Dear MAGA: 20240825 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Yes! God Really IS in Control!

Is God really in control of life’s circumstances? How much control does He have? If He is not in complete control, then who or what is? How can I learn to trust that He is in control and rest in that?

Is God really in control? The concept of the control of God over everything is called the “sovereignty” of God. Nothing gives us strength and confidence like an understanding of the sovereignty of God in our lives. God’s sovereignty is defined as His complete and total independent control over every creature, event, and circumstance at every moment in history. Subject to none, influenced by none, absolutely independent, God does what He pleases, only as He pleases, always as He pleases. God is in complete control of every molecule in the universe at every moment, and everything that happens is either caused or allowed by Him for His own perfect purposes.

“The LORD of hosts has sworn, saying, ‘Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, And as I have purposed, so it shall stand’” (Isaiah 14:24). Nothing is random or comes by chance. He “purposed” it. That means to deliberately resolve to do something. God has resolved to do what He will do, and nothing and no one stands in His way. “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please” (Isaiah 46:10). This is our powerful, purposeful God who is in control of everything. That should bring us great comfort and help to alleviate our fears.

But exactly how much control does God have? God’s total sovereignty over all creation directly contradicts the philosophy of open theism, which states that God doesn’t know what’s going to happen in the future any more than we do, so He has to constantly be changing His plans and reacting to what the sinful creatures do as they exercise their free will. God isn’t finding out what’s going to happen as events unfold. He is continuously, actively running things—ALL things—here and now. But to think He needs our cooperation, our help, or the exercise of our free will to bring His plans to pass puts us in control over Him, which makes us God. Where have we heard that lie before? It’s a rehash of Satan’s same old lie from the Garden—you shall be like God (Genesis 3:5). Our wills are only free to the extent that God allows us that freedom and no farther. “All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: ‘What have you done?’” (Daniel 4:35). No one’s free will trumps the sovereignty of God.

Some people find it appealing to think that Satan has control over a certain amount of life, that God is constantly revising His plans to accommodate Satan’s tricks. The book of Job is a clear illustration of just who has the sovereign power and who doesn’t. Satan came to God and, in effect, said, “Job only serves you because you protect him.” So God gave Satan permission to do certain things to Job but no more (Job 1:6–22). Could Satan do more than that? No. God is in control over Satan and his demons who try to thwart God’s plans at every step.

Satan knew from the Old Testament that God’s plan was for Jesus to come to the earth, be betrayed, crucified and resurrected, and provide salvation for millions, and if there was any way to keep that from happening, Satan would have done it. If just one of the hundreds of prophecies about the Messiah could have been caused by Satan to fail to come to pass, the whole thing would have collapsed. But the numbers of independent, “free will” decisions made by thousands of people were designed by God to bring His plan to pass in exactly the way He had planned it from the beginning, and Satan couldn’t do a thing about it.

Jesus was “delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God” (Acts 2:23). No action by the Romans, the Pharisees, Judas, or anyone else kept God’s plan from unfolding exactly the way He purposed it from before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1 says we were chosen in Him before the world was even created. We were in the mind of God to be saved by faith in Christ. That means God knit together Satan’s rebellion, Adam and Eve’s sin, the fall of the human race, and the death and crucifixion of Christ—all seemingly terrible events—to save us before He created us. Here is a perfect example of God working all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

Unlimited in power, unrivalled in majesty, and not thwarted by anything outside Himself, our God is in complete control of all circumstances, causing or allowing them for His own good purposes and plans to be fulfilled exactly as He has foreordained.

Finally, the only way to trust in God’s sovereign control and rest in it is to know God. Know His attributes, know what He has done in the past, and this builds confidence in Him. Daniel 11:32b says, “The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Imagine that kind of power in the hands of an evil, unjust god. Or a god that really doesn’t care about us. But we can rejoice in our God’s sovereignty, because it is overshadowed by His goodness, His love, His mercy, His compassion, His faithfulness, and His holiness.

But we can’t trust someone we don’t know, and there is only one way to know God—through His Word. There is no magic formula to make us spiritual giants overnight, no mystical prayer to pray three times a day to mature us, build our faith, and make us towers of strength and confidence. There is only the Bible, the single source of power that will change our lives from the inside out. But it takes effort, diligent, everyday effort, to know the God who controls everything. If we drink deeply of His Word and let it fill our minds and hearts, the sovereignty of God will become clear to us, and we will rejoice in it because we will know intimately and trust completely the God who controls all things for His perfect purpose.

But, but, but when I look around at the world, I don’t see clearly that God is winning!

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Furthermore, we know that God causes everything
to work together for the good of those who love God
and are called in accordance with his purpose.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.

For the kingdom of God is . . .  
righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And be glad that’s a towel, not toilet paper.


Brr those were scary — the common impression was that it was a loop of towel going round and round.

Although it was discovered, on seeing how the janitors removed the spool of dirty towel and inserted a new full spool of clean towel; that this actually was a long strip of towel that passed from a spool to another, like in a tape recorder. There thus was always clean towel available. But if you didn’t remember to pull enough of it forward before use, who knows what exercise your immune system would encounter.

Not sure whether these were single-use, or there existed some kind of washing-machine that could handle such a long strip of fabric. Something to think about, while the actual things were replaced by paper dispenser.

Not that those hot-air things of more recent times are any better. Paper for the win!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some of the air things blow hard and actually work. There was a Dyson blade, for instance.

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The old style ones with the bent hair dryer on the front were (and still are) worthless.

(Not the exact one I see but very similar)
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If it’s one of these, I just wipe my hands dry on my trousers.

Last edited 23 days ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Slow Guy figures…

If I can get the paper towel, without touching the dispenser, good to go.

Will NOT touch the gizmo to advance the paper towel. Better to wipe my hands on my jeans.

Never, ever energize one of them electric wind blowers. SMH.

Hands free gizmo to open door, or paper towel…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If all else fails I will hook a finger around the top of the handle, keeping my fingertips away from it. Elevator buttons and the like…I use a knuckle.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Use a paper towel?

The restroom at work has a proximity-activated towel dispenser. Perfect, you never touch anything but the towel.

Except that it can’t seem to function for more than about three days before breaking.

So they bring in stacks of paper towels that would go into one of those old pluck-them-out dispensers….but they don’t put them into the dispenser. Instead they put them on the sink, and in order to take one after washing one’s hands, you have to drip water all over the stack. Which means OTHERS are dripping water all over the stack, too which wouldn’t be so bad except that I *know* many people just go straight from the urinal to the towels and do not wash their hands.

Gail Combs

Paper towels & Kleenex in my pockets…

Solves the problem


Skirts and dresses rarely have pockets.  😂 


A guy from Harvard and a guy from Yale are using the urinals. They both finish at roughly the same time and zip up.

The Harvard guy heads for the exit. The Yale guy yells at him, Didn’t your mother teach you to wash your hands after? The Harvard guy responds, She taught me not to pee on my hands.


In a random corporation, there was a bit of a SNAFU in the accounting department — for some reason, all the payroll cards had been printed with incorrect or nonexistent employee numbers, and there would be hell to pay if people didn’t get their checks the next day. To make things worse, their payroll specialist was out with COVID and the Corporate Controller was on maternity leave.

Everyone was following the splendid advice of “when in Danger or in Doubt, Run in Circles, Scream and Shout!” when their janitor stepped forward, offering his assistance.

“Oh, yeah — what would you suggest we do?” said the General Accountant.

“Take all the timecards and sort manually by name, then put the payroll module in ‘practice’ and run each of the checks for deductions, printscreening each one. Then Accounts Payable can print net checks for the employees with screenprints for pay stubs, and we can get someone in next week to clean up the wreckage.”

Stunned, the General Accountant asked the janitor where he had learned to do that, only to be told, “Yale.”

Everyone pulled together and executed the plan according to the “Yale graduate’s” instructions, successfully issuing payroll to all the hourly employees.

After the last was printed and distributed, the General Accountant took the janitor aside and said, “you don’t really strike me as the Yale type — how did you end up there?”

And the janitor replied, “I didn’t think I belonged there, either, but when the yudge gave me a sentence for financial fraud, it was forty-eight months in yail.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Where’d you go to school? “Yale”

Oh, I didn’t get your name? “Yonny Yohnson”

Happy go lucky

🤣 🤣 🤣


There have been studies that mapped how much flying crap those “dryers” distributed throughout the bathroom. If you wash your hands next to someone using one, sanitize your hands again after you leave the area.


I always figured they were installed in pairs, and just passed the towel to the bathroom on the other side of the wall.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Better be sure Tampon Tim didn’t mandate them as part of a “system”!


MAGA MAHA Musk swagger 😁😁

They updated the dance to add RFK. Love it!


People are having a lot of fun with the additions to the Trump Train.

Real, actual joy is contagious. The fake joy the DNC is selling feels like the crap that it is.


