DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20240104

I was going to do a whole thing on “don’t count on the Epstein files to be published any time soon” and am glad to be proven wrong on that.

That being the case, a lot of what I collected is obsolete as of this putting together the post.

Badlands News Brief – January 3, 2024

Exclusive — Trump Plans Aggressive Expansion of Electoral Map, Says He’ll Make ‘Heavy Play’ for New York, New Jersey, Virginia, New Mexico, Minnesota

The GOP’s most Trump-skeptical bloc starts falling in line

Like It or Not, 2024 Is the Year of Trump

The election engines were started long ago.

Illegal Alien Invasion Maps Exposed

Big Business Took a Beating From Conservatives Over Woke Marketing in 2023, but Did It Change Anything?

2024: Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course?

It’s No Wonder Why the Left Wants Trump Off the Ballot in 2024

U-Haul: Illinois among top states for outbound movers in 2023



My household in a nutshell.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


1 JOHN 3:7-10

7Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does right is righteous, as he is righteous. 8He who commits sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. 9No one born of God commits sin; for God’s nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God. 10By this it may be seen who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not do right is not of God, nor he who does not love his brother.



Not anymore.

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Well — that failed. Sorry.


Yeah, some images won’t translate here. Trying this:

Edit: Nope. The ones that end in .jpg and .gif will work.

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths
Valerie Curren

Gab ones usually do too & they seem to mostly end w/ png, I think…

Gail Combs


all work… SOMETIMES but not always.

You can take a file called:
h t tps://pbs.twimgXXXXX?format=jpg
and change it to
h t tps://pbs.twimgXXXXX?format=jpg
h t tps://pbs.twimgXXXXX.jpg

Valerie Curren

TY sometimes that trick works, like from twitter, but not for nitter, at least not for me…


I am reminded of Thomas Edison’s quest for a filament for a light bulb. A reporter visited him and was shown into a large room with 16,000 little jars on shelves on all sides. Edison explained that each material in each jar had been made into a light bulb and none had been found satisfactory.

The reporter then asked how Edison dealt with this much failure.

“Failure?”, replied the great inventor. “Failure? I, alone, of any man on the entire planet, know 16,000 things that won’t work. I’m likely more than 15,000 items ahead of my nearest competitor.”


One of my favorite famous-person quotes.


Oh, good — I thought I was hallucinating again.


Just as long as I don’t start citing court cases….

Valerie Curren

Wasn’t Edison a great tinkerer, trial & error type, & Tesla a great thinker, prove it all formulaically before getting hands dirty, or something, & didn’t these great men pretty much despise each other?

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Edison wanted direct current used for electrical utilities…similar to what you get off your batteries, the wall plug would deliver a constant voltage. There are still parts of NYC that have this, the people there have to buy adapters for everything.

Alternating Current was advocated by Tesla. The voltage at the plug here is actually a sine wave, 60 hertz, that alternates between positive and negative voltage. The average voltage is zero, but that’s useless information, what you want is something telling you the height of the sine wave. The average deviation from zero volts is 120V, and that’s called the “root mean square” of the voltage (you square the voltage at any given time, then take the square root, to get rid of the minus sign).

Tesla won the argument, and justly so; alternating current is vastly better for moving electrical power over long distances.

Valerie Curren

TY. I Partially understood this but would love to see diagrams…maybe fodder for a future Saturday post, or perhaps even one in the past that I’ve yet to get to in my perpetual catch-up reading!

My husband has a degree in Electronics Technology & Used to work in that industry in our early marriage. When we run into electrical issues at home I try to get him to explain certain concepts to me but I only get it to a point, sadly. He, at least, knows how to make use of a voltmeter, I think it’s called 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL…he should be able to explain alternating current with absolutely NO trouble, then.

I’m pretty sure I never covered it (so don’t start going through the whole long list)!

I remember taking a class in HS where the teacher tried to walk us through a voltage-ohm-meter (words possibly not correctly strung together) and after telling us that just called it a VOM. One of the students joked that it stood for “Very old mother.” (And no, that student was NOT me…)

Those units had the swinging needle with a logarithmic scale…and I could tell my classmates were struggling to read it right. On graduating college I bought a digital model which I occasionally have a use for. It helped when I wired my house.

Last edited 11 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

Hubby’s got an analog one w/ like 5 different settings. I’ve never actually asked him to (attempt to) explain it fully to me but observed him using it in Many ways, including diagnosing issues when he’s pulled a playstation or CD player apart to clean &/or troubleshoot issues.

All I know is that he touches the two “probes” together briefly first to ensure there is some type of flow between them & then he does his magic, thankfully!

Our daughter repaired her furnace, a la her dad’s skill set, very recently. One of her brothers & a friend found the necessary part & she looked up tutorial videos, like how my husband does, & then did the repair herself! Michael thought he’d have to step in (he’s helped them fix their dryer & aspects of their stove). She was working for a company that installed shelves & modular offices until just before she gave birth, the only chick that worked w/ the tools & not in the office, & got Very Familiar w/ power tools & such. I think she’s got her own nail gun even & her daughter can sleep to the sound of power tools–genius! She’s a hunting honey too–we’re so proud!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, the touching probes. He’s actually testing the VOM itself! In order to test electrical resistance your meter must supply the current. It has a battery inside it. I’ll bet he’s got it set to measure resistance when he does that, and IF the thing reads zero when he touches the probes together, he’s got a good battery. Or maybe he’s making sure it’s reading zero volts when he touches them together. It’s been a long time (40 years or so) since I used an analog unit I have forgotten the best practices.

Valerie Curren

I definitely don’t know exactly what he’s doing but when the probes (or whatever they are) touch the needle usually jumps so then he goes & uses the thing for whatever process/problem he’s dealing with.

There’s plenty of “resistance” around here but he’s never found whatever is needed to measure nor to counteract it…ahem 😉 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL. If the needle jumps, current is flowing…which means he’s got the battery connected to the probes (inside) and he’s checking that the meter reads zero resistance between the two probes and nothing else. A good procedure. Otherwise, if the battery is dead, everything will look like an open circuit because the needle doesn’t move when you check the resistance.

Not an issue with a digital one, if the battery is dead the unit won’t turn on.

Valerie Curren

Thx, that makes sense 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

basdically inside the VOM is a galvanometer…which measures current.

Because voltage is resistance times current, though with a bit of cleverness you can measure all three of the quantities with a galvanometer really just measuring a current.

So you can connect the leads directly to your test subject and the galvanometer and measure current. Or put a resistor in the circuit, touch your two points, and measure the current; you then get voltage since voltage is current times the resistance (which you know, because the resistor is part of the tester). Finally, you can apply a known voltage (from your battery) to the item being tested, measure the current, and know the resistance. In all three cases the guts of the thing is measuring a current, but depending on the circumstances you can display current, voltage or resistance.

When your hubby turns the knob on the front of the unit, he’s actually connecting different resistors into the circuit between the two probes. Bigger resistors to measure bigger currents and voltages. There’s also a way to connect things up to measure different ranges of resistance but I don’t recall how they work that.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know why but the word “galvanometer” is bringing to mind a version of Frankenstein I saw on Netflix (a fascinating rendering where the monster was a tragic & sympathetic central figure). There was a G, iirc, that was part of the discussion of the character, presumably Dr. Frankenstein, who was either attending a lecture, or giving one, at a medical college where they were using a G to get dead flesh to do certain things, like flinch.

When I was in college, one of my bio labs had us dissecting a frog & applying some type of electricity to the severed frog leg & getting it to kick.

which you know”

I appreciate the vote of confidence but it is rather misplaced  😆 

FWIW, I would guess that there is Some amount of electric current/signal that is part of a living being. Just like it’s probably not possible to Completely separate what is body, mind, soul, or spirit I would guess that what Exactly is the Essence of Life is just a bit indeterminate, though some type of electrical capacity would seem to be part of it, at a minimum from what causes heartbeats & probably what neuronal activity consists of.

These would seem to be horizons between religion, science, & philosophy, at least to me 🙂


You’re thinking of Luigi —

Valerie Curren

Well, not on purpose 😉 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Kanekoa the Great:

JUST IN – President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States

It’s a long thread that presents evidence for a number of states.

Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

That’s incredibly damning info for the coupsters!


Thank you, De Pat, for a strong and mighty Thursday thread.


The johnny maga X post (tweet) in the open about DeSantis and Casey going to the sports bar and no one acknowledging them is kind of pathetic. DeSantis has fallen from up-and-coming governor to someone who looks like a loser. And I think, if he has stayed in the race because he thought something might happen to remove Trump from running, then DeSantis was willing to become the president of people who don’t want him and who obviously, enthusiastically wanted someone else instead. It reminds me of being second choice in a relationship. It seems so desperate. I think in politics, it’s all about the power and money.


“I think in politics, it’s all about the power and money.”

Primarily. It is also about other deviant behaviors that those two deliver. Fame, relevance to otherwise meaningless lives, sexual and relationship desires, etc., etc. Sometimes they are the end goals, other times they are the means to the ends.

