Dear KMAG: 20240930 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • huntsman (style of cap)
  • a round Spanish cap, with flaps at the back or sides, once used by hunters
  • (Spanish) a hunter or brush-beater

Shown in a picture


Not shown in this picture

Gotta love classic Hollyweird!


I obtained the word “montero” randomly, but when I searched on it for music, it came up with a song and album that was foisted on us by the satanists and communists in Hollywood and Nashville, via that horrifyingly creepy “Lil Nas X”. You may remember him.


I am not going to reproduce the blatantly homophilic, pedophilic, and anti-Christian content which is revealed in the Wiki article, but one quickly realizes that this “talent” was created to be pro-pedo (“Lil”), Madonna-style mocking and appropriating (“Nas” and “X”), and generally satanic, in a Travis Scott way.

The fact that “they” would send this guy into country music and even the Super Bowl shows the utter DISDAIN that Hollyweird and their satanic outpost in Nashville actually have for the “country” crowd.

Rather than listen to the toxic music, check out this very positive review of the album. Listen to all the details. The enemy’s moves just spill out one after the other!

The opening face-palm image on the video is rather precious in retrospect.


This short (1-minute!!!) video is for Gail, and all of us who love the little goats.

The grazing goat problem – SOLVED!

I kinda like listening to this lady, despite the fact that there is also something very annoying about her.


And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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It’s Melancholy Monday, thanks to Helene.  😥 


Even being a notorious worrywart, I’m actually just concerned about Gail. She is going to be tough.

Her neighbors, OTOH…..


IIRC, she said that she has seen about 30% of her pasture flood in a prior year (adjacent to a neighbor’s property where they built a house).

All her animals who might normally be on that pasture, as well as her neighbors, may be in improvised shelter closer to her house.

Last edited 3 days ago by cthulhu

Is Gail in the mountainous part?


Not sure but I think she mentioned about neighbors near but below her living in a flood plain and she had mentioned how thick the mud was at her place the other day. Praying for them and all their animals


Thank you. I don’t think Gail Combs lives in the mountainous part of NC. However, I think her place has lots of trees, outbuildings, pasture land, etc., that would be badly impacted by Helene’s torrential rains in NC, along with any floodwaters from nearby streams, lakes, etc.


My understanding AND a few guesses.

100 acres. 80 acres wooded. 20 acres pasture. Home nearly 1,000′ off paved road.

At least part of Gail’s land fronts on a river. No idea how many feet / yards.

Guessing, hoping I am incorrect, some pasture swamped. Hoping her home not included in swamped.
I’d guess rolling terrain. Wooded higher elevation.

She has mentioned having a generator. If she has gas in cans, that’ll suffice. I’d expect her trucks diesel. Perhaps one gas.

Gail has mentioned a well. Dunno if she also has “city” water.

Given power and communication issues in NC, not too surprising we have not heard from Gail. Perhaps with a few days.

Last edited 3 days ago by kalbokalbs

I think she said her house is about 60 feet higher than her pasture.


Good to know.


I would say that it is highly likely Gail has no internet access.

My son’s best friend currently lives in Eastern Tennessee. We have intermittent contact by cell phone. He is not even in a flooded area, but it is all around him, and they can’t get out or go anywhere. He has NO internet access, at all. He says radio is spotty. Nothing is working. They have power sometimes, but it continues to go out.

We are all considering investing in Starlink. None of us can really afford the upgrade, but this disaster has illuminated how dependent we are on internet service. My son’s friend is most frustrated by having no idea what is happening around them.


Elon said Starlink would be turned on for cell service.

But a lot of phones don’t have roaming turned on so the phone won’t log in to Starlink network.


I’m sure Elon is doing all he can.

Robert Baker

Starlink is an acceptable internet alternative. The monthly cost is presently $120 but it varies by geographic location. That fee seems to be for 28-30 day access as opposed to calendar month. The bill seems to rotate thru the month instead of being the same day each month. That fee provides unlimited use with no monthly data limit. However, you will still need power to operate the router. My experience has been good with respect to connection, but their customer service is zero and I do mean zero. Surprisingly their web site is rudimentary and not at all what you would expect from a tech company.


That’s weird, Robert. You would think the website would be top-of-the-line.

We have a generator for power outages.


I just checked, and Starlink is now available in my area.

Years ago I had DirecTV (satellite), and it was a problem for the installer to find a spot for the satellite dish, because the dish had to point at a particular place in the sky, which was fairly low on the horizon (far from being directly overhead), and there were tall trees in the way, just about anywhere the dish could go.

Eventually he found a spot, but the line of sight was so close, that in heavy wind, the tree branches would still interfere with the signal.

Also, snow and ice collecting on the satellite dish was a problem. The dish was mounted on 4-foot pole in the back yard at the far edge of the property line, so it wasn’t a big deal to brush snow off if necessary.

Even if Elon’s Satellites are more directly overhead (so the trees wouldn’t be a problem), how does the receiver do with snow and ice?

If it needs to be cleared in order to work, then it can’t be mounted on the peak of a roof… ’cause I’m not climbing up there, on an icy roof, probably in the dark, in the dead of winter, to clean snow off of it 😂


It’s my understanding that there is a mini ISP from which cell phones/routers connect. Like the original cable TV. Neighbors made up a network but had no access to each other.

Robert Baker

As to snow and ice I don’t think that will be a problem. My dish is on my roof and points almost straight up. I live in Montana at 6000 feet, so we have snow from as early as Oct to the end of May. Not been a problem. Since there are a number of satellites to connect to, you should not have an obstruction problem but an installer can check it out in a couple of minutes to be certain. I have used Starlink since the Fall of 2021. Other than no customer service and no email response from support I have not had any data download problems with the service.


“I live in Montana at 6000 feet, so we have snow from as early as Oct to the end of May. Not been a problem.”


Interesting… I figured there must be something about Starlink that mitigates the snow/ice problem, because I haven’t heard anyone complain about it, unlike people with regular satellite dishes. Makes me wonder if there isn’t a built-in defroster system.

It looks like the Starlink satellite receiver is fairly small, rectangular and FLAT, unlike typical satellite dishes which are concave.

If snow and ice is not a problem for the Starlink system, you’d think that would be a huge selling point, and plaster it all over their webpage.

Just did a search, multiple videos and articles on the subject… I should have let my fingers do the walking, it’s a snap 😁

Can You Use Starlink in the Snow?
Worried about winter weather interfering with your Starlink service? Don’t be. We spent this past winter relying on SpaceX’s satellite internet, and here’s what we found.

PC Magazine
By Brian Westover
April 6, 2023

“If you’ve got a Starlink dish, or are just considering signing up for the SpaceX satellite internet service, you might be worrying about winter weather, depending on where you live. The dish is exposed to the air, of course.

Will snow affect Starlink’s performance? Can Starlink handle ice and extreme cold? If you’ve ever dealt with a snow-blocked satellite TV dish, it’s an even more acute concern.

I just endured a full-on Idaho winter with my Starlink dish as my primary connection to the outside world.

Verdict: Not only is Starlink ready to handle winter weather, but it stayed stable all winter long.

It turns out that Starlink’s basic equipment is rated to handle nasty weather, and there’s even a Snow Melt Mode that keeps snow and ice from accumulating on the dish.”

(more at the title link above)

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

Snow and ice is DEFINITELY a problem with the darn dishes. My dad went with the cheapest option, and every time it snows, or we have a good thunderstorm, we lose connection.

Robert Baker

DP, I can’t tell if you are talking about Starlink specifically or experience with other dish providers. All I will say, if your comment is about Starlink, my experience is as described above.

Deplorable Patriot

Some AT&T subsidiary. Frankly, the real AT&T worked better.

pat frederick

the only internet we were able to obtain here in the woods was hughesnet. our dish is mounted on our deck railing and i have to clear the dish of ice or snow or our internet doesn’t work. we have no cable tv out here. we bought a $20 HD antenna when we moved in years ago. we get the major networks but we rarely watch regular tv anyway.

Barb Meier

If you have internet, try a Roku box.


Pluto and Tubi free.

Currently watching, Fidler On The Roof. (Tubi)

Antenna TV usually has a couple channels with old TV shows, westerns and older movies.

  • Excellent picture quality when we lived Dayton, NV and Ridgecrest, CA

Gail also mentioned that her cell phone lives on the back of her toilet, so we know she has one — but it is likely that she is without service.


And, judging by her constant use of it, it may not even have a data plan.


Very likely, worry is they might over extend themselves.


Judging by the widespread power, cellphone, and data outages throughout NC (and SC, and GA, and TN), it would probably be prudent to start working up a placeholder post. I’d be super happy to hear a ping from Gail that she was alive but busy — but that’s very different from having a post ready.


I’m wondering if people know of good places to donate, where the money would really go where it is needed.


Samaritan’s Purse and Salvation Army?

They help in the initial phase – food, showers, clothing, clean up, rebuilding.
When my childhood home burned, Salvation Army gave us furniture from their thrift store.


I have been leery of Salvation Army since they went woke a few years ago and accused white people of being racist in their training materials. I will check out Samaritan’s Purse.


I sent some money to Samaritan’s Purse. They are great.


