Health Friday 10.11.2024: About The Bird Flu Summit This Month in Virginia

The above blurred image of persons attending a conference is courtesy of Google Images and Vecteezy.

Today’s Health Friday offering is one a of a series devoted to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. The discussion is not limited to what is presented in today’s post: it is an Open Thread.

There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications; the Rules of our late, good Wheatie; and other items that readers should be familiar with. They are all linked here.

This post will be diving into some “interesting” rabbit-holes. Stay with Yours Truly — I believe they are all interconnected. There is a General Summary at the end of the post.

The trail, for today’s purposes, begins with the following links:, 4 October 2024, by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.;, 3 October 2024, by the same author (goes into more detail); and,, 8 August 2024, by Yours Truly.

Note: the scientific paper referred to by Dr. Nevradakis is here:, “Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl”, Nicolas Hulscher, John Leake, Peter McCullough, 3 June 2024; click on “Download PDF” to read or save the paper. The authors suspect Gain-of-Function to be in play. Below is the Abstract of the paper:

Since this paper is a preprint; and, that it may be a target for Retraction; Withdrawal; or, Reissue with “new conclusions” that would reflect pressure on the paper’s authors and/or the publisher, Yours Truly suggests that interested readers download or make a hard copy of the preprint version.

The International Bird Flu Summit was held in Fairfax, Virginia, on 2 – 4 October 2024. This is the website for the “summit”: Here is the Brochure for the “summit”: Flu Summit Brochure.pdf. Reading through these “summit” websites, one gets the distinct impression of a general tone that “a Bird Flu pandemic” is about to occur; and, that various “interventions”, “command and control” methods, and “monitoring and dismantling” of “misinformation” detected on social media platforms, etc., will be “necessary” as part of a “coordinated response.”

Taking a look at the Brochure for the “Bird Flu Summit”, here is a portion of one of the “overview” pages:

Seems innocuous enough. However, moving on in the Brochure, one finds this:

And, further along in the Brochure, there is this:

Military involvement? “Inter-agency Communication and Resource Allocation”? What is “Seamless Response”?

John Leake, who works with Dr. Peter McCullough, attended this “summit.” Here is his take:, 2 October 2024. Yours Truly agrees with his impression that the speakers at the “summit” were “middle-of-the-road, rather than barn-burning experts” (my phrase.) One also agrees with the impression that the “summit” was all about “a Bird Flu pandemic being just around the corner.” However, this is NOT to minimize the potential for something like a “bird flu epidemic / pandemic” occurring — either from a “natural cause”: or, by another “lab leak.” Here is another view on the situation:, by Clayton J. Baker, MD.

FLASH! — The McCullough Foundation just got a demand from one of the speakers at the “Bird Flu Summit”, Syra Madad, PhD, to delete a video that John Leake and Nicolas Hulscher (another McCullough Foundation member) made of a Question-and-Answer session between Mr. Leake and herself at the “summit.” Dr. Madad is the coordinator of the upcoming New York City “Bird Flu Response Conference.” Please see here:, “McCullough Foundation Receives Bird Flu Summit Censorship Demand”, 9 October 2024. Below is a portion of the article:

The transcript of the video follows in the article (the video was deleted.) Below is a portion of the transcript, followed by an assessment by Mr. Leake:

Turning to the entity that “presented” the event (Ginkgo Biosecurity), and the entity that “produced” the event (SyllabusX): this is where the “rabbit holes” emerge; and, something that Yours Truly will call the Big Pharma-Government-Medical Complex (BPGMCTM) comes into the situation. Yours Truly defines BPGMC as an “interwoven cooperation” among Big Pharma, Federal government agencies regarding development / funding / support (including the Department of Defense), institutional investors, private investors, and “Establishment Medicine” (CDC, FDA, AMA, etc.)

First, the “producer” of the “Bird Flu Summit”, SyllabusX. The company’s address and phone number: 1900 Campus Commons Dr., Suite 100, Reston, VA 20191; phone number: 703.466.0011. The company was founded in 2017. SyllabusX has its “fingers in many pies” regarding producing conferences and other events on student safety and security, on technology for educators, on health and biosecurity, and more (; and, (Note: it is not easy to find information online about this company, especially as regards financials. A couple of sources that Yours Truly found:; and, It appears that SyllabusX is a “privately-held company.”

The Chief Research Officer of SyllabusX is Ahmed Al Faraj (; Note: this link may not work, unless the reader first joins LinkedIn.) And here’s where the issue gets, IMO, interesting. It appears that Mr. Faraj graduated with a B.S. in Economics from the University of Kansas School of Business in 2006. His languages are listed as, “Native or bilingual proficiency” in Arabic.

Before starting SyllabusX, Mr. Faraj previously worked for a company called New-Fields Exhibitions, headquartered in Dubai ( While at New-Fields Exhibitions, Mr. Faraj held positions as Program Manager, Education & Public Health Group; and. as Program Manager, Defense Business Group. Below are two screenshots from the type of work he performed while at New-Fields Exhibitions:

Mr. Faraj also previously worked for a company called AdvanFort. He was the Chief Operating Officer of this company. AdvanFort is owned by a person called Samir Farajallah. His son, the then-Chief Operating Officer, was called Ahmed Farahjallah. AdvanFort is “a US private maritime security company”, per Wikipedia. The company was founded in 2007, and its headquarters office is in Herndon, VA ( A vessel owned by AdvanFort was involved in an international maritime incident in 2014. One of the stories that covers this incident is here: www,, 7 September 2015, “AdvanFort accused of abandoning British men facing India trial.” As a result of this incident, AdvanFort withdrew from membership in SAMI (the Security Association for the Maritime Industry):, 2 April 2014. (Interested readers may want to compare the photo of Ahmed Faraj on the SyllabusX LinkedIn site, to the photo of Samir Farajallah and Ahmed Farajallah that is in the BBC article linked above. In one’s opinion, the “Ahmed” in these photos is the same person, with a perhaps 10-year gap between the photos. One has no objection to people wishing to change their names — this is simply an interesting item.)

Second, the “presenter” of the “Bird Flu Summit” event, Ginkgo Biosecurity (Ginkgo Bioworks The company’s address and phone number: 27 Drydock Ave., 8th Floor, Boston MA 02210; phone number: 877-HACK-DNA. The company works in “cell programming and biosecurity.” Ginkgo Biosecurity was founded in 2008 by students and scientists at MIT. Two of the founders are Tom Knight (known as the “godfather” of “DNA hacking” and of “synthetic biology” (, 11 May 2021; and, Austin Che, 17 July 2017. Mr. Che is also a mentor for Creative Destruction Lab in Toronto, Canada ( Below is a screenshot from the Ginkgo BioWorks website:

It appears that Ginkgo BioWorks has quite a bit of funding. Below are screenshots from

And, some institutional funders:

The United States government is also funding the biosecurity arm of Ginkgo BioWorks:, “DFC Approves $1.1 Billion Loan to Ginkgo BioWorks to Expand its Commercial Biosecurity Business to Combat COVID-19 on a Global Scale”, 25 November 2020. DFC is the U.S. International Finance Development Corporation. Below is a screenshot from the article:

For comparison, here is a list of some raw materials used in nucleic acid-based vaccines (mRNA-based vaccines), from

It would appear that Ginkgo BioWorks was involved in the “rapid deployment” of those PCR tests and antigen tests for COVID-19 at the start of the pandemic; and, also in the production of “two key raw materials for nucleic acid-based vaccines” (the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”.) Below is a blog post from April 2020 by Jason Kelly, another Ginkgo BioWorks co-founder, regarding the company’s partnership with Moderna in the production of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273, along with other of that company’s mRNA “vaccines”:

Yours Truly has not, to date, found information as to the exact “raw materials” that Mr. Kelly is referring to.

Recall that the NIH/NIAID and Moderna co-developed mRNA-1273, co-own the patents of this modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, and share in the “royalty payments” for the sales and administration of this “vaccine” (and its “descendant clone” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”)

Ginkgo BioWorks also “has its fingers in many pies”, including the bio-engineering of elements for gene therapy: One such “service” is the bio-engineering of bacteria for treatment of diseases, such as cancer: (Prokarium is another “partner” with Ginkgo BioWorks.) The bacteria to be bio-engineered is a type of Salmonella bacteria, which will be used for “delivery of RNA payloads to treat cancer patients.” (Salmonella is “the most common form of food poisoning the in the U.S.”, according to the Cleveland Clinic. This brings up two questions: One, “Why is a bacteria related to food poisoning going to be used to treat cancer patients?”; and, Two, “How is this Salmonella bacteria going to be bio-engineered — is it going to be “sanitized” to be a beneficial element?”)

