Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

…and we will have fun doing it, too!

The Rules

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.
The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.
Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.
We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.
Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.
In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.
We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).
We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.
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We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.
In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer
Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.
Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.
Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:
bearing a wheel or wheel-like organ.
Used in a sentence:
“Perhaps the most obviously trochiferous insect of all is the wheel bug.”
Used in a picture:

Appearing in a video:
NOTE: Please do not watch this if you are creeped out by insect bites and stings.

Have another great week!

From GAB….
[video src="" /]
Election FRAUD in the “Zuckerberg Five Counties”.
That’s a super-duper science work of the week, not found in most dictionaries. I found this in Wordnik:
So that’s where the “wheel” comes in.
I bet there are a number of trochiferous creatures feeding in the D.C. swamp.
Rotifera! OMG, yeah, I remember studying them.
I guess humans are “wheel-bearing animals”, too!
“I bet there are a number of trochiferous creatures feeding in the D.C. swamp”
Not to mention those who have the habits of a dung beetle whose life revolves around feces.
What a perfect sphere he made!
Not for long! Dung beetles are born inside spheres like that and eat their way out.
In the big scheme of things, I guess someone has to eat it.

I nominate democrats and commies.
“Wheel bearing” and a primitive “wheelbarrow” as well!
This appears to be the “false flag” (FIB-managed violence) that broke the camel’s back.
People on Gab are just dropping truth bombs like crazy.
Most honest FBI agents are likely not “trusted” with false flags and “politically promoted violence”, just like the honest employees at “Shallow State” were locked out of certain activities.
You gotta be a STRZOK to get those jobs. Otherwise, you might ask the RIGHT questions.
apudlo reposted
Huh, look at that, feds encourage their false flag patsies to write manifestos. I’m sure the Buffalo kid acted totally on his own though, no doubt about it.
Raven Constantine
All I’ve seen on conservative sites is that people immediately rejected this “manifesto” story. I never know how real leftists react to these things, but increasingly greater numbers of people are awake. It’s happening with shootings, false flags, and even COVID and vaccines. If they’re hoping to enact gun control or curfews or who knows what, it’s not going to work. All this is doing is making people madder.
We saw a local news blurb on the NBC station about the auto companies around Detroit imposing mask mandates because Covid was so high. They interviewed 3 people on camera (that they showed) 2 maskies & one in the middle saying it’s not that big of a deal now & you might get sick for 5 days so there’s no point in masks!!!
FBI = Federal Bureau of Instigation.
and ‘insurrection’ aka False Flag January 6.
I have several questions about the manifesto and it’s authorship.
Seems like lots of cut and paste with occasional “fill in the blanks” areas where the voice of the shooter emerges.
The photos of the guy with bleached hair in the manifesto don’t resemble the alleged shooter, imo.
The manifesto has a floor plan sketch of a Tops store. It’s accurate and typical for this store brand. However, Tops is not a southern tier NY grocery store. It’s a finger lakes/western NY brand.
Where did he get this plan/diagram? (This indicates some level of recon, at a minimum.)
What’s his history/connection to Buffalo?
Several manifesto references to others/ supporters, etc. that suggests that he wasn’t in this alone, imo.
When asked if he “glows”, he answers possibly. He doesn’t give a clear denial.
I don’t believe that he did this by himself. JMHO.
For me, this is a horrible tragic thing. So sad. So messed up. I personally have watched a mass shooting happen in the buildings where I studied structure in college, a mass shooting happen across the city in a public building helping migrants, while I worked across town at a local university, even a mass shooting in my home town of 11,000 people, about a block from the house where I grew up. (My sister was locked down in a building across the street from where the shooter “holed up”.) One of the victims of the civic center shooting was a college friend’s mother, and a neighbor.
I haven’t read the “manifesto” but Tops markets are all over NY, including Binghamton near his home. I do wonder why Buffalo, and am suspicious of Hochul’s connection.
She is all over the news today hitting the targets…stricter gun laws, condemning racism, white supremacy, social media sites that allow conspiracy theories and violence.
I haven’t lived in the area in a while, but I can’t think of a single Tops there and don’t see any turn up on the store locator online.
The area was dominated by local Giants that were later bought out by Weis, iir.
Thanks Holly.
That store was formerly a Giant. Shopped there many times.
Iir, it has a very different floorplan than the floor plan presented in the manifesto that is rather generic to Tops stores in other areas.
The Vestal Ave store has both front and rear parking lots with entries that serve other businesses and would be difficult to renovate away.
Just wondering where he got his diagram. Seems he might have needed to travel to get it. Just a theory, and JMO.
Valid point. DM says he was in the area and at the store the day before doing recon. The cover story for how he knew the layout in advance no doubt.
There are reports that he was there the day before in full camo. Seems like he gave lots of warning. Here’s a couple local news reports:
And this strange report from the NY Post
There it IS. An emerging ‘defense” attorney strategy.
That last link is VERY helpful.
I’m laying the blame on COVID isolation paranoia / psychosis. It’s very important to have human contact with others to value them, and to not idealize them into some kind of enemy.
These “lone wolf” killers become so PRECISELY because of the “lone” part.
COVID lockdowns are EVIL in so many ways.
I suspect that he acquired a manifesto “template”, and that he was to switch the template photo with a photo of himself, that he failed to switch.
Excellent thinking. He has a FIB handler.
That’s what we’re missing in all these cases. I studied Dylann Roof intensely, as part of the assassination of Clementa Pinckney. The thing that seemed difficult to pull off with MK per se was the timing and the target. BOOM. FIB informant / handler.
Only in some cases does the FIB handler come out, but in ALL cases that reach a critical level of sunlight, there is ALWAYS some FIB informant involved.
That squares up with personal experience.
I think he had help, but I’m not ready to accuse the FBI.
What do people make of the Azov patches?
Another thing that struck me is his manifesto claim of something like $700,000 in support to a typical black person on public assistance.
His NYS employed parents were probably taking that home every few years, including benefits.
Also, many people choose to live outside of urban areas to avoid the school district. Binghamton High is located in the center of the city.
Binghamton is a city where fires have started in building department filing cabinets, downtown hotels were built with HUD funds, and millions in low income housing rehab funds disappeared thru developers who had no ownership interest in the properties. (A Dem was mayor, Mario Cuomo was Gov, and Andrew Cuomo was at HUD.)
And black prisoners have died in the local jail under suspicious circumstances.
There’s a bunch of squawking that he should be immediately executed. I’m thinking that would certainly minimize the contagion of guilt into the FIB……but I’d rather see him and his handler standing on the same platform when the lever is pulled.
Yup !
it always seems to be the official hastily made cover story with incongruencies that don’t fit. The photo swap was obvious.
To me, it looks like the same old play book.
But every time it’s used in it’s double-down’ zeal’ pieces of the scripted puzzle don’t fit and fall .. same play, different cut and paste to fit the days narrative.
..patterns in detail
Charlottesville/ Spenser/ nazi torch march
Berkeley Antifa goon rampage
Ottawa anti-crowd control police (wonder if these were flown in)
Tan slacks ‘patriot front’ goofs marches, out of nowhere that ‘no one’ supports or even heard of..
Pick one,any Antifa ‘swarm’ riot.. with supporting BLM and any other anti- social street outcasts..
Vegas Hi-way 91 cover up.
..things to watch for that indicate a pattern..
Official story changes, during ‘ongoing investigation.
Random civilian witness comments change.
Some FIB guy gets on tv and explains the Whole story. Alongside the police chief, Mayor etc…
First hand, Local witness video of the shooter either at home or the crime scene gets mysteriously memory holed.. later completely purged.
Big Tech vacuums it up. New ‘doctored’ versions appear, but the originals
cannot be found for cross examination if they were not screen captured or recorded independently before-hand.
Unexplained ‘glitches’ in videos or unbelievable realism.
In this case, the shooter helmet cam resembles that of some video games.
The ‘impact’ of alleged projectile fired often does not match that of a high velocity cartridge. (Block/Brick spalling while shooter enters store or Store window glass reaction to high velocity bullet.)
And, as always, where’s the victim blood, blood pooling, human tissue trauma, splatter.
