2022·11·26 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

News Flash

Today, it is still the case that Joe Biden didn’t Win.

I realize that to some readers, this might be a shock; surely at some point things must change and Biden will have actually won.

But the past cannot actually be changed.

It will always and forever be the case that Joe Biden didn’t win.

And if you, Leftist Lurker, want to dismiss it as dead white cis-male logic…well, you can call it what you want, but then please just go fuck off. No one here buys that bullshit–logic is logic and facts are facts regardless of skin color–and if you gave it a moment’s rational thought, you wouldn’t either. Of course your worthless education never included being able to actually reason–or detect problems with false reasoning–so I don’t imagine you’ll actually wake up as opposed to being woke.

As Ayn Rand would sometimes point out: Yes, you are free to evade reality. What you cannot do is evade the consequences of evading reality. Or to put it concretely: You can ignore the Mack truck bearing down on you as you play in the middle of the street, you won’t be able to ignore the consequences of ignoring the Mack truck.

And Ayn Rand also pointed out that existence (i.e., the sum total of everything that exists) precedes consciousness–our consciousnesses are a part of existence, not outside of it–therefore reality cannot be a “social construct” as so many of you fucked-up-in-the-head people seem to think.

So much for Leftist douchebag lurkers. For the rest of you, the regular readers and those lurkers who understand such things: I continue to carry the banner once also carried by Wheatie. His Fraudulency didn’t win.

Let’s Go, Brandon!!

Hey China!

Or rather, “Hey Chinese Communist Party and your entire array of servitors, ass-wipers, and fellators!”

You’re not even worth my time this week. When you decide to act like civilized people, maybe I’ll give you a lesson or two in how non-barbarians behave.

Hey BiteMe!
(Or, Whoever Has Their Hand Rammed Up That Putrefying Meat Puppet’s Ass)

[Language warning]

You and yours have caused a lot of injury. Literal injury with your war on people who don’t want to take an untested vaccine. When people die in an emergency room because a hospital won’t admit them because they haven’t had their clot shot, that’s a crime.

I’m going to address here the insult on top of the injury, because I am among the insulted. I still have my health but apparently you want me to live under the 8th Street Bridge (which actually isn’t on 8th Street, but whatever, that’s what the I-25 overpass over Cimarron is called), so maybe if you have your way that won’t be true for long. Dreadful time of year to become homeless.

No, you’re just trying to make me unemployed, because I won’t take your fucking shots.

Well, that threat is NOT going to work. I. Won’t. Take. Your. Fucking. Shots.

And it looks like enough people agree, that you’re having to back down, you worthless asswipe.

You’re LOSING.


You Chinese-bought ratfucking traitor.

I would love to see you die an agonizing, humiliating death. (This isn’t a threat, because I am not threatening to cause that death. I am just announcing my intention to party if it happens.) It would be just recompense for the way you’re killing America…and millions of Americans.

His Fraudulency

Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.

One can hope that all is not as it seems.

I’d love to feast on that crow.

(I’d like to add, I find it entirely plausible, even likely, that His Fraudulency is also His Figureheadedness. (Apparently that wasn’t a word; it got a red underline. Well it is now.) Where I differ with the hopium addicts is on the subject of who is really in charge. It ain’t anyone we like.)

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot Prices.

Kitco Ask. Last week:

Gold $1,752.20
Silver $21.05
Platinum $988.00
Palladium $2,020.00
Rhodium $14,150.00

This week, markets closed as of 3PM MT.

Gold $1,756.30
Silver $21.54
Platinum $990.00
Palladium $1,929.00
Rhodium $14,100.00

Not much movement over the last week…silver the biggest winner and palladium the biggest loser (and they are right next to each other on the periodic table of the elements).

However, I prep this daily by grabbing the one from five weeks ago and editing and adding (that’s the easiest way to keep rotating the eagle pictures) so I am reminded every time I do this where gold was five or even six weeks ago. And gold has gone up almost exactly a hundred bucks in the last five weeks (most of it immediately after the “election”).

OK…was originally planning a long science post to be written Thursday (my family delayed Turkey Day one day due to peoples’ work schedules) but I got wrapped up in something else and never got to it. And of course Friday I was doing other things. So this one’s going to be almost pure boilerplate (you’re reading the non-boilerplate part of it right now).

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

Whoever ends up in the cell next to his, tell him I said “Hi.”

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“C’mon, man! Corn Pop was a bad dude!”

Gail Combs

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




I’m fine with Trump not tweeting. The important thing is that Twitter correct a grave mistake in banning his account, despite no violation of the law or terms of service.

Deplatforming a sitting President undermined public trust in Twitter for half of America.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome stuff! Musk, in the same fashion as Trump and Torba (but in Musk’s unique style), is DISCIPLINING America!


Happy go lucky

Two things from the Flynn and Boone interview that Gail posted yesterday that stood out to me:

1-Flynn was asked directly if PTrump knew what he would be up against from the deep state, and Flynn said “no”

2-Flynn said the military culture is to follow the political leaders, we should not think, when it comes to it, that the military will be riding to our rescue. They won’t be. He said WE are the Calvary.


We have gradually started to realize this. It’s sobering, coming from a military man. I haven’t watched the whole interview yet, and I hope he has some ideas about what to do.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

That’s what I meant: gradually over time, even quite a while ago.


“Many of us realized this quite some time ago.”


We have a better chance of the Burmese military coming to our rescue.

Or the Egyptian military.

Anyone except the U.S. military. They just follow orders from whichever criminal cheats his way into office.

Turns out it’s their ‘culture’, don’tcha know.


“We have gradually started to realize this.”


Gradually as in the moment 10% Joe was inaugurated.


County level, was Flynn’s suggestion.

Gail Combs

YUP and the Precinct Strategy.

As Tip O’Neal said ALL Politics is LOCAL and we have ALLOWED the Globalists TO BUY FULL TIME ACTIVISTS WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS to work at the local level. Remember OBAMA STARTED AS A ‘Community ORGANIZER’…

Happy go lucky

Two more things from Flynn and Boone Cutler, y’all probably have already discussed when I was away, Claus Schwabs creepy spokesman Harari has said more than once that 2024 may be the last ever presidential election in the US. Flynn said he’s floating the message to gauge the scale of it’s acceptance or inevitably.

Boone mentioned a phrase he’s hearing from young people “people are a government unto themselves”, the use of which is to get that generation to reject the government that is keeping them safe and believe that they can be good and that’s better than having a government.

JW in Germany

They think its good to steal from the rich to give to the poor…

Which ‘rich’ would they be stealing from? Certainly not the globalist cabal rich. Perhaps the middle class ‘rich’ so that there is no longer a middle class.

None of it even makes sense. What a mess!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I read the wicked Harari as being a lying, satanic, Orwellian a-hole, where – when he says “last democratic election” in America – he means that Trump or DeSantis may triumph, and thus he’s trying to encourage the “Fortifiers of Elections” who stopped Trump in 2020, and didn’t do so hot in 2022, to stop MAGA in 2024.

WEF understands that if the balance of superpowers turns against them, they’re TOAST.


Methinks this is a correct statement regarding 2024.

Happy go lucky

Must’ve been autocorrect 😎

Valerie Curren

LOL nice catch Steve 😉


“2-Flynn said the military culture is to follow the political leaders,”


Their DUTY and OBLIGATION is to follow the CONSTITUTION.

They can take their precious ‘culture’ and shove it up their &^%.

Which is apparently where their OATH is hiding.


So apparently all Hitler, or Hirohito, or Stalin, or any other historically monstrous tyrant had to do, was to rig an election — and then the military, as a matter of ‘culture’, would simply have served Hitler. Or Hirohito, or Stalin, whoever took over the government.

Or Billy Gates, or Georgie Soros.

If military ‘culture’ is to blindly follow whoever the political leader is, if that’s their excuse de jour for allowing our Republic to be stolen without even putting up a fight against a dozen or so dangerous septua and octogenarians — it’s hard to believe nobody ever thought of it.

Until now, apparently.


Yes, I know. I was under the impression our nation was different than Japan, Germany, Russia, and every other nation on the planet.

Different as in better. That ours was one nation, under God, upholding justice and the rule of law, and defending freedom against tyranny.

I had been under the impression that the Constitution meant something to the military, and that their oath to protect and defend it against all enemies — both foreign and domestic — meant something.

Apparently I was wrong.

Sometimes I am.


The Great Bipolar Divide – Intent of law versus enforcement of intent of law.

When one studies The Talmud, one realizes how this can happen. Israel was given The Torah, but it was not enough for the progressives and criminals in power in their day. So they “fixed” things…

Same deal. It’s always the same deal for thousands of years. Laws for thee, not for me.

Valerie Curren

Phariseeism is still alive & “well” in & out of the church!


On this issue, you remain wrong. But at least you are consistent.


“On this issue, you remain wrong. But at least you are consistent.”


Because the evidence remains consistent.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, please don’t hold back! 😁

Deplorable Patriot

I find it hard to believe that President Trump didn’t know the full extent of the corruption. He may have underestimated the resistance and the dig in the heels attitude, but the entire government system from top to bottom had been captured, and probably was from the colonial days.

The military may not be coming to the rescue, but we will need military sort of leadership to at least make some sense of the battlefield. Right now, infiltration of the patriots is happening locally, but that’s only going to last for so long.

Entrenchment…prepare for siege.

Happy go lucky

Exactly. Plus he had already been apprised by Rogers during the campaign and moved headquarters out of Trump Tower.


FWIW. IIRC, Rogers informed Trump, while Trump was President-elect.

Rogers appears to be a white hat. Certainly accepted as such.

While I am grateful Rogers stepped up, I often wonder, why Rogers faded into obscurity. NOT further help the Trump Team.

  • ^^^ Has always bugged me…
Robert Baker

When you find a believable answer to that let me know. I share your curiosity about Rogers and his “disappearance” from the struggle.


Same with Phil Haney, whom I refuse to accept is deceased [heck, I saw the movie Eraser]. I would not be surprised to find later that Rogers and Haney, and others, were working at a non-public level of resistance.


Fully buy into “erase” thing.

My guesstimate is Haney is dead.

  • NOT suicide. Arkincide, more like it. (Murder)

I accept your view as legitimate though I disagree with it.

If Phil is deceased, then a cold-blooded murderer is still out there running free due to the official ruling of suicide. Who might his/her next victim be?

Murder for hire is a reputed trademark of see eye a.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2


^^^ My bottom line for Haney.


Happy go lucky

I accept your view as legitimate though I disagree with it.