Yes, Billy Graham – now Franklin and Graham family’s org. You can specify $$$ donation for this disaster relief. Ironically the org is based in NC and was hard hit themselves but they are actively providing supplies and human assistance. Volunteers can work one day or up to 2 weeks at a time.

Barb Meier

Concerned about Gail too. I am fine here on our mountain in Virginia. We have had light rain off/on and much fog here since Helene. It is melancholy. My closing was delayed due to 1/3rd funding delay. The title company called and said the earliest closing is one week later. The next day Helene hit and I am glad I’m not driving a U-Haul towing my car on a trailer this week. God’s will be done and prayers for Gail and all those impacted.

pat frederick

we have been under cloudy, dreary skies for a week! intermittent light rain but nothing much at all. but the constant cloud cover is depressing. we got a little ray of sunshine about an hour ago–and i ran out to the deck to bask in it while it lasted.
demoralizing. that’s the big game that’s being played right now

Barb Meier

So glad you got even a little sunshine. I know it’s up there, beyond the clouds and fog. I am making sure to take my vitamin D. 😊

pat frederick

us too.
but not seeing the sun for a week stinks!


comment image

Seriously, where is the federal response? I know Walz is not part of that, but Commala is.


Chinee Tim is a governor. He should know better.

An obvious disaster inbound. Preparations. Disaster hits, assess and react.

Kakala AND Chinee Tim demonstrated they are NOT qualified to be in the WH.

Nor is Briben, who does Not have the integrity to resign.

Kakala does Not have the integrity AND initiative to run a 25th.

Of course our worthless r-Cons who can’t take the time to impeach any of the criminals.

Feds have achieved TwoFer status. Worthless AND Criminals.


“Chinee Tim is a governor.”

He sure is. You know what a governor has access to? National Guard, and all kinds of state agencies.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced that Florida is rapidly deploying recovery assistance to North Carolina and Tennessee to help with Hurricane Helene’s impacts in Operation Blue Ridge. This multi-state agency response will include the Florida Division of Emergency Management, Florida State Guard, Florida National Guard, Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Florida Law Enforcement Coordination Task Force, and a Law Enforcement Strike Team.”



JD should lay waste to Tampon Tim during tomorrow’s debate.

Absolutely shred the asshole, along with Kakala.

Knowing the maroon moderator Will interrupt JD, JD needs to slay the bitch, immediately. Emphatically.

  • Moderator asks questions, then, Shuts The Fuck Up.


Barb Meier

I just saw the following on Facebook:

Mindy Kent > Sugar Mountain North Carolina Skiing 19h
Yay! National guard landed in banner elk with supplies. Now the challenge of getting stuff to those who are trapped.

Barb Meier

comment image

“Not sending their best”?


They all look so – no fumbling – low IQ, plainly speaking.


I’m surprised there was anything left to photograph.



what do those “eight people/eight men” all have in common that can be used to better identify them, for clarification and as a precautionary warning to the public ?


So, looks like all native Tennesseans?


You be careful with those two-headed coins, good buddy.  😎 




Descendants of Davy Crockett.


Not sure how prosecutors are going to prove ownership of the property being taken. Larceny requires both proof of item ownership AND proof of lack of authority to salvage said property.

This is why looting should be defined as possession of property in a disaster zone without ID showing local address. A specialized larceny statute.


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“They intentionally kept JD Vance out and I’ll show you who these people really are.

It’s going to blow your mind and when I publish my expose you will understand why JD was kept out.”


It’s because they’re vampires, and JD is actually James Woods.

I’m way ahead of you, sis… 😁


Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

I have GOT to get that movie.  😀 


This looks like the best release currently available on blu-ray:

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467


Awareness of one’s environment and those who cohabitate the space is always a good thing.

Do not go and/or give your time, attention and money to bad people and businesses. It is something you personally control.

It is surprising the number of people who are just now beginning to learn this lesson from what we can call a proverb in Poor TradeBait’s Almanack.


I’m not sure what she was screaming about (in the video I posted), so I’ll try to find a better one 😂

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467
Valerie Curren



Viral social media strikes again; gets asshole’s mind right.

[if you believe them]


One person’s experience in Sarasota, FL:

To the guys on the overpass near Sarastoa today, waving the flags, signs, and banners…. thank you so much. You honestly made me tear up. Let me explain….

Thursday night the hurricane hit my house was with 2 feet of water. i wasn’t in the place at the time as I was working on moving to a new location and was down there. But because I was moving, I had boxed up a lot of my life’s possessions and put them downstairs so next week I could move them out. So the 2 feet of water that entered the house destroyed all the “souvenirs” of my life – and likely totaled a very, very nice car that I had there. It was a german work of art. I’ll find out this coming week if it is finished.

I drove back there on Friday, cleaned some… cleaned all day Saturday (back breaking work, moving water logged rugs… don’t forget leg day and back day…) then did some for an 80 year old neighbor in the same situation…. Slept in pain… Then drove back to the new location today… but not until I did more work for me and more for the neighbor.

Finally went to leave … and drove 2 streets over… and the people right on the gulf water… if they had a 1 story house… ALL their belongings are finished. Their area won’t make the news… but they are wiped out.

So after 2 days of back breaking hard work and throwing out posessions I had for decades… memories of my mother, etc… … and seeing people’s live hit so hard… I started tto drive out of the neighborhood. Then I noticed something. SEVERAL of the yards had brand new Trump/Vance signs in them. And they were brand new and shiny, bur also brand new… because they never would have survived the wind from the storm. These Trump lovers, fellow Americans, had just had major damage to their lives… but at their first chance put a damn TRUMP sign out in their front yard. That was great to see.

Finally made to I-75 to head south… and an hour later, thinking of my likely totaled car and temporary change in plans due to storm damage that will need to be addressed….there I saw you. Up ahead on the overpass. Waving the glorious flag of the United States of America and the giant Trump flags.

I was already in a tired emotional state, which in part explains my reaction, but we know he must be elected… and to see people waving the flags… fighting for our country in any way we can… brought a tear to my eye.

It was so uplifting to see you up there… at a time when I needed something like that.

Thank you.

Barb Meier

Moving post. I shared it with links to the source on X in my articles.


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“even though we all know that’s not true.”


Nice touch.



Daniel Greenfield:

Want to know why Ashville, NC is underwater?

FEMA’s Goal 1 isn’t disaster management, it’s making equity the foundation of emergency management


DEI should be spelled DIE

Think Boeing


I had no idea he had a masters degree in English lit.


we Boomers are gettin old.


Rasmussen Reports:

Dominion Court Hearing Tomorrow – 

Evidence discovered about encryption keys nationally and submitted to the Federal 9th Circuit and SCOTUS will be presented in Georgia tomorrow.

Should be worth watching.


comment image


They’re doing #1 and #3 and are desperately trying to take our guns.


China is intentionally killing our kids with Fentanyl.

Communists destroying our military with their woke garbage.

Communist freaks in schools, preying upon our kids with their gender crap, pushing and teaching perversion, indoctrinating, confusing, grooming not teaching.

US students have fallen behind and can’t read or think.

Adults and children are trapped in addictions and killed by overdoses.

All part of their evil plans.


US students have fallen behind and can’t read or think.”



👍 And vaccines.

Valerie Curren

I guess it’s time to drop the guilt for denying my kids numerous “fluoride treatments” over the years because I was too cheap to pay the extra $ 🙂


Wise Mama.

Valerie Curren



I have been using Dr Jen toothpaste for awhile and love it.


Communisn bashed in the doors decades ago!

Brave and Free

With both parties participating.


Exactly. Which is both disturbing and revealing if people will pay attention.

History is a great teacher if people will pay attention.

Observation is a great revealer and teacher if people will pay attention.

Logic is a great revealer if people will pay attention.

I could go on, but you already know those things.

PDT is creating a MAGA party through the shell corporation of the GOP so he would not have to struggle as others have with trying to create a successful third party. It is well underway. Our hope is the remaining patriots in military and government have his back and can control the enemy.


Lying Liar Robert Reich:

Trump increasingly suggests that he is God’s chosen instrument of wrath and that his opponents are “evil spirits” to be ”cast into hell.”

If you don’t find this terrifying, you’re not paying attention.

Looks as if Reich identifies with the evil spirits since he’s so concerned that the prayer asks God to cast them into hell.

Last edited 3 days ago by TheseTruths

⬆️ link fixed


“If you don’t find this terrifying, you’re not paying attention.”


I find it comforting, but then, I’m not a genocidal psychopath like you, Robbie.

Someone has to do it.

If God chose Trump to be His midget tosser, then I guess you better start running.

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

🤣🤣🤣 👍


Interesting that Reich thought Trump was talking about him!


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One person commented, “Just in time for war.”

Brave and Free

IMO if they start an October war it’ll drive more people to PDJT. Then again if they also force more people to use mail in ballots because of it we’re screwed.


Three issues.

Mail in ballots.How many illegals registered to vote AND vote.Mysterious Internet failure late 5 November going into the 6th.

Last edited 3 days ago by kalbokalbs
Barb Meier

I voted early last Friday in person at our county Registrat’s office!!!