I dealt with state and federal politicians in my occupation for over 30 years off and on. The LEAST liked job responsibility I ever had. I would rather clean toilets and mop floors. That is a much more honorable and productive occupation.

Rob and Casey have to go through the motions and degradation because they chose to take the money instead of taking the high road. Perhaps threatened, blackmailed, extorted, whatever in some way(s).

Gail Combs

Do not forget that Ron wrote a book right after getting out of the Navy. I think he was ‘captured’ then if not when he studied History at Yale.


comment image

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths

I can’t figure out the significance of the padlock.


Locking the cargo in.


What cargo?

We’re obviously supposed to notice the padlock since it’s colored and most of the cartoon is not. But what it represents eludes me.


The “kids” that Captain Clinton is talking to.


DUH! Of course. ThanQ.



Brave and Free

The names are the KEY to the pad lock.


“…Clinton likes them young…”

👉 read…×900


Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

comment image


He always did. That was his preference. He also liked them his age and older, especially if they had blow.

This is who the big money and Uniparty backed that I discussed in BIMD. I worked with his college roommate and lobbyist friend for over a year.

There is a whole lot more. They will try to keep as much hidden as possible.

So many “conspiracy theorists” on here and other sites have no idea how right they have been. Victory laps will be taken.


Note that Steamboat Willie is looking at it.

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Only a couple of days after the old Mickey goes public domain… oddly fitting… and brilliant, by Garrison (as always)…..

Gail Combs

I love the temple in the background and the padlocked cage.


James O’Keefe:

SECRET MIGRANT CENTER EXPOSED PART 1: “I’LL PAY YOU GUYS.” Phoenix Migrant ‘Refugee’ Facility worker caught on tape trying to bribe journalist.

Video shows facility run by International Rescue Committee @RESCUEorg bussing thousands of migrant “refugees” every hour on the hour to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport.

Migrants tell us they crossed border illegally, as IRC given $415 million from Feds to give the pretense of Refugee status and fly them on flights out of Terminal 3 and 4

Tomas Robles (@TomasRobles14), an IRC staffer, called us “domestic terrorists” and reported us to the police for asking questions.

Sources and insiders gave us the information that brought us what you see in this video. If you work for the airlines, the bus companies, the government, NGOs, or if you have confidential info that can shed light on what’s really going on, contact us at and on Signal at 914-315-9415.


Vivek plays Mozart’s Rondo Alla Turca on the campaign trail. He’s out of practice, but has some skill.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is an op-ed by PDJT:

Donald Trump: This is how I will end Joe Biden’s border disaster on day one


He talks about his accomplishments regarding the border while in office, and then says this:

On my first day back in office, I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and immediately restore the full set of strong Trump border policies.

Then, we will begin a record-setting deportation operation. Joe Biden has given us no choice. The millions of illegal aliens who have invaded under Biden require a record number of removals. This is just common sense.

To achieve this goal, I will make clear to every department and to state and local governments that we must use all resources and authorities available. We will shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement — including parts of the DEA, ATF, FBI, and DHS.

I also will invoke the Alien Enemies Act to remove known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States. And we will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis at last.

Joe Biden is leaving behind a catastrophe of historic proportions. The next president must secure the border while also stopping inflation, saving the economy, cleaning up Washington corruption, restoring peace through strength, and preventing World War III.

We do not have time for on-the-job training. Unlike every other candidate, with me, there is no question. I promise you that I will get this job done.

Iowans want secure borders. You must send that message with your vote. Show up on Jan. 15 and vote to stop the invasion by caucusing for Donald J. Trump.

It’s interesting that he assumes JB will no longer be in office: “Joe Biden is leaving behind a catastrophe of historic proportions.”


We only have one president at a time. So of course he assumes he’ll be in office and President Dementia won’t be.

What are you trying to say?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

not soon enough…January 2021 wants a do-over!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren



joe stolen’s already “gone”, waaay gone.

it’s the-Joe-Biden that worries me.

the obamas seem to have a relentless hold that they will not give up !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point!!!


Yup. Clear indication.


What are you trying to say?

That Trump talks about JB being gone as if it’s a done deal. Most candidates talk about what they will do “when elected,” but in my experience it’s less common for someone to state that the current officeholder, who is also running again, will be gone. Often, they will say something like, “Joe Biden has caused a catastrophe of historic proportions.” Instead, Trump says JB is “leaving behind a catastrophe of historic proportions.” It just struck me as a little out of the ordinary.


^^^ This. Done deal, we just need to continue to do our parts.

The decision about PDT’s statements is to trust fully or not. Typically he is very careful when giving policy and procedural statements.

Gail Combs

Alien Enemy Act June 25, 👉1798, ch. 58, 1 Stat. 570 👈 No longer exists. HMMmmmm I am running into a lot of that lately. Almost as if the Cabal wants us DUMB.
It is an OLD law. I am not sure the section I pointed out below is still in effect.

ArtI.S8.C4.1.2.3 Early U.S. Naturalization Laws

Congress established its first uniform rule of naturalization through the Naturalization Act of 1790. The Act provided that any “free white person” who resided “within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States” for at least two years could be granted citizenship if he or she showed “good character” and swore allegiance to the Constitution.1 The law also provided that the children of naturalized citizens under the age of twenty-one at the time of their parents’ naturalization and who were residing in the United States would be considered U.S. citizens.2 The children of U.S. citizens who were born outside the United States were deemed U.S. citizens unless their fathers had never resided in the United States.3 Additionally, Congress delegated to the courts the power to administer the naturalization process.4

In 1795 Congress amended the naturalization law by requiring an applicant to submit a declaration of intent to become a citizen at least three years before naturalization, and extending the minimum residence requirement to five years.5 Then, in 1798, Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which, among other things, lengthened the period in which to declare an intent to become a citizen to five years, lengthened the minimum residence requirement to fourteen years, and barred the naturalization of any alien from a country at war with the United States.6 In 1802, Congress repealed the previous laws and restored both the five-year residence requirement and the three-year declaration of intent period.7

In the ensuing years, Congress continued to establish naturalization policies with varying conditions and restrictions.8 Despite these differences, naturalization laws uniformly required that an applicant prove residence in the United States for a specific time period before acquiring citizenship.9

Naturalization Act of 1798, ch. 54, § 1, 1 Stat. 566, 566–67 (repealed 1802); 

  :wpds_arrow: see also Alien Friends Act, ch. 58, § 1, 1 Stat. 570, 570–71 (1798) 👉(authorizing the President to deport aliens who are “dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States,”👈 or who are reasonably suspected of being “concerned in any treasonable or secret machinations against the government” ); Alien Enemy Act, ch. 66, § 1, 1 Stat. 577, 577 (1798) (providing that “all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being 👉males of the age of fourteen years and upwards, who shall be within the United States, and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured and removed, as alien enemies👈




See United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, 686–87 (1898) ( “From the first organization of the national government under the [C]onstitution, the naturalization acts of the United States, in providing for the admission of aliens to citizenship by judicial proceedings, uniformly required every applicant to have resided for a certain time ‘within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States,’ and thus applied the words ‘under the jurisdiction of the United States’ to aliens residing here before they had taken an oath to support the [C]onstitution of the United States, or had renounced allegiance to a foreign government.” ). 👈 THIS IS WHAT THEY USE FOR ANCHOR BABIES,


There’s no such thing as an anchor baby of illegal parents IMO.

Gail Combs

That is why I used ‘THEY’

Babies Don’t Provide Anchors!By Publius Huldah (Constitutional Lawyer)
Section 1 of the 14th Amendment says, in part:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside…”

…An illegal alien who invades our Country is in the same status as the French Ambassador’s wife. The baby she drops here is “subject to the jurisdiction” of the Country she left.

So the 14th Amendment does NOT confer citizenship on babies of illegals born here – just as it does not confer citizenship on the babies of foreign diplomats stationed here.

Pursuant to Art. I, Sec. 8, clause 4, US Constitution, Congress may make laws deciding how people become naturalized citizens.
But Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment does not confer citizenship status on babies born here of illegal aliens.

This is important.
For a deeper understanding of this important issue, see Professor Edward Erler’s brilliant essay,  Birthright Citizenship and Dual Citizenship: Harbingers of Administrative Tyranny


Sorry if my comment came off like a challenge. It was not.

Gail Combs

All good.

I am not always articulate.😁

Valerie Curren

So birthright citizenship/anchor babies don’t exist de jure but they do exist de facto…color of law crapola again!


Ivermectin update.

Started feeling sick about two days ago. Sore throat which then progressed to headache and then just feeling miserable all over. Probably a slight fever. Could be covid or whatever other annual creeping crud goes around.

Since I have a big supply of Ivermectin now, I decided not to wait until I was in really bad shape, like I did the last two times.

Took a dose of Ivermectin at around 3pm. A couple hours later the feeling of starting to really feel not well was hitting me, so I took the Ivermectin just in time. I laid on the couch for a couple hours. Got up, and realized I felt at least 50% better.

Headache and body ache gone, and my energy level felt so close to normal that I laughed out loud 😂

Now that it’s several hours later, the sore throat is basically gone, and the only symptom remaining is sniffles. The cough never even developed.