Ooooo ….I’m stealing borrowing this for work, it sounds more mature than “are you effin kidding me?”


Legitimate means it has evidence supporting it which, I might add, mine does not.


What I want to know is, how do we know exactly what Rogers told Trump?

Did Trump ever tell us? Did Rogers? Or was speculation accepted as fact, based on Trump’s subsequent actions?

We are quick to crown people as “White Hats,” when we have no idea what they are really wearing on their heads. I think this is because we are desperate for heroes, who are in short supply.


Good call. Can’t recall confirmation. All the more reason, something is not as it seems.


Cannot give info to the enemy.

Unfortunately that leaves us in the dark.

Happy go lucky

Oh right, thanks for correcting me

Deplorable Patriot

And the other thing….

With food and energy price pressures now in play, I expect the trigger issue will not necessarily be political or about “freedoms.” It will be about survival when the suburbanites are in the crosshairs. They don’t put up with the bull$#!+ city dwellers do.


^^^ An aspect of depop.

Robert Baker

I don’t know DP. Peasants have been around for a long time. In my read of history it seems to take generations of starving and subsistence living to motivate the masses. Most important of all it takes a leader. I thought Trump might be that leader. The Biblical concept is a messianic (anointed by God) leader to bring justice back. Trump did not overcome the entrenched corruption because at every turn they would impeach him. it was the greatest misuse of government power in my lifetime. Consequently Trump was more brash than bold. I think I would agree with Flynn’s conclusion, that Trump underestimated his opposition. I certainly, in 2017, had more faith in the military and certain government institutions than I now do. I believe Trump was naive about the number of roadblocks he would encounter, although surely less so than me.


Well stated.

Deplorable Patriot

Not peasants. SUBURBANITES. The ones who really have no real life skills, and have never been stuck behind a combine on a country road.

Trust me on this one, these people do not know how to raise their own food.

Robert Baker

I did not miss your reference to suburbanites but I equated them with peasants because that is how I believe the elite see them.


Without rule of law, if you grow your own food, what army is going to keep these suburbanites — or the newly enabled smash-n-grab class — from taking it?


I wouldn’t underestimate them, or their willingness to take what is not theirs.

Because they have life skills too.

They’re just different skills.


[snort; groan; sob]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This is why Biden lowered gas prices in suburbs before the election by threatening oil companies. Gotta keep the suburbs in the delusion. Same with grocery stores. The stores worked VERY HARD to put low-priced store-brand turkeys – barely under 40 bucks or just over it, out in the aisles where people could see them, and hid the eye-widening-priced turkeys that Trump had predicted. Sneaky!


Glad Gail brought that and others. I caught the same two key issues. I also caught that Flynn was well aware of it all prior to accepting the role PDT had for him. So that tells me their relationship was either still too new to get down in the weeds with it with PDT, or, Flynn withheld his knowledge, or, PDT was too busy or dismissive about it to spend time on it.

Never bought the military to the rescue thing. The oath is nice and all, but it is meaningless to most of them. I wish they meant it and would do the right thing. The military is as political as it gets, always has been. That’s the real world.

Happy go lucky

That’s how I heard it as well, disappointing. But then I would have expected Flynn not to be trapped so seemingly easily. It is like watching a movie, only I don’t like these kind of movies 🤷‍♀️


Hugely disappointed is an understatement here.

The Oath matters.

So many times a Patriot could have stepped up. Crickets.


Flynn was VERY careful here. My guess is Flynn doesn’t want to tossed in the DC Gulag, for inciting insurrection. <<<

Happy go lucky

Or….it’s a psyop, I go back and forth on Flynn.

Valerie Curren

agreed & ditto


Yup. Too many non-profits headed up by family members. Too many board seats. I don’t trust him, or his crass brother and son.

And leading those people in that Elizabeth Clare Prophet nonsense certainly isn’t a plus.


Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Happy go lucky

That’s some weird stuff

Gail Combs

A few more thoughts.

Flynn said we don’t want the Military to intervene because it is TOO DANGEROUS and I agree with him. Someone also mentioned (I think in the comments) that once an idea reaches about 10% of the population it will go exponential in growth, and pointed to a study.

We need to remember this from Andrew Breitbart:
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From the WIKILEAK Podesta E-mails, an e-mail from Bill Ivey.

Bill Ivey to John Podesta

From:bi@globalculturalstrategies… [Bill Ivey]

To: john.podesta@….

Date: 2016-03-13 17:06 

Subject: From Bill Ivey

Well, we all thought the big problem for our US democracy was Citizens United/Koch Brothers big money in politics. Silly us; turns out that money isn’t all that important if you can conflate entertainment with the electoral process. Trump masters TV, TV so-called news picks up and repeats and repeats to death this opinionated blowhard and his hairbrained ideas, free-floating discontent attaches to a seeming strongman and we’re off and running. JFK, Jr would be delighted by all this as his “George” magazine saw celebrity politics coming. 

The magazine struggled as it was ahead of its time but now looks prescient. George, of course, played the development pretty lightly, basically for charm and gossip, like People, but what we are dealing with now is dead serious. How does this get handled in the general? Secretary Clinton is not an entertainer, and not a celebrity in the Trump, Kardashian mold; what can she do to offset this? 𝗜’𝗺 𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗹-𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗮𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰𝘆 𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗜 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗻𝗼𝘁. 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝘀 𝗜’𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱, 𝘄𝗲’𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁, 𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗽 𝗰𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗻𝗿𝘆. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝗯𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗹𝘆 𝗳𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗱𝗹𝘆. 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀, 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 – 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗻, 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆-𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴.

Rubio’s press conference yesterday AM was good and should be repeated in its entirety, not just in nibbles. I will attend the Clinton fundraiser here next week but as I can only afford the low level of participation may just get to wave without a “hello.” 

I fear we are all now trying to navigate a set of forces that cannot be simply explained or fully understood, so it is and will reamin interesting! 

Sent with a handshake, Bill 



……………bt that facebook was helping elect Hillary that doubt is put to bed.
If there was any doul Kara Sandberg… is an American technology executive, activist, and author. <b>She is the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook </b>and founder of Leanin.org (also known as the Lean In Foundation). In June 2012, she was elected to the board of directors by the existing board members,[5] becoming the first woman to serve on Facebook’s board. Before she joined Facebook as its COO, Sandberg was <b>Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google </b>and was involved in launching Google’s philanthropic arm Google.org. <b>Before Google, Sandberg served as chief of staff for United States Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers.</b>

This is WHO Bill Ivey is:

Bill Ivey of Global Cultural Strategies
“…𝗖𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰𝘆 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗮𝘄, 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝗹𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲, 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗿𝘁. 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰𝘆. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝗿 𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘀…..”


….From 1998 through 2001 Ivey served in the Clinton-Gore administration as Senate-confirmed chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, and in that capacity is credited with both increasing the agency’s budget and restoring good relations between the NEA and Capitol Hill.

Bill Ivey is a trustee of the Center for American Progress, and was a Team Leader in the Barack Obama presidential transition….

Ivey has extensive experience in the music industry. He was director of Nashville’s Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum for more than two decades, and was twice elected chairman of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences. He is a four-time Grammy Award nominee. He is past president of the American Folklore Society, and today serves the Society as Senior Advisor for China.


Gail Combs




1:02:16 is a very good audience question about the Flynn Book.

!:04:44 is a screen capture from Boone Cutler twitter.

Happy go lucky

Gotcha, yeah good answer. Thanks!

Happy go lucky

Perfect, thanks for sharing, I was hoping for more of your insight. I’ve asked Santa for the book for Christmas.


Flynn has missed the boat as regards the corruption of the churches. He includes them with patriots.
Sorry, the churches that subordinate themselves to 501c3 are already serving two masters. This was evidenced during the lockdown and the resultant crises of conscience when churches chose subordination to the state rather than fighting for their flocks.
the mere fact that churches were shut down when liquor stores remained open should have been the tip off. But…no.
I will continue to take Gen. Flynn with a grain of salt.


^^^ This.

Churches played along with Covidiocy…locking down.

Did the churches play along supporting Covidiot injections, boosters…even separating the flock, Injected from PureBloods. I think many or even most did. Dunno.


I do inspections for a large church group that covers the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Northwest. They are all in woke culture. LGBT alphabet soup, immigration, full covid protocols. No support for the right from these folks.

Valerie Curren

that is tragically unsurprising, God help us!


Thank you for this valuable on the ground report..


comment image

h/t Catturd

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump certainly held up something – IMO the ambitions of both sides.

It seems ironic (to me, at least) that BOTH Russia and Ukraine tried to get rid of Trump – Russia by helping the Dems set up Trump (snaking Sessions, Veselnitskaya, etc.), and Ukraine with impeachment trickery. Why? Because both profit from the corruption of the Democrats. They both want a RAT in charge – not a white hat – because a RAT can be either dealt with, or played.

This is why I compare Russia and Ukraine to two fighting low-lifes living in the neighborhood, neither of which one wants to get involved with. Both the outlaw biker drug dealer and his junkie whore GF/wife/ex/partner are bad news. Both desire a corrupt neighbor to bargain with and take to the cleaners – not a clean one who can’t be taken.

“Take my side!” “No, take my side!”

There is no way to get involved with Ukraine and improve one’s lot – and a million ways to screw up. Biden seems to be finding all of them!


Perhaps Russia was still in the decision process to WEF or not to WEF and decided too late?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think everybody has been playing the WEF game, trying to come out on top, going along on paper, but not in real life (particularly Russia and China). CCP cheats EVERYBODY – including its own people. Nobody wants to openly tell WEF to GTH and face the consequences. I’m actually surprised that DeSantis “named the WEF” and did tell them to GTH.

WEF is nuts, but nobody wants to say it. They are CLEARLY setting agendas. I take the Harari comments as “authorization” to cheat 2024 against Trump and DeSantis at ALL COSTS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Put it this way – nobody less serviceable to the leftist progressives than Doug Ducey or Nikki Haley wins 2024, unless the military somehow takes over the elections in Philly, Atlanta, Phoenix, Milwaukee, and maybe a few more communized ratholes with fake elections.

Valerie Curren

ummm Detroit  😡 communized ratholes with fake elections” I’d say craphole there!


Most excellent analogy. 👍

Biden is mafia. He plays them all.


BiteMe THINKS hes plays the mafia. Reality is, the mafia plays BiteMe.

Happy go lucky

This is from an excellent substack that Sylvia brought recently, and this post that I’m linking raises something I’ve been pondering for a while, since I started going deep on vaccines and autism, etc:


4. And this week, Dr. Toby Rogers accused Pharma of creating transsexuals via vaccine damage. He points out that all transsexuals are autistic and autism is caused by vaccine damage.

