So many things going on, so many things to cover, and yet we all seem to do that on a daily basis in the comments.
Are we truly seeing the culmination of decades of planning for the demise of civilization?

It’s worth asking.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 076410 No.10134839
Jul 31 2020 00:03:40 (EST)
Only those who could[can] be controlled [via blackmail or like-beliefs] were installed in critical leadership positions across all political and non-political Control and Command Positions [CCP].
CCP [necessary] to ensure protective blanket [insurance].
Traitors everywhere.
[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?
It was never about the virus.
Sequence of events.
Flynn 1st strike designed to 1. cripple 2. prevent exposure of illegal acts [Hussein WH CoC] through NAT SEC [intel] discovery 3. Install ‘controlled’ replacement [rogue1_McMaster].
McMaster removal of ‘loyalist’ intel community_NAT SEC
Install ‘controlled’ [rogue2_Coats_DNI] prevent DECLAS [House-Senate blockade].
Pre_Install [rogue3-6] > referral(s) to POTUS re: McMaster_Coats_Wray_Bolton_+++
Install ‘controlled’ [rogue7_Bolton]
Bolton removal of ‘loyalists’ intel community_NAT SEC
Intel community [NAT SEC_WH] essential to control [infiltration] to prevent DECLAS_public exposure of true events [illegal surv [R] candidates 1&2, House members 1-x , Senate members 1-x , Journalists 1-x , Amb 1-x] + CLAS 1-99 events.
Mueller installed [Comey termination_loss of power][POTUS inside of a box][prevent counter-attack].
Impeachment installed [Mueller termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].
C19 insurance plan _above fail
C19 installed [Impeachment termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].
C19 _stage 1: Inform POTUS [intel + CDC + WHO + S_advisor(s)] _nothing to fear _do not close travel _do nothing [the political ‘set up’]
C19 _stage 2: Inform POTUS of Dooms Day ‘inaccurate’ scenarios [models] predicting death count 1mm+ [the political ‘force’] _lock down [wipe economic and unemployment gains]
C19 _stage 3: Activate ‘controlled’ [D] GOVS to ‘spike’ death count + project statewide fear by presenting ‘alarming’ on-ground conditions [hospital [care-supplies] projections].
C19 _stage 4: Push testing, testing, testing to spike ‘infected’ rate incline due to daily testing inc [the political ‘set up’] _controlled MSDNC failure to report death count [rates] proportional to ‘infected’ rate _deliberate miscounting of infected numbers [%] _change non_positive to positive _label death of non_C19 as C19 _etc.
C19 _stage 5: Eliminate / censor any opposing views [anti-narrative]
[Ready when needed] Activate 4-year BLM narrative 4x power [use as division + [2020] C19 infect rates to justify close-limit until Nov 3].
C19 calculated [D] political gain:
- Eliminate record economic gains
- Eliminate record unemployment gains
- Shelter Biden from public appearances _limit public exposure of mental condition
- Shelter Biden from Ukraine exposure _narrative change _media focus C19
- Shelter Biden from P_debates [requested demands due to C19]
- Delay [D] convention _strategic take-over of nominee post conf
- Eliminate_delay POTUS rallies _term energy
- Eliminate ability for people to gather _ divide
- Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures]
- Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method _bypass NSA election security [installed midterms +1].
- Push state-bailout stimulus [CA][NY] + wish list items
- Increase national debt [place China into controlling debt position _regain leverage]
- Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obey]
- Test conditional limits of public non_acceptance
- Test conditional limits of State authority [Gov-mayor]
- Test conditional limits of Media [social] censorship
Who benefits the most?
China [CCP]?
Russia is the enemy.
China is our friend.
[MSDNC [social media] programming]
All assets deployed.
Everything seen yesterday, today, and tomorrow = calculated political moves/events designed and launched by [D] party in coordination with other domestic and foreign entities in an attempt to regain power over you.
Prevent accountability.
Your voice and your vote matters.
Patriots stand united.
Welcome to the Revolution.
This past year has been a challenge all the way around for so many of us. Not just seeing friends and loved ones turning into Karens and mask hall monitors, but a stolen election, and the Joe Biden Show that is failing at a rapid level. The people who hate us and want us whittled down to a “manageable” population are making their moves.
It’s enough to make us all mad.
Are we there yet?
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
LUKE 24:35-48
35Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread. 36As they were saying this, Jesus himself stood among them. 37But they were startled and frightened, and supposed that they saw a spirit. 38And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do questionings rise in your hearts? 39See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have.” 41And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” 42They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43and he took it and ate before them. 44Then he said to them, “These are my words which I spoke to you, while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled.” 45Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, 46and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 47and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48You are witnesses of these things.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
Do they have a hall pass?
Marica! Great to see you! How is our dear lady of the Shining Shovel? Please let her know we’d love to see her here when she feels up to it.
Will Do!! Her Sore is healing up nicely!!! Sylvia will be back in da mix …shortly!! at least I pray!!!
Just to break the ice.
Great post, DP. We really don’t deserve this level of dedication, but honor and are grateful for your beneficence.
What I don’t get is why there aren’t more people so dedicated. This was the way I was raised.
Coothie!!! We…patriots… are holdin the line by a freakin thread!!! Smuchas!!!
It’s gotten to the point where someone asks, “howya doin’?”, my usual answer is, “I wish I knew — I didn’t get the answer key.”
That’s because you’re not worthy.
So, besides having a couple of AB glasses in general use….an anecdote.
A few years back — no, wait, we’ll do a pre-anecdote anecdote.
When my parents got married in 1961, they decided to honeymoon by visiting the world famous San Diego Zoo. So, as the family lore goes, they went down to San Diego (a bit of a drive from CSULB, where they met) and tried to find the zoo. At the time, the track to the zoo was marked by signs that were about the size of a sheet of copy paper, and lead you through a maze of residential areas. If one sign was behind a camper parked on the side of the road, you were in deep trouble — you’d have to go far enough to realize you had gone wrong, circle back to the last correct sign, and try alternatives. You might even get out of the car and walk the sidewalk to catch the sign.
Anyway, they had driven down from the LA area and couldn’t spend very long, so after a couple of hours of this, they went back to a motel and stayed the night in San Diego.
The next morning, they set out to find the zoo again, only to get lost in the residential areas with tiny signs behind vans and vegetation. I should note that it was still that way about 15 years later — I wasn’t driving, but I was thinking, “how did they hide a zoo in here?”
Anyway, the upshot was that they spent two nights in a San Diego motel for their honeymoon and never made it to the zoo [or, really, anywhere else for that matter. And yet they’re still married 60 years later].
So I wanted to show the Fiancee some of the iconic locations of my youth and we did a trip to San Diego (we found the zoo — they have new offramps, new approaches, new signage, new parking lots, and new entrances). Stone Brewing, the producers of AB, have a couple of brewpubs. For dinner, the first night, we went to the one at Liberty Station. It was really good.
The next day, we did a bunch of touristy stuff and bopping around and suchlike, until it was time to contemplate dinner….and, although what we’d had the night before was really good, other things on the menu felt like “the ones that got away.” So we went back to the same restaurant for dinner the second night and it was delicious — the only thing I repeated was the beer/cheddar soup — I didn’t repeat anything from the taps (they have a bunch of Stone beers that have never been bottled). In a city like San Diego, with a lot of choices, this was unusual. Oh, BTW — the Fiancee doesn’t drink beer.
For our last day in San Diego, we did more touristy stuff (including a visit to the USS Midway) and it got to be around dinnertime….and we went back to the same restaurant for the third consecutive day. The only thing I repeated from the kitchen or the taps in all three days was the beer/cheddar soup once. The Fiancee repeated nothing. We have never done this before or since at any dining establishment.
Outstanding as Stone’s supermarket offerings may be, they are in a clique of San Diego brewers that include the Coronado Brewing Company that make very hop-forward ales. But the food in their restaurants was impressive.
My most memorable meal was with a friend in San Diego. He took me to a restaurant off of Coronado Beach (I never remembered the name) and I ordered a Calamari Steak.
Exquisitely done with a sauce that I can only describe as divine. I think it was a wine/butter reduction with a hint of dill.
Anyway, it was the best seafood dish I’ve ever eaten.
We’ve had a number of wonderful dining experiences — some of which I took notes throughout and were well into three figures per person, but they tended to be tasting menus where you get little samples of the best. Each of our three days at Stone, we just had an entree and accompaniment(s) off the regular menu. That’s what made it so amazing.
If it had been a tasting menu, we would have looked at the regular menu and thought, “well, we’ve had all that.” But these dishes off the regular menu were so good that we thought, “that was great, but I missed out on how nice that second choice might have been.” And they were all top notch.
brothers in arms
Must be fake news. Wrong skin colors for friends. According to CRT.
I’ll be darned. It appears I can click on article ratings and it does something.
The more you know, the more you wonder what’s going to bite you in the kiester later….
Has anyone noticed that the movies Q quotes are not very good?
“It’s only on the brink that people find the will to change” is from the 2008 version of The Day the Earth Stood Still, not from the original 1951 version (original rated 8.0/10 at
The 2008 version (with Keanu Reeves) of The Day the Earth Stood Still is rated:
5.6 out of 10 at (563 ratings)
5.5 out of 10 at International Movie Database, (164,377 ratings)
20% positive rating by professional critics (196 reviews), 27% positive rating by public (250K+ ratings) at
“Where we go one we go all” is from White Squall (1996) is rated:
6.7 out of 10 at (121 ratings)
6.6 out of 10 at International Movie Database, (21,273 ratings)
58% positive rating by professional critics (36 reviews), 65% positive rating by public (10K+ ratings) at
As movies go, these are pretty bad…
Makes me think Q has lousy taste in movies… or Q thinks we have lousy taste in movies…
Rotten Tomatoes has a reputation for deleting negative reviews of social justice-y movies, and IMDB got rid of their comment section entirely because too many discussions were going against the narrative. I wouldn’t put it past either of them to fudge the numbers on movies mentioned by Q. They’ve already proven their pettiness.
Excellent info, thank you, I did not know that!
IMdB has the comments section back. We get regular entertainment looking up likely bad movies just to see what some commenters say. A Merry Heart doeth good like a medicine!
They still allow moderated user reviews, but the old free-for-all forum-like discussion boards at the bottom of each page are gone. This is what it used to be like.

They got rid of them in 2017 because “they are no longer providing a positive, useful experience for the vast majority of our more than 250 million monthly users worldwide.” In other words, too many people were criticizing the cultural Marxist garbage, so they shut down discussion.
While searching for an old IMDB screenshot, though, I learned that someone archived the old IMDB boards and tried to revive discussion on the new site. Here’s the archive if anyone cares:
Thanks Sadie. I’ve rarely seen the IMdB site ’cause hubby usually looks stuff up on his phone (I have no cell, just a house phone)
Review numbers like that are subjective. The point is the message of the quote not the quality of the production.
“Review numbers like that are subjective.”
But of course. Useful as a general guide, to separate potential wheat from real dogs, in a universe of hundreds of thousands (millions?) of films.
For a comparison with a few more highly reviewed/rated films:
12 Angry Men (1957) (9.1)
Alien (1979) (9.0)
Apocalypse Now (1979) (9.0)
Casablanca (1942) (9.0)
The Godfather (1972) (9.2)
The Godfather Part II (1974) (9.2)
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly (1966) (9.1)
Goodfellas (1990) (9.1)
Psycho (1960) (9.0)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) (9.0)
Citizen Kane (1941) (8.9)
Rear Window (1954) (8.9)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) (8.9)
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) (8.9)
Taxi Driver (1976) (8.9)
Terminator, part II (1991) (8.9)
2001: A Space Odyssey (8.8)
Aliens (a.k.a. Alien, part II) (1986) (8.8)
Blade Runner (1982) (8.8)
Die Hard (1988) (8.8)
It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) (8.8)
North by Northwest (1959) (8.8)
Se7en (1995) (8.8)
The Shining (1980) (8.8)
Silence of the Lambs (1991) (8.8)
Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) (8.8)
Sunset Boulevard (1950) (8.8)
The Thing (1982) (8.8)
Vertigo (1958) (8.8)
Braveheart (1995) (8.7)
Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) (8.7)
Chinatown (1974) (8.7)
Double Indemnity (1944) (8.7)
Dr. Strangelove (1964) (8.7)
Fargo (1996) (8.7)
Fight Club (1999) (8.7)
Inception (2010) (8.7)
M (1931) (8.7)
The Matrix (1999) (8.7)
Parasite (2019) (8.7)
Paths of Glory (1957) (8.7)
The Third Man (1949) (8.7)
Wizard of Oz (1939) (8.7)
City Lights (1931) (8.7)
Modern Times (1936) (8.7)
It’s a long way down to the 5.5 range…
I actually disagree on a lot of those, the ones I’ve seen.
Casablanca should be AT LEAST a 9.9.
