Dear KAG: 20211123 Open Thread

DePat note to the tree dwellers:

My computer went ka-blooey and I am borrowing someone else’s in the house for this. I’m working on getting a new one. However, that means all the memes I saved over the weekend for this thread are essentially not available. Also, due to the browser available, Twitter is out. And for some reason, I can’t get the media library to work. Nothing is working.

So, this is the plain brown wrapper version of a Daily. Maybe tomorrow I can work on a different machine.

Anyway, happy Tuesday.

(PS – A message from Wolf)

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge, and if the non-mainstream people are to be believed, including Lin Wood, we will need to take this seriously very soon:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.



Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have a NEW sticker, which I stole from our hero Karl Denninger. Think of him always when you see it.

The code for it is (colon)toldyaso(colon), and it looks like this.



He’s our hero??? A grouchy old drunk who thinks he’s special???

I’ll pass. [yeah it’s personal]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! As you wish! He just happens to be one of my best COVID sources on virology! Must give him props for saving lives.


I simply wanted to detach myself from the ‘hero’ label. In no way was I suggesting his knowledge wasn’t worth your time.

I can be as grouchy as he is except I’m housebroken and he ain’t.

Side note: we were all part of the original tea party birth in 2009.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AH, OK. Yeah, I think I get it. Sounds like the man has 3 clay feet!


When Karl was setting up his D&D character status page, he kept rolling adds for intelligence and drive, and subtracts for diplomacy.


He and I are nearly the same age, but I look more like his “before” pictures.


I called him out last week for all the gratuitous profanity — like the f-word in every sentence. And it actually seems to have been regulated. All the suck-ups jumped all over me though. I have no problem with profanity, tripping over it while trying to read is another matter.

Gail Combs

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The problem with conservatives is they are VERY WILLING to toss aside allies because they are not like Caesar’s Wife.


Take the good and leave the rest. we can not afford any infighting EXCEPT against the RINOs like Mitch and Cheney and Mittens and his sleazy niece.





Test# 2comment image

Valerie Curren

Every wife’s favorite marital emoji 😉


^^^  :toldyaso: ^^^^

Even when she is wrong, “Yes Dear”. It’s easier.


The two most important words in the English language to married people.


The challenge for the likes of me, saying, “yes dear”, with NO hint of sarcasm. 🙂


LOL, TRUE. Sarcasm or apathy indicated would create way more problems. You have to strike just the right tone with just a hint of sympathy. It is an acquired skill I have honed in 36 years LOL


I’ve been practicing that for almost 40 yrs 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by rayzorback

Someday we might get it right LOL

Gail Combs


Remember Moms are very good at sniffing out deception.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

Seems like marriage is “just” practice for parenthood 😉


I pretty much have it figured out by now….
Let her THINK…. she’s the boss until it really matters.

Valerie Curren

Happy wife, happy life 😉 or perhaps even when she’s “wrong” she’s “right” <3

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Marriage is like a three-ring circus.

First, the Engagement Ring.

Next, the Wedding Ring.

Then, the Suffering 🙂


Don’t tell my wife I “liked” that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

And don’t tell my wife I posted it 😀

(Actually she knows the joke… and maybe agrees… but she’s not telling 🙂 )…..

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren

AND the boxing ring 🙂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

For the Charm ☺

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For the KARM! 😅



Look out! I’m gonna use it!

Gail Combs

I thought of him as soon as I saw it.


I was expecting a literal plain brown wrapper.

You did pretty well on the couch commando’s TRS-80.


Isn’t that from when dinosaurs walked the earth?


The TRS-80 was built around a Z80 processor, that was capable of addressing 65,536 bytes of information.

Just to be clear, that wasn’t 65,536K, or 65,536M, or 65,536G…..that was 65,536 bytes of information.

It was teh hotness!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



You could be pretty certain there was no lurking spyware in that code.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you only changed it on WordPress, then we also need to change it on the site itself. You can do it, or I can do it. If you want, just PMTW or gab me the user name you want, and I’ll change it. It does NOT have to match WordPress, but it helps to prevent authoring issues. If you’re not sure what the WP username is, click on your avatar in the black bar and verify what it is.

Deplorable Patriot

DePat I would rather it be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me see if I can change it!


Zilog used to have their HQ building right next to a shopping center called “The Pruneyard”. Before it was a shopping center, they used to process prunes there and box ’em for shipment — Silicon Valley used to be a major agricultural area.


Was there lots of movement – before the shopping center?


With so many prunes going through, I’d imagine there must have been….but it was already a shopping center when I moved up this way.

Valerie Curren

I thought that was code for geezers’ can 😉


I have no idea what you might be referring to….

How’s the hub doing out among the godless?

Valerie Curren

Pruneworld, old people, the bathroom 🙂


OMG, is it that bad for your DH?

Valerie Curren

Oh no, nobody around here. We’re still in our 50’s & hubby’s almost 3 years younger than me. Now me being shredded down south in my first birthing adventure made bathroom time much more interesting for 2 1/2+ decades–sigh…


So, how is the hub doing amongst the New England heathens?

Valerie Curren

Well he arrived safely after a fairly harrowing journey. Hopefully no serious weather for his return trip for the end of the week but he’s got snow “chains” (whatever they’re called now) to get him through Vermont’s winding “mountainous” trails if needed.

His brother’s home is a remote paradise, so he’s loving the environment. Hasn’t seen his other brother yet, who decided to tackle some random home improvement project while his own wife is out of town. I wondered if his brother would end up putting him to work again like when he was in college & his bro was a contractor instead of a retired orthopedic surgeon 🙂

While traveling in the Cleveland vicinity he had people point & laugh at him when they saw his Michigan plates, hours after the Lions’ humiliating defeat by the Browns. Oh & he Hates dealing w/ the toll roads, something we don’t have in our home state!


One of my uncles is from Michigan, though he spent a bunch of time in SoCal (where he married my aunt) and is now in Tennessee. I admire him in a lot of ways, but only recently got to see him deal with snow.

He just shrugs it off.

As a SoCal born total candyass who has only lately seen snow fall, it’s trippy. I was tenderly crab-walking my way across slippery patches, and he was just walking around.

Valerie Curren

Yes. Snow is a joy & a pain. Every year I “re-learn” snow driving in a parking lot to practice the conditions AND my specific vehicles tolerances. I trust myself in hazardous driving conditions but other motorists not so much. People are pretty stupid on the roads, especially the first couple snowfalls every winter.

Getting older I’m also leery of slipping so walk fairly gingerly in icy conditions. My boots have good soles which help. My grandpa used to put galoshes on over his shoes & had something akin to mini-crampons at the ball of the foot so he never seemed to worry about falling.

If you ever make it to the Carolina you hope to move to depending on the elevation you may actually have to contend with some snowy conditions. I bet Gail Combs could speak to what you might encounter.

I grew up in metro Detroit & have been back here almost 2 1/2 decades after a decade in OK & half a one in Northern Michigan. People in OK drove me nuts in the rare snowy conditions, they didn’t see it enough to learn how to drive in it. Northern MI absolutely took heavy snowfall in stride (we had 250 inches the last winter I lived Up North). Now downstate it’s pathetic how much the weather weenies (reporters) whine about AND significantly exaggerate snowfall. What a bunch of babies. We haven’t hardly had a serious winter since I’ve been back, though there have been long cold spells where the snow stays pristine white because it doesn’t warm up enough to turn road grime slushy to splash up everywhere & dirty up the winter wonderland aspects of the state.

Gail Combs

Snow and North Carolina:

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Raleigh gets snow rather routinely. Fayetteville hardly ever gets snow.

Pittsboro gets more than a trace of snow maybe every 5 years. (Slightly Northwest of Sanford where they grow the spermicidal corn😯)

This is the 2014 major snow storm. The 7 in the diamond shaped county (First 7 as you move west) is the City of Sanford to give you an idea of where you are.
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This is the average seasonal snowfall. HOWEVER most is less than an ince and melts by noon in the light blue band. I consider that blue band ‘the snow line’ Again that diamond shaped county helps you orientate yourself.
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Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail!


I grew up in Michigan. Miss the snow. Texas is hot as hell for 9 months and then just plain cold for three months (my neck of the vast state).

I miss having four seasons.

Valerie Curren

My brother is now in the Dallas area after living for decades in Tulsa. I found Tulsa depressing in its lack of four seasons, fall was Awful (leaves are brown & they’re on the ground). I would about die in TX heat too!

Valerie Curren

Funny I had a great uncle who married a Tennessee girl & they lived almost the entirety of their married life in Burbank, CA. She died fairly young & he buried her in Northern Michigan where he now rests too, near his parents & 2 sisters (one is my grandma). My great-grandfather died in CA while on a trip visiting that son during his brief season of widowerhood.

Gail Combs

To get the information on snowfall I duck-ducked:

North Carolina Map elevation cities

and then

North Carolina Map elevation snowfall line


In 2010 in response to Willis’s Thunderstorm Thermostat Hypothesis,  I did a quicky look at afternoon rain on the east coast.

In the summer, Florida had about 20 -25 days of rain per month. (Almost every day) Georgia, South Carolina and southern North Carolina had 20 days of rain per month. In the middle of North Carolina – between Fayetteville and Sanford (or Rocky Mount) a distance of about fifty miles the number of rain days changed from 20/month to 10/month.

So again that seems to be a ‘climate line’

You trade off hot and humid summers vs snow in the winter. I decide I rather NOT have those hot humid, 4:00 pm thunderstorms summers and put up with a bit of snow occasionally in the winter. 😎

Valerie Curren

Me personally I love Four Seasons. Hot & humid is too close to Hades for me 🙂

Valerie Curren

In my 1st post partum check I asked the doc how many stitches he needed to sew me back up & he held his hand 4+ feet apart & said he needed Three sutures this long–yikes!!!


I have three sutured wounds on my face. One at the outside corner of my eye, one a la Harry Potter in the upper center of my forehead, and one from much later (5th grade) on my chin. The only one that still shows is the forehead…..which is nice because it has the funniest story.

It seems that I was prone to injuring myself constantly while a toddler, and this made my parents continually anxious and stressed. Finally, one night while visiting, I was left alone in an empty room with nothing but soft cushions and a couch and a carpeted, padded floor and my parents could relax a moment.

Until I started squalling. I’d managed to take a dive head-first into a convex corner of two walls, split my forehead, and was bleeding all over the place. My parents took one more trip to the ER with me and — being as the hour was inconvenient — I got fewer stitches than my other face wounds… it’s still there, 50+ years later.

Valerie Curren

Nice. War wounds, but you survived childhood!

I was doing genealogical research in collateral family lines from my mom’s birth family & found a death certificate for a grade school aged child’s cause of death that was listed as “didn’t learn”. It makes one wonder…

You were so incorrigible they needed a padded room for you Before being committed 🙂


Wow! That’s a new one. I love old death certs. Sometimes the docs were very funny in their descriptions.

Valerie Curren

Yes. Lots of old documents are a real treat, especially when they provide clues on someone you have little to no info about.



Valerie Curren

I once found a relation on that (forget the term for died the year before the census so some type of death index) death registry. It turned out that Many people died in that small community of cholera in a short period of time. Without that one document of all those year before the census deaths I’d never have realized that such a community tragedy occurred.

I was looking up family death certs in Northern Michigan & ran across consecutive death certs for a large family who all died in a house fire. Very sobering tales of tragedy can be unearthed in seemingly dry documents.


He was probably practicing his cross-stitch technique on the company dollar.

Valerie Curren

LOL Unlikely I was the Only Mom in the birth unit when my oldest son was born (his B-Day was yesterday, the 30th anniversary of JFK’s assassination) but I still had to call the nurse to get my pain pills. Come on, I was their Only patient AND I was in lots of pain after being shredded to kingdom come down there!!!

Valerie Curren

Sorry for “appropriating” the word “code” inappropriately, being a non-techie 🙂


Code is code is code.

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Code has different meanings, as it turns out.

There’s encryption where the code is meant to conceal from others what is being transmitted.

There’s also something like “ASCII Code” which is really just a standardized number-equals-a-symbol scheme that doesn’t conceal anything…every computer knows 65 = ‘A’. That actually facilitates communications.

Then of course there are verbal codes like “Let’s Go Brandon” meaning “Fuck Joe Biden.” Everyone knows it, nothing is being concealed by it, yet so many just use it anway.

Valerie Curren

Thx Steve 🙂


I had one of those….. right after the Timex Sinclair 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

64K, or one-tenth of Bill Gates’ famous 640K that should be enough for anyone…

(He should have known better than to *cough* bank on that 😎 )…


I learned BASIC on a TRS 80 in HS. Just think, there are keychains with 100x the power now. LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Back when I learned computers, we only had ones and zeroes…
‘cept we were so poor, we could only afford zeroes 😀




“Isn’t that from when dinosaurs walked the earth?”


Nah, I was a kid then, there were no dinosaurs.

Mostly TRS-80s, Apple IIs, Commodore PETs and Atari 800s.

Then (I think) the 386 SX25 👍 😁


The “main line” at Intel was 4004, 8008, 8080, 8086, 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486, 80586 (Pentium). The 8086, 80286, 80386, and 80486 were notable for having corresponding 8087, 80287, 80387, and 80487 numeric coprocessors.

It wasn’t really until the 8080 that anything was a reasonable product — and the Z80 blew the doors off of that. The only machines that used Intel 8080’s were things like S-100 bus Altair and Imsai systems. The Z80 was used in TRS-80s.

The story is that the Woz wanted to use a Z80 in the original Apple II, but when he was shopping the processor aisle at Quement Electronics (now gone, but I used to go there), he only had $5 in his pocket…..and the Z80 would have been $5.60 after tax. So he got a Motorola 6502 instead (a very different beast) for just under $5 and Apple’s hardware incompatibility was born.

The ginormous big dealio in processors in those early days can be seen in this graphic of a Z80….

The A0 to A15 pins are Address lines. That gives you 65,536 potential addresses. The D0 to D7 pins are Data lines, which means each address can have 8 bits of data, or a byte.

The Intel 8086 implemented a couple of tricks. For one thing, the Address Lines and the Data lines were implemented on the same pins, meaning that the same Z80 addresses could move 16 bits of data at a time, or TWO bytes. Same 65,536 addresses -> 131,072 bytes.

But, wait — there’s more! The 8086 didn’t just have 16 address lines — it had 20! And that meant that the 65,536 addresses were stretched by 4 additional bits to 1,048,576! This was done by composing two different access methods, both 16-bits wide and offset by four bits, into a single 20-bit Address space.

Finally, the internal architecture of the chip was made into stable 16-bit registers, rather than the ad-hoc 16-bit register pairs in the Z80. The 8086 was a big step up for processor development.

And, naturally, when it came time for the IBMPC, IBM chose the Intel 8088. The 8088 was to the 8086 what Tanya Harding hoped to have done to Nancy Kerrigan. It got the wide address bus, it got the 16-bit registers…..but it only had the same eight data lines as a Z80. That’s why the original IBMPC had a memory limit of 1,048,576 bytes.

Linus Torvalds wrote the original version of Linux 30 years ago on an 80386 machine — it was the first generation where both the data and address busses were a full 32 bits wide — with 32 bit registers. In keeping with providing crippled processors for crippled companies, Intel also released the 386SX with 16 bit data and 24 bit addressing.

It should be noted that any recent Raspberry Pi has 64 bit data and 64 bit addressing.


My 1st “real” computer was a 486 DX266.
Then I bought FOUR MEGS of Ram for $400 (Mid to late 80’s)…. I was told it was more than I would EVER Need or use 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by rayzorback

I think the first memory (RAM was in KB)


could be….. back when I bought it, 4 Megs was supposed to be Overkill….. more than I would EVER use.


Back when “Floppy” disks really were Floppy.


Ah, memories, then we can go to HD “storage. I think the first I recall was 8 MB.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And yet you STILL see 32 bit software for sale.

Gail Combs

Mine was on a Smith-Corona
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Vintage 1949?

Gail Combs

Scott you are a mere baby.

I remember a classmate in college having a CALCULATOR that could add, subtract, multiply & divide (no sq roots or anything fancy) It cost around $500.00 (When a good salary was $3,000/year)

I was envious as I spent my entire spring break doing square roots by hand to calculate the standard deviation for a number of experiments I ran in lab.

The Sample Standard =
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Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

I’ll be 57 this week. They tried to teach me how to use a slide rule in middle school.

That was the beginning of the end of my math/science career!


Yea. Only use I got out of a slide rule was, as a “straight edge”.



Cuppa Covfefe

Like using a chisel as a screwdriver 🙂 😮

It’s not without reason that the little window with a line down the middle that moves (grudgingly) back and forth is called a “cursor”. Lots of that occured when losing one’s place, or transferring to the wrong scale…

And looking at catalogs with the different, fancy slide rules, real wooden ones with adjustment screws to align them if/when needed…

Just think HP and TI killed off a whole industry… but Pickett instruction manuals are still available online, in case you get nostalgic 🙂


LOL I used an abacus.

Gail Combs

Probably easier than the slide rule. 🤓🙃



Valerie Curren

We had a toy one but I never actually knew how to Really use it, sadly 🙁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I kept a cheapass sliderule with me in college, just in case my calculator crapped out during an exam. It never did.

