Cover image: Summer Breeze by Robert Reid.
Today I would like to bring up confirmation bias and unrealistic expectations that arise from them.
First a quick explanation of what confirmation bias is:
Confirmation bias, a phrase coined by English psychologist Peter Wason, is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values, and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed.[2] Confirmation bias is an example of a cognitive bias.
Confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) has also been termed myside bias.[Note 1] “Congeniality bias” has also been used.[3]
Confirmation biases are effects in information processing. They differ from what is sometimes called the behavioral confirmation effect, commonly known as self-fulfilling prophecy, in which a person’s expectations influence their own behavior, bringing about the expected result.[4]
Some psychologists restrict the term “confirmation bias” to selective collection of evidence that supports what one already believes while ignoring or rejecting evidence that supports a different conclusion. Others apply the term more broadly to the tendency to preserve one’s existing beliefs when searching for evidence, interpreting it, or recalling it from memory.[5][Note 2]
Confirmation bias is a result of automatic, unintentional strategies rather than deliberate deception.[6][7] Confirmation bias cannot be avoided or eliminated entirely, but only managed by improving education and critical thinking skills.
Confirmation bias is a broad construct that has a number of possible explanations, namely: hypothesis-testing by falsification, hypothesis testing by positive test strategy, and information processing explanations.
Essentially, when looking at the movement which swept so many of us up in the last three years, now that things are looking sour on the surface, confirmation bias, and judging without a full picture of information is threatening to divide the movement. In many ways, it already has.
I won’t elaborate on that point. But, I will say rather emphatically, that this movement, this Make America Great Again throwing off the chains that bind economic expansion, industrial might and the draining of the swamp is just part of the puzzle in the fight. There’s a lot more out there, particularly when it comes to the self-perpetuation of corruption in governments around the world. That has to be rooted out so that we don’t find ourselves in this position again. Just because we don’t see it happening, doesn’t mean it isn’t.
It is bigger than any one person, or one group of people, and is going to take the efforts of those who are selfless in the fight and who stick to their guns IN the fight rather than allowing the human condition to interfere.
We are all where God needs us in this effort, including those who do not believe. Their disbelief forces those of us who do to sharpen our apologetics and to learn more than was taught us.
It also forces many of us to diversify our information sources and to be always on the lookout for tidbits that help the puzzle come together.
That being said, the epicenter of hopium – a single, VERY connected individual who likes classic, fast sport cars, and has led a very interesting life – held a summit of sorts last weekend. He talks about it at length in an interview with yet another of the diverse hopium channels, and in the first ten minutes drops a bombshell about President Donald Trump that, if it’s true, lends another tidbit to the notion that REALPOTUS was spotted for the job decades ago, and was coached by a late former president as to how the Deep State and the swamp were going to try to take him down…DECADES ago. If it’s true, that little factoid is a stunner.
There are other podcasts that talk about insider intelligence of what happened in the last week. When the automated clearinghouse – the Federal Reserve’s ACH system – went down, there was a reason. It has not been announced to the general public, but one podcaster has a source that told him what happened, and it’s all good.
That podcaster, like the epicenter of hopium, is only as good as his sources. At this point, we have no idea what is being put out as purposeful disinformation to get the other side to react.
The thing is, there have to be a lot of sources to get a complete picture. Those guys know that and put it out for all to see, and you don’t ever know where that one piece of information that ties everything together is going to surface.
Searching out sources to reinforce what we already think about the whole situation is not going to get to the whole truth. None of it is going down then way any of us thought it would. We simply don’t know the breadth and depth of what is being fought.
And we’re not going to, either, until it’s all over.
That’s my buck-fifty on the confirmation bias that’s tearing much of the movement apart.
Just a reminder:

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
And now for something completely different.
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults…supposedly:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
The readings and reflection below are not from today, Tuesday, March 2, but from yesterday. In contemplating the words written above, these selections are more meaningful.
DANIEL 9:4-10
4I prayed to the LORD, my God, and confessed, “Ah, Lord, great and awesome God, you who keep your merciful covenant toward those who love you and observe your commandments! 5We have sinned, been wicked and done evil; we have rebelled and departed from your commandments and your laws. 6We have not obeyed your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes, our fathers, and all the people of the land. 7Justice, O Lord, is on your side; we are shamefaced even to this day: the men of Judah, the residents of Jerusalem, and all Israel, near and far, in all the countries to which you have scattered them because of their treachery toward you. 8O LORD, we are shamefaced, like our kings, our princes, and our fathers, for having sinned against you. 9But yours, O Lord, our God, are compassion and forgiveness! Yet we rebelled against you 10and paid no heed to your command, O LORD, our God, to live by the law you gave us through your servants the prophets.
LUKE 6:36-38
36Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. 37“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; 38give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For the measure you give will be the measure you get back.”
Listen with an Open Heart
Our family had dinner together every night when I was growing up. I remember my father listening to everything about our days with interest – and always with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. We freely shared everything because there was never and judgement or criticism frim my father.
Now, I look back on this memory with different eyes; he was a human resources manager. I can only imagine every thing that happened to him during the workday! But I also remember that he never really mentioned himself; the focus was on interacting with us.
In today’s Gospel. Jesus tells his disciples: stop judging and you will not be judged. The only way to stop judging is to truly listen to others, to really hear them, without imposing our own thoughts or perspectives. To “stop judging” is the very foundation of empathy, and my father exemplified this at work and at home.
Like my father, when we listen we open our hearts to those around us. And as we prepare ourselves to let go of our own point of view, we are better able to hear what God is really saying to us in our lives.
Reflection based on Luke 6: 36-38 by Regina Lawlor Andrews, the Magnificat Lenten Companion, 2021
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

First tonight? Now to go read the post.
You definitely have a bias toward first post, but I have a bias toward first like!
First comment. Whatever!
Well, I have a bias in favor of this blog and DP has confirmed it.
For generations over centuries, women would talk about children “just sprouting up” and growing overnight. When modern medicine got rolling, this was all ascribed to “old wives’ tales”…..
Then, IIRC in the 90s, someone measured it.
Turns out that kids go along, gaining body mass, organizing their bodies and improving their skills. Then, they start getting a little cranky for a couple of days — and will grow maybe 1/4” taller literally overnight.
It’s not that things weren’t happening when all appeared calm, and it’s not like the growth spurts could occur in a vacuum. But the models all said everything happens all at once in smooth progression.
Those models were obviously wrong.
I see MAGA — and the Cabal’s treason — as currently being in “quiet times”. What is happening today is by-and-large invisible to the outside observer. We are only 40 days into this reign of abomination….we may yet be surprised by events.
Very profound. No sarc for this one.
Agreed! It’s a real growth model!
Actually, the hopium epicenter described the current situation like the leadup to a start of a drag race. Everybody’s in place, the engines are revved, and all we’re waiting for is the Christmas Tree to give us the “GO”.
I agree with him.
Blessings your way DP, for answering the calling.
One of your best yet.
This post is a good reminder that we have to have balance while looking at information. Being aware of the concept of confirmation bias, as well as how it might be affecting us, is so important. At the same time, there is interesting information out there. While it’s probably wise not to hang on every word, there is more going on in this world than we know.
And I didn’t even mention that a 747 with the presidential paint job was spotted at the Orlando airport on Sunday.
People on Telegram swear it was even if many doubters asked a lot of questions.
Hehehe. Pretty awesome, huh!
OK, so……looking for GrandmainTexas lab results for her feline…..
Hey. He goes in tomorrow, or rather this morning, first thing.
I will let you know when I find out lab results.
Okey-dokey. And snag those previous lab results, too.
Let’s fix your furry friend up!
Ok. I’m ready for this to be fixed for good. He pees in the tub and in corners and all over the dirty laundry when he gets these things.
You could fix that right quick by just leaving him outside.
Let’s fix the problem to be fixing the problem, not just to avoid symptoms.
The coyotes would have him for a snack.
Mind you, that would also fix the symptoms…..let’s get those labs, and review some of previous suggestions, and get your fuzzy boy shaped-up and flying right, so he can be a happy cat and you can be a happy owner.
Side note — the first death jokes in the Alice books are when Alice is talking to Humpty-Dumpty:
‘Seven years and six months!’ Humpty Dumpty repeated thoughtfully. ‘An uncomfortable sort of age. Now if you’d asked my advice, I’d have said “Leave off at seven”—but it’s too late now.’
‘I never ask advice about growing,’ Alice said indignantly.
‘Too proud?’ the other inquired.
Alice felt even more indignant at this suggestion. ‘I mean,’ she said, ‘that one can’t help growing older.’
‘One can’t, perhaps,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘but two can. With proper assistance, you might have left off at seven.’
Epstein didn’t leave off at 66 himself!
Ha! It would, but he’s almost my favorite, though I swear I don’t have favorites.
Yes! Looking forward to his getting better.
“Ha! It would, but he’s almost my favorite, though I swear I don’t have favorites.”
The favorites always know.
I was my Grandma’s favorite. She tried to hide it, but she wasn’t very good at it
Bet she was a good Grandma.
Yes she was, I miss her and still think about her often
My closest memories of my grandma were when she was in San Diego (my grandparents crossed the continent six times). One memory was when she made vanilla icing using tablespoons instead of teaspoons. It was a little strange, but very nice.
Another time, my entire family was visiting, and she’d left a pan of grease on a hot burner. I smelled the smoke first, but my dad jumped up and dashed in the kitchen, opened the kitchen door to the front, and threw the pan out onto the sidewalk. Had there been anyone walking their dog on the sidewalk, they could have been napalmed.
Okay. Diagnosis is now cystitis. Different vet…this one has been in practice for 35 years. Said it was not too common for males to have UTIs. I got one number out of her, which was his gravity…1060. Not good but she said he is healthy otherwise.
So, steroid to help with inflammation and then diet change.
When I got him home I opened up a can of salmon and he drank about 2 ounces of the juice and ate a little meat.
Vet suggested Royal Canin food at a whopping $89 for 5 pounds of food.
So, the upshot is that he needs lots more liquids. She said very little blood in urine so unless he stops eating he should get better on a wet diet….which he already has partially.
Fingers crossed.
That would presumably be “urine specific gravity”, with a result of 1.060.
For humans, “If you have a specific gravity of urine under 1.030, it means you are still within the normal range. Discussing specific gravity units with your doctor can help give you a better understanding of what is and is not acceptable.In order to understand urine concentrations, just think about how much darker your urine looks if you haven’t had anything to drink for some time. Urine specific gravity levels will be lower if your urine is lighter and you are well hydrated. It is important to keep in mind that precise measurement of urine concentration can’t be determined by just looking at the color.
High urine specific gravity can be an indication that you have extra substances in your urine—these substances could be glucose, bilirubin, red blood cells, white blood cells, crystals, bacteria, or even protein. Some conditions allow proteins to pass through the filters in kidneys, producing protein in the urine. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, Berger’s disease, Hodgkin’s disease, leukemia, and lupus can cause elevated levels of protein in the urine.
Abnormal or increased urine specific gravity tests can be the result of many different health issues. Below we outline various causes—some are common, while others are rare:
I’m somewhat miffed that the vet is playing keepaway with lab results.
I think Wolf’s recommendations from yesterday look pretty good.
Yeah, that’s what the vet told me in a roundabout way. You explained it better.
Let’s hydrate your fuzzy friend a bit and monitor where he goes. Wolf’s suggestions from a while back look good. Let’s do some changes and check back in a couple.
I’m on it. Vet pooh-poohed fish oil, but said it wouldn’t hurt. Did say canned food and water from the cans of fish and chicken. My cats love salmon, tuna, chicken, and even chub. Not fish everyday, so chicken in between.
I’m going tobhave to take up the kibble at night so they are good and hungry in the morning.
Also will pick up the less expensive kibble for urinary track health.
Still concerned about sugar in the output (diabetes) — someone commented about obligate carnivores and they weren’t wrong. But there is a lot of good that can happen with a shift in diet.
Keep us posted, or we’ll start to fret.
I will!
Mine did on the door rugs when she had it before. Good luck! You know it drives the poor things nuts too. Mine was very vocal about it.
Yeah, he wants to be petted constantly.
Yeah, he’s not feeling good.
Vet visit notes above.
17 Seconds of serious hopium!
[video src="" /]
everybody knows,
jo biden didn’t win.
DPat great and timely reminder. TY
Howya doin’ tonight?
Ok. Just waiting on a midnight bandage change.

Feeling any better?
Yes thankfully.
Then our thoughts and prayers are being answered. Good to know.
Oh yes. This was a bit of a miracle.
It is scary fast once it gets going.
Hey you! I still have no idea what happened to you and what happened to you once you went into the hospital.
Give a friend a quick summary.
Flesh eating bacteria. Admitted through the ER by a vigilant doc whose gut told him something more was going on. He sent me for a CT scan instead of sending me home. Emergency surgery that night. All of the docs on this huge team believe they caught it just in the nick of time.
Can’t type much. IV limits movement. But I’m getting better every day.
That is nasty, vicious, dangerous stuff. You are very lucky.
When the Fiancee got bent, we spent a couple of weeks hanging around the Kuakini Medical Center on Oahu. They use the chamber for DCS……and flesh-eating bacteria (hyperbaric oxygen). Heard a lot of “behind the scenes” stories about it.
I wonder why they havent used it on me. Another question for the doc
I’d guess because you’re nowhere near a chamber.
The Kuakini chamber is really, really nice — it’s like a small airplane cabin. You could actually arrange to do surgical/medical procedures inside — and there’s a side airlock which is practically a chamber in in itself. Most hyperbaric chambers are more like large coffins.
Ugh! I think we have one though but I’m a bit claustro.
Also, it should be noted that our time at the chamber was 25 years ago. Spraying it with Miracle Goo may be the more refined method of treatment.
Mind you, once we heard some of them, we were like….”could you use a little more bleach to disinfect this place???”
The doc needs some sort of bonus. This stuff is really very, very, very rare…..and takes off very, very, very quickly.
He kind of had the sweats. He was going to send me home with an antibiotic and hot soaks for four days. He was so relieved he listened to his gut. Not as much as I was though

Yeah, this crap can move like an inch an hour. Four days would have been very, very bad. Even sleeping overnight would have been very, very bad.
I know. I still can’t believe it. Talk about dodging a bullet.
Bandage change done? Going ni-ni?
Yes. Time for a little sleep.
Sleep well, our cherished lady of the singing shovel. Dream happy dreams and heal. May your morning bring you refreshment, comfort, renewed strength, and knowledge that your friends-in-a-box are praying for you, and God seems to be receiving these prayers with favor.
“He was going to send me home with an antibiotic and hot soaks for four days. He was so relieved he listened to his gut.”
Probably saw your shovel, and that made him think twice.

Glad you are on the mend!
God give you strength! That’s a very scary thing to go through…take care, thankful Doctors on to it.