“Casablanca should be AT LEAST a 9.9”
I think 9.2 is the highest rating I’ve seen for any film at
John Cleese is great.
Some food for thought from Michael DeLauzon’s twit page…he’s supposedly somewhat of a Trump insider…
Michael DeLauzon
Did Trump drain “the Swamp”? Yes he did. Not all but at least 48 members of Congress resigned or said they would not seek re-election three months before Trump signed the human / child sex trafficking executive orders. Including Paul Ryan who previously said he loved his job.
Michael DeLauzon
Adrenochrome must be drank regularly to maintain the youthful appearance or if cut off like any drug there are extreme withdrawals and the physical youthfulness goes away. How many times have you said the he or she never ages?
Michael DeLauzon
Washington DC is property of the expired U.S. Corporation. All of the Satanic Freemasonry everywhere is theirs. DC is not part of our country unless we conquer it. Democrats wants to make it a state. It should be bulldozed to rubble and a new Constitutional Republic Capitol named
more from MdL’s twit
Michael DeLauzon
Satanic High Priestess Marina Abramovic about to drink Adrenochrome.
Quote Tweet
· 2h
Replying to @MichaelDeLauzon
Michael DeLauzon
I think “Ellen” is paying the price for not stopping Sandra Bullock from spilling the beans. Ellen has also been seen wearing a boot. Enough said.
So if one stops taking this horrible Adrenochrome, one then becomes a living example of “The Picture of Dorian Gray” — inside and outside.
so it would seem…
Video. Sandra Bullock admitted it. Outright.
The adrenochrome or what? Thanks for that info for I was wondering what was referred to there…
I posted the video. She was referring to a “facial” using foreskins of babies.
Disgusting, and they were just laughing it up.
OK thanks–that’s repulsive! I didn’t see the video in the notifier…have to look on the page again
this guy is out there, beyond the perimeter where there are no stars.
even more MdL’s tweets
Michael DeLauzon
Where’s proof? There’s a lot! YouTube wiped everything related to Adrenochrome off of their servers but many Patriots find ways to repost celebrities admitting to drinking it and using baby skin for face masks. Sandra Bullock said so on “Ellen”. Looks like Ellen is cut off “A”.

Michael DeLauzon
Adrenochrome is another topic related to child sex trafficking. So they are used as sex objects, sacrificed during Satanic rituals to summon power from Demons, and to extract a traumatized child’s blood used as a euphoric drug and anti-aging method called Adrenochrome.
Michael DeLauzon
Who ordered the child sex trafficking tunnels and bunkers with caged child sex slaves? Former President George HW Bush. “They know everything.”
Michael DeLauzon
… about the child sex trafficking tunnels and cages under the U.S. Capitol and leading to under The White House. There is so much more.
still more from MdL’s twitter feed
Michael DeLauzon
Reality is that neither Biden or Trump are president. Legally the military is in charge of governing the country. But, and it’s a big but. The U.S. Corporation Banksters who hold all of the country’s money and manage the financial side of things refuse to leave.
Michael DeLauzon
But, while many of us believe the Joint Chiefs are compromised, bribed, being blackmailed etc., they are not solely in charge of the military. We can only hope and pray they will tell the Joint Chiefs and Biden’s pretend Secretary of Defense to fu*k off and stand by their oaths.
Michael DeLauzon
Mike Pence knew the election was stolen and Trump asked Pence to delay certification and call for a audit. Pence refused. He and every member of congress that certified the election is guilty of Treason. Furthermore documented proof exists that Pence exchanged Treasonous emails..
Michael DeLauzon
.. with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan before and after he said he would not seek re-election just days before Trump signed the child sex trafficking executive orders. Since Trump left office new evidence has come to light that Pence either participated or simply said nothing…
Yet even more from MdL’s twit feed
Michael DeLauzon
Here’s the problem, only the U.S. Supreme Court can bounce Biden and the elite bankers out of office and send them to military tribunals. They haven’t done that probably because one or two Justices is compromised. But the military swore a oath and they also have authority.
Michael DeLauzon
Biden and Harris held their inauguration on the 19th, not the 20th. Not that it really matter but what does matter is that they were sworn in under a expired edited Corporation-based Constitution that expired in 2020. He is not a legitimate President.
Michael DeLauzon
Very very important for all Americans to understand what happened last year. From 1871 until 2020 we were a U.S. Corporation based in Washington DC. It’s complicated but research. Trump ended it. Now we are back to being a Constitutional Republic. There’s more…
more interesting stuff from MdL’s twit world
Michael DeLauzon
He may very well be working with the military to resolve our situation but don’t put all your hopes on unconfirmed reports by someone on Twitter. We just don’t know.
Michael DeLauzon
Based on what I have observed, not from predictions, Trump has been shuttled out of Mar-a-Lago several times late at night. The Secret Service and military have used fake motorcades, body doubles, shutdown streets and traffic. Usually gone for two days.
Michael DeLauzon
Don’t be infuriated but President Trump did spend a few hours at his golf club in palm beach. There is a close up video of him there. He is being protected. There have been a dozen or more attempts on his life. Democrats figure if he’s gone we will lose hope.
Michael DeLauzon
Time we start helping each other. We need to know what to do, how to react when it’s time. We need instructions from smart Patriots. Not just the gunslingers. I’m all in for that but most people may not be capable of it unless it comes to their front door.
He also had a few tweets w/ pics of Trump &/or his (presumed) motorcade…
“He may very well be working with the military to resolve our situation but don’t put all your hopes on unconfirmed reports by someone on Twitter. We just don’t know.”
I think that’s good advice.
And Michael DeLauzon is “someone on twitter” making unconfirmed reports.
As I quickly went over the slew of Michael DeLauzon TWs, this was the ONLY message from him that was logical.
LOL. And he seems to have been utterly unaware how some would take it.
OK, I’ll concede that the bit about China being able to take down the electric grid is plausible.
The rest? Almost certainly bollocks.
Trump being whisked out of Mar-A-Lago late at night is true based on a number of other sources I follow. You have to have a broad survey of sources to get the full picture. And I don’t bring all of them here.
There’s A LOT going on that we are not privy to. Yet.
This guy isn’t a “source” He backs up nothing he says.
People like Marshall Report who make up most of their stuff aren’t a “source” either.
Simply repeating someone else’s assertions doesn’t make them truer. And that’s largely what these people do.
Like going to a palm reading. They gather info from you, and then spin it back, making you think they can see your future. Charlatans, spin doctors. No different here. And people just seem to keep soaking it up and believing everything they throw out. Based on all the daily posts of these never been right individuals.
But then, mask compliance is like 95%.
Well, I posted video of the Sandra Bullock admission. So that much is provable. And if Trump is being watched by those around Mar A Lago, then surely there is some evidence of him leaving and/or disappearing for days at a time, just from observers.
Not hopuim from me, just verifiable info if we look.
I am so tempted to move down to Florida for a while and just watch to see what is happening.
One of the Twitter personalities essentially said the people who are close to the government buildings in the various states and in Washington need to become reporters on it, and go out and take video and post it. Report back. That isn’t happening as much as it needs to, IMO.
I’m three hours away from our state capitol. It’s HUNDREDS of miles to Washington. If I was closer, that would be a different story.
Living in Montana has advantages and disadvantages. Being far from the action is both.
I can relate.
I agree, DePat.
yes, ironic wisdom surely…grains of salt must abound
^ ^ ^ THIS ^ ^ ^ The very last tweet is where I am. People are in a holding pattern waiting for a signal, the instructions as to how we go.
Lindell, Pulitzer, Byrne, and Powell are the ones fighting the battle to right 11/3.
Trump does not connect himself to them or that battle at all, or show support apart from the “we won by a lot” euphemism, et al. Apart from the occasional opinion statement or call-in interview, he’s in the shadows. You know he isn’t just sitting in that house, his entire day consumed with choosing who to endorse.
My gut says something is afoot, but I certainly am not capable of figuring it out. But I am unable to just turn away. So I’m waiting with everyone else.
Then there are many deplorables who are getting involved taking the republican party over seeding them with deplorable to make a difference. I am so grateful to those people they are not just posting on Internet and wishing things were different they are going into the snake pit and fighting.
I wish I could but cannot but can help out when they need help. These people become committee chairs where a lot of power is.
I like the War Room that is the motivator for people to get engaged like the Tea Party.
Unless 11/3 is addressed and rectified, with paper ballots only at this juncture, we will never have a legit election again. I doesn’t matter who takes over what. Just my opinion.
I am not caving this quickly. Things will change and some states are working on it. We have keep pushing. The fight is worth it.
BOTH need to happen. And certainly we can specialize. Someone can work tirelessly to purge their local GOP and not pay any attention to fraud…or vice versa…so long as there are people working on both.
If we fix 11/3 (or at least prevent a repeat), but the GOP remains a RINO institution, what was the point? So we could have an honest election between a RINO and a Dem?
Conversely, of course (and your point), no point in owning the GOP and shoving all the RINOs off a cliff, if we can’t win an election because it’s rigged.
Very much agree with you! Waiting in the dark is very difficult. I should direct more energy to prayer & spiritual warfare where my efforts might actually make some kind of difference
You may be able to scroll through some of his tweets this way
Tweets by MichaelDeLauzon
Raheem Kasam and Bannon have the info on Pence so there is Michael DeLauzon again. Mmmmmhhh wonder what his function is. Need to watch his spin a little more.
MdL thinks that most of his tweets are suppressed if he’s not outright suspended at twit world. I guess going to his feed periodically could be instructive since that might be the only way to see his stuff.
Honestly part of my motive in sharing as much of what he’d recently tweeted was because he thought he was going to be suspended for it soon…& it’s hard for me to discern which pieces of info might be the suspend-“worthy” treats that we should most pay attention to.
Honestly that’s why throwing red meat before the wolf pack can be so important. We’ve got people here who are really good at sniffing out the difference between the fresh, bloody flesh that will sustain us from the poisoned lures that will destroy us…
We sure do
Current DC s/b “Museum City”.
“Legislative City” should be relocated to Thule AFB.
“Justice City” should be convened in a different venue every term. The differing Appellate Circuits should be rebalanced by activity, and some efforts made long-term to rebalance SCOTUS against the rebalanced Circuits. And the DC Circuit can also be based in Thule.
Executive power should be situated as near as possible to affected interests — e.g. BLM should be HQ’d near the geographic center of the lands it administers. USDA should be HQ’d near the center of its Agricultural regions. DoD should be HQ’d near the center of the United States, and so on. The idea that a region should be populated entirely by unaccountable bureaucrats should be consigned to the cesspool of history.
great ideas!
It used to be that a SCOTUS justice would “ride a circuit” to hear appeals. He could rule one way or another, and then the appeal could be heard by the *entire* SCOTUS.
That’s why they call them “circuit courts,” because they take the place of the lone SCOTUS guy riding around to various places in his part of the US in a “circuit” hearing cases.
I just read that first paragraph and realized I did a crappy job phrasing it.
That second sentence should read, “He could rule one way or another, then if anyone wanted to appeal the Justice’s ruling, that appeal could be heard by the *entire* SCOTUS.”
The way I wrote it makes it sound like it was the SAME appeal being heard both times, rather than an appeal,and then an appeal of the appeal.
I thought it was injected….
Whoops — that belongs up there with “drinking adrenochrome”.
I thought they put it on their skin like the rumored “face off” frazzledrip hildabeast debauchery…
Much of this may be hopium, you be the judge…more from Michael DeLauzon
Michael DeLauzon
The Federal Reserve is gone. They have a former Federal Reserve Chairman as Secretary of the Treasury to keep the secrets from the people until the appropriate time.
Michael DeLauzon
President Trump has been right about everything.
Michael DeLauzon
We are being played so much and we can’t expose what they’re doing. Needle behind the arm instead of puncturing the skin of celebrities and politicians on camera. Show the truth get suspended. Share a link get suspended. So much the enemy of the people don’t want you to see.
Michael DeLauzon
The purpose of my posts are a warning. Do not submit. Prepare emotionally and mentally. Be proactive, don’t wait at home with your mask on for help. There are many very smart Patriots out there. It’s time to feed the populous with instructions.
Just a bit more from MdL’s tweets
Michael DeLauzon
For four (4) years I’ve said watch the power grid. The Chinese know how to crash it.
There will be internal uprisings between all of us. Everything is planned. Is the media telling you what’s really going on right now and where it leads? The media are not the good guys.
Michael DeLauzon
I guarantee that Pelosi and all those who are responsible will be flown out of the country because the populous will hunt for them. The people who are behind all of this will wait a year, maybe two when everyone is desperate. Then they will offer to rescue us w/ strings attached.
Michael DeLauzon
“Oh Michael, you are over reacting.” Am I? Have YOU learned nothing from Democrats and the fake news since 2016? They cheated to install a puppet to literally destroy our country. The list is long and getting longer. Open borders, gun control, I could go on and on.
