Civilized War: Take My Stand

This one is going to take some time to read, grab a cup of coffee or tea. We will be digging deeper and going with examples, illustrations and parallels. It will be a month before I return as some R&R is on tap. Time to move the story and observations of life on this planet along. This is my manifesto of sorts. I take my stand. This is the hill I die on.

Reality Sucks

What would be the motives for an American government and its primary foreign intelligence organization to lead and participate in illegal drug operations in other countries around the world? We know what politicians say to the public about their motives in general, “…to protect American interests at home and and abroad.” Do you buy it? What do you suspect are their real reasons, since there is nothing the average, non-doping, non-perverted American citizen wants that can be found in foreign poppy fields, in fentanyl labs or on human trafficking routes.

It appears some powerful percentage of our government’s leeches, mafioso type leaders and brain dead worker bees rationalize doing bad things for national security reasons when in reality, it is controlled domestic and foreign aggression used to gain even more money, worldly power and perverted pleasure.

They frequently use staged theater with predetermined outcomes designed to influence normie citizens to believe or act as desired. Which is then sold through the airwaves and net.

Let’s go back to some of our older boomers’ formative years. How about, Oswald acted alone? Or, Ruby was enraged and in grief about the assassination of JFK and seeking revenge when he killed Oswald two days later? Did you buy it then? Do you buy it now?

I was a kid sitting in my elementary school when the JFK assassination was announced over the loudspeaker. We were led to believe the Soviets were behind it all even back then as the hallowed voice of Walter Cronkite, the now known progressive communist, told the story on the tube. Since then it has been the same game plan used in differing ways and repeated over and over with different players and situations. If one is paying attention at all, one knows that reality is far different from the official pictures painted by government sources and their prostitute media.

Think about it. They murdered the President of the United States openly in cold blood for all of the world to see. Then they went on with life, pretending to care, and implementing more of their nasty plans while crafting narratives for their whoring media to spit out. The progressive academics and teachers from public and private schools then wrote the false accounts into history books and other literature, which were fed to hundreds of millions of unsuspecting young people over six decades.

All of it being evil lies. Message sent, message received. Head down, go back to work.

Elements within our American government have been leading this activity; protecting, hiding and using it for covert purposes all around the world similar to what they did with captured Nazis and scientists of value after WW II. Elected officials know and go along with it as do all of the Cabinet officials with security clearances and briefings under each administration. Why do you think lobbyists are openly granted access to the thrones of power? It is a method of legal payoffs for work done for their globalist employers with a condition of silence about “the system” from which they benefit greatly.

How do I know this? I knew some participants in it and worked with others BIMD. One was a lobbyist and one of the best buds of a POTUS going back to their college days. Others were the money men behind the scenes funding the schemes while the media, business and sports worlds honed their images as good guys. Put the pieces together, some of the accounts are in BIMD.

They all know and see far more than we do. To be sure the communications are coded, sheltered and nothing is made obvious for the normie to comprehend. Continuing Resolutions of the non-budget assure the game remains rigged with money flowing to their designated people and places.

It is why they boo Matt Gaetz when he brings truth to the House chamber about where their allegiances belong. You already know that would not be you.

Knowing that Senator Lindsey Graham is a neocon snake of the highest order who backs throwing away our national financial and blood treasure in pursuit of war, death and suffering, PDT still openly supports the Senator just like he did McCarthy as Speaker. What does that say to us? Perhaps exposing them on their seats of power is part of his plan? Your call.

Some friendly advice – blindly trust nothing or nobody you see, hear or smell from the government. Test them and the subject for truth first. None have clean hands.

Truth Testing

If truth testing in a more scientific, secular way worked well; how did we get here on the verge of WW III being fought for the benefit of the evil along with a complete collapse of our economic system? The planned exit of God from our society has been systematically executed by governments, schools, cultural endeavors, business, etc. for many years in America and other nations. The clear intent of our founders relating to separation of church and state has been perversely modified through the use of lawfare, court decisions, lying politicians. illegally enacted laws/mandates, and even apostate pulpits in direct conflict with governing documents. I have already addressed some of my personal experiences with this in past BIMD stories and the evidence is in the public sphere to do your own research. The black hats cannot hide and censor all of the crumbs fast enough.

