Dear KMAG: 20240520 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • womb
  • belly
  • abdomen
  • protuberant hollow part
  • heart or mind (figuratively)
  • origin: Scotland, Northern England

Wrong example shown in a picture

Another wrong example shown in a picture



Interesting guy with an excellent gig!


Some fun math that’s not too hard to understand!

I love the idea that number theory was kinda, sorta (but not really, IMO) useless for centuries – until suddenly it wasn’t!

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Release the hounds!!!


Wait … I’m so sorry. Can’t have a fox hunt on a wolf site.


Valerie Curren

That was fun 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He can write a good rant.

Valerie Curren

Yes he can. But you’re no piker either!


Wow, that version of Amazing Grace was incredible!


That performance made our day in TB house. Thank you!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Holy smokes all the cats being tortured there just to make that sound!

(OK, kidding aside I like bagpipes. Just to prove its so here’s Scotland the Brave, a song which IMHO absolutely must be done on bagpipes:


Gail Combs

I just said to hubby who looked over, we should get a recording of that and then place a pony in a stall and play it LOUD…. No more problems with loud speakers at events. 😆


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In other words, the Blob in action.

Victor Orban of Hungary describing the BLOB to the T in a recent speech:


When Chucki immediately comes out with:

Iran International reported, “After speaking with intelligence authorities, US Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer said there is no evidence of “foul play” involving the helicopter crash with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.”

then you know the BLOB is involved !!!!!!!!!!!

BREAKING: Iranian Regime CONFIRMS President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian Died in Helicopter Crash – NO SIGNS OF LIFE DETECTED AT CRASH SITE | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Last edited 4 months ago by eilert

Chuckie said the intelligence agencies (i.e., American Gestapo) can get you six ways to Sunday.

He seemed very proud of it.

Gail Combs

Senators Born Outside the United States

Michael F. Bennet (CO) *2009–present — India
Ted Cruz (TX) *2013–present — Canada
Tammy Duckworth (IL) *2017–present — Thailand
Mazie K. Hirono (HI)2013–present — Japan

I am not sure this list is for real:

U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives that are Israel Dual Citizens:

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There is this older link to the Library of Congress:

Dual nationality and citizenship : United States-Israel (3 pages)

Deplorable Patriot

That really should not be allowed, IMO.

And, yes, that’s pretty real.


I agree, it should be immediately disqualifying. Divided loyalties.

Gail Combs

If you read that Library of Congress paper, Israel is different than other countries.

…Under the law of Israel, every Jew has the right to migrate there, and Israeli nationality is automatically conferred on every Jewish immigrant upon entering the country unless he has expressed a contrary intention, regardless of whether or not he is also a foreign national… the term “nationality’ under Israeli law is synonymous with ‘citizenship” in such cases…

We do a synagogue with a lot of Israelis. They go back and forth from the USA and Israel all the time from what I can tell.

Who is to say, if people in the US government have second homes in Israel and therefore Israeli citizenship.

Robert Baker

Even if that is true in the way you suggest, anyone has the right to reject or revoke citizenship. In the case of serving federal officers that should be a legal requirement for eligibility to serve. Such requirement does not guarantee undivided loyalty but it is no more onerous than requiring certain age limits to be eligible.

Gail Combs

I am not FOR ANYONE near our government having a dual citizenship let alone being a foreign national.

After all just look at the AWAN BROTHERS!

Robert Baker

Were the Awan brothers required to take an oath of allegiance to the United States? As far as I know government employees have no such requirement beyond those elected or appointed to some particular position. I know members of the military take such an oath, but I do not know if police officers, and other government employees have such a requirement. Someone familiar with such details will know the answer to that.

Barb Meier

I was a Contractor who worked onsite at an FBI R&D facility (9-2007 to 10-2018). When I started, I was required to give the oath to an FBI SA who was our Security Officer. I trust him to this day. When I started with DoD in 2019, I did have extensive paperwork with their Security Officer but I don’t remember if I gave the same oath again or if that transferred with my file from FBI to DoD databases.

I expect that since there are Fusion Centers and JTTFs where local, state, and federal law enforcement works together on cases, that all LEOs do give an oath, likely as the following.

I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Virginia law for officers of the Commonwealth take and subscribe to the following oath:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as ____________________ according to the best of my ability, (so help me God).”

Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently if you have a Jewish grandparent, regardless of whether you yourself are considered a Jew (I think it goes through the male line), you can ask for Israeli citizenship on arrival.

Deplorable Patriot

Judaism goes through the mother. Trust me. I know MANY.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, I stand corrected.

The point I was trying to make is that even if it’s your maternal grandfather (which means that you can’t be Jewish because it’s not an unbroken maternal chain) Israel would still grant you citizenship if you showed up and asked for it.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Deplorable Patriot

It’s always through the mother, even if she converted.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually there’s one obscure sect that does go through the father. But again, beside my point…which is that you only need Jewish *ancestry,* on *either* side, for Israel to be willing to grant you citizenship. You do not actually have to be Jewish via matrilineal descent or conversion.

Valerie Curren

The only Sure parentage, at least before modern medicine!

Valerie Curren

Here’s that image via Gab

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it didn’t show in your comment before the page reload, but now it does…hmmm

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

” The Iranian Ambassador to Belarus said that the main version of the helicopter crash with President Raisi was “difficult meteorological conditions.” But that’s it for now. The investigation has just begun. The analysis of the helicopter wreckage has just begun and factual information about the causes of the incident has yet to be obtained.
If the involvement of the United States or Israel is established, this involvement may be used by Iran for various asymmetric actions directed against the United States and Israel and their assets in the region.
At the same time, Iran will, as before, avoid direct war, relying on the work of the Axis of Resistance, which is supervised by the IRGC, which is weakly dependent on the change of presidents in Tehran. Iran was able to survive the death of Soleimani, and will survive the loss of Raisi.
A 5-day mourning period has been declared in Iran. My condolences to the Iranian people. ”


There goes another bridge in a major US port.   :wpds_evil: 

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

You have to back up and look at the broader picture.

Saudi Arabia was talking with Israel as part of the Abraham Accords negotiations.

The Blob/Cartel DOES NOT WANT PEACE in the Middle East for multiple reasons.

October 7th STUNK to high heaven of a 9/11 type ‘opening’ given to Hamas paragliders as a method for killing those talks.

Israel then targets Iran directly.

April 5, 2024 – DAMASCUS, April 1 (Reuters) – Suspected Israeli warplanes bombed Iran’s embassy in Syria on Monday in a strike that Iran said killed seven of its military advisers, including three senior commanders, marking a major escalation in Israel’s war with its regional adversaries.

Skuttlebutt is Saudi Arabia stepped in and tempered Iran retaliation to nothing more than a tit for tat.

Gordon Suggests you look into Smotrich—who is an ethnic Ukrainian

Remember Ukrainian Nazis were spotted in Israel fighting.

…in April 2023, Smotrich was filmed giving a speech at an event that was promoting “Greater Israel,” which is a particularly maniacal notion among ultra-Zionists that Jewish scripture demands that Jews conquer most of the Middle East—’from the Nile to the Euphrates’—in the glorious name of Israel. On the podium where Smotrich spoke was a banner showing an expanded map of Israel that included all of Palestine, all of Jordan, and a large portion of northwestern Saudi Arabia. (The Greater Israel project also calls for the annexation of Lebanon, half of Syria, half of Iraq, and half of Egypt.) During the speech, Smotrich said that the Palestinian people was a made-up concept, that they weren’t ‘real people,’ and that his children were the real Palestinians….

I am doing a lot more digging into the back story. Seems Lord Rothschild is involved back to the 1800s.


Orban describes, Life In These United States.

  • HLS, FIB, DOJ, IRS, ATF, BLOB…enemies of the people.
Gail Combs


You are taking it that those are separate entities. I am fairly sure they are not!

I should add the MI6 ==> CIA and MI6 ==> Israeli Intel.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs
Barb Meier

I concur.


Well, hang on. Why “clearly?”

It was foggy as heck, raining, and they were in the mountains. Did assassins manufacture the bad weather, and convince them to fly into it?

I think we jump to the “assassination” conclusions too fast sometimes. Accidents do actually happen.


I agree, side-eye is ALWAYS the appropriate response. But certainty is maybe not.


Fog of war can’t stop you from seeing clearly. Just like radar,



Deplorable Patriot

Agreed. Too many things point to it, including the rumored successor.

Valerie Curren

breaking out that image, via Gab, so it hopefully shows…

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Gail Combs

Can we send her (and the Gay brigade) to Iran right now?

PLEASE?? with a cherry on top.



Please make this true!


Sending ’em home, one at a time.

Where’s home?

There’s only two addresses; you figure it out.



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Meanwhile, at the NRA Convention in Dallas…

(A truck drives by that has “ATF IS GAY” painted on it in huge letters.)

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths

ATF is full of Nazis, so it makes sense. There is a lot of crossover between fascism and homosexuality.


Is another Night of the Long Knives in the future?

Valerie Curren

They aren’t as long as they’d have you believe 😉


Short knives, actually.

Little, teeny, tiny knives. They come with those adorable matching outfits.


Video of people in the Bronx expressing support for Trump.



Democrat Fundraiser From Silicon Valley Donates $1M To Trump

Tech adviser Jacob Helberg, who has donated large sums to Democrats, has joined a wave of big money donors rejecting President Joe Biden and supporting former president Donald Trump in 2024.

Helberg has donated $1 million to Trump’s re-election effort, making the tech adviser one of the largest financial backers of Trump’s bid to win back the White House in November. Just four years ago, Helberg was using his money and influence to support Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s doomed campaign for president, according to The Washington Post.

Helberg is one of a cadre of high-powered Silicon Valley businessmen who have warmed to Trump recently.

“The social cost of supporting Trump isn’t as great as it was,” Helberg said of Silicon Valley society, many members of which see that “Trump was right on a lot of make-or-break issues for America.”

After the Post reported Helberg’s contribution to the Trump campaign, Helberg posted on X: “This one’s for Israel.”

…Helberg and Trump agree on a number of issues, but mainly China. The tech adviser and the former president bonded recently at Trump’s Florida resort Mar-a-Lago over the need to take an adversarial approach to China on trade, Tiktok, and other issues.

Helberg’s drift toward Trump is part of a trend of Democratic supporters who, disenchanted with Biden’s presidency, have taken a second look at Trump and like what they see, given the circumstances.

Trump’s former ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, said that he has spoken with many Jewish donors who are skeptical of Trump, but with Biden’s tilt away from Israel, have given the Republican candidate a second look, according to The Free Press.

“There is clearly a change going on, people who are active in politics with big money, people who were never Trumpers or reluctant ‘hold your nose Trumpers’ are telling me that Trump has to win,” Friedman told The Free Press.

Democratic mega-donor Haim Saban wrote an email to two Biden aides last week warning against the president’s increasing antagonism toward Israel amid its war against Hamas. Saban criticized the president for holding up munitions to Israel.


““The social cost of supporting Trump isn’t as great as it was,” Helberg said…”

I would be ASHAMED to admit that the opinions of others were sufficient to impact my values and actions.

But I guess as always, other’s mileage may vary.


Shows just how shallow and self centered so many people really are.


Doesn’t it? Pitiful.


IMO, some of the social cost of supporting him has been obliterated BY the DemCom’s social media campaigns .First time around the ‘grab ’em by the pussy’ trope was used over and over by supposedly morally outraged people. Fast forward through the last years of demanding that everyone celebrate crotch grabbing drag queens, bearded men breast feeding, relentless hair on fire abortion demands, little by little perverted Biden family secrets whispered about…..

A lot of former SM Ukraine flag wavers are less enthusiastic because billions of our dollars has done little to stop this war.
The incoherent POTATUS vids and ridiculous admin denials on social media defending him are falling flat.
The head spinning support of Israel and support of Hamas simultaneously is also confusing.
They’ve screwed themselves in many ways




🙄🙄🙄 What a shallow statement … he is ignorant that his ‘social cost’ of not supporting Trump in 2020 is in fact a very REAL cost of the cumulative deaths of Americans by illegal aliens ever since.

(Thank goodness we all had the smarts to know that shunning the ‘vax’ was far more than a social cost to us because our lives were at stake!!)




So weird to me. Just counter to my whole being.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The excessive concern with what others think…so you can do the same…is what Ayn Rand called the second hand individual.

In her novels the biggest example of that mentality was Peter Keating in The Fountainhead.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That is one of my favorite novels of all time.

Valerie Curren



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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Krassenstein and his brother were the two people whose troll responses to Trump tweets were ALWAYS at the top of the responses.


It’s a Krassenstein, what else would anyone expect?

Barb Meier


Valerie Curren

I would if I could!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, if they actually read that it might cause cognitive dissonance. The left loves to complain about how corrupt Big (fill in the blank) is, and yet here they are with their noses ten inches up the asses of Big Pharma.


Seriously? I don’t know how that would work.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Colorado by law must send 11 committed Haley delegates to the convention (versus more than 20 for Trump), for the first two ballots, because of the results of the Primary.

Oddly enough the state convention has to pick the delegates, which is funny because almost no one at the state assembly wanted to give anything to Nicki Haley but an enema with a bore brush. They found 14 people willing to vote for Haley…even though they’re really for Trump; so 11 delegates, 3 alternates. So we had the odd situation of electing a slate of delegates for someone we hated, with the state chair assuring us that none of these people were actually for Haley, but willing to volunteer to meet the legal obligation.