I don’t think they will start an “October War.” Americans would RUN not walk to the polls to vote for the scary man, Donald Trump. Deep down, even idiots know that men are the choice to prosecute war, not women.


Joe Rambo:

Read this. Spread it like wild fire. 

Mickey Edwads AKA Marvin H. Edwards has endorsed Kamala Harris. 

He was a founding trustee of the Heritage Foundation. 

Yes. The same Heritage Foundation responsible for Project 2025. 

Understand now?

Is the idea that Project 2025 was a setup to hurt Trump? Is it that the Heritage Foundation is setting traps for Trump? I thought Trump used their research to vet people.

I don’t know if it’s a situation where there are good people there who support MAGA, but there are others undermining it while appearing to support it.


Well, that’s not what I wanted to hear.


Excellent strategy to watch for!


“The CCP (Maoists) are extremely good at something I call “make the other side go too far, to justify a desired action“.”


Seems like that’s all they do.

If you have a thousand different provocations going on at all times, at least one or two people are going to fall for the criminal entrapment every day.

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

exposure is the key.

exposure + accountability.

make them squirm on the witness stand.

the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

and you gotta be able to prove it.

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

We’ve got to learn how to be subversive without breaking the law. That’s it. It’s a lesson I learned watching the aftermath of January 6, a clusterfuck of an event I still feel bad about. I told people to go, I desperately wanted to go myself, but that was stupid. We were stupid. We didn’t see the setup ahead of time.

That’s why I continue to say that a national strike is the only way. They can’t force our labor at the point of their guns and lawfare. Not yet, anyway.




that’s the manipulative ploy used by abusive, malignant sociopaths to bait/trigger/ambush the target/victim into a reaction…

to cause the target/victim to react in such a way that the abuser can then point the finger at the target/victim as being the “abuser”…

the target is being baited & manipulated into a state of reactive abuse.

and, after the sociopath beats the hell outa the target for reacting, the sociopath says…

look what you made me do !

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

exactly !

even if it does not result in physical violence, it is still mental/emotional abuse.

basically, psychological warfare.

pwNPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) do this constantly.

it is severely harmful…over a period of time, it will effectively demoralize the target and break the will & the spirit of the target…

it’s all about controlling the target.

and getting away with it.

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

Thanks for that – that is the kind of dynamic going on between Sally Q and me.

I’m going to have to fast and pray and pray some more and ask GOD to help me design a strategy to deal with her outrageous behavior, contempt, recalcitrance, hostility, vile language, insults…

I need to respond the Biblical way….not be baited into reacting in anger myself.


therapists can help.

how old is she ?

I don’t know yr situation or how severe it is…and I don’t need to know…but sometimes it’s necessary for an evaluation & a diagnosis so that you know what yr dealing with and how to manage it…

and so it doesn’t get worse, as she gets older.

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

I believe that Sally Q is an adult who is in her 40s. I believe that she was diagnosed with Friedrich’s Ataxia many years ago.


oh, ok then…I did not know that, thnx.


One way to respond is called “gray rock.” I do it with my daughter, who is sometimes pretty explosive, a lot.

You just make yourself as uninteresting and boring a target as possible, by not responding much at all to any provocation. Over time, the abuser loses interest in tormenting a rock that doesn’t fight back. So goes the theory.

BUT, if you use the gray rock technique, you are going to have to give YOURSELF plenty of love and attention to deal with your emotions and reactions. This is where the technique fails many people. Because whether you show it externally or not, you are suffering.

For me this is where Jesus comes in. I always envision Jesus standing just behind me with a hand on my shoulder. And when I escape the situation, I have a good cry and a long visit with Him.


gray rock is effective, as you say…and it would be in this case, probably…

just as a caveat : if trying to deal with a person with a malignant personality disorder, the abuse is baked into that cake, and never stops..

in fact, it only gets worse, over time.

the abuser literally tries to erase the target thru a constant, intermittent cycle of abuse that invalidates the target’s entire being (emotions, opinions, hopes, dreams, goals, successes etc).

gray rock is effective in diffusing an explosive situation, and providing a means of escape, or a breather while things simmer down…

but it can also backfire by pissing off the abuser who wants a confrontation and to see you tormented…and, if you do not give him/her that reaction, watch out for revenge.

that’s not the type of situation GA/FL is dealing with, I understand that…

but there may be others who have to deal w/ abuse, sometimes.

it’s more prevalent than we might realize.

a lot of ppl, mostly women, suffer in silence and alone.

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

Sounds like a BD/SM relationship.


not usually, not necessarily…

sadism, erotic or otherwise, is in a different realm but it might overlap…and, with SM, the other person is also a willing participant.

emotional/mental/psychological abuse is one of the hallmarks of the Cluster B category of malignant personality disorders.

very hard to prove : no visible bruises or broken bones.

and they get away with it.

many times, the traumatized victims are children.

the trauma that’s inflicted often renders the victim into a “helpless” frame of mind.

and s/he gives up.

that’s where the licensed trained therapist comes in.

as an expert witness, to substantiate the “invisible” trauma caused by the abuse.

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

All you say is true. In a situation that toxic, I would flee. No matter who it was.


yes, that’s the best and the only option…

if possible.

followed by a strict No Contact boundary esp when the toxic ahole…posing as Dr Jekyll again… tries to hoover its way back into the picture.

it’s a Jekyll/Hyde dynamic where the target becomes the victim, stuck in a trauma bond .

kinda like Stockholm Syndrome.

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

Wow I’m so sorry that you are being abused in such a fashion by someone who obviously needs you to step in & care for her so many times. God be with You in His comfort, wisdom, peace, grace, hope, & strength!


Our side is bombarded with this tactic, and the remarkable thing is how well we have behaved even when “going too far” was so tempting.

Look at the death of Comperatore, a total innocent who was murdered for supporting Trump It was also a provocation to MAGA.

Indiscriminately murdering innocents is the sort of calculated evil malignant actors and governments use to manipulate others.


  :wpds_arrow:  Comperatore’s head exploding was Intentional. Not a stray round.

  :wpds_arrow:  Two heads were supposed to explode that day. Warning to MAGA.

  :wpds_arrow:  We’ll never know who that sniper was. Got away during “Look Squirrel.”

Crooks nothing more than a useful, expendable idiot. Served his purpose.



The lack of “give a shiz” since by those charged to give a shiz reveals the intent.


Wolf Moon
Agreed, correct.
IMO, what appears to be “random actions” or “random stupidity” on the DeepState side actually has a purpose—to further their goals.


make the other side go too far, to justify a desired action

and if they don’t go too far, signal to your plants to go too far…


I am not surprised with traitors like MIKE PENCE in that organization.
Yes, Pence already said he will not be voting for the VSG Trump.


Time for me to tell folks – TOLD YA SO.

I brought this up in BIMD and posted my personal experiences with it in openers a few times in the past – do not trust the Heritage Foundation. It is filled with Neocons and RINO’s running under media cover of conservatives.They tried to kill our industry through W 20 years ago. An industry that financed small businesses employing half of the jobs in America. Some of us patched together the key core Senate leaders who supported small businesses, a few of which who were RINO’s, to stop it and turn it all around. The RINO’s supported because they wanted the political campaign contributions that followed their response.

What they did to us is not a one off. They are snakes.


You don’t have to convince me. I have watched the Heritage Foundation with a side-eye for years. They always seemed “off” to me.


Bill Kristol is an intolerable piece of shit.


Thank you.
“What they did to us is not a one off. They are snakes.” — This should be written in letters 12 feet high.

On another topic — Are you all OK and safe in your area? Do you need to be ready to evacuate if necessary?


Thanks for asking PAVACA. The regional dams are holding and not in danger. The local one, Douglas, was releasing 435,000 gallons of water through its 10 spillways EVERY SECOND (per TVA). It is now at 60,000 and is expected to do so for weeks. TVA is monitoring and controlling the flow all the way down the Tennessee River system. Things are improving as long as we do not get another sneak attack from that storm in the Caribbean.

Unicoi and Cocke Counties in upper east TN have new river banks formed by debris including concrete chunks from slabs of buildings. Houses and cars have washed downstream and are stacked in piles. Some communities are isolated without access via roads. Cell towers are down in the most affected areas, so communication is an issue. Water is an issue – the water systems are destroyed or contaminated.

Reports from Lake Lure, NC are that the dam did not fail there, it was just overflowing that much. The debris on that lake is mind blowing. Which is the concern with most of the dams that the debris will block spillways.

4 deaths and everybody accounted for in our immediate area. There are still dozens not accounted for in Unicoi.

Last edited 3 days ago by TradeBait2

YW and all praise to the Lord always!


Ryan James Girdusky on footage of Asheville, NC, under water:

I can’t look away.

Trying to go through some charities websites to see if they’re legitimate. 

Where is the military? Where is anyone?

Last edited 3 days ago by TheseTruths

“Trying to go through some charities websites to see if they’re legitimate.” 😂

“Where is the military?” 🤣

“Where is anyone?”

Where’s your governor?


There are 500 NC National Guard being deployed. About half the number needed. Probably a more important 😀 war in Europe or the ME took the rest.