The signers of both the Declaration of Independence and Constitution clearly stood with the God of Abraham. They put it in writing and signed their names to it. They went to war giving everything to bring it about. The supporting documents and writings of all related documents direct action and social construct to be based on this intent, which included freedom of religion, not from religion. The founders simply did not want a specific nationally authorized religion involved in ruling America. No theocracies or close resemblances were to rule here.

Truth testing is simply comparing what is stated in the founding documents, legally enacted and administered amendments, related statutes/laws, and Holy Bible about the subject at hand. Take the subject words, actions and events and see how they stack up.

Since our nation’s founding, cultural reprogramming attempts have constantly been made by advocates to redefine what “truth” is. They have worked in direct and many times, covert opposition. As an example today we see it in Woke culture representation of “my” or “your” truth that bends weaker minded society toward relativism as has been repeated in stories and interviews daily for years. After all, if their is no standard for “truth” it can be modified as necessary to achieve their goals. We have seen this play out openly within our nation’s legal and judiciary activities. They use their advocacy to disrupt in efforts to make money and gain power.

Which is exactly what the Hebrew leaders did thousands of years ago with the Talmud(s), rabbinic scriptural recitals as well as their interpretations and traditions of the simply stated and understood laws of God as provided by Moses. All of what was developed was meant to bend society to benefit them and their cronies. Have we forgotten Jesus called his contemporary versions a “brood of vipers” in Matthew 12:34? Study both the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud to gain more understanding.

Nothing new under the sun. Same type game plan. God provides, man rebels and does his thing.

Now that many real truths of MAGA opponents’ criminal, divisive activities have been revealed over time; did any of their words and actions indicate that is how a nation founded on God’s providence and principles should act? Looks more like the devil’s disciples in action to me. They are creating and increasing massive human misery for what?

Satan’s purposes.

God’s purposes are best understood as follows.

Wake Up…

Matthew 16:26 (and Mark:8:36) – For what good will it do a person if he gains the whole world, but forfeits his soul? Or what will a person give in exchange for his soul? (NASB)

In the end we all die and face God. That will either be a wonderful thing or an unspeakably awful thing. It is a personal choice made in this world while we are still breathing. Denying His existence is simply avoidance, not a rational answer.

But let us assume we did not face Him when we die, as atheists believe. There is nothingness or we become space goo. What does one achieve of immediate, much less lasting value by leading others into destruction for personal gain when one knows one is also going to become worm food eventually anyway? We are only deceiving ourselves to believe he or she who dies first with the most toys wins. We are still dead, the obtained toys are useless to us.

My previous Ghosts story of covert government clowns with the linked story involving government sponsored illegal drug production and distribution is just one of many non-virtuous activities conducted over the years. Not good. Scary and intimidating to more normal people who have been fed and accepted the official narratives through the years. As a result many refuse to read or listen to truth tellers. They are frightened by what they may learn that challenges their understanding and perceived safety. By refusing to dig and accept truth they become easy prey for the wicked.

Regardless of personal beliefs, why do the people involved keep doing the dirty while knowing they will eventually die? I suspect many fall for the initial allure, the bait. Once trapped in the web they feel they have no choice but to continue. Dead man or woman walking if they turn away and if not them, loved ones will be on the hook for their departure from the game.

The remainder of us who have avoided involvement in the evil, just like the Hebrew remnants of the Biblical past who lived amongst it without becoming a part of it, want to know how to stop it and reverse the tide. Which for the curious as well as believers leads to…

Exodus 14:13-14

Let’s see what scripture has to say.

And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” (NKJV)

We will first skip to the end of the story. The sea parted for the Hebrews to safely walk across its bed to land on the other side at which time the sea came back to normal and destroyed the military of Egypt who had been in savage pursuit. The Hebrews were given their “peace” and the opportunity to watch their oppressors be destroyed by YHWH. Which should have been a very powerful message.

Which begs the questions, why was it necessary for the Hebrew nation to leave Egypt and what was required of them once they did?