Michael DeLauzon
When the lights go out you will not have internet or phone service so they can manage crowds. Democrats have planned for the uprisings.
Biden nightmare in Pelosi packaging
Is it possible to stop the thread hijacking using Michael DeLauzon tweets or whatever is being posted here?
At 10:30 PST, almost half the thread is consumed by this whacked out lunatic’s ravings about the elite. No wonder they think we’re conspiracy theorists.
If we really want to read his stuff, we can follow him or whatever it is social media does. Just post a link – do not hijack threads. Please.
Please re-read our dear DePat’s paeans to the scroll-wheel above.
Sorry Pgroup. I got a bit carried away there for he was mentioning a number of things that have been discussed periodically on the Q-Tree & anticipating being locked out of twit world for it by Jack-boot. I tried to keep them within 2 main comments & replies but since fewer people seem to be here during the late hours recently there wasn’t much else to combat the MdL deluge.
I believe Gail Combs had said he was some type of Trump insider so he & 2 or 3 other twitter feeds would carry some real info for us, at times at least. Since he shared few links to support most of what he said it comes across like opinion w/out attribution…so I’m reserving judgement & just sharing fyi for anyone who Might be interested
Seems like I have not seen Gail post for well over a month now, maybe two or more months now that I think about it, I hope she is okay.
And I have noticed some others have stopped posting too.
I have not seen her post on another of her usual blogs since March 4th.
ditto. I miss her insights & PatF’s humor, Carl’s poems, & FG&C’s feistiness among others…oh & of course Flep & Prog-Rex…it’s so hard when being “right” is your stock & trade in these crazy times when certainty is more bravado than insider info, or so it seems to me…
Seems some are inactive and/or discouraged, not from this site per se, but are discouraged and not commenting/writing on line in general.
Gail doesn’t seem to be posting anywhere, Chiefio or climate site or other places she used to post.
Prog-Rex hasn’t posted on his own blog since 1/9/2021.
Thanks for the info MM. It is an incredibly dark & discouraging time. It’s hard to process that the US might actually be fallen to the commies w/out anyone firing a shot.
It’s also very difficult to Not Know what’s really going on. Usurped leadership is violating the constitution w/ impunity. People we would traditionally turn to for justice are compromised & corrupt (FBI, DOJ, SCOTUS)…
very dark & difficult days abound…& the stark contrast w/ Trump’s leadership (who was voted for again overwhelmingly) is like returning from the best vacation ever to discover your entire world has been locked down into some depraved prison planet!
There’s a reason for that. They got disgusted with the attacks on a former poster who was much loved here by many of us even if we didn’t agree on style, and will not participate any longer.
He brought those attacks on himself.
Many people were disgusted because a lot of peoples’ patience with his antics was at an end.
I have to agree with you on this. When you have to resort to juvenile name-calling and belittling in the course of trying to make an argument, you can put it in the loss column. I dig my heels in for sure. But I never use profanity or name-call. It’s pathetic and weak.
As I said to him. He was a dick over at CTH, and he was a dick here.
Have you ever noticed that the personality traits that most annoy you are the very ones that annoy others?
Not always. But in general probably true.
I have held my tongue on this, but if it’s true that some people left this site over it, I will give my opinion.
After the election, that poster said he was going to take a break from posting. My impression (which could be wrong) was that it was going to be a time of reflection and regrouping for him.
Instead, when he returned, he started his post with the divisive greeting “and you know who you are,” followed by criticism of many here, including our host, Wolf. So it hadn’t been a time of reflection; it was a time of reading here and critiquing what we were writing and not writing. And he had the gall to come back here, lambast us and Wolf, and then say he might drop in from time to time. And people don’t find that outrageous?
He evaluated us and found us wanting. Why weren’t we posting enough Wictor? Why were the ladies being so emotional?
Having said all that, I do miss his input. He had valuable insights into the airline industry but other areas as well. We all have to self-censor, and a little of that in his case would have gone a long way.
I guess it’s human nature to wonder why people don’t see things just as we do. I’m puzzled that some people did not see what I saw.
When he departed he was going to spend time praying, and if the Ten Days of Darkness didn’t end he’d eat crow. He actually said “eat crow.”
Which of course was the LAST thing on his mind when it didn’t happen.
Maybe, but some of the commenters here stopped posting well after he left.
I miss her and others also.
Don’t apologize. If people don’t like the content being posted here, then they are free to scroll by or post their own content in response.
Well I was really just apologizing for the annoyance, not Necessarily for what stuff I shared. Others have occasionally said they’ve appreciated some of the info from twit world since they don’t have access.
You can only please some of the people some of the time & as a Christian I Should be fixated on Pleasing God All of the time–an arena where I consistently fall short!
Open forum can = a free for all but it’s usually pretty restrained here now w/ UTree reserved for the bare knuckles encounters
Is there any way you could make these posts shorter and not repeat the same information several times?
MDL has gone to the extreme – and it looks like this is one of those times.
I figure she double posts because the tweets are an image and some can’t read images, only texts … ?? Just guessing she was doing that out of kindness for those who can’t read the images.
Agree. I just wish we could figure out a way to post tweets efficiently and so they don’t slow down Wolfie’s threads.
This^^^^. Yes, we can use the scroll button, but when the same pic/tweet is repeated multiple times — maybe because it gets included with the one above it or something; I don’t know — it becomes tiresome. Maybe we need a primer on how to post tweets effeciently.
Just as a thought, maybe multiple twits could be pasted into a text editor, then have redundancies removed before being inserted here….
Good idea.
By ‘slow down’ I mean cause it not to open correctly. Though I notice the new site and system doesn’t have the same
problem opening as the old one did.
Folks post lots of images, tweets, gifs at Marica’s and there’s never a problem opening.
Is Marica a tech genius?
“I just wish we could figure out a way to post tweets efficiently and so they don’t slow down Wolfie’s threads.”
…screenshots of tweets instead of links to the tweets?
I would need step-by-step instructions on that.
Zoe would find those impossible to read.
Well I can’t go back & change them now. If I only put in the twitter links just the tweets would show but then people who can’t see twitter wouldn’t be able to read any of it.
Part of the problem is when using the twit link it shows here including the tweet (sometimes more than one) that is being responded to, I don’t see all those additional things until it cycles on this page. What I was copying was usually only 3-4 lines of text per tweet…
MdL’s twit page looked like individual tweets not linked to each other but several times writing items in a series. If there were a twit thread then linked tweets can be presented (& copied more easily) in their order w/out all the repeats.
I’m sorry that it was so tedious. When I see comments similarly formatted w/ repeats of info, like for those who can’t see the tweets, I usually just scroll by down to the tweet box & just read that, while still scanning to see if the commenter has added any personal comments in their reply too…
It’s not aggravating me – and I understand you are trying to post for Zoe and others who can’t see tweets.
When I post a 3 part thread, I post #1 and #3 or if it’s longer, I post #2, 4, 6, and so on.
That way they don’t repeat. However I don’t know how to post threads for Zoe and others who can’t read tweets. Unless you just copy the text and a link to the first tweet of the thread.
I’ve scratched my head over the problem and have not found a perfect solution.
Yes, I agree on the threads. Those MdL tweets weren’t in a thread that I could tell.
What I could/should have done is once the comment posts is observe & edit it to pare it down & maybe remove some of the extraneous info like #s & “links” for emojis etc. I guess I was being lazy by not polishing comments up once how they appear is available for editing….
You are great – and I appreciate you!
Thanks GA/FL…blush emoji <3
As Valerie says, MdL’s tweets were not in a thread. I have checked.
Thanks, CM!
You’re welcome, friend!
Don’t apologize! There’s one boss here.
Don’t be sorry. I thought is was interesting. And I an not adverse to “hopium” whether I buy it or not. I found info to back up at least one of his claims, and DP said she has, too. So who knows?
Thanks A. I’m glad it was helpful to some here. I’m w/ you on the hopium, I want things to be true that are hopeful, but that doesn’t mean that I believe that they are!
Most commenters have posted and do post long sections of posts on various topics, from funnies to music to computers to various current events to animal videos to cooking to personal stories to Q … and, of course, politics.
No one’s taste is going to match exactly to all other’s taste/interests who post here so there is bound to be some posts, some topics, that we just scroll through.
I don’t find those Q posts that different than many other Q posts. Seems like the usual topics and predictions common to some Q interpreters on social media. Just scroll if Q or this Q commenter isn’t your thing.
He’s not Q nor is he commenting on Q. He’s simply reciting a whole bunch of completely made-up crap for which there is zero evidence but which he thinks is juicy.
Tooting his own horn seems to be his stock in trade. But what he is reciting is disgusting and very likely untrue.
I understand some may be interested but at what point does a person break down and sign up for twitter (and/or other social media) if he/she wants to read his stuff?
I realize he is not “Q” directly but he is a “Q interpreters on social media” and refers to many of the same things that other Q interpreters/commenters/ferverant believers do.
Q is the winding path that created this blog so its not a surprise that many here post all things Q related.
I didn’t get here by being interested in Q (although I always scanned the Q posts out of curiosity) but many did come here (or get here) specifically because of an interest, or even a deep belief, in Q.
I am not on any social media, and I can read tweets on Twitter. I also found a way to read Telegram posts by clicking on the right buttons and then bookmarking the page so it takes me back to the right place. I don’t know if some people’s browsers don’t allow them to see Twitter but they can see tweets reposted here – ? I’ve never heard of that. For Zoe, I think one has to copy and paste the text for her to be able to read it.
Hate to say it – but MDL, Wictor, Parkes, Savin, Marshall, Feisty Cat, Cates bros, et al, are all batting close to ZERO.
They are telling us what we want to hear, what will gain them clicks and celebrity. Some are spewing their stuff for cash. Some are borrowing, claiming the Name of Jesus to give their online sites and theories credibility.
And many of those missing are people who accepted this stuff as true. Maybe some are embarrassed by that. Maybe others still think it’s true and can’t live with having the failures pointed out to them.
I have a conditioned distrust that is near pathological – and it was achieved the hard way – through multiple real life experiences.
The only kind of learning that really sticks with you.
But, may need to be modified, overcome, healed.
As a wise priest told me – some sources of pain must be accepted and embraced, some must be repented and crucified, some must be healed.
So has everything just fallen away for you? It’s all in black and white now?
Trump was overcome by the overwhelming evil around him and that’s that. He did a complete 180, into the shadows to save his life and protect his family. And we’re on our own to figure it out as best we can.
I am very observant, and always initially distrust. But somehow I can’t make the scenario I just described lock into place for me. I distrust that scenario. My gut tells me something is afoot.
No Ma’am – but I do take it all with a large dose of reality and cynicism. Look at the record.
I have my own painful issues with trust and that’s where I’m coming from.
I still hope and pray for the best.
NO – not black and white in the least and I don’t know how anyone could see it all in black and white.
Trump’s SCOTUS picks have been disappointing to say the least. I’ll never be as liberal as Trump and Gorsuch on LBGTXYZ.
The movie set theory, the military is in charge theory, the Trump is still President theory are all unproven.
They haven’t been proven NOT to be true, either.
Snort…. LOL.
How is that funny? I’m just stating a fact. Nothing has been proven one way or the other.
Eyes on the ground in both California and Georgia claim that the two White House movie sets are off limits to the public right now. Eyes in Washington say there is NOTHING happening at THAT White House.
Then there’s all the sub hunters MilSpecOpsMonkey keeps seeing off the coast, and reports – several of them – that there have been assassination attempts on Trump. Why try to kill him if he is REALLY out of power?
THOSE are the details that have me saying nothing has been proven one way or the other and I’m keeping my options open.
Very interesting – if we can trust the eyes on the ground. I’d prefer to see for myself or to have you, Wheatie, Steve or Wolfie see this.
No one has proved fairies and leprechauns don’t exist.
I’m sticking with saints, angels and The Holy Trinity – not proved in a science sort of way – but have had evidence of spiritual ‘revelation’ ‘regeneration’ of these and ‘know’ them to be true in my heart, soul and spirit.
You didn’t answer my question. Has Trump done a 180, retreated into spending his days choosing who to endorse for the next stolen election, doing little call-in interviews and coloring inside the lines? Does that resonate and ring true to you? Or could things be happening that we are not privy to?
Let’s hope for the latter.
I trust Scavino more than DeLauzon.
It is interesting, though, Steve, that people defend and hold strongly to beliefs in scenarios told them by people they do not know. Is this an extreme kind of wishful thinking?
I don’t like to psychoanalyze people wholesale, but I suspect that’s true in many cases.
Someone told me (without a specific cite, so take it for what it’s worth) that “studies” had shown most people form their opinion on a subject within 24 hours and it’s hard to shake afterwards. Which, if true, means that all Fake News has to do is not be contradicted for 24 hours where their audience will see it.
Likewise, a rumor starts here, brought in from a bullshit artist site (Marshall Report being only one of the more extreme examples), and if no one pushes back within 24 hours, it becomes an established fact to some people.
