Dear KMAG: 20241021 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • to take off
  • to doff
  • to undo
  • to put off
  • to lay aside
  • to unfasten

Used in a poem

5 From her fair head her fillet she undight,

fillet > {Headband; ribbon used for keeping the head-dress in place: cf. 101.4:4} undight > unfastened

6 And laid her stole aside. Her angel’s face,

stole > robe

The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser (1596)


On topic – a nicer way to remember this man!

Fine stuff! And speaking of which…..


We’ve talked about theories of flat earth, and of gravity not existing. What about the other direction – not only gravity existing, but anti-gravity, too?

SO – the failure of “beautiful theories” led her to begin questioning them – and to wondering how beauty and math might be misleading the direction of physics.

Well – let’s couple that with journalism – how the cross-interests of journalism – the WOW – the NOW – the NO – the WHOA – and the WOO – how that might ALSO be misleading science.

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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And here we are at Monday … again.

It’s getting to be a pattern – every week there’s a Monday. Almost like it’s intended.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We’ve tried: moving most holidays to calendar Monday. Guess what, we still have Monday in Spirit, the next day.

Thanksgiving week consists of a Monday, a Wednesday and a Friday, then T-day and a Landru-like festival known as Black Friday.

If we went to a one day work week, it’d suck because that day, whatever it was, would be Monday in Spirit.

When I retire (if I ever get to retire), I expect one day out of every week to suck anyway.

Valerie Curren

LOL that’s pretty close to “truth” right there 😉

Detroiters & Lions fans have the “added bonus” (see Family Man dog walk scene) of watching out team traditionally bomb big time on national TV. Maybe this year they will acquit themselves well. They just beat the Vikings in a hard fought battle to take the top seed in the NFC North.

Sorry, I don’t think you care about football (or perhaps any sports) but we were just having Thanksgiving discussions w/ 2 of our kids & Lions game times are always a factor for meal times on Thanksgiving, & potentially (in)digestion issues thereafter LOL My Son-IL doesn’t even want to watch the game with us because of how my mom berated him for getting upset with the Lions, last year “it’s just a game” she counselled. I think he had to walk around the block a couple times to calm down…


Uh, retired ~nine years. Some days are better than others. None suck.

Unless we figure the day they installed Briben.


Whenever I see our postal carrier on a Monday, or a Tuesday after a Monday holiday, I always call out “HAPPY MONDAY!!!”

It’s a joke between us, because no mail goes out on Sunday, but the trucks keep coming in — so mail carriers are just slammed every Monday. It’s worse after Federal holidays, because most truckers are not Federal employees.

Barb Meier

Schlichter’s main pont: go vote. do it now so an emergency can’t prevent you from voting on election day. He gets a little feisty \o/ about what should happen if Trump wins and gets in office:

Hopefully, he will wreak an unholy vengeance upon them. Time to cull their herd. There are a lot of bad people in government and outside as well, and it’s time for an accounting. A bunch need to be fired. Some need to go to jail. Others need to be hunted for sport. Some softcons will plead that Trump should forgo his righteous retribution and respect the norms, but it is unclear why he should respect the norms that existed 25 years ago as opposed to the norms that exist (or, rather, no longer exist) today.


Mercy is a firing squad instead of the electric chair.


It’s not “his” righteous retribution – it’s ours.

You know — the grassroots; the peons; the people; etc.

The MAGA deplorables. We will have justice. Because it will favor us is irrelevant.


^^^ This gets lost with many folks. They did the dirty against We the People with clearly defined remedies in the Constitution and laws. To not provide justice runs counter to being merciful to those who have been abused.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I don’t know if it should be called an unholy retribution.


Thoughts on the Eventuality before putting the cart before the horse.

Leaving the needed retribution stuff aside and returning back to the “main point’ Go Out and Vote (ASAP?) ASAP being that military directive meaning As Soon As Possible. Which begs the question, what kind of emergency would necessitate that? That should be an easy guess.

It would have to be the invaders starting to rise up to create havoc. Something we and everyone else have been predicting for a long time. But no time like the present when all the polls show Kamala falling further and further behind in the polls.

This of course triggers a series of possibilities.

One the Administration calls for a stop to elections. Because the bulk of pandemonium is happening in Democrat controlled cities and populations there will be afraid to come out into the violence and vote, the Democrats will cry they are victims because they can’t vote.

Next because the bulk of the fighting Military is already deployed oversees and the administration will double down on them being needed there, which of course they are not, then the administration next calls on foreign troops to be invited in to pacify these Democrat controlled areas. They won’t ask for permission, they’ll just do it.

The Pacification will be little more than a fig leaf to arm the Kamala clowns and next we are at a full fledged Civil War which they are determined to win. Because the conflict spreads more Foreign Troops will be called upon. The flood gates keeping them out are now open.

Some will argue that elections were held during the last civil war, but that war saw uniforms and clear cut battle lines. This one will have neither of those things and will be just a huge mess so the Democrats will ignore that and since it takes two sides to have an election the Democrats will ignore reason.

Meanwhile with Hurricane Helene having just happened, the Administration has just practiced on a small scale something they’ll next attempt at a large scale which is blocking a Federal Response and using what Federal Response it has deployed to work counter to fixing the problem.

Now while everything is seeded and primed to blow, I’d say if these eventualities begin to manifest, we draw on the same lessons from Hurricane Helene and depend on the people to respond to the problem. MAGA is everywhere, to include in Democrat controlled areas. MAGA is not stupid, they know who the WEFfen problem children are. Avoid their foot soldiers as much as possible and silence the WEFfen problem children and most of their impetus quickly dwindles.

Meanwhile by going out early to vote, we get the chance to head this off or at least establish our bargaining chips upfront to bring it all to a quicker happy conclusion.

The risk of course is they steal the vote anyway but our hopes always been the vote is too big to steal.

Valerie Curren

I thought for a sec I was reading a P Rex missive 😉


Now that there is downright funny.  😂 

Valerie Curren



P Rex might be insulted that you lumped him in with me. 😆
Me on the other hand, not so much 😁

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha

Glad I didn’t offend you   :wpds_lol: 

Barb Meier

Thank you, Para. This morning, the Loaders called and we talked about next week’s loading of my stuff. I’ve had to change the schedule twice for him and U-Haul.

Next, I reached out to the title company. The closing has been rescheduled three times and I was not sure I’d heard from the notary who will stop by yet.

