DEAR KAG: 20211126

Friday has come round again and Wolf’s Pub is open for business. Welcome back! Another eventful week. Getting really tired of the show. I’m so full of turkey and white wine that I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Perhaps it’s time to reflect on the upcoming season of Advent.

Advent officially begins on Sunday, November 28, but there is still time to prepare our hearts and homes. According to Fisheaters:

“The mood of this season is one of somber spiritual preparation that increases with joy each day, and the “gaudy” Christmas commercialism that surrounds it in the Western world should be overcome as much as possible.”

According to Crosswalk,

“Originally, there was little connection between Advent and Christmas. Scholars believe that during the 4th and 5th centuries in Spain and Gaul, Advent was a season of preparation for the baptism of new Christians at the January feast of Epiphany, the celebration of God’s incarnation represented by the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus, his baptism in the river Jordan by John the Baptist, and his first miracle at Cana. During this season of preparation, Christians would spend 40 days in penance, prayer, and fasting to prepare for this celebration.”

Advent was most probably focused on the Second Coming of Christ at first but has evolved to also celebrate His first incarnation.

There are many traditions associated with Advent, notably the Advent wreath with its candles, and the Advent calendar. The links provide a wide array of articles and resources to light our way over the next month. May this Advent season help us prepare to receive Him.


It sounds very hopeful. We sure could use a major victory right now.


Lt. Col. Lohmeier speaks up:

American Greatness says: Stop Joining the Woke Military!

Personally, I think a “cleansing” of the brass is needed, but we still need to be grateful to our rank and file:

Thanking Our Military


The World Health Organization is back in the fray.

WHO calls a special meeting to discuss mutations. Oh great.

WHO tells fully vaxxed to get back in masks and social distance!

WHO warns of more deaths in Europe by spring.


By now most of us are aware of the internecine fighting that has been going on between the Lin Wood contingent and the General Flynn contingent. It’s getting nasty. People are having trouble seeing the forest for the trees. It’s dark in those woods. I suspect Lin will emerge without spot, as he usually does.

Is Kyle controlled?

My take on the Kyle Rittenhouse attack on Lin Wood is that Kyle has been carefully coached. Like others, I am mystified that the young man who collapsed during his acquittal was able to handle interviews and meetings with top media people within the span of a day.

That his mom is now living with the alleged disgraced Navy Seal who is central to the attack on Wood, is quite the twist. These sorts of things are to be expected. The devil is in the details, as they say.

Warriors deal with the issue at hand and move on. No handwringing necessary.

Anyway, poor Kyle it seems is going to have to deal with some very deep issues beyond the trauma of that night over a year ago when his life was on the line.

The fight will go on, and we will see some drop in our estimation and esteem. There is much more than meets the eye. For those interested, here are some Telegram accounts that are involved:

Lin Wood Speaks Truth

Professor David Clements

Jarrin Jackson

Deep State Dave

Gen. Michael Flynn


While we can bicker with the best of the best, our house rules keep us on the up and up. Civility is the watchword as we wait for Christ and Christmas. Go here to review. If you’re in a Herod mood, head over to the Utree to get some exorcise (pun intended). If all hell breaks loose here or at the Utree, head over to this place for a third option.


Eau De Vie of Douglas Fir

Tonight’s special is a complex cocktail named “Into the Woods.” It originated in New York in 2013 and includes an obscure liqueur called Eau De Vie of Douglas Fir or Douglas Fir Brandy.

You read that right. Eau De Vie of Douglas Fir is made with the bud tips of a fir tree. You’ll notice a few more familiar ingredients:

Now, here’s some info on Eau De Vie of Douglas Fir. Not cheap, but intriguing. We don’t know when we’ll be out of the woods with this Great Reset, but at least we can go into the woods with a drink that adds some zest to our journey.

I actually found a video on distilling the Eau De Vie of Douglas Fir!

Prayers all around for peace, and a Douglas Fir Brandy seems somehow in keeping with an Advent Wreath.


Very little matters if we don’t fix 2020. The intrepid Mike Lindell has a site: Fix 2020 First

On the Covid front here are some good links to see how the fight is shaping up. There is hope. Many doctors and medical professionals are standing up to the tyranny.

Global Covid Summit

Unity Project (to prevent mandatory Covid shots for children)

Dr. Malone on the hunting down of doctors world wide

Corey’s Digs has a great article on how the elites manipulate us with fear: The Biggest Game of Chicken in History

After you read Corey, here’s just what she was talking about…the fearmongering they impose upon us:

Lew Rockwell on the myths of smallpox

Horrific Mutations in new variant

Speaking of which, Dr. Malone speaks eloquently on the mass hypnosis that has overtaken so many millions of people. Worth every bit of 25 minutes.

Has a mass die off begun among the world’s population?

What is a Kulak? Are you ready to be one?

The Burning Platform found Archie Bunker was right all this time:

Also from the Burning Platform, we see that people are getting serious about their freedoms. Said to be from Greece, but it may be Spain or Argentina. Wherever, the protestors have had enough.

Very relateable.

John Zmirak on why the National Review doesn’t matter anymore.

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A lovely post, G’ma.

Up in Alaska, it’s all spruce tips this and spruce tips that. They’d probably look down on Douglas Fir.


I love Douglas Fir. Our mountains are covered with them and my property is surrounded by them. I wouldn’t want it any other way.


One of the nifty things about the Bay Area is its amazing diversity of microclimates. There are hikes where you start out in oaks, and wind your way up hills where one side is redwoods (the side where the fog comes in) and the other side is madrones. But you don’t find many “pure” stands of Douglas Firs (although they’re not exactly rare).


From wikipoo:

“As of 2012, the only wooden ships still currently in use by the United States Navy are Avenger-class minesweepers, made of Douglas-fir.”


I was in wikipoo trying to figure out how it hadn’t been named “steller’s fir” — .


As it turns out, the Douglas Fir — where David Douglas clearly scooped the common name — was scientifically described by Douglas’ major rival, who made the official name “Pseudotsuga menziesii” after himself, Archibald Menzies.


It is considered an invasive species in New Zealand, described as a “wilding conifer”, and subject to control measures. They’re worried about being overrun by lumber, but legally protect sheep-eating parrots (kea). Go figure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Crow / hawk / vulture / eagle / “The Birds” / parrots are weird.

Good thing somebody caught a kea attack on video. Symp-simp lefties shilling for keas would deny if they could.


Probably really good at not detonating magnetic mines…..but when they do detonate a mine, not as much protection as steel.


Gil00!!! How are you doing?


Heh. Just came by to like. Better that she recover than converse, anyway.



I agree that Obama is behind it all. It becomes more obvious by the day.

Gail Combs


Obama is just another puppet. It is the people who put OBAMA IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!

ValJar is the conduit from them to Obama. Obama is the face.

They do not give a crap if Obama or Hillary or Bill are taken down or even SORRY-Ass. They are ALL WELL PAID FRONT MEN!


Remember the French aristocracy was taken out. The ENTIRE Russian royal family was taken out.Mussolini & Hitler were taken out. OUR REAL MASTERS ARE NOT ABOUT TO SHOW THEIR FACES!

Until we understand that we will never be rid of them.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. That it is not sinking in is distressing.

Gail Combs

Very distressing.

the Korean War


Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

Tracing the foundations of Western funding of the Soviet Union

From COMMUNIST PARTY MEMBER, cartoonist Robert Minor
comment image


“They do not give a crap if Obama or Hillary or Bill are taken down or even SORRY-Ass. They are ALL WELL PAID FRONT MEN!”


Even so, they still get to do the Mussolini dance!

Gail Combs



He is correct. We have known this about Soetoro since 2008 and probably sooner. We have known of Illuminati control for decades and decades. Yet, here we are.

Which proves there are virtually no patriots in the military, DOJ, FIB, NSC, CIA, etc. leadership. We already knew elected federal officials were limited to maybe 10% who are truly patriots.

That they would openly steal elections for decades without legal recourse and it culminate with trotting out a completely evil, mentally impaired buffoon as POTUS who is controlled by Soetoro is just so disrespectful to all patriots, but especially to those that gave their blood and lives to protect this nation from aggressors.

“How long, O Lord, holy and true, until you avenge our blood and judge those who dwell upon the earth?” Rev. 6:10

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2

Well stated.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

If you’re on Gab, and you’re looking for some small businesses to patronize, you can go to THIS GROUP…..(Small Business Owners)…..

…..and simply peruse the posted items and links.

You can also add this group to your shortcuts, so it’s easy to find again! Click the “three dots” on the group page and add to your shortcuts (you probably don’t want to join the group unless you’re a small business owner).

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs


  :wpds_arrow:  𝕍𝔼ℝ𝕐 𝕀𝕄ℙ𝕆ℝ𝕋𝔸ℕ𝕋!!!

Yesterdat eilert put up a video starting at Dr Gert Vanden Bosshe: “Don’t vaccinate under any circumstance” COMMENT LINK

I have been watching it this morning.
A VERY CRITICAL SECTION IS by Fahrie Hasson PhD Molecular Biologist.
@ 3 hours 12 minutes


I am going to try and start at the specific time

 <iframe width=”1280″ height=”720″ src=”

.com/embed/nFvASiMTDz0?start=192&end=268;rel=0&amp;showinfo=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Gail Combs

RATS it didn’t work….


What time mark is suggested?

Gail Combs

@ 3 hours 12 minutes = 192 minutes


Apologies. Just saw the time in the original post.

Gail Combs

No problem. Glad to help and I hope you watch it.


3hours 12 minutes. Wow, the gentleman shows links to Gates, Blackrock, etc and it seems that these entities control South Africa. And where is the “horrifying” variant coming from?


Wuhan. Courtesy of FauXi’s gang.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

AND the inroads the Chinese have made in Africa.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. Bizarro world diversitoid comment!

Bcoco reposted

comment image

Polish Owl

CDC Official says kill all whites because they’re refusing the deadly bio weapon injections. She literally says this!

[video src="" /]



Non-white, but pure virtue-signal whack-job.


She’s probably a dude… and doesn’t identify as that, either… 😂


comment image


LOL … every color BUT WHITE‼️‼️
Dumb as a box of rocks (no offense to rocks)
Wait what color/sarc ethnicity is she? Is there a nation/people by the name of Dummy?
.. wow .. stunningly stupid


WHAT COLOR IS SHE⁉️⁉️⁉️ .. for crying out loud .. 😑


The color of evil?


Dr. Carol Baker is a professor of Pediatrics, Molecular Virology, and Microbiology at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston.
Was Chair or the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) 2009-2012.
She would therefore KNOW Dr. Anthony Fauci.
She would therefore KNOW about the REAL ingredients of the “vaccines.”
She would therefore KNOW the REAL dangers of the using the “vaccines” on CHILDREN, let alone adults.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. IMO she would therefore be totally bought into the CDC mind control mantra of “anything to stop vaccine hesitancy is justified”.

She is either a deceiver, or a virtue signaler of the highest order.


CDC Official says kill all whites because they’re refusing the deadly bio weapon injections. She literally says this!

No, she doesn’t “literally” say that. She says, “We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States.” That could mean deport them, put them in camps, or other things besides kill them. Still an abominable sentiment, but accuracy is crucial.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point!


She would look great at an upside down Mussolini show.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO she’s perfect for a “we were just following CDC policy” moment.


Except for the video where she volunteers that they should get rid of all the white people.

That’s a slam-dunk 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe that’s the real policy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail brought this yesterday – thought it might be worth a repeat as an embed. This is basically a response to Time Magazine’s “Is God Dead?” issue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


How many more investigations must we have before we start hanging “public health experts” as fast as we can find ’em and run ’em through Nuremberg 2.0?

Gail Combs



Sports people hit by the jab make a news story, (untill they start hiding it). We hoi polloi only get noticed locally if at all, no reason to believe it’s not happening across the board.
Only slight bit of good news they reckon that the clott effects of the jab may start to diminish about two and a half months after the second jab, providing of course that’s the last one ever.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m thankful that the athlete deaths are getting attention. It may lead to recognizing that this is a problem among the entire population. The fact that no one is allowed to ask questions about why these men are dropping like flies has been noticed, and the fans are not just quietly not saying anything like the powers that wannabe want them to.


And, for a musical interlude after reviewing

Cuppa Covfefe

And Wierd Al’s take, his first appearance on TV on Tom Snyder’s “Tomorrow” show (“Another One Rides The Bus”). FORTY years ago!


Timcast IRL – White House SMEARS Rittenhouse AGAIN, Psaki Doubles Down On Defamation w/Peter Navarro

Gail Combs


That is a real MUST LISTEN!!!

Lots of new information. Tim Poole, unlike Bannon, allows Peter Navarro to talk and Peter has a LOT of very good information and insight into Chyna.


New Wolf post.