I’d never have been able to do very rough multiplication and addition with it; I’m sure an actual slide rule virtuoso would have been able to do far more even with that slide rule (it’s not the arrow, it’s the Indian).

Much later I was handed down a really professional-grade slide rule from my dad (who had a technical education he had never used while I was watching!). This is a SERIOUS technical instrument from pre-calculator days, and I treat it with reverence.

Gail Combs

I have Dad’s in my desk drawer in a very nice leather case.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In my case it’s a plastic case which has outgassed some plasticiser, so I had to wipe “slime” off the ruler.

The trickiest part to using it is remembering NOT to grip the ruler by anything other than the brackets. Even the lightest touch elsewhere makes it bind up. VERY precisely machined.


Gail…oooooo…an actual heirloom! I am envious.


You are a very smart man. 🙂

Valerie Curren

Fodder for a future Saturday post perhaps?

Valerie Curren

We’re of an age 🙂 but I’ve never even seen a slide rule, though my dad claimed to have used one in his entire education! Honestly I’d be quite interested in this mechanical calculation device.


Valerie, people now collect them. We were taught how to use them in math classes.
Some are quite elegant, as they were laminated to bamboo.
Really nice they are.

Valerie Curren

Thx Piper 🙂


Lol! Best of luck! I couldn’t use one if my life depended on it.

Valerie Curren

No, me neither 🙂


They’re pretty intuitive. They work on the basis that log(x) + log(y) = log(xy). If you had one in your hands, you could teach yourself in short order.


Even my teachers couldn’t teach me! Trust me, I am a VERY right-brained individual. Artist, writer, herbalist, researcher. No math!

Cuppa Covfefe

That looks like a gnarled root to me 😀

We had a fellow in chemistry class who was blind, and had a “speaking” calculator (must’ve been enormously expensive). Anyway, he kept the volume down, and no-one noticed.

Until exam time 🙂

Then the prof realized there might be a problem (as did we), particularly if the blind fellow knew what he was doing…

He got to finish the test in another room, all alone 😎


Actually, from what I remember from around that time when the Z80 was hot and exciting, the smaller kids all were fans of dinosaurs. When the kids got bigger, some of them made the Jurassic park movie, but by then, the 80486 was big and Pentiums (which always sounded to me like they ought to be found in the Periodic Table of Elements, what with there being both Strontium 90 and Pentium 90), were on the bleeding edge.


My personal suspicion is that Intel, after the *INTENTIONALLY CRIPPLED* 8088 and 80386SX, dropped the number system in favor of random words when they went to “Pentium”. If you want to compare an “Coffee Lake” with a “Rocket Lake” today, you have to work at it [ ].


The sale point of the 8088 was the narrower data bus made it easier to re-use all the various 8-bit peripheral chips that were available for the previous 8-bit processors such as the 8080 and 8085. Having a 16-bit processor with 8-bit amount of wiring helped to keeping the price low, though it wasn’t optimal with the speed of IO. But it was what ended up in the IBM PC and all the compatible clones and no-one got fired for buying IBM.

Motorola did something similar with their 68000 and 68008, so it wasn’t a too unresonable idea at that time.

The 80286 was like a breath of fresh air when it came, and it had fairly useful memory management so it would be possible to support separate processes not stepping on each others toes, enforced in hardware.

Great. Except that once this was turned on, you’d have to reset the processor to turn it back off. And MS-DOS and the entire infrastructure of software made to run on it would not run in this «protected mode» at all, so most 80286-based computers, (IBM AT and clones) would work in «real mode» just as if they were faster 8086’s. At least the data buss was full 16-bit width by now. But there did exist unix-like things such as 80286-xenix, which could go into protected mode and didn’t mind staying there.

Then 80386 was the same concept, except now it was full 32-bit both address and data, and there was a way to exit from the protected mode back to the real mode. Now old MS-DOS still worked in real mode, but we got Windows 386 that would run in protected mode and allow processes to keep their own spaces apart from others. And we’ve all heard of that fellow in Helsinki who started work on his unix-like kernel on the 80386.

80386SX re-used the idea of the 8088 with its narrow external busses, but unlike the 8088 or the 68008, there weren’t a lot of re-usable 16-bit peripherals around, so that sales argument didn’t exist, and all it made was a slower machine, in a time when everyone wanted to go faster.

So not a good idea anymore. Anyone still concerned with saving hardware were using other devices, 8085s, Z80s, something from the 8051-series or Motorola’s MC68HC-series integrated controllers or something else entirely anyway, in specific applications where these were more appropriate.

There was a final stupid iteration on this theme with the 80486SX, basically an 80486 where the math co-processor was disabled. So one could get an 80487 to add this, much as one used to have 8087, 80287, and 80387 for the previous generations. But that 80487 was basically an 80486 that took over the whole show…

so wow folks: two processor-chips for the price of two with the actual computing power of one! Yeah… there’s a reason no-one advertises «buy 1 pay for 2» anywhere too.

Just as IBM PCs were cloned, Intel’s processor designs had competitors making functionally similar versions. It was trademark concerns that made Intel start with names. Numbers such as 80486 couldn’t be trademarked, but a name such as Pentium could be. Apparently based on the Greek word for 5, (compare to Pentagon, pentode, pentameter) it was a worthy successor to the 80486. And now Cyrix or AMD could only call their chips something with 586.

Today, the x86_64 identifier in Linux systems refer to code made to run on the Pentium’s 64-bit descendants.

Last edited 3 years ago by slowcreekno

The thing about all this knowledge — and I endorse slowcreekno’s comment — is that it is all theoretically useless in the past.

Except that it might easily happen again.


Remember IBM’s microchannel bus. LOL


Oh yes…

IBM trying to be incompatible, after their first three horses had left the barn and bred innumerable descendents as it were.

The Microchannel was supposedly the way ahead for the 32-bit 80386 after the previous 8-bit and 16-bit efforts which were mostly extension of the main 8088/80286 busses. It was deliberately incompatible, so as to avoid some of the limitations of the 80286 bus scheme. But it was shrouded in so much trade secrecy that it ended up as an IBM-only scheme, for as long as IBM bothered.

Cuppa Covfefe

And the HP150, the first touchscreen (infrared grid), but woefully incompatible with the IBM PC… They fixed that with the Vectra, but the touchscreen disappeared for a couple of decades…

Andrew Tannenbaum created “Minix” back in 1987 for his OS courses, which ran on the 8088 processors, and later was updated for 80286, 386, et. al. Also ran on other architectures.
Interesting book(s). Now if only I could find that floppy (and if it were readable after all these years)…

And then there was HP New Wave…
(I have a factory-sealed, HP Internal copy of that, never opened, never used, but probably belongs in a museum somewhere)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Isn’t that “Coffin Lake” 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To be honest after they dropped the pentium designator I’ve never been able to make any sense whatsoever out of processor names.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Apple M1 (and followon) processors are pretty slick… but it’s a totally different, snobbishly expensive ecosystem… for graphic artists, video/music producers it can make sense, but not so much as it used to do. Just get a Workstation with a big AMD Threadripper and render away 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sundance has a solid article on the Parade Killer which features a really impressive NON-FAKE NEWS YouTube from a local Fox affiliate in Wisconsin, covering (this part is mine) the BLACK SUPREMACIST TERRORIST who was created by MUSIC INDUSTRY BOLSHEVIKS AND SATANISTS.

Worth a look.



You’ve come up with the description of Brooks that I’ve been searching for.


I don’t think the music satanists create these people, I think the find them, and use them. This guy is a sociopath. They are born, not made.

We used to rid the world of people like this as soon as they were recognized. Now we give them multiple chances, hoping they are somehow salvageable. They are NOT. A sociopath has no conscience, no human feeling for others, no compassion. Other people are not real to them.

Until we wake up and start ridding the world of these people at the first sign again, whether that is lifelong incarceration or death penalty, then the Evil in the world will continue to use them, as it always has, against the Good.

Gail Combs

If you have a child who tortures and kills animals, you have a sure sign the kid is probably a psychopath or sociopath and needs to be institutionalized.

How Sociopaths Are Different from Psychopaths — Both are forms of antisocial personality disorder

“Sociopath” is a term people use, often arbitrarily, to describe someone who is apparently without conscience. In most cases, it’s a description blithely tossed out to label a person as being either hateful or hate-worthy. The same applies to the term “psychopath” which to many people suggests a sociopath who is simply more dangerous, like a mass murderer.

While the characteristics of sociopathy and psychopathy may overlap, sociopathy is the unofficial term for antisocial personality disorder (APD). Psychopathy is not an official diagnosis and is not considered APD.

While the terms “sociopath” and “psychopath” are often used interchangeably, each has its own clear lines of distinction that can be broadly described.

The Difference Between Sociopath and Psychopath

While psychopaths are classified as people with little or no conscience, sociopaths do have a limited, albeit weak, ability to feel empathy and remorse. Psychopaths can and do follow social conventions when it suits their needs. Sociopaths are more likely to fly off the handle and react violently whenever they’re confronted by the consequences of their actions….


  • Make it clear they do not care how others feels
  • Behave in hot-headed and impulsive ways
  • Prone to fits of anger and rage
  • Recognize what they are doing but rationalize their behavior
  • Cannot maintain a regular work and family life
  • Can form emotional attachments, but it is difficult


  • Pretend to care
  • Display cold-hearted behavior
  • Fail to recognize other people’s distress
  • Have relationships that are shallow and fake
  • Maintain a normal life as a cover for criminal activity
  • Fail to form genuine emotional attachments
  • May love people in their own way


I think the Psychopath is MUCH MORE DANGEROUS especially when they are also very intelligent and CALCULATING.

Psychopaths with high IQs can manipulate revealing personality tests

….For the first time, it has been demonstrated that people with psychopathic tendencies who have high IQs can mask their symptoms by manipulating tests designed to reveal their personalities. It raises the possibility that large numbers of ruthless risk-takers are able to conceal their level of psychopathy as they rise to key managerial posts….

….her project was triggered when she read about research which showed that while one per cent of the population were categorised as psychopaths, the figure rose to three per cent in the case of business managers.

“I thought that intelligence could be an explanation for this, and it could be a problem if there are increased numbers of psychopaths at a high level in business. The figure could be more than three per cent, because if people are aware they are psychopathic they can also lie – they are quite manipulative and lack empathy. This could have a detrimental effect on our everyday lives,” said Carolyn, who added that some researchers have suggested that episodes such as the Wall Street Crash could be blamed on the numbers of psychopaths among decision makers….

Down another interesting rabbit hole. 😋 Kinda makes you wonder just how many of these people are in our government. I bet it is a LOT HIGHER than 3% !!!!


Sociopaths are not very intelligent, in my opinion. They are “useful” to the evil ones.

Psychopaths ARE more dangerous, but much harder to use. They can appear to be compliant, but turn the tables on their “user” to their own ends.

I think many psychopaths use sociopaths to do their evil work.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sort of reminds me of this:

Meurotics build castles in the sky, psychotics live in them, while psychiatrists collect the rent.


Lol! Yeah.

Gail Combs

I think the Psychopaths are at the top or near the top of the food chain. And yes they use the Sociopaths.

Remember Pres. Kennedy is the one with the help of the DemonRats who closed down (instead of reforming) our psychiatric hospitals.

In 1963 John F. Kennedy signed the Community Mental Health Act of 1963.

…Very few in Congress or in the nation at the time, could have anticipated how quickly Kennedy’s dream of reducing the number of those institutionalized. By 1980, the number of patients at public psychiatric hospitals had declined by 75% and by 2000 only 55,000 remained. The numbers continued to drop, and by 2009 the institutionalized population was just 2% of what it was in 1963….

The alternative was to be 1/2 way houses and other resources.

 …..Central to his new program were comprehensive community mental health centers. These new cares centers would no longer be directly funded by the federal government, but rather he urged Congress to authorize grants to the states for construction of these mental health centers.  The federal government would provide up to 75% of the funding in early months, but then turn over the funding to state and private enterprises. It was a major shift in federal policy, away from institutional-based care and to more out-patient and alternative treatments…. 

And of course that lasted only as long as the issue was kept before the public. Think of the homeless camps in California and elsewhere. Heck we had people freezing to death in MA in a town near me because the state forced the local church to shutdown a warehouse that was being used to get people off the street during a major coldwave/snow storm. (We will see the same again this winter as Covid is used to shutdown shelters.)

The US incarceration rate skyrocketed as a result.
comment image


Shutting down the institutions was nuts.

Gail Combs


Reforming them and giving better treatment was the actual answer to the problem.

Now you have to have a court order to put someone into a mental institution.


And so many who need the help never get it.

Gail Combs


And their family are hurt in the process too. I had co-workers who had family members who needed help and refused to stay on their medication.


Oh, I have known many. Bipolar is the worst, IMO.


you left one out…


part of the Cluster B Dark Triad of personality disorders.

ASPD/ Sociopath

all psychopaths are comorbid with narcissism.

not all narcissist, however, are psychopaths.

and there’s a fourth one that some shrinks think should also be included..


Gail Combs

Look at how that TERRORIST who INTENTIONALLY KILLED AND INJURED PEOPLE is being PROTECTED BY THE DOJ. Any bets he gets off very lightly?

So WHERE WAS THE DOJ in the Rittenhouse case???

Revolver’s Case For Disbarring Binger

The entire political show trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has been a disgrace and a sham. The Rittenhouse self-defense case never should have been brought to trial in the first place. It was a travesty of justice that charges were even filed. Many have forgotten that the crazed, partisan Democrat Kenosha District Attorneys office rushed to file charges just two days after the shooting, before any sort of detailed investigation could be completed. The prosecution shamefully lied and slandered Kyle Rittenhouse before the trial even started. They then did so again, endlessly, at trial.

It goes without saying that there is a mile-long list of elected officials, attorneys, and other assorted public figures who must pay a price for the tawdry and disgusting railroading of the heroic 17-year-old “Kenosha kid” who singlehandedly stopped devastating looting and riots in their track with a few shots from his trusty AR-15. And the first shameful partisan political liar on that list goes by the name of Thomas Binger…..

👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇 👇

The precedent here is Mike Nifong, the shameful and disgraced North Carolina prosecutor who broke every principle of fairness and justice in putting on a sham trial in the case of the Duke LaCrosse players from 2006.

For those who do not recall, three Duke LaCrosse players were accused of raping a black stripper. DNA evidence did not match any of the three players, and the corrupt, venal, and politically ambitious prosecutor Nifong brought the case anyway.

Nifong’s sole motive for bringing the case was to raise his political profile and win re-election. He bragged that the case would bring him “millions of dollars’ in free advertising.”

Nifong was disbarred and even jailed for his perfidious conduct. He cried tears of shame as his sentence was read out, waived his right to appeal, and begged for forgiveness. By the end of it, Nifong was sued into bankruptcy, and the state refused to defend his actions on the grounds that they involved “fraud, corruption or malice.”….

I hope Kyle SUE THE SHIT out of the Fake News who rushed to judgement and ALL THE CORRUPT POLITICIANS who were also involved in using his scalp to ADVANCE POLITICAL CAREERS!

The Duke LaCrosse mess was NOT THE FIRST by any means. Violet, AN INNOCENT WOMAN DIED IN JAIL to FURTHER the Communist Agenda of TOTAL CONTROL OF OUR CHILDREN.

WITCH HUNT: Articles on the Fells Acres Day-care Ritual-abuse case

150-word summary

Starting in 1984, the office of Middlesex County DA Scott Harshbarger announced that Violet Amirault, her daughter Cheryl Amirault LeFave, and her son Gerald Amirault, owners of the successful 20-year-old Fells Acres day-care center in Malden MA, had suddenly converted it into a factory of child pornography and the most horrifying ritual abuse of helpless toddlers. Juries were persuaded to convict the Amiraults in 1986 (Gerald) and 1987 (Violet and Cheryl), due exclusively to the coached testimony of 3- and 4-year old children. No physical evidence or adult witness for any of the charges was ever found, despite the fact that the day-care center had always been open to a steady stream of unannounced parents and tradesmen. Starting in 1991, psychologists demonstrated how the leading questions used in cases like Fells Acres can brainwash child witnesses, but the Massachusetts legal establishment has, despite the valiant efforts of three Middlesex County trial judges, refused to correct a scandal.

Much more in my old 2016 comment at CHIEFIO’s


Maybe we should all complain about their shows, since they think they have a right to bitch about Tucker’s.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bret is the resident Bidenazi, and Chrissie is the resident Bidenista.


Both of them need to be Fauxi’s next lab rats.


They would be honored.


And Tuckers show out draws BOTH of theirs, sometimes COMBINED.


So, DePat, what kind of computer/OS were you running?

What kind of blooey did it do? We all know that technology runs on smoke and mirrors, and it’s a very bad kind of blooey that lets the magic smoke leak out. Or, as in the immortal words of Rolls-Royce owners’ manuals, did it merely “fail to proceed”? [Rolls-Royce motorcars never break down — that would be plebeian.] What kind are you getting?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to allow DePat to be as vague as she wants in answering that question. Our enemies target authors in particular (the stats are overwhelming), and I don’t want to give them ANY advantages. If she feels that answering would help the enemy, she can give you a smart-ass answer. Or if she feels comfortable with her cybersecurity, she can get all techie.

