2024·10·19 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?

Speaker Johnson: A Reminder.

And MTG is there to help make it stick.

January 6 tapes. A good start…but then nothing.

Were you just hoping we’d be distracted by the first set and not notice?

Are you THAT kind of “Republican”?

Are you Kevin McCarthy lite?

What are you waiting for?

I have a personal interest in this issue.

And if you aren’t…what the hell is wrong with you?

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot (i.e., paper) Prices

Last week:

Gold $2,657.70
Silver $31.60
Platinum $995.00
Palladium $1,088.00
Rhodium $5,075.00
FRNSI* 127.566+
Gold:Silver 84.104+

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, Kitco “ask” prices. Markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $2,720.80
Silver $33.78
Platinum $1,023.00
Palladium $1,106.00
Rhodium $5,100.00
FRNSI* 130.618-
Gold:Silver 80.545-

The attention is on gold for bursting through the $2700 line. And the FRNSI is now over 130. At what point does it become worthwhile to simply wipe your butt with dollar bills rather than lugging them around in your wallet? (Honestly, though, they aren’t absorbent enough…so probably, never.)

As I said the attention is on gold…but silver should not be neglected! It has gone up over two dollars over the past week, and (net) almost all of that was on Friday after four days of almost no net movement. It went up $2.03 on Friday or 6.4 percent. (Versus gold going up 1.05 percent on Friday) And you can see the effect in the Gold:Silver ratio. In terms of silver, gold dropped over three and a half ounces.

Even platinum went up more on a percentage basis Friday than did gold.

*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.

Flat Earther Influencers are Mostly Lying Sacks of Shit

The Final Experiment continues to make waves in the Flat Earth Community.

I will link a relevant video below, but I’ll summarize here.

After years of happily saying that a 24 hour sun in Antarctica during southern summer (with it doing a 360 around the viewer over the course of a day) would disprove the Flat Earth viewpoint, but then saying “yeah but you can’t go to Antarctica” or flatly asserting that the sun does set in Antarctica, and furthermore that they’d love to go to Antarctica and see…

They’re for the most part refusing to go take a look. Everything from whining about how they’d have to deal with globe-earth “trolls” on the trip to…well, I don’t know what other rationales they have. There are three, maybe four going. (Four is if you count Candace Owens’ producer.)

Plenty of globe earthers are going, and at least a couple of them have vowed to take down their content and replace it with a video stating that the Earth is flat…if the sun sets during the five days they are at 79+ degrees south latitude.

Meanwhile other flerfers have begged the three that are going, not to go, or have already accused them of being shills. (Interesting. Before they even report back what they have seen, they are already bought off shills. Almost as if the accusers already know they will be reporting back that the Sun did not set!

One would think that if the flerfers are so confident of their position, they would positively relish the prospect of their final victory over the globers, as they point to the twighlight and say “So, Dave, where’s the sun?!?!” as they film McKeegan’s humiliation for their own channels!

That is how they would behave if they were really thinking of themselves as people with some special insight who have had their viewpoint put down and suppressed; they would love to have their day in the court of the brute fact that the sun went down in Antarctica during Antarctic summer.

Instead, with the exception of those who are actually going on the trip, they are acting like knowing con-men whose jig is about to be up.

Those reading this who have accepted the flerfer claims might just want to think about that. That should speak louder to you than all their shitty geometry, bogus astronomy, and physics claims which (let’s face it) should not have fooled any educated adult. The sad, blunt truth of the matter is that you have been suckered.

Flat Earthers are Desperately Dodging a Free Trip to Antarctica

No Science Post This Week (Sorry)

A lot of distractions this week.

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NC/TN Situation Update:


Please Dear Lord – defend and avenge these poor hurting folks!!!

Wrap Your healing, comforting, restoring, redeeming arms around them, Dear Heavenly Father!

In the Great Powerful Name of Jesus,


pat frederick


Valerie Curren



Just read you “piece” about “Flerfers…..
You Globetards are deceived.
NOTHING is as it seems.

Last edited 3 days ago by rayzorback

Watch if you dare….


Video is a brisk, one hour thirty seven minutes.

Got something logical five minutes or less?

Valerie Curren

Hear, hear!


You think a LIE as Big and deliberate as Globe vs Flat earth can be explained to the Brainwashed Public in 5 minutes? How about Covid? 9-11? Moon Landings?


I disagree with your premis(es).
“vomitus” Ha!
I assume that you did NOT watch the video or REALLY check into the concept(s) of a flat earth.
You’re too smart for that, right?


BTW…. have you looked into the compromised “Person” making the offer to go to Antarctica?
Looks to me like he is trying to discredit the “Flerfers” for TPTB in exchange for a lighter sentence.


I didn’t expect anything of substance.

Thanks for replying.


Unreality psychosis?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some, I think, are assets that are intentionally helping to mislead the pack. I tracked several on Gab who linked back to 9/11 “stir the pot” foreign assets.

“They want you divided.”

Others are just (IMO) fearful of trickery that they don’t understand – which I totally get – when dealing with a more advanced adversary, capable of faking evidence and even apparent reality.

The problem is that they are now focused on the wrong adversary.

I think that the enemy, including IC groups that specialize in the “push them too far” techniques, have decided the best way to fight our skepticism is to push it too far.

I will bet that Gunnels is surrounded by very skillful IC assets who have driven him because he was drivable. If not, then HE is the skillful IC asset.

Barb Meier

Recently, someone shared this thought about the idea that the Earth might be flat. To me, the logic is irrefutable. 😅


There ya go – ! Cats deliver utter irrefutable scientific proof that earth’s gravity is real and the earth is round as the Sun and every other sizeable heavenly body in the Universe!

Last edited 2 days ago by GA/FL

Cats, Democrats, RINOs and Globalists….
What’s the difference?

pat frederick

cats are intelligent


I like my cat!




Just for the hell of it.

It’s been validated, Slow Guy is not the sharpest tool in the shed. I’m good with it.

Following rhetorical.

IF Earth is flat.

  • Why is it night time in the Philippines AND day time in America…
  • Gazillion similar examples. FL – CA – HI…

Is the sun rotating the flat Earth?

What’s on the other side of flat Earth?

Are the other planets also flat OR only Earth?

Above intended rhetorical, cuz I don’t expect there is a S I M P L E explanation.

If there is not a S I M P L E sentence or two LOGICAL explanation to these questions, I have no time for it.

Yes, it’ll be my loss and further validate, Slow Guy, Is S L O W.

Not /s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The ancients were smart. Very clear that they were trying to solve the big problem – not merely to oppose an orthodoxy, which is what the current flat earth is doing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love being a spherecuck! Everything just WORKS.


“What’s on the other side of flat Earth?”



That’s why they always say, if you dig far enough, China is where you end up.

Valerie Curren

most of CONUS (a/k/a the Lower 48) is actually opposite of water in the Indian Ocean.”

kind of an interesting twist on the land bridge theory for American Indians!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I see what she’s saying. It’s like “cross hemispheres from America to where the Indians came from” (bilateral surface idea) VS “cross the globe from America to the Indian ocean” (center of inversion volume idea).

You’re thinking more spatially – she’s thinking more verbally.

Valerie Curren

reasonable interpretation, see my reply to Steve above 🙂

Valerie Curren

I was funning Steve & playing on the word “Indian” & pretending the land “bridge” was a land “tunnel” so that having “Indians” at both ends made sense geographically.

I believe that the origin of calling North American indigenous people “Indians” was because in that exploratory phase the Europeans were looking for a shortcut to India, avoiding that trip around Africa, so when they hit the Caribbean & the Americas they called the brown/red skinned peoples they encountered “Indians”, which name was pretty prevalent until the recent PC obsession of renaming things.

Clearly the scenario you outline is likely what really happened. It was just a happy coincidence that Our Indians Could have come through the Earth from the region of India 😉 😉 if a “journey to the center of the Earth” was a real thing 🙂

Valerie Curren

Fair enough. Either as a possibility for the fictional island in Lost, though I think per the storyline it’s likely in the Pacific (though filmed in Hawaii, iirc). 😉


“I know that’s a joke, but I can’t resist pointing out that most of CONUS (a/k/a the Lower 48) is actually opposite of water in the Indian Ocean.”


Right, but if you dig a hole to the Indian ocean, it will flood North America, and you float all the way to chyna.

Hence the saying 👍


Yep dig down all the way to china….
You’ll come out upside down.

Valerie Curren




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love “spherecucks”, but “globetards” is great, too!

Obviously I am one, but still! 😂


We ALL used to be “Globetards”. We were born indoctrinated from the cradle with our “Solar System” mobiles above our heads in the Crib.
Then the 1st thing they tell us in school is:
Here is a Globe…. Here is where you live… etc.


I don’t often thank you, because it’s not really my place to do so. I just give your posts five stars and move forward.

But you apologized for not having a science post.

Thank you for taking a slot and putting something in it every week. That’s important regardless of the rest of the world’s distractions.

Everyone likes your science posts, and they are seriously good and (IMHO) should be the basis of a textbook for people to actually read without holding a grade to their head. You get a lot of well-deserved praise for these.

But you also deserve appreciation for making a post happen regularly on a schedule (something I am particularly poor at doing) — and I’m thanking you for that.


Me too!





Valerie Curren

Curious what you mean by this …because it’s not really my place to do so” For I regularly see you thank DP for her posts.

I think every author AND every post deserves thanks. Each one contributes to the enrichment of our lives & our online community. We are Very Blessed in the Q-Tree!!!


Those two are … well … you know …


Deplorable Patriot

We’re WHAT? Nothing, for the record.