New article from Political Moonshine:

Fractured Leadership: Tumultuous Wood, Powell and Flynn Dynamic Causes Byrne and Obamagate to Resurface Leading to More Questions About Barr and Durham
25 Nov 21

Intro: “Let’s get right to it and begin with the full text of a piece I wrote on 13 Aug 19 before Moonshine was even a thing. As we do, Thanksgiving and the cover that national holidays provide for otherwise impactful events was fruitful for 2021. For one, another super variant “boogeyman” was rolled-out to perpetuate the COVID “pandemic” that I keep reminding people is “never going away.”

For another, we got to bear witness to the fracturing of leadership in an aspect of President Trump’s opposition to the stolen election. It’s all unfolding on Lin Wood’s Telegram feed.
Here’s the Byrne piece from a couple of years ago.


Patrick Byrne has recently emerged as a central figure in the broader Russiagate/Spygate/Mueller affairs and he has presented information that deserves everyone’s attention.

Namely, Byrne has stated that the totality of what we’ve witnessed since (and apparently before) Donald Trump’s election is the cover-up of a broader politically-based espionage operation at the hands of the Obama administration. This is a wholesale different notion than what many believe, which more closely aligns with the idea that the effort began with the election of Trump and was devised to remove him from power. That’s partly true, but it’s not the entire story and it’s certainly not the beginning.

Obama’s espionage efforts existed well before the 2016 election and I’ve dated the operation to back to at least 2014 (linked below.) In all likelihood, it probably extends back even further and hopefully that timeline will gain further clarity as matters move forward.

Consequently, I’ve subscribed to the notion that no matter who became president in 2016, so long as it wasn’t Hillary Clinton or some other Deep State pawn, there was always going to be a need to sanitize Obama’s preexisting political espionage efforts. That Donald Trump won the election likely impacted the sanitation effort significantly and to the extent that he needed to be removed from office.

Understand that this leaves room for a non-Deep State candidate antithetical to the Obama administration to hypothetically hold the office of the presidency without the need for removal assuming that individual could be controlled with other mechanisms. Trump’s election created the impetus for an entirely new and drastically different approach because of the depth and breadth of the threat he presented to upend it all.

It also explains why those standing antithetical to Trump are so fervent about his removal from office. They know it’s the only option with any chance of succeeding otherwise they face exposure to legal jeopardy.

Byrne isn’t the only one to venture down this road as several have; the most trusted source being Sundance at Conservative Tree House (my best recommendation for technical analysis in the geopolitical landscape.)

Here are the relevant quotations from Byrne:

“I gave to the DOJ documents concerning both the origin of the Russian probe and the probe into Hillary Clinton, both of which I was involved in, and both of which turned out to be less about law enforcement than they were about political espionage…This is going to become the greatest political scandal in US history…If we survive it, and if Rule of Law returns to America, it will be due to one man: Bill Barr.”

[continued at title link above]

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think anything is wrong at all other than too much emotional involvement in the soap opera.

And General Flynn’s brother getting command in the Pacific was a big tell that at the very top, the good guys are in control.

I’ve been disappointed that too many people here fall for the MSM show that we’re watching. Nothing is as it seems. NOTHING. The infighting, to an extent, is a show in and of itself. “Now comes the pain” seems to be across the board, not just for the black hats.

Deplorable Patriot

The clot shot stuff, no, is not a show. It’s a painful way to wake people up, and no, I don’t like it at all. Not even. I assume the idea is to break the spell that industrialized medicine has on a whole lot of people. I do wonder why this is the way they’re going about doing it, though.

Deplorable Patriot

I get the idea that’s part of the point. And, no, I really, honestly do not like that this was how the waking up is being done.


Is the waking up this way, intentional?

Gail Combs

“Is the waking up this way, intentional?”

Actually I think it is THE LEAST EVIL.

Remember we have been repeatedly TOLD by our ‘Masters’ that they PLAN to have humanity reduced to a Million OR LESS. I THINK WE SHOULD BELIEVE THEM!

AND THEY PLAN TO ENSLAVE THOSE LEFT and keep them in abject poverty.

2014 — The Cabal’s Depopulation Agenda
“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac,” and “The elderly are useless eaters” — Henry Kissinger

“World population needs to be decreased by 50%” — Henry Kissinger

We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” — David Rockefeller

“Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind” — Theodore Roosevelt

“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” — Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine

“I believe that human overpopulation is the fundamental problem on Earth Today” and, “We humans have become a disease, the Humanpox.” — Dave Foreman, Sierra Club and co founder of Earth First!

“In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.” — J. Cousteau, Explorer and UNESCO Courier

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” — Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

I suggest that the people on your list eliminate themselves first to depopulate the planet.


Who is, “…they’re going about doing it,…”?

Gail Combs

Hopefully it is the ‘White Hats’


The infighting, to an extent, is a show in and of itself.

That would mean that Lin Wood, Kyle Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse’s dishonest handler, and a LOT of other people are playing roles. I don’t subscribe to that theory. IMO, we need to look at exactly what is being revealed. It’s hard for a lot of people to accept.


I will research that, thanks.

I think that believing it’s all a show keeps people from investigating what is going on and coming to key realizations.

Cognitive dissonance makes it hard for people to accept hard truths. That’s why incremental reveals work better. That is what Lin Wood appears to be doing.

I’m not accepting any one theory as truth; I am carefully watching everything play out, and some people are performing true to my suspicions.

I don’t understand why MTG wants to award Rittenhouse with a Congressional gold medal. When I first heard it, I thought it seemed over the top. In light of the attacks he is making on Lin Wood, it seems highly suspicious.

What is most disturbing to me is that all the patriot pundits who are attacking Wood could have very easily found out the truth. But they didn’t. Then, after evidence was produced by Wood, they could have contacted him, researched further, and modified their positions. But they haven’t. I don’t know if it’s just human pride and unwillingness to admit a mistake, but something is very wrong. Bongino, for one, prides himself on being accurate and admitting wrong, so I’m watching.

Lin Wood makes a very good point: To my knowledge, none of those attacking him are working to correct the 2020 election.

Gail Combs

Bongino and Carlson staying on Faux News makes me think Controlled Opposition.

Remember Bongino was SS FOR OBAMA.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. This has come up in a couple other places. Tucker has VERY carefully selected guests.


Yes, David Clements just pulled out of a Clay Clarke engagement next month. Sketchy speakers that he does not wish to be associated with.

Gail Combs

That is interesting. I really like David Clements and occasionally check to see if there are any more Professor’s Records.

Deplorable Patriot

Have you listened to Lin Wood’s response to the claims?

That was shared on General Flynn’s channel. The general says this:

Lin Wood in his own voice…listen to the very end. What I have learned is that the truth always comes out in the end. And prayer is the most powerful weapon system known to man…today is another good day to pray for our nation as we struggle on many levels to overcome the yoke of tyranny that we face.

Whatever is really going on, we aren’t seeing it. At this point, just about all the information coming out is hearsay, or verbal in nature. If Lin Wood can produce the paperwork to back his claims….

As to Rittenhouse’s handlers…I’m waiting for all of that to shake out. Something is off.

Deplorable Patriot

Rendition? There’s a couple different translations.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been kind of out of it this week. What did he lie about?

Gail Combs

DePat this is the core of it:

General Flynn said a prayer at a public gathering that is ascribed to a New Age ‘witch’ He says it is a prayer to his name sake Micheal the Archangel.

The start of the discussion on the QTree is HERE

(The link to the Lin Wood’s Telegram post about this is here: Telegram: Contact @linwoodspeakstruth)

and HERE:

Lin Wood mentions Deep State Dave who has a lot of info on Kyle Rittenhouse Spokesman/bodyguard


Flynn pushing the whole local thing…what if it’s all a ploy to roll up people on the local level, just like the gubmint did with Oathkeepers and Proud Boys?

It bears watching!

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, just a cursory look at all of it confirms my own opinion after reading through all sorts of stuff today. Lin Wood is throwing a lot of shade. I am neutral on him at this point, and I’m not sure what to make of no response from the parties he is accusing. That could be admission of guilt, or letting him hang out to dry.

As for General Flynn quoting a “new age witch” prayer of dubious origin, IMO, is much ado about nothing. Not sure what his motivation was.

Deplorable Patriot

I do, but most of the reports are without context.

What I see happening is an effort to divide the patriot side of things. Yes, I am sure there are infiltrators in the movement, but who they are is another story. I don’t know that we know completely just yet.


Have you listened to Lin Wood’s response to the claims?

I can’t access that particular clip, but I have read everything Wood has said on his Telegram channel and have heard him in at least one interview.

Whatever is really going on, we aren’t seeing it.

That’s why we investigate and not sit back and think all is well; it’s just a show. I’m not saying that’s your position, but that is what I think of when people say it’s *just* a show. We might be watching a movie, as Q says, but that doesn’t mean that what is before our eyes isn’t real. I believe the attacks on Wood are real, not done for some hidden purpose. No good could come of a fake dispute of this nature.

And that causes me to look at the attackers. My eyes are being opened to a lot of things.

If Lin Wood can produce the paperwork to back his claims…

He already has produced some, on his Telegram channel.

As to Rittenhouse’s handlers…I’m waiting for all of that to shake out. Something is off.

What is off is that Hancock is not an honest man, and he is using KR, and right-wing pundits are failing to do any research or to ask a fellow conservative, Lin Wood, to explain himself. What they are doing, and failing to do, is unconscionable and should raise a lot of questions.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Deplorable Patriot

There is agitation going on. I will give you that.


Could be, no way to tell.

The only thing that seems sure is that he’s playing games.

They could be important and serious games, or they could be something else.

Since nobody in a position of knowledge has any actual faith or confidence in the American People, they have decided to keep the war secret and all to themselves.


Having caused such a stir by wondering aloud (in writing) how we can support both Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, when he is attacking her on Telegram, I have decided to go back to my hole on this issue.

I am doing what Dad said to do, when uncertain of events: “hide and watch.” I just have NO IDEA what the hell is going on, and I admit it.

At night (and I believe we are in darkness), all hats are gray, to paraphrase an axiom.


I thought Woods and Powell are old friends ? Powell has been there for Woods. Maybe something is wrong with him?

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

I believe they are old friends. I believe that a number of people who seemed to be friendly to others are acting in unfriendly ways.

Regarding Powell:
Wood says she inserted his name into legal filings without his permission. That is a very simple claim that should be easy to rectify. Either she did that, or she didn’t. If she did — even if she mistakenly thought it was okay with him — why doesn’t she admit her mistake and apologize to Wood?

On the other hand, if she didn’t do that, why doesn’t she say so? Why hasn’t she contacted Wood to get it straightened out? It could have been settled from the get-go, but hasn’t been. That is what has caught my attention.

Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s usually very easy to make things right and move on. But that’s not happening. Pundits on the Right are not acknowledging the nature of Hancock, who is influencing Rittenhouse. Instead, they are attacking a fellow conservative — who just happens to have the 2020 election as his primary focus.

I’m watching for people to do the right thing. Still waiting…


Your last sentence is directly applicable to couples in divorce court. How quickly and deeply can things change.


I believe Lin is in great danger.

I agree. The episode about the plane’s “mechanical failure” is very concerning. (It’s not clear to me whether that was Wood’s personal plane, but it was connected to him.) Also, that his security team quit.

Jarrin Jackson

Plane explanation:

Lin’s security had massive issues this week. They left in the middle of the night. All at once.

A man who received multiple credible threats found himself without the enduring security he has had for months.

All gone. At once.

This happened before Lin declined an in-person meeting in Atlanta – that meeting was slated for downtown Atlanta. On Friday 11/19.

Security left. Then Lin declined his in-person meeting in downtown Atlanta.

Atlanta + Friday 11/19. Hmm?

So, Lin asked me to come. I said I couldn’t make it until December bc of my own stuff. Lin insisted. He paid – from his personal money – to fly me out there.

I brought my boys. They love Lin Wood. They love Stuart Guthrie’s kids more.

We did some things about his security (lots of details here that would just bore you). 😀

Today, the boys & I get to the airport.

Get on plane.


Pilot informed us that the engines weren’t running.

After a lengthy conversation, I learned that THAT specific issue had never happened to THAT plane.

Moreover, the veteran pilot explained that the problem was usually an “easy fix”. And that “I’ve always been able to (insert pilot lingo) really fast. No problem.”

This was different.

Folks coordinated for a new plane. The one pictured.

As we were leaving, the left behind pilot was flabbergasted as the first plane – the one with the “easy fix” – actually had massive malfunctions.

Malfunctions that were not caught in maintenance.

My website was hacked Saturday. Just learned an hour ago that my ammo business integrations are all off.

And now the plane I was to fly home in had major malfunctions that maintenance didn’t catch.

I posted a picture bc I have faith in God.

Just wanted folks to know.


Now, back to war.