Where’s the natural human evade, and shelter reactions?
What’s your reaction when you see someone wearing all Camo? Vs
What is it when you see someone wearing all Camo and moving with an AR?
When you hear multiple shots being fired you’re natural awareness meter should peg.
Excellent points!!!
I heard yet another batch of nonsense regarding the leaked Alito draft, and how the Talking Heads are trying to convince people that overturning Roe v. Wade will “ban abortion”. Evidently, it is an article of faith among leftists that RvW “allowed abortion.”
It is far more accurate to say that RvW “Federalized abortion” — the decision overturned states that were lenient and those that were more strict, imposing overall tests and limits at the Federal level, in hopes that a consensus could then be crammed down the throats of all 50 states that had a different take on the issue.
That this was done in the name of Constitutional “emanations and penumbras” while handing down a decision moot to the original plaintiff, and promoting a nationwide remedy to one individual’s (mooted) problem is just judicial malpractice.
By returning the issue to the states to be resolved through political means, instead of radical and unsupported pronouncements from judicial Solons, SCOTUS is on the verge of righting 50 years of uncompromising evil warpage of the role of the Court.
Yes, with “snapback” rules, a certain number of states will make all abortions instantly illegal — which they will then have to clean up, state by state, because they’ve hidden the real human costs behind the great evil blob of RvW for decades. By contrast, liberal citadels like NYC can create an on-Broadway blockbuster production where the entire audience has an abortion before the curtain falls; and Disneyland may open a new ride where a rider goes in pregnant and comes out (through the gift shop) relieved of such responsibility. Will the latter be a “ban” resulting from the rectification of the RvW mistake?
Because all parties could speak to how much they hated the Federal mandate, or how much they wish the Federal mandate had gone further, or wish the Federal mandate had gone a different way, there will have to be adjustments once States must set their own rules and live by them. There is nothing wrong with this — once the RvW abomination is removed from the scales, a more organic balance can arise.
When I was growing up, there was a common saying, “don’t make a Federal case out of this.” The entire horrific history of RvW shows why this advice was wise.
There’s more to it than just legality. The states have been trying to regulate the facilities for decades and every time a new law comes up that says the places have to be clean and sterilize their instruments or something that simple, a lawsuit would be filed.
With RvW overturned, there will be nowhere to hide.
New Schlichter —
Not only is that a sobering contrarian article to “Barnette mania” (which I admit to having) – it led to this great title!
Goodbye To Ginger Goebbels
Derek Hunter
Posted: May 16, 2022 12:01 AM
Thing about Barnett is, crappy staff work and preparation for likely questions. Having answers at the READY. Smells like, lack of experience and organization skills. NOT a bad person.
It IS impressive, the constant, broad based hatchet job waged on Barnett.
Seemingly, every media outlet and politician has it out for Barnett.
^^^ THAT says something.
Nothing terrible has emerged. The Echo Chamber is unrelenting AND NOT to be trusted.
I still like her. Voting for McCormick would be PAINFUL for me, and voting for Oz would be with FEAR. I would see that image of him with “spirit cooking lady” and just say to myself “what in the fuck are you DOING, voting for this guy?”
That image, the Oz image … image of him with “spirit cooking lady”
Should be on billboards all over the area …
The problem with Barnette is that she isn’t Kari Lake. She stands for all the right things (gays DO lead with their sexuality – and people are over it already) but she isn’t verbally polished and quick enough on her feet to be seeking high office in her first rodeo. Kari Lake is the standard.
Kathy Barnette belongs in Mastriano’s vacant seat. And I still don’t understand why Oz didn’t run as a dem. He could wipe the floor with that guy that looks like young Frankenstein.
Barnette will do fine, IF, folks stop looking at superficial crap.
IF I were in PA, she’d have my vote.
EASY Decision.
A) WEF Wal Street R-con.
B) D-Rat liberal POS.
C) Gal with great values, conservative, picked herself up by her boot straps and succeeded.
Yes, she’s very MTG. But she already lost a congressional race, and now she’s moved up to trying for senate. I just think she’d do better at the state level first.
2020 race was stolen. Why would her race be honest among all the rigged races.
Truth is we have no idea how many legitimate votes were cast in her race. We just have numbers from a dirty election dept.
This MUST remain in the forefront of All our calculations!
I’m not “in love” with her, but I DO recognize that she is actually conservative.
Actual Christian conservatives, when they admit it, are against homosexuality (it’s a sin), abortion (murder is a sin), and are FOR family values.
The problem is, we have gone so far astray that many CHURCHES have descended into deviance. So when an actual Christian conservative starts to speak out, she sounds “bigoted” and “hateful.”
NO, she sounds like a CHRISTIAN. It’s not HER fault that the Leftists have WARPED the minds of people into accepting deviant behavior as normal.
People need to wake up and understand who and what they are voting for. The choice in this race is so fucking crystal clear that the controversy makes my head hurt.
If you want an establishment RINO, vote for McCormick. If you want a liberal progressive in put-on conservative clothing, vote Oz. And if you want an actual Christian Conservative, vote Barnette.
If you want an establishment RINO, vote for McCormick.
If you want a liberal progressive in put-on conservative clothing, vote Oz.
And if you want an actual Christian Conservative, vote Barnette.
^^^ Three DISTINCTLY, Different Choices. ONE Conservative. ^^^
Two of them remind me of Utah, where a condemned prisoner has a choice of how to die – hanging or firing squad.
IIRC it was a Monte Python skit, when the prisoner was asked how he wished to die, answered ‘old age’.
Only a flesh wound…
LOL ..

Now I’m sure … I absolutely adore your thinking.
Words to live by – Left is Wrong Right is Right.
Thanks! That means a lot to me.
Like I told Kalbo, I could not happily vote for Oz or McCormick. I would literally feel BAD voting for either.
Then don’t vote for them. Pretty simple solution.
While I agree with you, this only works if Christians are the majority. Which sadly, they are not. A survey a few years ago said the majority of the Church doesn’t even vote! We need help from other groups with different views to win.
Her tweets are currently excluding gays and peaceful Muslims.
The Constitution includes all religions, and our laws include provisions for gays. If she discriminates against these groups, she won’t be withholding the law of the land.
She MUST appeal to all voters or she will lose.
I’m starting to think she can. I think this gal is smarter and more humble than Judge Roy Moore. I’m cautiously optimistic.
But remember – there will be massive cheating anyway.
Newsmax – New poll May 14&15 shows Oz in lead w/28%, Barnette 24%, McCormick 21%. This weekend’s interviews have hurt her. Who are the Walk Aways, Scott Pressler, and peaceful Muslims supposed to pick since Barnette hates/insults them? They’re gonna default to Trump’s MAGA endorsed candidate where they were accepted and the economy was good.
Friend, you sure are trying hard to sell the same narrative as the Enemies-of-Barnette.
Maybe it’s time to take a step back and a few deep breaths.
Or maybe she has a point, and YOU need to step back.
Not gonna do it.
No, actually I’m not. Thus far I’ve put forth evidence to debunk the attacks on her service records and her videos. I like her, but she has issues to resolve. 45 is right, If she can’t defend herself from the RINOS, she’ll surely lose to the Dems. They’ll have her cancelled on Wednesday. Saying I don’t know/don’t remember tweets is not a winning strategy.
Butterfly, if you knew me in real life, you would be surprised that I support Barnette.
I am NOT your conventional Conservative. Nor am I Christian.
BUT, I AM smart enough to know that MY life is better with Conservatives/Christians running the government.
I suspect Pressler may be aware of this, too.
I could be wrong, of course. But I don’t think Oz has a chance in hell of winning the general, and even if he did, he is Mitt Romney in another guise. What good does that do us?
That’s the same old trap. I just don’t buy it anymore.
All this lady has to do is consistently state her case. And I would say that case goes something like this:
“I am a Christian, and my religion means that I believe certain things. That doesn’t mean I don’t accept other’s rights; it means that I have my own right to my beliefs.