Whatever she prefers.


I wouldn’t expect any different. My particular reasons for curiosity involve the potential for data recovery from her old dead system — which may not be runnable, depending on the magic smoke situation. If the smoke escaped from the drive and not the motherboard, the odds of data recovery are less, but the odds of system recovery are better. Conversely, if no smoke were involved and it just bricked, there may be a way to use the new system to coax data off the drive….including things that Windows-y people might not be familiar with, like booting Rescatux ( ) or Kali (in forensic mode) ( ).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, hopefully she can get through this with minimal losses!


Just one of the fun things that Rescatux can do is reset Windows passwords….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So if people forget their passwords, they can get back in?


It’s not something you want to rely on generally, but it’s a tool.

A more likely scenario is if a man took care of the family books and got hit by a bus — could the widow extract the information? If you have no other way to get in with less of a footprint, it’s an option.


To put it another way — you might get to access saved files, but trash your registry. It should not be used lightly or without a plan.

Cuppa Covfefe

If your disk drive failed, there are recovery services, and programs that you can try in case the partitions or directory structure got munched. There are also drive clone docks ($20-$30 or so) that can make an image copy of a drive, electronic warts and all, if the drive can be coaxed to spin up. There are also more radical methods available on YouTube (tapping the drive, putting it in the freezer, even opening it up (NOT RECOMMENDED, unless you just happen to have access to a clean-room or similar workstation). As always, it’s just a question of cost…. sigh…

(Also, whatever you do, avoid Windows11 like the plague. If you have a choice, get Windows 10. 11 requires you to be “blessed” by M$ every time you log in. Win10 Professional is better, for a number of reasons than “home”. If nothing else, you can put off the maddening reboots and updates for up to a year, which saves your system falling out from under you when you’re in the middle of something, or don’t have time to do the updates. Also lets other people deal with updates that brick the system [like M$s latest “adventures in printing”] before you have to update)…

And for fans of FOSS, HP even has lappies with FreeDOS 😆

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I find this interesting.

Ghislaine Maxwell’s Family Is Asking the UN for Help In Having Her Released from Jail Due to Horrid Conditions

The conditions are not listed in that article.

This one was published on Nov. 18:
‘Everybody’s Absolutely Horrified’: High Society Is Bracing Itself for Ghislaine Maxwell’s Trial

It says this:

When she walked into court on Monday morning for the penultimate pre-trial conference before she faces what will amount to the fight of her life, Ghislaine Maxwell looked just like she did 10 years ago. In fact, she looked better.

Thick black glossy hair. A black turtleneck sweater. Grey slacks. A bottle of Poland Spring in her hand. No cuffs anywhere. A smile, even, as she talked and shared a laugh with her lawyers, who were clearly fond of her. One brushed back her hair, another rubbed her back and shoulder, a gesture of sympathy.

No mention of horrid conditions, and she apparently looked good. Hmm….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure I trust the UN on this! 😉




I think that many in the UN would be delighted to help Maxwell if they could.


She probably owns dirt on them!


I don’t trust the UN on ANYTHING.

Valerie Curren

Wish this could be upvoted numerous times!!!

Barb Meier

Are you sure that quote is not from the Babylon Bee?


Ghislaine Maxwell’s Family Is Asking the UN for Help In Having Her Released from Jail Due to Horrid Conditions


If it works to get her out, I could see that plea becoming a real trend.

Hey, U.N., it’s awful in here, I tells ya!

Oh, well, in that case, come on out! 👍😂


“Horrid Conditions”

This sounds like what an elitist would say about a normal prison cell.
 🙄  😏 

‘There is no room service!’ …’I need a hot bath!’

And I’m sure the Food is not to her liking, nor is it up to her usual standards.

She is trying to garner sympathy.
And she will get none from me!


They did not have grey poupon or chardonnay on the jailhouse menu


Maybe the UN can help broker a deal? Isn’t that what they do?

Maxwell faces a six-week trial in New York federal court over alleged abuse, procurement of young women, and trafficking crimes dating back decades. She faces more than 80 years in jail if convicted on all charges.

Prosecutors will say Maxwell, 59, had three “accomplices,” including Epstein and the two unidentified women who reportedly received big salaries and perks.

We’d certainly learn more.

These are nice quotes too…

Another alleged victim said: “We thought she [Maxwell] was Mary Poppins because she acted like she was our friend and had that lovely English accent.”

“But she turned out to be a monster in designer clothing. She lured us in. She knew exactly what she was doing. I hope she rots in hell,” the victim added.


A laugh with her lawyers. Hmmm.

Wonder if Ghislaine still has connections that deliver, for the very reason she is in jail.



Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmmmm 😡 😡 😡

And what about the UN helping with THE HORRID CONDITIONS THE JANUARY 6th POLITICAL PRISONERS MUST ENDURE????????!!!!!!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, folks – we have a NEW FEATURE on the website, thanks to a wpDiscuz add-on.


It’s a little search widget right below the top of the comments. It’s VERY fast and efficient for finding anything in the comments on THAT PARTICULAR POST. It will allow you to jump to any page, too.

Give it a shot. You can play with it, or look at the description on the linked page.


Very cool. I started typing in “widg” to search for “widget” in your comment, and it immediately pulled up your comment. It showed it alone, and then when I deleted my search letters, the page went back to normal. Thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you’d like to help me test something else, please click on the little gear in the lower right-hand corner of your post, and tell me what options you have. Then, after your reply to this comment is made, click on the little gear and see if you have the same options. And THEN, for a third item, click on the gear on MY post, and tell me what options you see!

I just did some more monkeying around, and want to verify how it works for others.


I’m not seeing the little gear, just a little mark (caret?) that gives the option to hide replies.
EDIT: That comment was too old for the gear to appear. The gear in this comment gave the option to Manage Comment, and then Edit.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this may make sense. It may only be visible to me and the author of the post.


Probably. It looks like it always has, to me. You get the cool features!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But you DID still get the time-limited edit that you got before – that’s what I needed to know!


I’m noticing ( TheseTruths) beside my name, and the same for others. That is new.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this could be one of two things – one good, the other “less so”.

It looks like this new plugin has some username magic associated with it – IF you’re a registered user.

I’m torn between leaving it alone, and seeing if I can turn it off.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – this is to allow comment searches on AUTHOR NAME. The “@” name is the “real” name of the author (not the optionally different display name). Most folks here, it’s the same.

I’m just leaving it.


It does not “light up” — is not an actual link. It became a link when I typed it into my comment. I clicked on it, and it said there were no results (which is good, and probably correct since I am not an author).


Just nticed it doesn’t show on at least one Cooth post. Maybe he is here as a guest.


I think that is what DP asked about up thread.


I tried a lonesome post, and it still had the same gear/edit option it used to have. I’m specifically replying to your post to see if that changes.

NEW>> Nope. Just Manage/Edit

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Thanks!


I get a gear, but only to edit a comment I just made, before anybody else comments. It only says ‘edit,’ though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Thanks!


Just what we need – more timewasters.  😆 

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

Just for the math geeks:
comment image


Is this person trying to oppose the integration of a black & tan?


Gail Combs

Hubby says he heard that 40 years ago…. Oh Well I thought he would like it!


I don’t want to belabor the Lin Wood situation that was discussed in yesterday’s daily, but I want to put this out there. Marjorie Taylor Greene is saying Lin Wood is a horrible person and is taking at face value the story that he tried to keep Rittenhouse in jail.

I have not heard the Rittenhouse interview, but I know that people can be negatively influenced and can also be mistaken. For example, Rittenhouse has said he supports BLM. I give him the benefit of the doubt because he might be trying to shed the “racist” label and might not be educated enough on the matter. My point is that no one is going to be perfect on every issue.

This is what I’ve seen over the past few months. The good: MTG is a fighter and is working hard on trying to keep bad spending bills from being passed. She also says she will personally campaign for people who are primarying RINOs (something to that effect). She stands up for causes like the rights of the unborn, without flinching. She is a real warrior.

But Lin Wood’s focus is the 2020 election. He believes that anyone who is not trying to fix it is doing a disservice to the country. He might have even said they were communist, or something. He has wondered why MTG hasn’t been using her influence in her home state of Georgia to work on election audits and the like. I have not seen anything from her about that — not one action taken that I know of. So it appears she is one of those who think we just have to move on — though I have not heard her say that. But he raises an excellent question about why she isn’t working to fix 2020.

Lin Wood has posted on Telegram that he reached out to her so they could have a conversation and iron out their differences. He never got a response.

And now she jumps on a rumor about Lin Wood and says he’s a horrible person. This is not good for our side or our cause. It would have been better for her to keep silent and not pile on. This lack of judgment and lack of realization about the negative impact of all this on our cause makes me look askance at her. I think Wood has a point and that she could have addressed his concerns, but all she has done is bad-talk him.

I think the whole thing is unfortunate and sad.


And you have nailed it. Imagine how God feels, dealing with 7,000,000,000 people that are as imperfect as these two.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One might say…… AMEN!!!




Interesting. Ancients used to worry about this often as it often came up in subject of debates. The result was a pantheon of gods. The Sumerian’s tackled it much earlier with a personal god, that could then go and lobby on your behalf taking messages back and forth. The result though were some personal gods were thought to be more powerful than other personal gods and others wanted to use them too.

Perhaps to some extent the concept of a Guardian Angel is derived from this.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

I think these people need to remember that Rittenhouse is just 17 years old. He hasn’t been around long enough to understand the machinations of people around him. Or to question what movements say they stand for versus what they really are. A lot of people his age think that BLM is just about helping black people. They don’t realize what a sketchy marxist organization it is or that it has nothing to do with helping black people. So I take some of what he says with a grain of salt. People could easily be lying to him and he probably wouldn’t know it. How much did any of us know about the world when we were 17?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


His training in gun handling and rules of engagement was strong, clearly, but he didn’t strike me as worldly-wise, which is also a nice weapon for getting out of binds WITHOUT a weapon. Probably part of why he was found innocent. He IS innocent.


Tucker Carlson has some ‘splaining to do, IMO. It would have been good to reach out to Lin Wood before airing that, since it apparently was a major hit on Wood. I think Tucker should do something now to correct the record or at least let Wood respond.


I’m afraid Tucker cannot be trusted. He “tried” to join the CIA years ago, but was supposedly rejected and became a journalist.

He remains employed at FOX. The bitching from Bret Bear (😊) is deflection to convince us he is still on our side.

There are many, many such people who are fully infiltrated into the MAGA movement.

When it is all over, we will be amazed at the number of Benedict Arnolds.


Sorry to disagree and no disrespect intended. And keep in mind, I am no fan of Carlson.

But Tucker Carlson does more for our side in five minutes than Wood has ever done for us.

Carlson may not be on our side in reality, but I watch him every night and am astonished at how much genuine, actual truth he gets out.

Carlson is rarely 100% on the money, and the ways in which he is not on the money may be calculated, craven, or cautious. But there is nothing comparable like Carlson for our side now, nothing. And nightly he raises issues and facts in a 90% correct way which are of genuine benefit to our side.

I think we are likely to find that the Benedict Arnolds, if any, are the highly admired people who have accomplished nothing but pleasing rhetoric and self-promotion, period.


Also, respectfully:

Tucker Carlson does more for our side in five minutes than Wood has ever done for us.

Can you name any of the things Lin Wood has done? Do you read any of his own writings, like those on his Telegram channel?


No, I cannot name what Lin Wood has done for us.

I have read a lot about what he has done and said, but not what he has done for us.

What has he accomplished for us, would you say?


He uses his influence to speak the truth, as we all do here, but he has a much wider audience. He believes the 2020 election must be fixed and that that should be the primary focus of all Republicans right now. He calls out those who aren’t focused on that, and they of course don’t like it. He has spent a lot of money championing that and conservative causes. Some of that money went to help KR. He has held rallies and has spoken for good people running for office. He has allowed patriots to use his home when they have needed it. He is a good man.

His FightBack foundation is doing just that, fighting for our freedoms on a lot of fronts.

This page shows some of the appearances Wood has made.

The fact that you haven’t heard of his work shows that he is not a self-promoter.


“Tried” to “join” the clowns in America…. then became a “journalist”?
Sound like he is a clown after all.


It may be Carson is stretching the latitude he has at Faux News. Waiting to end his contract with Faux News.

The fact, IF I am correct, that Carlson’s show is from his property in some NE state, NOT Fuax studios IS huge.

These days, there is no one else with such a huge audience, exposing the hypocrisy, lies and blatant ignorance tossed at us from all sides.

Valerie Curren

I would love this “infighting” to be our version of “look squirrel” theater to distract from the real good stuff that’s actually happening.


Same here. Sometimes I think LW has a job to do, IYKWIM.


I agree. He’s operating on a very deep level that a lot of people aren’t aware of.

Valerie Curren



.comment image


Love that kitty’s startled expression!


Did it just hear the tin opener.


Said respectfully: KR’s interview was not a rumor. KR made very specific factual assertions about what Lin Wood said and did. For instance, KR asserts Lin Wood told KR that KR would be better off in jail. Either that is true or not true. Personally, KR came across to me as a highly credible and intelligent young man of integrity.

Also, either LW did or did not advise KR to do interviews, including with the Washington Post. Such advice, IMO, goes far beyond mere stupidity or bad strategy, especially for someone like LW.

LW’s defense about personally benefiting may be 100% true and yet misleading. In a sense, it is patently untrue because LW receives the benefit of good will and publicity generated by his enterprise, as well as the patent benefit of using huge sums of money in deciding who will benefit.

I do not mean to roil anyone here, but there are a number of highly admired booming barrels on our side who have been splendid at self-promotion but have yet to produce anything but rhetoric and futile gestures.

And one last thing about LW. This is just a very subjective personal reaction. When LW twice calls Mike Lindell his brother in Christ, it comes across to me as phony and manipulative in the context of LW’s defense of himself.


“…there are a number of highly admired booming barrels on our side who have been splendid at self-promotion but have yet to produce anything but rhetoric and futile gestures.”

While I hope at some point they are able to deliver on endless promises, I have ceased following virtually anything they say.

IF they can’t deliver, they are on par with National Enquire, or whatever the blathering tabloid is..


futile gestures

At least they are making gestures. They are working, putting up their own money, travaling away from their families, and spending their time fighting to right the 2020 election and get the country back on track. They do this at personal risk as well.


Also respectfully, again:

Said respectfully: KR’s interview was not a rumor. KR made very specific factual assertions about what Lin Wood said and did.

“Allegations” that are not necessarily true. Rittenhouse’s lawyer made public assertions about Wood right after the trial, and Wood has asked for a retraction for those defamatory remarks, or he will sue. That’s where Kyle is getting his information.

For instance, KR asserts Lin Wood told KR that KR would be better off in jail. Either that is true or not true.

Or KR is hearing it from his lawyer, who either has the wrong impression, is lying, or is just dead wrong.

Personally, KR came across to me as a highly credible and intelligent young man of integrity.

I believe he is. He is also 18 years old and can be misled.

Also, either LW did or did not advise KR to do interviews, including with the Washington Post. Such advice, IMO, goes far beyond mere stupidity or bad strategy, especially for someone like LW.

There was a team of people working on this, as I understand it. I don’t know how much personal interaction Wood had with KR; in other words, if he directly told him those things.

LW’s defense about personally benefiting may be 100% true and yet misleading. In a sense, it is patently untrue because LW receives the benefit of good will and publicity generated by his enterprise, as well as the patent benefit of using huge sums of money in deciding who will benefit.

Wood has received zero benefit and good will from the enterprise of FightBack among those, like yourself, who have a negative opinion of him and automatically take the other side. I’m seeing it from a number of people. People’s feathers get ruffled when their heroes are called into question. That’s also happening with me right now, with Wood. Both Wood and KR are heroes to me. But I have read enough of what Wood says on his Telegram channel to believe he is not the monster he is being depicted to be.

I do not mean to roil anyone here, but there are a number of highly admired booming barrels on our side who have been splendid at self-promotion but have yet to produce anything but rhetoric and futile gestures.

Again, have you read anything Wood has written? He has done rallies for people, made big contributions, and done a lot of work that is under the radar. The only way I’m aware of contributions is that the truth comes out after he has been attacked. He does not self-promote. The fact that you aren’t aware of his good works shows that he does not put himself out there like a lot of others do.

And one last thing about LW. This is just a very subjective personal reaction. When LW twice calls Mike Lindell his brother in Christ, it comes across to me as phony and manipulative in the context of LW’s defense of himself.

On his channel, he quotes a lot of Scripture and calls a lot of people brothers and sisters in Christ. It is who he is. He is a relatively new Christian and is steeped in the Bible, church, and his newfound faith. I believe it is genuine and that he is not using his faith to promote or defend himself.


TY for your reasonable and well informed reply!

I have never hesitated to acknowledge when I am wrong, and maybe I will have to do so when we all look back on Lin Wood with greater clarity and understanding.


