Joining The Herd Of Lemmings
I’ve had cause to consider a few things. Maybe we’re going about it the wrong way, and we need to ditch Trump
Yeah, NO
Trump all the way! Why? Because being hated by the people who hate him is a sign of impeccable character, that’s why.
The haters can go fuck themselves with rusty twelve gauge bore brushes. I’d prefer ten gauge but that’s kind of scarce, so…I’m willing to compromise.
The RINO’s Dilemma
The RINOs who who have burrowed in and taken over most GOP organizations, from the state down to local organizations, have quite a dilemma on their hands, and most of them have their heads too far up their asses to realize it.
OK, I’m not talking about the liberal in a Republican area, who knows they’re in the wrong party, but is there because it’s the only game in their town; they hope to capture a nomination someday, at which point they’re guaranteed to be elected…otherwise, they never will be. These people are a hazard in any heavily conservative area.
No, I’m talking about the guys who are a little bit conservative and want to do some good by going into politics, and they’re in a closely matched area, closely enough that they can join the party they are most aligned with and still have a chance. They think the Democrats…particularly the ones who end up running for office…are nuts.
They don’t think much better of the Deplorable types, either. A bunch of bumpkins whose hearts are in the right place, mostly…OK a bit extreme. But they think Deplorables can’t understand that first you have to get elected, then work within the system to change things…a slow process. They genuinely want many of the things Deplorables want…just not as much. The government is spending too much. Or they need to spend money on highways instead of welfare for illegal immigrants. But they want to work within the system to get these things done.
Or maybe they think things are pretty close to ideal right now, and they want to nail it in place.
The problem is, that means they don’t stand for anything in particular. And it shows. They’re about as unappetizing to the electorate as a puddle of dog vomit. The folks in the middle, who they think they are appealing to because they themselves are not extreme, would honestly prefer a clear-spoken radical to someone who qualifies everything they say to the point where they sound like they don’t believe anything at all.
The problem these “Mild RINOs” have, is they just can’t see that. And the reason they just can’t see that, is their entire sense of self-worth is tied up in not seeing that. In their minds, they’ve worked tirelessly for their party, to keep those crazy Democrats out…only to have to constantly fight with a small number of crazy Republicans–who are only liabilities if they end up as candidates. They’ve fought the good fight, and if they can just find the right candidate, someone with some charisma, they might stop the crazies…without being too beholden to the OTHER crazies. In the meantime it’s not working. What’s a responsible guy in politics to do?
They simply cannot understand that the Republicans can’t succeed as the party of nothing in particular. Not really in the past, and certainly not today when people are starting to realize that no matter what they do in the voting booth, the country is still about to fly off a precipice. If they did see it, they’d suddenly have two choices: Go away and let the GOP succeed, or stay and fight. But “go away” isn’t really an option, because what’s the point of having a party now owned by the crazies, win?
Well, they have a dilemma…and WE, therefore have a problem. And we would have that problem even IF they realized that they had a problem…that they were the problem.
No one ever thinks they are the bad guy. Even Epstein probably thought he was the good guy. Right up to the moment where he didn’t kill himself.
So if you ever wonder why these unappetizing dufuses cling on even when their fingernails are being left behind…that’s why. They don’t understand no one wants them, and can’t imagine that no one should want them. And oftentimes their greatest pride is in all the hard work they’ve done for the party. They’re not going to give that up; it’d be psychological suicide.
If you’ve worked with these people, there’s a good chance you like them and consider some of them your friends. But even if so…we’re going to have to give them a good, hard shove. Because America is more important than those milquetoasts’ egos.
Justice Must Be Done
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot (i.e., paper) Prices
Last week:
Gold $1,798.90
Silver $23.56
Platinum $1,034.00
Palladium $2,026.00
Rhodium $13,350.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1,794.00
Silver $23.31
Platinum $999.00
Palladium $1,780.00
Rhodium $12,800.00
Gold and silver are stable. The platinum group metals, though, are taking a beating. I don’t think I’ve seen rhodium this low in a long, long time, and palladium is actually less than gold!
I take that as a sign the economy is circling the drain…those PGMs are industrial metals in the main, platinum a bit less so, but then it also took less of a beating than the other two.
Fuck Joe B*d*n
Due to complaints about foul language, I’ve censored the most objectionable word in the title of this section.
B*d*n, you don’t even get ONE scoop of ice cream today.
(Please post this somewhere permanent, as it will continue to be true; the SOB will never deserve a scoop.)
There has been a fair amount of attention paid to the recent breakthrough in nuclear fusion. So it’s time for a bit of a review about nuclear fusion.
But there are some preliminaries…rather basic ones from a physicist’s point of view, not so from the point of view of many others.
Power vs. Energy
First off, the difference between power and energy. The physicist defines energy as the capacity to do work…and then defines work as motion against an opposing force. (Note: this is quite a bit different from the daily life definition; for example if you simply carry a 94 pound bag of cement across a level field, to a physicist you’re not doing work–okay, lifting the bag is work, but setting it down again cancels that out. To your muscles, you sure as heck are doing work.)
Energy is measured in joules in the SI (“metric system”); and lifting an apple a meter is about a joule of work. So is lifting two apples half a meter apiece. It’s work because you’re moving the apples upward against the force caused by the pull of gravity.
Power is not the same thing as energy. It’s actually how fast you expend energy. If you lift that apple one meter in one second, then pick up another apple and lift it up before two seconds (total) have elapsed, then pick up a third apple in the third second and so on, you’re using a joule of energy every second…and a joule of energy every second is a watt. Yes, that’s the same “watt” as you use for light bulbs; a 100W light bulb uses a hundred joules ever second. Watts are not actually a measure of brightness, but we’re used to a hundred watt bulb putting out a certain amount of light, so we tend to think of it that way. So much so that the compact fluorescent “spiral” bulbs and LEDs are marketed in watt-equivalents…they tell you that this particular bulb here puts out the same amount of light as a 100 watt bulb. (I get the impression that in Europe this is considerably overstated, but it seems closer to true here in the US.) The CF or LED bulb itself, however, uses a lot less than 100 watts of actual energy to produce that light, largely because an incandescent bulb literally generates more (waste) heat than light. (Note, if you look closer at the package you’ll probably also see “lumens” listed; that’s actually the measure of how much light the thing puts out. IIRC 1600 lumens is what an incandescent 100W bulb puts out, so that’s another way to compare.)
Another measure of power is the horsepower, which is not a metric unit. Now we tend to think of horsepower as being something mechanical like power tools and car engines, and then we think of watts as representing something electrical, but the fact is the two things measure the same actual thing: the rate of usage of energy. So you can convert between them: one horsepower equals 746 watts. (If you think about it this makes sense: your power drill generates a certain amount of horsepower…by using electrical energy at a certain rate. So they must be equivalent at a fundamental level.)
OK with that high school physics class level stuff reviewed, we’re ready to move on.
The Actors and Acts
The story of fusion has two main actors. They are the proton and the neutron. They are the two things you will find in an atomic nucleus. Supporting actors are the electron and neutrino, but you can (for the most part) ignore them in this context.
Protons and neutrons are about the same mass…the neutron is just a little bit more massive. But they are small. It takes roughly 600 sextillion protons (or neutrons) to weigh just one gram. (600 sextillion = 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.) In terms of actual size, protons and neutrons are 0.84 femtometers in radius–1.68 femtometers across, and that’s 0.000 000 000 000 001 680 meters. Tiny little buggers!
Everything these actors do is according to one of four fundamental forces. The one you’re most familiar with as a force is gravity. The next one is electromagnetism, which manifests itself most plainly as magnets sticking to iron or steel, static electric “zaps” and your sheets sticking together after a run through the dryer. But it also is tied with light…and chemistry. Basically, in your daily life everything that happens that isn’t because of gravity is because of electromagnetism. Well, until you dig down to the nuclear level, which we are actually going to do today. The remaining two forces then come into play and are imaginatively named the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. The strong nuclear force is the main player for fusion, but the other three all have a role.
The strong nuclear force is directly manifested between quarks…what are quarks? That proton and neutron are themselves made of quarks, and the strong force keeps the quarks glued together. Without it, no protons, no neutrons…nothing we know today could possibly exist. There’s also a residual side-effect of the strong force, which holds protons and neutrons to each other.
The weak force is the only one that can turn one type of quark into another; we see it as radioactive decay. At the level we’re interested in today, because it can change one type of quark to another, and protons and neutrons are made up of quarks, it can turn protons into neutrons, and neutrons into protons. That’s going to be important.
Comparing these: Gravity is extremely weak. A nuclear physicist simply never cares about it, because compared to the others its effect is very small. But that doesn’t mean it won’t be important to us today; it plays a critical role in fusion that happens in nature. Gravity may be weak, but it is always an attractive force and its range is infinite. It weakens with distance but never drops to zero. Because of this it’s sort of like the tortoise that raced the hare–it wins in the end.
Electromagnetism for our purposes today can be thought of as electrical charges, those come in two types…opposite each other, and one kind was labeled “positive” and the other “negative” because there’s a pretty good analogy between electrical charge and positive and negative numbers. It’s much stronger than gravity…think about how an itty bitty magnet can pull on a nail harder than the great, big Earth…but because there are equal amounts of positive and negative charges out there, they tend to cancel each other out at distances…so even though in theory the force goes out forever just like gravity does, it’s effectively self-canceling at distances.
The Strong nuclear force is the strongest of the bunch…it had better be. But it is very, very short range…it’s good for about one femtometer, which is slightly greater than the radius of a proton or neutron, so it can bind one proton or neutron to the next, but fades to zero after that. It’s generally attractive, but it works like velcro. A proton or neutron has to be practically in physical contact with a neutron or another proton before the force takes effect.
The weak nuclear force is a bit weaker than electromagnetism and its range is much less than the size of a proton or neutron; about 1/1000th of the range of the strong force. What it does therefore happens entirely inside these particles, but as I said before, it’s critical nonetheless.
In our normal every day lives, protons, neutrons and electrons form atoms. The atom has a very tiny nucleus, where protons and neutrons “live”, and are surrounded by electrons essentially orbiting the nucleus. The protons have a positive electric charge, one “unit” each (the unit is a small number of coulombs, and I’m not going to define the coulomb…just think of it as +1 electric charge). The electrons have a negative charge, -1. So the electrons will be attracted to the protons, and vice versa, and will want to stick together. Those electrons will interact with the electrons of other atoms…that’s chemistry. And that’s why electromagnetism is behind chemistry.
But the protons in the nucleus (if it has more than one in it) should be repelling each other. In fact they do. Even though +1 unit is a very, very small amount of electrical charge, the protons are so close together that you could actually feel the force pushing them apart. The reason they stick together is the strong nuclear force.
Focusing on Nucleons
Protons and neutrons both seem to have the same size and mass…very close but not quite the same. The neutron is slightly heavier. In fact, since both of them live in nuclei and are so similar, they are sometimes lumped together and called “nucleons.” They are both subject to the strong nuclear force. The key difference is the proton has that +1 electric charge. The neutron has no net charge at all. (The quarks inside a neutron do, but you have to get really close to the neutron to see any effect from them.)
It’s the number of protons in a nucleus that determines which element it is a nucleus of. If it has six protons, it’s a carbon nucleus. The number of neutrons doesn’t matter for this at all. But add a proton, and you have nitrogen (7). If one of the neutrons ups and changes to a proton, it’s now nitrogen. And this does happen to carbon-14.
Wait! I just said carbon was 6, but then I talked about carbon-14. Well, I said the number of neutrons doesn’t matter for that, but it does matter for other things, Carbon-14 has six protons and eight neutrons in its nucleus, for a total number of nucleons of 14. These differing nucleon counts, that are nevertheless the same element because the proton count is the same, are called isotopes. Carbon-14 happens to be unstable; the weak nuclear force will eventually change one of the quarks in one of the neutrons, making that neutron into a proton, and now you have nitrogen 14.
Isotopes usually don’t make much difference to chemists (usually), but they’re overwhelmingly important in nuclear physics.
For nuclear fusion, specifically, we’re concerned with five different isotopes of nuclei.
The basic hydrogen nucleus is dead simple…it’s just one proton, no neutrons. Hydrogen-1. When you consider it as a complete atom (including the electron), nuclear physicists call this “protium” to distinguish it from…
The heavy hydrogen nucleus, which has the one mandatory proton, but also contains a neutron. Because there’s two nucleons in this thing, it got a special name, from deutero (two), and it’s a deuteron. When thought of as a whole atom (including electrons), it’s deuterium.
That’s actually pretty tidy: proton is to protium as deuteron is to deuterium.
Usually two different isotopes of the same element are almost identical chemically. Any slight difference is due to the different weights, a heavier isotope will react a bit more slugglishly than a lighter one. In the case of hydrogen, though, the weight difference is double and that has a noticeable effect on chemistry, so chemists actually do have to care about this difference. It can even effect water made from those atoms. If you’ve ever heard of heavy water, that’s just water made from deuterium instead of protium.
Of all the hydrogen out there, 156 atoms of every million are actually deuterium, not protium. So in every day life you can just ignore deuterium. But in fusion, the distinction is a big deal.
Both protium and deuterium are stable–they don’t decay radioactively into something else. But that’s not true of our next isotope, tritium, which is a hydrogen isotope with two neutrons. (And true to our scheme, the nucleus is sometimes called a triton.) On average after about 12 years, one of those neutrons will flip to a proton (just like with carbon-14) and you get:
A helium atom, with two protons (by definition of helium) and one neutron. This is helium 3 and on earth it is extremely rare. (It is less rare in stars.) There’s no “special” name for helium-3; you have to call it helium-3. It’s stable.
And the last of our five isotopes is helium-4, two protons, two neutrons. Almost all helium on earth is helium-4, and it came from the radioactive decay of very large nuclei. But in the stars, the story is very different. Helium 4 is not only stable, it’s extremely stable. So much so that every hydrogen nucleus out there aspires to become part of a helium-4 nucleus.
However, if you’re disappointed at the lack of pictures of helium-3 and helium-4 nuclei, well, I’ll make that up to you below.
Finally: Nuclear Fusion
So now, finally, I can tell you what nuclear fusion is. Nuclear fusion is the process of combining two atomic nuclei together to make a larger atomic nucleus; when the nuclei are small (for nuclei) doing this releases energy. A lot of energy. That’s generic, it could describe any two nuclei becoming some third nucleus.
But what almost everyone means, specifically, when they say “nuclear fusion” is the process of combining four hydrogen-1 nuclei into one helium-4 nucleus.
In our universe this is a very common process. It powers most stars, including our sun. Some stars have run out of hydrogen and are fusing helium into heavier things. We’re going to ignore that and focus on the stars still burning hydrogen; astronomers call those “main sequence” stars and stars spend most of their lifetimes as “main sequence” stars. Our sun has been a main sequence star for about four and a half billion years, and it will probably remain a main sequence star for another five billion years.
What does it take to fuse nuclei? It isn’t easy. Remember that protons repel each other quite strongly electrically, unless you’re within strong nuclear force range. I compared the strong nuclear force to velcro. Well the electrical part of the repulsion is called the “coulomb barrier” and it’s like trying to force two magnets together when it’s both north or south poles and the magnets are repelling each other. So think: very strong magnets, with velcro on them. If you can manage to force them together, they’ll stick. If you can manage to force them together.
This applies to any nuclei, but here we’re interested in the simple case, two bare protons that some guy is trying to get to stick together. The best strategy is to fire one at high speed towards the other. The repulsion, hopefully, won’t be able to slow the incoming proton enough and it will get close enough for the strong nuclear “velcro” to engage.
And how do you do that, wholesale? You heat hydrogen gas up. A lot. Temperature, after all, is just the average kinetic energy of the atoms in a substance; the higher the temperature, the faster the atoms are moving. At only a few thousand degrees, the electrons are bumped off the atoms, and they become bare nuclei–in the case of protium, they’re just bare protons. This is actually considered a fourth phase of matter. We have solid, liquid, gas, and this: plasma. Now you just have to make it so hot, they slam into each other in spite of the huge electrical force pushing them apart. We’re talking millions of degrees here.
Natural Fusion in Stars
This is how a star functions. A star spends its whole life fighting the force of gravity. It’s a big ball of gas, and gravity is trying to compress it under its own weight. Gas is compressible, so gravity can do this. Up to a point. As the gas compresses, its temperature goes up, as the temperature goes up the pressure increases, so the star reaches a point where the heat on the inside balances the gravity on the outside and its size stabilizes.
That won’t work for long, of course, because the star will eventually cool off and the pressure drops, so gravity can begin to shrink it again. Without any new energy inside the star, it will just keep collapsing.
But fusion actually provides that energy. If a star starts “burning” its hydrogen by fusing it to helium, the energy released can balance the energy lost from the star trying to cool off, and it’s stable.
A star doesn’t have to fuse a lot of hydrogen all at once–fusion supplies a lot of energy. So even a little bit of fusion is enough to keep the sun from collapsing…and it can nurse its fuel supply and not run out for billions of years. A larger star, on the other hand has more gravity trying to crush it, and needs more fusion to counteract it. But there’s a built-in control valve: The more pressure and temperature, the more fusion. So the large star just gets hotter on the inside until the amount of fusion going on counterbalances gravity. It ends up having to rip through its fuel a lot faster than a small star, but it does do so as long as it can. In the meantime it’s a negative feedback system, so it’s stable. If something were to cause the star to generate excess heat in the core, it would just expand a bit until things were back in balance again, similarly if the star were to shrink for some unknown reason: the extra heat generated would make it expand again.
Very stable, and it’s a good thing because we are utterly dependent on it being stable. (Our sun varies some, but it doesn’t go way out of bounds.)
The interior of a star consists of about 75 percent hydrogen…protium, not deuterium, and 25 percent helium-4 by weight. (That’s what the universe originally consisted of. Everything else has been made since the universe begin, and is just a trace.) And the electrons have been stripped off these atoms and will have very little effect on what’s going on. So the interior of a star is bare protons and bare helium-4 nuclei, for the most part.
Fusion inside a star usually follows the route I’m about to describe, which is called the proton-proton chain. 1) Two protons get fused together. 2) The resulting two proton combo, called a diproton, is extremely unstable, and will just fall apart again–unless one of those protons happens to turn into a neutron at that exact time. The result is a deuteron. 3) Another proton gets added to the deuteron to make helium 3. 4) two helium 3 nuclei get smashed together. The result is helium-4, and two extra protons, that can then go off and try to repeat the process.
And a lot of energy is generated. In fact, for every helium-4 nucleus made, 26.73 million electron volts of energy are generated. What the heck is an electron volt? It’s a unit of energy, sized to be convenient to nuclear physicists. (This is not a rabbit hole we want to dive down; I covered it in my physics series.) Converting it to joules, we get 0.0000000000042768 joules.
Now that sounds like a millionth of a mouse fart. But remember, there are 600 sextillion protons in one gram of hydrogen gas. That’s enough to make 150 sextillion helium 4 atoms, so if we were to fuse all of the hydrogen in a gram of hydrogen, we’d have 641 billion joules of energy come out.
One kilowatt hour from your electric company is a thousand watts for one hour, or 3,600 seconds; power times time = energy so that’s 3,600,000 joules. So this one gram of hydrogen has produced 178,200 kilowatt hours of energy…that’s many many years of your electrical usage…again, from one gram of hydrogen! Which is less than half a cubic foot of the stuff. Or, it’s the amount of hydrogen in nine grams of water, which is roughly two teaspoons.
Two teaspoons of water, producing 178,200 kilowatthours of energy! Do you begin to understand why we are trying so hard to do this?
The Fly in the Ointment
There is a big problem though. That first reaction, getting two protons to get together into a deuteron…is almost impossible even at the center of the sun. Almost impossible. Even bouncing around at that temperature, and under that pressure, on average a proton will have to wait nine billion years for it to happen. Why is this so slow? Because it relies on the weak nuclear force to happen…that proton must turn into a neutron at exactly the right time, otherwise, effectively you just get protons bounding off each other, since the diproton falls apart immediately. And the weak force isn’t just weak, it’s slow.
The good news is once we do that the other steps are quick, because they only require the strong force…but we still have to get that first step out of the way.
(The other good news is that because it’s so slow, our sun lasts a long time rather than ripping through the fuel like it was gasoline-soaked pine needles dropped on a roaring fire.)
If we were to recreate the core of the sun in a fusion reactor, and put a bunch of hydrogen-1 in, it would take a long, long, long time to burn that hydrogen, and so our power output would be minimal. We’d get halfway through in 9 billion years, which means for every gram of hydrogen, we’d get 89,100 kilowatthours out…over the span of 9 billion years. Doing the math the power coming out of that plant is 314 femtowatts per gram of fuel. Or 0.000000000000314 watts.
OK, so that’s useless.
In bigger stars the temperatures and pressures are higher, so it won’t take as long under those circumstances. And maybe we could duplicate those conditions, and burn the hydrogen faster, but honestly even duplicating stars that burn fuel a thousand times faster than the sun, we’re getting nowhere. 314 picowatts/gram is still useless.
(You, sitting there reading this digesting your bacon breakfast, generate more power just maintaining your body temperature, than does an equivalent-mass part of the sun’s core. Yes, the sun’s core is hotter, but that’s pre-existing heat energy. In terms of new energy bacon works better than the sun’s core, per unit mass. But the sun’s core is so much bigger that it can power everything on Earth and the other planets with one billionth of the output and throw away the rest, sending it radiating out into the universe.) [edit: inserted this paragraph]
No, what we need to do is skip that first step entirely. In our reactors here on earth we need to start with deuterium. And helium 3. And even tritium. Then we will get most (but not all) of the energy out, but it’s well worth it, because we get it quickly enough–i.e., with high enough power–to be useful. [edit: rephrased this paragraph for clarity…as if any of this were clear.]
Our hydrogen bombs actually do this, rather than trying to fuse protium. And so do our fusion experiments. The good news is the step we skipped over only produces about 3 million (out of the 27 million) electron volts, so we will get nearly as much energy out starting from deuterium as we would have by starting with protium.
We also throw tritium into the mix, which means this is a slightly different sequence than the sun uses, because the last step in the sun is combining two helium-3s to make a helium-4 and two protons. But helium-3 is rare, and tritium actually requires a lower temperature to “ignite,” so we combine tritons and deuterons in ways that just don’t happen much inside the sun. But the end result is the same: helium-4 and energy.
But this is still hard to do. And that’s why we’ve been building big-ass labs with big-ass reactors trying to do it.
How We’re Doing It
There are two major approaches we’re following to try to get fusion to work. The first is the “Tokamak.” The idea is to ionize the deuterium and tritium, and put it inside a magnetic bottle so we can heat it up. (Nothing made of matter can be made into a container that will survive these temperatures.) We had problems with magnetic bottles leaking out the ends, so we started making them donut shaped, so they’d have no ends to leak out of. And so the tokamak–an acronym formed from the Russian for “Toroidal chamber with magnetic coils”–was born. (тороидальная камера с магнитными катушками: tokamak) [an alternate reading is “toroidal chamber with axial magnetic field: тороидальная камера с аксиальным магнитным полем.] (Luckily, t, o, k, a, and m look the same in Russian as they do in English.)
This is essentially the same idea as is being used by ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) in southern France. It is expected to be finished by 2025 and will be ten times the size of any previous tokamak…and who cares because we are accomplishing what it was intended to accomplish already using the other major method.
Inertial confinement is to put a small amount of deuterium and tritium gas in a certain place and instead of trying to restrain it with magnetic fields, simply heat it up so suddenly it doesn’t have a chance to escape before reaching ignition temperatures. This is what the National Ignition Facility in California does. It uses small hollow pellets called hohlraums filled with fusion fuel, a few milligrams apiece, and blasts them with super powerful lasers. The energy is delivered so suddenly the gas heats up before it has a chance to dissipate. Even the shell of the pellet participates by collapsing inward under the pressure from the lasers, increasing the pressure.
The goal of both methods is to get out of the fusion reaction more energy than it took to cause the reaction. If we can do that, we’re generating energy. Otherwise, we’re consuming it.
This latest report concerns the fact that, for the first time ever, more energy came out of the fusion than was delivered to the fuel by the lasers. 3.15 megajoules came out, with 2.05 megajoules going in, roughly a 50 percent gain. Up until now it has always been a loss; the best was only a 30 percent loss. (3.6 megajoules = 1 kilowatthour.) We’ve achieved what’s known as scientific breakeven.
The problem is those lasers are horrifically inefficient; it takes about 400 megajoules to produce those beams for one firing of the system. So if you look at the whole system, we’re using 400 MJ to generate 3 MJ…and that’s not a good deal. We’re still nowhere near overall breakeven. We need better lasers, or perhaps more energy coming out of the pellet.
So maybe ITER still has a chance.
We’ve got a long way to go, but at least, for the first time we’ve got the second half doing its job, producing energy. Without that, it doesn’t matter if the lasers don’t waste a single billionth of a joule, the system will never produce power. Now half of it does.
So it’s still going to be a while before you can run your house or car off of Mr. Fusion.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Just a note to any visitors – please feel free to leave any comments or thank yous to the author SteveInCO by commenting as a guest. It will go into moderation, but I’ll post it later.
If you want to be registered, just say so – your username and email will be used to register your account, and you’ll get a password reset email which you may or may not need to use. We do registrations manually in order to do a hard block on registration spam attacks, which are a thing you may or may not know about.
Do note that ATT and Microsoft may block emails from us, because we’re terrible conspiracy theorists or something. Just post again using a different email and we’ll work something out.
On our status as terrible conspiracy theorists…don’t despair, eventually we’ll learn how to do the job and get it right.
We’re tryin’!!! 😂
NOTE: I ended up “kicking this out” manually by hitting the “update” button in the post editor.
Yeah, the “kicker outer” can end up operating as late as 15 minutes after the scheduled time – and – weirdly – seems to get in ruts where the kicking out is later, rather than earlier.
It runs off a lunar calendar.
I can respect that!
Cthulhu very carefully didn’t specify which moon the lunar calendar is based on.
I was thinking ChiCom, but perhaps more like LyCon! 🐺
Or more like:
(…..awww, schitt.)
(Hopefully fixed! -Wolf)
Seemingly random but with emergent patterns…. LIKE!!!
Would one of those be Triton which would be fitting given your post 😉
Alas no, that is a moon of Neptune.
You’re right though, it would fit.
even Half right is a huge score for me on a Steve post! ❤
Nor which universe the moon was in….
The Q-niverse!
In a picture….
Y-free variant, colorized (January 6, 2019)
You are a very sick man, to inflict us with those harpies.
🐺 😜 🐺
WE BAD!!! 😉 🍻
Your graphics reminded me of one of the ultrasound pics our daughter shared w/ us last night, for grandbaby #2. It was a “spine” shot but the head was moving AND appeared to have a Wolf face! Puppy incoming 😉
Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny?
Werewolves of London chorus?
“Biological Mythology.”
That was quite interesting, TY 🙂
Yeah, something is weird here, because I am getting ALL your replies to me in the bell notifier.
Are you relying on email notifications at all? Your email notifications are all BOUNCED by your email provider, so I do everything I can to shut off extra email notifications to people. You can get them through your WordPress settings. You should definitely check there and make sure you’re getting non-email notifications for this new blog site ( That is part of making sure your bell notifier is working.
Gosh, Wolf I’m so behind on emails I haven’t looked in a couple months (much) but I thought I was still getting notice of comments & replies that way…Oh & I can’t access emails from This laptop for some reason…sigh…
Maybe I’ll re-start the computer & see if that helps.
Don’t sweat it if it’s just My problem, but if it’s happening to others it might indicate some type of further site issue?
No, don’t worry about emails, then, other than to shut them off, which you can do from your WordPress account!
I’m going to have to ask around to see who is having problems with the bell notifier and who is not.
So anybody at all is welcome to “chime in” here! 😆
I’ve seen Zero replies to me on either yesterday’s or today’s posts in the Bell. For yesterday at least one reply was from someone other than you Wolf. Also Butterfly, or maybe Aubergine, noticed that they’d not seen notifier replies to stuff they’d seen was directly responding to them on yesterday’s post, iirc.
Restarting the computer didn’t seem to change anything that I can tell either…
How about this one now? (Test post A.)
This comment never hit my Bell
Yup. Your notifier was not working at the time, so it’s lost in the past.
it’s not alone 🙂
Guess my email notifier is turned off, which is good by me.
Bell notifier spins. Been that way for months.
Work around is bell notifier via, Chiefio or Marica.
Green ball seems to do an accurate count. Early in each daily, the orange count is accurate. As the day wears on, it misses as many posts as it “counts”. Replies are what it commonly misses.
All no big deal by me.
Yes, the orange doesn’t see anything you did…especially through the notifier.
What is a bell notifier? 😜
Right side of back bar, if ya have one. I have two gizmos. One has my avatar, to its right, a bell.
That wuz a joke 🙃 🙃 🙃
And I was NOT notified of your comment!
Oh. Oohhh… Slow guy, thought he had a clue. 🙄 😂 😅
My “bell” looks like a text sign, and I haven’t gotten any notifications since Steve on 12-15. Have refreshed, rebooted, and turned off all of Malwarebytes protections for this site. also see Howdy, barkerjim.
Tech S L O W here.
Got rid of “howdy”, by logging out, turning PC off. Then start, log in…howdy gone.
Bell. Went to Brave. On the QTree tab. Turned off shield. Now bell notifier works.
Firefox sux..
Logging out and back in through WP worked for me!
Excellent! Good – that’s what I just suggested too late! LOL! 😆
Try logging out, and then logging back in while choosing the “Log in with WordPress” option. THAT is now key.
Noticed you’re talking about the bell – mine doesn’t work, hasn’t for awhile. Circle just spins slowly. I have to click my flag photo and check “my profile” – my replies are there.That always works, but I’m wondering if there’s something I haven’t done that caused the problem.
What browser are you using? If Brave or Firefox, we can fix it for sure.
Safari on an old MacBook. I could just switch to Brave?
Actually, Brave is SAFER than Safari on old MacBooks. Apple stops updating Safari after they stop supporting the hardware with new MacOS builds, but not Brave – it is still being updated for VERY old MacBooks.
That means Brave or Firefox have current security fixes, but Safari does not.
You could get Safari to work by allowing this site on it to read all cookies, or basically turning off shields (however that is done) for this site, but IMO your safest bet is to switch to Brave or Firefox, both of which work fantastically on old Macs.
Also very important that you sign in using “Log in with WordPress”. The other option (this site’s login) will no longer give you the toolbar with the bell notifier.
Yes. That turned out to be the only thing wrong with my setup.
Homer Simpson scream‼️😫
yukky female … mumble mumble mumbles …
This is a very good post, Steve! I am too tired to read it all tonight, so will have to finish in the morning. Good night and thank you!
It has been added to the sidebar…..
You probably also ought to add the second post on mountains where I talked about plate tectonics, too.
OK – added that second one AND the first one (as “Geography (and Politics) of Colorado”).
(A friendly acquaintance of mine from high school, who was more of a language humanities guy, who as an undergrad became a cartographer, thereby gets his attaboy that he may never know about.)
Wow. I’ve gotten even fewer comments about this post than I usually get on a science post.
Could be that people were distracted by blog shenanigans….
Not sure what was up, but I think cthulhu may be right – lots of messing with browsers and settings.
I’ll talk about my results from the messing around later, after we get things re-settled.
But yeah – wondering where the comments went.
Well I’m back reading at 2:15am on Sunday & my green dot says 487 comments, which seems decent (to me) 🙂
But not regarding the science part of the post. That seemed to have fallen on blind eyes. And 487 is because of unusual browser kerfuffles.
You’re right, of course. If we close the browser conversations, I mean stop the drop downs, today’s replies would probably look pretty thin. Sorry for that for it is a good post & timely w/ what’s been happening in energy. By the way, I despise Granholm who is just a blond version of Witchmer. Probably sad that “9/11” didn’t happen on her watch so she could go down in history as an extreme genocidal psychopathic tyrant!!!
Oh, I love it! That’s great.
One of his better ones.
I agree. Amazing detail, effectively presented.
Let’s hope it gets a bounteous harvest off the Red Pill Tree.
This should be made poster-sized, and hung in every classroom in America!
Classroom and workplace break room, training room…
I’ve seen several headlines like this Daily Mail one that indicate the J6 committee will “urge the Justice Department to pursue at least three criminal charges against Donald Trump.” I have no doubt they will do this, and I imagine the DOJ will manufacture something, take things out of context, and indict him because they are desperate to stop him. I’m wondering if the new House can do anything to stop this.
Not if the thug RINOs currently ensconced at the Capitol pass Pee-lousy’s budget for all of next year [up to 9/30/23].
Good grief, these RINOs are wicked pieces of filth.
Remember when they used to do 13 appropriations bills. Hearings, and mark ups and all that Parliamentary crap. Now they just do the unreadable Omnibus bill where everyone, I mean everyone gets their piece of the pie. Takes no effort on their part. Just add for inflation, add some port here and there. Scream about it a bit to put on a show for the constituents but it will pass anyway.
And the best part of this for the uniparty is, it stays the same no matter who holds the gavel. System is broke, been broke, and it ain’t getting fixed.
I think if they do, they are unbelievably stupid. Americans love underdogs and martyrs. Just ask Rocky or Harry Stamper.
Put another way, fuck around and find out!
“All go, no quit, big nuts Harry Stamper!”
LMAO!!! Don’t FIB!!!
This post has been advertised on Twitter 2.0 – check it out!
Bari Weiss used access to Twitter / Elon Musk to get her new site going then criticizes him to get back into liberal/left cocktail circuit. Musk just called her out.
Painful truth!!! It’s hard to give up LEEBTARD FRENS for PAYNEFUL TRUTH.
But exposing them for the world to see is priceless.
They’re not friends. They’re REPORTERS. You’d be better off buying a king cobra as a pet.
Very public AND effective, Bitch Slapping Bari.
Guessing Bari’s been exited a bit.
If this guy is trying to deceive anyone for nefarious purposes, he has me COMPLETELY taken in. Hard to see his remarks as being scripted, or coming from a phony place. They are too precise, too prolific, and too funny.
I agree. He IS a genius, but he also seems very genuine.
My counselor told me the other day that I am a collector of “real” people in my life. This in response to my lament that I have such a small handful of “real life” friends (I was not speaking of all of you, whom I consider great friends, just at some distance).
Fake people set off my radar very fast, so fast that I often think I must be wrong, and so I discount the feeling. Then I get burned. This happened a lot with Trump’s choices for personnel. I would feel the red light flashing, but assume Trump must know better than me about people like Pompeo and Barr. Turns out I should have listened to myself.
Never fear about having few true friends you can trust. It’s the way of the world. I have – maybe – one such friend. Others come into and out of my life when I needed them. I’ve been stabbed in the back enough to be noticeably reserved when I meet new people until I can assess them.
Many friends for a season. Precious few for a lifetime.
Fake people set off my radar very fast, so fast that I often think I must be wrong, and so I discount the feeling. Then I get burned. This happened a lot with Trump’s choices for personnel. I would feel the red light flashing, but assume Trump must know better than me about people like Pompeo and Barr. Turns out I should have listened to myself.
I never had this quality until I hit about 40 years old, when I truly turned to the Lord and was born again. I asked for wisdom and discernment, the later of of which I had very little.
Go to the quiet place, ask and listen. Be patient. Then you will know in His time. It matters a great deal that you have lost fake friends and false understanding. That’s when you know without a doubt you are on the right path.
Thank you TB. Good advice.
Know EXACTLY what you mean!
Good intuition. Life is a good teacher. 🙂
Hi! I was wondering about you, and here you are.
LMAO!!! OMG, that’s hilarious!
What is so funny to me about these is, they could totally substitute Dr. Malone for the guy, and you’d almost never notice!
Oh…..I wish I was a YouTube posting nutjob!
That is what I’d really want to be.
‘Cause if I was a YouTube posting nutjob,
I could make this viddy play for me….
Still, things could be worse…..
Oscar Mayer has a fleet of six Wienermobiles.
LMAO!!! 😂
glad the word “inch” got left out of your comment
“It’s a game of inches.”
— Howard Cosell
Yes it is!
So what if it was a footlong?
That would require bigger buns 🙂
So I have to say I really saw one of these a long time ago. I was on the Mountain herding sheep with my dad and one came down the highway. I was all giddy 😍 love the comment at the bottom.
He took a turn for the wurst.
Just still marveling that my stupid “I Love Trump” NFT is now over double what I paid for it.
Replaying this item from TheseTruths …..
Here were my comments…..
J Dubs
3 hours ago
The Hoft twins probably have the majority stake in the NFTs…
Wolf Moon J Dubs
8 minutes ago
The Hofts should have been among the multi-buyers.
The turnover on these things is outstanding. With enough in/out spending cash ($4500), you could literally get a free dinner with Trump plus first class tickets and spending cash, by simply buying 45 of the damn things and selling them, paying all the taxes, and STILL having some pocket cash when you get home.
And THAT is doing the calculation with ZERO of the HTF rarities. Score one or more of those, and you get some serious cash back.
Wolf Moon
5 minutes ago
It’s all “tulip mania”, but frankly almost all fiat money is, to some extent.
Being the originator of The Q Tree – $???
Attending Jan 6 for liberty – $???
Purchasing the Trump Card NFT – $99
Knowing you were one of only 44,000 people to get one – Priceless
LOL!!! Too true on all counts! 😂
Worth around $450 now!!!
You may well be a rich man!
Wow, nice ROI
Thank you Steve for that very informative post. I’m glad there’s not a test at the end though 🙂 Have a Blessed Day!
Oh yeah. I forgot that part.
Trick question:
What is the divergence of the magnetic field resulting from the magnetron in your microwave oven?
Good one!
I suspect that the answer may be here….. 😉
And it is NOT this particular MAGA PATRIOT!
Well, I can’t prevent her from digging through the physics series and finding the answer, so it’s an open-book test.
It’s a good test – even with open book, testing ANON SKILZ!!!
Ironically my life & the current Season can prevent That quite fine tyvm 😉
can the teacher be bribed?
asking for a friend
It would take a date and your husband looks might mean with that shotgun pointed at me.
hmmmm…I was…I mean my friend… was going to offer cooking…LOL
But HER husband is mean with a shotgun right?
I’ll hide the shotgun shells…feel better?
Not really. He might stay mad long enough to go find his baseball bat and/or buy more shells.
LOL…it’s just dinner…not dessert.
Well then what’s the point?
sigh…this is why I always studied for tests…lol
That is likely the best policy, unless the guy you’re trying to bribe looks enjoyable. (In other words, you’d sleep with him anyway.) (Then of course you get the best of both worlds.)
well I may not pass your test, but i am faithful…
So the “friend” was yourself.
this is why you’re the teacher…you’re so smart!
I only passed college algebra because the professor had a crush on me.
True story. He admitted it.
Well, today he’ll have to go through me first.
Lol! How sweet. Thanks!
Bribing Mr. Steve – Starter Package
That’s non-fungible bacon.
In order to get real bacon I have to get off my ass and cook it myself.
Whatever that vid showed, I’ll never see it. And neither will anyone else.
“That page does not exist.”
I’ll look forward to the developing answers from the adult table…I’m still sitting with the kids & slow guys! 😉
If the question had multiple answer (guesses) to choose from, Rule of C is correct. Or we could use the clock method, if it has a second hand.
Expound on the clock method if you don’t mind 🙂
Cracking up a but here.
Clock with a second hand. Four quadrants. 1-15 (A), 16-30 (B), 31-45 (C), 46-00 (D).
When the test taker looks at the clock, second hand appears to be, about 10 seconds. The answer is obviously A. 🙃
Wow, I was Never That Desperate…or creative! That’s fun
Nor was I. Mostly a joke among us less than stellar students. But, assuredly, many a guesses were made over the years.
I was a Very Good guesser, but hated the tests where you were penalized for (wrong) guessing, right answers minus wrong answers got the final score. That was a pain when one wasn’t Fully convinced that their answers were right 🙁 I often operated with a degree of uncertainty 😉
I had a friend once in high school who was in an interesting situation. The final was worth 200 points, and he was at a low, low B in a class with a 2200 point total semester.
In other words, he could absolutely ace the test, and get a high B. Or do nothing and get a low B. But the report card only reported B, not B+ or B-
So the teachers pass out the scantron (fill in with a #2 pencil) sheets, and before they had actually passed out the test, he looked at me and said, “well, I guess I’d better get started” and proceeded to randomly fill in the bubbles.
he learned a life lesson that the teacher didn’t know was part of the curriculum of life!
The answer is zero.
∇˙B = 0
Gauss’s law of magnetism, one of the four Maxwell’s equations.
Like I said, a trick question.
Think about it, how could you possibly know enough about the magnetron to answer, and I never gave a location relative TO the magnetron.
The only number it could be, given that you can’t compute it in units, is zero (which is the same no matter what measuring system you use).
I once aced a midterm thinking like that. This prof provided the formulas you’d need (he figured in the real world you’d look them up; the point was did you know which ones and what to do with them? He did NOT provide the needed formula for the problem (which I knew) so I figured, for some principled reason, the answer had to be zero. I wrote it down and wrote a vague justification. So I literally figured out the right answer…based on the conditions of the test.
Sounds a lot like ‘what is the meaning of life’.
Not having fully read all of your science posts AND having a sorely lacking science education I didn’t even know what a magnetron was!
Never mentioned it, but it’s the gizmo in the microwave oven that actually generates the microwaves.
Thanks, I literally never knew That 🙂
Definitely. If it had been the curl of either the magnetic field or electric field I would have been needing much more details. I could probably expect that the frequency of operation is 2450 MHz, and permittivity and permability be the free-space values, but that would be about it.
Divergence of the electric field … maybe; it would depend on any charged object inside the oven, though most of the real-life possibilities would be zero as well.
And it’s a trick question because if you’re on Jeopardy you can hit the buzzer before the question’s been asked. “What is the divergence of the magnetic field…” BZZZZ!
“What is Obama?”
“That’s correct.”
This is an interesting “fed-poast” on Gab. I won’t bring the image over, but I’m now thinking this account on Gab is either “bleeding edge no longer giving AF”, or a real inciter fed helping to put closure on Gab.
This particular poster has turned very antisemitic, which is par for the course when people respond to years and years of provocation by satanists and satanic destruction of society without having God in control. If you are not riding with the Prince of Peace, you are headed for trouble.
This is a known flash-point of “they won’t be able to walk the streets”. Depopulation against kids is just so beyond the pale, that threatening violence in response is an expected reaction.
The death shot is just too much of a provocation. It’s WHY the satanists pushed Biden into the White House. People WILL defend children with deadly force. We really need to shut this mRNA crap down by science and journalism, and the media FAILED us there.
I totally get what Elon Musk is doing. The media is NOT working. Corporatism is taking over and really messing things up.
Well, here’s the thing, Wolf. There is NO REQUIREMENT to have your children vaccinated everywhere in America. There are many choices you can make. What it all depends on is what you’re willing to do to protect your kids.
If your state requires vaccinations for kids to attend school, would you home school?
If your state makes home schooling next to impossible, would you move?
If your child’s doctor is a vaxx-nut, would you search for another?
If you can’t find a doctor who isn’t a health nut, would you study hard so you can mostly be your child’s physician, short of medical emergency?
If the answer to all of the above is NO, would you take up actual ARMS to protect your child? I think that answer is no, you would not. If most of the above is too much to do, then actually risking your life is probably out of the question.
We aren’t at the “take up arms” point until there is no place left to go, no action left to take. And we are not there yet.
Yup. One can always move to Florida. We’re not there yet.
Not yet.
Please respond directly to this comment to tell me if the bell notifier is now working for you or not. However, PLEASE use a FRESH PAGE or pages from a daily here, to test. Either reload or otherwise start a FRESH PAGE, because old pages from last night (Friday night late) may not have the notifier working.
Thank you!
I have no bell notifier and never have. Further, it seems like the sort of irritant that keeps me from visiting our sister sites more often.
You’ll never get it working, IMO. It’s basically a security gate-drop, where you have to allow third-party cookies in general, if you can’t approve them individually.
Not just that – I am almost positive that you have to have a WordPress account. I don’t know if the API can be hacked to work without one.
Imagine my relief.
Notifier is NOT working.
I should be getting pinged every time someone posts. I just refreshed and two people have commented…no notifier (which looks like a speech bubble now not a bell).
Yeah, if it’s not a bell, you need a fresh page.
Furthermore I tried looking for my notification settings to see if they had somehow changed. I can’t find the settings at all.
OK – you’re not getting the bell with the orange dot, because you’re not getting the WordPress software and cookies to set up, for some reason.
In another tab, you need to log into, and keep that tab open, then start a new tab here. You MAY have to log out and back in.
OK one other piece of aberrant behavior that may be a clue…sometimes the “word balloon” to the left of “Howdy” simply disappears. It’s not invisible, because clicking on it zooms you to the top of the page (which is what the black bar does when/where no other control lies on it);.
See, this is the problem. You should be getting the WordPress toolbar – NOT that site toolbar.
I’m wondering if somebody has you in a MITM BOX and my bobbling the box has thrown them off.
I have basically returned the settings to what they were before, but it passed through the old settings with no WordPress toolbar, when I deactivated WordPress.
It sounds like Valerie is having the same issues, and here I thought she and I had nothing in common.
What happens when you log out and then log back in?
NO change.
And I pretty much did the sequence you just told her to do. I don’t know what “shield” is (and I am using firefox ESR with ublock installed and nothing else).
You have to allow third-party cookies in the tab with this site.
Are you willing to try Brave, in which you can turn the “shields” off, or just allow third-party cookies for this site?
Hell, I still have my old Brave VM that I stopped using two weeks ago. I was just about to delete it. I can fire it up, sure.
Or if need be I can generate a fresh one (I wasn’t going to delete the template).
I see the same thing on my old brave VM. I had to log in (it had kicked me out, as it is wont to do now and again).
Let me now try a fresh Brave VM.
Steve is running Qubes. He has a whole lotta options under “log out and log back in.” Each instance of his browser is running under a different virtual machine. He can log out of the website and keep the browser, log out of the browser and keep the VM, or log out of the VM and spin everything up anew from templates.
Actually I have my browser VMs gimmicked so that pressing on the firefox icon really runs a script that can be summarized as follows: Run firefox, shut down.
So for the most part I don’t keep the VM after the browser runs. I only need that because the qube is a named disposable; an unnamed one would shut down and disappear automatically.
I do have another menu shortcut (that doesn’t appear on my desktop) that runs the browser without shutting down, but I rarely use it.
Now I’m sad Steve 🙁 I thought we were nearly the same age LOL
Oh, yeah. Well, besides THAT.
& both had “extensive” Bible knowledge, though widely divergent perspectives on the same…Oh & I like lizards, though haven’t had one as a pet 🙂
I see a different tool bar than usual now…L-R
W in a circle icon (for WP?)
top 3/4 of a circle w/ dots & pointer “dashboard” when hovering over it
a graphic star w/ the word “Like” to the right of it
a comment bubble w/ “0” to the right & when hovering over it it says wp-admin/edit-comments.php after the main qtree address
“+” w/ “new” to the right, hovering says Post, Media
Forum Dashboard & hovering gives visit forum & Moderation
comment bubble
“Howdy, Valerie Curren” w/ my purple quilt symbol
small magnifying glass that appears to be a search function
Exactly. You’re not getting the WordPress toolbar.
I’m going to try something to make me suffer the same thing you guys are suffering. Wish me luck. I hope I can log back in…..
Yikes no fixes for us should make YOU lose access!!! Word Piss-ers
That different toolbar means that WordPress didn’t load its software via the JetPack plugin.
I see the typical WP toolbar when at Marica’s, & that’s continued after restarting the computer.
I did sign into WP before the restart & that stopped Marica’s from making me sign in there previously as it would sign me out after a while, at least w/ Brave on the new laptop. Q-Tree has stayed signed in for a few weeks now, I believe.
Now trying an absolutely BONE STOCK firefox ESR with nothing set. It’s a fresh install complete with stupid welcome screens and the like. (Cthulhu is right–I am running Qubes, I can do shit like that all day. Or more relevant right now, I can do it all night.)
Log into WP via my moribund blog, then here.
Same result.
Try it in Vivaldi or Brave.
….the idea being to ensure it isn’t a Qubes artifact (if one or the other works).
The nice thing about Brave is that you can turn off the third-party cookie block for a single site. Each site has its own policy. So for, you can either drop the shields or allow all cookies (and still block a lot of trackers and ads).
The other nice thing about Brave is that you can almost trust their javascript sandbox (and probably can trust it in Qubes) because the CEO of Brave invented javascript and, accordingly, understands it pretty well.
I have a lot of “hardening” in my browser setups. And I sometimes wonder why I bother when I can literally kill Computer Ebola by closing the window.
Right now, I have enabled ALL COOKIES in my “main” firefox qube for visiting this site.
STILL no change though I should try a logout, shutdown, startup, login cycle.
As an aside, I am doing a “full sync” with JetPack, which sometimes helps this sort of thing.
Did you see my post yesteday? When I logged in, Jetpack automatically installed update. Can they force that somehow? Is it an option under the dashboard?
When you log into the site, you run what the server gives you, unless you block it or it gives you the option to run it or not (like cookie type choosers, now forced on nearly all websites).
Your browser can block JetPack, theoretically, but somebody would have to code that into it.
I kept my Wp and Qtree login the same, so I don’t have any troubles. Except the IPAD!!
I really need to get one of the beasts running Qubes as a daily driver…..
I had to go through several nightmares just to get it installed. After that, it’s been wonderful.
The first box I tried, the installer literally couldn’t see any SATA drives. I tried to fool it by installing to an SSD on another box and bringing it over to the first box post install, but then it would essentially start booting the SSD, then once Qubes’ partition was decrypted and their kernel took over, I was running off the thumbdrive I had first used and didn’t even realize it…the OS running on my CPU could only see the thumbdrive. WOuldn’t work without the thumbdrive plugged in.
The thumbdrive was enough to tell me, “yes I want to get this working properly” so I bought new hardware, a sort of fat Raspberry Pi–an Intel NUC. THAT wouldn’t install without a version from the test repository…but that DID install.
I have no idea if the release version has even caught up to what I’m running, yet.
And another…on my own blog the notifier looks like a bell…but it, too, has received nothing.
OK – that’s a sign. The WordPressDotCom software is not loading for you, because you have no WordPress cookie letting the site load the WordPressDotCom toolbar with the bell notifier. THAT is a jetpack setting. When I turned it off, it reverted the site to “no jetpack”, but now JetPack is back and that setting is on.
Definitely try logging into in another tab.
Did no good.
I literally just reloaded the page.
Did you also reload the VM with the browser in it?
Actually, yes I just did (after I posted that comment). No change.
let me try something else real quick.
OK, starting a *different* VM, where I have to log in (this one is gimmicked to remember my password–minimum cookies allowed)…still no luck (and yes I logged into regular wordpress via my moribund blog, then this one).
I even restarted the computer & still see “howdy” & a comment bubble instead of the “bell” when on the Q-Tree. I also don’t see the grayed out bell icon to the left of the “post comment” button that I used to see.
Log OUT of this site, kill all the tabs to it, log into, start a tab to this site, make sure that tab has shields off, reload after you turn them off. Then log in. You should have the bell notifier.
I don’t know about how to do the shields thing but closed all the Q-Tree tabs (I could see/find) & logged out. I re-logged in w/ WP & it did Not make me enter my email & password, though I’m probably still signed in w/ WP because of what I did a while back to be able to stay signed in at Marica’s, etc.
I’ve Never had that exact sign-in way here before since it showed Jet Pack & some green icons in the process & didn’t make me enter my info like I Always have to do…
So I now see the normal WP toolbar w/ a bell. The bell still doesn’t function for me here at the Q-Tree (possibly a Brave browser issue for me &/or something to do w/ the new laptop). I can see the notifier on other WP sites & still see no replies for yesterday & or today…
You’re almost there. Click on the lion. Open up the advanced controls. Then ALLOW ALL COOKIES.
You have to do that ON site – not on any other site or webpage.
You can also do it on, just to make sure it goes both ways with this site.
I see THIS comment in the bell Before I went to sign out of WP… 🙂
OK, it’s probably working now
I Think so too 🙂 Thank YOU Very Much!
OK Wolf, taking “shields down” while on a Q-Tree tab, & I’d done it before that on a WP tab has now allowed me to get more of the Q-Tree comments coming in!!! I never got to signing out of WP since things seem to be working now! Thank YOU!!!
Good. You will NOT get all comments except on your own posts. Only the author gets all comments in the notifier.
No I know That at least LOL 🙂
You’re welcome!
Hope you didn’t get locked out yourself from Your site!!!
Nope – got back in easy!
That’s good news!
happy dance for this computer dunce
Weird, I went to see if I could sign into my email on This computer & possibly do some Brave stuff on that site & I can now look at my email without making any changes…
Just for thoroughness I did NOT get email notifications for the comments that never appeared in the Bell for me, yesterday or today…& actually only got 3 emails today about You liking 3 of my comments, but no email notice of any replies yet today, even the ones that I now can see in the Bell…
This is all in your WordPress settings, IMO. Click on your avatar in the right end of the black toolbar, next to the notifier. Click on “Notifications”. Check THIS SITE ( and what you have set there.
Thanks I did enable notifications even when not on WP but all my sites were already getting all notifications, fwiw 🙂
I seen no Q-Tree replies from yesterday or today using the bell on another WP site. My Q-Tree notifier hasn’t worked for a while Here, at least when using the brave browser on the home laptop.
Can you do the following…..
Log out of this site using the log out button.
Kill all your tabs to this site.
Log into and keep the tab open
Fire this site ( back up.
Log back in, using WordPress in the login option
I’ll try, but killing all Q-Tree tabs might be imperfect…1st world pack rat probs 😂
Go out to the garage and get a large wooden stake and a mallet…..
Double body slammed by Two Q-Tree Bros tonight–yikes!!!
I’m only trying to provide a Luddite point of view.
Earlier tonight Steve was saying he & I had nothing in common & then you were instructing destruction of one of my few home devices where I can even access the Q-Tree! All in good fun of course 🙂
I would care for you just as much if your devices were full of holes…..maybe even more.
That’s so sweet Cthulhu & much appreciated. Some of what we’ve been dealing with on the home front has been pretty painful so that “caring” means more than I can say AND the prayers! Blessings
Now that we have some technical issues out of the way, we should
work on getting caught up on Clan Currenget some sleep.That’s where I’m shortly headed! On a work day hubby would have already been up for Two hours–yikes!
I did that mostly & have the WP bar w/ bell now, but still can’t look at the bell while at the Q-Tree & see none of the replies from yesterday or today when looking at the bell at another WP site.
I’ll go sign out of WP for thoroughness & then resign in & see if that gives a fix for me…
Do you see this reply?
I see this reply in the bell while on the Q-Tree tab. None of the Q-Tree comments from yesterday nor earlier than your comment just before this one to me have come through…I am getting New Q-Tree comments in the bell now! TY
Yup. Notifications will not backtrack to missed stuff.
That’s fine. Thanks for All of the hand-holding & problem solving! You do such a Great Job around here–Blessings!!!
Thanks! Have a great day!!!
You too…AND get some rest too! Blessings
After you allow all cookies, you will see my new replies to you.
It seems to be working fine now 🙂
WM had me drop Brave “shields” for tab & that is Now allowing me to even see the Bell Notifications while on the Q-Tree site!!!
OK, I got sidetracked.
Enabling ALL cookies in firefox did not help.
How ’bout other browsers?
And, BTW, I’m about to be sidetracked soon when my head hits the pillow….
I dropped shields in Brave & can now use the Bell even at the Q-tree itself! Wolf had to walk me through the process because I’m nearly computer illiterate 🙁
Hope your issues are solved soon
This means that you don’t have the cookies for your session to mooch!
This tells me that the JetPack code may have very well given up on reading cross-site cookies from, and just looks for the login cookie from the site itself.
And enabling all cookies in a fresh Brave virtual machine…ALSO does not help.
As I said I enabled ALL cookies.
I also went into shields–which claimed to be blocking cookies, and unblocked there.
Hmmmm….have you tried Vivaldi?
I can’t even SPELL vivaldi.
If you hum a few bars, it’ll come back to you.
Aaagh. Sheilds keep switching themselves back on…and now I think I finally figured out they have to be turned off on each tab.
OK shields OFF for…and NO CHANGE.
Do you have a tab in the same browser, which is remembering the password and set to “remember me”?
If by that you mean my moribund blog, yes. I am not sure I clicked “remember me” so let me log back out and back in.
I mean literally
OK logged out of moribund blog, went to, logged in, it redirected me to my defunct blog (some weird page thereon), and I just turned the shield off there.
And I still have the damn word balloon.
OK, but THAT only turns off the shield for that site. You need to lot into as itself in a blank tab and then set THAT to shields off as well.
I’m logged into both places, both on shields off tabs.
OK, now log out of this site and then reload and log back in.
What do you mean by “reload”?
Page reload.
No change. I closed the tab after logging off and opened a new tab while I was waiting for your answer; that should be equivalent (and I verified the shield is still down).
Also – are you “logging in with wordpress” on this site, when you log in? Just to be sure.
Nope, I’m logging in with the Qtree password (which is a different password, so I can’t be mistaken about that).
OK – try the alternative – logging in with WordPress – and see if that changes things for you!!!
You want me to do that, even though I’m already logged in on another tab?
No – sorry – I mean log out and log back in with wordpress!
OK…I logged out (on the Q tree). I am still logged in via
I then hit log in with wordpress and I then had to agree to allow information sharing. It did NOT ask for my password, it just logged me in (presumably because I’m on in that other tab.
BUT…now I have the right toolbar!
I then did the same thing on the firefox VM (the one I’ve been using to make comments in) and it is now showing the bell.
Just need to wait to see if it receives notifications.
OK – this is interesting. People USED to get the right toolbar no matter which way they logged in, in part because there was a JetPack setting which would try to log you into WordPress no matter what.
BUT – yesterday there was a NEW version of JetPack that came out about the same time I was making my changes, and I have not seen that same group of settings. I’ll bet they dropped that feature.
That means that now I have to tell people that they MUST “log in using WordPress” if they want the notifier to work.
Yes…I just saw this in the notifier, both VMs (both browsers).
I recall there was some reason it was better to log into QTree instead of wordpress (though you still had to be logged into wordpress). I guess it was to slow down spying or something.
It used to work, but I think it died with the latest version of JetPack, which seems to have some key differences, including a lot more nags for monetization by upgrade.
Maybe you can snail mail them a money order paid for with cash and in the notes you write a pre-arreanged code so they know its from you.
OK…more seriously now that I know the key step, I’m going to rebuild my Firefox VM (basically its all automated except for the list of sites whose cookies will be saved when I turn it off), and try to get that working. I’m trying to get away from Brave because on Qubes it won’t update properly because it uses that faggot crypto signed thing you can’t work with without opening the template up to the internet. I’m using an old version I downloaded months ago.
I think the “log in only with WordPress” may be the key trick now that gets this working.
OK..I rebuilt my “standing” FIrefox VM that I use for this site, from scratch (back to the settings it had before). (I call it “standing” because it remembers some stuff from one run to the next, unlike most of my browsers.)
I then logged in as usual–into then here, but logging in with wordpress not the qtree password. And it seems to be working. That was basically the only thing I had to change.
The only thing I need to do now is shut this VM down and restart it and see if I’m still logged in.
And you ARE being shown as “synced” with JetPack!
Is every tab in your browser a separate container that can’t communicate with the others? Or is the browser as a whole in one container?
The browser is just a normal browser—running in a virtual machine. Its as if I was using brave on another computer across the room that’s got nothing but Brave running on it.
As far as I know brave will let the tabs “talk” to each other. If not, that’s on brave.
OK, that produced NO CHANGE.
You should be careful with that, lest people start thinking of you as SteveAndTheMoribundBlog.
Go to bed. I don’t have the bandwidth at this hour of the night to take suggestions from two people simultaneously.
Especially when one is particularly silly.
In the “new” top right bar, I have the notifier thingy, “Howdy,…” and my Avitar + search.
When I click the notifier all that happens is I get the spinning circle (Windows machine) and nothing loads.
Also, as you can see (I guess) my avitar is missing from this post.
Yeah, try killing all your qtree tabs and start a new one and see if you get the bell notifier top bar instead.
Be sure to log out, and then log back in using your WordPress account, not the site account. We are now being forced to use the WordPress account login to get JetPack features.
No bell notifier visible to me now.
I have been re-freshing the page and it is still not there.
I don’t have the select-notifications button when comment-posting showing up either, for now. I appear to be logged-in, as there is a greeting «Howdy, slowcreekno» in the top right corner of the window. And new posts show in yellow, as usual.
You’re basically not hooked into jetpack.
You probably need to log out of this site, but then log back in again…through wordpress, with that password, not the qtree login.
I’ll give that a try and see what happens.
That should work. The new JetPack will not give you the notifier unless it can get a hold of the WordPress login token, and it appears to only get it from this site’s cookie, not from WordPress’s cookie. Thus, you MUST pick “login with WordPress” to give it the WordPress password.
I logged out and back in and that fixed it.
No, and it hasn’t worked for me for over a year since the Deplorable Patriot author account was set up.
You ready to work on that today? The first step is logging out, and then logging back in, choosing the “log in with WordPress” option.
Not right now. I’m going to go out shortly.
Just reply to any of my fresh comments while I’m on, when you’re ready. I’ve got notifications working in both Brave and Firefox now.
As it has been for months now, I can see the bell top-right, but when clicked on I only get the spinning blue wheel of death. However, my WordPress page bell is working again after your experiments of the last couple of days.
We can fix this. What browser are you using? If it’s Brave, then, while on this site, click the little lion at the right of the URL field, and (easiest) turn off shields, or (harder) click Advanced Controls, and then “Allow all cookies”.
And when I say “on this site”, it means any page on
Aha. I use Firefox. Any suggestions for that?
Yes! I just got it working with Firefox. Up at the left of the URL, next to the little lock icon, is a shield. Click on the shield. See if you can TURN OFF “Enhanced Tracking Protection” for just this site. You will then have to reload the page.
We can work through this, I’m positive.
Nifty trick, THANK YOU! SO MUCH!
Great to have notifications working in Firefox! It’s very enjoyable.
Very helpful! 🙂
I also tried to stress my newfound notification ability. I added the DuckDuckGo privacy add-on, and it blocked my notifier. Turned it off for this site only, and the notifier started working again.
Don’t see a bell, only a text sign, next the Howdy, barkerjim, then a magnifying glass. No notifications since 12-15.
Try logging out, and then “Log in with WordPress” when you log back in.
This is the key new thing. They’re forcing people to “log in with WordPress” to get the JetPack features.
It appears to be working. I’m used to it not working, so I am not in the habit of clicking on it, and I hope people will not think I’m ignoring them if I don’t respond to something. I’m assuming you have to click on it and that it doesn’t change colors or something when you have a notification.
The bell notifier should get an orange dot when you have fresh notifications, but that dot goes away, either on its own, or depending upon other complex factors, so it doe not *reliably* stay present, informing you that fresh or unseen notifications are there.
I think my notifiers are all busted, and I’m not getting anything. But that may just be me and probably not helpful.
If you’re using Firefox or Brave, just do two things: (1) turn off shields or allow third-party cookies on this site, and (2) log out, and then “log back in using WordPress” (top option of the login widget).
That should give you a WORKING bell notifier.
Your usual brilliant open, Steve in CO!
Many more than 81 million likes for this paragraph:
“The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must nevertalk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.”
I’ll have to come back and read and try to understand the science part later when I have more time.
Thanks for your Saturday Eagle posts!
ALPHABET ADVENT CALENDAR – ABCs of GOD – Father, Son, Holy Spirit
And I will do whatever you ask in my Name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. – John 14:13
A – Adonai, Almighty, Alpha, Ancient of Days, Advocate, Able, Avenger, Abba, Authority, Anointed, All-knowing, All-powerful, All-seeing, Author and Finisher of our Faith, Angel of the Lord, Abiding, All in All, Apostle, Altogether Lovely, Anchor for our souls.
B – Bread of Life, Bread of Heaven, Bread of Sincerity and Truth, Balm of Gilead, Beginning and End, Breath of Life, Builder of the Church, Beloved, Beautiful, Blessed, Brother, Bishop of Souls, Beginning, Burden Bearer, Bright and Morning Star, Brightness of His Glory, Bridegroom, the final and true Blood Sacrifice, Baptizer
C – Christ, Creator, Comforter, Chief Cornerstone, Counsellor, Chastiser, Carpenter, Consuming Fire, Compassion, Conquerer of sin, evil, death, Courageous, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, Covert from the tempest, Consolation of Israel, Champion of fatherless, children, women, poor, sick, helpless, oppressed, persecuted.
D – Divine, Deliverer, Defender, Dunamis (power), Door of the Sheep, Dwelling place, Delight, Despised and rejected by men, Divider of wheat from chaff, sheep from goats, Desire of nations, Dayspring from on high, Diadem of beauty,
E – Elohim, El-Shaddai, Emmanuel, Eternal, Ever-present, Edifier, Exalted, Elect Stone, Enduring Love, Eternal Life, Everlasting Father, Ensign of the people,
F – Father, Faithful, Friend, Fortress, First and Last, Foundation, For us, Forerunner, First born, Forgiver, Fairer than the children of men, Finisher of our Faith, Fountain of Life, Fragrance of Life, Freedom, Food indeed, Fulfillment of prophesies, promises, hunger, thirst, desires, needs.
G – GOD manifest in Christ’s human form – GOD who sees, speaks, hears, listens, acts, loves, rescues, redeems, regenerates, sanctifies, transforms, delivers, saves to the uttermost! – Good, Gracious, Giver, Gift, Gentle, Great, Gatherer, Glorious, Governor, Great Light.
H – Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, High and Lifted Up, High Priest, Hope, Home, Healer, Helper, Humble and Lowly of Heart, Heir of all things, Head of Every man, Hidden Manna, Horn of Salvation, Hiding Place, He that shall come, Husband, Hero, Highest, Holy One of Israel
I – I AM WHO I AM, Intercessor, Infinite, Invincible, Indivisible, Immeasurable, Instructor, Ikon of Love, Truth, Life, Man, Humanity, (the only true, unchanging, holy fixed) Identity, Image of GOD,
J – Jesus, Jehovah, JHWH, Jehovah Jireh (our provider), The Just One, Righteous Judge of the Quick and the Dead, Justifier, our Justification, our Joy.
K – King of Kings, Keeper of Israel, Kinsman Redeemer, Kindness, Kyrie (Lord), our Keddesh (sanctifier)
L – Lord GOD, Lord of Lords, Lord of Hosts, Logos (The Word), Lamb of God without spot or blemish, Lover of our souls, Lamb slain, Liberty, Lawgiver, Living Word, Living Water, Living Bread, Living Stone, the Last Adam, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Lily of the Valley, Light of Israel
M – Master, Messiah, Maker, Mighty, Mercy, Meek, Manna, Model, Miracle Worker, Marvelous, Majesty, The Man, Maturer (helps us to mature and grow) Mine Elect, Man of Sorrows, Messenger of the Covenant, Minister of the Circumcision,
N – Name above all names, Never forsaking, Never failing, Newness of Life, Near, Nazarene, Only Name under Heaven by which we may be saved, Nail fastened in a sure place,
O – Only true God, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Ordainer, Orderer, Organizer of Creation and of all that is, Our Father, Only Begotten Son, Only Savior, Offering, Ointment poured forth, One who holds the Key of David, Omega, Overcomer, Opposes the proud,
P – Prince of Peace, Path of Life, Passover Lamb, Potter, Protector, Provider, Provision, Portion, Propitiation, Priest, Power, Physician, Blessed and Only Potentate, Prophet of Nazareth, Principle, Preserver, Purifier, Sin Purger, Polished Shaft, Precious Stone, Perfect Love, Truth, Life, Joy.
Q – Quiet voice, Quieter of storms, Quickening Spirit, Quickener of physical life and spiritual Eternal Life, Quencher of spiritual hunger and thirst, Questioner and Answer to Questions
R – Redeemer, Risen Lord, Restorer, Rapha (our healer), Refining fire, Refuge, Resting Place, Righteous, The Resurrection, Rescuer, Ransom, Rabbi, Rose of Sharon, Reconciler and our Reconciliation, Rock of our Salvation, Rock of ages, Rock of Offense, Rod and Root out of Jesse, Root of David, Rivers of water,
S – Savior, Sovereign, Source, Shepherd, Son of God, a Sceptre, Son of Man, Sanctuary, Shiloh, Shelter, Safe refuge, Supplier, Supply, Sweet savor, Sustainer, Sustenance, Sanctifier, Shield, Sacrifice, Servant, Surety, Satisfaction, Sinless, Self control, Slow to anger, Sufficient, Stronghold, Stone of Stumbling, Soon coming King, Spirit of Truth, Love, Life, Steadfast, Sower, Seed of the Woman, Seeker, Shalom, our only Security. Shadow from the heat,
Story behind the Names of GOD Alphabet List –
Note – Day 19 – This is a work in progress – and Names may be added to previous lists as we go along. Your suggestions are welcome.
Today’s Advent item for 12/17……
Have a Christmas music dance party! Play your music loudly. Let it fill the house.
But no Springsteen, PLEASE!!!!!
LOL! “Amen!”
And one of my favorites – the Stone Cut Without Hands. This is from Daniel interpreting Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the image made of different metals.
“Is Russian Restraint Averting the Risk of Nuclear War – or Inviting It?”
This new Biden sneakery of sending in troops to “see where things are going” is likely to mean the following…..
Biden (and Obama) want a bunch of American troops to get killed by Russia in Ukraine, so that (1) Obama can vilify opponents of the war, and (2) so he can then launch major American troops in retaliation. That will likely lead to theater nuclear war, when Russia has to say “we are not going to allow Russian speakers to be “ethnically cleansed” from the Donbass – better for Americans to die here en masse.”
People are not thinking. Russia is not respecting geographic borders – it’s respecting ETHNIC borders.
Biden respects NO BORDERS – even his own – but is asserting geographic borders in Ukraine for cabal gain and his loyalty to his criminal fiends.
“Biden (and Obama) want a bunch of American troops to get killed by Russia in Ukraine, so that (1) Obama can vilify opponents of the war,”
American troops have no business defending Nazis in Ukraine, or the outlaw bio-weapons labs.
So if any American troops are killed in Ukraine, the blame will be squarely on those troops for following unlawful orders of a rogue administration, and on the lawless administration itself, meaning on 10% mental capacity Joe and his puppeteer, Bathhouse Barry.
The administration is a criminal organization, they STOLE the election outright, they are a lawless and rogue government.
When the outlaw Leftist totalitarian government starts a war in Ukraine, and American soldiers follow the orders of the criminals who STOLE the election, and get killed as a result, that’s the totalitarian outlaw government’s fault, and the fault of the people who followed the outlaw’s orders, and nobody else’s.
So if Hussein Osh!tstain tries to vilify anyone for the results of his own actions, we just hold up mirrors. It’s the perfect symbol, every attack they make on the American People is a reflection on them. If he tries to vilify the American People, the American People hold up mirrors to that lying sack of traitor filth, and say look into the mirror, Omaggot.
And besides all that, the U.S. military already let our country be taken over by a rogue criminal government. They did that. No matter what excuse they might make for it, excuses never won a war, and excuses didn’t save our Republic, either.
So if the military wants to compound their error by going to Ukraine to fight for Nazis at the behest of a criminal rogue government, that’s on them.
Let every soldier make his own choice in the matter and live with it.
Any who decide to fight for Nazis on behalf of a rogue and lawless government has to be out of their ever-lovin’ minds to think any American patriot supports them or their criminal mission.
The more of those kind who go over there means the less of those kind we have to deal with back here.
Let them send the whole Praetorian Guard to the other side of the world.
Sounds like a good idea.
Pretty much the way it’s going to have to be.
NEVER support Nazis. It will come back to bite you. Defending the human rights we all share is a very different thing. That is fundamental MLKJ, which people are missing.
“That will likely lead to theater nuclear war, when Russia has to say “we are not going to allow Russian speakers to be “ethnically cleansed” from the Donbass – better for Americans to die here en masse.””
With Ukraine being to the west of Russia, and the jet stream moving from west to east, if Russia used a nuke on their own doorstep in Ukraine, wouldn’t Russia be subjecting itself to the radiation fallout, as the winds blew it across Russia?
Don’t be logical. Don’t you know that the guy who rules Russia and has for decades is in reality a moron who can’t think logically?
If I have to add a sarcasm tag to this, I have greatly underestimated you!
THIS is where many people fail to understand a moral player.
If Chinese amphibious craft were landing on the West coast, with winds blowing into America first (pun intended), I would have no hesitation, based on self-damage alone, in approving a military plan to nuke them ON OUR OWN SOIL.
If that was the best way to get rid of a Chinese invasion, then I would say “Nuke away. It’s on our own soil, and we are suffering the consequences of the act. But slavery to the wicked ChiComs can never be allowed. BURN THEIR ASSES.”
China would have no right to retaliate. They invaded. They died.
Vlad is smart and devious, but he’s also much more honorable than our cast of criminals. Our criminals think like themselves. They do NOT think like Putin.
Putin will defend Russians, even in Ukraine. He will not let them fall to the Nazis. Russia has a “Never Again”, based on WWII. The world had better accept that very quickly.
“China would have no right to retaliate. They invaded. They died.”
But they would anyway, because:
A) ‘rights’ are guaranteed by laws, which are rules, and the bad guys don’t play by anything so quaint as ‘rules’
B) if they had made the decision to invade, they certainly would anticipate every possible response, including nuclear, and have a response to it, which would almost certainly be a nuclear counter-strike, regardless of who started it.
But suppose we puzzle this out.
Who would stop the chinese, if they invaded?
Who would even raise an objection to it?
Nobody in our government would stop them, they’re owned by the chinese (or other globalists who take orders from the chinese) and take orders from the same.
Having a communist nation invade America is Hussein Otraitor’s biggest dream, so he certainly wouldn’t authorize any resistance to a chi-com invasion.
Our military takes orders from the rogue outlaw government, who in turn take their orders from the chinese.
Everyone saw how our military gave up our Republic without even clearing their throats, much less raising their voices in objection.
Much less putting up a fight against a few dozen unarmed septua and octogenarians who ordered the U.S. military to look the other way, while the Crims stole our country in broad daylight.
Everybody saw it.
Everybody knows.
They’ll carry that shame with them until the end of time. There’s no going back and doing it over.
So if the chinese invade, why would anyone expect the United States military to do anything about it? They’re the LAST people I would be counting on.
That trust was broken. Destroyed.
By them.
Maybe Burma would stop the chi-com invasion of the American homeland. At least Burma liberated itself. The Burmese military didn’t make excuses, they made a decision to do what had to be done.
Still waiting for Burma to liberate us, while our military is in Ukraine, fighting for the Nazis.
This may be a perfect time for Burma to invade.
Yup. Woke Milli Vanilli would probably call China and desperately try to save their invasion force.
Boy this is an Excellent “rant” I mean ASSessment!
*&^%$#@©! MASS MURDER!!!!
NEW NUMBERS – 1594 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1100 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
The WHO, FDA, CDC, and those aligned with the malevolent, conscienceless communist cabal committed mass murder world-wide with the release of the SARS-II aka Covid pathogen, the censorship of Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine treatment protocols – with their mandates for bad, harmful hospital/doctor treatment protocols such as Remdesivir and Paxlovid – AND – by mandating the damned killer spike protein vaccines.
Using only the above figures, 1594 x .697 = 1111.018.
PFIZER-BIONTECH knew about the biodistribution of their COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, SUBMITTED the real animal studies data results to the FDA on this, and the FDA STILL went ahead and granted the EUA for the “vaccine” to be used in the United States.
It took Dr. Byram Biddle, via an FOIA to the Japanese government, to pry loose the biodistribution data. The U.S. government did NOT want this information to be made public.
HOWEVER, here is the actual document that Pfizer-BioNTech submitted to the FDA:
The timestamp from the FDA on this document is:
090177e196137069\Approved\Approved On: 21-Jan-2021 23:22 (GMT)
The title of the Pfizer-BioNTech document is:
2.6.5 Pharmcokinetics Tabulated Summary
The document is marked “CONFIDENTIAL”.
Page 7 of the document has the beginning chart of Organ Distribution of BNT162b2 in the Wistar lab rats, including: Adrenal Glands; Bone Marrow; Large Intestine; Liver; Lungs.
The FDA – CBER document ID for Page 7 is:
Page 8 of the document has the remainder chart of Organ Distribution of BNT162b2 in the Wistar lab rats, including: Lymph Nodes; Ovaries; Spleen; Thyroid; Whole Blood Plasma.
The FDA – CBER document ID for Page 8 is:
THIS document is one of the ones that BOTH the FDA and Pfizer-BioNTech wanted to be put under seal for 75 years, and lost in court under an FOIA lawsuit in the United States.
The other document of great interest is the European Medicines Agency (EMA) official assessment of BNT162b2. This document, IMO, has information about BNT162b2 (COMIRNATY) that is difficult to find in United States source searches.
Page 52 of this report discusses the T cell response and the presence of the RNA from BNT162b2 in the lungs of lab animals.
OK – gotta run – TTYL all!
Tucker Carlson Bids an Epic Farewell to Adam Kinzinger – The Last Refuge (
Tucker mentions Kinzinger’s fight with Catturd over his Ukrainian Tweet:
One of the replies:
Love the guy on the left doing Teller’s schtick. He earns his pay, for sure.
Hope Liz Cheney gets a Tucker send off.
Can someone make a reply to this post?
Good morning. Please reply.
TY! And good morning to you!
Hello [waving from ATL] … all is well …
Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 17, 2022
“Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.”
John 15:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
“Quit you like men” basically means “man up.” Don’t be sissies. “Be strong.”
Sort of an antique version of “acquit yourselves like men”?
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Electric Vehicle Charging in Oslo, Norway is Now More than Twice as Expensive as Filling Gas-Powered Vehicle (
Has anyone seen singingsoul in a few days? I know with Christmas she must be busy, but I have been wondering about her.
She was taking time off to knit.
Oh, yes, now I remember. Good for her.
Interesting read – more confirmation. Depop jabs.
I went into the database, and looked at the “notes” section Steve refers to. He’s not kidding, it’s all right there. I looked at younger age vaxxed people. The comments are unreal. Scary. People are just dropping dead.
Statistics can be skewed to mean pretty much whatever you want. But real people telling real truth is harder to skew.
That’s so true. People posting with emotion for what they or somebody they care about has gone through. That’s not bots and trolling. There is a lot of pain and anguish.
It’s all just so sad.
Just got a text from the prayer group at church. Here I am still not over how the deacons sold the jabs behind the scenes and the pastor taking them without thinking it through as well. One of the elderly ladies that follows along and does what they do and got the recent booster – now has Bells Palsy and has shingles in the same area of the face IN her mouth, nose and ear, and moving toward her eye. The same eye that already had cornea problems. They will likely have to sew her eye lids shut temporarily. She is in pain and miserable. A widow who lives alone, although there are a lot of family members nearby and staying with her.
She’s probably done now with independent living if she makes it through all this. All because of the jabs and listening to people who claim to know shiz that don’t know jack.
Probably could do a Heads Up on just the ground report of our church and neighborhood with that crap.
Oh, that is horrifying! How terrible. When all of this comes out, people who convinced others to take the poison are not going to be safe, no matter where they go.
Quite literally, there will be hell, to physically pay.
Not encouraging anything. Just my belief.
~Couple hundred million Americans injected with poison. They were lied to. Coerced to get injected.
Government at all levels, medical world and businesses royally fucked up. Pay back is gonna be hell.
I can’t even imagine what is going to happen.
Some readers here have an interest in the WEF and its agenda. Some of you may not know that there is an alternative called the WEC (World Economic Conference) founded by economist Martin Armstrong. There is a useful YouTube video that will provide background material to understand the historical development of these two competing organizations. For those interested go to the link below. You may conclude it was worth your while.
When compared to the behemoth that is WEF, WEC reminds me of Golda Meir running a kitchen cabinet government/war. In the end though I guess ideas matter most, but that might not protect the roaring mouse in the interim. Good stuff!
What was of interest to me is that Klaus Schwab copied the WEC and turned WEF into a personal influence center. You can predict where an organization is headed if it is led by a control freak. It usually ends up being fascist.
The second major takeaway was that the West is going to war against Russia in 2024. To me that was proof that it is absolutely vital that Trump be elected President in 2024. He is the only viable political leader that can kick dirt on this smoldering fire. Any other electoral result almost certainly leads to world war.
My conservative son and I were having a convo the other day about how the elites always seem to tell you what they are going to do in some way before they do it, but people aren’t paying attention.
My son called this “Karmic Retribution.” He said the evil ones believe that if they lie to you and you accept their “poison” (whatever that entails), then the karma falls on them. But if they show you the truth and you take the poison, the karma falls on you.
The example he used was if you have a cart full of beautiful but poison apples, but don’t tell people they are poison and they eat them, YOU receive the karma. But if you say “these apples are beautiful and tasty, but poison,” and people eat them and die, that’s their problem and their karma.
Then today I find this on Twitter:
This is in a KimDotCom thread about how the Cabal “reveals” what they are planning through movies, television, etc. There are many examples.
Here’s another thread with videos of when they showed us what was coming, including 9/11, Covid, etc.
It was just really interesting to me that the subject came up with my son a few days ago, and now I find it on Twitter. I think the young are waking up. Fast. And when they do, they are going to show us what happens in a Fourth Turning. It will be Biblical, in my opinion.
I’m ready. Hell, I’m past ready.
Have never watched Xfiles.
Wonder when that video was made.
Regardless of when, Xfile watchers have been warned, if not already awake.
I’ve seen every X-flies. I remember watching this one. It is from the later series, in 2016. You can really tell which episodes are from the “late” series by how much Gillian Anderson has aged from the early series.
Exactly. She’s definitely older. Same with Duchovny. Clearly older.
I looked up the episode. It was in 2016.
Whoa! Talk about chilling. Everyone needs to see that video. It might wake a bunch of people up.
🤓🥸🧐Lecture on “Revealing the Method – Esoteric Symbolism as Mind Control – by Jarrod D. Schneider”😮🤔🤨🙄
Thanks! I’ll watch it!
It’s actually quite the pallet cleanser, explaining much on how the elite bad guys have been thinking down through to centuries and up to the present day, how people have been responding, mostly asleep, and how we should be thinking in return if we hope to counter the elite’s most evil machinations. The last part I’d say we mostly know at some level, but it might help in understanding the former with all the evil we are enmeshed in. I’ll try to remember to repost tomorrow to get more eyes on it.
Oh and the vid is not something I knew about before hand. Your post caused me to go in search of “Revelation of Method” as it sounded like there should be something more behind it, and there it was.
Interesting discussion, but I couldn’t help thinking all the way through what a missed opportunity it was to SHOW all of the symbolism and imagery the speaker was talking about.
It’s youtube. It’s a visual medium.
He did show the communist hammer & sickle symbol, and the CFR man on the white horse, but the rest of the half hour just has one static image in the background.
Also interesting about the issue of ‘consent’.
No one here consents to any of the things the globalists are doing.
We openly oppose it.
I do not consent to what they are doing, and it is good that they know it. They may not know it, i.e., they may never read this particular blog, but according to their own belief system and modus operandi, they have the ability to know it — they can see it here and all over the Internet — so if they choose not to know our objection, then their own belief in a perceived cloak of protection from the consequences of their actions is invalidated, and proven to be rank hypocrisy.
In effect, their ignorance of our objection — here and now — is no more valid of an excuse to continue their malicious actions, than the bogus ‘consent’ they claim to have received as a result of the ignorance of the masses.
Our daily discussion of their efforts, and our open objection to and continual mocking of the same, are direct evidence that we certainly do NOT consent.
And since according to their own rules they cannot succeed without our consent, then if we just keep doing what we’re doing, they can never truly prevail.
Not without violating their own belief system, and subjecting themselves to the negative natural law consequences which, by their own belief, will result from their attempted subjugation of all of humanity.
Been semi-following the Twitch death story. All of the stories about how he was a bright light to the world and everything was just great. From dancer to Ellen, on top of the world.
Until he wasn’t and committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Guess all was not great in his world.
Working with the malignant narcissist Ellen will do that to you
Ozzy! Hope you have a Merry Christmas Down Under!!!
I remember seeing him dance a few years ago. He was so talented and did “spread sunshine.” This was surprising news, and so sad. One article said his wife was concerned that he left the house on foot, I think. I thought her level of concern seemed a little odd. There must have been things going on that were not generally known.
Who died ? I’m out of touch, in Cali for Christmas
The realities of nuclear mega death because of the Ukraine. | Pointman’s (
Nuclear power is too slow – by Jack Devanney (
We’re even doing poorly in the drinking competition.
Jpeg pictures don’t embed now?
Pic via Imgur.
Couldn’t get it to work either, posted on Gab and brought over.
I seem to recall having troubles w/powerline blog photos before.
So typical, and the cat is oblivious.
Too late.
Talk. It’s what
R-ConsUniparty does, while giving cover toD-RatsUniparty.Uniparty, One Big Club, That We Ain’t in.
TOC Ready Room 16 December 2022: Censorship, gas lights, and Russia-Iran missile/drone adventure – The Optimistic Conservative (
Prayers for Sheriff Mark Lamb and family. 🙏🙏🙏
Report: Son, grandchild of Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb die in car crash (
Oh no. 🙏
And the child’s mother is in critical condition.
That’s truly heartbreaking. So sad.
SD’s cat unexpectedly passed away.
Was he jabbed?
That’s rough. 🙏 for comfort.
🤡 🤡 🤡
“Massacre” 😂
Drama Queens much?
Attention whores, too.
In this case it goes with the territory. They are their own product.
I can understand this (though I find it offputting).
What I can’t understand is why realtors (of all things) have to put their own pictures on everything.
Right!? What the hell is THAT about?
I suspect it’s a form of branding in the hyper competitive realtor market.
Whoever is recognized or known is more likely to get the next deal than someone who is not recognized or not known.
Maybe. They also may think it makes them more “personable.”
If only we could get Darwin a real estate license…..
Yes! He’d sell ALL the houses!
Can’t wait until Wackypedia is exposed, but that’ll be a later chapter I’m sure
LMAO! Oh, gosh, I needed that.
Oh my lord, the DRAMA!
These adult children need inpatient therapy, maybe forever.
Justice Thomas, Pure Class Act.
First Details of Donald Trump Criminal Referrals Show the Abject Idiocy of the January 6th Committee – RedState
A quick post about spotting fake photos. Something recently jogged my memory about that picture of Hussein with his Pakistani roommate. Anons figured out that the black “shirt” wasn’t a shirt at all, but a Photoshop that blacked out/censored whatever he was actually wearing under the jacket. That’s, of course, assuming it’s Hussein at all and they didn’t just Photoshop a picture of Hussein’s head on someone else.
Anyways, what got me on this tangent was randomly stumbling across this picture of Mariah Carey that was apparently done by the same CIA Photoshopper. The same fake black turtleneck in the Hussein photo makes it return here on the right. That’s nothing, however, compared to the total mess on the left where the man in white just kind of melts into the background. Mariah looks aged enough in this photo that it probably “taken” sometime during or after all of her big ’90s megahits, but somehow the photo quality looks worse than photos taken in 1960s and earlier.
We are told that this is Mariah’s father and nephew, but I don’t buy it. Her official backstory reads about as fake as the Obama family’s, and I’m not convinced she’s half-black, either.
All interesting, and I’m not disputing anything. I’m wondering why O has never denied that that is him in the pic (that I know of). I know sometimes it’s best to leave these things (“conspiracies”) alone and let them die down, but he could have put it to rest a long time ago with a number of different denials.
The left WANTS the chaos and confusion, IMO.
“I know sometimes it’s best to leave these things (“conspiracies”) alone and let them die down, but he could have put it to rest a long time ago with a number of different denials.”
Would you have believed the liar, if the liar told you that wasn’t him (the liar) in the photo?
Grant Stinchfield has landed at Real America’s Voice. He’s currently helping Miranda Khan host AmFest for RAV. Expect him to have his own show come January. RAV will NOT censor him like Commie Newsmax
Ah, Paulie. I loved that show.
LOL! Oh, that’s some black humor.
I’m reading some of the remarks on the Kirsch report…heartbreaking!
Dr A. Ballin PhD, went into Hoag Hospital for a bruised hip. Upon entry to the emergency room (she walked in) she was given a covid test, which came back positive (with no symptoms). She was immediately taken to COVID ward. Family could not accompany her and was given restricted contact. After 3 days family member receives a text begging for water. Family member arrived at hospital, was given access, and saw that the patient had no IV, and not given any nutrients or hydration. Family was told it’s a “dry protocol” and family should consider the “comfort care package” which would allow patient to pass on peacefully. By day 4 patient was on ventilator and probably remdesivir. Family tried to get her released but hospital staff said she required high oxygen intake that an ambulance could not provide. The patient died 8 days after admittance from “COVID”, with no symptoms.
Literally dropped dead in a Dollar General store at the cash register while paying for antacids for discomfort he was experiencing. …16 days after receiving the J&J jab which he did not want to take but was mandated by his job. His 17 year old son was waiting for him in the truck, and when he saw commotion in the store went in and found his dad already blue and dead on the floor. The family is devastated and as his mother, I am heartbroken, angry at the injustice and will never ever get over the shock and realization that pure Evil could steal the life of such a kind person, son, father, brother, nephew, coworker, friend and all around upstanding soul.
No prior health conditions except a bit of arthritis. In good health, ate well walked her dog 4x per day. She was not answering her phone one morning and we decided to pop in. We first discovered a massive pool of pinkish fluid with giant dark red blood clots in it on the floor. We ran up to her room and saw her lying on her bed, looked like she went to sleep fully dressed but never woke up. She did not fall and there was no trauma. Coroner tried to say natural causes (!?!?!?) and would not do an autopsy when asked, even with a doctors request. We fought them for over a week and finally had to threaten to go to the media and sue. They caved and did the autopsy – she had inflammation of the heart, and slightly enlarged heart. They believe all that fluid had come from the lungs as no blood was found in her stomach. She had no heart issues history and none prior in the family. We found her passed away on her bed, (no pink fluid on the actual bed) and her phone was inches away on her bed…but she never called anyone for help. Official cause of death they sited as “unknown cause” (?!?!)
We also saw on her computer following her death that the health authority contacted her for a 4th shot in the last couple months of this year (2022) and she made an online appt to get it done – (but we can’t confirm she went through with it) She had 2 Pfizer’s and booster of Moderna for sure. We had begged her not to get a 3rd as her arthritis got worse after the 2nd. We live in Canada and are convinced it was from the vaccines.
Both my sister and brother in-law were vaccinated in December 2021 and both passed away in March within 8 days of one another. They were 15 years apart in age. He had health issues and ended up with stage four lung cancer. My sister was taking care of him in the hospital when she fell ill. She called me from the hospital saying she was admitted and had stage four lung cancer. Both vaccinated in December and both passed away in March. Within 8 days of one another!!! What are the odds?My brother-in-law: Double pneumonia/Covid/diabetes/acute leg infection/morbidly obese. After being admitted into hospital and said not vaccinated, refused remdesivir and ventilator they pretty much ignored him, moved him from ICU and “forgot” to give him oxygen and hydrate. Family was there to supervise and make demands. They did not clean him as he lay in feces and his daughter, a physical therapist, hand bathed him in bed. I believe if they treated him immediately with antibiotics/steroids and allowed ivermectin, he would have survived and mended. When he was dying, they did not bring in hospice and they DEMANDED he be made comfortable with morphine. I was not there personally, but his wife and 4 daughters were and I advised them, as I could, via phone.
Hospitals. AVOID. If you have to go, bring advocates and take control. Including the right to LEAVE.
My wife is astonishing. She just plain bosses hospital personnel around and will NOT accept no for a answer. I experience some level of embarrassment, but she DOES get things done. Many nurses (not all) get it completely, and will give my wife hints on what direction to take, once they see she means business.
Good for you! You’re in luck. Will add years to your life!!!
Already has, believe me. And before my MIL passed, my wife was so, so good getting proper treatment. Someday I will tell that story on here.
Absolutely hearty Amen here!
Recall BakoCarl post, guessing ~year ago…
Vegas hospital treated BakoCarl horribly. No nourishment, fluids 24 or more hours. BakoCarl had little contact as I recall with doctors and nurses. IGNORED BakoCarl.
At some point BakoCarl TOLD the hospital, quacks, nurses, he was leaving. Called his wife in Pahrump, 45-60 minutes away. Left the hospital.
^^^ I will never forget BakoCarl’s post, describing the inhumane abuse, the Vegas hospital staff levied on BakoCarl.
Edit. SomedayI’ll search out BakoCarl’s post. It was epic AND instructive.
Patients AND family MUST stand up for themselves.
This is so outrageous but so important that we tell these horrifying tales & maybe Someday hold “someone” accountable!!!
Here are a few more
My buddy the son of the deceased was hospitalized after first Pfizer dose with affibrilation. His dad had issues with first dose. Got second. Was found dead in his apartment two days after the second Pfizer dose. I have his death certificate and his covid vaccine sticker showing the dates. My buddies had multiple surgeries now. But is active again.
I know my buddy’s kid died as well a little while back from an anurusm in his brain. He was vaxxed. I bet the elevated ddimer caused the coagulation and the aneurism ruptured.
I’ve seen more than one report of aortic dissection 😡
This friend was in failing health for months, but was not dying when admitted to the hospital because he wasn’t feeling well. From other friends who tried to warn the family, the information I have is that the hospital hastened his death through starving him but giving him sedatives so it would look painless. I think his death was attributed to “COVID”, but I consider it to be iatrogenic, done for the purpose of adding a statistic to “deaths of unvaccinated”.
His name was Mike Ornelas, from Anaheim,CA age 50. Mike was a customer of mine. He was slightly over weight, about 5-8 and 200 lbs. He had just gotten back from a deep sea fishing trip in Cabo with his friends and was very tanned so I know he was getting sun and Vitamin D. I did not know it but he had come down with Covid symptoms and checked himself in to a hotel about a month after coming back from Cabo, to quarantee himself from his family. His condition got worse, and he went to a hospital where he was put in a ventilator and probably Remdesivir. I think it was the Remdesivir which killed him. Mike was very religious, very conservative and he had told me in May, 2021 that he was not taking the Jab and that it was Evil, thrown down from the Globalists at the WEF. I wish I would have known he was sick because I have Ivermectin, ZPacks, Quercitin, Zinc, and Hydroxychlorquine here which I would have brought to him. I think his death was very suspicious. He left a wife and 5 kids.
Frank and I took the monoclonal antibodies that Governor DeSantis offered us Floridians instead of the COVID-19 vaccines. I am Frank’s sister, Jennifer, who he lived with after experiencing a major heart attack in 2014. I didn’t want Frank to take the vaccines because of the reported damage they could do to his injured heart muscle. So in August 2021 when Frank fell in my home and he and I tried our best to get him up and off the floor but couldn’t, I called 911 and had him taken to James A. Haley VA Hospital, Tampa, FL. When Frank left my home that August morning, he was breathing, talking, and eating. Three weeks later while still in the hospital, Frank died. I was told, during his stay, that the doctors/nurses had given Frank REMDESIVIR plus a steroid for COVID. I asked the doctor why did you give him REMDESIVIR? He answered that REMDESIVIR was the correct protocol for COVID-19. I told him Frank and I had already been treated for COVID-19 by taking Monoclonal antibodies. To this date, I feel that I sent my brother to his executioner, TONY FAUCI and his hospital protocol:-(
Mom had excellent health until she was found to be anemic – 2 units of blood – I asked if blood screened Vax or unvaccinated – nurses laughed – Mom died 2 months later – I know of 3 others who had blood and 2-3 months died. I’ll be involved with Safe Blood network. Our blood supply is contaminated. Need studies or research.
My brother, a very very fit 65 year old, who annually went for his “old man tests” for everything, died with a body full of cancer on 24/11/22. Never smoked or drank or ate fast fatty foods, did martial arts, ran, did 50 push ups a day. It was 5 weeks from start to finish, the only organ that could be donated were his eyes, everything else was killed by a very aggressive stage 4 cancer. Unbelievable. Devestating.
These are so hard to read as there has been so much suffering & death…
Is Sharon Osbourne vaxed? I would guess so, but do not know.
DEVELOPING: Sharon Osbourne Rushed to Hospital After Suffering Medical Emergency While Filming New Show
Odds are, yup.
She was.
“Sharon Osbourne was seen for the very first time since her defense of friend Piers Morgan raised reports of racist behavior by the The Talk hostess, captured on her way to a vaccine appointment on Thursday.
The embattled hostess, 68, looked downcast as she quickly went from her car to the LA-area vaccine site to be inoculated, keeping a low profile in a black bucket hat, cream-hued cardigan and white tee shirt.”
Article is from March of 2021.
Thanks! I would guess she has all the boosters too.
I would, too.
This is simply not possible. The Osbornes moved to England because they were so fearful of gun violence in America.
Who is this bad apple among the J6 defendants?
Jan. 6 Defendant Charged With Plotting to Kill FBI Agents Who Investigated Him
What a DOPE. This guy is actually trouble. Good thing he’s not any smarter.
Well, we had to know there was at least ONE actual criminal the FBI could arrest.
Excess death data is starting to come out world wide:
“According to an analysis from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, an extra 15,400 Australians died in the first four months of 2022.
Around one-third of these deaths have no link to COVID.”
Larry Schweikart lays out in the article (Twitter thread) what he thinks is going to happen as it all comes out. It looks pretty plausible to me.
Glad to see people thinking this through.
And it is coming fast. I just commented to TradeBait that the people who convinced others to take this poison will not be safe anywhere when it all comes out.
There is going to have to be some sense and reason here, or I think it will turn into nastiness as bad as forcing people to take the shots.
This is where I think Musk is very correct in reviving rational conversation on Twitter. Not everybody who believed in and recommended the vaccines were literally trying to kill people. Most were mistaken. Some knew and tried to cover up. There is a real continuum here.
A lot of people like me were “not unfavorable” toward the vaccines early on. After the Phase 1 trials for Pfizer were published, their vaccine was number two on the list of ones I was considering. I was VERY fortunate to hear about serious side effects that appeared to be happening to people who had already had the disease, like me. THAT really destroyed my hopes of a vaccine that was safe and effective FOR ME, specifically.
From there, I was able to be a smart shopper, then a critic, then a shocked witness to a horrible truth.
I have no patience with those who did not have the same level of knowledge as people here but refused to listen and continued on their path because it was “safer” for them monetarily, employment-wise, reputation-wise, etc. They were instrumental in killing people. Some hospital systems are tops on that list; I don’t care what the CDC says. As the CDC itself has noted, they were only giving guidelines. 🙄 No one had to do the Nazi salute and click their heels.
What’s really nasty about the CDC is that they’re not REALLY saying that they made any mistakes. Nothing specific. It’s a nifty trick. They say “Mea culpa, we made mistakes”.
BUT – what do they DO?
ALL of that – absolutely all of that – fits with the idea of a depopulation plot that they are simply “brazening out”.
We’re like a victim getting wise, as Ted Bundy keeps trying to talk us into the car. And Ted Bundy has a gun, and is just waiting for us to do something, so that he will have the justification of “self-defense” to do what he wants to do anyway.
Oh, yes. Slippery as eels. Perfect Bundy analogy!
I will just do what I always have; not trust anyone who has proven they are untrustworthy.
Anyone with medical training who pushed or gave the jabs is no longer to be trusted. They SHOULD have known better.
All others will be evaluated individually.
Rock star looked at me a few minutes ago and said that same thing. No trust, but verify with all medical providers – other than our chiro. Verify only – never trust.
Our chiro refused all jabs, was adamantly against them. While COVID was going on in the first year or so, she would excuse the staff to go home in the evenings and stay by herself to give chiro treatments to her patients after hours when THEY WERE INFECTED WITH COVID so as not to expose her staff. No staff masking except for the brief period the state required it and she told them nobody would know if theirs fell off when no patients were around.
When going through the medical information she will casually inquire without judging whether patients were jabbed or not. She says it can affect her treatment protocol as there are things she does that helps the immune system along with vitamins/supplements recommendations.
She is a jewel. You are very lucky to have her.
I have a cranial-sacral therapist who was/is pretty much the same.
Here’s my technical report on how I got my notifications back on.
First, I did a bunch of stuff which didn’t work.
Second, I did another bunch of stuff which also did not work.
Finally, I did some more stuff and it worked.
You have just outlined the solution to every problem. I can’t see clearly through the fog but I thought I saw a glimpse of Nobel something or other.
Lol! That’s the whole of my computer skills in three sentences!
The Gateway Pundit:
Juanita Broaddrick:
17 seconds 😉
Kirsch keeps them coming day and night. Another good one. The walls are closing in.
Nightmare Fall of United States – Martin ArmstrongBy Greg Hunter On December 17, 2022
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said just before the 2022 midterm elections that voter fraud and cheating will set up a very troubling 2023. Armstrong is predicting “a major turning point in January of 2023.” Armstrong explains, “The computer (Socrates program) is showing that January is going to be the major turning point for the entire year of 2023. . . . The currencies are rallying against the dollar, and that should go into early January and then after that, this thing looks like death warmed over. Perhaps it is the insanity of handing Patriot missiles over to Ukraine. I know Ukraine very well, and I am telling you they will use them offensively and not defensively. They will use them to attack Russia. Their whole objective is to expand the war.”
Armstrong says Biden Administration economy killing policies will, “. . .only increase inflation, and this is an endless nightmare. In all honesty, I hope the Republicans move to impeach Biden. I am not even sure Biden is aware of all the things taking place. It is the people behind him that are doing this. They are the ones writing these agendas, and they are a bunch of climate zealots, and they have no idea what they are doing. . . . This is getting to be insane, and I think you are going to see that January is going to be a very, very big turning point . . . with the Republicans in the House, they will probably start impeachment proceedings and a lot more investigations.”
Armstrong thinks, “The U.S. dollar will be going up . . . Gold and all other tangible assets will also go up in value” right along with “interest rates and inflation going up” too.
On the political front, Armstrong says keep your eyes on Arizona and the 2022 midterm election lawsuits going on now. Armstrong contends if widespread cheating is proven, “Basically, if it is exposed in one state, then people are going to assume election cheating is all over. It will be like a contagion or like the flu. If it’s in one place, everybody is going to get it. This is simply the way it is. There is no election that is never rigged. The question is if the rigging is good enough to actually change the outcome.”
With the possibility of a wider Ukraine war, world wide social unrest, extreme inflation and election fraud in 2022, how is America going to fare? Armstrong says, “Our computers say nobody will believe the elections. This is what our computers show. We are moving into total political chaos. This is the fall of the United States. Our Republican form of government does not work. It is too susceptible to bribery. . . . I would like the tree to fall in the right direction and we have a real actual democracy. We don’t live in democracies. That’s all propaganda. A democracy would be if we decide to go to war in Russia and Ukraine and not somebody in Biden’s Administration. The people never go for war, it’s always the leaders that go for war.”
Unfucking real…
Four Republican Senators Vote Against Reinstating Military Members Over Vaccine Status – Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Bill Cassidy and Susan Collins
Displaying some of the most insufferable logic imaginable, four Republican senators voted against reinstating military members who were discharged for refusal to get vaccinated.
I don’t know if this is old news or even a legit study.
Ivermectin converts cold tumors hot and synergizes with
immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of breast cancer
I met this very weird anti-ivermectin troll on Twitter, who was also shilling for some supplement protocol centered on niacin. Seemed almost off his rocker. Anyway, he blocked me, but not before I tried to have a rational discussion.
Fight on!
Was that Dimitri?
I was thinking it might have been him – or one of his top resellers.
Jab nails fit and healthy 14yo in England.
14-Year-Old “Fit and Healthy” Child Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Out Biking
He reports that hospitals are full in at least a part of Virginia, with patients in beds lining the hallways. It isn’t attributed to COVID, but to hight BP, shortness of breath, heart issues, etc., which can all result from vaccines. My takeaway, since vaxing is out of the question: stay out of the hospital if you can help it!
The local children’s hospital is telling parents that unless their kids with the flu are turning blue, keep them at home as they have no room. True story. Our daughter talked to them about our very ill grandson who was diagnosed by his pediatrician. Fortunately he is turning the corner, but it makes me wonder how many of the kids that have been admitted have been jabbed?
The Medical Tsunami from the COVID-19 “vaccines” is beginning.
I keep hoping people will realize that their sudden illnesses are from the vax. Of course, not all of them are, but people should be asking some questions.
100%, people need to ask questions. Bring a family member, advocate…
Medical weenies need to grow acet AND answer honestly.
It does seem like it. But! Be careful, the plural of anecdote is not data.
One of our regional hospital chains has been on a facilities construction spending spree over the past two years – to the tune of $200 million planned expenditures. They owned some of the most expensive commercial land in the area and purchased more in a different location on the other side of Knoxville to build all sorts of additional outpatient services – rehabilitation services, diagnostics, labs, imaging and physician offices as well as an existing hospital expansion.
Wonder where they got the money for all of that? 🤬
Bonds, most likely, depending on the system. They’re going for vertical integration.