DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20240705

Boozy Root Beer Float


  • 1 ounce rum
  • 1 scoop vanilla ice cream
  • Root beer (such as A&W or Dad’s Root Beer), chilled, to top

Author’s note: NO NO NO, Sioux City Sassporilla


  1. Add the rum and ice cream into a tall glass.
  2. Slowly pour the root beer into the glass until it’s full, then stir gently and briefly to combine.

Author’s note: due to the nature of a national holiday, it was a slow news day. There are some links that were shared in yesterday’s daily. They are worth the time. Also, Sundance has good stuff of late OT. It’s worth a visit, IMO.

How Would You Go About Taking Down the Cabal?

I don’t know who’s running the country, but it’s definitely not Joe Biden

Biden White House Staff Is Largest Since Nixon, Costs Taxpayers $225 Million

Lean and mean doesn’t work for Democrats it seems.

Missouri RINOs Pull a Fast One — Remove the Pro-Trump Delegates Elected at the State Convention in May

This is the stuff we are facing.

The next six months may be the most dangerous of our lifetime

Why Nobel Laureates Opposing Trump’s Economic Policies Is A Ringing Endorsement

BRICS Grain Exchange – Exiting Globalist Control

Tweets & Stuff From X

Well, at least somebody does.

Thoughts from the science sorts?

Mmm…concur. And Die Hard…do you all know how many airports are accessible from Northern Virginia? Like, five, at least, and three air bases. It was preposterous for us aviation sorts.

My friend the barrister/judge’s wife has Alzheimer’s. Twice in less than five minutes at their annual Fourth of July party on Thursday I had to remind her how I knew them…and she is in better shape than “Biden.”

Because he’s not a felon?

Memes & Other Fun Stuff


All the time.

Yeah…the local home store made are better.

Still not subscribing.


How does this species survive in the wild?

This is why I am a dog person.

And now for a redux of lunch in a public school cafeteria.

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


AMOS 8:4-6, 9-12

4Hear this, you who trample upon the needy, and bring the poor of the land to an end, 5saying, “When will the new moon be over, that we may sell grain? And the sabbath, that we may offer wheat for sale, that we may make the ephah small and the shekel great, and deal deceitfully with false balances, 6that we may buy the poor for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, and sell the refuse of the wheat?” 9“And on that day,” says the Lord GOD, “I will make the sun go down at noon, and darken the earth in broad daylight. 10I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; I will bring sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness on every head; I will make it like the mourning for an only son, and the end of it like a bitter day. 11“Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord GOD, “when I will send a famine on the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. 12They shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east; they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the LORD, but they shall not find it.


The good ones are sold just over the county line on I-44. Molly Brown’s somewhere around Eureka.

Sorry, that’s all folks.

Have a good weekend!

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I presume everybody is watching fireworks.

We’re waiting for it to get dark. Sunset was at 9:10 pm.


You should know that when you presume, you make a “pres” out of “u” and “me”….oh, wait a second…..


Duh …

Valerie Curren

Our show is supposed to be on the 6th This year it is rumored to be a drone based show Last year’s fireworks was a disaster for the 1st time in 30 years thAt we’ve been watching Shows up near Gaylord, Michigan Normally From a base or barge over Otsego Lake and Run Out of the county park on the west side of the lake and supervised by the fire department. Last year The base or barge Collapsed or sank And no fireworks were shot This caused the county a loss of presumably 10s of thousands of dollars. Hopefully the weather will cooperate!

Please excuse the tablet errors above 😜


Thank you for a wild week of wonderful wholesome posts, De Pat!


Oh, and let’s have some Kandy…..

That’s Sri Lanka, that used to be Ceylon.


Sri Lanka, not a healthy place to be….nephew got shot when he got to close to their borders during a jungle trek…..Beautiful sapphires and rubies and gardens though.


Borders? It’s an island.


Oops…my bad…nephew got shot at outside Burma…thanks for the correction coothie….:0)


Burma has been bad for a long while. George Orwell got some of his horrors for 1984 from his experiences there.


Sri Lanka is where Arthur C. Clarke, the author, lived….it has long had a reputation among a certain crowd for its young boys.

As a further example, I can point toward , AKA “Fighting Mac” and “Hector the Hero”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Good stuff, DPat 🤓 You and the animals got me laughing; thank you ….. I’ve never heard of a ‘bubble ring’. 🤷‍♀️

it’s been quiet up till tonight …. the booms are going off steadily and LOUDLY in all directions.


Quiet until last night here, too, which is very unusual. We have fireworks popping off for at least a week ahead of time. Last time it was like this was 2007-08.

Nobody has any money to spare, is my theory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good theory! We have some younger (and leftier) neighbors down the road – they normally set off a ton of fireworks on the night of the 4th. This time, very spaced out.


Sad to me.

Gail Combs

Same here.

We had a few from next door who has some pre-teen boys. but they were spaced out and ended very soon.

I am surrounded by 10+ related families and usually the 4th is a VERY BIG DEAL. Very quiet this year.


They only lasted here for a couple hours; quiet well before midnight. It definitely has to be price-related.


My next door neighbor and his brother both work for the Navy yard in Bremerton decommissioning subs and aircraft carriers. They are very well paid so our little corner of the world got its usual great show.

Their main beef of the evening was the high price of the fireworks. I heard “damn bidenomics” many times in between boombooms.  😡 

Last edited 3 months ago by pgroup2

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Too true!!!


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I don’t know if AOC really said that, but it presents a good rebuttal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d bet she parroted it at some point. She talks too much, and it’s a standard Demmunist talking point.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BQQM (and those Qs are typical bad walker wheels, rattling on the floor!)


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Too true!!!


Babylon Bee: new Biden slogan 😅

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Willie Brown made a point of giving her regular black injections over a period of years….




He’s getting a bit cranky, isn’t he?  😆 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


They seem to have worked, having reached Jussie levels of blackness.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Trump is showing no mercy – and Biden deserves NONE.

Gail Combs



On July 5, 1776, Congress made its first land acquisition when it purchased 96 acres of land south of Philadelphia to build a fort for the protection of the young nation’s capital city. After the July 4th Declaration of Independence, Congress immediately began to think about its own safety and that of its host city, knowing that it would be a likely British target.

The modern city of Paulsboro, New Jersey encompasses the land Congress purchased for the location of Fort Billingsport, which sat on the high ground at the narrowest point of the Delaware River south of Philadelphia. Construction of the fort was intended to block, or at least slow, a naval invasion up the river from the Delaware Bay.

Polish engineer Thaddeus Kosciuszko had arrived in America in June and volunteered his services to the Continental Army. Kosciuszko’s first assignment, given to him by George Washington, was to build Fort Billingsport. The fort consisted of a redoubt along the river adjacent to the larger fort. The defenses consisted of cannons trained over the river and chevaux-de-frise, which were long poles tipped with iron points to puncture the bottom of ships, placed in the river itself…

The site of Fort Billingsport was the first acquisition of land by the Continental Congress and has been called the “Birthplace of Homeland Security.” As the first federally owned installation of any kind, it has great historical significance.


Whenever commerce became more important than naval defense, the chevaux -de-frise were removed. I wonder if any of them are in a museum somewhere.


July 5, 1776

[Printer John] Dunlap delivers his 200 copies of the Declaration (which are now called “Dunlap Broadsides”). One copy is officially entered into the Congressional Journal and the other copies are distributed throughout the colonies.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have a copy framed on a wall. I decided to go with that rather than a copy of the handwritten version for legibility, though I can’t get used to the “long s” (the one that looks like a lower case f). One could say that you can tell them apart because the long s has no crossbar, but it does actually have a partial crossbar on it..the part to the left of the vertical stroke is present.

The long s stopped being used just a couple of decades later.


The long s is often confused with the minuscule ⟨f⟩, sometimes even having an f-like nub at its middle but on the left side only in various romantypefaces and in blackletter. There was no nub in its italic type form, which gave the stroke a descender that curled to the left and which is not possible without kerning in the other type forms mentioned. For this reason, the short s was also normally used in combination with f: for example, in “ſatisfaction”.


After the debate, Wolf Moon mentioned Brandon’s eyes, and I agreed, saying they were black, like the whites of the eye were missing. In the CTH article below there is a link to a video interview of Harriet Hageman (R-WY), where she notices the same thing and comments on it.

Here is the article and video link posted by SD on CTH, followed by a transcript of Harriet Hageman’s comments about Brandon and his eyes:


Harriet Hagemen Eviscerates Joe Biden and the Pretending all Around Him
July 4, 2024

SD: “Harriet Hageman is on my personal short list of people I hope President Trump is considering for vice president.

During a recent interview Hageman shows she is not going along with the pretending. Every word about Joe Biden and the length of time the issues have been visible is correct and accurate. “Who is running our country?” WATCH:


Forbes interviewer (at about 17 second mark): “What did you think of his performance, first of all?”

Harriet Hageman: “It wasn’t surprising, and in fact I have been saying for well over a year that Joe Biden is suffering from severe dementia.

So what is surprising to me is the reaction of the press, who are now trying to act as though they didn’t know that this was the situation. And, and the reality is, is that there have been a lot of people who have been working uh overtime to try to cover up the fact that he is not cognitively all there.

All anybody has had to do is look at videos of him from a year ago, two years ago, 6 months ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. He is an entirely different person.

You can tell by his physical appearance, you can tell by his eyes. It appears to me that when he does go into public they have him on drugs, his eyes are severely dilated, they look very very strange, you see no color in them at all, they’re just these really serious black dots that that that you can tell by the look on his face, the way he holds his mouth, the way he walks.

So I wasn’t surprised that he was not capable of having a a coherent discussion last Thursday. What I’m surprised about is the number of people who act surprised, that they didn’t know that.”

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

I watched the non-debate, debate. I have read comments from many politicians and media since that point. I watched the Hageman interview.

What I am surprised about is that she states she is surprised by “the number of people who act surprised, that they did know that.”

She is still being or acting gaslit. They knew and are gaslighting. Probably less than 10% of the people in this country did not know. Even kids knew. Very few were actually surprised by what happened. They were more likely disappointed their “dear leaders” did not do a better job of juicing him up (if possible) or trotting out a well coached double or pulling another lawfare trick on PDT to cancel the debate or create a massive false flag that cancelled it. They believe the real people behind the scenes pulling the strings know what they are doing when running the country.

In their minds being “surprised” is plausible deniability, which in reality is implausible. Anybody doing that is guilty, complicit and looking for an exit from the absolute criminality of fronting and supporting a dementia patient as POTUS.

They are all a bunch of seditionists and losers.


So you’re the one that locks the pub door before proceeding to whupass all the jerks who were bullying the little guy.

Pleased to meet you.  😉 


Pretty much spot on! 🤣


I think she is saying she is surprised by the number of people willing to act surprised, as if they were unaware. People who are not just being silent, but are actively “playing the game,” gaslighting the public. Maybe she’s naive, but I think she’s pointing out how duplicitous they are. That’s my take.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right, and I’m actually surprised, too. I shouldn’t be – the Bible is clear on how few people love what is dear to the Lord, and how that number will diminish at times, and particularly “end times” (interpret as periodic, final, both).

I found it interesting how the Forbes journo tried to dismiss the drug angle, and how Hageman slickly responded, by “agreeing” with the host and then eviscerating her point. BRAVO!

I think she has something with the drug angle, and how it makes Biden look different. I believe it was why they pushed the “doubles” angle – as part of the “cover up by making the other side echo a foolish alternative” tactic.

And we know this – he’s been on hard dementia drugs since 2020. The Bernie Bro who revealed all he knew about inside drug rumors has only gotten more believable with time.


I think she’s right about the drug thing, too. It changes his eyes and his facial expressions.


Makes me wonder why they don’t give him human eye-colored contact lenses, to cover the vacant black (dilated) eyes from the drugs.

He looks like a demon otherwise. Unless maybe that’s the look they’re going for… 😂


Maybe a cardboard cutout of his better years face glued on a paint stirrer stick or go the hologram route or the Wizard of Oz set up with him behind the curtain alternately yelling and whispering.
Some suggestions for the Biden PR

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Yelling and Whispering! That’s our JOEBAMA.


I refer you to the Independence Hall ‘demon’ speech, with the dark red theme and two Marines in dress uniforms. .


I posted this during the open discussion on OT during the debate.

Thought they were contact lenses, but there could have been drugs involved.


“Thought they were contact lenses, but there could have been drugs involved.”


Oh, there were definitely drugs involved… lot’s of drugs… 😂


Lots of drugs.
>>> One of the things I’ve learned this past ~nine years,

Trust My Lying Eyes AND Gut Instinct..
Briben is commonly on drugs to reduce effects of dementia AND whatever else ales him.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Wuzzup with the apostrophe?




I don’t know, somehow it worked itself in there while I wa’s typing.

There it goes again! 😂





Gail Combs

I was just about to say the same.

She even SAYS IT!

So what is surprising to me is the reaction of the press, who are now trying to act as though they didn’t know that this was the situation. And, and the reality is, is that there have been a lot of people who have been working uh overtime to try to cover up the fact that he is not cognitively all there.


Agree. They knew; Hageman knows they knew. NOTHING ‘they’ do surprises us or the few stalwart politicians like Hageman.


Cowards too. The worst kind that say the words that they’re with ya but whimpers and betrays at the mere hint of trouble


Has anyone noticed Harriet’s eyes lately? Friend of Liz Cheney?

PS Wolf for you!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This “access to the full archive” thing is also disturbing. What is WokePress up to that they’re hiding?


Remember we had our stint before I purchased a new computer. I have never been a regular at this site since.

Wolf, I am still not a normal player. Is there a problem with those who are not?


I’ve got a weirdly complicated problem that had me frantically cleaning out my car today (during a heat wave).

While stripping things out of it, I found an old business card of mine from Communications Holdings, Inc. I normally leave this off of my resume. It’s a nice card — I designed it myself. The logo is a rounded corner black square with a white Greek letter Chi, next to Communications Holdings, Inc. written next to it so that the square borders on CHI. It has my name, but no job title — I thought it probable that different job titles might be advantageous at different times. Being the head honcho, I could appoint myself “Chief Technology Officer” or “Manager of International Trade” on the fly.

The phone number and fax number were valid. In fact, the corporation was actually valid and I was a corporate officer….as of about two weeks before the cards were printed. We had several “extra” corporations at the time, and just renamed one while appointing me chief bottle washer.

The purpose of this instant identity was to visit Taipei and Hong Kong, including some trade shows, and get a feel for fiberoptic video transmission opportunities in the region. If, for instance, I had found quality receiver nodes on the cheap (I didn’t — they were junk), I could have acquired samples and had our technical and legal teams arrange to import branded versions to flood the US market.

I did manage to catch our regional distributor badmouthing our product and pushing our competitor’s.

The joke was, of course, that the Greek letter Chi looks like an X. Years before Elon, I was traveling the far east passing myself off as representing an “X” corporation.

I have no idea how the card ended up sitting in my car for a couple of decades.


The company that I worked for started out in a weird niche. They were using cheap Fabry-Perot lasers to transmit video over fiber within loosely-regulated American cable television plants — which, at the time, had a couple of dozen channels.

Fabry-Perot lasers are noisy beasts that put out significant energy in wavelengths at intervals to the specified frequency. They excel at transmitting Morse Code, but suck at transmitting video. My company’s workaround was to modulate them with FM in wide bands, then combine 16 channels per fiber. At the remote sites, these 16 fiber channels would be remodulated as AM RF channels on coax.

This was, by the way, a non-standard use of the lasers, so we had to order bunches and send bunches that didn’t work back for someone else to use. When I started with this company, they had non-functional lasers stacked throughout the office areas, because the manufacturer’s rep “studly Dudley” wouldn’t provide RMA numbers to return the ones that wouldn’t work in our application. I brought on the Fiancee’s sister (they both grew up in New York) as a temp to return lasers. I knew I had made the right choice when I overheard her chewing on Dudley with “whaddaya mean you don’t know where your own factory is?”


If you think that’s funny, you should have heard the reaction when he called our owner to complain about the Fiancee’s sister being mean to him (the owner grew up in Binghamton).

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu

Go find a full-length mirror and stand in front of it.

There’s your weirdly complicated problem.

[just kidding – I love ya]


pat frederick

i don’t know if anyone got you a screenshot of the brief message that appears when you first open the blog. it happens at mine as well when i first open it too.


This was discussed in yesterday’s thread.

It’s not good, but it doesn’t seem to be horrible. It looks like WordPress is being flaky (what else is new). DO NOT GIVE IT AN EMAIL. If you reload the page, it should set a cookie and go away.

pat frederick

i get it on my blog as well (starting yesterday) and i just click somewhere outside the box and it disappears.
didn’t know if wolf got the screenshot.


He got the screenshot.

pat frederick


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I appreciate getting a second one! Thanks!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! That almost confirms that it’s, likely as part of the recent JetPack update!!!

pat frederick

weird, I just asked Filly if she gets that pop up when she opens our site and she said no. she’s on a lap top same as me. when i posted at Marica’s I also got it there but she doesn’t there either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She may have to open up some new windows to get it. Give her a week and see if she get it at some point.

If not, then it may be that some pop-up blocker are working on it.


It looks like it is coming from WordPress and not some outside source, so if it is pulling data from WordPress it is not funneling it to somewhere else.

That doesn’t mean it is good, nor does it mean you should help it.

I’m just reloading.

pat frederick

thanks for this

Gail Combs

And it doesn’t mean that WordPiss isn’t SELLING your data.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Note that our blog is not on, so it may be that they can’t sell our data to the Democrats or FIB – but if we take advantage of their “subscription-adding capabilities”, then they CAN sell it.

Gail Combs

SNEAKY… Sounds about right.


Clever little varmints!


pat frederick
Thank you. That same d@mn “request” thing again showed up on my computer when I clicked on The Q Tree icon on the desktop. But it doesn’t show up when I use the phone to go to the board here.
It does show up when I go to Marica’s blog from my phone (but only when one posts a comment or reply), but not from the computer.


Also shows up when I go to our poetry web site. Fair it’s a WP feature now. Hopefully it does not lead to something more, but since no one is complying by giving an email I’d suspect someone is pondering a next step… 😮🙄🤓

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re already demanding my zip code to get access to site stats. They can go to hell.


Can’t they tell your zip code from when you pay them? I appreciate your sentiment but it’s probably similar to various medical providers that ask me questions to which I know the answers are in my med records right in front of them.

I asked if it’s a stealth cognitive quiz.

They laughed and said it’s a quickie type of security check. If you hesitate in giving them an answer that should be second nature, it causes concerns that you might be an imposter.

I see no reason that it couldn’t also be a stealth cognitive quiz.


Like the cognitive acuity questions the patient gets when at a neurologist visit — “Please spell this word backwards: ‘DOUBT’.”


I know a guy who aces those.

He’s dyslexic.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t pay them – and one of the main reasons I don’t, is so that they can’t easily and legally get and then give my information (or that of my commenters) to the Democrats and FIB.

I use their free plugin. That is it. I don’t trust them even then, but I know that any spying they do on me is illegal or at least questionable (Brandon gave FIB broad spying powers without a warrant, but still – I want them to be worried about their spying on us.)

I am this || far from quitting the JetPack plugin.


“If you hesitate in giving them an answer that should be second nature, it causes concerns that you might be an imposter.”


So who would be an impostor?

Who could it be.

They can’t profile for any of the obvious candidates, because that would be normal, effective and efficient. And we can’t have that.

Must be like giving Granny in a wheelchair a full cavity search at the airport, while letting Mustafa Mohamed Abdel-Rafsanjani walk right by, wearing a turban with a lit fuse sticking out of it.

Why do they even care?

As long as the imposter agrees to take the vaxx and get 20 boosters, they make their money impersonating doctors anyway, don’t they?

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

I don’t know who would want to impersonate me anyway.


Wolf Moon
Just got that “sign up for full access” box when going to The Q Tree from my phone. But one isn’t logged out of WP.

Gail Combs


I got one yesterday when I refreshed ONE of the Qtree pages I have up as side by side tabs. I also am logged in.

Barb Meier

I uploaded a message to have a Happy Friday a little bit ago. I wanted to see how big it was if someone clicked it. The image was a nice size when zoomed in. At the very bottom,, it gave a 1 of 2 images link so when I looked to see what is the 2nd image, I got the image you are showing above. Weird, weird, weird stuff.

pat frederick

Gail Combs

From last night:

para59r( para59r)Offline


 July 4, 2024 23:21


Trump drives into crowd holding barbecue in nyc park, 2 dead 9 injured.

Okay, CFP is a bit off on that head line. It’s a truck, but the truck drove into a park to strike all those folk…. not sure what’s up.


REAL STORY. (I think they got HACKED! Remember Wolfie said this site seemed to be under attack yesterday.)

Truck driver in Manhattan plows into barbecue crowd at park, leaves four critically wounded

Nine people enjoying a July 4 barbecue in a Lower Manhattan park were injured when the driver of a pickup truck rammed through a fence and mowed them down, leaving two dead, authorities said….

And this interesting bit came up:

CitizenFreePress’ News Site Suspended From Elon Musk’s Twitter For Sharing This Video Of Obama Admitting Democrats Exploit Voting Machines
CitizenFreePress, a heavily trafficked news aggregation site, was suspended from Twitter this week after sharing a video of former president Barack Obama campaigning in Ohio in 2008.
Obama is seen in the video telling a crowd in Philadelphia, Ohio boasting about Democrats controlling the election voting machines.

Barack Obama: “I tell you what, it helps in Ohio that we got Democrats in charge of the machines. But look, I come from Chicago so I want to be honest. It’s not as if it’s just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past, sometimes Democrats have too. Whenever people are in power they have this tendency to try to, you know, tilt things in their direction.”



Hey Elon!!!

Somebody’s mucking around with your reputation!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. It’s sad, but they’re coming at him from all directions, just like with Trump.


The funniest comment on the tweet [ ] was “Alvin Bragg to charge Trump with 2 counts of murder”

Last edited 3 months ago by pgroup2

I think everyone here likely remembers that quote since it was played often enough in the past, but alas not to enough people.

Twitter does not always seem of the same mind. I think Musk has had a problem getting rid of CIA/FED Moles? Secret road blocks and hurdles he’s not allowed to speak about. Parts of the company he’s not allowed to touch and such.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. Elon is distracted, and Yacarino-Hitler is barely in charge. The FIB an CIA plants are in control, IMO, and now that the Bidenoids have the blessing of SCOFFLAW SCOTUS, censorship is resuming, based on the assumption by the censors that government authorities are authoritative.


Don’t ever apologize, DePat. Great line-up of humor that we all need. Thank you!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Heaven Sent | Starring Marley Shelton | Full Movie | Lifetime

384,662 views Nov 24, 2023 #HeavenSent

An eight-year-old runaway from heaven takes it upon herself to rekindle the marriage of artist Billy Taylor and beautiful businesswoman, Maire in “Heaven Sent.”


Watch Lifetime Movies anytime with the Lifetime Movie Club app:


Ty! Nice break, new actors that can act, refreshing plot. Well done!


This is seriously the most desperate take of them all on Biden:

“The Huffington Post is calling on Joe Biden’s re-election campaign to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) “deepfakes” to minimize his age and verbal stumbles. “Joe Biden is old and has had a lifelong stutter… AI augmentations and video renderings could serve to smooth out these bumps while allowing the Biden campaign to effectively disseminate true information about the state of our democracy and the Biden administration’s accomplishments,” argues Kaivan Shroff, a Hillary Clinton campaign veteran, in the article titled ‘It’s Time for the Biden Campaign to Embrace AI.’

The opinion piece details how AI technology could create videos incorporating parts of authentic recordings but free of the 81-year-old incumbent’s usual gaffes. Shroff suggests that the Biden campaign could use AI to “polish how the president comes across, allowing voters to focus on his substance.””

There may be some brilliant shadow-cabal at the top, but the average Demoncrat is a MORON.


That’s why if his more important messages to the People are done alone with nothing in the background we should wonder how real it is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GREAT point. They’ve already done it. Would bet big money on it.


“That’s why if his more important messages to the People are done alone with nothing in the background we should wonder how real it is.”


Real or not, whatever he says is definitely a lie! 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, they’re morons, and all the way up to the deeply evil ones.

After years of screaming about the horror of “deep fakes”, they suddenly bless those toilet seats as life preservers.



From the same paragraph:
 utilize (AI) “deepfakes” – which is deception
• “effectively disseminate true information”

These people are sick.


They really are.

What amazes me is, we aren’t supposed to notice.


“our democracy” is some kind of cult term used by the lunatic Left at every opportunity.

Whenever the Left uses the term ‘our democracy’, what they mean is ‘our tyranny’.

They would never ever say “our Republic”.



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You awaken in the morning – Praise God
You put the coffee on to perk – Thank God
You wash your face and brush your teeth
Make breakfast pet the cat down beneath

You are Precious in His Sight

You have food – You are blessed
Bacon sausage eggs the best
Pancakes syrup and sweets galore
Hash browns and fruit and so much more

You are Precious in His Sight

A nice hot shower or warm bath
Fresh clean clothes you do hath
A prayer here and a prayer there
Oh, give Him praise everywhere

You are Precious in His Sight

Wonder if prayers are responded
If something is mis corresponded
Maybe the answer is just hold on
Or not good for you now or beyond

You are Precious in His Sight

Sometimes it is hard to trust the unseen
So on your own understanding you lean 
Just acknowledge Him in all of your ways
To Him give all Honor Glory and Praise

Because…You are Precious in His Sight

D01: 05/09/2023


Ty Duchess! Proper to think this way. 🙂




Thank you for your poem today, and for the wonderful inspiring things you bring to the board every day.
The Japanese have a word for taking positive notice or delight in “the small things” — Ikigai.
It was at one time thought that this concept applied only to “people of a certain age” to help them live in peace for the rest of their time on this planet. It has since then been “expanded” to include younger people, to help them relieve or reduce stress in their lives.
To Yours Truly, this is a “secular” expression of Psalm 118:24.

Sending much Good Energy to you!




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👍 Thank you for blessing us with this beautiful reminder, duchess!


Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Again, Steve Kirsch brings the truth:

(Just an aside: take a look at Mr. Kirsch’s face in this video clip. He himself got “fully vaccinated”, then after that he started searching for the truth about the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Based on one’s reading his blog for some time now, IMO, it appears that he may be “looking older than his years”?)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That vax ages people. Could be many mechanisms, or all of them, but it does.


A photo of Mr. Kirsch at a conference in March 2023 (courtesy NPR via Google image search.) One isn’t making a “definitive statement” here — and there may be other issues at play, as well. However, compare this photo to the image above.

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Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA

“Yup. That vax ages people.”


If there is something that clearly prematurely ages a person, then there ought to likewise be something that clearly and obviously slows the aging process.

If certain things can dramatically speed up aging, there should also be things which dramatically slow it down.


Scrolling down from your linked tweet was this below, I think it’s stuff already known and there’s no telling it genuine anyway.

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DP, I got mixed up on my days and was reading the wrong opener but saw the article about TEMU. I just knew there had to be some slimy chinese trick with that site. Thanks for the confirmation.

Today’s post was great too.


great new trump ad. I expect/hope to see additional ads like this one with singular focus in Biden’s birders/immigration (Mayorkus 🤮), the economy, dignity in the WH (featuring the depravity they have intentionally inserted into their admin) and on and on.


Another retailer about to go under.

Big Lots ie, Pic n Save.

I was just thinking 2 days ago that it would not be a surprise if they go under too. I havent shopped there in a decade, and even then it had changed to try to be something like walmart instead.

Looking like theyll file bankruptcy. I dont think Dollar Tree will buy them like 99cent stores. Our 99 cent store was right next to big lots, so same customers.

“A nationwide discount homeware chain with almost 1,400 stores is the latest to warn of money problems.Big Lots has told financial regulators it may not be able to continue as a ‘going concern’ – raising the risk of store closures and bankruptcy.The Columbus, Ohio-based chain has seen its takings fall consistently for each of the past ten quarters. And it lost an eye-watering $132milloin in the first three months of 2024.Managers of its stores say they are not surprised.  They have complained that the company’s bosses at HQ send truck-loads of products that customers don’t want.In a recent filing with regulators, Big Lots said that the losses so far this year – on top of further losses in 2022 and 2023 – meant it had used up most of its spare cash. Retailers need money in the bank to cover the cost of stock.”

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Gail Combs


I buy a lot of stuff from them!


Gail Combs
Got that right. Yours Truly used to buy “dry goods”, and things like non-skid bath rugs from Big Lots. These closings are going to force shoppers to go to places like Target, where even a “cheap” bath rug costs 2x – 3x what a similar item would be at Big Lots.

Gail Combs

I was saying to Hubby, I would not be surprised to find the head buyer is actually in the pay of Walmart or Target.


Your cynicism is showing.  😆 

Gail Combs

Reality… Reality…

We lost a couple of favorite tack shop/feed stores because of the nasty game playing by Southern States.


Ours is right next to the empty 99 cent store. Never see anyone there.


Noticed a pronounced change in merchandise emphasis and brand image a few years ago. Prices rose above discounter levels. There was a greater emphasis on home goods like furniture, bedding and furnishings with much more floor space assigned.

Just another example of a business whose leadership totally lost sight of who they were and why they were successful. Know your customers. If you are successful, do not move away from who made you successful unless there is an obvious void to fill that is more profitable.


I remember it first as MacFrugals. It had closeouts and discontinued items. Some were name brand and others were one offs maybe. It was a true bargain store. Then like you said it changed.

Gail Combs

SPAGS in MA. 30 years ago. I LOVED that store! I still have stuff I bought there!

He had a really great business plan.

CASH ONLY – that meant no credit card fees for him and he could offer suppliers PAYING NOW instead of 3 months from now.

WAREHOUSE STYLE – goods were still in the box they came in and the store was a warehouse.

GOODS STORED IN TRAILERS – In MA you are taxed on the goods in a warehouse at years end. Also the goods got moved ONCE and the ‘warehouse’ was a much cheaper parking lot. This also cut property taxes to the bone.


Then he died the kids took over and hired a HAAAAaavard Business School grad. In came the credit cards, in came spiffing the place up, in came MORE LABOR COSTS and HIGHER TAXES and no cash basis…. SO they went under within a few years.

We call it being HAAAAaavard Business Schooled’. One place I worked had the same crap happen to them.


There’s a store in Memphis that I loved called Bargain Hunt. It was full of name brand lamps, area rugs, outdoor things, name it and if you hesitated buying something it would probably be gone before you pulled the trigger.
They must’ve bought pallets of past season items from higher end stores. It was fun and cheap.
Wonder if it’s changed over to the cheaper stuff by now.

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

Hubby still has his felt Stetson western hat we bought there. They now go for $160 to $500.

I think we paid about $20. When we got it home I was shocked to find out it was a Stetson since it was so cheap.


Win !

Gail Combs

I just wish his kids had LEARNED his business lessons.

Robert Baker

MY spouse and I have a long record of having the restaurants we like go out of business. Sounds like you have closed a few businesses yourself. I guess we just have the touch.

Gail Combs


Reverse Midas Touch I guess.

Robert Baker

Sounds like we have more in common than just a political perspective.


I havent been there in years. No wonder! 1 in my city, 1 in next city and i never see them with customers. No advertising either.


Way way back when, ours here were pic n save. As a kid $5 would buy a bag of treasure

Gail Combs

Two important twitter posts

KanekoaTheGreat has several good tweets

Archived substack:


4/24/2022 Kanekoa the Great – Exposing America’s Ballot Trafficking Cartel

In @KanekoaTheGreat’s latest Substack, he writes that the Director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Vic Reynolds, ignored the evidence that will be presented in “2000 Mules.”

The information gathered from the 2000 Mules trailers alone warrants an investigation. Yet, Director Reynolds states a potential investigation is “not justified.” There was not “any other kind of evidence that ties these cell phones to ballot harvesting.”

Educate yourself to fight like hell against those stating that “this was the most secure election in history. Kanekoa lays it out neatly in various parts:

Part I — Push To Vote By Mail

Part II — Ballot Laundering Cartel

Part III — Voting System Vulnerabilities 

Part IV — True The Vote Findings + Obstacles

AND the above leads to this — Black Republican from the AZ-GOP, who has an important message (9 min first view minutes get the message across.)

Christian Lamar


Jun 25

I was just expelled as the only Black Republican from AZGOP executive committee by RINOs in AZGOP LD2 for: supporting President Trump, signing up 285 new Trump Precinct Committeemen & holding the Republican AZ state legislature accountable for allowing 2020/2022 stolen elections.


This is sickening. Az. is rotted from the inside


Why mention race? I’m disappointed.


I agree. It feels like we’re slipping into the race chart. I hate that because we need to stop using it as a crutch. It happened with me the other day. I said that I’d love it if Dr Carson was VP choice. Then I threw in and he’s black. Immediately I realized that being black has nothing to do with why it would make me happy..

Gail Combs

Because he KNOWS that plays to the fence sitting Kennedy Democrats.


If it tosses one over to this side I guess it’s worth it but they should be able to see it for themselves that he’s black!


Something or nothing. Biden strange comment on no traffic congestion anymore.


With all the illegals being brought in, IMO there’s no ‘depop’ going on.

Replace, sure but not depop.


🤔Hrmmh…no visibility on the invaders so it’s hard to say. Some may have reached their usefulness after registering to vote and we’d be none the wiser. Meanwhile the rich eat their meals in courses. For what’s not a sprinkling, it’s already been decided the middle class is the first course, thus you see “Replace”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Soviet Union had very few traffic jams. Hmmmmmmm…..


That’s because Soviet cars were mostly broken down on the side of the road or wouldn’t start in the first place.  😂 


Ground report:
Yours Truly spoke on the phone with a “fully vaccinated and boosted” medical professional family member. They were going to spend the weekend with an aunt by marriage and her husband, both in advanced stages of cancer. The medical professional family member believes that either one, or both, won’t be around next year.
Both of the sick people are also “fully vaccinated and boosted.” Both came down with COVID-19 last Thanksgiving after getting the “booster.” Both were diagnosed with their cancers at Christmas of last year.
The aunt (previous breast cancer years ago, in remission before “vaccination”) now has advanced pancreatic cancer. On chemo and radiation.
Her husband (no previous cancer before “vaccination”) now has advanced prostate cancer. On chemo and radiation.
Here’s the kicker, IMO — the “vaccinated” medical professional family member apparently is attributing these illnesses as “what happens when you get older”, to “cancer can come back”, and to “family history.”
Yes, there are cases of “family history” (which would argue for a genetic predisposition for certain illnesses or conditions) that may be in play here.
And it is true that cases of cancer can “come out of the blue”, as it were, that may be in play here.
BUT — the COVID-19 “vaccines” can, and do, induce new cancers (including turbo-cancers) in “vaccinated” persons; as well as “re-establishing” cancer in “vaccinated” persons.
Because the COVID-19 “vaccines” suppress the crucial cancer tumor suppressor gene p53 in the “vaccinated” person’s body.
This is IN ADDITION to the fact that the COVID-19 “vaccines” also damage and/or destroy the “are you a friend or foe” CD4 – CD8 immune system cells, AND the IgG3 “fight it off” immune system cells, in the “vaccinated” person’s body, while increasing the IgG4 “tolerate but never clear” cells in the “vaccinated” person’s body.
The “vaccinated” medical professional family member also noted that there are people dying in their 50s and 60s — but attributed it to “bad diet, bad lifestyle, family history, parents start dying off at these ages.”
Yes, bad diet / bad lifestyle / family medical predispositions that are “kicked off” at some point, can all be in play in this scenario.
BUT — what’s this “parents start dying off” in their 50s and 60s”?
IMO, this conversation is an example of just how clueless / “head in the sand” / ignore the reality about the COVID-19 “vaccines” that’s coming to light / know the reality but won’t say anything due to fear of losing their jobs / “the so-called ‘truth’ about the COVID-19 “vaccines” is more conspiracy theory” mindsets that seem to be those of “vaccinated” medical professionals.

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

That is SO SAD….

It is SO FRUSTRATING KNOWING the answer, even having the scientific info to back up your ‘opinion’ and being met with BLOCK HEAD INSISTENCE in believing the ‘medical professionals’ In my case it lead to my Mom’s death at age 62.

I PRAY that your family members wake up before it is too late.


Gail Combs
Thank you.

Gail Combs

You are very welcome and I hope your family has a happy resolution.


I am sorry PAVACA. Knowing what you do it must be agonizing to listen to the delusions coming from loved ones.

This is not directed at your relatives in particular – just more of a general thought – but I’m thinking Darwin Awards are currently being handed out.

Members of my family are receiving them as their health implodes. It’s very hard to watch. Everyone except myself and my children are boosted up and all are falling apart. They accept the failing of their previously healthy bodies as part of the aging process.

When one of them comes down with Covid again, they say oh good thing he/she got the booster or it would be so much worse.

Last edited 3 months ago by holly

I’m right there with you in the ‘sad’ car.

Gail Combs

About all you can do is walk away so you do not try a 3 stooges stunt to get their ATTENTION.


Thank you. The “it could have been worse” was the opinion of one of the “fully vaccinated and boosted” family members who got COVID for the third time last Christmas.


I’m so sorry, Pavaca. I can imagine how frustrated you are that no one seems to listen. Most of my family are also vaccinated and wouldn’t listen to me tell them about the dangers of the shots. I guess they think I’m just a nutty conspiracy theorist.

Just want to mention that there are a number of gene mutations that predispose some people to be more apt to get certain cancers. My doctor had a list of about 20 of those markers that she had me tested for, since a lot of people in my family have had different cancers. I did have one that made me slightly more apt to get breast cancer, colon cancer, and several reproductive cancers. However, all of them are just a small increase over the average. That may or may not be why I got breast cancer.

I totally agree that all the turbo cancers we’re seeing – and there are a lot of them in my cancer group, especially among young people – are the result of the jabs. What I’m wondering, though, is whether COVID itself could also be causing an increase in cancers. Have you seen any research to that effect?


Thank you.
“Stay tuned.”


I’m doubtful.


As am I.


Educated rationalizers of their perception of truth. I feel your frustration and share it.

I am teaching my young grandson through his online homeschool curriculum to think things through himself. I am giving him the tools to do his own analysis of everything important to him. So many people have been conditioned by self appointed experts and corrupt leaders to trust the wrong people and things to the point of becoming sheeple.

Just like the other set of his grandparents who are fully jabbed, in declining health, and aging rapidly while being about 10 years younger than us as they trust the experts.


Heartbreaking, as you are obviously well informed with facts AND Care for the best interests for family.

Rhetorical. Since the approved narrative has shifted. Hope they didn’t just discover, Briben is unfit for POTUS responsibilities.


I am sorry you are going through this. I am the “nutty conspiracy theorist” in parts of my family, too. I also have lost friends because I wouldn’t back down on the idiocy of the masks, lockdowns, and the evil quackzine.

It sucks.

Gail Combs

If I were he, I would wear it as a BADGE OF HONOR!

I am not Catholic, but to my mind he would make a MUCH BETTER Pope than the ‘thing’ occupying the Vatican currently.


Vigano’s only crime IS speaking truth.

  • Francis and his ilk, supporters are afraid of the truth.

Vomit worthy quote from article at the link above..

“His public statements manifesting his refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Pontiff…

“…refusal to recognize and submit to…” <<< WTF is this some witches brew ritual?

“Supreme Pontiff”. <<< More like a pompous asshole AND communist.


Lucky for him that the Inquisition days are history. Not submitting was lethal.

The Inquisition was a powerful office set up within the Catholic Church to root out and punish heresy throughout Europe and the Americas.


No offense intended below…

I guess so.

Slow guy perspective.

It was rigged against Vigano from the git go.

Never submit to evil, which is how I view Francis.

Francis has made numerous stoopid decisions, that what little I know about the Church, make no sense.

I’m moving on. Of course, let me know where I have wrong think.


No wrong think in my view at all.


Your request has been forwarded to CCP. They’ll be in touch.



On the positive side.

Guess I won’t be launched off a rooftop.


Yes, the Catholic Church can be like that. “Rome is infallible, or she is nothing.”
An “oblique cousin” of mine (the son of an uncle-by-marriage), who was a Catholic priest, had had enough of the church’s teachings on gay persons. He decided to start an “ecumenical Catholic” parish using his own money about 25 years ago. This splinter church thrived for years, serving Catholics who were gay, or were divorced, etc. During this time, however, the Diocese of Pittsburgh petitioned the Vatican to, first, “discipline” him, then, second, to have him excommunicated since he refused to “repent” and submit to the Pope’s demand to disband the “renegade parish.”
My “oblique cousin” apparently took to drink and died several years ago from liver failure. I don’t know if his “renegade parish” is still extant.

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA

Are these for real? Smoke rings from erupting Mt. Etna in Italy. They remind me of the oceanic bubble rings in one of DPat’s nature videos. I’ve never seen either before. I love seeing new nature stuff IF IF it’s real !!



Maybe it’s the sign from Heaven that Vigano should be Pope…kidding/not kidding?


Amen, Sistah !!

Gail Combs

Yes it is real

Mount Etna puffs ‘smoke rings’ in rare display

Italy’s Mount Etna has been putting on a show by blowing near-perfect circles into the Sicilian sky.

A new crater opened on the summit of Europe’s largest active volcano leading to an unusual display of the so-called ‘smoke rings’.

The rings are made of gases and propelled by a circular vent in the volcano.

This video has been optimised for mobile viewing on the BBC News app. The BBC News app is available for iPhone and Android.

33 sec vid at site.


Trust Gail … to bring the goods and tell me the truth 🤓🤓🤓

i saw some videos yesterday of the eruption; it seems to be a full-blown spew…

PS i bought whole grain basmati rice this morning, based on your helpful comment yesterday comparing the glycemic index of rices. I love rice and of course the sticky jasmine rice is my fav, but I can easily switch to improve my blood sugars. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge 🩷


And, every time I hear about one of the worldwide volcanoes erupting, I think “suck on that you climate change hoaxers”. You will NEVER harness or control the power, impacts or randomness of nature’s wonders like the sun, volcanoes or tectonic shifts.




Here’s a good one of Mt Etna showing the new crater … and … climate change 🫣🫣🫣😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“oH NoES! We MUsT ConTRoL ThE SUn! wE NeeD MoAr COmMunISm!”

Gail Combs

Just remember to cook it, refrigerate and then reheat!

Effect of cooling of cooked white rice on resistant starch content and glycemic response


Cooling of cooked starch is known to cause starch retrogradation which increases resistant starch content. This study aimed to determine the effect of cooling of cooked white rice on resistant starch content and glycemic response in healthy subjects. Resistant starch contents were analyzed on freshly cooked white rice (control rice), cooked white rice cooled for 10 hours at room temperature (test rice I), and cooked white rice cooled for 24 hours at 4°C then reheated (test rice II). The results showed that resistant starch contents in control rice, test rice I, and test rice II were 0.64 g/100 g, 1.30 g/100 g, and 1.65 g/100 g, respectively. Test rice II had higher resistant starch content than test rice I, hence used in the clinical study along with control rice to characterize glycemic response in 15 healthy adults. The clinical study was a randomized, single-blind crossover study. In the clinical study, test rice II significantly lowered glycemic response compared with control rice (125±50.1 vs 152±48.3 mmol.min/L, respectively; p=0.047). 👉In conclusion, cooling of cooked white rice increased resistant starch content. Cooked white rice cooled for 24 hours at 4°C [39°F] then reheated lowered glycemic response compared with freshly cooked white rice.

Unfortunately this is no longer available on the net. It is a comment I copied.

leaky gut & rice

I’m afraid you’ve got it wrong with respect to resistant starch and SIBO. It’s not as simple as “giving bacteria food to ferment”-

  :wpds_arrow: first of all, resistant starch selectively feeds beneficial bacteria in the gut, and the fermentation process does not happen until the starch reaches the colon. Since the RS is not used as an energy source by bacteria in the small intestine, it does not contribute to SIBO (standing for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Not only does it not feed the bacteria in the small intestine, but many strains of pathogenic and all tested strains of beneficial bacteria that I have seen have shown to adhere to the starch, thus carrying them out of the small intestine and into the large intestine where they can be excreted in feces.

So it reduces levels of pathogens, is selectively used by beneficial bacteria, reduces levels of bacteria in the small intestine, increases butyrate production, and restores the integrity of tight junctions (if leaky gut develops from your SIBO, which is likely). Additionally, the SCFA (short-chain fatty acids) produced by RS digestion increases the frequency of peristaltic contractions of the ileum, which would again probably aid in the expulsion of bacteria from the small intestine. For some reason, it seems that everybody “knows” that RS is bad for SIBO, and yet I have yet to find a single scrap of information to support this clam, and plenty to think that such a claim might not be true at all. Notice that all the sites

that uses as references simply advocate a FODMAPS diet, which actually does not contraindicate starches at all!

Again, to recap: RS removes bacteria from the small intestine and selectively feeds beneficial bacteria which results in butyrate production and proper function of tight junctions (thus relief from leaky gut).


Sources: (For actual photograph taken of bacteria adhering to resistant starch)


I got most of these studies from Tim Steele and some from Dr. BG over at Check out their stuff to learn way more information than you will ever need to know about SIBO and resistant starch. They also give some awesome dietary recommendations that got rid of my SIBO problems in less than a week (after an unsuccessful VLC intervention for over 2 months)



There is another related article that disappeared. In 3rd world countries where cholera is a major problem it was found that rice water — a little rice in lots of water to make a solution — REMOVED THE BACTERIA as well as aiding in rehydration.

That is something to remember for a SHIF scenario.




That’s pretty cool.

Couple decades ago, all I saw out of Mt Etna was, I guess we’d call it steam… No lava or noticeable rumbles / shakes.

Still a sight.

Another cool sight.

Walking around Naples. Steam vents. Many or most sulfur smell. Yellowish residue around vents.

Guess folks are content with the constant venting. Another guess, venting stops, what may be next if pressure builds too much.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Interesting about steam vents in Naples; I’ve not heard that mentioned before for that location.


Went looking at YT & Internet in general for Naples steam vents. Struck out.

The vents I saw walking around Naples quite small, not fenced off or anything like that. But obviously steaming and yellowish residue with sulfur stench when up close.

Kilauea in Volcanoes National Park, Big Island Hawaii steam vents common. Seemingly everywhere.

Hiked across a Caldera, lots of steam vents.

Fresh lava fields near the ocean. Walked on the cooling lava. Hot as hell when I ventured to far… Rangers keep moving orange cones, in an attempt to keep goofs like myself from really screwing up.

Walked up to a red bubbling lava whatever. Pushed an empty water bottle on it slightly. Bottle gone in seconds. Yea, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Yellowstone has numerous vents and IIRC, bubbling pools. No doubt water in those pools would kill the foolish tourist.

Enough blathering for now. Really wanted to find a YT video with vents in Naples. Oh well.

Gail Combs

There is the BBC video but all it shows is the steam.

And then there is the Dail Mail video. I think it is more what you are looking for since it is on the ground:


Seen them at Yellowstone & on Big Island Hawaii … didn’t lose my water bottle 😅


Thanks RAC 👍

I usually mute the annoying music on videos, but in this case it seems to fit !

Barb Meier

Happy Friday!


Kickin’ back!  😎 

Barb Meier

Wolf: Click the image above and you should see Image 1 of 2 near the bottom. If you click to go to the next image, you’ll see the subscribe pop-up dialog that we’ve all been seeing. I went back and it is still there. Interesting how it is working.



Prayer for Serenity 1: When Things Seem Out of Control
You did everything you could to assure a positive outcome, but it didn’t turn out the way you wanted or expected. We’ve all been there. It tests our faith. Maybe you accept the outcome or maybe you’re frustrated. God wants to help you put the situation into perspective and remember that he is always in control of every situation—even those you so desperately want to control.

Dear Lord, It feels like everything is out of control in my life right now. I know good things are happening too but the stress is overshadowing them. I wanted a better answer, things to change, but my hopes are dashed. Many people try to comfort me by saying that you’re in control, but it doesn’t bring me comfort. It seems condescending.

Lord, I want to understand and discern the plans you have for me. Father, restore my faith as I trust that you’re omniscient and I’m not. Envelope me with your peaceful balm to soothe my questioning mind. Remind me that you hold the whole world in your hands and all things work for good to those who believe in you. I do believe! Amen

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer for Serenity 2: When Anxiety Overtakes Rationality
God didn’t create doubt, anxiety, or worry. Satan did to rob us of our joy, peace, and sleep. God knows common sense can flee when we’re under stress, so he gave us a remedy when we experience mind hijackers: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Charles Spurgeon advised that, “Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.”

Lord, you know how irrational I can become when I’m anxious. I can’t reign in my thoughts. Instead of expecting the best, I worry and wonder. I fret. My stomach churns, my heart races, and I can’t take my mind off the issue. I know you don’t want me living in a constant state of turmoil. It’s not good for my physical or mental health. It makes people around me miserable and keeps me living in a perpetual state of chaos instead of calmness, which I crave.

Father, you tell me in your Word to cast all my anxiety on you and so I’m doing that in this prayer. I lay at your feet the things I’m struggling with and I implore you Lord to free my mind of concerns. Remind me please to take deep breaths and trust that you can make a way even when the path is not visible to me. Father, please lead me to refreshing Scriptures when I feel anxiety approaching. Holy Spirit fill me with the serene peace and joy of the Lord. Amen

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 NLT

Prayer for Serenity 3: When Fear Overcomes Faith

Faith is the opposite of fear. The antidote to fear is to renew and reaffirm your trust in God when things are going well, when things look bleak, and every time in between. Don’t doubt him. Realize and internalize that God’s got this and he’s way ahead of us. Elisabeth Elliot once said, “Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us.”

Scriptures remind us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). In times of trial, we may find ourselves by God’s grace able to overcome our fears quickly, or it could be an extended journey. The triumph will be worth the struggle as it draws us closer to God when we go straight to prayer and reliance on him.

Dear Father, I’ll admit that I’m fearful right now. My world seems unsteady and unpredictable and I’m afraid. I want to trust you in all circumstances. Please help me rely on you and avoid the instigators of fear. When I’m tempted to turn on the news, nudge me to pick up my Bible. When conversation becomes uncomfortable, please give me words to change the subject.

Lord, my hope is in you. Your Word always brings calmness to my soul and your presence in prayer is soothing and restful. I will not be afraid. I love you Lord and know that you first loved me. Greater love could no man have than to lay down his life as you did for me, even when I was so undeserving. Remind me Lord to believe when I forget that you are greater than anyone or any force in this world. I feel my fear subsiding as my love for you grows greater. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, even to me. Amen

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Prayer for Serenity 4: When What-if’s Overshadow What-Is

In Everyday Brave, I admit that I’m an overthinker and a perfectionist. Overthinkers imagine all the things that could go wrong or could happen. We wake up in the middle of the night ‘what-iffing’ and often create our own stress. We anticipate the worst in the future, robbing ourselves of the joys of the present. Overthinkers create problems in our minds that don’t exist and probably won’t ever occur. Perfectionists second-guess ourselves, never thinking we’re good enough or smart enough. Many don’t even try for fear of failure.

Lord, imagining future problems and never being satisfied with my, or others, performance doesn’t make me happy. I awfulize. I try to cope in my own strength and expectations instead of depending on you. Please teach me how to focus on actual circumstances and let go of those I fabricate. I waste so much of my life in a perpetual state of unrest.

You are my strong fortress, my anchor, my source of joy, serenity, and peaceful thoughts. Keep me grounded on the firm foundation of your Word and your ways. Guide me on paths of righteousness. You are the truth, the way, and the life. Amen

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Prayer for Serenity 5: When You Want to Give Up or Give In

Stress is debilitating. Even with our best intentions, the weight of whatever is bothering us can defeat our motivation to rectify the situation. We feel helpless and hopeless. It seems easier living with the source of our stress than praying to God for how we should respond. Often, he will direct us to take no action. It’s not our battle this time. Other times, he wants us to be resilient, resourceful, and rectify the situation remembering: “I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).

Dear Lord, please refresh me with your living water. Let the Holy Spirit flow over me. Remind me that this world is not my home and to keep my eyes looking heavenly. I can so easily lose sight of you in the midst of my problems and the world’s craziness.

Others are watching how I react to stress and difficulties. They need to see that my dependence is on you. My source of hope is you working in ways I might not see.

I want to be an encourager when asked how I can still have a smile on my face and joy in my voice as I carry on in the midst of stressful times. Please don’t let darkness overtake me Lord as I seek your face in morning’s light and the stillness of night. I will not be discouraged for I know the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. Praise you Father. Amen

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26


“Mr. President, is it time for you to drop out of the race?!” a reporter shouted as Biden shuffled along to the stairs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is very MAGA!!!



Incredibly cool stuff. Happy for Elon successes.


One part looked like an AC/DC concert crowd.  😂 


Awwww he had his kid in his arms 🩷🩷

I don’t understand any of this nor do I want to space travel, but I am in absolute awe when I watch these videos of his company’s space feats, and the younger men & women who are accomplishing this with him. They definitely stand on the shoulders of all the guy geeks and female science pioneers who went before them. Gives me shivers!




The excitement, suspense, and power of space exploration…brought to us not by the American government but by a foreign-born entrepreneur who became an American citizen.


A LEGAL immigrant !!!!!!!!


A real  😂 African-American.


Yes, as I said: He became an American citizen.


It’s a shame it doesn’t have USA on the side, like the Apollo missions.


The 4K restored version cuts the “USA” segment… because of course it does:


Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

This opened up about 24 windows, and I still have not seen it yet!!!!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good work, anons! You are appreciated!


What’s up with this? Anybody know?

Warroom has had multiple interviews with people who strongly implied that Project 2025 was part of the Trump campaign.

Might have said so directly but I can’t remember for certain.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think there’s a lot of wishful thinking out there – and the Dems have created a conspiracy theory about this, too. A lot of mouth-frothing Demmunists on X will rant and rave about Trump’s adherence to this thing, and they imply that the origin is Trump, too.

Last edited 3 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ThanQ for educating me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is “must watch” stuff. I don’t think I ever saw this before. WOW.




I remember that.

Best ‘FINALE’ firework evah!


Holy Cow!!! I would have definitely turned and run … my flight instinct is way stronger than my fight instinct. 😝


I saw a couple girls running, it’s too far away to be dangerous 😂


Not in my world 😱😱😱




Imagine those fireworks popping off, AND piloting an AC on final, into Lindbergh Field, San Diego…


Aircraft Carrier, right?


Intended as commercial aircraft.

My bad using an acronym.

Navy “airport” in San Diego is North Island. Or could have been Miramar. Last I heard Miramar MCAS. Previous squid, Navy.

While possible, can’t see the Navy having an aircraft carrier enter or depart port after sunset. Very complicated business.


I was pretty sure aircraft carriers didn’t fly anyway 😁


Yea. figured ya trolling. Played along.




They wanted a fireworks show… they got a fireworks show! 👍 😂


LOL Joe just committed to another Trump debate.

His aides are in a lose-lose position; they can’t be seen handling him and he’s self-lethal on his own.


Too Slow Joe may not realize, his reelection bid is likely down to days.

IIRC, next debate scheduled for 10 September.


Sleepless in the District of Criminals.


Michelle Obama’s Team Shuts Down Presidential Rumors Again: ‘She Will Not Be Running for President’
President Lyndon Johnson, March 1968: “Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.”

That’s a comprehensive statement. On the other hand, Michelle only says she will not run for president. She does not say she would not accept the VP position. She does not say she would not accept the office of the president if it fell in her lap due to Dem political maneuvering.

That said, I have never thought she wanted the office, however it might be attained, and I don’t think she would accept offers that would lead her to the presidency. But the rumors will not be quelled unless she makes a more definitve statement.


They’re all liars, playing a liar’s game. It’s just noise, until they decide what to do, and it’s the people with the money who make that decision, not any of their puppets.


I agree, but I don’t think any amount of money would compel Michelle to accept the office if she doesn’t want it.
99% of politicians, yes, but I think she is exempt from that kind of pressure.


“I agree, but I don’t think any amount of money would compel Michelle to accept the office if she doesn’t want it.”


Maybe not, but blackmail certainly would.

That’s why you need both, carrot and stick.


Big Mike may have a big Stick. 😂


You need to stop.





I can’t imagine the degree of sour face the country would have to endure if she were forced into a position she didn’t want. Woe is us!


IF she were to be installed come hook or crook she’s not going to be happy and that unhappiness will be taken out on the country that she already hates.


If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy… 😂


Big Mike may just whup hussein’s ass.


You mean brutha…


first snippet of Snuffalopolous-Biden interview


Snuffl. Did you watch the debate afterwards.

Briben. I don’t think I did.

^^^ Briben is a terrible liar. ^^^

^^^ OR, Briben can’t remember. ^^^

Neither a reassuring point.

Briben short of breath? Shallow, short breathing?


Briben short of breath?

Yes, I noticed it right away.

Gail Combs

In the comments:

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Truth Justice ™


Jul 3

THE BIDEN MANDATE DISASTER: Estimated 17 Million Deaths from the Covid Vaccines. President Trump acknowledges excess deaths. “Remember more people died under his administration than our administration and we were right in the middle of it. He did the mandate which is a disaster.”

The European Parliament asked Pfizer this direct question. “Was the Pfizer Covid Vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?” Janine Small, a Pfizer President replied “NO” we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. At that point of view we had to do everything at risk.”

They forced you and manipulated you through illegal coercion in order for you to take a dangerous technology never given to humans before. They said you would not get Covid if you took the injection. They said you would not transmit Covid to anyone else if you took the injection. It was all a deliberate criminal lie to deceive you and coerce you into taking a toxin and poison that has now killed an estimated 17 million innocent people worldwide.

Over 17,000 physicians and scientists globally confirm that the Covid vaccinated are more likely to become infected or have disease or even death if they have been Vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated people. The Covid Vaccines damage your heart, brain, reproductive tissue, lungs, increase cancer and permanently damage your immune system.

The Biden Administration is captured by Corporations and NGOs. U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines and Boosters, they are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow and fetus causing all sorts of harm in the human body. The CDC and the FDA’s misinformation is causing death and injury in pregnant women and newborn babies around the world.

PFIZER IS BEING SUED IN 5 U.S. STATES: Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer for misleading claims it made related to the COVID vaccine.

According to the complaint filed on June 17, 2024 in Thomas County District Court, Pfizer misled Americans about the vaccine risks, including for pregnant women and for myocarditis.  Additionally, Pfizer claimed its vaccine protected against COVID variants, despite data showing otherwise. The pharmaceutical giant also suggested its vaccine prevented COVID transmission, but later admitted it had never studied whether its vaccine had stopped transmission.

The complaint also alleges that Pfizer coordinated with social media officials to censor speech critical of COVID-19 vaccines and declined to participate in the federal government’s vaccine development program, Operation Warp Speed, to avoid government oversight.

Dr. David Martin says President Trump was misled and conned by Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, the CDC, FDA and Alex Azar, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services who was under criminal investigation at the time Operation Warp Speed was signed.

Worldwide over 17,000 Physicians and Scientists demand that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, AstraZeneca and their enablers be immediately indicted for fraud for willfully withholding and omitting Covid Vaccine safety information from patients and physicians which led to toxic death and injury to millions of innocent people worldwide.

There is excess mortality and death all over the world and populations are suddenly collapsing. A Top U.S. Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough says I’m going to be very clear about this. “The Vaccine is Killing people and it’s Killing large numbers of people.”

Every person around the world must demand criminal charges for illegal advertising by the Media, the CDC, NIH, the FDA and the Biden Administration which all advertised the Covid Vaccines as safe and effective with no side effects. This was a criminal lie that led to the death of millions of innocent people.

They deliberately broke the law and committed federal crimes of fraud, wrongful advertising and mass negligent homicide. All government officials, health officials and all pharmaceutical corporate executives must be indicted and brought to justice.

Dr. Peter McCullough also states Albert Bourla and other Pfizer Executives are committing Domestic Terrorism. They are criminally lying that there are no safety warning signals from the Covid Vaccines. Pfizer’s own data showed 1223 deaths within 90 days of the vaccine trials.

U.S. Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. states the death rates from the Covid Vaccines exceed billions of combined vaccines from the last 30 years. Studies from 2023 show 680,000 deaths in the U.S. from the Covid Vaccines. The Pfizer trial showed a 500% increase in heart attack deaths. He goes on to say that Pfizer is guilty of criminal deception.

U.S. Harvard Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle confirms through an Official Court Affidavit that the Covid Vaccines are “Bioweapons of Mass Destruction.” He says all the people who pushed these “Frankenshots” such as the Media, FDA, CDC, WHO, DOD Officials, the Biden Administration and Covid Vaccine Executives should be charged with premeditated mass murder.

Professor Boyle goes on to say that the FDA was involved in the development of Covid-19 as an offensive biological warfare weapon at UNCBSL3. The Pentagon bought and paid for the toxic mRNA shots and helped create Covid-19. All are guilty of Nuremberg crimes, murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

Dr. Francis Boyle believes the end goal of the criminal perpetrators is population control and population reduction while making billions of dollars. He says new reports show worldwide excess deaths of 12 million innocent people. Now, it is estimated to be over 17 million innocent people worldwide.

He encourages all citizens around the world to go to their local Sheriff’s Office, Police Office and District or State Attorney General’s Office and file criminal charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder, demanding that the people responsible be arrested and prosecuted. This must be done, be brave, share this truth and act now.

IN THE U.S. ON JUNE 17, 2024: The Vires Law Group, in conjunction with the Edward L. Tarpley Jr., Officially Sent Criminal Referrals of Murder, Terrorism, Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Manslaughter, Racketeering, Acts of Cruelty, False Imprisonment, Battery and Kidnapping for Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Peter Daszak, Rick Bright, Robert Redfield, Stephen Hahn and Cliff Lane.

Many more people are involved in these atrocious crimes of mass murder and deliberate deception, such as Alex Azar, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Mike Pence, Ralph Baric and many more. There are over 350 U.S. names involved in various crimes against America and against all of humanity. They must be stopped and they must brought to justice, no matter how long it takes.


Gail Combs

Three great memes:

I hope I can get them to show:

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The shadows know.


Oh boy. Biteme on abc.


Briben Uniparty and Pravda continuously sat Trump lied XX times.

They never cite what Trump “lied” about. <<< Another Faux D-Rat talking point.


Yes! I’m so tired of hearing them say that.

There is at least one thing they always say he lied about, and that’s J6. In their narrative, it was an insurrection that he incited and led, and everything he said about it, including wanting to call up the National Guard, is a lie. (But of course those lies are theirs, not his.)

I think the only defense they have against Trump regarding JB’s policies is to say that Trump is lying. It’s on a schoolyard level: “You lied!” “Did not!” “Did so!” Except our side has facts to back up our arguments, and they call them lies.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths

Hey, hows the heat there? 123 in palm springs today! 98 here. By Wednesday its prob 105. Its been several years since heat this widespread and so hot. I see vegas is supposed to feel 125 next week.


Fly over country weather.

Daily high 90s. A few 100, I think. Humid is an understatement. Thunder storm this afternoon.

Living the dream.


Lol. Not so humid here, but cumulus going east. I m just glad we arent in the desert.


How reliable are Laura Loomer’s sources? She is putting her reputation on the line.

Joe Biden is reportedly having a medical emergency on Air Force One right now.

Press access has been removed.

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I’d take Loomer’s word for it.

Going into the weekend. Sposed to be slow news….

Friday. ~8PM Eastern. Was in Wisconsin, IIRC. ~7PM.

Edit. Looked around. Nothing found. Loomer may have gotten a hot tip. THEN, AF1 cut communications.

Viva Frei echoing Loomer reporting, Briben Medical Emergency… NOT confirmation. Skeptical.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

If they shut the door to the presstitutes section of the plane, all of the presstitutes would immediately be on the phone to central planning, so if it’s true, it should be popping up all over the interwebs right about now.


Assuming AF1 did NOT shut off commercial communications.

Loomer may have gotten a hot tip, before AF1 staff comms cut.

IF AF1 is airborne, all the more likely Loomer is accurate.

IF AF1 aloft AND all things normal, Lomer’s report would have been debunked / retracted.


Joe’s interview tonight did not go well. Not certain if any of that played into the latter.


“Joe Biden is reportedly having a medical emergency on Air Force One right now.”


I hope he’s not the one flying the plane.


He’ll tell you he was…


If such is so, I’d assume that AF1 would divert from it’s flight path and land at an airport that has access to good health care. This should be verifiable in real time. Will have to look around and see if any of those flight monitor guys are providing updates.


I think they’re called plane-homos.


Yes… and I was going to say plane fags…. as I believe that is the correct terminology and what some have dubbed themselves as but’s been a while since we featured any.


Thankfully, the latter. They smell like tabloids….


“Yes… and I was going to say plane fags….”


Plane fags sounds way too trendy and hip.

Plane-homos is old school 👍😂


More than likely so.

Mulled that one a bit. In any case. AF1 absolute priority, so, air time is always minimzed.

100%, if it is true, we’ll know shortly.\
Odds are against it at this point.

Just as well. I want Briben humiliated as much as possible. Along with Taco Jill, D-rats…


“If such is so, I’d assume that AF1 would divert from it’s flight path and land at an airport that has access to good health care.”


South side of Chicago should have the best gunshot trauma surgeons in the world.

Gail Combs

Note that she is saying ‘REPORTEDLY’

In other words she does not trust the source.


Start of the Biden Switch Out Theory 😆
If Biden shows up all spry tomorrow or the next the theory will commence the next day 😉


True or not, with Biden it is believable.

They might be trying to get us to expend our memes.
Here’s a short sample happening now…
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Anyway, they are saying he’s landed at Delaware, walked down the big steps from the plane, challenged Trump to more debates and is calling a lid for the nite at Wilmington because he’s wiped.

I’d expect more of these short fused stories in the future because they are believable.

Meanwhile here’s Joe today at the school gym in WI.

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NOT buying the official story.

We’ll see.

Barb Meier

Someone on X asked how long it has been since Joe took the big stairs. I can’t find that comment again; however, I saw the Forbes Breaking News on the image and went to their breaking news page. The story and image is not there in the last 16 hours, so I’m suspecting it is faked from a much earlier image when Joe still navigated the big stairs.

It looks like the same video is a ways down in the GWP story.

Barb Meier

Here’s the link to Forbes Breaking News in case I’ve missed something.


This has not been proven

Barb Meier

Update from Laura Loomer:

It’s not false information.

Today the Biden campaign told reporters they could travel with Joe Biden on Air Force One and in the motorcade. Then they were abruptly told today, while they were waiting for his plane, that they could no longer be around him and travel with him.

Plane was also delayed.

He had a medical emergency on the airplane. He was not seen exiting the motorcade either.

Biden had a medical emergency on the plane today and his campaign is covering it up because he just lied to the Democrat governors at the White House and said he had a checkup and was fine.

Biden had a medical emergency while traveling today.

Massive scandal that @BidenHQ

is rushing to cover up right now.



Feds always lie.

WH lies daily.

Everything Briben IS a lie.

Three reporters have mentioned this.

Loomer, crowley and Chanel.

Loomer doubles down.

100% I believe something went wrong with Briben. How serious, no idea.


We’ll know more in the morning. Reporters start talking and naming names.


Linda, Wolf Moon, and all —
In response to our good Linda’s question regarding whether the COVID-19 virus itself (via the spike protein) can cause cancer: IMO, the answer is, Yes, it can.
The difference, again IMO, between the actions of the COVID-19 virus itself (via the spike protein), and those of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, involves the additions of lipid nanoparticles to the COVID-19 “vaccines” (which lipid nanoparticles evade the “vaccinated” person’s natural immune system “are you a friend or a foe” mechanisms); and the addition of the SV40 Green Monkey cancer promoter gene piece to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.”

Following are several sources of information on this subject:
“Deep immune profiling of COVID-19 patients reveal distinct immunotypes with therapeutic implications”
15 July 2020 (well before any COVID-19 “vaccine” was given an EUA for use)
Divij Matthew, et al.
“SARS-CoV-2, the Spike Protein and Oncogenesis”
2 November 2023
Walter M Chesnut
“The Observed Aggressive Cancers are a SYMPTOM of a DNA Disease Induced by the Spike Protein”
26 October 2023
Walter M Chesnut
“Cell fusion as a link between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, COVID-19 complications, and vaccine side effects”
7 December 2021
Yuri Lazebnik

Yours Truly again: It appears that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself contains multiple elements that attack and degrade the CD4 immune system cells of the body; that dysregulate B-cell activity in the body; that attack the body’s natural DNA repair system; and that accelerate natural cell death (apoptosis) in the body.
This is another data point for arguing that the lab-created SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein was concocted from a carefully-compiled and detailed “laundry list” of elements that, once combined into the spike protein, would wreak as much damage as possible in the body of a person infected with the COVID-19 virus itself.

This all points, again, to the absolute necessity for all people to attain, and maintain, the best possible level of health of the natural immune system already in their bodies. It also can mean that people who have a “family history of cancer” should get the blood tests needed to find out what, if any, genetic markers are present in their body.

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

You might see if you can get your relatives to watch this video. It is a series of clips of various experts. 45 minutes but a very very good summation.


Gail Combs
Thank you.


Thanks, Pavaca. I thought I’d read that somewhere before but couldn’t find it. I kind of suspected as much. Even for us Pure Bloods, there still may be health implications from just having the virus itself.


(Foreign Policy) Ukraine is trying to “tie itself” to Europe by rail

Since the beginning of the Russian special operation in Ukraine, the railways in the country have acquired important strategic importance in military operations: they transported military personnel and weapons to the front line, delivered hundreds of foreign diplomatic delegations to Kyiv, and a large amount of cargo from Kyiv.
In this regard, as Foreign Policy notes, in Ukraine there is a need to expand and modify the railway infrastructure with an eye to Europe. And work in this area is far from complete – Kyiv’s ambitions are complicated by inherited infrastructure. Many of the locomotives and carriages still in use were manufactured in the former Soviet Union, while those produced in Ukraine were designed to operate on post-Soviet rails, which have a wider gauge than in European countries.
This means that a train traveling from Warsaw to Kyiv, for example, must adjust the width of the axle between the wheels when crossing the border, which can add several hours to the duration of the rail journey.
Against this background, hundreds of European gauge railways are being laid in the country. However, as experts warn, given that there are thousands of kilometers of broad-gauge railways across Ukraine, replacing all the tracks is an unrealistic and financially impractical task. According to estimates by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank, modernizing just 1 km of Ukrainian railways on flat terrain will cost about €1 million, while converting to European gauge could cost eight times more.
On the other hand, the cost of failure to comply with this requirement could have real strategic consequences for a country whose position now depends on the support of Western countries. Foreign Policy explains the strategic importance of Ukraine’s transition to the European track by how border delays affect not only passengers or commercial exports, but also the efficiency of arms supplies.

Trillions of taxpayer dollars diverted through NGO’s such as USAID and the IMF will be sent to Ukraine and another laundry of funds begins for a rail line to support the efficiency of arms supplies. I’m ready to dump some tea!


Rail. Incredibly easy to take out.


And we’ve been watching them get taken out repeatedly. Story seems like some sort of excuse on why they can’t use the rail lines to better advantage. 😆


Airfields also easy to take out.

  • Runways. Hangers. Taxi ways. Munitions storage. Fuel tanks, trucks, pipelines… Maintenance areas. Utilities.

DANGER FROM THE SKY: Daily Russian Missile Attacks Target Ukrainian Air Bases That Will Host the Promised F-16 Jet Fighters


Got a link?


Why not make new axles with three differently spaced wheels on each axle. then whatever width of track it’s on two wheels will fit and whichever wheel doesn’t fit won’t be in contact with anything.
That’s for the wagons, the locomotive would have to be changed at the border.

Last edited 3 months ago by RAC

It should be noted that different track gauges had a variety of solutions back when it was a more common phenomenon. That said, the “three wheels on an axle” solution makes the train cars off-balance and more prone to derailment when they shift to narrower gauges — “four wheels on an axle” is sometimes used.


Reports of Joe Biden Having Medical Emergency on Air Force One as Democrats Scramble to Replace Him APPEAR TO BE INACCURATE – Elon Musk Responds

As the Democrats scramble for an excuse to remove Joe Biden from the 2024 Presidential ticket, following his horrendous debate performance, it was reported that Joe Biden suffered some kind of medical emergency.

However, there is no confirmation of this, and unfortunately for the Democratic Party, it appears to be inaccurate.

Newsmax’s Monica Crowley reported on X, “Biden is reportedly having a medical emergency aboard Air Force One.”

Elon Musk responded to a repost by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), trolling the Biden Regime by adding, “That’s just every flight these days.”

One America News Network’s Chanel Rion also reported on the allegations, noting it’s unclear the sourcing of this. “press pool traveling with him just reported they have arrived with the president’s motorcade at his home”…

Per Raw News, however, “Biden landed back in Delaware around 7:30 this evening and is now at home in Wilmington.”

Biden was seen earlier this evening exiting Air Force One after arriving in Deleware and heading home for his 8 pm bedtime:

There is currently no confirmation of any medical emergency involving Joe Biden.

This is a developing story. Check back at The Gateway Pundit for updates…


Interesting the “report” was picked up by at least three reporters.


8PM bedtime?

More likely change Briben’s Depends.


It is not supposed to not be real. Biden is back at his home in Delaware.

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1

Missing employee at General Dynamics plant explosion, Camden, AR is dead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prayers for the family and the deceased. 🙏


WAYNE ROOT: Democrats are Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Here are Their Only Desperate, Hysterical, Panicked Options for Presidential Ticket 2024

…There are only two things that matter in politics…and even more so in Democrat politics…money and the mainstream media. Biden has lost them both. He’s finished..

But now Joe Biden has lost both the donors and the media. So, he’s finished. Gone. Kaput. Adios. 

In the next few days…maybe as soon as Monday…Joe Biden will announce he’s stepping aside.

So, what do Democrats do next? Here are their options…

First, of course, they could elect to stay with Biden, only because he won’t agree to step aside, or they can’t figure out how to get his name off the ballot. 

Pray for this one to happen. If Democrats are stuck with Biden, President Trump could win in a Reagan-Mondale-like landslide with 40+ states and over 350 electoral votes.

The second option is “the Kamala option.” Biden could either step aside, or be forced out with the 25th Amendment. Then Kamala becomes President of the United States. That may be even worse for America than leaving Biden in office. 

Many are calling for Biden to take a cognitive test, but Kamala should be forced to take an IQ test!

Okay, I’m just gonna say it (I always do): Kamala is the dumbest person to ever get near a seat of power in world history…What’s Kamala’s excuse? 

…it’s now “fair game” to mention Kamala screwed her way to the top…In history, has ANY country ever even considered electing the woman who screwed the married politician as the presidential candidate? This would be a new low in world history.

If they pick Kamala, then I think Democrats actually want Trump to win. 

Perhaps they know an economic collapse is coming (because of their policies of taxes, spending, debt, green energy and DEI). Perhaps they know WW3 is unavoidable (because of their actions in Ukraine). So, at this point, they figure, “We can’t win with either Joe, or Kamala, so we might as well let Trump win, blame the impending twin disasters on him, ruin his presidency, and then we finish the job in 2028.”

But if Democrats want any chance to win, then my gut says these are their only viable options…

*Give the nomination to Michele Obama- as I’ve predicted and warned for two years now. How would they get rid of Kamala? Either promise her a Supreme Court nomination if they win, or pull the 25th amendment chord, get rid of Biden, and install Kamala as “interim lame duck president.” Kamala gets the resume and legacy as first female President of the USA, but agrees not to run. Michelle gets the nomination.

That’s not how it works. If JB is 25thed, Kamala becomes “acting president.” She would not be “interim president.” She would not be the first female president of the USA except with the asterisk of “acting,” which indicates she was not elected to the position.

*Install Gavin Newsom as Michelle’s VP- to be the prolific fundraiser among California’s wealthy liberals.

*If Michelle really doesn’t want it, then perhaps they keep Biden at the top, and install Barack Obama as VP (assuming that passes Constitutional muster).

It can’t pass Constitutional muster unless people twist the intent of the Constitution.

That stabilizes the ticket- giving liberals hope that if Biden dies in office, Obama could take over (without being elected). Crazy risk, and destructive to “the rule of law” in America, but I’d put nothing past desperate, power-hungry, Democrats.

*If Michelle doesn’t want it, and the Barack Obama idea isn’t legal, install Gavin as presidential nominee, but I don’t see Democrats passing over a black woman for a white man.

That leaves only two more possibilities…

If none of that works, move Kamala up to presidential candidate and name another women to the ticket- perhaps Gretchen Whitmer as VP- which could give Democrats at least some chance of victory (although I think very slim), by winning an overwhelming percentage of female votes, and a better chance of winning battleground state Michigan.

Lastly, there’s always Hillary waiting in the wings for a second shot at President Trump.

At this point, I think Trump wins an electoral landslide versus any combination. So, for Democrats, the only real option is rigging, cheating and stealing the election like never before in world history.


My gut says in the end, that’s Democrats’ only real plan and shot at victory.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths

Kamala can be removed by Mitch and Mike. She was never eligible as a non-natural born-citizen.

Mike takes over as POTUS.


Yet, they will never do it.


The Camel-Uh / Whitmer option.

For when you hate your country with a white-hot passion 😂🤣😂


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