with the President. For starters What we’re all seeing played out before our eyes. is straight out of Alinsky’s Communist playbook. This has been China’s long game, since the late 60’s, early ?O’s. A good book to read, to give you details is “Unrestricted Warfare,” by the Chinese. 

1 )A It tells how first they will use Bio Weapons to collapse our economy. 

2) Take over our ports, then use biological/nuclear warfare brought in on cargo ships. 

3) Then invade. 

There are other video links, they will be sending out, which I can forward. 

You can also look up “The Perfect Storm”, an article on the “Center For Security Policy” web sight. I have not looked it up yet. This is what Obama and Biden put into place in this country. The Panama Canal now is all Chinese. we are no longer in control of it. 

We did confirm the rumors of Chinese armies on our Canadian border. There are 75,000 Chinese military in Vancouver Canada, and thousands on our southern border. We’re not sure how many. They also spoke about “Club K”, which I will have to look up. 

Just a heads up. I was writing as fast as I could, and didn’t understand all of it. The following are possible options President Trump may take. They have overwhelming proof of not only major voter fraud, but details on who and how our country has been sold out. This will affect many nations. 

When Trump came out to speak after they “stormed the capital” in DC, he told everyone to “go home.” Apparently that can be considered as the first step of implementing the “Insurrection Act.” There are three steps President Trump possibly will need to take: 

1) Habeas Corpus 

2) Martial Law 

3) Insurrection Act 

There will be mass arrests, who will be tried for Treason by a military Tribunal. The arrests will be domestic. Congress and Senate. 

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Let’s see if this works:
comment image


Free Speech Platform Gab Reports 750% Increase in Traffic (, the free speech friendly social network, says traffic has increased by more than 750 percent in the past few days, following the blacklisting of President Donald Trump from most mainstream tech platforms.

“Our traffic is up 753% in the past 24 hours. Tens of millions of visits,” said Gab in response to a question about slow loading speeds.

The free speech network announced that it would bring ten new servers online to handle the increased traffic volume.


In response to the surge in traffic, Gab founder and CEO Andrew Torba gave a concise comment to Breitbart News:

“Checkmate, Silicon Valley.”

Andrew Torba of GAB also put up a Welcome video for new comers:


1 hour ago

Just listen to the first ten minutes. Our nation must return to Christ.

Prophetic 10 DAYS Left -The JUDASES Around TRUMP | Mike Lindell, Kat Kerr, Filipino Election Lawsuit Pastor Steve Cioccolanti’s big update on understanding Bible prophecy, the Trump prophecy, the Christmas gift, and new evidence from Mike Lindell and election lawsuits in the Philippines….

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert


Sunday 9AM Service


Pastor Franklin said it was tradition for the Church to do a 21-day Fast in the New Year…

For the first week – Fast from Bread, Meat, and Sweets

For the second week – FAST FROM SOCIAL MEDIA!!!

I missed the third week fast – can go back and listen later – BUT –

Thought it odd they would call for a fast from Social Media – PERFECT!!!


Video backing up the affidavit image. Sidney posted this as well, wherever she is. It’s in English, just a couple of minutes.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

I posted the transcript down below.


Walmart is ALREADY Bidenizing and Chynasizing.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Guys if you stare at that long enough you might spot the President.


Guys AND gals…fixed it for you.

I have a serious girl crush on the First Lady and not ashamed to admit it. Even to my hubby. 😊

Valerie Curren

LOL That smile!!!

Valerie Curren

Beard Vet

comment image
Matt Couch

Twitter has even taken down the Beard Vet Coffee account…

Go visit them at and use code MATT and save!

Beard Vet
Beard Grooming

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

micro (penis) economy?

Rita Panahi and 5 others liked
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Comfortably Smug


Trump’s Twitter propped up a small economy of reply guys who now are unemployed
Quote Tweetcomment image
Jeff Tiedrich
· 23h
somehow, not knowing what Trump is up to is more unsettling than knowing

Valerie Curren

I just cracked myself up…maybe it’s sleep deprivation slap happiness…


Pope Francis aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio was arrested Saturday in connection with an 80- count indictment of charges including possession of child pornography, human trafficking, incest, possession of drug paraphernalia and felony fraud. The Italian National Prosecutor’s Office confirmed it ordered the arrests, and filed the charges.


The link below is very slow and often times out.


Gossip? Perhaps, but here are some ‘receipts’. 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

Hmmmm. 🤔

Sadie noted late yesterday that there was a complete blackout at the Vatican last night with no known cause or immediate remedy.

80- count indictment of charges”?? Wow. And this is pretty specific news with that kinda detail, too.

Moreover, Kue did say that the first indictment would be shocking. Arresting the fake Pope…much less on charges including drugs and child porn, would qualify, I should think. This would indeed be a shocking, and welcome, development….if true.

If untrue, I don’t think anyone would be all that surprised.



well heck yeah…that WOULD shock the world…

Gail Combs

Don’t forget the INCEST…


He [the Fake Pope] was the eldest[9] of five children of Mario José Bergoglio (1908–1959) and Regina María Sívori (1911–1981). Mario Bergoglio was an Italian immigrant accountant[10] born in Portacomaro (Province of Asti) in Italy’s Piedmont region.

Regina Sívori[11] was a housewife born in Buenos Aires to a family of northern Italian (Piedmontese-Genoese) origin.[12][13][14] Mario José’s family left Italy in 1929 to escape the fascist rule of Benito Mussolini.[15] According to María Elena Bergoglio (b. 7 February 1948), the pope’s only living sibling, they did not emigrate for economic reasons…..

“… María Elena Bergoglio (b. 7 February 1948), the pope’s only living sibling….”

So he does have a younger sister (72) who is still alive.


I may “win” the wager I accepted from Pat!

Must I wait until May?


Hope you’re doing alright, bako! Tumultuous times for all …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Does the Italian National Prosecutor’s office have the authority to arrest the sovereign of a foreign country?

I’m skeptical of this one, at least until I know more.


W – running the Brave browser now; seems to work fine; very much like using Chrome. Everybody, I’m on GAB @profitsouth like here.

I think I’m on GAB chat but it’s acting wonky … any ideas?

Gail Combs

They are doing an upgrade because of the influx of so many Twitter users that got purged.


Thanks Gail – now running for me but still very laggy.
Gail – Do u have any recommendations for a new, secure email provider?


I asked my daughter about that last night and she suggested proton.


>> “she suggested proton” <<

Unfortunately, I’ve come across people who say that proton is just as comp’d as other email services.

It’s run out of Europe – Norway, or somesuch – and is just as data-hungry-to-sell-data (perhaps more subtlely?) as others are.

We’re ALL watched, IMO. No way around it – the deed is done.

There’s value, though, in having a secondary medium with which to post – even though it’s the same ol’ same ol’ …


TY I haven’t looked into alternates today, I did a couple of years ago, and as I recall, none of them seemed a whole lot better. I will be looking at options in the next few days as I don’t really care for the email being used currently by us.


We use proton and it is run out of Switzerland. It is supposed to be private. My wife did a lot of research on VPN and secure email server. Proton went to the top of the list for her. I still in process of moving all my stuff over to Proton


One problem is that email is inherently insecure. However, you can encrypt it.

Valerie Curren

Thanks, PR – Appreciate this help – God Bless You!!!

Forgot we can go to his website if we cannot find other communication from him –


You’re welcome Duchess… Blessings on you also.


* Smiling *


Can you tell us what it was about. Gab isn’t loading well for most of us. parler issues too. Until that’s sorted out, it would help if folks would copy and paste the messages if possible or give info.



It’s a detailed description of the false flag effort describing the actors involved and their actions. I’m on my iPhone just now and can’t easily copy and paste. If you want me to I will in a bit.


OOps , my post below wasn’t right. The one from GAB noted has the text:
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the Twitter—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the GAB—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I’m offering is the truth.
Nothing more.
–> Followed by a pic of Morpheus holding a blue pill and red (green) pill. The blue pill is Twitter and the red pill (shown in green as that is the color of GAB).


I forget how young he is…his pictures somehow make him look a bit older.

He’s just a baby, bless him.

Gail Combs

We need ‘Babies’ like him to take over this country when we are gone. I am happy to see so many people younger than I who GET IT!


Me too, Gail, very happy!

And yes, we need younglings to see what is going on…and fight now and into the future.

Evil doesn’t give up…so the fight will continue.


Excellent. Hero. God bless him and the Gab team.


Personally, I wouldn’t hire anyone from these Big Tech companies. Infiltration and destruction from within come to mind….


My thoughts precisely, make em take lie detector test’


In case you haven’t seen this, Elon Musk is suggested Signal as an encrypted SMS.

It caused a stir in the waters. 😁 Hubby downloaded it. User friendly. He likes it. A lot.


comment image


  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_chuckle: 

So…this is the photo that Kamaltoe is not happy about?

Is it the shoes?
Maybe she didn’t think her shoes would be shown.


Bizarre photo. Look at the size of her hands in comparison to her face. Massive mitts! Head looks too small for the neck/body. Hmmmmm.


not to mention those thunder thighs.

that wo-person is one ungraceful, non-chic, galloping waterbuffalo of a…a…wo-person.

she doesn’t know what she is…all she can do is smirk and cackle her way along bc everything she does & says is utter bullshit.

what a complete moron.


Vogue used to have some standards. The quality of that photo is shockingly poor. It’s not even clear. Sketchy story coming from her camp as well.

Steve in Lewes

‘her face’ ..forget that face…..what about that commie smell!
‘Ooh, That Smell, can’t you Smell that Smell’


they hailed her as a black woman…the lighting might be bad–but she doesn’t look it…AND pink sheets behind her? that tells of her reputation and how she got it…LOL…the outfit is HER choosing…she didn’t think they would choose that photo, but WHY choose an outfit like that for a photo shoot at all? she brought a blue suit too I believe…


>> “she doesn’t look it” <<

Indian and Jamaican combo.

Her father disowned her, IIRC from “news” …

Concerned Virginian

It appears to me that Vogue intentionally photoshopped KamaHarr’s NOSE to make it look more like a more “typical” African-American one.


Folks have had a lot to say about the symbolism of her standing on pink satin sheets.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Gail Combs

GEE, Shouldn’t it be showing her KNEELING? since that was the key to her rise in politics?


so glad you went there…


  :wpds_wink:   :wpds_wink:   :wpds_wink:   :wpds_wink:   :wpds_wink:   :wpds_wink: 



Wasn’t that who deplatformed 8chan?

The reason I ask is because I was trying to do a search for someone on Gab…and it momentarily glitched out, with a sort of error message…
And this was in the error message:

“Powered by Cloudflare.”

Gab is definitely having growing pains right now, with the FLOOD of people flocking there now.
Be patient with it.


There are shills who post some really bad racist stuff…and it’s bad.
They also post anti-semitic and pro-hitler stuff…it’s also really bad.

It doesn’t get deleted.
At least, not from what I’ve seen.

So Gab is truly a Free Speech free-for-all.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

>> “Wasn’t that who deplatformed 8chan?” <<

AFAIK, Wheatie – yes!

>> “a Free Speech free-for-all” <<

Almost a redundant phrase … but GOOD!

All lawful speech … all lawful votes.


Heheh…well I was just trying to prepare people for seeing some of that really bad stuff.

The shills do it to make Gab look bad.
So that the enemedia nozzles can point to that stuff and declare that Gab is “a racist, white supremist site”.



Introduce Antifa thugs to a Patriot rally, to smear the entire 500K, then let corrupt media and corrupt politicians run with it.

Introduce shill thugs to a social media platform (whether 4ch, 8ch, 8kun, or Gab [the list goes on]), then let snApple, see-eye-A-mazon, et al., use the bot-infiltration as “justification” to de-list / de-platform them.

I’m led to believe that Trotsky (1920’s?) coined the term “racist” as a smear against those opposing the “narrative” of the Bolsheviks.

Same playbook, different year …

Gail Combs

IIRC Gab said they were getting stormed by bots posting nasty stuff and they were doing their best to take the stuff down. They asked people to report it. With all the incoming people expect them to have a bit of a problem vetting people at this time.


Right Clicked and brought up page source to a Gab page and found this near bottom of page so assumes your right. Cloudfare and yes we remember they are the ones that shut 8 Chan down after Texas Walmart.

DDoS protection by <a rel=”noopener noreferrer” href=”” target=”_blank”>Cloudflare</a>

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Thanks, Para.

I hope this doesn’t make Gab vulnerable to the whims of Cloudflare, like 8chan was.


Gab is at risk of a Cloudflare shutdown.

Even at that though CodeMonkey Ron is using Gab.



[…] BakoCarl’s open on Wolfie’s is a great companion to this open […]


Good Grace Churches – Part 2 | LIVE Service from First Baptist Dallas


Mark Levin Show / Parler…


Robert Patrick Lewis (@RobertPLewis) Tweeted:
For some backstory…

China got the contract to build the fiber / internet network in Pakistan.

Word is they masked their IP as being from Islamabad to try to frame the ISI for hacking our election.

We’ve seen other ISI connections but not sure if those were China too.


Has anybody joined Social Galactic, a Vox Day “Twitter” site? It is 10 dollars a month.

TBH I am wary about many sites, but one run by Vox would be as reliable as could be expected, I think.


Haven’t heard of that one, Tona…so, no, haven’t joined.

I thought Vox was a leftist site.


So did I.


it is.


Dragons and dragonflies.


Vox Popoli run by Vox Day. I highly recommend his site. He is not everybody’s cup of tea, but definitely worth reading daily.

He has been stating for years that non-leftists have to 100% remove themselves from leftist associations (including their allies like Walmart) and creating their own services, online and elsewhere.

I believe Social Galactic is his platform to replace twitter.


So their “Vox Day” / “Vox Populi” ISN’T our “Vox”?

Good to know … TY!


Here is the Vox I am talking about:

Our guy is a DOER not a babbler. He has created strong, independent platforms including comic books and games, and he loves Trump.

Gail Combs

Since Twatter is antagonistic to TRUTH I saved this off line and I am posing it here:

Mike Yoder
BREAKING: Video of Supreme Court of Italy legal counsel testifying under oath about interference in 2020 election Transcript below
/ (1/6)

Direct quote: “Under distraction and direction of U.S. persons working from U.S. embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the U.S. election from 3 Nov. 2020 from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden . . .(2/6)

. . . in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. Defendant states that he was working in [inaudible] facility of Leonardo spa and utilized military grade cyber warfare encryption capabilities to transmit and switch votes via military satellite . . . (3/6)

. . . from [inaudible] tower to Frankfurt, Germany. The Defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voter [inaudible]. The Defendant states that he is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in . . . (4/6)

the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, where he shall be in total protection from himself and his family. Defendant states he is secured in an undisclosed location. The makeup of the original data and data switched, upon instruction, to provide as . . . (5/6)

. . . evidence in court in this matter. I hereby declare and swear the above stated facts have been stated in my presence.” 



8 minutes ago ·
@ linwood

A great deal of evidence deals with pedophilia & child sex trafficking. Laws prohibit it from being transmitted online. So the evidence can only be brought to light in court.

You will also be shown evidence at the proper time and through proper channels about the conclusive evidence of election fraud & acts of treason by many against our country.

Perhaps most shocking will be the masterful actions of President Trump in ridding our country of debtor-state status. Our financial system is a paper fraud. Time for bankruptcy & a fresh start. Just think – no income taxes!

Good time to own gold, silver, land, etc. Real assets v. paper.

It is 1776 again. Stay tuned.


36 minutes ago ·
@ linwood
Over the next 10-14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials & wealthy elite.

Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the worldwide pandemic.

Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more.

I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive.

This truly is the battle between good & evil.


Trump is no stranger to bankruptcy as a successful business strategy. Not meant in a derogatory way, but as a clue to where things are headed.


That’s true, Holley.

It depends on how the bankruptcy is done, though.

Wilbur Ross talked about the time that PDJT had to file for bankruptcy…when Ross was one of his big lenders.

Ross said that Trump paid him back, every penny, when he didn’t really have to.
They became good friends after that.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

Nice! I didn’t know that.

Gail Combs


Wilbur Ross, as a private individual was loaning him HIS WEALTH. aka CONSIDERATION


2007 (just before the collapse)

Don’t believe banks create the money they lend? Neither did the jury in a landmark Minnesota case, until they heard the evidence. First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly (1969) was a courtroom drama worthy of a movie script.3 Defendant Jerome Daly opposed the bank’s foreclosure on his $14,000 home mortgage loan on the ground that there was no consideration for the loan. “Consideration” (“the thing exchanged”) is an essential element of a contract. Daly, an attorney representing himself, argued that the bank had put up no real money for his loan. The courtroom proceedings were recorded by Associate Justice Bill Drexler, whose chief role, he said, was to keep order in a highly charged courtroom where the attorneys were threatening a fist fight. Drexler hadn’t given much credence to the theory of the defense, until Mr. Morgan, the bank’s president, took the stand. To everyone’s surprise, Morgan admitted that the bank routinely created money “out of thin air” for its loans, and that this was standard banking practice. “It sounds like fraud to me,” intoned Presiding Justice Martin Mahoney amid nods from the jurors. In his court memorandum, Justice Mahoney stated:

Plaintiff admitted that it, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, . . . did create the entire $14,000.00 in money and credit upon its own books by bookkeeping entry. That this was the consideration used to support the Note dated May 8, 1964 and the Mortgage of the same date. The money and credit first came into existence when they created it. Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law or Statute existed which gave him the right to do this. A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note.

The court rejected the bank’s claim for foreclosure, and the defendant kept his house. To Daly, the implications were enormous. If bankers were indeed extending credit without consideration – without backing their loans with money they actually had in their vaults and were entitled to lend – a decision declaring their loans void could topple the power base of the world. He wrote in a local news article:

This decision, which is legally sound, has the effect of declaring all private mortgages on real and personal property, and all U.S. and State bonds held by the Federal Reserve, National and State banks to be null and void. This amounts to an emancipation of this Nation from personal, national and state debt purportedly owed to this banking system. Every American owes it to himself . . . to study this decision very carefully . . . for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery.

Needless to say, however, the decision failed to change prevailing practice, although it was never overruled. It was heard in a Justice of the Peace Court, an autonomous court system dating back to those frontier days when defendants had trouble traveling to big cities to respond to summonses. In that system (which has now been phased out), judges and courts were pretty much on their own. Justice Mahoney, who was not dependent on campaign financing or hamstrung by precedent, went so far as to threaten to prosecute and expose the bank. He died less than six months after the trial, in a mysterious accident that appeared to involve poisoning.4 Since that time, a number of defendants have attempted to avoid loan defaults using the defense Daly raised; but they have met with only limited success. As one judge said off the record:

If I let you do that – you and everyone else – it would bring the whole system down. . . . I cannot let you go behind the bar of the bank. . . . We are not going behind that curtain!5



Wow, Gail. I didn’t know about that case. But it sure brings the truth of what the banks have gotten away with forever to light.

I’m sure this post by Lin Wood is sending shock waves throughout the banking elite. They should know by now that Lin Wood is not shooting off the cuff. He may look crazy to some, but he’s landing blows on cabal targets everywhere.


 Our financial system is a paper fraud.

And that would explain why all the big financial firms are against Trump and Forbes is blacklisting anyone associated with his administration.

They’ve been setting up new offices in China, international stocks are being recommended as a “best investment”.

Wow!! If Lin is correct this really is going to be biblical!


Post Author Profile Pic
1 hour ago
Over the next 10-14 days, you will learn shocking information about many of our government officials & wealthy elite.

Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the worldwide pandemic.

Revelations will relate to Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chief Justice John Roberts, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, and thousands more.

I have seen the evidence. It is conclusive.

This truly is the battle between good & evil.


Hope beyond hope that he is totally right and not just blowing smoke out of his nether end.

We have heard years of promises of Ø, H> et al are about to finally get their just desserts – that I’ve gotten rather cynical.


comment image


lookin serious…!

Gail Combs

Two more millitary copters just went by headed to DC.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Who is behind this?

Can we be sure it’s Trump rather than some damn Obola embed in the Pentagon?


Did not Obama say they are going to drag POTUS out of the WH with the Seal Team?
I thought that was arrogant and divisive for an ex President to spout off like that?.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s only arrogant and divisive if it’s a Republican saying it. Or something much milder.


True 🙂


Wth??? I haven’t been much online? Did he really say that? That is unbelievable.


I heard it couple of weeks ago on some show when I scanned YouTube.


