DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20240816

Whiskey Sour


  • 2 ounces bourbon
  • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
  • 1/2 ounce egg white (optional)
  • Garnish: Angostura bitters


  1. Add bourbon, lemon juice, simple syrup and egg white, if using, to a shaker, and dry-shake for 30 seconds without ice.
  2. Add ice and shake again for 15–20 seconds, until well-chilled.
  3. Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice, or into a coupe without ice.
  4. Garnish with 3–4 drops of Angostura bitters.

Robert Kennedy Jr Confirms He is Offering to Endorse Kamala Harris in Exchange for a Cabinet Position

IDK. I just think he reeks to desperation given that his family has been out of power for quite a while now.

Badlands News Brief – August 15, 2024

Transparency and Prosecution

Clade 1 Mpox Jumps to Sweden

Who cares.

This Explains All the Fake News Attacks: 70% of Audience Sharing Musk-Trump Interview Was from 25-35 Age Group

The Decline and Fall of RFK Jr.?

Vance: A real Marine

Secret Service approves bulletproof glass to shield Trump at outdoor rallies

Tweets & Stuff From X

TBH, European rest stops are really quite nice.

Works for me.

Memes & Other Fun Stuff

Da da da dum da da da dum…. Doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Yeah, this is true.

The greedy little $#!+$ tend to take off after drinking their fill.


I can see my one brother loaning his doxxies for such a project.

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


Isaiah 12:2-6

2“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” 3With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. 4And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name; make known his deeds among the nations, proclaim that his name is exalted. 5“Sing praises to the LORD, for he has done gloriously; let this be known in all the earth. 6Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”


A child of the naughty nineties….

Have a good weekend!

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Thank you, De Pat, for another wonderful week of practically perfect posts.


Oh, and —


I’m guessing that it’s now time to celebrate the last day before couch potato time.



Trump 2024.

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Hideous, making DJT obese.



I think he looks like a realistic, strong warrior. 🤔 YMMV


I think he looks like he could Mongo a dinosaur —


Yes, LOL.

Valerie Curren

Kinda Kung Fury  😎 


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The jugears aren’t big enough.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He needs to be able to fly away with his monkeys!


Through a skeet shooting championship.


Not one of the three was elected by anyone.


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Very funny.


That only works until Timmy brings home the pox from his school’s Drag Queen Story Hour.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! 😂


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“- tens of millions of Americans have awakened in recent years to how deep the corruption in our government has metastasized”


What government?

There is no government left, it has been wholly consumed by corruption.

For there to be government, which is inherently corrupt, government would now have to encroach on corruption.

Government has proven itself to be the greatest danger — by far — to the survival of our species.

Nothing else even comes close.

Government doesn’t do one single thing it’s supposed to do. Not even one.

And what it does do, it should never do.

Humanity should get rid of it.

It’s not as if things would be any worse.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

There is no government left…

Government has proven itself to be the greatest danger…We should get rid of it.

Can’t get rid of something of which there is nothing left…
But I get your point, although it sounds a little anarchistic. 🤔


Well that’s just it, what we have now is orders of magnitude worse than anarchy, we’re just normalized to it.

We are normalized to a failed Republic that is run (not governed, governed is by consent) by a rogue, renegade, unelected Cabal of criminal psychopaths who stole the government with the intention to finish the job of destroying America.

The same Cabal that tried to murder all 330+ million of us — how quickly and easily we forget

Is no government at all not infinitely preferable to a thugocracy that is empowered and actively working to murder us?

If the choice is Hitler or no government, which is better?

Remember, Hitler loved his country (in his own crazy psychopath way), he certainly wasn’t trying to destroy ‘the Fatherland’.

And Hitler wasn’t trying to murder his own entire population, though he was clearly trying to murder all of the Jewish people and anyone who opposed him.

By contrast, the governments of the West hate their own countries with a white hot passion, and have destroyed them from the seats of government.

It’s the most vile, treasonous, incomprehensible, coordinated act of civilizational self destruction in the history of mankind. There is no parallel in the historical record.

But they didn’t stop there.


They went for the whole enchilada.

They literally tried to exterminate the population of the entire world. And they may have succeeded in murdering roughly 75% of humanity, or six billion people, from the effects of their Notavax bioweapon.

That’s 545 times as many people as Hitler murdered.

That makes Hitler look like a generic serial killer by comparison, barely a blip on the historical record.

Let that sink in for a second.

So which is better?

No government at all, or the interconnected RICO governments of the West, practically untouchable, acting in concert to destroy their own nations, and attempting to murder the whole world?

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Government…of the people, for the people and by the people.

…the republic for which it stands…

instead, we have an oligarchy…at best.


Pretty well sums it up IMO.

The good news is that somewhere close to a billion people on the planet have awakened from their slumbers or resisted all along such that a remnant survives with access to whatever is left of value.

Which is what happened in the Old Testament stories of the trials and tribulations of ancient Israel.

Nothing new under the sun. For those willing to consider our current national and world situation in relation to Biblical application and the passage of time, the following may be of some interest.


Teachers, corporations, pharmaceuticals, clergy, actors, Disney,…



Homemade bread and mayo, farmer friend grew the butter lettuce, tomato, and onion, local butcher grew the beaf – better than anything you can buy. I may not be able to afford restaurant food, but no one can take from my family what I know how to provide. Work out your liberty and your people prosper

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Oh man that looks soooo good…and I don’t even like cheese and raw onion (grilled is fine!) on my burger. Do like dill pickle slices – and those are easy to grow and make.


speaking of tomatoes

first garden tomato of the summer, last week…

had to hold it in both hands.

it weighed over a pound.

cut into it….it was sooo rich & juicy, it looked like a side of beef.

good crop this year.

👉 hint : bury banana peels and/or whole over-ripe bananas deep into the soil next to the tomato seedlings when planted.

the banana nutrients (potassium) work wonders. 😍🍅


Congrats and enjoy! We had a good, not great crop this summer. Our season is done down here. We had a 3 week dry spell with mid-90s temps right in the middle of the season that messed them up even with watering.


I’m not having a great tomato year, either. A couple of plants didn’t have a single tomato, something I’ve never seen.

However, the winter squash EXPLODED. I will be eating a whole lot of them this winter.


Aubergine, this might be a real treat for you!

TH and I used to frequent the Afghan Kebob House on the Upper East Side in NYC.


One dish we ALWAYS ordered with dinner was called Kaddo Bowrani, Afghani Sweet Pumpkin with Meat Sauce and Creamy Yogurt.

The way they served this was as a filet of pumpkin, round slices with a warm-spiced meat sauce and then a thick yogurt sauce on top. Heavenly! I believe the meat sauce we had may have contained either one or both nutmeg and cinnamon within.

You might be able experiment with the squash. Pumpkin has just a bit more inherent sweetness than squash, but subtle added sweetness might do the trick. A honey butter baste maybe?

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Oh, and when the recipe asks for thick Greek yogurt, you want to look for Labne (Labneh). Oddly, I just discovered this. There is nothing like it. Sort of like yogurt cream cheese. I smear it on a platter with roasted vegetables or lamb.

I could put it on anything.

You may find other brands:

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Happy squashing!

Last edited 1 month ago by WSB

YUM!! Thanks for the suggestions. I will try them. Buttercup squash is pretty sweet. Maybe even sweeter than pumpkin.


Good on you, sweetie. This is an odd recipe. But Wonderful!


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PS Aubergine,

This little restaurant could easily have been a front shop.

We may never know.

But they have great food!


Sometimes, it’s better to be ignorant!


You are FUNNY!

pat frederick

thanks for the tip about banana peels!


you’re welcome, it really works !


A lot of orchids, the type that live in bark and not soil, appreciate a 1″ square of banana peel in their bark.


Wow! Thanks for the tip, too. I had never heard of using banana peels.


I understand that tomatoes also like eggshells, one per hole, crunched into bits.


I can make that sandwich! My own bread, mayo, tomato and onion. Local beef. I don’t like lettuce on burgers, so none of that green stuff! I can also get local cheese.


Sounds great! 🍔


Lettuce is rabbit food.


I like a good salad, just not ON my meat!