Gail Combs

From the Telegram feed:

Jarrin Jackson

Forwarded from 

Wendy Rogers

#DeepState #RedFlag #AntiAudit Dan Crenshaw is attacking Lin Wood. That is all you need to know.


Jarrin Jackson

Dan Crenshaw attacked @linwoodspeakstruth

Dan Crenshaw is in World Economic Forum.


Jarrin Jackson

Forwarded from 

Seth Keshel

Dan Crenshaw tried very hard to head fake the grassroots. He gave himself away pushing the McCain foreign policy worldview and more recently… arguing with human calculator named Bobby Piton.

Bobby challenged him on “the safest, most secure election ever.”

Crenshaw said Trump needed Arizona and five more states, while admitting fraud happened in large doses.

Well, Dan… would that include 10,000 votes in Arizona? Appears through the canvass to be hundreds of thousands and even in an audit that showed signs of serious covering up, over 74k illegal ballots and a quarter million deleted images.

Then – it’s two states. Not five. GA, PA, MI, WI… all ripe for picking.

As the Million Dollar Man would say – don’t let your mouth write checks your a** can’t cash (metaphorically speaking).

Happy Thanksgiving, Dan. If you get your way, there will be many more freezer turkeys dished out in countries ending in “Stan” for years to come.


That means, M.T. Greene & Flynn are probably Controlled Opposition.

MTG is really bad news since she is COLLECTING MONEY from Bannon’s War Room Posse to FUND THE RUNS FOR SUPPOSED TRUMPIAN/MAGA CANDIDATES.


These things are very hard to believe, but we have to look at evidence.

They infiltrate the Repub Party and conservative groups by getting on the bandwagon of the moment and saying all the right things. Then when other news comes out about them, it is next to impossible to get people to believe it.

Also, they get into Congress and vote the “right” way many times, but their overall influence goes in the other direction. That is probably the very definition of controlled opposition. John McCain was a master at it. He reached an almost untouchable status, and then he stabbed PDJT in the back.

Gail Combs
Brave and Free

Following in McStain’s foot steps, I’ve always thought that about him. Someone had to take his place.

Valerie Curren

There was some really slick pro-“patriot”-politicians commercial featuring Crenshaw lifting his eye patch (possibly w/ Mission Impossible music in the background) to get some electronic scan. It featured a bunch of the incoming patriots so it made me feel very Rah Rah at the time, like they were all special forces or something. It would be interesting to unearth that slick piece AND see who made it happen & who it featured. Perhaps each of those “rock stars” was really deeply embedded controlled opposition. It Really makes one wonder!


I just don’t know what is up with all of it.


Likewise. IMO, none of it is worth the prolonged going back and forth. It’s a borderline soap opera at this point. I moved on a a couple days ago.


Yes. It IS deadly serious AND our nation IS at stake. NOT lost on me. All of this IS CONSTANTLY on my mind.

My following all of the, he said, that guy said, she said…is nauseating AND IMO, nothing to be gained by going down all of those rabbit holes. IF I chased that stuff, it would consume my day.

Truth WILL reveal itself in time.


By the way, I can’t recall a recent time Trump frequent news releases spoke well of or otherwise promoted Flynn, Lin Wood, Byrne, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell… Won’t surprise me if I missed something recent.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

President Trump MUST KEEP ALOOF at this point.

Endorsing Candidates/Politicians is where he can make his opinions known however remember the hyenas are just waiting for a wrong move on his part esp when it concerns the election fraud and January 6th.


Agree. At some point, Trump WILL acknowledge the honest player(s). AND, quite possibly bitch slap the dirt bag traitor(s).


Well, it does seem to be causing division, which sucks. That’s the LAST thing we need.


Just a blip which will fade over night. As it should. IMO.

Truth WILL surface. QTree endures.


I agree. When stuff like this happens, if I wait awhile, I find out what is real and what isn’t. So I will just wait.


OK, things are stalled….so I get to share another peculiar interest — the fauna of Lake Tanganyika.

Lake T is the sixth largest and second deepest lake in the world, and has been wet for 60 million years — sometimes as one basin (as now), sometimes as two, sometimes as three. Early on, it was colonized by cichlid fish — a perch-like freshwater group — and they evolved in spectacular fashion.

Mind you, the non-cichlid fauna are pretty weird themselves — Lake T has endemic crabs, eels, sponges, upside-down catfish, and jellyfish (

) — as well as hippos, crocs, and water cobras common throughout that area.

But Tanganyikan cichlids are just a never-ending party. Here’s one guy’s paean to spectacular examples of the genus Tropheus —

. One of the amusing things about tropheus is that they change color constantly depending on their mood. If you have a flock of a dozen tropheus, they’ll all be in “flock coloration”. If one decides to chase another, the other may fade to drab and the chaser will light up into “victorious coloration”. If the other stands and fights, they may both go into “dominant coloration” — typically a less extreme “victorious coloration” color scheme. While under threat, they may fade into “threat coloration” — like when they’re feeding on rocks where birds might see them. When caught up in a net, they may brighten to pretend they’re more of a threat than just lunch. And they do this all the time.

And that’s just one peculiarity of one genus. The lake is filled with very strange things — like the world’s largest cichlid, Boulengerochromis microlepis — …. There are sand-dwelling cichlids where the easiest way to tell the species apart is to see what sort of sandcastles they build to lure the ladies in. There are rock-dwelling cichlids whose natural defense is to be so flattened that they can wedge themselves in the cracks between rocks.

It is a lake of curios and wonders…..

….just don’t get me started….


On the Botswana or southern African mutation of the SARS-Cov-2 virus… with its highly modified spikes, and these are sufficiently different from the reference spike shapes put into these potions that is being injected.

What came to mind is that these potions will probably not work well if at all against infection by this version.

Add onto this the somewhat still speculative, but no longer unlikely property of these injections weakening the immune system of the injected in general.

Ouch and brr… one thing is just noticing there is the new scary version out,
another is to actually have some knowledge, sufficient to estimate the amount of scaryness to be. And my estimate here is to the high side; this is bad news.

And even as having had the coof and rejected any offers of jabbs, I might be in the better position, medically, to avert this when it comes… helps me, but I fear for the jabbed that they might find themselves behind the 8-ball. They are worse off than even the still-unjabbed that haven’t had the coof yet.

Time to make sure to have the Ivermectin, Zinc, C, D, B, Mg, and the rest of the minerals and vitamins at hand. Never mind the ever-changing definition of «vaccination status», that’s the commies commieing as is their wont.

No wonder there are calls for immediately halting air traffic from southern Africa.

Gail Combs

Watch Dr Gert Vanden Bosshe. On yesterdays comment

And yeah, “… I fear for the jabbed that they might find themselves behind the 8-ball. They are worse off than even the still-unjabbed that haven’t had the coof yet….”

Those with natural immunity from SARS or the CCP virus are the best off. Those with good natural immune system who have not had the Coof are next and those that have had two or WORSE three jabs are going to be in a world of hurt.

That this is a bio-weapon ATTACK, is for certain. And the possibility that the ‘African Variant’ was PURPOSELY RELEASED INTO AFRICA BY CHYNA is pretty darn LIKELY!

Remember that Africa is RESISTING THE VACCINE more than any other group.

It is all about JACKING UP THE FEAR PORN to get us to TAKE THE DEATH JAB!


Thanks, Gmtx, for another great Friday Wolf Pub thread!
 👏  😀 

A liqueur made from the tips of fir trees?
Never heard of it…but it sounds interesting!

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s also needle gin, made from various botanicals, in particular spruce needles from the Schwarzwald, the Black Forest. They also have “Wood Storck” Rum from the Black Forest as well (quite a contrast from the normal sources of Rum 🙂 )…

Here’s their website (I think ALDI probably carries it in the USA, as well as stores like BevMo):

And a pic:comment image

And, from their website:

Distilled with hand picked Spruce Needles

In order to experience the Black Forest and its full-bodied uniqueness, we carefully distille our Needle beside aromatic juniper berries with hand-picked spruce needles of the “common spruce” (Picea abies). Through the inclusion of flowery lavender and typical pungency of ginger, the taste buds experience an intense adventure. This moment is emphasized by a fine citrus note of sun-ripened lemons and oranges of best quality. A touch of orient is added to our 40% vol. distillate by the addition of pimento and cinnamon as well.

The entire formula remains, of course, our secret, but the uniqueness is that for the distinctive Black Forest experience, only young and, above all, fresh spruce shoots are used to meet our high-quality requirements!

This exciting combination of various herbs, spices and spruce needles is distilled in a gentle single-batch process. The Brände obtained from a distillation process are stored separately. Our master distillers check each single “batch” and choose only the best distillates for the filling of the Needle. In this way, we can guarantee the consistent quality of each bottle.

Needle is a pure and clear gin with a special black forest flavor.

We recommend the pure enjoyment or the Needle on the rocks, in order to be able to experience the uniqueness intensively and unadulterated. Preferring something more fancy, you are invited to taste our Needle recipe suggestions.

Valerie Curren

Something to celebrate my mom’s German birth family, out of the Black Forest!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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It’s Fido-Day!
 🐕  🐺 
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Message for China Joe and the Bidenese:

[video src="" /]

Cuppa Covfefe

Good Doggie 🙂


Was hoping the sign showed, Fuck Joe Biden.


LOL … perfect … 😂👍🤬🤚 ..


Heheh. This is fun:

[video src="" /]


I gotta share this ‼️❤️‼️


.. 😃👍❤️😍🥰😍 ..


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Cuppa Covfefe

You forgot BACON!

(Just kidding. Good food does more for heath than any hundred of chemicals, etc., that Big Pharma puts out. Most of their stuff is derived from natural sources, but pales in comparison to the real thing, e.g. “refined flour” versus mill-ground wheat)…


The Australian government IS E V I L.

Besides Aussies need to get armed, Aussies need to locate these doses and destroy them.

2022 is going to be pivotal for so many countries.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, that’s telling. They really are planning for all this to never end.


Cuppa Covfefe

That vid should be required (OK, STRONGLY ENCOURAGED) viewing for anyone considering getting the clot shot, especially those considering having their children jabbed.

Heart problems in children are vanishingly rare, and usually are congenital physical issues. Cardiomyopathies, conduction problems (e.g. WPW Syndrome), and malformations, etc. With the exception of viral infections damaging heart tissue, children rarely have other sorts of heart issues. Any mention of heart issues being common in children, or “GoreBull Warming” causing a rise in issues is a total, evil, lie.

The statistics (probably scrubbed by now) on childrens’ heart health show heart problems DECREASING on average, and an ever higher survival rate for children with congenital heart issues. Over here the EMAH keeps track of such things, not sure about the US…



How evil is that ? They should be held accountable not just because I wish it because of all the suffering to humanity through deaths of loved one they caused.


And it was wonderful to watch too!

The old normal! Macy’s NYC’s Thanksgiving Day parade kicks off with NO COVID rules: 6,500 performers and inflatables are watched by 2.5M spectators who DON’T have to show proof of vaccination, wear masks or socially distance



Cuppa Covfefe

It’s a Miracle on 34th Street!


Have not read much about the injection passports recently.

Wondering if the injection passport is fading or already failed, wherever it was mandated.

Restaurants in LA, NYC… Some NFL games?


Well, according to what yours truly heard numerous times on 710WOR, New York City, ALL performers, dancers, and parade float riders were REQUIRED to be “fully vaccinated.” I also heard De Blasio HIMSELF state this on audio clips on the radio station news reports.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

BOOM! Bernard Kerik’s Attorneys Demand Jan. 6 Committee Withdraw Their Fraudulent Claims, Then Correct and Apologize for Their Obvious Lies Against Their Client

What a clown show.
Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 witch hunt committee released a damning letter to the press earlier this month that claimed former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik attended a meeting on January 5th at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC where Trump advisors discussed how to overturn the recorded November 2020 election results.


Why would they meet in the Williard when Trump Org owned a hotel in D.C.?

Such a stupid lie.

Deplorable Patriot

Am I out of moderation?

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

Re the whole infighting, and the Kyle Rittenhouse drama, I’m wondering if it isn’t a soap opera to keep us engaged while all sorts of things are going on in the background that just can’t be revealed yet.

Deplorable Patriot

Something about it all just doesn’t sit right.


I am very curious about your take on Sidney Powell. Maybe you have said and I missed it. I know you like Lin Wood. And I think I know you are somewhat suspicious of Gen. Flynn, if I have that right.


Thanks. It’s a mess, is what I think.


I echo what GmainTX said: that SP added Wood’s name to lawsuits and maybe other legal documents without his approval.

If untrue, she could have said that immediately, but she didn’t. She could have contacted Wood and ironed things out, but she didn’t.

If true, what does that mean? It could be a number of things.
She could have misunderstood something and thought he was on board. If that’s the case, why doesn’t she rectify the situation and apologize to him?

