Dear KAG: 20240508 Open Thread

Cover image: Acadia National Park, Maine

Little known fact: Your darling DePat, aka MOI, is actually an eighth Acadian. Yes, I am one of the millions of descendants of the original 30 families to emigrate to what is today Nova Scotia and Labrador in the 17th century.

That should narrow down my true identity.

Badlands News Brief – May 7, 2024

Who is the Patriot Front? Are they feds? Racists? Deep dive into the mysterious masked right-wing group…

Jack Smith’s Lawfare Scheme Under Scrutiny and Fraying

Judge in Trump Classified Documents Case Suspends Trial Indefinitely

Thoughts on the Protest Industrial Complex

Marjorie Taylor Greene backs off threat to oust Johnson as speaker

X Files….

I’m with Juanita and End Wokeness, and I can stand to lose a few myself.

And the prices have gone up to the point where my favorite Reuben at the landmark soda fountain on the near north side is $14.

Memes & Stuff

Jerk is a mild word for yellow jackets.

My special needs nephew would do that.


Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Okay, it was a made for TV series, but still…..

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


ACTS 17:15, 22–18:1

17 15Those who conducted Paul brought him as far as Athens; and receiving a command for Silas and Timothy to come to him as soon as possible, they departed. 22So Paul, standing in the middle of the Are-op’agus, said: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. 23For as I passed along, and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription, `To an unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. 24The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man, 25nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all men life and breath and everything. 26And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, 27that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us, 28for `In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your poets have said, `For we are indeed his offspring.’ 29Being then God’s offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man. 30The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent, 31because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and of this he has given assurance to all men by raising him from the dead.” 32Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked; but others said, “We will hear you again about this.” 33So Paul went out from among them. 34But some men joined him and believed, among them Dionys’ius the Are-op’agite and a woman named Dam’aris and others with them. 18 1After this he left Athens and went to Corinth.

So many settings of this one…so little time.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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Thank you, De Pat, for bringing us a wild and woolly, wonderful and wacky Wednesday thread!


And I’m doing a quick clean-up, because I knocked over a pile of stuff….


OK, here we go —

Old prog bands never die…..they just change personnel.


Thank you, DPat! Always enjoyable to see your picks! πŸ‘


A collection of times when the media was dishonest about Trump. I remember a lot of these, and I’m amazed that, as bad as that was, he is now embroiled in multiple trials. It is so much worse now, but he knows how to turn it to his advantage.

It’s over 5 minutes but worth the watch. Bookmark this. Save it. Share it. Anytime you get into an argument with a leftist about media, news media, and propaganda, show them this.

It’s terrifying how much damage and mind control the media has over American lives. This is a huge problem and should be corrected immediately. Media should be held accountable for the lies they spew.

It’s time for our representatives to start creating legislation that holds our American news media accountable.

This country is in huge trouble, and the division can cause civil war. Something has to give.


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Pfizer Reports Young Boy Dies From Cardiac Arrest After Participating in Gene Therapy Study

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has reported a young boy has died due to cardiac arrest after receiving the company’s experimental gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

A Pfizer spokesperson told Reuters in an exclusive email, β€œA fatal serious adverse event was reported as cardiac arrest for a participant in the Phase 2 DAYLIGHT study.”

Pfizer’s gene therapy trial is currently testing children two to three-year-olds who have Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) β€œis caused by a genetic problem in producing dystrophin, a protein that protects muscle fibers from breaking down when exposed to enzymes.”


The trial is testing boys 2 to three years of age with DMD, a genetic muscle wasting disorder in which most patients lack the protein dystrophin which keeps muscles intact. The disorder affects an estimated one-in-3,500 male births worldwide.

β€œThe patient received the investigational gene therapy, fordadistrogene movaparvovec, in early 2023,” as per a statement from a community letter attributed to the drugmaker’s DMD gene therapy team and posted by a nonprofit advocacy group.

Valerie Curren

ο»Ώ πŸ˜ͺ ο»Ώ


That gene-therapy stuff is tricky business. Probably best to try it out on the whole population of planet earth first.


I’m not sure if “not voting Biden” memes are catching on, but here is one.

Hello my name is Tyrone Jamal Pelosi and I am 24 and live in Texas. I will Not be voting for Joe Biden.

Valerie Curren

Seen in the replies at

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Valerie Curren

AND this πŸ˜‰

Gail Combs

It looks like some Blacks are finally realizing the Demonrats consider them ‘less than human’ animals that have to be ‘pampered’ because they can not think for themselves.

I have said for years, I would be highly insulted by the crap the DemonRats spew if I was a Black.

Valerie Curren



It’s the monolith. I can just hear the music. 🎢 πŸ˜‚

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha


That was hilarious and well done πŸ‘πŸ˜‚

Valerie Curren

I know, genius that could Only have been done by a POC in today’s insane PC dystopia!

Valerie Curren

jumping on his feed from nitter is pretty fun πŸ™‚

Valerie Curren

Gail Combs

I really like this answer




Replying to @N76247476Man

Depends on where you’re at. Environmental colors to blend in. If you’re in DC, pastels and purple hair are a must and a bit of a swish when you walk. White House, simply crap in your pants and shuffle, you’ll pass as joe b.

Valerie Curren

nailed it!

Gail Combs

Here are the fake eyebrows again. I wonder what they mean?


The key is that he says his last name is Pelosi. πŸ˜…

Gail Combs

ο»Ώ  :wpds_lol: ο»Ώ


Judge Hands NY Democrats Massive Loss, Axes Abortion Rights Measure

A state judge in New York has shot down a pro-abortion ballot measure just ahead of the November election, dealing a blow to Democrats who hoped to use the initiative as a top campaign issue this fall.

A judge in Livingston County ruled on Tuesday that Democratic legislators did not follow the constitutionally required steps to place the measure on the ballot, according to the New York Post.

State Supreme Court Justice Daniel Doyle found that they approved the measure before obtaining a legal opinion from state Attorney General Letitia James’ office, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported.

New York already has some of the strongest protections for abortion and abortionists in the country, yet Democrats in the Empire State have been trying to make abortion a central issue in this year’s election with absurd claims that it is endangered in a deep-blue state that is fully controlled by Democrats.

People fought to keep it off the ballot. Good for them.

Opponents β€” including Republican Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes of Livingston County β€” went to court to prevent the measure from being placed on the ballot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re shameless. The trick worked in Ohio. They wanted it in New York, too.

Gail Combs

They are discussing it on Badlands.

It has SEVERAL hidden bombs. Not only trans gender for kids but DEFINING ILLEGALS AS A PROTECTED CLASS!

Also the wording of the amendment on the ballot is VERY misleading

See: 1:16:33


Comedian ridicules someone who works for the JB administration. πŸ˜…


Trump says it was a good day.

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Well said.


Japanese people, like Southern women, can absolutely eviscerate you while remaining incredibly polite!


Comes down to a good upbringing, a proper education and old old old fashion common sense.

Great example from the first woman historian, Anna Komnene and her 11th Century book on her father’s rule “The Alexiad” that covers the times leading up to, during and after the 1st Crusade.

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The Alexiad (Goodreads)

The Byzantine historian Anna Komnene, Latinized as Comnena (December 1, 1083 – 1153) was the eldest child of the Emperor Alexios I Komnenos and Irene Doukaina, and is considered the first female historian. From earliest childhood Anna was in daily contact with the leading figures of the Empire. Through her social position and own interest, she obtained an education in literature and philosophy given to few women in the Middle Ages.

Disappointed in her hopes to be named heir to her father instead of her brother John, and again by not having her husband Nikephoros Bryennios named as Emperor, Anna conspired with her mother against her brother to gain her husband the throne but ultimately failed after her husband’s refusal to cooperate. After Bryennios’ death in 1137 she and her mother were exiled to a remote monastery to live out the rest of their lives.

There she wrote The Alexiad, a historical account of her father’s reign, which is unique in that it was written by a princess about her father and is a rare primary source of the Byzantine Empire in the eleventh century and the First Crusade from a non-Western point of view. The book also contributes to understanding of the female mentality, mindset, and perception of the world during Byzantine times.

Can’t help but think that book or at least those time, influenced Catharine the Great as well as current thinking in Russia as it concerns Putin. Decades after Anna died, the Crusaders sacked Constantinople and the remnants fled through out the black sea region. Later they’d come back and retake the city only to have it fall again after another hundred or so years at the hands of the Muslims and remnants fled again through out the black sea region to include Ukraine and Russia taking much of the Eastern Orthodox Church with them.


BREAKING: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed THREE huge election integrity bills into law today. Election fraudster Marc Elias is pissed which means this is great news for election integrity

House Bill 974: Adds watermarks to ballots, displays ballot pictures online, requires more audits of statewide elections and uses technology to verify the accuracy of text on ballots.

