Dear KAG: 20241015 Open Thread

Cover Image: Early October is a painting by Frank Wilson which was uploaded on October 7th, 2008.

Happy Birthday to my dad at 84 years, and still perking along. He’s currently working on repairing a shutter that is falling apart (rotting, and really just needs to be deep sixed) which is original to the house. He would have to have a new one custom made to replace it, and being mostly Irish….

I’ve been busy. An old friend who is an Air-Streamer was in town over the weekend, and I spent hours with her among other things. This is going to be a bit light.

Three Possible Election Outcomes

Eye of the Storm 172 & Premier Video

Badlands News Brief – October 14, 2024

60 Minutes Reveals the Deep State Plan to Steal the Election!

Kamala seems to have plagiarized significant portions of her first book

I save every draft of my fiction writing just to be able to prove I wrote it.

Enough ‘spring forward/fall back’

I’m actually looking forward to falling back. Getting up in the dark is no bueno.

Has SCOTUS Sent a Smoke Signal on ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Lawsuit?

“A Dire Spiral”: Used Electric Vehicle Prices Are Cratering Amid Slackening Consumer Demand

The only people who want or wanted electric vehicles bought them when they were new.

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

Here. Bookmark this for when Trump wins. Everyone who is a pragmatic critical thinker knows that China will devalue their currency to lower the impact of exports to the USA. Beijing controls the banks and they did this before. As a result, the dollar value increases and imports cost less. The Chinese imports then enter the USA at a lower price consistent with their cost estimate as a tariff offset. China takes in a lower price, but retains access. That’s just how it works. The importers pay the tariff with a lowered price and a higher valued dollar. Essentially statis for the time being. Then….. EU industrial products to Chinese manufacturing plants start to contract, due to China’s aggressive cost cutting initiatives. The EU gets angry about the impact to their economy. The EU then follows the same path and devalues their central bank currency; further pressuring the dollar to an upward price. Exports to the EU are now more expensive, and imports from the EU to the USA are now cheaper. Again, the EU goal is statis. Both scenarios create cheaper USA imports despite the tariffs. However, on the EU side Trump then ends the Marshal plan and executes “tariff reciprocity” against the EU. More frustration and gritted teeth by Brussels. [NOTE: Avoiding this squeeze also explains why U.K PM Starmer was all snuggly to Trump at Trump Tower a few weeks ago – he’s hedging.] Exports from the USA ultimately cost more because the dollar is stronger against EU and Asia currencies. However, a stronger dollar is an offset to BRICS leverage and allows Trump to play economic chess. Trump uses part of the tariff income to underwrite agriculture exports, but… here we have fun… if agriculture exports are impacted, domestic foodstuffs drop in price. Into this dynamic Trump turns to Mexico. We have a strong dollar, all those Western Union transfers to Mexico are more valuable. Leverage is created. The economic situation then overlays the secure border dynamic and if Mexico wants to retain trade access within the USMCA agreement, the part that no one discussed comes into play. Unbeknownst to all those except those who watched Robert Lighthizer do it, the USA has first right of refusal to any trade agreement made by Mexico or Canada. That’s correct, Trump now controls a veto on trade agreements within USMCA partnered countries. Suddenly Xi Jinping is vulnerable in Mexico if Trump nixes the EV production. Beijing is financially exposed and vulnerable. Big Panda not happy. How do we know this will happen? Good question. Answer: #1) This is what Trump did in 2017. #2) Because he said this is what he is going to do. Don’t forget to bookmark. MAGA Bitches!

We need to talk about this more, Utah, because this is exactly the kind of person who is wrecking our state. It’s not an abstraction, it’s real. This is Gary Peacock, a millionaire transplant from California who lives in a 3.5 million dollar home in Park City. The other day he accosted a driver, unlawfully entered his car, forcefully removed him (which is an assault,) and held him against his will while demanding the police come and ticket him. Among the things Peacock said during the exchange were “I’m riding a bike, I have more rights than you.” He also told the driver that he would have him put in jail. The only person who belongs in jail here in Gary Peacock. I guarantee you, if I had done this, I would still be sitting in a Summit County jail facing multiple felony charges. But not Gary Peacock. No, he’s a blue state millionaire. He’s the kind of person Spencer Cox wants to replace you with. Rich, entitled Californian who rides a bike. This is who Utah caters to now. Sure, he’s getting called a “male Karen” all over social media, but I think everybody is missing the larger point of what happened. This guy thinks he can come to Utah and do whatever he wants. And he’s not alone. There are thousands of Gary Peacocks that have moved to Utah since the pandemic. They sell their homes in California, buy a plot of land super cheap here, build a mansion, and drive home prices up. If it was just one Gary Peacock it wouldn’t be so bad. But it’s thousands of Gary Peacocks! This Gary Peacock just got caught! Think about what he said. “I’m riding a bike, I have more rights than you.” Really think about that! That’s how all these people feel! Not just about bikes, but about everything! And guess what, they do! They do because people like Spencer Cox and Deidre Henderson encourage them to come to Utah and do whatever they want, and to hell with the millions of Utahns who get hurt in the process. Gary Peacock ORDERED the cop to cite the driver. And guess what! The cop DID AS HE WAS TOLD! A law enforcement officer literally TOOK ORDERS FROM A CALIFORNIA MILLIONAIRE! THAT! HAPPENED! We need to be more outraged about this. These are the kinds of people who come to Utah and think they’re kings. This needs to be stopped. Open your eyes, Utah! Gary Peacock belongs in jail for what he did. And after he serves his lengthy sentence, he should be ejected from the state. But we also need to end the culture that brought him here. And that means voting out the politicians that incentivize him and his ilk from moving here in the first place.

That, actually, looks like tornado damage.

I’m voting Parkinson’s. That’s too close to the real thing that I’ve seen.

Can you feel the panic?


Meme Zone

My late grandmother practically did the same thing. I brought snacks for myself and my sister, and she’s like, you’re being selfish when there was plenty of chips and dip on the table. Of course, I brought my signature guacamole….

That animal probably wanted the humans to help get rid of the barnacles. They will approach humans for that purpose.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


The readings today will be a mish mosh as the daily reading yields Galatians, but the Feast of St. Therese yields the others.

Galatians 5:1-6

1For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. 2Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. 3I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. 4You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. 5For through the Spirit, by faith, we wait for the hope of righteousness. 6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love.

Psalms 19:8-11

7The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; 8the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; 9the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever; the ordinances of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. 10More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

John 15:1-8

1“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you. 4Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. 7If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. 8By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples.

So many musical settings to choose from….


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Europa Clipper launched on Monday.

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(Photo caption: A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket carrying NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft lifts off from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 12:06 p.m. EDT on Monday, Oct. 14, 2024. After launch, the spacecraft plans to fly by Mars in February 2025, then back by Earth in December 2026, using the gravity of each planet to increase its momentum. With help of these “gravity assists,” Europa Clipper will achieve the velocity needed to reach Jupiter in April 2030.
Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett)

NASA’s Europa Clipper has embarked on its long voyage to Jupiter, where it will investigate Europa, a moon with an enormous subsurface ocean that may have conditions to support life. The spacecraft launched at 12:06 p.m. EDT Monday aboard a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

The largest spacecraft NASA ever built for a mission headed to another planet, Europa Clipper also is the first NASA mission dedicated to studying an ocean world beyond Earth. The spacecraft will travel 1.8 billion miles (2.9 billion kilometers) on a trajectory that will leverage the power of gravity assists, first to Mars in four months and then back to Earth for another gravity assist flyby in 2026. After it begins orbiting Jupiter in April 2030, the spacecraft will fly past Europa 49 times.

Emphasis is mine. Later on it says the thing will be over a hundred feet across when fully deployed.

Even the Falcon Heavy isn’t enough to send this 6 1/2 ton spacecraft directly to Jupiter; it needs multiple gravity assists in the inner solar system. This sort of thing used to be be impossible to plan before we had cheap computer power (it’s a five body problem…at least).

In 2031, the spacecraft will begin conducting its science-dedicated flybys of Europa. Coming as close as 16 miles (25 kilometers) to the surface, Europa Clipper is equipped with nine science instruments and a gravity experiment, including an ice-penetrating radar, cameras, and a thermal instrument to look for areas of warmer ice and any recent eruptions of water. As the most sophisticated suite of science instruments NASA has ever sent to Jupiter, they will work in concert to learn more about the moon’s icy shell, thin atmosphere, and deep interior.

To power those instruments in the faint sunlight that reaches Jupiter, Europa Clipper also carries the largest solar arrays NASA has ever used for an interplanetary mission. With arrays extended, the spacecraft spans 100 feet (30.5 meters) from end to end. With propellant loaded, it weighs about 13,000 pounds (5,900 kilograms).

Last edited 1 day ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure how this got in my tabs, but it’s great.


That was fascinating.


Enjoyed all the CGI

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In this video the CGI is basically a high tech diagram of what’s going on, and I found them highly effective for that.

None if it is even claimed to be actual pictures proving anything.

If you don’t believe any of it, then at least take it as a good explanation of your opposition’s position.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He explained a lot of things better than I did!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The dude is a “pro” explainer! I think he found his purpose in life. I find myself “gravitating” toward his videos. 😆

OTOH, he generally leaves out “unsolved controversy”. I have not seen him shilling any of the worst lies of the establishment, but I’m ready to see him pushing the jabs at any moment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was smacking my damn head when he explained the orbital resonances leading to Europa’s elliptical orbit, then the tides.

I talked about pieces of that but never made the connection between the resonances and Europa’s orbit’s eccentricity, which is the middle of the chain.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would not have understood what he was talking about on orbital resonance, had it not been for reading your explanation first. And THAT would be my chief criticism of his videos. He frequently makes things a bit too simple and neat, so that the viewer thinks they get it, when they really don’t.

Rayzorback hints at another issue, noting all the CGI. The videos are very polished visually, which makes things easier to see, but they’re “not real”. There is subtle fakery. Real stuff is important in science – real photos matter. Even words are less fake than CGI. Sometimes reading it twice leads to better REAL understanding than seeing a visual presentation that works perfectly and “feels like understanding”, but isn’t.

I have a video in a few weeks which I’ll point out at the time – it’s the opposite of this. Just some guy talking, choosing his words very carefully. It’s a deeper topic – only suitable for a few of us – but you’ll see that the words convey a LOT. My purpose in showing it is more of an example of the reality of controversy in science – not the particular subject matter. Listening TWICE conveys more than twice as much, IMO. And that is where it’s important to “pay the dues” in a topic, rather than to just skim through and FEEL like you get it. The latter is a business model. And the business model is very visible in both Veritasium and Hossenfelder videos. They do offer the “Brilliant” coursework as their sponsor, which is cool – but that is ANOTHER business model.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Clearly you don’t want to show a fake photograph or an artist’s rendering without labeling it very clearly.

But the right animation can be worth a thousand words explaining dynamics and geometry. I have yet to see the right animation to explain precession of the equinoxes in a way that makes its effect on the night sky clear…that’s sun, earth and background stars, and something that cannot make sense without 3D. So three moons (Callisto doesn’t matter in this context since it’s not part of the resonance) and Jupiter, have a dynamic that’s hard to explain but easy to show (it helps that it’s 2D).

Obviously something like this won’t give you the deep math insight but I have found that just having a decent mental picture can be extremely helpful.

Just recently I saw a beautiful shot of Jupiter from over a high latitude, and it was on some site talking about JWST. I know simply because I understand where JWST is, that it could NOT have taken that picture (to say nothing of the fact that it was obviously a visble-light picture). It wasn’t a fake picture; it was one from Juno put in a place that will mislead people into thinking it’s a JWST picture. But I noticed because I have a decent idea in my head how things are arranged “up there.”

One thing I appreciated about the video was the fuller explanation of the ions erupting from Io. I had seen that stuff described in the places I was looking but got only a very confused notion of what was going on. The animation of Jupiter’s field wobbling was, I thought, very good.

He did make one flub though. When showing Jupiter’s magnetic field superimposed on our sky “if you could see it it would look like this” he showed a “side” view (with the field “tail” visible, that tail should point away from the Sun) rather than a head on view, which is what we’d actually see, since we’re effectively right next to the Sun. I wanted to quote that stat about how big the field would look from here, but couldn’t verify it and didn’t want to quote the wrong number from memory.