What I’ve enjoyed too is seeing some snippets here ‘n there that transport me back to Trump’s first campaign in 2015 when we were all novices coming together behind a candidate who brought a refreshing and honest voice to the political stage. While this present campaign is much more experienced, the stakes even higher, and the memes more sophisticated, nothing can equal the naive exuberance of those original rallies. 🩷🇺🇸🩷🇺🇸


Right1?! The memes were genius..and they still are.

This one was so good


Zactly Molly ! 😄😄😄 We definitely need to bring those back. The energy was ELECTRIC ! Made all the better when Pres. Trump went to Saudi Arabia for the sword dance!! Chills 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Those really were the good old days!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No line dances for communism in my world!!! 😉




There’s so many differing versions out there now. The more populated ones add Vivek, Tucker and Tulsi for which IMO Tulsi has the best dance moves. 😜


Betting, Tulsi knows how to dance.

Valerie Curren

I wanted to look for that clip too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! Yikes!!!

Valerie Curren



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Just noticing: I don’t remember hearing about what a male candidate likes to cook.


I don’t even remember caring about what any of these political-class criminals like to cook.

Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot made great fries too.

That’s a really big comfort 👍

Last edited 23 days ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yeah, the priorities here are stunning.

Barb Meier

I care even less about knowing what Suxalottacox likes to eat.

Gail Combs

With luck she uses LOTS of High fructose corn syrup!


duck fat ???😖😩😝

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Happy go lucky

Great little lady, now make him a sandwich to go with the fries.

Pro tip, kamala: don’t leave vitamins on the kitchen counter beside the stove; the temperature fluctuations degrade their quality.


BTW, it’s spelled ‘sammich’ and properly pronounced only while wearing a wife-beater undershirt.



LOL..that kind of thing is a pet peeve of mine.

Like sketti instead of spaghetti long after a child can pronounce it correctly. I know someone, an educated adult, who has never pronounced supposed right….he says posed to. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me !

Valerie Curren

Pretty much why I never did baby talk w/ kids. My son & DIL say “baba” for “bottle” because that’s how their young child says it. She also says eee-mis for “please” so when I was watching her the other day I was showing her how to say puh-llll-eze to approximate “please”. When I told her mom after they got back from their date she was like “we like her to say “eee-mis””…hmmm…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Teach them English. And maybe another language if you speak that around the house.

I’m not just being a ‘Murica First redneck; the simple fact is you do them no favors misteaching them.

Last edited 23 days ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

If you possibly can teach another language or 2 or 3 do so. Young kids learn languages easily. Once past the age of ~12 correct pronunciation becomes much more difficult.

Valerie Curren

& accents are pretty solidified at that age too

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You just reminded me of something I meant to post.

in essence it does no good to tell a Brit that it’s “comma-la” because they don’t pronounce “comma” the way we do.


I had read that it’s pronounced like Pamela, but with a K. That distinguished the pronounciation from Kam-AH-la.

But I see in that video that she pronounces it Comma-la. That will stick with me because the first syllable is the same as that in Communism. 😎

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A good mnemonic!

Valerie Curren

I keep referring to her as Kommie la la (land) 🙂

Barb Meier

How do they pronounce “comma”? Somehow, “coma-la” seems appropriate to me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL It may be appropriate but it’s not correct. Now you have to decide whether to be appropriate or correct.


Barb Meier

Regarding Kamala, correct never comes to mind.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, come on: There are correct facts about her (i.e., she’s a Marxist shitbag) and incorrect falsehoods (she will bring Joy to the country).

Gail Combs

(she will bring Joy to the country Oligarch).

Barb Meier


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

That was rather head spinning, but I did play it at double (speak) speed 😉


I have an European accent . People think I am Swedish, Danish or British 🙂
Maybe it is I liked to watch British TV 🙂

Valerie Curren

But they don’t think you’re German? LOL

Gail Combs

I am IDed as being from a place in NY that I only lived in for four years but it was from 10 thru 14.

Valerie Curren

If not too near NYC then it’s probably pretty close to Northern speech I would guess 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s certainly easy enough if, say, you and your spouse speak Yiddish and only a bit of English. The kid will learn Yiddish from you, and English from his peers as well as from what little you know.

Teaching a kid a language you yourself don’t know is tricky and probably a bit expensive too…but that doesn’t make it a bad idea.


My husband spoke German in the home and learned English on the street. Most of his friends spoke Yiddish , Italian and other languages at home . The school put kids in speak glasses to get rid of their accents. Funny to this day my husband speaks more German in the home than I do 🙂
My three kids speak German and one German and French .

Valerie Curren

speak glasses” = speech classes? 😉

Gail Combs

Dad spoke German in the home because Grandma did not want her kids to learn English with a German accent.

There are actually Day-cares that will teach a foreign language. You just have to look for them

Deplorable Patriot

Both of my grandfathers spoke other languages fluently. My mom’s dad spoke Spanish, although, a northern dialect known as Bable, and my dad’s dad spoke Canadian French. When my Irish/French grandfather and his brothers didn’t want their wives to know what they were talking about, they conversed in French. I can just see all those Irish fishwives having a fit.

And trust me, all six of those brothers married Irish women.

Last edited 23 days ago by Deplorable Patriot

Agree. It’s one thing to mangle words for fun but another to teach it incorrectly on purpose.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll brutalize some words.

For instance pronouncing “antelope” as if it rhymed with “Penelope” or “quiche” like “quickie”. (In these parts the first is more likely to come up than the second…we have pronghorn “antelopes” here. Since they’re not actually antelopes I just call them pronghorns.)


Ant tell o pee is a new one on me.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not sure but I may have said “Penelope” like “Pen-eh-lope” (like antelope) once as a kid and had to be corrected. This is my revenge on the universe.

You can do the same thing with cantaloupe but the spelling isn’t parallel.

Gail Combs

It is Canter-Lope.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, you’re being forbidden to run off and get married unexpectedly. Can’t elope.


Truth be told, even with my aversion to baby talk, the Southern slang vernacular doesn’t bother me at all. Ebonics irritates me when educated people (politicians) use it to pander.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Slang doesn’t bother me either, regardless of region. Southern American English is a legit regional variation. (And I am prepared to tweak them about it and most importantly, be tweaked back…otherwise what’s the point of having the variations?) And I consider Black English a legit regional variation too.

FAKING either one is, of course, pandering.

Gail Combs

Some where I read that the Appalachian mountain dialects are quite close to archaic English.

The Dialect of The Appalachian People

The folk speech of Appalachia instead of being called corrupt ought to be classified as archaic. Many of the expressions heard throughout the region today can be found in the centuries-old works of some of the greatest English authors: Alfred, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and the men who contributed to the King James version of the Bible, to cite but a few….

Southern mountain dialect (as the folk speech of Appalachia is called by linguists) is certainly archaic, but the general historical period it represents can be narrowed down to the days of the first Queen Elizabeth, and can be further particularized by saying that what is heard today is actually a sort of Scottish-flavored Elizabethan English….

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I ain’t no wayz tarred…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

AND That is one person that ought to be tarred AND feathered!

Valerie Curren

no doubt!


“Pasghetti” is one way a child pronounces it until they learn to say it correctly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

posed (opposed) should never be confused with s’posed! 😉



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Last edited 23 days ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Happy go lucky

😂 😂 😂

I know! I almost wrote it, but I thought of my prim and proper mother who would be mortified if she ever knew 😅 I’m certain she doesn’t know about those “wife-beaters”


This is weird. It sounds like Doug Emoff is trying to keep Sen Kristen Gillibrand on the team. Is she the next walk away? 😆


Doug focuses on his version of, fun. More of a Tampon Tim kinda guy.


It must be nice for Kommie and Dougie to be able to afford duck fat for an extra pump of flava. The bulk of American consumers are buying store brands or looking for the name brand sale items.

Gail Combs

“…name STORE brand sale items.”

We hardly ever buy ‘name brand’

Happy go lucky

I only buy name brand butter, Kerry gold. But it’s $9 a pound now, spit 🤬. I don’t eat much meat at all so I splurge on the fat I do eat, and it lasts a long time. Those days are over though.

I clearly remember it was $4 a pound in March 2020


Last week I noticed even Land O Lakes price was up another couple of dollars..It was almost $8.


Watch for sales at Krogers.


I was unimpressed with Kerry.

Happy go lucky

Oh? What do you recommend?

Happy go lucky

Right. That really griped me (my southern slang lol). “Oh look how much she has in common with those people. She cooks their peasant food, only better, with two oils (that’s dumb) and herbs she tends with her very own hands (also dumb, rosemary for potatoes, not along with sage, and looks like thyme in the picture).”

Bless her heart, she tries to shine but she’ll never be nancy pelosi sharing a glimpse into her $20K freezer and all the effing ice cream.


Bryan Dean Wright:

The Left is frothy with anger about this photo.

As a former Democrat, let me share why.

For nearly 10 years now, the Left and their allies in the media have stoked panic and hysteria amongst their base about Trump.

Examples abound, like insisting that he’s a Russian Traitor. Or the “Fine People” hoax in Charlottesville. Or that he’s Hitler reincarnate.