House Bill 1207: Requires election workers to be U.S. citizens, allows fewer voting machines on election days, guarantees poll watchers close access and allows candidates to proof ballots for errors.

Senate Bill 189: Changes rules for mass voter challenges, eliminates computer QR codes from ballots, adds ballot security procedures and eases requirements for third-party presidential candidates to appear on Georgia ballots


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The man with the broken glasses is Michael Douglas, it’s from the movie Falling Down (1993):

Synopsis: “An unemployed defense worker goes on an armed rampage in Los Angeles.”

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“Recently divorced, out of work, and stuck in a traffic jam in the smoldering Los Angeles heat, repressed engineer William Foster (Michael Douglas) decides to abandon his car and head for home. But when an argument with a convenience store clerk pushes Foster to his breaking point, he hits the streets with a bat in hand and renewed confidence. Before long, an encounter with several gang members nets the volatile businessman a knife, an automatic weapon, and a sense of empowerment unlike anything he’s every experienced. Meanwhile, a soon-to-be-retired detective, Martin Prendergast (Robert Duvall), hijacks the investigation into the seemingly random swath of devastation left in Foster’s wake. Hoping to stop the gun-toting maniac before anyone can get seriously hurt, Prendergast and his partner, Detective Sandra Torres (Rachel Ticotin), work to identify Foster’s intended destination, uncover his troubled past, and bring him in as quietly as possible.

The brilliance of Falling Down lies in its disturbing familiarity; in the unsettling realization that Foster is being presented as some sort of maligned everyman. Who hasn’t dreamed dreams of mass destruction in the middle of a traffic jam? Who hasn’t wondered why fast food never looks as appealing on the tray as it does on television? Who hasn’t been bothered by price gouging in a local convenience store? Who hasn’t been tempted to put a rude clerk in their place? Who hasn’t wished they could break free of society’s tempered definition of acceptable behavior? The mind’s eye may not always drift to firearms and baseball bats, but if consequence was removed from any one of these scenarios, would we act much differently than Foster? Would we really exhibit unwavering moral fortitude in the face of such staunch opposition? The answer, as screenwriter Ebbe Roe Smith’s mentally unbalanced antihero suggests, is no… most of us would resort to aggression, assault, violence, or any other forbidden fruit that would help us apply our own brand of justice to a given situation.

So who is William Foster? Victim of circumstance, devoted family man, disenfranchised father, devout vigilante, disgruntled citizen, unhinged lunatic, voice of the people, avenging angel? The truth, as frustrating and ambiguous as it may be at times, is present in each of these woefully insufficient labels. Neither Schumacher nor Douglas paint a pristine picture of Foster’s motivations or declarations. His manic mood swings and unpredictable outbursts are simultaneously inevitable and preventable; his intermingling guilt and glee are both fulfilling and damning. He isn’t good or evil, but rather a reactionary force of nature adrift in a devolving domain of gray. His decisions are cloaked in hesitation, his anger is uncomfortably palpable, and his obsession is a labyrinth of love and loss. Whoever William Foster is, only one thing is clear: Michael Douglas was born to play him on screen. The two-time Academy Award-winning actor injects a startling intensity into his every line, expression, and command. He not only inhabits Foster’s insanity, he boldly leaps off the veritable edge with him.

And let’s not overlook Robert Duvall’s masterfully understated performance. Serving as a welcome counterbalance to Foster’s every mad lurch and frightening delusion, Duvall slyly slides from scene to scene with the methodical stride of an actor who understands that the essence of a character can reside as much in their inaction and silence as it does in their decisiveness and dialogue. He contrasts Foster in every way: his words meander out of an unclenched mouth, his hands move slowly and deliberately, and his demeanor exudes unflinching calm at every turn. Like Douglas, he disappears from the film entirely; Duvall the actor is replaced by Detective Martin Prendergast, the living, breathing human being faced with an impossible crisis. To that end, Falling Down becomes as realistic as it is surreal; as much a legitimate study of madness as it is an exaggerated morality play; as memorable as it is upsetting. I know there are plenty of outspoken detractors who hate its every twist and turn, but I can’t help but marvel at its compelling characters, immersive story, and undeniably powerful performances.”

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Thank you, Scott, for this masterful review. I’m wondering why DJT Jr. posted this.


You’re very welcome GA/FL, but the review is copied and pasted from, by someone named Kenneth Brown πŸ™‚


I’m wondering why DJT Jr. posted this.

It could be simply that Don Jr., as a citizen like us, is aware of how corrupt the Left is, how they want to take down his father, and how desperate they could get before the election. We all know these things, too.

Or it could be that he knows something specific that is likely to happen. I have doubts about that, though. I think it’s a general warning to be prepared mentally to withstand whatever comes without giving in.

“Do no comply” makes me think of COVID rules, but it could refer to a lot of other things as well. Emergency mandates come to mind, whether during a natural disaster or war or pandemic. It can be hard to know when to obey for your personal safety or whether they are really trying to herd you into a cattle car.

Valerie Curren

It can be hard to know when to obey for your personal safety or whether they are really trying to herd you into a cattle car.



“It can be hard to know when to obey for your personal safety or whether they are really trying to herd you into a cattle car.”


When you know β€” not think, but really know and believe β€” that the criminal government hates you and wants you dead, then you know not to obey anything the government says to do ‘for our personal safety’.

They don’t want any of us to live.

They want all of us dead.

Everyone who is an American, that is.

Covid and the clot-shot turned the ‘conspiracy theory’ of depopulation into a cold hard reality.

I know the rogue, renegade regime of Hussein / Brandon is worse than Hitler, by orders of magnitude, based solely on the billions of people they are attempting to murder with clot shots.

When Hitler tells you to do something for your personal safety, do you take anything Hitler says at face value?

I can’t.

When Josef Mengele says “Here, take this, it will cure you, or make you feel better”, do you take it?

I won’t.

You’re better off dead by resistance, then by execution.

At least with resistance, you have a chance.

If we choose execution (compliance), we have no chance.

So when the choice is either death or non-compliance, we have nothing to lose by choosing non-compliance.

They made the decision easy for us.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren


pat frederick

so what happens in the end???

Gail Combs
Has a 2:30 min trailer.


A day in the life of a laid-off defense worker, estranged from hiswife and young daughter, and driven beyond frustration in an endless traffic jam. After he abandons his car in the middle of the freeway, he crosses the city on foot, leaving behind him an escalating wake of destruction as his sanity crumbles in the face of contemporary urban reality. 


He dies. Well, actually, he is killed.


Wait… is that a spoiler?

I can cross that one off my list…


Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

“so what happens in the end???”


I’m not sure, I only watched it once, and I haven’t seen it in 30 years! πŸ˜‚

It’s on my list of blu-rays to get for the collection, so I can watch it again. That’s why I recognized the cover, but with so many films getting restored in 4K now, I’ve been holding out for the 4K.

I’m tired of buying the blu-ray just to have to upgrade to the new 4K version a year or two later, so I can stop buying them twice. Buying twice works out really well for the movie companies, but not so well for me πŸ˜‰

Prices are ridiculous, but if you mostly buy around the Thanksgiving sales, you can get most 4K blu-rays for $7.99 to $9.99 each, if they were released the previous year (i.e., at least a year old).

That’s not much more than renting to watch online, but you have the physical product, a higher quality picture, and no streaming issues.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
pat frederick

LOL…we only recently got rid of our vhs player. we gave all our vhs tapes to a friend who sells them at a flea market.
we have all dvds–just the plain jane kind tho. we watch them instead of regular tv.


I think you would be astonished at the upgrade in picture quality, from DVD to blu-ray.

And properly done 4K can make blu-ray look like DVD!

In many cases, the 4K blu-ray will look as good or sometimes even better than when the film was new and shown in theaters.

The restoration work and picture quality on most of the real classics from the 1930s through the 1970s is amazing.

A big screen, at least 65″ or larger, also helps πŸ‘


First, I wonder if this is real.

Second, if it is real, this is a scary post.

pat frederick

his new truth social post says “GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH”

pat frederick

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Oh my.

We are headed for something big, I am afraid. And I suspect it is that Trump is about to goad this POS judge into jailing him.

God, please help us.

Last edited 5 months ago by Aubergine
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m thinking this has something to do with that’s coming.

Gail Combs

Unfortunately Yes.


Well, I hope not. And it probably won’t be ebola. The reason that virus has been mostly isolated is because it kills so fast. The incubation period is too slow for it to spread widely before it is caught.

At least, I pray that is true.

Also, I don’t think they would warn us in advance.

Last edited 5 months ago by Aubergine

Notice in this same post, he calls them “thugs” again. That’s the word that got him into trouble before.

pat frederick

he does, but he also mentions 2 other judges–Merchan can’t claim it exclusively refers to him. he can’t gag President Trump about other cases.