And they say hillbillies are inbred retards.

Regardless of whether that’s true or not, at least they ain’t lefties/commies.

Valerie Curren



Hey now, I’m a hillbilly!

I’ll admit, there are some first-cousin marriages in my family tree, but I ain’t retarded!


We hillbillies are everywhere. Anti-hillbillies should be afraid, very afraid. Our memories are long and our tempers are short.


Last edited 4 months ago by TradeBait2
Gail Combs

The trashing of ‘Hillbillies’ and Farmers was a deliberate PSY-OP by the deep state because BOTH sets of people are INDEPENDENT MINDED and no fools. Farmers never fell for the GorebullSchiff warming crap.


That was sorta the basis of my snark. After all, I’m married to a gal whose childhood included living in Cincinnati area and northern Kentucky.

She remembers cutting tobacco leaves on her relatives’ farm and hanging them in the drying shed.

Her tales of her youth sound like hillbilly life to me.


That is a true statement!

Valerie Curren

Elvis had grandparents that were first cousins, just sayin’ 😉 😉


Lol! Elvis is my 7th cousin.

Johnny Cash is my 6th cousin.

All Southerners are related!





Valerie Curren

You’re making want to go check Relative Finder…

Per that site I am Elvis’ 10th Cousin Once Removed, with a common ancestor named Edward Larkin.

I am also Johnny Cash’s 12 Cousin, with a common ancestor of Elizabeth Nichols or Nicholas…

But then I’m no Southerner 😉



I found my connection to both of them by complete accident, researching lines backwards. Some of my lines were so difficult I had to prove whole families to find my ancestor. It figures that many of my direct line were the “black sheep” of the family, so information about them was more scarce. Some weren’t even included in wills. Tracks with my personality!

Valerie Curren

Wow that’s amazing. I’m not surprised that you might have some “renegade” ancestors, Hope I do too!!! They can make the search much more interesting though 😉 😉

My husband’s father, b 1910, & his dad b 1886, both have some colorful criminal background, much of which was written about floridly in the DC papers. I did find a series of articles that confirmed that Michael’s dad was indeed shot by his own father & though the nature & seriousness of the wound was inconsistently described it aligns w/ the “legend” that his dad was shot in the balls by his own father so he was never supposed to have kids. As far as we know M is his only child from at least 3 marriages. One of the ex wives fought Michael’s meager inheritance in court claiming her ex was unable to father children. Apparently God had other plans! & Ancestry DNA cousins have virtually “proved” that his named dad is his bio dad too & helped me unlock multiple generations on his dad’s side, including white slaves that were Quakers & enslaved in the Caribbean in the 1700’s or early 1800’s…


Wow, great history! I find that family “legends” usually have some basis in fact. We just have to figure them out.

Here’s my favorite “renegade” relative:

He is also featured in one of the “Foxfire” books.

Valerie Curren

Fascinating. What a colorful character to have in the Tree! My husband’s grandfather, the one who shot his father, only had a 2nd or 3rd grade education, per one of the censuses. He mostly worked as a steamfitter. For some reason he got involved in criminal activities, at least some of the times. His father had been a cop at one time but had also been a bigamist (as best as I can tell) so loose morals were part of that inheritance it seems. His mother, however, came from the Shoemaker family who were extensive (pious Quaker) landholders in PA, I think, before moving to MD & DC. One of the Shoemakers, a distant aunt, died as an extremely wealthy spinster & her possible heirs were listed, including my husband’s grandfather (confirming the familial relationship for me), as her will, which left the near entirety of her multi-million dollar estate to a trust fund to build a home for elderly spinsters. I followed this storyline through years of DC papers, attaching multiple documents to the Family Search Tree, & it took the Trustees about Twenty-Five YEARS to fulfill the terms of her will & then that home only lasted about 25 years before being converted into something else, I think it’s an eldercare facility now. I wonder how much of that fortune was squandered on legal battles (lined lawyers’ pockets) even back in the early 1900s?


It’s funny, but I connect to Elvis in two ways, through two different lines. These old families were very intertwined.

Valerie Curren

I think Relative Finder usually just shows the Closest linkage to someone. I know that my husband & I have very distant cousinship because I noticed names in Relative Finder for him that I knew were also in my lineage.

Previously I discovered my husband & kids have 1st cousin-ship w/ William Shakespeare, being descended from his brother. That was the closest relation I’d seen at that point 🙂

In the last few years more trees must have been added to Family Search, on which Relative Finder is based, so I’ve learned that I have direct ancestry in multiple grandfathers & grandmothers on both my mom’s & dad’s side who were on the Mayflower! That was a new one & fun to share with the kids, not that any of it changes who we are 🙂

My Stoddard ancestry that goes back to early 1600’s in Massachusetts & Connecticut had Many Families very well intermarried. One ancestor married a woman & had several children by her. When she died he married her sister, his kids’ aunt, who became their step-mother & the mother of multiple half-siblings. Single parents had a very rough time of it back then so tended to remarry to survive I would guess.

My ancestors helped found Wethersfield & Litchfield, CT & the early generations in both communities were heavily intermarried with really a “relatively” (no pun intended) small handful of surnames for a long time. If you go back far enough we are probably all cousins to some extent!


William Shakespeare is my 12th great uncle, apparently. And Degory Priest of the Mayflower is my 12th gg-father, if Relative Finder is to be believed. I will have to research the connections before I believe it.

Also, Pocahontas’ sister Cleopatra is supposedly my 11th gg-grandmother.

Valerie Curren

Fun! I know I take Relative Finder & Family Search & Ancestry Family Trees with salt mines. I managed to find one of my lines at Family Search that purportedly found its way all the way back to Adam & Eve! LOL I printed off this purported lineage to show the family. There is NO Way that it’s Actually True for there are a couple places where a person is their own grandparent & other such nonsense, like all sorts of European Royalty, Roman leaders, & of course the Biblical patriarchs. I figure if one could go back far enough we’re all descendants of Noah & then we can trace back to Adam & Eve!

I’ll have to check my Alleged Mayflower direct ancestors, just a sec…

Here are Direct Ancestors, per Relative Finder, Mayflower:

11th GGF’s: Degory Priest, Giles Hopkins, Joseph Rogers

12 GGFs: Edward Fuller, John Howland, Stephen Hopkins, Thomas Rogers

12 GGM’s: Elizabeth Tilley, Mary Kent

13 GGF’s: John Tilley

14 GGF’s: John Fitton (could I be related to Tom Fitton?)–whoops this is the European Royalty category

My only other Direct Ancestor is Roger Williams, Famous American, as a 10th GGF–Fun!


Good luck to them getting out of the convention alive 👍😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


If I were them I’d be wearing T-Shirts reading “Obligated Haley Delegates for Trump”

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And that said, there was ONE asshat at the assembly who really was for Haley. Some of the other positions he took during resolutions make me think he’s flat-out in the wrong party, and too stupid to hide it like most RINOs.

I gotta hand it to him he had guts. And we didn’t do a thing except ignore him.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is a 2021 tweet in support of the vax by Alice Stewart, the CNN reporter who just died.

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I hope she ate a few while she still could.


Bud Anderson, Last of World War II’s ‘Triple Ace’ Pilots, Dies at 102

Brig. Gen. Bud Anderson, who single-handedly shot down 16 German planes over Europe in World War II and became America’s last living triple ace, a fighter pilot with 15 or more “kills,” died on Friday at his home in Auburn, Calif., northeast of Sacramento.

General Anderson, who teamed with the renowned Brig. Gen. Gen. Chuck Yeager in combat and later in the storied age of pioneering test pilots, was 102.

His family, in a statement on General Anderson’s website, said he died in his sleep.

In his 30 years of military service, General Anderson flew more than 130 types of aircraft, logging some 7,500 hours in the air.

Piloting P-51 Mustang propeller fighters in World War II — he named them Old Crow, for his favorite brand of whiskey — he logged 116 missions totaling some 480 hours of combat without aborting a single foray.

When World War II ended, he held the rank of major at 23 years old. When he retired from active duty in 1972, he was a colonel.

His decorations included two Legion of Merit citations, five Distinguished Flying Crosses, the Bronze Star and 16 Air Medals.

He was promoted to the honorary rank of brigadier general by the Air Force chief of staff at the time, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., in a ceremony at the Aerospace Museum of California in December 2022. General Brown called him “kind of a wrecking ball of a guy.”

General Anderson scored the third-highest number of “kills” in the Army Air Forces’ 357th Fighter Group, whose three squadrons downed nearly 700 German aircraft, mostly while protecting American bombers on their missions over Europe.

More about him at the link. May he RIP. 🇺🇸


May General Anderson be welcomed by his colleagues-in-arms who went before him into the Peace of the Heavenly City. May he rest in eternal Peace under a new set of wings — the Wings of the Almighty God. May his family find Comfort.

Valerie Curren

Amen & beautifully said  😍 

Valerie Curren

As horrible as she would be she’d be several steps up from Camel-duh   :wpds_twisted: 


I think fake princes is a way below fromcamel. She is disturbingly a control freak.

Valerie Curren

too true


Unaware there was difference between, Hoe and MeAgain Markle.

Both rely on their backs to get ahead.


Was this article copied from the Babilon Bee?


Another example in a very long line (300+ years) of how the British (Daily Mail) don’t understand Americans.

Royalty is anathema to us.

Gail Combs

They not only do not understand us, they want the USA back as a vassal state. (Not that we aren’t already.)

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

Not like they want! But they’re not gonna get it.

Gail Combs


And that is why they are fighting Trump tooth and nail… And WE are fighting back!




If this is true, one guesses that Meghan is tired of paying the mortgage every month, so now she wants to move into a “rent-free space” — the White House?


Victor Orban of Hungary describes the BLOB to the T:


Is there humor in insanity? You be the judge. I lol at least twice and chuckled much.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One said they might be harassed by investigators and lawsuits.

Not that THEY would EVER do that to Trump.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Their projection is so thick you can slice it with a knife.


Elon Musks parody answer to this:
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Gail Combs



I hope he actually means it.

Valerie Curren

LOL, I couldn’t see your image here so ran it through Gab, just in case 😉

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Thanks for the Andre Rieu Amazing Grace, Wolf Moon. I love bag pipes – they express human angst and pathos, anger and resolve better than any other instrument.

Here’s an awesome display of bagpipes in one of my favorite songs – The Minstrel Boy.

And here’s the inimitable McDermott singing it as no one else ever could.

McDermott – 


Because the Minstrel Boy reminds me of Psalm 137 – I always change the lyrics a bit:

The minstrel boy to the war is gone
In the ranks of death you’ll find him;
His *Father’s SWord* he hath girded on
And his wild harp slung behind him;

“*Lord* of Song!” cried the warrior bard
“Tho’ all the world betray Thee
One *heart*, at least, thy Truth shall guard
One faithful harp shall praise Thee!”

The Minstrel fell! But the foeman’s chain
Could not bring that proud soul under;
The harp he lov’d ne’er spoke again
For he tore its chords asunder;

And said “No chains shall sully thee
Thou soul of love and brav’ry!
Thy songs were made for the pure and free
They shall never sound in slavery!


Psalm 137

By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept
when we remembered Zion.

There on the willows
we hung our harps,
for there our captors requested a song;
our tormentors demanded songs of joy:
“Sing us a song of Zion.”

How can we sing a song of the LORD
in a foreign land?
If I forget you, O Jerusalem,
may my right hand cease to function.

May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth
if I do not remember you,
if I do not exalt Jerusalem
as my greatest joy!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now quote the remainder of that psalm.

Everyone quits at either verse 6 for some reason.

Here’s the rest:

(7) Remember, O Lord, against the Edomites the day of Jerusalem’s fall,
how they said, “Tear it down! Tear it down! Down to its foundations!”

(8) O daughter Babylon, you devastator! Happy shall they be who pay you back what you have done to us!

(9) Happy shall they be who take your little ones
and dash them against the rock!


I chickened out. I hope that’s a figurative allegorical reference.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So do many others.

Meanwhile some people are just shocked as all-get-out that that is in there.

Robert Baker

Considering that our culture traffics children, aborts children, and generally treats children as an inconvenience at best, I think calling the rhetoric of the ancient world nasty may be unfair. In comparison I think our culture says after reading Ps 137:9, “Hold my beer.”

Valerie Curren

Given the October 7th actions of the terrorists, that world is still with us it seems 🙁


I love the pipes, too. They stir my Appalachian Scot soul.


Same here. It does come from within the soul – it is an involuntary reaction. Even when I was a child I had no idea why I reacted to them so strongly. Know it well.


Yes, I’ve always had it, too.

Valerie Curren

Beautiful. TY for sharing


In positive news…


JUST IN: Judge Cannon Calls Jack Smith Out For His Dirty Tricks in Rare Sunday Order

pat frederick

I read her order and i was more confused than before…
so smith is okay revealing some witnesses but some witnesses have to remain secret? from whom? the public or the defendant? cuz i thought you had a right to confront your accusers?


I was also confused.

But then I am the Slow Guy AND legalese gibberish most always baffles me.

pat frederick

when i saw the title, I was eager to read it and shout DAYAM! but i was too confused…lol


That’s because it works as intended.

If you weren’t baffled, you wouldn’t have to hire a lawyer.

pat frederick



Calling pgroup, stat!

Gail Combs



Where did you read the order? Aubergine wants me to assault my keyboard.