The result of that propaganda was that he and the name “Trump” became so very toxic to many. In fact, even speaking the name has become socially unacceptable to some. The Left has turned it into the equivalent of an evil Harry Potter character, too detestable to speak.

And that was the initial goal: spread lies and hysteria so deeply — into every social and professional network — that no one would consider Trump for anything, let alone President.


Elon Musk spoke with him. Theo Von joked with him. And RFK Jr endorsed him.

Bit by bit, the foundation of Leftist lies and conspiracy theories cracked as truth and nuance started to prevail. It’s a bit like the latter days of the Salem Witch Trials, when the fever first started to break and people realized — slowly at first — the horrors of a social panic in which they participated.

And that’s where we’re at now.

And that’s why the Left is screaming and hissing with demonic anger about RFK Jr., Musk, and Von. They know that as Trump is viewed as a human — rather than some evil caricature — their social contagion lessens.

And that’s an existential threat to their ultimate goal: the destruction of America.

The Left wants to burn this country to the ground, as either part of their Marxist experiment or simply arsonist glee. And while that might seem hard to believe, I give you my testament as a former Democrat of 20+ years. I know these people. I’ve been at their dinner parties and fundraisers. I know the venom that pulses in their veins.

And that’s why this moment in US history is so important. The Left is a whisker away from their goal of America’s destruction. They can taste the blood of the nation’s carcass.

But they’re not quite there.

Trump and the MAGA / America First movements are the only things that remain to block them.

And that’s why those of us who love this country must unite to stop the Left. It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, gay or straight, Christian or Muslim… Our differences are nothing compared to the darkness that will fully descend upon this country should Democrats and the Left prevail.

So I encourage good, reasonable Americans to put aside disagreements and focus on the only thing that matters: saving the Republic.

So let’s get to it. Speak up — get loud — and make sure your friends and family are registered to vote. And get them to the polls or those mail-in ballots.

We’ve got a lot of work to do over the next few months, folks. Or, if I might borrow a phrase from Butler, PA…

It’s time to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!


Narratives that break must be a painful thing, what with the screaming and hollering.

Or the attempts at silent ignoring it that can be seen in some of the MSMs — keep quiet and hope that the Gell-Mann amnesia phenomenon works to provide some kind of automated gaslighting. And pull out some juicy but ultimately irrelevant scandal from storage and put that front and center.

In addition to noticing, events have to be recorded so they can be recalled correctly: If it isn’t written down it didn’t happen.


Trump truly knew how to welcome RFK Jr.

  • Didn’t keep RFK Jr waiting too long.
  • Great introduction.
  • Fireworks, absolutely PERFECTLY done. No too much. Nor too little.
  • The crowd, right on queue AND absolutely heartfelt, embraced RFK Jr endorsement.


Happy go lucky

All great points. I thought it was very classy, and set the standard for RFK Jr. If he now disrespects PDT or MAGA, then he will be immediately seen by all as the much lesser man (and he has had some nasty tweets about PDT in the past).


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It’s so easy… and so obvious… but it sure helps when someone in Elon’s position is saying it, because the sheep and even the zombies recognize him 👍 😁


It’s also so obvious when one reflects on the Founding Fathers having just fought off the #1 fighting force in the entire world using only the weapons they had on their home gun racks or out in the back sheds.

The concept of disarming and allowing a do-over was completely absurd.

Brave and Free

It’s also so obvious when you see what’s going on in the UK and France currently.
And that’s why the faux news won’t report it, they can’t have the sheeple waking up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But one thing that remains remarkable, is that they didn’t just go in, and suddenly decide that now that they were on top, decide they didn’t trust the common man with guns, which seems to be the case with nearly every other revolution.


A) they were (still) the common man themselves at the time, and

B) they were surrounded by common men, all holding guns, with current combat experience

Attempting to disarm them would have been suicidal 😁

Last edited 23 days ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Barb Meier

Elon is currently shown with 195.5M followers. When he tweets, he is always on blast.


Even the Englishman Rudyard Kipling made an observation on this; in his poem,
Gods of the Copybook Headings, the fifth stanza is:

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said “Stick to the Devil you know.”

(The capitalized They refers to the Gods of the Marketplace, the antagonists).

And that was a century ago.

Last edited 23 days ago by slowcreekno

it’ll be awesome if Elon’s Committee on Gov’t Efficiency does this on Day One. 😁

 And I said last week it should be called the Committee on Gov’t ELIMINATION!!)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’d be entertaining to hear Musk speaking in Afrikaans (I don’t know if he’s Boer though).

(I just checked. He’s not. He’ll have to rant in English as he rips the cabinet departments off the board)

Last edited 23 days ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He could be bi-lingual in Afrikaans. Just saying.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True. But I’m guessing it’s not the language he’d default to.


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Barb Meier

Mike Benz:

Just got booted from the Marionawfal space so I’m gonna speak my peace here: what’s behind today’s arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov

8:59 PM Aug 24, 2024 509K Views

Barb Meier

Thanks, RAC! Benz later set up his own Space and talked for about 1.5 hours on this. I finished listening to the recording of it this morning.




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Bada-bing, bada-BOOM! 😂


“anthesis” ?

Mia tries to use big words.


but wait… she’s not alone !

the flying monkeys outa Hollyweird have been unleashed !

Hollywood Celebs Turn Their Attacks on RFK, Jr After Trump Endorsement…

article link…

it’s just more Cluster B shenanigans…

👉 the toxic & malignant slandering Smear Campaign against the target.

and who does it better than the enlisted flying monkey recruits !

duck fat, rise up !

Last edited 23 days ago by smiley2

Yeah, she’s a genius.

If anyone needs to see it, /sarc.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

With a misspelling like this, maybe she’s really a conservative deep down.

But I doubt it.

Valerie Curren




Gail Combs

“…I KNEW RK senior WELL…”

Oh so she was sleeping with him???


her sister, Dear Prudence (yes, that song), was a longtime “lover” ick of the notorious wife-killer New York’s Robert Durst.

apropos of nothing.


Eww never knew that. He was deeply ccccrazzy


yes awful cringe spooky weirdo creep.

Last edited 23 days ago by smiley2

He was the psycho killer that actually looked and acted like one as compared to many that looked like the guy next door.


Did you know him better than his own son?

What are you trying to say here, Mia?

Do we need a DNA test?

Are you RFK Jr.’s mom?

Why you treat your son that way?


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I knew there was something negative about Kamala and her father. A little research:

Kamala Harris’s father is slamming her for making a ‘travesty’ of her …

Feb 19, 2019  Allen Abel: Donald Harris’s rebuke over ‘pot-smoking joy seeker’ stereotype is one thing the Democratic presidential contender is …

Why would the father of Kamala Harris not attend her inauguration?

Jan 22, 2021  Here is the real reason. It’s the parents divorce. He also got bent out of shape over a joke she made about her Jamaican roots. Donald Harris: …

Those sources are Facebook and Quora, so not the best. But they show what has been said.


Kamala finally speaks some truth!


she really does need to cut back on all that duck fat.


I’m worried more about her duckspeak.


you are what you eat ?

walks like
talks like
quacks like

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Last edited 23 days ago by smiley2

Duckspeak, in Orwell’s novel “1984”, is a result of Newspeak reducing the amount of meaning in words. Eventually, spoken Newspeak means effectively nothing and is merely syllables strung together in approved ways.


i’m more alarmed by the idiots who believe her quacks 🤡




thank you, bakocarl.

Powerful Lesson !

Thank You, Almighty GOD.

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Last edited 23 days ago by smiley2

Cluster B situational awareness Alert !

👇 👇 👇

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Last edited 23 days ago by smiley2

A guy with a real estate background decides to do a little journalism —

Just as a side note, I was born in Santa Monica.

Last edited 23 days ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs


It used to be we had vagrancy laws until the Left threw a HISSY FIT. Back in the 50s when I was a kid my Mom volunteered at a county ‘Poor Farm’ This was a litteral farm with milk & beef cows, chickens…. & veggie garden. The poor people who lived at the farm WORKED as much as they were able in keeping the farm functioning.

However the Left said it was DEMEANING to MAKE THOSE PEOPLE ACTUALLY WORK. And they got laws passed. So the counties had to HIRE workers to take the place of the ‘free labor’ This bankrupted the poor farms.


To go with that was JFK getting rid of mental institutions INSTEAD OF CLEANING UP THE PROBLEM.

Between these two moves the LEFT had their NEVER ENDING ‘PROBLEM’ and their Army of Paid Protesters.

This from WIKI:

The Community Mental Health Act of 1963 (CMHA)

…In 1955, Congress passed the Mental Health Study Act, leading to the establishment of the Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Mental Health.[2] That Commission issued a report in 1961,[3] which would become the basis of the 1963 Act.[2]

The CMHA provided grants to states for the establishment of local mental health centers, under the overview of the National Institute of Mental Health. The NIH also conducted a study involving adequacy in mental health issues. The purpose of the CMHA was to build mental health centers to provide for community-based care, as an alternative to institutionalization. At the centers, patients could be treated while working and living at home.