DJT is VERY smart.

Valerie Curren



Well, that’s good.


If the corrupt judge wants to act like a thug, he gets called what he is, a thug.

Simple πŸ‘πŸ˜


Scary in a Mahabharata kinda of way which I’ve mentioned before so please skip 😁 .

The ancient Indian story is very reminiscent of the times we are in now.

In that story a very ethical king was denied his rightful throne and all sorts of tricks and dirty deeds were played against him by a very unethical and evil king, to include cheating him out of his throne. His four brothers and their one wife (yep, all married the same woman – part of a mix up on their mother’s rule that they had to share everything) followed all the rules to get the kingdom back but in the end it came down to a massive war the likes of which had never been experienced before. A popular well written condensed version of the story is just under 1,500 pages in two books which includes glossary, index and some notes if I remember correctly. Uncondensed versions can run over the size of Bible and War and Peace combined.

The Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture, which is part of the epic Mahabharata. It forms the chapters 23–40 of book 6 of the Mahabharata called the Bhishma Parva. The work is dated to the second half of the first millennium BCE. Wikipedia (and the actual event is considered fictional by many but had it actually occurred which many believe it did, it took place at least another half to a couple millenniums before).

This is relevant to today, as the parallelisms are significant to our day, but mostly in that the evil will not give up it’s power without a fight despite many chances to do so. The results are catastrophic for all, but good wins out over evil.

There’s a lot of strange occurrences in the book, from flying machines, test tube babies, world shattering weapons (atomic?) to say but a few and of note given our last elephant talk, there is at least one Mastodon deployed in the elephant campaign portion of the epic battles fought at Kurukshetra.


That’s a pic of Michael Douglas from the movie Falling Down.


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And all the so-called ‘good’ FIB agents did nothing, they let it happen.


She’s probably fine. It’s not like she’s a Boeing whistleblower or anything….


She’s hiding out in Nathan Wade’s basement.


I just successfully rebooted my experimental server with a homemade null monitor.

Although I’ve mentioned this before, I’ll recap — many modern BIOSs on non-industrial PC’s have a setting where they go into “suspend” if they do not detect a monitor. Furthermore, many graphics cards also suspend if there’s no monitor attached — you wanted to use that other graphics card, right?

Being as I wanted to use a cheap desktop PC as a headless server, this was a bit of a problem. It wouldn’t boot right because all the video wanted to suspend.

As it turns out, this is a problem that has been solved by cryptominers — they frequently stuff their mining rigs with GPUs (graphics cards) that will never see monitors, so they put a “null monitor” plug on the output to fool the card into thinking there’s a monitor there. The plug works on a DB15 (VGA) connector by putting a resistor between the RGB sends and the RGB grounds (three resistors total).

Mind you, actual cryptominers don’t use dumb graphics cards with VGA connectors — they use HDMI or Display Port or DVI or something. But you can generally get an adapter to turn these things into a VGA plug. In the case of my cheap desktop PC, it did have a VGA output.

I had daisy-chained a bunch of stuff so that my server was operable, but I might actually need that stuff to use for its originally intended purposes, so I made a null monitor from a small DB15 M-F widget and three 75 ohm resistors (I actually made three of them). Once I had inserted the resistors, I slopped-on some hot glue to make them sit and stay. Price — $2 for widget + 3 $0.10 resistors.

So I have reclaimed my daisy-chained kludge and replaced it with $2.30 of parts, and it boots. Happy, happy, joy, joy.


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One of my other projects today was trying to load the second paper try accessory onto our HP Officejet Pro 276dw. All the diagrams indicate that you just drop the printer on the accessory.

So I hauled ’em both out, and put them onto a sterile workplace on their sides, then tried to work out the mating issues.

Final conclusion — the second paper tray accessory that we had did not work with the 276dw. It probably belongs to an 8710 that we don’t use.

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

Ian Jaeger


BREAKING: Eric Trump sitting in the front row, releases a statement during the Stormy Daniels testimony. Eric Trump writes, Perspective: Sitting front row attempting to figure out how any of this garbage from 20 years ago relates to β€œlegal” bills submitted by a long time personal attorney being booked as a β€œlegal” expense β€” but I digress. To be clear, they don’t give a s**t about the merits of this case – the 15 Manhattan prosecutors are sitting at their table and behind in the courthouse pews, giddy by this salacious show. This is the intent, not the merits, nor the fact that this entire case is a massive extortion play.


While I’m sure his purpose was noble, what else could he be doing that is more productive? It’s bad enough that his father is stuck there …

pat frederick

but he is not gagged either and relate details directly to the public



Valerie Curren

sounds like a public show of support for his father, good by me πŸ™‚


Well, I’m not sure there’s anything more productive for Trump at this point than some emotional support.

I’m a pretty tough cookie, but I don’t know how Trump stands up under all that is being thrown at him.

And I’m not criticizing in any way, but if I were his wife, you couldn’t keep me out of that courtroom on the day that slutty bitch “Stormy” showed up. Piss on her. She may be a storm, but I’m a fucking Category 5+ hurricane.

pat frederick

and as a wife, I could give her my resting bitch face all day long. or smile sweetly and drive her nuts that way




RBF is LOL. ο»Ώ πŸ˜† ο»Ώ


I hear you. The other side of that coin is that “Stormy” is not worth the sidewalk that Melania walks on, so why give her the time of day? Melania’s presence there might give the impression that Trump a) needs support and b) thinks the case is important. Neither of those is true, so it is worth ignoring, IMO.

Gail Combs



Oh noes… faith in the pagan religion of Globull Warming is waning?

What to do… what to do?!?


pat frederick

for starters have taylor swift give up a personal plane or two…to show we’re all in this together


Yeah, me and Taylor, in it together… we’re besties πŸ˜‚

Valerie Curren

Watch out boy, she’s a man-eater…she’ll use you up & spit you out πŸ™‚


It’s all in her head.

None of that female empowerment MTV-era Hall & Oats stuff for me!

I’ll take Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones.

Have her trained like a circus monkey… or she’d run away, back to the Planet of the Simps πŸ˜‚

Valerie Curren



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HT Troublemaker 10 who posted these OT…

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Is that judge Cannon?

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

I wondered if that was a modification of an existing image so did an image search at Bingcomment image&thw=679&thh=1024&ptime=48&dlen=69588&expw=488&exph=736&selectedindex=0&id=-1125591589&ccid=i29oRTkt&vt=3&sim=11&cal=0.08422936&cab=0.95794755&cat=0.16636492&car=0.7828243&hotspot=1

There are lots of pretty dresses at the above search πŸ™‚

Nothing turned up there looks like what the above image might have been derived from. I’m Guessing this is an AI generated image by a savvy memer, fwiw…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren




Were ANY of those a good guess? πŸ˜‚

Last edited 5 months ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One was close enough to call it GOOD!!!

Valerie Curren



Well, this is fun. 😊 I hope Judge Cannon has good security. I hope that, if she were incapacitated, it would only delay the trial and that that would work in favor of her being kept safe.

pat frederick

i do not understand how a judge can allow salacious details into testimony (that have no bearing on the case) but won’t allow the FEC Chairman to discuss how President Trump did NOT break election laws and there has NEVER been a case brought before about this.
According to Byron York, writing at the Washington Examiner, Trump was required to disclose the hush money payments, made in 2017 through fixer Michael Cohen to porn β€œstar” Stormy Daniels after he won the election, to the Federal Election Commission. Failure to do that is a felony, they claim. However, a former FEC chairman, Bradley Smith, says that’s not a campaign contribution and they’ve never prosecuted for that kind of thing, despite seeing plenty of it around, as in the case of Democrat vice presidential candidate, John Edwards, who paid off a mistress to keep quiet about him. He writes:

Among the things Smith might be able to testify about is the novelty of the current Trump prosecution. Merchan will not allow it. β€œDefendant seeks to elicit from Smith, among other things, that at the time Cohen paid Daniels, there had never been a case in which anyone had been convicted of a federal campaign finance law violation for the making of β€˜hush money payments,’” Merchan wrote. Smith might also be asked about β€œthe facts surrounding the trial of former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate John Edwards, his subsequent acquittal, and that the case was heavily criticized.” Merchan will not allow it.

Other things Smith might be able to testify about are the FEC’s decision to dismiss a complaint against Trump for this very matter and the Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute Trump for the same set of actions. But Merchan said Smith cannot say a word about those matters. β€œThat the FEC dismissed the complaint against defendant and the DOJ decided against prosecuting defendant for potential FECA violations are probative of nothing,” Merchan wrote on March 18. β€œThese matters are therefore irrelevant and defendant is precluded from eliciting testimony or introducing evidence or both.”