Valerie Curren

W/ lots of bacon, hard boiled eggs, & cheese!


Iceberg is the crunch of life!


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I think Trump’s slogan for 2024 should be “Prosperity and Peace.”


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the dreaded Cult of Personality at play.

just ask Germany how that worked out.


Alex Jones:

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Assassination Victim Set To File Major Lawsuit Against The Deep State To, “Discover The Truth About What Happened”

Gail Combs

WELP, with the crime scene power washed clean and the shooter’s body(s) cremated, good luck with that!



I understand that God had DJT turn his head at precisely the right instant in order to save his life. But has anybody but me noticed that God also made sure he did get shot?

What if the bullet missed completely? DJT most likely would not realize he was a target and might not have ducked. Thus making a second shot very likely to succeed.

The real ‘act of God’ was God making sure he moved out of the way but not too far. IOW God had to make sure DJT was shot but not killed.


Reminds me of this:

Isaiah 55:

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.






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Brave and Free

The not so SCOTUS will rule on this sometime after Nov. /s

Valerie Curren

Looks like no “swing states” want to stop illegal(s from) voting  😡 


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Someone’s comment:
“Trump is a 4d chess genius…. he gets the fake news media to report on things they would NEVER talk about.” 


This is AI generated. The tipoff is the reporter’s name.

Way too close to Drumpf, used as a pejorative in the 2016 campaign.


She’s real:

Sarah Rumpf | Mediaite

Sarah Rumpf joined Mediaite in 2020 and is a Contributing Editor focusing on politics, law, and the media. A native Floridian, Sarah attended the University of Florida, graduating with a double major in Political Science and German, and earned her Juris Doctor, cum laude, from the UF College of Law. Sarah’s writing has been featured at National Review, The Daily Beast, Reason, Law & Crime, Independent Journal Review, Texas Monthly, The Capitolist, Breitbart Texas, Townhall, RedState, The Orlando Sentinel, and the Austin-American Statesman, and her political commentary has led to appearances on the BBC, MSNBC, NewsNation, Fox 35 Orlando, Fox 7 Austin, The Young Turks, The Dean Obeidallah Show, and other television, radio, and podcast programs across the globe.

Last edited 1 month ago by TheseTruths

Real, but Mediate is still slants left and draws a leftist crowd to it’s comment section. Likely because comment sections from leftist news organizations are so extremely rare. Some stories are fair, but many take cheap shots at the right.

Perhaps we should have Aubergine look into Rumpf and see if she hasn’t had a name change.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was wondering if that wasn’t a pen name.


ThanQ. Precisely my point, albeit stated somewhat obtusely.


I did a quick-and-dirty look at the name “Sarah Rumpf,” and the last name Rumpf generally.

Believe it or not, it is not an uncommon last name, and a couple of Sarah’s came up. The surname shows up in PA, WI, and MN quite a bit. I found a Sarah in FL, which is where this one is supposed to be from.




Of course!


Well, I must have lived a sheltered life.  😉 


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Gail Combs

Mandated high wages + Price Control = Businesses bankrupt

Bankruptcy Flood ==> GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF BUSINESSES => Communism…


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“You don’t have to imagine what a Kamala Harris presidency would be, because you’re living through that nightmare right now.”

– Trump

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a GREAT bumper sticker. The 10 second elevator-door-closing pitch for TRUMP.

Valerie Curren

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Anna Paulina Luna serves Florida’s 13th district and is unashamedly pro-Second Amendment 

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Paulina Luna tried her hand at modelling before going into politics and appeared in Sports Illustrated 


Were those pics/videos taken when she was modeling, before her political career, which started in 2020?
How did they happen to be circulated now? Is she responsible for that, or someone on the Left, or even someone on the Right?

This might not be a popular opinion, but I prefer that Congresspeople stick to the subject. In other words, I don’t need to see any member of Congress, male or female, in swim gear or even gym gear. A nod to going to the gym could encourage others to exercise, but that would be enough. No overly tight or revealing clothing.

This is causing a distraction from the issues we face.


I’m certainly willing to listen to what she has to say.


Yes, but would you be able to focus on her words and ideas? 😂


Oh, sure — words, ideas, and distractions….


You “circled back” to my point…😅

I would also be distracted by Chuck Schumer in a Speedo, for very different reasons, but with the same underlying principle.

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Brave and Free

He’s the deference,


Don’t wanna see Ole Chuck in a suit.

Anything Chuck surfaces and I scroll on by.


Including Mrs. Schumer.


Apples and oranges.

Cry’n Chuck is butt ugly AND not a gal.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

I can’t stand Chuck clothed.


You’re kidding right? We are not talking science here.

Even Slow Guy can appreciate her beauty, words and ideas.

It’s a given, a gal’s beauty is noted first. A guy thing, I suppose.


Not kidding. I fully appreciate her beauty and her assets, so to speak. And IMO to insert those into a Congressional career is a distraction.


This could be a stealth move. The distractions by Pelosi and her capos are ugly distractions.


Normal guys do.


I bet you are.

Close your mouth to prevent drooling.


Thanks. (Mouth just now closed.)



Try not being so uptight over nothing.

What is not to like.

Beautiful gal. Supports 2A. America First.
Glad the pics came out now AND THEN. OK for more pics in the coming…

As I recall, saw something like that year, two or three ago. Glad they resurfaced.
N B F D.

Slow Guy is not distracted.

Congress needs MORE Anna Paulina Luna’s.

Beautiful gal. Supports 2A. America First.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

Try not being so uptight over nothing.

LOL! just as you’re not distracted, I’m not uptight.

There are consequences to words and actions. Aubergine’s comment expresses it well, below. Sometimes those consequences are not immediately apparent, but they can come back to bite, hard.



Valerie Curren

I have no idea, but those are good Q’s 🙂


WGTTs are good things to have in one’s face.  😆 


This might be an unpopular opinion, but this is why I dislike the immodest dress and behavior of young women in modern society.

When I was young, I was a beauty. Not to brag, all the women in my family were just pretty. Lucky us, I guess. But I always valued my intelligence FAR above my looks. It was hard to get men to take me seriously, even when modestly dressed. Dressed like these women, forget it.

It always comes back to bite you later, too. I once heard Stevie Nicks talk about how the young pop stars of today were going to regret cultivating a “sex idol” persona, because they wouldn’t be able to maintain it over a long career. Stevie didn’t, and she has been popular for decades. Madonna did, and she is the butt of many jokes.


Well said.




I’m sure you’re still a beauty….the delightful curves, smooth skin, and luscious purple…….

Valerie Curren



Lol! Yeah.


Good on you, Aubergine! I concur.

Gail Combs

How about THINKING.

If this is ALL the left can come up with against this woman, then they have NOTHING!


You can tell she’s pro-Second Amendment ’cause she’s got nice guns…..

Valerie Curren



Cute … and quite accurate.

In the old days, we called ’em WGTTs.


Best post of the morning…

Valerie Curren

😉 😉


Seems to be some sort of contest going on. This one is popping up as well.
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Valerie Curren

Is that Boebert?


Prolly supposed to be.

Not buying it. Timing too convenient.

If it is, doesn’t bother me.

Though, I’ll not understand women tattooing their bodies. Their choice.


It’s Boebert. The Daily Mail has an article about others coming out with pics since the Luna pics came out.


So much better than the trans library ‘gals’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Valerie Curren

Thx Wolf


Since the Luna pics came out, others have posted pics too. There’s a Daily Mail article.


Where’s her sidearm?

Gail Combs

So he ONLY wants Butt UGLY deviants as Congress Women… GOT IT!

Valerie Curren

That’s almost all the Left has on offer…ugly straight to the bone! 😉


“The BBC write that Clade 1 can be spread by:

-Skin-to-skin contact
-Talking or breathing close to others

Some scientists…


So if you have sex without skin contact while holding your breath, you’re fine.

There’s no need to make federal case out of this.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Well, they could just tell people to keep it to himself.


Or, just have drinks across a 36″SQ. table?


“Instead of naming them after animals like the bird flu or swine flu or monkeypox can we just name them after the Pentagon lab they were made in.”





Or start naming them after the politicians who allowed them to happen.

People hurt faster than labs 😉


BETTER!!!! FauciPox!