Wow – interesting. I studied psychology and social work for a year in grad school and because of my life’s adventures/wounds/etc. Mostly, I studied art – drawing, painting, art history.
And this is a huge problem. I don’t understand why people can’t see that touting debunked material is destructive. The truth matters.
There is a fine line between being open to ideas — even ones that seem impossible or improbable at the time — vs. stating that those ideas are fact. Even using innuendo to get people’s hopes up can be very harmful, both to individuals and to the movement itself. (“Look at the picture [that’s really from Dec. 2020, but I’ll make you think it’s from 2021]. It’s fun to think about PDJT working on things for us.”)
I’m not advocating for censorship except self-censorship, using common sense, and thinking things through to their logical conclusion.
If someone is going to post unproven theories, then I’d like them to show how they might be accomplished. Case in point: The theory that there is no one at the D.C. WH and things are being filmed in California. Fine, then tell us what is going on with all the WH workers: the aids, the staff, etc. Is there no one there? What about members of Congress who have attended Rose Garden ceremonies and other events? What about the media (they aren’t all leftists)? What about cabinet members who were sworn in at the WH? Were they in on some scheme? What about the other myriads of people involved in the running of our government who would know if no one were at the WH? I need someone to explain all of that, and more, and then I might entertain the theory. Failing that, I find it completely untenable.
I used to ask similar questions about another topic that I don’t want to get into, and no one even attempted to answer how their theory could have been accomplished. It just “was.” The blindness — refusal to look at the opposite side — keeps us in a state of denial. It’s not healthy or helpful.
Hear, hear!!!
I don’t like to psychoanalyze people wholesale, but I suspect that’s true in many cases.
Why do you care what they think? Spoiler Alert: They’ve already branded you a “conspiracy theorist” for saying the 2020 election was stolen, and that January 6th was not the equivalent of 9/11. Why should we have to self-censor for people who will always insult, hate us, and want us dead no matter what we say or do?
Not self-censor; choosing better words. Besides, we need to convince blue pill suckers to gulp the red pill. Easier to do if we haven’t shown them the other side.
I actually read him every day he posts.
And, actually, he doesn’t have the really deep stuff that some of the other big named conspiracy researchers are reporting. Not that any of that will be believed, either, namely that the Joe Biden Show is being run out of an underground base in Switzerland, and that our navy SEALs unloaded that ship that was blocking the Suez Canal and found a whole lot of dead bodies.
The dinosaur legacy media is not going to report any of that if it’s true. Whatever they are reporting is a distraction to prop up whatever narrative they want the people to believe.
And Michael Delauzon is right about one thing: the Chinese could well turn off our electricity really fast if they wanted to.
I suspect there are a number of countries, that could turn off our electricity fast, if they wanted to.
Given what these scoundrels believe is the perfect time, they will. Turn off the electricity.
It is incumbent on US to be ready for that instance, because so many WILL NOT BE.
When your family, neighborhood, town, etc. are in a blind panic because they don’t have a CLUE what is happening, YOU will be the one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind.
Because while we here don’t really KNOW what is going on, at least thanks to the posts of all here whether we believe them or not we have some CLUE that things might happen.
Imagine not having been exposed to any of this stuff that we find here, and then the lights go off, the phones and internet go down, and you have no idea at all WHY. Terrifying stuff.
“Thread hijacking” not permitted using outside material.
Only cut-paste, suffocating opinion essays by regular posters are allowed. OK then.
Lol! Whomever do you mean? Snort.
You’re not just kidding.
The entire request is just…yeah, that’s why I put the thing in there about the scroll wheel in the opener.
Scrolling is a friend
former satanist, per her bio, is getting baptized.
Some things are still right & getting better in this mixed up world!
I’m getting baptized this month
Oh, my — Andrew Branca is just shredding on the Chauvin case — .
Don’t even look at the title. I’m only halfway through the article, and the prosecution seems to have encountered a total systemic fail due to ideological blinders. Expert witnesses from 2000 miles away providing testimony for the first time in court….
But theyll riot either way…
tesla timewarp
My firm belief is that cabal murdered Tesla & saw to it that the contents of his safe would never see daylight.
& it’s been rumored that Trump’s uncle kept one of Tesla’s suitcases of info (after clearing out & cataloging his work for the US gov) & it’s now in Real POTUS’ hands…hmmm…
New Schlichter —
“Relationships are about give and take, and we’ve given our support to the big companies when it comes to taxes, regulations, and the like. But what have we taken? A lot of crap from woke jerks.”
CV spike protein
Ethical Skeptic
Good summary of the unique structure of the Spike Protein mRNA vaccine and how it differs from the Coronavirus’ Spike Protein RNA in pseudouridylyl Ψ and synonymous codon stealth.
No, our body does not ‘process these mRNA sequences all the time’.
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
Welcome! In this post, we’ll be taking a character-by-character look at the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 mRNA
Good stuff – all very helpful. This is the way things are “supposed to work”.
I’m so glad you saw this one for I was thinking of you when sharing it & thought you’d be able to make something/sense out of it!
This is part of how we build. I review Ars Technica far more often than I mention it here…..because of Sturgeon’s Law ['s_law ]. But if you find anything worth considering out in the intertubes, it is nice to bring it here and share it with your friends.
It’s a bit like panning for gold. You’ve got to sluice A lot of dirt & sometimes you get fooled by the pyrite…
If the mood strikes & I have the energy & time I can shovel a lot of dirt into the sluice & even divert the water. Having someone at the end who can discern the difference between gold & fools gold is Always helpful!
Most people at the Q-Tree have much greater depth of knowledge, background, & interest in so many of the things that are discussed here. As I’ve said before, I’m just glad I get to sit at the big kids, or teens, table & not have to hang out only with the babies at feast time–it’s quite the privilege (& Joy) to be here!!!
Yup. This is stuff I already knew, but it’s great to see that people who are NOT field experts are digging into it and learning it.
They are almost ready for the next step – what we need to do to get out of “fake science”. That is, for people who are NOT field experts in small sub-disciplines, but who are just good scientists, to start QUESTIONING what are now controlled field experts. People have to start questioning “out of their assigned lane”. That is how control is broken.
The problem is that most of these people’s thinking in science is currently what the controllers and cabal count on to keep it “staying in its lane”. There are very few who are willing to really question stuff. They will defend the controlling narratives that are issued by guys like Fauci. Nobody wants to risk losing sci-clout, so they are scared to take a position that might isolate them from the herd.
Logical inconsistencies have to be called out. Analogies and parallels have to be drawn. Failures of models have to be kicked and beaten DESPITE current rationalizations by field experts in cloistered sub-disciplines.
Science needs to be MESSY again!
This makes me think of both the Emperor’s New Clothes & the Gulag Archipelago (which I’ve recently started reading) simultaneously…hmmm
Science has to involve free inquiry & ongoing questioning of the “norms” & anything someone labels “settled”. New horizons should ever abound!
My son used to question and think way out the box. He told me over the years that US education drives that out of you specially when one gets into science.
Funny that is what I loved about him as kid he was so brilliant I used to love his mind and thinking the way he processed. Sometimes i see a climbs of it not it is all data driven full of other peoples papers that are approved.
He told me the other day he should have become an engineer. He could have been anything he wanted but he choose what he did.
Tragic to take brilliant minds & beat them down into conformity to such a degree that their greatest assets are broken & hidden so their best creative approaches are buried by mountains of conformance claptrap.
My autistic son continues to have an extremely unique approach to the world we live in & his insights continue to challenge us to look at life in new & different ways. The dance goes on!
Sometimes we all have a breakthrough and see reality. There are entities who want us to see their reality what they think we are supposed to see. Sadly I never conformed easily specially to the German reality
Sounds like non-conformity is a saving grace…but then I am also a non-conformist so can’t look at it “objectively” either. Glad you made it out safely!!!
“That is, for people who are NOT field experts in small sub-disciplines, but who are just good scientists, to start QUESTIONING what are now controlled field experts. People have to start questioning “out of their assigned lane”. That is how control is broken.”
That’s precisely the issue.
A scientist in Field A is going to tend to trust the scientists in Field B to do their jobs properly. The knowledge they share in common is sparse, but much of science isn’t simply the knowledge of what the theory says, but the methodology and philosophical outlook towards the process of determining what is likely true versus likely not true. THAT, they should have in common, and that is why one scientist will trust another to run experiments, test hypotheses, and so on, properly. He won’t expect that other scientist to embrace pseudo-science or to be under the sway of a sort of Lysenkoism (the closest parallel to todays’ woke “science.”)
Evolutionary biologists (and earth scientists in general) are going to be very, very pissed off at the climate weenies when their fraud is uncovered, because they will have to spend the next several decades fending off “the Climate scientists lied, so you must be too” shit from the young earth creationists.
Very much agreed – although I think we can most profitably steer past the wreck-in-the-road of climate error by an objective “bust analysis” as opposed to castigating the chumps. If we can finally get some of the field experts to understand and explain their own errors, we may get real insight into how socialism corrodes science.
The climate insanity is really starting to break. I’m seeing it in real life. People are hungry to study the solar models, including the very long-range planetary heating, and the mid-range ice age stuff. This is perspective coming back. I’m impressed!
IMO the “climate weenies” were intentionally “cult-cultured” by socialists/globalists (including CIA-left and KGB) who had studied religious cults, e.g., Jonestown and other cults, who understood deep principles of cult formation and creation. I don’t think those dumb scientists stood a chance. As the media attention of scientists stopped being discouraged, scientists in general became more and more bought into the lies, still taking the media as a test of authority, and not as a manipulator of authority.
The only ways out – to buck the media and scientific establishment ALSO controlled by the media – involved self-immolation of one’s scientific career. Not gonna happen, sadly. Not enough backbone anywhere, least of all in career scientists. THAT is why “out of lane” scientists are such an effective CHECKMATE on pathological science. They have no risks in speaking the truth “over there”.
I think much of the fraud is self-deception, and I think much of the self-deception is what I often call “reverso” in disinformation – look at things BACKWARDS because the backwards case is nearly indistinguishable, and if one simply doesn’t perform discriminating experiments, the backwards interpretation will HOLD. Because spies and socialists are so expert at these kinds of deceptions, getting scientists to fall for them isn’t that hard., and it REALLY, DEEPLY affects science.
Scientists have to be trained to REVEL in killing their own pet theories – to value the definitive DISPROOF in their own hands as much as the definitive PROOF.
All it takes is DISREWARDING – not even punishing – just DISREWARDING DISPROOFS – and science can be changed to socialist desires without a SINGLE smoking gun on paper ANYWHERE.
I was a student during the emergence of the “science-garbed” young Earth creationists, typified by Morris and Gish, during the mid-70’s. I still remember them on their university debate tour, and how HUGE the crowds were that they drew – more than Nobel prize winners.
I feel that their (YEC) existence is simply the price of science being open to criticism by less self-deceived cross-disciplinary scientists – something that needs to be there. Deal with the downside (YEC) honestly and openly, and the upside we want (scientific double-checks and the self-discipline of self-disproof) takes care of itself.
TL;DR – self-disproof can be taught and must be taught again to get rid of problems like the climate finance pet scientists. Demonstrating how the YEC don’t do self-disproof – how they do science backwards – is a powerful way to breed a culture of interdisciplinary rejection and disproof – the CHECK against failure of self-disproof, IMO. But self-disproof is still the BEST method of keeping science on track, and is actually an advantage we can have over the ChiComs, Soros socialists in science, etc.
The “real” scientists *know* that’s the problem with the YEC deal (and with many other brands of pseudoscience). The problem is they can’t seem to convey that to the public. And huge swathes of the public *want* YEC to be true because that’s what they think the Bible says. Scientists can spend man-centuries taking honest looks at physical evidence and come up with an answer of 4.567 billion years, but that doesn’t matter because some old book seems to say “6 days” that were approximately 4000 years before Christ. (People who study the scriptures and try to figure it out can’t even agree to within a millennium, as to the exact date of creation.) So rather than believe that maybe their book is wrong, or was never intended to be a science text, or that their interpretation of the book is wrong, those man centuries of work, checked and rechecked, MUST be fraudulent.
I’ve always kept an open mind about that. Who’s to say a day for God isn’t a millenia for man? I never got bogged down in the weeds, just looked at the message that was being provided.
That, IMHO is a reasonable attitude, but then with regards to Christianity, I’m on the outside looking in.
For what it’s worth the “Reasons to believe” site was started by someone (Doctor [of astronomy] Hugh Ross) who I guess could be classified as an “old earth creationist.” He looks at what the science actually says, and interprets the Bible in such a way that it doesn’t contradict. Yes the earth is old and the universe even older…and that doesn’t contradict the Bible in the slightest.
The above is a link to the full movie. It’s a fictional work and is actually well done for its genre. It does a good job of closing the gap between Creationists and Science and is somewhat similar to somethings teachers would hint at to when I went to school, which favors your “interpretation” comment in your earlier post.