So Smith can talk about none of that. None of it. The only topics Merchan will allow Smith to β€œtestify generally” on are the β€œgeneral background as to what the Federal Campaign Commission is, background as to who makes up the FEC, what the FEC’s function is, what laws, if any, the FEC is responsible for enforcing, and general definitions and terms that relate directly to this case, such as for example β€˜campaign contribution,’” Merchan wrote.


Which is fine by me. Nothing stops the witness from singing like a canary to the press waiting outside for DJT. The jury isn’t sequestered.

pat frederick

OH! you’re so smart!
that’s an excellent strategy!!!

Gail Combs

That is the WHY of the idiotic Gag order on Trump. The judge does not want the jury to hear Trump REFUTE the testimony.

But he does it anyway.ο»ΏπŸ˜‹ο»Ώ

pat frederick

h/t Filly
β€œ$10 Million To Harvard, Brown And Others Flowed From The β€œState Of Palestine” β€” Troubling grants and contracts classified in the federal database funded anti-Israel curriculums, professorships, and tuition.”


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EXCERPT: In February 2020, Brown University, an Ivy League school with a tax advantaged $6.5 billion endowment, negotiated a $643,000 gift from a foundation located within the β€œState of Palestine” to create a new Palestinian professorship within its Center for Middle East Studies.

However, β€œPalestine,” as a nation, does not exist. Neither the U.S. State Department nor the United Nations recognize Palestine as a country. The β€œState of Palestine” is a political fiction that provides cover for numerous terror organizations funded by Iran and others.

American universities taking six-figure foreign funding from an area of the world dominated by terrorists raises all kinds of questions. For example, codified into the law of the Palestinian Authority (PA) is the gruesome practice of β€œpay for slay” – paying pensions to the families of dead terrorists who killed Jews. More than 10 percent of the PA’s budget pays these murder incentives / benefits.

At Brown, the foreign gift established, β€œβ€¦support for a Professorship in Palestinian Studies within Middle East Studies.” The β€œfirst chair of its kind dedicated to this field of study.” An anti-Israel professor named Beshara Doumani was tapped as the inaugural Mahmoud Darwish Professor of Palestinian Studies.

Soon after his appointment at Brown, Dr. Doumani was given permission also to simultaneously head Birzeit University in the West Bank for two years. The Birzeit campus is a hotbed of radicalism. Members of the Hamas-affiliated β€œIslamic Bloc” have won most seats on its student council over the past two years. Days after Hamas slaughtered and kidnapped hundreds of Israeli civilians, Birzeit University’s Union of Professors and Employees said:

β€œ2023 will be recorded historically as the year that Palestinians stood boldly in the face of colonial fascism and screamed in defense of their homes, humanity, and lives.”

Brown is not the only top school getting funds from Palestinian organizations, or with ties to Birzeit. According to federal disclosures, Harvard University received $1.6 million from entities within the β€œState of Palestine.” Harvard’s grants were not restricted – so federal records have no description of how funds were to be spent. Harvard, unhelpfully, refused to comment.

Harvard’s activities with Birzeit University are not related to the $1.6 million foreign gift, but they still raise questions about Birzeit’s ideology impacting Harvard students. One project, through Harvard’s famous FranΓ§ois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, works with Birzeit University to use:

β€œa decolonial framework in program development, leadership, and engagement. This framework involves surfacing, examining, and working to dismantle power dynamics and structures that perpetuate inequities in knowledge production and dissemination between Global North and Global South institutions.” 

A member of Palestine program’s leadership team provides a prime example of how anti-American and anti-Israel sentiment flourish under the umbrella of β€œdecolonialism.” …….


Indiana University of Pennsylvania (incorrectly called “at Pennsylvania” got OVER 7 MILLION DOLLARS, vastly more than the amounts given to Brown University and to Harvard University.

IUP? What used to be called “Podunk U” back in the day? Where students who weren’t smart enough to get into either the University of Pittsburgh or Penn State University would attend?

And IUP has DEEP TIES to ARAB AMERICAN UNIVERSITY, located in Palestine?


That’s something. This is a group that plays the victim card 24/7/ They don’t have food. They don’t have anything….because their favorite terrorists take all the money and now come to find out…fellow terrorists like to help out but not for living needs


It’s so amazing, isn’t it?

Their food money gets stolen but they still support the thieves.


As for the photo of the “fatties for free palestine;” what’s the deal with the one dressed as a watermelon? Is she a “secret snack” for later?


Lol, true!

pat frederick

now he’s NOT allowed to shake his head in court

Simon Ateba

@simonatebaBREAKING – SHOCKING – YOUR REACTION: Judge Juan Merchan claimed Trump might have violated his gag order by shaking his head inside the courtroom while Stormy Daniels was testifying. The judge claimed that by shaking his head and reportedly β€˜audibly cursing’, Trump might have intimidated the witness. This was said privately to Trump’s lawyer and was not captured loudly during the testimony. READ

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That meme of Trump in the Hannibal Lector mask is probably not much of an exaggeration of what this crooked, slimy, corrupt POS “judge” has in mind. Bastard.

pat frederick

I KNOW i could not sit stone faced without moving or scowling if someone was lying about me


Me, either!


Do you know if the testimony is that they had an affair or they had sex one time?

pat frederick

no relationship. she can’t even pin down WHEN…sound familiar?


Very familiar That’s what I thought…ridiculous.


Or possibly a medical-grade head/neck restraint.


Yeah. Judge is an asshole.


Notice that Blanche said the same thing three times and the judge seemed not to hear the answers. So how could he hear anything DJT muttered which BTW escaped the hearing of the court stenographer?

DJT is about 15-20 feet from the judge and about half that to the court reporter.

I’m really confused. “Help! I’m stuck in an illogic trap!”

Last edited 5 months ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

The Judge saw Trump’s lips move and made the rest up.


Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!

Gail Combs

HMMMmmm I was thinking of thawing some chicken thighs for dinner. ο»ΏπŸ˜…ο»Ώ

SteveInCO Β· Thermonuclear MAGA

At this point most of that 68.5 percent is still in the future…20 months until the end of 2025.


Zero Hedge has picked up on the MUTANT EBOLA VIRUS that was just created in the CCP in a BSL-2 level lab:
by Tyler Durden
8 May 2024
Yours Truly: The Ebola virus was mixed into VSV (Vesicular Stomatitis Indiana Virus, called VSIV or VSV), a type of Rabies virus. It appears that the Ebola virus that was used is the Zaire Ebola virus (EBOV), one of the Ebola virus types that causes widespread body bleeding followed by death.
So, Ebola and Rabies were mixed together and then injected into the lab hamsters.
Not surprisingly, the hamsters immediately began to develop body-wide and dreadful symptoms.
Autopsies of the dead hamsters showed multiple body organs that were affected by the Ebola + VSV mixture, notably in the HEART, LIVER, SPLEEN, LUNGS, and KIDNEYS.
The Zero Hedge article goes on to quote that “head in the sand” Dr. Richard Ebright’s nonsense about “it’s unlikely that a lab leak involving VSV would lead to widespread infection in the public.”
But Dr. Ebright did NOT say anything about a lab lead involving VSV + EBOLA. Was he just “parsing” his words carefully?
And Dr. Ebright is saying that the COVID-19 virus may well have been leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab? And THAT lab is supposedly a BSL-4 level lab?

Here’s an image of the damage areas that the VSV + Ebola created CCP virus did in the lab hamsters:

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Last edited 5 months ago by PAVACA
pat frederick

i can’t believe the “global community” is not condemning this type of “research”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The “global community” now has to ASK what it’s supposed to believe. Sad.


That’s “…anything about a lab leak involving VSV + EBOLA.”


I’m not a scientist or immunologist, but I can’t think of one good reason to do that kind of research.

Gail Combs


BUT you sure as heck had BETTER have an IRON CLAD, ROCK SOLID, 100% RELIABLE CURE!

pat frederick

pgroup? someone with knowledge i do not possess…can you explain what this means in see spot run terms?


Well, I’m no pgroup, and I don’t play a lawyer on TV, but I think it means that Trump filed an appeal with the GA Court of Appeals asking them to review the decision by the trial court not to disqualify Big Fani. The Appeals Court has agreed to hear it.

pat frederick

thanks…the “interlocutory” and similar terms trip me up.
couldn’t they just say…we’ll check to see if the judge f*cked it up?

Gail Combs

interlocutory order | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute


An interlocutory order, which exists in both civil law and criminal law, is a temporary order issued during litigation that refers to a ruling or decision made by a court that is not the final judgment or disposition of the case. Instead, it addresses a specific issue, matter, or request that arises during the litigation process. Unlike a final judgment, which resolves the entire case and typically determines the rights and obligations of the parties involved, an interlocutory order is provisional and does not definitively end the litigation. It is a temporary or interim decision that governs the proceedings until a final resolution is reached…..

‘Cornell Law’ and then the term is very useful search mechanism. It cuts out a lot of the crap search engines want to toss at you.