So it has been about 12 hours since I took the Vitamin I, and I’m basically 90% better. The last two times, when I waited until I was really sick, it took about 6 hours longer to feel about 90% better, but then I still had the cough for about two weeks.

Skipping the cough this time.

Ivermectin is a miracle drug.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nice report!!!


Good info! And, fortuitously, a good result!


feel better soon 100% ! 💞


Thank you smiley!

Gail Combs

Do not forget the Vitamin D and C. Selenium is a good virus killer too (One Brazil nut a day is how I get Hubby to take it.)


Yes – I keep selenium along with Quercetin and HCQ – plus zinc, Vitamins D3 and C – for fighting viruses.

Even have a tube of horse Ivermectin just in case it gets bad.


The latter works well.

Gail Combs

Or goat spit and moxidectin.


Not the kind of nuts you find in Rio during Carnival, right?  😂 

Gail Combs



I take vitamin D (2,000iu) and Vitamin C (500mg, I think) every day, along with a multivitamin.

I doubled up on the Vitamin D the last couple days.

Haven’t tried Selenium yet, I’ll give the Brazil nuts a try 👍

Gail Combs

Just eat one or you can overdose on selenium.


Thank you for the heads-up!

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.

Valerie Curren

I’ve been increasing my hubby’s daily Vitamin D during the colder months to hopefully stave off the Seasonal Affective Disorder that he usually battles every year. I hope it helps!



Valerie Curren

That’s Awesome!!!


Same thing has happened to me with Quercetin-Zinc-D3 and HCQ-Zinc-D3/

Several times – taking either of these when I feel a virus illness coming on, it is soon gone.

Gail Combs

I use green tea. However I drink tea as my beverage of choice every day. So I ‘extract’ the Zinc Ionophore, EGCG, store it in the frig and add some to each cup to cool my boiling tea.

EGCG: Potent extract of green tea
How to Get the Most EGCG from Your Green Tea


Good report, Scott. Generally do the same thing. I add D, C and selenium as Gail posted. Got the crud a month ago and recovered quickly.

More and more people in our experiences are going IVM and HCQ. They have stopped listening and trusting docs/medical staff. You can tell from all of the ads and promotions the regional medical industry is doing around here that they are the last resort.

Tractor Supply cannot keep the IVM stocked fast enough. Buying the pills from the India sources has helped. The compounding pharmacies in TN are legal to provide OTC, however, the cost is ridiculous. What costs less than $200 from India costs $600+ in those pharmacies.


The horse paste is $15, so that’s what I use. I’m just thrifty 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like a whinney-ing strategy 😀



Valerie Curren

I don’t know if we can get that now. Previously it was locked up. Then there were rumors of needing a vet’s prescription 🙁


Well, it’s for sale here in Montana. No locks, no prescription needed.

Valerie Curren

You live in Way more freedom than we poor saps trapped under Witchmer’s interminable jackboot…stomping on our faces in perpetuity 🙁 Glad you have that access!


Me, too!


Please feel completely better very soon! Thank heavens you have a supply of IVM around. I concur with everyone below in the thread about keeping up with vitamins C and D, selenium, Quercetin in some form, Zinc. Please stay well-hydrated (soup is good) and get some rest. Some people take IVM on a regular / semi-regular basis; others take it when they feel sick.


The old chicken soup treatment …  😀 

Gail Combs

HOME MADE of course!

I have to finish off the goat soup tonite…

Gail Combs

I should not have said that. I just got bit by a billy goat…😜


You might try biting him back, teach him a lesson 😁

Gail Combs

Actually he was just a bit curious to see if I had a treat for me.


Thank you RDS!

For whatever reason, the Quercetin made my heart race after I took it regularly for a month or two. I thought I was having a heart attack. That was when I went to one of those emergency clinics just before 8pm, and the door was locked.

They were supposed to be open until 8pm, so I knocked.

A nurse came to the door and opened it, I explained by symptoms and asked if she could help me. She said no, but I might try the other clinic across town and shut the door.

I just looked at her in disbelief.

After getting lost and driving several miles too far, I turned around and eventually found the other clinic, and it was packed. Apparently they’d had a power outage (it was winter) a few hours earlier.

When it was my turn at the front desk, I explained my symptoms and the woman at the desk said there was nothing they could do, but it sounded like I was having a heart attack, so I should drive myself to the hospital emergency room right away.

I just looked at her, thinking you can’t even be serious, but she was.

It felt like I had stepped right into the Twilight Zone.

So I just went home.

I think I did a little research on Quercetin later that night, and read that one of the potential side effects was a racing heart, so I stopped taking it, and the symptom stopped a few days later.

So something about my system doesn’t like the Quercetin, unfortunately.

Or maybe it was too much zinc, I stopped taking that at the same time, so it could be either one, or both, or the combination of both.

Gail Combs

Hubby had problems with too much zinc. We eat a lot of beef/meat so we have to be careful.

ECGC is another option.

Zinc Ionophore Activity of Quercetin, Green Tea Extract and Hydroxychloroquine 2022
By Dr Frank Yap, MD – May 26, 2022

EGCG is a powerful plant compound and immune nutrient primarily found in green tea. The beauty of green tea is that it also contains quercetin, another zinc ionophore. [that could be a problem] Both are known for its many health benefits. EGCG is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. It may help to lower oxidative stress, decrease inflammation, improve heart health, support brain health, aid weight loss and help you live longer.

EGCG also acts as a zinc ionophore (PubMed 2014), the same mechanism of action that hydroxychloroquine has via helping zinc pass the cell wall and get into cells where it might halt viral replication. Conversely, zinc helps to make EGCG more bioavailable, meaning the two nutrients work hand in hand to enhance each other’s therapeutic potential.

An Indian study found that EGCG has the ability to target numerous key structures inside the virus, disabling its functional capacity.

Effects of green tea and EGCG on cardiovascular and metabolic health

….The anti-cancer effects of green tea and EGCG were the focus of early research, and encouraging data from in vitro, animal model, and human studies have emerged. Due to the dominant role of cardiovascular disease and the dramatic rise of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus as major and interlinked healthcare problems, green tea and EGCG are increasingly being investigated in these areas. Dose-response relationships observed in several epidemiological studies have indicated that pronounced cardiovascular and metabolic health benefits can be obtained by regular consumption of 5-6 or more cups of green tea per day. Furthermore, intervention studies using similar amounts of green tea, containing 200-300 mg of EGCG, have demonstrated its usefulness for maintaining cardiovascular and metabolic health….

Mechanisms underlying beneficial health effects of tea catechins to improve insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.

EGCG, a green tea polyphenol, improves endothelial function and insulin sensitivity, reduces blood pressure, and protects against myocardial I/R injury in SHR.

Vascular and metabolic actions of the green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate

Green Tea Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) Targeting Protein Misfolding in Drug Discovery for Neurodegenerative Diseases

 Numerous findings now suggest that EGCG targets protein misfolding and aggregation, a common cause and pathological mechanism in many NDs. Several studies have shown that EGCG interacts with misfolded proteins such as amyloid beta-peptide (Aβ), linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and α-synuclein, linked to Parkinson’s disease (PD)….  this review critically discusses the role of EGCG in NDs drug discovery and provides updated information on the scientific evidence that EGCG can potentially be used to treat many of these fatal brain disorders.


IMO, a safe daily dose of Zinc is between 20mg–25mg. That can go up to 30mg a day during a COVID-19 infection, then back down. It’s important to total up all daily sources of Zinc.
I concur with Gail Combs regarding Quercetin in that it’s quite possible to take Quercetin every day from foods that contain it and/or in green tea, as compared to taking Quercetin in supplement form.

Gail Combs

11 Best Foods High In Zinc

…Because your body can’t store zinc as it can with calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus (stored in bones and teeth), you need to make sure you get adequate amounts of zinc on a daily basis (10).


The recommended daily intake of zinc is 11 mg for men and 8 mg for women. It’s a little higher for pregnant women, 11 mg per day, and if you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need 12 mg daily….

…The amount of zinc in beef will vary based on the cut. A 100 g (3.5 oz) serving of raw ground beef has 4.8 mg (14). Generally speaking, various cuts of cooked beef will have 5.3-11 mg per 100 g (12)

… 100 grams of cheddar cheese contains about 28% of the DV or 2.2-3 mg,

So 2 quarter pounders with cheese, red onion (quercetin) and lettuce washed down with a glass of tea are pretty good at fending off viruses.


We are still doing weekly – probably through the beginning of April. With the daily supplements, nasal spray and gargling. Stocked up for whatever comes down the pike.


Great news.

Folks, HopeYa Stock Ivermectin.


I have a big stock of it now, that’s why I didn’t wait so long to take it this time.

When I only had a small amount, and from a U.S. doctor prescription through FLCCC (so it was expensive), I didn’t want to waste it.

There was no way to be sure whether I had covid or not, because the tests were unreliable (on purpose, it seems), and even if they were reliable, I was never going to shove a giant q-tip all the way up my nose to the blood-brain barrier.

There were non-invasive spit-saliva tests available in other parts of the world (e.g., Australia, but apparently they didn’t have enough to export), so that just added to my suspicion about the invasive chineez-made jam-it-up-the-schnoz method.

So without being sure I had covid, and with the Ivermectin being expensive, I didn’t want to use it until I was sure I was really sick. And the only way to be sure it wasn’t just a 48-hour flu is to wait and see if I got really sick.

I’d like to thank the Academy, along with the entire medical profession, for putting us all in this situation 👍

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

You could have compromised w/ the Chyneze anal swab  😂  That version gets closer to the blood/brain barrier of politicos–spit!


What is “No”?


Valerie Curren

Bwah ha ha!!! No doubt!


Remember not to take Quercetin with Ivermectin. Per FLCCC/Kory there is some kind of interaction that isn’t good.


Good to know.


I’d like to know more about this….. I took Quercetin with Ivermectin back in the covid days and didn’t notice any problems.



Significant interaction possible (monitoring by your doctor required).
Quercetin + Ivermectin
Quercetin will decrease the level or effect of Ivermectin by affects how the drug is eliminated from the body (via what is known as the P-glycoprotein [MDR1] transporter).

Gail Combs



Thank you


I don’t know exactly what they mean by the “interaction” – I just know they mention it, and show ivermectin being taken in the middle of the day with the 2 quercetin does at other times, on their printed schedule. It’s all in the protocols at




Please see my post slightly up. Quoting WebMD.


Thank you Gingersmom!


I posted this before I read your quercetin comment. 🤔


I’m not sure it was a conflict with IVM and Quercetin that made me feel like I was having a heart attack, but it could have been, or at least part of it.


Sounds bad. Was this the only time you were taking quercetin, I mean you don’t take it as part of your regular supplements?


Incidentally, CV’s Deagel post is up.

Valerie Curren

Thank you, you are very kind. Yours Truly added a couple more thoughts to the original post; the updated version is up now.

Gail Combs

I will go take another look. I will have to refresh the tab. 🤓

Gail Combs



What is the practical effect of owning an island?

The owner is the Law of the island.

The only kind of person who can own an island is an insanely wealthy person.

Insanely wealthy people are nearly always corrupted by their wealth, falling into depraved acts of sexual perversion, because that’s all that is left to experience when you have experienced every other pleasure the world has to offer.

An island where the owner is the Law of the Land is the perfect place to act out these perversions with sex slaves.

I would guess there is likely not a single reasonably small inhabited island on earth that isn’t being used for this exact purpose by its owner.

Gail Combs

YUP! that is why I posted that.

The other thing these bastards want is POWER! Power over other humans. That is what the WEF and the rest are all about.


When I was a kid, I used to dream about owning an island and creating an entirely designed environment there (I grew up near Disneyland). I’d even picked one out — Fanning Island, in the Gilbert and Ellice Island group [ ].

I don’t think I was particularly corrupted or depraved at the time, being that I was about 12 years old. In fact, I was more concerned about realizing an environment than populating it — much less, bending its inhabitants toward my perverted will.


Well, you still have time to buy an island and bend its inhabitants to your will. If you still really want to, that is.  😂 


I used to dream of owning an island, too. 🙂

I wanted one of the Florida Keys.

Gail Combs

Me? I wanted a mountain. 🤓


I would have taken one of those, too!


A mountain surrounded by water.


I think whatever Celine Dion dabbled in gave her some kind of prion disease.


Mel Gibson is on the list. I would not expect him to be using an island for trafficking.

Gail Combs

Neither would I. Remember some just want a quiet place with NO FANS.

pat frederick

since yesterday was his birthday, i presented a piece from about him at my place. here’s what they said about his “island”

Gibson is a property investor, with multiple properties in Malibu, California, several locations in Costa Rica, a private island in Fiji and properties in Australia.

Last edited 11 months ago by patfrederick


“Hoax” Bomb Threats Sent To Multiple US Capitols, Buildings Evacuated


link + CBS News clip…

‘Hoax’ bomb threats sent to multiple US Capitols, buildings evacuated – The Jerusalem Post (


hoax threats but taking them seriously

danger = to citizens (panic !)

👉 context = political

👉 removing PDJT from Primary Ballots

set the table, folks !


You want to know what is REALLY WEIRD?

Montana’s statehouse was one of the capitols evacuated.

NONE of our local news, neither TV, newspaper, nor radio, has ANY coverage. NOT ONE WORD. Not even in the newspaper in Helena, where the capital is.


Gail Combs

#1. The media is tied at the hip to the DNC
#2. People are already nervous about so many UNVETTED potential Terrorists entering the country.
#3. 👉The threats were made amid growing tensions relating to some states not allowing Donald Trump to appear on the ballot for US Presidency.👈

That last media statement was to make it look like it was MAGA Trump voters, but ‘they’ probably realized after the fact, it would instead look like Illegal Terrorists.

Seems like they didn’t do the ‘crowd testing’ as well as they should until after the fact. Also if it was released as a story, there is a possibility that cops might let the cat out of the bag about WHO it was.

Let’s face it, there is NO WAY that the LEOs do not know WHO is on the other end of a phone doing the Swatting and these false bomb threats. If it was MAGA it would be plastered all over the media.


I think you are correct. Scary, though, that kind of media coordination.

Gail Combs

The media coordination started in 1915 and has only gotten worse. Under OH!Bummer it go a LOT worse.

Gail Combs

Ashe has a take similar to mine.

STORY: FBI calls bomb threats that led to brief lockdowns and evacuations of some state capitols a hoax

Our Take: “Following the Christmas season swattings, apparently State Capitols are getting a bunch of bomb threats. This is an obvious attempt to ratchet up the tension and spirit of fear (terror?) as the Presidential Election Year circus gets underway.

Consider the tactics and technology used by law enforcement to round up J6ers for walking through the Capitol. The US law enforcement apparatus has everything they need to know who is making bomb threats and making false reports to terrorize public officials. These are crimes, and pretty solvable ones for our powerful crime fighters.

But this recent wave of criminal behavior is being framed more like the J6 bomb threats, the ongoing MTG swattings, and the many other inexplicably unsolvable mysteries in modern America.

The all knowing, all powerful government can’t quite solve this one. When that happens, if history is our guide, it usually means the event is stage setting and narrative seeding — and it’s only day four of the circus. Clearly, the commies are bringing all three rings.” — 

Ashe in America


which is precisely why I said “set the table”, in my post.

Gail Combs

I am really getting tired of ‘our’ government being the ones responsible for terror events.

 A Conversation about 9/11 with Richard Gage kills any doubt. this video provides hard evidence showing the destruction of the buildings was caused by controlled demolition. They even have evidence of the TYPE of explosive used and it is not something a third world type would/could use.

also see: 


Jazz pianist, composer & vocalist Les McCann has died (88 yrs)..

self-taught musician and soul jazz piano innovator.

enlisted in US Navy at 17.

he mastered all instruments.

Compared To What (1967)..


Because my music collection is biased towards what is more available on recent recordings, I have only Chaquico’s version in my archive —

Thank you for bringing that version here. I was wondering if anyone else noticed.


that video I posted was from the 1969 Montreux Jazz Fest…where he recorded the album Swiss Movement for which he got a Grammy nomination.


The lyrics I posted belong to that version. There are different lyrics available for who recorded it and when.


I love to lie and lie to love
I’m hangin’ on they push and shove
Possession is the motivation
That is hangin’ up the goddamn nation
Looks like we always end up in a rut
Everybody now
Tryin’ to make it real compared to what

Slaughterhouse is killin’ hogs
Twisted children killin’ frogs
Poor dumb rednecks rollin’ logs
Tired old ladies kissin’ dogs
I hate the human love of that stinking mutt
I can’t use it
Tryin’ to make it real compared to what

President he’s got his war
Folks don’t know just what it’s for
Nobody gives us rhyme or reason
Have one doubt they call it treason
We’re chicken feathers
All without one nut goddamn it
Tryin’ to make it real compared to what

Church on Sunday sleep and nod
Tryin’ to duck the wrath of God
Preachers fillin’ us with fright
They all tryin’ to teach us what they think is right
They really got to be some kind of nut
I can’t use it
Tryin’ to make it real compared to what

Where’s that bee and where’s that honey
Where’s my God and where’s my money
Unreal values a crass distortion
Unwed mothers need abortion
Kind of brings to mind old young King Tut
He did it now
Tried to make it real compared to what


Vietnam protest song.


Not just Vietnam. He saw more clearly than that.


oh yeah

but that’s how it’s categorized, that particular era, that particular President, that particular war.

that particular rut…

but hey…

compared to what .


RIP, Mr McCann

Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2

edit : I posted an incorrect date there for that Jazz performance at Montreux, should be 1969.

he first recorded that song ca 1966- 67.

Gail Combs

Power Hour…

Starting at 13 minutes they discuss the Epstein Drop. Jon Harold says he started from the bottom. The witness says she was ‘lent out’ to presidents of other countries. Also Dershowitz  came up and yeah he was accused by a witness of being a pedo.

Just Human points out the info comes from the Prince Andrew case.

Back to watching…

Gail Combs

The guys caution that, give the media covering this, expect obfuscation and poisoning the well with lies and 1/2 truths. Also this is just the first trench.


these are the lowest of low on the human food chain.

repulsive dirtbags who are so easily compromised..

watch how they all throw each other under the bus, trying desperately to blame someone or something else & deny deny deny…

huge smear campaign coming up !

rat on each other.

squeal piggies squeal

Gail Combs

I am hoping for REAL IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE to eventually come out. ALL those Epstein Blackmail Tapes that the FIB is sitting on for example.

That is when …


Jan 31, 2020 12:22:57 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef52a4 No. 7978436 

What happens when people learn the TRUTH?

What happens when people WAKE UP?

👉They will not be able to WALK down the street.👈




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On January 3, 2024, dozens of new Epstein-related documents were unsealed and released pursuant to District Court (SDNY) Judge Loretta Preska’s December 18, 2023 order.

I have combined all 944 pages from the 30+ new documents into a single, searchable PDF. That document is available for download here (or on Scribd):



I will be posting new revelations on X/Twitter so please follow me @seamusbruner. At least two more batches (in addition to the 944 pages released 1/3/24) are expected to drop soon. I will post them here.

I downloaded these documents directly from Pacer (the primary source) and used Adobe Acrobat to combine them, chronologically, by exhibit.

Many people have tried downloading these documents from Court Listener (secondary source) but that website swiftly crashed and there are reports that others’ downloads are not complete.





Alan Dershowitz denies allegations (contained in the documents) that he was involved in Epstein’s crimes as does Prince Andrew.

Bill Clinton is mentioned repeatedly throughout these docs. A witness claimed Clinton “liked them young.” Clinton’s PR team released a statement of denial in 2019 and has referred reporters to that statement in the wake of these newly released documents.

comment image?w=839

Other high profile names*** that show up in these newly released docs:

Former President Donald TrumpU.K. Royal Prince AndrewFormer New Mexico Gov. Bill RichardsonFrench model scout Jean-Luc BrunelHedge fund manager Glenn DubinFormer Epstein scheduler Sarah KellenMagician David CopperfieldLawyer Alan DershowitzFormer Vice President Al GoreTheoretical physicist Stephen HawkingEpstein accuser Johanna SjobergMichael JacksonHyatt Hotels Chairman Thomas PritzkerSuper model Naomi CampbellActor Kevin SpaceyActor Cate BlanchettActor Leonardo DiCaprioActor Bruce WillisStar Wars creator George LucasActor Cameron DiazHairstylist Frédéric Fekkai

***CAVEAT: Much has been made about this release. It has been called a “client list.” It is definitely NOT that. These are simply documents relating to the 170+ individuals interviewed for, involved in, or otherwise relevant to the civil defamation lawsuit Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433).

Inclusion in these documents DOES NOT mean the individual committed any crimes. In fact, most of the unsealed names ARE NOT perpetrators.

I suspect most people will find most of the information in these documents largely “old news.” And the same will be true for many names found in the Epstein flight logs.

TO WIT: I can tell you where the Epstein “client list” can be found: JPMorgan (Epstein’s banker) who reportedly facilitated $1 BILLION IN “HUMAN TRAFFICKING” PAYMENTS has the names/accounts who paid Epstein for “human trafficking.”

JPMorgan allegedly has given these details to the Treasury Department.

JPMorgan must come clean.


Last edited 11 months ago by eilert
Gail Combs

Jon Herold mentions the tape of Giuffre’s lawyer talking of POTUS Trump. The lawyer says he was the only one who came to him and gave him all the help he could. Very useful for rebutting the smear campaign that will be aimed at Trump.

July 2020 Virginia Giuffre Defends Trump

Note: Bradley Edwards, Ms. Giuffre’s attorney in her 2009 lawsuit against Epstein says Trump contacted him without a subpoena and the information he provided was voluntary and very helpful.


pig royalty

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wallow in it.


Great info; thank you!

Inclusion in these documents DOES NOT mean the individual committed any crimes. In fact, most of the unsealed names ARE NOT perpetrators.

Yes. During questioning, names of people who are not guilty come up.

I suspect most people will find most of the information in these documents largely “old news.” And the same will be true for many names found in the Epstein flight logs.

Right. In that sense, this is not the bombshell that we wanted or that people are making it out to be, but it is still valuable information.

Gail Combs


WIT:👉 I can tell you where the Epstein “client list” can be found: JPMorgan (Epstein’s banker) 👈 who reportedly facilitated $1 BILLION IN “HUMAN TRAFFICKING” PAYMENTS has the names/accounts who paid Epstein for “human trafficking.”

JPMorgan allegedly has given these details to the Treasury Department.

JPMorgan must come clean.


The only mention of Trump that I’ve seen is the flight log from Palm Beach, stopping at DCReagan, ending in Teterboro. With Marla, Tiffany and a nanny. Real suspicious.


Prayer Against Accursed Perverters and satan’s World System


Prayer Against Accursed Perverters and Satan’s World System — PatriotandLiberty


Valerie Curren

message sent…& well received yesterday 😉 😉

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Jim Carey in Liar Liar LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There was a message?

Valerie Curren

Yeah, you guys liked that pic so I thought I’d bring it back for today  😆 


we Christians are the watchers…

Restraining The Great Reset : Christians Are A Roadblock To Globalism ~ And The World Powers Know It

article link…

Restraining The Great Reset: Christians Are A Road Block To Globalism—And The World Powers Know It – Harbingers Daily


we see the acceleration of evil and dark forces…

but the luciferian cabal sees it differently : they see things as moving too slowly…

they intend to eliminate us and to take us down because we are standing in their way.

we are The Great Resist

keep watching !

👉 2 Thessalonians 2: 6-8


👉 Romans 10: 9-10

Maranatha 🙏

Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2

^^^ This. Great post, smiley.


thank you, TB2

the Age of Grace is closing…

“…the denouement of The Age of Grace…”

everything is in a state of revolt.

stand firm.

the beginning of sorrows is upon us.

Gail Combs

I mentioned this yesterday. Here is a newer article:

American Spies Confront a NewFormidable China – WSJ

Beijing’s spycatchers all but blinded the U.S. in China a decade ago when they systematically rounded up a network of Chinese agents working for the CIA. As many as two dozen assets providing information to the U.S. were executed or imprisoned, among them high-ranking Chinese officials.

The CIA is still struggling to rebuild its human espionage capabilities in China, the agency’s top intelligence target, according to interviews with current and former U.S. officials…



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


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Gail Combs

It is Venice Italy. Well worth visiting if you can do so without getting killed by the RapeUgees.

pat frederick

i think he’s referencing DePat in the upper window



pat frederick

or maybe that’s where she took her gravatar photo from. mine is from the President’s mugshot.


The tourists yes, Depat no. And Bakocarol, you’ve set a dangerous precedent here, outing the location of a Q tree personage.   :wpds_shock:   :wpds_eek:   :wpds_question:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_grin:   :wpds_wink: 

Gail Combs

OOPS, I was not wearing my glasses.

pat frederick

lol been there

Gail Combs

I lost my tri-focals and now have a pair of distance glasses for driving and my reading glasses. Neither are good for the computer.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Have to watch out for those Merchants in Venice 🙂

(Always asking “How Aria” 😀 )…..


Bubba flees, ashtrays are flying…

Epstein Docs Delayed To Give Bill Clinton Time To Flee The Country

likely excuses: we were just pickleball partners, that’s all.


Last edited 11 months ago by smiley2

Top left corner headline on Sludge Report: Trump got millions while president

Small problem — DJT turned over ALL his business empire to Eric BEFORE he took the oath of office. He’s personally destitute IMO.

Gail Combs

Yes, he made a media event of it. He had a YUGE stack of papers he signed.


What is a ‘blind trust’ and will it remove Donald…

To overcome the problem, Trump has said he will use a “blind trust”. Of course, nobody can unknow what they already know about their company’s dealings. But, in a bid to show non-corruption, blind trusts involve severing ties with your business dealings, putting them all under somebody else’s control and having “no knowledge” of what is happening in the business.

This is not a legal requirement for presidents, but it is a longstanding convention. Reagan and Bush used this kind of arrangement – both appointing independent parties to administer of their business affairs….

The difference with Trump is that he has said his blind trust will be run by his son, Donald Trump junior. It will certainly be efficient, in terms of keeping Trump business stationery pretty much the same. But is it sufficient to prevent conflicts of interest?


The difference with Trump is that he has said his blind trust will be run by his son, Donald Trump junior.

Because, when the world is full of turncoats who claim to support you but can be bought and will turn on you, it makes perfect sense to turn over the trust to a trusted family member. But the media will make even common sense look suspicious.

Gail Combs

Ain’t that the truth! After all His kids will inherit his empire.


I think there was an outside person running the company. Do not remember who but it was not only Eric.

Gail Combs

“According to Trump, his sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, as well as a business associate, would be the trustees. After transferring the assets to the trust, Trump could then be a beneficiary of the trust,” says David Reiss, professor of law at Brooklyn Law School. “The trustees administer the affairs of the trust on behalf of the beneficiaries. The beneficiary receives the income from the trust or the property within the trust.”…

With a blind trust, “the goal is to divest yourself of a cloud of a conflict of interest. Which is why blind trusts usually have an independent corporate trustee,” says George Metcalfe, lawyer at the law firm Richman Greer.

Don Trump Jr. and Eric Trump can hardly be considered “independent.”

Blind trusts are frequently entered into by public officials and judges, Metcalfe says, with officials in the executive branch using them the most frequently. Still, he says, “judges do it almost as a formality.


Interesting thank you. Trump did all of this with legal advise of. All seemed in order.
People hand over business to wife kids and so on.


Oops. I should have posted the USA Today article about emoluments here.


Ten lashes with a soggy noodle! Assume the position!



I will eat it instead…

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Gail Combs

Homemade sauce tomorrow….


Very funny TDS:


New antibiotic uses novel method to target deadly drug-resistant bacteria, study says

Scientists say they have developed a new type of antibiotic to treat bacteria that is resistant to most current antibiotics and kills a large percentage of people with an invasive infection.

The bacteria, Acinetobacter baumannii, can cause serious infections in the lungs, urinary tract and blood, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s resistant to a class of broad-spectrum antibiotics called carbapenems…

The pathogen is so difficult to eliminate that the US Food and Drug Administration has not approved a new class of antibiotic to treat it in more than 50 years, the researchers note in their study, published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

But the researchers, from Harvard University and the Swiss health care company Hoffmann-La Roche, say the new antibiotic, zosurabalpin, can effectively kill Acinetobacter baumannii.

Zosurabalpin is in its own chemical class and has a unique method of action, says Dr. Kenneth Bradley, the global head of infectious disease discovery with Roche Pharma Research and Early Development and one of the researchers…

Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative bacteria, meaning it is protected by inner and outer membranes, making it difficult to treat. The goal of the research was to identify and fine-tune a molecule that could cross the double membranes and kill the bacteria.

“These two membranes create a very formidable barrier for entry of molecules like antibiotics,” Bradley said…

Zosurabalpin was effective against more than 100 CRAB clinical samples that were tested, according to the research…

Zosurabalpin is in now in phase 1 clinical trials to assess the safety, tolerability and pharmacology of the molecule in humans, according to the study authors.

…zosurabalpin is still years from clinical use…


…zosurabalpin is still years from clinical use…

Just call it a covid vaccine and … poof — instant EUA.


Did anybody miss the double standard employed here?

Didn’t think so…


Dems are bringing up the Emoluments Clause to try to get Trump, again.

Trump received millions of dollars from foreign governments while president, House Democrats allege

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released a 156-page report Thursday morning accusing Trump of exploiting the presidency to financially benefit himself and members of his family. Trump’s businesses, according to the report, received at least $7.8 million from corrupt and authoritarian governments including China, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_unamused:  The never give up do they?

If I recall correctly Trump’s businesses LOST MONEY! (Now hard to find info.)


…These days, Trump does not have to worry as much about banks as he previously did. Critics once questioned whether anyone would ever lend to him again. Then the real estate mogul reworked close to $1 billion in debt, paying off some loans and refinancing others. His new creditors, the most important of which is a bank named Axos, know they are dealing with a divisive figure. They are not likely to be scared off by negative headlines at this point.

The damage to Trump’s brand has probably already been done. Several licensing partners, including Macy’s and Serta, backed away during the 2016 campaign. Trump’s name came off buildings where developers had once paid to use it. The Trumps now seem to be limited to dealing with companies who do not mind controversy, like the Saudi real estate firm that reportedly just inked a new licensing deal with the former first family. Such deals will undoubtedly cause concerns about corruption, but they are unlikely to inflict additional damage to Trump’s business….


Funny how that works. Less soft targets, less crime.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Particularly when the prospective perp can’t tell who the hard targets are in advance.

I am all for open carry but it works far better if it’s ubiquitous.

Gail Combs

An armed society is a polite society.


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Lame IMO.  😎 


The same day…

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Gail Combs

You would think Americans would get sick of being fed bullschiff sandwiches as a steady diet.


There seems to be a problem with that woman. She lives in La La Land


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Gail Combs

Not to mention trying to find something else ANYTHING ELSE to smear Trump with.


Biden Blocked “Additional Military Response” to Houthi Attack on US Navy

“US Naval personnel were only allowed to fire on the Houthis when fired on. They did not have authorization to fire when the Houthis were firing on the Maersk Hangzhou or on what were clearly enemy vessels, but only defensively in response to attacks on the US Navy.”

An NBC News account of inside deliberations in the Biden administration reveals that Biden refused to approve any follow-up response.

“According to the officials, U.S. Central Command provided Defense Department leaders with options for an additional military response after the incident, and the Pentagon sent those options to senior White House officials. Biden, who was on vacation in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands, did not approve an additional military response.”

Gail Combs

Shades of OH!Bummer. It is why the US Army could never win in Afghanistan. During the ‘Nam war, I heard the guys at the Hi/Byes complain bitterly about not being ALLOWED to actually win the war. (I hung with the guys and talked hunting and cars instead of with the women talking dishes and diapers.)


Not shades it is Obama making dissensions because to many incidents being like Obama,

Valerie Curren

 (I hung with the guys and talked hunting and cars instead of with the women talking dishes and diapers.)”


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. The only conflict we were actually able to finally WIN (as in completely crush the enemy) since Grenada was against ISIS and only because PDJT fired the generals.

Last edited 11 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I came across this info about ivermectin and am posting it in case it could be of use to anyone.

Link to list of the various Protocols for use:

REYNOLD MEDS The gentleman’s name is Reynold Brook. I (and many other anons) order exclusively from him because he gives great personal service and he loves America, Trump, and anons.

NOTE: He ships to the UK, Australia, and Canada. But he said that about 50% of the shipments to Canada are still being seized by Customs/Postal Service.

If what you need isn’t listed, email him directly. His prices are highly competetive, his English is excellent, and his customer service is unbeatable. Shipments are sent via Singapore to avoid seizure and take 14 to 21 days to arrive. (My last order, placed in early October, arrived in 11 days.)

Grant Pharmacy



Ships from Singapore and Germany. Decent prices and great service.

ReliableRx Pharmacy


Ships from US, so no customs worries and faster delivery time. Ivermectin only. Much higher prices than overseas. Accepts MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, Discover.

Medicine Counter Pharmacy

Hixson Tennessee. They ship anywhere in the US.



All USA pharmacies do not sell USA-made Ivermectin or HCQ or Zpack, their supplies all come from China, and they are only compounded at their USA pharmacy. Do not be deceived! Chinese stock should be avoided at all costs! Our products are 100% custom-made for us, the purest possible, and highly vetted with top quality control. Our supplies are custom-made for us in India exclusively. Zero Chinese materials with us whatsoever!.



In fairness to Dershowitz, the second half of that clip shows him stating he is innocent, that he wanted all the information to come out, and that he hopes nothing has been held back. He has been saying that from the beginning. Off the top of my head I can’t name one other accused person who is asking for everything to be revealed.


At least Dersh gets some fairness. Epstein wasn’t as fortunate.


I’m curious about what you believe to be true about Epstein, and what, if anything, you consider to be evidence against him.


Anybody who dies prior to conviction dies innocent. What I believe about Epstein is that the psy op that worked on the covid crowd is the same psy op they are using to protect powerful people who should not have been involved in the sex trade.

I haven’t seen ANY evidence against Epstein or any of the other well-known people that are named as child rapists. I’ve heard a lot of lurid gossip from girls who stand to get awfully rich if they can get someone to settle a lawsuit.

Everybody got all excited over these docs being released yet the first one I read was the deposition of Virginia whatsherface. I only got as far as page 18 where she admitted she couldn’t remember her age during one of these supposed encounters nor could she remember names of these alleged rapists but she sure knew they were famous.

IOW, she admitted that her testimony was worthless. She had no diary but as a comparison, look at Biden’s niece who really was likely to be a molestation victim. She had a diary and it had slimy details in it.

I suspect that this entire Epstein saga is something other than what is being presented. Is he dead? I don’t know but NYC will not release the autopsy results. There can only be one of two reasons for this – [1] he isn’t dead and the autopsy report either doesn’t exist or [2] he is dead but he didn’t die of strangulation.

I hope this answers your inquiry.


Dersh suit a girl now woman from Epstein who accused him of rape and won


I don’t think it actually went to court. She decided to drop the case. If she had had good evidence, that wouldn’t have been necessary, but I think all she had was vague memories of having seen him. accuser Giuffre ends defamation lawsuit against … – Reuters

Nov 8, 2022  Virginia Giuffre, one of dozens of women who accused Jeffrey Epstein of sexual misconduct, on Tuesday dropped her lawsuit claiming Harvard …


Vague memories = gold digger tale IMO.

All those girls were voluntary participants, IMO. What I want to know is why the IRS hasn’t gone after them. Considering how many girls lied about their ages at that stage of their lives, and had the fake IDs to prove it, I remain firmly unconvinced that any statutory rape charges could be proved.


He said he suit for defamation and won. The women might have said she was wrong? I at least remember something like that because Dersh was adamant about it.
Maybe someone else remembers also? I do not know where to find it.


Needs to happen. Memes need a place to live too.   :wpds_smile: 


I love that Trump meme museum! I would visit it if it were a real place.

Last edited 11 months ago by TheseTruths

So good.

Gail Combs

It is worth reading that entire tweet.

The most important point about Claudine Gay’s plagiarism isn’t that she was fired, but that she had the job–the most prestigious job in higher education–after an extremely thin record of accomplishment. Claudine Gay has never published an article–even a plagiarized one–that really mattered, or significantly advanced scholarship. She got her job not through merit, but because she checked a box. In this, she is not an outlier, but a representative of a system of education that rewards mediocrity.

Our entire elite is like this. People who got their jobs because they checked boxes, not because they achieved something amazing or accomplished something meaningful. That is now the purpose of our elite universities, to give credentials that signal fake merit rather than rely on real excellence.

This is why you should mock the public health experts who want you to mask toddlers in their schools to stop the spread of a respiratory virus. These public health experts are not smart or accomplished, they have a credential from an institution that cares more about box checking than merit.

This is why you should ignore the economists who tell you that mass migration raises the wages of the working class or has no effect on housing prices, even though I’ve heard from multiple corporate leaders that they want more immigration in order to pay their workers lower wages. These economists are not smart or accomplished, they have a credential from an institution that cares more about box checking than merit.

This is why you should laugh at the foreign policy experts who will tell you that we should allow east Asia to make all of our steel, phones, and pharmaceuticals, while sending all of our weapons to a war in Eastern Europe that has little to do with our core national interests. These foreign policy experts are not smart or accomplished, they have a credential from an institution that cares more about box checking than merit.

This is why you should scorn the attorneys who tell you that Donald Trump committed “insurrection” and should be thrown off the ballot. They have no special legal knowledge. They are political hacks pretending to be lawyers, and they are not smart or accomplished, they have a credential from an institution that cares more about box checking than merit.

This is why you should question the doctors who tell you to prescribe experimental pharmaceuticals to gender-confused children. These doctors are not smart or accomplished, they have a credential from an institution that cares more about box checking than merit.

The real story of Harvard is not Claudine Gay’s firing but this:

You are ruled by thousands of people who are just as mediocre. Their power relies on tax advantages from the federal government, a DEI bureaucracy backed by Biden’s Department of Justice, and the implicit consent of millions of Americans.

I say we withdraw that consent, and all the favors that come along with it.


Thanks for posting it all. I was on my phone, and I am technically challenged on it!

Gail Combs

You are very welcome. I try not to clutter up the place too much🤓 but still bring useful stuff.


ALL of your stuff is useful stuff!

Gail Combs

ThankQ dear lady.

I very much value the info that you bring to the table esp on herbals.


Gail – wrt your lack of eyeglasses for your computer focal distance . . .

Where to Buy Affordable Eyeglasses
Here are the top retailers offering great deals on affordable eyewear online:

Warby Parker
Zenni Optical
Costco Optical
Sam’s Club Optical
Felix Gray

You can get a pair of eyeglasses for about $15, and that includes shipping, with your prescription, for the focal distance you specify, if you choose the cheapest frames and only the minimum options.

Gail Combs

Thank you

However we have a very nice older man we go to who is super. My drivers lic expires in about a 1 1/2 years and I want an exam and new glasses closer to that time.

I still have my trifocal sunglasses for outside the house.

Actually I keep hoping I can find my glasses.

I seem to have a ghost who grabs my glasses when I get near when I should have my new exam and think I need new glasses NOW. This is the second pair that has disappeared off the face of the earth.

It has also awaken me when I was about to over sleep by calling my name….WEIRD but not harmful.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It could be worse.

You could have a vision problem no conceivable eyeglass can actually fix.

Gail Combs

My astigmatism is so bad, I could not use a Brix refractometer. My mesurements were way off from everyone else..

However I am glad I have reasonably decent eye sight.

One of my bosses could only see black and white and was legally blind with coke bottle glasses. He was a really nice guy but struggled.


We are the last generation who understands what is meant by Coke bottle glasses.  😢 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wow, that’s tough. In my case my corneas are warped, irregularly, so no conceivable eyeglass lens can correct for it. I see double, triple quadruple images and haloing without the aid of alcohol. So instead I need scleral contacts (they touch only the white of the eye) with saline behind them…which are basically prosthetic corneas (the contacts, water, corneas, and aqueous humor all have a similar index of refraction so the scleral contacts act as if they were a smooth cornea). They have to be set for a certain distance and I chose to be nearsighted, so I have ordinary glasses for distance over the contacts.


I had previously not heard of this arrangement, and my mother’s side of the family had a lot of experience with optical correction. My grandfather, for example, had an axis of astigmatism that seemed to move between examinations….I wonder if it might have been more complex warpage.

When were you diagnosed with this? Is it steady, or has it been changing over time? Did they catch it immediately, or did they misdiagnose it a time or two?

I gave myself LASIK as a 40th birthday present — I’d previously had 5+ diopters of astigmatism correction in each eye. I used the guy who had done half the 49ers (they were doing LASIK on healthy football players to give them exceptional vision on the field).

Years prior, my aunt had undergone radial-K to correct her eyesight. The thought still gives me the shudders, like Dr. McCoy walking through a modern hospital.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It is progressive but it can be arrested (and slightly reversed) with a procedure called “crosslinking” that also would give you the shivers. I had it done; it’s not as bad as it sounds (but I know you have phobias) and if keratoconus isn’t arrested eventually the cornea becomes so distorted you can’t fit a scleral lens over it.

I have a coworker who swears he’d go blind before he put ANYTHING in his eyes.

Oh, you never want to see me remove them at night, either.


In the past, was this just obvious when you were a young lad? says that it normally shows up in late childhood/early adulthood — was there a precipitating factor (e.g. going off to college) that caused it to be recognized?

Crosslinking was only approved by the FDA in 2016, so that was probably a recent development.

I was thinking some sort of ablative procedure might be useful, but wikipoo characterizes it as a thinning of the cornea. They do, however, discuss several surgical alternatives…..which, although unpleasant, seem to generally be successful.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t think it became a factor until the mid 2010s for me. I just knew I was griping that even a fresh prescription wasn’t doing jack shit for me any more.

Valerie Curren

Man, that’s wild & rough. I have astigmatism too but it doesn’t bother me Too much though I have a pretty hard time with multiple vertical lines adjacent to each other. I tend to tilt my head a bit to the left & this might be some sort of compensation for that astigmatism. I also get the haloing of lights…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In my case the haloing produces “legs” coming off the light at about 4 and 8 o’clock. if the light is really bright the two legs are bowlegged and meet in a circle; the true source of light is the top of the circle. Usually haloing is centered on the actual light.

One low-tech thing that sometimes works is if I can cover the lower half of my eye with something held close to it. Most of the warping is there, so if it’s covered, no light passes through the warped bit and I get a reasonably clean image.

Sometimes I’m reading a book with my contacts out and I will have to turn the page 90 degrees to correctly identify an accent mark or something like that. All of the double images are one above the other, so if I can still see the mark when the page is rotated, it’s really there and not a ghost image.

Valerie Curren

Amazing. We have this 6 “candle” chandelier that I get pretty funky haloing off of. It usually splits into 6 rays (off Each candle) like at 10, 11, & 12 off the top & about 4, 5, & 6 o’clock off the bottom. Since I can see this when using my laptop in the living room if that DR light is on I’ll end up shifting my head around to play with the lights. The angles are often a bit different between the 6 lights & I can do pretty interesting things by squinting & tilting my head too.

I have this effect w/ lights at night when driving & it is pretty magnified if the pavement is wet & reflective, & presumably that would be true of icy or greasy pavement if it’s reflective.

When my eyesight was diminishing by aging I used to have this large black plastic water jug I’d drink from. I noticed that when putting it close to my face that something would happen in the vicinity of my eye’s view of the black rim. Basically there would be a thin region where the letters would be much clearer in that black plastic “horizon”. I always wondered why this happened for when I pulled the cup away & looked at the Exact Same Letters they were now blurrier than when the cup was up to my face.

I was diagnosed as far-sighted when a child w/ a lazy eye that glasses corrected. I wore glasses from age 4 to somewhere in Junior High when I went to gas permeable contact lenses (couldn’t use soft contacts due to astigmatism). Sometime in college I stopped using my contacts & I could do everything fine but read really close to my face. I think I was in my late 40’s when I started using “cheaters” to be able to better read books & computers. Finally in my early 50’s I started getting prescription lenses w/ the most recent iteration being graduated lenses as bi-focals, which are cheaper, wouldn’t work for computer reading, which I clearly do A Lot of!

Last edited 11 months ago by Valerie Curren

I use Zenni. They are awesome, and yes, cheap!


I use Zenni, also.




Have not checked personally, but a poster on SD’s site said Dubin donated $100 K to Vivek’s campaign.




Clandestino Clinton! Bill emerges in MEXICO as America reels from latest Epstein list revelations in which his name came up 73 times and was described as ‘liking his girls young’

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Why would he flee?

He got off scot free from allegations stemming from perjury he committed about being blown in the oval office. What could actually happen to this walking turd?

Gail Combs

Not to mention getting caught taking bribes from the Chinese (‘Campaign donations’)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, well these days that’s a sign of patriotism and dedication to the job.

At least by the lights of the yellow stream media…and nothing not in the YSM actually exists, to our Overlords.

Gail Combs

Billy Boy, certainly did a great job of selling out the USA to China. Between the WTO and giving China favored nation status, he shifted our industry, lock, stock and bottle, out of this country, mainly to China and India.


His assassination-happy wife could finally get tired of his bullshit?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I honestly doubt she really cared…except when it became a scandal (or threatened to) due to a “bimbo eruption.”


Well, yeah. I don’t think she “cared” in the traditional sense, either.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When BJ Clinton was president, her position depended on that fact. She didn’t like to see it threatened. Now her position and status do not depend on him at all; she’s an ex-senator and an ex-cabinet member and on paper at least very qualified. So she probably couldn’t care less what he does any more.




“Kristi Noem explains why she’s in Iowa campaigning for Trump”

To make MAGA patriots see her as one of us?
To ingratiate herself with Trump for the VP position or a place in his administration?
To set herself apart from Nikki Haley?

I welcome her support for Trump, but I don’t know if she is trustworthy or if she would cave when push comes to shove.

Robert Baker

I should think that given your understanding of human nature in general and politicians in particular you would conclude that she is not trustworthy and that her ethics would collapse when her ambition conflicts with official policy.


I was going easy on her. There is a host of politicians who, on their own, will not always do the right thing, but under Trump’s leadership, some of them will. Knowing which is which is difficult. If every one of them were discounted, we would have maybe 8-10 people in the House of Representatives and less than five qualified candidates for VP, if that many.

Robert Baker

In my opinion the time for easy has past. How many qualified candidates there may be is debatable but we have seen several flashes of her character when she had a chance to do the right thing. The results were not encouraging.


My statements were speculation about her possible innermost thoughts, which I can’t possibly know and thus can’t judge accurately. As I said, I would question her trustworthiness in crunch time. However, there have been others whom I never would have trusted on their own, who did the right things under Trump’s leadership. Yet, having said that, I still would not want her as VP.

I would prefer a male VP; enough of diversity and inclusion. I can’t name a female that I think is capable of stepping into the presidency with the possible exception of Kari Lake, and I don’t advocate for her candidacy as VP.

Robert Baker

I would hope that Trump will be wise enough to consult God when he chooses his running mate and I am not talking about the RNC.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The RNC may be many things but I doubt ANYONE has ever thought of them as God. 😀

Reverse the three letters and add a suffix and get doGshit, which is close to what I think of them.

Last edited 11 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren



Kristi Noem joins us from Suix City, Iowa. Governor, good to see you, let me ask you this. Is that Corey Lewandowski under your desk?

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

THAT left a mark! Good show!


Because somebody punched her in the mouth?

Seriously, what happened to her face?


The lips…maybe Botox in the cheeks…😱


Tuckers interview with Epstein’s brother. Supposed to be open for all to view. 25-26 minutes.


Proof positive of our banana republic status.



Yours Truly added this to the Deagel Report post of today.


God have mercy.


comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well in a way that’s good news.

If they don’t cover most of these shootings there’s less of an impetus for gun control.



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Mark Cuban is totally enslaved by political-correctness.

Elon isn’t.

That’s why Elon can play with Cuban like a pit-bull with a chew toy.

Last edited 11 months ago by scott467

BREAKING: New Cache of Epstein Docs Unsealed: Minor Victim Trafficked to “Prominent American Politicians” to “Obtain Potential Blackmail Information”

According to the second tranche of documents obtained by The Gateway Pundit and reviewed by this reporter, one Epstein victim, a minor teen dubbed “Jane Doe 3,” said she was trafficked to “prominent American politicians” to “obtain potential blackmail information.”

“Epstein also sexually trafficked the then-minor Jane Doe, making her available for sex to politically-connected and financially-powerful people. Epstein’s purposes in “lending” Jane Doe (along with other young girls) to such powerful people were to ingratiate himself with them for business, personal, political, and financial gain, as well as to obtain potential blackmail information.” – the document described of Jane Doe #3.

Witness testimony detailing Prince Andrew’s sexual abuse of a minor teen was revealed in the second set of unsealed documents reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

Another witness, a minor teen, described how she was forced to recruit high school girls for Epstein and his circle of powerful friends..


The Epstein method of operation is well known at this point, but it’s important to see the words of his victims.

One victim brought other high school girls to Epstein.

Epstein wanted her “emancipated” so she could live with him.


The cops have a new tool to stop fleeing car jackers, or fleeing anybody, for that matter:


I received an unsolicited email from Mike Pence.
• He takes credit for Trump’s accomplishments regarding Israel.
• I’d like to know, if I sent him twenty bucks, what he would do with it, because I have no idea how it would help Israel or “eradicate terrorism.”
* The repeated use of “Friend” is annoying.
• Why is Pence fundraising? I hope the blue-haired Fox watchers don’t fall for this.


During my time in office, we brought forth the most pro-Israel administra

tion in the history of our country and delivered for the Jewish state:

We moved the U.S. Embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. 

We recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. 

We stood shoulder to shoulder with Israel like the United States should.

But my work is far from over, Friend. That is why I just landed in Israel to witness firsthand the aftermath of the Hamas terrorist attack and bring a message of the United States’ solidarity. Will you join me in supporting Israel, Friend? 


Since October 7th, the most horrific attack on the Jewish community since the Holocaust, there has been a surge in antisemitism and pro-terrorist sentiment around the world, especially here in the United States. It’s disgraceful. 

We must show the Jewish people that the United States will never waver from its commitment to Israel and will support them through thick and thin. 


As I meet with those affected by Hamas’ barbaric attack, I ask for your help. Will you add your name and join me in supporting the eradication of terrorism and stand with the Jewish state during this heartbreaking time? 

Israel is grieving and we need to give them all the support we can, Friend. 

I’m counting on you, 

Vice President Mike Pence 


Send him a pic of a hundred dollar bill.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or thirty silver dimes. Or better yet (if you can round em up) 30 denarii, which would almost certainly be what was paid to Judas. And the beauty of that, the English “pence” is the direct descendant of the denarius.



Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well crap, I have to correct myself.

The thirty pieces of silver were probably either Tyrian shekels (or tetradrachms), or staters from Antioch (as in “Holy Hand Grenade of”). Or possibly Ptolemaic tetradrachms. The silver weight per coin could have been anywhere from 3 3/8 grams to 13.16 grams. (The good stuff back then was Athenian tetradrachms with over 16 grams of silver in them.)

Unless it was thirty of those Ptolemaic tetradrachms, Judas got a better price than I had originally thought.

Valerie Curren

If he was being paid by the religious leaders of the day wouldn’t they have been using some type of Jewish coinage, suitable for the Temple? Is it even possible to know For Sure?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s a good question. But I think the temple coinage was supposed to be used ONLY for the temple.

They’d have used locally available coins, and shekels of Tyre, etc. were fairly local.

By the way the tribute penny (as the KJV calls it) from “Render unto Caesar” was almost certainly a denarius and of course it would have had Tiberius’ picture on it as he was the emperor at the time. As a consequence if you just want to buy a denarius of Tiberius because you’re collecting all of the emperors, you’ll have to pay a bit more than otherwise for Tiberius because many people collect “coins of the Bible” including widow’s mites, shekels of tyre and tribute pennies. I ran into this myself when I bought my Augustan denarius.

When coins were made out of specie, they could pretty much be interchanged; of course that was a job for moneychangers (just not the ones at the temple). They had to be able to spot fakes, and also know how much silver is in a real coin. Sometimes the coin was very pure, sometimes (as in the case of those ptolemaic tetradrachms) there was very little silver in them. So they’d identify the coins, weigh them, figure out how much silver was there, and count out the other coins…after extracting their fee of course.

Valerie Curren

You’re making me nostalgic for some of your money-based Saturday posts. I wonder if you dare tackle BRICS &/or bit-coin/electronic “money” at some point. BTW, I always loved your illustrations to enhance the written word.

I very much appreciate your eclectic interests & how you articulate them around here!

Last edited 11 months ago by Valerie Curren
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As far as knowing for sure even the conventional theory for what the pieces of silver were, considers that it could have been three very different coins all issued in the Eastern Med. So we probably won’t know for sure, ever.

Valerie Curren

I guess we could ask him if he ends up being where one of our final destinations is 😉 😉

Valerie Curren



A few what, and where do we send ’em?


I keep looking at CV’s post and thinking, “isn’t that Gollum’s brother?”


My ex-wife used to tell me if you were on time, it meant you weren’t one of The Beautiful People. She was born and raised in Redondo Beach, CA.

Valerie Curren

TY DP Many Blessings!