I appreciate your response! I am looking forward to learning all the facts as well.



The brown paper wrapper is just fine…

Opening is STILL great…

Kudos to many thanks to you!


I got replies back from my CPE provider.

Reply One:


I received your comment regarding course #7955 , question #38. You are absolutely correct that the response for A should read “data preprocessing.” We have made the necessary correction.

I appreciate you bringing this to our attention, and apologize for any frustration this may have caused.


Reply Two:

Thank you for your comment regarding the wording errors in course #5410V, question #93. We have made the necessary corrections.

I appreciate your bringing this to our attention.


They love me over there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good for you! 👍


I suspect that generating CPE materials for auditors is higher-stress than generating CPE materials for most professions…..because the auditors are going to audit you. That’s who they are, that’s what they do.


Love you now — hate you later.


I’m pretty sure it’s the opposite — someone pointing out their flaws is going to generate some resentment, but as they reap the long-term benefits of having cleaner materials, they may grow fonder.


That’s like dragging someone to a party and telling them to have fun. In the military, no matter the event, we’d call it forced fun, but yes after all was said and done we had fun, but were still not doing it again.


Mandatory Fun.

Gail Combs

Hi-Byes — MANDATORY parties for Officer wives. 🙄


Hail and Farewell.

Such a farce. They truly count heads to see who is a “team player”.

After being noticed absent a couple times, I was STRONGLY encouraged to attend. OR, I would assuredly suffer the consequences on my next Officer Fitness Report (evaluation).


Gail Combs

Yeah, my Ex got that when I did not show up. I was working first AND SECOND shift since our second shift person had quit.

Kind of hard to be two places at once and since the plant was doing reactions that had to be monitored, ‘doing it later’ was NOT AN OPTION.

Normally if a holiday weekend was coming up, we would work thru a weekend or two the week before so the reaction vessels did not have to get shut down and then get a whole week off in return. Unfortunately the US government had to ‘FIX’ that by changing the laws. #$#@%

I rather have several one week vacations than the extra time & a half pay, thank you very much -NOT!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Enjoy this “gif of gab”!

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I’m seeing some improvements in the reliability of the coloration of the green “liking thumb”, which is undoubtedly due to an update in the commenting system.

We now have comment searching (within the shown post), with the search box located at the top of the comments. It’s very fast.

You will also note that comment author names for registered users are now both shown and searchable, but even guest names are searchable, too.


You gotta warrant????


Sometimes I think you’d be so much happier on an uncharted island somewhere.

Of course you could be joking so …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hell, I’ve got a website!!! 😉

Valerie Curren

Thank for trying to make things work great around here! All you do is Much Appreciated, even if not consistently stated. Blessings!!!

Barb Meier

Yes, I see the green like thumbs now very well too. I had thought the problem was with my monitor. 🙂 Thank you Wolf! I had taken to checking the number list so I could see later if I had already liked something. Now I can see at a glance.


Some background / preparation work which was done for todays SCOTUS filling from Dr. Frank:


Follow the Data with Dr Frank

People who think “nothing can be done” about the 2020 election are simply mistaken. Lots of things ARE being done, and there is more in the works.

Until we fix 2020, our country will continue to be in a very bad state of affairs.

It is helping that the current faux administration is doing so poorly. The approval ratings are at record lows, and the discontent is escalating… “Not only did we NOT vote for this, but this really sucks…” is the sentiment that is growing louder by the day.

Keep pressing on, folks. Make a stand. Tell everyone. We are winning!

Big week ahead!

…including all those lovely discussions during Thanksgiving dinner. C’mon, you can do it.

And be sure to tell everyone to tune in to the Thanksathon!


Follow the Data with Dr Frank

When Mr Lindell meets with AGs and SoSs, he often shows them the passwords for all their county election systems. (He has folks working with him that can extract these from the PCAPs.)

During one of these meetings I heard an obstinate clerk say, “Those passwords don’t prove anything. They are available on the dark web.”

Think about that for a second…

But Mr Lindell doesn’t just show them their passwords. He also shows them “intrusions,” complete records of successful attacks into their systems, with source and destination IPs and internal addresses within the networks. “Easy pickins” according to people who know what they are doing on the web.

Some of our officials don’t know better, they’ve been hacked. But others are complicit, and I’m looking forward to the day when these dirty officials are exposed.

Serves ’em right. They know that their networks are not secure. But they lie to the public to try to convince them otherwise.

Vote Amish.

Follow the Data with Dr Frank

I need to reiterate something, because there is lots of confusion out there.

The main steal in the 2020 election was fraudulent ballot stuffing and illegal ballot harvesting. The voting machines and tabulators play an important role in this, but the electronic pollbooks play an even more nefarious role.

Think about it… no one denies that the pollbooks are continuously online and are networked, often across an entire state. The moment a person is noted in the pollbooks, the bad guys know it. If you know who has voted, you have a pretty good idea how things are going, and how many ballots you need to harvest and stuff to tip things the way you want them to go.

Not only did I discover key elements in the algorithms they are using to stuff ballots, but I have personally examined all sorts of forensic and physical evidence proving how and when the stuffing took place. All this will come out in the upcoming Supreme Court case.

It’s an old, tried and true method: Ballot stuffing. But today with real-time feedback over the web and automatic census tools to make the ballots easier to produce.

Vote Amish: All paper, no electricity.

Follow the Data with Dr Frank

People who think that our elections will require electronic voting machines need look no further than Europe, where electronic voting machines are illegal.

They count their ballots by hand just fine.

So can we.

It’s only the people who want to hold onto their control over our elections that are advocating for the centralized databases and machines.

I say, we should do it with our own hands. It’s too important to mess around.

Vote Amish: All paper, no electricity.

Follow the Data with Dr Frank

The number one reason to not use electronic equipment and databases in our elections is because they are too easily hacked.

The number two reason not to use electronic equipment and databases in our elections is because the people managing our elections are not IT experts, and they have their hands full just managing the election, much less trying to secure their systems from world-class hackers who spend their entire existence learning how to hack into anything and everything, including your phones, televisions, and thermostats.

Our election folks are usually great folks. But it’s simply too much to ask.

We don’t want our elections to be decided by who has the better team of hackers at any given point. We want our vote to count.

How simple is that?

Let’s count the votes with our own hands. It is important.

Vote Amish: All paper, no electricity.

Follow the Data with Dr Frank

“Vote Flipping”

I’ve explained this before, but it is worthy of repetition.

Yes, votes were “flipped” in 2020. Millions of them. But not like most people think.

Sometimes machines deliberately miscounted and flipped votes… but this is easy to catch, and we’ve caught them in several cases. But there is a better way.

Say you are behind in an election 80 to 100. To “flip” the situation, you need to stuff forty ballots. Now, it is 120 to 100.

To accomplish this, you need to do some fancy footwork, because forty ballots showing up all at once is suspicious. So you dump the the ballots in a dropbox somewhere, and then add them slowly and steadily, manipulating the voter databases to make it look normal and gradual.

But sometimes, in desperation, you have to dump them all at once. Like late on election night.


Follow the Data with Dr Frank

I’m sitting here, imagining what it is going to be like to have a totally paper election.

With real people showing up, checked-in with paper pollbooks, showing a “paper” ID, voting on a paper ballot, and putting that ballot in a locked steel box for later hand counting. Counts recorded on paper, and called in to a central location where everyone can verify that their numbers were included and tallied properly. (OK, that part could be online, so long as everyone can see and verify every part of it.)

It will be fun to see the REAL turnouts, and the REAL tallies.

America is not what we are constantly being told that it is.

What a day that will be. America, back in our own hands.

Let’s make it a party. And if it takes longer than we expected, great! More time to celebrate our liberty.

Gail Combs


Warning About Rampant Mortgage Fraud (6 minutes)Convicted felon, Matt Cox explains HOW he made millions SELLING YOUR HOME via use of on-line titles.


Waukesha Attack INFO Dump…catbox files, more…

while they last…



That’s a lot of stuff. Hopefully an intrepid journalists will tease the relevant parts together and produce proper stories for public consumption since the guvermbint and msm have totally abandoned the story with out ever telling it. The whole thing has been left in limbo and we are supposed to just accept it. BS!


And of course we know the part they don’t want to talk about. That being the Black Supremacists part, that the crime was motivated by hate glossed onto by shallow minds via the continuous repetition of lies and distortions told by the media and government in order to deflect from the crimes and excesses of too many sordid elitists. Nope can’t talk about the Black Supremacists they keep simmering in their pots, since they made them to be a barrier in order to keep reason (deplorables) at bay while they continue to suck the good parts of out of society so they can gorge on it themselves. Just one more of their many tricks.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Boycott Ronna McDaniels and the RNC Rino’s:
RNC chairwoman acknowledged Biden’s 2020 victory: ‘He’s the President. We know that’ – CNNPolitics

This is the day before the SCOTUS filing.
The RNC is trying to stop the filing. Apparently they are pressuring some red state AG’s not to be part of this.

Gail Combs

Looks like it is time to call the RNC STATE Committee chairs and TELL THEM you WILL NOT DONATE A DIME to the RNC or a MOMENT of your time. Instead you will be supporting MAGA candidates to primary the backstabbing RINOs!


Thank you for keeping us up to date on these issues. I appreciate the info and the links.


How is she still there?


Her uncle and the DeepState embeds in the RNC / Republican Party.


political progressive commie hack…

Meet The Progressive DA Behind The Waukesha Bail Catastrophe

John Chisholm
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article link…


Chisholm has been a leading figure among “progressive prosecutors”, leftwing lawmen who favor diversionary programs and community-building to lock-up criminal defendants.”

he has conceded that he set an “inappropriately low” bail amount earlier this month when Darrel Edward Brooks Jr was arrested for domestic abuse and eluding police.

“His handling of the Brooks case is already sparking blowback to their {progressive lawmen} growing influence over the justice system, much of which has been boosted by financial contributions from…George Soros.

more, at the link.

(amazing how one very evil prick, Soros, can take down a great nation like the USA.)

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

Sorry-Ass is just the FRONT MAN….

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if he’s related to Brock Chisholm…

Apple, tree, not far…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

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Cuppa Covfefe

That’s exactly what I think about the COVID madness!

How else could so many otherwise normal people be so utterly and completely deceived???


Found this link in a reply to an article OT…

A paragraph in it is interesting…

“In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.”

“not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person”

That seems to be the crux of it. Don’t know how it can be brought into play, but all the major players making HCQ and Ivermectin almost unobtainable seems to me to be the pointer as to their guilt.

Gail Combs

YUGE TELL 👉 ESPECIALLY the French taking HCQ from over the counter to UNAVAILABLE JUST BEFORE the pandemic.

France Banned Over the Counter Chloroquine Days Before First Western Scientific Report on Pandemic
NOTE THE Date!!! 👉October 2019, as global protests were raging across the world, an agency no one had heard of made an astonishing decision.

“Painkiller tablets such as aspirin, paracetamol [acetaminophen] and ibuprofen will be placed behind pharmacy counters and no longer be freely available on shelves in France from January 15 2020, it has been confirmed…”

…Plaquénil, the trade name for chloroquine, was sold over the counter in pharmacies until January 15, 2020.

October of course is when some suspect this corona thing began in Wuhan, with January 15th being just two days before the western scientific community began to start grappling with this thing.

The now famous or infamous Imperial College University published its first report on the 17th of January 2020 where they say “self-sustaining human-to-human transmission should not be ruled out.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) had stated on the 14th of January there was no evidence of human to human transmission, with that being a key indicator of whether this was a very localized matter or a potential pandemic.

We know what happened thereafter, but what we do not know is why did this agency ban a potential drug that could prevent this, and why was it banned in October in France, with that ban set to take effect just days before China took the shocking decision to curfew Wuhan on the 23rd of January….



“mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person”

The problem I see is the definition of “experiment.” We all think we’re being experimented on, but *they* say otherwise. They also argue that what they are doing is necessary for medical treatment. All of that has to be disproven. We believe we can disprove it, but then it has to be heard by some entity that will adjudicate fairly. As long as the evil ones are in positions of control and authority in institutions, our case will not be heard. We have to overcome that.

Gail Combs

Oh, I certainly agree.

We are fighting over a century or more of infiltration by traitors into all our institutions.


I don’t know what judges will look at the case, but think any unbiased one would see it as experimental, no matter what the “scientists” say.
Jab proponents have no idea what the outcome will be, short, medium or long term. Every claim they’ve made about the jab so far has turned out to be wrong.
If one is doing something, anything without knowing what the outcome will be, surely it is experimental what else can it be.
The least damning thing one could call them would have been a bunch of chancers, and that is prior to the adverse reports coming out and being ignored.


I tried to write that from the point of view of a judge or someone not setting out from where we are with regard to the WEF etc.


From CMZ’s telegram…

This Wednesday Nov. 24th, 2021 @ 8:00pm EST: ‘Big Tech’ Insider Exposes Looming Critical Changes affecting your Technology and personal information — Join us for a special EXCLUSIVE Audio Live Stream

As founder Jeffrey Peterson brings you BOMBSHELL WHISTLEBLOWER INFO from a ‘Big Tech’ Insider who has come forward to expose the “Biggest changes to Computer Operating Systems affecting the sharing of private personal medical information with technology companies in our lifetimes. It’s being done without the chance for anyone to object.

We will bring you critical info about changes to your technology we predicted months ago.”

Operating Systems” !! How will we know which updates to avoid?

Cuppa Covfefe

Telemetry (which they’re conflating with Operating Systems) can be turned off. A good example of this is all the crud being sent to “the mother ship” by Windows 10, and, even worse, Windows 11, the latter OS requiring an M$ account to log on to YOUR OWN DEVICE. Update to Win11 Pro and that problem goes away. (please, no adverts for other OSs, FOSS, etc.). Better yet, just stay on 10 and use the readily available “don’t look at me” add-ons…

External sharing of data, e.g. interagency infos, credit agency infos, Oblowholecare infos, has NOTHING to do with Operating Systems, and, for the most part, sadly, is out of our control. We need the likes of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Lauren Bobert, and MTG to fight that battle for us…

As far as updates go, get the “Professional” version of Win10 (or, barf, 11 if you have to) and then you can delay updates and review them before installing. There are also “Enterprise” and LTS (Long Term Support) versions, but those aren’t generally available outside of corporate licenses… If you have MSDN or Academic Advantage (or whatever it’s called now) you could have them.

M$ gives a list of all their patches. It’s always best to wait before installing. BillyGhoul got his start beta- (and even alpha-) testing his code on his customers; now he’s doing it with “vaccines”…..

Gail Combs

Just go with Linux…


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it just isn’t all that funny


Distasteful? Maybe, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to bash the old Fool


Not all cartoons are funny. Some are meant to show us something important. This one does.


Wasn’t it just yesterday we heard one of them say “it be better for us to save our money and not bothering with turkey for a meal?” So yeah, they laugh when they put the traditional meal out of reach while killing of your our liberties instead. It’s like getting a double plate of nothing and we should be happy for it? Nope.


Maybe this brings families and friends together and chip in for Thanksgiving.
We have become so divided over the years everyone doing their own stuff. Here where live families are very tight they spend every holiday together and when grandma and grandpa goes to the hospital whole family goes and everything stops.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I plan on having a HEARTY and TASTY FUCK YOU CHINA JOE meal this year.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The real TURKEY is in the middle.

And he can go get stuffed…..


Thank you for holding the fort down, DePat, especially with all the ‘puter troubles.

Testing this gif:
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Over by spring, I think. But probably not before then.

The Commies won’t “cry uncle” until we force it. And people have to be willing to do that. A nationwide, all-sector strike must happen. The cities will blow up. And then the dominoes will start to fall.


A nationwide, all-sector strike must happen.

^^^ THIS would kill it in a week, or two tops.

Truckers effect EVERY sector of the country. 37% of the truckers saying “hell no”, likely the same effect. Killing it.


It’s what I’ve believed for months now. It’s the way to end it all.



Gail Combs

Vincent Pry in his testimony to Congress on an EMP Nuke attack detailed what happens to our cities if the trucks don’t run and our electric grid and computer systems fail.

May 13, 2015 — The EMP Threat: The State of Preparedness Against the Threat of a Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Event

Think all those terrorists that BYE-DONE has imported —-

[From the middle of the report]

Kinetic Attacks Kinetic attacks are a serious threat to the electric grid and are clearly part of the game plan for terrorists and rogue states. Sabotage of the electric grid is perhaps the easiest operation for a terrorist group to execute and would be perhaps the most cost-effective means, requiring only high-powered rifles, for a very small number of bad actors to wage asymmetric warfare–perhaps against all 310 million Americans.

Terrorists have figured out that the electric grid is a major societal vulnerability.

Terror Blackout in Mexico

On the morning of October 27, 2013, the Knights Templars, a terrorist drug cartel in Mexico, attacked a big part of the Mexican grid, using small arms and bombs to blast electric substations. They blacked-out the entire Mexican state of Mihoacan, plunging 420,000 people into the dark, isolating them from help from the Federales. The Knights went into towns and villages and publicly executed local leaders opposed to the drug trade.

[Practice run in the USA a few months before.]