The title lady said we’ve had four delays and asked me to request a payout that runs through Nov. 8th. I did not question what she said she needed but the last I heard was closing on 10/31.

So now I suspect there may be one more delay which takes us just past the election. Perhaps they want a few days to see if leftists start a civil war or shut down all the banks/credit unions after the election.

I am so glad God is in charge and I’m on the side of having a warm house with running water and electric. Who knows where we are going. My cousin is a Marine and he and his family just moved into their first new house. It’s lovely and they and their two kids are so excited.

I’m seeing how expensive everything is back home, and probably everywhere. Weeee… if they pull down everything they can before being held to account, it will be so ugly. I appreciate your thoughts on what our future holds. I am thankful I voted in person early and will keep praying for us all.

Last edited 10 hours ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren

Wow Barb, that’s a lot to tackle, with plenty of uncertainty. It’s inspiring how you anticipate these upheavals with grace, strength, & trust in the Lord to see you through.

Barb Meier

Thank you, Valerie! Everyone here is such a big help to me. Wolf has built us a huge blessing. I have learned that even when things seem bad, it is in God’s hands and some things that seem tough on the surface can lead to the best times of all once I get to the next chapter of life. I used to say it to myself in a different way during the Obummer years… “Stay straight and steady.” Now, I’ve learned that I stay straight and steady because Jesus loves us and God has a plan. This evening, TradeBait gave us such an inspirational Fall Groundreport. He just made me so happy to be alive now when we fight for good in a new way: love one another and be kind. No fear. 💕

Valerie Curren

Amen! We have a beautiful spirit permeating the Q-Tree & it’s life AND attitude altering in an increasingly positive way…always!


This article brought you to mind.

Electric Motors Are About to Get a Major Upgrade Thanks to Benjamin Franklin

Long a fascination of engineers, electrostatic motors are in testing and have massive potential

A technology pioneered by Benjamin Franklin is being revived to build more efficient electric motors, an effort in its nascent stage that has the potential to be massive.  

A handful of scientists and engineers—armed with materials and techniques unimaginable in the 1700s—are creating modern versions of Franklin’s “electrostatic motor,” that are on the cusp of commercialization. It’s reminiscent of the early 1990s, when Sony began to produce and sell the first rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, a breakthrough that’s now ubiquitous.

Franklin’s “electrostatic motor” uses alternating positive and negative charges—the same kind that make your socks stick together after they come out of the dryer—to spin an axle, and doesn’t rely on a flow of current like conventional electric motors. Every few years, an eager Ph.D. student or engineer rediscovers this historical curiosity. But other than applications in tiny pumps and actuators etched on microchips, where this technology has been in use for decades, their work hasn’t made it out of the lab.

Electrostatic motors have several potentially huge advantages over regular motors. They are up to 80% more efficient than conventional motors after all the dependencies of regular electric motors are added in. They could also allow new kinds of control and precision in robots, where they could function more like our muscles…

Last edited 1 day ago by TheseTruths

Ya… Re-do Tesla and see what happens. Same with the guy(s) that developed the water powered vehicles (water separated into hydrogen and oxygen… Burn the hydrogen).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s actually two ways to do that. One…burn the hydrogen in an internal combustion engine. Two…use it in a fuel cell. The second way is actually cleaner than the first (and may even be more efficient) because there’s no chance of burning oil.

The big issue with both methods is that hydrogen is expensive to produce; you basically need to put more energy into making it, than you will get out of it. (In some ways it’s a lot like a battery in that regard–it’s not a way to produce energy but rather to store it.) It then has to be compressed, stored, and piped to the destination. Or if you actually want to liquefy it–well, that requires very cold temperatures. And it will leak through almost anything because the molecules are so tiny. It’s a royal pain in the ass to deal with, which just makes it expensive.

Advantages over batteries: Fillups are similar to doing so with gasoline as far as time, etc., but people will have to be very careful doing so–compressed flammable gas is even more hazardous than gasoline (which we are used to so it’s easy to forget that objectively it’s dangerous stuff to deal with).

Toyota nevertheless pushed for hydrogen fuel cell technology rather than batteries; with very limited success. Apparently the only state where owning such a car is feasible is California, which has a very few hydrogen filling stations.

Valerie Curren

I think RB was referring to the water-running (don’t know the technical term) engine that someone built & patented. The patent was stolen or destroyed & the inventor died in mysterious circumstances, presumably killed by big auto. iirc that concept car drove across the country on just a few gallons of water, costing practically nothing to operate…

Probably similar to how big pharma buries simple, inexpensive, effective treatments, like Ivermectin to Cure cancer, because it impacts their bottom line.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I would love to see how water can be that kind of power source.

It’s basically like trying to burn wood ash; it’s already burnt.

In any case Rayzorbak specifically talked about water separated into hydrogen and oxygen. That to me seemed like a reference to water being turned back into the hydrogen and oxygen that reacted to produce it. (And that requires as much energy as will eventually be released by burning it again…plus more because no process is 100 percent efficient.)

Of course, I may have totally misunderstood him.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s likely because we both played with breaking up water in grade school/high school. Well, I know I did.

Last edited 6 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was fun realizing that for the first time in my life I was looking at hydrogen gas. And for that matter pure oxygen.

Granted, not much to see!

I went to the Cosmodome in Hutchinson KS (which is definitely a case of “what is all this doing here of all places?”) and they did do a demo with liquid oxygen.

I saw the stuff, thought “OK liquid nitrogen” and then I realized it was a very pale blue…I was the only person in the audience who guessed right when they asked.

Valerie Curren

Boy Wonder 😉


About five years ago, there was an installation where soapy water was subjected to electrolysis — resulting in bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen in a large (8′ high, 3′ across) transparent cylinder. I forget what they used to ignite them, but the effect was quite amusing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hah that could be very entertaining!


Installation at Maker Faire.

Valerie Curren

Hopefully RB will drop by again to enlighten us as to what he was actually saying 🙂

Valerie Curren

Here’s info from the first hit on a Yandex search….

Stan Meyer’s Car With a Water-Powered EngineMeyer’s invention promised a revolution in the automotive industry. It worked through an electric water fuel cell, which divided any kind of water — including salt water — into its fundamental elements of hydrogen and oxygen, by utilizing a process far simpler than the electrolysis method.