Young believes that was when Pharma realized that autism and gender fluidity were linked and caused by their vaccines, they had to find a way to hide it.

According to a study published by Nature, called “Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals”, transgenders are autistic. And autism is caused by vaccines. The evidence is clear, autism was simply not a factor before babies received 54 vaccines in their first years.

The study was large and well done. Here are its perameters: “To investigate this, we use five independently recruited cross-sectional datasets consisting of 641,860 individuals who completed information on gender, neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses including autism, and measures of traits related to autism (self-report measures of autistic traits, empathy, systemizing, and sensory sensitivity.”

A serious study therefore. Leading right to Pharma’s door.

There’s more at the link. Follow the money.


Despite the fact that the APA was forced to remove LBGTQ, etc. from the list of pathologies in the DSM – these traits and tendencies are symptoms of abnormal mental and spiritual conditions – often the result of trauma and/or environment.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Happy go lucky

Yes, I don’t disagree, but I suspect the abnormal mental conditions can be brought on by vaccine damage to the gut, probably a gut that’s already damaged by antibiotic use at a young age. I also suspect the covid vaccine is not the first to target testes and ovaries. The premise of the article, that Big Pharma’s Big Money is behind the trans agenda, is not such a reach, notwithstanding the evil all starts from the same enemy.


The brain is changed, chemically, structurally, functionally, throughout life – positively and negatively – by events, experiences, actions, interpersonal interactions, thoughts, beliefs, diet, drugs, habits.


For a child whose family life is steeped in anger, for example, it takes many years (if ever) to purge the anger. The angry brain chemistry is stubborn. And the self-awareness and will power to reform the brain is very difficult to obtain.

Even so, the shadow of anger never goes away, IMO.


Neural plasticity is the idea that conditioning occurs throughout life….that the brain can change throughout life – by events, human interactions, thoughts, reading, experiences both positive and negative. There’s the hope. Scripture, the Holy Spirit, the power of GOD, fellowship of true believers, ministries like AA, Celebrate Recovery, etc. Can all bring healing and peace. If one is honest. And seeks….

Scientists – doctors – can now read the brain and identify addicts and blind people through how their brain scans ‘light up’. Blind persons reading braille actually changes the size of certain brain structures.

Valerie Curren

My son Josiah, on the autism spectrum among many other challenges, has made significant strides from a very multi-pronged approach. His incredibly vibrant relationship with the Lord, focused prayer, worship, scripture reading & listening, and self-directed sermon partaking have all contributed to him more fully displaying the Fruit of the Spirit of Self-Control (& others). This has been made manifest in multiple ways. The power of the Lord to heal & transform even the most complex (& even wounded) of us cannot be denied!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

By design!

Valerie Curren

God is Always part of the design & remedy process (whether we acknowledge Him or not)!


We learned way back with Thalidomide – that chemicals can harm unborn infants. That could probably include mental and emotional harm – as well as physical harm.

I would like to see a study on how vaccines, breast feeding and formula feeding correlate with some conditions such as gluten sensitivity, peanut allergies, LBGT, criminality, etc.

Sadie Slays

Yup. They want you blaming autism and definitely not the massive amount of pedophiles, child abusers, and Munchausen by proxy cases that are traumatizing children. The skeptics can go ahead and spend some time reading the personal stories of LGBT people, and you’ll see that 90%+ of them are victims of childhood abuse and sex crimes. Sadly, it’s even more taboo to talk about this than being an “anti-vaxxer” which is how we end up with “blame the autism and vaccines instead of the pedophiles!” articles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

The feral criminals (mostly male) come from feral communities. But the feral communities are taught that no personal responsibility is expected.

Valerie Curren

I believe this is another situation where AND logic applies

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good call! Abuse coming from all directions!

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

Tragically so 🙁

Happy go lucky

If you followed the link, the premise of the article is that the rise in gender dysphoria tracks with the rise in autism rates in the US which tracks with the substantial increase in the childhood vaccine schedule. And that T has overtaken LGB in the US mainstream news/culture in such a rapid timeline that the only explanation is the Big Money marketing campaigns that would be required to push it down our throats and write the legislation for our remarkably stupid representatives.

And their conclusion is that the $$$$$ is coming from Big Pharma to cover their tracks. They aren’t precluding childhood sex violence, however we’ve sadly had that forever and the trans agenda is comparatively recent, again that’s the premise of the article.

And I found it interesting from my own thinking on the subject and its intersection with gender dysphoria. There is a shocking amount of mental health and chronic health issues in Gen Z, it is not all from pedophilia, neither is it all from vaccines. They are inundated with sexualization in advertising, etc. and then sent to Marxist schools where when they’re in elementary school they are told they have to decide which gender they are. Heck even the Florida law only stopped the school talk until fourth grade.


Formula feeding may have some correlation. Another factor may be the legalization of abortion and the post-abortion mental/emotional state of mothers.

Sadie Slays

They are inundated with sexualization in advertising, etc. and then sent to Marxist schools where when they’re in elementary school they are told they have to decide which gender they are.

In other words, child grooming. Like I said in my original post, it’s the groomers that are causing this, not the autism.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays
Happy go lucky

Like I said in my original post, it’s the groomers that are causing this, not the autism.

Well not exactly like you said prior, but I can agree that mainstream so called “culture” is a pedophile vampire feeding on the innocent.

I did not say, and the linked article did not say, that autism is causing transgenderism in children. Unless I’m stoned or hallucinating, a careful rereading should clarify that.


A therapist I trust told me that in 20 years, she had never counseled a gay person who did not have a significant childhood trauma. Not one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When I was a kid, the one boy who everybody spotted as “pansy now, future homo for sure” was the ultra-spoiled, doted-upon and coddled mama’s boy of the red-hot bleach blonde divorcee.

He was a great kid in his own way, but with no father, he just modeled on him mother, who all the kids realized was “off” in a kind of over-sanitized, doll-house, controlling way. No kid wanted to “play” at his house, which was basically not play. Just like her, he would “run home” for shelter at the slightest reason. It was often hilarious.

I imagine the divorce was messy, dramatic, and life-altering.


Most likely.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I do believe that, like Democrats who cover up and distract from their mistakes by making new mistakes, Big Pharma knows how to scientifically turn their mistakes into new research funding using our tax dollars and medical payments, thereby committing fresh crimes labeled as “mistakes”.

Valerie Curren

Inmates running the asylum AND the world & making the peons pay for everything in every way imaginable!  😡 

Barb Meier

Thanks for your post, Steve! Even your mostly boilerplate posts are always interesting to me. You’ve built us a book full of sciency commentaries that I could go back to and reread if I get to missing your wit and interesting educational pieces. I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving, even if delayed a day.


Below was posted yesterday evening, back by popular demand (Kalbokalbs wished so, good enough for me, eyes do need to get on this) and yes we’re already entering into this digital prison being described in the vid and we need to figure a way to back out of it. Jabbi and Maria didn’t exactly come up with any great solutions other than to be aware so we can figure ways to resist locally while we try to get a more responsive govt above us. The write up in the article is good, the vid is an hour plus and there’s a lot of concepts thrown out fast, all important, all you want to know about, even if you think you have a good idea.

We are already here, but this still has some eye openers and with the coming of Central Bank Digital Currency this makes this story all the more important.


For other maria zeee vids…



It’s the discussion about “smart” street lights being turned into weapons that got one’s attention, for sure.


The UNNECESSARY street light thing has recently popped up out here.

Mostly rural. No “traffic” issues. Pedestrians, not an issue. No significant crime out this way.

Yet, half a dozen areas, these smart street lights very closely together, put up. All within the last six months.

NOTHING to do with safety – there was and is no safety issue, requiring the lights.

When the lights went up, thought, 100% WTF are they wasting tax dollars on unnecessary lighting. Now, I better understand it.

Not so long ago, Hong Kong citizens wishing for freedom, used saws-all or the like to topple cameras.

  • Back then I thought, a round, from a safe distance could have taken out the camera.

In the video interview with Aman Jabbi, he talks about his going to Montana after leaving Silicon Valley There’s a clip of him driving his car on a portion of either a state road or a US road near Pablo, Montana — very isolated area — and there are numerous “smart lights” installed by the side of the road.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

^^^ Precisely what I was referring to. This is where it clicked for me. Not so much stoopid government, evil government.

Even the stoopidest “well intentioned” bureaucrat, would place lights in more populated area.

Gail Combs

I have posted this several times. It is worth reading in light of the above.

And the web page Cornell Univ. scrubbed is still in the archives…

Local Foodshed Mapping Tool for New York State

….the goal of this research has been to develop models for evaluating the food production potential of the state’s agricultural land relative to the food needs of its population. To achieve this goal, we have created a collection of models that use spreadsheet-based approaches, geographic information systems, and linear optimization to answer questions about the  capacity of land to meet human nutritional needs. These tools have been applied in the context of New York State but are designed to be adaptable to other geographic areas.

the Mapping Local Food Systems Project focused specifically on potential local foodsheds, areas of nearby land that could theoretically provide part or all of a city’s food needs (Peters, 2007).


‘SMART Cities’ worldwide being converted into ‘open concentration camps,’ says ex-Silicon Valley engineer turned whistleblower

Hohmann reveals how SMART technology being used to increasingly control us – every part of our lives, including energy use, transportation, finance, nutrition, and notably – our voting systems.


Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Type in smart cities into your browser and you can see how ubiquitous this has all become. Here, take a look… https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Smart+city+networks&t=vivaldi&ia=web

Becoming a Luddite, or Neo Primitives might serve as a delaying technique but the rest of society is going to see the utility of this be it by hook or crook and thus will ignore the dangers which is going to be problem because we know how the left governs.

If we can’t stop what’s coming we need to get ahead of it. All this smart city crap needs to come with a digital consumer bill of individual rights based on the rights and liberties granted in the Constitution. One that will be followed and is enforceable. One where issues can be fixed just as fast as they can deny us something, we should be able to deny them. One that locks out the Globalists out side and inside the country wanting to impose their will. We’ll be fighting both the tyrants as well as the profiteers, leftist ghouls and RINO devils. We need to start pressuring our politicians. Fork over the digital consumer bill of individual rights or take a hike on smart this or smart that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thinking. Gotta cut the foundation out from under this crap.


” a digital consumer bill of individual rights based on the rights and liberties granted in the Constitution. ” – great idea – critical point – necessary for the survival of freedom!


