Dear MAGA: 20240609 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Goodness & Mercy Follow

Psalm 23 portrays the close relationship David enjoys with his God. It begins with the metaphor of a shepherd leading his lamb, highlighting the Lord’s personal care, guidance, and protection. In the closing verses, the imagery intensifies with even greater intimacy as David is welcomed into the Lord’s house as a permanent guest, continual resident, and friend: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (Psalm 23:5–6, ESV).

David acknowledges that his standing with the Lord is not like a visitor who is entertained once and then must leave or as one who is invited to return only occasionally. No, David rejoices that he has been given a perpetual place setting at the Lord’s table.

Anointing a person’s head with oil was an ancient custom of courtesy, respect, and hospitality shown toward guests. In Psalm 23, David sees himself as an honored guest of the Lord, who invites him to dinner, favorably anoints him, and pours out such lavish abundance that David’s cup is filled to overflowing.

Goodness and mercy are depicted as attendants in the Lord’s household who accompany David for the rest of his life. The word for “goodness” in the original language means “that which is pleasing or valuable or useful.” The term for “mercy” is sometimes translated as “loyal love,” “steadfast love,” or “unfailing love.” The same word is used of God’s love as it relates to the faithfulness of His covenant. The verb translated as “follow” here means “to accompany, or to go with.” It should not be understood as “pursue or run after.”

When David said, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,” he was giving human-like qualities to abstract blessings of the Lord. A paraphrase might be, “Because You, Lord, are good, pleasing, and valuable, and because You love me so faithfully, I am certain You will be with me all my life.”

David’s good and merciful Shepherd is the same God who passed in front of Moses: “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Exodus 34:6, ESV). He is the same God to whom Israel sang, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever” (1 Chronicles 16:34). Even in the presence of his enemies, David was sure of God’s goodness and faithful love (Psalm 23:5).

As believers, we can trust that the Lord’s overflowing blessings will remain with us no matter what circumstances we face (Psalm 27:13; 31:19; 69:16). If we dwell in the house of the Lord continually, we are under His constant protection: “One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock” (Psalm 27:4–5; see Psalm 52:8; 61:4; 63:2–4).

God is the perfect Shepherd and Host. As our Shepherd, the Lord provides personal care, guidance, companionship, protection, and security. And as our eternal Host, God welcomes us to feast at His rich table of abundant and overflowing blessings. We will abide in His house forever. His presence, protection, and unfailing love will surround us for all eternity. And we can say with David, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life!”

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Californians Love President Trump!

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I bet Sleepy Joe doesn’t have a highlight reel.

Barb Meier
Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren

2 videos, one displaying his perving pedo tendencies & the other showcasing his overt racism…spit!


3,000 Trump supporters in Long Island, New York, came out to support Trump. There’s no rally at all, Trump is just that popular now


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On 6 June 1944, Doohan, by then promoted to Command Post Officer (captain), was among the Canadian forces sent to take Juno Beach in Normandy as part of the D-Day invasion. He was in command of one hundred and twenty men. That night, Doohan was hit by machine-gun fire when returning to his command post, sustaining wounds in the leg, right hand, and chest – a cigarette case caught a bullet that would otherwise have killed him – and lost the middle finger of his right hand (because of this injury, outside of rare occasions, Doohan concealed that portion of his right hand in film shots). “I was twenty-four,” Doohan wrote in his book Beam Me Up, Scotty, “and if the Germans had been marginally better shots, I wouldn’t have seen twenty-five.

…Doohan’s special ability to do multiple accents originated from his time as voice actor on Canadian radio and this specialty landed him in the role of Montgomery Scott in 1965. Director James Goldstone and producer Gene Roddenberry asked him to read some lines from the script of TOS: “Where No Man Has Gone Before“, proposing for the role of the not-named chief engineer, doing different accents. Doohan did several different ones, including German and Italian, from which he finally choose Scottish, citing Scotsmen’s great engineering skills. (The World of Star Trek)

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The look of this episode was quite different from the rest of the series:

The first pilot, called the Cage, was rejected as “too cerebral” for the viewership, but they offered Roddenberry the opportunity to try again (unprecedented); “Where No Man Has Gone Before” was that second pilot with a mostly-different cast (Mr. Spock was the only one to be carried over).

“The Cage” was 90 minutes long (including ad time); it was eventually put inside a “wrapper” to become “The Menagerie” the only two part episode of the original series.


James Doohan was the guest of honor, at the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) 25th birthday dinner.

James was entertaining AND funny.

(Prolly posted same info couple years ago.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Many years ago (1990s sometime) I saw him speak at a science fiction convention.

He told the story of trying all those different accents out, joking about the accents. First of course he stepped into character, his standard protest when Captain Kirk orders Warp 8. Then the alternates (and I don’t remember them all): a sleepy-sounding Mexican “Si”, a New York Jew kvetching, and so on. Then finally a very British one, “Dreadfully sorry, Sir, but I just can’t get the buggers to do that for very long.” (Which brought the house down.)

Valerie Curren

LOL Hubby used to go to ComicCons too. Perhaps you crossed paths back in the day.

this one still cracks us up 😉

Shatner expounds on his SNL experience

By the way he was very interesting in a TV show a few years back traveling the world w/ Terry Bradshaw, George Foreman, & Henry Winkler. I think Bill was the introspective intellect of that group.

Not the scene I wanted where Bill returns to his ancestral homeland, I can’t recall the country, but it was a moving segment…

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

In case the pic doesn’t show for anyone else 🙂

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oddly enough, the picture didn’t show…until now.

Valerie Curren

hmmm 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I mean the one in the original post, not yours.


Picture was there from the git go on my laptop.

Valerie Curren

very interesting 😉


I agree, loved it. Don’t always agree with his political views, but I get him. He describes the people in the area very well.

Barb Meier

He’s whip smart (MIT engineering) and made me laugh till my eyes were wet. His impression of Mitch McConnell was very good.

I loved the little lapel pin he wears that shows the national debt in real time. hahaha… Then there is how he solved the off-grid electric with a roof full of solar panels feeding a Tesla battery divided into smaller pods. His wiring job was very tidy in the electric room and he mentioned having four freezers. Their house is very big and the stonework is so well done. I love that they got all the materials for the wood and stone from their own property. When he goes off-grid, he’s all in.

He’s definitely a problem-solver and an innovator. At one point, I think Tucker mentioned that he has 30 patents. Living on his mountain every weekend must help him stay sane among politicians. He’s like Washington in that when it is time for him to retire and go home, I believe he will be entirely happy and busy doing lots of interesting things to be self-sufficient and take good care of his family.

Gail Combs

I liked his take on the Israel lobby.

Barb Meier

He has a good way of explaining no foreign entanglements. I’m reminded that money can’t buy loyalty or love. That’s where people like OBiden get it totally wrong. Perhaps because they worship $. Throwing $ at Iran does not change their Death to America strategy.


Oh but it does change Iran’s policy.

It hardens it. It helps the rulers see us as unworthy of even the least respect, which increases the likelihood of a hot war.

Barb Meier

Great point, thanks for the correction, Pgroup! Not less, but more…




I cannot believe that he bought a Tesla but even worse is he puts that potential firebomb in the garage of the house that contains his family!

What the hell is he thinking?

Barb Meier

I hear you. I don’t think his solution is something most of us would try at home. He had a rack of inverters to change power to AC 120. Cthulhu will understand much better than me what Massie was explaining and showing. I don’t know if the garage is attached to the rest of the house or separate. I’ll watch the videos again. It was good that the water source is some distance from the house.

I got the impression he did customization using a Tesla car battery but in searching for more about them, I see Tesla is offering a home Powerwall.

Barb Meier
Barb Meier

More from Massie about his home electric.


Curious to know the the size of the power inverter you have to run the whole house.


Thomas Massie



Jun 8

14.4 kilowatts.

Specifically four 120volt 3600 watt Outback brand inverters in series-parallel. They’re 20 years old, and they no longer produce this model, but there are improved versions.


I am with you. Stayed through 90% of the interview.

Massie starts out without error, yet later on…he loves to hear his own advice. And he still sounds like a junior at MIT.

I also question his defiance of his wife being able to run the house if they have a dispute.

Something way off with this guy.


The guy in the passenger seat is Misha Charoudin. He normally drives high performance cars, with their owners in the passenger seat, around the Nurburgring race track in Germany, to show what their car is capable of doing.

In this video, Misha is in the passenger seat, and the owner is driving. Seems she’s making Misha a little nervous… at one point, I think she noticed he was closing his eyes and said “You don’t want? Okay”… 😂

When she overtakes the white car, Misha just smiles and looks at the other driver, as if to say “Sorry!” 🤣

I like her aggressive style though, total confidence, which is exactly what is needed 👍


I found the full video here:



Apparently she has 1,300+ laps at Nurburgring in 27 different cars, so… she’s not a rookie 😂


Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

You never know who might be driving….





Valerie Curren

For some reason this comes to mind  😎 

Valerie Curren

Reminds me of an extreme version of CBC’s Just For Laughs, which are actually pretty fun, wild, & witty.

This one is Not remotely in the same vein but an example…


Love it great driving 🙂   :wpds_cool: 


Thanks, brother. Yup, the Herschend family and Dolly figured out what many people want – wholesome family entertainment at a more reasonable cost without the woke located in a natural, mountains oriented area.

The explosion in lodging and hospitality in general around Dollywood and this county is mind blowing. Over a thousand outside ownership hotel rooms under construction now within 10 minutes of Dollywood’s main gate with her on tap to add three more 300 room resorts on site over the next half dozen years.

Add in the Sevierville located Wilderness Resort from the Lake Geneva, WS company that keeps expanding and the Cherokee nation’s festive retail development right off the interstate with another adjacent interstate exit to begin construction soon. Gatlinburg is sort of landlocked so their changes are redevelopment oriented. But it is still doing well economically.

The big focus now is on building affordable housing for all the needed workers and families in the region. Many housing projects are going in neighboring counties with lower land/development costs. The challenge will be to maintain the east TN-like feel and culture.

Gail Combs

A friend did a gig at Dolly’s He said “She took very good care of me.”

How someone treats contractors and employees says a LOT about a person.


You sound like one of those danged Trump voters.  😂 


I agree.

I have JD Vance as the AG in my mind. Brilliant legal mind, knows how it works now, and has the contrarian hillbilly blood in his veins. May be wishful thinking if he wants to make a run at POTUS at some point. People are not going to like this, but I think he may be positioning Rubio for down the road.


Good with Ben Carson for VP.

Good with JD Vance as AG, although I’d go Paxton. OK either way.

Rubio. N O P E. N E V E R. 100% swamp rat POS. The very definition of Not trustworthy. Slimy used car salesman like. Which way is the wind blowing…

Broad brush strokes here.

Member of the Gang of Eight, IIRC.
Anyone on the Gang of Eight, AND does Not call out the Gang of Eight for working against America.Gang of Eight a repulsive label to proudly be a member of. In a Democracy. In a Republic.Position on stolen 2020 election.Position on J6.Supports endless wars.Fundamentally Not America first. Opportunist politician POS.
Later I’ll post what I really think of Lil Marco. Now that I think of it, “Lil Marco” gives him too much credit.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Rubio sucks.

Gail Combs



Marco Rubio is NOT eligible for President or for Vice President of the United States. EVER. Marco Rubio was born in Miami in 1971, the child of Cuban immigrants who DID NOT BECOME AMERICAN CITIZENS UNTIL 1975. Because of this, IMO, Rubio is also NOT eligible to hold any Cabinet office that is listed in the Presidential Line of Succession.

Gail Combs

Thanks, saves me from posting this. Ted Cruz is ALSO not eligible and neither is Camel-Toes.


Hate to break this to you but the key here is but she already is eligible simply by being sworn in on 1/20/21.

It violates the constitution but there is no longer any remedy to stop her if Dementia Patient Zero leaves the office.

If the AG [in each state where Pelosi had falsely certified that Cackles was qualified] had sued to quash the certification, the donkey party would have been forced to pull her out.

That technique is the only way to litigate the ‘natural born’ versus ‘native born’ issue with built-in fed standing.

Valerie Curren

nor aka BHO


No offense intended with this at all. Just my opinion.

They allowed a Kenyan with fake documents to become President. The Ho is a heartbeat away from being one. Neither were eligible. We have a current POTUS who was installed into office by a blatant election steal they have ample evidence to prove that they refuse to take action to reverse.

Not sure what people are expecting. I see nothing in our federal government today that indicates the law and Constitution are being followed as written. Even if PDT goes in and gets control I do not expect our country to all of a sudden start following the law. I think the horse has left the barn and it will not come home unless there is a great revival. I guess we can hold out hope for that.

I think we will be in a state of attack and counter attack for the rest of our national history.

Last edited 4 months ago by TradeBait2

One point – there is no way to “reverse” the election. Technically the election is irrelevant the instant the victor is sworn in. It was on January 6 that corrective action could have been taken. Between 1/6/21 to 1/20/21 it is arguable that some legal action [lawsuit] could be taken to stop the swearing in but it is not certain that it would succeed.

See my other comment on this subthread.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is what I tried in vain to convey to people years ago, but they kept reciting the “fraud vitiates everything” mantra.

I think your point could be addressed by putting the sentence you’re objecting to in the past tense. “…they had…”

That would make it about before the inauguration.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thank you. I understand what you say. But I also think it’s important to get the truth out about Constitutional eligibility for President and for Vice President. In the case of Barack Obama, his mother was an American citizen when he was born, although, IIRC, at the time of his birth, American citizenship was still conferred through the father. As for Kamala Harris, neither of her parents were American citizens when she was born, as is the case with Marco Rubio.


I agree with the reasoning. Some guy intent on running in 2028 hits the White House with an agenda in 2025. Thus becoming a potential problem as they court the public and future donors.

I love JD. LOVE. And I hope he will run someday. But not yet. He needs some mileage on him first.


I wonder if PDT keeping Rubio on the list is a nod to the Establishment to bring in more votes/money. He has clearly been trying to pull those elements back under the tent.

Personally, I could never vote for Rubio for anything.


Trump playing for the audience. Trump knows Lil Marco is a snake.


Me, either.

Well, maybe I could vote him off the island 🙂


Loomer still on the loose 😁

Ukraine group linked to U.S. State Dept publishes hate list, targets include Trump, Bannon, Gaetz, Elon, more.

U.S., UK Taxpayer-Funded Ukraine Group Publishes ‘Enemy’ List Including Trump, Members of Congress, and Conservative Journalists.

A US, UK, and European government-backed Ukrainian publication called “Data Journalism Agency” (TEXTY) has released a new report labeling hundreds of Americans as adversaries due to their refusals to endorse more war and more funding for the Ukrainian government. Titled “Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists,” the report identifies 

Good thing the Biden Administration put a quick stop to this… oh.. what? They didn’t?


Confirms Laura Loomer is over the target, again.

Elon on the list.

  • Here I thought Elon allows Starlink (or whatever his satellite system is called) to help Ukraine. I’m prolly mistaken. Again.

He did but it was intended for the civilians. Military took advantage of the situation, much like Hamas does with ‘humanitarian’ aid.


Ah. Got it.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Like a Child – to you, Lord – I long to be;
Humble not proud – nor haughty – to Thee;
Trusting – forgiving – lovingly giving;
Innocent and pure – faithfully living!

