2021·01·23 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

Что Делать?

What is to be done?

[That’s pronounced “SHTOE DYEH-lat?” and if you can push your tongue to the roof of your mouth as you say that last t, so much the better. And yes if you know a little bit of Russian, you’re probably about to tell me that the Ч should be pronounced like the “ch” in “cheese”–and you’d be right except in this one case, a rare rule-breaker in Russian. And что was the very first word in the book I learned Russian from.]

Что Делать? is a question that was asked in a pamphlet written in pre-Revolutionary Russia in 1901 by a then-obscure individual who took the pseudonym Lenin. [Well, except he spelled it Что Дѣлать but after the revolution the ѣ was deemed redundant with е and was dispensed with, along with millions of kulaks.]

It was actually a question about some arcane matter of Marxist dogma, and Lenin was an evil man, but the question, ripped out of context, is apt today.

Having been boned up the hindquarters by our political class, what is to be done?

We got suckered.

Almost everything anyone has quoted on this site has turned out to be hopium, and much of it delivered by bullshit artists. Most of us are realizing this and getting good and mad about it, while others seem to be looking around for more hopium to cling to. I’ve had my suspicions all along, but caught so much grief for trying to point it out I long since stopped trying. Now I regret it.

If you’re in that group of people addicted to hopium, looking at more and more implausible scenarios, please stop. You’re consciously evading reality, and you’re needed out here in the real world.

I am not going to assume that anyone is going to bail us out of this by some hail Mary move. Every day that passes sees more Trump people fired from government; soon there won’t be anyone even potentially interested in helping out remaining in anything remotely like a position to do so. By noon on Saturday (today) the administration of His Fraudulency will have been in power for three days. Seven more and the “ten days of darkness” have run out–on the day of my next “daily.”

Of course that won’t stop someone from saying, “well those weren’t the ten days of darkness. No, the ten days of darkness are really going to start…” That person can go fuck his perpetually goal-shifting self, because the ten days before the “inauguration” were supposed to be the ten days of darkness before we entered into this “ten days of darkness.”

The only thing worse than falling for the Lucy and the Football Maneuver is setting ourselves up for it again.

Drop the fancies of eating popcorn (or bacon) while watching someone else pull a miracle out of his ass.

Four years of tease and disappointment should be enough. You should feel STUPID, Dumbass!!! I sure do.

I hope a number of people here feel like I just dumped ten gallons of icewater on them.

Here, have some towels and dry yourselves off.

Are you awake now? Good. Are you mad? Even better.

Because here is the Real Deal: It Is Up To Us. It Is Entirely Up To Us. No imaginary friend is going to bail us out.

And only if we realize that can we begin to do something about it.

To be clear, I sure hope this ages poorly. But I don’t expect it to and neither should anyone else. I think the odds are less than twenty percent right now, and rapidly declining.

So how do we fight this? Yes, we fight. That shouldn’t be in doubt. We fight.

I think what each person does is going to depend on their circumstances, talents, and mindset. I’ve been seeing some good suggestions out there on what we can do. We need more of this!

This is a time to brainstorm, not about yet more ridiculous scenarios of how someone else will bail our asses out, but rather about what we can do.

There are loads of things that can be done; I’m going to confine myself to stuff that is legal.

One thing we can all do is refuse to mention the current administration without mentioning the fraud; hence why I call the current occupant of the White House “His Fraudulency.” (Inspired by “His Accidency” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Tyler. Though he was legitimately in the White House, I’ll still rip off and rework the crap his enemies dished on him.) And of course Wheatie’s strategy, hence the title I put on this daily.

And boycott anything/anyone who tries to shut out conservatives/patriots.

Dialing up pressure on the scumsucking ratfucking weaselshit pissguzzling RINOs–politicians AND wheelhorses in the organization–is good. We’ve stopped donating. Let’s see if we can send them invoices! (And I can start by refusing to be this charitable towards them in the future.)

Whether we should try to take over the Repugnican party or abandon it is a trickier question. Kicking out the entrenched shitbirds will be hard. But starting a new party has its own hazards. Most states won’t give third parties ballot access without a lot of work, and of course they can try to take it over like they did with the Tea Party. But anyone wanting to engage in “conventional” politics has to pick one and go with it, and be ready to switch strategies if something breaks.

Figure out all kinds of ways to fight…and FIGHT!!

A Reminder Of Today’s Big Issue.

I won’t be including this section any more after this time. It’s moot.

Cthulhu, the fish is right. There ain’t no justice.

But wait! Maybe not. We have a new big issue.

You guys do know that Joe Biden Didn’t Win, right?

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

Please note that our menu has changed, please listen to all of the options.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The first rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
5. The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
9. Social Justice Warriors, ANTIFA pukes, BLM hypocrites, and other assorted varieties of Marxists can go copulate with themselves, or if insufficiently limber, may substitute a rusty wire brush suitable for cleaning the bore of a twelve or ten gauge.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Coin of The Day

Today’s coin is the plugged nickel.

Boy that sounds cynical, doesn’t it. But it doesn’t have to be.

It is our actions and not somebody else’s that will determine just whose lives/careers won’t be worth one of these plugged nickels. So, which will it be? Us or them?

Standard disclaimer: I never show pictures of my own coins. I may or may not own coins like the ones I show. Burglars will be interested to hear that gold and silver aren’t the only heavy metals I have, and I have quite a bit of one with a heavier nucleus than either. And I keep it around a lot more than the gold and silver.

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.

If any of us ends up in the cell next to this guy, tell him “Hi” for me!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).

China is in the White House

The only thing lower than China, which is already lower than whale shit, is the (nominal) Americans betraying their country to help China. Including His Fraudulence, currently infesting 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

His Fraudulency Didn’t Win

I figure you probably were unaware of that, so I decided to let you know.

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… and he’s STILL not my president.

Gail Combs

𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓻𝓸𝔂 𝓙𝓸𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓭𝓷’𝓽 𝓦𝓲𝓷… 𝓗𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓪!


Thank you Steve,I needed a nice cold smack in the face.reality can be hard to face but face it we must and FIGHT! God watch over us,Amen and good night


And the traitorous pretender is not our President not now not ever


Write in Donald J Trump for every office. Nuff said.




Let’s DO it!


Get the funny aspect ^^^.

But who is going to vote expecting the vote as cast, is counted as such.

Then there is the myriad of other ignorance established in our election system.


Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Write ins have to be hand counted.


Gotta start somewhere…


Screw up the computer count.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need honest guns pointed at the counters.



Maybe if they even look at the luggage longingly.


Maybe on a statistical basis just to keep their attention…..


My understanding of the Dominion machines is that they are set at a count tabulation or adjudicate at a high level of rejections.

A forensic audit would be necessary, yet a write-in would be definitive.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to change who handles and counts the ballots to a neutral party with guns, that only cares about Truth. If we have to go somewhere unusual to get them, I’m OK with that. I would volunteer.

Democrats are now Soviets and cannot be trusted in any way, shape or form to uphold the law fairly, without guns at their heads.

I’m sorry, but that is the horrible truth.


Wolf, I understand.

Tell me why we cannot overwhelm a Murkowski/ Miller race? No one is contemplating a write- in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Murkowski allies count the ballots. End of scheme. You lose. One way or another.

Democrats can come up with endless lies once they’re full Soviet.

Not sure if you’re old enough to remember the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact. I used to listen to them lie. They were just brazen.

I have no faith in the electoral system now. There is nothing behind it. No courts. No Congress.

Without FEAR OF DEATH, Democrats are not going to abide by any laws.


So then, we are all done.

I have told my friends that they should keep their dogs close to home.

When I went to a very high end college, I had a very good friend from Caracas..
Her family got out twenty years before it fell.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump seems to think that there is a way to get the House and Senate back. I trust him. He may be right. Two years of horror and then brakes to slow the descent into hell.

If they go for the guns before that, though, it could be ugly.


I cannot figure that one out. What happened to President Trump and his team?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He didn’t want to start a civil war, IMO. I get that.

Trump rightly won the election. But we are still at the White House Correspondents’ dinner, and everybody is laughing at a LIE.

We are not at the Al Smith Dinner. Not yet.

CONGRESS snaked him. SCOTUS snaked him. The entire executive including BARR and WRAY snaked him. And then PENCE snaked him.

Finally, the MIC snaked him.

This reminds me of a corporate ball game I played in. Our team won beautifully on the very last play, but the other side LIED about the outcome of that play. Just LIED – all of them. It was the power of the group lie, just like this election.

We GAVE it to them. The hollow victory. We knew we won. But we gave it to them, because the fight would have never ended and would have torn the company apart. All the powerful people were on the lying team. All the good and powerless people were on the truthful team.

Interestingly, the lying team included the people who sold us out to China, too.

I walked away from that with nothing but the PRIDE of having higher values. We turned the other cheek, rather than destroy the company.

If there is ever true justice, people on that other team will be going to jail, and not us. But even if there is injustice and it’s the other way around, and we the innocent go to jail, I will Trust Christ that we who follow the Law in Truth will be the ones who go on.

Deplorable Patriot

CONGRESS snaked him. SCOTUS snaked him. The entire executive including BARR and WRAY snaked him. And then PENCE snaked him.

Ask yourself this: did he ALLOW himself to be snaked to demonstrate to the normies, the unawake, or those just waking up as to exactly how corrupt the system is?

Given the cynicism creeping into this group I won’t use the “P” word, but this may have been the way it had to happen.

We weren’t exactly at the brink.

Are we now?

I have my doubts.

And some people are giving up way too soon.


“And some people are giving up way too soon.”

Exactly what is it, do you say, people are giving up too soon on?


Ask yourself this: did he ALLOW himself to be snaked to demonstrate to the normies, the unawake, or those just waking up as to exactly how corrupt the system is?

Seriously? Toss what? The WH? Senate and House?

Is it cynicism or reality?

By al means insert the P word for whatever value it may add.

Call it like it is…as you see it. More angles can be helpful.


Sing it Sista…

.Giving up way too soon is right…

Sure wouldn’t want them in my foxhole

and this defeatism is contagious…

so, don’t think I will even lurk for awhile

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nobody is giving up. We’re giving up on TRAINING WHEELS magically helping us win Daytona.

We are not worthy. Who here has SPAT IN THE FACE of the corrupt FBI?

Indians on the reservation in the 60s who ROSE UP were more worthy than us.

It’s OK to believe that the Q psy-op was a good thing, but also that it’s getting in the way now.

The Ghost Dance was good and true, but it was not the magic people thought it was.

Christ was good and true, but He was not the king everybody thought He was.


The Q psy-op was good and true, but it’s not the magic that we thought it was.

It created MORAL POWER – spiritual power – not military power.

These weak generals are going to click heels to the Bidenistas until something else happens that invalidates the Biden administration, and THAT does not happen with a corrupt SCOTUS.

Take off the training wheels. Pick up a gun or a Bible. I don’t care which at this point. We all choose for ourselves how we fight the Bidenazis. Sam Adams called it right. Some will rest with their light chains, others will fight. If you’re a fighter, pick your weapon.


What they really want is our Bibles. And the guns of good Americans are in their way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I agree. You can see them just ITCHING to go CHINA on us.


Actaully, I am guessing, President Trump is trying to game the right way ahead.

I am betting, even President Trump is stunned, at least surprised by the level of fraud and corruption at every level of our election process.

Fraud and corruption unelected, elected and appointed – TOTAL FAILURES. TOTAL FRAUDS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is truly an unveiling – it is literally APOCALYPTIC. Absolutely apocalyptic.


“Without FEAR OF DEATH, Democrats are not going to abide by any laws.”


Without fear of death, we can’t be compelled to do anything these criminals attempt to force on us. 👍

What happens if we all call their bluff?

What could they possibly do… besides nothing?


I completely understand. A write-in vote would necessarily tie a person’s writing to a vote.

The only way to identify the vote.

If audited, it would prove the voter’s own script.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’d just shred the ballots, like they did this time.


So then, Wolf, there is no more
civil action.

We will need to take the other course.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All it took was 5 corrupt swing states to throw the election in a few counties each. And then for nobody to stand up for the truth. Because of control of the media, any such distributed crime could be hidden, if all agreed to the lie. It’s remarkable.

It was a bloodless murder of Caesar.

It was a TRUE conspiracy – all the way to the Supreme Court. Sadly, it condemns America. There is no salvation without blood at this point, IMO.


So, unless Sidney’s cases can break through…civil war against a world war.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t want to believe the worst – but we simply have to face how bad – how systematic – how coordinated the cheating was. How international. It’s ASTOUNDING. It was MASSIVE.




I expect someone got to President Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe Jesus. Or his fellow pacifist NSA, Robert O’Brien.

Peace is a hard road. Trump rightly won, but to preserve the Union for the moment, he let the villains win. I think it’s admirable, but I will never call their steal anything but the crime that it was.

They can throw me in jail for protesting the greatest crime in the history of this country, but let me ask this.

What is true winning?

To win by a steal?

To RIP the trophy out of the thief’s hand?

Or to follow Christ, and turn the other cheek on the biggest theft of a win in the planet’s history, for the good of the world?

THAT is true winning. If one believes in Christ, THAT is true winning.

Trump out-Christianed every “Christian” on SCOTUS. Let that sink in.

It ranks with George Washington and the cherry tree.

I’m proud that Trump walked away.

I don’t think it’s worth a civil war. But I will never paper over the LIE of this theft – EVER.

Let Biden have his hollow victory for however long it lasts him.

Send me to a camp. I now understand the rabbi who let the Nazis shoot him before giving up his Torah.

We have to be better than this world.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope Mitch McConnell reads my words.

Have you no DECENCY? At long last – after all this conspiracy – a man turned on by everybody he helped, including you – and you want to impeach him?


I now realize who I am. I’m the thief on the cross. And I say to Mitch, “Why to you torment this man? Unlike us, he did nothing wrong.”

Concerned Virginian

McConnell knows exactly who he is and doesn’t care. He’s got his bonus check of laundered money from Dictator Xi. He’s got a nice big pension coming. He’s got lobbying gigs lined up after he leaves the Senate. Wouldn’t surprise me to find out McConnell has been working with John Brennan for the past 4 years to get Biden into the Oval Office and give control of House and Senate to the DemCommunists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree. McConnell was the biggest snake of all. He gave Trump three backstabbers for SCOTUS.

Judgement will befall them all for this treachery.


Nothing surprises me.


And we shall, Wolf.

Deplorable Patriot

Boss, take the emotion out. The drama is addictive. We can’t go that route.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We must accept the full degree of the treachery. We are not accepting it.

Steve is right. He was there, just like me. It changes one, to confront evil, and the be told by Trump to let evil win the battle, but maybe not the war.

I felt it in that moment – that evil had gotten its 30 pieces, and the deal was done. Judas McConnell took his China money.

The path back does not start here and now. There is no magical salvation. Our Ghost Dance saves, but not in the way we think.

We must reach the BOTTOM where we accept that the ONLY good people were Trump and the garbageman – the fool – waving the QAnon flag on Capitol Hill.

“They’re good people.”

Ironic. Such truth.

Congress is corrupt. The FBI is corrupt. The DOJ is corrupt. Even SCOTUS is corrupt. Even the military brass is corrupt.

Even I was corrupt, when I engaged in non-violent civil disobedience.

Judgement befalls us all for the corruption.

Trump did the right thing. He finally pulled back the veil all the way.

Only in TRUTH can we find the way back.

This is a beautiful moment of truth.

We must zero the ledgers.

By believing in the Q fantasy, we were ironically saved from much of the corruption. That is even more difficult to see.


Nobody comes to the rescue but us.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is a great thing that you have done!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just getting off the hopium bong is positive.

The vision is so much clearer now.

There is no shame in it, either. To know that a New York garbageman – a FOOL – is a greater man than the head of the FBI – to see that clearly now – it’s just WOW.

We have so much moral power in NO COUP – no rescue – no salvation – it is devastating to the communists.

Deplorable Patriot

What, precisely, are we supposed to do other than not meme?

Write our senators and representatives? Roy Blunt and Cori Bush are not going to open the mail, let alone listen to a voice opposed to their gravy train.

Get involved with the local party people?

With the parties you toe the line or you don’t get to help. Their lines are not MAGA.

Run for office?

If it’s not our bag – which it is not mine – we’re better off writing stuff that informs and creating memes.

Really, we need guidance on how to proceed if we’re just chucking military option which might be rolling and we just don’t know about it yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am so glad that Trump had the wisdom to choose the path that he did. The path of moral righteousness is STRONGER than any path which relies on the corrupt MACHINE in Washington.

There is such POWER in Trump having been ABANDONED by SCOTUS. People have to see that. The moral power of showing that Trump himself is greater than the highest court in the land – it’s beautiful. THAT SHAME may be the only thing that saves SCOTUS. They, too, have to save themselves. Which of them will turn in Roberts as corrupt? If none, then judgement comes.

One way or another, judgement comes for SCOTUS. They can choose TRUTH and BRAVERY, or they can choose LIES and COWARDICE.

Deplorable Patriot

I fully accept the evil. And I do know that we the people are going to have to take the country back and no one said it was going to be easy.

BUT, I also recognize that even with the sheer size of the movement, we don’t know where to start to change things, and without a guiding hand, the infighting will sink the ship.

The other side has the guiding hands.

Ours does as well, but right now I get the idea he’s letting moves play out. This is not going to happen over night. Too much has to be cleaned out.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, ye of little faith…

Oh, wait…sorry.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. But there is no immediate salvation. We have to accept that.

We have NOT risen up against this tyranny. Not enough. No rescue comes – no army forms – no true rebellion begins – until WE THE PEOPLE rebel against it in our daily lives.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to read the tea leaves properly.

Q was TRAINING WHEELS. They’re gone now.

it’s OK. You tell the kid he’s not going to fall down, but you know he will, and when he falls down, you say that was the last time, which is probably not true.

The magic salvation at the end is US learning to FIGHT. Learning that we have the RIGHT to fight. Learning that it’s ALL CORRUPT and worthy of being CLEANED OUT.

Nobody in the military will come rescue us unless we’re worthy of it and we’re not worthy yet.

Where is the will to fight? We have to leave the training wheels behind.

Time to RISE UP on our own.


Uh, please expand on, I expect someone got to President Trump.


Rumors of an assassination attempt during the week before the 6th and very uncharacteristic behavior by President Trump in his last weeks in office.

Just a personal observation.


But my question, Wolf, is just how to restore “election integrity”? If the game is rigged, how do you unrig a rigged game?

Seems to me that there are 2 basic issues to be addressed: election integrity and the media. Everything else fails or succeeds based on these two.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know. I no longer care about process when those who control the process are corrupt beyond redemption, and will UNDO whatever we DO.

No matter what we fix, there will be a new Zuckerberg to destroy it.

Somebody has to destroy the destroyers, and that is done MORALLY.

We have to rebel. The primary question of process is violent or non-violent. And that is less material than what underlies the rebellion.

I think we need a MORAL awakening, where those who tolerate the corruption and the communism are shamed, as when the Soviet Union and East Bloc fell.

In Chile, the people SHAMED the military into acting. But I believe our brass may be too corrupt. Even then they need more support from the people to take action. That means let the horrible people behind Biden hurt us more.

I am undergoing a proper spiritual transformation now. I don’t know where this goes.

It doesn’t matter who ran the Q psy-op or why. We must ACTUALLY awaken to where we are.

Truth is our greatest weapon. We swing it righteously no matter what it strikes – even ourselves.


The trouble I have is how many republicans were involved to turn the country into communism. The republicans who betrayed the base in the states. Unless they were pretenders and in reality left wingers?
It is hard to loose to the opposition but to loose by the hand of your own is hard to swallow.
So it is true it is one party who pull the wool over our eyes every election.


It’s not civil war.
It is a second overthrowing the oppressive chains of oppressive tyranny.


Bloody or not.

Deplorable Patriot

It also took cooperation from the courts and the judiciary branch. The malfeasance had to be SHOWN to the people who considered that part of our system the last bastion that it was no such thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this was a GREAT THING that Roger Stone and General Flynn did. They showed us the corruption of our Soviet courts, which will protect any LIE that saves their corrupt system.

Deplorable Patriot

Democrats, at least at the top and those with influence, have been Soviets for well over 70 years. I’m thinking closer to since their inception. We just knew them by another name.


Steve, one would need to audit the actual ballots. Understood.

A write-in would undercut the entire fraud.


Steve, you do understand that if someone writes in a name, that is a personal imprint of script or printing.


If 75 to 100 million people wrote in one name for every office in the US for every position, it would be CHAOS, no?


And I understand your point about all of the different factions in each district; yet how would they be able to adjudicate all of those signatures?


Murkowski won the seat over Joe Miller using the same strategy.

She enticed the Teachers’ Union to write in her name against Joe Miller …and it worked.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They probably cranked fake ballots, too.


Yes, that steal was too swift.


Maybe we could do write-ins for little Bobby Tables.



Wolf says it is over.





There is no other course of civil action.


I don’t think you “got” the xkcd. It’s arguably uncivil.


Indeed. Uncivil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

xkcdblm? YIKES.


“Wolf says it is over.”




Did you say over?

Nothing is over until we decide it is!

Was it over, when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Hell no!


Indeed! A long slog!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, we won.

We took the MORAL VICTORY.

I understand now. Trump took the moral and spiritual victory. THAT is what has the power to rebuild America.


Gettysburg. That battle was won by Custer, amazingly…in a very odd way.

Did not seem evident immediately but it was won by Custer.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Crazy, huh? Custer’s action threw off the wntire balance of timing of that battle.


And I understand what you are implying. Completely.

For no man ever has victory over a hollow space.


Take a moment.

IIRC, GA, whatever county set up the damn vote counting machine to kick out ballots TO BE HAND COUNTED.

The hand counting completed the cheat as those votes, or nearly ALL of them were COUNTED AS BIDEN.

Did not matter who the vote was actually for.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That is where we are. Communism has removed HONOR from its footsoldiers.

JW in Germany

VOTING BOOTHS?????? Haven’t we learned????

Steve…I’ve had my share of popcorn and hopium…even shared it with others.

I have also asked the questions most didn’t want to contemplate.

Now, I see many of us are READY! LET’S DO IT! We need a plan!

JW in Germany

It is not throwing the towel to realize that the next step needs to be taken…and that step is what will be banned about speaking about in the near future. Our Founding Fathers knew!


As some commie bastid said, it’s not the voter that counts. It is the vote counter that matters.


So, if every single ballot has a hand written vote for every office, it will take awhile to do a lot of things.

Dog catchers, President, etc.

Concerned Virginian

The system didn’t “intentionally fail” in allowing vote fraud to put Biden in to Oval Office and control of both House and Senate to the DemCommunists.
It was all intentional SUCCESS. All planned since Donald Trump won the 2016 election. Likely masterminded by JOHN BRENNAN who apparently is right back at the White House.
The goal for the DeepState / Soros-Clinton Axis now is to make sure that We, The People never rise again.
Part of the goal plan is to destroy Donald Trump and remove any influence or sway he has.
Part of the goal plan is to demoralize and intimidate his supporters into silence and acquiescence.
Part of the goal plan is to disarm We, The People so as to be more easily controlled.
The DeepState / Soros-Clinton Axis sees us NOT as We, The People, but as We, The KULAKS or We, The SLAVES.

Deplorable Patriot

The problem for the other side is that Trump woke up those who were sleep walking through political life. Now that the uniparty has been exposed, as has the system from top to bottom being a cesspool, the people aren’t happy. It wasn’t just a hornet’s nest that got knocked over. Throw in yellow jackets, and some honey bees with Africanized genetics, and that’s a little closer.

Brave and Free

I agree DP, many times I’ve seen this scnerio play out before as wolf described. Be it sports, politics or the neighborhood school boards. We get all pissed about their lying and deceit. But we let it continue………… why?
Because we’re to afraid of the backlash that comes with the confrontation most of the time. Will this time be different? That’s the question that’s going to be answered.


Thank could not have expressed it better.


Thank you Steve 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. We got our internet “how to be a patriot” training, which may have also been “how to wait like idiots for Deep State to figure out how to get rid of Trump” training, but it doesn’t matter now – we are OUT OF MOMMY’S BASEMENT and sitting on the curb with no money, the wrong skin, and THE MAN looking to take everything we have left.

Perfect beginning of an adventure. 😎


We now know things as FACT that four years ago would have been laughed away as totally absurd. Maybe nobody’s going to ride in and save us from them, but we can at least see them now.


