DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20241003

Cover image is somewhere in North Carolina.

Making room for microschooling

The Great Purge of the Cabal Has Begun

Badlands News Brief – October 2, 2024

Eye of the Storm 169 & Bonus Video

Are Jay-Z and Beyonce the next to fall?

Trump just gave a masterclass on tariffs on Dave Ramsey…

Internet fascinated by JD Vance’s ‘pretty eyes’ during VP debate against Tim Walz

As if it was the Nixon-Kennedy debate all over again.

1,000 active-duty soldiers to deploy to western North Carolina to help with Helene response

That’s all? Fort Bragg is not that far away.

Adam Schiff Called Out for Trying to Bully Tech Companies Into Censoring Americans Ahead of Election


Don’t shoot the messenger. Just passing on information.

I’m sure it’s happening, but at this point all information on this is hearsay.

No. That’s really *NOT* the battle. If Chinese ports are automated in China, they are operated by Chinese owners.  If American ports are automated in the USA, they are operated by Chinese owners.  It doesn’t take a genius to see the problem. Fast forward to 2035, all of our critical ILA members have given up and gone to work for Wal Mart in the face of overwhelming opposition against them by a short-sighted American electorate.  The children of the dockworkers are now addicted to prescription narcotics, and the docks are automated by German industrial machinery, facilitated by Chinese technology that was purchased by Chinese owners. The machinery is operated remotely by Chinese, Indian and Pakistani workers getting $5/hr. After seamless integration, China decides to take the geography of New Zealand as the latest strategic notch in their Belt and Road initiative.  Wait, wha… the American politicians shout, “this cannot stand.”  But it does, because if the USA tries to make a move against it, the docks in the USA are brought to a halt by China. Sound crazy? ‘Crazy’ was 9-years ago when CTH was warning about a weaponized FBI operating like the Russian FSB.  ‘Crazy’ was our warning that a DC-based intelligence apparatus was conducting surveillance of a presidential nominee.  ‘Crazy’ was our alarms ten years ago that various interests of the DoS and DHS were deep inside the mechanisms of social media, controlling the content of private conversations.  THAT was then considered “crazy.” What we are talking about now against the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and remote automation, is not crazy; it’s predictable reality if the efforts of the ILA fail.


If you are wondering why citizens are being turned away that are coming to help NC and TN – you’ll want to hear my experience as someone who has been doing this as a private citizen for almost a decade. I was able to get into, and out of Asheville. We brought food, water, fuel and other supplies as well as helped people affected by the floods, but there are reasons why they are not allowing outside help. I cannot confirm the reasons why in NC, but i can tell you the reasons in other storms i have worked – i’ll explain below. Let me share with you the first disaster area that i finally realized that this was all about money. In the FL Keys with Hurricane Irma, after Texas got hit with Harvey, we finished our efforts in Texas and were the first citizen team to make it to Key Largo. The federal agencies had US1 shut down just South of Key Largo and wouldn’t let anyone in or out, even though the road was okay to pass. We explained to them that we had boats, Jet skis, food, water, chainsaws and fuel to bring these people. They didn’t care and wouldn’t let us in. It was night by that point and you rarely saw the lights of vehicles in the distance on the individual keys, meaning the emergency response teams from FEMA weren’t even working, it was all quiet. We decided that we would go in anyways. We filled up the boats and jet skis with all that we could reasonably carry and went by water, around all their BS blockades and around their law enforcement presence on the water. It was 87 miles by water to get to our first stop, Cudjoe Key and Sugarloaf Key. When we arrived there we were greeted by a homeowner (for privacy, I won’t name him, though we have video) who was elated to see us and all the supplies we brought, his house was in shambles. We started offloading supplies on the shoreline and helping to get them into what was left of his house. During that process, he explained to us that FEMA had set up a command center at a local high school on the island, but that they weren’t doing anything to help the residents, not even bringing them WATER! Instead, he explained that they were driving around using a loudspeaker, telling people to stay in their homes. They weren’t even helping the home owners with supplies. I was skeptical at first while he was telling me all of this, but then he said something that broke my heart…. He told us that the people of the keys were all in despair, because they had just seen, weeks before, the overwhelming support for Texas with Hurricane Harvey, by the citizens of this country. He, and his neighbors on all of the keys, felt like Americans had forgotten about them completely, because at this point, FIVE DAYS after landfall, all they had seen was FEMA, and they were of NO HELP. The residents were cut off from the outside world, no cellular, no internet, no way to contact anyone or hear of any efforts to try to help them. The ONLY communication they had was from a local radio station on Sugarloaf Key, that was broadcasting on AM to the surrounding keys. The man, after hearing that there were citizens trying to bring them help, but being refused entry by federal law enforcement was visibly upset. He, and his neighbors, really thought the country had abandoned them. He insisted that we get into his waterlogged truck and that he would take us to that radio station so that we could go live on air, to tell the citizens trapped in the Keys that we, the American people, were there to help and that the government was trying to stop our efforts. And that is exactly what we did. After that, we were determined to help as many people as we could, but we were met with red tape throughout the whole process and time we were in the keys. We finally we able to talk some authorities to let us down to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon towards the end of Boot Key. This was the same hotel where state and local authorities were staging their personnel and they were happy to see us. I was able to coordinate several trucks full of supplies to be brought down to the EOC in Marathon. I was privy to the EOC meeting, BUT was informed in that meeting, that all of the semi trucks full of food, water and hygiene supplies were to be turned around and not allowed to be offloaded for distribution by the EOC. THE REASON they gave us, was that these donations were not from companies on their “preferred vendors list” and that they would not accept them or give them to the residents of the keys impacted by the storm. It was at that point that I realized, this is ALL ABOUT MONEY. These ‘preferred vendors” are getting part of the money being released by the state and federal govt for each disaster. In turn, some of the “vendors” make it on the list because a friend gets them on the list, and in return for getting ridiculously outlandish amounts of compensation for the services they render, they give kickbacks. So accepting outside donations, even though they are on location and can help people NOW, they would rather let people suffer so they can get their kickbacks. This meeting solidified my resolve to help these people, regardless of what the greedy officials wanted, we were going to feed the lower keys that were being neglected. I diverted ALL SEMI TRUCKS to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon and filled the entire first floor with pallets upon pallets of food, water and essential supplies and created a food pantry for residents to come and get anything, and however much they needed. From local state troopers to the homeless, all were given wheel barrels and free reign to get anything they needed. We also delivered supplies down to Big Pine Key. We helped establish the tent city on Big Pine Key. Big companies like Titos Vodka and Whelen just kept bringing trucks full of everything that was needed. When FEMA FINALLY started handing out boxes of canned goods (limited to one per household), we were filing cars full of food and supplies for people and pets. There is so much more to the story in the Keys and further from there in other storms we worked- the common theme though, is that the federal government always tries to keep citizens from helping and the local authorities, the ones that live and work in the area are always happy to have outside help. I call out to Elon Musk and anyone else who can monetarily help people like myself and those that work with me, who have the knowledge and the will to help those devastated by these disasters. Help us side step the red tape and get the people the relief they need. We are willing, and we are many, and we are ready.

Fortunately, my cousin who lives in Ashville, is fine, according to my aunt.


I cleaned ours out a few years ago. It hasn’t resurfaced.

Getting a degree gave me research skills.

Or a plaque.

Some people have no sense of humor.

No. Although, a couple of main roads I travel have been resurfaced recently.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


Job 19:21-27

21Have pity on me, have pity on me, O you my friends, for the hand of God has touched me! 22Why do you, like God, pursue me? Why are you not satisfied with my flesh? 23“Oh that my words were written! Oh that they were inscribed in a book! 24Oh that with an iron pen and lead they were graven in the rock for ever! 25For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at last he will stand upon the earth; 26and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then from my flesh I shall see God, 27whom I shall see on my side, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. My heart faints within me!

Luke 10:1-12

1After this the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to come. 2And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. 3Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. 4Carry no purse, no bag, no sandals; and salute no one on the road. 5Whatever house you enter, first say, `Peace be to this house!’ 6And if a son of peace is there, your peace shall rest upon him; but if not, it shall return to you. 7And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages; do not go from house to house. 8Whenever you enter a town and they receive you, eat what is set before you; 9heal the sick in it and say to them, `The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ 10But whenever you enter a town and they do not receive you, go into its streets and say, 11`Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet, we wipe off against you; nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near.’ 12I tell you, it shall be more tolerable on that day for Sodom than for that town.

This is entirely passe, but it holds a soft spot in my heart.




For a cocktail…in honor of the North Carolina way of life…try to find some moonshine. In the 1920s a moonshiner lived on the next block from me. That’s the largest house in the subdivision.

Have a good one y’all.

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Thank you, Dear De Pat, for a thoughtful Thursday Post!

I am also thankful for the beautiful image from North Carolina.


We expect that you have been accomplishing all sorts of wonderful things in the time you would otherwise spend writing posts for here. Please let us know how these are going, so that we can delight in your successes!


Didn’t they just do that a while ago?


How many theories are there about the strike?

• People can be heard screaming inside the containers.

• It’s about automation (and pay). The longshoremen had specifically been promised there would be no automation.

• If everything is automated, the Chinese would control our ports and therefore our country because they could shut the economy down.