More likely Obama will be DRUG by Seals from his Hawaiian hole.


“I thought that was arrogant and divisive for an ex President to spout off like that?”


After Treason, narcissism and 2Lb. barbell weight lifting, arrogant and divisive are what the Kenyan does best. 👍


Extra points for “2 lb.,” LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Doesn’t matter to Josey Wales Wolf Moon. They arrest Hillary, it’s on. They arrest Trump, it’s on.

Freedom shall be restored. Buckle up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True. What I’m trying to say here is this isn’t necessarily news that our victory is imminent.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m prepared for a long, hard fight.


Right… nothing “imminent” about it… even after he is in his 2nd term it will be ongoing…

The Cabal has existed for eons, not decades… this is not their first Rodeo either… they have … well, research.

Gail Combs

Hopefully those who asked POTUS to run have traced the lines up to our REAL MASTERS.

comment image

Nov 11 2017 23:29:58 (EST)

Why were the events in SA extraordinary?

Who was arrested?

What will bank records provide?

List names, family history, investment/ownership stakes, and point-to-point contacts.

EX: Alwaleed HUMA BO Citigroup US Control

Why is this relevant?

House of Saud.

House of Saud US Control

Follow the money.

What power shift recently occurred?

Was a new King appointed?


Dark to LIGHT.

Why is this relevant?

One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history).

Other sides falling.






Mar 10 2018916
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No.613229 comment image
Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 436341 No.613193 comment image

Mar 10 2018 13:02:22 (EST)


comment image

comment image


What about Awan.

Is Israel involved?

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


Amen Gail.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

That is why they have ‘Puppets on Thrones’

They do not give a rat’s butt if the puppets get hung or shot or…


Years ago BO purged the Pentagon, and SJW propaganda has been fed the troops non-stop. Have the communists concluded they have achieved control of the military?


They may have some of the generals, but they do not have the rank and file.


Someone like FG&C would probably have a good handle on where the military (the effective part) stand on this. Would love to hear someone’s informed take on the question.

Gail Combs

Do not forget that one of the first things POTUS did was CHANGE THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. That meant our soldiers did not have to wait for the enemy to fire on them, and then ask Oh!Bummer pretty please my I defend myself?

Second according to Wictor the configuration of units was completely change so they now have a variety of different skills/weapons in each group making them much more efficient. Again they do not have to ASK for the help they need, they already have it within the group.

Third he is pulling their butts out of OTHER PEOPLES useless wars and actually getting permanent peace.

FOURTH he got the AMMO and NEW EQUIPMENT. Remember having to raid museums for parts?

LAST he changed the VA so it actually HELPS veterans instead of killing them.

SO yeah, the rank and file are VERY HAPPY with POTUS.


Don’t forget the PAY raises either…wink.


“Do not forget that one of the first things POTUS did was CHANGE THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. That meant our soldiers did not have to wait for the enemy to fire on them, and then ask Oh!Bummer pretty please my I defend myself?”


Two things about that.

1) anyone who gives an order that you have to be shot before you can engage should be required by law to be a human shield for the soldiers

2) any such order should be unlawful, so the troops can disregard it

People sign up to defend and protect our country.

Not to be murdered for it, thanks to some traitor back in D.C. who is selling us out to Chyna.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I loved reading that!


If one would have taken the time to NOTICE, Trump did a PURGE of the ROGUE generals like McMaster, Mattis, etc. Esper too.


rex, I don’t see anyone here mentioning the installation of Miller at DoD, and the detachment of Special Forces from Branch control.
Special Forces now report to head of DoD, NOT, the Army, Navy, and Marine Corp Officers.
That was the key point of Miller’s address. That and the introduction of Ezra Cohen-Watnick.
WHY the concern for obama related generals?


Steve hinted the current military buildup in DC could NOT be via Trump, but a rogue general. I disagree.


rex…I just do not see that. happy to hear you don’t either.


It is an unknown as you would not really know until action happens. In any military operation of this type, essentially going against the gubmint you need to account for all of the forces.

It would be a poor assumption that the black hats do not have any military support in the Pentagon. Whether troops respond to orders is a different matter

Gail Combs

 Whether troops respond to orders is a different matter”

My Ex had an OCS instructor at Ft Hood who had been shot in the back by his own troops. Sent him home, patched him up, sent him back to ‘Nam and he got shot in the back a second time….

I got the feeling the Troops REALLY did not like that officer.  😂 


Some officers are just plain abusive power hungry dicks. Probably not a good idea when your troops are armed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, I said something slightly different than it couldn’t be a Trump general.

I said it was possible that some actions we see will actually be rogues acting on behalf of the enemy. Not that it was a certainty.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Who knows?

They certainly have the loyalties of some.


Truly heart-breaking to say, but now is the best time either way it happens.


Thinking more about this, maybe this is exactly the “who goes first” dilemma inherent to the situation. Just occurred to me that others on this site have alluded to the problem, and it finally registered with me what they had in mind. Wow, wow, wow: the significance is potentially huge, and could determine the course of what is going to happen anyway.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Shoplifter must exit store. Pence had the right to say “open your bag, please”, but better to let them walk out. And every time somebody called it a steal, openly, was fair warning.


Additionally, who arrests whom first?

BTW, a shop-lifter absolutely does NOT have to exit the store. Behavior consonant with stealing is sufficient. That is the law, I am guessing, in every American jurisdiction. Passing the exit merely strengthens the case, but when you think about the process of stealing, passing the exit is not required. Putting the steaks down your pants is enough.

I understand why people cite certification or inauguration as necessary to prove election theft and related sedition, but they are wrong. Those actions are necessary for political reasons, not legal reasons. In the circumstances we are discussing, they are necessary for historical reasons, and their historical necessity (in retrospect) is so prudent and wise, legality is not such a much.

But whether the DS arrests Trump first or Trump arrests the DS first is a critical consideration in how this will unfold. The same reason why aggressive countries want peaceful countries to attack first, and bait them to do so. It is part of the evil condition of men.

Our President may be forced to arrest them first. But a huge number of Americans will be psychologically affected if our President is arrested first. That may be “necessary” to forestall justice, but will the DS take the chance? That question was in the air when you went to Washington, and IMO why you were there.


They were warned repeatedly and given chances to turn around. Instead, they doubled down. Their choice.


That is part of the game being played, and “game” is not meant negatively.

Both sides are calculating, how will this look in retrospect?

The answer to that is critical, and IMO gives me great hope, because our case is stronger, and it means there are enough people who will take the answer seriously.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And I was NOT being didactic about the legal requirements of stealing. What I said applies in every respect, legally, as the election theft. I realize that was what you were saying, but wanted to add this for those who thought I was talking about petit larceny, which is larceny just the same.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Ok, I am a simple girl. Break it to me gently, please.

Are we talking about some kind of Mexican standoff here, with each side timing when to arrest the other?

I am gonna lose my shit if they arrest the President. Seriously. I have had about all I can take.

Should I really be prepared for that? Because I don’t even believe he is IN Washington, DC. I think he left on the afternoon of January 6.


Yes, IMO one of the underlying considerations on both sides is who arrests whom first.

With 9 days until the President leaves office, why are the traitors trying so hard to get Trump out of office before then?

And why has their Fake News narrative for months now included dark warnings about Trump refusing the leave office, and the necessity to remove him from office bodily?

IMO that probably means that they gamed out their election theft, including Trump’s response. And Trump’s response would be NOT to meekly accept the blatant fraud, but to fight. Fighting includes arrests of the CCP traitors.

So the CCP and their American allies have fabricated grounds for arresting Trump, taking away his authority to place them under arrest militarily.

The problem for both sides is the question of not seeming to be doing forbidden third world “politics” where arresting the opposition is standard practice. It is a “hearts and mind” question.

Trump’s 80 million supporters make it impossible for the CCP and their allies to just exercise their corrupt power, opinion be damned. They need a pretext, and have been fabricating it for the millions of weak-minded who will believe any bad thing about Trump, as well as for comrades who need cover.

But our President also needs to be careful in deciding who gets arrested, and when. And this includes consideration of using his own arrest or attempted arrest as a “hearts and minds” factor.

Whoever goes first will be seen in a certain way, and whoever is arrested will be seen in a certain way.

So timing is essential on both sides, and both sides are playing chicken. January 20 is the last moment for the game, as many others have observed.


Thank you.

I am not cut out for that type of game. I understand the need for the game, but I don’t have the patience for it.

If I were Trump, I would pull the trigger, take the country, and let the patriots sort it out with the military across the states. If he has to rule by military force for four years, correct the voting system to make it fair, hold a new election and then walk away, so be it. America can withstand a four-year faux “dictatorship.” It CANNOT withstand a fraudulent presidency.

But I’m out here in the hinterlands, so maybe I know a couple of things about the people out here that the powers that be don’t know.

I spent some time with a few interesting people yesterday, including one in law enforcement. If Trump, the Deep State, or anyone in Washington thinks that they are going to just tell the patriots in this country “this is how it is” they’ve got another think coming.

I am told that the national militias, of which there are several, have delivered ultimatums. I am also told something is about to break. Three days, I was told yesterday. The militia “deadline” is January 16. Maybe THAT will be the catalyst for Trump. Who knows?

What I know is, we had all better be ready, because this is going to be really ugly.


I agree 100% I hope Trump just does what is necessary, now.

Almost everyone I know wants Trump to reject the CCP fraud. My wife and I are shocked and pleasantly surprised at the number of people we meet who 1) understand this was a CCP operation in conjunction with their American allies, and 2) Trump needs to do what he needs to do.

I hope there are organizations of sharp, determined Americans who are planning to resist.


And could just be Guard on a weekend drill. Way too much speculation flying about, un-named sources etc. At this point all we can do is wait and “see” what happens. Because who knows what to trust in what we are reading and hearing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I’m guessing in the fullness of time, 50-80 percent of the specific speculations engaged here will turn out to be bullshit (though the very broad outlines will pan out).


I am still not convinced Trump takes any action. But, based on the social media stuff, impeachment talks etc, I am leaning more on, do it.


It counts for nothing because it is anecdotal, but in RL (mine) folks are sanguine about the possibilities of do it.


The repercussions are huge so not any easy call. Especially if things go side ways.


Hard to get any more sideways than we are right now…


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You lack imagination.


…hahaha.. but then you become like them. We need to be smarter than that.👊👊

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Scott was thinking things couldn’t get any more sideways than they are now. How does thinking this situation will get worse before it gets better make one like “them”?


Sorry, in reading it again, my meaning is not clear. I meant that while it is very very tempting to respond to those who make our lives and our countries go sideways, by reacting to them with a similar measure or more of the same practises that they use, would make us less than them….. b/c we know better and God has promised us that if we turn from our wicked ways and stop and pray and seek His face that He will hear our prayers and will heal our lands. That way of reacting goes against my natural desire.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, I think I gotcha now.


I think I lost my reply but it said that my comment was applied to my reacting to those whose position I strongly disagree and I need to be better with a helpful reaction rather than to just punch him in the throat.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But what if the most helpful thing to do IS to punch him in the throat? 😀 😀


…. helpful to whom?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The world.


…. I guess a better question would be, Who says so, and how do you know?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The world. But really, it was a question asked in jest.


of course.

Gail Combs

I am still not convinced Trump takes any action. “


Then President Trump AND his entire family ARE AS DEAD AS THE ROMANOVS, the last head of state to DEFY the CABALS PLANS FOR THE USA.

(That chapter of history has been pretty much scrubbed from the internet.)

Here is a bit of it


I am sure he is well aware. The repercussions for the Trump family are huge, whatever way things go.


“The repercussions for the Trump family are huge, whatever way things go.”


Yes, positive or negative.

I think he will choose positive. 😁👍

Gail Combs

He did not go into this without a plan.


Impeachment will never get through the Senate. IMO. If nothing else, Senate has adjourned as I understand it.


Yes. Even Mitch said no sooner then the 19th to even start. So not happening.


No one is to be trusted who has not already proven that they are trustworthy by already putting at risk everything for Trump. No more false promises, no more polital correctness, no more feelings amking it right, no more strategies ……. just do it. That means about 3% can be trusted in the Senate and Congress.

Maybe Mark Twain was smarter than people gave him credit;
“Politicians, like diapers need to be changed frequently, for the same reason”


Miller announced days ago that he had ordered 6,000 NG into DC area.


And for those waiting on any action, it would
definitely not be done by NG troops.


I believe he called them up for protection of the D.C. area… isn’t that the purpose of the NG? To protect the Country?

There’s an EO or a Memorandum from POTUS that clearly puts the NG under the Military… You can find it here


NG are weekend warriors. They are mainly to support their State in dealing with local emergencies. They will most likely be providing a presence and I believe the Mayor required them to be unarmed.

These are not elite troops by any stretch.

Gail Combs

“…I believe the Mayor required them to be unarmed…..”

The mayor is NOT in control of DC NG POTUS is.


Be more than happy to entertain any pics of armed NG in DC. The only video I have seen so far confirms unarmed. Including unarmed vehicles.


This Pope you speak of… he sounds like a very, very bad man. 😁


“The Pope is involved with Leonardo that switched the votes from Trump.”


That’s gonna be a tough one to explain in the Confessional booth. 👍


scott, for what it’s worth, the Simon guy posted here off and on stated certain of the Italian Government’s satellites are leased to the Vatican.


Hmm… that must be authorized in the Book of Satellitecon maybe?

I mean, at some point, the absurdity of it all is going to hit people. I just watched the Simon Parkes video posted above (or below?), and they’re talking about how members of the RCC won’t be able to handle the truth, so they’re trying to arrange away to hid the truth from faithful Roman Catholics.

It’s just jaw-dropping, the disrespect being shown to members of the RCC by officials IN the RCC.

If the RCC is guilty of heinous crimes (I don’t know if they are or they aren’t), then let the truth SET PEOPLE FREE, don’t cover it up.

The cover up only makes everything worse, but the people in positions of power can NEVER learn that lesson, because the truth is going to mean their own butts are going to be in the sling.

Roman Catholics can handle the truth, whatever it turns out to be.

People in positions of power and authority should have enough respect for them to treat them like the adults they are.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

scott…I agree w you ab divulging the truth. The general idea that “the people” cannot handle reality is just a kind of elitist assumption…It bothers me when I see it coming from “our side”.


“The Vatican bank bankrolls Black OPs.”


Money, given by the faithful, to the church, who took that money and used it to hire men to commit kidnappings and murders and who knows what else…

I’m breathless with anticipation for the Scripture to support that move…


Gail Combs

It was well known in Boston that Catholic money was going to buy bullets for the Irish rebels.

Deplorable Patriot

I think it’s more like the Vatican Bank launders dirty money.

It’s a pass through.


rf121, maybe Special Forces are imbedded?
wouldn’t be the first time…and it may account for what seems an excessive number of troops.


The SF types would operate at night and solo. The NG is a show of a presence and having them unarmed actually helps. Make the lefties feel protected.


UMM NO, there have been TONS of troop movements and base ramp ups, this was NO NG “exercise” There are ALSO a TON of tractor trailer sized generators deployed throughout the Capitol. They are NOT there for Biden’s “inauguration”



POTUS is still the Commander in Chief…


And elsewhere here we have seen reports that he has signed the Insurrection Act. So there are all kinds of possibilities with this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That doesn’t mean there aren’t rogues.


Good grief Steve… why don’t we just slit our wrists and give up on any chance this Republic will be saved.


“Good grief Steve… why don’t we just slit our wrists and give up on any chance this Republic will be saved.”


Whoa… hold on a second… not my wrists!

I’m the one who knows DJT already won, we’re just waiting for the grand finale.

Hang in there a little longer.

As my old friend Bob Marley used to say,
Every little thing,
Is gonna be all right 👍 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Um. no. I am NOT saying there’s no chance. Just that this right now might not be friendly action.

No one said this would be easy and we’d be the only ones landing blows.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m picking up all kinds of heat. Both sides.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have no idea what you mean by this. Are you getting info indicating it could be either?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can’t say exactly what is happening without possible risk to good people. Something is up. I don’t know what it is. But I have spotted activity by “both sides”.

I can say this. My wife acted on her 6th sense today (neural net logic) to hide Trump affiliation. She does not understand Sun Tzu or how Antifa type orgs act on weakness, not strength, so I had to explain the somewhat reverse logic. But I think her action is like a fuzzy detection. Something is in the air.

Dems need social media to maintain a party line to their base. We are a source of contradiction. That’s why all this. China is holding to preserve its gains, hunkering down.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, one of my guesses as to what you meant was right.

A lot of people here are assuming that because we’re seeing troops move around, that that is necessarily Trump in motion. I disagree with that; no doubt there are still embeds in the military even if Trump got all the generals.

A battalion in the right place at the right time could be decisive, and those are generally commanded by majors or lieutenant colonels. The other side knows this, the other side is surely making preparations. This will NOT be a cakewalk.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Of all the people the FIRST.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He clearly has a working intelligence agency that reports TRUTH and not politics.

He knows what’s coming.




This is his THIRD (at least) announcement of support for POTUS


Someone KNOWS something, like Trump will STILL be there. USMCA taught AMLO a lesson.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

His “good” sources on Trump’s USMCA strategy must have a solid line on what is coming. Or POTUS talked to him.






I love this song. I tweeted it out to Killary once. 😁


once is not enough

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Mike Lindell
1 hour ago
There is still hope!
Listen below-

An Exclusive Interview With Mike Lindell – There Is Still Hope after Jan. 6 2021
On Jan. 6, 2021, a multitude of patriots peacefully marched on the Capitol Building in Washington DC in an effort to show their support of President Trump & encourage the joint session of Senate &…


This is a little different than what he parleyed on a plane yesterday…


The uniparty never sleeps. Some “moderate” GOP do not even realize they are Uniparty or used by the uniparty or useful to the uniparty.

this is the exec order by Lee that we in TN are dealing with when trying to meet as a party

Public social gatherings, events limited
The 10-person limit applies primarily to indoor, public events and reinstitutes a restriction that was lifted this spring.

The order states that no more than 10 people can be at an indoor, public place for the purpose of social gatherings, activities or events — but with a caveat. 

More than 10 people can be in an indoor, public place if they are “in separate, otherwise permissible smaller groups that substantially maintain six (6) feet or more of separation from other persons or separate groups,” the order states.

It was not immediately clear how many people “permissible smaller groups” could include.
The order also excludes worship services, weddings, funerals and events related to them from the 10-person limit. It also does not apply to events in homes or on private property.”

Some among leadership want to follow this for public safety, personal responsibility and care/concern for those who would attend an event that goes against these guidelines.

Some among leadership want to follow this because Gov Lee is a Republican and to go against would be to undermine fellow Republicans, then going on to quote Reagan/circular firing squad, etc.

Some among leadership want to follow this because we are supposed to be the party of law/order and what kind of example does it set if we flout the law?

Many others are ignoring it 100% because of all the reasons those here can list and we need to meet more now than ever.

and the voting base is demanding we meet and attacking when we don’t and yet not showing up to actually support those who are MAGA conservatives in leadership.

A number of TN GOP county party leaders have/are planning to quit. And what does that do? Gives uniparty/”moderates” opportunities to fill seats of leadership which will then impact votes on election board appointments, whether or not counties have partisan primaries, who the next GOP elected officers will be in the party elections to be held in the next 2-3 months, etc.

The hole left by MAGA conservatives leaving the party will be filled by moderates and only make the party more moderate/uniparty … worse! And those fighting for MAGA within the party will have less support and less impact.

Will a 3rd party succeed? IDK … but not immediately. Unless Trump leads it … and even then consider the Bull Moose Party with the incredibly popular TR which had GOP moderate Taft defeated and ushered in Wilson, the FED, income tax, etc. Worth it? Maybe, maybe no.

MAGA conservatives should REDOUBLE their efforts within the GOP and win more now than ever as MAGA GOP Leadership should have outstanding support right now within the party while people are upset with moderates/uniparty/leadership. This Change should not be forfeiting the party to the uniparty but to overthrowing the uniparty within the GOP. Instead we are lead away, divided, weakened.

I am living it and am discouraged at the loss of those who are MAGA conservatives … enough to defeat MAGA within the GOP but not enough to defeat the Dems & the GOP at the polls, not enough for a 3rd party to win. Unless Trump … but until Trump please consider supporting MAGA party leadership and aspiring leaders, getting involved in the county GOP if you already aren’t, and redoubling your efforts if you already are involved.