Anyhow to sum up, I don’t think people should be unhappy about CGI in this context because it’s effectively just a very fancy drawn diagram, for explanatory purposes. (It won’t serve to prove anything…but it’s not intended to.)

Even if they were to graph real data, though, technically that’s “artificial” graphics too. There’s nothing he talked about that you could actually photograph even given it’s true; photographs can’t show motion, and orbital eccentricities have to be exaggerated so you can see them. And you won’t see an actual line in the sky for an orbit. But that’s no worse than drawing latitude lines on a globe (or for that matter, on the flat earth disc) even if they aren’t actually painted on the ground.

By contrast, the History Channel show “The Universe” almost never showed a real photo even when they could. They actually put a label on the rare real pictures…as if it were a disclaimer. If you can ignore that, though, that series had the virtue that they interviewed real scientists for it. The last few seasons always seemed to be about big explosions and hence rather sensationalized but it’s possible to learn from it.

Last edited 9 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This one – right? I was thinking it looked a little big, too, but then it’s not labeled with any units, so OK, but yeah – that tail is definitely not pointing away from the sun!

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yup. The blue boundaries are basically the outer bounds of Jupiter’s magnetic field. The purple parabola is the “bowshock” of solar wind being forced around Jupiter by the magnetic field. It’s probably about the right size, but that tail is just wrong.


SpaceX had to use the most thrust they could get out of this Falcon Heavy at launch for this mission, that there was no fuel left for the two strap-on boosters to able to return to Earth to be re-used later.
Thus, no part of this rocket could be re-used, and it became expandable except for the fairing (the shield that protects the satelliet during launch while it was still within the atmosphere).

By the way this was the 100’s launch of a SpaceX rocket, including the 3 Starship launches this year alone, which is more than the 96 they achieved the whole of last year.


I’d vote for “God bless America and Fuck the government” as an official National Motto.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Put THAT on our money!


That wouldn’t bother them at all.

Try “God Bless America and Death to government.”

Government has proven itself a thousand million times more dangerous to freedom than any other alternative.

Ask better questions, get better answers.

The question America should ask is how can we create a society without inherently corrupt government.


Arm everyone.


We don’t have to turn the whole country into the mid-1800s wild west.

I certainly don’t want the Leftists and racists and haters to be armed, it’s bad enough being a white man in this Sodom & Gomorrah already.

We don’t have to reinvent the wheel, just remember what worked, and do that.

When was the last time America was not the most dysfunctional country on the face of the earth?

My guess would be the 1950s, maybe up until 1967 and the Summer of Love.

There has to be ONE culture, and that culture has to be American.

There is a reason for the term ‘culture wars’, it’s because different cultures fight for dominance, and there is no way around that.

So a ‘multicultural society’ is a society that is in constant war with each other and with itself.

‘Multicultural’ doesn’t work, never has, and never will.

You can’t force people who believe in different things, have different religious beliefs, have different aspirations and goals, different morality, different understandings of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, and expect them to live in peace.

You can’t force-integrate.

Everyone needs their own space to do their own thing, and that’s not going to result in anything close to ‘equal outcomes’, because some cultures are flat out and objectively BETTER than others.

Those cultures will flourish, while destructive cultures self-destruct.

When all cultures are force-integrated, everything goes to the lowest common denominator. The best anyone can hope for is the most destructive culture, because making things better, building a future, is hard.

It’s easy to break things. So the self-destructive culture will always prohibit the culture that is trying to better itself from doing so. The self-destructive culture will always drag the others down, because it’s easy to destroy.

When people work together, things get better.

People of different cultures don’t work together, they are at war, hence ‘culture wars’.

One culture, or bust.

Gail Combs

I used to have a link to an article that said the same thing.

This is not it but it is a good article:

Diversity Destroys Common Culture

In 2007 sociologist Robert Putnam published a paper which showed that diversity, associated with multiculturalism and ethic pluralism, undermined a common culture. People began to care less about common goods, and hunkered down in their homes, keeping to themselves. As discussed by Brett Stevens at, a blog devoted to the critique of diversity, there have been academic criticisms of Putnam’s paper, largely with critics arguing that it is mainly Whites who feel this sense of alienation, so racism blah, blah. But as Stevens argues in reply, “The sleight of hand here is that Whites, by definition, are those who are transitioning from a functional monoethnic society to a dysfunctional polyethnic one.

For this reason, Whites notice diversity more; it disrupts their society which they view as the origin of their nation. They are the ones being squeezed out by the new anti-culture….


He’s right.

Just like straight people feel the impact of gay everything a thousand times more than gay people ever could.

Just like men feel the impact of radical feminism a thousand times more than women ever could.


“As discussed by Brett Stevens at, a blog devoted to the critique of diversity, there have been academic criticisms of Putnam’s paper, largely with critics arguing that it is mainly Whites who feel this sense of alienation, so racism blah, blah.”


“When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” – Thomas Sowell

Last edited 9 hours ago by scott467
Gail Combs

YUP! That is why I posted it. He also gets the Commiecrats objections.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” – Thomas Sowell


We went through 70 years of no religious motto on our coinage; utter silence on religious matters. Including the era of our founding fathers. And paper was mottoless for a hundred years after that.

Try to restore that neutrality and people howl bloody murder.

Last edited 8 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“We went through 70 years of no religious motto on our coinage; utter silence on religious matters.

Try to restore that and people howl bloody murder.”


They shouldn’t, but let them howl to their hearts’ content, as long as they do it out in the woods somewhere that it doesn’t bother anyone.

Our country was founded by religious men, our Founding Documents acknowledge our Creator, indeed the entire foundation of our Rights is acknowledged as being God-given, which is the whole reason why they cannot be lawfully taken away by criminal government, because the criminal government never GAVE them in the first place.

Without acknowledging God, without God being foundational to our Republic, all of that goes away.

Which is exactly what the Godless communists and Marxists and Leftists and Fascists want, of course.


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Last edited 8 hours ago by scott467
Gail Combs

And that is why the Commies are trying to kill off Christianity starting with LBJ’s 501c3 tax designation that was NEVER NEEDED LINK


Thank you Gail, I have looked for information on that subject before.

Bookmarked! 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, but they established our money with no such thing on it. They WANTED it neutral, and all the other stuff you can try to fling at me won’t change that fact.




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Bill Clinton has essential tremor, not Parkinson’s. I’ve known several people over the years who had it.

Perhaps the most famous person with Essential Tremor is former President Bill Clinton. Often mistaken for having Parkinson’s due to visible hand tremors, Clinton clarified in a 2013 press conference that he actually has Essential Tremor.


He also has Essential Liar, and that’s a far more serious problem.

pat frederick

dang it Scott…you made me spit my coffee all over the table…AGAIN…lol


I’ve lost count of how many keyboards he’s ruined.

None of them were his.  😂 

pat frederick

I’ve learned to turn my head and get the table instead of the laptop…lol



pat frederick

you could at least look regretful!


I like making people laugh too much! 😂



Valerie Curren

AND essential predator 😠😲l😠

Gail Combs

Sounds like what Hubby has.


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That would be ever-so-much more reassuring if he were remotely trustworthy….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Burt Bear is another “essential liar”.


‘Burt Bear’ is LoL.  😆 


If they cut it at all, won’t we be able to tell? The anons will, for sure. They are digital geniuses.

Come to that, Elon will tell us.


Sure Brat, you have all the credibility in the world, we’ll just take your word for it, you’re the tits 👍


Norway, One Of World’s Most Cashless Economies, Just Made It A Lot Easier To Pay With Cash

In a major U-turn in the Global War on Cash, the government and central bank of Norway, one of Europe’s most cashless economies, are seeking to slow or even reverse the mass abandonment of cash. Only 3% of Norwegians used cash in their latest purchase in a physical shop, according to a recent central bank survey.

In a bid to change that, a new amendment to Norway’s Financial Contracts Act came into force on October 1 that bolsters citizens’ rights to pay with cash in retail settings. The new legislation should sound the death knell for all the “we only accept cards” signs plastered on shop windows throughout the country, reports the Norwegian online newspaper Nettavisen

In another neck of the Scandinavian woods, the world’s oldest central bank, Sweden’s Riksbank, keeps sounding the alarm about the fragility of cashless economies, as we reported in May:

“Digitalization… makes payments ‘more vulnerable to cyber attacks and disruptions to the power grid and data communication,’ the bank points out. At the same time, the geopolitical developments of the past few years required ‘Sweden to have strong civil defense.’ The developments suggested ‘that we should concentrate more than before on the challenges of digitalization.’”

…Since that post went up, the world has suffered an even more disruptive payments outage. In July, a content update by the cyber-security firm CrowdStrike caused millions of Microsoft systems around the world to crash, bringing the operating systems of banks, payment card firms, airlines, hospitals, NHS clinics, retailers and hospitality businesses to a standstill. Businesses were faced with a stark choice: go cash-only, or close until the systems came back online.

Such was the scale of the resulting disruption that even stalwart British media outlets like The SunThe TimesThe Guardian and The Mail ran articles on how the global IT outage had underscored the fragility of a cashless society…

Given Norway and Sweden have gone further than most countries in removing cash from the economy, the fact they are both now warning about the dangers and vulnerabilities of a fully cashless economy as well as the urgent need to protect both access to and use of cash should be taken very seriously — not just within their borders but far beyond them.

Last edited 1 day ago by TheseTruths

Well well well.

Like Psaki, society has circled back to where it started – face-to-face barter.

I give you this currency – you give me that bag of apples. No third party.

Too simple for the swindlers.


Which, BTW, exposes the abomination of Income Tax — because income depends on how much is made from gross receipts less cost of sales less rents and interest and labor and administration……which means the tax requires you disclose everything to the government so they can take their cut.


income tax is anti-productive – a hallmark of communism.

Gail Combs

Income tax is the Banksters Cut of their slaves wealth.


DPat, my chuckles and eye rolls increased the further I scrolled. I’m am glad you are still an active host here at Q-tree and also happy to hear your Dad is doing well. I remember some concerning comments you made about his state of mind and coping after your Mom’s passing. As chaotic as your household sometimes sounds, it is a good thing he has some of you living with him. Have a great week!


Do you know any Trump supporters who cover their faces and wear Dockers?


— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) October 13, 2024


Just the Fed bois… 😂


Some of which are Fed boyz …


Happy 84th birthday to DePat’s Dad! 🎂👍😁


A Cow caught on a security cam opening the electric fence. The farmer installed it after he assumed someone was doing it.

Now we are left with the explanation of why cows 40 miles away have just started doing the exact same thing?

— Brian Roemmele (@BrianRoemmele) October 12, 2024


Cows are people too, you know?

How would you like it if you were trapped in a cow’s body, and people acted like you didn’t have free will?

Maybe they need to go somewhere, and you keep blocking them… you ever think of that?


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Last edited 23 hours ago by smiley2

👍 😂

Last edited 22 hours ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Actually a cow I know (looked like the one above) took the short route. She would wait for another cow to walk between her and the fence and then push that cow thru the electric fence. Problem solved!

(The farmer had heavy metal gates.)

Gail Combs

I had a young 6 mos old colt that would not only open his stall door, he would turn left and go open his sister’s stall door. Then he would walk back past his stall and carefully grab the electric fence handle in his mouth, back up and lay the wire out straight so he would not get his legs tangled in the live wires. He did this with all three wires before he and his sister went out to play. 🙄

Now try and tell me Saddlebreds are not smart…


Any horse that smart doesn’t need to be locked up, he needs more responsibilities, put him to work 👍😂

Gail Combs

Actually I sold him to a friend and he won the State Championship!


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Late Harvest

watercolor on board


Andrew Wyeth



just for Scott ….. and all cow lovers…

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Young Bull


ca 1960

Andrew Wyeth

(no electric fence !)

great, Scott. 😊

Last edited 23 hours ago by smiley2

When animal consent is given, this bond is so beautiful

— Nature is Amazing (@AMAZlNGNATURE) October 14, 2024


Better get that consent in writing.

Especially in California.

pat frederick

Happy Birthday DePat’s Dad!

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Barb Meier

Oh my… big sad. big love.

Burnsville Hub

Mountain Time On Main Street 

 · 2h 


Yesterday afternoon, we were visiting on the porch with a young man who had just returned to work at Altec. He’s 21. He has a lovely wife and a brand new baby. I asked him if it was good to get back to work, and find some “normal” in life.

He stuck his hands in his pockets and dropped his head a little and said “It was a really sad day.”

His answer brought that all to familiar lump in my throat. He said, “there is so much loss.”

Kasper begged and begged to spend the night with his Aunt Kyleigh last night. He was looking for some “normal”. She brought him home in short order after they got to her house on the river. — in Burnsville, NC.

He cried to come home because he said it was

“to dark.” It IS to dark. For sure.

Our embroidery master called to tell us she wouldn’t be able to make her decorative towels any time soon because she’d lost her machines. Her house would be bulldozed. Her 96 year old mama had lost her house. Her brother had lost his house. They’d lost their family business, which was a huge pillar of our community. The whole family is camping out with her mama in a safe place, so they can all be together. She said, as long as we are together and Mama is ok, we will be OK.

We had friends stop by and purchase a good amount of canned goods and a flag. I cried a little when they did that. They said, we are trying to buy up some of our favorite things. We are afraid you guys won’t be open anymore when we get back to town.

A pretty reliable source told us of several places that she know would be closing soon, because the local economy couldn’t sustain their business. I told her I fully understood that.

Our neighbor came over, and found me sitting in the car a minute. Just sitting. She propped up on the car door and we chatted for a good while about it all. As much as we could stand to chat about it. Mama and Daddy were running the shop, meaning…handing out ziplock bags full of soap and shampoo, toothpaste and deodorant. Basic needs stuff. Daddy was carrying water. Hundreds of gallons of water. The little boys were decorating our dumpster with stickers that someone brought in. People are good to children.comment image

Thankful for the stickers.

Our dumpster is cool, now.

The food truck generator caught on fire a little early in the morning. A nice man from GA helped with that, and said everything would be fine in a while. He was right. The girls were able to fire it up again a few hours later and serve a lot of hot food.

At the end of the day, we found Dennis at Something Special. The boys begged for a toy. We went in, and they raced those Monkey Business shopping carts all over the store. Kasper chose a trumpet. Of course he chose a trumpet.

We all had a good laugh, and he played his trumpet for hours. I loved it, and found it to be a beautiful sound. So much more beautiful than helicopters and sirens and heavy equipment. Even Kaj ended up playing the trumpet. So did Kyleigh. So did I.

We boiled up a huge tub of water, a huge tub….. and put the boys in it for a soaking.

Blaze jumped in with them. We washed him, too.

( We ARE mountain people, but we don’t generally bathe with our dogs. At this point, we’d probably bathe with our horses, we don’t care.)comment image

Our dumpster is cool with stickers now, but it’s still a dumpster. A FULL dumpster. They had to be scrubbed. All of them.

Kasper played the trumpet in the bath tub.

If you live in Burnsville, I recommend you go to Monkey Business Toy Shop and buy a trumpet. If you have a home you can get to, boil you some water and play it in the bath tub.

It makes the days better. I promise.

If not, come by The Mercantile and you can play it on our front porch.

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Onward and upward, friends. Another day is here.

Go find your trumpet. Make your music. Find your song. Play it for everyone.

We love you all.

Very dearly.

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I’m very sensitive to noise of any kind. The thought of all those generators and heavy machinery after the shock of many losing homes & businesses and normal routines … we do what we’ve got to do, but these people will live with lingering trauma for many years.

We cannot forget about them as the news cycles move on. They will need help for a long time. 🩷




If you’re sensitive to noise, then hip hop must drive you bonkers.

Especially in cars with boomboom speakers.  😥 

Gail Combs


One reason we live in the county a 1/4 mile from the road.


Hip-hop should be dead and gone soon, when DJT wins.

I figured hip-hop and rap were all about sex and drugs, but I had no idea it was also about HOMO sex.

When I was a kid, there was a huge stigma against homosexuality among black people. Apparently that has radically changed.

Homo sex is the ritual entry to the whole culture, and while Jason doesn’t get into the videotaping and blackmail, that obviously is a huge part of it, and since the people at the top control everything, they’re the gatekeepers, and nobody gets ‘in’ without going through the ritual of GAY SEX.

This is from a recent Jason Whitlock show, on October 10th. Watch the face of the white guy panelist while Jason speaks the plain truth. You can tell he knows everything Jason is saying is all true, but being a white guy, he can’t hardly say a word. The whole segment is only about 8 minutes from a much longer show, I put the transcription of about the last 3-1/2 minutes below:



Jason Whitlock: (4:10) “that I don’t want to leave, leave out, and I did mention it off top, but I just want to hammer it.

I’m telling you this Diddy thing man, everybody knows they’re vulnerable.

Everybody knows their secrets can come out, and so it’s, if Trump gets back in office, and he wants to, ‘oh okay you know, you guys want to play hardball with me, with lawfare, I can play hardball with lawfare back’, and and all of you guys…

Cuz again, even… Diddy’s just the name, but there’s a whole Diddy culture and it’s called hip-hop, and it’s all built around sex and drugs, and again, they want to reduce it to Diddy, but it’s hip-hop. Sex, drugs and radical materialism.

And if you’ve been a part of that — which LeBron and all these black athletes have, they’ve all been a part of it, they all worhip Jay-Z, they all go to the same parties, the all, the all-white parties [edit: I think he means the parties where everyone dresses in white] that Michael Ruben and Fanatics are throwing, it’s all the same, and I’m not… there’s… that element is always there, and that’s why a lot of these celebrities, athletes, have shut up.

Just look at, and again, we don’t know if it’s true but just look at what just happened to Stefan Diggs. Some guy just posted on Instagram, ‘hey Stefan Diggs tried to drug me’.

He basically accused Diggs of trying to pull a P-Diddy on him. And, and, and… yes, it’s just an accusation, but… when you have a group, uh, the whole Sports World has bent over backwards for hip-hop and rap, and they’ve tried to meld the cultures.

This is what comes along with it.

It’s GAY.

It’s sex, drugs and GAY.

It is!

That’s the, that’s the entry point, that’s the, uh, uh… pledge you have to make, that’s the ritual, the right of passage you have to go through.

Someone has to violate you, to reach the top of that food chain.

And so, I’m not saying it’s true about Stefan Diggs, but when I look around, and you start wondering like, how are these idiots all getting empowered, everywhere?

How’s… Matt Barnes got IQ around 75. He’s the CEO of All the Smoke Productions, he’s interviewing Kamala Harris, he, you know, all the, it’s like, they’ve gone through the ritual.

There’s a reason why, uh, uh Kwami Brown called him ‘Becky with the good hair‘.

It wasn’t just cuz he’s light skinned. Kwami was trying to get at something that other (throws hands in the air)… and so, all of these guys, they’re scared, they’re wondering what Donald Trump’s ascension… and they know that they just one Instagram or Twitter post away from, uh, being in the same position Stefan Diggs is, he’s walking into the locker room and guys looking like what’s up bro?

Want to tell us, what, what’s, did you drug, are we looking at P-Diggsy?

They all know they’re vulnerable, and it literally, and and I say that, I, I say that there’s a reason I fled Los Angeles man, and just like, shut it down, turn down, like holy, this stuff out here is too crazy man.

And in order to get to the top there’s things you have to do that I… I’m good, I’ll pass.”

Gail Combs

I get the feeling it is ALL going to come out.

Dribble… Dribble… FLOOD!


I had no idea about the GAY part, OR that it had been melded with professional sports.

And THAT would explain the whole pussification of professional sports, because it wasn’t just radical feminism in the boardrooms pushing all the DEI B.S., it’s the GAY MAFIA.

Maybe it’s not in Baseball yet, and they just installed a 32-year old woman as coach of a male national hockey league team so they’re in full infiltration mode there, but it looks like the sports that are predominantly black (NFL and NBA) are already far gone into this devil-homo culture (cult!) stuff.

Think about all the Satanic and sexual ritual absurdity during Super Bowl halftime shows in recent years.

And then at the Olympics.

And even at CERN.

When the lid blows off this pit of raw sewage, it’s going to affect the whole world.

Last edited 8 hours ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Q was VERY conservative in what they said about this mess.


From Insty —

“A sky scraper went into space, returned to earth, and parallel parked” – Sylvia Smith

— Judianna (@Judianna) October 13, 2024


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Learn to farm becomes the new Learn to code 😊

pat frederick

well…as my mom says…they don’t know their ass from a hole in the planting would be interesting

Barb Meier

Hrmmm… brings new meaning to ‘plant your @ss.’

pat frederick


Gail Combs


Gail Combs

Unfortunately the DC bureau-Rats would be less than useless on a farm.

No muscle, No stamina, No will to learn.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

vacuum skulls.

Gail Combs

AND a holier than thou attitude to boot.


We could compost them and use them as fertilizer 🙂

Gail Combs

Now that is a good idea IF they are not toxic.


Don’t donkeys know that most farms use machines to pick the produce?

Been that way for a few decades. They should update their farm workers narrative.


It’s interesting that where I used to live in a farm/orchard area in Ca it was a pretty cohesive operation of workers. Back in the day many were seasonal, some still are but even the ones that settled there brought their fellow workers from their region in Mx. I’m sure outsiders also got hired on but for the most part it was compadres from their home turf.
Wonder what they think of hundreds of fawned over newbies from all over bumfegypt that at the signing of a fed or ngo check could displace them??

Gail Combs

The farmer here used to hire the same folks every year. He even drove down to the Mexican border to pick them up. I very much doubt they would be happy with the new illegals.


I agree. Produce is tricky business and expensive. They want field hands that don’t damage the berries, lettuce, etc. I used to get mad at them sometimes for leaving their wadded up tinfoil from lunch but do I ever have a different view now! At least they weren’t eating the pets and being threatening.

Gail Combs

Here it is tobacco and cotton. Still you want seasoned guys that know the job. They stayed here from spring thru fall and then went home for the winter.

When caving in Mexico I met a guy who had been an immigrant worker in the USA. He saved his money bought land in Mexico and was the local sheriff. In his Mexican village he was part of the ‘elite.’


Heard several life stories exactly the same. The gal that delivers flowers for me at the memorial park in Watsonville every month , she and her guy doing that right now. Little by little building a cool house. I saw some pictures, not a mcmansion but niice.

Gail Combs

I have ZERO problem with those type of immigrant workers. Heck a lot of them are my customers. Mexicans LOVE horses and want their kids to ride.


Not much reason to continue my Fire! series with the general public finally waking up to what all of the “acts of God” are really about. Wyoming was up next. DePat’s post has handled that. Folks can dig on their own for that one. I will finish the series with the eternal implications of abusing God’s creation and people in the Finale.

It is similar in intent to what the evil doers are doing by buying some of the Christian church influence today. It is nothing but a circumvention of God’s clear intent for His creation. Gail has already provided information about it going back nearly 200 years in America. However, we know it has gone on since the early Christian church post resurrection. Seems there are as many or more Pharisees in the Christian Church as there are with the Jews.


@amuse did a very detailed investigation of the Neo (Neo) NAZI of Florida who had tried to infiltrate the Trump Boat parade:
Basically DemonRats, ANTIFA and Fed Boys

Florida Democrats Routinely Collaborate With Neo-Nazis to Malign and Defame Republicans

This weekend, a group of Democrat-connected neo-Nazis staged an intrusion at Lara Trump’s “Trump Boat Parade” in Florida. Their video, eagerly amplified by left-wing operatives, seeks to create a fraudulent association between Republicans and Nazism. But this manipulation backfires spectacularly. In reality, these groups and their tactics illuminate the unsavory connections between the modern Democrat Party and totalitarian impulses—a symbiotic relationship they’ve honed to perfection. Here is a video the Democrats are sharing widely today:

The fact of the matter is that these idiots are not welcome and some of the videos posted by MAGA folks make this clear.

The unholy collaboration between Florida Democrats and so-called neo-Nazis found its inception when Ron DeSantis emerged as a gubernatorial contender, and has unfalteringly persisted. Floridians, evidently satisfied with DeSantis’ stewardship, left his adversaries with no choice but to lean on the oldest trope in the book: labeling him a Nazi. Florida’s top Democrat, Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, has made it her mission to draw a false equivalence between DeSantis—formerly a high school history teacher—and Adolf Hitler. She unabashedly confirmed her position during an interview with Miami News Channel 5’s Michael Williams, stating:

“What I said, very clearly, was that a lot of the actions that Ron DeSantis has been taking mirror some of the actions that were taken by Hitler on his rise to power.”

Right as Broward County Democrats began their theatrical claims of DeSantis being a reincarnation of Hitler, an odd spectacle took root. Almost every time conservatives assembled in cities like Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, or Miami, a familiar cast of shadowy figures—draped in Black Bloc and posing as neo-Nazis—would miraculously materialize. These individuals, armed with flags and signs adorned with Nazi swastikas, SS bolts, and antisemitic messages, always seemed to arrive on cue. Their appearances, predictably, were swiftly covered by leftist alternative media, followed by coordinated denunciations from figures like Charlie Crist and Nikki Fried. The condemnations invariably targeted DeSantis and other conservatives, alleging a delayed repudiation of these actors who, conveniently, seemed all too ready to provide Democratic operatives with made-for-camera villainy.×900

Curiously, this diminutive cohort of Nazi protesters has a peculiar aversion to Democratic events—quite the anomaly, considering neo-Nazis have a long tradition of crashing gatherings that celebrate LGBTQ, Black, Latino, and immigrant communities. Yet, when Florida Democrats rally or host events, these “Nazis” are conspicuously absent, nowhere to be found among the rainbow banners or immigrant pride celebrations. Instead, these self-proclaimed Nazis appear to exhibit an uncanny knack for timing, as if synchronizing their protests with the Democratic Party’s calendar and aligning their message with both alternative and mainstream media outlets. One might almost conclude there’s a hidden hand at play.

Who are these people, exactly? Are they genuinely committed to advancing the twisted ideals of the Nazi movement, or are they actors in a shadowy drama, scripted by unseen directors with an agenda far removed from the rhetoric they espouse? Perhaps, it is time we took a moment to differentiate between these political theatre performers and the historical image of real Nazis in America. Understanding the latter might shed some light on the bizarre alliance that modern neo-Nazis seem to have forged with the Democratic narrative.


Thanks to diligent efforts by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), we have a comprehensive dossier on the neo-Nazis of Florida—complete with names, addresses, and even snapshots. The Bureau of Prisons has also done its part, tracking the identities of transient neo-Nazis as they drift in and out of the American penal system. It’s crucial to understand that the vast majority of those who label themselves as neo-Nazis found their ideological roots while incarcerated, introduced to the American Nazi Party not through ideology but through the brutal calculus of survival in prison yards. Without the institutionalization of prison gangs, the ADL suggests we’d be looking at no more than a dozen such adherents across the entire United States.

According to the ADL, there is precisely one neo-Nazi group based in Florida. Headquartered in Kissimmee, this group—numbering somewhere between a ragtag twelve and two dozen—has been helmed by Burt Colucci since 2019 under the banner of the “National Socialist Movement” (NSM). The ADL asserts that both the neo-Nazi movement and the NSM in particular have been on a steep decline since 2017. Yet, despite this decline, Florida’s NSM remains, curiously enough, the most active neo-Nazi faction in America, holding rallies nationwide and livestreaming their fervor on the American Nazi Party’s website. It’s almost guaranteed that any neo-Nazi rally making headlines across the country traces its roots back to Florida’s NSM. Their vitriol typically targets LGBTQ communities, immigrants, Jews, and the federal government—there is not a whisper of history indicating any animosity towards conservatives. They seem quite specific, even meticulous, in their targets.

These are REAL Neo-Nazis and they’re very dangerous.

By 2022, Florida’s neo-Nazis found themselves in complete disarray, as nearly every member faced arrest for one crime or another. In a decisive move, Attorney General Bill Barr, under the directive of President Trump, ordered the FBI to infiltrate and dismantle the National Socialist Movement (NSM) due to their involvement in the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” rally. The mission was not merely symbolic but devastatingly effective. The once-noisy NSM was swiftly reduced to a fractured shell of its former self, thanks to the unwavering resolve of an administration that didn’t merely posture but acted.

Adding insult to injury, the NSM and its leaders were held liable in a civil conspiracy lawsuit for their role in the Charlottesville attack, culminating in a judgment requiring them to pay more than $2 million to the victims. This financial reckoning effectively “defunded” the neo-Nazi movement, stripping it of both resources and influence. It seems that, while Democrats claim to be the arbiters of justice, it was under conservative leadership that this dark chapter of neo-Nazism was methodically dismantled.

These are REAL Neo-Nazis and they’re very dangerous.

At the end of the day, the 2017 Unite the Right rally was perhaps the height of the Neo-Nazi movement in the United States – things have declined since then with almost no Neo-Nazi activity in 2022 according to the ADL.

2021 – 2022 • Leadership Arrested, Awaiting Trial, Convicted

Sept 2021 • Longview, TX • Conference (16 Members)

Apr2021 • Phoenix, AZ • Flash Protest @ Park (14 Members)

Jun 2020 • Ulysses, PA • Flash Protest @ Park (15 Members)

Jun 2019 • Ulysses, PA • Conference (10 Members)

Jul 2019 • Tazewell, TN • Failed Alliance with KKK (6 Members)

Jun 2019 8 Detroit, MI • Pride Parade Protest (10 Members)

Nov2019 • Little Rock, AR • Rally at Capitol (20 Members)

Apr 2018 • Newnan, GA • Public Rally (10 Members + 30 Aryans)

Oct 2017 • Shelbyville, TN • White Lives Matter (20+ Members)

Aug 2017 • Charlottesville, VA • Unite the Right Rally (30+ Members)

So, who are these neo-Nazis showing up to protest conservatives in Florida? Given the dismantling of the actual National Socialist Movement, the arrests, the civil judgments, and the effective defunding of their entire operation, one has to wonder: just who are these mysterious “Nazis” that conveniently materialize at conservative gatherings with impeccable timing?


It is glaringly obvious that the so-called neo-Nazis protesting at conservative events across Florida have somehow managed to elude the vigilant eyes of the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Remarkably, these agitators form a new breed of extremists—let’s call them “Neo-Neo-Nazis”—distinct from the prison-gang types we’ve historically seen across America. The differences are striking, and not just skin deep:

No Prison Gang Tattoos: Unlike the typical neo-Nazi, who proudly flaunts their prison gang affiliations in ink, these individuals are conspicuously tattoo-free.

Athletic Build: Rather than the stereotypical neo-Nazi physique—shall we say, “robust” or outright obese—these actors are either athletic or slender, a curious departure indeed.

Clean-Cut Appearance: Sporting clean-shaven faces and crew cuts, they look more like ROTC recruits than hardened radicals. Traditional neo-Nazis generally either don a rugged beard or go full skinhead.

Concealed Identities: These protesters hide behind masks and reflective sunglasses, unlike conventional neo-Nazis, who rarely hide their faces. They typically prefer the intimidation factor of baring it all.

Backpack Carriers: Each carries what can only be described as a college-student-style backpack. Considering that neo-Nazis are usually forbidden from carrying backpacks for “security reasons” (hard to hide things that shouldn’t be there otherwise), this is a bizarre deviation.

GoPro Enthusiasts: Their ranks also include multiple members equipped with GoPro cameras strapped to their bodies, recording every moment for posterity or, more likely, for some creative editing by their handlers later. Neo-Nazis generally avoid such self-surveillance, for obvious reasons.

Gender Diversity: Surprisingly, this group includes women. The traditional neo-Nazi establishment tends to relegate women to the sidelines, rarely if ever allowing them to march or participate meaningfully. Yet here they are, equal partners in protest.

Intrigued by this odd assortment, I attempted to unmask them. I distributed a “Seeking Information” poster, courtesy of the newly minted “Department of Denazification,” on various ANTIFA and Anti-Nazi Subreddits. The Neo-Neo-Nazis at the Tampa Convention Center on July 23rd may yet be identified.×900

The Department of Denazification is Seeking Information on the Neo-Neo-Nazis.

The responses to my “Seeking Information” poster were nothing short of revealing. Suddenly, these groups, ostensibly dedicated to obliterating anything Nazi-related, had an unexpected change of heart. Some ANTIFA members accused me of “illegally doxxing” the protesters. One member cautioned, quite righteously:

“There may be more going on that you don’t understand. These people haven’t done anything illegal. They don’t deserve to be doxxed.”

Another user echoed this sentiment:

“They are allowed to do all of this. You are not allowed to doxx people’s personal information.”

Curiously enough, a third individual chimed in with a misunderstanding, suggesting that the “National Socialist Movement” was merely some unfortunate sartorial choice:

“Suspect one literally has a National Socialist Movement hat. F*** off. Sure is easy to treat it like some quirky belief when you’re not in the line of fire.”

Upon further discussion, she admitted she thought they were ANTIFA and hadn’t realized they were Nazis. It turns out it’s easy to mix up your villains when your ideology hinges on theater.

Yet, amid all this feigned outrage, most commenters seemed perfectly aware of what these “Neo-Neo-Nazis” were truly about—an elaborate attempt to masquerade as legitimate extremists while conveniently providing leftist activists and their media allies with the villain they so desperately need. Eventually, I was banned from these groups when they realized I was, in fact, a conservative, having a bit of fun at their expense. However, before the bans came raining down, the message was clear: almost everyone knew these “Neo-Neo-Nazis” were play-acting, there to slander conservatives as dangerous radicals.

The truth of the matter is that the supposed neo-Nazis protesting conservatives at the Tampa Convention Center on July 23rd were more likely a coalition of Democrats, Lincoln Project sympathizers, paid actors, or perhaps even ANTIFA in disguise. And, thanks to an abundance of photographs from that day, we can scrutinize these “actors” for who they are. Coincidentally, Dave Decker, a freelance photographer well-known for covering protests and marches for Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights, and Democratic campaigns, somehow got the memo that these Neo-Neo-Nazis would be there. Convenient, no? Witnesses at the event observed Decker seemingly coordinating with the group, directing their movements to ensure he captured the most compelling shots of Nazi imagery.

But let’s not waste any more time—let’s get a closer look at these so-called Neo-Neo-Nazis who seem to have taken Florida by storm. Who knows, maybe we’ll recognize a few familiar faces.

Suspect No. 1 is an enigma. He might be a homeless guy the group found or he might have heard about the Neo-Nazi gathering from someone and showed up. I have no idea. He is not like the other Neo-Neo-Nazis who were at the event.

Let’s begin with who I’m calling Suspect No. 1—the proverbial exception that proves the rule. Unlike his fellow protesters, Suspect No. 1 appears to be wearing an authentic National Socialist Movement (NSM) shirt and hat. Notably, no one else at the event donned anything similar, making me think he might’ve bought it himself, perhaps from some dark corner of the internet or a discount clearance bin for neo-Nazi memorabilia. The fact that it looked brand new gave me pause, but I do think it’s genuine—unlike the flimsy theatrics the rest were putting on. It’s worth noting that he alone bore these distinctive symbols, setting him apart as something of a lone wolf amidst the contrived pack.

The ink on Suspect No. 1 is also telling. He’s sporting a LOT of tattoos that I’d classify as prison tattoos—symbols synonymous with the grim ranks of incarcerated neo-Nazis. Among them, I spotted lightning bolts, albeit seemingly covered up by more recent designs, possibly a half-hearted attempt at reform or simply a bid to be employable outside the confines of organized hate groups. Unlike the rest, Suspect No. 1 isn’t hiding his identity—this is a rule of thumb for the old guard of neo-Nazis, who generally relish the intimidation factor of exposing themselves for who they are.

But the real telltale sign of his authenticity? His reception—or rather, the lack thereof—by the other so-called Neo-Neo-Nazis. In all the videos and pictures, he’s like a pariah, with the rest of the group giving him a wide berth, as though he carried the plague. One could almost hear the whispers of his faux comrades, muttering amongst themselves, “Holy crap, that guy is a real Nazi!” It’s a bizarre dynamic—one that suggests this lone “authentic” participant may have been an unwelcome reality check for a group that was more cosplay than conviction.