Or she could have used his name on purpose, knowing he wasn’t really involved, but doing it to help her case. I don’t want to believe that, and I have no evidence that that was her motivation.

What concerns me about all the right-wing pundits is that I haven’t seen one of them talk with Wood and address what is going on. People like MTG, Bongino, and others have automatically taken what KR’s handler has influenced him to say. They took KR’s word (an 18-y-o who does not have the whole story) over the word of a seasoned, brilliant patriot and never even asked Wood to explain his side of the story. We all talk about how journalism is partisan and dead. They are acting in that same fashion by not investigating.

Wood has produced evidence of Hancock’s character, but none of those pundits is addressing it, to my knowledge. They’re just doubling down. It’s very strange, and I continue to lose respect for them.


Wood has dropped hints about Hancock. Can’t remember where I read it but the accusation is that he is playing on Kyle’s mom IYKWIM. She’s the right age to be susceptible and her status as divorced makes her VERY susceptible to smooth operators. Kyle cannot [for several reasons] go against his mom so he’ll back up what Handcock says.

Somebody should ask Nick Sandman what he thinks of Lin Wood.


Very nice to see the new computer is playing nice.  😊 

Not buying into, “…can’t be revealed, yet”. OK, momentarily playing along. W H E N or WHAT, makes it OK for some kingpin to inform the ignorant unworthy masses?

  • THIS nonsense is in the same category as DOJ and FIB dodging honest questions with, under investigation, that’s classified, sources & methods…

For, four plus years, I took the bait. Betting on the suckers hand we were dealt, as Trump evaded the evil jackals. That is NOT a ding on Trump. The SYSTEM FAILED miserably, then and now.

3 November AND all the evil since, has me DONE WITH playing along with words, falsely intending to tamp down the urgency of, ACTION IS REQUIRED NOW!

Done with all of that pacifying BS.

Can’t fix the problems WITHOUT TRANSPARENCY.


“The SYSTEM FAILED miserably, then and now.”

The system worked perfectly … for them.

We were lulled to sleep and did not notice the changes in law that allowed them to bury evidence and avoid accountability and partner with MSM to lie openly and often with no recourse.


Last edited 3 years ago by Please
Deplorable Patriot

Cuppa Covfefe

Disturbing but not surprising that they’re indirectly blaming VSGPDJT via “Operation Warp Speed”.

President Trump initiated the project to develop a SAFE, EFFECTIVE VACCINE (not gene modification), and NOT FOR CHILDREN. He laid down the challenge, pushed for support, but it was and is Big Pharma who corrupted the goals and the project to their own evil ends.

Just like the Devil; cannot create, but can only pervert and destroy.

Other papers and doctors are reporting this too, along with a huge spike in autoimmune disorders (e.g. attacks on heart tissue that can only really be tested by the d-Dimer test to isolate the cause). I wouldn’t be surprised if cases of MS, Lupus, even arthritis and other disorders go up as well.

And then twister adds the trailer “Learn why health officials consider COVID-19 vaccines safe for most people.” Nuremburg II cannot come soon enough for these Satanic cretins…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen cases of MS are on the rise, but to me that’s curious as an Italian physician at one point figured out that all MS patients have some weird veins in the brain, and the clogging of them is what causes the issues.

Of course, his work was never replicated and shouted down by the pharmaceutical companies.

Gail Combs

………………………………………………………..THERAPEUTICS as well as
President Trump initiated the project to develop ^ a SAFE, EFFECTIVE VACCINE


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Great point.

FauXi is the devil in the details, as it were…

Deplorable Patriot


So, how are the vax-alarmists responsible for the deaths of Americans, which is the opposite of what they are claiming? By willingly ceding their Constitutional rights to be saved from it, they are also ceding ours. And when that happens, the Marxist movement will have accomplished what they never could have done through the ballot box. Their need for a compliant, obedient, silent population with a crushed middle class if they are to succeed are all being achieved through this ‘pandemic’ without having to fire a shot.

Gail Combs

THAT is what has me really scared and NOT the Chyna Virus.

We have either weakened our Armed Forces immune systems, damaged their hearts via the Clot Shot or DRIVEN THEM OUT OF THE MILITARY.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

That part really frightens me. Our military has been taken out of the picture without a shot being fired…. except the Clot Shot into their arms.

Cuppa Covfefe

And that’s what Mao promised long ago (1960-ish). That he would defeat the USA without firing a shot.

But no-one was listening back then, it seems…..

(Shades of “Vincent” from Don McLean…
“They would not listen,
they’re not listening still
Perhaps they never will” ) …

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Just to be annoying, allow me to point out that this proves that Mao [and other commies] need to be studied and taken seriously.


Gail Combs

Dora brought up this Stew Peters show:

Bank Account Freeze Planned: World Economic Forum Telegraphs Planned

Hubby asked “HOW DO WE KNOW that is the world economic forum?”

From Reddit:

The World Economic Forum to Freeze All Bank Accounts with Climate Change – Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Watch their Twitter video!
by u/Papawwww in conspiracy

The World Economic Forum to Freeze All Bank Accounts with Climate Change – Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Watch their Twitter video!
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What if extreme weather froze your bank account?” — source: WEF Twitter account.

Additional source:


TL;DR: I hope people remember Cyber Polygon? Dark Winter? Central Bank Digital Currency? It’s being planned and the “predictive programming” is happening. Here’s a very recent example.

This is the example:

MORE From those SOBs
4 key cybersecurity threats to new central bank digital currencies

  • Central bank digital currencies (CBDC) are increasing in uptake.
  • They could improve financial access and payment efficiency.
  • To ensure trust in CBDC, central banks must ensure their cybersecurity.

With G7 officials recently endorsing principles for central bank digital currencies (CBDC), and over 80 countries launching some form of initiative related to CBDC, it seems their widespread deployment is a matter of time. CBDC is a digital form of central bank money that can be accessible to the general public; essentially, it consists of individuals and firms having access to transaction and savings accounts with their home country’s central bank. Those of the Bahamas, China and Nigeria have all implemented early CBDC programmes, with more expected in the future. If successful, CBDC could help policy-makers achieve goals around payment efficiency, financial inclusion, banking and payment competitiveness, access to safe central bank money in the era of digital payments, and more….

After all you do not want to scare the SHEEPLE!


I believe that this and other similar events, like an EMP strike, are in the quiver of DS/Cabal to force us into NWO.

SAMe old game plan, create the disaster, be the ONLY ‘solution’ to the disaster.

They will stop at nothing. For them, it is scorched earth or mwo, or both. It will get worse before it gets better. It doesn’t end with Covid.



We have been put on NOTICE.

Ignore and pay the price.



As for me, proactive is the way ahead.

Cuppa Covfefe

“Bahamas, China and Nigeria” ???

I can see it now. Try to withdraw or even just access your bank account and you get something like this (H/T


I am Dr. Bakare Tunde, the cousin of Nigerian Astronaut, Air Force Major Abacha Tunde. He was the first African in space when he made a secret flight to the Salyut 6 space station in 1979. He was on a later Soviet spaceflight, Soyuz T-16Z to the secret Soviet military space station Salyut 8T in 1989. He was stranded there in 1990 when the Soviet Union was dissolved. His other Soviet crew members returned to earth on the Soyuz T-16Z, but his place was taken up by return cargo. There have been occasional Progrez supply flights to keep him going since that time. He is in good humor, but wants to come home.

In the 14-years since he has been on the station, he has accumulated flight pay and interest amounting to almost $ 15,000,000 American Dollars. This is held in a trust at the Lagos National Savings and Trust Association. If we can obtain access to this money, we can place a down payment with the Russian Space Authorities for a Soyuz return flight to bring him back to Earth. I am told this will cost $ 3,000,000 American Dollars. In order to access the his trust fund we need your assistance.

Consequently, my colleagues and I are willing to transfer the total amount to your account or subsequent disbursement, since we as civil servants are prohibited by the Code of Conduct Bureau (Civil Service Laws) from opening and/ or operating foreign accounts in our names.

Needless to say, the trust reposed on you at this juncture is enormous. In return, we have agreed to offer you 20 percent of the transferred sum, while 10 percent shall be set aside for incidental expenses (internal and external) between the parties in the course of the transaction. You will be mandated to remit the balance 70 percent to other accounts in due course.

The Gore-Bullists are just as much scammers as the 419s were…


Dang!!! I trashed that email.

Woe is me …


I don’t keep up with this kind of stuff, but 14 years in space has to be a world record.
And Russia owns it .

Cuppa Covfefe

I think the fakemail is from 2004, if he went to the “secret space station” in 1990. Looks like he’s been up there for 31 years.

If only he’d invested in Bitcoin 😆


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Gail Combs



Pepe Lives Matter

Lauren Boebert made a joke that triggered Ilhan Omar on Thanksgiving break.

[video src="" /]


Well placed jab at Ilhan the muzzie biotch.

AND. BONUS. Boebert is so easy on the eyes.  😀 

Cuppa Covfefe

“No backpack, so we should be OK”, “jihad squad”…

she forgot “brotherlover” 🙂

Edgy, but nothing compared to what the hood(ed) beastess Omar says about everyone…



Whatever it takes to piss off OR expose the jihadi’s is good by me.


And Boebert put out a tweet today apologizing to the “Muslim community”. Coward.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Yup. Nothing to apologize for. PC BS. Perhaps something about the ignorant House rules.


Couldn’t pass this one up.


BTW the Billionaire who owns the 30 million dollar mansion, (ha ha. some newer stories are shaving 10 million off that now), David Rubistein, co-founded the The Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group formed in the 80’s and was put together by some young kids who grew up in Washington DC. from families of Washington DC insiders. Fed Chair Jerome Powers as well as the one leaving, Randy Quarles, the Latter Day Saint, who’s wife’s family tree sports a Fed Chairman, both ran funds at the Caryle Group (small small world). Their claim to fame was hostile take overs of companies and they had business dealings with the Saudi Family here during 9/11. I’m sure I’m leaving lots out.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Deplorable Patriot

The Carlyle Group comes up a lot in this whole fiasco.


Yes. And this meal with Rubenstein is not a one off. He’s been there for the holidays before, just not as President.

Valerie Curren



Well, well, isn’t Pfizer-BioNTech PRESCIENT about developing “vaccines” against COVID-19 “variants” — ESPECIALLY since recent reports indicate that large swaths of the African continent have AVOIDED getting infected by the “virus”? —
2 hours ago
“BioNTech says it will know in 2 weeks whether the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with Prizer works against the new variant rapidly spreading in southern Africa”
“B.1.1.529: What we know about the new Coronavirus variant that’s rocking markets across the world”

It appears that Pfizer-BioNTech has been doing a “study” on the “safety and efficacy” of the NEW VACCINE the company “just developed” against the B.1.1.529 “variant” which is now detected not only in Africa, but in BELGIUM. The company announced that in 2 WEEKS’ TIME, it will have enough “data” to evaluate whether or not the NEW “vaccine” will work against this new “variant.”

It appears that B.1.1.529 has 32 MUTATIONS contained WITHIN the SPIKE PROTEIN of the “variant”, thus making B.1.1.529 theoretically “more resistant” to the current “vaccines.”

From the article, quoting Pfizer:
“Pfizer and BioNTech have taken actions months ago to be able to adapt the mRNA within six weeks and ship initial batches within 100 days in the event of an escape variant.”

From The Economic Times article:
“One scientist at the UCL Genetics Institute in London said it likely evolved during a chronic infection of an immuno-compromised person, possibly in an untreated HIV/AIDS patient.”

(Read the statement by Pfizer again about coming up with a NEW “vaccine” in the event of an escape variant.
Remember that the ORIGINAL COVID-19 virus has at least 4 elements within its spike protein of the virus that causes HIV/AIDS. Since the “vaccines” for the ORIGINAL COVID-19 and its previously identified “variants” ALSO likely have similar elements within them, one can assume that this NEW “vaccine” will ALSO have HIV/AIDS elements in it.
Remember also that the “vaccines” are DESIGNED to suppress / damage the natural immune system of the recipient.
THERE IS NO LOGICAL OR SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE WAY that Pfizer-BioNTech can come up with a NEW “vaccine” for this new “variant” WITHIN A 3-MONTH TIME FRAME.


“It appears that B.1.1.529 has 32 MUTATIONS contained WITHIN the SPIKE PROTEIN of the “variant”, thus making B.1.1.529 theoretically “more resistant” to the current “vaccines.”

Could it be that the virus has evolved that way because of the jabbed who can be infected and to some extent resist the original virus.
Amongst the non jabbed there is less reason for the virus to evolve, as they would catch and host the original.

Gail Combs

OR, the virus was developed as BIoweapon take ll in a Chinese Lab.


It’s ALL a manufactured crisis.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. The SCAM is in the SPIKE.