The Metcalf Attack

On April 16, 2013, apparently terrorists or professional saboteurs practiced making an attack on the Metcalf transformer substation outside San Jose, California, that services a 450 megawatt power plant providing electricity to the Silicon Valley and the San Francisco area. NERC and the utility Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), that owns Metcalf, claimed that the incident was merely an act of vandalism, and discouraged press interest.

Consequently, the national press paid nearly no attention to the Metcalf affair for nine months….

Footprints suggested that a team of perhaps as many as six men executed the Metcalf operation. They knew about an underground communications tunnel at Metcalf and knew how to access it by removing a manhole cover (which required at least two men). They cut communications cables and the 911 cable to isolate the site. They had pre-surveyed firing positions. They used AK-47s, the favorite assault rifle of terrorists and rogue states. They knew precisely where to shoot to maximize damage to the 17 transformers at Metcalf.

They escaped into the night just as the police arrived and have not been apprehended or even identified. They left no fingerprints anywhere, not even on the expended shell casings. The Metcalf assailants only damaged but did not destroy the transformers–apparently deliberately. The Navy SEALS and U.S. FERC Chairman Wellinghoff concluded that the Metcalf operation was a “dry run”, like a military exercise, practice for a larger and more ambitious attack on the grid to be executed in the future. Military exercises never try to destroy the enemy, and try to keep a low profile so that the potential victim is not moved to reinforce his defenses. 

[Explanation from the beginning of the report.]


EHV transformers are the technological foundation of our modern electronic civilization as they make it possible to transmit electric power over great distances.

An EHV transformer typically is as large as a house, weighs hundreds of tons, costs millions of dollars, and cannot be mass produced but must be custom-made by hand. Making a single EHV transformer takes about 18 months. Annual worldwide production of EHV transformers is about 200 per year. Unfortunately, although Nikolai Tesla invented the EHV transformer and the electric grid in the U.S.,

EHV transformers are no longer manufactured in the United States. Because of their great size and cost, U.S. electric utilities have very few spare EHV transformers. The U.S. must import EHV transformers made in Germany or South Korea, the only two nations in the world that make them for export….


SCADAS are basically small computers that run the electric grid and all the critical infrastructures. For example, SCADAS regulate the flow of electric current through EHV transformers, the flow of natural gas or of water through pipelines, the flow of data through communications and financial systems, and operate everything from traffic control lights to the refrigerators in regional food warehouses…. 

Nuclear EMP

The Worst Threat High-altitude nuclear EMP attack is the greatest single threat that could be posed to EHV transformers, SCADAS and other components of the national electric grid and other critical infrastructures. Nuclear EMP includes a high-frequency electromagnetic shockwave called E1 EMP that can potentially damage or destroy virtually any electronic system having a dimension of 18 inches or greater. E1 EMP is unique to nuclear weapons…..

[Last winter’s blackout due to Green Energy showed the Cabal is NOT INTERESTED IN HARDENING OUR ELECTRIC INFRASTUCTURE. They KNEW and did NOTHING!]

On September 18, 2014, a heat wave caused rolling brownouts and blackouts in northern California so severe that some radio commentators speculated that a terrorist attack on the grid might be underway. NERC and Electric Utilities Underperform Ironically, about one week earlier, on September 8-10, 2014, there was a security conference on threats to the national electric grid meeting in San Francisco. There executives from the electric power industry credited themselves with building robust resilience into the electric power grid. They even congratulated themselves and their industry with exemplary performance coping with and recovering from blackouts caused by hurricanes and other natural disasters….


Worst of all, about 72 hours after the commencement of blackout, when emergency generators at the big regional food warehouses cease to operate, the nation’s food supply will begin to spoil. Supermarkets are resupplied by these large regional food warehouses that are, in effect, the national larder, collectively having enough food to sustain the lives of 310 million Americans for about one month, at normal rates of consumption.

The Congressional EMP Commission warns that as a consequence of the collapse of the electric grid and other critical infrastructures, “It is possible for the functional outages to become mutually reinforcing until at some point the degradation of infrastructure could have irreversible effects on the country’s ability to support its population.” The EMP Commission estimates that a nationwide blackout lasting one year could kill up to 9 of 10 Americans through starvation, disease, and societal collapse.

𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕟 𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕊𝔸 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕟 𝕎𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕥𝕠𝕟 𝔻ℂ 𝕓𝕦𝕤𝕪 𝕀𝕄ℙ𝕆ℝ𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕋𝔼ℝℝ𝕆ℝ𝕀𝕊𝕋 𝕊𝕆𝕃𝔻𝕀𝔼ℝ𝕊 𝔸ℕ𝔻 ℙ𝕃𝔸ℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕋ℍ𝔼 ℂ𝕆𝕃𝕃𝔸ℙ𝕊𝔼 𝕆𝔽 𝕆𝕌ℝ 𝔼ℕ𝔼ℝ𝔾𝕐 𝕊𝕐𝕊𝕋𝔼𝕄𝕊??

𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐉𝐎𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐧!


One Second After is one of the scariest things I have ever read. EMPs are terrifying.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, November 23, 2021

“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 

Matthew 5:3 (KJV)

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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Gail Combs

From the article:

….Surely, they must realize that the loss of the resisting multitudes of talented and experienced workers in industry, law enforcement, teaching, medical personnel and first responders will be devastating to the country, to say nothing of the suffering it will cause among the families they throw into poverty….



𝔽𝕌ℂ𝕂 𝕁𝕆𝔼 𝔹𝕀𝔻𝔼ℕ 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟 𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕟!



We have, according to Dr Vincent Pry’s testimony above, a 9 out of 10 die off OF AMERICANS if our current complex society collapses. Meanwhile the Cabal is IMPORTING UNVACCINATED third worlders who are USED TO LIVING IN A NON-TECHNOLOICAL WORLD AS REPLACEMENTS


American people settle here under more difficult circumstances. We can do this if our ancesters lived in a world unamagionable we surely can survive. The Amish do so can we 🙂 We just have to come together work together .

Gail Combs

Oh, I think many of us will survive due to American ingenuity. HOWEVER we also have Chinese troops in Canada and Chinese troops in Mexico not to mention the Mexican Cartel/Chinese drug connection….

“𝕄𝕪 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕, 𝕝𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℕ𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕦𝕒 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔸𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕒 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕒𝕟𝕒𝕕𝕒. 𝔸𝕝𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕗𝕠𝕠𝕥, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 ℕ𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕦𝕒, 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕠 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕄𝕖𝕩𝕚𝕔𝕠, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕦𝕡𝕠𝕟 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤.” — 𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕃𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕤, 𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕖 𝟙𝟠, 𝟙𝟡𝟠𝟟

December 16th 2020 China’s troops trained in Canada against which country?
Confirmed: Chinese Troops on Canadian Soil During Military Exercises

For many years, rumors have circulated about the alleged “massing” of Chinese troops, armor, and artillery in places like Mexico and Canada, being staged for a physical invasion of the United States. Most folks – even me – laughed these rumors off. I’m not laughing now . . .

Below is video from Salt Spring Island, near Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA.  It shows uniformed Chinese military on a back road….

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Circumstantial Evidence Chinese Troops in Canada and Mexico

One hour video

Here I will show you circumstantial evidence that points to Chinese PLA and personnel cooperating or involved in the territories of Mexico and Canada. For couple years now citizens of both nations have reported spotting Chinese troop movement within their countries, but the evidence that supports these activities does not present a smoking gun. However, there are circumstantial evidence that does support Chinese troop movement and personnel in these countries and also supports the fairy of Chinese trying illegally entering the US with large amount of funding to get themselves into the US

Muslim community in Mexico: over 5,500 villagers have embraced Islam since 1989
The Washington Times – Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Islamic State operating in Mexico just 8 miles from U.S. border: report

…..Citing sources that include a “Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector,” the conservative watchdog group reported that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is organizing only a few miles from El Paso, Texas, in the Anapra neighborhood of Juárez and in Puerto Palomas.

Judicial Watch sources said that “coyotes” working for the notorious Juarez Cartel are smuggling Islamic State terrorists across the U.S. border between the New Mexico cities of Santa Teresa and Sunland Park, as well as “through the porous border between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas.”

“These specific areas were targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces, and the relative safe-havens the areas provide for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling that was already ongoing,” Judicial Watch reported.

Mexican intelligence sources say the Islamic State intends to exploit the railways and airport facilities in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, New Mexico.

Snopes of course are busy saying it is just a rumor…


Let us hope that our military will fight for America not for the other site.
Lets live as if today is the last day I am 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Our Lady of the Roses is NOT approved. The local bishop did not even investigate as the “messages” contain heresy and error.


Covid is not going to be the savior of the globalists and their quest for control, it is going to be their waterloo. When even the sleepiest are starting to wake and rise up, it is NOT a good sign for them.

Gail Combs

When they are talking about CRIMINALIZING free speech about the Jab, you know they are getting despirate.


Yep, and they REEK of it.


Hence the RUSH. It is like they KNOW they can only hide the truth for so long before the SHTF.


I swear that “Nazi” is in the DNA of that area of the world. They just never learn.


I used to spend time in Austria had friends there. Austria is a very religious country very faithful almost like Poland. There are little chapels all over when one climbs on hiking trails up the alps. Christmas is special. People outside cities in small towns are hunters have rifles.
I never noticed them to be Nazis in their DNA. Saying that is saying Americans have slave ownership in their DNA. I do not like to category people that way. Look how Australia behaves and other countries is that in their DNA?
I guess I am sensitive to it because people have called me Nazi and the DNA stuff and they knew nothing about me just because I did things different.
Sorry I guess you just triggered me  😏 
We can agree to disagree no hard feeling  😅 

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you at all. I am just surprised that their governments keep doing this stuff over and over in history. Of all the countries that should have learned from experience, you would think they would better than any other.

Gail Combs

We need to separate the people from the government.

That is one thing I really like about Steve Bannon. He emphasizes the CCP is different than the people ‘Bai Jia Xing’, the old Hundred Names.


Yes, the government is who I meant. Not the people, who I’m sure are perfectly lovely, most of them.


People are people. There good people and evil people and misguided people who are not evil and not good.
I do not know what makes people do these things but look same behavior in DC with the Jan6 jailed men how they are being treated.
If given the chance government as is would do the same what is done in Austria. What keeps them in line? Is that states have rights . We are 6 months behind Europe all the time. Lets pray our constitution holds and Judges are strong enough .
I am not insulted I am just pointing out it is a slippery slob blaming DNA 🙂


Amen. I pray our Constitution holds. Because that is really what makes America different. Our rights, given by God, are enshrined in our Founding.


Let us hope that we can keep the Constitution.


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Answer to Trump’s question. NO, and it is INTENTIONAL. This is Aubergine’s axiom to a T. Never assume incompetence where MALICE can be substituted.

NO ONE could do so many heinous and flat out WRONG actions against the country and her people by just sheer incompetence. Biden is on the wrong side of EVERY issue. Even a broke clock is right twice a day. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.

By ACCIDENT or unintended consequence, Biden would have to have been right on SOMETHING, even if by INACTION. But NO, Biden is wrong on EVERYTHING. Only an EVIL agenda explains that.

If ANYONE thinks Biden’s approval rating is even in the TEENS, I have some beach front property in Nebraska to sell them, CHEAP. There is a reckoning coming, and no amount of MSM spin, bitching, whining, or threats will stop it. History shows that TYRANTS never end well, and that is what Biden and his regime are, TYRANTS. Only tyrants could be so wrong about so much that affects so many.

Gail Combs

BYE-DONE is a BOUGHT AND PAID FOR CHINESE PUPPET PERIOD!!!,file=420172,filename=JoeThepuppet.png


Very Interesting.




Yep, and daddies a depop fella who got his son properly groomed for clandestine politics and none have been the wiser. The things these people do behind our backs… oh my.

Gail Combs

Yeah, he was on the ‘climate Denier’ train a while back and I thought he was a good guy. WRONG!


This is him, but not Maxwell. She is Allegra Mostyn-Owen:

We gotta be careful. They throw this shit out there to make us look foolish.


Thank you. I just posted that it doesn’t look like her.




That’s not Ghislaine Maxwell.


That doesn’t look like Ghislaine to me. Maybe it’s the hair, and maybe she had a nose job or something, but I would never guess that to be her.


From the link above. Emphasis added.

“For a long time the FLCCC Math protocol has included melatonin 6 – 12mg at night “until discharge”.

Melatonin is an ancient hormone that our pineal glands produce each night. Children make a lot of it. As we get older, we make less.

It’s quite likely that this is one of the reasons children cope better with Covid infections than older people do.


Makes a lot of sense.


I take melatonin about twice a week not that I need it just as preventive. As soon as I
feel sick I take it.

Gail Combs

I started taking 10 mg melatonin several years ago to help me sleep. It was probably one of the reasons I survived Covid along with the D3, C, green tea and zinc from beef.


I get lot of zinc in my eye meds and have to be careful when I take Zelenko vitamins. I switch every day so I do not get double dose. I take my D3 tree on days when I only take eye meds.
I have black seed oil and forgot for what it was supposed to be good for ?  😂 

Gail Combs

Black Seed Oil Evaluated for COVID-19

Historically, black seed oil has been used to help balance the inflammatory response in the body as well as reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, and ischemia (a restriction in blood supply to some parts of the body). Using recent computational findings, one research group found the active ingredients in N. sativa were “strongly suggestive” of a capability to combat COVID-19.


singing, I started in on Nigella sativa oil after reading the following article:


Thank you 🙂


barker, it’s encouraging to see that Researchers continue to examine possible covid Tx means in the face of the tsunami of lies and deceit coming from TPTB.


Trouble at Fox!

Bret Baier and Chris Wallace Reportedly Protested to Fox News Leadership About Tucker Carlson’s Patriot Purge


Good news by me. IF Patriot Purge pissed off Baer and Wallace, Tucker IS over the target.

Tucker really needs to be on another channel. OAN would be nice. Wonder when Tucker’s contract is up with Faux News.

Gail Combs

He is needed right where he is to Red-Pill the centralists.


I new these two will be next.
Hope they also resign, like the other two a few days ago.


I do not like either one of them.


Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes have already quit because of TC’s documentary.


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Wolf Moon, I hope you see this. I would like your opinion.

I have been puzzled by the fact that some people who get Covid bounce right back, while others are so sick for so long. Sometimes the people who stay sick are surprising. They don’t “seem” unhealthy before Covid hits.

The ONE common denominator I find is chronic inflammation.

Many of the treatment options for Covid and for prevention of it address inflammation in the body. The kicker for me to look harder was melatonin.

It occurred to me to ask myself why that? A sleep supplement for Covid? Turns out I didn’t know enough about it:

Melatonin Reduces Inflammation and Supports Immunity
Please note: the beneficial roles of melatonin as a naturally occurring hormone may not imply the same benefits of melatonin supplementation.

Melatonin receptors are present in a wide variety of immune cells [1].

Melatonin is immunomodulatory, which means that it reduces excessive immune function in inflammatory conditions and enhances immune function in immunocompromised people.

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Also, melatonin production decreases with age. It may be why children deal so differently with Covid.

I plan to start using melatonin as part of my routine supplements as a preventative measure, today. I don’t believe supplements aren’t helpful, otherwise it wouldn’t help for Covid!

I think the best course of action for prevention of Covid, and recovery of long-haulers, is reducing inflammation in the body. The prevention and recovery protocols from FLCCC work to do that, but there are other important things to do.

1) Don’t drink too much. A glass of red wine is good, a bottle is bad

2) Exercise, but not too hard. Overdoing it leads to inflammation. Moderation is key

3) De-stress, daily. Pray, meditate, get out in nature, breathe deep. What ever you do to relax, do it

4) Eat well, and lose weight if you need to. Get off the sugar, carbs, junk food merry-go-round


Ok, not sure where the graphic came from. :/

Gail Combs

Patriot Nurse at the beginning of Covid mentioned that the co-morbities were LINKED TO CHRONIC INFLAMMATION.

Think Cytokine storm

cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is a physiological reaction in humans and other animals in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines. Normally, cytokines are part of the body’s immune response to infection, but their sudden release in large quantities can cause multisystem organ failure and death.[1]

Cytokine storms can be caused by a number of infectious and non-infectious etiologies….

Nicotinamide (a form of vitamin B3) is a potent inhibitor of proinflammatory cytokines.[8][9]

Magnesium decreases inflammatory cytokine production by modulation of the immune system.[10][11]


The first reference to the term cytokine storm in the published medical literature appears to be by James Ferrara in 1993 during a discussion of graft vs. host disease; a condition in which the role of excessive and self-perpetuating cytokine release had already been under discussion for many years.[12][13][14] The term next appeared in a discussion of pancreatitis in 2002, and in 2003 it was first used in reference to a reaction to an infection.[12]

It is believed that cytokine storms were responsible for the disproportionate number of healthy young adult deaths during the 1918 influenza pandemic, which killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide. In this case, a healthy immune system may have been a liability rather than an asset..