I wish! Lawyer-speak.



Trial courts are what is depicted on TV and movies. They are the courts where evidence is presented, in the context of determining the legitimacy of a legal claim of one party against another. Either the judge or the jury determines the value of the evidence. This is done by determining [from the evidence presented] the facts needed. Then the facts are determined to see if they fulfill the law’s requirements for the particular claim involved. If the facts that are required by the law to be proved are satisfied by the facts of the evidence that was presented, the claim is proved [either by the judge alone or by the jury] or not proved. The result of all this sifting and processing is called the verdict. The party that is dissatisfied with the verdict has the right to appeal to the appellate court.

But before the trial even begins [and rarely after it starts], some issues arise in which the process of the trial is altered by the judge’s ruling on an interim dispute. If the judge rules one way, it benefits the complaining party and if the judge rules the other way, it benefits the other party. Sometimes a pre-trial ruling will affect the manner and ability of a party to present its version of the disputed situation. In an extreme situation, an adverse ruling may make it impossible for a party to present its evidence and legal arguments in the manner that the party thinks is the best way to win.

In those situations, a party can ask permission of the appellate court to present its problem ruling to that court for review before the case is over. These requests are rarely granted. The determining factor is if a party is so prejudiced by what it claims is a bad ruling that it will lose the case unless the appellate court immediately fixes the lower court’s mistake.

In this situation, the appellate court agrees that the order that kinda sorta disqualified the trysting lying lawyers is worthy of immediate consideration. This is because to allow it to wait until the trial is over hampers one party’s ability to present its side of the case [this denies due process to the requesting party].

What is shocking about this is the implication that the appellate court believes that the two prosecuting attorneys cannot be trusted to provide due process [a fair trial]. Otherwise, the appellate court would have denied permission.

Hope this helps.

pat frederick


Gail Combs

Very much.

Thank you for explaining light of the actual case.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to β€œfaith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Jesus said: Ye are the light of the world 
As children of God darkness is unfurled
We walk as children in the light of God
Because He called us out not to be flawed

If we walk in the light as He is in the light
We have fellowship with one another aright
The Blood of the Lamb cleanses all from sin
Darkness cannot exist or live within

Let light shine out of darkness in our hearts
Where knowledge of His Glory light imparts
His Word is a lamp right unto our feet 
A light unto our path none can defeat

Let your light shine bright before all others
Show your good works to sisters brothers
All praise to the Heavenly Father of all
That they may give glory both great and small

Then your light shall break forth like the dawn
Your healing shall spring up quickly bygone
Your righteousness shall go well before you
The Glory of God behind you accrue

Your eye is the lamp of your whole body 
When the eye is healthy it shines broadly
But when it is not beware you will see
Darkness will envelope encompass thee

Come out of the darkness into the light
Proclaim the excellence of God outright
He who walks in darkness loses his way
But he who walks with God will not stray

D01: 07/30/2023



Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday

Gail Combs

The comments suggest do what Reagan did and sack the lot of them. Then rehire those who actually want to work.

Robert Baker

That solution requires leadership. Not going to find that in the French government.

Gail Combs

Too true.


Old Joke:

For Sale: French military rifle, new, never used, dropped only once, never fired, includes issued ammo belt.


pat frederick

Steve Sadow


Nathan Wade, former special prosecutor and Fulton County DA Willis’ former lover, says in his ABC News interview their “relationship” ended in β€œlate 2023,” which is in direct contradiction to their in-court testimony that the β€œrelationship” ended before the return of the indictment (August 14, 2023). The β€œodor of mendacity” grows more pungent.


It would not surprise me if their relationship is still ongoing.

Gail Combs

I am sure it probably is.

pat frederick

Gail Combs

This dude is really funny, you need to look at some of his ‘X files’ (Language warning)

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American Islandman


Veteran of Desert Storm and Business owner. Making liberals cry. Love the friendly skies. No cryptocurrency bullshit.

Valerie Curren

here, hopefully, is that pic, running it through gab

comment image

Gail Combs

Yup that is the picture. Note the fake eyebrows. It was on another guy too.

Valerie Curren

I think it might be the same guy πŸ˜‰ He’s got a Great sense of humor!

Gail Combs

He really does. And yeah, I think it might be.

Valerie Curren

For some reason this comes to mind when I think of the value of a sense of humor πŸ™‚

edit, it’s the Lucky Larry scene from the movie Poseidon.

Last edited 5 months ago by Valerie Curren
pat frederick

democrats have no honor
As an alternative to a primary election,
Illinois law allowed for a party to get its candidates on the ballot for
General Assembly spots by party slating procedure, along with
collection of a requisite number of public signatures on nominating
positions. A number of Republican challengers have been proceeding
But over the course of just 30 hours on the
first days of this month, the Democratic supermajority changed the law
to retroactively disallow that procedure, thereby barring challengers
from the November ballot as Republican party candidates.
The new law almost certainly gives Democrats a win in races in which Republicans did not run a candidate in the primary and could result in dozens of unopposed races.
Gov. JB signed the new law the day after it was passed, hours after telling reporters
he didn’t know all the details. He also claimed it was an β€œethics”
bill. β€œIt really does make sure that we don’t have backroom deals to put
people on the ballot and run as a result of some small group of people
in a smoke-filled room making the choice,” Pritzker said at an unrelated
news conference in Bloomington. β€œSo I think to me, more transparency is
better.” It’s not like Illinois Democrats ever line up their chosen
candidates to run for the party, right?
β€œThis is nothing more than a brazen attempt
by Illinois Democrats to disenfranchise voters and eliminate political
competition. To hide behind the guise of β€˜ethics,’ is laughable,” said
Sean M. Morrison, Chairman of the Cook County GOP.
The new law originated
as a β€œshell bill” – one on an entirely different subject with a
different label, before being changed in the 30-hour cram-through.
Senate Minority Leader John Curran
(R-Downers Grove) said it right: β€œThis abuse of power that blocks
candidates from giving voters a choice in free, fair and open elections
is unprecedented in Illinois’ 205-year history,” Curran said. β€œTheir
dictator-style tactic of stealing an election before a vote is cast is a
new low for elective government in this state and undermines the core
principals of American democracy.”
Democrats are widely believed to be
particularly motivated by trying to assist Rep. Katie Stuart
(D-Edwardsville), who is running for reelection in an increasingly
Republican district. However, we are told that at least 20 Republicans
may be knocked out of ballot spots.
This is all brought to you by the crowd who
tells us that democracy is at risk in November’s election, headed, in
Illinois by President Biden’s proxy (as he is routinely called, even by
his allies), Pritzker.
At least one Democrat couldn’t ignore the
hypocrisy. β€œAt this time in our history, when we are watching Republican
legislatures across the country really attack access to the ballot and
attack voting rights and fundamentally attack democracy, I just think
it’s fundamentally wrong for Democrats to participate in something that
makes it harder for people to run, to run for office, makes it harder
for folks to engage,” Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) said.

Gail Combs

LAWSUITS in 3…2…1

This is not the RINO party.

NBC NEWS –Trump readies thousands of attorneys for election fight

Democrats and election experts say the figure is unrealistic, but expressed concerns the effort could hamper normal election operations and intimidate voters….

In a press release, officials said they wanted the volunteers and lawyers to monitor logic and accuracy testing, early voting, ballot tabulation, mail ballot processing and Election Day voting, as well as post-election canvasses, audits, and recounts. The release suggests they may intend to recruit poll workers, too.

β€œHaving the right people to count the ballots is just as important as turning out voters on Election Day,” Trump said in the release..

“The RNC is hiring hundreds of election integrity staff across the map β€” more than ever before because our Party will be recruiting thousands of more observers to protect the vote in 2024. These campaign officials in states are tasked with recruiting, training, and when possible, shifting poll watchers and poll workers day in and day out,” added RNC co-chair Lara Trump.

Gail Combs

Acadia National Park, Maine is beautiful. We have been there several times decades ago (WITH THE HORSES) and loved it. We went with a horse club. The park has stables for outside horses. It was run by a lawyer. He also had carriage rides available thru the park.

It is well worth a vacation trip.

pat frederick

we took our motorcycle to Maine one summer. we have pictures of us in front of Thunder in the Hole (iirc). simply gorgeous!

Valerie Curren

When we visited Maine when I was a kid it was the only other state that I wanted to live in! Absolutely beautiful. When visiting as an adult the quirkiness of the residents kind of stuck out a bit too LOL

Gail Combs

I have a BIL who lives there.

Valerie Curren

So did I, but he’s now in Vermont πŸ™‚

Gail Combs

Poor guy.

I had a serious job offer in Vermont but my Dad talked me out of it.

Valerie Curren

Well he’s a retired orthopedic surgeon so I think he’s OK πŸ™‚ but he is also a Christian AND a conservative!