They experienced slavery that came on them slowly at first and over time became a burden they could no longer bear. God’s chosen had been brought to Egypt to reside in a remote region called Goshen to save and purify them from the evil around them in Canaan, yet, over time were subjected to cruel treatment by their hosts who had grown to resent their presence. It needed to become unbearable for them to want to escape and endure the uncertainty and hardship of the journey out of Egypt that was to come to fulfill God’s mission for His people.

Enter Moses. God used an imperfect Moses to lead and be his mouthpiece with Pharaoh and leader of The Chosen. God took over from there. Plagues upon plagues hit the Egyptian nation while sparing the Hebrews. This set the stage for their exit, which led to the end of that segment of the story described previously.

What we learn is that suffering was needed to eventually motivate them out of their complacency to fulfill God’s mission for them as a people. What we also learn it was about the people and not all about Moses, the leader selected by God.

Sound familiar?

To end their suffering all they had to do was commit to doing God’s will. Be faithful. Stay out of God’s way. Simply do what He told them to do – which was to gather specific things and walk where Moses led them in obedience. After that it was all about observing Him at work, loving and worshipping the one true God, YHWH, as He provided for their needs.

How could you not honor and love a creator of life like that? Well, unsurprisingly some did not love him. They grumbled, they complained, they worshipped idols, and they did many other things he warned them against doing. They also never made it to the Promised Land. The disobedient died prior to arrival because God never let them experience His peace as long as they sinned against Him and each other. Their disloyalty to God drove Moses to distraction and disobedience. For his error he was only allowed to see the Promised Land before he died.

The lessons from this historical story are immense. They are a big deal. Which is why we need to understand and apply them in America today.

Application For MAGA

The following statement may rattle a few cages; PDT is not a warrior angel of sorts who has come to save America. He has been our MAGA leader and current mouthpiece. He is a man of principle who acts upon and reflects what most patriotic Americans have deeply felt and understood long before he announced his run for POTUS. “They” really are after us and “he” really has been standing in their way. He is human like all of us and has been raised up by the MAGA masses and possibly God Himself because he understands and speaks what we know is truth to those in opposition.

However, We the People are who founded America collectively and we did it under God’s providence centuries before PDT arrived. MAGA is about us. We the People are not likely to untangle over 150 years of webs created by domestic and foreign enemies of our nation without heavenly assistance. We are like the Hebrews in bondage to Egypt. There is only One who can loosen the bonds for freedom and liberty to reign. Perhaps PDT is His mouthpiece if it is indeed time to leave slavery.

Our role is to individually and collectively turn from our wicked ways and place our faith and trust in Him. It starts with people resolutely trusting the Lord and living as He instructs wherever we are and in whatever situation we find ourselves.

People who do that are not meek and mild. They are warriors for truth, mercy and justice. They do not comply with totalitarians, they work to counter evil doers. They avoid compromising situations and are not job scared. They challenge school boards, judges and Senators publicly. They give and work in churches and charities to help the less fortunate and take care of all within their sphere of influence. Most of all they tell others about the sacrificial love of Jesus and pray the house down to intercede as needed.

They pour themselves out as the Lord did.

In this manner we withdraw from the world while remaining in it. We shun the oppressors even if imprisoned under threat of death. We turn to the Lord for our strength and salvation. If we are obedient to His instruction all will turn out right in His sight. We quit thinking and acting on our own beliefs that are in conflict with God’s stated desires for us and others. We acknowledge we do not make the rules, He does.

To be sure, He may use people like PDT and other patriots to accomplish His will. Some of the people may be His true servants while others may be instruments who may or may not be aware of their involvement in something bigger than this world and themselves. Jesus even calls some people His “friends” in John 15:15. They have a special place within His kingdom due to the knowledge and trust He grants them. We should always seek to be a friend to Him and others.

Regardless of the situation, it will all work out as God intends because it always has throughout time within His creation. He is sovereign. He is I AM.

Our perspective of time and success needs to match up with His. Our earthly wills are not particularly relevant to actual results in God’s domain. Our desires are considered by Him and granted, postponed or declined subject to His perfect will. Our attitudes need adjustment. James provides it. James 4:13-17 states, Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.” But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil. So for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin. (NASB)

Do the one time superpower great nations of the earth still have control? They all said they would and lived high and mighty. At one time the Egyptians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Greeks, Romans, etc. each ruled much of the known world. Do they today? Do Great Britain, France, Germany and Spain of yesteryear control the seas and distant lands as they once did ? How about the Nazis, imperialist Japan, the Soviets, the communists, or even America in more recent times? Some say other sinister worldly forces control, yet, we know those nameless and faceless shadow people permanently disappear from the scene only to be replaced by somebody else.

Will the next version – BRICS – be the one that finally makes it all happen?

Only God knows.

But all before them boasted of their might and power. How did that work out for them?

In the end in this world, we die. Individuals, nations and groupings of people physically die. None survive. The best of the best and worst of the worst all meet the same fate as God intended. Planned obsolescence. God gave life and direction to humanity. Humanity was then and continues to be dissatisfied with His ground rules since the Garden of Eden. God provided toil and physical death for all humanity in response to the first rebellion. It has been a continuous effort by the unGodly to change that since the Garden. None have been successful in doing so. All have met the same fate – physical death in this world. Judgment for eternity follows.

To date, trust in science or any other worldly pursuit or bright idea of the moment has not saved a single, physical life on this planet. The people telling the rest of us they know some or all of the secrets of the Universe turn to dust like everybody else.

The only truly successful people are those who love God, trust their salvation to Him and do His will. They live eternally in a joyful state of being that is without comparison to what we will ever envision or experience on earth.

Change Your Citizenship

As previously stated nations come and go. We (America) are obviously going. Clearly we are in the decline stage of the life cycle. When some people realize the seriousness of it all their usual first reaction is to try to determine where they and their loved ones can go to escape. Bug outs and prepping becomes the focus.

The answer is to change your personal citizenship. Apply for citizenship in Heaven. Then start living as you will in Heaven…today, here on earth. Prepare in His ways, which sometimes might include physical prepping. Do not be caught unaware. Just do not obsess over the prep in place of your relationship with Him.

One day the world’s most charismatic leader will appear. He will capture the hearts and minds of the masses in a way that will amaze nations and institutions. With successful quantum computing and AI it may be about his time. He will also blaspheme God. His spirit is already here. Everything you thought you knew has been thrown into disarray over the years. Disunity, criminality and severe mental illness parade around you with pride. Wars and rumors of wars to go with natural disasters abound. The fields are being prepared for this lawless creature to physically arrive on the scene.

If you choose to change your citizenship to Heaven, in the name of Jesus you can stand strong against the evil creature’s spirit today. John told us how to do it in I John 2:15-27.

Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God continues to live forever.

“Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be evident that they all are not of us. But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie is of the truth. Who is the liar except the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also. As for you, see that what you heard from the beginning remains in you. If what you heard from the beginning remains in you, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.

This is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life.

These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. And as for you, the anointing which you received from Him remains in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you remain in Him.

As John described then, so it is now as well.

This world is a lost cause without divine intervention. Don’t fall for the stuff you see and experience. It is a lie that is designed to deceive. Your anointing, if you so choose to accept it, is with God. You can abide in Him and His truth daily. John tells us he will teach us about all things. It begins and ends with Jesus, God’s Son.


Those of us who are in this much appreciated QTree community that Wolf has kindly developed and maintained, know how informative it has been with truth. There is an unmatched commitment to it from my observations through the years. We vet everything to the best of our abilities and are unafraid to call it as we see it as well as respectfully disagree with one another. Christ believer or non-believer, all are valued.

As a believer, I know Carl brings great truths from The Word weekly. My life experiences have proven the truth of The Word and His presence countless times. Answers to seemingly insurmountable problems have been provided and the figurative raging seas parted for me and my loved ones to cross to safety. I have felt His expression of love for me and others deep within my being. His still, small voice is highly treasured even if only randomly, infrequently heard. He has honored me with responses to prayers and yearnings. I owe Him everything.

It would be sinful of me to stay quiet. For the non-believer even my proof may fall on deaf ears. However, I am to provide anyway.

Only my immediate family knows what I am about to reveal and it is not for my purposes or glory. I am no prophet or faith leader; just an old dude who has seen a lot and been saved from my many sins by God’s grace.

I posted on a daily a couple months ago that our daughter and son-in-law had learned she was expecting their third child. This event was totally unplanned and unexpected. A couple of months before their revelation to us I had quietly wished in my mind that I could have been a papaw to a granddaughter similar to our precious daughter. I knew she would have loved to have a prissy little girl like she was by her side and that her husband dearly wanted a daughter that was apparently not in God’s plan. I would once again get to hold a sweet baby girl from my baby girl in my arms. The legacy started by the lineage of strong, loving mothers from Wifey’s side of our family could continue if within God’s will and plan. However, I did not pray to the Lord for that to happen as I have been very content with the blessings that have already been bestowed upon us as a family. It was just one of those ‘sure would have been nice’ deals in my mind.

About a month later I heard a quiet voice in a dream. Please understand that I rarely if ever remember my dreams. I did this time and it startled me out of my sleep. The voice simply said —– (name) is going to have a baby girl. I woke up and thought that was strange. They already had told us they were done and the SIL was checking out getting snipped. So I just discarded hearing the voice and thought it was the result of something Keto I ate the evening before. 😂

About a month later we got that call from them that they were expecting. They were still in shock and worried we would be upset. Wifey was a bit perturbed because she knows they can ill afford it and worries about what our grandchildren will have to face in this fallen world.

My first reaction was to leave the room and hit my knees. I had told nobody of the voice in my dream up to that point.

About a month later, daughter and I took the oldest grandson to therapy. While waiting for them to conclude she asked what gender I thought she was having. I told her about my dream. Her eyes got big because she knows there have been a few times in the past the still, small voice has spoken to me and what was said, happened – just not coming in a dream like this did.

We kept it between father and daughter for the time being.

When she was far enough along a few weeks later she elected to have the comprehensive prenatal blood screening test done to determine gender and check for abnormalities. We were thrilled to learn a couple of weeks later that all of the markers were very good and that a report would be provided that would include the gender if they wanted to know. Our daughter asked that the report be sealed in an envelope since they did not – that it would be revealed at a party at our place for family and friends. She brought it by and left. I told Wifey I already knew, the baby is a girl. Wifey tore open the envelope and found what I knew she would. Her expression when she looked at me was priceless. I simply pointed up.

At that point I confess, I lost it. A blubbering mess that could not stop praising our magnificent Lord! With all that He has to handle that He would honor sinful me with a secret, unrequested desire of my heart was more than I could handle. There could be many other reasons for the blessing and my secret desire was just one. But it happened and that is enough.

Once I had composed myself, I told Wifey of the dream and that I had let our daughter know about it over a month before. She believed me instantly as she has her own ways and pipeline that we have learned to trust.

Mamas know stuff guys typically don’t. Daughter has learned from the best; Wifey and my wonderful Mother-in-Law. I was not personally blessed with a mama anything like them. However, the Lord provided to meet my needs. I learned how it is done and the value from my marriage to Wifey. The legacy continues…

If God will speak to me, He will speak to you. Be a man or woman after His own heart. Trust is a two way proposition. He has provided many examples in His Holy Word. Whatever He has called you to do or experience, He will give you the resources and abilities to handle it.

We have discussed from The Word that the Lord saved an entire nation of His chosen people who had nothing of which to defend themselves and did nothing but obey His commands. Now you also know the same awesome Lord was willing to speak to a nobody follower of his in east TN with truth and love. He cares about it all, even the most minute details. He knows He has all of my love and commitment. He knows we will raise our precious blessing in the way. He alone knows His plans for her. We are good with that. It is enough.

As Hillary sings with Anne above, the fightin’ is always best done on your knees…

Instruction and Conclusion

One of the great evangelical pastor/theologians who informed my faith was Dr. Adrian Rogers. I was and still am in awe of him. His voice was as thunder to me, it commanded me to pay attention. I had a few personal experiences with this great man while he was alive that led to reading his publications, watching his television ministry weekly, visiting his church and being in worship with him at Promise Keeper events. He was a plainspoken man of great integrity with a devoted, accomplished wife who did so much for people for many years. From him I learned the six P’s of Bible study. These questions frame the approach I believe we all should consider taking in our study of truth as presented in the Bible. When reading, ask the following questions:

  1. Is this passage a Precept, which is a doctrine or rule of personal conduct?
  2. Is this passage a Prophecy?
  3. Is this passage Poetry?
  4. Is this passage Prose, which is ordinary writing or matter of fact statements?
  5. Is this passage a Proverb?
  6. Is this passage a Promise?