Gimme a link, por favor.

pat frederick

comment image


That’s part of the order. I would need the rest of it to understand from where the judge is coming.

pat frederick

i posted the image in the tweet


More positive news…

Although, no word on the $165K NJ LE / state confiscated – stole from the gyms owner.

Three plus years for common sense to prevail.


New Jersey Court Throws Out 80 Charges Against Brave Gym Owner Defying Gov. Murphy’s Tyrannical Lockdown Orders: “Suck My D—k Phil Murphy”

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Head scratcher. Mandate should have been deemed illegal from inception. Took several years for this…


Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional

Gail Combs

A VERY USELESS ruling unless it also applies to the WHO trying to take control of the USA via a declared Plandemic.

Also does that open the universities up to LOTS OF LAWSUITS form injured (and dead) students & their parents?


Hope the universities are sued into oblivion. Literally. Along with lawsuits against individuals.

Passing notion.

  • This university ruling, the gym ruling… More similar rulings inbound? Thinking so.
pat frederick

they’ve got all those endowments to draw on…

Gail Combs

“they’ve got all those endowments to draw on DOWN…”

Fixed it!

 The average wrongful death settlement ranges from $500,000 to over $1 million. The brave AI said GJEL Accident Attorneys has recovered over $950 Million Dollars for their clients killed in accidents.”

and for personal injury

  • The median payout for a personal injury lawsuit is approximately $52,900.
  • For most victims with moderate injuries, the payout ranges from $3,000 to $10,000.
  • The average payout for personal injury cases that end up in federal court typically involves damages over $75,000.

Fed courts require minimum damages of $75K in the complaint.

Otherwise, dismissed without prejudice.

Valerie Curren

LAWSUITS form injured (and dead) students & their parents?”

glad to note that the dead are no longer just confined to voting any more  🙃 

Gail Combs

NY Compost: Trump, Biden agree to June 27, Sept. 10 debates in campaign schedule shakeup
This adds a bit more spice to the Qtree debate about Bite-me Poopy Pants.😋

comment image

After adjusting my tinfoil hat, I am now going to beat a dead horse.

First, Biden was installed with Kamel-toes as VP. She has been shown to be even MOAR unpopular than Biden (If that is possible.) Therefore a switch to Kamel-toes via the 25th is not in the D-Rats’ interest. Even if that was the original plan.

So what are the options:

#1. Biden is au naturel

#2. Biden is drugged to the gills with perhaps blue light therapy to counter Sundowners.

#3. Biden has had a face lift & or Botox treatments.

#4. Biden is faking it. (Lying and gaffs are nothing new for Biden so faking it esp to Hur is a possibility.)

#5. Body double.

That came up from this tweet or Xfile or what ever.

14 hours ago

Regarding the discussion about the unusual and inconsistent changes to Biden’s appearance & behaviors:

Tony Mendez’s book ‘The Master of Disguise’ describes how he recruited magicians and Hollywood special effects artists to develop specialized equipment for the CIA’s Office of Technical Services division — specifically, sophisticated and realistic disguise masks.

The Master of Disguise PDF eBook

👉The White House, Spring 1989….

This is the typical reply:

 Reply to  Gail Combs
 May 19, 2024 23:32

That video has been brought here several times. *They* are capable of excellent disguises. They are capable of making disguises so lifelike that others aren’t aware they are disguises, even when talking to the person.

But can they make a disguise of, for example, your Aunt Beulah, put it on a woman of similar build, and have that woman fool you into thinking she’s your aunt? The answer is no….

TheseTruths is assuming a body double has just been brought onto the scene. However the date for the appearance of the very life-like disguise is 1989 and probably a lot earlier.

👉So what are the chances that a VERY WELL TRAINED body double has been on the Biden staff for well over a decade? At least since he started running as VP in 2008 and possibly before if he was a CIA mule asset in the Senate?

AND a final possibility: Something called Casablanca livestreaming App
“…Casablanca is an AI-based tool designed to enhance the quality of video calls by incorporating authentic eye contact…”

Casablanca | Authentic Video Calls

Let Casablanca become your superpower for authentic video calls! … With Casablanca, you can look your counterpart authentically in the eye.


The fact that Biden and his handlers AGREED to the debates, makes the questions about Biden a lot more interesting.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s several body doubles. The real Biden I doubt is still alive. He’s not the only one, either.

Gail Combs

I would not be surprised.

And as I said, VERY WELL TRAINED over years, not days.

Given the likely blackmail on people in Congress and the Senate, no one who actually knows would dare leak the info.

The newbies would not be familiar enough with Biden since he has been out of the Senate since 2008. That is almost TWO DECADES!


Gail Combs
Thank you. From years working in the theater world, one knows that it takes time and effort to find the correct “actors / impersonators” needed; then, to train them.

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

The newbies would not be familiar enough with Biden

No, but I am. And if I am, then there are thousands of people who are much more familiar with him than I.

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths
pat frederick

i didn’t see your response…write something similar


There’s several body doubles. The real Biden I doubt is still alive. He’s not the only one, either.

Please provide evidence of these claims. If you can’t do that, then you need to present them as theories, not facts. Because that’s what they are. People’s judgment on differences in appearance are not evidence because they are so often wrong.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…as was shown with Wayne Newton.

And I wouldn’t dignify it with the term theory; it’s a speculation at best if not an outright spitball. Unless there’s actual evidence.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes. The Wayne Newton card is worth millions. 💵

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Refresh my memory, please.

Who was it who failed the Wayne Newton test?


Who was it who failed the Wayne Newton test?

DPat. I’ll post exact quotes so nothing is misunderstood.


The differences in appearance of the REAL Biden and the avatar are such that no plastic surgery would do. Make the eyes more narrow? No plastic surgeon would do that. Make them wider, yes, but not narrower.

First, what makes DPat an authority on what all plastic surgeons do in all cases? But moving on…

So I posted a pic of Wayne Newton showing that his eyes were narrower after plastic surgery.

Apparently without doing any research, DPat proceeded to give details, with an air of authority, about why those two pics were not both of Wayne Newton, when I knew they were both him.


The chin is wrong and the teeth are different. Hairline narrowed on the right, and not the Celtic pattern on the left (I have one, so I know about that).

Not the same guy,

And she was dead wrong. She commented about the chin, the teeth, the hairline, and the “Celtic pattern,” all wrong. She used the device of having personal knowledge (“I have one, so I know about that.”) to bolster her point.

Deplorable Patriot

If you can’t see it by now…

…works both ways.

I’ve debunked things like those many times. I, and others, have raised points and asked questions that never get addressed. That’s on you. You have zero credibility when it comes to facial recognition, as has been proved here, and neither do random people on the internet. Some of them outright lie and deceive on purpose, but people like you follow them and spread their mistruths. That’s not an unconsidered opinion; I have pointed out some of those deceptions, but I have yet to see you acknowledge that even one of those theories was incorrect. I consider that a disservice to our side.

Deplorable Patriot

You haven’t debunked anything. I see what you don’t, and I’m done. That you can’t see it is NOT MY PROBLEM!!!!!!!


You haven’t debunked anything.

I have debunked a number of things. Others here have pointed out flaws in arguments and questions that need to be answered, but you pay no attention.

I see what you don’t

If that is the case, it’s because you are only seeing things that support certain theories instead of looking at all the evidence.

That you can’t see it is NOT MY PROBLEM!!!!!!!

No, you have a very different problem, and it has nothing to do with me.

Deplorable Patriot

That I can actually see the differences in facial recognition?

Yeah, done. Eye colors don’t change when blue, and the real Biden’s were blue. Neither do jaws or hairlines ( see the Putin double who suddenly has a much rounder face). Those are the details not considered in dismissal of the idea of body doubles.


Those are the details not considered in dismissal of the idea of body doubles.

Such details, and many more, have been considered. Many factors that affect such things have been brought up here. And you ignore every one of them because they don’t fit your narrative. You are continuing to ignore them, so your statement that they have never been brought up only proves my point.

You keep using that word*. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Deplorable Patriot

Nice try. It’s not going to work.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I see what you don’t,

And we’ve already established with the Wayne Newton test, that sometimes what you see isn’t real.

Your argument ultimately rests on the claim that you are competent to spot these things, and you have demonstrated that you are not competent to spot these things.


Here’s an example of debunking, from yesterday. Para59r posted the X comment that Gail posted above:

I said I don’t take anyone’s word on the internet about dates and details surrounding such theories, where people are obviously trying to convince others of something.

I found comments on another site where people said the photo on the right came from either 2020 or 2022. That directly contradicts the statement in the X post that one of the photos was taken last week and the other this weekend. In actuality, the photos could be two to four years apart. And I’m not sure that the date given for the pic on the left was accurate, either.

I showed that the author of the X post was not truthful. I “impeached the witness.”

In addition, he loses major points for using an emoji to try to bolster his point about such a serious topic. I have come to believe that that’s a tactic to make people comfortable and to draw them in, as is done with con games and schemes. The people pushing these things have an agenda, and it is not to get to the truth.


All I can say is that my facial recognition algorithm says they’re the same person.

Thanks for weighing in. It will be interesting to see if anyone challenges you on that.

Valerie Curren

This video, that I’ve only partially watched, claims that the images came from the same day, fwiw…

Just after 4 minutes the presenter shows info about the percentage of likelihood of either image being AI, with the open eyed one clocking in at 33% & the squint eyed one at 16%…

The second half of the video was about the economy…

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

I’ll repeat what I said earlier: I don’t trust any random person’s word about details of anything posted online.

Now, “20 questions” for thought.

Who is that guy?

What makes him believable, if anything?

Why does he say it’s the same day while others say they are days apart, and others say years apart? (I have an opinion on this.)

Why is JB wearing different ties if it’s the same day? Of course that is possible, but I don’t know how likely it would be. Even if one of them were a double, wouldn’t they try to make him look the same as JB did earlier in the day? Did he spill gravy on his tie? 😂

What is the purpose of such videos? What are the possible reasons someone would post such things? I detest cutesy intimations that “something might be off” that are neither intelligently presented or, most importantly, accurately presented. I am at a total loss to know why more people don’t seem capable of seeing the con jobs.

Are such videos beneficial to our movement? (I believe they are harmful. The longer this goes on and the more adamant people become, the more I am convinced that people are being led in this direction for nefarious purposes.)

Why is it so important to some people to believe theories like the one that JB has been gone for years and replaced by doubles, or that RBG died months before the official announcement and a double had replaced her on SCOTUS with no one the wiser? What purpose are such theories serving them? They hang on to those ideas as if their life depended on them, as if, if they were made to give them up, they would suffer great harm.

Of the two theories I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I believe quite a few people didn’t and don’t believe them. Why don’t they speak up for the sake of accuracy and reality and sanity?

Why do people believe things that they can’t flesh out and that don’t make sense? Also, that do not happen in the real world? It’s as if part of our society is creating its own mythology.

Why do people ignore the comments that Wolf makes about these things? I’ve noticed in the past that he has made some very pointed comments that are instructive and thought-provoking, but people pay no heed. It has been surprising to watch. The same thing has happened today. IMO people don’t move forward in their knowledge or their thinking when they ignore the ideas he has brought to the table.

Valerie Curren

Just for clarification, I wasn’t claiming the video was accurate or that I bought into any of what he presented. I shared it because it was providing possible additional info on the topic being discussed.

Your questions above are great & helpful.

It seems possible that there are nefarious forces that are promoting this topic as a way to divide people.

Like several people here have claimed I don’t have a fully formed opinion one way or another, so technically I’m not trying to insert myself into the debate.

Some of these outlandish theories, on numerous topics, seemed, to me, to be “common” amongst people who claimed to follow Q, at least the ones I used to see when not banned on Twitter.

Perhaps there is an attraction to various “conspiracy theories” as one has learned to dig deeper on topics that used to seem like common, though apparently erroneous, knowledge…

I agree that Wolf’s insights are incredibly valuable!

As an aging person, I hit 60 this year, it seems like it can become more difficult to change my mind as I get older. Good arguments can be presented that Might be persuasive at the time they’re read, but later on with the passage of time much of those insights can slip away, unless they shifted my thinking enough to “take”.

There have been certain topics that Gail has brought, w/ sauce, quite a few times over the years. Often I’ll read these lengthy remarks in their entirety & recognize that I’ve seen at least some of it before. However it seems to take at least 3-5 exposures to a topic for it to sink in, assuming it’s something I’m Willing to believe. That’s just speaking for how it seems my mind “works” now.

So I’ll attempt to answer your questions as best as I can, fwiw (though I don’t expect my opinion to have much sway on this or many topics here):

Quoting you & putting my “replies” w/ “VC” on separate lines…

Now, “20 questions” for thought.
Who is that guy?
VC–no clue, it’s a video I saw on Gab that was tackling the “2” Joe Biden’s so thought I’d share.

What makes him believable, if anything?
VC nothing necessarily. He’s some random person talking on youtube. I know nothing of his background just that he was discussing the controversy so thought I’d share it here since this topic was being chewed over pretty thoroughly…

Why does he say it’s the same day while others say they are days apart, and others say years apart? (I have an opinion on this.)
VC I don’t know. I am guessing here but it is possible that random people on youtube, even if they may have a significant following, are not sticklers for facts or don’t provide adequate documentation so that others could “verify” their claims. Our standards about info & accuracy & logical analysis at the Q-Tree are likely Much Higher. If we’re talking about being able to verify an hypothesis I believe it Must be Reproduceable…

Why is JB wearing different ties if it’s the same day? Of course that is possible, but I don’t know how likely it would be. Even if one of them were a double, wouldn’t they try to make him look the same as JB did earlier in the day? Did he spill gravy on his tie?
VC I can’t say for I don’t know. I noted elsewhere, maybe yesterday, that the wider eyed version of “JB” seemed to have a smoother forehead so I speculated that he may have had Botox recently. Your insights argue for the likelihood that these are from different days, at least.

What is the purpose of such videos? What are the possible reasons someone would post such things? I detest cutesy intimations that “something might be off” that are neither intelligently presented or, most importantly, accurately presented. I am at a total loss to know why more people don’t seem capable of seeing the con jobs.
VC I can’t even remotely speak to the motives of the presenter. That he spent the second half of his video discussing the economy makes me think that might be more his arena. If he monetizes his content it’s possible that he did a Little Digging on what seemed to be a topic du jour so as to be present something currently being discussed. He may or may not be a con job, he could be ignorant, he could be operating far outside of his wheelhouse.

Are such videos beneficial to our movement? (I believe they are harmful. The longer this goes on and the more adamant people become, the more I am convinced that people are being led in this direction for nefarious purposes.)
VC I guess that depends on your perspective. From my view it seemed that his video offered Some new info, like the percentages on the likelihood that each “JB” Might have been AI.

Why is it so important to some people to believe theories like the one that JB has been gone for years and replaced by doubles, or that RBG died months before the official announcement and a double had replaced her on SCOTUS with no one the wiser? What purpose are such theories serving them? They hang on to those ideas as if their life depended on them, as if, if they were made to give them up, they would suffer great harm.
VC I can’t answer that for I don’t hold tightly to such theories, just recognize that they are out there & may or may not be true. I don’t know For Sure about Any of it so I can see stuff & go “hmmm”…

Of the two theories I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I believe quite a few people didn’t and don’t believe them. Why don’t they speak up for the sake of accuracy and reality and sanity?
VC Good Q’s for which I have no solid “answers”. I would guess that human psychology plays a part. Some people claim or imply that they have special knowledge, but they don’t just lay out the “facts” as they perceive them so that they can be evaluated. Some temperaments are more drawn to emotional comfort zones & certain “beliefs” are not to be held up to rigorous, logical scrutiny, for their feelings & beliefs/convictions might be uncomfortably shaken.

Why do people believe things that they can’t flesh out and that don’t make sense? Also, that do not happen in the real world? It’s as if part of our society is creating its own mythology.
VC I would guess that Steve, as a claimed Atheist, might have similar Q’s for people who claim a faith. I personally don’t know where the “truth” lies on Many Topics. I believe the Bible but don’t claim that I speak for God or fully understand the meaning of all that is written there. So many Bizarre things have been part of the Red Pill process & quite a few of them would seem Crazy to our pre-red-pill selves. It’s still hard to wrap my head around world-wide genocide perpetuated by many/most governments against their own people!

Why do people ignore the comments that Wolf makes about these things? I’ve noticed in the past that he has made some very pointed comments that are instructive and thought-provoking, but people pay no heed. It has been surprising to watch. The same thing has happened today. IMO people don’t move forward in their knowledge or their thinking when they ignore the ideas he has brought to the table.
VC Wolf brings much wisdom to his Q-Tree but we are all adults w/ our own backgrounds & experiences & just because someone makes good points doesn’t mean that all aspects of their insights will be absorbed & made fully a part of our individual psyches. It’s a process & it’s messy. This is a community of conservative, patriot, warriors. We are mostly digging for facts & truth & encouraging each other in that ongoing process. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree since we are never going to be automatons or clones of each other, nor should we be. Keeping the lines of communication open & being courteous & respectful to each other as we “rightly divide” the world around us & hone our edges in an “iron sharpens iron” process are vital to this journey being healthful & productive.

Thank you for raising the questions & diving deep for Truth. I, for one, greatly appreciate you & your efforts & insights. Blessings!

So I’m super tired so am posting my comment “as is” so I apologize in advance if some of this is incoherent. I didn’t want to just “like” your comment & move on for you put so much depth of thought into it. I’m just sorry that it’s so late in the day for it to likely be read by many others (yours, not necessarily mine). God Bless!


Valerie, thank you for your thoughtful reply. It was a stream of consciousness on my part and I wasn’t expecting an in-depth reply. I don’t have time to address everything now, and I probably won’t, anyway, because this could go on for a long time. If I do come back and reply, I won’t expect you to spend time on it. Thank you, and God bless you as well!

Valerie Curren

Hey no prob. I’m not really that invested in this topic but didn’t want to leave you hanging as it seems you’ve thrown out legit concerns to others who often choose not to address them.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I would guess that Steve, as a claimed Atheist,


Valerie Curren

It’s what you say & I believe you but I didn’t want to come across like I was applying the “label” to you. No offence meant. I can’t speak for you, or anyone else, for that matter, & apparently have a hard enough time speaking comprehensibly for myself LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Of the two theories I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I believe quite a few people didn’t and don’t believe them. Why don’t they speak up for the sake of accuracy and reality and sanity?

You already answered that. The people who believe such things are so tenacious in their beliefs that it is pointless to try to change their minds. You saw this in action elsewhere, on this very daily. And then there’s the “free energy” clownery that came up elsewhere on this daily. I can see all kinds of things wrong with it, but I’d have to give an education in physics and electromagnetism to make the point absolutely clear, and to explain why the guy in the video must be either a liar or incredibly, flat-earth level ignorant and duped by some other liar.

Sometimes I try anyway, and my blood pressure just goes up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think the problem is epistemic.

And that’s basically a two-dollar word relating to “epistemology” which is the study of how we know what we know.

The most successful method for learning things about reality is the scientific method, which has some fairly rigid rules. (The fact that many people who are supposed to be following them, aren’t, doesn’t invalidate the rules, though it might invalidate human institutions that claim to be dedicated to the rules. Also, it’s not easy; we sometimes have cognitive biases that get in the way of the reasoning, causing us to not even realize we’re making an error.)

Obviously there are many situations where you can’t apply the scientific method in full, complete with measurements expressed as hard numbers with error bars, and statistical analysis, and on and on, and in daily life you certainly can’t do all of that.

But one rule that’s plain-English you can and should apply in daily life, and many people do not. “If your favorite idea doesn’t pass a well designed test, it’s WRONG. Get over it and move on.” Instead we have people clinging to these notions desperately as you point out, as if their very sense of being depends on it, even in the face of good evidence that it’s wrong.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

Hopefully this lets the images show here

comment image

comment image

comment image

Valerie Curren

With all those changes over time, or cosmetically, I wonder how the facial recognition programs can work so “well”?


So what are the options:

#1. Biden is au naturel

#2. Biden is drugged to the gills with perhaps blue light therapy to counter Sundowners.

#3. Biden has had a face lift & or Botox treatments.

#4. Biden is faking it. (Lying and gaffs are nothing new for Biden so faking it esp to Hur is a possibility.)

#5. Body double.

#6. People are really bad at facial recognition and all the factors involved, then they twist things to fit their desired narrative.

This is the typical reply:


So now I’m “typical,” LOL. 😂

TheseTruths is assuming a body double has just been brought onto the scene. However the date for the appearance of the very life-like disguise is 1989 and probably a lot earlier.

No, I am not. No one ever addresses my points exactly as stated, they add to them as you just have, and they don’t answer my questions about their theories, which have holes the size of the Grand Canyon in them.

So what are the chances that a VERY WELL TRAINED body double has been on the Biden staff for well over a decade? At least since he started running as VP in 2008 and possibly before if he was a CIA mule asset in the Senate?

Meaning that that person completely took the place of JB, and JB himself left the scene? What are the chances of that having happened? Zero.

Under that theory, please explain the dementia angle. Would it be that their chosen body double has dementia and they are in a pickle because of it? Please explain why the substitute JB would present as having dementia and how that would benefit the Dems.

pat frederick

I am not taking either side, but i think you’re missing an important issue. if i were to join the maggot’s staff AFTER he was “replaced” how would I know? if i never met him before, how would i know he’s NOT the man i’m lead to believe he is.
close family would know (but it’s to their benefit NOT to expose that). close friends? maybe they know, maybe not.
but a staffer who had never met the maggot before? how would they KNOW?

and the dementia angle could be the family’s exit strategy. we got our $$, but the jig is up. (and iirc, the maggot had a near fatal brain aneurysm so cognitive issues later in life is possible.) and having the double feign dementia enables an exit.

again…not taking sides…i don’t know for sure. i just think it’d be easy to fool people who’ve never met the maggot before to believe you’re the maggot.


if i were to join the maggot’s staff AFTER he was “replaced” how would I know?

A young staffer might not know. That is a tiny point in the big picture, because so many other people would know. The fact that there is someone who can be fooled doesn’t mean everyone would be.

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths

The widely held view that many people couldn’t keep the secret..whether it’s a stand-in for an engagement or two or a bigger ruse has been tainted by the fact that the upper echelon of the USA government is rogue. They’re compromised and fully onboard with an unlawful, unethical and corrupt system. I believe that kind of secret could be opinion


I’m not talking about the rogue upper echelons of government. I’m talking about conservatives and the people that Wolf mentioned:

It’s the regular people – many of whom have interest in ratting out a double 

Those people would not be in on the scheme, but they would notice things. It’s absurd to think that people sitting behind their keyboards can pick things out in photos and videos, but others can’t, and others who actually see and/or interact with JB in person can’t. If you, or anyone else, can explain that, please do.


My first thought on that is that any notable conservative wouldn’t light that stick of dynamite . It cannot be proved so the optics alone would stop them. They’ve got Biden wrapped in cotton, surrounded by yes men, handlers and Jill.

It’s possible that for certain occasions or video statements that a double might be used, I have no real concrete POV but I do think it’s a maybe.
He has had plastic surgery, hair plugs and probably ongoing botox and other things so that definitely can alter his appearance from the VP days but you have to admit that in the present, his demeanor, his gait, his face can be very different from one engagement to the next.

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

My first thought on that is that any notable conservative wouldn’t light that stick of dynamite . It cannot be proved so the optics alone would stop them. 

It can’t be proved? Why not?
And why are so many here pushing theories that can’t be proved, as facts?

I’m not saying I agree, but your statement covers “notable conservatives.” It doesn’t cover the thousands of others.

It’s possible that for certain occasions or video statements that a double might be used, I have no real concrete POV but I do think it’s a maybe.

This is how the theories get muddied. I have said that body doubles might have been used for JB under certain circumstances. It would not surprise me if a body double rode a bike for him, masked and helmeted, a couple of years ago. I would not be surprised if a double had been used on occasions from a distance.

So what is the actual theory? DPat thinks the real JB is probably not alive and that there are several body doubles acting in his stead. That would mean that we never see the real JB. Do you believe that?

Gail Combs says the date for a lifelike disguise is 1989 or earlier. I’m not sure exactly what that means, and vagueness enables people to continue believing things that they don’t have to explain. But do you believe that?

In other words, can you defend those theories, covering all the objections that anyone, including me, might raise?

⬆️ Those are hypothetical questions, but very, very few people here seem to think them through.


Again, imo, I don’t support a ‘he’s dead theory’ mainly because I can’t imagine what advantage it would be to consciously choose the most senile bumbling idiot for the stand-in double!
FGS…get one that speaks clearly, looks strong someone who isn’t a compulsive liar and kiddy sniffing diddler


I don’t support a ‘he’s dead theory’ mainly because I can’t imagine what advantage it would be to consciously choose the most senile bumbling idiot for the stand-in double!

FGS…get one that speaks clearly, looks strong someone who isn’t a compulsive liar and kiddy sniffing diddler

I agree.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: ….
  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

OH MY that was funny!!!

First where I got the date is from when President Bush was presented with the disguise so the ability was at least that old…

But what is really really funny is I presented a WHOLE SERIES OF POSSIBLES and the only one people ran with was the ‘Double’

Also I am NOT coming close to suggesting the double is used all the time.

I could see a very well schooled very close double being hauled out for special occasions like the State of the Union. In that case the double would not be in contact with outsiders outside of the scripted speech.

The other very real possibility, IF Biden has dementia or what ever, is they are using drugs that are not available to the public.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

a double would be easier for things where people will see him from afar but not be able to interact with him. In fact I imagine that could well be a secret service precaution, and I am sure it is used in other countries.

Interaction with people not in the inner circle makes an impersonation a LOT more difficult.

pat frederick

LOL…ever see the movie DAVE? the President had a stroke…living on life support. they get a double to stand in for him. the Chief of Staff wants to be the next president–they plan to pin all the corruption on the vp.
the wife finds out–she agrees to continue the charade for a bit till they can figure out how to stop the COS.
at the appropriate time, the stand in confesses to the real president’s crimes (exonerating the vp) and then fakes a stroke.
the real president is substituted in the ambulance. he dies. the bad guy goes to jail presumably.
you need a bumbling idiot as a stand in because that’s what the MAGGOT IS. you differentiate from the maggot’s character and nature and people will catch on. he’s a creep–Ashley’s diary confirms that. he’s a liar–he’s been one all his life. he’s had brain issues–he had last rites i believe–so cognitively you need someone who would present that way. you substitute someone who speaks clearly and has it together and then what?
when the timing is right, the maggot will have an episode ensuring him of a graceful departure without jail time. it will seem a logical ending.


you need a bumbling idiot as a stand in because that’s what the MAGGOT IS.

It is what JB has increasingly become over the years since people think a body double took over. IOW, following the theory, it’s the supposed body double that has made him a “bumbling idiot” to the degree we see today. He has always made gaffes, but he was not known as an idiot in his earlier days in Washington.

pat frederick

obama said something to the effect about the maggot being able to f*ck things up. it’s NOT just since he took the oval office.


it’s NOT just since he took the oval office.

No, I didn’t say it was. But he wasn’t shaking hands with the air, speaking gobbledygook, telling as many tall tales, unable to string sentences together, etc. That has all gotten exponentially worse in the past few years.

pat frederick

which would seem natural if he had dementia…so naturally a double would have to “have” dementia


Why would the double have increasingly worse dementia, which is only hurting the Dems? I don’t think it’s so they can take out “JB,” because there is no viable alternative. They could have had the double bumble about a bit and be slightly forgetful, but he didn’t have to be unable to climb stairs or walk properly or speak relatively well.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or not crap his pants.


LOL. hence the need for an occasional stand-in!!!


That was a good movie! Predictable fluff but entertaining.

Your last paragraph…totally agree

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, I see. Proof by “they made a movie.”

pat frederick

don’t laugh…weirder things have happened. look, the left is evil, but they’re not terribly creative. that movie could have been the inspiration for the whole ruse.
and i never said i bought into it all, but i can see it happening. i am open minded about it.

pat frederick

besides…if the maggot wasn’t a bumbling imbecile–then Hur would have recommended he be prosecuted for the classified documents. see what i mean? it’s to their advantage to portray him that way


Hur would have recommended he be prosecuted for the classified documents. see what i mean? it’s to their advantage to portray him that way

No, under the theory, Hur would be in on the “double” scheme. He would not prosecute, regardless.

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths

Hur and the rest of DOJ would NEVER prosecute Briben.

N E V E R.

hopeless dementia goofball or not. Briben has a Stay Out Of Jail Card.

Valerie Curren



you have to admit that in the present his demeanor, his gait, his face can be very different from one engagement to the next.

No, I don’t. 😊 People see what they are looking for.

His gait is terrible and gets worse all the time. I have never seen an aberration where suddenly he was walking much better.

his face can be very different from one engagement to the next.

I’m not going to list, for the umpteenth time, conditions that can affect this. It’s an unproductive exercise. People are going to believe what they want to believe, just as those that we all criticize here do.


Guess we’ll see during the debate…will it be dementia Joey, yelling Joey, whispering Joey, tough guy Joe or fairly composed articulating Double your imagination Joe !!!!!


Beautiful, molly. Just beautiful.


It’s the regular people – many of whom have interest in ratting out a double 

This point never gets addressed. It’s as if such people don’t exist. Yet they are legion in the world of politics.


Do they really exist.

How many times have we read, or even posted, “rank and file” are good guys.

So many times it was posted as such, in regards to FIB, perhaps DOJ.

Precious few and hard to find, is my conclusion.


I don’t think Wolf was referring to “rank and file good guys” within government organizations.

It’s the regular people – many of whom have interest in ratting out a double – who see Biden regularly, but have no dog in the fight. 


 👉 So what are the chances that a VERY WELL TRAINED body double has been on the Biden staff for well over a decade? 

And every person who knows the real JB has gone along with the scheme, including all his family members, members of Congress, staffers, etc., because “politics.” Because they are all so dedicated to “the cause.”

And not one true conservative ever suspected anything. Not one person who knew JB well noticed a thing. Not one journalist suspected anything. Not one autist has picked up on this and dug into it. Not one respected conservative podcaster has noticed anything. Not one political hotshot who works on campaigns has noticed this and thought, “Hey, that would be a great argument to help my candidate in this election!”

On the other hand, we have internet sleuths who can pick out the differences in a wrinkle in an earlobe, which signals absolutely, definitely, positively, that there is an imposter. 🤣 Yes, “experts in facial recognition” (not) can do that on the internet, but people who know JB have been completely fooled or complicit. It makes NO SENSE.


This is very close to the plot of Heinlein’s “Double Star”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It is. But it IS a work of fiction and they were able to isolate him from everyone but the man who caught him out.


Thankfully this guy was assuredly Jabbed. It could have been worse.

Wondering when the faux elites will WTFU and call out the culprit Jabs.


New Zealand MP’s Son and Rising Rugby Star Dies Suddenly at 22

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Sort of a sickly lookin’ fella…

Valerie Curren

 😥  heartbreaking & so needless 🙁

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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JD schools the dumb bunny…


Senator JD Vance Fact Checks CBS “Face the Nation” Host on President Trump’s America First Tariffs in Real Time (VIDEO)

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Where do you think she got the idea?  😂 


I spose this dumbass killed himself. Not buying it for now. Smacks of an ignorant stunt.

The sound of the “shot” seems off to me. No visual of a round expended. Thoughts?

Six second video.


Teenage Rapper Shoots Himself in the Head While Recording TikTok Video Playing with a Gun (VIDEO)


SMH here.

Babylon Bee not referenced. None of makes sense, in a sane world.

Paging RFK Jr clarification.

Gail Combs

Looks like RFK jr is friends with the people. The house is going into foreclosure and therefore he may be picking it up at that time (July)

Possibly a private contract of some nature. As a lawyer, RFK jr is NOT DUMB.


This may have been posted before…



🙏 for you, Wolf. Victory is yours.

Today’s scripture reading is Romans 12:9 –

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.

This is the only place in the New Testament where the translated word that better applies is “abhor” rather “than “hate”. The latter is the common term used in many modern translations including the NIV. Its use actually softens Paul’s instructions. Abhor is better and more in context with Paul’s point. We are to not only be disgusted and detest evil, we are to be revulsed by it.

With modern day urban/street/web talk, being a “hater” is not nearly enough to get the point across.

This passage tells us:

(1) Let love be single minded. Be devoted to the pursuit of loving others. Identify those who are bound by hate and show them love in addition to the loving believers and those who will naturally love you back.

(2) Be totally revulsed by evil. Tolerating any form of it is not acceptable. Abhor is an active word. It indicates you are going to be unafraid to reveal what you believe and how you will react to the presence of evil. Meanwhile, seek God’s help in revealing and cleansing it from your own life.

3) Cling is another active word. You become joined to what is good, stuck like glue. We are to stay persistent in good’s application through thoughts, words and deeds.

Like in so many other passages in The Word; all people on the planet past, present and future are revealed by their thoughts, words and deeds in relation to Romans 12:9. The passage tells us how to view each person and act in response.

Now you know why the globalists/leftists/communists/fascists/etc. and their operatives are so bizarro world in their quest to change what is good to being evil and what is evil to being good. Now you know with certainty which politicians and supporters are evil and which are not. You can apply this across the board in your efforts to love and bring about positive change for the Lord and His creation.

Have a blessed day!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Good Morning, Jesus! How are You today?
There is something on my mind I just have to say
This week has been not just a challenge for me
It has been demanding and trying as it could be.

If I thought last week was a trial catching up
Tying up loose ends of projects – curb the backup
Rewrites and mistakes I must make right
Why am I flustered and oh so uptight?

I had to stop the panic – get my head on straight
To be done and completed – I just could not wait
In all the anxiety – I forgot one important thing
I had not remembered – I was under Your wing.

All the sources I amassed for my work
The one high above all I must not shirk
It was You, Sweet Jesus – I left behind
Have I lost my edge – misplaced my mind?

I stopped what I was doing to take quick stock
My website – went awry – it really did not rock
Of course without help – what could I expect
I must go to my rock and get it all checked. 

I stopped again – remembered her advice
I must pray – and ask – if I have to – twice
I must trust in God – with all of my heart
Lean not on myself – right from the start.

Help me, Lord – I prayed heartedly out loud
Help me to focus – mind out of the cloud
Help me organize – this mess on my desk
Make it flow smoothly – be not so grotesque!

All of a sudden – and out of the blue
It came clearly to me – what I had to do
Tweak and correct the whackadoodle site
Get back my clarity – fight the good fight.

The rewrites went well – whipped them off quick
The focus – the clarity – the much needed trick
Without Your help – it would not have been done
Cause You are the Way – the Life – and the One!

The One to whom I must direct my course
The Only One who can be a good source
You are my Savior in all that I do
Without You – I am nothing – that is true.

Through all I have suffered to get it all done
With You by my side – the victory was won
So – Thank You, Jesus – for coming to me
For helping me finish – helping me see.

From the bottom of my heart – I pray you know
I have done my best – Your glory to show
I am grateful, Lord – for the gifts You gave
To use them wisely – Your honor to save.

You blessed me, Lord – what more can I say
You saved me, Lord – to relish this day
Thanks to Your guidance – my panic did cease
The anxiety is gone – and now I have peace.

D01: 05/15/2019



If you are looking for serenity 
It’s not attached to your identity
It’s not something you can purchase or buy
Nor is it something you can test or try

In life there’ll be trials and tribulation
At times an acquired aberration
Is your mind overwhelmed out of control
With no influence to calm or cajole

Have you cried for comfort that does not come
Are your senses silent your body benumb
Are you irritable and anxious too
Wondering what you are going to do

There is no place to go to stop the noise
When you’ve lost your confidence and your poise
When your thoughts are tethered in a twist
When you’re tied up in knots and can’t resist

Is this a state of your own creation 
Have you given in to some temptation
Have you failed to stop and take time to pray
Have you asked God to intervene today

Have you sought answers solely thru your mind
Have you ignored prompts of the Spirit kind
Have you petitioned God with your solution
Or have you trusted God with His locution

There is no Peace and Comfort without God
There is nowhere to turn that is not flawed
There is no love hope or even a chance
That you will be able to Happy Dance 

D01: 07/16/2023


You are so inspiring, duchess! Thank you for bring your words of love, wisdom and hope.





I cannot take full credit – much of it is Spirit-inspired –
maybe, you can tell – maybe not – example – does the
Spirit do a ‘happy dance’ ?

Sometimes, I cannot sleep – the Spirit inspires – and
I have to get up and write – sometimes I write – and
it does not work – and I am stuck – so I pray – and all
of a sudden the words flow – just how it works !!!

Point: I cannot say ‘no’ to the Spirit of God – or
His Divine Appointment – just as you cannot say
‘no’ to what He inspires you to share with us !!! ❤️

‘Special are You’ – as many who post here are !!!



I fully understand. Some of the biggest frustrations I have are not initially remembering or waking to record the messages of His Spirit. I do the same with my stories. I stop and have him correct me or give the direction. He still wants me to communicate like me, but with clear intent.

This is a special place.


Psalms 149:3

Let them praise His name with the dance;
Let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp.


Thank you so much for your poem today, and for the wonderful inspiring things you post on the board every day.
Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

“…the biggest prison is in your own mind…” Edith Eger (Holocaust survivor)

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA





Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday


“This is an independent public statutory Inquiry established to examine the circumstances in which men, women and children treated by national Health Services in the United Kingdom were given infected blood and infected blood products, in particular since 1970.”

50 years on and they’re still jawing about it, no ones been fired or lost their pension or faced any charges.
And most of all no one has even mentioned the spike protein new threat, probably get round to that in about 2074.


Most people know that justice delayed is justice denied.

A lot of the time, it’s a feature not a bug.


Just heard at the FoxNews headline news that they are having problems renewing the visas of the crewmen on that ship that took out the bridge. They refused to let them off the ship during all this time.

Why not just fly them to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico and let ’em walk across?

No visa needed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

NVM, didn’t get the thrust of the comment.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And then back again, you hypertechnical …. [insult deleted]


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You may have misunderstood what happened there. I wrote a snarky reply based on what I thought you were saying. Then I realized…no, I misunderstood your point. I couldn’t delete the comment, so I said “never mind…”

If I wanted to zing you it’d have been a lot clearer than that!


h/t to you, friend. I may be slow but I get there eventually.


Michael Cohen admits in court that he stole from the Trump Organization.



Thank you!


CARL !!! CARL !!! CARL !!!

Please pardon my not present precious platitudes – BUT
I would be amiss in my attitudes – IF
I did not profusely ‘thank you’ – FOR
Your bountiful ‘Sunday Beatitudes !!!


God made each of us unique and solely
Like He – He wanted us to be holy
He gave each of us both gifts and talents
All are designed to keep us in balance 

No two are similar or even the same 
Nor were we endowed from whence we came
As we grow through our talents we thrive
And we know through grace our gifts come alive

Have you any idea how special you are
More amazing than you believe by far
What would happen if you missed just one day
Who would fill in the blank and pave the way

No matter what others might say or think
No one can replace you if you should blink
God placed you right where He wants you to be
Without hesitation from you or me

If you think of a structure less one block
Or a herd of sheep less one from the flock
Then you know how very special are you
How important it is to do what you do

If you are a page in a chapter book
How will the story make sense or look
The missing link to this mystery
Well it could be you or it could be me

If you are wondering where you fit in 
Just take a step back to where you have been
Consider where we would be without you
So Special are You to this Treehouse crew

D01: 06/09/2023


What a beautiful and heartfelt poem! Thank you!




A cottage industry dreamed up by thugs and lawfare ( pretty sure none of the participants read the fine print about visas and worked out the fix )
I love how the “robber’s” wife is all about gun control. Bet a zillion dollars that her old man and his partner had several guns…and every one of their friends have guns


sorry it isn’t showing up automatically


Deleted X and inserted twitter.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Its been shedding again.

