Dear KAG: 20240522 Open Thread

Cover image: Sequoia National Park

Please forgive me if I’ve posted anything from this park before. I’m losing track of what I’ve used and not.

Badlands News Brief – May 21, 2024

I know this was posted in yesterday’s comments, but IMO it needs emphasis.

The Government Cartel paid billions to Walgreens and CVS not to fill Ivermectin – the question is why

Shock study shows how 42M recipients spend their food stamps – and they’re not buying broccoli

Plausible Deniability Run Amok

Watch: Young Irishman walks off construction site; refuses to help build ‘migrant village’…

Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

Some People Surprised – The FBI Was Prepared to Use Deadly Force Against Trump Security Detail During Mar-a-Lago Raid to Regain Deep State FBI/DOJ Secrets

Women are paying big money to scream, smash sticks in the woods. It’s called a rage ritual.

They could get this out of their systems at any Planet Fitness. No need for sticks and screaming when weight machines will do the trick.

McCaskill: ‘Scary’ Trump ‘Celebrates’ the Dark Corners of Dictatorship

Blondie, sit down and shut up. You’re an embarrassment to the state of Missouri.

Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is back

X Files….

It hasn’t died yet by any means.

Are we sure he’s not dead? Like…of adrenochrome withdrawal or something like that?

Memes & Stuff

Actually, my source in the ship building industry (now retired) who was on the crew that patched the Exxon Valdez told me that this was EXACTLY what happened that night to that particular ship. The guy driving (not the Captain) hit a sea wall, backed up and hit it again. 20 more feet of a hole in the hull and the ship would have sunk.

If I could keep my eyes off the ground I’d do it.

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Who doesn’t love a Danny Elfman special?

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


JAMES 4:13-17

13Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain”; 14whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that.” 16As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. 17Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


Seriously, consider the possibility the man is dead.

He’s an effing PR NIGHTMARE!

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Thank you, De Pat, for a wonderful Wednesday whoopee thread!


Oh, and —


So the Humpday Camels are gone forever?

[sniff]  😫 

Gail Combs

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I feel better now. ThanQ

Gail Combs

  :wpds_smile:  I wouldn’t want you to be unhappy.




It’s BYOC.


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Gail Combs

At least I was wearing a hat and all the camel got was my hat to swing around then drop.

I never knew how LARGE those animals are!


Camels are not necessarily nice people. I do know from experience!

Gail Combs

My Grandfather loved horses and HATED camels. He immigrated from Syria.


In defense of the camel. Her hair is the same color as the stacked hay. 🤔

Gail Combs

I was thinking the same thing. On the other hand my hat was red. From what I could tell the camel did not like being ignored. We were catching and inoculating sheep and I was leaning against the gate to the camel’s paddock catching my breath.

The camel was friendly BTW and just playing.


That’s a camel that watched too many videos of our Hair-Sniffer-in-Chief.

Gail Combs



Joe Camel.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

I really love today’s photo. I have been there and it is a wonderful park.

Before the madness hit and my life took a different turn, I had planned to spend my retirement touring all the different parks in the USA.

Now I at least get to see them here. 😍

Gail Combs

It is well worth the effort.

When Mom had cancer, Dad FINALLY got three weeks vacation and could borrow another week from the next year. So I planned a trip from NY to CA & back. Taking the northern route going & the southern route returning and hitting as many parks as we could.

Since Mom was weak from radiation treatments & we were driving hauling a trailer, the days trip could only be a few hundred miles. I ferreted out some unusual sites to see on every other day like the Corn Palace.

That trip was a major memory for me.


What a wonderful time with your parents 🩷 The memories do sustain us.

Gail Combs

I am smiling just remembering. It was a very special time.

Valerie Curren

We hit the Mitchell Corn Palace on one of the trips where my family drove me out/back to college. As a teen I found it pretty underwhelming. Funny thing is that my mom remembered visiting it as a teen herself on the One trip her family did out to California. I think she was the reason we stopped there LOL

It’s Super Special that you & your parents got to share such a memorable adventure before you lost your mom (killed by the government  😡 ).


Must add Glacier National…both sides! USA and CA.

Gail Combs

We missed that one and did the Grand Tetons instead. We just did not have the time — DARN IT!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

For D Pat

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Lovely, Gail !!! Such a thoughtful gesture for our intrepid DPat 👏👏👏

Gail Combs

Our ‘wild’ roses are blooming all over the farm. We have the remnants of old fashion roses in white, pink and red as well as wild roses.

That box of roses reminds me of them.


Fantastic, Gail. I’d love to see those. I’m not such a fan of cut roses or those in formal landscape; it’s the wild bushes growing freely that appeal. I guess that’s my childhood on a farm that’s in my blood … free-flowing forsythia, spirea, lilacs, roses … like a child with uncombed curls!

Gail Combs

I have a friend who grew up in AZ and IW, she always loves our drives to gigs especially as the trees start to leaf out & flower and you get all the delicate colors. Then comes the more flamboyant wild wisteria and honey suckle, daffys and other flowers that have ‘escaped’ followed by the roses and then the red buds.

It is so pretty here.


Spring is just a giant trip back in time for me … every bloom, every leaf, every bird chirping at the feeder … Dad is everywhere still teaching me his love of the outdoors.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Natural Beauty is Soul Sustaining!

Gail Combs

Very much so. I can not think of a time when I did not spend as much time as I could outside with nature. Even when I lived in apartments I had a horse and spent afternoons trail riding after work. I would rather pay board than pay car payments & gym fees.

Cleveland Clinic

What Is Forest Bathing? Potential Benefits

Immersing yourself in nature can improve both your mental and physical health

 Forest therapy is rooted in the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, which is often translated as “forest bathing.” But it’s not a literal bath. The term refers simply to immersing yourself in the atmosphere of the forest.

…. One 2007 study showed that forest therapy reduces cortisol, a stress hormone. Research conducted in 2010 found that people who walked in the forest twice a day for two hours (so, four hours of walking a day) had greater levels of cancer-killing proteins and immune cells.

In 2011, yet another study found that forest therapy was beneficial. It reported that shinrin-yoku had a positive impact on blood pressure and adiponectin, a protein that helps regulate blood sugar levels. But a more recent study casts doubt on some of those findings. It found that forest bathing didn’t necessarily have an impact on blood pressure, but it did reduce depression in a significant way.

Taken together, the science on forest bathing makes a convincing argument that spending time communing with nature can improve stress, anxiety and depression….

Barb Meier

I got two westie pups while living near DC. At about three or four years old, the girl Westie (Meg) got very sick. The vet thought it was an autoimmune issue and said the thing to do was run lots of allergy tests that might cost $7,000. She said even then, we might not find the allergy that made Meg so sick. I wondered if she ate one of the plants around the rental home where we lived.

Not long after, I found this house I loved and bought my first home. We moved here, surrounded by forest. Meg was no longer sick and remained healthy until the end of her days at almost 17.5 years old. I always thought it was the fresh air from the forest that surrounds us.


What a sweet****

Barb Meier

Thank you, Molly! I often write replies like this and then have second thoughts about them being corny or boring and then either copy and save them locally or delete them. LOL

Valerie Curren

Please keep sharing them for they are most precious & often inspire others to share their own memories. Blessings!

Gail Combs

I was the only one in my family NOT an asthmatic. I think it was because, from the age of about 2 I was out of the house and GONE all day. They got a dog to keep track of me. They could see her tail above the hay but not me.

Barb Meier

Oh that’s great! i can just see them watching for your dog’s tail to find you. That let you wander and be a kid but let them keep an eye on where you’re at.

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

You are very welcome. How you manage 4 articles a week I do not know!

Gail Combs

I wish, I could help out but my life is too uncertain. My articles take day if not weeks.

pat frederick

you do timely opens. me? i do general ones and then we add the timely stuff in the comments. I do not envy you. I can write and schedule mine a month in advance–when i have the time.
you are a marvel!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A welcome opportunity for me to once again make a public plea for more daily authors! Anybody who is interested – please feel free to reply to this post, or to contact me by PMTW at any time.


Two statements from the open about Klaus Schwab:

Are we sure he’s not dead? Like…of adrenochrome withdrawal or something like that?

Seriously, consider the possibility the man is dead.

My question is why? I don’t care if he is dead. They have people to step in and continue running the WEF to the globalists’ specifications. I don’t understand the constant suspicion that prominent people have died and we were not told, or someone took their place, etc.

As I posted yesterday, the WEF is changing its governing structure.

• The World Economic Forum confirmed Tuesday that founder Klaus Schwab is moving away from the day-to-day management of the organization after more than 50 years at the helm.

• The forum said that the move was part of a multiyear strategy to change its management structure, shifting governance to a president and managing board.

• The 86-year-old’s succession plan has been the source of much speculation over recent years, although the organization has remained tight-lipped about its intentions until now.


The 86-year-old is moving away from the day-to-day management of the organisation and will become chairman of the WEF’s board of trustees by January 2025.

The stated plan is for Schwab to be chairman of the board of trustees after he steps down from his leadership role. I see no benefit for us to be speculating that he might be dead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something that people on our side utterly fail to understand, is that creating uncertainty in basic certainties is a primary tactic of the other side. This stuff is very likely coming from THEM.


RBG and Feinstein are good examples. Their extremely poor health was well known but the narrative that they were carrying on their duties defied all logic.


Yes. I came across an article about the psychology of it, too, that I’ll post about in a while.


This is the article I referenced. Even though it is from MSNBC, the psychology it presents resonates with me regarding things I’ve observed and experiences I’ve had. It specifically references John Fetterman, but the basic ideas apply to all such theories.

To clarify my position again, I think body doubles can be and are used in certain instances, but I do not believe they can take the place of people and act in their stead with those who know them well, even with the most lifelike of masks.

I note that the article talks about “conspiracy believers.” What I’m referring to are these aspects of that:
• those who declare that someone has died and it was kept secret or that someone has taken the place of another (that is, declare as fact, not just theorize)
• who insist they are correct
• who state that others can’t see what they see
• who think they are more skilled than others at facial recognition without any corroborating credentials or evidence
• who will not entertain the idea that they could be wrong and who practically never concede a point even when shown to be mistaken
• who refuse to analyze theories point by point in light of how the world works and how the theories are supposed to be possible, and
• who continually push such theories to others in a drip-drip fashion.

The internet houses a number of these people, apparently. It is why the vetting of sources is so important.

A common assertion among people who believe such stories is that they’re “critical freethinkers” and nonconformists, unlike the “sheeple” who blindly follow “official” narratives and the “lamestream media.” And, indeed, there is some research showing that conspiracy believers tend to have a strong need for uniqueness and are drawn to theories that are supported by a minority of respondents.

Interestingly, however, the empirical evidence also indicates that conspiracy believers tend not to be very strong critical thinkers after all. Instead, research shows that conspiracy theories flourish primarily among people who tend to strongly rely on their intuitions and gut feelings and — consequently — do not engage in much analytical or reflective thought. In fact, one of the stronger predictors of conspiracy belief is lack of commitment to the idea that beliefs ought to change according to evidence. Rather, conspiracists tend to hold that some beliefs are too important or even sacred to truly question.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, those same tendencies are central to understanding why some people fall for fake news and other types of misinformation. Other beliefs, such as in the paranormal and anti-science beliefs are apparently driven (to some extent) by this lack of reflective thinking. Despite an identification with the “critical freethinker” label, it turns out that many believe conspiracy theories not because there is good evidence for them, but because they feel intuitively right. 

But a central question remains: What stops people from questioning whether their beliefs are wrong?

New research out of my psychology research lab at Cornell University suggests that it’s not just that people aren’t willing to make the effort to think analytically, but that they aren’t aware that they even need to think analytically. In particular, in work that is not yet peer reviewed, we found that conspiracy believers are particularly prone to overestimating how good they are at (even basic) cognitive tasks. For example, we gave participants a perception test that is exceptionally difficult. They were asked if a chimpanzee or a baseball player is occluded in a particular image.

How one answers this problem isn’t really important (it isn’t indicative of any particular skill). The important question is how well one thinks one did on the test. People who report doing better are more likely to be conspiracists even though conspiracists are no better on the test than anyone else.

What this suggests is that conspiracy believers have an inflated view of their cognitive abilities. That is, they are not just overconfident about their beliefs, but about their brain power. This may block them from even considering whether their beliefs are false…

There is also a deep irony here. Those who label themselves as “critical freethinkers” are not only less analytic, but more overconfident. It is little wonder how conspiracies — such as the Fetterman body-double conspiracy — flourish and build up such a resistance to correction.

Gail Combs

“…To clarify my position again, I think body doubles can be and are used in certain instances, but I do not believe they can take the place of people and act in their stead with those who know them well, even with the most lifelike of masks….”

This is my position too.

Gail Combs

And an interesting tidbit on ‘conspiracies…

Netanyahu ‘Charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging George Bush for 9/11’.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is speaking out after an arrest warrant was issued for him by the International Criminal Court. The ICC issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant…

I think this is just a Meme:

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Gail Combs

I found out more about that map:

Jerusalem Post: Netanyahu under fire for using Greater Land of Israel map at UN

Netanyahu used the map to illustrate a new era of peace in the Middle East that would include the Palestinians, but critics say he sent the opposite message….



Netanyahu used the map to illustrate a new era of peace in the Middle East that would include the Palestinians, but critics say he sent the opposite message….

It seems that no matter what overtures are made, the determination remains to be at war.

Gail Combs

Of course the banksters and MIC have to make money. War is VERY VERY good at lining certain pockets.

Look up Operation Gladio.

Operation Gladio was formally revealed in 1990 by the Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti in an official statement to the Italian parliament. By then, Gladio had already been exposed in the courts and elsewhere, but Andreotti’s ‘official’ revelations widely exposed the unpalatable reality. Italian investigations, into the ‘Years of Lead‘, revealed NATO’s hand in a series of terrorist atrocities that had taken place in Italy throughout the 1950s to the 1980s. These included bombings, assassinations, kidnappings and mass shootings by terrorist organisations. There is no doubt that elements within the NATO Deep State were routinely using false flag terrorism to control and manipulate public opinion and shape policy.

This is not the speculation of ‘looney conspiracy theorists,’ it is proven, well documented historical fact.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It ain’t just conspiracy theories where this sort of psychology takes hold.


“Blinks again”




I don’t understand the constant suspicion that prominent people have died and we were not told, or someone took their place, etc.


Heading for a nap now…😂


That’s what you get when you stare at the shiny swinging watch …

Barb Meier


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Good reminder. Didn’t miss it when you posted it the first time.


ThanQ for stalking my comments.

/s  😂 

Gail Combs

I took note of it when you mentioned it.

Cohen still did not do the case any good.


True but in how many cases does a witness self-gain by testifying? That’s the genius part and I admire the scheme despite its disgusting content. I speculate that Cohen likely rationalized what he did [stealing from Trump] by wrecking the trial [viewing the whole thing as a ‘now we’re even’ sort of thing].

Gail Combs

Yes, I could certainly see that.


Valuable comments. The one in the first link:

Witnesses have total immunity for anything said in their testimony. 

Why do you think Cohen agreed to testify? He intended to confess on the stand, thus preventing ever being charged for those things he talked about. The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine also applies so the DA can’t use his testimony to try to find possible other crimes not mentioned. 

Cohen outsmarted all of them and got Costello to be his innocent accomplice, which is why he waived attorney/client privilege.


OK, so how many other times did Cohen steal? This cannot have been the first time…

I almost want to think that someone higher than his IQ put him up to this.

Last edited 9 months ago by WSB

From Trump Org? Doesn’t matter; that tree is poisoned.

From others? Gray area. Maybe could charge him. Or not.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!

The even more horrible truth, however, is that “I get a Jones from killing people with drones” OBAMA is behind the jackboot tactics.

I think Trump is fully aware of that, however, and is leveraging Obama’s reliance on Biden to keep power. Right now is the weakest Obama has been in a long time. A power struggle in the D-RAT party is possible!


Love DJT. But that post lacks continuity. While Biden is responsible for DoJ, the inclusion of such odious components in a search warrant affidavit is very unlikely to have been known to POTUS beforehand. More likely it is one of Garland’s bright ideas.


IMO, Biden is the last person told about ANYTHING


That is where Obama comes in who directs .



Valerie Curren

BQQM! Even FJB/LGB doesn’t Actually think He’s in charge  😜 

Gail Combs

HOWEVER I think that Biden’s handler(s) were well aware and OKed such a move.

If you follow Ivan Raiklin & Clay Higgins digs on Jan 6th, The whole damn PURPLE REVOLUTION is ORCHESTRATED and this raid is just a small part of it.

The Clinton’s have embraced purple to mark the launch of a colour revolution in America to take power away from Donald Trump after Hillary’s remarkable defeat in the election.




I think it’s a “buck stops here” kind of thing.


Alan Dershowitz:

I was inside the court when the judge closed the Trump trial, and what I saw shocked me

I have observed and participated in trials throughout the world. I have seen justice and injustice in China, Russia, Ukraine, England, France, Italy, Israel, as well as in nearly 40 of our 50 states.

But in my 60 years as a lawyer and law professor, I have never seen a spectacle such as the one I observed sitting in the front row of the courthouse yesterday.

The judge in Donald Trump’s trial was an absolute tyrant, though he appeared to the jury to be a benevolent despot. He seemed automatically to be ruling against the defendant at every turn.

Many experienced lawyers raised their eyebrows when the judge excluded obviously relevant evidence when offered by the defense, while including irrelevant evidence offered by the prosecution.

But when the defense’s only substantive witness, the experienced attorney Robert Costello, raised his eyebrows at one of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan’s rulings, the court went berserk.

Losing his cool and showing his thin skin, the judge cleared the courtroom of everyone including the media.

For some reason, I was allowed to stay, and I observed one of the most remarkable wrong-headed biases I have ever seen. The judge actually threatened to strike all of Costello’s testimony if he raised his eyebrows again.

That of course would have been unconstitutional because it would have denied the defendant his Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses and to raise a defense.

It would have punished the defendant for something a witness was accused of doing.

Even if what Costello did was wrong, and it was not, it would be utterly improper and unlawful to strike his testimony — testimony that undercut and contradicted the government’s star witness.

The judge’s threat was absolutely outrageous, unethical, unlawful and petty.

Moreover, his affect while issuing that unconstitutional threat revealed his utter contempt for the defense and anyone who testified for the defendant.

The public should have been able to see the judge in action, but because the case is not being televised, the public has to rely on the biased reporting of partisan journalists.

But the public was even denied the opportunity to hear from journalists who saw the judge in action because he cleared the courtroom.

I am one of the few witnesses to his improper conduct who remained behind to observe his deep failings.

Even when journalists do report on courtroom proceedings, their accounts must be taken with a grain of salt. When you watch CNN or MSNBC, you generally see an account of a trial that never took place.

They spin the events so much that reality is totally distorted.

I experienced that distortion firsthand yesterday, when I saw one of my former students and research assistants, a CNN legal analyst named Norman Eisen, during a break and went over to him and asked him about his family. We chatted for a few minutes in the most friendly way.

But NBC, the Daily Beast and other media decided to make up a story about the event. They claimed that I had a spat with my nemesis, rather than a friendly conversation with a former student. Their account was made up, yet it was circulated through the media.

To his credit, Eisen wrote to the media to correct the account, saying that the person sitting next to him would confirm the media’s false reporting. I doubt we will see a retraction.

This minor incident is simply the tip of a very large and deep iceberg of false reporting about the trial that can only occur because the proceedings are not being televised.

There are television cameras in the courtroom, and they record and transmit every word, but not to the public; only select reporters in the overflow room see what the cameras transmit.

There is absolutely no good reason why a trial of this importance, or any trial, should not be televised live and in real time. Allowing the public to see their courts in action is the best guarantee of fairness. As Justice Louis Brandeis wisely said a century ago, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

…Today there is no check on partisan reporting of trials and exaggerations and personal opinions are rampant.

The American public is the loser.

Alan Dershowitz is a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. That’s quite shocking, that the media would just make up stuff about Dershowitz.

This whole thing is not right.

Gail Combs

The Fake News is in panic mode and hitting out indiscriminately.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Look around, to read the YSM’s reports Trump is in deep doo doo in this trial and getting deeper.

What will likely happen: He’ll be found guilty, and most of the public will accept it because they’ve been absorbing the YSM spin.

If he’s not found guilty somehow in spite of everything the judge is doing, there will be mass outrage and so much noise about it nothing else will matter.


I’m leaning toward jury nullification [thank you mister cohen] and judge Assbite is aware, sees no way out, and is covertly helping so that he doesn’t get left holding the bag.

Gail Combs

IIRC there are two lawyers on that jury…


That’s a big slice of my nullify pie.


Keep in mind those lawyers can be ‘prosecuted’ for their ‘votes’ in the deliberations via ‘a bar grievance’.

pat frederick

and who initiates that process?


In most states, anybody can.

Gail Combs

I am surprised they even agreed to be jurors.


I believe they are caught in a conundrum.

Gail Combs

Doesn’t matter:

Oct 24, 2023 –Americans’ trust in media plummets to historic low: poll
Trust in media had previously dropped to 32% in 2016 before rebounding slightly. Those gains have essentially been wiped out, according to the poll.
Details: Only 32% of the population reports having “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of confidence that the media reports the news in a full, fair and accurate way.

  • The only other time in recent history that trust has fallen to 32% was in 2016.

📉 In some cases, the sentiment is worse today.

  • A record-high number of Americans (39%), say they don’t trust the media at all. That number has steadily increased since 2018.


And legacy media is losing viewers.

This is a paid site:

What are the most-watched news networks? 

In November 2023, Fox News was the most watched cable news network in the United States and continues to do well in terms of its primetime audience, with 1.72 million primetime viewers in that period. Fox News viewers in the 25-54 demographic amounted to 199 thousand, whilst MSNBC had just 109 thousand. When looking at Fox News viewers compared to CNN, the overall average number of primetime viewers was notably different. CNN has been losing viewers in recent years,

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And then there is Tucker…

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson published on X has gained 56 million views in six hours.

former President Donald Trump released an interview with Tucker Carlson that was watched 90 million times in three hours, according to the view counter displayed on twitter.

Jul 10, 2023 — His most recent show, for instance, only got 3.8 million video views. That’s an 86% drop.

And then Business Insider tells you WHY

Carlson’s video views on Twitter — which are no longer publicly available due to a policy change at Twitter

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s still a third of the electorate believing the YSM, and who knows how many more not believing, but not being aware of the truth either.

It matters.

Gail Combs

That’s still a third of the electorate believing the YSM 👉THAT WATCHES👈 the YSM.

According to CNN (remember all those Airport TVs) reaches a COMBINED TV + STREAMING AUDIENCE OF 6.4 MILLION


Here Are Fox News, MSNBC and CNN Ratings for February 2023

Feb. 28, 2023

FNC averaged nearly 1.44 million total viewers in the 6 a.m.-6 a.m. daypart in February, making it the most-watched basic cable network in total day. Fox News was also the most-watched basic cable network in primetime for February (2.26 million), and marked 24 consecutive months (or two straight years) as the top-rated cable news network in total viewers and among Adults 25-54.

When it comes to Adults 25-54, Fox News also averaged 189,000 in total day and 299,000 in primetime….

The 2021 pop of the USA aged 18 and older was 259,219,518

So out of the ~260 million adults only ~10 million get their news from the YSM.

This is why the WEF & Biden Admin is freaking out about an UNCENSORED Twatter.


LOGIC … for the kill.

Gail Combs

Really tough when it is Steve!

He is usually very logical.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

except that that third that trusts the major media…is likely to buy the narrative.

Whether or not they bother to watch the YSM.


NEW: Trump Lawyer Christina Bobb Arraigned on Junk Charges Related to 2020 Alternate Electors

President Trump’s lawyer Christina Bobb on Tuesday was arrested, arraigned and booked in Phoenix on junk charges related to the Arizona alternate electors.

Christina Bobb pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Last month Trump 2020 alternate electors, GOP state legislators, former Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward and others were indicted by a state grand jury in Arizona.

A total of 18 people involved in the Arizona alternate electors plan were indicted by the Arizona grand jury last month.

President Trump was named “Unindicted Coconspirator-1” in the indictment because he made a phone call about the ballot counting to former governor Doug Ducey.

Trump lawyers Christina Bobb, Jenna Ellis, Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman were indicted.

“Welcome to Biden’s America,” Christina Bobb said on X next to her booking photo.

Rudy Giuliani was also arraigned on junk charges related to the Arizona alternate electors Tuesday.

Rudy appeared remotely for his arraignment and pleaded not guilty to all nine charges, including conspiracy, fraud, and forgery.


Setting precedent for when DJT is back in office, and he can say “Talk to the Justice Department, I’m not the A.G. or the prosecutor, you’ll have to talk to them about it.”

And then say “I hope the Justice Department does a really good job, because these are really bad people, just like all their supporters in fake news media.” 😂

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DOJ is going to have to be cleaned out with tanks, before any real justice can happen. There’s no other way. But it has to be cleaned out. They’re behind all these “state” actions, IMO.

The communist putsch in our DOJ is one of the most significant horrors in American history. I’m just shocked by what is going on.


Trump needs to win to save our republic. The communists have infiltrated and showing us what will happen to us if we do not fall in line. These are dark times worse than people understand. I hope everyone prepares themselves spiritually to stay strong. Never accept never let them defeat you spiritually.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. The Anglosphere is the new Eastern Bloc.

Valerie Curren

West is East, Black is White, Up is Down, Right is Wrong, Wrong is Right…Through the Lookingglass Darkly  🙄 

Gail Combs

The Anglosphere has ALWAYS been the Eastern Bloc. Remember they funded the Bolshevik Revolution.

My SWAG was they tried straight up communism in the East and they tried ‘socialism’ in the West to see which method worked the best for the enslavement of the peons WITHOUT them realizing it.

The Roots of the EU go WAY back. Former World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy indicated that an European Union like super state has been the goal since the 1930s.

Has not been archived


“One of Professor Quigley’s most shocking revelations,” wrote Dr. Monteith,

“was the fact that the American Communist Party was partly financed by J. P. Morgan and Company…. J. P. Morgan and his associates financed the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, conservative groups, liberal organizations, communist groups and anti-communist organizations. Thus we should not be surprised to learn that someone purchased Professor Quigley’s publisher and destroyed the plates to the first half of his book so it couldn’t be reprinted.” [1, pp. 99-100]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs
Barb Meier

Oh wow! I need one!! Thanks Gail!!


DOJ is going to have to be cleaned out with tanks

Yes, merely replacing those in known leadership positions, and those known to be snakes, would not be enough because there are too many other subversive snakes who are also waiting for their turn at power.

Gail Combs

You also have the go along to get along and the ones who are BLACKMAILED!

I think we need to go back to the PRE-FDR New Deal days.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll bet there’s not a single one in there who believes that Congress, the President, or even the judiciary has Constitutional authority over DOJ. From their “less than all three” position, they’ve inverted reality to make themselves the master of all government.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re going for the steal again, and this is part of the plan. They want to make sure that anybody who might oppose their bullshit is already tied up in bullshit.

These people are just EVIL.

Christina Bobb (formerly with DHS, back in the Phil Haney days, IIRC) was one of the most effective people in fighting THE STEAL.

These people are just wicked bastards and bitches.

Gail Combs

If she is not locked up, she can still be a behind the scenes asset.


Nothing is stopping her from representing clients.

Behind the scenes is not mandatory.

Gail Combs

Even if she is disbarred?


Not then but that hasn’t happened.

And it may not ever happen.


She made her mugshot sort of like Trump’s, with a serious, determined expression.

Barb Meier

Good point, TT!




Newsweek Pushes FAKE NEWS Story About Tucker Carlson and… RUSSIA!

Newsweek has been busted for running a fake news story about Tucker Carlson, saying that he has made a deal with Russia State TV…

Newsweek has since been forced to update the story. Tucker’s business partner Neil Patel posted a response.

Neil Patel:

The Tucker Carlson Network has not done any deals with state media in any country.  Whoever is currently pretending to be the old Newsweek brand would know that if they had checked with us before printing like news companies are supposed to do.

Jack Montgomery:

Seems the source for this bogus story was *literally* the Ukrainian version of Pravda.

It pays to be extremely careful about sources.


Adam Kinzinger fell for it. 😅

So the “Russia Russia Russia” hoax, is not a hoax at all. They really are in the tank

Gail Combs

I do not think he ‘fell for it’ I think he is attempting a Nasty the Pig wrap up smear.

mollypitcher5 up will be one of the ‘enhanced’ raids on Tucker’s home…he’s a dangerous russian asset now

Gail Combs

“…he’s a dangerous russian PATRIOTIC AMERICAN asset now”

There fixed it for ya. 😉



Gail Combs

It means the Cartel (BLOB) is worried about an unleashed Tucker Carlson and his popularity.


“Biden Has Nothing to Do with This” – FBI Attempts Damage Control, Claims Agents Authorized to Use Deadly Force Against Trump is Just “Standard Protocol”
For some reason that GWP article is extremely slow to load. Here is Julie Kelly’s Substack about this. It contains several images illustrating the points she makes.

An exhibit filed today by Donald Trump in a motion to suppress evidence seized during the FBI’s August 2022 raid of Mar-a-Lago revealed shocking new details about the bureau’s plans to use deadly force and even engage the former president and his security detail that day if necessary. The document is just one of many court filings recently ordered unsealed by Judge Aileen Cannon, who is presiding over the matter in southern Florida.

In an August 3, 2022 operations order for “Plasmic Echo,” the FBI’s code name for the government’s investigation into Trump’s alleged mishandling of national defense material, FBI officials furnished instructions on to proceed with the unprecedented raid. “FBI [Washington Field Office] and FBI [Miami] agents and [Evidence Response Team] will effect a search of designated locations within Mar-a-Lago (MAL) to locate and seize classified information, NDI, and US Government records as described in captioned search warrant,” the document read.

The raid involved 25 Miami FBI agents, four Washington FBI agents, one unidentified individual from FBI Headquarters, one DOJ attorney, and the assistant U.S. Attorney from the Southern District of Florida.

But according to the operations order, law enforcement was not preparing a routine search for presidential papers. One section of the plan described how agents should handle the potential for use of deadly force…

The FBI also considered various scenarios should the former president unexpectedly arrive at his residence during the raid. Agents were also prepared to go door-to-door to terrorize Mar-a-Lago guests if staff refused to turn over room keys…

In addition to lock-picking equipment, FBI agents were armed with “Standard Issue Weapon, Ammo, [and] Handcuffs” as well as “medium and large sized bolt cutters.”

Perhaps most shockingly, the FBI team included a medic to tend to anyone “injured” during the raid. The operations order identified a nearby trauma center with directions how to get there..

Additional exhibits in the unsealed motion today also indicate agents ransacked the bedrooms of Melania and Barron Trump…

The head of the Washington FBI Field Office at the time was Steven D’Antuono. In addition to spearheading the criminal investigation into the events of January 6, which included his inability to identify and charge the so-called pipe bomber, D’Antuono led the Detroit FBI Field office in 2020 when the FBI manufactured an entrapment scheme to make it appear that Trump supporters plotted to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. D’Antuono retired in November 2022.

Attorney General Merrick Garland approved the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago.


Dan Bongino’s take:

This is absolutely a big deal. Don’t buy the bullshit otherwise.

It was not a standard op. The MAL raid was an unprecedented action with significant potential for confusion and blue on blue issues and conflict. It also involved competing equities between federal agencies (FBI & USSS) with equal statutory claims to interrupt the other’s activities.

Anyone telling you otherwise is either dumb, or playing dumb. I’ve done more deconfliction with Russians in a foreign op I did for the USSS than the FBI did in their search warrant at MAL.

Only a dumbass would pitch the “it’s the standard paperwork” line. Go serve a search warrant at the White House in the cocaine case while filling out your “standard paperwork” and see how that works out for you. Wake up.

Gail Combs

Nice to have a professional’s take on the situation.

He is correct. The Biden/Obama admin. intentionally set up a ‘blue on blue’ LETHAL fight in the hopes of POTUS Trump getting taken out in the cross fire.

Barb Meier

The government and the FBI just made a dangerous move against Trump and Liberty. IN this episode I discuss the FBI’s “use of deadly force” clearance.”


Thank you for that!

Gail Combs


Dan is LIVID and brings up a lot of good points (goes to another topic at 39:30)


18 U.S. Code § 1752 – Restricted building or grounds (Cornell Law)

(a)Whoever—(1)knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so;
(4)knowingly engages in any act of physical violence against any person or property in any restricted building or grounds
or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).
(c)In this section—(1)the term “restricted buildings or groundsmeans any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area—
(A)of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds;
  :wpds_arrow: (B)of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting….



I’ve just heard part of it, and it is excellent because Bongino has a perspective that no other commentator that I know of has, because of his experience as a former police officer and SS agent. He emphasizes what I had thought, that in no way was the raid on MAL “standard” in any sense of the word. And of course he elaborates in informative fashion. So far I’ve heard him say this was a failure of government, a failure of the Secret Service, and a failure of the “gutless management” of the FIB and the DOJ.

Bongino: “Why was force even considered at all on this raid?” He gives explanations and examples that only an insider would know.


He doesn’t think it was an assassination attempt.

18 USC § 1752 authorizes the SS to restrict access to buildings or grounds like MAL.

Bongino: “What the h3ll was the Secret Service management thinking, letting the FIB in there with guns? It was a protected facility.” There was a potential for something to go bad.

Gail Combs

Bongino is going to take the more moderate road. Remember a lot of those people are his friends.

Also whether it was an  assassination attempt is COMPLETELY dependent on WHO the agents were. (Remember the agent in Charge was the same agent who set up the Witchner kidnapping entrapment scheme.)

And just in case you think LEOs will not DELIBERATELY KILL…

Lt. Michael Byrd fired at and killed an unarmed, physically hampered Ashli Babbitt.

Officer Lila Morris, repeatedly beat Rosanne Boyland as she lay unconscious on the US Capitol steps. A commenter said other cops had been kicking her in the head.” Boyland died.


His comment was that if they had wanted to assassinate him, they would have done it. It wouldn’t surprise me if they were hoping they could do it but he wasn’t there, or if they changed their mind, knowing they would be blamed and that it would ignite the country against Dems.

Barb Meier

After listening to Dan, I think he’s right that it was not an assassination attempt. In one part, IIRC, he said that the USSS allowed the FBI to go in with weapons. If it is a secured facility, then they would have metal detectors even for FBI to enter. Normally, FBI would leave their weapons at the door at the instruction of the Secret Service.


Why isn’t Wray ever mentioned? He also approved this raid as it was laid out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Pipe Bomber Wray’s” main tactic is HIDING right now, so that he can slide into the administration of whoever wins, and continue his Deep State control.


Wray is owned lost his soul a long time ago. He is a puppet someone else pulls his strings. He looks scared out of his mind when he is questioned by Congress. He is weak only weak men cave the way he has.


Garland works for Biden. DOJ falls under the executive branch, unless Garland is rouge and takes his direction from the demonic entities.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Simple question to voters.



People are scared. I had a service guy out here the other day, originally from Pennsylvania. Somehow the blab drifted onto Trump or Biden…this guy wasn’t a Trump fan but was crumbling about Biden because of the economy…HIS business and future is on the brink and there’s only one person and party responsible and it aint Trump.

Another lady at Habitat for Humanity resale store. She said that she was so worried about utility costs (for AC) that her daughter from out of state was going to bring her an outdoor settee so that she could sit outside under the trees and try not to run up the bill so high.

China Joe is scaring the daylights out of everyday people.

Gail Combs

It is almost June and we still have not put in the window A/Cs. We do not use central heat or air and I am putting off having to use ANY A/C until we ABSOLUTELY have to. Hubby has muttered about it, but I am using nightly window fans instead.

So far the weather has cooperated. 56F night before last and 59F last night.


Same here

Gail Combs

Ours is forced hot air with FLOOR registers. With my allergies there is NO WAY I want forced hot air or central cooling.

When the house was built I got talked into it. 😫 Within a year, after finding out I could not really turn off the register over our bed, I went into the attic and ripped the hose off, tied it off and blocked the hole.

Once the units died, I resisted all attempts to replace them. I am JUST FINE with the plug in radiators and a couple window a/c units for the two rooms we generally use.

When the allergens build up to a high level in the A/C units, I just ‘donate’ them to a neighbor who has rental units and buy a couple new ones.

Beats the crap out of heading to the emergency room several times a year. MUCH cheaper too.


Word from heating/cooling guys here is that next year they’re requiring a new freon that’s “mildly flammable” so you must have your heat pump system fixed to prevent trouble or hey…get a new one to the tune of 5k or more. It never ends.

Gail Combs

We REALLY REALLY REALLY need Trump to UNRAVEL this Schiffstorm.


There’s been the whole flap about freon rules imposed that made a/c repair exorbitantly costly now this 😠

I swear someone in the rule biz has family in the freon biz or it’s they just hate that we have a/c.


People get what they voted for. Most of the people who complain voted for Uncle Jo because Trump boisterous. Biden is the most dangerous men in office.


I’m one of those bums that never paid any attention particularly to politics until obama reared his distinctly bad head. It seems that there are many still like that BUT what has happened in only 3 1/2 years is touching people that weathered the ups and downs without too much trouble.
This administration is ruining lives across the board.

Gail Combs

Ordinary Moms in the groc store lines are complaining. Dads filling up the tank are complaining….


It actually worries me a little bit that they’re letting the stink stay on Joe right up to a certain point when they’ll kill him off literally or metaphorically . Then they’ll slide in the D savior who will cop to the disastrous state of affairs..promising to fix it all.

Gail Combs

People are floating Gruesome to the rescue… Maybe Hitlary or Big Mike.


Both Newscum and Killary have a lot of baggage. A lot of things that even a slick theater crew would have a hard time glossing over.
Big Mike..just can’t see her signing on for a 4 yr duty save the destruction of USA plan maybe so

Gail Combs

I think they would try to scrounge up a Black Woman just for the optics.

Problem is FINDING one.


Stacy Abrams! 😂

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy: 

I think she was HOPING back when she gave the state of the Union counter address.


If S Abrams has lost a considerable amount of weight then she might be in the running.
A few years ago the empowered heavy black women era was booming. No criticism allowed.
Honestly I think that has passed. People of ALL colors are feeling the weight of Dem policies. A whole lot of people just can’t identify with her or someone like has to be a celebrity type almost……………………………………………….Or maybe I’m nuts with this theory!

pat frederick

oprah? whoopie? letty james? fanni?
mooch don’t qualify…Gail wants a black WOMAN

Valerie Curren

Stacey Abrahms already won LOL


So true. I knew people who were republicans who voted for Obama because of Bush and the war. Sometime one issue drives people against their better judgements. Look all the people who did not want to vote for Trump because of his Tweets never mind the other good things he did.


“Are you better off safer than you were four years ago?”


Scott Adams:

Does anyone want to mock me about my 2020 prediction that “Republicans would be hunted” if Biden wins?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Biden has arrived. Christians and Jews better take notice.

Valerie Curren

Hope this lets the internal tweet above show

Wow here’s what the top one is “shielding”, seems important!×900
LAWFARE: Will there be any Republican Lawyers Left to Ensure Election Integrity in November?





Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings ahead of the upcoming presidential election. They have successfully jailed Peter Navarro, with Steve Bannon expected to join him shortly. In multiple states, Democrats have pursued criminal charges against dozens of Republican lawyers and politicians, including:
Georgia: 19 Republicans arrested and chargedArizona: 18 Republicans arrested and chargedMichigan: 16 Republicans arrested and chargedNevada: 6 Republicans arrested and chargedPennsylvania & Wisconsin: Are still conducting criminal investigations into as many as 30 Republicans who have yet to be chargedIn addition to these criminal trials, Democrats are pursuing numerous efforts to have Republican lawyers disbarred. The Soros-backed 65 Project has filed disbarment proceedings against more than 100 Republican lawyers, which prevent many of these lawyers from working until the proceedings are concluded. In almost every case, the charges lack merit, but they have three primary impacts: a chilling effect that discourages other Republican lawyers and politicians from helping Trump, a financial drain on the resources of Republicans who might otherwise use their funds to help elect Trump, and a time drain that physically keeps them busy during the campaign.
This weekend, Arizona Democrats even crashed Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday party to serve him with a criminal indictment. One day earlier, the same Democrats arrested John Eastman, President Trump’s former attorney. His indictment and arrest are shocking because he was never involved with any litigation or hearings in Arizona and never talked to anyone there during or after the election. Additionally, he’s facing disbarment in California after a judge recommended his removal as a lawyer.
Just ask @christina_bobb what her life has been like since she began representing Trump:

0:04 / 0:42

Make no mistake, the Democrats are conducting a well-funded, well-organized effort to remove as many Republicans as possible from the November election process. Their goal is to prevent Republicans from ensuring the integrity of the election and protecting the sanctity of your vote. This is a war on the 6th Amendment—everyone, including President Trump and Republican candidates, deserves the right to legal representation. Democrats are working overtime to ensure that doesn’t happen in November.

UPDATE: Some people have asked for some details about the people who have been targeted. Here is a partial list:
Donald Trump – Former PresidentRudy Giuliani – Former New York Mayor and Trump attorneyMark Meadows – Former White House Chief of StaffJohn Eastman – Conservative lawyer, former dean of Chapman University Law SchoolKenneth Chesebro – Lawyer involved in election manipulation plansSidney Powell – Attorney involved in hiring forensic experts for voting system breachesJeffrey Clark – Former DOJ officialJenna Ellis – Trump lawyerDavid Shafer – Former chairman of the Georgia Republican PartyShawn Still – Georgia state senatorHarrison Floyd – Leader of “Black Voices for Trump”Trevian Kutti – Publicist, former associate of Kanye WestRobert Cheeley – Georgia trial lawyerMike Roman – Trump campaign officialStephen Lee – Lutheran pastorRay Smith – Lawyer who represented the Trump campaign in GeorgiaScott Hall – Bail bondsman involved in the Coffee County voting system breachCathy Latham – Former Coffee County GOP chair and fake electorMisty Hampton – Former Coffee County elections supervisor involved in the voting system breachArizona:
Rudy Giuliani – Former Trump attorney, involved in promoting false claims of election fraud.Mark Meadows – Former White House Chief of Staff.John Eastman – Lawyer who devised legal strategies to overturn the election.Christina Bobb – Attorney associated with Rudy Giuliani and a Republican National Committee official.Jenna Ellis – Lawyer who worked with Giuliani.Boris Epshteyn – 2020 Trump campaign aide.Mike Roman – Director of Election Day operations for the Trump campaign.Tyler Bowyer – Republican National Committee member and COO of Turning Point Action.Nancy Cottle – Chair of the Arizona Republican Presidential Electors.Jake Hoffman – Arizona state senator.Anthony Kern – Arizona state senator.James Lamon – 2022 U.S. Senate candidate and chair of Depcom Power.Robert Montgomery – Former Cochise County Republican Committee chair.Samuel Moorhead – Former Gila County Republican Party head.Loraine Pellegrino – Secretary of the Arizona Republican fake presidential electors.Gregory Safsten – Former Executive Director of the Arizona Republican Party.Kelli Ward – Former Arizona Republican Party chair and former state senator.Michael Ward – Republican activist and husband of Kelli Ward.Michigan:
Kathy Berden – Michigan Republican National Committee member.William (Hank) Choate – Former chair of the Jackson County Republican Party.Amy Facchinello – Trustee on the Grand Blanc Board of Education.Clifford Frost – GOP activist from Warren.Meshawn Maddock – Former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party.Marian Sheridan – Grassroots vice chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party.Kent Vanderwood – Mayor of Wyoming, Michigan.Stanley Grot – Shelby Township clerk.Rose Rook – GOP activist from Paw Paw.John Haggard – Former GOP candidate for state representative.Mari-Ann Henry – GOP activist from Brighton.Timothy King – GOP activist from Ypsilanti.James Renner – GOP activist from Lansing.Mayra Rodriguez – GOP activist from Grosse Pointe Farms.Ken Thompson – GOP activist from Orleans.Michele Lundgren – GOP activist from Detroit.Nevada:
Michael McDonald – Chair of the Nevada Republican Party.Jim DeGraffenreid – Nevada GOP national committeeman.Jesse Law – Chair of the Clark County Republican Party.Eileen Rice – GOP activist.Durward James Hindle III – GOP activist.Shawn Meehan – GOP activist.Disbarment (65 Project):
John EastmanRudy GiulianiSidney PowellJenna EllisCleta MitchellStefan PassantinoMichael McDonaldJim DeGraffenreidJesse LawEmily NewmanKurt OlsenWilliam OlsonLynn Fitch (Mississippi Attorney General)Steven Marshall (Alabama Attorney General)Patrick Morrisey (West Virginia Attorney General)Leslie Rutledge (Arkansas Attorney General)Derek Schmidt (Kansas Attorney General)Eric Schmitt (Missouri Attorney General)Tim Fox (Former Montana Attorney General)Sean Reyes (Utah Attorney General)Herbert Slatery (Former Tennessee Attorney General)Jeff Landry (Louisiana Attorney General)Curtis Hill (Former Indiana Attorney General)Mike Hunter (Oklahoma Attorney General)Douglas Peterson (Nebraska Attorney General)Ashley Moody (Florida Attorney General)Alan Wilson (South Carolina Attorney General)Kevin KoonsWilliam BockJeffrey GallantDaniel EastmanMichael DeanRobert CitakJames KnauerRichard ColesonCourtney MilbankHoward KleinhendlerBrandon JohnsonMelana SiebertJulia HallerJames BoppKenneth KlukowskiKenneth ChesebroStefanie Lynn Junttila Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter12Gregory Rohl Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter13Scott Hagerstrom Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter14Julia Z. Haller Esq. (DC)Brandon Johnson Esq. (DC)Lin Wood Esq. (GA)Howard Kleinhendler Esq. (NY)Emily Newman Esq. (VA)Sidney Powell Esq. (TX)Kurt Olsen Esq. (MD) – Disbarment Letter16William Olson Esq. (VA) – Disbarment Letter17John Eastman Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter18Kenneth Klukowski Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter19Kenneth Chesebro Esq. (NY) – Disbarment Letter20Jenna Ellis Esq. (PA & CO) – Disbarment Letter21Linda Kerns Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter22Bruce Marks Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter23James Bopp Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter24Ronald Hicks Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter25Carolyn B. McGee Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter26Anita Milanovich Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter27Marc Scaringi Esq. (PA)- Disbarment Letter28Brian Caffrey Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter29Walter Zimolong Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter30Senator Ted Cruz Esq. (TX) – Disbarment Letter31Cleta Mitchell Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter32Joseph diGenova Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter33Boris Epshteyn Esq. (NY) – Disbarment Letter34Paul Davis Esq. (TX) – Disbarment Letter35William Calhoun Esq. (GA) – Disbarment Letter36James Troupis Esq. (WI) – Disbarment Letter37There are many more… I’ve written about the effort in multiple places:

Last edited 9 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

OK, this is super weird, I was posting the Internal Twitter Link above, in an edit to a brief comment I made & now the comment has disappeared. There is a short video of Christina Bobb & James O’Keefe…actually Steve Bannon

OK I chose “copy video address” that usually lets a tweet play here if replacing X with twitter but this will not show for some reason.

I hope my copied version of the tweet will show as I attempt to paste it here.

Here’s one of the sources mentioned:

If it won’t show Or Play here go to the original link or nitter

LAWFARE: Will there be any Republican Lawyers Left to Ensure Election Integrity in November?





Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings ahead of the upcoming presidential election. They have successfully jailed Peter Navarro, with Steve Bannon expected to join him shortly. In multiple states, Democrats have pursued criminal charges against dozens of Republican lawyers and politicians, including:
Georgia: 19 Republicans arrested and chargedArizona: 18 Republicans arrested and chargedMichigan: 16 Republicans arrested and chargedNevada: 6 Republicans arrested and chargedPennsylvania & Wisconsin: Are still conducting criminal investigations into as many as 30 Republicans who have yet to be chargedIn addition to these criminal trials, Democrats are pursuing numerous efforts to have Republican lawyers disbarred. The Soros-backed 65 Project has filed disbarment proceedings against more than 100 Republican lawyers, which prevent many of these lawyers from working until the proceedings are concluded. In almost every case, the charges lack merit, but they have three primary impacts: a chilling effect that discourages other Republican lawyers and politicians from helping Trump, a financial drain on the resources of Republicans who might otherwise use their funds to help elect Trump, and a time drain that physically keeps them busy during the campaign.
This weekend, Arizona Democrats even crashed Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday party to serve him with a criminal indictment. One day earlier, the same Democrats arrested John Eastman, President Trump’s former attorney. His indictment and arrest are shocking because he was never involved with any litigation or hearings in Arizona and never talked to anyone there during or after the election. Additionally, he’s facing disbarment in California after a judge recommended his removal as a lawyer.
Just ask @christina_bobb what her life has been like since she began representing Trump:

0:00 / 0:42

Make no mistake, the Democrats are conducting a well-funded, well-organized effort to remove as many Republicans as possible from the November election process. Their goal is to prevent Republicans from ensuring the integrity of the election and protecting the sanctity of your vote. This is a war on the 6th Amendment—everyone, including President Trump and Republican candidates, deserves the right to legal representation. Democrats are working overtime to ensure that doesn’t happen in November.

UPDATE: Some people have asked for some details about the people who have been targeted. Here is a partial list:
Donald Trump – Former PresidentRudy Giuliani – Former New York Mayor and Trump attorneyMark Meadows – Former White House Chief of StaffJohn Eastman – Conservative lawyer, former dean of Chapman University Law SchoolKenneth Chesebro – Lawyer involved in election manipulation plansSidney Powell – Attorney involved in hiring forensic experts for voting system breachesJeffrey Clark – Former DOJ officialJenna Ellis – Trump lawyerDavid Shafer – Former chairman of the Georgia Republican PartyShawn Still – Georgia state senatorHarrison Floyd – Leader of “Black Voices for Trump”Trevian Kutti – Publicist, former associate of Kanye WestRobert Cheeley – Georgia trial lawyerMike Roman – Trump campaign officialStephen Lee – Lutheran pastorRay Smith – Lawyer who represented the Trump campaign in GeorgiaScott Hall – Bail bondsman involved in the Coffee County voting system breachCathy Latham – Former Coffee County GOP chair and fake electorMisty Hampton – Former Coffee County elections supervisor involved in the voting system breachArizona:
Rudy Giuliani – Former Trump attorney, involved in promoting false claims of election fraud.Mark Meadows – Former White House Chief of Staff.John Eastman – Lawyer who devised legal strategies to overturn the election.Christina Bobb – Attorney associated with Rudy Giuliani and a Republican National Committee official.Jenna Ellis – Lawyer who worked with Giuliani.Boris Epshteyn – 2020 Trump campaign aide.Mike Roman – Director of Election Day operations for the Trump campaign.Tyler Bowyer – Republican National Committee member and COO of Turning Point Action.Nancy Cottle – Chair of the Arizona Republican Presidential Electors.Jake Hoffman – Arizona state senator.Anthony Kern – Arizona state senator.James Lamon – 2022 U.S. Senate candidate and chair of Depcom Power.Robert Montgomery – Former Cochise County Republican Committee chair.Samuel Moorhead – Former Gila County Republican Party head.Loraine Pellegrino – Secretary of the Arizona Republican fake presidential electors.Gregory Safsten – Former Executive Director of the Arizona Republican Party.Kelli Ward – Former Arizona Republican Party chair and former state senator.Michael Ward – Republican activist and husband of Kelli Ward.Michigan:
Kathy Berden – Michigan Republican National Committee member.William (Hank) Choate – Former chair of the Jackson County Republican Party.Amy Facchinello – Trustee on the Grand Blanc Board of Education.Clifford Frost – GOP activist from Warren.Meshawn Maddock – Former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party.Marian Sheridan – Grassroots vice chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party.Kent Vanderwood – Mayor of Wyoming, Michigan.Stanley Grot – Shelby Township clerk.Rose Rook – GOP activist from Paw Paw.John Haggard – Former GOP candidate for state representative.Mari-Ann Henry – GOP activist from Brighton.Timothy King – GOP activist from Ypsilanti.James Renner – GOP activist from Lansing.Mayra Rodriguez – GOP activist from Grosse Pointe Farms.Ken Thompson – GOP activist from Orleans.Michele Lundgren – GOP activist from Detroit.Nevada:
Michael McDonald – Chair of the Nevada Republican Party.Jim DeGraffenreid – Nevada GOP national committeeman.Jesse Law – Chair of the Clark County Republican Party.Eileen Rice – GOP activist.Durward James Hindle III – GOP activist.Shawn Meehan – GOP activist.Disbarment (65 Project):
John EastmanRudy GiulianiSidney PowellJenna EllisCleta MitchellStefan PassantinoMichael McDonaldJim DeGraffenreidJesse LawEmily NewmanKurt OlsenWilliam OlsonLynn Fitch (Mississippi Attorney General)Steven Marshall (Alabama Attorney General)Patrick Morrisey (West Virginia Attorney General)Leslie Rutledge (Arkansas Attorney General)Derek Schmidt (Kansas Attorney General)Eric Schmitt (Missouri Attorney General)Tim Fox (Former Montana Attorney General)Sean Reyes (Utah Attorney General)Herbert Slatery (Former Tennessee Attorney General)Jeff Landry (Louisiana Attorney General)Curtis Hill (Former Indiana Attorney General)Mike Hunter (Oklahoma Attorney General)Douglas Peterson (Nebraska Attorney General)Ashley Moody (Florida Attorney General)Alan Wilson (South Carolina Attorney General)Kevin KoonsWilliam BockJeffrey GallantDaniel EastmanMichael DeanRobert CitakJames KnauerRichard ColesonCourtney MilbankHoward KleinhendlerBrandon JohnsonMelana SiebertJulia HallerJames BoppKenneth KlukowskiKenneth ChesebroStefanie Lynn Junttila Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter12Gregory Rohl Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter13Scott Hagerstrom Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter14Julia Z. Haller Esq. (DC)Brandon Johnson Esq. (DC)Lin Wood Esq. (GA)Howard Kleinhendler Esq. (NY)Emily Newman Esq. (VA)Sidney Powell Esq. (TX)Kurt Olsen Esq. (MD) – Disbarment Letter16William Olson Esq. (VA) – Disbarment Letter17John Eastman Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter18Kenneth Klukowski Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter19Kenneth Chesebro Esq. (NY) – Disbarment Letter20Jenna Ellis Esq. (PA & CO) – Disbarment Letter21Linda Kerns Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter22Bruce Marks Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter23James Bopp Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter24Ronald Hicks Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter25Carolyn B. McGee Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter26Anita Milanovich Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter27Marc Scaringi Esq. (PA)- Disbarment Letter28Brian Caffrey Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter29Walter Zimolong Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter30Senator Ted Cruz Esq. (TX) – Disbarment Letter31Cleta Mitchell Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter32Joseph diGenova Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter33Boris Epshteyn Esq. (NY) – Disbarment Letter34Paul Davis Esq. (TX) – Disbarment Letter35William Calhoun Esq. (GA) – Disbarment Letter36James Troupis Esq. (WI) – Disbarment Letter37There are many more… I’ve written about the effort in multiple places:

Last edited 9 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

OK, my comment just dropped off AGAIN. Someone clearly doesn’t want the Q-Tree to see this material 🙁

I was trying to post the internal link to the tweet above

Because the material within the tweet is long I will copy it in stages in reply to this comment & Hope that it will be allowed to show

Might be worth a screen capture if they are going this hard to suppress this material!

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Valerie Curren

Here’s part 2:

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Valerie Curren

Here’s Part 3

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LAWFARE: Will there be any Republican Lawyers Left to Ensure Election Integrity in November?





Democrats have aggressively targeted over 400 Republican lawyers and politicians with criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and disbarment proceedings ahead of the upcoming presidential election. They have successfully jailed Peter Navarro, with Steve Bannon expected to join him shortly. In multiple states, Democrats have pursued criminal charges against dozens of Republican lawyers and politicians, including:

Georgia: 19 Republicans arrested and chargedArizona: 18 Republicans arrested and chargedMichigan: 16 Republicans arrested and chargedNevada: 6 Republicans arrested and chargedPennsylvania & Wisconsin: Are still conducting criminal investigations into as many as 30 Republicans who have yet to be charged
In addition to these criminal trials, Democrats are pursuing numerous efforts to have Republican lawyers disbarred. The Soros-backed 65 Project has filed disbarment proceedings against more than 100 Republican lawyers, which prevent many of these lawyers from working until the proceedings are concluded. In almost every case, the charges lack merit, but they have three primary impacts: a chilling effect that discourages other Republican lawyers and politicians from helping Trump, a financial drain on the resources of Republicans who might otherwise use their funds to help elect Trump, and a time drain that physically keeps them busy during the campaign.

This weekend, Arizona Democrats even crashed Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday party to serve him with a criminal indictment. One day earlier, the same Democrats arrested John Eastman, President Trump’s former attorney. His indictment and arrest are shocking because he was never involved with any litigation or hearings in Arizona and never talked to anyone there during or after the election. Additionally, he’s facing disbarment in California after a judge recommended his removal as a lawyer.

Just ask @christina_bobb what her life has been like since she began representing Trump:

This is where the video of Steve Bannon interviewing Christina Bobb is in the tweet

Last edited 9 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Part 4 copying the rest of the text of the tweet so it hopefully shows here:

Make no mistake, the Democrats are conducting a well-funded, well-organized effort to remove as many Republicans as possible from the November election process. Their goal is to prevent Republicans from ensuring the integrity of the election and protecting the sanctity of your vote. This is a war on the 6th Amendment—everyone, including President Trump and Republican candidates, deserves the right to legal representation. Democrats are working overtime to ensure that doesn’t happen in November.

UPDATE: Some people have asked for some details about the people who have been targeted. Here is a partial list:

  1. Donald Trump – Former President
  2. Rudy Giuliani – Former New York Mayor and Trump attorney
  3. Mark Meadows – Former White House Chief of Staff
  4. John Eastman – Conservative lawyer, former dean of Chapman University Law School
  5. Kenneth Chesebro – Lawyer involved in election manipulation plans
  6. Sidney Powell – Attorney involved in hiring forensic experts for voting system breaches
  7. Jeffrey Clark – Former DOJ official
  8. Jenna Ellis – Trump lawyer
  9. David Shafer – Former chairman of the Georgia Republican Party
  10. Shawn Still – Georgia state senator
  11. Harrison Floyd – Leader of “Black Voices for Trump”
  12. Trevian Kutti – Publicist, former associate of Kanye West
  13. Robert Cheeley – Georgia trial lawyer
  14. Mike Roman – Trump campaign official
  15. Stephen Lee – Lutheran pastor
  16. Ray Smith – Lawyer who represented the Trump campaign in Georgia
  17. Scott Hall – Bail bondsman involved in the Coffee County voting system breach
  18. Cathy Latham – Former Coffee County GOP chair and fake elector
  19. Misty Hampton – Former Coffee County elections supervisor involved in the voting system breach


  1. Rudy Giuliani – Former Trump attorney, involved in promoting false claims of election fraud.
  2. Mark Meadows – Former White House Chief of Staff.
  3. John Eastman – Lawyer who devised legal strategies to overturn the election.
  4. Christina Bobb – Attorney associated with Rudy Giuliani and a Republican National Committee official.
  5. Jenna Ellis – Lawyer who worked with Giuliani.
  6. Boris Epshteyn – 2020 Trump campaign aide.
  7. Mike Roman – Director of Election Day operations for the Trump campaign.
  8. Tyler Bowyer – Republican National Committee member and COO of Turning Point Action.
  9. Nancy Cottle – Chair of the Arizona Republican Presidential Electors.
  10. Jake Hoffman – Arizona state senator.
  11. Anthony Kern – Arizona state senator.
  12. James Lamon – 2022 U.S. Senate candidate and chair of Depcom Power.
  13. Robert Montgomery – Former Cochise County Republican Committee chair.
  14. Samuel Moorhead – Former Gila County Republican Party head.
  15. Loraine Pellegrino – Secretary of the Arizona Republican fake presidential electors.
  16. Gregory Safsten – Former Executive Director of the Arizona Republican Party.
  17. Kelli Ward – Former Arizona Republican Party chair and former state senator.
  18. Michael Ward – Republican activist and husband of Kelli Ward.


  1. Kathy Berden – Michigan Republican National Committee member.
  2. William (Hank) Choate – Former chair of the Jackson County Republican Party.
  3. Amy Facchinello – Trustee on the Grand Blanc Board of Education.
  4. Clifford Frost – GOP activist from Warren.
  5. Meshawn Maddock – Former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party.
  6. Marian Sheridan – Grassroots vice chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party.
  7. Kent Vanderwood – Mayor of Wyoming, Michigan.
  8. Stanley Grot – Shelby Township clerk.
  9. Rose Rook – GOP activist from Paw Paw.
  10. John Haggard – Former GOP candidate for state representative.
  11. Mari-Ann Henry – GOP activist from Brighton.
  12. Timothy King – GOP activist from Ypsilanti.
  13. James Renner – GOP activist from Lansing.
  14. Mayra Rodriguez – GOP activist from Grosse Pointe Farms.
  15. Ken Thompson – GOP activist from Orleans.
  16. Michele Lundgren – GOP activist from Detroit.


  1. Michael McDonald – Chair of the Nevada Republican Party.
  2. Jim DeGraffenreid – Nevada GOP national committeeman.
  3. Jesse Law – Chair of the Clark County Republican Party.
  4. Eileen Rice – GOP activist.
  5. Durward James Hindle III – GOP activist.
  6. Shawn Meehan – GOP activist.

Disbarment (65 Project):

  1. John Eastman
  2. Rudy Giuliani
  3. Sidney Powell
  4. Jenna Ellis
  5. Cleta Mitchell
  6. Stefan Passantino
  7. Michael McDonald
  8. Jim DeGraffenreid
  9. Jesse Law
  10. Emily Newman
  11. Kurt Olsen
  12. William Olson
  13. Lynn Fitch (Mississippi Attorney General)
  14. Steven Marshall (Alabama Attorney General)
  15. Patrick Morrisey (West Virginia Attorney General)
  16. Leslie Rutledge (Arkansas Attorney General)
  17. Derek Schmidt (Kansas Attorney General)
  18. Eric Schmitt (Missouri Attorney General)
  19. Tim Fox (Former Montana Attorney General)
  20. Sean Reyes (Utah Attorney General)
  21. Herbert Slatery (Former Tennessee Attorney General)
  22. Jeff Landry (Louisiana Attorney General)
  23. Curtis Hill (Former Indiana Attorney General)
  24. Mike Hunter (Oklahoma Attorney General)
  25. Douglas Peterson (Nebraska Attorney General)
  26. Ashley Moody (Florida Attorney General)
  27. Alan Wilson (South Carolina Attorney General)
  28. Kevin Koons
  29. William Bock
  30. Jeffrey Gallant
  31. Daniel Eastman
  32. Michael Dean
  33. Robert Citak
  34. James Knauer
  35. Richard Coleson
  36. Courtney Milbank
  37. Howard Kleinhendler
  38. Brandon Johnson
  39. Melana Siebert
  40. Julia Haller
  41. James Bopp
  42. Kenneth Klukowski
  43. Kenneth Chesebro
  44. Stefanie Lynn Junttila Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter12
  45. Gregory Rohl Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter13
  46. Scott Hagerstrom Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter14
  47. Julia Z. Haller Esq. (DC)
  48. Brandon Johnson Esq. (DC)
  49. Lin Wood Esq. (GA)
  50. Howard Kleinhendler Esq. (NY)
  51. Emily Newman Esq. (VA)
  52. Sidney Powell Esq. (TX)
  53. Kurt Olsen Esq. (MD) – Disbarment Letter16
  54. William Olson Esq. (VA) – Disbarment Letter17
  55. John Eastman Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter18
  56. Kenneth Klukowski Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter19
  57. Kenneth Chesebro Esq. (NY) – Disbarment Letter20
  58. Jenna Ellis Esq. (PA & CO) – Disbarment Letter21
  59. Linda Kerns Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter22
  60. Bruce Marks Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter23
  61. James Bopp Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter24
  62. Ronald Hicks Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter25
  63. Carolyn B. McGee Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter26
  64. Anita Milanovich Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter27
  65. Marc Scaringi Esq. (PA)- Disbarment Letter28
  66. Brian Caffrey Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter29
  67. Walter Zimolong Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter30
  68. Senator Ted Cruz Esq. (TX) – Disbarment Letter31
  69. Cleta Mitchell Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter32
  70. Joseph diGenova Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter33
  71. Boris Epshteyn Esq. (NY) – Disbarment Letter34
  72. Paul Davis Esq. (TX) – Disbarment Letter35
  73. William Calhoun Esq. (GA) – Disbarment Letter36
  74. James Troupis Esq. (WI) – Disbarment Letter37

There are many more… I’ve written about the effort in multiple places:

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11:03 AM · May 19, 2024


Hope it shows!

Valerie Curren

Part 4, with the rest of the copied text from the tweet appeared here briefly but was waiting for approval & then it just disappeared.

I’m going to attempt to post the text again but breaking the links within so hopefully the info will still stand here.

I think the “eyes” don’t want us to see & process this voluminous info on their treason!

Make no mistake, the Democrats are conducting a well-funded, well-organized effort to remove as many Republicans as possible from the November election process. Their goal is to prevent Republicans from ensuring the integrity of the election and protecting the sanctity of your vote. This is a war on the 6th Amendment—everyone, including President Trump and Republican candidates, deserves the right to legal representation. Democrats are working overtime to ensure that doesn’t happen in November.

UPDATE: Some people have asked for some details about the people who have been targeted. Here is a partial list:
Donald Trump - Former President
Rudy Giuliani - Former New York Mayor and Trump attorney
Mark Meadows - Former White House Chief of Staff
John Eastman - Conservative lawyer, former dean of Chapman University Law School
Kenneth Chesebro - Lawyer involved in election manipulation plans
Sidney Powell - Attorney involved in hiring forensic experts for voting system breaches
Jeffrey Clark - Former DOJ official
Jenna Ellis - Trump lawyer
David Shafer - Former chairman of the Georgia Republican Party
Shawn Still - Georgia state senator
Harrison Floyd - Leader of "Black Voices for Trump"
Trevian Kutti - Publicist, former associate of Kanye West
Robert Cheeley - Georgia trial lawyer
Mike Roman - Trump campaign official
Stephen Lee - Lutheran pastor
Ray Smith - Lawyer who represented the Trump campaign in Georgia
Scott Hall - Bail bondsman involved in the Coffee County voting system breach
Cathy Latham - Former Coffee County GOP chair and fake elector
Misty Hampton - Former Coffee County elections supervisor involved in the voting system breach
Rudy Giuliani - Former Trump attorney, involved in promoting false claims of election fraud.
Mark Meadows - Former White House Chief of Staff.
John Eastman - Lawyer who devised legal strategies to overturn the election.
Christina Bobb - Attorney associated with Rudy Giuliani and a Republican National Committee official.
Jenna Ellis - Lawyer who worked with Giuliani.
Boris Epshteyn - 2020 Trump campaign aide.
Mike Roman - Director of Election Day operations for the Trump campaign.
Tyler Bowyer - Republican National Committee member and COO of Turning Point Action.
Nancy Cottle - Chair of the Arizona Republican Presidential Electors.
Jake Hoffman - Arizona state senator.
Anthony Kern - Arizona state senator.
James Lamon - 2022 U.S. Senate candidate and chair of Depcom Power.
Robert Montgomery - Former Cochise County Republican Committee chair.
Samuel Moorhead - Former Gila County Republican Party head.
Loraine Pellegrino - Secretary of the Arizona Republican fake presidential electors.
Gregory Safsten - Former Executive Director of the Arizona Republican Party.
Kelli Ward - Former Arizona Republican Party chair and former state senator.
Michael Ward - Republican activist and husband of Kelli Ward.
Kathy Berden - Michigan Republican National Committee member.
William (Hank) Choate - Former chair of the Jackson County Republican Party.
Amy Facchinello - Trustee on the Grand Blanc Board of Education.
Clifford Frost - GOP activist from Warren.
Meshawn Maddock - Former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party.
Marian Sheridan - Grassroots vice chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party.
Kent Vanderwood - Mayor of Wyoming, Michigan.
Stanley Grot - Shelby Township clerk.
Rose Rook - GOP activist from Paw Paw.
John Haggard - Former GOP candidate for state representative.
Mari-Ann Henry - GOP activist from Brighton.
Timothy King - GOP activist from Ypsilanti.
James Renner - GOP activist from Lansing.
Mayra Rodriguez - GOP activist from Grosse Pointe Farms.
Ken Thompson - GOP activist from Orleans.
Michele Lundgren - GOP activist from Detroit.
Michael McDonald - Chair of the Nevada Republican Party.
Jim DeGraffenreid - Nevada GOP national committeeman.
Jesse Law - Chair of the Clark County Republican Party.
Eileen Rice - GOP activist.
Durward James Hindle III - GOP activist.
Shawn Meehan - GOP activist.
Disbarment (65 Project):
John Eastman
Rudy Giuliani
Sidney Powell
Jenna Ellis
Cleta Mitchell
Stefan Passantino
Michael McDonald
Jim DeGraffenreid
Jesse Law
Emily Newman
Kurt Olsen
William Olson
Lynn Fitch (Mississippi Attorney General)
Steven Marshall (Alabama Attorney General)
Patrick Morrisey (West Virginia Attorney General)
Leslie Rutledge (Arkansas Attorney General)
Derek Schmidt (Kansas Attorney General)
Eric Schmitt (Missouri Attorney General)
Tim Fox (Former Montana Attorney General)
Sean Reyes (Utah Attorney General)
Herbert Slatery (Former Tennessee Attorney General)
Jeff Landry (Louisiana Attorney General)
Curtis Hill (Former Indiana Attorney General)
Mike Hunter (Oklahoma Attorney General)
Douglas Peterson (Nebraska Attorney General)
Ashley Moody (Florida Attorney General)
Alan Wilson (South Carolina Attorney General)
Kevin Koons
William Bock
Jeffrey Gallant
Daniel Eastman
Michael Dean
Robert Citak
James Knauer
Richard Coleson
Courtney Milbank
Howard Kleinhendler
Brandon Johnson
Melana Siebert
Julia Haller
James Bopp
Kenneth Klukowski
Kenneth Chesebro
Stefanie Lynn Junttila Esq. (MI) - Disbarment Letter12
Gregory Rohl Esq. (MI) - Disbarment Letter13
Scott Hagerstrom Esq. (MI) - Disbarment Letter14
Julia Z. Haller Esq. (DC)
Brandon Johnson Esq. (DC)
Lin Wood Esq. (GA)
Howard Kleinhendler Esq. (NY)
Emily Newman Esq. (VA)
Sidney Powell Esq. (TX)
Kurt Olsen Esq. (MD) - Disbarment Letter16
William Olson Esq. (VA) - Disbarment Letter17
John Eastman Esq. (DC) - Disbarment Letter18
Kenneth Klukowski Esq. (DC) - Disbarment Letter19
Kenneth Chesebro Esq. (NY) - Disbarment Letter20
Jenna Ellis Esq. (PA & CO) - Disbarment Letter21
Linda Kerns Esq. (PA) - Disbarment Letter22
Bruce Marks Esq. (PA) - Disbarment Letter23
James Bopp Esq. (PA) - Disbarment Letter24
Ronald Hicks Esq. (PA) - Disbarment Letter25
Carolyn B. McGee Esq. (PA) - Disbarment Letter26
Anita Milanovich Esq. (PA) - Disbarment Letter27
Marc Scaringi Esq. (PA)- Disbarment Letter28
Brian Caffrey Esq. (PA) - Disbarment Letter29
Walter Zimolong Esq. (PA) - Disbarment Letter30
Senator Ted Cruz Esq. (TX) - Disbarment Letter31
Cleta Mitchell Esq. (DC) - Disbarment Letter32
Joseph diGenova Esq. (DC) - Disbarment Letter33
Boris Epshteyn Esq. (NY) - Disbarment Letter34
Paul Davis Esq. (TX) - Disbarment Letter35
William Calhoun Esq. (GA) - Disbarment Letter36
James Troupis Esq. (WI) - Disbarment Letter37
There are many more... I've written about the effort in multiple places: 

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Upgrade to Premium+
11:03 AM · May 19, 2024


Hope it will finally post here & stay…

There are clickable links at the original tweet, including after the names of those being unjustly & unconstitutionally targeted.

Valerie Curren

I’ll see if that material can post in an easier to read format…sigh…

Make no mistake, the Democrats are conducting a well-funded, well-organized effort to remove as many Republicans as possible from the November election process. Their goal is to prevent Republicans from ensuring the integrity of the election and protecting the sanctity of your vote. This is a war on the 6th Amendment—everyone, including President Trump and Republican candidates, deserves the right to legal representation. Democrats are working overtime to ensure that doesn’t happen in November.

UPDATE: Some people have asked for some details about the people who have been targeted. Here is a partial list:

  1. Donald Trump – Former President
  2. Rudy Giuliani – Former New York Mayor and Trump attorney
  3. Mark Meadows – Former White House Chief of Staff
  4. John Eastman – Conservative lawyer, former dean of Chapman University Law School
  5. Kenneth Chesebro – Lawyer involved in election manipulation plans
  6. Sidney Powell – Attorney involved in hiring forensic experts for voting system breaches
  7. Jeffrey Clark – Former DOJ official
  8. Jenna Ellis – Trump lawyer
  9. David Shafer – Former chairman of the Georgia Republican Party
  10. Shawn Still – Georgia state senator
  11. Harrison Floyd – Leader of “Black Voices for Trump”
  12. Trevian Kutti – Publicist, former associate of Kanye West
  13. Robert Cheeley – Georgia trial lawyer
  14. Mike Roman – Trump campaign official
  15. Stephen Lee – Lutheran pastor
  16. Ray Smith – Lawyer who represented the Trump campaign in Georgia
  17. Scott Hall – Bail bondsman involved in the Coffee County voting system breach
  18. Cathy Latham – Former Coffee County GOP chair and fake elector
  19. Misty Hampton – Former Coffee County elections supervisor involved in the voting system breach


  1. Rudy Giuliani – Former Trump attorney, involved in promoting false claims of election fraud.
  2. Mark Meadows – Former White House Chief of Staff.
  3. John Eastman – Lawyer who devised legal strategies to overturn the election.
  4. Christina Bobb – Attorney associated with Rudy Giuliani and a Republican National Committee official.
  5. Jenna Ellis – Lawyer who worked with Giuliani.
  6. Boris Epshteyn – 2020 Trump campaign aide.
  7. Mike Roman – Director of Election Day operations for the Trump campaign.
  8. Tyler Bowyer – Republican National Committee member and COO of Turning Point Action.
  9. Nancy Cottle – Chair of the Arizona Republican Presidential Electors.
  10. Jake Hoffman – Arizona state senator.
  11. Anthony Kern – Arizona state senator.
  12. James Lamon – 2022 U.S. Senate candidate and chair of Depcom Power.
  13. Robert Montgomery – Former Cochise County Republican Committee chair.
  14. Samuel Moorhead – Former Gila County Republican Party head.
  15. Loraine Pellegrino – Secretary of the Arizona Republican fake presidential electors.
  16. Gregory Safsten – Former Executive Director of the Arizona Republican Party.
  17. Kelli Ward – Former Arizona Republican Party chair and former state senator.
  18. Michael Ward – Republican activist and husband of Kelli Ward.


  1. Kathy Berden – Michigan Republican National Committee member.
  2. William (Hank) Choate – Former chair of the Jackson County Republican Party.
  3. Amy Facchinello – Trustee on the Grand Blanc Board of Education.
  4. Clifford Frost – GOP activist from Warren.
  5. Meshawn Maddock – Former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party.
  6. Marian Sheridan – Grassroots vice chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party.
  7. Kent Vanderwood – Mayor of Wyoming, Michigan.
  8. Stanley Grot – Shelby Township clerk.
  9. Rose Rook – GOP activist from Paw Paw.
  10. John Haggard – Former GOP candidate for state representative.
  11. Mari-Ann Henry – GOP activist from Brighton.
  12. Timothy King – GOP activist from Ypsilanti.
  13. James Renner – GOP activist from Lansing.
  14. Mayra Rodriguez – GOP activist from Grosse Pointe Farms.
  15. Ken Thompson – GOP activist from Orleans.
  16. Michele Lundgren – GOP activist from Detroit.


  1. Michael McDonald – Chair of the Nevada Republican Party.
  2. Jim DeGraffenreid – Nevada GOP national committeeman.
  3. Jesse Law – Chair of the Clark County Republican Party.
  4. Eileen Rice – GOP activist.
  5. Durward James Hindle III – GOP activist.
  6. Shawn Meehan – GOP activist.

Disbarment (65 Project):

  1. John Eastman
  2. Rudy Giuliani
  3. Sidney Powell
  4. Jenna Ellis
  5. Cleta Mitchell
  6. Stefan Passantino
  7. Michael McDonald
  8. Jim DeGraffenreid
  9. Jesse Law
  10. Emily Newman
  11. Kurt Olsen
  12. William Olson
  13. Lynn Fitch (Mississippi Attorney General)
  14. Steven Marshall (Alabama Attorney General)
  15. Patrick Morrisey (West Virginia Attorney General)
  16. Leslie Rutledge (Arkansas Attorney General)
  17. Derek Schmidt (Kansas Attorney General)
  18. Eric Schmitt (Missouri Attorney General)
  19. Tim Fox (Former Montana Attorney General)
  20. Sean Reyes (Utah Attorney General)
  21. Herbert Slatery (Former Tennessee Attorney General)
  22. Jeff Landry (Louisiana Attorney General)
  23. Curtis Hill (Former Indiana Attorney General)
  24. Mike Hunter (Oklahoma Attorney General)
  25. Douglas Peterson (Nebraska Attorney General)
  26. Ashley Moody (Florida Attorney General)
  27. Alan Wilson (South Carolina Attorney General)
  28. Kevin Koons
  29. William Bock
  30. Jeffrey Gallant
  31. Daniel Eastman
  32. Michael Dean
  33. Robert Citak
  34. James Knauer
  35. Richard Coleson
  36. Courtney Milbank
  37. Howard Kleinhendler
  38. Brandon Johnson
  39. Melana Siebert
  40. Julia Haller
  41. James Bopp
  42. Kenneth Klukowski
  43. Kenneth Chesebro

Stefanie Lynn Junttila Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter12
Gregory Rohl Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter13
Scott Hagerstrom Esq. (MI) – Disbarment Letter14

  1. Julia Z. Haller Esq. (DC)
  2. Brandon Johnson Esq. (DC)
  3. Lin Wood Esq. (GA)
  4. Howard Kleinhendler Esq. (NY)
  5. Emily Newman Esq. (VA)

Sidney Powell Esq. (TX)
Kurt Olsen Esq. (MD) – Disbarment Letter16
William Olson Esq. (VA) – Disbarment Letter17
John Eastman Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter18
Kenneth Klukowski Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter19
Kenneth Chesebro Esq. (NY) – Disbarment Letter20
Jenna Ellis Esq. (PA & CO) – Disbarment Letter21
Linda Kerns Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter22
Bruce Marks Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter23
James Bopp Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter24
Ronald Hicks Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter25
Carolyn B. McGee Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter26
Anita Milanovich Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter27
Marc Scaringi Esq. (PA)- Disbarment Letter28
Brian Caffrey Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter29
Walter Zimolong Esq. (PA) – Disbarment Letter30

  1. Senator Ted Cruz Esq. (TX) – Disbarment Letter31
  2. Cleta Mitchell Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter32
  3. Joseph diGenova Esq. (DC) – Disbarment Letter33
  4. Boris Epshteyn Esq. (NY) – Disbarment Letter34
  5. Paul Davis Esq. (TX) – Disbarment Letter35
  6. William Calhoun Esq. (GA) – Disbarment Letter36
  7. James Troupis Esq. (WI) – Disbarment Letter37

There are many more… I’ve written about the effort in multiple places:

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11:03 AM · May 19, 2024


Removing some of those links messed up the numbering so look to the images to see the original format, I guess,…

I tried guys, for I think this material is important, sorry if my judgement is off & this is just unnecessary clutter here…

Blessings to ALL!

Valerie Curren

You have to go to the twitter page to see the Steve Bannon interview of Christina Bobb, it’s less than a minute but I don’t know how to get it to show/play here, sorry.


Morning guys. What a world. apologies in advance for length.

I wanted to comment on a few things that are “happening” right now

First the Mar a Lago “raid”

Guys, this was a KILL op. PERIOD…FULL STOP.

The FBI, came unannounced to a former Presidents house, in PLAIN clothes, flew in a special “squad” from DC. They DID not inform the SS they were coming; SOP would have been cooperation between agencies.

They carried automatic weapons, unmarked vehicles, and in plain clothes. Refused to show a warrant, refused to allow lawyers inside during the “raid”, ordered the surveillance cameras be turned off. None of that is SOP.

Now, we learn that they BROUGHT BOXES of DOCUMENTS with them from DC. The kicker? They were also “armed” with a freshly printed use of deadly force protocol. They were “AUTHORIZED to KILL” not only Trump, and anyone who “resisted” including the SS AND even a member of staff or TRUMP’S family. Again, NOT SOP.

The FBI excuse? SOP. BULL FING SHIT. There was NOTHING “standard about this failed kill op.

This was 100% meant to “escalate” so Trump, and any member of his staff, family, and SS detail would be taken OUT. There can be NO other conclusion. I now want to SEE just exactly what the FBI planted. I KNOW what they were looking for and did not find (direct proof of Obama’s crimes in Crossfire Hurricane and MORE)

What was in those documents they brought from DC? I bet it was “evidence” to “implicate” Trump in some sort of treasonous plot with Russia. BANK on it. This was meant to assassinate Trump, and ANY witnesses, even SS, lawyers, staff or family.

The excuse would have been “Trump hid documents implicating him, and he “resisted” so deadly force was used.” “Trump was a traitor, he deserved it.” Dead men tell no tales.

Thank God it FAILED. Trump nor the first family were at home during the “raid” The FBI would have known this IF they bothered to do TRUE SOP and communicate with the SS at Mar a Lago beforehand.

No matter what the FBI statement said about this not being about Biden, Biden had to DIRECTLY approve this. There is simply NO WAY he would not have had tacit info on this. He could have stopped it, he did not. Garland and by abstention the FBI work for HIM. BIDEN is the one who retroactively, ILLEGALLY, removed Trump’s executive privilege. He is the one who sicked NARA on this in the first place. All over document Trump IS legally entitled to thanks to PRA, right Clinton? Convenient that they IGNORE that ruling from Berman, AND that Biden did the same thing, but was NOT protected by PRA, he was just “too elderly, and had a poor memory” <eye roll>

Now, do not forget, Biden was Obama’s VP, he knows and is culpable for the same crimes as Obama, including Crossfire (remember that Jan 5th, 2017 meeting in the WH?). I have no doubt in my mind Obama is really the one in charge, but Biden is just as evil, corrupt, and just as capable on this type of stuff. More so because this was STUPID and RECKLESS. Remember “No one fucks with a Biden”

This was a clusterfuck. IF they had assassinated Trump, they WOULD have gotten EXACTLY what they do not want. A hot Civil War. It would be open season on all politicians. NO ONE would be safe. That’s how STUPID, reckless, and ill-conceived this was. Remember in the Revolutionary war, the Continental militia used to purposely target officers FIRST.

RIGHT NOW, Mike Johnson needs to grow a sack, and issue an ARREST warrant for contempt on Merrick Garland. Throw his ass in the House jail. Then proceed to treat him like he has treated all J6 prisoners. After a few days of solitary, offer him a deal, turn states evidence, or HANG. One time offer.

This IS WAR people. Nov 2020 WAS and IS a coup. But it is NOT over. They were actively trying to KILL the 45th POTUS. If you think Trump going to jail is going to be the end of this, you are mistaken. They want him DEAD. In jail, they WILL attempt it, even if they had to blow up the jail to do it. “Gas leak”.

Trump needs to treat these people EXACTLY as George Washington treated traitors to the country…HANG THEM ALL. No more kid gloves. No more nice nice. No more TALK. Just DO, explain later.

This was just SOP. So now they have set PRECEDENT. It is SOP to do armed shoot to kill raids on political opponents. SOP to fabricate crimes, Abuse FISA and general warrants, remove executive privilege, attorney client privilege, plant evidence, tamper with that evidence, ignore laws, ignore the Constitutional rights, reinstitute expire statutes of limitations, put on trials in partisan regions, with partisan DA’s, partisan judges, and partisan juries.
Prevent any DEFENSE from the accused, do not allow expert witnesses to appear, hide exculpatory evidence, abuse or ignore discovery. Lie, lie in court, lie in Congress, lie in the media. The persecute, prosecute. arrest, harass, shame, lie on, deplatform, censor, jail, bankrupt, or even threaten to KILL any opposition to the state.

Thats a LOT of SOP to ignore the Constitution, hell that is wiping your ass on it, pissing on it, and THEN setting it on fire. These fools have set a TON of precedent and SOP that WILL be used on them in the NEAR future. Remember, this is Obama, he views the bill of rights as a “Negative Bill of rights on the STATE”.

Do you know what the Constitutionally mandated SOP is for Treason? Trial, conviction, HANGING. Incoming fools.

Still think Q was an op?

“Sometimes you cannot just tell the people, you MUST show them” Are we being shown? YES, and far more than needed.

” You are watching a movie” Could only a movie be this sublime? YES.

” These people are stupid” YES, EVIL, but stupid.

“10 days darkness” I fear that one is coming as is the POTUS release speech that started it all.

1984 made real. I guess none of these idiots read Orwell’s OTHER book. I would suggest they do, PDQ. Cliff notes, it doesn’t end well for those in “power”.

Here is one saving thought. SOMEONE tipped Trump to NOT be home and to NOT have what they were looking for at MAL. Trump had to suspect the FBI had a mole in his orbit, someone let him know ala Mike Rogers and Trump Tower surveillance. I hope team Trump fed the mole lots of barium meals (dis info). One step ahead.

Finally on all the show trial(s). If a bear passes gas in the woods, do we care. That is what these trials have amounted to, bear gas. Ashit show. Jack Smith is being actively bludgeoned and EXPOSED by Cannon. Fanny is about to be brought up on charges in GA, she is just too stupid to see it. Leticia is about to have her and the pedo judges’ judgement VACATED ON APPEAL, THEN THE FUN BEGINS AS Trump counter sues… I’d say for at LEAST 1 BILLION dollars. Taxes going UP UP UP in NY to pay for this…hint next time elect REAL officials, not hacks, it IS going to cost them…bigly.

Finally, on to the shit show that is Alvin Bragg. Well, you may get your conviction, thanks to a stacked deck, but you will not get to enjoy it. See, IF they convict, this will HAVE TO BE on a FEDERAL charge, that you bootstrapped to an expired state misdemeanor. That is an IMMEDIATE emergency appeal to either the US district court or SCOTUS. They MUST take it up IMMEDIATELY due to the pending election (harm). 1 week, it gets OVERTURNED on appeal, and the judge, DA, and DOJ get slapped down. Then the FUN begins. Trump civilly sues Bragg et al into insolvency…till he is elected in Nov., and this would guarantee that.

Then the REAL fun begins as Trump’s DOJ, using the own error of the Cabal, uses ALL the precedents they used on Trump, against Bragg, James, Merchan, pedo judge, Willis, Garland, Wray, Biden, and finally the ringleader, Obama. That IS draining the swamp.

Oh, and I know, but PRex, who would execute (pun intended) Trump’s order to prosecute, the FBI, DOJ are corrupt. Yep, but remember this is TREASON and CONSIRACY against the US and a former President, as well as a coup de tat. Most of the DOJ and FBI leadership WILL be indicted.

This is NOT going to be the DOJ, it is going to be Military. But the Military is corrupted too…yep accept ONE branch…Space Force…who created that branch again? What is their mandate? They have only been in existence 5 years, not enough time to fully infiltrate for the Cabal.

Interesting times. we still have 5 and a half months to go…hold the line. PRex out. Happy Memorial day! Remember those who fought, bled, and died for this country. RIP Dad, your sacrifices were NOT in vain.

Gail Combs

I am going to add this!!!

  𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗶𝘀𝗻’𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘅

See screen capture at 59:23 on Eye of the Storm:

Gail Combs

I suggest people watch the first part of the Tucker -Eric Prince video where he says Warfare has evolved.

Now you have DRONES that can deliver ‘kill shots’ and they can be made by terrorists EASILY!

What is NYC famous for at this time — MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS!…


I’m guessing he means “Animal Farm.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Those are pretty much his only famous works (1984 and Animal Farm). Famous as in, I’ve heard of them. Animal Farm is far less famous than 1984, though. Everyone has heard of Big Brother; fewer get “Four legs good, too legs bad.”

Someone actually into English literature might know more of them; I don’t know.


Speaking of English, how many legs are ‘too’ much?


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


It’s okay as long as they don’t eff with one’s typing.

(Man I hate it when I do that.)

Last edited 9 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

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Animal Farm

pat frederick

hi Prex! good to see you!
I would add this…which i believe i posted yesterday…Rhonda KNEW 3 hrs in advance that they were coming

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I still want to see the proof on this.

Gail Combs

This seems to be the origin:

DeSantis Had Advance Knowledge of Mara-Lago

“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had advance knowledge of the FBI’s August 8 raid on President Donald J. Trump’s Mara-Lago estate but chose not to warn him that an army of federal goons was about to descend on Palm Beach like a swarm of locusts, , according to a new White Hat study General Eric M. Smith shared with his council on Tuesday.

The report, authored by U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command, asserts that DeSantis entertained AG Merrick Garland at the governor’s mansion in Tallahassee on July 25, two weeks ahead of the raid. It states that the joint cyber command task force acquired surveillance footage of Garland and two unidentified men arriving at DeSantis’ home at 8:00 p.m. that evening.

That alone, our source said, sounded alarm bells; Gen. Smith saw no reason why DeSantis, who has sharply criticized the regime, would for any reason sit down with Garland, who has weaponized the Department of Justice to target law-abiding patriots. Moreover, the meeting appeared clandestine because
neither the Justice Dept. nor DeSantis’ camp publicly mentioned the gathering.”

“There’s nothing technically criminal about the meeting. DeSantis can invite anyone he wants into his home, but it was highly suspicious, in retrospect, knowing now that they met in secret shortly before the unlawful occupation of President Trump’s home. 

About Real Raw NewsReal Raw News tried to bring light to topics often ignored by others.
Real Raw News is owned and operated by Michael Baxter, a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher. I can be reached at I delete all trollish email without reading them.
All content on Real Raw News is written by Michael Baxter

Gail Combs

Yeah, he gets the side eye.

Wolfie wanted the source and that was the only source I could find.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.

Barb Meier

Thanks for the sauce, Gail!

Gail Combs

I read the site at times and just do not make a judgement.

Thanks for the info about that site.

We will see if Julie Kelly comes up this concrete evidence on DeSanctimonious,

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I think it’s likely that DeSantis was informed, but the specifics of that are totally unknown.


And what makes anyone think RDS wasn’t DJT’s source for the plans to raid? What if DJT had many weeks notice thanks to RDS?

What if all the animosity between the two was a head fake?

Let’s all take off our jumping shoes.

pat frederick

could be…the info above says he had 3 hours notice. but you could be right.
bu rhonda had aspirations of being president at that time…so that would be a hard sell for me to believe.
but i will admit it if I’m wrong.

Barb Meier

I saw this on X and think someone said the original source was realrawnews and that they were not reliable. I can not confirm that. The picture above was posted by someone else on X but I did not get time to dig into it or remember the poster name.

Barb Meier

Thank you, prognosticatasaurusrex!!

I did not pay attention to the Mara Lago raid nor think through what it means that Trump and family were not there when the raid happened. There are no coincidences.

The facts needed were right in front of me, but I failed to think things through. (((head making whirring sounds))) Thank you for highlighting that planning between the SS and FBI normally takes place. Oh yes, it does. It either did not or if it did, the “deconfliction” failure means something else entirely. Jumping patriot gremlin juju beans?

Happy Memorial day to you too. RIP to your Dad, mine, and all our warriors who sacrificed for our freedoms.


Juicy stuff!!!!


Apparently it gets WORSE. The FBI had called a local trauma center nearby and told them to PREPARE for casualties. I told you….KILL op. Someone tipped Trump. NONE of the family was there.


My gut tells me this was an CIA operation. The FBI has been infiltrated by the CIA.

Gail Combs

Too true. At this point there is little difference as they swap people in and out.


Yup 🙂


The CIA is definitely an issue. Secretly, I hope Trump. via EO on day one, disbands the clowns in action. After all, we have 16 more “intelligence” agencies. Hell, may as well do the same to the Federal Bureau of Instigation as well. There are local LA and US marshals to take up the slack.


P-rex, thank you for this post.

Trump needs to treat these people EXACTLY as George Washington treated traitors to the country…HANG THEM ALL. No more kid gloves. No more nice nice. No more TALK. Just DO, explain later.

I think I know what you mean, but I believe our side will follow the rule of law and that Trump is committed to that. The key is having people in place who will do their duty.

Fanny is about to be brought up on charges in GA, she is just too stupid to see it. Leticia is about to have her and the pedo judges’ judgement VACATED ON APPEAL, THEN THE FUN BEGINS AS Trump counter sues… I’d say for at LEAST 1 BILLION dollars. Taxes going UP UP UP in NY to pay for this…hint next time elect REAL officials, not hacks, it IS going to cost them…bigly.

I hope so!

Happy Memorial day! Remember those who fought, bled, and died for this country. RIP Dad, your sacrifices were NOT in vain.

The sacrifices of those who came before, like your dad, are the reason we are here and still free to continue this fight. 🇺🇸 Happy Memorial Day! 🇺🇸

pat frederick

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pat frederick

h/t Marica


Apparently vials of blood. People are tweeting back that the FBI will respond with camera’s and that everything should be battened down (computer files and documents). They are thinking a modern day Water Gate is breaking. Not sure how that works unless Hazmat team is allowed access everywhere and kicks everyone out as they search.

Gail Combs

Well, at this point I would CERTAINLY NOT TRUST THE FIB! Esp the DC FIB.


CIA formerly known as FBI


 😅  lol good one!

pat frederick

what is the fib looking for at the RNC headquarters that want to search for without others watching?


Or perhaps what do they want to place and “find” ?

pat frederick

good point!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. They’re planting bugs.

This is AMAZING. The evil fuckers are going for another STEAL.

Gail Combs

The RNC needs to do their planning ELSEWHERE and just use the ‘official offices’ as decoys.


Bedminster is still available and probably still has a SCIF.

Gail Combs

AND there is Laura Trump…




They also could plant something so they can arrest more Republicans ?



A little strange that whatever the supposed symbolic vials of blood were supposed to imply wasn’t spelled out in some immature taunt note attached with the vials. I can’t believe that any serious group wouldn’t give some itty bitty clue about it……….so..probably FEDS


They are going to go through everything. How convenient to get all the files all info about Republican headquarter. The Biden regime went full Stalinistic.

Barb Meier

Isn’t this like the Nixon Watergate scandel with different actors?


Amazing footage..those storm hunters are brave and crazy!


They take good video too. Intense.

Valerie Curren

My husband loves watching this kind of stuff sometimes has live youtube on the boob tube & a different channel going on his cell. I think Reed Timmer was part of that video & they mentioned their storm chasing vehicle The Dominator 🙂

Gail Combs

After reading P-Rex and thinking about it.

The Mar-a-Logo raid was an assassination attempt PERIOD.

  • The only notice was to Ron DeSanta (if that is verified) THERFORE State (Local??) police could have been instructed to STAND DOWN if they got a panicked call from MaL
  • There were THIRTY Agents with machine guns, NO VISIBLE ID and NO WARRANT and UNMARKED CARS
  • No NOTICE TO Secret Service
  • The FBI leader of the raid came from DC AND was the SAME GUY THAT SET-UP the Witchmer Kidnapping Fed entrapment scheme.

Steven D’Antuono: The FBI’s Hatchet Man

“It’s not a coincidence that his name appears prominently in the most brazen anti-Trump stunts conducted by the FBI in the past two years.” By Julie Kelly October 6, 2022

  • Do not forget D’Antuono was then relocated to DC where, according to Clay Higgins, over 200 FBI agents and assets set up the Jan 6th Buffalo Jump.
  • No lawyers allowed
  • Cameras turned off

If the HAND PICKED FBI agents killed everyone in the private section of MaL THE ONLY WITNESSES WOULD BE THE FBI! The boxes they brought with them would be hauled out to show POTUS Trump was a TRAITOR and resisted and therefore had to be killed.


That horse that snapped at that women would have gotten a punch in the mouth if it was me.

Gail Combs

That is my reaction too.

Although I have been know to BITE BACK. Works like a charm. As predators, we have a very distinct bite.

Horse I have punched, pulled whiskers and the rest of the ‘tricks’…. all continue to try and bite. The horse I have bitten QUIT PERIOD. Especially if I really chomp down on an ear until they scream.

Bite, kick,or rear & strike with the front feet and I WILL MAKE YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!

Horses KILL more humans than any other animal so an unruly animal is truly a danger.


I agree. And I have bitten my children to teach them it hurts, too. When they are little, they don’t know. Biting is a very bad habit that must be broken.

Gail Combs

That is where I got the idea from. From my Mom. 😊


Good mothering!

Gail Combs

She was wonderful and VERY inventive.


You are lucky.

Gail Combs

I very much was.

Barb Meier

My cousin Nina bit me when we were both littles. I am a couple of years older. I went crying to mom. My aunt Dorothy, Nina’s mom, told me “bite her back.” I adored my aunt Dorothy and mom did too.

Last edited 9 months ago by Barb Meier

Your aunt sounds like my Dad!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And you would have ended up in deep shit.

You do not mess with the royal guards.

Gail Combs

Too true.

On the other hand horsemen know to ASK the owner/rider permission before approaching an animal.

People would not try to walk up and pet a police dog but the will to a police horse.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

From what I’ve seen the guards will sometimes tolerate touching the horse as long as you don’t go for the reins. Personally I’d not try it, but some people…(no, I’m not a horseman, and neither are most people).

I wasn’t sure from the vid if the guard was saying something to the person as the horse did its thing.

Gail Combs

I would not have that horse out in public PERIOD.

But that is just paranoid me since I am always worried about lawsuits.

The crazy things people do around and to horses is unreal!


The UK horse guards are immune to lawsuits. They are legally the same as the Queen herself.

Gail Combs

I realize that. However it is STILL not a good ‘look’

Valerie Curren

dead & buried?


Maybe. But a rude horse is a bad thing.

Barb Meier

I lived on a ranch in the foothills of Silicon Valley for a few years. My neighbor had a horse who I would visit across its fence. I always took carrots. I kept my hand flatish when I gave him a carrot because they’ve got big teeth. 🤓


A horse can bite you clear to the bone. You were smart!





Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Love your neighbor as I have loved you;
This is what Jesus asked us all to do;
Judge not or you will be judged right the same;
Blame not a soul – don’t defile his or her name!

Only God knows the heart – it is His to know;
Backbiting and gossip – we must forego;
If we engage in demeaning our brother;
It hurts only us – not at all the other!

For God does not look kindly on attacks;
It is He who will correct – give the whacks;
In His conviction – he will pity the one;
Vengeance is His – and will be swiftly done!

Jesus wants us to forgive – or we will not;
When we ask forgiveness – as we ought;
We must be willing to forgive and forget;
Or forgiveness of sins – we’ll not beget!

Blaming one’s neighbor – to elevate self;
That’s not what God wants – for him or herself;
We must be accountable for falling short;
Of His glory and mercy – no smart retort!

What will we say when we stand before Him;
Will we make excuses – keep blaming Jim?
At that point it’ll be too late for amends;
It will be pointless then to forgive our friends!

Forgiveness is freedom from guilt and shame;
It comes when we repent and take the blame;
For our cruelty and meanness toward another;
For falsely accusing our sister or brother!

Be slow to anger – and quick to forgive;
Without guilt and guile is the way to live;
With love and understanding – you will be;
In God’s good graces – and frankly – free!

Creating strife among one’s sister or brother;
It is not really how you love one another;
Jesus commanded us to love as He did;
His Peace He gave us – to share not forbid!

Forgive one another – be a light in the dark;
Be love toward your brother – and set the spark;
For the peacemakers – the Word says are duly;
Called Children of God – and quite blessed – truly!

D01:  11/17/2013




Thank you so much for your poem today, and for the wonderful inspirational things you post to the board every day.
Yours Truly is in need of prayer, to find Peace, to think about what to do regarding what one just found out (via an overheard remark from one’s son made in a restaurant during a celebration dinner) — that he and his family are planning to move to Colorado. Yours Truly knew nothing of this prior. Currently, one lives about 20 minutes away from them here in NC.


Oh, that’s a shock for a parent. My heart goes out to you.

Gail Combs

Just consider it a nice place to visit.

Seriously that is a blow. I know when I was looking at a job up near the Canadian border (I had the offer in hand) Dad asked me not to take it so I did not.

After Mom died I would drive down to see him every other weekend and he was afraid it would be too far for me to drive.


PRAYERS UP – 🙏 🙏 🙏

Valerie Curren

Oh PAVACA, may the Lord give you wisdom, joy, & peace as you contemplate your path. He will show the way & help you walk in it…


Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



Thank you for the link to the CVS / Walgreens story.

Here’s a link to another story, the “Dr. Robert Redfield finally comes clean about the COVId-19 “vaccines” confessional”:
18 May 2024

Here’s this, the FDA on 23 August 2023 (when the agency lost the court case over Ivermectin for COVID-19 prevention / treatment):
The FDA states the agency still has NOT authorized or approved the use of Ivermectin to prevent or to treat COVID-19. The agency did NOT state that Ivermectin is safe or effective for those uses.

Here’s this, also:
5 April 2024
Yours Truly: The “you, consumer, don’t know anything and we, the FDA, will tell you what to know and to think” approach.

Here’s this, also: the 29 February 2024 NIH (FDA) FINAL COVID-19 TREATMENT GUIDELINES pdf: (478 pages)
Yours Truly: THESE are the guidelines that healthcare providers, hospitals, care facilities, nursing homes, etc., etc., WILL FOLLOW.

*** The FDA DOES NOT recommend, authorize, or approve of Ivermectin being used to either prevent or treat COVID-19. Period.
*** Page 371: FDA is completely against the use of Ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19;
*** Page 388: FDA is against using Metformin in the treatment of COVID-19 for hospitalized patients, except as part of a clinical trial;
*** Page 398: FDA is against using supplementary Vitamin C to treat hospitalized COVID-19 patients;
*** Page 401: FDA states there is “insufficient data” to recommend supplementary Vitamin D for COVID-19;
*** Page 404: FDA states there is “insufficient data” to recommend supplementary Zinc for COVID-19; FDA is against using Zinc above the standard RDA of 11mg per day (8mg for post-menopausal females).

*** Page 474: Listings of COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel members with ties to: NIH / FDA / DoD / BARDA
*** Page 476: Listings of COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel members with ties to BIG PHARMA.


Vitamins and minerals that one could never get adequte amounts of on hospital food are not recommended. The FDA is evil.

Gail Combs

“…The FDA US GOVERNMENT is evil.”

There, fixed it.

pat frederick

i have to wonder if all the theatrics going on in NY is all to distract from what Judge Cannon is releasing in Florida.


It’s a nice collateral effect IMO.

pat frederick

May 22, 2024 12:25 pm
Laura Loomer from Twitter
BREAKING: After I asked whether or not @NikkiHaley’s campaign was planning on staging a coup against Trump with delegates at the upcoming RNC convention, @NikkiHaley’s brother Mitti Randhawa @MittiRandhawasaid “it’s happening” and told me to “deal with it”.
I can exclusively confirm via high level sources that the Trump campaign asked @NikkiHaley
’s Senior staff about these posts by her brother and Haley’s campaign has ignored the Trump campaign, with only one of the three Nikki staffers who were contacted replying by taking a jab at a senior Trump advisor. The top Nikki staffer said, “I’m sure the Trump family has done the same to Nikki Haley”.
This means Nikki Haley’s campaign has signed off on this messaging from her brother about disrupting support for President Trump at the RNC Convention in July.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How on earth can they succeed at this? Hardly anyone there is going to want her to win.

Even some of the people obligated to vote for her for the first two ballots, would actually rather be voting for Trump.

Last edited 9 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
pat frederick

i dunno honestly. i’m not sure how the convention works–I have not been interested enough to watch.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Generally delegates are committed to vote how the primary went for some certain number of ballots.And of course Trump has an overwhelming majority of committed delegates. I don’t see how he can possibly fail to win on the first ballot.

Gail Combs

He can lose if the RNC votes that the delegates are NOT tied to the candidate.

IIRC this is the stunt that Ted Cruise tried in 2016. AND it is why Manafort was hired.


So re-hire Manafort.

He’s clearly qualified to swat crawling insects IYKWIM.

Gail Combs

I was thinking, bringing copies of the black mail material. It is more efficient.

Gail Combs

Ted Cruz warns against changing RNC’s 2012 rule requiring eight-state threshold

👉The 2016 convention rules committee meets about a week before the convention to adopt a package of recommended rules.

Question of whether 2012 rule will apply to 2016 convention a matter of sharp dispute…

“I think it would be potentially disastrous for the party to alienate the huge numbers of Republicans who are not establishment people, and that constitutes the vast majority of the people who participated in these primaries and caucuses,” he said. “It could hurt the party badly, split people, because it’s a very strong point that they would have changed the rules in order to affect who gets nominated.”…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What would likely happen in this case is that Haley would lose some of her committed delegates.

This whole thing depends on the premise that a lot of Trump delegates would rather vote for someone else, they just can’t.

Gail Combs


Doesn’t mean the delusional won’t make a try… and then there are threats and blackmail.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Remember when people tried to get Trump electors to change their votes in 2016?

They’d be yelling and screaming at them to vote their conscience…apparently it never occurred to them that someone might actually think that voting Trump was the good/correct thing to do.

Gail Combs

As I said Delusional!

The live inside a bubble, and anyone sane is going to make sure NOT to trip their insanity.

I for one HATE shrieking females and frothing at the mouth soy boys & therefore I do not trigger them.

pat frederick

thank you!

Gail Combs

The CABAL wants her and that is ALL that matters to them.

If they pull that shit, it WILL be the death of the Reboobs and possible the nation.

I for one will VOTE JFK jr before I VOTE Haley! (That is if I can not vote Trump.)


JFK jr is dead. I’m sure you meant RFK jr.

I suppose that having the dead vote is not much different than voting for the dead. It’s the Democrat way.

Gail Combs


Well we still are not sure whether or not the Meat Puppet is alive or [brain] dead. 😋

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

you could always write in Trump 🙂


I thought Haley had already committed political suicide. She didn’t need to do this too. But it is one more cog in the wheel of “take down Trump no matter the cost or how evil you look in the process.”


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Biden: “Let me close with this: After I signed the pacandlpacatlackack into law…”

Last edited 9 months ago by holly

I hope that posts. I’m not sure what works for others, but here’s what I do:
While I’m at the site, I go to the URL and replace the “X” with “twitter”. Then I copy the new URL and paste it here.


My notifier bell disappeared sometime this morning.

Valerie Curren

That recently happened to Aubergine but she said hers came back yesterday, iirc, after several days of it being down 🙁


There are still bells? I haven’t had a bell on this site in over a year. 🔕



Valerie Curren

You don’t have the animal indicating how many comments have been liked, but Holly does (she’s a wolverine), so she is likely signed into the Q-Tree but you might just be signed into wordpress. Wolf could probably explain it better & offer suggestions 🙂

Last edited 9 months ago by Valerie Curren


pat frederick

Eric CIAramella’s Dirty Whistle
REALLY FULTON!? DID HEAD ACLU LAWYERS HAVE ACCESS TO ENTIRE GA REGISTRATION DATABASES W/ DATA ENTRY PRIVILEGES? All volunteer deputy registrars and absentee clerk logins/passwords were SENT BY ACLU; Even w/ two-person authentication (days before early processing of ballots).

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Gail Combs



Courtesy of the CHINESE aka Konnech!

pat frederick

h/t Filly

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

Gail Combs

She is Attorney at the Republican National Committee. US Marine….


And now arraigned and booked for election interference. 😡

Robert Baker

Participants in, witnesses to, and interpreters of history all give testimony that serves as the quintessential source for historiography. “We know about the past, to the extent that we know about it at all, primarily through the testimony of others. Testimony lies at the very heart of our access to the past.” Consequently, interpretation is unavoidable. “We cannot avoid testimony, and we cannot avoid interpretation. We also cannot avoid faith.… What we call knowledge of the past is more accurately described as faith in the testimony, in the interpretation of the past offered by others.”41
Historiography is therefore driven by the values held by those whose testimony provides the framework. Different values will result in different histories. Therefore we must next turn our attention to the values that served as the foundation for ancient historiography.

John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 229.

As I read the above paragraph I was prompted to think about the film Oppenheimer. Most of the people who were of an age to actually understand the subject of that film from their lived experience have died. A smattering who witnessed the actual events left recollections, but few today have researched their accounts. At this point the film Oppenheimer becomes the “history” of that time. Before the Manhattan Project and Robert Oppenheimer becomes an even smaller footnote in the history of the world, that film will become official history to the reader. That magnifies the important of cultural institutions who have a responsibility to vet and maintain an accurate account of that time. If these institutions no longer discharge their fiduciary duty, then civilization will cycle into tyranny and the world of 1984. This state will continue until the next ‘tea party’. The fight to protect the rule of law and the liberty of humanity is not just an ideological preference. It is the difference between believing the truth and a lie. To paraphrase someone’s summary of its importance: Civilization dies in darkness. Truth matters, it should not be treated casually. It is worth defending.

Valerie Curren


Robert Baker

Valerie, I read your extended comment on temptation from yesterday. I commend you for your diligent search of the Scriptures. You and anyone who has occasion to encounter you will benefit from your studies. May heaven’s blessing accompany you and reward your faithfulness.

Valerie Curren

Thank you so much for this precious encouragement. Just Wow.

Hubby & I were expanding the discussion from yesterday & he found a Great Got Questions link on some of yesterday’s topic here:

Was Jesus the biological son of Mary? If so, how did He not inherit a sin nature?
I found this helpful analysis on another topic discussed yesterday:

God Bless YOU most richly sir  😇 


If aliens in spaceships saw our world, they wouldn’t name it “Earth”.
They’d name it “Water” because that’s what makes up more than 70% of the surface. And it’s also what controls the climate.
A couple days ago I stumbled across something I’d been trying to find for a while, a longer-term gridded global rainfall dataset. I finally located one at the Copernicus website. It runs from 1979 to December 2021. Here’s the global average rainfall from that site.


From the link, evidence presented in Jerome Corsi’s new book: 

We now know with forensic certainty that two frontal headshots and one shot from the rear at a low angle (not from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository) killed JFK. The evidence for these conclusions comes from a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis, that I have recently published with Dr. David W. Mantik, who has a Ph.D. in physics and a medical practice extending over five decades as a radiation oncologist and who has seen the JFK autopsy skull X-rays more than anyone else.

Using a densitometer, Dr. Mantik measured the light coming through the X-rays millimeter-by-millimeter (with some measurements at a tenth-of-a-millimeter calibration). After analyzing the JFK right lateral autopsy, Dr. Mantik provided forensic proof that the third and final shot hit JFK in the right temple by the ear. The bullet furrowed a trail to the back of JFK’s head and blew out a gaping, avulsive wound in the right occipital region of JFK’s skull.

Dr. Michael Chesser, M.D., made optical density measurements of the three extant JFK autopsy skull X-rays in the National Archives, confirming Dr. Mantik’s findings… 

More details and photos at the link. I don’t understand the methods used, but it looks very interesting. I think they’re saying there is proof that the third shot came from the grassy knoll.

Gail Combs

All Hell Breaks In Judiciary Committee Loose When Cruz, Kennedy Explode At Judge Laphonza Butler (10 min)

(testimony about a serial rapist case — 6 ft 2 claimed to be a woman so she put in a woman’s prison.) 


Cruz exposed 🔥that political ideology trumped the safety of those that are supposed to be protected. We are dealing with dangerous levels of breaks from reality, with the reasoning those people use.

Gail Combs

Those two videos are eye openers.

The ROT is very very deep and systemic!


Allow me to point out that current policy in the prison industry holds that anal rape is to be expected.

Therefore it is not within the boundaries of legal requirements to protect.

Gail Combs



Allow me to point out that current policy in the prison industry holds that anal rape is to be expected. 

Therefore it is not within the boundaries of legal requirements to protect.

That is news to me, and wrong-headed policy, IMO.


It creates, among other things, a lot of released felons with severe PTSD.