*stares at wall*

Valerie Curren

sorry, hope the Maker Faire was some compensation for your dashed hopes, prophylactically that is!



Valerie Curren

well if you dump the fiancée (who might technically be a “common law wife” under CA “rules”) you could potentially pick up DP on your trip East, if she’s still single. However you’d have your work cut out getting her too far away from St. Louis, so adjust your destination & relational goals accordingly. It Could be a match made in Heaven!


Whoa… the lady doth protest too much, methinks… 😁

Valerie Curren

two, as in WGTTs that DP has claimed previously & Cthulhu’s fascination? 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cthulhu is just preserving what he finds good and comforting, and I approve of both his motivation and methodology! We must not only praise God – we must praise good!

Valerie Curren

fair enough

divas deserve flowers 😉 😉 Just funning DP & playing on your musical prowess so no offence intended 🙂

Valerie Curren

Cthulhu shared His reasoning above & we all struck out 🙂


Guys tend to be more restrained when praising other guys. It’s a guy thing.


I wouldn’t want to be accused by Scott of showing off my bike helmet.

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha

You’ve been in soi boi territory so long you’d have a bit of an adjustment to regions where Real Men prevail LOL



Valerie Curren

OK TY that makes sense. I try to “think like a guy” but I keep coming up short 🙂


Cuz, to your credit, you’re a girl.   :wpds_wink: 

Valerie Curren

😉 hugs 😉


A very interesting video, and I’m looking forward to watching the rest of it.


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Valerie Curren

comment imageQ anon76https://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svghttps://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svghttps://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svghttps://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svghttps://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svg®



Kamala’s rally in Michigan today had so few people, the busses they brought in for the crowd had more empty seats than a Monday morning dentist office! Yikes! I heard they almost had to do a roll call just to make sure no one got lost. Even the crickets were like, “Nah, we’re good. We’ll stay home.” Maybe next time they can host it in a phone booth—that way they can still say it was “standing room only”!https://gab.com/emoji/1f602.svg

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Note to all geezers:

People under 30 quite likely have never seen a phone booth.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

We were at U of M hospital yesterday for an appointment for my son, Josiah, & were making out way through multiple parts of that major hospital complex. Numerous places there were the alcoves that Used to hold pay phones. I pointed them out in a couple places “Here’s where I Used to call your dad on his 800# at work to give him updates on your surgeries”. Ghostly memories…


But they’ve seen The Matrix 👍 😁

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Valerie Curren

Dude they are Living the Matrix but most of them are too plugged in to know!

Valerie Curren

I expect so, making it a great metaphor all around!


Dudette, I know it! 👍😁

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha


“Roll Call” – funny LOL

Valerie Curren

bussing in the kinds of people who need their hands held, literally??? 😉 😉


Imagine the level of denial and confusion those people must necessarily be in.

Like real life pod people.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

hope this lets it show here

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Exactly! 👍 😁

Valerie Curren

FWIW, your reply to me is NOT showing in my “notifier” so my WP issues are still out there, at least a little bit…sigh…


I’m not sure what the ‘notifier’ even is, but I do usually receive an email notification from your replies. And only from a few others. For example, sometimes I get email notification when Wolf replies to a post of mine, sometimes I don’t.

But for most members here, for some reason, I don’t receive notifications at all, so I’m just in the habit of doing a screen search for my name here on WQTH periodically, so see if I have any replies 👍

Valerie Curren

That’s strange. The “notifier” is the Bell that you click in the black ribbon on the top perimeter when signed in to the Q-Tree, so you can see the “notifications”. I wasn’t seeing Any Up North & couldn’t figure out how to “enable” them even though I’d never actively disabled them & tablet directions for “enable” didn’t work. I finally found a “settings” icon, looks like a cog, when I clicked the “bell” so when I chose “enable” there I started seeing (some of?) my notifications. Yours & a few others showed up for me upon a page reload.

Searching the page periodically for your name is probably the only way to confirm you’ve seen Everything directed at you it seems.


“The “notifier” is the Bell that you click in the black ribbon on the top perimeter when signed in to the Q-Tree, so you can see the “notifications”.”


Oh, well imagine that. I never clicked on it before 😂

I don’t do a lot of experimentation with the WP software, I’m just glad when it works!

Valerie Curren

LOL now I have to be sad for all of your theoretically epic rants that were never birthed, & therefore I never got to read them, because you Might have missed someone replying to you! 🙂


I suspect we’re all probably better off, for all the rants that weren’t 👍 😁

Valerie Curren

that’s debatable…yay! 😉 😉

Valerie Curren

If you go on sister sites like Marica’s or Pat’s or Sylvia’s & you converse there you can see replies AND likes to your comments in the bell notifier. When Wolf changed his site’s functioning/software? some time back it was harder to tell if anyone “liked” what you had to say for it didn’t show up in the “bell” any more, well maybe just likes from the author of the post or comment but not other people.

Being on the sister sites the “likes” can be a bit of an ego boost since they pop up in the notifier right away so it lets you know that other people have seen & liked your comment even if they chose not to reply 🙂


I honestly don’t know how to use it. Never needed to know, I guess.

When I clicked on the bell, it took me away from this page to some WP page, but I didn’t see a way to turn anything on or off.

Then I hit the ‘page back’ button to get back to this page.

Just now, I right-clicked on the bell, and it opened a new tab to a different page, where it said notifications were ‘disabled’, so I clicked on the button, and now it says ‘enabled’.

So I’ll see whether I can stand regular interruptions (I’m guessing bells, whistles, ringers, flashing light notifications?) to my web surfing, or whether I have to figure out how to turn it off again.

If I can’t figure it out, I’m gonna ask you! 😂

Last edited 23 hours ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

To use the bell just click on it & you just see pertinent stuff to you, replies & likes. You can reply there which opens up another column to the left. You can also click “like” in that column but those “likes” don’t show up on the Q-Tree site but in the notifier for who you clicked like, but they do show up on the sister sites.

Just click the bell again to get out of it so you don’t backtrack to Q-Tree, as it’s right where you left it after being in the Bell.

If you replied to someone on the Q-Tree in the notifier, but not necessarily on a sister site, your remark won’t show up for You on the Q-Tree itself until you reload the page.

I guess the “bell” allows you to just focus on conversations that are direct to you where the Q-Tree page lets you interact with everyone, but you have to search the page to find any replies specifically to you.

I tend to use both, mostly staying on the Q-Tree page & replying to any remarks directed to me that I see & jumping into other conversations at will. Then I check the Bell to see if I missed anyone.

The bell is very helpful for lingering conversations from previous days as you don’t have to open the old post to continue replying to each other.

It’s basically just a tool to use how it fits for you 🙂


Thank you Valerie, I’ll try to give it a shot, if I can think of a way that it would work better than my current M.O. 👍

Every once in a while I learn something new that actually helps 😁

Valerie Curren

It’s getting harder & harder to teach This old dog new tricks 😉 😉

Valerie Curren

So the author sees all the “likes” on the post they created? Replies are the meat for sure.

I’m guilty of “liking” most replies as I read them, partly as a way to keep track of what I’ve read or not, though Wolf’s site has that light yellow for new items, usually, which helps.

Valerie Curren

Yeah, that’s why I “over-like” comments, more as my personal navigation tool. I think para does something similar, for we both almost always like comments & neither of us are surely that agreeable! LOL

Valerie Curren

Steve might also have some good insights on how “best” to use the bell.

I honestly love to see the “orange dot” that pops up to let me know that someone, anyone, out there was interfacing with me LOL Maybe that means I’m an egomaniac! 😉


“I honestly love to see the “orange dot” that pops up to let me know that someone, anyone, out there was interfacing with me LOL Maybe that means I’m an egomaniac!”


It’s probably just a learned response, like Pablo’s Dog 👍

Last edited 23 hours ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Pavlov’s dog’s illegal immigrant cousin?


Close… of course I was referring to Pavlov’s lesser known Mexican assistant, Pablo.

Pablo had a dog that salivated too, but Pavlov’s dog was also a narcissist, so he commanded all the academic attention 😁

Last edited 22 hours ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha!


“If you go on sister sites like Marica’s or Pat’s or Sylvia’s & you converse there you can see replies AND likes to your comments in the bell notifier.”


I can’t even LIKE posts at the sister sites, it just launches a pop-up box to log-in (even though I’m already logged-in), and after I log in again, the ‘like’ doesn’t actually appear.

So I try it again, and the log-in pop-up box appears again, and even though it’s a really fun game to play, I usually get tired of it after the first time 😁

Valerie Curren

I’ve had that happen before too. I don’t know why Word Piss doesn’t always carry functionality over between WP sites. I use the Brave browser so have to “drop shields” for things to work at the Q-Tree, at least, & maybe at the sister sites too, I’m not sure.

The more user friendly things are the easier it is to play there. Whenever Wolf does some type of update that changes how his site works it takes me a while to learn to function in that slightly new world. I guess in some ways I just hate dealing with change, like if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!

On the other had before I knew about ctrl-f to get a “find” pop up box I would just visually scroll Hoping my eyes would see what I wanted to find (this was quite challenging in genealogical sites) but when I learned ctrl-f that was a Game Changer.

I also loved learning ctrl-v as a paste function so I don’t always have to position the mouse rather than just use a keyboard shortcut. And of course “right click” is awesome on many fronts & gets used all the time now that I know about it 🙂


“but when I learned ctrl-f that was a Game Changer.”


Yep, the most valuable and frequently used tool I can think of 👍😁

Valerie Curren

well especially if you are searching a page multiple times a day…me I use right click all the time especially when copying/pasting between Q-Tree & Gab 🙂

Valerie Curren

That’s super strange, replies are Way more important than likes!