I had a real awakening when I flew into D.C. a few years ago, zigzagging through the city, running late to the hotel, stuck in traffic, looked over and saw Bruce Ohr walking on the sidewalk about a block from Main Justice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I remember you posting about that.

Yeah. There’s no fixing that kind of crap by normal methods.


I want to remind people about how much psyop there was around all the revelations about FBI crap.

The Deep State is real and they don’t want people to know what they are up to. They want it all out of sight.

Someone shone a massive spotlight on a major source of corruption, and we’ve ONLY BEGUN to scratch the surface on that. (Las Vegas? Orlando? Garland?)

The radio in the taxi was turned to Chris Wallace, and he was going ON AND ON at length about how “we need to protect sources and methods” blah blah blah.


He made me want to PUKE right there. I couldn’t stand it.

I told the D.C. local sitting next to me – “No we don’t, everyone already knows it’s Stefan Halper.” She seemed a little mentally disturbed by that.


Ironically, I was running late meeting up with friends of the late Chuck Colson.

But still there are lots of people even to this day that think all that mess between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and all the others is just . . .

“some conspiracy theory.”

They can’t argue it, so they just want to embarrass and ridicule it into going away.

Friends, we cannot allow ourselves to be embarrassed and ridiculed into silence. That’s exactly what they want us to do.

Lin Wood knows too, and won’t go out quietly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. Just…. AMEN.


Within range.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I am profoundly thankful to Trump for unmasking, and to Q Team for making people SEE and SPREAD the unmasking.


I’ve always favored the expression “six fathoms lower than whale shit”, myself. It’s intriguing in that it has a specific meaning.

A fathom is a unit of measure originally meaning the span of a man’s arms. When spoilsports decided they wanted to have repeatable measurements, regardless of the size of the measurer, it was decided that the standard fathom would be six feet.

So, “six fathoms lower than…” specifically means 36 feet below. But where is whale shit in the water column? Fortunately, we have SCIENCE to tell us — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whale_feces .

It turns out that whale feces are “fluffy” and are released near the surface of oceans, sometimes leading them to initially float. But as they decay and are used as a food source for other lifeforms, they generally lose buoyancy and begin a long, slow, journey to the abyssal plain, where they form a sort of slimy biofilm over everything more solid.

So, we are left with the conclusion that “six fathoms lower than whale shit” refers specifically to a point 36 feet below the top solid surface of the abyssal plain. Doing an exploratory drill is an intriguing idea. Besides the history and morals of the CCP, who knows what else we might find there?


I left it hangin’ out there, but I suppose I have to start:

Nanzi Pelosi’s soul.
Mike Pence’s integrity.
Democrats’ principles.
Cocaine Turtle Mitch’s heart.
Mitt Romney’s Moral Compass.

Deplorable Patriot

The items on that list really don’t exist.

At least not in any “for the good of the people” sense.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

I want to thank Wolf for this wonderful site.

There’s a lot more I want to say, but I want to be very clear on this point:

This is the community beyond the community from CTH.

A placed to get the banned back together.

A speakeasy free of self-censorship.

The last two years here have been a wild ride. I harbor no regrets.

Donald Trump is not finished yet, and neither am I.

I hope none of you are either.

comment image


Not one!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



NO ONE could have logically forcasted EVERY LEVEL of our government being CORRUPT TO THE CORE.

^^^ The ultimate, the deck was, is STACKED against us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t think a 3-justice-repaired SCOTUS would punt on the guy who repaired it.

That level of betrayal shocked me.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Considering that any lawyer and most paralegals would recognize that the “lack of standing” was a lie since there was no oral argument and no formal decision.


If a major candidate of a major party doesn’t have standing, no one does.

Al Gore was treated better.

Sylvia Avery

It shocked me, too. Deeply. I still can’t believe it.They could have saved the Republic. I wonder how they sleep at night.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Watch for more and more glowing mainstream articles about the justices who stood up to Bad Orange Dictator, as they shift left.

Concerned Virginian

They sleep just fine at night. John Roberts knows he’ll never be held accountable for anything.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop on that one.

Something wasn’t right about it, not just that they voted the way they did.


Eternity is a long time…if one is expecting the other shoe to drop.

NOTHING is right about our election system AND government broken from A to Z.

Valerie Curren

Beautifully stated–Thank you!


I figured we were going to get an actual discussion of what nickels might be plugged with, how, and — of greatest import — why?

Maybe another time.


I went to Wiki: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/plug_nickel

Some early United States coins (minted in the 18th and 19th centuries) were made with a small silver disc added to the center of the coin in the planchet (blank metal) before striking. This was done to increase the value of the metal in the coin up to the coin’s face value. plug nickel or plugged nickel is a nickel (now a five-cent coin, but originally a one-cent coin and later a three-cent coin) where the “plug” (center disc) has been removed, thus decreasing the metal value of the coin. People would often examine their change after a cash transaction to ensure they did not receive such a coin.

I couldn’t find a pic of one. Only this:

comment image


Oh, so a “plugged nickel” is actually a “de-plugged nickel”.

I had actually been thinking that there might have been some time when they inserted a slug of lead into a nickel in order to maintain the same weight but devalue the coin — which is, of course, the opposite scheme from what you describe. Hmmm….


Found this.
The U.S. Mint experimented with a bi-metallic cent to keep the size of the coin manageable and meet the requirements of the Coinage Act of April 2, 1792. The first silver center cents were struck December 17 to 18, 1792. Each was made by hand at the Mint, workmen first making the copper blank and then punching out a small hole, and next inserting the silver plug, and finally striking the coins using the appropriate dies.



DH and son kept telling me, and they as well as you were right. Sigh. Well, my main focus, as it has been, will be DH, to help him improve as much as he can. He had a PT therapy session this week, and he’s improved quite a bit. Thank God for that. No vax for us ever, even if it means no PT. I’ve been pretty good at figuring things out for him so am confident that if we can continue to get a little more therapy, that will get him to hobbling around eventually.


H/T to Insty: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2021/01/q-anon-cult-capitol-hill-riot-trump

This is a fascinating article in that the authors have clearly spent some time studying, but just as clearly have not fully comprehended anything. So they try to force their (sometimes reasonable and intriguing) observations into really stupid boxes (like “cult”).


“QAnon” didn’t storm the Capitol. It was staged antifa and company. I will not allow these bullshit lies to stand.

They have no idea what a “cult” is. They say it b/c they want to SMEAR others, nothing more.

The irony of Jacobin getting all worked up about storming the Capitol is so rich!

But what do you expect? Jacobin are LIARS.


It helps if you read it as a work of humor. Seriously — they mention Q, they mention anons, they mention “Qanons” as a cult of personality for VSGPOTUSDJT. Do they not know how this works? They’ve learned about some badges, so now they want to put them together in some sort of peculiar framework of their own and run around badging every Deplorable person they find and chanting mindlessly, “cult, cult, cult.” We’d be hard-pressed to make this stuff up.


One of my favorite bits in the article was where they start out with “Q adherents congealed under a series of bizarre Internet conspiracy theories that …. link pedophilic cabals” and end up with “Recent revelations like those surrounding the Jeffrey Epstein scandal indicate that a lot of wealthy elites are, in fact, members of a pedophilic cabal.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO. Oh, that’s good.


Seriously, the first quote comes from the ninth paragraph from the top, where the author is trying to convince the audience that anything Q is crazy.

The second quote is from the second paragraph from the end, where the authors try to close with their dignity intact.


I think we should call ourselves PQTreepers…Post-Q…also minding our P&Qs. 🤣

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll start thinking about options. 😉


Steve, Your article, sobering reality. Most of us are admitting this sad reality.

At the risk of my posted thoughts, repetition. The entire system FAILED. INTENTIONALLY FAILED.

^^^ That must be reckoned with.

Systemic failures E V E R Y level…

  • FIB, Dodge, IC…
  • County and state election officials, processes, including reliance on Dominion, SmartMatic and the like ALL CORRUPT.
  • While NOT new, motor voter so anyone can register to vote.
  • Mass mail voting with no checks or validation in the process.
  • Dead voters, some voters voting multiple times, out of state voters…
  • State legislatures, governors and state courts failed miserably.
  • Federal courts, including not Supreme court.
  • Senate and House failures to challenge states with obvious fraud…allowing EC votes to stand.
  • Wide spread censorship and suppression of truth.
  • Fake news and big tech hid ALL of the fraud. Even promoted the fraud as truth.

^^^ EVERYTHING FAILED to follow The Constitution, Laws, Regulations… ^^^


One thing I can’t imagine. I’ll NEVER trust the GOP, eGOP, RNC, and RepubliCONs again. NEVER. Corrupt to the core. Corrupt at EVERY level, IMO. Can’t be fixed.

Politics wise, it’ll take a “new party” with a singular focus – America First. IMO.


For now, it is a matter of pursuing FACTS. Logical analysis. As opposed to wishful hopium. Creating myths to achieve success.

Whatever folks choose to do, it must be peaceful.


Not everybody wants the details about what “boned up the hindquarters” means.


Of which year?


I’ll NEVER trust the GOP, eGOP, RNC, and RepubliCONs again.

This is a good point, in that it’s not just the current traitors in office. It’s the actual party, the system, the good-old-boy/back-slappin’ network, the lying to us about being conservative to get elected but voting GOPe, etc.

But to me, the last straw is their betrayal of Pres. Trump, us, and the country by certifying a clearly fraudulent election — and then supporting impeachment and ensuring it goes forward. They aren’t fighting for truth. They’re smearing the name of a good man, cheating him out of an election he worked day and night to win and that he did win, disenfranchising us, and worst of all, betraying the country by ensuring that a criminal puppet of a foreign country attains the presidency. And they want support? They belong in prison.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Slight correction: they belong in the cemetery.


We need a functional justice system to sort it out.


It’s still a little shocking that SCOTUS went dark. All that pomp and pride obliterated. They will soon feel like country club rejects if the court gets packed.


Very true.

President Trump has demythologized the ruling class.

The unveiling has shown these people to be as petty, corrupt and arrogant as any of the Greek gods of old.

The first step in defeating the entrenched power structure is realizing what pukes they all are…from the sycophantic intern in a Congressional office to the power-addled Pelosi.

Now we can see better how their machiavellian system works. You can bet we are all learning.

Anything constructed by humans can be deconstructed, I don’t care how much power they have.

They have lost the people. Their so-called victory–installing a senile puppet–will prove to be their undoing. It exposed them in ways they did not consider.

I think China made a huge error here. In China you can install such a fake and get away with it. It is a cultural thing.

But here in the USA, it grates on the national soul. We are made of different stuff. This smacks of colonial rulers and imperial arrogance.

It is antithetical to our national character. The derision we feel for this fake presidency, this Mandarin marionette, is deep. And 80 million plus Americans have been cut to the quick by the betrayal of our government.

This is not going to be forgotten.

They know it. The moves to demonize Trump supporters and begin to cement their theft of the presidency is the usual trajectory of tyranny, but I don’t think they can carry it off in the end. As long as they had most of us deceived the election thefts worked fine. That is no longer the case.

The politicians have gotten way out in front of the military. The military is now on the hotseat. They assented to this electoral theft to their everlasting shame. Tsk tsk.

Deplorable Patriot

We need a functional justice system to sort it out.

Yes, but we don’t have one of those and won’t until the whole nest of vipers is cleaned out.


It is hard to clean out the nest of vipers.
When the wall came down not all communists were cleaned out the mixed in the population. They got Merkel as leader and look what has happened instead of ferrying the communists out they wound up in power positions.
We bring our Christian faith with into the action and the other side bring Lucifer.


Ahh, another day, more doomfagging fake news.

More media attempts to smear “QAnon”

More media attempts to link the “Proud Boys”

More propaganda shills.

Proud Boys and QAnon followers face identity crisis and turn on Trump
by Barnini Chakraborty, Senior Investigations Reporter |  | January 22, 2021 03:25 PM


“Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said Monday. [via NYT]

. . .

It’s a 180-degree turn from unwavering support for the 45th president.

I can’t believe people actually read this garbage – no joke, this is the byline they sent out:

News Brief | Proud Boys and QAnon followers face identity crisis and turn on Trump, Presented by Bipartisan Policy Center and U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Why should I believe anything coming from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?


Hmmmmm. Is there a part in The Princess Bride that refers to this?


I probably deserve a straight literal answer even though I was trying to make a goofy reference.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very perceptive on how to subvert any kind of authority group. One would almost think this lady knew something about it from real life. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But he did win when we take those jobs in DNC Fuehrerbunker headquarters. He won bigly – whoops – I mean “he won TOTALLY, dude!” (said to a girl).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m studying Prog 102.


Is pot legal in Ohio?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know. 😎

Valerie Curren

Are you thinking of Florin & Guilder? No one in Guilder will suspect what we’ve done (in murdering the Princess) or something…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some of this stuff works to our advantage. I’m sure that Trump understands this, too.

Mmmmmm hmmmmm.

I have said I will never abandon Trump. He knows this is true. He knows all of YOU will never abandon him. He knows all the people who won’t abandon him. And THEY all know that he knows.

But the media and the shills and the weaklings and the backstabbers – they all think that this goes away if they say so, and they THINK that this frees them of both fear and responsibility.

And they are wrong. 😎

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is garbage any way it’s dished up .
Any Proud Boy that says that is free to take up another hobby or join ranks with antifa.

On the anons that bailed, real support goes deeper than solving riddles and ciphers.
They should apply occam’s razor to the reason a couple of the star “insurrectionists” were wearing Q gear. It was theater. It was to temporarily hobble DJT. Don’t play into it.

If any of it was actual quotes then they are the shills and if the quotes are fake…just another day at the propaganda ministry

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump knows we love him. We know Trump loves us. End of story. Lies to the Bidenazis will quickly become code – submission jones to them – patriot checkpoint-passing ability tells to us.


The curious thing is that nothing was really secret. Anyone could read it. I’m sure that a fair amount of anons were Bidenazis.

It’s hilarious that Trump never actually acknowledged it as authentic or not. We often were sure that he did signal it but with words, no he didn’t..hahaha too bad for the DemCom Trump takedown hydra. They probably prayed to whatever demon they pray to that he’d just say something they could use against him . .

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5
Deplorable Patriot

Identity crisis? I know exactly who I am, thank you very much. I’m still the girl who stood up to the clique in 7th grade and said, “I don’t want to eat lunch with HER,” got ostracized and sent to counseling because of it, and then had the group BEGGING me to come back and take HER place.

XVII never gave dates or timetables. They were assumed based on crumbs. People who actually invested in expecting events to fall a specific way were setting themselves up for a fall.

The Gospel According to St. John, Chapter 6 (one of the treatises on the Eucharist)

[51] I am the living bread which came down from heaven. [52] If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world. [53] The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat? [54] Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. [55] He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.

[56] For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. [57] He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. [58] As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. [59] This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever. [60] These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum.

[61] Many therefore of his disciples, hearing it, said: This saying is hard, and who can hear it? [62] But Jesus, knowing in himself, that his disciples murmured at this, said to them: Doth this scandalize you? [63] If then you shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before? [64] It is the spirit that quickeneth: the flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I have spoken to you, are spirit and life. [65] But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that did not believe, and who he was, that would betray him.

[66] And he said: Therefore did I say to you, that no man can come to me, unless it be given him by my Father. [67] After this many of his disciples went back; and walked no more with him. [68] Then Jesus said to the twelve: Will you also go away? [69] And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. [70] And we have believed and have known, that thou art the Christ, the Son of God.

We’re at the St. Peter moment, IMO.

tom f

I am saddened by what I’ve read here this morning.
Thank you DP for your resolve.
I’m with you.


There is no Q Annon there is Q and there is Annon but not Q Annon therfore it is garbage.
Proud boys seem loose cannon. I am not sure what there ideology is but it looks to me they like confrontation .

Deplorable Patriot

You are such an engineer.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

HEY, Don’t mess with muh BACON!!! 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓🥓


😛 😛 😛


comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤗 🤗 🤗 TT 🤗 🤗 🤗

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Conservative News
Sidney Powell just shared this message on her Telegram

“Today we are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC, which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections,” said Restore the Republic PAC Founder Sidney Powell. “The PAC will promote candidates who fight for truth and the Rule of Law, and we will strenuously oppose any candidate who discards the Constitution for his own short term or political gain—regardless of her party. Eighty million people were just disenfranchised by the inauguration of a President not elected by lawful votes. The Democrats abandoned their base and the Republicans betrayed theirs.

The American people are starved for truth, restoration of the Rule of Law, and even-handed accountability. Americans are fed up with the corruption in government and the elitist political class that views them with condescension and contempt. The American people deserve a voice that exposes and rejects the self-interest of political parties, the control of tech giants, and the lies of the fake news. We will be the voice for honesty, integrity, and a return to government by We the People. Join this new endeavor co-founded by Mike Lindell and Joe Flynn at http://www.RestoreTheRepublicPAC.Com

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a start. Good.


So new it isn’t resolving.

user@kraken:~$ dig http://www.restoretherepublicpac.com +short @ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com


You named your system “kraken”?


Is that your daily driver, or your Kali system?


It’s the monster machine I bought to resolve my total lack of decent hardware.

12 cores, 24 threads, 64 gigaramz (I just got more to bring to 128), not to mention 2 10GB SATA + SSD Cache for ZFS.

I don’t even remember what GPU I threw in but it’s a beefy monster too. If I ever play video games again in my, you know, copious free time.

I like running VMs but beyond downloading the latest Kali I’ve been distracted with Cisco classes and been stuck running PacketTracer.

If you ever need to get Cisco PacketTracer running in Ubuntu . . .

Step 1) Facepalm and say “This is 2021 guys . . .”
Step 2) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pt/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # Not in instructions
Step 3) /opt/pt/bin/PacketTracer7 &
Step 4) Enter Cisco Netacad Credentials
Step 5) Do your Cisco Magic


I don’t own a lot of Cisco hardware, and I own no Cisco software licenses. Mind you, if I have to go to my closest Walmart, the “short” way back goes through a Cisco campus….

One of my favorite places in Silicon Valley was a place called “Weird Stuff Warehouse”. They were an icon for years and years, but Google bought all the buildings on their street (including theirs) for yet another campus and is bulldozing everything.

Weird Stuff was where all the semi-discarded detritus from Silicon Valley ended up. The weirdest thing (and it took MONTHS for people to figure out what it was) was probably the nose cone for a Polaris missile. But they had stacks of stuff from all sorts of names that was priced to move. So I have stuff like 24-channel gig-ether switches that I got for $25 running in my house. Remember when people were salivating over Silicon Graphics Iridiums? I could own one from there….heck, they were selling a VAX 11/780 one time — I think it was $250. Sun workstations and servers…..

One of the Silicon Valley games that people always played was to go through Weird Stuff and see whose stuff mysteriously showed up. If it was a bunch of trade show booth stuff, the company may have been bought and their brand name was about to take a hit; if it was a bunch of stuff with weird labels from their development staff, it was a sign that a major development effort had crashed and burned; if it was components (e.g. Shugart disk drives in bulk from Fortune Computer, or touchscreens from Palm), the company was about to cease operations.

Sadly, some of my stuff even ended up there. I had a pair of Anadex printers (one branded Printronix) that I took there and waved goodbye. They were such amazing beasts — capable of dot-pin printing an entire box of three-part pin-feed carbonless forms in one straight shot without overheating, jamming, or appearing winded. Could do a box of greenbar likewise. Mind you, each was about 40″ wide, 20″ deep, required a slot below for paper feed, and weighed about 80 pounds but they were gorgeous machines…..that used a proprietary ribbon that got as scarce as hen’s teeth. *sniffle*

So I have a lot of odd experience with used-to-be wildly expensive toys that I got on the way cheap at Weird Stuff. It isn’t that I took the actual courses and developed brain rot, it’s just I had access to the things and that’s all I figured out by randomly connecting them to things.

Barb Meier

Long ago, before tech became corrupted, I lived in Silicon Valley and loved going to Weird Stuff Warehouse too. I was a tech writer then for little startups and bigger companies too. Weird Stuff had big bins and I would look through all the extra software and hardware manuals to see if I could find extras. That gave me great humility about my small role in the creation of tech products. Thanks for the reminder!


Server not found.


The name registration and DNS hasn’t propagated yet.

But it’s out there . . .



—the Light shines in the dark and the darkness cannot put It out….Sing it Sidney!

We are looking around and seeing Evil alllllllll around us, at Evil at work, doing what Evil does: lie, cheat, steal, deceive, woo into wrong-doing, obfuscate (etc etc etc)…

Reading all of the foregoing here I am struck over and over and over of how the Bible tells us about woe to the one not following and seeking the Light… How straight the path, narrow the gate—how easy it is for us to fall off the straight and narrow.

AND, as recounted above—–as the scales are falling off of our eyes—-we see the many faces of those no longer COMMITTED, with every fiber of their being, to be filled with the Light .

How we humans are tempted; how easily we fall. (from garden of Eden to present day! )

At the mention of the 3 SC picks—-how they did not “do the right thing” and stay on the straight and narrow—–I wondered what got to each….

Once I worked during a strike (matter of principle!) and my co-workers never spoke to me again—–tore me apart—-eventually had an “emotional burnout” (too much stress causes things in the body to short-circuit)——recovered—–and think today I would do it again because of the principles involved. EXCEPT—-if they came after my children.

These diabolical people could very well have at some point, in some way, advised Amy of what would happen to her precious precious children (to just one child!) if she did not toe the line.

Watching what has transpired since Jan. 20th I am seeing the grimacing enormously ugly ugly ugly face of pure Evil leering at us all over the place— in every single action taken by puppet Biden and his minions. Evil now given free rein….

We must be Light-bearers, settle in real tight and close to God so we can be as strong a Truth-teller as Sidney.

I am listening (6 X a day!!) to Scott over on BARDSFM—-because I desperately need the Truth, Light, Grace, enLightenment, he speaks and shares so abundantly with all us. [ When he prays with us it is straight into the Presence of God, bringing all 80,000 of us right along with him!! ] . His message: God’s got this—critical we stay connected and tuned in to God to find (good Quaker term) Way-forward.

–THANK YOU God for this amazing place and all of you Light-bearers and Truth-tellers—you all very much are showing me the Way. Love to you all..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Joe Biden is not President, and even if he was, he could not take baby turtles from us!

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/062/610/414/original/7abf03b988a6548a.mp4" /]


Wow, this one looks like a must read.

Silencing the Churches
Jan 23, 2021


Increasingly the churches will either become tools of the State, or will be targeted by it:

Church and state exist in uneasy tension. Both institutions were created by God, and both have their rightful place. And history testifies to the various ways that the two have related to each other. Sometimes there was a complete separation of the two. Sometimes the church tended to dominate the state. Often the state lorded it over the churches.

It is the last relationship I wish to explore here. In theory, the Christian gospel always puts a very real check on the state and its powers and pretensions. Because God alone is to be worshipped, and not the state, the church has often had to stand against the state and say no to its grandiose plans and policies.

Since Jesus alone is Lord, not Caesar, the state has always had mixed feelings about the church. The more raw power political leaders want for themselves, the more they must run roughshod over the churches. They can do this in various ways, such as banning them altogether; seeking to silence them; seeking to get them to compromise; or seeking to use them as tools of their own agendas.

All tyrannical regimes have to come to terms with the churches. They know that churches are the main opponents to their schemes for more power and control. Shutting churches down or subverting them for their own purposes are some of the ways we have seen this occur in the past century or two.

. . . Reading this 28-page report is chilling, not just for what it tells us about what occurred 80 to 90 years ago, but because of the many similarities we find with what is happening in the West today. . .


. . . Here are just some of the measures used, as presented in outline form (pp. 13-25):

-Interference with the Central Institutions of Church Government

-The Direct Seizure of Central Institutions of Church Government

-Interference with the Normal Operation of Central Institutions of Church Government

-Legal Abolition of Central Institutions of Church Government.

-The Imposition of Financial Controls upon the Operation of Church Governments

-Interference with the Persons of the Clergy and Lay Workers

-The Murder of Church Leaders

-The Assaulting of Church Leaders

-Defamation of the Clergy

-Arrest of the Clergy

-Interference with the Activities of the Clergy

-Closing of Church Buildings

-Interference with Freedom of Speech and Writings

-Interference with the Educational Functions of the Clergy

-The Closing of Theological Seminaries

-The Closing of Denominational Schools

-Elimination of Religious Instruction from Other Schools

-Interference with Christian Organizations

. . . MORE . . .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bidenazis will carry out the will of the Chinazis here in America.


michael, thanks so much for posting this.
Serves as a good focus on what’s important.