Despite skepticism about the legitimacy of a car that runs on water, Meyer was able to patent his invention under Section 101 of the Subject Matter Eligibility Index, meaning he proved to a patent review board that his invention worked reliably.
Meyer’s water-powered engine was the result of 20 years of research and dedication, and he claimed it was capable of converting tap water into enough hydrogen fuel to drive his car from one end of the country to the other. His invention was mind-boggling and promised a future of non-polluting vehicles that could be refueled with a garden hose.

multiple hits from this search, if interested in more:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, this phrasing is also consistent with how Rayzorback phrased his comment.

The implication here…not actually explained…is that the car had some way of breaking water molecules up that somehow doesn’t involve putting in as much energy as you’d get out. OR possibly some other chemical reacting with the water to release the hydrogen; that could be added at a station…but it would still not be a net source of energy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The link sends me to a signup page.

Given all the Von-Daniken-esque (similar in style) bullshit that’s advertised on that page, I ain’t signing up.

Hopefully someone can point me to something that describes just HOW the hydrogen is extracted from the water. Until then, color me very, very skeptical since there’s either an unstated gotcha or this thing breaks laws of physics.

Valerie Curren

This link states that the claims were scientifically impossible, giving some details why, & that Meyer lost a court case & was declared a fraud. He also says all his inventions & or patents were in the public domain so anyone could run with them now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s not the link I got when I clicked on “His invention was mindboggling” it sent me to that new streaming service. Which apparently is loaded with absolute crap.

Anyhow the link you gave me this time confirms all of my suspicions, he’s doing electrolysis, with power from…well, where, exactly? Said process will consume more energy than the fuel cell releases. That’s basic chemistry. Technically, it should be exactly the same amount of energy but there are always losses in the system.

Combining a kilogram of hydrogen (which is a LOT) with oxygen (either by burning or in a fuel cell) releases 141584 kilojoules. (A joule is one watt, for one second, this is 141 million of them.) (Thats about three times as much as burning a kilogram of heptane (not very different from gasoline).)

But it will take that much energy to break water apart to get one kilogram of hydrogen, too.

This is why I said that hydrogen was like a battery. I could generate energy some other way (solar, nuke, coal, gas, etc., let’s go with the nuke so any leftist reading this has a stroke) somewhere, break a bunch of water up, transport it, put it in your car, and you drive it. The hydrogen basically stored the energy originally created by the nuke, and let you consume it in your car.

Last edited 4 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

TY. btw your number “141584 kilojoules” would be 141 hundred thousand of them, unless I misunderstood (clearly Always plausible) instead of “141 million of them”…just to try to be accurate. 🙂

Valerie Curren

makes sense…I still think that That Might be what RB was referencing, like the big guys will stomp down anyone who undercuts their profits. Perhaps Stan Meyer & his water powered car are some type of urban legend…I don’t know At All, just remember reading about it, I think here at the Q-Tree, a while back….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The stompage phenomenon certainly works to make the urban legend more believable.

I do not know how much the patent office does to actually test things. I don’t think they could possibly do so for all things just because of the sheer volume of patents.

Valerie Curren

makes sense, as you almost always do!


My family is going to vote today.

I really love voting on election day, it’s a ceremonial thing for me, truly. But this time it’s different.

So, what I’ve decided to do is “vote twice.” No, not actually twice. But I’m casting my ballot today, and on voting day I’m just going to go to my polling place and hang out for half an hour for the energy.

I’ll have my cake, and eat it, too.

Valerie Curren

Beautiful! Let us know how it goes for you please.


I will. I don’t expect any snags, though. Our county runs a tight election. I’ve investigated.

Valerie Curren

I wish I could say the same but I live in Wayne County, Michigan, that also contains the City of Detroit, so probably one of the most corrupt electoral counties in the nation. Our city even has Dominion machines  😡 


Good grief. Update forthcoming. See bottom of the thread.

Valerie Curren

Thx for the heads up 🙂


Hang out at the polling place with a Trump hat, T, placard?

In any case, enjoy the time with Patriots.


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Thank you!
Norman Rockwell style of art!


The peeling paint on the wooden window frames is a great touch.


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Too true.  😂 


😫up in arms…M is for meltdown…😫

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the Manager 👍😀

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Last edited 1 day ago by smiley2
pat frederick

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I like this one:

Valerie Curren

I need to sleep some more for my kind of out of focus eyes took the lit up vanishing perspective like Trump was having Superman-like laser eyes to heat up the fries!

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Robert Sterling:

Jokes aside, this is one of the most meaningful gestures I’ve ever seen from a political leader. Donald Trump is showing Americans through his actions—not just telling them with words—that every worker is important, that every job matters, and that there’s dignity in all labor, from serving fries to selling cars to structuring balance sheets.

Trump isn’t pretending to be something he isn’t—he didn’t “grow up in a middle-class family”; he’s a guy who owns hotels, golf courses, and a Boeing 757 with gold-plated toilet handles—but he’s also not pandering or putting on an act. He’s just authentically being who he always is and who he always will be, for better or for worse: The Donald; the guy who develops the same instant rapport and bonhomie with titans of industry and fast-food workers alike; the only president of our lifetime who knows that America doesn’t win unless ALL Americans win, whether they’re fry cooks, executives, shareholders, or anything in between.

You can’t fake something like this. It’s either who you are, or it’s something you’ll never be able to pull off. Trump—somehow—has it. And, because of that, this is the guy I trust to fight for my community and for my businesses.

More importantly, though, this is the guy I trust to fight for the people making $14/hour down the street. They deserve it.


That was prescient! 😅


What can not be faked is Trump’s genuine interest in how ANY job, no matter how small, is done.

He’s always been this way; there is story after story about him talking at length with everyone from the architect down to the food-cart guy on a construction site. He just wants to KNOW stuff.

And it makes people feel valued. Which can’t be faked.

Last edited 20 hours ago by Aubergine
Barb Meier

stealing this one…

pat frederick

need more coffee! while reading the tweet, I thought it said ROD SERLING…so as I read it I was hearing Rod’s voice and twilight zone music. lol

Valerie Curren

I almost did too LOL

pat frederick

good! I don’t feel so bad…LOL


Misery loves company?

relax – j/k

pat frederick

i blame not enough coffee

Valerie Curren

I didn’t think I was that miserable 🙂

I was thinking of quipping something Groucho-esque like I wouldn’t be in any club/group that would have me or something…but it’s a Huge Honor to get lumped in with Pat F. in Any Domain, even confusion!


Last edited 21 hours ago by eilert
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, DJT never worked in a McDonalds (until now) (and certainly never had to).