Bussed in, paid, given all sorts of incentives to be crowd-fillers….


Remember Biden used to get 8 to 20 people and they helped him win. Seems crowed size does not mean a thing when the enemy within is involved.
I pray I am wrong

Last edited 2 days ago by singingsoul1

There must be 200 people there, easy, including staff and paid traveling rally goers.

If they think, I wonder what they think, when they see how many people attend their rallies, and then see Trump rallies on TV.

I mean, when you see 50,000 people at a Trump rally, and you only see 200 people at Harris viewing, do they do the math?

You probably don’t even need a napkin to figure it out. If it was 100 people compared to 50,000 that would be 500 times more people at the Trump rally, so with 200 people that would be 250 times more people at a Trump rally.

If your opponent has a 250:1 advantage in rally attendance, what kind of stories are they telling themselves to rationalize any chance of winning, that doesn’t involve cartoon levels of lawlessness?


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It’s one of those flyover places.

Valerie Curren

slightly inappropriate joke hidden 🙂

Well Tucson is Practically an anagram for” Suc on it” so…


Honestly, I could never understand the spelling.

But there is no way that spelling would be a silent C.

Last edited 3 days ago by WSB
Valerie Curren

me neither 🙂


Tucesawn, maybe.


It’s the same C as in ICE

I.C.E. is definitely needed there.



city in Arizona, U.S., from Spanish Tucson, from O’odham (Piman) cukson “black base,” from cuk“black” + son “base.”

Valerie Curren

Two people I met in college had French origin surnames where the original pronunciation was pretty butchered.

Beauchamp (French pronunciation Bow-Shahm) sounded Beach-um

DuBois (French Dew Bwah) sounded as Doo Boice

The DuBois girl was my roommate in an apartment briefly, leading up to her marriage, & I always said & thought of her in French 🙂

Valerie Curren

I was pretty confused by these pronunciations too 😉


I figured it was named after Tuco’s son.


You know, Tuco, from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 👍 😁

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Last edited 2 days ago by scott467
Valerie Curren





One of the funniest things I remember from a Trump campaign was celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a Taco salad and a big thumbs up 👍 😂🤣😂




Pravda news meltdown over the taco salad was hilarious. Trump master troller.


Øbastid attempts a Tus-CON all right.


Hmmm, notice how large the “BO” name is, and the photo of “BO”, on the “Press Pass.” And how small the “Harris / Walz” names are, also being located at the BOTTOM of the “Press Pass.”
In opera and musical theatre, the “BIG NAME(S)” are the first ones on the playbill and/or the program / publicity items (posters, etc.)
The names AFTER the “BIG NAME(S)” are the “minor” or “comprimario” players / singers. “Comprimario” means “minor or supporting player.”
IMO, Harris / Walz are the “supporting players” for “BO.”


Good catch.


In his mind, he’s always the head cheese.

Valerie Curren

Truth! Nice catch


That’s okay, the Great Divider can’t spell anyway.



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Ahhh so he did wear a white tie at the earlier event… that might make the black tie at this most recent one a legitimate thing to wonder about. 😆


First thing I noticed watching the event.


There is a video posted today at CTH of an interview Trump did with Tyrus Murdoch from Gutfeld that might explain why Trump wore black tie, not white.

Go to 27:45 in the video. They are talking about the dinner, which was right after Trump did the interview.

Trump says, sort of off-hand, he “doesn’t like to wear white tie.”


Maybe he’s just being comfortable in his own skin, and doesn’t feel like he has to do what he doesn’t like.


I knew there was a good reason.


I figured that, too.

Deplorable Patriot

That wasn’t this year. That was 2016. This year he wasn’t sitting next to Dolan.


I caught it.
You caught it.
I bet the meme maker did too BUT…he could only find this photo that depicted the image he wanted to create. Funny though it makes Trump appear be already 8 years ahead of the curve…already entertained by the future. 😮


That’s not the one that just occurred? I’m confused. So Trump wore black tie at the most recent one?

Last edited 2 days ago by TheseTruths

No that picture with the white tie is from 2016. Black tie is the recent.


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Pretty sure most of your flat earth influencers are those presenting tricky problems of logic in a disingenuous but genius manner most often in long seemingly intertwined sequences meant to overwhelm, just to see who has has enough reasoning ability to figure even one of them out and then walk away. It’s an exercise in bafflement and some who see it will add to it and soon the baffled will think there’s a bunch of flat earthers when really there are not.


This should be fun…


If he gets whacked over that crap, I promise to be quiet.


Not me.

I’ll clap.

Gail Combs

Around 0.35 “..Amend the Constitution as Prof …”

Is It Time to Torch the Constitution? | The New Yorker
1 month ago

Some scholars say that it’s to blame for our political dysfunction—and that we need to start over.


Right out loud..incredible how they feel so invincible that speaking these things aloud in a casual public setting is no big deal

Valerie Curren

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I think we get hung up on temperature too much…

Just SERVE it, before we’re all dead already 😂

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I’m not sure who all of these guys are…Bye-Done has a 38% approval rating? polling who???

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Things are looking grim for the Khazars boys.
Prague Pundit

“Western Liberal Democracy” across the “international community” is getting the worst leaders, inflicting the worst decisions made by their masters upon their populations regardless of what the people wanted and voted for…endlessly.

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Last edited 3 days ago by Valerie Curren

This seems about right to me.

There really are approximately 35-40% of Americans who will clap and bark like trained seals for any Demoncrat. Truly. They are brain-washed and brain dead.

All they see is Conservatives want to take away muh-bortions, and they think they are literally living in “A Handmaid’s Tale.”

This fantasized life was created in them by public schools, corrupt media, and Godless science fiction fairy tales. Modern science fiction is terrible. It is mostly derivative drivel, but is soulless where the old-school writers at least had spirit.

American society will return to Judeo-Christian ethics, or it will perish. Period. Believer or atheist, the Commandments are timeless, the lessons of Jesus are universal. Where these ethical and moral lessons aren’t followed, mankind descends into paganism, which is detrimental to all people. Anyone who doesn’t believe me on that should take some time to study world cultures unexposed to the Bible, and/or the life of Jesus. I wouldn’t be willing to live in any of them.

Judeo-Christian ethics and morality are how we got the American experiment, and all its blessings. It’s not perfect; my pastor calls it the “best Babylon ever created, but still Babylon.” It’s a vast improvement for humans over every other society ever made, however. A whole bunch of people (38%?) are just too asleep to see that.


Your pastor is a cynical sort, isn’t he? I prefer to think of America as God’s blessed creation which man keeps trying to improve.


The temptations of Babylon are all around us, all the time. Our society is full of lust, greed, gluttony, pride, sloth, envy, and wrath. How is modern America NOT like Babylon? Christians are like Daniel, striving always to live Godly lives while gazing towards Jerusalem.

We live in the best society for humans ever created by man, but it IS still a Babylon.


35-40% …. I wonder how close that comes to the % of families employed by either a federal or state bureaucracy or public schools, public health or any of the closely aligned military & service contractors to the govt’s or the families who live off the dole.

I’ve known lots of public employees (many who don’t even realize they are gov’t employees) and they are absolutely loyal to Dem party because of union bargaining or that nefarious promised pension. They cannot see past that illusion of security.


That’s an interesting thought. I’d bet it was close.

Valerie Curren

Well said…read it aloud to my son as it’s insightful & inspiring & right up his alley–TY!


YW. Glad he liked it!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

comment imagehttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1fa78.svg BloodRiver – 464 https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1fa78.svg


Australia – https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svgSouthernhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg Landhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg NEWS
BREAKING: Australian lawmakers are coming forward in droves and admitting they were misled into enforcing vaccine mandates.

Legislators have called for an “urgent inquiry” and are demanding the “immediate suspension of mRNA vaccines globally”.

This is huge!

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Deplorable Patriot

Getting ahead of the lawsuits.

Robert Baker

Perhaps a bit cynical of me but that was my thought as well.


They are not sorry, they were caught.



Valerie Curren

Boom!   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren



From June 2024

Helped lead to this a few days ago.

Which leads to your post… now where the heck is our MSM? 🙄🤔😮

Valerie Curren

Excellent info & questions TT!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

 😎   😍   😎 

Valerie Curren

da Vinci, Tesla, Trump, & Musk in a Time Machine…imagine the possibilities!

Valerie Curren

comment imageBigDKnight

Elon Musk Drops Unforgettable Take on Who’s Running the Shadow Government
Elon Musk fired up a packed crowd at Ridley High School in Pennsylvania today, delivering an unforgettable 55-minute speech. Right out of the gate, the world’s richest man got the crowd cheering when he said, “The hell with” anyone who opposes free speech, the Constitution, secure borders, and sensible spending.
“I’ve been told at times that these are, like, right-wing values. I’m like, ‘Are you insane?’ These are literally the fundamental values that made America what it is today. And anyone who’s against those things is fundamentally anti-American. And the hell with them!”
It didn’t take long before a Trump supporter shouted to Musk that George Soros is “evil”—to which Musk responded with a clear “Yeah.”
He said Soros is “honestly misanthropic” and that “for someone who sort of claims to be doing good, but actually he is not. He is tearing down the fabric of society.¨
Musk continued to drop 90 seconds of pure facts.
He said the Second Amendment is there to protect the First and warns that once you disarm a population, the country is doomed to become Venezuela.
Musk then called out Maduro, saying that he lost in a landslide but rigged the election. And the only reason Maduro was able to hold onto power is because the disarmed citizens can’t fight back.
“So now you’re facing soldiers with assault rifles. Are you going to throw some sticks at them or something? Use finger guns? It doesn’t work. So Maduro, even though he lost the election, is still in power. And that’s the kind of risk that we face,” Musk said.
Switching focus, Musk revealed to the town hall attendees why he was even there in the first place.
“I haven’t been politically active before. I’m politically active now because I think the future of America and the future of civilization is at stake.”