Deplorable Patriot

And history repeats itself.

This is St. Thomas Becket vs. Henry II and Henry VIII against…well, the entire hierarchy.

Nothing new under the sun.


Christ began his ministry i house churches maybe we need to continue the house church.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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So is it fair to ask if his death was coded as COVID too?


If it was last month, I would be absolutely certain…..now, it might be…..

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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It’s going to be super fun if blacks begin to suspect the vaccines because if they don’t like something …things get burned up and broken.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tried to warn on sterilization vaccines. WHATEVER.


The headline tells it all.. lol.

BLM Utah leader disavows left-wing Capitol activist John Sullivan: ‘He has never been a member’Black Lives Matter Utah has a code of conduct that prohibits inciting violence and destroying property, its founder says


He just wasn’t an official member of BLM Utah..hahah that’s how they’re going at this now. If you don’t have a card in each city’s file…you aint black lives matter


A code of conduct prohibiting violence?

Does anyone actually believe that crap?

They are laying it on thick.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Satanic BLM is satanic.


All the headlines today were like that. They’re in so deep with their lies it’s tripping them up.
The Covid stuff today was all over the place.
The NG disaster and Mrs Bidenazi groveling for photo op.
A thing or two about Harris was messed up
Schmuckie’s word mangling

It felt like winning to me!

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

LOL so much disinfo . . .

Smells like . . . DESPERATION!

Deplorable Patriot

And the normies begin to wake up some more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They LIE with such ease.


Sullivan is seen representing BLM in different venues as his own agent?
There are videos of him. Maybe that is what they do people do violence but officially can be disavowed to be with the organization .


For Steve.   :wpds_wink: 

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Deplorable Patriot

Thank you.




Trump to lead national election integrity drive as first post-presidential move, says adviser

Trump’s goals for next two years include “winning back the House and the Senate for Republicans in 2022 to make sure that we can stop the Democratic craziness,” said adviser Jason Miller.

By Sophie Mann
Updated: January 21, 2021 – 4:18pm


Top Trump adviser Jason Miller told “Just the News AM” on Thursday that he expects former President Trump to “emerge as the nation’s leader on ballot and voting integrity” in the coming months.

Miller, who was aboard Air Force One with Trump and his family as they flew from Washington, D.C. to Florida on Wednesday morning, told show host Carrie Sheffield that Trump “has a number of goals over the next couple of years … winning back the House and the Senate for Republicans in 2022 to make sure that we can stop the Democratic craziness.”

Miller added that lots of the important work that will need to be done on voter integrity will “never get done in Washington,” because Democratic lawmakers won’t allow the issue to be taken seriously.

Following the November presidential election, Trump and his campaign and attorneys launched a number of high-profile inquiries into the ways ballots across the nation were counted on Election Day, into the night, and in the coming days as absentee ballots were tallied. 

Miller said that he believes Trump’s forthcoming plan, which will take fuller shape in the coming months, will entail working closely with individual states and their legislatures to ensure the validity and integrity of future American elections and the votes of the country’s citizens. 

Though he says the former president has not yet made a decision about 2024, Miller hopes to see Trump return to the White House for a second term in 2025. 


Somehow I doubt those are Trump’s overriding goals for the next 2 years. He knows that without him in the presidency, none of that will happen. And he can’t fix the election problems out on the sidelines. This is a smoke screen.


Linda, you need a long nap. From a friend to a friend.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We all do. I’ve barely had a dozen good long nights since COVID.

Deplorable Patriot

With all due respect, PG, you need an introduction to public relations class.

Anybody can write anything and get it published. Doesn’t make it true.


I like direct communication and truth. I see much truth in what Steve wrote.
I think his main point these are my words, Trump is not our dady we are adults and therfore need to work grass root work and not just sit on the computer and let Trump carry the whole ball.


I raised my kids with direct honest communication. The cop well as adults with life issues.

Deplorable Patriot

THere are enough people here who took the words in the body of this thread the EXACT SAME WAY to believe that if that was what Steve meant, the message got garbled.

Trump isn’t carrying anything at the moment. From the way I read it, the military is, and the “Biden administration” is busy demonstrating that Orange Man ain’t so bad. I’m pretty convinced NOTHING of the video we are seeing is actually happening as we are being told. Something else is up. When the time is right for us to know what is going on behind the scenes, we will know, and not until.

As for grass roots, finding like minded people who are awake enough to band together is probably the current task. Every person with an opinion is going to put forth a way out of this mess. All that’s going to do is frustrate the masses. We do need a leader for that. Someone to inspire and articulate tasks.

It’s not going to be easy, and it’s going to take work, but it isn’t a single Hail Mary, either. It’s about 150 decades worth of Rosary of them.


This is America and its exceptional different than any other place. We come through this. Right now we are in shock to the reality but many will wake up even those in GA or Wisconsin and Michigan all those GOP failures will see what they have don.
Faith in God and hope will carry us through this. Maybe we have to become to complacent and need this to move forward? At least young people who have no clue what communism is how it manifest in the culture and workplace.
They will have a rude awakening.
There will be a spiritual revival always does .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s multitrack. If anybody with balls and brains wakes the F up, Trump is there. Otherwise, this, which indeed serves as a smoke screen, for anything screenable.

Trump always covers the downside, which is that everybody else poons out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our job is to make the Bidenazis so utterly hated in two years, that we take the House and Senate with ease, despite massive cheating.


Taking the House and the Senate are crucial, but I believe it will be too late in two yeras. If election fraud is not exposed and stopped, it’s over.


IMO, the fraud is the key to everything. Its the reason we’re in this predicament. Congressional races were stolen, as well as the presidency. Now we’re trying to inch our way back, and it’s maddening that they are getting away with this. And if we don’t address it, we’re done. They have their seemingly fail-proof system to win every crucial election from now on.

I still think there could be any number of plans behind the scenes to deal with the fraud, and I hope they will come to fruition. I also agree with you that we have to be active.

It rankles that we’re always way behind and fighting a losing battle, when we had the best chance of winning with Pres. Trump’s second landslide victory and what should have been major gains in Congress.

Who allows thieves to come into their house and steal, and then doesn’t try to recover their belongings, and doesn’t change the locks on the doors and take other measures to prevent future stealing, but instead takes two or three menial jobs to raise money to replace some of their items? — always being behind on their finances, always being tired, always being stressed from fighting. It’s not a winning strategy. It’s playing from behind, which is exactly where the RINOs keep us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO the most important thing now is figuring out the total extent of the corruption.

Knowing that Barr was a black hat and QAnon was a weapon against us turn both of those weapons into OUR weapons.


Do we know that “QAnon was a weapon against us”?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that’s impossible to know at this point – maybe NEVER – but if it comes true……. stand back.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I don’t think so. Winning back the House and Senate in 2years stops the bleeding.

I hope he also includes a plan for the States.
Since Congress won’t do anything, cleanup HAS to be done at the STATE LEVEL. That’s ultimately where the fraud occurred. STATES have to fix it. We watched the hearings from PA,MI,GA,AZ. And the WI judge. THAT’S WHERE THE FRAUD WAS, IN THE STATES. The R State Legislators all realized, albeit too late, they have big problems. The States F’d up, they expected the Courts to correct it for them. The Courts said no way, all the way up, they weren’t getting involved. And here we are. Sidney still has valid cases at the SC. Will they punt or do the right thing and force the States to fix for next time? Fix it for next time is a MUST!!!

Getting a R House, Senate, and POTUS is the only way to fix at Fed Level.

I’m sure POTUS will have a multi-prong approach to cover all bases. He’s got less than 2 years to implement. He’s gonna stay busy.

Deplorable Patriot

It has to be done at the state level without federal court interference.

Any time any state put measures in place to secure elections, they’d get sued for “disenfranchisement” of one group or another, and the courts would side against the states.

That’s a layer that has to stop to get election integrity to work.


Soros understood that and that is why he put money into Judges on State level .

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. As well as secretaries of state.

And then they started passing what amounts to Obamacare at the state level. Here, that measure was put on the primary election to be sure it passed. In the general election, they knew it wouldn’t, and that was stated explicitly by the RIMO governor who slid into that spot after Eric Greitens was run out of office on a lie.


Soros should have been dealt with a long time but he has to many friends in high places.


How do we take back the House and Senate with voter fraud in place, with Dems adding voters to their rolls (legal and illegal), and with their possibly making Puerto Rico and D.C. have the status of states?

Sadie Slays


Deplorable Patriot



Totally agree, Linda. I don’t know if this is a smokescreen or what it is exactly, but Trump is too much of a realist for these to be his goals for the next two years.

The implications and probable consequences of the fraudulent election, and the various types of highly successful fraud employed in various contexts in the months and years preceding the election, make any near term goal an impossible dream.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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LOL I hope she’s just posing, b/c she doesn’t look like she has enough body mass to handle the recoil 😉


It’s an open tube — I don’t think there’d be as much recoil as you’re thinking. I’d be more afraid of that ponytail being long enough to catch some backblast and catch fire.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Burnt hair builds character!


Yes, but from the front — where it doesn’t engulf half the head before you realize there’s a problem.


Is she cute, or what?


There is an avuncular joy in eliciting such a grin on a kid’s face. If their own sins weren’t bad enough, the pedos and the pervs have largely limited such opportunities in today’s society. It goes back to the McMartin preschool mess, at least.

Then again, I have been known to razz parents in supermarket checkout lines. “When I see a kid of that age, I start to feel a bit predatory…..I feel like screaming “you have to get your MD before my coronary if you’re going to save me!”


“Study! Study!”


‘Disgraceful’ if Amazon delayed coronavirus vaccine help for political reasons
Amazon offers COVID vaccine help hours after Biden takes office


By Joshua Q. Nelson | Fox News

‘It’s disgraceful’ Amazon delayed to help distribute vaccines for apparent ‘political’ reasons: Siegel

Dr. Marc Siegel calls the company’s delay in getting involved until Biden became president a ‘disgrace’ that appears to be politically motivated.

Amazon offering to help distribute the coronavirus vaccine just hours after President Trump left the White House was “disgraceful,” Dr. Marc Siegel said on Thursday.

“When it comes to Amazon, you’ve got to scratch your head and say, first of all, I think everybody watching us knows there was a personal feud going on between Jeff Bezos and President Trump. Well, excuse me. That should not get in the way of public health,” Siegel told “Fox & Friends.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Look at that little COVID disclaimer from Twatter.

Oh, how I despise Choomer Rasputin.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

comment imageCatturd


I’m blaming all my problems and failures on Joe Biden for the next 4 years.

Pretending to be a liberal is fun.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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From the Bee:

Hope For Humanity: Here Are 7 Things The Left And Right Still Agree On
January 22nd, 2021


You may think America is a deeply divided nation, but you’re wrong! Americans actually have a ton in common, and we’re gonna prove it to you. Let’s take a moment together to reflect on what unites us as people. Let the healing and unity begin.

Here are 7 things Americans still agree on: 

All lives matter – Oh shoot– we didn’t mean that. We are so sorry. Let’s try again. Let’s see…

The Pope is Catholic – no wait…we’re actually not sure about this one either.

Boys shouldn’t be allowed in girls restrooms – We’ve just been informed that this is hate speech. We retract it and are deeply sorry for any hurt we have caused. 

Trump’s kind of a moron, right? – Please put your gun away– we were just kidding. 

2+2=4 – That’s good! We all agree, right? …No? Shoot… 

Let’s see…

Ice Cream is good – No, it contains dairy. Potatoes are good? No, thousands died from potato famines. Maybe Ketchup? No, it’s red like MAGA hats. We give up.
…Ok, this might be harder than we thought. Let’s take baby steps here. 
1. We live… we all live in America? – That’s true, right? Ok, we’re getting somewhere! 

2. The sky is blue! – We’re allowed to say that, right? Is that ok? 

3. Bernie memes… those are pretty funny, right? – Ok, we’re on a roll now!  

4. Video games are kinda neat – Especially that nonviolent one where the main character didn’t do anything offensive. Yeah, that one was good. 

5. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell – Science. We believe in it. 

6. Hillary is a fine, upstanding citizen who has never done anything wrong and we would never say anything bad about her – You agree with this. Listen– just nod your head, ok? 

7. Things could be better, and the other side is the cause of all the problems – Duh. We all know that. 
Not bad! This is a great start! Can you feel that warm feeling bubbling up inside you? That’s unity. Feels good, doesn’t it? Go forth and be unified!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, that’s funny. And I needed a laugh!


LOL glad to hear it!

Dennis had some good things today at the beginning of his show


Valerie Curren

Well this MonkeyWerx video from yesterday is interesting…hope it posts

If it doesn’t post I found it near the bottom of the comment section to this item that Duchess recommended…


Keep praising the Lord, praying, passing the ammo, & keeping that powder dry!

Whoops the link above is a re-blog of this post Duchess recommended, got the edit in on time!


Edit #2 Here’s an interesting bit of info from the above site

  1. https://2.gravatar.com/avatar/58929b624a056ce5cb6f5ea82eca194d?s=50&d=identicon&r=GThe Marshall Report says: Don Trump Jr. Just bought Telegram. He says to join him to stay updated on latest news. https://t.me/TrumpJr/8686
  2. Like
  3. January 22, 2021 at 7:17 pm Reply

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Edit #3 Here’s someone else’s take…I zeroed in on the Lion aspect

https://0.gravatar.com/avatar/606d2dd18990e18b43af368bb3c18860?s=50&d=identicon&r=G3B4T says: In the Oval Office photo (Jan 20) with Biden sitting at the Resolute desk, look in the window pane that has the red line in it. In the upper left corner of said window pane is a lion reflection. Do you see it? One eye, and the nose/mouth. Think Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Reference Dutch Sheet’s Give Him 15 broadcast (Day 76). Connect the dots.
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I see what the person above is calling a Lion…thoughts?

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

He ends by saying POTUS is out of the country. DJT was just quoted yesterday at his Miami Int’l Golf Club. Lots of people made/making lots of money off of 17. They have a vested interest in moving the goalposts.

Valerie Curren

Was he Seen yesterday there in Miami?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yes, he gave a comment to a reporter.

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My take?

ECW disavowing Q is the end of the deniable psy-op, IMHO.

ECW blaming Trump is code for “everybody GTFO & good luck”.

QAnon is now over, to vanish into history as a nutty conspiracy theory.

Durham will be a punt, called off by Biden’s A.G. Watch for it.

Everybody escaped Trump, but we were shown decades of truth we would not have seen otherwise. Massive intelligence dump on corruption by hinting. Genius operation. All the people who were causing mayhem with PizzaGate investigations were wrapped up into wait mode, while everybody else was calmed out of pitchforks-and-torches mode, allowing Trump to nearly STOP all the false flag events.

IMO the operation was not prepared for Trump to be snaked by multiple layers including Barr, DHS, SCOTUS and Pence.

Sad. It did well, but the Deep State was too powerful. The ENTIRE power structure is corrupt.

Personally, I’m hoping aliens from a planet that believes in TRUTH come down here and kick ass all over the place.


My take (again) is that Q was aimed at Trump and his Deplorables. DJT was taken in by VERY FAKE “patriots”. DJT’s “weakness” is that he loves America – and he got his ass Sun Tzu’d by CHYNA who has been Sun Tzu’ing a tad longer than anyone in America ….

Team Q would have advised on all Trump’s DOJ picks, all his SCOTUS picks – everything. They ALL served the DS in the end.

Face it, the evidence we have in our possession as of now (10 days be damned) is that Trump was controlled without his knowledge.

This is my current theory for how DJT got SO MANY VITAL APPOINTMENTS SO VERY WRONG!!!!!!

The fact that Q lead people to “discover” truth was a feature, not a bug. They are laughing their asses off at us. They are TELLING you that America is THEIR’s ….. There is no cavalry – they are all corrupt or corralled …

There is a way out of this mess, and it lies in what they did to you – they turned enough Americans / Westerners into commies. That is a winning strategy, and can be DONE to them. I have many thoughts on this – will share soon.


This is a realistic take. I differ with you a little with respect to appointments.

Use Barr as an example. The split second he was announced we all knew Barr was an untrustworthy servant to Bush. But we figured, Trump must know what he is doing. And I believe he did know what he was doing.

What he was doing was bowing to reality, the irremovable fact that his own party hated him, despised him, and opposed him. Trump was forced to deal with McConnel on that basis, and he did. So he took Barr.

And it is very interesting, in retrospect, that Trump – – unlike every other president – – was arm’s length from his own Attorney General, dealing with him through public suggestions and offering the public hope that HIS OWN attorney general do the right thing.

We all thought this bizarre circumstance was because the two, in anticipation of justice actually being done, needed to appear at arm’s length, when in truth Barr was never the President’s attorney general, the first such in our history.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent take. Barr likely had Haspel’s blessing to snake Trump to the 4 year “peaceful eviction”.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There were almost no white hats, other than Trump. And we’re the Indians.


Yup! And you must include the military in thus assessment.

The reason why military coups generally require colonels or lower ranks to lead them is that all higher ranks have sold their allegiance to their swamps …….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – Barr was sent in to limit the blood-flow between UniParty Left and UniParty right. Stop the failing, risky, civil-war potentiating 2016 Hoax, but nobody gets prosecuted for it. Act as a doorstop so that the 2020 election scam will work. It’s very sneaky.

Barr used credibility from ENDING the failed 2016 election fraud / hoax to have authority to make sure the 2020 plot WORKED.

See how that works? It was GENIUS.

Trump knew, and hinted at this by saying how “fair, maybe too fair” Barr was.

Thus, Barr was an ESSENTIAL player in the 2020 stolen election.

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.


I read someplace it was Pence who became the whisperer who Trump should hires. I think POTUS trusted Pence maybe because of his supposed strong display of faith.
He had to rely on those who were familiar concerning DC and Pence was. Who would have thought this righteous guy who wore his faith on his sleeve was a snake? Signs were there but it is easy to deny when you pray with your enemy and do not know he is the enemy.


Yes, no doubt Pence was whispering, along with everyone else within earshot.

Trump would not just listen to a single voice – the insurmountable problem he had that ALL the voices, apart from most of his family, were SWAMP.

Donald Trump’s first term was drowned by the swamp – and “Q” was instrumental …..


Pence happily greeted the commies at the funeral and received an envelope that did not go unnoticed by DJT. What about the hand off from the female military personnel to Pence? DJT knew Pence.


Maybe he did maybe not. What a bind he was in with an holier than thou VP who was a back stabber the worse kind.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

LOLZ! So that’s why wolves howl, they’re talking to the aliens!!🐺👾👽😂

Deplorable Patriot

IMO the operation was not prepared for Trump to be snaked by multiple layers including Barr, DHS, SCOTUS and Pence.

You’re kidding, right?

If our guys had access to the deep state surveillance net, they knew everything. They would have known who was rock solid and who wasn’t. Showing the world who is and who is on what side was part of the Great Awakening, IMO. Now a whole lot of normies know who the snakes in the grass at the national level are.

The plan wasn’t and isn’t static, IMO. It would have been more like a gigantic flow chart. We don’t know where we are on it. And there is plenty of evidence that what we are watching with Creepy Sleepy Joe is a combination of the Truman Show and DAVE. I’m really believing that A LOT of what is the real reality was presented to the public in the form of entertainment in the last 30 years with the idea that the people would say, “Oh, that can’t be real. That just happens in the movies or in books.”

I’m more disheartened at watching people with incomplete data sets throwing in the towel than with the show that’s just getting good. It always darkest before the dawn.

I’m not done yet.


I truly hope you are right.

The alternative would be or will be a long and arduous process anyway, so there is no harm in hoping for something more dramatic and near term.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think there is. I think an untimely coup is not wise. It’s like an untimely Jewish uprising, and the other side knows it.

We must start the peaceful massive popular rebellion ourselves.


Thank you, DP. I was beginning to think I’d woken up to an alternate reality here.

Deplorable Patriot

IDK if it’s alternate, but there are some very impatient people in this world. This site is a cross section, just like everywhere else. It was bound to happen when and if various members lost sight of or decided to ignore the larger picture.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They made patience a sin. These people are not stupid. Far from it.

Do you REALLY think we’re ready for a military solution now?

REALLY? I wouldn’t be able to convince THE PLAN that it was time, much less some flaky weak general afraid of BLM.

No. There is no will. Look outside the box to see the true dimensions.

We were the problem, and that is why they’re so confident to go after us now.

When you realize that BARR was brought in to cover up 2016 and make sure 2020 worked, you know that there was never a plan to turn this crap around.


IMO, there never would be readiness for a military solution. It just has to happen, and the chips fall where they may. That’s what the Dems do, and they’ve been quite successful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the ANGER over Barr’s treachery, and over the current impeachment scam, are powerful. I think we can also tear the FIB to pieces over their prosecution of MAGA dupes instead of Pelosi’s Plotting Players who duped them.

Bigger still, if all the QAnon people realize they were scammed by the Deep State – that the psy-op was part of getting rid of Trump – then I think the rage might be enough to really begin what needs to begin.


if all the QAnon people realize they were scammed by the Deep State – that the psy-op was part of getting rid of Trump

I don’t think any of us can know at this point whether that is true.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was a very well-done psy-op. VERY well done.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“They’re good people.”

The ironic truth that helps bring down these BASTARDS. Civilian AND military.

They went after the GARBAGEMAN.




“IMO the operation was not prepared for Trump to be snaked by multiple layers including Barr, DHS, SCOTUS and Pence.”

The is the gist of the situation.

Trump had to deal with the reality of his situation. And that reality had a fundamental and irremovable obstacle to his plans, the fact that a President cannot operate beyond a certain level when his own party hates him and undermines him.

Trump was forced to take traitors on board, knowing they were traitors, because McConnel forced him to.

Chalk that up to a naive civic nationalist mentality, and a confusion of the way things ought to work with the way things really work. And IMO add in the good and generous side of Trump’s personality, where he believes that people can be won over.

The one “concession” Trump got from his own party was the promise, which they kept, to remain mostly silent as opposed to voicing public opposition and criticism.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I still believe Trump wins. But the winning has now moved out of the political realm, into the spiritual realm.

He taught us to FIGHT!!! In every possible way!!!


To fight within the law.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is his wish, but eventually the Bidenazis may push us beyond that point, as did the British.


Lets hope not . I am an law type of person but all things are possible.


Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. My freedom and dignity as a man is not Caesar’s. I am not burning incense to Caesar.


Looks like it.


This looks clearly photoshopped.

Valerie Curren

Are you referring to the “lion”? I was wondering if part of it might be tree branches outside the window, hmmm…

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, this war will include computer graphics and people who are good at it.


This is coming from Lifeway – read with a grain of salt since they’re self-serving in this assessment (they like to engage in holy hand-wringing)

Americans’ Trust of Pastors Hovers Near All-Time Low
Lifeway Research | Jan 22, 2021
By Aaron Earls

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans are more likely to trust medical professionals, while few believe pastors are completely honest.

Gallup’s annual ratings of the honesty and ethical standards of professions finds nurses continue to be the most trusted, followed by medical doctors, grade-school teachers and pharmacists.

As the COVID-19 pandemic enters its second year, medical professionals top the list of the most trusted professions. The 89% of Americans who give nurses high or very high scores for their honesty marks a record high percentage, up from 85% last year. Doctors’ ratings improved 12 points to 77%, while pharmacists climbed seven points to 71%.

The public also seem to note the work required by teachers balancing in-person and distance learning during the pandemic. Those giving grade-school teachers the highest marks for honesty reached 75% in the most recent survey.

Despite falling in recent years, police officers are the only other profession about which a majority of Americans (52%) say they have high or very high ethics and honesty.

. . . MORE . . .


These guys have got to be smokin’ rope.


Well, this is a load of BS.


Crime Complete! Military in Control! Foreign Powers Stealing Control of Our Government?
Life of Truth Published  January 20, 2021


Valerie Curren

Telegram being promoted


Donald Trump has neither a blue checkmark nor “official” next to his name…
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The above post recommended by Duchess

Valerie Curren

Several people on Twitter saying Facebook logged them out & then if attempting to re-sign in told “no such account”…

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Juanita Broaddrick

Just got logged out of Facebook. I know my info but won’t accept. Says no such account. Now I see it’s happening to many of you.

Anybody know what’s going on?

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What happened with FB? Why did it log us out?


“Anybody know what’s going on?”