Good doctor….cared enough to use his instincts. I am very happy youve got attentive mds. You will be carefully monitored for a long time, even when out. But youre here!
Prayers sent Sylvia.
Glad to hear you are ok! I didn’t know what happened, either, somehow I missed it. Wow. God is great. Blessings!
Just as a casual aside, I went to Walmart today. I don’t go very often, and I’m frequently amazed (and just as frequently disturbed) by things I see. In no particular order….
55″+ Ultra 4K TVs for less than $500.
The entire sock aisle is in locked cabinets. And not a great selection.
In their house brand, packaging two micro-SD cards per one adapter.
A digital camera advertising 20 megapixels for about $35.
An employee pointing out a discarded wrapper from a stolen item.
The most ineffective cashier I have seen in a while — wanted to feel every item, then cram as much stuff as possible into bags. Had the impression they weren’t real good with spatial relationships.
A bunch of chromebooks (are they still a thing?).
In our local Walmart, it’s men’s under garments that are under lock and key. Don’t ask me why.
And panties are not? Hmmm….
can’t keep people from those emergency face masks!
Those are what get stolen. Btw, walmart is discontinuing selling dvds or blurays in stores.
They are going online only. I confirmed with my local bc weve been picking up movies every couple weeks since theyre not too expensive. They deleted most of the family films first.
The reason is millennials want to stream. Course the millennial who helped me understood when i complained little kids like discs, streaming doesn’t work for everyone, without a hard copy the film can be deleted or altered by your service, etc.
Those are the things the homeless steal.
On the subject of “Chromebooks a thing?” — Woot has a whole bunch of refurb’d Chromebooks on the cheap.
I noticed yesterday the our Walmart has all the KY and other assorted lubricants under lock and key. I was thinking well that’s interesting. big time lube thefts happening? some kind of sex circle in my little town going on? I laughed and just shook my head and moved on down the isle.
They lock up everything now. The makeup and facial section is arranged with its own entrance and separate cashier within the store. You have to pay first if you want to get anything.
THis is an issue here as well. If I get there early enough, it’s open, but after about 10 in the morning, no.
Here its bc of the state laws essentially making theft not a crime. They lose 1000s a month.
You’re oversimplifying — thefts of less than $950 at any one time will not be researched or prosecuted. You could walk into the same store six times in one day and take $800 of merchandise each time and will not receive so much as a ticket.
You are right. And its awful.
Well, most seem to be off-line. Good morning. Sorry not to have been here when friends were online. Sylvia, so thankful you are beating the flesh-eating bacteria. So glad you had a good doc who knew wht he was doing. Good morning to all, and Biden didn’t win. D.P. I agree things are happening behind the that we can’t see.
Great to have you here, Zoe. And congrats, again, for saying what needed to be said on Rush’s show.
Wonderful post, DP. Thank you. I always come away with some inspiration and assurance.
This tweet was deleted so may be worth reviewing…

Dept. of Resource reDistribution . gov
Article on Healthimpactnews dot com
Here is the site mentioned in the tweet
Their top article
& the source article for the images above, I believe
someone already archived the article above & that version it’s easy to scroll through for many articles on vaccine associated deaths around the world…
Not sure if the original tweet will still show via this re-tweet
wounded warriors
Never go Full Commie!
All American Girl
Biden Ends Order Requiring Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings… @BreitbartNews
#AAG #AAG2020
Biden Ends Order Requiring Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings
President Biden has revoked Trump’s order that required federal buildings be constructed in the style of classical architectural
Oh boy! Eastern European Stalinist architecture coming to a city near you!
dull block and granite looks good patrushka…
no doubt
NASA image of Saturn!
Note the hexagon shape at the top… (the blue patch)….
I noticed that too, very curious for an object spinning on an axis. Any thoughts why?
It’s a weird 6:1 resonance. They’ve known about it for a few years at least.
Thanks, Steve that’s new to me…
Just watched a lecture series on the solar system, one or two episodes per planet.
It’s from 2019, and I saw a lot of stuff I hadn’t been aware of (it did talk about the hexagon). I did see the bit about the hexagon whenever it was it became public, though!
good for you, so much fascinating info, so little time. Real Life keeps intruding here…like meetings about my daughter’s wedding later this year
Congratulations to her and the (prospective) groom!
Thanks Steve!
Gauguin painting

Paul Gauguin
Breton Woman with a Pitcher, 1888 #gauguin #paulgauguin
I’m guilty of being reared on cartoon classics too
Jonah Goldberg
This is just fantastic. But I think it’s missing Wagner’s famous “What’s Opera Doc?”
Quote Tweet
Vincent Alexander
· 16h
THREAD: Lots of us learned classical music from watching old cartoons, so I’m going to identify the pieces that frequently popped up.
One of the most recognizable is Franz Liszt’s “Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2,” performed by those great piano virtuosos Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry.
Show this thread
Could be a fun thread to check out
Laura McCarten
Replying to @JonahDispatch
This has to be some of the best stuff I’ve ever come across on Twitter.
I like the part where Bugs is playing and the phone (conveniently on the piano) rings. He answers it “Franz Liszt? Never hoid of him! ” and hangs up….
The clever creativity (indeed, genius) shown in those cartoons is far, far beyond any of the putrid, perverted, palaver produced today. Even the promo films as exemplified by “Hollywood Steps Out” (WB) and some of the Looney Tunes Classics series are incomparable.
Now, it seems all Hollywaste can do is (horrid) remakes, sequels, and prequels, as their ChiCom masters only know how to copy, but not create anything new. Much like THEIR master, Satan, (as shown by their mascot, the Dragon)…..
There’s actually a road act in the US for Bugs at the Movies. The Carl Stalling scores are played by the local symphony, and the cartoons are played on a big screen over the stage. It’s called Live to Projection.
When I went to see the show, there were A LOT of grandparents there with their grandkids. It’s a pretty cool way to get their feet wet listening to live symphonic music.
That’s great! Both for the local symphonies, and the folks that get to see them and the wonderfully creative cartoons, neither of which many children would probably see today (at least live).
Ironic, too, being reminiscent of how silent movies had live music (usually a pianist or an organist) accompanying them. Also interesting how some of the great organs of the past were theatre organs. I know that at least a couple of the Fox Theatres had them (I think the one in Oakland, CA had one – not sure if it’s still there, with the denoument of Oakland, no thanks to Moonbeam Brown)…
Actually, the movie house where Carl Stalling got his start as a house organist is now Powell Symphony Hall here in STL.
Oddly reminiscent of how they do movie soundtracks. The movie plays on a screen as they play the score, presumably so the conductor can time things, or rather, see how he’s timing things.
great points!
twitter savagery for those who took the blue pill

Taylor Day
When you go to the hospital for an erection that lasts longer than four hours, the doctor just shows you this picture
Yes, but has this been tested using kameltoe’s runt of her litter?
LOL litter box you mean?
What just went through my mind is:
Hello Muddah,
Hello Faddah,
Here I am at
Camp Grenada
Life is very
And they say we’ll have some fun
If it stops raining…
(Allan Sherman, to the tune of “Dance of the Hours” from “La Giaconda”, IIRC)….
hmmm no one wants to play spin the bottle w/ “Rachel” Levine the potato it!
China “sorry” for making Bidenazi’s bend over
But they still recommend it for everyone else?
Quote Tweet
· 9h
China Says They’re Sorry for Forcing Members of the Biden Administration to Take Anal Swab COVID-19 Test…
My older brother explained that it must be a very long anal probe for it to get from one’s anus to one’s sinuses.
Vlad the Impaler coming to mind now–ewww!
Might have to circle back to that?
Considering that the DEMONRATS all have their heads up their hineys, it might not be that long of a “journey” at all…..
racial divide on vax “compliance”–white libs to eliminate selves from the equation in so many ways…

Ezra Klein Retweeted

Adam Serwer
Really incredible to compare this with the relative differences in tone about how these two groups are covered.
Quote Tweet
Deen Freelon
· 20h
Black vax hesitancy makes headlines, but the most reluctant group by far is white Republicans–a much larger group.…
Show this thread
Unintended consequences…
They’re discovering we’re not as brainwashed as they think.
Once the vaxx injuries start showing up in your local community, people will start to revolt. I wonder if that’s why the vaxx is so hard to get right now…
They are waiting for blowback and probably to assess the problems with the “therapy” itself.
Could be. For as many people with actual reactions, I’m seeing twice as many without them.
My worry is the summer when the aftermath begins.
That would still mean a third of people have a bad reaction. I doubt there’s even close to that many. If 5% of people have a really bad experience with the vaccine, that will pretty much do it for smart people. Dumb people will always just do what the “authorities” tell them to.
I’m not going to call them dumb, necessarily, but they certainly don’t want to be caught thinking for themselves.
You tell ;him ladies!
on the other hand, imo, these sexual harassment allegations are taking attention away from cuomo’s criminality regarding his intentional “mishandling” of the nursing home seniors, resulting in their deaths…and the emotional damages incurred by their families.
while obnoxious, odious and offensive…and for which cuomo should be held accountable and sued and resign/be canned…the sexual allegations pale in comparison to what he did, intentionally, to the seniors in those nursing homes.
cuomo is a crude, uncouth, abusive little tyrant…everything he touches becomes tainted with his unfunny malignant personality.
but he must be held to the fire, relentlessly, for the crimes he committed against those innocent seniors & their families.
keep the spotlights on that.
let the bastard squirm under pressure for his disgusting sexual crap…
but do not let up on the senior abuse.
Let’s see…on the one hand we’ve got sexual harassment. On the other we’ve got mass murder…I think I would take flak for sexual harassment for months on end over the alternative.
Just a side note: normal people don’t have to endure EITHER one.
Whoever shared this image before, I tweeted it out & it practically went “viral”, for the kind of numbers I usually see…
Here we go. We taxpayers who were never slaves will have to pay reparations to people who also were never slaves. Makes sense? Only to a democrat!
If they give them one big lump sum, say $100,000, they will blow through it in six months and have nothing to show for it. Most will go bankrupt within a year or two. It’s just human nature. Look at the statistics on lottery winners.
They will not give them a lump some they will give them a monthly pay for the rest of their lives oh wait they already get that? (S)
Yes I am in a ticket off mood because people who created slavery benefited from it are now making a country responsible. Actually the next generation who already is being dumped on.
Yes democratic party needs to pay reparation. All those people who held slaves should also pay. I think it is unjust to ask people to pay who never had slaves whose family never had slaves. Those who benefited from slaves should pay.
The northern states should not they gave their lives in fighting to free the slaves.
The church I attendet was part of the railroad who saved escaping slaves. We have a hidden place in the church where they hid when authorities looked for them.
Again today democrats committing the same crime again with illegals. They are the modern slaves also those who are being brought here against their will have to work as sex slaves or on farms. We need to keep track who those people are so they too can pay reparation.
Sorry. I didn’t know the whole thing would post.
Yes Nazis did it also Stalinists and Maonists and every other totalitarian regime did it.
Welcome to the totalitarian regime of the USA. Lets name the evil that has been allowed by all the republicans who did the wrong thing and then did nothing and got Biden into the WH. Nothing changes history keeps repeating itself.
GA officials, Pennsylvania officials, Nevada, Arizona Michigan republican officials all should be held responsible they did not do their job. Same with Pence the pretender but God is the judge.
Happy B-Day to Babylon Bee!
Seth Dillon
In the beginning—five years ago today—Adam Ford created The Babylon Bee. It was without form and void. Then Adam said “let there be church jokes,” and he saw that they were good. Then Seth bought the Bee and instantly turned it into a right-wing, Trump-loving hoax satire site.
8:33 PM · Mar 1, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Don’t know if we’ll ever get the true story about whether or not Trump wanted to use the IA and whether or not the military was or wasn’t on board for it?
But if those Stars are now on board for the horror happening to the NG in DC, and the new slaughter house rules going on in Syria…..
may they all eat shit and die slowly.
all of Bye-done’s lies as pResident…
Sean Davis
Here’s The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President
Here’s The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President
As President Joe Biden assumes the Oval Office, The Federalist will continue its rigorous coverage of the new White
And another one comes forward. There’s a picture.
A third woman came forward on Monday to accuse New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of inappropriate sexual behavior, saying he grabbed and kissed her at a 2019 wedding.
Anna Ruch, 33, told the New York Times that the 63-year-old governor made unwanted advances toward her and planted an unsolicited kiss on her cheek at the reception in Manhattan.
I’m all in for re-opening the sex investigations on KavaNOT and ComeybackStabber.
continuing the “grand” tradition of accusing others of what you do–accusing Trump of election fraud!
Greg Bluestein
Fulton County prosecutors are expected to appear before a grand jury this week seeking subpoenas for documents and witnesses related to their investigation of former President Trump and his allies for possible election fraud, the @ajc
has learned. #gapol
Fulton DA’s investigation into Trump heads to grand jury
Fulton County prosecutors are expected to appear before a grand jury on Tuesday seeking subpoenas for documents and witnesses related to their investigation of former President Donald Trump and some…
What a farce.
explain this!
Divorce, radical feminism, heresy, apostasy, rebellion, rejection of GOD’s binary male/female pattern in creation.
yes & more!
So…james dean was bisexual… with roddy mcdowell at a party in front of a group of people during a photo shoot, gay for pay to get into hollywood, in a s n m relationship with marlon brando.
When i found that out via various GAY sources I no longer have an affinity for him as masculine.
How close does one have to be to queers like that in order to get juicy gossip like that? Asking for a friend.
Research into careful corners. Dont click on pics…ever.
Actually, all you have to do is spend any time near one.
You have to actually have some sort of cordial relationship in order to get one to stop.
Thanks, Gil, that’s news to me…so those pics represent in vs out of the closet…not that scooter boy is necessarily gay, but he’s certainly Not a Man!
Sal mineo, james dean, natalie wood, all tragic considering they were so young. Hollywood has always been a bad violent depraved place. Only good is a fantasy.
so tragically true!
Rebel without a pair?
(OK, off to my corner I go….)….
ROTFLMAO. One of your best. Kudos.
MK Ultra on twitter
So the Nazis were everywhere doing their experiments on innocent people?
I am beginning to think it is not only a Nazi thing to do evil it is i all people but most of us chose God not evil . Deranged people seem to be everywhere this is so discussing.
This crap is worth fighting against also here are the churches fighting for those who are in camps in China? Everyone doing business with China has blood on their hands.
yes Singing, blinders keep being ripped off, even from the red-pilled!
Lets pray that more and more people .
vaccine scam exposed in 2009
Jane Bürgermeister – exposing Big Pharma and govs when they tried to pull off THE SCAM in 2009.
bird-brained turned on its head
That bird is a British crow. They have white & black feathers while US crows have all black feathers.
Crows are scary smart and would rule the world if socialism/communism becomes a global religion.
Robin Williams on Bye-Done still holds up…by the way was he “suicided” like Bourdain???
happy madness, as a reprieve
Sidney Powell unloads!

Common Sense Evaluation
Sidney Powell spent her entire career having faith in the American Judicial System… only to discover that the entire system is completely, irredeemably corrupt from top to bottom.
Still showing the people.
Yes, she is an amazing patriot & dynamo!
Guess only military tribunals can save us now??
That might be the point behind all of this.
Justifies using them as a last, legitimate resort, when all normal avenues have proven to be corrupt…
I do not think so. They are part of the problem thanks to Obama.
Well God could do a miracle if He would so choose!!!
Great Dad Stuff–Love This!!!
dems have no moral center on Anything apparently