Only half of the proposed centers were ever built; none was fully funded, and the act didn’t provide money to operate them long-term. Some states closed expensive state hospitals, but never spent money to establish community-based care.

Deinstitutionalization accelerated after the adoption of Medicaid in 1965. During the Reagan administration, the remaining funding for the act was converted into a mental-health block grants for states. Since the CMHA was enacted, 90 percent of beds have been cut at state hospitals, but they have not been replaced by community resources.

The CMHA proved to be a mixed success. Many patients, formerly warehoused in institutions, were released into the community. However, not all communities have had the facilities or expertise to deal with them….

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The failed legacy of Johnson’s ‘Great Society’
“….The welfare state created by Johnson’s Great Society programs has had an outsized negative effect on America’s black population as well. Black economist and bestselling author Thomas Sowell has written about this extensively. In 2014, Sowell responded to New York Times’ writer Nicholas Kristof, who attributed the economic struggles of U.S. blacks to the legacy of racism.

Sowell, who grew up in poverty, disagrees. In his column, “A legacy of liberalism,” he wrote:”

Despite the grand myth that black economic progress began or accelerated with the passage of the civil rights laws and ‘war on poverty’ programs of the 1960s, the cold fact is that the poverty rate among blacks fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent by 1960. This was before any of those programs began. … Nearly a hundred years of the supposed ‘legacy of slavery’ found most black children being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent. … The murder rate among blacks in 1960 was one-half of what it became 20 years later, after a legacy of liberals’ law enforcement policies.

Gail Combs

I was looking for a chart but could not find one so it is Brave AI again.🙄 Not surprising since the CIA is the MAJOR DRUG PUSHER.

Percent drug users USA 1950 to 2020
Based on available data, here is a summary of the percentage of drug users in the USA over the specified period:

  • 1950s: Limited data available, but estimates suggest around 1-2% of the population used illicit drugs.
  • 👉1960s-1970s: As drug use increased, particularly among youth, estimates ranged from 4-6%. [Think School busing of little inner city Drug Pushers to the Suburbs- GC]
  • 1980s: The rise of cocaine and crack led to a peak of around 10-12% of the population using drugs.
  • 1990s: With the introduction of methamphetamine and prescription opioids, drug use remained steady at around 8-10%.
  • 2000s: The opioid epidemic began to take hold, with estimates ranging from 6-8% of the population using drugs.
  • 2010s: The opioid crisis continued to worsen, with 4.4% of the population aged 12 and older reporting illicit drug use in 2019 (Source: FastStats – Illegal Drug Use).
  • 2020: According to recent data, 1.9% of persons aged 12 and older reported non-medical use of psychotherapeutic drugs in the past month (Source: FastStats – Illegal Drug Use).

Notable trends:

  • Hallucinogen use among 12th graders increased from 2% in 1992 to 8% in 2020 (Source: Addiction Statistics – Facts On Drug And Alcohol Use).
  • The percentage of drug users has generally declined since the peak in the 1980s, with some fluctuations….

Steady drug use takes a toll on the liver. If the liver could continue to function well, drug users wouldn’t die sooner. The usage percent might well be substantially higher.

Gail Combs

Then there are auto accidents and overdoses and murders and killed while….

We KNOW the government massages the numbers.


Well, that explains a lot. Where you were born, that is.

Home of the Rand Corporation.  😎 


Those two magic words about Gods control – causing and allowing.


God does not tempt us.

Knowing that truth is a substantial advantage when dealing with life.  😇 

Valerie Curren

Amen; that jumped out at me too 🙂


Boeing has become such a disgrace of a company. They got double the amount than SpaceX and they couldn’t finish the job properly.

NASA Pushes Return of Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore Back to Earth to 2025 in a SpaceX Crew Dragon Capsule, as Boeing’s Starliner’s Woes Are Ongoing | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

Starliner will return without the crew (if it will make it)
SpaceX to the rescue.
Will send only 2 astronauts, instead of the original 4, with crew 9 launch next month, to rescue the 2 Starliner astronauts. (They have to bring the SpaceX Dragon space suits with them, since the Starliner suits are incompatible). Crew 9 will return 25 February 2025.

A classy response from Gwynn Shotwell the CEO of SpaceX

Meanwhile SpaceX will launch another private crew on Tuesday 27 August. Making the two launches virtually back-to-back. This crew will enter the highest orbit since the last Apollo mission. It will also be the first private spacewalk, with newly designed space suits (less bulky than the ones NASA uses, but they are not autonomous since they will be tethered to the Dragon)
Link to launch from Nasa Spaceflight (NSF), which are a bunch of space enthusiasts


QUE MALA tried to block Elon Musk from rescuing the astronauts….

 August 25, 2024 5:00 am

MUSK TO THE RESCUE NASA Caves Despite Pressure From The Kamala Campaign ‘There was tremendous behind the scenes pressure to deny Musk the win over Boeing.’ [Developing]
KAMALA ACTIVELY BLOCKED MUSK RESCUE MISSION According to inside sources the administration did not want to ‘hand Elon a big win.’ [Developing]


This is from the same source you linked about the arrest of Durov the founder of Telegram


“Sergey Markov: Allegedly, Russian officials have already received an order to delete all their secret official correspondence in the Telegram.
Even if you have not received an order yet, it is reasonable to give such an order already.
It is obvious that Telegram is already in the process of coming under the control of the US special services. They will not establish censorship immediately. And they will be used for reconnaissance within a few hours.”


Another thought. I wonder if the encrypted contacts that crooks had with Belgium, New Zealand and Germany were sent using Telegram.
There will be those who want to know what they contained, more importantly there may be those who want them completely destroyed.


Nice tangent.


I went to see if the Joker had anything to say on the subject being as it’s his sort of thing but he didn’t mention it.
Did say however that The U.S. Department of State has a new building in Kiev. They must not be thinking of leaving any time soon.


Durov is the father of over one hundred in 12 nations as a result of his sperm donation…


I’m not well versed on wikipedia additions/corrections but that tidbit seems to have been added very recently with the blue notation at the end of that statement. I wonder if it’s true?


Me neither, Molly. I guess we will have no way of knowing for sure.


These leftists lunatics are becoming more than mere annoyances.

Valerie Curren

hope this lets that tweet show



NASA is NO longer useful AND NOT necessary.


I agree. Just another layer of bureaucrats with federal funding and too much unrestrained control.


For decades, NASA was critical for America. Not the case in 2024.

Given the opportunity, Elon will go after grossly incompetent AND functionally broken NASA AND Federal obstruction to his space programs.

Along with whatever is inhibiting EVs. (Not a fan of EVs).

Shred the No Value Added bureaucracies across the Feds – HLS, DOJ, FIB, CDC, IRS, ATF…


I’ve read articles [not sure of accuracy] that say Tesla is a grand experiment for robotics.

Supposedly, the purpose is not to make an EV that is profitable but to have Tesla be a rigorous/demanding test program for robots.


Somewhere in Elon’s businesses, a group is developing chips to be implanted in human brains. Believe they have a couple test cases out there.

Scary stuff, IMO. Good with helping folks overcome handicaps. Beyond that, nah.

Valerie Curren



NO!!!!!! It’s unconstitutional to defund a govt agency!!!

/s  😉 


So there’s a crew that is not going to ISS? What are they going to do up there?

Side note: the two Gilligan’s Island astronauts should provide a wealth of psychological information about the effects of this experience on the human psyche.  🤔 


Israel Carpet-Bombs Lebanon/Pre-Emptive Blow To Hezbollah Blitz ?


about 3 hrs ago

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds smart. Almost like the Israel of the 1960s and 1970s.


Call it what it is: a Persian carpet.


👍, carl. Thank you. A message I wish all would read and understand.

Valerie Curren



Danica Patrick Destroys Kamala Harris With Three-Word Response To Tax Plan

“This is asinine,”

Last edited 23 days ago by kalbokalbs

Verse of the Day for Sunday, August 25, 2024

“Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.” 

Psalms 51:11 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Breathe deeply let out slowly calm your soul
Intimacy with Him that is your goal
Not an easy task if distracted in thought
Clear the clutter in your mind to naught

Be at peace as He flows into your space 
There are no constraints in this special place
You will feel your muscles relax in time
You will sense the comfort of the sublime

Be quiet do not speak and hear His voice
It is your heart that talks and will rejoice
God knows your heart like no other can
Through His Spirit He will reveal His plan

You will know in your heart what is new
His divine appointment made just for you
No need to explain He already knows
Believe it what you need already shows

In His Presence His Spirit speaks to you
The instructions are clear what you must do
You have prayed for guidance with your concern
Only God knows what is needed to learn

Each divine appointment is geared to teach
Complete with the milestones you must reach
If you stumble and fall He is there to relieve
Redirect your path ensure you achieve

In His Presence the Angels are heaven sent
To make sure your time with Him is well spent
Let Him control your mind body spirit
Then trust wholly in Him to endear it

D01: 07/26/2023




Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




As previously reported, there is a MAGA patriot rally held at a major intersection of suburban Buffalo every Saturday from noon to two. The remarkable and astonishing aspect is the continuity of the rally. Yesterday was the 153rd consecutive Saturday for the gathering.