But from everything I’ve ever seen he genuinely respects blue collar labor, regardless of skill level, so long as the job is competently done. And that likely came from his upbringing; his father’s line of work involved dealing with tradesmen of all types, and his father knew to appreciate good ones.

Valerie Curren



A comment I saw:

More people have watched Trump cooking fries and serving people at McDonalds than will watch a Super Bowl ad. A Super Bowl ad costs $7 million for 30 seconds. All of Trump’s views are free. Genius.


Residuals from Trump rallies pay off everyday..

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands wearing Trump hats, shirts…

Trump marketing.


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In the 2020 election, I think, some were admonishing patriots to vote on election day so the cheaters wouldn’t know how many ballots they would need to come up with. This year, all the big names, including Trump himself, are urging people to vote early in case something happens on election day — either personally or through an event aimed at disrupting the election process. The thinking is that a huge number of votes will already be in.

It looks as if the states that can’t count all the votes on election day are setting themselves up to produce the needed numbers of ballots. We should be prepared for this, but I’m not sure we are.



Florida is the 3rd most populated state in the USA and they’ll have their votes counted and the results on election night.

Any Secretary of State in any state who gets on TV today and says it’ll take days to count the votes is a cheater, a traitor, and should be arrested.


Also a liar.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And a cheater and a traitor.

Now if you want to complain that Catturd already said so…well DUH.

I’m saying it again because it bears repeating. And as a bonus I’ll repeat “liar” too.


Mini ground report.

Very small town. Stopped for a coffee.

Regulars, couple old farts BS’n, over coffee. One in a Trump hat. Over the years I see them, when we pass through. Two of us wear our Trump hats, swap passing hello’s…

Today one guy says, we better win, because i (him) is not going to live the way they want us to live. Be ready to load magazines. Don’t think he’s talking about Time magazine…

We all know they are going to cheat. I remain hopeful we can out vote, their cheat.

IMO. The wild card is illegals D-Rats registered to vote, assuming they vote.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Best not to have just a few magazines, but rather an entire subscription.


Couple decades since I had magazine subscription(s).

But yea, not interested in stuff I’d guess he meant. (I didn’t ask.)

Valerie Curren



Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 10 methods, same answerMany people have no clue how many people have been killed by the COVID vaccines. I list ten different methods and they all given similar results. You can question each one, but not all 10.
Steve Kirsch

Oct 21, 2024

Executive summary
There are many different ways to estimate the excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines.
Funny thing is, no matter which way you choose, you get the same answer: over 200,000.

The methods
Here is a list of different methods to estimate the number of Americans killed by the COVID shots:

  1. Big data analysis (Rancourt et al., 78 countries, see p286): 0.00127*672M doses= 853,000 deaths
  2. Public survey (Skidmore): 217,000 in 2021 alone. No estimate for subsequent years.
  3. VAERS (How many deaths were caused by the covid vaccines? by UK Professor Norman Fenton): 120,000 + 70,000 = 190,000 deaths minimum.
  4. Doctors I know personally: Estimates came in consistently at 4 to 5 per 1,000 vaccinated. Since there are 270M Americans who got the shot, this predicts 1.1M deaths.
  5. Survey of medical practices (46 complete responses): 3 per 1,000 vaccinated by excluding sites claiming 1% or more death rates. This predicts 810,000 deaths.
  6. Paramedic survey (9 responses): If we ignore all the high reports, the average of the five remaining reporting 5 or fewer COVID vaccine deaths was 2.5. Since there are 100,000 paramedics, this suggests that 250,000 deaths would be a conservative estimate. Ignoring the largest two reports as outliers, the average was 6 suggesting that as many as 600,000 deaths is a ballpark estimate at the true number.
  7. VAERS estimate: There are over 19,058 American deaths in the US VAERS system (per query). Assuming 70% are caused by the vaccine and an under-reporting factor of 50, we get 670,000 deaths.
  8. Large geriatric medical practice: Tidewater Family Practice is a medical practice that specializes in the elderly. Their all-cause mortality rates went from 10 a year before the vax rolled out to over 48 deaths in 2023. It’s hard to extrapolate that to a normal population.
  9. Rasmussen survey: Vaccine deaths were 45% relative to COVID deaths. So given that there were over 1M COVID deaths, this translates into 450,000 COVID deaths. Note that half of America doesn’t think the COVID vaccine killed anyone so we expected this estimate to be lower by a factor of 2 or more.
  10. Ethical Skeptic analysis of natural cause excess deaths. He found 755K died, constituting a vaccine fatality rate of .33% per person vaccinated which is remarkably close to what the doctors I know estimated (0.4%). He notes the COVID IFR was 0.27%. The baseline for the chart was from 2014 to 2019.

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  1. Czech Republic data: Moderna had 30% higher 1 year ASMR than Pfizer on an absolute basis. Assuming Pfizer is 100% safe and half of America got Moderna, this would be a 15% ACM increase for 1 year minimum. Since the US mortality is around 3M per year, a 15% increase for one year is 450,000 deaths.
  2. Jay Bonnar’s statistics: Jay has nearly 15,000 friends in his Outlook contacts and 15 of them died unexpectedly after getting their COVID shots. Jay has only one friend prior to the vaccine rollout die unexpectedly. In addition, he only lost one friend to COVID. So he lost 1 friend per 1,000 vaccinated. So extrapolating, we’d estimate 270,000 COVID deaths. Jay says it’s quite possible he wasn’t aware of all deaths among his friends, so this should be considered a lower-bound data point.
  3. Denver police officer anecdote: I’m in the process of trying to get confirmation of this via FOIA to the Denver police department, but this is a 50X increase in natural cause deaths after the shots rolled out and I don’t think the police officer is joking about this. I’ve talked to him personally.

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One paramedic summed it up very nicely: “I’ve been a paramedic almost 20 years. Since these shots came out I’ve seen things I’ve never seen before, otherwise perfectly healthy young people dropping dead for no reason. It’s been crazy, and I really pray it doesn’t get worse.” See the paramedic and doctor survey.

Using more than 10 different methods, we estimated a minimum death toll of the COVID shot of 217,000 Americans or more.

Lawmakers should find that extremely troubling.


[note: the numbering is off, due to auto-formatting]


Thank you for this.

Regarding the point 7. VAERS estimate:

The number of reports on VAERS is less than 1% of the actual numbers occurring:
“Research Shows That Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Reactions Are Reported”

**** Therefore, the “official” VAERS figure of 19,058 deaths (so far) from the COVID-19 “vaccines” (gene therapy injections) is actually 1,905,800 (if one uses the 19,058 “official” VAERS figure as 1% of the actual total so far.)