What is up is now down for the Ds. What is good is bad. It’s called insanity.
Useless mouth breather….talk to “Dr.Levine” it can help you with your identity crisis.
All Bren-none is is a white fail…
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, March 2, 2021
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”
Matthew 5:44 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Gonna make a t-shirt that says…
A recent E&E News article, “Fringe weatherman advised Abbott before deadly Texas storm” (February 25, 2021), is the latest marginalization job on a “climate science critic.” Author Scott Walderman begins his piece as follows:
The hit piece (against Bastardi, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Abbott) goes downhill from there with ad hominem.
An important takeaway from the Great Texas Blackout is that weathermen and weatherwomen are the experts, not climate scientists whose warmer-winter predictions proved to be a great distraction.
It was supposed to be a warm 2020/2021 winter Texas-way, said the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (U.S. Winter Outlook: Cooler North, warmer South with ongoing La Nina).
And winters in general are supposed to be warmer with less extreme cold events, according to climate models. As flagged by Bjorn Lomborg, all climate models predict fewer cold days and cold nights. He links to “Future extreme climate changes linked to global warming intensity” [Science Bulletin (December 30, 2017), where the authors state:
But, but … it’s global weirding, John Kerry and the MSM now insist, a catch-all phrase when global warming predictions result in anomalies. Lomborg’s tweet deserves the last word:
Bringing this over from Marica’s last night:
more officials all over the USA charged:
[Forwarded from TRUTHSEEKERS NEWS]
A list of pedophiles became unsealed and here’s what’s been happening while you all were distracted.
Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.
Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography.
Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old.
Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.
Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography. He was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking.
Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.
Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old.
Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age.
Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager.
Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.
Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer.
Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse.
Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.
Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.
Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17.
Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images.
Democratic activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy and when the alleged victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.
Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, resigned amid child pornography allegations.
Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to a multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography.
Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims.
Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas, is being sued in LA County for allegedly sexually abused a 16-year-old girl.
Join us —
All of these are terrible and glad they are being brought to justice. However, these are not all recent cases.
I don’t have time to check them all but saw the Davidson County TN case and knew that was from over 15 yrs ago. (2005)
If that one is from 15 yrs ago and yet added to a list with the framing to make it seem that these are all recent then there are probably others that are added to the list to inflate #s so that it seems like “breaking news” and more happening on this issue than there is.
Why would they include a case from 15 yrs ago in this narrative? Weird!
Under President Trump there were many more prosecutions than under other Presidents – why not focus on current/recent cases?
Another example of trust but verify …
And if a “news” source creates a narrative ask Why? and is their narrative true if their evidence isn’t? And are they are trustworthy source if they do things such as this type of framing?
Checked a few more and so far none are recent or as the link put it: “A list of pedophiles became unsealed and here’s what’s been happening while you all were distracted”. Were they trying to imply this was recent and part of the sealed indictments we have been hearing about?
Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham – case was from 2014 & he died in 2017
Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas – case from 2019, important to note he was never “indicted”/charged. It was a civil suit that was later dropped and seems to have been politically motivated smear. May have been true … but is not what the above quoted list intimates nor what it actually states.
Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed – 2007
Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, – 2011
Glad each and every one these people were caught and prosecuted … but they are not recent unsealed indictments.
Trust but verify …
Sorry, this is misleading at best.
These cases are not recent. So this hasn’t been happening while we’ve been distracted.
(My first clue was Gerry Studds…which is decades old news.)
Also from Marica’s last night (thanks, BBSS Saint):
even in Nigeria
[Forwarded from Mareq16]
Slavery Ring Broken Up In Nigeria.
“Bitcoin is PURE EVIL.” ~anon
Human Slavery Ring Broken Up In Nigeria “Breast Milk Was Being Harvested Every Day”
Abuja Human Milk Factory Where Customers Pay With Bitcoin.
The Nigerian authorities have just rescued 115 mothers in Abuja, whose breast milk was being harvested every day and then turned into different dairy products like cheese, butter, and fresh milk. Some of these girls were as young as 16, the oldest being 22, and most of them were reported missing in the last 3 years.
Using bitcoin????
Sounds like fake news to me.
More from Marica’s. I’ve heard references to this elsewhere that the CCP troops are/were in the underground bases and tunnels. There are no photographs to go with this, but quite a bit of chatter.
well connected anons = good story tellers
Boris Johnson has turned out to be an utter disaster for England.
The UK can have him as their saviour.
Boris Johnson, ambitiously described as a Prime Minister, has flatulently tried and humiliatingly failed to persuade the Security Council of the Untied Nations that “Cloimate Chynge is a threat to our security”. That he should thus have wasted the first opportunity in three decades for Britain to chair the Security Council shows how poor is his judgment both about matters of science and about what does and does not constitute a threat to national and international security.
Does this look like a Prime Minister?
Sister Flatulenta of the Breath of Heaven, as Jacob Rees-Mogg calls him, delivered what the late Professor Sir Denis Page, the immensely grand Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge, used to describe in his lectures as a “gaseous halation”.
Boris hemmingly-hawingly whiffled and waffled that some would argue “all this – er – green stuff from a – ah – bunch of tree-hugging tofu-munchers” is not a suitable subject for a UN meeting, but “I couldn’t – um – disagree more profoundly”. He opined that the Security Council needed to “act on cloimate chynge to protect “global peace, security and stability”, and motherhood an’ apple pah an’ all.
“Whether you like it or not, it is a matter of when, not if, your country and your people will have to deal with the security impact of cloimate chynge.”
Thank you, CTHUlhu. Very kind. Hard not to be able to post in the replies, then I wonder if some have seen what I post to them.
Wonder if that’s a dark blue dress?
Anna Ruch said she felt “uncomfortable and embarrassed” when Mr. Cuomo placed his hands on her face and asked to kiss her.
march 2, 2021 the marshall report
Conflicting messages like these are what make people go…”What the heck is going on?” The CEO of the US, Inc. had a virtual zoom call with the President of Mexico today. At the same time there was an unusual White House Press Conference where unaccompanied children were told to not try to cross the borders at this time because systems were not in place. These events followed President Trump’s speech yesterday at CPAC. I wonder if these unaccompanied children got the message? Who is with them it they are UNACCOMPANIED? I’m sure this makes sense, somehow. But, how?
Let’s start with the CEO of US, Inc. and his call to Mexico first...simply because it seems to set the stage.No….let’s start with what President Trump said first.
SPEAKING OF HOPIUM and unprovable surmisals, conjectures, theories…..
Thomas Wictor is still holding onto the assertion that ‘Trump is really in charge.’
At QV, no one dares to disagree….or else, like in the fairy tales, ‘they are never heard from again’…. Saul Montes-Bradley axes them off the site.
disagree = one minute past midnight for Cinderella.
I’m axed. I stood my ground that Cruz/Margaritaville was a no common sense bone-headed move. It will be the same 30 people slapping each other on the back there, very shortly – while seeking donations.
That being said, I don’t disagree with Wictor. Or Juan.
Thank you, sincerely, for this post, DP – a great reminder of how easily we can get sucked into believing what we ‘hope’ to be true.
No doubt there is a battle going on – an age old battle between good and evil!
And yet – we frequently find ourselves reminding ourselves – if it is too good to be true – it probably is not true.
I find comfort in the fact that God is in charge – only He knows what is really going on.
Actually, I wasn’t really aiming at the “hope” people. It’s the naysayers who dismiss sources out of hand. Of course, I’m guilty of that for a few of the old guard in conspiracy, and those protecting their space in the insider arena, but, still, the actual goings on and things to come we aren’t going to know until it’s over. THe enemy can’t get wind of what’s coming.
Oh, ok – understand – agree about the naysayers – true – we will not know until it is over – and even then – we might still be discussing how it all went down for years to come – and no – the enemy must not know what is coming until we are ‘over the target’ and there is no escape.
New catturd video. Excellent, just a few seconds!
And great post by the way.
I have heard folks talking about that Las Vegas summit as well. And am part of the way through a video. You can’t always get what you want. 
Love this.
This is the direct link:
[video src="" /]
I’m trying to remember – isn’t that Melania’s decorating scheme?
Trump had that wallpaper installed – I remember because it’s from York Wallcoverings in York, PA. The print was discontinued and when they got a call from the WH they shut everything else down to run however many rolls were needed — the same day they got the call. Trump used a different rug.
Israeli Military Officials Warn Biden Against Rejoining Iran Nuke Deal
Current efforts could ‘ignite a massive nuclear arms race’
I saw this from poster “Neal”, on CFP, under the article entitled “DeSantis torques the bailout bill.
It’s a partial list of where OUR MONEY is going …
“PELOSI’S VIRUS STIMULUS BILL…Why is it being fought?
“Now you will know why Republicans are blocking this 2.2 trillion-dollar congressional bill!
“Hard to believe but look it up on the Congressional website for HR 748 from 116th Congress. Here’s the direct link: H.R.748 – 116th Congress (2019-2020): CARES Act
“American population: 330,483,530
“Stimulus bill: $2,000,000,000,000 ($2 Trillion)
“Dividing the cost by every American is $6,051.74 The government could have given every person over $6,000, but instead will give $1,200 to each adult under a certain income. Want to know where the missing 96% of your tax dollars went? Here you go:.
“1. $300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg. 147
2. $10,000 per person for student loan bailout
3. $100,000,000 to NASA, because, who knows why.
4. $20,000,000,000 to the USPS, because why the hell not
5. $300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts – because of it
6. $300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing
7. $15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training / for when the GI Bill isn’t enough.
8. $435,000,000 for mental health support
9. $30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/ because that will keep people employed (all those zeros can be confusing, that’s $30 BILLION)
10. $200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program
11. $300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the Democrats.
12. $500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who the hell knows how we are going to use it.
13. $720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs.
14. $25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I kid you not it’s on page 136.
15. $7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries
16. $35,000,000 to the JFK Center for Performing Arts
17. $25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives
18. $3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA
19. $315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs
20. $95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development
21. $300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance
22. $90,000,000 for the Peace Corp pg. 148
23. $13,000,000 to Howard University pg. 121
24. $9,000,000 Misc. Senate Expenses pg. 134
25. $100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg. 162. This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat ($100,000,000 is chump change.)
26. $40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act This sounds like it’s direct payments for workers pg. 164.
27. $1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg. 163
28. $25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg. 165
29. $492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg. 167
30. $526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg. 168 (what are the odds that doesn’t go unused) Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress.
31. $25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg. 169
32. $3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg. 172
33. $5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General pg. 172
34. $2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg. 175
35. $5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg. 175
36. $2,500,000 Office of Housing
“What DOES ALL of this have to do with the Virus????
Upvotes 33
Our Congress is so corrupt and conscienceless that it’s nauseating.
And of course, it isn’t just Congress.
The rot in our society has been growing for decades now …
^^^ UFB. Should be criminal to abuse tax payers with such nonsense.
Ever heard of the “Principle of Acquiescence”?
It’s when one is wronged … but unless one DOES something about it, then one is SOL.
It transposes the burden onto the person wronged, from the wrong-doer.
It translates into “Well, if you got screwed, and haven’t DONE anything about it … well, it’s YOU who are at fault.
AFAIK, this is actually codified into law …
And it’s another way where the playing field is tilted from the average person toward the powerful (the bully class)
A working dad, his wife and family, barely making ends meet, whose house is stolen by the city thru eminent domain claiming it is “dilapidated” b/c they can’t afford to paint it is the perfect example.
If he can’t paint his house, he sure isn’t going to have the money to hire a lawyer. And likely his support network is far too small to know someone who will defend him. He’s just one of the “little people”. . .
In Commie-chusetts, Dr. Shiva couldn’t find a SINGLE law firm to represent his interests (IMO, the primary election was rigged against him, a la the Dominion (et al.) allegations).
Not one.
He represented himself, and I believe his pursuit of justice is ongoing – one of the ONLY lawsuits wherein the judge AGREED with him.
Have you seen the movie Amistad? It exposes the problems with our legal system, in that one may have to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court (yeah! how’s THAT goin’ for us!) to get real justice.
Only when one has MILLIONS can one afford the time, effort, and cost to counter being wronged significantly.
I haven’t heard of ANYONE getting recompense for their time in pursuing a claim. I’d like to see $500/hour *minimum* for personal costs reimbursed.
Everyone else gets paid for their time – why not the litigant???
It’s true!
Typically, I truly appreciate your insights, posts…not so much this time.
^^^ Smacks of transfer of guilt to the innocent.
^^^ Quick google search of, “Principle of Acquiescence”, indicates above post may not be 100% accurate. Don’t care enough to fret much over that aspect.
Not even going to get into what I, we, have put forth the past four plus years in DIRECT support of MAGA..
We have been rewarded with a TOTAL BEAT DOWN by E V E R Y level of government. The bastards totally ignored the Constitution, the law, made up their own illegal procedures, violated procedures, regulations…
When I figure out what personal action, I may take, with a reasonable chance of success, I’ll engage.
Please skip the lecture transferring guilt from the guilty bastards, to the Patriot’s. Respectfully, that is what D-Rats do, IMO.
Amen. BLAME THE VICTIM is not acceptable, in the end.
Today, when I learned that Chris Wray flat-out LIED about leftist groups taking part in, to say nothing about LEADING, the assault on the Capitol, I basically wrote off FIB as worthless.
If there still ARE any patriotic Americans in FBI, they need to release the Kraken on Wray and his gang. Where is he taking orders from? Who is really running that place? WTH is really going on there?
Saw the Wray headline earlier today. Could not even click on it. MORE Wray betrayal of America.
Regarding dodge and fib, agree. We really need Patriot(s) in those organizations to start being American…be honest and open about the corruption…transparent. Quite unlikely, IMO. Don’t care if it is a disgruntled employee, contractor, hacker…we NEED TRUTH.
NWO / Global Reset seemingly has a death grip on America, The Constitution, Law & Order… Our system is being “willingly” destroyed from within. Albeit quite likely manipulated by POWERS, external to the American government. EVERYTHING Biden and his handlers have done since 20 January is, IMO, to DESTROY our way of life.
^^^ I truly wish I did not believe this.
Yep – I heard him say it on my car radio. Spit.
He’s married to Atlanta aristocracy – the Millers of Miller Bridge Road. He lives in the Miller family home on Peachtree. Wife’s grandfather used to own the Atlanta Journal Constitution. He also made a million + per annum at his fancy law firm – King and Spalding.
Ruling class gotta rule.
Being a longtime Georgian with relatives in the Buckhead Hotlanta area, I know that society pretty well.
Is Kemp part of the old Georgia power, or is he an aspirant to the Georgia high society, who bends the knee to what they want?
Every older city in the US has this stuff. I knew somebody in one of those families, and what he told me was rather mind-blowing, in terms of what can only be described as “power corrupting”. Politics was basically irrelevant next to money.
Kemp was from an Athens, GA political family and he’s descended from the Habershams of Habersham county. So he’s GA elite.
BETCHA over 90% goes for Democrat Crony Donor Agenda Pocket Lining.
It’s right in our faces. They’re rubbing our noses in it!
14. $25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I kid you not it’s on page 136.
I sure hope that includes a sufficient amount of Napalm..
The type of disinfectant we need isn’t chemical in nature … it’s BIBLICAL!
As has been said before today …
If a hammer costs the tax payer $75 bucks (2010) what does a mop cost $250?
And/or red fuming nitric acid.
^^^ is why we are hedging our savings in crypto and pm’s. Let the dollar tank and this illegitimate gov’t with it. More and more places are accepting cryto now. I still have reservations about it, but would rather gamble and lose it than have it outright stolen from me by this junta!
Ay what point does this become taxation without representation?
Finally, instead of lefty globalist collective marxists: just call them “upper class” « JoNova (
This article is definitely worth a read.
“It’s not about economic class warfare, it’s about cultural class warfare.”
Political and Cultural Elite Upper Class or ruling class.
This is correct b/c Gramsci pivoted from Economic Marxism to the Cultural Marxism that resulted in the left’s long march through the instutions.
Cultural Warfare by a Cultural Elite.
A Modest Proposal For Republicans: Use The Word “Class”
Pivot from mindless populist rage to a thoughtful campaign to fight classism.
Feb 25
Most of his linguistic constructs contain massive poison-pills that would undermine a genuine political platform, but he managed to pack a lot of insights in never-the-less.
They definitely don’t like the term “Ruling Class”. And this explains AOC. She’s an exemplar of a phony construct – a privileged minority passed through a working class stint and then elevated as a fake prole in designer clothes.
Wonder what happened to the American (or even Canadian) Telecom giants?
Well look no further than the re-organized AT&T lobbying to buy Chinese telecom equipment.
Corey Stewart: AT&T pressured Trump administration to not blacklist China Telecom
Today, The Two Mikes had the pleasure of discussing world affairs and domestic politics with Mr. Corey Stewart, former Undersecretary of Commerce in the Trump Administration.
by Michael Scheuer March 2, 2021
Today, The Two Mikes had the pleasure of discussing world affairs and domestic politics with Mr. Corey Stewart, former Undersecretary of Commerce in the Trump Administration. You can watch the video at Rumble.
Mr. Stewart gave us a vivid—and discouraging—description of how large U.S. businesses often fought the administration’s attempt to stop China’s economic policy of cheating in economic dealings with the United States. Those businesses seemed to be okay with America’s economic subordination to China so long as their interests in China were protected and their greed was satisfied. According to National File:
We agreed that China could have no better friends in its effort to destroy the United States than the Biden gang, some Republicans, and many members of the U.S. business community. We also had a good talk about the 2020 election fraud, with Mr. Stewart offering a detailed description of how Virginia’s Democratic Party worked for a decade to create circumstances in the state that paved the way for the mysterious shifting of 300,000 votes in Fairfax County late on election night. Mr. Steward, earlier in his career, was a Republican candidate for governor in Virginia.
Very good article on the political significance of Trump’s CPAC speech.
It would be very easy to just see it as a “rah rah” speech.
I think that was by DESIGN. It gives the base the Trump Rally feel they wanted, and also gave cover to Trump’s reshaping the political terrain right under everyone’s feet.
I’ve seen other blogs with strings of comments complaining or yawning over Trump’s speech. Fine guys, whatever. I don’t have time for B.S. nay-sayers who can’t see what is PLAIN AS DAY in front of them.
Donald Trump has done it: The GOPe is dead. Long live the GOP!
Donald Trump dug up the political tomahawk
by Gary Gindler March 2, 2021
. . . There is no precedent in American history for a former president’s sanguine speech to generate much more enthusiasm and attention than any speech by the current president, an Iranian and Chinese lackey. Honestly, this is all you need to know about the internals of the political situation in our country. Just curious if anyone can remember the jubilant crowds celebrating former presidents that we see now? (After Trump’s speech, it turned out that more people watched it than Biden’s inaugural celebrations.)
Without a doubt, the Republican establishment and the Democratic Party should be horrified after this eloquent speech. If anyone else doubted who precisely will be nominated for the presidency in 2024, those doubts have now disappeared. Trump’s speech was both a traditional State of the Union (which the decrepit Joe “Yuan” Biden canceled this year, like all press conferences), an election speech, and an outright mockery of his political opponents.
For the first time in the history of the United States, the former president delivered the State of the Union, not the current president. Since last year was the year of the coronavirus, Trump has given a lot of attention to the vaccine. Trump has dismissed the myth that socialist countries are more effective in dealing with emergencies, ostensibly because they can concentrate resources. Indeed, socialist countries can concentrate state resources on solving extraordinary challenges.
. . . But the main thing that happened at CPAC sits upon an entirely different battlefield. The fragmentation of the conservative forces that the American leftists so hoped for did not materialize. Trump announced that rumors of a new party were fake news. Democrats suffered another defeat, and an attempt to squeeze the Republican Party out from Trump ended in failure. The party of (D)eceit now has no choice but to try to impeach Trump for the third time. They simply have no other political ammunition against Trump.
. . . Trump decided to leave the GOP facade unchanged. But in parallel with this, right after the 2020 elections, he established the Save America PAC. The Save America PAC is an alternative structure created to flank the Republican Washington swamp.
Now, political donation’s cash flow will be redirected straight to the Save America PAC, bypassing the Washington Republican bureaucracy. Thus, the Republican Party will continue to exist; however, the redistribution of the cash flow will soon put everything in its rightful place. The Republican nomenclature will subordinate to those who actually own the party treasury: Trump and his supporters.
. . . To use American Indian terminology, Trump dug up a political tomahawk and went on the warpath. War has been declared not only on a dozen members of Congress but also against a dirty dozen Republicans who have succumbed to Democratic pressure and supported Trump’s impeachment. Trump has an unprecedentedly high rating among Republicans: 97% for and only 3% against. He can afford to punish the traitors to the idea of “Make America Great Again,” rightly arguing that the financial flows between the new political structure and the old-fashioned Republican guard will be divided approximately in the same proportion.
Thus, the civil war within the Republican party ended before it began. This is the essence of Trump, who knows how to win wars without even starting them, as the Middle East’s recent history has shown.
. . . MORE . . .
Definitely worth a read.
I like the righteous usurpation of leverage ($), putting in place a donation path that AVOIDS the establishment (uni-)party.
Cuttin’ out the “middle-man”, and creating a PAC that is solely for P45DJT.
I suspect it’ll be AT LEAST $1B by the time the 2022 cycle comes around.
Depriving the GOPe of their undeserved milk & honey …
Plz check GAB PM. Thanks
Very worthwhile article. This hit home for me:
“Many commentators were inclined to establish a third, openly conservative party that was the only option after losing the White House. Simply because the Republican party nomenclature, as the experience of Reagan and Trump has shown, does not lend itself to any reform, and the main opposition front to the conservatives is not from the left, but from the corrupt right.”
The CORRUPT RIGHT. This is what must be expunged from the Republican Party. And local participation is a must. It’s heinous, I know.
But we have to get involved. I had to go home and drink a scotch last night after attending a local meeting. The members are very comfortable in their spots, eager to move on from the election unpleasantness, interested only in the local scene, and more sheep than anything else.
I’m being very quiet for now.
“I had to go home and drink a scotch last night after attending a local meeting.”
I’m surprised you didn’t have to polish off the whole bottle!
But yes you are right – they are defined by intertia. A lot of talk but little action.
They deny that they put party ahead of the national interest, but when watching what they do that’s exactly what we see.
I can’t understand that mentality. To me the party is a means to an end. But for some people the party seems to be the end in itself. Why? What do they get out of it? Social standing? Community standing? Networking? Business connections? Political sycophants? Feeling like they are part of the oligarch class of important people? Or just plain RINO liberals that aren’t conservative and don’t want conservative ideas to win?
The pride being republican or democrat and that is what keeps us apart and from working for the nation and defending the nation and its constitution with one voice.
Same with denomination the denomination begins to overshadow Christ and what binds Christians together with one voice regardless of denomination.
At this time parties are so divided in purpose that the republican party members need to put country first before status.
Same with denomination because it is not denominations that are persecuted around the world and in US but Christians and Christianity. Our foundation of our country is Christianity and if Christianity is safe then all denominations are safe in the US and around the world.
In many smaller towns party is a family association and status marker. They hare hard to crack and to be part of as equal. One needs to be persistent and soft approach but not giving up.
I know…you are right, but I am terribly afraid I am not up to the soft approach.
I am much better at being a thistle.
Nothing wrong with thistle
We each have our own approach I can be seen as strong to open and scare people. I am also very forgiving and let things slide of me.
How is your cat? I had two cats who had urinary problems and a change in food and meds and some olive oil in his food helped. No fish that seemed to bother them. Low ash diet was the thing and lots of water. I have a big water bottle for my pets. When I had a stray into outdoor cat I kept a big bottle outside for her all times.
I am a burr under the saddle blanket in this type of organization, which is why I rarely try to join. I get bucked off really quick.
Even in the most banal of topics I am not the person to bring to a meeting to add to the consensus.
In fact, it’s probably better for me to watch any meeting from a distance with my microphone disabled!
This is how I imagine we would look going into a meeting Aubergine:

In my opinion, all of the below:
“Social standing? Community standing? Networking? Business connections? Political sycophants? Feeling like they are part of the oligarch class of important people?”
Yes all of it and it is a club if it is party or other organization even the church. Never used to be like that.
When I moved here 30 some years ago the older people were different open welcoming not spoiled thinking they all lone owned the turf. They are all gone now they were good people and missed by me.
I really enjoyed this article about President Trump’s State of the Union Address this morning.
“Free advice, Deep State: If you’re going to take down a sitting president who has more energy than Tom Cruise dancing on Oprah Winfrey’s sofa, then at least install a body in the Oval Office more lively than a medical cadaver. Otherwise, people start wondering how the naptime president could possibly have scored more votes than anyone else in American history, while his predecessor is still doing two hours of cardio live and onstage in Orlando before sold-out crowds.”
Thanks Aub, I’ve stayed away from AT since they pussed out and caved under the cancel culture pressure to eliminate their comment section. The only time I go there is Sundays for Clarice’s Pieces, and she’s even becoming somewhat milquetoast.
They are still better than the early days when they were so PC you could not say one word against the LBGTPQxyz agenda.
Either Flynn is crazy or crazy like a fox.
Right Michael… I’m with you… and Gen Flynn…
A little of the former in software helps the latter in hardware.
I assume Trump has beside secret service also private bodyguards. He always had private bodyguards.
“I would rather miss the Olympics than take the vaccine. I am happy. I don’t want to get into it right now, but I have my reasons.” Jamaican Olympic athlete Yohan Blake
I’d rather not fly, go to England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, etc. than be patted up and down, have my luggage riffled through, etc. by NSA weirdos.
Quote III
“Covid didn’t crush the American economy. Government crushed the American economy.” South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem
“In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem.” Ronald Reagan
^^^ Applies to MOST EVERYTHING the government does.
I just wanted to point out that the left’s canceling of Dr. Seuss is rich.
I never cared much for Dr. Seuss growing up, and a big part of that in retrospect was that so much of what he wrote was leftist morality tale gruel.
The Lorax was one of those. Wackypedia has this great quote that provides real insight into this mess:
That isn’t liberal – that is a straight up leftist thinking. He was writing propaganda.
The Lorax never set well with me when I was young, and was part of my motivation in later grades to push past the environmental rhetoric.
In fact I would rank the over the top environmental B.S. as one of the top three influences/motivators as a young man that pushed me toward a different view of the world and politics.
When I read the chapter in Rush’s book on the environmental movement in the years afterward, the light turned on. He called out loudly that the environmental emporer was naked.
The ones that are all about sounds and the alphabet were INVALUABLE while we were teaching my one nephew to talk when he was five. The ear candy, as we called it, of the rhymes made a BIG difference.
My kids loved Dr Seuss and through the books all three learned to read by the time they were 3-4. I remember my father in law in total amazement when my daughter 3 read him one after the other books. After 6 weeks in first grate she had read all the books they put her into second class.
I like the books also because if I mispronounced something my kids were correcting me even before they could read.
Just my own opinion it is TV and electronic toys that are damaging to kids. Mine had all toys that were simple out of wood no batteries no TV until after 4 then one hour a day of my choosing.
Sorry, Amazon…that one doesn’t work either…might as well own up to it.
I got this on Gab as fast as I could!!!
Harry Lime, you are a funny man!
They would do well, then to get rid of the arrow, or at least the point. It’s said to resemble a part of the male anatomy… and that, intentionally…
seriously? No republicans allowed at this ‘hearing’?
Worthless. We think we gain a couple of steps forward but no…
Has this fool ever read the bible?
Pope Francis warns mankind faces a second ‘great flood’ caused by global warming
God is in control or does the pope think people are god?
In my thinking he neither thinks God is control nor people. His mission is to brainwash the Catholics into fearing the fake science with lies laced with biblical references.
When will they throw this charlatan out ?
You most likely right.
He has to resign or die.
That doesn’t mean we have to listen to him on issues we know are heresy, blasphemy and against Church teaching.
That’s true and fortunately you and others are educated and informed.
So many others will be deceived.
How is this man pope if he is so Biblically inaccurate?
Basic Bible 101 that even the youngest children learn – promised to not flood the entire earth again – 1 time event, period.
My memory verse for Sabbath School – I do set my bow in the sky …
What does he think a rainbow represents?!
Epic silliness … but very revealing
Considering pope-a-dope’s other views (liberation “theology”, etc.), he probably thinks the rainbow originated with the LGBTQWXYZ crowd… or maybe Jesse Jackson and his rainbow coalition … or whatever it was that Peron had…
He’s just a figurehead who was “installed”, pushing Pope Benedict aside (per Satan Soros’s wishes; indeed $oro$ bragged about it a while back)…
Absolutely. I just ordered this book:
Pope Benedict XVI: Pope “Emeritus” by Estefania Acosta. It has been translated into English and is currently the #1 bestseller in Christian Canon Law.
It is important to know who the Pope is, as well as the President.
We are in an age of frauds.
Plz check GAB PM. Thnx
So Rush’s widow is on desecribing his funeral service, so apparently I was wrong about an online service, unlesss that is just later. She described the horse-drawn carriage that took him to the burial site. I’m afraid I missed part of this.
Missed that part too, but she did mention about having something available on line that people could be part of and experience. However that’s the part I missed. Did like the part when Kathrine said Rush was very much excited about moving forward. Which is good, just like Rush to be concentrated on the silver linings. Some people believe death is only the opening of a new chapter and look forward to beginning it.
_________Hasn’t to read beyond this point.____________
Connie Willis (who has fallen out of my favor because she craved the awards and recognition at the sacrifice of her real fans, but since this work was done pre-traitor, I’ll share) a Sci Fi author for lack of better term wrote a book called “Passage” It had a clinical setting in a hospital and revolved around several characters that had involved themselves in a low budget medical study of near death experiences by using an experimental drug that led one to near death. The story is well told and runs the gamut of false hoods to truth. That story was the absolute most horrifying story I’ve ever read, something I hadn’t at all expected when I began reading it, the very last two pages however were phenomenal in a very good way.
I’d only recommend the book for those who enjoy reading and have a good time to live, as the this story you will carry around in your head for quite a long time once you finish it, more so than most books.
Former DNI Ric Grenell on the Foreign Threats Facing America in 2021 – Sekulow TV
Fishers of Men – 20210301
Peace Be Still – 20210302
From the time the Ark landed and Noah and his complement disembarked onto dry land – way before the Ten Commandments were given to Moses and the Children of Israel, written by GOD’s own hand in stone – GOD has let mankind know that HE is concerned about JUSTICE, LAW AND ORDER on this earth.
When Moses brought down the 10 Commandments from Mt. Sinai, the Israelites already knew that GOD held Courts as a matter of priority – because of the 7 Laws of Noah.
These Noachide laws preceded and provided foundation of understanding of the Mosaic Commandments.
The Noachide Laws are seven laws considered by rabbinic tradition as the minimal moral duties required by the Bible on all men. While Jews are obligated to observe the whole Torah – 613 commandments, every non-Jew is considered a “son of the covenant of Noah” and he who accepts these obligations is considered a righteous person who is guaranteed a place in the world to come.
The seven Noachide laws, as traditionally enumerated are:
1 Do Not Deny God
2 Do Not Blaspheme God
3 Do Not Murder
4 Do Not Engage in Incestuous, Adulterous or Homosexual Relationships.
5 Do Not Steal
6 Do Not Eat of a Live Animal
7 Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience
[NOTE – Adultery in the Ten Commandments was clearly understood to mean all prohibited sexual activity.]
More on COURTS and JUSTICE in Scripture:
Psalm 82 – The Living Bible
God stands up to open heaven’s court.
He pronounces judgment on the judges.
How long will you judges refuse to listen to the evidence?
How long will you shower special favors on the wicked?
Give fair judgment to the poor man, the afflicted, the fatherless, the destitute.
Rescue the poor and helpless from the grasp of evil men.
But you are so foolish and so ignorant! Because you are in darkness,
all the foundations of society are shaken to the core.
I have called you all “gods” and “sons of the Most High.”
But in death you are mere men. You will fall as any prince—for all must die.
Stand up, O God, and judge the earth.
For all of it belongs to you. All nations are in your hands.
2 Chronicles 19:7 – Be very much afraid to give any other decision than what God tells you to. For there must be no injustice among God’s judges, no partiality, no taking of bribes.”
Psalm 58:1-2 – Justice? You high and mighty politicians don’t even know the meaning of the word! Fairness? Which of you has any left? Not one! All your dealings are crooked: you give “justice” in exchange for bribes.
Proverbs 17:23 – The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.
Ecclesiastes 3:16 – Moreover, I notice that throughout the earth justice is giving way to crime, and even the police courts are corrupt.
Isaiah 1:23 – Your leaders are rebels, companions of thieves; all of them take bribes and won’t defend the widows and orphans.
Isaiah 5:23 – They take bribes to pervert justice, letting the wicked go free and putting innocent men in jail.
Micah 7:3
Both hands are skilled in doing evil; the ruler demands gifts, the judge accepts bribes, the powerful dictate what they desire— they all conspire together.
They go at their evil deeds with both hands, and how skilled they are in using them! The governor and judge alike demand bribes. The rich man pays them off and tells them whom to ruin. Justice is twisted between them.
Amos 5:15 – Hate evil and love the good; remodel your courts into true halls of justice. Perhaps even yet the Lord God of Hosts will have mercy on his people who remain.
Habakkuk 1:4 – The law is not enforced, and there is no justice given in the courts, for the wicked far outnumber the righteous, and bribes and trickery prevail.
Why QAnon promoters are latching on to March 4
What is supposed to happen on March 4?
Feb 19, 2021, 10:32 am* Tech Mike Rothschild
Since first emerging from the troll swamps of 4chan’s /pol/ board in Oct. 2017, the QAnon movement has transformed into a conspiracy theory of everything, from vaccines to social media monopolies, from election fraud to whether aliens exist. But at its core, Q has always been about two things: the first is the approaching mass arrest of all of the pedophiles and traitors at the heart of business, politics, and the Democratic Party. The second is coming up with rationalizations for why it never happens.
[EXCERPT] Read more at the link above…
Mike Rothschild huh?
That could be his actual name, too!!!
That is his actual name… he’s been posting for a couple of years on twitter.
March 4 is the original date for a presidential inauguration. I wouldn’t hang my hat on that being a pivotal date for much of anything, though. There have been delays, I understand.
Thanks for the great post, DePat.
I am a big fan of hopium and appreciate getting it from any and all sources.
BTW…that video that you linked to has been deleted by Googtube.
The video of the guy who likes classic sports cars.
Who was that anyway…so that I can keep a lookout for the video on one of the other platforms?
Juan O Savin. He has a collection of Corvettes and LOVES Shelbys. My kind of man.
Cool. Thanks.
He seems to be the latest YT target.
The thing is, he doesn’t do a channel himself, he just “appears” on other people’s channels. They are all kind of smaller, under the radar subscription numbers, but collectively are in the 20 million + range.
Just ask yourself…would he be a target for censorship if he wasn’t a danger to the other side?
Yep, exactly.
Unfortunately though, it looks like he’s on their radar now.
Fake News and rumors are so dangerous for the US because no one will believe anything any more … not even the real stuff that needs to be believed!
The devious minds deep within the govt and their eager minions knew that online proof that actually convinced so many of us needed to be devalued so Obama warns of deep fakes and now there’s an app….they can’t afford to have truth circulating without something to cloud things up. They seed all discourse with chaos and confusion ..
Most of videos I am not watching. This technology has been around for a while but now it is available for everyone?
More and more we have to be careful not to be tricked. Good people can be used to mislead people. I see in written word and now it is visual.
COVID gotz seriouz skillz…
As long as their parents know where they are, this is not a bad thing.
A lot of parents were horrified by what they saw in their children’s online teaching sessions from their school system.
Maybe those parents are home-schooling now.
from the teachers I know in several counties of middle TN …
Most of the students “falling off the grid”/falling through the cracks are the poor children from troubled homes. Since no one is checking for class attendence in a meaningful way, many just aren’t attending.
A number of teacher friends are actually enjoying teaching more right now (+ 1 resource officer who shares that his job has never been easier) because the vast majority problem students just aren’t coming to school right now. It is the students who really want to learn and the students of parents who are actually parenting, who are involved and responsible parents, who are coming into class and faithfully doing their work when at home.
Fewer fights, disruptions, disrespect, etc.
As usual, the poor are suffering the most from the leftist’s policies.
The poor who are involved responsible parents are also suffering as it costs so much to provide childcare and they are not able to provide the at home resources the middle and upper class parents are able to provide while their children are at home – much less the supervision.
(and yes, supervision … as I sit here staring at my teen son while he does math and giving him encouragement and “come on you can do” when he starts to space out … he loves math and is gifted in math … which makes actually doing it to master a tremendous challenge for both of us. when he gets his HS diploma I ought to get a copy for getting him through…glad husband is in same room as I need a firm voice on occassion to back me up and tell him to get ‘er done …. end rant. Funny – son just said mom what are you typing because you are sighing a lot and really banging the keys … did not tell him that was homeschool mom frustsration!
Some students have switched to homeschool and parent directed learning but I am guess those aren’t counted as “falling off the grid” as most states, counties and local school districts require paperwork/written notification for withdrawing a student and beginning to homeschool. That would leave the poor children from troubled homes to be the ones that the schools have “lost”.
I’ve been seeing this circulating lately…
Is this why the Left is down on Dr. Seuss now?
Banned Dr. Seuss Books Already Selling For Hundreds Of Dollars On Ebay
Via the Bee:
Op-Ed: What In Tarnation Is A ‘Womxn’?
March 2nd, 2021
I don’t know what is wrong with people these days. You’d think they are all hepped up on goofballs the way they talk that don’t make any sense. Cis-gendered. Intersectionality. Timothée Chalamet. Just a bunch of made-up words. And it gets worse. Recently I saw womxn, Latinx, and folx. What is that? Klingon?
If I even try to read what them crazy Marxists write these days, I think I’m having a stroke. It’s just insane gibberish and I’m not sure how to pronounce half of it. Do they even know what they’re saying? Or is this like baby babble where they’re trying to imitate speech with their nonsense?
Back in my day when people knew what men and women were, everyone worked hard, and we didn’t have time for silliness because we were too worried about the Commies nuking us, we only spoke actual words that meant things. If someone walked up to you and said, “Hello, womxn. How is your intersectionality?” they would grab that person off the street and lock him up in the crazy house. And then shock his brain until he started making sense again.
But we don’t have common sense like that anymore. Instead, we got them “progressives” running around jibbering in their incomprehensible made-up language like Jodi Foster in that one movie (You know which one? It was a while ago. It’s okay if you haven’t seen it; it wasn’t very good.). And people just nod along to that garbage instead of putting them in those tight coats with no sleeves.
This has to end. What this country needs is for us to build a lot of crazy houses — big ones people can’t escape from. Or maybe just build walls around colleges and make them crazy houses to save time. And then when anybody tries to replace an ‘a’ with an ‘x,’ you just lock them up in there and start shocking their brain.
You know what that’s called? Compassion.
In the USSR this was done to Christians all the time.
As in, it is crazy to believe in God.
Maybe allowing what some consider crazy behavior still needs to be protected.
But I’d sure like to see criminal behavior arrested, charged, due process, and incarceration for appropriate amount of time.
Is the left trying to push us into missing the point again?
An analysis and opinion
THE END OF AMERICA ^ | February 17, 2021 | Shane Schaetzel
Posted on 2/18/2021, 6:35:57 AM by ConservativeStLouisGuy
Some people call me “Dr. Doom.” This is probably because of my pessimistic outlook on some things. I understand. When the only nation you’ve ever known in life is destined to fail, and somebody tells you that, it can be a real drag. If I told you the Roman Empire was destined to fall, that wouldn’t be so bothersome to you now. It’s been over fifteen centuries since it happened. It’s ancient history. So what else is new? But if the year were AD 400, and I told you that, you might think I was a prophet of doom, a real downer, and somebody with a whole lot of negative energy. You might be inclined to avoid me, and warn others about me. Again, this is understandable. If people live their lives with no knowledge of history, or sense of their place in it, any negative prediction about the future is considered taboo, unless it’s about who’s going to lose the next major sporting event. In which case, your prediction might provoke people to start placing wagers.
Saint Augustine wrote that the fall of the Roman Empire was inevitable, because anyone, who understood what the empire was founded upon, and its trajectory, could clearly see that its foundation was unstable, and if just given enough time, it would crumble. So it did. Saint Augustine accurately pointed out what should have been obvious, and the rest is history. So we are approaching a similar situation today. The United States is going to fall, and that should be obvious to anyone who understands the flaws of our nation’s founding, and is aware of our current trajectory. The United States will not survive the twenty-first century. Yes, that’s a downer. Yes, you can call me “Dr. Doom.” I promise you, when it finally happens, nobody will call me a prophet. I’ll get no recognition or fanfare. If anybody mentions me at all, in the pages of some history book, they’ll just say I was only pointing out the obvious, and lots of other people were too.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
That was an excellent read, thanks!
He says, “obvious to anyone who understands the flaws of our nation’s founding”
I’ve not got the time to read the article, but what exactly is he getting at there? Is he actually saying the American experiment needs a successor improvement, or that we should just submit to the insanely evil globalists?
Will have to review the article, T3 – and get back to you – however – it does appear confusing.
Mitt Romney Knocked Unconscious, Suffers Black Eye
By Jack Davis
Published March 2, 2021 at 8:13am
Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah was sporting a black eye Monday, but said it was only because of a fall suffered over the weekend.
“I took a fall. Knocked me unconscious. But I’m doing better,” the former Massachusetts governor told reporters Monday, according to the New York Post.
Romney said he was in Boston to visit his grandchildren when he fell and was injured.
The Utah senator confirmed that he got stitches, but said he did not know how many when asked.
“A lot of stitches. I don’t know how many. I asked the doctor how many stitches and she said, ‘I don’t know,’ but it’s all through my eyebrow and my lip,” he said.
Romney, a moderate Republican who voted to convict former President Donald Trump in his Senate impeachment trial last month, sought to cover the incident with humor.
[^^^ N.B.: FAKE HUMOR. ^^^]
“I went to CPAC, that was a problem,” he said, referring to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida, at which Trump spoke.
Romney was not invited to attend because of his rabid opposition to Trump, who made clear during his CPAC address that Romney is part of what is wrong with the Republican Party.
. . . MOAR . . .
Was he riding a tricycle like Kerry?
Sure, Uh Huh…………..