In essence, the interpretation on the six days of creation comes down to from who’s eyes is this Creation story told. The eyes of man or the eyes of God. If you pick the later your science and the Bible seem to agree as explained in this movie.
Meanwhile the Bible is not the only text from antiquity that gets you there. There are other creation stories that are similar and if you need one that does it with more detail then there’s Mahabharata and other associated texts from the same time period.
Question then, if you accept the premise in the movie, is how did they know what they knew back when these sacred writings were written without the science to back them up. Mushrooms or something more Devine?
The Hugh Ross interpretation (which I referenced in a different comment) was that “day” in Genesis 1 was a translation of the Hebrew word yom (as in “Yom Kippur”) and that word, just like “day” in English, can be used in a different sense. One can say “In Washington’s day” and it’s assumed then to mean a rather nebulous period of time where George Washington was alive. Certainly *not* just 24 hours or sunset to sunset.
Plus, reading carefully, one might claim that the creation of the heavens and the earth (Gensis 1:1) isn’t a *summary* of what follows but rather happened before the first “day” so that the 6+1 days talk about what happened on and to the Earth.
Also according to Ross, the Genesis narrative makes a lot more sense if you assume the viewpoint of an observer standing on the surface of the earth. The stars aren’t there at first because the atmosphere is overcast, not because they were made after Earth (which would be absurd).
If you read the creation myths coming out of Summer Akkad and look at how they ranked ordered by appearance their gods you can see the same thing Ross is saying in that last paragraph. You also get fairly much the same progression as with Genesis and with what Science tells us.
Of note Inanna (later Ishtar then Astorheth, and finally Aphordite ((she has as much or more devine time as Christ)).) is associated with Venus, the last most notable when searching a sky that is loosing its cloud cover.
If the ancients knew, and science is just filling in the blanks, how did they know? Oral tradition doesn’t work before the advent of man. Was it Devine? Space Aliens told them? or Mushrooms, which you may equate to something like one of Stephenons’ “Thousander” types who would have once upon a time taken the time to ponder what little he did know?
Actually venus is the very FIRST thing you’d see (after the sun and the moon) in the sky, assuming, of course, that it’s out. (it could be too close the the line between the earth and the sun to be visible, or visible in the morning sky and you’re looking in the evening, or vice versa.
I remember a high school teacher telling the class, “if you put four paper bags over your head and are facing the wrong way, you might miss Venus.”
And indeed it will be a very bright “star” if its out at all, western sky after sunset or eastern sky before sunrise.
In the first debate I saw, the guys who squared off against Morris and Gish were an atheist and a [Christian] theistic evolutionist – both natural history types – and the latter was the radiological dating expert. The dating stuff was the real artillery – in part because the debate was in the same hall where everybody got the big science lectures, and the numbers were just like class. Things making sense still made sense. The YEC boys had the most difficult time with the dating expert, because he just knew his stuff COLD, explained the APPEAL of the answers easily, and was utterly unshakable – not only on his science, but against the rather emotional insistence by Morris and Gish that one had to be “all in” on [their] literal Biblical interpretation, or it was all worthless.
I could tell – HE scared them. I don’t remember if he was Catholic or Protestant – something mainstream. He just had zero problems with reading the Bible more as cultural and historic truth than a scientific exposition, and it was a very dangerous message to the YEC.
Any more, I see the “100% badly stretched literal or nothing” reasoning as real desperation. But it was funny to watch this believer in both science and Christianity deal with the “but, but, but, how can you….?” questions from students, many of whom had been already ginned up toward the appeal of Biblical absolutism by prior on-campus propaganda delivered before the big debate. The man was very calm with the “I don’t have a problem – why should I have a problem?” position, and the YEC were having to go full snake-oil showmen with a lot of hand-waving and emotion to bring it back to absolutism.
I was still shocked by the number of people I knew – science types – mainstream Christians – who were still enthralled by the YEC stuff, after the debate. It was EMOTIONAL for them.
IMO this is largely due to the lack of what might be called “theistic appeal of scientific aesthetics”. The Greeks had that in spades, and if I had to find anything still appealing in Nietzsche (I was once a fan), it would be the reverse of his pessimistic attitude about the LOSS of so many things Greek, which he blamed, rightly or wrongly, on Christianity, Judaism, or both. That is to say, I find that the beauty of science serves us all best if we encourage it irrespective of questions of theism/philosophy, which IMO present a kind of smorgasbord of logical representations of how we view what is almost within our grasp and affecting our lives, every bit as real as mathematical nature, but largely beyond our ken.
In other words, once science becomes a joint endeavor in search of TRUTH and BEAUTY, remaining agnostic on people’s deeper motivations, and viewpoints, and tolerant of whatever deep principles motivate participants, then I think everybody gets infinite pieces from the magic scienceberry pie. But the BEAUTY of what science reveals – however people want to digest that – needs to be part of it, to get people to walk away from beauties with less truth.
Perhaps what’s needed is a mechanism to go after the endowments of the flagship research institutions.
In the category of be careful what you wish for…
This could impact the endowments of all land grant universities, if indigenous people think big.
Last week the City of Ithaca City Council unanimously approved CPEs draft report Public Safety: Reimagined. The first page of the report recognizes Native American claims within the city’s jurisdiction. I doubt they were thinking about Cornell’s land grant when they adopted the language of their “largely political statement”.
…”The band worries the U’s research might negatively affect native plants and species. Fond du Lac and other bands have similarly clashed with the university over its genetic research on wild rice, which they view as sacred.
“Our perspective on the natural world is that everything is perfect. … Leave things alone,” said Thomas Howes, Fond du Lac’s natural resources program manager.
DuPuis has made clear to Gabel that Fond du Lac wants the land back. However, he said the band would also consider co-managing the territory.
Gabel said she looks forward to “advancing those conversations.”
In northwest Minnesota, Red Lake Nation is trying to piece together information about university research conducted on tribal children in the 1960s.”…
What a mess! The left is always looking for the next thing to mess up!
I have a weird perspective on things, because I see both the native “system logical minmax” and the progressive one, too, at the other end, there being a kind of self-consistent logical continuum between them. Asimov represented this in some ways with his thinking about The Foundation and his back-added Second Foundation.
The native end is “trust Gaia which we’re a part of as a pure recipient”, the progressive end is “trust Gaia and our progressivism is part of Gaia”. Obviously the latter gets into error faster, but the former gets into trouble inevitably. Both ends are valid, self-consistent, and somewhat humorously identical, as one is hypercautious and the other hypercareless, yet both by TRUSTING.
The Great Awakening, in many ways, is SEEING how this all works and evolves without making a mess. I find that the native, super-conservative end is very useful to keep things “in the pipe” and not make a mess, but ultimately intelligence has to SEE, UNDERSTAND, and DO ITS JOB. Carefully. We have to become a deeper part of creation, because that’s why we were created. Dynamic universe.
Anyway, back to this stuff. Progressivism has always found itself dealing awkwardly with nativism, in a kind of guilt-motivated way, trying to keep natives and now “second natives” in the boat, using co-optation as a sort of test of that relationship. I tend to think that the cooptation, the virtue signalling, the control, the fretting over symbols – it’s all best just DROPPED. Progressive guilt over native and old-school symbols (Redskins jackets, Aunt Jemima, WHATEVER) is not actually about natives being offended – it’s about progressive GUILT in their own religion of politics, and wanting to atone for crimes of ancestors, while face-palmingly committing silly and unnecessary new culture-killing crimes to atone for in the future.
Why not accept forgiveness, drop guilt, and just work now for cultural safe spaces for the various types of natives and degrees of nativism, as the rich cultural preserve they are and it is? Notice that I’m referring to a lot of Americans whose ancestors mostly came here on BOATS as “second natives”.
Whatever. Not sure if I’ll be alive when proggies are doing atonement for Confederate statues, but I’m sure that day will come.
This is about land, and the history of the Morrill Act land grant universities. Each university was granted land script.
The disputed land at U. Minnesota is apparently the actual land that was granted.
Many of the land grants sold their script to establish endowments. The land was located else where from the established site of many institutions, so a claim against the land, could quickly evolve into a claim against an endowment that the land sale established, as well as anything else the land enabled (ie. patents?).
Sounds as if some ugly tavistock like human research was done on children of the Red Lake people, as well as the land dispute. Sounds like the Red Lake people take a strong stand against genetic modification, and likely “humanized” mice.
The mention of rice is interesting, as one land grant was studying ways to weaponize rice thru genetic modification, I was told by a reliable source.
IIR, activist students were first to challenge university leadership regarding climate change, pushing for committment to the Kyoto Protocol, and divestment of the endowment from fossil fuels.
Soon after, all new campus construction responded.
Funny how one of the leaders of the Kyoto Protocol stands to make out big with her carbon extraction/sequestration company.
The possibility of an engineered virus is getting considerable attention; not so much the transgenic mice with humanlike lungs.
I suspect that the mice facilitate the zoonotic leap from virus exclusive to bats, to bat virus capable of infecting human cells.
Fake science is such a moneymaker.
Still digging on the Red Lake claim. The research was done thru the US Public Health Service.
(Yellow Berets).
They were looking into infections that soldiers in Vietnam were contracting. PI was Dr. Cecil Reinstein.
Small world.
People should of gotten the message back in 2009 with the hacking of that server at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia. That was a clear indicator that something was wrong with the profession called science and it hasn’t gotten better, only worse.
!!! <3
Wow! Great exposition and description in a kind of «Biology for computer engineers» way.
So this is the how of it, how the so-called vaccine material has been carefully engineered to cause nearby cells to produce the spike proteins. Now it is just the questions of how these affect the rest of the body.
But absolutely fascinating.
speaking your language–sweet!!!
Yes, definitely. As that article showed the mechanism, how the string of mRNA being read and processed by the ribosomes, and the spike protein components were assembled and then sent out into the body. Apparently there is a trailing part of this mRNA that gets consumed upon use, and after a number of passes the mRNA string will be spent so to say, and will presumably be discarded or disassembled.
And a few more questions came to mind, concerning what appears like a miniature internal war:
1. As the spike proteins emerge and start triggering the various T-cells and similar, and these attack and destroy the cell that was producing the spike protein, does the spike protein itself go anywhere in particular?
2. Since the cells that generate these spike proteins are muscle cells, can this cause an autoimmune attack on other muscle cells in the body, most significantly the heart?
3. As the spike protein finds their way to the various receptors around on cells in the lungs and other organs, similar to how the actual coronavirus connects, what happens to these cells? Will they be destroyed on account of having these now-identified-as-foe spike proteins on them?
4. Could some of the problems seen with blood clotting and missing platelets have been caused by such attacks on the bone marrow cells, which are the antecedents of these blood cells?
Note, these are speculative questions based on what I’ve come to know about how some of the body’s cells operate and interact, partly from research on the covid-19, partly from earlier investigations into metabolism and the effect of various kinds of carbohydrates and fats, as well as proteins in food.
Flynn info, fyi, haven’t seen so just sharing fyi
gotta get busy on doing our taxes–yuck!
Melissa Tate
BREAKING: General Flynn Calls For Investigation Into SPARS 2025-2028 after seeing this Alex Jones report on a John Hopkins document from 2017 that shows plans for lockdowns, masks and vaccines after a spars outbreak×240
BREAKING: General Flynn Calls For Investigation Of SPARS 2025-2028
In a recent interview, General Flynn encouraged listeners to watch Alex Jones’ 90 minute SPARS 2025-2028 pandemic breakdown and defended the credibility of Infowars research and analysis of the
Getting the word out before they try to pull it.
Yes, whatever they are trying to hide/suppress is likely what we really need to know about!
Longing to breathe free!!!
Dr Naomi Wolf
You got it. Only mass civil disobedience can save us. And only that will break the spell of healthy asymptomatic humans fearing one another.
Quote Tweet
Scott Morefield
· 9h
This is what it’s going to take in many areas – mass civil disobedience. What a beautiful sight!
We need more of that
Interesting. Naomi Wolf is (was?) on the Feminazi left during the Klinton administration. Is she a refugee from the Commie takeover of the Democrat party?
She appears to be. Change of heart due to loss of freedom.
good catch…no clue
God, please grant us all the courage to be the first to raise the chant if we are put in a position to do so. Amen.
finish line

Juanita Broaddrick
Pictures worth a 1000 words.
Where’s my truck?
Only one of them would likely get in the back seat, or bed, with you
That’s not quite what I meant, but no offense taken!
LOL…explain for this non-truck person please
Truck bed?
I meant the back of a pickup truck…
Are you more of an overalls and boots kind of guy, Wolf?
Definitely more my reality!
Honestly, I like ’em all (ladies), but I am so far out of the dress-up game any more, that said meme seems like a completely different world. Hence my comment! Sure, even a Pinto looks pretty cute from my side of the gravel road, but I’ll stick to what’s in the garage!