• This, from one of the X posts in the open, which I don’t understand:
“This is not about the contract of the longshoremen 100% 
They are using it as a decoy of what’s really happening with these ports. 
This is real and it’s awesome how it’s being handled for the public. 
Wake up people you are being set free.“

• From another X post in the open: “Longshoremen strike to transfer US ports to American ports under USMCA treaty.”

I’m sure I have missed some.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My guess is that the union is corrupt, and have some corrupt deal with the regime, to strike now for the benefit of both. Beyond that, I have no idea.


We would not need ports if we made everything in-house. IMHO.


If ports are automated, everything in them needs to run on FOSS.


Sort of doubts they’d run anything deemed critical infrastructure on FOSS. Could be wrong though.. you might have an example as well as the good idea.


Both the Linux kernel and the BSD kernel are Free and Open Source Software.

BSD is popular with banks because of its perceived robust security. OTOH, essentially all of the world’s supercomputers (and 100% of the top 500) run on Linux because it is closer to the cutting edge.

By some measures, the Linux kernel is the world’s largest software development project. It is estimated that it would cost in excess of $15B to make it again.

It has a large and vibrant developer community. As an example, the 5.8 release had 1,991 contributors and over 553,000 lines of new code.

Though decentralized, the review process is quite thorough and includes the top subject-matter experts in most areas, coordinated by Linus Torvalds and Greg Kroah-Hartman.

This is all maintained on a “version control” system called git — also FOSS invented and maintained by Linus Torvalds — that allows people all over the world to collaborate, contribute, and debug software projects. Microsoft gave up on their own system and adopted git a few years back.

Essentially all internet plumbing runs on Linux. If it isn’t suitable for critical infrastructure, I don’t know what is.


Your closing paragraph creates a question [or two]. If Linux is ubiquitous, then it must be fairly insecure since we repeatedly hear about hacking and ransomware attacks.

And if it is so insecure, why does Windoze have the reputation for insecurity that it has? Seems unfair to me.  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your “if” clause is negative – that is why.

Hacking and ransomware in organizations typically operate through phishing, social hacking, and mostly on – DRUMROLL – Windoze – although I don’t really think it’s the platform’s fault.

Linux is ubiquitous, but not generally in the “normie citizen-facing” stuff. So your bank people, your store people, your office people – they are almost all on Windows. They are the ones who get the malicious emails and web pages and get hacked.

The geeks in the back room on Linux, running Linux servers – they’re not the ones getting hacked.

It’s important to understand what Bill Gates did. He socially hacked all of computing, and put most of it on an insecure, broken platform, on behalf of the Cabal, with CIA assistance and encouragement. Apple created a more secure platform, but expensive. Gates kept his platform cheap, ubiquitous, and convenient at the expense of security, while allowing others to monetize on the insecurity. He followed the typical Democrat approach of creating a crisis and milking it.

I watched organizations get taken over thanks to Windows displacing secure UNIX systems. It’s not pretty. It was basically criminal.

The Cabal still tries to take over Linux all the time. I found how one of the key Linux applications had been subverted by American intelligence. It was like pulling teeth to get it fixed. I couldn’t understand why there was resistance. HA!


Well … thanQ very much.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Q’re welcome!!!

Valerie Curren

Brilliant insights Again…per usual…getting spoiled around here with all these Ka-BQQM inside baseball insights.

Speaking of baseball, the Detroit Tigers won their wild card series against the Houston Astros. Former Tiger, Verlander, looked especially sad LOL. The Tigers are a Very Young team, no one over age 28. Detroit is enjoying their home teams!!!


The thing about hacking and ransomware attacks is that they are not all created equal. That you’ve heard of a bunch of ’em and there’s a bunch of Linux out there doesn’t mean there has been a bunch of security compromises on Linux.

In fact, most security breaches on Windoze and Linux machines are not breaches of Windoze or Linux…..they’re breaches of software running on the machines — typically a browser.


Brain is frozen. Please expand my understanding of FOSS.


Never mind. I should have scrolled the page.



Number 2 is not a theory, its in their contract. The theory there is the contract has been broken, to which I’d add Depat’s vid as proof. Certainly looking as automated as it needs to be. The others look like valid concerns, even the people inside the containers but I doubt that’s reason for the strike, and that last one looks like it’s there to confuse people and screams conspiracy theory to invalidate the other concerns…


I’m suspicious about people being in the containers and no one doing anything about it. I know that jobs are on the line, etc., but really?

Yes, human trafficking is real, and I’m not saying this doesn’t happen, but something about workers getting tired of hearing screams doesn’t sit well or make sense in a sane, compassionate world.

The world isn’t sane and compassionate? Right, but there are a lot of good people in it who would give even their lives to save others.


People in containers is iffy, but look at Depat’s opening with the view over the shipping port. No one would be there to hear you if you were banging away on the inside of one of those things. I bet smugglers know that. Since the ports are going to be locked down and nothing is going to move, might be a good idea to do a health and welfare check. Once the port opens and cargo moves again if there are any dead in those things they’ll just chuck the bodies when they get to where they are going. 😮


True story. Some years ago I had a foreign uber driver who said that he knew of groups that had accommodations set up in cargo containers and were smuggled into the country. Of course that was before the border was opened up for any and all to walk through. He said it without any cues that i saw of him telling a tall tale.


From OT:

Dragon Riding – Dockworker Strike Underway as Alinsky Methods Deployed Against Labor Union Head, Harold Daggett
October 2, 2024

SD: “I have outlined my general opinion about labor unions [HERE]. Now we are going to focus on the realities, politics and economic outcomes from an International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) strike.

I mostly support the strike. I even mostly support ILA President Harold Daggett, a man of notoriously intemperate and sketchy disposition. Daggett grew up in Queens, New York, directly at the same time and place as another wildly attacked industrialist turned titan of politics. It is safe to say, they know each other; but I’ll get to that later.

Let’s turn to the issues that matter. The dockworker strike has the potential to have major ramifications against the U.S. economy. If the docks don’t work, the imports and exports don’t happen. This could be a big mess, a really big mess if it goes on for a long time.

“People never gave a sh!t about us until now, when they finally realize that the chain is being broke now. Cars won’t come in, food won’t come in, clothing won’t come in.”

This union leader makes $900,000 per year. Maybe not the best spokesperson.

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) October 1, 2024


U.S. MEDIA – The US port workers launched the strike due to a labor dispute with employers’ group United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), after their six-year contract expired.

For their new contract, ILA wants USMX to increase wages by 77 percent over six years and bar any automation, which they believe threatens workers’ jobs.

While USMX offered to raise wages by 50 percent and keep current automation checks in place, ILA said that was not enough, especially in light of the industry’s massive profits during the COVID-19 pandemic, and inflation that has affected how far their previous paychecks went.

“We are prepared to fight as long as necessary, to stay out on strike for whatever period of time it takes, to get the wages and protections against automation our ILA members deserve,” ILA head Harold Daggett said in a statement Tuesday. (read more)

Notice how the media always present the verbiage of the dockworker’s employers as “employers’ group USMX,” without actually noting the employers’ group are the port owners, multinational shipping conglomerates and as a consequence, foreign countries.

In material fact, most critical ports in the USA are owned by foreign entities. As a result, the ILA are striking against the ideological, political and financial interests of mostly foreign entities (USMX).

Also, the ILA wage increase demand is spread over six years and vehemently opposed by the same people who tell me I just need to accept the 70% price increase in food, insurance, housing and general stuff I use all the time. I digress.

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Yes, it is true that Harold Daggett is not exactly the Lech Walesa of organized labor. The ILA president is reported to earn $900,000 per year in salary, drive a Bentley and even own an expensive 76-foot yacht. There is also a better than average likelihood he may be familiar with violence.

Obviously, Daggett’s propensity toward foul language infers he did not attend Harvard and Yale, and his compensation in representing 50,000 members is heretofore designated as mafioso type income. Because only those of high-brow disposition who sit around mahogany desks in pin-striped double vested acumens, should be afforded such financial indulgences as they shuffle papers electronically to generate such personal revenue.

I understand. No, really, I do.

Remember, back when the people in Chicago were orchestrating the rise of Obama, we were confronting the purple orcs of the SEIU and AFSCME. Back then, I often said that opposing or supporting organized labor is akin to riding a dragon.

The organized labor dragon holds a self-interest that can turn quickly against any short-term issue of unified interest. It is impossible to avoid risk of getting burned, when you accept the risk of dragon-riding. Barack Obama knew how to ride dragons. Until 2016 and the rise of President Trump, our team had no dragon riders.

On the demand side of the equation, beyond the compensation demand of the ILA (Daggertt), the ILA wants to eliminate the threat posed by automation. Many voices say this is a ridiculous demand; after all, when you combine artificial intelligence, automation, robotics and remote access capabilities, it is clearly predictable that a time will come when 80% of the ILA jobs can be replaced by remote controlled operational systems.

In China, many industrial ports are already fully automated and operated remotely by people using what look like gaming consols, robotics and computer screens.


US #Port Strike by 45,000 Dockworkers Is All but Certain to Begin at Midnight who doesn’t want automation. Meanwhile in China –

— sceptical_panda (@sceptical_panda) October 1, 2024


This brings me to the main point that most overlook.

In Asia and Europe, port automation is happening rapidly. However, in Asia and Europe they have rules and regulations against foreign ownership of their ports. In Europe, Asia and particularly China, ports are considered critical national security infrastructure by the politicians who represent the people. In the USA our politicians represent the multinational corporations and as a result we have sold the majority of our ports to Saudis, Qataris, Europeans and Chinese owners.