BREAKING: Documents Reveal US State Department Officials Knew COVID Leaked From a Wuhan Lab and CCP Covered It Up Back in July 2020 – Then They Lied to the American Public for Years! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released shocking statements and documents on Tuesday night that reveal that the U.S. State Department knew COVID leaked from a Wuhan Biolab and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) covered it up.

The documents reveal that the State Department knew this since July 2020.

The highly redacted documents show enough proof to see the US Government has been lying to the American public since at least July 2020. They knew all along it was a leak from a bio lab.

β€œThese classified documents were previously released in an unclassified and highly redacted FOIA production to US Right To Know. Today, Chairman RepBradWenstrup requested StateDept rapidly declassify the documents and share the truth about the origins of COVID-19 with the American people,” the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic wrote on X.



As of December 2022, there were 8 approved COVID-19 vaccines in use in Communist China.
(the site is no longer being updated)

As of March, 2023, the CCP approved the first mRNA-based COVID-19 “vaccine” for use in the country, made by CSPC Pharmaceutical Group.
“China approves first home-grown mRNA Covid vaccine”
22 March 2023

Last edited 5 months ago by PAVACA

Wait…you mean Trump was right again⁉️ It WAS the Chyna virus.

Gail Combs

ο»Ώ  :wpds_wink: ο»Ώ

Gail Combs

Eye of the Storm Ep. 122 – 10:30 PM ET
Last night Absolute Truth and Stormy Patriot Joe had on their show the creator of:

He goes over a LOT of the functions and the information that he has captured. Not only the Q drops but Trump’s old Tweets and new Truths, as well as Scavino’s and other people’s AND the news. He even has a function that allows for searching for a word within a meme.

Starts at 14:45.

@ 51:45 they are talking about ‘Coms’

At 55 minutes Qagg says before Trump would not re-tweet Q directly but if you go back about three tweets of the person he re-tweeted, it is there you find the reference to Q. Therefore what he has done on the site it CAPTURE 3 tweets back.

@ 52, Qagg says Trump was carpet bombing truths last night (and those have been captured)

This is an AMAZING tutorial on how to use this site.

Whether you are ‘into Q or not, it is worth listening to what he has done.

(And no I have not finished the video.)

OOPS forgot Here is the vid:

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs

Good info; thank you.

Gail Combs

Just being able to get the deleted truths and tweets is worth while.


Gail Combs


As you will discover in the handbook, Title 18 of the US Code regarding Voting by Aliens, Section 611 Amendment C, is an immigration law that was passed 2000. ο»ΏπŸ‘‰ο»ΏIt introduced, essentially, citizenship as a state of mind,😫 kind of a big deal, as we’ll explain. Over the past 24 years, you probably haven’t heard too much about it. Our position is that all policy matters; and that it’s time to take a serious look at reforming our immigration and election laws. So, we decided to name the project after Section 611c, and give it the discussion it deserves in 2024.  

Beyond Section 611, this handbook is packed with valuable insights, analyses, and actionable strategies, this handbook is a must-have for anyone passionate about safeguarding the sanctity of our electoral process, and will serve as an essential resource for understanding the complexities of U.S. citizenship and elections, the categorization of non-citizens, and the pivotal issues surrounding non-citizen voting….

Download the Handbook


This needs to be spread far and wide: Dr Tess Lawrie and the World Council for Health send a β€˜cease and desist’ notice to Billy Gate’s puppet Teddy at the WHO:

On behalf of living men, women and all their sons and daughters living right now and those yet to be born on Earth, we hereby place you: a man: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, doing business as the Director General of the World Health Organisation (hereafter W.H.O), on notice that:


It’s nice to have someone speaking for “living men, women and all their sons and daughters living right now and those yet to be born on Earth” against those who seek to use us as guinea pigs and slaves.




I’m pretty sure Tedros views this as The Mouse That Roared.

Robert Baker

How the ancient near East viewed the cosmos and how it influenced their perception of the world. This was how the authors of the Bible texts saw the world.

Cosmic geography concerns how people envision the shape and structure of the world around them. According to our modern cosmic geography, we live on a sphere of continents surrounded by oceans. We believe that this sphere is part of a solar system of planets that revolve around the sun, which is a star. Our planet rotates as well, and the moon revolves around our planet. Our solar system is part of a galaxy, which along with many other galaxies make up the universe. What we perceive as stars are far away, and some are other galaxies while many others are suns. That this seems so elementary and basic shows how deeply rooted it is in our understanding of ourselves. Everyone has a cosmic geography and knows what it isβ€”it is second nature.
The point is that a culture’s cosmic geography plays a significant role in shaping its worldview and offers explanations for the things we observe and experience. For example, notice a few of the implications of the cosmic geography just described:

  β€’   It suggests our relative insignificance in the vastness of the universe.
  β€’   It is the basis for understanding weather and time.
  β€’   It works on the premise that cosmic geography is physical and material.
  β€’   It operates with consistency and predictability based on physical properties and laws of motion.

This cosmic geography has been deduced over centuries through a process of observation, experimentation, and deduction. We are fully convinced that it is β€œtrue,” though minor adjustments take place all the time. It is the result of what we call β€œscience.”
In the ancient world they also had a cosmic geography that was just as intrinsic to their thinking, just as fundamental to their worldview, just as influential in every aspect of their lives, and just as true in their minds. And it differs from ours at every point. If we aspire to understand the culture and literature of the ancient world, whether Canaanite, Babylonian, Egyptian, or Israelite, it is therefore essential that we understand their cosmic geography. Despite variations from one ancient Near Eastern culture to another, there are certain elements that characterize all of them.
What kept the sky suspended above the earth and held back the heavenly waters? What kept the sea from overwhelming the land? What prevented the earth from sinking into the cosmic waters? These were the questions people asked in the ancient world, and the answers they arrived at are embodied in the cosmic geography. Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Canaanites, Hittites, and Israelites all thought of the cosmos in terms of tiers: the earth was in the middle with the heavens above and the netherworld beneath. In general people believed that there was a single continent that was diskshaped. This continent had high mountains at the edges that held up the sky, which they thought was somewhat solid (whether it was envisioned as a tent or as a more substantial dome). The heavens where deity dwelt were above the sky, and the netherworld was beneath the earth. In some of the Mesopotamian literature the heavens were understood to be made up of three superimposed disks with pavements of various materials. What they observed led them to conclude that the sun and the moon moved in roughly the same spheres and in similar ways. The sun moved through the sky during the day and then moved during the night into the netherworld, where it traversed under the earth to its place of rising for the next day. The stars were engraved on the sky and moved in tracks through their ordained stations. Flowing all around this cosmos were the cosmic waters, which were held back by the sky, and on which the earth floated, though they conceived of the earth as supported on pillars. Precipitation originated from waters held back by the sky and fell to the earth through openings in the sky. Similar views of the structure of the cosmos were common throughout the ancient world and persisted in popular perception until the Copernican revolution and the Enlightenment. These were not mathematically deduced realities, but the reality of how things looked to them. The language of the Old Testament reflects this view, and no texts in the Bible seek to correct or refute it.4
Beyond this physical description, it is important to realize that their cosmic geography was predominantly metaphysical and only secondarily physical/material. The role and manifestation of the gods in the cosmic geography was primary. For example, in Mesopotamian thinking, cables held by the gods connected the heavens and earth and held the sun in the sky. In Egypt the sun god sailed in his barque across the heavens during the day and through the netherworld at night. The stars of the Egyptian sky were portrayed as emblazoned across the arched body of the sky goddess, who was held up by the god of the air. Egyptian art is more explicit than Mesopotamian art at portraying the divine powers behind the natural phenomena.6

John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 165–167.


The primary root of a lot of our problems is due to our distance from the Hebrew cosmic geography. We have been ‘secularized’ in our world view to our great detriment. What we call The Enlightenment has drifted into what can be called The Endarkenment.

God’s favorite geometric shape is a circle/sphere. It is everywhere – planets to water drops and everything in between. Everything travels [passage of time] in a circle and eventually returns to the point of First Observation [which we erroneously call the starting point] and then continues on the same path as before. History is replete with evidence of this reality.

When one becomes ‘born again’ into the Messiah’s scheme, one gains access to the higher [“good”] plane of the spiritual realm. Thus, such people subsequently experience a positive aura overlaying all of their existence. Previously this was not their default position, meaning primarily that a good aura was random and not dependably routine. Such times of good aura did not happen often; rather a dark or cloudy aura was present most of the time and became the expected aura.

The Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Covenant were, among many other purposes, intended to re-direct the peoples’ expectations from dark/cloudy to good/light if only they would worship [and obey] their Creator. That it was a constant struggle for the people to maintain consistency in adoration of their Creator is demonstrated throughout history and is manifest in our current perilous world situation. Talk of a third world war permeates our political discourse, and we struggle to derive a peaceful way out of the darkness.

All this was avoidable had the world [or large parts of it] stayed connected with God.

This is my Cosmic Geography.

Robert Baker

One of the things I am learning from reading about ancient peoples is that our assumptions are so culturally ingrained that we fail to consider that it may not have been the perspective of our ancestors. I have been taught that the sun is 93,000,000 miles from earth on average. The moon 240,000 miles away. I accept such facts as true though I have never taken the time to measure the distances. I have this approach to other things other than astronomy. The point is that we constantly live our lives based on assumptions about what the real world is. Problems can develop when we make those same kinds of assumptions about writers and people that are described in the Bible. I am making a determined effort to let these authors and these sacred texts speak in their own terms aside from my modern assumptions. There are many times when my assumptions lead me to wrong conclusions. To better comprehend what authors from centuries, and in the case of the Bible, millennia past, I must try to appreciate what their worldview was. Otherwise, I may misunderstand what God intends to reveal and misrepresent His truth.



Gail Combs

Here are the truths that Trump deleted from Truth Social that Qagg captured:

This recent one :



comment image Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/07/2024 07:30:46

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112399577690501455   DELETED TRUTH

I have just recently been told who the witness is today. This is unprecedented, no time for lawyers to prepare. No Judge has ever run a trial in such a biased and partisan way. He is CROOKED & HIGHLY CONFLICTED, even taking away my First Amendment Rights. Now he’s threatening me with JAIL, & THEY HAVE NO CASE – This according to virtually all Legal Scholars & Experts! Why isn’t the Fake News Media reporting his Conflict?

SO Trump and his lawyers were NOT aware that stormy was the wittness?


I don’t think they were.


It came out ofno where, that Stormy was testifying.

Otherwise, we’d had heard about it last week, week before…

pat frederick

SCOTUS told the maggot he could not forgive college debt–he did it anyway. SCOTUS ruled DACA was illegal–the maggot intends to give them free healthcare. someone needs to arrest this guy who will not follow our laws!!

Gail Combs

Hey, not to worry, he plans to tell them ALL to vote for him…. ALL 10 million + 30 Million =~40 to 50 million…

30 Million Illegal Immigrants in US, Says Mexico’s Former – 2015/08/18

Gail Combs

I wish I knew how to take a screenshot, this is hilarious — HORSEFACE STORMY DANIELS. ο»ΏπŸ˜‚ο»Ώ (Multiple memes)

AT 1:34:57


comment image

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

I was going to attempt it using the Snipping Tool & putting the image through Gab to get an image address that would show here but the video won’t play for me…


Used my Vivaldi Browser snap shot tool, then tweeted the image from which I then copied the image to post here. Three steps.

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

Windows – screen capture active window – Alt + PrtSc
Windows – entire screen capture – PrtSc

Mac – screen capture area you drag a selection rectangle around – Shift + Command + 4
Mac – entire screen capture – Shift + Command + 3

Last edited 5 months ago by Barb Meier
Gail Combs

We have Ubuntu.

I probably could ask Hubby. He might know.


I can right-click and hit “take screenshot” from the menu.

Gail Combs

I tried that and did not get anything or I got a pull down menu without that as an option.

Where I was on the page determined what I got.

on Share and on Save I do get something but it saves to my Libra office.

Barb Meier

This looks helpful. I haven’t played with Ubuntu so can’t help directly.

Gail Combs

Thanks Saved. I will play with it when Hubby is around.


Valerie from a Kim Komando email

Here’s the good news: You can research your family history without handing over your DNA. I found ancestry resources, and none are paid family tree research sites that collect a ton of your personal data.
Start with a free site Get started with these research tools, and remember β€” you’re in control of what info you hand over.

AccessGenealogy: An online directory of digital genealogy resources. They specialize in Native American family histories and have helpful links for pre-Civil War African-American research. Some of the sites they link to are paid, but they indicate this with a dollar sign. Otherwise, AccessGenealogy is 100% free and doesn’t require registration (links to other sites might).The Statue of Liberty β€“ Ellis Island Foundation: Know your family came through Ellis Island? Use the site’s free passenger-search function to view the names of tens of millions of immigrants who passed through the port.FamilySearch: From the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this platform includes a collaborative global family tree tool and is free for anyone, regardless of religious affiliation. Note: You choose what data you share, but keep in mind, your info could be shared with third parties or Mormon churches near you.Then, head to these librariesThey’re for more than your next book club read. Local and statewide libraries and historical and genealogical societies host a wealth of knowledge resources.

HeritageQuest Online: This free tool is offered by thousands of public and state libraries. It’s an online database, but you’ll have to visit a physical library and use your library card to access it.Digital Public Library of America: This one is free to access online β€” no library card needed! You can search for family names or ask cool questions, like, β€œWhat did downtown Memphis look like in the 1910s, when my family lived there?”Go deeper with public records and community archives

The National Archives: These include census, military service, immigration and naturalization records. You might hit gold at county courthouses, too, which have localized (and sometimes orginal!) deeds, wills and land records that may not have been transcribed or digitized yet. Some statewide archives also have county-level records.Find a Grave: A subset of Ancestry; browse this free community record of cemeteries and pay your virtual respects. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs also hosts a Gravesite Locator for veterans. 

Last edited 5 months ago by barkerjim
Gail Combs

NICE! I saved to my notes, so ThankQ

Valerie Curren

Thank you Jim, this is a treasure trove!

I’ve used about half of the sites you mentioned, but some are completely new to me!!!

Info you give to Family Search family trees & family trees, at least as pertains to Living Persons, remains private & only viewable by the person who uploaded it, or so they say. Once someone has died & that change is made on the tree the info becomes publicly visible. Do these platforms data mine even the “hidden” info, hard to know for this non-techie.

Ellis Island has more than just immigration records. My husband had some pretty well-heeled ancestors who did a bit of global travelling (first class) & a number of their trips are documented there. At one point I discovered his mother’s parents, as young single adults, both on the Lusitania travelling out of Cherbourg, France. I wondered if they’d met on the voyage or already knew each other since they were both from Colorado Springs at the time & I think their fathers had business interests together.

Find A Grave can have some amazing info within. At some point I hope to sign up to participate for there are a number of graves from my mom’s birth family that were up for hosting, & I’m a near enough relation to qualify πŸ™‚ I wish they had a grave location search function because oftentimes relatives or close friends can be found in the same or nearby plots. Ancestors of both my husband & myself had some grandchildren buried in their plots & there weren’t always markers to indicate that so deeper digging (yikes!) is needed.

I recall from years back that genealogists online boasted that that arena was #2 on the internet, after porn unfortunately. Diving into personal family history can foster a greater interest for local, regional, & national, & even international history, especially when you discover a personal connection. It’s also a nice hook to use when attempting to pass gems along to the younger generations πŸ™‚

One of my brother’s wives was a Seward, a direct descendant of Lincoln’s Seward who I think helped get Alaska for the US, iirc. I think it was called “Seward’s Folly” at the time!

Valerie Curren

This looks like a site w/ her info too. I’ve never heard of Kim Komando before πŸ™‚

Here is further genealogy info too, fyi:

Last edited 5 months ago by Valerie Curren

Never having heard of Kim Komando before simply means you have never listened to AM Radio on a week end. I’m shocked! ο»ΏπŸ˜†ο»Ώ She has the nicest weekend voice in radio across the nation. You would of not missed her if you only had tuned in! ο»ΏπŸ€“ο»Ώ Luckily it’s not too late… you can tune in this weekend and learn something new about computers and computer programs. You just have to dodge past the gardening and car talk shows and don’t get trapped by the BBS or one of hipsters on PBS. Careful, it’s brutal out there. 😁

Valerie Curren

I ended up listening to one of her podcasts that was linked in one of her genealogy articles. She has an Amazing Voice!

I was a die-hard AM radio listener w/ Rush, Levin, formerly Hannity, & even Michael Savage at times, but since Rush died not so much πŸ™ Now our “tuner” is glitchy so changing stations is Very problematic, so I usually leave it where Hubby has last used it, on a sports station so he can get the calls from a local announcer to hear when the Lions score πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ Oh & blasting AM radio is fine when I’m home alone, but would annoy Hubby when he’s around, like on the weekends, so I rarely would use the radio then either…



Not to defend him but he appears to be a lonely elderly man.

A very easy target for demonic suggestions to go in the wrong direction to deal with it. Sadly, he did not have a Godly basis in his character.

Gail Combs

Depends on if he met her via twitter, SOLICITED a meeting and what type of conversation he has engaged in.

Hubby often talks to young girls about how to get into veterinary school. No biggie.

pat frederick


This is just a microcosm of what happens when we ‘chose’ the bogus “people have to be awakened” approach, instead of the Myanmar / Egypt approach.

