Dear KMAG 2024904 – The Rothschilds & Open Thread

I should note I was unaware the Rothschilds were Ashkenazi when I wrote about the Khazars.

Let’s start with WIKI:

The Rothschild family  is a wealthy AshkenaziJewish noble banking family originally from Frankfurt. The family’s documented history starts in 16th century Frankfurt; its name is derived from the family house, Rothschild, built by Isaak Elchanan Bacharach in Frankfurt in 1567. The family rose to prominence with Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established his banking business in the 1760s. Unlike most previous court factors, Rothschild managed to bequeath his wealth and established an international banking family through his five sons, who established businesses in Paris, Frankfurt, London, Vienna, and Naples. The family was elevated to noble rank in the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom.

During the 19th century, the Rothschild family possessed the largest private fortune in the world, as well as in modern world history. The family’s wealth declined over the 20th century, and was divided among many descendants. Today, their interests cover a diverse range of fields, including financial services, real estate, mining, energy, agriculture, winemaking, and nonprofits. Many examples of the family’s rural architecture exist across northwestern Europe. 👉The Rothschild family has frequently been the subject of conspiracy theories, many of which have antisemitic origins...👈

ANTISEMITIC, Such a very, very, useful weapon to bash people with… If you want to know who your masters are, see who you can not criticize.

Next let’s look at this article.

The Author, David Mcdonald “…is the founder of The Global Millennial: a think-tank millennials a platform to freely express their ideas on the world…. The Global Millennial is a think-tank for global economic discussion. Our goal is to bring educated, relevant, and unique perspectives on global affairs through the form of articles and video. Our writers span all areas of the globe and vary greatly in age and expertise. Some of our writers are university students, while others are accomplished professors and economists. Together, we aim to promote a more educated future by providing a greater knowledge around the studies of economics and political science.” It is a Canadian site.

The Rothschild Family: An Evil Dynasty Poised to Rule the World, Or Just Simply a Banking Powerhouse?

Although it is an ‘approved’ viewpoint. It has a few very interesting bits:

….What many don’t know is that Mayer A. Rothschild pre-arranged marriages within the family. Meaning he ensured that the female members of the family were very limited in their marriage options when it came to getting their inheritance. The only way for them to make sure that they would be getting money in the future was by marrying their cousins…

The Napoleon Wars

 ..the Rothschild’s, they were situated throughout Europe by the beginning of the 19th century, giving them a paramount influence on how the war played out… It was during this time that the Rothschild family established themselves as the richest, most elite family on the planet.

During the war,👉 the Austrian army and British forces contracted Mayer Rothschild to supply them with a range of items including wheat, uniforms, horses, and equipment.👈 [ Military-industrial complex anyone? -GC] Along with this, they arranged the payment of British financial subsidies to their continental allies. The family wealth grew enormously through the commissions earned on these transactions.

Arguably their greatest move during the Napoleonic wars was the stock manipulation of the Waterloo war in June of 1815. During the war, speculators watched rothschild’s stocks in an attempt to guess who would win. Shortly after the battle ended, and long before anyone else knew who was the victor, they began selling stocks. Everyone assumed this mean Napoleon had won and Europe had lost. panic selling ensued. When prices crashed, Rothschild bought everything in sight and made exuberant profits…

Their Influence on European Industrialisation

Given their geographical banking control and massive wealth throughout the 19th century, the Rothschild family pioneered international high finance during the industrialisation of Europe and were instrumental in supporting railway systems across the world and in complex government financing for projects such as the Suez Canal.

The Suez Canal was another immensely profitable investment by the Rothschild family…

British recognised the canal as an important trade route, they objected to the use of forced Egyptian labour to build it, and perceived the French project as a threat to their geopolitical and financial interests.

So, over a span of eleven years, starting on December 15th, 1858 the Suez canal was built. The Rothschild’s basically owned the British banking system at the time since they funded all prior British war efforts throughout the 19th century. Thus, In 1875, the London banking house of N M Rothschild & Sons advanced the Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. They effectively acted for the British Government, and paid a sum of £4,000,000 to purchase Suez Canal shares. Disraeli was a close personal friend of Lionel de Rothschild, and according to legend, this was transacted on a gentleman’s agreement, with no documentation, a technically unsecured loan for a sum of over £550 million today.

Basically, England recognized the huge economical gain of purchasing shares in this trans-continental shipping route, but they did not want to be recognized for supporting the forced labour (slavery) that was implemented in order to build the canal….

However he ends with:

There is no disputing that the Rothschild’s influence on the European banking world has been the most influential impact any family has ever made on modern day finance in history. They had a vision to conduct banking branches all throughout Europe, and they accomplished this. I don’t think this makes them the evil rulers of the world however. I think that they took advantage of the tools they possessed, and they became rich because of it.

The Rothschild’s pose little to no threat to social stability in the future. They simply control a chain of banks throughout Europe that are quite wealthy.

A missing point in Mcdonald’s article:

Nathan Rothschild funded the Napoleonic Wars.

…Nathan knew Napoleon had lost the Battle of Waterloo before the English monarchy. With this information in hand, Nathan spread the rumor that Napoleon had won and that everyone on the English Stock Market should start selling their useless English money. Rothchilds’ agents were then able to purchase nearly the entire English Stock Market at incredibly low prices, thus controlling the entire English market before everyone found out that England, in reality, had beaten Napoleon.
As of 2015, the English government is still paying back money owed to the Rothschild family from this Napoleonic fraud…

That article has since been re-written and updated as of Aug, 1 2024. All mention of the English government owing the Rothschilds money is gone. The current author is Jennifer L. Cook who got her start in editorial work in London as a researcher for three industrial relations journals. Education: University of California at Santa Cruz.

Interesting the article now has a ‘Fast Fact’ inserted:

The Rothschild family have been the subject of many conspiracy theories. Many of these conspiracy theories are rooted in anti-semitic prejudice.

GEE, where have I heard that before? 🤔


Then there is the other viewpoint of the Rothschilds.

The Rothschild’s Global Crime Syndicate and How It Works

(Sorry the image is not clear. It is an archived image.)

..Behind the scenes, the Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth exceeds $500 trillion. They own the entire financial system. This mind-blowing scope of control functions as follows; The Rothschilds sit at the top of their pyramid-structured organisation, literally running the entire financial world with about eight thousand selected members. Although it is difficult to fully investigate and verify, Rothschild may share his ultimate power with the House of Saud and the Soros family, and on lower levels with some other banking families, as will be explained later.

The Rothschilds have set up the world’s financial institutions making sure they literally receive 90% of the generated interest paid by the populace at large. These criminals are Luciferians while on the surface, for easier public consumption, they have dubbed their religion Zionism. In truth, they worship Lucifer, which includes satanic ritual abuse, including paedophilia and the sacrifice of children… [GEE, I do not think they like the Rothschilds. -GC]

On the second echelon of the power structure, sits Rothschild’s fully owned BIS – Bank of International Settlement  established in 1931 in the Netherlands. Headquartered in Basel -Switzerland, and is recognised by all counties as being the top bank of all financial institutions on the world. Every Central Bank is a member of the BIS-bank. They have a civil organisation agreement for total immunity, and enjoy immunity from all worldly laws and rules, so no one can attack them. Basel, where the Babylon style BIS-Tower is located was the location where the Nazis, during WW2 met to trade the stolen Jewish gold. The BIS issues instructions to all other financial institutions across the entire globe.

On the third echelon, directly below the BIS are the Rothschild-owned IMF – International Monetary Fund – and World Bank. The IRS and similar tax-collecting agencies in other countries, are structured as a foreign, private corporation of the IMF and forms the private “army” of the Federal Reserve – Fed – and all other Central Banks. The main objective is to make sure the people pay their taxes and always remain useful slaves. Their sole devotion is to enslave entire countries and their populaces through their criminal debt money system…

para59r last Wednesday brought in some solid evidence that suggests the Rothschilds are SATANIC rather than benign. LINK

Oh and of course she didn’t mind people associating Baphomet with Satanism. The Rothchild’s loved that sort of thing.”



I am going to try and keep this brief. See my old comment HERE

Marxism is the Brainchild of the Banksters and Aristocracy. The Federal Reserve: An Astounding Exposure 1934 shows the US Banks FUNDED the Bolshevik Revolution. Heck The Bronx Home News was straightforward with their headline: BRONX MAN LEADS RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. LINK

Marx was born into the Jewish business class. His father was a lawyer, for businesses, and he owned vinyards. His maternal grandfather was a textile merchant and banker. His grandmother’s first cousin married Nathan Rothschild, founder of the British branch of the Rothschild banking dynasty. Lion Philips’ brother Benjamin was a “banker and industrialist”. Lion’s son Frederick was a banker. Marx’s uncle Lion Philips died in 1866. He was a tobacco merchant. Philips Electric was founded in 1891 by Lion Philips’ grandchildren, with help from their father (a banker). — SOURCE DEAD


One of Marx’s grandparents was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. Her cousin had married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and bore Lionel Nathan Rothschild, “Baron” and Member of Parliament for the City of London. — Historians Confirm Karl Marx Was Employed By The Rothschilds

SxyxS says on March 17, 2017 at 12:05 am at Tony Heller’s website:

Well, of course it was the middle class Marx was against.

Marx secretary Pieper was at the same time employed [by] the Rothschild[s].
When the Rothschild[s] left Frankfurt they went to Paris (the first place Marx lived in Exile)
and London (the second exile home of Marx).

Marx was never about freeing people, but to turn all human beings except that at the top to the lowest common level = the proletarian.
A system where only 3 classes exist:
The very few at the top: Stalin/Lenin (Rockfeller/Rothschild)
Their well paid serve[r]s = Stasi/Apparatchicks to controle and indoctrinate

and the rest (95%) that is controlled and killed by the Stasi…

Before communism even started taking over countries they had a master plan in how to controle people – that’s why they”d been able to take and keep power.

And even after they failed with their revolution in 1905 in Russia, the Jacob Schiff & Kuhn/Loeb bank (co owners of the FED) paid Japan to make war on Russia to weaken the country for the second revolution.

And if you take a closer look at the Chinese communist revolution you’ll find out
that the people who were destroying China with the Opium Wars (and created HSBC bank for drug money laundering) belonged to the very same group the non-chinese communists belonged to.

Ideologies are mind prisons created by few smart people for the many dumb and communism is the king of them all, as communism has the perfect camouflage. Disguised as good doer.
So perfect that it was the first ideologie to be able to kill their own people & culture of a country on an epic scale and getting away with it.
A gift that keeps on killing- They just exchanged God for “The central state” made Karl Marx the Messiah and Lenin/Stalin etc the apostles.

To put it bluntly, Marx and Engel saw the masses as scum.

Marx & Friends in their own words

Marx and Engels, 14. August 1879


“Als wir heut morgen im Hôtel de l’Europe anfrugen, traf es sich glücklich so, daß grade 60 Franzosen sich auf die Abreise vorbereiteten, während andrerseits die mit frischem Menschenkehricht belasteten steamers noch nicht eingetroffen.”


“When this morning we inquired at the Hotel de l’Europe, fortunately it so happened that 60 Frenchmen were preparing to leave, while on the other hand the steam ships loaded with fresh human debris [schiff] had not arrived yet.”

Google translate:

“When we asked at the Hôtel de l’Europe this morning, it fortunately happened that 60 Frenchmen were preparing to leave, while on the other hand the steamers laden with fresh human waste had not yet arrived.”



(In a letter to his uncle)

Marx to Lion Philips, November 29, 1864: “At a public meeting this week the fellow-member of our race Benjamin Disraeli has again made a dreadful laughing-stock of himself by assuming the mantle of guardian angel of the High Church and Church rates, repudiating criticism in religious affairs. He furnishes the best evidence of how a great talent unaccompanied by conviction creates rogues, albeit gold-braided and ‘Right Honorable’ ones.”

Context here

The German
Marx and Lion Philips, 29. November 1864

„unser Stammesgenosse Benjamin Disraeli hat sich in dieser Woche wieder sehr blamiert, indem er als warnender Schutzengel der high church, der church rates und als Abwehrer gegen Kritik in religiösen Dingen sich auf einem öffentlichen Meeting breitmachte. Er ist der beste Beweis, wie großes Talent ohne Überzeugung Lumpen schafft (…)“

Google Translate:

“Our fellow tribesman Benjamin Disraeli has once again made a great fool of himself this week by appearing at a public meeting as a warning guardian angel of the high church, the church councils and as a defender against criticism in religious matters. He is the best proof of how great talent without conviction creates scoundrels (…)”

As Q said REMEMBER THE NAMES. Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli is one to remember.



Fabian co-founders the Webbs founded the London School of economics with a bit of financial help from Nathan Rothschild.

In her autobiography, Our Partnership, Mrs. Webb reveals how she and her husband were helped to finance the London School of Economics by the Rothschilds, Sir Julius Wernher, and similar financiers. — The Fabian Socialist Contribution to the Communist Advance

And similar financiers…

In 1895, Sidney Webb founded the London School of Economics, which became a branch of the University of London. Among its major contributors: the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and Mrs. Ernest Elmhirst, the widow of J. P. Morgan partner Willard Straight, who founded the socialist magazine New Republic. — The Fabians, the Round Table, and the Rhodes Scholars

Notice that yet again the Rothschilds are ‘protected’ by being left out.

Our propaganda is one of permeating – we urged our members to join the Liberal and Radical Associations in their district, or, if they preferred it, the Conservative Associations – we permeated the party organizations and pulled all the strings we could lay our hands on with the utmost adroitness and energy, and we succeeded so well that in 1888 we gained the solid advantage of a Progressive majority full of ideas that would never have come into their heads had not the Fabians put them there.”

George Bernard Shaw 

Wiki’s List of people associated with the London School of Economics shows just how dangerous this school is.

Modern History Project — The Fabian Strategy

On October 24, 1883, in London, a group of 17 wealthy Socialists gathered to discuss a ‘Fellowship of the New Life,’ which was based on the writings of scholar Thomas Davidson, who hoped to start some sort of monastic order.[List of names] Some of these people were also members of the Society for Psychichal Research, [Balfour, Arthur J.   (Officer of, 1882 to 1930)] an organization dedicated to spiritualism research, which was founded in 1882.

The aims of the Fabian Society were developed by Webb from what Englishman John Ruskin (1819-1900) taught at Oxford University. Ruskin, a teacher at the Working Men’s College (founded in 1854 by Christian-Socialist philosopher J. F. D. Maurice), a professor of Fine Arts at Oxford, an artist and writer, based his views on those of Socialist Robert Owen. He advocated a utopian society, and espoused theories developed from the teachings of Plato (428-347 BC), who had studied under Socrates, and became the greatest philosopher in history. Plato established an academy which operated for 800 years, producing many great men, including Aristotle. In his work, The Republic, he outlined his ideal society, which was an aristocratic society ruled by the elite. It included the elimination of marriage and the family, and introduced selective breeding by the government which would destroy all inferior offspring. In Plato’s utopia, sexual equality dictated that women would fight alongside the men in times of war. [Sound familiar?]

The Fabians were working towards a new world by indoctrinating young scholars who would eventually rise to power in various policy-making positions throughout the world by infiltrating educational institutions, government agencies, and political parties. Their strategy was called the “doctrine of inevitability of gradualism,” which meant that their goals would be gradually achieved. So gradual, that nobody would notice, or “without breach of continuity or abrupt change of the entire social issue.” The secret was evolution, not revolution, or what Webb called “permeation.” Shaw (whose mistress, Florence Farr, was a witch in the Order of the Golden Dawn), revealed that their goal was to be achieved by “stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling Socialism by its right name.” …

I am not going to get into detail about Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarships. (Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar.)

Just a few tidbits:

Cecil Rhodes wanted to make Africa a “British dominion from the Cape to Cairo.” With the financial support of Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild and Alfred Beit, he was able to control the diamond mines of South Africa. While studing at Oxford he wrote the first of seven wills Each became a separate and legally binding document. In the first he wrote:

“…a secret society with but one object — the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, (and) for … making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.”

His seventh and last will, named Nathan Rothschild administrator of his estate, and established an educational grant known as the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University (which was controlled by the Fabians). The Scholarships provided a two-year program for young men, and later, women, from the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. There is also the Milner group and the Round Table groups such as as the Council on Foreign Relations — Cribbed from Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarships

Matthew Ehret mentions:

“…More cabinet officials under Barack Obama had studied at Oxford and LSE than its American counterparts Yale, Harvard or Princeton (6). This is the essence of the Deep State which has sought to overthrow President Trump ever since he became a serious candidate in the 2016 elections….”

Also of interest is Arthur Balfour of the Balfour-Declaration.

…..who was president of the Society for Psychical Research [Linked to the Fabians, see above. GC] (AC Doyle, William Gladstone) from 1893 and PM of the UK from 1902 to 1905. He was a nephew of Robert Cecil. He was educated at Eton College (under William Johnson, accused of pedophilia) and Trinity College Cambridge like Cecil agent Aleister Crowley… He was a member of the Royal Society and Eugenics Education Society with Oddfellow Winston ChurchillMargaret SangerCyril Burt, Hans Eynsenck (student of Burt), Madison GrantJohn Harvey KelloggRoger Pearson (Order of Malta), John Maynard Keynes, Frederick Osborn (APSPioneer Fund), William Beveride (British Welfare State of the Fabians), Havelock Ellis and Julian Huxley (founder of WWF) as president.

I thought this was bafflegab, but it looks like it is not.

The Cecil Mysteries and Other Crowley Musings

…about midway through we engaged in a discussion of Aleister Crowley and some of his more curious affiliates. I was quite pleased with this section as I felt this may provide a bit of a novel context to Crowley. I haven’t written on Crowley much on this blog over the years in no small part because I didn’t feel like I had much to add on the topic that many others haven’t already said better. But after doing a little research on the Great Beast prior to this chat with fresh eyes, I began making some very curious connections, especially as it relates to the mysterious Cecil family…

The Cecil Family

The Cecil family has been one of the most powerful and influential in British society for nearly five hundred years. The man who turned it into a generations spanning dynasty is William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley. Cecil was one of the most powerful figures within the court of Elizabeth I, serving twice as as her secretary of stateLord Privy Seal, and Lord High Treasurer. What’s more, while Francis Walsingham tends to get the credit as Elizabeth’s spymaster (and the de facto founder of MI6), he ultimately worked for Cecil.. Upon Walsingham’s death, Cecil firmly took over much of the Elizabethan spy networks. Naturally, Cecil also had an interest in the mystical. He bestowed patronage upon alchemy and corresponded with John Dee, among other things.

The tradition of espionage was carried on by William’s younger son from his second marriage, the hunchbacked Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury. Robert inherited his father’s spy network, and became intelligence chief of King James I. There has been much suspicion over the years concerning the role he played in the Gunpowder Plot.

It is the descendants of Robert —the Salisbury line –that he remained a preeminent power in England for centuries. In The Anglo-American Establishment, the always controversial Carroll Quigley described the family’s influence as “all-pervasive in British life since 1886” (pg. 15). Per Quigley, the family’s continual influence was due to three factors: (a) a triple-front penetration of politics, journalism, and education; (b) the recruitment of men of ability and linking them to the Cecil family via marriage, titles, and positions of power; and (c) Cecils and their allies being in positions that are shielded as much as possible from the public gaze….

Who Was Aleister Crowley…Occultist, Satanist, and British Spy? 🤔

…According to Richard Spence’s extensive research into the subject of Aleister Crowley’s connection to government intelligence agencies, Crowley worked as a double agent during WWI for the British government. This leads many people to theorize that he continued his deep undercover role for much of his life. Thus, his time spent in Russia may have been operational. His time in the U.S. may have been instrumental in pulling the U.S. into the war for the British. It seems that he may have also made connections with German spies in the U.S. Likewise, the pro-Irish/anti-British articles and propaganda that Crowley wrote may have helped Crowley secure Germany’s trust during WWII…


CURRENT information from Strategic Culture.

Ukraine and the Rothschild Family –3/17/ 2015

As the state “withers away”, multinationals go on a rampage — 7/25/2024

Rupert Murdoch: Israel’s most powerful supporter — 7/5/2024

The Murdoch machine comprises well over 100 newspapers – some of them among the world’s most well-known and influential, as well as dozens of TV channels and a formidable publishing empire. This power allows him to set the political agenda across much of the world. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair claimed that Murdoch was an “unofficial member” of his cabinet and that he was one of the four most powerful men in the United Kingdom.

The summer of living dangerously – 6/12/2024 by Pepe Escobar

The plutocracy believes that afterwards they can buy the whole thing for a pittance while flies are still laying eggs in European carcasses.

Why the State of Israel is a Tool of Western Colonial Domination in the Middle East -3/6/20 24 by Eduardo Vasco

Zionism can be considered as fascism adapted to the conditions of the Middle East and the aspirations for domination of Anglo-American imperialism over that region, Eduardo Vasco writes.

From Balfour to Now (1917-2023), Western Duplicity Covers Israeli State Terrorism and Genocide — 10/24/2020 by Finian Cunningham

The cynicism and duplicity of Western governments in the face of an appalling, daily massacre of Palestinian civilians is monstrous.

Hopefully that will provide a lot of information to discuss and chew on. (Please excuse typos, misspellings and formatting bloopers, I got this out as fast as I could.)

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Yep, Miss Gail – I can see why WP got agitated over this fabulously, brutally truthful post of yours.

Turns out Alexa is a political activist too.

Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson

PROOF: We Caught Amazon is RIGGING The 2024 Election AGAINST Trump | This is Insane and Illegal… I shared a viral video today of an Amazon Alexa responding to the question: ‘Why should I vote for Trump?’ Amazon Alexa explains that it cannot engage in politics. Fair and appropriate response. No problem. Then the 
Amazon Alexa is asked: ‘Why should I vote for Kamala?’ The Amazon product immediately vomits out a long programmed Kamala biographical/political advertisement and demands you VOTE for Kamala.

This is *not* a glitch. I asked our audience to replicate the result on their Amazon Alexas and received hundreds of videos from across America of Amazon openly rigging the election. Not only is the Kamala response bizarrely paradoxical to the Trump answer — but Amazon is openly engaging in partisan activism inside tens of millions of Americans private homes in violation of multiple FEC statues pertaining to Presidential Campaign advertising limits and in-kind donations to Presidential candidates. Paradoxical programming. 

This is the trap of AI: It will only ever be as unbiased and altruistic as its human who run it. The humans who run Amazon clearly hate Trump and are programming their hate into their products. 

@amazonis spitting in the faces of hundreds of millions of their customers who do not support Joe Biden-Kamala Harris and weaponizing your home products to push partisan left-wing fringe political agendas. This madness must stop. 

I’m calling for Americans who are sick of this sh*t to throw out their Alexas and boycott Amazon. We have seen massive success with Bud Light, Lowes, John Deere, Harley Davidson, Ford, Tractor Supply and the list goes on and on… thanks 

62 days away from the 2024 election. Now is the time to act. Join the Amazon boycott. Get massive woke corporations out of our elections and politics. Enough is enough. Share this far and wide….

Last edited 4 months ago by GA/FL

Walk this out a bit further and know that alexa and siri are being asked questions all the time from school kids for quick and easy answers on any subject.
AI is a trap disguised as a helpful tool

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick

i think it has a dual purpose–make everyone lazier–relying on a programmed machine to give them answers instead of researching for themselves. AND programming them to accept as TRUTH whatever a machine tells them.


Barb Meier

Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO). A good name for Kamala and Walz.


Seems like charges should be brought against Amazon, for election interference, and who can even calculate the amount of ‘in kind’ donation money this amounts to, campaigning for Cackala Harris via Alexa all over the country, in every jurisdiction in the country.


Assuming there is an honest court to allow the case. Hear it. Fair judgement…


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, September 4, 2024

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” 

Revelation 22:12 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Amen – Amen – I say unto you;
Gather together I am with you;
Remember what – for you – I have done;
To ensure you and I live forever as one!

Blessed are you who are poor in spirit;
The Kingdom of God is yours – albeit;
Blessed are you who mourn – in your hearts;
Sweet comfort for you – My Spirit imparts!

Blessed are you who are meek – and lowly;
For you shall inherit the earth – most wholly;
Blessed are you who hunger and thirst;
For righteousness you will be filled and first!

Blessed are you who are merciful – and kind;
Mercy shall be yours – so keep that in mind;
Blessed are you who are purest in heart;
For you will see God from the very start!

Blessed are you who strive to make peace;
As children of God – your joy will not cease;
Blessed are you who are persecuted for right;
The Kingdom of Heaven will be in your sight!

Blessed are you who men revile and persecute;
Relentless for My name’s sake they prosecute;
Saying in all manner of evil you’re defiled;
I will exalt you – you’ll not be beguiled!

Blessed are you who have suffered for Me;
For great your reward in Heaven will be;
As prophets of old suffered greatly as well;
Like them, you profit – your riches will swell!

Be not dismayed – there is right judgment;
Be not distressed – for any begrudge meant;
Know that I see what is hidden from sight;
As in the last days, it is I who is light!

Blessed are you who are faithful and true;
I am He who can see the good that you do;
Truly you are – blessed and holy you be;
Living in paradise – someday with Me!

D01: 07/21/2013




Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Not sure where I should be.


They once said “Be here now”!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The other thread was a (wait for it) placeholder, until this one showed up. Except to reply to something over there, I’d spend zero additional time there unless you like the sodium in water video enough to binge-rewatch it.

I had mental images of Gail with smoke pouring out of her ears from well before midnight, past midnight, engaged in mortal combat with WordPiss.

Turns out that’s not quite what was going on but wasn’t completely wrong either…she was delayed, and then had to engage in mortal combat with WordPiss.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Barb Meier

Great point, Steve. I was worried that Gail or her hubby might be sick. It was a different kind of emergency with Gail against nature, then Gail against WordPiss. I hope there’s been some time today for Gail’s world to relax. Perhaps the goats are okay too and even get some little waterproof galoshes. There are few things cuter than baby goats in PJs, but galoshes too… oh my.

pat frederick

The Gipper Lives.
September 4, 2024 8:44 am

The unjust tyrant will reap disaster, and his reign of terror shall end.–Proverbs 22:8
OH PLEASE! George Clooney Compares ‘Selfless’ Joe Biden to George Washington for Stepping Aside (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit:

“Actor George Clooney praised President Biden’s decision to leave the 2024 race as “the most selfless thing that anyone’s done since George Washington” on Sunday.”

Of course, they had to bust him in the jaw to get him to do it.
George Washington pursued Benedict Arnold. Joe Biden plagiarized him.
The Top Twelve Similarities between George Washington and Caligula Robinette:

12) Washington wrote the law on Treason. Biden wrote Treason on the laws.

11) Washington was the Father of his Country. Biden is the father of Ashley and the water is running.

10) Washington believed in the Fake Science of Bloodletting which killed him. Biden pretended to believe in the Fake Science of Pfizer which killed millions. For Money and Power.

9) Washington has states, counties and cities named after him. Biden has a Show-Me-Where-the-Bad-Man-Touched-You Doll named after him.

8) Washington owned fine China. Fine; China owns Biden.

7) President Washington once had four bullet holes in his coat. Biden tried to put eight in President Trump’s.

6) Washington freed his slaves. Biden sold more slaves this morning.

5) Washington beat the World’s Only Superpower. Biden gave a Superpower to the World.

4) Washington lived at Mount Vernon. Biden lives at Mount Anything.

3) Washington stopped a Coup-plotting Cabal from installing him. Biden didn’t.

2) Washington was loved by millions. Joe was tolerated by his Chinese Owners for billions. 

Until they dumped him for Swamp Barbie and Tiananmen Tim, Secret Asian Man. 

and Number 1):

George Washington risked his life for a Great America. Joe Biden risked America for his great life.

pat frederick

infer what you will…

September 4, 2024 8:45 am

PDJT states that he is inclined to release the Jeffrey Epstein files.
Within days, Pat Toomey (Rino former senator PA) states he cannot vote for Trump, given “questions about elections.”
Hmmmm . . .

pat frederick

it seems to be doing that, doesn’t it?
is it BLUFF?
I dunno, but i wouldn’t want to play poker against PDJT!


Why Patrick… what have you to hide?


Gail Combs
Thank you so much for this! I hope your water issues get resolved quickly and completely.

Yours Truly finds it interesting that Karl Marx was financially subsidized.
Yours Truly finds it interesting that George Bernard Shaw was a strong admirer of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m hoping someone can make a flowchart out of all of this information. It’s going to take a bit to really understand how it all fits together. The part about Plato was interesting. Figuring out how the Black Nobility in Venice, and the Lodge in London are involved is going to be a challenge as well. This all operates so much in the shadows, that finding the information is going to be an excavation.


Thanks Gail. When I read these posts it makes me feel like we’re little pawns in a big game.
I’m really sorry that you had the home front disasters. That sux


Thank you , Gail!! Pray that the water flows again.


It Was a Setup… REVEALED: Most Agents Protecting Trump During Attempted Assassination Were Homeland Security Personnel Received Only a ‘2-Hour Online Webinar’ Beforehand

The headline is basically it plus a stern letter from Josh Hawley


Yeah, but a 2-hour online course makes them ‘experts’ in governmentland 👍😁


U.S. Army Allegedly Caught Protecting ‘Foreign Invaders’ at NYC Hotel? Citizen Confronts Military Presence and Demands Answers!

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In footage captured by Goodman, he can be heard confronting the soldiers, questioning, “Is the army turning this thing into a migrant shelter? Why are you guys here? It’s a hotel. Why is the army at this hotel?”

The tension escalated when one soldier bluntly responded, “We’re here at the request of the State of New York.”



To our military guys/gals in here. Are these US Army or reservists?


That’s the logical answer but nothing regarding illegal’s welfare is logical anymore.
The fact that any uniformed military is there leads to why. The illegals need to be protected? They need visual military to behave? The military is now an NGO proxy outfit? Why are they there?


Oh I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya!

It’s the profane Priesthood of Praetorian Pension Protectors in action 😂

Way to go military!

Never met an oath they couldn’t break.

Don’t forget to wear your brownshirts and salute with a Seig Heil 👍 👏

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

The tension escalated when one soldier bluntly responded, “We’re here at the request of the State of New York.”


So why are you doing it?

If the State of New York ‘requested’ that you break some other law, would you do that too?

Would you shoot an American citizen, if crazy Kathy Hochul told you to?

If not, why not?

What’s the difference between that and this?

Go ahead, spit it out.

How many of the invaders in that hotel have committed rapes and murders of American citizens?

You have a hotel full of illegal alien invaders. They’re not ‘migrants’. Call ’em what they are, even and especially if your spineless commanding officers won’t.

They’re foreign invaders, criminals who have invaded our country, the same country you swore an oath to defend and protect — and here you are, protecting the foreign invaders and your pensions instead.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

LIVE WITH JULIE – 09/04/2024



Psalm 34:1
Isaiah 54:17
Psalm 23:4
Isaiah 55:11
Jeremiah 31:13
Psalm 34:4, 7, 17, 19
Micah 7:8
Luke 10:19
Deuteronomy 20:1-4
Deuteronomy 7:8-9, 17-19, 22-24
Joshua 1:5-6, 8-9
1 John 4:4
Psalm 112:8
Psalm 89:14
Psalm 81:13-14
Jeremiah 1:8-10
Job 22:28
Psalm 59:1-2
Ephesians 6:10-18
Act 3:19
Psalm 18:48
Nehemiah 8:10
Philippians 4:7


God is changing your situation. Praise Him at all times-both in the good and bad times.
He will deliver you as long as you trust and rely on Him and are obedient.
The enemy has already been defeated. He’s a loser.
The Sword of the Spirit is a weapon.
Satan will always try to bring deception against God’s people. Go to God for discernment and revelations.
There will be shaking politically and in the Body of Christ.
Earnestly remember that no matter how big the battle is and those coming against you, God is with you and He is bigger.
God goes with you in the battle against your enemies to save you.
Do not be afraid. Keep your heart fixed on God.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne.
God has given you the ability to call down wicked governments and leaders.
God defends and protects His children.
God has prepared you for this battle with His joy and His Armor (Eph. 6:10-18).
Spend time with God and He will refresh you.
Your enemies are trying to knock you off your feet, but they can’t with God’s light and strength.
God wants His children to get involved in politics and governmental seats.
God is the God that restores.
Your enemies can’t defeat God’s plans.
God wants you to do things His way-get rid of the old way of doing things.
Pray for President Trump that he will listen to God’s strategies and do His will.
You need to fight with spiritual weapons-prayer and the Word of God.
Pray for the Body of Christ to unite.
Keep a firm focused foundation on the Father.



…God has got you and there is nothing that your enemy is trying to hold you back and keep you down with in your life that’s bigger than God. Satan’s a loser and God always wins…that’s going to change the way you see your circumstances in your life today. 

[Prophetic Word heard – 2 September 2024] 

For I the Lord this day am telling My children to prepare for this battle. This is the time of rapid fire, of increasing attacks and unprecedented events taking place. Your enemies are about to fire shots from all directions and many ways to catch you off-guard and to try to knock you off your feet so you can’t stand and you won’t continue to fight in this upcoming battle which they think YOU will lose. They are convinced they have this country and this world right where they needed it, to be the final kill shot for their ultimate control and takeover of the globe. Something is about to knock THEM off their feet and annihilate all their plans and that is ME says the Lord. These desperate attempts and their desperate decisions will bring their end and solidify how they fall in their disastrous exit from power over the nations. My children arise and take your place in govts, and in powerful positions where I need you to be to overthrow the rogue govts worldwide. Take your positions where I have called you to be. It doesn’t matter how impossible or how long it has taken. It is not impossible for Me. 

I know many have been discouraged because your seats were temporarily stolen and you couldn’t understand why this happened or you were questioning if you should have run for that seat in your government or in your state in the first place. You were not wrong. Your enemy stole in and now they will ultimately pay a high price for those seats. I need you My children, to rely on Me and not a campaign manager or a political advisor. Throw those old ways out and SHOUT MY WORDS.





Barb Meier

A lady caller to Chris Plante’s show this morning shared an Ann Landers answer explaining Socialism and Communism. I wish I had written this:

Barb Meier

Thank you, Gail! I like the last one in my version too but it was probably added later.

  • Surrealism: You have two giraffes. The government makes you take harmonica lessons.
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Q. How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?

A. Tuesday.


So, not on Hump Day?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Surrealists are so useless they can probably only do it on Tuesdays that are Hump Days.

Barb Meier


pat frederick

reed walker
September 4, 2024 10:43 am

This is ( or would be if there was an honest judiciary ) would be crushing to the fake and fraudulent Jack Smith charade against POTUS. The courage of some everyday citizens astonishes me to no end.

Last edited 4 months ago by patfrederick
pat frederick

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pat frederick

can this be true?
September 4, 2024 12:07 pm

Patriots! Beware of Talking Points and Bill Summaries – they lie. The so-called “SAVE” Act does the opposite of what you’ve been told. Under the “SAVE” Act, the children born here of the 10 to 40 Million invaders (CCP, Islamists, etc.) will be US Citizens entitled to vote in OUR federal elections. The “SAVE” Act provides that the requirements for voting in our federal elections are that one have a government issued ID Card (this is to ultimately force us into the egregious “REAL ID” card) and a birth certificate showing that one was born in the United States.  Read Kelleigh Nelson’s article:
So! the Children of the invaders born here are to be US citizens – and YOU will have to get a government issued ID Card to be permitted to vote. Tell your (dumb) Republican US Senators to oppose the “SAVE” Act.  


From the linked article~

My thought in listening to Rep. Roy was that finally he was doing something right. I found the summary of the bill and sent it to my group lists thinking for the first time Roy was on the right track. I was wrong, but let me explain why I have never trusted the man. He is promoting Mark Meckler’s Convention of States which is funded by the Koch organizations, Heritage Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council and more. See my recent article. Roy is a close friend of Byron Donalds, who is also backing a new Article V Constitutional Convention. Last October, when a new House Speaker was being considered, Roy nominated Donalds whose top aide and best friend, Larry Wilcoxson, is a felon with a long list of criminal activities.

After I sent the SAVE Act info to my group lists, I received an email from Joanna Martin telling me that I’d better read the full bill and not just the summary because the full bill is poison. Joanna knows what she’s talking about. She’s a retired attorney and a retired Army JAG officer. I just read the full bill and was gob smacked. All bills are written in legalese which makes life difficult for the common man, but when Joanna tells me a bill is rotten, I listen because she’s been proven right time and again.

She clarified this bill for me in easy-to-understand layman’s language.


But the SAVE Act violates Section 1 of the 14th Amendment because it provides that anyone born here is a “US Citizen” and will be eligible to vote in federal elections. So, the children of those 10 to 40 million illegals who have invaded our Country would be eligible to vote in all federal elections. The child of the French ambassador and his Wife would be eligible to vote here – and I expect under French law, the child would be eligible to vote in France as well. 

(Just like Dr. Mehmet Oz is a citizen of Turkey and America and votes in both countries.)

So, the SAVE Act isn’t about prohibiting non-citizens from voting – what it really does is to make US citizens out of everybody who is born in the United States. All the Islamists and CCP males who breach our borders – their children would be “US Citizens” and eligible to vote. That’s the “hidden” agenda behind the SAVE Act.  

I expect that most people supporting the SAVE Act have no idea what it really does. But I assure you that whoever drafted this nasty bit of poison knew exactly what it would do.

pat frederick

thanks Molly!


Sure, YW. I’m being lazy today after some back busting work around here yesterday! While I know you’re here…any experience with yellowjackets nests in the ground? I have 2 that I’ve been vewy carefully filling with every conceivable thing to kill them.


Thank you..I’ve used Sevin twice. Poured Dawn soap in there once but not the boiling water. Used spray Telstar. Used regular wasp spray.
They just won’t die! I guess it’s not getting tracked into the nest so new ones emerge and it starts all over..

I’ve been lashing the killing stuff onto a long pole to get it in there . So far haven’t been stung, knock on wood

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

I don’t feel confident about the boiling water because I can’t get that on the pole and the area where they are is not flat, lots of tree roots, pinecones…waah I’m chicken to do it at night if I have to run if they come swarming out.


Was involved with the gas method once and it worked, but discovered that there was a second entrance about 15 feet away. luckily we had poured more than a cup and all the second entrance did was puff a bunch of smoke.


Oh wow…did you do it at night? Walked right up to it and poured it in?

I’d flip my gourd if the 2 nests are related. These are about 25′ apart

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

Was about dusk on a cool fall night.


Mucho thanks.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I understand it, with wasps (hornets ought to be at least somewhat similar), you do it after dark not because they can’t see but because they are colder and torpid at that time. They’re exothermic (meaning…in biology…that they get their heat from outside the body…not that they give off heat as it would mean in chemistry) so at night they are much less active.

pat frederick

get yourself a skunk…they love them!
or dump a cup of gas down the hole, step back for safety and then light it up. unless you’re close to the house.


LOLOLOL…on both of those!
My bro said the same thing about the gas citing my dear old dad lighting them up in the hedge when we were kids! I’m cracking up now….but may have to figure out a way to do it. Burn suckas!


The fire on top will also cause a partial vacuum below it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It sucks to be a hornet, when that happens.


I hope it’s THE worst and final suck of their lives!


It is an effort to change the constitution. Any product of the convention must be ratified by 3/4 of the states.

Please tell me [and anyone else] which states will make up that 3/4 number.

If a list of 3/4 of the states cannot be provided, then it doesn’t matter what the convention does or doesn’t do.

IOW it doesn’t matter what the convention does – nothing changes without 3/4 of the states willing to go along.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

While true…Congress gets to specify whether the proposed changes should be ratified by legislatures or conventions within the states.

I can readily imagine congress saying “conventions” then the conventions being packed with leftist shitbags.

Best not to open the door, even if you’re confident not enough people will walk through it.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
pat frederick

thanks Gail

pat frederick

because of course they will


HR 8677 in upper post is typical Saul Alinsky tactics to overwhelm the system and make it near impossible to get rid of illegal voters of any kind.


Way too many oversaturated areas w these stores, but i didnt expect dollar tree to do this bad. No wins for the Kamel Kamp here!

Chief Financial Officer Jeff Davis wrote in a statement that the “increasing effect of macro pressures on the purchasing behavior of Dollar Tree’s middle- and higher-income customers” was the main driver in slashing its full-year sales forecast. 

What’s critical to note for the political strategist: Dollar Tree & Family Dollar and Dollar General stores are mostly concentrated in the eastern half of the US. Mangment’s gloom about its core customer base should serve as a proxy for consumer sentiment for mid/low-tier consumers. In other words, there is a lot of gloom and doom among working-poor Americans in critical swing states.

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Last edited 4 months ago by gil00
pat frederick

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There’s also one out of Harris (2017) claiming that her grandmother in India went from village to village “with a bullhorn” to advocate reproductive health…..really?

I went to google and there’s quite a few articles about her family, a lot written when she was running for prez before. NONE of them mentioned this. She’s lying if you ask me.
Also read that Biden poppped off with a probable whopper about his grandfather being in the Irish Mafia recently.
The PR machine gave them orders to weave some virtue signaling through the family lineage to bolster their fake organic inheritance of being social justice warriors?



  :wpds_lol:  my father would’ve loved to see that


That hole should forevermore be known as The Fuzzy Zoeller Hole.


BARROW COUNTY, Ga. (WANF/Gray News) – A suspect is in custody after a shooting at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia.

Police said “casualties” were reported.

Dozens of ambulances and officers were on the ground at the school, alongside a medic helicopter.

At least one person was loaded into the helicopter on a stretcher. The helicopter was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, a trauma center in the area.

A source from a hospital in the area said they are receiving patients with gunshot wounds related to the shooting.

A second medic helicopter was later seen arriving at the school.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp said he “directed all available state resources to respond to the incident at Apalachee High School.”

“We will continue to work with local, state, and federal partners as we gather information and further respond to this situation,” Kemp said on X.

Barb Meier

Here’s a video update with news including from the county Sheriff. He’s lived there all his life and his kids go to that school. There are two dead kids, two dead teachers, and a number more who were wounded. The shooter’s name is Colt Gray He is 14 years old and will be tried as an adult.

Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier


Brave and Free


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If your entire family…ALL of them, no outliers…turns against you, you might be a shitbag.


Every family has a black sheep. Just saying.  👤 


That’s too damn funny.

Trump ads inbound.

Edit. OH. Nebraska Walzes.

Hope Chinee Tim’s brother comes out loudly for Trump.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Barb Meier

Thanks Gail, that shows up great!

pat frederick

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Deplorable Patriot

Aside from the grammar error (it should be WALZES), horray!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And aside from your spelling error, I will second your hooray!



The misuse of the apostrophe – especially in writing plural family names is very common these days.


Many links. Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections


Put one to good use. Guy shooting blanks at me. Hope it all shows. If not I’ll add the top portion below.



Top portion or what came first. Adds what was above too. The nice lady and her instrument who was playing for Putin.


He just couldn’t admit that he misled you.  😂 


Thanks for your work GC, a lot of reading about an interesting and rarely discussed subject as mostly we’re concerned with the here and now. That so much power is concentrated in such a relatively small group is not a good thing in my view.
I wonder if the BRICS group will be able to do their banking separate from them.


Millions of people have long suspected it, but now a leak suggests that our phones really are listening to us. 

An apparent pitch deck from one of Facebook’s alleged marketing partner appears to detail how the firm eavesdrops on users’ conversations to create targeted ads. 

In a slideshow, Cox Media Group (CMG) claims that its ‘Active-Listening’ software uses AI to collect and analyze ‘real-time intent data’ by listening to what you say through your phone, laptop or home assistant microphone.

The slideshow details the six-step process that CMG’s Active-Listening software uses to collect consumer’s voice data through seemingly any microphone-equipped device, including your smartphone, laptop or home assistant. 

It’s unclear from the slideshow whether the Active-Listening software is eavesdropping constantly, or only at specific times when the phone mic is activated, such as during a call.

Advertisers then use these insights to target ‘in-market consumers,’ which are people actively considering buying a particular product or service. 

If your voice or behavioral data suggests you are considering buying something, they will serve you advertisements for that item.

For years, smart-device users have speculated that their phones or tablets are listening to what they say. But most tech companies have flat-out denied these claims.

Although it may seem surprising, Active Listening is perfectly legal, CMG claimed in a since-deleted blog post from November 2023.

‘We know what you’re thinking. Is this even legal? The short answer is: yes. It is legal for phones and devices to listen to you,’ the post reads.

‘When a new app download or update prompts consumers with a multi-page terms of use agreement somewhere in the fine print, Active Listening is often included.’

This could explain how CMG is getting away with this in states with wiretapping laws that prohibits recording somebody without their knowledge, like California.


You are being secretly tracked by your iPhone with little-known setting – here’s how to turn it off
READ MORE: US cyber officials issue urgent warning to iPhone users


Will be looking into Patriot cell I think it is.

Also X phone which I keep seeing being floated. No idea when it may come available.

pat frederick

never mind

Last edited 4 months ago by patfrederick

It appears that Marica’s blog is having WP “AI censoring” issues today.




Just another lazy Saturday afternoon for the lovers…or maybe they were happenstance reading files and important case work…. 😉 


9.4.24: President TRUMP’s INFO campaign winning, Generational awakening, THE FUTURE, PRAY

And We Know


Big Fanny in the news again, just unreal 😂

I don’t remember the trial details, but apparently Big Fanny and Nate testified under oath that their relationship was long over, and somehow that was material to the court proceedings.

Yesterday, Big Fanny’s pregnant daughter was pulled over for driving on a suspended license. So she calls Big Fanny, and Nate — the same Nate whose relationship with Big Fanny is ‘long over’ — shows up with her. All captured on the police body-cam.

Surprise, surprise, surprise… 😂



Love the narration!



Reynold’s stopped using PayPal. CC these days.

Recent vitamin I delivery 18 days, from order date.


If this is true, Chinee Tim gonna be big mad.

Edit. Read elsewhere this is click bait. False.

One can hope. The guy is on record saying Chinee Tim, his brother is a POS.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

If Kacklema had any brains, she’d concede the election right now.


Gee…i cant imagine what could be the issues….

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Navy warship commander relieved of duty after embarrassing gaffe went viral

The commander of a Navy destroyer that’s helping protect the San Diego-based aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Middle East has been relieved of duty about four months after he was seen in a photo firing a rifle with a scope mounted backward.

The image brought the Navy considerable ridicule on social media. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Cameron Yaste, commanding officer of the destroyer USS John McCain, was removed on Friday.

The Navy said Yaste was relieved of duty “due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command the guided-missile destroyer” that’s currently deployed in the Gulf of Oman. The statement didn’t elaborate on why Yaste was replaced.

In April, a photo posted on the Navy’s social media showed Yaste in a firing stance gripping the rifle with a backward scope.


Even better… 🤨

“So, the short staffed US Navy line officer command staff removes one of their own over a stupid picture. And, he is temporarily replaced with a DEI O6. The Military morale is at an all time low, the services are not meeting recruitment goals and both enlisted and official staff are no re-upping or retiring. Ships are being mothballed for lack of crews. I doubt that the Commander ever saw a rifle scope before and didn’t realize the error. Maybe the person that prepared the rifle and handed it to him should also be disciplined. Anyway, keep it up and they’ll be no military left capable of meeting our nation defense needs. I served in the US Army almost 60 years ago and there was no such nonsense from leadership. “


Never used a scope but turning it around backwards and shooting a target would likely be harder to get a hit which may have been the reason it was done to show that it could be done.


The way it was, back in the day.

Navy small arm(s) familiarization firing while at sea.

Typically, they shoot at 55 gallon drum, until it sinks. Other times, smokes dropped in the water. Other than hitting the water, not sure they have any idea what they hit.

Doubtful much has changed. But dunno.


Hmmm. Different perspective. They reached down for a female as a sub cmdr. Curious.


Me, too … something skinks about this … setup … or, as we might have called it, Fraggin??


In the culture if letting everyone off the hook it seems they were itching to get him gone… 6 months later?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The USS J*hn McC**n?

The problem wasn’t the ship’s commander.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Symptom of a disease…


What’s Aubergine’s famous quote…I’ll butcher it if going by my memory but could’ve been malice. These days we can’t know…could’ve been a prank, he might’ve known it was a joke but the picture was taken…and that’s all they need. “Firing stance” but did he actually fire a shot off? Another toxic white male axed


Yes. My bet is malice in play.

CO likely has never fired an AR, let alone a rifle with scope. Handgun, yes. Using an AR is not a skillset expected of a ship’s Commanding officer.

My bet. Shipboard Gunnersmate(s) who maintain small arms on the ship. They KNOW which way the scope should be. Intentionally handed the CO the AR with scope on backwards.

Prank that certainly went off the rails. Likely intended to make the CO the butt of jokes onboard McStain. Great scuttlebutt (talk, gossip) among scruffees (sailors). Lotsa laughs, for sure.

Article mentions “Extra Military Instruction.” Code for verbal ass whuppin for Department Head, Division Officer, The Chief (E-7) and some lower Enlisted types.

It is a matter of record who maintained that weapon. Likely received Captain’s Mast.
(Article 15, Non Judicial Punishment). Could cost him (or her) a stripe, money, restriction, extra duty. Damn sure won’t do it again.

Very likely lost access to working with weapons. Reassigned to deck department.= knuckle draggers that mop the decks stand, look out watch, chip paint, shine brass…shit jobs.

FWIW. Appears to be an expended shell case in the air.


Possible. I look at it anymore that he came up in rank during obummer….who fired EVERYONE not w his agenda.


IIWH, on my way out the door I would whisper to whoever handed him the rifle …

I will see you on the street, punk.




A bit of good news. Looks like our nation is going nuclear generated power to meet the future needs.

Project IKE is going to built in Oak Ridge, TN on land at the west side of the DOE reservation. Largest non-weapons oriented uranium enrichment project in the nation. 300 new jobs when complete.

Last edited 4 months ago by TradeBait2

Sounds good. What year will it come online?


It is for the fuel aspect. Nothing I could find yet on the release but the construction is to start soon. Since it takes 3-8 years to build a nuclear power plant that has received full regulatory approvals, we are probably looking at ten years before anything meaningful comes on line. What it will do is slow the roll of coal plant closures in the transition period with some new natural gas plants and conversions from coal added.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What I’d like to see is a plant that can reprocess “spent” fuel rods.

When a fuel rod is removed from the reactor, it’s still 90-95 percent good fuel, with 5-10% fission products. (I am not sure I have the right percentages there, but it’s a high percentage.) It can’t be used with those fission products, but they can easily be removed. (Easily…from a chemical standpoint. The rod is VERY radioactive and all sorts of precautions must be taken.) Instead of doing that, we throw 90% of our nuclear fuel away along with the waste. This not only means we have to mine 10 times as much uranium as we would otherwise have to do, it greatly bulks up the quantity of high level waste that must be got rid of.

It’s as if your car spilled 90 percent of your gasoline on the roadway as it fed the remaining 10 percent into the fuel injectors.


Years ago, I read about a pilot plant built next to a nuclear reactor and a turkey processing plant. The gist was that you can take almost anything made out of hydrogen and carbon and treat it with very hot and moist high-pressure and it will turn into a generic sludge that can be used like crude oil. Since this is effectively what nuclear reactors have before the steam is dried and runs through the power turbines, this was seen as a good match.

Supposedly, it did well in turning waste turkey guts into “crude”, and they were looking into scaling-up the processes…..and then I never heard about it again. Some years later, I went back and looked for the original article, but could find no sign.

There are many aspects of energy where promising technology is “inexplicably” stifled. It’s almost enough to make one into a conspiracy theorist.


Speaking of chemistry and nuclear fuel….how ’bout them thorium reactors, eh?


By the way, the point in your science series that explained the four (and only four) radioactive decay pathways really simplified and clarified my understanding. I had previously bumped into parts of second-hand information in that area such that I vaguely understood it as being there…..but I now feel that I more-or-less “get it.”


YEA, BUTT … between now and then [if ever] … DRILL BABY DRILL!!!! …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Agreed…with both of you.




Absolutely, drill baby, drill.

Use all the fuel we need AND sell to any country needing fuel.


Peace and Tranquility Prayers
Prayer for a Calm Heart

Lord of Peace, as evening falls, I seek the calmness only You can provide. Quell the storms of my mind and replace anxiety with Your peace. As the world quiets down, let my heart do the same. May Your presence envelop me so that I may know tranquility tonight and always. Amen.

Serenity at Day’s End

Heavenly Father, with the closing of this day, I ask for serenity. As the night sky displays its vast beauty, let my soul mirror its peacefulness. Help me to let go of the worries of the day and trust in Your loving care. May Your peace reign in my heart and home tonight. Amen.

Prayer for Restful Stillness

Dear God, in the stillness of this evening, I come to You seeking rest for my soul. Help me to lay down the burdens I’ve carried today and find comfort in Your arms. Grant me peace that passes understanding and a rest that restores my spirit. May my sleep be undisturbed and my dreams be sweet. Amen.

Nighttime Whisper for Peace

Creator of All, as I listen to the night’s gentle whisper, I ask for peace to settle over me. Let Your tranquility wash away the noise of the day. In this quiet hour, I lean on Your promise of peace, a heavenly balm to my weary soul. Keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on You. Amen.

Prayer for Gentle Rest

Omnipotent and Gentle Lord, at the end of this day, I seek the gentle rest that You so lovingly provide. May my mind be at ease, my body relax, and my spirit find harmony. Help me to release every concern into Your capable hands and sleep in the assurance of Your protection and peace. Amen.


Georgia school shooting:

The County Sheriff said that the shooter was confronted by a school resource officer. Realizing he could either comply or be shot, he surrendered.

When seconds count, police are only minutes away. School resource officers, by contrast….



Another reason teachers / staff should be armed.


NO reason to believe his “surrender.” Take Him Out. [how many did he kill?]


UPDATE, 4:38 p.m.: A spokesman for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation told the media that of the four deceased, two were students and two were teachers. The 14-year-old suspect has been charged with murder and will be tried as an adult.


And for all the gun grabbers out there, the school resource officer was not wielding rubberbands or a spitwad-shooting straw.


Those are back-up weapons.


Pepe’s Fren Zone
Robert Kennedy Junior’s Greatest Red Pill Moments
SEP 04, 2024

Few have dropped more red pills since 2020 than Robert Kennedy Junior. 

I’ve compiled some of his greatest hits so you can have them all in one place for swift distribution. Share this and help continue to wake up the populace. 

We are winning the narrative war.

You can click this Rumble Link for the entirety of the compilation for a full listen and share.


That interview was a treasure trove.

Brave and Free

I don’t either. Quick look, here’s what I think.

DOJ said XXXX. Recap, DOJ said… Laughing a bit. Until it is verified, suspect at best.

Three or four influencers took money from Goof A.

  • Money may have come from A some rich guy or B Russia.

To ME, the only question here, is did these four influencers lie.

  • >>> Beyond truth, I’m not sure I care about any of this crap. <<<

The elephant in the room, French authorities won’t say out loud.

Authorities Search For Answers As France’s Classic Churches Keep Burning Down


We’re only in the illegal invasion a few years behind them. I hope we can get Trump elected or that and more will be our new normal.


Well, my daily dose of annoyance came from AT&T today.

Yesterday, between about 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM, I got a bunch of phone calls. They didn’t show on caller ID, so I let them ring….but none left a message. Even more strange, none were picked-up as a “missed call” on our phone system.

This afternoon, I went to make a phone call. Instead of a soothing “hmmmmm” of a dial tone, I got a nasty “b-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr” rasping buzz sound. I traced it back to the AT&T box from which we also get our internet, and it was noise there (although I had functional internet). The lights at the front of that box said power, broadband, and phone were all green.

We do also have a POTS line, and it worked. I had to dredge out an analog phone and phone cord to check this, only to find there were no such supplies inside the house. Back in the day, I had phone cords and analog phones all over the place.

Went through the self-help guides online, no joy. Checked the “known outages” map and it said our area had internet, but my individual home had a known phone system outage. Seemed like a very small one.

They said to call. Calling left me with “your estimated wait time is between 27 and 43 minutes”, so I drove down to the local AT&T store. After interrogating* the rep for about half an hour, the best I could get from her was “it may spontaneously resolve in about a week” and she could schedule a technician, but it would cost me $100 and there was no way to tell when he’d get to my home.

Came home to find Fiancee. Gave her an update, and she agreed to reset the box. When the box was reset, it initially said blank to internet or phone…..then it said blank to internet and red to phone…..then it said blinking green to internet and red to phone….then finally settled on green to internet and green to phone. Unlike three paragraphs ago, however, the internet and phone both worked. The rebooting process took about 15 minutes.

Mind you, AT&T can also reset the box from their end. I didn’t advocate the rep at the AT&T store do this because I wanted the Fiancee’s buy-in — if the internet didn’t work afterwards, she couldn’t work from home tomorrow and would have to drive in.

*, It is peculiar that you have to ask for information several different ways because they know more than they think they know, but not necessarily (as in this case) enough to actually help.

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu

TwoFer of sorts.

  1. …“it may spontaneously resolve in about a week”
  2. …she could schedule a technician, but it would cost me $100 and there was no way to tell when he’d get to my home.

^^^ Screams fire AT&T.

But, Slow Guy surely does NOT have the bigger picture.

Had my own jousting with Verizon today. After enough goofy shit from Verizon rep, I left him with.

  • Thanks, but no thanks. Verzion has been irritating me of late. I’ll be looking at other carriers. Good day. (Click)

The AT&T rep also did not have the bigger picture.

I left Verizon a number of years ago, when it was substantially more painful to do so.

Nowadays, everything is phone over data, “3G”, “4G”, “5G”, “LTE”, and all that, but the underlying 1G cell phone (analog-ish) system is/was old-style radio. Europe, Asia, and most of the US used GSM, while Verizon used CDMA, and the actual radios in the phones were different. It was like having an AM-only radio and an FM-only radio — there was no reasonable way to use one on the other system. Changing from Verizon to AT&T or T-Mobile meant replacing all your hardware.

[From ]

Most of the rest of the world used GSM. The global spread of GSM came about because in 1987, Europe mandated the technology by law, and because GSM comes from an industry consortium. What we call CDMA, by and large, is owned by chipmaker Qualcomm. This made it less expensive for third parties to build GSM equipment.


Experienced much of the Verizon incompatible with GSM, in the Philippines.



Yep. With other carriers, swap a SIM and you’re rolling. With Verizon, pack that phone away.

As an amusing aside, Turkey has an odd quirk. If you buy a Turkish SIM for your Western phone, it’ll work…..for about a week, until the network figures-out that you didn’t buy the phone in Turkey — at which point, both the SIM and the phone will be locked-out.


Right on cue, the shooter was “on FIB’s radar”, like every single occasion I can recall.

Almost like there’s a a connection, some sort of tangible bond between all of these mass-murderers and their FIB handlers.



Instead of the FIB Behavioral Unit for perpetrators psych analysis predictors there should be a unit to analyze FIB predictors…once they identify a potential shooter they drop the ball…and then the shooting happens


^^^ Almost as if on queue.

Then there is a coincidence of sorts.

Past week or so, GA Governor Kemp and Rafensperger had been in the news. Stopping stuff to ensure 2024 election is fair and other stuff.

^^^ Forget that stuff. We have a high school shooting capturing the news cycle.




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