Valerie Curren

Hopefully No One is inspired to bring that “Merkle” snake dance video again  😜 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Silver Ask has broken $32 (up 49 cents so far today). Gold up $10+ to 2425.80. Platinum took a hard hit but is still fifteen bucks higher than palladium (which is up).

Dollar Suckage Index (DSI) is now at 117.358+


Fly me to the moon …  🙃 

pat frederick

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Michael Cohen admitted that he stole $30,000 from the Trump Organization when, as part of his reimbursement for the Stormy Daniels reimbursement, he requested $50,000 for a reimbursement for IT services, when Cohen had actually paid $20,000 for the services.
“You stole from the Trump Organization, correct?” defense attorney Todd Blanche asked.
“Yes, sir,” Cohen said.
Blanche hammered Cohen, asking if he ever repaid the Trump Organization or “Did you ever have to plead guilty to larceny?”
“No sir,” Cohen said.
At the defense table, Trump shook his head and pursed his lips.
Cohen remained calm during this questioning when Blanche raised voiced, almost shouting at Cohen.

pat frederick




Sure looks like one.


The full post:

BREAKING: Researchers have uncovered a plot by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his right hand man Gabriel Sterling to rig the 2024 election. They are partnering with a leftist organization called “Power the Polls” to hire leftists activists to be poll workers

This same group recruited over 700,000 poll workers for the 2020 election and claim to be nonpartisan when it comes to recruitment and say their 14-member advisory board is bipartisan but of course that’s the biggest lie ever. The board is made up of every major Trump hater in the country, it has MSDNC puppets, globalists, etc

Not only is this organization funded exclusively by leftist billionaires and other organizations, the one and only George Soros has sent blank checks their way.

According to the War Room’s @nataliegwinters

, “the group is part of Work Elections, which is a project of the Fair Election Network. In turn, the Fair Election Network is backed by the New Venture Fund, the leading billion-dollar dark money group supports President Joe Biden and counts Soros among its donors.”

Resign in shame you corrupt buffoons @GaSecofState


I want to know if anything is being done to stop this.


” Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu, during talks with the Iranians, confirmed that Russia is ready to provide Iran with the necessary assistance in establishing the causes of the helicopter crash in which the president and head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry were killed.”

” The cause of the crash of the helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was a technical malfunction of the aircraft, the Iranian news agency IRNA reports.”

That’s very quick, even if it had a black box.
Still everyone can relax now there won’t be any repercussions.

Valerie Curren

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pat frederick

so sweet!

Valerie Curren

Yes, though perhaps an AI image 🙂

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

It’s being promoted on Gab “today”…


Valerie Curren
Great! Is there a link to get one of these cards?

Valerie Curren

I saw it on Gab today, with an ad, but it’s not showing now that I can find. If I see it again I’ll try to post it to that day’s Q-Tree & give you a heads up (assuming I remember), along with the ad link.

In doing an image search at Bing I found this link in a mocking NY Times piece

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This Might be a source for the cards, from that image search…

Here is a sponsored post about the cards, from the same image search

Valerie Curren

30 second video you guys will love, it plays at Gab if not here

[video src="" /]

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And he just so happened to be wearing a T-shirt urging on a certain race car driver…


Twofer. With a MAGA hat.

Valerie Curren

double threat guy!!!

Valerie Curren


pat frederick

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pat frederick

mass psychosis
May 20, 2024 1:16 pm

A federal judge on Sunday blocked the Biden administration from fully implementing a new rule that would require gun dealers to obtain licenses and conduct background checks when selling firearms at gun shows and online.
I am relieved that we were able to secure a restraining order that will prevent this illegal rule from taking effect,”
Texas Attorney General Paxton, a Republican, said in a statement.

Valerie Curren

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comment imageSteve Deace


What’s really happening here is with it clear there’s no threat of prosecution in a West that long ago lost any grip it had on righteous indignation, a bunch of folks who were murderers, accomplices, or quiet as kept are now deciding to purge what’s left of their consciences.


“kind of got cancelled”, Dr. Robert Redfield? MY ASS. I don’t buy the CYA bullshit.

You ACCEPTED and SIGNED OFF ON the CDC’s ACIP committee recommendations about the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” on 12 DECEMBER 2020, when YOU were the Director of the CDC.
YOU were ultimately responsible for INVESTIGATING the DETAILS and DATA behind the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna “presentations” of their modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine candidates” to the ACIP committee at their October and November 2020 meetings. YOU DID NOT.

YOU could have REFUSED to accept or sign off on the ACIP committee recommendations and demanded further data and investigations. YOU DID NOT.

Instead, you accepted them, signed off on them, and sent the signed recommendations to the FDA, which then granted the initial EUA for BNT162b2 and for mRNA-1273 in December 2020.

It is because of YOU accepting and signing off on the ACIP committee recommendations regarding BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 that my MD son did the “primary series” of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” shots as “mandated” by his then-employer.

CNN article, 3 December 2020: “CDC director accepts advisory committee’s recommendations for who gets Covid-19 vaccine first” (The “who gets the shots first” were HEALTHCARE WORKERS and the ELDERLY.)
Here’s a screenshot of Dr. Redfield’s statement:
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“Who gets the vaccines first and who decides? 3 things to know”
30 November 2020

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

Nailed him, as it should be.

Thanks for keeping facts readily available.

Valerie Curren

Thank You PAVACA for continuing to hold this “demon’s” feet to the fire!!!


Redfield is an ass and is hiding in plain sight.

Gail Combs

Redfield sees the writing on the wall and is scrambling to out run the lynch mob he fears will be coming to get him and the others if they are not indicted first.

Valerie Curren

Yes  😡 

Valerie Curren

make it so!

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Valerie Curren

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This is so cute.
Dog is taking part in a Yoga session.

pat frederick

Andrew H. Giuliani


Blanche asking Cohen how much he’s made from his two books and two podcasts. Cohen says, after having to clarify, $4.4 Million. Cohen also makes money on real estate.’ Blanche also gets Cohen to admit that he makes money off of the merchandise from his store (including his Convict45 gear). Blanche asking Cohen about the TV show that Cohen is pitching called “The Fixer.”


If I put my really, really tin foilist hat on, this almost seems like someone on high paid Michael Cohen to ruin this case.

pat frederick

oh boy…Cohen wants to run for Congress…LOL

Jonathan Turley


I am out of the courtroom. It was quite a morning to have someone admit to stealing money from his client and then confirm that he wants to run for Congress. It will be a novel campaign: people usually wait to get into Congress before they commit major felonies…


[loud snort]

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


We know he was a crook before running for Congress, he just hasn’t been nailed for it.

Cops believe criminals are stupid. And that’s because the criminals they catch are the stupid ones.

Robert Baker

He is obviously eminently qualified to go to our federal capitol.

Valerie Curren



Thought that bitch, Nuland retired.

Valerie Curren

Does IC Deep State ever Really retire?  😡 

Valerie Curren

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not sure we want to…unless we can ensure that the serial number cannot be tied back to a specific voter.

pat frederick

visiting my mom this past weekend and she has city tap water, so she buys bottled water. the plastic bottles (Deer park) are so thin that she cannot open a bottle without getting a bath. she holds the upper part of the bottle but in grasping it, she forces the water to the top and in twisting the lid off, water squirts everywhere.
She had a Brita picture, but it is getting too heavy for her to use. sigh
not sure what we can do about this for her.
btw…neither hubby or I could get it open with some water spouting out the top either. the plastic bottles are just too thin.

anyone have any ideas?


Filtered water from a fridge.

Change brands of water.

Each visit, open a gazillion bottles putting caps back on, but not too tightly.

One of those water services where they deliver a ~five gallon jug. Sits on a dispenser. Some have hot and cold buttons to dispense whichever is desired.

  • Change the bottle when visiting. Perhaps a neighbor swap bottles when empty.
pat frederick

Mom’s house is incredibly old–not historic or anything like that– but the basement leaks, the rooms are small and the hallways and staircases are very narrow. so getting a water line into the fridge would create the need for a totally new plumbing system. ( which would lead to a bode inspection which would create all sorts of repair issues. she makes due with the water issues because of her age and any offer to pay for a new plumbing system is met with a stern NO!)
she walks with a walker and with the small rooms and narrow hallways, there really is no place for a dispenser.
we might try the opening the bottles next time and try to find her a brand that has sturdier bottles that she can open.


What about those 3 gal ( I think) rectangular jugs that has the flip spout? it sits on the counter or by the sink so a glass or cup can be put under the spout. Usually the grocery store has them
It would prb be too heavy for her to lift and place it but 3 gal might last until a friend or relative could put a new one on the counter

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

3 gal is 24 lbs.


getting a water line into the fridge would create the need for a totally new plumbing system.”

Not a whole new system, Tap into a nearby cold water line and run just a small line (copper or PEX) to the refrigerator.


Put a filter on her sink. We had that before easy screws on the spout🤓

Last edited 4 months ago by singingsoul1

Two scenarios:

If she is opening the bottles to drink out of them herself, maybe she could have her own, sturdier, unbreakable water bottle that the water would have been poured into. That would mean that someone would have to take care of filling her water bottle frequently.

Or could the water from the bottles be poured into a container that she could manage, like a pitcher? There could be several pitchers filled with water ready for her to use, maybe?


Huh? Water must be in a container to keep it from flowing until it finds it level?

Gail Combs

How about a water purifier?

Best Water Filter Pitcher for 2024 – CNET

March 19, 2024 – This formidable water purifier pitcher is also affordable and sturdy, and it’s available in a few sizes, all of which use the same five-stage filter to great effect. Those include a smaller 10-cup round pitcher, a 23-cup dispenser with a spigot and even a massive 5-gallon water jug 

Zero Water has pitchers or dispensers:


I like as well.


yes. go to amazon page for most results whether you use them or not to get some ideas. type in water purifier for sink, water purifier for pitcher, water purifier for dispenser, water purifier system for older adults etc… many things to choose from.

Bottled water at the store is simply local sourced tap water run through a companies filtration system unless it says other wise. Any of the above should work as well or better.

Personally uses walmarts water dispenser filling five gallon jugs which in turn are used to fill 1 gallon jugs poured at home. Likely too heavy for mom, but you can also fill 1 gallon jugs there too. Usually one five gallon jug will get two of us through a week and we rotate filling through 3 5 gal jugs. This method is easily about 3 to 5 times cheaper than buying 1 gal bottles at the store or 6 to 9 times cheaper than buy packs of water bottles.


Brita makes one that attaches to the faucet.


I have a Berkey gravity fed. There are others, like this one.made in the UK:

British Berkefeld Doulton W9361139 Gravity Countertop Water Filtration System 2.25 Gallons
This one is available on Amazon. Berkeys are, too.

It can sit on a countertop, or on a small table. You just fill it from the top, and get water from the bottom. I LOVE mine!

Last edited 4 months ago by Aubergine
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just pull my water out of the well.

Not available to most, I know.



Robert Baker

Steve, I have a general question which you may have spent some time thinking about, or not. My spouse just finished a book where an EMP wreaked havoc on a town in North Carolina. My question pertains to something you mentioned: we get out water from a well as you do but it is delivered by electric pump to the house. To make it simple, if your pump died and replacement was not an option (like in the EMP) how would you solve the problem of getting water to your house?


I would like to know this, too!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, I have spent time thinking about that.

And I don’t have a solution.

If it were a simple power outage, then a generator would solve it, but any sort of disaster that kills my pump and makes replacement impossible (or even just supplies drying up for any reason at all, like supply chain issues during the next lockdowns, and then my pump dying just from old age) would hose me.

Also, wells have been known to run dry around here in spite of 300 year assurances. That would be another big problem.

Robert Baker

Unfortunately living out in the West the wells tend to be deep, so the old windlass and bucket is not a practical option. I think my well is about 200 feet deep. I suppose drinking water being the most important problem to solve, a good contaminant filter would be the first priority. I suppose you could build a sand and gravel filter, but it would be easier to buy some sort of commercial product. Ideally it would be reusable and last for quite a long time.

This post is also for Aubergine.

Last edited 4 months ago by Robert Baker
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The first option is irrelevant to this scenario, the last is most relevant.

I know what the well drilling company actually used a sleeve bucket (a big one) to measure how fast the well refilled; lower it, wait a few minutes, haul it up, empty it, lower it as fast as possible, then raise it immediately. The amount retrieved is how much the well replenished in a minute or so.

Valerie Curren

Rain barrel collection of roof runoff a possibility too?

Valerie Curren

The hand pump that is on the well at our family’s hunting shack has worked fine for like 100 years (I don’t know about maintenance or replacement issues though). They sometimes have to replace the “diaphragm” (I think it’s called that) a leather that they also need to prime w/ water upon first usage after weeks or months of non-use.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A well more than 32 feet deep can’t be suction pumped, you need to put a pump at the bottom that pushes the water up the pipe.

I suspect the water table in Michigan is quite a bit higher than the one here.

Valerie Curren

OK, TY. Given that we are the Great Lakes State you’re probably right about the water table!

Sorry for my ignorance, which can be pervasive 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It has to do with air pressure. If you take a long pipe, close one end and put the other into the water, nothing happens. If the pipe has lower air pressure in it, on the other hand, the air pressure on the water will actually push water up into the pipe. If the pipe has a vacuum in it, the air pressure will push about 32 feet of water up the pipe. At that point the weight of the water in the pipe balances the air pressure on the surface of the water outside of the pipe, and the water won’t go any higher. Since that’s how a suction pump raises water (by creating a vacuum in the pipe), that’s the limit.