It’s gotta RING!!!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by WSB

And then…we add varriants.


Maybe these are some of the influencers that Catturd has been alluding to. IMO they are sickening, and I don’t know what they bring to the table. The really big podcasters have special experiences, backgrounds, and/or skills that make them interesting and successful. They have integrity about what they say and write.

Andrew Tate and Candace Owens Push Theory Trump ‘Made a Deal’ With Deep State: Not ‘The Same Trump’[bolding mine]

Controversial pro-Trump commentators Andrew Tate and Candace Owens pushed a conspiracy theory on Thursday that former President Donald Trump has made “some kind of deal” with the deep state to ensure he would not go to jail, in return for bending the knee on certain policies.

During a conversation on her show Candace, Owens told Tate:

“It doesn’t feel to me like the same Trump from 2015. And obviously he’s the better candidate, I want Trump to win as well, but it does seem that now he’s accepted money that he can’t be as hardcore about certain topics and certain issues as he was back in 2015 when there was no chance he was gonna win.”

She continued, “Now it feels like, I don’t know, like they’ve kind of– I don’t wanna say buck-broken him, but there’s definitely a lot of consultants around.”

According to Wiktionary, “buck breaking” is “the act of publicly punishing a male slave, typically by flogging him, and in some cases subsequently sexually assaulting or raping him in front of other slaves, in order to humiliate him.”

There are some quotes from Tate, then:

“I’m still praying for a Trump victory. I still think he’s gonna be the best president. I still think he’s gonna do his very best. I just feel like somewhere along the line, something has been agreed to to prevent post-presidency or post-death for his empire and for his children. There seems to be some kind of deal somewhere… I don’t know exactly what the deal is. I’m not even gonna say that I blame the guy for taking it. But some kind of agreement’s been made.”

Oh, really? You state as fact that “some kind of agreement has been made,” because you feel it?

Owens concluded by suggesting Elon Musk had succumbed to the same pressures: “I feel the same, and I’m wondering if you do as well, Elon Musk seems a little bit different too.”

Your feelings don’t count, Candace.



…it does seem that now he’s accepted money…

What money has he accepted?

…that he can’t be as hardcore about certain topics and certain issues as he was back in 2015 when there was no chance he was gonna win.”

This outrageous statement implies that Trump thought he had no chance to win in 2016. But everything I have seen indicates the opposite, that he would not have run if he had not thought he could win. He ran to win, and he ran an honest campaign.

Additionally, it implies that he knew he would lose, so he thought he could say anything. This is a gross distortion of who he is and how he operates. Candace has no clue and is embarrassing herself, revealing how little self-awareness and insight she has.

This also rankled:

And obviously he’s the better candidate, I want Trump to win as well…

We are WAY past the days of voting for “the better candidate.” This is about either the final destruction of America or her chance at the restoration of her former greatness and founding principles. It is not just another election. Anyone who doesn’t see that, and who doesn’t articulate it to “followers,” is either clueless or is doing a grave disservice, or both, IMO.


I wish Candace well, and hope she has a nice life, but she has absolutely slipped off the rails of what made her worth listening to back in the day.

Brave and Free



Sure is sad. Wonder who she’s trying to impress.


Money. Relevance. Latter fading increasingly so.

After J6 and Stolen election, Candace lost focus or was too weak to begin with.


Candace lost her 15 minutes.


Agree completely. I wrote her off awhile back. The things she attacks about Trump is obviously what she succumbed to in her own life and chosen career.


Exactly. Who took money, Candace? Cause it sure looks like that’s what you are up to.

Gail Combs


GO back ~6 months or more and you will see her BASHING TRUMP! I know I was rather surprised at her Anti-Trump rhetoric when I saw it.


Probably $$$


Nicely done. We’re lucky to have you.


Very kind. And you as well.

Gail Combs

Here is a Skuttlebutt site. With mostly crap and maybe some useful tidbits on Candice.

Candace Owens pursued an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island then dropped out… Afterwards, Ms. Owens worked as an intern for Vogue magazine in New York, a highly coveted position, usually reserved for graduates. An insider comments, “A Vogue internship is very difficult to get without connections into the DS media machine.” In 2012, Ms. Owens took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm in Manhattan, New York, later moving up to become its vice president of administration, another meteoric rise, typical of Deep State operatives.


At the age of 26, in 2015, Ms.Owens was CEO of Degree180, a marketing agency that offered consultation, production, and planning services, an arm in the Deep State media machine.

The website included a blog, written by Ms. Owens, which frequently posted anti-conservative and anti-Trump content, including mockery of his penis size. In a 2015 column that Ms. Owens wrote for the site, she criticized conservative Republicans, writing about the “bat-shit-crazy antics of the Republican Tea Party,” adding, “The good news is, they will eventually die off (peacefully in their sleep, we hope), and then we can get right on with the OBVIOUS social change that needs to happen, IMMEDIATELY….

when the unexpected 2016 Trump election win happened, did the Deep State concoct a reason for Ms. Owens to flip sides to infiltrate the Republican Conservative Party as their darling woman of color?  Perfectly timed, the “Gamergate Controversy” developed in which Ms. Owens blamed the progressives giving her the “reason” to become a conservative, saying in 2017, “I became a conservative overnight … I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls.”

In early 2019, three weeks after they met, Ms. Owens became engaged to British aristocrat George Farmer, an Oxford University graduate, hedge fund employee, and former chairman of Turning Point UK. George’s father is Lord Michael Farmer, (a titled Baron) (born 17 December 1944) is a British businessman, philanthropist, former treasurer of the Conservative Party, and life peer in the House of Lords, a member of the House of Lords….

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And another site:

Months after graduating Stamford High in Connecticut, Candace Owens’ family settled with the state’s Board of Education for $37,500 after Owens received racist threats. According to The News-Times, “at least one of five teenagers sitting in a car left messages threatening to kill Owens, who is black, and repeatedly used a racial epithet. In one of three messages, one of them referred to her as “dirty” and threatened to burn her house down and tar and feather her.” One of the students was the 14-year-old son of then-Mayor of Stamford, Dannel Malloy. 

The supposed ringleader was fellow student Evan Kopek, who “had a shouting match” with Owens two days before the incident in February 2017. Kopek was suspended, but the school refused to “discipline him and the other boys for an incident committed off school grounds unless the police made an arrest.” This decision caused Owens to miss school for six weeks because “it was traumatic to attend with the alleged callers.” The NAACP even offered its support. A little over a year later, the Board of Education settled with the Owens family…..

According to NBC News, Candace Owens co-founded the marketing agency Degree180 in 2015, where her political posts showed a very different Owens. She wrote about “bat-s**t-crazy antics of the Republican Tea Party,” adding that “they will eventually die off.” But in 2016, her political transformation began with her next business venture, a site called Social Autopsy that would serve as a searchable database to expose “cyberbullies and trolls.”

Many felt this was an invasion of privacy and would lead to rampant doxing. In retaliation, “people began to dox Owens, posting her address, family members, workplace, contact information and social media profiles,” according to NBC News, who also reported that “Owens received threatening emails and texts, many of them racist.” This led to Owens crossing paths with alt-right figures and conspiracy theorists like Mike Cernovich. “I reached out to offer some moral support, told her to keep her head up and not let the hate get her down,” he told the outlet. 

And that’s all it took. “I became a conservative overnight,” Owens said in 2017 interview with Dave Rubin. “I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls.”….

She certainly looks like an opportunist.

George Farmer


Looks like a social climber who doesn’t realize she has climbed as far as she’s going to get and now turns left, then turns right, and left and right to again to go up another step, but it ain’t happing. She needs to just stop and feather bed where ever she’d best suited and just wait. All this pretty much started after her last failed run for a political seat.


Consider the source…Candace Owens.

Brave and Free

Both are controlled opposition IMO
moving along 😴




soooo utterly sick & tired of the self-serving bloviating candace owens.

never did respect her or admire her, still don’t, never will.

she does know how to market herself, however.

huge thumbs down to fake, unauthentic candace.


Last edited 1 month ago by smiley2

Candace’s thoughts are totally ignorant.