Umm… don’t look now, but… you’ve been emancipated… 👍 😁

Valerie Curren



Biden regime is what happened.
“You believe me now or believe me later.”  😎 

Valerie Curren

The Chi-nazi-fication of every aspect of America…& the world!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EVIL. Utterly EVIL.

Valerie Curren

Yes tragically 🙁

Valerie Curren

Scott Pressler seeking patriot partners

My name is Scott.

I’m spending my time helping to pass election integrity bills

& am working to primary Republicans who betrayed President Trump.

If you share the same goals, then let’s work together.

I’m only getting started.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good for him.

Valerie Curren



I like Scott. He’s a good guy.

Valerie Curren

Yes & with an amazingly tireless work ethic!

Valerie Curren

Waking up to watch the Titanic
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Edit: “Trustworthy”

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

more movie magic?


Different camera angles.

Valerie Curren

I think it’s more than that. Look at the light in Jill’s hair…


What I did notice…was that the shadows on Joe’s face switched sides at the 0:30 mark.
Then they switched back in the other footage.

Hey, they’ve got the full technology of Hollywood working on this production.

And they think we’re too stupid to notice.

Valerie Curren

Nice catch!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s definitely a composite – likely the best parts of two takes where he practiced and the real thing. Why? Flubbed lines, sounding incoherent, etc.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think those bastards are going to stage an assassination of this moron and then blame us, with radical Kamala in her blackness able to indict us all as “white supremacists”.

Horrorshow insanity. China is EVIL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah. And the evil GOPe will never state the TRUTH – that she is ineligible, as another “barely American”.

Valerie Curren

fiber artistry
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Is that Bernie strangling a bunny?

[I can’t see Twitter content.]

Valerie Curren

I think they are his inaugural mittens

Deplorable Patriot

My hands hurt just looking at that. All single crochet stitches with a small hook.

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

true blue skies!!!
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Joe Biden didn’t win.

I will keep saying it.

It’s simple…it’s the truth.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

It’s defiant.
And defiance is in my DNA.

They can beat me, whip me and make me write hot checks.
But I will still say:

Joe Biden didn’t win.


Wonder if anyone is selling stickers of that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Damn right – stick them everywhere.


How silly of me!😄

ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.

And great idea putting it in the Title of your thread post!
I think I will do the same.
Maybe we can start a trend!


Vaccines and autism. Go figure…there’s a link. 🙄


“In 2014, a senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, blew the whistle and said he and his colleagues covered up a vaccine-autism association, particularly among African-American boys, identified in a study published in Pediatrics.”


Deplorable Patriot


Any scientist or researcher who ever did the work proving this definitively ended up dead.

Wonder why they’re not denying now.



In the replies: “Autism has a genetic component. Vaccinosis (pathology developing after a vaccination) can be a strong mimic of autism but it is not autism. This is not important. The important thing is that vaccines do more harm than we are led to believe and general ignorance among the population on the topic is deplorable.”


Found on Gab:
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Valerie Curren

fearless fatherhood


Our country is under Occupation.

Occupation by puppets of a foreign communist country.


And…Joe Biden didn’t win.

Last edited 3 years ago by wheatietoo

IMO, the solution is complete unacceptance of the election result. I like your repetition of “Joe Biden didn’t win.” That is key. We can tread water by trying to fight the system the Dems have put in place and are in control of, but until we get to the root of the problem, I have no hope of its being fixed.


𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
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I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but…

Oh forget it, I can’t even do it… I was going to write something extremely bleak and then end with Eva Cassidy’s cover of Danny Boy, just to make everybody cry, but I love you guys too much 😁

It seems like there are a few things we’re forgetting, at least a couple plans that are sure to be a blast even if they aren’t decisive — though I think they would be — and then the big one.

The first thing we’re forgetting is that together, we have all the power. They cannot govern without the consent of the governed, and when over 75% of the voters know you stole the election in broad daylight, that consent does not exist.

Does. Not. Exist.

They’re dead, and they know it.

One idea is to recruit people who don’t have much time to live, and give them creative missions that would absolutely wreak havoc in such ghastly symbolic ways that not only would it be impossible for the Biden Crime Syndicate™ to govern, but the administration’s total lack of empathy for a nation so utterly rent asunder would make everyone hate them all the more.

It’s a variation on a trick I came up with when I was young. If you can find ways to punish yourself even more than your oppressor is able to do, then you take away your oppressor’s power to threaten you.

You are free.

And there is nothing they can do about it, besides kill you.

In which case you are also free.

So it’s unbeatable, but you have to really commit to it 😂 🤣 😂

That strategy won’t appeal to many, unless things get really desperate, and we’re not going to have enough time to get that desperate. Which, for most people, is good news 👍 😁

A potentially less exciting, but more immediately effective option is to go on national strike. If 80+ million voting age Americans simply STAYED HOME in protest, the nation would grind to a halt. It would require NO ACTION on our part.

That means no need to travel, no need to make ourselves targets, no violence no nothin’.

It’s the equivalent of at least 120 million people (including children) taking their ball and going home.

There is no substitute workforce of that size and skill level to replace even a small percentage of strikers, before the entire system collapses.

But my electric bill won’t get paid if I don’t work!

Call their bluff. If half the households in America don’t pay their electric bill, the utilities go out of business. Same for the cable companies, the gas companies, the phone companies, the insurance companies, etc.

But if I don’t pay my rent I’ll get evicted, or if I don’t pay my mortgage I’ll get foreclosed on!

Call their bluff.

If 30 or 40 million people stop paying their mortgage and rent, it will collapse the system.

And then force evictions. How are they going to do that to entire neighborhoods? Even if they send in 40 cops to evict someone, all their neighbors are next on the list, so the whole town surrounds the cops and intimidates the *&^% out of them. It would require an army to go door to door, neighborhood by neighborhood, throughout the entire country.

They can’t do it. Then don’t have anywhere NEAR the manpower, and even if they did, the optics would destroy the administration LONG before any significant percentage of Americans were evicted.

The power of numbers is overwhelmingly on our side. All that is required is that we stick together and commit to seeing it through, and we win.

We could have some people who are good with numbers come up with a strategic way to create a kind of rolling shock default for maximum impact. It’s a lot less dangerous and a lot more fun than crossing the Delaware in the middle of the night, in the dead of winter, in a Durham boat 😁

But even this, no matter how exciting it would be, to be a part of it, to do it, won’t be necessary.


DJT still holds all the cards.

He didn’t really play hardly ANY of them!

Which means he still holds all the LEVERAGE.

Which means he is absolutely still in this GAME.

He has all the ‘declass’ material, the Hunter Biden laptop, the Weiner laptop, Hillary’s servers, massive election fraud evidence, everything.

We all thought he was going to use that material to expose everything before [JB] was declared president-elect… but he didn’t.

And then we thought for SURE that he would expose it all before January 20th, but he DIDN’T.

He still has ALL of those cards, ALL of the leverage.

He can destroy the [JB] administration at any moment, just by exposing the pedo stuff alone, which won’t even require any red-pill knowledge in order for the normies to process and understand.

If DJT reveals that stuff, the [JB] administration is dead, Dead, DEAD.

So DJT must be laughing his ass off right about now.

And in addition to all that, it is entirely possible that the military is in control of itself, and is actively working on diffusing whatever threats to the population the Chi-Nazis are holding over the innocent American People, and as soon as that threat is eliminated, JB and the Treason Posse are eliminated next.

So all things considered, we’re about as far from hopeless as we could be.

We may not be in the driver’s seat, but neither is Team Treason, and that ticking clock is the sound of time running out for them, not us.

I think DJT is absolutely going to save the day, or at least the military is going to, on his orders, before he left. I figure that might take about another week, and then he’ll be back.

But why should WE miss out on all the fun we could be having, between now and then?

Just imagine the national crisis we could create, and how it would overwhelm the news cycle, and the Treason Administration, even if we did nothing more than have a week long (or a month long, or a year long) block party, where nobody goes to work, because everybody goes on strike.

It’s the ultimate “We’re not gonna take it”.

And there’s not a thing they could do about it. 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

 😁  👍 

Let’s misbehave!

And you forgot to add…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.


Think about it.

They make no secret that they intend to destroy us and our country.

So… what do we have to lose?

They’re going to destroy our country?


Let’s destroy it then.

Collapse the entire system.

But on our timetable, and according to our plan, not theirs.

If you are willing to do more harm to yourself than your oppressor is, you take away his ability to threaten harm.

You are free.

And we don’t even have to do anything except go on vacation in our own homes and have a good time.

And when the system collapses, we get DJT back (assuming he’s not back a LONG time before that ever happens), and it’s his job to figure out how to make every American whole again.

Because I’m sure he could do it.

It wouldn’t even be hard.

He probably already knows how, and he’s been thinking about it since the 1980s 😁

It’s like Bluto said.

“This could be the greatest night of our lives… but you’re gonna let it be the worst.”

I don’t think we should let it be the worst.

I don’t think we should be fearful at all.

I think we should call their bluffs.

All of them, at once.

And then party until the system collapses.

There is nothing they could do to stop us.

And [JB 💩 ] didn’t win 👍

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Eh…but what about the ChiComs, Scott?

Let’s say we go through with your plan of ‘collapse the system’.

Do you think the ChiComs are going to wait around till we get our shit together?
I don’t think so.

They would likely seize the opportunity to hit us when we are down.


Well, good point… hmm… unless the military is suicidal, I guess they better do something to stop the Chi-coms.

Not my problem.

I’m on strike.

And any Chi-com who shows up at my house is going to get _____ in the face 😁

See, their leverage is that we CARE, we give a damn.

If we stop caring (don’t worry, it will only be for a little while), they have no power over us.

The military already took their strike vacation for 8 years during the Hussein treasonocracy. If they don’t want their own kids to grow up speaking Chinese, I guess they better figure out a way to stop the Chi-coms.

I don’t even know what we pay them for, they’re supposed to stop *&^% like this from ever happening in the first place.

Anyway, it’s not my problem.

Do I look worried? 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

It’s perfect. It meets all the criteria.

Everybody stock up on Ramen noodles and TP, you know, the staples of life.

And a good water filter.

We could last years for a couple thousand dollars.

What do we have to lose, since [JB] intends to destroy the country and everything we have anyway?

So we might as well stop worrying and have a good time instead.

It costs very little.

It’s exciting.

It’s very social, the opposite of mask-Nazi culture.

It requires no travel, no real planning besides stocking up on some cheap food, there is no violence, no confrontations, no shouting, no anger, no hostility.

We all get to know our neighbors better, sit back, watch the whole system collapse, and enjoy watching the [JB] administration scramble to do something, anything about it.

Which they can’t.

We will have usurped their power, flipped the script, in the most direct and non-violent means possible, by withdrawing the consent of the governed.

Which we can absolutely do, because this is our country, not theirs.

And when it’s over, we get all our stuff back, plus a lot more, because ours is a rich country.

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it. ” – Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1861


What we need are suggestions of HOW to misbehave. Biden Didn’t Win stickers plastered everywhere is a start (if I can find the stickers).

Also, other stickers would be effective if done nationally and non-stop. Clever people on our side can come up with good, non-lame ones, ones which are PSYCHOLOGICALLY effective.

Our side is law abiding, and many of us are beyond the years of taking chances anyway.

But I think Wolf puts his finger on the fundamental goal, which is to make the communists fear. That is a very distasteful reality, but reality.


We must be fearless.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not wearing a mask any more, and it will be ugly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not even my fucking face shield.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t wear a mask, except at the doctor, who won’t let me wear a face shield instead. But I wear the stupid face shield in all the stupid mask places. But I’m just done. Just done with their crap.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK. ID what you Sid there!


I like this as a 1st step. We know what will happen after some national saturation hits…those signs are subversive and bad…BUT they would have to also keep talking about the election ..that election they want to fade into the memory hole


They successfully stole the election. It means nothing to them, and they are way past that.

Pointing out the obvious, obvious to them and to us, is in the past. Not that we should give it up. We never will.

Trump was our amazing, miraculous avatar when none of us thought such a man was possible.

And maybe he still is.

But if he isn’t, someone needs to be.


Lin Wiid is very comforting.


Pgroup2, he’s still not my president, either. I mean pgroup2. I sent Wolf a message on gab saying he could gie you my email if you would like it. Afraid I may have not added your 2, not certain.



MeWe is big tech.
They are on Gab. Better platform by an infinite amount.




She is a hero! Or should I say heroin?





what the hell? I go to bed and the pod people have taken over the site.

Sylvia Avery

(Or waiting till it’s safe to come out again.)


it’s really gone dark in here Sylvia.

Sylvia Avery

I know. I tried a half a dozen times to write something, but I just ended up deleting it. I’m kind of at a loss as to what to say.

I was ready to give up, and then I heard PDJT say to the press before he boarded Marine One, ” I just want to say goodbye, but hopefully it’s not a long-term goodbye, we’ll see each other again.”

My jaw dropped. To me that was pretty clear. I don’t know what he’s up to, but he’s up to something. And I plan to do everything I can to help him.



me too!
I heard the FIRE in his voice when he said

you DON’T CONCEDE when you win in a landslide
you DON’T RESIGN when you committed no crimes…

if he was gonna give up, he never indicated that to us.

Sylvia Avery



I’m right there with you, Syl.

And…𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗.


damn straight he didn’t.

Sylvia Avery

No, and that crapweasel is #NotMyPresident.


His full name is crapweasel crook pervert traitor usurper liar cheat….


Was it when he was going to board Air Force 1 that he said, “he’d see them again soon”?

IOW, another moment referencing goodbye to the Press Corps.

Trying to reconcile the words of that day.


Honestly? I’ve actually tried to give up, but my gut is telling me to hang tight.

Too many things are not adding up, and too many things seem unresolved and up in the air.

Also, creepy Joe did not win!

Last edited 3 years ago by MysticRose80
Sylvia Avery

Yes, exactly!!!!


Bring your shovel. 🙂

Sylvia Avery


Deplorable Patriot

I’m wondering if Steve didn’t just want to throw a stick of dynamite into the water.


faith requires us to believe in things we cannot always see clearly.
that’s a sticking point for him i think…


Truth can be painful.  🤓 


😁😂 You make me laugh!


A Pod Person 👤

Joe Biden didn’t win.


APP…i wondered what that stood for…now i know…


From Gab

My Message

I see many losing hope, feeling defeated and giving, that is of course a personal choice, however I have something to say about that.
We are living in a critical moment in History to the depths many couldn’t ever comprehend, this is a Biblical War for your sovereignty and your soul. Yes these times will test the strength and faith of many, and will separate many relationships as Satan’s plan fully intended.
Well I’m here to tell you that this war is far greater than one man (Trump) or an election, this war will test the boundaries of man and in do so, defeat many. But those among us are there to pick up our brothers and sisters and carry them towards the finish line of Gods Victory, because this war only ends in one way, God wins.
So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue to fight alongside your fellow Patriots because this fight has only begun. No war is won without bloodshed, no victory can be achieved without it being earned, no loss shall be in vain without cause.
These are the times where we must give everything we have or lose everything we are, so carry those who are emotionally wounded on the battlefield and continue Gods fight for liberation against a satanic agenda to enslave man.
This war is not about I, it’s not about you, it’s about US fighting in the name of God to preserve what he died to protect. So lean on who you must, ask for guidance if you must, seek aid if you must, but remember that only TOGETHER can we win this! WWG1WGA


Sadie Slays

I’m at least waiting until the military occupation of DC is over before throwing in the towel. Many things seem “off” about the current situation with the main one being President Trump leaving without any real fight. I just don’t buy it. I won’t speculate beyond that. I don’t know what’s going on with President Trump or Q, but I don’t believe in my gut or my heart that it’s “over” quite yet. 


I don’t buy it either!


That’s me too, Sadie.

I’m still in “Wait, what?” mode.
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And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.


me too!
I admit I didn’t read all the comments from page 1…but dang!!

Sylvia Avery

And that’s all we’ve got, right? Some people may laugh it off as hopium or whatever, but I have learned to shut up, be quiet, and listen to my intuition. My gut is pretty dependable. I don’t know what is going on, but there’s something very off kilter. And PDJT has not behaved according to his character, either. There’s something going on in the background, and I’m “hoping” it’s something good. 😊


my gut says a fighter doesn’t back away from a fight he’s WON and WON BIGLY

Sylvia Avery

The argument that he wanted to save us from a Civil War so he backed away and resigned sacrificing himself doesn’t pass the smell test with me. Because the situation we are in???? If it’s not a fight now, it will be gulags later. Death by any other means is still death. No, I’m not buying it. You don’t quit in this spot. Never.


it was always about US! he cares for us…what does he think is gonna happen? no harm comes to any supporters? they’re already trying to do that…a civil war will start? they keep coming at us and there will be…only NOW the military will be AGAINST US…no, I don’t believe it.

Sylvia Avery

Right???? It just doesn’t add up!!!


especially with biteme chomping at the bit to give us over to the globalists. POTUS is a businessman first and foremost…he sees the bad direction the country will revert to. i can’t see him walk away from this.


I’ve heard that, and my response? I’d sacrifice a city, if it meant saving the rest of the country. It’s perspective – avoiding the one incident and then handing the country over to the enemy – which brings death, misery and destruction. If one does that, then ultimately the greater Evil occurs. IMO.

Last edited 3 years ago by ladypenquin



Exactly 👍😁


Rocky and Draco – like the DS – Draco punched his way to exhaustion – wherein – Rocky took advantage of his weakened state – and whipped him good.

Appear weak when you are strong – the Trump Card has yet to be played!!!


A fighter knows when he lost? No?
Why stay in a fight that is not winnable?
He has still a fight with people Americans put into Senate. The impeachment and this time the guy contain Mitch is not on POTUS side he is protecting his money train from corporations. He is protecting the status quote.
When that is over it will not end Trump will have to fight judicial system banks who are denying him finances. He has to fight for his hotels who are lingering in this epidemic.
I do respect other opinions and if persons need to keep hope alive that Trump has still a chance to be in the WH again and the Biden nightmare will stop.
We are all different deal with life and disappointments different.


You’re absolutely right Sylvia

Behind this kabuki theatre a lot is going on!

are we going to accept 60K troops are in DC for a virtual inauguration? No.


Wow, I didn’t know there was a different Ellie. Hi.


I wondered if that was you…but without the ‘LA’ at the end of your name.


I’m still here in LA, not Louisiana, I just left out the dots – large city in southern half of that left coast state.


And their, LA with a dot, that is, version of style sucks.


Can’t wait to leave, but have to wait until my husband retires.
Like my son says: Some of us good people have to stay (in the state) to fight for it. Afterall, we did go red again this time – even with the cheat.

Last edited 3 years ago by EllieLA

That’s where I’m at too Ellie.
In the last few days in my neighborhood which is very diverse…so many people mad that the election was stolen AND many of them woke up by Cue.


Always trust your gut!


President Trump fought a very good fight it is some who surrounded him and the GOP and McConnell and Pence who did not.
I remember when people put their hope and trust in Barr and in the Turtle and in Pence and who knows who all. What happened?
Maybe I am protected in a way I never knew these people never cared to know them. Trump was the first person I voted for and really started to engage in American politics.
I had become a citizen just before I was able to vote for him.
I was able to look at all the players without have any knowledge about them and I saw that something was off.
In real life I am a people watcher and have been since I was a kid. One develops a sense about people. My spiritual training help also. Trust is also not given it has to be earned.
To often I see trust to be given before truly understanding or knowing a person.
POTUS open personality made much possible. I like open people not pretenders.


Lots of wisdom here.


Exactly 👍


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Howling!!! How to pretend to be indoctrinated enough! 😂


i liked that one too!


WARNING: if you’re drinking something, put it down…


I love this! Haaaa!
I think this won the internets yesterday!


you gotta love this man!!


i missed it yesterday!

altho i did hear a lot about the erection thing…
maybe schmucky needs to be 25th amendmented


??? Does the 25th Amendment apply to CongressCritters? Thot it was only the president that fell into that category.’

Confused – I am


seriously dunno…lol…


Well – someone knows – do not have time right now to look into it – am curious, tho’


Thanks, Steve!!!

Steve in Lewes

Don’t you all understand, Crying Chuck was saying election but with his chinese masters accent…eg. rots of ruck! or is that Scooby Do..ruh ro!




Longish video of Lyn Wood dissecting the hyenas.


The hand of God is on Lin Wood. Devastating for the law school because of them not him.


Thanks for posting this RAC, I struggled through the first part of this, but by the end I had a big ol’ grin on my face…..well worth the time to listen….:0)


Listened to this early this morning. It’s a good testimony on top of the rest.


another mitten man meme


Let’s be Happy Warriors…like Catturd and Marjorie Taylor Greene:

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/062/819/368/original/02d6a5a4bf165a6f.mp4" /]

And…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

Last edited 3 years ago by wheatietoo

mitten man is appearing EVERYWHERE and it’s hysterical!!!
better than where’s waldo?


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Lauren Boebert
Is the fencing in DC to keep Joe from wandering off?


It’s okay…he’ll sign anything:

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/062/803/726/original/660192221d387506.mp4" /]

And…յօҽ ҍíժҽղ ժíժղ’Ե աíղ.




anybody have an epoch times account?
i started to read the article, but they want you to have an acct to continue and I don’t wanna do that…
POTUS (THE REAL ONE) made his first public comments since leaving…
he said something like “we’ll do something…not just yet…” and i wanted to see what he was referring to…

here’s the story link

Sylvia Avery

Full article……

But it was a Washington Examiner interview. I’d like to read that, Might have more detail.


this one does the same thing…I can read a little bit, but then the screen blurs and to read more i have to have an account…
but thanks


On Brave you can click the reader view and see the whole article some times.




I have an account. Here you go:

Former President Donald Trump said Friday in his first public comments since leaving office that he’ll make a comeback in some way but didn’t elaborate.

“We’ll do something, but not just yet,” Trump told Rob Crilly of the Washington Examiner on Friday. He didn’t provide more details.

Trump made the comment while dining at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, according to the Examiner article.

On Wednesday morning, before leaving for Florida, Trump made similar remarks about being “back in some form.”

“I will tell you that the future of this country has never been better. I wish the new administration great luck and great success. I think they’ll have great success. They have the foundation to do something really spectacular,” Trump told supporters hours before President Joe Biden was inaugurated.

Trump told supporters “you’re going to see incredible numbers coming in”—referring to the U.S. economy—if the Biden administration leaves his policies unchecked. However, on the first day of his administration, Biden moved to undo a number of Trump’s executive orders on immigration, suspending the Keystone XL pipeline, removing Trump’s 1776 Commission, and more.

“I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning. There’s never been anything like it,” Trump also said Tuesday in a pre-recorded video posted online.
Also Friday, former Trump adviser Stephen Miller told the Washington Examiner that “Florida is really the perfect place to be the new HQ of the MAGA movement and a launching pad for the president’s next endeavor.”

Miller said that Trump could play a role politically.

“He leaves with the certain knowledge that he put everything you have into the mission,” added Miller. “This movement is beginning. This movement is a young movement. It’s still in its infancy and the president—his own journey is still only begun.”
Some advisers have suggested he’ll get involved in the 2022 midterm races and could run for president in 2024.

“Trump has a number of goals over the next couple of years … winning back the House and the Senate for Republicans in 2022 to make sure that we can stop the Democratic craziness,” said another former adviser, Jason Miller, earlier this week.

Miller asserted that Trump will “emerge as the nation’s leader on ballot and voter integrity.”

The Senate, controlled by Democrats now, is aiming to convict Trump after the House impeached him. If the Senate convicts Trump, he could be possibly barred from becoming president again.

The Epoch Times has reached out to the Trump Organization for comment.




Your welcome!


No disrespect intended for anybody in the following, but I think it is good to keep in mind:

1) The communists control the presidency;

2) The communists control the House;

3) The communists control the Senate;

4) The communists control most of education, from the universities down to kindergarten, and use that control to conduct a cultural revolution which affects every aspect of our lives;

5) The communists control every major American city;

6) The communists control the principal means of communication, including all major newspapers and broadcast outlets as well as social media;

7) The communists control the medical establishment;

8) The communists control the legal establishment;

9) The communists control large segments of commerce and finance, and where they do not have direct control they have categorical influence in how commerce is conducted, and over the past year the communists have successfully destroyed the Kulaks who were independent of communist control;

10) The communists control large segments of entertainment, and where they do not have direct control they have categorical influence over the Narratives presented by that entertainment, going so far as to use advertisements for relentless propaganda;

11) The communists control or have corrupted large segments of religious organizations, or heavily influence the Narratives presented by those organizations;

12) The communists control the “reality” perceived by half the country, and have successfully demonized those who think that objective reality and objective facts ought to be deciding factors, where possible;

13) The communists have successfully destroyed traditional civic associations, such as the Boy Scouts, which impede communist goals and allow for associations which are potentially dangerous to communist power;

14) The communists control large segments of the scientific establishment, and have thoroughly subordinated any discussion of science to ideological goals;

15) The communists have successfully institutionalized completely bogus doctrines of psychological warfare, such as the totally phony narratives regarding race.

I could add more.

Does anyone disagree?

With no disrespect intended toward anyone, I believe the options available to us at this point are extremely limited, and do not include civic nationalist options.

And I also believe that now is the time to start discussing options within the realm of reality.

And just to add for the heck of it, other than Trump, who IMO is a genuine hero and champion, I think we are not well-served by the other heroes who are regularly worshipped despite the fact that they have accomplished nothing outside of whatever benefits them personally.


but , and no disrespect intended, WHO’s reality?
according to you it is a doomed and hopeless future with limited options.

I choose hope.
I choose faith.


I choose faith and hope, also, always have and always will.

I tried to detail the reality in my post, and asked if anybody disagreed. Do you have a reality which differs in ANY respect to the short list I presented in the post?


i would counter with your list did not magically happen January 20th or even November 3rd.
It has been ongoing for years…only now we’re aware of it or maybe more aware of it.
perhaps the opposition is more openly hostile to us now, but they have always been hostile to us…moving gradually, but steadily to this point.


Totally agree with you. It happened over years, and with the fraudulent election and the relentless fraudulent propaganda on MANY fronts over the past four years, they won that which has been in preparation for many, many years.

Communists long ago became brilliant at doing what they could do. And they have finally done what they have sought to do, because it was now do-able, because of the many factors presented in my OP.

People have been discussing options available to us, and IMO many options seem not only unrealistic, but reflect the fact that people do not understand where we are.

I do not lack faith or hope in certain options because I lack faith or hope. What I lack is a perception that the options take into account what actually faces us.

It is a hard reality, IMO. My wife cries, my stomach is in knots, and we reassure each other that we have each other. But it is reality.

Again just my opinion, and no disrespect toward anyone, but to my mind the sooner we see things as they are, the better.


so do you think things weren’t this way in 2016? before POTUS got elected? that election disrupted the course of things–things at the time many thought were inevitable. but POTUS got elected and things started to change…
just cuz we can’t see it today, doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t bring that unexpected something.
did you ever see Pollyanna? the minister in the story always focuses on the fire and brimstone passages in the Bible for his sermons, but Pollyanna reminds him of the countless GLAD passages (she calls them)…you can focus on all the bad or you can focus on the good.
neither is the “only” way to look at things.


I am often not very good at expressing myself. I wish I could do better.

I think we are on essentially the same wave-length.

And there is probably no harm in discussing unrealistic options, like running for the school board.

I wish I could show you the video from 1972 which shows how I successfully opposed a communist take-over of my campus. I have the scrapbook, if we were ever to meet. (It includes tearing down the Viet Cong flag from one of the buildings).

It was quite an extraordinary event, but it has been erased, other than the single video which for some reason was published a few years back. I spoke to the guy who published it, and he told me that the administration confiscated almost all his videos of the weeks long siege.

So the communist defeat “never happened.”

I am fully aware of how long things have been going on, and have had the peculiar experience of knowing they were going on when the very though was considered absurd.

That is one reason why IMO we should be discussing the realistic options now.


as long as there’s room at the table for BOTH sides…
I think it would be a both a pleasure and honor to meet you and your wife…
you’ll know me instantly…I’ll be the one in the glasses…(given to me by my father-in-law)

comment image


LOL … it would be lovely! We would gave a wonderful time, I know.

Amazingly, Youtube has the video I referred to. The video is rough and unedited, but still fascinating to me. I am interviewed a couple times.

The video is FAR from presenting the complete picture, but reference is made to my tearing down the View Cong flag, which was just a minor detail of the whole weeks long event.

I do not want to publish the link because it clearly mentions my name, but maybe some day I will find a way for anyone to link to it.


Thank you for fighting.


This sounds VERY immodest, but I would be as famous as Mark Rudd, were I on the “right” side. So what happened was simply erased, as communists do.


Just like this… 😁


Communists have taken over the compus my husband still part time teaches. I saw it 20 years ago when Chinese were hirerd from mailand china to teach American future teachers how to be teachers. I was beside myself but people .
Naive I say were most people and trusting.


The communists controlled education and crept into leadership in churches and government for a while. We just never imagined that they would be in everything and control. Tech tycoons helped big corporations and media also. We the consumers did not pay close attention because this could never happen in America was the opinion. I saw it but denied it because my husband echoed as so many do this does not happen in the US.


This is why my wife, from the USSR, is shocked and bewildered. She says to me even today: THIS IS AMERICA. And I tell her, keep hope we can keep it so, but it may not be.


It’s very obvious that the Marxists are on a massive crime and destruction spree. As they see it they’ve completed their long march through the institutions and now it’s time to do their work as chaos agents.

That begs the question about solutions:
1) What solutions are within the domain of the possible?
2) What solutions are outside the domain of the possible?
3) By what criteria do we assess whether a particular solution is, or is not, in the domain of the possible?
4) Treat the word “impossible” as motivation. Impossible is just the starting point.

With the Evangelical Intelligentsia, this is where we see them dutifully engage in holy hand-wringing “what can we do about culture?”

* Big Evangelicalism, lacking the capability to do anything useful, organizes some big “Christ and Culture” conferences using the usual Professional Evangelical outfits
* A slew of talking heads are brought in to promote the Professional Evangelical orgs, and of course do fundraising, b/c when it comes to Evangelical Non-Profits there is no problem of culture that cannot be solved by giving them MOAR DONATIONS, to keep doing their good work of course.
* Rod Dreher tells everyone that the end has come, but it’s OK b/c he has a book that tells us the answer. It’s called “The Benedict Option.”
* A slew of folks come out in favor of the “exile view”. Many denounce Rod Dreher’s “Benedict Option” while others try to find some way to hybridize or align the approaches.
* Big Evangelicalism decides to do a massive “gospel” push – but most people are blind to the fact that Big Evangelicalism is CAUSING the problems, and that they redefined “gospel” to mean “social justice” as camouflage for “Marxism” while no one was looking, and many people happily join in the “let’s just get back to the ‘gospel'” bus

From my perspective, all of that is just circuses, noise and fury by Big Evangelicalism, designed to consume a lot of energy and money but result in nothing of consequence.

In my view, all politics is local. The big national are composites of the local rather than the reverse view – bottom up not top down. Though some people get power the fundamentals of reality don’t change. (Like how monetary value flows upward from exchange, not down from the government printing press/taxation/debt.)

The smallest unit of “local” is the individual. The Marxists love to say “The political is personal”. Then what about the individual? Is the individual a slave or free? Where do his loyalties lie?
* No man is free unless he is self-governed. A man who has not mastered himself is a man mastered by his passions, or ready to be enslaved to others.
* Who is king in the man’s heart? Himself? Another man? Or God? If God, how much of the man’s heart is governed by his loyalty to God? In our souls, who is our Lord?
* It’s common for people to feel the need to “do something”. Volition is good, but it must be aligned with sound reason and emotion. First, head heart and hands must be brought into alignment and work together in unity of purpose. Second, the purposes of the head, the heart, and the hands must all be true, or any action proceeding from the man will fail.

The individual is a small unit of power. But when the man is not a slave, is self-governed, and capable of decisive concrete action, he is a threat to the radicals. He is immediately tested about which way he will go. If he wants to resist the zeitgeist he must be resolved within himself. This is the domain where the individual has total control and which the reach of the totalitarian has no power.

From here, loosely following the pattern laid out in Ephesians, we see instructions for a man’s relationships with other, starting from the individual and working outward:

* The relationship with God
* The Marriage Relationship
* Familial Relationships
* Relationships within the Body of Christ
* Relation to the Marketplace, the domain of work and labor
* Relation to rulers – the spheres of local politics and the structures that extend beyond
* Beyond the largest human government, Christ is King of Kings, the sovereign over every nation and human endeavor.

As I see it, regardless of how utterly hopeless and useless it may seem, we still must be faithful. Christ calls us to be salt and light. Paul reminds us that wherever we are and whatever our hands find to do, do it heartily unto the Lord.

We must be engaged against the enemy in the full spectrum of their warfare. Every domain of the hybrid warfare they bring against us. In particular, we must be fully engaged in the Spiritual War as a matter of first importance.

One man does not yield much as a unit of power. In fact, against a massive totalitarian order, what can one man do? It seems he is powerless.

The only solution is to find the power of the powerless. What would Havel have us do?


I know well that I don’t have all the answers to all the questions and every situation that can arise, but the defense of the Republic is necessitated on an awake, aware, and engaged populace of Patriots, particularly in its darkest hours.


Concerned Virginian

My opinion: the United States of America, as a whole, has been enslaved since Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act in December, 1913. This nationwide slavery was cemented when FDR abolished the Gold Standard in June, 1933.
My late husband was alive in 1913 and in 1933. His opinion was that Wilson acted as he did out of envy since he didn’t make much money as a college professor; and that FDR acted as he did out of hatred of his mother, who kept him on a short leash financially for many years.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Just my tiny 2 cents, but why not call a spade a spade?

Point out the communists in the local school district. Go through the history curriculum and denounce it to the school board. Get a list of alternate resources and share it with parents.

Call out the local officials who are using Zoom for their meetings. Educate them. So many people are just ignorant.

I think each one of us is uniquely qualified to affect our sphere of influence. It starts in our own thoughts.

I just got the Gulag Archipelago. I have never read it. Would anyone want to join me? We could have that as a forum topic when Wolf gets it going.

On a more visceral level, we don’t shut up ever. We refuse to wear the masks. We risk getting thrown out. We risk going to jail.

We call them out and we make them defend themselves.

Have a copy of the Constitution handy to share. You can buy them in bulk for about a buck apiece.

Maybe we can have another forum topic just going through and learning the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Just my thoughts, but like I said, THEY were willing to go through the long March to implement communism. We should be willing to do the same to get rid of it.

How about reading some history on the Solidarity movement and how communism has been defeated in certain areas? I just ordered a couple history books to get familiar with the topic.

Most powerful of all is prayer. Seek the Lord and ask Him how you can help. Get a journal and jot down what comes to you in prayer. He will lead us out of this.

I’ll shut up now, except to say that I will never relent in my opposition to them.

Deplorable Patriot

I got into it with a music director once on a hymn. She said, “the second verse is theologically problematic.” I came back with, “It’s theologically wrong, and how did that pass Archbishop Sample’s approval since he’s the one who is supposed to be approving that hymnal.” (The publisher is in Portland, Oregon.)


Yep. The stuff is everywhere.

I often think we need to each become our own little oases of cloisters where we preserve and pass on the truth.


That was Calvin’s vision for Christians.
“Every home was a cloister within family.”
I always liked that idea.


The Gulag Archipelago must be read by all of us. It is very instructive as to the particulars of what we face. Soviet repression and Maoist cultural revolution are being combined to torment us.

But first read Darkness at Noon, a short novel which shows us our fate.


I love what you say!

My disagreement is the focus of all politics is local. The politics we face is global.

The hard part IMO we face now, are what Christians faced with Diocletian, or with Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot.

We have to contemplate what is meant by giving Caesar what is Caesar’s. To my mind, this insight is far deeper than it is usually understood. It is one of the truly “modern” and radically different things Jesus said, and it is not without meaning.

There is a distinction between bearing suffering for the sake of Jesus and opposing repression. I do not know what that difference is. IMO that is the question we confront. It is all too new for us to know atm. Living in America has made the question somewhat irrelevant, and unnecessary to consider.

Now we have to consider it, and it would be wonderful to have a civic nationalist answer. But that answer IMO is unavailable. The MLK days and the join the school board days are not relevant, IMO.

Now, before all contact is snuffed out, is the time to share trust and plans.


I’m looking to a secular and a religious renewal, appealing to both secularists and people of faith, as the Founding Fathers did.

The last thing I want to see in the US is a theocracy. Not saying that you want one, Michael, but depending on the sources one uses, that’s what people might think.

Valerie Curren

Amen & thank you for this passionate & godly view. I really appreciated your Ephesians based hierarchy of focus & loyalties. It’s like we might be re-building America from the ground up from house church cells where we can influence people close (& known) to us directly. And where we can through biblical truth & faith be strengthened to go out & do battle in our individual spheres of influence…

That sounds an awful lot like how the Q-Tree can function for many of us!!!

None of that is meant to leave out those who do not share the Faith for they are our comPatriots & fellow sojourners now also operating as strangers in a strange land.

Whatever Satan has meant for evil God has meant for good…so God’s purposes are still at work whether we can see or even comprehend them. For those in Christ we have that Assurance that in the end we win & will rejoice together in Paradise eternally.

May the Lord equip each of us for the journey ahead!

Deplorable Patriot

Well, this will certainly put a crimp on American style.


That’s going to piss off all the people who drive for a living.

Delivery companies
The whole Teamsters Union.
Uber drivers
Taxi companies

Travelling Sales Reps
Moving companies

This tax would impact millions of people!

Then they would have to raise their prices…so it will end up affecting All of us.

And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.


The trucking industry will lobby for exemptions as will other groups.

The tax will affect commuters.



Many people who live where I live drive every day two hundred miles back and forth to work. This tax will hurt people on fixed income people at the lower pay scale.


Wasn’t it NYC or DEN during the Bush years that was considering taxing mileage and the talk then spread to bicyclers?

I kind of remember some kind of outrage about that?


My understanding, NV has entertained taxing miles on cars.

Likely a hot topic these coming four months. State legislators meet every other year, for ~four months. It is nearly time for them asshoes to create more problems, which they call solutions.

Covid shutdowns have taken a huge hit on tax revenue. NV wise casinos shut down and zero conventions.


Do not remember.

Deplorable Patriot

This is partly where I see this being a problem.

I know a lot of people who drive to various destinations for vacation and more. This would make leisure travel far more expensive, not just business travel on the roads.

And what good would it do? It’s not like the money would definitely be going to highway funds. From what I can tell, some states raid their highway cash on a regular basis, their roads are in such bad shape. I risk tires every time I cross the Poplar Street Bridge the approaches in Illinois are such a mess. And my state, Missouri, is the one paying for all the bridge maintenance.


well they tax you when you drive so more people might be tempted to fly for vacations…so then you HAVE to get their vaccine…
sneaky trick, right?


Have longed for a cool car from my younger years. 50s or 60s. One with the mechanical odometer. Cable easily detached from tran. Drill to run miles down.

“Look ma, only drove 8,022 miles last year. As opposed to my commonly ~20K these years.

Prolly have to get a couple of the 50s/60s vintage car. As I recall, one of the gals has a few older vehicles. Seems as though when they break down, Napa or whatever parts store no longer carry many parts. reach back to warehouses add a few days to repair time.

Fiddlin with a car would be good for this old fart. Always enjoyed tinkering.


Hah…good idea.
Let’s hope the commies don’t come after our vintage cars.

Brave and Free

Funny how all of the democommies who bowed out of the presidential race are now in the fake administration….
Can you say payback???


yup!! think you’re spot on!


Guessing the aim is citizens driving their vehicles.

STOP folks from owning their vehicles.
^^^ Raise taxes.

Rely on mass transportation.
^^^ Raise taxes.

Get folks to live in more concentrated areas.

Thinking UN + Agenda 21 at the moment.




They screwed themselves with Covid. Here on the left coast, people left the crowded cities. They realized they can work remotely from a more rural area, and everyone is afraid of close contact on public transportation.


Not driving so much saves on tires and cars so less need for new tires or new cars. How stupid are they. Less need for oil change and mechanic and on and on.
They see the immediate satisfaction not long tearm consequences.


I like to watch this one on Full Screen:

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/062/730/140/original/12bf2d86e69e2111.mp4" /]

And…𝕵𝖔𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓’𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖓.


Great choice of eagles today, Mr. Steve!

Looks like he’s cogitating, ruminating, planning, strategizing….


the whole this-is-a-movie theory discussed with some attention to the movie bloopers…


Deplorable Patriot

BRILLIANT piece. Glad someone took the time to do it.


IMO – camera angles explain the change of position of masked person behind the Bidens. 

Democrats are all about optics and using a studio outside the WH to film a person like Biden who has obvious mental decline and deficits would be a good way to get through multiple ‘takes’ without the public getting wise.


Not just the mental decline but his lack of stamina. Thus they’d want to spread all his activities out over many days. It also may explain the Lincoln Memorial flop as he did not yet sign the EO for mandatory wear of masks on Federal Property.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

We are likely to see a lot of contradictions and anomalies.


..signing 3 EO’s was his limit.
Anyone of us would have signed the stack on the table before calling it a day.. 😏 
Something else is going on.


I still have a hard time believing the ‘mental decline’ mantra, Para.

He appears to be robotic – and – pictures of him are ‘different’ – like there might be ‘doubles’ or ‘clones’ – remember when the HRC clone ‘malfunctioned’?

They could be using an ‘actor’ as well – just not buying the ‘decline’ theory – and yet – it appears they want to get rid of him – and put the ‘witch’ in charge, too.

Concerned Virginian

There are many side effects of drugs used to treat dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease. These side effects range from mild to moderate sedation (can explain “robotic” movements), through muscular weakness (that “stumbling around” stuff), through speech difficulties (those “mumblings”).
A telling signal to me was watching “Robber Joe” walking up to the Marines and saying, “Salute the Marines” in a robotic voice, then walking past them without saluting them.
My opinion is that “Robber Joe” does indeed have cognitive decline and is being treated for it; also, that KamaHarr is being prepared to take over the Oval Office within a matter of months, if not even weeks.


I understand what you are saying about the drugs – however – this guy is a criminal – he would do anything to avoid prosecution – it may not even be him – he could have been arrested right after he took the oath – I have no idea – but, his entire campaign was a joke – the level of fraud was outlandish – and everything that has happened since 11/3 has just been too impossible to fathom – courts – legislatures – governors – sos – and the like just seem to turn a blind eye to what has occurred – either they are complicit or they, too, were elected through fraudulent means.

From the beginning – I believed his behavior was simply too convenient – if he was such a mess – why would they run him anyway? so they could dump him and put Harris in his place? Not buying that, either – this is all a poorly run show – a theatrical production of which nobody wanted any part.

One can make any number of excuses for his behavior – but, to them, it is all about control – they do not care what they do to regain control – and they trash PT so NO ONE will even try to defy them again.

My opinion is that Buffoon Biden is a fraud in more ways than one!!!


Pat, it’s worth knowing that Simon Parkes does videos with Charlie Ward.

A few days before the inauguration, Parkes told his viewers to expect a fake, pre-recorded inauguration.

Sure enough someone in Spain — Charlie Ward (a Briton who resides there) — saw one at 7 a.m. on January 20.

Officials might have asked the girl in the mask to move, for whatever reason.

Just saying …


while i rely on obummer’s speech–forget the date–but he said there might be videos surfacing that are excellent FAKES–i believe when they were concerned damaging stuff might surface about dems–sauce for the goose…



Sidney Powell:

“Today we are proud to announce the formation of Restore the Republic PAC, which will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections,” said Restore the Republic PAC Founder Sidney Powell. “The PAC will promote candidates who fight for truth and the Rule of Law, and we will strenuously oppose any candidate who discards the Constitution for his own short term or political gain—regardless of her party. Eighty million people were just disenfranchised by the inauguration of a President not elected by lawful votes. The Democrats abandoned their base and the Republicans betrayed theirs.

 The American people are starved for truth, restoration of the Rule of Law, and even-handed accountability. Americans are fed up with the corruption in government and the elitist political class that views them with condescension and contempt. The American people deserve a voice that exposes and rejects the self-interest of political parties, the control of tech giants, and the lies of the fake news. We will be the voice for honesty, integrity, and a return to government by We the People. Join this new endeavor co-founded by Mike Lindell and Joe Flynn at www.RestoreTheRepublicPAC.Com”

I will not support a SuperPac because of past abuses (remember the Gingrich of PA SuperPAC that Q exposed that gave a bunch of money to Gorka’s wife or some such?) – but I will support the candidates they recommend directly as I can and especially they are running in my jurisdiction.


Found on Gab:
comment image

ᒍOE ᗷIᗪEᑎ ᗪIᗪᑎ’T ᗯIᑎ.


i saw a few of those in our travels last week…
we are not gonna go quietly into the night…


First we kill all the {lawyersX} voting machines.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is actually a good option for rebellion.


It’s not like they are hardened security wise is it?


long list to put here I know…but it’s a good one…from American Thinker…I wish i didn’t know now what I didn’t know 5 years ago…

  • There actually is a deep state and they really do not honor the election results nor the will of the people.
  • There really appear to be lawless elements within the upper echelons of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who are not accountable for their crimes and are thus above the law.
  • The fourth branch of government, the bureaucracy, really is unaccountable to the “unwashed masses.”
  • Many of our top military command, along with many in the Military Industrial Complex, don’t always hate wars. There’s a lot of money and many promotions to be made during a time of war. The last 4 years saw no new wars and even troops coming home. For some, that is bad for business.
  • 1984 and Animal Farm are no longer works of fiction, but prophecies.
  • George Orwell was righter than Nostradamus.  
  • The news media centers of New York City and Washington, DC are not neutral arbitrators of the truth, but uncomfortably resemble TASS and Pravda from the Soviet Union days.
  • The old robber barons like Rockefeller, Carnegie and JP Morgan are starting to look a whole lot better compared to the new Robber Barons like Dorsey, Zuckerberg, and Bezos.  
  • The United States Supreme Court would actually refuse to hear a legitimate case because they were scared and frightened of violence.
  • The left insist on conflating and equating evangelical Christians with White supremacists. This should terrify the Christian community.
  • Words such as mom, dad, aunt, uncle, brother and sister are now not words of love and respect; but are considered politically incorrect verbiage in Congress. 
  • Censorship, the cancel culture, and becoming a nonperson comes from the left, not the right.
  • The left, not the right, actually is going to try and deny citizens rights afforded to all in the Bill of Rights.
  • Violence from The Left is regarded as free speech and noble, while violence from the right is classified as sedition and felonious by powerful institutions.
  • It really is not Republicans vs. Democrats, but globalists vs. nationalists.
  • The new McCarthyism, blacklists, history re-writers, and re-education camps are coming from the left, not the right.
  • Fences and barriers are a good thing for our nation’s capital but somehow a bad thing for our nation’s borders.
  • Our Founding Fathers of yesteryear would be called “domestic terrorists” by some today.
  • Presidential elections really can be stolen by corrupting just a handful of precincts in just a handful of states.
  • Calling into question the validity of the 2016 presidential election is patriotic, while calling into question the validity of the 2020 presidential election is treasonous.


Deplorable Patriot

The old robber barons like Rockefeller, Carnegie and JP Morgan are starting to look a whole lot better compared to the new Robber Barons like Dorsey, Zuckerberg, and Bezos.  

They’re all the same when it comes down to it.


meet the new boss…same as the old boss


An old Bob Seger line, redone many times since then:



‘Seger said of this song: “My old friend Glenn Frey of the Eagles had an idea that our guitarist Drew Abbott should play along with the piano solo. He and I then went out and did the background vocals together. The line ‘Wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then’ bothered me for the longest time, but everyone I knew loved it so I left it in. It has since appeared in several hits by other artists, so I guess it’s OK.”‘


h/t to Cm-TX OT

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As we Trumpers are waiting to be arrested, attacked, put into re-education camps by the PTB.

Remember – slurring and smearing Trump supporters has been a bipartisan effort since the elevator ride of 2015. 

Elitist Republican John McCain started it with the Whacko-birds epithet.

And it went on and on and on….

Louisiana Mom at Weasel Zippers actually made a list: https://www.weaselzippers.us/401571-civility-democrats-hang-from-a-tree-a-dummy-labeled-gop-marsha-blackburn/#comment-4176762696

Here it is!