Last edited 3 days ago by TradeBait2
Happy go lucky.

I am sick to death of hearing about Asheville, however if the rich white people getting it good and hard is what it takes to get Raleigh off it’s a$$ and help the poor in western NC, then may they whine with the screech of a thousand squeaky wheels.


I’m wondering how Boone is doing.

Happy go lucky.

Entire houses sliding down hills, entire houses floated away, roads gone, bridges gone, people trapped and traumatized and likely many deceased, is what I’ve heard. It’s horrible.


I’m concerned that a lot of the “reconnection” is going to focus on the interstate and that places on second and tertiary roads — even with lesser challenges — may be isolated for an unnecessarily lengthy period.

Deplorable Patriot

My cousin lives in Asheville. One of the few I really get along with. He and his fiance are safe. I was glad to hear it.

Valerie Curren



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There never was any joy. If the cackle were gone, that would be a positive.


she can’t even fumble with her earpiece gracefully.


She was the designated “token” opposition. The real battles are for the Senate and House if the steal cannot be effected for POTUS.


I’ve already said this is the old line donkeys taking control of their party from the lunatic left.

“They have to be shown.” So they’re showing them by giving them the most radical choices [which pleases the looneys] that any sane person [left or right] knows cannot win. By losing, the oldsters ‘prove’ that nutso leftist doesn’t work; therefore SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.

They use an inevitable loss of the presidency to also take out the trash. They never let a crisis go to waste.




Hobama’s last 3 day schedule was intentional and planned. She isn’t tired or low energy. It is strategic. Sad when it is better to stay out of sight than actually engage in the election. We saw it 4 years ago with Basement Boy Biden


1,000 people reported unaccounted for in North Carolina county hit hardest by Hurricane Helene

More than 1,000 people have been reported unaccounted for in a devastated North Carolina county where 30 people have already been confirmed dead after Hurricane Helene, officials said Sunday.

Authorities in Buncombe County reported the horrifying toll in an emergency meeting announcing emergency medical shelters and ongoing rescue efforts in areas almost overwhelmed by stormwater.

They also announced a special website to appeal for help finding those unaccounted for — with “more than 1,000 reports so far,” one local official told the live-streamed meeting.

“We’re doing the best we can,” Buncombe County Sheriff Quentin Miller said of conditions making it almost impossible to reach the stranded due to collapsed roads, failing infrastructure and widespread flooding.

Many of the unaccounted for are hoped to just be those without electricity and efforts to let loved ones know they are safe, officials said.

However, the county, home to Asheville, already has 30 of the Tar Heel State’s 36 confirmed deaths — a terrible toll expected to soon rise, Gov. Roy Cooper conceded.

“We know there will be more,” he said Sunday.

Emergency response teams have rescued more than 40 people in the Ashville area, including an infant, thanks to a combination of 911 calls and pleas for help on social media, North Carolina Adjutant General Todd Hunt said.

Critical supplies are being airlifted to stranded communities as crews scramble to clear roads and restore communication lines.

As of Sunday afternoon, Helene has killed at least 89 people and left millions without power since the storm slammed into Florida on Thursday. 

Katie Pate of Fairfax, Virginia, posted a plea for help on X when she lost contact with her parents outside Asheville, North Carolina. This story, however, has a happy ending.

“My dad called to tell me they were getting the generator set up, then after that, he was a ghost,” said Pate. “I was seeing just a steady stream of deterioration in western North Carolina, but all I could do was sit and wait.”

After 24 hours of silence, Pate finally got them on the phone. She learned storm had knocked out power for most of the county, and where the roads weren’t flooded, they were covered in fallen trees. The couple, both 75, loaded a chainsaw into their pickup truck and cut a path to a nearby inn — the only place in town with cell service.

“People don’t realize that even if you can get someone on the phone, you still can’t get to them. Everywhere is cut off,” Pate said. “You have to have a chainsaw to get anywhere. The asphalt in the roads is crumbling. The bridges are collapsing. It’s like a horror movie.”

In Texas, Jessica Drye Turner begged for someone to rescue her family members stranded on their rooftop in Asheville, surrounded by rising flood waters. “They are watching 18 wheelers and cars floating by,” Turner wrote in an urgent Facebook post on Friday.

Critical supplies are being airlifted to stranded communities as crews scramble to clear roads and restore communication lines. Getty Images

But in a follow-up message, which became widely circulated on social media on Saturday, Turner said help had not arrived in time to save her parents, both in their 70s, and her six-year-old nephew. The roof had collapsed and the three drowned.

“I cannot convey in words the sorrow, heartbreak and devastation my sisters and I are going through nor imagine the pain before us,” she wrote.


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Other photos of the devastation at the NY Post link.


Many of the people will be “found” later. They got the hell out of Dodge. In TN all people have been accounted for at this point with 4 deaths attributed. We had enough notice for people to leave before the Lake Lure, NC dam breach.


I hope they did get out.


The ones to worry most about in that area are the n00bs, cityfolk. People from families who have been there for generations know about living off the land.


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“Crime is down.”


Not down as far as government honesty.

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

yeah right…

“crime is down” when no arrests are made.


Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2
pat frederick

when you can shoplift merchandise up to what? $900 DAILY and it’s not considered a crime? of course it’s down. that’s like saying, the first 3 people you kill are forgiven, but kill that 4th one and you’ll be sorry.


Butt Pete said …  🙁 

pat frederick

any man who pretends to be in a hospital and wears a repulsive device to feed a baby is not sane enough to wipe his own ass.
sorry mama’s in a mood


When you’re like Pete Booty-gig, wiping your ass is ineffective anyway.

Sorry, this mama’s in a mood, too.


Ditto my pat frederick comment.


Stay in that mood. We like you there.  😂  😍 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I checked out the YT channel of the woman Wolf called both annoying and someone he liked to listen to (“Up and Atom”). I had seen some of her videos before.

I found this, which directly relates to the conversation I had Saturday with Valerie about why it’s hard to predict future positions of Near Earth Objects. At about 7:55 in there’s even a diagram that depicts the Lagrange points (without labeling them as such), which I believe I touched on in my main post that day.

Valerie Curren

Thx for the interesting share Steve 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I could have just saved myself a bidenload of typing and pointed to this.

Valerie Curren

Nope…AND logic applies here too. I always appreciate your take & how you give selective detailed attention to the topics of your choice 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She even described numerical integration, which I’m pretty sure I mentioned.

Valerie Curren

If so I heard or read “integration” & thought calculus & then went into shut down mode LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It IS calculus…down to the bare bones. Instead of fiddling around with an equation and figuring out what equation describes its integral (i.e., the area under the curve when you graph the equation), you literally take little slices, compute their areas, and add them together…a brute force approach if you can’t integrate the formula.

For example, if your formula is y=x…the integral is 1/2x^2. If you want to know the area under the curve between x=1 and x=2, you plug “2” into the integral and get 1/2(2×2) = 2. Then you plug 1 into it (and get 1/2(1×1)= 1/2, and then you subtract, 2-1/2= 1 1/2. Easy peasy. But sometimes you do not *have* that formula for the integral. Many functions, you can’t derive such a formula, despite big long tables of these things in reference books (and now online of course).

So let’s pretend in this case, you don’t know the 1/2x^2 formula, but you still want to know the area under the curve between x=1 and x=2. OK, so you slice it up. Say, 100 slices. So the first slice is from X=1 to X=1.01, the second from X=1.01 to X=1.02, and so on. So: at each slice, evaluate y, then multiply by the width of the slice to get the area. Add them all up. The area of the first slice is 1 (since y = x) times 0.01. The area of the second slice is 1.01 (since y=x) times 0.01. And so on. You add them all together and you do NOT get quite the right answer because your rectangles don’t perfectly fill the space under y=x. You can get closer by making your slices narrower but it’s more work.

The three body problem is a bit trickier because the second slice’s “y” value actually depends on the result of the previous slice (and here we’re slicing time into fractions of a second), and so on. The point is that to do a problem this way requires cranking through a LOT of intermediate solutions, where if it were a closed-form solution you could just go through ONE calculation.

Valerie Curren

TY for this only partially understood response. I believe I’ve told you before that I sort of have a mental block for Calculus, back when I took it a couple times in my 20s…& it hasn’t gotten better in almost 4 decades! LOL 😉

I’m planning to head out of town tomorrow for almost 2 weeks w/ hit or miss internet access so please don’t feel the need to enlighten me more on this issue right now for it’s possible I’ll miss your comment 🙁 trying to get “basic” math into my emptier than it used to be head LOL

I Really Appreciate you trying to make the complex (relatively) understandable.

By the way there is an Amazon Prime show called “3 Body” that is in Chinese but can be watched w/ subtitles (which I do) or possibly dubbing (which I generally hate so avoid). Anyway it’s a fairly interesting sci-fi show that has a lot of science in it. One of the main plot points is that the understanding of physics is wrong, because of some type of alien encounters that reveal things to scientists they’d never contemplated before.