Trump has not taken a knee to anyone. Nor will he. Can NOT be bought.

Anyone listening to Trump can hear he is pushing the envelope on every issue.

Trump gives in to nothing or no one.

Candace outlived her fifteen minutes, long ago.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

My wife knows Charlie Kirk.

I think I’ll get her to ask him why Candace left Turning Point.  🤔 


Looking forward to your sharing what she learns, along with her thoughts.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

Another Mediaite story.


They tell you how nice you look as they search for loose strings and then start to pull.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. It’s a quality leftist schtick!


If you find inaccuracies in it, please let us know.

Robert Baker

I just feel like somewhere along the line, something has been agreed to to prevent post-presidency or post-death for his empire and for his children. There seems to be some kind of deal somewhere… I don’t know exactly what the deal is. I’m not even gonna say that I blame the guy for taking it. But some kind of agreement’s been made.”

That is not a thinking man’s comment. Take from it what you will. That sounds like it comes from a young untrained mind but he is 37 years old. There is no excuse for that kind of lazy analysis. That is the kind of opinion you would expect when your friend is telling about his latest fishing trip.


This is not the first time Candace went to the deep side.

Valerie Curren

“Democratic vice presidential candidate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, is in hot water for past comments he made praising a Muslim cleric who has since shared antisemitic content.

The Washington Examiner reported Tuesday that Walz called Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota a ‘master teacher’ when they met in 2018, during Walz’s first gubernatorial race.

Zaman has since celebrated Hamas‘ October 7 terror attack on Israel and promoted a film that glorifies Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. 

‘I am a teacher, so when I see a master teacher, I know it,’ Walz said of Zaman during a 2018 campaign stop. ‘Over the time we’ve spent together, one of the things I’ve had the privilege of is seeing the things in life through the eyes of a master teacher, to try and get the understanding.’ 

The Examiner also reported that Zaman had been hosted by the Minnesota governor on at least five occasions over the years, though the Harris-Walz campaign is pushing back. ”

“The RJC also went after Walz by saying that one of his ‘best friends includes vicious antisemite Ilhan Omar,’ a Democratic member of Congress who represents a Minneapolis district.

‘At a time of spiking antisemitism here at home and as Israel faces an existential war for survival, it is essential for the American Jewish community to have confidence in our leaders – and it is clear that we cannot trust Kamala Harris and Tim Walz,’ a statement from the Republican Jewish Coalition said. ‘Their priorities are not our priorities, and the American people will reject their radicalism and extremism in November.’ “


The only pro Hitler movie I ever heard about was Birth of a Nation. So I went to the great(!) Google search page to see if there was another. Well, there is – The Greatest Story Never Told. So I go to wiki-poo-poo to see what it says. Burst out laughing even though it’s not funny. Here’s the cut-and-paste of the first sentence in the plot section, along with its footnotes:

The film has been commonly promoted by neo-Nazis[6][1] and QAnon conspiracy theorists.[4][9]
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
[4]  “QAnon’s Antisemitism and What Comes Next”. Anti-Defamation League. 17 September 2021. Archived from the original on 26 March 2023. Retrieved 26 March 2023. At one point, Joe M exhorted his Twitter followers to watch pro-Nazi propaganda film “Adolf Hitler: the Greatest Story Never Told,” writing: “What if the casting of Hitler as a villain was fabricated by the Churchill/Rothschild/Roosevelt/Stalin Deep State to frame him for the Holocaust, and his speeches against ‘Jews’ were really in reference to the Luciferian banking cabal?”
[9]  Gilbert, David (5 November 2021). “Meet the Antisemitic QAnon Leader Who Led Followers to Dallas to Meet JFK”. Vice. Archived from the original on 27 March 2023. Retrieved 9 January 2024.

It looks like there’s an active effort to link antisemitism with the rightwing / populism / AmericaFirst movement. The left must be feeling the heat due to such a large number of its devotees being Hamas terrorism supporters and/or Jew haters.

 😠  😡 

Valerie Curren



No particular reason at present…..


Enjoyed that one.

Valerie Curren

good ole dayz


Love this, DP!!!!

Yet, Bourbon for a WHISKEY Sour? Maybe a trick question to see if we are sleeping?????!!!!!

Love it.

It’s almost like taking a dangerous mistress!


Aren’t all mistresses dangerous? Asking for a divorced homeless guy.  😆 


Oh my. Maybe find a wealthy Cougar. Yet, a GREAT name for a Whiskey Sour drink made with Bourbon!!!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by WSB

“Dangerous Sour Mistress?”

Go up to a bartender…..”I’ll have a Dangerous Sour Mistress.”

“You sure, buddy? With or without the boiled bunny?”

Last edited 1 month ago by cthulhu

LOLOLOL!!!! I would just shorten it to a Dangerous Mistress.

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And we could expand…

Any drink with some other unwarranted liquor in it.

Let’s say, “I’d like a Whiskey Sour with a Dangerous Mistress.”

Or, “Could I have a Rum Punch with a Dangerous Mistress?”

How about this, ” Can you make a White Russian with a Dangerous Mistress?”

Could be a drinking boardgame for bartenders. And others.

Code word for customers who want a surprise while ordering a drink at a bar.

Good bartenders would actually know how to remix a classic!
Mr. Boston’s New Little Black Book. Periodic Table of Libations.

Last edited 1 month ago by WSB

BTW, the boiled bunny remark is precious! In that horrific comedic way, of course!


Crooks was groomed & obliterated.

all those visits to the shooting range.

hey maybe the rifle, the building & the roof will disappear next !

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Last edited 1 month ago by smiley2

Clean up on aisle three in Butler, PA.

The Feds, The Untouchables, don’t even try to hide it any more.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

If FIB released the body, it was to next-of-kin [mommy n daddy].

Did they condition its release on a promise to immediately cremate? Was a fat check and a NDA involved? I’m unsure how they could be sure that cremation happened.

And under what law [fed or local] does the FIB have legal custody of a body when the person killed wasn’t within a fed protection area?

Lotsa fast n loose goin’ on.


I love that the FIB is referred to as a single entity…not an agency with a director. Everything that happens these days to them or’s never asked or told..WHO from the FIB authorized this? We’re so used to getting lies that a generic FIB answer seems like a win…it’s not


There has to be paper trail on this and there is no ambiguity in the law and further everyone connected to law enforcement or who has to answer to law enforcement on mortuary affairs would know this.

The excuse will come back “well the body wasn’t crossing state lines”.


The only person allowed to release the body is County Examiner guy. No Fed can do that. Higgins says they did not give permission and would not give permission.


So the article is bullshit?


IDK, did not read the article but the title is in agreement with the Higgins Report.

pat frederick

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Guided missile submarine
The guided missile submarines (SSGNs) are a type of Ohio-class submarine operated by the United States Navy. …converted to carry Tomahawk cruise missiles instead.
Key Features:

  • Each submarine can carry 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles…

Lunatics are in the WH AND Pentagon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These are nuclear-capable – right?

I’m thinking whoever is in charge, is basically sending a message to Iran – whatever you shoot into Israel, is coming back at you.

But with Blinken (and thus Soros) having Presidential powers, who is actually in charge?


Tomahawk nuke variant went out couple decades ago.


It seems surreal. They’re huffing and puffing at Iran for Israel benefit yet we know the radical pro hamas protesters are under their wing so what’s the play here?


Likely the submarine has been out there for some time.

Or it is weeks away. Replacing one already out there.


From Doug Ross top twenty tweets…


Last edited 1 month ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NPR CEO: Truth is less important

Truth gets on the way of consensus and getting big things done


Sure vaccines, masks and lockdowns don’t really work but we have to censor critics so we can get consensus and get big things done


Truly makes my head hurt.

Need more coffee.

pat frederick

here… maybe this guy will share his coffee…

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Nah. Thanks any for the thought. Keurig already made my coffee.

Normal guy here. Not much for a gal’s eye candy. Enjoy.   :wpds_cool: 

pat frederick

LOL…fair’s fair…
and there is Anna in this thread looking stunning in that bathing suit!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll take a refill of that one! 😂

pat frederick

betcha a lot of men would protect THAT flag!


This lefty bitch make my head hurt. Her words are off the charts, ignorant.