Neo-Neo-Nazi Suspect No.10 is NOT a real Neo-Nazi. I can’t help but assume he’s simply a Democratic operative. He brought the DeSantis flag and he was working with the freelance protest photographer.

Suspect No. 10 looks as though he was plucked straight from the Hillsborough County Democratic office and dropped into a neo-Nazi rally as an undercover theater major. Unlike his more enthusiastic counterparts, he isn’t adorned in any Nazi paraphernalia—no SS bolts, no swastikas, not even a tacky iron cross. Instead, he’s the proud bearer of both a Nazi flag and, rather conspicuously, a DeSantis flag. It’s as if he wants to ensure that if the camera catches him, the narrative is as politically expedient as possible: Nazis for DeSantis—a propaganda gem, conveniently gift-wrapped for the media.

The absurdity doesn’t end there. Suspect No. 10 documents the whole charade with a GoPro strapped to what looks suspiciously like an emasculating BDSM harness—let’s just say it’s not a look typically seen on those who take themselves very seriously. And like the rest of his Neo-Neo-Nazi crew, he remains completely masked and obscured throughout the event, concealing his identity like a timid protester at a G20 summit. Anonymity is, after all, the hallmark of anyone who might be playing a part rather than truly believing in the cause they’re supposedly promoting.

In terms of interaction, Suspect No. 10 keeps to himself, save for one notable exception: a freelance photographer known for covering leftist protests and rallies. Together, they coordinate to artfully arrange the DeSantis flag among the Nazi flags and signs—a masterclass in visual framing for political manipulation. The photographs tell the story they want you to hear: that neo-Nazis are flocking to DeSantis. Below, you can see how frequently the DeSantis flag is strategically captured with the supposed Neo-Neo-Nazis, cementing the imagery for anyone gullible enough to believe it’s organic.

The Protest Photographer carefully ensures that the DeSantis flag is featured prominently in his photographs of the staged event.

Neo-Neo-Nazi Suspect No. 7 is NOT a real Neo-Nazi. She’s most likely a social justice warrior or ANTIFA who likely believes DeSantis is actually a Nazi – she’s just trying to help the rest of the country realize he is.

Suspect No. 7 is an intriguing figure—I’m not entirely sure what gender she identifies as, but she appears to be a biological female. This, in itself, is noteworthy. Genuine neo-Nazi groups are notoriously restrictive when it comes to including women in these types of public actions. There are, of course, exceptions, but they’re about as rare as a polite Twitter debate. Yet here she is, front and center, breaking the mold with an uncharacteristic level of involvement.

Her appearance is another anomaly. She sports short blonde hair and black nail polish—choices not exactly emblematic of traditional neo-Nazi aesthetics. The typical neo-Nazi woman, when included, tends to stick to a more conservative, almost retro look—a far cry from Suspect No. 7’s punk-inspired styling. She isn’t decked out in any NSM gear that I could discern, but then again, the shirt she’s wearing remains an enigma (fingers crossed it doesn’t say anything worse than what we’ve already seen).

One of the most striking elements, however, is the flag she’s carrying. It features an artistic silhouette of a swastika on a black background—a design choice that’s certainly more Etsy than Aryan Brotherhood. The thought of a neo-Nazi taking the time to craft a tasteful, silhouetted swastika feels like a leap; subtlety and artistry are not exactly their trademark qualities. More peculiar still, she’s carrying pepper spray or mace, a glaring violation of an unspoken neo-Nazi rule: no weapons. True neo-Nazis understand that bringing even a hint of weaponry to these events gives law enforcement the perfect pretext to take them down—something they generally try to avoid.

Finally, like her compatriots in this bizarre cast of characters, Suspect No. 7 conceals her identity, hidden behind a mask. Real neo-Nazis often prefer to reveal themselves boldly—they wear their hate on their sleeve, both literally and figuratively. Suspect No. 7, however, chooses anonymity, further distinguishing her from the very group she purports to represent.

Neo-Neo-Nazi Suspect No. 4 is NOT a real Neo-Nazi. He’s clearly a LARPer who does not understand either Neo-Nazi rules or culture.

Suspect No. 4 shares quite a few similarities with several of his fellow Neo-Neo-Nazis—similar enough that we won’t bother to include all of their photos in this discussion. He isn’t wearing any National Socialist Movement (NSM) insignia or any gear even remotely related to classic neo-Nazi iconography. Instead, he’s got a t-shirt that seems to say something indecipherable—perhaps as meaningless as his attempt at neo-Nazi cosplay—mostly obscured by the same emasculating BDSM harness and GoPro setup that Suspect No. 10 proudly sports.

But the pièce de résistance of his ensemble is undoubtedly the helmet. It’s a German M40 WWII “Halloween costume” helmet, clearly made of lightweight green plastic. Authentic neo-Nazis, when trying to mimic their ideological ancestors, tend to wear M40 Stahlhelms made from heavy gauge mild steel, painted in ominous satin black, complete with SS decals—emphasizing intimidation. A helmet designed for LARPers (Live Action Role-Playing), and painted in green no less, just doesn’t quite strike fear in anyone’s heart. I doubt a self-respecting neo-Nazi would be caught dead in a costume helmet—unless it was, indeed, part of an ill-conceived costume.

But what really gives Suspect No. 4—and his comrades—away as imposters are the accessories. The bullhorns they’re using are adorned with multiple Alex Jones’ INFOWARS stickers, along with Blue Lives Matter and Thin Blue Line decals. Authentic neo-Nazis have little love for Alex Jones, considering the numerous conspiracies he’s spread that shine a negative light on them. And neo-Nazis disliking the police is almost a given—most of them are felons, after all, and law enforcement isn’t high on their list of favorite institutions.

Update: A few sharp-eyed observers suggested that Suspects No. 4 and No. 7, particularly those wearing the skull face masks, might belong to a group called the AtomWaffen Division (AWD)—a group known for its frightening aesthetics, including those masks. However, it turns out that skull face masks are far more mainstream than expected—more than 1,000 sellers on Amazon carry one or more variations of the skull face mask, available with the click of a button. It’s a good reminder that sometimes “scary” is just a marketing tactic, and what looks ominous might just be part of a generic Halloween sale.

Just who exactly are the AtomWaffen Division? This peculiar group was the brainchild of an eighteen-year-old named Brandon Clint Russell, a citizen of the Bahamas who, for reasons still mystifying to most, decided Tampa was the perfect place to set up shop for his peculiar brand of Nazi-LARPing (Live Action Role Playing). Around 2014, he gathered a few equally disenchanted individuals and founded what he dubbed the AtomWaffen Division. Russell’s roommates—Devon Arthurs, Jeremy Himmelman, and Andrew Oneschuk—initially shared his radical fantasy but soon tired of the Nazi dress-up games. In a curious twist, these three aspiring extremists got a new idea: they decided to convert to a radical form of Islam.

In 2017, the Tampa Bay Times reported an episode straight out of the pages of a twisted novel: Devon Arthurs, now a convert to radical Islam, was accused of killing his two roommates, Himmelman and Oneschuk, because they dared to criticize his religious conversion. More dramatically, they were reportedly planning to blow up a nuclear power plant, a plan Arthurs apparently thought was destined to fail. According to prosecutors, the argument unfolded because Arthurs challenged their plan to use Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine (HMTD) as a means of destroying a reactor—he argued that HMTD would be far better suited for suicide bombing, which tells you everything you need to know about this group’s grasp of science and common sense.

The tragedy culminated with Arthurs shooting and killing Himmelman (22) and Oneschuck (18). When Russell returned home, he found his best friends and roommates dead—truly a grim scene for someone who seemed to believe in radicalism as a game. Despite his distress, Russell was promptly arrested by the FBI, initially under suspicion of being involved in the murders. While he was eventually cleared of the homicides, he didn’t get off scot-free: the FBI found HMTD explosive materials—a favorite of Al-Qaeda suicide bombers—lying around his apartment. Though he wasn’t part of the murders, the FBI decided not to let this particular red flag slide, leading to his prosecution. Russell was ultimately released from prison on August 23, 2021, and has, by most accounts, refrained from returning to his pre-arrest Nazi-LARPing activities.

What remains of the AtomWaffen Division today seems more laughable than terrifying. It has dwindled to a small group—perhaps a dozen or so online trolls—who spend their time gleefully provoking outrage from behind the comfort of their screens. The Associated Press has reported that these so-called AtomWaffen members don’t see themselves as monsters; instead, they fancy themselves as provocateurs, parodying neo-Nazi activities for an online audience. Whether this is just delusion or an attempt to soften their image is anyone’s guess.

So were the protesters in skull masks AtomWaffen LARPers, or were they genuine neo-Nazis intent on smearing Governor DeSantis by provoking public outrage? The real question, however, is whether figures like Charlie Crist or Nikki Fried are coordinating with them. It’s one thing to have a few misguided individuals running around in costumes, but quite another if Florida’s top Democrats are playing puppet masters, orchestrating this bizarre theatre to score cheap political points. In this game of shadowy actors and provocateurs, the connections are what matter—and they are the connections we should be most curious about.

The next batch of suspects—Suspects No. 3, 8, 9, 11, and 12—stood out for their peculiar detachment from the rest of the Neo-Neo-Nazi crew. These individuals, all decked out in red, kept a calculated distance from their black bloc-wearing counterparts. Even more suspiciously, several users on the ANTIFA Subreddit curiously identified these red-clad suspects as ANTIFA members. It makes one wonder if this was a convenient slip or an unintentional revelation.

This group wore newly printed masks and t-shirts adorned with Nazi symbols—symbols that, notably, are also used by Ukraine’s infamous Nazi Azov Battalion. It’s as though they plucked their imagery directly from an online pop-up shop catering to “enthusiasts” of the Ukraine conflict. They were carrying a pristine German War Ensign featuring a swastika, alongside a Black Sun flag. Neither of these flags is typically seen among American neo-Nazi groups. The reason? Their European counterparts are largely barred from displaying such symbols, meaning the cultural significance doesn’t quite translate to U.S.-based groups. The Black Sun flag, specifically, has been co-opted by those with pro-Ukraine sympathies. Neo-Nazis, for their part, do use the Black Sun—but as a tattoo or insignia, not as an ensign to wave in the air like some poorly chosen statement of allegiance.

The men in red were generally fit—much more so than the average participant in these types of rallies—and, conspicuously, they didn’t seem like your typical ANTIFA crowd. They also carried college-style backpacks, looking more like students on their way to a lecture than participants in a neo-Nazi rally. As a final twist, I took a closer look through photos of local college Democrat groups, and wouldn’t you know it, I found a few familiar faces—doppelgangers, to be precise. It seems the line between dedicated student activist and Nazi LARPer might be thinner than one would think, or at least more intentionally blurred.

This peculiar detachment, this very orchestrated appearance of “Nazism” without a corresponding ideological backbone—it all paints a picture of a group that isn’t what it claims to be. They may have been there to add fuel to the spectacle, but whether their allegiance lay with traditional neo-Nazism or whether they were merely actors in an elaborate political performance remains an open question. And, of course, one can’t help but wonder: who might have cast them in this drama, and for what purpose? Could they be the stagehands of a larger production, one designed to smear those who threaten the Democratic establishment’s narrative?

Neo-Neo-Nazi Suspect No. 2 is NOT a real Neo-Nazi. She’s a very uncomfortable and nervous college student. She was awkwardly standing back and filming her fellow companions in red.

Suspect No. 2 will be our last examination, and her demeanor speaks volumes. In various videos and photographs, it was abundantly clear that she was extremely uncomfortable and visibly nervous. Unlike the rest of her “fellow Nazis,” who seemed determined to embody some caricature of the movement, Suspect No. 2 looked like someone who’d much rather be anywhere else. She stood alongside the suspects in red shirts, sporting the same ensemble—a red shirt and mask—but with an inexplicable twist: a long-sleeve yellow shirt beneath, despite the stifling 92º temperatures. The choice suggests someone perhaps unfamiliar with the basic logistics of outdoor protesting—certainly not the attire of someone fully committed to the Nazi image they were supposed to project.