If you have Prime you might want to check it out to see if it’s remotely interesting. The 2 main characters are male, one a scientist, & one some type of cop who is working with the military to solve a series of deaths that appear to be suicides. It’s very different from anything I’ve seen before & I’ve learned to tolerate the sound of Chinese which had been very off-putting since I’ve mostly watched Korean or occasionally Japanese shows w/ subtitles.

putting this up as is so sorry for any errors, etc…

Valerie Curren

Someone on the Q-Tree mentioned Tubi being free & so we looked it up using our PS-4. They have that show “Three-Body” that I recently mentioned to you on that platform for free, fyi.

It’s from 2023 & here is Tubi’s description, in case this Might interest you to check out. “Inside a secret group’s VR game, a nanomaterials expert learns the truth behind mass scientist suicides and a tragedy during the Cultural Revolution.”


This is heartbreaking. A farmer describes losing all his animals except one horse. “Everything is gone.”


“Where the hell are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?”


They’re the last people you want involved.

Where is your governor and the national guard?





so sorry.

just awful.


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I expect them to announce some aid, but I don’t understand why it hasn’t been done already. I haven’t even seen anything about a state of emergency.


“I expect them to announce some aid, but I don’t understand why it hasn’t been done already.”


The answer is twofold:

A) Brandon – Harris is literally an extension of the Hussein abomination, and Hussein’s objective was to destroy America

B) see ‘A’

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

Brandon – Harris is literally an extension of the Hussein abomination, and Hussein’s objective was IS to destroy America.



All those illegal criminals allowed across the border, set up in hotels with credit cards, autos, phones, are Øbama’s imported thug army. 

They are being brought in to create chaos across the USA when they are told to do so.

Being lawless, some are already stealing, raping, killing.

However – these millions – not thousands – will be led by trained provocateurs and violence instigators to start Øbama’s reign of terror as soon as Trump is inaugurated.

The FBI has been attacking patriot groups and civilian resistance non-stop – they even attack and smear parents for objecting to grooming in schools.

We have innocent people jailed for Jan 6 violence committed by FBI trained instigators.

Our law enforcement and intelligence agencies have been corrupted.

Along with the media.

They will try to cut our access to communication, silence us, while they kill and take over our country.

pat frederick

we have people being arrested for praying in front of abortion clinics!


Yes – that too.

The culture of death hates life and truth and love.

They hate Jesus The Lord and Giver of of Life – The Light of the World – and all that is sacred.

They love darkness and reject The Light.

pat frederick

there is nothing violent or criminal in what they were doing. yet rioters can attack police–they’re just expressing their rights. Looters can invade and demolish a store–not a crime. but praying in front of an abortion clinic? you get jail time.


While I agree with your scenario, I need to ask:

is this the results of a bunch of dots [items you already knew] that you connected or just you brainstorming yourself [if it was my objective, this is how I’d do it]?


Last edited 3 days ago by pgroup2

“However – these millions – not thousands – will be led by trained provocateurs and violence instigators to start Øbama’s reign of terror as soon as Trump is inaugurated.”


As long as DJT is sworn in, dealing with the riff-raff won’t be a problem.

All he has to do is put up a toll free number for Americans to call and report the presence of illegal alien invaders, wherever they’re seen, and have local authorities round them up.

House them in detention centers until there are enough to fill a prison bus, then load ’em on and ship ’em to Mexico.

Also, authorize U.S. citizens to proactively defend themselves against any illegal alien invader, and make it clear that no charges will be brought against anyone who uses deadly force to defend themselves.

As for the border, finishing the wall is fine, but put the military on the border with machine guns and snipers every 500 yards (easy range for a sniper), and orders to shoot anyone who appears to be under 5 feet tall who crosses into No Man’s Land.

None of the problems are hard to solve, they’re easy.

What is always lacking is the political-class WILL to implement the obvious solutions.

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

Thank you! 👍


$6 Billion last week. Hush money.


Calling in the heavy artillery.




awww to the poison dwarf

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DePat has been relentlessly attacking Robert Reich!


I bet she’s finally picking on someone her own size.  😂 


Oh that made me laugh!

Deplorable Patriot

I wouldn’t touch that little dwarf for a case of my favorite Irish whiskey.


You forgot “malignant”.

Deplorable Patriot

True. I did.


other Trump quotes:

TRUMP 2022 CPAC Speech!

“They use Big Tech to censor you, 

the Deep State to spy on you, 

the intelligence agencies to frame you, 

the media to slander you…

they rig elections to disenfranchise you…

all the while they claim they are the ones defending democracy and justice. 

It’s all a bunch of bullshit.”

PDJT has also stated that he knows America’s real problem is spiritual.

“President Trump on school shootings – “This is not a gun problem. This is a mental health problem. This is a social problem. This is a cultural problem. This is a spiritual problem.”

Last edited 3 days ago by GA/FL
pat frederick

September 29 is the celebration of the feast of the Archangels.



This looks very familiar…

And back around the time of the assassination attempt in July, there was a post somewhere about a figure of St Michael that President Trump had sitting on his nightstand, and having received this from his son.

Prayers for President Trump shall continue. And prayers for everyone underwater in TN, NC, GA, SC and FL also.

Deplorable Patriot

It was the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel yesterday. That’s why the prayer was all over everywhere. It was written in 1884 by Pope Leo XIII, one of the greatest men to ever hold that office.

Valerie Curren

RealPOTUS reads the Q-Tree (or has people that do so)!!! 😉 😉


walz gets booed & ignored…and gives the finger…

cool dad !


The young people are paying attention.

Remember the Frat boys who saved the US Flag from the rioters?


Seriously? The donkeys are running this cretin for VP??? What sane person thinks this is proper behavior for the second highest official in the country???

Doesn’t he know this video will circle the globe and be seen by our enemies?

God help us.


If you ask me the real numbers of 2020 are those shown above.
That means the real numbers for November 5th must be way above those numbers to prevent this fraud curve:
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Same here.

2020, I went to bed “knowing” Trump won. Next morning, I woke up to a nightmare.

I’ll stay up until Kakala surrenders AND Trump declares victory.


I went to bed knowing that “They” were STEALING the election.
NEVER before had the stopped the election process during the “counts”.


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💖slumber parties💖


I was just asking my wife last week how long the rope should be if we thether a goat so it would graze on exactly half an acre. Now we know!


hunters/brush beaters…

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Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

Imagine the disguise he had to wear to get on a plane to India.

That’s the story he oughta tell!


Listen AND share.




Ø operating through Biden/Harris opened the border to import his thug army – in order to achieve his destructive hate agenda against Americans – white Americans in particular.

Ø would love to rain terror upon Americans and has imported convicted violent murderers, rapists and thieves to do this.

It’s no accident these thugs were operating in ‘safe neighborhoods’

Ø doesn’t want us to have any safe neighborhoods anywhere.

Last edited 3 days ago by GA/FL

Second story we ran like that.


Along with Kakala.

Last edited 3 days ago by Tonawanda

Taco Jill cuts in front of Briben. Leaves Briben in the dust.

Reporter asks about Yemen, ME.

Briben, “I’m supporting the collective bargaining effort. I think they’ll settle the strike.” 🙃

Not one word about helping NC, TN, SC…


Such a pathetic imbecile. No plans to send more help. No one asked for more help.

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Last edited 3 days ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

from what i understand FEMA funds were being used for the illegals


That is also my understanding.

Briben has been sending FEMA funds to illegals.

$6Billion hush money to Ukraine last week.

r-Cons 100% complicit.


Ashville, NC a beautiful town. Have pit stopped there a few times.


Lefty haven, I understand.

Wonder if they’ll WTFU. Feds hate them. D-Rats can’t be bothered.

pat frederick

i want someone to emphasize and scream it from the rooftops to NC…especially to the leftists…$$ that could be sent to you to help you rebuild is being used to SUPPORT illegals and foreignors who never worked here or built here or paid taxes here before.
maybe then they’ll WTFU. not counting on it though


This times a thousand.
While these devastated communities are hungry, dirty, sad, and thirsty millions of illegals have EBT loaded to the max, free housing, in hotels and camps meals are delivered, free phones, clothing, vehicles


And the NG is being sent to the Mid East with no vigorous effort to replace them.

Valerie Curren

Cloward Piven?  😡 


Biden is following a template here. This is static thinking not dynamic. By sloth or by design.


Follower. NOT a leader.

Templates are a Starting point. Nothing more. Update when used. Apply to situation on the ground.

You know that. I know that. We know that.


WARY EYES on the Tropics and Gulf!

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TD 12, far right…

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Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

Last week, I was chided, “foolish” to not believe the weather can be controlled, manipulated.

If weather can really be controlled, vectored…

Perhaps focus on DC, then S T O P until it runs out of water.

pat frederick

the right people have to gain control of the capability first. then a cleansing can commence.


I think I said it already but ..playing God is where they’re at. Splitting problem. Cutting off parts or creating parts to “make” humans a different problem. Etc
Why wouldn’t we think that weather can be controlled? They only need to initiate the sequence. Nature can do the rest?


How would the sequence be initiated?


If the weather can not be controlled… Why have this treaty?

The ENMOD Convention is specifically intended to prevent use of the environment as a means of warfare, by prohibiting the deliberate manipulation of natural processes that could produce phenomena such as hurricanes, tidal waves or changes in climate.


I don’t know either way.