If Chinese ports are automated in China, they are operated by Chinese owners. If American ports are automated in the USA, they are operated by Chinese owners. It doesn’t take a genius to see the problem.

Fast forward to 2035, all of our critical ILA members have given up and gone to work for Wal Mart in the face of overwhelming opposition against them by a short-sighted American electorate. 

The children of the dockworkers are now addicted to prescription narcotics, and the docks are automated by German industrial machinery, facilitated by Chinese technology that was purchased by Chinese owners. The machinery is operated remotely by Chinese, Indian and Pakistani workers getting $5/hr.

After seamless integration, China decides to take the geography of New Zealand as the latest strategic notch in their Belt and Road initiative. Wait, wha… the American politicians shout, “this cannot stand.” But it does, because if the USA tries to make a move against it, the docks in the USA are brought to a halt by China.

Sound crazy?

‘Crazy’ was 9-years ago when CTH was warning about a weaponized FBI operating like the Russian FSB. ‘Crazy’ was our warning that a DC-based intelligence apparatus was conducting surveillance of a presidential nominee. 

‘Crazy’ was our alarms ten years ago that various interests of the DoS and DHS were deep inside the mechanisms of social media, controlling the content of private conversations. THAT was then considered “crazy.”

What we are talking about now against the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and remote automation, is not crazy; it’s predictable reality if the efforts of the ILA fail.

Now do you see why I support them.”

Last edited 13 hours ago by scott467

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Tim Walz is “off”, and it’s in a very CHINA way.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“But Tim is a friend of school shooters!”


And the following day when explaining his gaffe, Walz said “and I’m a good friend of David Hogg!” 😂😂🤡🤡🤡

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to be blunt. Most of these people in DOJ at the top need to be in jail. They’re not even trying to appear to be fair any more. Lisa Monaco is a criminal. Jack Smith is a criminal. Kapo is a criminal. And many, many of them underneath.

Our current government is criminal.


Yes. See the Cernovich response below.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s right, and the replies are right.


They only need to be in jail long enough to construct gallows.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Realistically, I don’t think these are DP crimes, and I actually look to the Civil War as to how lenient we need to be with the Communist Insurrection, once it is put down. But it’s getting to the point where it needs to be put down.


I happen to think there need to be a whole lot more DP crimes, and we can start with those that are already on the books but seldom enforced.

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The Civil War was among honorable people who mainly shared the same values — and the more traditional faction lost, meaning that excessive retribution would inevitably lead to recurring flare-ups and totalitarian repression.

I see a profound lack of honor among the anti-American Communists today.


Until WT Sherman came along and employed barbarian heathen terrorist tactics – having his hordes move through the South, raping, pillaging, burning…. his name is still a cuss word in the Southern mind.


Sherman was a first class POS.


Correctly stated. Honor is in short supply nowadays.


“Our current government is criminal.”


I didn’t want to believe it, I’ve resisted believing it up to now, I’ve been one of their biggest defenders, but… you may be right… 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Oh, man…when you’ve lost Scott… 😅


Like everything else, it’s only a ‘rule’ to be followed if Team Blue is in the crosshairs.

Team Red has been the willful suckers who give lip service to these childish made-up ‘rules’ and then do nothing when the ‘rule’ is violated, because Team Red is just as blue as Team Blue, underneath their Fake Red jerseys.

Last edited 13 hours ago by scott467

… nothing that would taint or interfere with a case.

What does this mean? It makes no sense to me.

More specifically, what rule did DoJ supposedly violate?

Can we read this rule somewhere?

What did the DoJ do that tainted or interfered with a case?

Which case?

So many questions. I am so confused.

pat frederick

the 90 day before elections rule?


That’s about interfering with elections.

The message said interfering with a case.

Not the same. Our leader has a propensity for talking in casual code. I just can’t figure out what this particular code word means.


Thinks election was also meant but there is this new “he said she said” thing that Smith has just unloaded. Goes no where because it has no validity and is no different to saying Trump jumped over the front seat of the Beast to take control of the steering wheel from secret service, but Smith just dumped that bs in the news. Believes it refers to the open case stalled out with Judge Chutlan.


Willfully blind.


I will translate. Some of this information came from here:

The rule:
 Justice Manual § 9-85.500.

9-85.500 Actions that May Have an Impact on an Election

Federal prosecutors and agents may never select the timing of any action, including investigative steps, criminal charges, or statements, for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party. Such a purpose is inconsistent with the Department’s mission and with the Principles of Federal Prosecution. See § 9-27.260. Any action likely to raise an issue or the perception of an issue under this provision requires consultation with the Public Integrity Section, and such action shall not be taken if the Public Integrity Section advises that further consultation is required with the Deputy Attorney General or Attorney General.

I don’t see anything about a number of days, but its intent is clear. Of course there are people who say it’s only a general guideline and that a case that has been ongoing can proceed with changes right before an election.

Trump said

nothing that would taint or interfere with a case

because tainting or interfering with a case would also taint the election.

I think Trump was precise in his language and that he meant “a case.” You might disagree, but it’s possible that Jack Smith’s releasing this report does interfere with the case, at least in Trump’s opinion. In Trump’s next sentence he also addresses election interference.


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Vance follows through on debate pledge to post evidence of illegal immigration raising housing costs

Ohio Sen. JD Vance, the GOP vice presidential nominee, argued during the debate on Tuesday night that the massive influx of illegal immigrants is contributing to rising housing costs and when challenged by one of the CBS News moderators to identify his source, Vance pledged to post it to social media.

After the debate, Vance followed through on his promise and posted remarks from Michelle Bowman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors as well as two studies.

“Given the current low inventory of affordable housing, the inflow of new immigrants to some geographic areas could result in upward pressure on rents,” Bowman said.

Bowman’s comments are supported by reports of illegal immigrants benefitting from affordable housing programs in the U.S.

According to a study from the Journal of Housing Economics, “immigration inflows into a particular Metropolitan statistical area (MSA) is associated with increases in rents and with house prices in that MSA while also seeming to drive up rents and prices in neighboring MSAs.” 

The Congressional Budget Office analysis he posted “generally found that increases in immigration raise state and local governments’ spending—particularly on education, health care, and housing—more than their revenues.”

pat frederick

4 years ago, my son and daughter in law wanted to buy a house. they had saved for the down money, both had good jobs. every home they looked at went for MORE than the asking price and within DAYS of listing. their realtor could not believe it. then were being sold to “holding companies”.
they finally were able to buy a home an hour away from their desired location. it needed a new roof and minor repairs. (my son worked in roofing during his college years in the summer so he wasn’t deterred.)
i suspect it was all part of the plan. buy up homes, because they knew the illegals would be pouring in and they could raise rents because the gov’t was footing the bill.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


What’s the difference between ‘apprehensions’ and ‘crossings’ ?

What they do with the aliens after they cross?

What do they do with the aliens they ‘apprehended?

Do they send them back – or turn them loose – or bus them to a nearby shelter or 5 star hotel and give them ID cards, credit cards, food cards, health insurance cards – then fly them to a city like Springfield, OH???


One has a traffic signal?


“then fly them to a city like Springfield, OH???”


Had to get ’em there in time for the big annual Cat-Eating contest 👍



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


👍 Well done.

Folks need to wake up. Nearly everything we thought we knew over many years have been orchestrated narratives and outright lies.


I believe last night there was a request or complaint concerning weather modification and hurricanes. It seems some can’t abide by the notion that it might actually be happening unless we bring proof. Reminds me of the early eighties when people were told there was no such thing as “hit men” and media stories demanded you prove it if you think they existed which they said in no uncertain terms that they did not.

Now I can’t do your thinking for you. Mentioned before, that in 1980 the world signed onto a international treaty to prevent research into weather warfare. The US was the last one to sign on to the treaty and Russia was the first. Obvious reason we led the world in technology. No brainer. Dig a bit deeper and you’ll learn it took quite a few years the US to actually close up it’s research in various universities, last being up in Alaska after it was exposed by the Art Bells and George Nories of the world after which everything went dark with rumors that the research had been taken out of the universities and farmed out to lessor known locations. Yeah conspiracy theories….

Meanwhile every one is aware of DARPA. Everyone is aware that they are normally a decade ahead of civilian programs before the things they have been working on see the light of day and somethings never see the light of day… MK Ultra… I don’t think this crowd has a problem understanding the history of that program and how it has evolved over the decades since it’s inception and most understand we don’t have a good feel for just how much it has evolved and in what forms but most except its reality.

Nano tech. When we first gathered here at Q tree I mentioned quite a bit about nano tech and received mostly polite blank stares… It took a while for even our science team to catch on. And by a while I mean a years…. but we are all there now.

Chem trails… our great air plane pilot guy if he was still here would still be denouncing the idea such were real and say it it’s just baseless talk. Except baseless talk now has Tennessee having just passed a ban against any chemtrails in their skies… That’s a state govt and it’s legislature saying you can’t do it. Do what? If you can’t do it, something must exist that they know can be done. Anyone going to bother themselves to find out what exactly it is they can’t do and look into the science and tech behind it? Answer is no. It’s boring and requires a level of knowledge most don’t have. I don’t know, but with a quick survey can determine there’s something there and reason for concern. That’s about as far as I go. A quick survey and then piece together the rest with some common sense… if A & B can be done… C is likely too and so on.