Perfect lefty yammering. Aligns with Feds, Pravda News, medical world…

  • Truth is not relevant.
  • Narrative is everything to them…C O N T R O L. O B E Y.

Hope the bitch gets a Monkey Pox Jab. Soon.

BTW. I’ll take Anna Paulina Luna every time.

  • Great messaging. America First. Beautiful.
Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

hope this lets that tweet show here


NPR CEO Indicts AND Convicts The NPR Fraud.

  • “Truth gets in the way of getting things done”
Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

In the replies on nitter

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Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Get BIG things DONE … You know like DEPOPULATION!


It’s in Higgins Report.

pat frederick

Queen City News

WHAT THE…? A mysterious black ring appeared in the sky over southeastern Virginia. What do you think it is?
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Carbon, it’s the Co2 fighting back shouting “earths greatest airborne plant food ”

When I was a little kid I saw a circular rainbow, I think they must be quite unusual because there was e mention about it in the local news paper.

pat frederick

how cool!


Dang, and here I thought this was a murder of crows.

Last edited 1 month ago by WSB


Darwin nominee…

(Language warning.)

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
Brave and Free

Had the same thing last week, speeding and weaving mustang, ends up under 18 wheeler. Guess that gap he thought he had wasn’t as big as he thought.
DOA. Luckily he only killed himself.


Guess he watched Christmas Vacation one to many times.

Brave and Free


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent response to a Dem bot that tried to drag MAGA into it.


This time it wasn’t a Tesla on autopilot.


How come the wagon axle was so far back on the roadside.

Brave and Free

Impact more than likely snapped that axle right off, truck now has two less brakes to use plus the force of the speeding car pushing it. You can see the impact happened before you see that axle, by the location of car pieces are on the road.
Also that axle probably came disconnected at an angle.


Short answer – nah.


Excellent listen.


Steve catches Google AI telling the truth. Oopsie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I didn’t see anything about how Steve and his buddies got the AI to drop its PC filters and controls, but I agree with Steve – Google will fix that “honesty” problem right away! 😂




That is incredible, and something that needs to be saved and spread.


M U S T read.

Higgins preliminary report J13. Very enlightening.

Butler LE had its shit together. USSS went out of its way to fail.


• Butler County runs the radio communications tower out of their 911 Call Center. That is pretty much the way radio communications work across America in every County, in every State. If their radios are “interoperable,” a visiting law enforcement agency is assigned a frequency, a “channel” for their operation while in that County. If their radios are not “interoperable” with the County Communications tower, then the visiting agency is assigned/offered actual radios to use while they are running their operation in the County.

• USSS did not retrieve the radios that had been set aside for them by Butler County tactical command. The radio comms were properly and perfectly arranged during the extensive pre-mission planning. On J12, the Butler County ESU Commander personally reminded the USSS counter-sniper teams to pick up their assigned radios at the ESU Command Post RV, which was positioned according to planning at the Butler Fairgrounds, the following morning before 1100 hrs. It didn’t happen.

• Radio traffic transmitted through a County Radio tower 911 Center is recorded. Chairman Kelly and I have a timeline and transcripts of all local radio traffic, as provided by ESU Commander Lenz.

ht Wherever I lucked into this PDF.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What this sounds like to me – the USSS was (not counting the traitor faction in charge) “blindsided” by the “last minute” Taco Jill request and diversion of most of their experienced agents.

This thing was set up to fail at so many levels. VERY evil.


Copy of 11-22-63.


Reading this one might think the FBI was being obstructive…

• The FBI released all First Responders that evening, much to everyone’s surprise. I interviewed several… EMS, cops, etc

• The FBI released the crime scene after just 3 days, much to everyone’s surprise. I interviewed several First Responders who expressed everything from surprise to dismay to suspicion regarding the fact that the FBI released the crime scene so early after J13. It should be noted that the FBI was fully aware of the fact that Congress would be investigating J13. The FBI does not exist in a vacuum.
They had to know that releasing the J13 crime scene would injure the immediate observations of any following investigation.

• The FBI cleaned up biological evidence from the crime scene, which is unheard of. Cops don’t do that, ever

Last edited 1 month ago by RAC

All an easy bet. USSS a;;owed. FIB cover up. All a given since J13.

Gail Combs

Senior Exec Service within the US Government is GUILTY until PROVEN INNOCENT.


Yup, I saved that report from Higgins earlier today and have read it twice. Going to have my friend and SIL read it and give me their thoughts since they have also seen video and read reports.

I saw nothing from Higgins that changed anything of substance that I was able to gather from J13 on. FIB may have eight casings supposedly of Crooks. So what. Casings of similar caliber recently fired and thrown into evidence while being retained by a corrupted agency mean nothing. The crime scene was cleaned immediately and further corrupted within three days of J13. Higgins did not get there until three weeks later. Body was incinerated 10 days after death.

i posted early on that based on sound forensics from Dr. Martenson and other evidence there were two snipers going at PDT and the crowd. The photos and evidence in Sen. Grassley’s report proves a sniper was set up in a window of the adjacent building.

Until proven otherwise – three shots by the pro, three shots by the patsy, shot #9 by the local SWAT sniper takes out patsy, Shot #10 is still in play and may have been the one that injured the pro if indeed there was blood in the restroom.

Gail Combs

Sounds about right.


Makes this story even more diabolical. I wonder how it was that the comms were incompatible?

Valerie Curren

trying to get that tweet to show

Valerie Curren

So some of those images show better

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TY so much Valerie!!!!

Valerie Curren

No prob WSB 🙂


PS when I post, X tweets are not visible. But try these anyway. And if you know how to embed, please do!

Valerie Curren

to embed just change to 🙂


TY. I am a walking blond joke sometimes! Not on social media!

Valerie Curren

LOL I’ve been banned on twitter for like 2 1/2 years now 🙂


Yup. Usually do if I get to them before others.


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Castro Writ Large : Kamala Harris Declares WAR On Wreckers & Hoarders

article link…


“economic policy proposals” + a “federal ban on corporate price-gouging” ( as if government over-spending + money printing don’t exist as the root of the problem)…

businesses are greedy !

hoarders & wreckers !

looking ahead, comrades…

price controls !

shortages !

long lines !

longer bread lines !

rations cards !

worked so well in Soviet Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Chile et al.

being neighborly.

another article + link…

It’s Communism…


Last edited 1 month ago by smiley2

Wast Germans did not starve they all had gardens even in the city . They also had rabbits and chickens. People are resourceful if needed.

Gail Combs

HOWEVER here in the USA it is ILLEGAL to have gardens and chickens and rabbits…

Trojan Horse Law: The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009
… DeLauro’s own bill includes a broad jurisdictional provision that creates a presumption that home gardens do affect interstate commerce. Section 406 of the bill reads as follows: “PRESUMPTION. In any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction shall be presumed to exist.”
Lori Robertson of, who is not a lawyer (she has a B.A. in advertising), claims the bill doesn’t apply to “that tomato plant in your backyard.” As a lawyer, I am skeptical of this claim (I co-represented the prevailing defendant in the last successful constitutional challenge to federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause, United States v. Morrison (2000), one of only two cases in 70 years in which a challenge was successful). 👉Congress’s power under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause is almost unlimited in the eyes of the courts, and thus can reach the “tomato plant in your backyard.”👈

This so-called “food safety” bill may actually make food less safe. Federal regulation often backfires or reduces competition….


  • Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.

I. Food Facilities – these provisions apply to any place that engages in “manufacturing,
processing, packing, or holding food for consumption in the United States.”

…B. Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventative Controls (“HARPC”) (sec. 103)
1. HARPC requirements are very similar to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Point plans (HACCP) plans required under the House version of the bill. Every
facility would be required to develop a HACCP-type plan that identifies and evaluates
potential hazards, develops preventative controls, monitors the effectiveness of the
controls, takes corrective actions, and provides verification. The facility owner must
also keep records documenting all of this and periodically reanalyze the plan. The
plan is subject to FDA approval and inspection. (pp.11-16)

…II. On-Farm Regulation: “Standards for Produce Safety” (Sec. 105) (pp. 29-41)
A. FDA is authorized to establish standards for how fruits and vegetables are grown and
harvested, including standards for “soil amendments, hygiene, packing, temperature
controls, animals in the growing area, and water.”