Why a treaty? “Try” to stop governments from doing so.

NOT that the US would follow a Treaty the US signed. not /s.


The word “hurricane” is mentioned only once there, and it’s in the text you presented. “Environmental manipulations” have been used in the form of Agent Orange and cloud seeding (that I know of). My impression is that the treaty, which is from the 1970s, was attempting to cover the bases of what might be possible in the future even though the things mentioned might prove to continue to be impossible. In other words, it is prophylactic wording.

As people are saying, experiments with weather manipulation have taken place, so it’s not surprising that a treaty would attempt to cover all such bases even if the things did not come to pass.


ok… now explain away the Antarctic treaty.


Thank you. Yours Truly will drop this here. Look at the videos. There are stills of “beams” that appear to change the course of Helene.
via State of the Nation


The other day I started a search to see if Pacific typhoons had increased in number and intensity due to “climate change”. One would assume if it was truly a natural force of weather changing there would be the same increase. Like usual it was my half-assed work but as far as I could tell the Atlantic side appears to have increased dramatically.

It’s a hard thing because there have always been hurricanes, some devastating but somehow it seems abnormally frequent, sustained into wider swaths and intense.


I listed the number of storms by decade the other day. There has been a small increase in Category 4 Atlantic hurricanes in the past few years. No increase at all in Category 5. Category 3 seems about the same as in past decades, but we will have to see what the rest of the 2020s brings.

Barb Meier

The link above doesn’t work for me, so I found the article and copied the link again.


Barb Meier

The only difference I see is that PAVACA’s link starts with “http” and not “https” and I think the internet no longer handles the difference.


From the comments section:

“Putin’s passport was found floating in the gulf.”



I would need a meteorologist to look at that and a) determine if those phenomena were inserted into the video and b) state his/her professional opinion and knowledge about such things.


Bottom map makes it look like a double whammy is coming.


now TD12 has a name…


pat frederick

these people are sick
43 ft tall nude foam statue of PDJT erected in Vegas

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My level of disgust is off the charts.

  • The vile left. Criminal Feds AND politicians. Pravda News NOT calling it out.
pat frederick

i can’t believe he cannot sue for defamation. using his image without permission or something like that.


That would be tantamount to admitting it resembles him.

I can just see some shyster attorney asking for a court order to inspect him in the nude to see if it actually did resemble him.

Best move in my opinion is for DJT to ignore it.

pat frederick

It’s foam. best move would be for maga to topple it


Paging whoever took down the Georgia Guidestones…


I wonder if it’s flammable. We could get some stoner to light it and claim he thought he was at Burning Man.


That’s pretty funny.  😂 


So typical. They claim it’s to start conversation. Their collective conversations about Trump are almost always nothing more than ‘he’s bad’ .\
At least memes can make people think.


LOW LIFES – putrid puerile pervs



Thanks to DJT’s social standards, the world [other than his former spouse and his doctor] has no idea what he looks like nude.

Yes, it is vile.

pat frederick

no legal retribution available to the President?
you can’t use a celebrity’s likeness without their approval can you?

Last edited 3 days ago by patfrederick

Of course not. Trump. White. America First…


Very difficult to prove actual malice towards a public figure.

pat frederick

so Depends could put Biden or Whoopi or any aging celeb on their package and get away with it?

some street artist could paint naked cumala and hitlery on bus stops and nothing could be done?

what about public decency laws?


hmmm public decency…what a quaint ye olde notion!

It’s all in how msm will talk about it. Remember the Congressional aide had and filmed anal sex in the oh so hallowed halls of govt?
This quote from a USA article frames it..

Experts agree a sex act at work, filmed and shared online, in a revered Senate hearing room, would make headlines, regardless of who was involved. But they say reaction to this particular scandal may speak volumes to how we talk about same-sex relations.

The nude Trump should spark some of those deep conversations of how to talk respectfully about PJDT…ha! that’ll never happen


First sentence is commercial – needs to license pic use.

Second sentence is free speech.

Third sentence – debatable.


Maybe someone should make one of her, or of others. That would be sinking to their level, but sitting back and being outraged isn’t going to change things. It wouldn’t surprise me if an artist (whose name escapes me) painted something along those lines, only a little less revealing if the public will see it.

It will be interesting to see if anyone on the Left comes out against this. IMO, anyone who doesn’t is fair game.


“It wouldn’t surprise me if an artist (whose name escapes me) painted something along those lines, only a little less revealing if the public will see it.”


If it’s a little less revealing, you’re just playing to the elbow-length white-glove crowd, and you defeat the whole point in doing it.

Make it look as hideous and mockworthy as possible.

If you’re gonna play, play to win 👍

Last edited 2 days ago by scott467

Yes, it’s just that I don’t know if there are laws about an artist painting someone in the nude and exhibiting it to the public, like on the streets. The way things are going, they would try and convict him for pornography or something.

I’d like to see multiple similar statues of leftists on display.


No, you don’t.

You think green and purple hair is the only weird looking part?


If they allow the Trump effigy, they can’t disallow a Cackala effigy.

Not because they have any sense of fairness, only because that much hypocrisy cannot withstand the light of day.

If they arrested the Trump supporters and not the Cackala supporters, it would be like pulling the curtain back on themselves in front of the whole world.

They can’t do that, because their hold on power requires the illusions. Nobody has to believe them, but they have to maintain the pretense.

The moment the pretense is dropped (or fumbled), illusion is shattered, and they stand naked before their enemies.

Valerie Curren

were you thinking of that graffiti street artist w/ one name, iirc?



Valerie Curren

sounds about right 🙂


Biden/Harris Are Ignoring The Disaster in Asheville, NC

link to article + video footage of hurricane aftermath there, horrendous flooding…

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

.Changed X to twitter. Deleted everything ? first line to the end.

  • FYI only. Some forget to do it, like me. Some dunno.


Lot of libs claiming the Bidenese are responding to the disaster appropriately but I’m only seeing a templated response and not one fashioned to the unique and unprecedented disaster that has unfolded. These people are either lazy by nature or deliberately lazy by nefarious scheme for which we have Aubergine’s Razor to apply to such situations.


For an administration whose only purpose was to be woke figureheads with little to no experience in the departments how can they be expected to have action oriented steps in their playbook?
They’ve only focused on implementing psych messages..climate change, equity, Ukr, gender, Isr, Iran, Russia, illegals.
Biden has spent almost 4 years sitting on the beach and giving Zelensky money. Harris has been doing nothing so…the USA hasn’t even been on their minds

pat frederick

tcth went down…at least for me…anyone else having issues?


Down for me also

pat frederick

thanks Molly!

pat frederick

back now


I wouldn’t know…
I Never go there anymore.

Valerie Curren



Hopefully many of you can see the videos on here.


“The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.”— Leonardo da Vinci, (1452–1519)





Because MAGA are domestic terrorists, white supremacists, Nazis and democracy destroyers, I think we can expect to have booby trapped devices used against us. We support Hitler.

How can any of us, even our children, be considered innocent when we are all those bad things? Any means necessary!

And just think of the hearty laughter that will generate.


It’s definitely something to consider. This weekend I was volunteering at an event in the State Beach Park…being handed a walkie talkie gave me the creeps.

The eye burns of rally people ( and the maiming and murder at a rally) shows that intentionally hurting us isn’t out of the realm of possibility


Verse of the Day for Monday, September 30, 2024

“Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.” 

Luke 6:28 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Love your neighbor as I have loved you;
This is what Jesus asked us all to do;
Judge not or you will be judged right the same;
Blame not a soul – don’t defile his or her name!

Only God knows the heart – it is His to know;
Backbiting and gossip – we must forego;
If we engage in demeaning our brother;
It hurts only us – not at all the other!

For God does not look kindly on attacks;
It is He who will correct – give the whacks;
In His conviction – he will pity the one;
Vengeance is His – and will be swiftly done!

Jesus wants us to forgive – or we will not;
When we ask forgiveness – as we ought;
We must be willing to forgive and forget;
Or forgiveness of sins – we’ll not beget!

Blaming one’s neighbor – to elevate self;
That’s not what God wants – for him or herself;
We must be accountable for falling short;
Of His glory and mercy – no smart retort!

What will we say when we stand before Him;
Will we make excuses – keep blaming Jim?
At that point it’ll be too late for amends;
It will be pointless then to forgive our friends!

Forgiveness is freedom from guilt and shame;
It comes when we repent and take the blame;
For our cruelty and meanness toward another;
For falsely accusing our sister or brother!

Be slow to anger – and quick to forgive;
Without guilt and guile is the way to live;
With love and understanding – you will be;
In God’s good graces – and frankly – free!

Creating strife among one’s sister or brother;
It is not really how you love one another;
Jesus commanded us to love as He did;
His Peace He gave us – to share not forbid!

Forgive one another – be a light in the dark;
Be love toward your brother – and set the spark;
For the peacemakers – the Word says are duly;
Called Children of God – and quite blessed – truly!

D01:  11/17/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Uh, maybe someone needs to upgrade their photo-op skills?


How the heck can the wire outlet of the phone be visible from this angle?

Somebody is seeing things the way they wish they were.