There’s certainly a lot of them out there, no doubt the left has it’s own versions too. They need to be picked apart in light of all this and make sure they’ll serve the people and not tyrants and profiteers.


Do you think the inexplicable breakdown in law and order by municipalities and countries ( the US, no borders and EU, allowing endless violent “refugees”) is to bolster support for this technology ?

Valerie Curren

surely one of the many factors


Yes, parlor games to distract. Seems they have an endless number of crisis’s they can use and latter step in with their solutions.


Thanks! Left them a message 😁


Ukraine recap:

Yesterday started for a Kyiv resident in the following manner:

“There is no electricity, no heating, no water” Ouside temperature is around freezing. The apartment is still warm from the previous days. We’ll see how long it lasts. I am not too worried about heating until the temperature gets below -10C/14 degrees above . But the water is another issue. We’ve stockpiled about 100 litres of water. There is also snow on our balcony. It’s a surprisingly large supply of water. But every time I go there to get it, I let the cold air in: not good”

While the Kiev resident was waking up to a world without electricty, Head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen called on all European Union coutries to send high-voltage transoformers and power generators to Ukraine, en masse.

Kiev media propaganda proudly announced the opening of two new luxurious ice skating rinks.

Polands Prime minister, the Defense minister and the leader of the Law and Justice party called for the transfer of the “Patriot” “air defense systems” to Ukraine.

The German Minister of Defense looked down her nose and stated: Patriot air defense systems are intended only for NATO member countries.

The Grand Puppet Zelensky joined in the conversation on the need to cap oil prices and he assert that if the cap price is set at $60-$70 a barrel would be a concession to Russia and that $30 was a much better idea.

Then the little prick had the audacity to ask the West to provide diesel and gas to the country so they could compensate for the electrical shortage in Ukraine.

So this morning our resident of Kiev found that heat rises and that there was no longer heat in the building other than the hallways of the apartment building..he opened the door and gained a couple minutes of heat. They had a short spate of electricity in the early morning and they were able to cook a hot breakfast before the electricity failed again. They also discovered that the water in the bottles was frozen and there was no way to melt any snow.

But don’t worry it’s okay…NATO announced the they have expanded the production Soviet-style ammunition for Ukraine while bolding gaslighting with the narrative phrase..”By providing military assistance to Ukraine we increase the chances for peace” – un huh.

And lo and behold the cavalry appeared and the numerous members of the European Union responded with a shipment of equipment that the European Union will be transferring in to assist Ukraine: 200 Medium sized transformers ONE industrial transformer and 40 ELECTRIC Generators sans diesel or fuel.

Doesn’t sound real helpful considering that the Prime Minister declared that “ALL thermal power plans and hydroelectric power plants of Ukraine were hit by missile strikes”

The People will be just fine though as we are informed by the Puppet Pubah’s wife who sat for a propaganda interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation: “We know that winter can be another test for us if there is no heat in our homes. Ukrainians in the majority, it was more than 90% of respondents, answered that they are ready to tolerate it for TWO, THREE YEARS.

Meanwhile the Ukrainian Prime Minister came out and initiated the brilliant protocol of action moving Ukraine back to the 1800’s: “Today we are making a decision to ban the export of fuel wood. This will allow us to accumulate it in Ukraine.

Germany’s Foreign Minister stood before the German Bundestag and declared: “This winter we will continue to support Ukraine” “We will not let Russia blackmail us with hunger and cold”

They will, however, blackmail their own German citizens with hunger and cold, but pinky finger promise…They’ll #StandWithUkraine…..

Prolonged cold affects the mind. The body slows and normal chores become monumental tasks. The resident of Kiev and the people of Ukraine, have not yet gotten their brains around the enormity of the situation they are going to have to endure.

It’s going to be a very dark and cold winter in Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by litenmaus

Just wait till the hospitals start running out of power for their emergency generators.
Just wait till people can’t charge their cellphones.
Just wait till the elevators stop running in those high-rise apartment buildings.
Just wait till the “canaille” find out that the elite class have heat, water, electricity, and food.


And the Fake News in America will be trumpeting the victory of the Ukie nazis over the russkies. Right, Lester and Norah?


In reality, it has just begun.

Robert Baker

I believe that it was CS Lewis who said, “February is God’s waiting room.” I wonder what our Kiev resident will write in his daily journal in February. What will the compassionate NATO ministers will have to say?


Gonzalo Lira has a ground report from Kharkov —


I am struck by the fact that Gonzalo is just now waking up to the enormity of what is happening and will continue to worsen as long as WEF continues to fight this war to the last Ukrainian. Paraphrasing – We knew there was a war going on back in the summer, but people were just going about their business. 🤣

This guy could clearly not have made the cut it in 1950 Appalachia. Geez. No electricity, OMG, what will I do! Wring my hands and whine!

Uh, dude, get your crap and leave while you still can.

Happy go lucky

For real, those hardships were a blessing, I’m so thankful I was raised by those people and absorbed their ethics and grit.


You and me both!

Gail Combs

Make that US three.


Gonzalo needs to read, “Who Ate My Cheese.” (Think that’s the name.)

Hmmm, now that I think about it. A good read for the Grands. Stocking stuffer.


I love that book!


Good grief. Whiny, whine. This is war, war is hell. I feel sorry for the people, but the government needs to come to the negotiating table.

Of course, unless Trump is reelected in 2024, there’s probably no chance of that.


If DJT wins in ’24, he needs to withdraw from NATO due to violations of its charter.


AND the UN…


Nah. Sticking with defund UN. Leave UN. Kick the bastards out of NYC, NY, USA.

UN is part of the problem(s), corrupt to the core… Creates more problems than it solves. Assuming the UN solves any problem(s), which I doubt.

While I am at it, shit can Five Eyes…

Valerie Curren

Love it…quit holding back KBK!!!  😅 




McCarthy would do nothing to hold anyone accountable, even if he wanted to, which he doesn’t.

But if he did want to, he doesn’t have the authority to hold anyone accountable.

Even if he did have the authority to hold anyone accountable, he doesn’t have an opposing police or military force backing him up, to counteract the threat from the existing police and/or military force that protects all these criminals, including McCarthy himself.

So we’re at least 3 full alternate universes away from McCarthy holding anyone accountable, for anything, ever.


Congress has one power. Funding. All they have to do is defund the agency or the whole place. No fake hearings required. Use economic warfare. As Trump showed, it is a better weapon then war. But they won’t, so it will be same old shit until the next corrupt election.


IMO, McCarthy will do nothing to hold anybody to account, while at the same time, purring on “performances” like having the Constitution read on the floor of the House. McCarthy will do what he’s told to do by his handlers.


McCarthy’s kabuki act makes me sick to my stomach. Another pointless gesture intended to fool the rubes. They really do think we are stupid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Speaker Wolf would force Reichstag Wray to STAND and read the Bill of Rights.


Before making him look like the biggest liar this side of hell itself.

I would confront him with evidence, and when he tried to leave, shut the doors with Capitol Hill police, armed with black rifles.

Then defund FIB until evidence is turned over.

America was cheated. We want 2020 back.

“Return the diamonds, you thief.”

ALL televised.


Pay-per-view TV.  😆 


Wonder how many representatives will listen to the, read, Constitution. Yea, none. If some are on the “floor”, they be fiddling with cell phones, idle bullshitting.

Pure theater.


Even the portions that have been repealed, you performance freak? 

How many illegal aliens will enter the country while you’re putting on your version of drag queen poetry reading? 

Will this look-at-me show help free the J6 prisoners? 

This is why McCarthy should be the doorman for the cloakroom, and nothing beyond that. 


“This is why McCarthy should be the doorman for the cloakroom, and nothing beyond that. ”


At the prison library, maybe.


So mean to poor widdle Kevin.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. He’s trying his best with an America which was perfectly prepared for battle with RINOs – by winning the House but watching Kari Lake cheated by an alliance of RINOs and Dem scoundrels.


Bannon says that ain’t over yet.

Valerie Curren




San Francisco Police Introduce Policy Granting Robots A License To Kill…
“Robots will only be used as a deadly force option when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers is imminent and outweighs any other force option available to SFPD,” the policy reads.


These are essentially earthbound drones — there’s still an operator who pulls the trigger.

Things get much more dangerous when AI runs them.


Would disassembly with prejudice bring a murder charge, or is that a bit futuristic at the moment.


Nah. Disassemble all you want — it’ll just be charged against your social credit score.

The whole point of mechanized lethality is to make it cheaper than dirt. Certainly cheaper than training stormtroopers.


Blind them. Anything from paint for a few to strobe lights, ir lights, sound emitters for the the many.

I’m sure we know about this. Store security would freak out if you used it.

Gail Combs

Watch them BAN Paint ball guns.


When paintball guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have paintball guns.


I should note that there is one regard where this film tries to have it both ways. On the one hand, they seem to portray millions of identical units; while on the other hand, it is clear that the window-breaching bots are different from the brain-breaching bots. I would take things even further — a concentrated attack, as depicted, would likely have around a dozen distinguishable types of bots in various numbers — even though their software would allow them to substitute in many cases. You would have individual killer bots, disguise analysis bots, tactical organization bots, breaching bots, electronic warfare bots, logistics bots (perhaps searching out electrical sockets and providing charging to other castes of bots), command and control bots, extraction bots (staying outside the kill zones and providing a smooth transition to the next mission), reconnaissance bots and more.

In the meantime, bots are already juggling poles


We are in more trouble than we know.


Part of the New Green Deal is windowless buildings. Likely they may of had this in mind.


They don’t want any Blue Thunder action in real life.


There’s that word ‘force’ again.

Seems like it could be an important word, one that factors into a lot of different scenarios and situations.

And not just for jackboots.


““Robots will only be used as a deadly force option when risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers is imminent and outweighs any other force option available to SFPD,” the policy reads.”


Oh, well then.

If it’s just ‘policy’ to use a robot to murder people, I guess it’s just ‘policy’ then.

Maybe We the People could use some ‘policies’ of our own.


So now, will the San Francisco firefighters’ union introduce a policy to use robots to fight fires if there’s a “risk of loss of life to firefighters”?


Pretty sure I read they are using drones, They may be using robots to locate victims.


Right, I get that part.
What about the human firefighters who have to go up the ladders and rescue people from burning buildings?


Pretty sure they’ll always need humans to run the robots and drones, and to do the hands on rescues.


Human operators … until Skynet becomes self-aware.


San Fran should be happy they were picked to be the test bed of our tyranny.
I will not be surprised if we are soon cheering on leftist dead heads once they realize what useful idiots they’ve been. If not cheering on, we’ll still need to be taking notes of how they trash these repressive systems.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

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h/t – Citizen817@CTH

You just know he’s going to try to foist his agendas through modifying our food….and buying up all the grazing land, so meat prices are unaffordable and we are forced to eat his fake meat.

It would be Biblical, if Gates was convicted of his heinous crimes against humanity and his land and assets were seized.


Biblical justice often was harsher than that..just sayin

JW in Germany

You can ignore the Mack truck bearing down on you as you play in the middle of the street, you won’t be able to ignore the consequences of ignoring the Mack truck.

THAT needs to be a meme! I am so stealing that.

Valerie Curren

As ever I’m quite behind in catch up reading so sorry if this duplicates stuff already shared. Over at Marica’s Rodney shared this tweet & then I went digging in the conversation on Twit World to formulate a post on Gab that wouldn’t go through so this is sharing what was of interest (to me) in the Twit World convo…

My failed Gab is what follows & this link is to where I originally tried to get it to post in reply to Rodney:


I tried to get this info from the Twit World convo to post on Gab but kept getting error codes…so maybe this gathering can post here for “posterity” https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/svg/1f642.svg

Note I added a space between “@” & the Twit World names to (attempt to) get this to post…

Trung Phan
@ TrungTPhan
The FTX story just gets wilder.
Earlier this year, SBF invested $11.5m in Farmington State Bank in Washington St. (nearly double the bank’s value).
It’s the 26th smallest bank in the US. It serves a town of 146 people. Has only 3 employees. And looks like my parent’s garage.

Much more in that twit world thread…including this insightful view:

Robert J Salvador
@ RobertJSalvador
Replying to
@ TrungTPhan
The question:
-Is this just the money laundering front?
-Was this the way to introduce a CBDC via FTX (remember his “vision” in sequoia pitch was a bank for everything, even a banana)
This could be the smoking gun. Need to turn over every stone on this bank.

& this gem:

Aviv Shaham
@ avivs
Replying to
@ TrungTPhan
Hey Trung, you missed the punchline here – one of the directors of this shady bank is Noah Perlman, who is the COO of Gemini. This links Gemini with
‘s operation in a way that was unknown until now.
Quote Tweet
Aviv Shaham
@ avivs
Nov 24
Replying to @ EpsilonTheory
Gemini COO is ex-DEA, AML expert and ex-Morgan Stanley. And he decided a good use of his time and reputation is to join a shady bank associated with SBF. Whatever master plan they all had, it came crashing prematurely and now they’re all scrambling. https://frbsf.org/banking/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/Farmington-State-Bank-New-Bank-Circular_2021.06.23.pdf

& this one:

What’s In a name?
@ nobody_are
Replying to
@ TrungTPhan
Quote Tweet
@ BowTiedIguana
Nov 11
DeFi founder whose protocol controls billions of dollars now funneled to TradFi tells you he’s stumbled into a sex trafficking blackmail ring in PR and Caribbean
Next day he washes up on a beach, drowned

Two weeks later a $10 billion hole appears in a firm run from the Bahamas

Show this thread



last image is “branch manager” per 

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I’m guessing this will go into moderation w/ all the links…so sorry…

VC final comment in this attempt to post to the Q-Tree, the images shared at the end were copied from twitter into the Gab post (attempt) & then I copied the “image address” from Gab to paste into WP. Since the Gab post won’t go through I don’t know if these Gab formatted images will still show here so if they do that’s a tidbit we can potentially use going forward…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff, and worth the long and difficult read.

Gail Combs

Needs to be saved as a separate article so it does not get lost.



Valerie Curren

Thx. I don’t know if the info in those beige-ish images is “legit” & the topic is WAY outside of my wheelhouse so I am not competent to analyze. Hope it gets the right “anons” into further digging though.

Valerie Curren

You might appreciate this reply on Marica’s to the same info I’d shared here, I think, from Rodney:

“Very good find Valerie 💖💖💖 I had seen most the names and this dig just really connected the dots for me. After spending almost a week down the SBF/ FTX rabbit hole I had to take a break and allow my brain time to breath.
I really think this will blow the dems and elite child trafficking out into the open once someone exposes all the dots”

Valerie Curren

You might run that Q by Rodney as he seems to be up on this situation 🙂

Valerie Curren

Someone shared something at Marica’s that got me thinking of an important WolfMoon post here from a while back (3 years now)–talk about Brilliant Prescience!

Seen at Marica’s Place:


Oh snap….. @GOP put these on file for the investigations and trial.
Bad Kitty Censored https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f981.svg https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f910.svg
Replying to @pepesgrandma
Link to 200 pages of leaked docs from Ukrainian Gen Prosecutors office

Complex money transfers from foreign sources into the control of fund owned & operated by Devon Archer, John Kerry Sr, John Kerry Jr, Heinz Jr, & Hunter Biden.


WolfMoon of theQTree.com also wrote a post a while back linking these criminals!




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I gabbed this info out here: https://gab.com/ValerieCurren/posts/109409838956497963

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. America’s ENERGY TRAITORS are America’s TRAITORS.

Valerie Curren

Yes AND you called that crap out early on, which is amazing!!!


“Nothing can stop what is coming.”


Maybe it’s not the ‘stopping’ of what’s coming that’s the problem, but the starting?

Maybe this would help?

Valerie Curren

Thanks Scott. I love your take on things!!!


Verse of the Day for Saturday, November 26, 2022

“Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” 

Mark 9:23 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Valerie Curren

Thanks Duchess for all the godly encouragement. This one could really be posted daily here on the Q-Tree (& Marica’s) as we all keep fighting the good fight!

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God Bless YOU & thank you for your many faithful encouragements to us all 


Most welcome, Val – Agree – we need to be reminded this is a Spiritual War in which we are engaged – so tired of the constant badgering – we are – * Sigh * 🧚🧚🧚

Valerie Curren

Amen. As always, Praise the Lord AND Pass the Ammunition!!!


LOL – and keep your powder dry!!! 🙃

Valerie Curren



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



She has the Moonie eyes.

It’s always in the eyes… window to the soul… or to an empty locked room, as the case may be.


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Daily Tech News 26 November 2022—Pixy MisaTop Story

  • Elon Musk just decided to bring the worst people on the internet back to Twitter. (The Verge)
  • People who weren’t banned from Twitter:
  • Chinese genocide apologists
  • Hitler-worshiping Hindu nationalists
  • Iran’s terrorist leadership
  • Antifa goons actively planning assaults
  • Pedophiles
  • People illegally distributing puberty blockers to children (who were also pedophiles, strange coincidence there)
  • People running mass-reporting schemes (who were – yes – also pedophiles)
  • People who were banned:
  • The New York Post for news stories inconvenient to Democrats
  • James Lindsay and the Babylon Bee for accurately identifying an adult male
  • Nick Rekieta for being the victim of a mass-reporting scheme
  • Me for suggesting a certain politician “needs to resign, or be thrown in a volcano, whatever works”
  • And it’s only with those people being reinstated that the news media, which is all – mainstream and technology together – intensely pro-censorship, is getting itself worked up.
  • Hoping that particular politician will soon be out of office, but it’s Melbourne and they’re all insane down there.
Valerie Curren

I shared this at Marica’s but will copy here too as some of you seem to appreciate updates on what is happening in our family. Oh & we are Especially Thankful that Michael was given 2 paid holidays off after only working for Three days at his new job. I mean he hasn’t even gotten his first paycheck so this is a Huge Blessing!!!

Just because I want to put it down “on paper” here’s a bit of our Thanksgiving.  

Food was provided by the Lord (via church food pantry) & Love in many ways:

Hubby & I hosted & prepped spatchcocked turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashies, & pull apart “rolls”; we also had various appetizers & punch

Mom & Dad brought sweet potatoes, spinach casserole, homemade cranberry sauce, cheesecake pie, & sparkling grape juice, oh & they brought extra cold turkey they’d prepped the day before

Daughter & son-in-law brought cabbage casserole, pumpkin streusel muffins she’d made

Middle son brought small desert cake

Eldest son & daughter-in-law brought deviled eggs & dinner rolls (& gave us rosemary for potatoes thankfully) & of course Baby Lilah to get passed around the family for Joy!

Son’s (orphaned) friend & roommate gave us the turkey last week & got to partake of the feast

Our friend, staying with us for a season, spoke up & prayed aloud, unexpectedly–yuuuge!

We had 2 special times of prayer, for the meal, & for Brandon before he left to do his second EMT clinical in an ER overnight. Surprisingly our son-in-law prayed aloud for our son too!

We didn’t see our son Josiah & his wife Rose as they were tied up with her family. We did see J the night before for med refills & spoke by phone on Friday. We’re all still pretty tired & full 🙂 

People mostly enjoyed the Detroit Lions game, which delayed meal time a bit. We were glad they played so well & of course bummed they lost, as they usually do LOL

Today the undefeated Michigan Wolverines play the undefeated Ohio Buckeyes. Jim Harbaugh pulled off his first victory against OSU (as a coach) last year. We’d love to come out on top of the matchup, God Willing! Hope it’s a great game between possibly the biggest college football rivalry in the nation (arguably).

Hope everyone has a blessed day!


This sounds like a very nice Thanksgiving holiday for you and yours!

Valerie Curren

It was pretty good. Our place is small & doesn’t handle a gang easily so fortunately everyone was getting along well & the food was flowing freely 🙂 Hope you had a lovely time for your holiday too <3


Great report. Thanks for the updates. Blessings to all of you!

Got to bust your chops a little tho…

Today the undefeated Michigan Wolverines play the undefeated Ohio Buckeyes. Jim Harbaugh pulled off his first victory against OSU (as a coach) last year. We’d love to come out on top of the matchup, God Willing! Hope it’s a great game between possibly the biggest college football rivalry in the nation (arguably).

If UM/OSU TV ratings approach UA/UT, then you may have an argument. But then the SEC has won the last 13 of 16 national championships. OSU won one of those. So maybe UM is due. It is a high profile, storied rivalry. Will see.

Valerie Curren

Yep it is pretty rare for a Big Ten team to put a dent in an SEC team for that is a serious powerhouse conference! Now post game I’m very happy to see that U of M has bragging rights again this year!!! That was a Great Game AND Outcome!!! 🙂

So sitting here w/ hubby & his old roommate that both went to OK State we’ve been debating the teams you mentioned.- Based on Hubby’s online research it looks like the teams you mentioned represent the SEC East vs West championship, right?