As a scientist or a technician you can be an expert in your field and yet with in your own field things are happening that you haven’t heard about and once you do it would require additional years of study to have full working knowledge on the subject. That’s been pretty much the state of advance knowledge that has existed since 1800 for the general sciences and it now it’s like that in every branch of knowledge, be it: biotech, nanotech, computer science, communications and so on and so on. Meanwhile all these science get applied, meaning a cross over in knowledge to make them useful which are whole new fields of knowledge.

Much of what happens today happens in little laboratories in big companies and the knowledge is proprietary so it’s not shared. A lot of these companies are multinational companies meaning quite a few of them are run by those affiliated with WEF. Some of us have heard about the guy who decoded the human genome. No it wasn’t Francis Collins. He tired to take credit for it. It was Craig Venter. Where’s he today? Don’t know last track on him was over 15 years ago he grabbed some of the smartest people in the field and went down to Barbados to work in private and since then there has been companies splintering off of companies splinter off of companies with all the stuff they’ve been coming up with. Too dizzying to keep track of and that’s just one small track of science now spread across the world in similar fashion.

Anyway, for those saying there’s no proof behind weather modification and hurricanes and such I’d say your not using your God given brain. Instead of being a neigh sayer I’d venture there’s more here that can come up with things I can’t find and nor do feel obligated to find anything. I know it’s possible, especially in this day and age. Now let me go find a few links to get you started, they should be everywhere. Most of what you find easily on your own not be stamped weapons grade science grade science, but it shouldn’t be hard to make the connections to what might be or is possible.

Oh look.. two minutes…

Weather modification by artificial satellites – Google Patents

Weather Modification Technology — Decades of Ever-Increasing Tempo – Gaia

and where would be with out some HAARP

High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program – Wikipedia

Oh.. and that Hurricane.. swears I have never seen a hurricane like that with the long finger of solid clouds feeding right up the underbelly of the east coast before. And I doubt any one has either. But if you have post your proof.


That long finger of clouds up the coast that coincided and joined with Helene was a front passing through.

I’m not sure they can control the weather all that much. Sure ‘they’ might want to. They might could try cutting hurricane eye walls and feeder bands with lasers from satellites over land without setting the world on fire. They might could cut them with lasers over water with no boats underneath.

We know ‘they’ would try to control the weather to suit their agendas, to target opponents and cause death and destruction because they have done that with every agency of government already.

They want to control us and everything else.

Ol’ Ghoul Gates is a prime example. He’s an avid advocate of abortion, euthanasia, eugenics and vaccines to accomplish the same, of depopulation by any means necessary.

He’s said that he wants to put dust or some kind of particles in the earth’s orbit to block the sun’s rays and stop what he calls ‘climate change’ or ‘global warming’ or something.

Gates doesn’t acknowledge compute the negative effects of all his schemes. Doesn’t acknowledge that crops won’t grow well without full sunlight. Humans and crops might grow ‘funny’ or distortedly with certain light rays distorted, diminished or blocked.

Gates is a true megalomaniac, wants full control over mere humanity. Gates has bought up huge swaths of farmland (along with China and Ted Turner). He coats fruits and vegetables with chemicals, puts agenda laden adjuvants in vaccines, and who knows what else he’s done to achieve his agendas – without giving us a choice.

The inhumanity is strong with Gates and all leftists. They have no respect or reverence for human life, except their own. They justify their actions with the cold hearted phrase ‘for the greater good.’


If I had technology capable of altering the weather, and I did not want anyone to even suspect that were true, I would promulgate a bogus “scientific” explanation which sounds plausible and can be the subject of ongoing Narrative Control. Like climate change.

Two anecdotal stories based on what I was told from two people I trust who had no reason to make things up.

One was from a guy in naval intelligence. He told me the Navy had technology in the 60’s of which he had first hand knowledge, which did not appear in public until after 2000. He said no one (other than those with first hand knowledge) knew or suspected that the technology existed for decades.

Another source was a young man who worked in materials science for a well known corporation. As a college student, he made a significant discovery in conductivity. He told me that the already existing technology would not be introduced commercially for at least ten or fifteen years. Interestingly, he also said that scientists who worked for competing corporations would often discuss the stuff they were all working on, and help each other along because they were pretty much on the same page anyway.

Last edited 11 hours ago by Tonawanda

FWIW, I do not need to speculate. I formerly handled financing requests from ORNL affiliated companies doing things the general public knew very little about. Such as DNA research, robotics security, energy, laser weaponry, environmental science (close friend involved in that one), etc. Many of those subjects and my experiences go back to the mid-80s. In his bomb tech duties my son-in-law is using one of the robot products that was developed in the mid-80s by a company in Oak Ridge.

Most people are not aware that we’ve had effective laser weaponry that promises to end conventional warfare for at least 20 years. When/if it will be introduced in warfare is anybody’s guess.

Yet, we are asked to believe we cannot do things to impact the effects of naturally occurring weather events? In many cases we cannot create, however, we can influence the results.

What do people think PDT was doing with the Space Force creation? He was acting on long known and developed technology and science to keep us safe from the very things most people do not believe exist.

Last edited 10 hours ago by TradeBait2

Taking these comments at face value, it seems that the common notion of “prepping” needs an upgrade.


In-progress. Increasingly so.

To say America these days is alarming, is a gross understatement.


Yet, we are asked to believe we cannot do things to impact the effects of naturally occurring weather events?

I don’t know of anyone who is asking that. Cloud seeding has been done for a long time. Agent Orange was used in the Vietnam War. So it is known that weather can be impacted in some ways.

My issue is with people presenting speculation as fact. (Not aimed at you, just generally ➡️) People can have theories, back them up with anecdotal stories, tell why they believe them, etc., but don’t tell me they are fact when they have not been shown to be fact, yet.

I object to random people on the internet presenting videos that “prove” Helene was steered, or that show anomalies in the radar, when no knowledgeable person agrees or backs them up. Where are the credentialed white hats? Where are the good guys? Why aren’t they sounding the alarm? It doesn’t make sense to me.


I understand and tend to agree. That stuff circumvents the efforts of some of us who actually know something and want people willing to pay attention to become aware.

For example:

I met former Nazi scientists working in the medical research field focused on DNA and other aspects at one company in the mid 80’s that was seeking financing. A competitor of theirs was managed by a personal friend and fellow church member. We had many conversations. That’s how I learned about DNA back then, because it blew my mind. ORNL was in the forefront of the research.

I attended a classified demo of a prototype robot used to combat terrorists that had weaponry attached. The name of the company was Remotec, which was later sold to larger companies like Westinghouse that folks would know in the defense industry. Their products are distributed to law enforcement and military worldwide now.

One of the lead environmental scientists/engineers sent to Kuwait after the first Gulf War is a personal friend who owns his own company in the industry with an international reach. He has also been the state chair of the UST Board and is classified with DOD/DOE on the reservation. He was intimately involved in the former Manhattan Project facilities clean up.

I was a security reference for years for a now retired DOD engineer/supervisor involved in specialized weaponry. Declassified weapon discussions was frequently a subject of our discussions. Hence my laser reference.

I could go on, but won’t. Folks can believe or not believe, I have nothing to gain from discussing other than to help others learn.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I object to random people on the internet presenting videos that “prove” Helene was steered, or that show anomalies in the radar, when no knowledgeable person agrees or backs them up. Where are the credentialed white hats? Where are the good guys? Why aren’t they sounding the alarm? It doesn’t make sense to me.

Who uses “chaff”? What does chaff hide?

All that glitters is not gold. Nevertheless, gold exists.

I trust that the decision to deploy chaff is reasoned and appropriate.


👍 Yup. Where there is smoke, there is likely to be fire and all that.

I have begun revealing the game of the use of “nature” to create human misery to enrich the cabal of criminals in BIMD and American Stories.

Teaser: Trace the roots of the “Acts of God” clause in all property insurance policies. What acts does this god do? Below is a representative list:

  1. Earthquakes and tsunamis
  2. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and severe storms
  3. Flooding and flash floods
  4. Volcanic eruptions
  5. Fires caused by natural factors, such as lightning strikes
  6. Avalanches and landslides
  7. Epidemics and pandemics
  8. Droughts and famines
  9. Extreme weather conditions, such as blizzards or heatwaves
  10. Acts of terrorism or war (in some cases)

These are excluded from standard coverage of course. How many people around Black Mountain and inside the city of Asheville had flooding on their dance cards?


FWIW 50 years ago – I repeat FIFTY YEARS AGO – I as involved in a National Science Foundation research project focused on cloud-seeding to increase snow pack in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. The idea was to increase water in the Colorado River as farmers in Arizona and New Mexico were always fighting over it. Every summer student grunts would live in tents doing vegetative analysis, or studying elk herds or small mammals, A few did geologic analysis – colored rocks rolling down hills, stream volume estimates, etc. The professors from UC Boulder would then look at each summer’s data and compare to see what environmental impact the increased snowfall was having. Never heard the results, but in recent decades cloud seeding seems pretty common. China used it to clear the skies for the olympics, Singapore has used it to clear out smoke from Indonesia forest fires. Local government used it in the Philippines to get some rain during a drought. Is there more advanced technology today? Without a doubt. Would it be used? Why would it not?


And Dubia just had that massive flooding because they mis measured how much they needed to seed the clouds or maybe even they crossed Biden 😮. Of course it was blamed on global warming as they wouldn’t want to get sued by all those effected and a gullible public will believe anything they are told by our lack luster media.