Perhaps so…


I might be misunderstanding, but I think people are saying that she has ear buds in her ears but they aren’t connected to the phone.


Wired headphone connector is at the bottom of the phone. Not visible from the angle of the phone in the pic.


You can see that the ear buds extend straight down from her head and no part of them is visible on the table. If they were plugged in, they could be seen on the edge of the table.


At the angle, that’s a tossup. Maybe it’s my way; maybe it’s your way. Frankly, I don’t give a damn.  😆 

Valerie Curren

I thought that too


the cocktail napkin (foreground)…

👉 the cocktail has been removed !



The paper looks blank.


Not unlike the mind that is contemplating it…

Valerie Curren

recovery? skipping right past rescue, hmmm???   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren

The seal as a sort of offset “halo” mostly obscures the word “vice” so one could imagine it’s instead “the” so implying she’s actually already “prez” 🙁


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Actually, I’ve had nothing but good experiences with the VA hospital here.


Not many females in VA. My wife also is mostly okay with VA.


Here is a random thought about the government’s lack of action on the devastation:

maybe the manpower and resources are currently too busy preparing for something else happening soon.


Ackkk! but your likely right. Something we obviously won’t like.


Four NFL stadiums, being prepared.


Heaven forbid we complain about NG being deployed, for their emergency.
After all, we bitched NG was not deployed for J6.

Given Helene devastation, minimal Federal response.

IF either there is not a settlement between dock worker union and port operators, or union wave off for 30 days, Then East coast port strike AND Helene ARE part of the October surprise.

It Will Be All to Obvious.

Last edited 3 days ago by kalbokalbs

With more details on my show at 11a on Rumble.

A Secret Service whistleblower has reached out to me with damning information about the ongoing White House cocaine scandal.

Whistleblower stated that promotions are now being handed out to agents with inside knowledge of the details of the investigation into the cocaine found at the White House. These promotions are believed to be in exchange for silence on the matter.

Whistleblower also states that that acting Secret Service Director Ron Rowe is “under a lot of pressure” to “tie up loose ends” and to “destroy the cocaine evidence” before Trump gets back in office.

Last edited 3 days ago by barkerjim

Hunter Kakala comes to mind.

Seriously. Betcha the cocaine was Kakala’s.

Need that partial print.

Last edited 3 days ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

you say Kakala…I say Kumala…let’s call the whole thing off…lol


Maybe it’s really: “Come allah”… “Hear us”?


Promotions within the department secures loyalty for other past and future corruption and selective “failure events” The Kenyan cabal has laid waste and truly fundamentally changed the American Way just like he promised. This particular term of his shadow presidency has been brutal.



Valerie Curren

obamanation  😡 


The lack of federal response, state response, even human response, to the nightmare ongoing in the Appalachians is appalling, but it is also very, very strange.

When Katrina happened, for several days no one really knew what was going on, but when it started to be known, the response kicked in fast. But now we know what is happening in the South, and literally nothing is being done. And so many people just don’t appear to care, at all.

It is convincing me that the weird, inhuman disconnect that I saw happen as a result of all things Covid is quite real. And I am sure it was the actual desired and engineered result of the central planners of the event.

First it was dehumanizing masks, closing churches while keeping Walmart open, selling liquor but not vegetable seeds, etc. Cutting people off from each other, from healthy, wholesome things, and pushing for isolation.

Then it was the clot-shot, which from many accounts affects the pineal gland, referred to by some as the “Eye of God.” People report being “cut off” from God after the vaxx. I also have one very honest, very religious unvaccinated friend who swears her Covid variant was one that was vaccine-produced, and she also experienced this “distancing” from God, which she has fought off and resolved with constant prayer. I wonder how many there are like her out there, afraid to talk about what they are experiencing.

Watching the response to what is happening in the South right now has shown me that there is a vast swath of people in America now that just don’t care about the fate of their fellow humans. Look at where the uproar is coming from and you will see it is all of us “vaxx deniers.” The vaccinated ones just can’t be bothered.

It is truly creepy and disturbing to watch.


Exhibit A:

This is unbelievable. XVIII Airborne Corps is located on Fort Bragg (I refuse to call it by that other woke name), a mere 268 miles from Asheville and the worst flooding areas of this Biblical-level tragedy. The Corps’ capabilities include: -Extensive medium and heavy lift rotary wing aircraft. -A theater sustainment command with incredible capabilities for delivery of food, potable water, fuel and construction materials. -A medical brigade with Level III surgical capabilities. -An engineer brigade with robust heavy construction assets. -A military police brigade that can provide traffic control and assist local LE. -An Airborne Infantry division that has routinely supported disaster relief in years past. -A world-class command, control and communications HQ capability to make it all work. NONE OF THAT has been ordered to assist civil authorities? NONE OF IT?????? Fort Bragg has routinely supported domestic disaster relief for DECADES—Katrina, Homestead, you name it. Hell, I myself have a Humanitarian Service Medal for support to Hurricane Fran relief out of Bragg. Now we can’t do anything for an epic disaster in the SAME FREAKING STATE? WTF, over? This goes beyond mere negligence. It must be malicious. Perhaps Kamala and Joe don’t want NC’s rural GOP counties to be able to vote on November 5th? This is an abomination, and one of the worst derelictions of Presidential duties in US history.


Hopefully Trump will highlight All Of This AND More, today.

Skip the damn gloves. Bare fucking knuckles, Beat The Shit Out Of Kakala, Briben Administration, Entire Federal Government.

Toss in for good measure, NC D-rat governor Cooper. IIRC.

Pounce on the Billions wasted on illegals AND Ukraine. ALL of it should go to America First.

Then the Billions of wasted aid sent to “allies.” The Stoopid Is Off The Charts.

Last edited 3 days ago by kalbokalbs

Its like Aubergine said. Malicious. Intentional. And the comparison to katrina is proving accurate




Weve given them all we have….as they pass out cash and housing to illegals. I know how to solve the federal problem. Most of us do. Gd these corrupt fops.

Happy go lucky.

Fort Bragg had only power in the hospital and the NSA buildings as of this weekend from what I was told, my sister was driving down with a couple of generators and supplies for my nephew and his buddies.


The response to Katrina kicked in fast because the military was leaning forward ready to respond, heck Bush declared it all a disaster area days before Katrina made land fall. The response was delayed only because of the democratic governor who refused to check the proper boxes to request aide and the dumb general Honorey who refused move until he did. All part of plot to make Bush look weak.




Sadly, it worked, too.


Bush IS (and was) WEAK!
And will own 9-11


LIVE WITH JULIE – 09/30/2024



Scriptures for today Monday 9-30-2024 “UNTITLED” Spoken to Julie Green on 9-28-2024: 

Scriptures of Encouragement: 

Luke 1:37 
Genesis 50:20 
Deuteronomy 28:12 
Genesis 22:14
Matthew 11:28-30 G
Galatians 5:1 John 14:27 

Scriptures from Julie’s Teachings: 

Exodus 14:13-14 
John 10:10 
2 Corinthians 5:7 
Isaiah 41:10 
Exodus 15:2-3,6-11 
Joshua 6:2,20-21 
Deuteronomy 20:14 
1 Timothy 6:12 
Joshua 1:5,9 
2 Chronicles 20:15,17 
Psalm 46:1-7 

Scriptures from 2nd reading and wrap-up: 

Daniel 5:5-31 
Colossians 1:9-12 
Romans 13:11-13 
Esther 7:10 
Psalm 94:1-2 
John 17:15-19 



🙏 Prayer #127 Blessings to all Representatives of Jesus Christ who come together to PRAY and DECLARE God’s Will on earth! 

On 8-16-23, God spoke thru Prophet Julie: “My children, I need you to speak My words in agreement with Mine. Get your words in alignment with Me. Speak My words today.” 

Please join us as we ALIGN WITH and SPEAK GOD’S WORDS, in JESUS NAME: 07-18-2024 

My children, your enemies will stop at NOTHING to stop this nation from moving forward. They’ll do ANYTHING to keep My David from the President’s seat. 

Heavenly Father, we KNOW Your words are true. Our enemies have already tried to assassinate him at least twice. They hate him. They hate us. They hate our nation.

Father, Your Word says in Psalm 57:6 “They have dug a pit before me; Into the midst of it they themselves have fallen.” 

Father, for all our enemies who hate our nation, we ask You to send them to a nation pit that has the kind of government they think they want. While they are in the pit they planned for us, we pray they will call out to you, repent, and turn to Jesus. 

Father God, we continue to ask You to keep Your Hand of Protection upon Your David, his family, and all the loyal ones who are with him. We also ask You to expose and remove any traitors / infiltrators from his team.

Father, we ask You to bring our nation back to the Covenant our forefathers made with You. You never break a Covenant, and we ask You to forgive our nation for being unfaithful to You. Draw America back to You through a powerful move of Your Spirit. Bring great revival to the churches, and a great awakening to all those who never knew You. 

We DECLARE in Jesus Name: America is being saved.
America will become a Godly nation.
America will renew her Covenant with You.
Donald J. Trump will be our next President.
In Jesus Name. Amen.