The crowd responded with a thunderous round of applause…

The bombshell of the night dropped when a voter asked Elon Musk, “Do you think there is a shadow government behind the Biden-Harris administration?”
Musk replied with an awesome answer.
First off, he said, “It’s not Biden. We know that for a fact. The dude has barely got two functional neurons.”
What about Kamala? Elon answered that it’s not her either. “They just replaced the Biden puppet with the Kamala puppet, very obviously. If the teleprompter stops working, then the puppet breaks, and it’s like, ‘Oh, the puppet just starts looping because the teleprompter broke.’”


more text & info at gab post above…

Last edited 3 days ago by Valerie Curren

Musk says a lot of people are the Jobama admin puppet masters (a consortium?) and believes the deep state puppet masters will be on the Epstein client list – which will come out if Trump is elected!!!!

Now that’s a real GOTV incentive!!!

Valerie Curren

Absolutely! Can’t wait!!!


“It would be nice if this time around names were actually named (instead of rumored or not at all) and people were arrested.”


Yep, no more games, no more blaming it on insubordinates.

If we don’t get names and arrests, then it was all a lie from the start and we have all been deceived.


Why doesn’t Trump SAY that?

Why doesn’t he PROMISE that on DAY ONE, he will release the Epstein client list, and the P-diddy list too.

He could just say “The American People have a right to know who all these criminals are, many of whom are in positions of leadership and authority, and they are abusing their authority to keep their names secret.

So if you would like to know who is on those lists, we’ll find out on January 20, 2025.

And we’ll keep an updated list of all the rich and famous people who flee the country between now and then, so our special forces can track them and be ready to bring them back for trial on January 20th.

Wouldn’t everyone like to see these monsters receive justice?

I know I would.

So vote for Trump and it will be my first order of business, to expose every one of these sick p3d0s and traitors to our country.

Let’s make ’em sweat between now and November 5th, that’ll be fun 👍😁”

Valerie Curren

comment imageReaper Dude

The way it’s done down here.

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Sweet home Alabama!

Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

comment imageAnnie Lotto

The British government has declared a ‘turbo cancer health crisis’ in the country as thousands of vaccinated individuals are being diagnosed with rare and aggressive forms of cancer every 24 hours, according to new NHS figures.
source: https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1847277082105319757

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Exactly what killed my father after the dermatologist malpractice.

He was demanded to have a shot and a booster prior to having corrective surgery after the derm radiated his head.

Nothing went right. Fainting, seizures, sinus thrombosis, two neck fractures, huge brain tumor that quickly penetrated the skull. Size of a grapefruit in three months. Nurse said she had never seen anything like it.


Lord, please help everyone with this. Amen.


May God comfort you, friend.  😥 


Thank you, likewise, pg2.

It has been a distressing 3 years.


I’m so sorry about what happened to your father. Sending Deep Comfort to you.

This “turbo-cancer” phenomenon is, IMO, a PLANNED “side effect” of the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” (gene therapy injections.)


Thank you, CV.


I’m so sorry for your loss and all the accompanying difficulties. It is even harder to take when we know it didn’t have to be this way. 🙏


Indeed. Thank you. There was just no way to beat any of it. A perfect storm.

Valerie Curren

Oh WSB this is horrific. I’m so sorry your father suffered & died so tragically. God be with you & your family in His comfort in your grief over this criminal loss.


Thank you, Valerie. Life has been difficult ever since, but onward we all must go.

My father had been a singer all of his life, so I really expected he would make it at least six to 10 more years. It was quite a shock. And fast.

Valerie Curren

YW I don’t think such tragedies are able to be lightly gotten past, if ever. This would be a clear case for cold anger, as Sundance used to say, following close on the heels of the hot anger & horror when it all started to unfold. These stories must be passed down to the future generations, painful as they are, to facilitate history not being repeated 🙁


The British government has declared a ‘turbo cancer health crisis’ in the country as thousands of vaccinated individuals are being diagnosed with rare and aggressive forms of cancer every 24 hours, according to new NHS figures.

There were 346,217 diagnoses in England throughout 2022 0 5 per cent higher than the 329,664 recorded in 2021.

The sharp rise occurred shortly after the experimental mRNA jabs were rolled out across the country.”


But only 5% higher?

Shouldn’t it be much more than a 5% increase?

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

good point

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

seen on Gab but no (obvious to me) sauce

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Partial deflection thing to blame plastics getting into the body vs mRNA shots. A problem sure, but not responsible for the big spike.


The plasmids in the COVID-19 “vaccines” (gene therapy injections) are actually tiny molecules of DNA. They are part of the “payload” of these “vaccines.”
The plasmids are “wrapped into” and/or “carried” by the lipid nanoparticles in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVId-19 “vaccines” (ALC-0159; ALC-0315; PEG-2000 DMG), in the Moderna modRNA COVId-19 “vaccines” (SM-102; ALC-0159; PEG-2000 DMG); and also in the Novavax COVID-19 “vaccine” (the “Matrix-M” adjuvant made from the Soapbark tree.)

Valerie Curren

seen on Gab but no (obvious to me) sauce, again

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I keep seeing reports like this, but I never see solutions.

Valerie Curren

It’s like the steal is very out in the open & the criminals don’t even care  😡 


If I were the parent – I’d get those kids detoxed ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taking Quercetin and/or HCQ, Ivermectin + zinc, D3, selenium, nattokinase and other supplements are said to detox the spike protein in both disease and vaccine.

Quercetin – zinc – D3 – selenium and Vitamin C will also detox the vaccine and the virus spike protein.

The World Council for Health detox guide can be found here: *https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

Valerie Curren

TY for that link

I think these were “normal” childhood vaccines, not the covid shot. It wouldn’t surprise me if typical shots would require a detox too.

How are things with your daughter, ex, you, especially post multiple hurricane hits?


Anyone got a telegram account ?
Could be clickbait but a report would be helpful.

“Mel Gibson just released his documentary on Diddy, referring him as the Black Epstein
The documents exposes the rapper’s deleted videos of him performing rituals with young boys and much more

In these videos other elites have been discovered and are now suspected for involvement, such as Barrack and Michelle Obama, Prince Harry, Jay-Z, Naomi Campbell and many more

Watch the documentary inside the private channel shared below, before they delete it from the internet! You deserve to see the TRUTH!”



update: I see intelslava has now removed the above post.



It’s possible to view this by clicking X (top RH corner) of the thing that comes on the screen

Valerie Curren

Headline of the article:

Weather Manipulation using IceCube Neutrino and HAARP MachinesWaterford I  October 14, 2024  I  04:44 PM  I  User: LTCLU

So I’ll see if I can find a Gab I saw last night that Might be along the same lines, fwiw…

Well it seems to have disappeared from my feed now. I can’t remember the verbiage but it contained multiple satellite images showing what appeared to be unnatural cloud formations running in parallel. There were concentric rings of clouds over the North Pole in one image. Another showed an almost complete rectangular blanket of clouds but the parallel lines, like the stripes on the American flag, were also visible. Another seemed to link linier cloud patterns to the activity in some shipping lanes, iirc.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Steve. I only read a couple sentences at the linked article before getting distracted by something else, saw it was weather modification related so wanted to find that Gab I hadn’t chosen to share before.

So, in your opinion is the weather modification situation not happening at all, happening in part (like cloud seeding of old), or does the cabal really have the capability of massively controlling the weather?

Someone shared a short video, I think from twitter, showing what looked like satellite imagery as Helene went over the US. There were also splashes of diffuse green light that were representing some type of “energy pulses”, iirc, that supposedly had some type of weather system repellent effect. It Looked like “pulses” more in the heartland steered the storm system to the E/NE but then pulses more along the Atlantic seaboard combined with pulses in the interior steered the storm primarily N but well back from the Atlantic coast, across several states, iirc. It sure Seemed as if that unusual track pattern, & maybe even some type of “stalling” of the system in certain locales, was being effected using whatever that “pulse” technology might be.

I have no idea if Any of that was legit, if there are satellite photo/video capabilities of capturing this “pulse” phenomenon, or if this is highly technical fabricated footage to steer a false narrative.

Given your willingness to dive in on Flat Earth (crapola) if you’d take a Stevian Stab at the weather modification topic it would benefit so many of us!

Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Well I think that “pulses” stuff I was attempting to describe is working with moisture laden weather systems, so wouldn’t require “dropping stuff” into hurricanes, at least that’s my extremely limited “understanding” of that process.

I wish you’d seen the video I referenced above, but I guess you didn’t because it was part of a tweet.

OK a Yandex search found the video & the site that contained it.


“…the circular blue flashes seen in this video are frequency transmissions from the NexRad network of transmitter installations…” from the video

They then suggest watching this video for more info

found at this site:


Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Sorry if this is crap, but the first video is short, as is the site a short read. I’m not watching the longer video unless you answer my comment with something that supports the pulse tech not being a hoax (& even then I probably won’t watch the longer video for I rarely watch Any video longer than 5 minutes). TY for your time & insights 🙂

Valerie Curren

That’s interesting & helpful. Does any of it shed light on the Possibility of steering storm systems with such “pulses” or is that just so much bull crap?

Valerie Curren

So if this is bullcrap, the entities that promote it are either dupes or attempting to dupe others for some sort of hidden agenda…sigh…

Thanks for taking the time 🙂

pat frederick

this has got to be a joke, zelensky DEMANDS entry into nato or nuclear weapons



Zelensky: I don’t care what they’ve told you, that white dust is NOT nasal Ivermectin, STOP taking it.