I hear you about “dress up.” Here in Montana it’s “fancy” if you wear a collared shirt, clean jeans and nice cowboy boots!
So many memes could describe that pic. Teak wood/cheap 2×4, Tiffany/Wal-Mart, Lamborghini/kia………
Yes! Class act vs cheap trick
What mature woman wears fishnet stockings except in the privacy of her man
She looks like a lady of the streets $15 a pop.
Bargain basement broad
wild water drop tech
Researchers at MIT are now able to program water droplets and move them individually across surface
super suppression shown
Jim Benson
Wow! Thank you for showing me this friend! I knew I was being surppressed, but not by the same algorithms used on election night!
If you catch another example, please show me more!
Quote Tweet
· 1h
Replying to @jmbenson1491
3,787 likes deleted
964 retweets deleted
352 comments deleted
no justice no peace
Free Speech Warrior
Disparate treatment in two fund-raising fraud cases renews debate over dual Justice system | Just The News
Disparate treatment in two fund-raising fraud cases renews debate over dual Justice system
Nigerian Clinton foundation donor gets deferred prosecution deal, Trump inauguration donor gets 12 years in prison in eerily similar
gates of hell gotcha
Jim Osman
I’m old enough to remember when Bill Gates used to create viruses in Windows and then sell the antivirus. Good times. I wonder what he’s up to these days?
I’m going to sneak over to Marica’s to check things out. Wish me luck that I don’t accidentally fart or something while I’m over there.
Mission accomplished. I saw a bunch of recent posts from people we cherish, and DIDN’T FART UNTIL I’D CLOSED THE TAB.
Nebraska Filly had a particularly nice post about the Great American Comedy Festival — .
In case you’re wondering, I made sure I was over at Fox.
SBD wouldn’t go over well.
Trump Pleased Border Wall May Be Restarted, but Says Biden Isn’t ‘Making the Decisions’
“I think other people are making most of the decisions,” Trump said.
Or, you might go a little bit more extreme….
And start getting weirder from there…..
Truly amazing!
Wow..that’s great!
That is what I call having too much free time on your hands.
My husband is a train guy took over a good part of the basement. I do not mind keeps him out of trouble. He seems to tinker more and design and redesign and cleaning and fixing what the cats wrecked.
Some are not gonna like what I say…but I want to express my thoughts about what I consider conspiracy theory click-bait.
I agree with Jordan Sather…we are hurting our cause too easily following conspiracy theories that we want to be true…but with a little scratching of the surface can easily be debunked. I have been guilty myself.
The media is using this against us painting us as lunatics. We have to do better and be careful about what we post…if posted, at least post a disclaimer as unverified waiting further sauce. That way if screenshots are used…the disclaimer is visible.
Notice, that these click-bait artists all work in the same circles and use each others material in a circular type of fake verification/confirmation (scam???)…seemingly using many of the same tactics the Fake News media uses to smear their targets or create false narratives.
I really like Juan O Savin but have become extremely skeptical…lots of canned narrative that begins to repeat itself with little to no sauce over time. Too many goal posts moved. I still listen because I think he still makes valid arguments/points.
Even my favorite show, the X22 Report that I listen to every day because of the positive attitude…but I still have learned to consume with a dash of salt. I loan Dave and Jordan more credibility than others because they are not out there claiming insider knowledge that rarely ever seems to pan out. Dave and Jordan always make a point make clear that what they say is from their perspective…I can respect that.
I am not saying not to post…but consume with lots of skepticism…and even HOPE!
The other thing to look for is the one person who is giving details that others aren’t. That’s where I find information that matches up with previous research.
Things like NESERA/GESERA, the tunnel system, the Corporation, and all of that have been in the conspiracy circles for DECADES. I mean, a long time. I’ve followed this stuff long enough that batting averages, and things coming to fruition are not worth the worry. Is it true can be measured with other metrics such as “did someone die to keep this information out of the mainstream media?” Is it called a “conspiracy theory?” If the answer to those questions is “yes,” then it may well be true.
What we are seeing happen now took a long time to plan. It’s going to take a long time to undo, particularly the brainwashing. Impatience is not going to get us anywhere with it.
I know I have been battling my own impatience…then I think to myself “do not be so arrogant” because I am certain there are many out there waiting years for my blind ass to wake up…so I should extend that same patience to others.
& a nod and a prayer for all those who die waiting for relief
You got that right!
Embrace Optimism – Spring has Sprung – Take time to smell the Flowers!!!
Our Hope is in the Lord – God is in control!!!
With regard to Juan . . have you seen the film he made The Called: Makings for the Perfect Day? Watch a little of it – then explain to me why someone would go to that kind of trouble and expense, if making $$ is the goal? He’ll never recoup that expense. You can’t imagine he’s pulling in major bucks from that little book of his? His delivery on video is sometimes tedious, exacerbated by the anonymity. But again, I can’t discount him. I can’t make discounting him lock into place.
Yes, I have watched the video…and similar thoughts have crossed my mind. How lucrative are his book sales? What are the motives? I did not say they are nefarious…bit listening to him closely for months now have raised some credibility issues in my mind. My skepticism may be misplaced.
That said, I do still listen to him…I find value in what he has to say.
I never really listen to these guys. Maybe once or twice and they were a little to strange for me to believe them.

One always has to ask how do they know this and that and why? They act as if they are the only one. I get bored easy and those people do not hold me. I am more the looking from outside in type of person and make no emotional attachment to what they say.
Most stuff people post here is creditable or seems so but some stuff I scroll and it is easy for me to do. I appreciate those who do not and it is ok by me
Like you all regardless
That other airline….
He always cracks me up. There’s several videos of him doing this schtick out there.
Washington Examiner Urges GOP Establishment to Destroy Superstar Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘Quickly’ After Massive Fundraising Haul
…………….From the article:
As conservatives celebrate the news of a massive fundraising haul by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), the RINOs at the Washington Examiner are calling for her immediate destruction by the GOP establishment.
They published an article on Wednesday written by Tom Joyce calling for Greene to be ousted:
Joyce regurgitated debunked liberal smears about Greene in order to denigrate her reputation.
Because he is easily gaslighted and manipulated by propaganda, Joyce is calling for the Republican Party establishment to pull out all the stops to end the career of this nascent political superstar.
“She hurts the conservative movement because she gives liberals an easy target. She allows them to paint the GOP as a party of crazed conspiracy theorists. In large part, because she appears to be one herself. For that, she deserves to lose her primary,” Joyce wrote, showing how he kowtows to left-wing media narratives like a coward.
This is why I’ve been giving the side-eye to the Washington Examiner for quite a while.
They have writers like this Tom Joyce nozzle who is not to be trusted.
Back when humor was funny —
Lake Malawi is another of the Great Rift Lakes of East Africa, like Tanganyika. Unlike Tanganyika, is is substantially more normal, although its fauna are still mainly cichlids. Generally, there are the mbuna — rock-grazing cichlids, and the utaka — midwater cichlids.
One group of the utaka are the peacock cichlids.
WDW has a great peacock display outdoors in their Animal Kingdom park.
So the nation of Malawi, adjacent to the lake, isn’t just shipping children off to live with westerners like Madonna…..they’re also shipping fish.
You have a crisis?
Thanks for posting that! I needed it!
Hollywood Awards Shows continue to lose viewers.
Screen Actors Guild Awards Show Audience Sags to New Low, Less than Half 2020’s Record Low
Sunday’s 27th annual Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards show, simulcast on TNT and TBS, recorded its smallest audience on record, continuing the trend of televised entertainment industry awards shows.
Combined, the two networks pulled in an average of 957,000 viewers, less than half the previous year’s audience, Variety reports:
By Nielsen’s measure, the annual SAG Awards broadcast set its second consecutive record low viewership, The Wrap reports:
Audiences for politically-charged entertainment awards show broadcasts have been falling across the board. Last month, the Golden Globes audience posted a record low. The Country Music Awards, American Music Awards, and the Primetime Emmy Awards have also suffered steep declines in recent months. Last year’s Academy Awards show had, by far, its smallest audience ever. This year’s broadcast of the Oscars has been postponed to April 25.
Looks like it’s not just us.
A lot of people are fed up with getting preached to by leftist entertainers…and are sick of getting force-fed their leftist political propaganda.
And the endless speeches thanking everyone but Thor, and…
Im not watching tv at all. Not even newsmax.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, April 8, 2021
“For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.”
Psalms 11:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Spring. Antonio Vivaldi
I love Vivaldi and I love spring.
A double winner.
Amen, Dora – God is Great in His Gifts!!!
Biden didn’t win, and his administration is baroquen.
THE famous track from the Four Seasons, though there is a runner up:
(The famous bit near the end.)
I love winter scenery and the music was is perfect Thank you
To be honest I was rushed and didn’t watch the video beyond making sure it was the melody I was thinking of, so I’m glad I was lucky enough to dartboard-choose well.
You choose well.
Rebirth. New beginnings. Hope.
Amen goes right there, Dora!!!
april 7, 2021 the marshall report
Bring it on folks – during COVID ALL THE NON-ESSENTIAL MERCHANTS WERE CLOSED DOWN while THE ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES stayed open and sucked up all the money from every CONSUMER! These money sucking machines also sucked up millions of the PU STIMULUS GRANT DOLLARS that don’t have to be paid back! They have many small affiliate corporations beneath their BIG CORPORATE EMPIRES and hold STOCK IN EVERYTHING! These conglomerates sit on BOARDS OF DIRECTORS for many FOUNDATIONS, NON PROFITS, SPECIAL ARTS COUNCILS, MUSEUMS, BANKS and other BUSINESS START UPS.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Thank you, DePat, for the great threads you’ve done for us this week!
Most excellent content, timely and thought-provoking.
Love the videos, too.
I really appreciate all the work you do for us.
Me too!
While the topic of the article is important (Get rid of RINOs … yep! we need to nominate MAGA Conservatives in the GOP Primaries and then work like heck to get them elected so we don’t have the RINOs in office), there is another key point in the article: Refuse to let the left control the narrative, to define the terms of the national conversation/debate &/or to redefine the meaning of words.
“Practically, per National Public Radio, the SAFE Act “prohibits minors from receiving hormones, puberty blockers and transition-related surgeries,” and “health care providers who offered such care could lose their license to practice in the state or be vulnerable to civil litigation.”
Notice what I did not say (and in defiance of the thought police ensconced in the media-political-academic complex): that the SAFE Act bans “gender-affirming” healthcare for vulnerable minors. Because that is false. Such phrasing is nothing more than a pleasant-sounding ideological construct—a euphemism—meant to obscure a brutal reality and ensure that sane people are viewed as hateful zealots who, most importantly, lose on this issue.
George Orwell warned us about this long ago in his prescient, powerful essay, “Politics and the English Language“. It is worth quoting him at length:
In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible. Things like the continuance of British rule in India, the Russian purges and deportations, the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan, can indeed be defended, but only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face, and which do not square with the professed aims of political parties.
Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along the roads with no more than they can carry: this is called transfer of population or rectification of frontiers.
People are imprisoned for years without trial, or shot in the back of the neck or sent to die of scurvy in Arctic lumber camps: this is called elimination of unreliable elements. Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.
Consider for instance some comfortable English professor defending Russian totalitarianism.
He cannot say outright, ‘I believe in killing off your opponents when you can get good results by doing so’.
Probably, therefore, he will say something like this:
‘While freely conceding that the Soviet régime exhibits certain features which the humanitarian may be inclined to deplore, we must, I think, agree that a certain curtailment of the right to political opposition is an unavoidable concomitant of transitional periods, and that the rigours which the Russian people have been called upon to undergo have been amply justified in the sphere of concrete achievement.’”
Example of the Dems changing language:
(I thought this was a Babylon Bee article when H first showed me the headline!)
Another example is the changing meaning of vaccines.
These changes are not normal, gradually changing of language that we see over decades. this is purposeful manipulation.
In prepping for whatever may happen…it’s a good idea to stock up on Honey.
Honey was used by the ancients as an antibiotic and a wound treatment to prevent infection.
I ran across this recipe…I haven’t tried it, though…but I thought it was interesting, so decided to pass it on:

Honey doesn’t spoil so a great item to stock up on
Local honey is even better because it is made with local pollens and can help with allergies.
I mentioned you in my post today (Thursday), citing your comment from a couple of days ago:
Do you take it by the teaspoon or tablespoonful?
Tablespoon, generally.
When my daughter was a toddler thirty years ago, her pediatrician told me to mix honey, whiskey, and lemon juice in equal proportions to give her as a cough syrup. Worked like a charm and I have used it ever since for any and everybody.
Back when doctors had common sense, and were not so subject to Big Pharma dollars.
Yep, me too…that’s a good cough syrup recipe for all ages, but especially little ones.
Honey has so many uses.
It’s a good thing to stock up on for prepping.
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.