Be motivated to do more to win the for MAGA GOP, not less. Don’t surrender, split, spread out, divide … please.

PS: not written to any particular frequent poster here. I can promise that the upset “you” is not the “you” to whom I am writting. If the shoe fits response – I don’t know you so a coincidence. If asking people to remain motivated, double their efforts for MAGA within the GOP triggers an emotional resopnse that is on you. Calling me names, reflection on you, not me or my post and unproductive to MAGA + ignored by me/no effect.

PS2: if you have helpful advice for those us working hard within the party to MAGA or discussion, I welcome that.

PS3: when reading the exec order, appalling at how much power and how many rights are handed over to our state gov, regardless of who that gov is and what he/she does with that power

Gail Combs


YOU TELL THE GOPe you have changed.

AS AN INDEPENDENT/TEA PARTY you can ferret out NEW Candidates.

And then when POTUS leads you are ready to move. but it is TIME TO PUT A BIG F..KING SCARE into the LOCAL GOPe!!!


America’s Ruling Class:

And the perils of revolution.

July 2010

…our political divisions are the iceberg’s tip. When pollsters ask the American people whether they are likely to vote Republican or Democrat in the next presidential election, Republicans win growing pluralities. But whenever pollsters add the preferences “undecided,” “none of the above,” or “tea party,” these win handily, the Democrats come in second, and the Republicans trail far behind. That is because while most of the voters who call themselves Democrats say that Democratic officials represent them well, only a fourth of the voters who identify themselves as Republicans tell pollsters that Republican officeholders represent them well. Hence officeholders, Democrats and Republicans, gladden the hearts of some one-third of the electorate — most Democratic voters, plus a few Republicans. This means that Democratic politicians are the ruling class’s prime legitimate representatives and that because Republican politicians are supported by only a fourth of their voters while the rest vote for them reluctantly, most are aspirants for a junior role in the ruling class. In short, the ruling class has a party, the Democrats. But some two-thirds of Americans — a few Democratic voters, most Republican voters, and all independents — lack a vehicle in electoral politics.

𝗦𝗼𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿, 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗿 𝗯𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆, 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗷𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆’𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱.


Unlike NC (and other states) TN does not have party registration. We have open primaries and we do not declare a party on our voter registration.

This is yet Another issue that Will Not change if we do not have MAGA voters in the base as the uniparty wants to keep the primaries open.

MANY dems cross over in the primaries in counties across TN to select their preferred GOP primary candidate which dilutes MAGA/true conservative votes for MAGA/True conservative GOP candidates.

Quitting the GOP county parties only leaves those uniparty in charge who will not change things that are to their advantage such as open primaries.

Open primaries are one of my top 5 issues. Candidates for the state legislature need to be asked about this specific issue and have them committ during the primaries to changing or at least make it an issue in the general elections.

The voting Dems and “moderates” out number the conservatives in some districts.

Quitting the RNC, the state parties scares the national GOP. Quiting the county parties and voting independent candidates Delights the GOPe, the exact opposite of scaring them.

the GOP primary won’t have MAGA/TEA party votes and the GOPe candidate will skate to victory.

Then their candidates will win and in the general either the MAGA/TEA party vote will be split between the new party/independent & the GOPe candidates who won the GOP primary due to a lack of MAGA voters will win or the Dem will win due to a split vote … and either way the Uniparty wins.

Winning in the county party elections and then winning in the GOP primaries … that is what the GOPe fears because only then is the GOP not Uniparty.


The open primary is used in WA state, which then moved to only the top two winners of the primary advancing to the final elections. That move along with fraudulent election processes helped turn the state into primarily a one party state.


Same in CA. The Primary is always packed with about 20 candidates (the splitter strategy), so that no one is clear who the strongest R candidate is. So the top two are always name recognized D’s. The final election is always between the 2 D’s.


This last primary for the Gov was interesting though. GOPe had 2 candidates that were both of the same stripe, but the 2nd place winner, a Trump supporter got more votes than the 2 GOPe guys combined did. I’m wondering if Culp didn’t actually win in the final election. People that had Culp signs out STILL have them out.


In Washington state, right?

I have been skeptical of the security of the vote in Washington for some time (and should have been skeptical of all states!) due to the voting processes of voting by mail and mailing out ballots to all.


Yes, WA. I did some research and posted about it a while ago. It looks like WA was the test case for a lot of the voting fraud being implemented.

The last 3 Sec. of State were all from the same county, started in that county and moved up to state level and all were GOP.

WA historically had both R and D governors, but has been D since 1985.

When Gregoire was elected G in 2005, the fraud was horrendous, votes were being found in all the usual places, car trunks, closets, under stairs, you name it, until she “won”.

That fraud was used as a pretext to start implementing vote by mail, as an “option” for counties.

Now they have it wrapped up so tight that no one can even ask about how things are done, it’s all counted by machines, nobody knows if they’re hooked up to the internet. Since the SOS is consistently a GOPe, it gives the illusion of integrity.


jam…I’m in WA, and you did a superb job of outlining exactly what happened.
I concluded, after the Gregoire/Rossi fiasco, that yes, we were indeed a trial balloon.




I’m sure the R probably won. They have been cheating for a long time. It’s just easier for them to cheat when there are numerous other candidates, because they can claim, “Oh, it’s just that all the other candidates split up all the other votes.”. When there was a real primary, there was always two final candidates, one R and one D. The R usually won here in CA. We are still a red state. There has just been too much fraud!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

An open primary means a party is not allowed to pick its own candidates.

I would favor their elimination, but here is the stick: The parties should have to bear the cost of their selection process. Right now in many states the government subsidizes the primaries.


Exactly what happens here in TN at all levels of our elections and why I am against it and am working to elect those who will address the issue in the legislature. many who are elected don’t want to change it as they benefit from it. Guarding their own interests … ugh!


As we can see from the comments regarding other states with open primaries, this is an important issue … and one that can not be addressed outside of the GOP effectively.

This is but one key isssue. Local elections in 1/3 of TN Counties don’t even have primaries! All are “non partisan” with only 1 election, winner take all, no primary. Again, this is an issue decided by the local county GOP and that can only be addressed by being involved in the local GOP party … not leaving it.

Another issue that is immediate to party elections: appointments to board of elections – HUGELY important. Ask those running for party office who they plan to appoint/nominate.

Party elections – this will impact everything the local county GOP does
–>> including bylaws & this is the year for bylaw changes which can include who runs for office for party officials, who can Vote for party officials, who can run for office as an R, defining a GOP member in good standing, etc.

Leave the GOP at the local level and its abandoned to the GOPe who will remain and merely say Good Riddance to all who leave … no matter how few remain

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m fine, actually with “no parties.”

I’m not fine with “winner take all” in a huge field where some clown can get 16% of the vote and then being elected simply because the non-clowns split the vote.

I’d want to see some variant of instant runoff voting or instant approval voting instituted.


You could ignore all the lawless orders, phone the dirtbag to let him know you’re all meeting in defiance of his lawless orders, meeting to discuss his political future, and if he wants to arrest all of you, violate all of your Constitutional rights, while you meet specifically to discuss his political future, that is going to make a great story, both to the news media and to the judge in the class-action Civil Rights lawsuit that will be brought against him by the Tennessee GOP.

When tyrants oppress, the answer is not to figure out how to color inside the ever-changing new lines.

The answer is to call their bluff and bring everything to a head.

The sooner, the better.

Because until you bring matters to a head, you’re just losing more and more ground. 👍


January 10th Update…Simon Parkes…


Pelosi’s laptop…China…Pakistan..

…and MORE

“…this is not a drill…”

warrants signed


Italian govt

Last edited 4 years ago by smiley2


Cuppa Covfefe

Well, after the love feasts between Merde-Kuh and Øbløwhøle is it any surprise???

Schröder/Trittin (red/green) were our Øbama; Merde-Kuh is our Hill-the-BEAST. Helmut Kohl was chased out of office by a fake scandal (campaign financing, the other favorite of the libs being plagarism on Doctoral theses, a fond favorite of theirs, projection despite (despot?) none or few of the leftards having Doctorates). Them pushing Kohl out was the beginning of the end here. He effectively brought down the wall, but got punished for it, anyway (though I rather expect he was forced into it, knowing what problems would happen afterward)…..

You wouldn’t believe the hue and cry here when the media discovered “Echelon” as a target, so to speak…. and yet the BND (Bundesnachricthendienst, i.e. spooks) has a virus (so-called Bundestrojaner) that infiltrates systems of victims they wish to track… actually illegal by current law, but do TLAs even care?

Gail Combs

ALSO REMEMBER at the beginning of the Covid scare it was reveal there was major infiltration of Chyna into Italy…

China Daily — China and Italy, two ancient cultures linked by the past
By Cesare Romiti (
Updated: 2015-11-18 22:03

China and Italy share a similar background – two ancient cultures, which for centuries have developed a closeness that was initiated with the voyages of Marco Polo and Father Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit priest.

That bond has, in recent years, become stronger, thanks to a ten-year strategic partnership and important events like the visit of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to Italy and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s trip to China last year. The relationship has been strengthened by the arrival in the peninsula of influential official delegations and a steady stream of Chinese visitors to Expo 2015 in Milan, which has seen China among its main participants, with its three official pavilions which are hosting displays from the different Chinese provinces.

This has allowed us to lay a good basis for future trade, investments and growth opportunities for our countries and for their companies. One of the greatest challenges is to develop the interchange between Italy and China.

The business exchanges in the first quarter of the year decreased slightly, but the growth of Chinese direct investments in Italy and Italian investments in China (235 companies with a Chinese participation in Italy, 2000 of Italian subsidiaries in China) remains at significant levels, confirming – if ever it was needed – the great economic opportunities between the two countries.

I discovered this fascinating country many years ago and since then I have realized that China is a reality to be carefully observed, a fresh chance for Europe and especially for Italy…..

So any surprise ITALY is COMPROMISED?

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a HUGE Red Chyyyyyynese community around Milan which has all but taken over the leather industry, basically Chinese sweatshops on Italian soil. This of course is stressing the native Italian handicraft industry, and some (if not many) of the smaller businesses are failing (and some of them, of course, being bought by the Chinese at, erm, pennies on the Lira, so to speak)…

I believe Italy also has signed a (Satanic) Silk and Road agreement with China IIRC…..

Oddly enough, I also seem to remember that the individual countries of Europe are forbidden to execute trade agreements outside of the EU without the explicit blessing and agreement of the European Commission. Now (how timely 😡 ) after seven years of negotiating (seven-year-itch?), the EC/EU have entered into a major agreement with China, probably yet another attempt to stick it to President Trump and the USA…. grrrrrrr…..

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Thank you, Gail. Always edified by your posts.

Deplorable Patriot

Just as a point of clarification, Marco Polo’s travels were in the 13th century. The Jesuits were not founded until the 16th, and the travels were actually missionary in nature.


Insurrection Act signed last night.

(screw Congress)


OK – I see where you got that – from the Simon Parkes video.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Gail Combs

It was in the Simon Parkes presentation. I know of nothing else.
comment image


Went to peruse his site – and he’s a new age gaia believer. At this point, I don’t even bother with salt. I don’t trust anyone. Unless it comes true…it’s fiction.


I checked it out and not what I expected at all after watching his videos.

Gail Combs



There’s no bumper music, no special effects, no props, no hats, not selling anything. Just the information.


I am impressed with his steady, down to Earth presentation, but just looked at other parts of his site and was surprised to find a different kind of background than I would have expected.

Gail Combs

Yes, when I checked I found he was into a lot of ‘woo woo’ type stuff.

He is very much a mixed bag but I like to listen to him. Given the Fake News will not give POTUS a platform, this may be a legit alternative.


I like to listen to him too. What he says accords with my expectations.

His use of the word “source” made a lot more sense to me after I saw his entire site.

After my belief in Jesus, agnosticism (your faith} makes the most sense, even before Buddhism.

We all go with our intuition guided by our faith guided by our reason.

I do not rule out whatsoever that he can figure out the psychological, or spiritual, or emotional troubles others have, and to do something good about it.

Charging 100 pounds an hour to do so does not necessarily make him incredible, but it does raise questions in my mind.

People who raise money by galvanizing an interested audience raise my suspicions, especially when the raise money by coupling their opinions with a fund-raising mechanism.


Flynn as possible VP in new Trump admin…? just a thought…not confirmed.


My thought also Smiley…

esp as he was supposed to be on the ticket FIRST ADMIN




Øbastard, Hillrotten, $0r0s, Brennan and Comey must be arrested!


Do you think he meant Hunter or Joe? Maybe both.


first thought : Joe


Mine too but then he went into the Hunter pedo pictures, so I wasn’t sure.




time will tell


The pope part was interesting. Searching online for recent pictures of him. Very few and some don’t look like him at all.


Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and whoever they post along with are the real deal. You hear that seatbelt clicking sound every time you listen.


This guy seemed a bit too glib for me so I had a look around and found his site have a read at it he sells magic things to ward off 5g charges £100 for a sixty minute cosultation. to my mind looks like a snake oil purveyor, telling us things we want to hear, I may be completely wrong of course.


Apologies if this is already posted. A Canadian friend sent this to me about the blackout…posted on Parler from from ‘E’ aka Ezra Cohen of trump inner team posting anonymously… re back out coming.

Don’t know how my friend knows it is Ezra Cohen, and am just out the door for Mass ( just woke up ….and checked my computer to post this). Will ask later and post how my friend believes it is Ezra Cohen. (My Canadian buddies are rooting for you and President Trump. Said rosaries for his safety and WIN last night)

Here’s the text in case parler is going down:

11 hours ago

My team thinks there is a distinct possibility of a communications blackout of some kind coming.
I am not entirely convinced, but I prefer to err’ on the side of caution. Plan accordingly, and remain calm if it should come to pass. Whatever happens, happens; so maintain course and stay calm either way. We have certainly faced worse than some silence. 🙂

***Parler is likely to be shutdown within 24 hours, so along with the millions of others out there; I suggest joining Gab. You will find me there with the same name and profile picture as here, as well as many many other friends.
Gab is not in play stores, and uses its own servers. Therefore it is, at least in theory, less prone to bow to corporate censorship.
It may be slow as their servers adjust to the weight of millions and millions of new users.
You will find instructions on how to install the app from a browser, further down on my posts. Otherwise Gab (dot) com will take you there.
Thank you,

16 hours ago

They will attempt to use amplified division amongst political bodies to pass laws against “domestic terrorism”, that will, in fact, remove your right to speak out against the State entirely, regardless of political standing.

They did this during 9/11, with the passing of the Patriot Act.

The focus now though, is on solidifying the internal domestic base of control for the intelligence agencies pulling global strings.

This is your last stand.
They have divided you against yourselves, ostracized you, inflamed you, and now paint you as the new targets of a system design to enforce compliance not just for you, but for all future citizens.
Mechanisms of control are born out of chaos, and no opportunity is wasted. Especially not one they have spent years manufacturing.

Eyes Open.


Please don’t take this as criticism. I have found E’s posts convincing sometimes (in past) but I sincerely believe that the consensus of more tech savvy (genuine) Patriots is that this account is not Ezra Cohen Watnik. For myself I came down on that side, that E is fake. Additional factor is that so very little cyber footprint on Cohen Watnik exists. You do what you find best, & reading him is fun in any case. I wouldn’t even post on this except I am sitting out here with this contrary understanding & in this AWFUL Information War I felt I ought to speak fwiw. I can not remember the “sauce” except I do believe one point of this view was Pamphlet Anon, who at all times has been a non-violent & sincere Patriot imo.
In closing, isn’t it just the worst that with ALL going on in US & world & virus & purge &&& that we have to struggle with veracity of info, lying media, fakers & so 0n? SMH


TY It’s good to have as much information as possible from all angles and to be cautious. It’s true that with all the purposeful disinfo from white hats, as well as fake info, and blocking of actual truth, it can be hard to tell what’s what.



Gail Combs

Very much doubt it is EZRA. He is not about to have an online presence.

When we did children’s birthdays the soldiers WOULD NOT ALLOW PHOTOS…

Concerned Virginian

“amplified DIVISION AMONGST political bodies…” from the “E.” post above (emphasis mine)
In my experience, it is unusual for an American writer to use the word “amongst”. Americans most usually use the word “among”. Non-Americans use the word “amongst” — like Britons, other Europeans, etc.
Also, the syntax doesn’t agree — “division” (singular) and “bodies” (plural).
To me, this doesn’t add up to a posting by Mr. Watnick.


I’m an American so used to reading “foreign” English, I go back and forth.
~~among, amongst ~~ while, whilst


I think that in this case, “division” is used as an uncountable noun meaning the division of something, in which case it does not take the final -s. While “division” can also be a countable noun, uncountable, or noncount, nouns do not take a plural.

  [uncountable, singular] the process or result of dividing into separate parts; the process or result of dividing something or sharing it out

(+ examples)

I agree about “amongst.”

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
Going to put this here since my first reply post may have been “eaten” by WP —
Doubt that “E.” is Mr. Watnick.
Something doesn’t add up.
“amongst” is not a word usually used by Americans in writing or in speech. It IS used by the British and other countries.
The “division” and “bodies” syntactical cases don’t match.

Gail Combs

Also Watnick has practiced least in sight up until recently. He is a ‘spook’ and spooks do not have an online presence until retired.

Even when you look at his Defense Dept Bio it is sketchy. It does not mention his working for DOJ


Not taken as criticism. Further light shed on it is most welcomed. …it is difficult to know what’s what…so thank you for pointing this out.


yama, E has as much as said he is not EC-W…One Q&A with him was inundated with the question of who he is…the assumption being he IS EC_W. E said: I am NOT who you think I am.


Who ever “E” is I doubt if he is ECW.
Have been reading his parler for weeks came to the conclusion somebody trying to be like Q
“Acting USD (I&S) and Director of Defense Intelligence
Personal Account. One and only account. Not on Parler.”



Browsers.: yandex – brave – dissenter – vivaldi – tor-browser
Search Engines.: yandex – ecosia – qwant – metager – swisscows – mojeek – searx – yacy
WhatsApp Alternatives.: signal – telegram – jitsi – jami – threema
Emails.: tutanota – – yandex – protonmail
Android Open Source OS.: /e/ – lineageOS – muditaOS – purism
ComputerOS.: linux
Android Apps Store.: f-droid – apkpure – apkmirror – huawei store
YouTube on Android Not Adds.: newpine – sky tube
Off The Grid Communication.: goTenna Mesh – beartooth – HAM radio


Wow – Thanks!


Thanks Henry! Good info! 👍

Copied and pasted it into an email and sent it to myself. 😀

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

I just pulled it onto the desktop!


I keep my desktop as sparse as possible. I have an info. processing deficit, so need to hide it until I need it.





Gail Combs

saved off line.


Another search engine:

Concerned Virginian

Don’t know anymore about
In 2019, Startpage was bought out by System1 through its “Privacy One Group”. These are all part of Surfboard Holdings, a Dutch-owned company.
Startpage pays Google for the results that Startpage shows.
Startpage does have a proxy search option called “Anonymous View”


Thanks for the info. I like anonymous view. It doesn’t always work, but whenever I think it’s none of *their* business if I want to look up a medical question for a relative, I use it.

Last edited 4 years ago by TheseTruths

Many thanks.


AWE inspiring, and it is NOT OVER.


It’s just starting. Literally.


Nope, Prog – not by a long shot!!!


Excellent, and not a long read either. Five stars*****


Wow,looks like some serious things are about to go down.
Most of us who havnt lost our ever lovin minds have a very keen sense of fairness,it’s in our DNA and when we see over and over the deceit and slander and character destruction of a decent and good man we tend to fill with a hard anger towards those doing the harm.we thirst for justice in a land seemingly baron, we hunger for the truth in a land of maybe that day oh Lord we pray. In a land of many many sins we ask for forgiveness and turn back to you in repentance and humility we ask that you extend your hand in mercy and grace towards us ,Amen.






Beautifully put.


You are not mistaken about it being in our DNA. Very deep, in fact.


I sincerely hope they gave the other monkey grapes after the experiment was over. Just watching that was irksome to me.

Gail Combs

A very good video to show to younger children to explain WHY

Each according to their ability
Each according to their needs

aka Communism is DOOMED to always fail.

The True meaning of Thanksgiving is another.

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
(There is a longer version but I can not find it.)


comment image

We love you, President Donald J. Trump..

wherever you and your family are at this moment, we stand by you and with you..

you are America’s hero…and the unsung hero of the entire world.