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

Zelensky should be careful what he wishes for. Russia has been known to deliver a little nuclear adventure directly to adversaries.


Personally, I’d cheer, if Russia delivered Zelensky a FAE – Fuel Air Explosive weapon.

The Ukraine war would end quickly.

Then the sprint for rebuilding bucks gains steam. Trump can kill that one also.

Gail Combs

Linda & Aubergine

Gail, nattokinase helps lower blood pressure.

I take that before breakfast but I do take breaks from all medication to let my liver De-Tox. I have been doing a lot of heavy work the last few weeks and had to take pain killers. Now I am De-toxing and trying to keep the heavy work down to a dull roar.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 Reply to  Brave and Free

 October 17, 2024 15:12

Good deal!

Watch out if you have oxalate-related disease like gout or kidney stones. You need to keep an eye out on those, if you consume a lot of turmeric.


I was eating a lot of spinach because it is good for cataracts. However I was experiencing Asthma & shortness of breath, muscle & Joint pain. Hubby clued me in to oxalate as a possible cause. Seems that was the problem.

What Difference Does Benghazi Make?

Libya had a huge supply of weapons, including the largest stockpile of surface-to-air missiles of any country that didn’t manufacture them.

Boy did that trigger a memory!

I wish I had archived the comment. I went back and looked for it several times but no such luck. I think it was at Heller’s website.

Anyway, a returning vet from Afghanistan said after Benghazi, the enemy all of a sudden had ‘surface-to-air missiles’ They were used to take out their helicopter support. Even WORSE they found that if they did not inform the State Department until AFTER a mission was completed, the success rate was MUCH HIGHER!


Valerie Curren

Even WORSE they found that if they did not inform the State Department until AFTER a mission was completed, the success rate was MUCH HIGHER!” Demons!  😡 

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Too many seats on the short bus for Kakala.

pat frederick

Kakala says: the wheels on the bus go round and round…

Valerie Curren

pretty sure Vogue never photoed Melania when they had an actual beauty in the White House!


Kakala has been looking rougher and rougher over the past few months.

Self medicating taking a toll.


Apparently Candace Owens is still uncovering details about Cackala’s fake background story, now Jason Whitlock is reporting on it in addition to Melanie King (and I’m sure many others):


pat frederick

October 19, 2024 8:39 am

Todd Bensman: Biden-Harris Admin Cut Deal with Mexico to Hold 400k Illegals in ‘Gaza Strip of Immigration’ Near Guatemala Until After Election to Temporarily Lower Border Crossings into U.S.
Biden-Harris cut a deal with Mexico to ship 400k illegals waiting to get into US south near the Guatemala border — where they will stay until the day after the US election:


Sickening to read this.

pat frederick

October 19, 2024 8:16 am

Since Obama the one is out there lying his fool head off to try and push Ka ma la into the WH, this summary of his life popped up on another site post- GP. I thought it was worth posting here too. Never forget he was ineligible to be Pres. and she is too. They are trying to railroad the voters once again.
Obama’s records and past history are:
1. Occidental college records—-SEALED
2. Columbia college records—–SEALED
3. Columbia thesis paper——–SEALED
4. Harvard college records——-SEALED
6. Medical records—————–SEALED
7. Illinois state senate schedule—-SEALED
8. Illinois state senate records——SEALED
9. Law practice client list————SEALED
10. Certified copy of original birth certificate—-SEALED
11. Signed embossed paper certification of live birth—–SEALED
12. Baptism record————————————–SEALED
13. Michelle obama disbarred from law practice, why?——SEALED
14. Obama disbarred from law practice, why?—————–SEALED
15. White House Transcripts and Documents all SEALED!!
“Obama’s Legacy was a Media Made Myth”

Valerie Curren

Seems like it should be illegal for a “public servant” to hide their records from their employers, but then aka BHO was always about tearing America apart & served other masters, not the American electorate…

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting read:


I’m sure there are current plans being formulated right now


Elon Musk: “If we didn’t go to the Moon, I am sure the Sowjets would have called us out on it”


Such a great reply.

Elon Musk: “If we didn’t go to the Moon, I am sure the Soviets would have called us out on it”


Verse of the Day for Saturday, October 19, 2024

“In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.” 

Psalms 71:1 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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My first thought in the morning is of God;
Asking His blessings – for me – is not odd;
What is odd and quite perplexing to me;
Is the smile on my face when I think of Thee!

What comes to mind in Morning Prayer?
With each petition – through each layer;
The joy experienced when reminded;
The truth exposed – no longer blinded!

Thank You, Lord, for opening my eyes;
For helping me see – for making me wise;
For sending me – a great gift in disguise;
Someone to respect – a friend to advise!

You touched my heart where others could not;
You accepted my help – without a thought;
You laughed at my jokes – though silly they are;
You welcomed my friendship – from near and afar!

You challenged my knowledge – and added to it;
You carefully connected the dots adrift;
You made me wonder ‘bout God and His plan;
To where it would lead – from whence it began!

You gave me a place – to pray and to love;
You prayed with me – stayed with me – above;
Together we lifted up many a friend;
And brought forth God’s blessings to that end!

How can I thank you – what more can I say;
You make me smile each and every day;
What can I do for you – to ease your mind?
How can I thank you for being so kind?

If I asked God to bless you – would that be enough?
Gee Whiz…giving back to you – is terribly tough;
What can I say when I am lost for words?
Expressly refrain from sliding backwards!

What can I do to end this quandary?
As I open my heart – and air my laundry?
So humble and sweet is your heart, my dear;
It’s nearly impossible for me, I fear!

Perhaps, I will ask Our Father above;
If He will shower you with His love;
Send comforting angels to hold you gently;
Sing you their songs – calm you contently!

Warrior angels I’ll ask God to send;
To protect you – fight for you – to the end;
May the Holy Spirit chide you each day;
With knowledge and wisdom to guide your way!

In my Evening Prayer, I think of you;
I thank God sincerely for all you do;
As I end my prayer and end my day;
You make me smile – it just won’t go away!

D01: 06/30/2013


Thank you for your poem! It means more than I can say.
Sending Good Energy to you.


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Valerie Curren

I wonder if anyone else is having Word Press issues. I was having problems getting notifications & on that tablet I was using Up North, they were apparently disabled, though I’d never chosen to disable them, & the directions to enable them didn’t work for some reason. I eventually found a settings icon when attempting to use the bell notifier zone that allowed me to click “enable” so at least (some of?) the notifications are showing now. However, I was also looking at email after enabling those notifications & saw that emails letting me know of specific Q-Tree activity, other than the actual post, are no longer showing up as they used to, fwiw.

If people have replied to me in the last 2 weeks while I was out of town it’s possible that I never saw your comment as the tablet wouldn’t always load the entire Q-Tree page & nothing was appearing in the bell notifier. Sorry if I missed direct replies, if there were any, so please extend me additional grace beyond what is needed daily  😇  Blessings!


WP normal here. No Issues here.

Valerie Curren

Glad to hear it!

pat frederick

Valerie we have wp issues at our place and Maricas. some times tweets will embed, some times not. no rhyme or reason.
and recently images Filly posts do not show up for me–even though i have updated my browser.
nothing about notifiers that I’m aware of anyway

Valerie Curren

Wow Pat, that’s pretty weird. I wonder if patriot sites &/or people are getting messed with in the lead up to the election as part of what’s going on  🙄 

pat frederick

we persevere!

Valerie Curren



I was having the same issue Valerie… and I offer same plea for grace if I missed messages due to WP disabling notifications on my end as well….

Valerie Curren

TY Litenmaus, I wonder why we got this issue to hit us…hmmm. Did you get yours “fixed” (as far as you can tell) yet?

pat frederick

btw…i don’t receive notification if someone responds to a comment HERE, but at my site and Maricas I do.
here I have to scroll and look for light yellow comments to let me know what’s new

Valerie Curren

Well Pat you don’t have the critter on your comment (Wolf, coyote, cute chipmunk, etc.) so maybe you aren’t Fully signed in on the Q-Tree, though it doesn’t say @guest either, so hopefully the techies might know. You could try logging out of the Q-Tree & then logging in using wordpress (which is how I log into the Q-Tree, using Wolf’s link in the sidebar). MAYbe that might fix it. I use Brave browser & had to lower shields for the site, per Wolf’s directive, to get more functionality here too, fwiw 🙂

Regardless I am SO Happy that you’ve been back in the Q-Tree for a while now for you were sorely missed for a while there!  😍   😘   😍 


Your reply is the first reply notification that I’ve gotten for weeks, so I do believe that the notification is fixed (fingers crossed). Thanks again for letting me know what I needed to look for Valerie….:0)


Yea!!! Passed with Flying Colors….Thx Steve…:0)

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Happy dance! So glad Something I said helped someone 😉 Blessings!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Hey Cthulhu, if you Ever move East, here is what you might see 🙂

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Dreams can come true.

Valerie Curren

Let’s hope!

Valerie Curren

Nice! That Chyneze Western vibe was pretty surprising & ingenious 🙂


Only excerpts.

Valerie Curren

I’ve seen the whole series a couple times on library DVDs, worth the effort, imo!


The Prisoner has interesting nuances in that regard, but they’re thoroughly drowned out by the “surrealism of the underlying metaphor.”


Watching fireflies at dusk or later is one of those “won’t forget” memories.

Valerie Curren

Yes. Catching them in jars as a kid or watching your kids &/or grandkids do it, priceless!


I sure miss ’em.

Valerie Curren

They sure make summer nights magical!