Moving on…”
Pennsylvania Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette Appears on Fox News to Answer Critics – The Last Refuge (
I disagree that she somehow did not do well. As far as calming the nerves of Republican voters, the polls show that their ‘nerves’ are quite calm. It’s the nerves of the paid political consultants that are not calm. Mainly because they sold a narrative to the front running candidates and the polls are not co-operating. IOW, candidates campaigns paid for snake oil political advice at reality level prices.
I predict she will win the primary (with a little help from the donkey vote-making scheme). She will then go on to win the general because sooner or later her unfazed style will rattle Fetterman and he will show his inner ugly. The voters won’t like what they see.
I agree. Her “not doing well” was highly calibrated to get people to her web site, where two clicks not only VET her completely, but make the angry voter want to pull out the wallet.
This gal has great advisors. She is surging on manufactured controversy. They used her mild weaknesses as a weapon.
Yeah, she was a “podunk prof” – yeah, she was a non-combat military reservist and eventually a quitter b/c married. Normally those are mild weaknesses that an enemy would be smart to brush off and only attack with finesse and by the barest insinuation IF they had better credentials. But her very smart advisors turned those into both ENEMY ATTRACTORS and media weapons.
Any publicity is good publicity. That’s what I was taught in marketing.
Barnett has absolutely nailed, name recognition.
Sure enough she has.
As with one of Aubergine’s post’s I commented on earlier. Added some white space for emphasis.
As far as calming the nerves of Republican voters, the polls show that their ‘nerves’ are quite calm.
It’s the nerves of the paid political consultants that are not calm.
^^^ Spot On. ^^^
The dude is already stroking out, and she hasn’t even won yet!
I’m surprised that SD missed her strategy. I think her governor candidate friend hooked her up with some top-shelf political operatives who are VERY SMART.
She is using “controversy” like Trump to BUILD MOMENTUM. That is not accidental. That is not “amateur hour”.
They literally BAITED IN THE CRITICS. OMG, this is a beautiful political psy-op.
Instead of answering the questions on the show, she played WEAK and danced around, BUT told people to go to her website.
And right there you find not only the answers, but VETTING TWEETS.
This chick is SMART. She played that game perfectly.
This gal can win the general if she keeps the same advisors, IMO.
You could command a good price if you chose to be a political consultant. Just a thought.
Money! Thank God I’ve got enough!
Our non-profit election integrity org could always use any excess money that might be weighing you down.
LOL! Enough, but not too much!
SD has been known to be wrong in the past. Remember when he tried to force Trump to reveal something…. I forget the details.
It’s even better than that. The FIRST website that comes up in a Google, Duckduckgo, or Brave search for “Kathy Barnette” is HER WEBSITE.
Do you have any idea how hard that is to pull off, when there is all this crap news coverage and stuff out there?
This woman is being run by GENIUSES. Whoever they are, they know their shit.
Wow – you’re right. It was at the top for me, too!
From Schlichter:
She lost by double digits IN A RIGGED ELECTION.
Why do people still insist that these numbers are real when we all know damn well that they aren’t?
McCormick is (rightfully, IMO) getting as much flack for being an out-of-state WEF acolyte carpetbagger as Oz is. If McCormick’s only downside is that he’s closer to McConnell than the other candidates, then this would not be a three-way tie. Period.
The bottom line is that Pennsylvania’s option right now is WEF carpetbagger #1, WEF carpetbagger #2, and Kathy Barnette. It is not the fault of the voters for being stuck in this craptastic situation; it is the fault of a state and national GOP who did not consider for a single moment that, “Hey, out-of-state millionaires with no political history are going to be a tough sell to the voters.” Kathy Barnette has been running for over one year. They had more than enough time to manage the situation to their liking, but did not because they believe we are all supposed to be obedient tax cattle to them. Instead of blaming the voters, Schlichter should direct his anger at powerful morons who could have managed this situation better, but didn’t.
Yep – we agree.
FWIW, I’m not going to lose one wink of sleep about the PA GOP. That’s up to citizens of PA to handle or not. If they want to be morons and/or wolves in sheep’s clothing there is not one thing I can do about it. People either have a moral compass or they don’t. There is no law enforcement or judiciary that will do the right thing anyway because the people will not stop the vote steals and selective law enforcement. They won’t even stop absolute crap being taught to their children in their schools.
Ordinarily I like Schlichter, but this is just the same old bullshit that put us in the position we are currently in.
We have got to stop voting for the “RINO who can win.” It’s ridiculous. We might as well vote Demoncrat, they do the exact same things!
Rush said true conservatism wins every time it’s tried. Barnette is the only actual conservative in the race. Which is why she is getting attacked left and right. Slammed by all the right people.
For God’s sake, Trump’s endorsement for governor has been campaigning with her for a YEAR! Doesn’t that tell us ANYTHING?!
^^^ BINGO !
That is a GREAT point!!!
Civics are no longer taught, people are uneducated. By Uniparty design.
The PRIMARY is the most critical election of our system. Unfortunately, the majority DO NOT KNOW this. They only vote in the General, after the RINO/Uniparty candidate has been pre-selected for them.
45 knows this and his involvement in the Primary process is finally educating the masses. More people are turning out for primaries than ever before.
If the people were uneducated, the polling would show it by having her double digits down from the big boys.
The polling is much closer to reality than the narrative spinners want you to believe. Civics might no longer be taught in school but the MAGA peeps and the Warroom posse are sure conducting a real-time ongoing seminar on it.
Exactly my point. Before Trump and MAGA, not many knew to participate in primaries. They would only have the fake MSM to guide them on candidates. With 45’s help and Conservative social media, finally people are educated and getting involved.
Yup! El Rushbo also said that Republicans needed to learn how to articulate conservatism.
Michael Flynn Files $50 Million Claim Against Feds in Prelude to Lawsuit Over Russia Probe
I was wondering when he would get around to doing this. Maybe some of the things that Durham has released has something to do with it.
I will bet that Flynn’s lawsuit was one of the things which pushed the Dems to “crisis mode” featuring the “new headlines”. (if you want to read the article).
Wish there was way he could sue sullivan also.
Just name him in a summons; let JS figure out how to get out of it.
So, let’s talk fish….
We’ll start with a somewhat muddled one. Lepidiolamprologus tetracanthus.
As you might recall, all of the former lamprologus are substrate-spawners who guard their nests. The Altolamprologus are weird, primitive, custom-scaled fish. The Neolamprologus are extremely prolific and diverse. And the Lepidiolamprologus are aggressive fish-eating lunge-predators.
L. tetracanthus is large for being in the lamp group. I’ve got a vid later, and I’d estimate that the female is about 4.5″ and the male is about 5.5″. Except for size, they look a lot alike.
They are sometimes called the “pearl-lined cichlid” and sometimes called the “four- spined (a literal translation of “tetracanthus”) cichlid”.
Here’s a tankful in good light for pearl spots —
One might easily be forgiven for thinking that “tetracanthus” referred to their notable canine teeth, as seen here —
Now, here’s the thing….they are generally peaceful among tankmates except when breeding. Their nasty canines are normally used to open shellfish for consumption, not grab fish. They’re now generally held to be Neolamprologus and not Lepidiolamprologus. And they come in a drab, dark form with hardly any pearly spots (which nobody buys).
And my first introduction to this lovely species was when a fish store owner who should have known better said, “see — they have eggs — right here” with his hand in the tank. The male left four perfect little bleeding punctures in the owner’s pointing finger from those canines.
We got a good laugh at that, but laughed harder a couple of weeks later when he was teasing a salt-water triggerfish by waving his hand over its tank.
Reef triggerfish can bite into coral and chew through it. There is nothing in your body that would slow it down.
Here’s a little video of a similar fish….
Anyway, the triggerfish that the shopowner was teasing jumped about five inches out of the water and nipped a piece of flesh the size of a pencil eraser out of the thumb muscle in his palm. Obviously, it could have taken a tendon or a nerve and things would have been much more serious.
Let’s just say, that was a sales presentation gone wrong.
I’m frequently torn between wanting to help people and my irrational aversion to being a pincushion. It makes me a bit nervous to even consider it, being that I’d rather have dental crowns done without anesthesia than face up to the mental torture of being punctured….