I don’t know how “they” measure the rivalries, but viewership should be part of the equation for sure. Another consideration is the length of the rivalry. I believe coverage today said that U of M & OSU were meeting for the 118th time! Perhaps they also look at funding of the football programs. Then there is U of M’s “Big House” stadium, largest in the nation or tied w/ the Rose Bowl, iirc.

It’s all good fun. Hope your chosen teams are doing well for it’s likely now that U of M will be playing some SEC champion team for the national championship! Looking forward to the game 🙂


That was a great win for UM! We were pulling for them. I grew up in Ohio, but was never a fan. My family was all from NE Tennessee and SW Virginia, so I have always been a UT fan. But the rivalry between UM and OSU really is grand. Best of luck to your Wolverines in the playoffs.

Also glad UM stuck with Harbaugh as their coach. It is so hard to turn around a once great program that has tanked. The competition is so tough. We know that issue as well. Looks like both of our programs have done it finally.

Yes – East versus West on divisions and the West has been in control until recently. Now the best two teams in the SEC are in the East – Georgia and Tennessee. However, it looks like they will do away with divisions when Texas and Oklahoma join in a couple of years.

Georgia is beatable and UM is the type team that can beat them. They beat us, but with a lot of help from outside forces. First, they piped in noise through the loudspeakers so we could not hear our signals. It was not just crowd noise. Second, they left their grass higher than conference rules to slow our speed. The SEC disclosed that two weeks after the game. Third, their defensive backs were allowed to grab and interfere with our receivers the entire game with zero penalties called. The SEC is notorious for influencing game results with their officials. Even with that if our QB, Hooker, had played as he had all season we could have won. He was off. Then our defense blew up against South Carolina and he blew out a knee in the second half and there went our chances for the playoffs. Still 10-2 though – really good season and top ten ranking.

Congrats! Go Big Blue!

Valerie Curren

Thanks TB! I love all this info & it is so interesting to get a perspective from someone w/ a love of the game in a different conference.

I hope U of M can beat Georgia & appreciate your insights about that likely match-up. I only gave them maybe a 30% chance vs OSU & they Way overperformed most people’s expectations for that game. The young man that gave glory to the Lord at the end of the game was just icing on the cake. Maybe there is even a spiritual revival going on in that locker room, I really hope so!!!

Most teams would LOVE to have a 10-2 record! It’s amazing that our guys still remain Undefeated. Gotta ride that wave all the way to shore & hopefully stay on the board to step off on the sand & walk off into the sunset 😉


I called my wife over the listen to that player. It was moving. That’s one reason why we love Hendon Hooker here so much. He’s the real deal, Christian leader within the locker room, university and community. Speaks at churches and youth groups.

Our QB next season will be the one who could not make it at UM – Joe Milton. He lost his job to Hooker last season. But they are roommates and best friends now. Hooker has even changed Joe’s life and he has become a different man and player.

Inspiring to see and like you I hope there is spiritual renewal going on across the country.

UM matches up really good against UGA. Probably the toughest match up they will face. Both play sold, physical, defense. Would be a great game.

Valerie Curren

PTL for the winds of revival, wherever & however they blow. God is calling & pouring out His love so liberally. What an inspiring testimony between “rival” QB’s 🙂


Found this wonderful speech at Day’s place, from Vigano:


Viganò is a true light in a dark hierarchy.

Happy go lucky

Oh that convicts my heart so very much for getting the jab under coercion to keep my job, what little faith in God, I’ve since understood, when I was given the opportunity to make the right choice and place myself under the banner of Christ 😢 I need to get off the internet for now


Today and Tomorrow are the focus. For me anyway. I can’t do much of anything about yesterday, except, course corrections…Today and Tomorrow.


^^^ This. 100%. 👍

Happy go lucky


Happy go lucky

Thank you K, the guilt is a sudden punch in the gut sometimes and I have to go be alone 😘

Deplorable Patriot

He had another out this week on the Church herself and the Traditional Mass. He’s one of a handful of voices we have defending the Faith the way it should be defended.

Happy go lucky

Yes thank you , he makes things easy to understand 🌷


There is hope for vaccine victims – THE SAME TREATMENTS that fight the disease also detox the vaccines.

Happy go lucky

You’re a love, GA/FL. I’m not afraid of the side effects, it’s what I deserve. But they weren’t ethical because each of the choices used the poor baby cell lines. And I caved 😢


According to my understanding of Scripture, one is born in sin. Repentance of that sin nature and acceptance of Christ as Son of God is how one gains admittance to the Father’s house (Heaven). [simplified]

So it stands to reason that Christ has paid your sin debt with His life and blood; therefore you have nothing to feel guilty about – it’s over. The debt that would keep you out is paid; your repentance is proof of that.

Negative effects may still exist but they can be dealt with.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2
Valerie Curren

YOU do NOT Deserve the side effects or anything else. You, like so many others, were a Victim of coercion & should be bear no guilt for doing what you felt you had to at the time, imo. Please forgive yourself for wherever you perceive yourself to have fallen short & extend yourself grace. Seek truth & pursue it, including ways to reduce the potential consequences of the shot!

God bless, keep, heal, & free You–in Jesus’ Love 


Please don’t give up!

Ivermectin, HCQ, Quercetin, D3, NAC, Zinc – the same things that treat and prevent CV19 – also help detox the vaccines.

To prevent clots – there is Nattokinase. Wolf Moon did a post on – Nattokinase – which is a supplement and is most known for its effects on prevention and treatment of clots and to improve blood circulation. May not be advisable for patients already on strong blood thinners. – https://www.theqtree.com/2022/02/06/nattokinase-for-covid-and-clot-shot-high-blood-pressure-just-do-it/

More: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/nattokinase-uses-and-risks

The complete detox guide can be found here: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

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Valerie Curren

Excellent info! Thank you!!!


Don’t forget that what we know now dwarfs what we knew then. Not everyone was in a position to make a principled stance early in the vax game.

Happy go lucky

Thank you Molly 😘


Excellent read. Vigano is a gift that keeps on giving.


From his mouth to God’s and our ears.

Work to be done. Wear the belt of truth.


via Children’s Health Defense

Yours Truly: This is a summary of the CHF podcast with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Lyn Redwood, RN, NP, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Meryl Nass regarding the increase of RSV infections and of the “vaccines” that drug companies are developing for this condition.
Redwood believes there is a link between the increase of RSV infections in infants and the COVID-19 “vaccines” that their mothers took while pregnant. Redwood asks,”Do they [the infants] have problems with their immune system? They’re not able to clear this virus…”

Dr. Nass discusses the various RSV “vaccines” that in development, and that the “vaccine” manufacturers are lobbying the CDC and the FDA to get these authorized / approved before the clinical trials are finished. The VRBPAC committee of the CDC was given a “presentation” on several of these “vaccines” last month.
Dr. Nass discusses that the FDA “allows drugmakers to say they cannot report an accurate effectiveness estimate (i.e., a small confidence interval) because they tested it {the drug} in so few people. As long as there’s a 95% chance that it’s at least 20% effective, that’s all {the FDA is] shooting for…”

Dr. Cole and Dr. James Thorp have started a study group to examine the placentas of pregnant women who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FTA: “They found evidence that the COVID-19 spike protein, maternal antibodies, cytokines and lipid nanoparticles can all cross the umbilical placental barrier and into the fetus.”
Dr. Cole also discusses that, since about 70% of the U.S. population has had at 2 shots of a COVID-19 “vaccine”, and that 30% have had 3 shots, “the general population is likely experiencing immune suppression as a side effect of the vaccination, So many things are suppressed now that parents are spreading RSV to their children. Children are spreading RSV to other children.”

Yours Truly: It appears that not only the spike protein and the maternal antibodies of a COVID-19 “vaccine” will pass into the body of a developing fetus, BUT ALSO the cytokine capability AND the lipid nanoparticles will wind up in the fetus — from the pregnant mother who gets a COVID-19 “vaccine.” This raises three questions: One, is the developing immune system of the fetus then forced into action to create antibodies of its own to fight the spike protein? Two, do the lipid nanoparticles in the COVID-19 “vaccines” act like “pouring gasoline on a fire” regarding the actions of the spike protein in the “vaccines” once a person gets “vaccinated”? And, Three, does the action of the LNPs in the COVID-19 “vaccines”, in combination with the spike protein in the “vaccines”, damage both the present and the future components of the natural immune system?

March, 2022
New Results
“Pre-exposure to mRNA-LNP inhibits adaptive immune responses and alters innate immune fitness in an inheritable fashion”


…RSV infections in infants and the COVID-19 “vaccines” that their mothers took while pregnant.

  • Guessing, also future pregnancies.
  • No coincidences here either. IMO.

So much of what I read daily, reflects, their NOT grand plan.

Years ago, I’d have thought the breadth of their evil plan, as unfathomable.

But, collectively it supports, 14 of 15 of us gotta go.


“But, collectively it supports, 14 of 15 of us gotta go.”
And the ones who remain are compliant, obedient, “vaccine”-dependent, “drones” of one sort or another for the DeepState / WEF / Cabal elites.


“And the ones who remain are compliant, obedient, “vaccine”-dependent, “drones” of one sort or another for the DeepState / WEF / Cabal elites.”


Except me 🙋‍♂️ 😁

And you, and everyone else here of course, and lots more besides, maybe 25% of the U.S. population who didn’t take the vaxx, and at least another 10-20% who may have taken the initial shot but no more, and wish they hadn’t, like Dr. Malone. 👍


Agreed — and perhaps even more, if the truth really starts to get out there.


Warning from 1969…

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This is a real quote – ! I looked it up – I’ve become a real suspicious cat about memes – due to being burned more than a few times.



^^^ Another one that should go viral…TW, FB, Truth…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



From the Wiki link:

After the FDA
After his resignation, in an interview to the New York Times, Dr. Ley warned the public about the FDA’s inability to safeguard consumers. People were being misled, he believed “The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them – it isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day,” he said.[5][13]

On December 15, 1999, interviewed for the oral history program of the FDA History Office, Dr. Ley shared that from the first controversy in his tenure as FDA Commissioner he had a “gut feeling” that his life expectancy at the FDA was probably limited.

He attributed this to the administration wishing that he would “stonewall” an Academy of Medicine report supporting removal from the market of many pharmaceutical products that had been approved between 1938 and 1962 based without proof of efficacy, and that his failure to do so adversely affected the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry.[14]


This site documents all Tesla fires – https://www.tesla-fire.com

Looks like about one per month.

Because of this – I would not want to own an Electric Vehicle.  