We camped out in a farmer’s field once & in the woods on the perimeter there had fireflies all throughout the trees. It was almost like something out of Avatar but it was real. God has truly created an endlessly, artistically creative world…uh universe!


Sure, I seen fireflies — they got ’em bobbing in the air on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.

Valerie Curren

cute & so very “real” 🙂

Valerie Curren

comment imagePaula Smith


“Do you think a million people died in this country of COVID? They didn’t…Ask yourself, why were we only pulling bodies out of hospitals? Nobody was dying anywhere else.”

comment imageKimberly Overton, RN: ‘It Was a Never-ending Assembly Line of Remdesivir, Ventilator, DEATH, Wash, Rinse, Repeat…'”Do you think a million people died in this country of COVID? They didn’t…Ask yourself, why were we only pulling bodies out of hospitals? Nobody was dying anywhere else.”


This quote from the above substack

“What we saw, it was a never-ending assembly line of remdesivir, ventilator, death, wash, rinse, repeat…Do you think a million people died in this country of COVID? They didn’t. They died of…complete and total medical mismanagement and malfeasance.”

Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN, a critical care RN and the Founder/Executive Director of Nurse Freedom Network, describes for Polly Tommey of Children’s Health Defense how a million people in the U.S. did not die of COVID—rather they died of “total medical mismanagement and malfeasance” in hospitals.

There is a video clip at the substack & this link to the full video


Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren

Quiet part out loud.

Valerie Curren



Short leash certainly needed on this one. .

The Snake story comes to mind.

Report: Nikki Haley in Talks with Trump Campaign to Join Trump on Campaign Trail for Event


Haley joining Trump on the campaign trail would help Trump with women voters, with one Republican operative explaining to the outlet that “Republican candidates,” like Trump, “struggle with” earning support from female voters.

“We’re seeing Republican candidates struggle with women, and that includes Donald Trump,” the Republican operative explained. “Haley helps with that.”

Short leash, for sure. I trust her about as much as I trust a snake.


The words “Republican operative” say it all, IMO.

Valerie Curren



Yeah baby!!!


Kari Lake bitch slaps local Pravda News.

WATCH: Kari Lake Responds to Democrat Ruben Gallego’s Demand for Apology Over Divorce Records Being Unsealed
She had no idea it was coming. Hit her like a ton of bricks. She had to go in and deliver that baby alone. And you in the media think it’s no big deal. You haven’t even covered it. If I had something that revealed such a massive character flaw like that, you guys would be all over it, truly. It’s really sad. It’s despicable. The media is so in bed with the Democrats right now. It’s really shocking. I think there’s a time for soul searching, and the time is now, guys.




She might be drunk. At this point she seems to be trying to get people emotionally involved, but she says nothing of substance.


President Trump with Tyrus. This is very nice.

MSM will never show this side of the Donald.


Money and fame aside,

Trump would be a great neighbor.

Valerie Curren

comment imageBigDKnight

Tyrus sat down with President Trump and came away with a much deeper appreciation for his human side because he didn’t always feel this way about President Trump. He started out by telling him he owes him an apology. The interaction between Trump and Tyrus was great! This is the type of interview people need to see to realize everything they’ve ever heard about President Trump is msm propaganda. This is by far one of President Trump’s best interviews I feel.


Valerie Curren

After seeing this longer above clip I now wonder where the Whole interview might be? This is really great stuff!


Takes a real man to admit his errors.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Vance would be awesome.

Brave and Free

Or Musk.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren




Annoying is the nicest thing he could be.

Valerie Curren

He was also cluing in post 9-11 in some clips I saw. He at least is capable of appearing to shatter the hive mind on occasion.

Valerie Curren

That’s not nothing either!

By the way, this reply of yours isn’t appearing in my “notifier”, nor was one by Scott above. I would think the fact that the Author of a post was replying would mandate it in notifications…Word Piss!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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I saw a video clip where he said this exactly…or approximately LOL


Another hilarious Trump line at the Al Smith dinner.

Valerie Curren



Kakala’s ignorance rolls on.


Hmm her new stock answer regarding ANY policy questions about the Biden term and including what she would like to do….very sneaky and PS~ Judas Pence isn’t running so ….why toss him in the equation?

Last edited 2 days ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren

5:44 video visible at gab post too

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/167/550/155/playable/a6507701d2d4da88.mp4" /]

comment imageRobert May


Australia – https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svgSouthernhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg Landhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg NEWS
Parents – pay attention !!! …what are they doing behind your back?
“CALIFORNIA SCHOOLS GIVING PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN ‘SLEEPY TIME’ DRUG PATCHES Past 10 Months” https://gab.com/emoji/1f440.svg Are other places doing similar things? https://gab.com/emoji/1f914.svg
…are kids going to become dependent on “substances”?


from the video, the item used was called “Sleep Z Patch”…

edit, further in the video, from a different location, “ZenPatch Mood Calming Stickers” were used

Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren

How could this be legal? I wonder if the parents were required to sign something that, unbeknownst to them, would enable the school to do this.

Valerie Curren

Per the news report none of the parents knew about it. The first situation was discovered when one little girl came home with the patch on & her mom started investigating. The other scenario had a parent arrive early to pick up their child & witnessed the teacher removing the stickers from several kids.

Valerie Curren

1 1/2 minutes, Charlie Kirk

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/167/547/068/playable/70d3d1b5d1536a7f.mp4" /]

Valerie Curren

we still do 😉

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Valerie Curren

comment imageStonewall Jackson


New Activote poll has Trump up +2 nationally, gaining +7 points in last month. That means he’d win the popular vote, which translates to an electoral landslide. Even better is that the Poll sample is D+5, and Trump still leads it, despite the over-sampling of Dems


Valerie Curren

rainy day ;)

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Valerie Curren

Wow…Not a soi boi

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Deplorable Patriot

I ask, please, for prayers for some old family friends – as in my twin brothers were the servers a their wedding. Their older daughter didn’t wake up yesterday. It’s a bit surreal. Cause of death has not been determined, but given that she was 38, and those people see a doctor for the sniffles, I can take a guess.


I’m so sorry to hear about this. Prayers for your family friends.
Yes, I can “guess” what occurred.

May the deceased rest in eternal Peace. May the family somehow find Comfort.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. Right now, I’m kind of numb about it. I’m sure when I see her in the casket that will change.

Deplorable Patriot

The collective thinking at the moment with a pending autopsy and tox screen is accidental overdose of pain killers. It’s a long story, but she had a history with them. The autopsy may show something else, though. We’re in for a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGG week as the funeral is not until Friday.

Last edited 1 day ago by Deplorable Patriot
Valerie Curren

This is so sad. May God be with all the grieving loved ones  🙏 


Oh no! Such a terrible thing to happen. Prayers for her and your families.

Valerie Curren

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I was just talking about this topic with my daughter yesterday. Watching her & my DIL who are both amazing mothers who make it look easy (it wasn’t easy for me) is a joy!!!


It’s never easy for a tomboy.  😂 

Valerie Curren

I don’t think I was exactly that LOL but I was Never a baby person, the type of woman who oohs & ahs about other people’s kids and wants to hold them desperately. I was just shy of 30 when I had my first child & had been pretty comfortable in my adult existence. I had several friends who were desperate to be mothers who never had kids. Ironically I never craved motherhood yet God sent me 4 precious kids, one Extremely unique with complex special needs. God has an epic sense of humor in putting us in situations where we are only able to survive &/or thrive because of Him!

Valerie Curren

I believe it. I honestly really enjoyed them more & more as they got older, including the teen years when they could think for themselves & debate/talk back on various topics. I enjoyed engaging them in conversation & helped to hone their reasoning skills frequently. None of them got snowed by the feducation system, beyond Josiah (for a season) who was only in public schools except for a year & a half in Christian pre-school w/ his twin brother, & the one month he got to attend K in the Christian school that all his sibs attended K-8.

Thankfully Josiah had/has a Very Vibrant relationship with the Lord, which has helped to steady him through the many upheavals of his very complex existence. God, & Josiah’s relationship with Him, was a significant part of managing his many & manifest behavioral issues over the years…

I used to watch videos with the kids & would pause to discuss scenarios & impart a biblical world view as best as I could. We were “in the world, but not of the world” basically. Before my kids went to the public HS we ended up watching the series “Kyle XY” on library DVDs. This was a secular show with lots of objectionable material within it that had originally been on ABC Family stations, iirc. My middle son said that having seen that show actually helped him in his transition from Christian to public school, for the difference was jarring & shocking for All my kids.

As time went on & they were steeped in “colorful metaphors” (Spock) in school settings, we lightened up on language at home & allowed using the letter (like “what the H”) so that they could imply swearing in certain situations & it actually helped relieve the tension a bit. It also made story telling just a bit more fun 😉

My husband was really good at generating Fun in the family so even though we had a pretty strict biblical world view we also had lots of playfulness that offset cultural restrictions. Our kids have actually turned out amazingly well, & they clearly recognize that our family dynamics are quite unique as they’ve observed many friends, including Christian school classmates & church friends, whose lives have gotten radically off the straight & narrow paths God has outlined for our lives.

We are extremely thankful AND humbled that our kids have turned out so well for we were definitely “making it up” as we went along (Indiana Jones). Hubby came from a fractured family & didn’t grow up in the faith, coming to Christ as an older teen. I came from a pretty authoritarian Christian family & my parents were comfortable with legalism but I bucked against all that. God, in His mercy, helped Michael & I do a pretty good parenting job in spite of our limitations & our kids, for the most part, don’t have too much baggage against us, so there is that…

Valerie Curren

akin to Obola giving out those medals to the pedos or what  😡 

comment imageHUSKYDOG

Australia – https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svgSouthernhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg Landhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg NEWS
UK / NZ … HEAR hear…
Rowan Dean
Oct 17
Just have to put it out there: giving Jacinda Ardern a damehood is grotesque. What she did during Covid was disgraceful. Shame on the House of Windsor.