Valerie Curren

AND logic again for the win

Cuppa Covfefe

Have to wonder how many mutations we get for the common cold every year, including various Corona-type variants…


Q @QAnon211
For everyone with bullshit detectors that work:
George Carlin warned us years ago that Covid hysteria was inevitable……

Warning language, but he describes this to the T.

[video src="" /]

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

He did it again with a new slant on this one. Cued to the 6 minute mark but you can play the whole thing as its all good.

“Virus’s ,Virus’s are tricky, always mutating and forming new strains when ever a vaccine is developed…”

Gail Combs

“…THERE IS NO LOGICAL OR SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE WAY that Pfizer-BioNTech can come up with a NEW “vaccine” for this new “variant” WITHIN A 3-MONTH TIME FRAME….”

Of COURSE THERE IS! See if you can connect these ‘dots.’

Pfizer has Large R&D Facility in Wuhan China; Pfizer Employed Members of the Chinese Communist Party According to a Data Leak; Pfizer 3 Month Revenue from the Covid Vaccine was $3.5 Billion

….In 2010, Pfizer founded an R&D facility at China’s National Bio-industry Base in Wuhan (Biolake). By 2015, Pfizer was moving its “medicine safety business” from India to the Wuhan Biolake facility. Lan Zhanghua, the site head of Pfizer (Wuhan) Research & Development Co Ltd. stated in 2016: “Every one of Pfizer’s new drugs has indispensable contributions from the Wuhan team.“ He states that two R&D “functions run exclusively at Wuhan and nowhere else in the world… our Wuhan teams manage the clinical trial registry information and clinical trial master files for all Pfizer’s medicines”…..


What else happened in 2010?

Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry


The discovery of SARS-like coronavirus in bats suggests that bats could be the natural reservoir of SARS-CoV. However, previous studies indicated the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) protein, a known SARS-CoV receptor, from a horseshoe bat was unable to act as a functional receptor for SARS-CoV. Here, we extended our previous study to ACE2 molecules from seven additional bat species and tested their interactions with human SARS-CoV spike protein using both HIV-based pseudotype and live SARS-CoV infection assays. The results show that ACE2s of Myotis daubentoni and Rhinolophus sinicus support viral entry mediated by the SARS-CoV S protein, albeit with different efficiency in comparison to that of the human ACE2. Further, the alteration of several key residues either decreased or enhanced bat ACE2 receptor efficiency, as predicted from a structural modeling study of the different bat ACE2 molecules….

What is China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)?

In 2014 Xi Jinping outlined plans to additionally establish new sea trade infrastructure along the old Marco Polo route – a maritime silk road connecting China, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe.



The Belt and Road Initiative in Africa

China’s banks have funded numerous projects in Africa, including a major gas pipeline and railways in Nigeria, plus projects in Uganda, Egypt, Ethiopia and many other countries.

The Belt and Road Initiative in KENYA

The centrepiece of the Kenyan government’s participation in the initiative is a high-speed railway running between Mombasa and Nairobi, the first high-speed railway on the African continent.

Built by the Chinese, the project has provided jobs and training for a local workforce to operate the railway – but also created serious questions about the country’s ability to service the Chinese loans which paid for the railway and Kenya’s broader debt obligations to China…

IF you DEVELOP the virus…
IF you RELEASE the virus…

Of Course you can have the ‘Cure’ ready and waiting!


Gail Combs
Thanks so much! And, you’re right on the MONEY (no pun intended there).
Mea culpa — I didn’t think I needed to put (sarcasm on) after the “THERE IS NO LOGICAL WAY …” stuff above.
Of course Pfizer-BioNTech / Wuhan Lab / (likely) Baric’s lab / (likely) KS Weffen / quite possibly other entities, have had all this on the drawing board for YEARS.
Apparently, the list below has been “debunked” all over the place on the internet. However, to yours truly, the only thing that’s “out of sequence” is the actual Launch Months of the COVID-19 variants..
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Gail Combs

They had to speed it up because of the Trump Presidency.

If we had Hitlery and she put in Supreme Court justices, we would be in the same place Australia now is — NO 2nd AMNENDMENT RIGHTS!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GREAT catch, Gail. YUP. And South Africa allows CCP cadres and PLA soldiers to operate with complete impunity.
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Big Brahooha about the new scariant from South Africa, which they claim is the cause of the current ‘rise’ in South Africa.

But the doctors on the ground tell quite a different story. They don’t see any COVID cases anymore, but actually a hell of lot of vaccine injuries.
Do these ‘experts’ suddenly talk about this scariant to hide the injuries?

The reason why there are no or rare COVID cases in South Africa anymore, is that the virus had spread to a large percentage of the population, which most likely created herd immunity already. It was very difficult to contain the spread of the virus, because of the crowded condition most people live in.
In fact a study of a blood bank did show that 40% of the donated blood had COVID evidence in May 2021 already and that was before the 3rd wave hit the country.

See these doctors talk about this at the African Health Summit which was held about a week ago:

Gail Combs

Eilert, I want to thank you for bring this conference up yesterday. I watched a couple of hours of it and it was very informative.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bob Woodward is a piece of shit, Fake Journalist, whose claim to fame (Watergate) was a CIA-FBI operation against Nixon in which Woodward was used like the useful idiot he IS and always was. Bernstein, his little Bolshevik handler and spy, made sure it all worked out the way it was supposed to work out – meaning for the commies in DNC. Every bit as phony a story as “Wake Up Maggie” and her half-asleep bullshit about Trump Russia.

America doesn’t just deserve revoking Maggie’s Fraudulent Pulitzer – we deserve to yank Woodward’s, too.

Gail Combs

Do not forget NYT and Walter Duranty.

The Commies have been at it for a LONG TIME…. Or should I say the BANKSTERS!



All Four Botswana “Nu” Variant Patients Were Fully Vaccinated

The “Nu” variant of COVID arrived just in time to ruin Christmas. (Who didn’t see this coming?) The variant with “more mutations than you shake a spike protein at” was first identified in Botswana and quickly became the most prevalent variant in South Africa. But before you succumb to “pandemic of the unvaccinated” nonsense, consider this:

The preliminary report revealed all four [patients] had been previously vaccinated for COVID-19.

From the President of Botswana, where the variant was first discovered…

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Deplorable Patriot

How long is it going to take before the reality hits between the eyes.

Gail Combs

When the lights go out
the Chains come out

Gail Combs


January 14 20201 — Botswana is 46th member of China’s ambitious Belt & Road Initiative.

Botswana relations were stepped a notch higher with the signing of a Memorandum of Understand­ing ( MoU) for cooperatio­n on the Belt and Road Initiative ( BRI) on 7th January in Gaborone.


We were warned….

Gail Combs

Thanks, Gail!

Gail Combs

Karl does a good job of explaining the problem in terms that a lay person can understand.

PoliticalMoonshine does indepth but it is a really long slog and not good for handing to lay people.

Deplorable Patriot

Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


That’s an awesome vid.
Anymore people that fall for the latest cv porn are plain nuts imo


Not sure if we missed this. Cardinal Pell news. Millions in missing money to the State of Victoria, AUS to come up with false testimony.

Deplorable Patriot

Damn St. Gallen Mafia, even if most of the main players are now dead.


Another new Political Moonshine article:

Nu Reason to Be Very Afraid: What the Latest COVID Boogeyman Is v. Is Not
26 Nov 21

By design, there is more out there to read on COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 and the “pandemic” than can be reasonably consumed; much less understood. That’s how it’s supposed to work. It’s a layer in the complexity of the perpetual design of enterprise fraud that comprises COVID-19. That and a real bioengineered pathogen qualifying as a bio-WMD by legal, medical and patent standards; just like its supposed and worse remedy – the pseudo-vaccine platform of S-1 spike protein/Ace-2 binding domain features that induces immune response and dependency scenarios proving dangerous and deadly the world over.

The work at Moonshine is tedious, arduous and often dry and difficult to read. Such is the nature of enterprise fraud and if one cares to understand it relative to this supposed pandemic, those are the weeds through which one must go. Today, we’re sticking to basics and keeping it short.

I’ve outlined, documented and diagrammed the elements of enterprise fraud in COVID to include things like bulk data revisions in August 2020 and May 2021; moving the measuring stick from declining mortality data to made-up “new cases” in mid-April 2020; and the use of the mid-April shift to “new cases” and “variants” to serve at contextually critical times.
In the spring of 2020 and 2021 and moving into summer, the mid-April shift [2020] and the Delta “variant” [2021] were leveraged to circumvent the seasonal die-off of the primary comorbidity data harvesting reservoir, flu/pneumo season. In this instance, the “variant” became a bridge linking peak flu season of one year to peak flu of the next; while circumventing the die-off. This is a component of the build-in of perpetuity.

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Latch on to peak flu and the timing of the emergence of the Nu “variant” because it’s another contextual boogeyman. In this instance, the Nu variant isn’t going to be used to circumvent a seasonal die-off. In this light, recognize that criminals rarely create levers that accomplish only a single objective. They prefer multipurpose tools that are highly malleable and adaptable.

The Nu “variant” is going to be used to exacerbate what would otherwise be a normally occurring and statistically unremarkable peak flu 2021-2022 in a very specific way. The Nu “variant” is likely going to begin another round of draconian lock-downs in one to several states that will expand to others while it also is going to expand the drive for or perhaps tip us over to mandatory vaccines for all.

Through a lens, the Nu “variant” can be seen as an extra-legal appeal from the 5th Circuit’s recent ruling against the Biden administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate and it may shift the landscape of opinion, thought and rulings to our disadvantage. It’s similar to how Fauci circumvented the U.S. patent Office – he revised his application to include a deliberate or accidental release and upon doing so, previously denied vaccine patents were granted. That’s what they do – change the rules and circumvent.

This cartel’s long history of rules changes and circumvention are hallmark indicators of fraud.

It’s important to remember that the CDC begins its annual peak flu every 01 Dec, runs it for two months and this is a well evidenced component to the fraud. So is using national holidays as cover as I put it last night [links provided at the bottom.]”

[continued at title link above]


Okay But! There’s going to have to be an incredible amount of spin on this to keep vaccines viable as a mandate as every story is saying the vaccines don’t work against Nu.

It seems more like this Nu is the cover up for all the vaccine deaths and injuries as someone stated below OR they really F’d up doing vaccines in the first place. Both of those seem possible btw.

Regardless, No to vaxxx and their vaxxx porn.


Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this is definitely part of the scam. I’m AND LOGIC on this. The Faucist monsters are still cranking the ever-changing vaccine-evading spike grift while covering up the always-toxic double-depopper spike grift.

It all depends on the spike. Fauci and Walensky ALWAYS keep it all focused in a misleading way – on spike antibodies. They can slide unlimited depopulation under that cover.

Valerie Curren

Well stated AND abominably horrifying!


Perhaps they are going to create demand for whatever PILL, IIRC, Pfizer recently created AND similar in ways to IVM.


Possible. Leave it to Government to come up with a 50 dollar pill you have to take twice a day for five days in order to replace Ivermectin which costs less than 25 cents per pill.

Gail Combs

“….the CDC begins its annual peak flu every 01 Dec, runs it for two months and this is a well evidenced component to the fraud….”

(Begins in mid November and runs through April)
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Deplorable Patriot

I swear it’s a juiced up flu bug that’s putting so many people in the hospital.

Gail Combs


Remember I had the CooFu before the plandemic hit.
At the time I was 70, ‘morbitly obese’ Insulin resistant ==> Type ll Diabetes, Allergies/Asthma & Arthritis — ALL Chronic inflammation factors.

My O2 levels were bad enough that the staff at the clinic attended to me instead of going on lunch break as they originally planned.

I got O2 & Albuterol administered at the clinic and prescriptions for Prednisone & Azithromycin, told to buy an O2 meter and sent home and recovered although I did have long haulers.

NOW they DO NOT TREAT until you go into the hospital.

Azithromycin and pneumonia – Today’s Hospitalist

Azithromycin and pneumonia patients. NEW DATA show that older pneumonia patients whose therapy included azithromycin had significantly lower death rates than patients given other antibiotics, but a slightly increased risk of myocardial infarction.

I really want to see Nuremberg ll.


“They Do Not Treat”. Although we were already on to it, I believe it was Peter McColluogh that made that abundantly clear when he appeared before one of the Texas Senate hearings and pounded that fact home to the politicos that would listen.
Since then there has been some good improvements in some places, marginal in others, and then total ignorance in others. Small parts of the CDC, NIH, FDA and others responded either with positive changes, marginal changes or cover your ass type changes while the larger bodies continue to ignore it. Still a big fight and we’ve seen it played out here with our own people. Patient Advocates are must. The larger parts of the medical community have fallen to the dark side and do the bidding, knowingly or not of the Medical Mob. <<<—Nothing new in there. Just spouting what we’ve learned.

Nice that youtube still has this video.