Her hat bore the Black Sun symbol, continuing the apparent thematic confusion of the group in red. Her mere presence as a woman at a neo-Nazi gathering was a significant deviation from the norm, given the general reluctance of neo-Nazi groups to include women in their frontline activities. Like the others in red, she had a college-style backpack, further underscoring the lack of authenticity in their supposed extremist roles.

What stood out most about Suspect No. 2, however, was her role in documenting the event. She remained towards the back, holding a gimbal-mounted GoPro and filming her comrades—a practice entirely foreign to genuine neo-Nazi rallies. Traditional neo-Nazis do not film their own demonstrations for posterity or promo reels; they certainly wouldn’t meticulously record their own antics as though capturing a theatrical performance. It wasn’t about capturing counter-protesters or proving self-defense; this was about creating content, reinforcing the idea that the entire affair was nothing more than a political performance.

It’s difficult not to draw parallels between these red-shirted individuals and past incidents of false flag operations—particularly the infamous Tiki Torch stunt orchestrated by the Lincoln Project in Charlottesville, VA, during Glenn Youngkin’s gubernatorial campaign. That operation was intended to smear Youngkin by creating the illusion of white nationalist support, and when the actors were exposed, the narrative quickly crumbled. If you’re unfamiliar with that incident, I recommend reading up on it [HERE]. Once you’ve taken a look at those Tiki Torch actors, tell me if you don’t see the uncanny similarity with these red-shirted Neo-Neo-Nazis: a poorly orchestrated group, assembled for a specific effect, performing their roles for the camera rather than representing any real conviction.

At the end of the day, it’s abundantly clear that political opponents of Governor DeSantis—and conservatives, in general—are actively orchestrating attempts to associate the GOP with Nazis in the minds of Florida voters. Yet, the reality is starkly different: not a single GOP official supports neo-Nazis. Governor DeSantis has repeatedly condemned these individuals, despite his well-founded belief that they’re being used as political pawns by Nikki Fried, Charlie Crist, and their Democratic allies.

The irony here is as thick as it is unsettling. Nikki, Charlie, and their supporters are allegedly collaborating with people parading through Florida, emblazoned with symbols straight out of Nazi Germany—symbols representing the very regime that murdered millions of Jews, including relatives of many of their own constituents. These so-called Neo-Neo-Nazis, though they may be actors in a farcical production, spread a very real message of hate. They carry antisemitic signs, shout racist and homophobic slurs, and do their utmost to make Florida a less welcoming place for all. The truth is that the actual neo-Nazi presence in Florida today numbers fewer than two dozen individuals. It’s time for Nikki, Charlie, and the Democrats to let them fade away. It’s time to stop fanning the flames of hatred for political gain.

The next time you see a group of “Neo-Nazis” turning up at a conservative event and hear Nikki Fried, Charlie Crist, or Andrew Gillum at a press conference, slamming Governor DeSantis for supposedly not denouncing them quickly enough—remember this: it’s very likely that they had a hand in coordinating the spectacle. If you happen to be a reporter, maybe it’s time to ask them about it. A little sunlight, after all, is the best disinfectant…

Tatonka Woman

Long Thread??

It’s a whole piece of cloth!!!


Gail Combs has been challenged in the competition for first place in the Seminar Masquerading as a Comment race.  😂 

Gail Combs



Verse of the Day for Tuesday, October 15, 2024

“In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.” 

Psalms 56:11 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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When the walls come crashing down on you
When slings and arrows fly out of the blue
When all appears lost with no hope in sight
When no solution adheres to your plight 


When you are weary of thinking it through
When you’ve exhausted a way out for you
When the voices in your head keep damning
When the doors and windows keep slamming


Remember that God is a friend not a foe
He is right by your side wherever you go
He does not condemn when you have fallen
He is right there waiting when you call in


When your options are few or so you think
He is there with a hand up from the brink
Go quickly to Him as your first import
Let Him never be your last resort


When there seems to be no relief from pain
Keep pleading with Him all over again
Perhaps you have trouble praying outright
Take authority it will be alright


Be honest and tell Him down on your knees
You cannot tackle this alone if you please
Acknowledge His prowess over it all
That nothing for Him is ever too small


If you feel foolish and somewhat ashamed
He understands and you will not be blamed
His heart is as great as His love for you
His correction might be harsh hard to do


Believe it or not you will rise higher
On the wings of eagles quite the flyer
His judgements are fair and for your own good
Obey His commands rightly as you should


You’ll feel His Fatherly love surrounding
Your head will be relieved from the pounding
The enemy will no longer laugh out loud
You’re a Child of God and you should be proud!!!

D01: 05/20/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Good Morning!


Rally info Part 1.

1 Yes, 100k + including attendees and attempted attendees which were turned away, which could possibly be higher bc turn aways were on fwy.

2 Starting at 12 noon, so 6 hrs after people could park, roughly EVERY 2 MINUTES, there was a medical call for dehydration and/or heat stroke. It was nonstop. USSS made the fact that no shade was allowed and there were no trees a medical nightmare.

3 The sherriff’s dept WAS NOT, I REPEAT NOT in charge of traffic control OR the bus shuttles for the rally. That was  % the responsibility of the organizers, ie the Trump campaign, rnc, whomever.

4 At 2 pm % of the campaign traffuc organizers LEFT THE AREA. The Sherriff’s Dept was left high and dry to manage Alllllll those attendees who wanted to see the rally and go home. THE SHERRIFF’S DEPARTMENT DID NOT HAVE STAFF FOR THIS. They had to use deputies who were there in full riot gear to stage for a potential threat or riot as traffic cops, and obviously there were not enough of them BECAUSE

5 THE RALLY ORGANIZERS ONLY PLANNED FOR 20,000 and did NOT help mitigate the issues afterward

6 People were not allowed to leave the rally site BECAUSE the roads had to be kept CLEAR for the busses to move people to the parking lots.

7 BUT bc there were NOT ENOUGH BUSSES, bc the organizers did not supply them AND LEFT, people were literally chanting “Let us out.” Thats when they started climbing fences and walking tiward their parking, 5 miles.

8 LEO then had to firce people off the streets, in addition to emptying the parking lots, the best they could do, bc, again, the organizers LEFT.

9 A leo in attendance stated, for him, knowing the area, he got back to his car, and the 1.5 hr drive home took 4 hours explicitly due to traffic only. This DOES NOT include the time to get from the rally site to his car and out of the parking lot.

10 All the deputies assigned to the rally worked a MINIMUM 17 HOUR DAY.

This was a cluster, caused by the organizers, who only gave RSD 3 weeks to prepare and then bailed.

11. This is a reflection on what they did in Colorado as well.

Part 2.

The arrest. Info later. All I know atm is the guy is threatening to sue.


Who are the organizers? Trump’s people, or local California people?


That is what i am waiting for clarification on.


I do know that a lot of people were volunteers for the rally but that was on the rally site. Volunteers couldnt be in the street directing traffic so thats unclear to me just yet.


That’s terrible that it was so poorly run. After the fun is over you want to get to the car!


I think people didnt understand the desert or prep for the weather. Makes it a much more tiring day.

Gail Combs

No shade is very bad news in the desert. Even here in NC I do not go out without a hat and neither does Hubby. A broad brimmed hat can be a real help. and of course water. I know back packs are a no-no but tying a string around a few bottles of water and hanging them off a shoulder is a possibility.

I never wore a hat up north BTW.


Frozen h2o bottles wouldve been good.

Robert Baker

5 THE RALLY ORGANIZERS ONLY PLANNED FOR 20,000 and did NOT help mitigate the issues afterward

Aside from their planning objectives being off by a factor of 5, I do not see how mitigation could have helped much after the fact. As you say later, it was a cluster.


They were needed for orderly shuttle transfers, disabled, helping people leave parking so police could direct on streets. There arent many streetlights and people from out of area in that large of crowd need help. They also could have helped give remaining water to people waiting. Just more courtesy assistance and direction than the other end. All hands on deck situation.

Gail Combs

Just people directing the crowd would help. Trump rally crowds are normally very peaceful and law abiding.


All very odd to me.




Yes, i agree. Cops even helped transport some people back to their cars in their units. They were doing their best.


DJT should cancel whatever check was paid to the organizers. He has been known to do that many times for contractors who do terrible work.

FIRE and REPLACE them.


I saw an unconfirmed quote from a bus driver that they felt threatened by attendees and decided to stop running the busses. If thats true your idea is valid.


More valid i meant.

pat frederick

October 15, 2024 12:55 pm

“Georgia judge rules election officials must certify vote counts, even if they suspect fraud”
You can call to ask for an explanation here:
Michelle Hansberry, Judicial Assistant
Call Us: 404-612-6907
I just called. Michelle picked up. She said they were not required to provide an explanation on this ruling. I suggest people call and put pressure on them.


Don’t pick on the clerks! She isn’t authorized to give legal advice.

Putting pressure on them will just get them to hunker down and NEVER give out any assistance in the future.

If you really want to know what it means, ask an attorney. Most law offices have chatrooms or comment boxes.


Just “Certify” the vote counts as… Fraudulent.


Why not pretend to count the votes, pluck a number out of thin air and certify? Our elections are more corrupt than most 3rd world countries and protected by compromised judges..or maybe stupid, passed along by DEI which isn’t new. Now it’s out in the open.


Suspect fraud?

Do NOT certify.

D U H !


Certify as Fraud.

pat frederick

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3-D legacy.


I’m posting this for informational purposes. It’s a debunking of Black Insurrectionist’s methodology and claims. I think the more scrutiny it receives, the closer we will get to the truth.

I haven’t seen any new drops from Black Insurrectionist yesterday or today, after he said he had posted 13 out of about 40 and would provide more yesterday.

ABC ‘whistleblower’ hoaxster returns with sloppy attempt to frame Tim Walz

The allegations quickly began to crumble after people noticed very obvious issues.

A far-right account on X is being accused of shoddily attempting to frame Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.) for child abuse just weeks before the 2024 presidential election.

The account, which uses the handle @DocNetyoutube and goes by “Black Insurrectionist,” claimed in a lengthy post over the weekend to have received evidence that “Walz had an inappropriate relationship with a minor.”

The account previously blew up for its claims it had proof an ABC whistleblower provided Vice President Kamala Harris questions before the presidential debate. While the proof never materialized, numerous politicians, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and former President Donald Trump, jumped on the story.

The following day, the account began posting screenshots of alleged email communications with the accuser.

In an email dated Aug. 8, 2024, the accuser, who claims to be an adult male, alleges to have known Walz and his wife Gwen back when he was a child.

“He manipulated me, he did unspeakable things with me,” the alleged accuser writes. “I can give you details that nobody else can.”

Yet the more @DocNetyoutube posted, the more skeptical many online became. In another alleged email dated Aug. 9, 2024, the accuser continues to beg the account to listen to his claims…

Problems people are finding:

But as noted by numerous users, the dates at the top of the emails are inconsistent. While some correctly feature commas, others don’t, indicating that the emails are fabricated.

Agent Self FBI”:

I don’t like to credential myself, but I’m going to in this case because it’s important. I’m a career Financial Crimes Investigator, and I now lead a FinCrime money laundering team in the private sector. I conduct forensic audits on massive accounts, specifically focusing on accounting fraud and money laundering.

The devil is ALWAYS in the details. People who manipulate, fabricate, create, or alter documents often overlook small details. It takes a trained eye to spot these manipulations. But once you do, they’re obvious.

Here are the inconsistencies with these alleged emails:

First problem: Exhibits A and B.

In the screenshot on the left, you see “Friday, August 9,” while in the email on the right, it reads “Thursday August 8” without a comma after ‘Thursday.’

Additionally, ProtonMail, like most email platforms, omits the time zone in the date and timestamp. In Exhibit C, where it says “October 13, 2024 at 4:20:59 PM,” the time zone is not shown.

Furthermore, the date-time stamp format is inconsistent between screenshots. ProtonMail does not use a leading “0” before single-digit hours in the timestamp. For example, it should be “6:07:51 PM,” not “06:07:51 PM.”