Thank you for your post. Expressing personal experiences and knowledge helps all of us.


I believe last night there was a request or complaint concerning weather modification and hurricanes. It seems some can’t abide by the notion that it might actually be happening unless we bring proof.

That mischaracterizes my position. I object to people stating something as fact without bringing evidence. People can speculate all day about cloud seeding, weather modification, steering of hurricanes, and the like, but IMO they need to present it as theory or speculation. They can provide their reasons (which, in my experience, range from “I just think it’s true” to “They’re doing other nefarious things, so why not this one?” to “There can be no other explanation for the phenomena we’re witnessing.”). Fine. Make the arguments. And along the way if they don’t seem evidence based, I will probably ask some questions. But don’t tell me something is definitely true, as was done here⬇️, without presenting evidence:

The aerosols sprayed into the stratosphere consist of toxic chemicals and metal oxides, which have been linked to devastating environmental changes such as prolonged droughts, severe hurricanes, and record-breaking heat waves.

I asked last night for anyone who has evidence of aerosols being sprayed into the stratosphere being linked to severe hurricanes. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request. A statement was made that makes that sound like fact. If it is fact, then there should be evidence. Otherwise, the author made it up or is parroting someone else who made it up.

It appears to me that some are okay with authors making things up when those things support what they think is probably true.

It also appears that some take a statement like that, which (so far) has no evidence to back it up, as evidence on its face. It’s “See, here it is in print, so that supports my view.” I’m pointing out that the statement alone is not corroboration.

Maybe it is true and we don’t have the evidence yet. I wish people would stay truthful and state just that: “I firmly believe this to be true without corroborating evidence. Even though there is no evidence to prove it right now, I believe it will be shown to be true in time.” That’s a far cry from “aerosols sprayed into the stratosphere have been linked to severe hurricanes.”

If someone can show that aerosols have caused hurricanes, that would change everything. Every hurricane would be suspect, as would other weather events.

No one ever mentions the role of the white hats in any of this. The impression I get is that the black hats have taken over the weather and are manipulating it to our detriment, while the white hats either don’t know about it (even though we, on the internet, do) or they do know about it and aren’t saying a word to warn the people for some reason, or they do know about it and aren’t lifting a finger to stop it, or they are in on the scheme and there is no one we can trust (not even PDJT). It doesn’t make sense to me, which is why I ask questions.

Valerie Curren

I appreciate your questions, your relentless search for Truth, & your willingness to dive in to “correct” the record, like on so many of those dubious quotes (I’ve been guilty of bringing here too at times). Evidence, facts, & logic bases for understanding events, along w/ liberal sprinkling of insights into human nature, history, & tyranny go a long way to help us attempt to make sense of all that swirls about us–Thank You!


Thank you. 😊

Valerie Curren

YW 🙂


We know very well why DEMOCRATS don’t want citizens to donate goods, or give free help to rescue people and repair roads in NC

It’s because…

They see these disasters as big juicy get rich opportunities and want to give these big juicy big $$$ reconstruction jobs to their political crony big $$$ donors – who will then give them a % of the $$$ in KICKBACKS.

Then the jobs are usually low quality because they know they can use low quality materials and have cost and time over runs – because they are connected to the politicians.

People in Countries, States and Cities with Democrats in office are living in corrupt 3rd world totalitarian oligarchical dominions.

When the Democrats say, Trump is a danger to ‘our Democracy’ – they are talking about their get rich schemes, foreign influenced anti-American unconstitutional agendas, their scams like Climate Change and the Green New Deal. They are defending their political power, perks and privileges.

And we know the Republicans who are refusing to vote for Trump are essentially the same.

Last edited 14 hours ago by GA/FL

Who are the enforcers, on the ground, preventing Americans from helping one another when the government utterly fails?

Government Pension Protectors, protecting and serving their pensions.


I’ve long believed that govt unions and govt pensions are the funding mechanisms for all sorts of evil schemes under which we suffer.



Their democracy. Not my democracy. Not my monkeys.

My country. My republic.



Love it!


You know what I want to see?

A big old one of these reflected onto the clouds above Gotham City at night. And whoever does it should change locations nightly to avoid getting stopped.

Brave and Free



Yellow – Yellow road signs are general warning signs to indicate potential hazards or changing road conditions ahead.”




Important reminder When Trump was standing with the generals and their spouses and he mentioned a “storm.” A member of the media asked him, “What Storm Mr. President?” Trump answered, “You’ll find out.”

Guess what? The storm is here my friends.

The media that has been desperately trying to prop up Kamala and Biden, are suddenly going to be “forced” to report on a cascade of events that they are responsible for and can do nothing about.

The enemy’s greatest weapon, will now be turned on themselves. It’s a media “storm” that is about to bring all sleeping Americans to the precipice. The Great Awakening is in full swing and so is the complete destruction of the democrat party. Enjoy the show.”


If there’s one good thing, in about 33 days, we can stop hearing “enjoy the show”, because one way or the other, it will be over.

But in the meantime, if ‘the show’ is going to manifest in such a way that makes any difference, i.e., in such a way that anyone besides Q followers notice, i.e., in such a way that the PUBLIC actually awakens…

Then NOW is the time. THIRTY-THREE DAYS.

If it’s gonna happen, it better happen now.

33 days is not a lot of time, and there is a crap-load that the public needs to ‘absorb’, the kind of crap-load that we’ve been telling ourselves takes time, for the last four years.

Well time’s up.

The fat lady is gargling, so if there’s a ‘show’ to put on, they better do it now.

Because she’s singing on November 5th, whether the ‘show’ is done or the People are ‘ready’… or not.

Last edited 13 hours ago by scott467
pat frederick

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Actually happening.

pat frederick

we used to call that YANKEE know how…lol


or… Southern Engineering


And THIS is why, if We The People QUIT working for them, it all falls apart. Because I can promise you, the only trannie on that piece of equipment is in the engine compartment.

Valerie Curren

My grandparents lived on a mile long gravel road off of a state highway in retirement. Even into his 80s, before his stroke, Grandpa was using a wheelbarrow, shovel, & pickax to work on that road many days of a typical week. My dad said that Grandpa, who was about 30 years older, could out work him virtually any day of the week. Grandpa was of tough Finnish stock, child of immigrants, who grew up in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula where he worked on railroads & in mining before getting a teaching degree & moving to Detroit. As a younger man Grandpa would apparently pitch railroad ties effortlessly.

His was a fine physical specimen that even in his 70s enjoyed showing off for the grandkids, walking on his hands, or using this “exercise wheel” he’d invented. This was a small wheel, like from the front of a wheelbarrow, that had 2 wooden handles on either side of the disk, like where the axel could have protruded. He’d get on his knees, grasp those handles & muscle that wheel forward & back, increasing the distance incrementally. I tried it as a kid & couldn’t hardly do the roll back toward the knees part. Grandpa seriously worked his “core” before that was even a thing! Salt of the earth types rock!!!


Ground report before I dive into DePat’s always well researched and fun opener.

Travelers – Be Aware of the following.

I-40 near the TN/NC border in “the gorge” will be closed until September 2025 if repairs are completed on schedule. To say this is inconvenient is an understatement. The trucking industry will be greatly impacted, driving costs up and adding supply chain issues for goods and services. 25-30,000 vehicles per day pass through there with no reasonable alternative routes. This will literally add hours to related east/west interstate travel in the region.

I-26 north of Asheville, NC on the northeastern TN side that interconnects with I-81 will be out of commission until mid 2026. There were two different sections of the interstate bridging collapsed and road bed wiped out about 6-8 miles apart in Unicoi County. This will have a similar effect as I-40 above on north/south routes in the region. Travelers will need to extend their routes to the intersection of I-77 with I-81 east of the aforementioned intersection to go north/south in the region.

Many other US and state highways along with local routes have similar issues as above. Bridges out or compromised, road beds destroyed, etc. All of this will make recovery efforts difficult and lengthy in time. Asheville, Black Mountain area and Unicoi County will be a decade or more fully recovering. At present some of these areas will be multiple weeks and perhaps months just getting water services restored. Relief and reconstruction workers are getting respiratory illnesses from the effects of septic effluent, sewer systems effluent, trash, building materials, and many other decomposing items being present in the flooded, muddy areas.

Regionally, Sam’s Club has opened to everybody regardless of membership to help with the needs of people in the region. They have not increased prices. Entire tractor trailer loads of bottled water, baby goods, canned items, etc. are being sold to people and groups for distribution. As soon as the trucks pull into the docks, their loads are being transferred to waiting customers to head east into the impacted area.

People are helping people and not waiting on the government response. Appalachian Service Project is a legit, good entity to donate money. They rebuild homes and help the homeless in countless ways. Line is below:

The TVA dam system held. No physical breaches. The water level crested over the dam at Lake Lure, NC for a time that caused the flooding to worsen. There was concern for a time that would also happen at the Nolichucky an hour east of us, but it crested and they were able to release enough that it did not. Our local Douglas Dam did very well and the official warning with it expired yesterday. We had flooding in areas near the rivers and along the lake shorelines, but escaped the worst of it.