1) I went and was there for an hour (12:15-1:15). For a variety of reasons, I do not spend the entire 2 hours. The main group apparently does stay for the entire 2 hours. God bless them, their dedication, their stamina, and their love of country.

2) It was a bright, sunny, beautiful day. There were by my count as many as 29 in attendance. There is a core group of about a dozen, and the balance (it seems to me) are mostly people who come off and on. There was a very amiable, buoyant guy (a landscaper) who had been there all previous times I have been there, who was missing. I asked and was told he had a work-related illness.

3) I visit my uncle Saturday mornings, and it is not unusual for us to visit well into the afternoon. I mention my uncle because he has been a life-long “moderate” Republican, a George Will and Charles Krauthammer Republican. He is now very pro-Trump, and has become increasingly so as the madness had been inflicted on us these past few years.

4) But he is one of those “no mean tweets” Trump people, to be fair exactly like my wife. Why can’t he cut out the nasty comments? He hurts himself with the insults. Etc.

5) Well, on my way from my uncle’s to the rally there was a yard sale. I stop off at these sales. People are selling GREAT things for very little, tools and such, things which come in handy or which are an upgrade.

6) I got out with my scarlet Trump hat on, and as I approached I saw a Trump 2024 sign discretely placed in the flower bed. Both I and the woman tending the sale were delighted as we realized we were mutual Trump supporters, and her husband came outside to join the merry throng.

7) These good people understood everything that is happening, and said something I hear often: “people are waking up, let’s hope it is not too late.” They have a pole with the American flag. The husband said 4 years ago he also flew a Trump flag, but decided against it because of an aggressive act of hostility on his property by someone angry at the Trump flag. I do not blame him. The hatred is off the map.

8) Anyway – – lesson in humility – – this couple were like my uncle and my wife: please, no more mean tweets! I am a connoisseur of the mean tweets myself, and have the very faintest but definite disdain for those who are not, but so be it. Trump gets their vote anyway, and the criticism works out to Trump’s advantage anyway. Trump is letting people see his imperfection, and people love to see imperfection in other people.

9) There were several people at the rally I want to talk about briefly.

10) A couple months or so ago I expressed my sour opinion (on this site) about tattoos etc. At the rally there is a young woman (under 60 yo) who had tattoos on her arms and across her upper chest. She has been at all the previous rallies, but I had never spoken to her. Almost by happenstance we were in proximity to each other and we chatted for a few minutes, including about how to memorize each other’s names. We each had our own technique, and we joked about that, and a half hour later greeted each other by our correct names. It was a nice, human moment.

11) There is another young woman who also has been at all the previous rallies. I have never spoken to her, but I think based on past observation she might be somehow connected to the absent landscaper, but I do not really know. This young woman has bright red hair going down to her waist. And by red, I mean neon, fire engine pinkish red which was manufactured by some process, not nature. She has always carried a sign with Trump’s face, and it says NEVER SURRENDER. I really admire her.

12) There was a strapping young man who arrived on his Harley. He wore his colors which said Bikers For Trump. Now, I go to a neighborhood gin mill where I might be the only guy who is not a biker, and that is only a slight exaggeration. To me, Bikers For Trump is almost redundant. I have had occasion to know the full gamut of biker types, and there is something which makes them based and realistic.

13) Finally, there was a serious man in attendance I had not seen before. He carried an American flag and stood far off, way down the block. I walked to him and commented that he was protecting our flank. He said it was better to be spread out. We chatted for a longish while and I discovered he was super-well informed.

15) A parenthetic remark before I get back to this man. Maybe 25 years ago, there was a pro-life “rally” on January 23. Niagara Falls Boulevard starts at Main Street in Buffalo (at the University of Buffalo). To this day the first block (a LONG one) is made of the original brick. The Boulevard (as it is called locally) is IIRC about 22 miles long, and goes to Niagara Falls. The pro-life “rally” consisted of pro-life people creating a chain for the entire route.

16) I drove the entire route, and while there were gaps, the thousands of people were just simply amazing. A remarkable accomplishment. IIRC people came from all over to participate, but in any case there were many, many thousands all along the route, like a St. Patrick’s day parade but sober.

17) The next day the Buffalo News had a prominent front page story on a pro-abortion rally in downtown Buffalo at Niagara Square. The article itself said there was 100 people in attendance. The story about the pro-life rally was literally put on the back page of the second section, barely noticeable next to the advertisements.

18) That was the last time I bought or read the Buffalo News, and I stopped buying or reading ALL such publications (many), some of which I truly enjoyed (such as the New Yorker).

19) I do not watch local news, nor do I listen to local radio, except for Bills related shows. I do not regret a single second, although it means sometimes not knowing something everyone else knows.

20) The serious man gave me a hand bill which informed me that New York State has a proposition this election which erases parental authority over medical decisions for their children, otherwise makes the state the actual authority over children, and authorizes the entire transgender agenda.

21) I am feeling the anger even as I write this.

22) Thank the Good Lord for those patriots who know what is going on, and are expressing themselves.  

Last edited 23 days ago by Tonawanda


Appreciate your weekly recaps and observations at the Buffalo MAGA patriot rally.

Relate to your observations and comments.

  • America First folks, represent, a cross section of America.

Thanks for being out there.

  • Representing MAGA. Seen by hundreds, thousands, Every Week.

TY, kalbo!


the weekly recaps are appreciated T. In a way because ‘they’ cheat drives Trump supporters to sacrifice Saturday mornings to show that people still want America First no matter what garbage they throw at Trump during any given week. Kudos to Buffalo fighters!


That description sounds almost exactly like what our local tea party and local GOP were doing every Friday during the evening rush hour circa 2012-14 at the main business district intersection in Gig Harbor WA. It started as a Support Our Troops protest by a bunch of Vietnam vets.

We mainly were trying to make the distinction between troops and politicians that sent them overseas and the lack of news coverage compared to how it was during the Vietnam War. We waved a lot of U.S. flags and had home-made signs about our troops being killed/wounded and how we all should not forget about them.

We stopped going when I had a serious infection that put me in the hospital. When I got better six months later, we discovered that the gathering was no more.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing these most encouraging glimpses of patriotic America!

One snippet brought a long ago experience to mind.

17) The next day the Buffalo News had a prominent front page story on a pro-abortion rally in downtown Buffalo at Niagara Square. The article itself said there was 100 people in attendance. The story about the pro-life rally was literally put on the back page of the second section, barely noticeable next to the advertisements.”

Back in the 80s I attended a pro-life rally in Tulsa, OK. There were scores of people there, possibly several hundred. There were also about a dozen anti-life aka “pro-choice” people protesting along one curb. I recall one woman w/ 2 or 3 kids, including in a stroller, w/ an oxymoronic sign declaring “Pro-Family and Pro-Choice”. There was a lot of news media there too to document happenings.

The rally was quite moving & had strong Christian overtones. iirc there were worship songs sung, a few prayers offered, several testimonies, including by women who’d had abortions & regretted it but had found peace in Christ, & a moving & dynamic message by a local pastor, I believe. The focus was on life a bit more than God but this was the Bible Belt after all…

Because of the various TV news vans there I made a point to watch the local news to see how they reported on this amazing & uplifting event to which I was an eye-witness. What a Shock to see how their coverage was Entirely Distorted and almost totally focused on the protestors. They showed Zero aspects of the actual event, no clips of speakers, music, prayers, or most tellingly the crowd size. The only people they interviewed (or broadcast at least) were protestors, so they didn’t talk to Anyone that was part of the actual event & there were at least a half dozen participants from which they could have chosen. They used camera tricks & close ups & panning across the handful of protestors to make it seem like they were the majority there. It was beyond disgusting & entirely deceptive.

My eyes were opened that day to the extreme measures “news” (skews) will go to to tell a story w/ a slant that doesn’t remotely reflect reality. They didn’t even Pretend to be objective nor to factually report on Any aspect of this event. Being that took place in the heart of the Bible Belt I had thought that there Might be just a bit of support for the pro-life cause, or at least a degree of neutrality, in the reporting but it was entirely deception beyond the fact that the event happened and the date on which it occurred. I’ve been Highly Suspicious of news reporting ever since, for obvious reasons!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Nasty “mainstream” FAKE NEWS.

Valerie Curren

IKR  😡 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw that kind of crap way back in college.

Valerie Curren

That was roughly my college (or grad school) days too…


Thank you for sharing your found Trump community 🙂
Concerning mean tweets, at the DNC I heard more meanness towards Trump that was very disrespectful Trump does not even come close to the hate. Trump tweets truth democrats spew lies.