C. The requirements specifically include farms that sell directly to consumers (p.31)

Also see: A solemn walk through HR 875

Of note, Linn Cohen-Cole reported to us privately via e-mail that she was being stalled. Then she went silent. I have not seen anything from her since 2009.

Gail Combs

Perfect reason to home school.

Also a perfect reason to move out of Rockland County, NY.


Any family that can do it should homeschool. It is the bomb. Homeschooling the grandson has been one of the most rewarding things we have done in years. The trust and bonding is life changing. The confidence the child builds in themselves to learn and reason on their own is amazing to watch. The freedom to adapt to learning styles, time of day, etc. of the individual is unmatched. No wasted make work time that schools add to make sure they are there for the time the state tells them they have to be. Want to go on vacation in the middle of the week – go. Homeschool goes with you wherever you go. Want to get a grade level done in 6 months, take a couple of months off, then start the next grade early – do it.

Wish it had been around when I was young.

Last edited 1 month ago by TradeBait2


I do home the home schooling trend continues.

Gail Combs

We have been pushing home schooling to parents for YEARS, starting with Dr Robinson’s Self-Teaching Curriculum

 Robinson is a scientist who works … Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. His wife Lauralee, who was also a scientist, homeschooled their children until her [SUDDEN] death in November 1988, when the children were 12, 10, 8, 6, 6, and 16 months…

We read about her death and Dr Robinson’s decision to home school in Access to Energy those many years ago.

The price of the Robinson Curriculum is $195 with same day access to RC Online. No matter how many children you have you only need to purchase one curriculum for them all.

In all those years the price has not changed.

What is unique is it is a SELF-TEACHING METHOD once the child learns to read!

From a customer:

Why We Chose Robinson Curriculum

Having the kids self-teach, I believe, is one of the best ways to prepare them for adulthood – after all, they’ll continue to learn and study topics of interest all their lives. If I hold their hand, they’ll never learn: independent study habits, responsibility, accountability, to think things out on their own, and justified self-confidence.

Homeschool Mom Paula Miller


Oh, that bulldog video! LOLOLOL!!! I laughed til I cried.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail Combs

Now add in ANTIFA from the EU being shipped into this country…


And she struggled hard not to bring the Muzzies into the conversation. Maybe afraid of touching the third rail and get called out for islamic phobia. But nice that she spoke out.


Blondie got what she voted for.


Verse of the Day for Friday, August 16, 2024

“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” 

Jeremiah 32:27 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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From your heart a secret will be revealed
A proclamation that will be unsealed
Are you ready to live and love again 
Or are you still stuck in paralyzing pain

Is your heart so broken it cannot heal
Are you guided greatly by what you feel
Are you frustrated or fearful to try
To break out of your prison and just fly

When you reach out to another do you
Cautiously contact in auspicious ado
While thinking inside it will lead nowhere
Impossible for anyone to care

Until you are willing to take a leap
Your hurting heart you are bound to keep
Forget all the feelings of days gone by
And quit driving yourself dizzy asking why

Over time the heart has mended and healed
You need not put up a protective shield
The past is gone you can never change it 
No matter what you do to rearrange it

What is new can’t be compared to the old
Your experience now cannot be foretold
With each revelation comes enticement
With each step forward the excitement

So if you are coddling a hurting heart
You’ve defeated God’s purpose from the start
His Word says it’s not good to be alone
Nor is it right for love to be unknown

D01: 07/07/2023


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Replying to The Hurting Heart, duchess…

while reading it, this song came to mind (oldie !)…

Take A Giant Step…

Taj Mahal


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




he Secret Service is providing Kimberly Cheatle, its former director who resigned last month, a security detail in an unprecedented effort to protect a former agency chief amid lingering national anger about the myriad security lapses under her watch that led to the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump and the killing of firefighter Corey Comperatore, according to three sources in the Secret Service community.

At least for now, the Service Service is providing the protection out of the Dignitary Protective Division, which secures foreign leaders when they visit the White House and other areas in D.C. and also protects lower-profile cabinet officials, according to these sources. Using DPD, instead of the Washington Field Office, could be a way to keep the knowledge of Cheatle’s protection to a more limited number of agents or it could simply be a manpower issue.

President Biden ordered the taxpayer-funded protection for Cheatle, these sources say, because she was facing numerous threats, especially on social media from individuals angered by the agency’s failures on July 13 and her lack of transparency during her testimony to the House Oversight Committee July 22.

Real Clear Politics
Biden Ordered Secret Service Protection for Former Agency Chief
Story by Susan Crabtree – RCP Staff • 1h • 



  • taxpayer-funded protection for Cheatle, these sources say, because she was facing numerous threats, especially on social media…


  • Everyday Americans ought to have protection from numerous threats from IRS, HLS, DOJ AND FIB.

In our dreams they’d protect us !

If any of the Cheatle threats are true why haven’t they used their deep dark methods of catching these boogeymen? It’s my sincere hope that she’s moving about with her head on a swivel wondering if a sniper is in the woods behind her…you know like Trump has to live and almost died because of her participation with the other corrupt govt plotters.

Gail Combs

It ain’t the people mouthing off on Social Media or in letters that are her REAL problem…


Cheatie too stoopid to know, she is an expendable loose end.


Well she above all must know the level of protection her previous employment offers.
She will be attracting the flies that circle FJB


How about she ‘contributes’ her pension towards the cost of that security.


by John Klar
14 August 2024
Yours Truly: The Vermont Supreme Court ruled that young children can be COVID-19 “vaccinated” without their parents’ knowledge or consent when the children are in school.
The young child in question was COVID-19 “vaccinated” while attending public school, in spite of the child’s parents’ prior communication with the school to NOT “vaccinate” their child.
The Vermont Supreme Court held that the PREP Act removes liability from the school (and other entities) for this type of action.
Worse, the Vermont Supreme Court interpreted the NON-consensual administration of EXPERIMENTAL “vaccines”, like the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Yours Truly believes that this ruling by the Vermont Supreme Court is the start of the attempt to use the PREP Act to force COVID-19 “vaccination” and/or Avian Flu “vaccination” and/or Monkeypox “vaccination” on the American people.

Below are three screenshots from the Brownstone Institute’s article above:

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And, Vermont Supreme Court, guess what? The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 AND the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” ARE CALLED “EXPERIMENTAL” in a Clinical Trials listing for these products:
Please click on “Researcher View” and scroll down that page to “Study Arms.”

PLEASE NOTE that the COVID-19 “vaccines” in use in the United State since December 2020 ARE UNDER FDA EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION (EUA.) The ONLY COVID-19 “vaccine” that the FDA “approved” for use in the United States is the NON-UNITED STATES version of Pfizer-BioNTech’s modCOVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2, the version called COMIRNATY.
COMIRNATY IS NOT AVAILABLE for use in the United States.

Last edited 1 month ago by PAVACA

😱 I would be ballistic if they vaxed any loved one of mine without permission. Isn’t it true that they can’t even give a Tylenol or some such without the parents’ permission?


VT can do whatever they want, or so it seems.

For that matter, schools are going along with kids believing they can change sex.

Past time for home schooling.

Past time to turn school boards upside down, if they interfere with parent decisions.


It’s a common law assault & battery. The ruling by the Vermont Supreme Court is about civil liability. BTW, the ruling will not survive SCOTUS review – it will end up there since it is a federal immunity statute.


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Gold ~$2,490.

The United Nations’ “Silence Procedure” has been set to end at 4pm Eastern on Friday, August 16, 2024. If no nation objects to the document, it will be assumed to have been accepted.

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The Untold Story Behind Biden’s Sudden Exit: Pelosi Issued a Ruthless Ultimatum to Joe Biden


She’s the Crypt Keeper.


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Mace NOT taking shit from the race baiters.

Gail Combs

At this point I would tell him to take his EXPIRED RACE CARD and shove it where the sun don’t shine!


Never back down, not one inch.

The moment you show weakness, the moment you backpedal or start apologizing all over yourself, they all pounce like hyenas.