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Valerie Curren

cognitive dissonance is a feature not a bug…

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren

That portrait was used in one of the booths at Maker Faire. The flat painting is supposed to have eyes that follow you around the room, while in the booth the eyes followed you around the area and displayed its view of you on a monitor underneath.

Valerie Curren

So the dog pic or the girl? LOL

Valerie Curren


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Valerie Curren

comment imageStonewall Jackson


Kamala Harris tells voters in Michigan about her plan to remove college degree requirements for federal jobs. Her supporters loved the idea. . . Until they discover that on June 26th, 2020, President Trump already signed an Executive Order which does exactly that.

Normally Kamala just steals Trump’s plans and ideas, now She stepped it up, to stealing things Trump has already accomplished


Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

comment imageGD https://gab.com/emoji/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg https://gab.com/emoji/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg


Australia – https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svgSouthernhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg Landhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg NEWS
Archbishop Vigano: The WEF is threatening world leaders into carrying out the Great Reset.
“It is a global coup d’etat, against which it is essential that people rise up.”
“Those who govern nations have all become either enslaved or blackmailed by this international mafia.”
undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined


2 minute video at the Gab link

Valerie Curren

minute & a half video, precious, viewable at gab link

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/167/553/561/playable/01b510a984c734a8.mp4" /]

comment imageZeldax110

Tyrus talks about how President Trump talked to his 10-year-old daughter for 20 minutes after they taped an episode of Gutfeld:

“You could have been her grandfather. You were talking about her horses and dreams. I was sitting there and I was like ‘I have been so wrong about this man’ because I never understood why you fight.”



Valerie Curren


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It was good for my soul to be Up North as Fall was setting in. Watching the changing colors around the lake was such a treat & I’m thankful for that unprecedented respite. I tried to capture some pics to share but had technical probs. Above is from Gab 🙂

Valerie Curren

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pat frederick

that was ME!
you grow out of it!


Obvious to the casual observer, you definitely out grew it.  :wpds_wink: 

Last edited 2 days ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

Hard to be a serious tomboy when the WGTTs start distracting all the boys!  😂 


The end of Fun Chapter 1; the start of Fun Chapter 2.

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha

my autistic son to my daughter when she was early into puberty “So Clarissa, you’re developing nicely!”

Believe me that sucked all the air out of the room, LOL

Then there was the time when he was much younger & copped a brief feel on me & I was Pissed & told Hubby about it, a big deal…

Fast forward some weeks & Hubby had all 4 kids along, dropping our oldest at basketball practice, so he takes the other 3 Christmas shopping in a nearby strip mall. Of course Josiah was no where to be found (he used to love sneaking off & refused to answer when we called, an autism + boy thing, I guess), so Hubby is frantically looking & spies him climbed up alongside one of those clothes mannequins. When he catches his dad’s eye, while cuffing the mannequin, he calls out loudly “fake boobs are OK, right dad?” At just that moment one of the moms from the Christian school attended by all our regular kids comes on the scene. Talk about an incident living in infamy LOL

Valerie Curren

minute & a half video on mass formation psychosis, good stuff

[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/167/545/621/playable/f59bb68453d562d4.mp4" /]

comment imageMarc Anthony

https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f385-1f3fb.svg Feeling Jolly
Meme Warfare
How mass formation psychosis works


Valerie Curren

This was new to me, but a pretty telling representation of the phenomenon.

It sure seems that evil never sleeps though

Last edited 2 days ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

comment imageRoger Stone



It’s “The Hitman’s” Birthday!

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Valerie Curren

comment imageThe Nose


BritFam https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1ec-1f1e7.svg United Kingdom
British are sending people named Patel to interfere in American elections.

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Valerie Curren


comment imageLifeNews


Here is a premature baby born at 24 weeks.

This is NOT a clump of cells! This is a little girl, a human being!

comment imagePremature Twins Small Enough to Fit in the Palm of Your Hand Head Home From Hospital – LifeNews.comPremature twins, George and Jennifer, have finally gone home after being born at 24 weeks, weighing just over 1lb each, and spending over a hundred days in hospital. Everything was going as expected for…


My twins were delivered prematurely, deliberately, to save the smaller twin’s life. They were born at 33 1/2 weeks gestation, Brandon weighing 5# 4oz (normal size for gestational age) & Josiah only 2# 6oz (IUGR, Intra Uterine Growth Retardation aka very small for gestational age). At 2 months Josiah was transferred to U of M for open heart surgery & he weighed 4# then. At one point post-op they had him in U of M’s NICU instead of the PCTU (Peds Cardio Thoracic Unit) & while at that NICU I saw that there was a one pound baby in an isolette, under a plastic tent for oxygenation purposes. There was also another preemie on ECMO, this was a more intensive NICU than the one in the twins’ birth hospital so I hadn’t seen ECMO before. This was in the mid 90s, so what they can do now to save these young precious ones is probably even more amazing!

Valerie Curren

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Pepe’s Fren Zone

A Plea For Christians To Vote
OCT 19, 2024

I just found out an alarming statistic showing that 49% of Evangelical Christians are claiming they are not going to vote in this election.

I am pleading for Christians to vote in this election. 

This is appalling. 

Christians are offended by Trump because he said a few bad words and his personality made them uncomfortable but when George Bush pretended to be a moral man while killing millions in the Middle East as a mass murderer, they were appeased. This is astonishing when you really break it down. The issue here is this: Many Christians don’t realize that the people who are the most evil are the same exact ones pretending to be good, wholesome, and moral. But behind the scenes, they are beyond sick. You’d think they would be the ones to understand this given the Bible itself says that Satan appears as an angel of light. He doesn’t always come to you and say, Yeah ‘I’m the bad guy and you must resist me.’ It’s just mind-blowing to me that so many Christians can be spiritually dull to the war happening right in front of their eyes just because the mainstream media told them to hate Donald Trump. This is the same mainstream media that told them that the war in the Middle East was extremely moral (it massacred millions, never ended), that never asked a single question about Epstein Island, that covers up every sin the establishment makes without hesitation. It’s no wonder they cannot see the Forest from the trees. They are being blinded to the truth. So Trump said a bad word or he didn’t have the most moral life? So what? He took a bullet for this country, by a lone gunman whose origin the government is obviously covering up, the media persecuted him for years in a Russia collusion treason hoax, and he has put his life on the line to save the trajectory of this country. And if you’ve done extensive research like I and many people have these last eight years, he has been viciously fighting the sickest people I’ve ever had the displeasure of learning about. Trump is the bravest man I’ve witnessed and, to me, that is a moral characteristic worth a thousand fake politicians pretending to be on your side while secretly making deals, and backstabbing you behind the curtain. Courage is a character trait seldom found in today’s modern society, yet Trump has this in spades. I am appalled at how asleep the church can be if we have 49 percent of evangelicals not voting. These are the people who are supposed to believe in the spiritual forces of wickedness and God himself and yet they can’t see that battle being waged right in front of their face because the corrupt politicians told them nice things and didn’t send out a mean tweet. How can a Christian vote for unfettered abortion, and human sacrifice? It is unimaginable for someone who reads the verse in Jeremiah: I know the plans I have for you, I made you and formed you in the womb. And then vote for someone who wants sex changes for children and all you can access death. If it wasn’t for Trump, Roe V Wade would have never even have fallen in the first place given he was able to implement Supreme Court Justices. But it’s more than that. The people at the top of this system. They are telling you how nice they are while worshiping the very forces of darkness and 49% of Evangelical Christians do not seem to realize this. 

If you expect all of the people God uses to be morally perfect, then you are gravely mistaken. It was David himself, who God said was a man after His own heart, who had many issues with women and flaws that held him down. Yet he was mighty, brave, and did spectacular things with God. I’m tired of Christians being so blind and I had to rant about this to someone. History is going to look fondly upon Donald Trump. He has been on a campaign to save this country from people so wicked, I don’t even want to write down what kind of things they do in the dark here at this moment. So many of you already know the truth of this. But share this with an undecided Christian if you know one and perhaps it’ll change their mind. You don’t have to like Donald Trump’s personality but you do need to wake up. I am pleading with the Christian population to vote and support the man who has been saving children like no President has in modern history.

Once you understand this, you cannot help but be moved. Please vote!

Added to Thread

Christians: We now know as a fact that Kamala Harris told rally goers who shouted, Jesus is Lord, that they were not welcome. This is a battle between good and evil. Wake up.



Puny ground report.

NV early voting started today.

Drove by one Carson City voting location.

Pretty good size parking lot full. Adjacent parking being used.

Long line outside the building

Hopefully this bodes well for blue NV voting Red. Trump and shitcan Cortez Masto. Latter a CA transplant POS


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Valerie Curren



10.19.24: LT w/ Chad & Katie: New Wellness Spring Center provides a faith-based Journey to SOBER living, PRAY!

And We Know



Good Online Friends —
My sister called me today with a report on the visit she had with my brother. This is the post I wrote about her phone call over at Marica’s blog. I’m attaching a copy of the post. I’m taking my little guy out for a walk to clear my head.

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Deplorable Patriot

I can’t say I feel your pain as none of my siblings have started down this path. The Couch Commando and I are purebloods and my sister took the J&J AFTER it was pulled from the market and replaced with what I believe to be saline. The other two…I’m only worried about one.