Many businesses that were spared direct storm effects along the affected interstates will eventually shutter operations as they are dependent upon travel to survive. Jobs will be lost, income in the region will go down. That leads to increasing human misery, reducing property values and opportunities, closures, schools losing funding, reduced governmental services, etc. So is it any surprise there have been lithium (and other) deposits found in those areas most affected? If one has the time, watching property transfers and recordings at the courthouses might be an interesting endeavor over the next few years.

Enough of that. It is time for our elected officials to send some more money to Ukraine and let a few more million illegals through the southern border.

We hillbillies will stand strong. The leftist dominated Asheville will cry for the government to save them and some will leave. Life in America will go on. It is what it is. 🙏 for all affected, some of whom need to wake up as Americans.

pat frederick

Allen Mashburn
Just was informed by a person in the water service industry that a supply company willing to donate pipe for repairs, to expedite city/county water being restored– WAS TOLD NO by federal agencies (assuming it was FEMA) on the ground.

It’s not just the damage and fatalities we are facing, we are literally fighting the feds for survival in Western NC. Sure would be nice if we had a governor that would fight for the citizens, instead of only showing up for photo ops.


“Just was informed by a person in the water service industry that a supply company willing to donate pipe for repairs, to expedite city/county water being restored– WAS TOLD NO by federal agencies (assuming it was FEMA) on the ground.”


Here’s the answer to the problem.

DON’T ASK if you know you’re not going to like the answer.

Just DO IT, and dare the criminals to STOP you from HELPING Americans in need. Make them STOP YOU on camera. Get their NAMES on camera.

People act like children, like you don’t know how to make things happen, like you don’t understand how to put the criminals in position they don’t want to be in.

pat frederick

i agree.
get the video cameras ready and broadcast it so many people can record it and share it everywhere.


get the video cameras smartphones ready …


pat frederick

smart phones? that can explode?

i would rather old school it.
what’s FIFY?


FTFY = Fixed That For You, indicates a correction.

Smartphones are more readily at hand than standard-purpose video recording equipment. Keep the battery dry, and they should be just fine.

The incendiary versions were apparently a special order for a certain market in the Middle East.

pat frederick

not one i use a lot.

Brave and Free

When did Verizon service go out and was it in this area of the country? Asking for a friend.



pat frederick


  :wpds_arrow:  (Illegal) Migrant Welcome Center.

  :wpds_arrow:  100% Un-American !

I’m numb at the moment.

  • FEMA giving away $Billions. INTENTIONALLY NOT taking care of Americans.
  • Politicians SILENT.
  • Numerous reports of rescue workers being turned away.
  • Emergency supplies for folks devastated in NC turned back.
  • “Local LE” turning away Free assistance.

What fucking next.

Will there be an election, Electoral College allowed to function, an inauguration, that even resembles honest.

pat frederick

i read the air space was closed because the maggot wanted to do a fly around to see the damage–didn’t land or anything. just see the damage. OR was that an excuse they used to disallow anyone from flying in help?


Plausible deniability works!


““Local LE” turning away Free assistance.”


Those are just Pension Protectors.

Law enforcement is dead, has been, for a long time now.

pat frederick

apparently there’s a list of “approved vendors” that gov’t uses. the vendors charge jacked up prices for necessities, knowing the gov’t will pay it (it’s an emergency you know) and that way gov’t employees get kickbacks.
they can’t have FREE stuff being given out–how would they make $$ on that?


In other situations this is called price gouging, and is a practice that is generally frowned upon.

But as has been noted, some animals are more equal than others.


Some could view the gov’t as looters. How are they treated?


Verse of the Day for Thursday, October 3, 2024

“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” 

Exodus 20:12 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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We do not know what tomorrow will bring
In reality we are not sure of anything
We close our eyes give way to sleep
There is no guarantee not even a peep

We say good-night to those we love
Entrust our rest to God above
Who knows the beginning from the end
Our entire life it is He who penned

Our days are full of challenges we know not
The what when why and how the outcome naught
As we awaken to a brand new day
It is God who is there to guide our way

It is He who brings light into our lives
It is we who strive and trustingly thrives 
It is He who shows us the path the way
Who unconditionally loves us everyday

It is He who gave us our free will choice
It is He who gave us His grace to voice
Our decisions be they right or wrong
Will determine our stance weak or strong

Will we give in to temptation and quit
Will we be weak and meek not give a whit
Will we be strong and fight the good fight
Or will we be tempted to just take flight

We have no insight into what might come
We have no idea what direction from
If our lives are justified through others
If our needs are fulfilled by another’s

If we live each day in the last place
Will we ever be first in any case
Will we finally learn to love ourselves
Or leave our desires on the shelves

In every phase of life on earth
What we do will prove our worth
How we adjust to the highs and lows
Will determine which way our life goes

When stuck in a rut of sorrow and woe
We really have no direction to go
We haven’t asked God what He wants us to do
We are simply comfortable in feeling blue

We grieve our situation and that’s ok
He would not want it any other way
We seem to think we will figure it out
All on our own mind you we have no doubt

But God knows and He will wait for you
He’ll show you daily what He wants you to do
Signs and wonders before you displayed
All in the balance come forth to be weighed

Love one another is what you must do
Love one another as He has loved you
Listen to the clues He provides you each day
Being true to yourself is the only way

Now is the time to spread your wings
To set your sights on universal things
You might have no idea what that means
But God Knows what He put in your genes

D01: 02/16/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Glanced at Trump / Vance schedule.

100% battleground states. Yes, we gotta win a bunch of battleground states.

Wonder if they are gonna visit anywhere else. IMO, they should to further cement the base AND those leaning Trump.

  • Take NOTHING for granted.

Yea I know nothing of strategy. Certainly nothing Big Picture national election.

pat frederick
October 3, 2024 9:00 am

When will our rulers understand that we just can’t afford it anymore? Yet another feature of our flawed immigration system that is exploited. FTA:
“At 1 p.m. on certain Saturday afternoons, hundreds of foreign-born professionals from all over the US converge on a small city in central Pennsylvania. They assemble in a high-rise office building, where they sit through four hours of college classes. Then they return to the airport and head home.
What’s drawing these students to Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is not the prospect of landing a good job. A majority already have one. Nor is it the prestige of a Harrisburg degree. If they’re lucky, they won’t ever graduate.
Instead, for most, it’s an elaborate charade to stay in the country legally…”
Day 1 CPT: Schools Make Millions Offering Degrees Doubling As Work Visas – Bloomberg


Fun watching this guy pontificate on the celebrity drama unfolding across the nation. I’d say mind expanding but hopeful is better since we already understand all most if not all of these connections. 3:28 mins.


Meaningless until witnesses speak, charges levied.

Until then, NOTHING BURGER. NOTHING. Talk. Talk. Talk.


Having seen the word about a dozen times every day for a couple of weeks, it looks like we will be hearing the word “masterclass” for a long time to come.

pat frederick

can’t vouch for the numbers…

So far this year, the United States has given:

– $24,400,000,000 to Ukraine.
– $11,300,000,000 to Israel.
– $1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia.
– $1,600,000,000 to Jordan.
– $1,400,000,000 to Egypt.
– $1,100,000,000 to Afghanistan.
– $1,100,000,000 to Somalia.
– $1,000,000,000 to Yemen.
– $987,000,000 to Congo.
– $896,000,000 to Syria.
– $9,000 per illegal immigrant that has entered the U.S.

And Americans who have lost everything to Hurricane Helene will be getting $750, courtesy of FEMA.


pat frederick

h/t Marica


Happens when RINOs refuse to impeach.

Brave and Free

So maybe the “Border Czar was working all this time…..
Just not on keeping out illegals, but making sure they were coming and dispensing $$$ (our taxes) to NGO and Non-profits (money laundering).

Last edited 7 hours ago by Brave and Free

Past time.


Took a while but GWP finally posted the story this morning and it’s loaded, including the incredible obstacle in determining and awarding relief that FEMA has adopted to meet it’s number one priority Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE).

Biden-Kamala Regime Burns $1 BILLION in FEMA Funds to Resettle Illegal Immigrants — FEMA Now Lacks Resources for Disaster Response!Jim Hᴏft Oct. 3, 2024 8:15 am 216 Comments


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Rich and dei privilege. Unreal. She wrote down her intent!
EXCLUSIVEASU ‘stabber’ Kaci Sloan has charges lowered and now faces less than 10 years in prison for knife attack on fellow classmate

A judge has thrown out charges of attempted murder against the Arizona college student who nearly killed a classmate in an unprovoked knife attack in front of horrified students.

Kaci Sloan was facing multiple charges after launching herself at Mara Daffron, 19, as the pair arrived for class at ASU’s West Valley campus on September 19.

The ‘bubbly’ student needed emergency surgery for a ruptured spleen and injuries to her chest and arm after Sloan stabbed her twice in a premeditated attack before being hauled off her target by fellow students.

Two counts were dismissed at a court hearing on Monday, leaving Sloan facing the lesser charges of aggravated assault with a prison term of between two and nine years.

‘We are beside ourselves!’ Mara’s devastated mother told 

‘So the only way there would be justice is if my daughter had actually died?’

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‘So the only way there would be justice is if my daughter had actually died?’
^^^ No Justice. Period.



So sad. I dont know if she can sue the school, but w that girl being rich it may be the only option.

Barb Meier

From the Burnsville Hub public group on Facebook, by Rhonda Palmour:

For those that don’t see the bigger picture , this may help you understand what the rescue teams have been dealing with. Those of us watching from a distance do feel helpless.