Thank you, Sir, for all you have done and endured for us and for America…

…and for all you are doing at this very moment and in the days ahead.

GOD Bless you.


well said smiley!


I apologize if this has been posted, but for those who missed it, it is worth looking at. I have zero idea about the veracity or credibility. His blog is very interesting:


It’s been posted but the more times the better. I’ve been posting everything Simon Parkes puts out for awhile now. Real deal.


I went to his blog and liked it. TY for posting the Parkes stuff, Gmom, he makes a lot of sense. I will watch for your posts more carefully.


His straightforward demeanor is stunning. Everything he posts.


He inspires absolute confidence and makes so much sense. There is no sense of instability.

Interesting how he posts Lin Wood approvingly.

Gail Combs

I do not see L. Lin Wood as being on the side f evil. I can see him tossing chaff in the best interests of the nation if asked.


I have been going back and forth in my mind about Wood, but if Parkes is posting Wood approvingly, I think you are right, Wood is doing something good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Read Wood’s tweet on Jan 5, before Congress accepted the Steal. Back then it read “nervous Nellie” – now it reads cagey. He “suspects a trap”. LOL. He KNEW there was a trap.


Am going to look.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Linda posted it here on the night of 1/5, I believe.


“I fear @realDonaldTrump is walking into trap tomorrow. Led by Pence @VP @Mike_Pence. A few Senators will object. Limited debate & they will certify Biden. Coup then complete.

President must execute EO on foreign influence this evening & order full audit, including down ballot.”

Lol …. yep.


Yes, he lists the four of them (Sidney, Lin, Flynn and Rudy) as a POTUS team. People who diss Lin Wood have some other problem going on, jmho.

Gail Combs

Lin Wood as a defamation lawyer is in the unique position of having the credentials that he would be believed.


My question is “Why is he smeared so here?”

Gail Combs

People will attack the messenger of what they see as bad news.

Some people really like Mike Pence.


Hard truths coming


Why would he spill the beans and revile the plan when that is counterproductive and counter to POTUS operation?
POTUS never shows his actions before hand?

Gail Combs


To CONFUSE people. At this point we have ZERO idea if Pence is a White hat Black Hat or Gray hat.


i didn’t think sixpence would betray us and POTUS…then he did, or i think he did…so it seemed wild at first…
now tho? I’m open to hearing more…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pence is good at playing a role, too. Remember the water bottles. He’s PERFECT at doing “the expected” without sign of hidden intent.

I have not swung hard either way on Pence. Just ordering more popcorn.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lin ACTS like a pro. He’s incredibly believable.


Yes. He won those high profile cases for a reason.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s testimony to how good that guy is. The fact that Lin won on Nick Sandmann remains awe-inspiring. People are unable to win such cases, and have been for decades.


Anybody know how to get Parkes’ update via email or push? Don’t see anything on his website.


Sorry I don’t. 🤔


Power outages can be retrofitted into any story, but in the context of what is happening now, they are potentially good indicators, and especially if we see communications CONTINUING to be shut down by TPTB.


Lets see, THREE (or four) power outages in MAJOR countries, affecting MILLIONS, ALL at the same day, ALL countries rumored to be involved in the election steal. Pakistan is 3rd world, but advanced 3rd world, IE they have a stable power grid, the same for Canada, Italy, and Germany.

WHAT are the ODDS of zero hour (by my calculations) hitting and then FOUR major countries lose power in the SAME 24 hour period?

I’d say the odds were about the same as a man who never left his basement, never drew more than a couple dozen when he did, even on the internet, getting  evereleutheros million REAL votes . About 4 quadrillion to ONE.


I am in Canada, but did not notice a blackout…though a friend got a message via cell phone there was a curfew ….I did not get the curfew message…

Can you specify where in Canada?

Cuppa Covfefe

Same for Germany.

The main problem here is that the Greens have so hobbled the power infrastructure, with their expectation that windmills, solar panels, Unicorn farts, and pixie dust will provide a STABLE and non-variable power supply that doesn’t require hot-standby (or miraculously quick warm- or cold-standy) backup generation facilities.

In dodgy times,we buy power from our neighbors; when, by some miracle, installed wind and solar exceed either the load or the transmission capacity (the latter being almost the only case), then we sell power back to our neighbors at A SUBSTANTIAL LOSS…

Just another example of socialist idiocy coming into play.

Having said that, the lights haven’t gone off recently…
(Now watch – Putin will turn off the gas 😀 )…..


My daughter’s friend who lives near Niagara Falls has a 6 p.m. curfew for a few days now.


I would say it is the same odds as a vote being stopped nearly simultaneously in 6 states when VSG is ahead, followed by bizarre spikes in votes to make him lose.

Sadly, the easy answer to the bizarre huge Biden vote is TDS. I do not believe it, but it is a rational explanation, covered by relentless CCP propaganda.

But it does not explain the circumstances of the recorded vote.


Well thats ominous.

BravoZulu17 (@BZulu17) Tweeted:
Today in history


I think it might be actually just be a history note, not an actual “comms”.


Signing an order invoking the powers and authorities of the Insurrection Act is most definitely crossing a Rubicon.


In that sense it is.




anyone heard from DePat lately?
hope she’s getting some rest.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just this instant got a notifier that she had posted on yesterday’s thread.


thanks Steve!

Deplorable Patriot

Family issues. Went to a funeral Saturday, my mom is here…Couch Commando WON’T SHUT UP.

I’m still playing catch up.


hope you find time to relax and recharge.


i thought i replied and if I did, sorry for the double.

hope you find time to relax and recharge.


Looking for a google/yahoo email alternative. Any suggestions?


Henry at 12:26, page 3, posted several suggestions for alternates to email, etc.

Concerned Virginian
They have an email service, but it’s not free, one has to subscribe.



Somebody said Protonmail is CIA…


Rest in Peace, Sir. Thank you for your service to our country!!!

One of the famed Tuskegee Airmen – the first Black pilots in the segregated U.S. military and among the most respected fighter pilots of World War II – has died from complications of the coronavirus, it was announced Friday.

Theodore Lumpkin Jr. was just days short of his 101st birthday.

Lumpkin, a Los Angeles native, died Dec. 26, according to a statement from Los Angeles City College, which he attended from 1938 to 1940.

Lumpkin was drafted in 1942 and assigned to the 100th Fighter Squadron in Tuskegee, Alabama. The Tuskegee Airmen escorted bombers in Europe.

Lumpkin wasn’t a pilot because his eyesight wasn’t good enough, but he served as an intelligence officer who briefed pilots on missions, according to the Los Angeles Times, which confirmed his death through his son, Theodore Lumpkin III.

Gail Combs

I am just going to add. There was a MAJOR BOOM from the direction of Ft Bragg. Normally we can not hear them when they are practicing.

My neighbors are continuing weapons fire.

Gail Combs

Good grief a second BOOM! (The floor shook)

Gail Combs

I will add, Hubby heard them too and said they were NOT coming from Ft Bragg.

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
Late last night, there were several loud explosion-type sounds coming from the direction of southeast of Raleigh. These sounds weren’t the ones you would hear from fireworks. They were timed at about 1 1/2 minutes apart.

Gail Combs

Here is a better and more permanent source on the Video testimony of an ITALIAN JUDGE about LEONARDO’S role in switching votes from President Trump to Joe. Biden

Intersting that she has a bunch of idiots calling it FAKE.


Anyone who’s a known presence is a target. Hoping Simon Parkes can continue to operate under the radar. Although he is definitely out there. Almost 150,000 views on his latest video – in 3 hours. The one from yesterday has over 1.5 M.

Steve in Lewes

Anyone see this from TheMarshall Report first page?

comment image


The Cabal and big mike had BETTER be worried about what TRUMP is going to do to THEM, not the other way around!


Political Theology – 20210110

Concerned Virginian

Today for me is “mop up day”.
Finishing a piece of writing I’ve been working on.
Backing up important files onto an external drive.
Checking the water supply and gas for the car.
Playing Gregorian Chant in the background.
Turned off and unplugged the “Alexa” device and the “Alexa dot” device.
Checked the batteries supplies.
Checked the food supply.
Checked some other supplies that shall remain nameless.

It appears that a couple of family members have become “occasional contact only” over the election fraud issue. Sad.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

This just posted on Parler:

Airspace around Reagan International Airport has been closed.
comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

IAD is actually Dulles, though at the scale of that map you’d hardly be able to tell the difference.

But the center of the empty circle is actually quite a ways south of DC.

Gail Combs

The Naval Base @ Virgina Beach ? I have a horse that I bought from near there. I watched her ‘hit the ground’ as the jets flew low over head.  😁 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t know Virginia geography all that well (even in spite of recent experience) but that’s plausible, assuming VA Beach is in the southeast as opposed to further up the estuary.

Steve in Lewes
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had that thought too, then I realized I didn’t know where that was (other than, of course, on the coast as ships have difficulty with dirt and bedrock).

Gail Combs


Cuppa Covfefe

Die Loreley 😀

(the Rhine of the ancient mariner…)….

Gail Combs

Yes South East near the coast and NC border.


Where I live.  😊 

Gail Combs

“…Oceana is the naval base for our aircraft….”

That was probably it.

It was ocean ward from I 90. Head of PETA lived in the area. I was not driving and it was a few years ago.

All I remember is I was ready to hit the ground along with that horse when the jet ‘skimmed’ my head.  😋 

Cuppa Covfefe

But “we’ve always been at war with Oceana”…. 🙂


The Naval Base is in Norfolk, Virginia. Oceana is the naval base for our aircraft. This area is known as the Tidewater area. Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth and Chesapeake are the 4 cities that make it up.


There is a Naval Air Station (NAS) on the base in Norfork (which is separate from Oceana)

Cuppa Covfefe

Didn’t know that horses also had to do the “Duck, and Cover” drills, too 😀
(Shades of Weird Al’s “It’s Christmas At Ground Zero”)…..


seems like a LIDMajor Patriot (@MajorPatriot) • -un intended, is being put on DC. Trump IMHO is NOT there, so WHO do they NOT want leaving…


sorry that MP paste was an accident, please ignore.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or entering.

Gail Combs

He also says military source says insurrection Act has been signed

Steve in Lewes

So does Simon Parkes in his Jan 10 video. Signed last night.


Gail, I have heard that (3) times in the last few days – recently – this AM – I heard PT signed it last night at midnight – still trying to verify – need help – Please – Thanks!!!



Far and away better than the OP.

Thank you for posting this.


Most welcome, FG&C!!! Hold the Line – Mkay?


FINALLY! This video got my retired military hubby to drop the skepticism and open his mind. Thank you for posting!


Most welcome, Katie – it is fascinating!!!


Don’t know when this was supposed to have occured, but this is NOT what that airspace looks like as I type this.

Normal rules and air traffic over DC at present.

This can be independently verified on…

…..and the OP is EXACTLY the kind of rumor-mongering post I hope people will take with large grains of salt.

Just because you see it posted somewhere does NOT mean it is true or reliable.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Check out the MonkeyWerx US video in the above post by Duchess. There was a short period of time where the airspace in the DC area was closed while an aircraft took off. The closure has since been lifted. More details in the video.

Last edited 4 years ago by Itswoot

I did. Thank you.


Is POTUS not going to TX I read that yesterday?


I saw a post that it was dt a covid outbreak at a traffic control office. They had to disinfect and keep clear so they cleared the air for a few hours.


sounds like a COVER.




If No air traffic is going to those airports then are the airports closed? All flights canceled? If that map is accurate, ther is literally no commerical traffic to these airports right now?


Wheatie’s post is incorrect rumor. Normal air traffic into/out of DC at present.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m almost looking forward to comms blackout to put me in a 19th century mood.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somebody who talked to NG will be the new authority.


Trump didn’t come this far only to say, “Whelp, that’s it. I’m done.”

In fact, I would not be surprised to learn in the future that he used a DS “blackout” to his advantage in some way, like a Judo master.

We might even all be better off WITH a comms blackout for some period of time.


Exactly. My interpretation was comms blackout is neccessary fog of war to support the good guys.

But also just as likely manipulated by CCP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mmmmmm hmmmmm.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I’m in a kind of steampunk mood right now (like when Doc Brown comes back in “Back To The Future III”…   :wpds_idea: 
comment image


 🤓  I like that. Not sure if the wife would approve.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s €64,99 here in Germany. Probably cheaper to build it with parts from Home Depot, etc., and spray it a couple of times. Still, it looks really cool.

Hmmm. We DO need a new light by the stairway 😀
Would be cool if the valve was a rotary swich, with, say, five different levels of illumination (left low, right low, both low, left high, right low, reverse of that, left or right high, both high, and off… [just justified having a remote, I guess].. OR, a dimmer (easier then…)….


THIS IS AN EXCELLENT VIDEO by Benny Johnson. Summarizes Democrat violence during entire Trump tenure.


Review of violence in 2018 election season:




“Here’s A List Of Hoax ‘Hate Crimes’ In The Trump Era” –


Is anyone here still on Twitter that hasn’t been suspended? Yesterday, I was still seeing new tweets in my timeline. I just couldn’t like anything or tweet. However, today, I’m not seeing anything newer than January 8th. Is there anyone here who is seeing new tweets. I’m trying to understand whether this is a function of my suspension, or whether something more is going on at Twitter.


Marica is still tweeting… can see her tweets over at her Place

some others are… I will pull up a few addys for you soon


Remember to remove the splat, altho iirc the new platform posts w/o the splats showing







Phoenix, I’m trying to point out that I’m not seeing anything after Jan. 8th. Are any of those tweets Jan. 10th?


Dawson is 6 hrs ago… I haven’t ck’d the others, feel free too




That’s dated January 8th. Are you seeing any tweets for today, Jan. 10th?


Nope! Just got suspended!

Cuppa Covfefe


Psalm 37:24-24:

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually the whole of Psalm 37 is appropriate and comforting for times like now:

37 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.
10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.
11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.
13 The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.
14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.
15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.
16 A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.
17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the Lord upholdeth the righteous.
18 The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.
19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
20 But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.
21 The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.
22 For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.
23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.
25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.
26 He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.
27 Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore.
28 For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.
29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.
30 The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.
31 The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
32 The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.
33 The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged.
34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.
35 I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.
36 Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.
37 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.
38 But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off.
39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: he is their strength in the time of trouble.
40 And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.


Still working. Waiting for GAB to get rolling. They are buried.


I see tweets for some folks who are left. I quit tweeting awhile back, though my account is still open.


Yes, but are they dated January 10?


I am seeing tweets from today, Jan.10th.


Thanks, BB. This must be one of the joys of being suspended.


the off duty death of the officer? That opens up a bundle of questions


Yes it does, doesn’t it. What an odd way to describe it. Are we sure he was even there?
Is there video of this officer at the protest?

Gail Combs

He was OFF DUTY.

The Obit does not say he was killed in the line of duty. He was 51. My Uncle dropped dead at that age.


I just realized this was about the second officer, not the first officer. My bad. Should have read it more closely.



Gail Combs

DO NOT MISS this Candice Owens video. If you are short of time go to 3 min 30 sec. (The black screen will clear after you click.)


Just saw that. Two bullets to the head, eh? /s


He must have had too much integrity, too much knowledge, or both.


Wonder if he knew to much and had help?


Not necessarily.

Assigned “to the Senate division since 2005.”

I imagine the nightstand gun is singing like mermaids to a lot of folks in DC right about now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just to make it totally clear, I will NEVER commit suicide – for a thousand reasons, but TRUST IN GOD being at the top of the list.


Ditto. Word for word.

If you ever hear I committed suicide, you can be 100% certain I was murdered.


Forbes has gone full poitical persecution.
And the left is finding numerous ways to persecute conservatives


Pure propaganda and political zealotry.

Now flight attendants are calling on the TSA and airlines to immediately ramp up their game against domestic terrorism to ensure the rioters who stormed the Capitol on January 6 cannot fly back to Washington DC later this month.

We support the swiftest action with clear consequences and clear rules for keeping these people off planes,” Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), a union representing 50,000 flight attendants on 17 airlines, said.

First, Sara Nelson is an insane, leftist zealot.

Second, she is abusing her office.

Third, I guarantee you not all flight attendants feel this way, hence #2.

Fourth, this zealot is painting all Trump supporters with the broadest brush possible.

Fifth, she is a despicable hypocrite, as she would go berserk if anyone did the same to her and flight attendants.

Sixth, Forbes is a globalist propaganda outlet. Might as well be the CCP itself.

Seventh, this is EXACTLY WHY I did not fly into DC. Leftists LOVE lists of names, for all the wrong reasons. I got into/out of DC by private ground transport for precisely this reason….insane leftist fascists like this crazy cat lady.


My wife is a flight attendant and falls under #3 for sure.


The fact that Forbes is pushing/publishing such sentiments, such agendas and acting as though it is legit for airlines to discriminate and keep political lists of people they won’t allow to use their airline says as much about Forbes mag & the current Uniparty boldness toward as it does the person/group/association featured in the article


I’ve been on more than a couple of flights to Mx and Jamaica that were nearly drunken orgies. Didn’t bother the FA’s or pilots then.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ground transport here too.

Gail Combs

I quit flying (And I LIKE to fly) once they put Grope-N-Fly in place after 9-11.


Same here. Haven’t flown since.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had to fly part of the way. Just too damn far and too little time off on the books.


They do not have to worry will not fly with Airline again. If I have to fly my son in law flies his private plane .


Forbes has always hated true grassroots conservatives.


Big Eva relishes Big Tech’s crackdown

President Trump’s exile from large portions of the internet would appear to be the most egregious act of censorship to date. In under forty-eight hours, Twitter not only banished Trump, but purged thousands, if not millions, of accounts, almost exclusively leaning to one political view.

I have been warning about the John 1:18 level intimacy between Big Tech and Big Government, and I’ve also anticipated this getting worse. I have been hard at work contemplating a plan to broadcast a message for when Big Tech comes after Evangelical Dark Web. Evangelical Dark Web’s first ever livestream talked to an expert who build a social media platform and we discussed the solutions to these issues. Spoiler alert: it involves supporting small tech.

Yet whilst I have been seeking out greener pastures and repositioning myself to withstand the future, the dystopian forces surrounding President Orwell launched a massive online assault on both President Trump and large portions of his audience. I keep saying we are minutes from the Rubicon. Eventually that will mean more than whatever happening in Washington DC that has right wing media pearl clutching.

Big Eva is of course providing friendly fire on this issue, as they attempt to please all sides.

From the ERLC

Christians are wise to be vigilant about matters related to censorship. But it is important to recognize that the difference between censoring speech that is disagreeable and limiting speech that threatens or elicits physical harm. Going forward, careful attention should be paid to the actions of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook regarding content moderation and censorship, but in itself, Twitter’s decision to ban the President’s account should not be seen as an existential threat to free speech in our democracy.

In truth, we went from banning Alex Jones to banning Trump in about two and a half years. The slippery slope is real, and Big Eva will refuse to acknowledge it at any cost. At first conservatives like, Ben Shapiro, relished in Alex Jones being deplatformed. But their scope widened. His associate, Laura Loomer and noted pederast Milo, went next. Eventually, Big Tech further colluded against Jones, in what appears to be another test run for censorship.

In 2020, they unleashed a barrage on information, deplatforming opposing views on vital issues. And now, they come for you. One of the sites I write for, NOQ Report, fell victim to Twitter’s purge. It is only a matter of time before I am next.

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary decided that this was the best to publish a book review that denounced discernment blogs and called gatekeeping a good thing. (It was originally published on The Gospel Coalition in November, for additional context.) This is how SBTS wants to equip (as their blog is called) the church:


Darling graciously exposes what ought to be clear about many of these so-called ministries: they often traffic in sensation and slander, even when telling truth, but they seldom provide godly discernment.


The greatest strength of independent online writers is also their greatest weakness: freedom. Liberty in reporting and writing is a good thing when truth has been hidden. However, accountability in the form of editors, proofreaders, and fact-checkers gives our writing—whether reporting news or writing opinion (and strong opinion pieces usually include good reporting)—a greater level of credibility. Peer-review is most always beneficial.

Big Eva has made their deal with the principalities and powers, and they pray it won’t be altered any further. Big Eva will not prepare the church for the technocratic fascism that is ever encroaching on our society. And while Evangelical Dark Web has a distinct message, it appears we will need to devote much efforts to equip our brothers and sisters to withstand the massive challenge of our time. Our theme for this year remains No Retreat and it could not be more fitting.