In Yours Truly’s opinion, Ginkgo BioWorks is a company to keep “on the radar.” It is acquiring other “partner companies” at a rapid rate. It is expanding its “services” into the gene-therapy sector. It is a “partner” with Moderna (and, therefore, by extension the NIH / NIAID.) In general, one has no objection to a company wishing to increase its profit margin and/or the number of its partner companies; at issue here are the following factors: the bio-engineering of DNA; the use of “automated tools” for engineering / manufacturing “raw materials” for gene-therapy treatments and/or “vaccines”; and the tie-in with the federal government.

General Summary: One: The International Bird Flu Summit was held in Fairfax, Virginia, earlier this month. The general tone of the “summit” was that a “bird flu epidemic / pandemic outbreak” is likely to occur, and soon. Two: The “summit” covered many topics related to epidemic / pandemic response, “command and control” methods, and how “seamlessly” federal, state and local governments and the military can “work together” in the response. Three: the “producer” of the “summit” was SyllabusX, a company that manages events ranging from student security to biosecurity to health education. SyllabusX is based in Virginia. Its Chief Research Officer is Ahmed Al-Faraj, who had previously (apparently) worked for his father’s company, AdvanFort, and (actually) for several other companies. Four: The “presenter” of the “summit” was Ginkgo Biosecurity (Ginkgo BioWorks), a company that offers “services” ranging from commercial biosecurity to bio-engineering to gene therapy research. This company, based in Massachusetts, has “deep funding” from many sources, including from the U.S. government. It has multiple “partners” in R&D, including Moderna. Ginko BioWorks was founded by students and scientists from MIT, including Tom Knight, the “godfather” of “DNA hacking” and of “synthetic biology.” Five: It appears that Ginkgo BioWorks, and, possibly, SyllabusX, are part of what may be called the Big Pharma-Government-Medical Complex (BPGMCTM), the “reach” of which runs far and wide.

Yours Truly will again emphasize the importance of having, and maintaining, the highest degree of health possible of the body’s natural immune system.

Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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Great article with suspicious information.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or arguably, a suspicious article with great information.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll take BOTH !!!


The power of “AND”!!!!


“Greed is good.”
— Gordon Gekko

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Suspicious Cat is on the prowl!!!

Something ain’t right!!!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


What a great idea! That would be a quick way to cut down the size of the government.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s gotta scare the dickens out of the DEAD WOOD in Washington!


Taking out the ‘political appointee’ and ‘political job’ trash.


I seem to recall that several years ago the Finance minister in Indonesia cleaned out her department kind of like that. Those who didn’t qualify for finance work were transferred to the department of agriculture as they were in dire need of workers in rural areas. It seems more than a few decided to find other work.


Better yet, instead of not renewing their contracts and letting them screw everything up for the remainder of their contract if they fail the aptitude test, why not just FIRE them, like any normal business should?

pat frederick

and revoke any retirement/benefits package

Brave and Free

Excellent idea, very simple answer to a complex problem.

pat frederick

for those who don’t want to click on the tweet

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Please put a question in there asking about the magnetic field divergence near an operating microwave. Insist on an exact answer.


Yes! A Civil Service Exam. China made good use of them in Ancient times to stem corruption and I’m sure you’ll find them in most ancient and non ancient cultures used for that exact reason. Good for a fair amount of time until the upper managerial class learns to cheat it, so it will need frequent revamping but yes…


If you know something about the history of this, please tell [or post a couple of links]. I’ve never heard of an aptitude test. I always thought aptitude was a mental bias for a particular skill, not a general attitude. Such as ‘he had an aptitude for math’.

Gail Combs


Aptitude means you have the ability to LEARN the subject matter.

Not being able to carry a tune means I have no APTITUDE for music.


Concept should be the same. Right person for the job, merit based in an attempt to eliminate any sort of dead wood and or favoritism. It works until the other side figures out how to game the system and then it falls apart again.

Personally has no idea what Milei has planned with his aptitude exam and I’m sure it will be something less than what has been done in the past, but the goal should be the same.




Sweet. Heck yes. McDonald’s would have a flood of applicants!

pat frederick

oh hell no! i wouldn’t want EX gov’t workers touching any food!!


Listeria outbreaks would be the least of the problems….


Lol. Good point.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The PAL-PALS have zero room to talk.


Kalbo presented a video about this yesterday.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obviously the communists have not stacked that appeals court YET.


Which should scare the shit out of Americans.

Too many are content to rely on over turning fraudulent cases on appeal. Including up to the SC.


Or even if infiltrated, they realized that an Eighth Amendment challenge can be raised at any time. Such a challenge would be in front of SCOTUS and there’s no way to keep that out of the news cycle.

So maybe they’re trying to keep it quiet. But I think they aren’t quite taken over.


Though encouraging, I’d like to see some serious documentable results from this.


Appeals Court needs to blatantly bitch slap AND order the largest sanctions, which are obviously warranted against the lawyers.

Needs to include James and IIRC, judge Eng-Moron for allowing this travesty.


Hopeful. But many a time where the nature and tone of the questions were 100% opposite of the result. This is a game frequently played by appellate courts.

“See: we understand your argument 100% and want to make that clear because we are ruling against you.”

The show gets a lot more attention than the written words.

That is under normal circumstances. Presently, TPTB seem to get satisfaction in demonstrating to us that we are being crushed for their amusement.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“See: we understand your argument 100% and want to make that clear because we are ruling against you.”

That’s actually not a bad thing, in and of itself. It’s important to understand the actual argument before going against it, else you are engaged in strawmanning.



Many a time as well where the questioning and tone indicates they do not understand the argument, or are deliberately appearing so because they do not want that result.

Somewhat often the eventual written decision bears only a slight resemblance to the actual issues and arguments.


Yup. Denninger’s got a post on this, Trish Regan on YT as well. Funny how you can’t find this news anywhere.



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I’m dying! LOL!!!


OMG, I’m crying!

We are in so much trouble.  😪 


The level of stupidity is astounding. Our Middie will destroy all attempts with ease and humor.


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Catherine Herridge:


As Trump campaign calls on @60Minutes

to release “full, unedited transcript” of Kamala Harris interview…  

There is precedent.  

When I interviewed then President Trump in July 2020 @CBSNews

we posted the interview transcript.

This is more complete and NOT the same as a transcript of the edited TV report.👇

It’s about transparency and standing behind the integrity of the final edit.

More reporting in our newsletter Sunday.

Join today!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Witchmer’s “Doritos Eucharist” is being defended by left-bots as a parody of Colbert being fed pizza, but that is clearly even weirder and worse mockery (“Pizzagate Eucharist”).

They’re just sick.

Last edited 3 days ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Why would a politician — any politician — make a video like that?

It’s lewd, it’s clearly intended to be sexual, apparently lesbian, it’s mocking Christianity, and I’m sure there’s more I haven’t even thought of yet.

What can she possibly gain, vs. how big it’s obviously going to blow up in her stupid face? 😂

It’s unreal. It’s Twilight Zone stuff.

She didn’t have to do it, she wanted to do it.

What does she get out of it?

Cui bono?

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

Exactly, Scott!


Cui bono?

Check the price of the admission tickets.  😂 


Yes. Lewd. Its intent? Mockery at any level?


Disgusting speech even if offends it is protected speech by First Amendment.
The whole Colbert show is an abomination.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The whole Colbert show is an abomination.

THAT is the truth, right there.

Colbert (I’m pronouncing COAL-BURT) 😉 is the embodiment of the leftist idea that it’s far better to be smart and trendy than to be good. It’s still OK to be good, but not at the expense of appearing both intelligent and “with it”.


He got the left wing worm that made him stupid. 🙂


This is gross and wierd.


Is Colbert not Catholic ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pelosi-style, or perhaps even Biden-style!


I am sure that is the case

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One more effect of Hurricane Milton.

The Europa Clipper probe, a Jupiter orbiter that would focus on Europa, was supposed to launch on Thursday. That didn’t happen of course, but NASA was able to protect the probe and it will launch this coming Sunday, at the earliest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When does the probe get to Europa?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

2029, during the early days of the Vance administration. (One hopes that one should hope.)


They’ve been warned… 😁


Last edited 3 days ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A masterful book, and it would have been a masterful movie.

Except that they turned the movie into a statement against Reagan’s Central America policy.

(Oh, and many nights, for years in a row, would have been dark, particularly when Jupiter/the new star was near conjunction.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, I’m glad I never recognized that, about the movie. “Gag me with a spoon!” as they say.