How they can trust these numbers, no matter which side is favored?


Thank you.
This is a good question, given the ongoing statistics regarding diagnoses of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced injuries / illnesses / disabilities, and deaths. Ed Dowd, as well as Steve Kirsch, are doing yeoman’s work in the stats aspects.
That said, it IS known that VAERS (CDC) stopped recording reports from non-United States reporting agencies about 18 months ago.


It’s like heads they win tails we lose. No matter what, the loser can always argue that the numbers are guesses.

Valerie Curren

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I have seen this previously, but apparently there are not many copies on the Internet:

Last edited 21 hours ago by eilert
Valerie Curren

What a great find–TY!


He baby-talked the little dog! How cute!


Last edited 21 hours ago by eilert
Valerie Curren

“new” Trump song, not sure if it’s been shared here before

pat frederick

Crime syndicate or recruitment operation by which they can expand operations? My bet is with the later.


Simple solution subject to PDT being in office. Designate as terror org. Go arrest and kill them as necessary. They are not citizens.

pat frederick

send the military–they are an invading army

Valerie Curren

invited in by the Traitor N Thief   :wpds_evil: 

pat frederick

that would make it treason, no?

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That they will NEVER do…not until we become dependent on them, THEN suddenly they will want the eggbeaters shut down NOW for environmental reasons.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m tired of that shit.

Hey, you, you little leftist dirtbag…go build me a nuclear power plant.


H I L A R I O U S !

Elon with all of his companies is well suit to take a machete to Big Dumb Government. Cut regulations. Trash unnecessary federal employees.

Last edited 7 hours ago by kalbokalbs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some bureacratic puke will rue the day they “asked” Musk to do this.


Verse of the Day for Monday, October 21, 2024

“Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation…” 

Psalms 25:5 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



1  (A Psalm of David.) Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.
O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.
Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.
Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.
Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old.
Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O LORD.
Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way.
The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way.
10 All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
11 For thy name’s sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great.
12 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.
13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.
14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.
15 Mine eyes are ever toward the LORD; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.
16 Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
18 Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
19 Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
20 O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
22 Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

Barb Meier

I love this one, Duchess. 💕



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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In the misty morning – at the break of dawn;
With sleepy eyes and – muddy mind I fawn;
Send your assistance and blessing my way;
Dear Heavenly Father – teach me today!

I fall on my knees to give glory and praise;
I sing with the angels – our song we raise;
In thanksgiving – I thank You for all I have;
For Your comfort – consolation – and salve!

Teach me – to love – as You willingly do;
To be servant of all – just like You;
Help me to learn to be humble and last;
Help me let go of mistakes of the past!

Teach me compassion – for my neighbor today;
Help me understand – his distress – if I may;
Help me bring comfort – condolence to him;
Lift up his spirit – when his faith is slim!

Help me be more like You – assured in love;
With confidence in my Father above;
With trust in Your steadfast faithfulness;
With fidelity – teach me – gratefulness!

Teach me – to invite – the Spirit within;
Through repentance and grace – let Him in;
To guide and chide me – when I should fall short;
Help me – to His wisdom – quickly resort!

Teach me – not my will – but His will be done;
Through Him and with Him – the battle is won;
Teach me – acceptance – when I find it hard;
To repent – reconcile – and pride discard!

Teach me – patience – a gift of the Spirit;
A virtue through which – I can endear it;
Give me Grace to hang on – and persevere;
Through fasting and prayer – help me volunteer!

Teach me – hope – a gift – to which I must cling;
Patient hope – endurance – blessings will bring;
Goodness and longsuffering – grant me these;
Precious gifts of the Spirit – grant them please!

Teach me – faith – that I may share it with all;
To lighten the burden – what might befall;
Calm my fears – and brighten earthly sorrow;
Increase my faith – childlike trust in tomorrow!

D01: 10/26/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Thank you for this.
“There are NO coincidences.”


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


An update is in order!

A silver quarter weighed 6 1/4 grams (yes, their weight was specified in grams, since 1873). Five of them was 31.25 grams. That’s very close to a troy ounce (31.1035 grams). But…they were 90% pure, so we need for the back of the envelope, .9 troy ounces. Kitco bid is 33.96 right now; I’m going to round that to $34. So those quarters are worth 34-3.4=30.6 right now. (NB: both of the roundoffs I did work in the same direction so I’m slightly overstating things, so go with $30 as a rough estimate.)


“You can’t fake something like this. It’s either who you are, or it’s something you’ll never be able to pull off. Trump—somehow—has it.”

Reminiscent of a diminutive Michael Dukakis wearing a giant helmet in a battle tank . . . or a feeble Pedo Joe behind the wheel of a semi-truck. They both don’t “got it” and failed spectacularly.

Did I just hear an “EEEEEEEEHHAAAAAAAA!!!”?

Last edited 19 hours ago by bakocarl

Also reminiscent of Elijah vs the Prophets of Baal. When you’re hot you’re hot, and when you’re not you’re not!

Valerie Curren

Don’t forget Kerry, “Can I, uh, get me a hunting license?” LOL


Autumn and Beyond

The days of autumn are wonderful days
The harvest comes in and food is put by
Hot, humid days yield to the sun’s waning gaze
Color blankets the hills up to the sky

Fall breezes turn chill, there’s frost in the air
Leaves turn brown and flutter down to the ground
A warm fire glows by a worn leather chair
High hopes arise and wishful dreams abound

The days pass slowly as we look ahead
To those heartfelt times that finish our year
Our earth-bound thoughts rise upward instead
To God and God’s Son to thank and revere

First, our thanks to God for all He has done,
Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!
All praise and glory for the victory won
And for Peace and Joy that never will end

And, our thanks to God for His daily bread
For meeting our needs, our wishes, and more
For this day’s meal, a most bountiful spread
Blessings, mercies, more than we could ask for

All glory to God for His divine love
For saving our souls from what we deserve
For bringing us all to our homes above
To Peace and to Joy, to learn and to serve

Finally, now, this last day of the year
We all look ahead to travel God’s Ways
Remembering always He’s ever near
And giving to Him our thanks and praise

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, too
Thanks and praise to God for all He has done
Once lost and wretched, now shining and new
All glory to Father, Spirit and Son


LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/21/2024




Psalms 31:24
Psalms 32:7
Psalms 34:17, 19
1 Timothy 6:12
Psalms 9:19-20
Isaiah 54:17
Psalms 22:28
Psalms 27:3
Psalms 10:17-18
1 Peter 1:13
Proverbs 16:1
Isaiah 43:18-19
Hebrrews 10:23
Joshua 1:8
1 John 4:4
2 Corinthians 2:14


Be strong and brave. There is nothing impossible for God.
It will get darker before it gets better. Things are going to shake. That is why you need to keep your focus on God and lean, rely and trust on Him.
God is against anyone that is against Him.
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory, is on your side.
You are a force to be reckoned with because you have the power of God, the Blood of Jesus Christ, and the Sword of the Spirit.
God will see you through as long as you don’t give up or quit. Obey Him and keep fighting.
Destroy the lie of separation of church and state. God’s people should be in leadership and government positions.
Pray that God is invited back into your government.
Stand firm on God’s Word and the truth.
Declare and decree life and justice back into your government.
God is doing a new thing in you and in your nation.
God’s Glory is going to fill this earth.
Have your heart fixed on God and know that He is faithful.
Pray for the church to unite.
Don’t give up. Keep standing. Keep fighting.
Get into the Word of God every single day- day and night. Seek out God and His Word.
Seek out God and His Word.
Pray for those who are asleep and blind to God’s truth.
Good will always overtake evil.
God is bigger than EVERYTHING!
You don’t need an election to save this nation. Only God can do that.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [21 October 2024] 

We have to be brave and we have to be strong and we cannot be moved by anything that we’re seeing that is trying to move us off of our faith and trust in Him. God is hearing the hearts and cries of His people and He’s giving them the answer for it.


[Heard – October 17, 2024] 

For I the Lord this day am telling My children to prepare your hearts for the unknown. Prepare your hearts for this world to be shaken. Prepare to stand in ways you never thought you would have to. Prepare for a great final battle for the soul of this nation. 
There will be a great death you will see in this nation. It will be the death of the Establishment, the death of their policies, the death of their One World Order they tried to ensnare this nation into. There is a great death to their plans to take this nation fully under their control once and for all. There will be a death to their control over your elections and there will be a death to their contracts with other nations to destroy you. There is a death upcoming to a Shadow Govt in DC. There’s coming a death to the payments to your governmental leaders they have received from other nations to help decimate your freedoms. There will be a death to the spying on the people of this nation to the 3-letter agencies and social media companies. There will be a death to socialism and communism and all their “isms” they use to dominate and control the masses and obliterate the nations. 

There will be a death to many puppet masters’ control over the people trying to steal this nation yet again. The final battle for the soul of this nation will seem to be dark. It will seem to become hopeless. It will seem as if you are surrounded and trapped by the Establishment, and the global govt and the army they had sent into your nation. 

My children, this is the time to be fully awake to My authority and to My Words.




SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well then they shouldn’t have eagerly given away the Soviet arsenal that was on their soil.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No profanity, so he must have nearly popped a blood vessel from all that restraint.


First Trump does a shift at McDonald’s and then JD Vance pours beers to packer fans. This feels more like the party of ‘Joy,’ doesn’t it? It’s natural and not forced, unlike Kamabla.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, pass out intoxicants!!! That’ll bring joy!


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Carbon Dioxide Has Zero Impact on ‘Global Warming,’ Top Study Finds

A group of leading Polish researchers has confirmed that carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere has zero impact on so-called “global warming.”

The study, led by Professor Stan Kubicki of the Military University of Technology in Poland, debunks the globalist narratives regarding “climate change.”

The study, published in Science Direct, confirms that the warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally limited.

In fact, that limit has already been reached, decades ago.

⬆️ This is something I had never heard before.

The study found that carbon dioxide emissions have zero impact on the Earth’s global temperatures.

The findings confirm what “climate scientists” should have told the public a long time ago: Even if we dug up all the world’s coal and extracted all the world’s oil and burned it in one giant pyre, its CO2 emissions wouldn’t heat the planet…

The three Polish scientists at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw who authored this latest study were following in the footsteps of other scientists who drew similar conclusions in their own research, published in the last few years.

As Slay News reported, one recent study found that the atmosphere becomes saturated with carbon dioxide.

  :wpds_arrow:  Much like a sponge, it can only hold so much, meaning carbon dioxide cannot increase temperatures anymore as the saturation point was reached a long time ago.

The corporate media has refused to report on these studies, however.

All of these studies follow the same underlying concept.

The latest study uses a hypothetical concept of a fire inside a greenhouse that is steadily emitting heat.

The greenhouse grows increasingly hotter but at some point, the heat will start to dissipate, and the temperature inside levels off.

The glass walls and ceiling can contain only so much heat before they start emitting it to the outside.

The case of CO2 in the atmosphere is very similar.

It can act as a “greenhouse” gas but all the CO2 together can only contain so much heat, much like the hypothetical greenhouse.

CO2 Coalition explains:

“The warming effect of each molecule of CO2 declines as [CO2’s overall] concentration increases.”

Once the overall limit has been reached, adding more CO2 has no more impact.

Interestingly, the greenhouse limit may have been reached before the first coal-fired factory was even built.

The Polish scientists assert, based on their findings, that there is “currently a multiple exceedance of the saturation mass for carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere.”

According to the study, we already reached the point, long ago, where CO2 lost its effectiveness in warming the planet.

Scientists at McGill University made the same point last year:

“Transmission in the CO2 band center is unchanged by increased CO2 as the absorption is already saturated.”

By “already saturated,” they meant that absorption has been saturated for centuries—since the “pre-industrial age,” in fact.

The level of CO2 in the atmosphere is a little above 400 ppm today.

According to Prof. Dieter Schildknecht of Bielefeld University, Germany, carbon dioxide’s saturation level is just 300 ppm, a level that was probably reached around 1950, as the graph below illustrates.

Based on previous research, Schildknecht writes that beyond this level, emissions caused by human activity have no significant effect on carbon dioxide’s greenhouse properties…


God had it all figured out when he created it. Imagine that…


Yes, they’ve been denying that truth all this time.


Yup. Imagine that.


Most people can’t grasp that concept and think that they have some say in what happens.


I think so too. It undercuts the entire CO2 argument and thus the human-induced climate change argument. No need for carbon credits or cutting back on CO2 emissions. The implications are huge.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m actually coming at the issue from a different angle.

I don’t effing care if our emissions are warming the planet. That’s not justification for curtailing our freedoms.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The implication of this (if true) is that maybe we did warm the planet even if we cannot warm it any further.