But still…the thought of a sibling succumbing to something like this is heart-wrenching. Especially today. My friends’ daughter was not the first youngish woman to not wake up in our circles this year. Even if we could have warned them, would they have believed us? My sister thinks I’m insane for even contemplating the idea of weather weapons and direct energy weapons (DEWs) let alone being open to the idea that 9-11 was an inside job, and that maybe, just maybe JFK JR., faked his own death.

You have my prayers.


Thank you.
I have a feeling that the scenario in which my brother now exists, will be repeated in various forms and in increasing numbers, within the next 1 – 2 years, if not sooner — as the incremental / accumulated negative effects of the COVID-19 shots present in “vaccinated” people.
I also believe that the kinds of damage that the COVID-19 shots do, can and likely will, show up in other types of mRNA / modRNA “vaccines” — like the Moderna mRNA RSV “vaccine”, mRESVIA, that was approved by the FDA in May of this year.

Valerie Curren

There was some type of RSV “vax” commercial that came on during a football game we were watching today, I think it was a Pfizer product. We always mute the commercials so I just saw the visuals of various elderly people appearing to enjoyably interact with young children, presumably grand children. All I could think was that these poisons were being deliberately targeted to the elderly so that those evil demons could cull the population of the elders again, like they did in the early days of Covid crimes. Horrifying & unabated evil  😡 


It’s their method of balancing the fed budget.

Valerie Curren

demons   :wpds_evil: 

Deplorable Patriot

The horribly sad thing about this…my family friend and her husband were desperately trying for a baby. She miscarried early in their marriage in 2022, and after two IVF failures, were going the Creighton Model and endomitriosis recurred.

Honestly, this is mind numbing.

Valerie Curren



Even if you were insane about those things, that has nothing to do with something put inside one’s body.

P.S. I just tell people that I’m not insane, just interesting.  😆 

Valerie Curren

I’m so beyond sorry this is happening in your family (& likely in many others). May the Lord be with your brother & ease his passing. May He give you & all of your extended family comfort, grace, & strength through this incredibly painful process. This is heartbreaking  🙏   😭   🙏 

Valerie Curren

It’s not remotely the same, but our friend who stayed with us many months through last year, is a shell of his former self. Hubby & I have had many conversations about him. He took 2 J & J shots as he was required to be “vaccinated” when he was working at Baylor (where I think that Hotez charlatan lurks). He’d had previous mental health issues associated with medication imbalances so presumably had some type of underlying condition that predisposed him to neurological complications.

In his pre-“vax” life he was incredibly garrulous, a BSer of epic proportions in tale telling, a natural salesman, someone who would gather strangers to his warm & engaging personality, & a loving & playful friend & husband. He was, in his stay with us, a barely functional person, he almost never spoke, rarely bathed (he’d been fastidious pre-“vax”), hardly ate & mostly only when we directly prepared food for him. We attempted to engage him in numerous ways & he only had maybe One and later One Half of a meaningful conversation that showed some of his old self was still in there somewhere in the 6+ months he was with us.

He had lost significant weight so that he appeared like a rather shrunken little old man & though he is between Hubby’s & my ages (we’re about 3 years apart) he looked at least a decade older. He was practically wasting away in front of our eyes & we were powerless to slow the trajectory, no matter what we tried. (This all took a very heavy toll on us & in some ways I still haven’t fully regrouped & don’t know if I ever will get back certain functionality that seemed to slip away from me when he lived with us.)

In conversations with his family it was expected that the ultimate plan would be that he was to go on some type of disability (assuming he’d even qualify). Basically all he did in our home was sit & veg in front of the TV & that is what he is apparently still doing living in an apartment with his step-dad now about a year & a half since he went back to OK.

Part of what was going on with him may have been connected to deep depression but that isn’t remotely all. I shared many things, in small doses, with him, including shot detox protocols (short & long versions printed out) but I doubt he followed through on any of it. He appeared to be nigh unto the Walking Dead, mostly without the walking part.  😥 

That these horrors are playing out in myriad ways within families & amongst friends is demonically monstrous evil. That it was deliberately done to the world…no words  😡 


Wolf Moon and All —

It appears that Big Pharma and the FDA have completely ignored the accumulating MEDICAL TSUNAMI of serious Adverse Events and deaths that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” (gene therapy injections) have been, and are, causing.

In May of this year, the FDA approved a modRNA “vaccine” for RSV, to be used on persons age 60 and older. This “vaccine” is called mRESVIA. It is manufactured by Moderna as mRNA-1345.

Here is the Package Insert for mRESVIA:

Here are the section 11 DESCRIPTION and the section 13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY statements from the Package Insert:

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This damned “vaccine” (gene therapy injection) has the SAME dangerous lipid nanoparticles that are in the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” (gene therapy injections) — SM-102, PEG2000-DMG, and DSPC.

This damned “vaccine” (gene therapy injection) has the same potential to CROSS THE BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER in the bodies of those who take it, just like the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines” (gene therapy injections) do.


Get the feeling that we were lab rats in their mRNA experiments? And still are?


Yours Truly believes:
IMO, we’re no longer lab rats for “their” mRNA experiments.
IMO, the modRNA “vaccines” are now, so to speak, “individual cattle cars” for a one-way trip to “mRNA Macht Frei.”

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_evil:  Boom!   :wpds_mad: 


Big Pharma, CDC, FDA, NIH, medical system ALL Know What They Are Doing.

Murder. 14 of 15 Will Go Away.

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_mad:   :wpds_sad:   :wpds_evil: 


Valerie Curren

Here’s the rest of that tweet 🙁

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Ying Tan


Going door to door is the hardest task in any campaign. Today, while canvassing for President Trump in Pennsylvania, I rang the bell of a house with a couple of dogs. A middle-aged man opened the door, eyeing me from head to toe. The moment he saw my Trump palm card, before I could even speak, he asked, “How fast can you run?”

I was taken aback but remained calm, and replied politely, “Thank you, have a nice day.” As I turned to leave, he shouted after me, “Run faster!”

Back in my town, New York City, we’re overwhelmed by migrants, and people are living under the shadow of foreign gangs. When I shared my experience in Pennsylvania with a Harris supporter, she coldly replied, “It’s none of my business.”

May God bless this country I love so dearly.


Disgusting Diddy Stuff – You’ve Been Warned

Last edited 2 days ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

unconscionable, inhuman evil   :wpds_evil: 

This unfortunate victim is very brave to come forth publicly about what they did to her   :wpds_cry:  Hope she ultimately wins her case   :wpds_beg: 


Kakler going off the rails…


She is reverting to the real Commala underneath, who is just a party girl. She laughs, she invites the audience in, she says nothing of substance, and she appears to be having a great time. Let’s gooooooo! 🎉🍾

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Need another reason to not fly these days.

(Veteran suicide numbers are off the charts horrific. Emphasis mine.)

VIDEO — ‘I’m Not a Bad Person’: Veteran Claims She Was Kicked Off Delta Flight over ‘Threatening’ T-Shirt
Her T-shirt had the words, “Do not give in to the war within. End veteran suicide” printed on it.

According to Banks, the male flight attendant told her she needed to exit the plane, which confused her.

Once she left the plane and was on the jet bridge, the flight attendant reportedly told her the reason why he got her attention and asked her to deplane. Banks recalled, “He said that shirt you’re wearing is threatening”:

I said, “Are you kidding me? I’m a Marine Corps vet. I’m going to see my Marine sister. I’ve been in the Marine Corps for 22 years and worked for the Air Force for 15 years. I’m going to visit her.” He said, “I don’t care about your service, and I don’t care about her service. The only way you’re going to get back on the plane is if you take it off right now.”


Last edited 2 days ago by kalbokalbs
Deplorable Patriot

Just get on a plane with plain clothes. It’s not hard.


Not seeing /s.

Hard to believe. I assume you are serious.

Just what we Don’t need. More Go Along To Get Along.

For the hell of it.

  • Ask your Marine Corps (Captain was it?) brother how he feels about the Veteran suicide crisis. Seriously. Please do. I double dog dare ya, to ask him. Don’t care if you reply here. You could use a little education on the problem AND the maggot Delta employee also.

  :wpds_arrow:  That Marine did Nothing wrong. <<< It’s common sense. Even Delta KNOWS they fucked up.

Not to mention make her change her shirt on the jet way. In front of the asshole Delta male employee. The reseat her in the back of the airplane.

For grins. Ask your pal FG&C how he’d feel about a flight attendant pull this nonsense when he is PIC.


Since the objective is to visit sister, easy compromise after explaining why the shirt should not be offensive but still having to make the trip.. Whip off the shirt and demand the flight attendants name at the same time. Let the flight attendant know your dissatisfied and will seek redress. Once seated and the plane is in the air, perhaps change back into the shirt for purposes of taking selfies and with shirt back off or on, doesn’t matter, call the flight attendant and show him the emails you’ve been sending out to various veterans originations and Delta Airlines and make sure you have a picture of yourself in the shirt and a picture of the flight attendant.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



AND, because of what we here QTree, ask to speak with the PIC.

It would get unfarkeled instantly OR the PIC would get calibrated later.


That isn’t even a political message.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to be extremely blunt. The combination of communist victim ideology and ESG hiring of LGBT crazies has created a nightmare of safe-space-talking, politically passive-aggressive, cry-bully flight attendants – generally NELLY FAGS and MALE TRANNIES, but sometimes aggressive BLACK WOMEN – who just look for this shit to start a fight.

They pretend not to know, but they know exactly what they are doing. They are generally very sick people – utterly passive-aggressive – and they will strike when their sadistic urge to inflict pain is joined by the knowledge that they can get away with it.



Left out of my post.

  • Frsico. Woke airlines. Trannies. Fags. Anti military.

Pencil neck…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Pencilneck needs some GRINDING.


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