[Heard – September 28, 2024] 

My children, your enemy’s ship that has been dominating the world and controlling the economy, the govts and the masses is sinking. Day after day more people and governmental leaders are turning away in hopes of saving themselves from the sinking Titanic of the Establishment and the New World Order. The writing is on the wall of their end and it’s drawing near. Nothing will stop what’s coming for your enemies. They will never see the unprecedented event that will come against them. They have their plans but I have Mine with this time and My plans will crush your enemies in every way moving forward. Their debate disasters were nothing compared to this October surprise that will knock them off their feet. There is more than one and these surprises are unprecedented in nature and how it will be executed. It will destroy more of the Establishment’s power over this nation. Blinders on people’s eyes and the fog of deception will be lifted. More will see Me. More will see your enemies and who they really are. A mass exodus is coming – people leaving the slavery of the globalists and their mind control. My children October will be unprecedented in more ways than one – unconventional and unusual, what your enemies will do against you but will be done against them. 

This will not be a normal October of an election year. Your enemies have more plans to interrupt, interfere with this election. They have more plans to try and take My David out, but every step they take and every day that it gets closer to the end of this year, you will see it be clearer, the complete ??? destruction of the Establishment is near. The puppets will collapse in disgrace and skeletons in the closet of many in Washington are soon about to be released.





Oops… Some more wasted US, UK, or German tax dollars.


D E I?


No idea.

Guessing we can start with lack of training, experience…

One less piece of armor the Russia need to destroy / capture. Maybe it’ll save a Ukrainian life or two.

pat frederick

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Some lighthearted Russel Brand on Rumble:…-850000-citizens-instantly-killed-putins-chilling-nuke-.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467


Ex president Carter turns 100 tomorrow.



  • ~1977 became the worst president in US history.
  • ~2009 became the second worst president in US history.
  • ~2017 became the third worst president in US history.

His post-Presidency years have been good to him.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, so we can praise him for improving.


What I remember of Jimma:…. the Asshole gave away the Panama canal… AND.. Clusterfuck in Iran.


Cancelled Navy port visits to Taiwan.

Started down the path of, giving away Subic Bay Naval Complex, Philippines..


Despite having a nuclear background himself, insisted that American’s response to an energy shortage would be to suck it up and wear sweaters.


Educated idiot.


I darn near froze to death during his temperature mandate and I’ve never warmed up since…


Certainly my attitude towards Federal energy policy hasn’t warmed.


Willing cabal tool.


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9.30.24: Common theme when BAD NEWS is about to BREAK, Dominion, TN Mortgage Fraud, SCOTUS, PRAY!

And We Know





A year-long deployment. Excuse my ignorance but is this how they get away with sending troops without officially sending troops?
It’s too bad, Tennessee could use those troops right now.


Neighboring states can send their own NG to Tennessee.


Or NC, or GA, or SC.

Ordinarily, I’d expect NC to have their NG in TN — they were once the same state, after all — but NC currently has their own problems….and all the direct routes are impassible.


But… But… We don’t have any servicemen in “Battle Zones”?

Valerie Curren

So Hubby showed me this the other day which is pretty funny. He sent me the link which is from FarceBorg which I opened in a separate tab, closed the FB sign in so I could see it. It’s like 10 seconds & fun. Here is Hubby’s comment to his friend who posted it on FB. Video is mocking KommieLa…

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Last edited 3 days ago by Valerie Curren
pat frederick



NEW: Mike Davis is running a $1 million Spanish-language ad campaign in swing states, informing non-citizens that voting in federal elections is a crime that could result in deportation. “Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin just found 6,000 non-citizens who are illegally registered to vote. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott found 2,000 non-citizens who actually voted illegally in prior elections. So when the media tries to say this isn’t happening, they’re lying to you.” “They go get a driver’s license, and oftentimes, they are just put on the voter rolls. Then, they get a mail-in ballot, and they fill out the mail-in ballot, but they may not know that they are actually committing a deportable crime.”


Evening Prayer For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,


Evening Prayer For Future Guidance

Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,


Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,



Photo from Asheville —

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Barb Meier

I had a little trouble reading the sign.


Years as a financial auditor has left me with the ability to read at odd angles, including upside down. It helps when you stick a document in front of a client and point “it says right here that the note comes due at the earlier of completion of its term, bankruptcy, or lease termination….”


From Insty —

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Looks like Mossad has been watching too many James Bond movies….


That is, hilarious.


So, per what Yours Truly saw at Marica’s blog, the Longshoremen rejected the latest offer and their strike begins tonight at Midnight.


This reflects port operators’ stupidity. The ports should have staggered contract dates, so that Charleston might strike in May, while Savannah might strike in August, and so on. That union political donations have purchased a coordinated strike date/contract date across all ports is foolishness.


There are fewer deepwater ports on the US Atlantic Coast than one might suppose….

shows just 16 (two of them, NY/NJ and Virginia, have four sub-ports each).

I would consider it a national security issue to have more than two on strike at a time.

Last edited 3 days ago by cthulhu

I’ve been advocating something like this for executions, so I have something of an interest. That said, I’m not fond of the idea of state-sponsored euthanasia.


Tim Walz Said He Was in Hong Kong During the Tiananmen Square Massacre. He Was Home in Nebraska.Walz’s claims in 2014 congressional hearing are a tall tale, video and local news reports show.


He’s like Biden in that way..a liar about things that can be proven wrong.


A liar in things that don’t matter. It’s in his DNA to lie.


No kidding! No one checked all his lies which is shocking since its been EASILY proven for years.


Karl is somewhat contemptuous of those who administer a region without understanding its basic geology — the “lay of the land”, as it were.


He has little room to talk.





Why in the world would they use gofundme, an org that has shown its leftist attitudes many times?

DJT should only use givesendgo, a Christian org.

Another blunder by the campaign? Or by moles doing sabotage?



Likely they don’t know about givesendgo.

Gofundme screwing the Canadian truckers, is the only reason I know of givesendgo.

They, whoever suggested / approved gofundme, don’t know any better.

So long as gofundme, operates honestly, No Harm Done.

Not ideal.

Certainly better than nothing.

Actually, It Is a HUGE Helping Hand, For Those In Need. $1,194,032+.

Slow Guy thankful for Trump getting this fund raiser going.


I am glad that there is confirmation by Dan Scavino


Regarding that ** really bad, IMO ** photo-op with “KamaCackle” supposedly “getting a briefing on the damage from Hurricane Helene” supposedly on AF2:
“The entire Biden-Harris Cabinet is missing in action on Hurricane Helene disaster response”
by Jordan Schachtel
30 September 2024
Yours Truly: Here’s Mr. Schachtel’s take, from his article:

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“The entire Biden-Harris Cabinet is missing in action on Hurricane Helene disaster response”

  • AND missing in action since 20 January, 2021. <<< BY DESIGN, MIA.

Allegedly the outfit she’s wearing is what she had on at a different event so they must have a cache of presidential look pix to put out for the public.
Even if it was current…she’s not the President. Don’t wheel her out instead of the actual potus. These people..ugh

Barb Meier

Turdstock with Catturd2 and John Rich is coming.

Turdstock is this Sunday – and John Rich and I want to go ahead and put our official t-shirt up for sale with all profits going to the hurricane Helene recovery through the North Carolina State troopers benevolent fund. 100% of these proceeds will go to the support of flood victims. The links are below on John’s account. Plus, the shirt is


Brave and Free

I’ll let others decipher this piece. There’s an interesting comment about a professor too.


[HRC] Panics Over An October Surprise That Will Hit [KH], Trump Has Trapped The [DS] – Ep. 3463
 September 30, 2024  x22report

The organizations that manage electricity are reporting that if we move forward with the green new scam, there will be rolling blackouts and brownouts. If the ports shut down, be prepared for shortages. [KH] copies [JB] economic plan, there is no escape. The [DS] is panicking, they cannot stop Trump, every time they try he becomes more powerful than before. [HRC] is worried about an October surprise, she is afraid it will expose [KH]. The [DS] is trapped in their agenda, as they continue to bring us into darkness the people wake up. Trump trapped them in their own agenda. The more they expose themselves by trying to stop Trump the worse it gets for them.

Ep 3463a – [KH] Just Destroyed Herself, She Released [JB] Economic Plan, Boom

Ep 3463b – [HRC] Panics Over An October Surprise That Will Hit [KH], Trump Has Trapped The [DS]


One of Kamala’s biggest fans just admitted that Trump made a genius move by launching an ad in the middle of college football games exposing Kamala Harris for supporting trans surgeries for prisoners and illegal migrants

 “I don’t want my taxpayer dollars going to that. That ad was effective.”

I hope all Trump-supporting PACs hear the message and spend half their cash on just this one ad. It was powerful even for me.


About the upcoming selections….
Voter ID (American Citizenship)
Paper ballots (with watermarks)
PURPLE THUMBS prior to submitting the ballot (To show you have ALREADY voted)
Same day voting (Counted on this same day… Stopped at midnight)
Zero “Projected winners” (By the media)
Winners announced at midnight.

Last edited 2 days ago by rayzorback
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Stop at midnight, done or not?

BAD idea. You know they’ll count their favorite precincts first…and do it slowly.


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