The answers provide clarity and context to what we read. We need to personalize our responses and should ask the related questions that follow:

  1. Is there a promise to claim?
  2. Is there a lesson to learn?
  3. Is there a blessing to enjoy?
  4. Is there a command to obey?
  5. Is there a sin to avoid?
  6. Is there a new thought to carry with me?

My prayer for all on here is that each of you seek new thoughts to carry with you that come from the truth provided in God’s Word and ensuing personal revelation. The key to our victory as a people is to be citizens of the kingdom of God first and foremost. Support the Lord handling our worldly issues His way and do not lose heart. Pay attention and test whatever is going on against scripture. Then act accordingly – just like the Hebrew nation who crossed between the walls of water of the parted sea as they made their way to safety. Acknowledgement of your weakness and placing faith in the Lord is the first step to deliverance.

People tend to forget that the Egypt that enslaved the Hebrews in the days of Moses was the same nation that welcomed them 400 years before during the times of Joseph. Their escape from the depravity of Canaan to isolated Goshen in Egypt gave them a place to rebuild their faith and character as a people. As that happened their world around them responded with envy and hate. Just like it does in many places in America today where people are turning to faith in the Lord and standing against tyranny.

There are no geographic areas we can travel to as an American people that will help us accomplish our MAGA rebuild. It is an odd thing that both our place of refuge and our battlefield is within God’s temple – us.

Rise up…

We will continue the journey next time. May you be blessed by the God of Israel and America.

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Brave and Free

Look forward to reading this later today.
Praying your R&R time away will be relaxing physical and mentally.
God Bless


I thank God for the spiritual recharge within this post, and thank you too TB2.

Brave and Free

Thanks TB2 for this, your obedience to God is evident. What you bring here to us at the Tree is always of great value to me and others I am sure. You put into words thoughts that I have and it’s reassuring knowing we’re not alone in this place.

Barb Meier

Thank you, TB for this wonderful message. It is such a gift. I will reread it later because you’ve given me much to reflect on. 🙏

Barb Meier

Dr Malone sent this interesting piece about the Club of Rome this morning.

Barb Meier

I enjoyed reading this graphic about Christina of Sweden included in Dr Nordangard’s article.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A very impressive lady!


Libs are woke traitors
Kamala’s not black
Joe has dementia
And Hunter’s on crack

The Senate and House
Act like kings on thrones
Backed up by judges
Corrupt to the bone

This world is evil
We don’t belong here
It’s all ruled by
Hate, anger and fear

Thank God we’re His
And not of this world
Our home’s from heaven
With gates of huge pearls

Our home is blessed
With peace, joy and love
All to the glory
Of our God above

So when evil prowls by
With its traps and snares
To drag us all off
To its hellish lair

We must remember
The war is now done
And though battles rage
Our victory is won

Christ gave His life
‘Twas our sins He bore
Praise God forever
And forever more


Enjoy your baby granddaughter- where people love their peopl there is both hope and courage

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! This came at the perfect time – but those details will be revealed later! If, as I am quite sure you do, know what I mean! , 😉  😎  🙏 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

An excellent take on truly living for God, but quite identically living for the eternal joy of closeness to God.


Thank you, TB, for a stirring testimony.


Please take care and enjoy your break. A month or so from now will be right up to Thanksgiving prep. Another time for deep reflection on a full belly w family and friends around. You dont be a stranger.


I look forward to your latest stories when you return!


Amen! Thank you for this!

Happy go lucky

Wow, I’m amazed.

Ive been wondering how to know for sure if I’m putting God first, and you have brought me so much instruction with this. Thank you, thank you. I have lots of studying and praying to do.

I’m thrilled about the coming Baby Girl 💕