Last edited 23 days ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren



Absolutely true!

Barb Meier

Such an awesome report!!! God bless you, Tonawanda! There is so much going on and I too am grateful for the patriots standing up and pushing back against the many faces of evil.

Barb Meier

Oh, I should mention that yesterday, a large beautifully decorated “Virginians for Trump” bus went past my house towing a small equally lovely Trump trailer. They were headed west on Hwy 211. They were not far from Hwy 81. It was beautiful. I hoped to find the group online and perhaps a photo to share with you, but instead get overloaded with democrat junk and old, unrelated stuff. I tried Yandex and it was a little better, but still no sign of the bus. It passed by my place so quickly and my phone was not handy. I should start to carry it with me, turned on so I have a chance to share.


A search led mt to this. Is this it?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s a very well done job of decorating.

Barb Meier

Yes, I think that’s it!!! Great job, thank you TT!!!

Happy go lucky

Oooo…I’ve driven that road before, my son and I when he was young and mountain bike raced, we mapped out a route from Orange that would get us to 81 but avoid 64. Fun times, and it was sooo pretty.

Carry your phone with you, pretty please! Just in case. My mom had a fall in the snow while topping up the bird feeders, broke a bone, but didn’t have her phone with her.

Barb Meier

Yes, it is pretty here. Lots to see and do nearby. I don’t always have my cell phone, but I have multiple wireless landline phones inside so I can usually get to one in the house on any of the floors. I have liked living beside the highway because I always thought all I need to do is crawl over near the highway and wave to get help. If I happened to be out back, I could just roll downhill a ways and wave. 😅

Barb Meier

Inspirational! Thank you, Bakocarl!!

Happy go lucky

Thank you, bakocarl, and thank you for today’s message.

Of course, why I’ve never thought of this 🤦‍♀️ I’ll put this on my daily planner at work:

Righteousness, godliness, as daily goals



Well well well.

Nobody saw THAT one coming.  😮 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Kennedy may have done some disastrous things (as pointed out elsewhere on this very post by other commenters), but I do believe he did love this country.

Unsure about Jimmy Carter when he was in office; I’d be surprised if he still does today. (You can love the country and be a fuckup, too.)

IMHO: Neither Clinton does. GWB? Maybe. BHO? John Kerry? Absolutely not.

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

The Bush family LOVES globalism.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But I can readily imagine someone misguidedly thinking that globalism is making the world more like America.

Not today, but back then.

They did both join the military, at least.


Today’s globalism is a a showcase of what happens when stable strong countries import zealots and indigents and pretend that there’s quality in the result…..but “they” don’t care because the real goal is power over all these broken nations.
They can play God over the proverbial tower of Babel. Looks like the USA is only hanging by a long red tie.

Barb Meier

Clinton, BHO, Kerry mistakenly think they are clever.

Barb Meier

How strange. I pasted a normal twitter link to the post above, changed x to twitter, and it changed to look more like Eilert’s link.

Repeat test:

Last edited 23 days ago by Barb Meier
Barb Meier

What I typed below versus what WordPiss uses above.

Screenshot-2024-08-25-at-2.47.09 PM


Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with thee.
Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not;
As thou hast been, thou forever wilt be.

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide,
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Great is thy faithfulness!
Great is thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed thy hand hath provided.
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Great Is Thy Faithfulness is a popular Christian hymn written by Thomas Chisholm (1866–1960) with music composed by William M. Runyan (1870–1957) in Baldwin City, Kansas, U.S.

The phrase “great is thy faithfulness” comes from the Old Testament Book of Lamentations 3:22-23. 


Nothing like having one’s natural immune system destroyed by modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, is there now?
by Tyler Durden
24 August 2024
Yours Truly: Well, perhaps Dr. Anthony Fauci was indeed COVID-19 “vaccinated”, and perhaps repeatedly?
And, that these repeated “vaccinations” did a number on his natural immune system?
And, apparently, Dr. Fauci “has no idea” how he contracted a case of the West Nile Virus?
And, he was hospitalized for several days because of this infection?
And, that this infection came right after the (at least) third COVID infection that he just had?

And, “The doctors are baffled”?

And, there are these:
20 April 2024
Yours Truly: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been working on “new generation malaria vaccines” since at least 2008.
1 October 2023

Last edited 23 days ago by PAVACA

It’s covid scare all over again. A 6pm curfew puts businesses at risk. Living in a place that has lots of mosquitos they are just as likely to bite you at 12pm as 7pm. Instead of aggressive vector control and advising personal protection with repellant and wearing long sleeves and pants if you want….they spread fear

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Long sleeves and pants…I have some tropical weave clothing; it keeps you cool even in 90+ temps. Looks stupid, but who cares?


Another similarity to covid is the lack of alarm that in the homeless camps across the nation that there would be rampant spread of it. Nope…the middle and upper class was it’s target..get those jabs, hunker down with your toilet paper hoard and by all means you and the kids hang out on the web ALL day.

So this is Massachusetts…according to an article on homelessness………..

Rodriguez is part of a diaspora of Mass. and Cass dwellers now spread across the city, moving into new encampments hidden in state-owned parks, under bridges, tunnels and highway underpasses, or just beyond city limits in Cambridge or Somerville.

Those places are just the habitat that mosquitoes would love to be. Aren’t officials concerned and worried sick that these poor compromised camps are going to be swamped with brain swelling diseases? Nope….

Deplorable Patriot

Funny…well, not really, but in downtown STL we’ve had a homeless problem for quite a while, and recently, there has been a campout of sorts on the lawn of the old municipal courts building, which is currently empty. This morning, when I got there from south city, actually (I live in the county, but am dog sitting right now), that building, City Hall, and the grassy plaza across Market Street were all blocked off with parade fencing. There were no vagrants around. That’s a total switch from the usual.

Gail Combs


Tishaura Jones (D) is coming up for re-election.

Tishaura Jones earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from Hampton University and a master’s degree in health administration from Saint Louis University. Jones’ career experience includes working as adjunct faculty at Harris-Stowe State University, the treasurer of St. Louis, and as the vice president of public finance of Blaylock Robert Van, LLC.


It’s almost as if they are testing to see what sticks.

Monkey Pox Donkey Pox rolled out a second time last week. FAIL. Again.

Now, West Nile virus. Can’t see folks locking down.

Will listen to the Feds, CDC, Pravada News, to know what to ignore.

Will stay tuned to QTree for truth.

Wonder what is coming next week as the election gets closer…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You got it.

We WON’T be fooled again.


Oh, hell no we won’t!

Last edited 23 days ago by TradeBait2

I see they’ve now got that annoying sign in pop up,


comment image?w=600&h


Democrats think if they say democracy enough that we will believe it 🙂


LIVE: “Jesus Revealed in the End Times: Jesus Our Friend” | August 25, 2024 | 9am CT

As we conclude our series Jesus Revealed in the End Times, we are going to discover the one role Jesus will fulfill in the End Times that means the most to you and me today.

Share this stream to invite your family and friends to church!

First Baptist Dallas


HUGE! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Teases More Big Names Are Coming Out for Trump — “Wait Until You See the Next Additions”

Robert Kennedy, Jr., tweeted on Sunday that his endorsement “is only the beginning.”

And, Kennedy then added, “Wait till you see the next additions to President Trump’s Unity Government.”


RFK Jr leads the way. Shatters Bogus, Orange Man Bad.

With cover provided, others will be emboldened, to follow.

No idea who…

Trump’s next two rallies:

  • Thursday, 29 August @ La Cross, WI
  • Friday, 30 August @ Johnstown, PA

Saving America needs everyone and is bigger than one man
God bless and guide all those people who put all on line
We need to vote and encourage everyone to vote to save us from communism

Last edited 23 days ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Comrade Kamala!!!

Why, that reminds me of something…..

Komrade Kamala Dirt Thread

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So – treasonous communist VALERIE JARRETT and her PROG COMMIE friends say that we must treat “whichever” black female VP pick Biden makes (clearly they were planning on Kamala Harris) with some sort of artificial respect based on her – well, just read it. To which I say….. To me, rich, attractive, powerful and “officially …


Memory lane.

Posters then included Wheatie, Grandma, Ozzy, OW21, FG&C, Cuppa, Jamcooker, PR, Gudthots, Teagan, Concerned Virginian, Dora, Butterfly….

Miss’m all.


As for the Hoe. An A5 is gonna bury Hoe 5 November.

Last edited 23 days ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. This site has had 2 years under Trump (under continuous attack), and 4 years under Briben. It’s been rough. We’ve been through a lot. Miss the folks who are gone, too.

Last edited 23 days ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And phoenixrising


Slow Guy was lazy…PR. Absolutely, PhoenixRising.   :wpds_wink: 

PR provided excellent insights.

Gail Combs

And Patrick Henry Censored.

I am STILL miffed that Sundance/Menagerie would not allow prayers for him at CTH. That was just MEAN!