The Cytokines of Asthma – PubMed

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease associated with type 2 cytokines interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5, and IL-13, which promote airway eosinophilia, mucus overproduction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR), and immunogloubulin E (IgE) synthesis. However, only half of asthma patients exhibit signs of an exacerbated Type 2 response. “Type 2-low” asthma has different immune features: airway neutrophilia, obesity-related systemic inflammation, or in some cases, few signs of immune activation. Here, we review the cytokine networks driving asthma, placing these in cellular context and incorporating insights from cytokine-targeting therapies in the clinic….

The role of inflammatory cytokines in diabetes and its complications

…. Immunologic abnormalities are associated with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and diabetic complications. T cell abnormalities are believed to be the major cause of autoimmune disease in type 1 diabetes, leading to the destruction of pancreatic islets. In type 2 diabetes, inflammation and activation of monocytes are postulated to be important for enhancing insulin resistance and may contribute to the loss of insulin secretory function by islet cells. Many factors can enhance insulin resistance, including genetics, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and other conditions, such as chronic inflammation or infection. Increases in inflammation, such as activation of monocytes and increased levels of inflammatory markers, e.g., C-reactive protein, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and other cytokines, were reported in insulin-resistant states without diabetes…..

Targeting Inflammatory Cytokines to Improve Type 2 Diabetes Control

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is one of the most common chronic metabolic disorders in adulthood worldwide, whose pathophysiology includes an abnormal immune response accompanied by cytokine dysregulation and inflammation. As the T2D-related inflammation and its progression were associated with the balance between pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines, anticytokine treatments might represent an additional therapeutic option for T2D patients. This review focuses on existing evidence for antihyperglycemic properties of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs…

Obesity and insulin resistance (Type II diabetes is the result of insulin resistance over the long term.)

The association of obesity with type 2 diabetes has been recognized for decades, and the major basis for this link is the ability of obesity to engender insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a fundamental aspect of the etiology of type 2 diabetes and is also linked to a wide array of other pathophysiologic sequelae including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis (i.e., the metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X), and polycystic ovarian disease (1). Although many details of the mechanisms by which the enlarged adipose tissue mass that defines obesity causes systemic insulin resistance remain unknown, the past several years have witnessed an explosive increase in our understanding of what may now be referred to as the adipo-insulin axis. There are also grounds for considering the related possibility that insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, in addition to being caused by obesity, can contribute to the development of obesity….

The Role of Cytokines in Osteoarthritis

Inflammation and accompanying dysregulated cytokine catabolic activities play key roles in OA pathogenesis in addition to the effects of age and excessive mechanical loading (for review, see [70,74,121] (Fig. 3.2). Osteoarthritis is not considered a classical inflammatory arthropathy, because of the absence of neutrophils in the synovial fluid and the lack of systemic manifestations of inflammation. Nevertheless, synovial inflammation is common in both early and late stages of OA [19]. The expression of proinflammatory cytokines is observed in patients with early OA, and synovitis is common in advanced OA, where it involves infiltration of activated B cells and T lymphocytes…

Cytokines in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Collagen-Induced Arthritis

….Two key pro-inflammatory cytokines in RA are IL-1 and TNFα. Regulation of these cytokines is of crucial importance in the RA disease. First data of clinical trials showed efficacy, however, revealed also that blockade of these cytokines did not fully control the arthritis in all patients. Recent discoveries of novel cytokines in the pathology of arthritis, such as IL-17, IL-18 and RANK ligand (RANKL) will help us to get a better understanding of the pathogenesis of chronic arthritis and may contribute to improvement of current therapies….

Hope that helps.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

It does, thanks!

Gail Combs

You are very welcome. 😊


This is the reason for the Rittenhouse – Lin Wood controversy:
David Hancock is the one who is trying to get the #Fightback money.
This fight between Hancock Lin Wood is the reason and now he is Kyle handler.





Hey everyone, if you’re confused about Lin Wood and the Rittenhouse aftermath right now, you need to be asking, who is currently managing Kyle Rittenhouse?

The answer is: David Hancock. And if you’ve watched Fox News or Newsmax the last couple of weeks, you’ve seen that he is Rittenhouse’s spokesman.

But what Fox News isn’t telling you is Hancock’s background. He’s a bodyguard, yet was put in charge of fundraising, and as a result of his inexperience, got Verizon to ban their fundraising URL.

So feel free to look into David Hancock, who also provided security for Lin Wood and caused some drama there as well.

Most importantly, watch this interview from November 2nd, where Robert Barnes explains how Hancock restricted access to Rittenhouse. Also, Barnes asked for a financial audit of The Milo Fund LLC (fundraising arm for Free Rittenhouse) and was kicked off the team because of that request. 

 Here Barnes says that Hancock has kidnapped(figuratively) Rittenhouse.

Here’s some more background info on David Hancock

#rittenhouse #verdict #linwood #attorney #kyle #freekyle #wisconsin

Sabotage Afoot in the Kyle Rittenhouse Defense? Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT!


Tore posted at 1AM on telegram that Hancock worked with John Brennan. Lin has stated many times that he’s former CIA. So it’s more than the disgraced Seal stealing donations story. I absolutely trust Lin Wood in all this.

Question? How was Rittenhouse pictured with his family at a FL restaurant on Friday (or Saturday) — with the interview being promo’ed on Friday night? So did he go from FL to Tucker in Maine? Or was it filmed somewhere else? I didn’t watch.

Gail Combs

So looks like David Hancock has latched onto a golden goose and is NOT about to share the loot.


Thank you for posting that. Lin Wood has posted concern about who is handling Kyle, for a while now.


President Trump Awarded Honorary 9th Degree Black Belt By South Korean President Of Taekwondo – Pledges To Wear Full Martial Arts Suit In Congress As President.


When your family does not want you at Thanksgiving, because you are not vaccinated:

Seth Keshel

Forwarded from 


A grandma, spending Thanksgiving alone…sheep won’t have me due to being unvax’d

8 minutes after Seth posted the above:

Seth Keshel

Posted less than 10 minutes ago about a grandmother in MI who isn’t welcome at the family table over the medical freedom issue, and already over 50 total comments inviting her anywhere in this country to join for Thanksgiving.

That’s the fabric of America – there are tens of millions of people in this country who will not conform to the pattern of the world.


How sad. Cruel, really.

Gail Combs

KARMA can be a really nasty bitch. Under the circumstances I would be revising my will immediately. There are over 50 or more people who are MORE deserving than her blood family.


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Valerie Curren

Hillary OD’d on the “youth juice” apparently 🙁




The blasphemy is sickening. And apart from that, who among us would dishonor a loved one by substituting their pic with someone else’s? The artist removed the Son of God, and that church allowed it. If you love Him, how could you do that? If you believe Him to be Lord, how could you dare do that?


Because they really don’t believe in Him ? It’s become a tale like a comic book where original characters can be replaced with the ‘new’ superhero ?


That’s the logical conclusion. Sad, but also frustrating because they are influencing others.


With Francis as their earthly leader would we expect anything less than distorting blasphemy ?


Right, but I know there are true people of faith, and I would expect them to take a stand. They must not reside in that parish.

It’s becoming “anything goes.” Watering down the faith is the goal. It’s just jarring to me to see such blatant blasphemy tolerated.

Deplorable Patriot

It isnt, but that rarely makes the headlines.

Gail Combs

I am not religious and I find it disgusting blasphemy.

It was bad enough that George Floyd has a statue.

George Floyd was sentenced to five years in prison for his involvement in an home invasion/armed robbery of a pregnant woman. Floyd was identified as the suspect that pushed a pistol against the abdomen of the woman. He pleaded guilty to the crime in 2009.
Police were called when he tried to pass counterfeit bills.
He died while on drugs and overdosing on fentenyl. Medical examiners said the fentanyl levels were at a potentially “fatal level,” The Hennepin County Medical Examiner (HCME) said “…. arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease, fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use as being significant conditions that were underlying causes in Floyd’s cause of death.
…. the fentanyl levels were at a potentially “fatal level,” but that it was a combination of factors that led to Floyd’s death.”

Is Floyd the upstanding role model for black men now?? If I were black I would be highly insulted that the Progressive Commies think Floyd is ‘Typical’ of blacks and their type of ‘role model’



Isn’t she at all concerned about that ocean flooding her mansion in a few short years?

Gail Combs

Florida is a GIANT FOSSILIZED SAND BAR. 200 ft elevation above sea level is yellow and pink to red is zero to 50 feet. So much for GORE BULL 💩 WARBLING!!!
(Obama has an ocean front mansion too.)

This is Al Gore’s home bought 8 years ago bought beach front mansion in upscale Montecito, California.
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We thought it was hysterical when I Hate the Media’s Mr. Editor and Mr. Administrator were so excited they bought a full-page ad in the local paper to welcome the Reverend Al to town, which got some warmer type people upset.

It seems that Mitt Romney has now developed a similar case of AGW hypocrisy. Back in June he told everyone he believes in anthropogenic global warming, ergo he believes in sea-level rise. Ergo, if one is going to build a mansion it had better be on top of Mount Araratnext to what’s left of Noah’s Ark so it’s safe.

So, what does Uncle Mitty do? Well, not only does Uncle Mitty own some beachfront property just north of San Diego in La Jolla, California, he now wants to tear down that measly 3,000 square foot mansion and replace it with an 11,062 square foot mansion, larger than Revered Al’s 6.500 square foot villa….


Long Beach, NY’s only emergency room has closed because of vaccine mandates. The closest hospital is more than 20 minutes away.

Gail Combs

The UK Liverpool Care Pathway…. I warned about this when Obamacare was being debated.

Liverpool Care Pathway: The Road to Backdoor Euthanasia

….In contrast, terminal sedation intends to kill by putting the person into a permanent artificial coma and withholding food and fluids. TS-caused deaths usually are caused by dehydration over a period of about two weeks. In this sense, Hahn notes, palliative sedation and terminal sedation are mirror opposites…

February 27, 2013
Cutting Healthcare Costs by Killing Patients

…Nation-states are killing people based on their costliness, rather than their place of origin, skin color, religious commitment, political affiliation, or ethnicity. In order to cut healthcare costs, Great Britain and soon the U.S. will eliminate (kill) patients whose only crime is being expensive to treat.

Supporters of the ACA such as President Obama and Dr. Don Berwick openly and proudly said that ObamaCare was modeled after the British National Health Service (NHS). It is reasonable to expect that what the NHS has done in England will be done here….

… To reduce its healthcare spending, the government cuts payments for health care services. For expensive patients, it may choose to cut payments to zero. This translates to “no payment = no treatment.”

NICE (England) and IPAB (U.S.)

Sarah Palin’s “death panel” accusation on Facebook in 2009 turns out to have been true. The name of this death panel is IPAB (Independent Payment Advisory Board), an agency created by ObamaCare.

IPAB members are appointed. Its meetings are not open to public scrutiny. There is no oversight. IPAB is tasked with deciding which medical treatments are deemed “cost-effective” and which are not. IPAB then recommends to Congress that the former be authorized for payment and the latter not….


Dear Qtreepers,
It’s been a while since I posted, Was diagnosed positive for Covid – this in spite of having tried to build up my immune system for many months, with Vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, quercitin, melatonin (this last in small doses of 3 mg).

I had to be tested, as the elderly couple I have been helping out, when hospitalized, tested positive for Covid. And then public health got invovled, and …. well, good grief…

So, I self isolated, and spent the many days praying…and keeping up with my vitamin regime, adding a new one, which a friend sent to me. It seemed to work, and I figure, given the ingredients, it could not do too much harm. I would love to have Qtreepers feedback on it.
All you need to make your very own quinine:
Take the rind of 2-3 lemons and 2-3 grapefruits
Take the peel only and cover it with water 3 inches above the peels
Put a glass lid on your put if you have one. A metal one is fine if you don’t.

Simmer for two hours. Do NOT take the lid off of the pot till it cools completely as this will allow the quinine to escape in the steam

Add honey if needed. Take 1 tablespoon every two hours to bring the phlegm from your lungs. Discontinue as soon as you get better. 

Also, I have been lurking on my cell, while in bed…and saw the ivermectin post by Wolfmoon. That is great. I am wondering if you have posted more about tests.

God bless you all


geneticallycatholic, did you actually get sick or just test positive? Don’t forget that the PCR test is wildly inaccurate and gives a lot of false positives.


Yes, thanks Linda. I did ask what the test was that deemed me positive. It wasn’t the PCR test, but I don’t remember what test it was. I was actually sick, with the same symptoms of Covid….am almost back to normal now.

I meant to post a few links….love my fellow Canadians who are waking up big time.

Here is an open letter from members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to their Commissioner who is appointed by Trudope. It’s a powerful letter with many citations by physicians etc in the appendices. Hope Qtreepers take the time to read it…you will know your neighbors up North are awake and fighting…

Also, Attorney Reiner Fuellmich, interviewed a lawyer of the Supreme Court of India, about their many wins ….including over youtube….these Indian lawyers have been busy….and have shown how public health officials in India are tied to the Gates foundation …and if I recall correctly, big pharma.

Finally, a paralegal in Ontario who has been laid off work for refusing to dilvuge her vaccination status…

Ontario Paralegal offers direct advice on how to handle issues related to vaxx mandates

Onward to freedom!!!!

Gail Combs

Absolutely great info.

The  Reiner Fuellmich video is long but well worth plowing thru.

“The last Englishman could still be an Indian….”


Thank you Gail. I agree. The success in their court cases have special meaning for Canada, as they are part of the British Common Wealth, with similar case law. So, Canadian lawyers can reference the court cases in India ….

Gail Combs

OH that is really good news and would also apply to Australia too, as part of the British Common Wealth, I hope.


Yes, all British CommonWealth countries can reference it. That’s why all this is so important…however, the wheels of justice are grinding very slowly….but at least they are in motion.

Gail Combs

The recipe is for home-made QUERCETIN and not for HCQ

Hesperidin and Quercetin content in Citrus peel.

Based on yield ranges in a review article (1), the whole citrus peel, colorful zest and white pith layers, contained across a variety of types of citrus, greater than 2000 micrograms/gram Fresh Weight (ug/gr FW) Quercetin Equivalents (group of similar chemicals), and 83-234 milligram/gram Fresh Weight (mg/gr FW) Hesperidin (for an average of 158.5 mg/gr FW). (1)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – people need to call it “nature’s HCQ” – because it’s not HCQ, and it’s not even “natural HCQ” – it’s a natural compound that ACTS like HCQ and is easy to take on a continuous basis, which is needed due to short half-life.

Also, important to make sure you’re taking plenty of zinc at the same time.


Thank you Gail. I’ve passed this article to my friends who sent me the recipe.

Sadie Slays

Hope you’re feeling better 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thank you so much Sadie…I am feeling better – I was told by a retired doctor who is completely aware of the Covid scam, that the cycles set for the PCR test are higher for the unvaccinated, then for the the vaccinated….so the results are positive for the unvaccinated…false positives. ….

Our hospitals are trying to kill us… 😥 

Valerie Curren

Thanks for checking in GC. God be with you in healing, strength, & joy as you continue to press on in the fight for freedom. God Bless!!!


Thank you Valerie!

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See Gail’s post below. The citrus rind flavonoids are basically a natural zinc ionophore, analogous to (and including some) quercetin. It’s a natural antiviral, and certainly a better one than late-administration remdesivir!!!


From the nice to know department.

Rittenhouse: Biden Attacked My Character with ‘Actual Malice,’ I Have Lawyers Looking Into Lies about Me

Rittenhouse also criticized the media coverage, saying, “It’s actually quite hysterical how nobody can go back and look at the facts of the case. He crossed state lines, false. He’s a white supremacist, false. None of that is true. And the lies that they can just get away with spreading, it’s just sickening and it’s a disgrace to this country.”

After the subject of holding people who lied about him accountable came up, Rittenhouse stated, “I have really good lawyers who are taking care of that right now. So, I’m hoping, one day, there will be some — there will be accountability for their actions that they did.


Wendy checks in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect that greedy lawyers wanted to convert Lin’s collected bail money (a substantial portion of which was donations which were expected to be returned) to legal defense fund money that THEY would control to pay themselves for future legal proceedings, whereas Lin Wood wanted to keep the bail money under his organization’s control and return the parts that had to be returned (including from his own organization).

The question is whether it would be proper for Lin to convert “bail donations and loans” into “somebody else’s legal defense funds”. Almost certainly not – I suspect that it would be an illegal conversion that would seem like a virtue signal, but could result in IRS trouble.

Gail Combs

Lin Wood said that part of the money WAS A LOAN. That means it SHOULD BE REPAID to the person who made the loan. I also think that it was Lin Wood who signed surety for the loan.

If that is the case, the ATTACK on Lin Wood all of a sudden makes a LOT OF SENSE. Someone wants LIN TO PAY BACK THE LOAN SO THEY GET TO KEEP THE MONEY. Kyle probably has zero understanding of the ins and outs making him easy to control via lies.


Lin had to guarantee the promissory note ($150K) to Ricky Schroeder. He LOANED the money, did not DONATE it.

And now Kyle has done a second interview calling Lin insane and that he thinks he’s God. I listened to a podcast of Lin interviewed by Joe Oltmann earlier, evidently David Hancock has either been living very nearby or WITH Kyle and his mother since the beginning of the year. This kid is off the rails.