March 11th 2021 That is very late in the game. How many had died before that and continue to die because these people drag their feet on the truth. But he got 4.6 million views!

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

Yes, that is an excellent video.


Riddle me this: I believe that I *may* have had the Cof in Dec 2019-Jan 2020. Anyway, I went to the emerg Doc-in-a-box for treatment (this was before any of the Covid-19 panic announcements) and they said I had bronchitis and gave me Doxcycline hyc 100 mg, and I was fine. I haven’t had any antibody tests but when we have to do the Rapid Cof tests we’re always Negative.

Any ideas what I took? Supposed to be an antibiotic. Oh, BTW, we’re never sick and have NEVER had any flu jab. Of course I have a “shot record” as long as your arm from my military times. 😉

Last edited 3 years ago by RedLegLeader68
Gail Combs

Doxycycline Hyclate – Uses, Side Effects, and More

This medication is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections, including those that cause acne. This medication is also used to prevent malaria. This medication is known as a tetracycline antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common coldflu)….

Doxycycline treatment of high-risk COVID-19-positive patients with comorbid pulmonary disease

When I was given the antibiotic, the doctor said it was as a precaution against pneumonia. I would hazard a guess, that if you had congested lungs they did the same with this antibiotic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, you’ve just described SARS-CoV-2 as we know it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They want to make us OBEDIENT or DEAD.

It’s a nasty predicament. However, I have FAITH, just like Trump, who said that this will never be a socialist country.



Want and have are two very different things.

We know what the freaks want.

Having it is a different matter altogether.

Deplorable Patriot

Tore made that connection as well.


So Wood + TORE > Gen. Flynn + Sidney Powell??

And why wasn’t this crap coming out BEFORE Rittenhouse spoke negatively re: Lin Wood?

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Gail Combs

MiKe Lindell and the Supreme Court case??? 2022 Elections???


You mean SCOTUS case no AG’s will sign onto, including the TX and FL AG’s?

I’m missing something.

Gail Combs

“…I’m missing something….”

I am saying the ‘fight’ is a LOOK SQUIRREL that diverts attention from Mike Lindell and the Supreme Court case and the beginning of the run up to the 2022 elections.

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe Mike Lindell, but DEFINITELY Ghislaine Maxwell. The trial starts Monday, and from what I am seeing the UN will be in the crosshairs as well as the Clinton Foundation.

And it’s not on TV from what I understand.


Saw something that public access will be minimal or cut off.

Liking the UN AND Clinton Foundation being in the cross hairs.

I don’t truly understand the implications of, BiteMe Federalizing the Judge in Ghislane’s trial. I assume it stacks the deck in Ghislane’s favor AND intended to EVADE justice.


I’m surprised he doesn’t just pardon her, and then sniff her jail hair.


You just gave me one hell of a ugly mind pic. You should be ashamed but I know you’re not.


Ah. Gotcha. Thx.


Pop Goes The Weasel Squirrel, has been played a few to many times by Lindell.

While I like Mike Lindell, AND believe his intentions are what America First needs, Mike misplays his cards, constantly. Sorta like, “crying wolf”, to many times. I quit listening, clicking on his stuff.

Mike Lindell may want to strategize before he pops off his next “win”, before it is ready for prime time.

Deplorable Patriot

At this point, who knows.


President Trump…

…and everyone else named so far.

Likely many others, too.


And they would love to tell us, but, you know, then they’d have to kill us.

It’s a super-secret war, and the only people allowed to know about it are the people who are fighting it.

Or not fighting it, as the case may be.



Aren’t you experienced enough to cast a suspicious eye at this kinda thing?

Hell, Donald Trump actually donated a hellava lot of money to the Clintons and democrats back in the day. Should I claim his “connection” there means he isn’t who he says he is??

First, the latest from Mr. Wood….

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Here’s a fact…

Ever since (and NOT before) Kyle Rittenhouse came out and threw Wood under the bus, Lin Wood has been subsequently been denouncing Gen. Flynn, Sidney Powell, and many others.

We also know that Wood donated prominently to democrats in times past.

As for myself…

I am not taking a side in this….for now. The whole thing is very odd.

But I can say I am NOT about to turn my back on Gen. Flynn or Sidney Powell just because Lin Wood says so. Maybe he is telling the truth, then again maybe not.

I will end by reminding everyone that President Trump pardoned Gen. Flynn after YEARS on insufferable BS on the part of a demonstrably corrupt FBI and DOJ.

If anything, I am highly suspicious of Lin Wood….a man whose own children won’t have anything to do with him….rather than those he is currently trying to throw under the bus.

PS – I could care less about “Stop the Steal”. Just because Gen. Flynn might have connections to others doesn’t mean he is a black hat.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Adding this for context and fairness…..

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DISCLAIMER: I don’t care what the truth is, I just want the TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!

Deplorable Patriot

And there’s every reason to believe that the truth has not surfaced yet.




“And there’s every reason to believe that the truth has not surfaced yet.”


Or that it ever will…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m just watching and waiting!!!
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Yeah, me too. There are so many things that could have happened behind the scenes of which we have no awareness. So who is right and who is wrong and who is at fault is beyond me at this point. However, it is a bit upsetting to have all these people who have been involved in fixing 2020 going at each other’s throats. I hate it when people air their dirty laundry in public instead of just sitting down together and ironing things out. That doesn’t help anyone.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, remember the first accusation was by Kyle Rittenhouse against Lin Wood.

Deep State Dave

BREAKING! #DeepStateDave


I’ve acquired exclusive sources close to the Rittenhouse case over the last couple days. Had to keep my whereabouts private for safety reasons. But I left Kenosha this morning and am far away from Wisconsin already.

Hancock has many who he THINKS are his allies…yet aren’t. It’s up to Dave to figure that part out now. Remember who Dave Hancock IS – 15 years elite Seal Team 5 member trained in the art of deception warfare…

If you haven’t read the details of the Clip Artist Film v The Milo Fund suit, take a look, there’s even more to be revealed soon. Discerning minds can probably already figure out what WHO he is and WHY he’s been involved in this case from the very beginning.


Why would a man supposedly there to PROTECT the interests of Kyle, sabotage a fundraising campaign that was sure to raise 4 million dollars for Kyle’s defense?

If you care about the welfare of the Rittenhouse family, please spread this link far and wide across the internet.

Let’s all team up so Wendy is aware the faster she gets her and the family away from Dave Hancock’s control, the safer they will be.

The downloadable PDF of all 22 pages is available front page of my news site.

Download it.


Lawsuit filing from

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that really has to make me wonder about things.

Gail Combs

Dave Hancock is looking like a scumbag opportunist and if that is the case the LAST thing he would want is Lin Wood entering the picture as Kyle Rittenhouse’s defamation lawyer.

The rest of the stuff ????



I did not engage in “character assassination”.

Hell, not only did I state my neutrality in all this I also added TheseTruth’s post (which takes your side)!!

I have no desire to believe in any one person, per se, I only desire the truth.


And, if anything, YOU are the one engaging in “character assassination” because you clearly “would rather believe Lin Wood”, which is a blatantly hypocritical accusation to make against someone else, as YOU do the very thing you accuse me of doing!


You know what is funny?

I hear Wood making accusations, and I hear Byrne making accusations, but I don’t hear Gen. Flynn or Sidney Powell making accusations.

Know who else traffics in accusations? Satan.

And you, too, of course.

Ho hum. Nothing to see here.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to agree with you on the matter of Lin Wood. Something is bugging me about it, and his reported conversation with Patrick Byrne that produced all of these accusations he’s making.

I mean, the DS DID try to neutralize General Flynn. That can’t be pushed aside.

Beyond that, I won’t comment. I have my issues with Lin Wood, but it’s not about this matter.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Here is something else to bother you…

We live in an age where people LITERALLY choose to believe the 1st accusation.

Hell, the HR dept at my airline is run this way!

Here is 90% of what happens on a regular basis…

A FA makes accusation against a pilot. (Happens all the time). HR thrn goes to the Chief Pilot and says “look at what your guy did”. THEN they investigate. Guess what? 99.9% of the time what happened was it was the FA who did something wrong. Moreover, she was scared because believed she would get in trouble because the CA would report it (which we usually don’t for any number of reasons). Her strategy? Make an accusation against the CA FIRST, then subsequently claim that any report he made was retaliatory against her accusation.

99.9% of the time, when it all comes out in the wash, the 20+ year CA is vindicated and the 20-something year old idiot 1st year FA is shitcanned.

Rinse. Repeat. On a monthly basis.

And yet, the idiots in HR will still RUSH to believe the FA, in spite of this never-ending merry-go-round of immature children making salacious accusations against veteran adults.

Point is, the 1st accusation…in this day and age….is often the intentionally misleading and incorrect one.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

We live in an age where people LITERALLY choose to believe the 1st accusation.

Yes, I’ve noticed that. And nine times out of ten the first salvo is nowhere close to the truth.

It’s always best to wait for the truth to shake out.


You know, it’s a blessed thing…one of EXTRAORDINARY mercy…that Jesus did not level any accusations…in turn….against Pilot, or the crowd, or Barabbas.

And he could have. Very easily.

Yes, it is always best to let the truth shake out and not believe the 1st accusation made.

Gail Combs

The first accusation was MADE BY KYLE RITTENHOUSE against Lin Wood on Tucker Carlson’s Show on Fox.


Yes, I was just about to write that.


Actually, no I’m not.

Hence the “point is” beginning in the last sentence.

In anything, YOU are acting like the HR dept.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Wow! that’s a really crappy comment. Grandma is, if anything, NOT an HR dept.

Calm down! And keep the shinny side up … 😉


Clearly, you think with emotions first and logic second.

That has it’s place, in very limited settings, but not in these matters IMHO.

Be pleased to know I applied your unapologetic and insincere kissy face to my ass. 😎

Deplorable Patriot

What is wrong with you tonight? This side is not attractive.

This site is much livelier with you participating, but I’m sorry, but that…um…I think you get the point.

Of course, I’ve had a long day and things are getting to me tonight.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

It was even better when Daughn was here before she had had enough, too.


U F B, today.

Cheaply invoking Daughn is stoopoid, ignorant AND immature.

Past due for your NAPPY?

Deplorable Patriot

[big sigh]

That’s not how it went down, at all, from what I read of it. But, it’s not my story to tell.


It is not at all how it went down.


“Be pleased to know I applied your unapologetic and insincere kissy face to my ass.”


Now that was mature… 🤣 😂 🤣


“I know this is not you.”



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Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Hope you listen to Patrick Byrne’s diatribe against Mr. Wood. You can get it on Lin’s telegram.

Lin Wood says Byrne is not telling the truth in that video about their conversation, and Wood has released 3 audio recordings of their call on his Telegram channel. I can’t access them. If you are able to hear them, is there any way you can post them here?


You’re right; I can’t access them. That’s the same thing I see in his channel: “Media too big to access.” Thank you, though! Any more insights on it are welcome.


Thank you!


Telegram working for me is hit and miss. today not so much. Same with one or more links in the daily intro. It may be be my computer OR more likely I need a telegram account to listen in.

All of that aside, the narrative in the posts are pretty clear message.


I am not sure why we are trashing out Woods, Flynn ans Powell? They are minor players in the scem of things.
We the people are the real thing not two Lawyers and a General.
This is like ripping off a bandage and getting an infection. These three are now infecting this side.

Gail Combs

Yes, we just have to figure out which one is WHICH!
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Cuppa Covfefe


The folks (cabal) trying to seed dissent, discord, and discouragement are probably laughing their collective hineys off.

The big thing for the DEMONRATS and the UN is trafficking, be it drugs, weapons, children, hostages, “silk road”, or whatever. And probably Maxwell (and her father’s deep state network) are deeply involved in that, or have deep knowledge of that.

And the proletariat must NOT have any inkling of what’s going on, hence all the bright shiny balls and cherrybombs and chainsaws being tossed into the air…

Cyber Monday, indeed… More like Khyber Monday…


I’m with Grandma. Very strange. One dividing point is the transparency of Lin Wood and his operations. Others, including LTG Flynn (whom, I for now, greatly respect) are causing me to reconsider.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. There is weird stuff going on here. BUT until I know enough, I refuse to be against ANY of these patriots. Not until I’m SURE, like I am with Ali.

Once “counter-intelligence” enters the situation, “counter-counter-intelligence” and “counter-counter-counter-intelligence” rear their confusing, mirrorball heads.

This is the DECEPTION of war. War is based on the failure of truth, IMO.

I’m not going to be immediately swayed by this, BUT I’m going to nod my head about Ali and say YES – people wanted what happened on January Sixth to happen, and others didn’t want it to happen, but allowed it to happen and positioned accordingly.

There are people who WANT the fake election undone, people who want to STOP the undoing, and people who pretend to be on either side.

Hall of smoke and mirrors.

I do think Lin is starting to see something. But what exactly he’s seeing is hard to say – in reality.