Enemy, paranoid, greedy, Bible-thumping, gun-toting, fear-mongering, racist, sexist, bigot, birther, redneck, homophobic, xenophobic, global-warming denialists, anti-science, Neanderthal, barbarian,terrorist, hobbits, member of the Flat Earth Society, Nazi, bully, Yosemite Sam hillbilly, beer-toting, pot belly, church going, small-minded, whack-job, Evangelical, gun nuts, wing nut, knuckle-dragger, clueless, Teabaggers, narrow-minded, evil, redneck freaks, judgmental, backwards, sick, anti-intellectualist, slut-shaming, slimebuckets, forced-birther, neocons, Zionist, neo-Confederate, wild nasty hard-right fringe, extremist, sewer rats, wacko birds, bitter clingers, misogynist, you suck, Obamaphobic, chirper, white nativist, crazies, creepy azz cracka, unpatriotic, white grievance, dumb, cracker, white devils, rabid, squealing political pigs, anarchist, fanatics, extortionists, lemmings, gangsters, murderers, banana republicans, fakers, ideological crusader, Cruzites, anti-government idealoges, fraud, Taliban, arsonist, suicide bombers, suicidal lemmings, spoiled children, hostage takers, overlords, Jihadist, blowhard, religious fanatic, freedom fiend, kidnappers, Jesus freaks, dangerous, troglodyte, from the Planet of the Apes, resurrection of the Confederacy, lemmings with suicide vests, anarchy gang, idiots, wife abusers, frightened white people, right-wing loonies, tea-hadist, tea-tards, segregationist, freaking retarded, morally disgusting, Confederate flag-waving, breeders, Robert E. Lee lovers, Southern white radicals, losers, violent rapist, blathering idiots, climate change deniers, way crazy, racist killers, rabid animals, Cro-magnon, cave dwellers, narrow-minded, toddler, headless chicken brigade, monkeys, morons, virus, teapub, Christofascists, healthcare repealers, gun-crazed, wide-eyed creatures, bed-wetting kidult, climate fool, Trotskyite radicalists, Dixiecrats, willfully ignorant fucksticks, anti-Obama, Huns, nutcases, pseudo-militia of gun-toting nutcases, lunatic, radical terrorist, people from slave-holding states, Uncle Toms, distrustful, Rumplestiltskins, somewhat strange, screw-loosers, bald-faced racists, carnival barker, boorish individuals, Tea Party maggots, mendacious, death-loving, frothing, lamprey-mouthed, inhuman, abominable, atrocious, verminous, rapacious, sadistic, invasive, grasping, psychopathic, twisted, warped, animalistic, belly-crawling, mouth-breathing, illiterate, innumerate, know-nothing, imbecilic, sheep-raping, horror movie extras masturbating into wads of money while fantasizing about war collateral damage, puppy-torturing, vacuous, mindless, nihilistic, diseased, soulless, morally bankrupt, greedy, insecure, envious, kleptomaniac charnel-house mascots stewing in universal hatred for all life, toxic, ugly, bestial, humorless, loveless, compassionless, demonic human-shaped ruins forever slouching toward Bethlehem in search of some fresh nightmare to wreak on the defenseless via other people’s money and heroism, Satanic monkey-shit-throwing, cowardly, chickenhawkish, parasitic, baby’s-candy-stealing, wife-beating, minority-purging, syphilitic Confederate poltergeists with erectile dysfunction, perverse, prurient, crocodile-eyed, necrophiliac mass-producers of human misery and gleeful destroyers of truth, justice, and the American way, sepulchre-hearted human deserts walking the Earth only to look for more victims, silly, stupid, ignorant bastards proud of every good thing they’ve never done, every person they’ve never been considerate toward, every fact they’ve never learned and will never acknowledge, and every virtue they will never possess or even attempt to comprehend, preternaturally drunken, bleary-eyed, zombie-like, empty vessels, unthinking, unquestioning, unfeeling,face-chewing, self-devouring, medieval barbarian, ominous, loathsome, Nosferatu-impersonating Gollum-acolytes feasting on the flesh of our society while complaining about its taste, tax-evading, sommelier-abusing, election-buying, vile, repulsive, maggot-ridden rot, vultures, not normal people, mean, selfish, haters, meatballs, dingus, scorched earth insurgents. Grumpy Cat, jingoistic, microaggressionist, ableist, transphobic,, poor, dumb, cousin-humping, ammosexuals, genderist, sexist, anti-semites, skinheads, crazy, angry, ignorant, morally tainted, irredeemable, deplorable, swamp of crazy, dark, devisive, white nationalist, alt-right, white devil, despicable people, white selfishness, scumbags, Kremlin Klan, slobs, residents of Podunk USA, intolerant, anti-American, Cheeto aliens, fatties, Tealiban, sufferers of white neurosis and white fragility, Y’all Qaeda, Trump-ite, cave dweller, troglodyte, luddite, scumbags, Bannonites, do not appear to be humans, angry loud-mouth Irishmen, Russian bots, ignorant hillbillys, monstrous arseholes, gunsplainers, lunatic fringe, white privilege Christians, vulgarians, Crusaders, toothless garbage people, assholes, couch potato anarchists, enemy of the republic, Trump’s noxious base, Trumptards, conspiracy theorists, bunch of randos, virulent people, dregs of society…. and there are many more by now.

On 10/24/20 – Biden added a new one – Chumps for Trump to the list.


Yep – these slurs were actually published by our loving, high-minded, unbiased broadcast and social media.


sad, isn’t it?


Nancy called us Trumpites.


The first ladies who have occupied the White House since then – Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, Melania Trump – have not held positions within the administration. But of these three, only one was met with such a high level of vitriol from certain quarters of the press despite conducting herself with grace and class: Mrs. Trump. 

A prime example of this occurred after the now former first lady decorated the White House for Christmas in 2018. As you may recall, red trees were part of her selection. Benign enough. It’s just holiday decorations after all. 

And then came the avalanche:  



Melania was foreign born would explain the mistreatment by media and others.
She also outshines in grace and beauty most of Hollywood. She has grace and class most media critters are lacking. Her beauty , grace and class is natural not fake and much we call beauty is fake.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

True but it was their foreign born with the right color that is the difference.
Just as there is a two tier Judicial system.
Germany has a class system so I am familiar how it works. I never saw it here until about 30 years ago.




We now know who the enemy is .



Tucker Carlson Tonight” has since obtained an internal email sent Thursday to ICE officers in Texas that shows how the order was enacted. 

“As of midnight tonight, stop all removals,” the email reads. “This includes Mexican bus runs, charter flights and commercial removals (until further notice) … all cases are to be considered [no significant likelihood of removal in foreseeable future].”

The email goes on to say: “Release them all, immediately. No sponsor available is not acceptable any longer.”


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Be My Voice

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morning Duchess!
really windy here…
have a Blessed day!


Morning, Pat!!! No wind here – but – the picture of the cardinal above is what it looks like here – concerned about ice, too.

God Bless Your Day with Warmth and Love – Angels Watching Over You – Hugs!!!


be careful!
it sounds like jets landing on our lawn here…loud!
thanks for Angels…may they bring HUGS back to you!!


Will do – if this keeps up – will run out of salt before the end of the month!!! Roads are probably in better shape than my driveway – but, I do not want to slide down into the road – * Sigh *

* Received and Appreciated *


Well this is…interesting.

Hillary’s body-double is a lot shorter than she is:
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And…𝓙𝓸𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷’𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓷.


yeah the heel height seems to be the same in both–think that’s another reason they’re pushing the masks

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen this one a number of times now. It looks like they were both switched out.


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Concerned Virginian

Where will the money come from? Among other “sources” besides continuous printing by the Federal Reserve:
Pension funds;
Bank accounts of American citizens, which will be seized on some pretext;
Borrowing from the IMF and from Dictator Xi;
Redux of 1933 confiscation of gold held by American citizens.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

It’s back to this! (Sigh)

Judge orders Treasury to notify Trump 72 hours prior to possible release of tax returns
A federal judge issued a temporary order that requires the Treasury Department to give former President Donald Trump’s attorneys three days notice before handing over his tax returns to House Democrats.

Judge Trevor McFadden, who was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Trump in 2017, issued the two-week order on Friday as House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal, a Massachusetts Democrat, continues to seek years of Trump’s federal tax returns, according to Politico.



Did lardass Christie recommend this joker to PT?


Somehow, Dora, I do not think this holds any weight at the present time – however – it does appear they want to totally destroy PT so that no one will ever think of coming against them, again.

Will have to wait and see how this plays out – and if there is any merit to it.


Enmity drives people to seek to destroy others.


It wouldn’t surprise me one bit, if they release it and it turns out it’s perfect like his phone calls and everything else. These people are stupid!!!


Absolutely true! Major Declas being posted at Telegram


2020 Election Fraud, JFK assassination, JFK Jr plane had explosive residue, he had sent letter to Biden stating he was a traitor, Biden is CIA asset, Schumer is CIA, list of Antifa names, McCain, lobbyists,donations, about 1800 pages now… do not know if this is completely legit, but documents look legit… hoping someone else will take a look and provide thoughts…


Yes, I have been reading this but just using the link. You can’t watch the videos w/o Telegram. I was just going to get the MacOS version, any reservations from folks here?

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

There’s a really good documentary on JFK’s crash on Prime. So many things that the media pumped out about this was false. It was very eye opening


Where is the outrage?
Does the press no longer care about the “tens of millions” Americans who will die from covid due to ……….bad pr?


Besides the normal connection the story wishes to convey, also sees that the Fraud Administration believes we are still rebellious or will come more rebellious in the near term, thus the charade will continue.



Those people are demonic. May God help them.


Yep – it begins.

Churches had better hire or use members as security – that security and many members had better be ARMED to the teeth and excellent shots!


The synagogues in the UK use external security on Saturdays for worship. Very sad. They have been doing it for over 20 years now.

This is not a comment against the average Briton, just a tiny minority who perhaps believe in too many conspiracy theories.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse


january 22, 2021 the marshall report


As I said a while back, and more than a few times, when it falls on your own head that is when you stand up and shout. As long as it’s someone else, and especially someone you don’t know…the consensus for the lukewarm is, “Well, that’s their own fault because…..” The because is anything that person judging the matter wants to perceive it.

Deplorable Patriot

Are the people waking up yet?


Hard to tell, DP – it is going to take more time for some than others – the truth is hard to swallow – lost a long time friend – so brainwashed and projecting hatred – judgmental and ignorant – it hurts to see someone so far left they believe the lie!!!


Not really, from my perspective.

I think that some people have a gut feeling that something is wrong, but that’s about as far as it goes.

They can’t explain it, because they don’t really know exactly what it is that’s “off” (like Sylvia said earlier in re intuition); and spending the time / effort to figure it out on their own isn’t something they want to do.

It’s absolutely UNREAL where I am, with people totally under the fear spell – some are wearing double-masks, constantly washing hands and spritzing counters and surfaces.

It’s quite disheartening, to see otherwise intelligent people doing so much self-harm and harm to others (first, school-children), yet THINKING and BELIEVING that they’re doing good.

So, while not 100% asleep, still their eyes are closed and their minds are at best semi-conscious. Virtue-signaling still rules over actual virtue-doing.

Deplorable Patriot

In my circles, particularly certain family members, they’re too distracted by every day life to take the time to really do any research.

As for buying into the fear porn…it’s addictive, IMO. And these people all are going to do what they are told is the best thing for everyone without actually considering why this is a change from what we were previously told to do.


>> “too distracted by every day life” <<

That’s a big part of it.

And IMO, it’s by DESIGN that it now takes both parents working, to even have a minimally decent family life.

Couple this with the information deluge, and there isn’t any time left over to check up on what the gov’t is doing.

Cloward-Piven, overloading the family to destroy it …

Deplorable Patriot

In my family’s case, my one SIL is not well, and there are a lot of concerns there. They have a special needs child who has an issue that really isn’t easy to deal with. And my brother and his wife are OBSESSED with my other nephew’s swimming to the point that the kid hates it.

And…my brother is a work-a-holic. That gets in the way too.


Pay attention to the signs and seasons.

What color is the sun?

scroll forward to 4:57 and start playing.


Plot thickens – GOP Congressman Stivers – OH – suggests stimulus checks should only go to those who take vaccine.

I smell $0r0s and Gates $$$$

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

Goes to show you what idiots landed in Congress, Georgia – very few want to take the vaccine or believe it will help – now – they seek to make it mandatory – there must be something in that vaccine that is detrimental to the mental health of recipients – imho

These people are stupid – Q


Pop this tweet into some black twitter feeds carrying Hank Arons death and see if he doesn’t change his mind.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Too erase all doubt and after posting the above and a uni party innuendo message to multiple #HankArron threads.



Just reading about the first few days of the Biden administration – there is such a reversal of everything President Trump achieved (and the majority of Americans wanted).

The radical changes in foreign and domestic policy between administrations is disturbing and makes the USA resemble the behavior of someone with BPD.


I cannot take any of this too seriously, Georgia!!! If this entire administration is a fraud – it has no power over the people.

If God says this whole illegitimate usurpation comes down – that will happen!!!

Although we cannot know the mind of God – I do believe He has a plan for America – and I do not believe the total ‘Destruction of America’ is part of that plan – but, hey – that is just me – I am too lowly to make decisions I believe are in His domain.

Why would God raise up PT – and successfully lift America up – for it all to come crashing down through a communist takeover? Is God intent on destroying the world? I do not know – but I do know – as America goes – so goes the world.


Why would it all come crashing down….
– the political machine stole the election
– the courts and congress wouldn’t hear evidence of the fraud
– the political machine conspired to create a false flag and blame Trump for it.
– the military betrayed the President
– the President and people have no recourse, power or means to overcome the steal.


The Military betrayed the President? How so?

IMHO, the fraud perpetrated on the American people is far from over. We know the courts are corrupt – we know the governors are corrupt – we know sos are corrupt – and perhaps, the state legislatures, too – but, we are being governed by a foreign entity – that has paid these people handsomely for betraying our country. I believe FEMA and the Military are in charge – State of Emergency has not been lifted – and I look forward to what will be revealed before March 4th – when PT once again becomes President for the united states of America (lower case).


We shall see. The Joint Chiefs and Milley have sure showed their hineys. I really hope you (and all the prognosticator gurus) are right. Right now it doesn’t look good or even hopeful….with another crap impeachment coming up on 2/8/21 and all the propaganda/lies/legal recourse being denied our truly duly President.


Georgia, this is just a game – we know there are those in the Military who want war – not the peace PT offers – we know he has enemies in the Congress – in the courts and the SC – however – knowing this does not tie his hands if the difference between PT and all of these players is who controls the government – either we are a Republic or we are a Corporation – a corporation has no right to rule over the several states.

All is not what it appears to be – why doesn’t Bumbling Biden have SS protection – why does he not have access to military transport? Why do the rank and file turn their backs on him? Because he is not their Commander in Chief – that is why.

The Impeachment will go nowhere – because they cannot impeach a person who is ‘out of office’ – these people are sick – not rational – their hatred for PT is so deep – and he represents a threat to their power – they need to make sure nobody tries to undermine their unconstitutional rule over America again.

I am waiting to see what God does to rectify this situation – and bring about ‘The Best is Yet to Come! I am prayerful and hopeful because God is in charge – not them.


Read The Marshall Report, Georgia – it will lift your spirits – and it pretty much agrees with what I contend.

Peace Be With You!!!


Remember Manasseh? The OT King that was worse than Ahab and Jezzebel put together?

I”m not comparing Trump to Manesseh in lifestyles but in the end results of their rule.

Manesseh led the country into total idolatry and sexual immorality, then at some point, went through an abrupt conversion back to the faith. He found out too late that it was easier to lead a country into sin than turn it back to salvation.

I believe PT may have been given that latter chance for America. He tried to correct what was wrong with everything but he couldn’t get the help he truly needed. He could never place his people and evil checked him nearly every where he turned.

He succeeded in great things but the evil Prince of this Nation was given greater latitude in his own plans.

I am still praying that this is all a rouse to catch everyone of them.

If Trump doesn’t come back, then I believe we all know we are at the first step into pre-phase of final tribulation.

Remember EZK 36/ The WORLD has to want something only Israel has and a great war has to start because of that.

As long as Trump is President, that can’t happen.


I cannot equate Trump to Manasseh in any way, shape, and/or form – while it may have appeared he lived on the wild side of life – I believe his foundation would not let him stoop to that level.

God chooses the rulers – the Bible confirms that – I believe God chose PT – and he has not completed what God wants him to do – no matter how bad it gets – God is in charge – and can thwart evil if He so chooses.

America has been under foreign rule since 1871 – and PT was brought into the fold to reverse the curse – imho

Whatever was planned is far from over – and God has His own plan He will bring to fruition in His own timing – imho


That is what I believe, Steve – he was studying them – he was not one of them – why they could not bribe him.


No time to delay, Trump set them back four years. We were living under a reprieve.


duchess, Thanks for posting this…it helped me structure the rest of my morning…
Woke up this morning thinking I needed a break from al of the insanity, and this podcast helped my orientation.


Happy for you, Piper! Have a Blessed Day!!!


I wonder how much it’ll cost at auction to get a pair of genuine Larry King suspenders (that’s braces for you Brits).That would be the ultimate status symbol.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

Only 87 years old???? Man, I thought this dude had to be at least 160 by now….:0)


(you are confusing him with Ruth Bader Ginsburg – easy mistake !)
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Wonder if he got the vaccine.


Apparently, he had COVID symptoms and was in hospital.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse

Good question.


ChiComs emboldened by getting their puppet government installed in USA.



They can’t hear you. That’s the only reason why you can’t tell anyone. Can’t means impossible. They have no ears to hear truth. Hate is the program running in their mind. Hate is another word for fear. It’s easy to clear.
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Food for thought :

“Nil desperandum, — Never Despair. That is a motto for you and me. All are not dead; and where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it.” 
― Samuel Adams

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” 
― Samuel Adams

(more) :


(Note : Samuel Adams is suspected to have authored and spread propaganda (i.e. Information designed to influence opinion) anonymously and/or under pseudonyms.)



I think we’re there again.


Instead of the Keystone Pipeline – we are getting the Turkey – Qatar pipeline.



Is this one of the pipelines where Canada threatened if we don’t build the pipeline, Canada would build a pipeline to their west coast. Sell the oil to Chyna?


Highest bidder – capitalism is my vote. Nor do I blame them.

Unless they are simply bowing to ChiComs, which they’ll likely do.


Worth the time to listen.
I instantly made the connection with Michaels,
head, heart and hands post up thread.
Its a tough job to decipher the founding fathers language of their day, yet the foundations are clearly there.
Scott did a good job in my humble laymans opinion.
Thank you Duchess


Most welcome, Chris – Scott plans on going though each of the 85 Federalist Papers!!! It is fascinating what our Founding Fathers did for our country!!!

His previous podcasts reviewed the Declaration of Independence and the Original Constitution – he provides a link to a PDF of each.

He made a mistake with the Constitution – he offered the Corporate Constitution – so he will be putting up the Original Constitution PDF ASAP.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

I wouldn’t have recognized him.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is key. This is how we fight.

There is also a saying about the “sky net”, which is justice / karma / heaven’s vengeance.

“The sky net’s rough weave lets nothing slip through.”

I find this beautiful.

Deplorable Patriot

So…let me get this straight…the Chinese expect Americans to think like THEM, when we don’t expect any one else to think like Americans ’cause they ain’t us?

No kidding.

No way, Jose, Xi, no way, Jose. It doesn’t matter who is in power. What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong, even if it is legal.

BTW, DID have Hong Kong style Chinese last week for dinner one night. The owners of that restaurant are American citizens and are proud of it. The thanks for patronizing their business was profuse.

Deplorable Patriot


I took it as being literal.


I interpret that as NO CONSENT.

Deplorable Patriot

I may have to venture over to Lifelog and find out how many of my circle know about this.


LOL brave!

I’ve been avoiding it for weeks . . . but had to get on today when I heard what one of my friends had posted, and the discussion it generated.


Biden evidently has not seen this.

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Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine
Valerie Curren

Passing your info along–Thanks!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve changed my mind on executions.


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I dearly love this one…


That’s something for the books.

Thank you for the link.



Never talk to the FBI.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And save the phone data elsewhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, those evil leftists. They made sure the instigators and connivers who worked with Pelosi and McConnell would not get caught outside, but the dupes and chumps from MAGA would. I knew the conspiracy included the FBI, who now feigns innocence, in Comey style.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now we see why Pelosi and Bowser wanted all those troops.


She knows the EVIL they are guilty of.


They have the master plan and masters who have toppled many govts an many places. They know how to do it and probably have had their profilers analyzing MAGA peeps for a couple of years. Dirty foul bastards

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be glad we are not part of the evil. It is better to be destroyed by evil than to be part of it.


But best of all to pick yourself back up and utterly destroy evil!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I like that.

Once I realized that Barr actually LIED to remove Trump, it unmasked them all.

We have so much righteousness in this fight, it’s scary.


Pardon posting this again. Posted LATE yesterday.

Lawyer emphatically advises, NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE.

NOTHING to do with guilt or innocence.

PROVIDES perfect examples of INNOCENT people who talked, and FOUND GUILTY.

Easy listen. Entertaining.

Police, FBI or ANY Law Enforcement knock on my door, NOT TALKING TO THEM.

Am I free to go?

  • Yes? Bye bye.
  • No. I want a lawyer AND I AM NOT TALKING.

Watched this several times and sent to my family. Always a good reminder.



More than 22,000 people have signed a petition calling for the Rev. Franklin Graham to be fired from his leading roles at the Christian humanitarian organization Samaritan’s Purse as well as the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association because of his support for former President Donald Trump.

— bet those 20k scum have never been involved with any religion otherwise than public education.


The group leading this is a pansexual agenda Episcopalian….in other words – radical liberals who think anything goes re: pairing up for s-x. They’ll be trying to legitimize intergenerational s-x soon…and polygamy too.


What petitions can we sign? Whom do we want taken down from their position of influence?

“Sign the petition to have _____ removed from his/her position because he/she supported Joe Biden [or others].” Whom do we submit the petition to?

Deplorable Patriot

For some reason this has been on my mind today. THE GREATEST SCENE from one of the greatest films ever made. Rod Steiger described it as a love scene between two brothers, and he’s not wrong. In the end, though, doing the right thing cost them both.

Elia Kazan made this movie as a protest against the communists, of which he was one once. He was blacklisted, and still….

For this scene, as I understand it, Marlon Brando went to Kazan and asked how do I play this? Kazan asked Brando, what comes to mind or something to that effect. Brando came back with “Disbelief.” How could a brother do that to his own flesh and blood?

That’s where we are. Some of us Americans have recovered from the betrayal and are ready to go to the next step. Some have not. Some are still realizing they’ve been snookered by one side or the other. The disbelief, though, is still playing with us, and many are itching to fight without an idea of how to go about it.

Same thing as the movie. Terry had to roll with the punches. In the end, he wins, but it wasn’t easy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

An excellent description of the state we are in. Excellent. DISBELIEF – and not even sure which side lied to us, told us the truth, or did either one for good or bad reasons.


Steve in Lewes

DP – “Some are still realizing they’ve been snookered by one side or the other.”

As in Steve’s opening, a strong belief that we have been.
Has it occurred to anyone that quite possibly the biggest “bullshit artists” (Steve’s term)
were President Trump and ‘Q’.

I mean for 4 years all we heard by various axioms ‘the truth will come out’, we caught them, or numerous other variations, dare I include the Big Ugly.

Just saying!


I understand how one might feel this, but this cannot explain General Flynn. He was probably harmed worse than anyone, but he pledged his oath to Q and still stands by President Trump. And I still believe Steve Pieczenik.

Steve in Lewes

I do not know what or who to believe anymore.
The bottom line is that we were told that these “crimes”, for the lack of a better word, would be revealed and here we are. No earth shattering revelations.
They may come, they may not but I can tell you there a a couple things I’m gonna do different than I have the last 4+ years.
I am disengaging politically because now it doesn’t make a difference since I know my vote does not count. I’m also cancelling my republican party card and donations and going independent.
For all of these folks to just walk away and go silent is not a good sign, at least for me anyways.


“I am disengaging politically because now it doesn’t make a difference since I know my vote does not count. ”

That is EXACTLY what [they] want…they win if we all do this.

…not me. Not on my watch.

“Send Me…”


Last edited 3 years ago by Please

Unless the vote counting issue is dealt with people will just give up. Hard to convince people to participate when they know the game is rigged. And Republican’s are in on this too.



It is rigged for our failure. We had a most valuable possession stolen from us, and the action we take is to continue to work within the system the thieves set up for us? It’s pathetic, ineffective, and a pipe dream. IMO, either some entity — the military or whoever has the authority — takes over and sets things right, or we have another American revolution, with we-the-people setting things right.