With the already known crappy PCR test going away 31 December, wonder IF the Covid positives will crash starting 1 January.

What a coincidence BiteMe’s injection mandates are seemingly December and early January. Can’t recall what groups are targeted in the differing deadlines.

Saw BiteMe’s handlers are asking the Court to reinstate OSHA’s BS injection regulation.


I thought I read that it’s going away because Soros and B. Gates are developing a new and “better” test for COVID that will be more “accurate” – and more deadly no doubt!
These Ghouls plan to make even more money off our suffering.


I’m really upset with myself.

And instead of blaming myself, I want to blame others.

Back when Twatter and the slimebag Jack Dorsey permanently blocked Sidney Powell, I…..we…..stopped following her, even though she was on Telegram, here…

How…and why……did we allow ourselves to stop following Sidney?????

😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

I am furious with myself….and frankly, with all of us over this.

Think about this for a minute. Now multiply that by only God-knows how many WE HAVE ALLOWED the disgusting, vile, hypocritical and utterly loathsome left to cancel.

I ask again…

How…and why……did we allow ourselves to stop following Sidney?????


More importantly, how do we stop ourselves from doing this going forward??


It is UNCONSCIONABLE that no one here….myself included….has posted anything from Sidney for the better part of a whole year, if not more than a year.

I am disgusted. And ashamed.

God forgive me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Telegram was a bad choice on her part, IMO. They are not at all good for amplification outside their own echo chamber.

Gab is much easier to copy to here.

Hopefully Trump’s site will be even easier than Twitter to echo to other platforms.


Yes I follow many on Telegram, but I hate that I cannot share anything from there.

Deplorable Patriot

You can copy and paste from Telegram. I do it.


When is “Trump’s site” coming again?

Fall of ‘25 after the war is lost?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. I’ve heard NOTHING from them. All I get are MILLIONS of messages from congressional RINOs and GOPe who ask me what my username is going to be on “Trump’s social”. Ridiculous! The people who betrayed him trying to raise money on just the rumor of his new site.

PFFFFFT! Begone, RINOs!!!


I’ve seen “first quarter of 2022” and something about the app being available on February 21, 2022. But only one site said that, so I doubt it’s a firm date. It would be great if that’s a smokescreen for a sooner launch.


I’m puzzled about the indictment of everyone here. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted from Powell’s Telegram in the past year, especially when she had news about election audits. I have posted her material lately because a lot of what I see there is the same news that I get elsewhere, and that others are posting here as well.

Right now her site covers European protests, vaccine information, Bill Gates funding the media, hospital worker shortages, Nordstom getting looted, the Waukesha, WI, tragedy, etc. — all news that I get elsewhere.


Fair enough.

My anger stems from the feeling like I….we…abandoned her. As I said, I include myself in this (and said so). I place a premium on loyalty, because God does too.

Never leave a good man, or lady, behind.


Have not forgotten about Sidney. For that matter Flynn, Lin Wood, Wendy, Poso…

Personally don’t use FB, TW, Telegram…

Occasionally look at Gab.

Only so many hours in the day.

Have no idea what the headline is, that I, or WE missed. TRUTH IS, I want more than headlines. Positive results would be nice.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Sadie Slays

1) “The Kraken” never materialized.

2) I have a difficult time accessing Telegram.

3) I’m done listening to chatter from a lot of personalities claiming to be on “our side” until I see more action. I’m not going to say anything nasty about them, I don’t know their situations, but it is clear by now that they are either unable or unwilling to do much more than posturing on Telegram.   


Thank you for responding.

All of that is fair IMHO.

Btw, Telegram does not timestamp posts….another criticism.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is one reason why I feel like Telegram was a pied piper of sorts. They really scooped up and SIDELINED a lot of people.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s an interesting thought. They were taken out of public eye and put into a camp of sorts.

Gail Combs


Telegram is horrible to try and follow/use if you are not on the platform.

Gail Combs

Gettr comment on Sidney Powell (I am trying it for the first time)

Deplorable Patriot

The time stamps are there, but you have to search for them. Drives me nuts.


I have an account on Telegram, but I find it difficult to use and navigate, to be honest. It’s not very user-friendly for me.

And like others have said, there are only so many hours in the day. I’m trying to keep up, but it’s hard. I have spent a lot of the last few months on Covid-related stuff. Too many people I know in real life need help.

I agree, we should not abandon MAGA people. I just don’t know how we always avoid it when life just keeps happening.

Deplorable Patriot

I follow a number of accounts on telegram. Several copy and paste from each other. They will share from the big names when they say something relevent.


I recently came across an interview with Sydney Powell. Couldn’t remember where I saw it. Possibly here?

Maybe this is the one. It is from November 18, 2021.


Sidney / DTR puts out a weekly email that has updates on her progress as well as relevant news to her fight.

Her site is Sidney Powell dot com and the emails come from Defending The Republic dot org .

Seems the websites are more about fundraising, but I know she herself has been active in working the slow wheels of justice. Hold Fast!


Sadie Slays

If you haven’t heard about what’s happening to Sean Parnell, then you should start paying attention. 

Sean Parnell is a veteran and a strong Trump-endorsed Pennsylvania politician. He spoke at the RNC convention last year, and had a promising political future ahead of him. He ran for a Congressional seat in 2020, but “lost” in the stolen election. To his credit, Parnell legally fought the results, demanded recounts, and did what was within his power to try to stop the steal. But we all know what happened. Parnell wasn’t going to quit, though. He announced a 2022 run for Senate. He was a strong contender for the seat up until this week.

About a month or two ago, the tabloid headlines started with his wife—out of nowhere—accusing Parnell of domestic abuse. The media ghouls ate up the messy divorce proceedings and ran all sorts of sordid headlines. Then, on Monday, a judge awarded the wife sole custody of the children. Losing his children was the breaking point. Sean Parnell quit the Senate race to focus on getting his children back. 

Now it’s entirely possible that the man is a scumbag. I don’t know what’s going on over there in Parnell household. But, from the information I have available, to me it looks like the Deep State was 1) nervous about a strong, genuine MAGA gaining power, and 2) miffed that said candidate fought the rigged 2020 election results/narrative. Can’t have someone like that in the Senate. I strongly suspect they sabotaged the family.  

I don’t like controlled opposition Cernovich or Poso, but they nailed it here:

Folks, this is what we are up against. It’s not just the rigged elections. Even if you try to play their stupid game, they will come after your family.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re NAZIS and we have to start playing like they are.

Most Americans are horrified, but they just hope they will never be hit by them.

They’re evil.


I have a problem when people call these criminals liberals. They are not liberals they are Fascists Communists Maoists.
We need to call them what they are not who they used to be.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Heck – WE are the liberals now.

Valerie Curren

classical liberals, believing in freedom–liberally 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

Classical Liberals =/= DemonRat Commie Progressives!

Like everything else they STOLE the word liberal.

Valerie Curren

No Doubt. Like Satan they can’t Create anything, only pervert & destroy what God &/or someone else has created!

Valerie Curren

By the way I hit the cog to edit the below comment & Only saw “edit”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Thanks!!!

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re right about sabotaging the family. Social media plays a big part in that. They’re sneaky as hell.

Sadie Slays

I have a much darker theories on that. Intelligence agents inserting themselves as influential “therapists” or “doctors” or “friends.” Drugs such as behavior-changing prescriptions from said “doctors” or “therapists.” Maybe even a drug addiction pushed by the same ghouls.  

Parnell had the makings of another DeSantis if given a chance at power. I don’t put it past the Deep State to use every resource available to stop him. He’s lucky that he “only” lost his children in a custody battle and not to a car bomb like the Georgia Governor’s son-in-law. 


Reputations are so fast destroyed if the wrong people set site on a person specially in the current culture..

Gail Combs

Lin Wood is a case in point. So are many others.


* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)




* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

Actually the fact they are having to go to these lengths I find promising. It means they have not yet WON and they are scrambling.


Jes the Alinsky rules. Some professor earns his paycheck at the University teaching Alinsky.
I have no opinion on Woods cannot quit grasp him. Maybe is a good thing 🙂

Gail Combs

I like Lin Woods. He did not have to stick his neck out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Totally agreed. They *LITERALLY* sneak into the home. Look what they did to Kellyanne Conway. That messed-up daughter was putty in their hands. Her lout of a husband didn’t help, either.

My mother lived under the Nazis – she knew how to deal with a state that believed it had every right to do whatever it wanted. She held a PROPER level of paranoia to keep them at arm’s length.

I think Parnell really believe patriots were in control, and that his heroism would exempt him from the Bidenazi regime’s ruthless bullshit.

NOPE. He found out the hard way. They got into his family and CURBED HIM.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve wondered from time to time if it was going to take bachelor’s to do the job in the end. Threatening family is too easy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Most of the “leaders” in the EU are childless. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

By the same token, with no progeny, they care little about the future, but quite a lot about the present, in terms of their enrichment, power, and fame…


“Even if you try to play their stupid game, they will come after your family.”

A tale as old as the practice itself.

My ace in the hole is Almighty God, who is watching.

He says one thing….”Vengeance is mine….”…

…while promising another….

”I will repay.”

Personally, I shudder to consider how the Lord will avenge himself on people who would harm another person’s children…tearing his family apart…in order to perpetuate evil…(ie. do Satan’s bidding).

If it would be BETTER for such a person to have a millstone hung about his neck and thrown into the crushing, cold depths of the ocean…only to have one’s body desecrated by being eaten by the scavengers of same….well…


comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like what Oblowhole (or his handlers) did to his opponent back when he was running for Senate years ago…


They can go to HELL!!!


·an hour
Mike Lindell was live! Watch the full video here:


Terror in the Capitol Tunnel › American Greatness (

TERROR in the Capitol Tunnel… did Metro Police beat a woman to death on Jan. 6? Fed Cover-up!

MUST-READ EXCLUSIVE! Family of Rosanne Boyland Who was KILLED on January 6th Is DENIED HER FULL AUTOPSY REPORT – Speak Out for First Time and Plead for Government Investigation — PLEASE HELP THE BOYLAND FAMILY HERE! (

The family of a woman killed on January 6th, allegedly by police, has been denied her full autopsy report by the DC Medical Examiner’s office and The Department of Justice.


Rumble — This video shows Police Officer Lila Morris of DC Metro Police bludgeoning Roseann Boyland on the Capitol Steps as she lay unconscious. Boyland died.
Trump Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland seen beaten by police officer before she died (

Also Julie Kelly of American Greatness on War Room today:
Rumble — FBI Still Raiding And Terrorizing Innocent Americans 10 Months After Jan.6
FBI Still Raiding And Terrorizing Innocent Americans 10 Months After Jan.6 (

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VERY interesting that Julie Kelly calls it “Lisa Monaco’s FBI”.


Garland does not seem quit there. Naive or just brain freeze. Did they hypnotize him did they give him some drug? Maybe that is what they have done to others also?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MK would explain a lot. They clearly used it on Loretta Lynch.


Most likely. Robert Mueller his family said he changed when he took over the Russian investigation. He also was as if someone had erased his memory. I saw a European film do not remember the name where Russians wiped out a scientists memory. This is what these people remind me off someone did something to their brain.


What little I’ve heard from Garland speaking, he seems to be on a “Mueller like” downward spiral. Increasingly missing his marbles.


Yes it seems like it just like Biden. Who else? Pelosi also. All people in key positions. Harries is a lunatic there is that. She could not be so stupid I mean she finished college and attendet Law school.
Something is off with people this is not normal.

Valerie Curren

Put in power buffoonish puppets easier to control & as long as there is a D there “no one” will do anything about any of it!


Yes that is reality for this time one can hope it will change.

Valerie Curren

We can dream can’t we 🙂


Yes never stop 🙂

Valerie Curren





Yes I noticed that. He looks bewildered when ask questions as if he is out of the loop.


FBI turnend full KGB. How quick people who used to be good people can be turnend by a regime into thugs and Nazis. I am using the word Nazi intentionally. The FBI is an example how people allow themselves being used by criminal entities to do KGB tactics.
I fully understand now how people were turnend under Hitler.
Look close how quick the FBI behaves how so many Judges behave. These are Americans behaving like Nazis, Stasi and KGB. That is reality friends and we need to fight it legally peacefully because they will come after us our children and grand kids our friends.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Do you have any idea what happens to people to make them turn? Are their convictions and principles not strong enough to begin with?


I do not know unless something triggers within them that is a human weakness. Maybe they feel powerful, feel important to lord over others. Brainwashed that the organization the club is all like a religion and they fallow blindly without questioning.
Maybe questioning has been shut down a while ago just fallow orders to be a good soldier.
The rebels have been sorted out a long time ago or not hired? Maybe they are already brainwashed in College ?


I recently had a friend, who was a very senior Captain at a regional, accept a job with a major airline that required him to get vax’d.

He had spent the last year+ proclaiming, quite vocally and at length, that he would quit and retire if said regional were to mandate a vax requirement.

He was already making 6-figures a year w/ no kids. Super senior, too, so he had a high quality of life re: his work schedules. Now he’s back to being a very junior first officer, shitty schedules, and vax’d.

Because he’ll earn an extra $30k a year. Which he doesn’t really need.

”The love of money is the root of all evil.”

”Never, ever, sell out“ is EQUAL to “never, ever, quit” and is written on the other side of that same coin.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

That is very sad.

I once worked with a Director of Materials who commuted to Mountain View from Tracy, about a two hour commute each way, so as to provide his family (who he could never spend much time with) a “better quality of life.”

Until he was in a single-vehicle fatal accident on Altamont Pass.


580 through the pass can be treacherous.


A daily 4 hr commute?? On a 5 day work week??




He chose poorly.


Likewise, it seems that your friend chose poorly.


People from the town I live in drive 4 hours to work 4 hours back and fourth. They cannot get a good paying job here and family is here people value that and houses are not as expensive. They do not spend quality time with their kids but when I grew up no one did . Going to work 6 days a week was the thing and providing for family was the imported part.

In the winter US 23 can be hellish and many accidents. The road gets icy and truck run off the road.

Gail Combs

I used to commute over an hour each way in hellish Boston traffic. It is one of the reasons I was so glad to move to North Carolina.

For the entire time I lived in the Boston area I had at least one car accident a year!


My daughter drives an hour to work every day she hates it. She likes the job money is good pays for her daughter college.


Boston traffic is treacherous. Blood sport, literally.


Never quit. Never give in.

It is written and promised…as sure as our bodies need air and water to live…

We will be rewarded with riches beyond compare and comprehension.

In contrast…

If someone agrees to be a lab rat today, whether for fear or money, they will surely sell out for the mark of the beast down river from today.

And yes, it is very sad. Very.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Gail Combs

If you had to keep a roof over your family’s head and food on the table, then I could understand the self sacrifice…

But for an extra bit of $$$$ when you ALREADY HAVE LOTS OF $$$$??

I QUIT rather than falsify lab results on more than one occasion. The last time I got blackballed. The financial results have been nasty but I CAN SLEEP AT NIGHT. — I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AIRCRAFT CRASHING AS A RESULT OF TURBINE BLADES DISINTEGRATING.

And yeah, three crashes were traced to that company I quit.


I ask my husband if he would have taken the jab to keep a job he said yes. He is the kind of guy who has a deep duty to provide for his family. His mother was never home his father worked at night because of that he wanted me home and come home and his wife is home. I think that is why I tried to make his life away from work as comfortable as possible and took all the work off his hands if possible.

Cuppa Covfefe

This is a bit blunt, but how can you provide if you’re dead???


That is the problem!


That would be a mood point now.
Well you are right it is easy to say when one is not in the situation right?

Gail Combs

Same mind set as the people who go into the military when there is an active war. You are playing the odds.

HECK, every time we get into a vehicle we are playing the odds.

I used to tell my Mom that I had more of a chance of getting harmed or killed driving to and from the caves I was repelling into than I had while caving.


In 2021:

Here are the top leading causes of death in the United States of America.

1 Heart disease — 659,041
2 Cancer — 599,601
3 Accidents (unintentional injuries) — 173,040
4 Chronic lower respiratory diseases -156,979
5 Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases) – 150,005
6 Alzheimer’s disease — 121,499
7 Diabetes — 87,647
8 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis — 51,565
9 Influenza and pneumonia — 49,783
10 Intentional self-harm (suicide) — 47,511

…women have a life expectancy of 81.4 while the men have a life expectancy of 76.3.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think what I meant came out backwards.

My point being that taking the jab is an exercise in futility, as one cannot provide for their family if they have been killed by the jab…

Gail Combs

Yes, I understand that.
However taking the upper estimate of 40,000 Jab Deaths, that is still a LOT less, by a factor of three, compared to accidental deaths including auto accidents.

Life is risky so we have to weigh the risks and make our choices. I caved, rock climbed, back packed and jumped horses over 6 foot fences. I CHOSE to take the risks involved with each of those sports.

HOWEVER I will not take the Jab because of MORAL and ETHICAL issues as well as the health risks.

The top most dangerous lines of work are:

  1. Logging
  2. Commercial fishing
  3. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers
  4. Roofers
  5. Garbagemen
  6. Truck drivers and others who drive a lot for a living [My Dad]
  7. Farmers & Ranchers
  8. Steel Workers
  9. Construction trades
  10. Landscaping,lawn & grounds keepers

I know people in every single one of those professions.