But I now have a ray of hope —
If only I could learn some details….
If Bloob is fat and donatable – i’m gonna donate all that has accumulated around my middle with this internet addiction due to the planed-demic, false flags, impeachments, riots, lootings, burning of cities, massacres and other horrors and outrages of the JØBamunist takeover of our country.
Well, according to Urban Dictionary, “bloob” is short for “blueberry.”
According to Slang Define, is means “anything you want it to be”, or as a euphemism for “f*ck.”
According to The Free Dictionary, it means “The Light of Ordered Bodies”, the name of a band.
So Yours Truly concludes that “donations” can include food, financial assistance to a musical group, free sex, or “anything you want it to be.”
Of course, the person who put “BLOOB” on the bus could have been playing a practical joke. And everybody involved in the joke is laughing themselves silly.
Correction: the name of the band is “Between the Light of Ordered Bodies” (one guesses that the band is made up of astronomers looking for an extra gig).
Also, according to Definithing, “bloob” has many meanings, including water-filled balloons used in drag to create more “cleavage.” So one can assume that these balloons also can be a “donation.”
There is one lake in the world that surpasses Lake T in its biological diversity. I could probably be just as fascinated with the lake except for one small thing…..
Hint: it’s little in either Celsius or Fahrenheit….
Somewhere between 22 and 23 percent of the fresh water on Earth is in Lake Baikal, and that is more than in our Great Lakes which come in at 21% total. (Yet it is significantly smaller in surface area.)
Lake T is in second place for individual lakes.
Sunday Talks, Bartiromo Interviews Nunes and Patel About Musk and Twitter – The Last Refuge (
SD comment is so true:
Nunes also said Truth Social real user numbers – which so far consist of only US users – only on an iPhone App – pretty much prove Twitter’s real numbers are more like 6% real people and the rest bots.
$40 Billion here; $160 Billion there.
It is as if the fraudulent occupants of the WH need to get (steal and hide) as much funds as possible, before the scheme collapses.
This is truly nauseating depraved hateful smear propaganda….and the replies are even worse.
Rolling Stone is officially a PAC operation publication – a political arm of the Democrat Communist Party. Will they be promoting ped0philia next?
Setting the narrative ahead of the midterms.
HLS will latch onto:
Isn’t Rolling Stone the rag that published the FAKE story about the rape at the University of Virginia? And the rag wound up in court over it?
Shhh! That went into the memory hole and cannot be discussed or remembered.
What cannot be discussed or remembered? I forget.
Huh? Wut? Something discussed?
Oh yea, something about Kohoutek… Or was it Haley…
That’s actually “Halley” and is pronounced different from the 1950s band.
Hmm, what were we talking about before that?
Eh, never mind. Can’t have been important.
The author is getting pilloried. Added my own two cents in as well.
Great, in their face, message. Thanks for posting TW, there and here.
Bernie Kerik on Bannons Warroom this morning: “He definitely had training”He bases this after watching the video the kid put up.
Bernie Kerik: He definitely had training (
Another line to push – that this is a TOXIC BYPRODUCT OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY.
We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars – Small Dead Animals×600.jpg
Is this only Chevrolet Bolts – or all electric cars?
All those nuts driving Bolts… one has to bolt to get away from them when they catch fire… IIRC the VW EVs had a bit of a rough time a while back, too. Not to mention the Porsches lighting up the night sky off the coast of Portugal… Like that famous song, “Full Moon, and Flaming Cars”… [the guy who made these should be on his way to Mars…
Over here, a number of parking structures, etc., are prohibiting electric vehicle parking.
First, the fire is large enough that it usually involves nearby vehicles, second, it’s so hot a fire that it compromises the parking structure itself (many are built, erm, without much margin), and third, putting out an EV fire is extremely difficult, and the enormous amount of water used is to cool off the battery, as opposed to putting out the fire, which is anaerobic.
They had one fire here where they brought in what looked like a HUGE dumpster, used a little crane to put the car down into it, filled the dumpster with water, and hauled it off… wonder who ended up paying for that mess. Just think, €100K for the fancy E-car (often a glitzy SUV, no less, so much for “sustainability”) partially funded by “incentives” to buy e-cars, which in turn are funded by us, the proletariat [who couldn’t afford a car like that even if we DID want one]; and then the people and equipment needed to put the fire out and dispose of the resulting chemical waste…
The should just rename them to “electric cHars”… Good intentions, lousy technik and implementation; the road to Hell is paved with a lot of them (or, perhaps, on the road to Hell are driving a lot of them)…
Sounds like the mandated EV cars are going to be as toxic and deadly as the mandated vaccines.
Green Energy Kills!!!
Great slogan!
The US should stay out of other peoples’ wars, especially when they aren’t on US soil.
That’s what gave us Korea, Vietnam, the Iran/Iraq quagmire, and the mother of all quagmires, Afghanistan. The French had been fighting in Vietnam for 25 years, with no success, until we dipped our toes in it; similarly, the Russians had been fighting in Afghanistan for a very long time before we got involved. Both of those wars, as well as Korea, were never meant to be won, only just to be fought without end, providing endless profits to the arms dealers and producers. I read of an officer being relieved of his position because, as the formerly secret document recorded, his superior said, “I didn’t send you there to WIN”…..
If we’re not going in to win, win decisively, and win quickly, then WE SHOULDN’T GO IN AT ALL.
And in this case, Ukraine as a puppet of the WEF is at fault, aided and abetted by egregious NATO Treaty violations, with Sweden and Finland being pushed as further threats by Europe. The only thing the USA could do in this case is lose a TON of money, and if WEF and Bye,Dung got their way, a ton of lives as well. WEF and NATO (but I repeat myself) will fight Russia clear down to the last Ukraini soldier.
Korea, Vietnam, etc., were all actually fought under the aegis of the UN, don’t forget.
Military Industrial Complex needed to be fed.
^^ this ^^
Yep, I know, sad to say. Yet we willingly went along….
Deep state was “alive” and “well” even back then.
Most of my friends, classmates, and colleagues who managed to make it back from Vietnam cam back changed, VERY changed.
And not for the better……
Truman and Roosevelt (not to mention LBJ) should be burning for what they did………
Replies to this are telling.
JUDAS Pence? That treasonous SCUMBAG who supported a stolen election?
NO. No support here.
Strokes are going around.
One wonders what their “vaccination” and/or “boosted” status is.
Didn’t we recently have a Dem Senator, who couldn’t make it to vote, w/ a stroke?
Wasnt that the senator who had had a major stroke like 20 yrs prior? They wheeled him in to place votes but he was pretty much a rutabaga?
Lujan from New Mexico. Maybe he’s the super spreader.
(forgive me) Gives a whole new meaning to different strokes for different folks…
Consider yourself forgiven.
No tears for any of them.
It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving scum than Fetterman.
I figured Fetterman was lying so that he didn’t have to answer questions about gun control until after his nomination is Fortified™. Now we’ve got another (D) politician not too far away distance-wise from Fetterman also coming down with a stroke (allegedly). Very odd. Wonder if “stroke” is a code for something.
Stroke is code word for, Covid Injection Injury.
I figured they give saline injections to their high-level puppets, but who knows with these monsters.
The word “coup” literally means “stroke”.
WOW! Excellent catch!
Isn’t it a code for a corrupt FIB agent who sluts around with a DoJ lawyer?
That right there struck me as humorous.
Verse of the Day for Monday, May 16, 2022
“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”
1 Corinthians 3:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Thank you, dutchess. <3
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Whether you agree or not, This is a YUGE problem for her. The tweets are still there and they are a socially/politically unacceptable attitude. She could explain it by saying she meant ‘radical Islam’ not all of Islam or that she was quoting an author of a book (which another tweet alluded to), but she hasn’t. ??? Saying that’s not me/I don’t remember is not cutting the mustard. Same with the gay tweets. Who is advising her??
“I Never Would Have Said That” – PA Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette Denies Posting Islamophobic Tweets on Her Still Active Twitter Account (VIDEO) (
In 2015 Kathy Barnette tweeted out that “pedoph*lia is the cornerstone of Islam.” This was on her @Kathy4Truth account that is still active.