Hope there is a Lander. With a robot to do some ice fishing. 😂😅😂

Last edited 3 days ago by kalbokalbs

On Jupiter? That will have to be a seriously robust fishing rod and lure.

The gravity there is 2.5 times the gravity on earth.  😅 


Certainly not an original Slow Guy thought.
Read it in last Saturday’s Steve article.   :wpds_razz: 

Some brainiac (scientist, astronomer…) was funin about ice fishing on Europa. MeThinks.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was Neil de Grasse Tyson.


on Europa.

  1. Gravity Strength: Europa’s surface gravity is approximately 1.315 meters per second squared (m/s²), which is about 13.4% of Earth’s surface gravity (9.80665 m/s²).

I confused and conflated the moon with the planet.

I deserve ten swats with a rolled up star chart.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nah you just get to bench press the counterweight from the Yerkes Telescope.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No the ice fishing would be on Europa…besides which, there’s no lander.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unfortunately not.

However, there’s somewhere else we can go where we may not NEED a lander. Stay tuned.


Interesting PAVACA, thankyou. It seems like the Bird Flu Folk are stumbling right out of the gate and have no intention of ceasing and desisting. Funny how the folk running this conference talk about restoring trust and combating mis and dis info but one of their first acts described is to have a conference attendee delete their video. Off to a great start before we move onto Dr Madad who talks about having four basic treatments and then describes the COVID-19 method of working on the best treatment plan to save the patient, by utilizing the kitchen sink approach in finding what works and what doesn’t as if any of that happened and the intent wasn’t to kill as many patients as possible before it was detected and then combat the dissenters with their own dis n mis info so they could cover up what they’d done and kill more. Best I recall they restricted all of the out box thinking and shoe horned everyone into MRNA shots with different flavors of the same thing as your only option.

Dr Leake is right, they don’t have a clue and it would be nice if they went away/ Bar that from happening then we need to stay away. Something I’m sure will happen if they keep on with their bad selves.


As good as any place for this thought. Not aimed at Para.

~Four years ago, misinformation, disinformation and mal-information were not commonly used.

Yes, I spose those words are in the dictionary. (BFD)

HLS, or was it FIB, DOJ, created some horseshit policy using those terms to attack truth.

  • To attack conservatives.
  • To attack anyone Not buying into the Fed BS AND Medical World Lies.
  • O B E Y, the underlying threat to citizens.

Now, those idiot words are now used in everyday discussions.

  :wpds_arrow:  Folks have fallen into the BS narrative.

  :wpds_arrow:  Sticking with information.

  • Folks accept, evaluate, research and decide what is truth. It IS That Simple.

‘Misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ are the same category concoctions as ‘hate speech’ and ‘politically correct.’

Political weapons for silencing dissent and opposition.

Last edited 3 days ago by GA/FL
Robert Baker

Misinformation and disinformation were previously known as propaganda. Before propaganda it was called hearsay. Before hearsay it was called gossip. Before gossip it was called calumny. Before calumny it was called deceit.

In most social debates, all these words are meant to marginalize someone’s point of view when he argues from a position of fact.


Homophobia, transphobia, anti-semitism, racism, islamophobia, white supremacy, privilege, domestic terrorist etc, etc



They keep posting bird flu updates on local news here, as much as monkeypox. Zilch on any rescue n rocovery for the hurricanes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Full details in my Friday broadcast, which I will post here: I received a tip from a reliable source who says certain groups of federal agents are being quietly (non-public) told to prepare “safe rooms” in their own homes and to have a means to seal their windows and doors against outside air, and to prepare for 2-3 weeks of strict lockdowns in their homes. Take a guess what sort of event would require such actions… and then have a good, hard look at the Table of Elements and various isotopes. I have never before heard of such a warning being given to any federal agents. If you have any intel to add, please post it here. I pray we get to Election Day without anybody pulling anything, but certain actors are clearly getting desperate and will do practically anything to stop Trump’s rapid rise in popularity.

You got some interesting fed bots pretty fast with this one. You may have a good tip this time.

Last edited 3 days ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

sounds like “certain groups of federal agents” are preparing for a TRUMP victory in November.


Looking forward to hearing, reading about the details in his Friday broadcast. Today.

Gonna be on the lookout.

Got iodine? 🙃


Yes, liquid and pill. Don’t forget to fill the bath tubs. 😮 🙄😏😆


With liquid iodine? That’s a lot.

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_lol: 


Ha – you would need special rooms with closed circulation and a clean oxygen supply to survive what is presumably being hinted to occur.


Heading out to buy some of them paper masks. /s


My thought also. What sort of happening would be successfully “sealed off” this way?


Great reminders.


They want to instill fear in us to gain control.


Great post. Do you happen to know the dosage for 2% Lugol’s, for this purpose?


Depends on weight. It’s pretty hefty — IIRC, it’s about 30 drops for me. Might depend on your pre-event iodine level as well.


TY 👍🏻


Safe Rooms means someone has their address and will be gunning for them.
The other is obvious nuke or chem attack.
If we insist on linking the two then Zombies! 😮

Assuming all this is true, now what must be running through FIB folks mind upon receiving such a message. Maybe some thoughts toward misplaced loyalty?

I’m sure once the smoke is cleared and having survived the greater part of the purge, they’ll be eager to rush out and save the guberment, ever grateful for the heads up. 😆


Two-three weeks = it’s not nuclear.

Certain groups = specific threat against the groups warned.

I need more details.


Two-three weeks.

November 5th election day. ~25 days.


What I mean is, if it were nuclear you were hiding from, two-three weeks ain’t gonna do it.



I drifted off on a tangent. 🙃


Wonder what revelation, Health ranger shared on his broadcast today. Hmmm.


what does “next generation sequencing” mean ?

this is under Gingko’s “biosecurity arm” section.

a lot to digest here, all of it ominous.

anything associated w/ Bill/Melinda Gates is deadly.

thanks for compiling this & posting it.👍

will have to come back to it, taking notes.

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Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2


whenever I see “genome” + “DNA” together in a sentence with whatever these ghouls are cooking up, my blood runs cold.

they are trying to alter our DNA.

and turn us into compliant techno-zombies, if we live thru it.

but first, they have to conduct the experiments on us, like lab rats, hoping to kill off as many as they can, in the process.

and when it’s mandatory (for the good of all we’re all in this together clap your hands), their work becomes so much easier.

Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

“Reading through these “summit” websites, one gets the distinct impression of a general tone that “a Bird Flu pandemic” is about to occur; and, that various “interventions”, “command and control” methods, and “monitoring and dismantling” of “misinformation” detected on social media platforms, etc., will be “necessary” as part of a “coordinated response.” ”


It’s almost as if we are under a hostile attack by a foreign enemy, and they are probing our defenses, to see how we respond, so they can adjust their methods and strategies with each successive attack.


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We have been AND remain under attack. IMO.


But did they have Avian Flu plushies?

[Coronavirus plush toys were given away as “party favors” to Event 201 participants. ]

Last edited 3 days ago by cthulhu

a dozen LARGE & HAPPY eggs for each participant !

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Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

Hussein looks really, really worried. He is an old man now:
His legacy of ‘Fundamentally Transforming America’ is unravelling before his eyes.
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SIGNS OF WORRY: Democrats Send Obama to Campaign for Kamala Harris in Must-Win Pennsylvania | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance


maybe the effete pos has reason to worry..

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Last edited 3 days ago by smiley2

Both of them.


effete pos’es.

collectively and individually.


Anyone else think Diddy knows what really happened with the chef?


Wonder if there is a picture of Diddy with Kakala. 😮

Bet there is.


Which one is fondling the other’s ass?


AND logic.


Oh that made me laugh!


Where has he been, if he is such a supporter of Commala? He could have been at least talking her up over the past few months. But he is much smarter than she is, and he knows that association with her will give people a more negative opinion of him.


… ummmm … we already have a NEGATIVE OPINION OF HIM!!!!


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Nine Names For The Hurricane That Would Be Way Cooler Than MILTON

find them listed, here…



Never mind Milton that’s a nerd name for sure – there is a counter-clockwise rotation in the Gulf and another one off the coast of Africa that are competing for the name Nadine. That’s a mean woman name – and a country song waiting to happen!

All it takes is warm water and no other interference for a hurricane to develop.

Josh’s Severe Weather said some models show the Gulf storm hitting FL.

pat frederick

a mean woman name
made me wonder–was there ever a hillary hurricane?


Hurricane Hilary was a large and powerful Pacific hurricane in August 2023 that brought torrential rainfall and gusty winds to the Pacific Coast of Mexico, the Baja California Peninsula, and the Southwestern United States, resulting in widespread flooding and mudslides. The cyclone was the eighth named storm, sixth hurricane, and fourth major hurricane of the 2023 Pacific hurricane season. Hilary originated from a tropical wave south of Mexico on August 16, and strengthened into a hurricane a day later while paralleling the southwest coast of Mexico. The hurricane underwent rapid intensification, reaching maximum sustained winds of 140 mph (220 km/h) and a central pressure of 940 mbar (27.76 inHg) on August 18, making it a Category 4 on the Saffir-Simpson scale. After environmental conditions became unfavorable, Hilary weakened as it approached land, making landfall on August 20 as a tropical storm in San Quintín along the western Baja California peninsula. Hilary became a post-tropical cyclone over land, before being absorbed into a new non-tropical low-pressure area early on August 21.Wikipedia

pat frederick

thanks TT!!
I should not be laughing…however it is appropriate to note that it had GUSTY winds and mudslides (close to mudslinging? LOL)
this just sounds like hillary to me




That would be number 3, in about 2-1/2 weeks?

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”.

pat frederick

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Last edited 3 days ago by patfrederick
pat frederick

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Uh …


doncha get it ? 😂


Oh I get it …


PAVACA very interesting read. Thank you.

A few random thoughts from the cheap seats…

Military preparedness and response plan for pandemic influenza.

  • Surely a coincidence.
  • Yesterday and day before read headlines, DoD approves Use Of Deadly Force Against Civilians.
  • I did not read those articles.

October surprise.

  • IMO, October pandemic is out.
  • No one in the USG or US Medical World has the credibility to get Americans to listen to their next pandemic line of shit. No One. Trust Is gone.
  • WH AND the entire Briben Administration is a joke playing out on the world stage.
  • An polite emphatic GFY will the common refrain from citizens if they (USG) try masks, stay home, shutdown, social distancing, take the latest iteration of mRNA, ModRNA, was it SAmRNA… Apologize for my poor memory, as it was provided a week or two, three ago.

A pandemic will be released, just not in the next ~20 days.

  • My guess. A pandemic will be released after the ghouls create an effective masterpiece of sorts, via GoF – Gain Of Function.
  • GoF, an evil concept AND evil pursuit, IMO. GoF should be against the law AND aggressively enforced. Very long jail sentences mandatory. No bail awaiting trial. 100% threat to public safety.

This one is ludicrous.

  • During the Q&A. What will be the approach to treating Bird Flu pandemic.
  • Tamiflu. OK. Slow Guy doesn’t know what Tamiflu is. Just check, prescription.
  • The the moron speaker says the Covid response was Kitchen Sink Approach. WTF? Such an ideal opportunity to expose the lying dog breath speaker.
  • I wonder if even one numb scull in the audience or esteemed presenters / sponsors believe, the Covid response was, “Kitchen Sink Approach.” Total Fraud.
  • Covid response was Dictated My Way Or The Highway. Goal was AND remains Murder citizens AND generate huge Big Pharma profits. Expensive drugs, expensive treatment AND expensive hospitals. Hospitals incentivized to rack up charges, not heal patients.
  • Isolation, Ventilators, Remdesivir, Death.
  • The criminals in the USG AND Medical World banned anything else. NO HCQ, IVM, Quecertin, additional vitamins, supplements… NO Prevention.
  • Edicts by USG AND Medical World to kill citizens AND maximize Big Pharma profits.

Apologies. Turned into a mini rant of sorts. Off to looking into several open links from the article.




The active ingredient in Tamiflu is available to us in STAR ANISE. Not just anise, star anise.

It’s a star-shaped seed pod using in cooking. You can get it at the grocery store or at a health food store. Grind it up and make tea from it by steeping it in hot water for 15 minutes. Drink up and enjoy your tamiflu.

Tastes good, too.

Last edited 3 days ago by Aubergine

Very good to know, thanks!




Thank you. Copied over the Star Anise information.


Of course!


Can i just buy prepared tea?


Should be fine. I just like to grind my own. It’s fresher that way.


Like pepper!




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Loose tea of all kind is better than tea in a bag.


Fresher and healthier i suppose. Theres a natural foods market nesrby. Ill see if they have some.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Very difficult to find loose tea.


It’s not extremely difficult….just nuisance-level difficult.


I get mine through the Internet


I don’t think this will do it. “Star Anise Flavored” doesn’t make me confident.


Hmm ok. Ill check the natural foods store for some in the spices.


They should have it. It’s fairly common.




Just make sure it’s “star anise.” Just “anise seed” is a different animal.


Yes. Star anise is easy to recognize. Had no idea that it was tamiflu…


Shikimic acid is the ingredient.

Don’t ever fall for the “pine needle tea” hoax. Somebody way back claimed it had shikimic acid in it, and it does not.


If you have a Chinese market nearby, they sell big bags on the cheap — instead of little glass bottles in conventional stores.


My health food store does, too.


I’ve been buying 1 lb bags of star anise from Monterey Bay Herb Co., and have been brewing it with gunpowder green tea, lemon and ginger. Amazon will every now and then beat their price for star Anise.


Sounds delicious! And super healthy!

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

I’m not buying what this author is selling. the author suggests the maggot picked the cackler to get back at the dem party for kicking him to the curb–it’s his revenge. that’s bullshit. the cackler is the ONLY one who could access his campaign funds because her name was also on it. it wasn’t the maggot’s idea. maybe the stuff after that? appearing on tv for bulletins and stuff to steal her thunder, that is all him/dr jill. but not the initial decision.


With Biden displaying his demented state during the debate with Trump, they had to find another candidate.

In order to keep the campaign funds intact, they had to choose Kamala.

With Kamala being the named running mate, she was also the logical successor, if their Presidential candidate became unable to serve and was disqualified.

Wonder if Trump was planning to insist on mental competence tests for Biden…


AND…Equity. DEI DIE…

d-Rats would have Never recovered, if they didn’t install Kakala as the candidate.

  • Woman – Doncha Know.
  • Black – Doncha Know.

Nothing rallies D-rats more than Woman AND Black. (Abortion third place.)

D-Rats had no choice. Just ask scum like Clyburn, Cory, Mad Max, Whippie, Al, Jesse…


Another great deep dive. Thanks, Pavaca!


“Ginko BioWorks was founded by students and scientists from MIT, including Tom Knight, the “godfather” of “DNA hacking” and of “synthetic biology.” – and underwritten with $$$$ from Chynah?


It just sounded like something entangled with the CCP and their modus operandi.


The name Ginkgo certainly hints of Chinese involvment.
“Ginkgo is a genus of non-flowering seed plants. The scientific name is also used as the English name. The order to which it belongs, Ginkgoales, first appeared in the Permian,[3] 270 million years ago, and Ginkgo is now the only living genus within the order. The rate of evolution within the genus has been slow, and almost all its species had become extinct by the end of the Pliocene. The sole surviving species, Ginkgo biloba, is found in the wild only in China, but is cultivated around the world. The relationships between ginkgos and other groups of plants are not fully resolved.”

pat frederick

Pegon Zellschmidt
October 11, 2024 9:07 am

Chemical leak triggers emergency in TexasAuthorities have issued shelter-in-place orders due to a hydrogen sulfide spill at an oil refinery in Deer Park
The leak was reported at around 4:40pm local time, triggering emergency protocols. According to initial reports, a contractor working at the refinery, owned by the Mexican state petroleum company Pemex, accidentally opened a line containing highly toxic hydrogen sulfide gas.
The contractor is one of the two individuals believed to be dead. 


Deer Park, TX, ~18 miles ESE of Houston.

Valerie Curren

Seems that there were a couple fires “recently” in Deer Park, iirc…hmmm


Far left ideology is like a pathogen multiplying in every institution



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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From the C. S. Lewis

Dear God,

You have commanded us in Your Word to pray and give thanks for all people.

Please bless everyone who belongs to Your family, and help. us to act and think and rejoice as followers of Christ should, in everything we do, so we can help to bring others into Your Kingdom.

Bless those who do not yet know You, and help them to discover Your Truth. And please help me to help them, especially those I do not really like. Help me to forgive like You do.

Please show me what I ought to be when I grow up, and help me to study and learn so that I can best serve You with the gifts and talents You have given me.

Thank You for all the people who work so hard at so many different careers; please bless their work, protect those whose jobs are dangerous, and make sure that they fairly earn enough to make a living and help others.

Bless all those who must work together, giving them a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect and kindness toward each other.

Bless everybody who is in charge and responsible for others—parents, teachers, government officials, military leaders, and police officers. Help our lawmakers to make wise laws and decisions that will keep society well ordered and peaceful.