Ugh. College memories…ugh.
Why doesn’t that bottle have an ‘extremely flammable’ label?
German planes flying over her house – not a bunch of Trump Supporters!!!
If only there were a million of him ranting on MSM
While this may be an older article – Surprise – 2 days after the fake inauguration
Friday, January 22, 2021
The Donald was their final warning
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Reynolds hit upon the same idea: Chairman Xiden sure was lonely on Inauguration Day.
Whereas Donald John Trump was and is a man of the people, Xiden is a man of the razor wire.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Being a FAKE PRESIDENT has its consequences.
…..and being the Placeholder President will also have consequences. Wonder what circumstance they’ll use…25th ? Exploding car ? Brain death from slip and fall ? Heart attack pill ?
Yup. They’re just waiting to give Radical Kamala whatever she needs to go in. It will be something both RACIAL and ANTI-GUN, in my opinion.
Good point. The foundation has been laid. White extremists, militias would cover it.
Pfizer is trying to own a country.
“In December 2020, Pfizer came back with more demands, and demanded sovereign assets as collateral. Pfizer wanted Argentina to put its bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings at stake. Vaccine manufacturers have always enjoyed a certain amount of liability waiver. Say you receive a vaccine from Pfizer and then you have adverse effects because of the jab.”
The press are like police. Never talk to them if you know what’s good for you.
Andrew Torba
Reporters are reaching out to Gab PRO customers. DO NOT engage with these people. They are looking to 1. Entrap you 2. Smear you and/or Gab. Ignore or forward any requests you get from the press to and we will handle it. Thank you!
Terrific Opening today De Pat…
Thank you so much… for all that you do.
SSGQ Channel, [02.03.21 14:11]
[Forwarded from The Authority]
Scientists have created first self-healing robots with living tissues
On Historical Responsibility | Skating Under The Ice (
Considering the subject matter – one can see how it is impossible for consensus to occur
Watch Live — Supreme Court hears voting rights arguments…
Posted by Kane on March 2, 2021 10:04 am
Listen Live: Supreme Court hears voting rights arguments
SSGQ Channel, [02.03.21 15:09]
[Forwarded from The Authority]
They only did it because half the people weren’t wearing them anyway. It was ridiculous.
Great point. THIS is how to get other states to open up.
Yeah. So many Montanans just never would. You can’t arrest everybody.
via Lin Wood at Telegram
H.R. 1 essentially seeks to legitimize the unlawful rules and procedures which allowed the November 2020 election to be rigged. H.R. 1 is nothing more that legalization of fraud by Congress.
We need to remind D.C. that our country is made up of states which are made up of communities of We The People.
We The People tell government what it can and cannot do. The corrupt federal, state, and local politicians and officials need a reminder of that fundamental truth. Enforcing local rule in communities and states should be the focus of the efforts by We The People to take back our country.
Lin Wood, [02.03.21 15:29]
BUT YET they won’t go after the leftist plotters.
FBI Director Chris Wray Tells Congress Antifa Not Involved in Capitol Hill Riots, After FBI Literally Arrests Antifa Leader, John Sullivan, for Participating in Capitol Hill Riots
Today, during his congressional testimony FBI Director Chris Wray was asked whether Antifa members participated in the January 6th Capitol Hill riot. Director Wray says the FBI “has seen no evidence” of Antifa participating. However, on January 14th the FBI literally arrested Antifa leader John Sullivan for his role in the planning, coordination and participation in the January 6th Capitol Hill riot. WATCH:
The DEMONIC left OWN Dishonorable Chris Wray…
Satan Soros yet again amplifying his cloven-hoof currency…..
Would not look good going after your own.
Yup. Now we know why Wray protected ANTIFA the whole time.
He gave it away. What a stupid man
Just watch the guy behind Wray he seems to look troubled while his boss spoke.
Wray is a dangerous man wonder what he is hiding in the past?
He was the lawyer for Chris Christie in NJ.
Probably posted already. Abbott just opened Texas completely, no restrictions, no mask mandate.
Brian Peotter
Feb 23
Joe Biden Is Not My President
Next time the RNC asks for money please reply they do not have standing.
Lin Wood, [02.03.21 15:44]
Simple truths are simple truth.
The love of money is the root of all evil.
That simple truth says it all about most current political officials – they are corrupted by their desire for fame, fortune, and power.
But the fortune they seek to plunder for themselves and their self-serving agendas comes from We The People.
We The People ultimately control the purse strings. We hold both the fortune and the key to it. It is our hard-earned money.
Given the almost total failure of our government in recent months (years), who is chomping at the bit to send your money to government officials to plunder?
Could your money be better spent closer to home?
Think about it.
Remember ALL the power belongs to We The People, not to the money-changers.
I am just so outraged that Pelosi spent SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS PER PERSON in the United States. $6000 each. And only $540 of that is for actual COVID relief!
My wife and I will pay $12,000 for ONE BILL by the Pelosicrats.
On a retirement income.
And they won’t go after China on it, either.
I tell you what – I no longer care what happens to these people.
With POTUS destroying the CBs, The Cabal will eat the debt. You won’t have to pay it… and/or POTUS’ EO will seize it when they are arrested… (We know it’s money laundering)
I sure hope so, because that’s real bucks to normal people.
Someone must’ve send Greg his polling numbers.
Either that or he realized people were wide awake to the damage about to be imposed by H.B. 3!
Gov. Abbott Announces End of Mask Mandate, Reopening Texas 100 Percent
After a year of restrictions, Governor Abbott announced that businesses would be permitted to reopen next Wednesday. The statewide mask mandate will also be lifted.
At a press conference in Lubbock, Governor Greg Abbott announced that he was issuing a new executive order that would rescind most of the regulations in his previous orders, including allowing all businesses to open to “100 percent” capacity and ending the statewide mask mandate beginning next Wednesday.
“It is now time to open up Texas 100 percent. Every employee who wants to work should have that opportunity. Every business that wants to be open, should be open,” said Abbott.
Abbott said that his executive order will allow county judges to impose other restrictions if COVID-19 hospitalizations rise above 15 percent in the state trauma service area that covers their county — though not with a penalty of jail time or fines with any mask mandates.
COVID-19 hospitalizations have been on a sharp downward trend, with the most populous regions of the state falling below the 15 percent threshold during the recent statewide freeze.
Currently only two trauma service areas are above that mark: the regions covering El Paso and Laredo.
The governor’s last executive order related to the pandemic was issued in October and permitted some businesses to reopen at 75 and 50 percent capacity, as long as the same hospitalization metric was met.
Abbott issued the statewide mask mandate in July, after he previously took the position that “no jurisdiction can impose a civil or criminal penalty for failure to wear a face covering.”
The governor has now returned to that position, as his new executive order will prohibit any jurisdictions from fining individuals who do not wear masks or businesses that do not require them.
However, businesses may still require employees and customers to wear face coverings and request law enforcement to remove violators for trespassing.
“Removing statewide mandates does not end personal responsibility or the importance of caring for your family members,” said Abbott. “Personal vigilance to follow the safe standards is still needed to contain [COVID-19]. It’s just that now state mandates are no longer needed.”
Abbott’s action to remove his previous regulations comes alongside criticism from many Democrats.
In letters released right before Abbott’s press conference, local officials in Travis and Harris counties urged the governor to delay ending his mask mandate.
After the press conference, the Texas House Democratic Caucus criticized the governor’s measure as “premature” and a diversion from the recent energy crisis.
“Masks work to slow the spread of COVID-19, plain and simple,” said Rep. Chris Turner (D-Grand Prairie), the chair of the caucus. “Unfortunately, Governor Abbott is desperate to distract from his recent failures during the winter storm and is trying to change the subject.”
Gilberto Hinojosa, the chair of the Texas Democratic Party, said in a statement that Abbott’s new executive order “will kill Texans” and called him “the worst Governor in modern Texas history.”
In contrast, House Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) applauded the governor for the measures taken to reopen the state.
“The unparalleled efforts of government and the pharmaceutical industry to defeat the novel coronavirus prove what we’ve always known: vaccines work. With greater access to vaccinations, better treatment options, and decreasing hospitalization rates, the Texas approach empowers citizens to exercise personal responsibility about their health in the fight against COVID-19,” said Phelan in a press release.
According to the New York Times, Texas follows 12 other states that currently do not have mask mandates.
FBI Cannot ‘Disclose the Cause of Death’ of Officer Brian Sicknick: Director Wray
BY JACK PHILLIPS March 2, 2021 Updated: March 2, 2021
The FBI “cannot disclose the cause of death” of U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, after The New York Times and other news outlets either retracted or updated reports claiming he was killed by being hit with a fire extinguisher during the Capitol riots on Jan. 6.
FBI Director Christopher Wray responded to a question from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) during a Senate hearing on Tuesday about whether the agency has determined Sicknick’s cause of death. Grassley noted “conflicting reports” about his cause of death and whether there is a homicide investigation.
“There is an ongoing investigation into his death,” Wray said, adding that “I certainly understand … and appreciate the keen interest in what happened to him.”
But despite Wray’s testimony, it’s still unclear whether the FBI does not know Sicknick’s cause of death or whether the agency simply will not disclose it.
Wray then stated that “the investigation is ongoing … that means we can’t disclose the cause of death.” When asked again by Grassley about whether the FBI knows his cause of death, Wray said, “I didn’t say that,” and again repeated that the FBI can’t disclose the cause of death.
Sicknick’s death was invoked a number of times by lawmakers in Congress during former President Donald Trump’s impeachment and trial as they tried to portray the riots as an insurrection that resulted in the loss of lives, repeating claims from The New York Times that Sicknick was beaten by a pro-Trump supporter during the riots. The New York Times later updated its story to say “new information has emerged regarding the death of the Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick that questions the initial cause of his death provided by officials close to the Capitol Police.”
That narrative also suffered a major setback last week when Sicknick’s mother, Gladys, told the Daily Mail that her son wasn’t hit on the head.
“He wasn’t hit on the head, no. We think he had a stroke, but we don’t know anything for sure,” Gladys Sicknick told the outlet in an exclusive interview on Feb. 22. “We’d love to know what happened,” she said.
Sicknick’s brother also appeared to dispute the reports about his death in early January. “[Officer Sicknick] texted me last night and said, ‘I got pepper-sprayed twice,’ and he was in good shape,” Ken Sicknick said to news outlets last month, appearing to dispute key details of the original NY Times report.
The Capitol Police said last week that the medical examiner’s report on Sicknick’s death is not yet complete.
“We are awaiting toxicology results and continue to work with other government agencies regarding the death investigation,” the agency said in a statement.
Meanwhile, Wray described the Jan. 6 incident as “domestic terrorism” and claimed it coincided with the rise of white nationalism and extremism in the United States in recent years.
“One of the things we struggle with in particular is that more and more, the ideologies if you will, that are motivating these violent extremists are less and less coherent, less and less linear, less and less easy to pin down,” Wray told senators.
In other words, Fey Wray’s Klown Korps doesn’t have a Klue…
They’ll be investigating (read: stalling) until Hell freezes over…
The usual definition of an extremist is a narrow, almost singular ideology and objective. All of the stuff coming from all of them is circular word salad that they all nod their heads in agreement and then repeat amongst themselves.
In some article I remember reading that it was thought that he may have died from a complication from getting sprayed with something. Maybe Wray knows that but is trying to get some report defining whether it was the type of gas/spray that the police use or the bear spray stuff that antifa usually carries ??
Hard to believe that the allegedly most advanced forensic agency in the world hasn’t managed to come up with the answers.
Agreed. Nearly two months on, too.
Memo Outlines Republican Plan to Take Back House Majority in 2022
BY MASOOMA HAQ March 2, 2021 Updated: March 2, 2021
From the PDF document above:
Just like every democrat support communist China and concentration camps ? (S)
They want to play the game so can I .
The democrats invented QAnon. There is [ Q ] and then there is [Anon] two different entities.
Am I wrong? Why are they smearing Anon? I never saw anything wrong but then I was not involved. I also saw nothing wrong on Q and again was not very involved. My focus was President Trump.
I’ve never got a straight answer on what exactly a “QAnon” is from a mainstream source.
I think media just made this up to give Anon a bad name by combining with Q.
Cuomo to Be Stripped of Pandemic Emergency Powers in Legislative Deal
The deal would roll back broad powers granted to the governor in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic
Published 1 hour ago • Updated 37 mins ago
Legislators from New York’s Assembly and state Senate struck a deal Tuesday to strip Gov. Andrew Cuomo of his pandemic-linked emergency powers and return matters like lockdowns to local control.
The deal would reverse emergency powers granted to Cuomo exactly a year ago, in the early days of the COVID pandemic, that gave him free rein to order measures like quarantines.
“I think everyone understands where we were back in March and where we are now. We certainly see the need for a quick response but also want to move toward a system of increased oversight, and review. The public deserves to have checks and balances. Our proposal would create a system with increased input while at the same time ensuring New Yorkers continue to be protected,” Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said in a statement.
Assemblymember Carrie Woerner tweeted the outlines of the widely reported deal Tuesday afternoon, saying it would:
Woerner said she understood a bill would be passed as early as this Friday.
While the deal leaves Cuomo with the authority to extend some existing measures, even there he will have to notify various legislative leaders and accept public comment for or against his actions. Legislators will also have the power to repeal a gubernatorial declaration of a state of emergency.
President Trump Endorsements Since Leaving Office
1/25/21: Sarah Sanders, Arkansas Gov (GOP primary)
2/23/21: Drew McKissick, Chair of SC GOP (for 3rd term)
2/24/21: Bob Paduchick, Chair of OH GOP (will be 1st term/new chair)
On both state GOP chair endorsements:
2/26/21: Max Miller, US Representative, OH District 16, (for the GOP primary against Gonzalez, 1 of the 10 who voted for impeachment in the House)
2/26/21: Jerry Moran, US Senator for Kansas (GOP Primary, incumbent)
I am not overly excited about this one due to his position on the 11/03/2020 election fraud and his tepid support of President Trump during the impeachment trial as seen by quotes here:
““The Constitution does not clearly state whether a former president can be tried for impeachment by the Senate, but I believe the impeachment process is intended to be used for considering whether or not ‘The President’ should be removed from office,” Moran said in a statement on Feb. 13. “Because former President Trump is no longer in office, I voted to acquit. Establishing the precedent that the Senate has jurisdiction to convict a former president would cause extreme damage to our country and the future of the presidency.”
Moran condemned the violent actions of rioters who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6. He also criticized Trump for continuing to allege at the time that there was widespread fraud, calling Trump’s action “wrong.”
President Trump has regretted endorsements before (see Romney and Kemp, among others).
President Trump’s endorsement is GOLD in the GOP primaries … see TN’s primary race for US Senate last year between Dr. Sethi and Hagerty. There is absolutely no way Hagerty would have won without President Trump’s endorsement.
I hope he takes his time and has new advisors on who to endorse for both incumbents and for primary challengers. We have Plenty of time as it is early in the 2022 GOP Primary process.
NEW: 3/22022: Tim Scott, US Senator for Kansas (GOP Primary, incumbent)
Another endorsement I am not thrilled about. I wish he would slow down … no rush to give these out. I get he is focused on the ones who voted to impeach but there are more issues at stake than that. Make ’em work harder for it! Make ’em sign onto the issues or at least give clear confirmation on the issues that he defined on Sunday as Trumpism. US Senate seems to be were we have the most GOPe/RINOs.
But President Trump is where he is in life and I am where I am so I will trust Trump & I will support who he supports.
I am wondering if McConnel ask him who to support ? He might not have realized how much of a snake the turtle was?
Via Empire Report: *