Lauren Boebert
Republican Attorney Generals, get ready to fight the Biden executive orders on gun control all the way! I’ll be doing my part from the House! Let’s ensure we stop this tyrant.
And another voice on vitamin D deficiencies. Yet another physician presents the facts. And it will probably be banned sooner or later.
This is a great talk!
Yes, it is. Concise, and down to earth language.
They pushed him to do it quickly – probably lost a bit too much on a couple of his points near the end – but the message is getting out to more people.
About three years ago I was very deficient on vitamin D. My doctor gave me mega doses to bring it up.
I had not been eating no beef or pork no milk nor cheese for almost a year . I had switched to chicken and fish and almond milk. I am convinced that did it to make me deficient.
I am out in the sun much because I love my backyard.
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Your Thursday morning Montana moment, early spring at Flathead Lake.
Hate: weaponizing a word to shut people up « JoNova (
DO NOT expect the dinosaur Operation Mockingbird media to tell you anything that’s true other than weather and sports.
Refused to say why they closed too. Absolutely not medical care….experimental snake medicine.
Another mass shooting, today
That poor football player was the victim right? Not a doctor, his wife, and their 2 little innocent grandkids right? A couple innocent maintenance guys too?
But the football player is the victim bc…white people and 2 concussions in a very short nfl career. Right.
Yesss! That’s the spin..Wasn’t the Nation of Islam shooter..his football concussion made him do it too.
Maybe they’ll need to attack NFL, NCAA , etc….demand $ for exploiting their (blcks) talent and not caring about their brains and making them be killers
Right…and theyve been playing since high school and wanted the celebrity and pay day. There are risks for every job. But no, no excuses for killing little ones.
Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) Tweeted:
White House Youtube: “President Biden Delivers Remarks on Gun Violence Prevention”
It hasn’t started yet, but look at the ratings:
From Gab:

Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) Tweeted:
1/ BREAKING — @dhillonlaw client @jenvanlaar just won her Anti-SLAPP motion v. former Rep. Katie Hill on multiple grounds including First Amendment and clear words of CA’s revenge porn statute. Court also denied Hill’s belated discovery motion. Attorney fee motion incoming.
Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) Tweeted:
2/ Previously, Hill’s counsel dismissed their lawsuit against another media client of @dhillonlaw, @joemessina. That attorney fee motion is pending. Kudos to our clients, and my amazing First Amendment/media law colleagues, partner Krista Baughman and counsel Karin Sweigart!
Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) Tweeted:
And that is what this motion was about. A powerful politician abusing the legal system to punish a journalist because she didn’t like what was reported. The lawsuit was an attempt to chill my First Amendment rights.
They are using this to vaccinate kids, there are pedo symbols everywhere
[video src="" /]
Interesting QV Thread on China’s aggression – recommended by Wictor:
We have now reached the “get a V tattoo to show you’ve been vaccinated” stage | Not the Bee
Easier to clean than a cloth star…
Puck Pono: “I got a vaccine tattoo. V for vaccine, v for victory over ignorance and bigotry. I wear it with pride.”
That’s gonna make for a groovy epitaph…

Puck Pono: “I got a vaccine tattoo. V for vaccine, v for victory over ignorance and bigotry. I wear it with pride.”
Not if you knew how many people are laughing at you, you wouldn’t.
The best part is, that for the rest of his life, he gets to explain his mindless conformity to every person who ever asks “Hey, what’s the ‘V‘ tattoo all about? Or is that an ‘L‘?”

Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) Tweeted:
Biden’s pick for ATF thinks the Branch Davidians at Waco shot down two government helicopters. (HT @LPTexas). From a Reddit AMA last year.
Fruit cake….mostly fruit.
He’s probably thinking of black conspiracy helicopters.
Maybe he thinks the Branch Davidians murdered Randy Weaver’s wife and son, too?
This guy is completely checked out, lights are on but nobody’s home.
And he writes like a teenage girl. Here he strings together 4 completely unrelated sentences, dripping with self-righteous virtue.
David Chipman: “At Waco, cult members used 2 .50 caliber Barretts to shoot down two Texas Air National Guard helicopters. Point, it is true we are fortunate they are not used in crime more often. The victims of drug lords in Mexico are not so lucky. America plays a role in fueling the violence south of the border.”
A) the first sentence is just flat out false. I never heard anything about any helicopters being shot down, and I remember watching the whole thing on live TV. The Wiki entry on the Waco siege mentions nothing about helicopters being shot down, but it does mention that the FIB used Barret .50 caliber rifles.
B) Barrett .50 caliber rifles aren’t used in crime hardly ever, because they are large, heavy and very expensive. The semi-automatics are even more expensive than the bolt-action Barretts. So there is no “point” to what he was saying, and since the point he was trying to make did not logically follow from his premise, it was a non-sequitur besides.
C) How many victims of Mexican drug lords does he think have been killed with Barret .50 caliber rifles? Does he have any stats on that? Preferably from better sources than his info on downed helicopters at Waco?
D) And he ends with another non-sequitur, a vague naked assertion that has nothing to do with the prior expressed thought.
What a disjointed, incoherent mess.
You’re gonna put this guy in charge?
Ikr? Apparently he got his fib position bc he bribed obummer with bundled campaign donations. He is deleting his history over the past several months already knowing he is a candidate.
Reopen California Schools (@ReopenCASchools) Tweeted:
Oh look! California is STILL DEAD LAST with in-person learning.
Reopen California Schools (@ReopenCASchools) Tweeted:
Map showing California still dead last for in-person learning at 25.7. Credit @BurbioCalendar
Catturd ™ (@catturd2) Tweeted:
If this doesn’t piss you off, nothing will.
All you NYers should immediately push back. They are giving away a years income at minimum wage to illegals.
Why… why would they single out illegal aliens, and treat them to a windfall profit, and pointedly exclude their own citizens?
Why on earth would anyone do that?
There are really only two reasons that immediately occur to me.
1) the people in charge are clinically insane
2) the people in charge are desperately trying to provoke violence, or spark a civil war, citizens vs. illegal aliens
There is a third reason grooming future democrat voters. They will feel indebted to them for the next 50 years.
I dunno… the kind of people who vote democrat strike me more as “what have you done for me lately” types, rather than the deeply indebted in gratitude type…
What gets me people wanting universal healthcare who never lived in a country that had it. They have no clue how good they have it specially when they get insurance through work and it is really good.
It’s a giant slush fund. Typical Deep State/ Cabal money laundering scam.
I’d say that not many will receive the money. The Big Guy gets his cut…then after a time when no one is watching, the money gets moved to another fund… maybe Cuomo’s Legal defense Fund.
Catturd ™ (@catturd2) Tweeted:
Excellent! TEXAS!!!
And just like that — there was a “mass shooting incident” in Texas today.
It appears they are clearly trying to provoke challenges to blatantly unconstitutional “laws” and “executive orders”, which will of course go to the (not)Supreme Court.
The constant threat of new “gun control laws” is much more valuable as leverage and just plain old-fashioned psychological warfare.
If they act on that threat, and get shot down by the (not)Supreme Court, they are in a much weaker position.
So they must be confident that the (not)Supreme Court is going to rule in the [JB] administration’s favor, or they would never risk it.
When the (not)Supreme Court rules in favor of the lawless anti-firearms laws, it will remove any doubt, from even the coma people, that the totalitarian state has arrived.
Almost too late..
Nathan Brand (@NathanBrandWA) Tweeted:
this comment should terrify every American
It makes me
. And IMO, it is grounds for impeachment because he took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. If he don’t like it, he should leave.
For people without an ethical compass oath do not mean a thing. The man was 45 in government he has a record of No character nor ethics soooo why is this a surprise?
Anyone who voted for this clown lack discernment or ethics themselves.
“Anyone who voted for this clown lack discernment or ethics themselves.”
The only one who voted for [JB] was somebody named Mr. Dominion Voting Systems.
Seems like a strange name for a voter.
So true and still others who saw something better than Trump in their mind.
Biden does not tweet
He looks Presidential
Trump is to crude
Those people jumped from the frying pan into the firer.
Actually, the statement is true. He may have forgot to mention that the process to amend or change the Constitution does not include his executive orders.
Yes, but he’s using that statement as an excuse to abridge our rights, to say that they are not set in stone. They are inalienable, and our founding documents declare that. I’m tired of Leftists chipping away at our rights with rhetoric that deceives people.
The leftists have already succeeded in schools where the Constitution and civics is barely taught. Most young people these days have no clue of what our rights are.
All my point was, the Constitution can be changed, but there is a process that does not include his phone and pen.
We probably need to do this too.
Fung Koo (@FungKoo1) Tweeted:

Bolivia, a van carrying presidential election ballots is intercepted by civilians, showing the ballots already marked with a vote for the candidate and current Bolivian president Evo Morales
I knew the moment they announced this Commy/Criminal Morales was re-elected, that that election was as fraudulent as the US’s.
“I knew the moment they announced this Commy/Criminal Morales was re-elected, that that election was as fraudulent as the US’s.”
And we will have the same kind of results in 2022, if the 2020 election is not overturned and the systematic vote fraud stopped.
It’s not being stopped now, and the longer it goes without being stopped, the more time the lawless government criminals have to expand their voter fraud operation nationwide.
“Bolivia, a van carrying presidential election ballots is intercepted by civilians, showing the ballots already marked with a vote for the candidate and current Bolivian president Evo Morales”
It’s hard to believe such a thing could happen.
How embarrassing for the Bolivian people!
I’m sure glad nothing like that could ever happen here…
Oh do not count on it we arrived in the banana republic . I heartily recognize the States anymore.
Yep, I know, I was just kidding

BDW (@BryanDeanWright) Tweeted:
*claimed without evidence.
giloo…This is such BS it makes me sick.
Our regional Firearms Collector org requires a CCP to JOIN!
ALL members have passed a background check, and NO ONE who is NOT a Member is allowed to purchase a firearm at Shows unless thy are a Member.
When you submit an application for membership, dates are required, and authenticity is verified.
This particular LIE is Really Offensive!!! And intentionally misleading.
Hes a corrupt pedo with dementia. The lies are his reality.
He is not quite demented as one might think. The man is a con artist and he knows what he is doing.
The republicans do not know what they are doing and by excusing this clown as demented gives him the power he does not deserve.
He can sell us down the river and GOP blames it on dementia.
He has no dementia he is an imposter con artist and the faster we realize it the quicker we can stop the madness.
I give him no slack dementia my foot.
PS I thought he had dementia and fell for it. What he is doing is brilliant to destroy the country and the fasted way of doing so let us think he is no quit there. He is duping us they are duping us.
“ZERO MOUTH PIECE” Is what this treasonous traitor is!!!
He is and a faker
I agree, which is why he’s so disgusting. He has dementia but it doesn’t rule him yet.
He is using it as an advantage. People underestimate him and that is what is so dangerous.
Not true in Colorado; background checks just like at stores have been required for nearly 20 years.
What I don’t understand is why the NRA finds store BG checks acceptable, while not finding other ones acceptable. Because they do find the store ones OK, they end up having no leg to stand on opposing BG checks at other places.
This could be why TPTB need untraceable children brought in by the thousands.
Well, yes. And the sad thing is that parents are willing to just blindly sell their children, more or less.
clean up on aisle 3
Nicola Charles
Most people believe the most washed body part of 2020 was the hands. In actual fact it was the brain.

Errol Webber
Hey @CocaCola
, you know that ole saying about glass houses?
Meant to post this last week as a follow: TN posted their Dec, 2020 voter registration statistics.
They usually post a report every 6 months and via comments a week or two ago I learned TN had not posted their 12/2020 report yet. I immediately made some phone calls, they became aware it was not posted for the general public in the usual spot and they made phone calls to their IT and it was posted very shortly. Just a mistake and it is now posted.
Sometimes people just make mistakes with no conspiracy involved. Good to synergize and get things done!
Mad cow anyone ?
From the article…
Finally, others working in the field have published additional support that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially induce prion disease. Authors [18] found prion related sequences in the COVID-19 spike protein which were not found in related coronaviruses. Others [19] have reported a case of prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, initially occurring in a man with COVID-19.
25 years ago, I watched a man die of Mad Cow disease. It was a terrible thing to see. He had caught it while traveling in India. I would take homemade soup over to his house as soup was all he could eat toward the end. He wasted away to nothing and he lost his mind. There were no medicines at that time to help him, only to keep him sedated.
God bless you, Concerned Virginian.
Your friend must have appreciated your kindness and dedication very much.
It sounds as if it was a terrible deterioration to witness.
This man could only say “thank you” with his eyes, since he could no longer speak and he was unable to lift his arms and hands — family and friends were tending to him.
What got to me almost more than this was the fact that, before he caught C-J, he was superbly healthy and built like a linebacker.
‘ … before he caught C-J, he was superbly healthy and built like a linebacker’: That is exactly what happens. It is a very strange disease.