Myanmar and Egypt stopped the criminals in their tracks and put them in chains.

The sissy nations left the criminals in charge, to put the People in chains.

America is one of the sissy nations, with a sissy military. When it was time to stand up and be counted, they all sat on their hands.

And they’re STILL sitting on their hands, doing the bidding of the criminal Hussein regime, nearly four years later.

That’s just reality.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

I wish this wasn’t true πŸ™


Me too.


Uh, … we have this thing called the Bill of Rights. Just saying.


What does that have to do with anything?

Whose rights are supposed to be protected, the rights of the criminals who stole our country?

When traitors and foreign adversaries literally steal the Republic, cheat their way into power, and commence with a scorched earth policy to destroy the nation, what value does that piece of paper have?

This is what I have never understood, from the moment Brandon was allowed to be sworn in.

Everything was over at that instant.



Bill of Rights?




It was all gone, on January 20, 2021.

Everything since then has either been the fantasy of Trump is in control, or the wishful thinking that the criminals who stole their way into power, and now being in power, won’t cheat their way into remaining in power, at all costs, to avoid being hanged.

The military abdicated their responsibility, if they even knew what their responsibility was in the first place, which, considering the sorry state of education today, is doubtful.

They swore an oath to protect and defend the Republic, the Constitution, not to protect and defend criminals and traitors who stole the Republic and rendered the Constitution worthless.

Where is that wrong?

Logically, how is that wrong?

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

ο»Ώ 😑 ο»Ώ ο»Ώ πŸ˜ͺ ο»Ώ ο»Ώ 😑 ο»Ώ

pat frederick

look at this horseshit! 6 petitions to remove Judge Cannon because she has bias towards President Trump because she was appointed by him? but merchan’s daughter can make millions off his case and he doesn’t have to…
Newsweek has found six petitions calling for Cannon’s removal from the case. One petition, run by Daily Kos, a progressive news site, has almost 102,000 signatures so far. β€œFederal law requires a judge to step away from a case in which impartiality β€˜might reasonably be questioned.’ Given Judge Cannon’s history and previous rulings in Trump’s favor, her impartiality reaches that threshold,” the petition said.


Adverse rulings in a case are NOT evidence of bias in the judge. Rulings in a case are made by the court, not by the judge. Errors in a ruling are addressed exclusively by the appellate courts, not by a disciplinary committee. This is true in all jurisdictions in the USA, at all levels of govt.

These petitions are most likely thinly veiled fund raising efforts.


My previous comment omitted an important test: if allegations of bias could get a judge removed, then why haven’t the govt attorneys made a motion for recusal on that basis? It’s a trick question. The answer is in my previous comment.

Last edited 5 months ago by pgroup2

They can run around in circles with their hair on fire, but I don’t think it will do them any good. πŸ”₯πŸ˜…

Gail Combs

CLICK bait…

Also part of the Psy Ops to make it look like TRUMP and not Jack the Hack is guilty.


Happened in New Zealand during their forced injection period.

Now if we can get the same kind of information here. Ya just gotta know it was similar.


That’s death penalty eligible.

I’d say mandatory.

They pushed that poison on the entire population, they pushed it hard, but exempted themselves.

If they believed it was safe, or even believed it did what it was claimed to do, they would never have exempted themselves, they would have been first in line.

So they knew, and protected themselves, while condemning the entire population to die, and they did it under the false pretense of saving their lives.

That’s not just death penalty mandatory, that’s worthy of reviving them and executing them again.

Isn’t that POS Nazi totalitarian Jacinda Ardern on the faculty at Harvard now?

Why is she walking free in America?

On 4 April 2023 Ardern was announced as a trustee of the Earthshot Prize. Ardern was selected for the post by Prince William, who stated that Ardern had a life-long commitment to supporting sustainable and environmental solutions. According to the Prince, Ardern was one of the first people to encourage him to establish the prize.

That same day, Prime Minister Hipkins appointed Ardern as Special Envoy for the Christchurch Call, which she had established following the Christchurch mosque shootings to combat online extremist content. During her valedictory speech, Ardern called on political leaders and parties in New Zealand to take the politics out of climate change while highlighting her role in getting cross-party support for the passage of the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act.

Ardern accepted dual fellowships at the Harvard Kennedy School for a semester beginning in fall 2023, to serve as the 2023 Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Fellow and as a Hauser Leader at the Center for Public Leadership, where she intends to share and learn leadership and governance skills. She will also work with Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society as its first Knight Tech Governance Leadership Fellow during that period where she will focus on the study of online extremism. — Wiki

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Now if we can get the same kind of information here. 

This, a thousand times. I think that would be as close as the country has been to public tarring and feathering since Revolutionary days.

Gail Combs

See above.


If I recall correctly, wasn’t the entire DOJ exempted from the WuFlu Vax requirement?

Valerie Curren

Ka-Boom!!!  😍 

Gail Combs

I figure we need this:

comment image

Gail Combs

Hearing on election fraud Fulton county. a 2 minute clip. CannCon is going to put together a longer piece for Friday but he thought this clip was GOLD.

start at 1:30:15

Gail Combs

Wehave had discussions about Israel – Gaza and Palestine recently and even today.

Gorden (Ghost) is reading from FBI docs from the FBI Reading room (The Vault)

Start at 6:20. He is reading letters to Cabot-lodge the chief delegate to the UN dated 1957. The letter is talking about Zionist Organization of America (You can see the name) an affiliate of the World Zionist Federation (Location Lindon England). The writer is asking for Congress to pass a law outlawing the organization ‘by way of treason’ for buying, selling and bartering THE SOVERIGNTY OF THE US. The earlier letter states the World Zionist Federation sold the USA 40 years earlier… And that is this part of the reason we were dragged into WWI and WWII and the writer is afraid they are planing WWIII

The third letter gets into the mess in the Middle East.

I am messing that up but you can get the drift.

The 3rd attached document then go on to talk about the UK and PALESTINE. (So yeah it existed)

This is the website Gorden is reading from:

Breaking History Ep. 44 – 12:00 PM ET -

Gordon has Brady (War Hamster) on and this was just the intro.

In the comments

GhostofBasedPatrickHenry (Gordon)

Link to the show Ian Carrol did on the Zionist Mafia.


I am now at 20 minutes and talking Warren Comission — Allen Dulles, World Bank…Gerald Ford and a really nasty guy called Angleton.

He is this guy — The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton

Last edited 5 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

26 minutes they get into the Gaza conflict. Not taking sides.

Valerie Curren

comment image

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comment image

January 28, 2020 at 16:44
Gaza is the ancient land of the Philistines – it’s been a scourge upon the Jewish people – physically and spiritually – since the time of the 12 tribes of Israel…”

I examined scripture for “Palestine” (details at link below):

“As you can see from the passages above the word is usually Philistia (or Philistines), rarely β€œPalestine” & once Peleshet….so this would tend to point to the word β€œPalestine” being another word for Philistine or Philistia…”
Basically none of the maps above show a place β€œPalestine” even on maps that carry that word in the title. Many refer to Philistines or Philistia as the Philistine peoples did continually plague God’s Chosen People, Israel/Judah…”

Hadrian destroyed Jewish Jerusalem, plowing the city under and filling the furrows with salt. He renamed it Aelia Capitolina, in part after his own name, and built a shrine to the Roman god Jupiter on the site where the Holy Jewish Temple had once stood.

But he also chose to rename Judea with that of the hated ancient enemy of Israel; the now long extinct Philistines. This was done as a lasting insult to the Jewish people. Hadrian thus renamed the land Philistia, later Latinized into Palestina and, in time, becoming Palestine.

We should note that the Philistines were known as the β€œSea Peoples” whom, it is believed, originated from Crete. They settled along much of the south eastern Mediterranean coastline and certainly had nothing to do with the ancestry of any Arabs β€” despite the deluded imaginings of the late arch terrorist, Yasser Arafat.  
The usage of the Hadrianic term, Palestine, was subsequently absorbed into the lexicon of the Church, which has continued to use the historically incorrect term, Palestine, when referring to biblical history in maps and literature: often replacing the word, Israel.”

Quotes, links, & most maps taken from my Special Connections post πŸ™‚


We know the story, but this is much more.


Ackkk! They even went after her horse. Said “they are taking him for Joe”

Robert Baker

Biden imagines he’s Don Corleone but his ethics aren’t quite high enough to pull it off.


Not to mention his lack of style and class. The old mafia dons had both.

Valerie Curren

Horrifying, but tragically not actually surprising  😑 


I haven’t listened to this yet but just knowing of her story and seeing how overweight she is, I suspect she is suffering from PTSD from the incident.




New York strikes again!



Full employment for lawyers.  😑 


Crazy stupid fool.


Crazy Stupid Fool is right on..nobody on any side of any aisle believes this.

Last edited 5 months ago by mollypitcher5