Stolen Valor – A(n ex-)wife’s perspective

I have said a few times in the last couple of weeks that the Tim Walz stolen valor scandal has hit me hard and made me furious, because it is personal.

Yet I have never been in the military. I have never served in combat, been shot at, or seen a buddy die. But I was married to a man who was in the Gulf War, and I did pay a heavy, scary, and emotional price for his service.

I met my ex while he was still in the military, but no longer in a combat deployment. The Gulf War was over, and he was Stateside. Being in the Navy, he did do one more six-month tour on the seas before he got out, and we married. I got pregnant with my fourth, and last, child the week we got hitched.

From the start, my pregnancy was just “off.” I didn’t feel like I did with the first three. I was not really more sick than usual or anything, I just felt weird. Ultrasound showed a normal baby developing in there. But I just knew something was up.

About four months in, an antibody in my blood tests showed up as elevated. I was told I had a blood incompatibility with my unborn son. My immune system was rejecting him. Similar to the Rh factor problem, but 20,000 times more rare, and there was no easy way to treat it. At first, I had to have blood tests monthly to check the antibodies. The numbers got too high in the seventh month, and the tests increased to weekly. If the numbers crossed a threshold, it meant an in-utero blood transfusion.

Needless to say, I was terrified for my baby boy.

I started asking questions about my then-husband’s service in the Gulf. The existence of “Gulf War Syndrome” was at that time being talked about but denied. I was advised to call a “hotline” that was set up at the time to answer questions. I called, of course, immediately.

I was told that there were NO anomalies in pregnancies of children of Gulf War vets. That “Gulf War Syndrome” was not a thing, it was a cluster of statistical coincidences. That I could not POSSIBLY be having any type of prenatal issues that had ANYTHING to do with the Gulf War. Nothing to do with the war, they said. No way, no how.

With that, I reported back to my doctor. She continued to monitor my blood. Thankfully, the antibodies never reached that critical line requiring a transfusion into his tiny developing body. My son was born three weeks early, healthy and beautiful.

And guess what? When they tested his blood, the “incompatibility” that had caused my immune response to reject my own child DID NOT EXIST. The doctors were utterly baffled.

Whatever my body was reacting to, it wasn’t present in his blood at birth. This has never been explained to me, but within a year or two, the military had acknowledged “Gulf War Syndrome.” And they had admitted to prenatal anomalies and problems, too. It was real. I will probably never know exactly what was wrong in my case.

This whole story is my way of saying that it isn’t only soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who suffer the consequences of war. It is wives, children, sweethearts, parents, friends, and others. And WE are offended to the very bones by someone who would PRETEND to have paid the price of a combat deployment, WE are offended by someone who would PRETEND to have given his best for the men under his command. The men who would come home and, in my case, father children who ALSO paid a price for their service. With a wife who paid, too, in fear.

Stolen Valor is craven, venal, dishonest, and immoral. “Tampon Tim” AWalz is a despicable, cowardly POS. He should not be Vice President. He should not even be a small town mayor. He shouldn’t be anything but ashamed.

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What an experience. I was afraid to keep reading for fear of a tragic outcome and was very happy that you and the baby came out the other side healthy.
War is hell. Our govt is hell.
The account you’ve shared reaches way beyond the self aggrandizing lies we usually think about when some yahoo buys medals and bars off of ebay or tells the lies about combat that never happened.
As you beautifully said ” It is wives, children, sweethearts, parents, friends, and others.” we that read it are some of the others. It’s personal now to us too.  


Short Story.

While staged in a hasty tent city in the desert outside a place called Thuma-Ma, before going into Iraq, it a had been an intermediate staging base as previously we were in the barracks at King Kalid Army base, they started to pass out the nerve gas pills. Something to amp up your blood and make nerve gas less effective, but they also tried to give us something called Gamma Globulin, that was to come in big fat pill form, telling us it would counter biological agents and it was being passed out Army wide. The references below says it was a shot. I don’t know, we never let it get close.

Well being in the 82nd we already had a somewhat formal group of wives back home that supported their men in the field. Word came back “Dont!, not if you want to have kids!” and we didn’t. Everyone refused to take the Gamma Globulin when it showed up. Our Captain was insistent, but he had a wife back home too and she must of laid into him as he quit demanding that we take it. The 82nd was the first over to the desret and had been there over 6 months before the invasion happened. As a result the troops were very close to rebellion when it came to higher ups, so I guess the leadership let us slide on this one.

Why did the military use gamma globulin vaccine? – TheGunZoneApr 16, 2024The military used gamma globulin vaccine to protect soldiers from potential exposure to infectious diseases. 3. What diseases can gamma globulin vaccine protect against? It can protect against diseases such as hepatitis A, measles, rubella, and varicella. 4.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m getting very bad COVID VACCINE vibes from this report…..

Happy go lucky

Yep, “Gulf War Syndrome”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, I get it! Yeah – it’s personal. It’s not just the vets – it’s their families and relatives – and THAT is almost an entire culture.


Thank you for trusting us with such an emotional and frightening history. I was relieved that you and your boy pulled through, but anything that increases the stress on a pregnant woman is a Bad Thing.

Happy go lucky

My dear, I am so sorry you went though that horror. Walz is scum.


My dear eggplant….

I have already said what there is for me to quickly say, but I am still seething over the deceit you encountered when our Republic owed you Truth.

You are close within my heart and this lesson is embedded within.

I pray that comfort and peace surround this memory.

Valerie Curren

That is such an unexpected scenario to have faced AND so completely believable that they denied everything & left you with no answers  😡  The cost of war, & even of just being on a war footing, is incalculable. I’m so sorry that you suffered & sorrowed so inexplicably in your last pregnancy. What a blessing that your son bears no (evident) scars for this familial suffering based on presumed poisoning.

Thank you so much for sharing your painful story. God Bless You & your family!

Valerie Curren

Yes they do!


Thank you for this sharing! Stay strong!


Relieved, your youngest arrived, perfect.

You’ve certainly paid dearly. Truly sorry and angry, you had to go through this.

Thank you for sharing. Clearly painful, fearful, terrifying time.

Stolen valor is despicable. Walz and the like, not acknowledging the stolen valor, compounds how Rotten to the core, Walz AND his supporters truly are.

  • Stolen Valor Is Unforgivable.
  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

More than once, I’ve posted. Military justice is an oxymoron.

Another truth. Military medicine is an oxymoron.


🩷🩷🩷 Aubergine 🩷🩷🩷 The abuses to military families never end. Political wars that take our young and chew them up. Experimentation and mandates of all kinds of ‘vaccines’ AND drugs to alter their alertness, sleep patterns, etc. Yearlong deployments that harm marriages and parent-child relationships. And COVER UPS like your horrible experience. My heart breaks for every single person, including my own family, harmed by these megalomaniacs who abuse their power to start these wars.


Not much to add except total agreement about Walz and I am very glad your son was born healthy.

Nam ended as I became eligible for the draft through the lottery. But my father and FIL served with the latter a POW in Germany for over a year. Knowing that I can tell the Dems and Walz the following without any guilt feelings whatsoever.