Also, saddled with a criminal record isn’t enough; they also have to deal with the associated shame of their secret. End result is low threshold of emotional control over frustration/depression.

Random street violence? Only from the victim’s point of view. To the perp’s subconscious, it’s perfectly logical.

Gail Combs

It is a SLOPPY LAZY NASTY policy. The people who came up with it and advocate for it should have to spend a year in a cell with Big Bubba!

Barb Meier

How weird. I just saw a post that disappeared before my very eyes. I’ll look up and down, but Pgroup, your post did not move. Maybe I need a nap.

Valerie Curren

I had multiple comments evaporate after appearing briefly on today’s post. They were all related to a twee that detailed the lawfare against many republicans.

Barb Meier

Forbes looks like National Enquirer.

Gail Combs

They do have a lot of clips from the congress and senate hearings. Some are interesting.


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Dementia Joe Drains the Entire Northeast Gasoline Reserve in Desperate Bid to Lower Gas Prices as He Trails Trump by Double Digits

Where the comments are (original story)

Since I’m not signed up to comment on Zero Hedge adds a comment here.

This appears to help one part of the country that actually still votes for Joe.


Speaker Johnson, come out come out wherever you are.


Yes, read that yesterday. Seems both staffers are from the McCarthy era. Not sure what to make of it. Could be given what else you posted next he needed some people to fall on the sword as way of deflection? Simply no idea.


“Brittan Specht, Jason Yaworske and Preston Hill — all of whom also worked for former Speaker Kevin McCarthy — are heading to Michael Best Strategies, a lobbying firm with offices in D.C. and around the country.”

Barb Meier

Everyone’s got to be somewhere. Some people just insist on being tied to DC.


Johnson is so smart that he is dumb. Of course he could be evil clothed in piety like Pence.


” Zelensky intends to attend events in Normandy in honor of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and a G7 meeting in Italy to ask the West for even more weapons, as well as “ask NATO to shoot down Russian missiles,” Politico reports, citing sources.”

Going to be a bit awkward if he takes the Azov Battalion with him.

Gail Combs

Another video


During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) spoke about alleged reports of gross misconduct and harassment at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under the oversight of FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg (10 minutes)

(One in ten employees were harassed)

Partial transcript:

…investigators with the clear E gotle Law Firm…

…the report goes on one senior FDIC official who had a reputation for visiting brothels during his work trips isn’t that special sent his coworker a photograph of his penis another senior FDIC official who allegedly was thrown out of a strip club during a work trip because he grop the dancers this official the same day asked his female coworker

 quote does your husband eat you an FDIC field officer pursued sexual  relationships with several female employees including a student intern another employee reported that a former FDIC executive quote grabbed her and rubbed himself on her after a papy hour my God one female employee counted more than 6 years of persistent sexual harassment from a senior FDIC Bank examiner she said the examiner continuously sent her disturbing text messages including one that said quote get naked the employee said the behavior bordered on the edge of stalking — you  think? look I could go on for hours here I’m not sure my stomach can stand it. In total there’s 6,000 workers at the FDIC in total more than 500 reported misconduct by their bosses creepy old men they reported 145 incidents of sexual harassment…


Kennedy compared the behavior of “creepy old men” at the FDIC with the “Me too” movement’s supposed protection of woman — as only Kennedy can. 😎

Gail Combs

Wasn’t that wonderful?

I really like to listen to Kennedy eviscerate idiots.


Done With The Dogs: Competitive Eating Legend Kobayashi Calls It A Career Over Health Concerns

One of the competitive eating greats — Takeru Kobayashi — is calling it a career to focus on his health, which, after a career spent putting away more hot dogs than Michael Moore on Dollar Dog Night, is probably smart.

The 46-year-old from Japan, who won six straight Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contests from 2001 to 2006, announced that he was calling it a career in a new Netflix documentary titled, Hack Your Health: The Secrets Of Your Gut. Kobayashi revealed that years of eating absurd amounts of processed foods had an adverse effect on his health, but not in the way you might be thinking.

According to The New York Postdoctors found that Kobayashi’s brain had become “repelled by processed foods.”

…”For the past 20 years, I have been in this field,” Kobayashi said. “I worry about the consequences of my decision, but most importantly, I want to repair my brain and gut.”

Good for him for voicing his concern but only doing so after locking up records for the grilled cheese sandwiches eaten in one minute (13), lobster rolls eaten in ten minutes (41), and a cheesesteak speed record in which he downed one in under 25 seconds.

He explained that eating like he has for over two decades can in turn have some physiological effects.

“When you eat too much, you lose the ability to smell the food, and you also ignore signals from your body, such as feeling full,” he said.

That actually sounds like a competitive eating advantage, but if you want to live to see your mid-50s, it’s probably best to make a change and that’s what Kobayashi is doing.

Common sense prevails. I hope it’s not too late for his health.


I watched the docu. Very well done. Simple explanations about how the gut microbiome works and how important a balanced one is for overall health..


Wonder how fast he can eat a NY cheesecake.


I know how fast I could eat one. 😅

Gail Combs

Rather have a 7 layer German chocolate cake…

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The base looks like some gravel driveways I’ve seen. What is it?


It looks like my normal fare. Granola with extras to include little chocolate bits inside which I also add to the normal fare. That chocolate on the top though… not sure that’s good for you, I think that stuff has all the sugar.

Gail Combs

I put on 10 lbs the first month I was in Germany. I was within walking distance of a German bakery. (I also had 6 flights of stairs to climb so a lot of the 10 lbs was leg muscle.)

I could not find anything resembling the layer cake that bakery made…. AND THE BREADS!!! Drool.

Gail Combs

This mockingbird behavior irritates me. Allegedly capable human beings in a position of power yet the rely on a narrative supplied by the BLOB
At least 16 U.S. ‘elected’ officials were using the same language to comment on the International Criminal Court’s decision to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Hamas leader Sinwar.

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and h/t to mass psychosis over there

Last edited 9 months ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

Makes it clear they are completely CONTROLLED down to their language.


“US authorities may be the next to receive an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court after the Israeli leadership, said Senator Lindsey Graham.

This is how he justified the need to introduce sanctions against the ICC in the near future.

“I hope we can find a way together to calm our dissatisfaction with the ICC. Because if they’re doing this to Israel, then we’re next. So at the end of the day, I hope what happens is that we impose sanctions on the ICC for this outrage so that we don’t not only to help our friends in Israel, but also to protect ourselves in the future,” Graham said.”

Gail Combs

As I said yesterday, the ICC is a SOROS invention.


Concerning the Eye of Ra thing. Gail thought updates might be nice if anything developed in the crazy Egyptian Flood Theory thing. I’ll spare anyone any ~drips~ on a strange connection to Flood Myth and the Huxley’s… whoops.. let me tighten that spigot down. There we go, ~drips~ off! 😁 and tell you there does seem to be a minor development since I posted this past Sunday about my two theories and warning about Ra’s Eye to the Ethical Skeptic story he posted back in Dec/Jan time frame called

I had checked in on the story comments both Monday and Tues to see if my post got a nibble. Seems as of this morning the story is gone and I can’t understand why? You can use that link to verify. But if you do, pleased if you notice the other stories and more importantly the occasional art decocomment image that accompanies some of them. Meaningless I know, but there ya go.

Leaves you with a nice picture looking east from the Nile.
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I know, it’s only a computer sim. The other side of the river is much easier.

If anyone needs context.


For the record, I don’t consider you to be “dripping” things out to try to convince people of something. You bring information that you have found or that you believe is interesting or could be true. And you engage in discussion when people ask you questions. 👍🏼


I sorry that I messed that substack, it’s something that would interest me.
There’s a couple of good writeups at Ethical Skeptic that caught me about the King Solomon’s gold mines and there’s one about a curious astrological line up.


Yes, and I had no objections to “Hidden in Plain Site”. Was just adding extra theories as others were doing… (btw found the article at his .com site, see below)

Although Towanda pointed us here… for the story and indeed the story was there but not any more, seems on more searching the story still exists here….

So basically it’s off the substack but still at his .com site. 🤔
It too has comments. Mine are not on it at the .com site as they were at the substack.

Wonders if it was the note at the bottom of my comment on the Eye of Ra that drew ire as he uses the Eye of Ra at the substack for some of his stories? Truthfully that was a later discovery and had I known I’d might of added some verbiage to the note to lesson any connection. Ackkkk!

From the comment I had this as a note.

Side note. The Eye of Oris. That is the Left Wedjat. Relativity benign but for the occult stuff surrounding it. It’s the one we are told all the celebrities use to freak people out with. There exists an earlier Right Wedjat. The eye of RA. This was used to destroy the people of Egypt that were rising against the rule of the master class led by Ra according to the Book of the Holy Cow (Egyptian Flood Myth. (this I did not know until looking into your theory. Always thought it was just Eye of Oris they flash at us, but it may well be the Eye of Ra. )

Anyway, all minuscule in the bigger scheme of things, even flood myth… 🤓

Gail Combs

Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear your writings got scrubbed.

Maybe you could ask Wolfie to put the article up here.


BREAKING: Democrat Politicians, Socialists, and Far Left Open Borders Groups Announce Plans to Protest Donald Trump’s Historic Bronx Rally Tomorrow

…Last week President Donald Trump announced he will hold a rally in South Bronx, New York this Thursday to “highlight the horrendous effects Crooked Joe Biden’s presidency had had on our economy,: according to a statement released by the former president’s campaign Friday.

President Trump will be visiting the South Bronx, New York on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 6:00 PM EDT #truth #trump2020 #MAGA

— Lara #IStandWithTrump (@Lara_maga47) May 18, 2024

This announcement comes after President Trump delivered remarks to a massive crowd of roughly 100,000 supporters in Wildwood, New Jersey.

This is an unprecedented move for a Republican candidate. It’s been a long time coming.

But not everyone is excited to see President Trump come to the Bronx.

Far-left groups, open borders groups, Socialists, and Marxists are planning to protest President Trump’s rally tomorrow at Cotrona Park in the Bronx.

Far-left Democrat and New York City Assemblymember Amanda Septimo called on fellow socialists to counter-protest Trump’s speech. They want Bronx residents to continue to suffer.

Look for violence.

I hope not! That’s what *they* want.

They will certainly be outnumbered. Over 10,000 Trump supporters are expected at the Trump rally tomorrow.

The Gateway Pundit will also be broadcasting from Crotona Park in the Bronx.

Last edited 9 months ago by TheseTruths
Gail Combs

Eye of the Storm showed they are advertising for PAID AGITATORS (aka protesters)

They showed a flyer.

This is older but shows they dop ay protesters. I saw ads for paid protesters in the Boston Globe back in the 1980s. ($10/hr to protest Seabrook Nuclear Plant construction)
FOX 5 New York

Craigslist Ad: Get paid $15 an hour to protest at a Trump rally
April 1, 2016 – (FOX NEWS) – A Craigslist ad allegedly posted by Bernie Sanders supporters offered people $15 an hour to protest at Donald Trump’s rally in Janesville, Wisconsin, on Tuesday.


Rep. Elise Stefanik:

“I just filed an official judicial complaint with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct against Acting Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan for his clear violation of the Rules of Judicial Conduct for the New York State Unified Court System due to his family directly enriching itself off this sham trial against President Trump,” she wrote.

“The idea that he is in a position to preside over this trial fairly would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous,” she added.

“The naked corruption on display in Judge Merchan’s courtroom isn’t only a threat to President Trump, but a threat to our justice system and democracy. It is election interference for financial gain and cannot be tolerated. Judge Merchan should have recused himself, but since he’s refused, he must be held accountable for his judicial misconduct,” she wrote…

Barb Meier

Today feels like it should be a Friday.


Gail Combs

From Sundance



May 21

Also, a small detail, but don’t forget…. FBI coordinated in advance with FDLE and FL state 👉police escorted FBI from airport to Mar-a-Lago. TEAM DeSantis knew in advance operation was going down.

Meshes with planned 5-days in bunker.


I have looked in vain for information about DeSantis knowing in advance. All I see are articles about his reaction afterward. Laura Loomer claimed last year that DeSantis knew, but I don’t know how she “knew.” Now I can’t find the social media post that started this controversy. I wanted to see who posted it, even though I didn’t recognize the name at the time.

Maybe DeSantis did know, but I’d like to see solid proof.


Finds this.

Gail Combs

From General Flynn

General Mike Flynn


May 21

Listen to this entire video (2+min). Part of what I hear is that some of these politicians are finally getting what it is we are facing. A communist socialist takeover of America.

Does anyone think this crooked Judge gives a crap about Trump or what these people are talking about (or any of the communists for that matter that are determined to destroy America)?

@realDonaldTrump is the only one standing in their way for them to effect the final takeover of America (PERIOD!). None of the weak pathetic political hacks stood up after the 2016 election (Russia-Gate was a complete lie) and fought back nor did any of them even mention that maybe the 2020 election had even a little bit of fraud (NONE!). Now they all seem to be concerned. Why?…

Gail Combs

Since 1776…. And certainly since the Civil War.

Communists = Banksters + EU Aristocracy.

Communism is just feudalism repackaged with great advertising slogans.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Total inversion. Get the peasants to enslave themselves. It’s pretty genius.

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The problem is, almost all people from 1913-2013 believed (particularly after the early 50s) that the media denying and failing to talk about communist infiltration and subversion meant that these things were not happening.

Along with the useful idiots saying “but we haven’t tried real communism”, the “normalized myth” was that America was not actually infected with “real communism”.

Gail Combs

After the trouncing McCarthy got no one really wanted to bring it up.

Gail Combs

Came across a photo of the FBI at Mar-a-logo

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I wish it would show.

The van in the background has Florida tags and you can see palm trees.

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs

That guy’s vest says, Secret Service.

Gail Combs

Thanks, I could not read it even with my reading glasses on.

If, as has been said, the FIB was armed with automatic weapons, things could have gotten nasty.

Valerie Curren

hope it shows here now, I can’t see your image here so ran it through gab

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This one is too great!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(This was in the Satire section above, just FYI.)


I guess they think that’s “toxic.” 🙄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The American psyche has been inverted by communists!


Well, when it’s the Wolf posting something from your daily in that day’s comments, it’s a bit of a sticky wicket.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yeah, I just had to say AWESOME!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I copied it from the daily! I was just citing it for agreement!  😆 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Don’t worry – late is fine!


Fearmongering? A real threat?

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In this climate any written threat is dangerous. It’s more like murder mongering..stir it up until some nut takes on the challenge



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“Visionary thinker.” 🙄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I like that she didn’t bother with FIB…they’re gone..rogue..traitors

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GREAT point! I love it. The ROGUE-RUN, FOREIGN, FIB – out of the loop.


Their mission is no longer to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Their loyalty and purpose is to protect the Demcom deep state

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Their secret mission that they can’t tell us about. How to destroy the government they’re allegedly trying to save.


Just to keep things clear, California is home to the world’s largest trees, the world’s tallest trees, and the world’s oldest trees. These are, respectively, the Sequoia, the Coast Redwood, and the Bristlecone Pine. Just to confuse things, both Coast Redwoods and Sequoia are often called “redwoods”, even though they live in different environments (they are related).


Redwoods are a subbranch of the cypress family, Cupressaceae. There are three existing species — Metasequoia glyptostroboides, the dawn redwood, native to central China; Sequoiadendron giganteum, the giant redwood, native to the western Sierras in California; and Sequoia sempervirens, the coast redwood, native to the coast ranges of California and Oregon. All three are endangered in the wild.


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Valerie Curren



Work it…..

Valerie Curren

Fun! btw I’m planning to head out of town for about a week & might have limited to no internet access (we couldn’t find the tablet I usually take 🙁 ) so please don’t fret, God willing I’ll be back around…eventually. See you there or in the air 😉 😉


Have a great trip!!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks. This is opening up the Cottage after a long winter absence, really since the Fall. We really hope the place was winterized all right so there are no leaks to be fixed in the water system. Also there is a lot of leaf clean up, it’s on 4 lots. I try to get the bulk of it done before others get up there but this year just myself, Josiah, my daughter Clarissa & her year old baby are going “early”…it should be interesting 🙂


Just as an aside, that’s the CEO of Patreon in the blue cap playing keys, and his wife is on lead vocals.

Valerie Curren



It was nice that you pleased Wolf with his Leonidas the other day.

Valerie Curren

OK, TY 🙂