10.21.24: Battle LINES clear, Good vs Evil, Half of Christians not voting? Vote Machines acting up again? PRAY!

And We Know


Ground report, NE ATL, inside the perimeter:

Mrs. RedLeg and I just returned from Early Voting. Not very crowded, but steady. Of course we had to use Kemp’s Dominion machines. We both together, in front of the “scanner lady” went over our entire ballot to ensure it at least printed out correctly, and it had. No idea what the barcode said. “Scanner Lady” said she didn’t either.

As I put my ballot in the scanner, I mentioned to “scanner lady,” “you do know that no one trusts these machines, right?” Crickets, stone face [as expected]

She did say, “have a nice day! And get your ‘I voted’ sticker right there.”


Yup – same here with Dominion. Some of the workers are personal friends and we tell them the same thing. We are waiting until election day.


Hope something does not come up that might prevent that.
I’m voting early.



Evening Prayer For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,


Evening Prayer For Future Guidance

Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,


Prayer For Grace At The End Of The Day

Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that are Your children in Christ. Guard us through the long hours of darkness this night I pray, and keep us safe from all harm and dangers that may try to cross our threshold. 

Give us, I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night. 

Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus’ name,



pat frederick



LAWFARE: Big Fani Willis and her very special prosecutor Nathan Wade ALWAYS denied collusion with the Biden-Harris regime despite evidence that they both held multiple lengthy meetings with White House officials and even Kamala Harris. Now we learn that Nathan Wade admitted to multiple meetings with White House officials after being shown his own invoices that detailed the date, time, and length of multiple meetings. If there was any doubt that the Georgia RICO case against Trump and other Republicans was a blatant case of lawfare they disappeared today.


Yesterday we read Big Fani just asked the (faux) judge to reinstate six charges previously dropped.

Valerie Curren



I posted earlier that I was going to vote today. Well, I did. Republican all the way, and a couple of judges that were recommended by the pro-life team. Some amendments, all no-votes for me, including one pro-abort one.

As always here, a photo I.D. was required. My voter I.D. card was not sufficient.

I was asked if I wanted to vote absentee every time going forward. I said no, this is an anomaly, I always vote on election day. Nobody asked why I was voting early. I think they knew.

Another guy asked if it had been busy and was told yes. There were at least 12-15 votes cast in the 15 minutes or so I was there, both into the (watched by three little old ladies) dropbox outside and at the voting booths inside. Keep in mind there are only 45,000 people in the whole county.

I had to put my ballot into an envelope inside another envelope with my signature on the outside. Having queried the woman in charge of our elections before, I have zero doubt that my signature will be checked against the one on file.

All-in-all it was a reassuring experience. But here, it always is.


People are fired up! McDonald’s helped. We are as hot as the fries!

Valerie Curren

That’s encouraging and inspiring! Thx for the report!



Valerie Curren

Hi Q-Tree family, I have a prayer request for Paula, who is “non-binary”. I was just talking with her mother (someone I do not know personally but was speaking with on a business matter) and somehow our conversation segued into parenting issues & she told me about her teenage daughter who is getting caught up in transgender issues due to trauma. This woman sounds like a solid Christian & gave me permission to put her daughter on a prayer list. Please join me in lifting this hurting young lady to the Lord for healing, help, & a divine ministration of Truth that will set her free. Let’s also pray for her mom, K, who is battling these issues with at least a supportive team of Believers on her side.

Thank you so much for faithfully lifting up the many prayer requests I’ve shared over the years. This means so much to me, more than I can adequately say. God Bless!!!  ❤ 

Last edited 13 hours ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

TY Wolf! God’s got her, & us all, in the palm of His hand…


Prayer works. True story:

A friend of mine regularly shops in a pet store in her town. One day she goes to the register. It is “manned” by a guy with beard-stubble, eye makeup, long curled hair, and feminine attire.

She decided that all she could do was pray for him.

Weeks go by, she kept seeing him when she went into the store. He looked rough, she said, still made up like a woman, but looking sad and down. She kept praying.

One day a few weeks ago, she went in and saw him at the register. His hair was short, he wore no makeup, and had on normal guy clothes. She told him “you look like you are doing well!” He answered, “I am!”

Prayer works. I will pray for your Paula.






It made my day when she told me.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

How inspiring. TY so much for sharing AND for praying!!!


Of course!

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

🙏 prayers for K and her daughter who has been caught up in horrendous lies to harm her for her lifetime.

Valerie Curren

Amen, TY so much Barb!


[DS] Projects The Election Will Be Delayed By Days,To Big To Rig,Watch What Happens Next – Ep. 3480
 October 21, 2024  x22report

Watch California, Newsom just made a move that will destroy the state and push the state into full electric. The corrupt politicians are telling people to suck it up. Trump sends another message that we are getting rid of the income tax, we are getting rid of the system we are in today. The [DS] sees that [KH] does not have what it takes to win the election. So they are now letting everyone know the election is secure just like in 2020, but this time when they realize that the election is too big to rig and days waiting for the results, they will most likely use a cyber attack to say that Trump got help in the election. At this point the world will see the truth. The elections were never secure.

Ep 3480a – Trump Prepares The People, The [CB] Is In The Crosshairs, No Income Tax

Ep 3480b – [DS] Projects The Election Will Be Delayed By Days,To Big To Rig,Watch What Happens Next


I said just a few days ago that if Trump said he would eliminate the income tax, it’s game over.

Let the Crims argue for the next 3 weeks why they should be allowed to steal every cent you earn from January through April every year.

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unless spending is severely cut (and it should be!) they’ll just have to find another tax to raise the revenue.

Fortunately, there are VASTLY less damaging ways to tax than the income tax.

Any attempt to get rid of the income tax MUST be accompanied by a repeal of the 16th amendment. Otherwise it will just come back.

I can even imagine the public WANTING it back especially if it’s replaced by any sort of a consumption tax, because the consumption tax will be visible whereas the income tax isn’t that visible (you never actually see the money taken away from you–you and I know it is, of course, but it’s not in-your-face enough for many people).

Last edited 7 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

Tariffs & whatever else might have worked before the unconstitutional income tax was inflicted on USAll

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed, but we’re in a sort of predicament here.

We couldn’t possibly raise enough money with tariffs to replace the income tax (and payroll tax, which is also a tax on incomes that would go away), without cutting government a LOT more than most people would accept.


There may be a lot of surprise in the amount of government cuts people could live with. Particularly Federal government cuts.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d cut all kinds of things people here would scream about, honestly.