Also, according to protonemails message header format, listed on their website, this is inconsistent. Exhibit D.


is a fraud and fake. This is proves these emails are NOT authentic.

post on Reddit also outlines alleged issues and claims that many of the emails presented were actually typed up on a word processor such as Microsoft Word.,,

Yet @DocNetyoutube, who boasts nearly 340,000 followers, may be wearing out their welcome. The account is also responsible for the “ABC Whistleblower” claims in September that were also quickly debunked.

During that incident, @DocNetyoutube shared a fake affidavit that they said would prove that the presidential debate on Sept. 10 had been rigged in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris. Adding intrigue to the story, allegations swirled days later that the whistleblower, who didn’t actually exist, died in a suspicious car accident.

Given @DocNetyoutube’s status as a verified user, it is entirely possible that they are earning ad revenue for their wildly viral posts.


Being lashed with a wet noodle is funny. Being beaten with 340,000 wet noodles tied in a bundle is not funny. But in this case, it seems to be deserved.


Very much deserved. If this is indeed a hoax — and it’s looking more like it all the time — it is as bad as all the other hate hoaxes that people have concocted. This took time and a lot of thought to create.

His replies to people who ask questions are impatient and use curse words. He appears to be mad that people are catching on.

Whatever one thinks of Tim Walz, if this allegation is false, it is a gross injustice. The truth matters.

Apparently this is at least BI’s second hoax. IMO he should be on everyone’s list of people who are not credible. Otherwise, he will continue to make our side look bad.


One wonders if this BI person is being duped by DeepState operators to discredit those who support MAGA and by inference, POTUS45?


I suppose it’s a possibility. In that event, I would hope/expect him to reveal that he was duped. IMO that is the only way he will regain any credibility. Making such an admission would also put everyone else on alert to these scams.

Too often, it’s someone who wants the glory and the clicks and maybe the money, and they’re mad when they get caught.


10.15.24: Running against CORRUPT MACHINE, PANIC, Project Sandman? Border Issues continue, PRAY!

And We Know


This is not an uncommon result. Did they give you a boil-water order?


You might consider yourself under one. I’d be very suspicious after a geyser hit my neighbor’s house.


It doesn’t matter if it’s pure as the driven snow at the plant if the pipes are dirty inside.



Broken pipes have anti back flow devices, installed, decades ago.   :wpds_twisted: 

Gail Combs

Demoncrats wallow in low success rates. Then they have the reason to demand more money. More money for useless programs, unqualified teachers.
It’s now racist to praise excellence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Let me repeat that. WOW.

Not a safe drug.


Peace and Tranquility Prayers
Prayer for a Calm Heart

Lord of Peace, as evening falls, I seek the calmness only You can provide. Quell the storms of my mind and replace anxiety with Your peace. As the world quiets down, let my heart do the same. May Your presence envelop me so that I may know tranquility tonight and always. Amen.

Serenity at Day’s End

Heavenly Father, with the closing of this day, I ask for serenity. As the night sky displays its vast beauty, let my soul mirror its peacefulness. Help me to let go of the worries of the day and trust in Your loving care. May Your peace reign in my heart and home tonight. Amen.

Prayer for Restful Stillness

Dear God, in the stillness of this evening, I come to You seeking rest for my soul. Help me to lay down the burdens I’ve carried today and find comfort in Your arms. Grant me peace that passes understanding and a rest that restores my spirit. May my sleep be undisturbed and my dreams be sweet. Amen.

Nighttime Whisper for Peace

Creator of All, as I listen to the night’s gentle whisper, I ask for peace to settle over me. Let Your tranquility wash away the noise of the day. In this quiet hour, I lean on Your promise of peace, a heavenly balm to my weary soul. Keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on You. Amen.

Prayer for Gentle Rest

Omnipotent and Gentle Lord, at the end of this day, I seek the gentle rest that You so lovingly provide. May my mind be at ease, my body relax, and my spirit find harmony. Help me to release every concern into Your capable hands and sleep in the assurance of Your protection and peace. Amen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. This is exactly how I feel about it. And he said the LOUD part that nobody talks about. Far too many Jews have flooded into the treason zone. Not a good look, and it is exactly why antisemitism is growing.

Now I will tell you something that deeply troubles me and might trouble you. Forgive me if I throw the Overton Window wide open here. Readers may know that I am an American Jew. We have entered a new era of antisemitism. Many might say it is due to the conduct of Israel warring against its enemies. I would say it is as much due to the adoption of Jihad politics by the Marxist-Woke campaign as an instrument to promote political and social chaos in America. Lawfare is essentially jihad waged via the courts against our own disintegrating common culture and national interests.

     The lineup of the leading Lawfare attorneys are Jews: Marc Elias, Norm Eisen, Benjamin Wittes, Andrew Weissmann, Michael Bromwich, Michael Sussmann, Laurence Tribe, Daniel Goldman, Paul Rosenzweig, the exceptionally profligate serial liar Rep. Adam Schiff, and many others. I can’t say I understand exactly what motivates them to engage in these antics. (Possibly to defend their Deep State clients against many previous crimes committed since 2016, especially within the FBI and DOJ.) But it’s a really bad look on top of being a nefarious agenda. They are disgracing the rest of us American Jews and putting us in danger. Shame on them. They must be defeated, and their defeat must come within the arena of the very law they work so hard to pervert.

Lawfare needs to be made illegal and punishable. Using the law – knowingly – in a way that is destined to lose, to simply grind down a political adversary, needs to be made prosecutable and punishable with prison.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A friend of mine kept getting dinged about a debt he could prove he had already paid. He had even been dragged into court over it. Unfortunately the judge failed to dismiss with prejudice which would (theoretically) have prevented the matter from ever being brought up again.

The assholes sold his (alleged) debt to another company, which (likely not knowing anything about it) brought him into court again, and finally that judge dismissed with prejudice. So this company that bought the debt was either a) itself evil or b) had been sold goods (nonexistent debts) fraudulently.

As near as I can tell, though, nothing would physically prevent someone from filing a civil suit again on a matter that had been dismissed with prejudice…at which point, even though the case is utterly without merit, you still have to hire a lawyer at hundreds of dollars an hour, to file the paperwork showing the case should never have been brought. Sure, it wouldn’t go to trial but you still have to deal with it, over and over again. It’s a great racket if you’re the lawyer.

And that’s why no reform will ever get rid of this shit. There will never, for instance, be a rule that the filing lawyer (who should have done due diligence before accepting the case) has to pay the costs when he does something like this. The plaintiff, sure, the lawyer, never. Because that way lawyers can still make money.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sadly, lawfare is more money for lawyers.


Ought to be able to sue scum sucking lawyers bringing bs cases.

Gail Combs

Often it is DAs so good luck with that!

(I just went thru an insurance scam starting with a police report and an initial claim of assault. My lawyer said the guy had a ‘history’ It still cost several thousand in lawyer’s fees I could ill afford.)


Congratulations for realizing the value of having a lawyer Gail, although a huge drain on finances, the good ones are worth every penny….

As for District Attorneys….I think the legislature needs to write a law that allows District Attorneys that were financially sponsored by George and/or Alex Soros to be terminated and never allowed to practice or teach law again. (I can dream…:0)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And another thing…they never have to pay for their mistakes.

I know someone who was embroiled in family court…involving being stationed in Germany.

His lawyer dropped the ball on filing a piece of paperwork in a timely manner, so they had to start over again, to the tune of $2.

Did the lawyer offer to make it good?

Don’t make me have a cerebral hemorrhage from laughing.


You don’t need a lawyer to countersue for fraud.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK I’m a bit lost. Other than Company A selling bad (as in illegitimate) debts to Company B, where is the fraud?


A Prayer for Renewal: Peace of Mind, Financial Stability, and Healthy Relationships

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STOP WORRYING! Chosen Ones, GOD is Protecting You | C.S. Lewis

Scripture Pathways

163 views Premiered 5 hours ago Faith in GOD
Scripture Pathways: Unveiling Biblical Prophecy & C.S. Lewis’s Wisdom
STOP WORRYING! Chosen Ones, GOD is Protecting You | C.S. Lewis

#CSLewis #ChosenOnes #DivinePurpose #DivineProtection #FaithInSolitude #SpiritualGrowth #GodsPlan #SolitudeAndFaith #ChristianJourney #TrustinGod #lonely #loneliness #godspromise

In this inspiring message for the Chosen Ones, discover how God’s divine protection guides you through faith and trials. Learn how spiritual growth unfolds as you walk in God’s plan, overcoming challenges with unwavering trust in His promises. Embrace your calling and be strengthened by His love.


Mini ground report

Kingman, AZ drive to Lemoore, CA.

One car with Kakala sticker.

Guessing a PA supporting Kakala, large billboard.
– Bright yellow, black lettering.
– Why vote for the grumpy old man. Living in the past.

Numerous Trump Vance signs on farm fences.

One old part wearing Yrump hat at an In N Out burger place. Me makes it two.😃


Traffic light the entire drive. Short of construction zones, speed limit plus five.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Hope you’re enjoying the drive!


Sounds good. Wonderi g how bad or not AZ has become leftard.


Ditto. Going to do my annual fall frolic to the beach ground report soon. Overwhelming support for Trump/Vance.


DC Rumors Of Change Of Batter, Obama Nuclear War Message, Only At The Precipice – Ep. 3475
 October 15, 2024  x22report

Everyday that passes the [CB]/[WEF] is losing the narrative on the green new scam.[KH] is going to tax the dead at the highest rate. Trump sets the path, tariffs, drilling for oil. Energy is going to be cut in half, which will allow manufacturers to produce their goods. The economic power is being returned to the people. The [DS] is in trouble, the people are no longer listening to the fake news, people are debunking the fake news story in minutes. DC rumor is that they [DS] players would like to swap out [KH]. Obama feels the walls closing in on him, sending a message for war. Only at the precipice will the people find the will to change.

Ep 3475b – DC Rumors Of Change Of Batter, Obama Nuclear War Message, Only At The Precipice

Brave and Free

Consume LESS news and we’ll all feel better. /s

Let’s all just bury our heads in the sand or better yet Let’s sing Kumbaya around the campfire and roast marshmallows.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The way I read this, is simple.

The WORSE that people self-report their own mental health, the more MAINSTREAM NEWS, SOCIAL MEDIA, AND HOLLYWOOD they self-report consuming.

This makes enormous amounts of sense.

Think people being brainwashed.


The WORSE that people self-report their own mental health, the more MAINSTREAM NEWS, SOCIAL MEDIA, AND HOLLYWOOD they self-report consuming.


It’s the leftists who are getting depressed from consuming news. Who wouldn’t, with the lineups available on mainstream media spewing garbage 24/7?

MAGA people are real Americans with a fighting spirit, and ingenuity. Consuming real news only feeds our desire to restore the country.

Gail Combs

I was depressed BEFORE DJT came down the elevator. I have been energized ever since then because there is now HOPE.



Gail Combs

I could see we were headed for 2,000 years of slavery or worse if the Cabal won and that was long before WEF announced the Great Reset or Trump came down that elevator.


Elevator?  😂 


Gail Combs

ARRRGH…. That is what I get with 3 hours sleep…

Time for bed,
Nite All!


LOL, the old adage about don’t air your dirty linen in public applies as does the timeless worth of “mean” advice like Snap out of it! and That’s gay! and Grow the H up!…and a million others

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I would add “They want you divided” and even more importantly “They want you stupid.”

“Content” is largely ant poison for the human mind.


…and infuencers are scourge in my book. They blab incessantly about mundane thigs, develop a following and then truly can influence thinking on a lot of things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Control the influencers, and you control thought. And the evil ones are well onto that scam.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Content” could literally mean anything.

Marxist pap, good education, a pastor’s sermon.


They want you stupid.”
Fluoride anyone?


Red meat on the economy. This should drive all ofbusiness right to him.


Awesome, he has a true gift for saying what he means and diffusing hostility (when given a chance)


All that was not anecdotal either. He’s an eager beaver to get going.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is a genius, and all he has to do is let it show a bit, and he nukes these assholes.

Trump is amazing. That’s why all these assholes are scared of him.


It was soo soo great. Of course he got a standing O. And this is the kind of stuff that really matters. Day Uno in January is a big day.


😎 😎 😎 😎 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is exactly right. The people who blind us on voting are CRIMINALS.