Please bless all the soldiers fighting for peace and freedom around the world, and bring all wars to an end that will uphold Your justice and righteousness.

Bless everybody who is poor or sick or in any other kind of trouble. Make them so joyful in You that their problems seem less troublesome, even before they completely go away. Help us to remember to help and comfort those who are having troubles, and please give us the ability to do so wisely.

Bless everybody who is growing old or in danger of dying, and give them an opportunity to come to You before they leave this world, so that they will live forever in the next.

Bless all my family and friends. Help us to live and learn and have fun together in love, being an example of the love and consideration for others that You want everyone to have for each other in the one great family of Your Kingdom.

Bless all of those who have done nice things for me today, and forgive all those who have been mean to me, and help them to repent and make friends. 

Forgive me for all the wrong things I have done and the unkind things I have thought, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may think and love in a Christlike way.

Thank You, Jesus, for saving me on the Cross, and blessing me with Your love all my life.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,



Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



Gail Combs

Ginkgo BioWorks & PCR triggered the memory of the EARLY FAILURE of those tests! Along with Nancy Messonnier, the Director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) within the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Nancy Messonnier CDC director is the sister of Rod Rosenstein


…Comments in a recent Market Ticker article tickled my curiosity and I decided to go down the PCR testing Rabbit Hole.

the darn CDC Obama holdovers ALLOWED flights from China for a FULL MONTH AFTER THEY KNEW THERE WAS A PROBLEM! They used ‘temperature’ to ‘screen’ passengers knowing it was a really lousy screening tool.
On top of that the ONLY numbers we saw for a full month or more are Laboratory Confirmed numbers from a half arse test that only picks up 1/2 of the cases AT BEST.
Then there are the Fricken Obama holdovers like Nancy Messonnier who are busy HIDING the real numbers by playing games with the test kits. Even going to the extreme of sending out DEFECTIVE KITS to all but THREE STATES! file:///tmp/lu4474999hm8p.tmp/lu4474999hmb5_tmp_ca1ce158a709a3b4.gif

<I>”Former assistant secretary of Human and Health Services (HHS) Chris Meekins told James Rosen, a Sinclair investigative reporter, that the CDC lied to President Trump and HHS Secretary Alex Azar about its ability to produce a Wuhan coronavirus test.
Trump and his administration have received a lot of criticism over tests. Now it looks like the anger should go to the CDC.”</I>



Czech Microbiologist Says #Covid_19 Virus Was Created In A Laboratory
Apr 6, 2020

Dr. Sona Pek is one of the top molecular biologists in the world. She was the first to develop a test to identify the presence of Coronavirus in the human body. It is called the simple test. She has also analyzed the virus at the molecular level.

Her finding is that the virus is man-made, in a laboratory. That is, that its genetic code has been modified by human intervention.

The test she developed can detect the presence of COVID-19 in just one hour. She has published her findings and offered them free to medical experts around the world.

The interesting part of the interview starts around 15 minutes where she describes unnatural mutation of the virus with a high probability of unnatural genetic manipulation. The last three minutes of this DEVASTATE the notion this is a naturally-occurring virus.….

The video has English captions and is 20 minutes long

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Today Wolfie shared a Mike Adams video:

@ 20 minutes, Mike explains the PCR test does not quantify the AMOUNT of virus AND only detects a very small part of the virus. ALSO he says that as a certified Lab he can ORDER a purified sample of HIV or Infuensa A but NOT Covid-19. (Remember the lawsuit the guy won in Canada because THEY COULD NOT PRODUCE THE EVIDENCE COVID -19 EXISTED??)


The PCR test with it’s false positives was a critical part of the Plannedemic. After all how else do you juice up fear of a nasty but mostly non-lethal virus?

PCR inventor Kary Mullis died in August 2019 of pneumonia, just months before his creation was rolled out to diagnose Covid worldwide.

HOW CONVENIENTDr. Kary Mullis calling out the Political Hack, Fauci

Dr. Kary Mullis explains why his PCR test is not a diagnostic test

From my early 2020 notes:

July 15, 2019
CDC shuts down USAMRIID (U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) on doing level 3 and 4 bio-research [H/T itswoot]

From Carlos aka Thomas Wictor.
A Seattle infectious-disease expert named Dr. Helen Y. Chu tried to test people as soon as the first case was reported in her area, but the CDC prevented it.

Dr. Chu finally went ahead and tested anyway.

Washington state ordered her to stop. 
Rigidity of thought, bureaucratic red tape, and the pigheadedness of government employees prevented Dr. Chu from getting out in front of the epidemic. </

Write up by the New York Slimes

Dr. Helen Y. Chu, an infectious disease expert in Seattle, knew that the United States did not have much time.
In late January, the first confirmed American case of the coronavirus had landed in her area….

As luck would have it, Dr. Chu had a way to monitor the region. For months, as part of a research project into the flu, she and a team of researchers had been collecting nasal swabs from residents experiencing symptoms throughout the Puget Sound region….

…Everywhere Dr. Chu turned, officials repeatedly rejected the idea…

February 14, 2020
CDC Teleconference with reporters:

Nancy Messonnier [Sister of Rod Rosenstein], M.D., Director,
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

Nancy Messonnier: ….I think that more information will become available over the next couple days, as we fully evaluate these repatriated travelers and as we line up the lab results from Japan, as well as the testing in the United States.…..

….So as we’ve said with these repatriated groups, our assessment of the groups, in terms of their risk, drives our stance in terms of what kind of testing we do. So because these returning passengers — because these repatriated individuals were judged to be at high risk, we have done additional testing on them. It is — in addition to that testing, we also are continuing to do surveillance for illness, which is clearly our focus.…..

Julie Steenhuysen from Reuters.
>>I have a couple questions. First of all, can you tell us how many states have testing capacity? We’re hearing that only three states at the moment are capable of testing for the coronavirus because of issues with the test kits. And secondly, and you touched on this, at what point does it make sense to still screen passengers at airports, given how many countries now are seeing widespread — or seeing additional cases and starting — you know, at what point do you shift to community-based measures to control this virus?….

Nancy Messonnier:
In terms of the test kits, you know what, I think we’ve been as transparent as one could be about this issue. I’m happy to report that we’re fully stood up at CDC. There is no lag time for testing at this point. That is the focus of testing in the united states, the testing here at CDC. We’ve had no issues at all in terms of the quality of that. As we’ve pushed tests out to the state, they did what we would expect as part of the normal procedures, which is do the verification in their own laboratories. There were problems identified with the test kits. That is a normal part, unfortunately, of these processes.

We obviously would not want to use anything but the most perfect possible kits, since we’re making determinations about whether people have COVID-19 or not. So that is still where we are. We are working with FDA, who is the one that have oversight over us. Under this e.u.a. on redoing some of the kits. We still consider it a priority to get the kits out to patients as soon as possible. It is overridden by the priority to make sure that the test is correct….

Andrew Joseph. 
>> Hi. Following up on some of the testing questions. Has testing started through the influenza network yet? Also, you mentioned, you know, how clinicians are on the lookout for patients. Have you all thought about broadening the recommendation? As it stands now, i think online, it’s either fever and — or sorry, symptoms and either travel history to wuhan or contact with a confirmed case or person or investigation. As you mentioned, it seems to be spreading pretty efficiently outside Wuhan. Have you thought about expanding that evaluation guideline?

…..In terms of case definition, you may know that on our web page we do go through in detail our current case definition. The current case definition does say that patients that have fever, symptoms of lower respiratory infection, requiring hospitalization, and a history of travel from mainland china meet the case definition for testing. We are regularly looking at the epidemiological situation globally.….

We also obviously don’t want to mistransmit in the United States. Balancing those things going forward, we are going to continue to look at travel history and see when and if there’s the right reasons to expand that beyond China….

CDC had run just 426 tests from Jan 21 to Feb 24

April 18 2020
The Washing ComPost reported.

Contamination at CDC lab delayed rollout of coronavirus Tests
The CDC facilities that assembled the kits violated sound manufacturing practices, resulting in contamination of one of the three test components used in the highly sensitive detection process…


Gail, you’re at it again with a seminar masquerading as a comment.  😂  😍 


Congressman Mike Gallagher (R-WI), Chairman of the United States House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party: “Boston is one of the epicenters for biotech innovation in America. Given that this is a critical technology with national security, economic, and ethical implications, we came here to talk to the experts and figure out the right strategy, so that we, and not the Chinese Communist Party, can dominate this technology and set ethical rules of the road.”