God knows who we pray for and no one can stop it 

Gail Combs

I am sure there were people on CTH who would have like to have known PHC was ill and would have prayed for him if they had known.




PHC…quite the character. 🙂

Valerie Curren

CV is still around, just posting as PAVACA of late 🙂

Miss all those precious Q-Treepers too, & more 🙁


Sometimes I think I see others, like FG&C…..but it’s probably just wishful thinking.

Some — like B’fly, Cuppa, and G’ma — you can see on our sister sites, which they find easier to deal with (which is amusing, because I find those sites more difficult). Then, also, there’s NF….

Valerie Curren

Yes. If there were more hours in a day I’d read those sister sites daily too…such beautiful, helpful, & playful comPatriots!


Thanks. Slow Guy forgot that one.

Valerie Curren

YW 🙂

I forgot what she went by before CV 🙂


It is a monumental shift to have a Democrat saying these things. RFKJ is very well spoken, too.

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Last edited 23 days ago by TheseTruths

(⬆️ link is now fixed)


Here, RFKJ makes it clear that more Democrats will be joining the campaign.

“President Trump is going to make a series of announcements about other Democrats who are joining his campaign.”

JUST IN: RFK Jr. announces that more Democrats will be teaming up with Donald Trump to Make America Great Again


🤔 Okay, now wondering if  comment on Doug Emoff’s French Fry thing has legs. Will have to stay tuned. These are likely little House fish and not Senators, but if one were to be a senator, i’d expect she’d be in the running.

Valerie Curren

17 seconds 🙂


RFK Jr, a great asset for winning back America.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! He gets it!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dowd is still around? And not working in a liver anatomy lab? A miracle!


Melania Trump to Release Her Own Memoir Giving ‘Unprecedented Look’ at Her Time as First Lady

Former First Lady Melania Trump is releasing her memoir, which will look back on her extraordinary life before, during, and after her husband’s rise to the most powerful man in the world.

Posting on the X platform, Donald Trump said that his wife’s memoir will provide an “insightful perspective of her tenure as First Lady of the United States, highlighting our shared experiences, her entrepreneurial achievements, plus the challenges and triumphs she experienced since her childhood in Europe.”

The book, which will be released on October 1st, is described by Amazon as an “inspirational memoir that offers a glimpse into the life of a remarkable woman who has navigated challenges with grace and determination.”

More at the link.

Barb Meier

Secret Service takes away protection from RFK Jr. He is still on the ballot in 40 of 50 states. So who decided that? Who is the USSS management reporting to?

Look forward to hearing Bongino’s take on this. I wonder if there is a way for USSS to arrest upper management if they are intentionally increasing risk of harm to their own protectees? If not, does Congress have the wits to craft a law to cover that situation?

Last edited 23 days ago by Barb Meier

What a petty bunch of shits.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The wicked Cue-Ball (Mayorkas) signed off on it – we know that much!

Barb Meier

Ahhh… I finally caught the source: The Bilbo Brainery. Lovely…


That’s in alignment with the other 3 branches of govt trust…the 4th branch is also extremely low trustworthy as are the 3 official branches


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The latter has employees and volunteers with disarming personalities.

Valerie Curren






Peace and Tranquility Prayers

Prayer for a Calm Heart

Lord of Peace, as evening falls, I seek the calmness only You can provide. Quell the storms of my mind and replace anxiety with Your peace. As the world quiets down, let my heart do the same. May Your presence envelop me so that I may know tranquility tonight and always. Amen.

Serenity at Day’s End

Heavenly Father, with the closing of this day, I ask for serenity. As the night sky displays its vast beauty, let my soul mirror its peacefulness. Help me to let go of the worries of the day and trust in Your loving care. May Your peace reign in my heart and home tonight. Amen.

Prayer for Restful Stillness

Dear God, in the stillness of this evening, I come to You seeking rest for my soul. Help me to lay down the burdens I’ve carried today and find comfort in Your arms. Grant me peace that passes understanding and a rest that restores my spirit. May my sleep be undisturbed and my dreams be sweet. Amen.

Nighttime Whisper for Peace

Creator of All, as I listen to the night’s gentle whisper, I ask for peace to settle over me. Let Your tranquility wash away the noise of the day. In this quiet hour, I lean on Your promise of peace, a heavenly balm to my weary soul. Keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on You. Amen.

Prayer for Gentle Rest

Omnipotent and Gentle Lord, at the end of this day, I seek the gentle rest that You so lovingly provide. May my mind be at ease, my body relax, and my spirit find harmony. Help me to release every concern into Your capable hands and sleep in the assurance of Your protection and peace. Amen.


Barb Meier

GWP shares video of Nancy Pelosi saysing “We’re very discreet, Reptilian, Cold Blooded” with video. It’s going around X now. Here’s the video from Joe Dan Gorman. I asked Grok to show me Nancy as a reptile. hehe

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sigh. Fortunately Darwin did not live to see this.

Valerie Curren

Hybrid from Hell   :wpds_evil: 

Barb Meier

I’m certain Darwin would never have considered Nanzi to be family.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No but what an insult to make the comparison.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember – if we can replace Sherrod Brown with Bernie Moreno, it’s a 2-vote shift toward MAGANOMICS.


When apologies are not enough. 😮


Zuckerberg has been overtly, an active team player for the Deep State, for many, many years.


Rumble CEO Flees Europe After Telegram CEO’s Arrest in France, Elon Responds


How many people in france or europe use Telegram and or twitter, more than a few I should think.
Start blocking them and they’re going to piss off a lot of people, it could rebound on the little hitlers of the eu.


Gail Combs

  :toldyaso:    :wpds_wink: 


I miss Steve Bannon. Warroom is not as fun without him..

Gail Combs

That is EXACTLY why they JAILED HIM NOW!

Gail Combs

JD on fire!

Great crowd.

Gail Combs

It made Hubby sit up and take notice. I really like JD The Left must be cringing at the thought of another 4 of Trump and then 8 of JD.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think it’s a few days old (before the DNC) but it ages well.

Gail Combs

Yes it is a few days old but it was such a classic and I did not see it here.


It must be an amazing experience to step into Trump’s orbit and experience those crowds. Vance is up to the challenge.


Will listen in shortly…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Minor ground report here. These observations may be useful in reading the RFKJ possibilities.

As I’ve mentioned before, I keep some irons in the fires of “other worlds”, notably the arts and sciences. The art world is where I have contact with not only the left in general, but the dark forces which really do exist. Pedos, satanists, alphabet extremes, Cluster B, all levels of crazy people, MK discards, and all the rest. And yet, a surprising number of good people who tend to hide their normality and conservatism.

In one of several art worlds, I recently learned of the death of an artist who “died suddenly” of a heart attack. A very good person, who I am certain took the jab in order to help others. Their entire career centered on helping others in their art. They were internationally known, not for their art, as much as for helping other artists create greater art. This was not a personal friend, nor even a close acquaintance, but rather a long acquaintance of many years. We tended to see things differently, but there was mutual respect.

Nobody expected this. Not just the age, but the general health of the person. To those of us who are aware, it was obviously the work of THE JAB.

AND YET – nobody will say it. All sorts of comments of shock and surprise, but not a single whiff of a hint of a rumor of a suspicion that it MIGHT be the jab.

I am certain that some of the people know it was probably the jab. But not a single person will say anything that might be construed as being suspicious of the jabs. In fact, nobody will even hint in the vaguest terms, that something might be up.

THAT is the psychology we are up against.

There are “gatekeepers” in this art community who make sure nobody questions the jab. Some may actually be “assigned” by higher powers. At a minimum, they are self-assigned. I would say that this community I am in, has at least 20% who absolutely don’t trust the jab, and maybe 30-40% who would swing against the jab, if free speech were allowed. The pro-jab orthodoxy are like the 25% of Democrats on Twitter. Were it not for ownership of the narrative at the level of the community leaders and the gatekeepers, up to 75% would turn against the jabs.

Many who are aware are silent, because such moments can be weaponized to completely cancel and destroy those who break the surface. But it goes further. In a way, we acknowledge that this person who died – good fool that they were – took the jab to keep grandma from dying – and while they died for their trust of villains, this was still a good person who wanted to do the right thing. Nobody wants to tarnish their memory with a fight against the gatekeepers. Nobody wants the division.

And yet…. it’s still there, like an incipient earthquake. I’m sure the others who are over the jab are thinking and feeling the same thing.

And moreover, there is some kind of hope here. I don’t know how to describe it, but I can feel something different in the silence now. There is REAL HOPE.


So interesting Wolf and i completely understand about not being able to describe it but feeling something different in a person who never indicated before that they were hearing or seeing truth. It’s almost like a small tremor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! I find it incredibly odd how much deep information moves outside the words and their strict meanings. What people say – and what they don’t say – and SO MUCH between the lines.

The stresses and tensions building before a preference cascade – as Cthulhu taught us. I can feel it.