I’m not calling for bloodshed. but I don’t consider trying to take back the House and Senate when Dems control the voting machines to likely be successful. Don’t get me wrong: we have to do it; we have to always fight and push back and initiate action rather than always being on the defensive — but, IMO, this makes us feel as if we’re doing something, when we’re not addressing the real problem and the result will be the same old, same old.


“when Dems control” should be Uni party control. It’s both parties.


Remember Pence was supposed to do that and if failed. The board to deal with election integrity failed shortly. At the time it was said some Governors did not wanted to participate. I thought he gave up quickly. This should have been fought but Pence just folded.

Steve in Lewes

So if they do nothing to fix the vote you’ll keep banging your head against the wall until they do?

“they win if we all do this.”

We all did not do this and they still won! What’s the point.


There is a tomorrow and a tomorrow after that.

Let’s keep our eye on the prize.

Steve in Lewes

And what’s the prize?

Because you see I’m 66 yo and have been voting straight republican since Reagan. For 40+ years we’ve been told we have got to play the long game, start local and move the right people up. We did that and got a number of Tea Party folks in and what happened most if not all turn out uniparty once in DC. Rubio and Ernst are two that come to mind.
Apparently the prize is for them getting rich off of stupid people who vote them in believing these people when they say they will work for us.

All mere words and catchy phrases don’t do shit.
I want to see action before I believe any of this going forward.


‘I’m 66 yo’: congratulations. I’m only a few years younger, yet over the 60+ mark.

I’ve followed all the same narratives as you.

Yes, I, too, am tired of it all.

We have to do what we have to do. Online, offline, whatever, wherever, as our individual routes might peacefully lead us.

The Tea Party should be a lesson: no third party, change the existing party from within.


OK, please!

I’m four days older than PDJT (75 this year) and I’m not giving up.

Need I remind you that the battlefield is littered with the corpses of those who “gave up.”



Well, I’m not giving up.

Congratulations on a very special birthday year!


“Change the EXISTING Party” ???
TOO CORRUPT to do that.
We’ll be DEAD before that ever happens.

New “Party” or Bust.


Sorry, friend.

No new party.

That worked when the US was young in the mid-19th century. It no longer worked for Teddy Roosevelt in the early 20th century and it won’t work now.


Never had a leader like Trump Before.
It WOULD Work.
(If the voting system is fixed)


No new party will be a failure but might make us feel better.
Working to get the right people into all levels of government.


Have you not heard of all the people that have abandoned the Republitards?
The GOP is DONE!


I don’t think even Trump realized how deep the swamp really was. The scary part is how little power the President has to force the bureaucrats to do what they are told. We are about to see the opposite occur now.

Steve in Lewes

Trump knew, he’s been talking about it for decades…
So if Trump couldn’t ‘fix’ it who will?
Some milquetoast like Nikki Haley or Pence or Jeb or Rubio or Santorum?


 Nikki Haley or Pence or Jeb or Rubio or Santorum?


Hell maybe KaySick Or Lindseed Gramnesty. Maybe Kintzinger or Sasse?


Replublitards or Done and Over with!
2022 Whigs.


Is that Lindseed “Oil” Gramnesty?


Slicker than Owl shit!


Or, as they say in Maine, ‘shit through a goose’.


They wanted kids to see the movie.

I saw it with my aunt, uncle and cousins on Christmas Day evening when it came out.

Brave and Free

Totally agree there ALL damaged merchandise! Need to start over from the ground up with or without PDJT


What about Pampeo? Or Christi Noems? Or Desantis?
What bout a person Trump promotes?


TOO many GOP Backstabbers……
They would get those you mentioned too.


Steve, the Swamp in DC is deeper than any New Yorker — citizen/candidate Trump — could realise.

Never forget Chuck ‘Six ways from Sunday’ Schumer who is about to get his wet dream with the Senate impeachment trial.

Steve in Lewes

Trump should ignore that trial and tell them to phuck off and also tell them that he will do what he wants to do and if he wants to run again, there is nothing an unconstitutional impeachment trial can do to stop him.

Oh the dreaded swamp..just an excuse. The most powerful man in the world with his financial and business experience is beaten by an unknown entity filled with a bunch of soy boys…maybe he wasn’t the lion we all thought.


He IS the lion we thought he was.

We never know what lies ahead.


You can be negative and disappointed but you cannot dump on my president.
What did you do to help? Were you there and worked in the voting poles? Did you bring people to the poles to vote for Trump?
Did you financially support him? Were you one of the people who liked Barr and Pence and Wray and number of other people? We have to break the stronghold in DC.
As an immigrant this is not American to give up.


I will NEVER give up on Trump!

Brave and Free

Nope NONE of those you mentioned would get it done. They would just put everyone back to sleep and start the shit show over.


Cutting out donations is a good action. I have unsubscribed from every political email and text requesting money. I texted McCarthy back telling him to request donations elsewhere, as I would never give the GOP another penny, and that they are finished. Told him they all betrayed the best president we’ve ever had.
They (Flynn, et al.) have gone silent because all their social media has censored them and the news media will not give them a voice. It doesn’t mean they are not working behind the scenes.

Last edited 3 years ago by EllieLA

This is my sentiment exactly, to disengage. My civic duty as a Christian does not extend to participating in fraudulent systems and so I will not be participating so long as the fraud is just swept under the rug.
However, Trump just walking away does not make sense , either. He indicated that covid was a bio weapon and initially even held himself out as a wartime president. The election was also a foreign cyber attack, was it not? So it doesn’t make sense that neither he nor our military dealt with those attacks against our country. And his last days since 1/6 were just off, not normall!


You need to watch War Room with Steve Bannon specially from today.
We are regrouping and work to take back the fight for 2022. How to organize. It is not the American way to roll over and let things go. We did not come so far. I agree the hope that Q gave has done some damage it made people complacent thinking others will do the job that is ours.
We are not a nany country America was not built that way.
Maybe take a short rest and come back stronger and renewed. Sunday take a day off. Prayer for you 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I trust Trump. I trust Flynn. Q? Who knows.

Barr was the biggest black hat of all. He was how they transitioned from the failed 2016 plot to the successful 2020 plot.

Steve in Lewes

Well Wolf, Trump did appoint Barr and he owns that mistake.
I don’t know who recommended Barr. If it was Pence, I’d recommend Pence as the biggest black hat.

My trust in Trump, Flynn, Sidney, Don,Jr and others has weakened considerably!
My view of them right now is a side eye suspicion; that is I’ll believe when I see.


Trump had no choice but to go with whom ever they recommended. All of his picks were screwed by turtle who never put the senate into recess.

Last edited 3 years ago by Henry
Steve in Lewes

Not buying that excuse any longer.
He could have kept Matt Whittaker in as acting AG or another acting AG that supported Trump.


Acting positions are time limited. Bureaucrats would have just ignored them knowing they would be leaving shortly.

Steve in Lewes

You mean the same bureaucrats that ignored Trump?
What did he do about it?

Over a year ago he said all would be declassified and didn’t!


He ordered it. They did’nt do it. Which is my point.

Steve in Lewes

Then he should have fired them, Barr, Wray, Haspel, etc all at once for not following his orders.


All that would have done is feed the dem narrative of Trump being out of control and nuts. 25th ammendment time.

Pretty clear that we the people have lost control of our gubmint over these years. All Trump did was shine a big light on how bad it all is. And, I see no way to fix it.

Steve in Lewes

Which gets back to my original post.

we are all phucked, so why bother.

There is a way to fix this but saying here is not a good idea.

We need to keep pressure on the GOP in Congress so Trump gets not impeaged that is were we need to focus.

Ups what happened?


After Whitiker they put in Barr. Everyone on our side except the most cynical among us thought we were getting a good deal. It simply comes down to how infested Washington is with rats who don’t honor their oath.

In the future it might be smarter to take mid career people instead of senior level people. More chance they still honor their oaths.


Could Whitaker have been re-appointed?


Maybe at a later date. But he did end up replacing Barr. Might of been moot at that point to use Whitaker.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

I’m fixing the duplicate comment.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I don’t understand how Trump, after spending his entire life as a real estate developer dealing with the most corrupt people, in the most cutthroat markets . . . could be so seemingly naive in who he trusted and selected. After firing Comey he should have kept on going.


We do not know what would have happened with with Whittaker as AG.
I trust non.


This is exactly what the Left wants. They orchestrated this. It’s part of the destruction of America.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Steve in Lewes

“This is exactly what the Left wants”
Actually it’s exactly what the left and right want, so what’s your suggestion for fixing this situation.

We just had the most capable person to fix this and nothing was fixed.
He walked away quietly leaving a one sentence letter for Biden and Biden mocked him for it.


I don’t think that letter was real. I don’t consider not conceding, refusing to attend the inauguration, and telling us he will be never give up on us — even while a new administration is supposedly taking the reins — to be “walking away quietly.”

There are things that have not been done. I am not expert in them, but I believe there are more options that can be utilized and that might still come into play. None of the pedo/trafficking information has come out. Voter fraud is still being investigated. I heard yesterday that states can still decertify their elections, but I don’t know if it would have an effect at this point.

I have not given up. There is a great deal I (we) don’t know.


He also did not pardon his children, nor himself, Rudy G, or Julian Assange. I believe he did not to give us a clue that he would do so before he leaves office in four years. In the meantime he, and we, can observe what the enemy would have planned to do to them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t lose faith in Trump. He is the only true reckoning point in this whole thing.

Steve in Lewes

You talking about me?
I never said Trump wasn’t on our side, he has demonstrated that since being elected.

I just don’t believe all this talk about he’ll get this right.
I’m not seeing it or expecting it, any thing more is hopium, is it not?

Last edited 3 years ago by Steve in Lewes
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. America as the Founders envisioned it will NOT DIE while I live. If they kill me, I die with HONOR.

Trump gave us the courage and the heart to FIGHT for all the good things this Nation has stood for. If he does NOTHING ELSE, he has done enough!

Steve in Lewes

If anything happens, I’ll be ecstatic.
But I am not expecting anything that will change the trajectory at this point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check out my latest. I believe that the military can arrest Barr for Treason tonight.

Brave and Free

Absolutely! Barr, bar none was the best actor in this shit show.


Imagine trying to live in his head, with the sure knowledge of the treachery he did.

Will eventually consume him.


If you trust Trump, you trust Q. You posted a thread very early on when we first came here about how it was easy to fall into a preconceived mode of thinking by missing something that might be inconceivable. It wasn’t exactly in those terms, but your statement leads me to believe you may still be missing something even more inconceivable then whatever it was you were addressing in that thread.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

That logic does not follow.

I trust Trump, but Q no longer has my trust. I was never a Q believer as such, only accepted Q because of Trump’s “Calm before the storm” words and his “Scott Free” tweet.

Trump is human and thus fallible. Adml Rogers may have been a black hat that snowed Trump by giving up the ridiculous Spygate fake investigation. That is why it was so weak. They just made shit up, spied as a LARP, for Rogers to get Trump’s ear and inject “muh Military intel” into Trumps circle of trust.

I am with SteveinCo – if the “10 days of darkness” are now, then great. But I have very low expectations of this panning out.


The comment goes back to understanding who Q is in real life. No on this board appears to understand who Q is.

I recently gave you a chance to figure it out. You may not of seen that or simply chose to ignore it.


I saw it, but guessing games is not my thing. If I thought Q’s ID was likely to be revealed, then maybe – but it is not my main area of interest.

So my guess at Q remains a black hat military intel op aimed at corralling Trump.

If you want to share, then fine. But I’m not playing the guessing game.


One thing all those who betrayed Trump is one person Bush.
They all had a position in the Bush administration or connection one way or another including Pence.


Even the SCOTUS picks were tied to a Bush.


Yes. All the people who are able to be approved by the Congress are Bush people and I think McConnell was the one making it clear. Between Pence Chris Christi supposed friend for 15 years also pushed. This was a total deception by everyone even those his kids suggested.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to get rid of Q to go deep. Too much of it was deception of the enemy, which also deceived us. For example, Barr. He’s part of the plot against Trump. He was no “Stealth Bomber” for us. For “them”? Yes.

It got us thinking, but now it gets in the way. Tear off the training wheels. It’s time to attack these people OURSELVES.


Yup, FIRMLY on the Trump Train.

Good with Flynn, until evidence shows otherwise. Highly doubt anything VALID surface.


Yes he was and he was a good actor the creep.


Via LIFELOG, a self-described “woke” friend posted: Sharing this podcast from our diocese to remind myself to listen to this sometime this week

How to Respond to Christian Nationalism in the Church


Michael – You said ‘our diocese’ – are you now in the Anglican church?


LOL No . . . I knew that was going to be confusing.

It’s a Catholic friend of mine that has joined with “woke” elements.


I do have a former pastor who went and founded an Anglican church as an ordained Anglican Priest.

For many of my friends, it seems to me that denominational changes are just masks for them going off the deep end into nuttery.

I can’t say for certain that’s what he did – but I find it frustrating that he hasn’t been willing to really talk with me for over fifteen years. That kind of thing tells me there’s something wrong.


Got about 13 minutes into this, trying to take notes for later discussion as needed.

They follow the de facto narrative of the Jan 6th.

Briefly invoke the history of the Civil War

They define “Christian Nationalism” as conflating the goals and ends of Christianity with the goals and ends of the nation state. [For my part, I’m more interested in aligning the goals and ends of the nation state to the goals and ends of God, but that’s a separate topic.]

It is linked to American Exceptionalism. [They love to attack American Exceptionalism. The United States was founded as a nation upon proposition, unlike any other nation on earth. This is why it is exceptional among nations. This is fact – but many people prefer to spread confusion and CCP propaganda. “But ‘murica not ‘ceptional!!!”]

Hearkens back to Frontier America to create a pure Christian state. [Let me guess, they don’t like the Puritans or Jonathan Edwards.]
“Colonial” America Christian state is presented as -versus- indigenous people. [Continuing the false “colonial” and “genocide” narratives.]

Creates a syncretism between the Kingdom of God and the nation state. [Ironic, considering that the goal of woke Marxism. They turn a blind eye to evil.]

Creates a kind of “civil religion” where being an American trumps membership in the global people of God [Ah, “global”! Thanks for putting it out there so plainly for us to see! A globalist one world religion, rather than the universal body of Christ.] – even inadvertently [Because being a globalist shill never trumps their loyalty to Christ /s]

One kind of Christian nationalism would put America’s interests over other countries. [What do these people think Representative Democracy means? That representatives are supposed to serve other countries rather than their own constituents? Arrogance.]

2 Americas – with one accusing one side of not being real Christians or Americans or both. [Pot, kettle. Kettle, pot.]

An attitude that it is “not a big deal” being patriot and Christian, that these are not in conflict or can even complement. But this is an issue of idolatry. [assertion of opposition]

Identity is complex – Fundamental things, the gospel of the Kingdom has to challenge every single one of our identities. [Identities = Identity Politics. Gospel of the Kingdom = social justice wokist Marxism.]

Speaker talks about how he must be continually challenged by the gospel of the Kingdom in his own life, even as a 65 year old, an older white male who has experienced tons of privilege – the gospel of the Kingdom has to critique that.

If one side says “I am a patriot” the Kingdom of God has to challenge that.

Saying “I am a patriot” outside the Kingdom of God is a dangerous place to be. [So good to have you here, to discern for us deplorables who is saying things within and without of the Kingdom of God. Oh where oh where have you been all our lives, oh wise ones, to guide us in our spiritual blindness? /s]

It may be possible to have a solid Christ based identity and say that you love your country . . .
. . . but love means to will the good of the other. . . [assertion of opposition, SLANDER]
. . . not breaking things and killing people!. . . [MIND CONTROL NARRATIVE]
. . . not an expression of loving country in a Christlike way. [Judgementalism, Arrogance]

If country is doing something harmful or wrong – love declares those things.

That’s one of the challenges we have in talk radio, is that critiquing America is seen as unpatriotic [That’s because they are engaged in Marxist critiques of “America” – and are not engaged in critiques are a public policy matter. They cannot separate the two, and then bloviate about “America’s moral failures” which aren’t really directed at America per se, but against their political enemies.]

[Mostly they are just spewing their own politicized opinions and warped theology, and on their basis of their own judgments, pronouncing everyone who disagrees with them to be idolators. True story.]


Use the scroll wheel on your mouse.


I meant that nothing on this blog (or any other) is entitled to your attention or interaction. Your ideas might not be my ideas but they have a right to be expressed.

Except for trolls. They have one right – to die.

Valerie Curren

I think he was just sharing his notes from that video about the “woke” church & its concerns about patriotic nationalism. Sounds like he was disputing w/ the video only…

Speaking only for myself, I always value your opinions even if I don’t always agree with them (I agree w/ most things I’ve read that you share!). I’d love to see you come to saving knowledge of Jesus so you can partake of that peace & eternal joy…but I’ll love you as you are & be very thankful for your “friendship” here if we never see eye-to-eye on the God stuff.

It comes across to me that Michael is righteously angry w/ a hypocritical church that follows neither Jesus nor the gospel but clothes itself in the filthy rags of marxist ideological self-righteousness & false “Christian” virtue…


Well, for my part I wouldn’t be welcome in a woke church either 😉

Please don’t read too much into my notes – my attention is dealing with the woke anti-nationalism that hates all things Trump. I really appreciate that you help keep people honest.


I am not saying that. Do you care what people say and are you comfortable in what you believe?
You love this country for me that is enough. I am sure many people feel that way. Even Christ welcomed non believers.


Admittedly I did not read closely. Don’t plan to. seems a bit convaluted or more thought than I am willing to apply. Admittedly my short coming. Prolly NOT a big deal.

Easy question.

Is religion required to be a Patriot?


Not “Organized” “religion”.
Belief in God would certainly help.


No, religious belief is not a requirement of patriotism.

What they were trying to argue was that what they described as “the gospel” should challenge one’s patriotism.

Essentially they were trying to put Christianity and patriotism at odds with each other.

Their intent was to engage in woke marginalization of patriotism.

Basically, the wokists all consider patriotism suspect. For the woke there is only room for the idol of wokeness, and it is a jealous god.

If they could do it, no one would have any patriotism, and no one would have any loyalty to nation. They believe the ideal is for the nation-state to fade away and vanish forever.


Rudy Guiliani masterfully dissects Nanshee’s latest Shampeachment.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Congress is EVIL. I never thought I would say that, but it has been corrupted to the point of being EVIL.


They hate Americans.


Trying to get your land for Bill gates.


..or setting up the battle between WE THE PEOPLE and the Oligarchs that finance congress and K street.
We need a fresh look at the Sherman Act,
Some Anti-trust Monopoly busting MOAB would be nice.


If the inauguration was staged what was the point of it? Has chyna taken over the country now? We’re we duped yet again? Q posted quite a lot of things that don’t seem to be ever coming to fruition.how can POTUS be safely on air force 1 if he isn’t our POTUS at this point? We never heard the storm is upon us . Barr,wray,Durham are backstabbers and Durham? Was that just name no real person attached? I’ve never seen the man except in a photo,was anyone really investigating anything? No EAS went out why? The fake one in the oval office is rescinding everything our POTUS did for us. Why all the Eos if they just cancelled out by fraud POTUS? When chyna seems to own everything in our country how are we to fight against this massive takeover? These are things running through my mind since the 20th.im 63 years old and not in good health will they kill me under the guise of being a useless eater? What about all those Wal-Mart camps? Supposed to be for them ,are they now for us? This isn’t a plan that sounds very good to me.im old and tired of being stressed out and having loved ones tell me in a nice way to shut the hell up and get a life.what life ? How can I get a life when I see carnage coming upon us? Am I just flipping crazy at this juncture?

Concerned Virginian

I was sitting beside my step-granddaughter (age 13) a few days ago while on a visit. The adults in her family all voted for RobberJoe. I’m almost a pariah since they know I voted to re-elect POTUS Donald Trump.
This child was going on about “now Biden will take away the money from the old people and give it to help kids, since the old people are going to die anyway”.
Problem is, she’s right. However, the DeepState apparatchiks will make quite sure that their elderly relatives are well taken care of.

By the way, that’s the term for ALL DemCommunists and 95% of ALL “Republicans” now—

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Isn’t it nutz that our family who are Lefties can and often do nonchalantly bring politics into the conversation, they can say their piece and the kids will innocently say things like your step grand did……………….however WE are usually mocked or chastised severely for speaking out loud a differing opinion .
Happens all the time to me.

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

boy I hear you Molly, I’ve been censored for years while friends and family run there mouths constantly. And then they wonder why I stay away don’t visit or call.


I’ve been pretty upset with my east coast daughter who voted for that woman cause she’s black ya know. And yes I’m sure the apparatchiks will take good care of there own.further every one of them are pushing 90 so it’s ok for them to live but not us. I guess I’m just trying to make sense out of something that can’t be understood.


I could not remain in presence of a child speaking that way. Obviously she’s just parroting what she hears from the adults in her life. How cold. All of them.


Too nice a term. Given that the basis for much of what they do is satanism, I call them a cabal.


They have done a good job brainwashing children against old people that also means grandparents. Destruction of the family has gone on for a long time.
Lets take away from old people they do not realize there is less money for the kids who want what old people have without working for it.
This sounds all like Mao and most communist countries feel about old people they are useless. How did we go from honoring Mother and Father to wanting their stuff their money their death?

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Concerned Virginian

In 10 years or so, children like this child will be the RN’s working in hospitals, the medical school students, the Master’s and PhD candidates in medical research.
In 15 years or so, children like this will be the doctors in charge of whether the ageing Baby Boomers will live or die.


That is why you take care of your own health (nutrition) and stay away from doctors and the pill mill.

Sadie Slays

I don’t know, and I don’t think anyone here has good answers to these questions beyond “Trust God.” You’re not the only one here with these questions.


Without trying to assign a special conspiracy to it, I’d say it was staged out of necessity. They needed to provide Biden an energetic day his first day out. Something most think him incapable of, so they film some of his first days events before hand. This is what GWP says about today.



Oh how I loathe this scum….


I went through the past week of his Twitter feed and couldn’t find that.

It seems he deleted it.

Valerie Curren

I saw some apology by him for this on twit world recently…


Good. Thanks for the update!

Valerie Curren



You mad bro?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m so mad I want Revelations NOW.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We may be closer than you think. 🤔
The US isn’t mentioned at the end. Creepy’s hand in toppling it may be why.


He may already be walking the earth now. God came early to give us, as a nation, a second chance and we just snubbed it.


America colonized Aus a long time ago – Hollywood was one of your most powerful weapons. Our swamp is striving to be as putrid as yours, but, fortunately, we always lag behind.

So “mad” here can mean either – context …..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A wonderful uncertainty! 😎


Wolf, with the, um, revelations of what the Uniparty wants of us . . . and FakePrez’s record so far . . .

Does it make sense to start a “Leftist Love and Kindness” thread to track the regime’s anti-accomplishments?

Prime example:

Biden Stops Trump Order To Slash Price Of Insulin, EpiPen


There is NOTHING kind or loving about grifting handouts on the backs of people who are already paying out the nose for things which they have a MEDICAL NEED for.

I really want a list of all the absurd uncaring acts that they keep pushing on America “for our own good”.

Like killing 50k jobs on day one.

Just have to keep in mind that I will be limited between working (OT), coursework, and of course family . . .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All contributions welcome. I’m going to go after William Barr. Once I dropped the Q blinders, I saw how they did it. I believe that Barr committed TREASON by ignoring election fraud with the intent to eliminate Trump. For the AG to do that is nothing less than treasonous dereliction of duty.

Garrison’s comic based on Agatha Christie is ironically the key.
comment image


Remember obathboy bowing lower to the Saudi king?

wonder if Xi will make both jo and ho bend way down?


A new baby boy!


He’s a conservative activist from the UK.


You can read more about George Farmer here — moneyed, well educated (Oxford, where he got a first in Theology):



What a beautiful baby  😘 


january 23, 2021 the marshall report


Critical thinking begins when one decides to see with their eyes and accept what they see. It begins when one decides to hear a thing and reason it for themselves. Memorizers ask what does this mean? They need to start to reason with themselves what this means. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it is a DUCK. No matter who tells you it is a goose, it is a duck.