It’s all civilian donations too i’d imagine


Collin Rugg:

NEW: The NC National Guard allegedly loaded an entire C17 with supplies just so Kamala Harris could stage a photo-op for Hurricane Helene without the intention of the supplies being used.

The accusation came from Aerial Recovery members Jonathan Howard and Charlie Keebaugh on @ShawnRyan762‘s show.

“I had a squadron commander from North Carolina reach out to me… They had to a C17, full of supplies just to take a photo op for Kamala… and they never sent the bird.”

“They did a photo op and with the intention of never sending [aid]… it was just a photo op.”

Aerial Recovery is a nonprofit organization focused on disaster response and humanitarian aid which has been active in North Carolina after Hurricane Helene.


Apparently this event…


Local radio guy mentioned this today and said he personally verified the story as true. How, he did not say, but IMO he is reliable.

Last edited 3 days ago by Tonawanda

So pathetic  😠 


Lefties over at the Atlantic are going bonkers…

comment image Yeah… this is his real profile… That’s him.


Hoping the full post shows. If not you should click around.


I’d tell you to shove it up your ass but you’d enjoy it.

So no, just suffer wishing you could, you faggot piece of rotten crap.


I am completely in the dark about what you’re pointing out.

The Atlantic endorses Commala.
There’s an X profile of Carlos Maza.

Is Carlos really the author of the Atlantic article, Charlie Warzel? It would help me if you could explain the connections. 👍🏼


I haven’t read the Atlantic article. It appears though the Maza guy is enjoining himself to the article with his own madness and Musk and Andreesson are piling on both of them, Maza for sure for making calls against free speech. Not sure how far the article went. It might of only pointed out problems and stopped there. My interest stopped there. The larger point however is these are not the only calls for regulating free speech. The lefties are bemoaning it regularly now hoping for some one to take action or they might not be able to stop Trump and MAGA.


Thank you.


They’re waiting for a lifeguard.

That’s why DJT will win.

We are the MAGA’s lifeguard; we ain’t waiting on nobody.



she looks like shit (sorry, vulgar, don’t care)…bags under the eyes, stressed out, overwhelmed, totally out of her league/element.

ain’t cuttin it, at all, and can’t even fake it anymore.

the moronic frenzied laughter seems to have withered a bit, too.

bet she cries a lot….screaming into a pillow, enraged.


Great news! Thank you.


She IS shit [me no care either].


Americans have little to save now but if she’s talking about illegals of all nationalities sure they have EBT loaded with thousands of dollars, free rent, no car payments but they have cars, no need for childcare and school supplies given to them,, no medical costs ..yeah they can save if they wanted to.


Someone on the internets be posting reminders ya’ll. 😮


Never forget they purchased and tore down the Magnum PI house!


Let’s get this straight. Equity means we didn’t start at the same place so we need to give up the idea of having the same opportunities offered and also if we have got a small chunk of the dream we need to give up that too……………..bullsh8t you anti American freak



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pat frederick



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10.11.24: Timing is EVERYTHING, Trump NY case? Notice RESIGNATIONS, Kamala teleprompter, OBAMA up? PRAY!

And We Know


Hey! Is SteveinCO somewhere in this shot???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



😃 ah well im not at Coachella either.


LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/11/2024




Matthew 7:7
Proverbs 18:10
Psalms 91:1-2, 7
1 John 4:4
Romans 10:17
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 (Blessing)
2 Corinthians 5:7
Genesis 3:29
Genesis 12:2-3
Proverbs 3:5-6
Isaiah 60:1-2
Joel 2:28
Acts 2:17
Micah 7:8
Isaiah 30:18
Isaiah 35:3-4
Isaiah 40:5, 8, 29-31
Ephesians 1:20-23
Isaiah 41:10
Hosea 4:6
Isaiah 45:2-3
John 16:33
Luke 8:43-48 (woman with issue of blood)
John 14:1, 6
Proverbs 6:31
Colossians 2:15
Hebrews 2:14
Colossians 1:13
Isaiah 54:17


Believe in your Heavenly Father’s report. Trust in Him.
In times of darkness, you can run to God because He’s your fortress, deliverer, protector and safe place.
God is telling you to obey and listen to His Words. You have a part in this battle. You need to trust, fight the good fight of faith and obey.
Trust, lean and rely on the Lord and He will direct your path.
Sometimes things are allowed to happen in order for you to trust and rely on God more.
Even in the midst of darkness, God’s Glory is going to rise upon you and His light will shine forth.
The enemies’ celebrations will be short lived.
Only God can save this election. No man or election. Put your trust in Him.
God is going to flood the earth with His Glory.
Seek God, ask Him what He wants you to do and you will find.
God is the same God. He doesn’t change.
God is telling you to rise up. Don’t give up. Keep fighting and standing.
If you’re a child of the Most High God, He is in you.
God has that unprecedented victory for you. You just have to take it and receive it.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [11 October 2024] 


…It’s so awesome when we ask God to reveal Himself. We ask God to give us those answers we are seeking. Remember He said in His Word, Knock and the door will be opened to you; Seek and you shall find. If we keep seeking and searching out God and asking Him for His direction, His answers, to deliver us, for Him to perform His Word – He will do those things. All He asks of us is to not grow weary, not lose heart, not faint, not believe the report of the wicked. Our Heavenly Father is asking us to believe in His…our 5 physical senses have no idea when or how He will even get to those answered prayers but God does. God is so awesome that no matter how long and no matter what we’ve ever been through, God is faithful and true. He’s asking you to believe and trust in His word. 

When we are going through these times, when there’s war, darkness, evil, catastrophes, all things that are against us to destroy and take everything away from us…there is something we can do in the midst of a storm [physical or spiritual], we have safety and we can run to a safe place and that’s our Heavenly Father. 

Prov 18:10…The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the [consistently] righteous man [upright and in right standing with God] runs into it and is safe, high [above evil] and strong. 

It doesn’t matter how strong our enemies are and what evil plots and plans they have, we can run to God in safety. He will protect us no matter what the enemy has planned for us. 

Ps 91:1-2… He who [a]dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. 

We can run into God’s power. We can receive and tap into that power. The Greater One lives on the inside of us….He protects. No foe can withstand the power of Almighty God. He is our safe place.





I was sent this. Rvs already rolling through. Guess they better find rv parks. Theres plenty.

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We look forward to welcoming you to President Donald J. Trump’s Rally in Coachella, CA on Saturday, October 12th. Please carefully review the following details and instructions to ensure smooth entry into the event. Venue InformationCalhoun Ranch52995 Calhoun St.Coachella, CA 92236

This event will be OUTDOORS.  ALL GUESTS MUST ARRIVE BY SHUTTLE BUS AND WILL NOT BE PERMITTED INTO THE VENUE BY FOOT OR RIDESHARE. Guest Arrival InformationThe line will begin to form early. Parking will open at 6:00 AM. Doors open at 12:00 PM. Event programing will begin promptly at 3:00PM President Donald J. Trump’s remarks will begin at 5:00 PM. Please arrive no later than 2:00 PM.

Food and beverage will be available for purchase within the venue.  Guests using ride share must be dropped off at one of the parking locations and shuttled to the venue. Parking InformationPlease carefully review the parking options below. Parking and shuttles will be available at 3 different locations:

RED LOT: Fullenwider Auditorium 82-503 CA-111Indio, CA 92201

(Use the entrance on Carreon Blvd)

GREEN LOT: Large parking lot across the street from Shelee’s located at 46355 Dillon Rd, Indio, CA 92203

YELLOW LOT:Lot to the West of the AMPM gas station located at 44333 Golf Center Pkwy, Indio, CA 92203

Please make note of the lot color to be directed to the correct shuttle when departing the venue.

ADA parking is limited at the parking locations as illustrated below and will be strictly reserved for individuals with an ADA parking placard.

Guests should access parking as illustrated in the images below.


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**Please note that RVs and overnight parking are prohibited**

Guest Security Information

All guests will be screened by the United States Secret Service upon entry into the event.


UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE PROHIBITED ITEMS LIST• Aerosols• Alcoholic beverages• Appliances (i.e. Toasters)• Backpacks, bags, roller bags, suitcases, and bags exceeding size restrictions(12”x14”x5”)• Balloons• Balls• Banners, signs, placards• Chairs• Coolers• Drones and other unmanned aircraft systems• E-Cigarettes• Explosives of any kind (including fireworks)• Firearms• Glass, thermal and metal containers• Laser lights and laser pointers• Mace and/or pepper spray• Noisemakers, such as air horns, whistles, drums, bullhorns, etc.• Packages• Poles, sticks and selfie sticks• Spray containers• Structures• Supports for signs/placards• Tripods• Umbrellas• Weapons• And any other items that may pose a threat to the security of the event asdetermined by and at the discretion of the security screeners.

We look forward to a successful event and appreciate your continued support as we work to Make America Great Again!


So if i go, i can take cash and id, besides my clothing. Cant even have an umbrella for shade. 102 degree weather im leaning toward a no, especially w my kiddo.




Yep for sure.


Several thoughts in no particular order….stream of thought…

Hats, sun glasses, light clothing, comfortable shoes.

  • Casual AND comfort are First priority.

I plan stuff for while in line AND stuff when inside the rally area.

  • Stuff planned for in line, may or may not get consumed. May end up being tossed. Better to be ready.

From the list of not allowed:

  • bags exceeding size restrictions(12”x14”x5”)
  • ^^^ So, you can have a bag somewhat smaller than ^^^
  • Seems a bag this size can hold a fair amount of stuff. Snacks, sandwich…
  • Two bags. One for you and one for Kiddo.

I usually have a Walmart plastic bag or the like, with snacks. Cough drops keep throat calm, lip balm, sun screen…

Some people show up with an umbrella or lawn chair. Use them until they are closer to screening. Then discard them. There’ll likely be a large pile of stuff discarded, that grows as the line filters in. I don’t recommend this. Just letting you know, some do.

Sandwich and light snacks for while in, line. Bottle water. Water will get tossed when passing through SS screening.

>>> Most outdoor Trump rallies I’ve been to have pallets of free bottled water inside the rally area. <<<

Food trucks are pricey (I’m cheap).

Merchandise usually decent prices.

If ya go, E N J O Y.


Ahh ty. Thats very helpful.


No umbrella . . . think Sombrero . . . a really big one!!!


Preloaded chip n dip.
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This is a bad joke. It is typical union thug behavior – follow the rules EXACTLY in order to make the point that the grunts are in charge.

The longshoreman union prez said this very same thing when he said that his guys would slow-work if they were forced back to the job.

I am stunned that a guy like DJT with all his union experience would fall for this.

Last edited 3 days ago by pgroup2

So, the Riverside county sheriff is not providing bathrooms, shade, or water for the deputies required to be there in full riot gear either. They have to take a unit to the Coachella station or go into a close by Indian casino. They have t be there 19 or 12 hr shifts. He uh, wants to impress PDJT to get an endorsement for a gop Governor run.


Trump or his ground team hears about this, they’ll look out for the deputies.


Hope so. Its the same day as the sherriff’s employee picnic. All deputies and special teams pulled from being off work to go to the rally instead.


Oh please.
Ahead Of RivCo Trump Rally, City Affirms Right To Sell Political Merch
Residents recently complained about a vendor selling political goods in Palm Springs, but the city said the vendor was within his right.


Expect to see dozens of vendors. if not well over 50. Several vendors will be pulling wagons of merchandise, trolling folks in line.

It is fun interacting with the vendors and folks in line.

  :wpds_arrow:  Rallies are a “party”, without the booze, Everyone having fun AND friendly.


Hmmm. Ill discuss w mr gil and kiddo. See what they think. Tyvm for the inside scoop.


Ohhhh, a third bag carrier, assuming he goes, Mr. Gil. 🙂


Parking is 5 miles from venue. No chance of walking to or from. Wasnt sure what time we should arrive at parking either.


Glanced at the parking areas. Guess they are vacant lots.

One Minden NV rally, a farmer donated his pasture for Trump supporter parking.

Touring like buses, clean, plentiful AND very organized.

  • Our ride was 2-3 miles. Less than ten minutes. Yours likely <15 minutes.

I used to get to rallies WAY EARLY. Not so much next time. Once they open the screening, lines move pretty quickly. I don’t fret over seating. Good with standing and moving around.

To get the seats, arrive early. Whatever early is.

Everyone neighborly. Rallies are truly F U N.

By the time I got back to my truck, absolutely exhausted. (I’m older than dirt.)


Hey anyone that spends that much time to go to and wait for a rally would be tired. Older than dirt or not!




If you have a handicap placard there’s parking up close but it does fill up..but you can hang out in the car if you’re way early


also not 100% sure but I think handicap people can bypass the long entrance line



ADA parking.

ADA line that IS short.

ADA area inside the rally venue.


I dont yet. Ive been trying to hold off on asking for one.

Gail Combs

Hubby hasn’t even mentioned getting one. We STILL park in the far back of the parking lot. He just uses his cane (or a shopping cart) more often.


I need the exercise and my knee is ok if i take breaks. Funny, since i broke my rightankle ive got residual issues and my left knee is crying, but i dont want that placard.


Omg.. lolololol… seriously this isnt the bee.


Those guys are clearly all fags 😂

And Devilcrats, but I repeat myself.

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

Lol!. Was it the lisp?


It was a LOT of things.

The guy sitting on the back of his truck with a broomstick up his arse and his hands posed like a child at a 1970s Sears (or other department store) holiday kids photo shoot was screaming “Just as gay as I wanna be!!!” 😂

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467

Well, if he has a Brit butt then he ain’t a citizen so what does he care about our election?


😆 HAHAHAHAHA! Ive got my cute 1979 girls pic from monkey wards but thats another category.
Youre so right tho….
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Via Insty —

Lanre Idewu is an immigrant from Nigeria. He is also an actor who works at the D.C.-based OCTET Productions. He has many intimate pictures with the Obamas and the Bidens. Idewu, who is bisexual, has done gay-for-pay movies and nude solo shoots. In the “Men for Kamala” ad, he says he is “man enough to f-ing braid his daughter’s hair,” but the only problem is that he doesn’t have a daughter. Idewu isn’t braiding anyone’s hair.


Well to be fair, the Obamination children are renta-kids so I suppose he could braid their hair and call it a day


 😂  😂  😂 


Just callin’ it like I see it… 😁


My reaction was why do you expect me to care about the things you’re saying?

Apart from the “gaieity” of it, it was too disjointed to get any message across, IMO.


One guy says, “Do you think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor?”

Why would I think that? I don’t know the guy. And why would I care in the least?


At the club meeting tomorrow — people who build carbs from chunks of metal….

Gail Combs



He’s talking about a carburator for a gas engine…hmmmmmmmmmm..I think that’s contributing to climate change according to their handbook. Let’s see him do that and then rebuild a Tesla 😄 


100% bad. Hollywierd is obviously not supplying the production value for her are they?


Kakala continues struggling to be relevant AND likable.

Guess it plays well in Frisco and LA.


The SF tenderloin guys will love that ad…wait, correction most all of SanFran shemales will identify




Good lord.

I’m man enough to be more of a man than any one of the soy boys in this ad.


Yes you are. Most of here are.


Most? Most???

I foresee trouble a-comin’….


Well, to be fair, there are some very feminine ladies here who probably wouldn’t “out man” the soys.


Uh oh… all.



Barb Meier

NOAA on weather modification. I saved the page in case it disappears.


Love Trump!



Healing Prayers
Prayer for Restorative Rest

Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.

Evening Prayer for Wholeness

Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.

Prayer for Comfort in Illness

Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.

Nighttime Blessing for Healing

Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.

Serene Prayer for Recovery

Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.


Trump Requests Military Protection, Military Is The Only Way, Trump Controls The Top – Ep. 3473
 October 11, 2024  x22report

They have their hands in everything, whatever they are pushing they are going to make money, it’s a gigantic scam. Big banks are money laundering, I thought it was Bitcoin. Massie explains the [CB] system to congress. Trump just gave a warning to the [CB], we are taking it all back, their days are over. The [DS] is panicking, the voters are seeing through their charade. Obama and Clinton are pushing people to vote for [KH], they know this will not work, so the question is why did they introduce themselves. Trump has requested military protection according to Wapo. If Trump did request it, the military is the only way forward. Trump is the commander in chief and the storm is about to hit.

Ep 3473a – Did Trump Just Tell The [CB] The Theft Of Our Wealth & Country Is Over?

Ep 3473b – Trump Requests Military Protection, Military Is The Only Way, Trump Controls The Top


If You Wake Up Between 3AM & 5AM, SAY THIS POWERFUL PRAYER! | C.S Lewis 2024

CS Lewis Legends


More on the Gretchen Whitmer video from OT:

Gretchen Whitmer Does Creepy Promo with Podcaster, Mocking Communion (the Eucharist)
October 11, 2024

SD: “After initially seeing this on social media without context, I had to go look at the originating source material.

At first blush, it looks creepy, weird and ridiculous. After going to the source to see the reasoning for it, even with context it is creepy, weird and ridiculous.

I have come to the researched conclusion that “Leftism” is factually a mental disorder, requiring adherents to be part of a tribal mentality. If the tribe does stupid stuff, the individual does stupid stuff; that’s how modern Democrats operate, including their voting patterns. The arc of this modern slope goes from the self-centered, narcissistic “we are the world” stupidity (early 1980’s), all the way to today.

This video with Gretchen Whitmer is a small case study example. WATCH: (mute your sound)



The podcaster is a troubled and typical millennial known as Liz Plank. Together with Governor Gretchen Whitmer it does appear they decided to mock Holy Communion using a Dorito as the sacrament. Kamala Harris previously said Doritos chips (diabetes fuel) were her favorite snack.

The podcast is in full below. You only need to watch 20 seconds to get the context of the interview. The uptalking millennial is the epitome of a Kamala Harris supporter. Liz Plank is like many millennials, an adult child. Unfortunately, Plank is also what people currently call an “influencer.”

It’s a social breakdown.



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Trust me. Vladimir Putin, Mohammed Bin Salmon, Xi Jinping and others, call American politicians’ unserious people for a reason. On each of these measures of social importance to the USA, Russia is more than willing to lose. 

They laugh at what our leaders call “strength.”

Last edited 3 days ago by scott467


D-Rat politicians move in unison. As do D-Rat followers move in unison, over the cliff.



From DJT’s yootoob channel:

Donald J Trump 7 hours ago
Obama admits a total lack of enthusiasm for Kamala, especially with Black Men. I think Obama will be voting for me because he doesn’t like the fact that Kamala is an extremely Low IQ Person!


I’m so sorry this has happened to your brother and that you’re experiencing this sad and difficult situation. I pray God’s comfort and strength for you both, and that he will get the best possible care.


So very sorry about your beloved brother. It’s tragic to understand the trajectory that his condition will likely take. Sending prayers and love to you PAVACA

Gail Combs

I am so sorry to hear that. 75 is NOT old! At the same age I am picking up 50 lb sacks of feed and walking for hours.

We now know that DAMNED shot was nothing more than a SLOW (or not so slow) POISON!

Prayers for you, your brother and your family.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s slow for some, not so slow for others. My mother took her last one not quite 18 months before she had that stroke, and from the time she took it, every little thing that she had just magnified in intensity: arthritis, a retina bubble, GI issues. It was awful toward the end.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sorry to learn of this. I’m afraid we haven’t seen the worst yet.


Heartbreaking. Hopefully your brother is not in pain AND is comfortable. So sorry for the pain, burden you carry. Wishing you great strength.


This is gut wrenching and heart breaking.

May God bless all of you. May all of you have a soft landing.


I’m very sorry, RDS.

I would suggest transcribing that text or finding some other way to save it. I had a lot of saved messages on my voicemail from my Dad, and lost them all.

It was almost like losing my Dad again.

I contacted the phone company to see if they could recover them, and they said they couldn’t. I didn’t believe them, so I said “But if I was the President of the United States, you could do it, right? You could do it if you really wanted to, right?”

They said “Yes, but… you’re not the President of the United States.”


🙏 the Lord brings you peace and comfort. So sorry to read this. Unfortunately, this is being repeated so many times worldwide.


How very sad. I am so sorry. It is just unimaginable that the world has been subjected to this.

Valerie Curren

Oh PAVACA this is so heartbreaking, may the Lord be with you, and your family, in this painful journey. 💔

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I just lost a high school classmate suddenly. No word on whether she was jabbed or not, and I don’t plan to bring it up tomorrow at the funeral/celebration of life/ I wouldn’t be surprised; but even if not…shit happens, and over 5 percent of us were gone (and known to be gone) as of a few years ago.

She’s probably the first classmate I’ve lost, that I interacted with a lot. (It was over 500 people.)


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Last minute tweaking of Saturday’s post in progress.

Full article and a half-sized one before it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hopefully the hasty rearrangement didn’t introduce more errors than it fixed.


That’s always the trick, isn’t it?

A couple of days ago, I got angry and rushed and potentially nuked a project I’d been working-on for several months (by overwriting the boot sector). Now I’m twice as angry and my plans have been thoroughly set back.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yikes! Never talk about Fight Club outside of Fight Club, and NEVER overwrite the boot sector!

I used partition magic to resize my partitions (back in Windows days), on a 20 GB drive. A few weeks later I decided to do a bit of maintenance. I defragged the hard drive (a very fortunate move) and then I fired up Norton Antivirus and it reported that my boot sector was corrupt; I let it fix it. A very unfortunate move.

Which reset my partitions back the way they were. But without moving any data. So suddenly E: had disappeared, because its FAT table wasn’t there. (Actually it still was, it was just not looking in the right place.)

Once I realized what had happened (NAV had restored an obsolete boot sector), I immediately shut down, bought another hard drive (about 120 GB), and reinstalled windows. I then wrote a program to make an image of the corrupted drive. In essence it copied the whole 20 GB off into 1 MB chunks, numbered sequentially, onto the new drive; this gave me a “clean copy” of the hard drive to work with. I then wrote more programs capable of random-accessing (by absolute sector number) and scanning this mess, for instance I programmed in enough about the header for a jpg to be able to recover pictures (this worked because of the defragging, the individual files were contiguous. Of course it wasn’t smart enough to know when to STOP copying, it would stop when it spotted another picture header. So some of my picture files were five times two large with who-knows-what occupying the last 80 percent of the file.)

So I had my pictures back, at least…but without file names, and back then I gave the files more meaningful names.

I was going to extend this to trying to find Micro$haft Orifice documents but those file headers were complex as heck.

Sometime during this, I tried taking the drive to a shop where someone knew how to fix things like this; he was totally unsuccessful in finding the start of partition E where it should have been (this is before I realized what had happened; as far as I knew then, NAV had just blasted my drive, probably corrupted the first couple of sectors of the partition).

I decided to scan for directory structures. Then, why not try for FAT Tables…and then I had it! The FAT table for drive E: was buried deep within D: Then I realized, I had made E: larger at the expense of D:, and NAV had just set it back to the way it was, the way it remembered it from the last time I had run it. The result was E:’s FAT table being buried in D: where my computer, and the guy at the recovery shop, didn’t know to look for it. Who knows when it might have gotten overwritten (because it looked to the system like empty space on D:) if I hadn’t immediately yanked the hard drive.

I could then write code to go through my image and copy the entire file tree over onto a “real” hard drive (the new one) [I called the code “Read Only FileSystem” (ROFS)] and I was in business. A task I thought would take years if ever completed was done in weeks.


This was a cheap (<$100) laptop that came with pre-installed Win10 and couldn’t upgrade to Win11. I had tried to set it up to dual-boot with Jammy Jellyfish, but Win10 did an update and blodged the dual-boot (rude!). And there it sat until the Fiancee went out of town….

Looking the thing over, I tried just booting — and got snarled-up in Dell’s corporate management BIOS/UEFI cruft. Mind you, this laptop has never had any personal data on it, just operating systems.

Since my Jammy install was blodged, I figured that I’d install a new dual-boot with Noble Numbat, but the partition pre-positioner on Noble was much more difficult to work with than Jammy. I finally said, “why am I working so hard to cater to a POS operating system that screwed my previous setup?” and told it to take the entire disk, then went off to do something else.

When I came back, Dell’s corporate management was holding up the boot. It was only then that I realized the more fundamental error I had made.

The original purpose for this laptop was to babysit a scanner that only had Windows software. The only reason I wanted Linux on it was so I could do network troubleshooting from the room the new scanner would be in when I set it up. It was going to scan to thumbdrive and be airgapped for its future life.

If I get it back to being a Win10 beast (which seems a long and winding path), it can go back into the original path. If I get it to be a functional Linux box, I can do something else with it. But right now, it’s hosed.

The good news is that I filed my 2023 taxes today, four days before the deadline!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Reminding me of a pet peeve I have about Debian: The version names have no rhyme or reason to them.

It’s obvious that version 12 is after version 11, but which comes later, Buster or Bookworm? And Debian insists that they prefer you use the names over the numbers.

At least Ubuntu was alphabetical for a while at least.


Ubuntu is still alphabetical, but they’ve lapped-around.

I’m sure that you know that Debian names are all characters from the Toy Story movies — but you are absolutely correct in that there is nothing to indicate the sequence.


It’s a Dell 3190 that I got for, IIRC, $70. Perfect for a scanner console and not too much else, ’cause it’s not that smart. I already own the scanner it should be attached to. I absolutely do not want to pay more money for Win10 that it came with.


I should have taken the L and left it as a Win10 box, but it was misbehaving.


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