EV Battery Bus fires are terrifying. I can’t imagine how they would be able to get everyone off in time.

I use battery tools for yard work – mower, trimmer/edger and blower – but I handle the batteries with kid gloves – store and charge them indoors. I don’t believe they would be safe in a non-climate controlled garage or shed.

My other concern about battery tools and vehicles – as well as wind and solar – is pollution – as well as China’s use of child slave labor to mine the components for these batteries. 

Of course, most of China’s products are produced without humane ethics and the cheapest possible near slave labor.


“This site documents all Tesla fires – https://www.tesla-fire.com
Looks like about one per month.
Because of this – I would not want to own an Electric Vehicle.”


There are lots of reasons I don’t want an electric ‘vehicle’.

And why is it that they are not called electric ‘cars’?

Why the very purposeful promotion of the alienating word ‘vehicle’, a word that nobody, ever, in casual language, uses to refer to their car?

Besides never, when was the last time anybody said they were taking their vehicle to the vehicle wash?

The primary reason I don’t want an electric CAR is because it’s a solution in search of a problem that doesn’t exist. Instead, it creates lots of new problems, and they are worse than any problems it purports to solve.

Which could be summarized as, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

The internal combustion engine, and the CAR, ain’t broke.

They didn’t build a better mouse trap, they built a worse one — but the ruse is to make everyone think it’s better through aggressive and comprehensive programming, because that’s good for the bottom line ($$$) of all the climate cult religionists and their other related financial schemes (e.g., ‘carbon credits’).

As it turns out, I don’t care about their religion, at all, except to the extent that I can expose it for the outright fraud and lie that it is.

Or they could always just try to prove me wrong.

That would be fun.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Fun is dependent on one’s point-of-view.

Pretty sure they wouldn’t see you as a fun-bringer.


“Pretty sure they wouldn’t see you as a fun-bringer.”


Yes, the fun would be all mine 👍

That’s why I look forward to it, and they don’t 😁

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

comment image?resize=559%2C600&ssl=1


Possibly jab related…whenever there’s no existing condition known by family or publicist it seems suspect to me.

Irene Cara, ‘Fame’ singer, dead at 63, publicist says

According to Moose, Cara died in her Florida home and her cause of death is unknown, but will be “released when information is available.”

and this….

Theresa Longo Fans

Al Roker left hospital just ahead of Thanksgiving and recovering well after hospitalization for blood clots.

12:54 AM · Nov 26, 2022
·Twitter Web App


Unless otherwise proven — if Mr. Roker took the J_A_B, the blood clots are likely due to that. Mr. Roker may likely be put on blood thinners and may need to be monitored for an indeterminate period of time, possibly for the rest of his life.
If Ms. Cara took the J_A_B, possible MI, embolism, or stroke from that. May she rest in eternal Peace.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

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Here Here‼️

Brave and Free

The truth needs to be told correctly, not told in a deceptive way.
Dr. Malone calls out the Died Suddenly video.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Let’s see what he said…..


Yep. Took a look. Malone took one out of place fact and slapped it silly. The rest of his article totally eviscerates the pro vaxxers and their infamous network of evil. Anyone looking for solace in an Anti “Died Suddenly” article have gone to the wrong place. Once they realize what he just said there knees are going to go wobbly and they are going to need someone to catch them. This article is as damaging as the “Died Suddenly” vid which is at just over 8.5 million now and should easily reach 9 million by the end of the day. Infact this article can be likened to recrossing an objective with a secondary force double tapping the survivors after the first had mostly obliterated it. Who knew Malone could be so ruthless. 😉

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As I learned as a youth, sometimes cleaning up is the most fun part of the job.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is absolutely great! CLEAN UP OUR ACT!!!


Dr. Malone, himself “fully vaccinated” and “vaccine”-injured (blood pressure issues after getting the injections and is on medication for possibly the rest of his life), is correct — what “our side” says has to be continually checked for accuracy and to be on-point.
[Yours Truly thinks it is interesting that Dr. Malone feels that Alex Jones is the “real deal.”]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love this and I haven’t even read it yet!

Watch those refugees refauxgees “move along” to FRANCE!!!  😉 

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Italy is fortunate to have Meloni working to keep Italy, Italy / Italian and NOT WEF and over run by illegals.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent article and completely agreed. The only thing missing is a prediction of how the West will engineer some small “victory” and fake it back to the masses through their lying media, so the Kinzinger types can do a phony end-zone dance in their own end zone.

Gail Combs

And Twatter is all ready to completely STOMP the lies into the mud and blood… Right on schedule.


Good easy to read article. When once the ukrainians swarm the eu, how many will go back once things settle down. My guess is not many, the eu and uk is going to be bankrupted and ruined even more so than it is now.


Tech experts here probably know about this Rust programming language.
The ‘Viral’ Secure Programming Language That’s Taking Over Tech

WHETHER YOU RUN IT for a massive organization or simply own a smartphone, you’re intimately familiar with the unending stream of software updates that constantly need to be installed because of bugs and security vulnerabilities. People make mistakes, so code is inevitably going to contain mistakes—you get it. But a growing movement to write software in a language called Rust is gaining momentum because the code is goof-proof in an important way. By design, developers can’t accidentally create the most common types of exploitable security vulnerabilities when they’re coding in Rust, a distinction that could make a huge difference in the daily patch parade and ultimately the world’s baseline cybersecurity.

There are fads in programming languages, and new ones come and go, often without lasting impact. Now 12 years old, Rust took time to mature from the side project of a Mozilla researcher into a robust ecosystem. Meanwhile, the predecessor language C, which is still widely used today, turned 50 this year. But because Rust produces more secure code and, crucially, doesn’t worsen performance to do it, the language has been steadily gaining adherents and now is at a turning point. Microsoft, Google, and Amazon Web Services have all been utilizing Rust since 2019, and the three companies formed the nonprofit Rust Foundation with Mozilla and Huawei in 2020 to sustain and grow the language. And after a couple of years of intensive work, the Linux kernel took its first steps last month to implement Rust support.

“It’s going viral as a language,” says Dave Kleidermacher, vice president of engineering for Android security and privacy. “We’ve been investing in Rust on Android and across Google, and so many engineers are like, ‘How do I start doing this? This is great.’ And Rust just landed for the first time as an officially recognized and accepted language in Linux. So this is not just Android; any system based on Linux now can start to incorporate Rust components.”

Rust is what’s known as a “memory-safe” language because it’s designed to make it impossible for a program to pull unintended data from a computer’s memory accidentally. When programmers use stalwart languages that don’t have this property, including C and C++, they have to carefully check the parameters of what data their program is going to be requesting and how—a task that even the most skilled and experienced developers will occasionally botch. By writing new software in Rust instead, even amateur programmers can be confident that they haven’t introduced any memory-safety bugs into their code.


As Rust makes the transition to mainstream adoption, the case for some type of solution to memory-safety issues seems to get made again and again every day. Just this week, a high-criticality vulnerability in the ubiquitous secure communication library OpenSSL could have been prevented if the mechanism were written in a memory-safe language. And unlike the notorious 2014 OpenSSL vulnerability Heartbleed, which lurked unnoticed for two years and exposed websites across the internet to data interception attacks, this new bug had been introduced into OpenSSL in the past few months, in spite of efforts to reduce memory-safety vulnerabilities.

“How many people right now are living the identity-theft nightmare because of a memory-safety bug? Or on a national security level, if we’re worried about cyberattacks on the United States, how much of that threat is on the back of memory-safety vulnerabilities?” Aas says. “From my point of view, the whole game now is just convincing people to put in the effort. Do we understand the threat well enough, and do we have the will.”

Barb Meier

Why would I trust Gates, Google, Mozilla, Amazon, or Huawei?

Meanwhile, the predecessor language C, which is still widely used today, turned 50 this year. 

C was created at Bell Labs in 1972-73 to create utilities in a Unix environment. It was not standardized by ANSI and ISO until 1989. I knew engineers using it for PCs in the early 1980s. Lots more from Dennis Ritchie about the evolution of the C language: https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/chist.html

Microsoft, Google, and Amazon Web Services have all been utilizing Rust since 2019, and the three companies formed the nonprofit Rust Foundation with Mozilla and Huawei in 2020 to sustain and grow the language.” 

Google – removes “Don’t be Evil” motto from its code of conduct in the spring of 2018: https://gizmodo.com/google-removes-nearly-all-mentions-of-dont-be-evil-from-1826153393&nbsp;

Huawei = CCP

Gates – promoting depop and vaxx, his wife divorced him purportedly over Epstein ties but perhaps as a financial hedge against future lawsuits.

Bezos – owns WaPo propaganda machine, his wife divorced him because he was cheating on her with a “journalist” floozy or as above, as a financial hedge against future lawsuits.

These people…

Gail Combs

PSY OPS in action…

Oh Look a SECURE system (That we have a back door into…)

Barb Meier

^^^ this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I remember the last ast “secure” language – Java. Ha! Yeah.


C bears a certain resemblance to a lightsaber —

— though it is frequently called antiquated, there are things you can do in C that are more difficult in other languages. That many of these things are dangerous is a feature, not a bug.


When they were lauding Rust for “Rust is what’s known as a ‘memory-safe’ language because it’s designed to make it impossible for a program to pull unintended data from a computer’s memory accidentally”, I couldn’t help but marvel at how misleading this was.

Let’s try a very simplified example. As with most modern operating systems, there is an allocation between memory used exclusively by the operating system (“kernelspace”) and memory used by just any schmo program (“userspace”). Intentionally complicating this is a factor called “Address Space Layout Randomization” [ASLR] that intentionally hides which type of memory is in which physical memory location. Thus, a block of memory might look like


Writing the code to set-up and police such a regime might be a task for C — it might be called upon to look at both kinds of memory and perhaps convert one type to the other — and make sure that ASLR kept working for both.

If Rust is “safe”, however, it would probably be screaming “I’m not supposed to touch that” every time it went from one type to the other.

That is not to say that C is a “perfect computer language” by any means. It is quirky, dangerous, and can be confusing…..but it is very, very powerful and can fit itself into places that other languages may find difficult. Which is the reason that a lot of the Linux kernel is written in C.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So are you saying that Rust is “safe” in the sense that it has been disarmed, and can’t be used to make many dangerous situations safer?

That’s like a Democrat dream world. “Just take the vaccine and shut up!”


My understanding (never having used it) is that Rust is “safer” because it more strictly enforces memory boundaries — quashing such fun errors as OOB (what is the 1001th element of a 1000-element array? How about the -1th?); use before initialization; use after free; over- and under-flow on stacks, queues, and heaps; and the like.