NewSCUM needs to be in prison. Period. Election interference. His fellow Demmunists announced the crime. Time for all the Demmunists who interfere with elections to PAY.


Yes. His recalls he lost. Hell i bet he wasnt reelected.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. Dude is probably illegitimate anyway.


People were gleeful his butt would get yanked…..and then the MSM announced the recall failed.


Yes. Werent you just floored? He knew he lost. He knew it!


Reinforced my decision to move — as if it needed any reinforcement.


Yes. He moved “part time” so his dtr can go to so extra elite school in another county. I dont remember where, but it seems odd. 2 yrs left of him . I hope he’s not goingbto be in politics after this. Still may run for 2028 though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Black Insurrectionist’s X account has gone DEAD – no posts or replies since he “went to the doctor”.

IMO he’s most likely doing what needs to be done to drop the bomb. That means go completely offline until it’s all ready to drop. No talk – just action until it’s ready to go.

I suspect that things hit the news, with lawyers, prior to November 5, most likely in 7-10 days.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You are assuming that he’s not just completely making shit up. Elsewhere on here someone seems to have found evidence that it’s all fake.

Edit: it was TheseTruths, here:

Last edited 8 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s possible that he’s making stuff up, but more likely (IMO) that he got fed a line. However, that line could be something designed to obscure a real truth about pedo Walz. The Demmunists love to “muddy the water” when their own blood is in that water.

Dems are ingenious in how they silence controversy. What they did to get Holder’s replacement (Loretta Lynch) into office was multi-level cunning.

It is very possible that some real journalists were onto this story, or one close to it, and the Demmunists leaked BS to control it.

We’ll see.

Gail Combs

And We Know had a video with a guy from I think it was Kurdistan who was an exchange student and said he was molested by Walz.

The video was brought here a couple days ago by Duchess. I will see if I can find it again.

Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Alternatively, he got skunked, and is now trying to get the goods on who deceived him. THAT is a consolation prize, but it’s a good one, IMO. If the demon Dems set him up, to try to cover up pedo-Walz (unlikely, IMO, but let’s just say they did), then he can flip it on them and use their cover-up to make them stink even more. Note that the Dems did this with Nixon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes that’s the third possibility, that he himself is a victim.

OTOH I recall hearing this wasn’t the first time for this guy. If so either he’s actually a faker, or he’s too gullible to be credible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – we posted this at the same time. He could be a chump.


The emails referenced here (I’m reposting it) are said to be to “Doc” (BI) from the victim.

One issue pointed out by this person is that the formatting of the dates in the emails doesn’t match. Yet, an email server always uses the same formatting. That makes it look as if the emails were created with not enough attention to detail.

I don’t see how BI could have received emails from the victim with different date formatting. I don’t see how BI could have been sent fake emails from the victim (or someone pretending to be the victim) that have different formatting. If the emails are sent through an email server, the format will be the same.

If I’m missing something, please let me know. This is the original article that I posted earlier today.

ABC ‘whistleblower’ hoaxster returns with sloppy attempt to frame Tim Walz


I don’t know if this is true or not, but; if I send an email using Gmail, then another using Protonmail, is the formatting the same?

For example, if the guy sent BI an email from his Gmail account, and BI said hey, use Protonmail, it’s more secure, could that cause the issue?

I have NO idea if this is real or not. I have been watching and waiting to see what happens.


It’s an interesting idea. I don’t see anything in the two emails, August 8 and 9, to indicate that a request was made to change email servers. It looks to me as if the one from the 8th was an initial one, and the one on the 9th was kind of begging BI to listen. Nothing was said about, “Okay. I changed email servers at your request” (though that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen).

One person whose work is linked in the article I linked says the emails were typed on a word processer. I do not know if this is a credible source; just presenting information.

The Tim Walz allegations are some of the most amateurish “leaks” I’ve ever seen

The DocNetyoutube guy started “leaking” proof of his Tim Walz pedo allegations today, and they’re quite possibly some of the most amateurish leaks I’ve ever seen.

Current DocNetyoutube Twitter post count: 13

Word Doc Typed Emails

First, every single “received email” that he’s posted has been typed in a word doc. The most amateurish part about this is that he literally pastes his word doc typed “emails” next to actual ProtonMail screenshots lol

Posts with side-by-side comparisons: 12

For reference, this is what a received email looks like in both ProtonMailGmail, & Yahoo

Probably funniest of all, is the fact that he forgot to remove his text cursor before posting his third image. His claim is that the cursor was there as an artifact from him redacting the image, using his fourth post as an example. Not convincing as an explanation for the third image.

Email sent to VP Harris

Another major claim of his is that he contacted Vice President Harris on 2024-08-10 with the allegations that Tim Walz took a student to an Indigo Girls concert and sexually assaulted them. His fifth post is his evidence for the fact that he contacted Vice President Harris about the Glen & Tim Walz Indigo Girls story before the story dropped.

There is no timestamp or proof in the video that the contact message was sent on 2024-08-10. The timestamp in the video he posted is self-typed. There is no other timestamp in the video. He uses this as evidence that the story was released to get ahead of the allegations (sixth post). The claim in and of itself is weak (“Glen & Tim Walz took a student to an Indigo Girls concert, therefore Tim Walz is a pedophile.”). Disregarding the weak logic, there is still no evidence that he contacted VP Harris on 2024-08-10 like his video claims.

There are links to some images, then:

DocNetyoutube Excuses

A compilation of excuses that he’s made for why his evidence looks idiotic and fake.

• “The text cursor was from redacting the image!” 1 – weak claim. does not explain this image. Cursors also don’t match (thanks u/ItsOver320)

• “The received emails don’t look real because it’s Yahoo mail!” 12 – idiotic claim. this is what a Yahoo received mail looks like (ignoring the fact that it makes no sense for why the UI should change for any of his screenshots). The dates also have typing inconsistencies (thanks u/terablast), which is fucking hilarious.

I couldn’t get the sample Yahoo received email to post here, but this is what the date on it looks like (exactly):

Sun, Oct 13 at 4:41 PM

I have no idea whether the information is credible. If anyone knows how you can tell if an email was typed on a word processor, please comment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The proton email will be encrypted, provided both ends are using Proton.

Things like headers and footers, which tell the Email system where to send the message contents, will be the same, but the message itself will look like gobbledegook. (I am assuming here it uses standard email protocols to send the message, which seems likely based on my skim of the info I found.)

Last edited 6 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hurricane “Boots on the Ground” Grindstone Update:


appox 4min mark starts talking about TEMA consolidating relief supplies in a logistic hub around speedway and Grindstone working with them well.

NC another issue. FEMA has established a cordon and won’t allow relief in. Grindstone guy sees a FED land grab and Grindstone is has established a ho chi min trail system to circumvent FEMA in NC. interesting discussion.

Gail Combs

Very. It goes well with a different podcast I saw where a retired Marine, Shane Hazel, said his group was going in to NC FEMA or no FEMA.

Haven’t heard anything beyond that.

This is the group:

Gail Combs

A couple of the comments from the pod cast I saw this guy on:

4 days ago

mountain Mule Pack Ranch, Samaritan’s Purse, Cajun Navy, nurses on horses, people are back packing/hiking up to isolated areas. My son took his excavator to Avery County. My grandson and son and friends have hiked with back packs to New Land. Churches are organizing. Private helicopter pilots are buying their own fuel to rescue people and drop supplies

4 days ago

We do not need the debacle called “fema”. People are helping each other through these manufactured hurricanes and storms; in spite of stupid fire chiefs who think they are in law enforcement, slashed tires, and threats! Our prayers are with the people who have been suffering through this crazy weather! Blessings to them, and AlphaWarrior is looking to send donations!


If libs are this psycjotic, we should prep for times of caution or staying at home, jic. They however, should be arrested if the petulance is disrupted. TDS folks need rubber rooms i guess.


If libs are this psycjotic, we should prep for times of caution or staying at home, jic.

As I read that I thought Many are already psychotic. A Trump win would cause a lot of them to act out on it, though.

I agree that we need to be prepared to stay at home (shelter in place) until law and order is restored, if needed. The dicey part will be between the election and the inauguration, before Trump is in charge.


“A Trump win would cause a lot of them to act out on it, though.”


And they can be smacked down, just as hard as the Fed bois and the Brandon/Hitler administration has treated non-Leftist Americans.

It HAS to be that way, or the evil NEVER recedes.

Gail Combs

Alpha Warrior, a retired marine and LEO actually had the FBI show up for THOUGHT CRIMES!

Rough Transcript:


Alpha was persecuted as a J-6er even though he was never in DC… They showed up at his house with three armoured cars and 20+ agents. 

I want to just read this:

A. Luna Jr’s behavior is consistent with pre-incident indicators of extreme violence. For example empirical evidence shows that persons motivated by violent ideation become increasingly radicalized as they move thru various stages prior to violence which includes experiencing a precipitous event that acts as a trigger for the attack.

He was arrested for thought crimes, pre-crimes.

I think the HOPE is that the pre-dawn attack by the FBI will TRIGGER a military vet and they can then kill him.

Notice they NEVER do this with the ‘protected classes’


“Notice they NEVER do this with the ‘protected classes’”


It would never even occur to them to do it to a protected-class.

This is why the only UNPROTECTED class is the scapegoat for everything. He’s literally the ONLY target of opportunity on the entire battlefield.

Everyone else is ‘protected’.


I have been preparing for those couple of months, November and December, for months now.

When he wins, there will be MASS CHAOS.

Gail Combs

So have I!


“When he wins, there will be MASS CHAOS.”


Or maybe mass calm.

For the first time in 25 years.

Since 9/11 the country has been in a civil war, with both the Left and the fake Right tearing the nation to shreds.

The country is exhausted from lunatic turmoil.

Trump’s landslide victory is exactly the relief America needs.


Also, think about this; there is some possibility that the psychotics are running the asylum. Good lord save us.


Gosh itll be a free for all on bidens pardon list.


The mental health crisis has been in FULL BLOOM for at least a decade.

When Trump wins, the crisis can finally be ENDED, and therapy for the deranged can begin.


Draft them they will be cured fast.

Gail Combs

Yup. Pull some of those old sergeants out of retirement to run basic training. They will straighten those soy boys right out.

My Ex was a basic training officer for a while.


They would be, if we had a culture that didn’t give them a choice, but they have been coddled for so long now that they would just refuse.


See thats it right? I honestly think they should take some empty prisons and use them as mental health sorting, processing centers. No need to make hospitals atm. Can begin treatment and rehab for actually sick people vs cosplay tds folks.


More recovery info… (1 hr)


Jason Whitlock and Steve (can’t find his last name, maybe Casell?) on how the Indiana Fever is afraid to do anything about Nyalissa Smith for fear of being sued or painted as racists.

Dijonai Carrington intentionally poked Caitlin Clark in the eye during the WNBA quarterfinals (I think it was quarterfinals). Nyalissa Smith is on Caitlin’s team (Indiana Fever), BUT Nyalissa Smith is Dijonai Carrington’s GIRLFRIEND, so while Smith should have been Caitlin Clark’s protector on the court, she couldn’t do that, because her lover was playing on the other team.

This is the insanity of WNBA.

What I love about Jason Whitlock is that he is practically fearless is speaking the plain truth, where most others are too scared of political-correctness and/or losing their jobs to say the truth.


Gail Combs

Tomorrows book article is scheduled.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You likely had it right the first time.



Scheduled for when? It’s 22 minutes after and … nuttin’.


33 and still quiet. Where’s the switch for the Wolf Signal?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m going to give it a bit and then I’ll decide to do something about the fact that Eric Holder is still at large.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Besides which, the best way to signal Wolf is with that really loud whistle.


This is why it makes no sense to me to donate to any campaign.

Any money I give hurts, it comes out of something else I could use that money for, but it doesn’t help the cause I support, it just goes in the pocket of some scumbag fat-cat.

If people believed their donations actually went to the cause they supported — and at this point, the only way they’ll EVER believe is with validated proof — people would give until it HURT, and then give more.

But they’re not going to give when it just goes to a$$holes like Chris Lacivita.

And shame on DJT for letting it happen.

Last edited 3 hours ago by scott467

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