I’m just holding my position, frosty on the vigilance.


I’m just holding my position, frosty on the vigilance.

Very wise.

Choosing a side at this point, if one is to be taken, is very premature.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It really helps to put all of this in the context of the [First] American Revolution. The utter confusion of the side for independence was bad enough, before mixing in all the “independents on independence”, and mixed-loyalty loyalists.

Then bear in mind that the Boston Tea Party was every bit as sketchy as the January Sixth event. Condemned as “vandals” by George Washington – who ultimately took the side of independence.

We are in that confusing period. HOLD YOUR FIRE even if others start shooting, is my advice, and don’t assume that every bad shot means people are on the other side.



Which, of course, was and is the basis of my response to G’ma.

Thx for the broader context.


Agree W – but I’m watching Lin closely. Am concerned about what he says, but, what he says is very concerning. TRANSPANCERY

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And on top of it all, considering the “too dead crew” in the District of Criminals, all we’re seeing right now is bargain-counter intelligence.

Smoke and mirrors from K-Mart, White Front, and the Dollar Store…

Many have said that there would be deceptions as part of moving forward, including (2³ + 3²)… Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy. And the derp state is launching their Satanic battle on multiple fronts at once.

A few Chesty Puller thoughts (boy, could we use a few like him right now):

“We’ve been looking for the enemy for some time now. We’ve finally found him. We’re surrounded. That simplifies things.”

“All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time.”

“Our country won’t go on forever if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any AMERICA because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race!”

“Take me to the brig. I want to see the real Marines.”

More at (also Stonewall Jackson, among others)…

Valerie Curren

Balanced wisdom here–thanks! Hope you are feeling better (I still have to catch up reading to see how your health situation is coming along) God Bless YOU!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wonderful picture! SAVED!!! 💗


Wow. It’s so friggin’ obvious Melania hates him. Just look!

Cuppa Covfefe

“Mashed Bidens and Gravy”…. I’d imagine that’d be kind of lumpy and moldy…


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE HUGE: National Institutes of Health Funding Connected to Chinese Military and Organ Harvesting

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

I sense the avalanche starting.





I am rapidly getting to the point where nothing shocks me anymore. This is a good example. My initial reaction is….”what else are we going to find out?”

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry


….longtime quibble which I’m gonna get off my chest…..something some of you ladies do which is unseemly as all hell…

You call Wolf “Wolfie”. Or cthulhu “Coothy”.

Lemme tell you something….

…..if you are older than 18 and you still call your dad “daddy”, or a man who calls himself “Wolf” “Wolfie”, something is wrong with you and you obviously haven’t outgrown being a little girl.

No frequently commenting female here is under the age of 18 as far as I know. They should grow the fuck up already.

Rant over.


Always nice to hear from you, happy Thanksgiving! 👍😂

Gail Combs

If  Wolfmoon does not like “Wolfie”. Or cthulhu does not like “Coothy” then it is UP TO THEM TO MAKE THEIR WISHES KNOWN and NOT YOU!

And yes I thought about it for a while before responding.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah… wasn’t going to bother, but my first thought was my grandmother called my grandfather “Daddy” to my mom up until he died. My dad’s mother referred to her husband who had been dead for decades “Daddy” to my dad in my presence when I was little. It’s a preference thing.

Gail Combs

Hubby likes his full name used and I prefer a nickname that my Dad used since I was a little girl. It is individual.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. As long as no-one calls me $hithead, I’m cool…

Nicknames and diminutives are a sign of affection.

What a cold cruel world it would be without them…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Valerie Curren

There seems to be a cross section of people, possibly more so in the South, that call their parents Mother & Daddy. It always sounded odd to me, but I’ve heard it in several families so it’s some type of a cultural thing it seems.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I probably would have never known if it weren’t pointed out! I almost don’t distinguish Wolfman from Wolfmoon, either! 😆

One of my friends (with 1000 nicknames) loved to say “Call me anything but late for dinner!” I approve of that message!

Gail Combs

Dinner was just served. STIR FRY! (Something light after yesterday)

Cuppa Covfefe

Tofu Surprise ??? 😆 :mrgreen:

Or maybe Kung-Fu chicken?
(Everybody was Kung Fu frying
We all felt like crying
Sauce too hot there’s no denying
Red Savinas make you feel you’re dying)….

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly!!! “Grandma!” 😀


This isn’t about Wolf or cthuhu, it’s about an immature and unhealthy behavior found almost exclusively in some…not all….females.

And I don’t care how long you thought about it. I’ve endured it for years now, and I finally said something.

Sue me.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Out of character, I was not going to comment.

But, this one IS cracking me up.

“… endured it for years now,…”

^^^ Seriously, endured? I have surely missed something.

Moving along…


You haven’t missed anything. 🙂


Sorry, FGC – but I have call BS on this comment. With. all. respect.


The Call of Coothie….

And, yes, I have that shirt.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seriously, I not only do not mind it – I like it – and not just for “non-mission” reasons.

In the same way that it is critical for this site to maintain complete religious liberty, as a form of protection and mission insurance, I also find it absolutely necessary that civility be maintained by – to be frank – a slightly but predominantly female culture here.

That means women need to feel “at ease”, in all their functions and – quite frankly – dysfunctions. No different from allowing pin-ups in a predominantly male culture.

I don’t want this place to turn into Marica’s place – we have a place called Marica’s place for exactly that. But if this place runs anywhere from 55:45 to 75:25 feminine outlook – that is absolutely not a problem! 55:45 male is – IMO – the beginning of problems.

Bear in mind that I worked in a variety of places, and the cultures and subcultures I found most adept at finding truth in the middle of confusion without distraction by ego were almost inevitably “cultured” toward women but NOT “hen-houses” where a good-old-girl network ran the show.

I may not call myself Wolfie, but my inner “Chill”, Sharyl Attkisson, and “Some Bitch” does not mind!


I never thought for a moment it did.

Valerie Curren

This is fascinating, especially your percentages of female/male outlook perspective. Well you actually used “feminine” so that’s also intriguing. I am female but am usually considered to be more logical than most females & many males. My personal passion is Truth AND that seems to be a trait liberally shared in the Wolf Pack, regardless of sex 🙂


I could be wrong, but I thought cthulhu told people they could call him Coothy because his name is difficult to spell.


It’s fine for me either way. The one thing that tends to throw me off is when someone calls me CTH, ’cause I don’t feel like a website.


And here I saw CTH AND thought, Cat House.   :wpds_shock: 

Gail Combs

snikker… 😆


There was a guy at the supermarket in a Tesla with the license plate “UNONTHG”. So I walked up and asked him if it meant “Union Thug” or “Unknown Thing”. He laughed and said it was a Game of Thrones reference to the catch-phrase “You know nothing.” He said that this was the first time someone guessed “Unknown Thing”, but that he gets people going “Union Thug” all the time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I don’t feel like a Cat House, either.




Lin Wood has released the audio, in three segments, of his phone conversation with Patrick Byrne – which took place yesterday I think. Byrne called HIM. You literally will not believe it. The people that have telegram know where to find it.


Sidney Powell is not at ALL what everyone wanted so badly to believe, me included.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Byrne’s just trying, unsuccessfully, to not come out of this reeking of feces.

Gail Combs

Isn’t Byrnes the one who was brought up on, I think it was bribery charges in connection with the Clintons??


I really don’t know. He founded Overstock way back when, don’t know his details at all.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. IIRC, he cut a deal of some sort.


Yes and the Russian girl that was a spy he has an affair with. Did he not do a job for inteligent service like CIA or FBI ?

Gail Combs

Yes, so we KNOW he is probably compromised because the IC have their teeth in him.


Now, I have to say, Patrick Byrne is the one guy in all of this I just don’t like or believe. He is one weird dude.


The hottie Russian “spy” story always seemed a bit….peculiar.

Byrne, formerly of, casually meets this Russian chick. Calls up FBI — “hey, I’ve encountered a Russian woman who seems unusually friendly. Are there national security implications?”

FBI calls him in, interviews him. A couple of weeks later, they call him with a plan — Byrne needs to reciprocate the affection, boink the Russian as often as possible, and get back to them if her pillow-talk involves Russian state secrets.

This sounds more like the musings of a tenth grader with carbonated hormones than it sounds like something likely to happen in the real world.


When this first was discussed on here further up page my thoughts went immediately back to that.
It didn’t ring right to me then, and the foggy waffle he’s coming out with now seems much the same.
At a guess I’d think he is a disrupter.


Doesn’t it?

It also sounds like the stories of a ego-inflated serial liar.


Could you please summarize it for those of us who can’t get telegram videos to play. If we’re going to have a discussion about it, I’d like to know exactly what was said.


I hope someone will summarize it or that we can somehow get access. Here is what Prof. David Clements says:

The Professor’s Record

So, Patrick Byrne thinks Lin Wood is “kooky,” yet tells everyone that his intention was to retain him as counsel. Retention is done through a legal contract that carries with it attorney-client privilege. Retention of Lin Wood, would be an attempt to silence him.

Gail Combs

Thanks for that info.




Sidney Powell tried to seduce Byrne? That’s not even believable.


High on the ick factor! Ewww…


He’s a sleezball.

Deplorable Patriot

As someone who used to book speakers and paid the fees on a regular basis, why are speakers’ fees a problem?

Deplorable Patriot

Honestly, it looks like Byrne is jealous, actually, of the attention the others get.


Bingo 🙂


It’s way too complicated with twists and turns. I really cannot summarize. Sorry.


Byrne had produced a video, then Wood released the audio of their phone conversation to show what really was said, and now Byrne has released another video. I haven’t watched it.

The Professor’s Record

Patrick Byrne has another video to explain away the lies he told in the first video.

And in the process… Patrick tells more lies.

Be sure to read the comments. We the People are awake!

Deplorable Patriot

People, in perusing all my usual internet haunts, the theme of the day is don’t be distracted from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, which starts Monday. The new “variant,” the whole patriot infighting thing (which has just about all accounts lined up on one side or the other), whatever else is going on, DO NOT BE DISTRACTED.

If what I am seeing is correct, the UN was just as much a part of Maxwell’s operation as Epstein. So was the Clinton Foundation. The potential for explosive information revealed given her clientele is there.

I just want to put this out there. I suspect this case is actually bigger than just human trafficking.


“I just want to put this out there. I suspect this case is actually bigger than just human trafficking.”


If there was any threat, at all, to any of the bad guys, then why didn’t she take the TP Plunge like her pal Jeffy?

They have a hundred ways to get rid of her.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Strzok walked in the courtroom and executed her, turned himself in, and then Joey Crackpot pardoned him.

Who would stop it, or do anything about it?

No one.

That’s what people keep forgetting.

There is NO law enforcement mechanism.

People have spent their whole lives imagining that there was, when there isn’t, and hasn’t been, for decades.

Deplorable Patriot

Strzok is apparently busy stirring up crap about General Flynn, according to one report.

And don’t forget, Maxwell asked the UN for help getting her out of jail. Why would she do that? Has anyone else ever done that?

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Gail Combs

I think Maxwell was a lot higher up the food chain than Epstein was.

Gail Combs

AND that is what makes me think she was Epstein’s ‘Handler’ for the Cabal. It is SHE who controlled the blackmail material.

Deplorable Patriot

I can go along with this. I mean, one post I saw today claimed that her appeal to the UN to get her out of jail was playing a deep state card. She’s a pivotal figure in the whole behind the scenes apparatus.

Cuppa Covfefe

So how do you plan on getting it back???


“So how do you plan on getting it back???”


I don’t.

How many times do you want me to answer that question?

We did our part, we elected DJT against impossible odds.

Not once, but TWICE.

Then nothing happened, either time, because apparently Triple-D 3D underwater-chess genius was fooled by practically every single hire in his administration.

And fooled by the vaxx mafia.

And fooled by Cabal.

And fooled by the 4-year long Coup (even though we all knew about it, but apparently the WH isn’t wired for Internet).

It’s all so stupid.

When NO ONE in a position of leadership is willing to fight, when there is NO LEADERSHIP, and when the military is out to lunch, then what are you or I supposed to do?

There are lots of feel-good things we could do.

A national strike is one. It would be fun, and cause all kinds of havoc.

But it wouldn’t ultimately force the criminals out of government, because a national strike is missing a crucial element, and that element is FORCE.

But we can’t talk about FORCE, because it’s part of the circular game. Force is the only thing that has ever worked in the history of the world.

If any other tactic or strategy has ever worked, what is this new thing under the sun?


Force is required to remove criminals, because criminals don’t ever go away voluntarily. But nobody wants to talk about that. If anyone talks about force, half the people on our own side shout us down and remind us that the enemy is just looking for an excuse.