You promised Your kingdom – and rightfully;
To those who – like children – are delightfully;
Pure in spirit – with simplicity of heart;
Where the Spirit resides – and will not depart!

As a child of God – I will give You my all;
Lest my sins weigh me down – and be my downfall;
Let my heart be not proud – or my eyes haughty;
Let me be innocent – pure – and rarely naughty!

What can a child do – an adult cannot?
Forgive in an instant – without a thought;
A child has compassion – when another hurts;
He comforts – consoles – no malice he blurts!

In awe of his God is the little child;
His love is great – his heart undefiled;
He sees no ethnicity or skin color;
His friend is a pal of vigor and valor!

Never let pride enter into your heart;
It causes the Spirit to quickly depart;
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive;
For it is in dying – that you will live!

When another is injured or afflicted;
Let compassion rule – be not conflicted;
As your Heavenly Father gives to you;
For brother and sister – so you must do!

In your relations – be honest and true;
Do not deceive – let your ego rule you;
For what do you gain – when left all alone?
All puffed up in pride – your friendship blown!

How can a man be childlike in spirit?
Be pure of heart – and receive great merit;
What can he do to please Jesus each day?
He must humble himself – there’s no other way!

Whoever humbles himself Like a Child;
Will be greater in heaven – never exiled;
Whoever receives one – in Your Holy name;
Receives Child and You – one and the same!

D01: 09/28/2013


Ty Duchess. Fit’s today’s theme well. 😁




Thank you so much for your poem today! And for all the wonderful inspiring things you bring to the board every day.
Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Sending much Good Energy to you.




Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Amen, Carl. His goodness and mercy abound for those who trust in Him. Thanks for your faithful posting. Have a blessed day.



If there is a punishment too harsh for TCTB, I can’t think what it might be.

They seem desperate to reap the whirlwind.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

It was 34 felonies. Of course he will be sentenced to prison.

What, are we supposed to think the Banana Republic Nazi Dims, having pulled off the kangaroo court conviction, will meet up on the road to Damascus, and have a sudden change of heart?


I’m willing to change a heart but the changee prolly won’t like my method.


I recognize that CNN apparatchik, she’s the one DJT branded a ‘Nasty woman’.


DJT will be sentenced to prison regardless of whether he was ‘quiet’ or not, so there was no reason to be ‘quiet’ about being railroaded in exchange for ‘leniency’, because there was never going to be any leniency.

Because Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Soros, Schwab, Hussein, et al, don’t do ‘leniency’.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

unless you’re a BLM/Antifa mob burning down the US  😡 


This article would normally have no serious interest for this blog except for the part that reveals how your car becomes a police agent.



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Thank you so much for the Evening Prayers! They are very helpful. Have a restful night.


Mini ground report of sorts.

Normally I expect gas prices to rise ~Memorial Day and remain higher during the summer.

  • May 6th, my new neck of the woods. $3.02 lowest per gallon.
  • Today, $2.80.
  • Fruit and vegetables lower price than northern NV. CA influence screws CA, NV…
  • Wherever I am shopping, eating, etc. No line or at most one person ahead of me. A couple gas stations over the past month a couple ahead of me. NO businesses are “busy.” This applies across the states I’ve traversed 2 1/2 round trips. CA-AZ-NM-TX-OK-TX.

Not trying to pick on you but … it would helpful for the others in the Slow Guy Club if you would identify the state to which your reports are located.


Anything for a Slow Guy Club member. An honorary member you are, cuz you ain’t slow. 😛

Transitioned to Bowie County TX is my neck of the woods. Fuel prices are local.

Business traffic Bowie County along with Interstates and US highways between here and Lyon County, NV.

  • Main roads traveled are I-30, US82, I-35, I-40, US95/I-11, NV160, US95, and US50.

Additionally, perhaps a half dozen truck stops full at night. Rest areas the same. Ramps not a problem for truckers to sleep. Easy enough for me to get a shower at Love’s.

Typo in my post above. States traveled, NV, AZ, NM, TX, OK and TX. 2 1/2 round trips over five weeks.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And now, which one of the hundreds of counties in Texas, is Bowie county? Is there a major city in it.

(One thing many people do for some reason is assume everyone knows the counties in their state. You’re actually doing better than most people if you know the counties in your own state…much less other states.)


I know there are 100 counties in North Carolina, but I don’t know which one is where.

Valerie Curren

I had to check Wiki poo, but MI has 83 counties

lots of fascinating info there. I only learned relatively recently that MI was part of the old Northwest Territory that I had (foolishly) assumed had only included the NW of the continental US. “The Northwest Territory, also known as the Old Northwest and formally known as the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, was formed from unorganized western territory of the United States after the American Revolution. Established in 1787 by the Congress…”


When it was determined that the Northwest Territory was to be free of slavery, slave owners there (for all of the colonies originally held slaves) immediately sold their slaves “down the river” to slave states in the South so as not to incur economic loss.

Valerie Curren

Fascinating, we always find a way to dodge the tax man & the “pick pocket”, but I repeat myself 😉


One of the things about “real” US history is its longstanding tradition of smuggling. Situated between French Louisiana, Spanish Mexico, and indigenous peoples, Americans were very motivated to “encourage” untaxed cross-border trade from the moment they settled-in.