Valerie Curren

I’m thinking Abortion might be the Real #1 cause of death  😡 


If anyone wants to hear Lin Wood tell what really happened, here is a podcast.

After talking about Rittenhouse, he says FOX News is Deep State and that his 20-year friendship with Sean Hannity ended after the election when Hannity said PDJT lost and we have to move on. 🔥 I’ve noticed in general that Lin Wood does not hold back, even if people will be scandalized by what he says. He speaks the truth as he sees it. Still listening…

He says Tucker is not interested in the truth or he would have had Wood on to get his side of the story, before putting out a hit piece. No one at FOX, including Tucker, reached out to Wood, even after the interview.

I’m not versed in the law, but this looks like grounds for a defamation suit. And Lin Wood is the last person you want to go against in a suit like that. Defamation is his specialty.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Rittenhouse was ungrateful the affords Lyn Woods put out for him. Woods set the whole defense into motion. “Hell is paved with good intentions”.


I think Rittenhouse has been highly influenced by nefarious characters. Lin Wood has been saying that for days, long before the Tucker interview and before any of this came out. He could see what was happening.


His lawyer said the same and Barns said it also. Apparently the guy who is security as big influence and wants to be the big cheese.
Kyle is to young to understand and grasp manipulation ? It takes most of us to learn through hard life experiences.

Gail Combs

Yeah, the security guy, David Hancock would be in a position to really ‘play’ Kyle. There with Kyle & his family 24/7 ‘MACHO’ type that a young guy would look up to…
Now he is the Rittenhouse spokes person.

What about Kyle’s Father???

….Kyle Rittenhouse’s dad has been a much lower key figure than his mom, Wendy Rittenhouse, with whom the then 17-year-old was living when the shootings occurred. Rittenhouse’s dad is also called Mike Rittenhouse.

A single mother who has worked as a nurse’s assistant, Rittenhouse’s mom has defended him in interviews. She was controversially at his side when he was photographed with members of the Proud Boys organization in a Wisconsin bar, but his attorneys say he is not affiliated with that group. However, his dad hasn’t been much of a media presence….


The situation was just MADE for a ‘MACHO’ David Hancock to make a move on Kyle and his mother.


Yes it is easy to take advantage of people like Rittenhouse. Lets hope the guy he trusts deserves his trust.


Rittenhouse is all of 18 years old and his family is poor.

I can only imagine what being thrust into the national spotlight and made into a political pawn(s) must be like for them…serious decisions to be made amidst ungodly anxiety and uncertainties.

Who came at them behind the scenes, and how was Kyle and his family to know who to really trust??

As things stand, I am inclined to give Lin Wood and Robert Barnes the benefit of the doubt in terms of the claims being made. At the same time, I also believe that Rittenhouse’s case was winnable by almost any competent trial attorney.

That said, lawyers at the level we speak of ALL have giant egos, including the cigar smoking Barnes and Lin Wood.

As it was, his family decided to run with attorneys who had made names & careers for themselves right there in Kenosha. And they won. Kyle will not spend the rest of his life in prison, and he cannot be criminally tried again.

Everything and anything else is gravy, or if bad then MUCH less worse.

The truth will come out, as it did in the trial. And God will protect those who belong to him, as he did, by all indications, with young Rittenhouse himself.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

You have good info thanks.
Kyle seems like a good kid I pray for him and his family.


Well stated.


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“Communist democrats”

Yes. Good.

Every time the word “democrat” is used going forward it should be preceded by the word “communist”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I just made the change to DePat. Let’s see if everything is great before I delete your old account. I want to make sure you have the full authoring experience, which was removed from the old account.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m in the dashboard right now, and do not have the option to copy a post.

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like I’m logged into the other account, but not the author account.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I sent you a password reset link from the new account. Give that a try.

Deplorable Patriot

Let me see if I can do it from my phone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One way or another, we will get you converted to the new account, and your old stuff listed under it. You may need to change your WordPress username to DePat, too.

Deplorable Patriot

Let me take care of this once I have the new computer set up. At this point, I’m getting in with a password I reset recently.

I’ll. put the framework up for a daily shortly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I decided to delete your old account and attribute all your old stuff to your new account. That way there is no choice in the system. “You are you, and you own all your work.” WordPress can only link to YOU.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Your author page is now “depat”!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just let 4 comments out of moderation. Let’s see if that fixes things!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – the “new you” is getting the avatar in the notifier. I think something clicked!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that’s probably easier!

Deplorable Patriot

I got in with my email address.

I’m going to be out for a bit this evening, and probably back by about eight thirty my time. So, I’m going to leave it for now.


Here is a satirical look at the FED in action. Click the link if interested. I don’t think it will swallow your computer or your identity.



The postings OT today are 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥



No wonder the information brokers in MSM decided to keep his history under wraps.
Disgusting racist bigot murderer.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Sadie Slays

Nation of Islam, eh? This coincides with the weird amount of Malcolm X headlines in the news. Last week, two men convicted of assassinating him were cleared of charges. Then, yesterday, Malcolm X’s daughter was “found dead” in her apartment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And what’s very weird to yours truly is that the deceased daughter was born AFTER her father was killed — her mother was about 2 months’ pregnant with her and her twin sister at the time of her father’s death. The deceased really wouldn’t have had “direct from her father’s mouth” information on anything.


Tore Says +


If you sue a media outlet for lying

i.e. Russia Hoax
i.e. Kyle
i.e. Election Fraud

Guess what – the infrastructure bill will PAY for their legal fees.
That’s right – YOU THE PEOPLE will be bailing out FAKE NEWS.

If that doesn’t tell you – that AMERICA is now under RULE by TYRANTS I don’t know what else to tell you.

Funny thing is…. your “media” and self proclaimed journos have said NOTHING.
I waited to see how long it would take.
Why aren’t they telling you that?

FOX NEWS also gets bailed out.
See how that works.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. This is OUTRAGEOUS.


Guy invents new cryptocurrency — calls it JRRToken. Claims it’s just a coincidence to Tolkien estate…..


That claim is so ridiculous! Thank goodness he didn’t get away with it, but this kind of thing causes so much unnecessary work, stress, and monetary cost to the ones whose intellectual property is being used.


My son sent me this “coincidence” about Tolkien today:

He died in 1973…

As in 3 rings for the Elven kings, 7 rings for the Dwarf Lords, 9 rings for Mortal Men, and 1 ring to rule them all.



Earlier today, people mentioned how truckers could shut things down and hasten the end of this madness.
Biden Will Require Essential Travelers Crossing US Land Borders, Such as TRUCK DRIVERS, to be Fully Vaccinated – 37% of Truckers to Reject Jab

Under what authority? I don’t think he has legit authority to do this, but what will the WH claim? Some kind of emergency powers?

Joe Biden will require essential, non-resident travelers crossing US land borders, such as truck drivers to be fully vaccinated by January 22, 2022.

Cargo ships are still anchored off the coast of Southern California due to a lack of workers needed to unload and ship product.

The trucking industry is short 80,000 drivers, a record high, according to Chris Spear, the President and CEO of the American Trucking Association.

Last week Mr. Spear said a whopping 37% of truck drivers will reject the Covid jab.

“In our sample survey of our fleets, it came back as 37% of our drivers not only said “no” – but “hell no”” Mr. Spear said, adding that even if 3.7% of his drivers were to leave rather than get the vaccine it would be “catastrophic.”

Gail Combs

“Under what authority?”

Dept Of Transportation and the Commerce Clause.

Trucks already are required to stop at weigh stations and comply with DOT regs.
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Summary of Hours of Service Regulations

….Drivers must take a 30-minute break when they have driven for a period of 8 cumulative hours without at least a 30-minute interruption….

Sleeper Berth Provision

Drivers may split their required 10-hour off-duty period, as long as one off-duty period (whether in or out of the sleeper berth) is at least 2 hours long and the other involves at least 7 consecutive hours spent in the sleeper berth. All sleeper berth pairings MUST add up to at least 10 hours. When used together, neither time period counts against the maximum 14- hour driving window….

So the DOT TELLS you how long you have to stay in bed!

To drive commercially you have to pass a medical exam.

Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MEC), Form MCSA-5876:

If the Medical Examiner determines that the driver examined is physically qualified to drive a commercial motor vehicle in accordance with the physical qualification standards, the Medical Examiner will complete and provide the driver with a Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MEC), Form MCSA-5876. The Medical Examiner will keep a copy of the Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MEC), Form MCSA-5876 on file for at least 3 years.

Gail Combs

I should add that I have a commercial drivers licence that I keep current. Since I do not actually DRIVE COMMERCIALLY, I am allowed to skip the Medical exam. However if I do wish to drive a commercial vehicle then I would have to get that exam.

All that has to be done is ADD THE JAB TO THE MEDICAL EXAM.

On the other hand drivers could do what I have done, keep the license current but quit actually driving for now.


Licensing agencies, and the government, will take as much control as we will allow. Until now, there hasn’t been a pressing reason to stand up to it.


Good info, but requiring vaccines is a step way beyond those health and safety requirements, IMO. If Biden can do this to truckers, he can do it to anyone. I think this is a “hill to die on.”

Gail Combs

Oh, I certainly agree and truckers are the people to do it too. Many are pretty POed at the DOT for the various recent changes before this. Letting Mexican truckers drive in the USA REALLY BURNED a heck of a lot of drivers, esp the independents.

10/19/2009 Huff & Puff: Should Mexican Trucks Be Allowed Throughout U.S.?

One of the provisions of NAFTA is to allow drivers licensed in Mexico and big-rig trucks and buses registered there unfettered access to the US.

A pilot program to allow them on US highways began in September 2007 and ended in March 2009 when Congress cut off funding for it.

The claim by those opposing the rule is that the trucks are not inspected properly and regularly, at least to US standards, and that their sheer number will overwhelm already-overwrought border crossings.

Currently, trucks and buses from Mexico are limited to a radius of about 50 miles north of the border; at warehouses within that area, they drop-off their loads (or passengers) and they’re picked-up by American-registered vehicles and taken to their destinations nationwide.

Naturally, the Teamsters Union and its 1.4-million members, is against the provision and has fought hard to keep it from becoming law…


You know what Biden CAN’T do?

Make anybody drive a truck!

If the truckers quit, this is OVER in two weeks. I mean it. The cities will be in FLAMES in two weeks.

Almost nobody is going to lose everything if they don’t work for two weeks. And if people were in danger of it, they could certainly fund-raise from the rest of us.

Two weeks, and the truckers save America. Will they do it? I guess we’ll see.

Gail Combs

You are SOOOooo right.

IIRC cities have THREE DAYS worth of food in stock in the groc stores. Everything else is in warehouses. AT MOST the stores can go for a week before they have to re-stock…. REMEMBER JUST-IN-TIME?

Our concentrated supermarket / grocery supply system uses JIT ( Just in Time ) technology efficiencies enabled by computers and the Internet.

If there were a sudden unexpected high demand — the JIT delivery systems will fail – leaving grocery / supermarket shelves empty – for longer than you may think…

Here’s why…

Guest article by J.Presley – graduate from Harvard in Economics, and Stanford with an MBA.

(This article was originally published here during 2014. However I am re-posting due to relevance with the unfolding coronavirus pandemic which may result in supply channel disruptions.)

Note date 👉 Updated on 05/01/2014 When The Trucks Stop, It’s Over






The Food Industry

Severe shortages within 72 hours, especially of perishable items.

– Panic will make shortages worse.

– Clean drinking water will run dry (every 7 to 14 days all water treatment plants receive chemicals by truck to make drinking water safe).


– Many hospitals operate on a “just in time” delivery for medications and supplies.

– Hospital and nursing home food will run out in 24 hours.


– Gas station fuel will run out within 24 to 48 hours. An average gas station requires deliveries every 2.4 days.

– The subsequent fuel shortage will ripple to all automobiles and vehicles which will no longer be able to transport people to work, police, fire, rescue, mail-package delivery, garbage pickup, public transit…

– Airlines and air-cargo will be grounded due to lack of supplies.

– Rail lines will halt due to non-delivery of the first and last mile (trucks)

Waste Removal

– Within days, America will be buried in garbage, presenting an enormous health hazard.

The Retail Sector

– Most retailers rely on “just in time” delivery of their products to keep inventories low.

– Consumer behavior during emergencies triple the inventory turnover – speeding up the already ‘bad’ situation.


– Nearly 100% of manufacturing have switched over to “just in time” processes in order to optimize efficiency and profits. Manufacturing will shut down within hours.

Banking and Finance

– ATM’s and bank cash will run dry very quickly.

– Businesses will lose access to cash.

– Bank branches will shut down.

Unfortunately Bye-Done would likely call in the Armed forces and declare Martial Law.


Biden wants Martial Law. Then we will be like Austria and Australia and some other places like China. You are brilliant and figured it out 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They’re gonna keep trying to pinch the military.


Yes all dictators do but some military in some countries will turn on their dictator.


What good would it do, though, for Martial Law to be declared? Can you imagine the optics?

Martial Law just means that we get to see troops and tanks patrolling the streets, while people post pictures and videos of their empty refrigerators and pantries on Gab, Rumble, blogs, and other free media. They will post videos of the troops from their windows and balconies, too. Good look, Biden!

There will also be mass uprisings by people with nothing left to lose out on the streets confronting the troops, who are Americans, after all. Will they mow down their countrymen? I doubt it. I think it’s more likely that the spirit of the type that resulted in fragging of bad officers in Vietnam will erupt.

If the truckers quit, none of Biden’s options are good. None will save him. I am waiting and praying the truckers rise up. They can save us all.

Cuppa Covfefe


Nah, didn’t think so…..

Gail Combs


Recently, Attorney Sidney Powell appeared on Brannon Howse Live on LindellTV to discuss the patents she discovered involving algorithms made only to rig elections.

Many Americans had suspicions that our elections have been rigged for quite a while.

And now American Patriot Sidney Powell might have the chance to prove it.

Transcript as it follows:

BRANNON HOWSE: I reached out to you and said, Oh my, there’s so much going on, particularly because last night, we had Seth Keshel on. And Seth said, I think you need to get Sidney back on. I think she’s got some breaking news. And you also sent out an email alert today. You do have some breaking news tonight, right, Sidney?

SIDNEY POWELL: Yes, we sent out two email alerts. One has the contents or some of the contents of the government patents that I believe we discussed briefly last week that show that back in starting at least 2003, the government itself developed an interest in and funded patents that will both real-time audit an election, allow them to manipulate the votes in an election and inject false voters and false identifications for voters, as well as generate an algorithm that can predetermine the results of an election depending on the way they want it to come out. And those are at You can go there to sign up for our newsletters. And the full patents are posted on the website now.

BRANNON HOWSE: So that was a 2006 DoD patent, correct?

SIDNEY POWELL: Yes, the patents were actually issued, I think in 2006, and maybe one in 2009, but they were applied for, and provisional patents were granted much earlier than that. And the research probably began much earlier than that, too. And then we’ve also identified, thanks to some patriots who brought it to our attention, a video that was done back in 2004, of a man who actually testified in front of a House Judiciary Committee field meeting in Ohio about having written an algorithm himself in the year 2000. At the request of a person in Congress who wanted an election rigged. So this has been going on a long time. What I found especially troubling is that it’s been brought to the attention of officials. I’m documenting now a number of times that people in positions of authority have been notified of this and done nothing about it, turned a blind eye to it. The only conclusion we can draw from that is that politicians, business leaders, global titans, corrupt government officials, whoever you want to call it, whatever it is, a large group of ‘they’ out there have known this for a long time and have been using it to manipulate our elections as far back as the year 2000.

BRANNON HOWSE: So this has been going on for 21 years.

SIDNEY POWELL: Exactly. And it’s, you know, undermining and completely destroying the will of the people. It’s rendered our entire election system a farce, and I have to disagree with Mr. Varack (?). If he thinks he’s going to get any kind of fair election here because both the man who wrote the algorithm and others have told us it’s next to impossible, next to impossible, to find the code. You would have to get in there very quickly after the election before anything could be wiped, rearranged. And the man who testified in 2000 said it was even possible to build a code so that it ate itself and disappeared.


“Here’s the video Sidney mentioned:”

(Go to the website to see the testimony by the actual programer.)


Lindell says attorneys general need to hear from the public, urging them to join this cause. He still is not saying which ones are on board and which ones are not. He says some of them need “nudging.”

According to Lindell the document is 82 pages long, and I haven’t read all of it, but the amount of evidence seems overwhelming.

This is the style of the case:






At the end, in the Prayer for Relief, it asks SCOTUS to declare a number of things related to “Defendant States” — i.e., that they were in violation of various clauses of the Constitution. Those states are AZ, GA, MI, PA, and WI, enough to overturn the election. The cynic in me says that they could give relief for one state and not the others, so the election would not be overturned. That is, if they take the case at all. It takes four justices to do that. Then they would have to rule justly and in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law, not according to what would upset people. It is historical, monumental, and unprecedented.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cool! DePat scores a TD from her phone!!!