Gail Combs

I guess they did not notice all the Churches being closed down or the gates of Jewish cemeteries being welded shut. They will be good little Sheeple and happily and willingly walk to their own slaughter.


In WWII there were a TON of National Churches that the Nazi’s allowed to operate within certain guidelines.

They took their rules from the Bolsheviks and improved upon them. Whereas the Russian Orthodox were totally muzzled, the National Churches were expected to support the regime vocally. IIRC they were even provided material support if they lent their voice to the Nazi cause in many cases.

Of course, anyone who didn’t go along were thrown in concentration camps, or like Bonhoeffer were driven underground until captured.

Big Eva in the U.S. today (and the USCCB) remind me of Herr Zeller from the Sound of Music.

It’s not just that they’re going along with it. They’re competing for position and status in the new order.


The Marriott chain has suspended donations to politicians who voted against the challenges to the election fraud.

The National Review has reverted back to its Never Trump position.

“Trump’s Capitol Atrocity” –

I haven’t forgotten this nastiness from 2016


comment image

And I still have NO USE or respect for any of the ‘journalists’ who signed it.

Glenn Beck, David Biaz, Brent Bozell, Mona Charen, Ben Domenech, Erick Erickson, Steven F Hayward, Mark Helprin, William Kristol, Yuval Levin, Dana Loesch, Andrew McCarthy, David M. McIntosh, Michael Medved, Edwin Meese III, Russell Moore, Michael B Mukasey, Katie Pavlich, John Podhoretz, R R Reno, Thomas Sowell, Cal Thomas. 


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some of them have changed.

But most of them haven’t.


Beck has been one of the biggest in saying he was very wrong on Trump. But then he also fell the furthest.


yeah…I don’t get Thomas Sowell???


In Feb 2016 it was easy to persuade people that Trump was too divisive a personality to run as President.

I have NOT seen Sowell continue to be a never-Trumper.

Unlike some of the other asshats like Russell Moore who were Never Republican before they were Never-Trump.

Brent Bozell and Cal Thomas I would not throw under the bus.

Erick Erickson deserves a special place for his rabid contempt of Trump-supporting Republicans.

R. R. Reno is the kinder, gentler, faux Catholic version of Russell Moore. He’s also full-potato commie who has destroyed First Things.

Bill Kristol is a bitter washed up old NeoCon self-styled King-Maker who is mad that Trump NEVER came to him and kissed his ring for permission to run.


michael, Thank You!! I sometimes lose my place in dates…I am such a fan of Sowell’s thinking, I was startled.
Totally agree w your comments ab the other a$$hats!!
yes…Cal Thomas was another. Thanks for your comments.

Deplorable Patriot

Most of these people are ticked off that their inside sources are neutralized right now.

Sadie Slays

Glenn Beck. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am. He actually built up some goodwill over the past year with the Ukraine/impeachment stuff and seemed to be slowly to be redeeming himself. I wonder what kind of blackmail they have on him.


The magazine article/cover was during the campaign.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Georgia didn’t specify…it was the campaign of 2016, not 2020. It’s very old.


National Review was taken over by NeoCons decades ago, so not surprise that when it’s politically expedient, they go back to throwing Trump under the bus.

I have a special place in my kitchen for their magazine.


Cat pan?


No that wasn’t what I was thinking . . . but seems to me that lining the bird cage with it is unfair to the birds.


Marriot, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Commerce Bank suspend donations to lawmakers who objected to certifying Electoral College vote
by Tyler Van Dyke, Breaking News Reporter |  | January 10, 2021 02:21 PM

In the wake of the violent attack on Capitol Hill last week, at least three corporations have announced that they would suspend contributions to the campaigns of lawmakers who objected to the certification of Electoral College votes.

At least four protests were scheduled in Washington, D.C., for Wednesday, the day Congress was expected to count the votes of the Electoral College and certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. Those protests descended into chaos as demonstrators breached the congressional building — smashing windows, breaking into offices, and looting rooms.

Before the demonstrations turned violent, a number of lawmakers expressed support for the protests. After the Capitol was secured, 147 Republican lawmakers, 139 representatives and eight senators, cast their vote objecting to the certification of Electoral College votes that sent President-elect Joe Biden to the White House.

Now, Marriott International, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Commerce Bancshares, who donated to at least one of the nearly 150 lawmakers who objected, all said they are suspending their donations “to those lawmakers who voted to undermine our democracy,” according to Popular Information, a political newsletter that polled more than 140 companies which made contributions in the 2020 election cycle.

Blue Cross Blue Shield, which donated more than $10,000 to Sens. Tommy Tuberville, Roger Marshall, and Josh Hawley in 2020, said that the “shocking assault on the United States Capitol, and the votes of some members of Congress to subvert the results of November’s election,” compelled the company to cease contributions to those politicians, adding that the company would “continue to support lawmakers and candidates in both political parties who will work with us to build a stronger, healthier nation.”

Marriott, which donated $2,000 last year to funds connected to Hawley, said it was “pausing political giving” to candidates who objected. Marriott historically favored Republican lawmakers but, since 2010, has split political contributions evenly across party lines.

Commerce Bank said its employee-funded political action committee has “suspended all support for officials who have impeded the peaceful transfer of power.” Commerce Bank’s PAC contributed $2,500 to Marshall in 2020.

After Popular Information’s story was published, CitiBank also said that it would “pause contributions” to GOP members who objected and will “not support candidates who do not respect the rule of law.”

Cuppa Covfefe

So, if anyone is wondering what happens when the deep state converts everything to all-electronic (i.e. no cash, no notes) currency combined with “social scores” at the behest (and testing) of the ChiComs, look no further.


Not just censorship of speech; but censorship of LIFE!

Brave New World, indeed…..

Now all we “need” is for Pope-A-Dope Francis-the-talking-fool to prove he has a Jewish bloodline going back to Moses, and awaaaaayyyy we go…


This guy is close to the Trump administration and/or the Trump family.


Yeah, we should shout where POTUS and FLOTUS are…

Mil Monkey showed the smaller plane and speculated it might have been POTUS…

But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to ‘speculate’ that FLOTUS and the entire family were moved to safety even before Jan 6th…

Thank goodness it disappeared off radar…

Gail Combs

‘Speculations’ are useful.
Remember POTUS was SUPPOSED to be in Texas.
Then he was SUPPOSED to give an address…

Nov 1 2017


Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147567928 comment image

Nov 1 2017 21:56:38 (EST)

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.


I’m not trying to confirm one way or the other

But mil_ops said the same on his live stream


Trouble in Cuomo and DeBlasio’s communist utopia of NYC!


Wouldn’t be surprised to learn Cuomo and DeBlahSio coordinated and approved this.


Me either. They (Dems/media) are determined to continue the positive spin on “their” protesters and the negative on Patriots.


But of course…


Can anyone tell me where this video was occurring. It is very painful to watch. I think
what was happening here was just stupid, stupid, stupid. This is the push to get in through doors in what looks like, sort of, a tunnel? Was this where the one young woman got crushed? Feel really terrible for everyone involved in this situation. Was dangerous and do not think this was the right way to go about things.


And twatter suspended again

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

Thanks for posting Razor




Has anyone shared this? I think it’s a rhetorical question on Bobby’s part. I felt a boost in morale with Scavino’s tweet, and then POTUS comment on it – POTUS does know what it means – he’s toying with them.


I think we have seen this one before…. or maybe all Democrat – Pelosi – et al – letters look alike.


Sorry, she ain’t that stupid. Right of the bat the letter does not use his title.


She speaks word salad, worse than I do 😉

She doesn’t type her correspondence… a clerk does… and they’re not to bright these days, care very little for protocol…

Of course my comment doesn’t prove it’s true, but then neither does yours prove it false.


With all the un-named sources, documents like this flying all over the place I feel real safe in saying its garbage. Too many people sticking their necks out supporting one crazy theory after another. And all talking to themselves.

Need to step back and be more critical of what is being presented. Stuff is just too easy to fake.


No one is saying they are true by posting them here.

Neither can they be denounced by simply pontificating that they ARE fake because it is so easy to fake, or that photos of mil in D.C. are just weekend warriors.

I happen to live on a road named for Red Coats that leads to a river they used to make their entry into the area… my ancestors were in this area… and I don’t believe they shouted out… wait, let me check your credentials when riders on horseback yelled “The British Are Coming”

Jes sayin…

Our President, our military are either DOING SOMETHING or we are doomed. That’s a fact.


People reaching for stows anything to hold on too.
Everything needs to be verified because there is to much psy-op floating around to divert from what is really going on.
My motto for myself right now is trust nothing.

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1
Sylvia Avery

I thought it looked and sounded fake. 🤷‍♀️


Perhaps not, but she is certain sure that arrogant.

Arrogance will undo much intelligence.


Not buying and I wish it wasn’t from DeLauzon. Makes me suspicious that he’s not suspicious


Vaticanblack out happened, Pope was not detained nor arrested – as per Taylor Marshall




A reading of one of Thomas Wictor’s threads




Y’ALL PLEASE LOOK AT THIS – I finally found that video that looks fake – looks like some C movie – reminds me of those Pallywood fakes.

Watch carefully:

What do you think?


Not sure what your seeing as being so fake……


Just looks like they are milling about pretending to fight.


I just think real life sometimes moves slower and looks clumsy compared to what we see on TV sometimes…..

I once recorded myself playing tennis…in my early 30’s……it wasn’t pretty;-)


I hate what cameras do to me. 🙁

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Early on I had one of those “Effective Presentations” classes…

More like “Defective Presentations” (as Dogbert would put it…)….


I wish it was the longer version.
Looks somewhat fakey fighting and w/o the wider view…why are they even in that space? Wouldn’t the entrance to the steps be well behind them?
The guy yelling sure doesn’t sound like any MAGA type I know, even the rough around the edges ones.


I saw a longer version earlier…it just looked like they were shifting around from leg to leg – posing as though they were fighting.


I think some don’t realize that they train for this stuff. Subterfuge too. They train for fighting and many of them are strong and fit..not all are basement dwelling pencil necks.
Their masters are the ones who spawn color revolutions so if they need to put on a show..they do it.

PS~ I know that you know this too..I’m just blathering

Last edited 4 years ago by mollypitcher5
Cuppa Covfefe

Sort of like this? 😀 (memories of the 70s):


Pope Francis was not arrested – fake news- but there was a black out at the Vatican


10 days until Taiwan is absorbed.
if PT really does have a plan, now would be s goodtime to show it.


Just checking, but if China does take Taiwan, so what? What do you think the U.S could do about it?


Honestly don’t know?

US signs all these treaties promising protection and doesn’t think twice about selling out. I’m definitely not intetested in war with China, but I sure would hateto be Taiwanese right now.


True. But this would be comparable to us invading Cuba and China promising the Cubans military support. Logistically not possible.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Except that we have tons of assets in the Western Pacific, in Japan and Korea and (as far as I know) Taiwan itself.

Would we be able to stop it? Maybe not, but we’d have a fighting chance.


Problem is China airpower is massive and we would not have enough in place at the start of an attack. We would have to surge forces over there. Then it would depend on their willingness to prevent us reinforcing as that would suck in other countries.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

First thing I’d want to know is where our aircraft carriers are going to be at that time.


At best we have two in the area but normally just one based out of Japan. Reagan is in the area. One more near Hawaii so could be there in < 10 days.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Best I know, we have no mutual defense of Taiwan agreement.

Certainly no military assets in Taiwan.

No US Embassy in Taiwan.

US does have an AIT – American Institute in Taiwan. Has many functions of an Embassy.

From Wiki.

The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT; Chinese: 美國在台協會; pinyin: Měiguó Zài Tái Xiéhuì) is the de facto Embassy of the United States of America in Taiwan. The AIT institution is a wholly owned subsidiary of the federal government of the United States in Taiwan with Congressional oversight.


Taiwan is THE line preventing Chinese military breakout into the Pacific.

The other option is through Japan.

The only thing keeping the CCP Pirates from taking over the Indo-Pac is a few small military pieces putting their navy in check.


There blue water navy is not ready for prime time so tougher for them to stretch to far out from the main land. But Taiwan is within spitting distance. They could take it pretty quick unless Taiwan has nukes. But then there will be nothing left.


Especially if they can get Taiwan to simply hands up surrender, they can absorb Taiwanese capabilities plus use the island’s forward bases.

If anyone has to take on China, they would have to come through Taiwan, and the CCP wouldn’t mind, erm, taking the battle off their own soil. Taiwanese casualties would be a bonus in their minds. Plus they’d frame all the propaganda to make it seem like innocent Taiwan was attacked by the evil West after all but big brother CCP is there to protect them. They love their dang Stockholm Syndrome psy-ops.



Militarily, US won’t do anything to physically defend Taiwan. USN assets are not in place. Doubt if USAF are ramped up, positioned for it.

  • In any case, this is NOT a fight the USA wants to engage in.

Taiwan proximity to mainland China makes it easier for China militarily. But, China has CRAPPY logistics capability.

If China moves on Taiwan, it won’t be an all out invasion. More like isolation. Close air and sea lines in/out of Taiwan. Limited forces enter Taipei and select Centers of Gravity. Key points that cripple Taiwan government control. Cripple communications in/out of Taiwan.




I would say things are not looking to good for Parler.


They must have had deep state lawyers.


As with many things these days, you don’t find out who is with you until the shit hits the fan. Parler is completely unprepared for this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Parscale was already undermined by WGTT when he passed on Gab.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

His wife was a liability of some kind IMO and Wheatie’s, too. Her heavy involvement in his operation….. not a good idea.


If anyone ever thought it was a good idea to use AWS for All The Things, hopefully this shows that was not a good idea.


You would have thought they would have learned something with what they did to GAB.


LOL..very good point. Weird that 4 bus loads were escorted in but yet…they never materialized as themselves….only as pretend MAGA


Uh..she’s right. But now all of a sudden Left cares so much and they even care so much about fallen officers when for years not a peep about actual ambushed and murdered cops.



Our Brand New Republic! 1-9-21

Harry Lime

It’s like watching Groundhog Day…he comes out every year and does the same thing…”I can no longer call myself a Republican blah blah blah…”

What an embarrassment he is…to whatever side he claims to be or not to be. What an embarrassment to himself.


Powell always has been on the wrong site. He helped sucked us into the Ira war.


The Patriots have needed a Colinectomy for quite some time now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Remember that Colin Powell was talked about as the Republican candidate in 1996. He would easily have kicked Klinton’s ass, at the time he was regarded as a war hero. It turned out he was way too moderate for Rs to stomach.

He received three electoral votes in 2016 from faithless electors. If the house had had to decide who would be president, they would have been able to pick from Trump, Hitlary…and Colin Powell. Given how much hatred there was for Trump and Hitlary, I could imagine them settling on him as a “compromise” candidate.

And he’d not have been much better than Hitlary.


WTH is going on in DC?


That building doesn’t look quite like the Capitol.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s the east front (which is technically the “front” of the building). It has the triangular pediment front and center, above the columns but below the dome. Here:
comment image

The side one usually sees is the west front that faces the mall, and that’s where the march ended up–there’s no pediment there which is why this didn’t look right to you. Here’s the west front:
comment image


It’s the building across the street but part of the Capitol complex area – @ :57 in this video.


More troops arriving:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, I don’t know how things got crossed up.

But THIS is the east front of the capitol. Now, where my comments are, I don’t see a picture of any building at all. But I was looking at THIS cover image and you saying it didn’t look like the capitol.

Sorry about that.


Do we know this is really today that military is in DC ? The video could be from another time?


Mel Q
55 minutes ago ·
@ Littllemel
We just had a countdown 5 to 1
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by Linda
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



SoS clearly messaging

It’s one thing to shut down POTUS

But to shut down the SoS . . .


What is SOS ?


Secretary of State


SoS = Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo


Simon Parks had indicated the original “timetable” for POTUS’ moves had been geared toward Wednesday, the 13th – but was being moved up – because of Pelosi? Anyway, the tweets’ content is numbered in a countdown order, regardless of the tweets in between. I’d say that was deliberate.


What happens at ZERO?


POTUS giving address to the Nation in the House? Just speculating.


Just saying. From 5 to 1 there are 15 tweets total. They do come in that order (5-1) with tweets between. Didn’t notice other written numbers in the between tweets except Quad was used twice back to back.

Sadie Slays

This graphic is misleading. If you visit Secretary Pompeo’s Twitter feed, you’ll see there several tweets in between each number tweet. For example, there are five tweets between the “Five eyes partnership” and “Quad diplomacy” tweet on his actual Twitter timeline, but not on the graphic. It’s not a series of consecutive tweets with an obvious countdown.

Last edited 4 years ago by Sadie Slays

Here’s another way to think about it though.

While we were looking at seeing increased comments from on the hour to the half hour and less, within the tweets is an actual countdown – else he could have placed those accomplishments in random order not the way he did. Folks looking out of context might not catch it. Someone did.


I think I figuers out the message from Pampeo. He is hinting about three parties?
Democrats – Republican -uniparty- One / Third party POTUS



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



My son and his wife were considered essential one in their job to get the Pfizer vaccine. They had no adverse effect and it two weeks get second shot. He said second shot could evoke slight temperature. I need to pick his brain why he choose Pfizer.
Both are in there fifties. She has health issues but seems fine after the vaccination.


But apart from perhaps 2 months of not total immunity, while still encouraged to wear a mask – what is the upside? I just don’t see the point. I assume they were required to get it?


They have to get the vaccine part of their job. My son works with some of the components that are in the vaccine .
I have to ask him more about it when he calls. He had told me how each vaccine works differently why but I forgot.


now that’s some funny shitz right there lol


May see Parler next month or so. Maybe. I guess they forgot to review the business contingency plan.


Shit’s getting real. This is NOT good.


I think you have the situation pegged.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are NOT learning from Trump. DOWNSIDE FTW.


Hard to imagine how they didn’t see this coming… have they been living under a rock?


Yeah. Really not good. So glad I’m on Gab.

Gail Combs

Controlled Opposition?

Requesting/Requiring Phone # was a complete turn off for me.


You see this petty BS all the time these days. Last year’s tax prep software had a blank for “email”, which was starred as “necessary”.

There is no law that says you must own a computer. There is no law that says you must own a phone. Every “necessary” phone or email is in-your-face datamining.

Steve in Lewes

Fascism at it’s finest…’private’ companies doing the bidding of it’s political leaders is anti-capitalism…..classic fascism…this is not in the best interest of the stock holders.

Concerned Virginian

My opinion: If I’m reading the Geoffrey Grinder piece correctly, it appears he’s certain that Harris – Biden will be “inaugurated” on January 20th; and that Biden will be “removed” soon afterwards, paving the way for Harris to take over .
Mr. Grinder uses the word “Reich”. I believe “dictatorship” may be more apt.

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS
Concerned Virginian

Thanks so much!


The logical plan would be to let Biden take all the slings and arrows after some heavy moving and then hopes that has all died down by the time Harris takes over. Not that, that would matter as all would be cemented in by then.


para, the logical plan would be to grasp Trump is headed for a second Term.


I have a hard time reading anything that claims Biden will be anything but, in jail, CV!!!

These guys that are parading his cabinet picks just make me cranky – so I skip those, too – these people are STUPID!!!


Storm Dispatch -20210110


has anyone here posted anything about THIS yet ??

a friend just called to tell me : pelosi has been arrested trying to get into Canada…??

I do not know anything at all to verify that.

might just be rumor.



What would she do in Canada? Would they not extradite her unless she flies further to China?
This sounds like a roomer. that she was trying to get into Canada.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m betting Maple Castro would protect her from Bad Orange Not His President!


“Maple Castro,” 🤭 That’s perfect!

Gail Combs

OUCH! and I am not male.  😋 

Cuppa Covfefe

The spinto pinto…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



trying to escape ?


probably just rumor…she’s still blathering into her mask about “impeachment”.

Gail Combs

Large Chinese Military presence in Canada??


then there’s that.


Rumor Smiley… went round, debunked yesterday


so many rumors, so little time

No, she is in DC impeaching President Trump again.  😳  😱 



The Insurrection Act




Says his friend told him, going in to Pendleton. Lets see.


What brought up Pendleton?

BTW, there IS a MCAS Pendleton. Marine Corps Air Station. Runway only 6,000′.