Once designated a nation, it didn’t take long for this to become a problem — .

As abolition proceeded across the colonies and their territories, slaves were trafficked south in large numbers. History suggested that every state that had emancipated its slaves soon suffered an uprising by the freed slaves that took revenge upon their former masters, but relocating slaves was a safer alternative.

Valerie Curren

This makes sense.

Speaking of cross border stuff, I believe that I previously mentioned that my brother found an old liquor bottle in my grandpa’s stash at The Cottage & he said it was a prohibition era bottle trafficked through Canada. Grandpa spent his life in Detroit until his retirement to their Northern Michigan Cottage so only lived in MI except for about a decade, when Grandma was still alive, when they had her parents’ inherited trailer & would winter in Florida in a retirement trailer park.

I have no idea how Grandpa got forbidden liquor & would Love to have heard any of those tales had I only known to ask (assuming he would even have told me, a fairly young woman when he died). He may have been inclined to tell such tales to my husband, had he lived long enough to have gotten to know him though. It sounds like one of those “Anything that happens (or is shared) North of Bay City is Nobody’s business South of Bay City!” kind of tales 😉

Valerie Curren

missed my edit window…

from the defunct counties listing at wiki poo

Isle Royale County, formed on March 4, 1875, from part of Keweenaw County. County became officially unorganized on March 13, 1885, and was attached to Houghton County, for judicial and administrative purposes. Michigan Legislature officially dissolved Isle Royale County and returned it to Keweenaw County on April 9, 1897.”

My dad visited Isle Royale as a boy scout & w/ some friends explored an abandoned mine. He has a colorful “one step from death” story about walking along the tracks in the dark where he paused (for some reason) in the jaunt & was on the lip of a mine shaft, dropping a rock down it it took a Looooong time to hit. I mean yikes! God has preserved my family through “many dangers, toils, & snares” as He has done for so many of us!

My hubby & his backpacking friends Hope to put together an excursion to Isle Royale but it’s a pretty big undertaking, like it would take at least 11 hours to even Get there from Metro Detroit!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When I mention my county to non-Coloradoans, I make sure to mention it’s the county in which Colorado Springs is located, because that’s anything but obvious. In fact after showing a gun range owner in another state my El Paso County carry permit, he assumed I was from Texas. Well, at least El Paso TX is in El Paso County TX, so there’s one that makes sense.

Valerie Curren

My husband’s direct ancestor is buried in your county, per Wiki-poo:

& another direct ancestor of Hubby’s on his mom’s side, also lived in & heavily impacted Colorado Springs for a season:

Ironically TB is what drove JJH to CO & it is also what brought Michael’s father from the DC area to the Denver region as a young man. So TB on both sides of my hubby’s family was a key factor in how their lives & loves went. Kind of funny in hindsight 🙂

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

My parents met in Southern California, in school. My mother’s family had wandered a bit, but sort-of came from West Virginia. My father’s family had meandered some, but was in Western Colorado…..

But you go back another generation and they both originated in Ohio.

The streams flow together, then flow apart, and sometimes flow together again….

Valerie Curren

It’s fascinating what all conspired to bring us into existence & to shape our lives. My husband’s father was not supposed to be able to have kids (his ex-wife sued in Colorado to dispute Michael’s meager inheritance following his dad’s death) because of an injury sustained as a youth, having been shot in the groin by his own father. In his 3 known marriages Michael is his only child. God had plans for this man’s line, & he, like Abraham, was already “as good as dead”.

Hubby was born in CO, married in OK, lived longest in MI where all our kids & grandkids have been born. I think his half brothers were also born in CO but have since lived in OK & multiple states in the northeast. Their mom was between CO & OK but was married to her last husband in MO, we have no idea why. I’ve only lived in MI, except for my decade in exile in OK. We honeymooned in CO & then brought our kids there on one very memorable vacation, mountains being in their blood but not in much of their experience sadly…

I have ancestors & other historical relations who lived in Detroit but for some reason married in Windsor, Ontario.

My youngest brother has only ever lived in MI. Our middle brother, like me lived in MI & OK. However for 2 summers he worked at the PTL Club in one of the Carolinas, I never remember which. Since marriage he’s only lived in OK, TX, & now back in OK. His kids live in OK but his son lived in CA for a season, & also overseas for a while as a marine. His step kids have lived in several other states too as his second wife has more of a colorful journey, born in NY, iirc, lived in Saudi Arabia as a child, possibly in AR (had grandparents there), & mostly in OK as an adult.

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

Windsor, Ontario, may have the same role in its vicinity as Ringgold, GA has long occupied — .

Notably, Dolly Parton was married in Ringgold (across the state line from Chattanooga).

In the Tubes song, “What Do You Want From Life?”, it references “a Las Vegas Wedding” — it was notably easier to get married in Las Vegas than in neighboring states.

Valerie Curren

I was wondering. In my great-grandparents case I think the bride was pretty young, a teen, iirc, so maybe there were less hurdles to the marriage there. A couple shirttail relatives lived in Canada for a season too but I have no idea if that’s connected or even the same family without digging.

I was doing genealogical research recently & came across a marriage register for some relation of mine or my husband’s where three marriages are recounted in separate columns of one sheet of paper, married by a government official. At the bottom all the newly weds signed as each other’s witnesses. It made me wonder if they knew each other or if this was a Vegas style marriage mart where the official married 3 couples simultaneously or perhaps consecutively in batches of 3 & when the 3 ceremonies were done then the paperwork was handled…hard to know for Sure…maybe it was a Gretna Green (in historical romance novels, where couples would elope to marry in Scotland, I believe) kind of known marriage “haven”  🤔 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wonder if Shoup has anything to do with Shoup road.

A lot of county roads here are named after people; oftentimes their descendants still live on that road.

Valerie Curren

Given he was governor it seems possible, if not likely. I would guess if one looks at the old plat books from the mid to late 1800s there would be family names that still reside in the given area. History is pretty fascinating 🙂

It’s funny that my hubby never knew his Shoup grandfather, his grandparents having divorced when his mom was young. When we took our family CO trip a decade & a half ago the GF was still living & in a neighboring community from where we were staying in Broomfield (but we didn’t know it at the time). There were also several half-siblings of his mom’s in the area too & we didn’t even know that she had halves on her dad’s side in addition to those on her mom’s side.

Of course we also visited with my mom’s birth cousin, who believed that she & Mom were actually half sisters. They lived in Fort Collins & took us to their cabin in the mountains that has since burned down in one of the recent (deliberately set?) wildfires. Her widower was a multi-term mayor of Fort Collins.


Yes, Texas has 254 counties.

Bowie County is in NE TX. Near Oklahoma and Arkansas. Texarkana is the largest city in the county.

Seeing your next post, Bowie TX, is not in Bowie county. 🤔

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In Wyoming: Cheyenne is in Laramie county. Laramie…isn’t.

Colorado: Kiowa is not in Kiowa county, it’s the county seat of Elbert county.

The “big” counties (out of 64 of them, ranging in population from 705 to 730,000) are, in increasing order of population with the major city named where it doesn’t have the same name as the county: Mesa (Grand Junction), Pueblo, Boulder, Weld (Greeley), Larimer (Ft. Collins), Douglas (Castle Rock), Adams (NE Denver Suburbs), Jefferson (W Denver Suburbs), Arapahoe (Denver Suburbs), Denver, and El Paso (Colorado Springs).

Note that most of this makes no sense. None of the counties I marked “Denver Suburbs” has a city in it by the same name as the county; many of those “suburb” counties have huge rural areas.

So ten counties out of 64 are basically NOT obscure…but most will be anyway because their names don’t match the name of a city within them.

It would be silly of me to imagine people not even in Colorado will know where Weld county is, or even El Paso county. Yet I routinely see people and journalists from other states assume everyone in the country will know where Bupkus County is.

Valerie Curren

Funny, in Michigan, greater Metro-Detroit is also known as the Tri-County area, for Wayne (where Detroit is located, we also live in that county), Oakland (to the North w/ often ritzier suburbs, & Macomb (to the NE w/ communities that often capitalize on access to the Detroit River & Lake St Clair, a “small” lake between the Detroit River & Lake Huron). Greater Detroit could also include Washtenaw County to the West wherein lies Ann Arbor, home of the University of Michigan, Monroe, to the South to the border with Ohio & containing the city of Monroe, there are also counties to the NW but I’m not sure of their names, maybe Genesee, so here’s info from Wiki-poo:

The Detroit Urban Area, which serves as the metropolitan area’s core, ranks as the 12th most populous in the United States, with a population of 3,776,890 as of the 2020 census and an area of 1,284.83 square miles (3,327.7 km2).[3] This urbanized area covers parts of the counties of MacombOakland, and Wayne.[4] These counties are sometimes referred to as the Detroit Tri-County Area and had a population of 3,862,888 as of the 2010 census with an area of 1,967.1 square miles (5,095 km2).

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB), a federal agency of the United States, defines the Detroit–Warren–Dearborn Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as the six counties of LapeerLivingston, Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair, and Wayne. As of the 2010 census, the MSA had a population of 4,296,250 with an area of 3,913 square miles (10,130 km2).

The nine county area designated by the OMB as the Detroit–Warren–Ann Arbor Combined Statistical Area (CSA) includes the Detroit–Warren–Dearborn MSA and the three additional counties of GeneseeMonroe, and Washtenaw (which include the metropolitan areas of FlintMonroe, and Ann Arbor, respectively). It had a population of 5,318,744 as of the 2010 census, making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States, covering an area of 5,814 square miles (15,060 km2). Lenawee County was removed from the CSA in 2000, but added back in 2013.[5]

With the adjacent city of Windsor, Ontario, and its suburbs, the combined Detroit–Windsor area has a population of about 5.7 million.[6] When the nearby Toledo metropolitan area and its commuters are taken into account, the region constitutes a much larger population center. An estimated 46 million people live within a 300-mile (480 km) radius of Detroit proper, including the major metropolitan areas of ChicagoToronto and Cleveland.[7] Metro Detroit is at the center of an emerging Great Lakes Megalopolis.

There are images at this link, if interested:

I guess that wider net, like in the last copied paragraph is how my son Brandon met his girlfriend. He’s set his parameters on a dating app to, I think, a radius of 250 miles, & discovered that this most intriguing woman lived in Toronto (sigh). He’s likely to get engaged to her this summer & we are bracing ourselves for the possibility/likelihood that he will ultimately end up moving North of the Border to be with her as they will likely wed while she’s still in law school. Her final university hasn’t been selected yet but she’s been accepted into multiple schools, including her top candidate in Greater Toronto. There also is a sort-of lesser school that is based in Detroit but also has components in Windsor that prepares students for law work in both the US & Canada (one of her stated goals) & of course that location would allow Way Less Upheaval for Brandon as he could continue to work in the City of Detroit regardless which side of the Detroit River he & his bride might actually eventually reside. She, being a strong Christian, will be making a prayerful decision.

I selfishly Want to pray that she heads toward the (lesser) international school to keep Brandon more local but choose to pray for God’s Will in all this, regardless of my personal feelings & desires. Ironically, when I met my husband I had been in an intermediate roommate situation, my latest roommate having gotten married & me unable to afford that 2 BR apartment on my own. I ran into an old co-worker from a prior job, a divorced homeowner, & she offered me the chance to rent a BR from her for $100/month which the Best financial situation I would ever encounter then (I’ve always been a penny pincher). Anyway I told her that I would pray about it, which I did, but I just never “felt peace” about accepting this offer. I ended up moving into the apartment complex where my brother & his then new bride had lived in their honeymoon phase, where my rent was in the low/mid $300s (a shocking but peaceful, God-directed, I believe, choice for me).

It turns out to be a key decision for that was where my future husband also lived, in the building behind mine, & we later met at the pool (LOL the externals not necessarily being my best selling feature 😉 😉 ) & discovered the only thing we had in common was God…& the rest is history. I believe that our steps are ordered of the Lord & though I never wanted to have gone to that college in OK, that too was a prayerful decision, that ultimately had wide ranging implications for the future direction of my life, for I would have NEVER been in Tulsa in the first place had I not gone there. I Wanted to go to U of M, but God had much different plans for my life & I wouldn’t trade my husband & kids for anything had I the chance to do my life over in hind sight…& ironically neither would he, in spite of ALL that we have been through, so far, on this wild ride of life!


Sometimes the weirdest things make the biggest differences.

Valerie Curren

And I don’t think we can actually see it when we’re going forward, but in reflecting back on Some things then the pattern Might emerge…hmmm…


🤔Recalls Joe just dumped a lot of fuel on the market releasing stock piles in the NE states for the Memorial Week end. Likely has a rippling effect, but I haven’t seen it here yet.

Meanwhile it looks like no one is shopping much and everyone is stretching dollars thanks to the Biden Economy. 😮

If they are buying it’s likely emergency items. 😉


Yes, saw that additional drain on the SPR.

  • SPR likely near empty at this point.

Had thought of it being a factor. Dunno.

I am a bit stunned, how little shopping is going on. While in northern NV, on the road & now Bowie County TX.

  • Locally Lowe’s HD, Wally World…
  • On the road, eateries.
  • Gas stations, never a line. Down 20 cents over past five weeks here.

I’ll quit beating a dead horse.

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Valerie Curren

We just drove home from Up North after & quick impromptu run to my parents’ Cottage. There was pretty steady traffic of many of the types that head North with their toys over the summer weekends. Gas prices widely fluctuated across the state from Metro Detroit to an hour South of the Tip of the Mitt, mostly along I-75 & some Old 27. I noticed as high as $3.79 & as low as $3.15. Around our home it was about $3.30, fwiw.

My husband hit some of his usual stores in town but barely bought anything because of the extreme sticker shock. He did purchase a box of doughnuts from a place called Cops & Donuts & was surprised to see a $10 discount on his purchase because someone had “paid it forward”. He said he felt pressured to also pay the $10 forward but chose to just add back $5 on his credit card. They were pretty huge & yummy doughnuts too 🙂

We stopped at a restaurant/bar we’d hit a decade ago on a special birthday trip North to again partake of their famous Friday Night Fish Fry. In 2014 this was actually an “all you can eat” fish fry, though I think they only replenished the fish, not the fries, slaw, or rolls then. This time it was just a 3 piece cod dinner, but was about $14, which I believe is significantly more than the price for “more” then. It still was very good food at least, & in a fun historic location that’s been going pretty strong since the early 1930’s  😍 

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

Locally, in Silicon Valley, gas prices are about $1.50-$2.50 higher than that.

Valerie Curren

Everything is overpriced everywhere, but Especially in California!


I hope you’re settling in snugly — getting to know your neighbors, letting them get to know you, and establishing the bonds of a strong neighborhood (collecting phone numbers, establishing “trading” networks (I know someone who arranged for his horse-owning neighbor to dump their manure next to his composting area. He helped the neighbor with his landscaping.)


Yes. Much to do.

Valerie Curren

My mom used to always bring a homemade pie to her new neighbors 🙂


There was a story from the Floyd riots where a guy had his black neighbor over. They sat down at his his kitchen table and he asked if the neighbor had any way to protect his family and his young daughter from the mob. When the neighbor said “no”, the guy said that he’d hate for anything to happen to them, and lent the neighbor a pistol and a couple of hundred rounds of ammo — then, made sure the neighbor knew the basics for using it.

It’s the little things that build strong neighborhood bonds…..

Valerie Curren

“little” things! We have internal discussions about who in the neighborhood we might “rely” on if it comes down to actively protecting our zone. Hope it Never comes down to that though. Tyrants be gone!



The above tweets come from this story on the Palmalla Geller web site. (yeah hit the post button too soon 🙄)

Nice vid from 10 years ago accompanies the story.

Implication when you add it all up is that the intelligencia both here and abroad, those with Medical, Law degrees and other professions to include political like Obama are using such status as a shield from which to hide behind as they wage covert war against us.

Yada yada yada…yeah we know this… but it should be less of burden mentally when we dismantle all these creeps like the Southern Poverty Law Center for starters.

The “separate home” talked about in the tweet where the other hostages were held was the home of a Doctor. Both homes were in the confines of declared refugee camp.

200 Hamas terrorists killed by Israel in daring hostage rescue operation.
4 hostages were held inside Hamas refugee camp.


Two three funny ones 😂





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Nice numbers. This done while Macron was in charge of keeping a steady supply of adult diapers on hand for Joe.

Wonder what took so long?

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Now that the weekend is wrapping up it looks like a bad weekend for the EU liberal tyrants.

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Seems Joe’s arrival for the D-Day Remembrances had a positive impact. Way to go Joe!

Now the question is will this put the damper on WWIII plans or accel them?


All great news.


True. Good numbers but there is still that something about the second vote that takes place in France where the tables get turned and the people get ignored. Numbers are much better than last though. Fingers crossed. This is way over due.


Well, it appears that the d@mned [lab-enhanced] “new” version of the H5N1 AVIAN FLU VIRUS is now KILLING COWS.
And is starting to screw up milk supplies due to dairy farmers having to CULL THEIR HERDS.
9 June 2024
by Tyler Durden
Yours Truly: Mark my words, this is the beginning of the “cow pandemic” for this [lab-enhanced] “new” version of the H5N1 Avian Flu virus. THIS WILL INCLUDE “JUMPING” TO BEEF CATTLE.

And, there’s also this — Zero Hedge has picked up on the GAIN-OF-FUNCTION experiments with H5N1 that made the virus more pathogenic and TO SPREAD TO MAMMALS, THEN EVENTUALLY TO HUMANS:
31 May 2024
by Tyler Durden
Yours Truly: Mr. Durden summarizes an article that was originally in The Epoch Times.

IIRC from the papers I’ve read, there have been, to date, a grand total of approximately 990 worldwide human infections from H5N1 over a number of years, with approximately 480 deaths. THAT IS ABOUT A 50% MORTALITY RATE.


Not liking this…

FDA cracks down on home medical tests that have revealed cancers and serious illnesses and helped cure ailments
“Doctors couldn’t help. They turned to a shadow system of DIY medical tests,” reports the Washington Post. These tests correctly revealed problems ranging from stomach ailments to cancer — saving lives — but the FDA views consumers’ access to these tests as “loophole” that needs closing:

Angelika Sharma was desperate. An array of basic first foods — from bananas to sweet potatoes — caused her 6-month-old Annika to vomit uncontrollably, so many times in one night that she landed in the hospital for dehydration.

Half a dozen pediatric specialists largely dismissed her daughter’s ailments, Sharma said, forcing her to leave her job as a hospitality executive, because “you can’t just have any babysitter looking after a child” with such serious reactions to food.

After a year and a half, an answer came finally in the form of a Facebook ad for Tiny Health, a Silicon Valley start-up that could test her baby’s gut microbiome. Using a bead of stool swabbed from a diaper, the company diagnosed the problem: Annika’s gut was overcrowded with P. vulgatus, a common bacteria. A company nutritionist recommended a probiotic, sauerkraut and exposure to animal microbes through daily visits to the petting zoo.

Within months, Annika’s food reactions were normal. More tests showed a gut transformed…..

A public eager for answers is swarming this parallel medical ecosystem. The home diagnostics market generates $5 billion annually and is expected to nearly double by 2032, according to the market research firm Precedence Research.

Venture capitalists and entrepreneurs told The Washington Post that they envision a world where frequent at-home testing is a routine part of life, enabling everyone to become “the CEO of their own health,” said Luca Springer, who co-founded a Silicon Valley start-up that aims to make cancer testing as simple as a home-pregnancy test.

Patients in remission from cancer, for example, could use urine strips to check if the disease has returned, he said, confirming the results with their doctor. He noted that at one time home pregnancy tests were considered scandalous and that most cancers are still detected way too late.

But the boom angers some doctors….

More at the link…


It’s well past time to do a Carthage on the FDA.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The problem is the legislation it’s supposed to implement.


Realistically, the problem is both.

Razing their buildings, killing all the men, sending all their women to slavery, and sowing their fields with salt would both halt the immediate problem and send a very strong signal regarding the limits of acceptable legislation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I doubt Congress would change ANYTHING in the law if that happened.

Because it wasn’t Congress that got the brunt of that Carthaging.


They’d have a heckuva time re-staffing it, though.


They are our SERVANTS.

And they need to be WHIPPED and BEATEN.




Besides her obvious talent, she’s also got class.


Class, which further pisses off the thugs.


Wisdom of the Ancients….

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