CNN: Gov will no longer be able to issue new executive directives..
LEGISLATIVE DEAL: Restore the right of counties and municipalities to issue executive orders without seeking state approval..
FREEDLANDER: Governor’s office panicking..
Several vehicles seen leaving Governor’s Mansion..
Stick a fork in him. He’s done.
Yep, someone wants him out of the way.
Everybody wants him out of the way.
When is this going to stop ?
Jack Posobiec
· Jan 19
WH source: The NRA, Turning Point USA & Patriot Guard Riders are three of many non-militia groups on the list CID / FBI are using to cross reference in vetting for potential “extremists”
Yeah, this is bad stuff. They’ve gone full Soviet.
Trump should host a MAGA rally 1/6/22 to remind everyone of the election steal. In a friendly State to maximize attendance.
Make the setting FL or another reasonable climate and I’ll be there.
Oh, now THAT is a GREAT idea!!!
I think this is a desperate move. There is no comparison. None.
Pretty sure when most of us are dead.
Lin Wood, [02.03.21 17:08]
“The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government.”
– Barry Goldwater
Man it’s gotta suck to be a Democrat. All this crap coming out and it’s still only the 2nd day of March.
Pelosi Teaming Up with Cuomo for a Message on Sexual Assault Doesn’t Look So Good Now
By Joe Saunders
Published March 2, 2021 at 2:57pm
It’s one picture Nancy Pelosi can’t be pleased with — and the timing is even worse.
As New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s sexual harassment scandal worsens, with a third woman coming forward to lodge a public complaint against the one-time Democratic darling of the mainstream media, a photo is making the rounds on social media of Pelosi sharing a stage with Cuomo at a 2015 event.
The occasion? A panel discussion on the topic of sexual assault against young women.
“Too many women are sexually assaulted while in college,” a 2015 tweet from Pelosi stated. “Joined @NYGovCuomo to discuss why #EnoughIsEnough!”
Now that the very same @NYGovCuomo whom Pelosi was so proud to be sitting next to six years ago is the subject of first one, then two and now three accusations of sexually harassing much younger women, it raises the question of just when #EnoughIsEnough when it comes to prominent Democratic politicians.
And there are few in the country outside the federal government who are more prominent than Andrew Cuomo.
Not only is he in his third term as governor of one of the country’s most populous states, but he’s also so solidly on the left when it comes to core Democratic issues that he signed a bill in 2018 that provides for virtually unlimited late-term abortions. (And ordered the new World Trade Center lit up in pink lights to celebrate the appalling achievement.)
. . . MORE . . .
Aren’t there any men nanXi harassed?
or women?
or womxn?
I seriously doubt it, Her crimes are of a different order.
Somehow I saw that as “massage” and reached for some (virtual) mind bleach…
That would fit with what Piglosi’s been doing all these years, with Kamel-HO picking up on it… She and the DEMONRATS have sold out and put out to everyone of evil intent, in particular the Red Chinese…
Cuomo sex scandal = COVERUP of Nursing Home DEATHS.
Temporary diversion that won’t work. Then on to Murphy, Wolfe, Whitmer and Newsom.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
The Left vs. Dr. Seuss
Today is Read Across America Day. Launched in the 1990s to encourage children to read, the day coincides with the birthday of award-winning author Theodor Geisel. Chances are you know him better by another name: Dr. Seuss.
But, of course, we live in woke times, and now we have a big problem on Read Across America Day.
Presidents Obama and Trump regularly issued proclamations celebrating Read Across America Day. They always applauded Dr. Seuss for the joy his books have brought to children for many, many years.
But the Biden White House dropped Dr. Seuss from its statement this year. What’s going on?
The woke social justice warriors, the same people trying to erase Christopher Columbus and George Washington from our history, have decided that Dr. Seuss has to go.
Eighty years ago, Seuss published cartoons that would be offensive by today’s standards. But no one is perfect, and we can’t judge everyone in the past by today’s new and ever-evolving woke standards. Some school districts are already following Biden’s lead and dropping Dr. Seuss from this year’s Read Across America Day.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. This shows the obsessive desire of the left to regulate everything you do, say, think and even what you can read to your children.
Our children have lost an entire year of in-school instruction. They are falling behind kids in other countries that followed the science and kept their schools open. But in the U.S., the left is worried about our kids being exposed to Dr. Seuss? Give me a break!
Any school board wasting its time on this foolishness should be fired!
Years ago, a major controversy erupted when it was discovered that some individuals were using public library computers to access online pornography. Needless to say, parents and taxpayers were justifiably outraged.
Legislation was proposed to require internet filters on the computers at libraries that received taxpayer subsidizes. The left-wing librarians’ association fought this common-sense measure all the way to the Supreme Court. It was more important to them to ensure taxpayer-funded access to online pornography than it was to protect our children.
Now the left wants to ban Dr. Seuss. There’s something wrong with a society that promotes dozens of genders, but finds green eggs and ham beyond the pale!
Dr Seuss was the second most irritating cartoon to watch. Never liked the style. 1st place easily goes to Mr. Magoo.
haha…my first place award goes to classic Donald Duck. I never knew what he was saying.
Yes – I never liked the animated versions of Dr. Seuss.
He had some very *cough* ribald artwork which surfaced in the 1970s, IIRC, that ruined what respect I had for him. His style was a lot like Gahan Wilson of the “monsters eating cars” school… though I did like “On Beyond Zebra”.
“Green Eggs and Ham” is a prime example of forcing someone to do something they’d rather not do (harkens back to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, actually). Almost a paean to grooming, in a sense…
They’re rejecting one of their own.
My mother would not allow me to read Dr Seuss books. She had read in the papers in the 1960s that he was a lefty. It’s true. He was empathetic towards Stalin. He was also said to be an anti-Semite.
Thanks, Mom!
I allowed my kids to read Dr Seuss. We enjoyed the books not all but some specific books. Harry Potter I did not allow. I do not like those books but would never burn them. If other people want their kids to read Harry Potter I just did not find them appropriate for my kids.
I did a research dig into Dr. Seuss a few years ago. He has a shady history, and I strongly suspect he was a cabal asset tasked with creating propaganda for children. Will post more in the next Open Thread.
Excellent! Looking forward to it!
My mother would certainly have agreed with your suspicions of him being a propaganda asset for children.
All good with the teachers’ unions I’m sure. Read Across America WEEK is a LOT of extra work. Reading activities, planning, decorating, costuming. And trying to do it virtually? Or hybridity?
I never read Dr. Seuss.
Now I’m tempted.
Dr. Seuss books are outstanding in my mind.
Helped me teach three youngsters to read. Two of them became avid readers.
Two grandchildren, under our wings most of their lives. One with autism, also learned via Dr Seuss. Both are also avid readers.
Dr. Seuss books while perhaps silly, are perfect fun for children learning the fundamentals of reading. Lots of repetition, rhyming words, F U N for kids.
There may be racist crap somewhere in the library of Dr Seuss books, but NONE in the couple dozen books we used.
Over the many years of children going through early grammar school years, purchased MANY books “written for new readers”. NONE as well written as Dr Seuss.
My recipe for teaching a child to read, flash cards followed by, site words and Dr. Seuss. Toss in patience and allow reading to be fun.
These days, anything and everything cancel culture wants to throw in the trash bin, I am likely to EMBRACE even more.
Dr. Seuss books were inspired by research that showed kids could start picking up new words from context when they had a core vocabulary of some outstandingly small number of English words — may have been 120. Geisel had done cartoons for the war effort and had a whimsical style, and basically said, “give me that list.”
An extension of the idea showed that children loved expanding their vocabulary by solving the “riddle” of what a new word meant, and that’s where you get the Grinch, Horton, the Lorax, and Tweedle-beetles. Fox in Socks, particularly, is a giant game of linguistic “peek-a-boo”.
Seuss’ canon was, in fact, conceived and created as a propaganda exercise — to inculcate that minimal vocabulary into young brains and touch off their ability to travel onward. Anything political definitely snuck in the back seat, ’cause the original cause is well-documented to be front-and-center.
Wikipoo’s version:
“In May 1954, Life magazine published a report on illiteracy among school children which concluded that children were not learning to read because their books were boring. William Ellsworth Spaulding was the director of the education division at Houghton Mifflin (he later became its chairman), and he compiled a list of 348 words that he felt were important for first-graders to recognize. He asked Geisel to cut the list to 250 words and to write a book using only those words. Spaulding challenged Geisel to “bring back a book children can’t put down”. Nine months later, Geisel completed The Cat in the Hat, using 236 of the words given to him. It retained the drawing style, verse rhythms, and all the imaginative power of Geisel’s earlier works but, because of its simplified vocabulary, it could be read by beginning readers. The Cat in the Hat and subsequent books written for young children achieved significant international success and they remain very popular today. For example, in 2009, Green Eggs and Ham sold 540,000 copies, The Cat in the Hat sold 452,000 copies, and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (1960) sold 409,000 copies — all outselling the majority of newly published children’s books.”
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins
— “It’s unfortunate that on a day we record 25 deaths, which takes us above 3,000 [COVID-19] deaths for Dallas County since COVID began nearly a year ago, the governor has removed all of the state orders that he designed to protect you and the people that you care about from contracting COVID. But for us here in North Texas, and for all Texans, we need to focus not on what the governor tells you the law allows, but on what doctors and the facts and the science that we all know well at this point tell us is necessary to keep us safe and give us our best chance of reaching herd immunity as quickly as possible.”
Stephen Love, the president/CEO of the DFW Hospital Council;
— “… it is very unfortunate. The COVID-19 virus with variants is still here and we have not achieved herd immunity. This decision will cause the community spread to increase, forcing our exhausted healthcare heroes to diagnose, treat and save the lives of newly infected patients.”
That judge should stick to his field of expertise, rather than be an ultracrepidarian…
He’s a real piece of work.
A friend of mine who lives in Pittsburgh was 5 weeks in the hospital, She refused the vaccine in the hospital and told me that 60% of healthcare workers have refused the vaccine. They are not forced.
She has breathing problems and does not have to wear and cannot wear a mask. She is on oxygen.
I just had a nurse friend tell me that there’s a new variant in north Texas.
I don’t give a rip. It’s all propaganda. It’s like saying the flu has mutated.
Pretty soon we’ll have 50 variants. One for each state. Then DC and all the Territories need their very own variant.
^^^ None of it matters. Covid is VERY treatable.
No masks. No lock downs. No vaccine requirements.
Yep they’re pushing the narrative HARD.
Variant-fueled spring surge could end sharp decline in COVID-19
by David Hogberg, Healthcare Reporter | | March 02, 2021 06:27 AM
If they every Jane and Jo into the country without testing no wonder. People in TX should be immune to almost anything.
Good Abbott finally did this. He should have done it long ago. SD is the model.
Gab PMs!!!
lol been asleep at the switch it appears!
(Not surprising!)
Abbott: “I also ended the statewide mask mandate.”
Which begs the question why you ever had a statewide mandate, presumably for the last year.
We are not a nation of decrees and mandates, Governor.
Mandates were a TERRIBLE idea.
An idea – like the virus – from CHYna.
Yup. We have to get much better about catching China seeding bad viral ideas like ANAL SWABS.
Millions of Methodists will go left – but millions more will be right
Tuesday, March 2, 2021 | Steve Jordahl (
A new, conservative Methodist denomination is splintering off of the United Methodist Church – and while the painful dividing process will likely spell death for some local congregations, a Methodist activist is expressing hope for conservatives in the church.
Conservative leaders within the United Methodist Church (UMC) unveiled plans Monday to form a new denomination, the Global Methodist Church, with a doctrine that abides by the Bible’s definition of marriage. The move could hasten the long-expected breakup of the UMC, America’s largest mainline Protestant denomination, over differing approaches to the sin of homosexuality.
The new Global Methodist Church will formally split from the UMC in 2022, the next time the denomination holds its General Conference. Conservative Methodists will then hammer out a new mission statement, vision, and a Transitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplines.
Mark Tooley is president of The Institute on Religion & Democracy and a lifelong Methodist who has been active in United Methodist renewal for more than three decades. He explains that the split – which has been under discussion for years in the denomination, is mostly over biblical sexuality.
“There are over 30,000 congregations [and] 6.5 million United Methodist in the U.S.,” he begins. “I think when it all shakes out … perhaps between 2 and 2.5 million will go conservative and the remaining 3.5 and 4 million will go liberal.”
The good news, says Tooley, is there will not be an extended legal battle over buildings and other assets. “Whatever choice they make, whether as a statewide conference or as a congregation, the property would follow – and they would have up to four years to make that decision,” he adds.
And there will be both winners and losers under the new arrangement, says the IRD president.
“I think it’s going to be very difficult and tragic for many local churches, some of which will never recover from the division,” he predicts. “But I think, long-term, it’s very encouraging for traditional Methodists and traditional Christians, in that there will be a new denomination.”
The United Methodist General Conference, which convenes annually, was postponed a year in 2020 due to COVID and was recently put off for another year. But Tooley says there is a remote chance that a vote could be taken online, or a special online convention could occur in early May.
Differences over same-sex “marriage” and the ordination of homosexual clergy have simmered for years in the UMC, and came to a head in 2019 at a conference in St. Louis where delegates voted 438-384 to strengthen bans on homosexual-inclusive practices. Most U.S.-based delegates opposed that plan and favored pro-homosexual options; they were outvoted by U.S. conservatives teamed with most of the delegates from Methodist strongholds in Africa and the Philippines.
In the aftermath of that meeting, many moderate and liberal clergy made clear they would not abide by the bans, and various groups worked on proposals to let the UMC split along theological lines.
It’s too bad they’re using “Global” in their name.
Not really.
In theological terms, it’s another word for the Southern Hemisphere, especially Africa.
The Anglicans use it, too: Global South, again, principally meaning Africa.
Public School Teachers Issue Students Their Summer Book-Burning Lists
March 2nd, 2021

U.S.—With public schools entering summer break in a couple of months, teachers are usually taking this time to prepare summer reading lists for their students to keep up on reading over the summer. This year, however, due to the alarming rise in problematic literature, teachers will be switching to book-burning lists.
“We need to make sure our students are trained to be vigilant and always look for problematic literature,” said local 8th-grade teacher Lisa Bundergoob. “This list of hateful and transphobic books includes horrible titles like Irreversible Damage and The Cat In The Hat, which have no place in a progressive society and should be burned.”
According to sources, many public schools are de-emphasizing reading — which encourages critical thinking — in favor of activism, which is much easier since you can just have one smart person do the reading for you and tell you what to think.
In light of these new developments in public education, several education watchdogs are sounding the alarm over unregulated homeschooled children who have “unfettered access” to books and often read without any government oversight whatsoever.
“The government needs to stop them,” said Bundergoob.
It’s taking FOREVER to buffer. Must be a lot of people on this video since he’s been purged from YT.
Interesting that no election fraud case has been heard in court for almost a decade.
It’s that kind of stuff that makes this guy valuable.
He said the courts are ‘captives’ of a foreign entity – they have been captured, compromised, and controlled – isn’t it odd – that at every turn – the courts refused to hear the evidence – Congress also failed to hear the evidence – he said neither Biden nor Harris are calling the shots – a ‘woman’ is – I wonder if that woman is Jill Biden.
The Military is the last defense – sworn to uphold the Constitution – they have the evidence of foreign interference – I wonder if they are waiting for the fence to be removed – I wonder if arrests will happen when the fence comes down.
I think what makes him valuable are his connections – his understanding how the military works – and how important it is for the networks to be dismantled – the Military will be arresting people for high crimes and misdemeanors – Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities.
He also said a ‘new’ government must be created after President Trump has been restored as our rightful president – guess that means many who are already in positions of power in the government will be removed.
In case you want to watch later or in anther window, the Bitchute link is:
That didn’t help. Try this:
Break it up; https ://www. bitchute .com/video/JRm45kWlOM3z/
The’re all showing up now!
Thanks, Rosa!!!
They did it!
New York Legislature — Dominated by Dems — Strips Gov. Cuomo of his Pandemic Emergency Powers
Even the Democrats are tired of Covid-commie totalitarianism.
OK. Nice sound bite. does this END Cuomo’s existing edict to wear masks, shutdown, limited folks in businesses?
If not, it should be amended to end ALL the Covid BS. Let businesses decide what is right for them. Let consumers decide what is right for them. NOT government.
Once again, Bloomberg’s William Turton just couldn’t help himself.
For the first time in Project Veritas history, we are inducting someone who had to make TWO corrections in the SAME article.
Unbelievable. You can watch my suggestions to Turton on how he can improve his journalism here:
Banned Dr. Seuss Books Spike Nearly 50,000% on Amazon Sales Ranking Chart
Sales of recently announced banned Dr. Seuss books spiked on Tuesday after they were “canceled” by the left.
Dr. Seuss ‘s books were among the leading 17 on the top 50 list of Amazon’s “movers and shakers” on Tuesday morning after the ban was announced.
The books McElligot’s Pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Scrambled Eggs Super!, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, If I Ran the Zoo and The Cat’s Quizzer will no longer be published according to a statement released Tuesday by Dr. Seuss Enterprises.
“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The Associated Press in a statement.
But the sales rank of the book “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street” was up 45,930 percent on the list and was ranked number one.
Scrambled Eggs Super! and On Beyond Zebra was ranked number three and number four.
. . . MOAR . . .
Same thing happened with Crayons when Crayola dropped eight colors. I bought a set. IDK if I still have them.
2 more free states!
Good news for Daughn.
This gal was a pleasure to listen in on her message.
Hope she posts more messages and she goes main stream. Lefty loon heads will split right open.
Bonus, this gal is incredibly cute.
Opinion: Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism
It’s a bit like that in the UK, too.
WATCH: Numb.
This powerful short film from British teenager Liv McNeil tells one story of millions, of how lockdown is punishing children by denying them education, social contact and generally a normal life.
It comes out amid new research highlighting the toll the “pandemic” response has taken on the mental health of children, with surges in self-harm and suicide being reported in kids as young as 10.
Something to consider to all the Twitter moms out there, who are so readily locking up their children in isolation to “protect them” from a disease with a survival rate over 99.8% (and much, much higher for children).
Film directed by, edited by, written by and starring Liv McNeil. Song: My Tears Are Becoming a Sea by M83
From Gab:
Kayleigh McEnany discusses Capitol riot in first interview since leaving WH
Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany discusses her sorrow over the Capitol riot, former President Trump’s CPAC address, and the future of the Republican Party on ‘The Faulkner Focus.’
reports from MSM they’re hearing calls for Cuomo’s resignation
Breaking — Texas opens 100%… Ends mask mandate…
Posted by Kane on March 2, 2021 6:25 pm
Ep. 2417a – The People See The Payoffs, [CB] Does Not Control The Economic Future
X22 Report Published March 2, 2021
Ep. 2417b – Future Proves Past, It Has Begun, Is Wray A Sleeper, Future Marker
X22 Report Published March 2, 2021
The people can now see how the corrupt politicians payoff themselves and others. The stimulus bill is not meant for the people, it is meant for the elite. The [CB] is not in control of the economic system. Trump and the patriots have turned the table on all of them. There is a new system that is being built now and the control will be returned to the people. The [DS]/MSM have been setup. Everything we have learned in the past is now coming true in the future. Future does prove the past. Wray was testifying today and he did not lean either way. Is Wray a sleeper, can he be trusted. This will be a future marker. The virus is now disappearing, Texas/Mississippi have now removed the mask mandates, businesses are opening. This is all according to the plan.
Georgia House Passes Omnibus Election Reform Bill
BY MIMI NGUYEN LY March 1, 2021 Updated: March 2, 2021
Georgia’s House of Representatives passed an omnibus bill that would reform a range of election rules, including over absentee voting, voter ID for absentee voting, time limits for voting, and more.
The 66-page bill, HB 531 (pdf) passed the Republican majority chamber on a party line vote of 97-72 and is headed to the state Senate for further debate.
State Rep. Barry Fleming, a Republican, the main sponsor of the HB 531 bill, said that the proposal was designed to restore voters’ confidence in Georgia’s election system following the 2020 presidential election, which saw numerous allegations of voting irregularities and allegations of election fraud.
Separately, the GOP-majority Senate on Feb. 23 introduced its own version of an omnibus election reform bill, SB 241 (pdf) that has some overlap with HB 531. One difference is that the Senate bill would eliminate no-excuse absentee voting, something that has been allowed in Georgia since 2005, whereas the House bill would still allow no-excuse absentee voting.
Absentee Ballots
The proposed HB 531, first introduced on Feb. 18, sets up multiple requirements for absentee ballots, including a number of voter identification requirements in replacement of the state’s current signature match process.
Voters would have to submit their driver’s license number, their state identification card, or the last four digits of their Social Security number on the ballot envelope. If the voter lacks a government ID, the bill requires a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter.
Under the new bill, voters would be able to request an absentee ballot up to 78 days before the election, instead of the current 180 days. The absentee ballots and early votes must be received by 11 days prior to the election day.
The government, including election officials, would not be allowed to mail out unsolicited applications for absentee ballots to voters under the bill. Only authorized relatives or persons signing as helping a voter who is illiterate or physically disabled may apply on behalf of another for an absentee ballot application .
Election officials also must not send out absentee ballots until four weeks prior to the election.
Other Requirements
To help reduce Georgia’s runoff period to four weeks, instead of nine weeks as experienced by the state in the Jan. 2 runoff elections for two Senate seats, military and overseas voters would be offered ranked choice voting.
Drop boxes would still be allowed under the new bill but subject to a number of restrictions. There would be a limited number of drop boxes, where every county would have at least one drop box but no more than one per 100,000 active voters or one for each early voting site. Any given drop box must be located at the office of the board of registrars or absentee ballot clerk, or indoors at an early voting site. The drop boxes are only open when those sites are open and be under constant surveillance “by an election official or his or her designee, law enforcement official, or licensed security guard.”
The proposed legislation would change Georgia’s early voting period to business hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting about three weeks before election day, and registrars would have the option to extend voting hours to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The bill would also limit weekend voting to the second Saturday before the election. Counties can also choose the third Saturday or third Sunday before election day as another weekend day.
The HB 531 will no longer count any provisional ballots cast in the wrong precinct—a change from the current law, which stipulates that even if the ballot was cast in the wrong precinct, election officials can count the votes for races in which the voter was entitled to vote.
Per the bill, ballots would be required to be printed on “security paper that incorporates features which can be used to authenticate the ballot as an official ballot but which do not make the ballot identifiable to a particular elector.“
Election superintendents and boards of registrars are not allowed to accept any “funding, grants, or gifts from any source other than from the governing authority of the county or municipality, the State of Georgia, or the federal government,” under the bill.
Among other voting requirements, the bill also prohibits people to solicit votes, distribute or show any campaign material, or provide money or gifts—including food and drink—within 25 feet of voters standing in line at any polling place, and within 150 feet of any polling place.
Encouraging and other states are moving to do the same.
But never rest as Dems are proposing bills as well + their federal take over of elections being attempted in Congress.
Don’t have to be a US citizen?
Don’t have to have picture ID?
What the hell could go wrong?
LOL . . . rules are for other people . . .
Urging Senate to ‘Ignore the Parliamentarian,’ Sanders to Force Vote on $15 Minimum Wage Amendment
“I regard it as absurd that the parliamentarian, a Senate staffer elected by no one, can prevent a wage increase for 32 million workers.”
by Jake Johnson, staff writer
Published on
Tuesday, March 02, 2021
by Common Dreams
Bookmark this one . . .
31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine
Chananya Weissman
March 2, 2021
The Brave New World of Children’s Propaganda
By Annie Holmquist
The other day I was sent an Instagram video of a little boy having story time on his mother’s lap. The little boy was precious, the time spent on his mother’s lap special, but the choice of reading material was… “woke.”
The selected story was The GayBCs by M. L. Web. “A is for Ally,” repeated the little boy, “B is for Bi, C is for Coming Out, D is for Drag.” His mother praises him after he finishes the book, asking, “Are you a ‘woke’ toddler?” Parroting her words, the little tot proudly proclaims, “I’m ‘woke.’”
Such “woke” reading selections are par for the course as educators, politicians, and society at large seek to lead children through our world’s challenges. The recent release of Renaissance Learning’s “What Kids are Reading” report underscores that educators and authors are now seeking to teach young children about “social equity issues, climate change,” and other political trends. As such, the report promotes “woke” titles like Black Brother, Black Brother, which deals with inequitable treatment people with different skin colors, and other books dealing with charged political issues such as immigration and gender identity, including Come On In: 15 Stories About Immigration and Finding Home and Trans Mission: My Quest to a Beard.
Judging by these examples, it seems the “woke” steamroller is actively coming for the next generation. But it doesn’t have to run over our children. Knowing its methodology is one of the first steps to preventing its destructive ways.
. . . Wokeness is the propaganda of the despots of our time. Children are inundated with this propaganda by way of trainings they receive at school, books they find at the library, programs they watch, and people they follow online. As Huxley says, their young and impressionable minds are as yet unable to sort through the information they receive to understand what is true and right.
. . . The first thing to do is present children with a steady diet of material that runs counter to “woke” ideology. Providing your children with books which model family values, a strong work ethic, a love of country, and a traditional perspective on history is a good way to start.
. . . A second course of action is to teach your children logic. Knowing how to present good arguments and recognize fallacies in the arguments and presentations of others is essential for those living in a world of propaganda. While teaching logic can seem a bit daunting to parents who may feel like they don’t even know it well themselves, learning logic can become almost like a game through The Fallacy Detective and its companion book, The Thinking Toolbox.
The battle against propaganda battle is difficult indeed, but fighting it is not a lost cause. It’s time we went on the counterattack for the sake of our children.
Wow, that is really astounding.
Well that sure is a Microshtf(TM) world!
Shockingly appalling & deeply disturbing.
Hope CA speaks up!
“Welcome back to school.”
My ass. Welcome to PRISON.
Seeing CA license plates all around the city, God help us.
It is only a matter of time before this crap seeps through our
state run propaganda schools.
I hope they dont demand everything their way. Refugees are to assimilate or leave, not become locusts.
Sick. Just sick.
Sauce for the weather modification topic from a few days ago:
The West is not yet awake to Political Warfare: to win without fighting
Hmmm. What one thing might unite the polarized sides of the USA?
Prof Kerry K. Gershaneck is a former US Marine who has worked in Thailand and Taiwan in academia and military intelligence. He writes that the West thought they defeated communism in 1990. They assumed China would play nice, but they were very wrong. Instead China studied the West and Russia, and is waging a Political War. There is a whole PDF book linked under that book image.
Democracies still don’t understand CCP’s political warfare: Kerry Gershaneck
The SundayGuardianLive
Prof Kerry K. Gershaneck
Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to “Win without Fighting” by Kerry K. Gershaneck
China is an expansionist, hyper-nationalistic, militarily powerful, brutally repressive, fascist, and totalitarian state. It is essential to understand each word in that indisputable description. The CCP poses an existential threat to the freedom and democracy that India and the US represent. Failure to understand the nature of the CCP regime undermines our countries’ ability to fully understand the danger the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) PW poses and to build our capacity to combat it.
Officials in democracies such as India and the US have been too easily deceived about PRC’s political warfare for several key reasons. When the Soviet Union collapsed around 1990, many in our countries naively believed there would be no more expansionist, totalitarian threats. They were wrong, of course. Chinese communists still quietly harboured plans for regional (and ultimately global) hegemony. As PRC rulers proclaimed China’s “peaceful rise”, they built massive economic and military strength and engaged in global political warfare operations to subvert the democracies.
Meanwhile, the US and other democracies dismantled their Cold War political warfare capabilities and foolishly assumed the PRC would join the community of nations as a “responsible stakeholder”…
All’s fair in love and political warfare:
From the CCP perspective, PW is total war—it is unrestricted warfare using every means just short of large-scale military combat. The PRC’s form of political warfare is generally standard worldwide: it uses the same playbook to achieve its political, economic, and military objectives globally without having to fight conventional wars. Tailored strategies and tactics, however, are adapted for each region and country.
It’s important to understand that PRC’s PW—this unrestricted warfare—is designed to get others to do what the CCP wants them to do. The PRC says unrestricted warfare means “the battlefield is everywhere” and there are no boundaries between “war and non-war, and between military and non-military affairs”. In essence, the PRC says that everything, legal or illegal, is permissible in order to achieve its ends. Specific examples the PRC gives of how to conduct its unrestricted warfare include biological and chemical warfare and terrorism, means particularly pertinent to note and consider in the Covid-19 era.
The list of weapons the PRC employs is long. It includes propaganda, psychological warfare, media warfare, disinformation, corruption, economic and sexual enticement, and coercion. It also includes active measures such as hybrid warfare, proxy armies, assassination, kidnapping, and brutal physical attacks. The PRC’s PW doctrine also includes concepts such as lawfare (using international and national laws, bodies and courts to shape decision making in the CCP’s favour), cyberattacks, terrorism, espionage, bribery, censorship, deception, subversion, blackmail, enforced disappearances (kidnapping, abduction), attacks by criminal gangs, and hybrid warfare.
. . . MORE . . .
Oh, this looks like an EXCELLENT book!
This same thing awaits many communists and globalists. When they begin to eat their own, you know they are on the ropes.
It’s so obvious they are taking him down in an effort to deflect from the CONSPIRACY to kill the elderly in nursing homes. Like a commenter says, he must’ve killed too many Dem grannies.
Too many Dem grannies! LOL!
No, Forbes, Texas Blackouts Were Not Caused By Climate Change
MARCH 2, 2021
. . . It is certainly true that the cold weather last month was an unusual event in Texas, but there is no evidence whatsoever that it was due to climate change, or indeed that these events are becoming more common.
Via Michael Quinn Sullivan (earlier this morning):
Abbott Gets 0 Percent in CPAC Presidential Straw Poll
Florida’s Ron DeSantis was the top-polling governor.
By Michael Swirsky | March 1, 2021
Texas’ governor may not be too popular among national grassroots conservatives.
In a presidential straw poll taken of attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference over the weekend, Gov. Greg Abbott received 0 percent of the vote. Former President Donald Trump led the poll with 55 percent, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was in second place with 21 percent. Texas’ Sen. Ted Cruz received 2 percent.
Even Republican politicians with reputations as political moderates—who weren’t expected to poll well among CPAC’s attendees—outperformed Abbott, with Utah Sen. Mitt Romney (0.3 percent) and former Ohio Governor John Kasich (0.1 percent) edging him out.
Nixing Trump from the poll didn’t offer much help. While Ron DeSantis soared to 43 percent in a second straw poll excluding the former president, Abbott inched to a mere 0.1 percent.
Abbott has received heavy criticism from grassroots activists for his response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While he has touted an end to shutdowns in his state, Texas’ governor has still retained restrictions on bars and other types of businesses. “Fifty-one percenters,” a group of bar owners prohibited from operating due to the state’s coronavirus mandates, sued Abbott to remove some of the restrictions.
The governor who performed best in the straw poll, Ron DeSantis, gained national attention in September for suspending all COVID-19 restrictions in Florida.
Last week, Abbott hinted that he would make an announcement ending coronavirus mandates “pretty soon.” Abbott has yet to make such an announcement.
Greg Abbott ranked behind Chris Christie and Nikki Haley, LOL!!! No wonder.