MCAS Miramar very close by.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

The link says he got his info from a friend on his way in to Pendleton. We have lots of navy and marines as you know. I would think that kind of info if it was real would spread fast.
Ive never trusted the monkeywerx info much.

Last edited 4 years ago by gil00

Yep plus san diego airport…can go up to March arb too.


What if his friend is not located in CA?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am not going to lie, when I saw it I was a little angry at POTUS because I felt like he had just sold us out. HE was the guy who called everyone there, and now he was condemning us!? It made no sense. NOW IT DOES!

So the reason we were called to be there was not to help put pressure on Congress, but so that we could then be told to go home.

“Please come here so I can tell you to leave,” basically (paraphrasing).

As long as it was useful, that suits my sense of irony!!! 😄 

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I thought he called people together because he believed it would be a celebration. He did not know Pence would bail until last minute.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

For reasons I gave yesterday, I don’t think Pence really did have the power. Otherwise Gore would have done the exact same thing in 2001, rejected Florida’s votes and put himself in the White House.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an extremely strong argument. The commies would have done it even if illegal but still plausible.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And it was not only plausible, the media had been feeding Gore’s side of it, unlike this time where they certainly weren’t feeding Trump’s side of it.

He could have got away with it easily, whereas with Trump it’d have been controversial forever.


Florida’s electors were nominated/selected by the State Legislature… they were LEGAL. Gore could not have done the same.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Big difference, constitutionally, though not to the commie media!




wow…I find that hard to believe!

Gail Combs

AND Logic

  1. The Presence of so many supporters ON A WEEK DAY was a warning to the dingbats in Congress.
  2. I am ABSOLUTELY SURE POTUS KNEW Aunty Fa would be there to cause trouble. That means He could bank on being able to tell everyone to go home peacefully.

Kinda of a neat sneaky way to get around alerting the Enemy.


Message Received, Blackout, Hello GEORGE, Time To Show The World The Truth -Ep. 2374 
 January 10, 2021  x22report


Ep. 2374a – Trump & The Patriots Are Bringing Down The [CB] Economic System
X22 Report  Published  January 10, 2021


Ep. 2374b – Message Received, Blackout, Hello GEORGE, Time To Show The World The Truth
X22 Report  Published  January 10, 2021




The push is on from the [CB], they are preparing the world for the great reset, this is why the MSM has been reporting about food shortages, small homes, new currency etc. Now they are preparing the country to eat insects and weeds. Trump and the patriots are ready to take down the entire system. The [DS]/MSM are now panicking, they are rushing to impeach Trump and get him out of office because they know what is about to happen. They will start the impeachment process and Trump will then start to reveal the crimes they have committed, Treason. Trump sent a message, it’s happening, it is time to show the world the truth. It’s time to take down the corrupt diseased system.


central bank

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

X22 puts out two reports a day, as near as I can tell, and one of them is ALWAYS about how Trump is going to kill the central banks.


Yes – our Central Bank is the Federal Reserve – however – Central Banks exist in nearly every country in the world – do not serve the people –

Masters of Debt Instruments – Fiat Money – Enemy of the People

Putin took control of Russia’s Central Bank – I believe Iceland abolished its CB


During the big financial crisis, Iceland’s bankers went to the government to shake them down for a bailout. It didn’t work out according to plan — Iceland jailed ’em instead.


Yes, Cooth!!! I thought it was monumental!!!

We may be in the process of doing something here – after all – Mnuchin is now the head honcho – love that guy!!!


Green Castle


POTUS speaking tonight 9:00 PM EST?
How can we listen?




The Marshall Report has an “URGENT” President Trump will address the nation.
Newsmax Right Side Broadcasting One America News Network, America’sVoice News.
Scouring their sites – no info.???


is it thru The Emergency Broadcasting System…??

if so…radio ?


My understanding is EBS crosses all platforms. Probably scalable, types of platforms to be used.


ok thanks.


thanks…geez…I feel like I’m in Nazi Germany in the 40s.

Fireside Chats and all.

Harry Lime

It’s alright, Smiley, I know a little German…


There are no links anywhere.

Not White House Live, CSPAN, RSBN – nowhere.


Rabbit hole?


Seems like we have gone through this the last 2-3 evenings in a row.

Gail Combs

Ten Days of Darkness?


What is “dark” about rumors that POTUS is going to speak? Seems we are in the 10 days of rumors phase


Was on OAN and YouTube


Link please?

I can’t believe that there was not an “Official” announcement.


Well, I guess we can’t complain about the RNC elections and complain that they don’t support President Trump. She was His choice for reelection. If anyone else had won they would not have been supporting President Trump


The Republican Party/RNC is dead and gone. Those two can turn off the lights.


Why? RNC elected exactly who President Trump wanted them to elect. If you don’t like who won the RNC elections are you disagreeing with President Trump and his choices for leadership?

Who are your RNC members and how did they vote? Had you contacted them prior to the election and voiced your opinion about how they should vote, who they should elect, etc.?

GOP is far from finished. I attended a GOP meeting in a county several hours away on Saturday – packed! Unless Trump …

The RNC does not control the Senators.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

And there are plenty of GOP’ers in DC too — real upstanding bunch. Just movin’ on doesn’t work for most people that are paying attention. But whatever floats your boat.


You really sure PT is all in on the RNC after the past week?


Did you read the links? He called them on Thursday since he couldn’t make it in person.

However, if he leaves the party all bets are off.


He had to play with the RNC to get things done. Pretty sure he knows it is not his friend. And no, it cannot be fixed.


The articles are from his calls and endorsements last week – 3 days ago
Why was he “playing” along 3 days ago?

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

Maybe because he is still President and needs to get shit done. We will know his decision once everything is settled in a couple of weeks. Then he will let us know his plan.

Some people will never go back to the RNC. Some will probably not join a new party either.

If you think RNC can be fixed and worked with. Go for it and good luck. But then there is a time for things to die and be replaced with something new.

Gail Combs

The Whigs and the Reboobs will be joining them.

They had LESS than 20% support of the population. Now they have lost a sizable chunk of that 18%

Gail Combs

As I have pointed out more than one when given a choice of the DemonRats, Tea Party & the Reboobs, the Reboobs came out DEAD LAST at 18% even the ‘I do not know’ @ 22% was higher.

If POTUS wants to make a NEW party the Reboobs are DEAD, DEAD DEAD!

No one like turncoats and at least the DemonRats do not hide what they are.


Got your angle now, girl.

GOPe. 😁


Yes, the “can’t we all just get along and let bygones be bygones” crowd. I’m convinced it’s a role. Every dead horse it beats here is playing a role.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Yesterday anonymoushorse was here.

Had some … uh … intemporate words.

Making the same point.


Sad to see unfounded crazy theories born.

If I was GOPe why would I have been gunho for President Trump in the 2016 primary?

All I did was post 2 articles about POTUS and the RNC concerning things that took place mere days ago and post 1/6

Gail Combs

comment image


How is it GOPe when I merely posted President Trump’s endorsements at the RNC this past week?

I am echoing President Trump


I suggest you give it up.
Nobody is listening.




I listened and responded

You opinion wasn’t impactful because you didn’t read the links or know the difference between your Congressman and your RNC members or realize my post was about the RNC elections and had ZERO to do with the Congressional votes on 1/6.

President Trump won in the RNC elections this week. Why did that trigger so much hateful meltdown?


Because the vast majority here are not party people. They are Trump, MAGA people. We understand Trump has to work within that framework to be the Republican leader.

But we also know, that party hates Trump and they tolerate him because they need us. But since the election we have all seen the party do nothing to support him. So this crowd is not going to do anything for the GOP.

Gail Combs



^^^ PERFECTLY stated rf.




America First.



I got it at the same time!

GOPe operative.

Good call.


She is very similar with this and covid. Presents all this info, got the links, the logical arguments etc. But forgets about the way most of us look at things. Using common sense.


Reading what this supposed person writes is a bit like reading something an A.I. would write. So tone-deaf it seems like a Borg.


She is committed I will say that. I don’t want to slam her for her passion on these topics. But she is a tone deaf as to how it is received.


Thank you, Aubergine, I have been waiting (impatiently) for this to become clear.


Me too.


Jeff Van Drew voted the right way. And to be perfectly honest, we should not HAVE to be riding herd on everyone constantly to try to insure that they do the right thing. Integrity should be a GIVEN, not the rarity that it has become. The citizenry have their own lives to lead, their own responsibilities and families. The GOP is done, their true colors are waving in the breeze. And I’m done as well. Have a good night.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Jeff Van Drew is not a member of the RNC. He is a Congressman.

Do you know your state’s members of the RNC are? Do you know how they voted in the RNC elections?

The people *President Trump* endorsed in the RNC elections won. Why are people upset that the people *President Trump* endorced were reelected?


I made a few other points apart from referencing Van Drew. But you conveniently ignore. As I said, you’re playing a role. A tired one. I make the mistake of actually stating things logically – hoping for logic in return. Everyone else blows you off with one sentence. I think I’ll follow suit.


I figured out that logic and facts have ZERO effect on this one. It’s not worth your energy.




Past tense of endorse is endorsed.


This past week he endorsed them. mere days ago.

Did you bother to read the links? You are not even making sense.

Van Drew has Nothing to do with the RNC votes this past week.


Based on your comments, I take it that you do not know who your RNC members are. You can look them up here:

Based on your comments, I take it that, No, you did not contact them about the RNC votes, RNC policies, RNC bylaws, etc.

Based on your comments, I take it you do not know how they voted in the RNC election which is the election discussed in the links I posted.

Based on your comments I wonder if you know how the RNC members from your state are chosen … ??

Based on your comments, we are all reminded that many Republican voters, MAGA voters and conservatives actually do not know how the SECs, the RNC, much less the county level GOPs work, are not involved and therefore have no idea how to make an impact on them for the better.

This highlights that we have not done all we could, that we have Much more work to, many opportunities that haven’t even been tried and, maybe most of all, much more educating of the general voting public to accomplish.


There is NO GOP’s work. You are either delusional or playing a role. The GOP as an entity is dead. The RNC as the fundraising arm of the GOP is dead. No one will be giving any money. And I don’t give a rat’s behind who POTUS was obligated to rubber stamp for whatever reason, at some former time. He supported Kelly Loeffler when that had to be done, so what. NO ONE is supporting the GOP except the Mitt Romneys, and those who are OK with the Mitt Romneys. If you’re good with it, as I said – whatever floats your boat. But if you ever expect for people to be willing to hear you out, maybe – you need to lose the smarmy, overbearing, superior tone. After all, you ARE just a stranger on the internet. And you can’t hold a candle to Catturd.


I just posted to links about the RNC elections and the Good News that President Trump’s endorsed candidates won and you were triggered.

Learn the difference between your Representative and your RNC members, read the links and then attack. But you are attacking without even reading the links or knowing what you are talking about. Why?

Why did posting the Good News that President Trump’s influence in the RNC is strong and will continue upset you so much?


Ronna, is that you?


lol…. I was just about to ask that


Laughable. He supported those who were presented to him to support. Good Lord. 🙄


that is why he called them Thursday morning? Did you even read the articles?


I never was a Republican not democrat. I learned something from my parents and grandparents never join a party they never did for very good reason. I finally became a citizen so I could vote for Trump. Presidents like him do come about every 100 years if lucky.
Party is like Union I do not like clubs did not like what I saw.
RNC gives us candidates that are turkeys do not have my values no character.
RNC has now a chance to show the Trump supporters that they are the new party and are not gobbled up by the Conway’s and Kristall and that establishment ilk.
RNC failed to protect the voting system by that failed to protect our votes..

Last edited 4 years ago by singingsoul1

Honest, plain and simple ,thank you grandma😊


All I did was post that the RNC elected those that President Trump endorsed and that was a good thing. Thought I was just posting a news update. Had no idea so many would find a post that President Trump’s endorsed RNC candidates won as controversial. Thought it was just a post of news and onto the next news bit. It was an encouraging, posititive news story … and yet look at the responses.

And you called me GOPe.  🙄 

And now you do a full blog post on being involved in the local GOP … just as I have called for and talked about for years at OT and here + repeatedly since 1/6.

Ironic. Maybe be a little more cautious of who you accuse of what … ???
Now that you are posting for people to be inolved in the county and state GOP’s …. are you know to be looked at with side eye, called a shill, a chinese spy, a GOPe … ???

Of course not!

Why, because we, both you and I, are encouraging people to get involved to MAGA. Period.

Never did make any logic sense as to why I would be GOPe if I am encouraging MAGA voters to be involved in the GOP. GOPe wants we MAGA people to leave, to quit. smh …

Well, as long as MAGA people get involved doesn’t really matter to me who gets the credit. that isn’t the point … just as long as they do it so that we can MAGA and win.  🇺🇸 


No sheet.
Tryingbto hard to just get it to load. I cant though.


They said they just got 4 out of 10 new servers going. Traffic up 753% today. Yep, going to be slow.


Arghhhh.. itll be great at 10 of 10…but I think they may need more!


Torba mentioned they were getting more hardware purchased.


So many are still completly ignorant to everything, and she knows a whole lot more than me!


I cannot get gab to load. It just sits and sits.
If thats all we have, Torba better get hopping faster…..

para59r is under maintenance

Sorry for the inconvenience but we’re performing some maintenance at the moment. We’ll be back online shortly!

— The Team
Cloudflare message:Web server is returning an unknown errorThere is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed.

  • Ray ID: 60fac7a84fa2c7ea
  • Your IP address: 2600:1700:2670:5cf0:f049:27c8:5dd7:bbfc
  • Error reference number: 520
  • Cloudflare Location: Dallas

Interesting. Cloudflare is in Dallas.
If they take Gab down, they should get the same plus and eye toward the servers.


They can’t take down GAB the same way they took down Parler. They own their own hardware. They would have to hit the distribution hubs which would be a different matter. My Cloudfare shows Denver.


“My Cloud shows Denver” Yes. sees they are home based in San Fran. Maybe the Dallas thing was for me or Gab?


I got that now, course its los angeles.


Gab is very slow for me. Lots of surging demand. Probably “attacks” from bad guys trying to cripple or otherwise bring Gab down.


or, tons of peeps trying to get on?


They will start the conservative round up under the health n safety covid guise. I think theyll jusrmt start saying we are so infected its killing us off and the new strain is si bad theyll need mass graves. GA, theyre going to kill us if they have all the power.


Or work farms.

Gail Combs

Only for the young.

Harry Lime

Gosh…everything I watched as a child is coming true…

A lot of those old-time directors got their ideas from experience.

comment image


I watched The Train last night, for the umpteenth time since highschool days.

all that art !

Vive la Resistance !


Sounds horrible i know but yes they will kill us and consume us. We are viewed as human crop,cattle. When the truth is laid before everyone it will be ghastly. A lot will not be able to wrap their minds around such horrors.prep supply side but prep mentally also


Pelosi Gives Pence 24 Hrs To Activate 25th Amendment



well…so much for her being “arrested”.

so much for her and The US Constitution.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pelosi cannot tell VP Pence to blow his nose…

He does NOT report to her.


Take her out with the 25th (hmmm, is that FIVE FIFTHS? No wonder she likes it so much….)….. DRUNK WITH POWER…..





What does Pelosi have on Pence that she thinks she can lord over him? Sure worked on the 6th she thinks it work again?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Possibly that’s a deadline before they start impeachment proceedings.


Impeachment is effectively DOA. yes, the House can do as Crazy Nanzi demands. The Senate IS adjourned until 1PM 20 January.

As usual, I may be missing some key details.


Impeachment is Not DOA.

The Senate is not needed for President Trump to be impeached.

They wil, most likely, impeach President Trump in the House, almost immediately. They only need a simply majority and the Dems have a simple majority.

Why do you think the impeachment is DOA and that the Senate being absent has an impact on the impeachment?


OK, YES, the House can do as Nanzi demands.

THEN the whole impeachment drill is DOA. Senate IS adjourned.

WHAT, did I miss? Other than D-Rat and fake news headlines?


He can still be impeached by the House, just not convicted and removed as long as the senate remains in recess.

Impeachment is literally not DOA. Conviction and removal are (hopefully)


YA> Get over it. IT is ALL a PR sham to paint ill of president Trump.

literally impeachment CAN happen. BFD. IT IS THEN MOOT. Senate will do NOTHING.


Geez … wasn’t trying to upset you.

Just that impeachment if far from DOA and probably will happen … the opposite of what you posted.

Does no one care about facts around here any more?

Truth doesn’t care about feelings. And why get upset about correct info? Don’t we want correct info?


Upset, me? Oh no. Just not going to indulge any fanciful talk that GOP and RNC give a rats ass about every day Americans. They don’t.

Do as you wish.

Even the RNC and GOP here in NV have donw NOTHING to protect the vote.

Emailed the asshoes, EVERY RNC elected official in NV, daily for a while after the 3 November election was obviously stolen.

NV GOP and RNC reply… C R I C K E T S.

Last edited 4 years ago by kalbokalbs

what has the RNC “debate” have to do with the fact that impeachment is very likely much less not DOA?

Trial, conviction and removal are DOA but impeachment isn’t.

that is the only point I was making so that others who didn’t know what you meant and took your comment at face value would not be surprised or disapointed today as impeachment rolls forward.

there are so many rumors and misinfo … just trying to be clear about impeachment


Perhaps you are thinking of removal if convicted by the Senate after the House impeaches?

“In impeachment proceedings, the defendant does not risk forfeiture of life, liberty, or property. According to the Constitution, the only penalties allowed to be imposed by the Senate are removal from office and disqualification from holding any federal office in the future.”

Helpful review:


AOC said 25th and Pelosi thought she said “twenty fifths,” so she went all in!

Cuppa Covfefe


Her favorite response in hearings is “I’ll take the Fifth”, and she usually does…
in one go…


FL cat with attitude is so right. I won’t vote for any of the Demon Rats or Repugnant Cons ever again.


Hey MM ^ ^ ^ THIS.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gingersmom2009

My post was about President Trump’s clear support of the RNC this past week.

You want to abandon the RNC because of the Senator’s votes which have nothing to do with the RNC … why? How does that make sense?

If we support President Trump, then why are we abandoning the RNC when they Literally just elected his endorsed candidates?

President Trump is supporting the RNC – why wouldn’t President Trump’s supporters then support the RNC?

Do we follow President Trump’s lead or not?

I will follow President Trump’s lead over a stranger posting on twitter. But you do you.

Last edited 4 years ago by MAGA Mom

We are ANGRY because of the Republicans’ lack of support for OUR GOOD PRESIDENT TRUMP on the 6th – and – they have done NOTHING to defend ELECTION INTEGRITY and have made our votes worth nothing.

HECK NO – I WON’T FORGET!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!

You can do what you want.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Gail Combs



We either follow President Trump’s leadership or we don’t.

What triggered Ginger’s Mom off on this is that I posted to articles concerning the RNC – both demonstrating President Trump’s support of the RNC and the RNC’s support of President Trump.


Trump Train YES.



Who in the RNC backstabbed President Trump? Currently if office RNC? They literally just elected who endorsed!


Step away for a moment, your support to local GOP, RNC or wheoever they are.

WHAT has the RNC done to help show the election steal? 


NO DUNCE at RNC did a damn thing to reelect President Trump.

RNC and GOP tagged onto Trump 2020 web site to fund raise. NOT President Trump tag along with RNC and GOP.

RNC and GOP have fought President Trump for four plus years.


You know, if you keep feeding the Troll it won’t go away.


Spot on.

Tom F

I feel like I have a stone in my shoe.


OMG, brilliant!


what the hell is your problem ??

all you do is provoke arguments here, hanging onto a dead topic like a dawg with a bone to pick.

you harass ppl here, you hound ppl here, you stalk ppl here…and then you come back around again, and do it some more.

what the hell is your problem, exactly ?

do you know ?


It’s a Troll attempting to demoralize us.


absolutely…s/he’s more & more OBNOXIOUS about it, every day s/he hovers here.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Attempting to continue the illusion that there are two parties, rather than the UniParty controlled by the Elites: Illuminati, Satan Soros, Satan himself, and the Dragon: the Red Chinese (note that the Dragon is a symbol of Satan)…

Anything but MAGA, in other words…

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I’m starting to think it’s Mittens in drag.


Nah. The RNC needs to move back to their base. They are the ones that have abandoned us.


I’m not advocating for one side or the other in this discussion. I only want to say this: Pres. Trump has done what he had to do to get enough members of Congress, and especially of the Senate, to keep him from being convicted and removed from office after impeachment, to get judges confirmed (including SCOTUS), and hopefully to move some of his policies through.