I knew everyone stabbed Trump and refused to do their job!
read the whole thing…


It looks like Sidney Powell, Lin Wood & Patrick Byrne were correct. Trump DID try to invoke the 2018 EO and DID try to get the DOJ to do their job & stop the illegal electoral college certification but they refused. AG Barr & DAG Rosen, Bush toadies, instructed the DOJ to WALK OUT EN MASS if Trump asked them to take action and Wray’s FBI refused to investigate fraud while Pompeo/Haspel’s CIA refused to acknowledge foreign election interference. White House Counsel, Pat Cippilone, refused to allow Trump to fire Rosen & Wray – saying it would cause irreparable harm to the Executive branch. They ALL refused to release declassified evidence to the public, which would have exonerated Trump, for three years!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Sad fact. Our government is totally corrupt and self-protecting.


A Republic if you can keep it. I would say we have our answer.


Has been corrupted for a long time.


Reading that makes me feel like we’re staring into the abyss..


We are. And the monster staring back is enslavement.
it’s what they crave.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And we’re going to throw every one of those fuckers into it.


Also, what is the real reason for such betrayal ? Yes yes..trillions at stake but these individuals aren’t personally wallowing in obscene wealth. What in hell do they get out of this? They like watching the world now truly fall to communism?
These aren’t exactly rhetorical questions to me. What would motivate this many people to do this?


The betrayers might get paid for their (non) efforts..

…, but I’d guess they were also threatened with harm for them and their families, both physical and financial.

They were probably given the Scum schumer “6 ways from sunday” that the DS will retaliate. They probably offered up evidence that POTUSVSG was fighting a losing battle and would fail, so the good people exposing the corruption would go down with POTUSVSG.

Nasty business from nasty people.


Thanks. I guess so. I will never ever understand it. Never.


They are the mafia they operate like the mafia a global mafia ring. One never gets out of the mafia alive.
Wonder when one goes to DC if one automatically is part of the mafia? Trump did not play he has seen the mafia in action in NYC. He had to pay a price and still does.


What would motivate this many people to do this?

bad education, and years of being taught to loathe their history


Ok yes, definitely for the obama/jarrett//et al white America haters..it’s warped ideology for them.
The old guard, the Bush faction..they are the ones that I don’t understand


You don’t know the history of Prescott Bush?

evil in the perfect place at the perfect time.


I’ll have to refresh on all that.


A financial supporter of nazis.


I do they sold their soul to papa Bush for money who knows what else. They all have skeleton in they closets. Bush was a mean SOB looked like milk toast but was a mean one. Just my assumption because of CIA .


Power. Those in power rarely have to submit to their own draconian rules. Those are for us little people. But they are doing it for our own good don’t you know. This time is really bad because we don’t even really know who is running the country and driving the policies. Sure ain’t Joe.


I am very happy on the outside of a lot of things. Unable to relate to power because there is always someone else who has more power. It is a roller coaster to hell.


We could say some people just want to watch the world burn,however I believe the betrayal goes to there worship of Satan and killing children and all the horrors they commit every day they live. Sometimes it’s more than money it’s a evil lifestyle that if we found out about and realized what they do to our children the streets would run red. And that’s another question I have regarding q where’s there pain he said was coming? All I see is pain for all of us. No one has gone to prison.and really are all those indictments real or just more lies.i think I am most angry over the lies.everything is a lie,our history ,our leaders our teachers .nothing is worse than betrayal bylies.


No, not everything is a lie, especially America’s true history and the good intentions of the Founding Fathers.


But that is no longer taught in schools.


Agree 110%.

Therefore, it is all the more important that we pass that truth on to the next generation — now.


You know what they say about good intentions ….


Yes, I certainly do.

Sadie Slays

What would motivate this many people to do this?

They’re all part of the same global, multi-generational Satanic cult that sincerely believes in creating a New World Order / Great Reset. You have to remember that they don’t have a similar upbringing to ordinary people. Most of them were born into and raised to have these sick beliefs and to treat anyone outside of their cult as an enemy. They maneuver themselves into positions of power through vote rigging and blackmail, and then fill their respective institutions with like-minded cult members or people they control. That’s how you end up with so many people on board with their sick plans. Their primary goal is establishing the NWO, and they need the US to the fall before they can do that.


Yes, and the satanic and criminal practices have not been revealed yet. IMO, it is too late to try to go back to business as usual and just try to throw the bums out and win elections (though we have to keep working and not give up). We have to address the nature of the people we’re dealing with.


Very good post


Assuming the accuracy of all that, why in the world would DJT fail to disclose the truth to us 74 million deplorables? He could have named names and at least put a cloud over everything. Yet he walks off into the sunset staying silent.

It makes no sense and regardless of the reasons, DJT told us more than once that he was standing between the enemy and us. And then he leaves us on the battlefield without even a battle plan. Reconcile? I cannot.


Regardless of suspicions about the site and its opinion, it is a much more plausible explanation of why Trump left. He had no backup and his family was/is being held as “hostage.”

I believe he has a plan. He needs to get his people in place before he can move.


I believe he has a plan, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is what people don’t quite get.

He unmasked it all, but with a DELAY FUSE.


Thank you, Wolf.


Trump will probably have more to say, when he has a platform ready.

It will in all likelihood not include the military cavalry / Q psyop.


I heard today not only does Trump have to deal with impeachment but there are countless litigation going on in different states from AGs to bury him and to deplete his finances ruin his businesses. He is human a good man and I hold nothing against him.


OK – how reliable is this Tierney Real News Network? Anyone know???


Exactly. I was just about to post this:

Respectfully, it’s another blogger’s opinion. We can see likelihood in some of it, but there is nothing to back it up. We have to be careful and discerning.


He didn’t? Dang! It sounded so … believable.


Somewhere on the darkweb I bet there is petunia porn.


That was Simon Parkes. I still watch his videos to see what I can observe. His demeanor is very interesting in that it seems credible for someone who has such off-the-wall beliefs in other areas of his life.

I have no idea who his sources supposedly are. I don’t know why they would be talking with him. And I also don’t know how he can sound so reasonable about some points if he is a total BS artist — which he might be. If he is, he is Oscar-worthy. It’s all interesting to me.

He points out that, unlike many, he watched the inauguration, and when the cameras were not on Obama, Biden, et al., their faces were those of gloom. He also says that there was a prerecorded part and a live part of the inauguration, and that the colors of some of the ladies’ shoes changed during the middle part of the ceremony. True? False? BS? A trick of light? I don’t know, and I’m not going to spend time trying to find out. I just find it interesting.


Simon Parkes thinks his mum was an alien.

She actually worked for British intelligence. So did his grandfather. Apparently, according to other sources, they did great work during their time.

No one is quoting them as ‘authorities’, just people to watch for their sources of information. And no one here is coercing anyone to pay the slightest bit of attention to them.


Oh, we get it.

Now he says it will be either at the end of March or the beginning of April.

Worth tuning in to see if he is bogus or true. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Maybe that is why Pelosi wants to keep troops in DC until March  🙄  👽 

Valerie Curren

Randy Quaid in Independence Day? “They’ve got bigger fish to fry now believe you me!”


Lots of articles. Seems okay to me.

If one reads his/her article to the end, s/he has links to many of his/her past articles.

As for the truth, who knows? But a Pompeo or Pence run would seem possible. Therefore, either would want to disconnect now, as disloyal as it seems to us. Something to keep an eye on.

Last edited 3 years ago by churchmouse

I never heard of this website…
Article is disinformation (I’m being kind… it’s crappola!)
So, POTUS wasn’t his own man… but a puppet that others controlled? Right… NOT!
DoJ had NO authority to stop the illegal electoral college certification (Constitution says VP can though)
POTUS (as any president has always been able to do) could have declassified at any time, anything he wanted to…………..
POTUS saw early on (before he even ran for office) that the Military would be the only way… only option.
Which is why he placed Chris Miller at DoD and Pete Gaynor at FEMA… they have been in charge since 1/20
We are in the “10 days of Darkness (no comms)” now, and until end of January…
But of course Donald Trump and the US Military have just walked away and handed the USA over to a CHYNA
puppet and the Cabal will never be destroyed.
And Trump and his business and his family will be destroyed… perhaps worse.
And “somebody got to Trump”
And …


a voice of reason…


Hi Pat…

Trying to be reasonable… but I’m definitely in “bitch” mode at the moment! So lurking a bit and moving on to watch my Brit Period pieces… or look for art online… trying to stay calm, as we all are. Hope you’re doing well.


i am shocked at the atmosphere here today.
hardly recognize the place…


We’re all tense, hoping that Biden would not be the sad reality that he is.


it’s darkest before dawn…


Absolutely. Another fine memory of my childhood. My mother said that often when I was really down about something transitory.


People look for someone to blame when things go wrong. IMO, we are operating with insufficient information to be clear about everything, though there are things we are crystal-clear about, including Pence’s and Congress’s duplicity, and things people have said in their own words (McCarthy, McConnell).

I am not ready to throw anyone under the bus that I don’t have sufficient information about, and I trust Pres. Trump completely.


me too.


I’m much more patient than you Steve… for one thing, I have been researching “our world” and it’s ugliness since Poppy Bush set up JFK’s demise and went on to make the C_A what it is today. That’s how long I have been waiting for the wrecking ball to hit the Cabal. And then there’s the ‘small’ matter of Faith… I have a ton of it, possibly because I have seen many times the result … and I trust the Will of the people… not just Americans, but of humanity…. so, I don’t dictate what day something will happen. If the ten days end, it only means comms come back, doesn’t mean a perp walk… but it will be con’t clean up…

So, to what should I admit wrong? Hope? I’ll never admit to be wrong to hope, to have faith, and to do my part to WILL good stuff to happen.

Our attitude, our entire concept of reality is probably different. And that’s okay… doesn’t make either of us wrong. And hopefully, we’re still Buds… 😉

p.s. But atm I am a feisty bitch who doesn’t entertain defeatism of any kind in this WAR… (don’t they court martial soldiers for lowering troop moral?) Which is why I’ll only be stopping in briefly for a while… don’t want Wolf to ban me for breaking rules of decorum…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re being a little lose on “decorum” right now, because this is a critical time of understanding.

What if the plan requires you to lose a little faith in the plan, and put a lot more faith in yourself?

THAT is soldiering.


Oh Dear Wolf, I never rely on faith alone… I have a ton of faith in myself… If I told you of the foes I have stood against I would be doxing myself for sure… suffice it to say I have been elected to public office, have run campaigns for others… have watched the KKK burn a cross in my front yard (yes, I’m that old)…

I’ve been “soldiering” all my life… sure not stopping now.


proud to have you in my foxhole!!!


feelin’ is mutual friend…


Paratrooper mentality




I apologize… I wrote too rapidly… should have clarified “defeatism” … was not directed to you, but to others. I have read what you have said about fighting… thank you for speaking out to me…

Not all of us have been sitting back… many here have been taking info everywhere they could… and have been involved in local politics… have talked with friends and family. I do “hear” what you are saying about depending on Trump.

In my view, Donald Trump is MORE than a businessman… he is truly a Patriot, and a strict law and order, stick by the Constitution kind of fighter. And he has done everything possible to avoid a civil war or even blood in the streets. Most who follow him are trying to cede to his ‘instruction’ to avoid violence… to “go home, and be safe” (speech Jan 6th). ‘His’ way takes longer…

When he asked folks to come to D.C. on the 6th… they went… when he said get out and voted… they did, in 2016, 2018 and 2020. Lots of peeps had NEVER before voted. Some had voted, but never worked the polls.

And I think if too much time goes by and no change is seen, people will fight, literally!


No, my friend, I didn’t miss your surprise! and the photos were beautiful and so welcome. Yes, you did more than your part. Thank you.

We’re on the same page… 😉


This feels like a false dichotomy, the two points of which are:

1) Following Q and trusting Pres. Trump and that there was a plan, and therefore “doing nothing” but watch and trust.

2) Actually doing something (fighting).

I have maintained that Q united people, gave them hope and confidence, was an impetus for gathering and showing support for our cause, inspired boat and car rallies without Pres. Trump, inspired overpass billboards, inspired some to run for office and many others to vote (some for the first time) — handing Pres. Trump the biggest vote count in American history, and multiple other actions.

My point is that people have been doing things. They have gone to Congress and pressured critters there, filming them running from tough questions. They have talked in person and on the internet, showing people the truth. Memes have been important in that effort. They have started multiple media blogs and information sites to get the truth out, educating people and waking them up, to the point that Pres. Trump won in a landslide.

I see a lot of rhetoric from various people here about doing something and taking action, and how we have to fight. Absolutely, we have to fight. But many have been fighting, and have found nearly their every effort stymied by censorship or fraud.

I believe that many people don’t know what else to do, and I don’t remember seeing ideas about exactly what to do except a national strike presented by scott467 on the first page of this thread.

We haven’t been fighting.

I’m open to hearing what we should have been doing, and what we should do now.


A key part of the plan was to have someone prosecute it. Klinesmith seems to be the one bone that was thrown us. Other than that, I don’t see a problem with the plan, should of worked if there were honest people in power who take their oaths seriously. It wasn’t just Q or Trump that got fooled, but all of our reporters and pundits too, along with the entire conservative movement minus the cynics. Now were all cynics and understand the score.

So what to do now? God planned for this and gave us the second amendment but we seem reluctant to go that route. Doing so piecemeal will not bode well, but if it does start don’t criticize it. Instead point out why righteous people might have to revert to it’s use and tell the guberment they need to wise up and come clean with the election or they are likely to see more of it. They will attempt to demonize anyone getting out of line but resist that. Cruz left the suggestion that a fair and impartial relook of the election in the contested states should take place. Demand that instead of critique of freedom lovers engaging in direct action.

Okay, we’re a peaceful people, so were going to go the reform route and try to choose proper people to represent us. We also know they are desperately afraid of us and will continue to be until they disarm us which is very doable if they get a cashless society, social credit system and mass surveillance up and running. Those things have to be fought along with everything else. In commie hands they will be used against us.

Civil disobedience and ridicule should be on the table and with it your going to have to determine what’s legal and what’s not and I’d defer comments on things of such nature to when it comes up piecemeal as it comes up in the forum like this question did or perhaps in a thread geared toward it, Personally I’d prefer to see us warm to the idea first before taking it up in a separate thread but we are a distracted lot.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

I guess Sidney, Lin and Patrick weren’t crazy after all. Lots of diss made the rounds here directed at the two men mentioned.

I know the link has been posted here already but it seems the declass is happening on telegram. t.me/s/TrueGreatAwakening. No idea who this guy is but there’s so much there, been constant since 3AM I think.


Is this the public, media dispersed, explanation of why they won’t be putting their operatives in prison for years like they promised…they were going to hunt these insurrectionists down. Throw them in prison. Fine them… bbbut so many have turned out to be known and identified lefties…funny that and now waffling over charges and punishment


The Military Is the Only Way – What Happens Next?
January 23, 2021 / by Praying Medic 


The 7th in a series of messages on where America may be headed following the 2020 election.

On November 1st, 2016, Steve Pieczenik posted his first YouTube message informing the world that Hillary Clinton (with the help of corrupt government employees) had pulled a soft coup in an attempt to become President. Pieczenik went on to say that patriots in the military and intelligence agencies had launched a soft counter-coup that would prevent her from assuming power. Steve was the first person to explain that a battle was underway to control America, and that good people in the military and intelligence community were backing Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.


The Dark Night of the Patriot’s Soul
January 22, 2021 / by Praying Medic


The 6th in a series of messages on where America may be headed following the 2020 election.

As the sun sets on the first term of Donald J Trump’s presidency, some cling to the hope that he will somehow find a way back into the oval office. Trump never formally acknowledged the Biden administration and has hinted that the best days lie ahead for the MAGA movement. Still, most have chosen to accept that Trump’s days as President are over, and the swamp won the war.

The idea that our Republic has been handed over to a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party is cause for concern. Equally troubling is John Brennan’s call for the removal from society of anyone who supported him. Many who believed Trump would win the war against the corrupt establishment are feeling crushed, fearful, and discouraged. What’s worse, there is no messaging coming from Trump or his surrogates about what may lie ahead.


Many who believed Trump would win the war against the corrupt establishment are feeling crushed, fearful, and discouraged. What’s worse, there is no messaging coming from Trump or his surrogates about what may lie ahead.

Proverbs 24:For by wise counsel you will wage your own war,
And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.

big tech has excommunicated him from the internet,
I doubt that he would be in a chatty mood right now,

he has a number of targets to get payback on.


God’s Plans For America Have Not Changed – What Happens Next?
January 21, 2021 / by Praying Medic


#DutchSheetsMinistries #DutchSheets #DSM
God’s Plans for America Have Not Changed | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 76


#DutchSheetsMinistries #DutchSheets #DSM
The Cleansing Rain | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 77


#DutchSheetsMinistries #DutchSheets #DSM
It’s Time to Hope Again | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Day 78




who needs robots?


Hope that monkeys’s name isn’t caesar?



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Pres. Trump Will Be Acquitted AGAIN in 2nd Impeachment – Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax


Impeachment is only an excuse for their intent to make sure PT cannot run for office ever again – it is punishment for having the nerve to run, min, and defy them.

This will not end until they have ruined the man politically, financially, and business marketability. Recently, banks have allegedly disassociated themselves with the Trump enterprises.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Conviction of Trump for a crime THEY committed (the staged, phony “insurrection”) will be the epitaph of Congress. They will deserve DESTRUCTION for such a scurrilous act. Heaven itself will destroy them.


Indeed. They are calling down Deep Heaven upon themselves.


Justice With Judge Jeanine 1/23/21| FOX BREAKING NEWS January 23, 21


Uh oh..JJ is going to be on the subversive list


yep, FIB hates being called bad. They are. Might be a good idea to establish a new repository of evidence other than FIB who will not take action. Local Sheriffs need to get and keep the information from the FBI that might need to be used in prosecution.
Sheriff Joe Arpirro was quite effective for a long period of time.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Unbelievable…we’re living in dystopia

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That level of hypocrisy deserves it’s own level of hell!



Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Carpe Donktum is on Gab!!



click on the fascist book link. SMDH


Congress wants to pass a bill direct IMF to direct 3 trillion dollars to places like Iran, China, Russia. …. so where does IMF money come from again?


As an aside….
I wish someone could reprogram the orange button to only show comments on the CURRENT page 🙂

Instead of Eternal rolling when it’s too dumb to figure it out.

Last edited 3 years ago by rayzorback

Orange Dot Dumb.


ALL of CONgress got an Erection at the thought of ANOTHER impeachment!

BTW…. WTF is that haircut?
A reverse Mohawk?

On second look…..
It’s a sign of a DICK head…..
Look close.

Last edited 3 years ago by rayzorback

I just LUV video editing.


Look for many more in short order 🙂


Did you look at the video? He is walking with his hands behind his back. Period.

Valerie Curren

Military on deck?

Valerie Curren

Pfizer failure of…

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Gregory Mannarino

NOTICE: I am a Pfizer stock shareholder, come Monday I will be liquidating my entire position as they are now using Children as lab rats to test their Covid 19 vaccine..(look it up). GM


Valerie Curren

Iran inklings

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Alexandra Marshall

#Iran, a nation which has been known to chant ‘death to America’ in its streets, is celebrating the #Biden presidency.

Think about that carefully.


Still a big no.

Valerie Curren

Candace Owens has a baby boy!
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Total ‘dorbs!!!

And, yeah, the infant’s cute.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Priceless POTUS Trump love!
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Valerie Curren

Picture from original tweet, it is a reflection of the room or seeing into an adjascent one?
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Valerie Curren

Mr. & Mrs. Trump pic 🙂
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found it here (& judging by many of the replies this is one of the places the anti-Trump trolls have migrated since POTUS was removed from twit world)…


& one minor positive side to the twit world purge is that I seem to be able to follow people again so am building up (slowly) people who might see some of what I share…still being a “digital warrior” while that arena remains accessible, fwiw…

Edit found this video in further comments…it’s still a keeper & a reminder of who DJT is…

& no matter what, we need to keep praying for POTUS DJT & America!

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Interview room for his fraudulence’s joint chiefs?
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What a freak show. This is the military that’s supposed to save us?


No, they just want to share a big boy’s foxhole.

Valerie Curren

from our racist, sexist, tranny trouncing selves 😉


WHUT ??? Is that a real picture?
Seriously I feel like I’m tripping


You are … tripping over reality.

Valerie Curren

Honestly I have no clue. But my comment was editorializing in a “joking” manner…


Got another funhouse mirror of an article for y’all….this one, again, H/T Insty.

The thesis is that they should maybe pretend to care that what we say (and talk about constantly) is important, rather than denying it and earning real hostility.


Valerie Curren

Heartbeat of hope!


Gab :


Valerie Curren

LOL, feel the Bern!
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Valerie Curren

Bigfoot hunting season in OK. My hubby’s bummed that wasn’t available when we lived there!

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Lloyd Simpson

Replying to @DonaldJTrumpJr
Well Donald this United States is going crazy . I had a job now I don’t have a job . And now they’re going to have Bigfoot hunting season in Oklahoma. What a crazy world we live in we need the Trump organization back a businessman not a politician running the country



Maybe Wheatie can give us the details. What kind of tags you get, how much they are, what’s the bag limit?

Valerie Curren



What can go wrong ? If any hunter is very tall they should sit this season out. just sayin

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Not the time to be doing Star Wars LARPing in OK…..

Valerie Curren

I’m guessing it’s hunting w/ cameras & microphones, not guns 🙂

Valerie Curren



From Jordan Sather on Gab:

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I think whoever made this meme may be missing the point…

A TRAITOR is one who commits or conspires to commit TREASON (a word that PDJT used MANY times).

Q also told us that it is NOW MI + NSA v. FBI + CIA

TREASON IS THE REASON (the condition that must be met)

“Who surrounds the President ?” ==> USSS ?

” ‘They’ lost this very important power’ ” ==> “They” = US Marines

PDJT brought the US Marines BACK INTO “who surrounds the President”.

“… against all enemies foreign AND domestic.”

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Hold the line Patriots.
We’re almost there.

Last edited 3 years ago by Nor'easter
Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing this…passing it along too 🙂

Valerie Curren

You guys this is a great 2 minute video taking health nazis to task!!!


Whoa! That was great. We need a few more of those out there.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


carolyn keener Retweeted
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The Dank Knight https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f987.svg

China kills 2 million with Covid, destroying the world economy then flies bombers of over Taiwan and tells their navy to bomb any foreign vessels.

What does Biden do? Hands China our power grid.

My mind just won’t allow it to compute.


comment imageMatt Couch


EXCLUSIVE: MELTDOWN! FBI Admits it Now Has 20,000 Pages and Seth Rich Laptop After Years of DENIAL https://thedcpatriot.com/exclusive-meltdown-fbi-admits-it-now-has-20000-pages-and-seth-rich-laptop-after-years-of-denial/

Valerie Curren

Some years back, we visited Saint Petersburg, Russia in May. First, they had some of the largest tulips I’d ever seen. Second, they were just starting to bloom in May.

Valerie Curren

Sounds gorgeous & memorable!

I remember Loving to see the crocuses (white, yellow, & purple) poking through the snow when I was a kid. Haven’t seen that for decades.


Saint Petersburg was just full of delightfully weird touches. Along the main streets in town, the average building height is 3-5 stories, and they have odd and functional adaptations to the fact that, in the Spring, 200-pound blocks of ice can dislodge from the rooftops and plummet to the sidewalk. They try to have rails that guide them sideways and down designated chutes, but a certain number of pedestrians are killed every year.

Even driving in from the airport was surreal. In vacant lots, we’d see these little bushes that were bright yellow domes about two feet across — but, y’know, we were driving by at highway speeds. It took us a while of squinting at them and hoping for ones closer to realize they were dandelions, covered in flowers. Your little nuisance lawn dandelion with a single blossom? Run it through several cycles near the arctic circle and it becomes a gigantic monster.

Valerie Curren

Wow. I hope they enjoy eating some serious dandelion greens!


Considering the Russian reputation, I suspect dandelion wine is fairly common there.

Valerie Curren

Silly me, I was thinking of salad 🙂 should have known better 😉

Valerie Curren

nat guard in DC “info”…
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Thread: https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f6a8.svgSCOOP FROM PA NATIONAL GUARD IN DChttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f6a8.svg A friend of mine who is currently in DC texted me this information. When are they coming home @GovernorTomWolf
? How long will you keep them there for your “political theater”? This is disgraceful and disturbing. Read the texts:

Edit to add in a bit more
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Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

So many masters to appease!


So… we know how cheaply Biden et al sell American lives


Yep. Very well put.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Who knew? 😉

Valerie Curren

Ari Fleischer flushing out Biden’s lies…as “pResident”