These mostly sound like good things, because who among us hasn’t fallen into such bogs when we were learning to program?

But these are safety rails for safe cases. With C, you can go out into unsafe cases with just your wits.

Barb Meier

I wonder if we could identify lynchpins. That is, those who–if convicted and imprisoned for their crimes or sent to insane asylums if they are clinically insane–would tamp down the chaos and save humanity from so much evil.

Gail Combs

The second level who can ID the REAL PUPPET MASTERS….

Barb Meier

Excellent point, Gail. I remember long ago Glen Beck saying those controlling things were people whose names we did not know. Was that true?

Barb Meier

On the flip side, has it improved things in some way that people like Epstein are out of the general population?


Allow me to remind you and everyone else that Epstein’s only conviction was for contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2010 IIRC.

He was never convicted of any crimes related to his island activities AND no direct evidence known to the public has ever been shown. Yet public opinion is as if he was convicted of innumerable crimes.

If he was alive to be charged today, he could not get a fair trial anywhere due to the prejudicial publicity and therefore he would walk free.


Interesting. I share the common disdain for Epstein, and believe has was up to much evil never disclosed publicly. But underneath the outrage it is hard to find actual incriminating facts which match the popular perceptions.

Not saying he was not evil. I believe he was. But actual facts are hard to find.


#1 – TOP TWENTY TWEETS – https://directorblue.blogspot.com/2022/11/top-20-tweets-tonight-truth-of-tiktok.html


Saw this image and then found this article on fixing blood from covid, jab. Oct 2022.



Magnesium is, IMO, a fine choice, in the correct amounts for the individual, for “repairing” the blood after a COVID-19 injection.
The other item mentioned — chlorine dioxide — not so sure about. IMO, possibly can be a good idea — but the FDA has issued Warning Letters to entities that sold this stuff to be used at home to “treat or prevent COVID-19.” Reports of severe adverse reactions (severe vomiting / acute liver failure / respiratory failure / QT problems with the heart) appear to have put chlorine dioxide on an FDA watch list.
IMO, in any case, if a person has had a COVID-19 injection and is worried about their blood, they should have it tested.

Valerie Curren

didn’t the FDA warn against using IVM & HCQ for covid too? perhaps they still do, so take their warnings w/ a grain of salt…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Happy go lucky

Really cool. Someone brought chlorine dioxide as a Covid treatment in the beginning, I want to say it was either Wheatie 🙏 or GA/FL.

So what I find intriguing is that it is primarily known as an anti-parasitic, as are ivermectin and fenbendazole. Very interesting, in my opinion. Why would anthelmintics treat blood damaged by Covid?

Chlorine dioxide in addition to citric acid, is used in Keri Riveras treatment protocol for (dare I say it?) autism. It’s this use of chlorine dioxide that is the source of the controversy, because her method calls for mixing chlorine dioxide and citric acid and that is “like literally drinking bleach” 🙄🙄🙄

I am glad you shared this, it had fallen off my radar!



.. B O O M .. ☄️ 💥 🔥 ..


Oh she’s getting educated……

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Liberty Daily headlined her on this!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fun bunch of known losers.

Barb Meier

CTH SD has Neil Oliver and writes “Jumpin’ ju-ju bones”… I concur. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/26/neil-oliver-asks-i-wonder-what-would-happen-if/#more-240281


The only problem I have with Neil’s premise is, he is advocating for doing things with the potential to hurt yourself.

If you stop paying your power bill, they can turn off your power, get a court judgment and put a lien on your house, etc.

I want a national strike. STOP working for the left. Let THEM fix the cars, drive the semis, clean out the sewers and unclog the toilets. Let them work the mines, run the trains, and keep the power on.

They can’t MAKE US WORK for them.

Two or three weeks with no deliveries to the grocery stores, no help when a storm knocks out the power, no rescue when the car breaks down, and all this bullshit comes to an end.


To go along with the Neil Oliver….

comment image

….as in, a system of government that keeps oppressing its citizens….

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Great word! 😄 Reminds me of bumfuzzled, which is not related and meansconfused.”



comment image

Story is about a 43 year old Canadian pro vaccine, pro mandate, radio shock jock named Jack 96 who enjoyed bad mouthing anti vaxxers and taunting them about mandates.. Jack had a heart attack at home. One arty completely blocked, the other blocked 80 percent and two more lesser that did not require stents.


He’s still pro-vax and is still calling people names. He hasn’t learned a thing. And by that I mean that he hasn’t learned to question what’s really going on. If it’s genetics with him, as he thinks, that’s one thing. If not, and if it’s vat-related, that’s another.


Remember that Canada has full-on socialized medicine. If he hadn’t consistently been such an enthusiastic cheerleader for the “official party line”, they might have just let him croak.


Nailed it.


Asshole needs the Bivalant, Mpox, Flu combo jab.


Passed away, 63, cause unknown.

GWP commentator says.:

“Saw this on Twitter, from Irene Cara’s official Twitter account; posted March 18, 2021

Gave myself a very special birthday gift today. I got vaccinated !!


Last edited 2 years ago by para59r



Also, the theme from the movie Flashdance.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2


Pretty sure the XBB stands for X Be Bad. Should just call it the Murder You Some More variant.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Saw the headline. <<< Pure bullshit, the headline. Won’t go to the write up.

Fundamentally, my understanding…

  • The vaccine Injection is NOT safe.
  • The vaccine Injection is NOT effective.
  • The vaccine Injection does NOT stop one from getting Covidiot.
  • The vaccine Injection does NOT stop one from giving Covidiot to another person.

^^^^ Based on the above, D U H. XXB or whatever BS Covidiot strain the CDC conjures up, WILL ALWAYS be resistant to the vaccine Injection.

Prolly I missed something.


It must be demoralizing to be vaxxx’d.


Rather sure they are. The jabbed, hood winked into getting the jab, ONLY to learn getting jabbed, is a TERRIBLE mistake. Compounding the jabbed personal realizations, their kids were jabbed. (Yea, UFB.)

Fed my three kids a steady series of truths regrading Covidiot can be prevented AND treated successfully. Injections are as I posted above.

All in the hope to stop them from getting boosted AND NOT allow the Grands to get boosted. So far successful.


Thank God for that.

Valerie Curren

“slow guy” cuts through the crap so well that even the blind might see!!!


100%, we’ve known Covidiot was engineered at UNC Chapel Hill since, March / April 2020. ht Gail and other QTreepers.

We’ve known the Injections were bad, since soon after launch.

What we need, is the smart guys to get together and launch legal action.

  • Big Pharma immunity should be beatable. Given all the data AND Pfizer documents released to the public.

Agrees. Given the deaths from the terrorist plague and vax, all the injuries, closed business’s, lost jobs, forced mandates etc… there should be plenty of law suits. If Big Pharma is off limits the rest of them are not and many of these business’s and governing bodies had information that should of made them question the govts narrative. Other states and business’s had the information and acted. The ones that did not should be getting peppered with law suits demanding damages. In part this is what is happening with Louisiana.

https://www.thecentersquare.com/louisiana/louisiana-files-2-lawsuits-against-biden-administration-s-covid-vaccinations-mandates/article_d2b88620-3e74-11ec-bc97-43112e12a13f.html This is actually three states, Mississippi and Indiana are joined in it against the Biden Administration, but Louisiana is taking the lead. It’s also tailored to govt contractors that were forced off their work, but if this is successful I’m willing to bet this will break the dam for more such actions. Hopefully.

Valerie Curren

I saw this in reply to one of the tweets shared above…no idea where this lawsuit is currently…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent perspective!

Valerie Curren

Here is the Full 30 minute video from a tweet in that thread


There was also this in the replies that has links that May be worth looking into…

Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren

Mars Helicopter ‘Ingenuity’ successfully upgrades to Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) —


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Better algos – always a good idea!


While the Ingenuity is actually running Linux, it would not be running a conventional desktop distro like Ubuntu or Fedora — why would it need a web browser, CD player, office suite, or desktop? Instead, it’s running a stripped-down version more suited to industrial applications.

Furthermore, Ubuntu has a lot of things, but algorithms for quadcopter control in a Martian atmosphere are probably not included.

It was a successful Linux software upgrade across millions of miles, but it’s probably not ready for cat memes yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So it IS running some kind of Linux? I would guess as much, but it makes me seriously wonder what unique flavor it might be, or have been derived from.

Ubuntu strips down pretty bigly (Lubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.), but I’d bet that even those are pretty monstrous compared to whatever is needed for a rover. But who knows – maybe it helps to retain some weirdly bulky programs for certain GUI or graphical interactions.


OpenWRT is a stripped-down Linux intended to run routers on the routers’ built-in hardware. This is meant to replace the manufacturers’ proprietary Linux system installations. Essentially every router is a Linux box.

I own a Vizio television. As shipped, there was a way to get a shell — and “uname -a” identified it as running Ubuntu 12.04 . This has since been patched, but my television has been nowhere near a network connection from before that patch was pushed.

Most printers (certainly any HP) run Linux. Some loon way-back-when got a Laserjet 4000 to have a command prompt in its own little display window, that you could use the keys on the printer to type in commands.

Both the Buildroot and Yocto projects can help you cram a functional Linux system into small devices.

I can even throw a shell on my cellphone and go exploring through its contents using “ls” and “cd”.

So, yes, Ingenuity is running Linux. A much smaller Linux than any Ubuntu flavour — but a more modern software setup running on hardware that is generations ahead of regular NASA hardware.




Fauci, the director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984 and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, was deposed by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, both Republicans.

“It was amazing, literally, that we spent seven hours with Dr. Fauci—this is a man who single-handedly wrecked the U.S. economy based upon ‘the science, follow the science.’ And over the course of seven hours, we discovered that he can’t recall practically anything dealing with his COVID response,” Landry told The Epoch Times after leaving the deposition. “He just said, ‘I can’t recall, I haven’t seen that. And I think we need to put these documents into context,’” Landry added.

“It was extremely troubling to realize that this is a man who advises presidents of the United States and yet couldn’t recall information he put out, information he discussed, press conferences he held dealing with the COVID-19 response,” Landry added later.


There’s more than one Godzilla in this pic:

comment image?resize=366%2C600&ssl=1

I see a pair of WGGTTs [weapons grade godzilla tatas]


A couple sets. Then a bikini bottom. 🙂

Saturday evening just got way better.




If she looked up and smiled at the camera, there wouldn’t be anything else in the picture at all.