So we censor ourselves, so the enemy doesn’t have to. Which is nice of us. And then we get pissed that nothing ever gets any better, only worse. Or we take another hit off the hopium bong, and pass out like Lotus Eaters at Woodstock 😂

It’s like our own twisted version of Groundhog Day 👍 😂

Gail Combs

Unfortunately, Unlike the Rittenhouse trial, This Ghislaine Maxwell trial will be in complete secrecy.


At this point, gotta wonder….

How do we trust whatever information we supposedly get from it…particularly anything that threatens the Cabal?

We’re (and I include myself here) thinking WAYYYYY to small right now.

Lemme ask you this…..

What is more important at present?

1) The tiff between Woods and Byrne?

2) The Maxwell trial

3) The fact that our worst fears may be coming true…this next round of ‘rona was planned for all those who took the clot shot…

4) Did we really allow ourselves to believe the End Times would NOT feature biological evil on a scale never witnessed in human history??


God help us.

Truly. I sincerely mean that, more than I ever could.

God help us all.

Whenever they say it’s not about the money, what is the one thing you can be sure of?

Spoiler alert!!


Deplorable Patriot

4) Did we really allow ourselves to believe the End Times would NOT feature biological evil on a scale never witnessed in human history??

I don’t actually subscribe to the end times concept for our current situation, but do recognize that the biological evil is part of this near civilization death experience. Rejection of God, yes, has led to this, but I go with the idea of being in a period of chastisement rather than end times.

The battle between good and evil is too out in the open.

As to what to believe, the Maxwell trial will not be tried with cameras in the room, unlike Kyle Rittenhouse. Why? We will be dependent not on video, but reporting, which has been proven to be unreliable. Why? Well, because the people who own the information conduits are likely to be exposed.

It’s such a bramble bush complete with a tar baby.


Federal courts do not allow cameras. Many State courts do.

Deplorable Patriot

That may be why the case was taken over by the feds.


Do not be distracted from the 2020 steal … this is WHAT this is all about …

Deplorable Patriot

I try again sorry if I double posted.

I am not sure why we are trashing out Woods, Flynn ans Powell? They are minor players in the scheme of things.
We the people are the real thing not two Lawyers and a General.
This is like ripping off a bandage and getting an infection. These three are now infecting this side.
I forgot Byrney, so it is 4 players stirring up whatever that is contaminating the deplorable.
Remember it was Pence setting up Flynn.

Wonder what the end game is sure does not sound the best interest of the country our movement or President Trump.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

The problem is that people follow those people, unconditionally in some cases, and could be led into spiritual heresy, or in the opposite direction of those who are trying to help the country.

I don’t see all of this as a “tiff,” as some have said. Whatever is behind it is massive and dangerous. I think it is extremely important — especially if it reveals that some people are not who we thought they were, or, worse, that they are actually working for the other side. I don’t know that to be the case, but I need to know, and that is why I’m so interested.

This is what got my attention: I have read a lot of what Lin Wood says on Telegram for a while now, so I generally know his character and attitude and what he thinks is important, as well as his standards and ethics. (I also glean this from what others say about him.) So when Kyle Rittenhouse made disparaging comments about Wood, I didn’t take them at face value, and wanted to hear what Wood had to say.

And I am very puzzled why a number of conservative pundits automatically discounted Wood and believed Rittenhouse, even when evidence was revealed that Rittenhouse is being influenced by a grifter. Why aren’t patriots standing together, with Wood, to get the truth out?

These three are now infecting this side.

That’s the problem: Someone could be literally infecting our side (causing discussion on this site) and sabotaging our efforts to investigate and fix the 2020 election. If people we trust are doing that, we need to know it. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff, or they will destroy us from within. It is very serious, not just gossip about people’s spats.


I am very puzzled why a number of conservative pundits automatically discounted Wood and believed Rittenhouse, even when evidence was revealed that Rittenhouse is being influenced by a grifter.

I was the one who used the word “tiff”, but that was by comparison to mass murder and end times.

And as one of those you may presumably be alluding to, let me say it is not so much that I “believe” Rittenhouse about Mr. Wood, but rather the incredulous allegations coming from Mr. Wood in the wake of Rittenhouse’s own accusation.

In effect, Mr. Woods is saying…”It wasn’t me, it was those guys, and those guys are working with Gen. Flynn and Sidney Powell.”

So, to sum up…

According to Mr. Wood…..both Gen. Flynn and Sidney Powell must be dirty in order for Mr. Wood to be clean.

Let’s be clear about that.

Lin Wood is asking you to believe his accusations as proof that the ones made against him are false….he is asking you to believe his own accusations re: Gen. Flynn and Sidney Powell.


I want evidence.

Presumably, Mr. Wood has it, but the phone call with Byrne is hearsay about anything to do with Gen. Flynn or Sidney Powell.

And I trust neither Lin Wood nor Byrne as much as I do Gen. Flynn and Sidney Powell.


According to Mr. Wood…..both Gen. Flynn and Sidney Powell must be dirty in order for Mr. Wood to be clean.

Not true, in the least.

Lin Wood is asking you to believe his accusations as proof that the ones made against him are false….he is asking you to believe his own accusations re: Gen. Flynn and Sidney Powell.

Again, not true. Wood began by providing evidence against the grifter who is influencing Kyle Rittenhouse.
1) Rittenhouse made accusations against Wood. That was the first accusation, the one that so many conservative pundits took at face value.
2) Then Wood provided evidence about Hancock, who is influencing Rittenhouse.
As for Flynn, Powell, and others, Wood was watching Flynn and commenting about him before the Rittenhouse comments happened.

I want evidence.

I also want evidence. Wood has provided evidence about Hancock. He has provided evidence that Byrne lied in his video. He has provided evidence about Flynn and the prayer. Wood has provided financial records of his FightBack organization.

Wood produced the audio of the Byrne phone call to prove that Byrne was lying about him, and probably also to reveal Byrne’s character, as someone who would say those things about Powell.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths


I could care less, by comparison sake.

Show me the evidence of Gen. Flynn.

No, a printed prayer which he may or may not have altered at the time of stating it doesn’t count. Not against the preponderance of evidence against that stands against it and in his good name.

Show me the evidence against Sidney Powell.

Show me the court cases which Wood’s name was not supposed to be attached to, as well as the evidence that Sidney Powell knew his name was not supposed to be there and….if it were there….that it wasn’t by simple mistake or accident.

Surely Mr. Wood has the evidence, and not just the accusations.

I want to repeat that I have not taken a side save for (now) speaking in defense of Gen. Flynn and Sidney Powell.

You are correct in that knowing the truth here is of grave concern, but I think we should demand real evidence from Mr. Wood (and a pocket prayer is not it (for me)).

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry



I could care less.

You should care about Hancock. His influence over Kyle and his dishonesty are what started this.

If you want to see what evidence Wood has, you can read his Telegram channel. You don’t have to be signed in to read it. (Allegations and evidence are dripping out, though, so don’t come back and say there’s nothing there.)

I am also looking for evidence. I already have it, regarding Hancock and the truthfulness of Rittenhouse’s accusations against Wood. Those accusations are false. But patriot pundits are believing it. I want to know why.

Back to your previous assertion:

both Gen. Flynn and Sidney Powell must be dirty in order for Mr. Wood to be clean

This is false. Wood is “clean” of the Rittnehous allegations, separate and apart from what is happening with anyone else. But others are not looking at the evidence against Hancock, and are believing Rittenhouse over Wood. That is some of what Wood is pointing out and investigating.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Deplorable Patriot

Thanks for this. It’s all rather strange.


“Why aren’t patriots standing together, with Wood, to get the truth out?”


Because we don’t have any leadership.

If there is anyone fighting for ‘our side’, they don’t want “us” involved, that’s why they leave us in the dark.

To fight against ourselves, and divert our attention.

They play us the same way the enemy does, which is why it’s hard to tell if there actually are any good guys.

As far as I can tell, the only reason anybody thinks there are any ‘good guys’ is because they assume there must be, since there are ‘bad guys’.

The only people who ever move the ball or score any points are the ‘bad guys’, so if there are any ‘good guys’, they’re not very good, except at keeping everything secret from We the People.

Which means they have a lot more in common with the enemy than they do with us.

Which again should bring into question whether there actually are any ‘good guys’.

Deplorable Patriot

This is not satire for once. He nails it, though.


Great message.

Any idea where this guy is based?

Deplorable Patriot

California somewhere, I think. Not really sure.


Thanks. Scenery in that video reminds me of the Reno downtown, with Truckee River passing through.


First time I’ve heard of the ‘lightning network’ , wondering if it is a blockchain protected/organized system ..sure would be nice to cut out a lot of middle men BS in communication. no censorship by itself would promote TRUTH .
Keeping my eyes open for zion

Gail Combs

Dave Clement has some new videos up. I have not watched them yet.

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, looks like this guy never left the fight and has-been-with-us-ever-step-of-the-way!

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Time to call it the POOH VIRUS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think I had the poo virus last week.


Hope you are back on top of your game.

Deplorable Patriot

And they think the people are so afraid we don’t see through their $#!+.


Gail Combs

I agree with Scott it is past time for these SOBs to do the mussolini dance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re just making this shit up as they go, to inject their depopulation bogus spike protein monstrosity.

These people are NUTS.



At this point, why wouldn’t they be willing to murder a billion+ people with a “new” “variant”….which could well have been developed in a lab just like COVID19 was?

Realize this….they can now murder as many millions they like, and openly blame it on their own virus(es). In fact, they PLAN on it.


That is, this slow guys perspective. Also goes for Delta variant. ALL of it.

Between Covid 19, variants AND injections / boosters, simply, mass murder.


I know I posted early on about things Byrne said, but I’ve Never really trusted him as he was involved with the Clintons and I think the Clinton Foundation, and I suspect he’s working for people we don’t like in order to stay out of trouble with the “law.” I will stand by Sidney, as, for one thing, I heard her give a very credible Christian witness, and I can usually smell fakery in that realm, from miles away. I can’t figure out about Flynn and satanism and Lin Wood–that’s all clear as mud to me, but I hope it will begin to become clear soon. I do also respect David Clement (the professor) not sure of name spelling. Also just want to say, Singing Soul, I think you are a very wise woman. Oh, and regarding Sidney supposedly trying to seduce Byrne, disgusting and implausable, and a gentleman wouldn’t tell. So for me, that’s all I need to know about Byrne’s character.


Gentleman??? I thought they all went extinct.  😀 

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2
Deplorable Patriot

An unfortunate byproduct of a casual society.


Another brick in the wall of you’re-watching-a-movie …

The newest variant name came from TV [a form of movie]. It is about death of all:


I wonder if Oo is like Oh no?

Same page fitting some what the movie mentioned above…
Astronomy[edit]Omicron is used to designate the fifteenth star in a constellation group, its ordinal placement an irregular function of both magnitude and position.[2][3] Such stars include Omicron AndromedaeOmicron Ceti, and Omicron Persei. Maybe Steve will clue us in on this part.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s interesting.


Pgroup2, not Quite all. How do you do?


Don’t nit pick me. 🙂

Doing better than most, according to oncologist. Prayer + competent doc + health supplement expert (brother-in-law) = WINNING

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good news!


Appreciate that report. All the best.


The subject is CRS, a unit inside DoJ civil rights division. The text of the comment struck me as potentially applicable to more than CTH. [side note – LoL at the play on CTH motto]:

“So, what do we do with this information? Some of the commenters seem delighted to get it and praise you highly. I’m not sure why though. To me it just looks like just another way in which our government is abusing its powers with no accountability -does anyone in the congregation believe that there will be any disciplinary action taken? He/she/it/(other) will probably get a raise and maybe a bonus.
So, what good does this do us? I’ll make it #459 on my list of travesties committed by the left over the years. This one has been going on for years based on the 2013 article you wrote about CRS, and obviously no one has done anything about it. Since you’ve known about it for at least 8 years, I have to conclude that you don’t have suggestions either.
Before I retired for medical reasons, I held jobs where I had to bring problems to my boss’s attention. If I hadn’t nearly always brought suggestions for fixing the problems, I would have been retired, (unemployed), a lot sooner than I was.
This doesn’t seem to apply to conservative media. Writers are always throwing the latest garbage from the left in our faces. I have to wonder what the point is. This site doesn’t feel like the Last Refuge. It, like most others, seems more like the Latest Refuse.
If the Declaration of Independence hadn’t come with an army, there would never have been a USA. While we talk, the country disintegrates. But at least we’ll be well-informed losers.”

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

we’ll be well-informed losers.”

At least you are honest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, folks – I have symptoms and a positive antigen test.

I will be updating on the health updates thread, now sticky at the top.


Time for some horse medicine then. No need to wait. You can call the first dose prophylactic. If you think you need the second dose you can call that one therapeutic and then hopefully its done. And of course hit those high numbers on the supplements if your not there already.


(Stole this from

Omicron is moronic scrambled. 😂