Remember when ABBOTT was the number one “governor for POTUS”? MY, how he has fallen!
COVID has really exposed a lot of things
And it appears that Abbott is trying to save his butt by “all of a sudden” opening Texas up and throwing out his own previous mask mandate?
Nice try, Governor. This ain’t no “Saul on the way to Tarsus” deal.
What cracks me up is how people like him and Nikki the Indian think they can just reverse course, and all will be forgotten.
Don’t they know elephants NEVER FORGET?
ZERO chance I’ll forget:
Nikki just burned all her cred by opposing Trump. At every turn when she tries it, she just chops off a limb. It’s CRAZY.
These people really do live in a bubble. They are absolutely isolated from the real people who mostly populate America. They are surrounded by leftist media and sycophants who all spout the same high-and-mighty drivel. Every once in a great while, they get a wake-up call from all of us, and it is GLORIOUS.
march 2, 2021 the marshall report
Why would God’s people be referred to as a remnant? What is a remnant? I pondered this today and tried to understand it. I thought to compare a remnant from the entire woven bulk of cloth….. and thought, what is a remnant used for? Patching? Quilting? The last of something? What if it is the last of something coming together and forming a new thing? Like Joseph’s coat of many colors?
Was Joseph’s coat of many colors made from remnants? Or did it symbolize remnants? I had never thought of this before I pondered the word remnant. “Now Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than any other of his children, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a coat of many colours.” – Genesis 37:3
Making him a coat of many colors could be that the fabric was multi color ?
There might have been status having such coat and it was not a plain coat. Joseph’s brothers were envious of him. Just wondering
“Now Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than any other of his children, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a coat of many colours.” – Genesis 37:3
Showing him favors ?
The coat would have been specially constructed. The thread to make the fabric was most likely dyed before the cloth was hand woven, and the resulting fabric probably striped.
Over the centuries, an interesting amount of chemistry and trade have been driven by textile dye. There are longstanding traditions of the dye being applied both before and after weaving.
Or remnants sewn together – maybe, Jam?
Interesting – had not thought about the possibility of dying beforehand – Thanks!!!
I would be surprised if clothing were not cut at that time to avoid wastage, not form fitting, and the use of sashes or cords employed to fasten clothing.
Do you mean ‘worn out’ clothing, Jam? Saving the ‘good pieces’?
No. A good seamstress prizes thriftiness when cutting pattern pieces from fabric; to have as little “wastage” as possible. I would assume in earlier times that was fairly standard because everything was hand made- sewn, woven, etc. I’m pretty sure that a coat at that time was constructed of mostly rectangular pieces of fabric, and may have been more like a cape, with rudimentary “sleeves”, and with a belt of sorts, probably a cord (rope like).
When I sewed a lot, I would purchase just enough fabric to make whatever it was, hoping to have little to none leftover that would be useful for anything. Literally, a small hand full of scrap material that’s too small to be useful for anything.
Aside from all that, a coat of many colors would have been a prized possession, something not at all common. I’m sure that most of the every day clothing was fairly plain.
Interesting Insight, Jam – only a seamstress would understand the concept as well as you do!
Most definitely! The ‘Coat of Many Colors’ WAS unique and prized!!!
Remnants – just a bit of the whole remains.
Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, said “entire branches of the Jewish people may fall away – but the trunk remains.”
“Cut-flower phenomenon: History shows that substitutes for halachic [halacha = religious law] Judaism have a shelf life of four generations or less. Reform Judaism’s founder Moses Mendelssohn had 9 grandchildren; 8 of them were baptized as Christians.
“Zionist founder Theodore Herzl’s children were not only not Zionists, they were not Jews. How many of the grandchildren of the great Yiddish writer I.L. Peretz married under a chupah? How many of his great-grandchildren know what a chupah is? …
“…The ‘cut-flower phenomenon’ illustrates the predicament of Jewish culture. Cut flowers are doomed to die because they are severed from their roots, just as Jewish culture has been severed from its roots in the Jewish religion. The solution is obvious: reclaim the religious roots of Jewish culture.” (AISH HaTorah)
“Remnant” is common usage to describe the fraction of Jews who remain rooted in faith and practice over time and place. It’s a translator’s approximation from the original Hebrew.
• Moses could convince only a remnant of Jewish slaves to follow him out of Egypt.
• When the Persian king gave the Jews permission to leave Babylon and rebuild the Temple, only a remnant chose to trade the fleshpots for the rigors of the Holy Land.
• Diaspora assimilation: Centuries before the destruction of the Second Temple, Jewish populations lived in Egypt, China, India, Greece, and Rome.[*]
They sent delegations to Jerusalem on every holiday, brought donations for Temple upkeep. But that only lasted a few generations. Only a remnant retained their identity and continued to practice the faith of their fathers.
[*]Julius Caesar had many Jewish friends, spoke Hebrew. It could’ve been so different had he not been murdered!
As the slang goes, I’m pickin’ up what you’re layin’ down. You seem to be bringing some good knowledge to the tree.
Fascinating, Yucki!!! Thanks for the education!!!
The space between Scripture in Hebrew and all translations is vast. Well-intentioned believers derive entire fundaments from a single mistranslated word. That has led to schisms.
True, Yucki! It is ‘mistranslation’ and ‘misinterpretation’ that cause rifts and separation from the truth.
Communist Insider begs for U.S. inflation.
CCP must be desperate, since pushing U.S. inflation is going to drive them to devalue the Yuan out of existence. . .
Business Insider: “Everything Is About To Get More Expensive. This Is Good”

Chris Menahan
Mar. 01, 2021
Another split-second, another Democrat scandal . . .
Michigan Gov. Whitmer paid top health official massive sum in secret deal after his abrupt resignation: report
‘What is Whitmer trying to hide?’
CHRIS ENLOE March 02, 2021
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has found herself in hot water after her administration agreed to pay former state Health Department Director Robert Gordon more than $150,000 in taxpayer money after he abruptly resigned his position in January.
The deal, which was first reported by the Detroit News, was made with the requirement that it remain confidential.
What are the details?
According to the Detroit News, Gordon was paid $155,506, a total of nine months salary and health benefits, in agreement for releasing the state “from any potential legal claims.”
“The agreement is the clearest evidence yet that the split between Gordon … and Whitmer was not amicable, and it shows the Democratic administration used taxpayer funds to ease his departure,” the Detroit News reported.
The deal was inked on Feb. 22, one month after Gordon, who helped coordinate Michigan’s COVID-19 pandemic response, abruptly left his job.
The separation agreement stipulates that, out of the interest of confidentiality, the state would tell Gordon’s future employers that he voluntarily resigned.
. . . MORE . . .
The Library, [02.03.21 20:37]
[Forwarded from Today’s Posts]
The Return of Donald Trump and the Trump Family – ‘I Think There’s a Very Good Chance We’ll All be on Stage Again” – Eric Trump: They Weaponized the Legal System – I Got Hundreds of Subpoenas – They Attacked Our Kids who are One-and-a-Half and Three-and-a-Half (Gateway Pundit)
The Trump family are special people who most Americans are.
The Gateway Pundit’s take on what the GOP and RNC are doing now:
McConnell, McCarthy, Pence, and Romney McDaniel’s GOP Is Lost and Tone Deaf – Latest Flyer Shows They Have No Clue What Americans and Their Base Want Now
This has to be one of the dumbest ideas I’ve seen, despite that one of the signatures is that of PDJT. A meaningless piece of paper that no one cares about, and that is obviously part of a fund-raising scheme.
This goes along with what so many here have expressed. We have to keep working, but to ignore what happened in 2020 is political suicide.
Yeah, “Make the GOP the Country Club Party Again!” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Chuck DeVore: Texas’ blackouts – here’s the truth about why they happened and what we have to do next
23 mins ago Charles Rotter
Green New Deal would create ‘more events’ like Texas power outage: Rick Perry
Rick Perry, former Energy Secretary and former Texas governor, discusses the potential impacts of progressive energy policies on ‘America Reports.’
As Texas entered a deep freeze on Feb. 14, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio broke seven record lows over three days. Ice-laden trees snapped power lines. Wind turbines ground to a halt while some reliable natural gas, coal and nuclear plants failed to get energy to the grid. Electricity demand hit an all-time high – but the supply wasn’t available, plunging some four million Texans into the cold and darkness.
As massive gas-powered turbines spun down across Texas and the lights went out, an aggressive narrative spun up: the electric grid failed in Texas, not because wind and solar failed, but due to a lack of regulatory power to force the electric industry – from natural gas producers to pipeline operators to power generators, and lastly, the transmission line firms – to winterize. It was a failure of Texas’ unregulated free market. And further, this extreme weather event was a harbinger of more to come due to climate change, necessitating even more wind and solar power.
This narrative, pushed out by the renewable industry and environmentalists, found a sympathetic mouthpiece in corporate media.
The narrative is wrong.
There are three electric grids in the continental U.S with Texas having its own grid providing power to about 90% of Texans. This electrical independence allows Texans to escape a certain amount of federal meddling in its electric affairs – though it also makes Texans largely responsible for their own problems.
Addressing those problems, the Texas Legislature held marathon hearings a week after the freeze. That testimony, and an increasing flow of information from operators on the ground, has produced a more complete picture of what went wrong during a storm that plunged Texas into a deep freeze colder than most of Alaska.
There are two general reasons for Texas’ prolonged power outages, one proximate to the storm and involving a series of on-the-ground mistakes and cold-related failures, and one the result of long-term policy.
However, it was the policy failures over 20 years that allowed the storm-related failures to become persistent and deadly.
It’s important to note that had every Texas generator powered by natural gas, coal, nuclear and hydro operated at full output during the height of the storm’s demand, Texas still would have experienced planned blackouts. That Texas’ grid has become increasingly dependent on unreliable wind and solar is largely to blame for this critical shortfall.
Federal and state tax policy have encouraged the overbuilding of wind, and to a lesser extent, solar power, resulting in cheap, subsidized power flooding the Texas grid. This inexpensive but unreliable power has acted as a powerful disincentive to build needed natural gas power plants.
In the past five years, Texas saw an increase of about 20,000 megawatts of installed wind and solar capacity with a net loss of 4,000 megawatts of gas and coal-fired powerplants. This 4,000 megawatts, had it been built or not prematurely retired, would have saved lives during the 2021 St. Valentine’s Day Storm.
Because ERCOT, Texas’ grid operator, didn’t have enough reliable safety margin meant that when things started to go wrong on early Monday morning, they got worse fast.
So, did the unusually cold weather cause power plant failures?
Winter isn’t over, but Texas – and California and other Western states – are at increased risk of blackouts this summer.
We know that wind turbines were affected, with half of them freezing up. Over the course of 2019, Texas wind produced about 34% of its capacity – from hour-to-hour and season-to-season, sometimes more than 70%, sometimes close to zero. At one point during the storm, solar was producing no electricity while wind produced about 1% of its potential output. Since electricity must be produced the moment it is needed, that meant that natural gas power plants had to make up the shortfall.
The emerging data from thermal – gas, coal, and nuclear – power plants suggests that there were some cold-related failures. But, as ERCOT struggled to keep the lights on, the grid became unstable, tripping additional power plants offline to protect their massive generators from destructive interaction with a fluctuating line frequency.
As ERCOT issued the order to start load shedding – rotating blackouts – some of the darkened circuits included vital oil and gas infrastructure. This uncoordinated move starved natural gas power plants of their fuel – leading to a further loss of power and the widespread and incorrect rumor that wellhead and pipeline freeze off contributed to the disaster.
When these systems lost power, gas production dropped 75%. An Obama-era environmental rule that forced oilfield compressors to switch from natural gas to electric likely made things worse. Eventually, power was restored, and natural gas production ramped back up to meet electricity generation demand.
Winter isn’t over, but Texas – and California and other Western states – are at increased risk of blackouts this summer. This is due to policy that favors unreliables – wind and solar – over reliable electricity from gas, coal and nuclear.
In Texas, it’s an overbuilding of wind. In California, an overbuilding of mandated solar. In both states, this has caused the grid to become increasingly at risk of blackouts at times when nature doesn’t cooperate.
As America builds more wind and solar – with a renewed push from the Biden administration –the costs to prevent blackouts will mount in the form of massive battery farms to store power or increasingly large numbers of backup gas power plants. Instead, we should end subsidies for all energy sources while making wind and solar pay for the reliability costs they impose on the grid.
Chuck DeVore
Vice President of National Initiatives
Texas Public Policy Foundation
See Video:
Green New Deal would create ‘more events’ like Texas power outage: Rick Perry
Feb. 16, 2021 – 4:24 – Rick Perry, former Energy Secretary and former Texas governor, discusses the potential impacts of progressive energy policies on ‘America Reports.’
Thanks for posting. Have spammed out.
Lessons learned for folks in many states adopting unreliable wind and solar.
Another warning across our bows as wind and solar is increasingly relied on, with INSUFFICIENT back up power sources.
Scientists believe we entered a Grand Solar Minimum in 2020. Besides cooling of temperatures, another effect is an unstable Jet Stream, which can allow frigid temperatures to reach farther south than usual. It’s all described in this excellent article first posted by michaelh, I think.
States need to be ready for cooling and heating needs as weather patterns change.
From our local dentist:
Don’t celebrate too soon, Texas.
As with ALL of America, it IS time to push back against masks.
Dental weenies demand patients wear masks, CANCEL THE dental appointment. GO next year.
Obviously emergent dental care must be taken care of. But, IMO, most dental appointments are really quite routine and can easily be put off, with no real impact on the patient.
Let the dentists experience MORE fall off in business and maybe they’ll reconsider Board of Dental Examiner EDICTS.
I’m sure all Federal offices to include military bases will be similarly effected by the Governors order, that is to say not effected at all, which means no relief from the mask for them.
If such is so it might be interesting to see how that plays out between the newly freed and yet to be freed breathers. I’m assuming of course there will be some resentment about not being freed and if duly directed it will be directed up toward their authority figures and will eventually rise to a high enough level to smack Biden and the CDC in their head.
Of course this will likely accompany a new onslaught of woe be us news as cases and death rate reports go on the incline despite the vaccines. I can hardly wait for all the pretzel logic headed our way.
Either the governor is the highest authority in the State of Texas, or the TSBDE is.
So which is it?
Our country is so &^$%ed up, nobody even knows who is in charge, for TWO simple reasons:
1) the Left subverts everything and ignores the law
2) the lawful Authority does NOTHING to stop the Left, which encourages and rewards their lawless chaos
BOTH sides deserve to be beaten into paste.
Abbott dropped the statewide mask mandate.
That does not affect county or municipal mandates.
That does not affect professional organizations (guild systems) like dentists, teachers, pharmacists, health care workers.
That does not affect colleges and universities and their policies.
That does not affect school district policies.
That does not affect churches, denominations, or other religious institutions’ policies.
That does not affect the policies of businesses.
That does not affect the policies of large retail chain stores.
That does not affect the policies of local businesses, including bars and restaurants.
In short, all it does is take the pressure off Abbott. Meanwhile the Karen Army is still hard at work protecting you from yourself.
So Abbott dropped the lawless and unconstitutional STATE mandate, but did absolutely nothing to end all of the lawless and unconstitutional and redundant mandates from tyrants who are lower in the pecking order.
So Abbot didn’t actually help anybody. He removed the governor’s boot from everyone’s throat, but left all the lesser tyrants’ boots on everybody’s throats.
I hope Abbot gets primaried by a MAGA candidate endorsed by DJT.
Abbott didn’t have the authority in the first place!
And unless he starts making some phone calls and calling people out, basically nothing’s changed.
Brad Huisman
@bradhuisman69Jan 24
Nice shirt

Doug Billings has an agreement with BEK TV now. He is interviewing General Flynn today. Here is the link.
BEK TV – Live, Local News and Sports, Broadcast Statewide
I don’t think that worked.
Try this
The Library, [02.03.21 21:23]
[Forwarded from TheBlaze]
Horowitz: The satanic, evidence-free masking of children
Good anti-lockdown article.
On a crazy business trip this week. An overnighter behind enemy lines in California. Then back to Salt Lake. Getting my rental car. I grab my car and drive up to the check out. Hand my credit card, license to the booth guy. He has the sliding door closed, masked up. He points to the sign, mask required. He ain’t opening the door until I do. First time ever. So I put on the face diaper to make him happy. This guy is wearing two masks.
I sort of feel for these folks. When the truth gets out on the worthlessness of masks, lockdowns, I wonder how these people will deal with this. They have bought this hook line and sinker, with no ability to critically think on their own to see the folly of these actions.
I really put the blame here on the education system of this country which quit teaching decades ago, and now just indoctrinates. The left clearly won in this arena, so no matter what we on the right argue, people like this just cannot comprehend an opposing point of view.
Which is why we really have only the 2022-24 elections to turn this or the country joins the other great nations/empires to fall into the dustbin of history.
How long are you going to be local, and busy are you going to be?
This week I started in UT Sunday, Monday, then CA for Tuesday, back to UT, then ID for Friday morning then home.
Well, if I knew when to stand outside and wave….
Safe travels, RF121….