So I certainly don’t imagine my willingness to do so is shared by the general population.

Valerie Curren

Cut it back to legit constitutional powers Only!


I really don’t care what people would ‘accept’.

Those people never gave a good *&^% what I would accept, they just stuck me with the bill, so *&^% them.

Last edited 3 hours ago by scott467

“Unless spending is severely cut (and it should be!) they’ll just have to find another tax to raise the revenue.”


No replacement tax that affects the public or business in any way. If the gov’t wants money, they can print it, just like they do anyway, or they can steal it, just like they do anyway, or they can start charging our so-called ‘allies’ for protection money, instead of paying them to protect them. Or a hundred other ways they can make money without enslaving the population.

The gov’t makes way more money in illicit activities than they ever make from taxes. The only reason for taxes is to oppress the population, to make sure we can never be any kind of free.

We didn’t have income tax until 1913 and we did just fine, so whatever model that was, go back to it.

I’m fine with repealing Amendments, they almost always get Amendments wrong, for the simple reason that what is right and wrong hasn’t changed since the Constitution was written, the only thing that changes is what passes for the wisdom of men at any given time.

I really don’t care anymore, just radically change it or burn it down, because what it is now can’t be fixed.

Last edited 3 hours ago by scott467



WOW, the FDA (and Pfizer-BioNTech) DO NOT WANT the kind of information on that company’s BNT162b2 / COMIRNATY COVID-19 “vaccines” made public that was just released in the “Deblasi, et al. paper” presented by Yours Truly on this board yesterday!
FDA Asks Court to Shut Down Lawsuit Over Pfizer COVID Vaccine Documents
21 October 2024
by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
Yours Truly: It appears that the FDA (and Pfizer-BioNTech) went right to work to shut down a lawsuit from the PHMPT organization to force the company to release ALL documentation regarding how BNT162b2 / COMIRNATY are made and ALL of the ingredients in these “vaccines.”

The “Deblasi, et al. paper”, published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research on 11 October 2024, proves that numerous “undeclared” chemical elements were found in these “vaccines”, including Arsenic, Uranium, and Vanadium.
The paper is found here:
At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines from AstraZeneca, CanSino, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm and Sputnik V, with Precise ICP-MS
Lorena Deblasi, et al.
11 October 2024
Yours Truly urges any interested readers to download and/or print off this paper. It is, IMO, a prime target for Withdrawal, Retraction, Removal, or “Reissue with new conclusions.”

The case, filed by PHMPT in 2021, is being heard in Texas.
On 17 October 2024, the FDA filed to have the case thrown out, stating that the agency had already complied with FOIA requests to release information on BNT162b2 / COMIRNATY.

(Yours Truly is working on a post for Health Friday that discusses the “Deblasi, et al. paper.”)


Wolf Moon
Thank you.
The “Deblasi, et al. paper” can be a little confusing on a first read. However, I give the authors some “slack” here, since only one of the authors (Dr. Nonis) is American (so his “mother tongue” would be English.)
What Yours Truly finds, however, “sparkling through” the paper, is the fact that the developers / manufacturers of these “vaccines” appear to have been pretty much “throwing everything, including the kitchen sink” into these injectables.
It is interesting that AstraZeneca (one of the “vaccines” tested) pulled its DNA viral vector COVID-19 “vaccine” off the market as of May, 2024:
“AstraZeneca to withdraw Covid vaccine”
8 May 2024
by James Gallagher


It is, and always was, a mistake to relieve manufacturers of liability for defective vaccines.

Valerie Curren

It is, and always was, a mistake to relieve manufacturers of liability for defective vaccines.” fify

There should always be liability for products. If they injure or kill people the manufacturers should be held responsible.

The injure/kill perspective wouldn’t apply to weapons, at least in my mind, since they are designed to injure or kill. However if the weapons malfunction causing injury or death then liability could apply…at least that makes sense as a layperson…


Not only should there be liability for these drug companies who created these genocidal jabs. There should also be liability for the FDA who approved this poison. Along with everyone who mandated that people take them. They are all guilty of murder.


Personal liability for those creating these poisonous jabs.

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In other words, it boils down to: if a defect in manufacture or design causes death or injury, they are liable.

This lets guns (that aren’t malfunctioning) by since the bad guy’s death is not due to a defect in manufacture. However the shooter could be in deep shit if the shoot was unjustified.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, yes, that’s covered under my statement.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

responsible party, PEOPLE with guns (might) kill people not guns randomly shooting themselves…


I’m also looking forward to Friday. Mike Adams is not always right.


Mike Adams, a.k.a. health ranger, has raised red flags for me every time I’ve seen him or read his articles.

He comes across like controlled opposition, like someone pretending to be on our side while working for our enemies.

Like the Frank Luntz of health.

Last edited 8 hours ago by scott467

Wolf, I don’t know what it is exactly, but there’s something “off” to me about this HealthRanger guy. Some of what he writes is just not quite spot on, if you know what I mean. It sounds close, but not right. This is not the first time I’ve thought so.

Deplorable Patriot

He’s hit and miss, I will agree. But, when he gets it right, it’s gold.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Arsenic, of course, is a key component of arses.


Went ahead and published our annual Fall Frolic Ground Report. Folks who want to read can work it in around the opener.

Deplorable Patriot

Opener for tomorrow (Tuesday) is scheduled. Memes coming out of my ears.

Barb Meier

Thank you, DePat!! I’m looking forward to it!

Valerie Curren

AND fun!

Valerie Curren

Gag, Liz Cheney was here in MI w/ Kakula in some type of a rally. They did also mention a democrat mayor in the Detroit area who endorsed Trump. He is Arab-American & supposedly has heard from others in his community many of whom are claiming to support Trump & have never voted republican before. “Country over party” mentioned several times in this local TV news report.

Valerie Curren

Let’s hope so. I would guess that RFK jr. has some tails too 🙂


Some type of rally 😆

It was called a town hall! But check this out 😮

Last edited 6 hours ago by para59r

Ackkk! wrong thing stuck in the browser…

This one….

Valerie Curren

TY clearly they don’t want real people to see Kakula too closely as she really is.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That works out since I am sure most people don’t want to see Cockula too closely.

Last edited 5 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

True, at least for most Sane people, I would guess 😉


Well there’s the problem, you don’t ASK if you can ask questions.

Stop giving miscreants power over what we do.

Just ask the &*^% question, and if Harris is too afraid or too incapable of answering, that’s on her.

Valerie Curren