Valerie Curren

So it’s Physics again…the bane of my existence LOL. I appreciate the very comprehensible explanation, so TYSVM! 🙂


Then again, many traditional wells weren’t continually pumped at all — they lifted water on the upstroke and stored it on the downstroke, and had discrete sections linked together far more than 32 feet.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would certainly do it, but sounds a lot more complex than could be fit into a narrow shaft, at least without a lot of fine machining.

I know something similar was done to clear mines that kept flooding, too, but in that case they had a lot of room to work in. (Even the old Newcomen engine got put to use this way.)

Valerie Curren

Was your wife’s read a book by Terri Blackstock, I forget the series name, but there were maybe 4 books about how a Christian family & their community copes w/ the post EMP America? I enjoyed that series & TB!


I have a simple one that may not address the bottle breaking apart, but I have taught two family members to open bottles with their hand upside down.

Counterintuitive, I know, but try positioning your hand thumb-side down and palm away from you, which actually allows the thumb to grab around the neck of the bottle.

This works especially well on balsamic vinegar, olive oil and wine bottles with perforated caps. With the wine bottles, i grab both the cap AND the foil underneath it. Better leverage. Works every time. I also remove corks from corkscrews this way.

I do keep a couple of sizes of rubber bands in the kitchen I use to place around the cap, and then there is the old fashioned jar/bottle opener.

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OXO might have something in addition to mentions above.

Let me know if the hand positioning works. Just do not tilt the bottle too much and stop opening when you hear the cap break free.


I need to clarify about the upside down hand solution to opening a bottle.

The thumb rests on the neck of the bottle, while the three to four other fingers actually do the work. So for arthritis or lack of strength, this position does really help. Less stress on the bottle.

Valerie Curren

Trump appears about 45 seconds 🙂

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

The judge called court today when Trump was scheduled to be somewhere else, making a speech. Election interference!


Crystal clear election interference.

No One in the JustUs system does anything. They don’t call it out. Cowards.

Oh yea, ethics. <<< BS line if there ever was one.

Can’t speak as it may lead to a conflict of interest? Huh? Seriously.

Just can’t make up the ignorance displayed daily, by the JustUs system.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What a load of crap.

When I was a witness/crime victim, it was impossible to actually schedule the damn trial because SOMEONE was always on vacation or out of town. (Eventually the scrote pled to one count out of twelve, and is now in his second decade of being a “guest” at my expense.)

Valerie Curren

Election interference!” As this entire case AND all the others!


Trump was guns ablazing.

Closing lines zinged Merchan directly. Trump firing for effect. Beautiful.

Valerie Curren

He is a wonder to behold! I don’t know how he does it, day in & day out–Amazing!

Valerie Curren

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Double dog dare those I warned to run that line at me. <<<>>> Why didn’t you tell us?

  • Presently black balled by so many. Rather sure they are in denial or to cowardly to admit truth.
Valerie Curren

black balled”? Insane, & their loss Big Time!!!

Valerie Curren

1 1/2 minute video about “free energy”…Is this hidden history or deception? Hmmm…

[video src="" /]

It plays at Gab here:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sorry I’m calling bullshit.


I knew you would.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If this is real he ought to be able to say exactly what he did.

As it is how do we know he’s not a complete charlatan who’s actually pumping energy intro the mercury via whatever that is he’s attaching to the contacts?

You know, a charlatan, like the Flat Earth people.


lol… Keep wearing those blinders buddy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL!!! Look who’s talking!


I am… and have been for years now.

Gail Combs

Agreed. That theme is so old it has grey whiskers.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, don’t do that Rayzorback will think you’re a dupe too.

Valerie Curren

It struck me as a too good to be true scenario…


Gonna open a can of worms with this.
Some are so smart that they can NOT even investigate these things.


So, I watched the videos after reading the comments between you guys.

Here’s the problem I have; the guy says “old buildings from the old world” have brass balls with mercury in them. And a wire runs down for the people to use “free energy” to light their light bulbs.

The light bulb was invented in 1879. So the “old world” using “free energy” was after 1879?

I have a fairly open mind about things that may have been kept from us, especially cures for disease. But this one makes no sense to me.



I think you are right.


There is a lot more out there. This guy is not the only one. Beware though. These “rabbit holes” have been enlightening to those with an open mind.

Valerie Curren

Nice 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I suspected. Especially when reversing the leads caused the spin to be in the other direction.

In other words energy is being supplied to the mercury, not taken from it.

Oh, but never mind, I’m just a dupe.


If you knew ANYTHING about the subject…. you would know that the “Supplied energy” comes from the magnetism in our atmosphere. The Aether as it were.

This demonstration just proves it works.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So…the mercury is there to show the energy has been supplied. The dingus on the right then must be extracting the energy and supplying it to the mercury (otherwise the mercury would spin without it). THAT’s what we need to see if he actually has anything, and he doesn’t show it to us.

Probably because it’s actually a fricking battery and this guy is LYING.

Oh, and I love how he found (or made) a printed circuit board with a fancy pattern on it and seems to think that anything that looks like that must be a conductor. Hint: The fancy pattern isn’t what made the pattern on the circuit board a conductor. And plenty of conductors have NO fanciness to them at all. They have nothing to do with each other.

Valerie Curren

TY 🙂

Valerie Curren

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Gail Combs


We need to have states rights TRUMP the Feds when the Constitution specifically tells the Federal government it is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT RESERVED TO THE PEOPLE ( or in some cases the states)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s not even a state right in this case, though I suppose they have to pretend it is, otherwise they’d be acknowledging every gun law as unconstitutional.

It is an individual right to bear arms, and you don’t even need to go to the Ninth Amendment to find it (which is where the “rights reserved to the people or states” language comes into play).

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

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Wonder if Cohen has a please deal or something, to evade theft prosecution.


Witnesses have total immunity for anything said in their testimony.

Why do you think Cohen agreed to testify? He intended to confess on the stand, thus preventing ever being charged for those things he talked about. The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine also applies so the DA can’t use his testimony to try to find possible other crimes not mentioned.

Cohen outsmarted all of them and got Costello to be his innocent accomplice, which is why he waived attorney/client privilege.


And he will probably cause a hung jury at worst, and an acquittal for Trump at best!


I don’t think Cohen only stole money once..


Cohen made his own plea deal. And shoved it up Bragg’s ass. AND THE BEAUTIFUL PART IS THAT NOBODY CAN DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I don’t know but there are memes out there that claim the Feds told him to flip on Trump or they’d jail his wife…

Gail Combs

That judge just declared that the USA as a country NO LONGER EXISTS!

Valerie Curren

Yep   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren

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Looks like a good statement, but it is not what Washington said:

This quote is partially accurate as the beginning section is taken from Washington’s First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union. However, the quote is then manipulated into a differing context and the remaining text is inaccurate. Here is the actual text from Washington’s speech:

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.”

Gail Combs

That quote is even MORE relevant to today!

Valerie Curren

TY TT for the dig AND the Relentless Pursuit of Truth!!! Blessings

Valerie Curren

New Jersey Court Throws Out 80 Charges Against Brave Gym Owner Defying Gov. Murphy\’s Tyrannical Lockdown Orders

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Valerie Curren

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Reminds me of a story Hubby told me the other day. He was eating his lunch in his truck & observed a woman driving Very Slowly w/ her car making a horrible clunking noise. She stopped & backed up a bit & he saw that a box that had been under her car was now visible. The woman gets out of her car kicking the tires & walking around distressed. He calls out to her about the box but she didn’t understand. He gets out of the truck & walks over & points out the box that her car had been dragging along. She was So Thrilled that her car was OK that she practically hugged him.

Valerie Curren

2 minute video by MTG that will play at Gab if not here

[video src="" /]

comment imageRep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


Before everyone got tangled up in Crockett’s fake eyelashes, I asked an important question that Democrats were afraid to answer.

I found the answer and it should be grounds to throw out the NY case against Trump in Judge Merchan’s courtroom.

Listen here

Valerie Curren

Almost like it was planned! MTG is a treasure!

Valerie Curren

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Gail Combs

Then we had better fire 98%!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Supposedly this is a true tale, according some Gabsters…

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 😅  wonder if that’s true !?

Valerie Curren

some say so 🙂


It’s true.


That’s incredible ! What a deal

Valerie Curren

TY 🙂

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren
Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

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pat frederick

h/t Filly
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You never know what might be under the rug.


Could be a dude under there!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That actually has been used as a method for a lover to sneak into the house of the guy whose wife he has been banging.

Gail Combs

Haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but the title and the look on Melanie’s face indicates this could be a good one 😂



That was fun. 😊

pat frederick

didn’t watch this yet, but apparently they moved the Dali out from under the bridge


News blackout?

pat frederick

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Because everything about his ‘official’ background is an outright lie.

Valerie Curren

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Expect nothing less from these evil assholes.

Let’s see how quiet (complicit) r-Cons, D-Rats AND Pravda News will be.

Valerie Curren

AND it’s an election year, coincidentally…  😡 

Gail Combs

Seems all I did was guess wrong on the lab and disease but the rest???




on page 31:

“Should USDA officially confirm the presence of a disease, such as Foot and Mouth Disease, the affected herd and all cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and susceptible wildlife—infected or not— within a minimum 10-kilometer zone around the infected farm would be killed.”

Note they also mention extending that range indefinitely. They affectionately call this process “Depopulation” which is ever so euphemistic. All of this is without a warrant and no appeal. So much for your Constitutional rights and presumption of innocence.


The 2012 Homeland Security Exercise CRIMSON SKY. This would be the equivalent of EVENT 201. An exercise in planing a wanted disaster.

Essentially ALL SUSCEPTIBLE ANIMALS WOULD BE KILLED! (And generally that includes pets.)

Next would be a trial run.

In the last article I did not include Not The Foot And Mouth Report: Everything Tony Blair didn’t want you to know

IF EVER there was a national disaster which cried out to be investigated by a genuinely independent and comprehensive public inquiry, it was how the outbreak of foot-and-mouth (FMD) which hit Britain in 2001 was allowed to escalate into the worst epidemic of the disease the world had ever seen….

I strongly suggest reading this report by downloading the PDF. It is reporting as it should be done and truly brings to light the horror Mr Global may have is story for us.

….EARLY in the morning of Sunday 13 May the villagers of Knowstone, Devon, were surprised to hear the sound of rifle shots. When they ran out of their houses to see what was going on, they saw a crowd of men in white and blue overalls running around, blazing away with rifles at a herd of Limousin cattle.As one after another fell to the ground, dozens of remaining animals went berserk, desperately trying to escape from the field, even tearing their way through thick Devon hedges reinforced by up to six strands of barbed wire. One neighbouring farmer was astonished to see 19 cattle scrambling through a hedge on to his farm, sweating in fear, their tongues lolling out, with blood pouring from wounds all over their bodies. He said he had never seen such a look of terror on any animals in his life. Thus began a nightmare which, over the following four weeks…

Valerie Curren

God help us!!!

pat frederick


Something’s wrong with twitter/x.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Like Rush used to say, 180 degrees out of phase  😡 

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

We caught the end of Family Feud, w/ Steve Harvey last night. One of the Fast Money questions was asked of 100 women “On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard is it to be a man?”. The first women answered “9” & only 3% gave that answer & Steve went off on that for a bit. The second woman answered “1” & that got 21%, which was the number one answer. Steve was visibly pissed & disgusted, the woman oblivious.

Hubby asks me what number I’d give & I said “8” thinking how some things are still easier for men than women, even though the question wasn’t a comparison one.

I just share that pop culture tidbit as an example of how deep the brainwashing has sunk into our formerly free society 🙁

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

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That reminds me that I saw this headline today:

Julian Assange wins right to appeal against extradition to US

…There were gasps of relief from his wife and supporters at the high court in London on Monday as judges granted him leave to challenge his extradition on the grounds of whether removal would be compatible with the right to freedom of expression under the European convention on human rights, regarded as having the functional equivalent of the US first amendment, and on the grounds that he might be prejudiced at his trial or punished by reason of his nationality.

The judges accepted that there was an arguable case that he could be discriminated against, after being told that an US prosecutor has said the first amendment may not apply to foreigners when it came to national security issues…

Gail Combs

Good, hopefully it will drag out until Trump is back in office and can pardon him.

Valerie Curren

Hope he gets a fairer trial/hearing than what’s been inflicted on Trump & us all…

pat frederick

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸
46m• 2 tweets • 1 min read •
Read on X BREAKING: A new motion to dismiss just docketed in classified documents case.
This is filed by attorney for Waltine Nauta, Trump’s aide and co-defendant. More harsh allegations of prosecutorial abuse in this imploding case:
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Oh holy hell.
Jack Smith just told the defense that DOJ has no access to the 15 boxes Trump turned over to the archives in Jan 2022–the entire f*cking basis for the FBI investigation, May 2022 subpoena, and part of the rationale for the raid of Mar-a-Lago.
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Gail Combs

Jail may be the safest place for them.


No free passes for the evil doers.

Prosecute everything possible. Harshest sentences when found guilty.

Fuck all the evil doers.

Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

What is FUCK YOU and the Jack ASS you rode in on…. With a rusty chain saw?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK…one key point of information. Is the chain saw supposed to be running when this happens?


Gail Combs

Of course!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

THen may I suggest an improvement.

If they are worth f*cking once, they’re worth f*cking twice. Turn the power on the second time.

Valerie Curren

comment image Meisinger[

Zelensky’s term has ended and some Countries consider him to no longer be President of Ukraine. He has canceled any further elections due to war but apparently it is safe enough for concerts.

Five regions on the front lines in Ukraine did vote during the war for a referendum to be a part of Russia. This vote is being ignored by the West. Yet the West is sending 100s of billions to Ukraine to “save democracy”…  🙄 

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is why our constitution not only specifies when a presidential term begins, it specifies when it ends.

If the election of 2024 were to not happen, Biden’s term still ends 20 January 2025 at noon ET. So a president can’t hang on to power by cancelling the election.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Mind you what I said is a precaution against the election being cancelled (i.e., no one at all is named the successor president). Not against fraud; if the Congress certifies a new winner, their term starts just as the current term ends.

This specified term ending can also come into play if congress doesn’t manage to certify a winner due to, for instance, challenges. The constitution specifies who will act as (it doesn’t say be, it says act as) President in the interim until Congress can certify a winner.

Valerie Curren

The Founders were So Wise!

Valerie Curren

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They’re Feds.

They’ll give the results from someone else, lie or generate test results required to support the approved narrative.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

The cover screen of this video says the Deagel Report…under 19 minutes…

[video src="" /]

can be watched here too:

Gail Combs

Valerie can you repost that on

If it is about the Deagel Report?

Valerie Curren

OK Gail, I copied it there

I haven’t fully watched the video yet so I was basing it on the cover, fwiw…

Valerie Curren

Weather modification video, how it’s done, possibly what “chem trails” are? ABC news

[video src="" /]

1:40 long, can be seen here at Gab too.

Valerie Curren

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Sooner or later they will do that to the WRONG person…

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

It’s really sick that he is presented as being on the side of law & order instead of the horrific globullist criminal that he is  😡 

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

His passport pic looks like Jack Smith…

Valerie Curren



University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution: Court

“The University of Colorado ran roughshod overstaff and students of faith during COVID, and the court of appeals has now declared plainly what we’ve fought to establish for almost three years: the university acted with ‘religious animus’ and flagrantly violated the fundamental religious liberties of these brave healthcare providers and students,” Peter Breen, executive president of the Thomas More Society, said in a statement.
comment imageUniversity’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Violates US Constitution: CourtOfficials automatically rejected applications from people with certain religious beliefs.
Link Feed

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Preferably before they try to steal the 2024 election, but not holding my breath here!

Valerie Curren

comment imageRaven Constantine


DEAR HARPY, I noticed that you only played a brief clip.
Here is what he said to the men:

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He’s very wise.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

comment imageGuardAmerican



This cow-town spent $20 MILLION to deliver a total of 16 vodka shots to a total of 55 people over the last FOUR years as part of a “harm reduction” program.

That would be $1.25 MILLION per vodka shot delivered. To drunks.

I am sure there was absolutely no grift nor corruption going on. Totally on the up and up.

cc undefinedundefined

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe it was really good vodka.

Robert Baker

QUESTION: Is there such a thing as bad vodka to an alcoholic? Other questions ripple through my mind, but I will just ask that one.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A damned fine point, but “bad” (i.e., “cheap”) vodka won’t explain where the money has gone.

Honestly neither will expensive vodka, but roll with me here.

Robert Baker

Jumping out on a limb here, but I think both of us “know” where the money has gone.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Not the details (can’t name names), but in general.

Valerie Curren

bwha ha ha

Valerie Curren

I guess I hit a three-fer on that today! Gab had a lot of good material 🙂

Valerie Curren

Yep!  😡 

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren
Thank you for this.
Please refer to this, the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid “bonus program” for physicians in Kentucky to get COVID-19 “vaccines” into their Medicaid patients:

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA
Valerie Curren

Genocide games for “gold”–monstrous, incomprehensible EVIL!

Valerie Curren

comment imageBigDKnight

Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Urgent COVID Vaccine Warning to Donald Trump
A move like this could change everything.
The Vigilant Fox
World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough says that Donald Trump is missing out on the “political opportunity of a lifetime” if he doesn’t soon reverse course on the disastrous COVID-19 injections.
This declaration came during a riveting conversation on the Tommy T Podcast.
Dr. McCullough suggested that Trump doesn’t necessarily have to admit that he was wrong. Instead, he could throw Fauci and Biden under the bus because Fauci is a deceiver who has his credibility “is in the tank” and “all the safety problems in the vaccine occurred under Biden.”
Podcast host Tommy T added that Trump could save face and send shockwaves through the political landscape with a bit of messaging that sounds like this:
“We found out now, after further research, it [COVID vaccine] is no good. And that guy [Biden] is trying to kill you and your kids.” “If he said that, whoa!” Tommy T exclaimed.
Such a move would give Trump:
• Another massive talking point against Biden.
• Votes that would otherwise swing in the favor of Robert Kennedy Jr.
• An opportunity to be the hero that gave the vaccine issue the momentum it needs, making it a crime that can no longer be denied.
Remember, all the vaccine safety problems emerged while Biden was in office. Trump could argue that Biden’s oversight of vaccine safety was a complete disaster. Plus, Biden is the one who demonized the unvaccinated and enacted sweeping vaccine mandates, affecting approximately 100 million Americans.
“Honestly, I think it’s the political opportunity of a lifetime,” remarked Dr. McCullough. “And if the answer is it’s a weakness that he can’t admit he’s wrong, then that weakness could cost him.”,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/161/602/440/original/b2a28d73fcee23cb.webp

Valerie Curren

Witchmer woes

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comment image@LWsojourner


They are doing mass PCR testing for bird flu, hyping the situation to draw attention to a need for the WHO treaty. It will lead to unnecessary mass culling of animals, which will lead to food shortages. Michigan has already declared it an emergency.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren
Thank you for this.
Where Yours Truly begs to differ with this statement:
“If someone had little or no reaction soon after the COVID shots, Dr. McCullough thinks they’re probably fine.”

The truth is:
The COVID-19 “vaccines” CHANGE THE DNA of the “vaccinated” person.
The COVID-19 ‘vaccines'” ingredients ACCUMULATE in large amounts in the “vaccinated” person’s SPLEEN, OVARIES, and LIVER.
The COVID-19 “vaccines” CAUSE MYOCARDITIS, and can cause this condition to occur WELL AFTER “vaccination.”
The COVID-19 “vaccines” CROSS THE CRUCIAL BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER, damaging the Central Nervous System of the “vaccinated” person.
The COVID-19 “vaccines” ATTACK and DESTROY THE CRUCIAL CD4 – CD8 IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS of the “vaccinated” person.
The COVID-19 “vaccines” CROSS OVER INTO the body of a fetus if the expectant mother is “vaccinated”, forcing the fetus to produce large amounts of antibodies while STILL in the womb.
The COVID-19 “vaccines” cause MISCARRIAGES and STILL BIRTHS due to the expectant mothers being “vaccinated.”
The COVID-19 “vaccines” can cause NEW-ONSET CANCER in a “vaccinated” person; or, cause PREVIOUS cancers in remission to re-emerge.
And so many more COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced or COVID-19 “vaccine”-aggravated medical conditions.

Valerie Curren

Those are excellent points. Perhaps Dr. M is alluding to the saline shots without being direct. Otherwise his statements appear a bit naïve.

Your suggestion for most people to be on spike detox, whether they’ve had Covid, shots, or been exposed to the “disease” or the shedding makes a lot of sense.

Valerie Curren

above my paygrade but pretty interesting

this is a site he references that explains some of it

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

The concept of “destroying physics” is woven throughout an Amazon Prime show, Three Body, that I’ve been making my way through. It is interesting & creative but also suspect since it is likely done by China…


Merchan getting his panties in a wad? Severe snuggie? Goaded by Trump witness?

We need more pissing off Merchan.


BREAKING: A Fuming Judge Merchan Runs Interference for Bragg, Shouts at Trump Defense Witness Robert Costello: GET OUT OF THE COURTROOM, NOW!


This one is great. Pick up the video about 6:10, for ~~30 seconds.

Trump absolutely BLASTS Merchan.

Bragg will be asking for fines, jail something.

(Like video posted earlier today. Perfect follow on video for post directly above.)

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

So many bombshells in Trump’s favor today.


I love how everything with DJT is always (probably) the ‘most ever’, like Merchan is probably the most conflicted judge in the history of the court system…

Of all the conflicted judges in all the world, in the history of the world, Merchan is (probably) the most conflicted 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Wonder if this is true?

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If they’re going to assert that, they need to say what country he is a citizen of. They need to provide evidence. I can’t find any. I did find a post where Patrick Byrne was also trying to determine if it were true. I have doubts.


It’s the first two bullet points that might be in question. We’ve heard often about the bottom half of that meme.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I thought Byrne gets the side eye nowadays…it’s hard to keep up!

Valerie Curren

Smith’s record “shows an aggressive approach, although one clearly devoid of any partisanship,” Coffey said.”

yeah, right

Valerie Curren

Yeah, anything could be possible. I have no idea but wanted to share the meme in case some of the deep diggers could confirm or refute any of it…


Can this youthful photo be matched against a present day one using that face recognition thingy.

comment image?auth=5166e412bc2beb72119823278fdd4ea662fb8b39e1e3ef74944d4b9c7c066a51&width=1280&quality=90


Try again, copy the whole thing and paste into the search bar, then remove the brackets…


Valerie Curren

I’m not sure if this is the image you meant, I copied it from the article as I got access denied in trying to open the image separately.

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Yes that’s the one, so if the face matches there will probably records in some dusty filing cabinet that tell who lived at that address in that time period.

Valerie Curren

Here’s a real estate listing for that home

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It looks to be a suburb to the North of Syracuse, NY

Tax history there is from 2014-2023 & there are no sales in that timeframe

The house was built in 1972 & the yearbook photo was from 1987

Valerie Curren

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I dunno about that, but his helicopter went down faster than Kamala Harris seeking a promotion…..

Valerie Curren



Dumb bunny gets escorted off aircraft. Too damn funny.


I couldn’t understand everything that was being said, and I’m wondering if the idea of racism was involved.


Don’t think I heard anything about racism in the video.

Betcha the wench is claiming racism something now that LE is involved.


Of course there will be some tangent of racism…it’s how this works. Responsibility and requirement of sitting in that row is expected and if declined they can change seats but ….civil expectations are often not in the race card handbook.

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

I could tell a few similar stories from pre 9/11 and we could still jump seat on flights. The stupid and entitlement runs really deep..


We seem to join the conversation late. Passenger seems to be in agreement with the rules at this point but fears it’s too late.

Agrees, hard to understand.

Seems like some kind of problem with initial communication. Neither the flight attendant nor the passenger appear to be communicating on the same level. Perhaps once either irks the other there is no bridge back and escalation ensues.


Paging GIL..we need the Scott Adams drinking coffee picture!


 😄 ……………..perfect every time ! Thanks W


‘This is a bomb’: CNN says Michael Cohen admission of robbing Trump creates ‘reasonable doubt’

A CNN panel on Monday said that Michael Cohen’s acknowledgement of stealing funds from the Trump Organization must establish “reasonable doubt” for the jury in former President Donald Trump’s trial.

Cohen admitted during Monday testimony that he stole from the Trump Organization when under cross examination by defense attorney Todd Blanche, according to multiple reports. A CNN panel, including attorneys, said the admission could significantly damage Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case and lead to the jury reaching a not guilty verdict for the former president.

“This is a bomb, this is really important. This is a bomb dropped in the middle of the prosecution’s case,” CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said. “Two reasons. One, Michael Cohen was stealing from Donald Trump. He was lying to people about what he was doing with money, he pocketed at least the $30,000 by lying to Weisselberg … $60,000, which by the way, this is crushing to the prosecution’s credibility because the prosecution did not ask Michael Cohen about that on direct and they haven‘t made him plead guilty to larceny, which this is, so let‘s start with that.”

…“I want to refocus everyone on what the government has to prove and why this is such a bombshell as we’ve been talking about,” CNN legal analyst Lauren Coates said. “They have to prove that there was an intent to defraud … Here is the biggest part of this. If you are the defendant in this case, this is what they have to prove. You made and caused a false entry in the business records. If Michael Cohen was the one to falsify the number of documents there, that he was not aware of what he was actually spending or what he was actually paying, well, then you’ve got an issue. Remember this is all coming down to 11 checks to Cohen, 11 invoices submitted by Cohen and then 12 entries in Trump’s ledger.”

Honig said it was “prosecutorial malpractice” and a “failure” by Bragg’s team to not bring up Cohen’s theft on direct examination.

“If you’re a juror even if you think well, I think he probably knew what he was paying for Michael Cohen, there has to be reasonable doubt now because I mean, Michael Cohen has given them this huge gift,” host Jake Tapper said.

But I still have grave doubts about whether the jury will do the right thing.

Valerie Curren

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Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Francis is such a jerk-wad.


Commie Pope Francis Claims Stopping America’s Illegal Border Invasion Would Be ‘Sheer Madness’ (VIDEO)


Someone nearby ought to slap his mouth.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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And where did the money go?


The same place ALL of it goes. NONE of it goes to fixing or building or helping the American People.

NONE of it.


Valerie Curren

Newscum’s hair gel?


A decent pic of Schiffless

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Last edited 4 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Valerie Curren

I couldn’t see it, which is actually a relief, so I ran it through Gab

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The joy of islam.

Imported by your local caretaker government, to ensure your demise, if none of the rest of their plans for your death work out.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

You generated a pretty active conversational day!  😍