I don’t know what he thinks of the RNC per se, but he has had to work closely with them to try to get Repubs elected. I don’t consider this to be a ringing endorsement of them; it is part of the strategy.

Where were the Repubs that Pres. Trump worked so hard for, and with, on Jan. 6? (Where was the RNC?) We’re tired of having our chains jerked and being betrayed over and over. And Pres. Trump has been betrayed in the biggest way possible.

I do think that if we all abandon the Republican Party, we will give power to the Dems. I don’t know what the solution to that dilemma is.


She’s gauging what the GOPe has to do to retain Trump voters.

Cold, hard fact: the GOP is over. I would no more vote for GOP than a Dem…they are identical in eventual outcomes.

We’ve voted for these asses for decades, hoping to slow the inevitable. They can go eff themselves forever.


Exactly! It’s using us for info. mining.

I thought It was just a troll, but figured it out when wolf posted something about his plans for going forward after being in D.C.

It asked if he would post what his thoughts and plans were.


RNC IS DEAD TO ME. DNR – Do Not Resuscitate. F’m all.


Why? Seriously, what did the RNC do that makes you so upset?

I am upset with many Republicans in Congress …. but what did the RNC do?

Gail Combs

Are you really THAT STUPID???

The RNC PUT those people IN OFFICE! I watched it happen real time. We tried to primary that bastard Burr but the RNC sent people down to President Trump’s campaign office FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE of SUPPORTING BURR NOT TRUMP!

I had a shouting match with one of the SOBs.


I have heard of this happening numerous times over the years.

Cuppa Covfefe


R ulers
N ow
C hina

is their agenda, led by the likes of Mittens, Miss Lindsey, and the ghost of John McShame…


RNC abandonded President Trump. Recall Rudy, Sidney and Jenna presser. They talked about Dominion and going after all the asshoes elected via Dominion fraud. including GOP.

Day or two later, Sidney publicly disassociated with trump Team. Reports were RNC did not want to pay Sidney legal bills.




RNC IS a bad joke on Americans.

RNC abandoned President Trump right after the election. AS have MOST RepubliCONs.

RepubliCONs AND RNC have essentially done NOTHING to expsose the election steal. Them asshoes are embracing Beijing Biden, Cry’n Chuckster and Nitwit Nan. Many have gone along with Trump 6 January rally violent and dangerous. Plus, these same dirt bags talk about Presidemnt Trump resigning, being impeached…

RNC and RepubliCONs ARE fully aligned with d-Rats, deep state Wall Street and big tech.

these shitheads couldn’t support President Trump veto of NDAA(?) to hopefully trash 230 and a rafter of other things that should have been STOPPED.

  • RepubliCONs and RNC are nearly in lock step against President Trump.

Won’t banter back and forth on this. This IS what I have read for two plus months since the election.


The RNC had a working retreat on some Island Jan 5 when the GA election was held. How much do they really care who gets elected? They should have been working in GA or did they know they would loose?


They worked tirelessly in GA since 11/3. Huge #s of phone calls, doors knocked on, etc. Reached out to fellow states … we made phone calls from TN due to our leadership getting out the info.

Did no one here help make phone calls for GA through the RNC?!  😱 

We signed volunteers for GA at our Stop the Steal in Nashville rallies.

How do you all not know all the RNC was doing in GA?! Wow, just wow.


Dr Gina on her show said the only people in one of the voting counting places in GA was her husband and another volunteer from Florida no one else there. A person said that the RNC was on retreat on an Island for 5 days I believe (and did not finish their job my comment.)


It was obvious that no matter what the RNC did on the ground, the fraud was already baked in. Look at the state party, it’s controlled by the uni party, all owned by the Chicoms. The people that control the various state parties are the ones that need to go, and since they hold the reins, the only way you are going to reform the party is to somehow clean out ALL the upper echelon. They will never let anyone in that doesn’t think the way they do. If you think you can make a difference on a lower level think again. You’ve been being used. How do I know? DH ran for office eons ago before I met him, and almost upset the incumbent R, but he was too conservative for the party. They really didn’t appreciate him almost getting the incumbent out.


How is the RNC against President Trump? They worked, cooridinated voluteers, etc. I take no one here volunteered? If so you would know all they were doing.

No, they did not abandon President Trump but worked along side him to fight election fraud. They demanded audits, created a website to help follow the various cases, etc.


S M D H.

We’ll never agree on this.



Sounds like you’re pitching for a cult.
Every movement has groupies, but I haven’t found many here.

I was Tea Party before MAGA and I’ll be KAG from my little corner of eternity.

PTrump is my hero.


I’ll always think for myself.


Sounds like you are not listening to President Trump. His endorsed candidates won this week and he called them to congratulate them.

Do we follow President Trump’s lead on the RNC or not?


I don’t follow any mortal in lockstep.

Gail Combs

Good Grief, OF COURSE he endorsed them! In his second term he HAS TO WORK with the Baby Fuckers!

I suggest you go take a course in logic.


Tunnel vision really hampers some, or one, from seeing reality.

In a second term, GOP and RNC, charitably, USEFUL IDIOTS.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like the courses taken were written by L. Ron Hubbard. I’ve seen this kind of disjointed logic before by the ever-present purveyors of personality tests.

[Those tests have the same questions four or five times over. To make them really squirm, answer each instance differently. They won’t be able to “grade” it correctly… but even with a “perfect” score, they’ll find something wrong… BTDT want my money back 😡 ]

Cuppa Covfefe

Taught by Lord Christopher Monckton 😀


You are talking about the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who just betrayed him.


How did the RNC betray President Trump?

Gail Combs


A handful IF THAT?

Where was the RNC when election fraud was OBVIOUS???



Do you really not know all that the RNC did regarding election fraud? The lawsuits, the website, the recuitment of volunteeers …. ???


A lot of Fucking good that did.


Now, now, you’re starting to sound like Anonymoushorse.


Good show, eh?



You nailed it- I’ve suspected that MAGA Mom had the Clap.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I gave them so much money. Even Christmas money. At least Rona didn’t call me a terrorist, I don’t think.


How did the RNC betray President Trump?

The RNC had Nothing to do with the 1/6 vote in Congress.

By reading these comments I am beginning to suspect that:

a) no one read the links before going off and do not know who they are bad mouthing or that President Trump WON in the RNC elections this past week

b) many don’t seem to know the difference between the RNC and the elected GOP in Congress and are conflating the two with the talk of “betrayal”, talking about their Representatives, and other displays of not having read the articles and not knowing what they are talking about re: the RNC members and this past week’s elections

c) Have NO idea who their RNC members are, their SEC members are and have never contacted Any of them to express their opinions.

d) If you do not know who your SEC members are then how did you vote for them? Did you vet the options? Do you know when they met? Have you gone to GOP meetings to hear them talk about the upcoming issues and ask how you, their voters want them to vote on the issues?

If so many have so little knowledge of how the RNC, SEC, etc. work and have no idea what is going on in the RNC, state SECs etc. then this sure is an eye opener as to why the GOPe wins so often in our party. Sad to see so many ill informed and uninvolved, forfeiting to the GOPe


many don’t seem to know the difference between the RNC and the elected GOP in Congress and are conflating the two

If the RNC worked to elect the RINO Congress member instead of the one we were trying to primary him with, then the RNC is responsible to a degree for the elected GOP in Congress.

I don’t think you understand the level of anger when people have tried and been stymied at every turn, and had to watch the same things happen over and over again.

No doubt the RNC does some good, as do Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham. It helps us to head into socialism a little more slowly. It keeps people coming back, only to be betrayed again; Lucy and the football. Trust is broken with all things Repub, and that includes the RNC, rightly or wrongly. They need to rebrand to unquestioning MAGA, and even that might not be enough.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said!



Gail Combs

Well that is sure my point of view!

Cuppa Covfefe

Cattitude 😀  🔥  🐱  🔥 


Catturd dude
Got Cattitude!


Well there’s thing. Was on TDW looking through the posts and there was one with IP addresses so one could go straight into some crucial sites should they be taken off DNS.
Finger was about to hit PrtScn when the whole thing jumped back to the index, and by the time I’d found that post again it had changed to this…HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error
Could have been their Mods, or a foretaste of the future, if the latter not good.


Ignore the above it’s back on, here it is if you want it.–direct-ip-acc/c/


If they wanted to be really helpful, they’d just supply their own private DNS service.

You could run it on your own network and get different results than the “Official” DNS.


They are planning to leave the National Guard in DC until after the ‘Biden Inauguration’ because the Trump people are so violent.


Seems silly. Let me hypothesize while such is still legal. Pretty sure all Trump folk have gone home and any coming back are not going to try to get through mil to get at Congress when they can wait till they come out of the shell. Lower tiered targets would make sense and street battles with their thugs would only serve limited interest and be a waste of energy unless it had winnable goal behind such.


Absolutely right. We also do not want to become Antifa bait/victims thanks to Bowser’s stand down orders.


“They are planning to leave the National Guard in DC until after the ‘Biden Inauguration’”


Wow… they’re gonna be there a long time… talk about an open-ended commitment…😂🤣😂


Wonder if the DC cop who committed suicide was the one who reported the busloads of Antifa coming to the rally with weapons, supplies – ???


Via The National Pulse:

Capitol Officer’s Family Says Don’t Politicize His Death As Sources Point To ‘Medical Condition’

Family members of Brian Sicknick, who died following Capitol riots, begged for his death to “not make Brian’s passing a political issue.”

The comments come as sources begin to suggest that the 42-year-old military veteran’s death may have been linked to a medical condition.

According to ABC News:

According to sources familiar with the matter, authorities believe Sicknick’s death was driven by a medical condition. They’re also investigating reports that he was attacked with a fire extinguisher or another item at the Capitol, sources said. So far, reports of an attack haven’t been confirmed and authorities are hoping to locate video or other imagery from the scene.

The family’s statement echoed a similar sentiment:

Many details regarding Wednesday’s events and the direct causes of Brian’s injuries remain unknown and our family asks the public and the press to respect our wishes in not making Brian’s passing a political issue.


THEN – the brother turns around and says:

Sicknick’s brother, Ken Sicknick, in discussing the loss, summed it up this way, according to ProPublica: “This political climate got my brother killed.”

I am utterly disgusted with people blaming OUR PRESIDENT for everything.


AND ~ don’t forget ~
…… muh-Russia ……

Couldn’t have done it without our dear Uncle Vlad!

Sadie Slays

New Lin Wood. Talks about pedo revelations and arrests over the next two weeks + a financial reset.

This may very well be my last Lin Wood update since Parler is going offline tonight. He says he’ll be on Clouthub as @LLinWood, but I can’t access Clouthub.
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BINGO!!! They will not be able to walk down the street!!!


Second Capitol Police Officer Dies Days After Responding to Capitol Hill Incursion
By Jack Davis
Published January 10, 2021 at 1:55pm

A second member of the U.S. Capitol Police who was on duty during Wednesday’s chaotic incursion has died.

The Capitol Police announced the second death in its ranks with a sparse statement issued Sunday.

“The United States Capitol Police is deeply saddened by the off-duty death on January 9, 2021, of Officer Howard Liebengood, age 51. He was assigned to the Senate Division, and has been with the Department since April 2005. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and colleagues,” the statement said.

“We ask that his family, and other USCP officers’ and their families’ privacy be respected during this profoundly difficult time,” the statement said.

Citing what it said were “two people familiar with the matter,” an Associated Press dispatch published by WIVB-TV reported Liebengood’s death as an apparent suicide.

The Capitol Police officers’ union said Liebengood had participated in efforts to control the rioting Wednesday, according to WRC-TV.

“We are reeling from the death of Officer Liebengood. Every Capitol Police Officer puts the security of others before their own safety and Officer Liebengood was an example of the selfless service that is the hallmark of USCP. This is a tragic day,” Union Chairman Gus Papathanasiou said in a statement, according to WRC.

Liebengood is the son of Howard Liebengood, who was the sergeant-at-arms of the Senate from 1981 to 1983, according to The New York Times.

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, 42, died Thursday.

The Capitol Police statement announcing Officer Sicknick’s death said he “was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.”

No official explanation of how Sicknick was injured has been released. Although some media accounts have said he was struck with a fire extinguisher, other accounts have suggested there were underlying health conditions at work.

Sicknick’s brother, Ken Sicknick, in discussing the loss, summed it up this way, according to ProPublica: “This political climate got my brother killed.”


Well Rubio I wish you would Cry a River for each Policeman and women who get shot specially during the Sumer. I also with you would decry the shooting of many in Chicago.
You are a useless (,,,)


Bongino can be a little bitch at times. This time he comes across looking pretty bad.

I have kept my mouth shut but this is getting ridiculous. I have zero beef with Gab. I don’t know the owner of Gab, and I’ve never met him. I sincerely wish him luck in this critical fight. Yet, for month now, Gab’s owner has relentlessly attacked Parler and me with dopey nonsense. It’s immature and just plain stupid. The real enemies are the tech totalitarians and anyone missing that key point is NOT your friend, or your ally in this fight. We all need to keep our eyes on the real fight and not get distracted by silly nonsense. Unity, not division, is badly needed right now.

Then shortly after that here is the GAB guy on their twitter feed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bongino should shut up and take the ammunition.


Bongino gets into spats with Sundance too. Friendly fire ain’t needed right now.


Democrats Cannot Impeach Trump, and You Can’t Impeach Him After Leaving Office: DershowitzBY JACK PHILLIPS January 10, 2021 Updated: January 10, 2021

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Democrats have virtually no chance of successfully impeaching and removing President Donald Trump before Inauguration Day on Jan. 20.

“The case cannot come to trial in the Senate. Because the Senate has rules, and the rules would not allow the case to come to trial until, according to the majority leader, until 1 p.m. on January 20th, an hour after President Trump leaves office,” Dershowitz said in a Fox Business interview on Sunday.

Dershowitz, who defended Trump during the Senate impeachment trial about a year ago, suggested that the Constitution does not allow for impeaching a former president.

“And the Constitution specifically says, ‘The President shall be removed from office upon impeachment.’ It doesn’t say the former president. Congress has no power to impeach or try a private citizen, whether it be a private citizen named Donald Trump or named Barack Obama or anyone else,” he said.

It comes as House Democrats have proposed articles of impeachment after Trump made a speech to protesters near the Capitol. Some critics have claimed Trump incited the crowd into violence before a group stormed the Capitol building.

Trump told the crowd beforehand that their protest shows “the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country” and “let us walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.” The president did not tell the protesters to breach the Capitol or commit acts of violence and later condemned them.

At one point, Trump told the protesters to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices be heard.”

Another Trump defender during the House impeachment inquiry, law professor Jonathan Turley, explained that impeaching Trump over his speech would set a dangerous precedent.

“When I testified in the impeachment hearings of Trump and Bill Clinton, I noted that an article of impeachment does not have to be based on any clear crime but that Congress has looked to the criminal code to weigh impeachment offenses,” he said in an opinion piece. “For this controversy now, any such comparison would dispel claims of criminal incitement. Despite broad and justified condemnation of his words, Trump never actually called for violence or riots. But he urged his supporters to march on the Capitol to raise their opposition to the certification of electoral votes and to back the recent challenges made by a few members of Congress.”

Meanwhile, Democrats and some Republicans have floated the idea of Trump’s cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment, which concerns succession of the vice president if the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, a member of his cabinet, dismissed calls to invoke the 25th Amendment.

“As a Nation we need to heal. I have not talked to anyone about invoking the 25th Amendment, and I am focused on finishing what I started in uplifting the forgotten women and men of America. It’s time to move toward peace. We are not each other’s enemies!” he wrote.


I will never unite with the Demon Rats and will never respect the Repugnant Cons again.


Dersh is just too cute by half.


Abbott’s Orders Increase Most Texans’ Lockdown Restrictions
Executive orders from Gov. Greg Abbott have placed heightened restrictions on 149 of Texas’ 254 counties.
By Brandon Waltens | January 6, 2021

Most counties in Texas are under heightened lockdown restrictions due to executive orders from Gov. Greg Abbott.

In September and October, Abbott issued executive orders that expanded capacity limits for many businesses—including restaurants, gyms, and retail stores—to 75 percent.

However, there was one stipulation: The expanded capacities depended on the hospitalization rate (the number of coronavirus patients as it relates to total hospitalizations in a given area).

Dividing the state into 22 regions called Trauma Service Areas, Abbott announced that any region with a seven-day hospitalization rate below 15 percent would be allowed to engage in more reopenings.

Likewise, if a reopened region hit the 15 percent hospitalization threshold, the increased restrictions would be put back in place.

That means most businesses would have to ratchet their capacity down to 50 percent, and bars would close completely. Additionally, a moratorium would be placed on elective medical procedures.

This week, Trauma Service Area Q, which contains Harris County, became the latest area to reach the 15 percent threshold for increased lockdowns. That means that, as of January 5, 149 of Texas’ 254 counties are subject to the increased restrictions, including the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, San Antonio, and Galveston. 

This action comes despite Abbott publicly decrying lockdown policies just weeks ago. 

“It’s time to put behind us shutdowns. No more shutdowns. We need to focus on opening up businesses,” Abbott said at a recent press conference.


And during a normal flu seasons these hospitals run at 10% threshold or even lower. Total joke. Hospitals don’t make money with empty beds.


Abbott cant be trusted. He showed it during blm and floyd and earlier during the lockdown.
He has instituted what we ALREADY HAVE in CA.
You have a rino as a gov.


He’s a POS RINO like the majority of the GOP.

I detest him. He lies just like all the others.


Rep. Nunes Calls for Racketeering Investigation Into Big Tech Companies Following Parler Ban
BY ZACHARY STIEBER January 10, 2021 Updated: January 10, 2021

A top Republican in the House of Representatives on Sunday called for a racketeering probe into large technology companies who over the weekend took action against Parler, a social media website.

“This is clearly a violation of antitrust, civil rights, the RICO statute. There should be a racketeering investigation on all the people that coordinated this attack on not only a company but on all of those like us, like me, like you, Maria,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo.

After Twitter banned President Donald Trump and some other users, Parler saw its traffic explode. Soon, though, Google announced it had removed Parler from its online store, a move followed by Apple. Then, Amazon announced it was suspending Parler from its web hosting services.

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Parler CEO John Matze told The Epoch Times his company is prepared to take legal action, but in the meantime authorities should investigate the possibly-coordinated actions, Nunes argued.

“The effect of this is that there is no longer a free and open social media company or site for any American to get on any longer,” he said, because Amazon, Google, and Apple, “have just destroyed” Parler.

“It’s preposterous. So I don’t know where the hell the Department of Justice is at right now, or the FBI,” he added.

Nunes also said the CEOs of the companies should be prosecuted criminally. He also said he has been talking to fellow members of Congress and that they’re exploring their legal options. And he also called on the Supreme Court and federal judges to step in and intervene.

The Department of Justice, Apple, Google, and Amazon didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.


“It’s preposterous. So I don’t know where the hell the Department of Justice is at right now, or the FBI,” he added.

Neither do we, sir.

Our Department of Justice evidently isn’t prepared to take on big stuff like ELECTION FRAUD and Malfeasance in Congress and many other issues that have allowed our country to fall into 3rd world level corruption.

They also did not deal with all the crap Øbastard pulled throughout his tenures.

Concerned Virginian

We know where the FBI is — down in Georgia, destroying evidence of vote fraud, correct?

Last edited 4 years ago by RDS

That’s right. Just another enemy of the people and the state.


Shouldn’t the RNC be all over that? Since they’re such a presence in GA. /s


I see what you did 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

I think they’re down there looking for presents in GA 🙂

Little boxes, tied up in blue ribbons, all with the name Stacy on them 🙂

Maybe there’s a Hollyweird link, too, Stacy and Spacey…

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My helmet is off to you, dear lady!




I’m tired of investigations that go nowhere. I want one of those bug bombs that goes off and clears them all out, while you evacuate for a day. And that could manifest itself in a lot of different ways. But IMO, we need swift action, NOW.


SAMIZDAT, BEAUTIFUL ITALY, JANUARY 10, 2021,-beautiful-italy,-january-20,-2021

Posted by Mary Grabar, January 10, 2021: What is samizdat? I learned about it while taking a two-week writing seminar in Prague. According to Merriam-Webster it was a method “by which government-suppressed literature was clandestinely printed and distributed.” This happened in the Soviet Union and “countries within its orbit.” Recent events have reminded me of that lecture by a writer who had experienced such persecution and censorship. So please distribute this link via Dissident Prof and not the article or video because they are being censored and blocked by social media. Thank you.

News from Italy.


Italian hacking of US 2020 election revelations began with DNI Ratcliffe CBS Herridge stated Dec 3 2020, General Flynn confirms, Arturo D’Elia Admits in affidavit

Italian hacking of US 2020 election revelations began with DNI Ratcliffe CBS Herridge stated Dec 3 2020, General Flynn confirms, Arturo D’Elia Admits in affidavit

“Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January,”...Catherine Herridge CBS Dec 3, 2020

To those asking, “if the Italian job/Hammer & scorecard/Live voter data in Pakistan being penned are real, won’t and investigation turn this all up?” You forget: our institutions are captured. Yes, those are all real. However, our institutions are corrupt.”...Patrick Byrne

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

“Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe confirmed that there was foreign interference in the 2020 election, according to CBS correspondent Catherine Herridge.

“Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January,” Herridge said on Dec. 3.”

“Senior IT Expert at Global Defense Contractor Testifies in Italian Federal Court; He and Others Switched Votes throughout America in the U.S. Presidential Race

Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) – An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliff’s report of international intrusion, Arturo D’elio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Recent reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government.”

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“Imagine this: Data from the 2020 elections were being sent to a US embassy in Italy in real-time, where a State Dept. official – along with agents from the MI6, CIA, and an aerospace defense contractor – took the data, analyzed it, changed it, then resent it back to the U.S. using military satellites owned by that same aerospace contractor – Leonardo. The next thing you know, Biden wins.”

“Leonardo is a multinational company based out of Rome, Italy that specializes in aerospace, defense and security. It’s the eighth largest defense contractor in the world, and the Italian government is its largest shareholder owning 30% of the company’s shares.

There’s also a U.S. subsidiary of this company called Leonardo DRS, headed by a former Deputy Secretary of Defense under the Obama/Biden administration, William J. Lynn III. According to his bio on Leonardo’s site, he’s also a member of the Boards of the USO, the Atlantic Council, The Marshall Legacy Institute, the National Defense Industrial Association and the Center for a New American Security (CNAS).

A couple of drops shared by entrepreneur Patrick Byrne gave this story some legs to stand on. For instance, check out this piece by Bradley Johnson, a retired Senior Operations Officer with the CIA. He shares his analysis on some of the evidence that Italy’s press uncovered:”

“UPDATE 1: Here’s some more intel from Maria Zack (you heard her in the audio from above) that Arturo D’Elia from Italy admitted to stealing the 2020 elections.


Much more here:

“We must stand up for truth and call for a full investigation”

Another piece of the foreign interference puzzle. The viability of our constitution & our country are at risk.

Italy did it – Arturo D’Elia Admits to stealing election on via @YouTube

— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) January 7, 2021

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More here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am good with all military solutions now.


I’ve made peace with that outcome.


No other outcomes, otherwise the treachery will bring us tyranny.


I am still laughing. A change of pace.


LOL – Pat F would love this – Thanks, RF!!! Thanks for sharing!!!


Nothing but contempt for Lindsey Graham.

What a sorry excuse for a human being!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL
Cuppa Covfefe

Lindsey Scam…..

Concerned Virginian

Well, one guesses that Sen. Graham was told to toe the line or else “something” would be, can one posit, “exposed” about him?


If Lin Wood is correct, something WILL be exposed about Miss Lindsay.


Hoping. Would love to see Ms Lindsey go down.


Please rephrase that- yuck!


What I don’t understand is how, when all this gets sorted out, Pres. Trump can work with people like this who would betray him on a dime. (I don’t expect Lindsey to be arrested or removed from office.) I know Pres. Trump has already had to work with these people, and he knew whom he was dealing with, but after all the support he’s given them, they couldn’t be counted on when he needed it most, and when the country was at stake. Clearly, they don’t agree that MAGA is the only way forward for restoring America. They want to transform her, maybe just a little more slowly than BHO. How do you work with people like that?


VSGPDJT has the vision to see beyond these people for what America can be and has the patience, stamina and will to see beyond them. I agree with you. I would have lost it a long time ago knowing what he knows and still working with them.


It all depends on the leverage you can create with them.

After Trump wins this election fight, he will be sitting with an 80 million man Army….the largest in the world.

After this, no one will survive an election he doesn’t want them to win.

It will no longer be a question of PDJT working with them, but if they want to politically survive in a Trump 2.0 world. If they want to survive, THEY will work with PDJT….not the other way around.


In addition, I suspect their money supplies will be dried up. No more lobbying (bribery), no more money laundering.


He may force them to apologize and recant.


He had his ass handed to him by patriots and it must still sting.

He can’t pretend anymore. Our elite political class is very small. Very.


BardsFM, Biblical – 20210110


He mentions that this won’t be resolved by January 20, but Juan Savin says PT will be president by 1 April.

The line keeps getting pushed back beyond all precedent.

Is Juan the guy who was wearing that wizard outfit, the falconer guy?


I’m at 32 minutes in here and Bard is talking about the possibility of a provisional government set up by PT to run while the Biden presidency takes office?

This is nuts. First thing that comes to my mind is that anyone showing loyalty to a provisional leader will be arrested and prosecuted for treason.

I will continue and hope this gets better…


Ok. Now he’s saying that it’s possible no one will be sworn in on the 20th and there will have to be a military action to put a provisional government in place until the mess is cleaned up and a true election held.

I can get on board with that.


That’s what I’m suspecting might happen. If there’s a bunch of politicians that are rounded up, there would likely be an insufficient number of people to fulfill the requirements to hold sessions. Elections would need to be held.


At 44 minutes in he actually states that an inauguration of Biden may happen.

That is a problem. Giving a usurper the reins of power is giving up in my opinion.

The line just keeps getting pushed back further and further.


I wonder, but I don’t think so. Pompeo has been adamant that Biden will NEVER be president.


I just can’t see it.


Remember, these people are all just talking heads- I doubt they are in the loop.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, someone will be sworn in.

But it could be an “acting president” from down the succession list.

Far enough down, perhaps, that it will be someone in the current cabinet, as Biden will not be able to appoint a new cabinet.


Dates are mere speculation – imho – Grandma – Beats me – have not idea.

But – PT did say he was not going to an ‘inauguration’ on January 20, 2021.

Besides, PT is not going to share his strategy with anyone – he will take advice from his ‘inner circle’ – and will make a decision based on that advice.


SO SORRY – that is a stupid FAKE ACCOUNT.

No check mark and an underline after the name.

I’m so mad about this.

I will not join the Patriot Party because of this crap.

Gail Combs

Could be a DemonRat or a China bot.


To get our emails so they can persecute us. Trust nothing


They have so many ways of identifying us.

We have to be fearless and WWG1WGA.


Saw their logo here a couple of days ago.
Very interested.
Clicked on the logo.
It took me to a Facebook page.
Oh no way.
If the Patriot Party is THAT naive (stupid, or fake) – I want
nothing to do with them!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It would take a lot for me to trust any new political party (or convention to change the Constitution). There are too many competing interests with ulterior motives, and the possibility of infiltration by bad actors is an increasingly common problem. The only way I would consider a new party right now is if Pres. Trump led it and there was a likelihood that 80 million people would join. Otherwise, it would be doomed to failure, IMO.


Similar to all the “Tea Party” type orgs that popped up. All about making money and scamming people. Have to be careful.


Yep – and the opportunist greedy Super PACS as well!


Hope you save some of that anger for yourself.

I have been warning and warning.

Everyone needs to slow down, double check, re-evaluate posting what they think is news vs. rumor.

We know fake BS will be and is being posted. DISINFORMATION IS RAMPANT.

No one to blame here but yourself.

That said, apology accepted. Please let this lesson sink in. Others here need to take it to heart as well.

The first instinct, now, should be to DOUBT before posting.

Protect YOUR credibility. Don’t be a rumor monger.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thank you, I stand scolded and corrected. I will try to be wiser. I’ve been operating on very little sleep – and much horror – now have recovered somewhat.


Proclamation on Honoring United States Capitol Police Officers


  Issued on: January 10, 2021


GAB is showing signs of life.


Oops. Did not work. Got to work on posting GAB stuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just copy the whole thing by click drag copy paste!


The media and the dems were watching the RNC elections to gauge President Trump’s current and future influence in the RNC.

President Trump won and is happy about that. The RNC has fought hard in GA and in lawsuits since 11/3. If President Trump is happy, so am I.

Just posted the links to share the Good news that his people won. If you don’t like who he endorsed, argue with him about.

Her win is considered a direct gauge, a direct reflection of his ongoing influence and popularity within the RNC.

McDaniel was His Choice as was Hicks and they both won – esp. significant was Hicks victory.

If you think President Trump should not have endorsed them or didn’t mean it when he did, fine.

If you think RNC “betrayed” him, how so?

If you think they betrayed him on Wed, 1/6 with their votes in Congress then you don’t know the difference between the RNC and GOP elected officials as one (1/6) has nothing to do with the articles/links and the votes/election to which I am referring. SMH

If you don’t know what all the RNC did for President Trump pre 11/3 and post 11/3 then you weren’t a volunteer and involved and, well … we all choose how we spend our time for MAGA.

If you don’t know your RNC members or your SEC members then that is just one more example that the GOP voting base has not been as informed and involved as they need to be and have surrendered/forfeited their party over to the GOPe who always knows who these people are and how the party functions.


Here’s a clue for you…..


Get it yet?


I, “second the motion”. FUCK the RNC.


Ok… Ok…. I’ll THIRD it 🙂


You cant, but I will 😉


I knew you would 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

I’ll fourth it, but I’d rather have a fifth 😀





Until President Trump rejects the RNC we need MAGA voters in the RNC and in the SECs. Do you even know who your RNC members are? They may well be MAGA! have you called your RNC members, written them, met them and expressed your opinions? Same question for your SECs reprsentatives/members.

The GOPe would like Nothing more than for MAGA voters to leave the GOP.


Tell it to President Trump. I was just relaying his good news and his phone call on Thurs to the RNC


Here’s something you don’t seem to get: POTUS had to support whichever republican stiffs were put up in the election. Do you think he wanted to lose the Senate and the House? Even a GOPE stiff is better than a democrat. Most of them vote for his judicial nominees. That does NOT mean he is in love with these stiffs or wouldn’t have much preferred someone else in their place. He knows as well as we do what a bunch of asses most of them are.


And here is something you don’t seem to get

The RNC election was just several days ago and AGAIN people are not reading the links, not paying attention &/or ignorant as the Senate had Zero to do with RNC elections this past week. SMH


Please shake your head until your brain re-boots. Then tell your programmer that your emotion chip has malfunctioned, which is interfering your mission.


Harsh. But funny.  😂 


That should be on my tombstone. Ask my kids, they’ll tell you.



Thank you. I’m done. Nothing gets through.


If truth and logic don’t get through, that’s an indicator of a hidden agenda.





Agenda of supporting President Trump and following *his* lead.

He was happy about the RNC elections so why aren’t you?

Agenda of encouraging MAGA voters to stay involved and Informed regarding the RNC and their SECs because the GOPe would like Nothing more than for MAGA conservatives to quit.

Division is the tool of the uniparty.

Cuppa Covfefe

As are you.


Tell it to President Trump. I just posted a simple post relaying *his* candidates won and *he* called them on Thurs.


comment image


Here’s what you don’t get.

The RNC is corrupt as hell at the national level.

It’s very similar to my union. My rep is a good guy. Most of the local level people are. But The people running things at the national level are corrupt pigs that are embedded parasites.

Here’s the thing you don’t seem to understand…

You can’t get rid of the parasites running things at the national level without taking down the entire organization. Reread that. They have intentionally set thing up this way to protect themselves, their power, influence, and affluence.

And that IS the way it is….both at my union and the RNC.

Save your platitudes about involvement. The RNC must die.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Tell it to President Trump. I am just posting that the RNC voted for his people and so his influence and leadership will continue in the RNC.


No, I am telling you. Fuck your precious RNC. It is hopelessly corrupted with GOPe Uniparty globalists. It must, and will, die.

Your advocacy for the RNC here at Q Tree is pointless.


I didnt’ advocate for the RNC. I merely relayed the Good news that President Trump’s picks were elected, that POTUS won and about his phone call on Thursday to the RNC.

President Trump’s phone call to the RNC on Thursday.

I didn’t tell him to call – that is on him.

I am merely relaying what President Trump said and did that should be viewed as good news.


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  :wpds_arrow:   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_twisted:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_chuckle: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe that if action is here, cleansing is in the cards.


They are also corrupt at the state level.


Who are your SEC members and how did they vote? Who are your RNC memebrs and how did they vote in last week’s elections? for the Trump candidates or against? Which specific SEC members are “corrupt” and why?

Or are you just lasting out at your SEC? I am sure there are bad actors in TX SEC but who? Yours that represent you or the other SEC members? What has your SEC done to support or to now support President Trump and how did your SEC members vote?

Many are informed and involved and could easily answer these questions but most can not. They are merely making sweeping generalizations have no idea who their SEC members are, did not vet them before they voted, if they voted and don’t follow what their SEC is actually, specifically doing. All unproductive.

I hope you do know who your RNC members are, how they are chosen, who your SEC members are, that you vetted them before you voted for them, that you contact them to express your opinions, etc., as we all should do.

If not, then how do they know what their base wants?

If we have not done all we can do, as exampled above, then do we have the right to complain that the RNC members that represent our state and our SEC members are not doing as we would like?

Food for thought …

The GOPe would like nothing more than for MAGA voters to exit. Please don’t.


Her win is considered a direct gauge, a direct reflection of his ongoing influence and popularity within the RNC.

By whom? And why was there any question about “his ongoing influence and popularity within the RNC”? The RNC should be the biggest cheerleaders for MAGA, working in complete harmony with Pres. Trump. After four years, they should be joined at the hip. They don’t seem to be, and that’s what people are reacting to.

If you think they betrayed him on Wed, 1/6 with their votes in Congress then you don’t know the difference between the RNC and GOP elected officials as one (1/6) has nothing to do with the articles/links and the votes/election to which I am referring. SMH

No one thinks that. Everyone knows the difference between the RNC and members of Congress. But, as has been explained repeatedly, the RNC has been instrumental in not supporting candidates to primary the RINOs. So they are viewed as part of the problem.


“By whom?” By President Trump if you read the articles.

The RNC HAS been a HUGE cheerleader of President Trump.

“No one thinks that” they did think that if you read through the thresd, talking about Congressmen in relation to the RNC. Literally in the comments or I wouldn’t have said it. -.

The RNC was joined at the hip to POTUS – why do you think there was no primary for POTUS this time? RNC, period. And it was a fight.

Why do you think the RNC was Blatently pro Trump during the primary?

How can the RNC support candidates to primary RINOs? That doesn’t even make sense. they are usually neutral in the primaries – but they broke their own rules for President Trump. We in the party leadership did not at all have to be neutral in the presidental primary. The RNC themselves endorsed President Trump.


Interesting that no one lists any examples of the RNC not supporting President Trump. Examples of Elected Senators and Representatives are given instead.

“The RNC should be the biggest cheerleaders for MAGA, working in complete harmony with Pres. Trump. After four years, they should be joined at the hip. They don’t seem to be, and that’s what people are reacting to.”

The fact that no one seems to have any idea what the RNC has done, esp. post 11/3, no idea of the volunteer cordination, training, door knowing, phone calling, leadership training, how closely they have worked with the Trump Campaign, etc. Why are we so misinformed on the RNC?

People seem to know very little about what the RNC has been doing, the poltics within the RNC and the Trump supporter controll of the RNC, as these elections just demonstrated.

Division benefits who? Misinformation regarding the RNC benefits who?

Ignoring the leadership of President Trump on this issue is appropriate because … ??

If President Trump is happy about the RNC elections this past week, then so am I.

I will listen to President Trump over nameless sources online.

I posted and linked President Trump and the Good News of President Trump’s allies winning the RNC elections. Until President Trump changes his mind, I will be happy his allies won as well.

Rodney L Short

Timing is right Y’all, enjoy the endin to this show…


PGA Announces It Will Strip Trump Bedminster Golf Club of 2022 PGA Championship After Capitol Hill Chaos

I’m so disgusted by all this propaganda and pretend moral superiority.

I won’t watch the PGA ever again.



Is EVERYBODY Paid off?
Or just STUPID?

What does this move gain them?

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback
Harry Lime

All the professional sports have utterly destroyed themselves. What does it gain them? I have no idea…maybe an audience and market in China?

I was the biggest baseball fan you could find as recently as…oh, I don’t know…maybe three or four years ago. Now? I’ll probably never watch another MLB game in my life. And they can take their merchandise and shove it up…*&%$#@!


True…. Everyone around me can NOT believe I don’t watch the NFL anymore.

Harry Lime

So sad. And all done intentionally by the powers that be.

And for some reason a majority of the athletes went right along with it. or remained silent as their profession was being destroyed. Most of the younger ones will have to learn how to budget…cuz their paychecks are going to be a fraction of what they were making only 4 or 5 years ago.


Started watching English Premier Rugby. Them boys just play. Still working on the rules but I actually like it quite a bit. Oh, no politics. Just rugby.



Cuppa Covfefe

All of their merchandise is made in Red China. It used to be you could get a baseball made in the Philippines, or perhaps Mexico, but no more. Same with most of the other stuff. I wanted to buy my son a “kit”, years ago, and NOTHING was made in the USA.

Now, with the EU-Red Chyyyna trade deal signed, it’ll probably be the same thing over here, but worse. Probably need to buy new appliances before it’s too late… 😡 😡 😡 😡


Only time I watched PGA was when Tiger was out there. Tiger nearly ALWAYS found a way to win.

Wonder what Tiger thinks of this PGA BS.

PGA is also dead to me. My life keeps getting easier and easier.

Harry Lime

I know…sports is the least of our worries right now…but it was an important part of Americana…and a great way to spend time with family and friends (some who I don’t really speak to any longer)…they’re destroying our country one piece at a time.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Baseball, Football, Apple Pie and Chevrolet FORD … 🙂 [actually 🙁 , as those days appear to be long gone…]


I could care less, and I’d bet POTUS feels this same way, all things considered.


Actually, if you “could” care less, you have some work to do.


Insty threw a link to

And I’m laughing so hard…..if they think the second is good, wait ’til they see the fifth! These dupes are stupid enough to run idiotic “impeachment” battles every six months until the end of his second term. It’s like someone going through a case of exploding cigars, insisting the next one HAS to be real.


By the time POTUS is done with them, there won’t be enough democrats left in congress to man a lemonade stand.

Harry Lime

Not to mention that Democrats shut down all of the lemonade stands for not having the proper documentation…probably threw a bunch of seven year olds in the county lock-up for good measure, too…you know…as a deterrence for not paying off the Big Guy.

Last edited 4 years ago by Harry Lime

I’m guessing lemonade will be popular at Gitmo.

Cuppa Covfefe

You mean “WOMAN” a lemonade stand, or? 😆


Freaking Reuters thinks we’re such stupid rubes that we need an “explainer”. Tired of the contempt and constant insults.


Dear stupid, idiotic, liberal fact-checkers…why don’t you smell what you drooling morons are shoveling?

comment image


Gross, but entirely accurate.


Folks, don’t know if this is legitmate…but there is a youtube video of Flynn and Papadopolus(spelling?) at a rally in DC , dated Jan 10, 2021


Pro-Trump Rally near the White House….same as the one Flynn is speaking at?


But Antifa and BLM are just fine. Could they be any more brazen?


Exactly, it’s as if everything they are doing is designed to provoke shock and disbelief, as if that is the actual goal.

Like a pure psy-op.

IOW, they have no intention of the law ever passing, or if it does, ever being able to enforce it, the entire purpose is to shock and demoralize, the more absurd and unbelievable, the better. 👍

Like ‘agent provocateur’ stuff at the Legislative Branch level.


I don’t believe it, but I hope it’s true!

It would be fun to watch them try to pass laws that directly contradict the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, etc.

Since they will all be in prison soon, I’m surprised they’re not working on laws that require wardens to set House and Senate members free immediately after incarceration, with complimentary hookers and drinks.

Better chance of withstanding Constitutional scrutiny than classifying MAGA rallies as ‘domestic terrorist activity’.