Exactly. Without getting all woowoo…there’s a lot of nonverbal cues, eye contact, gut reaction. Humans may have a way of sensing things that we don’t fully understand.
I think that’s why we often say there’s such a difference between us and the rabid extremist Left..their entire being exudes hate. It shows in their eyes. You can feel it right through a vid,a newscast, ,selfie, etc
haha, the world according to me! (but I believe it)

Last edited 23 days ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That layer of haters – which is very dangerous – IMO they are a kind of useful idiot of people who are either much better at hiding their hate – or are completely without emotion, or are just diabolical, delighting in evil – meaning the true puppetmasters and their close minions. It is by brushing against this layer of smarter people who manipulate the haters, that I have come to see how “they want us divided” is very true – so true that I have to believe there is SOMEBODY VERY SMART behind the Q psy-op. Somebody who knows that this higher layer exists.


Some of them are losing their ability to hide it anymore so they decided to quit pretending and simply murder Trump. The higher layer maybe realizing that millions of us can’t be manipulated and that even some of their formerly obedient minions aren’t falling for their lies. There’s some cracks in the dark mirror?



Impenetrable wall of sorts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It used to be far worse in that corner of lefty territory. It felt like traveling in Stalin’s Soviet Union. It’s almost Gorbachev now!

Obama was the beginning of the slide into Communist Correctness.

Barb Meier

I only saw a couple of short clips of Obama speaking at the DNC convention. I saw fear in his eyes and desperation in his way of speaking.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting.

Right now, I believe the system is about to work things out in a way that won’t give Obama what he wants, but will give him what he needs – provided he actually lets it happen, and doesn’t oppose the system’s will.

But the left always pushes too far. So things could get interesting.

Valerie Curren

Fascinating, sobering, enlightening…


Another one in my queue.

Valerie Curren

from the replies on nitter

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Replying to @DrPhil @realDonaldTrump
Will you make sure this gets investigated? It’s far more serious than people realize….
On Walz’s 2005/2006 maybe prior returns(below) tax returns, he disclosed he is a “Senior Fellow” for CCP controlled Macau Polytechnic University in China…but didn’t report the income he rcvd from them (Senior Fellow is a paid position per the Macau Polytechnic website.) He never reported his admitted “gifts, trips” he rcvd from China. (Against DOD strict “no gifts” regulations for Natl Guardsman) He indicates he dissolved his China side biz to take 100’s of students to China “Educational Travel Adventures” in 2008, formed in 1991…but the company still exists with website saying it was founded 1991, the same time as Walz’s Educational Travel Adventures was formed. – I couldn’t access tax returns for that company…but someone should as Walz has admitted publicly that CCP China funded it. Against DOD, US Code 18, & FBI’s China threat crimes… Via Open Secrets Walz tax return 2005……………………Walz tax return 2006………………FBI’s “China Thousand Talents Plan crimes”: FBI “Chinese Thousand Talents” threat to infiltrate US Gov officials to commit economic espionage:!&&p=d9c8b9488…

internal links above, in order!&&p=d9c8b9488c250de0JmltdHM9MTcyNDAyNTYwMCZpZ3VpZD0yYWU5ZjQzNi02MTlmLTY0ODUtMTA2Ny1mYTYyNjBlYzY1NDAmaW5zaWQ9NTIyNw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=2ae9f436-619f-6485-1067-fa6260ec6540&psq=FBI+China+thousand+talents+plan&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmJpLmdvdi9pbnZlc3RpZ2F0ZS9jb3VudGVyaW50ZWxsaWdlbmNlL3RoZS1jaGluYS10aHJlYXQvY2hpbmVzZS10YWxlbnQtcGxhbnM&ntb=1

Ka-Booms in the last 30 seconds!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it!

Valerie Curren

 😃   😎   😃 


The interview was fascinating.

Valerie Curren



In other good news.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So the CIA wanted to take control of a RUSSIAN nuclear plant?

No good could come of that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or some shitbag faker wants us to think that happened.

No good could come of that, either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kim DotCom is a known passer of disinformation. I should have suspected!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We need a list.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

apropos of exactly nothing you and Gail might enjoy this breakneck tour of chemistry (with some odd humor inserted).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Surprisingly good for just under 19 minutes!!!


Pretty good review, but he stops there and doesn’t do organic chem.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He has a 17 minute biology video…which I didn’t watch.


Yeah, I figured there are probably more enjoyable ways of spending 17 minutes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That needs another video! Just like it needs another couple of big courses in college!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As a matter of irrelevant trivia, Kursk is the site of the biggest land battle in history, summer of 1943 between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. It’s most famous for being the largest tank (panzer) battle in history, but there was signficant house-to-house and hand-to-hand fighting as well.

The opening day, July 5, was the costliest day in the history of aerial warfare.

Last edited 23 days ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Also interesting to know.


Several say it is fake. No idea ground truth.


Ukraine forces that invaded Russia had cutting edge equipment, unique training and real time intel – on the battle field. They knew where the Russians were and where they were not.

I have no problem believing Ukraine was using Star Link. If Star Link were cut, Ukraine ability to advance hampered big time.
– Perhaps I am out to lunch.

I also believe Ukraine was set up for failure. Set up by US, UK and Ukraine themselves.

Ukraine logistics single point of failure. Where were they going to get fuel, food, ammunition, repair parts, maintenance, medical care, replacement forces. Forces to extend their invasion. Protect their flanks, rear…

Ukraine apparently committed their reserves, to invade Russia. A Fools Errand. IMO.

Back to Star Link. I find it reasonable. Even likely. Could very well be out to lunch. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any theory involving current USG that involves betrayal of somebody (including the American people) has automatic credibility with me. Sadly.


Not out to lunch. Star Link is in the theater operations for the Ukrainians to use for the DEFENSE of Ukraine and to support civil affairs. Once it’s confirmed that Ukraine was now invading Russia, that would violate terms of service ToS.

Meanwhile while the US is back dooring intel to the Ukrainians they have to be careful not to make it obvious by giving front door intel. So if the US is not going to do that then why in the heck would any one expect Musk to do that.


Yes, Ukraine going on the “offense” was the crux of turning off Star Link.

I assume Star Link was operational in that part of Ukraine /Russia.


Yep and I didn’t include enough when I said “Intel”. It would of been command and control as well as far as what ever reached units in the field digitally. They should of realized that Musk would not support that and should not have relied so heavily on Star Link, which is the part we don’t know on how heavily they did rely on Star Link.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The first is annoying, and the second is of uncertain vintage, but DAYUM. What a response.


Bannon was behind bars on J13.

Best I know, no one has had contact with Bannon. Daughter?

Hope Bannon is weathering the Gulag. Two months and ~six days to go.


Bannon for AG.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it! Sure beats KAPO.

Valerie Curren

Based on the wall behind Bannon he was speaking at a Turning Point Action event. Presumably before the assassination attempt on DJT or he would have included that in the declass list I would guess.

Last edited 23 days ago by Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

I mentioned that I was not at all surprised by the RFK Jr move. This old video clip is why:

At 33:30 to 36:58


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! *facepalm*

Happy go lucky

🤣 🤣 🤣 Hey FDA, why so petulant?!


Not a fan of either… To funny.

Bill O’Reilly and Chris Cuomo Erupt in On-Air Shouting Match After O’Reilly Tells The Truth About Kamala Harris


So what Zelensky was actually talking about was the successful development and deployment of some new drone missiles that the Ukrainians designed and built themselves. They’re named Palianytsia drone missiles and they were named after a type of home-baked bread popular in the region. It seems to me that if you really want to instill terror into the heart of your enemy, you might name your weapon after something more dangerous than a loaf of bread. But – again – perhaps that’s a translation issue. That bread could be terrifying for all I know.

Russians to retaliate with clusters of пряник.

[ ]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The whole war is just sad. I feel ashamed of NATO. One might have hoped that America would never have been sucked into the endless cycle of European error, after the last big error, but no.

I pray to God that both the Ukrainian and Russian peoples are saved by this American election being true and just.


Maybe the Russians have gluten issues.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or they might be doing keto.


The Ukraine has long been known as the breadbasket of Russia.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually it has been known as the breadbasket of Europe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That explains a lot…..


I thought the Black Forest was in Germany…..

Too bad NASA wasn’t concentrating on getting people to-and-from the ISS.

Last edited 23 days ago by cthulhu
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There is another Black Forest in Colorado, but about half of it burned back in 2013.

It was less than a year after Waldo Canyon, and eclipsed it for damage and homes lost. Waldo Canyon until that time was the record holder for Colorado.


Hey wait a minute, did she not get the memo that trees are bad? Gates wanted to fell them and bury them to save the climate. What about all the millions of acres clear cut for solar and wind farms?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If somebody postulated that mind-controlling Bill Gates and his elite buddies to pursue anti-human stupidity was the first wave of an alien invasion, I’d have a hard time arguing against it.


If HR had bothered to ask him, he could have explained that he thought he was in San Francisco….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a gal that I think Scott and a few other here will really appreciate!


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With no time blarps — but no hats, neither….