John Kitsteiner

Hurricane Helene: A note to friends outside of the South.

We live in Greene County, East Tennessee. Our county’s southern border is the Tennessee-North Carolina state line that runs along the heights of the Appalachian Mountains. We are within the hardest hit region of the U.S.

The questions I have been hearing a lot is why was this so bad, and why weren’t people prepared. I’ll try to answer those questions in the following post.

Hurricane Helene was the strongest hurricane (in recorded history) to hit Florida’s big bend region (on the eastern edge of the panhandle). It is the deadliest hurricane to hit the United States since Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

The death toll is over 160 so far. We are still finding bodies, and there are still many, many people missing as I write this today six days after the hurricane hit land.

I work in the emergency department at Greeneville Community Hospital. The hospital itself has been evacuated because we have no water in the majority of the county. We are still running our emergency department as a critical access site for our community. Fortunately, I have a well and didn’t lose electricity for long. I was able to haul water in a 300 gallon tote in the back of my truck to the hospital for the first few days so we could flush toilets and wash hands. It took a few days, but we now have porta-potties and water tanks on trucks to keep the emergency department running.

Under an hour from our hospital to the east, Unicoi County Hospital was flooded requiring patients and providers to be rescued from the roof via helicopter.

Under an hour from our hospital to the south, over the mountains, Asheville, NC has been hit particularly hard.

But why was this region hit so hard?

First, we had a lot of rain before Hurricane Helene even showed up. Depending on the area, we had 7-11 inches of rain in the week before the first storm clouds of the hurricane arrived. This rain saturated the ground and filled ponds and streams.

Then the hurricane arrived. She barreled her way up through the panhandle of Florida, quickly shot through Georgia, and then slowed down and stalled over North Carolina and East Tennessee. And that’s right where we live.

The reason she stalled involves atmospheric pressure conditions that I don’t fully understand, but the result was that this hurricane dropped 20 inches to over 30 inches of rain in some areas… that’s an estimated 40 trillion gallons of rain.

How much is 40 trillion gallons of water?

40 trillion gallons of water is enough to fill the Dallas Cowboy’s stadium 51,000 times.

40 trillion gallons of water is enough to cover the entire state of North Carolina with 3.5 FEET of water.

40 trillion gallons of water is enough to fill 60 MILLION Olympic-sized swimming pools.

40 trillion gallons of water is 619 DAYS of water flowing over Niagara Falls.

So this is an unprecedented amount of rain already falling on an area that had just received ground-saturated rain.

But it wasn’t just the amount of rain, it was the geography of where that rain fell.

The southeastern slopes (of western North Carolina) and the northwestern slopes (of East Tennessee) acted as funnels or rain catchments that directed all this water downhill and concentrated it into streams and rivers running into the valleys. It overflowed these streams and rivers causing massive flooding.

How much flooding?

The French Broad River usually crests at 1.5 feet… but it reached 24.6 feet during the storm.

The Nolichuckey River rose to almost 22 feet. The Nolichuckey River Dam in Greene County, during the peak of the flooding, took on 1.2 MILLION gallons of water per SECOND. Compare that to Niagara Falls which peaks at 700,000 gallons per second. Fortunately, this dam held… but barely, with damage.


The flooding, and all the things the flooding carried with it (large trees, vehicles, buildings, etc.) caused widespread damage. It destroyed homes and businesses. It destroyed roads and bridges. It knocked out power.

This isolated many places for days and days from normal rescue efforts and evacuation plans.

Here in Greene County, the flooding destroyed the intake pump for the county’s primary water supply. We hope they will be able to bring in a temporary pump to bypass the damaged system, but that still may take a couple weeks. In the meantime, most people in the county have no clean water for drinking, washing hands, or bathing, and no water for sanitation.

I have taken care of people in the emergency department who had their homes literally washed away. Everything they own, other than the clothes on their back, has been lost. Many friends have had their homes almost destroyed by flooding and their houses are filled with mud and debris.

And this is just in my immediate area. Other places around us have unfortunately been hit harder.

Why weren’t people prepared?

No one in the mountains of North Carolina or East Tennessee prepares for a hurricane.

It’s kind of like asking why someone in Iowa doesn’t prepare for a tidal wave or why someone in Florida doesn’t prepare for a blizzard. It’s not what happens, like ever.

This was a combination of already rain-saturated ground before the hurricane hit, the hurricane/storm stalling over this region dumping unprecedented amounts of rainfall in a small area, and the geography of mountains channeling and concentrating all this water into the valleys below that created a perfect storm, so to speak, of conditions that caused this disaster.

It couldn’t have been prevented or prepared for.

Please feel free to share this. Hopefully it answers some questions and provides a better understanding of what has happened and why it is so devastating.

Barb Meier

We have had light rain in Shenandoah County since Helene and the article above makes me think they are softening up Virginia for some ugly weather.


My takeaway from that is to try to be prepared even for events that don’t normally affect your area. If you’re not in a hurricane zone, be prepared for one anyway. Be ready for tornadoes and earthquakes and road shutdowns for days, etc.


My takeaway is that if anything bad happens in any place in the U.S., no one in the government is coming for at least a week, maybe more.

That means that the means to sustain your life (provided you live through the event, of course) is on YOU.

Every family needs stored fresh water to last two weeks. At least enough food for the same, and some alternate way to prepare it that isn’t electricity. A generator is a great thing to have. Alternative light sources. The lists are out there.

This won’t always help. Sometimes, your house washes away. But you at least have a chance if the event only leaves you without power and cut off from the outside world. Otherwise, dependent on the government, you are screwed.


B I N G O ! Entire post spot on!!!

dependent on the government, you are screwed.


Does NOT matter if one lives in an earthquake prone area, hurricane threat, fire, flooding, riots, Illegals raising hell, massive power failure, pandemic, dollar crashes, riots / society breaks down (local or wide spread)…

  :wpds_arrow:  Fundamentally, shit can go wrong anytime. Little or No Notice. Period.

  • Katrina taught me, We Are On Our Own.
  • Feds/FEMA do NOT give a shit about citizens. Personal Responsibility.

~Twenty years ago I started prepping. Initially water. Added fuel, charcoal… Freeze dried stuff, which I understand needs significant seasons, just to choke it down. Can goods, rice, pasta… Coffee, tea… OTC medical stuff… Vitamins and supplements. Ammo, which I may have a few spare rounds to share or barter with. Batteries, candles… Emergency radio, couple solar lights, generators… Portable heaters and fans. Hand tools…

  • Steadily increased across the spectrum of stuff.
  • Twenty yeas later, far better readiness posture. Specifically ready for what? Dunno. Some version of SHTF, I spose.

FIFO is the rule of the day. Even OTC don’t get tossed. Buy new stuff when needed. Old stuff remains if it is needed. Things really gotta be FUBAR to get to that point.

Lots of ideas picked up from QTreepers over the years.


So …

DJT repeatedly proclaims that he will end the Russia-Ukraine war in a day [or two]. Of course, no details are forthcoming because it would be stupid to disclose.

He also brags that Vlad never dared invade Ukraine while he was POTUS.

Yet he did nothing to stop the Kiev government from conducting a war in the Russian speaking eastern provinces. This included indiscriminate artillery shelling upon civilians and infrastructure destruction of the provinces. Four years of an unjustified war upon Ukraine citizens by their own govt. And DJT allowed it despite his claim to be able to end the hot war almost instantly upon taking office.

So why are we DJT supporters ignoring what I view as a glaring hypocrisy?


Trump offered weapons to Ukraine in order to appease the so called nervous nellies. The idea being you have something to protect yourself with now so go home and play nice with your neighbor. Might of actually worked if you didn’t have the cabal wanting to do anything it could to carpet bag Russia who were leading the chorus in Russia, Russia, Russia. You can’t dismiss the effect that has on Trump who needs minimize the appearance of favoring Russia over Ukraine. Like it or not you can’t dismiss reality of needing to be political and work with all sides. Example Trump can’t say even now that he’s going simply stop funding Ukraine to bring the two sides to the table even though we know that is the only thing that is going to stop the war. Also we know the people in the state department were undermining his efforts and were likely not providing good intel on the ground situation. Do you think Trump did not want to get rid of Nuland, Vidiman and rest of the crony globalists trying to inflame war? Yet his hands were tied.

Last edited 6 hours ago by para59r

Like it or not you can’t dismiss reality of needing to be political and work with all sides.

This is a very important point.


Another update. Adds ground report on non stop cash offers for land having already started some days ago.

pat frederick

yup. no federal aid forthcoming BECAUSE they want that land! or what’s beneath it actually.


Toad in the Road found.

North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Still Hasn’t Deployed 1,000 Troops Approved to Assist in Hurricane Helene Recovery: REPORT Cristina Laila Oct. 3, 2024 12:00 pm 29 Comments

5 minutes ago
This is freaking grounds for Military Assistance to Civilian Authorities to be denied. It was the reason for the delay in Hurricane Katrina. A Recalcitrate Governor who knows better, knows what he has to do to get Military assistance. The US military does not commit forces until the State has exhausted their capability. This is pure BS. He knows better.

  • Para59r 
  •  2 minutes ago
  • Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Gateway Pundit. <<remind me not to curse 😆
  • Dumb ass Honorary let the Louisiana Gov get away with this when he should of rained down artillery upon her mansion. Same thing needs to be happening here. This BS! By not providing his troops he by law stymies the US military response. These jack asses think we don’t know this.