On Sunday when she was asked about her anti-Islam tweets she denied they were hers. They are on her Twitter account.
They’re going to eat her up for this. Just watch.
They want her out “bamn”.
R-Cons AND D-Rats want Barnett OUT.
SD has now declared her ‘sketchy’ in a couple of tweets….
She should have owned the tweet about pedophilia and Islam – because it’s true – from Mohammed on – to their Bacha Bazi crap.
While I may agree with the truth, I disagree with her owning it, because that will end her chances of winning.
MAGA and America First is about INCLUSIVE Nationalism. It follows the Constitution and the Nation’s laws.
It’s Politics vs Religion.
If you’re going to insist on no gays and no Gods but Jesus, etc., you will be seen as radical and will exclude others and be excluded from Politics.
If we are excluded from the system, we lose our chance to change the system. We MUST participate in our Government. We have to keep God inside the system even if it means holding our tongues, or we lose the nation to the devil.
Keep your personal, religious/moral beliefs, render to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but don’t stop fighting to change the hearts and minds of the Nation from within and outside of the political system.
‘You are in the World but not of the World’.
Good points all.
Probably a set up by Fake Fox, you can’t let the fox guard the hen house ya know.
Just for the record – Islam is not a religion; it’s a battle plan dressed up to look like a religion. It is not compatible with our constitution.
True ^^
This was part of the problem with the Ted Cruz candidacy. There were too many questions about dominion theology that all leaders have to be Christian — which begs the question, under whose definition. It alienates too many people.
They will try. They will fail.
We got us a puppy yesterday.
A beagle. Standard tri female, about 7 weeks.
She’s little but very spunky. Has to wear a kitty collar w a bell so i can hear her, plus its adjusted onto the smallest size to fit. Her mom was only 19.5 lbs before pregnancy. Im sure she’s going to be petite. Her beagly food obsession is already there. Between last night and this am she ate a whole can of wet food!
I put her in the big crate last nightand she is loud! Hoping she will figure out the crate is for sleeping. Im a bit tired.
Sounds adorable! What’s her name?
I do love beagles – their personalities, short coats, chasing rabbits and squirrels, their woeful eyes, their tendencies to sing along with humans.
Love dachshunds too for the same reason – a friend had a dachshund named Blue who would sing ‘Glory, Glory to Ol’ Georgia’ the UGA fight song!
Kiddo likes “Sunny” so far. Im waiting to watch her a couple days to choose.
Lol on the wiener. I grew up with those dogs. Can be nippy but still good dogs.
Jack Russell Terriers were really cute fun pets in our neighborhood. Sneaked into people’s homes for a nap on their guest bed and even had their own float in one of the neighbor’s pools.
My son had one who was a rescue smart to smart dog but a handful. Now he has another one also rescue just a little calmer but smart.
Congratulations! The puppy sounds smart as well as cute!
I don’t know if this old trick still works, but, in the past, I’ve used manual-wind alarm clocks (the kind that have the real “tick-tock” sound) for puppies during the overnight. I would put the clock in a small blanket and tuck that around the puppy. Somebody once told me that the ticking reminds the puppy of its mother’s heartbeat. (I also learned to make sure to check that the alarm is OFF.)
Ah i may do that. I have my cats old heated pad i may try too.
She wants to be on my chest or neck so that heartbeat and warmth is still needed.
Some cats never stop that
I have two clinging cats 
They know you’re a sucker for fuzzy things.
My cat would tuck ME in doing that then leave.
Love that
My husband is tucked in between a dog and a cat on the edge of the bed. No wonder he is happy when the dog the cat and I leave the bed so he can stretch out
Often he falls asleep and get up at 11AM 
Haha. Mr gil works nights and he thinks hes stealthy but i always wake up. Sometimes a nights or early morning solitude is enough to feel rested.
So true
I used to put my puppies into a closed crate and in my bedroom. Took them out at 11 PM again at 2 am and 5-6 am. They slept through the night within a week and were housebroken in no time. To me they are like babies and I tread them as such when very young. During the day I gave them every three hours play time outside and in the house they were tied to me and had schedule naps. The routine helped with training potty training and happy adjusted dogs. Never had problems and always had well adjusted dogs.
Nothing cuter than a Beagle puppy!
Yes. If she stays healthy, no epilepsy or cancer or eye problems she should live til 14 yrs. Probably my last dog. My foxhound has about 7 more.
Last dog.
I said that after my lab died. I’ve since taken in my daughter’s cockapoo. She’s white and very poodle-y looking. Call her my grandma dog.
All she needs is a blue rinse!
Congratulations on your new Beagle, and hope you and Kid00 have a lot of fun with her!
If you have (or have seen) the musical “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown”, there’s a great number sung by Snoopy waiting (OK STARVING) for his meal… it’s called “Suppertime”, and it’s hilarious… nothing like a hungry dog (who likes to chase the Red Baron
)…. (hmmm… Red Baron Pizza?)…
Havent seen it…and she is starving as only a beagle seems to be…
Sounds wonderful! Congratulations!
Put the crate [with her in it] in the garage when it’s time for sleep.
The puppy only wants to be with people. I found putting them in my bedroom helped and having another dog helped also. Peri raised Woodford because she carerd when he cried. She slept next to his crate . I would never put a puppy into a garage .
Should be in jail with Hillary.
Okay, I don’t really need another reason to vote for Trump but if they insist, pile them on.
That’s funny.

WarRoom Breaking News – NYT, Creepy deploying several hundred ground troops to Somalia
What is in Solmalia, in BiteMe’s financial interests?
Yea, ^^^ sounds odd. But Somalia. Who cares? Dumber than Ukraine.
Must be a new way to launder USAID NGO BS…
We have lots of Somalians in Columbus OH. Hope this does not create problems they have nicely integrated it seems.
Most immigrants do integrate nicely.
Yes most do
You are fortunate indeed, then.
They are raising HELL over here, robbing and raping as they go. One of the most dangerous refugee groups we have.
The only thing would be if (by some miracle) they were Christian refugees, excaping persecution (and murder) back home…..
Maybe they are Christians do not know.
I am sorry they are so destructive in Germany.
Hmmm, Somalia.
Isn’t that the home country of Rep. ILHAN ELMI “OMAR”?
We have to send troops to overthrow the govt so they will agree to take her back.
“From your lips to G_d’s ears.”
Cheney blames the Republican Party for ‘enabling white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism’.
Calls out Republican leadership saying it has allegedly pushed the ‘great replacement’ conspiracy theory.
Stefanik targeted.
Shes a fruitcake globalist.
Someone should call Cheney out for enabling (or, rahter, embodying) White Stupidity…
Reality check for Baghdad Bob Bite-me and his acolytes in government and media.
Of course they are. They want to own those areas. So, they destroy the Nazis and do a strategic take over of the rest because, well, they can and should with what our scum buckets were trying to do there to them and other parts of the world.
Video is a minute and a half long, he uses the term “emotionally inert” to describe the lack of outrage. Describes what we all feel trying to talk to the zombified.
Normies need to watch AND listen to the message. But, they have no idea THIS message is a truth they need.
Fairfax has been sneaking in horrific policies and need a De Santis type overhaul. PRONTO!!
Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students For ‘Misgendering’ (
This can happen to us also. I have no clue how to properly gendering or nouns and pronouns them.
Wonder how our illegals do who know little to no English ?
One guesses that illegals get a free pass.
I hope not . If we are held to account they need to also. I think however you are on to something. This is the new reality and we need to push against it how we can.
It’s ridiculous. All this malarkey about addressing these freaks.
There was a vid the other day. At some abortion fest..a person with hair covered, face covered but with a unmistakable bass voice was approached or ‘it’ approached the person with the camera.
all hell broke loose because ‘it’ was addressed as Sir…apparently ‘it’ had it’s pronouns on an arm patch so others could be sure to know he was a fake she.
Yes it is disturbing. I do not care what people do how they lead their life as long as it does not infringe on other peoples rights. I do not feel compelled to accommodate a person who chooses to make a spectacle out of themselves.
They need to respect us also if they demand respect but that does not seem to happen.
AMEN – Singing Soul!!!
And where is the “conservative” governor of Virginia on this? Can’t find anything on the local online rag or on a Start Page search.
Yes – the JØbama administration is a circus freak show all right.
Interesting happening on Saturday, my husband received and email from the University in town stating ” that he was randomly selected to take a Covid test”.
My husband answered ” that he is not participating in the program”.
We are waiting to see what they do before he makes his next move. He does not need to teach they need him. He taught per Internet the past two years does not teach in summer.
Wonder if they have to fill a quota because there have been rebellious professors who did not fallow the covid protocol they refused to check students if they had the shot. Students refused to wear masks so did many professors.
The other interesting thing that happened is the Hospital Pharmacy called Saturday my husband called them back today ” they want to know if he is able to get his special heart medicine and if not his doctor is going to see to it that he gets supplied with it “.
Hospitals seem to have ample supply of meds when other pharmacies run out? Does it depend on the doctor what insurance one has? My husband has gotten top care form OH University Hospital to doctors in town.
He had to go ever 3 months to the hospital in town for tests and never was ask if he had the shot never had to take the test.
That hospital pharmacy call makes it sound like someone is aware of pending shortage of those heart meds.
Making a list, checking it twice…….
Is possible and would be devastating for my husband and others who need these meds.
True the Vote Announces They Now Have Footage of the 2020 Green Bay Drop Boxes – Are Working with Law Enforcement in Wisconsin (VIDEO) (
Epoch Times_Obama Affiliated NGOs Poured Billions to Steal Elections ( and Greg sit down with Epoch times to discuss the 2020 election steal.
OMG – that’s where criminal revolutionary Eric Holder comes in.
SCOTT – If you’re reading this, we’ve got proof of life on John Durham. This is like a Bigfoot sighting with grainy video and all!
Like it matters at all.
This is how “the system” works.
He’s going to court.
A local attorney in my neck of the woods was notorious for disliking [and avoiding] going to court. One day he was seen going up the steps to the courthouse and asked why he was going to court.
His response was that he was being punished for failing to negotiate a settlement.
Would be cool if it was footage of him wlaking up to HELL-the-BEAST’S door and peering in the viewer…
Here’s hoping and praying the dominoes start to fall quickly, and soon… but correctly, of course…
I won’t be completely happy until a bunch of SWAT teams bash down the doors in Kalorama and Chappaqua and San Fran in the pre-dawn hours and haul Øbama, Hillrotten and Pelosi out in handcuffs.
hahaha You and I both ! I
EXCLUSIVE: Audio Leaked of Chinese Military Meeting Discussing the Invasion of Taiwan and Defeat of Regional US Forces (
Ancient Chinese proverb – it takes many grains of salt to deal with Sun Tzu.
[just kidding about the proverb] But does anybody here really believe this is leaked, as opposed to being a planted narrative?
Pull my finger.
Amen. Trial balloon. Typical ChiCom tactics.
“Secret” AND “Leaked”.
Lemme guess somebody recorded Milley’s Zoom call.
It seems that people are pretty entrenched in their opinions about this. Here is one perspective that doesn’t mention political opinions and positions. Those firmly in the Barnette camp will probably see this is a fluff piece on Oz.
Twelve reasons why Trump endorsed Dr. Oz
That article made me do a search for Dr. Oz & WEF, Brought this result, don’t know if it’s real or not.
It is…
Maybe only a presenter?
Dr. Mehmet Oz, director of the Cardiovascular Institute at the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and associate professor of surgery at Columbia University in New York City, will present “The Possible Human,” his original model for wellness, at the 2002 World Economic Forum. Dr. Oz is a leader of the health initiative of the Global Leaders for Tomorrow, a group of 100 individuals under 40 singled out by the World Economic Forum for their innovative ideas.
Looking at his work with Rick Warren and the “Daniel Plan”, he’s full on with the New Age health and “sustainability” crud.
I keep seeing systems of simultaneous equations wanting to be solved for the “best solution”. And Oz somehow doesn’t fit…
Hi Bill,
You can take my share.
Gates is a lunatic. When one watches him he does not look serious he gets a kick out of what he is saying. How on earth has he so much power could not just be money???
He’s a sociopath….his support for abortion, euthanasia, and toxic deadly vaccines proves it.
Amen my friend you said it well
Billy Bluescreen out with his jabbs again? Like it wasn’t enough with the previous ones?
And I haven’t forgot some of the funky operating systems (OS) he and his company inflicted on the world. Some of those were decent, others are best forgotten.
So the man has a less-than-perfect record of reliability. Difference is, if the OS breaks, it can be wiped and replaced on the same hardware. If these jabb things don’t work right, there is no way back.
And as we’ve seen, the jabbs are just about as questionable as any of the most dodgy OS versions… Hard NO.
Pump him up with a turkey baster…
Hmmmm if I may, I’ll translate. Over 50 and 60 need to die faster so we will want them get jabbed frequently. It’s not quite working out like they wanted maybe…younger people are dying instead of a more gradual decline of their immune/cardo systems
Didn’t wolf or gail or someone post something a while back about people eventually needing the boosters to stay alive?
Oh gosh, I don’t know. Wouldn’t surprise me though
IIRC, what they are finding from what I am reading is that the body develops immunity to a spike protein (N?) generated from each booster jab. So after the third most people develop immunity to future boosters, just not to COVID variants themselves.
Don’t know how true that is.
The S2 spike protein POISON in the “vaccines” and the “booster shots” (a lab-synthesized version of the spike protein in the original COVID-19 virus envelope) forces the immune system of the recipient’s body to constantly produce antibodies against the spike protein, since the body will recognize the spike protein as an “invader.” The mRNA “delivery envelope” for the spike protein instructs the body to keep on recognizing the spike protein as an “invader.” Nobody at this point knows how long these “instructions” remain in force in the body — it could be anywhere from months to lifelong. Meanwhile, the body is busy fighting off the “invader virus” that’s placed in it by the “vaccines” and the “booster shots” — and the immune system is getting damaged due to constant overwork. And, while this is going on, the body is also being subjected to the damage to blood circulation, healthy neurological function, reproductive organs, bone marrow, and the host of other problems that the “vaccines” and “booster shots” bring with them.
It’s one possible scenario, especially if the vaccines “shape” COVID immunity narrowly, or decrease general, broad-spectrum immunity (including COVID immunity) – BOTH of which appear to be true.
Hey, Billy boi: S-Squared.
If you don’t know what it means, ask a Vet.
That’s what “until we get even better vaccines” really means.
Every. Single. Communication. between Gates and Fauci-Mengele, Bourla (Pfizer-BioNTech), Bancel (Moderna), and Gorsky (Johnson & Johnson) MUST BE SUBPOENAED.
Yes they need to be jabed often before the want SS.
Bill Gates = Bad juju.
He’s not looking so good. One can only hope….
And why do we think that is …? One guess – evil seeps out eventually.
Bill, GFY.
Yep. He can FOAD. Alpha test everything on himself, first…….
Dear Bill,
Eat shit, inject yourself 20 times, and die you bastard!!!
Well Billy boy, you’re in for a rude awakening .. you’re eternity will be fixed if you are arrogant about who you are and the monstrous things you are doing to God’s creation. You arrogant fool, burn
in hell.
BillyBoy has a rather different meaning over here…
You can buy them in vending machines at roadside rests, for example…
I’m sure BillyGhoul Gates has been sold out just as often…..
I’d like to boost BillyGhoul Gates into a different dimension, say, eternity in HELL…..
And then he can meet his father and Margaret Sanger, Malthus, and all the other slimeballs of the last few millenia….
Hey Bill, kinda warm there, eh? No rain like Redmond, or? …
Great news by me.
Of course if GOP grassroots voters put her in that doesn’t mean the whole gay-bashing thing won’t sink her in the general election.
A lot of people say things and each one of us has free speech. I am tolerant and as long as people are good people I get along and avoid those who are trouble.
Not every person can do that. She is a Christian and I assume fundamental and has a strong sense of right and wrong in her faith.
Many Christians do not internalize Christ came for everyone he did seek company with those who were despised by the Pharisees. I could be wrong.
In my life I changed positions many times when I learned I was wrong.
And we’ll never know because voting is secret and most people keep their vote records to themselves, thanks to the vicious psychos running around loose.
Steve, I am going to say something shocking, but I believe it is true. I think there are many, many people who despise the gay lifestyle, but won’t say so out loud.
However, voting is private and deniable.
We have been programmed to believe that there are WAY more people who either are gay or “celebrate”gay-ness” than there really are. A whole lot of people have been “turned off” by the behavior of the gay community in the last few years.
This is likely to be so…on OUR side of the spectrum. But I have to warn of the echo chamber effect. We “Deplorables” don’t hear much from ordinary people on the left or even the center. It could be you’re right about enough of them too. But we can’t know that based on what WE see.
Lol. If you knew who some of my friends are.
I know people I can’t even tell I’m a Trump supporter. They’d lynch me.
So how do they feel about gays?
Well, they are super-liberal, so they love gay people.
My Conservative friends on the other hand…
…a lot of people are very thoroughly “live and let live” as long as it’s consenting adults.
Yeah, I used to be. But that was before Pride Parades, Drag Queen Story Hours, and trans-mania.
Those things have changed a LOT of minds.
Keeping that stuff out of grade school seems like a good idea…especially since “straight” sex is generally censored.
But to me that means keeping that shit out of school…not going after gays as such.
But it’s the gay people pushing it that is pissing people off.
They place the blame on the gay people.
PA – 490K Gays, 128K Muslims, 12.5M Black
4M Dems, 3.4M Repubs
Hannity just ran multiple screens of more questionable tweets. I’ve already debunked 3-4, there were just too many this time, I couldn’t keep up.

Hopefully we’ll know who to back this time tomorrow night.
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/16/2022 15:21:51
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108313241971868819
Can it be true that Liz Cheney is down to a mere 15% Approval Rating in the Great State of Wyoming? She hasn’t “filed” yet!!! Is it at all possible that she’ll soon be dropping out of the race?
Photos appear to have emerged of Kathy Barnette walking among the Proud Boys on January 6th in DC. In the age of deep fake visuals, is it real?
On the other hand, if the photos are legit this could be one reason for Barnette being given the political stiff arm by some.
sheesh..the lines around this lady are so blurred. I don’t see that as a negative but..whatever. Any of the smearing of her is obviously coming from the RINO camp or from Trump’s choice camp which sort of disturbs me.
Politics is so dirty
On the surface and for years back she looks about as MAGA as anyone would hope. She’s been playing the long game to dupe the base ? I’m just not sure I see it.
I don’t see it either as this being a negative for Barnette. But she is going to be crucified for the Proud Boys association. The narrative regarding the Proud Boys was solidified by the Left at Charlottesville, VA.
And that’s the negative. Even if it’s not true, it will be used. The problem is that she is seen as a target.
Well, the way I see it, it’s time to stand the hell up to all these bastards.
The Proud Boys defended me and my wife from BLM. I will not turn my back on them.
Time to STAND UP.
Are we sure she has proud boy association? It somone takes your pic and puts it in a group of Nazis should we then believe you were in the group. All hypothetical
I am not believing anything this close to the election. They devils are playing their game.
To me, the picture just looks like she was walking behind a group. No big deal.
There are pictures of me and my wife with the Proud Boys! And I TOOK THEM!!!
I thanked them for keeping BLM away from us while we PRAYED at the Statehouse!!!
And on the day when they were not there to protect us, BLM broke up our prayers and drove us away from the Statehouse!
Proud Boys in Ohio were HEROES.
They are not all bad in my opinion. In any group there are bad apples no matter what.
I am glad they protected you and your wife.
I have no problem with Proud Boys, just as I have no problem with Oath Keepers.
I (we) have no idea about the Proud Boy Association. That’s why I said, “Even if it’s not true, it will be used.”
I’ve spoken out before about people looking at one photo of a famous person taken with a future criminal at some event and deducing from that that the famous person must be in league with the criminal.
I would not assume Kathy Barnette is in league with the Proud Boys, even if that turns out to be her in the pic. All I’m saying is that others will use it to try to defeat her in an election. And I’m not saying anything about whether people should vote for her; just telling it the way I’ve seen it happen so many times in the past. She is a target of the Left. If she can overcome that, it would be remarkable and a big win.
Yes people will use it . To bad.
Just wait ’til you see what they do to Mehmet Oz, if he wins the primary. That’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel.
It will. But, rightly or wrongly, the public will accept some negatives more readily than others.
I’m not saying he is the best candidate or that people should vote for him. I see a lot of pitfalls and danger with either candidate. I will be glad when the primary is over, although then the “shooting fish” will begin in earnest.
So you are betting that the public will more readily accept Oz supporting mutilating children than they will accept Barnette condemning pedophilia in Islam?
I don’t think so. At all.
I think yes, there are pitfalls with both candidates. But I used to watch Oz on TV quite a bit. If he is the nominee, you are going to see clips of things that will curl your hair.
Yup. The Democrats can “alienate his base” very easily.
It’d be brutal. I’d rather see McCormick run than Oz.
I don;t think people understand the depth of the damage an Oz campaign would do to President Trump with his base voters.
This whole Oz / Barnette thing STINKS of a giant, January-Sixth-scale operation to alienate Trump from a huge chunk of his base.
I’m about to do a post on that.
Good! We need people to SEE what they are doing!
Barnett WILL do just fine.
She might have been there but not with proud boys. Somone might have put her into the proudboys to discredit her. I do not put anything past her enemies.
She’s walking near some people! That happened to EVERYBODY there.
Hell – I walked near a lot of people, including various “groups” wearing similar clothing, including the Proud Boys, AND near people who I’m sure now were ANTIFA and FIB dressed up as Trump supporters.
Yes that happens all the time when one is in a large group. It is getting dirty now and I do not like it. Always take the side of the underdog.
Me, too. It is a hazard. But in this case, the underdog happens to be the only one I would vote FOR.
There will be no more “nose-holding” and voting for the lesser of two weevils for me. Never again.
Which is why, IF I were in PA, Oz would never get my vote. No different than voting for Mittens.
I agree.
…near people who I’m sure now were ANTIFA and FIB dressed up as Trump supporters.
Ditto. Posted about them at the time. In hindsite, they were Antifa and likely FIB agitator(s). Looking back, way to damn obvious.
Blew them up and they look faked imo.
Yes, agreed. But … I trust PDJT far more than this Barnette “character.”
The main question is, can she win the general? Her past is extremely disturbing to me. Just sayin’ … and, yes, the same can be said of Oz. Buuuutttt, if Oz goes in, who owns Oz? Askin’ for a friend.
Of course she can [and will] win the general.
What about her past is disturbing to you?
All folks need is to stiffen their spines, to match Barnett’s spine. Stand by core values, beliefs…
As a fellow “Sixer”, set up by the criminal FBI and Mafia Nan, and betrayed by Mitch McConnell, I am now 1000% behind Barnette.
Right there with you, bro.
Remember – Barnette was RIGHT about the STOLEN ELECTION.
She was there, just like me, and she was RIGHT.
Everybody there to protest was RIGHT. The “FBI” was WRONG.
She’s my hero now! I have have even seen her there!
*may have
She admitted it was her but denied any association with PB’s.
“They say that in the evening Zelensky will make an appeal on Azovstal. A very difficult task, you have to sniff a lot of coke”
“In general, comrades, apparently in the next day or two we will have very interesting news on Azovstal. Interesting for us, but extremely difficult for the Kyiv junta, which, it seems, has not developed a strategy for responding to the surrender of the garrison.
Military correspondents, as usual, know everything, but are bound by obligations. Don’t worry, we’ll wait. However, this does not change the essence, the Nazis of Azovstal, all these pigs, surrender.
Ukraine has traditionally found itself in a cauldron, both real and informational.”
“According to some reports, at this moment an emergency meeting of the Ukrainian leadership is taking place on Bankova Street on the issue of how to present the surrender of the Ukrainian military and members of other paramilitary groups at Azovstal to the population and the West.”
“According to preliminary information, about 300 militants left Azovstal. About 50 of them were wounded. They are now being taken to the Central Regional Hospital of Novoazovsk, where they will be provided with the necessary medical care. The rest were taken away by buses in the direction of Yelenovka”
Good. The human shields have given up. SUNLIGHT INCOMING.
Trials for war crimes are coming. In Russia.
In other news, popcorn futures are exploding.
Hoping. Beamed live Internet, RT and any organization that will carry them.
Pedo symbol on the bear? It looks like a cross between the FBI’s “GirlLover Logo” and Comet Ping Pong’s old logo. He probably spent the eclipse weekend at whatever the equivalent of Epstein’s island is.
“The GirlLover logo depicted below is a small heart surrounded by a larger heart, which symbolizes a relationship between an adult male or female and minor child.”
Comet Ping Pong logo circa Pizzagate era:
That’s a Care Bear. Didn’t know they were still around. From the 80’s. They’re all about feelings.
And out of all the Care Bears they could have chosen, they picked the one with the suspicious symbol.
Ahhh yes. I see your point now.
Look up care bears movie from the 1980s. Its prob free but theres all kinds of disturbing stuff in it. I think there are multiple analyses on it.
Early 80’s – there was a pedo push on universities. NAMBLA was active and trying to tag along with gay rights.
Sure looks like they were successful in their tag-along.
Somehow I saw that as fag along… kinda fits, though… NAMBLA was HUGE in Kalifornistan, especially SF and LA…
I specifically remember my grandfather showing my parents those symbols when i was about 10 or so. Right at that time.
A bunch of my xgen toys came back. Like strawberry shortcake, my lil pony. All woke though.
I can see it now…. My Little Pony with a buzz cut
Hahaha…i think theve adopted “furry” anime type fans…
Oh, really!
His handlers are falling down on the job since he doesn’t have an answer for each question that should be expected to be asked.
Good GRIEF – this guy is a TURNIP.
Serious question. Is POTUS phoning it in on endorsements? Is he not able to do any research himself atm?
I have some thoughts about that. Later…..
Simply fed bad info AND overly worried about elect-ability.
Gotta stick with best MAGA candidate. Let the chips fall where they may.
Yep. When you ask him a question, you never know what will turnip…
(ducks and runs from various flying root vegetables…)…..
Oz IS a Piece of Shit.
Trump has pulled endorsements before. Hope it happens again with liberal piece of shit Oz.
… putz
pgroup, thank you for speaking the truth about islam being “a battle plan dressed up as a religion.” Phil Haney would be proud you spoke out. Also the truth about Cathy Barnett. And citizens have rights under the U.S. Constitution, but certain groups don’t have special rights, which is what some of these special interest groups want. Also, sodomy, which is a chosen lifestyle, is different from being black or white or hispanic, which are traits or characteristics, and not choices, besides which, there is only one race, the human race.
Thank you for the kind words. God created me with a lack of full control over my mouth so I tend to say things that others won’t/can’t say.
You are a prize.
Amen to that!
Well, you may have noticed that I have a similar problem, or blessing, as you do, though you are a more, well, seasoned commenter than I am. You choose your battles well. May we both live to battle another day.
So true, singularzoe. One race – human.
Keep speaking truth.
Thank you for the encouragement, Tradebait2.
A reminder to tell people to stuff their masks up their…
Yup. Masks were an insidious move against us.
So many people are wearing them here. Not only masking, but their kids too, and still getting the shots.
Great. Hope they get boosters also. I really don’t care any more. (But not the kids)
Im at that point too. Thats their path, leave me to mine.
TREASON BOMBSHELL: Biden’s “Minster of Truth” Nina Jankowicz Participated in Secret NATO-Funded Cabal to Subvert Western Democracies Using Disinformation as Cover
That “blurb” is very accurate. It was basically political meddling FOR globalists AGAINST internationalists – all operating under cover of “fighting disinformation”.
That is what they want to bring INTO the United States.
… after having exported it to God only knows how many countries for its beta release.
Wolfmoon, thank you for, as so often, speaking the truth. If a candidate makes himself palatable to everyone, he may win, but he won’t be respected by anyone. Such politicians are a dime a dozen, and they will not be recorded as the finest Americans, and ultimately, they will have to give an account, as will we all.
fixing . . .
Nice quality replacement for the red hen.
Ly’n Red Jen replced by Ly’n (need a nick name for the new putz) Karine…
Latrine Karine?
Good with it.
John Haughey, a reporter for The Epoch Times, is presenting tweets about the Sussman trial. I have copied and pasted some of them here, starting with those earlier in the day.
Citizen Free Press: NASA Rover spots a ‘doorway’ on Mars… Check the photo…

If only “someone” had been standing in the doorway…
Memes might be forthcoming. 
Yep. Like, “have you renewed your cave insurance???”
Evidently, the door is only a couple of feet tall… could only be used by something the size of a child.
That fits. Have you ever seen a tall alien?
Twilight Zone – Cannabits
IMDB Ted Cassidy.
Star Trek: TOS — Ruk
Besides Lurch, Cassidy got around — he was the voice of the Gorn in ST:TOS (and Balok’s puppet); he was a screenwriter for The Harrad Experiment; and he did an astounding amount of voice work.
He was also Thing in the Addams Family when he wasn’t actually in the shot as Lurch, which makes you wonder how they hid him.
When I read “a couple of feet high”, thoughts of Spinal Tap and 18″ could not be dismissed!
Sounds exciting, of course it is, and Congress will begin it’s first hearings on UFO’s in fifty years starting tomorrow. So be prepared to get dazzled with BS. My first hopes are the Republicans do not participate. Second hopes, if they do, let all questions be about something important, gas, border, baby food. “Commander X, you say you saw this UFO approach on a downward angle. Is that like the way any one of the 2000 mules dropped ballots into the box?” “Commander Y, do you think it’s possible we can speak to these aliens about getting baby food?”
Congress set to hold first open hearing on UFOs in half-century
Oh cripes… just glanced at one of the stories.. hearing looks likes its going to be led by little pencil neck Adam Schitt.
They are throwing EVERYTHING at us at this point. Even dead aliens. It’s ridiculous!
The dems clearly want to talk about conspiracy theories, time to toss the kitchen sink at them. “Commander Z, setting UFO’s aside, are there any other conspiracy theories you believe in say, Russian Collusion?, the origins of China Virus? Depopulation theory? Stolen Elections? …”.
Great ideas!
Hmmm. Just realized. Schitty has alien physical characteristics. Long neck. goofy head.
Well .. he is a turd from the planet Uranus ..

National File
Bullet Travels Through Virginia AG’s Window After Promise to Prosecute Left-Wing Extremists
Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares had warned the “extreme left” against political violence just days prior
Bullet Travels Through Virginia AG’s Window After Promise to Prosecute Left-Wing Extremists
A bullet was fired through a window of the Virginia Attorney General’s Office, Republican AG Jason Miyares.
National File
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Here’s a 10.5-minute interview on Today of the passenger who had to land his plane when the pilot passed out.
That was great!
Good! More sunshine, please.
H1B visa crowd. We’ve been saying these people shouldn’t be anywhere near one of these free speech platforms for ages now cause either they don’t understand the 1st Amendment or don’t care about the 1st Amendment.
Which is EXACTLY why the Obamatized corporates and agencies brought in these people. For “ch-ch-ch-ch-change”.
Bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha … wait ..
35,000 pounds of eggs spill all over I-30 at Malcolm X Boulevard in Dallas early this morning.
Food shortage worsens…
Mah egg prices!!!

Moron running TW, tried to splain away TW efforts to minimize spam, bots. Elon was having none of it.
Elon Musk Destroys Twitter CEO with a Simple Emoji in Response to His Comments about Spam on Twitter
OMG, this is getting good!
TWITTER is answering for its SINS!!!
Idiot, dangerous idiot at the helm
^^^ PERFECT ^^^^
hussien and his puppets are far to predictable.
Edit. Figured I best add, /s.
DeSantis is AMAZING!!! What a problem-solver!
I’d move to Florida if it wasn’t way too HOT down there.