Good grief. Thank you for joining his friends and family in taking care of him. May he rest in God’s eternal peace.
Once again, may He send many blessings to all of you for tending to this man in his time of need.
We need more people like Concerned Virginian.
I fully agree.
I have been wondering about C-J disease and the vaccine.
Thanks for the link.
Could this possibly be related to the neurological problems, such as the missing or distorted sense of smell that has been reported by many covid-19 sufferers?
I don’t think so – I think the olfactory stuff has been pretty well understood as [likely endothelial] damage to support cells for olfactory receptors.
“Gen Flynn just straight up came out and said what we all know…
The January 6th attack on the Capitol was a False Flag.”
[video src="" /]
“Gen Flynn just straight up came out and said what we all know… The January 6th attack on the Capitol was a False Flag.”
Okay great, but what is the point of planting your flag and bravely declaring what everyone already knows?
We’ve suspected it since the evening of January 6th, and confirmed it what, less than 48 hours later?
Here we are, more than 90 days later, and one of only a handful of people speaking out for truth is just now catching up with public domain information?
What are they going to reveal next week… that Biden was inaugurated on the 20th?
I can’t be the only one who sees that whatever leadership exists on our side is hopelessly out of touch and behind the times…
We’re trapped in some kind of time paradox, aren’t we…
Vaccine Is Trojan for Totalitarian Takeover
CANTERBURY, England ( – The former vice president of Pfizer is raising the alarm over a coercive regime of mass gene-based vaccinations resulting in a global digital database that will “provide the perfect tool for totalitarian control” over every human being on earth.
503 broken link Already! Here’s the archived version…
Just to calm everything down, this is quite a lengthy interview.
Michael Yeadon is not a sensationalist.
Parts 1 and 2 of the transcript of the interview are in the links below:
Check Conservative Woman tomorrow for another instalment.
What Hunter Biden left OUT of his ‘tell-all’ memoir revealed | Daily Mail Online
EXCLUSIVE: What WASN’T in Hunter Biden’s book: How he got unauthorized Secret Service protection, begged Joe to run for WH to salvage his own reputation and made porn films with prostitutes. Forensic experts prove laptop IS President’s son’s
Yep. Just the sort you want your daughter or grand-daughter marrying!!!
(quick, let me forward this to the judges of the sarcasm contest.)
May I also add…your current daughter in-law who will soon be your favorite son’s widow…that’s the way Biden’s date if hookers and strippers and niece’s aren’t available
The whole family is screwed up, always get a pass from bad press even though it’s ALL out in the public domain anyway. Clown world
The Geek in Pictures: Risky Business Edition | Power Line (
Lots of graphs!
Covid US: Army starts clinical testing trial for its OWN vaccine | Daily Mail Online
U.S. Army starts clinical testing trial for its OWN COVID-19 vaccine that could protect against current and future variants
Wow … have they ever done this before? Has the military ever developed their own vaccines? I wonder how this was set into motion and if private industry realized it was happening.
An intriguing and fascinating development
Not sure I am excited about “nanoparticle tech” and we already choose not to vaccinate because of a variety of issues with vaccines. However, the army doing this on their own is extremely interesting to note and to watch how this plays out.
As the military has to deal with chemical and biological warfare, having specialists who can develop counter measures makes sense. As covid was probably developed in a lab anyway I would not be surprised if the Army can cook up a cocktail also.
You betcha the military can “cook up” stuff.
My late husband was given a shot of an experimental vaccine produced by the Army before he was to be sent to the Pacific Theater in WWII. He almost died from the reaction to the shot.
More information.
An article on earlier research being done at Stanford back at the beginning of the year.
Over the past four years, my administration delivered for Americans of all backgrounds like never before. Save America is about building on those accomplishments, supporting the brave conservatives who will define the future of the America First Movement, the future of our party, and the future of our beloved country. Save America is also about ensuring that we always keep America First, in our foreign and domestic policy. We take pride in our country, we teach the truth about our history, we celebrate our rich heritage and national traditions, and of course, we respect our great American Flag.
We are committed to defending innocent life and to upholding the Judeo-Christian values of our founding.
We believe in the promise of the Declaration of Independence, that we are all made EQUAL by our Creator, and that must all be TREATED equal under the law.
We know that our rights do not come from government, they come from God, and no earthly force can ever take those rights away. That includes the right to religious liberty and the right to Keep and Bear Arms.
We believe in rebuilding our previously depleted military and ending the endless wars our failed politicians of the past got us into for decades.
We embrace free thought, we welcome robust debate, and we are not afraid to stand up to the oppressive dictates of political correctness.
We know that the rule of law is the ultimate safeguard of our freedoms, and we affirm that the Constitution means exactly what it says AS WRITTEN.
We support fair trade, low taxes, and fewer job-killing regulations, and we know that America must always have the most powerful military on the face of the Earth.
We believe in Law and Order, and we believe that the men and women of law enforcement are HEROES who deserve our absolute support.
We believe in FREE SPEECH and Fair Elections. We must ensure fair, honest, transparent, and secure elections going forward – where every LEGAL VOTE counts.
President Trump is posting statements, endorsements, news here –
New T Shirts, mugs, etc. here:
I’m glad he has started posting again. It’s interesting that he’s posting to that site and not his one.
Some people think he is maneuvering from behind now. I think this is a carefully planned strategy to start speaking up after giving people time to see America under His Fraudulency.
I wonder why he isn’t posting at both and 45Office.
Good question. I wonder what he has planned for the “45” site.
EDIT: Every time I see “45,” I hear Maxine Waters in my head:
“Impeach fohty-fi!.”
Very good point – So 45 Office is a campaign site?
My guess is DonaldJTrump would be the campaign site, as well as anything goes.
The answer may really be on the 45 web site. Which I have not visited. While I am a die hard Trump supporter, my estimate is nothing exciting going on. At least nothing Trump will divulge to the general public. No need to energize fake news and left asshoes.
*** “Personal use” for DonaldJTrump a couple posts up meant to infer whatever he wants the site to be used for. Perhaps I should have used political use or professional use. Likely it is not truly much of anything personal.
Winred? No thanks.
No thanks, no more, never again.
Winred? N E V E R AGAIN.
Me neither, Grandma in Texas.
Tennessee Governor Signs Constitutional Carry Bill Into Law
Women who work in Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz’ office speak out and refute nasty leftist slander.
On a lighter note, today (Thurs.), Howie Carr had a listeners’ poll question: ‘What shouldn’t you shout in a theater?’
The choices were ‘Crowd’, ‘Fire’ and ‘Wolf’. Not surprisingly, ‘Fire’ got the majority of votes.
Here’s where ‘Wolf’ came from — Nancy Pelosi in 2017:
“Ashli Babbitt’s death at U.S. Capitol riots: Homicide” – says Sharyl Attkisson
I agree. It was chilling watching that cold-blooded person aim and fire at a woman who was not a threat.
To this day we don’t know the shooter. Circumstances beyond Ashli, unarmed, appeared to be preparing to go through a broken window. WHY did the shooter, shoot? Why no charges.
He could have easily apprehend her as she jumped down from the window.
Something is not right. Was she undercover? Did they know and she could have blown the whole Psy-op to entrap deplorable?
Agree. MUCH more to the story, which we’ll likely NEVER learn the truth. Piglosi, Uniparty, Dodge, FIB have no intentions of being honest.
They are to far gone and no way for them to return.
Found at NeonRevolt:
Today’s shooting (and I’m not being facetious; it’s sad):
Police Respond to Mass Shooting at a Business in Bryan, Texas – One Dead – 5 People Injured – Shooter in Custody, May Be an Employee
Shooting at Kent Moore Cabinets. Shooter might be an employee. One dead, 4 critical, another wounded. Perp is now in custody, motive unknown.
So many shootings since January 20.
Sidney Powell (reposting Lin Wood) on Telegram:
Audit Arizona NOW.
Voices and Votes, Inc. – 501(c)(4) corporation is helping lead the charge. I know the individual spearheading this effort. She is a super Patriot.
I am told that $150,000 is needed for expert witness fees. Other costs exceed $1.5M but have been covered by private Patriot donors.
#FightBack, the 501(c)(4) of which I serve as CEO will be donating $50,000. So that leaves $100,000 to meet the need. Time is of the essence.
Please consider joining the effort. We can get this done, Patriots!
$5, $20, $100 – every dollar you give goes STRAIGHT to the AZ election audit.
Below is the website. Just hit the donate tab, and select the AZ election audit initiative.
When the fraud is finally revealed in one state, just watch the other states fall like dominoes!
God bless you. – Lin
From this headline on Citizen Free Press (47 year-old MSNBC legal analyst is dead one month after mRNA Vaccine…), I found this story:
Did Midwin Charles Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine Weeks Before her Death?
Answer: Yes, she did. She got the Pfizer vaccine on March 1, five weeks before her death from unknown causes.
The article rips “antivaxxers” for trying to connect vaccines to deaths like this.
It’s true that we don’t know the cause of her death, but I don’t remember seeing reports of young-to-middle-aged people dying of unknown causes before the vaccines came into use. It is unreasonable to ask people not to wonder and want more information.
Send them all home…after the parents do prison time…paid for by Ecuador.
Grandparents of toddlers dropped over the border wall: Their parents paid to have them smuggled into the U.S.
Andrew Torba
Imagine thinking that “racism” is the biggest problem this country has right now.
1. We are literally being invaded and no one is stopping it.
2. Our people are jobless, hopeless, and killing themselves.
3. Our cities look like third-world countries.
4. Our freedoms have been all but stripped away.
5. Every branch of our government is owned and controlled by foreign and corporate interests.
6. Republicans won’t even stand up and stop the chemical castration of children.
1. We are literally being invaded and no one is stopping it.
When seconds count, our military is only years away!
2. Our people are jobless, hopeless, and killing themselves.
Thankfully our military has great job security and benefits!
3. Our cities look like third-world countries.
But it always looks nice wherever the military is!
4. Our freedoms have been all but stripped away.
Thankfully our military has them all!
5. Every branch of our government is owned and controlled by foreign and corporate interests.
Wait until our military finds out… they’re gonna be so mad!
6. Republicans won’t even stand up and stop the chemical castration of children.
Our military won’t even stand up to castrated Republicans!
In case of emergency, dial 1-800-MYANMAR

Myanmar is only 17 hours and 8,290 miles from the U.S. (depending on where in the U.S. you are), but at least they’re reliable.
This is referring to David Chipman, the man Biden is nominating to lead ATF:
This is the man responsible for the bloodbath at Waco, TX. He is personally responsible for the situation that cost four federal agents their lives & resulted in over 90 people, including small children being burned to death at the hands of Federal Agents.
Oh, man, I don’t think so. Forget this. That is UGLY. DAMN, these people are EVIL.
I’m borrowing this for my new post!
Help yourself, Wolf. I borrowed it from Gab.
Already added!!!
Much has been made of Zhou Bi-Deng’s ridiculous claim that commercial aircraft will travel at 21,000 mph within a decade.
It should be noted that there is currently a commercial aircraft that can travel at 17,500 mph and two of them are doing so as you read this…..docked at the ISS.
They are, of course, SpaceX’s Dragon capsules.
While they spend most of their time being commercial spacecraft, they do have claim to some time in air.
So, a 21,000 mile per hour airplane would be travelling at greater than orbital velocity. It would have to apply thrust to stay down, and the passengers would actually think the ceiling of the thing was “down.”
Much more likely, of course, in the event that the craft were ever built, is that it would fly inverted (top toward the ground) so that the floor of the thing would be the floor to the passengers inside it.
Much more likely that Joe-Not-The-Winner-China-Asshoe Bi-Deng meant to say 21 hundred miles per hour, which at least is plausible (roughly Mach 3).
That’s why I thought it was amusing enough to bring over. Everyone else is saying it’s Mach 13 or something, but I was musing…..”wait a second, just how fast is that?”
It should also be noted that, if it were to try such a stunt in the atmosphere, every operating hour would be the equivalent of a spacecraft re-entry….those pesky little things like the one that got the shuttle Columbia.
Mach 28.
Heh. Commercial Blackbirds. Coming to your Air Traffic Control soon!
Or Valkyries–the Blackbird and Valkyrie were developed at the same time, the blackbird was originally intended as an interceptor. The problem with that idea being the amount of time it would take to turn around once it “intercepted” so it could continue the engagement. Planes like this take large western states to turn around in when going full bore.
I can imagine the bomb bay of one of those puppies being fitted out with a few seats, at least. Not much room for passengers on a blackbird.
I’ve seen several of the retired SR-71’s and they make me tear up, I love them so! The crazy SOB’s up at the skunkworks designed so much of it by feel and French curves. They’d always start their missions with just some fuel to get them up to altitude and speed, because only then would thermal expansion seal the fuel tanks…..on the ground, they left a trail of dripping jet fuel. Their operational missions always started with an aerial refuel.