This is called playing fast and hard with the rules as Americans suffer and die.
The US military will not send forces unless the state NG has exhausted their capability.
Example if the state holds back helicopters.. the US military will not send helicopters. If the state holds back bulldozers the US military will hold back bulldozers. So on so on.

The Governor is not oblivious to this he knows, thus he is deliberately not just withholding his own forces but he is stopping the US Military from responding.
This is the same thing that happened during Katrina when the governor delayed for days to meeting these requirements.

In the disaster command post an US Army officer sits right next to an NG Army officer. That NG officer knows everything he has on the ground and where it is deployed or if it is not deployed. If he says it’s not deployed then the Army guy isn’t going to approve the request for assistance. This stuff gets approved in minutes when the NG guy can say he’s tapped out.

They are doing this on purpose. This stuff is not freaking rocket science. Who ever the Army guy in charge of this full operation is should be making this plain to the press and the hell with your job. This is Treason!

One of my duties in the last job I had in the military was as NCOIC of Command Post that ran Military Support to Civilian Agencies in Time of Disaster for everything on West Coast.

Last edited 5 hours ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting.


Thank you. This confirms what Yours Truly was posting on the board here regarding Gov. Cooper — he’s either the cause of this situation, or is involved in being the cause. And, of course, Lt. Gov. Robinson can’t himself deploy the troops.

The following needs to be written in letter 12 feet high and spread everywhere:



Absolutely. He does not fear the people, nor the damage to his reputation. But he does fear someone/something who are more consequential to his existence.


The FBI Entraps Another Fake Assassin –


Another surprise.

pat frederick

H/T Filly
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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At the very least, the Queen of Bafflegab.



10.3.24: FEMA stopping support to Helene victims?, Red Wave, Port UNION BOSS mafia?, controlled weather, PRAY!

And We Know


Really good read….Thanks for posting the url barkerjim.


Open tabs… using now before I loose them.
Returning back to older conversation…

Next one Good Points. 530 Billion Industry on quartz micro chips plus what ever the lithium will drag in. Good money and easy to buy off a Governor and another couple hundred people. Also no one has flood insurance because it’s not a flood zone. That is going to suck.

Getting to be too many links so best to stop now. Maybe later.

Valerie Curren

That last video of the “pilot’s” voice sounds like it’s AI or something, not speaking like a human, fwiw.

Thx for sharing these threads to pull on. Interesting & alarming possibilities abound.


I think they said he was a whistle blower… 😁


Many will discount this automatically because of the source.

Regarding Patent US 20030085296A1, which is referenced in the first video:

Fact Check: Patent Application Does NOT Prove Hurricane Helene Was Created Artificially

Does the existence of a patent application for a so-called “hurricane and tornado control device” prove Hurricane Helene and other natural disasters are created artificially, as posts on social media suggest? No, that’s not true: The patent application in question was abandoned as of May 8, 2003. Also, it proposed a strategy for diverting storms by projecting sound waves — not creating storms. 

A version of the claim was shared in a post on Instagram on September 30, 2024 (archived here), which showed an image of “Hurricane and Tornado Control Device US Patent: 20030085296A1.”

After pointing to a Wikipedia page describing “Hurricane Helene,” the person in the video said:

“Check out this patent hurricane and tornado control device, what? Audio generators are … generated at a frequency to affect the formation of the weather system in a manner to disrupt, enhance or direct the formation.”

…The post shown above came days after Hurricane Helene made landfall (archived here) in Florida on September 26, 2024. It suggests that the patent proves severe weather systems can be technology-derived. This baseless theory has been put forward by other social media users in the past to similarly propose severe weather systems are manmade (here and here, for example).

Patent application US20030085296 for a “Hurricane and tornado control device” (archived here) was filed by Andrew Waxmanski on November 2, 2001, but was never granted. The patent shows that the device was intended “to disrupt and slow the rotating winds, thereby preventing a hurricane or tornado from forming” — not create storms.

On May 8, 2003, the patent was “abandoned.” 

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (archived here) writes that patents can be “abandoned” if the applicant for the patent fails to reply to follow-up inquiries within six months (archived here). Sometimes, that period may be extended by another five months (archived here). A patent application can also be abandoned if its filer so chooses.

Waxmanski filed at least two other patents, one for a “Shoe rack stack” on August 17, 1975, (archived here) and a second for a “Spring loaded fishing device” on June 6, 2003 (archived here). The latter was also abandoned.

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (archived here), “a patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention” that legally protects patent inventors. A patent, however, does not guarantee the existence of such a device or prove its efficacy…


This story addresses creating hurricanes, which I have not seen to be the point of contention. I believe people are saying that hurricanes can be manipulated. However, even in that case, this patent does not apply.

I’m sure there are others patents related to weather manipulation. Each would need to be examined.


The one thing to think about is that even though the patents were abandoned it doesn’t mean that the technology or work in this field hasn’t been continued by hidden operatives with political agendas. There is no real transparency and truth in our government anymore, probably never has been.


The one thing to think about is that even though the patents were abandoned it doesn’t mean that the technology or work in this field hasn’t been continued by hidden operatives with political agendas.

If you read about the patent you will see that it is not a viable way to control hurricanes.

There is no real transparency and truth in our government anymore, probably never has been.

That’s right.
Hypothetical question, requiring no answer:
Where do we draw the line regarding what we think is not only possible, but is happening, in the face of no hard evidence as well as evidence to the contrary as shown by the silence of the white hats and failure to stop the destruction?


It doesn’t seem possible to draw the line but the malintent of the govt is plain to see in almost every area so I’ll remain firmly in the it’s probably happening camp.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You can be sure that both our military and intelligence agencies are constantly studying weather as a weapon and/or home-field advantage. I certainly would, if I was in Sidney Gottlieb’s place (major project director in a TLA).


Because weather is provably modifiable with nuclear fusion levels of power (think the sun), and potentially modifiable with less, provided one has enough computing power and knowledge of how weather works on this planet, thus to take advantage of changing equilibria in favor of desired events.

Meaning solar radiation or lack thereof can literally change weather, and THAT level of energy is really nuclear fusion, which we can potentially have at our command.

I am certain that civilizations more advanced than our own, can modify weather. Could they modify it here? I believe yes. For example, if they understand hurricane formation, then I believe they could double, triple, or halve the number appearing in a season. It would require significant fusion energy, IMO, as well as ways to hide the technology.
Are they doing it?

I don’t know. And given that advanced technology is of an unknown nature, even if a known unknown, then it’s best to assume that we might be missing it, if used against us.

However, my first hypothesis is always simply that a hurricane is just a hurricane.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are lots of totally wild and crazy patents out there. My favorites include a UFO and pyramid power to purify water. JUST SAYIN’.



😮🙄😏 😆



h/t Marica’s blog —

So, it appears that the feds (with the possible collusion of the state) are basically “doing a MAUI” to the poor people who were devastated by Hurricane Helene.
It appears that the feds (with the possible of the state) WANT these people to die.
It appears that the feds (with the possible collusion of the state) WANT these people to NOT be able to rebuild their homes and their lives.
It appears that the feds (with the possible collusion of the state) WANT these people to be under total control — so the feds (with the possible collusion of the state) can do with them what “the government” wants.
*** Follow the money, follow the influence ***

Last edited 2 hours ago by PAVACA

Exactly why DJT ought to do a rally in Maui, bring national attention to this incomprehensible gov’t treachery, tell everyone his DoJ will prosecute everyone involved, and win Hawaii.

Along with all of the states hit by the recent hurricane.

Last edited 1 hour ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it.



Here We Go: Panic Buying at Costco Over Port Strike Fears


Okay but that is my line at Costco every time I go. 😁


Peace and Tranquility Prayers
Prayer for a Calm Heart

Lord of Peace, as evening falls, I seek the calmness only You can provide. Quell the storms of my mind and replace anxiety with Your peace. As the world quiets down, let my heart do the same. May Your presence envelop me so that I may know tranquility tonight and always. Amen.

Serenity at Day’s End

Heavenly Father, with the closing of this day, I ask for serenity. As the night sky displays its vast beauty, let my soul mirror its peacefulness. Help me to let go of the worries of the day and trust in Your loving care. May Your peace reign in my heart and home tonight. Amen.

Prayer for Restful Stillness

Dear God, in the stillness of this evening, I come to You seeking rest for my soul. Help me to lay down the burdens I’ve carried today and find comfort in Your arms. Grant me peace that passes understanding and a rest that restores my spirit. May my sleep be undisturbed and my dreams be sweet. Amen.

Nighttime Whisper for Peace

Creator of All, as I listen to the night’s gentle whisper, I ask for peace to settle over me. Let Your tranquility wash away the noise of the day. In this quiet hour, I lean on Your promise of peace, a heavenly balm to my weary soul. Keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on You. Amen.

Prayer for Gentle Rest

Omnipotent and Gentle Lord, at the end of this day, I seek the gentle rest that You so lovingly provide. May my mind be at ease, my body relax, and my spirit find harmony. Help me to release every concern into Your capable hands and sleep in the assurance of Your protection and peace. Amen.



Barb Meier

I wonder if Netanyahu’s bugs have smellovision? Personally, I would not want to listen to Boris fart or watch him relieve himself.

Former British PM Boris Johnson Claims Benjamin Netanyahu Bugged His Private Bathroom

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_shock:   :wpds_mrgreen: