Dear KAG: 20241008 Open Thread

Cover image: The Hurricane by Michael Rucker

Please pray for all those in the path of destruction. That includes my youngest brother, two nephews, a number of cousins and many others.

License Plate Readers Are Creating a US-Wide Database of More Than Just Cars

Badlands News Brief – October 7, 2024

I Worked for Democrats for Years. Billionaires Have Unfettered Influence

Whistleblower Warns FBI Will Deploy Plainclothes Agents to Maricopa County Polling Stations to Monitor Trump Voters

82nd, 101st Airborne send troops to help in Helene recovery efforts

A week late, but, hey.

Georgia prosecutors urge Supreme Court to keep Mark Meadows’ election subversion case in state court

Untapped Relief: FEMA Is Sitting on Billions of Unused Disaster Funds

Of Irregular Wars & Irregular Minds

Joe Scarborough Is Losing His Mind. Why?

Elon and Tucker Accuse Pro-Kamala Billionaires of Being on Epstein’s Client List!

Silicon Valley tech bros are getting red-pilled and voting for Trump…

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

Meme Zone

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


Luke 10:38-42

38Now as they went on their way, he entered a village; and a woman named Martha received him into her house. 39And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. 40But Martha was distracted with much serving; and she went to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; 42one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.”


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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Thank you, dear De Pat, for a cornucopia of posting goodness!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gold in them thar mudflats? (talking about the GOLD video)

The US established two branch mints in Charlotte NC and Dahlonega GA when gold was found in those areas. (They also established the New Orleans mint, for different reasons: A lot of money flowed through the Big Easy due to river borne trade.)

The gold deposits played out…at least the economically viable ones did. But when the weather moves a bunch of stuff downstream for you, panning might be viable again.


So can we stake a claim?


How ’bout we go to a restaurant and claim a steak?




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BREAKING: Ron DeSantis DESTROYS Kamala after she cried and attacked him for ignoring her calls.


Great take down.

Be a shame if it went viral.


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He’s buying a suit for the rally and to have his picture taken with Trump. I hope someone makes it happen.


Two rallies outside of swing states. CO Friday. CA Saturday.

Thursday is open…? AZ, NM or NV?

JD will be in Tucson, AZ on Wednesday.


The unlikely story about the shooting at a church in Burnet, Texas, was a hoax.

The armed church member who claimed he shot at an armed attacker outside a Burnet, Texas, church fabricated the whole story, according to the Burnet County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO).

Breitbart News reported that an armed churchgoer, part of the church’s “volunteer safety team,” dialed 911 about 10:30 a.m. and when authorities arrived he told them he had fired shots at two suspects, one of whom had a rifle.

KWTX reported that on Monday, following a day of investigation, the BCSO announced that the churchgoer admitted to making the story up.

The BCSO said, “There were no hostile actions taken or directed at the church by any persons, and no weapons brandished toward the church or the safety team member. At no time was the safety of the congregation in jeopardy.”

The churchgoer, identified as Jacob Wayne Tarver, 45, of Burnet County, is now charged with “false report to induce an emergency response, tampering with or fabricating physical evidence, and deadly conduct.” Two of the three charges are felonies.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


But why?


What was his purpose?

Last edited 6 hours ago by pgroup2

I can only speculate. Maybe he needed attention? If so, that’s pretty sad, and a sick way to go about it.
Maybe someone was trying to get him removed from the volunteer safety team for some reason, and he wanted to prove his worth?



A DHS inspector general report found over $7 billion in unliquidated FEMA funds, contradicting Secretary Mayorkas’ recent statement that FEMA lacked funds for future disasters.

The funds, earmarked for disasters from 2012 or earlier, could be returned to FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, as Hurricane Milton approaches Florida.

Critics are questioning the administration’s priorities amid mounting crises.

Sources: New York Post


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JD Vance:

Watch this video. It’s only 26 seconds. Show it to your friends and family.

This is not a person who is competent enough to be president of the United States.


well, Bill…

“…our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region…”

everything “we’re” doing there…all the “movements”…are the result of or are prompted by our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region…


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{deleted post/video link}

Last edited 5 hours ago by smiley2

Jack Posobiec:

And this is why we push officials to action

BREAKING: North Carolina Board of Elections unanimously approves resolution to modify voting locations for all 13 counties affected by Hurricane Helene


Hope they get creative, given mobility and communication challenges.

Push early voting, assuming NC has it.

Trump Team needs to work hard to get the word out and assist with transportation.


A New York judge has lifted the order that prevented the giant “Vote for Trump” sign from being displayed & lit up at the Sticker Mule building in upstate New York

“We are all set to light it up!” – Anthony Constantino

Constantino put up a sign to symbolize the return of manufacturing to America under Trump, so the Democrat Mayor sued but LOST BIGLY

“All I know is tonight the party is on, and the lighting will occur, and there is no court order prohibiting the lighting and display of the sign, so it’s obviously a nice victory for Anthony and his team.” – Constaitno’s lawyer, Sal Ferlazzo


Great story, in several ways.

Including, D-Rat mayor political move, shutdown.



oh no.

(sad face)

for me, summer isn’t really over til…

the crickets stop singing, and…

all the tomatoes die.

tonight : all the crickets stopped singing about an hour ago.💔

it’s in the 40s outside now, awww.

as for the tomatoes…still a whole new harvest of green ones on the vines…but the ripening process has begun to deteriorate, awww.

down into the 30s, later this week.

(sad face) 💔


It’s the Great Cycle of rest and renewal. You can enjoy it, or move to the tropics where everything is trying to kill you all the time.

(….says the lifelong Californian….)

Last edited 3 hours ago by cthulhu

lived in the tropics and subtropics for many years…endless summer is great…hurricanes awful…tropical bugs awful…tropical food great + horticultural projects constantly (the constant gardener 💓)…flora, fauna, sun, beaches & ocean swimming, all great…flip flops no socks ! supergreat ! bikey all the time, yay…

but I missed the changing seasons, eventually.

so here we are : end of summer, sad face…

don’t much like watching beautiful things die off, the tomatoes are like friends (too much bonding ??)

crickets don’t all perish…some do but others go into a deep deep hibernation til warm weather returns.😃

I love nature but nature can be cruel & fickle sometimes..😫

but to everything there is a season.



Last edited 3 hours ago by smiley2


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Cat 5/ 180 mph

Tampa Bay prediction, but hopefully NOT as a Cat 5.


Maybe if we waved a red stapler at it, we could get it to visit Cuba instead?


mocking Miltie, are ye ??

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Last edited 3 hours ago by smiley2

as it departs Mexico now and heads more into GoM, sustained winds are at 135 mph (gusts higher)…it’s spreading out more…but winds are decreasing a bit from Cat 5…

maybe that’s some “good” news ?


That painting of the hurricane really does capture the force and destructive power of a tropical cyclone.


“Kamala Harris said X needs to be taken down because there’s no oversight or regulation on what’s being posted”


Try not to be such a skank, Cacky.


Always good advice 👍😂


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Lithium-Ion Batteries Blamed for Hurricane Helene Fires 
“Florida State Fire Marshal Jimmy Patronis on Tuesday said there have been 16 fires during and after Hurricane Helene attributed to lithium-ion batteries used in Tesla and other electric vehicles, golf carts and other vehicles and devices.”

I use lithium batteries to do my yard – mower, trimmer/edger, blower. I treat them as carefully as the nuclear football. I do not leave them out in the garage, and plan to take them to the city hazardous recycling center when/if they ever fail. These yard tools and batteries are now 6 years old and still going. However, I’m an old biddie with a small yard – not using the tools for large yard or commercial work.


The Fiancee is in Rome. She sent me a pic in front of St. Pete’s.

Part of my reply:

Once the roof and the walls were done, and the old church cleared away, it was time to think about decorating. There are various tombs and side-chapels, Michelangelo’s Pieta, references to the relics therein, and the like, but there is one bit of decor that had me catch my breath when I first saw it — and continues to inspire me. Bernini’s Baldacchino.

There is no end of the funny little bits about it — it was commissioned by Pope Urban VIII, who was originally Maffeo Barberini of the Barberini family, whose heraldric symbols are bees, laurel leaves, and the radiant sun. Accordingly, these appear throughout.

But, then, there are some elements that are profound.

The first one, I’m going to steal the writeup from Wikipoo — “In a Latin cross church, the high altar should be placed in the chancel at the end of the longitudinal axis and yet in St. Peter’s it was located in the centre of the crossing. Bernini sought a solution whereby the high altar above the tomb of the first Pope of the Catholic Church could be reconciled with tradition. With his design for the Cathedra Petri or Chair of Saint Peter (1657–66) at the apsidal end of the chancel, Bernini completed his visual concetto or design idea; the congregation had a perspectivised view down the nave to the image framed by the baldachin which compressed the distance between the crossing and the Chair of Saint Peter in the chancel, reconciling the Prince of the Apostles’ tomb, his implied presence on the chair and his legitimate successor officiating at the ceremonies.”

The second is not readily apparent at first. The four columns sit on rectangular marble bases, or plinths — on the outward faces of which (from Wikipoo), “Each shield is enclosed by a woman’s head at the top and by the head of a satyr at the bottom. A papal tiara with crossed keys surmounts the shield. All shields look nearly identical, but – if examined one after another starting with the left-hand front plinth – they reveal dramatic changes in the expression on the female face. The coat of arms itself, flat on the first plinth, undergoes a noticeable deformation, progressively bulging up to the sixth shield and flattening again on the last two shields. Above the eighth shield, the female face is replaced by the head of a winged child or putto. The allegory behind the coats of arms is universally interpreted as representing the various stages of childbirth.”

As Witkowski writes: “The scene begins on the face of the left-hand front plinth; the woman’s face begins to contract; on the second and following plinths the features pass through a series of increasingly violent convulsions. Simultaneously, the hair becomes increasingly dishevelled; the eyes, which at first express a bearable degree of suffering, take on a haggard look; the mouth, closed at first, opens, then screams with piercing realism. … Finally, comes the delivery: the belly subsides and the mother’s head disappears, to give way to a cherubic baby’s head with curly hair, smiling beneath the unchanging pontifical insignia.”

This is as raw as it gets — in the 1600’s, this is the gateway to life….in the church of Life Eternal.

Third, there is simply what it is. the Baldacchino is roughly 100 feet high, reaching upwards in a space about 380 feet to the top of the dome. It projects the aspirations of those of us who walk on the earth into the greater universe. Imagine the interior of the church without Bernini’s masterpiece…..what a crushing place it would be.

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Last edited 45 minutes ago by cthulhu

The baldachin, or ciborium, is a ceremonial tent, originally temporary. Typically, these were used for visiting priests or altars. Often fine silks were used.

Bernini’s masterwork borrows this form, but is crafted of bronze — which is immensely heavy.


I have great hopes and anticipations for Gail’s post tomorrow, but I haven’t seen anything lately from her. 🙁

pat frederick

October 8, 2024 6:40 am

Reply to  nwtex
Atlanta Motor Speedway is open to Milton evacuees – the speedway is providing dry camping free of charge in its Legends Premium Campground for RVs and Legends Tent Campground for pop-up campers and tents… More information is available by contacting AMS directly or visiting their website at
Dry camping at no charge in the Legends Premium Campground for RVs and Legends Tent Campground for pop-up campers and tents
Complimentary access to nearby shower facilities
A limited number of camping spaces with water, power, and sewer hook-ups available for $35 per night
Evacuees can enter the campgrounds via GA Highway 20 and Lower Woolsey Road at Entrance “H” or US Highway 19/41 at Entrance “E”. For those seeking full hook-up spaces, reservations can be made by calling the AMS ticket office at 770-946-4211 during business hours.



New COVID-19 vaccines reached about 395,000 New Yorkers, or 3.5%, so far in fall 2024, as health officials push to reverse a trend of limited uptake of the shots…

By contrast, about 1.4 million, or 12% of, New Yorkers overall received the updated COVID-19 vaccine released last fall.

pat frederick



Democrats have been BUSTED in St. Louis, Missouri, trying to register migrants to vote in the 2024 election. The same is likely happening in battleground states Flyers were given to migrant workers, telling them to “vote for Harris-Walz and pro-worker candidates.” Also, to “Stop the steal by stopping Trump’s allies.” Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft says, “I think it shows why we need a law in Missouri that requires individuals to show proof of citizenship before they register and before they vote.” Is anyone surprised at this point? Because I’m NOT.