As long as you stay on offense, you’re untouchable.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Sorry, but I speak English with a Southern accent, too. Kam-AH-la, COM-ala, toMAYto, toMAHto. Or, in Southernese, MATER. Yes, maters are what my grandma called a tomato.

The bitch is a COMMUNIST. A turd by any other name still stinks like shit.

Last edited 1 month ago by Aubergine

This info may have already been posted.


Good with going on the offense. Perpetual defense sux.

WAYNE ROOT: My Message to Red State Attorneys General: Indict Vice President Kamala Harris and VP Nominee Tim Walz Today.


+ 1000


Jab claims another child. Quacks are baffled.

14-Year-Old Alabama High School Football Player Collapses and Dies During Practice


RIP young man.

Another JAB suspect

Pa. state senator and Bridgeville man help FedEx driver after collapse
“He collapsed like a ton of bricks,” Macala said. “It’s not like he tripped and stumbled — he just went dark and was down.”

By the abrupt way the delivery man had fallen, Macala said he knew the situation was serious. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911.
As of Friday night, he was still in the ICU but his status headed in the right direction, the neighbors said.


This Citi Bank staffer rates a bonus.


Be very care full of this Monkey Pox.
George already got it.

(Spoiler Alert: Hilarious !!!!!)


Perfect delivery.

😂😂😂 H I L A R I O U S ! 😂😂😂


Gail Combs





Yeah, but it won’t be the first time it’s been done here. I seem to remember Richard Nixon doing it during his presidency.


Ford also, IIRC.



Gratitude Prayers

Prayer of Daily Thanks

Heavenly Father, as the sun sets, I want to pause and say thank You. For the little things like a warm cup of tea to the big things like my family’s laughter, I’m grateful. Each moment of this day has been a gift, and I thank You for the blessings, both seen and unseen. Let my sleep be a thank you, my dreams be praise, and my night whispers echo with gratitude. Amen.

A Prayer for the Gifts of Life

Dear Lord, under the evening sky, I come before You filled with appreciation. For the breath in my lungs, the food on my table, and the love in my home, I am truly thankful. Help me to always notice the countless gifts You provide and to never take them for granted. I rest in Your care, grateful for today and hopeful for tomorrow. Amen.

Thanksgiving for Enduring Love

Gracious God, as I lay down tonight, I reflect on Your unending love and care. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the smiles shared, and for the kindness I received. Your love is a constant in a world that often changes, and for this steadfast love, I give You thanks. As I close my eyes, I feel the peace of a grateful heart. Amen.

Evening Gratitude for Strength and Guidance

Lord of all comfort, I am thankful tonight, not just for the good but also for the strength You gave me in challenging moments. Thank you for the wisdom in decisions and the courage in facing my fears. Your guidance is a lantern to my feet. As the stars appear, I thank You for lighting my path today and every day. Amen.

Sunset Thanks for Life’s Journey

Almighty Creator, every sunset reminds me of Your glory and the journey You’ve laid out for me. I am grateful for the paths I’ve walked today, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced. Thank You for being my compass and my companion. As the night unfolds, I count my blessings, and atop the list is Your unwavering presence in my life. Amen.


Another coincidence.
BREAKING: JD Vance’s Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Milwaukee After Malfunction Mid-Flight (VIDEO)

JD Vance’s plane made an emergency landing at Milwaukee International Airport after a malfunction mid-flight.
According to reports, the plane made an emergency landing after its main door opened mid-flight.


“According to reports, the plane made an emergency landing after its main door opened mid-flight.”


That’s why I always use bungee cords on the plane doors whenever I fly. Wrap the other end around the ankles of some big girl. Two, if they’re sitting together.

In case of emergency, you want someone who’s not going out that door without a fight.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Nearest stewardess will suffice.   :wpds_twisted: 


LOL! I can just see them allowing you to do that! 😅




Wondering if Hoe can survive the DNC.
‘We’ve Seen This Tried in Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union’ – CNN Turns on Kamala Harris, DESTROYS Her Dangerous Price Control Scheme (VIDEO)


oh my, it’s as if CNN has aloud an intelligent person to wander in off the street and speak in one of their studios. 😱




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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Obama economist trashes Kamala Harris’ price control plan: ‘This is not sensible policy’
‘The biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality,’ Jason Furman said


Hoe is so dumb, she makes the case to vote, Trump.



She’s dumb and my wish did come true that her speech writers are still with her. If it had been Perv Biden he’d at least be blaming Trump with the crowd clapping like idiots


The DNC is going to be lit! I can’t wait. They may replace her dumb ass. I hope they don’t. It’s actually becoming entertaining.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She Guevara is headed for her dramatic destiny!




Hoe is thrown under the bus, or stays for a daily shellacking through 5 November, it’ll all be entertaining. At Hoe and D-Rat’s expense.


Oh my. This may send some into a tizzy. Hope not. Seems smart to Slow Guy.
Trump Meets With Tulsi Gabbard To Prepare For Kamala Harris Debate


Not surprised DJT would do this – he goes for the best.

The surprise here is that she would agree.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it’s interesting, but I suspect that Tulsi really thinks (as I do) that Kam-Com is dangerous.


Foolish to not take evil Kam-Com seriously.


I don;t like Tulsi, but I think she actually gives a shit about the country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! I agree!


The latter I like. Tulsi can be useful. Just not trusted.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Tulsi has revealed the part of Kam-Com which is exceedingly DANGEROUS – her STALINESQUE INDIFFERENCE to suffering in the name of “progress” – even innocent suffering.

Remember how Stalin loved his sadistic rapist and murderer Beria – in charge of “security” – until Stalin desired to get rid of Beria? THAT is the depraved indifference of Kamala Harris.

CACKLES is far more like CANKLES than most realize.

Gail Combs

I keep on saying she is a Pol Pot Commie. One of the nastiest kinds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! That’s a great way to describe her.

I can imagine the Joint Chiefs telling her how some military maneuver against middle America could result in millions of dead (likely mostly black, let’s say) and she would just say “I don’t care – do it.”


It’s psy-op, intended to psyche-out Kamalala, give her something more to worry about in the run-up to her big globally televised humiliation 😂

Not that it’s necessary, but full-court press all the way, leave nothing on the table.


No special reason….

….song is from 1978.


Get up from your easy chair and show ’em that your there….perfect


From a poster at CTH Keith~~ He wanted more eyes on this from govt to Bongino but hasn’t had any reply so I don’t think he would mind it being here~~~

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A while back Senator Grassley released a picture of a USSS counter sniper officer who was pictured inside the AGR building after the shooting. When I saw that picture he looked very familiar to me and then I recalled a video I saw of men being taken off of a “Hippies for Trump” school bus the day before J6!

Here is a link to that video:

The man is dressed in para-military gear and even has a radio. His long-haired accomplice would be seen the next day – J6 – tearing down barricades and inciting the protesters.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of the USSS counter sniper who was in the AGR building and the guy who was taken off the “Hippies for Trump” bus by Capitol police the day before J6.

LINK TO PICTURE:comment image

Someone has to confirm if indeed this is the same person positively. If this is the same person the implications are enormous. It would raise the question of what was a USSS officer doing in Washington on J6 disguised as a “Hippies for Trump” protester. Conversely, what was a sketchy J6 “protester” doing in Butler charged with the job of protecting the President?

Last edited 1 month ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an interesting find.

And of course we would know what they were actually doing in both instances.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m starting to think that EVERY agency had infiltrators and informants embedded in J6. So that would include USSS.


My view is that they’re not SS or FIB or xxx…they’re freelance black hats available for any plot. We already know that a lot of actual Capitol Police were replaced by nameless “officers”
July13 isn’t much different..a plethora of SS but really come to find out DHS and others too probably. Nobody seems to have a bead on exactly who was there.

Gail Combs

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These the are the “Obama Holdouts” that still control the executive branch of government a full year after Trump has come to office. Obama expanded the existing  program of Deep State managers and appointed over 7,000 of the 8,156 bosses who are called the Senior Executive Service. Some call it the “Shadow Government”, and it is true that this federal cabal works in the shadows…

There are four basic types of appointments:

  • Presidential Appointments with Senate Confirmation: There are 1,212 senior leaders, including the Cabinet secretaries and their deputies, the heads of most independent agencies and ambassadors, who must be confirmed by the Senate.
  • Presidential Appointments without Senate Confirmation: There are 353 positions which make up much of the White House staff, although they are also scattered throughout many of the smaller federal agencies.
  • Non-career Senior Executive Service: Members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) work in key positions just below the top presidential appointees, bridging the gap between the political leaders and the civil service throughout the federal government.
  • Schedule C Appointments: There are 1,403 Schedule C appointees who serve in a confidential or policy role. They range from schedulers and confidential assistants to policy experts.

The Senior Executive Service (SES) in 2016 had 8,156 members who were appointees. Obama appointed over 7,000 of them to these key positions. Most of these appointees do not arise from inside the respective agencies through a merit system and often are not qualified.

It is little known that there are many more SES appointees than any other type of political appointment. The “key bosses” in the federal government’s SES program are not only unqualified cronies, but they are also paid more than the highest government rate of G-15. They can even get bonuses, and each agency can set the salary of each SES member, which has no top range….

How to identify Members of Deep State’s Senior Executive Service›2018/04/01

Senior Executive Service (SES) is ~10,000 Deep State shadow government employees who are sabotaging the American Republic for the globalist agenda…


Senior Executive Service (SES) is ~10,000 Deep State shadow government employees who are sabotaging the American Republic for the globalist agenda.

The amazing research team at Americans for Innovation created a research tool for you to find SES employees in the Plum Book. In order to compile this report, they had to search widely on the internet for the bits and pieces of the report that had been scattered in digital space so that you couldn’t find it.

Make sure to bookmark this tool and share it with everyone. Let’s uncover each swamp creature, one by one, as we pull them from the slimiest pit of the D.C. swamp

Access SES search function click here….

Barb Meier

Obama picked the SES and they rebid contracts, changing the companies who won the jobs (money) and hired new people or retained existing people as they chose. Changing the corporate ideology and hiring practices.


As far as I am concerned, the SES should all go up against the wall for thinking themselves superior to The People.


That has been my going in, since J6 turned to shit.

initially i had guessed FIB and HLS.

Wow, I did I ever under estimate the evil we are up against.

Gail Combs

This is the first picture:

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Just because the people in this video make me as happy as Brandon’s song.

Robert Baker

My spouse was telling me of an email she received today offering a free pass to a Trump rally. All that was required to enter was a donation. My spouse suggested they suffered from some confusion about the meaning of free. The story led me to coin Baker’s Law #14: Never try to reason with someone who wants your money. I suggest you either raise your hands and hand over your wallet or tell them to shove off.


The latter, of course. But you know that. Another email sender to mark as spam.

Likely you already know, Trump 2024 web site asks for name and contact information. I suspect it is only for email / text message lists.

Have attended six Trump rallies. Have always signed up at the web site.

  • They say print the ticket / pass to get in. Did it the first time. Gullible me.

Entering each Trump have never been asked for for the ticket / pass.

Have never been asked for ID entering Trump rally.

SS always man the entry lines.

  • Absolute focus on security.
  • 100% of the time, pockets emptied and walk through metal detector.

Baker’s Law #14, for the win. Should be promoted to #1.  😂 


Well worth the time invested in this one. A Midwestern Doctor appears to be a good person as well as a very intelligent truth teller. I have been informed in all of the posted articles i have read.

I can already see PAVACA’s eyes light up. 😀


Thank you! 👍


Benny Johnson:

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna suggests evidence leads her to conclude Trump assassin Thomas Crooks did not act alone:

“I think he had a handler. I think someone was walking him through how to do this.”


Quiet part out loud. Resonates with everyone paying attention.


Yes, and needs to be said repeatedly.


This might have been posted, and those who are following J13 news closely might already know about it, but it was new to me. It’s almost 6 minutes long. You can see the American flags and the Jumbotrons that had been set up, and the officers go all around the buildings. After about 5:15 you can see the body on the roof, but no details.

Collin Rugg:

BREAKING: Newly released bodycam footage from the Butler, PA rally shows police officers losing it, slamming the Secret Service for ignoring their requests.

Holy sh*t.

“I f**king told them they needed to post the guys f**king over here… the Secret Service… I told them to post f**king guys over here,” an officer was heard saying.

“What the f**k? I wasn’t even concerned about it because I thought someone was on the roof,” another officer said.

“Why were we not on the roof?”

The newly released footage also showed a new angle of Crooks’ body on the roof.

The USSS is a total joke.




Bless Donald Trump for how he honors Corey C. Few if any would do that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Off topic, but I thought it was worth showing this response.

Trump winning is really, really, really important.


Right there with you. The big difference between Trump’s vision and the Dem’s is the human side. Trump is compassionate and loves the USA. He loves the everyday nobody as well as the big donors. He wants people to succeed and hand down that pride.

The Dem’s love the charade of empowering the masses but it never does actually empower them it traps them in a subservient role to govt programs and handouts. Instead of working to help eradicate drugs they provide needles and kits to addicts. They’re desperate to maintain a racial divide by importing the next gen of POC

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said! Demmunists perpetuate problems to preserve power.


Powerful words. Corey knew. Maybe not the how or the why, but just enough to say. The world is more connected than we can possibly understand. Amazing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A reminder from DePat about next week.

I will address this in tomorrow’s daily.

Quick author note with the begged indulgence of our esteemed host:

Next week, due to the circumstances of a gig and LOTS of driving on tap, I’m going to make up the posts over the weekend, and may or may not have time to put all the goodies in them the evening before they are due to publish. I ask our host to keep an eye out as I won’t schedule them until the night before if I get to it (I should be able). My apologies in advance, but it is what it is. If anyone would like to try their hand at doing a daily and making it their own, I’m open to giving up a day or two. This might well be an opportunity to give it a try. Thank you, Wolf, for you indulgence in this statement/announcement/notice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for the additional details!

I’ll explain my plans sometime this weekend.

By the way, in either order (which you would prefer to keep, or which you would prefer to hand off), can you rank your 4 days in order of preference?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So if I’m understanding this correctly, Wednesday and Friday have the greatest sentimental value to you, and yet they’re the exact two days that would be the best for you to give up – particularly Wednesday – because the prior nights are exactly when you need to rehearse.

Is that basically correct?

Here is what I want to do.

I’m planning to take a decisive approach here, and basically relieve you of two days of your choice. I will then create some kind of inferior Wolf-branded placeholders for them, unchanging from week to week, which will “lower the bar on quality” sufficiently that potential authors will not feel they are having to fill anybody’s shoes, and that whatever they do will be an improvement over the crappy, short, unchanging jobs I’ll be putting up.

I’m basically going to buy cheap and sell cheap, to get people to move in and fix things up to the limit of their own ability.

I think that I can get at least one person to spring for a day, and if I can’t get a second taker, I will keep that day, so that I continue producing “the worse open”, thereby allowing potential authors to step up with confidence for all the other days when needed.

Nobody wants to own the worst house on the block, except for me, because I don’t care, because I own all the land. 😉 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The problem is that nobody will step up, in part because you’ve set too high a bar of quality. They see the task as too daunting. There is no minimal baseline for them to exceed.

People need to look at something and realistically say “Well, I can do better than THAT.”

In any case, think about it. If you want, I can take Wednesday, create a “For Sale” placeholder, and give people a few weeks to have a talk in the mirror about buying it and fixing it up. But I can almost guarantee that it won’t move otherwise.


He’s right, you know — nobody wants to be the struggling n00b that chased De Pat off her wonderful days.

If Wolf pushes you off of a day, there would be less resistance for someone else to take a stab at it.


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I tried to find out what the context is but no matter…it sounds bad


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is exactly what I’ve been talking about.

Wow. Just wow. ON VIDEO.


I don’t remember her building anything. So what gives her the right?
She aint Queen or King so she has no Divine Right which is what she’s claiming.
First she’ll take the vote. Then the patent. Then your Property and then your Life.
She just declared war on the American People.
Trump is going to have to recalibrate for this one. She’s saying all the quiet stuff out loud and she has an army of illegals, Antifa and I think she just lost half or more of her government minions.